[Using 21239-results-155-evilone.txt]
7inchsplit : (2 trades)
-- gives "Funny Friends (418923)" to chinless (417826)
-- gives "Tikal (418919)" to davidchujr (417371)
++ receives "Napoleon (417337)" from MK-Ultra71
++ receives "Lunar Rails (417998)" from gashlycrumb
artfuldodge2 : (1 trades)
-- gives "Ingenious (418220)" to Grildensnork (418166)
++ receives "Princes of Florence, The (419200)" from gcbrowni
Bankler : (0 trades)
beezwax : (1 trades)
-- gives "Betrayal at House on the Hill (418154)" to OtisBFilthy (417333)
++ receives "Amun-Re (417726)" from hrdkor
Bobby4th : (1 trades)
-- gives "Ruse & Bruise (417986)" to sos1 (417477)
++ receives "Vegas Showdown (417092)" from JeffyJeff
Boomer : (2 trades)
-- gives "Nacho Loco (419261)" to starspangledgirl (419181)
-- gives "Rage (419265)" to starspangledgirl (419160)
++ receives "Twixt (417797)" from carl67lp
++ receives "Phlounder (419098)" from jonjacobmoon
boudreaux00 : (1 trades)
-- gives "David & Goliath (418653)" to mcross (417525)
++ receives "Ra (418909)" from gudo13
carl67lp : (1 trades)
-- gives "Twixt (417797)" to Boomer (419261)
++ receives "Fist of Dragonstones (417818)" from fs1973
cbrua : (1 trades)
-- gives "Café International (418489)" to chinless (417838)
++ receives "Havoc: the Hundred Years War (419221)" from ezradenney
chinless : (9 trades)
-- gives "Bohnanza (417825)" to Stas (418496)
-- gives "Jambo (417814)" to evilone (418595)
-- gives "Vegas Showdown (417838)" to kevinwho (418229)
-- gives "Quo Vadis? (417839)" to hrdkor (417722)
-- gives "Mystery of the Abbey (417817)" to cuzzle (417458)
-- gives "7 Ages (417823)" to DrakeStorm (418328)
-- gives "Citadels (417819)" to ericfaris (417498)
-- gives "Why Did the Chicken...? (417821)" to knilob (417822)
-- gives "Friedrich (417826)" to Peter Pariseau (417583)
++ receives "Mystery Rummy: Jack the Ripper (417709)" from mevitale
++ receives "Scene It? - Sports powered by ESPN (417387)" from davidchujr
++ receives "Café International (418489)" from cbrua
++ receives "Loco! (419160)" from starspangledgirl
++ receives "Sharp Shooters (418213)" from tweetlebeetle
++ receives "RoboRally (417424)" from Smilinbrax
++ receives "Hey! That's My Fish! (418160)" from Grildensnork
++ receives "25 Words or Less (417499)" from ericfaris
++ receives "Funny Friends (418923)" from 7inchsplit
chuckimus : (1 trades)
-- gives "HeroScape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie (418080)" to davidchujr (417387)
++ receives "Pirate's Cove (418088)" from gesa
citizen k : (1 trades)
-- gives "High Bohn Plus (418192)" to Grildensnork (418165)
++ receives "Flaschenteufel (418165)" from Grildensnork
cmpterman2 : (2 trades)
-- gives "Pizza Box Football (418839)" to ezradenney (419221)
-- gives "Vegas Showdown (418840)" to kevinwho (418236)
++ receives "Niagara (419141)" from Migmeister
++ receives "Alhambra (417498)" from ericfaris
cobbz20 : (0 trades)
cornjob : (0 trades)
cscottk : (0 trades)
cuzzle : (1 trades)
-- gives "Runebound Second Edition (417458)" to darlok (417811)
++ receives "Mystery of the Abbey (417817)" from chinless
darlok : (1 trades)
-- gives "Hera & Zeus (417811)" to MacBeth (417433)
++ receives "Runebound Second Edition (417458)" from cuzzle
davidchujr : (11 trades)
-- gives "Yahtzee - Texas Hold'em (417401)" to ericfaris (417499)
-- gives "Niagara (417380)" to mcross (417530)
-- gives "Scene It? - Movie (417388)" to ezradenney (419217)
-- gives "Rheinländer (417379)" to hbsvb (418856)
-- gives "Scene It? - Sports powered by ESPN (417387)" to chinless (417814)
-- gives "Beat the Experts (417399)" to phosrik (419019)
-- gives "Aqua Romana (417371)" to gashlycrumb (418104)
-- gives "WildLife (417376)" to gesa (418086)
-- gives "Under the Shadow of the Dragon (417377)" to sos1 (417465)
-- gives "Oasis (417381)" to Jsalais (419002)
