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Total count: 243
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Unity Games 15 No-Ship Math Trade (Boston area) on Feb. 7th, 2009!
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Reminder: the following does not include any sweetener(s)
80sGirl : (12 trades of 21, 57%)
-- 1. gives "Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery (175)" to Comfect (434)
-- 2. gives "YINSH (141)" to crandall (534)
-- 3. gives "Fast Flowing Forest Fellers (168)" to cwmassey (524)
-- 4. gives "Factory Fun (174)" to huber (307)
-- 5. gives "California (157)" to Kaelistus (46)
-- 6. gives "Boomtown (162)" to Legomancer (298)
-- 7. gives "Masquerade (176)" to miker (288)
-- 8. gives "Dancing Eggs (152)" to Rappak (392)
-- 9. gives "Animalia (144)" to sos1 (122)
-- 10. gives "Experiment (155)" to Terry Egan (411)
-- 11. gives "BattleLore: Call to Arms (165)" to Terry Egan (338)
-- 12. gives "Tongiaki (159)" to wolper (404)
++ 1. receives "Kontor (75)" from hotc
++ 2. receives "For Sale (232)" from rocketkiwi
++ 3. receives "Alchemist (384)" from Rappak
++ 4. receives "Master Thieves (307)" from huber
++ 5. receives "Guillotine (179)" from Comfect
++ 6. receives "Chopstick Dexterity MegaChallenge 3000 (423)" from slam74
++ 7. receives "Wizard (193)" from sbass
++ 8. receives "HeroScape Expansion Set: Utgar's Rage (313)" from Terry Egan
++ 9. receives "Great Wall of China (210)" from tmredden
++ 10. receives "Alt Name: $10 ThoughtHammer Gift Cert (440)" from JeffyJeff
++ 11. receives "Thief of Baghdad, The (106)" from huber
++ 12. receives "Hoity Toity (404)" from wolper
adiamant : (2 trades of 6, 33%)
-- 1. gives "Poison (489)" to Drafey (451)
-- 2. gives "Razzia! (488)" to ScottH (527)
++ 1. receives "Pizza Box Football (370)" from sultanofchance
++ 2. receives "Vegas Showdown (227)" from theredwagoneer
AntonCarl : (0 trades of 1, 0%)
Auricle : (2 trades of 4, 50%)
-- 1. gives "Lord of the Rings - Friends & Foes (482)" to Terry Egan (331)
-- 2. gives "Lord of the Rings - Sauron (483)" to Terry Egan (330)
++ 1. receives "Modern Art (474)" from possumbait
++ 2. receives "Polarity (202)" from Orph
Comfect : (5 trades of 5, 100%)
-- 1. gives "Guillotine (179)" to 80sGirl (157)
-- 2. gives "1870 (434)" to cwmassey (214)
-- 3. gives "Caylus Magna Carta (180)" to laurion (117)
-- 4. gives "Gulf, Mobile & Ohio (178)" to tool (450)
-- 5. gives "Wreckage (177)" to wolper (406)
++ 1. receives "PanzerBlitz (203)" from Orph
++ 2. receives "Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery (175)" from 80sGirl
++ 3. receives "Lifeboat (359)" from tevacircus
++ 4. receives "Shogun (552)" from crandall
++ 5. receives "More Cosmic Encounter (433)" from wjohnston
crandall : (5 trades of 10, 50%)
-- 1. gives "Shogun (552)" to Comfect (178)
-- 2. gives "Medieval Merchant (541)" to huber (98)
-- 3. gives "ZÈRTZ (544)" to JeffyJeff (36)
-- 4. gives "Streetcar (545)" to miker (135)
-- 5. gives "10 Days in Asia (534)" to Terry Egan (429)
++ 1. receives "Siedler von Catan, Die - Das Buch zum Spielen (132)" from ijmcf
++ 2. receives "Settlers of Catan, The (186)" from Desiderata
++ 3. receives "Hey! That's My Fish! (506)" from ScottH
++ 4. receives "Oregon (394)" from Rappak
++ 5. receives "YINSH (141)" from 80sGirl
cwmassey : (11 trades of 14, 78%)
-- 1. gives "Wallenstein (213)" to ijmcf (129)
-- 2. gives "Darjeeling (522)" to JeffyJeff (26)
-- 3. gives "Age of Discovery (212)" to Legomancer (305)
-- 4. gives "Icehouse (218)" to rocketkiwi (238)
-- 5. gives "Santiago (525)" to sbass (382)
-- 6. gives "VOC! - Founding the Dutch East Indies Company (214)" to ScottH (241)
-- 7. gives "Ringgeister (217)" to ScottH (506)
-- 8. gives "Winds Of Plunder (421)" to Terry Egan (431)
-- 9. gives "Capitol (524)" to Terry Egan (437)
-- 10. gives "Moderne Zeiten (542)" to Terry Egan (322)
-- 11. gives "Carcassonne: The Castle (216)" to tevacircus (359)
++ 1. receives "Age of Renaissance (66)" from hotc
