# Wed Jan 22 19:08:18 2025 #+ Geeklist: Benelux Math Trade January 2025 #+ ... https://www.boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/349484 #+ Owner: rainbow maker #+ Item count: 1090 #+ Users with items: 92 #! ALLOW-DUMMIES #! REQUIRE-COLONS #! REQUIRE-USERNAMES #! HIDE-NONTRADES #! SHOW-ELAPSED-TIME #! SEED=123456 #! METRIC=Users-Trading # MISSING 34 WANTS (3.1%) FROM 5 USER(s) (5.4%): # carol12 (11) # inge pen (5) # kenjisan (1) # Svatje (4) # unrealbe (13) !BEGIN-OFFICIAL-NAMES 11376995 ==> 1. "Kinfire Delve: Scorn's Stockade" (from rainbow maker) 11376999 ==> 2. "The Lord of the Rings: Duel for Middle-earth" (from rainbow maker) 11377000 ==> 3. "Eila and Something Shiny" (from rainbow maker) 11377001 ==> 4. "Concordia: Solitaria" (from rainbow maker) 11377004 ==> 5. "Innovation" (from rainbow maker) 11377007 ==> 6. "Uluk" (from rainbow maker) 11377008 ==> 7. "Elawa" (from rainbow maker) 11377009 ==> 8. "milkuro" (from rainbow maker) 11377010 ==> 9. "Encyclopedia" (from rainbow maker) 11377011 ==> 10. "Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs" (from rainbow maker) 11377014 ==> 11. "Herbaceous Sprouts" (from rainbow maker) 11377018 ==> 12. "Evolution: New World" (from rainbow maker) 11377019 ==> 13. "King of Monster Island" (from rainbow maker) 11377020 ==> 14. "Clash of Cultures" (from rainbow maker) 11377024 ==> 15. "ZhanGuo" (from rainbow maker) 11377025 ==> 16. "Rex: Final Days of an Empire" (from rainbow maker) 11377027 ==> 17. "The Red Cathedral" (from rainbow maker) 11377029 ==> 18. "Chronicles of Avel" (from rainbow maker) 11390940 ==> 19. "Kingdom Legacy: Feudal Kingdom" (from rainbow maker) 11390947 ==> 20. "Concordia: Venus (Expansion)" (from rainbow maker) 11390951 ==> 21. "Star Wars: Unlock!" (from rainbow maker) 11390955 ==> 22. "Orchard: 9 card solitaire game" (from rainbow maker) 11391023 ==> 23. "Conservas" (from MrSocash) 11391048 ==> 24. "Distilled" (from MrSocash) 11391049 ==> 25. "Dreamworld: An Unconscious Mind Card Game" (from MrSocash) 11391053 ==> 26. "Eclipse: New Dawn for the Galaxy" (from meijerc) 11391058 ==> 27. "Alubari: A Nice Cup of Tea" (from meijerc) 11391066 ==> 28. "Clash of the Gladiators" (from meijerc) 11391076 ==> 29. "Dungeon Twister" (from meijerc) 11391077 ==> 30. "Small Islands" (from Svatje) 11391080 ==> 31. "Seastead" (from Svatje) 11391081 ==> 32. "Neptun" (from meijerc) 11391085 ==> 33. "Skylands" (from meijerc) 11391086 ==> 34. "For One: Galaktix" (from Svatje) 11391090 ==> 35. "Porta Nigra" (from meijerc) 11391091 ==> 36. "Railways of the World: The Card Game" (from meijerc) 11391092 ==> 37. "Get on Board: New York & London" (from Svatje) 11391097 ==> 38. "Stronghold: Undead (Second Edition)" (from meijerc) 11391119 ==> 39. "Toledo" (from meijerc) 11391133 ==> 40. "Founders of Teotihuacan" (from meijerc) 11391219 ==> 41. "Circadians: First Light" (from MrSocash) 11391220 ==> 42. "Daybreak" (from MrSocash) 11391287 ==> 43. "Mosaic: A Story of Civilization" (from fizboz) 11391296 ==> 44. "Pan Am" (from fizboz) 11391305 ==> 45. "Endless Winter: Paleoamericans" (from fizboz) 11391307 ==> 46. "Empire's End" (from fizboz) 11391310 ==> 47. "A.D.E.L.E." (from fizboz) 11391313 ==> 48. "Mind MGMT: Wood Upgrade Kit" (from fizboz) 11391498 ==> 49. "Pax Pamir: Second Edition" (from Gert12555) 11391499 ==> 50. "Bruxelles 1897" (from Gert12555) 11391508 ==> 51. "Salton Sea" (from Gert12555) 11391735 ==> 52. "Aegean Sea" (from mrsnaki) 11391736 ==> 53. "Babylonia" (from mrsnaki) 11391737 ==> 54. "Blue Lagoon" (from mrsnaki) 11391760 ==> 55. "The Cost" (from mrsnaki) 11391761 ==> 56. "DerrocAr: The Week of Five Presidents" (from mrsnaki) 11391762 ==> 57. "Dom Pierre" (from mrsnaki) 11391763 ==> 58. "The Princes of Florence" (from mrsnaki) 11391766 ==> 59. "Union Station" (from mrsnaki) 11391767 ==> 60. "Westward Rails" (from mrsnaki) 11391771 ==> 61. "Maquis" (from mrsnaki) 11391772 ==> 62. "Terra Mystica: Big Box" (from mrsnaki) 11391779 ==> 63. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from mrsnaki) 11392313 ==> 64. "Ark: Awakening" (from Raynie123) 11392318 ==> 65. "Alma Mater" (from Raynie123) 11392327 ==> 66. "Dice Kingdoms of Valeria" (from Raynie123) 11392334 ==> 67. "Dinosaur Island: Rawr 'n Write" (from Raynie123) 11392344 ==> 68. "Golem" (from Raynie123) 11392387 ==> 69. "On Mars" (from NemoG) 11392471 ==> 70. "7 Wonders Duel" (from TomVG) 11392476 ==> 71. "This Bed Is Mine" (from NemoG) 11392478 ==> 72. "Minerva" (from NemoG) 11392488 ==> 73. "Dixit: Odyssey" (from TomVG) 11392490 ==> 74. "Small World" (from NemoG) 11392500 ==> 75. "Triplock" (from NemoG) 11392510 ==> 76. "Solenia" (from NemoG) 11392512 ==> 77. "Citadels" (from TomVG) 11392519 ==> 78. "It's a Wonderful Kingdom" (from NemoG) 11392531 ==> 79. "Gloom of Kilforth: A Fantasy Quest Game" (from NemoG) 11392586 ==> 80. "Rulebenders" (from MADG0BLIN) 11392599 ==> 81. "The 7th Citadel" (from NemoG) 11392600 ==> 82. "Eminent Domain" (from MADG0BLIN) 11392610 ==> 83. "Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon" (from NemoG) 11392663 ==> 84. "Arena: The Contest – Tanares Adventures" (from NemoG) 11392672 ==> 85. "Arena: The Contest" (from NemoG) 11392679 ==> 86. "Artisans" (from NemoG) 11392681 ==> 87. "Arctic Scavengers" (from NemoG) 11392690 ==> 88. "Tapeworm" (from NemoG) 11392812 ==> 89. "Marvel United: Deadpool" (from TomVG) 11392829 ==> 90. "Marvel United: Rise of the Black Panther" (from TomVG) 11392835 ==> 91. "Marvel United: X-Men – X-Force" (from TomVG) 11392853 ==> 92. "The Red Cathedral" (from Stijnhoofd) 11392953 ==> 93. "Aeon's End: The New Age" (from elkevro) 11392983 ==> 94. "Arkadia" (from elkevro) 11392992 ==> 95. "Carolus Magnus" (from elkevro) 11392998 ==> 96. "Cartagena" (from elkevro) 11393028 ==> 97. "The Bridges of Shangri-La" (from elkevro) 11393032 ==> 98. "Golem" (from elkevro) 11393036 ==> 99. "The Grizzled: Armistice Edition" (from elkevro) 11393041 ==> 100. "Letter Jam" (from elkevro) 11393049 ==> 101. "Masons" (from elkevro) 11393054 ==> 102. "Medina" (from elkevro) 11393067 ==> 103. "Aladdin's Dragons" (from elkevro) 11393074 ==> 104. "Nightmare Productions" (from elkevro) 11393080 ==> 105. "Peaky Blinders: Under New Management" (from elkevro) 11393085 ==> 106. "Reef Encounter" (from elkevro) 11393092 ==> 107. "Rheinländer" (from elkevro) 11393095 ==> 108. "Surfosaurus MAX" (from elkevro) 11393105 ==> 109. "Boonlake" (from Stijnhoofd) 11393175 ==> 110. "Paris" (from Raynie123) 11393179 ==> 111. "Praga Caput Regni" (from Raynie123) 11393186 ==> 112. "Renature" (from Raynie123) 11393214 ==> 113. "Sons of Faeriell" (from Raynie123) 11393220 ==> 114. "Verdant" (from Raynie123) 11393222 ==> 115. "Vivid Memories" (from Raynie123) 11393228 ==> 116. "Yamataï" (from Raynie123) 11393239 ==> 117. "Mosaic: A Story of Civilization" (from Raynie123) 11393748 ==> 118. "The Gallerist" (from fizboz) 11394810 ==> 119. "D-Day Dice (Second Edition)" (from Joep83) 11394815 ==> 120. "Jamaica" (from Joep83) 11394818 ==> 121. "Ready Set Bet" (from Joep83) 11394819 ==> 122. "Ultimate Werewolf: Ultimate Edition" (from Joep83) 11394952 ==> 123. "Dungeon Academy" (from spoonbe) 11394953 ==> 124. "Bears vs Babies" (from spoonbe) 11394954 ==> 125. "Run, Fight, or Die!" (from spoonbe) 11394955 ==> 126. "Gods Love Dinosaurs" (from spoonbe) 11394956 ==> 127. "Way of the Panda" (from spoonbe) 11394957 ==> 128. "Astra" (from spoonbe) 11394958 ==> 129. "Getaway Driver" (from spoonbe) 11394959 ==> 130. "Alt Name: knockdown KS bundle V1 en V2" (from spoonbe) 11394960 ==> 131. "Alt Name: 5 game bundle" (from spoonbe) 11394961 ==> 132. "Alt Name: 2 game bundle" (from spoonbe) 11394967 ==> 133. "Chronicles of Crime: The Millennium Series – Chronicles of Time Expansion" (from Saaur_) 11394968 ==> 134. "Dinosaur Table Battles" (from Saaur_) 11394969 ==> 135. "Princes of the Renaissance" (from Saaur_) 11394970 ==> 136. "魔界札 (Makaifuda)" (from Saaur_) 11394971 ==> 137. "The Vote: Suffrage and Suppression in America" (from Saaur_) 11394972 ==> 138. "Red Alert: Space Fleet Warfare" (from Saaur_) 11394973 ==> 139. "The Age of Atlantis" (from Saaur_) 11394974 ==> 140. "Burgle Bros 2: The Casino Capers" (from Saaur_) 11394975 ==> 141. "Chartered: The Golden Age" (from Saaur_) 11394976 ==> 142. "For-Ex" (from Saaur_) 11394978 ==> 143. "In Front of the Elevators" (from Saaur_) 11394980 ==> 144. "John Company" (from Saaur_) 11394982 ==> 145. "Order Overload: Spiel23" (from Saaur_) 11394985 ==> 146. "Orléans" (from Saaur_) 11394986 ==> 147. "Psychic Pizza Deliverers Go to the Ghost Town" (from Saaur_) 11394987 ==> 148. "RouYouJin" (from Saaur_) 11394988 ==> 149. "Shamans" (from Saaur_) 11394989 ==> 150. "Siena" (from Saaur_) 11394990 ==> 151. "Snail Sprint!" (from Saaur_) 11394996 ==> 152. "Sleeping Gods" (from Saaur_) 11394997 ==> 153. "Stacked" (from Saaur_) 11394999 ==> 154. "Ticket to Ride: First Journey (Europe)" (from Saaur_) 11395005 ==> 155. "Townsfolk Tussle" (from Saaur_) 11395006 ==> 156. "Unicorn Fever" (from Saaur_) 11395007 ==> 157. "Vamp on the Batwalk" (from Saaur_) 11395111 ==> 158. "Bruxelles 1893" (from Hanho) 11395114 ==> 159. "Chronicles of Crime" (from Hanho) 11395116 ==> 160. "Cooper Island" (from Hanho) 11395118 ==> 161. "Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game" (from Hanho) 11395120 ==> 162. "Evacuation" (from Hanho) 11395124 ==> 163. "Fort" (from Hanho) 11395127 ==> 164. "Goa: A New Expedition" (from Hanho) 11395128 ==> 165. "Harvest Island" (from Hanho) 11395129 ==> 166. "It's a Wonderful Kingdom" (from Hanho) 11395130 ==> 167. "Johari" (from Hanho) 11395133 ==> 168. "Kanban: Driver's Edition" (from Hanho) 11395136 ==> 169. "The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire" (from Hanho) 11395137 ==> 170. "Margraves of Valeria" (from Hanho) 11395139 ==> 171. "Terrors of London" (from Hanho) 11395140 ==> 172. "Urbify" (from Hanho) 11395222 ==> 173. "Margraves of Valeria" (from JeroenP) 11395226 ==> 174. "Alt Name: Spirit Island Foil Panels (Branch & Claw, Jagged Earth, Base Game)" (from JeroenP) 11395256 ==> 175. "Hadara" (from bado) 11395264 ==> 176. "Carpe Diem" (from bado) 11395266 ==> 177. "CloudAge" (from bado) 11395268 ==> 178. "First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet" (from bado) 11395269 ==> 179. "Roam" (from bado) 11395273 ==> 180. "Mille Fiori" (from bado) 11395277 ==> 181. "Forum Trajanum" (from bado) 11395280 ==> 182. "Quadropolis" (from bado) 11395282 ==> 183. "Zooloretto" (from bado) 11395285 ==> 184. "Mr. Jack Pocket" (from bado) 11395287 ==> 185. "Lewis & Clark: The Expedition" (from bado) 11395578 ==> 186. "Songs of Far Shores: Omen Game 1" (from sornars) 11395582 ==> 187. "The Battle of Versailles" (from sornars) 11395583 ==> 188. "Big Boss" (from sornars) 11395590 ==> 189. "Eleven: Football Manager Board Game (Gamefound Edition)" (from sornars) 11395593 ==> 190. "Big Top" (from sornars) 11395595 ==> 191. "Chaos Marauders (Second Edition)" (from sornars) 11395599 ==> 192. "The Gods Will Have Blood" (from sornars) 11395602 ==> 193. "Gorechosen" (from sornars) 11395605 ==> 194. "Heat: Pedal to the Metal" (from sornars) 11395607 ==> 195. "Homeland: The Game" (from sornars) 11395611 ==> 196. "The Hunt" (from sornars) 11395613 ==> 197. "An Infamous Traffic" (from sornars) 11395616 ==> 198. "John Company" (from sornars) 11395624 ==> 199. "Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation" (from sornars) 11395628 ==> 200. "The Lucky Seven" (from sornars) 11395630 ==> 201. "The Mirroring of Mary King" (from sornars) 11395632 ==> 202. "Modern Art Card Game" (from sornars) 11395639 ==> 203. "Nexus Ops" (from sornars) 11395640 ==> 204. "Nexus Ops" (from sornars) 11395643 ==> 205. "Paris: La Cité de la Lumière" (from sornars) 11395644 ==> 206. "PARKS" (from sornars) 11395647 ==> 207. "Royal Visit" (from sornars) 11395652 ==> 208. "Spartacus: A Game of Blood and Treachery" (from sornars) 11395657 ==> 209. "Trails" (from sornars) 11395667 ==> 210. "Witchcraft!" (from sornars) 11395673 ==> 211. "Worldspanner Factions, Set 1: Heroes" (from sornars) 11396064 ==> 212. "Die Sieben Weisen" (from GentGeek) 11396077 ==> 213. "Santa Timea" (from GentGeek) 11396097 ==> 214. "Megastar" (from GentGeek) 11396099 ==> 215. "Tarantel Tango" (from GentGeek) 11396111 ==> 216. "Spectaculum" (from GentGeek) 11396118 ==> 217. "Pictureka!" (from GentGeek) 11396119 ==> 218. "Pantheon" (from GentGeek) 11396122 ==> 219. "Palazzo" (from GentGeek) 11396125 ==> 220. "Mondo Sapiens" (from GentGeek) 11396126 ==> 221. "Chelsea" (from GentGeek) 11396130 ==> 222. "That's Pretty Clever!" (from GentGeek) 11396136 ==> 223. "Phase 10" (from GentGeek) 11396137 ==> 224. "Honshū" (from GentGeek) 11396439 ==> 225. "Harmonies" (from Stijnhoofd) 11396576 ==> 226. "Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends" (from JeroenP) 11396581 ==> 227. "The Mirroring of Mary King" (from JeroenP) 11396591 ==> 228. "Gardens of Babylon" (from JeroenP) 11396593 ==> 229. "Brian Boru: High King of Ireland" (from JeroenP) 11396602 ==> 230. "1853" (from JeroenP) 11396605 ==> 231. "Alchemist" (from JeroenP) 11396607 ==> 232. "Amun-Re" (from JeroenP) 11396610 ==> 233. "Ratzia" (from JeroenP) 11396613 ==> 234. "Sun Tzu" (from JeroenP) 11396618 ==> 235. "Tigris & Euphrates" (from JeroenP) 11396622 ==> 236. "Fresh Fish" (from JeroenP) 11397881 ==> 237. "Arkwright: The Card Game" (from Esquelito) 11397885 ==> 238. "The Lamps are Going Out: World War I" (from Esquelito) 11397887 ==> 239. "Colonial Twilight: The French-Algerian War, 1954-62" (from Esquelito) 11397891 ==> 240. "Napoleon Saga: Waterloo" (from Esquelito) 11397894 ==> 241. "Tenkatoitsu" (from Esquelito) 11397896 ==> 242. "Mysterium" (from Esquelito) 11397902 ==> 243. "Modern Art" (from Esquelito) 11397905 ==> 244. "MicroMacro: Crime City" (from Esquelito) 11397914 ==> 245. "1941: Race to Moscow" (from Esquelito) 11397918 ==> 246. "Cyclades" (from Esquelito) 11398619 ==> 247. "Khôra: Rise of an Empire" (from kenjisan) 11399001 ==> 248. "New York Zoo" (from Olafslomp) 11399003 ==> 249. "Splendor Duel" (from Olafslomp) 11399005 ==> 250. "Jekyll vs. Hyde" (from Olafslomp) 11399007 ==> 251. "One Night Ultimate Werewolf" (from Olafslomp) 11399010 ==> 252. "Cleopatra and the Society of Architects" (from Olafslomp) 11399011 ==> 253. "Cartagena" (from Olafslomp) 11399012 ==> 254. "7 Wonders: Architects" (from Olafslomp) 11399013 ==> 255. "Russian Railroads" (from Olafslomp) 11399014 ==> 256. "Tawantinsuyu: The Inca Empire" (from Olafslomp) 11399016 ==> 257. "Coimbra" (from Olafslomp) 11399029 ==> 258. "Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle" (from Olafslomp) 11399072 ==> 259. "The Quick and the Undead" (from susuqie) 11399073 ==> 260. "Alhambra: The Card Game" (from susuqie) 11399074 ==> 261. "Machi Koro" (from susuqie) 11399076 ==> 262. "Thurn and Taxis" (from susuqie) 11399077 ==> 263. "Lorenzo il Magnifico" (from El_Gargamel) 11399079 ==> 264. "Virus!" (from susuqie) 11399081 ==> 265. "Samoa" (from susuqie) 11399083 ==> 266. "Power Grid: The Card Game" (from susuqie) 11399088 ==> 267. "Scrabble" (from susuqie) 11399116 ==> 268. "Ulm" (from roja666) 11399142 ==> 269. "Alma Mater" (from roja666) 11399153 ==> 270. "Messina 1347" (from roja666) 11399157 ==> 271. "Bruxelles 1893" (from roja666) 11399163 ==> 272. "Last Message" (from roja666) 11399190 ==> 273. "Iron Dragon" (from roja666) 11399197 ==> 274. "Shear Panic" (from roja666) 11399225 ==> 275. "Carcassonne" (from roja666) 11399232 ==> 276. "Clans" (from roja666) 11399243 ==> 277. "Toscana" (from roja666) 11399247 ==> 278. "Pizarro & Co." (from roja666) 11399248 ==> 279. "De Vulgari Eloquentia: Deluxe Edition" (from roja666) 11399256 ==> 280. "The Princes of Machu Picchu" (from roja666) 11399264 ==> 281. "Hive" (from VincentO) 11399290 ==> 282. "Alt Name: Jambo+Caesar&Cleopatra" (from VincentO) 11399301 ==> 283. "Expedition to Newdale" (from MrSocash) 11399303 ==> 284. "Alt Name: 1Nacht weerwolven en Eufraat&Tigris kaartspel" (from VincentO) 11399305 ==> 285. "The Castles of Burgundy" (from MrSocash) 11399306 ==> 286. "Onitama" (from MrSocash) 11400241 ==> 287. "Cafe Chaos" (from carol12) 11400249 ==> 288. "Great Western Trail: Second Edition – Rails To The North" (from carol12) 11400257 ==> 289. "Cafe Chaos" (from carol12) 11400266 ==> 290. "Monolith Arena" (from carol12) 11400271 ==> 291. "Mighty Monsters" (from carol12) 11400275 ==> 292. "Pixel Tactics 2" (from carol12) 11400279 ==> 293. "Mystery of the Abbey" (from carol12) 11400285 ==> 294. "Star Fighters: Rapid Fire" (from carol12) 11400289 ==> 295. "Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization" (from carol12) 11400292 ==> 296. "Border Reivers: Anglo-Scottish Border Raids, 1513-1603" (from carol12) 11400295 ==> 297. "Europa Universalis: The Price of Power" (from carol12) 11400810 ==> 298. "Imperial Settlers" (from Wout) 11400870 ==> 299. "Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory" (from Wout) 11400880 ==> 300. "Mortum: Medieval Detective" (from maartend) 11400884 ==> 301. "Little Devils" (from Wout) 11400897 ==> 302. "Teotihuacan: City of Gods" (from Wout) 11400901 ==> 303. "Way of the Panda" (from Wout) 11400914 ==> 304. "Dragonsgate College" (from maartend) 11400922 ==> 305. "Battle Line" (from Wout) 11400923 ==> 306. "Risky Adventure" (from maartend) 11400983 ==> 307. "Waterloo 200" (from Wout) 11401006 ==> 308. "Roll Through the Ages: The Iron Age" (from Wout) 11401012 ==> 309. "Plus Ultra: The Court of the Emperor Charles V" (from Wout) 11401016 ==> 310. "Tremble, Humans! Card Game" (from Wout) 11401018 ==> 311. "Catch the Moon" (from Wout) 11401020 ==> 312. "Age of Discovery" (from Wout) 11401024 ==> 313. "Red Outpost" (from Wout) 11401036 ==> 314. "Paths of Glory" (from Wout) 11401042 ==> 315. "El Gaucho" (from Wout) 11401045 ==> 316. "Potemkin Empire" (from Wout) 11401049 ==> 317. "Genoa" (from Wout) 11401059 ==> 318. "Power Grid" (from Wout) 11401068 ==> 319. "Axis & Allies: Europe" (from Wout) 11401074 ==> 320. "Axis & Allies: Pacific" (from Wout) 11401670 ==> 321. "Coup" (from heudon) 11401691 ==> 322. "Curious Cargo" (from heudon) 11401725 ==> 323. "A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition)" (from heudon) 11401741 ==> 324. "Kingdomino" (from heudon) 11401751 ==> 325. "Kitara" (from heudon) 11401810 ==> 326. "Quadropolis" (from heudon) 11401833 ==> 327. "Rats of Wistar" (from heudon) 11401843 ==> 328. "Root" (from heudon) 11403496 ==> 329. "Beyond the Sun" (from ghostcastle) 11403499 ==> 330. "Skull" (from ghostcastle) 11403575 ==> 331. "Ticket to Ride: Play Pink" (from Lorthania) 11403578 ==> 332. "French Quarter" (from Lorthania) 11403604 ==> 333. "Hike!" (from Lorthania) 11403611 ==> 334. "Machi Koro" (from Lorthania) 11403620 ==> 335. "Kabuto Sumo" (from Lorthania) 11403629 ==> 336. "Switch & Signal" (from Lorthania) 11403635 ==> 337. "Tranquility: The Ascent" (from Lorthania) 11403638 ==> 338. "Tranquility: The Ascent" (from Lorthania) 11403643 ==> 339. "Imperial Settlers" (from Phyrexian) 11403650 ==> 340. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from Lorthania) 11403653 ==> 341. "Hive" (from Lorthania) 11403656 ==> 342. "Blueprints" (from Phyrexian) 11403659 ==> 343. "Convert" (from Lorthania) 11403661 ==> 344. "Draft & Write Records: All-Star Bonus Tracks" (from Lorthania) 11403664 ==> 345. "Dizzle" (from Lorthania) 11403665 ==> 346. "Harbour" (from Lorthania) 11403669 ==> 347. "Café" (from Lorthania) 11403673 ==> 348. "Dead Man's Hand" (from Phyrexian) 11403674 ==> 349. "Cube Quest" (from Phyrexian) 11403680 ==> 350. "The Pursuit of Happiness" (from MADG0BLIN) 11403686 ==> 351. "Railroad Ink: Deep Blue Edition" (from Lorthania) 11403688 ==> 352. "Glory to Rome" (from MADG0BLIN) 11403691 ==> 353. "Railroad Ink: Blazing Red Edition" (from Lorthania) 11403701 ==> 354. "Forum Trajanum" (from Lorthania) 11403704 ==> 355. "Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium" (from Lorthania) 11403716 ==> 356. "Encyclopedia" (from MADG0BLIN) 11403719 ==> 357. "Chakra" (from Lorthania) 11403731 ==> 358. "Claim: Storage Box" (from Phyrexian) 11403733 ==> 359. "Gardens" (from Lorthania) 11403736 ==> 360. "The North Sea Runesaga" (from Lorthania) 11403744 ==> 361. "On Pointe: The Ballet Board Game" (from Lorthania) 11403747 ==> 362. "Orléans: Invasion" (from Lorthania) 11403751 ==> 363. "Super-Skill Pinball: 4-Cade" (from Lorthania) 11403755 ==> 364. "Sushi Go Party!" (from Lorthania) 11403760 ==> 365. "Rush & Bash" (from Lorthania) 11403762 ==> 366. "Sunflower Valley" (from Lorthania) 11403776 ==> 367. "Western Legends: Showdown" (from Phyrexian) 11403780 ==> 368. "Linkee!" (from Mantichore1) 11403782 ==> 369. "Exit: The Game – The Secret Lab" (from Mantichore1) 11403787 ==> 370. "Alt Name: 63 figurines from The World of Smog: Rise of Moloch" (from Mantichore1) 11403790 ==> 371. "Alt Name: MTG: Premium Deck Series: Fire & Lightning" (from Mantichore1) 11403795 ==> 372. "Sea Salt & Paper" (from Lorthania) 11403797 ==> 373. "Little Town" (from Lorthania) 11403879 ==> 374. "Mystery House: Adventures in a Box" (from Mantichore1) 11404114 ==> 375. "Clank!: Catacombs" (from Blaztar) 11404116 ==> 376. "Colossal Arena" (from Blaztar) 11404119 ==> 377. "Fall of Rome" (from Blaztar) 11404121 ==> 378. "Not Alone" (from Blaztar) 11404131 ==> 379. "Res Arcana" (from Blaztar) 11404140 ==> 380. "Valeria: Card Kingdoms" (from Blaztar) 11404144 ==> 381. "Blue Moon: Emissaries & Inquisitors – Allies" (from Blaztar) 11404145 ==> 382. "Blue Moon: Emissaries & Inquisitors – Blessings" (from Blaztar) 11404989 ==> 383. "Hoyuk" (from Zamx) 11404995 ==> 384. "Uruk II: Die Entwicklung geht weiter" (from Zamx) 11405000 ==> 385. "Dominion" (from Zamx) 11405004 ==> 386. "Praetor" (from Zamx) 11405006 ==> 387. "Forbidden Island" (from Zamx) 11405034 ==> 388. "Arcana" (from Zamx) 11405046 ==> 389. "Dungeon Petz" (from Zamx) 11405071 ==> 390. "Enuk" (from GentGeek) 11405086 ==> 391. "Hokkaido" (from GentGeek) 11405088 ==> 392. "Peng!" (from GentGeek) 11405093 ==> 393. "Der Herr der Ringe: Die Zwei Türme – das Kartenspiel" (from GentGeek) 11405101 ==> 394. "The Settlers of Catan: The Great River" (from GentGeek) 11405107 ==> 395. "Die Siedler von Catan: Die große Karawane" (from GentGeek) 11405110 ==> 396. "Puerto Rico: Expansion I – New Buildings" (from GentGeek) 11405112 ==> 397. "Catan Geographies: Settlers of Hesse" (from GentGeek) 11405415 ==> 398. "Fast Forward: FLEE" (from paulkessels) 11405425 ==> 399. "Goa: A New Expedition" (from paulkessels) 11405426 ==> 400. "Viticulture Essential Edition" (from TomVG) 11405428 ==> 401. "La Città" (from paulkessels) 11405429 ==> 402. "Die Pyramiden des Jaguar" (from paulkessels) 11405430 ==> 403. "Kingdom Builder" (from paulkessels) 11405432 ==> 404. "VivaJava: The Coffee Game: The Dice Game" (from paulkessels) 11405433 ==> 405. "Century: A New World" (from paulkessels) 11405434 ==> 406. "Reviving Kathmandu" (from paulkessels) 11405436 ==> 407. "Photosynthesis" (from paulkessels) 11405438 ==> 408. "Machi Koro" (from paulkessels) 11405442 ==> 409. "Imperial 2030" (from paulkessels) 11405451 ==> 410. "Golden Cup" (from paulkessels) 11405456 ==> 411. "Citrus" (from Lorthania) 11405459 ==> 412. "TA-KE" (from Lorthania) 11405465 ==> 413. "Railroad Revolution" (from paulkessels) 11405471 ==> 414. "West Kingdom: Metal Coins" (from Lorthania) 11405499 ==> 415. "Maharaja: The Game of Palace Building in India" (from paulkessels) 11405683 ==> 416. "Monopoly" (from GentGeek) 11405711 ==> 417. "Witch's Brew" (from GentGeek) 11405726 ==> 418. "Yangtze" (from GentGeek) 11405786 ==> 419. "El Capitán" (from CaptainYossarian) 11405790 ==> 420. "Master of Orion: The Board Game" (from CaptainYossarian) 11405799 ==> 421. "Nyctophobia" (from CaptainYossarian) 11405803 ==> 422. "Histrio" (from CaptainYossarian) 11405809 ==> 423. "Dragon Rampage" (from CaptainYossarian) 11405813 ==> 424. "Sea of Clouds" (from CaptainYossarian) 11405815 ==> 425. "Draconis Invasion" (from CaptainYossarian) 11405817 ==> 426. "Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time" (from CaptainYossarian) 11405855 ==> 427. "Lorenzo il Magnifico: Big Box" (from HADER008) 11405872 ==> 428. "Maracaibo" (from HADER008) 11405914 ==> 429. "The Specialists" (from HADER008) 11406157 ==> 430. "World Without End" (from GentGeek) 11406168 ==> 431. "Shadows over Camelot: The Card Game" (from GentGeek) 11406177 ==> 432. "Zooloretto" (from GentGeek) 11406185 ==> 433. "Marvel United" (from Bart H) 11406189 ==> 434. "Tycoon" (from GentGeek) 11406198 ==> 435. "Key Harvest" (from GentGeek) 11406206 ==> 436. "Splendor" (from Bart H) 11406213 ==> 437. "Mycelia" (from Bart H) 11406230 ==> 438. "Mascarade (second edition)" (from Bart H) 11406237 ==> 439. "Carcassonne" (from Destroher) 11406240 ==> 440. "Fall" (from Bart H) 11406260 ==> 441. "Kemet" (from Destroher) 11406281 ==> 442. "Takenoko" (from Destroher) 11406290 ==> 443. "Rory's Story Cubes: Harry Potter" (from Bart H) 11406299 ==> 444. "Zona: The Secret of Chernobyl" (from Destroher) 11406308 ==> 445. "Isle of Trains: All Aboard" (from Bart H) 11406389 ==> 446. "Alt Name: Bunch 'o' Games" (from Destroher) 11406399 ==> 447. "Pandemic" (from pieterschutz) 11406421 ==> 448. "Power Grid" (from pieterschutz) 11406433 ==> 449. "Reload" (from pieterschutz) 11406439 ==> 450. "Robin Hood and the Merry Men" (from pieterschutz) 11406443 ==> 451. "Vivid Memories" (from pieterschutz) 11406483 ==> 452. "The White Castle" (from pieterschutz) 11406657 ==> 453. "Story Time Chess" (from pieterschutz) 11407853 ==> 454. "Valhalla" (from CaptainYossarian) 11407856 ==> 455. "Terramara" (from CaptainYossarian) 11407859 ==> 456. "Endeavor" (from CaptainYossarian) 11407860 ==> 457. "Kemet" (from CaptainYossarian) 11407863 ==> 458. "Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon" (from CaptainYossarian) 11407866 ==> 459. "Alt Name: Pick 4" (from CaptainYossarian) 11407875 ==> 460. "Furnace" (from CaptainYossarian) 11407878 ==> 461. "Archipelago" (from CaptainYossarian) 11407881 ==> 462. "Otys" (from CaptainYossarian) 11407884 ==> 463. "Race to the Raft" (from CaptainYossarian) 11407885 ==> 464. "Dread Curse" (from CaptainYossarian) 11407886 ==> 465. "Ishtar: Gardens of Babylon" (from CaptainYossarian) 11407888-COPY1 ==> 466. "Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 1 of 10] 11407888-COPY2 ==> 466. "Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 2 of 10] 11407888-COPY3 ==> 466. "Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 3 of 10] 11407888-COPY4 ==> 466. "Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 4 of 10] 11407888-COPY5 ==> 466. "Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 5 of 10] 11407888-COPY6 ==> 466. "Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 6 of 10] 11407888-COPY7 ==> 466. "Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 7 of 10] 11407888-COPY8 ==> 466. "Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 8 of 10] 11407888-COPY9 ==> 466. "Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 9 of 10] 11407888-COPY10 ==> 466. "Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 10 of 10] 11407889-COPY1 ==> 467. "Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 1 of 10] 11407889-COPY2 ==> 467. "Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 2 of 10] 11407889-COPY3 ==> 467. "Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 3 of 10] 11407889-COPY4 ==> 467. "Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 4 of 10] 11407889-COPY5 ==> 467. "Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 5 of 10] 11407889-COPY6 ==> 467. "Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 6 of 10] 11407889-COPY7 ==> 467. "Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 7 of 10] 11407889-COPY8 ==> 467. "Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 8 of 10] 11407889-COPY9 ==> 467. "Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 9 of 10] 11407889-COPY10 ==> 467. "Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 10 of 10] 11407890-COPY1 ==> 468. "Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 1 of 10] 11407890-COPY2 ==> 468. "Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 2 of 10] 11407890-COPY3 ==> 468. "Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 3 of 10] 11407890-COPY4 ==> 468. "Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 4 of 10] 11407890-COPY5 ==> 468. "Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 5 of 10] 11407890-COPY6 ==> 468. "Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 6 of 10] 11407890-COPY7 ==> 468. "Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 7 of 10] 11407890-COPY8 ==> 468. "Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 8 of 10] 11407890-COPY9 ==> 468. "Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 9 of 10] 11407890-COPY10 ==> 468. "Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 10 of 10] 11407891-COPY1 ==> 469. "Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 1 of 8] 11407891-COPY2 ==> 469. "Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 2 of 8] 11407891-COPY3 ==> 469. "Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 3 of 8] 11407891-COPY4 ==> 469. "Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 4 of 8] 11407891-COPY5 ==> 469. "Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 5 of 8] 11407891-COPY6 ==> 469. "Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 6 of 8] 11407891-COPY7 ==> 469. "Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 7 of 8] 11407891-COPY8 ==> 469. "Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 8 of 8] 11407892-COPY1 ==> 470. "Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 1 of 6] 11407892-COPY2 ==> 470. "Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 2 of 6] 11407892-COPY3 ==> 470. "Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 3 of 6] 11407892-COPY4 ==> 470. "Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 4 of 6] 11407892-COPY5 ==> 470. "Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 5 of 6] 11407892-COPY6 ==> 470. "Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 6 of 6] 11407893-COPY1 ==> 471. "Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 1 of 5] 11407893-COPY2 ==> 471. "Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 2 of 5] 11407893-COPY3 ==> 471. "Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 3 of 5] 11407893-COPY4 ==> 471. "Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 4 of 5] 11407893-COPY5 ==> 471. "Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 5 of 5] 11407895-COPY1 ==> 472. "Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 1 of 5] 11407895-COPY2 ==> 472. "Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 2 of 5] 11407895-COPY3 ==> 472. "Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 3 of 5] 11407895-COPY4 ==> 472. "Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 4 of 5] 11407895-COPY5 ==> 472. "Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 5 of 5] 11407896-COPY1 ==> 473. "Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 1 of 3] 11407896-COPY2 ==> 473. "Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 2 of 3] 11407896-COPY3 ==> 473. "Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 3 of 3] 11407909 ==> 474. "GoodCritters" (from CaptainYossarian) 11407918 ==> 475. "Bear Raid" (from CaptainYossarian) 11407922 ==> 476. "Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization" (from CaptainYossarian) 11407996 ==> 477. "An Age Contrived" (from pieterschutz) 11408074 ==> 478. "Balada" (from nielsvanoch) 11408075 ==> 479. "Blitzkrieg!: World War Two in 20 Minutes" (from nielsvanoch) 11408077 ==> 480. "Cartographers" (from nielsvanoch) 11408080 ==> 481. "Grail Cup" (from nielsvanoch) 11408083 ==> 482. "Hanabi" (from nielsvanoch) 11408095 ==> 483. "Henchling" (from nielsvanoch) 11408102 ==> 484. "King of Tokyo" (from nielsvanoch) 11408104 ==> 485. "Kings' Struggle" (from nielsvanoch) 11408140 ==> 486. "Machi Koro" (from nielsvanoch) 11408277 ==> 487. "Las Vegas Royale" (from ZiNNED) 11408613 ==> 488. "KeyForge: Age of Ascension" (from unrealbe) 11408617 ==> 489. "Vasco da Gama" (from unrealbe) 11408637 ==> 490. "Llamaland" (from unrealbe) 11408648 ==> 491. "Marvel: Crisis Protocol" (from unrealbe) 11408670 ==> 492. "War of the Ring" (from unrealbe) 11408672 ==> 493. "Sentinels of the Multiverse" (from unrealbe) 11408685 ==> 494. "Roll for Great Old Ones: A Roll & Write Game" (from unrealbe) 11408691 ==> 495. "Journey: Wrath of Demons" (from unrealbe) 11408694 ==> 496. "Capital Lux 2: Generations" (from unrealbe) 11408698 ==> 497. "Lionheart" (from unrealbe) 11408700 ==> 498. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from unrealbe) 11408708 ==> 499. "Divinus" (from unrealbe) 11408711 ==> 500. "Knockdown" (from unrealbe) 11409029 ==> 501. "Mandala" (from nielsvanoch) 11409031 ==> 502. "Mascarade" (from nielsvanoch) 11409032 ==> 503. "Master of the Galaxy" (from nielsvanoch) 11409036 ==> 504. "Olympos" (from nielsvanoch) 11409037 ==> 505. "San Juan" (from nielsvanoch) 11409039 ==> 506. "Quarto" (from nielsvanoch) 11409041 ==> 507. "Raiders of Scythia" (from nielsvanoch) 11409042 ==> 508. "Rivages" (from nielsvanoch) 11409045 ==> 509. "Royals" (from nielsvanoch) 11409047 ==> 510. "Tinker Tailor" (from nielsvanoch) 11409050 ==> 511. "Tinners' Trail" (from nielsvanoch) 11409051 ==> 512. "Unrest" (from nielsvanoch) 11409056 ==> 513. "The Princes of Florence" (from nielsvanoch) 11409059 ==> 514. "War of the Ring" (from nielsvanoch) 11409481 ==> 515. "Blokus" (from GentGeek) 11409489 ==> 516. "Aloha" (from GentGeek) 11409491 ==> 517. "Hawaii" (from GentGeek) 11409516 ==> 518. "Historia" (from GentGeek) 11409521 ==> 519. "Rheinländer" (from GentGeek) 11409525 ==> 520. "Master Labyrinth" (from GentGeek) 11409527 ==> 521. "The Princes of Machu Picchu" (from GentGeek) 11409530 ==> 522. "The Castles of Burgundy: The Card Game" (from GentGeek) 11409531 ==> 523. "Carnavalo" (from GentGeek) 11409539 ==> 524. "Caverna: Cave vs Cave" (from GentGeek) 11409543 ==> 525. "Hamlet: The Village Building Game" (from heudon) 11409550 ==> 526. "Treasure Chest" (from GentGeek) 11409556 ==> 527. "Expeditions: Around the World" (from GentGeek) 11409579 ==> 528. "La Isla" (from GentGeek) 11409584 ==> 529. "Augsburg 1520" (from GentGeek) 11411354 ==> 530. "Wingspan: Fan Art Pack" (from erikieperikie) 11411355 ==> 531. "Tides of Time" (from erikieperikie) 11411357 ==> 532. "Cartagena" (from erikieperikie) 11411358 ==> 533. "Zombie Fluxx" (from erikieperikie) 11411611 ==> 534. "King of New York" (from SaintJan) 11411619 ==> 535. "Undaunted: Normandy" (from SaintJan) 11411653 ==> 536. "Zombicide: Invader" (from SaintJan) 11411771 ==> 537. "Imperial 2030" (from MoshiMaro) 11411777 ==> 538. "London" (from MoshiMaro) 11411780 ==> 539. "Automobile" (from MoshiMaro) 11411794 ==> 540. "Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization" (from MoshiMaro) 11411809 ==> 541. "1835" (from MoshiMaro) 11411813 ==> 542. "1853" (from MoshiMaro) 11411828 ==> 543. "Barcelona" (from jones80) 11411841 ==> 544. "Age of Steam" (from MoshiMaro) 11411872 ==> 545. "Fire in the Lake: Fall of Saigon" (from jones80) 11412123 ==> 546. "Voidfall" (from inge pen) 11412136 ==> 547. "Revive: Call of the Abyss" (from inge pen) 11412147 ==> 548. "Set A Watch: Forsaken Isles" (from inge pen) 11412159 ==> 549. "Peacemakers: Horrors of War" (from inge pen) 11412207 ==> 550. "SpaceCorp: 2025-2300AD" (from inge pen) 11412688 ==> 551. "7 Wonders Duel: Pantheon" (from Kiekebanus) 11412690 ==> 552. "Neta-Tanka: Deluxe Edition" (from Kiekebanus) 11412692 ==> 553. "P'achakuna" (from Kiekebanus) 11412694 ==> 554. "Mercado de Lisboa" (from Kiekebanus) 11412695 ==> 555. "Alt Name: Dreamscape Expansions" (from Kiekebanus) 11412696 ==> 556. "Alt Name: Bundle of 4 games" (from Kiekebanus) 11412698 ==> 557. "Papillon" (from Kiekebanus) 11412700 ==> 558. "Everdell" (from Kiekebanus) 11412704 ==> 559. "Explorers of the North Sea" (from Kiekebanus) 11412707 ==> 560. "Shipwrights of the North Sea" (from Kiekebanus) 11412727 ==> 561. "The North Sea Runesaga" (from Kiekebanus) 11413145 ==> 562. "Peacemakers: Horrors of War" (from fizboz) 11414263 ==> 563. "Dominion (Second Edition)" (from ZiNNED) 11414467 ==> 564. "Alubari: A Nice Cup of Tea" (from singlemeeple) 11414469 ==> 565. "Founders of Teotihuacan" (from singlemeeple) 11414471 ==> 566. "Friday" (from singlemeeple) 11414473 ==> 567. "Carnegie" (from singlemeeple) 11414474 ==> 568. "Harmonies" (from singlemeeple) 11414475 ==> 569. "Red Rising" (from singlemeeple) 11414476 ==> 570. "Salton Sea" (from singlemeeple) 11414477 ==> 571. "Cosmoctopus" (from singlemeeple) 11414802 ==> 572. "Barcelona" (from Big_Tuna) 11414806 ==> 573. "The Isle of Cats" (from Big_Tuna) 11414809 ==> 574. "1775: Rebellion" (from Big_Tuna) 11414818 ==> 575. "Radlands: Cult of Chrome" (from Big_Tuna) 11414826 ==> 576. "Pagan: Fate of Roanoke" (from Big_Tuna) 11415181 ==> 577. "Flick 'em Up!" (from mennostijntjes) 11415192 ==> 578. "Black Orchestra" (from mennostijntjes) 11415201 ==> 579. "Thurn and Taxis" (from mennostijntjes) 11415209 ==> 580. "Asking for Trobils: Trobil Makers" (from mennostijntjes) 11415216 ==> 581. "Small World: Power Pack 2" (from mennostijntjes) 11415224 ==> 582. "Claim: Reinforcements – Fire" (from mennostijntjes) 11415230 ==> 583. "Castle Panic: Big Box" (from mennostijntjes) 11415236 ==> 584. "Pandemic" (from mennostijntjes) 11415260 ==> 585. "Marvel United: Multiverse" (from mennostijntjes) 11415266 ==> 586. "Marvel United: Multiverse – Kickstarter Promos Box" (from mennostijntjes) 11415272 ==> 587. "Marvel United: Fantastic Four" (from mennostijntjes) 11415315 ==> 588. "Mr. Jack" (from mennostijntjes) 11415731 ==> 589. "The Artemis Project" (from LaChazzz) 11415758 ==> 590. "The Golden Ages" (from LaChazzz) 11415809 ==> 591. "Bargain Quest" (from LaChazzz) 11415824 ==> 592. "Carcassonne: 20th Anniversary Edition" (from ZiNNED) 11416056 ==> 593. "Red Rising" (from TomVG) 11416059 ==> 594. "Rajas of the Ganges: Goodie Box 2" (from TomVG) 11416061 ==> 595. "Roll Player" (from TomVG) 11416078 ==> 596. "Potion Explosion: The Fifth Ingredient" (from TomVG) 11416484 ==> 597. "CATAN" (from Destroher) 11416492 ==> 598. "Citadels" (from Destroher) 11417366 ==> 599. "Twilight Imperium: Third Edition" (from Zamx) 11417445 ==> 600. "Bonfire" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11417449 ==> 601. "Chimera Station" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11417451 ==> 602. "Clash of the Ardennes" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11417483 ==> 603. "504" (from VincentO) 11417496 ==> 604. "Formula D" (from VincentO) 11417638 ==> 605. "Pirates of Maracaibo" (from Deacis) 11417843 ==> 606. "Viticulture Essential Edition" (from htappert) 11417987 ==> 607. "Spellbound" (from mi_de) 11417996 ==> 608. "Alhambra" (from mi_de) 11417997 ==> 609. "Arabella" (from mi_de) 11418000 ==> 610. "City" (from mi_de) 11418003 ==> 611. "Crusader Kingdoms: The War for the Holy Land" (from mi_de) 11418007 ==> 612. "Mysterious Island" (from mi_de) 11418009 ==> 613. "Pyrates!" (from mi_de) 11418010 ==> 614. "S. Jorge Trophy" (from mi_de) 11418016 ==> 615. "Mr. Jack in New York" (from ravinck) 11418017 ==> 616. "Cascadia" (from ravinck) 11418102 ==> 617. "Coral" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418104 ==> 618. "Cry Havoc" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418108 ==> 619. "Deus" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418110 ==> 620. "Dinosaur World" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418117 ==> 621. "Disney Sorcerer's Arena: Epic Alliances Core Set" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418121 ==> 622. "Ethnos" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418123 ==> 623. "Fort" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418126 ==> 624. "Greenland (Third Edition)" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418128 ==> 625. "Hadara" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418131 ==> 626. "Judge Dredd: Helter Skelter" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418133 ==> 627. "Khôra: Rise of an Empire" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418137 ==> 628. "Lizard Wizard" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418141 ==> 629. "Mission to Planet Hexx!" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418143 ==> 630. "Neanderthal" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418147 ==> 631. "Oceans" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418149 ==> 632. "Oros" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418151 ==> 633. "Solar 175" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418154 ==> 634. "Subastral" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418156 ==> 635. "Tortuga 1667" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418158 ==> 636. "Tragedy Looper" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418160 ==> 637. "Two Robots" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418163 ==> 638. "Valeria: Card Kingdoms" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418182 ==> 639. "Star Wars: The Card Game" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11418511 ==> 640. "Alt Name: Dixit Queen of Owl's puzzle" (from susuqie) 11418816 ==> 641. "Oranienburger Kanal" (from MrSocash) 11419375 ==> 642. "Skyrockets: Festivals of Fire" (from StefanvM1) 11419380 ==> 643. "Bruxelles 1897" (from StefanvM1) 11419382 ==> 644. "Adventure Land" (from StefanvM1) 11419385 ==> 645. "Sanssouci" (from StefanvM1) 11419386 ==> 646. "Rising 5: Runes of Asteros" (from StefanvM1) 11419387 ==> 647. "Karuba" (from StefanvM1) 11419388 ==> 648. "Jamaica" (from StefanvM1) 11419392 ==> 649. "Bruxelles 1893: Belle Époque" (from StefanvM1) 11419394 ==> 650. "Vinhos: Deluxe Edition" (from StefanvM1) 11419395 ==> 651. "The Yellow House" (from StefanvM1) 11419414 ==> 652. "Ryozen" (from Raynie123) 11419419 ==> 653. "The Isle of Cats" (from StefanvM1) 11419422 ==> 654. "Big Top" (from StefanvM1) 11419426 ==> 655. "Royal Visit" (from StefanvM1) 11419434 ==> 656. "Food Chain Magnate" (from StefanvM1) 11419436 ==> 657. "Take a Seat" (from StefanvM1) 11419439 ==> 658. "Sardegna" (from StefanvM1) 11419444 ==> 659. "Herbaceous" (from StefanvM1) 11419446 ==> 660. "Bus & Stop" (from StefanvM1) 11419449 ==> 661. "Unlock!: Timeless Adventures" (from Raynie123) 11419451 ==> 662. "Galileo Galilei" (from StefanvM1) 11419747 ==> 663. "Hippocrates" (from pieterschutz) 11420881 ==> 664. "The Transcontinental" (from Phoibos84) 11420891 ==> 665. "Atiwa" (from Phoibos84) 11420902 ==> 666. "Discordia" (from Phoibos84) 11420905 ==> 667. "King of Tokyo: Duel" (from StefanvM1) 11420920 ==> 668. "Faiyum" (from Phoibos84) 11420925 ==> 669. "Ginkgopolis" (from Phoibos84) 11420931 ==> 670. "Islebound" (from Phoibos84) 11420937 ==> 671. "Minos: Dawn of the Bronze Age" (from Phoibos84) 11420944 ==> 672. "Expeditions" (from Phoibos84) 11420947 ==> 673. "Unreliable Wizard" (from Phoibos84) 11420949 ==> 674. "Planta Nubo" (from Phoibos84) 11420960 ==> 675. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from Phoibos84) 11420966 ==> 676. "The Cave" (from maartend) 11420972 ==> 677. "Nusfjord: Big Box" (from Phoibos84) 11420975 ==> 678. "Le Havre" (from Phoibos84) 11420978 ==> 679. "Too Many Bones" (from Phoibos84) 11420979 ==> 680. "Federation" (from Phoibos84) 11420982 ==> 681. "Shackleton Base: A Journey to the Moon" (from Phoibos84) 11420987 ==> 682. "Gold West" (from Phoibos84) 11421085 ==> 683. "Architects of the West Kingdom" (from Olafslomp) 11421105 ==> 684. "Nippon" (from HADER008) 11421187 ==> 685. "Sidereal Confluence" (from CaptainYossarian) 11421266 ==> 686. "Avatar: The Last Airbender – Aang's Destiny" (from Big_Tuna) 11421651 ==> 687. "Gaia Project" (from elkevro) 11421669 ==> 688. "13 Days: The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962" (from elkevro) 11421699 ==> 689. "Irish Gauge" (from elkevro) 11422437 ==> 690. "Hamlet: The Village Building Game" (from Raynie123) 11424825 ==> 691. "Helsinki" (from EmmySteenackers) 11424826 ==> 692. "Karmaka" (from EmmySteenackers) 11424827 ==> 693. "Gorinto" (from EmmySteenackers) 11424836 ==> 694. "Mr. Jack" (from EmmySteenackers) 11424840 ==> 695. "Great Plains" (from EmmySteenackers) 11424841 ==> 696. "Time's Up!: Harry Potter" (from EmmySteenackers) 11424844 ==> 697. "Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle – Defence Against the Dark Arts" (from EmmySteenackers) 11424849 ==> 698. "Grifters" (from EmmySteenackers) 11424856 ==> 699. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from EmmySteenackers) 11424858 ==> 700. "The Quacks of Quedlinburg: The Duel" (from EmmySteenackers) 11424859 ==> 701. "Wayfarers of the South Tigris" (from EmmySteenackers) 11424862 ==> 702. "Robin Hood and the Merry Men" (from EmmySteenackers) 11424864 ==> 703. "Deadwood 1876" (from EmmySteenackers) 11424865 ==> 704. "Bilder" (from EmmySteenackers) 11424867 ==> 705. "World of Draghan: O Dodo!" (from EmmySteenackers) 11424868 ==> 706. "Kheops" (from EmmySteenackers) 11424869 ==> 707. "Undermine" (from EmmySteenackers) 11424870 ==> 708. "Architectura" (from EmmySteenackers) 11424871 ==> 709. "Exploding Kittens: NSFW Deck" (from EmmySteenackers) 11424873 ==> 710. "Mascarade" (from EmmySteenackers) 11424923 ==> 711. "Ghost Fightin' Treasure Hunters" (from rainbow maker) 11424925 ==> 712. "Bus & Stop" (from rainbow maker) 11424932 ==> 713. "Steam over Holland" (from rainbow maker) 11424945 ==> 714. "Scythe" (from rainbow maker) 11424956 ==> 715. "A Feast for Odin" (from rainbow maker) 11424963 ==> 716. "Fields of Arle" (from rainbow maker) 11425023 ==> 717. "PARKS" (from MrSocash) 11425024 ==> 718. "Skoventyr" (from MrSocash) 11425025 ==> 719. "At the Gates of Loyang" (from MrSocash) 11425067 ==> 720. "Diamonds Club" (from Sithspawn) 11425069 ==> 721. "Alcazar" (from Sithspawn) 11425073 ==> 722. "Blue Moon" (from Sithspawn) 11425074 ==> 723. "Mascarade (second edition)" (from Sithspawn) 11425077 ==> 724. "Before the Wind" (from Sithspawn) 11425079 ==> 725. "Naval Battles: World War II on the High Seas" (from Sithspawn) 11425080 ==> 726. "Miyabi" (from Olafslomp) 11425081 ==> 727. "Web of Power" (from Sithspawn) 11425082 ==> 728. "Kontor" (from Sithspawn) 11425083 ==> 729. "Shadows over Camelot" (from Olafslomp) 11425100 ==> 730. "Sleeping Gods" (from Flashly) 11425122 ==> 731. "Caldera Park" (from Flashly) 11425125 ==> 732. "The Cathedral of Orléans" (from Flashly) 11425131 ==> 733. "Amygdala" (from Flashly) 11425136 ==> 734. "War of the Ring: The Card Game" (from Flashly) 11425150 ==> 735. "Caverna: Cave vs Cave" (from alicialaura) 11425151 ==> 736. "Founders of Teotihuacan" (from alicialaura) 11425152 ==> 737. "Foxy" (from alicialaura) 11425153 ==> 738. "The Gallerist" (from alicialaura) 11425154 ==> 739. "Indian Summer" (from alicialaura) 11425155 ==> 740. "Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King" (from alicialaura) 11425157 ==> 741. "Tawantinsuyu: The Inca Empire" (from alicialaura) 11425161 ==> 742. "New Frontiers" (from Flashly) 11425165 ==> 743. "Inventions: Evolution of Ideas" (from alicialaura) 11425173 ==> 744. "Welcome to New Las Vegas" (from alicialaura) 11425267 ==> 745. "A Game of Thrones" (from Sithspawn) 11425271 ==> 746. "Vinci" (from Sithspawn) 11425279 ==> 747. "Krieg und Frieden" (from Sithspawn) 11425282 ==> 748. "Go West!" (from Sithspawn) 11425288 ==> 749. "Edel, Stein & Reich" (from Sithspawn) 11425294 ==> 750. "Museum: The World's Fair" (from Sithspawn) 11425301 ==> 751. "Wings of War: Watch Your Back!" (from Sithspawn) 11425319 ==> 752. "Sylla" (from Sithspawn) 11425326 ==> 753. "Dream Home: 156 Sunny Street" (from Sithspawn) 11425333 ==> 754. "Der Herr der Ringe: Die Zwei Türme – das Kartenspiel" (from Sithspawn) 11425338 ==> 755. "Atlantic Star" (from Sithspawn) 11425344 ==> 756. "Lucky Loop" (from Sithspawn) 11425388 ==> 757. "Age of Napoleon" (from Sithspawn) 11425394 ==> 758. "De Kolonisten van de Lage Landen" (from Sithspawn) 11425398 ==> 759. "Battle of Britain" (from Sithspawn) 11425414 ==> 760. "Colosseum" (from Sithspawn) 11425557 ==> 761. "The Quest for El Dorado" (from Sithspawn) 11425841 ==> 762. "Nusfjord" (from MrFogg) 11425844 ==> 763. "Kanban: Driver's Edition" (from MrFogg) 11425845 ==> 764. "Power Grid: Factory Manager" (from MrFogg) 11425872 ==> 765. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from MrFogg) 11425873 ==> 766. "Biblios" (from MrFogg) 11425874 ==> 767. "Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn" (from MrFogg) 11425876 ==> 768. "Caylus" (from MrFogg) 11425896 ==> 769. "Le Havre" (from MrFogg) 11426157 ==> 770. "Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies (Gamefound Edition)" (from marcoanttonnio) 11426169 ==> 771. "Lovelace & Babbage" (from marcoanttonnio) 11426191 ==> 772. "Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game" (from marcoanttonnio) 11426199 ==> 773. "The Light in the Mist" (from marcoanttonnio) 11426481 ==> 774. "Vegas Showdown" (from chongheinrich) 11426489 ==> 775. "Metropolys" (from chongheinrich) 11426507 ==> 776. "The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine" (from chongheinrich) 11426521 ==> 777. "Modern Art" (from chongheinrich) 11426522 ==> 778. "Reef" (from chongheinrich) 11426523 ==> 779. "Rattus" (from chongheinrich) 11426529 ==> 780. "Roll Camera!: The Filmmaking Board Game" (from chongheinrich) 11426537 ==> 781. "Santorini" (from chongheinrich) 11426541 ==> 782. "Tokyo Highway" (from chongheinrich) 11426558 ==> 783. "The Resistance: Avalon" (from chongheinrich) 11426566 ==> 784. "Mind MGMT: The Psychic Espionage “Game.”" (from chongheinrich) 11426586 ==> 785. "Otys" (from chongheinrich) 11426608 ==> 786. "Sonar Family" (from chongheinrich) 11426616 ==> 787. "Tajemnicze Domostwo" (from chongheinrich) 11426625 ==> 788. "Room 25" (from chongheinrich) 11426628 ==> 789. "Treasure Island" (from chongheinrich) 11426642 ==> 790. "Dungeon Petz" (from chongheinrich) 11426649 ==> 791. "Tiny Epic Zombies" (from Arutha ConDoin) 11426654 ==> 792. "The Princes of Florence" (from chongheinrich) 11426665 ==> 793. "Troyes" (from chongheinrich) 11426668 ==> 794. "Last Message" (from chongheinrich) 11426671 ==> 795. "Tiny Epic Pirates" (from Arutha ConDoin) 11427001 ==> 796. "D-Day Dice" (from Arutha ConDoin) 11427010 ==> 797. "Germania Magna: Border in Flames" (from Arutha ConDoin) 11427057 ==> 798. "Cryptid" (from pieterschutz) 11427062 ==> 799. "Draftosaurus" (from pieterschutz) 11427064 ==> 800. "The Quacks of Quedlinburg" (from pieterschutz) 11427065 ==> 801. "Seefahrt ins Ungewisse" (from pieterschutz) 11427066 ==> 802. "Sushi Roll" (from pieterschutz) 11427070 ==> 803. "Ticket to Ride: Europe" (from pieterschutz) 11427237 ==> 804. "Space Base" (from Big_Tuna) 11428393 ==> 805. "Neoville" (from murzim) 11428394 ==> 806. "Piratoons" (from murzim) 11428398 ==> 807. "Exoplanets" (from murzim) 11428401 ==> 808. "Jambo" (from murzim) 11428403 ==> 809. "KeyForge: Age of Ascension" (from murzim) 11428405 ==> 810. "Fast Forward: FORTRESS" (from murzim) 11428407 ==> 811. "Empire Engine" (from murzim) 11428410 ==> 812. "Getaway Driver" (from murzim) 11428426 ==> 813. "Point City" (from murzim) 11428431 ==> 814. "New York Slice" (from murzim) 11428438 ==> 815. "Mists over Carcassonne" (from murzim) 11428514 ==> 816. "King of Tokyo: Duel" (from Big_Tuna) 11428738 ==> 817. "Witchcraft!" (from MrSocash) 11429067 ==> 818. "Patchwork: Automa" (from EmmySteenackers) 11429137 ==> 819. "Unconscious Mind" (from MrSocash) 11429145 ==> 820. "Great Western Trail: Argentina" (from fizboz) 11429475 ==> 821. "Agricola" (from Stijnhoofd) 11429781 ==> 822. "Skull Canyon: Ski Fest" (from spoonbe) 11429822-COPY1 ==> 823. "Alt Name: 5 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 1 of 5] 11429822-COPY2 ==> 823. "Alt Name: 5 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 2 of 5] 11429822-COPY3 ==> 823. "Alt Name: 5 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 3 of 5] 11429822-COPY4 ==> 823. "Alt Name: 5 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 4 of 5] 11429822-COPY5 ==> 823. "Alt Name: 5 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 5 of 5] 11429823-COPY1 ==> 824. "Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 1 of 5] 11429823-COPY2 ==> 824. "Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 2 of 5] 11429823-COPY3 ==> 824. "Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 3 of 5] 11429823-COPY4 ==> 824. "Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 4 of 5] 11429823-COPY5 ==> 824. "Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 5 of 5] 11429824-COPY1 ==> 825. "Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 1 of 5] 11429824-COPY2 ==> 825. "Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 2 of 5] 11429824-COPY3 ==> 825. "Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 3 of 5] 11429824-COPY4 ==> 825. "Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 4 of 5] 11429824-COPY5 ==> 825. "Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 5 of 5] 11429826-COPY1 ==> 826. "Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 1 of 5] 11429826-COPY2 ==> 826. "Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 2 of 5] 11429826-COPY3 ==> 826. "Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 3 of 5] 11429826-COPY4 ==> 826. "Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 4 of 5] 11429826-COPY5 ==> 826. "Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 5 of 5] 11429829-COPY1 ==> 827. "Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 1 of 5] 11429829-COPY2 ==> 827. "Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 2 of 5] 11429829-COPY3 ==> 827. "Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 3 of 5] 11429829-COPY4 ==> 827. "Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 4 of 5] 11429829-COPY5 ==> 827. "Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 5 of 5] 11429830-COPY1 ==> 828. "Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 1 of 5] 11429830-COPY2 ==> 828. "Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 2 of 5] 11429830-COPY3 ==> 828. "Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 3 of 5] 11429830-COPY4 ==> 828. "Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 4 of 5] 11429830-COPY5 ==> 828. "Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 5 of 5] 11429831-COPY1 ==> 829. "Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 1 of 5] 11429831-COPY2 ==> 829. "Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 2 of 5] 11429831-COPY3 ==> 829. "Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 3 of 5] 11429831-COPY4 ==> 829. "Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 4 of 5] 11429831-COPY5 ==> 829. "Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 5 of 5] 11429833-COPY1 ==> 830. "Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 1 of 5] 11429833-COPY2 ==> 830. "Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 2 of 5] 11429833-COPY3 ==> 830. "Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 3 of 5] 11429833-COPY4 ==> 830. "Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 4 of 5] 11429833-COPY5 ==> 830. "Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 5 of 5] 11429834-COPY1 ==> 831. "Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 1 of 5] 11429834-COPY2 ==> 831. "Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 2 of 5] 11429834-COPY3 ==> 831. "Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 3 of 5] 11429834-COPY4 ==> 831. "Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 4 of 5] 11429834-COPY5 ==> 831. "Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 5 of 5] 11429835-COPY1 ==> 832. "Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 1 of 5] 11429835-COPY2 ==> 832. "Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 2 of 5] 11429835-COPY3 ==> 832. "Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 3 of 5] 11429835-COPY4 ==> 832. "Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 4 of 5] 11429835-COPY5 ==> 832. "Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 5 of 5] 11429836-COPY1 ==> 833. "Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 1 of 5] 11429836-COPY2 ==> 833. "Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 2 of 5] 11429836-COPY3 ==> 833. "Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 3 of 5] 11429836-COPY4 ==> 833. "Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 4 of 5] 11429836-COPY5 ==> 833. "Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 5 of 5] 11429839-COPY1 ==> 834. "Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 1 of 5] 11429839-COPY2 ==> 834. "Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 2 of 5] 11429839-COPY3 ==> 834. "Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 3 of 5] 11429839-COPY4 ==> 834. "Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 4 of 5] 11429839-COPY5 ==> 834. "Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MMSK2) [copy 5 of 5] 11430294-COPY1 ==> 835. "Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 1 of 8] 11430294-COPY2 ==> 835. "Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 2 of 8] 11430294-COPY3 ==> 835. "Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 3 of 8] 11430294-COPY4 ==> 835. "Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 4 of 8] 11430294-COPY5 ==> 835. "Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 5 of 8] 11430294-COPY6 ==> 835. "Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 6 of 8] 11430294-COPY7 ==> 835. "Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 7 of 8] 11430294-COPY8 ==> 835. "Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 8 of 8] 11430295-COPY1 ==> 836. "Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 1 of 4] 11430295-COPY2 ==> 836. "Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 2 of 4] 11430295-COPY3 ==> 836. "Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 3 of 4] 11430295-COPY4 ==> 836. "Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 4 of 4] 11432959 ==> 837. "Dorfromantik: The Board Game" (from CaptainYossarian) 11432974 ==> 838. "A Tale of Pirates" (from CaptainYossarian) 11432992 ==> 839. "A Thief's Fortune" (from CaptainYossarian) 11432996-COPY1 ==> 840. "Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 1 of 4] 11432996-COPY2 ==> 840. "Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 2 of 4] 11432996-COPY3 ==> 840. "Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 3 of 4] 11432996-COPY4 ==> 840. "Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 4 of 4] 11433006 ==> 841. "A Castle for All Seasons" (from CaptainYossarian) 11433012 ==> 842. "Olympos" (from CaptainYossarian) 11433464 ==> 843. "Conservas" (from Stijnhoofd) 11434670 ==> 844. "On Mars" (from R3Dr4gon) 11434679 ==> 845. "Cockroach Poker Royal" (from Pikkelwiezel) 11434834 ==> 846. "Unlock!: Mythic Adventures" (from R3Dr4gon) 11434837 ==> 847. "Tokyo Highway" (from R3Dr4gon) 11434847 ==> 848. "Trismegistus: The Ultimate Formula" (from R3Dr4gon) 11434964 ==> 849. "Brides & Bribes" (from Mark van Varik) 11434966 ==> 850. "Greedy Kingdoms" (from Mark van Varik) 11434975 ==> 851. "Kharnage" (from Mark van Varik) 11434976 ==> 852. "Alt Name: 91.5*183cm 'It's Not a Moon' playmat" (from Stijnhoofd) 11434978 ==> 853. "Mezo" (from Mark van Varik) 11434981 ==> 854. "The Networks" (from Mark van Varik) 11434982 ==> 855. "P.I." (from Mark van Varik) 11434983 ==> 856. "RONE (Second Edition)" (from Mark van Varik) 11435071 ==> 857. "Deep Rock Galactic: The Board Game" (from Mark van Varik) 11435089 ==> 858. "The Hunger" (from Mark van Varik) 11435757 ==> 859. "Dreamscape" (from vdbmalmsteen) 11435762 ==> 860. "Evil Corp." (from vdbmalmsteen) 11435771 ==> 861. "Fictions: Memoirs of a Gangster" (from vdbmalmsteen) 11435840 ==> 862. "It's a Wonderful World: Heritage Edition" (from vdbmalmsteen) 11435861 ==> 863. "Alt Name: solo bundle" (from vdbmalmsteen) 11435991 ==> 864. "Montego Bay" (from vdbmalmsteen) 11436067 ==> 865. "Alt Name: escape puzzle" (from vdbmalmsteen) 11436222 ==> 866. "Small City: Deluxe Edition" (from vae victis1) 11436241 ==> 867. "Royal Visit" (from vae victis1) 11436268 ==> 868. "Belfort" (from nielsvanoch) 11436271 ==> 869. "Newton" (from nielsvanoch) 11436273 ==> 870. "Paleo" (from nielsvanoch) 11436275 ==> 871. "Res Arcana" (from nielsvanoch) 11436278 ==> 872. "Targi" (from nielsvanoch) 11436280 ==> 873. "Trajan" (from nielsvanoch) 11436307 ==> 874. "Exit: The Game – Advent Calendar: The Missing Hollywood Star" (from Raynie123) 11436314 ==> 875. "Crime Scene: Lazio 1356" (from Raynie123) 11436316 ==> 876. "UNDO: Cherry Blossom Festival" (from Raynie123) 11436323 ==> 877. "Exit: The Game – The Haunted Roller Coaster" (from Raynie123) 11436327 ==> 878. "Exit: The Game – The Forgotten Island" (from Raynie123) 11436333 ==> 879. "Escape Room: The Game – Tomb Robbers" (from Raynie123) 11436339 ==> 880. "Escape Room: The Game – Da Vinci's Telescope" (from Raynie123) 11436933 ==> 881. "The Warp" (from vae victis1) 11438234 ==> 882. "Pampero" (from AtraPanthera) 11438240 ==> 883. "Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition" (from AtraPanthera) 11438244 ==> 884. "Woodcraft" (from AtraPanthera) 11438251 ==> 885. "Miyabi" (from AtraPanthera) 11438278 ==> 886. "Lata" (from AtraPanthera) 11438282 ==> 887. "Top Cat" (from AtraPanthera) 11438287 ==> 888. "Lunar" (from AtraPanthera) 11438291 ==> 889. "Lunar" (from AtraPanthera) 11438612 ==> 890. "Medici" (from JeroenP) 11438780 ==> 891. "Guess Who?" (from Mark van Varik) 11438792 ==> 892. "Kero" (from Thorry_T) 11438797 ==> 893. "Ready Set Bet" (from Thorry_T) 11438800 ==> 894. "7 Wonders Duel" (from Thorry_T) 11438811 ==> 895. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from Thorry_T) 11439341 ==> 896. "Defenders of the Wild" (from Thorry_T) 11439430 ==> 897. "GoodCritters" (from Thorry_T) 11439549 ==> 898. "Out Style" (from Duche of Jorlington) 11439550 ==> 899. "Hansa" (from Duche of Jorlington) 11439557 ==> 900. "Mississippi Queen" (from Duche of Jorlington) 11439558 ==> 901. "Counter Attack" (from Duche of Jorlington) 11439559 ==> 902. "Rebel Nox" (from Duche of Jorlington) 11439560 ==> 903. "Alt Name: 10€ via SEPA or PayPal" (from Duche of Jorlington) 11439561 ==> 904. "Alt Name: 15€ via SEPA or PayPal" (from Duche of Jorlington) 11439564 ==> 905. "Alt Name: 20€ via SEPA or PayPal" (from Duche of Jorlington) 11439565 ==> 906. "Alt Name: 25€ via SEPA or PayPal" (from Duche of Jorlington) 11439567 ==> 907. "Alt Name: 30€ via SEPA or PayPal" (from Duche of Jorlington) 11439568 ==> 908. "Alt Name: 40€ via SEPA or PayPal" (from Duche of Jorlington) 11439575 ==> 909. "Dungeon Lords" (from Duche of Jorlington) 11439579 ==> 910. "Dungeon Petz" (from Duche of Jorlington) 11439585 ==> 911. "Football Highlights 2052" (from Duche of Jorlington) 11439593 ==> 912. "Kung Fu" (from Duche of Jorlington) 11439602 ==> 913. "Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer, Paypal or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MrSocash) 11439606 ==> 914. "Alt Name: 75 EUR via bank transfer, Paypal or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MrSocash) 11439650 ==> 915. "Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer, Paypal or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from Thorry_T) 11439652 ==> 916. "Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer, Paypal or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from Thorry_T) 11439716 ==> 917. "Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island – Collector's Edition (Gamefound Edition)" (from Keepstill) 11439717 ==> 918. "Witchcraft!" (from Keepstill) 11439720 ==> 919. "Marvel Dice Throne" (from Keepstill) 11439725 ==> 920. "Mandala Stones" (from Keepstill) 11439727 ==> 921. "Tiny Turbo Cars: Collector's Edition" (from Keepstill) 11439730 ==> 922. "First in Flight" (from Keepstill) 11440272 ==> 923. "Root" (from DK412) 11440274 ==> 924. "This War of Mine: The Board Game" (from DK412) 11440280 ==> 925. "Hidden Leaders" (from DK412) 11440288 ==> 926. "7 Wonders (Second Edition)" (from DK412) 11440423 ==> 927. "Industria" (from Game Knight) 11440439 ==> 928. "Tequila" (from Game Knight) 11440476 ==> 929. "Vegetable Stock" (from Game Knight) 11440493 ==> 930. "Space Dealer" (from Game Knight) 11440545 ==> 931. "Pyramidice" (from masoudtab) 11440549 ==> 932. "Time Bomb Evolution" (from masoudtab) 11440550 ==> 933. "BANG! The Dice Game" (from masoudtab) 11440551 ==> 934. "Code of Nine" (from masoudtab) 11440554 ==> 935. "Knives Out" (from masoudtab) 11440557 ==> 936. "Ghost Hunter 13: The Tile Game" (from masoudtab) 11440563 ==> 937. "Among Cultists: A Social Deduction Thriller" (from masoudtab) 11440566 ==> 938. "Outlive" (from masoudtab) 11440569 ==> 939. "The Siege of Runedar" (from masoudtab) 11440657-COPY1 ==> 940. "Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal" (from Destroher) [copy 1 of 2] 11440657-COPY2 ==> 940. "Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal" (from Destroher) [copy 2 of 2] 11440658-COPY1 ==> 941. "Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal" (from Destroher) [copy 1 of 2] 11440658-COPY2 ==> 941. "Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal" (from Destroher) [copy 2 of 2] 11440663 ==> 942. "Alt Name: 25 EUR via Paypal" (from Destroher) 11440665 ==> 943. "Alt Name: 40 EUR via Paypal" (from Destroher) 11442196 ==> 944. "Order of the Gilded Compass" (from GlandulaNL) 11442207 ==> 945. "Edo" (from GlandulaNL) 11442216 ==> 946. "Chicken Cha Cha Cha" (from GlandulaNL) 11442539 ==> 947. "Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time" (from martrim) 11442542 ==> 948. "Terror Below" (from martrim) 11442544 ==> 949. "On Tour" (from martrim) 11442545 ==> 950. "Welcome to Dino World" (from martrim) 11442547 ==> 951. "Ninjato" (from martrim) 11442559 ==> 952. "Alt Name: 2 Rosenberg games" (from martrim) 11442566 ==> 953. "Bruges" (from martrim) 11442568 ==> 954. "Treasure Hunter" (from martrim) 11442569 ==> 955. "Progress: Evolution of Technology" (from martrim) 11442571 ==> 956. "Catan Histories: Settlers of America – Trails to Rails" (from martrim) 11442572 ==> 957. "Thunderstone: Dragonspire" (from martrim) 11442574 ==> 958. "Mexica" (from martrim) 11442580 ==> 959. "Cosmic Encounter" (from martrim) 11442581 ==> 960. "Battle Cry" (from martrim) 11442582 ==> 961. "Axis & Allies" (from martrim) 11442583 ==> 962. "Pyramid Poker" (from martrim) 11442584 ==> 963. "SteamRollers" (from martrim) 11442585 ==> 964. "LUNA Capital" (from martrim) 11442588 ==> 965. "7 Wonders Duel" (from martrim) 11442589-COPY1 ==> 966. "Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 1 of 8] 11442589-COPY2 ==> 966. "Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 2 of 8] 11442589-COPY3 ==> 966. "Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 3 of 8] 11442589-COPY4 ==> 966. "Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 4 of 8] 11442589-COPY5 ==> 966. "Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 5 of 8] 11442589-COPY6 ==> 966. "Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 6 of 8] 11442589-COPY7 ==> 966. "Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 7 of 8] 11442589-COPY8 ==> 966. "Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer" (from CaptainYossarian) [copy 8 of 8] 11442597 ==> 967. "Starlink" (from ypsilon) 11442599 ==> 968. "Targui" (from martrim) 11442600 ==> 969. "Rulebenders" (from rhand64) 11442609 ==> 970. "Alt Name: 3 little cardgames" (from martrim) 11442610 ==> 971. "Betrayal at House on the Hill" (from ypsilon) 11442612 ==> 972. "Plus Ultra: The Court of the Emperor Charles V" (from rhand64) 11442613 ==> 973. "Valley of the Kings" (from martrim) 11442614 ==> 974. "Nyet!" (from martrim) 11442615 ==> 975. "Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age" (from ypsilon) 11442617 ==> 976. "Alt Name: 2 little dice games" (from martrim) 11442619 ==> 977. "Alt Name: 2 cardgames" (from martrim) 11442620 ==> 978. "Isle of Trains: All Aboard" (from martrim) 11442622 ==> 979. "Explorers" (from martrim) 11442630 ==> 980. "Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer" (from martrim) 11442631 ==> 981. "Thunderstone Advance: Numenera" (from ypsilon) 11442632 ==> 982. "Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer" (from martrim) 11442641 ==> 983. "Hyperborea" (from ypsilon) 11442645 ==> 984. "An Age Contrived" (from rhand64) 11442653 ==> 985. "The Pillars of the Earth" (from rhand64) 11442655 ==> 986. "The Manhattan Project" (from ypsilon) 11442660 ==> 987. "Kashgar: Merchants of the Silk Road" (from rhand64) 11442666 ==> 988. "Alt Name: Three games" (from rhand64) 11442668 ==> 989. "Alt Name: Three games" (from rhand64) 11442670 ==> 990. "Little Town" (from rhand64) 11442850 ==> 991. "Gentes" (from GlandulaNL) 11442852 ==> 992. "Chimera Station" (from GlandulaNL) 11442853 ==> 993. "Tales of Glory" (from GlandulaNL) 11442855 ==> 994. "Cóatl" (from GlandulaNL) 11442856 ==> 995. "When I Dream" (from GlandulaNL) 11442857 ==> 996. "Jambo" (from GlandulaNL) 11442858 ==> 997. "Kahuna" (from GlandulaNL) 11442859 ==> 998. "Caesar & Cleopatra" (from GlandulaNL) 11442860 ==> 999. "Ganymede" (from Raynie123) 11442862 ==> 1000. "Australia" (from GlandulaNL) 11442863 ==> 1001. "The Princes of Florence" (from GlandulaNL) 11442864 ==> 1002. "Hera and Zeus" (from GlandulaNL) 11442866 ==> 1003. "Catan Card Game" (from GlandulaNL) 11442869 ==> 1004. "KeyForge: Call of the Archons" (from GlandulaNL) 11442870 ==> 1005. "Res Publica: 2230AD" (from GlandulaNL) 11442872 ==> 1006. "Pio's Pigeon Post" (from GlandulaNL) 11442874 ==> 1007. "DOG" (from GlandulaNL) 11442877 ==> 1008. "You had one job" (from GlandulaNL) 11442923 ==> 1009. "Passtally" (from GlandulaNL) 11442929 ==> 1010. "Om Nom Nom" (from GlandulaNL) 11442931 ==> 1011. "Codenames: Disney – Family Edition" (from GlandulaNL) 11442935 ==> 1012. "Duelosaur Island" (from GlandulaNL) 11442937 ==> 1013. "Magic Maze" (from GlandulaNL) 11442942 ==> 1014. "SpellBook" (from GlandulaNL) 11442945 ==> 1015. "Santorini" (from GlandulaNL) 11442954 ==> 1016. "Kanagawa" (from GlandulaNL) 11442997 ==> 1017. "Bruxelles 1897" (from rhand64) 11443014 ==> 1018. "Witchstone" (from purplewurple) 11443018 ==> 1019. "Murano: Complete Edition" (from purplewurple) 11443021 ==> 1020. "Borderlands" (from mi_de) 11443023 ==> 1021. "Summoner Wars: Master Set" (from purplewurple) 11443024 ==> 1022. "Blackout: Hong Kong" (from purplewurple) 11443025 ==> 1023. "Dabol" (from mi_de) 11443027 ==> 1024. "Medici" (from purplewurple) 11443028 ==> 1025. "Yspahan" (from purplewurple) 11443029 ==> 1026. "The Palaces of Carrara" (from purplewurple) 11443033 ==> 1027. "Nightmare Productions" (from purplewurple) 11443035 ==> 1028. "Maharaja: The Game of Palace Building in India" (from purplewurple) 11443036 ==> 1029. "Hawaii" (from purplewurple) 11443038 ==> 1030. "Power Grid: The Card Game" (from purplewurple) 11443039 ==> 1031. "Quo Vadis?" (from purplewurple) 11443040 ==> 1032. "King of Tokyo" (from purplewurple) 11443042 ==> 1033. "Lewis & Clark: The Expedition" (from purplewurple) 11443043 ==> 1034. "Project L" (from purplewurple) 11443044 ==> 1035. "Puerto Rico" (from purplewurple) 11443045 ==> 1036. "Arkham Horror: The Card Game (Revised Edition)" (from singlemeeple) 11443046 ==> 1037. "The Ruhr: A Story of Coal Trade" (from purplewurple) 11443047 ==> 1038. "Louis XIV" (from purplewurple) 11443048 ==> 1039. "In the Year of the Dragon: 10th Anniversary" (from purplewurple) 11443050 ==> 1040. "Aladdin's Dragons" (from purplewurple) 11443051 ==> 1041. "Historia" (from purplewurple) 11443052 ==> 1042. "Pirates of Maracaibo" (from singlemeeple) 11443054 ==> 1043. "Thunderstone Advance: Numenera" (from purplewurple) 11443057 ==> 1044. "Cubitos" (from susuqie) 11443059 ==> 1045. "Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition" (from singlemeeple) 11443060-COPY1 ==> 1046. "Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer" (from purplewurple) [copy 1 of 2] 11443060-COPY2 ==> 1046. "Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer" (from purplewurple) [copy 2 of 2] 11443061 ==> 1047. "The Lost Expedition" (from singlemeeple) 11443062-COPY1 ==> 1048. "Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer" (from purplewurple) [copy 1 of 2] 11443062-COPY2 ==> 1048. "Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer" (from purplewurple) [copy 2 of 2] 11443063 ==> 1049. "Under Falling Skies" (from singlemeeple) 11443068 ==> 1050. "Terracotta Army" (from purplewurple) 11443069 ==> 1051. "Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer, Paypal or Tikkie (Dutch people)" (from MAWA) 11443073 ==> 1052. "Pessoa" (from purplewurple) 11443277 ==> 1053. "Everdell" (from murzim) 11443278 ==> 1054. "Pandemic: Rapid Response" (from murzim) 11443280 ==> 1055. "Alt Name: Four small games" (from Mantichore1) 11443281-COPY1 ==> 1056. "Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal" (from rainbow maker) [copy 1 of 3] 11443281-COPY2 ==> 1056. "Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal" (from rainbow maker) [copy 2 of 3] 11443281-COPY3 ==> 1056. "Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal" (from rainbow maker) [copy 3 of 3] 11443282-COPY1 ==> 1057. "Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal" (from rainbow maker) [copy 1 of 3] 11443282-COPY2 ==> 1057. "Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal" (from rainbow maker) [copy 2 of 3] 11443282-COPY3 ==> 1057. "Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal" (from rainbow maker) [copy 3 of 3] 11443283 ==> 1058. "King of New York" (from murzim) 11443284-COPY1 ==> 1059. "Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal" (from rainbow maker) [copy 1 of 3] 11443284-COPY2 ==> 1059. "Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal" (from rainbow maker) [copy 2 of 3] 11443284-COPY3 ==> 1059. "Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal" (from rainbow maker) [copy 3 of 3] 11443285-COPY1 ==> 1060. "Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal" (from rainbow maker) [copy 1 of 2] 11443285-COPY2 ==> 1060. "Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal" (from rainbow maker) [copy 2 of 2] 11443286 ==> 1061. "Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or paypal" (from rainbow maker) 11443287 ==> 1062. "Alt Name: 75 EUR via bank transfer or paypal" (from rainbow maker) 11443289 ==> 1063. "My First Stone Age" (from murzim) 11443291 ==> 1064. "Best Treehouse Ever" (from murzim) 11443294 ==> 1065. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from GlandulaNL) 11443297 ==> 1066. "Multiuniversum" (from GlandulaNL) 11443298 ==> 1067. "Oceanos" (from murzim) 11443301 ==> 1068. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from GlandulaNL) 11443304 ==> 1069. "Zombie 15'" (from murzim) 11443306 ==> 1070. "TSCHAK!" (from GlandulaNL) 11443308 ==> 1071. "7 Empires" (from Luk Van Baelen) 11443309 ==> 1072. "Winston: Nineteen Eighty-Four" (from Luk Van Baelen) 11443310 ==> 1073. "River Trek" (from Luk Van Baelen) 11443311 ==> 1074. "River Trek" (from Luk Van Baelen) 11443313 ==> 1075. "The 7th Continent: Classic Edition" (from Luk Van Baelen) 11443314 ==> 1076. "Canterbury" (from Luk Van Baelen) 11443315 ==> 1077. "Mesopotamia: Cradle of Civilization" (from Luk Van Baelen) 11443316 ==> 1078. "Cavum" (from Luk Van Baelen) 11443317 ==> 1079. "Astra" (from Luk Van Baelen) 11443318 ==> 1080. "Nord" (from Luk Van Baelen) 11443319 ==> 1081. "Dr. Eureka" (from murzim) 11443320 ==> 1082. "ESSEN The Game: SPIEL'13" (from Luk Van Baelen) 11443321 ==> 1083. "Noria" (from Luk Van Baelen) 11443322 ==> 1084. "The Circle" (from Luk Van Baelen) 11443323 ==> 1085. "Tempus" (from Luk Van Baelen) 11443380 ==> 1086. "Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer" (from purplewurple) 11443420 ==> 1087. "Prey Another Day" (from ravinck) 11443421 ==> 1088. "Spectral" (from ravinck) 11443422 ==> 1089. "Botanik" (from ravinck) 11443423 ==> 1090. "Age of Industry" (from ravinck) !END-OFFICIAL-NAMES #pragma user "alicialaura" # Confirmation code: i2j/6pOup6x3AzDFER23uw # Wed Jan 22 12:55:12 2025 # Caverna: Cave vs Cave (alicialaura) 11425150 : 11439720 11439716 11403688 11391736 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439652 11440665 11442632 11443069 %11443284 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11443380 11425873 11408277 11395643 %11429826 11439564 11412136 %11407892 11442630 %11443060 11440663 # Founders of Teotihuacan (alicialaura) 11425151 : 11439720 11439716 11403688 11391736 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439652 11440665 11442632 11443069 %11443284 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11443380 11425873 11408277 11395643 %11429826 11439564 11412136 %11407892 11442630 %11443060 11440663 %11440658 # Foxy (alicialaura) 11425152 : 11439720 11439716 11403688 11391736 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439652 11440665 11442632 11443069 %11443284 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11443380 11425873 11408277 11395643 %11429826 11439564 11412136 %11407892 11442630 %11443060 11440663 %11440658 11395667 11428738 11439717 11414826 11425080 11438251 11419444 %11407889 %11407890 %11407891 %11429823 %11429824 %11430294 11439560 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11443282 11442613 11399005 11377011 11428426 11403797 11377014 # The Gallerist (alicialaura) 11425153 : 11439720 11439716 # Indian Summer (alicialaura) 11425154 : 11439720 11439716 11403688 11391736 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439652 11440665 11442632 11443069 %11443284 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11443380 11425873 11408277 11395643 %11429826 11439564 11412136 # Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King (alicialaura) 11425155 : 11439720 11439716 11403688 11391736 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 # Tawantinsuyu: The Inca Empire (alicialaura) 11425157 : 11439720 11439716 11403688 11391736 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439652 11440665 11442632 11443069 %11443284 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11443380 # Inventions: Evolution of Ideas (alicialaura) 11425165 : 11439720 11439716 # Welcome to New Las Vegas (alicialaura) 11425173 : 11439720 11439716 11403688 11391736 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439652 11440665 11442632 11443069 %11443284 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11443380 11425873 11408277 11395643 %11429826 11439564 11412136 %11407892 11442630 %11443060 # Note: The following 32 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (alicialaura) %11407888 : 11407888-COPY1 11407888-COPY2 11407888-COPY3 11407888-COPY4 11407888-COPY5 11407888-COPY6 11407888-COPY7 11407888-COPY8 11407888-COPY9 11407888-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (alicialaura) %11407889 : 11407889-COPY1 11407889-COPY2 11407889-COPY3 11407889-COPY4 11407889-COPY5 11407889-COPY6 11407889-COPY7 11407889-COPY8 11407889-COPY9 11407889-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (alicialaura) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (alicialaura) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (alicialaura) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (alicialaura) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (alicialaura) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (alicialaura) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 5 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (alicialaura) %11429822 : 11429822-COPY1 11429822-COPY2 11429822-COPY3 11429822-COPY4 11429822-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (alicialaura) %11429823 : 11429823-COPY1 11429823-COPY2 11429823-COPY3 11429823-COPY4 11429823-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (alicialaura) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (alicialaura) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (alicialaura) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (alicialaura) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (alicialaura) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (alicialaura) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (alicialaura) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (alicialaura) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (alicialaura) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (alicialaura) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (alicialaura) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (alicialaura) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (alicialaura) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (alicialaura) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (alicialaura) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer (alicialaura) %11442589 : 11442589-COPY1 11442589-COPY2 11442589-COPY3 11442589-COPY4 11442589-COPY5 11442589-COPY6 11442589-COPY7 11442589-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (alicialaura) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (alicialaura) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (alicialaura) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (alicialaura) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (alicialaura) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (alicialaura) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "Arutha ConDoin" # Confirmation code: Uhk26CTWrCfviQl5pWwDAw # Fri Jan 17 16:04:40 2025 # (Arutha ConDoin) %Everd : 11412700 11443277 # (Arutha ConDoin) %Harmo : 11396439 11414474 # (Arutha ConDoin) %ImpSet : 11400810 11403643 # (Arutha ConDoin) %SleGod : 11394996 11425100 # (Arutha ConDoin) %TAN : 11442631 11443054 # (Arutha ConDoin) %TGTFoA : 11392610 11407863 # (Arutha ConDoin) %TMAE : 11438240 11443059 # (Arutha ConDoin) %VCK : 11404140 11418163 # (Arutha ConDoin) %Witch : 11395667 11428738 11439717 # Tiny Epic Zombies (Arutha ConDoin) 11426649 : 11424956 11424945 11420978 %Everd 11421651 %SleGod 11424963 11418017 11416061 11420925 %ImpSet %Harmo 11440274 %TGTFoA 11415192 11438244 11443063 11442615 11395118 11399305 %TMAE 11392531 %Witch %VCK 11400295 11434847 11392334 11377011 11433464 11411653 11392672 11401006 %TAN 11400880 11435840 11439716 11392500 11426157 11408691 # Tiny Epic Pirates (Arutha ConDoin) 11426671 : 11424956 11424945 11420978 %Everd 11421651 %SleGod 11424963 11418017 11416061 11420925 %ImpSet %Harmo 11440274 %TGTFoA 11415192 11438244 11443063 11442615 11395118 11399305 %TMAE 11392531 %Witch %VCK 11400295 11434847 11392334 11377011 11433464 11411653 11392672 11401006 %TAN 11400880 11435840 11439716 11392500 11426157 11408691 # D-Day Dice (Arutha ConDoin) 11427001 : 11424956 11424945 11420978 %Everd 11421651 %SleGod 11424963 11418017 11416061 11420925 %ImpSet %Harmo 11440274 %TGTFoA 11415192 11438244 11443063 11442615 11395118 11399305 %TMAE 11392531 %Witch %VCK 11400295 11434847 11392334 11377011 11433464 11411653 11392672 11401006 %TAN 11400880 11435840 11439716 11392500 11426157 11408691 11403686 11403691 11403751 11408685 # Germania Magna: Border in Flames (Arutha ConDoin) 11427010 : 11424956 11424945 11420978 %Everd 11421651 %SleGod 11424963 11418017 11416061 11420925 %ImpSet %Harmo 11440274 %TGTFoA 11415192 11438244 11443063 11442615 11395118 11399305 %TMAE 11392531 %Witch %VCK 11400295 11434847 11392334 11377011 11433464 11411653 11392672 11401006 %TAN 11400880 11435840 11439716 11392500 11426157 11408691 11403686 11403691 11403751 11408685 11408077 11396130 #pragma user "Atrapanthera" # Confirmation code: tXcX3qr7xFZb5oBmAVY8Sg # Sat Jan 18 11:34:19 2025 # Pampero (Atrapanthera) 11438234 : 11434670 11429137 11425165 # Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition (Atrapanthera) 11438240 : 11434670 11429137 11425165 11425414 11419451 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11434976 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11420937 # Woodcraft (Atrapanthera) 11438244 : 11434670 11429137 11425165 11425414 11419451 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11434976 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11420937 # Miyabi (Atrapanthera) 11438251 : 11434670 11429137 11425165 11425414 11419451 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11434976 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11420937 11426521 11427237 11414474 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 %11443284 11443380 11409045 # Lata (Atrapanthera) 11438278 : 11434670 11429137 11425165 11425414 11419451 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11434976 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11420937 11426521 11427237 11414474 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 %11443284 11443380 11409045 11403795 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 11440476 11439430 # Top Cat (Atrapanthera) 11438282 : 11434670 11429137 11425165 11425414 11419451 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11434976 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11420937 11426521 11427237 11414474 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 %11443284 11443380 11409045 11403795 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 11440476 11439430 # Lunar (Atrapanthera) 11438287 : 11434670 11429137 11425165 11425414 11419451 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11434976 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11420937 11426521 11427237 11414474 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 %11443284 11443380 11409045 11403795 # Lunar (Atrapanthera) 11438291 : 11434670 11429137 11425165 11425414 11419451 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11434976 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11420937 11426521 11427237 11414474 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 %11443284 11443380 11409045 11403795 # Note: The following 27 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (Atrapanthera) %11407889 : 11407889-COPY1 11407889-COPY2 11407889-COPY3 11407889-COPY4 11407889-COPY5 11407889-COPY6 11407889-COPY7 11407889-COPY8 11407889-COPY9 11407889-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (Atrapanthera) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (Atrapanthera) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (Atrapanthera) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (Atrapanthera) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (Atrapanthera) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (Atrapanthera) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Atrapanthera) %11429823 : 11429823-COPY1 11429823-COPY2 11429823-COPY3 11429823-COPY4 11429823-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Atrapanthera) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Atrapanthera) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Atrapanthera) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Atrapanthera) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Atrapanthera) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Atrapanthera) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Atrapanthera) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Atrapanthera) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Atrapanthera) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Atrapanthera) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (Atrapanthera) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (Atrapanthera) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (Atrapanthera) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (Atrapanthera) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (Atrapanthera) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Atrapanthera) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Atrapanthera) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Atrapanthera) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Atrapanthera) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "bado" # Confirmation code: xetNXOgIkLukvJep0roc0g # Sun Jan 19 05:46:54 2025 # Hadara (bado) 11395256 : 11393748 11414473 11429137 11424859 11429145 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11395644 11425023 11425841 11396439 11414474 11418816 11417638 11443052 %11429831 11442566 11416061 11405872 11395120 11401833 11420891 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11438234 11443068 11435840 %11407895 11377010 11403716 11391508 # Carpe Diem (bado) 11395264 : 11393748 11414473 11429137 11424859 11429145 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11395644 11425023 11425841 11396439 11414474 11418816 11417638 11443052 %11429831 11442566 11416061 11405872 11395120 11401833 11420891 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11438234 11443068 11435840 %11407895 11377010 11403716 11391508 # CloudAge (bado) 11395266 : 11393748 11414473 11429137 11424859 11429145 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11395644 11425023 11425841 11396439 11414474 11418816 11417638 11443052 %11429831 11442566 11416061 11405872 11395120 11401833 11420891 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11438234 11443068 11435840 %11407895 11377010 11403716 11391508 11440566 11439730 11395133 # First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet (bado) 11395268 : 11393748 11414473 11429137 11424859 11429145 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11395644 11425023 11425841 11396439 11414474 11418816 11417638 11443052 %11429831 11442566 11416061 11405872 11395120 11401833 11420891 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11438234 11443068 11435840 %11407895 11377010 11403716 11391508 11440566 11439730 11395605 11395133 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11424858 11443018 11412700 11427064 11425557 11403496 11421085 11419394 11427070 11436275 11406483 11391736 11438240 11443059 11393032 11443024 11405456 11425122 11424956 11424945 11425896 11417843 11443277 11421651 11406421 11424963 11426665 11418017 11436280 11425876 11406281 11404114 11420925 11414806 11419419 11425414 11405436 11399016 11395136 11442655 11421105 11425844 11420944 11438244 11420979 11395116 11412704 11391219 11399153 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11420972 11398619 11418133 11420949 11417449 11442852 11391058 11414467 11414476 11442850 11435757 11443048 # Roam (bado) 11395269 : 11393748 11414473 11429137 11424859 11429145 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11395644 11425023 11425841 11396439 11414474 11418816 11417638 11443052 %11429831 11442566 11416061 11405872 11395120 11401833 11420891 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11438234 11443068 11435840 %11407895 11377010 11403716 11391508 11440566 11439730 11395605 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11424858 11443018 # Mille Fiori (bado) 11395273 : 11393748 11414473 11429137 11424859 11429145 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11395644 11425023 11425841 11396439 11414474 11418816 11417638 11443052 %11429831 # Forum Trajanum (bado) 11395277 : 11393748 11414473 11429137 11424859 11429145 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11395644 11425023 11425841 11396439 11414474 11418816 11417638 11443052 %11429831 11442566 11416061 11405872 11395120 11401833 11420891 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11438234 11443068 11435840 # Quadropolis (bado) 11395280 : 11393748 11414473 11429137 11424859 11429145 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11395644 11425023 11425841 11396439 11414474 11418816 11417638 11443052 %11429831 11442566 11416061 11405872 11395120 11401833 11420891 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11438234 11443068 11435840 %11407895 11377010 11403716 11391508 11440566 11439730 11395605 11395133 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11424858 11443018 11412700 11427064 11425557 11403496 11421085 11419394 11427070 11436275 11406483 11391736 11438240 11443059 11393032 11443024 11405456 11425122 # Zooloretto (bado) 11395282 : 11393748 11414473 11429137 11424859 11429145 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11395644 11425023 11425841 11396439 11414474 11418816 11417638 11443052 %11429831 11442566 11416061 11405872 11395120 11401833 11420891 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11438234 11443068 11435840 %11407895 11377010 11403716 11391508 11440566 11439730 11395605 11395133 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11424858 11443018 11412700 11427064 11425557 11403496 11421085 11419394 11427070 11436275 11406483 11391736 11438240 11443059 11393032 11443024 11405456 11425122 11424956 11424945 11425896 11417843 11443277 11421651 11406421 11424963 11426665 11418017 11436280 11425876 11406281 11404114 11420925 11414806 11419419 11425414 11405436 11399016 11395136 11442655 11421105 11425844 11420944 11438244 11420979 11395116 11412704 11391219 11399153 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11420972 11398619 11418133 11420949 11417449 11442852 11391058 11414467 11414476 11442850 11435757 11443048 11399013 11426537 11442945 11399306 11427057 11376999 11377027 11399003 11443043 11409029 11411828 11414802 11417445 11395643 11443014 11425080 11438251 %11407891 %11429824 %11430294 11439561 %11440657 11442617 %11443062 %11443281 11408637 11414477 # Mr. Jack Pocket (bado) 11395285 : 11393748 11414473 11429137 11424859 11429145 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11395644 11425023 11425841 11396439 11414474 11418816 11417638 11443052 %11429831 11442566 11416061 11405872 11395120 11401833 11420891 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11438234 11443068 11435840 %11407895 11377010 11403716 11391508 11440566 11439730 11395605 11395133 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11424858 11443018 11412700 11427064 11425557 11403496 11421085 11419394 11427070 11436275 11406483 11391736 11438240 11443059 11393032 11443024 11405456 11425122 11424956 11424945 11425896 11417843 11443277 11421651 11406421 11424963 11426665 11418017 11436280 11425876 11406281 11404114 11420925 11414806 11419419 11425414 11405436 11399016 11395136 11442655 11421105 11425844 11420944 11438244 11420979 11395116 11412704 11391219 11399153 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11420972 11398619 11418133 11420949 11417449 11442852 11391058 11414467 11414476 11442850 11435757 11443048 11399013 11426537 11442945 11399306 11427057 11376999 11377027 11399003 11443043 11409029 11411828 11414802 11417445 11395643 11443014 11425080 11438251 %11407891 %11429824 %11430294 11439561 %11440657 11442617 %11443062 %11443281 11408637 11414477 11425873 %11407890 11443422 11395657 # Lewis & Clark: The Expedition (bado) 11395287 : 11393748 11414473 11429137 11424859 11429145 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 # Note: The following 27 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (bado) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (bado) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (bado) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (bado) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (bado) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (bado) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (bado) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (bado) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (bado) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (bado) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (bado) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (bado) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (bado) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (bado) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (bado) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (bado) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (bado) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (bado) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (bado) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (bado) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (bado) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (bado) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (bado) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (bado) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (bado) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (bado) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (bado) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "Bart H" # Confirmation code: Es5spWU0Bt8k5wDhxfywbQ # Tue Jan 21 16:44:11 2025 # (Bart H) %AlmMat : 11392318 11399142 # (Bart H) %Barce : 11411828 11414802 missing-official # (Bart H) %DunPet : 11405046 11426642 11439579 # (Bart H) %GBB : 11377011 # (Bart H) %Golem : 11392344 11393032 # (Bart H) %HPttM : 11395605 # (Bart H) %Harmo : 11396439 11414474 # (Bart H) %MASoC : 11391287 11393239 # (Bart H) %OnMar : 11392387 11434670 # (Bart H) %PoM : 11417638 11443052 # (Bart H) %Root : 11401843 11440272 # (Bart H) %SalSea : 11391508 11414476 # (Bart H) %TIoC : 11414806 11419419 # Marvel United (Bart H) 11406185 : %11429839 11393748 %11429836 %11429835 11424956 11424945 11391498 11395644 11391053 11391048 11424859 11419451 11395120 11393105 11395116 %11429834 11420972 11414473 %11429833 11440665 %Root %HPttM %OnMar 11403496 11421085 %TIoC %Harmo 11432959 %PoM %Barce %Golem 11401833 11412704 %11407896 %11429831 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11438234 11435840 11421651 11426665 11425841 11425025 %DunPet 11440274 11436273 11442610 11415192 11439575 11443057 11391736 11440566 11426628 11377020 11396593 11409041 %MASoC 11404119 11399029 11403795 11426522 11420891 11443024 11442544 %11407895 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11399301 11418133 11443045 11377029 %GBB 11414467 %SalSea 11435089 %AlmMat 11407884 11397914 11419747 11425122 11415230 11434983 # Splendor (Bart H) 11406206 : %11429839 11393748 %11429836 %11429835 11424956 11424945 11391498 11395644 11391053 11391048 11424859 11419451 11395120 11393105 11395116 %11429834 11420972 11414473 %11429833 11440665 %Root %HPttM %OnMar 11403496 11421085 %TIoC %Harmo 11432959 %PoM %Barce %Golem 11401833 11412704 %11407896 %11429831 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11438234 11435840 11421651 11426665 11425841 11425025 %DunPet 11440274 11436273 11442610 11415192 11439575 11443057 11391736 11440566 11426628 11377020 11396593 11409041 %MASoC 11404119 11399029 11403795 11426522 11420891 11443024 11442544 %11407895 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11399301 11418133 11443045 11377029 %GBB 11414467 %SalSea 11435089 %AlmMat 11407884 11397914 11419747 11425122 11415230 11434983 # Mycelia (Bart H) 11406213 : %11429839 11393748 %11429836 %11429835 11424956 11424945 11391498 11395644 11391053 11391048 11424859 11419451 11395120 11393105 11395116 %11429834 11420972 11414473 %11429833 11440665 %Root %HPttM %OnMar 11403496 11421085 %TIoC %Harmo 11432959 %PoM %Barce %Golem 11401833 11412704 %11407896 %11429831 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11438234 11435840 # Mascarade (second edition) (Bart H) 11406230 : %11429839 11393748 %11429836 %11429835 11424956 11424945 11391498 11395644 11391053 11391048 11424859 11419451 11395120 11393105 11395116 %11429834 11420972 11414473 %11429833 11440665 %Root %HPttM %OnMar 11403496 11421085 %TIoC %Harmo 11432959 %PoM %Barce %Golem 11401833 11412704 %11407896 %11429831 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11438234 11435840 11421651 11426665 11425841 11425025 %DunPet 11440274 11436273 11442610 11415192 11439575 11443057 11391736 11440566 11426628 11377020 11396593 11409041 %MASoC 11404119 11399029 11403795 11426522 11420891 11443024 11442544 %11407895 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11399301 11418133 11443045 11377029 %GBB 11414467 %SalSea 11435089 %AlmMat 11407884 11397914 11419747 11425122 11415230 11434983 11436278 11425873 11427057 11409059 11419387 11443033 11403680 11391737 11404121 11442641 11403704 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11442666 %11443284 11443380 11405456 11415758 11405855 11440563 11440439 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 # Fall (Bart H) 11406240 : %11429839 11393748 %11429836 %11429835 11424956 11424945 11391498 11395644 11391053 11391048 11424859 11419451 11395120 11393105 11395116 %11429834 11420972 11414473 %11429833 11440665 %Root %HPttM %OnMar 11403496 11421085 %TIoC %Harmo 11432959 %PoM %Barce %Golem 11401833 11412704 %11407896 %11429831 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11438234 11435840 11421651 11426665 11425841 11425025 %DunPet 11440274 11436273 11442610 11415192 11439575 11443057 11391736 11440566 11426628 11377020 11396593 11409041 %MASoC 11404119 11399029 11403795 11426522 11420891 11443024 11442544 %11407895 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11399301 11418133 11443045 11377029 %GBB 11414467 %SalSea 11435089 %AlmMat 11407884 11397914 11419747 11425122 11415230 11434983 # Rory's Story Cubes: Harry Potter (Bart H) 11406290 : %11429839 11393748 %11429836 %11429835 11424956 11424945 11391498 11395644 11391053 11391048 11424859 11419451 11395120 11393105 11395116 %11429834 11420972 11414473 %11429833 11440665 %Root %HPttM %OnMar 11403496 11421085 %TIoC %Harmo 11432959 %PoM %Barce %Golem 11401833 11412704 %11407896 %11429831 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11438234 11435840 11421651 11426665 11425841 11425025 %DunPet 11440274 11436273 11442610 11415192 11439575 11443057 11391736 11440566 11426628 11377020 11396593 11409041 %MASoC 11404119 11399029 11403795 11426522 11420891 11443024 11442544 %11407895 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11399301 11418133 11443045 11377029 %GBB 11414467 %SalSea 11435089 %AlmMat 11407884 11397914 11419747 11425122 11415230 11434983 11436278 11425873 11427057 11409059 11419387 11443033 11403680 11391737 11404121 11442641 11403704 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11442666 %11443284 11443380 11405456 11415758 11405855 11440563 11440439 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 # Isle of Trains: All Aboard (Bart H) 11406308 : %11429839 11393748 %11429836 %11429835 11424956 11424945 11391498 11395644 11391053 11391048 11424859 11419451 11395120 11393105 11395116 %11429834 11420972 11414473 %11429833 11440665 %Root %HPttM %OnMar 11403496 11421085 %TIoC %Harmo 11432959 %PoM %Barce %Golem 11401833 11412704 %11407896 %11429831 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11438234 11435840 11421651 11426665 11425841 11425025 %DunPet 11440274 11436273 11442610 11415192 11439575 11443057 11391736 11440566 11426628 11377020 11396593 11409041 %MASoC 11404119 11399029 11403795 11426522 11420891 11443024 11442544 %11407895 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11399301 11418133 11443045 11377029 %GBB 11414467 %SalSea 11435089 %AlmMat 11407884 11397914 11419747 11425122 11415230 11434983 # Note: The following 18 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (Bart H) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (Bart H) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (Bart H) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Bart H) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Bart H) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Bart H) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Bart H) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Bart H) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Bart H) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Bart H) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Bart H) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Bart H) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (Bart H) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (Bart H) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (Bart H) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Bart H) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Bart H) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Bart H) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "Big_Tuna" # Confirmation code: eTPKRL8SrIuPZt8BF/Allg # Tue Jan 21 14:29:26 2025 # (Big_Tuna) %d1 : # (Big_Tuna) %d2 : # (Big_Tuna) %d3 : # (Big_Tuna) %d4 : # (Big_Tuna) %d5 : # Barcelona (Big_Tuna) 11414802 : 11397902 11434670 11418121 11438244 11435071 11394971 # The Isle of Cats (Big_Tuna) 11414806 : 11397902 11434670 11418121 11438244 11435071 11394971 # 1775: Rebellion (Big_Tuna) 11414809 : 11397902 11434670 11418121 11438244 11435071 11394971 # Radlands: Cult of Chrome (Big_Tuna) 11414818 : 11397902 11434670 11418121 11438244 11435071 11394971 11442613 # Pagan: Fate of Roanoke (Big_Tuna) 11414826 : 11397902 11434670 11418121 11438244 11435071 11394971 # Avatar: The Last Airbender – Aang's Destiny (Big_Tuna) 11421266 : 11397902 11434670 11418121 11438244 11435071 11394971 # Space Base (Big_Tuna) 11427237 : 11397902 11434670 11418121 11438244 11435071 11394971 11442613 # King of Tokyo: Duel (Big_Tuna) 11428514 : 11397902 11434670 11418121 11438244 11435071 11394971 11442613 #pragma user "Blaztar" # Confirmation code: bdDJXoFyuZkDuuA/ln65kQ # Tue Jan 21 12:32:40 2025 # Clank!: Catacombs (Blaztar) 11404114 : 11403620 # Colossal Arena (Blaztar) 11404116 : 11403620 11376999 11400266 # Fall of Rome (Blaztar) 11404119 : 11403620 11376999 11400266 # Not Alone (Blaztar) 11404121 : 11403620 11376999 11400266 # Res Arcana (Blaztar) 11404131 : 11403620 # Valeria: Card Kingdoms (Blaztar) 11404140 : 11403620 11376999 11400266 # Blue Moon: Emissaries & Inquisitors – Allies (Blaztar) 11404144 : 11403620 11376999 11400266 # Blue Moon: Emissaries & Inquisitors – Blessings (Blaztar) 11404145 : 11403620 11376999 11400266 #pragma user "CaptainYossarian" # Confirmation code: IG-1FvOEOmmhLLQBJZ+YbA # Wed Jan 22 07:32:37 2025 # (CaptainYossarian) %Harmo : 11396439 11414474 # (CaptainYossarian) %Imp203 : 11405442 11411771 # (CaptainYossarian) %KRoaE : 11398619 11418133 # (CaptainYossarian) %ModArt : 11397902 11426521 # (CaptainYossarian) %PoM : 11417638 11443052 # (CaptainYossarian) %RSB : 11394818 11438797 # (CaptainYossarian) %T7C : 11392599 missing-official # (CaptainYossarian) %TMAE : 11438240 11443059 # (CaptainYossarian) %TheGal : 11393748 11425153 # El Capitán (CaptainYossarian) 11405786 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 11424956 11391296 11443421 # Master of Orion: The Board Game (CaptainYossarian) 11405790 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11414806 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11412147 11421651 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 11424956 11443421 # Nyctophobia (CaptainYossarian) 11405799 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11406185 11415260 11412147 11421651 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 11424956 # Histrio (CaptainYossarian) 11405803 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11414806 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 11442655 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 11424956 11443421 # Dragon Rampage (CaptainYossarian) 11405809 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 %11429824 11439561 11424956 11443421 # Sea of Clouds (CaptainYossarian) 11405813 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 %TMAE 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 11408075 11443018 11424956 11443421 # Draconis Invasion (CaptainYossarian) 11405815 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 11393175 %TheGal 11403496 11420978 11419419 11405426 %PoM 11440272 11424945 11395005 11424956 # Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time (CaptainYossarian) 11405817 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 11393175 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11420978 11405426 %PoM 11440272 11424945 11395005 11424956 # Valhalla (CaptainYossarian) 11407853 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 11395605 %TheGal 11403496 11420978 11419419 11405426 %PoM 11424945 11395005 11424956 # Terramara (CaptainYossarian) 11407856 : # Endeavor (CaptainYossarian) 11407859 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 11408075 11399076 %11443281 11443018 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11420960 11443045 11442566 11442580 11392510 11443421 11436278 # Kemet (CaptainYossarian) 11407860 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %TheGal 11403496 11420978 %PoM 11440272 11424945 # Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon (CaptainYossarian) 11407863 : 11419434 # Alt Name: Pick 4 (CaptainYossarian) 11407866 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11414806 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11406185 11415260 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 %Imp203 11424956 # Furnace (CaptainYossarian) 11407875 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11405426 11418147 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11427237 11424945 11395005 11420972 11424956 # Archipelago (CaptainYossarian) 11407878 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11420978 # Otys (CaptainYossarian) 11407881 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 %11429824 11439561 11443018 11391296 11443421 # Race to the Raft (CaptainYossarian) 11407884 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11405426 %PoM 11440272 11399305 11425122 11427237 11424945 11395005 11443057 11420972 11424956 # Dread Curse (CaptainYossarian) 11407885 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 11443018 11424956 11391296 11443421 # Ishtar: Gardens of Babylon (CaptainYossarian) 11407886 : # Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407888-COPY1 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11443018 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11420960 11443045 11427062 11394988 11392510 11443421 11436278 # Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407888-COPY2 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11443018 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11420960 11443045 11427062 11394988 11392510 11443421 11436278 # Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407888-COPY3 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11443018 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11420960 11443045 11427062 11394988 11392510 11443421 11436278 # Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407888-COPY4 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11443018 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11420960 11443045 11427062 11394988 11392510 11443421 11436278 # Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407888-COPY5 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11443018 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11420960 11443045 11427062 11394988 11392510 11443421 11436278 # Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407888-COPY6 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11443018 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11420960 11443045 11427062 11394988 11392510 11443421 11436278 # Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407888-COPY7 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11443018 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11420960 11443045 11427062 11394988 11392510 11443421 11436278 # Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407888-COPY8 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11443018 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11420960 11443045 11427062 11394988 11392510 11443421 11436278 # Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407888-COPY9 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11443018 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11420960 11443045 11427062 11394988 11392510 11443421 11436278 # Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407888-COPY10 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11443018 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11420960 11443045 11427062 11394988 11392510 11443421 11436278 # Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407889-COPY1 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11443421 # Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407889-COPY2 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11443421 # Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407889-COPY3 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11443421 # Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407889-COPY4 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11443421 # Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407889-COPY5 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11443421 # Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407889-COPY6 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11443421 # Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407889-COPY7 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11443421 # Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407889-COPY8 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11443421 # Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407889-COPY9 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11443421 # Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407889-COPY10 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11443421 # Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407890-COPY1 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 %TMAE 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11421651 11420972 11425161 11424956 11419387 # Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407890-COPY2 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 %TMAE 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11421651 11420972 11425161 11424956 11419387 # Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407890-COPY3 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 %TMAE 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11421651 11420972 11425161 11424956 11419387 # Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407890-COPY4 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 %TMAE 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11421651 11420972 11425161 11424956 11419387 # Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407890-COPY5 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 %TMAE 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11421651 11420972 11425161 11424956 11419387 # Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407890-COPY6 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 %TMAE 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11421651 11420972 11425161 11424956 11419387 # Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407890-COPY7 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 %TMAE 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11421651 11420972 11425161 11424956 11419387 # Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407890-COPY8 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 %TMAE 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11421651 11420972 11425161 11424956 11419387 # Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407890-COPY9 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 %TMAE 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11421651 11420972 11425161 11424956 11419387 # Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407890-COPY10 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 %TMAE 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11421651 11420972 11425161 11424956 11419387 # Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407891-COPY1 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 11424945 11395005 11443057 # Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407891-COPY2 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 11424945 11395005 11443057 # Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407891-COPY3 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 11424945 11395005 11443057 # Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407891-COPY4 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 11424945 11395005 11443057 # Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407891-COPY5 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 11424945 11395005 11443057 # Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407891-COPY6 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 11424945 11395005 11443057 # Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407891-COPY7 