# These WANTS loaded directly by the OLWLG # Sun Jan 5 22:04:31 2025 #+ Geeklist: German Math Trade End of the year edition 2024 Promo-Liste #+ ... https://www.boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/348004 #+ Owner: German Math Trade #+ Item count: 332 #+ Users with items: 14 #! ALLOW-DUMMIES #! REQUIRE-COLONS #! REQUIRE-USERNAMES #! HIDE-NONTRADES #! SHOW-ELAPSED-TIME #! SEED=123456 #! METRIC=Users-Trading # MISSING 177 WANTS (53.3%) FROM 5 USER(s) (35.7%): # German Math Trade (1) # Honyloop (116) # LeGon (45) # mephezar (1) # Motorkopf (14) !BEGIN-OFFICIAL-NAMES 11324605 ==> 1. "Hatfield vs McCoy "Shotgun Shootout"" (from German Math Trade) 11325304 ==> 2. "Queen of 12: Die Spionin, die Sammlerin & die Heerführerin" (from mmz257) 11325305 ==> 3. "Not Alone: Sanctuary – The Promo Cards" (from mmz257) 11325306 ==> 4. "Maximum Apocalypse: Promo Cards" (from mmz257) 11325307 ==> 5. "The Grimm Forest: All Hallow's Eve Promo Card" (from mmz257) 11325308 ==> 6. "Furnace: Alfred Nobel Promo Card" (from mmz257) 11325310 ==> 7. "Dune: Imperium – Jessica of Arrakis Promo Card" (from mmz257) 11325312 ==> 8. "Anno Domini: Mixed Edition" (from mmz257) 11325437 ==> 9. "Flick of Faith: Santa God Promo" (from Motorkopf) 11325438 ==> 10. "Werwölfe: Watchdog" (from Motorkopf) 11325439 ==> 11. "Werwölfe: Streunende Katze" (from Motorkopf) 11325440 ==> 12. "Riga: The Grand Masters" (from Motorkopf) 11325441 ==> 13. "Robotics: Die neuen Robotics-Marken" (from Motorkopf) 11325442 ==> 14. "Ghosts of the Moor: New Tasks" (from Motorkopf) 11325443 ==> 15. "Iquazú: Brettspiel Adventskalender 2017 Promo" (from Motorkopf) 11325444 ==> 16. "Fluxx Promo Cards" (from Motorkopf) 11325445 ==> 17. "Chez Cthulhu: Cthulhu Mask Promo Card" (from Motorkopf) 11325446 ==> 18. "Glüx: Extra Chips" (from Motorkopf) 11326345 ==> 19. "Gingerbread House: Spiel 2018 Promo Cards" (from Angelcollector) 11326346 ==> 20. "The Great City of Rome: The Shrine" (from Angelcollector) 11326347 ==> 21. "Dream Home: Promo Tokens – Christmas Tree" (from Angelcollector) 11326348 ==> 22. "Pictomania: Geek Edition" (from Angelcollector) 11326350 ==> 23. "Quest: Zeit der Helden – Wolkenwächter Linart" (from Angelcollector) 11326352 ==> 24. "Tiny Epic Mechs: Man vs. Meeple Promo Cards" (from Angelcollector) 11326355 ==> 25. "Tiny Epic Tactics: Dice Tower 2020 Promo Cards" (from Angelcollector) 11327159 ==> 26. "CATAN" (from Motorkopf) 11327169 ==> 27. "Carcassonne" (from Motorkopf) 11327178 ==> 28. "Chicken Cha Cha Cha" (from Motorkopf) 11327319 ==> 29. "Barcelona: New Building Bonus Tiles" (from mmz257) 11327329 ==> 30. "Mindbug: First Contact – Kängusaurus Rex" (from mmz257) 11327347 ==> 31. "Res Arcana: Alternative Mages Pack" (from mmz257) 11327510 ==> 32. "MicroMacro: Crime City – Full House: Another Bank Robbery" (from santafelis) 11332307 ==> 33. "Briefcase: Board Game Factory" (from santafelis) 11332308 ==> 34. "Briefcase: Double Buy" (from santafelis) 11332309 ==> 35. "Fields of Green: Crop Circle" (from santafelis) 11332310 ==> 36. "Treachery in a Pocket: Margaret the Witch Promo Card" (from santafelis) 11332311 ==> 37. "Adrenaline: Chainsaw" (from santafelis) 11332313 ==> 38. "Agricola: L-Deck" (from santafelis) 11332314 ==> 39. "Space Freaks: Prophecy – The 19th Head Promo Card" (from santafelis) 11332315 ==> 40. "Kosmonauts: Promo Event Card No. 31" (from santafelis) 11332316 ==> 41. "A Thief's Fortune: Gossipmonger promo card" (from santafelis) 11332317 ==> 42. "Zooloretto: Skunk" (from santafelis) 11332352 ==> 43. "Snowdonia: Essen 2012 Promo Cards" (from santafelis) 11332353 ==> 44. "Agricola: The Legen*dairy Forest Deck – Peruvian Inquisition" (from santafelis) 11332354 ==> 45. "Carcassonne: Ukraine Promo Tile" (from santafelis) 11332355 ==> 46. "Carcassonne: The Count of Carcassonne" (from santafelis) 11332356-COPY1 ==> 47. "Chronicles of Crime: 1400 – Wooden Dog Meeple" (from santafelis) [copy 1 of 3] 11332356-COPY2 ==> 47. "Chronicles of Crime: 1400 – Wooden Dog Meeple" (from santafelis) [copy 2 of 3] 11332356-COPY3 ==> 47. "Chronicles of Crime: 1400 – Wooden Dog Meeple" (from santafelis) [copy 3 of 3] 11332357 ==> 48. "Piraten kapern: Sonderkarten" (from santafelis) 11332358 ==> 49. "Glow: Dice Bag" (from santafelis) 11332359 ==> 50. "Snowdonia: Wagons Expansion" (from santafelis) 11332360 ==> 51. "Snowdonia: Rolling Stock No. 1" (from santafelis) 11332361 ==> 52. "Drum Roll: Dragon Dancers" (from santafelis) 11332362 ==> 53. "Dixit: 2012 Asmodee Special Cards" (from santafelis) 11332363 ==> 54. "Minecraft: Builders & Biomes – Fishing Rod and Shovel Promo Tiles" (from santafelis) 11332365 ==> 55. "MicroMacro: Crime City – More Crime: Confidence Trick & Baby-Party" (from santafelis) 11332366 ==> 56. "Dune: Imperium – Jessica of Arrakis Promo Card" (from santafelis) 11332369 ==> 57. "Talisman: Star Wars – 2021 Promo Card Set" (from santafelis) 11332385 ==> 58. "Star Realms: Warlord Promo Card" (from santafelis) 11332386 ==> 59. "Star Realms: Union Drone" (from santafelis) 11332388 ==> 60. "Star Realms: Assault Shuttle" (from santafelis) 11332392 ==> 61. "Palatinus: Insula Tiberina" (from santafelis) 11332393 ==> 62. "Fredericus: Sigillum Magnum" (from santafelis) 11332395 ==> 63. "Drum Roll: Dragon Dancers" (from santafelis) 11332396 ==> 64. "Catan: Das Duell – Sonderkarte 2021: Weinberg" (from santafelis) 11332397 ==> 65. "Catan: Das Duell – Sonderkarte 2021: 25 Jahre CATAN-Kartenspiel" (from santafelis) 11334757 ==> 66. "Munchkin Promotional Bookmarks" (from Motorkopf) 11339348 ==> 67. "15 Men: Einäugiger Willie Promo Card" (from Honyloop) 11339349 ==> 68. "1830: Chattanooga Promotional Card" (from Honyloop) 11339351 ==> 69. "7 Wonders Duel: The Messe Essen Promo Card" (from Honyloop) 11339352 ==> 70. "7 Wonders: Leaders – Esteban" (from Honyloop) 11339353 ==> 71. "7 Wonders: Leaders – Louis" (from Honyloop) 11339354 ==> 72. "7 Wonders: Leaders – Nimrod" (from Honyloop) 11339355 ==> 73. "7 Wonders: Leaders – Wil" (from Honyloop) 11339356 ==> 74. "7 Wonders: Manneken Pis" (from Honyloop) 11339358 ==> 75. "Adrenaline: Laser-Magnum" (from Honyloop) 11339359 ==> 76. "Adventure Island: How it all began" (from Honyloop) 11339360 ==> 77. "Aeon's End: Tabletop Day 2017 Promos – Drown in Flames / Glyph Enigma" (from Honyloop) 11339361 ==> 78. "Aeon's End: Splitter-Geschoss Promo" (from Honyloop) 11339362 ==> 79. "Agra: Ambabari Elephant Promo Card" (from Honyloop) 11339363 ==> 80. "Agra: Mini Expansion 1" (from Honyloop) 11339365 ==> 81. "Agricola CZ-Deck" (from Honyloop) 11339366 ==> 82. "Agricola Ereigniskarten" (from Honyloop) 11339368 ==> 83. "Agricola: Biogas Plant Promo Card" (from Honyloop) 11339370 ==> 84. "Agricola: L-Deck" (from Honyloop) 11339371 ==> 85. "Agricola: L-Deck" (from Honyloop) 11339372 ==> 86. "Agricola: L-Deck" (from Honyloop) 11339373 ==> 87. "Agricola: L-Deck" (from Honyloop) 11339374 ==> 88. "Agricola: L-Deck" (from Honyloop) 11339375 ==> 89. "Agricola: L-Deck" (from Honyloop) 11339376 ==> 90. "Agricola: L-Deck" (from Honyloop) 11339377 ==> 91. "Agricola: L-Deck" (from Honyloop) 11339378 ==> 92. "Agricola: L-Deck" (from Honyloop) 11339379 ==> 93. "Agricola: L-Deck" (from Honyloop) 11339380 ==> 94. "Agricola: L-Deck" (from Honyloop) 11339382 ==> 95. "Agricola: L-Deck" (from Honyloop) 11339383 ==> 96. "Agricola: L-Deck" (from Honyloop) 11339384 ==> 97. "Agricola: L-Deck" (from Honyloop) 11339385 ==> 98. "Agricola: L-Deck" (from Honyloop) 11339386 ==> 99. "Agricola: Ö-Deck" (from Honyloop) 11339387 ==> 100. "Agricola: X-Deck" (from Honyloop) 11339389 ==> 101. "Airlines Europe: Flight Ban" (from Honyloop) 11339390 ==> 102. "Airlines Europe: New Bonus Connections" (from Honyloop) 11340007-COPY1 ==> 103. "Ticket to Ride: Europe – Orient Express" (from LeGon) [copy 1 of 2] 11340007-COPY2 ==> 103. "Ticket to Ride: Europe – Orient Express" (from LeGon) [copy 2 of 2] 11340009 ==> 104. "Aquaretto: Three Coworker Tiles" (from LeGon) 11340010 ==> 105. "Alt Name: Massive Darkness Fomorian und Werewolf promos" (from LeGon) 11340011 ==> 106. "Shipwrights of the North Sea: Garphill Games 5-Year Anniversary Promos" (from LeGon) 11340014 ==> 107. "Raccoon Tycoon: Jack Rabbit Railroad" (from LeGon) 11340017 ==> 108. "Alt Name: Klong! Netter Beobachter und Magische Brille - Nachdruck von MPC" (from LeGon) 11340022 ==> 109. "Alt Name: Dune: Imperium Duncan, Loyale Klinge - deutsche Variante von MPC" (from LeGon) 11340025 ==> 110. "Kingdomino: Sand Castle" (from LeGon) 11340027 ==> 111. "Schäferstündchen: Das tapfere Schneiderlein" (from LeGon) 11340029 ==> 112. "Schäferstündchen: Riese Rübezahl" (from LeGon) 11340030 ==> 113. "First Class: Teatime" (from LeGon) 11340032 ==> 114. "Viral: Vaselitus Promo Card" (from LeGon) 11340035 ==> 115. "Dominion: Prince Promo Card" (from LeGon) 11340036 ==> 116. "Dominion: Sauna / Avanto Promo Card" (from LeGon) 11340037 ==> 117. "Dominion: Höflinge Promo Card" (from LeGon) 11340038 ==> 118. "Touria: The 10th Castle Door" (from LeGon) 11340039 ==> 119. "Aquaretto: The Trains" (from LeGon) 11340040 ==> 120. "Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle – Spell: Silencio!" (from LeGon) 11340041 ==> 121. "Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle – Spell: Sunshine Daisy, Butter Mellow, Turn This Stupid Fat Rat Yellow!" (from LeGon) 11340042 ==> 122. "Terra Mystica: Vulkan & Eis" (from LeGon) 11340043 ==> 123. "Alt Name: Rising Sun Yin Yang Token lila und gelb" (from LeGon) 11340045 ==> 124. "Alt Name: Grand Austria Hotel - Room Service Replacement Cards" (from LeGon) 11340046 ==> 125. "Black Stories: Spiel 2018 Edition" (from LeGon) 11340047 ==> 126. "Scythe: Promo Pack No. 14 – Encounter Card 42" (from LeGon) 11340048 ==> 127. "Top Trumps Star Wars: Tseebo Promo Card" (from LeGon) 11340049 ==> 128. "The Gnomes of Zavandor: Turn Summary Card" (from LeGon) 11340050 ==> 129. "Feudality: The King Promo Card" (from LeGon) 11340051 ==> 130. "Agricola: L-Deck" (from LeGon) 11340053 ==> 131. "Aquatica: Sea Diva & Shell-Armored Raiders Promo Cards" (from LeGon) 11340054 ==> 132. "Pixie Queen: Bonus Tiles" (from LeGon) 11340057 ==> 133. "Munchkin Promotional Bookmarks" (from LeGon) 11340060 ==> 134. "Geistesblitz: Gratis Demo-Spiel" (from LeGon) 11340061 ==> 135. "Blindes Huhn: Viehdoktor" (from LeGon) 11340062 ==> 136. "Zooloretto: The Savings Book" (from LeGon) 11340064 ==> 137. "Raiders of the North Sea: The Mico Promo" (from LeGon) 11340067 ==> 138. "Railroad Ink: Promo Board No. 2 – Red Train" (from LeGon) 11340069 ==> 139. "Alt Name: La Gloire de Rome: Sénateur" (from LeGon) 11340071 ==> 140. "Alt Name: Arche Nova Wasserwellen: Bonusplättchen" (from LeGon) 11340072 ==> 141. "Zooloretto: Capybara" (from LeGon) 11340074 ==> 142. "Zooloretto: Christmas Gift" (from LeGon) 11340075 ==> 143. "Zooloretto: Kea" (from LeGon) 11340078 ==> 144. "Zooloretto: Skunk" (from LeGon) 11340080 ==> 145. "Zooloretto: Familiarisation Area" (from LeGon) 11340081 ==> 146. "Piraten kapern: Sonderkarten" (from LeGon) 11340084 ==> 147. "Village: Customer Expansion" (from LeGon) 11341419 ==> 148. "Airlines Europe: The Presidents" (from Honyloop) 11341422 ==> 149. "Alchemists: Publisher promo card" (from Honyloop) 11341425 ==> 150. "Alchemists: Ring of Favor" (from Honyloop) 11341427 ==> 151. "Alexandria: Board Game Shelf Promo" (from Honyloop) 11341429 ==> 152. "Alliances: Means of Power Expansion" (from Honyloop) 11341430 ==> 153. "Altiplano: Sunny Days" (from Honyloop) 11341431 ==> 154. "Alubari: A Nice Cup of Tea – Hookah Promo Card" (from Honyloop) 11341432 ==> 155. "Alubari: A Nice Cup of Tea – Promo Cards" (from Honyloop) 11341433 ==> 156. "Anno Domini: Mixed Edition" (from Honyloop) 11341434 ==> 157. "Antarctica: Penguin Expansion" (from Honyloop) 11341435 ==> 158. "Arcadia Quest: Healing Fountain" (from Honyloop) 11341441 ==> 159. "Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends – Legendary Summoner Promo" (from Honyloop) 11341442 ==> 160. "Arkwright: Noblesse Oblige" (from Honyloop) 11341443 ==> 161. "Attack of the Jelly Monster: Promotional Districts" (from Honyloop) 11341444 ==> 162. "Aventuria: The Non-Gambling Kind" (from Honyloop) 11341445 ==> 163. "Barcelona: New Building Bonus Tiles" (from Honyloop) 11341446 ==> 164. "The Battle of Red Cliffs: Command Expansion No. 1" (from Honyloop) 11341447 ==> 165. "Beasty Bar: The Tasmanian Devil" (from Honyloop) 11341448 ==> 166. "Belfort: Guild Promo Pack No. 1" (from Honyloop) 11341449 ==> 167. "Beyond the Sun: Sagittarius A and Beta Colony Promo Cards" (from Honyloop) 11341451 ==> 168. "Big Love Letter" (from Honyloop) 11341453 ==> 169. "Black Rose Wars: Armageddon Promo Card" (from Honyloop) 11341454 ==> 170. "Blindes Huhn: Viehdoktor" (from Honyloop) 11341455 ==> 171. "Blue Max: Nieuport Pilots" (from Honyloop) 11341456 ==> 172. "Bohemian Villages: Special Action Tiles" (from Honyloop) 11341457 ==> 173. "Books of Time: Pele Promo Card" (from Honyloop) 11341459 ==> 174. "Burg Appenzell Erweiterung: Völlig mausgeflippt" (from Honyloop) 11341461 ==> 175. "C3K: Creatures Crossover Cyclades/Kemet" (from Honyloop) 11341962 ==> 176. "Nucleum: Nucleum Half Tiles Promo" (from mmz257) 11341964 ==> 177. "Minos: Dawn of the Bronze Age – New Building Powers Promo" (from mmz257) 11352539 ==> 178. "Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends – Legendary Summoner Promo" (from abkcppm) 11355669 ==> 179. "Dobble: Free Demo Version" (from Veronie) 11355673 ==> 180. "Exploding Kittens: Newbie Edition" (from Veronie) 11355675 ==> 181. "Aventuria: The Non-Gambling Kind" (from Veronie) 11355677 ==> 182. "Anno Domini: Mixed Edition" (from Veronie) 11355678 ==> 183. "Carpe Diem: 1st Expansion" (from Veronie) 11355680 ==> 184. "The Hunger: Severin Promo Card" (from Veronie) 11355683 ==> 185. "Port Royal: Gambler Promo Card" (from Veronie) 11355685 ==> 186. "Touria: The 10th Castle Door" (from Veronie) 11355687 ==> 187. "Werwölfe: Watchdog" (from Veronie) 11355697 ==> 188. "The Quest for El Dorado: Promo Pack" (from Veronie) 11355699 ==> 189. "When I Dream: Bonus Cards" (from Veronie) 11355700 ==> 190. "Anno Domini: Zeitleiste" (from Veronie) 11355702 ==> 191. "The Quest for El Dorado: 2023 Promo Pack" (from Veronie) 11355703 ==> 192. "The Great Split: General Promo Tile" (from Veronie) 11355712 ==> 193. "Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated – Fabulous Display" (from Veronie) 11355714 ==> 194. "Clank!: Expedition Leader" (from Veronie) 11355717 ==> 195. "Skyrockets: Festival of Fire – Playing with Matches Promo Card" (from Veronie) 11355720 ==> 196. "Tutto: Torte Promo Card" (from Veronie) 11355723 ==> 197. "Spotlight: Robin Hood Promo Card" (from Veronie) 11355728 ==> 198. "Minecraft: Builders & Biomes – Fishing Rod and Shovel Promo Tiles" (from Veronie) 11355731 ==> 199. "MicroMacro: Crime City – More Crime: Confidence Trick & Baby-Party" (from Veronie) 11362297 ==> 200. "Munchkin Quest: Promo Set 1" (from dixijo) 11362300 ==> 201. "Talisman: Legendary Tales – Druid Launch Promo" (from dixijo) 11362301-COPY1 ==> 202. "Similo: Fables – Robin Hood Promo" (from dixijo) [copy 1 of 5] 11362301-COPY2 ==> 202. "Similo: Fables – Robin Hood Promo" (from dixijo) [copy 2 of 5] 11362301-COPY3 ==> 202. "Similo: Fables – Robin Hood Promo" (from dixijo) [copy 3 of 5] 11362301-COPY4 ==> 202. "Similo: Fables – Robin Hood Promo" (from dixijo) [copy 4 of 5] 11362301-COPY5 ==> 202. "Similo: Fables – Robin Hood Promo" (from dixijo) [copy 5 of 5] 11362302 ==> 203. "Exploding Kittens: Newbie Edition" (from dixijo) 11362304 ==> 204. "Mini Rogue: Coaster Expansion" (from dixijo) 11362306 ==> 205. "Thieves Den: Wizard's Tower Promo Card" (from dixijo) 11362308 ==> 206. "Silhouette gratis Demo-Spiel" (from dixijo) 11362310 ==> 207. "Mumbai Estate" (from dixijo) 11362312 ==> 208. "Agricola: L-Deck" (from dixijo) 11362313 ==> 209. "Agricola: L-Deck" (from dixijo) 11362314 ==> 210. "Black Rose Wars: Alma Mater Studiorum Promo Card" (from dixijo) 11362319 ==> 211. "Vexation" (from dixijo) 11370971 ==> 212. "Orléans: Neue Ortskarten N°5" (from mephezar) 11371204 ==> 213. "Deal with the Devil: The Bureaucrat Promo Inquisitor" (from msoelch) 11371206 ==> 214. "Fields of Arle: New Travel Destination – Gersthofen" (from msoelch) 11371210 ==> 215. "Fields of Arle: New Travel Destination – Schwäbisch Hall" (from msoelch) 11371211 ==> 216. "Ich habe fertig: Urkunde Promo Card" (from msoelch) 11371212 ==> 217. "Kampf um den Olymp: Der Zyklop" (from msoelch) 11371213 ==> 218. "Skyrockets: Festival of Fire – Playing with Matches Promo Card" (from msoelch) 11371214 ==> 219. "Spotlight: Robin Hood Promo Card" (from msoelch) 11371216 ==> 220. "Sunrise Lane: Double Park" (from msoelch) 11371217 ==> 221. "The Great Split: General Promo Tile" (from msoelch) 11371218 ==> 222. "Tutto: Torte Promo Card" (from msoelch) 11371889 ==> 223. "50 Clues: Escape the Blast Zone" (from Openair) 11371891 ==> 224. "Kutná Hora: The City of Silver – Land Rights Compact Promo Card" (from Openair) 11371892 ==> 225. "Die Glasstraße: Harlekin" (from Openair) 11371894 ==> 226. "The Hunger: Severin Promo Card" (from Openair) 11371897 ==> 227. "The Great Split: General Promo Tile" (from Openair) 11371898 ==> 228. "Last Will: Messenger Promo Card" (from Openair) 11371899 ==> 229. "Limes: Startcards Set A" (from Openair) 11371901 ==> 230. "Minecraft: Builders & Biomes – Fishing Rod and Shovel Promo Tiles" (from Openair) 11371902 ==> 231. "Planet Steam: Golden Eagle" (from Openair) 11371903 ==> 232. "A la carte: Die Beilage" (from Openair) 11371904 ==> 233. "Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends – Legendary Summoner Promo" (from Openair) 11371907 ==> 234. "Beyond the Sun: Sagittarius A and Beta Colony Promo Cards" (from Openair) 11371908 ==> 235. "The Rivals for Catan: Participation in the Big Game" (from Openair) 11371910 ==> 236. "Werwölfe: Watchdog" (from Openair) 11371911 ==> 237. "Dobble: Free Demo Version" (from Openair) 11371912 ==> 238. "Nidavellir: Jarika The Rogue Promo Card" (from Openair) 11371914 ==> 239. "Thieves Den: Wizard's Tower Promo Card" (from Openair) 11371915 ==> 240. "Wandering Towers: Extra Die Roll Promo Card" (from Openair) 11371916 ==> 241. "Mascarade: The Damned" (from Openair) 11371919 ==> 242. "Aeon's End: Tabletop Day 2017 Promos – Drown in Flames / Glyph Enigma" (from Openair) 11371921 ==> 243. "Aeon's End: Splitter-Geschoss Promo" (from Openair) 11371922 ==> 244. "The Game on Fire" (from Openair) 11371924 ==> 245. "Kingdom Builder: Capitol" (from Openair) 11371925 ==> 246. "Nations: Kremlin promo card" (from Openair) 11371926 ==> 247. "Nations: Mechanical Turk promo card" (from Openair) 11371927 ==> 248. "Navegador: Pirates & Diplomats" (from Openair) 11371928 ==> 249. "New York 1901: Flatiron" (from Openair) 11371929 ==> 250. "Paleo: The Flash of Wit" (from Openair) 11371930 ==> 251. "Railroad Ink: Promo Board No. 2 – Red Train" (from Openair) 11371931 ==> 252. "Robotics: Die neuen Robotics-Marken" (from Openair) 11371933 ==> 253. "Saboteur: Rock Gold" (from Openair) 11371934 ==> 254. "Sushi Go!: Soy Sauce Promo" (from Openair) 11371936 ==> 255. "Scythe: Promo Pack No. 13 – Encounter Card 41" (from Openair) 11371938 ==> 256. "Terra: 221B Baker Street / Carcassonne Promo Card" (from Openair) 11371940 ==> 257. "Touria: The 10th Castle Door" (from Openair) 11371943 ==> 258. "Lost Ruins of Arnak: Alicorn Promo Card" (from Openair) 11371944 ==> 259. "Puzzle Strike: Promo Chips" (from Openair) 11371946 ==> 260. "Catan: Starfarers – Space Jump" (from Openair) 11371947 ==> 261. "Ghosts of the Moor: New Tasks" (from Openair) 11371948 ==> 262. "Evergreen: Essen 2022 Promo Card" (from Openair) 11371949 ==> 263. "Key Flow: Keylector" (from Openair) 11371952 ==> 264. "Risk Legacy: Bonus Cards" (from Openair) 11371954 ==> 265. "Sunrise Lane: Double Park" (from Openair) 11371956 ==> 266. "Exploding Kittens: Newbie Edition" (from Openair) 11371957 ==> 267. "Hadara: New Nations" (from Openair) 11371959 ==> 268. "Deal with the Devil: The Bureaucrat Promo Inquisitor" (from Openair) 11371962 ==> 269. "Furnace: Interbellum – Smiley Balloon Promo Company Card" (from Openair) 11371966 ==> 270. "When I Dream: Bonus Cards" (from Openair) 11371967 ==> 271. "Aventuria: The Non-Gambling Kind" (from Openair) 11371970 ==> 272. "Black Rose Wars: Armageddon Promo Card" (from Openair) 11371977 ==> 273. "Werwölfe: Schnupperpack" (from Openair) 11371981 ==> 274. "Ich habe fertig: Urkunde Promo Card" (from Openair) 11371982 ==> 275. "Lost Lights: Kurak Promo Card" (from Openair) 11371985 ==> 276. "Skyrockets: Festival of Fire – Playing with Matches Promo Card" (from Openair) 11371996 ==> 277. "Spotlight: Robin Hood Promo Card" (from Openair) 11372338 ==> 278. "Deckscape: Demo" (from Zauberschwein) 11372519 ==> 279. "Mischwald: Dürer-Fledermaus / Feldhase Promo Card" (from Zauberschwein) 11372521 ==> 280. "Roll for Adventure: Abtrünniger Promoheld" (from Zauberschwein) 11372769 ==> 281. "UNDO: Drowned Hopes" (from Honyloop) 11372770 ==> 282. "Walnut Grove: Scoring Summary" (from Honyloop) 11372772 ==> 283. "Ulm: Player Aid" (from Honyloop) 11372774 ==> 284. "Merkator: Alsterhaus" (from Honyloop) 11372776 ==> 285. "Lisboa: Heavy Cardboard Promo" (from Honyloop) 11372778 ==> 286. "The Gnomes of Zavandor: Turn Summary Card" (from Honyloop) 11372779 ==> 287. "7 Wonders: Palace Alternate Art Promo Card" (from Honyloop) 11372780 ==> 288. "7 Wonders: CN Tower Alternate Art Promo Card" (from Honyloop) 11372781 ==> 289. "7 Wonders: CN Tower Alternate Art Promo Card" (from Honyloop) 11372782 ==> 290. "ZhanGuo: Brettspiel Adventskalender 2015 Promo" (from Honyloop) 11372783 ==> 291. "Wildlands: The Thorns & the Roses" (from Honyloop) 11372784 ==> 292. "When I Dream: Bonus Cards" (from Honyloop) 11372785 ==> 293. "West of Africa: Wineries" (from Honyloop) 11372786 ==> 294. "West of Africa Extra" (from Honyloop) 11372787 ==> 295. "The Warp: Culpa Bookmakers" (from Honyloop) 11372788 ==> 296. "The Warp: Arok Undertakers" (from Honyloop) 11372791 ==> 297. "War of the Worlds: The New Wave – German promo cards" (from Honyloop) 11372792 ==> 298. "War of the Buttons: The Flower Meadow & Little Sister" (from Honyloop) 11372793 ==> 299. "Wandering Towers: Extra Die Roll Promo Card" (from Honyloop) 11372794 ==> 300. "Lost Ruins of Arnak: Alicorn Promo Card" (from Honyloop) 11372795 ==> 301. "Vengeance: Roll & Fight – Boss Baby Promo Card" (from Honyloop) 11372796 ==> 302. "Valdora: Special board 20" (from Honyloop) 11372797 ==> 303. "Uruk II: Promokarte Diplomatie/Diplomacy" (from Honyloop) 11372798 ==> 304. "Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar – Mini Expansion 2" (from Honyloop) 11372799 ==> 305. "Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar – Mini Expansion 1" (from Honyloop) 11372800 ==> 306. "Trick‘n Trouble: Chucks Tagebuch promo card" (from Honyloop) 11372803 ==> 307. "Titanium Wars: Bloody Jane" (from Honyloop) 11372806 ==> 308. "Tiletum: Promo Cards" (from Honyloop) 11372807 ==> 309. "Thieves Den: Wizard's Tower Promo Card" (from Honyloop) 11372809 ==> 310. "Terraforming Mars: Penguins Promo Card" (from Honyloop) 