++ 2. receives "Kings and Castles (451)" from Drafey
++ 3. receives "Anno 1701: Das Brettspiel (150)" from tool
++ 4. receives "Alt Name: $15 ThoughtHammer Gift Cert (551)" from JeffyJeff
++ 5. receives "Notre Dame (117)" from laurion
++ 6. receives "1870 (434)" from Comfect
++ 7. receives "Maya (457)" from muttstain
++ 8. receives "Robber Knights (347)" from Karmic_devil
++ 9. receives "Fast Flowing Forest Fellers (168)" from 80sGirl
++ 10. receives "Ulysses (137)" from miker
++ 11. receives "Zooloretto (533)" from ScottH
Desiderata : (3 trades of 3, 100%)
-- 1. gives "Settlers of Catan, The (186)" to crandall (541)
-- 2. gives "Mission: Red Planet (111)" to JeffyJeff (452)
-- 3. gives "Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game (112)" to Mattgo (371)
++ 1. receives "Notre Dame (407)" from Terry Egan
++ 2. receives "Fury of Dracula (476)" from possumbait
++ 3. receives "Return of the Heroes (9)" from JeffyJeff
Drafey : (1 trades of 4, 25%)
-- 1. gives "Kings and Castles (451)" to cwmassey (522)
++ 1. receives "Poison (489)" from adiamant
Eric Brosius : (2 trades of 4, 50%)
-- 1. gives "Pillars of the Earth, The (442)" to ijmcf (130)
-- 2. gives "Battle Line (436)" to miker (137)
++ 1. receives "El Capitán (25)" from JeffyJeff
++ 2. receives "Galaxy: the Dark Ages (49)" from Kaelistus
Falcons : (0 trades of 1, 0%)
fendwick : (1 trades of 7, 14%)
-- 1. gives "Successors (78)" to hotc (66)
++ 1. receives "Byzantium (437)" from Terry Egan
hotc : (6 trades of 12, 50%)
-- 1. gives "Kontor (75)" to 80sGirl (175)
-- 2. gives "Age of Renaissance (66)" to cwmassey (213)
-- 3. gives "2038 (65)" to huber (102)
-- 4. gives "Assassin (74)" to tmredden (61)
-- 5. gives "Barbarian, Kingdom & Empire (72)" to tool (150)
-- 6. gives "Business (70)" to wjohnston (516)
++ 1. receives "Galactic Emperor (387)" from Rappak
++ 2. receives "Successors (78)" from fendwick
++ 3. receives "Newtown (101)" from huber
++ 4. receives "Nacho Incident, The (546)" from PlanetSmasher
++ 5. receives "Memoir '44 (130)" from ijmcf
++ 6. receives "Catan: Traders & Barbarians (31)" from JeffyJeff
huber : (9 trades of 35, 25%)
-- 1. gives "Thief of Baghdad, The (106)" to 80sGirl (165)
-- 2. gives "Master Thieves (307)" to 80sGirl (174)
-- 3. gives "Newtown (101)" to hotc (65)
-- 4. gives "Dancing Dice (91)" to muttstain (459)
-- 5. gives "Time Agent (308)" to Orph (202)
-- 6. gives "Perikles (102)" to possumbait (476)
-- 7. gives "Auf Kurs (98)" to sos1 (189)
-- 8. gives "Loco! (94)" to tmredden (53)
-- 9. gives "Fragile (487)" to tmredden (535)
++ 1. receives "Mr. President (264)" from mkgray
++ 2. receives "Factory Fun (174)" from 80sGirl
++ 3. receives "Alt Name: 99 Geek Gold (453)" from JeffyJeff
++ 4. receives "Oltremare - Merchants of Venice (478)" from possumbait
++ 5. receives "Alt Name: 150 Geek Gold (452)" from JeffyJeff
++ 6. receives "2038 (65)" from hotc
++ 7. receives "Medieval Merchant (541)" from crandall
++ 8. receives "Race for the Galaxy (231)" from rocketkiwi
++ 9. receives "Merchant of Venus (291)" from wjohnston
ijmcf : (5 trades of 5, 100%)
-- 1. gives "Siedler von Catan, Die - Das Buch zum Spielen (132)" to crandall (552)
-- 2. gives "Memoir '44 (130)" to hotc (72)
-- 3. gives "Warriors of God (133)" to ScottH (539)
-- 4. gives "BattleLore (129)" to Terry Egan (408)
-- 5. gives "Lunch Money (138)" to wolper (401)
++ 1. receives "Pillars of the Earth, The (408)" from Terry Egan
++ 2. receives "Pillars of the Earth, The (442)" from Eric Brosius
++ 3. receives "Thurn and Taxis (301)" from Legomancer
++ 4. receives "Wallenstein (213)" from cwmassey
++ 5. receives "Magic: The Gathering CCG (42)" from Kaelistus
Jeffrey Henning : (1 trades of 1, 100%)
-- 1. gives "World in War: Combined Arms 1939-1945 (265)" to Kaelistus (44)
++ 1. receives "Hera and Zeus (46)" from Kaelistus
JeffyJeff : (19 trades of 50, 38%)
-- 1. gives "Alt Name: $10 ThoughtHammer Gift Cert (440)" to 80sGirl (155)