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 11424945 11395005 11443057 # Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407891-COPY8 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 11424945 11395005 11443057 # Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407892-COPY1 : 11419434 11391498 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11405426 11415192 11424945 # Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407892-COPY2 : 11419434 11391498 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11405426 11415192 11424945 # Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407892-COPY3 : 11419434 11391498 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11405426 11415192 11424945 # Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407892-COPY4 : 11419434 11391498 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11405426 11415192 11424945 # Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407892-COPY5 : 11419434 11391498 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11405426 11415192 11424945 # Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407892-COPY6 : 11419434 11391498 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11405426 11415192 11424945 # Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407893-COPY1 : 11419434 11391498 %T7C 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11420978 # Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407893-COPY2 : 11419434 11391498 %T7C 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11420978 # Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407893-COPY3 : 11419434 11391498 %T7C 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11420978 # Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407893-COPY4 : 11419434 11391498 %T7C 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11420978 # Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407893-COPY5 : 11419434 11391498 %T7C 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11420978 # Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407895-COPY1 : 11419434 11391498 %T7C %TheGal 11420978 # Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407895-COPY2 : 11419434 11391498 %T7C %TheGal 11420978 # Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407895-COPY3 : 11419434 11391498 %T7C %TheGal 11420978 # Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407895-COPY4 : 11419434 11391498 %T7C %TheGal 11420978 # Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407895-COPY5 : 11419434 11391498 %T7C %TheGal 11420978 # Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407896-COPY1 : 11419434 11391498 # Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407896-COPY2 : 11419434 11391498 # Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11407896-COPY3 : 11419434 11391498 # GoodCritters (CaptainYossarian) 11407909 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11420925 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11424945 11395005 11443057 11394974 11425557 11425414 11421651 11420972 11425161 11417843 11424956 # Bear Raid (CaptainYossarian) 11407918 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11424956 11443421 # Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization (CaptainYossarian) 11407922 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 11377020 11424956 # Sidereal Confluence (CaptainYossarian) 11421187 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11420978 11419419 11440272 11399305 11425122 11424945 11424956 # Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11430294-COPY1 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 %PoM 11440272 11425122 11424945 # Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11430294-COPY2 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 %PoM 11440272 11425122 11424945 # Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11430294-COPY3 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 %PoM 11440272 11425122 11424945 # Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11430294-COPY4 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 %PoM 11440272 11425122 11424945 # Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11430294-COPY5 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 %PoM 11440272 11425122 11424945 # Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11430294-COPY6 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 %PoM 11440272 11425122 11424945 # Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11430294-COPY7 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 %PoM 11440272 11425122 11424945 # Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11430294-COPY8 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 %PoM 11440272 11425122 11424945 # Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11430295-COPY1 : 11419434 11391498 %T7C # Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11430295-COPY2 : 11419434 11391498 %T7C # Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11430295-COPY3 : 11419434 11391498 %T7C # Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11430295-COPY4 : 11419434 11391498 %T7C # Dorfromantik: The Board Game (CaptainYossarian) 11432959 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11425122 11427237 11424945 11395005 11443057 11424956 # A Tale of Pirates (CaptainYossarian) 11432974 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11424945 11395005 11417366 11421651 11420972 11425161 11417843 11424956 11443421 # A Thief's Fortune (CaptainYossarian) 11432992 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 %TMAE 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11421651 11420972 11425161 11417843 11424956 # Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11432996-COPY1 : 11419434 # Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11432996-COPY2 : 11419434 # Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11432996-COPY3 : 11419434 # Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11432996-COPY4 : 11419434 # A Castle for All Seasons (CaptainYossarian) 11433006 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11377020 11424956 11443421 # Olympos (CaptainYossarian) 11433012 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 11419434 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11391498 11400870 %11429834 11439650 %T7C 11391772 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 %11429831 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 11442544 11424945 11395005 11417366 11425557 11425414 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 11424956 # Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11442589-COPY1 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11443018 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11420960 11443045 11427062 11394988 11419439 11442857 11442566 11442580 11443029 11434679 11442620 11442622 11440549 11392510 11443421 11436278 # Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11442589-COPY2 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11443018 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11420960 11443045 11427062 11394988 11419439 11442857 11442566 11442580 11443029 11434679 11442620 11442622 11440549 11392510 11443421 11436278 # Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11442589-COPY3 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11443018 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11420960 11443045 11427062 11394988 11419439 11442857 11442566 11442580 11443029 11434679 11442620 11442622 11440549 11392510 11443421 11436278 # Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11442589-COPY4 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11443018 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11420960 11443045 11427062 11394988 11419439 11442857 11442566 11442580 11443029 11434679 11442620 11442622 11440549 11392510 11443421 11436278 # Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11442589-COPY5 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11443018 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11420960 11443045 11427062 11394988 11419439 11442857 11442566 11442580 11443029 11434679 11442620 11442622 11440549 11392510 11443421 11436278 # Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11442589-COPY6 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11443018 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11420960 11443045 11427062 11394988 11419439 11442857 11442566 11442580 11443029 11434679 11442620 11442622 11440549 11392510 11443421 11436278 # Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11442589-COPY7 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11443018 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11420960 11443045 11427062 11394988 11419439 11442857 11442566 11442580 11443029 11434679 11442620 11442622 11440549 11392510 11443421 11436278 # Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) 11442589-COPY8 : 11419434 11391498 11400870 %T7C 11391772 11395605 11393175 11404131 %TheGal 11403496 11395644 11392953 11420978 11419419 %RSB 11405855 11418017 11404114 11405426 11415192 11418147 11403629 11435840 11440563 11425155 %PoM 11440272 11399305 %KRoaE 11397918 11395124 11426665 11420925 11414806 11438234 11425122 11427237 11425896 11394985 11399077 %Harmo 11439730 11436280 %TMAE 11442544 11424945 11395005 11443057 11417366 11394974 11425557 11425414 11419382 11406185 11415260 11412147 11391779 11421651 %ModArt 11420972 11425161 11417843 11403795 11392600 %Imp203 11442655 11377020 11408075 11399076 11443018 11442945 11424956 11391296 11419387 11425023 11426522 11403704 11420960 11443045 11427062 11394988 11419439 11442857 11442566 11442580 11443029 11434679 11442620 11442622 11440549 11392510 11443421 11436278 # Note: The following 18 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (CaptainYossarian) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (CaptainYossarian) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (CaptainYossarian) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (CaptainYossarian) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (CaptainYossarian) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (CaptainYossarian) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (CaptainYossarian) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (CaptainYossarian) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (CaptainYossarian) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (CaptainYossarian) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (CaptainYossarian) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (CaptainYossarian) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (CaptainYossarian) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (CaptainYossarian) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (CaptainYossarian) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (CaptainYossarian) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (CaptainYossarian) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "chongheinrich" # Confirmation code: xkL771kyT9WIrvPoqAz4Sg # Tue Jan 21 05:31:03 2025 # Vegas Showdown (chongheinrich) 11426481 : %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 %11429831 %11429833 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Metropolys (chongheinrich) 11426489 : %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 %11429831 %11429833 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407890 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 # The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine (chongheinrich) 11426507 : %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 %11429831 %11429833 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407890 # Modern Art (chongheinrich) 11426521 : %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 %11429831 %11429833 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Reef (chongheinrich) 11426522 : %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 %11429831 %11429833 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 # Rattus (chongheinrich) 11426523 : %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 %11429831 %11429833 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407890 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 %11407888 # Roll Camera!: The Filmmaking Board Game (chongheinrich) 11426529 : %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 %11429831 %11429833 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11443380 # Santorini (chongheinrich) 11426537 : %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 %11429831 %11429833 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 # Tokyo Highway (chongheinrich) 11426541 : %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 %11429831 %11429833 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 # The Resistance: Avalon (chongheinrich) 11426558 : %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 %11429831 %11429833 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407890 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 # Mind MGMT: The Psychic Espionage “Game.” (chongheinrich) 11426566 : # Otys (chongheinrich) 11426586 : %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 %11429831 %11429833 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Sonar Family (chongheinrich) 11426608 : %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 %11429831 %11429833 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407890 # Tajemnicze Domostwo (chongheinrich) 11426616 : %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 %11429831 %11429833 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Room 25 (chongheinrich) 11426625 : %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 %11429831 %11429833 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 # Treasure Island (chongheinrich) 11426628 : %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 %11429831 %11429833 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11443380 # Dungeon Petz (chongheinrich) 11426642 : %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 %11429831 # The Princes of Florence (chongheinrich) 11426654 : %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 %11429831 %11429833 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11443380 # Troyes (chongheinrich) 11426665 : %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 %11429833 # Last Message (chongheinrich) 11426668 : %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 %11429831 %11429833 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 # Note: The following 32 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (chongheinrich) %11407888 : 11407888-COPY1 11407888-COPY2 11407888-COPY3 11407888-COPY4 11407888-COPY5 11407888-COPY6 11407888-COPY7 11407888-COPY8 11407888-COPY9 11407888-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (chongheinrich) %11407889 : 11407889-COPY1 11407889-COPY2 11407889-COPY3 11407889-COPY4 11407889-COPY5 11407889-COPY6 11407889-COPY7 11407889-COPY8 11407889-COPY9 11407889-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (chongheinrich) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (chongheinrich) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (chongheinrich) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (chongheinrich) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (chongheinrich) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (chongheinrich) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 5 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (chongheinrich) %11429822 : 11429822-COPY1 11429822-COPY2 11429822-COPY3 11429822-COPY4 11429822-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (chongheinrich) %11429823 : 11429823-COPY1 11429823-COPY2 11429823-COPY3 11429823-COPY4 11429823-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (chongheinrich) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (chongheinrich) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (chongheinrich) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (chongheinrich) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (chongheinrich) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (chongheinrich) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (chongheinrich) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (chongheinrich) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (chongheinrich) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (chongheinrich) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (chongheinrich) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (chongheinrich) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (chongheinrich) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (chongheinrich) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (chongheinrich) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer (chongheinrich) %11442589 : 11442589-COPY1 11442589-COPY2 11442589-COPY3 11442589-COPY4 11442589-COPY5 11442589-COPY6 11442589-COPY7 11442589-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (chongheinrich) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (chongheinrich) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (chongheinrich) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (chongheinrich) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (chongheinrich) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (chongheinrich) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "Deacis" # Confirmation code: 29bsh0VwjKgIr3Hzvpf9tg # Fri Jan 17 13:17:02 2025 # Pirates of Maracaibo (Deacis) 11417638 : %11429839 11439606 11443287 11443308 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Deacis) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 #pragma user "Destroher" # Confirmation code: BNVnm/xpkVWJYZvXynQqGw # Wed Jan 22 12:25:20 2025 # (Destroher) %GBB : # Carcassonne (Destroher) 11406237 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11415192 11443277 11425083 11405426 11399012 11426628 11406213 11406657 11427237 11406185 11416078 11424858 # Kemet (Destroher) 11406260 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 %11429831 11415192 11443277 11425083 11405426 # Takenoko (Destroher) 11406281 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11415192 11443277 11425083 # Zona: The Secret of Chernobyl (Destroher) 11406299 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 11415192 11443277 11425083 11405426 # Alt Name: Bunch 'o' Games (Destroher) 11406389 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11415192 11443277 11425083 11405426 11399012 11426628 11406213 11406657 11427237 11406185 11416078 11424858 11427062 11415809 11403674 11442597 # CATAN (Destroher) 11416484 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11415192 11443277 11425083 11405426 11399012 11426628 11406213 # Citadels (Destroher) 11416492 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11443062 %11443281 %11407890 11415192 11443277 11425083 11405426 11399012 11426628 11406213 11406657 11427237 11406185 11416078 11424858 11427062 11415809 11403674 11442597 11425873 11408077 11426558 11434679 11403782 11443319 11403780 11424841 # Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (Destroher) 11440657-COPY1 : 11415192 11406657 # Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (Destroher) 11440657-COPY2 : 11415192 11406657 # Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (Destroher) 11440658-COPY1 : 11415192 11399012 # Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (Destroher) 11440658-COPY2 : 11415192 11399012 # Alt Name: 25 EUR via Paypal (Destroher) 11440663 : 11415192 # Alt Name: 40 EUR via Paypal (Destroher) 11440665 : 11415192 # Note: The following 25 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (Destroher) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (Destroher) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (Destroher) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (Destroher) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (Destroher) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (Destroher) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Destroher) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Destroher) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Destroher) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Destroher) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Destroher) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Destroher) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Destroher) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Destroher) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Destroher) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Destroher) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (Destroher) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (Destroher) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (Destroher) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (Destroher) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (Destroher) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Destroher) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Destroher) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Destroher) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Destroher) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "DK412" # Confirmation code: yjk/rPb8V8NHo-js/kwSCA # Mon Jan 20 04:54:01 2025 # Root (DK412) 11440272 : 11420978 # This War of Mine: The Board Game (DK412) 11440274 : 11426566 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11377000 # Hidden Leaders (DK412) 11440280 : %11407891 %11429824 %11430294 %11443062 %11443281 11391313 # 7 Wonders (Second Edition) (DK412) 11440288 : 11436273 %11407892 %11407893 %11407895 %11429826 %11429829 11439652 11442630 11442632 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 # Note: The following 18 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (DK412) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (DK412) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (DK412) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (DK412) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (DK412) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (DK412) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (DK412) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (DK412) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (DK412) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (DK412) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (DK412) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (DK412) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (DK412) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (DK412) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (DK412) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (DK412) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (DK412) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (DK412) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "Duche of Jorlington" # Confirmation code: 1VYxOSZhNJgGsctbVP7mgQ # Sun Jan 19 05:32:45 2025 # (Duche of Jorlington) %Bru189 : 11391499 11419380 11442997 # Out Style (Duche of Jorlington) 11439549 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11442632 %11407895 11395599 %11407893 %11429829 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11395605 11396593 11394968 11401691 %Bru189 # Hansa (Duche of Jorlington) 11439550 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11442632 %11407895 11395599 %11407893 %11429829 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11395605 11396593 11394968 %11407892 %11429826 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 11401691 %Bru189 11443073 %11407891 %11429824 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Mississippi Queen (Duche of Jorlington) 11439557 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11442632 %11407895 11395599 %11407893 %11429829 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11395605 11396593 11394968 %11407892 %11429826 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 11401691 %Bru189 11443073 %11407891 %11429824 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407890 # Counter Attack (Duche of Jorlington) 11439558 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11440665 %11443285 # Rebel Nox (Duche of Jorlington) 11439559 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11442632 %11407895 11395599 %11407893 %11429829 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11395605 11396593 11394968 %11407892 %11429826 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 11401691 %Bru189 11443073 %11407891 %11429824 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Alt Name: 10€ via SEPA or PayPal (Duche of Jorlington) 11439560 : 11395599 11395605 11396593 11394968 11401691 %Bru189 11443073 # Alt Name: 15€ via SEPA or PayPal (Duche of Jorlington) 11439561 : 11395599 11395605 11396593 11394968 11401691 %Bru189 11443073 # Alt Name: 20€ via SEPA or PayPal (Duche of Jorlington) 11439564 : 11395599 11395605 11396593 11394968 # Alt Name: 25€ via SEPA or PayPal (Duche of Jorlington) 11439565 : 11395599 # Alt Name: 30€ via SEPA or PayPal (Duche of Jorlington) 11439567 : # Alt Name: 40€ via SEPA or PayPal (Duche of Jorlington) 11439568 : # Dungeon Lords (Duche of Jorlington) 11439575 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11442632 %11407895 11395599 %11407893 %11429829 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11395605 11396593 11394968 %11407892 %11429826 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11401691 %Bru189 # Dungeon Petz (Duche of Jorlington) 11439579 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11442632 11395605 # Football Highlights 2052 (Duche of Jorlington) 11439585 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11440665 %11443285 11395605 # Kung Fu (Duche of Jorlington) 11439593 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11442632 %11407895 11395599 %11407893 %11429829 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11395605 11396593 11394968 %11407892 %11429826 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 11401691 %Bru189 11443073 %11407891 %11429824 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Note: The following 29 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (Duche of Jorlington) %11407889 : 11407889-COPY1 11407889-COPY2 11407889-COPY3 11407889-COPY4 11407889-COPY5 11407889-COPY6 11407889-COPY7 11407889-COPY8 11407889-COPY9 11407889-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (Duche of Jorlington) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (Duche of Jorlington) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (Duche of Jorlington) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (Duche of Jorlington) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (Duche of Jorlington) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (Duche of Jorlington) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Duche of Jorlington) %11429823 : 11429823-COPY1 11429823-COPY2 11429823-COPY3 11429823-COPY4 11429823-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Duche of Jorlington) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Duche of Jorlington) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Duche of Jorlington) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Duche of Jorlington) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Duche of Jorlington) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Duche of Jorlington) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Duche of Jorlington) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Duche of Jorlington) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Duche of Jorlington) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Duche of Jorlington) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (Duche of Jorlington) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (Duche of Jorlington) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (Duche of Jorlington) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (Duche of Jorlington) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (Duche of Jorlington) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (Duche of Jorlington) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (Duche of Jorlington) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Duche of Jorlington) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Duche of Jorlington) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Duche of Jorlington) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Duche of Jorlington) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "El_Gargamel" # Confirmation code: u4LBrjrU9DZPrdmfDt1dPQ # Mon Jan 20 07:40:33 2025 # Lorenzo il Magnifico (El_Gargamel) 11399077 : 11393748 11425153 11403496 11421085 11395136 11420979 11425136 11425165 11435071 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420937 11377029 11391508 11414476 # Note: The following 9 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (El_Gargamel) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (El_Gargamel) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (El_Gargamel) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (El_Gargamel) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (El_Gargamel) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (El_Gargamel) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (El_Gargamel) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (El_Gargamel) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (El_Gargamel) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "elkevro" # Confirmation code: wFu3iAbAtLkgAjyGQD/zZg # Sat Jan 18 03:17:36 2025 # (elkevro) %BigTop : 11395593 11419422 # (elkevro) %Harmo : 11396439 11414474 # (elkevro) %KoNY : 11411611 11443283 # (elkevro) %OnMar : 11392387 11434670 # (elkevro) %RSB : 11394818 11438797 # (elkevro) %SalSea : 11391508 11414476 # (elkevro) %TMAE : 11438240 11443059 # (elkevro) %TheGal : 11393748 11425153 # Aeon's End: The New Age (elkevro) 11392953 : %TheGal %OnMar 11419394 11439606 11443287 11397902 11391048 %11429836 %11429839 11395605 11420920 # Arkadia (elkevro) 11392983 : %TheGal %OnMar 11419394 11439606 11443287 11397902 11391048 %11429836 %11429839 11395605 11420920 11425557 11405872 11404114 11418121 11414473 11391736 11392488 11392531 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11434847 %SalSea 11426157 11424945 11403688 11424963 11418017 11406281 11406483 11420925 %Harmo 11427057 11376999 11415192 11405430 %RSB 11396593 11409041 11432959 11395273 11404119 %TMAE 11417445 11396576 %11407892 %11407893 %11407895 %11429826 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439564 11439565 11439567 11439652 %11440658 11440663 11442630 11442632 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11404116 %KoNY 11443028 11426489 11394974 11391771 11443024 11406389 %11407891 %11429824 %11430294 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11395632 11408075 11418126 11377009 11394970 %11407889 %11407890 %11429823 11439560 11391296 11440569 11399005 11377011 11443422 11390955 11419395 %BigTop 11392490 11400922 11399003 11399305 11391737 %11407888 %11429822 %11442589 11403751 11391066 # Carolus Magnus (elkevro) 11392992 : %TheGal %OnMar 11419394 11439606 11443287 11397902 11391048 %11429836 %11429839 11395605 11420920 11425557 11405872 11404114 11418121 11414473 11391736 11392488 11392531 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11434847 %SalSea 11426157 11424945 11403688 11424963 11418017 11406281 11406483 11420925 %Harmo 11427057 11376999 11415192 11405430 %RSB 11396593 11409041 11432959 11395273 11404119 %TMAE 11417445 11396576 %11407892 %11407893 %11407895 %11429826 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439564 11439565 11439567 11439652 %11440658 11440663 11442630 11442632 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11404116 %KoNY 11443028 11426489 11394974 11391771 11443024 11406389 %11407891 %11429824 %11430294 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11395632 11408075 11418126 11377009 11394970 # Cartagena (elkevro) 11392998 : %TheGal %OnMar 11419394 11439606 11443287 11397902 11391048 %11429836 %11429839 11395605 11420920 11425557 11405872 11404114 11418121 11414473 11391736 11392488 11392531 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11434847 %SalSea 11426157 11424945 11403688 11424963 11418017 11406281 11406483 11420925 %Harmo 11427057 11376999 11415192 11405430 %RSB 11396593 11409041 11432959 11395273 11404119 %TMAE 11417445 11396576 %11407892 %11407893 %11407895 %11429826 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439564 11439565 11439567 11439652 %11440658 11440663 11442630 11442632 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11404116 %KoNY 11443028 11426489 11394974 11391771 11443024 11406389 %11407891 %11429824 %11430294 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11395632 11408075 11418126 11377009 11394970 %11407889 %11407890 %11429823 11439560 11391296 11440569 11399005 11377011 11443422 11390955 11419395 %BigTop 11392490 11400922 11399003 11399305 11391737 %11407888 %11429822 %11442589 11403751 # The Bridges of Shangri-La (elkevro) 11393028 : %TheGal %OnMar 11419394 11439606 11443287 11397902 11391048 %11429836 %11429839 11395605 11420920 11425557 11405872 11404114 11418121 11414473 11391736 11392488 11392531 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11434847 %SalSea 11426157 11424945 11403688 11424963 11418017 11406281 11406483 11420925 %Harmo 11427057 11376999 11415192 11405430 %RSB 11396593 11409041 11432959 11395273 11404119 %TMAE 11417445 11396576 %11407892 %11407893 %11407895 %11429826 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439564 11439565 11439567 11439652 %11440658 11440663 11442630 11442632 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11404116 # Golem (elkevro) 11393032 : %TheGal %OnMar 11419394 11439606 11443287 11397902 11391048 %11429836 %11429839 11395605 11420920 11425557 11405872 11404114 11418121 11414473 11391736 11392488 11392531 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11434847 %SalSea 11426157 # The Grizzled: Armistice Edition (elkevro) 11393036 : %TheGal %OnMar 11419394 11439606 11443287 11397902 11391048 %11429836 %11429839 11395605 11420920 11425557 11405872 11404114 11418121 11414473 11391736 11392488 11392531 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11434847 %SalSea 11426157 # Letter Jam (elkevro) 11393041 : %TheGal %OnMar 11419394 11439606 11443287 11397902 11391048 %11429836 %11429839 11395605 11420920 11425557 11405872 11404114 11418121 11414473 11391736 11392488 11392531 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11434847 %SalSea 11426157 11424945 11403688 11424963 11418017 11406281 11406483 11420925 %Harmo 11427057 11376999 11415192 11405430 %RSB 11396593 11409041 11432959 11395273 11404119 %TMAE 11417445 11396576 %11407892 %11407893 %11407895 %11429826 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439564 11439565 11439567 11439652 %11440658 11440663 11442630 11442632 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11404116 %KoNY 11443028 11426489 11394974 11391771 11443024 11406389 %11407891 %11429824 %11430294 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11395632 11408075 11418126 11377009 11394970 %11407889 %11407890 %11429823 11439560 11391296 11440569 11399005 11377011 11443422 11390955 11419395 %BigTop 11392490 11400922 11399003 11399305 11391737 %11407888 %11429822 %11442589 11403751 # Masons (elkevro) 11393049 : %TheGal %OnMar 11419394 11439606 11443287 11397902 11391048 %11429836 %11429839 11395605 11420920 11425557 11405872 11404114 11418121 11414473 11391736 11392488 11392531 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11434847 %SalSea 11426157 11424945 11403688 11424963 11418017 11406281 11406483 11420925 %Harmo 11427057 11376999 11415192 11405430 %RSB 11396593 11409041 11432959 11395273 11404119 %TMAE 11417445 11396576 %11407892 %11407893 %11407895 %11429826 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439564 11439565 11439567 11439652 %11440658 11440663 11442630 11442632 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11404116 %KoNY 11443028 11426489 11394974 11391771 11443024 11406389 %11407891 %11429824 %11430294 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11395632 11408075 11418126 11377009 11394970 %11407889 %11407890 %11429823 11439560 11391296 11440569 11399005 11377011 11443422 11390955 11419395 %BigTop 11392490 11400922 11399003 11399305 11391737 %11407888 %11429822 %11442589 11403751 11391066 # Medina (elkevro) 11393054 : %TheGal %OnMar 11419394 11439606 11443287 11397902 11391048 %11429836 %11429839 11395605 11420920 11425557 11405872 11404114 11418121 11414473 11391736 11392488 11392531 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11434847 %SalSea 11426157 11424945 11403688 11424963 11418017 11406281 11406483 11420925 %Harmo 11427057 11376999 11415192 11405430 %RSB 11396593 11409041 11432959 11395273 11404119 %TMAE 11417445 11396576 %11407892 %11407893 %11407895 %11429826 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439564 11439565 11439567 11439652 %11440658 11440663 11442630 11442632 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11404116 %KoNY 11443028 11426489 11394974 11391771 11443024 11406389 %11407891 %11429824 %11430294 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11395632 11408075 11418126 11377009 11394970 %11407889 %11407890 %11429823 11439560 11391296 11440569 11399005 11377011 11443422 11390955 11419395 %BigTop 11392490 11400922 11399003 11399305 11391737 %11407888 %11429822 %11442589 11403751 11391066 # Aladdin's Dragons (elkevro) 11393067 : %TheGal %OnMar 11419394 11439606 11443287 11397902 11391048 %11429836 %11429839 11395605 11420920 11425557 11405872 11404114 11418121 11414473 11391736 11392488 11392531 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11434847 %SalSea 11426157 11424945 11403688 11424963 11418017 11406281 11406483 11420925 %Harmo 11427057 11376999 11415192 11405430 %RSB 11396593 11409041 11432959 11395273 11404119 %TMAE 11417445 11396576 %11407892 %11407893 %11407895 %11429826 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439564 11439565 11439567 11439652 %11440658 11440663 11442630 11442632 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11404116 %KoNY 11443028 11426489 11394974 11391771 11443024 11406389 %11407891 %11429824 %11430294 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11395632 11408075 11418126 11377009 11394970 %11407889 %11407890 %11429823 11439560 11391296 11440569 11399005 11377011 11443422 11390955 11419395 %BigTop 11392490 11400922 11399003 11399305 11391737 %11407888 %11429822 %11442589 11403751 11391066 # Nightmare Productions (elkevro) 11393074 : %TheGal %OnMar 11419394 11439606 11443287 11397902 11391048 %11429836 %11429839 11395605 11420920 11425557 11405872 11404114 11418121 11414473 11391736 11392488 11392531 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11434847 %SalSea 11426157 # Peaky Blinders: Under New Management (elkevro) 11393080 : %TheGal %OnMar 11419394 11439606 11443287 11397902 11391048 %11429836 %11429839 11395605 11420920 11425557 11405872 11404114 11418121 11414473 11391736 11392488 11392531 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11434847 %SalSea 11426157 11424945 11403688 11424963 11418017 11406281 11406483 11420925 %Harmo 11427057 11376999 11415192 11405430 %RSB 11396593 11409041 11432959 11395273 11404119 %TMAE 11417445 11396576 %11407892 %11407893 %11407895 %11429826 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439564 11439565 11439567 11439652 %11440658 11440663 11442630 11442632 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11404116 %KoNY 11443028 11426489 11394974 11391771 11443024 11406389 %11407891 %11429824 %11430294 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11395632 11408075 11418126 11377009 11394970 %11407889 %11407890 %11429823 11439560 11391296 11440569 11399005 11377011 11443422 11390955 11419395 %BigTop 11392490 11400922 11399003 11399305 11391737 %11407888 %11429822 %11442589 11403751 11391066 # Reef Encounter (elkevro) 11393085 : %TheGal %OnMar 11419394 11439606 11443287 11397902 11391048 %11429836 %11429839 11395605 11420920 11425557 11405872 11404114 11418121 11414473 11391736 11392488 11392531 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11434847 %SalSea 11426157 11424945 11403688 11424963 11418017 11406281 11406483 11420925 %Harmo 11427057 11376999 11415192 11405430 %RSB 11396593 11409041 11432959 11395273 11404119 %TMAE 11417445 11396576 %11407892 %11407893 %11407895 %11429826 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439564 11439565 11439567 11439652 %11440658 11440663 11442630 11442632 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11404116 %KoNY 11443028 11426489 11394974 11391771 11443024 11406389 %11407891 %11429824 %11430294 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11395632 11408075 11418126 11377009 11394970 # Rheinländer (elkevro) 11393092 : %TheGal %OnMar 11419394 11439606 11443287 11397902 11391048 %11429836 %11429839 11395605 11420920 11425557 11405872 11404114 11418121 11414473 11391736 11392488 11392531 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11434847 %SalSea 11426157 11424945 11403688 11424963 11418017 11406281 11406483 11420925 %Harmo 11427057 11376999 11415192 11405430 %RSB 11396593 11409041 11432959 11395273 11404119 %TMAE 11417445 11396576 %11407892 %11407893 %11407895 %11429826 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439564 11439565 11439567 11439652 %11440658 11440663 11442630 11442632 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11404116 %KoNY 11443028 11426489 11394974 11391771 11443024 11406389 %11407891 %11429824 %11430294 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11395632 11408075 11418126 11377009 11394970 # Surfosaurus MAX (elkevro) 11393095 : %TheGal %OnMar 11419394 11439606 11443287 11397902 11391048 %11429836 %11429839 11395605 11420920 11425557 11405872 11404114 11418121 11414473 11391736 11392488 11392531 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11434847 %SalSea 11426157 11424945 11403688 11424963 11418017 11406281 11406483 11420925 %Harmo 11427057 11376999 11415192 11405430 %RSB 11396593 11409041 11432959 11395273 11404119 %TMAE 11417445 11396576 %11407892 %11407893 %11407895 %11429826 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439564 11439565 11439567 11439652 %11440658 11440663 11442630 11442632 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11404116 %KoNY 11443028 11426489 11394974 11391771 11443024 11406389 %11407891 %11429824 %11430294 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11395632 11408075 11418126 11377009 11394970 %11407889 %11407890 %11429823 11439560 11391296 11440569 11399005 11377011 11443422 11390955 11419395 %BigTop # Gaia Project (elkevro) 11421651 : %TheGal %OnMar 11419394 11439606 11443287 11397902 11391048 %11429836 %11429839 # 13 Days: The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 (elkevro) 11421669 : %TheGal %OnMar 11419394 11439606 11443287 11397902 11391048 %11429836 %11429839 11395605 11420920 11425557 11405872 11404114 11418121 11414473 11391736 11392488 11392531 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11434847 %SalSea 11426157 11424945 11403688 11424963 11418017 11406281 11406483 11420925 %Harmo 11427057 11376999 11415192 11405430 %RSB 11396593 11409041 11432959 11395273 11404119 %TMAE 11417445 11396576 %11407892 %11407893 %11407895 %11429826 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439564 11439565 11439567 11439652 %11440658 11440663 11442630 11442632 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11404116 %KoNY 11443028 11426489 11394974 11391771 11443024 11406389 %11407891 %11429824 %11430294 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11395632 11408075 11418126 11377009 11394970 # Irish Gauge (elkevro) 11421699 : %TheGal %OnMar 11419394 11439606 11443287 # Note: The following 32 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (elkevro) %11407888 : 11407888-COPY1 11407888-COPY2 11407888-COPY3 11407888-COPY4 11407888-COPY5 11407888-COPY6 11407888-COPY7 11407888-COPY8 11407888-COPY9 11407888-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (elkevro) %11407889 : 11407889-COPY1 11407889-COPY2 11407889-COPY3 11407889-COPY4 11407889-COPY5 11407889-COPY6 11407889-COPY7 11407889-COPY8 11407889-COPY9 11407889-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (elkevro) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (elkevro) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (elkevro) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (elkevro) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (elkevro) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (elkevro) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 5 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (elkevro) %11429822 : 11429822-COPY1 11429822-COPY2 11429822-COPY3 11429822-COPY4 11429822-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (elkevro) %11429823 : 11429823-COPY1 11429823-COPY2 11429823-COPY3 11429823-COPY4 11429823-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (elkevro) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (elkevro) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (elkevro) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (elkevro) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (elkevro) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (elkevro) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (elkevro) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (elkevro) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (elkevro) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (elkevro) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (elkevro) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (elkevro) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (elkevro) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (elkevro) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (elkevro) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer (elkevro) %11442589 : 11442589-COPY1 11442589-COPY2 11442589-COPY3 11442589-COPY4 11442589-COPY5 11442589-COPY6 11442589-COPY7 11442589-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (elkevro) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (elkevro) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (elkevro) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (elkevro) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (elkevro) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (elkevro) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "EmmySteenackers" # Confirmation code: kISZft-bva9vB9Un/I4YWQ # Sat Jan 18 14:44:21 2025 # (EmmySteenackers) %Encyc : 11377010 11403716 # (EmmySteenackers) %PARKS : 11395644 11425023 # (EmmySteenackers) %RedRis : 11414475 11416056 # (EmmySteenackers) %TIoC : 11414806 11419419 # Helsinki (EmmySteenackers) 11424825 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 %PARKS 11439730 # Karmaka (EmmySteenackers) 11424826 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 %PARKS 11439730 11391779 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 11395266 11403578 11442655 11403704 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11391023 %RedRis 11427062 11391771 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11407886 %11407892 %11429826 %11430294 11439564 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11377011 11419436 11409042 11406240 11442585 # Gorinto (EmmySteenackers) 11424827 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 %PARKS 11439730 11391779 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 11395266 # Mr. Jack (EmmySteenackers) 11424836 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 %PARKS 11439730 11391779 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 11395266 11403578 11442655 11403704 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11391023 %RedRis 11427062 11391771 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11407886 # Great Plains (EmmySteenackers) 11424840 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 %PARKS 11439730 11391779 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 11395266 11403578 11442655 11403704 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11391023 %RedRis 11427062 11391771 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11407886 %11407892 %11429826 %11430294 11439564 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11377011 11419436 11409042 11406240 11442585 11391090 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11443062 %11443281 # Time's Up!: Harry Potter (EmmySteenackers) 11424841 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 %PARKS 11439730 11391779 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 11395266 11403578 11442655 11403704 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11391023 %RedRis 11427062 11391771 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11407886 %11407892 %11429826 %11430294 11439564 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11377011 11419436 11409042 11406240 11442585 # Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle – Defence Against the Dark Arts (EmmySteenackers) 11424844 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 %PARKS 11439730 11391779 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 11395266 11403578 11442655 11403704 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11391023 %RedRis 11427062 11391771 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11407886 %11407892 %11429826 %11430294 11439564 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11377011 11419436 11409042 11406240 11442585 11391090 # Grifters (EmmySteenackers) 11424849 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 %PARKS 11439730 11391779 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 11395266 11403578 11442655 11403704 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11391023 %RedRis 11427062 11391771 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11407886 %11407892 %11429826 %11430294 11439564 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11377011 11419436 11409042 11406240 11442585 # Outside the Scope of BGG (EmmySteenackers) 11424856 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 %PARKS 11439730 11391779 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 11395266 11403578 11442655 11403704 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11391023 %RedRis 11427062 11391771 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11407886 %11407892 %11429826 %11430294 11439564 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11377011 11419436 11409042 11406240 # The Quacks of Quedlinburg: The Duel (EmmySteenackers) 11424858 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 %PARKS 11439730 11391779 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 11395266 11403578 11442655 11403704 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11391023 %RedRis # Wayfarers of the South Tigris (EmmySteenackers) 11424859 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 # Robin Hood and the Merry Men (EmmySteenackers) 11424862 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 %PARKS 11439730 11391779 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 11395266 11403578 # Deadwood 1876 (EmmySteenackers) 11424864 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 %PARKS 11439730 11391779 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 11395266 11403578 11442655 11403704 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11391023 %RedRis 11427062 11391771 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11407886 %11407892 %11429826 %11430294 11439564 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11377011 11419436 11409042 11406240 11442585 11391090 # Bilder (EmmySteenackers) 11424865 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 %PARKS # World of Draghan: O Dodo! (EmmySteenackers) 11424867 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 %PARKS 11439730 11391779 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 11395266 11403578 11442655 11403704 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11391023 %RedRis 11427062 11391771 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11407886 %11407892 %11429826 %11430294 11439564 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11377011 11419436 11409042 11406240 11442585 11391090 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11443062 %11443281 # Kheops (EmmySteenackers) 11424868 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 %PARKS 11439730 11391779 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 11395266 11403578 11442655 11403704 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11391023 %RedRis 11427062 11391771 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11407886 %11407892 %11429826 %11430294 11439564 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11377011 11419436 11409042 11406240 11442585 11391090 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11443062 %11443281 # Undermine (EmmySteenackers) 11424869 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 %PARKS 11439730 11391779 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 11395266 11403578 11442655 11403704 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11391023 %RedRis 11427062 11391771 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11407886 %11407892 %11429826 %11430294 11439564 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11377011 11419436 11409042 11406240 11442585 11391090 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11443062 %11443281 # Architectura (EmmySteenackers) 11424870 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 %PARKS 11439730 11391779 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 11395266 11403578 11442655 11403704 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11391023 %RedRis 11427062 11391771 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11407886 %11407892 %11429826 %11430294 11439564 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11377011 11419436 11409042 11406240 11442585 11391090 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11443062 %11443281 # Exploding Kittens: NSFW Deck (EmmySteenackers) 11424871 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 %PARKS 11439730 11391779 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 11395266 11403578 11442655 11403704 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11391023 %RedRis 11427062 11391771 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11407886 %11407892 %11429826 %11430294 11439564 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11377011 11419436 11409042 11406240 11442585 11391090 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11443062 %11443281 # Mascarade (EmmySteenackers) 11424873 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 %PARKS 11439730 11391779 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 11395266 11403578 11442655 11403704 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11391023 %RedRis 11427062 11391771 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11407886 # Patchwork: Automa (EmmySteenackers) 11429067 : 11420978 11436280 %TIoC 11399016 11395136 11419451 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 %Encyc 11409543 11406213 11435840 %PARKS 11439730 11391779 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 11395266 11403578 11442655 11403704 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11391023 %RedRis 11427062 11391771 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11407886 %11407892 %11429826 %11430294 11439564 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11377011 11419436 11409042 11406240 11442585 11391090 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11443062 %11443281 %11407888 %11407889 %11407890 %11429822 %11429823 11439560 %11442589 # Note: The following 30 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (EmmySteenackers) %11407888 : 11407888-COPY1 11407888-COPY2 11407888-COPY3 11407888-COPY4 11407888-COPY5 11407888-COPY6 11407888-COPY7 11407888-COPY8 11407888-COPY9 11407888-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (EmmySteenackers) %11407889 : 11407889-COPY1 11407889-COPY2 11407889-COPY3 11407889-COPY4 11407889-COPY5 11407889-COPY6 11407889-COPY7 11407889-COPY8 11407889-COPY9 11407889-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (EmmySteenackers) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (EmmySteenackers) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (EmmySteenackers) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (EmmySteenackers) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (EmmySteenackers) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (EmmySteenackers) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 5 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (EmmySteenackers) %11429822 : 11429822-COPY1 11429822-COPY2 11429822-COPY3 11429822-COPY4 11429822-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (EmmySteenackers) %11429823 : 11429823-COPY1 11429823-COPY2 11429823-COPY3 11429823-COPY4 11429823-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (EmmySteenackers) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (EmmySteenackers) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (EmmySteenackers) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (EmmySteenackers) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (EmmySteenackers) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (EmmySteenackers) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (EmmySteenackers) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (EmmySteenackers) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (EmmySteenackers) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (EmmySteenackers) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (EmmySteenackers) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (EmmySteenackers) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (EmmySteenackers) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer (EmmySteenackers) %11442589 : 11442589-COPY1 11442589-COPY2 11442589-COPY3 11442589-COPY4 11442589-COPY5 