# These WANTS loaded directly by the OLWLG # Mon Jul 15 23:26:37 2024 #+ Geeklist: Portland Gaming Collective Con In-Person Math Trade #+ ... https://www.boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/337905 #+ Owner: wery67564 #+ Item count: 55 #+ Users with items: 5 #! ALLOW-DUMMIES #! REQUIRE-COLONS #! REQUIRE-USERNAMES #! HIDE-NONTRADES #! SHOW-ELAPSED-TIME #! SEED=123456 #! METRIC=Users-Trading !BEGIN-OFFICIAL-NAMES 10836837 ==> 1. "Dobro" (from andystaats) 10845238 ==> 2. "Divicity" (from spkn001) 10845246 ==> 3. "Sail" (from spkn001) 10845254 ==> 4. "VIVO" (from spkn001) 10850576 ==> 5. "Sherlock in Time" (from grandslam) 10850674 ==> 6. "Tooth & Claw: Animals with Civilization" (from andystaats) 10850676 ==> 7. "Owl About" (from andystaats) 10850678 ==> 8. "宿命の旅団 (Fellowships of Fate)" (from andystaats) 10850679 ==> 9. "Tichu" (from andystaats) 10850681 ==> 10. "Lunar" (from andystaats) 10850682 ==> 11. "Wizards Cup" (from andystaats) 10850684 ==> 12. "Skat" (from andystaats) 10850685 ==> 13. "Bargain Hunter" (from andystaats) 10851096 ==> 14. "Àiyé" (from andystaats) 10851177 ==> 15. "Four Clans Conflict" (from andystaats) 10852642 ==> 16. "Trek 12: Himalaya" (from wettstein) 10852647 ==> 17. "Tooth & Claw: Animals with Civilization" (from wettstein) 10852653 ==> 18. "Azul" (from wettstein) 10852657 ==> 19. "Wok Star (3rd Edition)" (from wettstein) 10852667 ==> 20. "Detective Club" (from wettstein) 10852669 ==> 21. "Four Dragons" (from wettstein) 10860392 ==> 22. "Cabaret" (from andystaats) 10860393 ==> 23. "Custom Heroes" (from andystaats) 10861509 ==> 24. "Slava" (from andystaats) 10864464 ==> 25. "Moneybags" (from wettstein) 10883190 ==> 26. "Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn" (from marlnobor) 10883192 ==> 27. "Cat in the Box: Deluxe Edition" (from marlnobor) 10883193 ==> 28. "FYFE" (from marlnobor) 10883196 ==> 29. "Hungry Monkey" (from marlnobor) 10883197 ==> 30. "Lunarchitects" (from marlnobor) 10883199 ==> 31. "Magic Maze" (from marlnobor) 10883210-COPY1 ==> 32. "Alt Name: $20.00 electronic Gift Certificate to any online store that sells games" (from marlnobor) [copy 1 of 3] 10883210-COPY2 ==> 32. "Alt Name: $20.00 electronic Gift Certificate to any online store that sells games" (from marlnobor) [copy 2 of 3] 10883210-COPY3 ==> 32. "Alt Name: $20.00 electronic Gift Certificate to any online store that sells games" (from marlnobor) [copy 3 of 3] 10883216 ==> 33. "Pandemic Legacy: Season 2" (from marlnobor) 10883218 ==> 34. "Alt Name: Mind MGMT Kickstarter Wooden Upgrade Kit" (from marlnobor) 10883221 ==> 35. "Potato Man" (from marlnobor) 10883225 ==> 36. "Sheriff of Nottingham" (from marlnobor) 10883229 ==> 37. "Things in Rings" (from marlnobor) 10883231 ==> 38. "Tichu" (from marlnobor) 10883234 ==> 39. "Tichu" (from marlnobor) 10883236 ==> 40. "Timebomb" (from marlnobor) 10883244 ==> 41. "Tiny Epic Western" (from marlnobor) 10883247 ==> 42. "Unlock!: Mythic Adventures" (from marlnobor) 10883249 ==> 43. "Verdant" (from marlnobor) 10883251 ==> 44. "Azul: Crystal Mosaic" (from marlnobor) 10883253 ==> 45. "Fresco: The Bishop's Favor" (from marlnobor) 