# These WANTS loaded directly by the OLWLG # Fri Jul 15 20:07:08 2022 #+ Geeklist: Math Trade PRESENCIAL JULHO 2022 - SÃO PAULO - Meeples Mazorqueiros De Cachecol #+ ... https://www.boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/301175 #+ Owner: RConsonni #+ Item count: 331 #+ Users with items: 36 #! ALLOW-DUMMIES #! REQUIRE-COLONS #! REQUIRE-USERNAMES #! HIDE-NONTRADES #! SHOW-ELAPSED-TIME #! SEED=123456 #! METRIC=Users-Trading # MISSING 4 WANTS (1.2%) FROM 1 USER(s) (2.7%): # MestredosPinceis (4) !BEGIN-OFFICIAL-NAMES 9053823 ==> 1. "Carpe Diem" (from RConsonni) 9053858 ==> 2. "Brass: Lancashire" (from zemacaco) 9053859 ==> 3. "Discoveries: The Journals of Lewis & Clark" (from zemacaco) 9053860 ==> 4. "Alt Name: TORRE DADOS Crystal Gamegenic" (from zemacaco) 9053930 ==> 5. "For Sale" (from Bandlindao) 9053938 ==> 6. "[dp6]" (from Bandlindao) 9053940 ==> 7. "Pandemic: Fall of Rome" (from Bandlindao) 9053946 ==> 8. "Alt Name: Bad Bones e DeepSix" (from Bandlindao) 9053951 ==> 9. "Arkham Horror: The Card Game – The Dunwich Legacy: Investigator Expansion" (from Bandlindao) 9053956 ==> 10. "Cartographers Heroes" (from Bandlindao) 9053961 ==> 11. "Fort" (from Bandlindao) 9053964 ==> 12. "Blue Lagoon" (from Bandlindao) 9053967 ==> 13. "Nidavellir" (from Bandlindao) 9053972 ==> 14. "Zombicide: 2nd Edition" (from Bandlindao) 9053974 ==> 15. "Don't L.L.A.M.A. Dice" (from Bandlindao) 9053979 ==> 16. "Alt Name: lhama dados e cartografos herois" (from Bandlindao) 9053980 ==> 17. "Tigris & Euphrates" (from Bandlindao) 9054001 ==> 18. "Alt Name: Sherlock 13 Fuga do Zoo Pocket Detective C" (from Bandlindao) 9054004 ==> 19. "Flick 'em Up!" (from Bandlindao) 9054023 ==> 20. "Planet Steam" (from BrunoMagus) 9054026 ==> 21. "13 Clues" (from BrunoMagus) 9054028 ==> 22. "Caçadores da Galáxia" (from BrunoMagus) 9054029 ==> 23. "Santa Maria" (from BrunoMagus) 9054031 ==> 24. "Little Town" (from BrunoMagus) 9054037 ==> 25. "Cryptid" (from BrunoMagus) 9054039 ==> 26. "7 Wonders" (from BrunoMagus) 9054041 ==> 27. "Grasse" (from BrunoMagus) 9054042 ==> 28. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from BrunoMagus) 9054044 ==> 29. "Wingspan" (from BrunoMagus) 9054096 ==> 30. "Caylus Magna Carta" (from RConsonni) 9054098 ==> 31. "Dice City" (from RConsonni) 9054104 ==> 32. "Elfenland" (from RConsonni) 9054105 ==> 33. "Eminent Domain" (from RConsonni) 9054106 ==> 34. "Epic Resort" (from RConsonni) 9054107 ==> 35. "Alt Name: PACOTE COM 2 JOGOS (SMALLWORLD OF WARCRAFT e ANCIENT TERRIBLE THINGS)" (from Jownie) 9054108 ==> 36. "Key Flow" (from RConsonni) 9054109 ==> 37. "Clash of Cultures" (from edu rocha) 9054110 ==> 38. "Legends of Empires" (from RConsonni) 9054112 ==> 39. "Thief's Market" (from edu rocha) 9054113 ==> 40. "Die Macher" (from RConsonni) 9054117 ==> 41. "Mercado" (from RConsonni) 9054120 ==> 42. "Mice and Mystics" (from RConsonni) 9054122 ==> 43. "Robo Rally" (from RConsonni) 9054123 ==> 44. "Ticket to Ride: Europe – 15th Anniversary" (from RConsonni) 9054125 ==> 45. "Trains" (from RConsonni) 9054126 ==> 46. "Ticket to Ride: Europe" (from edu rocha) 9054128 ==> 47. "Wok Star (3rd Edition)" (from RConsonni) 9054129 ==> 48. "Löwenherz" (from RConsonni) 9054130 ==> 49. "Alt Name: 1692" (from RConsonni) 9054131 ==> 50. "Alchemists" (from RConsonni) 9054133 ==> 51. "Compounded" (from RConsonni) 9054134 ==> 52. "Steampunk Rally Fusion" (from RConsonni) 9054135 ==> 53. "New Angeles" (from RConsonni) 9054136 ==> 54. "Power Grid: Factory Manager" (from RConsonni) 9054137 ==> 55. "Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig" (from RConsonni) 9054138 ==> 56. "AquaSphere" (from RConsonni) 9054139 ==> 57. "Alt Name: R$450,00" (from RConsonni) 9054140 ==> 58. "Alt Name: R$300,00" (from RConsonni) 9054141 ==> 59. "First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet" (from RConsonni) 9054142 ==> 60. "Rialto" (from RConsonni) 9054145 ==> 61. "Sluff Off!" (from RConsonni) 9054146 ==> 62. "Founders of Gloomhaven" (from RConsonni) 9054147 ==> 63. "Grasse" (from RConsonni) 9054149 ==> 64. "Subdivision" (from RConsonni) 9054150 ==> 65. "Tao Long: The Way of the Dragon" (from RConsonni) 9054151 ==> 66. "Alhambra: Big Box" (from RConsonni) 9054153 ==> 67. "Room 25" (from RConsonni) 9054154 ==> 68. "The Oracle of Delphi" (from RConsonni) 9054155 ==> 69. "Summoner Wars: Master Set" (from RConsonni) 9054156 ==> 70. "Dungeon Petz" (from RConsonni) 9054157 ==> 71. "Zombicide Season 3: Rue Morgue" (from zemacaco) 9054158 ==> 72. "Klunker" (from RConsonni) 9054163 ==> 73. "TransAmerica" (from RConsonni) 9054165 ==> 74. "Michael Strogoff" (from RConsonni) 9054168 ==> 75. "The Princes of Florence" (from RConsonni) 9054169 ==> 76. "First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express!" (from RConsonni) 9054170 ==> 77. "Paladins of the West Kingdom" (from RConsonni) 9054185 ==> 78. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from edu rocha) 9054215 ==> 79. "Terraforming Mars" (from zemacaco) 9054270 ==> 80. "Dwar7s Fall: Royal Decrees" (from zemacaco) 9054601 ==> 81. "San Juan (Second Edition)" (from darkmante) 9055252 ==> 82. "Viticulture Essential Edition" (from Besson00) 9055255 ==> 83. "Calico" (from Besson00) 9055264 ==> 84. "Plague Inc.: The Board Game" (from Besson00) 9055267 ==> 85. "Rallyman: GT" (from Besson00) 9055269 ==> 86. "Paperback" (from Besson00) 9055270 ==> 87. "CuBirds" (from Besson00) 9055271 ==> 88. "L.L.A.M.A." (from Besson00) 9055275 ==> 89. "Alt Name: Combo jogos papergames" (from Besson00) 9055276 ==> 90. "Spyfall" (from Besson00) 9055277 ==> 91. "Kingdomino" (from Besson00) 9055280 ==> 92. "Tikal" (from Besson00) 9055288 ==> 93. "Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers" (from Besson00) 9055915 ==> 94. "Breaking Bad: The Board Game" (from lucmetal) 9055935 ==> 95. "T.I.M.E Stories" (from lucmetal) 9055940 ==> 96. "Die Legenden von Andor: Chada & Thorn" (from lucmetal) 9057179 ==> 97. "Anachrony" (from Besson00) 9057204 ==> 98. "Os Incríveis Parques de Miss Liz" (from RConsonni) 9058342 ==> 99. "Citadels: The Dark City" (from Bandlindao) 9061033 ==> 100. "Exodus: Proxima Centauri" (from alexgama) 9061041 ==> 101. "Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game" (from alexgama) 9061106 ==> 102. "Dwar7s Fall" (from tomdesigner3d) 9061126 ==> 103. "Fields of Green" (from tomdesigner3d) 9061138 ==> 104. "Stay Away!" (from tomdesigner3d) 9061147 ==> 105. "Race for the Galaxy" (from tomdesigner3d) 9061154 ==> 106. "New York Zoo" (from tomdesigner3d) 9061162 ==> 107. "Scarabya" (from tomdesigner3d) 9062154 ==> 108. "Charterstone" (from darkmante) 9062160 ==> 109. "Terminator Genisys: Rise of the Resistance" (from darkmante) 9062179 ==> 110. "Fallout" (from darkmante) 9062183 ==> 111. "Ticket to Ride: London" (from darkmante) 9062184 ==> 112. "Zona Mágica" (from darkmante) 9062187 ==> 113. "Legends of Andor" (from darkmante) 9062196 ==> 114. "Dominant Species" (from APonce911) 9062204 ==> 115. "Colt Super Express" (from APonce911) 9062205 ==> 116. "Modern Art" (from APonce911) 9062213 ==> 117. "Alt Name: Pacote Civilization(2010) + Expansão Fame and Fortune" (from APonce911) 9062216 ==> 118. "Comic Hunters" (from APonce911) 9062429 ==> 119. "Kingsburg (Second Edition)" (from RConsonni) 9062439 ==> 120. "Pay Dirt" (from RConsonni) 9062440 ==> 121. "Great Western Trail" (from Lokyjack) 9062441 ==> 122. "Mice and Mystics" (from Lokyjack) 9062442 ==> 123. "Abyss" (from Lokyjack) 9062443 ==> 124. "Kingdom Builder" (from Lokyjack) 9062444 ==> 125. "Scythe" (from Lokyjack) 9062445 ==> 126. "The Voyages of Marco Polo" (from Lokyjack) 9062446 ==> 127. "Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age" (from RConsonni) 9062447 ==> 128. "The Big Book of Madness" (from Lokyjack) 9062449 ==> 129. "Dino Escape" (from Lokyjack) 9062450 ==> 130. "Alt Name: GOT Thief's Market" (from Lokyjack) 9062451 ==> 131. "Alt Name: Sherlock 13 + Thief's Market" (from Lokyjack) 9062452 ==> 132. "Shakespeare: Sonhos de um Bardo" (from Lokyjack) 9062454 ==> 133. "Whistle Stop" (from BrunoMagus) 9062474 ==> 134. "Not Alone" (from Lokyjack) 9062475 ==> 135. "Otys" (from Lokyjack) 9062476 ==> 136. "Puerto Rico" (from Lokyjack) 9062477 ==> 137. "Five Tribes" (from Lokyjack) 9062482 ==> 138. "Carcassonne" (from Lokyjack) 9062484 ==> 139. "Skytear" (from Lokyjack) 9062509 ==> 140. "Eldritch Horror" (from Lokyjack) 9063072 ==> 141. "Alt Name: Pacote de expansões para Vinhos Deluxe" (from RConsonni) 9063100 ==> 142. "Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – Slave I Expansion Pack" (from darkmante) 9063134 ==> 143. "Lords of Hellas" (from vanpericles) 9063136 ==> 144. "Deckscape: Heist in Venice" (from vanpericles) 9063141 ==> 145. "God of War: The Card Game" (from vanpericles) 9063145 ==> 146. "Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization" (from vanpericles) 9063156 ==> 147. "Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra" (from vanpericles) 9063160 ==> 148. "Munchkin Panic" (from vanpericles) 9063171 ==> 149. "Reykholt" (from vanpericles) 9063172 ==> 150. "A Feast for Odin" (from vanpericles) 9063174 ==> 151. "Arcadia Quest: Riders" (from vanpericles) 9063940 ==> 152. "Agricola: Family Edition" (from Kcovi) 9063946 ==> 153. "Whistle Stop" (from lhoram) 9063948 ==> 154. "A Tale of Pirates" (from lhoram) 9063967 ==> 155. "UBOOT: The Board Game" (from lhoram) 9063974 ==> 156. "Moa" (from lhoram) 9063976 ==> 157. "Tiny Epic Dinosaurs" (from Kcovi) 9063978 ==> 158. "Paris" (from lhoram) 9063981 ==> 159. "Chronicles of Crime" (from lhoram) 9063983 ==> 160. "Ex Libris" (from lhoram) 9063985 ==> 161. "Civilization: A New Dawn" (from lhoram) 9063991 ==> 162. "Cleopatra and the Society of Architects: Deluxe Edition" (from lhoram) 9063995 ==> 163. "Paranormal Detectives" (from lhoram) 9064001 ==> 164. "Bios: Genesis" (from lhoram) 9064003 ==> 165. "Medici" (from lhoram) 9064008 ==> 166. "Tiny Towns" (from lhoram) 9064009 ==> 167. "Orcs Orcs Orcs" (from lhoram) 9064010 ==> 168. "Odyssey: Wrath of Poseidon" (from lhoram) 9064011 ==> 169. "Reavers of Midgard" (from lhoram) 9064022 ==> 170. "Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu" (from Kcovi) 9064040 ==> 171. "Brass: Birmingham" (from RConsonni) 9064052 ==> 172. "Pets" (from brunobms85) 9064054 ==> 173. "Piratas! (3ª Edição)" (from brunobms85) 9064056 ==> 174. "Dogs: Card Game" (from brunobms85) 9064060 ==> 175. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from brunobms85) 9064062 ==> 176. "Medievalia" (from brunobms85) 9064064 ==> 177. "Comic Hunters" (from brunobms85) 9064068 ==> 178. "Coimbra" (from Kcovi) 9064416 ==> 179. "Monolith: The Strategy Game" (from sledesma) 9064417 ==> 180. "PÜNCT" (from sledesma) 9064450 ==> 181. "At the Gates of Loyang" (from sledesma) 9064461 ==> 182. "New Frontiers" (from alexsanderpena) 9064478 ==> 183. "Villagers" (from alexsanderpena) 9064481 ==> 184. "Horrified" (from alexsanderpena) 9064683 ==> 185. "Capital Lux" (from sledesma) 9064882 ==> 186. "Amerigo" (from sledesma) 9064885 ==> 187. "Seasons" (from alexsanderpena) 9065014 ==> 188. "Cube Quest" (from alexsanderpena) 9065085 ==> 189. "Fertility" (from alexsanderpena) 9065088 ==> 190. "5211" (from alexsanderpena) 9065089 ==> 191. "Scythe" (from sledesma) 9065295 ==> 192. "Manhattan" (from sledesma) 9065296 ==> 193. "Blue Moon City" (from sledesma) 9065578 ==> 194. "Reavers of Midgard" (from tomdesigner3d) 9065690 ==> 195. "Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition" (from MarceloDSilveira) 9065692 ==> 196. "Onitama" (from MarceloDSilveira) 9065703 ==> 197. "Rhino Hero: Super Battle" (from MarceloDSilveira) 9065716 ==> 198. "Anachrony" (from MarceloDSilveira) 9065717 ==> 199. "Gorinto" (from MarceloDSilveira) 9065969 ==> 200. "Vossa Excelência: O Jogo Político" (from Bandlindao) 9066070 ==> 201. "Colt Express" (from luistnk) 9066072 ==> 202. "Discoveries: The Journals of Lewis & Clark" (from luistnk) 9066073 ==> 203. "Seven Bridges" (from luistnk) 9066078 ==> 204. "Tsukiji" (from luistnk) 9066080 ==> 205. "Café Express" (from luistnk) 9066083 ==> 206. "Hadara" (from luistnk) 9066084 ==> 207. "Village Green" (from luistnk) 9066087 ==> 208. "Jester" (from luistnk) 9066089 ==> 209. "UNDO: Cherry Blossom Festival" (from luistnk) 9066091 ==> 210. "Thief's Market" (from luistnk) 9066094 ==> 211. "Carcassonne: Safari" (from luistnk) 9066098 ==> 212. "Race for the Galaxy" (from zemacaco) 9066101 ==> 213. "North American Railways" (from lhoram) 9066105 ==> 214. "Pocket Imperium" (from lhoram) 9066120 ==> 215. "7 Wonders (Second Edition)" (from Alejandromazz) 9066126 ==> 216. "Kingdomino" (from Alejandromazz) 9066130 ==> 217. "4 Gods" (from Alejandromazz) 9066136 ==> 218. "Queendomino" (from Alejandromazz) 9066149 ==> 219. "Lorenzo il Magnifico" (from The PCC) 9066150 ==> 220. "Century: Eastern Wonders" (from The PCC) 9066151 ==> 221. "Dive" (from tamirestuh) 9066152 ==> 222. "Vast: The Crystal Caverns" (from The PCC) 9066153 ==> 223. "Artus" (from The PCC) 9066157 ==> 224. "Small World of Warcraft" (from Jownie) 9066159 ==> 225. "Ancient Terrible Things" (from Jownie) 9066163 ==> 226. "Alt Name: PACOTAO 8 JOGOS !!!" (from The PCC) 9066164 ==> 227. "Quoridor" (from The PCC) 9066168 ==> 228. "Noria" (from tamirestuh) 9066170 ==> 229. "River Dragons" (from tamirestuh) 9066171 ==> 230. "Flourish" (from tamirestuh) 9066173 ==> 231. "Stuffed Fables" (from Tatiane) 9066176 ==> 232. "Dragon Castle" (from sledesma) 9066177 ==> 233. "Cantaloop: Book 1 – Breaking into Prison" (from tamirestuh) 9066178 ==> 234. "Colt Super Express" (from tamirestuh) 9066179 ==> 235. "Frogriders" (from tamirestuh) 9066180 ==> 236. "Futuropia" (from sledesma) 9066182 ==> 237. "Meeple Heist" (from sledesma) 9066183 ==> 238. "Spyrium" (from sledesma) 9066190 ==> 239. "Alt Name: Pacote de Jogos" (from tamirestuh) 9066231 ==> 240. "Vampire: The Masquerade – Vendetta" (from MestredosPinceis) 9066271 ==> 241. "Red Rising" (from MestredosPinceis) 9066293 ==> 242. "Tabannusi: Builders of Ur" (from MestredosPinceis) 9066305 ==> 243. "Colors of Paris" (from MestredosPinceis) 9066374 ==> 244. "Peaky Blinders: Birmingham Domain" (from pokelinguissa) 9066375 ==> 245. "Hippo" (from pokelinguissa) 9066377 ==> 246. "Capital Lux" (from pokelinguissa) 9066380 ==> 247. "Zombie Dice" (from pokelinguissa) 9066382 ==> 248. "Race for the Galaxy" (from pokelinguissa) 9066389 ==> 249. "Eldritch Horror" (from pokelinguissa) 9066475 ==> 250. "Dominaedro" (from sledesma) 9066509 ==> 251. "Pirate Den" (from Over9thousand) 9066525 ==> 252. "Tiki Topple" (from MarceloDSilveira) 9066536 ==> 253. "On the Underground: London/Berlin" (from MarceloDSilveira) 9066541 ==> 254. "Ticket to Ride: Rails & Sails" (from MarceloDSilveira) 9066567 ==> 255. "Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game" (from Over9thousand) 9066577 ==> 256. "Patuscada" (from RafaelSales) 9066580 ==> 257. "Encantados (Second Edition)" (from RafaelSales) 9066582 ==> 258. "Sushi Go!" (from RafaelSales) 9066584 ==> 259. "Imagine" (from RafaelSales) 9066586 ==> 260. "Pandemic" (from RafaelSales) 9066587 ==> 261. "Harvest Dice" (from RafaelSales) 9066590 ==> 262. "Muse" (from RafaelSales) 9066591 ==> 263. "Ticket to Ride" (from RafaelSales) 9066592 ==> 264. "Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game" (from Over9thousand) 9066593 ==> 265. "Ticket to Ride: Europe" (from RafaelSales) 9066595 ==> 266. "Bärenpark" (from RafaelSales) 9066597 ==> 267. "Deception: Murder in Hong Kong" (from RafaelSales) 9066598 ==> 268. "Paranormal Detectives" (from RafaelSales) 9066599 ==> 269. "Paris: La Cité de la Lumière" (from RafaelSales) 9066602 ==> 270. "Concept" (from RafaelSales) 9066603 ==> 271. "Dream On!" (from RafaelSales) 9066604 ==> 272. "New York 1901" (from RafaelSales) 9066605 ==> 273. "Seven Bridges" (from RafaelSales) 9066607 ==> 274. "Viral" (from RafaelSales) 9066610 ==> 275. "Spyfall" (from RafaelSales) 9066611 ==> 276. "InBetween" (from RafaelSales) 9066614 ==> 277. "The Bloody Inn" (from RafaelSales) 9066615 ==> 278. "Marvel Villainous: Infinite Power" (from Over9thousand) 9066616 ==> 279. "Maracaibo" (from Over9thousand) 9066617 ==> 280. "Meeple Towers" (from Over9thousand) 9066619 ==> 281. "Panic Lab" (from Over9thousand) 9066621 ==> 282. "New World: A Carcassonne Game" (from RafaelSales) 9066623 ==> 283. "Imperium: Classics" (from Over9thousand) 9066626 ==> 284. "CIV: Carta Impera Victoria" (from RafaelSales) 9066628 ==> 285. "The Cook-off" (from RafaelSales) 9066629 ==> 286. "Blacksmith Brothers" (from RafaelSales) 9066634 ==> 287. "Lagoon: Land of Druids" (from RafaelSales) 9066638 ==> 288. "Pit Formula" (from RafaelSales) 9066641 ==> 289. "Shadows over the Empire" (from RafaelSales) 9066644 ==> 290. "Space Cantina" (from RafaelSales) 9066646 ==> 291. "O Último Grande Campeão" (from RafaelSales) 9066647 ==> 292. "Zombie 15'" (from RafaelSales) 9066650 ==> 293. "Ticket to Ride: Europe – 15th Anniversary" (from RafaelSales) 9066657 ==> 294. "Exoplanets" (from RafaelSales) 9066662 ==> 295. "Vye: The Card Game of Capture and Control" (from RafaelSales) 9066666 ==> 296. "Atlandice" (from RafaelSales) 9066667 ==> 297. "Meteor" (from RafaelSales) 9066668 ==> 298. "Dragons & Chickens" (from RafaelSales) 9066673 ==> 299. "Banana Bandits" (from RafaelSales) 9066675 ==> 300. "Sprawlopolis" (from RafaelSales) 9066693 ==> 301. "La Granja" (from askpui) 9066708 ==> 302. "Altiplano" (from askpui) 9066726 ==> 303. "Dominion (Second Edition)" (from Over9thousand) 9066727 ==> 304. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from juliogarou) 9066728 ==> 305. "Luchador! Mexican Wrestling Dice" (from Over9thousand) 9066729 ==> 306. "Heat" (from Over9thousand) 9066731 ==> 307. "Magic Maze" (from Over9thousand) 9066734 ==> 308. "The Godfather: Corleone's Empire" (from talkingwaffle) 9066739 ==> 309. "Lords of Hellas" (from juliogarou) 9066746 ==> 310. "A Game of Thrones: The Card Game" (from talkingwaffle) 9066760 ==> 311. "Five Tribes" (from Over9thousand) 9066765 ==> 312. "Zombicide" (from talkingwaffle) 9066767 ==> 313. "SeaFall" (from talkingwaffle) 9066771 ==> 314. "Apex K-Truck Racer" (from Amabili) 9066773 ==> 315. "Bunny Kingdom" (from Tompinheiro) 9066775 ==> 316. "Eldritch Horror" (from talkingwaffle) 9066777 ==> 317. "Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game" (from talkingwaffle) 9066778 ==> 318. "Michael Strogoff" (from Amabili) 9066779 ==> 319. "Cacao" (from Tompinheiro) 9066782 ==> 320. "Codenames" (from talkingwaffle) 9066783 ==> 321. "Dogs: Card Game" (from Amabili) 9066784 ==> 322. "Coimbra" (from Tompinheiro) 9066786 ==> 323. "Altiplano" (from FabioBarreira) 9066788 ==> 324. "Small World of Warcraft" (from uiuz3ra) 9066789 ==> 325. "Camel Up (Second Edition)" (from FabioBarreira) 9066790 ==> 326. "Kingdom Builder: Big Box" (from Tompinheiro) 9066792 ==> 327. "Caverna: Cave vs Cave" (from Amabili) 9066793 ==> 328. "Fields of Green" (from FabioBarreira) 9066794 ==> 329. "Stroganov" (from uiuz3ra) 9066796 ==> 330. "Sereias" (from Amabili) 9066799 ==> 331. "The Manhattan Project: Chain Reaction" (from Amabili) !END-OFFICIAL-NAMES #pragma user "alejandromazz" # Confirmation code: K41J5thj/sPNggnQTiM1Rg # Fri Jul 15 15:52:34 2022 # (alejandromazz) %ComHun : 9062216 9064064 # (alejandromazz) %DTJoLC : 9053859 9066072 # (alejandromazz) %FivTri : 9062477 9066760 # (alejandromazz) %SWoW : 9066157 9066788 # (alejandromazz) %TtRE1A : 9054123 9066650 # 7 Wonders (Second Edition) (alejandromazz) 9066120 : 9062196 9057179 9054109 9065690 9066734 9054139 %TtRE1A # Kingdomino (alejandromazz) 9066126 : 9062196 9057179 9054109 9065690 9066734 9054139 %TtRE1A 9055252 %FivTri 9053858 9062445 9066616 9064481 9066083 9054140 %SWoW 9066790 9066305 9062205 9054170 9055255 9063156 9053964 9054107 9066607 %ComHun 9065717 9066629 # 4 Gods (alejandromazz) 9066130 : 9062196 9057179 9054109 9065690 9066734 9054139 %TtRE1A 9055252 %FivTri 9053858 9062445 9066616 9064481 9066083 9054140 %SWoW 9066790 9066305 9062205 9054170 9055255 9063156 9053964 9054107 9066607 %ComHun 9065717 9066629 9053930 9066595 9066597 9062509 9066604 9066794 9054031 9055270 9066078 9064054 # Queendomino (alejandromazz) 9066136 : 9062196 9057179 9054109 9065690 9066734 9054139 %TtRE1A 9055252 %FivTri 9053858 9062445 9066616 9064481 9066083 9054140 %SWoW 9066790 9066305 #pragma user "alexgama" # Confirmation code: kaGsvaMGa5YwIfICK1Y07A # Thu Jul 14 10:42:57 2022 # (alexgama) %Anach : 9057179 9065716 # Exodus: Proxima Centauri (alexgama) 9061033 : %Anach # Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game (alexgama) 9061041 : %Anach 9054170 9053972 #pragma user "alexsanderpena" # Confirmation code: 6nLwAFNHsBcjq6mBd1nE1A # Fri Jul 15 15:32:54 2022 # New Frontiers (alexsanderpena) 9064461 : 9064040 9064882 9054123 9066650 # Villagers (alexsanderpena) 9064478 : 9064040 9064882 9054123 9066650 9063172 9054139 # Horrified (alexsanderpena) 9064481 : 9064040 9064882 9054123 9066650 9063172 9063145 9053858 9054109 9054139 9062444 9065089 9062477 9066760 9062441 9062445 9066616 9054113 9054151 9066536 9054107 9062213 9063991 9066157 9066788 9062484 # Seasons (alexsanderpena) 9064885 : 9064040 9064882 9054123 9066650 9063172 # Cube Quest (alexsanderpena) 9065014 : 9064040 9064882 9054123 9066650 9063172 9063145 9053858 9054109 9054139 9062444 9065089 9062477 9066760 9062441 9062445 9066616 9054113 9054151 9066536 9054107 9062213 9063991 9066157 9066788 9062484 9054215 9054044 9066593 9066773 9066149 9054131 9065692 9062442 9062187 9066789 9066731 9053823 9053961 9054154 9054163 9066599 9054138 9054108 9054142 9066794 9054122 9066164 9063995 9054134 # Fertility (alexsanderpena) 9065085 : 9064040 9064882 9054123 9066650 9063172 9063145 9053858 9054109 # 5211 (alexsanderpena) 9065088 : 9064040 9064882 9054123 9066650 9063172 9063145 9053858 9054109 9054139 9062444 9065089 9062477 9066760 9062441 9062445 9066616 9054113 9054151 9066536 9054107 9062213 9063991 9066157 9066788 9062484 9054215 9054044 9066593 9066773 9066149 9054131 9065692 