# These WANTS loaded directly by the OLWLG # Wed Jul 3 19:13:09 2024 #+ Geeklist: Norsk Byttesirkel - juni 2024 (Norwegian MathTrade) #+ ... https://www.boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/337724 #+ Owner: Gawain #+ Item count: 32 #+ Users with items: 4 #! ALLOW-DUMMIES #! REQUIRE-COLONS #! REQUIRE-USERNAMES #! HIDE-NONTRADES #! SHOW-ELAPSED-TIME #! SEED=123456 #! LINEAR-PRIORITIES #! METRIC=Users-Trading !BEGIN-OFFICIAL-NAMES 10825806 ==> 1. "Neta-Tanka: Deluxe Edition" (from nils777) 10825809 ==> 2. "Camel Up: Off Season" (from nils777) 10825864 ==> 3. "Alt Name: Velg 2 av disse spillene alle nye i plast" (from nils777) 10826210 ==> 4. "Alt Name: VELG 2 AV DISSE NY I PLAST-SPILLENE" (from nils777) 10827265 ==> 5. "Copycat" (from eirik413) 10827267 ==> 6. "Snow Time" (from eirik413) 10827268 ==> 7. "Genoa" (from eirik413) 10827269 ==> 8. "The Taverns of Tiefenthal" (from eirik413) 10827270 ==> 9. "Odin's Ravens (Second Edition)" (from eirik413) 10827271 ==> 10. "Magic Maze" (from eirik413) 10827273 ==> 11. "Fantastic Factories" (from eirik413) 10827275 ==> 12. "Jump Drive" (from eirik413) 10827277 ==> 13. "The Bloody Inn" (from eirik413) 10827278 ==> 14. "Antike" (from eirik413) 10827279 ==> 15. "Codenames: Duet" (from eirik413) 10835968 ==> 16. "Santa Maria" (from Sortrose) 10835969 ==> 17. "Footprints" (from Sortrose) 10836019 ==> 18. "Aerion" (from Sortrose) 10836028 ==> 19. "Detective: City of Angels" (from Sortrose) 10840082 ==> 20. "Books of Time" (from Sortrose) 10843345 ==> 21. "Raiatea" (from nils777) 10843348 ==> 22. "Mysterium" (from nils777) 10843357 ==> 23. "Alt Name: Velg 3 av disse spillene" (from nils777) 10843364 ==> 24. "Bardagi: The Claim for Gold" (from nils777) 10843370 ==> 25. "Imperium: Legends" (from nils777) 10843387 ==> 26. "Escape: The Curse of the Temple" (from nils777) 10843390 ==> 27. "Sultaniya" (from nils777) 10843391 ==> 28. "Colt Express" (from nils777) 10847654 ==> 29. "Beowulf: The Legend" (from Gawain) 10847655 ==> 30. "Doodle City" (from Gawain) 10847657 ==> 31. "Spectrangle" (from Gawain) 10847658 ==> 32. "WWE Superstar Showdown" (from Gawain) !END-OFFICIAL-NAMES #pragma user "Eirik413" # Confirmation code: 81/uGcipHZ/9a/YnLYLllQ # Fri Jun 28 04:47:25 2024 # Copycat (Eirik413) 10827265 : 10843370 10835968 10825806 # Snow Time (Eirik413) 10827267 : 10843370 10835968 10825806 # Genoa (Eirik413) 10827268 : 10843370 # The Taverns of Tiefenthal (Eirik413) 10827269 : # Odin's Ravens (Second Edition) (Eirik413) 10827270 : 10843370 10835968 10825806 # Magic Maze (Eirik413) 10827271 : 10843370 10835968 10825806 # Fantastic Factories (Eirik413) 10827273 : # Jump Drive (Eirik413) 10827275 : # The Bloody Inn (Eirik413) 10827277 : 10843370 10835968 10825806 # Antike (Eirik413) 10827278 : 10843370 10835968 10825806 # Codenames: Duet (Eirik413) 10827279 : 10843370 #pragma user "Gawain" # Confirmation code: OcArtaAziJrw5DgfXrtypg # Sun Jun 23 16:02:58 2024 # Beowulf: The Legend (Gawain) 10847654 : 10827277 10827269 10827273 # Doodle City (Gawain) 10847655 : 10827277 10827269 10827273 # Spectrangle (Gawain) 10847657 : 10827277 10827269 10827273 # WWE Superstar Showdown (Gawain) 10847658 : 10827277 10827269 10827273 #pragma user "nils777" # Confirmation code: GgAzQFRoufIFAd80D4uUBg # Mon Jun 24 11:28:12 2024 # Neta-Tanka: Deluxe Edition (nils777) 10825806 : 10827269 10835969 # Camel Up: Off Season (nils777) 10825809 : 10827269 10835969 10827268 10827273 10827279 10827265 10836028 # Alt Name: Velg 2 av disse spillene alle nye i plast (nils777) 10825864 : 10827269 # Alt Name: VELG 2 AV DISSE NY I PLAST-SPILLENE (nils777) 10826210 : 10827269 10835969 # Raiatea (nils777) 10843345 : 10827269 10835969 10827268 10827273 10827279 10827265 10836028 # Mysterium (nils777) 10843348 : 10827269 10835969 10827268 10827273 10827279 10827265 10836028 # Alt Name: Velg 3 av disse spillene (nils777) 10843357 : 10827269 10835969 10827268 10827273 10827279 10827265 10836028 # Bardagi: The Claim for Gold (nils777) 10843364 : 10827269 10835969 10827268 10827273 10827279 10827265 # Imperium: Legends (nils777) 10843370 : 10827269 10835969 # Escape: The Curse of the Temple (nils777) 10843387 : 10827269 10835969 10827268 10827273 10827279 10827265 10836028 # Sultaniya (nils777) 10843390 : 10827269 10835969 10827268 10827273 10827279 10827265 10836028 # Colt Express (nils777) 10843391 : 10827269 10835969 10827268 10827273 10827279 10827265 10836028 #pragma user "sortrose" # Confirmation code: -ch61XvnAH24QUjEPBiOmA # Sat Jun 22 11:02:59 2024 # Santa Maria (sortrose) 10835968 : # Footprints (sortrose) 10835969 : 10843370 10825864 # Aerion (sortrose) 10836019 : 10843370 10825864 # Detective: City of Angels (sortrose) 10836028 : # Books of Time (sortrose) 10840082 : # End of wants. If you don't see this line then this file may have # been truncated. IMPORTANT: this comment block is also required to be # in the wants file when you upload the WANTS into the OLWLG.