-- gives "Carcassonne - The City (417372)" to edroz (419201)
++ receives "Tick, the: Hip Deep In Evil! (418496)" from Stas
++ receives "Warhammer 40,000 (419201)" from edroz
++ receives "Babylon 5 Component Game System - Core Sets (418207)" from thoia
++ receives "World of Warcraft Trading Card Game (418761)" from Phaedrus4242
++ receives "HeroScape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie (418080)" from chuckimus
++ receives "Relationship Tightrope (419019)" from phosrik
++ receives "Tikal (418919)" from 7inchsplit
++ receives "Settlers of Catan Card Game, The (417961)" from everlong205
++ receives "Memoir '44 (418328)" from DrakeStorm
++ receives "Ticket to Ride (419278)" from gcbrowni
++ receives "Memoir '44 (417500)" from tuttleboy
Dr. Burd : (0 trades)
DrakeStorm : (2 trades)
-- gives "Hey! That's My Fish! (418337)" to evilone (418599)
-- gives "Memoir '44 (418328)" to davidchujr (417377)
++ receives "New England (418871)" from grandslam
++ receives "7 Ages (417823)" from chinless
DrChek : (0 trades)
dreadpirate : (0 trades)
dyfrgi : (2 trades)
-- gives "Bang! (419004)" to Kwebec (417344)
-- gives "Die Macher (418124)" to JeffyJeff (417092)
++ receives "Mü und Mehr (418867)" from mlvanbie
++ receives "Pueblo (418104)" from gashlycrumb
edroz : (1 trades)
-- gives "Warhammer 40,000 (419201)" to davidchujr (417380)
++ receives "Carcassonne - The City (417372)" from davidchujr
eknauer : (0 trades)
ericfaris : (2 trades)
-- gives "Alhambra (417498)" to cmpterman2 (418840)
-- gives "25 Words or Less (417499)" to chinless (417821)
++ receives "Citadels (417819)" from chinless
++ receives "Yahtzee - Texas Hold'em (417401)" from davidchujr
everlong205 : (5 trades)
-- gives "Succession: Intrigue in the Royal Court (417988)" to ezradenney (419224)
-- gives "Age of Napoleon (417941)" to Mr.Baggins (419212)
-- gives "Settlers of Catan Card Game, The (417961)" to davidchujr (417376)
-- gives "El Grande (417943)" to Rokkr (418136)
-- gives "Carcassonne (417946)" to noname (419102)
++ receives "Dead Man's Treasure (418236)" from kevinwho
++ receives "Warcraft - The Boardgame (417886)" from Waylander1
++ receives "Dungeon Twister - Paladins & Dragons (419102)" from noname
++ receives "Breaking Away (419173)" from hvogel
++ receives "Hunting Party (419002)" from Jsalais
evilone : (2 trades)
-- gives "Betrayal at House on the Hill (418595)" to hobbes2888 (419027)
-- gives "Runebound (First Edition) (418599)" to fs1973 (417818)
++ receives "Jambo (417814)" from chinless
++ receives "Hey! That's My Fish! (418337)" from DrakeStorm
EvilTimmy : (0 trades)
ezradenney : (5 trades)
-- gives "Squad Seven (419224)" to grandslam (418871)
-- gives "Havoc: the Hundred Years War (419221)" to cbrua (418489)
-- gives "Tikal (419217)" to Kwebec (417841)
-- gives "Shear Panic (419220)" to pronoblem (417836)
-- gives "India Rails (419219)" to Migmeister (419148)
++ receives "Succession: Intrigue in the Royal Court (417988)" from everlong205
++ receives "Pizza Box Football (418839)" from cmpterman2
++ receives "Scene It? - Movie (417388)" from davidchujr
++ receives "Pizza Box Football (417435)" from J.L.Robert
++ receives "One False Step for Mankind (418252)" from PlaneGuy
fanaka66 : (0 trades)
Firepigeon : (0 trades)
fs1973 : (1 trades)
-- gives "Fist of Dragonstones (417818)" to carl67lp (417797)
++ receives "Runebound (First Edition) (418599)" from evilone
gashlycrumb : (3 trades)
-- gives "Pueblo (418104)" to dyfrgi (418124)
-- gives "Silverton (417991)" to hrdkor (417726)
-- gives "Lunar Rails (417998)" to 7inchsplit (418919)
++ receives "Aqua Romana (417371)" from davidchujr
++ receives "Lord of the Rings (417806)" from laiernie
++ receives "Game of Thrones, A (418267)" from joewyka
gcbrowni : (3 trades)
-- gives "Princes of Florence, The (419200)" to artfuldodge2 (418220)
-- gives "Carcassonne - The Castle (419198)" to tuttleboy (417493)