9062442 9062187 9066789 9066731 9053823 9053961 9054154 9054163 9066599 9054138 9054108 9054142 9066794 9054122 9066164 9063995 9054134 9055252 9062440 9053980 9054039 9062205 9054156 9066597 9054170 9066591 9066586 9064068 9066784 9053967 9064008 9054037 9063981 9055255 9066708 9066786 9062154 9066083 9063156 9063134 9066739 9066623 9054029 9054169 9064022 9054125 9062476 9054601 9066176 9065690 9065703 9062429 9063978 9053964 9066541 9066602 9055267 9054140 9054185 9066163 9066271 9064001 9054141 9055264 9055270 9062216 9064064 9066171 9062183 9066120 9066615 9054146 9066231 9063940 9055940 #pragma user "Amabili" # Confirmation code: 9R7v8SfIU6rWOp5agnRcCQ # Fri Jul 15 18:55:18 2022 # (Amabili) %Anach : 9057179 9065716 # (Amabili) %Grasse : 9054041 9054147 # (Amabili) %WhiSto : 9062454 9063946 # Apex K-Truck Racer (Amabili) 9066771 : 9063172 9062444 9062196 %Anach 9066149 9064882 9054154 9054138 9054139 9054142 9066794 9066293 # Michael Strogoff (Amabili) 9066778 : 9063172 9062444 9062196 %Anach 9066149 9064882 9054154 9054138 9054139 9054142 9066794 9066293 9053823 9054140 9065717 %Grasse # Dogs: Card Game (Amabili) 9066783 : 9063172 9062444 9062196 %Anach 9066149 9064882 9054154 9054138 9054139 9054142 9066794 9066293 9053823 9054140 9065717 %Grasse 9061154 9053964 9066595 %WhiSto 9053979 # Caverna: Cave vs Cave (Amabili) 9066792 : 9063172 9062444 9062196 %Anach 9066149 9064882 9054154 9054138 9054139 9054142 9066794 9066293 9053823 9054140 9065717 %Grasse 9061154 9053964 # Sereias (Amabili) 9066796 : 9063172 9062444 9062196 %Anach 9066149 9064882 9054154 9054138 9054139 9054142 9066794 9066293 9053823 9054140 9065717 %Grasse 9061154 9053964 9066595 %WhiSto 9053979 9066599 9063171 9055270 9066305 # The Manhattan Project: Chain Reaction (Amabili) 9066799 : 9063172 9062444 9062196 %Anach 9066149 9064882 9054154 9054138 9054139 9054142 9066794 9066293 9053823 9054140 9065717 %Grasse 9061154 9053964 9066595 %WhiSto 9053979 9066599 9063171 9055270 9066305 #pragma user "APonce911" # Confirmation code: FBSPAdaCMhbUhkKKlKziUg # Wed Jul 13 08:08:48 2022 # Dominant Species (APonce911) 9062196 : 9057179 9065716 9062509 9054123 9066650 # Colt Super Express (APonce911) 9062204 : 9057179 9065716 9062509 9054123 9066650 9066726 9053972 9062477 9066760 9053940 9055267 9063991 9066595 9055280 9065692 9054037 9053964 9054104 9054122 9066170 9065296 # Modern Art (APonce911) 9062205 : 9057179 9065716 9062509 9054123 9066650 9066726 9053972 9062477 9066760 9053940 9055267 9063991 # Alt Name: Pacote Civilization(2010) + Expansão Fame and Fortune (APonce911) 9062213 : 9057179 9065716 9062509 9054123 9066650 9066726 9053972 # Comic Hunters (APonce911) 9062216 : 9057179 9065716 9062509 9054123 9066650 9066726 9053972 9062477 9066760 9053940 9055267 9063991 9066595 9055280 9065692 9054037 9053964 9054104 9054122 9066170 #pragma user "askpui" # Confirmation code: P-yuPOFrUEjbxoSitKhIBQ # Fri Jul 15 15:31:07 2022 # La Granja (askpui) 9066693 : 9054215 9063172 9065089 9064040 9055252 9063145 9054170 9063134 9053961 9063978 9054153 9065578 9066157 9053972 9063940 # Altiplano (askpui) 9066708 : 9054215 9063172 9065089 9064040 9055252 9063145 9054170 9063134 9053961 9063978 9054153 9065578 9066157 9053972 9063940 #pragma user "bandlindao" # Confirmation code: ViIbTZJOJH4g-GqbaYAVRA # Fri Jul 15 18:09:28 2022 # For Sale (bandlindao) 9053930 : 9057179 9062509 9063172 9064040 9055252 9053858 9066616 9066389 9066789 9054109 9064022 9063978 9055267 9054107 9054139 9054140 9063991 9066157 9066305 9054123 9066650 9055255 9062179 9061154 9066773 9065703 9066607 9065717 9061106 # [dp6] (bandlindao) 9053938 : 9057179 9062509 9063172 9064040 9055252 9053858 9066616 9066389 9066789 9054109 9064022 9063978 9055267 9054107 9054139 9054140 9063991 9066157 9066305 9054123 9066650 9055255 9062179 9061154 9066773 9065703 9066607 9065717 9061106 9062183 9061162 # Pandemic: Fall of Rome (bandlindao) 9053940 : 9057179 9062509 9063172 9064040 9055252 9053858 9066616 9066389 9066789 9054109 9064022 9063978 9055267 9054107 9054139 9054140 9063991 9066157 9066305 9054123 9066650 # Alt Name: Bad Bones e DeepSix (bandlindao) 9053946 : # Arkham Horror: The Card Game – The Dunwich Legacy: Investigator Expansion (bandlindao) 9053951 : # Cartographers Heroes (bandlindao) 9053956 : 9057179 9062509 9063172 9064040 9055252 9053858 9066616 9066389 9066789 9054109 9064022 9063978 9055267 9054107 9054139 9054140 9063991 9066157 9066305 9054123 9066650 9055255 9062179 9061154 9066773 9065703 9066607 9065717 9061106 9062183 9061162 # Fort (bandlindao) 9053961 : # Blue Lagoon (bandlindao) 9053964 : 9057179 9062509 9063172 9064040 9055252 9053858 9066616 9066389 9066789 9054109 9064022 9063978 9055267 9054107 9054139 9054140 9063991 9066157 9066305 9054123 9066650 9055255 9062179 # Nidavellir (bandlindao) 9053967 : # Zombicide: 2nd Edition (bandlindao) 9053972 : 9057179 9062509 # Don't L.L.A.M.A. Dice (bandlindao) 9053974 : 9057179 9062509 9063172 9064040 9055252 9053858 9066616 9066389 9066789 9054109 9064022 9063978 9055267 9054107 9054139 9054140 9063991 9066157 9066305 9054123 9066650 9055255 9062179 9061154 9066773 9065703 9066607 9065717 9061106 9062183 9061162 # Alt Name: lhama dados e cartografos herois (bandlindao) 9053979 : 9057179 9062509 9063172 9064040 9055252 9053858 9066616 9066389 9066789 9054109 9064022 9063978 9055267 9054107 9054139 9054140 9063991 9066157 9066305 9054123 9066650 9055255 9062179 9061154 # Tigris & Euphrates (bandlindao) 9053980 : 9057179 9062509 9063172 9064040 9055252 9053858 9066616 9066389 9066789 9054109 9064022 9063978 9055267 9054107 9054139 9054140 9063991 9066157 9066305 9054123 9066650 9055255 9062179 9061154 9066773 9065703 # Alt Name: Sherlock 13 Fuga do Zoo Pocket Detective C (bandlindao) 9054001 : 9057179 9062509 9063172 9064040 9055252 9053858 9066616 9066389 9066789 9054109 9064022 9063978 9055267 9054107 9054139 9054140 9063991 9066157 9066305 9054123 9066650 9055255 9062179 9061154 9066773 9065703 9066607 9065717 9061106 9062183 9061162 # Flick 'em Up! (bandlindao) 9054004 : 9057179 9062509 9063172 9064040 9055252 9053858 9066616 9066389 9066789 9054109 9064022 9063978 9055267 9054107 9054139 9054140 9063991 9066157 9066305 9054123 9066650 9055255 9062179 9061154 9066773 9065703 9066607 9065717 9061106 # Citadels: The Dark City (bandlindao) 9058342 : 9057179 9062509 9063172 9064040 9055252 9053858 9066616 9066389 9066789 9054109 9064022 9063978 9055267 9054107 9054139 9054140 9063991 9066157 9066305 9054123 9066650 9055255 9062179 9061154 9066773 9065703 9066607 9065717 9061106 9062183 9061162 # Vossa Excelência: O Jogo Político (bandlindao) 9065969 : 9057179 9062509 9063172 9064040 9055252 9053858 9066616 9066389 9066789 9054109 9064022 9063978 9055267 9054107 9054139 9054140 9063991 9066157 9066305 9054123 9066650 9055255 9062179 9061154 9066773 9065703 9066607 9065717 9061106 9062183 9061162 #pragma user "besson00" # Confirmation code: sslfj8JHra5YiD8l-Dlh5w # Fri Jul 15 18:59:51 2022 # Viticulture Essential Edition (besson00) 9055252 : 9065716 9054123 9066650 9065089 9053972 9064040 9062196 9066293 9063172 9066734 9054139 9062477 9066760 9066567 9066592 9064461 9066541 9066794 9066726 9063991 9066616 9064481 9064885 9064450 9053823 # Calico (besson00) 9055255 : 9065716 9054123 9066650 9065089 9053972 9064040 9062196 9066293 9063172 9066734 9054139 9062477 9066760 9066567 9066592 9064461 9066541 9066794 9066726 9063991 9063134 9066616 9054044 9064481 9066120 9064885 9064450 9053823 9053858 9066739 9054138 9054108 9054140 9054142 9054023 9063940 9054153 9054215 9066157 9054134 9054170 9066591 9066593 9066731 9065690 9066647 9064001 9054141 # Plague Inc.: The Board Game (besson00) 9055264 : # Rallyman: GT (besson00) 9055267 : 9065716 9054123 9066650 9065089 9053972 9064040 9062196 9066293 9063172 9066734 9054139 9062477 9066760 9066567 9066592 9064461 9066541 9066794 9066726 9063991 9063134 9066616 9054044 9064481 9066120 9064885 9064450 9053823 9053858 9066739 9054138 9054108 9054140 9054142 9054023 9063940 9054153 9054215 9066157 9054134 9054170 9066591 9066593 9066731 9065690 9054163 9066647 9064001 9054141 # Paperback (besson00) 9055269 : 9065716 9054123 9066650 9065089 9053972 9064040 9062196 9066293 9063172 9066734 9054139 9062477 9066760 9066567 9066592 9064461 9066541 9066794 9066726 9063991 9063134 9066616 9054044 9064481 9066120 9064885 9064450 9053823 9053858 9066739 9054138 9054108 9054140 9054142 9054023 9063940 9054153 9054215 9066157 9054134 9054170 9066591 9066593 9066731 9065690 9064022 9054125 9053940 9054163 9053967 9066789 9063156 9054105 9066536 9066271 9066171 9066629 9054041 9054147 9066693 9054039 9066597 9064008 9053961 9066153 9066151 9066647 9066586 9062216 9064064 9061154 9066170 9066621 9066662 9064001 9054141 # CuBirds (besson00) 9055270 : 9065716 9054123 9066650 9065089 9053972 9064040 9062196 9066293 9063172 9066734 9054139 9062477 9066760 9066567 9066592 9064461 9066541 9066794 9066726 9063991 9063134 9066616 9054044 9064481 9066120 9064885 9064450 9053823 9053858 9066739 9054138 9054108 9054140 9054142 9054023 9063940 9054153 9054215 9066157 9054134 9054170 9066591 9066593 9066731 9065690 9064022 9054125 9053940 9054163 9053967 9066789 9063156 9054105 9066536 9066271 9066171 9066629 9054041 9054147 9065578 9066693 9054039 9066597 9064008 9053961 9066153 9066151 9066647 9066586 9062216 9064064 9061154 9066170 9066621 9066662 9064011 9065703 9062482 9066595 9066617 9064001 9054141 # L.L.A.M.A. (besson00) 9055271 : 9065716 9054123 9066650 9065089 9053972 9064040 9062196 9066293 9063172 9066734 9054139 9062477 9066760 9066567 9066592 9064461 9066541 9066794 9066726 9063991 9063134 9066616 9054044 9064481 9066120 9064885 9064450 9053823 9053858 9066739 9054138 9054108 9054140 9054142 9054023 9063940 9054153 9054215 9066157 9054134 9054170 9066591 9066593 9066731 9065690 9064022 9054125 9053940 9054163 9053967 9066789 9063156 9054105 9066536 9066271 9066171 9066629 9054041 9054147 9065578 9066693 9054039 9066597 9064008 9053961 9066153 9066151 9066647 9066586 9062216 9064064 9061154 9066170 9066621 9066662 9064011 9065703 9062482 9066595 9066617 9064478 9065014 9065088 9053930 9066582 9053974 9061147 9066728 9066619 9064001 9054141 9063976 9053938 # Alt Name: Combo jogos papergames (besson00) 9055275 : 9065716 9054123 9066650 9065089 9053972 9064040 9062196 9066293 9063172 9066734 9054139 9062477 9066760 9066567 9066592 9064461 9066541 9066794 9066726 9063991 9063134 9066616 9054044 9064481 9066120 9064885 9064450 9053823 9053858 9066739 9054138 9054108 9054140 9054142 9054023 9054153 9054170 9064001 9054141 # Spyfall (besson00) 9055276 : 9065716 9054123 9066650 9065089 9053972 9064040 9062196 9066293 9063172 9066734 9054139 9062477 9066760 9066567 9066592 9064461 9066541 9066794 9066726 9063991 9063134 9066616 9054044 9064481 9066120 9064885 9064450 9053823 9053858 9066739 9054138 9054108 9054140 9054142 9054023 9063940 9054153 9054215 9066157 9054134 9054170 9066591 9066593 9066731 9065690 9064022 9054125 9053940 