11442589-COPY6 11442589-COPY7 11442589-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (EmmySteenackers) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (EmmySteenackers) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (EmmySteenackers) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (EmmySteenackers) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (EmmySteenackers) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (EmmySteenackers) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "erikieperikie" # Confirmation code: LZDsoftklNrxTW2pNqDfnQ # Mon Jan 20 16:59:25 2025 # (erikieperikie) %Barce : 11411828 11414802 # (erikieperikie) %KRRiT : 11405817 11442539 # (erikieperikie) %OnMar : 11392387 11434670 # (erikieperikie) %PARKS : 11395644 11425023 # (erikieperikie) %RedRis : 11414475 11416056 # (erikieperikie) %Santo : 11426537 11442945 # (erikieperikie) %SleGod : 11394996 11425100 # (erikieperikie) %TIoC : 11414806 11419419 # (erikieperikie) %VEE : 11405426 11417843 # Wingspan: Fan Art Pack (erikieperikie) 11411354 : 11424956 11424945 11420978 %VEE 11421651 11395605 %SleGod 11391498 %OnMar 11405872 11425841 11425025 11404114 11396439 11420944 11438244 11432959 11399305 %Barce 11420972 11392953 11420949 11440288 %KRRiT 11391772 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 # Tides of Time (erikieperikie) 11411355 : 11424956 11424945 11420978 %VEE 11421651 11395605 %SleGod 11391498 %OnMar 11405872 11425841 11425025 11404114 11396439 11420944 11438244 11432959 11399305 %Barce 11420972 11392953 11420949 11440288 %KRRiT 11391772 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11427064 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407890 11424963 11425557 11426521 %PARKS %Santo %TIoC 11436273 11395114 11392488 11399003 11427062 11425136 11440550 11419444 11438811 11442559 11442609 11405433 11393220 11377001 11427066 11403751 11377011 %RedRis 11424858 11390955 11425024 11442931 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 %11407888 %11442589 %11429822 # Cartagena (erikieperikie) 11411357 : 11424956 11424945 11420978 %VEE 11421651 11395605 %SleGod 11391498 %OnMar 11405872 11425841 11425025 11404114 11396439 11420944 11438244 11432959 11399305 %Barce 11420972 11392953 11420949 11440288 %KRRiT 11391772 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11427064 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407890 11424963 11425557 11426521 %PARKS %Santo %TIoC 11436273 11395114 11392488 11399003 11427062 11425136 11440550 11419444 11438811 11442559 11442609 11405433 11393220 11377001 11427066 11403751 11377011 %RedRis 11424858 11390955 11425024 11442931 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 %11407888 # Zombie Fluxx (erikieperikie) 11411358 : 11424956 11424945 11420978 %VEE 11421651 11395605 %SleGod 11391498 %OnMar 11405872 11425841 11425025 11404114 11396439 11420944 11438244 11432959 11399305 %Barce 11420972 11392953 11420949 11440288 %KRRiT 11391772 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11427064 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407890 11424963 11425557 11426521 %PARKS %Santo %TIoC 11436273 11395114 11392488 11399003 11427062 11425136 11440550 11419444 11438811 11442559 11442609 11405433 11393220 11377001 11427066 11403751 11377011 %RedRis 11424858 11390955 11425024 11442931 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 %11407888 %11442589 %11429822 # Note: The following 32 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (erikieperikie) %11407888 : 11407888-COPY1 11407888-COPY2 11407888-COPY3 11407888-COPY4 11407888-COPY5 11407888-COPY6 11407888-COPY7 11407888-COPY8 11407888-COPY9 11407888-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (erikieperikie) %11407889 : 11407889-COPY1 11407889-COPY2 11407889-COPY3 11407889-COPY4 11407889-COPY5 11407889-COPY6 11407889-COPY7 11407889-COPY8 11407889-COPY9 11407889-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (erikieperikie) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (erikieperikie) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (erikieperikie) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (erikieperikie) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (erikieperikie) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (erikieperikie) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 5 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (erikieperikie) %11429822 : 11429822-COPY1 11429822-COPY2 11429822-COPY3 11429822-COPY4 11429822-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (erikieperikie) %11429823 : 11429823-COPY1 11429823-COPY2 11429823-COPY3 11429823-COPY4 11429823-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (erikieperikie) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (erikieperikie) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (erikieperikie) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (erikieperikie) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (erikieperikie) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (erikieperikie) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (erikieperikie) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (erikieperikie) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (erikieperikie) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (erikieperikie) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (erikieperikie) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (erikieperikie) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (erikieperikie) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (erikieperikie) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (erikieperikie) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer (erikieperikie) %11442589 : 11442589-COPY1 11442589-COPY2 11442589-COPY3 11442589-COPY4 11442589-COPY5 11442589-COPY6 11442589-COPY7 11442589-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (erikieperikie) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (erikieperikie) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (erikieperikie) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (erikieperikie) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (erikieperikie) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (erikieperikie) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "esquelito" # Confirmation code: cITTNjdpRBLaTuw5NMcxvw # Mon Jan 20 14:37:29 2025 # (esquelito) %OnMar : 11392387 11434670 # (esquelito) %TRC : 11392853 11377027 # Arkwright: The Card Game (esquelito) 11397881 : %OnMar 11438234 11400870 11400292 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %11429835 %11429836 %11432996 11439602 11411841 %TRC 11443286 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 11439568 11439650 11440665 %11443285 %11430295 11439567 11400295 # The Lamps are Going Out: World War I (esquelito) 11397885 : %OnMar 11438234 11400870 11400292 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %11429835 %11429836 %11432996 11439602 11411841 11443286 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 11439568 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11400295 # Colonial Twilight: The French-Algerian War, 1954-62 (esquelito) 11397887 : %OnMar 11438234 11400870 11400292 %11429839 11439606 11443287 # Napoleon Saga: Waterloo (esquelito) 11397891 : %OnMar 11438234 11400870 11400292 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %11429835 %11429836 %11432996 11439602 11411841 %TRC 11443286 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 11439568 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11400295 # Tenkatoitsu (esquelito) 11397894 : %OnMar 11438234 11400870 11400292 %11429839 11439606 11443287 # Mysterium (esquelito) 11397896 : %OnMar 11438234 11400870 11400292 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %11429835 %11429836 %11432996 11439602 11411841 11443286 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 11439568 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11400295 # Modern Art (esquelito) 11397902 : %OnMar 11438234 11400870 11400292 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %11429835 %11429836 %11432996 11439602 11443286 11400295 # MicroMacro: Crime City (esquelito) 11397905 : %OnMar 11438234 11400870 11400292 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %11429835 %11429836 %11432996 11439602 11411841 %TRC 11443286 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 11439568 11439650 11440665 %11443285 %11430295 11439567 %11407892 %11407893 %11407895 %11429826 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 11439564 11439565 11439652 %11440658 11440663 11442630 11442632 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11400295 # 1941: Race to Moscow (esquelito) 11397914 : %OnMar 11438234 11400870 11400292 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11400295 # Cyclades (esquelito) 11397918 : %OnMar 11438234 11400870 11400292 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %11429835 %11429836 %11432996 11439602 11443286 11400295 # Note: The following 21 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (esquelito) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (esquelito) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (esquelito) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (esquelito) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (esquelito) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (esquelito) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (esquelito) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (esquelito) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (esquelito) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (esquelito) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (esquelito) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (esquelito) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (esquelito) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (esquelito) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (esquelito) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (esquelito) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (esquelito) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (esquelito) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (esquelito) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (esquelito) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (esquelito) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "fizboz" # Confirmation code: W07M91hHLkCl80qeBRz/FA # Sat Jan 18 19:46:46 2025 # Mosaic: A Story of Civilization (fizboz) 11391287 : 11420978 11425165 11392599 11419434 11434670 11418816 11392387 11440272 11417638 11439606 11443287 11392610 11439720 %11429839 11419394 11424963 11429137 11397902 11393175 %11429836 11400870 # Pan Am (fizboz) 11391296 : 11420978 11425165 11392599 11419434 11434670 11418816 11392387 11440272 11417638 11439606 11443287 11392610 11439720 %11429839 11419394 11424963 11429137 11397902 11393175 %11429836 11391053 11395005 %11432996 11392672 11435071 11391498 11412123 11420982 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11400870 %11429834 11439650 11409543 %11443285 11420937 11412207 11421699 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11377000 11434981 11420972 11403496 11419451 %11429831 11419392 %11430295 11420920 11443052 11420979 11425136 11401833 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11391763 11392344 %11429829 11440663 %11443284 11439341 11439730 11391508 11418149 11398619 11414476 # Endless Winter: Paleoamericans (fizboz) 11391305 : 11420978 11425165 11392599 11419434 11434670 11418816 11392387 11440272 11417638 11439606 11443287 11439720 # Empire's End (fizboz) 11391307 : 11420978 11425165 11392599 11419434 11434670 11418816 11392387 11440272 11417638 11439606 11443287 11392610 11439720 %11429839 11419394 11424963 11429137 11397902 11393175 %11429836 11391053 11395005 %11432996 11392672 11435071 11391498 11412123 11420982 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11400870 %11429834 11439650 11409543 %11443285 11420937 11412207 11421699 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11377000 11434981 11420972 11403496 11419451 %11429831 11419392 # A.D.E.L.E. (fizboz) 11391310 : 11420978 11425165 11392599 11419434 11434670 11418816 11392387 11440272 11417638 11439606 11443287 11392610 11439720 %11429839 11419394 11424963 11429137 11397902 11393175 %11429836 11391053 11395005 %11432996 11392672 11435071 11391498 11412123 11420982 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11400870 %11429834 11439650 11409543 %11443285 11420937 11412207 11421699 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11377000 11434981 11420972 11403496 11419451 %11429831 11419392 # Mind MGMT: Wood Upgrade Kit (fizboz) 11391313 : 11420978 11425165 11392599 11419434 11434670 11418816 11392387 11440272 11417638 11439606 11443287 11392610 11439720 %11429839 11419394 11424963 11429137 11397902 11393175 %11429836 11391053 11395005 %11432996 11392672 11435071 11391498 11412123 11420982 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11400870 %11429834 11439650 11409543 %11443285 11420937 11412207 11421699 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11377000 11434981 11420972 11403496 11419451 %11429831 11419392 %11430295 11420920 11443052 11420979 11425136 11401833 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11391763 11392344 %11429829 11440663 %11443284 11439341 11439730 11391508 11418149 11398619 11414476 11399012 11399076 11395667 11411828 # The Gallerist (fizboz) 11393748 : 11420978 11425165 11392599 11419434 11434670 11418816 11392387 # Peacemakers: Horrors of War (fizboz) 11413145 : 11420978 11425165 11392599 11419434 11434670 11418816 11392387 11440272 11417638 11439606 11443287 11392610 11439720 %11429839 11419394 11424963 11429137 11397902 11393175 %11429836 11391053 11395005 %11432996 11392672 11435071 11391498 11412123 11420982 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11400870 %11429834 11439650 11434981 11420972 # Great Western Trail: Argentina (fizboz) 11429145 : 11420978 11425165 11392599 11419434 11434670 11418816 11392387 11440272 11417638 11439606 11443287 11392610 11439720 %11429839 11419394 11424963 11429137 11397902 11393175 %11429836 11391053 11395005 %11432996 11392672 11435071 11391498 11412123 11420982 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11400870 %11429834 11439650 11409543 %11443285 11420937 11434981 11420972 # Note: The following 14 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (fizboz) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (fizboz) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (fizboz) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (fizboz) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (fizboz) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (fizboz) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (fizboz) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (fizboz) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (fizboz) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (fizboz) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (fizboz) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (fizboz) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (fizboz) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (fizboz) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "Flashly" # Confirmation code: CICeuiakgQjODlSvnp9hSQ # Sun Jan 19 04:10:16 2025 # Sleeping Gods (Flashly) 11425100 : 11443287 11439606 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11443286 %11429835 11439602 11391772 11403643 11424945 11404114 11407863 11377000 # Caldera Park (Flashly) 11425122 : 11443287 11439606 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11443286 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11391772 11403643 11424945 11395605 11404114 11407863 11419434 11377000 11439720 11392953 11439716 11403688 11406483 11399153 # The Cathedral of Orléans (Flashly) 11425125 : 11443287 11439606 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11443286 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11391772 11403643 11424945 11395605 11404114 11407863 11419434 11377000 11439720 11392953 11439716 11403688 11406483 # Amygdala (Flashly) 11425131 : 11443287 11439606 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11443286 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11391772 11403643 11424945 11395605 11404114 11407863 11419434 11377000 11439720 11392953 11439716 11403688 11406483 11399153 # War of the Ring: The Card Game (Flashly) 11425136 : 11443287 11439606 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11443286 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11391772 11403643 11424945 11395605 11404114 11407863 11419434 11377000 11439720 11392953 11439716 11403688 11406483 # New Frontiers (Flashly) 11425161 : 11443287 11439606 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11443286 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11391772 11403643 11424945 11395605 11404114 11407863 11419434 11377000 11439720 11392953 11439716 11403688 11406483 # Note: The following 12 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (Flashly) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (Flashly) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Flashly) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Flashly) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Flashly) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Flashly) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Flashly) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Flashly) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Flashly) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (Flashly) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (Flashly) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Flashly) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "Game Knight" # Confirmation code: hlCqBa5pSnPJIqMVCDX0-A # Fri Jan 17 15:04:32 2025 # Industria (Game Knight) 11440423 : %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11391307 11403716 11443308 11414474 11399016 %11407892 %11407893 %11407895 %11429826 %11429829 11439564 11439565 11439652 %11440658 11440663 11442630 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 # Tequila (Game Knight) 11440439 : %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11391307 11403716 11443308 # Vegetable Stock (Game Knight) 11440476 : %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11391307 11403716 11443308 11414474 11399016 %11407892 %11407893 %11407895 %11429826 %11429829 11439564 11439565 11439652 %11440658 11440663 11442630 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 # Space Dealer (Game Knight) 11440493 : %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11391307 11403716 11443308 # Note: The following 20 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (Game Knight) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (Game Knight) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (Game Knight) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (Game Knight) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Game Knight) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Game Knight) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Game Knight) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Game Knight) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Game Knight) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Game Knight) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Game Knight) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Game Knight) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Game Knight) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (Game Knight) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (Game Knight) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (Game Knight) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (Game Knight) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Game Knight) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Game Knight) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Game Knight) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "GentGeek" # Confirmation code: MRlA/aniXPju4vIWAPv3kg # Tue Jan 21 15:59:57 2025 # (GentGeek) %BS : 11419446 11424925 # (GentGeek) %Carta : 11392998 11411357 11399011 # (GentGeek) %Encyc : 11377010 11403716 # (GentGeek) %Everd : 11412700 11443277 # (GentGeek) %Hadara : 11395256 11418128 # (GentGeek) %Harmo : 11396439 11414474 # (GentGeek) %Jamai : 11394815 11419388 # (GentGeek) %Miyabi : 11425080 11438251 # (GentGeek) %MrJac : 11415315 11424836 # (GentGeek) %Olymp : 11409036 11433012 # (GentGeek) %PARKS : 11395644 11425023 # (GentGeek) %Quadr : 11395280 11401810 # (GentGeek) %Root : 11401843 11440272 # (GentGeek) %RoyVis : 11395647 11419426 11436241 # (GentGeek) %SalSea : 11391508 11414476 # (GentGeek) %TIoC : 11414806 11419419 # (GentGeek) %VEE : 11405426 11417843 # Die Sieben Weisen (GentGeek) 11396064 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 # Santa Timea (GentGeek) 11396077 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11405471 11399072 # Megastar (GentGeek) 11396097 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11405471 11399072 # Tarantel Tango (GentGeek) 11396099 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Spectaculum (GentGeek) 11396111 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 # Pictureka! (GentGeek) 11396118 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11405471 11399072 # Pantheon (GentGeek) 11396119 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 # Palazzo (GentGeek) 11396122 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 # Mondo Sapiens (GentGeek) 11396125 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 # Chelsea (GentGeek) 11396126 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11405471 11399072 # That's Pretty Clever! (GentGeek) 11396130 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Phase 10 (GentGeek) 11396136 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Honshū (GentGeek) 11396137 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Enuk (GentGeek) 11405071 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 # Hokkaido (GentGeek) 11405086 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Peng! (GentGeek) 11405088 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11405471 11399072 # Der Herr der Ringe: Die Zwei Türme – das Kartenspiel (GentGeek) 11405093 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # The Settlers of Catan: The Great River (GentGeek) 11405101 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Die Siedler von Catan: Die große Karawane (GentGeek) 11405107 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Puerto Rico: Expansion I – New Buildings (GentGeek) 11405110 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Catan Geographies: Settlers of Hesse (GentGeek) 11405112 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 # Monopoly (GentGeek) 11405683 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 # Witch's Brew (GentGeek) 11405711 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 # Yangtze (GentGeek) 11405726 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 # World Without End (GentGeek) 11406157 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 # Shadows over Camelot: The Card Game (GentGeek) 11406168 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 # Zooloretto (GentGeek) 11406177 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 # Tycoon (GentGeek) 11406189 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 # Key Harvest (GentGeek) 11406198 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 # Blokus (GentGeek) 11409481 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 # Aloha (GentGeek) 11409489 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Hawaii (GentGeek) 11409491 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 # Historia (GentGeek) 11409516 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis # Rheinländer (GentGeek) 11409521 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 # Master Labyrinth (GentGeek) 11409525 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 # The Princes of Machu Picchu (GentGeek) 11409527 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 # The Castles of Burgundy: The Card Game (GentGeek) 11409530 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 # Carnavalo (GentGeek) 11409531 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 # Caverna: Cave vs Cave (GentGeek) 11409539 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 11424963 11407863 11392853 11419387 %Hadara 11412688 11399012 11443014 11421669 11439341 11420937 11399005 11401691 %SalSea 11442935 11411355 11419395 11407884 11414818 11403719 11403578 %BS 11419375 11406240 11403755 11420982 11419451 11396622 %Carta 11417483 %Encyc %Olymp 11395583 11443308 11406213 11436933 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Treasure Chest (GentGeek) 11409550 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 # Expeditions: Around the World (GentGeek) 11409556 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11406483 11405000 %Harmo 11443043 11425161 11425122 11418017 %11429831 11425873 11408077 11403795 %RoyVis 11436278 11399001 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11399003 %11407895 %Root %VEE 11395605 11394985 11436280 %Jamai 11420925 11391048 11393228 11418816 11391220 11409029 11395264 11426522 11418016 %Miyabi 11393186 11440569 11419385 11424840 11424858 11395657 11438792 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %Everd %PARKS 11406281 11404114 11436273 11443057 %Quadr %MrJac 11391737 11425154 11407886 # La Isla (GentGeek) 11409579 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 # Augsburg 1520 (GentGeek) 11409584 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %TIoC 11420920 11393175 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 # Note: The following 26 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (GentGeek) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (GentGeek) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (GentGeek) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (GentGeek) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (GentGeek) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (GentGeek) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (GentGeek) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (GentGeek) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (GentGeek) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (GentGeek) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (GentGeek) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (GentGeek) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (GentGeek) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (GentGeek) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (GentGeek) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (GentGeek) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (GentGeek) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (GentGeek) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (GentGeek) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (GentGeek) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (GentGeek) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (GentGeek) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (GentGeek) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (GentGeek) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (GentGeek) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (GentGeek) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "Gert12555" # Confirmation code: 1eWpW7EOf7fBBIe-hlQe+g # Fri Jan 17 16:04:02 2025 # Pax Pamir: Second Edition (Gert12555) 11391498 : 11419394 # Bruxelles 1897 (Gert12555) 11391499 : 11419394 11419434 11405426 11417843 11393748 11425153 11394996 11425100 11392387 11434670 11400870 11412123 11429137 11420982 11419451 11401833 11425165 11419392 11406483 11396439 11414474 11399016 11391048 11393228 11395111 11392344 11393032 11399014 11425157 11391310 # Salton Sea (Gert12555) 11391508 : 11419394 11419434 11405426 11417843 11393748 11425153 11394996 11425100 11392387 11434670 11400870 11412123 11429137 11420982 11419451 11401833 11425165 11419392 #pragma user "ghostcastle" # Confirmation code: tL0zbJ-IGRUbvvgcS/J1Qw # Mon Jan 20 03:28:15 2025 # Beyond the Sun (ghostcastle) 11403496 : %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11443286 11443287 # Skull (ghostcastle) 11403499 : %11407889 %11407890 %11407891 %11407892 %11429823 %11429824 %11429826 %11430294 11439652 %11440657 11442630 %11443060 %11443062 %11443281 # Note: The following 16 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (ghostcastle) %11407889 : 11407889-COPY1 11407889-COPY2 11407889-COPY3 11407889-COPY4 11407889-COPY5 11407889-COPY6 11407889-COPY7 11407889-COPY8 11407889-COPY9 11407889-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (ghostcastle) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (ghostcastle) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (ghostcastle) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (ghostcastle) %11429823 : 11429823-COPY1 11429823-COPY2 11429823-COPY3 11429823-COPY4 11429823-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (ghostcastle) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (ghostcastle) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (ghostcastle) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (ghostcastle) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (ghostcastle) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (ghostcastle) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (ghostcastle) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (ghostcastle) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (ghostcastle) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (ghostcastle) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (ghostcastle) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 #pragma user "GlandulaNL" # Confirmation code: l0/Ji/6GDFOVK3Ze3oA0xA # Mon Jan 20 04:32:49 2025 # Order of the Gilded Compass (GlandulaNL) 11442196 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 # Edo (GlandulaNL) 11442207 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 # Chicken Cha Cha Cha (GlandulaNL) 11442216 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 11403795 11425136 11421699 11434976 11403499 11397905 11427062 # Gentes (GlandulaNL) 11442850 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 # Chimera Station (GlandulaNL) 11442852 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11405451 # Tales of Glory (GlandulaNL) 11442853 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11411619 # Cóatl (GlandulaNL) 11442855 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11411619 11405451 # When I Dream (GlandulaNL) 11442856 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 11403795 11425136 11421699 11434976 # Jambo (GlandulaNL) 11442857 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 11403795 11425136 11421699 11434976 # Kahuna (GlandulaNL) 11442858 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 11403795 11425136 11421699 11434976 11403499 11397905 11427062 # Caesar & Cleopatra (GlandulaNL) 11442859 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 11403795 11425136 11421699 11434976 11403499 11397905 11427062 # Australia (GlandulaNL) 11442862 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 11403795 11425136 11421699 11434976 11403499 11397905 11427062 # The Princes of Florence (GlandulaNL) 11442863 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 11403795 11425136 11421699 11434976 # Hera and Zeus (GlandulaNL) 11442864 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 11403795 11425136 11421699 11434976 11403499 11397905 11427062 # Catan Card Game (GlandulaNL) 11442866 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 11403795 11425136 11421699 11434976 11403499 11397905 11427062 # KeyForge: Call of the Archons (GlandulaNL) 11442869 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 11403795 11425136 11421699 11434976 # Res Publica: 2230AD (GlandulaNL) 11442870 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 11403795 11425136 11421699 11434976 11403499 11397905 11427062 # Pio's Pigeon Post (GlandulaNL) 11442872 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 11403795 11425136 11421699 11434976 11403499 11397905 11427062 # DOG (GlandulaNL) 11442874 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 11403795 11425136 11421699 11434976 11403499 11397905 11427062 # You had one job (GlandulaNL) 11442877 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 11403795 11425136 11421699 11434976 11403499 11397905 11427062 # Passtally (GlandulaNL) 11442923 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 # Om Nom Nom (GlandulaNL) 11442929 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 11403795 11425136 11421699 11434976 11403499 11397905 11427062 # Codenames: Disney – Family Edition (GlandulaNL) 11442931 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 # Duelosaur Island (GlandulaNL) 11442935 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 # Magic Maze (GlandulaNL) 11442937 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 11403795 11425136 11421699 11434976 # SpellBook (GlandulaNL) 11442942 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 # Santorini (GlandulaNL) 11442945 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 # Kanagawa (GlandulaNL) 11442954 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 # Outside the Scope of BGG (GlandulaNL) 11443294 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 11403795 11425136 11421699 11434976 11403499 11397905 11427062 # Multiuniversum (GlandulaNL) 11443297 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 11403795 11425136 11421699 11434976 11403499 11397905 11427062 # Outside the Scope of BGG (GlandulaNL) 11443301 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 11403795 11425136 11421699 11434976 11403499 11397905 11427062 # TSCHAK! (GlandulaNL) 11443306 : 11421651 11393748 11425153 11424963 11395644 11406281 11414806 11419419 11407863 11407875 11420944 11391220 11443059 11438234 11420972 11420937 11409543 11422437 11392610 11438240 11399001 11411619 11405451 11416078 11403795 11425136 11421699 11434976 11403499 11397905 11427062 #pragma user "HADER008" # Confirmation code: MWa9jh2ox8tyELhttjdXkA # Tue Jan 21 15:20:57 2025 # Lorenzo il Magnifico: Big Box (HADER008) 11405855 : 11419392 11424945 11419394 11393186 # Maracaibo (HADER008) 11405872 : 11419392 11424945 11419394 # The Specialists (HADER008) 11405914 : 11419392 11424945 11393186 # Nippon (HADER008) 11421105 : 11419392 11419394 #pragma user "Hanho" # Confirmation code: 2CUSY6uG32KfgS7VbqSkVw # Tue Jan 21 12:44:01 2025 # (Hanho) %Barce : 11411828 11414802 # (Hanho) %Encyc : 11377010 11403716 # (Hanho) %Golem : 11392344 11393032 # (Hanho) %OnMar : 11392387 11434670 # (Hanho) %PoM : 11417638 11443052 # Bruxelles 1893 (Hanho) 11395111 : 11420944 11420982 %Barce 11419451 11434847 %OnMar 11403496 11391048 11429137 11391305 %PoM 11420979 11420920 %Golem 11393105 11401833 %Encyc 11406213 11408694 11391220 11412207 11426529 # Chronicles of Crime (Hanho) 11395114 : 11420944 11420982 %Barce 11419451 11434847 %OnMar 11403496 11391048 11429137 11391305 %PoM 11420979 11420920 %Golem 11393105 11401833 %Encyc 11406213 11408694 11391220 11412207 11426529 11376999 11395269 # Cooper Island (Hanho) 11395116 : 11420944 11420982 %Barce 11419451 11434847 %OnMar 11403496 11391048 11429137 11391305 %PoM 11420979 11420920 %Golem 11393105 11401833 %Encyc 11406213 # Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game (Hanho) 11395118 : 11420944 11420982 %Barce 11419451 11434847 %OnMar 11403496 11391048 11429137 11391305 %PoM 11420979 11420920 %Golem 11393105 11401833 %Encyc 11406213 11408694 11391220 11412207 11426529 # Evacuation (Hanho) 11395120 : 11420944 11420982 %Barce 11419451 11434847 %OnMar 11403496 11391048 11429137 11391305 %PoM 11420979 11420920 %Golem 11393105 11401833 %Encyc 11406213 # Fort (Hanho) 11395124 : 11420944 11420982 %Barce 11419451 11434847 %OnMar 11403496 11391048 11429137 11391305 %PoM 11420979 11420920 %Golem 11393105 11401833 %Encyc 11406213 11408694 11391220 11412207 11426529 11376999 11395269 # Goa: A New Expedition (Hanho) 11395127 : 11420944 11420982 %Barce 11419451 11434847 %OnMar 11403496 11391048 11429137 11391305 %PoM 11420979 11420920 %Golem 11393105 11401833 %Encyc 11406213 # Harvest Island (Hanho) 11395128 : 11420944 11420982 %Barce 11419451 11434847 %OnMar 11403496 11391048 11429137 11391305 %PoM 11420979 11420920 %Golem 11393105 11401833 %Encyc 11406213 11408694 11391220 11412207 11426529 11376999 11395269 # It's a Wonderful Kingdom (Hanho) 11395129 : 11420944 11420982 %Barce 11419451 11434847 %OnMar 11403496 11391048 11429137 11391305 %PoM 11420979 11420920 %Golem 11393105 11401833 %Encyc 11406213 11408694 # Johari (Hanho) 11395130 : 11420944 11420982 %Barce 11419451 11434847 %OnMar 11403496 11391048 11429137 11391305 %PoM 11420979 11420920 %Golem 11393105 11401833 %Encyc 11406213 11408694 11391220 11412207 11426529 11376999 11395269 # Kanban: Driver's Edition (Hanho) 11395133 : 11420944 11420982 %Barce 11419451 11434847 %OnMar 11403496 11391048 11429137 11391305 %PoM 11420979 # The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire (Hanho) 11395136 : 11420944 11420982 %Barce 11419451 11434847 # Margraves of Valeria (Hanho) 11395137 : 11420944 11420982 %Barce 11419451 11434847 %OnMar 11403496 11391048 11429137 11391305 %PoM 11420979 11420920 %Golem 11393105 11401833 %Encyc 11406213 11408694 11391220 11412207 11426529 # Terrors of London (Hanho) 11395139 : 11420944 11420982 %Barce 11419451 11434847 %OnMar 11403496 11391048 11429137 11391305 %PoM 11420979 11420920 %Golem 11393105 11401833 %Encyc 11406213 11408694 11391220 11412207 11426529 11376999 11395269 # Urbify (Hanho) 11395140 : 11420944 11420982 %Barce 11419451 11434847 %OnMar 11403496 11391048 11429137 11391305 %PoM 11420979 11420920 %Golem 11393105 11401833 %Encyc 11406213 11408694 11391220 11412207 11426529 11376999 11395269 #pragma user "heudon" # Confirmation code: JfltpZ//bSbf4Q757yCLlg # Tue Jan 21 09:43:30 2025 # (heudon) %MASoC : 11391287 11393239 # (heudon) %PowGri : 11401059 11406421 # Coup (heudon) 11401670 : 11424945 11425100 11417366 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11391772 %11429836 %11432996 %PowGri 11440274 %MASoC %11407896 11443286 11435089 11391053 11442610 %11407895 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11415216 11415230 %11407893 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439564 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11439720 %11407892 %11429826 %11443060 %11430294 # Curious Cargo (heudon) 11401691 : 11424945 11425100 11417366 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11391772 %11429836 %11432996 %PowGri 11440274 %MASoC %11407896 11443286 11435089 11391053 11442610 %11407895 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11415216 11415230 %11407893 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439564 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11439720 # A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) (heudon) 11401725 : 11424945 11425100 11417366 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11391772 %11429836 %11432996 %PowGri 11440274 %MASoC %11407896 11443286 11435089 11391053 11442610 %11407895 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11415216 11415230 # Kingdomino (heudon) 11401741 : 11424945 11425100 11417366 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11391772 %11429836 %11432996 %PowGri 11440274 %MASoC %11407896 11443286 11435089 11391053 11442610 %11407895 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11415216 11415230 %11407893 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439564 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11439720 %11407892 %11429826 %11443060 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 # Kitara (heudon) 11401751 : 11424945 11425100 11417366 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11391772 %11429836 %11432996 %PowGri 11440274 %MASoC %11407896 11443286 11435089 11391053 11442610 %11407895 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11415216 11415230 %11407893 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439564 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11439720 # Quadropolis (heudon) 11401810 : 11424945 11425100 11417366 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11391772 %11429836 %11432996 %PowGri 11440274 %MASoC %11407896 11443286 11435089 11391053 11442610 %11407895 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11415216 11415230 %11407893 %11429829 %11429830 %11430295 11439564 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11439720 %11407892 %11429826 %11443060 # Rats of Wistar (heudon) 11401833 : 11424945 11425100 11417366 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11391772 %11429836 %11432996 %PowGri 11440274 %MASoC %11407896 11443286 11435089 # Root (heudon) 11401843 : 11424945 11425100 11417366 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11391772 %11429836 %11432996 # Hamlet: The Village Building Game (heudon) 11409543 : 11424945 11425100 11417366 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11391772 # Note: The following 21 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (heudon) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (heudon) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (heudon) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (heudon) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (heudon) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (heudon) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (heudon) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (heudon) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (heudon) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (heudon) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (heudon) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (heudon) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (heudon) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (heudon) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (heudon) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (heudon) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (heudon) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (heudon) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (heudon) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (heudon) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (heudon) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "htappert" # Confirmation code: 4ugQ7z86yCY-TH5RmCJQKA # Sun Jan 19 14:00:59 2025 # Viticulture Essential Edition (htappert) 11417843 : %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 # Note: The following 5 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (htappert) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (htappert) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (htappert) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (htappert) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (htappert) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 #pragma user "JeroenP" # Confirmation code: SlPlZ7-RuNNPJ9WHLwAe6g # Mon Jan 20 15:56:55 2025 # (JeroenP) %Barce : 11411828 11414802 # (JeroenP) %BigTop : 11395593 11419422 # (JeroenP) %Imp203 : # (JeroenP) %LeHav : # (JeroenP) %OnMar : 11392387 11434670 # (JeroenP) %TheGal : 11393748 11425153 # Margraves of Valeria (JeroenP) 11395222 : 11419434 11420978 11395673 11429137 %TheGal 11391498 11419394 11400870 11418816 11439606 11443287 11400295 11392672 %11429839 11424956 11440272 11403688 %OnMar 11412123 11439720 %11429836 11418121 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11443421 11443308 11395578 %11429831 11401843 11403496 11416061 11427237 11411841 11391763 11391220 11411780 11425161 11420979 %Barce 11420920 11419451 11401833 11420891 %11430295 11442614 11377029 11424932 11417987 # Alt Name: Spirit Island Foil Panels (Branch & Claw, Jagged Earth, Base Game) (JeroenP) 11395226 : 11419434 11420978 11395673 11429137 %TheGal 11391498 11419394 11400870 11418816 11439606 11443287 11400295 11392672 %11429839 11424956 11440272 11403688 %OnMar 11412123 11439720 %11429836 11418121 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11443421 11443308 11395578 %11429831 11401843 11403496 11416061 11427237 11411841 11391763 11391220 11411780 11425161 11420979 %Barce 11420920 11419451 11401833 11420891 %11430295 11442614 11377029 11424932 11417987 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11425873 11421699 %11407895 11418143 11426489 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11432959 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 11376995 11390940 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11393028 11395599 11442574 %BigTop # Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends (JeroenP) 11396576 : 11419434 11420978 11395673 11429137 %TheGal 11391498 11419394 11400870 11418816 11439606 11443287 11400295 11392672 %11429839 11424956 11440272 11403688 %OnMar 11412123 11439720 %11429836 11418121 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11443421 11443308 11395578 %11429831 11401843 11403496 11416061 11427237 11411841 11391763 11391220 11411780 11425161 11420979 %Barce 11420920 11419451 11401833 11420891 %11430295 11442614 11377029 11424932 11417987 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11425873 11421699 %11407895 11418143 11426489 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 # The Mirroring of Mary King (JeroenP) 11396581 : 11419434 11420978 11395673 11429137 %TheGal 11391498 11419394 11400870 11418816 11439606 11443287 11400295 11392672 %11429839 11424956 11440272 11403688 %OnMar 11412123 11439720 %11429836 11418121 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11443421 11443308 11395578 %11429831 11401843 11403496 11416061 11427237 11411841 11391763 11391220 11411780 11425161 11420979 %Barce 11420920 11419451 11401833 11420891 %11430295 11442614 11377029 11424932 11417987 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11425873 11421699 %11407895 11418143 # Gardens of Babylon (JeroenP) 11396591 : 11419434 11420978 11395673 11429137 %TheGal 11391498 11419394 11400870 11418816 11439606 11443287 11400295 11392672 %11429839 11424956 11440272 11403688 %OnMar 11412123 11439720 %11429836 11418121 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11443421 11443308 11395578 %11429831 11401843 11403496 11416061 11427237 11411841 11391763 11391220 11411780 11425161 11420979 %Barce 11420920 11419451 11401833 11420891 %11430295 11442614 11377029 11424932 11417987 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11425873 11421699 %11407895 11418143 11426489 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 # Brian Boru: High King of Ireland (JeroenP) 11396593 : 11419434 11420978 11395673 11429137 %TheGal 11391498 11419394 11400870 11418816 11439606 11443287 11400295 11392672 %11429839 11424956 11440272 11403688 %OnMar 11412123 11439720 %11429836 11418121 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11443421 11443308 11395578 # 1853 (JeroenP) 11396602 : # Alchemist (JeroenP) 11396605 : 11419434 11420978 11395673 11429137 %TheGal 11391498 11419394 11400870 11418816 11439606 11443287 11400295 11392672 %11429839 11424956 11440272 11403688 %OnMar 11412123 11439720 %11429836 11418121 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11443421 11443308 11395578 %11429831 11401843 11403496 11416061 11427237 11411841 11391763 11391220 11411780 11425161 11420979 %Barce 11420920 11419451 11401833 11420891 %11430295 11442614 11377029 11424932 11417987 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11425873 11421699 %11407895 11418143 11426489 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11432959 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 11376995 11390940 # Amun-Re (JeroenP) 11396607 : 11419434 11420978 11395673 11429137 %TheGal 11391498 11419394 11400870 11418816 11439606 11443287 11400295 11392672 %11429839 11424956 11440272 11403688 %OnMar 11412123 11439720 %11429836 11418121 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11443421 11443308 11395578 %11429831 11401843 11403496 11416061 11427237 11411841 11391763 11391220 11411780 11425161 11420979 %Barce 11420920 11419451 11401833 11420891 %11430295 11442614 11377029 11424932 11417987 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11425873 11421699 %11407895 11418143 11426489 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11432959 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 11376995 11390940 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11393028 11395599 11442574 %BigTop %11430294 11377004 11400922 11401741 11393095 11401751 11440551 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Ratzia (JeroenP) 11396610 : 11419434 11420978 11395673 11429137 %TheGal 11391498 11419394 11400870 11418816 11439606 11443287 11400295 11392672 %11429839 11424956 11440272 11403688 %OnMar 11412123 11439720 %11429836 11418121 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11443421 11443308 11395578 %11429831 11401843 11403496 11416061 11427237 11411841 11391763 11391220 11411780 11425161 11420979 %Barce 11420920 11419451 11401833 11420891 %11430295 11442614 11377029 11424932 11417987 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11425873 11421699 %11407895 11418143 11426489 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11432959 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 11376995 11390940 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11393028 11395599 11442574 %BigTop %11430294 11377004 11400922 11401741 11393095 11401751 11440551 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Sun Tzu (JeroenP) 11396613 : 11419434 11420978 11395673 11429137 %TheGal 11391498 11419394 11400870 11418816 11439606 11443287 11400295 11392672 %11429839 11424956 11440272 11403688 %OnMar 11412123 11439720 %11429836 11418121 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11443421 11443308 11395578 %11429831 11401843 11403496 11416061 11427237 11411841 11391763 11391220 11411780 11425161 11420979 %Barce 11420920 11419451 11401833 11420891 %11430295 11442614 11377029 11424932 11417987 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11425873 11421699 %11407895 11418143 # Tigris & Euphrates (JeroenP) 11396618 : 11419434 11420978 11395673 11429137 %TheGal 11391498 11419394 11400870 11418816 11439606 11443287 11400295 11392672 %11429839 11424956 11440272 11403688 %OnMar 11412123 11439720 %11429836 11418121 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11420972 %11429834 11439650 # Fresh Fish (JeroenP) 11396622 : 11419434 11420978 11395673 11429137 %TheGal 11391498 11419394 11400870 11418816 11439606 11443287 11400295 11392672 %11429839 11424956 11440272 11403688 %OnMar 11412123 11439720 %11429836 11418121 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11443421 11443308 11395578 %11429831 # Medici (JeroenP) 11438612 : 11419434 11420978 11395673 11429137 %TheGal 11391498 11419394 11400870 11418816 11439606 11443287 11400295 11392672 %11429839 11424956 11440272 11403688 %OnMar 11412123 11439720 %11429836 11418121 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11420972 %11429834 11439650 # Note: The following 26 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (JeroenP) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (JeroenP) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (JeroenP) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (JeroenP) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (JeroenP) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (JeroenP) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (JeroenP) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (JeroenP) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (JeroenP) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (JeroenP) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (JeroenP) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (JeroenP) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (JeroenP) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (JeroenP) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (JeroenP) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (JeroenP) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (JeroenP) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (JeroenP) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (JeroenP) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (JeroenP) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (JeroenP) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (JeroenP) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (JeroenP) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (JeroenP) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (JeroenP) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (JeroenP) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "Joep83" # Confirmation code: p/PenhIQfNvUA8ZRJAvmoQ # Wed Jan 22 03:52:20 2025 # D-Day Dice (Second Edition) (Joep83) 11394810 : 11391498 11400870 11425414 11429137 11418816 11417638 11411828 11414802 11425136 11401833 %11407895 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11424932 # Jamaica (Joep83) 11394815 : 11391498 11400870 11425414 11429137 11418816 11417638 11411828 11414802 11425136 11401833 %11407895 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11424932 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11390940 # Ready Set Bet (Joep83) 11394818 : 11391498 11400870 11425414 11429137 11418816 11417638 11411828 11414802 11425136 11401833 %11407895 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11424932 # Ultimate Werewolf: Ultimate Edition (Joep83) 11394819 : 11391498 11400870 11425414 11429137 11418816 11417638 11411828 11414802 11425136 11401833 %11407895 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11424932 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11390940 %11407888 %11407889 %11407890 %11407891 %11407892 %11429823 %11429824 %11429826 %11430294 11439560 11439561 11439564 %11440657 %11440658 %11443060 %11443062 %11443281 %11443282 # Note: The following 29 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (Joep83) %11407888 : 11407888-COPY1 11407888-COPY2 11407888-COPY3 11407888-COPY4 11407888-COPY5 11407888-COPY6 11407888-COPY7 11407888-COPY8 11407888-COPY9 11407888-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (Joep83) %11407889 : 11407889-COPY1 11407889-COPY2 11407889-COPY3 11407889-COPY4 11407889-COPY5 11407889-COPY6 11407889-COPY7 11407889-COPY8 11407889-COPY9 11407889-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (Joep83) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (Joep83) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (Joep83) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (Joep83) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (Joep83) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (Joep83) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Joep83) %11429823 : 11429823-COPY1 11429823-COPY2 11429823-COPY3 11429823-COPY4 11429823-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Joep83) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Joep83) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Joep83) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Joep83) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Joep83) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Joep83) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Joep83) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Joep83) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Joep83) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Joep83) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (Joep83) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (Joep83) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (Joep83) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (Joep83) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (Joep83) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (Joep83) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Joep83) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Joep83) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Joep83) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Joep83) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "Jones80" # Confirmation code: a7IERfnK/V1wdn9jD1/GjA # Sat Jan 18 14:34:05 2025 # (Jones80) %TheGal : 11393748 11425153 # Barcelona (Jones80) 11411828 : 11400870 11391048 11412207 11419434 11420978 %TheGal 11419394 11420972 # Fire in the Lake: Fall of Saigon (Jones80) 11411872 : 11400870 11391048 11412207 11394985 11419434 11420978 %TheGal 11419394 11420972 #pragma user "Keepstill" # Confirmation code: O0Li/bW0dSfN2GcolCcXoA # Mon Jan 20 10:54:40 2025 # (Keepstill) %Harmo : 11396439 11414474 # (Keepstill) %SalSea : 11391508 11414476 # (Keepstill) %TGTFoA : 11392610 11407863 # (Keepstill) %TheGal : 11393748 11425153 # Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island – Collector's Edition (Gamefound Edition) (Keepstill) 11439716 : %TGTFoA 11392599 11419394 11418816 11426157 # Witchcraft! (Keepstill) 11439717 : %TGTFoA 11392599 11419394 %TheGal 11418816 11426157 11394996 %Harmo 11377004 11407875 11432959 11418110 11401691 11442935 # Marvel Dice Throne (Keepstill) 11439720 : %TGTFoA 11392599 # Mandala Stones (Keepstill) 11439725 : %TGTFoA 11392599 11419394 %TheGal 11418816 11426157 11394996 %Harmo 11443045 11405426 11377004 11407875 11432959 11418110 11401691 11442935 # Tiny Turbo Cars: Collector's Edition (Keepstill) 11439727 : %TGTFoA 11392599 11419394 %TheGal 11418816 11426157 11394996 %Harmo 11443045 11405426 11377004 11407875 11432959 11418110 11401691 11442935 # First in Flight (Keepstill) 11439730 : %TGTFoA 11392599 11419394 11418816 11426157 11394996 %Harmo 11405426 #pragma user "kiekebanus" # Confirmation code: Le9Xya8mdBRHxPEB7UEdEA # Tue Jan 21 14:40:03 2025 # (kiekebanus) %AlmMat : 11392318 11399142 # 7 Wonders Duel: Pantheon (kiekebanus) 