-- gives "Ticket to Ride (419278)" to davidchujr (417381)
++ receives "Acquire (418199)" from starspangledgirl
++ receives "Nuclear War (419181)" from starspangledgirl
++ receives "Fearsome Floors (418115)" from YellowLab
gesa : (3 trades)
-- gives "Lost Valley (418085)" to habermanm (417792)
-- gives "Hansa (418086)" to Jsalais (419001)
-- gives "Pirate's Cove (418088)" to chuckimus (418080)
++ receives "ZÈRTZ (418206)" from thoia
++ receives "WildLife (417376)" from davidchujr
++ receives "Liberté (418604)" from homiefud
grandslam : (1 trades)
-- gives "New England (418871)" to DrakeStorm (418337)
++ receives "Squad Seven (419224)" from ezradenney
Grildensnork : (6 trades)
-- gives "Australia (418166)" to YellowLab (418114)
-- gives "Dos Rios (418162)" to rickkeuler (417554)
-- gives "Flaschenteufel (418165)" to citizen k (418192)
-- gives "Bunte Runde (418161)" to jtakagi (417945)
-- gives "Hey! That's My Fish! (418160)" to chinless (417819)
-- gives "Settlers of the Stone Age, The (418163)" to jtakagi (418071)
++ receives "Ingenious (418220)" from artfuldodge2
++ receives "Trias (419227)" from silvers211games
++ receives "High Bohn Plus (418192)" from citizen k
++ receives "Alexandros (417465)" from sos1
++ receives "Colossal Arena (418735)" from Phaedrus4242
++ receives "Druidenwalzer (417554)" from rickkeuler
gudo13 : (1 trades)
-- gives "Ra (418909)" to boudreaux00 (418653)
++ receives "San Juan (417505)" from tuttleboy
habermanm : (2 trades)
-- gives "Reef, The (417793)" to ZargonDDG (419062)
-- gives "Domaine (417792)" to starspangledgirl (418199)
++ receives "Drunter und Drüber (417822)" from knilob
++ receives "Lost Valley (418085)" from gesa
hbsvb : (1 trades)
-- gives "Nexus Ops (418856)" to J.L.Robert (417435)
++ receives "Rheinländer (417379)" from davidchujr
hobbes2888 : (1 trades)
-- gives "Wits & Wagers (419027)" to laiernie (417806)
++ receives "Betrayal at House on the Hill (418595)" from evilone
homiefud : (1 trades)
-- gives "Liberté (418604)" to gesa (418088)
++ receives "Mission : Red Planet (418136)" from Rokkr
hrdkor : (2 trades)
-- gives "Puerto Rico (417722)" to tuttleboy (417500)
-- gives "Amun-Re (417726)" to beezwax (418154)
++ receives "Quo Vadis? (417839)" from chinless
++ receives "Silverton (417991)" from gashlycrumb
huber : (1 trades)
-- gives "Techno Witches (418214)" to rickkeuler (417558)
++ receives "Die Siedler von Catan – Das Würfelspiel (417945)" from jtakagi
hvogel : (2 trades)
-- gives "Fearsome Floors (419168)" to Spart02 (417367)
-- gives "Breaking Away (419173)" to everlong205 (417943)
++ receives "Through the Desert (419083)" from mbuckingham
++ receives "Bolide (419001)" from Jsalais
J.L.Robert : (1 trades)
-- gives "Pizza Box Football (417435)" to ezradenney (419220)
++ receives "Nexus Ops (418856)" from hbsvb
janiera : (0 trades)
JasonRMax : (0 trades)
JeffyJeff : (1 trades)
-- gives "Vegas Showdown (417092)" to Bobby4th (417986)
++ receives "Die Macher (418124)" from dyfrgi
Jezztek : (0 trades)
jgoewert : (0 trades)
jobermark : (1 trades)
-- gives "Kingmaker (419191)" to jonjacobmoon (419098)
++ receives "Carcassonne - Hunters and Gatherers (417367)" from Spart02
joeklecko : (0 trades)
joewyka : (1 trades)
-- gives "Game of Thrones, A (418267)" to gashlycrumb (417998)
++ receives "San Marco (419216)" from Mr.Baggins
jonjacobmoon : (1 trades)
-- gives "Phlounder (419098)" to Boomer (419265)
++ receives "Kingmaker (419191)" from jobermark
jpbartleby : (0 trades)
Jsalais : (2 trades)
-- gives "Hunting Party (419002)" to everlong205 (417946)
-- gives "Bolide (419001)" to hvogel (419173)
++ receives "Oasis (417381)" from davidchujr
++ receives "Hansa (418086)" from gesa
jsharp : (1 trades)
-- gives "RoboRally (418235)" to mbuckingham (419083)
++ receives "Lord of the Rings (417521)" from mcross