9054163 9053967 9066789 9063156 9054105 9066536 9066271 9066171 9066629 9054041 9054147 9066693 9054039 9066597 9064008 9053961 9066153 9066151 9066647 9066586 9062216 9064064 9061154 9066170 9066621 9066662 9065703 9062482 9064001 9054141 # Kingdomino (besson00) 9055277 : 9065716 9054123 9066650 9065089 9053972 9064040 9062196 9066293 9063172 9066734 9054139 9062477 9066760 9066567 9066592 9064461 9066541 9066794 9066726 9063991 9063134 9066616 9054044 9064481 9066120 9064885 9064450 9053823 9053858 9066739 9054138 9054108 9054140 9054142 9054023 9063940 9054153 9054215 9066157 9054134 9054170 9066591 9066593 9066731 9065690 9064022 9054125 9053940 9054163 9053967 9066789 9063156 9054105 9066536 9066271 9066171 9066629 9054041 9054147 9065578 9066693 9054039 9066597 9064008 9053961 9066153 9066151 9066647 9066586 9062216 9064064 9061154 9066170 9066621 9066662 9064011 9065703 9062482 9064001 9054141 # Tikal (besson00) 9055280 : 9065716 9054123 9066650 9065089 9053972 9064040 9062196 9066293 9063172 9066734 9054139 9062477 9066760 9066567 9066592 9064461 9066541 9066794 9066726 9063991 9063134 9066616 9054044 9064481 9066120 9064885 9064450 9053823 9053858 9066739 9054138 9054108 9054140 9054142 9054023 9063940 9054153 9054215 9066157 9054134 9054170 9066591 9066593 9066731 9065690 9064022 9054125 9053940 9054163 9053967 9066789 9063156 9054105 9066536 9066271 9066171 9066629 9054041 9054147 9066693 9054039 9066597 9064008 9053961 9066153 9066151 9066647 9066586 9062216 9064064 9064001 9054141 # Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers (besson00) 9055288 : 9065716 9054123 9066650 9065089 9053972 9064040 9062196 9066293 9063172 9066734 9054139 9062477 9066760 9066567 9066592 9064461 9066541 9066794 9066726 9063991 9063134 9066616 9054044 9064481 9066120 9064885 9064450 9053823 9053858 9066739 9054138 9054108 9054140 9054142 9054023 9063940 9054153 9054215 9066157 9054134 9054170 9066591 9066593 9066731 9065690 9064022 9054125 9053940 9054163 9053967 9066789 9063156 9054105 9066536 9066271 9066171 9066629 9054041 9054147 9066693 9054039 9066597 9064008 9053961 9066153 9066151 9066647 9064001 9054141 # Anachrony (besson00) 9057179 : #pragma user "brunobms85" # Confirmation code: q15bc1BY/ENP6MP-m/z86Q # Wed Jul 13 18:06:57 2022 # Pets (brunobms85) 9064052 : 9062477 9066760 9066591 9054126 9066593 9055280 9066789 9054123 9066595 9054037 9064481 9066170 # Piratas! (3ª Edição) (brunobms85) 9064054 : 9062477 9066760 9066591 9054126 9066593 9055280 9066789 9054123 9066595 9054037 9064481 9066170 9053930 9053974 # Dogs: Card Game (brunobms85) 9064056 : 9062477 9066760 9066591 9054126 9066593 9055280 9066789 9054123 9066595 9054037 9064481 9066170 9053930 9053974 # Outside the Scope of BGG (brunobms85) 9064060 : 9062477 9066760 9066591 9054126 9066593 9055280 9066789 9054123 9066595 9054037 9064481 9066170 9053930 9053974 # Medievalia (brunobms85) 9064062 : 9062477 9066760 9066591 9054126 9066593 9055280 9066789 9054123 9066595 9054037 9064481 9066170 9053930 9053974 # Comic Hunters (brunobms85) 9064064 : 9062477 9066760 9066591 9054126 9066593 9055280 9066789 9054123 #pragma user "BrunoMagus" # Confirmation code: X4WHMsNtshJ62VnC0-eawQ # Thu Jul 14 18:51:59 2022 # Planet Steam (BrunoMagus) 9054023 : # 13 Clues (BrunoMagus) 9054026 : 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054131 9054109 9065690 9054139 9066794 9054123 9066650 9062477 9066760 9054170 9054126 9066593 9066789 9062476 9054140 9053961 # Caçadores da Galáxia (BrunoMagus) 9054028 : 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054131 9054109 9065690 9054139 9066794 9054123 9066650 9062477 9066760 9054170 9054126 9066593 9066789 9062476 9054140 9053961 # Santa Maria (BrunoMagus) 9054029 : 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054131 9054109 9065690 9054139 9066794 9054123 9066650 9062477 9066760 9054170 9054126 9066593 9066789 9062476 9054140 9053961 # Little Town (BrunoMagus) 9054031 : 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054131 9054109 9065690 9054139 9066794 9054123 9066650 9062477 9066760 9054170 9054126 9066593 9066789 9062476 9054140 9053961 # Cryptid (BrunoMagus) 9054037 : 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054131 9054109 9065690 9054139 9066794 9054123 9066650 9062477 9066760 9054170 9054126 9066593 9066789 9062476 9054140 9053961 # 7 Wonders (BrunoMagus) 9054039 : 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054131 9054109 9065690 9054139 9066794 9054123 9066650 9062477 9066760 9054170 9054126 9066593 9066789 9062476 9054140 # Grasse (BrunoMagus) 9054041 : 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054131 9054109 9065690 9054139 9066794 9054123 9066650 # Outside the Scope of BGG (BrunoMagus) 9054042 : 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054131 9054109 9065690 9054139 9066794 9054123 9066650 9062477 9066760 9054170 9054126 9066593 9066789 9062476 9054140 9053961 # Wingspan (BrunoMagus) 9054044 : 9062444 # Whistle Stop (BrunoMagus) 9062454 : 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054131 9054109 9065690 9054139 9066794 9054123 9066650 9062477 9066760 9054170 9054126 9066593 9066789 9062476 9054140 9053961 #pragma user "darkmante" # Confirmation code: pQI4rpx0tE2UNl-vXCox4Q # Wed Jul 13 08:04:36 2022 # San Juan (Second Edition) (darkmante) 9054601 : 9064040 9055252 9054044 9062440 9057179 9053858 9054170 9054039 9055280 9053823 9054151 9062213 9062482 9062443 9055277 9054029 9054137 9066136 9062204 # Charterstone (darkmante) 9062154 : 9064040 9055252 9054044 9062440 9057179 9053858 9054170 9054039 9055280 9053823 9054151 9062213 # Terminator Genisys: Rise of the Resistance (darkmante) 9062160 : 9064040 9055252 9054044 9062440 9057179 9053858 9054170 9054039 9055280 9053823 9054151 9062213 9062482 # Fallout (darkmante) 9062179 : 9064040 9055252 9054044 9062440 9057179 9053858 9054170 9054039 9055280 9053823 9054151 9062213 9062482 # Ticket to Ride: London (darkmante) 9062183 : 9064040 9055252 9054044 9062440 9057179 9053858 9054170 9054039 9055280 9053823 9054151 9062213 9062482 9062443 9055277 9054029 9054137 9066136 9062204 # Zona Mágica (darkmante) 9062184 : 9064040 9055252 9054044 9062440 9057179 9053858 9054170 9054039 9055280 9053823 9054151 9062213 9062482 9062443 9055277 9054029 9054137 9066136 9062204 9055271 9066105 # Legends of Andor (darkmante) 9062187 : 9064040 9055252 9054044 9062440 9057179 9053858 9054170 # Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – Slave I Expansion Pack (darkmante) 9063100 : 9064040 9055252 9054044 9062440 9057179 9053858 9054170 9054039 9055280 9053823 9054151 9062213 9062482 9062443 9055277 9054029 9054137 9066136 #pragma user "edu rocha" # Confirmation code: RFgjmtp7OmIhKQVku-H2aQ # Wed Jul 13 20:10:00 2022 # Clash of Cultures (edu rocha) 9054109 : 9064040 9065716 9066734 9053972 9054123 # Thief's Market (edu rocha) 9054112 : 9064040 9065716 9066734 9053972 9054123 9063172 9062444 9055252 9054044 9062477 9066760 9062196 9057179 9054120 9053858 9062445 9066777 9054156 9054170 9054154 9063978 9054163 9054139 9063991 9053980 9066595 9066597 9064008 9062187 9055255 9066070 9062443 9066126 9063156 9061154 9053940 9053961 9064022 9066779 9062454 9063946 9054151 9062179 9066582 9062160 9066171 9062183 9066587 9062204 9066178 9061162 9066666 # Ticket to Ride: Europe (edu rocha) 9054126 : 9064040 9065716 9066734 9053972 9054123 9063172 9062444 9055252 9054044 9062477 9066760 9062196 9057179 9054120 9053858 9062445 9066777 9054156 9054170 9054154 9063978 9054163 9054139 9063991 # Outside the Scope of BGG (edu rocha) 9054185 : #pragma user "FabioBarreira" # Confirmation code: DDpstQKFs4tGJR8hOvV/gQ # Fri Jul 15 19:05:55 2022 # Altiplano (FabioBarreira) 9066786 : 9064040 9054044 9062196 9054113 9063145 9062445 9055267 # Camel Up (Second Edition) (FabioBarreira) 9066789 : 9064040 9054044 9062196 9054113 # Fields of Green (FabioBarreira) 9066793 : 9064040 9054044 9062196 9054113 9063145 9062445 9055267 9053940 #pragma user "Jownie" # Confirmation code: B3omhAGcdwbZs0u/DahSQA # Tue Jul 12 21:50:50 2022 # Alt Name: PACOTE COM 2 JOGOS (SMALLWORLD OF WARCRAFT e ANCIENT TERRIBLE THINGS) (Jownie) 9054107 : # Small World of Warcraft (Jownie) 9066157 : 9066734 9054139 9066650 9062509 9064040 # Ancient Terrible Things (Jownie) 9066159 : 9064022 9066734 9054139 9054140 9066650 9066593 9066389 9062509 9064040 9063172 #pragma user "juliogarou" # Confirmation code: XppIyXhoULVUoydKLk0NYQ # Thu Jul 14 13:18:15 2022 # Outside the Scope of BGG (juliogarou) 9066727 : 9062444 9065089 9064040 9062509 9053972 # Lords of Hellas (juliogarou) 9066739 : #pragma user "kcovi" # Confirmation code: OdUCiL2DZIwPtq3nfsPTEg # Wed Jul 13 09:34:33 2022 # Agricola: Family Edition (kcovi) 9063940 : 9063172 9062444 9065089 9064040 9054044 9062440 9062477 9066760 9057179 9065716 9053858 9062445 9066616 9054170 9066591 9066739 9053940 9065690 9066734 9066541 9054139 9054140 9053972 9066615 9054123 9066650 9054126 9066593 9066789 9063978 9055267 9066794 9066586 9053967 9054037 9053961 9063985 9066271 9066171 9066120 9066305 9065717 9055915 # Tiny Epic Dinosaurs (kcovi) 9063976 : 9063172 9062444 9065089 9064040 9054044 9062440 9062477 9066760 9057179 9065716 9053858 9062445 9066616 9054170 9066591 9066739 9053940 9065690 9066734 9066541 9054139 9054140 9053972 9066615 9054123 9066650 9054126 9066593 9066789 9063978 9055267 9066794 9066586 9053967 9054037 9053961 9063985 9066271 9066171 9066120 9066305 9065717 9055915 9055277 9066126 9066374 # Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu (kcovi) 9064022 : 9063172 9062444 9065089 9064040 9054044 9062440 9062477 9066760 9057179 9065716 9053858 9062445 9066616 9054170 9066591 9066739 9053940 9065690 9066734 9066541 9054139 9054140 9053972 9066615 9054123 9066650 9054126 9066593 9066789 9063978 9055267 9066794 # Coimbra (kcovi) 9064068 : 9063172 9062444 9065089 9064040 9054044 9062440 9062477 9066760 9057179 9065716 9053858 9062445 9066616 9054170 9066591 9066739 9053940 9065690 9066734 9066541 9054139 9054140 9053972 9066615 9054123 9066650 #pragma user "lhoram" # Confirmation code: gYHvJTwMHl7hjAwJ3kaafQ # Wed Jul 13 08:20:43 2022 # Whistle Stop (lhoram) 9063946 : 9062196 9057179 9066794 9064882 9066734 9065690 9055255 9066623 9066293 9053967 # A Tale of Pirates (lhoram) 9063948 : 9062196 9057179 9066794 9064882 9066734 9065690 9055255 9066623 9066293 9053967 # UBOOT: The Board Game (lhoram) 9063967 : 9062196 9057179 9066794 9064882 9066734 9065690 9055255 9066623 9066293 # Moa (lhoram) 9063974 : 9062196 9057179 9066794 9064882 9066734 9065690 9055255 9066623 9066293 9053967 9053964 9066271 # Paris (lhoram) 9063978 : 9062196 9057179 9066794 # Chronicles of Crime (lhoram) 9063981 : 9062196 9057179 9066794 9064882 9066734 9065690 9055255 9066623 9066293 9053967 # Ex Libris (lhoram) 9063983 : 9062196 9057179 9066794 9064882 9066734 9065690 9055255 9066623 9066293 9053967 9053964 9066271 # Civilization: A New Dawn (lhoram) 9063985 : 9062196 9057179 9066794 9064882 9066734 # Cleopatra and the