11412688 : 11405426 11395605 11426665 11399077 11399016 11405855 11418017 11408077 %AlmMat # Neta-Tanka: Deluxe Edition (kiekebanus) 11412690 : 11405426 11395605 11426665 11399077 11399016 %AlmMat # P'achakuna (kiekebanus) 11412692 : 11405426 11395605 11426665 11399077 11399016 11418017 %AlmMat # Mercado de Lisboa (kiekebanus) 11412694 : 11405426 11395605 11426665 11399077 11399016 11405855 11418017 %AlmMat # Alt Name: Dreamscape Expansions (kiekebanus) 11412695 : 11405426 11395605 11426665 11399077 11399016 11418017 %AlmMat # Alt Name: Bundle of 4 games (kiekebanus) 11412696 : 11405426 11395605 11426665 11399077 11399016 11405855 11418017 11408077 %AlmMat # Papillon (kiekebanus) 11412698 : 11405426 11395605 11426665 11399077 11399016 11418017 %AlmMat # Everdell (kiekebanus) 11412700 : 11405426 11395605 # Explorers of the North Sea (kiekebanus) 11412704 : 11405426 11395605 11426665 11399077 11399016 11405855 11418017 11408077 %AlmMat # Shipwrights of the North Sea (kiekebanus) 11412707 : 11405426 11395605 11426665 11399077 11399016 11405855 11418017 11408077 %AlmMat # The North Sea Runesaga (kiekebanus) 11412727 : 11405426 11395605 11426665 11399077 11399016 11405855 11418017 11408077 %AlmMat #pragma user "LaChazzz" # Confirmation code: n3luO8qxC8dTLtwF6LWnbQ # Mon Jan 20 11:52:59 2025 # (LaChazzz) %PoM : # (LaChazzz) %VCK : # The Artemis Project (LaChazzz) 11415731 : 11419434 11405855 11439730 11439606 11443287 11399077 %11429839 %11429836 11419392 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 # The Golden Ages (LaChazzz) 11415758 : 11419434 11405855 11439730 11439606 11443287 11399077 %11429839 %11429836 11419392 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11425083 11418147 11418137 11391736 %11429834 11439650 # Bargain Quest (LaChazzz) 11415809 : 11419434 11405855 11439730 11439606 11443287 11399077 %11429839 %11429836 11419392 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11425083 11418147 11418137 11391736 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11440665 %11443285 11391761 11400249 11426521 # Note: The following 8 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (LaChazzz) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (LaChazzz) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (LaChazzz) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (LaChazzz) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (LaChazzz) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (LaChazzz) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (LaChazzz) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (LaChazzz) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "Lorthania" # Confirmation code: CCXfwxJSHFeBK2XB/6-38g # Tue Jan 21 07:53:44 2025 # Ticket to Ride: Play Pink (Lorthania) 11403575 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 # French Quarter (Lorthania) 11403578 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 # Hike! (Lorthania) 11403604 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 # Machi Koro (Lorthania) 11403611 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Kabuto Sumo (Lorthania) 11403620 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 # Switch & Signal (Lorthania) 11403629 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 # Tranquility: The Ascent (Lorthania) 11403635 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 # Tranquility: The Ascent (Lorthania) 11403638 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 # Outside the Scope of BGG (Lorthania) 11403650 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Hive (Lorthania) 11403653 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 # Convert (Lorthania) 11403659 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 # Draft & Write Records: All-Star Bonus Tracks (Lorthania) 11403661 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 %11407888 %11429822 # Dizzle (Lorthania) 11403664 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 # Harbour (Lorthania) 11403665 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 # Café (Lorthania) 11403669 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 # Railroad Ink: Deep Blue Edition (Lorthania) 11403686 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Railroad Ink: Blazing Red Edition (Lorthania) 11403691 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Forum Trajanum (Lorthania) 11403701 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium (Lorthania) 11403704 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 # Chakra (Lorthania) 11403719 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 # Gardens (Lorthania) 11403733 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 # The North Sea Runesaga (Lorthania) 11403736 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 %11407888 # On Pointe: The Ballet Board Game (Lorthania) 11403744 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 # Orléans: Invasion (Lorthania) 11403747 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Super-Skill Pinball: 4-Cade (Lorthania) 11403751 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Sushi Go Party! (Lorthania) 11403755 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 # Rush & Bash (Lorthania) 11403760 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Sunflower Valley (Lorthania) 11403762 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 # Sea Salt & Paper (Lorthania) 11403795 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 %11407888 # Little Town (Lorthania) 11403797 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 %11407888 # Citrus (Lorthania) 11405456 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # TA-KE (Lorthania) 11405459 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # West Kingdom: Metal Coins (Lorthania) 11405471 : 11419451 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11430295 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11407884 11442923 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 %11407890 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Note: The following 31 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (Lorthania) %11407888 : 11407888-COPY1 11407888-COPY2 11407888-COPY3 11407888-COPY4 11407888-COPY5 11407888-COPY6 11407888-COPY7 11407888-COPY8 11407888-COPY9 11407888-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (Lorthania) %11407889 : 11407889-COPY1 11407889-COPY2 11407889-COPY3 11407889-COPY4 11407889-COPY5 11407889-COPY6 11407889-COPY7 11407889-COPY8 11407889-COPY9 11407889-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (Lorthania) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (Lorthania) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (Lorthania) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (Lorthania) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (Lorthania) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (Lorthania) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 5 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Lorthania) %11429822 : 11429822-COPY1 11429822-COPY2 11429822-COPY3 11429822-COPY4 11429822-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Lorthania) %11429823 : 11429823-COPY1 11429823-COPY2 11429823-COPY3 11429823-COPY4 11429823-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Lorthania) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Lorthania) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Lorthania) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Lorthania) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Lorthania) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Lorthania) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Lorthania) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Lorthania) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Lorthania) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Lorthania) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (Lorthania) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (Lorthania) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (Lorthania) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (Lorthania) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (Lorthania) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (Lorthania) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (Lorthania) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Lorthania) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Lorthania) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Lorthania) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Lorthania) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "Luk Van Baelen" # Confirmation code: KFiweTfZSP-N9xfr64Jg+A # Wed Jan 22 02:37:12 2025 # 7 Empires (Luk Van Baelen) 11443308 : 11395605 11419451 %11429834 %11432996 11439602 11439650 11443286 # Winston: Nineteen Eighty-Four (Luk Van Baelen) 11443309 : 11395605 11419451 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 # River Trek (Luk Van Baelen) 11443310 : 11395605 11419451 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 # River Trek (Luk Van Baelen) 11443311 : 11395605 11419451 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 # The 7th Continent: Classic Edition (Luk Van Baelen) 11443313 : 11395605 11419451 %11429834 %11432996 11439602 11439650 11443286 # Canterbury (Luk Van Baelen) 11443314 : 11395605 11419451 %11407896 %11429831 11439568 11440665 %11443285 # Mesopotamia: Cradle of Civilization (Luk Van Baelen) 11443315 : 11395605 11419451 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11407892 # Cavum (Luk Van Baelen) 11443316 : 11395605 11419451 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11407892 # Astra (Luk Van Baelen) 11443317 : 11395605 11419451 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 # Nord (Luk Van Baelen) 11443318 : 11395605 11419451 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 # ESSEN The Game: SPIEL'13 (Luk Van Baelen) 11443320 : 11395605 11419451 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 # Noria (Luk Van Baelen) 11443321 : 11395605 11419451 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 # The Circle (Luk Van Baelen) 11443322 : 11395605 11419451 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 # Tempus (Luk Van Baelen) 11443323 : 11395605 11419451 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 # Note: The following 13 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (Luk Van Baelen) %11407888 : 11407888-COPY1 11407888-COPY2 11407888-COPY3 11407888-COPY4 11407888-COPY5 11407888-COPY6 11407888-COPY7 11407888-COPY8 11407888-COPY9 11407888-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (Luk Van Baelen) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (Luk Van Baelen) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (Luk Van Baelen) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Luk Van Baelen) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Luk Van Baelen) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Luk Van Baelen) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (Luk Van Baelen) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (Luk Van Baelen) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (Luk Van Baelen) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (Luk Van Baelen) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Luk Van Baelen) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Luk Van Baelen) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "maartend" # Confirmation code: tjzEcCI5Tp6fUZZdI8aUHA # Sun Jan 19 05:54:31 2025 # (maartend) %A123 : # Mortum: Medieval Detective (maartend) 11400880 : 11420978 11420905 # Dragonsgate College (maartend) 11400914 : 11420978 11420905 11432959 11392531 11443045 # Risky Adventure (maartend) 11400923 : 11420978 11420905 11432959 11392531 11443045 11377011 # The Cave (maartend) 11420966 : 11420978 11420905 11432959 11392531 11443045 11377011 #pragma user "MADG0BLIN" # Confirmation code: exKPJvk3m8IDF0SAIL7Xzg # Sun Jan 19 10:06:44 2025 # Rulebenders (MADG0BLIN) 11392586 : 11391498 11392387 11434670 %11429835 %11429839 11443287 11420982 11391048 %11429833 %11429834 %11429831 # Eminent Domain (MADG0BLIN) 11392600 : 11391498 11392387 11434670 %11429835 %11429839 11443287 11420982 11391048 %11429833 %11429834 %11429831 # The Pursuit of Happiness (MADG0BLIN) 11403680 : 11391498 11392387 11434670 %11429835 %11429839 11443287 11420982 11391048 %11429833 %11429834 # Glory to Rome (MADG0BLIN) 11403688 : 11391498 11392387 11434670 %11429835 %11429839 11443287 # Encyclopedia (MADG0BLIN) 11403716 : 11391498 11392387 11434670 %11429835 %11429839 11443287 11420982 # Note: The following 5 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (MADG0BLIN) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (MADG0BLIN) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (MADG0BLIN) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (MADG0BLIN) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (MADG0BLIN) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 #pragma user "Mantichore1" # Confirmation code: XCewJZt4DSCy00m16R6CjQ # Tue Jan 21 15:54:44 2025 # (Mantichore1) %7WD : 11438800 11442588 11392471 # (Mantichore1) %Hive : 11399264 11403653 # (Mantichore1) %KoMI : # (Mantichore1) %KoTD : 11428514 11420905 11377019 # (Mantichore1) %LasMes : 11399163 11426668 # (Mantichore1) %ModArt : 11397902 11426521 # (Mantichore1) %TokHig : 11426541 11434837 # Linkee! (Mantichore1) 11403780 : 11399306 11442931 11406185 11415260 %TokHig %KoTD %Hive 11406443 11442574 11418156 %LasMes 11424864 11426608 %ModArt %7WD 11426628 11403691 11440288 11425873 11399001 11415809 11395643 11425326 11392490 11427062 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %11429836 %11429835 %11432996 11439602 11443286 %11429833 %11429834 11439568 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11429826 11439564 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 # Exit: The Game – The Secret Lab (Mantichore1) 11403782 : 11399306 11442931 11406185 11415260 %TokHig %KoTD %Hive 11406443 11442574 11418156 %LasMes 11424864 11426608 %ModArt %7WD 11426628 11403691 11440288 11425873 11399001 11415809 11395643 11425326 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %11429836 %11429835 %11432996 11439602 11443286 %11429833 %11429834 11439568 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 # Alt Name: 63 figurines from The World of Smog: Rise of Moloch (Mantichore1) 11403787 : 11399306 11442931 11406185 11415260 %TokHig %KoTD %Hive 11406443 11442574 11418156 %LasMes 11424864 11426608 %ModArt %7WD 11426628 11403691 11440288 11425873 11399001 11415809 11395643 11425326 11392490 11427062 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %11429836 %11429835 %11432996 11439602 11443286 %11429833 %11429834 11439568 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11429826 11439564 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 # Alt Name: MTG: Premium Deck Series: Fire & Lightning (Mantichore1) 11403790 : 11399306 11442931 11406185 11415260 %TokHig %KoTD %Hive 11406443 11442574 11418156 %LasMes 11424864 11426608 %ModArt %7WD 11426628 11403691 11440288 11425873 11399001 11415809 11395643 11425326 11392490 11427062 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %11429836 %11429835 %11432996 11439602 11443286 %11429833 %11429834 11439568 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 %11429826 11439564 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11430294 # Mystery House: Adventures in a Box (Mantichore1) 11403879 : 11399306 11442931 11406185 11415260 # Alt Name: Four small games (Mantichore1) 11443280 : 11399306 11442931 11406185 11415260 %TokHig %KoTD %Hive 11406443 11442574 11418156 %LasMes 11424864 11426608 %ModArt %7WD 11426628 11403691 11440288 11425873 11399001 11415809 11395643 11425326 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %11429836 %11429835 %11432996 11439602 11443286 %11429833 %11429834 11439568 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11443069 %11443284 11443380 # Note: The following 19 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mantichore1) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mantichore1) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mantichore1) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mantichore1) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mantichore1) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mantichore1) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mantichore1) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mantichore1) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mantichore1) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mantichore1) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (Mantichore1) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (Mantichore1) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (Mantichore1) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (Mantichore1) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (Mantichore1) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Mantichore1) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Mantichore1) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Mantichore1) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Mantichore1) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "marcoanttonnio" # Confirmation code: Q-Q1L/mQc7VC9rAS9iztFQ # Wed Jan 22 03:02:20 2025 # (marcoanttonnio) %Fort : 11395124 11418123 # (marcoanttonnio) %Harmo : 11396439 11414474 # (marcoanttonnio) %ResArc : 11404131 11436275 # Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies (Gamefound Edition) (marcoanttonnio) 11426157 : 11392599 # Lovelace & Babbage (marcoanttonnio) 11426169 : 11392599 11391220 11439341 11420978 11392610 11401036 11392953 11392672 11408648 11439716 11403496 11392531 11424945 11406483 11376999 11429137 11415260 11391498 11427237 %ResArc %Fort 11406185 11443045 11400266 11443278 %Harmo 11392600 11396576 11440569 11377011 # Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (marcoanttonnio) 11426191 : 11392599 11391220 11439341 11420978 11392610 11401036 11392953 11392672 11408648 11439716 # The Light in the Mist (marcoanttonnio) 11426199 : 11392599 11391220 11439341 11420978 11392610 11401036 11392953 11392672 11408648 11439716 11403496 11392531 11424945 11406483 11376999 11429137 11415260 11391498 11427237 %ResArc %Fort 11406185 11443045 11400266 11443278 #pragma user "Mark van Varik" # Confirmation code: IBjH15XNMhw2K78C4AGmoA # Fri Jan 17 14:14:24 2025 # (Mark van Varik) %OnMar : 11392387 11434670 # (Mark van Varik) %TheGal : 11393748 11425153 # Brides & Bribes (Mark van Varik) 11434964 : %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 11391498 11426191 11404114 11415192 11429137 11391220 11395652 11443421 11414826 11436933 11420920 11393105 11390947 11439341 11400249 11427237 11377019 11395611 11397896 11418158 11405433 # Greedy Kingdoms (Mark van Varik) 11434966 : %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 11391498 11426191 11404114 11415192 11429137 11391220 11395652 11443421 11414826 11436933 11420920 11393105 11390947 11439341 11400249 11427237 11377019 11395611 11397896 11418158 11405433 11399005 11407909 11403787 # Kharnage (Mark van Varik) 11434975 : %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 11391498 11426191 11404114 11415192 11429137 11391220 11395652 11443421 11414826 11436933 11420920 11393105 11390947 11439341 11400249 11377019 11395611 # Mezo (Mark van Varik) 11434978 : %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 11391498 11426191 11404114 11415192 11429137 11391220 11395652 11443421 11414826 11436933 # The Networks (Mark van Varik) 11434981 : %TheGal %OnMar # P.I. (Mark van Varik) 11434982 : %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 11391498 11426191 11404114 11415192 11429137 11391220 11395652 11443421 11414826 11436933 11420920 11393105 11390947 11439341 11400249 11427237 11377019 11395611 11397896 11418158 11405433 11399005 11407909 # RONE (Second Edition) (Mark van Varik) 11434983 : %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 11391498 11426191 11404114 11415192 11429137 11391220 11395652 11443421 11414826 11436933 11420920 11393105 11390947 11439341 11400249 11427237 # Deep Rock Galactic: The Board Game (Mark van Varik) 11435071 : %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 # The Hunger (Mark van Varik) 11435089 : %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 11391498 11426191 11404114 11415192 11429137 11391220 11395652 11443421 # Guess Who? (Mark van Varik) 11438780 : %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 11391498 11426191 11404114 11415192 11429137 11391220 11395652 11443421 11414826 11436933 11420920 11393105 11390947 11439341 11400249 11427237 11377019 11395611 11397896 11418158 11405433 11399005 11407909 11403787 #pragma user "martrim" # Confirmation code: pWKFFkNkdZNtSnlVy1BEdQ # Sun Jan 19 14:18:35 2025 # (martrim) %Harmo : 11396439 11414474 # (martrim) %PoM : 11417638 11443052 # (martrim) %RedRis : 11414475 11416056 # (martrim) %VEE : 11405426 11417843 # (martrim) %Witch : 11395667 11428738 11439717 # (martrim) %nus : 11425841 11420972 # Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time (martrim) 11442539 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 # Terror Below (martrim) 11442542 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # On Tour (martrim) 11442544 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Welcome to Dino World (martrim) 11442545 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Ninjato (martrim) 11442547 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Alt Name: 2 Rosenberg games (martrim) 11442559 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Bruges (martrim) 11442566 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 # Treasure Hunter (martrim) 11442568 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Progress: Evolution of Technology (martrim) 11442569 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Catan Histories: Settlers of America – Trails to Rails (martrim) 11442571 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Thunderstone: Dragonspire (martrim) 11442572 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Mexica (martrim) 11442574 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Cosmic Encounter (martrim) 11442580 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Battle Cry (martrim) 11442581 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Axis & Allies (martrim) 11442582 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Pyramid Poker (martrim) 11442583 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # SteamRollers (martrim) 11442584 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # LUNA Capital (martrim) 11442585 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # 7 Wonders Duel (martrim) 11442588 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Targui (martrim) 11442599 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Alt Name: 3 little cardgames (martrim) 11442609 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Valley of the Kings (martrim) 11442613 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Nyet! (martrim) 11442614 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Alt Name: 2 little dice games (martrim) 11442617 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Alt Name: 2 cardgames (martrim) 11442619 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Isle of Trains: All Aboard (martrim) 11442620 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Explorers (martrim) 11442622 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus 11420978 11392953 11425896 %Harmo %PoM %Witch 11393220 11391023 %RedRis # Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (martrim) 11442630 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus # Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer (martrim) 11442632 : %VEE 11425100 11420944 11392599 11426157 %nus #pragma user "masoudtab" # Confirmation code: 3aWO4Rcof7UkUqXg7ikhJw # Tue Jan 21 15:49:33 2025 # (masoudtab) %Barce : 11411828 11414802 # (masoudtab) %Harmo : 11396439 11414474 # (masoudtab) %KRoaE : 11418133 # (masoudtab) %KoT : 11408102 11443040 # (masoudtab) %MASoC : 11393239 # (masoudtab) %Mse : 11406230 11425074 # (masoudtab) %PARKS : 11395644 11425023 # (masoudtab) %PHoW : # (masoudtab) %TIoC : 11414806 11419419 # (masoudtab) %TheGal : 11393748 11425153 # Pyramidice (masoudtab) 11440545 : 11434670 11429137 11419451 11439730 %TheGal 11394996 %PARKS 11416061 11425155 %KoT %TIoC %Harmo 11393228 11395624 11395111 11391220 11418147 11424859 11391737 %Barce 11420920 11443014 11420937 11391307 11420902 11418156 11377018 11443018 11428438 11394815 11438244 %MASoC 11427062 11443421 %KRoaE 11395266 11399005 # Time Bomb Evolution (masoudtab) 11440549 : 11434670 11429137 11419451 11439730 %TheGal 11394996 %PARKS 11416061 11425155 %KoT %TIoC %Harmo 11393228 11395624 11395111 11391220 11418147 11424859 11391737 %Barce 11420920 11443014 11420937 11391307 11420902 11418156 11377018 11443018 11428438 11394815 11438244 %MASoC 11427062 11443421 %KRoaE 11395266 11399005 11395643 11421669 11391779 # BANG! The Dice Game (masoudtab) 11440550 : 11434670 11429137 11419451 11439730 %TheGal 11394996 %PARKS 11416061 11425155 %KoT %TIoC %Harmo 11393228 11395624 11395111 11391220 11418147 11424859 11391737 %Barce 11420920 11443014 11420937 11391307 11420902 11418156 11377018 11443018 11428438 11394815 11438244 %MASoC 11427062 11443421 %KRoaE 11395266 11399005 11395643 11421669 11391779 # Code of Nine (masoudtab) 11440551 : 11434670 11429137 11419451 11439730 %TheGal 11394996 %PARKS 11416061 11425155 %KoT %TIoC %Harmo 11393228 11395624 11395111 11391220 11418147 11424859 11391737 %Barce 11420920 11443014 11420937 11391307 11420902 11418156 11377018 11443018 11428438 # Knives Out (masoudtab) 11440554 : 11434670 11429137 11419451 11439730 %TheGal 11394996 %PARKS 11416061 11425155 %KoT %TIoC %Harmo 11393228 11395624 11395111 11391220 11418147 11424859 11391737 %Barce 11420920 11443014 11420937 11391307 11420902 11418156 11377018 11443018 11428438 11394815 11438244 %MASoC 11427062 11443421 %KRoaE 11395266 11399005 11395643 11421669 11391779 # Ghost Hunter 13: The Tile Game (masoudtab) 11440557 : 11434670 11429137 11419451 11439730 %TheGal 11394996 %PARKS 11416061 11425155 %KoT %TIoC %Harmo 11393228 11395624 11395111 11391220 11418147 11424859 11391737 %Barce 11420920 11443014 11420937 11391307 11420902 11418156 11377018 11443018 11428438 11394815 11438244 %MASoC 11427062 11443421 %KRoaE 11395266 11399005 11395643 11421669 11391779 # Among Cultists: A Social Deduction Thriller (masoudtab) 11440563 : 11434670 11429137 11419451 11439730 # Outlive (masoudtab) 11440566 : 11434670 11429137 11419451 11439730 # The Siege of Runedar (masoudtab) 11440569 : 11434670 11429137 11419451 11439730 %TheGal 11394996 %PARKS 11416061 11425155 %KoT %TIoC %Harmo 11393228 11395624 11395111 11391220 11418147 11424859 11391737 %Barce 11420920 11443014 11420937 11391307 11420902 11418156 11377018 11443018 #pragma user "MAWA" # Confirmation code: XynFvUfwNIy0R6tO2M9i9w # Mon Jan 20 02:53:39 2025 # Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer, Paypal or Tikkie (Dutch people) (MAWA) 11443069 : 11412700 11443277 11395133 11443057 11418816 11412207 11425161 11408277 11420979 11401833 11420972 11436933 #pragma user "meijerc" # Confirmation code: 8M7TIqIRKZnOBgm4yXAIIQ # Fri Jan 17 14:01:12 2025 # Eclipse: New Dawn for the Galaxy (meijerc) 11391053 : 11405426 11393748 11425153 11425083 11392387 11434670 11419394 11429137 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11403716 # Alubari: A Nice Cup of Tea (meijerc) 11391058 : 11405426 11393748 11425153 11425083 11392387 11434670 11419394 11429137 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11403716 11424956 11440272 11417843 11426665 11436280 11391498 11442566 11397902 11416061 11426191 11427237 11411841 11391763 11412123 11391048 11395133 11396593 11391287 11417638 11443052 11411828 11414802 11419451 11429145 11395116 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429835 %11429836 %11430295 %11432996 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439650 11439652 11440663 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11399116 11377010 11419392 11391508 11405855 11425122 11418003 missing-official 11426654 11414809 %11429826 # Clash of the Gladiators (meijerc) 11391066 : 11405426 11393748 11425153 11425083 11392387 11434670 11419394 11429137 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11403716 11424956 11440272 11417843 11426665 11436280 11391498 11442566 11397902 11416061 11426191 11427237 11411841 11391763 11412123 11391048 11395133 11396593 11391287 11417638 11443052 11411828 11414802 11419451 11429145 11395116 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429835 %11429836 %11430295 %11432996 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439650 11439652 11440663 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11399116 11377010 11419392 11391508 11405855 11425122 11418003 missing-official 11426654 11414809 %11429826 %11430294 # Dungeon Twister (meijerc) 11391076 : 11405426 11393748 11425153 11425083 11392387 11434670 11419394 11429137 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11403716 11424956 11440272 11417843 11426665 11436280 11391498 11442566 11397902 11416061 11426191 11427237 11411841 11391763 11412123 11391048 11395133 11396593 11391287 11417638 11443052 11411828 11414802 11419451 11429145 11395116 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429835 %11429836 %11430295 %11432996 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439650 11439652 11440663 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11399116 11377010 11419392 11391508 11405855 11425122 11418003 missing-official 11426654 11414809 %11429826 %11430294 # Neptun (meijerc) 11391081 : 11405426 11393748 11425153 11425083 11392387 11434670 11419394 11429137 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11403716 11424956 11440272 11417843 11426665 11436280 11391498 11442566 11397902 11416061 11426191 11427237 11411841 11391763 11412123 11391048 11395133 11396593 11391287 11417638 11443052 11411828 11414802 11419451 11429145 11395116 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429835 %11429836 %11430295 %11432996 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439650 11439652 11440663 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11399116 11377010 11419392 11391508 11405855 11425122 11418003 missing-official 11426654 11414809 %11429826 %11430294 # Skylands (meijerc) 11391085 : 11405426 11393748 11425153 11425083 11392387 11434670 11419394 11429137 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11403716 11424956 11440272 11417843 11426665 11436280 11391498 11442566 11397902 11416061 11426191 11427237 11411841 11391763 11412123 11391048 11395133 11396593 11391287 11417638 11443052 11411828 11414802 11419451 11429145 11395116 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429835 %11429836 %11430295 %11432996 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439650 11439652 11440663 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11399116 11377010 11419392 11391508 11405855 11425122 11418003 missing-official 11426654 %11429826 # Porta Nigra (meijerc) 11391090 : 11405426 11393748 11425153 11425083 11392387 11434670 11419394 11429137 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11403716 11424956 11440272 11417843 11426665 11436280 11391498 11442566 11397902 11416061 11426191 11427237 11411841 11391763 11412123 11391048 11395133 11396593 11391287 11417638 11443052 11411828 11414802 11419451 11429145 11395116 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429835 %11429836 %11430295 %11432996 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439650 11439652 11440663 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11399116 11377010 11419392 11391508 11405855 11425122 11418003 missing-official 11426654 11414809 %11429826 %11430294 # Railways of the World: The Card Game (meijerc) 11391091 : 11405426 11393748 11425153 11425083 11392387 11434670 11419394 11429137 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11403716 11424956 11440272 11417843 11426665 11436280 11391498 11442566 11397902 11416061 11426191 11427237 11411841 11391763 11412123 11391048 11395133 11396593 11391287 11417638 11443052 11411828 11414802 11419451 11429145 11395116 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429835 %11429836 %11430295 %11432996 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439650 11439652 11440663 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11399116 11377010 11419392 11391508 11405855 11425122 11418003 missing-official 11426654 11414809 %11429826 %11430294 # Stronghold: Undead (Second Edition) (meijerc) 11391097 : 11405426 11393748 11425153 11425083 11392387 11434670 11419394 11429137 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11403716 11424956 11440272 11417843 11426665 11436280 11391498 11442566 11397902 11416061 11426191 11427237 11411841 11391763 11412123 11391048 11395133 11396593 11391287 11417638 11443052 11411828 11414802 11419451 11429145 11395116 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429835 %11429836 %11430295 %11432996 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439650 11439652 11440663 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11399116 11377010 11419392 11391508 11405855 11425122 11418003 missing-official 11414809 # Toledo (meijerc) 11391119 : 11405426 11393748 11425153 11425083 11392387 11434670 11419394 11429137 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11403716 11424956 11440272 11417843 11426665 11436280 11391498 11442566 11397902 11416061 11426191 11427237 11411841 11391763 11412123 11391048 11395133 11396593 11391287 11417638 11443052 11411828 11414802 11419451 11429145 11395116 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429835 %11429836 %11430295 %11432996 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439650 11439652 11440663 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11399116 11377010 11419392 11391508 11405855 11425122 11418003 missing-official 11426654 11414809 %11429826 %11430294 # Founders of Teotihuacan (meijerc) 11391133 : 11405426 11393748 11425153 11425083 11392387 11434670 11419394 11429137 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11403716 11424956 11440272 11417843 11426665 11436280 11391498 11442566 11397902 11416061 11426191 11427237 11411841 11391763 11412123 11391048 11395133 11396593 11391287 11417638 11443052 11411828 11414802 11419451 11429145 11395116 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 %11429829 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429835 %11429836 %11430295 %11432996 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439650 11439652 11440663 11440665 11442632 %11443285 11443286 11399116 11377010 11419392 11391508 11405855 11425122 11418003 missing-official 11426654 11414809 %11429826 %11430294 # Note: The following 15 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (meijerc) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (meijerc) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (meijerc) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (meijerc) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (meijerc) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (meijerc) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (meijerc) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (meijerc) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (meijerc) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (meijerc) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (meijerc) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (meijerc) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (meijerc) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (meijerc) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (meijerc) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "mennostijntjes" # Confirmation code: v2IcHC2VyrzTTV/n1brx0Q # Mon Jan 20 07:54:58 2025 # Flick 'em Up! (mennostijntjes) 11415181 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 %11429829 11439565 11440663 11418017 11427237 11418121 11404119 11442954 # Black Orchestra (mennostijntjes) 11415192 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 # Thurn and Taxis (mennostijntjes) 11415201 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 %11429829 11439565 11440663 11418017 11427237 11418121 11404119 11408075 11442954 # Asking for Trobils: Trobil Makers (mennostijntjes) 11415209 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 %11429829 11439565 11440663 11418017 11427237 11418121 11404119 11408075 11442954 # Small World: Power Pack 2 (mennostijntjes) 11415216 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 %11429829 11439565 11440663 11418017 11427237 11418121 11404119 11408075 11442954 # Claim: Reinforcements – Fire (mennostijntjes) 11415224 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 %11429829 11439565 11440663 11418017 11427237 11418121 11404119 11408075 11442954 # Castle Panic: Big Box (mennostijntjes) 11415230 : 11439606 11443287 # Pandemic (mennostijntjes) 11415236 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 %11429829 11439565 11440663 11418017 11427237 11418121 11404119 11408075 11442954 # Marvel United: Multiverse (mennostijntjes) 11415260 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 # Marvel United: Multiverse – Kickstarter Promos Box (mennostijntjes) 11415266 : # Marvel United: Fantastic Four (mennostijntjes) 11415272 : 11439606 11443287 # Mr. Jack (mennostijntjes) 11415315 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 %11429829 11439565 11440663 11418017 11427237 11418121 11404119 11408075 11442954 # Note: The following 12 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (mennostijntjes) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (mennostijntjes) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (mennostijntjes) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (mennostijntjes) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (mennostijntjes) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (mennostijntjes) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (mennostijntjes) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (mennostijntjes) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (mennostijntjes) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (mennostijntjes) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (mennostijntjes) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (mennostijntjes) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "mi_de" # Confirmation code: 5nF9Od4zw9gjftbmGTImRw # Wed Jan 22 10:52:20 2025 # Spellbound (mi_de) 11417987 : 11420978 11412123 11397885 11397887 # Alhambra (mi_de) 11417996 : # Arabella (mi_de) 11417997 : 11420978 11412123 11397885 11397887 # City (mi_de) 11418000 : 11420978 11412123 11397885 11397887 11424932 11411813 11411809 11391761 11394968 11396622 # Crusader Kingdoms: The War for the Holy Land (mi_de) 11418003 : 11420978 11412123 11397885 # Mysterious Island (mi_de) 11418007 : 11420978 11412123 # Pyrates! (mi_de) 11418009 : 11420978 11412123 11397885 11397887 # S. Jorge Trophy (mi_de) 11418010 : 11420978 11412123 11397885 11397887 11424932 11411813 11411809 11391761 11394968 11396622 # Borderlands (mi_de) 11443021 : 11420978 11412123 11397885 11397887 11424932 11411813 11411809 11391761 11394968 # Dabol (mi_de) 11443025 : 11420978 11412123 11397885 11397887 11424932 11411813 11411809 11391761 11394968 11396622 #pragma user "Mmsk2" # Confirmation code: AYs/K0xSchLPh8sCCLdaoA # Tue Jan 21 15:35:47 2025 # (Mmsk2) %Barce : 11411828 11414802 # (Mmsk2) %Encyc : 11377010 11403716 # Alt Name: 5 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429822-COPY1 : 11407863 11377000 11392610 11391305 %Encyc 11439716 11418017 11429137 11440274 11443052 %Barce 11420902 11377029 11400880 # Alt Name: 5 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429822-COPY2 : 11407863 11377000 11392610 11391305 %Encyc 11439716 11418017 11429137 11440274 11443052 %Barce 11420902 11377029 11400880 # Alt Name: 5 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429822-COPY3 : 11407863 11377000 11392610 11391305 %Encyc 11439716 11418017 11429137 11440274 11443052 %Barce 11420902 11377029 11400880 # Alt Name: 5 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429822-COPY4 : 11407863 11377000 11392610 11391305 %Encyc 11439716 11418017 11429137 11440274 11443052 %Barce 11420902 11377029 11400880 # Alt Name: 5 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429822-COPY5 : 11407863 11377000 11392610 11391305 %Encyc 11439716 11418017 11429137 11440274 11443052 %Barce 11420902 11377029 11400880 # Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429823-COPY1 : 11407863 11377000 11392610 11391305 %Encyc 11439716 11418017 11429137 11440274 11443052 %Barce 11420902 11377029 11400880 # Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429823-COPY2 : 11407863 11377000 11392610 11391305 %Encyc 11439716 11418017 11429137 11440274 11443052 %Barce 11420902 11377029 11400880 # Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429823-COPY3 : 11407863 11377000 11392610 11391305 %Encyc 11439716 11418017 11429137 11440274 11443052 %Barce 11420902 11377029 11400880 # Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429823-COPY4 : 11407863 11377000 11392610 11391305 %Encyc 11439716 11418017 11429137 11440274 11443052 %Barce 11420902 11377029 11400880 # Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429823-COPY5 : 11407863 11377000 11392610 11391305 %Encyc 11439716 11418017 11429137 11440274 11443052 %Barce 11420902 11377029 11400880 # Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429824-COPY1 : 11407863 11377000 11392610 11391305 %Encyc 11439716 11418017 11429137 # Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429824-COPY2 : 11407863 11377000 11392610 11391305 %Encyc 11439716 11418017 11429137 # Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429824-COPY3 : 11407863 11377000 11392610 11391305 %Encyc 11439716 11418017 11429137 # Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429824-COPY4 : 11407863 11377000 11392610 11391305 %Encyc 11439716 11418017 11429137 # Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429824-COPY5 : 11407863 11377000 11392610 11391305 %Encyc 11439716 11418017 11429137 # Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429826-COPY1 : 11407863 11377000 11392610 11391305 %Encyc 11439716 # Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429826-COPY2 : 11407863 11377000 11392610 11391305 %Encyc 11439716 # Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429826-COPY3 : 11407863 11377000 11392610 11391305 %Encyc 11439716 # Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429826-COPY4 : 11407863 11377000 11392610 11391305 %Encyc 11439716 # Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429826-COPY5 : 11407863 11377000 11392610 11391305 %Encyc 11439716 # Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429829-COPY1 : 11407863 11377000 # Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429829-COPY2 : 11407863 11377000 # Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429829-COPY3 : 11407863 11377000 # Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429829-COPY4 : 11407863 11377000 # Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429829-COPY5 : 11407863 11377000 # Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429830-COPY1 : 11407863 # Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429830-COPY2 : 11407863 # Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429830-COPY3 : 11407863 # Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429830-COPY4 : 11407863 # Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429830-COPY5 : 11407863 # Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429831-COPY1 : # Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429831-COPY2 : # Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429831-COPY3 : # Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429831-COPY4 : # Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429831-COPY5 : # Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429833-COPY1 : # Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429833-COPY2 : # Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429833-COPY3 : # Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429833-COPY4 : # Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429833-COPY5 : # Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429834-COPY1 : # Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429834-COPY2 : # Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429834-COPY3 : # Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429834-COPY4 : # Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429834-COPY5 : # Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429835-COPY1 : # Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429835-COPY2 : # Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429835-COPY3 : # Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429835-COPY4 : # Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429835-COPY5 : # Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429836-COPY1 : # Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429836-COPY2 : # Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429836-COPY3 : # Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429836-COPY4 : # Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429836-COPY5 : # Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429839-COPY1 : # Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429839-COPY2 : # Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429839-COPY3 : # Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429839-COPY4 : # Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Mmsk2) 11429839-COPY5 : #pragma user "MoshiMaro" # Confirmation code: /XIhON94ADcH2E2lhrCdhQ # Wed Jan 22 03:02:49 2025 # Imperial 2030 (MoshiMaro) 11411771 : 11419434 11424956 11405426 11391498 11400870 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11443286 11443287 11420972 11440272 11401843 11417843 11425841 11399305 11421699 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 11439568 11439650 11440665 %11443285 # London (MoshiMaro) 11411777 : 11419434 11424956 11405426 11391498 11400870 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11443286 11443287 11420972 11440272 11401843 11417843 11425841 11399305 11421699 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 11439568 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11394974 11439716 11406483 11403795 11411619 11432959 # Automobile (MoshiMaro) 11411780 : 11419434 11424956 11405426 11391498 11400870 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11443286 11443287 11420972 # Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization (MoshiMaro) 11411794 : 11419434 11424956 11405426 11391498 11400870 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11443286 11443287 11420972 11440272 11401843 11417843 11425841 11399305 11421699 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 11439568 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11394974 11439716 11406483 11403795 # 1835 (MoshiMaro) 11411809 : 11419434 11424956 11405426 11391498 11400870 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11443286 11443287 11420972 11440272 # 1853 (MoshiMaro) 11411813 : 11419434 11424956 11405426 11391498 11400870 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11443286 11443287 11420972 11440272 11401843 11417843 11425841 11399305 11421699 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 11439568 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11394974 11439716 # Age of Steam (MoshiMaro) 11411841 : 11419434 # Note: The following 8 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (MoshiMaro) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (MoshiMaro) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (MoshiMaro) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (MoshiMaro) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (MoshiMaro) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (MoshiMaro) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (MoshiMaro) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (MoshiMaro) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "MrFogg" # Confirmation code: G6KD6UEpCxYveyOHd7Ij0w # Wed Jan 22 08:50:41 2025 # Nusfjord (MrFogg) 11425841 : 11412700 11400870 11438234 # Kanban: Driver's Edition (MrFogg) 11425844 : 11412700 11400870 11438234 # Power Grid: Factory Manager (MrFogg) 11425845 : # Outside the Scope of BGG (MrFogg) 11425872 : 11412700 11400870 11438234 11399016 11403797 # Biblios (MrFogg) 11425873 : 11412700 11400870 11438234 11399016 # Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn (MrFogg) 11425874 : 11412700 11400870 11438234 11399016 11403797 # Caylus (MrFogg) 11425876 : 11412700 11400870 11438234 # Le Havre (MrFogg) 11425896 : 11412700 11400870 11438234 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (MrFogg) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 #pragma user "mrsnaki" # Confirmation code: BteuFioy8QMtUM27onBwDA # Mon Jan 20 16:28:47 2025 # (mrsnaki) %Conse : 11391023 11433464 # (mrsnaki) %SalSea : 11391508 11414476 # Aegean Sea (mrsnaki) 11391735 : 11418816 11420982 11417638 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %Conse %SalSea 11397902 11412123 11426566 11439602 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11420949 11418149 11420881 11434964 11420978 11400870 11395116 11391498 11425876 11392610 11395111 11396593 11412207 11407878 11395120 11393179 11408083 11396622 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11434837 11443046 11399157 # Babylonia (mrsnaki) 11391736 : 11418816 11420982 11417638 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %Conse %SalSea 11397902 11412123 11426566 11439602 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11420949 11418149 11420881 11434964 11420978 11400870 11395116 11391498 11425876 11392610 11395111 11396593 11412207 11407878 11395120 # Blue Lagoon (mrsnaki) 11391737 : 11418816 11420982 11417638 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %Conse %SalSea 11397902 11412123 11426566 11439602 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11420949 11418149 11420881 11434964 11420978 11400870 11395116 11391498 11425876 11392610 11395111 11396593 11412207 11407878 11395120 11393179 11408083 11396622 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11434837 11443046 11399157 # The Cost (mrsnaki) 11391760 : 11418816 11420982 11417638 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %Conse %SalSea # DerrocAr: The Week of Five Presidents (mrsnaki) 11391761 : 11418816 11420982 11417638 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %Conse %SalSea 11397902 11412123 11426566 11439602 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11420949 11418149 11420881 11434964 11420978 11400870 11395116 # Dom Pierre (mrsnaki) 11391762 : 11418816 11420982 11417638 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %Conse %SalSea 11397902 11412123 11426566 11439602 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11420949 11418149 11420881 11434964 11420978 11400870 11395116 11391498 11425876 11392610 11395111 11396593 11412207 # The Princes of Florence (mrsnaki) 11391763 : 11418816 11420982 11417638 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %Conse %SalSea 11397902 11412123 11426566 11439602 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11420949 11418149 11420881 11434964 # Union Station (mrsnaki) 11391766 : 11418816 11420982 11417638 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %Conse %SalSea 11397902 11412123 11426566 11439602 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11420949 11418149 11420881 11434964 11420978 11400870 11395116 11391498 11425876 11392610 11395111 11396593 11412207 11407878 11395120 11393179 11408083 11396622 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11434837 11443046 11399157 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 # Westward Rails (mrsnaki) 11391767 : 11418816 11420982 11417638 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %Conse %SalSea 11397902 11412123 11426566 11439602 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11420949 11418149 11420881 11434964 11420978 11400870 11395116 11391498 11425876 11392610 11395111 11396593 11412207 11407878 11395120 11393179 11408083 11396622 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11434837 11443046 # Maquis (mrsnaki) 11391771 : 11418816 11420982 11417638 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %Conse %SalSea 11397902 11412123 11426566 11439602 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11420949 11418149 11420881 11434964 11420978 11400870 11395116 11391498 11425876 11392610 11395111 11396593 11412207 11407878 11395120 11393179 11408083 11396622 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11434837 11443046 11399157 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 # Terra Mystica: Big Box (mrsnaki) 11391772 : 11418816 # Outside the Scope of BGG (mrsnaki) 11391779 : 11418816 11420982 11417638 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %Conse %SalSea 11397902 11412123 11426566 11439602 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11420972 11420949 11418149 11420881 11434964 11420978 11400870 11395116 11391498 11425876 11392610 11395111 11396593 11412207 11407878 11395120 11393179 11408083 11396622 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11434837 11443046 11399157 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 # Note: The following 22 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (mrsnaki) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (mrsnaki) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (mrsnaki) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (mrsnaki) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (mrsnaki) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (mrsnaki) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (mrsnaki) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (mrsnaki) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (mrsnaki) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (mrsnaki) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (mrsnaki) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (mrsnaki) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (mrsnaki) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (mrsnaki) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (mrsnaki) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (mrsnaki) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (mrsnaki) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (mrsnaki) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (mrsnaki) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (mrsnaki) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (mrsnaki) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (mrsnaki) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "MrSocash" # Confirmation code: YF9rvMyiW/Yx65OxQprspw # Wed Jan 22 01:44:34 2025 # (MrSocash) %OnMar : 11392387 11434670 # (MrSocash) %PoM : 11417638 11443052 # (MrSocash) %TheGal : 11393748 11425153 # Conservas (MrSocash) 11391023 : 11420978 11412123 11426157 11391772 %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 11419434 11420944 11420982 11392953 %PoM 11443059 11420972 11432959 11395120 11392853 # Distilled (MrSocash) 11391048 : 11420978 11412123 11426157 11391772 %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 # Dreamworld: An Unconscious Mind Card Game (MrSocash) 11391049 : 11420978 11412123 11426157 11391772 %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 11419434 11420944 11420982 11392953 %PoM 11443059 11420972 11432959 11395120 11392853 11399153 11396618 11391508 11376995 11390940 11428426 11443061 11443309 11420925 11442609 # Circadians: First Light (MrSocash) 11391219 : 11420978 11412123 11426157 11391772 %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 11419434 11420944 11420982 11392953 %PoM 11443059 11420972 11432959 11395120 # Daybreak (MrSocash) 11391220 : 11420978 11412123 11426157 11391772 %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 11419434 11420944 11420982 11392953 # Expedition to Newdale (MrSocash) 11399301 : 11420978 11412123 11426157 11391772 %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 11419434 11420944 11420982 11392953 %PoM 11443059 11420972 11432959 11395120 11392853 11399153 11396618 11376995 11390940 # The Castles of Burgundy (MrSocash) 11399305 : 11420978 11412123 11426157 11391772 %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 11419434 11420944 11420982 11392953 %PoM 11443059 # Onitama (MrSocash) 11399306 : 11420978 11412123 11426157 11391772 %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 11419434 11420944 11420982 11392953 %PoM 11443059 11420972 11432959 11395120 11392853 11399153 11396618 11391508 11376995 11390940 11428426 11443061 11443309 # Oranienburger Kanal (MrSocash) 11418816 : 11420978 11412123 11426157 11391772 %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 # PARKS (MrSocash) 11425023 : 11420978 11412123 11426157 11391772 %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 11419434 11420944 11420982 11392953 %PoM 11420972 # Skoventyr (MrSocash) 11425024 : 11420978 11412123 11426157 11391772 %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 11419434 11420944 11420982 11392953 %PoM 11443059 11420972 11432959 11395120 11392853 11399153 11396618 11391508 11376995 11390940 11428426 # At the Gates of Loyang (MrSocash) 11425025 : 11420978 11412123 11426157 11391772 %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 11419434 11420944 11420982 11392953 %PoM 11443059 11420972 # Witchcraft! (MrSocash) 11428738 : 11420978 11412123 11426157 11391772 %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 11419434 11420944 11420982 11392953 %PoM 11443059 11420972 11432959 11395120 11392853 11399153 11391508 # Unconscious Mind (MrSocash) 11429137 : 11420978 11412123 11426157 11391772 # Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer, Paypal or Tikkie (Dutch people) (MrSocash) 