jtakagi : (3 trades)
-- gives "Pueblo (417934)" to YellowLab (418115)
-- gives "Die Siedler von Catan – Das Würfelspiel (417945)" to huber (418214)
-- gives "Mystery of the Abbey (418071)" to Smilinbrax (417424)
++ receives "Expedition (417336)" from Kwebec
++ receives "Bunte Runde (418161)" from Grildensnork
++ receives "Settlers of the Stone Age, The (418163)" from Grildensnork
kevinwho : (2 trades)
-- gives "Liar's Dice (418229)" to knilob (417820)
-- gives "Dead Man's Treasure (418236)" to everlong205 (417988)
++ receives "Vegas Showdown (417838)" from chinless
++ receives "Vegas Showdown (418840)" from cmpterman2
knilob : (2 trades)
-- gives "Drunter und Drüber (417822)" to habermanm (417793)
-- gives "Hoity Toity (417820)" to robinh (418924)
++ receives "Why Did the Chicken...? (417821)" from chinless
++ receives "Liar's Dice (418229)" from kevinwho
Kwebec : (3 trades)
-- gives "Wellington (417841)" to Mr.Baggins (419216)
-- gives "San Juan (417344)" to Phaedrus4242 (418761)
-- gives "Expedition (417336)" to jtakagi (417934)
++ receives "Tikal (419217)" from ezradenney
++ receives "Bang! (419004)" from dyfrgi
++ receives "Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures (417525)" from mcross
laiernie : (1 trades)
-- gives "Lord of the Rings (417806)" to gashlycrumb (417991)
++ receives "Wits & Wagers (419027)" from hobbes2888
leroy : (0 trades)
LetsGetTrivial : (0 trades)
loquitur : (0 trades)
LordJesse : (2 trades)
-- gives "Battles of the Ancient World Volume III (418075)" to Migmeister (419141)
-- gives "I'm the Boss (418081)" to thoia (418207)
++ receives "Rogue Trooper (419148)" from Migmeister
++ receives "VisualEyes (419062)" from ZargonDDG
MacBeth : (1 trades)
-- gives "Diplomacy (417433)" to mlvanbie (418867)
++ receives "Hera & Zeus (417811)" from darlok
matt_stutts : (0 trades)
mbuckingham : (1 trades)
-- gives "Through the Desert (419083)" to hvogel (419168)
++ receives "RoboRally (418235)" from jsharp
mcross : (3 trades)
-- gives "Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures (417525)" to Kwebec (417336)
-- gives "Lord of the Rings (417521)" to jsharp (418235)
-- gives "Bang! (417530)" to MK-Ultra71 (417337)
++ receives "David & Goliath (418653)" from boudreaux00
++ receives "Runebound Second Edition (419185)" from starspangledgirl
++ receives "Niagara (417380)" from davidchujr
Merkles Boner : (0 trades)
mevitale : (1 trades)
-- gives "Mystery Rummy: Jack the Ripper (417709)" to chinless (417825)
++ receives "Rosenkönig (417558)" from rickkeuler
Migmeister : (2 trades)
-- gives "Niagara (419141)" to cmpterman2 (418839)
-- gives "Rogue Trooper (419148)" to LordJesse (418075)
++ receives "Battles of the Ancient World Volume III (418075)" from LordJesse
++ receives "India Rails (419219)" from ezradenney
MK-Ultra71 : (1 trades)
-- gives "Napoleon (417337)" to 7inchsplit (418923)
++ receives "Bang! (417530)" from mcross
mlvanbie : (1 trades)
-- gives "Mü und Mehr (418867)" to dyfrgi (419004)
++ receives "Diplomacy (417433)" from MacBeth
moly19 : (1 trades)
-- gives "Strange Defeat: The Fall of France, 1940 (419005)" to Phaedrus4242 (418735)
++ receives "Ogre (417477)" from sos1
Mr.Baggins : (2 trades)
-- gives "San Marco (419216)" to joewyka (418267)
-- gives "Ghosts! (419212)" to silvers211games (419227)
++ receives "Wellington (417841)" from Kwebec
++ receives "Age of Napoleon (417941)" from everlong205
noname : (1 trades)
-- gives "Dungeon Twister - Paladins & Dragons (419102)" to everlong205 (417961)
++ receives "Carcassonne (417946)" from everlong205
OtisBFilthy : (1 trades)
-- gives "Bootleggers (417333)" to Waylander1 (417886)
++ receives "Betrayal at House on the Hill (418154)" from beezwax
Patt : (1 trades)
-- gives "Galactic Destiny (417528)" to pronoblem (417834)
++ receives "Daytona 500 (417834)" from pronoblem
Peter Pariseau : (1 trades)
