[Using 22034-results.txt]
adamdynris : (0 trades)
AlexBrown : (2 trades)
-- gives "Marvin Marvel’s Marvelous Marble Machine (184)" to Waylander1 (397)
-- gives "Ticket to Ride - Märklin Edition (180)" to Kaizen Zanshin (582)
++ receives "Outside the Scope of BGG (503)" from homiefud
++ receives "Wise and Otherwise (430)" from tweetlebeetle
arsenic : (3 trades)
-- gives "Castle Merchants (401)" to LoMa (453)
-- gives "Age of Mythology: The Boardgame (402)" to CinMel (621)
-- gives "Bridges of Shangri-La, The (399)" to Bobby4th (314)
++ receives "Master Labyrinth (500)" from herman_the_german
++ receives "Talisman Timescape (252)" from gcbrowni
++ receives "Monsters Menace America (177)" from ZargonDDG
artfuldodge2 : (2 trades)
-- gives "Simply Cosmic (427)" to LetsGetTrivial (478)
-- gives "Feurio! (341)" to Drew1365 (229)
++ receives "China (379)" from evilone
++ receives "China (385)" from wjohnston
atimrogers : (3 trades)
-- gives "Sahara (124)" to citizen k (477)
-- gives "Oasis (131)" to minmin (193)
-- gives "Journeys of Paul, The (123)" to Dspitzle (5)
++ receives "Last Frontier: The Vesuvius Incident (306)" from weasel
++ receives "Last Frontier: The Vesuvius Incident (296)" from weasel
++ receives "Last Frontier: The Vesuvius Incident (19)" from loquitur
Bagherra : (2 trades)
-- gives "Guerilla (599)" to lmnop (492)
-- gives "Block Mania (596)" to gcbrowni (252)
++ receives "Transformers Adventure Game (3)" from Dspitzle
++ receives "Pirates' Gold (208)" from cbrua
BakeliteTM : (1 trades)
-- gives "San Juan (484)" to joncormier (55)
++ receives "Vegas Showdown (621)" from CinMel
beezwax : (0 trades)
BigdaddyTR : (1 trades)
-- gives "Star Wars - Epic Duels (499)" to craniac (638)
++ receives "El Grande (190)" from CortexBomb
bkindt : (2 trades)
-- gives "Winner's Circle (57)" to hbj79 (97)
-- gives "Iliade (58)" to tweetlebeetle (425)
++ receives "Star Warriors (585)" from mcpranno
++ receives "Outside the Scope of BGG (358)" from laiernie
Bobby4th : (5 trades)
-- gives "Hare and Tortoise (313)" to Boomer (587)
-- gives "I'm the Boss (314)" to MK-Ultra71 (102)
-- gives "Leapfrog (312)" to larryjrice (239)
-- gives "Die Siedler von Catan – Das Würfelspiel (618)" to Dan Manfredini (540)
-- gives "Sleuth (317)" to herman_the_german (500)
++ receives "Bridges of Shangri-La, The (225)" from cbrua
++ receives "Bridges of Shangri-La, The (399)" from arsenic
++ receives "Cleopatra and the Society of Architects (518)" from Regai
++ receives "Settlers Of Catan, The - Travel Edition (204)" from cuzzle
++ receives "Thingamajig (377)" from evilone
Boomer : (8 trades)
-- gives "Outside the Scope of BGG (587)" to weasel (300)
-- gives "Outside the Scope of BGG (584)" to homiefud (448)
-- gives "Outside the Scope of BGG (588)" to davido (160)
-- gives "Outside the Scope of BGG (586)" to wjohnston (392)
-- gives "Outside the Scope of BGG (576)" to laiernie (357)
-- gives "Outside the Scope of BGG (589)" to homiefud (503)
-- gives "Outside the Scope of BGG (581)" to laiernie (358)
-- gives "Outside the Scope of BGG (583)" to UsanaChris (460)
++ receives "Hare and Tortoise (313)" from Bobby4th
++ receives "California (557)" from hbsvb
++ receives "Carcassonne (286)" from jpbartleby
++ receives "Edison & Co. (383)" from evilone
++ receives "Ticket to Ride Europe (592)" from tgbruiser
++ receives "Carcassonne (95)" from hbj79
++ receives "Tsuro (460)" from UsanaChris
++ receives "Outside the Scope of BGG (100)" from huber
CapAp : (1 trades)
-- gives "Circus Imperium (262)" to cbrua (219)
++ receives "HeroScape: Crest of the Valkyrie (Flagbearer series) (343)" from davidchujr
carl67lp : (2 trades)
-- gives "Pimp: The Backhanding (31)" to evilone (377)
-- gives "Beyond Balderdash (26)" to sroney (609)
++ receives "Can't Stop (129)" from EvilTimmy
++ receives "Risk 2210 A.D. (130)" from EvilTimmy
cbrua : (6 trades)
-- gives "Pirates' Gold (208)" to Bagherra (596)
-- gives "RoboRally (218)" to tuttleboy (86)
-- gives "California (388)" to jpbartleby (286)
-- gives "Bridges of Shangri-La, The (225)" to Bobby4th (313)
-- gives "Rheinländer (219)" to phosrik (245)
-- gives "Silk Road (213)" to JeffyJeff (470)
++ receives "Blood Feud In New York (335)" from davidchujr
++ receives "Das Schloss (17)" from sos1
++ receives "Blood Feud In New York (155)" from Jezztek
++ receives "Blood Feud In New York (376)" from evilone
++ receives "Circus Imperium (262)" from CapAp
++ receives "Beowulf: The Legend (410)" from JeffyJeff
chemist : (1 trades)
-- gives "Imperial (504)" to FlyingArrow (33)
++ receives "Pax Romana (56)" from joewyka
CinMel : (3 trades)
-- gives "Vegas Showdown (621)" to BakeliteTM (484)
-- gives "Yeti Slalom (632)" to davidchujr (367)
-- gives "Metro (623)" to phosrik (246)
++ receives "Age of Mythology: The Boardgame (402)" from arsenic
++ receives "Pirateer (396)" from LoMa