10883256 ==> 46. "Imperium: Progeny Promo Pack" (from marlnobor) 10883258 ==> 47. "Magic Maze: Roundabout Tile" (from marlnobor) 10883262 ==> 48. "Charterstone: Extra Coins" (from marlnobor) 10883265 ==> 49. "Food Chain Magnate: GeekUp Milestone Boards & Card Accordion (Second edition)" (from marlnobor) 10894573 ==> 50. "Sid Meier's Civilization: The Card Game" (from grandslam) 10894574 ==> 51. "Ugh!" (from grandslam) 10894576 ==> 52. "Experiment" (from grandslam) 10894577 ==> 53. "Fidelitas" (from grandslam) 10894579 ==> 54. "In Extremis" (from grandslam) 10894580 ==> 55. "Cacti" (from grandslam) !END-OFFICIAL-NAMES #pragma user "andystaats" # Confirmation code: 12DN5MOcFx7zwoCmavpy3w # Thu Jul 11 14:22:39 2024 # Dobro (andystaats) 10836837 : # Tooth & Claw: Animals with Civilization (andystaats) 10850674 : 10883196 10883234 # Owl About (andystaats) 10850676 : # 宿命の旅団 (Fellowships of Fate) (andystaats) 10850678 : 10883196 # Tichu (andystaats) 10850679 : 10883196 10883234 # Lunar (andystaats) 10850681 : 10883196 # Wizards Cup (andystaats) 10850682 : 10883196 10883234 # Skat (andystaats) 10850684 : 10883196 10883234 # Bargain Hunter (andystaats) 10850685 : # Àiyé (andystaats) 10851096 : # Four Clans Conflict (andystaats) 10851177 : 10883196 10883234 # Cabaret (andystaats) 10860392 : 10883196 10883234 # Custom Heroes (andystaats) 10860393 : # Slava (andystaats) 10861509 : 10883196 #pragma user "grandslam" # Confirmation code: khdmQsCrJmlHsk25V//dLA # Sun Jul 14 00:53:16 2024 # Sherlock in Time (grandslam) 10850576 : 10883229 10845254 10850676 10851096 # Sid Meier's Civilization: The Card Game (grandslam) 10894573 : 10883229 # Ugh! (grandslam) 10894574 : 10883229 10845254 10850676 10851096 # Experiment (grandslam) 10894576 : 10883229 # Fidelitas (grandslam) 10894577 : 10883229 # In Extremis (grandslam) 10894579 : 10883229 10845254 10850676 10851096 # Cacti (grandslam) 10894580 : 10883229 10845254 10850676 10851096 #pragma user "marlnobor" # Confirmation code: /p2y8MerBFFvEcEgvv9aig # Fri Jul 12 17:09:16 2024 # Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn (marlnobor) 10883190 : 10845254 10852667 10845238 10850681 10864464 10851177 10836837 10850676 10852653 10845246 10852669 10850682 10850576 # Cat in the Box: Deluxe Edition (marlnobor) 10883192 : 10845254 10852667 10845238 # FYFE (marlnobor) 10883193 : 10845254 # Hungry Monkey (marlnobor) 10883196 : 10845254 10852667 10845238 # Lunarchitects (marlnobor) 10883197 : 10845254 # Magic Maze (marlnobor) 10883199 : 10845254 # Alt Name: $20.00 electronic Gift Certificate to any online store that sells games (marlnobor) 10883210-COPY1 : 10845254 10852667 10845238 # Alt Name: $20.00 electronic Gift Certificate to any online store that sells games (marlnobor) 10883210-COPY2 : 10845254 10852667 10845238 # Alt Name: $20.00 electronic Gift Certificate to any online store that sells games (marlnobor) 10883210-COPY3 : 10845254 10852667 10845238 # Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 (marlnobor) 10883216 : 10845254 # Alt Name: Mind MGMT Kickstarter Wooden Upgrade Kit (marlnobor) 10883218 : 10845254 10852667 10845238 10850681 10864464 