-- gives "Sucking Vacuum (417583)" to tweetlebeetle (418213)
++ receives "Friedrich (417826)" from chinless
Phaedrus4242 : (2 trades)
-- gives "World of Warcraft Trading Card Game (418761)" to davidchujr (417379)
-- gives "Colossal Arena (418735)" to Grildensnork (418160)
++ receives "San Juan (417344)" from Kwebec
++ receives "Strange Defeat: The Fall of France, 1940 (419005)" from moly19
phosrik : (1 trades)
-- gives "Relationship Tightrope (419019)" to davidchujr (417399)
++ receives "Beat the Experts (417399)" from davidchujr
PlaneGuy : (1 trades)
-- gives "One False Step for Mankind (418252)" to ezradenney (419219)
++ receives "Hellas (417485)" from richardtempura
pronoblem : (2 trades)
-- gives "Wizard Kings (417836)" to tuttleboy (417505)
-- gives "Daytona 500 (417834)" to Patt (417528)
++ receives "Shear Panic (419220)" from ezradenney
++ receives "Galactic Destiny (417528)" from Patt
Regai : (0 trades)
richardtempura : (1 trades)
-- gives "Hellas (417485)" to PlaneGuy (418252)
++ receives "Tongiaki (418924)" from robinh
rickkeuler : (2 trades)
-- gives "Druidenwalzer (417554)" to Grildensnork (418163)
-- gives "Rosenkönig (417558)" to mevitale (417709)
++ receives "Dos Rios (418162)" from Grildensnork
++ receives "Techno Witches (418214)" from huber
robinh : (1 trades)
-- gives "Tongiaki (418924)" to richardtempura (417485)
++ receives "Hoity Toity (417820)" from knilob
Rokkr : (1 trades)
-- gives "Mission : Red Planet (418136)" to homiefud (418604)
++ receives "El Grande (417943)" from everlong205
Rompcat : (1 trades)
-- gives "Tempus (418183)" to starspangledgirl (419185)
++ receives "WildLife (417366)" from Spart02
schlappy : (0 trades)
Schlotto : (0 trades)
Sheylon : (0 trades)
silvers211games : (1 trades)
-- gives "Trias (419227)" to Grildensnork (418162)
++ receives "Ghosts! (419212)" from Mr.Baggins
Smilinbrax : (1 trades)
-- gives "RoboRally (417424)" to chinless (417823)
++ receives "Mystery of the Abbey (418071)" from jtakagi
sos1 : (2 trades)
-- gives "Alexandros (417465)" to Grildensnork (418161)
-- gives "Ogre (417477)" to moly19 (419005)
++ receives "Under the Shadow of the Dragon (417377)" from davidchujr
++ receives "Ruse & Bruise (417986)" from Bobby4th
Spart02 : (2 trades)
-- gives "Carcassonne - Hunters and Gatherers (417367)" to jobermark (419191)
-- gives "WildLife (417366)" to Rompcat (418183)
++ receives "Fearsome Floors (419168)" from hvogel
++ receives "Age of Mythology: The Boardgame (418198)" from starspangledgirl
Sprydle : (0 trades)
starspangledgirl : (5 trades)
-- gives "Acquire (418199)" to gcbrowni (419200)
-- gives "Age of Mythology: The Boardgame (418198)" to Spart02 (417366)
-- gives "Runebound Second Edition (419185)" to mcross (417521)
-- gives "Nuclear War (419181)" to gcbrowni (419198)
-- gives "Loco! (419160)" to chinless (417839)
++ receives "Domaine (417792)" from habermanm
++ receives "Drakon - 3rd Edition (417493)" from tuttleboy
++ receives "Tempus (418183)" from Rompcat
++ receives "Nacho Loco (419261)" from Boomer
++ receives "Rage (419265)" from Boomer
Stas : (1 trades)
-- gives "Tick, the: Hip Deep In Evil! (418496)" to davidchujr (417401)
++ receives "Bohnanza (417825)" from chinless
thoia : (2 trades)
-- gives "ZÈRTZ (418206)" to gesa (418085)
-- gives "Babylon 5 Component Game System - Core Sets (418207)" to davidchujr (417388)
++ receives "Vampire: Prince of the City (418114)" from YellowLab
++ receives "I'm the Boss (418081)" from LordJesse
tornadog : (0 trades)
tuttleboy : (3 trades)
-- gives "San Juan (417505)" to gudo13 (418909)
-- gives "Memoir '44 (417500)" to davidchujr (417372)
-- gives "Drakon - 3rd Edition (417493)" to starspangledgirl (418198)
++ receives "Wizard Kings (417836)" from pronoblem
++ receives "Puerto Rico (417722)" from hrdkor
++ receives "Carcassonne - The Castle (419198)" from gcbrowni