-- 2. gives "Alt Name: $15 ThoughtHammer Gift Cert (551)" to cwmassey (218)
-- 3. gives "Return of the Heroes (9)" to Desiderata (112)
-- 4. gives "El Capitán (25)" to Eric Brosius (442)
-- 5. gives "Catan: Traders & Barbarians (31)" to hotc (70)
-- 6. gives "Alt Name: 150 Geek Gold (452)" to huber (308)
-- 7. gives "Alt Name: 99 Geek Gold (453)" to huber (101)
-- 8. gives "Aquädukt (29)" to Kaelistus (49)
-- 9. gives "Alt Name: $10 ThoughtHammer Gift Cert (440)" to Karmic_devil (347)
-- 10. gives "Thurn and Taxis - All Roads Lead to Rome (26)" to laurion (119)
-- 11. gives "Gheos (33)" to miker (134)
-- 12. gives "Pecking Order (35)" to mkgray (251)
-- 13. gives "Aquädukt (29)" to muttstain (444)
-- 14. gives "Klunker (36)" to muttstain (445)
-- 15. gives "Alt Name: Professional Dealer Shoe (479)" to Orph (203)
-- 16. gives "Hive (24)" to PlanetSmasher (250)
-- 17. gives "Heimlich & Co. (22)" to Rappak (480)
-- 18. gives "Ra (4)" to Terry Egan (324)
-- 19. gives "Hollywood Blockbuster (5)" to tevacircus (358)
++ 1. receives "Lunar Rails (303)" from Legomancer
++ 2. receives "Manila (136)" from miker
++ 3. receives "Stephenson's Rocket (305)" from Legomancer
++ 4. receives "Domaine (505)" from wjohnston
++ 5. receives "Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries (539)" from ScottH
++ 6. receives "Mission: Red Planet (111)" from Desiderata
++ 7. receives "Montgolfiere (320)" from Terry Egan
++ 8. receives "Ark of the Covenant, The (401)" from wolper
++ 9. receives "Hey! That's My Fish! (249)" from PlanetSmasher
++ 10. receives "Darjeeling (522)" from cwmassey
++ 11. receives "Rum & Pirates (514)" from ScottH
++ 12. receives "Adam & Eva (429)" from Terry Egan
++ 13. receives "Café International (417)" from Terry Egan
++ 14. receives "ZÈRTZ (544)" from crandall
++ 15. receives "Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde (259)" from mkgray
++ 16. receives "Logistico (45)" from Kaelistus
++ 17. receives "Airlines (414)" from Terry Egan
++ 18. receives "Guatemala Café (319)" from Terry Egan
++ 19. receives "Airships (357)" from tevacircus
Kaelistus : (9 trades of 16, 56%)
-- 1. gives "Galaxy: the Dark Ages (49)" to Eric Brosius (436)
-- 2. gives "Magic: The Gathering CCG (42)" to ijmcf (138)
-- 3. gives "Hera and Zeus (46)" to Jeffrey Henning (265)
-- 4. gives "Logistico (45)" to JeffyJeff (24)
-- 5. gives "Arkadia (51)" to PlanetSmasher (546)
-- 6. gives "Mü & More (41)" to starspangledgirl (184)
-- 7. gives "Modern Art (43)" to Terry Egan (342)
-- 8. gives "Fossil (52)" to tmredden (56)
-- 9. gives "Risk 2210 A.D. (44)" to wolper (399)
++ 1. receives "Aquädukt (29)" from JeffyJeff
++ 2. receives "Niagara (135)" from miker
++ 3. receives "California (157)" from 80sGirl
++ 4. receives "Wind River (450)" from tool
++ 5. receives "Carcassonne: The Discovery (57)" from tmredden
++ 6. receives "Gargon (495)" from starspangledgirl
++ 7. receives "Cairo (285)" from ScottH
++ 8. receives "Quarto! (60)" from tmredden
++ 9. receives "World in War: Combined Arms 1939-1945 (265)" from Jeffrey Henning
Karmic_devil : (4 trades of 13, 30%)
-- 1. gives "Robber Knights (347)" to cwmassey (421)
-- 2. gives "Dragon Delta (344)" to PlanetSmasher (550)
-- 3. gives "Perikles (346)" to possumbait (475)
-- 4. gives "To Court the King (345)" to theredwagoneer (234)
++ 1. receives "Alt Name: $10 ThoughtHammer Gift Cert (440)" from JeffyJeff
++ 2. receives "Vanished Planet (392)" from Rappak
++ 3. receives "Louis XIV (299)" from Legomancer
++ 4. receives "Santiago (61)" from tmredden
laurion : (3 trades of 11, 27%)
-- 1. gives "Notre Dame (117)" to cwmassey (525)
-- 2. gives "Aquädukt (119)" to muttstain (457)
-- 3. gives "Caylus (273)" to PlanetSmasher (246)
++ 1. receives "Caylus Magna Carta (180)" from Comfect
++ 2. receives "Thurn and Taxis - All Roads Lead to Rome (26)" from JeffyJeff
++ 3. receives "Dracula (431)" from Terry Egan
Legomancer : (6 trades of 10, 60%)
-- 1. gives "Thurn and Taxis (301)" to ijmcf (133)