++ receives "Balloon Cup (492)" from lmnop
citizen k : (2 trades)
-- gives "Leonardo da Vinci (323)" to laiernie (354)
-- gives "Bang! (477)" to loquitur (19)
++ receives "London's Burning (248)" from DrFlanagan
++ receives "Sahara (124)" from atimrogers
cmpterman2 : (1 trades)
-- gives "Amun-Re (543)" to tweetlebeetle (430)
++ receives "Löwenherz (354)" from laiernie
coolio : (0 trades)
CortexBomb : (2 trades)
-- gives "El Grande (190)" to BigdaddyTR (499)
-- gives "Tempus (192)" to themilkcrate (485)
++ receives "Cathedral (517)" from Regai
++ receives "British Rails (13)" from cypar7
craniac : (1 trades)
-- gives "Age of Steam (638)" to Rokkr (154)
++ receives "Star Wars - Epic Duels (499)" from BigdaddyTR
crappyjacks : (0 trades)
cuzzle : (1 trades)
-- gives "Settlers Of Catan, The - Travel Edition (204)" to Bobby4th (618)
++ receives "Ricochet Robots (7)" from dyfrgi
cypar7 : (1 trades)
-- gives "British Rails (13)" to CortexBomb (192)
++ receives "Diamant (393)" from LoMa
Dan Manfredini : (1 trades)
-- gives "Ark of the Covenant, The (540)" to lmnop (490)
++ receives "Die Siedler von Catan – Das Würfelspiel (618)" from Bobby4th
davidchujr : (6 trades)
-- gives "Outside the Scope of BGG (366)" to Regai (517)
-- gives "HeroScape: Crest of the Valkyrie (Flagbearer series) (343)" to CapAp (262)
-- gives "Pizza Box Football (367)" to Dspitzle (4)
-- gives "Blood Feud In New York (335)" to cbrua (208)
-- gives "Pizza Box Football (526)" to huber (94)
-- gives "Pizza Box Football (332)" to Dspitzle (3)
++ receives "Carcassonne (480)" from LetsGetTrivial
++ receives "Cosmic Encounter (384)" from wjohnston
++ receives "Yeti Slalom (632)" from CinMel
++ receives "Illuminati (162)" from davido
++ receives "Buried Treasure (609)" from sroney
++ receives "Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game (5)" from Dspitzle
davido : (2 trades)
-- gives "Devil Bunny Needs a Ham (160)" to UsanaChris (462)
-- gives "Illuminati (162)" to davidchujr (335)
++ receives "Outside the Scope of BGG (588)" from Boomer
++ receives "Senator (437)" from Migmeister
dcorban : (1 trades)
-- gives "Scepter of Zavandor, The (140)" to tgbruiser (607)
++ receives "Aladdin's Dragons (137)" from WeirdBal
disclamer : (0 trades)
Drew1365 : (1 trades)
-- gives "Supremacy (229)" to Jezztek (155)
++ receives "Feurio! (341)" from artfuldodge2
DrFlanagan : (2 trades)
-- gives "Axis & Allies: Battle of the Bulge (49)" to mcpranno (591)
-- gives "London's Burning (248)" to citizen k (323)
++ receives "Conan Collectible Card Game (186)" from Rokkr
++ receives "Battle Hymn (38)" from gamer-stu
Dspitzle : (4 trades)
-- gives "Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game (5)" to davidchujr (332)
-- gives "Star Wars CCG (496)" to lmnop (227)
-- gives "Transformers Adventure Game (3)" to Bagherra (599)
-- gives "Scotland Yard (4)" to enricodandolo (263)
++ receives "Journeys of Paul, The (123)" from atimrogers
++ receives "Kingdoms (436)" from Migmeister
++ receives "Pizza Box Football (332)" from davidchujr
++ receives "Pizza Box Football (367)" from davidchujr
dyfrgi : (1 trades)
-- gives "Ricochet Robots (7)" to cuzzle (204)
++ receives "Ra (116)" from Jeff
edosan : (1 trades)
-- gives "San Marco (78)" to Rabbits (233)
++ receives "Tower of Babel (513)" from Stas
eknauer : (1 trades)
-- gives "Robber Knights (107)" to EvilTimmy (129)
++ receives "Manila (263)" from enricodandolo
ElZappo : (1 trades)
-- gives "Dungeon Twister (629)" to Jezztek (148)
++ receives "Hera & Zeus (636)" from tanglewoodtree
enricodandolo : (1 trades)
-- gives "Manila (263)" to eknauer (107)
++ receives "Scotland Yard (4)" from Dspitzle
ericfaris : (0 trades)
evilone : (4 trades)
-- gives "Blood Feud In New York (376)" to cbrua (225)
-- gives "Edison & Co. (383)" to Boomer (586)
-- gives "Thingamajig (377)" to Bobby4th (317)
-- gives "China (379)" to artfuldodge2 (427)
++ receives "ZÈRTZ (193)" from minmin
++ receives "Ogre (119)" from jlebak
++ receives "Pimp: The Backhanding (31)" from carl67lp
++ receives "ZÈRTZ (397)" from Waylander1
EvilTimmy : (3 trades)
-- gives "Bitter Woods (127)" to moly19 (454)
-- gives "Can't Stop (129)" to carl67lp (31)
-- gives "Risk 2210 A.D. (130)" to carl67lp (26)
++ receives "Hansa (233)" from Rabbits
++ receives "Robber Knights (107)" from eknauer
++ receives "To Court the King (194)" from minmin
ezradenney : (0 trades)
fanaka66 : (0 trades)
FerrumEtBombyx : (1 trades)
-- gives "Goa (601)" to lmnop (493)
++ receives "YINSH (582)" from Kaizen Zanshin
filnari : (1 trades)
-- gives "World of Warcraft - The Boardgame (275)" to Loggy (435)
++ receives "Duel of Ages Set 2 - Intensity (45)" from sos1
FlyingArrow : (1 trades)
-- gives "Cathedral (33)" to LetsGetTrivial (480)
++ receives "Imperial (504)" from chemist
ForbiddenDonuts : (0 trades)
gamegrl2 : (1 trades)