Society of Architects: Deluxe Edition (lhoram) 9063991 : 9062196 9057179 # Paranormal Detectives (lhoram) 9063995 : 9062196 9057179 9066794 9064882 9066734 9065690 9055255 9066623 9066293 # Bios: Genesis (lhoram) 9064001 : 9062196 9057179 # Medici (lhoram) 9064003 : 9062196 9057179 9066794 9064882 9066734 9065690 9055255 9066623 9066293 9053967 9053964 9066271 # Tiny Towns (lhoram) 9064008 : 9062196 9057179 9066794 9064882 9066734 9065690 # Orcs Orcs Orcs (lhoram) 9064009 : 9062196 9057179 9066794 9064882 9066734 9065690 9055255 9066623 9066293 9053967 9053964 9066271 # Odyssey: Wrath of Poseidon (lhoram) 9064010 : 9062196 9057179 9066794 9064882 9066734 9065690 9055255 9066623 9066293 9053967 9053964 9066271 # Reavers of Midgard (lhoram) 9064011 : 9062196 9057179 9066794 9064882 9066734 # North American Railways (lhoram) 9066101 : 9062196 9057179 9066794 9064882 9066734 9065690 9055255 9066623 9066293 9053967 9053964 9066271 9066084 # Pocket Imperium (lhoram) 9066105 : 9062196 9057179 9066794 9064882 9066734 9065690 9055255 9066623 9066293 9053967 9053964 9066271 9066084 #pragma user "Lokyjack" # Confirmation code: KZwPVRVaLkdYBW9ZSWAd5w # Wed Jul 13 20:38:24 2022 # (Lokyjack) %Coimb : 9064068 9066784 # (Lokyjack) %ComHun : 9062216 9064064 # Great Western Trail (Lokyjack) 9062440 : 9062196 9057179 9065716 9054123 9065089 9064040 9053858 9053823 9064450 9054131 9054109 9054108 9066794 9066790 # Mice and Mystics (Lokyjack) 9062441 : 9062196 9057179 9065716 9054123 9065089 9064040 9053858 9053823 # Abyss (Lokyjack) 9062442 : 9062196 9057179 9065716 9054123 9065089 # Kingdom Builder (Lokyjack) 9062443 : 9062196 9057179 9065716 9054123 9065089 9064040 9053858 9053823 9064450 9054131 9054109 9054108 9066794 9066790 9066760 9064882 9054105 9066779 9054107 %Coimb 9066693 9066623 9065690 9063978 9066271 9064417 9065578 9066305 9066657 9053967 9064008 9062154 9066083 9066595 9066731 9053961 9053964 9066604 9055275 9064011 9054031 %ComHun # Scythe (Lokyjack) 9062444 : # The Voyages of Marco Polo (Lokyjack) 9062445 : 9062196 9057179 9065716 9054123 9065089 9064040 9053858 9053823 9064450 9054131 9054109 9054108 9066794 9066790 9066760 9064882 9054105 9066779 9054107 # The Big Book of Madness (Lokyjack) 9062447 : 9062196 9057179 9065716 9054123 9065089 9064040 9053858 9053823 9064450 9054131 9054109 9054108 9066794 9066790 9066760 9064882 9054105 9066779 9054107 %Coimb 9066693 9066623 9065690 9063978 9066271 9064417 9065578 9066305 9066657 9053967 9064008 9062154 9066083 # Dino Escape (Lokyjack) 9062449 : 9062196 9057179 9065716 9054123 9065089 9064040 9053858 9053823 9064450 9054131 9054109 9054108 9066794 9066790 9066760 9064882 9054105 9066779 9054107 %Coimb 9066693 9066623 9065690 9063978 9066271 9064417 9065578 9066305 9066657 9053967 9064008 9062154 9066083 9066595 9066731 9053961 9053964 9066604 9055275 9064011 9054031 %ComHun 9066136 9063985 9066190 9063983 9066126 9064060 9053859 9063976 9053956 # Alt Name: GOT Thief's Market (Lokyjack) 9062450 : 9062196 9057179 9065716 9054123 9065089 9064040 9053858 9053823 9064450 9054131 9054109 9054108 9066794 9066790 9066760 9064882 9054105 9066779 9054107 %Coimb 9066693 9066623 9065690 9063978 9066271 9064417 9065578 9066305 9066657 9053967 9064008 9062154 9066083 9066595 9066731 9053961 9053964 9066604 9055275 9064011 9054031 %ComHun 9066136 9063985 9066190 # Alt Name: Sherlock 13 + Thief's Market (Lokyjack) 9062451 : 9062196 9057179 9065716 9054123 9065089 9064040 9053858 9053823 9064450 9054131 9054109 9054108 9066794 9066790 9066760 9064882 9054105 9066779 9054107 %Coimb 9066693 9066623 9065690 9063978 9066271 9064417 9065578 9066305 9066657 9053967 9064008 9062154 9066083 9066595 9066731 9053961 9053964 9066604 9055275 9064011 9054031 %ComHun 9066136 9063985 9066190 9063983 9066126 9064060 9053859 9063976 9053956 # Shakespeare: Sonhos de um Bardo (Lokyjack) 9062452 : 9062196 9057179 9065716 9054123 9065089 9064040 9053858 9053823 9064450 9054131 9054109 9054108 9066794 9066790 9066760 9064882 9054105 9066779 9054107 %Coimb 9066693 9066623 9065690 9063978 9066271 9064417 9065578 9066305 9066657 9053967 9064008 9062154 9066083 9066595 9066731 9053961 9053964 9066604 9055275 9064011 9054031 %ComHun 9066136 9063985 9066190 9063983 9066126 9064060 9053859 9063976 9053956 # Not Alone (Lokyjack) 9062474 : 9062196 9057179 9065716 9054123 9065089 9064040 9053858 9053823 9064450 9054131 9054109 9054108 9066794 9066790 9066760 9064882 9054105 9066779 9054107 %Coimb 9066693 9066623 9065690 9063978 9066271 9064417 9065578 9066305 9066657 # Otys (Lokyjack) 9062475 : 9062196 9057179 9065716 9054123 9065089 9064040 9053858 9053823 9064450 9054131 9054109 9054108 9066794 9066790 9066760 9064882 9054105 9066779 9054107 %Coimb 9066693 9066623 9065690 9063978 9066271 9064417 9065578 9066305 9066657 9053967 9064008 9062154 9066083 9066595 9066731 9053961 9053964 9066604 9055275 9064011 9054031 %ComHun 9066136 9063985 # Puerto Rico (Lokyjack) 9062476 : 9062196 9057179 9065716 9054123 9065089 9064040 9053858 9053823 9064450 9054131 9054109 9054108 9066794 9066790 # Five Tribes (Lokyjack) 9062477 : 9062196 9057179 9065716 9054123 # Carcassonne (Lokyjack) 9062482 : 9062196 9057179 9065716 9054123 9065089 9064040 9053858 9053823 9064450 9054131 9054109 9054108 9066794 9066790 9066760 9064882 9054105 9066779 9054107 # Skytear (Lokyjack) 9062484 : 9062196 9057179 9065716 9054123 9065089 9064040 9053858 9053823 9064450 9054131 9054109 9054108 # Eldritch Horror (Lokyjack) 9062509 : #pragma user "lucmetal" # Confirmation code: 1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg # Tue Jul 12 21:28:15 2022 # Breaking Bad: The Board Game (lucmetal) 9055915 : # T.I.M.E Stories (lucmetal) 9055935 : # Die Legenden von Andor: Chada & Thorn (lucmetal) 9055940 : #pragma user "luistnk" # Confirmation code: /91BoqfPAm-u/6oSxMGOXg # Fri Jul 15 11:01:09 2022 # Colt Express (luistnk) 9066070 : 9054044 9066305 # Discoveries: The Journals of Lewis & Clark (luistnk) 9066072 : 9054044 9066305 9053967 # Seven Bridges (luistnk) 9066073 : 9054044 9066305 9053967 9053930 # Tsukiji (luistnk) 9066078 : 9054044 9066305 9053967 # Café Express (luistnk) 9066080 : 9054044 9066305 9053967 9053930 9054601 # Hadara (luistnk) 9066083 : 9054044 # Village Green (luistnk) 9066084 : 9054044 9066305 9053967 9053930 9054601 # Jester (luistnk) 9066087 : 9054044 9066305 9053967 # UNDO: Cherry Blossom Festival (luistnk) 9066089 : 9054044 9066305 9053930 9054601 9066619 # Thief's Market (luistnk) 9066091 : 9054044 9066305 9053967 9053930 9054601 9066619 # Carcassonne: Safari (luistnk) 9066094 : 9054044 9066305 9053967 #pragma user "MarceloDSilveira" # Confirmation code: DyEpGN6Wc90tIQtN/5ahog # Fri Jul 15 17:31:29 2022 # Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition (MarceloDSilveira) 9065690 : 9064040 9054123 9066650 9066734 9054139 9066293 9053858 9054131 # Onitama (MarceloDSilveira) 9065692 : 9064040 9054123 9066650 9066734 9054139 9066293 9053858 9054131 9064481 9054140 9062429 9053964 9064478 # Rhino Hero: Super Battle (MarceloDSilveira) 9065703 : 9064040 9054123 9066650 9066734 9054139 9066293 9053858 9054131 # Anachrony (MarceloDSilveira) 9065716 : # Gorinto (MarceloDSilveira) 9065717 : 9064040 9054123 9066650 9066734 9054139 9066293 9053858 9064481 9054140 # Tiki Topple (MarceloDSilveira) 9066525 : 9064040 9054123 9066650 9066734 9054139 9066293 9053858 9054131 9064481 9054140 9062429 9053964 9064478 # On the Underground: London/Berlin (MarceloDSilveira) 9066536 : 9064040 9054123 9066650 9066734 9054139 # Ticket to Ride: Rails & Sails (MarceloDSilveira) 9066541 : 9064040 9054123 9066650 9066293 #pragma user "over9thousand" # Confirmation code: ZEVVH9S007aTmiezt0sM4w # Fri Jul 15 18:46:18 2022 # Pirate Den (over9thousand) 9066509 : 9057179 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054123 9066650 9063172 9066734 9064040 9054120 9063134 9053823 9054139 9053972 9054044 9062477 9053858 9054131 9065692 9064481 9066739 9066794 9066541 9066647 9063145 9054170 9054140 9066271 9066788 9054215 9055252 9062440 9062445 9066777 9054156 9064885 9066593 9053967 9062442 9066789 9062154 9066083 9064461 9064882 9054154 9065690 9054151 9055267 9054135 9064001 9063991 9066171 9066120 9066305 9066597 9062509 9066389 9064450 9066773 9066586 9066693 9064008 9054168 9053940 9053961 9064022 9062476 9066779 9065703 9062179 9066150 9054138 9066536 9054108 9054153 9054098 9065578 9054141 9066767 9066790 9066657 9054039 9066595 9064068 9066784 9063981 9055255 9066070 9066152 9061154 9053964 9066792 9066602 9061033 9064478 9063967 9066604 9055275 9066727 9054136 9054096 9066170 9054157 9062160 9065085 9054129 9063995 9066598 9066151 9063940 9066078 9065717 9066629 9066644 9053930 9062205 9066708 9066786 9054109 9064003 9054137 9066176 9066599 9066163 9063976 9053956 9055264 9054133 9066177 9055270 9062216 9064064 9066153 9054146 9066634 9065088 9054106 9054117 9066626 9061106 9054147 9066771 9054028 9066374 # Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game (over9thousand) 9066567 : 9057179 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054123 9066650 9063172 9066734 9064040 9054120 9063134 # Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game (over9thousand) 9066592 : 9057179 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054123 9066650 9063172 9066734 # Marvel Villainous: Infinite Power (over9thousand) 9066615 : 9057179 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054123 9066650 9063172 9066734 9064040 9054120 9063134 9053823 9054139 9053972 9054044 9062477 9053858 9054131 9065692 9064481 9066739 9066794 9066541 9066647 # Maracaibo (over9thousand) 9066616 : 9057179 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054123 9066650 9063172 9066734 9064040 9054120 9063134 # Meeple Towers (over9thousand) 9066617 : 9057179 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054123 9066650 9063172 9066734 9064040 9054120 9063134 9053823 9054139 9053972 9054044 9062477 9053858 9054131 9065692 9064481 9066739 9066794 9066541 9066647 9063145 9054170 9054140 9066271 9066788 9054215 9055252 9062440 9062445 9066777 9054156 9064885 9066593 9053967 9062442 9066789 9062154 9066083 9064461 9064882 9054154 9065690 9054151 9055267 9054135 9064001 9063991 9066171 9066120 9066305 9066597 9062509 9066389 9064450 9066773 9066586 9066693 9064008 9054168 9053940 9053961 9064022 9062476 9066779 9065703 9062179 9066150 9054138 9066536 9054108 9054153 9054098 9065578 9054141 9066767 9066790 9066657 # Panic Lab (over9thousand) 9066619 : 9057179 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054123 9066650 9063172 9066734 9064040 9054120 9063134 9053823 9054139 9053972 9054044 9062477 9053858 9054131 9065692 9064481 9066739 9066794 9066541 9066647 9063145 9054170 9054140 9066271 9066788 9054215 9055252 9062440 9062445 9066777 9054156 9064885 9066593 9053967 9062442 9066789 9062154 9066083 9064461 9064882 9054154 9065690 9054151 9055267 9054135 9064001 9063991 9066171 9066120 9066305 9066597 9062509 9066389 9064450 9066773 9066586 9066693 