tweetlebeetle : (1 trades)
-- gives "Sharp Shooters (418213)" to chinless (417817)
++ receives "Sucking Vacuum (417583)" from Peter Pariseau
Vydar : (0 trades)
Waylander1 : (1 trades)
-- gives "Warcraft - The Boardgame (417886)" to everlong205 (417941)
++ receives "Bootleggers (417333)" from OtisBFilthy
windopen : (0 trades)
YellowLab : (2 trades)
-- gives "Vampire: Prince of the City (418114)" to thoia (418206)
-- gives "Fearsome Floors (418115)" to gcbrowni (419278)
++ receives "Australia (418166)" from Grildensnork
++ receives "Pueblo (417934)" from jtakagi
ZargonDDG : (1 trades)
-- gives "VisualEyes (419062)" to LordJesse (418081)
++ receives "Reef, The (417793)" from habermanm
Acquire (417545) [Jezztek]
Age of Exploration (418259) [artfuldodge2]
Age of Exploration (417534) [cscottk]
Air War (418620) [evilone]
Alibi (418215) [Merkles Boner]
All Wound Up (418995) [Jsalais]
Apples to Apples Junior (417466) [eknauer]
Arcadia (418240) [Rokkr]
Architekton (417316) [leroy]
Arena Maximus (419030) [hobbes2888]
Astro Boy Saves the Universe Game (417397) [davidchujr]
Atlanteon (418478) [cbrua]
Australia (417790) [habermanm]
Axis & Allies (418484) [cbrua]
Axis & Allies: D-Day (417547) [Jezztek]
Axis and Allies (418601) [evilone]
B-17: Queen of the Skies (418443) [loquitur]
Balderdash (417796) [carl67lp]
Balderdash (417483) [DrChek]
Bali (419246) [starspangledgirl]
Bali (418872) [mlvanbie]
Bang! (417418) [matt_stutts]
Banque Fatale (418485) [cbrua]
Bar-Lev (419231) [starspangledgirl]
Basari (417095) [JeffyJeff]
Battleball (418996) [Jsalais]
Battleball (419281) [JeffyJeff]
Battlestations (417833) [pronoblem]
Bazaar (417441) [Bankler]
Big Cheese, The (418854) [hbsvb]
Big City (417421) [matt_stutts]
Big Manitou (418274) [joewyka]
Blind Justice (417577) [J.L.Robert]
Boomtown (417462) [eknauer]
Bootleggers (417423) [Smilinbrax]
Brawl (418998) [Jsalais]
Break the Safe (418076) [tweetlebeetle]
Bridges of Shangri-La, The (417101) [JeffyJeff]
Bridges of Shangri-La, The (418487) [cbrua]
Bridges of Shangri-La, The (418239) [kevinwho]
Bridges of Shangri-La, The (417382) [davidchujr]
BuyWord (417411) [matt_stutts]
Caesar and Cleopatra (417553) [rickkeuler]
Carcassonne (417503) [tuttleboy]
Carcassonne (418838) [cmpterman2]
Carcassonne (418098) [Schlotto]
Carcassonne - Hunters and Gatherers (419197) [gcbrowni]
Carcassonne - Hunters and Gatherers (417100) [JeffyJeff]
Carcassonne - The City (419199) [gcbrowni]
Carcassonne - The Count of Carcassonne (419260) [Boomer]
Carcassonne - The Discovery (418652) [boudreaux00]
Carolus Magnus (417412) [matt_stutts]
Castle Merchants (417088) [JeffyJeff]
Cattlemen, The (418990) [kevinwho]
Caylus (417835) [pronoblem]
CCG Mega Lot (418896) [Regai]
Chez Dork (418987) [kevinwho]
Cleopatra and the Society of Architects (418884) [Regai]
Clue Master Detective (418859) [grandslam]
Combat Soldiers - In the Battle of the Bulge (418203) [thoia]
Comic Crusades (418612) [evilone]
Commands & Colors Ancients: Expansion Pack 1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms (417802) [Firepigeon]
Conquest of the Empire (419207) [starspangledgirl]
Corsairs and Hellcats (417340) [Kwebec]
Cranium Cadoo (418931) [robinh]
Cranium The Family Fun Game (417327) [OtisBFilthy]
Crocodile Pool Party (418209) [huber]
Crystal Faire (418014) [gashlycrumb]
Cults across America (418597) [evilone]
Dakara (418997) [Jsalais]
DaVinci's Challenge (417395) [davidchujr]
Dawn Under (418791) [joeklecko]
Dead Man's Treasure (417394) [davidchujr]
Delta V (417358) [Rompcat]
Die Macher (418089) [tornadog]
Die Macher (417083) [JeffyJeff]
Dino Hunt (417971) [sos1]
Diplomacy (417724) [mevitale]
Doctor Who - The Game Of Time & Space (417985) [Bobby4th]
Dog's Life, A (418862) [grandslam]
Domaine (417413) [matt_stutts]
Don (417087) [JeffyJeff]
Druidenwalzer (418556) [cbrua]
Dungeon Twister (418222) [jsharp]