-- gives "Pillars of the Earth, The (329)" to mcpranno (585)
++ receives "Fire and Axe: A Viking Saga (175)" from shawn_low
gamer-stu : (1 trades)
-- gives "Battle Hymn (38)" to DrFlanagan (248)
++ receives "Ardennes (454)" from moly19
gashlycrumb : (0 trades)
gcbrowni : (1 trades)
-- gives "Talisman Timescape (252)" to arsenic (402)
++ receives "Block Mania (596)" from Bagherra
Hangman : (0 trades)
hardcel : (1 trades)
-- gives "Puerto Rico (280)" to jamesdavis (196)
++ receives "Bootleggers (97)" from hbj79
hbj79 : (2 trades)
-- gives "Carcassonne (95)" to Boomer (589)
-- gives "Bootleggers (97)" to hardcel (280)
++ receives "Hoity Toity (85)" from tuttleboy
++ receives "Winner's Circle (57)" from bkindt
hbsvb : (1 trades)
-- gives "California (557)" to Boomer (584)
++ receives "Monsters Menace America (491)" from lmnop
herman_the_german : (2 trades)
-- gives "Bazaar (90)" to mevitale (195)
-- gives "Master Labyrinth (500)" to arsenic (401)
++ receives "Zombies!!! (444)" from homiefud
++ receives "Sleuth (317)" from Bobby4th
homiefud : (3 trades)
-- gives "Hobbit, The (448)" to tanglewoodtree (636)
-- gives "Zombies!!! (444)" to herman_the_german (90)
-- gives "Outside the Scope of BGG (503)" to AlexBrown (184)
++ receives "Outside the Scope of BGG (584)" from Boomer
++ receives "Outside the Scope of BGG (631)" from Regai
++ receives "Outside the Scope of BGG (589)" from Boomer
huber : (4 trades)
-- gives "M (81)" to sos1 (17)
-- gives "Outside the Scope of BGG (99)" to weasel (296)
-- gives "Outside the Scope of BGG (100)" to Boomer (583)
-- gives "Outside the Scope of BGG (94)" to LoMa (396)
++ receives "Bumper Car Arena (435)" from Loggy
++ receives "Oasis (302)" from weasel
++ receives "Napoleon (102)" from MK-Ultra71
++ receives "Pizza Box Football (526)" from davidchujr
jamesdavis : (1 trades)
-- gives "Railroad Tycoon (196)" to Rokkr (186)
++ receives "Puerto Rico (280)" from hardcel
JasonRMax : (1 trades)
-- gives "Wings of War - Famous Aces (12)" to kentreuber (269)
++ receives "Axis & Allies: D-Day (149)" from Jezztek
Jeff : (2 trades)
-- gives "La Città (115)" to schlappy (614)
-- gives "Ra (116)" to dyfrgi (7)
++ receives "Corsairs and Hellcats (182)" from Kwebec
++ receives "Himalaya (510)" from Stas
JeffyJeff : (4 trades)
-- gives "Relationship Tightrope (412)" to SybotCB (271)
-- gives "Beowulf: The Legend (410)" to cbrua (213)
-- gives "Don (414)" to richtoosoon (189)
-- gives "Thurn and Taxis (470)" to WeirdBal (132)
++ receives "Fjords (256)" from noname
++ receives "Tempus (607)" from tgbruiser
++ receives "Loopin' Louie (239)" from larryjrice
++ receives "Silk Road (213)" from cbrua
Jezztek : (4 trades)
-- gives "Arena Maximus (148)" to minmin (194)
-- gives "Acquire (147)" to Kaizen Zanshin (578)
-- gives "Axis & Allies: D-Day (149)" to JasonRMax (12)
-- gives "Blood Feud In New York (155)" to cbrua (388)
++ receives "Dungeon Twister (629)" from ElZappo
++ receives "RoboRally - Armed and Dangerous (154)" from Rokkr
++ receives "More Cosmic Encounter (227)" from lmnop
++ receives "Supremacy (229)" from Drew1365
jlebak : (1 trades)
-- gives "Ogre (119)" to evilone (383)
++ receives "Apples to Apples Party Box Expansion ONE (195)" from mevitale
joewyka : (1 trades)
-- gives "Pax Romana (56)" to chemist (504)
++ receives "Titan (442)" from Migmeister
joncormier : (1 trades)
-- gives "Chez Geek (55)" to Migmeister (437)
++ receives "San Juan (484)" from BakeliteTM
jpbartleby : (1 trades)
-- gives "Carcassonne (286)" to Boomer (588)
++ receives "California (388)" from cbrua
Kaizen Zanshin : (2 trades)
-- gives "YINSH (582)" to FerrumEtBombyx (601)
-- gives "Railroad Tycoon (578)" to Migmeister (442)
++ receives "Ticket to Ride - Märklin Edition (180)" from AlexBrown
++ receives "Acquire (147)" from Jezztek
kentreuber : (1 trades)
-- gives "Vanished Planet (269)" to mcross (278)
++ receives "Wings of War - Famous Aces (12)" from JasonRMax
Kwebec : (1 trades)
-- gives "Corsairs and Hellcats (182)" to Jeff (115)
++ receives "Parthenon: Rise of the Aegean (591)" from mcpranno
laiernie : (4 trades)
-- gives "Outside the Scope of BGG (358)" to bkindt (58)
-- gives "Outside the Scope of BGG (357)" to lawmama (363)
-- gives "Löwenherz (354)" to cmpterman2 (543)
-- gives "Outside the Scope of BGG (356)" to sos1 (45)
++ receives "Outside the Scope of BGG (581)" from Boomer
++ receives "Outside the Scope of BGG (576)" from Boomer
++ receives "Leonardo da Vinci (323)" from citizen k
++ receives "Andromeda (554)" from wjohnston
larryjrice : (1 trades)
-- gives "Loopin' Louie (239)" to JeffyJeff (414)
++ receives "Leapfrog (312)" from Bobby4th
lawmama : (1 trades)
-- gives "Wiz-War (363)" to tuttleboy (85)
++ receives "Outside the Scope of BGG (357)" from laiernie
leroy : (0 trades)
LetsGetTrivial : (3 trades)
