# These WANTS loaded directly by the OLWLG # Mon Feb 3 00:01:46 2025 #+ Geeklist: Polar Vortex No-Ship Math Trade 2025 - Lisle, IL USA #+ ... https://www.boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/348982 #+ Owner: TSantoro #+ Item count: 85 #+ Users with items: 7 #! ALLOW-DUMMIES #! REQUIRE-COLONS #! REQUIRE-USERNAMES #! HIDE-NONTRADES #! SHOW-ELAPSED-TIME #! SEED=123456 #! METRIC=Users-Trading # MISSING 15 WANTS (17.6%) FROM 2 USER(s) (28.5%): # pinkled5 (8) # RussRusnak (7) !BEGIN-OFFICIAL-NAMES 11387344 ==> 1. "Naga Raja" (from TSantoro) 11387350 ==> 2. "Mini Rogue" (from TSantoro) 11387356 ==> 3. "Cytosis: A Cell Biology Board Game" (from TSantoro) 11409303 ==> 4. "Tokaido" (from Ansleynoelle) 11409305 ==> 5. "Arkham Horror: The Card Game" (from Ansleynoelle) 11409307 ==> 6. "The Resistance: Avalon" (from Ansleynoelle) 11409311 ==> 7. "Zombie Fluxx" (from Ansleynoelle) 11409314 ==> 8. "Qwirkle" (from Ansleynoelle) 11409316 ==> 9. "Machi Koro" (from Ansleynoelle) 11409317 ==> 10. "The Lost Expedition" (from Ansleynoelle) 11409319 ==> 11. "Jokkmokk: The Winter Market" (from Ansleynoelle) 11409321 ==> 12. "Catan Card Game" (from Ansleynoelle) 11409328 ==> 13. "Long Live the King: A Game of Secrecy and Subterfuge" (from Ansleynoelle) 11409330 ==> 14. "Photosynthesis" (from Ansleynoelle) 11409331 ==> 15. "Exploding Kittens" (from Ansleynoelle) 11409333 ==> 16. "Man Bites Dog" (from Ansleynoelle) 11428153 ==> 17. "1822CA" (from RussRusnak) 11428154 ==> 18. "1830: Railways & Robber Barons" (from RussRusnak) 11428159 ==> 19. "Battle-Cry" (from RussRusnak) 11428160 ==> 20. "Days of Steam" (from RussRusnak) 11428162 ==> 21. "Florenza" (from RussRusnak) 11428163 ==> 22. "Gloria Mundi" (from RussRusnak) 11428167 ==> 23. "Shogun" (from RussRusnak) 11428184 ==> 24. "Ishtar: Gardens of Babylon" (from RobertaCoberta) 11428185 ==> 25. "Dixit" (from RobertaCoberta) 11428187 ==> 26. "Disney Villainous: The Worst Takes it All" (from RobertaCoberta) 11428188 ==> 27. "The Snallygaster Situation: Kids on Bikes Board Game" (from RobertaCoberta) 11428189 ==> 28. "Grimslingers" (from RobertaCoberta) 11428190 ==> 29. "Coup" (from RobertaCoberta) 11428191 ==> 30. "Jack Labrador" (from RobertaCoberta) 11428192 ==> 31. "Unmatched: Teen Spirit" (from RobertaCoberta) 11428196 ==> 32. "Tsuro of the Seas" (from RobertaCoberta) 11428197 ==> 33. "Twixt" (from RobertaCoberta) 11463186 ==> 34. "Back to the Future: Back in Time" (from pinkled5) 11463188 ==> 35. "Boss Monster: The Dungeon Building Card Game" (from pinkled5) 11463191 ==> 36. "Castell" (from pinkled5) 11463192 ==> 37. "Concept" (from pinkled5) 11463195 ==> 38. "Cosmic Encounter Duel" (from pinkled5) 11463197 ==> 39. "The Curse of Misfortune Lane" (from pinkled5) 11463201 ==> 40. "Dune: House Secrets" (from pinkled5) 11463273 ==> 41. "Mr. Cabbagehead's Garden" (from pinkled5) 11464576 ==> 42. "Winter Queen" (from kriegschrei) 11464780 ==> 43. "Odyssey: Wrath of Poseidon" (from kriegschrei) 11469393 ==> 44. "The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine" (from Jville2434) 11469395 ==> 45. "Deal with the Devil" (from Jville2434) 11469397 ==> 46. "Nusfjord" (from Jville2434) 11469398 ==> 47. "Snow Time" (from