-- 2. gives "Lunar Rails (303)" to JeffyJeff (440)
-- 3. gives "Stephenson's Rocket (305)" to JeffyJeff (9)
-- 4. gives "Louis XIV (299)" to Karmic_devil (346)
-- 5. gives "Hacker (298)" to mkgray (264)
-- 6. gives "Bucket King, The (296)" to sultanofchance (370)
++ 1. receives "Falcon's Maze (166)" from tool
++ 2. receives "Maharaja: Palace Building in India (475)" from possumbait
++ 3. receives "Age of Discovery (212)" from cwmassey
++ 4. receives "Survive! (149)" from tool
++ 5. receives "Boomtown (162)" from 80sGirl
++ 6. receives "Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice Board Game (295)" from sbass
llabnip : (1 trades of 6, 16%)
-- 1. gives "Andromeda (466)" to Rappak (387)
++ 1. receives "TZAAR (58)" from tmredden
Mattgo : (2 trades of 3, 66%)
-- 1. gives "Battlestar Galactica (371)" to sos1 (121)
-- 2. gives "Modern Art (276)" to Terry Egan (319)
++ 1. receives "Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game (112)" from Desiderata
++ 2. receives "Ave Caesar (376)" from rkircher
mattwran : (2 trades of 5, 40%)
-- 1. gives "Magna Grecia (269)" to sbass (194)
-- 2. gives "Hera and Zeus (272)" to sbass (193)
++ 1. receives "Hare & Tortoise (550)" from PlanetSmasher
++ 2. receives "Kahuna (330)" from Terry Egan
miker : (7 trades of 9, 77%)
-- 1. gives "Ulysses (137)" to cwmassey (542)
-- 2. gives "Manila (136)" to JeffyJeff (551)
-- 3. gives "Niagara (135)" to Kaelistus (42)
-- 4. gives "Dracula (139)" to sos1 (181)
-- 5. gives "Intrigue (288)" to Terry Egan (314)
-- 6. gives "Santiago (134)" to theredwagoneer (225)
-- 7. gives "British Rails (140)" to tmredden (57)
++ 1. receives "Battle Line (436)" from Eric Brosius
++ 2. receives "Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot (194)" from sbass
++ 3. receives "Streetcar (545)" from crandall
++ 4. receives "King's Gate (338)" from Terry Egan
++ 5. receives "Masquerade (176)" from 80sGirl
++ 6. receives "Gheos (33)" from JeffyJeff
++ 7. receives "David & Goliath (411)" from Terry Egan
mkgray : (6 trades of 14, 42%)
-- 1. gives "Mr. President (264)" to huber (106)
-- 2. gives "Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde (259)" to JeffyJeff (479)
-- 3. gives "Control Nut! (255)" to sbass (295)
-- 4. gives "HeroScape Expansion Set: Volcarren Wasteland (251)" to Terry Egan (313)
-- 5. gives "HeroScape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie (258)" to Terry Egan (415)
-- 6. gives "HeroScape Expansion Set: Volcarren Wasteland (251)" to tmredden (58)
++ 1. receives "Hacker (298)" from Legomancer
++ 2. receives "Paparazzo (336)" from Terry Egan
++ 3. receives "Sunken City (406)" from wolper
++ 4. receives "HeroScape Master Set: Swarm of the Marro (322)" from Terry Egan
++ 5. receives "Strange Synergy (403)" from wolper
++ 6. receives "Pecking Order (35)" from JeffyJeff
muttstain : (5 trades of 16, 31%)
-- 1. gives "Maya (457)" to cwmassey (217)
-- 2. gives "Arkham Horror (443)" to Rappak (384)
-- 3. gives "Tower of Babel (444)" to Rappak (394)
-- 4. gives "Tsuro (459)" to ScottH (283)
-- 5. gives "Input (445)" to wolper (403)
++ 1. receives "Aquädukt (119)" from laurion
++ 2. receives "Alt Name: Keizer Ghidorah Plush (382)" from sbass
++ 3. receives "Aquädukt (29)" from JeffyJeff
++ 4. receives "Dancing Dice (91)" from huber
++ 5. receives "Klunker (36)" from JeffyJeff
nix342 : (1 trades of 1, 100%)
-- 1. gives "Wizard's Quest (286)" to wolper (400)
++ 1. receives "Risk - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Edition (250)" from PlanetSmasher
Orph : (2 trades of 12, 16%)
-- 1. gives "Polarity (202)" to Auricle (483)
-- 2. gives "PanzerBlitz (203)" to Comfect (179)
++ 1. receives "Time Agent (308)" from huber
++ 2. receives "Alt Name: Professional Dealer Shoe (479)" from JeffyJeff
PlanetSmasher : (6 trades of 14, 42%)
-- 1. gives "Nacho Incident, The (546)" to hotc (74)
-- 2. gives "Hey! That's My Fish! (249)" to JeffyJeff (440)
-- 3. gives "Hare & Tortoise (550)" to mattwran (269)