-- gives "Dungeon Twister - Paladins & Dragons (479)" to wkusau (205)
-- gives "Carcassonne (480)" to davidchujr (366)
-- gives "Niagara (478)" to toucana (80)
++ receives "Dragonlance (440)" from Migmeister
++ receives "Cathedral (33)" from FlyingArrow
++ receives "Simply Cosmic (427)" from artfuldodge2
lmnop : (5 trades)
-- gives "Balloon Cup (492)" to CinMel (623)
-- gives "More Cosmic Encounter (227)" to Jezztek (149)
-- gives "Reef, The (490)" to wjohnston (385)
-- gives "Monsters Menace America (491)" to hbsvb (557)
-- gives "Hacienda (493)" to Stas (513)
++ receives "Guerilla (599)" from Bagherra
++ receives "Star Wars CCG (496)" from Dspitzle
++ receives "Ark of the Covenant, The (540)" from Dan Manfredini
++ receives "Carcassonne - The Tower (453)" from LoMa
++ receives "Goa (601)" from FerrumEtBombyx
Loggy : (1 trades)
-- gives "Bumper Car Arena (435)" to huber (81)
++ receives "World of Warcraft - The Boardgame (275)" from filnari
LoMa : (3 trades)
-- gives "Carcassonne - The Tower (453)" to lmnop (491)
-- gives "Pirateer (396)" to CinMel (632)
-- gives "Diamant (393)" to cypar7 (13)
++ receives "Castle Merchants (401)" from arsenic
++ receives "Outside the Scope of BGG (94)" from huber
++ receives "Pirate's Cove (173)" from roujin27
loquitur : (1 trades)
-- gives "Last Frontier: The Vesuvius Incident (19)" to atimrogers (123)
++ receives "Bang! (477)" from citizen k
Lothartvni : (0 trades)
martinlamotheqc : (0 trades)
mbuckingham : (0 trades)
mcpranno : (4 trades)
-- gives "Star Warriors (585)" to bkindt (57)
-- gives "Magalon (566)" to weasel (302)
-- gives "Age of Exploration (568)" to Migmeister (436)
-- gives "Parthenon: Rise of the Aegean (591)" to Kwebec (182)
++ receives "Pillars of the Earth, The (329)" from gamegrl2
++ receives "Risk 2210 A.D. (464)" from schlappy
++ receives "Airlines (245)" from phosrik
++ receives "Axis & Allies: Battle of the Bulge (49)" from DrFlanagan
mcross : (1 trades)
-- gives "Quo Vadis? (278)" to roujin27 (173)
++ receives "Vanished Planet (269)" from kentreuber
mevitale : (2 trades)
-- gives "Samurai (35)" to schlappy (465)
-- gives "Apples to Apples Party Box Expansion ONE (195)" to jlebak (119)
++ receives "Masons (465)" from schlappy
++ receives "Bazaar (90)" from herman_the_german
mi_de : (0 trades)
Migmeister : (4 trades)
-- gives "Senator (437)" to davido (162)
-- gives "Titan (442)" to joewyka (56)
-- gives "Dragonlance (440)" to LetsGetTrivial (479)
-- gives "Kingdoms (436)" to Dspitzle (496)
++ receives "Chez Geek (55)" from joncormier
++ receives "Railroad Tycoon (578)" from Kaizen Zanshin
++ receives "Maharaja (271)" from SybotCB
++ receives "Age of Exploration (568)" from mcpranno
minmin : (2 trades)
-- gives "To Court the King (194)" to EvilTimmy (130)
-- gives "ZÈRTZ (193)" to evilone (376)
++ receives "Arena Maximus (148)" from Jezztek
++ receives "Oasis (131)" from atimrogers
MK-Ultra71 : (1 trades)
-- gives "Napoleon (102)" to huber (100)
++ receives "I'm the Boss (314)" from Bobby4th
mlvanbie : (0 trades)
moly19 : (1 trades)
-- gives "Ardennes (454)" to gamer-stu (38)
++ receives "Bitter Woods (127)" from EvilTimmy
noname : (1 trades)
-- gives "Fjords (256)" to JeffyJeff (412)
++ receives "Cosmic Encounter (86)" from tuttleboy
otha62 : (0 trades)
OtisBFilthy : (0 trades)
Patt : (0 trades)
pdclose : (1 trades)
-- gives "Carcassonne - The Mini Expansion (352)" to Regai (631)
++ receives "High Society (610)" from sroney
phosrik : (2 trades)
-- gives "Nexus Ops (246)" to weasel (306)
-- gives "Airlines (245)" to mcpranno (568)
++ receives "Metro (623)" from CinMel
++ receives "Rheinländer (219)" from cbrua
Rabbits : (1 trades)
-- gives "Hansa (233)" to EvilTimmy (127)
++ receives "San Marco (78)" from edosan
rayito2702 : (0 trades)
Regai : (3 trades)
-- gives "Cathedral (517)" to CortexBomb (190)
-- gives "Outside the Scope of BGG (631)" to homiefud (444)
-- gives "Cleopatra and the Society of Architects (518)" to Bobby4th (312)
++ receives "Outside the Scope of BGG (366)" from davidchujr
++ receives "Carcassonne - The Mini Expansion (352)" from pdclose
++ receives "Big City (614)" from schlappy
richtoosoon : (1 trades)
-- gives "Rum & Pirates (189)" to tgbruiser (592)
++ receives "Don (414)" from JeffyJeff
Roger Yim : (0 trades)
Rokkr : (2 trades)
-- gives "Conan Collectible Card Game (186)" to DrFlanagan (49)
-- gives "RoboRally - Armed and Dangerous (154)" to Jezztek (147)
++ receives "Railroad Tycoon (196)" from jamesdavis
++ receives "Age of Steam (638)" from craniac
roujin27 : (1 trades)
-- gives "Pirate's Cove (173)" to LoMa (393)
++ receives "Quo Vadis? (278)" from mcross
Samuraicat : (0 trades)
schlappy : (3 trades)
-- gives "Masons (465)" to mevitale (35)
-- gives "Big City (614)" to Regai (518)
-- gives "Risk 2210 A.D. (464)" to mcpranno (566)
++ receives "Samurai (35)" from mevitale
++ receives "La Città (115)" from Jeff