Dungeon Twister 3-4 players expansion (418223) [jsharp]
Dungeoneer: Den of the Wererats (417522) [mcross]
Edison & Co. (418603) [evilone]
Elric (418143) [Rokkr]
Enemy at the Gates (418851) [Sprydle]
Euphrates & Tigris Card Game (419009) [windopen]
Euphrates & Tigris Card Game (418262) [LetsGetTrivial]
Familienbande (417106) [JeffyJeff]
Fjords (419099) [noname]
Football Strategy (417798) [carl67lp]
Formula Motor Racing (418792) [joeklecko]
Frag (417877) [cobbz20]
Game of Thrones, A (417831) [cornjob]
Gammarauders (418684) [homiefud]
Goal Line Stand (417471) [sos1]
Golden Deuce (417386) [davidchujr]
Golden Deuce (418611) [evilone]
Grave Robbers From Outer Space (419184) [kevinwho]
Halunken & Spelunken (418865) [grandslam]
Hare and Tortoise (417983) [Bobby4th]
Heave Ho! (417555) [rickkeuler]
HellRail - Third Perdition (419215) [ezradenney]
Hera & Zeus (417556) [rickkeuler]
Hero Clix (418102) [Smilinbrax]
Hero Clix (417523) [mcross]
HeroQuest - Kellar's Keep (418224) [jsharp]
HeroScape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie (418233) [jsharp]
HeroScape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie (418876) [Regai]
Hexentanz (418201) [starspangledgirl]
Hoity Toity (417103) [JeffyJeff]
Horror Clix (417287) [jgoewert]
How to Host a Mystery: Star Trek: The Next Generation (418983) [kevinwho]
I'm the Boss (418072) [jtakagi]
I'm the Boss (417096) [JeffyJeff]
I'm the Boss (418125) [Dr. Burd]
I'm the Boss (418562) [cbrua]
Ido (419205) [edroz]
Il Principe (417105) [JeffyJeff]
Imperium, 3rd Millennium (417383) [davidchujr]
Industrial Waste (418849) [Sprydle]
J.U.M.P. Into the Unknown (417810) [dreadpirate]
Jambo (418121) [Dr. Burd]
Journeys of Paul, The (419028) [hobbes2888]
King Me! (417090) [JeffyJeff]
King Me! (418866) [grandslam]
King's Gate (418189) [citizen k]
Knights of Charlemagne (418231) [kevinwho]
Krumble (418563) [cbrua]
König Artus Tafelrunde (418894) [mlvanbie]
Last Frontier: The Vesuvius Incident (418123) [loquitur]
Leapfrog (417984) [Bobby4th]
Leonardo da Vinci (418188) [citizen k]
Lifeboats (418119) [Dr. Burd]
Lock 'N Load: Forgotten Heroes Vietnam (418794) [joeklecko]
Lord of the Rings (418870) [grandslam]
Lord of the Rings (418336) [DrakeStorm]
Lord of the Rings - The Confrontation (417827) [cornjob]
Lord of the Rings - Tradeable Miniatures Game (419060) [ZargonDDG]
Lucky Loop (417385) [davidchujr]
Lunch Money (419145) [Migmeister]
M (417086) [JeffyJeff]
Maelstrom: The Coming of Chaos (418092) [sos1]
Magdar (417368) [Spart02]
Magic: The Gathering CCG (418883) [Regai]
Magic: The Gathering CCG (418112) [Smilinbrax]
Magic: The Gathering CCG (418227) [jsharp]
Magier von Pangea, die (418566) [cbrua]
Manila (417484) [richardtempura]
Mecca to Medina (418204) [thoia]
Metro (417097) [JeffyJeff]
Middle-Earth CCG (418609) [evilone]
Mini Inkognito (418605) [evilone]
Modern Art (417419) [matt_stutts]
Monkeys on the Moon (418855) [hbsvb]
Monsters Menace America (418568) [cbrua]
Moods (419271) [EvilTimmy]
Munchkin (417676) [Vydar]
Naval War (417497) [ericfaris]
Newlywed Game, The (418103) [Schlotto]
Nexus Ops (418073) [jtakagi]
Nexus Ops (418841) [cmpterman2]
Nexus Ops (418330) [DrakeStorm]
Nexus Ops (417093) [JeffyJeff]
Niagara (418120) [Dr. Burd]
Niagara (418196) [JasonRMax]
Niagara (419274) [JeffyJeff]
Niagara (418225) [kevinwho]
Niagara (418588) [cbrua]
Niagara (418885) [Regai]
Oasis (417091) [JeffyJeff]
Oriente (418190) [citizen k]
Overthrone (419194) [edroz]
Panzer Blitz (419017) [phosrik]
Panzer Leader (418610) [evilone]
Parts Unknown (418261) [PlaneGuy]
Peaceful Resistance (417479) [sos1]
Perilous Parlor Game, The (418134) [janiera]
Phoenix (418857) [hbsvb]
Pirates' Gold (418571) [cbrua]
Pizza Box Football (417291) [Sheylon]
Pizza Box Football (417804) [laiernie]
Pizza Box Football (418100) [Schlotto]
Pizza Box Football (418886) [Regai]
Plague! (419204) [gcbrowni]