11372810 ==> 311. "Der Taubertal-Express: Bahnbetriebswerk" (from Honyloop) 11372812 ==> 312. "Tallinn: The Supporters" (from Honyloop) 11372814 ==> 313. "Tallinn: The City Guard" (from Honyloop) 11372815 ==> 314. "Summit: The Board Game – Flare Gun" (from Honyloop) 11372816 ==> 315. "Solo Sonderkarten: Geschenk, Schutz und Spielrichtung" (from Honyloop) 11372817 ==> 316. "Snowdonia: Pen-y-Gwryd Hotel" (from Honyloop) 11372818 ==> 317. "Snowblind: Race for the Pole – A Glorious Death Promo Card" (from Honyloop) 11372819 ==> 318. "Similo: History – Frederick Douglass promo card" (from Honyloop) 11372820 ==> 319. "Similo: History – Bessie Coleman promo card" (from Honyloop) 11372822 ==> 320. "Similo: Fables – Robin Hood Promo" (from Honyloop) 11372826 ==> 321. "Scythe: Promo Pack No. 13 – Encounter Card 41" (from Honyloop) 11372827 ==> 322. "Santo Domingo: Silver Train" (from Honyloop) 11372828 ==> 323. "Samurai Sword: Rikyu" (from Honyloop) 11372829 ==> 324. "Saboteur: Rock Gold" (from Honyloop) 11372830 ==> 325. "Saboteur: Brettspiel Adventskalender 2016 Promo" (from Honyloop) 11372831 ==> 326. "Russian Railroads: Juri Dreigleisky" (from Honyloop) 11372833 ==> 327. "Risk Legacy: Bonus Cards" (from Honyloop) 11372834 ==> 328. "Riga: The Grand Masters" (from Honyloop) 11372836 ==> 329. "Reavers of Midgard: Tablet of Wrath Promo Card" (from Honyloop) 11372837 ==> 330. "Reavers of Midgard: Tablet of Mischief Promo Card" (from Honyloop) 11372838 ==> 331. "Reavers of Midgard: Tafel der Wiedergeburt" (from Honyloop) 11372839 ==> 332. "Quest: Zeit der Helden – Abenteuerband 4: Die Augen der Echse" (from Honyloop) !END-OFFICIAL-NAMES #pragma user "abkcppm" # Confirmation code: l3h2nlT3QKB8a0xk39UPSA # Mon Dec 30 03:51:00 2024 # Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends – Legendary Summoner Promo (abkcppm) 11352539 : 11340010 %11340007 11326355 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Ticket to Ride: Europe – Orient Express (abkcppm) %11340007 : 11340007-COPY1 11340007-COPY2 #pragma user "Angelcollector" # Confirmation code: PWlWwV0PT/pjNPQ0IX7cPQ # Sun Dec 29 17:23:28 2024 # (Angelcollector) %MCCMCCTB : 11332365 11355731 # (Angelcollector) %THSPC : 11355680 11371894 # Gingerbread House: Spiel 2018 Promo Cards (Angelcollector) 11326345 : %MCCMCCTB %THSPC 11340042 # The Great City of Rome: The Shrine (Angelcollector) 11326346 : %MCCMCCTB %THSPC 11340042 # Dream Home: Promo Tokens – Christmas Tree (Angelcollector) 11326347 : %MCCMCCTB %THSPC 11340042 # Pictomania: Geek Edition (Angelcollector) 11326348 : %MCCMCCTB %THSPC 11340042 # Quest: Zeit der Helden – Wolkenwächter Linart (Angelcollector) 11326350 : %MCCMCCTB %THSPC 11340042 # Tiny Epic Mechs: Man vs. Meeple Promo Cards (Angelcollector) 11326352 : %MCCMCCTB %THSPC 11340042 # Tiny Epic Tactics: Dice Tower 2020 Promo Cards (Angelcollector) 11326355 : #pragma user "dixijo" # Confirmation code: 3jnIbEYxb3LOl0jN1pwDNg # Sun Dec 29 17:00:28 2024 # Munchkin Quest: Promo Set 1 (dixijo) 11362297 : 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339378 11339380 11339382 11339383 11339385 11340051 11340041 11340040 11339366 11332386 11332388 11339368 11332353 11332385 11327329 # Talisman: Legendary Tales – Druid Launch Promo (dixijo) 11362300 : 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339378 11339380 11339382 11339383 11339385 11340051 11340041 11340040 11339366 11332386 11332388 11339368 11332353 11332385 11327329 # Similo: Fables – Robin Hood Promo (dixijo) 11362301-COPY1 : 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339378 11339380 11339382 11339383 11339385 11340051 11340041 11340040 11339366 11332386 11332388 11339368 11332353 11332385 11327329 # Similo: Fables – Robin Hood Promo (dixijo) 11362301-COPY2 : 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339378 11339380 11339382 11339383 11339385 11340051 11340041 11340040 11339366 11332386 11332388 11339368 11332353 11332385 11327329 # Similo: Fables – Robin Hood Promo (dixijo) 11362301-COPY3 : 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339378 11339380 11339382 11339383 11339385 11340051 11340041 11340040 11339366 11332386 11332388 11339368 11332353 11332385 11327329 # Similo: Fables – Robin Hood Promo (dixijo) 11362301-COPY4 : 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339378 11339380 11339382 11339383 11339385 11340051 11340041 11340040 11339366 11332386 11332388 11339368 11332353 11332385 11327329 # Similo: Fables – Robin Hood Promo (dixijo) 11362301-COPY5 : 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339378 11339380 11339382 11339383 11339385 11340051 11340041 11340040 11339366 11332386 11332388 11339368 11332353 11332385 11327329 # Exploding Kittens: Newbie Edition (dixijo) 11362302 : 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339378 11339380 11339382 11339383 11339385 11340051 11340041 11340040 11339366 11332386 11332388 11339368 11332353 11332385 11327329 # Mini Rogue: Coaster Expansion (dixijo) 11362304 : 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339378 11339380 11339382 11339383 11339385 11340051 11340041 11340040 11339366 11332386 11332388 11339368 11332353 11332385 11327329 # Thieves Den: Wizard's Tower Promo Card (dixijo) 11362306 : 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339378 11339380 11339382 11339383 11339385 11340051 11340041 11340040 11339366 11332386 11332388 11339368 11332353 11332385 11327329 # Silhouette gratis Demo-Spiel (dixijo) 11362308 : 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339378 11339380 11339382 11339383 11339385 11340051 11340041 11340040 11339366 11332386 11332388 11339368 11332353 11332385 11327329 # Mumbai Estate (dixijo) 11362310 : 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339378 11339380 11339382 11339383 11339385 11340051 