++ receives "Shadows over Camelot (132)" from WeirdBal
shawn_low : (1 trades)
-- gives "Fire and Axe: A Viking Saga (175)" to gamegrl2 (329)
++ receives "Wiz-War (392)" from wjohnston
Sheylon : (0 trades)
sigmazero13 : (0 trades)
silvers211games : (0 trades)
Smilinbrax : (0 trades)
sos1 : (2 trades)
-- gives "Das Schloss (17)" to cbrua (218)
-- gives "Duel of Ages Set 2 - Intensity (45)" to filnari (275)
++ receives "M (81)" from huber
++ receives "Outside the Scope of BGG (356)" from laiernie
sparr0 : (0 trades)
sroney : (2 trades)
-- gives "Buried Treasure (609)" to davidchujr (526)
-- gives "High Society (610)" to pdclose (352)
++ receives "Beyond Balderdash (26)" from carl67lp
++ receives "Bridges of Shangri-La, The (205)" from wkusau
Stas : (3 trades)
-- gives "Jambo (511)" to wjohnston (554)
-- gives "Tower of Babel (513)" to edosan (78)
-- gives "Himalaya (510)" to Jeff (116)
++ receives "Break the Safe (425)" from tweetlebeetle
++ receives "Hacienda (493)" from lmnop
++ receives "Torres (603)" from tgbruiser
SybotCB : (1 trades)
-- gives "Maharaja (271)" to Migmeister (440)
++ receives "Relationship Tightrope (412)" from JeffyJeff
tanglewoodtree : (1 trades)
-- gives "Hera & Zeus (636)" to ElZappo (629)
++ receives "Hobbit, The (448)" from homiefud
terryble : (0 trades)
tgbruiser : (3 trades)
-- gives "Ticket to Ride Europe (592)" to Boomer (576)
-- gives "Tempus (607)" to JeffyJeff (410)
-- gives "Torres (603)" to Stas (510)
++ receives "Rum & Pirates (189)" from richtoosoon
++ receives "Scepter of Zavandor, The (140)" from dcorban
++ receives "Edel, Stein & Reich (485)" from themilkcrate
TheEbonyTurtle : (0 trades)
themilkcrate : (1 trades)
-- gives "Edel, Stein & Reich (485)" to tgbruiser (603)
++ receives "Tempus (192)" from CortexBomb
tornadog : (0 trades)
toucana : (1 trades)
-- gives "Taj Mahal (80)" to WeirdBal (137)
++ receives "Niagara (478)" from LetsGetTrivial
tuttleboy : (2 trades)
-- gives "Cosmic Encounter (86)" to noname (256)
-- gives "Hoity Toity (85)" to hbj79 (95)
++ receives "RoboRally (218)" from cbrua
++ receives "Wiz-War (363)" from lawmama
tweetlebeetle : (2 trades)
-- gives "Wise and Otherwise (430)" to AlexBrown (180)
-- gives "Break the Safe (425)" to Stas (511)
++ receives "Amun-Re (543)" from cmpterman2
++ receives "Iliade (58)" from bkindt
UsanaChris : (2 trades)
-- gives "Tsuro (460)" to Boomer (581)
-- gives "Bohnanza (462)" to Verbalcody (54)
++ receives "Outside the Scope of BGG (583)" from Boomer
++ receives "Devil Bunny Needs a Ham (160)" from davido
Verbalcody : (1 trades)
-- gives "Settlers of Catan, The (54)" to wjohnston (384)
++ receives "Bohnanza (462)" from UsanaChris
Vydar : (0 trades)
Waylander1 : (1 trades)
-- gives "ZÈRTZ (397)" to evilone (379)
++ receives "Marvin Marvel’s Marvelous Marble Machine (184)" from AlexBrown
weasel : (4 trades)
-- gives "Oasis (302)" to huber (99)
-- gives "Last Frontier: The Vesuvius Incident (306)" to atimrogers (124)
-- gives "Chainsaw Warrior (300)" to ZargonDDG (177)
-- gives "Last Frontier: The Vesuvius Incident (296)" to atimrogers (131)
++ receives "Magalon (566)" from mcpranno
++ receives "Nexus Ops (246)" from phosrik
++ receives "Outside the Scope of BGG (587)" from Boomer
++ receives "Outside the Scope of BGG (99)" from huber
WeirdBal : (2 trades)
-- gives "Aladdin's Dragons (137)" to dcorban (140)
-- gives "Shadows over Camelot (132)" to schlappy (464)
++ receives "Taj Mahal (80)" from toucana
++ receives "Thurn and Taxis (470)" from JeffyJeff
wjohnston : (4 trades)
-- gives "Cosmic Encounter (384)" to davidchujr (343)
-- gives "China (385)" to artfuldodge2 (341)
-- gives "Andromeda (554)" to laiernie (356)
-- gives "Wiz-War (392)" to shawn_low (175)
++ receives "Settlers of Catan, The (54)" from Verbalcody
++ receives "Reef, The (490)" from lmnop
++ receives "Jambo (511)" from Stas
++ receives "Outside the Scope of BGG (586)" from Boomer
wkusau : (1 trades)
-- gives "Bridges of Shangri-La, The (205)" to sroney (610)
++ receives "Dungeon Twister - Paladins & Dragons (479)" from LetsGetTrivial
YellowLab : (0 trades)
ZargonDDG : (1 trades)
-- gives "Monsters Menace America (177)" to arsenic (399)
++ receives "Chainsaw Warrior (300)" from weasel
1313 Dead End Drive (22) [carl67lp]
1835 (117) [Jeff]
2038 (567) [mcpranno]
3-D Labyrinth (23) [carl67lp]
3quence (593) [Bagherra]
4th Dimension (594) [Bagherra]
7 Ages (41) [sos1]
Aces at Dawn (320) [kentreuber]
Acquire (330) [artfuldodge2]
Afrika (476) [citizen k]
Age of Mythology: The Boardgame (126) [EvilTimmy]
Age of Steam (237) [Rabbits]
Alhambra (108) [eknauer]
Antiquity (91) [huber]
Apples to Apples (73) [edosan]
Apples to Apples Junior (109) [eknauer]
Apprentice Game, The (369) [davidchujr]
Ark of the Covenant, The (164) [davido]
Arkham Horror (595) [Bagherra]
Arkham Horror (608) [Roger Yim]