-- 4. gives "Risk - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Edition (250)" to nix342 (286)
-- 5. gives "Frank's Zoo (553)" to starspangledgirl (495)
-- 6. gives "Nexus Ops (246)" to Terry Egan (320)
++ 1. receives "Arkadia (51)" from Kaelistus
++ 2. receives "Make 'n' Break Extreme (278)" from sos1
++ 3. receives "Dragon Delta (344)" from Karmic_devil
++ 4. receives "Hive (24)" from JeffyJeff
++ 5. receives "Carcassonne: The Castle (380)" from rkircher
++ 6. receives "Caylus (273)" from laurion
possumbait : (6 trades of 6, 100%)
-- 1. gives "Modern Art (474)" to Auricle (482)
-- 2. gives "Fury of Dracula (476)" to Desiderata (111)
-- 3. gives "Oltremare - Merchants of Venice (478)" to huber (91)
-- 4. gives "Maharaja: Palace Building in India (475)" to Legomancer (303)
-- 5. gives "ZÈRTZ (470)" to rocketkiwi (232)
-- 6. gives "Aladdin's Dragons (472)" to Terry Egan (417)
++ 1. receives "Acquire (516)" from wjohnston
++ 2. receives "Perikles (102)" from huber
++ 3. receives "Alhambra (226)" from theredwagoneer
++ 4. receives "Perikles (346)" from Karmic_devil
++ 5. receives "Alhambra: The Vizier's Favor (331)" from Terry Egan
++ 6. receives "Field Commander: Rommel (121)" from sos1
pronoblem : (0 trades of 2, 0%)
Rappak : (5 trades of 15, 33%)
-- 1. gives "Alchemist (384)" to 80sGirl (168)
-- 2. gives "Oregon (394)" to crandall (545)
-- 3. gives "Galactic Emperor (387)" to hotc (75)
-- 4. gives "Vanished Planet (392)" to Karmic_devil (344)
-- 5. gives "Race for the Galaxy: The Gathering Storm (480)" to ScottH (533)
++ 1. receives "Arkham Horror (443)" from muttstain
++ 2. receives "Tower of Babel (444)" from muttstain
++ 3. receives "Andromeda (466)" from llabnip
++ 4. receives "Dancing Eggs (152)" from 80sGirl
++ 5. receives "Heimlich & Co. (22)" from JeffyJeff
rkircher : (3 trades of 10, 30%)
-- 1. gives "Ave Caesar (376)" to Mattgo (276)
-- 2. gives "Carcassonne: The Castle (380)" to PlanetSmasher (553)
-- 3. gives "Euphrates & Tigris Card Game (379)" to sbass (193)
++ 1. receives "Midway (297)" from sos1
++ 2. receives "Sid Meier's Civilization: The Boardgame (241)" from ScottH
++ 3. receives "Hoity Toity (189)" from sos1
rocketkiwi : (3 trades of 10, 30%)
-- 1. gives "For Sale (232)" to 80sGirl (141)
-- 2. gives "Race for the Galaxy (231)" to huber (94)
-- 3. gives "Lost Cities (238)" to Terry Egan (321)
++ 1. receives "ZÈRTZ (470)" from possumbait
++ 2. receives "Acquire (219)" from tmredden
++ 3. receives "Icehouse (218)" from cwmassey
sbass : (6 trades of 12, 50%)
-- 1. gives "Wizard (193)" to 80sGirl (176)
-- 2. gives "Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice Board Game (295)" to Legomancer (296)
-- 3. gives "Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot (194)" to miker (136)
-- 4. gives "Alt Name: Keizer Ghidorah Plush (382)" to muttstain (443)
-- 5. gives "Wizard (193)" to slam74 (423)
-- 6. gives "Cave Troll (195)" to Terry Egan (327)
++ 1. receives "Hera and Zeus (272)" from mattwran
++ 2. receives "Control Nut! (255)" from mkgray
++ 3. receives "Magna Grecia (269)" from mattwran
++ 4. receives "Santiago (525)" from cwmassey
++ 5. receives "Euphrates & Tigris Card Game (379)" from rkircher
++ 6. receives "Through the Desert (225)" from theredwagoneer
ScottH : (11 trades of 20, 55%)
-- 1. gives "Hey! That's My Fish! (506)" to crandall (544)
-- 2. gives "Zooloretto (533)" to cwmassey (216)
-- 3. gives "Rum & Pirates (514)" to JeffyJeff (33)
-- 4. gives "Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries (539)" to JeffyJeff (31)
-- 5. gives "Cairo (285)" to Kaelistus (43)
-- 6. gives "Sid Meier's Civilization: The Boardgame (241)" to rkircher (380)
-- 7. gives "Airships (283)" to Terry Egan (407)
-- 8. gives "Ostia (284)" to Terry Egan (418)
-- 9. gives "Cubicado (281)" to tool (149)
-- 10. gives "Waterloo (527)" to tool (166)
-- 11. gives "Civilization (503)" to wjohnston (499)
++ 1. receives "Ringgeister (217)" from cwmassey
++ 2. receives "Race for the Galaxy: The Gathering Storm (480)" from Rappak