Jville2434) 11469400 ==> 48. "Space Battle Lunchtime Card Game" (from Jville2434) 11469401 ==> 49. "Switchbacks" (from Jville2434) 11469402 ==> 50. "Victorian Masterminds" (from Jville2434) 11469403 ==> 51. "Bugs" (from Jville2434) 11473055 ==> 52. "Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island" (from TSantoro) 11473056 ==> 53. "Munchkin Quest" (from TSantoro) 11473061 ==> 54. "Patrician" (from TSantoro) 11473062 ==> 55. "Touria" (from TSantoro) 11473180 ==> 56. "Guillotine" (from TSantoro) 11473182 ==> 57. "Man Bites Dog" (from TSantoro) 11473192 ==> 58. "Alubari: A Nice Cup of Tea" (from TSantoro) 11473194 ==> 59. "Armageddon" (from TSantoro) 11473196 ==> 60. "CO₂" (from TSantoro) 11473198 ==> 61. "Hotel Samoa" (from TSantoro) 11473200 ==> 62. "Kingdomino" (from TSantoro) 11473203 ==> 63. "A Message From The Stars" (from TSantoro) 11473207 ==> 64. "Nemo's War (Second Edition)" (from TSantoro) 11473209 ==> 65. "New York Zoo" (from TSantoro) 11473211 ==> 66. "Photosynthesis" (from TSantoro) 11473212 ==> 67. "Tiny Towns" (from TSantoro) 11473214 ==> 68. "Transatlantic" (from TSantoro) 11476014 ==> 69. "The Siblings Trouble" (from kriegschrei) 11476030 ==> 70. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from kriegschrei) 11476031 ==> 71. "One Night Ultimate Werewolf" (from kriegschrei) 11476032 ==> 72. "Roar: King of the Pride" (from kriegschrei) 11476042 ==> 73. "Shogunate" (from RobertaCoberta) 11476047 ==> 74. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from kriegschrei) 11476050 ==> 75. "Chronicles of Crime" (from kriegschrei) 11476054 ==> 76. "Arkham Horror: Final Hour" (from RobertaCoberta) 11476055 ==> 77. "Windmill: Cozy Stories" (from kriegschrei) 11476060 ==> 78. "Victorian Masterminds" (from kriegschrei) 11476063 ==> 79. "Vivid Memories" (from RobertaCoberta) 11476066 ==> 80. "Codenames" (from RobertaCoberta) 11476075 ==> 81. "Race for the Galaxy" (from RobertaCoberta) 11476078 ==> 82. "Disney Gargoyles: Awakening" (from kriegschrei) 11476082 ==> 83. "My City" (from RobertaCoberta) 11476085 ==> 84. "Cards Against Humanity" (from RobertaCoberta) 11476090 ==> 85. "The Goonies: Never Say Die" (from kriegschrei) !END-OFFICIAL-NAMES #pragma user "ansleynoelle" # Confirmation code: 7jIdg6uSLiAGkFaf5mgfXg # Mon Jan 27 20:27:57 2025 # Tokaido (ansleynoelle) 11409303 : 11469397 11473200 11463191 11473192 11428184 # Arkham Horror: The Card Game (ansleynoelle) 11409305 : 11469397 11473200 11463191 11473192 11428184 # The Resistance: Avalon (ansleynoelle) 11409307 : 11469397 11473200 11463191 11473192 11428184 # Zombie Fluxx (ansleynoelle) 11409311 : 11469397 11473200 11463191 11473192 11428184 # Qwirkle (ansleynoelle) 11409314 : 11469397 11473200 11463191 11473192 11428184 # Machi Koro (ansleynoelle) 11409316 : 11469397 11473200 11463191 11473192 11428184 # The Lost Expedition (ansleynoelle) 11409317 : 11469397 11473200 11463191 11473192 11428184 # Jokkmokk: The Winter Market (ansleynoelle) 11409319 : 11469397 11473200 11463191 11473192 11428184 # Catan Card Game (ansleynoelle) 11409321 : 11469397 11473200 11463191 11473192 11428184 # Long Live the King: A Game of Secrecy and Subterfuge (ansleynoelle) 11409328 : 11469397 11473200 11463191 11473192 