Atlanteon (316) [Bobby4th]
Atlantic Star (93) [huber]
Attika (88) [tuttleboy]
Augsburg 1520 (6) [dyfrgi]
Awful Green Things from Outer Space, The (59) [joncormier]
Axis and Allies (1) [Dspitzle]
Axis and Allies (279) [jamesdavis]
Backgammon (451) [LoMa]
Balderdash (24) [carl67lp]
Bang! (25) [carl67lp]
Banque Fatale (215) [cbrua]
Basari (419) [JeffyJeff]
Baseball Strategy (187) [Kwebec]
Batman Begins: Shadow Assault (375) [davidchujr]
Battle Cry (224) [cbrua]
Battle Cry of Freedom (209) [sos1]
Battle for Endor (295) [tornadog]
Battles & Leaders (169) [mi_de]
Bazaar (79) [edosan]
Beat the Experts (368) [davidchujr]
Bell-Bottomed Badassses on the Mean Streets of Funk (284) [Lothartvni]
Beowulf: The Legend (622) [gashlycrumb]
Berserker Halflings from the Dungeon of Dragons (285) [Lothartvni]
Betrayal at House on the Hill (39) [OtisBFilthy]
Betrayal at House on the Hill (70) [TheEbonyTurtle]
Blind Justice (403) [coolio]
Boggle (572) [dyfrgi]
Bohnanza (558) [fanaka66]
Bohnanza (544) [cmpterman2]
Bootleggers (60) [Smilinbrax]
Borodino: Battle of the Moskova, 1812 (183) [Kwebec]
Bosworth (394) [LoMa]
Bridges of Shangri-La, The (421) [JeffyJeff]
Brotherhood, the (242) [larryjrice]
Bucket King, The (429) [tweetlebeetle]
Candamir: The First Settlers (74) [edosan]
Carcassonne (153) [Jezztek]
Carcassonne (307) [jpbartleby]
Carcassonne (87) [tuttleboy]
Carcassonne (498) [BigdaddyTR]
Carcassonne (428) [tweetlebeetle]
Carcassonne (406) [JeffyJeff]
Carcassonne - Hunters and Gatherers (407) [JeffyJeff]
Carcassonne - The City (254) [gcbrowni]
Castle Merchants (422) [JeffyJeff]
Cathedral (398) [LoMa]
China (532) [davidchujr]
Chrononauts (538) [Dan Manfredini]
Citadels (347) [martinlamotheqc]
Citadels (157) [dcorban]
Citadels (547) [cmpterman2]
Civilization (165) [davido]
Civilization (290) [mlvanbie]
Clocktowers (28) [carl67lp]
Coda (72) [ezradenney]
Coloretto (598) [tgbruiser]
Colossal Arena (552) [fanaka66]
Consequential (299) [sparr0]
Consequential (298) [sparr0]
Consequential (297) [sparr0]
Conspiracy (452) [carl67lp]
Cranium (417) [JeffyJeff]
Cranium Hoopla (197) [OtisBFilthy]
Cranium The Family Fun Game (198) [OtisBFilthy]
Cronberg (600) [tgbruiser]
Cults Across America (214) [cbrua]
Cults Across America (380) [evilone]
DaVinci's Challenge (336) [davidchujr]
Dead Man's Treasure (519) [Regai]
Dead Man's Treasure (533) [davidchujr]
Detroit-Cleveland Grand Prix (597) [Bagherra]
Die Macher (468) [JeffyJeff]
Die Macher (459) [UsanaChris]
Dinosaurs Extinct? (529) [davidchujr]
Diplomacy (559) [carl67lp]
Diplomacy (230) [Samuraicat]
Diplomacy (151) [Jezztek]
Diplomacy (50) [Patt]
Don't Quote Me - Sports Illustrated Edition (528) [davidchujr]
Don't Quote Me - TV Guide Edition (333) [davidchujr]
Downtown: Air War Over Hanoi, 1965-1972 (249) [DrFlanagan]
Dreamblade (310) [CapAp]
Duel of Ages Set 1 - Worldspanner (355) [laiernie]
Duel of Ages Set 1 - Worldspanner (46) [sos1]
Duel of Ages Set 3 - Vast Horizons (44) [sos1]
Dune (62) [Bagherra]
Dune (391) [artfuldodge2]
Dungeon Twister (61) [bkindt]
Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures (273) [mcross]
El Caballero (238) [Rabbits]
Elasund: The First City of Catan (113) [Jeff]
Electronic Battleship Advanced Mission (531) [davidchujr]
Empires in Arms (489) [mi_de]
Employee of the Month (206) [wkusau]
End of the Triumvirate, The (152) [dcorban]
Enemy in Sight (615) [artfuldodge2]
Entdecker - Exploring New Horizons (340) [artfuldodge2]
Entdecker - Exploring New Horizons (390) [LoMa]
Euphrates & Tigris Card Game (170) [mi_de]
EVE: The Second Genesis CCG (201) [crappyjacks]
Express (135) [WeirdBal]
Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen, the (433) [jpbartleby]
Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen, the (210) [sos1]
Face of Battle, The (321) [kentreuber]
Fairy Tale (545) [cmpterman2]
Familienbande (420) [JeffyJeff]
Family Business (494) [Migmeister]
Fantasy Business (348) [martinlamotheqc]
Fearsome Floors (52) [Patt]
Field Command (18) [sos1]
Firepower (101) [hbj79]
Fish Eat Fish (542) [Dan Manfredini]
Fist of Dragonstones (569) [dyfrgi]
Fist of Dragonstones (318) [kentreuber]
Football Strategy (29) [carl67lp]
For the People (240) [larryjrice]
Formula Dé Circuits 9 & 10 - Estoril & Interlagos (634) [noname]
France 1944: The Allied Crusade in Europe (111) [wjohnston]
Fresh Fish (16) [cypar7]
Friedrich (226) [shawn_low]
Fury of Dracula (251) [loquitur]
Fury of Dracula, The (259) [CapAp]
Fussball-Taktik 2006 (308) [Waylander1]
Gammarauders (447) [homiefud]
Gammarauders (260) [CapAp]
Gang of Four (176) [shawn_low]
Gastérospeed (185) [AlexBrown]
Gnip Gnop (168) [joewyka]
Gnumies, The (577) [mcpranno]
Go (443) [LoMa]
Goa (10) [cypar7]
Goal Line Stand (48) [sos1]
Gobblet (434) [LoMa]
Godsfire (163) [davido]
Golden Deuce (374) [davidchujr]
Golden Deuce (382) [carl67lp]