11340041 11340040 11339366 11332386 11332388 11339368 11332353 11332385 11327329 # Agricola: L-Deck (dixijo) 11362312 : 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339378 11339380 11339382 11339383 11339385 11340051 11340041 11340040 11339366 11332386 11332388 11339368 11332353 11332385 11327329 # Agricola: L-Deck (dixijo) 11362313 : 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339378 11339380 11339382 11339383 11339385 11340051 11340041 11340040 11339366 11332386 11332388 11339368 11332353 11332385 11327329 # Black Rose Wars: Alma Mater Studiorum Promo Card (dixijo) 11362314 : 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339378 11339380 11339382 11339383 11339385 11340051 11340041 11340040 11339366 11332386 11332388 11339368 11332353 11332385 11327329 # Vexation (dixijo) 11362319 : 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339378 11339380 11339382 11339383 11339385 11340051 11340041 11340040 11339366 11332386 11332388 11339368 11332353 11332385 11327329 #pragma user "mmz257" # Confirmation code: f1Z9IPalWqLTxse/KZrl1Q # Sun Dec 29 23:33:35 2024 # Queen of 12: Die Spionin, die Sammlerin & die Heerführerin (mmz257) 11325304 : 11340084 11326347 11340009 11340039 # Not Alone: Sanctuary – The Promo Cards (mmz257) 11325305 : 11340084 11326347 11340009 11340039 # Maximum Apocalypse: Promo Cards (mmz257) 11325306 : 11340084 11326347 11340009 11340039 # The Grimm Forest: All Hallow's Eve Promo Card (mmz257) 11325307 : 11340084 11326347 11340009 11340039 # Furnace: Alfred Nobel Promo Card (mmz257) 11325308 : 11340084 11326347 11340009 11340039 # Dune: Imperium – Jessica of Arrakis Promo Card (mmz257) 11325310 : 11340084 11326347 11340009 11340039 # Anno Domini: Mixed Edition (mmz257) 11325312 : 11340084 11326347 11340009 11340039 # Barcelona: New Building Bonus Tiles (mmz257) 11327319 : 11340084 11326347 11340009 11340039 # Mindbug: First Contact – Kängusaurus Rex (mmz257) 11327329 : 11340084 11326347 11340009 11340039 # Res Arcana: Alternative Mages Pack (mmz257) 11327347 : 11340084 11326347 11340009 11340039 # Nucleum: Nucleum Half Tiles Promo (mmz257) 11341962 : 11340084 11326347 11340009 11340039 # Minos: Dawn of the Bronze Age – New Building Powers Promo (mmz257) 11341964 : 11340084 11326347 11340009 11340039 #pragma user "msoelch" # Confirmation code: DH0GEPLqHnlYcDte4xJNcQ # Thu Jan 2 03:49:40 2025 # (msoelch) %DIJoAPC : 11325310 11332366 # Deal with the Devil: The Bureaucrat Promo Inquisitor (msoelch) 11371204 : 11340051 11339372 11339373 11339377 11339382 11339383 11339385 %DIJoAPC 11372799 11372798 11341422 11341425 # Fields of Arle: New Travel Destination – Gersthofen (msoelch) 11371206 : 11340051 # Fields of Arle: New Travel Destination – Schwäbisch Hall (msoelch) 11371210 : 11340051 # Ich habe fertig: Urkunde Promo Card (msoelch) 11371211 : 11340051 11339372 11339373 11339377 11339382 11339383 11339385 %DIJoAPC 11372799 11372798 11341422 11341425 # Kampf um den Olymp: Der Zyklop (msoelch) 11371212 : 11340051 11339372 11339373 11339377 11339382 11339383 11339385 %DIJoAPC 11372799 11372798 11341422 11341425 # Skyrockets: Festival of Fire – Playing with Matches Promo Card (msoelch) 11371213 : 11340051 11339372 11339373 11339377 11339382 11339383 11339385 %DIJoAPC 11372799 11372798 11341422 11341425 # Spotlight: Robin Hood Promo Card (msoelch) 11371214 : 11340051 11339372 11339373 11339377 11339382 11339383 11339385 %DIJoAPC 11372799 11372798 11341422 11341425 # Sunrise Lane: Double Park (msoelch) 11371216 : 11340051 11339372 11339373 11339377 11339382 11339383 11339385 %DIJoAPC 11372799 11372798 11341422 11341425 # The Great Split: General Promo Tile (msoelch) 11371217 : 11340051 11339372 11339373 11339377 11339382 11339383 11339385 %DIJoAPC 11372799 11372798 11341422 11341425 # Tutto: Torte Promo Card (msoelch) 11371218 : 11340051 11339372 11339373 11339377 11339382 11339383 11339385 %DIJoAPC 11372799 11372798 11341422 11341425 #pragma user "openair" # Confirmation code: /zhmiIwfWOMYvsPmqH1gCw # Sat Jan 4 14:56:18 2025 # 50 Clues: Escape the Blast Zone (openair) 11371889 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Kutná Hora: The City of Silver – Land Rights Compact Promo Card (openair) 11371891 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Die Glasstraße: Harlekin (openair) 11371892 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # The Hunger: Severin Promo Card (openair) 11371894 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # The Great Split: General Promo Tile (openair) 11371897 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Last Will: Messenger Promo Card (openair) 11371898 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Limes: Startcards Set A (openair) 11371899 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Minecraft: Builders & Biomes – Fishing Rod and Shovel Promo Tiles (openair) 11371901 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Planet Steam: Golden Eagle (openair) 11371902 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # A la carte: Die Beilage (openair) 11371903 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends – Legendary Summoner Promo (openair) 11371904 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Beyond the Sun: Sagittarius A and Beta Colony Promo Cards (openair) 11371907 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # The Rivals for Catan: Participation in the Big Game (openair) 11371908 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Werwölfe: Watchdog (openair) 11371910 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Dobble: Free Demo Version (openair) 11371911 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Nidavellir: Jarika The Rogue Promo Card (openair) 11371912 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Thieves Den: Wizard's