11428184 # Photosynthesis (ansleynoelle) 11409330 : 11469397 11473200 11463191 11473192 11428184 # Exploding Kittens (ansleynoelle) 11409331 : 11469397 11473200 11463191 11473192 11428184 # Man Bites Dog (ansleynoelle) 11409333 : 11469397 11473200 11463191 11473192 11428184 #pragma user "jville2434" # Confirmation code: 3TPKyCchhlfic-c6edVuaw # Wed Jan 29 23:00:12 2025 # The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine (jville2434) 11469393 : 11473209 11428192 # Deal with the Devil (jville2434) 11469395 : 11473209 # Nusfjord (jville2434) 11469397 : # Snow Time (jville2434) 11469398 : 11473209 11428192 11387356 # Space Battle Lunchtime Card Game (jville2434) 11469400 : 11473209 11428192 11387356 # Switchbacks (jville2434) 11469401 : 11473209 11428192 # Victorian Masterminds (jville2434) 11469402 : 11473209 11428192 11387356 # Bugs (jville2434) 11469403 : 11473209 11428192 11387356 #pragma user "Kriegschrei" # Confirmation code: sPfBE6MQG5DFc1YJPctFdw # Thu Jan 30 06:08:27 2025 # Winter Queen (Kriegschrei) 11464576 : 11409305 11409303 11409330 11473212 11473209 11387356 11476063 11428185 11473200 11463192 11469393 # Odyssey: Wrath of Poseidon (Kriegschrei) 11464780 : 11409305 11409303 11409330 11473212 11473209 11387356 11476063 11428185 11473200 11463192 11469393 # The Siblings Trouble (Kriegschrei) 11476014 : 11409305 11409303 11409330 11473212 11473209 11387356 # Outside the Scope of BGG (Kriegschrei) 11476030 : 11409305 11409303 11409330 11473212 11473209 11387356 11476063 11428185 11473200 11463192 11469393 # One Night Ultimate Werewolf (Kriegschrei) 11476031 : 11409305 11409303 11409330 11473212 11473209 11387356 11476063 11428185 11473200 11463192 11469393 # Roar: King of the Pride (Kriegschrei) 11476032 : 11409305 11409303 11409330 11473212 11473209 11387356 11476063 # Outside the Scope of BGG (Kriegschrei) 11476047 : 11409305 11409303 11409330 11473212 11473209 11387356 11476063 11428185 11473200 11463192 11469393 # Chronicles of Crime (Kriegschrei) 11476050 : # Windmill: Cozy Stories (Kriegschrei) 11476055 : 11409305 11409303 11409330 11473212 11473209 11387356 11476063 11428185 11473200 11463192 11469393 # Victorian Masterminds (Kriegschrei) 11476060 : 11409305 11409303 11409330 11473212 11473209 11387356 11476063 11428185 11473200 11463192 # Disney Gargoyles: Awakening (Kriegschrei) 11476078 : 11409305 11409303 11409330 11473212 11473209 11387356 11476063 11428185 11473200 11463192 # The Goonies: Never Say Die (Kriegschrei) 11476090 : 11409305 11409303 11409330 11473212 11473209 11387356 11476063 11428185 11473200 11463192 #pragma user "RobertaCoberta" # Confirmation code: 7AKtsyINExAsvWCwwi2UkA # Sun Feb 2 19:19:10 2025 # Ishtar: Gardens of Babylon (RobertaCoberta) 11428184 : 11409319 11387344 # Dixit (RobertaCoberta) 11428185 : 11409319 # Disney Villainous: The Worst Takes it All (RobertaCoberta) 11428187 : 11409319 # The Snallygaster Situation: Kids on Bikes Board Game (RobertaCoberta) 11428188 : # Grimslingers (RobertaCoberta) 11428189 : 11409319 11387344 # Coup (RobertaCoberta) 11428190 : # Jack Labrador (RobertaCoberta) 11428191 : 11409319 11387344 11473203 11469395 11469401 11473192 11387356 # Unmatched: Teen Spirit (RobertaCoberta) 