Goldrausch Kalifornien 1849 (563) [mcpranno]
GOLO (288) [jpbartleby]
Grand National Derby (293) [silvers211games]
Greed Quest (449) [homiefud]
Guardians (439) [Migmeister]
Hammer's Slammers (404) [coolio]
Head-To-Head Poker (373) [davidchujr]
Hero Clix (276) [mcross]
Hero Clix (506) [beezwax]
Hero Clix (628) [ElZappo]
HeroQuest (515) [artfuldodge2]
HeroScape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie (258) [noname]
HeroScape: Crest of the Valkyrie (Flagbearer series) (524) [davidchujr]
HeroScape: Crest of the Valkyrie (Flagbearer series) (523) [davidchujr]
HeroScape: Crest of the Valkyrie (Flagbearer series) (342) [davidchujr]
HeroScape: Crest of the Valkyrie (Flagbearer series) (525) [davidchujr]
Hive (53) [FlyingArrow]
Hoity Toity (619) [toucana]
Hoity Toity (136) [WeirdBal]
Hoity Toity (408) [JeffyJeff]
I'm the Boss (409) [JeffyJeff]
I'm the Boss (222) [cbrua]
I'm the Boss (65) [Bagherra]
Image (122) [atimrogers]
Imperial (112) [Jeff]
Imperium, 3rd Millennium (337) [davidchujr]
India Rails (471) [JeffyJeff]
Industria (191) [CortexBomb]
Industria (232) [Rabbits]
James Bond Secret Agent 007 Game (602) [Bagherra]
John Carter: Warlord of Mars (387) [DrFlanagan]
Jungle Speed (549) [cmpterman2]
Kahuna (349) [martinlamotheqc]
Khet: The Laser Game (8) [dyfrgi]
King Me! (159) [dcorban]
King Me! (411) [JeffyJeff]
King's Gate (319) [kentreuber]
King's Gate (322) [citizen k]
Knightmare Chess (400) [adamdynris]
Knights of Charlemagne (223) [cbrua]
Kremlin (241) [larryjrice]
Krumble (216) [cbrua]
König Artus Tafelrunde (625) [mlvanbie]
Labyrinth Card Game (199) [jamesdavis]
Lawless (291) [silvers211games]
Legie (171) [mi_de]
Leonardo da Vinci (150) [dcorban]
Let's Go Hiking (244) [phosrik]
Liar's Dice (488) [themilkcrate]
Liar's Dice (30) [sos1]
Loopin' Louie (507) [leroy]
Loopin' Louie (272) [mcross]
Loopin' Louie (274) [mcross]
Lord of the Fries (351) [pdclose]
Lord of the Rings (495) [Migmeister]
Lord of the Rings (21) [FlyingArrow]
Lord of the Rings (134) [WeirdBal]
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Board Game (207) [wkusau]
Lords Of The Middle Sea (561) [mcpranno]
Lost Valley (486) [themilkcrate]
Louis XIV (47) [OtisBFilthy]
Lucky Loop (534) [davidchujr]
Mad Gab (520) [Regai]
Magefire (571) [mcpranno]
Magic: The Gathering CCG (432) [adamdynris]
Magic: The Gathering CCG (516) [YellowLab]
Magier von Pangea, die (221) [cbrua]
Mall World (92) [huber]
Mammoth Hunters (228) [Drew1365]
Man O' War (590) [mcpranno]
Mare Nostrum (311) [Hangman]
Master Labyrinth (325) [citizen k]
Merchant of Venus (63) [Bagherra]
Metro (466) [JeffyJeff]
Meuterer (14) [dyfrgi]
Mhing (75) [edosan]
Middle-Earth CCG (378) [evilone]
Miscellaneous Game Accessory (389) [silvers211games]
Mission : Red Planet (66) [OtisBFilthy]
Modern Art (145) [dcorban]
Modern Naval Battles (104) [hbj79]
Mogul (620) [gashlycrumb]
Monkeys on the Moon (458) [FlyingArrow]
Monkeys on the Moon (161) [davido]
Mr. President (257) [CapAp]
Multilingo (527) [davidchujr]
Munchkin (144) [dcorban]
Munchkin (125) [Vydar]
Munchkin (575) [Kaizen Zanshin]
Munchkin Fu (261) [CapAp]
Mystery Rummy: Jack the Ripper (512) [Stas]
Mythos (627) [mlvanbie]
Mü und Mehr (548) [cmpterman2]
Nanofictionary (178) [ZargonDDG]
Napoleon (98) [hbj79]
Netrunner (292) [silvers211games]
Nexus Ops (84) [tuttleboy]
Nexus Ops (555) [hbsvb]
Nexus Ops (535) [cmpterman2]
Nexus Ops (416) [JeffyJeff]
Nexus Ops (281) [hardcel]
Nexus Ops (250) [mbuckingham]
Niagara (11) [JasonRMax]
Niagara (76) [edosan]
Niagara (27) [FlyingArrow]
Nightmare On Elm Street, A: The Game (315) [Bobby4th]
Ninja Burger (431) [tweetlebeetle]
Ninja Galaxy (172) [mi_de]
Ninja Galaxy (264) [sigmazero13]
Oasis (423) [JeffyJeff]
Oasis (133) [WeirdBal]
Orient Express (573) [mcpranno]
Oriente (301) [sparr0]
Outside the Scope of BGG (580) [Boomer]
Outside the Scope of BGG (361) [Lothartvni]
Outside the Scope of BGG (502) [homiefud]
Outside the Scope of BGG (364) [davidchujr]
Outside the Scope of BGG (637) [tanglewoodtree]
Outside the Scope of BGG (579) [Boomer]
Outside the Scope of BGG (266) [Drew1365]
Outside the Scope of BGG (438) [OtisBFilthy]
Outside the Scope of BGG (630) [Regai]
Outside the Scope of BGG (362) [Lothartvni]
Outside the Scope of BGG (265) [Drew1365]
Outside the Scope of BGG (200) [jamesdavis]
Outside the Scope of BGG (475) [JeffyJeff]
Outside the Scope of BGG (346) [gamer-stu]
Outside the Scope of BGG (360) [Lothartvni]
Outside the Scope of BGG (365) [davidchujr]
Outside the Scope of BGG (501) [homiefud]
Palazzo (121) [jlebak]
Panzer Blitz (243) [phosrik]
Panzer Leader (36) [gamer-stu]
Parthenon: Rise of the Aegean (231) [richtoosoon]
Paydirt (483) [BakeliteTM]
PeaceBowl (328) [gamegrl2]
Pepper (303) [sparr0]
Phoenix (551) [hbsvb]
Pillars of the Earth, The (89) [huber]
Pirate's Cove (77) [edosan]
Pirates of the Spanish Main (305) [TheEbonyTurtle]