11439602 : 11420978 11412123 11426157 11391772 %TheGal %OnMar 11400870 11419434 # Alt Name: 75 EUR via bank transfer, Paypal or Tikkie (Dutch people) (MrSocash) 11439606 : 11420978 11412123 11426157 #pragma user "murzim" # Confirmation code: AKSwZ6jtZvJuKNWRcK04tg # Wed Jan 22 12:35:16 2025 # Neoville (murzim) 11428393 : 11419451 11391220 11397902 11408277 11395256 11418128 11393186 %11407896 11442544 11408075 11391296 %11407895 11411354 11403629 %11407893 11377011 11426521 %11407892 11395657 %11407891 11443422 11377008 # Piratoons (murzim) 11428394 : 11419451 11391220 11397902 11408277 11395256 11418128 11393186 %11407896 11442544 11408075 11391296 %11407895 11411354 11403629 %11407893 11377011 11426521 %11407892 11395657 %11407891 11443422 11377008 %11407890 11395667 %11407889 # Exoplanets (murzim) 11428398 : 11419451 11391220 11397902 11408277 11395256 11418128 11393186 %11407896 11442544 11408075 11391296 %11407895 11411354 11403629 %11407893 11377011 11426521 %11407892 11395657 # Jambo (murzim) 11428401 : 11419451 11391220 11397902 11408277 11395256 11418128 11393186 %11407896 11442544 11408075 11391296 %11407895 11411354 11403629 %11407893 11377011 11426521 %11407892 11395657 # KeyForge: Age of Ascension (murzim) 11428403 : 11419451 11391220 11397902 11408277 11395256 11418128 11393186 %11407896 11442544 11408075 11391296 %11407895 11411354 11403629 %11407893 11377011 11426521 %11407892 11395657 %11407891 11443422 11377008 # Fast Forward: FORTRESS (murzim) 11428405 : 11419451 11391220 11397902 11408277 11395256 11418128 11393186 %11407896 11442544 11408075 11391296 %11407895 11411354 11403629 %11407893 11377011 11426521 %11407892 11395657 %11407891 11443422 11377008 %11407890 11395667 %11407889 %11407888 # Empire Engine (murzim) 11428407 : 11419451 11391220 11397902 11408277 11395256 11418128 11393186 %11407896 11442544 11408075 11391296 %11407895 11411354 11403629 %11407893 11377011 11426521 %11407892 11395657 %11407891 11443422 11377008 %11407890 11395667 %11407889 %11407888 # Getaway Driver (murzim) 11428410 : 11419451 11391220 11397902 11408277 11395256 11418128 11393186 %11407896 11442544 11408075 11391296 %11407895 11411354 11403629 %11407893 11377011 11426521 %11407892 11395657 %11407891 11443422 11377008 # Point City (murzim) 11428426 : 11419451 11391220 11397902 11408277 11395256 11418128 11393186 %11407896 11442544 11408075 11391296 %11407895 11411354 11403629 %11407893 11377011 11426521 %11407892 11395657 %11407891 11443422 11377008 # New York Slice (murzim) 11428431 : 11419451 11391220 11397902 11408277 11395256 11418128 11393186 %11407896 11442544 11408075 11391296 11411354 # Mists over Carcassonne (murzim) 11428438 : 11419451 11391220 11397902 11408277 11395256 11418128 11393186 %11407896 11442544 11408075 11391296 %11407895 11411354 11403629 %11407893 # Everdell (murzim) 11443277 : 11391220 # Pandemic: Rapid Response (murzim) 11443278 : 11419451 11391220 11397902 11408277 11395256 11418128 11393186 %11407896 11442544 11408075 11391296 %11407895 11411354 11403629 %11407893 11377011 11426521 %11407892 11395657 # King of New York (murzim) 11443283 : 11419451 11391220 11397902 11408277 11395256 11418128 11393186 %11407896 11442544 11408075 # My First Stone Age (murzim) 11443289 : 11419451 11391220 11397902 11408277 11395256 11418128 11393186 %11407896 11442544 11408075 11391296 %11407895 11411354 11403629 %11407893 11377011 11426521 %11407892 11395657 # Best Treehouse Ever (murzim) 11443291 : 11419451 11391220 11397902 11408277 11395256 11418128 11393186 %11407896 11442544 11408075 11391296 %11407895 11411354 11403629 %11407893 11377011 11426521 %11407892 11395657 # Oceanos (murzim) 11443298 : 11419451 11391220 11397902 11408277 11395256 11418128 11393186 %11407896 11442544 11408075 11411354 11403629 11377011 # Zombie 15' (murzim) 11443304 : 11419451 11391220 11397902 11408277 11395256 11418128 11393186 %11407896 11442544 # Dr. Eureka (murzim) 11443319 : 11419451 11391220 11397902 11408277 11395256 11418128 11393186 %11407896 11442544 11408075 11391296 %11407895 11411354 11403629 %11407893 11377011 11426521 %11407892 11395657 # Note: The following 8 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (murzim) %11407888 : 11407888-COPY1 11407888-COPY2 11407888-COPY3 11407888-COPY4 11407888-COPY5 11407888-COPY6 11407888-COPY7 11407888-COPY8 11407888-COPY9 11407888-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (murzim) %11407889 : 11407889-COPY1 11407889-COPY2 11407889-COPY3 11407889-COPY4 11407889-COPY5 11407889-COPY6 11407889-COPY7 11407889-COPY8 11407889-COPY9 11407889-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (murzim) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (murzim) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (murzim) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (murzim) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (murzim) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (murzim) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 #pragma user "NemoG" # Confirmation code: zPeYK2rw5uebBBxopa3i5g # Sun Jan 19 08:16:42 2025 # (NemoG) %TtAANSoC : 11400289 11411794 # On Mars (NemoG) 11392387 : 11420978 11400870 # This Bed Is Mine (NemoG) 11392476 : 11420978 11400870 11405426 11443287 %11429839 11403496 %11429836 %11432996 %TtAANSoC 11404131 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11439650 11416061 %11443285 11427237 11399003 # Minerva (NemoG) 11392478 : 11420978 11400870 11405426 11443287 %11429839 11403496 %11429836 %11432996 %TtAANSoC 11404131 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11439650 11416061 %11443285 11427237 # Small World (NemoG) 11392490 : 11420978 11400870 11405426 11443287 %11429839 11403496 %11429836 %11432996 %TtAANSoC 11404131 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11439650 11416061 %11443285 11427237 # Triplock (NemoG) 11392500 : 11420978 11400870 11405426 11443287 %11429839 11403496 %11429836 %11432996 %TtAANSoC 11404131 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11439650 11416061 %11443285 11427237 11399003 # Solenia (NemoG) 11392510 : 11420978 11400870 11405426 11443287 %11429839 11403496 %11429836 %11432996 %TtAANSoC 11404131 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11439650 11416061 %11443285 11427237 11399003 # It's a Wonderful Kingdom (NemoG) 11392519 : 11420978 11400870 11405426 11443287 %11429839 11403496 %11429836 %11432996 %TtAANSoC 11404131 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11439650 11416061 %11443285 11427237 # Gloom of Kilforth: A Fantasy Quest Game (NemoG) 11392531 : 11420978 11400870 11405426 11443287 %11429839 11403496 %11429836 # The 7th Citadel (NemoG) 11392599 : 11420978 # Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon (NemoG) 11392610 : # Arena: The Contest – Tanares Adventures (NemoG) 11392663 : # Arena: The Contest (NemoG) 11392672 : 11420978 # Artisans (NemoG) 11392679 : 11420978 11400870 11405426 11443287 %11429839 11403496 %11429836 %11432996 %TtAANSoC 11404131 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11439650 11416061 %11443285 11427237 11399003 # Arctic Scavengers (NemoG) 11392681 : 11420978 11400870 11405426 11443287 %11429839 11403496 %11429836 %11432996 %TtAANSoC 11404131 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11439650 11416061 %11443285 11427237 11399003 # Tapeworm (NemoG) 11392690 : 11420978 11400870 11405426 11443287 %11429839 11403496 %11429836 %11432996 %TtAANSoC 11404131 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11439650 11416061 %11443285 11427237 11399003 # Note: The following 5 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (NemoG) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (NemoG) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (NemoG) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (NemoG) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (NemoG) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "nielsvanoch" # Confirmation code: jdNv2Bir8GVht68vUs3m9A # Sat Jan 18 12:19:55 2025 # (nielsvanoch) %Everd : 11412700 11443277 # (nielsvanoch) %Kemet : 11406260 11407860 # (nielsvanoch) %TMAE : 11438240 11443059 # (nielsvanoch) %VEE : 11405426 11417843 # Balada (nielsvanoch) 11408074 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 11399003 # Blitzkrieg!: World War Two in 20 Minutes (nielsvanoch) 11408075 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 # Cartographers (nielsvanoch) 11408077 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 # Grail Cup (nielsvanoch) 11408080 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 11399003 # Hanabi (nielsvanoch) 11408083 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 # Henchling (nielsvanoch) 11408095 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 11399003 # King of Tokyo (nielsvanoch) 11408102 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 # Kings' Struggle (nielsvanoch) 11408104 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 11399003 # Machi Koro (nielsvanoch) 11408140 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 11399003 # Mandala (nielsvanoch) 11409029 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 # Mascarade (nielsvanoch) 11409031 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 11399003 # Master of the Galaxy (nielsvanoch) 11409032 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 11399003 # Olympos (nielsvanoch) 11409036 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 # San Juan (nielsvanoch) 11409037 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 # Quarto (nielsvanoch) 11409039 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 11399003 # Raiders of Scythia (nielsvanoch) 11409041 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 # Rivages (nielsvanoch) 11409042 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 # Royals (nielsvanoch) 11409045 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 # Tinker Tailor (nielsvanoch) 11409047 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 11399003 # Tinners' Trail (nielsvanoch) 11409050 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 11399003 # Unrest (nielsvanoch) 11409051 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 # The Princes of Florence (nielsvanoch) 11409056 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 11399003 # War of the Ring (nielsvanoch) 11409059 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 # Belfort (nielsvanoch) 11436268 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 # Newton (nielsvanoch) 11436271 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 # Paleo (nielsvanoch) 11436273 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 # Res Arcana (nielsvanoch) 11436275 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 11425896 11425557 11426665 %Kemet 11391498 11391053 11421085 11405872 11427237 11399077 11412123 11418816 11393032 11428426 # Targi (nielsvanoch) 11436278 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 11401843 11419434 11395605 11403688 11425083 11395127 11419394 11425025 11406483 11418121 11417366 11407875 11395624 11391305 11377020 11404119 11395264 11424859 %TMAE 11425136 11417445 11429145 11395268 11443048 # Trajan (nielsvanoch) 11436280 : 11424956 11424945 %VEE %Everd 11421651 11424963 11434670 11403496 11400870 11407863 11391772 11426157 11404114 #pragma user "olafslomp" # Confirmation code: T-Y9uMtQH2CM0hkPfTuTfg # Fri Jan 17 16:18:54 2025 # (olafslomp) %Barce : 11411828 11414802 # (olafslomp) %D : 11427001 11394810 # (olafslomp) %Harmo : 11396439 11414474 # (olafslomp) %RSB : 11394818 11438797 # (olafslomp) %ResArc : 11404131 11436275 # (olafslomp) %TRC : 11377027 11392853 # (olafslomp) %Witch : 11395667 11428738 11439717 # New York Zoo (olafslomp) 11399001 : 11406483 11436273 %TRC 11426628 %RSB 11393179 11432959 11404119 11403680 %Barce 11429145 11401833 11439720 11376995 %ResArc %Harmo 11439575 11443057 11396576 %Witch 11419449 11403688 11420944 11393228 11377000 11428438 11432974 11425122 11406240 11376999 11392334 11377011 11428426 11391023 %D # Splendor Duel (olafslomp) 11399003 : 11406483 11436273 %TRC 11426628 %RSB 11393179 11432959 11404119 11403680 %Barce 11429145 11401833 11439720 11376995 %ResArc %Harmo 11439575 11443057 11396576 %Witch 11419449 11403688 11420944 11393228 11377000 11428438 11432974 11425122 11406240 11376999 11392334 11377011 11428426 11391023 %D # Jekyll vs. Hyde (olafslomp) 11399005 : 11406483 11436273 %TRC 11426628 %RSB 11393179 11432959 11404119 11403680 %Barce 11429145 11401833 11439720 11376995 %ResArc %Harmo 11439575 11443057 11396576 %Witch 11419449 11403688 11420944 11393228 11377000 11428438 11432974 11425122 11406240 11376999 11392334 11377011 11428426 11391023 %D # One Night Ultimate Werewolf (olafslomp) 11399007 : 11406483 11436273 %TRC 11426628 %RSB 11393179 11432959 11404119 11403680 %Barce 11429145 11401833 11439720 11376995 %ResArc %Harmo 11439575 11443057 11396576 %Witch 11419449 11403688 11420944 11393228 11377000 11428438 11432974 11425122 11406240 11376999 11392334 11377011 11428426 11391023 %D # Cleopatra and the Society of Architects (olafslomp) 11399010 : 11406483 11436273 %TRC 11426628 %RSB 11393179 11432959 11404119 11403680 %Barce 11429145 11401833 11439720 11376995 %ResArc %Harmo 11439575 11443057 11396576 %Witch 11419449 11403688 11420944 11393228 11377000 11428438 11432974 11425122 11406240 11376999 11392334 11377011 11428426 11391023 %D # Cartagena (olafslomp) 11399011 : 11406483 11436273 %TRC 11426628 %RSB 11393179 11432959 11404119 11403680 %Barce 11429145 11401833 11439720 11376995 %ResArc %Harmo 11439575 11443057 11396576 %Witch 11419449 11403688 11420944 11393228 11377000 11428438 11432974 11425122 11406240 11376999 11392334 11377011 11428426 11391023 %D # 7 Wonders: Architects (olafslomp) 11399012 : 11406483 11436273 %TRC 11426628 %RSB 11393179 11432959 11404119 11403680 %Barce 11429145 11401833 11439720 11376995 %ResArc %Harmo 11439575 11443057 11396576 %Witch 11419449 # Russian Railroads (olafslomp) 11399013 : 11406483 11436273 %TRC 11426628 %RSB 11393179 11432959 11404119 11403680 %Barce 11429145 11401833 11439720 11376995 %ResArc %Harmo 11439575 11443057 11396576 %Witch 11419449 # Tawantinsuyu: The Inca Empire (olafslomp) 11399014 : 11406483 11436273 %TRC 11426628 %RSB 11393179 11432959 11404119 11403680 %Barce 11429145 11401833 11439720 11376995 %ResArc %Harmo 11439575 11443057 11396576 %Witch 11419449 11403688 11420944 11393228 11377000 11428438 11432974 11425122 11406240 # Coimbra (olafslomp) 11399016 : 11406483 11436273 %TRC 11426628 %RSB 11393179 11432959 11404119 11403680 %Barce 11429145 11401833 11439720 11376995 # Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle (olafslomp) 11399029 : 11406483 11436273 %TRC 11426628 %RSB 11393179 11432959 11404119 11403680 %Barce 11429145 11401833 11439720 11376995 %ResArc %Harmo 11439575 11443057 11396576 %Witch 11419449 11403688 11420944 11393228 11377000 11428438 11432974 11425122 11406240 11376999 11392334 11377011 11428426 11391023 %D # Architects of the West Kingdom (olafslomp) 11421085 : 11406483 11436273 %TRC 11426628 %RSB 11393179 11432959 11404119 11403680 %Barce 11429145 11401833 11439720 11376995 %ResArc %Harmo 11439575 11443057 11396576 %Witch 11419449 # Miyabi (olafslomp) 11425080 : 11406483 11436273 %TRC 11426628 %RSB 11393179 11432959 11404119 11403680 %Barce 11429145 11401833 11439720 11376995 %ResArc %Harmo 11439575 11443057 11396576 %Witch 11419449 11403688 11420944 11393228 11377000 11428438 11432974 11425122 11406240 11376999 11392334 11377011 11428426 11391023 %D # Shadows over Camelot (olafslomp) 11425083 : 11406483 11436273 %TRC 11426628 %RSB 11393179 11432959 11404119 11403680 %Barce 11429145 11401833 11439720 11376995 #pragma user "paulkessels" # Confirmation code: uBwNaF8Py3t/M0C4Bb-pJA # Sat Jan 18 12:28:55 2025 # (paulkessels) %AANCoT : 11391058 11414467 # (paulkessels) %Barce : 11411828 11414802 missing-official # (paulkessels) %Everd : 11412700 11443277 # (paulkessels) %Golem : 11392344 11393032 # (paulkessels) %Harmo : 11396439 11414474 # (paulkessels) %ImpSet : 11403643 11400810 # (paulkessels) %LeHav : 11420975 11425896 # (paulkessels) %OnMar : 11392387 11434670 # (paulkessels) %PCR : 11393179 missing-official # (paulkessels) %PoM : 11443052 11417638 # (paulkessels) %Root : 11440272 11401843 # (paulkessels) %SleGod : 11394996 11425100 # (paulkessels) %TIoC : 11419419 11414806 # (paulkessels) %TRC : 11377027 11392853 # (paulkessels) %TheGal : 11393748 11425153 # (paulkessels) %TtAANSoC : 11400289 11411794 # (paulkessels) %Witch : 11428738 11439717 # Fast Forward: FLEE (paulkessels) 11405415 : 11440272 11412700 11393748 11425153 11392387 11434670 11403643 11443052 11419434 11416061 11425841 11419394 11400870 11412123 11391305 11392599 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11439716 11426157 11394996 11425100 11420975 11443277 11419419 11417638 11424956 11420978 11436280 11391048 11395133 11418816 11393105 %11407895 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11434847 11392344 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401843 11400289 11411794 11393032 11424945 11425896 11414806 11420920 %11407892 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11400810 11396439 11414474 11377027 11392853 11393179 11411828 11414802 11428738 11439717 11391058 11414467 11424963 11425557 11403496 11391053 11405872 11427070 11406483 11399016 11418108 11438244 11409041 11443063 11395118 11426489 11394974 11417445 11395116 11443024 11393175 %11430294 11399014 11443308 11418149 # Goa: A New Expedition (paulkessels) 11405425 : 11440272 11412700 11393748 11425153 11392387 11434670 11403643 11443052 11419434 11416061 11425841 11419394 11400870 11412123 11391305 11392599 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11439716 11426157 11394996 11425100 11420975 11443277 11419419 11417638 11424956 11420978 11436280 11391048 11395133 11418816 11393105 %11407895 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11434847 11392344 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401843 11400289 11411794 11393032 11424945 # La Città (paulkessels) 11405428 : 11440272 11412700 11393748 11425153 11392387 11434670 11403643 11443052 11419434 11416061 11425841 11419394 11400870 11412123 11391305 11392599 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11439716 11426157 11394996 11425100 11420975 11443277 11419419 11417638 11424956 11420978 11436280 11391048 11395133 11418816 11393105 %11407895 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11434847 11392344 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401843 11400289 11411794 11393032 11424945 11425896 11414806 11420920 %11407892 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 # Die Pyramiden des Jaguar (paulkessels) 11405429 : 11440272 11412700 11393748 11425153 11392387 11434670 11403643 11443052 11419434 11416061 11425841 11419394 11400870 11412123 11391305 11392599 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11439716 11426157 11394996 11425100 11420975 11443277 11419419 11417638 11424956 11420978 11436280 11391048 11395133 11418816 11393105 %11407895 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11434847 11392344 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401843 11400289 11411794 11393032 11424945 11425896 11414806 11420920 %11407892 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11400810 11396439 11414474 11377027 11392853 11393179 11411828 11414802 11428738 11439717 11391058 11414467 11424963 11425557 11403496 11391053 11405872 11427070 11406483 11399016 11418108 11438244 11409041 11443063 11395118 11426489 11394974 11417445 11395116 11443024 11393175 %11430294 11399014 11443308 11418149 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11411841 11421105 11391287 11425165 11416078 11424858 11391086 11403795 %11407890 # Kingdom Builder (paulkessels) 11405430 : 11440272 11412700 11393748 11425153 11392387 11434670 11403643 11443052 11419434 11416061 11425841 11419394 11400870 11412123 11391305 11392599 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11439716 11426157 11394996 11425100 11420975 11443277 11419419 11417638 11424956 11420978 11436280 11391048 11395133 11418816 11393105 %11407895 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11434847 11392344 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401843 11400289 11411794 11393032 11424945 11425896 11414806 11420920 %11407892 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11400810 11396439 11414474 11377027 11392853 11393179 11411828 11414802 11428738 11439717 11391058 11414467 11424963 11425557 11403496 11391053 11405872 11427070 11406483 11399016 11418108 11438244 11409041 11443063 11395118 11426489 11394974 11417445 11395116 11443024 11393175 %11430294 11399014 11443308 11418149 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # VivaJava: The Coffee Game: The Dice Game (paulkessels) 11405432 : 11440272 11412700 11393748 11425153 11392387 11434670 11403643 11443052 11419434 11416061 11425841 11419394 11400870 11412123 11391305 11392599 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11439716 11426157 11394996 11425100 11420975 11443277 11419419 11417638 11424956 11420978 11436280 11391048 11395133 11418816 11393105 %11407895 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11434847 11392344 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401843 11400289 11411794 11393032 11424945 11425896 11414806 11420920 %11407892 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11400810 11396439 11414474 11377027 11392853 11393179 11411828 11414802 11428738 11439717 11391058 11414467 11424963 11425557 11403496 11391053 11405872 11427070 11406483 11399016 11418108 11438244 11409041 11443063 11395118 11426489 11394974 11417445 11395116 11443024 11393175 %11430294 11399014 11443308 11418149 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11411841 11421105 11391287 11425165 11416078 11424858 11391086 11403795 %11407890 # Century: A New World (paulkessels) 11405433 : 11440272 11412700 11393748 11425153 11392387 11434670 11403643 11443052 11419434 11416061 11425841 11419394 11400870 11412123 11391305 11392599 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11439716 11426157 11394996 11425100 11420975 11443277 11419419 11417638 11424956 11420978 11436280 11391048 11395133 11418816 11393105 %11407895 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11434847 11392344 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401843 11400289 11411794 11393032 11424945 11425896 11414806 11420920 %11407892 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11400810 11396439 11414474 11377027 11392853 11393179 11411828 11414802 11428738 11439717 11391058 11414467 11424963 11425557 11403496 11391053 11405872 11427070 11406483 11399016 11418108 11438244 11409041 11443063 11395118 11426489 11394974 11417445 11395116 11443024 11393175 %11430294 11399014 11443308 11418149 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11411841 11421105 11391287 11425165 11416078 11424858 11391086 # Reviving Kathmandu (paulkessels) 11405434 : 11440272 11412700 11393748 11425153 11392387 11434670 11403643 11443052 11419434 11416061 11425841 11419394 11400870 11412123 11391305 11392599 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11439716 11426157 # Photosynthesis (paulkessels) 11405436 : 11440272 11412700 11393748 11425153 11392387 11434670 11403643 11443052 11419434 11416061 11425841 11419394 11400870 11412123 11391305 11392599 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11439716 11426157 11394996 11425100 11420975 11443277 11419419 11417638 11424956 11420978 11436280 11391048 11395133 11418816 11393105 %11407895 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11434847 11392344 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401843 11400289 11411794 11393032 11424945 11425896 # Machi Koro (paulkessels) 11405438 : 11440272 11412700 11393748 11425153 11392387 11434670 11403643 11443052 11419434 11416061 11425841 11419394 11400870 11412123 11391305 11392599 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11439716 11426157 11394996 11425100 11420975 11443277 11419419 11417638 11424956 11420978 11436280 11391048 11395133 11418816 11393105 %11407895 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11434847 11392344 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 # Imperial 2030 (paulkessels) 11405442 : 11440272 11412700 11393748 11425153 11392387 11434670 11403643 11443052 11419434 11416061 11425841 11419394 11400870 11412123 11391305 11392599 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11439716 11426157 11394996 11425100 11420975 11443277 11419419 11417638 11424956 11420978 11436280 11391048 11395133 11418816 11393105 %11407895 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11434847 11392344 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 # Golden Cup (paulkessels) 11405451 : 11440272 11412700 11393748 11425153 11392387 11434670 11403643 11443052 11419434 11416061 11425841 11419394 11400870 11412123 11391305 11392599 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11439716 11426157 11394996 11425100 # Railroad Revolution (paulkessels) 11405465 : 11440272 11412700 11393748 11425153 11392387 11434670 11403643 11443052 11419434 11416061 11425841 11419394 11400870 11412123 11391305 11392599 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11439716 11426157 11394996 11425100 11420975 11443277 11419419 11417638 11424956 11420978 11436280 11391048 11395133 11418816 11393105 %11407895 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11434847 # Maharaja: The Game of Palace Building in India (paulkessels) 11405499 : 11440272 11412700 11393748 11425153 11392387 11434670 11403643 11443052 11419434 11416061 11425841 11419394 11400870 11412123 11391305 11392599 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420972 11439716 11426157 11394996 11425100 11420975 11443277 11419419 11417638 11424956 11420978 11436280 11391048 11395133 11418816 11393105 %11407895 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11434847 11392344 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401843 11400289 11411794 11393032 11424945 11425896 # Note: The following 26 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (paulkessels) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (paulkessels) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (paulkessels) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (paulkessels) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (paulkessels) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (paulkessels) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (paulkessels) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (paulkessels) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (paulkessels) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (paulkessels) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (paulkessels) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (paulkessels) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (paulkessels) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (paulkessels) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (paulkessels) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (paulkessels) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (paulkessels) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (paulkessels) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (paulkessels) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (paulkessels) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (paulkessels) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (paulkessels) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (paulkessels) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (paulkessels) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (paulkessels) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (paulkessels) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "Phoibos84" # Confirmation code: NURZizTzCzaDQIQohEKpaQ # Tue Jan 21 13:50:59 2025 # (Phoibos84) %Root : # The Transcontinental (Phoibos84) 11420881 : 11419394 11419434 11425153 11417638 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 11424945 11391498 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439602 11439650 11443286 11391220 11440272 11403680 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392953 11393179 11395116 %11429831 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 # Atiwa (Phoibos84) 11420891 : 11419394 11419434 11425153 11417638 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 11424945 11391498 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439602 11439650 11443286 11391220 11440272 11403680 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392953 11393179 11395116 %11429831 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 # Discordia (Phoibos84) 11420902 : 11419394 11419434 11425153 11417638 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 11424945 11391498 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439602 11439650 11443286 11391220 11440272 11403680 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392953 11393179 11395116 %11429831 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11435840 11439716 # Faiyum (Phoibos84) 11420920 : 11419394 11419434 11425153 11417638 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 11424945 11391498 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439602 11439650 11443286 11391220 11440272 11403680 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392953 # Ginkgopolis (Phoibos84) 11420925 : 11419394 11419434 11425153 11417638 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 11424945 11391498 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439602 11439650 11443286 11391220 11440272 11403680 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392953 11393179 11395116 # Islebound (Phoibos84) 11420931 : 11419394 11419434 11425153 11417638 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 11424945 11391498 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439602 11439650 11443286 11391220 11440272 11403680 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392953 11393179 11395116 %11429831 # Minos: Dawn of the Bronze Age (Phoibos84) 11420937 : 11419394 11419434 11425153 11417638 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 11424945 11391498 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439602 11439650 11443286 # Expeditions (Phoibos84) 11420944 : 11419394 11419434 11425153 11417638 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 11424945 11391498 # Unreliable Wizard (Phoibos84) 11420947 : 11419394 11419434 11425153 11417638 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 11424945 11391498 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439602 11439650 11443286 11391220 11440272 11403680 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392953 11393179 11395116 %11429831 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11435840 11439716 11412704 %11407895 11377000 11401843 11426642 11412123 11395136 11432959 %11407893 %11429826 %11429829 11439564 11439565 11439652 %11440658 11440663 11442630 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11440288 11405451 # Planta Nubo (Phoibos84) 11420949 : 11419394 11419434 11425153 11417638 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 11424945 11391498 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439602 11439650 11443286 11391220 11440272 11403680 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392953 11393179 11395116 %11429831 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11435840 11439716 # Outside the Scope of BGG (Phoibos84) 11420960 : 11419394 11419434 11425153 11417638 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 11424945 11391498 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439602 11439650 11443286 11391220 11440272 11403680 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392953 11393179 11395116 %11429831 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11435840 11439716 11412704 %11407895 11377000 # Nusfjord: Big Box (Phoibos84) 11420972 : 11419394 11419434 11425153 11417638 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 11424945 11391498 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439602 11439650 11443286 11391220 # Le Havre (Phoibos84) 11420975 : 11419394 11419434 11425153 11417638 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 11424945 11391498 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439602 11439650 11443286 11391220 11440272 # Too Many Bones (Phoibos84) 11420978 : 11419394 # Federation (Phoibos84) 11420979 : 11419394 11419434 11425153 11417638 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 11424945 11391498 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439602 11439650 11443286 11391220 # Shackleton Base: A Journey to the Moon (Phoibos84) 11420982 : 11419394 11419434 11425153 11417638 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 # Gold West (Phoibos84) 11420987 : 11419394 11419434 11425153 11417638 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 11424945 11391498 %11429834 %11429835 %11432996 11439602 11439650 11443286 11391220 11440272 11403680 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392953 11393179 11395116 %11429831 %11429830 %11430295 11439567 11442632 11435840 # Note: The following 19 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (Phoibos84) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (Phoibos84) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (Phoibos84) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Phoibos84) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Phoibos84) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Phoibos84) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Phoibos84) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Phoibos84) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Phoibos84) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Phoibos84) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Phoibos84) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Phoibos84) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (Phoibos84) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (Phoibos84) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (Phoibos84) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (Phoibos84) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Phoibos84) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Phoibos84) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Phoibos84) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "phyrexian" # Confirmation code: hkGBoPiWHR5-Ol5mov8OXA # Mon Jan 20 03:33:15 2025 # (phyrexian) %PHoW : 11412159 11413145 # Imperial Settlers (phyrexian) 11403643 : 11408648 %11429839 11440272 %PHoW 11420978 11439341 11439606 %11429836 11426157 11404114 11439720 %11432996 # Blueprints (phyrexian) 11403656 : 11408648 %11429839 11440272 %PHoW 11420978 11439341 11426157 11439730 11404114 11427066 11395628 11417451 11439720 11426628 11440569 11403795 11403620 11428431 %11407891 %11407893 %11429824 %11429826 %11430294 11439561 11439564 %11440658 11440663 11442630 %11443060 %11443062 %11443281 %11443282 11443380 %11407888 %11407889 %11407890 %11407895 %11429823 %11429830 11439560 11439565 11439652 %11440657 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11397914 11408075 # Dead Man's Hand (phyrexian) 11403673 : 11408648 %11429839 11440272 %PHoW 11420978 11439341 11439606 %11429836 11426157 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11432996 # Cube Quest (phyrexian) 11403674 : 11408648 %11429839 11440272 %PHoW 11420978 11439341 11426157 11439730 11404114 11427066 11395628 11417451 11439720 11426628 11440569 11403795 11403620 11428431 %11407891 %11407893 %11429824 %11429826 %11430294 11439561 11439564 %11440658 11440663 11442630 %11443060 %11443062 %11443281 %11443282 11443380 %11407895 %11429830 11439565 11439652 11442632 11443069 %11443284 11397914 11414809 # Claim: Storage Box (phyrexian) 11403731 : 11408648 11440272 11420978 11439606 # Western Legends: Showdown (phyrexian) 11403776 : 11408648 11440272 %PHoW 11420978 11439341 11426157 11439730 11404114 11427066 11395628 11417451 11439720 11426628 11440569 11403795 11403620 11428431 %11407891 %11407893 %11429824 %11429826 %11430294 11439561 11439564 %11440658 11440663 11442630 %11443060 %11443062 %11443281 %11443282 11443380 %11407888 %11407889 %11407890 %11429823 11439560 %11440657 11408075 # Note: The following 23 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (phyrexian) %11407888 : 11407888-COPY1 11407888-COPY2 11407888-COPY3 11407888-COPY4 11407888-COPY5 11407888-COPY6 11407888-COPY7 11407888-COPY8 11407888-COPY9 11407888-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (phyrexian) %11407889 : 11407889-COPY1 11407889-COPY2 11407889-COPY3 11407889-COPY4 11407889-COPY5 11407889-COPY6 11407889-COPY7 11407889-COPY8 11407889-COPY9 11407889-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (phyrexian) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (phyrexian) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (phyrexian) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (phyrexian) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (phyrexian) %11429823 : 11429823-COPY1 11429823-COPY2 11429823-COPY3 11429823-COPY4 11429823-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (phyrexian) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (phyrexian) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (phyrexian) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (phyrexian) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (phyrexian) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (phyrexian) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (phyrexian) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (phyrexian) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (phyrexian) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (phyrexian) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (phyrexian) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (phyrexian) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (phyrexian) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (phyrexian) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (phyrexian) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (phyrexian) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 #pragma user "pieterschutz" # Confirmation code: dUHHiFIaHSyujnvmb83l0w # Fri Jan 17 16:10:09 2025 # (pieterschutz) %KoTD : 11420905 11428514 # Pandemic (pieterschutz) 11406399 : 11439720 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 11439567 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392318 11412690 11419451 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11405434 11392488 11442855 11424858 %KoTD 11407922 11403620 11439564 %11440658 %11443282 11434834 11415216 11439561 %11440657 %11443281 # Power Grid (pieterschutz) 11406421 : 11439720 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 11439567 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392318 11412690 11419451 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11405434 11392488 11442855 11424858 %KoTD 11407922 11403620 11439564 %11440658 %11443282 11434834 # Reload (pieterschutz) 11406433 : 11439720 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 11439567 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392318 11412690 11419451 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11405434 # Robin Hood and the Merry Men (pieterschutz) 11406439 : 11439720 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 11439567 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392318 11412690 11419451 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11405434 11392488 # Vivid Memories (pieterschutz) 11406443 : 11439720 # The White Castle (pieterschutz) 11406483 : 11439720 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 11439567 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392318 11412690 11419451 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11405434 # Story Time Chess (pieterschutz) 11406657 : 11439720 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 11439567 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392318 11412690 11419451 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11405434 11442855 11403620 # An Age Contrived (pieterschutz) 11407996 : 11439720 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 # Hippocrates (pieterschutz) 11419747 : 11439720 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 11439567 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392318 11412690 # Cryptid (pieterschutz) 11427057 : 11439720 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 11439567 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392318 11412690 11419451 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11405434 # Draftosaurus (pieterschutz) 11427062 : 11439720 # The Quacks of Quedlinburg (pieterschutz) 11427064 : 11439720 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 11439567 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392318 11412690 11419451 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11405434 11424858 %KoTD # Seefahrt ins Ungewisse (pieterschutz) 11427065 : 11439720 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 11439567 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392318 11412690 11419451 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11405434 11392488 11442855 11424858 %KoTD 11407922 11403620 11439564 %11440658 %11443282 11434834 11415216 11439561 %11440657 %11443281 11399142 # Sushi Roll (pieterschutz) 11427066 : 11439720 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 11439567 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392318 11412690 11419451 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11405434 11392488 11442855 11424858 %KoTD 11407922 11403620 11439564 %11440658 %11443282 11434834 11415216 # Ticket to Ride: Europe (pieterschutz) 11427070 : 11439720 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 11439567 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11392318 11412690 11419451 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11405434 11392488 11442855 11424858 %KoTD 11407922 11439564 %11440658 %11443282 # Note: The following 6 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (pieterschutz) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (pieterschutz) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (pieterschutz) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (pieterschutz) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (pieterschutz) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (pieterschutz) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "pikkelwiezel" # Confirmation code: bZUREpOY8GcWtVqCNMTJDQ # Wed Jan 22 05:55:23 2025 # (pikkelwiezel) %Miyabi : 11425080 11438251 # (pikkelwiezel) %MoV : 11395137 11395222 # (pikkelwiezel) %PoM : 11417638 11443052 # Bonfire (pikkelwiezel) 11417445 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 11401833 11438244 # Chimera Station (pikkelwiezel) 11417449 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11401833 11438244 11425023 11425414 11393105 11443421 %11429830 11439567 %MoV 11425841 %11407895 11404131 11391219 11395136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11443068 11443045 11412136 # Clash of the Ardennes (pikkelwiezel) 11417451 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11401833 11438244 11425023 11425414 11393105 11443421 %11429830 11439567 %MoV 11425841 %11407895 11404131 11391219 # Coral (pikkelwiezel) 11418102 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11401833 11438244 11425023 11425414 11393105 11443421 %11429830 11439567 %MoV 11425841 %11407895 11404131 11391219 11395136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11443068 11443045 11412136 11406483 11420925 11411619 11443057 11391736 11443024 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11406240 # Cry Havoc (pikkelwiezel) 11418104 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11401833 11438244 11425023 11425414 11393105 11443421 %11429830 11439567 %MoV 11425841 %11407895 11404131 11391219 11395136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11443068 11443045 11412136 # Deus (pikkelwiezel) 11418108 : missing-official # Dinosaur World (pikkelwiezel) 11418110 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 # Disney Sorcerer's Arena: Epic Alliances Core Set (pikkelwiezel) 11418117 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 # Ethnos (pikkelwiezel) 11418121 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 # Fort (pikkelwiezel) 11418123 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11401833 11438244 11425023 11425414 11393105 11443421 %11429830 11439567 %MoV 11425841 %11407895 11404131 11391219 11395136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11443068 11443045 11412136 # Greenland (Third Edition) (pikkelwiezel) 11418126 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11401833 11438244 11425023 11425414 11393105 11443421 %11429830 11439567 %MoV 11425841 %11407895 11404131 11391219 11395136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11443068 11443045 11412136 # Hadara (pikkelwiezel) 11418128 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 11401833 # Judge Dredd: Helter Skelter (pikkelwiezel) 11418131 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 # Khôra: Rise of an Empire (pikkelwiezel) 11418133 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11401833 11438244 11425023 11425414 11393105 11443421 %11429830 11439567 %MoV # Lizard Wizard (pikkelwiezel) 11418137 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 # Mission to Planet Hexx! (pikkelwiezel) 11418141 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11401833 11438244 11425023 11425414 11393105 11443421 %11429830 11439567 %MoV 11425841 %11407895 11404131 11391219 11395136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11443068 11443045 11412136 # Neanderthal (pikkelwiezel) 11418143 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11401833 11438244 11425023 11425414 11393105 11443421 %11429830 11439567 %MoV 11425841 %11407895 11404131 11391219 11395136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11443068 11443045 11412136 # Oceans (pikkelwiezel) 11418147 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 # Oros (pikkelwiezel) 11418149 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM # Solar 175 (pikkelwiezel) 11418151 : 11429137 11439720 # Subastral (pikkelwiezel) 11418154 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11401833 11438244 11425023 11425414 11393105 11443421 %11429830 11439567 %MoV 11425841 %11407895 11404131 11391219 11395136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11443068 11443045 11412136 11406483 11420925 11411619 11443057 11391736 11443024 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11406240 %11430294 %Miyabi %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11419387 %11407890 11420905 # Tortuga 1667 (pikkelwiezel) 11418156 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11401833 11438244 11425023 11425414 11393105 11443421 %11429830 11439567 %MoV 11425841 %11407895 11404131 11391219 11395136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11443068 11443045 11412136 # Tragedy Looper (pikkelwiezel) 11418158 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11401833 11438244 11425023 11425414 11393105 11443421 %11429830 11439567 %MoV 11425841 %11407895 11404131 11391219 11395136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11443068 11443045 11412136 # Two Robots (pikkelwiezel) 11418160 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11401833 11438244 11425023 11425414 11393105 11443421 %11429830 11439567 %MoV 11425841 %11407895 11404131 11391219 11395136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11443068 11443045 11412136 11406483 11420925 11411619 11443057 11391736 11443024 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11406240 %11430294 %Miyabi %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11419387 %11407890 11420905 # Valeria: Card Kingdoms (pikkelwiezel) 11418163 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 # Star Wars: The Card Game (pikkelwiezel) 11418182 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM # Cockroach Poker Royal (pikkelwiezel) 11434679 : 11429137 11439606 11443287 11439720 11419394 11420982 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 11420944 11419451 11425165 %11429835 11439602 11443286 11395644 11395578 11420972 %11429834 11439650 %PoM missing-official %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11401833 11438244 11425023 11425414 11393105 11443421 %11429830 11439567 %MoV 11425841 %11407895 11404131 11391219 11395136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11443068 11443045 11412136 11406483 11420925 11411619 11443057 11391736 11443024 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11406240 %11430294 %Miyabi %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11419387 %11407890 11420905 11443063 11439430 # Note: The following 27 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (pikkelwiezel) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (pikkelwiezel) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (pikkelwiezel) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (pikkelwiezel) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (pikkelwiezel) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (pikkelwiezel) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (pikkelwiezel) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (pikkelwiezel) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (pikkelwiezel) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (pikkelwiezel) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (pikkelwiezel) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (pikkelwiezel) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (pikkelwiezel) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (pikkelwiezel) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (pikkelwiezel) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (pikkelwiezel) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (pikkelwiezel) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (pikkelwiezel) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (pikkelwiezel) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (pikkelwiezel) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (pikkelwiezel) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (pikkelwiezel) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (pikkelwiezel) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (pikkelwiezel) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (pikkelwiezel) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (pikkelwiezel) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (pikkelwiezel) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "purplewurple" # Confirmation code: 6xrejxCjcXCFAuGjJSI1ow # Tue Jan 21 09:14:15 2025 # (purplewurple) %AANCoT : 11391058 11414467 # (purplewurple) %Hadara : 11395256 11418128 # (purplewurple) %PoM : 11417638 11443052 # (purplewurple) %SalSea : 11391508 11414476 # (purplewurple) %TRC : 11377027 11392853 # (purplewurple) %TheGal : 11393748 11425153 # Witchstone (purplewurple) 11443014 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11377020 11429145 11394971 11420920 11412136 # Murano: Complete Edition (purplewurple) 11443018 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 # Summoner Wars: Master Set (purplewurple) 11443023 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 # Blackout: Hong Kong (purplewurple) 11443024 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 # Medici (purplewurple) 11443027 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11377020 11429145 11394971 11420920 11412136 11420975 11425557 %PoM 11419451 11395613 11395116 11436222 11425122 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 11420979 11414826 11392313 11392531 11434847 %11430294 11393105 # Yspahan (purplewurple) 11443028 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11377020 11429145 11394971 # The Palaces of Carrara (purplewurple) 11443029 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 # Nightmare Productions (purplewurple) 11443033 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11377020 11429145 11394971 # Maharaja: The Game of Palace Building in India (purplewurple) 11443035 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11377020 11429145 11394971 11420920 11412136 11420975 11425557 %PoM 11419451 11395613 11395116 11436222 11425122 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 11420979 11414826 11392313 11392531 11434847 %11430294 11393105 11377004 11376999 %TRC 11418816 %Hadara 11426529 11403629 %AANCoT 11415758 11396111 11376995 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443281 # Hawaii (purplewurple) 11443036 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11377020 11429145 11394971 11420920 11412136 11420975 11425557 %PoM 11419451 11395613 11395116 11436222 11425122 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 11420979 11414826 11392313 11392531 11434847 %11430294 11393105 # Power Grid: The Card Game (purplewurple) 11443038 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11377020 11429145 11394971 11420920 11412136 11420975 11425557 %PoM 11419451 11395613 11395116 11436222 11425122 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 11420979 11414826 11392313 11392531 11434847 %11430294 11393105 11377004 11376999 %TRC 11418816 %Hadara 11426529 11403629 %AANCoT 11415758 11396111 11376995 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443281 # Quo Vadis? (purplewurple) 11443039 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11377020 11429145 11394971 11420920 11412136 11420975 11425557 %PoM 11419451 11395613 11395116 11436222 11425122 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 11420979 11414826 11392313 11392531 11434847 %11430294 11393105 11377004 11376999 %TRC 11418816 %Hadara 11426529 11403629 %AANCoT 11415758 11396111 11376995 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443281 # King of Tokyo (purplewurple) 11443040 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11377020 11429145 11394971 11420920 11412136 11420975 11425557 %PoM 11419451 11395613 11395116 11436222 11425122 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 # Lewis & Clark: The Expedition (purplewurple) 11443042 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 # Project L (purplewurple) 11443043 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11377020 11429145 11394971 11420920 11412136 11420975 11425557 %PoM 11419451 11395613 11395116 11436222 11425122 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 # Puerto Rico (purplewurple) 11443044 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11377020 11429145 11394971 11420920 11412136 11420975 11425557 %PoM 11419451 11395613 11395116 11436222 11425122 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 11420979 11414826 11392313 # The Ruhr: A Story of Coal Trade (purplewurple) 11443046 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11377020 11429145 11394971 11420920 11412136 # Louis XIV (purplewurple) 11443047 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11377020 11429145 11394971 11420920 11412136 11420975 11425557 %PoM 11419451 11395613 11395116 11436222 11425122 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 11420979 11414826 11392313 11392531 11434847 %11430294 11393105 11377004 11376999 %TRC 11418816 %Hadara 11426529 11403629 %AANCoT 11415758 11396111 11376995 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443281 # In the Year of the Dragon: 10th Anniversary (purplewurple) 11443048 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11377020 11429145 11394971 11420920 11412136 # Aladdin's Dragons (purplewurple) 11443050 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11377020 11429145 11394971 11420920 11412136 11420975 11425557 %PoM 11419451 11395613 11395116 11436222 11425122 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 11420979 11414826 11392313 11392531 11434847 %11430294 11393105 11377004 11376999 %TRC 11418816 %Hadara 11426529 11403629 %AANCoT 11415758 11396111 11376995 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443281 # Historia (purplewurple) 11443051 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11377020 11429145 11394971 11420920 11412136 # Thunderstone Advance: Numenera (purplewurple) 11443054 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 # Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (purplewurple) 11443060-COPY1 : 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 11377020 11429145 11394971 11420920 11412136 11420975 11425557 %PoM 11419451 11395613 11395116 11436222 11425122 # Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (purplewurple) 11443060-COPY2 : 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 11377020 11429145 11394971 11420920 11412136 11420975 11425557 %PoM 11419451 11395613 11395116 11436222 11425122 # Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (purplewurple) 11443062-COPY1 : 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 11377020 11429145 11394971 11420920 11412136 11420975 11425557 %PoM 11419451 11395613 11395116 11436222 11425122 11420979 11414826 11392313 11392531 11434847 11393105 11377004 11376999 %TRC 11418816 %Hadara 11426529 11403629 %AANCoT 11415758 11396111 11376995 # Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (purplewurple) 11443062-COPY2 : 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 11377020 11429145 11394971 11420920 11412136 11420975 11425557 %PoM 11419451 11395613 11395116 11436222 11425122 11420979 11414826 11392313 11392531 11434847 11393105 11377004 11376999 %TRC 11418816 %Hadara 11426529 11403629 %AANCoT 11415758 11396111 11376995 # Terracotta Army (purplewurple) 11443068 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 # Pessoa (purplewurple) 11443073 : 11439606 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11377020 11429145 11394971 11420920 11412136 11420975 11425557 %PoM 11419451 11395613 11395116 11436222 11425122 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 11420979 