9064008 9054168 9053940 9053961 9064022 9062476 9066779 9065703 9062179 9066150 9054138 9066536 9054108 9054153 9054098 9065578 9054141 9066767 9066790 9066657 9054039 9066595 9064068 9066784 9063981 9055255 9066070 9066152 9061154 9053964 9066792 9066602 9061033 9064478 9063967 9066604 9055275 9066727 9054136 9054096 9066170 9054157 9062160 9065085 9054129 9063995 9066598 9066151 9063940 9066078 9065717 9066629 9066644 9053930 9062205 9066708 9066786 9054109 9064003 9054137 9066176 9066599 9066163 9063976 9053956 9055264 9054133 9066177 9055270 9062216 9064064 9066153 9054146 9066634 9065088 9054106 9054117 9066626 9061106 9054147 9066771 9054028 9066374 # Imperium: Classics (over9thousand) 9066623 : 9057179 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054123 9066650 9063172 9066734 9064040 9054120 9063134 9053823 9054139 9053972 9054044 9062477 9053858 9054131 9065692 9064481 9066739 9066794 9066541 9066647 9063145 9054170 9054140 9066271 9066788 # Dominion (Second Edition) (over9thousand) 9066726 : 9057179 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054123 9066650 9063172 9066734 # Luchador! Mexican Wrestling Dice (over9thousand) 9066728 : 9057179 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054123 9066650 9063172 9066734 9064040 9054120 9063134 9053823 9054139 9053972 9054044 9062477 9053858 9054131 9065692 9064481 9066739 9066794 9066541 9066647 9063145 9054170 9054140 9066271 9066788 9054215 9055252 9062440 9062445 9066777 9054156 9064885 9066593 9053967 9062442 9066789 9062154 9066083 9064461 9064882 9054154 9065690 9054151 9055267 9054135 9064001 9063991 9066171 9066120 9066305 9066597 9062509 9066389 9064450 9066773 9066586 9066693 9064008 9054168 9053940 9053961 9064022 9062476 9066779 9065703 9062179 9066150 9054138 9066536 9054108 9054153 9054098 9065578 9054141 9066767 9066790 9066657 9054039 9066595 9064068 9066784 9063981 9055255 9066070 9066152 9061154 9053964 9066792 9066602 9061033 9064478 9063967 9066604 9055275 9066727 9054136 9054096 9066170 9054157 9062160 9065085 9054129 9063995 9066598 9066151 9063940 9066078 9065717 9066629 9066644 # Heat (over9thousand) 9066729 : 9057179 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054123 9066650 9063172 9066734 9064040 9054120 9063134 9053823 9054139 9053972 9054044 9062477 9053858 9054131 9065692 9064481 9066739 9066794 9066541 9066647 9063145 9054170 9054140 9066271 9066788 9054215 9055252 9062440 9062445 9066777 9054156 9064885 9066593 9053967 9062442 9066789 9062154 9066083 9064461 9064882 9054154 9065690 9054151 9055267 9054135 9064001 9063991 9066171 9066120 9066305 9066597 9062509 9066389 9064450 9066773 9066586 9066693 9064008 9054168 9053940 9053961 9064022 9062476 9066779 9065703 9062179 9066150 9054138 9066536 9054108 9054153 9054098 9065578 9054141 9066767 9066790 9066657 9054039 9066595 9064068 9066784 9063981 9055255 9066070 9066152 9061154 9053964 9066792 9066602 9061033 9064478 9063967 9066604 9055275 9066727 9054136 9054096 9066170 9054157 9062160 9065085 9054129 9063995 9066598 9066151 9063940 9066078 9065717 9066629 9066644 9053930 9062205 9066708 9066786 9054109 9064003 9054137 9066176 9066599 9066163 9063976 9053956 9055264 9054133 9066177 9055270 9062216 9064064 9066153 9054146 9066634 9065088 9054106 9054117 9066626 9061106 9054147 9066771 9054028 9066374 # Magic Maze (over9thousand) 9066731 : 9057179 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054123 9066650 9063172 9066734 9064040 9054120 9063134 9053823 9054139 9053972 9054044 9062477 9053858 9054131 9065692 9064481 9066739 9066794 # Five Tribes (over9thousand) 9066760 : 9057179 9062444 9065089 9062196 9065716 9054123 9066650 9063172 9066734 9064040 9054120 9063134 #pragma user "pokelinguissa" # Confirmation code: hrCqc96OieeSdCWGS1tu1w # Wed Jul 13 09:23:42 2022 # Peaky Blinders: Birmingham Domain (pokelinguissa) 9066374 : 9062444 9065089 9064040 9054170 9054131 9062154 9055267 9064008 9055255 9053940 9053964 # Hippo (pokelinguissa) 9066375 : 9062444 9065089 9064040 9054170 9054131 9062154 9055267 9064008 9055255 9053940 9053964 9062205 9054029 9054142 9062216 9062183 9061162 9057204 9055275 9066105 9066626 9066089 9066580 # Capital Lux (pokelinguissa) 9066377 : 9062444 9065089 9064040 9054170 9054131 9062154 9055267 9064008 9055255 9053940 9053964 9062205 9054029 9054142 9062216 9062183 9061162 9057204 9055275 9066105 9066626 9066089 9066580 # Zombie Dice (pokelinguissa) 9066380 : 9062444 9065089 9064040 9054170 9054131 9062154 9055267 9064008 9055255 9053940 9053964 9062205 9054029 9054142 9062216 9062183 9061162 # Race for the Galaxy (pokelinguissa) 9066382 : 9062444 9065089 9064040 9054170 9054131 9062154 9055267 9064008 9055255 9053940 9053964 9062205 9054029 9054142 9062216 9062183 9061162 9057204 # Eldritch Horror (pokelinguissa) 9066389 : 9062444 9065089 9064040 9054170 9054131 9062154 9055267 #pragma user "RafaelSales" # Confirmation code: AiYYnC4CQvB1sI6w4IVHeA # Fri Jul 15 11:17:01 2022 # Patuscada (RafaelSales) 9066577 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 9065703 # Encantados (Second Edition) (RafaelSales) 9066580 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 9066775 9065703 9066173 9055255 9066152 9062477 9066567 9066592 9066789 9061154 9054125 9066176 9062447 9054098 9064064 9066374 9066760 9054141 9054122 9054041 9064052 9066101 9062183 9064054 # Sushi Go! (RafaelSales) 9066582 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 9066775 9065703 9066173 9055255 9066152 9062477 9066567 9066592 9066789 9061154 9054125 9066176 9062447 9054098 9064064 9066374 9066760 9054141 9054122 9054041 9064052 # Imagine (RafaelSales) 9066584 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 9066775 9065703 9066173 9055255 9066152 9062477 9066567 9066592 9066789 9061154 9054125 9066176 9062447 9054098 9064064 9066374 9066760 9054141 9054122 9054041 9064052 9066101 9062183 # Pandemic (RafaelSales) 9066586 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 # Harvest Dice (RafaelSales) 9066587 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 9066775 9065703 9066173 9055255 9066152 9062477 9066567 9066592 9066789 9061154 9054125 9066176 9062447 9054098 9064064 9066374 9066760 9054141 9054122 9054041 9064052 9066101 9062183 9064054 # Muse (RafaelSales) 9066590 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 9066775 9065703 9066173 9055255 9066152 9062477 9066567 9066592 9066789 9061154 9054125 9066176 9062447 9054098 9064064 9066374 9066760 9054141 9054122 9054041 9064052 9066101 9062183 # Ticket to Ride (RafaelSales) 9066591 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 # Ticket to Ride: Europe (RafaelSales) 9066593 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 # Bärenpark (RafaelSales) 9066595 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 9066173 9055255 9066152 9061154 9054098 # Deception: Murder in Hong Kong (RafaelSales) 9066597 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 # Paranormal Detectives (RafaelSales) 9066598 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 # Paris: La Cité de la Lumière (RafaelSales) 9066599 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 # Concept (RafaelSales) 9066602 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 # Dream On! (RafaelSales) 9066603 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 9066775 9065703 9066173 9055255 9066152 9062477 9066567 9066592 9066789 9061154 9054125 9066176 9062447 9054098 9064064 9066374 9066760 9054141 9054122 9054041 9064052 9066101 9062183 9064054 # New York 1901 (RafaelSales) 9066604 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 # Seven Bridges (RafaelSales) 9066605 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 9066775 9065703 9066173 9055255 9066152 9062477 9066567 9066592 9066789 9061154 9054125 9066176 9062447 9054098 9064064 9066374 9066760 9054141 9054122 9054041 9064052 9066101 9062183 9064054 # Viral (RafaelSales) 9066607 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 # Spyfall (RafaelSales) 9066610 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 9066775 9065703 # InBetween (RafaelSales) 9066611 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 9066775 9065703 9066173 9055255 9066152 9062477 9066567 9066592 9066789 9061154 9054125 9066176 9062447 9054098 9064064 9066374 9066760 9054141 9054122 9054041 9064052 # The Bloody Inn (RafaelSales) 9066614 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 9066775 9065703 # New World: A Carcassonne Game (RafaelSales) 9066621 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 # CIV: Carta Impera Victoria (RafaelSales) 9066626 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 9066775 9065703 9066173 9055255 9066152 9062477 9066567 9066592 9066789 9061154 9054125 9066176 9062447 9054098 9064064 9066374 9066760 9054141 9054122 9054041 9064052 9062183 # The Cook-off (RafaelSales) 9066628 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 9066775 9065703 9066173 9055255 9066152 9062477 9066567 9066592 9066789 9061154 9054125 9066176 9062447 9054098 9064064 9066374 9066760 9054141 9054122 9054041 9064052 9066101 # Blacksmith Brothers (RafaelSales) 9066629 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 # Lagoon: Land of Druids (RafaelSales) 9066634 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9065703 # Pit Formula (RafaelSales) 9066638 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 9066775 9065703 9066173 9055255 9066152 9062477 9066567 9066592 9066789 9061154 9054125 9066176 9062447 9054098 9064064 9066374 9066760 9054141 9054122 9054041 9064052 9066101 9062183 9064054 # Shadows over the Empire (RafaelSales) 9066641 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 # Space Cantina (RafaelSales) 9066644 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 # O Último Grande Campeão (RafaelSales) 9066646 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 9066775 9065703 9066173 9055255 9066152 9062477 9066567 9066592 9066789 9061154 9054125 9066176 9062447 9054098 9064064 9066374 9066760 9054141 9054122 9054041 9064052 9066101 9062183 9064054 # Zombie 15' (RafaelSales) 9066647 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063134 9066739 # Ticket to Ride: Europe – 15th Anniversary (RafaelSales) 9066650 : # Exoplanets (RafaelSales) 9066657 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 # Vye: The Card Game of Capture and Control (RafaelSales) 9066662 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066775 # Atlandice (RafaelSales) 9066666 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 9066775 9065703 # Meteor (RafaelSales) 9066667 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 9066775 # Dragons & Chickens (RafaelSales) 9066668 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 9066775 9065703 9066173 9055255 9066152 9062477 9066567 9066592 9066789 9061154 9054125 9066176 9062447 9054098 9064064 9066374 9066760 9054141 9054122 9054041 9064052 9066101 9062183 9064054 # Banana Bandits (RafaelSales) 9066673 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9054108 