++ 3. receives "Battle Line (425)" from slam74
++ 4. receives "Warriors of God (133)" from ijmcf
++ 5. receives "Knockabout (424)" from slam74
++ 6. receives "VOC! - Founding the Dutch East Indies Company (214)" from cwmassey
++ 7. receives "Tsuro (459)" from muttstain
++ 8. receives "Dragon's Gold (55)" from tmredden
++ 9. receives "Chariot Lords (415)" from Terry Egan
++ 10. receives "Razzia! (488)" from adiamant
++ 11. receives "Dune (499)" from wjohnston
slam74 : (3 trades of 3, 100%)
-- 1. gives "Chopstick Dexterity MegaChallenge 3000 (423)" to 80sGirl (162)
-- 2. gives "Knockabout (424)" to ScottH (285)
-- 3. gives "Battle Line (425)" to ScottH (514)
++ 1. receives "Wizard (193)" from sbass
++ 2. receives "Wings of War - Eagles of the Reich Squadron Pack (53)" from tmredden
++ 3. receives "Time's Up! (400)" from wolper
sos1 : (6 trades of 22, 27%)
-- 1. gives "Make 'n' Break Extreme (278)" to PlanetSmasher (249)
-- 2. gives "Field Commander: Rommel (121)" to possumbait (472)
-- 3. gives "Hoity Toity (189)" to rkircher (379)
-- 4. gives "Midway (297)" to rkircher (376)
-- 5. gives "Shazamm! (122)" to Terry Egan (336)
-- 6. gives "Ali Baba (181)" to tmredden (210)
++ 1. receives "Grand National Derby (324)" from Terry Egan
++ 2. receives "Battlestar Galactica (371)" from Mattgo
++ 3. receives "Auf Kurs (98)" from huber
++ 4. receives "New World: A Carcassonne Game (342)" from Terry Egan
++ 5. receives "Animalia (144)" from 80sGirl
++ 6. receives "Dracula (139)" from miker
starspangledgirl : (2 trades of 6, 33%)
-- 1. gives "Gargon (495)" to Kaelistus (41)
-- 2. gives "INWO SubGenius (184)" to tmredden (55)
++ 1. receives "Frank's Zoo (553)" from PlanetSmasher
++ 2. receives "Mü & More (41)" from Kaelistus
sultanofchance : (1 trades of 1, 100%)
-- 1. gives "Pizza Box Football (370)" to adiamant (489)
++ 1. receives "Bucket King, The (296)" from Legomancer
Terry Egan : (24 trades of 48, 50%)
-- 1. gives "HeroScape Expansion Set: Utgar's Rage (313)" to 80sGirl (152)
-- 2. gives "Notre Dame (407)" to Desiderata (186)
-- 3. gives "Byzantium (437)" to fendwick (78)
-- 4. gives "Pillars of the Earth, The (408)" to ijmcf (132)
-- 5. gives "Guatemala Café (319)" to JeffyJeff (4)
-- 6. gives "Montgolfiere (320)" to JeffyJeff (453)
-- 7. gives "Airlines (414)" to JeffyJeff (22)
-- 8. gives "Café International (417)" to JeffyJeff (29)
-- 9. gives "Adam & Eva (429)" to JeffyJeff (35)
-- 10. gives "Dracula (431)" to laurion (273)
-- 11. gives "Kahuna (330)" to mattwran (272)
-- 12. gives "King's Gate (338)" to miker (139)
-- 13. gives "David & Goliath (411)" to miker (140)
-- 14. gives "HeroScape Master Set: Swarm of the Marro (322)" to mkgray (251)
-- 15. gives "Paparazzo (336)" to mkgray (259)
-- 16. gives "Alhambra: The Vizier's Favor (331)" to possumbait (470)
-- 17. gives "Chariot Lords (415)" to ScottH (281)
-- 18. gives "Grand National Derby (324)" to sos1 (278)
-- 19. gives "New World: A Carcassonne Game (342)" to sos1 (297)
-- 20. gives "Siena (327)" to theredwagoneer (227)
-- 21. gives "Palazzo (409)" to theredwagoneer (226)
-- 22. gives "Canaletto (321)" to tool (334)
-- 23. gives "An Den Ufern Des Nils (418)" to tool (151)
-- 24. gives "Avalon (314)" to wjohnston (433)
++ 1. receives "HeroScape Expansion Set: Volcarren Wasteland (251)" from mkgray
++ 2. receives "Airships (283)" from ScottH
++ 3. receives "Capitol (524)" from cwmassey
++ 4. receives "BattleLore (129)" from ijmcf
++ 5. receives "Modern Art (276)" from Mattgo
++ 6. receives "Nexus Ops (246)" from PlanetSmasher
++ 7. receives "Elfenland (223)" from theredwagoneer
++ 8. receives "Aladdin's Dragons (472)" from possumbait
++ 9. receives "10 Days in Asia (534)" from crandall
++ 10. receives "Winds Of Plunder (421)" from cwmassey
++ 11. receives "Lord of the Rings - Sauron (483)" from Auricle
++ 12. receives "BattleLore: Call to Arms (165)" from 80sGirl
++ 13. receives "Experiment (155)" from 80sGirl