11414826 11392313 11392531 11434847 %11430294 11393105 11377004 # Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (purplewurple) 11443380 : 11419434 %TheGal 11391498 11391053 11421105 11438234 11420972 11443308 11394972 11420978 11395605 11412123 11429137 11414809 11391220 11412207 11420982 11425165 11395005 11421699 %SalSea 11392672 11394973 # Note: The following 24 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (purplewurple) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (purplewurple) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (purplewurple) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (purplewurple) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (purplewurple) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (purplewurple) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (purplewurple) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (purplewurple) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (purplewurple) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (purplewurple) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (purplewurple) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (purplewurple) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (purplewurple) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (purplewurple) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (purplewurple) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (purplewurple) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (purplewurple) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (purplewurple) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (purplewurple) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (purplewurple) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (purplewurple) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (purplewurple) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (purplewurple) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (purplewurple) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "R3Dr4gon" # Confirmation code: VvMt8XkoVaXWJTdDPbPLwA # Fri Jan 17 17:30:43 2025 # On Mars (R3Dr4gon) 11434670 : # Unlock!: Mythic Adventures (R3Dr4gon) 11434834 : 11391498 11403496 11404114 11403643 11391763 11412123 11411828 11414802 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420937 11419392 11405855 11400289 11401833 %11407895 %11429829 %11430295 11439565 11439652 11440663 11376999 11399003 11391779 %11407893 11420905 # Tokyo Highway (R3Dr4gon) 11434837 : 11391498 11403496 11404114 11403643 11391763 11412123 11411828 11414802 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420937 11419392 11405855 11400289 11401833 %11407895 %11429829 %11430295 11439565 11439652 11440663 # Trismegistus: The Ultimate Formula (R3Dr4gon) 11434847 : 11391498 11403496 11404114 11403643 11391763 11412123 11411828 11414802 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439567 11439568 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11420937 11419392 11405855 # Note: The following 13 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (R3Dr4gon) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (R3Dr4gon) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (R3Dr4gon) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (R3Dr4gon) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (R3Dr4gon) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (R3Dr4gon) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (R3Dr4gon) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (R3Dr4gon) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (R3Dr4gon) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (R3Dr4gon) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (R3Dr4gon) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (R3Dr4gon) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (R3Dr4gon) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "rainbow maker" # Confirmation code: /vj6lRjkDUTt7Ya/YryLwQ # Tue Jan 21 14:56:21 2025 # (rainbow maker) %Harmo : 11396439 11414474 # (rainbow maker) %OnMar : 11392387 11434670 # (rainbow maker) %PoM : 11417638 11443052 # (rainbow maker) %TheGal : 11393748 11425153 # Kinfire Delve: Scorn's Stockade (rainbow maker) 11376995 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 %11429831 %11430295 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11415230 11443045 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11391305 %11407895 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11443277 11425414 # The Lord of the Rings: Duel for Middle-earth (rainbow maker) 11376999 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 %11429831 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11415230 11391305 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 # Eila and Something Shiny (rainbow maker) 11377000 : # Concordia: Solitaria (rainbow maker) 11377001 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 %11429831 %11430295 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11415230 11443045 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11391305 %11407895 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11443277 11425414 11420937 11391307 11425136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 11443380 11401833 11418017 11418147 11420979 11412704 11408694 11425122 %Harmo 11395116 11415260 11417996 11391220 11403731 11397896 11392488 11436278 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 11396593 # Innovation (rainbow maker) 11377004 : # Uluk (rainbow maker) 11377007 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 %11429831 %11430295 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11415230 11443045 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11391305 %11407895 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11443277 11425414 11420937 11391307 11425136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 11443380 11401833 11418017 11418147 11420979 11412704 11425122 %Harmo 11395116 11415260 11417996 11391220 11403731 11396593 # Elawa (rainbow maker) 11377008 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 %11429831 %11430295 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11415230 11443045 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11391305 %11407895 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11443277 11425414 11420937 11391307 11425136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 11443380 11401833 11418017 11418147 11420979 11412704 11408694 11425122 %Harmo 11395116 11415260 11417996 11391220 11403731 11397896 11392488 11436278 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 11396593 11403795 11419444 %11430294 # milkuro (rainbow maker) 11377009 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 %11429831 %11430295 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11415230 11443045 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11391305 %11407895 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11443277 11425414 11420937 11391307 11425136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 11443380 11401833 11418017 11418147 11420979 11412704 11408694 11425122 %Harmo 11395116 11415260 11417996 11391220 11403731 11397896 11392488 11396593 # Encyclopedia (rainbow maker) 11377010 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 %11429831 11400870 11440566 11419419 11415230 11391305 # Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs (rainbow maker) 11377011 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 %11429831 %11430295 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11415230 11443045 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11391305 %11407895 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11443277 11425414 11420937 11391307 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 11443380 11418017 # Herbaceous Sprouts (rainbow maker) 11377014 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 %11429831 %11430295 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11415230 11443045 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11391305 %11407895 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11443277 11425414 11420937 11391307 11425136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 11443380 11401833 11418017 11418147 11420979 11412704 11408694 11425122 %Harmo 11395116 11415260 11417996 11391220 11403731 11397896 11392488 11436278 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 11396593 # Evolution: New World (rainbow maker) 11377018 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 11400870 11440566 11415230 11391305 # King of Monster Island (rainbow maker) 11377019 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 %11429831 %11430295 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11415230 11391305 # Clash of Cultures (rainbow maker) 11377020 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 11400870 11440566 11426566 11415230 11391305 11404131 11391287 # ZhanGuo (rainbow maker) 11377024 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 %11429831 %11430295 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11415230 11443045 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11391305 %11407895 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11443277 11425414 11420937 11391307 11425136 11401833 11418017 11418147 11420979 11412704 11425122 # Rex: Final Days of an Empire (rainbow maker) 11377025 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11415230 11391305 11404131 11391287 # The Red Cathedral (rainbow maker) 11377027 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 %11429831 %11430295 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11415230 11443045 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11391305 %11407895 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11443277 11425414 11420937 11401833 11418017 11418147 11420979 11412704 # Chronicles of Avel (rainbow maker) 11377029 : # Kingdom Legacy: Feudal Kingdom (rainbow maker) 11390940 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 %11429831 %11430295 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11415230 11443045 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11391305 %11407895 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11443277 11425414 11420937 11391307 11425136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 11443380 11401833 11418017 11418147 11420979 11412704 11425122 %Harmo 11415260 11417996 11391220 11403731 11396593 # Concordia: Venus (Expansion) (rainbow maker) 11390947 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 %11429831 %11430295 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11415230 11443045 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11391305 %11407895 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11443277 11425414 # Star Wars: Unlock! (rainbow maker) 11390951 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 %11429831 %11430295 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11415230 11443045 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11391305 %11407895 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11443277 11425414 11420937 11391307 11425136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 11443380 11401833 11418017 11418147 11420979 11412704 11408694 11425122 %Harmo 11395116 11415260 11417996 11391220 11403731 11397896 11392488 11436278 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 11396593 # Orchard: 9 card solitaire game (rainbow maker) 11390955 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 %11429831 %11430295 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11415230 11443045 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11391305 %11407895 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11443277 11425414 11420937 11391307 11425136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 11443380 11401833 11418017 11418147 11420979 11412704 11408694 11425122 %Harmo 11395116 11415260 11417996 11391220 11403731 11397896 11392488 11436278 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 11396593 11403795 11419444 %11430294 # Ghost Fightin' Treasure Hunters (rainbow maker) 11424923 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 %11429831 %11430295 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11415230 11443045 %11429830 11439567 11442632 11391305 %11407895 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11443277 11425414 11420937 11391307 11425136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 11443380 11401833 11418017 # Bus & Stop (rainbow maker) 11424925 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal %11429836 %11432996 11426157 11412700 %11429835 11439602 %11429834 11439650 11439716 11442566 11418816 11439720 11419434 11440272 11412123 11429137 11420944 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 11405855 11415266 11395605 11404114 11403688 %11429831 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11415230 11443045 11391305 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11443277 11425414 11391307 # Steam over Holland (rainbow maker) 11424932 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 11425083 %TheGal 11426157 11418816 11419434 # Scythe (rainbow maker) 11424945 : 11420978 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 # A Feast for Odin (rainbow maker) 11424956 : 11420978 11391048 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 # Fields of Arle (rainbow maker) 11424963 : 11420978 11439606 %OnMar %11429839 # Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (rainbow maker) 11443281-COPY1 : 11420978 11391048 11425083 11426157 11412700 11442566 11418816 11439720 11395605 11404114 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11420937 11391307 11401833 11418147 11420979 11412704 11408694 11425122 %Harmo 11395116 11415260 # Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (rainbow maker) 11443281-COPY2 : 11420978 11391048 11425083 11426157 11412700 11442566 11418816 11439720 11395605 11404114 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11420937 11391307 11401833 11418147 11420979 11412704 11408694 11425122 %Harmo 11395116 11415260 # Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (rainbow maker) 11443281-COPY3 : 11420978 11391048 11425083 11426157 11412700 11442566 11418816 11439720 11395605 11404114 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11420937 11391307 11401833 11418147 11420979 11412704 11408694 11425122 %Harmo 11395116 11415260 # Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (rainbow maker) 11443282-COPY1 : 11420978 11391048 11425083 11426157 11412700 11442566 11418816 11439720 11395605 11404114 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11420937 11391307 11401833 11395116 # Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (rainbow maker) 11443282-COPY2 : 11420978 11391048 11425083 11426157 11412700 11442566 11418816 11439720 11395605 11404114 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11420937 11391307 11401833 11395116 # Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (rainbow maker) 11443282-COPY3 : 11420978 11391048 11425083 11426157 11412700 11442566 11418816 11439720 11395605 11404114 11400870 11440566 11419419 11426566 11404131 11391287 11405872 11395644 %PoM 11420982 11420972 11435089 11420937 11391307 11401833 11395116 # Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (rainbow maker) 11443284-COPY1 : 11420978 11391048 11425083 11426157 11412700 11418816 11439720 11395605 11404114 11400870 11419419 11426566 11405872 %PoM # Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (rainbow maker) 11443284-COPY2 : 11420978 11391048 11425083 11426157 11412700 11418816 11439720 11395605 11404114 11400870 11419419 11426566 11405872 %PoM # Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (rainbow maker) 11443284-COPY3 : 11420978 11391048 11425083 11426157 11412700 11418816 11439720 11395605 11404114 11400870 11419419 11426566 11405872 %PoM # Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (rainbow maker) 11443285-COPY1 : 11420978 11391048 11426157 11412700 11418816 11400870 # Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (rainbow maker) 11443285-COPY2 : 11420978 11391048 11426157 11412700 11418816 11400870 # Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (rainbow maker) 11443286 : 11420978 11391048 11400870 # Alt Name: 75 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (rainbow maker) 11443287 : 11420978 # Note: The following 18 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (rainbow maker) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (rainbow maker) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (rainbow maker) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (rainbow maker) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (rainbow maker) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (rainbow maker) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (rainbow maker) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (rainbow maker) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (rainbow maker) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (rainbow maker) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (rainbow maker) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (rainbow maker) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (rainbow maker) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (rainbow maker) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (rainbow maker) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (rainbow maker) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (rainbow maker) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (rainbow maker) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 #pragma user "ravinck" # Confirmation code: KX31ubiRF6VOSDSYkIJpGw # Sun Jan 19 10:40:53 2025 # Mr. Jack in New York (ravinck) 11418016 : 11417843 11395605 11418121 11421187 11391736 11443308 11408277 11391737 11420920 11396622 11443033 11399005 11442856 11396610 11419395 11391761 # Cascadia (ravinck) 11418017 : 11417843 11395605 11418121 11421187 11391736 11443308 11408277 11391737 11420920 11396622 # Prey Another Day (ravinck) 11443420 : 11417843 11395605 11418121 11421187 11391736 11443308 11408277 11391737 11420920 11396622 11443033 11399005 11442856 11396610 11419395 11391761 # Spectral (ravinck) 11443421 : 11417843 11395605 11418121 11421187 11391736 11443308 # Botanik (ravinck) 11443422 : 11417843 11395605 11418121 11421187 11391736 11443308 11408277 11391737 11420920 11396622 11443033 11399005 11442856 11396610 11419395 11391761 # Age of Industry (ravinck) 11443423 : 11417843 11395605 11418121 11421187 11391736 11443308 11408277 11391737 11420920 11396622 11443033 11399005 11442856 11396610 11419395 11391761 #pragma user "Raynie123" # Confirmation code: ZpPD5DS-H5YFIq3oYIlJ4w # Wed Jan 22 11:20:27 2025 # (Raynie123) %Conse : 11391023 11433464 # (Raynie123) %Hadara : 11395256 11418128 # (Raynie123) %Harmo : 11396439 11414474 # (Raynie123) %Hive : 11399264 11403653 # (Raynie123) %IoTAA : 11406308 11442620 # (Raynie123) %KDE : 11395133 11425844 # (Raynie123) %Witch : 11395667 11428738 11439717 # Ark: Awakening (Raynie123) 11392313 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 11412123 11420937 11391305 11424945 11412700 11419451 11404131 11391220 11395644 11420982 11409041 11409543 11426665 11424859 11429145 11401833 11420902 11399305 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 %11432996 11443286 11424956 11405426 11419419 %11429834 %11429835 11439602 11439650 11426157 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 11416061 11425155 %KDE 11443059 11395120 11420891 11405855 11412690 11419747 11377018 11434976 # Alma Mater (Raynie123) 11392318 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 %11432996 11443286 %11429834 %11429835 11439602 11439650 # Dice Kingdoms of Valeria (Raynie123) 11392327 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 11412123 11420937 11391305 11424945 11412700 11419451 11404131 11391220 11395644 11420982 11409041 11409543 11426665 11424859 11429145 11401833 11420902 11399305 11405872 11417445 11399016 11392853 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 %11432996 11443286 11424956 11405426 11419419 %11429834 %11429835 11439602 11439650 11426157 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 11416061 11425155 %KDE 11443059 11395120 11420891 11405855 11412690 11419747 11377018 11420949 11395657 %11430295 11406240 11417638 11434976 # Dinosaur Island: Rawr 'n Write (Raynie123) 11392334 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11419451 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 %11432996 11443286 %11429834 %11429835 11439602 11439650 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 # Golem (Raynie123) 11392344 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 11412123 11420937 11391305 11424945 11412700 11419451 11391220 11395644 11409041 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 %11432996 11443286 11424956 11405426 11419419 %11429834 %11429835 11439602 11439650 11426157 # Paris (Raynie123) 11393175 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 11412123 11420937 11424945 11412700 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 11424956 11405426 11419419 # Praga Caput Regni (Raynie123) 11393179 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 11412123 11420937 11391305 11424945 11412700 11419451 11404131 11391220 11395644 11420982 11409041 11409543 11426665 11424859 11429145 11401833 11420902 11399305 11405872 11392853 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 %11432996 11443286 11424956 11405426 11419419 %11429834 %11429835 11439602 11439650 11426157 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 11416061 11425155 %KDE 11443059 11395120 11420891 11405855 11412690 11419747 11377018 11420949 # Renature (Raynie123) 11393186 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 11412123 11420937 11391305 11424945 11412700 11419451 11404131 11391220 11395644 11420982 11409041 11409543 11426665 11424859 11429145 11401833 11420902 11399305 11405872 11417445 11399016 11392853 11406483 11399003 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 %11432996 11443286 11424956 11405426 11419419 %11429834 %11429835 11439602 11439650 11426157 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 11416061 11425155 %KDE 11443059 11395120 11420891 11405855 11412690 11419747 11377018 11420949 11395657 %11430295 11406240 11417638 11434976 11439567 11442632 %11429830 %IoTAA %Hadara # Sons of Faeriell (Raynie123) 11393214 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 # Verdant (Raynie123) 11393220 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 11412123 11420937 11391305 11424945 11412700 11419451 11404131 11391220 11395644 11420982 11409041 11409543 11426665 11424859 11429145 11401833 11420902 11399305 11405872 11417445 11399016 11392853 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 %11432996 11443286 11424956 11405426 11419419 %11429834 %11429835 11439602 11439650 11426157 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 11416061 11425155 %KDE 11443059 11395120 11420891 11405855 11412690 11419747 11377018 11420949 11395657 %11430295 11406240 11417638 11439567 11442632 # Vivid Memories (Raynie123) 11393222 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 11412123 11420937 11391305 11424945 11412700 11419451 11404131 11391220 11395644 11420982 11409041 11409543 11426665 11424859 11429145 11401833 11420902 11399305 11405872 11415731 11417445 11399016 11392853 11406483 11399003 11395264 11427064 11424963 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 %11432996 11443286 11424956 11405426 11419419 %11429834 %11429835 11439602 11439650 11426157 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 11416061 11425155 %KDE 11443059 11395120 11420891 11405855 11412690 11419747 11377018 11420949 11395657 %11430295 11406240 11417638 11434976 11439567 11442632 %11429830 %IoTAA %Hadara 11436278 11403643 11418147 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11424858 11435757 11403578 11408077 %Conse %Harmo %Witch 11412136 # Yamataï (Raynie123) 11393228 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 11412123 11420937 11391305 11424945 11412700 11419451 11404131 11391220 11395644 11420982 11409041 11409543 11426665 11424859 11429145 11401833 11420902 11399305 11405872 11417445 11399016 11392853 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 %11432996 11443286 11424956 11405426 11419419 %11429834 %11429835 11439602 11439650 11426157 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 11416061 11425155 %KDE 11443059 11395120 11420891 11405855 11412690 11419747 11377018 11420949 11395657 %11430295 11406240 11439567 11442632 %11429830 %IoTAA # Mosaic: A Story of Civilization (Raynie123) 11393239 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 11412123 11420937 11391305 11424945 11412700 11419451 11391220 11395644 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 %11432996 11443286 11424956 11405426 11419419 11426157 # Ryozen (Raynie123) 11419414 : 11419394 11434670 11438234 11429137 11439716 # Unlock!: Timeless Adventures (Raynie123) 11419449 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 11412123 11420937 11391305 11424945 11412700 11419451 11404131 11391220 11395644 11420982 11409041 11409543 11426665 11424859 11429145 11401833 11420902 11399305 11405872 11415731 11417445 11399016 11392853 11406483 11399003 11395264 11427064 11424963 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 %11432996 11443286 11424956 11405426 11419419 %11429834 %11429835 11439602 11439650 11426157 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 11416061 11425155 %KDE 11443059 11395120 11420891 11405855 11412690 11419747 11377018 11420949 11395657 %11430295 11406240 11417638 11434976 11439567 11442632 %11429830 %IoTAA %Hadara 11436278 11403643 11418147 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11424858 11435757 11403578 11408077 %Conse %Harmo %Witch 11412136 %11407891 %11407892 %11429824 %11429826 %11430294 11439561 11439564 %11440657 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443062 %11443281 %11443282 # Hamlet: The Village Building Game (Raynie123) 11422437 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 11412123 11420937 11391305 11424945 11412700 11419451 11404131 11391220 11395644 11420982 11409041 11409543 11426665 11424859 11429145 11401833 11420902 11399305 11405872 11415731 11417445 11399016 11392853 11406483 11399003 11395264 11427064 11424963 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 %11432996 11443286 11424956 11405426 11419419 %11429834 %11429835 11439602 11439650 11426157 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 11416061 11425155 %KDE 11443059 11395120 11420891 11405855 11412690 11419747 11377018 11420949 11395657 %11430295 11406240 11417638 11434976 11439567 11442632 %11429830 %IoTAA %Hadara 11436278 11403643 11418147 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11424858 11435757 11403578 11408077 %Conse # Exit: The Game – Advent Calendar: The Missing Hollywood Star (Raynie123) 11436307 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 11412123 11420937 11391305 11424945 11412700 11419451 11404131 11391220 11395644 11420982 11409041 11409543 11426665 11424859 11429145 11401833 11420902 11399305 11405872 11415731 11417445 11399016 11392853 11406483 11399003 11395264 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 %11432996 11443286 11424956 11405426 11419419 %11429834 %11429835 11439602 11439650 11426157 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 11416061 11425155 %KDE 11443059 11395120 11420891 11405855 11412690 11419747 11377018 11420949 11395657 %11430295 11406240 11417638 11434976 11439567 11442632 %11429830 %IoTAA %Hadara 11436278 11403643 11418147 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11424858 11435757 11403578 # Crime Scene: Lazio 1356 (Raynie123) 11436314 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 11412123 11420937 11391305 11424945 11412700 11419451 11404131 11391220 11395644 11420982 11409041 11409543 11426665 11424859 11429145 11401833 11420902 11399305 11405872 11415731 11417445 11399016 11392853 11406483 11399003 11395264 11427064 11424963 11408083 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 %11432996 11443286 11424956 11405426 11419419 %11429834 %11429835 11439602 11439650 11426157 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 11416061 11425155 %KDE 11443059 11395120 11420891 11405855 11412690 11419747 11377018 11420949 11395657 %11430295 11406240 11417638 11434976 11439567 11442632 %11429830 %IoTAA %Hadara 11436278 11403643 11418147 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11424858 11435757 11403578 11408077 %Conse %Harmo %Witch 11412136 %11407891 %11407892 %11429824 %11429826 %11430294 11439561 11439564 %11440657 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443062 %11443281 %11443282 %Hive %11407888 %11407889 %11407890 %11429823 11439560 # UNDO: Cherry Blossom Festival (Raynie123) 11436316 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 11412123 11420937 11391305 11424945 11412700 11419451 11404131 11391220 11395644 11420982 11409041 11409543 11426665 11424859 11429145 11401833 11420902 11399305 11405872 11415731 11417445 11399016 11392853 11406483 11399003 11395264 11427064 11424963 11408083 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 %11432996 11443286 11424956 11405426 11419419 %11429834 %11429835 11439602 11439650 11426157 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 11416061 11425155 %KDE 11443059 11395120 11420891 11405855 11412690 11419747 11377018 11420949 11395657 %11430295 11406240 11417638 11434976 11439567 11442632 %11429830 %IoTAA %Hadara 11436278 11403643 11418147 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11424858 11435757 11403578 11408077 %Conse %Harmo %Witch 11412136 %11407891 %11407892 %11429824 %11429826 %11430294 11439561 11439564 %11440657 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443062 %11443281 %11443282 %Hive %11407888 %11407889 %11407890 %11429823 11439560 %11442589 # Exit: The Game – The Haunted Roller Coaster (Raynie123) 11436323 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 11412123 11420937 11391305 11424945 11412700 11419451 11404131 11391220 11395644 11420982 11409041 11409543 11426665 11424859 11429145 11401833 11420902 11399305 11405872 11415731 11417445 11399016 11392853 11406483 11399003 11395264 11427064 11424963 11408083 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 %11432996 11443286 11424956 11405426 11419419 %11429834 %11429835 11439602 11439650 11426157 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 11416061 11425155 %KDE 11443059 11395120 11420891 11405855 11412690 11419747 11377018 11420949 11395657 %11430295 11406240 11417638 11434976 11439567 11442632 %11429830 %IoTAA %Hadara 11436278 11403643 11418147 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11424858 11435757 11403578 11408077 %Conse %Harmo %Witch 11412136 %11407891 %11407892 %11429824 %11429826 %11430294 11439561 11439564 %11440657 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443062 %11443281 %11443282 %Hive %11407888 %11407889 %11407890 %11429823 11439560 %11442589 # Exit: The Game – The Forgotten Island (Raynie123) 11436327 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 11412123 11420937 11391305 11424945 11412700 11419451 11404131 11391220 11395644 11420982 11409041 11409543 11426665 11424859 11429145 11401833 11420902 11399305 11405872 11415731 11417445 11399016 11392853 11406483 11399003 11395264 11427064 11424963 11408083 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 %11432996 11443286 11424956 11405426 11419419 %11429834 %11429835 11439602 11439650 11426157 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 11416061 11425155 %KDE 11443059 11395120 11420891 11405855 11412690 11419747 11377018 11420949 11395657 %11430295 11406240 11417638 11434976 11439567 11442632 %11429830 %IoTAA %Hadara 11436278 11403643 11418147 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11424858 11435757 11403578 11408077 %Conse %Harmo %Witch 11412136 %11407891 %11407892 %11429824 %11429826 %11430294 11439561 11439564 %11440657 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443062 %11443281 %11443282 %Hive %11407888 %11407889 %11407890 %11429823 11439560 %11442589 # Escape Room: The Game – Tomb Robbers (Raynie123) 11436333 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 11412123 11420937 11391305 11424945 11412700 11419451 11404131 11391220 11395644 11420982 11409041 11409543 11426665 11424859 11429145 11401833 11420902 11399305 11405872 11415731 11417445 11399016 11392853 11406483 11399003 11395264 11427064 11424963 11408083 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 %11432996 11443286 11424956 11405426 11419419 %11429834 %11429835 11439602 11439650 11426157 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 11416061 11425155 %KDE 11443059 11395120 11420891 11405855 11412690 11419747 11377018 11420949 11395657 %11430295 11406240 11417638 11434976 11439567 11442632 %11429830 %IoTAA %Hadara 11436278 11403643 11418147 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11424858 11435757 11403578 11408077 %Conse %Harmo %Witch 11412136 %11407891 %11407892 %11429824 %11429826 %11430294 11439561 11439564 %11440657 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443062 %11443281 %11443282 %Hive %11407888 %11407889 %11407890 %11429823 11439560 # Escape Room: The Game – Da Vinci's Telescope (Raynie123) 11436339 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 11412123 11420937 11391305 11424945 11412700 11419451 11404131 11391220 11395644 11420982 11409041 11409543 11426665 11424859 11429145 11401833 11420902 11399305 11405872 11415731 11417445 11399016 11392853 11406483 11399003 11395264 11427064 11424963 11408083 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 %11432996 11443286 11424956 11405426 11419419 %11429834 %11429835 11439602 11439650 11426157 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 11416061 11425155 %KDE 11443059 11395120 11420891 11405855 11412690 11419747 11377018 11420949 11395657 %11430295 11406240 11417638 11434976 11439567 11442632 %11429830 %IoTAA %Hadara 11436278 11403643 11418147 %11407893 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11424858 11435757 11403578 11408077 %Conse %Harmo %Witch 11412136 %11407891 %11407892 %11429824 %11429826 %11430294 11439561 11439564 %11440657 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443062 %11443281 %11443282 %Hive %11407888 %11407889 %11407890 %11429823 11439560 # Ganymede (Raynie123) 11442860 : 11419394 11393748 11425153 11434670 11438234 11429137 11400870 11391048 11425165 11412123 11420937 11391305 11424945 11412700 11419451 11404131 11391220 11395644 11420982 11409041 11409543 11426665 11424859 11429145 11401833 11420902 11399305 11405872 11417445 11399016 11392853 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11439716 %11432996 11443286 11424956 11405426 11419419 %11429834 %11429835 11439602 11439650 11426157 %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11395605 11416061 11425155 %KDE 11443059 11395120 11420891 11405855 11412690 11419747 11377018 11420949 11395657 # Note: The following 31 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (Raynie123) %11407888 : 11407888-COPY1 11407888-COPY2 11407888-COPY3 11407888-COPY4 11407888-COPY5 11407888-COPY6 11407888-COPY7 11407888-COPY8 11407888-COPY9 11407888-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (Raynie123) %11407889 : 11407889-COPY1 11407889-COPY2 11407889-COPY3 11407889-COPY4 11407889-COPY5 11407889-COPY6 11407889-COPY7 11407889-COPY8 11407889-COPY9 11407889-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (Raynie123) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (Raynie123) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (Raynie123) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (Raynie123) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (Raynie123) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (Raynie123) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Raynie123) %11429823 : 11429823-COPY1 11429823-COPY2 11429823-COPY3 11429823-COPY4 11429823-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Raynie123) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Raynie123) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Raynie123) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Raynie123) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Raynie123) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Raynie123) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Raynie123) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Raynie123) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Raynie123) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Raynie123) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (Raynie123) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (Raynie123) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (Raynie123) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (Raynie123) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (Raynie123) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer (Raynie123) %11442589 : 11442589-COPY1 11442589-COPY2 11442589-COPY3 11442589-COPY4 11442589-COPY5 11442589-COPY6 11442589-COPY7 11442589-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (Raynie123) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (Raynie123) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Raynie123) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Raynie123) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Raynie123) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Raynie123) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "rhand64" # Confirmation code: mrNo4DxoWbUGBC2jRTSNig # Sat Jan 18 07:31:35 2025 # (rhand64) %AANCoT : 11391058 11414467 # (rhand64) %Barce : 11411828 11414802 # (rhand64) %Bru189 : 11395111 11399157 # (rhand64) %Conse : 11391023 11433464 # (rhand64) %Encyc : 11377010 11403716 # (rhand64) %Hadara : 11395256 11418128 # (rhand64) %KRoaE : 11398619 11418133 # (rhand64) %LCTE : 11395287 11443042 # (rhand64) %MASoC : 11391287 11393239 # (rhand64) %MacKor : 11399074 11403611 11405438 # (rhand64) %Miyabi : 11425080 11438251 # (rhand64) %OnMar : 11392387 11434670 # (rhand64) %PARKS : 11395644 11425023 # (rhand64) %PoM : 11417638 11443052 # (rhand64) %Santo : 11426537 11442945 # (rhand64) %SleGod : 11394996 11425100 # (rhand64) %TIoC : 11414806 11419419 # (rhand64) %TRC : 11377027 11392853 # (rhand64) %TaT : 11399076 11415201 # Rulebenders (rhand64) 11442600 : 11436273 11443043 11407856 11393214 11412123 11424956 11405426 11395605 11393748 %SleGod 11436280 %OnMar 11419394 %TIoC 11391048 11429137 11421105 11425844 11418816 %Bru189 11391220 %MASoC 11424859 %PoM %Barce 11395120 11393105 11425165 11439602 11442632 11419392 11405855 11399248 11435757 11377018 %11407895 %11407896 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11429834 %11430295 11439567 11439650 11440665 %11443285 # Plus Ultra: The Court of the Emperor Charles V (rhand64) 11442612 : %PARKS 11436273 11443043 11439564 11439652 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11407856 11393214 11394985 11427064 11426665 11399013 11425841 %Santo 11406483 %LCTE 11399016 11395136 11407875 11442655 %TRC 11434981 11393179 11438244 %Hadara 11395273 11418147 11399305 11401833 11377024 11426529 11399153 %11407892 %11429826 11438234 11439730 11415731 %KRoaE %Encyc %Conse %AANCoT 11415758 11406213 11390940 11442582 11418151 11401074 11425131 11426157 11419414 11412123 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11440663 %11443281 11395605 11436280 11419394 %TIoC 11421105 11418816 %Bru189 11391220 %MASoC 11424859 %PoM 11395120 11393105 11442632 11419392 11405855 11399248 11435757 11377018 # An Age Contrived (rhand64) 11442645 : 11412123 11424956 11405426 11393748 %SleGod %OnMar 11391048 11429137 11425844 %Barce 11425165 11439602 %11429835 %11432996 11439606 11443286 # The Pillars of the Earth (rhand64) 11442653 : %PARKS 11436273 11443043 11439564 11439652 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11407856 11393214 11394985 11427064 11426665 11399013 11425841 %Santo 11406483 %LCTE 11399016 11395136 11427057 11407875 %TaT 11442655 %TRC 11434981 11399003 11393179 11438244 %Hadara 11395273 11418147 11399305 11399001 11403686 11403795 11426489 %MacKor 11401833 11377024 11426529 11399153 %11407892 %11429826 %11430294 11442609 11438234 11439730 11415731 %KRoaE 11399116 %Encyc %Conse %AANCoT 11415758 11407886 11424858 11395657 11394810 11406213 11390940 11442582 11418151 11401074 11425131 11426157 11419414 11411619 11391763 11443057 11395114 11390947 11414477 11391090 11391762 # Kashgar: Merchants of the Silk Road (rhand64) 11442660 : %PARKS 11436273 11443043 11439564 11439652 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11407856 11393214 11394985 11427064 11426665 11399013 11425841 %Santo 11406483 %LCTE 11399016 11395136 11427057 11407875 %TaT 11442655 %TRC 11434981 11399003 11393179 11438244 %Hadara 11395273 11418147 11399305 11399001 11403686 11403795 11426489 %MacKor 11401833 11377024 11426529 11399153 %11407892 %11429826 %11430294 11442609 11438234 11439730 11415731 %KRoaE 11399116 %Encyc %Conse %AANCoT 11415758 11407886 11424858 11395657 11394810 11406213 11390940 11442582 11418151 11401074 11425131 11426157 11419414 11411619 11391763 11443057 11395114 11390947 11414477 11391090 11391762 # Alt Name: Three games (rhand64) 11442666 : %PARKS 11436273 11443043 11439564 11439652 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11407856 11393214 11394985 11427064 11426665 11399013 11425841 %Santo 11406483 %LCTE 11399016 11395136 11427057 11407875 %TaT 11442655 %TRC 11434981 11399003 11393179 11438244 %Hadara 11395273 11418147 11399305 11399001 11403686 11403795 11426489 %MacKor 11401833 11377024 11426529 11399153 %11407892 %11429826 %11430294 11442609 11438234 11439730 11415731 %KRoaE 11399116 %Encyc %Conse %AANCoT 11415758 11407886 11424858 11395657 11394810 11406213 11390940 11442582 11418151 11401074 11425131 11426157 11419414 11411619 11391763 11443057 11395114 11390947 11414477 11391090 11391762 11403755 11442937 %Miyabi %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11440663 %11443281 11419449 11403691 11377001 11427066 11428426 11401691 11425024 11436323 11425122 # Alt Name: Three games (rhand64) 11442668 : %PARKS 11436273 11443043 11439564 11439652 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11407856 11393214 11394985 11427064 11426665 11399013 11425841 %Santo 11406483 %LCTE 11399016 11395136 11427057 11407875 %TaT 11442655 %TRC 11434981 11399003 11393179 11438244 %Hadara 11395273 11418147 11399305 11399001 11403686 11403795 11426489 %MacKor 11401833 11377024 11426529 11399153 %11407892 %11429826 %11430294 11442609 11438234 11439730 11415731 %KRoaE 11399116 %Encyc %Conse %AANCoT 11415758 11407886 11424858 11395657 11394810 11406213 11390940 11442582 11418151 11401074 11425131 11426157 11419414 11411619 11391763 11443057 11395114 11390947 11414477 11391090 11391762 11403755 11442937 %Miyabi %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11440663 %11443281 11419449 11403691 11377001 11427066 11428426 11401691 11425024 11436323 11425122 # Little Town (rhand64) 11442670 : %PARKS 11436273 11443043 11439564 11439652 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11407856 11393214 11394985 11427064 11426665 11399013 11425841 %Santo 11406483 %LCTE 11399016 11395136 11427057 11407875 %TaT 11442655 %TRC 11434981 11399003 11393179 11438244 %Hadara 11395273 11418147 11399305 11399001 11403686 11403795 11426489 %MacKor 11401833 11377024 11426529 11399153 %11407892 %11429826 %11430294 11442609 11438234 11439730 11415731 %KRoaE 11399116 %Encyc %Conse %AANCoT 11415758 11407886 11424858 11395657 11394810 11406213 11390940 11442582 11418151 11401074 11425131 11426157 11419414 11411619 11391763 11443057 11395114 11390947 11414477 11391090 11391762 # Bruxelles 1897 (rhand64) 11442997 : %PARKS 11439564 11439652 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 11443069 %11443282 %11443284 11443380 11427057 %TaT 11399003 11399001 11403686 11403795 11426489 %MacKor %11430294 11442609 11399116 11407886 11424858 11395657 11394810 11403755 11442937 %Miyabi 11419449 11403691 11377001 11427066 11428426 11401691 11425024 11436323 11425122 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 11442617 %11443062 # Note: The following 27 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (rhand64) %11407888 : 11407888-COPY1 11407888-COPY2 11407888-COPY3 11407888-COPY4 11407888-COPY5 11407888-COPY6 11407888-COPY7 11407888-COPY8 11407888-COPY9 11407888-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (rhand64) %11407889 : 11407889-COPY1 11407889-COPY2 11407889-COPY3 11407889-COPY4 11407889-COPY5 11407889-COPY6 11407889-COPY7 11407889-COPY8 11407889-COPY9 11407889-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (rhand64) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (rhand64) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (rhand64) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (rhand64) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (rhand64) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (rhand64) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (rhand64) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (rhand64) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (rhand64) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (rhand64) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (rhand64) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (rhand64) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (rhand64) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (rhand64) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (rhand64) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (rhand64) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (rhand64) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (rhand64) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (rhand64) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (rhand64) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (rhand64) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (rhand64) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (rhand64) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (rhand64) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (rhand64) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "roja666" # Confirmation code: lfqsGL/dy5qm3g6rjJnBvA # Wed Jan 22 12:01:02 2025 # Ulm (roja666) 11399116 : 11392387 11400870 11411828 11392344 11401833 # Alma Mater (roja666) 11399142 : 11392387 11400870 11411828 11392344 11401833 # Messina 1347 (roja666) 11399153 : 11392387 11400870 11411828 11392344 11401833 # Bruxelles 1893 (roja666) 11399157 : 11392387 11400870 11411828 11392344 11401833 # Last Message (roja666) 11399163 : 11392387 11400870 11411828 11392344 11401833 # Iron Dragon (roja666) 11399190 : 11392387 11400870 11411828 11392344 11401833 # Shear Panic (roja666) 11399197 : 11392387 11400870 11411828 11392344 11401833 # Carcassonne (roja666) 11399225 : 11392387 11400870 11411828 11392344 11401833 # Clans (roja666) 11399232 : 11392387 11400870 11411828 11392344 11401833 # Toscana (roja666) 11399243 : 11392387 11400870 11411828 11392344 11401833 # Pizarro & Co. (roja666) 11399247 : 11392387 11400870 11411828 11392344 11401833 # De Vulgari Eloquentia: Deluxe Edition (roja666) 11399248 : 11392387 11400870 11411828 11392344 11401833 # The Princes of Machu Picchu (roja666) 11399256 : 11392387 11400870 11411828 11392344 11401833 #pragma user "Saaur_" # Confirmation code: XT5wSLtWKSXeD4pBEj7UkQ # Sat Jan 18 02:56:14 2025 # (Saaur_) %BS : 11419446 11424925 # (Saaur_) %BigTop : 11395593 11419422 # (Saaur_) %Bru189 : 11395111 11399157 # (Saaur_) %GoodC : # (Saaur_) %Harmo : 11396439 11414474 # Chronicles of Crime: The Millennium Series – Chronicles of Time Expansion (Saaur_) 11394967 : 11439606 11443287 11429137 %11429839 11391772 11412123 11391220 11412207 %11429836 missing-official %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 # Dinosaur Table Battles (Saaur_) 11394968 : 11439606 11443287 11429137 %11429839 11391772 11412123 11391220 11412207 %11429836 missing-official %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 11407878 11408277 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11391760 11419392 11405855 11399248 # Princes of the Renaissance (Saaur_) 11394969 : 11439606 11443287 11429137 %11429839 11391772 11412123 11391220 11412207 %11429836 missing-official %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 11407878 11408277 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11391760 11419392 11405855 11399248 %Harmo 11420920 %11429831 %11430295 11376999 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11426665 11395624 11404119 11399305 11425136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11426199 11425161 11403620 11403629 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11419395 11395611 11407918 # 魔界札 (Makaifuda) (Saaur_) 11394970 : 11439606 11443287 11429137 %11429839 11391772 11412123 11391220 11412207 %11429836 missing-official %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 11407878 11408277 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11391760 11419392 11405855 11399248 %Harmo 11420920 %11429831 %11430295 11376999 %11429830 11439567 11442632 # The Vote: Suffrage and Suppression in America (Saaur_) 11394971 : 11439606 11443287 11429137 %11429839 11391772 11412123 11391220 11412207 %11429836 missing-official # Red Alert: Space Fleet Warfare (Saaur_) 11394972 : 11412123 # The Age of Atlantis (Saaur_) 11394973 : # Burgle Bros 2: The Casino Capers (Saaur_) 11394974 : # Chartered: The Golden Age (Saaur_) 11394975 : 11439606 11443287 11429137 %11429839 11391772 11412123 11391220 11412207 %11429836 missing-official %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 11407878 11408277 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11391760 11419392 11405855 11399248 %Harmo 11420920 %11429831 %11430295 11376999 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11426665 11395624 11404119 11399305 11425136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11426199 # For-Ex (Saaur_) 11394976 : 11439606 11443287 11429137 %11429839 11391772 11412123 11391220 11412207 %11429836 missing-official %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 11407878 11408277 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11391760 11419392 11405855 11399248 # In Front of the Elevators (Saaur_) 11394978 : 11439606 11443287 11429137 %11429839 11391772 11412123 11391220 11412207 %11429836 missing-official %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 11407878 11408277 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11391760 11419392 11405855 11399248 %Harmo 11420920 %11429831 %11430295 11376999 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11426665 11395624 11404119 11399305 11425136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11426199 11425161 11403620 11403629 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11419395 11395611 11407918 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11407909 11408075 %BS %11407890 %Bru189 11409481 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 11392992 %BigTop # John Company (Saaur_) 11394980 : 11439606 11443287 11429137 %11429839 11391772 11412123 11391220 11412207 %11429836 missing-official %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 # Order Overload: Spiel23 (Saaur_) 11394982 : 11439606 11443287 11429137 %11429839 11391772 11412123 11391220 11412207 %11429836 missing-official %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 11407878 11408277 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11391760 11419392 11405855 11399248 %Harmo 11420920 %11429831 %11430295 11376999 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11426665 11395624 11404119 11399305 11425136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11426199 11425161 11403620 11403629 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11419395 11395611 11407918 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11407909 11408075 %BS %11407890 %Bru189 11409481 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 11392992 %BigTop # Orléans (Saaur_) 11394985 : 11439606 11429137 11391772 11412123 11391220 # Psychic Pizza Deliverers Go to the Ghost Town (Saaur_) 11394986 : 11439606 11443287 11429137 %11429839 11391772 11412123 11391220 11412207 %11429836 missing-official %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 11407878 11408277 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11391760 11419392 11405855 11399248 %Harmo 11420920 %11429831 %11430295 11376999 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11426665 11395624 11404119 11399305 11425136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11426199 11425161 11403620 11403629 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11419395 11395611 11407918 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11407909 11408075 %BS # RouYouJin (Saaur_) 11394987 : 11439606 11443287 11429137 %11429839 11391772 11412123 11391220 11412207 %11429836 missing-official %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 11407878 11408277 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11391760 11419392 11405855 11399248 %Harmo 11420920 %11429831 %11430295 11376999 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11426665 11395624 11404119 11399305 11425136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11426199 11425161 11403620 11403629 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11419395 11395611 11407918 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11407909 11408075 %BS # Shamans (Saaur_) 11394988 : 11439606 11443287 11429137 %11429839 11391772 11412123 11391220 11412207 %11429836 missing-official %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 11407878 11408277 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11391760 11419392 11405855 11399248 %Harmo 11420920 %11429831 %11430295 11376999 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11426665 11395624 11404119 11399305 11425136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11426199 11425161 11403620 11403629 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11419395 11395611 11407918 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11407909 11408075 %BS # Siena (Saaur_) 11394989 : 11439606 11443287 11429137 %11429839 11391772 11412123 11391220 11412207 %11429836 missing-official %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 11407878 11408277 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11391760 11419392 11405855 11399248 %Harmo 11420920 %11429831 %11430295 11376999 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11426665 11395624 11404119 11399305 11425136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11426199 11425161 11403620 11403629 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11419395 11395611 11407918 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11407909 11408075 %BS %11407890 %Bru189 11409481 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 11392992 %BigTop %11407888 # Snail Sprint! (Saaur_) 11394990 : 11439606 11443287 11429137 %11429839 11391772 11412123 11391220 11412207 %11429836 missing-official %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 11407878 11408277 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11391760 11419392 11405855 11399248 %Harmo 11420920 %11429831 %11430295 11376999 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11426665 11395624 11404119 11399305 11425136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11426199 11425161 11403620 11403629 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11419395 11395611 11407918 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11407909 11408075 %BS %11407890 %Bru189 11409481 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 11392992 %BigTop # Sleeping Gods (Saaur_) 11394996 : 11439606 11443287 11429137 %11429839 11391772 11412123 11391220 11412207 %11429836 missing-official # Stacked (Saaur_) 11394997 : 11439606 11443287 11429137 %11429839 11391772 11412123 11391220 11412207 %11429836 missing-official %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 # Ticket to Ride: First Journey (Europe) (Saaur_) 11394999 : 11439606 11443287 11429137 %11429839 11391772 11412123 11391220 11412207 %11429836 missing-official %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 11407878 11408277 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11391760 11419392 11405855 11399248 %Harmo 11420920 %11429831 %11430295 11376999 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11426665 11395624 11404119 11399305 11425136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11426199 11425161 11403620 11403629 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11419395 11395611 11407918 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11407909 11408075 %BS # Townsfolk Tussle (Saaur_) 11395005 : # Unicorn Fever (Saaur_) 11395006 : 11439606 11443287 11429137 %11429839 11391772 11412123 11391220 11412207 %11429836 missing-official %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 11407878 11408277 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11391760 11419392 11405855 11399248 %Harmo 11420920 %11429831 %11430295 11376999 %11429830 11439567 11442632 # Vamp on the Batwalk (Saaur_) 11395007 : 11439606 11443287 11429137 %11429839 11391772 11412123 11391220 11412207 %11429836 missing-official %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 11407878 11408277 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11391760 11419392 11405855 11399248 %Harmo 11420920 %11429831 %11430295 11376999 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 11426665 11395624 11404119 11399305 11425136 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11426199 11425161 11403620 11403629 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11419395 11395611 11407918 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11407909 11408075 %BS # Note: The following 30 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (Saaur_) %11407888 : 11407888-COPY1 