11428192 : # Tsuro of the Seas (RobertaCoberta) 11428196 : 11409319 11387344 11473203 # Twixt (RobertaCoberta) 11428197 : 11409319 11387344 11473203 11469395 11469401 11473192 11387356 # Shogunate (RobertaCoberta) 11476042 : 11409319 11387344 11473203 11469395 11469401 11387356 # Arkham Horror: Final Hour (RobertaCoberta) 11476054 : 11409319 11387344 11469395 # Vivid Memories (RobertaCoberta) 11476063 : 11409319 11387344 11473203 11469395 11469401 11473192 11387356 # Codenames (RobertaCoberta) 11476066 : 11409319 11387344 11473203 11469395 11469401 11473192 11387356 # Race for the Galaxy (RobertaCoberta) 11476075 : 11409319 # My City (RobertaCoberta) 11476082 : 11409319 11387344 # Cards Against Humanity (RobertaCoberta) 11476085 : 11409319 11387344 11473203 11469395 11469401 11473192 11387356 #pragma user "Tsantoro" # Confirmation code: gBxaP4n8d1E9Drzqo/EtEg # Mon Jan 27 06:51:40 2025 # Naga Raja (Tsantoro) 11387344 : 11469397 11476082 11409319 11476050 11476030 11463191 11428184 11428162 # Mini Rogue (Tsantoro) 11387350 : 11469397 11476082 11409319 # Cytosis: A Cell Biology Board Game (Tsantoro) 11387356 : 11469397 11476082 11409319 # Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (Tsantoro) 11473055 : 11469397 # Munchkin Quest (Tsantoro) 11473056 : 11469397 11476082 11409319 # Patrician (Tsantoro) 11473061 : 11469397 11476082 11409319 11476050 11476030 11463191 11428184 11428162 # Touria (Tsantoro) 11473062 : 11469397 11476082 11409319 11476050 11476030 11463191 11428184 11428162 11428196 11476063 # Guillotine (Tsantoro) 11473180 : 11469397 11476082 11409319 11476050 11476030 11463191 11428184 11428162 11428196 11476063 11469401 # Man Bites Dog (Tsantoro) 11473182 : 11469397 11476082 11409319 11476050 11476030 11463191 11428184 11428162 11428196 11476063 11469401 # Alubari: A Nice Cup of Tea (Tsantoro) 11473192 : 11469397 11476082 11409319 11476050 11476030 11463191 11428184 11428162 # Armageddon (Tsantoro) 11473194 : 11469397 11476082 11409319 11476050 11476030 11463191 11428184 11428162 11428196 11476063 11469401 # CO₂ (Tsantoro) 11473196 : 11469397 11476082 11409319 11476050 11476030 11463191 11428184 11428162 11428196 11476063 # Hotel Samoa (Tsantoro) 11473198 : 11469397 11476082 11409319 11476050 11476030 11463191 11428184 11428162 11428196 11476063 11469401 # Kingdomino (Tsantoro) 11473200 : 11469397 11476082 11409319 11476050 11476030 11463191 11428184 11428162 11428196 11476063 # A Message From The Stars (Tsantoro) 11473203 : 11469397 11476082 11409319 # Nemo's War (Second Edition) (Tsantoro) 11473207 : 11469397 # New York Zoo (Tsantoro) 11473209 : 11469397 11476082 11409319 11476050 11476030 11463191 11428184 11428162 # Photosynthesis (Tsantoro) 11473211 : 11469397 11476082 11409319 11476050 11476030 11463191 11428184 11428162 11428196 11476063 # Tiny Towns (Tsantoro) 11473212 : 11469397 11476082 11409319 11476050 11476030 11463191 11428184 11428162 # Transatlantic (Tsantoro) 11473214 : 11469397 11476082 11409319 11476050 11476030 11463191 11428184 11428162 # End of wants. If you don't see this line then this file may have # been truncated. IMPORTANT: this comment block is also required to be # in the wants file when you upload the WANTS into the OLWLG.