++ 14. receives "Moderne Zeiten (542)" from cwmassey
++ 15. receives "Shazamm! (122)" from sos1
++ 16. receives "Lord of the Rings - Friends & Foes (482)" from Auricle
++ 17. receives "HeroScape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie (258)" from mkgray
++ 18. receives "Ra (4)" from JeffyJeff
++ 19. receives "Modern Art (43)" from Kaelistus
++ 20. receives "Cave Troll (195)" from sbass
++ 21. receives "Mystery Rummy: Al Capone and the Chicago Underworld (358)" from tevacircus
++ 22. receives "Lost Cities (238)" from rocketkiwi
++ 23. receives "Ostia (284)" from ScottH
++ 24. receives "Intrigue (288)" from miker
tevacircus : (3 trades of 11, 27%)
-- 1. gives "Lifeboat (359)" to Comfect (180)
-- 2. gives "Airships (357)" to JeffyJeff (5)
-- 3. gives "Mystery Rummy: Al Capone and the Chicago Underworld (358)" to Terry Egan (409)
++ 1. receives "Carcassonne: The Castle (216)" from cwmassey
++ 2. receives "Monkeys on the Moon (234)" from theredwagoneer
++ 3. receives "Hollywood Blockbuster (5)" from JeffyJeff
theredwagoneer : (5 trades of 12, 41%)
-- 1. gives "Vegas Showdown (227)" to adiamant (488)
-- 2. gives "Alhambra (226)" to possumbait (478)
-- 3. gives "Through the Desert (225)" to sbass (195)
-- 4. gives "Elfenland (223)" to Terry Egan (414)
-- 5. gives "Monkeys on the Moon (234)" to tevacircus (357)
++ 1. receives "Siena (327)" from Terry Egan
++ 2. receives "Palazzo (409)" from Terry Egan
++ 3. receives "Santiago (134)" from miker
++ 4. receives "Nexus Ops (399)" from wolper
++ 5. receives "To Court the King (345)" from Karmic_devil
tmredden : (10 trades of 15, 66%)
-- 1. gives "Great Wall of China (210)" to 80sGirl (144)
-- 2. gives "Carcassonne: The Discovery (57)" to Kaelistus (51)
-- 3. gives "Quarto! (60)" to Kaelistus (52)
-- 4. gives "Santiago (61)" to Karmic_devil (345)
-- 5. gives "TZAAR (58)" to llabnip (466)
-- 6. gives "Acquire (219)" to rocketkiwi (231)
-- 7. gives "Dragon's Gold (55)" to ScottH (284)
-- 8. gives "Wings of War - Eagles of the Reich Squadron Pack (53)" to slam74 (424)
-- 9. gives "Pitchcar Mini (56)" to wjohnston (505)
-- 10. gives "McMulti (535)" to wjohnston (291)
++ 1. receives "Ali Baba (181)" from sos1
++ 2. receives "British Rails (140)" from miker
++ 3. receives "Hossa! (151)" from tool
++ 4. receives "Assassin (74)" from hotc
++ 5. receives "HeroScape Expansion Set: Volcarren Wasteland (251)" from mkgray
++ 6. receives "Scotland Yard (334)" from tool
++ 7. receives "INWO SubGenius (184)" from starspangledgirl
++ 8. receives "Loco! (94)" from huber
++ 9. receives "Fossil (52)" from Kaelistus
++ 10. receives "Fragile (487)" from huber
tool : (6 trades of 28, 21%)
-- 1. gives "Anno 1701: Das Brettspiel (150)" to cwmassey (212)
-- 2. gives "Wind River (450)" to Kaelistus (45)
-- 3. gives "Survive! (149)" to Legomancer (299)
-- 4. gives "Falcon's Maze (166)" to Legomancer (301)
-- 5. gives "Hossa! (151)" to tmredden (60)
-- 6. gives "Scotland Yard (334)" to tmredden (219)
++ 1. receives "Barbarian, Kingdom & Empire (72)" from hotc
++ 2. receives "Gulf, Mobile & Ohio (178)" from Comfect
++ 3. receives "Cubicado (281)" from ScottH
++ 4. receives "Waterloo (527)" from ScottH
++ 5. receives "An Den Ufern Des Nils (418)" from Terry Egan
++ 6. receives "Canaletto (321)" from Terry Egan
wjohnston : (5 trades of 14, 35%)
-- 1. gives "More Cosmic Encounter (433)" to Comfect (177)
-- 2. gives "Merchant of Venus (291)" to huber (487)
-- 3. gives "Domaine (505)" to JeffyJeff (25)
-- 4. gives "Acquire (516)" to possumbait (474)
-- 5. gives "Dune (499)" to ScottH (503)
++ 1. receives "Avalon (314)" from Terry Egan
++ 2. receives "McMulti (535)" from tmredden
++ 3. receives "Pitchcar Mini (56)" from tmredden
++ 4. receives "Business (70)" from hotc
++ 5. receives "Civilization (503)" from ScottH
wolper : (6 trades of 8, 75%)
-- 1. gives "Hoity Toity (404)" to 80sGirl (159)
-- 2. gives "Ark of the Covenant, The (401)" to JeffyJeff (29)
-- 3. gives "Strange Synergy (403)" to mkgray (258)