9054139 9066541 9054140 9066790 9066775 9065703 9066173 9055255 9066152 9062477 9066567 9066592 9066789 9054125 9066176 9062447 9064064 9066374 9066101 # Sprawlopolis (RafaelSales) 9066675 : 9062196 9062509 9054113 9064481 9066734 9063172 9055252 9057179 9054120 9066389 9054170 9063134 9066739 9054108 9054139 9066616 9064008 9066536 9054023 9066794 9054146 9066541 9054140 9066790 9054109 9053823 9054154 9054105 9062429 9054138 9055264 9065085 9054129 9066171 9053951 9066617 9064478 9062154 9054147 9054169 9066623 9066163 9066271 9054134 9054149 9065717 9054106 9066775 9065703 9066173 9055255 9066152 9062477 9066567 9066592 9066789 9061154 9054125 9066176 9062447 9054098 9064064 9066374 9066760 9054141 9054122 9054041 9064052 9066101 9062183 9064054 9066094 #pragma user "RConsonni" # Confirmation code: F6ybPe8ncjDny5ihy9LaJg # Wed Jul 13 22:50:24 2022 # Carpe Diem (RConsonni) 9053823 : # Caylus Magna Carta (RConsonni) 9054096 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 9064461 9064478 9066794 9063172 9055252 9053858 9066541 9064001 9055264 # Dice City (RConsonni) 9054098 : 9064882 # Elfenland (RConsonni) 9054104 : 9064882 9066536 # Eminent Domain (RConsonni) 9054105 : 9064882 # Epic Resort (RConsonni) 9054106 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 9064461 9064478 9066794 9063172 9055252 9053858 9066541 9064001 9055264 9062445 9066616 9055269 9055255 9065690 9066120 # Key Flow (RConsonni) 9054108 : 9064882 9066536 # Legends of Empires (RConsonni) 9054110 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 9064461 9064478 9066794 9063172 9055252 9053858 9066541 9064001 9055264 9062445 9066616 9055269 9055255 9065690 9066120 9061154 9053967 9055935 9065692 9063978 9055267 9054028 # Die Macher (RConsonni) 9054113 : # Mercado (RConsonni) 9054117 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 9064461 9064478 9066794 # Mice and Mystics (RConsonni) 9054120 : 9064882 9066536 # Robo Rally (RConsonni) 9054122 : 9064882 9066536 # Ticket to Ride: Europe – 15th Anniversary (RConsonni) 9054123 : # Trains (RConsonni) 9054125 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 # Wok Star (3rd Edition) (RConsonni) 9054128 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 # Löwenherz (RConsonni) 9054129 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 9064461 9064478 9066794 9063172 9055252 9053858 9066541 9064001 9055264 # Alt Name: 1692 (RConsonni) 9054130 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 # Alchemists (RConsonni) 9054131 : # Compounded (RConsonni) 9054133 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 9064461 9064478 9066794 # Steampunk Rally Fusion (RConsonni) 9054134 : 9064882 9066536 # New Angeles (RConsonni) 9054135 : 9064882 # Power Grid: Factory Manager (RConsonni) 9054136 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 # Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig (RConsonni) 9054137 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 9064461 9064478 9066794 9063172 9055252 9053858 9066541 9064001 9055264 9062445 9066616 9055269 9055255 9065690 9066120 # AquaSphere (RConsonni) 9054138 : # Alt Name: R$450,00 (RConsonni) 9054139 : 9064882 # Alt Name: R$300,00 (RConsonni) 9054140 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 9064461 9064478 9066794 9063172 9055252 9053858 9066541 9064001 9055264 # First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet (RConsonni) 9054141 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 # Rialto (RConsonni) 9054142 : 9064882 9066536 # Sluff Off! (RConsonni) 9054145 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 9064461 9064478 9066794 9063172 9055252 9053858 9066541 9064001 9055264 9062445 9066616 9055269 9055255 9065690 9066120 9061154 9053967 9055935 9065692 9063978 9055267 9054028 9054126 9066593 9054029 9053964 9066150 9054039 9054037 9065296 9053961 9066176 9053946 9053979 9055275 9066163 9053860 9053956 9055270 # Founders of Gloomhaven (RConsonni) 9054146 : 9064882 9066536 # Grasse (RConsonni) 9054147 : 9064882 9066536 # Subdivision (RConsonni) 9054149 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 # Tao Long: The Way of the Dragon (RConsonni) 9054150 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 # Alhambra: Big Box (RConsonni) 9054151 : 9064882 # Room 25 (RConsonni) 9054153 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 9064461 9064478 9066794 # The Oracle of Delphi (RConsonni) 9054154 : # Summoner Wars: Master Set (RConsonni) 9054155 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 9064461 9064478 9066794 9063172 9055252 9053858 9066541 9064001 9055264 9062445 9066616 9055269 9055255 9065690 9066120 9061154 9053967 9055935 9065692 9063978 9055267 9054028 9054126 9066593 9054029 9053964 9066150 9054039 9054037 9065296 9053961 9066176 9053946 9053979 9055275 9066163 9053860 # Dungeon Petz (RConsonni) 9054156 : 9064882 # Klunker (RConsonni) 9054158 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 9064461 9064478 9066794 9063172 9055252 9053858 9066541 9064001 9055264 9062445 9066616 9055269 9055255 9065690 9066120 9061154 9053967 9055935 9065692 9063978 9055267 9054028 9054126 9066593 9054029 9053964 9066150 # TransAmerica (RConsonni) 9054163 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 9064461 9064478 9066794 # Michael Strogoff (RConsonni) 9054165 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 9064461 9064478 9066794 9063172 9055252 9053858 9066541 9064001 9055264 9062445 9066616 9055269 9055255 9065690 9066120 9061154 9053967 9055935 9065692 9063978 9055267 9054028 9054126 9066593 9054029 9053964 9066150 9054039 9054037 9065296 9053961 9066176 9053946 9053979 9055275 # The Princes of Florence (RConsonni) 9054168 : # First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express! (RConsonni) 9054169 : # Paladins of the West Kingdom (RConsonni) 9054170 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 9064461 9064478 9066794 # Os Incríveis Parques de Miss Liz (RConsonni) 9057204 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 9064461 9064478 9066794 9063172 9055252 9053858 9066541 9064001 9055264 9062445 9066616 9055269 9055255 9065690 9066120 9061154 9053967 9055935 9065692 9063978 9055267 9054028 9054126 9066593 9054029 9053964 9066150 9054039 9054037 9065296 9053961 9066176 9053946 9053979 9055275 9066163 9053860 # Kingsburg (Second Edition) (RConsonni) 9062429 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 9064461 9064478 9066794 9063172 9055252 9053858 9066541 9064001 9055264 # Pay Dirt (RConsonni) 9062439 : # Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age (RConsonni) 9062446 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 9064461 9064478 9066794 9063172 9055252 9053858 9066541 9064001 9055264 9062445 9066616 9055269 9055255 9065690 9066120 # Alt Name: Pacote de expansões para Vinhos Deluxe (RConsonni) 9063072 : 9064882 9066536 9062444 9062196 9057179 9065716 9064461 9064478 9066794 9063172 9055252 9053858 9066541 9064001 9055264 9062445 9066616 9055269 9055255 9065690 9066120 9061154 9053967 # Brass: Birmingham (RConsonni) 9064040 : #pragma user "sledesma" # Confirmation code: K9DnCa1GrygaozV-1tAj+A # Fri Jul 15 08:11:19 2022 # (sledesma) %Anach : 9057179 9065716 # (sledesma) %ComHun : 9062216 9064064 # (sledesma) %Kingd : 9055277 9066126 # (sledesma) %LAMDBG : 9066567 9066592 # (sledesma) %ParDet : 9063995 9066598 # (sledesma) %RoM : 9064011 9065578 # (sledesma) %SevBri : 9066073 9066605 # (sledesma) %Spyfa : 9055276 9066610 # (sledesma) %TtRE1A : 9054123 9066650 # Monolith: The Strategy Game (sledesma) 9064416 : %Anach 9054139 9054131 9054151 9054140 9062213 9063991 %TtRE1A 9054044 9064461 9066794 9062196 9054170 9064008 9055255 9065690 9062429 9066541 9054163 9066150 9054108 9066271 %RoM 9066293 9066726 9054146 9065717 9066657 9065692 9066083 %ComHun 9054156 9053967 9054037 9054029 9053961 9054104 9054098 9054136 9054141 %ParDet 9066153 9054117 9066792 9064478 9066773 9066778 9055269 %LAMDBG %Kingd 9061154 9062446 9066136 %Spyfa 9066734 9066599 9054023 9063171 9066072 9064001 9054133 9055270 9065085 9062183 9066151 9066078 9066101 9054106 9054158 # PÜNCT (sledesma) 9064417 : %Anach 9054139 9054131 9054151 9054140 9062213 9063991 %TtRE1A 9054044 9064461 9066794 9062196 9054170 9064008 9055255 9065690 9062429 9066541 9054163 9066150 9054108 9066271 %RoM 9066293 9066726 9054146 9065717 9066657 # At the Gates of Loyang (sledesma) 9064450 : %Anach 9054139 9054131 9054151 9054140 9062213 9063991 %TtRE1A # Capital Lux (sledesma) 9064683 : %Anach 9054139 9054131 9054151 9054140 9062213 9063991 %TtRE1A 9054044 9064461 9066794 9062196 9054170 9064008 9055255 9065690 9062429 9066541 9054163 9066150 9054108 9066271 %RoM 9066293 9066726 9054146 9065717 9066657 9065692 9066083 %ComHun 9054156 9053967 9054037 9054029 9053961 9054104 9054098 9054136 9054141 %ParDet 9066153 9054117 9066792 9064478 9066773 9066778 9055269 %LAMDBG %Kingd 9061154 9062446 9066136 %Spyfa 9066734 9066599 9054023 9063171 9066072 9064001 9054133 9055270 9065085 9062183 9066151 9066078 9066101 9054106 9054158 9066084 9055271 %SevBri 9066799 9057204 # Amerigo (sledesma) 9064882 : %Anach 9054139 # Scythe (sledesma) 9065089 : %Anach # Manhattan (sledesma) 9065295 : %Anach 9054139 9054131 9054151 9054140 9062213 9063991 %TtRE1A 9054044 9064461 9066794 9062196 9054170 9064008 9055255 9065690 9062429 9066541 9054163 9066150 9054108 9066271 %RoM 9066293 9066726 9054146 9065717 9066657 9065692 9066083 %ComHun 9054156 9053967 9054037 9054029 9053961 9054104 9054098 9054136 9054141 %ParDet 9066153 9054117 9066792 9064478 # Blue Moon City (sledesma) 9065296 : %Anach 9054139 9054131 9054151 9054140 9062213 9063991 %TtRE1A 9054044 9064461 9066794 9062196 9054170 9064008 9055255 9065690 9062429 9066541 9054163 9066150 9054108 9066271 %RoM 9066293 9066726 9054146 9065717 9066657 9065692 9066083 %ComHun 9054156 9053967 9054037 9054029 9053961 9054104 9054098 9054136 9054141 %ParDet 9066153 9054117 9066792 9064478 9066773 9066778 # Dragon Castle (sledesma) 9066176 : %Anach 9054139 9054131 9054151 9054140 9062213 9063991 %TtRE1A 9054044 9064461 9066794 9062196 9054170 9064008 9055255 9065690 9062429 9066541 9054163 9066150 9054108 9066271 %RoM 9066293 9066726 9054146 9065717 9066657 9065692 9066083 %ComHun # Futuropia (sledesma) 9066180 : %Anach 9054139 9054131 9054151 9054140 9062213 9063991 %TtRE1A 9054044 9064461 9066794 9062196 9054170 9064008 9055255 9065690 9062429 9066541 9054163 9066150 9054108 9066271 %RoM 9066293 9066726 9054146 9065717 9066657 9065692 9066083 %ComHun 9054156 9053967 9054037 9054029 9053961 9054104 9054098 9054136 9054141 %ParDet 9066153 9054117 # Meeple Heist (sledesma) 9066182 : %Anach 9054139 9054131 9054151 9054140 9062213 9063991 %TtRE1A 9054044 9064461 9066794 9062196 9054170 9064008 9055255 9065690 9062429 9066541 9054163 9066150 9054108 9066271 %RoM 9066293 9066726 9054146 9065717 9066657 9065692 9066083 %ComHun 9054156 9053967 9054037 9054029 9053961 9054104 9054098 9054136 9054141 %ParDet 9066153 