Tower Promo Card (openair) 11371914 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Wandering Towers: Extra Die Roll Promo Card (openair) 11371915 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Mascarade: The Damned (openair) 11371916 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Aeon's End: Tabletop Day 2017 Promos – Drown in Flames / Glyph Enigma (openair) 11371919 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Aeon's End: Splitter-Geschoss Promo (openair) 11371921 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # The Game on Fire (openair) 11371922 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Kingdom Builder: Capitol (openair) 11371924 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Nations: Kremlin promo card (openair) 11371925 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Nations: Mechanical Turk promo card (openair) 11371926 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Navegador: Pirates & Diplomats (openair) 11371927 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # New York 1901: Flatiron (openair) 11371928 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Paleo: The Flash of Wit (openair) 11371929 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Railroad Ink: Promo Board #2 – Red Train (openair) 11371930 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Robotics: Die neuen Robotics-Marken (openair) 11371931 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Saboteur: Rock Gold (openair) 11371933 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Sushi Go!: Soy Sauce Promo (openair) 11371934 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Scythe: Promo Pack #13 – Encounter Card 41 (openair) 11371936 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Terra: 221B Baker Street / Carcassonne Promo Card (openair) 11371938 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Touria: The 10th Castle Door (openair) 11371940 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Lost Ruins of Arnak: Alicorn Promo Card (openair) 11371943 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Puzzle Strike: Promo Chips (openair) 11371944 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Catan: Starfarers – Space Jump (openair) 11371946 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Ghosts of the Moor: New Tasks (openair) 11371947 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Evergreen: Essen 2022 Promo Card (openair) 11371948 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Key Flow: Keylector (openair) 11371949 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Risk Legacy: Bonus Cards (openair) 11371952 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Sunrise Lane: Double Park (openair) 11371954 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Exploding Kittens: Newbie Edition (openair) 11371956 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Hadara: New Nations (openair) 11371957 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Deal with the Devil: The Bureaucrat Promo Inquisitor (openair) 11371959 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Furnace: Interbellum – Smiley Balloon Promo Company Card (openair) 11371962 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # When I Dream: Bonus Cards (openair) 11371966 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Aventuria: The Non-Gambling Kind (openair) 11371967 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Black Rose Wars: Armageddon Promo Card (openair) 11371970 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Werwölfe: Schnupperpack (openair) 11371977 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Ich habe fertig: Urkunde Promo Card (openair) 11371981 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Lost Lights: Kurak Promo Card (openair) 11371982 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Skyrockets: Festival of Fire – Playing with Matches Promo Card (openair) 11371985 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 # Spotlight: Robin Hood Promo Card (openair) 11371996 : 11332313 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339374 11339375 11339377 11339385 11340051 11339386 11339365 11340062 11341447 #pragma user "santafelis" # Confirmation code: 4QNnt52wW21BXr1AOc3S0Q # Thu Jan 2 15:00:26 2025 # (santafelis) %AESP : # (santafelis) %AETD2PDiFGE : # (santafelis) %BRWAPC : 11341453 11371970 # MicroMacro: Crime City – Full House: Another Bank Robbery (santafelis) 11327510 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Briefcase: Board Game Factory (santafelis) 11332307 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Briefcase: Double Buy (santafelis) 11332308 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Fields of Green: Crop Circle (santafelis) 11332309 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Treachery in a Pocket: Margaret the Witch Promo Card (santafelis) 11332310 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Adrenaline: Chainsaw (santafelis) 11332311 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Agricola: L-Deck (santafelis) 11332313 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Space Freaks: Prophecy – The 19th Head Promo Card (santafelis) 11332314 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Kosmonauts: Promo Event Card #31 (santafelis) 11332315 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # A Thief's Fortune: Gossipmonger promo card (santafelis) 11332316 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Zooloretto: Skunk (santafelis) 11332317 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Snowdonia: Essen 2012 Promo Cards (santafelis) 11332352 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Agricola: The Legen*dairy Forest Deck – Peruvian Inquisition (santafelis) 11332353 : # Carcassonne: Ukraine Promo Tile (santafelis) 11332354 : # Carcassonne: The Count of Carcassonne (santafelis) 11332355 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 # Chronicles of Crime: 1400 – Wooden Dog Meeple (santafelis) 11332356-COPY1 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Chronicles of Crime: 1400 – Wooden Dog Meeple (santafelis) 11332356-COPY2 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Chronicles of Crime: 1400 – Wooden Dog Meeple (santafelis) 11332356-COPY3 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Piraten kapern: Sonderkarten (santafelis) 11332357 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Glow: Dice Bag (santafelis) 11332358 : # Snowdonia: Wagons Expansion (santafelis) 11332359 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 # Snowdonia: Rolling Stock #1 (santafelis) 11332360 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 # Drum Roll: Dragon Dancers (santafelis) 11332361 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Dixit: 2012 Asmodee Special Cards (santafelis) 11332362 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 # Minecraft: Builders & Biomes – Fishing Rod and Shovel Promo Tiles (santafelis) 11332363 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 # MicroMacro: Crime City – More Crime: Confidence Trick & Baby-Party (santafelis) 11332365 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Dune: Imperium – Jessica of Arrakis Promo Card (santafelis) 11332366 : # Talisman: Star Wars – 2021 Promo Card Set (santafelis) 11332369 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Star Realms: Warlord Promo Card (santafelis) 11332385 : # Star Realms: Union Drone (santafelis) 11332386 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 # Star Realms: Assault Shuttle (santafelis) 11332388 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 # Palatinus: Insula Tiberina (santafelis) 11332392 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Fredericus: Sigillum Magnum (santafelis) 11332393 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Drum Roll: Dragon Dancers (santafelis) 11332395 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Catan: Das Duell – Sonderkarte 2021: Weinberg (santafelis) 11332396 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP # Catan: Das Duell – Sonderkarte 2021: 25 Jahre CATAN-Kartenspiel (santafelis) 11332397 : 11355702 11371206 11371210 11362319 %AETD2PDiFGE 11371912 %AESP #pragma user "Veronie" # Confirmation code: yRtyG6WAM36KFopLepkv-Q # Sun Dec 29 18:57:02 2024 # (Veronie) %AgrLDeLas : 11332313 11362313 # Dobble: Free Demo Version (Veronie) 11355669 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 11339382 # Exploding Kittens: Newbie Edition (Veronie) 11355673 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 11339382 # Aventuria: The Non-Gambling Kind (Veronie) 11355675 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 11339382 # Anno Domini: Mixed Edition (Veronie) 11355677 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 11339382 # Carpe Diem: 1st Expansion (Veronie) 11355678 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 11339382 # The Hunger: Severin Promo Card (Veronie) 11355680 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 11339382 # Port Royal: Gambler Promo Card (Veronie) 11355683 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 11339382 # Touria: The 10th Castle Door (Veronie) 11355685 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 11339382 # Werwölfe: Watchdog (Veronie) 11355687 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 11339382 # The Quest for El Dorado: Promo Pack (Veronie) 11355697 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 11339382 # When I Dream: Bonus Cards (Veronie) 11355699 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 11339382 # Anno Domini: Zeitleiste (Veronie) 11355700 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 11339382 # The Quest for El Dorado: 2023 Promo Pack (Veronie) 11355702 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 11339382 # The Great Split: General Promo Tile (Veronie) 11355703 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 11339382 # Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated – Fabulous Display (Veronie) 11355712 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 11339382 # Clank!: Expedition Leader (Veronie) 11355714 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 # Skyrockets: Festival of Fire – Playing with Matches Promo Card (Veronie) 11355717 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 11339382 # Tutto: Torte Promo Card (Veronie) 11355720 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 11339382 # Spotlight: Robin Hood Promo Card (Veronie) 11355723 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 11339382 # Minecraft: Builders & Biomes – Fishing Rod and Shovel Promo Tiles (Veronie) 11355728 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 11339382 # MicroMacro: Crime City – More Crime: Confidence Trick & Baby-Party (Veronie) 11355731 : 11339387 11339366 11339386 11339365 %AgrLDeLas 11339370 11339371 11339372 11339373 11339374 11339375 11339376 11339377 11339378 11339379 11339380 11339383 11339384 11339385 11362312 11339368 11332353 11371902 11339382 #pragma user "Zauberschwein" # Confirmation code: 1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg # Mon Dec 30 13:55:14 2024 # Deckscape: Demo (Zauberschwein) 11372338 : # Mischwald: Dürer-Fledermaus / Feldhase Promo Card (Zauberschwein) 11372519 : # Roll for Adventure: Abtrünniger Promoheld (Zauberschwein) 11372521 : # End of wants. If you don't see this line then this file may have # been truncated. IMPORTANT: this comment block is also required to be # in the wants file when you upload the WANTS into the OLWLG.