Pirates of the Spanish Main (359) [Lothartvni]
PitchCar (457) [ericfaris]
Pizza Box Football (139) [Sheylon]
Pizza Box Football (521) [Regai]
Pizza Box Football (69) [ezradenney]
Pizza Box Football (304) [weasel]
Plague! (253) [gcbrowni]
Poker (472) [JeffyJeff]
Poker (537) [davidchujr]
Primordial Soup (37) [OtisBFilthy]
Project KGB - The Secret Formula (220) [cbrua]
Psyche-Paths (550) [fanaka66]
Puerto Rico (424) [JeffyJeff]
Puerto Rico (570) [Kaizen Zanshin]
Quarto! (624) [mlvanbie]
Quest for the Dragonlords (247) [phosrik]
Quirks (64) [Bagherra]
Quo Vadis? (267) [kentreuber]
Quoridor (32) [carl67lp]
Ra (617) [gashlycrumb]
Racer Knights of Falconus (633) [Dspitzle]
Rail Baron (481) [beezwax]
Railroad Dice (9) [cypar7]
Rapid Recall (212) [minmin]
Razzia! (40) [OtisBFilthy]
Reef Encounter (611) [sroney]
Regatta (331) [artfuldodge2]
Relationship Tightrope (202) [crappyjacks]
Res Publica (282) [hardcel]
Return of the Heroes (142) [dcorban]
Return of the Heroes (141) [Sheylon]
Rheinländer (338) [davidchujr]
Rheinländer (146) [ForbiddenDonuts]
Richelieu (616) [gashlycrumb]
Risk - The Lord of the Rings (446) [homiefud]
Risk -- Star Wars: The Clone Wars Edition (334) [davidchujr]
Risk -- Star Wars: The Clone Wars Edition (386) [cuzzle]
RoboRally (51) [FlyingArrow]
RoboRally (339) [davidchujr]
RoboRally (283) [Lothartvni]
Rocketville (461) [UsanaChris]
Rogue Trooper (441) [Migmeister]
Rumis (105) [eknauer]
Runebound - Battlemage Character Deck (309) [Waylander1]
Saga (395) [crappyjacks]
San Marco (353) [laiernie]
Santy Anno (327) [gamegrl2]
Saratoga (181) [Kwebec]
Seafarers of Catan, The (138) [rayito2702]
Serenissima (505) [chemist]
Settlers of Catan Card Game, The (15) [JasonRMax]
Settlers of Catan Card Game, The (110) [wjohnston]
Settlers of Catan, The (463) [schlappy]
Settlers of Catan, The (426) [tweetlebeetle]
Settlers of Catan, The (372) [davidchujr]
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective (405) [artfuldodge2]
Shipwrecked (128) [EvilTimmy]
Siena (234) [Rabbits]
Siena (166) [joewyka]
Sim City - The Card Game (350) [martinlamotheqc]
Sirocco (106) [hbj79]
Sleuth (546) [cmpterman2]
Somewhere in the Rockies (574) [mcpranno]
Songburst 70's & 80's Edition (605) [Bagherra]
Spite & Malice (370) [davidchujr]
Squad Leader (67) [Bagherra]
Squint (20) [sos1]
Stage II (2) [Dspitzle]
Stalingrad Pocket (455) [moly19]
Star Fleet Battles (118) [jlebak]
Star Wars - Epic Duels (289) [mlvanbie]
Star Wars - Epic Duels (450) [homiefud]
Star Wars Miniatures (508) [beezwax]
Star Wars Miniatures (277) [mcross]
Station Master (418) [JeffyJeff]
Stephenson's Rocket (509) [beezwax]
Strata 5 (469) [schlappy]
Streetcar (606) [tgbruiser]
Struggle of Empires (71) [ezradenney]
Succession: Intrigue in the Royal Court (68) [ezradenney]
Sunken City (203) [cuzzle]
Tales of the Arabian Nights (120) [atimrogers]
Techno Witches (82) [huber]
Tempus (345) [adamdynris]
Testimony of Jacob Hollow, the (156) [Rokkr]
The Authentic DaVinci Dilemma (474) [JeffyJeff]
The Original Sudoku Game (371) [davidchujr]
This Terrible Sound (560) [mcpranno]
Through the Desert (43) [OtisBFilthy]
Through the Desert (143) [dcorban]
Ticket to Ride Europe (42) [OtisBFilthy]
Tigris & Euphrates (294) [tornadog]
Tongiaki (413) [JeffyJeff]
Tongiaki (344) [cuzzle]
Tongiaki (556) [hbsvb]
Torres (324) [citizen k]
Tri-Umph (103) [MK-Ultra71]
Tribes (612) [artfuldodge2]
Triopoly (211) [minmin]
Trivial Pursuit (562) [Stas]
Trivial Pursuit - 20th Anniversary Edition (381) [evilone]
Trivial Pursuit - Book Lover's Edition (473) [JeffyJeff]
Trivial Pursuit - Star Wars, Classic Edition (445) [homiefud]
Trivial Pursuit DVD Star Wars Saga Edition (539) [davidchujr]
Trivial Pursuit for Kids DVD Game (530) [davidchujr]
Tyrus (158) [Rokkr]
Union Pacific (326) [disclamer]
Up Front (497) [Jezztek]
Upwords (96) [MK-Ultra71]
Valley of the Mammoths (613) [terryble]
Vanished Planet (255) [CapAp]
Vegas Showdown (553) [hbsvb]
Vegas Showdown (536) [cmpterman2]
Vegas Showdown (415) [JeffyJeff]
Vegas Showdown (179) [TheEbonyTurtle]
Vinci (114) [Jeff]
Vinci (487) [themilkcrate]
VisualEyes (635) [lmnop]
War of the Ring (514) [tweetlebeetle]
War of the States: Gettysburg, 1863 (456) [moly19]
War! Age of Imperialism (270) [SybotCB]
Warcraft - The Boardgame (268) [kentreuber]
Warhammer Fantasy Battle (467) [homiefud]
Warhammer Quest (522) [Regai]
Warlock of Firetop Mountain, the (604) [Bagherra]
Warrior Knights (564) [mcpranno]
Warrior Knights (287) [jpbartleby]
What's It To Ya? (541) [cmpterman2]
Willow Game, The (217) [cbrua]
Wizard Kings (83) [tuttleboy]
Wizard Kings (235) [larryjrice]
Wizard Kings (626) [mlvanbie]
Wizard's Quest (482) [otha62]
Word Jam (34) [carl67lp]
Wordrop (167) [joewyka]
World in War: Combined Arms 1939-1945 (565) [mcpranno]
World War II: Barbarossa to Berlin (188) [Kwebec]
Z-G (174) [shawn_low]
ZigZag (236) [larryjrice]