10851177 10836837 10850676 10852653 10845246 10852669 10850682 10850576 # Potato Man (marlnobor) 10883221 : 10845254 # Sheriff of Nottingham (marlnobor) 10883225 : 10845254 10852667 10845238 # Things in Rings (marlnobor) 10883229 : 10845254 10852667 10845238 # Tichu (marlnobor) 10883231 : 10845254 10852667 10845238 # Tichu (marlnobor) 10883234 : 10845254 # Timebomb (marlnobor) 10883236 : 10845254 10852667 10845238 # Tiny Epic Western (marlnobor) 10883244 : 10845254 10852667 10845238 10850681 10864464 10851177 10836837 10850676 10852653 10845246 10852669 10850682 10850576 # Unlock!: Mythic Adventures (marlnobor) 10883247 : 10845254 10852667 10845238 10850681 10864464 10851177 10836837 10850676 # Verdant (marlnobor) 10883249 : 10845254 10852667 10845238 # Azul: Crystal Mosaic (marlnobor) 10883251 : 10845254 10852667 10845238 10850681 10864464 10851177 10836837 10850676 # Fresco: The Bishop's Favor (marlnobor) 10883253 : 10845254 10852667 10845238 10850681 10864464 10851177 10836837 10850676 10852653 10845246 10852669 10850682 10850576 10860393 10852657 10851096 10850674 10850678 # Imperium: Progeny Promo Pack (marlnobor) 10883256 : 10845254 10852667 10845238 10850681 10864464 10851177 10836837 10850676 10852653 10845246 10852669 10850682 10850576 10860393 10852657 10851096 10850674 10850678 # Magic Maze: Roundabout Tile (marlnobor) 10883258 : 10845254 10852667 10845238 10850681 10864464 10851177 10836837 10850676 10852653 10845246 10852669 10850682 10850576 10860393 10852657 10851096 10850674 10850678 # Charterstone: Extra Coins (marlnobor) 10883262 : 10845254 10852667 10845238 10850681 10864464 10851177 10836837 10850676 # Food Chain Magnate: GeekUp Milestone Boards & Card Accordion (Second edition) (marlnobor) 10883265 : 10845254 10852667 10845238 10850681 10864464 10851177 10836837 10850676 #pragma user "spkn001" # Confirmation code: g68n6yB/zUALT2EaCVtOTg # Thu Jul 11 17:15:34 2024 # Divicity (spkn001) 10845238 : 10851177 10836837 # Sail (spkn001) 10845246 : 10851177 10836837 # VIVO (spkn001) 10845254 : # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: $20.00 electronic Gift Certificate to any online store that sells games (spkn001) %10883210 : 10883210-COPY1 10883210-COPY2 10883210-COPY3 #pragma user "wettstein" # Confirmation code: npDtn-xps49nTaH1WUYGSw # Thu Jul 11 14:03:50 2024 # Trek 12: Himalaya (wettstein) 10852642 : 10850685 10836837 10883229 10845254 10850678 10883249 10883234 # Tooth & Claw: Animals with Civilization (wettstein) 10852647 : 10850685 10836837 10883229 10845254 10850678 10883249 10883234 # Azul (wettstein) 10852653 : 10836837 10845254 10850678 10883249 # Wok Star (3rd Edition) (wettstein) 10852657 : 10845254 10850678 # Detective Club (wettstein) 10852667 : 10845254 # Four Dragons (wettstein) 10852669 : 10850685 10836837 10883229 10845254 10850678 10883249 10883234 # Moneybags (wettstein) 10864464 : 10850685 10836837 10883229 10845254 10850678 10883249 10883234 # End of wants. If you don't see this line then this file may have # been truncated. IMPORTANT: this comment block is also required to be # in the wants file when you upload the WANTS into the OLWLG.