9054117 9066792 9064478 9066773 9066778 9055269 %LAMDBG %Kingd 9061154 9062446 9066136 %Spyfa 9066734 9066599 9054023 9063171 9066072 9064001 9054133 9055270 9065085 9062183 9066151 9066078 9066101 9054106 9054158 # Spyrium (sledesma) 9066183 : %Anach 9054139 9054131 9054151 9054140 9062213 9063991 %TtRE1A 9054044 9064461 9066794 # Dominaedro (sledesma) 9066475 : %Anach 9054139 9054131 9054151 9054140 9062213 9063991 %TtRE1A 9054044 9064461 9066794 9062196 9054170 9064008 9055255 9065690 9062429 9066541 9054163 9066150 9054108 9066271 %RoM 9066293 9066726 9054146 9065717 9066657 9065692 9066083 %ComHun 9054156 9053967 9054037 9054029 9053961 9054104 9054098 9054136 9054141 %ParDet 9066153 9054117 9066792 9064478 9066773 9066778 9055269 %LAMDBG %Kingd 9061154 9062446 9066136 %Spyfa 9066734 9066599 9054023 9063171 9066072 9064001 9054133 9055270 9065085 9062183 9066151 9066078 9066101 9054106 9054158 9066084 9055271 %SevBri 9066799 9057204 9066611 #pragma user "talkingwaffle" # Confirmation code: 10/35ewE8yWpmQq4TC0dyA # Thu Jul 14 18:15:24 2022 # The Godfather: Corleone's Empire (talkingwaffle) 9066734 : 9063172 9054044 9062440 9065716 9053858 9066615 9063940 # A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (talkingwaffle) 9066746 : 9063172 9054044 9062440 9065716 9053858 9066615 9063940 9054137 9062205 9054126 9066593 # Zombicide (talkingwaffle) 9066765 : 9063172 9054044 9062440 9065716 9053858 9066615 9063940 9054137 9062205 9054126 9066593 9054156 9066789 9063156 9066792 9066582 9064011 9065578 9054146 # SeaFall (talkingwaffle) 9066767 : 9063172 9054044 9062440 9065716 9053858 9066615 9063940 9054137 # Eldritch Horror (talkingwaffle) 9066775 : 9063172 9054044 9062440 9065716 9053858 9066615 9063940 9054137 # Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (talkingwaffle) 9066777 : 9063172 9054044 9062440 9065716 9053858 9066615 9063940 # Codenames (talkingwaffle) 9066782 : 9063172 9054044 9062440 9065716 9053858 9066615 9063940 9054137 9062205 9054126 9066593 9054156 9066789 9063156 9066792 9066582 9064011 9065578 9054146 #pragma user "tamirestuh" # Confirmation code: cdWbtOMoFdU-blq1+kq6XQ # Thu Jul 14 21:13:23 2022 # Dive (tamirestuh) 9066151 : 9054215 9065089 9055252 9062196 9053858 9055280 9065690 9057179 9065716 9066773 9054131 9063978 9066734 9066305 # Noria (tamirestuh) 9066168 : 9054215 9065089 9055252 9062196 9053858 9055280 9065690 9057179 9065716 9066773 9054131 9063978 9066734 9066305 9062445 9062205 9053940 9066599 9066271 9065717 9054037 9053964 9054042 9066525 # River Dragons (tamirestuh) 9066170 : 9054215 9065089 9055252 9062196 9053858 9055280 9065690 9057179 9065716 9066773 9054131 9063978 9066734 9066305 9062445 9062205 9053940 9066599 9066271 9065717 # Flourish (tamirestuh) 9066171 : 9054215 9065089 9055252 9062196 9053858 9055280 9065690 # Cantaloop: Book 1 – Breaking into Prison (tamirestuh) 9066177 : 9054215 9065089 9055252 9062196 9053858 9055280 9065690 9057179 9065716 9066773 9054131 9063978 9066734 9066305 9062445 9062205 9053940 9066599 9066271 9065717 9054037 9053964 9054042 9066525 9066597 9055276 9066610 9054142 9066084 9053974 9066087 # Colt Super Express (tamirestuh) 9066178 : 9054215 9065089 9055252 9062196 9053858 9055280 9065690 9057179 9065716 9066773 9054131 9063978 9066734 9066305 9062445 9062205 9053940 9066599 9066271 9065717 9054037 9053964 9054042 9066525 9066597 9055276 9066610 9054142 9066084 9053974 9066087 9053860 # Frogriders (tamirestuh) 9066179 : 9054215 9065089 9055252 9062196 9053858 9055280 9065690 9057179 9065716 9066773 9054131 9063978 9066734 9066305 9062445 9062205 9053940 9066599 9066271 9065717 9054037 9053964 9054042 9066525 9066597 9055276 9066610 9054142 9066084 # Alt Name: Pacote de Jogos (tamirestuh) 9066190 : 9054215 9065089 9055252 9062196 9053858 9055280 9065690 9057179 9065716 9066773 9054131 9063978 9066734 9066305 9062445 9062205 9053940 9066599 9066271 9065717 9054037 9053964 9054042 9066525 9066597 9055276 9066610 9054142 9066084 9053974 9066087 9053860 #pragma user "Tatiane" # Confirmation code: Z/XPiUpgoyIfeT4tKW7OaQ # Tue Jul 12 21:46:03 2022 # Stuffed Fables (Tatiane) 9066173 : 9055252 9054044 9054039 9054153 #pragma user "The PCC" # Confirmation code: KH2OJE7CR9R27p7NkWw2Kw # Fri Jul 15 18:03:50 2022 # Lorenzo il Magnifico (The PCC) 9066149 : 9064040 9053858 9054139 # Century: Eastern Wonders (The PCC) 9066150 : 9064040 9053858 9054139 9053823 9066623 9063978 9054140 9054117 # Vast: The Crystal Caverns (The PCC) 9066152 : 9064040 9053858 9054139 9053823 9066623 9063978 9054140 9054117 9054108 # Artus (The PCC) 9066153 : 9064040 9053858 9054139 9053823 9066623 9063978 9054140 9054117 9054108 9054029 9062429 # Alt Name: PACOTAO 8 JOGOS !!! (The PCC) 9066163 : 9064040 9053858 9054139 9053823 9066623 9063978 9054140 9054117 9054108 9054029 9062429 9054168 9064461 # Quoridor (The PCC) 9066164 : 9064040 9053858 9054139 9053823 9066623 9063978 9054140 9054117 9054108 9054029 9062429 9054168 9064461 9053930 9066151 #pragma user "tomdesigner3d" # Confirmation code: WPVGJQjQSinEXFtTu2u5wQ # Fri Jul 15 13:52:43 2022 # Dwar7s Fall (tomdesigner3d) 9061106 : 9064040 9055252 9054044 9057179 9063156 9053940 9065690 9066150 # Fields of Green (tomdesigner3d) 9061126 : 9064040 9055252 9054044 9057179 9063156 9053940 9065690 9066150 9063171 # Stay Away! (tomdesigner3d) 9061138 : 9064040 9055252 9054044 9057179 9063156 9053940 9065690 9066150 9063171 9053961 # Race for the Galaxy (tomdesigner3d) 9061147 : 9064040 9055252 9054044 9057179 9063156 9053940 9065690 9066150 9063171 9053961 # New York Zoo (tomdesigner3d) 9061154 : 9064040 9055252 9054044 9057179 9063156 9053940 9065690 9066150 # Scarabya (tomdesigner3d) 9061162 : 9064040 9055252 9054044 9057179 9063156 9053940 9065690 9066150 9063171 9053961 # Reavers of Midgard (tomdesigner3d) 9065578 : #pragma user "tompinheiro" # Confirmation code: q3fJb/u7p8tNHAYhGOqtqA # Fri Jul 15 10:19:18 2022 # Bunny Kingdom (tompinheiro) 9066773 : 9062444 9065089 9057179 9064882 9054215 9055252 9054044 9063145 9062445 9065692 9055255 9066789 9066623 9064461 9065690 9063978 9066150 9055267 9054140 9066794 9066293 9066305 9053967 9066083 9065717 9063156 # Cacao (tompinheiro) 9066779 : 9062444 9065089 9057179 9064882 9054215 9055252 9054044 9063145 9062445 9065692 9055255 9066789 9066623 9064461 9065690 9063978 9066150 9055267 9054140 9066794 9066293 9066305 # Coimbra (tompinheiro) 9066784 : 9062444 9065089 9057179 9064882 9054215 9055252 9054044 9063145 9062445 9065692 9055255 9066789 9066623 9064461 9065690 9063978 9066150 9055267 9054140 9066794 9066293 9066305 9053967 9066083 9065717 # Kingdom Builder: Big Box (tompinheiro) 9066790 : 9062444 9065089 9057179 9064882 9054139 #pragma user "uiuz3ra" # Confirmation code: t1JfiGyMLIOnzbcEIVGAqw # Fri Jul 15 16:56:34 2022 # Small World of Warcraft (uiuz3ra) 9066788 : 9064040 9057179 9062477 9066760 # Stroganov (uiuz3ra) 9066794 : 9064040 9057179 #pragma user "vanpericles" # Confirmation code: 8W3Joa-jvE/RsHdve9IEhA # Thu Jul 14 09:22:18 2022 # Lords of Hellas (vanpericles) 9063134 : 9057179 9054123 9066650 # Deckscape: Heist in Venice (vanpericles) 9063136 : 9057179 9054123 9066650 9065716 9054107 9054139 9063991 9066157 9066788 9053972 9062477 9066760 9055280 9053940 9063978 9066541 9062179 9055267 9054140 9064040 9055252 9054044 9053858 9054170 9064068 9053967 9054131 9066070 9066789 9054109 9066083 9061154 9053961 9063985 9054151 9064011 9054146 9066151 9062445 9066595 9066773 9053980 9065692 9055255 9055277 9054137 9065703 9066582 9053859 9054031 9053956 9055270 9066626 9061106 9061147 9062183 9062204 9066178 9061162 9066105 9061138 9054270 # God of War: The Card Game (vanpericles) 9063141 : 9057179 9054123 9066650 9065716 9054107 9054139 9063991 9066157 9066788 9053972 9062477 9066760 9055280 9053940 9063978 9066541 9062179 9055267 9054140 9064040 9055252 9054044 9053858 9054170 9064068 9053967 9054131 9066070 9066789 9054109 9066083 9061154 9053961 9063985 9054151 9064011 9054146 9066151 9066595 9066773 # Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization (vanpericles) 9063145 : 9057179 9054123 9066650 9065716 9054107 9054139 9063991 9066157 9066788 9053972 # Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra (vanpericles) 9063156 : 9057179 9054123 9066650 9065716 9054107 9054139 9063991 9066157 9066788 9053972 9062477 9066760 9055280 9053940 9063978 9066541 9062179 9055267 9054140 # Munchkin Panic (vanpericles) 9063160 : 9057179 9054123 9066650 9065716 9054107 9054139 9063991 9066157 9066788 9053972 9062477 9066760 9055280 9053940 9063978 9066541 9062179 9055267 9054140 9064040 9055252 9054044 9053858 9054170 9064068 9053967 9054131 9066070 9066789 9054109 9066083 9061154 9053961 9063985 9054151 9064011 9054146 9066151 9062445 9066595 9066773 9053980 9065692 9055255 9055277 9054137 9065703 9066582 9053859 9054031 9053956 9055270 9066626 9061106 # Reykholt (vanpericles) 9063171 : 9057179 9054123 9066650 9065716 9054107 9054139 9063991 9066157 9066788 9053972 9062477 9066760 9055280 9053940 9063978 9066541 9062179 9055267 9054140 9064040 9055252 9054044 9053858 9054170 9064068 9053967 9054131 9066070 9066789 9054109 9066083 9061154 9053961 9063985 9054151 9064011 9054146 9066151 9062445 # A Feast for Odin (vanpericles) 9063172 : 9057179 9054123 9066650 # Arcadia Quest: Riders (vanpericles) 9063174 : 9057179 9054123 9066650 9065716 9054107 9054139 9063991 9066157 9066788 9053972 9062477 9066760 9055280 9053940 9063978 9066541 9062179 9055267 9054140 9064040 9055252 9054044 9053858 9054170 9064068 9053967 9054131 9066070 9066789 9054109 9066083 9061154 9053961 9063985 9054151 9064011 9054146 9066151 9062445 9066595 9066773 #pragma user "zemacaco" # Confirmation code: 7Es0hEiZweJfAZN6EGz1IA # Fri Jul 15 11:44:26 2022 # (zemacaco) %Coimb : 9064068 9066784 # (zemacaco) %ComHun : 9062216 9064064 # (zemacaco) %FoG : 9061126 9066793 # (zemacaco) %RoM : 9064011 9065578 # (zemacaco) %Spyfa : 9055276 9066610 # Brass: Lancashire (zemacaco) 9053858 : 9064040 # Discoveries: The Journals of Lewis & Clark (zemacaco) 9053859 : 9066389 9066149 %Coimb 9065692 9055255 9066765 9053961 9064022 9053979 %RoM 9066120 9053930 9054037 9066126 9066083 9054029 9055288 9055275 9054031 9053956 %ComHun 9062183 # Alt Name: TORRE DADOS Crystal Gamegenic (zemacaco) 9053860 : 9066389 9066149 %Coimb 9065692 9055255 9066765 9053961 9064022 9053979 %RoM 9066120 # Zombicide Season 3: Rue Morgue (zemacaco) 9054157 : # Terraforming Mars (zemacaco) 9054215 : 9064040 # Dwar7s Fall: Royal Decrees (zemacaco) 9054270 : 9066389 9066149 %Coimb 9065692 9055255 9066765 9053961 9064022 9053979 %RoM 9066120 9053930 9054037 9066126 9066083 9054029 9055288 9055275 9054031 9053956 %ComHun 9062183 9062482 %Spyfa 9066190 %FoG 9063136 # Race for the Galaxy (zemacaco) 9066098 : 9066389 9066149 %Coimb 9065692 9055255 9066765 9053961 9064022 9053979 %RoM 9066120 9053930 9054037 9066126 9066083 9054029 9055288 9055275 9054031 9053956 %ComHun 9062183 9062482 %Spyfa 9066190 # 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