11407888-COPY2 11407888-COPY3 11407888-COPY4 11407888-COPY5 11407888-COPY6 11407888-COPY7 11407888-COPY8 11407888-COPY9 11407888-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (Saaur_) %11407889 : 11407889-COPY1 11407889-COPY2 11407889-COPY3 11407889-COPY4 11407889-COPY5 11407889-COPY6 11407889-COPY7 11407889-COPY8 11407889-COPY9 11407889-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (Saaur_) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (Saaur_) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (Saaur_) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (Saaur_) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (Saaur_) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (Saaur_) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Saaur_) %11429823 : 11429823-COPY1 11429823-COPY2 11429823-COPY3 11429823-COPY4 11429823-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Saaur_) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Saaur_) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Saaur_) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Saaur_) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Saaur_) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Saaur_) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Saaur_) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Saaur_) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Saaur_) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Saaur_) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (Saaur_) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (Saaur_) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (Saaur_) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (Saaur_) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (Saaur_) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (Saaur_) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (Saaur_) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Saaur_) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Saaur_) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Saaur_) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Saaur_) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "SaintJan" # Confirmation code: jmnLunSsVNTeoOl/brTWQA # Tue Jan 21 11:46:04 2025 # King of New York (SaintJan) 11411611 : 11407863 11435071 11395605 11394996 11425100 11426191 11426157 11399305 11415272 # Undaunted: Normandy (SaintJan) 11411619 : 11407863 11435071 11395605 11394996 11425100 11426191 11426157 # Zombicide: Invader (SaintJan) 11411653 : 11407863 11435071 #pragma user "singlemeeple" # Confirmation code: RbCJRpSUDOrzURm9FkkuLg # Wed Jan 22 05:47:22 2025 # (singlemeeple) %TheGal : 11393748 11425153 # Alubari: A Nice Cup of Tea (singlemeeple) 11414467 : %TheGal 11434670 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 %11443284 11443380 # Founders of Teotihuacan (singlemeeple) 11414469 : %TheGal 11434670 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 11442630 %11443282 %11430294 # Friday (singlemeeple) 11414471 : %TheGal 11434670 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 11442630 %11443282 %11430294 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11443281 %11407890 %11407889 %11429823 11439560 11424840 # Carnegie (singlemeeple) 11414473 : %TheGal 11434670 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 # Harmonies (singlemeeple) 11414474 : %TheGal 11434670 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 %11443284 11443380 # Red Rising (singlemeeple) 11414475 : %TheGal 11434670 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 %11443284 11443380 # Salton Sea (singlemeeple) 11414476 : %TheGal 11434670 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 %11443284 11443380 # Cosmoctopus (singlemeeple) 11414477 : %TheGal 11434670 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 %11443284 11443380 # Arkham Horror: The Card Game (Revised Edition) (singlemeeple) 11443045 : %TheGal 11434670 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 # Pirates of Maracaibo (singlemeeple) 11443052 : %TheGal 11434670 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 # Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition (singlemeeple) 11443059 : %TheGal 11434670 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 # The Lost Expedition (singlemeeple) 11443061 : %TheGal 11434670 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 %11443284 11443380 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 11442630 %11443282 # Under Falling Skies (singlemeeple) 11443063 : %TheGal 11434670 11443287 %11429839 %11429836 %11432996 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 %11443284 11443380 # Note: The following 25 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (singlemeeple) %11407889 : 11407889-COPY1 11407889-COPY2 11407889-COPY3 11407889-COPY4 11407889-COPY5 11407889-COPY6 11407889-COPY7 11407889-COPY8 11407889-COPY9 11407889-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (singlemeeple) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (singlemeeple) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (singlemeeple) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (singlemeeple) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (singlemeeple) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (singlemeeple) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (singlemeeple) %11429823 : 11429823-COPY1 11429823-COPY2 11429823-COPY3 11429823-COPY4 11429823-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (singlemeeple) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (singlemeeple) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (singlemeeple) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (singlemeeple) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (singlemeeple) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (singlemeeple) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (singlemeeple) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (singlemeeple) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (singlemeeple) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (singlemeeple) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (singlemeeple) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (singlemeeple) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (singlemeeple) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (singlemeeple) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (singlemeeple) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (singlemeeple) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (singlemeeple) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "Sithspawn" # Confirmation code: 9fJdwd26TixfBYWjTWEW2g # Sun Jan 19 19:44:36 2025 # Diamonds Club (Sithspawn) 11425067 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Alcazar (Sithspawn) 11425069 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Blue Moon (Sithspawn) 11425073 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Mascarade (second edition) (Sithspawn) 11425074 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Before the Wind (Sithspawn) 11425077 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Naval Battles: World War II on the High Seas (Sithspawn) 11425079 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Web of Power (Sithspawn) 11425081 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Kontor (Sithspawn) 11425082 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # A Game of Thrones (Sithspawn) 11425267 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Vinci (Sithspawn) 11425271 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Krieg und Frieden (Sithspawn) 11425279 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Go West! (Sithspawn) 11425282 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Edel, Stein & Reich (Sithspawn) 11425288 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Museum: The World's Fair (Sithspawn) 11425294 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Wings of War: Watch Your Back! (Sithspawn) 11425301 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Sylla (Sithspawn) 11425319 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Dream Home: 156 Sunny Street (Sithspawn) 11425326 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Der Herr der Ringe: Die Zwei Türme – das Kartenspiel (Sithspawn) 11425333 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Atlantic Star (Sithspawn) 11425338 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Lucky Loop (Sithspawn) 11425344 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Age of Napoleon (Sithspawn) 11425388 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # De Kolonisten van de Lage Landen (Sithspawn) 11425394 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Battle of Britain (Sithspawn) 11425398 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 # Colosseum (Sithspawn) 11425414 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 # The Quest for El Dorado (Sithspawn) 11425557 : 11405426 11439606 11443287 11406483 11395136 11376999 11442655 11396593 11414826 11391076 11418182 11440288 11392519 11405914 11405815 11391085 #pragma user "sornars" # Confirmation code: XYdMN8uj0B/6GfH9atloFw # Tue Jan 21 07:41:27 2025 # (sornars) %TaT : # (sornars) %TheGal : 11393748 11425153 # Songs of Far Shores: Omen Game 1 (sornars) 11395578 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401036 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 # The Battle of Versailles (sornars) 11395582 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401036 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Big Boss (sornars) 11395583 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401036 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Eleven: Football Manager Board Game (Gamefound Edition) (sornars) 11395590 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 # Big Top (sornars) 11395593 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401036 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Chaos Marauders (Second Edition) (sornars) 11395595 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401036 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # The Gods Will Have Blood (sornars) 11395599 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 # Gorechosen (sornars) 11395602 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 # Heat: Pedal to the Metal (sornars) 11395605 : # Homeland: The Game (sornars) 11395607 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401036 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # The Hunt (sornars) 11395611 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401036 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # An Infamous Traffic (sornars) 11395613 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 # John Company (sornars) 11395616 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 # Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation (sornars) 11395624 : # The Lucky Seven (sornars) 11395628 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401036 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # The Mirroring of Mary King (sornars) 11395630 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401036 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Modern Art Card Game (sornars) 11395632 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401036 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Nexus Ops (sornars) 11395639 : # Nexus Ops (sornars) 11395640 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 # Paris: La Cité de la Lumière (sornars) 11395643 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401036 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # PARKS (sornars) 11395644 : # Royal Visit (sornars) 11395647 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401036 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Spartacus: A Game of Blood and Treachery (sornars) 11395652 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401036 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Trails (sornars) 11395657 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401036 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Witchcraft! (sornars) 11395667 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 %11429834 11439650 %11407896 %11429833 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 %11430295 %11429830 11439567 11442632 %11407895 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 11443380 11401036 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443282 %11407891 %11429824 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 # Worldspanner Factions, Set 1: Heroes (sornars) 11395673 : 11434670 11439606 11443287 %TheGal 11425083 11419394 %11429839 %11429836 %11429835 11439602 11443286 # Note: The following 23 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (sornars) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (sornars) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (sornars) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (sornars) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (sornars) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (sornars) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (sornars) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (sornars) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (sornars) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (sornars) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (sornars) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (sornars) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (sornars) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (sornars) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (sornars) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (sornars) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (sornars) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (sornars) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (sornars) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (sornars) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (sornars) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (sornars) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (sornars) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "spoonbe" # Confirmation code: vjL0kcfyybUQViTsZnGhoQ # Wed Jan 22 05:59:42 2025 # (spoonbe) %PARKS : 11395644 11425023 # (spoonbe) %RSB : 11394818 11438797 # (spoonbe) %SalSea : 11391508 11414476 # Dungeon Academy (spoonbe) 11394952 : %PARKS 11391048 11399305 11391296 11435840 11439727 11405817 11407875 %SalSea %RSB # Bears vs Babies (spoonbe) 11394953 : %PARKS 11391048 11399305 11391296 11435840 11439727 11405817 11407875 %SalSea %RSB 11436278 11411619 11424858 # Run, Fight, or Die! (spoonbe) 11394954 : %PARKS 11391048 11399305 11391296 11435840 11439727 11405817 # Gods Love Dinosaurs (spoonbe) 11394955 : %PARKS 11391048 11399305 11391296 11435840 11439727 11405817 # Way of the Panda (spoonbe) 11394956 : %PARKS 11391048 11399305 11391296 11435840 11439727 11405817 # Astra (spoonbe) 11394957 : %PARKS 11391048 11399305 11391296 11435840 11439727 11407875 # Getaway Driver (spoonbe) 11394958 : %PARKS 11391048 11399305 11391296 11435840 11439727 11405817 11407875 %SalSea %RSB 11436278 11411619 11424858 # Alt Name: knockdown KS bundle V1 en V2 (spoonbe) 11394959 : %PARKS 11391048 11399305 11391296 11435840 11439727 11405817 11407875 %SalSea %RSB 11436278 11411619 11424858 # Alt Name: 5 game bundle (spoonbe) 11394960 : %PARKS 11391048 11399305 11391296 11435840 11439727 11405817 11407875 %SalSea %RSB 11436278 11411619 11424858 # Alt Name: 2 game bundle (spoonbe) 11394961 : %PARKS 11391048 11399305 11391296 11435840 11439727 11405817 11407875 %SalSea %RSB 11436278 11411619 11424858 # Skull Canyon: Ski Fest (spoonbe) 11429781 : %PARKS 11391048 11399305 11391296 11435840 11439727 11405817 11407875 %SalSea #pragma user "StefanvM1" # Confirmation code: oe-DmgcFkju24BerJ9bxuQ # Sun Jan 19 03:35:12 2025 # (StefanvM1) %OnMar : 11392387 11434670 # (StefanvM1) %TheGal : 11393748 11425153 # Skyrockets: Festivals of Fire (StefanvM1) 11419375 : %TheGal 11400870 %OnMar 11417843 11426566 11420972 11426157 11418816 11391760 11406213 11403688 11426665 11404131 11415192 11412207 11420920 11439730 11408694 11391772 11376999 11439341 11395583 11392510 11443422 # Bruxelles 1897 (StefanvM1) 11419380 : %TheGal 11400870 %OnMar 11417843 11426566 11420972 11426157 11418816 11391760 11406213 11403688 11426665 11404131 11415192 11412207 11420920 11439730 11408694 11391772 11376999 11439341 11395583 11392510 11443422 11403604 # Adventure Land (StefanvM1) 11419382 : %TheGal 11400870 %OnMar 11417843 11426566 11420972 11426157 11418816 11391760 11406213 11403688 11426665 11404131 11415192 11412207 11420920 11439730 11408694 11391772 # Sanssouci (StefanvM1) 11419385 : %TheGal 11400870 %OnMar 11417843 11426566 11420972 11426157 11418816 11391760 11406213 11403688 11426665 11404131 11415192 11412207 11420920 11439730 11408694 11391772 # Rising 5: Runes of Asteros (StefanvM1) 11419386 : %TheGal 11400870 %OnMar 11417843 11426566 11420972 11426157 11418816 11391760 11406213 11403688 11426665 11404131 11415192 11412207 11420920 11439730 11408694 11391772 11376999 11439341 # Karuba (StefanvM1) 11419387 : %TheGal 11400870 %OnMar 11417843 11426566 11420972 11426157 11418816 11391760 11406213 11403688 11426665 11404131 11415192 11412207 11420920 11439730 11408694 11391772 11376999 11439341 11395583 # Jamaica (StefanvM1) 11419388 : %TheGal 11400870 %OnMar 11417843 11426566 11420972 11426157 11418816 11391760 11406213 11403688 11426665 11404131 11415192 11412207 11420920 11439730 11408694 11391772 11376999 11439341 11395583 11392510 # Bruxelles 1893: Belle Époque (StefanvM1) 11419392 : %TheGal 11400870 %OnMar 11417843 11426566 11420972 11426157 11418816 11391760 11406213 # Vinhos: Deluxe Edition (StefanvM1) 11419394 : %TheGal 11400870 %OnMar # The Yellow House (StefanvM1) 11419395 : %TheGal 11400870 %OnMar 11417843 11426566 11420972 11426157 11418816 11391760 11406213 11403688 11426665 11404131 11415192 11412207 11420920 11439730 11408694 11391772 11376999 11439341 # The Isle of Cats (StefanvM1) 11419419 : %TheGal 11400870 %OnMar # Big Top (StefanvM1) 11419422 : %TheGal 11400870 %OnMar 11417843 11426566 11420972 11426157 11418816 11391760 11406213 11403688 11426665 11404131 11415192 11412207 11420920 11439730 11408694 11391772 11376999 11439341 11395583 11392510 11443422 # Royal Visit (StefanvM1) 11419426 : %TheGal 11400870 %OnMar 11417843 11426566 11420972 11426157 11418816 11391760 11406213 11403688 11426665 11404131 11415192 11412207 11420920 11439730 11408694 11391772 11376999 11439341 11395583 11392510 11443422 11403604 # Food Chain Magnate (StefanvM1) 11419434 : # Take a Seat (StefanvM1) 11419436 : %TheGal 11400870 %OnMar 11417843 11426566 11420972 11426157 11418816 11391760 11406213 11403688 11426665 11404131 11415192 11412207 11420920 11439730 11408694 11391772 11376999 11439341 11395583 11392510 11443422 # Sardegna (StefanvM1) 11419439 : # Herbaceous (StefanvM1) 11419444 : %TheGal 11400870 %OnMar 11417843 11426566 11420972 11426157 11418816 11391760 11406213 11403688 11426665 11404131 11415192 11412207 11420920 11439730 11408694 11391772 11376999 11439341 # Bus & Stop (StefanvM1) 11419446 : %TheGal 11400870 %OnMar 11417843 11426566 11420972 11426157 11418816 11391760 11406213 11403688 11426665 11404131 11415192 11412207 11420920 11439730 11408694 11391772 11376999 # Galileo Galilei (StefanvM1) 11419451 : %TheGal 11400870 %OnMar 11417843 11426566 11420972 11426157 # King of Tokyo: Duel (StefanvM1) 11420905 : %TheGal 11400870 %OnMar 11417843 11426566 11420972 11426157 11418816 11391760 11406213 11403688 11426665 11404131 11415192 11412207 11420920 11439730 11408694 11391772 11376999 #pragma user "Stijnhoofd" # Confirmation code: VNT0Kelgl-FTUAzql6q0/A # Wed Jan 22 09:38:59 2025 # (Stijnhoofd) %Witch : 11395667 11428738 11439717 # The Red Cathedral (Stijnhoofd) 11392853 : 11429137 11418816 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439606 11443287 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11426157 11401833 11427001 11394810 # Boonlake (Stijnhoofd) 11393105 : 11429137 11418816 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439606 11443287 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11426157 # Harmonies (Stijnhoofd) 11396439 : 11429137 11418816 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439606 11443287 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11426157 11401833 11427001 11394810 11393748 %11430295 # Agricola (Stijnhoofd) 11429475 : 11429137 11418816 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439606 11443287 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11426157 # Conservas (Stijnhoofd) 11433464 : 11429137 11418816 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439606 11443287 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11426157 11401833 11427001 11394810 11393748 %11430295 %Witch %11407895 11439567 # Alt Name: 91.5*183cm 'It's Not a Moon' playmat (Stijnhoofd) 11434976 : 11429137 11418816 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439606 11443287 # Note: The following 10 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (Stijnhoofd) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (Stijnhoofd) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Stijnhoofd) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Stijnhoofd) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Stijnhoofd) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Stijnhoofd) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Stijnhoofd) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (Stijnhoofd) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (Stijnhoofd) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (Stijnhoofd) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "susuqie" # Confirmation code: o0DLSjIzr5aUP-M/LtsSTw # Tue Jan 21 13:56:12 2025 # The Quick and the Undead (susuqie) 11399072 : 11395644 11425023 11393175 %11430295 %11429829 %11429830 11439565 11439567 11439652 11440663 11442632 %11443060 %11443284 11443380 # Alhambra: The Card Game (susuqie) 11399073 : %11407888 %11429822 %11429823 11439560 %11442589 11395657 # Machi Koro (susuqie) 11399074 : %11407888 %11429823 %11407889 11439560 11395657 %11407890 %11407893 %11407895 # Thurn and Taxis (susuqie) 11399076 : 11395644 11393175 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 11439568 11439650 11440665 %11443285 %11429835 11439602 # Virus! (susuqie) 11399079 : %11407888 %11429822 # Samoa (susuqie) 11399081 : %11429822 %11442589 # Power Grid: The Card Game (susuqie) 11399083 : %11407888 %11429822 %11429823 %11407889 %11442589 11395657 # Scrabble (susuqie) 11399088 : 11425023 %11407891 %11407892 %11429824 %11429826 %11430294 11439561 %11440657 %11440658 11442630 %11443281 %11443282 # Alt Name: Dixit Queen of Owl's puzzle (susuqie) 11418511 : %11407888 %11429822 %11429823 %11407889 11439560 %11407890 # Cubitos (susuqie) 11443057 : 11395644 11425023 11393175 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11430295 11439568 11439650 11440665 %11443285 %11429831 # Note: The following 30 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 8 EUR via bank transfer (susuqie) %11407888 : 11407888-COPY1 11407888-COPY2 11407888-COPY3 11407888-COPY4 11407888-COPY5 11407888-COPY6 11407888-COPY7 11407888-COPY8 11407888-COPY9 11407888-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer (susuqie) %11407889 : 11407889-COPY1 11407889-COPY2 11407889-COPY3 11407889-COPY4 11407889-COPY5 11407889-COPY6 11407889-COPY7 11407889-COPY8 11407889-COPY9 11407889-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (susuqie) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (susuqie) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (susuqie) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (susuqie) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (susuqie) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (susuqie) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 5 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (susuqie) %11429822 : 11429822-COPY1 11429822-COPY2 11429822-COPY3 11429822-COPY4 11429822-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (susuqie) %11429823 : 11429823-COPY1 11429823-COPY2 11429823-COPY3 11429823-COPY4 11429823-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (susuqie) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (susuqie) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (susuqie) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (susuqie) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (susuqie) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (susuqie) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (susuqie) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (susuqie) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (susuqie) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (susuqie) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (susuqie) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (susuqie) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (susuqie) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 6 EUR via bank transfer (susuqie) %11442589 : 11442589-COPY1 11442589-COPY2 11442589-COPY3 11442589-COPY4 11442589-COPY5 11442589-COPY6 11442589-COPY7 11442589-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (susuqie) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (susuqie) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (susuqie) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (susuqie) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (susuqie) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (susuqie) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "Thorry_T" # Confirmation code: wff82WCxfNC1chRRzIUaZg # Mon Jan 20 03:57:19 2025 # Kero (Thorry_T) 11438792 : 11435071 11397918 11420937 11427237 11393228 11401833 11406185 11377029 11414477 11400266 11391097 11392490 11395644 11406483 # Ready Set Bet (Thorry_T) 11438797 : 11435071 11397918 11420937 11427237 11393228 11401833 11406185 11377029 11414477 11400266 11391097 # 7 Wonders Duel (Thorry_T) 11438800 : 11435071 11397918 11420937 11427237 11393228 11401833 11406185 11377029 11414477 11400266 11391097 11392490 11395644 11406483 11415181 # Outside the Scope of BGG (Thorry_T) 11438811 : 11435071 11397918 11420937 11427237 11393228 11401833 11406185 11377029 11414477 11400266 11391097 11392490 11395644 11406483 11415181 11403499 11434976 11392690 11405088 # Defenders of the Wild (Thorry_T) 11439341 : 11435071 11397918 11420937 11427237 11393228 11401833 # GoodCritters (Thorry_T) 11439430 : 11435071 11397918 11420937 11427237 11393228 11401833 11406185 11377029 11414477 11400266 11391097 11392490 11395644 11406483 11415181 # Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer, Paypal or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Thorry_T) 11439650 : 11435071 # Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer, Paypal or Tikkie (Dutch people) (Thorry_T) 11439652 : 11435071 11397918 11420937 #pragma user "TomVG" # Confirmation code: CVx0AAxADBFOCL8ZSEi5Jg # Tue Jan 21 16:38:13 2025 # (TomVG) %GBB : # (TomVG) %HPttM : # (TomVG) %Harmo : # (TomVG) %KoT : # (TomVG) %PARKS : # (TomVG) %RSB : # (TomVG) %SleGod : 11394996 11425100 # (TomVG) %TGTFoA : 11392610 11407863 # 7 Wonders Duel (TomVG) 11392471 : %SleGod %TGTFoA 11429137 11395005 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11376999 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 # Dixit: Odyssey (TomVG) 11392488 : # Citadels (TomVG) 11392512 : %SleGod %TGTFoA 11429137 11395005 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11376999 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11443380 %11407891 %11430294 # Marvel United: Deadpool (TomVG) 11392812 : %SleGod %TGTFoA 11429137 11395005 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11376999 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11443380 # Marvel United: Rise of the Black Panther (TomVG) 11392829 : %SleGod %TGTFoA 11429137 11395005 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11376999 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11443380 # Marvel United: X-Men – X-Force (TomVG) 11392835 : %SleGod %TGTFoA 11429137 11395005 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11376999 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 # Viticulture Essential Edition (TomVG) 11405426 : %SleGod %TGTFoA 11429137 11395005 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 # Red Rising (TomVG) 11416056 : %SleGod %TGTFoA 11429137 11395005 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11376999 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 # Rajas of the Ganges: Goodie Box 2 (TomVG) 11416059 : %SleGod %TGTFoA 11429137 11395005 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11376999 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11443380 %11407891 %11430294 # Roll Player (TomVG) 11416061 : %SleGod %TGTFoA 11429137 11395005 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 # Potion Explosion: The Fifth Ingredient (TomVG) 11416078 : %SleGod %TGTFoA 11429137 11395005 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11426157 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11432996 11439568 11439602 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11376999 %11407895 %11429830 %11429831 %11430295 11439567 11442632 %11407893 %11429829 11439565 11439652 11440663 11443069 %11443284 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11443380 # Note: The following 23 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 12 EUR via bank transfer (TomVG) %11407890 : 11407890-COPY1 11407890-COPY2 11407890-COPY3 11407890-COPY4 11407890-COPY5 11407890-COPY6 11407890-COPY7 11407890-COPY8 11407890-COPY9 11407890-COPY10 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (TomVG) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (TomVG) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (TomVG) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (TomVG) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (TomVG) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (TomVG) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (TomVG) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (TomVG) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (TomVG) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (TomVG) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (TomVG) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (TomVG) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (TomVG) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (TomVG) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (TomVG) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (TomVG) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (TomVG) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (TomVG) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (TomVG) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (TomVG) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (TomVG) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (TomVG) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "vae victis1" # Confirmation code: EuGdHZFM-lX+/jvfjU8wng # Sun Jan 19 14:53:16 2025 # (vae victis1) %Barce : 11411828 11414802 # (vae victis1) %Bru189 : 11395111 11399157 # (vae victis1) %PoM : 11417638 11443052 # (vae victis1) %ResArc : 11404131 11436275 # (vae victis1) %TheGal : 11393748 11425153 # Small City: Deluxe Edition (vae victis1) 11436222 : 11440272 11419434 11395605 11403688 11424963 11404114 11412123 11420982 %PoM 11429145 11443308 11439716 %TheGal 11434670 11419394 11418121 11425414 11407875 11434981 11436268 %Barce 11377024 11395116 11391219 11420972 11419392 # Royal Visit (vae victis1) 11436241 : 11440272 11419434 11395605 11403688 11424963 11404114 11412123 11420982 %PoM 11429145 11443308 11439716 %TheGal 11434670 11419394 11418121 11425414 11407875 11434981 11436268 %Barce 11377024 11395116 11391219 11420972 11419392 11397902 %ResArc 11376999 %Bru189 11438797 11391287 11391092 11395611 11425301 11420881 # The Warp (vae victis1) 11436933 : 11440272 11419434 11395605 11403688 11424963 11404114 11412123 11420982 %PoM 11429145 11443308 11439716 #pragma user "vdbmalmsteen" # Confirmation code: qQTf6dUc1tEfdLvTlSkSDQ # Sun Jan 19 05:27:00 2025 # (vdbmalmsteen) %Astra : 11394957 11443317 # (vdbmalmsteen) %GoodC : 11407909 11439430 # (vdbmalmsteen) %IoTAA : 11406308 11442620 # (vdbmalmsteen) %Jamai : 11394815 11419388 # (vdbmalmsteen) %KRRiT : 11405817 11442539 # (vdbmalmsteen) %LitTow : 11403797 11442670 # (vdbmalmsteen) %ModArt : 11397902 11426521 # (vdbmalmsteen) %Otys : 11407881 11426586 # (vdbmalmsteen) %RSB : 11394818 11438797 # (vdbmalmsteen) %TRC : 11377027 11392853 # (vdbmalmsteen) %WotP : 11394956 11400901 # Dreamscape (vdbmalmsteen) 11435757 : 11440272 11405426 11412700 11404131 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 11392953 11401843 11426665 11442566 11427237 11436275 11406483 11420925 11376999 11442610 11415192 %TRC 11440566 11393228 11395264 11399305 11412704 11426529 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 11420960 %11429829 %11429831 %11429833 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439652 11440663 11440665 11442632 11443069 %11443284 %11443285 11443380 11406185 11439720 11377011 %KRRiT 11394810 11407884 11415260 # Evil Corp. (vdbmalmsteen) 11435762 : 11440272 11405426 11412700 11404131 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 11392953 11401843 11426665 11442566 11427237 11436275 11406483 11420925 11376999 11442610 11415192 %TRC 11440566 11393228 11395264 11399305 11412704 11426529 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 11420960 %11429829 %11429831 %11429833 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439652 11440663 11440665 11442632 11443069 %11443284 %11443285 11443380 11406185 11439720 11377011 %KRRiT 11394810 11407884 11415260 %Jamai 11396439 11411619 11443057 11426628 %RSB 11443043 11425150 11403629 11395269 11443421 11394961 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11439730 11442547 11419385 11435089 %LitTow 11443422 11395582 11439716 11406240 11403731 %ModArt 11405430 11391736 11392600 11391737 11391771 11404140 11418163 11443036 11425080 11419444 11421669 11442559 11392510 11399005 %GoodC 11394955 11409579 11442997 11442935 11442853 11395657 11442207 %IoTAA 11442860 11377014 11417987 11395140 11440545 # Fictions: Memoirs of a Gangster (vdbmalmsteen) 11435771 : 11440272 11405426 11412700 11404131 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 11392953 11401843 11426665 11442566 11427237 11436275 11406483 11420925 11376999 11442610 11415192 %TRC 11440566 11393228 11395264 11399305 11412704 11426529 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 11420960 %11429829 %11429831 %11429833 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439652 11440663 11440665 11442632 11443069 %11443284 %11443285 11443380 11406185 11439720 11377011 %KRRiT 11394810 11407884 11415260 %Jamai 11396439 11411619 11443057 11426628 %RSB 11443043 11425150 11403629 11395269 11443421 11394961 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11439730 11442547 11419385 11435089 %LitTow 11443422 11395582 11439716 11406240 11403731 # It's a Wonderful World: Heritage Edition (vdbmalmsteen) 11435840 : 11440272 11405426 11412700 11404131 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 11392953 # Alt Name: solo bundle (vdbmalmsteen) 11435861 : 11440272 11405426 11412700 11404131 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 11392953 11401843 11426665 11442566 11427237 11436275 11406483 11420925 11376999 11442610 11415192 %TRC 11440566 11393228 11395264 11399305 11412704 11426529 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 11420960 %11429829 %11429831 %11429833 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439652 11440663 11440665 11442632 11443069 %11443284 %11443285 11443380 11406185 11439720 11377011 %KRRiT 11394810 11407884 11415260 %Jamai 11396439 11411619 11443057 11426628 %RSB 11443043 11425150 11403629 11395269 11443421 11394961 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11439730 11442547 11419385 11435089 %LitTow 11443422 11395582 11439716 11406240 11403731 %ModArt 11405430 11391736 11392600 11391737 11391771 11404140 11418163 11443036 11425080 11419444 11421669 11442559 11392510 11399005 %GoodC 11394955 11409579 11442997 11442935 11442853 11395657 11442207 %IoTAA 11442860 11377014 11417987 11395140 11440545 11426523 11418511 11426625 11442660 11392681 11391092 11427001 11391023 11405432 11391077 11395006 11401018 11394954 11390955 11443304 11442568 11442942 %Otys 11442584 11442542 11425024 11401024 11395128 11391080 11395628 %Astra %WotP 11406443 11399079 11424849 11401751 11377008 11415209 11434966 11400285 11439727 11395624 %11430294 11443309 # Montego Bay (vdbmalmsteen) 11435991 : 11440272 11405426 11412700 11404131 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 11392953 11401843 11426665 11442566 11427237 11436275 11406483 11420925 11376999 11442610 11415192 %TRC 11440566 11393228 11395264 11399305 11412704 11426529 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 11420960 %11429829 %11429831 %11429833 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439652 11440663 11440665 11442632 11443069 %11443284 %11443285 11443380 11406185 11439720 11377011 %KRRiT 11394810 11407884 11415260 %Jamai 11396439 11411619 11443057 11426628 %RSB 11443043 11425150 11403629 11395269 11443421 11394961 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11439730 11442547 11419385 11435089 %LitTow 11443422 11395582 11439716 11406240 11403731 %ModArt 11405430 11391736 11392600 11391737 11391771 11404140 11418163 11443036 11425080 11419444 11421669 11442559 11392510 11399005 %GoodC 11394955 11409579 11442997 11442935 11442853 11395657 11442207 %IoTAA 11442860 11377014 11417987 11395140 11440545 11426523 11418511 11426625 11442660 11392681 11391092 11427001 11391023 11405432 11391077 11395006 11401018 11394954 11390955 11443304 11442568 11442942 %Otys 11442584 11442542 11425024 11401024 11395128 11391080 11395628 %Astra %WotP 11406443 11399079 11424849 11401751 11377008 11415209 11434966 11400285 11439727 # Alt Name: escape puzzle (vdbmalmsteen) 11436067 : 11440272 11405426 11412700 11404131 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11443286 11443287 11392953 11401843 11426665 11442566 11427237 11436275 11406483 11420925 11376999 11442610 11415192 %TRC 11440566 11393228 11395264 11399305 11412704 11426529 %11407893 %11407895 %11407896 11420960 %11429829 %11429831 %11429833 %11430295 11439565 11439567 11439568 11439652 11440663 11440665 11442632 11443069 %11443284 %11443285 11443380 11406185 11439720 11377011 %KRRiT 11394810 11407884 11415260 %Jamai 11396439 11411619 11443057 11426628 %RSB 11443043 11425150 11403629 11395269 11443421 11394961 %11407892 %11429826 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 11439730 11442547 11419385 11435089 %LitTow 11443422 11395582 11439716 11406240 11403731 %ModArt 11405430 11391736 11392600 11391737 11391771 11404140 11418163 11443036 11425080 11419444 11421669 11442559 11392510 11399005 %GoodC 11394955 11409579 11442997 11442935 11442853 11395657 11442207 %IoTAA 11442860 11377014 11417987 11395140 11440545 11426523 11418511 11426625 11442660 11392681 11391092 11427001 11391023 11405432 11391077 11395006 11401018 11394954 11390955 11443304 11442568 11442942 %Otys 11442584 11442542 11425024 11401024 11395128 11391080 11395628 %Astra %WotP 11406443 11399079 11424849 11401751 11377008 11415209 11434966 11400285 11439727 11395624 %11430294 11443309 %11407891 %11429824 11439560 11439561 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11391086 11424865 # Note: The following 26 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (vdbmalmsteen) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (vdbmalmsteen) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (vdbmalmsteen) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (vdbmalmsteen) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (vdbmalmsteen) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 10 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (vdbmalmsteen) %11429823 : 11429823-COPY1 11429823-COPY2 11429823-COPY3 11429823-COPY4 11429823-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (vdbmalmsteen) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (vdbmalmsteen) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (vdbmalmsteen) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (vdbmalmsteen) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (vdbmalmsteen) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (vdbmalmsteen) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (vdbmalmsteen) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (vdbmalmsteen) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (vdbmalmsteen) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 18 EUR via bank transfer (vdbmalmsteen) %11430294 : 11430294-COPY1 11430294-COPY2 11430294-COPY3 11430294-COPY4 11430294-COPY5 11430294-COPY6 11430294-COPY7 11430294-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (vdbmalmsteen) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (vdbmalmsteen) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (vdbmalmsteen) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (vdbmalmsteen) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (vdbmalmsteen) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (vdbmalmsteen) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (vdbmalmsteen) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (vdbmalmsteen) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (vdbmalmsteen) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (vdbmalmsteen) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "VincentO" # Confirmation code: B-6vkiwWaL2Mq68HlKgG7Q # Sun Jan 19 05:34:49 2025 # Hive (VincentO) 11399264 : 11424956 11419434 11405426 11394985 11403688 11427064 11393748 11425153 11391498 11392387 11434670 11395644 11405872 11419394 11404114 11417366 11411841 11414473 11391048 11403795 11429145 11426529 11392599 %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11443286 11443045 11405855 11391772 11377018 11406206 11399013 11442945 11377004 11395133 11418147 11394974 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11430295 11439567 11439568 11442632 11395657 11409037 11399003 11401741 11426507 11419451 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11440663 11443069 %11443285 11377011 11428514 11425173 # Alt Name: Jambo+Caesar&Cleopatra (VincentO) 11399290 : 11424956 11419434 11405426 11394985 11403688 11427064 11393748 11425153 11391498 11392387 11434670 11395644 11405872 11419394 11404114 11417366 11411841 11414473 11391048 11403795 11429145 11426529 11392599 %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11443286 11443045 11405855 11391772 11377018 11406206 11399013 11442945 11377004 11395133 11418147 11394974 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11430295 11439567 11439568 11442632 11395657 11409037 11399003 11401741 11426507 11419451 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11440663 11443069 %11443285 11377011 11428514 11425173 # Alt Name: 1Nacht weerwolven en Eufraat&Tigris kaartspel (VincentO) 11399303 : 11424956 11419434 11405426 11394985 11403688 11427064 11393748 11425153 11391498 11392387 11434670 11395644 11405872 11419394 11404114 11417366 11411841 11414473 11391048 11403795 11429145 11426529 11392599 %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11443286 11443045 11405855 11391772 11377018 11406206 11399013 11442945 11377004 11395133 11418147 11394974 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11430295 11439567 11439568 11442632 11395657 11409037 11399003 11401741 11426507 11419451 %11407895 %11429829 11439565 11440663 11443069 %11443285 11377011 11428514 11425173 # 504 (VincentO) 11417483 : 11424956 11419434 11405426 11394985 11403688 11427064 11393748 11425153 11391498 11392387 11434670 11395644 11405872 11419394 11404114 11417366 11411841 11414473 11391048 11403795 11429145 11426529 11392599 %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11443286 11443045 11405855 11391772 11377018 # Formula D (VincentO) 11417496 : 11424956 11419434 11405426 11394985 11403688 11427064 11393748 11425153 11391498 11392387 11434670 11395644 11405872 11419394 11404114 11417366 11411841 11414473 11391048 11403795 11429145 11426529 11392599 %11407896 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 11443286 11443045 11405855 11391772 11377018 11406206 11399013 11442945 11377004 11395133 11418147 11394974 %11429830 %11429831 %11429833 %11430295 11439567 11439568 11442632 11395657 # Note: The following 13 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (VincentO) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (VincentO) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (VincentO) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 30 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (VincentO) %11429830 : 11429830-COPY1 11429830-COPY2 11429830-COPY3 11429830-COPY4 11429830-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (VincentO) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (VincentO) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (VincentO) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (VincentO) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (VincentO) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (VincentO) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (VincentO) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (VincentO) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (VincentO) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "wout" # Confirmation code: vDUCQ7c1z6TGPooYeQlpfA # Sat Jan 18 11:35:43 2025 # (wout) %Harmo : 11396439 11414474 # (wout) %MASoC : 11391287 11393239 # (wout) %PoM : 11417638 11443052 # Imperial Settlers (wout) 11400810 : 11420891 %MASoC 11443059 11377018 11418017 %PoM %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11395127 11440566 11403620 %11429834 %Harmo 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11439567 11439650 # Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory (wout) 11400870 : 11440566 11429137 11420944 11443287 11439606 %11429839 # Little Devils (wout) 11400884 : 11420891 11418017 %11429826 %11429829 11439652 11403795 %11407893 %11407895 11424871 %11407892 11439561 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11429824 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11405110 %11407891 # Teotihuacan: City of Gods (wout) 11400897 : %MASoC 11440566 11429137 11420944 %11429835 %11432996 11443286 11443287 %11429836 11439602 %11429839 # Way of the Panda (wout) 11400901 : 11420891 %MASoC 11443059 11377018 11418017 %PoM %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11395127 %11429834 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11442632 11439567 %11443284 11443380 # Battle Line (wout) 11400922 : 11420891 11377018 11418017 11403620 %Harmo %11429826 %11429829 11439652 11403795 %11407893 %11407895 11443069 11424871 %11407892 11439561 11439564 %11440658 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11429824 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11405110 # Waterloo 200 (wout) 11400983 : 11420891 %MASoC 11443059 11377018 %PoM %11429833 11440566 %11429834 11429137 11420944 %11429835 11439650 %11432996 # Roll Through the Ages: The Iron Age (wout) 11401006 : 11420891 %MASoC 11443059 11377018 11418017 %PoM %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11395127 11403620 %11429834 %Harmo 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11442632 11439567 %11443284 11443380 11443069 %11430295 11440663 # Plus Ultra: The Court of the Emperor Charles V (wout) 11401012 : 11420891 %MASoC 11443059 %PoM %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11440566 11403620 %11429834 11439568 11440665 %11443285 %11429835 11439650 # Tremble, Humans! Card Game (wout) 11401016 : 11420891 %MASoC 11377018 11418017 %11407896 11395127 11403620 %Harmo %11429826 %11429829 11439652 11439565 %11440658 # Catch the Moon (wout) 11401018 : 11420891 11443059 11377018 11418017 %11429831 11395127 11403620 %Harmo 11442632 %11429826 %11429829 11439652 %11443284 11443380 11403795 %11407893 %11407895 11439565 11443069 11424871 11440663 # Age of Discovery (wout) 11401020 : 11420891 11443059 11377018 11418017 %11407896 %11429831 11395127 11403620 %Harmo 11442632 %11429826 %11429829 11439652 %11443284 11443380 11403795 %11407893 %11407895 11439565 11443069 11424871 %11407892 11439561 11439564 %11440658 11440663 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11407891 # Red Outpost (wout) 11401024 : 11420891 %MASoC 11443059 11377018 11418017 %PoM %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11395127 11403620 %11429834 %Harmo 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11442632 11439567 %11443284 11443380 11439565 11443069 %11430295 # Paths of Glory (wout) 11401036 : %MASoC 11440566 11429137 11420944 %11432996 11443286 11443287 %11429836 11439602 11439606 %11429839 # El Gaucho (wout) 11401042 : 11420891 %MASoC 11443059 11377018 11418017 %PoM %11429831 %11429833 11395127 11403620 %Harmo 11442632 11439567 %11443284 11443380 %11430295 11440663 # Potemkin Empire (wout) 11401045 : 11420891 11443059 11377018 11418017 %11429831 11395127 11403620 %Harmo 11442632 %11429826 %11429829 11439652 11403795 %11407893 %11407895 11439565 11424871 %11407892 11439561 11439564 11442630 %11443060 %11443282 %11429824 %11440657 %11443062 %11443281 11405110 # Genoa (wout) 11401049 : 11420891 %MASoC 11443059 11377018 %PoM %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11395127 11440566 %11429834 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11442632 11439567 %11430295 # Power Grid (wout) 11401059 : 11420891 %MASoC 11443059 %PoM %11407896 %11429831 %11429833 11440566 %11429834 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11429137 11420944 11439567 %11429835 11439650 11443286 # Axis & Allies: Europe (wout) 11401068 : 11420891 %MASoC 11443059 %PoM %11407896 %11429833 11440566 %11429834 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11429137 11420944 %11429835 11439650 %11432996 11443286 11443287 %11429836 11439602 11439606 # Axis & Allies: Pacific (wout) 11401074 : 11420891 %MASoC 11443059 %PoM %11407896 %11429833 11440566 %11429834 11439568 11440665 %11443285 11429137 11420944 %11429835 11439650 %11432996 11443286 11443287 %11429836 11439602 11439606 # Note: The following 24 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (wout) %11407891 : 11407891-COPY1 11407891-COPY2 11407891-COPY3 11407891-COPY4 11407891-COPY5 11407891-COPY6 11407891-COPY7 11407891-COPY8 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (wout) %11407892 : 11407892-COPY1 11407892-COPY2 11407892-COPY3 11407892-COPY4 11407892-COPY5 11407892-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer (wout) %11407893 : 11407893-COPY1 11407893-COPY2 11407893-COPY3 11407893-COPY4 11407893-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 28 EUR via bank transfer (wout) %11407895 : 11407895-COPY1 11407895-COPY2 11407895-COPY3 11407895-COPY4 11407895-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (wout) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (wout) %11429824 : 11429824-COPY1 11429824-COPY2 11429824-COPY3 11429824-COPY4 11429824-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (wout) %11429826 : 11429826-COPY1 11429826-COPY2 11429826-COPY3 11429826-COPY4 11429826-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (wout) %11429829 : 11429829-COPY1 11429829-COPY2 11429829-COPY3 11429829-COPY4 11429829-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 35 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (wout) %11429831 : 11429831-COPY1 11429831-COPY2 11429831-COPY3 11429831-COPY4 11429831-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (wout) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (wout) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (wout) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (wout) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (wout) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 32 EUR via bank transfer (wout) %11430295 : 11430295-COPY1 11430295-COPY2 11430295-COPY3 11430295-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (wout) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via Paypal (wout) %11440657 : 11440657-COPY1 11440657-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via Paypal (wout) %11440658 : 11440658-COPY1 11440658-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer (wout) %11443060 : 11443060-COPY1 11443060-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer (wout) %11443062 : 11443062-COPY1 11443062-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 15 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (wout) %11443281 : 11443281-COPY1 11443281-COPY2 11443281-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 20 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (wout) %11443282 : 11443282-COPY1 11443282-COPY2 11443282-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 25 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (wout) %11443284 : 11443284-COPY1 11443284-COPY2 11443284-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (wout) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 #pragma user "ypsilon" # Confirmation code: dqfha8bDJoGSCxhjzaw6hA # Wed Jan 22 11:16:35 2025 # Starlink (ypsilon) 11442597 : 11391287 11438612 11391220 11420920 11395644 11411771 11408694 11391296 11391760 # Betrayal at House on the Hill (ypsilon) 11442610 : 11391287 11438612 11391220 11420920 11395644 11411771 11408694 # Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age (ypsilon) 11442615 : 11391287 11438612 11391220 11420920 11395644 11411771 11408694 11391296 11391760 # Thunderstone Advance: Numenera (ypsilon) 11442631 : 11391287 11438612 11391220 11420920 # Hyperborea (ypsilon) 11442641 : 11391287 11438612 11391220 11420920 11395644 # The Manhattan Project (ypsilon) 11442655 : 11391287 #pragma user "zamx" # Confirmation code: ZjqocH1ovlZ1ePZsqy-Dag # Tue Jan 21 04:39:30 2025 # Hoyuk (zamx) 11404989 : 11412700 11420944 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11425557 11418017 11442641 11435089 # Uruk II: Die Entwicklung geht weiter (zamx) 11404995 : 11412700 11420944 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11425557 11418017 11442641 11435089 # Dominion (zamx) 11405000 : # Praetor (zamx) 11405004 : 11412700 11420944 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11425557 11418017 11442641 11435089 # Forbidden Island (zamx) 11405006 : 11412700 11420944 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11425557 11418017 11442641 11435089 # Arcana (zamx) 11405034 : 11412700 11420944 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11425557 11418017 11442641 11435089 # Dungeon Petz (zamx) 11405046 : 11412700 11420944 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 11425557 11418017 11442641 11435089 # Twilight Imperium: Third Edition (zamx) 11417366 : 11412700 11420944 %11429836 %11429839 11439606 11443287 # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (zamx) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (zamx) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 #pragma user "ZiNNED" # Confirmation code: LVbKAbJ0AbCCEzelWygqCw # Sun Jan 19 09:06:05 2025 # Las Vegas Royale (ZiNNED) 11408277 : 11424956 11424945 11420978 11405426 11395605 11391498 11392387 11434670 11395644 11403496 11427237 11425841 11419394 11425873 11421187 11442655 11394818 11438797 11420982 11417638 11443052 11425136 11395005 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11391296 11420972 11439720 11399248 11391772 # Dominion (Second Edition) (ZiNNED) 11414263 : 11424956 11424945 11420978 11405426 11395605 11391498 11392387 11434670 11395644 11403496 11427237 11425841 11419394 11425873 11421187 11442655 11394818 11438797 11420982 11417638 11443052 11425136 11395005 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11391296 11420972 11439720 11399248 11391772 # Carcassonne: 20th Anniversary Edition (ZiNNED) 11415824 : 11424956 11424945 11420978 11405426 11395605 11391498 11392387 11434670 11395644 11403496 11427237 11425841 11419394 11425873 11421187 11442655 11394818 11438797 11420982 11417638 11443052 11425136 11395005 %11407896 %11429833 %11429834 %11429835 %11429836 %11429839 %11432996 11439602 11439606 11439650 11440665 %11443285 11443286 11443287 11391296 11420972 11439720 11399248 11391772 # Note: The following 8 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer (ZiNNED) %11407896 : 11407896-COPY1 11407896-COPY2 11407896-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (ZiNNED) %11429833 : 11429833-COPY1 11429833-COPY2 11429833-COPY3 11429833-COPY4 11429833-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 45 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (ZiNNED) %11429834 : 11429834-COPY1 11429834-COPY2 11429834-COPY3 11429834-COPY4 11429834-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 50 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (ZiNNED) %11429835 : 11429835-COPY1 11429835-COPY2 11429835-COPY3 11429835-COPY4 11429835-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 60 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (ZiNNED) %11429836 : 11429836-COPY1 11429836-COPY2 11429836-COPY3 11429836-COPY4 11429836-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 70 EUR via bank transfer or Tikkie (Dutch people) (ZiNNED) %11429839 : 11429839-COPY1 11429839-COPY2 11429839-COPY3 11429839-COPY4 11429839-COPY5 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 55 EUR via bank transfer (ZiNNED) %11432996 : 11432996-COPY1 11432996-COPY2 11432996-COPY3 11432996-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 40 EUR via bank transfer or paypal (ZiNNED) %11443285 : 11443285-COPY1 11443285-COPY2 # End of wants. If you don't see this line then this file may have # been truncated. IMPORTANT: this comment block is also required to be # in the wants file when you upload the WANTS into the OLWLG.