Po-Ke-No (Poker-Keno) (418242) [Merkles Boner]
Poison (419000) [Jsalais]
Poker (418902) [fanaka66]
Project KGB - The Secret Formula (418483) [cbrua]
Pueblo (417816) [chinless]
Puerto Rico (417082) [JeffyJeff]
Punch Lines (418615) [evilone]
Quarto! (418869) [mlvanbie]
Quarto! (418191) [citizen k]
Quiddler (419086) [mbuckingham]
Quiddler (419179) [kevinwho]
Quits (417434) [MacBeth]
Quo Vadis? (418087) [gesa]
Quo Vadis? (417527) [mcross]
Railway Rivals (417882) [Waylander1]
Razzia! (417334) [OtisBFilthy]
Reef, The (417557) [rickkeuler]
Relationship Tightrope (418256) [Merkles Boner]
Relationship Tightrope (417089) [JeffyJeff]
Return of the Heroes (417085) [JeffyJeff]
Rheinländer (418479) [cbrua]
Rheinländer (417098) [JeffyJeff]
Risk (419211) [starspangledgirl]
Risk 2210 A.D. (419264) [EvilTimmy]
RoboRally (417378) [davidchujr]
RoboRally (417436) [MacBeth]
RoboRally (417084) [JeffyJeff]
Rome at War II: Fading Legions (419007) [moly19]
Runebound (First Edition) (417794) [carl67lp]
San Juan (417420) [matt_stutts]
San Marco (418105) [gashlycrumb]
Santiago (417414) [matt_stutts]
Santy Anno (419218) [Mr.Baggins]
Saratoga (417335) [Kwebec]
Scrabble Crossword Cubes Game (418234) [Merkles Boner]
Scrabble Scoring Anagrams (418218) [Merkles Boner]
Scrabble Sentence Cube Game (418238) [Merkles Boner]
Scurvy Musketeers of the Spanish Main (418263) [cuzzle]
Set (418918) [gudo13]
Settlers of Catan - The Fishermen of Catan (419270) [Boomer]
Settlers of Catan - The Great River (419268) [Boomer]
Settlers of Catan - The Great River (418244) [jsharp]
Settlers of Catan Card Game, The (418197) [JasonRMax]
Settlers of Catan, The (417889) [schlappy]
Settlers of Catan, The (417374) [davidchujr]
Shear Panic (418498) [Stas]
Sid Meier's Civilization - The Boardgame (418606) [homiefud]
Skip-bo (418228) [Merkles Boner]
Sleuth (417981) [Bobby4th]
Smear (419262) [Boomer]
Soldier Emperor (419190) [jobermark]
Space Dealer (417373) [davidchujr]
Spinergy (417824) [chinless]
Spite & Malice (417393) [davidchujr]
Split (418217) [Merkles Boner]
Star Wars Miniatures (417526) [mcross]
StarForce (418616) [evilone]
Station Manager (418216) [huber]
Stratego - Lord of the Rings (417536) [J.L.Robert]
Struggle of Empires (417875) [tornadog]
Succession: Intrigue in the Royal Court (418205) [thoia]
Sunken City (418572) [cbrua]
Take Stock (419147) [boudreaux00]
TAMSK (417815) [chinless]
TAMSK (417415) [matt_stutts]
The Original Sudoku Game (417392) [davidchujr]
Theophrastus (419077) [jpbartleby]
Through the Desert (417416) [matt_stutts]
Tichu (418843) [cmpterman2]
Ticket to Ride Europe (417331) [OtisBFilthy]
Tongiaki (417094) [JeffyJeff]
Topple (419277) [JeffyJeff]
Torres (417410) [matt_stutts]
TransEuropa (419076) [leroy]
Travel Blokus (418858) [hbsvb]
Triumph of Chaos (417546) [Jezztek]
Trivial Pursuit - 20th Anniversary Edition (418608) [evilone]
Trivial Pursuit DVD Star Wars Saga Edition (417389) [davidchujr]
True Colors (418221) [kevinwho]
Twixt (419097) [jonjacobmoon]
Vegas Showdown (418860) [hbsvb]
Voltage (417982) [Bobby4th]
Vox Populi (418140) [Rokkr]
War of the States: Gettysburg, 1863 (419006) [moly19]
War of Wizards (417437) [J.L.Robert]
Warhammer Quest (418889) [Regai]
WCW Nitro Trading Card Game (419157) [J.L.Robert]
WCW Nitro Trading Card Game (419154) [J.L.Robert]
WildLife (417099) [JeffyJeff]
Willow Game, The (418575) [cbrua]
Wings of War - Famous Aces (418257) [JasonRMax]
Wise and Otherwise (419257) [EvilTimmy]
Witch Trial (418211) [Merkles Boner]
Wizard Kings (418863) [mlvanbie]
Wooly Bully (418168) [gashlycrumb]
Wooly Bully (418230) [Merkles Boner]
WordSpot (417842) [starspangledgirl]
World at War, A (418852) [Sprydle]
World of Warcraft - The Boardgame (418202) [thoia]
Zero! (419225) [silvers211games]
Zeus on the Loose (417853) [dreadpirate]
Zombies!!! (418682) [homiefud]
ZÈRTZ (417439) [Bankler]