-- 4. gives "Sunken City (406)" to mkgray (255)
-- 5. gives "Time's Up! (400)" to slam74 (425)
-- 6. gives "Nexus Ops (399)" to theredwagoneer (223)
++ 1. receives "Tongiaki (159)" from 80sGirl
++ 2. receives "Lunch Money (138)" from ijmcf
++ 3. receives "Input (445)" from muttstain
++ 4. receives "Wreckage (177)" from Comfect
++ 5. receives "Wizard's Quest (286)" from nix342
++ 6. receives "Risk 2210 A.D. (44)" from Kaelistus
1835 (262) [mkgray]
1960: The Making of the President (441) [Eric Brosius]
3 Stones (163) [tool]
4000 A.D. (161) [tool]
6-Tage Rennen (318) [Terry Egan]
Acquire (274) [laurion]
Age of Exploration (64) [hotc]
Age of Mythology: The Boardgame (432) [AntonCarl]
Agricola (83) [huber]
Alcatraz (59) [tmredden]
Alexander the Great (67) [hotc]
Alhambra (244) [PlanetSmasher]
Alhambra (170) [80sGirl]
Alt Name: $25 ThoughtHammer Gift Cert (554) [JeffyJeff]
Alt Name: $25 ThoughtHammer Gift Cert (439) [JeffyJeff]
Alt Name: $40 ThoughtHammer Gift Cert (510) [JeffyJeff]
Alt Name: 4 Monoply Games Bundle (473) [JeffyJeff]
Alt Name: 400 Geek Gold (556) [JeffyJeff]
Alt Name: Fidelity Voice Bridge Challenger (493) [huber]
Alt Name: Fudge RPG Fantasy Lot (125) [sos1]
Alt Name: Item withdrawn (128) [sos1]
Alt Name: Item withdrawn/relisted (233) [rocketkiwi]
Alt Name: Item withdrawn/relisted (211) [tmredden]
Alt Name: Item withdrawn/relisted (153) [tool]
Alt Name: Jeopardy Challenger (464) [llabnip]
Alt Name: Non-Fantasy Fudge RPG Lot (126) [sos1]
Alt Name: PSP Game Untold Legends: The Warriors Code (289) [miker]
Alt Name: RhythmTrak RT-234 - Drum Machine (477) [sos1]
Alt Name: RPG Books Galore (481) [Legomancer]
Alt Name: Shrek Themed Games Bundle (504) [JeffyJeff]
Alt Name: Star Trek NG Season7 (454) [starspangledgirl]
Alt Name: Three Magazine Games from Dragon Mag (517) [sos1]
Anagramania Junior Edition (131) [miker]
Apples to Apples Bible Edition (113) [laurion]
Aquädukt (343) [Karmic_devil]
Architekton (372) [rkircher]
Arena Maximus (420) [Terry Egan]
Ark of the Covenant, The (87) [huber]
Arkadia (23) [JeffyJeff]
Arkadia (88) [huber]
Atlantic, Chicago and Pacific Rails (68) [hotc]
Attack! (47) [Kaelistus]
Attila (512) [ScottH]
Aura Poku (127) [sos1]
Axis & Allies (502) [wjohnston]
Axis & Allies (416) [Terry Egan]
Axis & Allies (85) [huber]
Axis & Allies: Guadalcanal (84) [huber]
Axis & Allies: Battle of the Bulge (86) [huber]
Axis & Allies: Pacific (271) [mattwran]
Balloon Lagoon (185) [starspangledgirl]
Bamboleo (530) [ScottH]
Battle of the Bands: Encore Edition (367) [tevacircus]
Battleball (267) [Terry Egan]
Beest (460) [muttstain]
Beowulf: The Legend (6) [JeffyJeff]
Beyond Competition (254) [mkgray]
Big City (340) [Terry Egan]
Billabong (89) [huber]
Block Mania (230) [rocketkiwi]
Blokus (7) [JeffyJeff]
Blokus (277) [Mattgo]
Blood Feud In New York (21) [JeffyJeff]
Bridges of Shangri-La, The (13) [JeffyJeff]
Burn Rate (410) [Terry Egan]
Buy Low Sell High (220) [theredwagoneer]
Buy Low Sell High (15) [JeffyJeff]
California (484) [Auricle]
California (30) [JeffyJeff]
Carcassonne (428) [Drafey]
Carcassonne - Inns & Cathedrals (253) [mkgray]
Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers (17) [JeffyJeff]
Carcassonne: The Discovery (430) [Terry Egan]
Cartagena: Die Goldinsel (335) [Terry Egan]
Castle Merchants (354) [Karmic_devil]
Chess (555) [80sGirl]
Chess (164) [tool]
Chez Dork (302) [Legomancer]
Chrononauts (360) [tevacircus]
Circus Flohcati (200) [Orph]
Citadels (39) [Kaelistus]
Clippers (543) [crandall]
Cloud 9 (328) [Terry Egan]
Clue - The Simpsons (205) [Orph]
Clue VCR Mystery Game (206) [Orph]
Code Name: Sector (337) [tool]
Colony: A Strategy Game (519) [tool]
Colorado County (500) [wjohnston]
Colossal Arena (385) [Rappak]
Commands & Colors: Ancients (309) [huber]
Confucius (190) [sos1]
Conquest of the Empire (515) [wjohnston]
Conquest of the Empire (69) [hotc]
Container (491) [adiamant]
Continuo (355) [Karmic_devil]
Continuo (146) [80sGirl]
Convention! (96) [huber]
Cosmic Cows (548) [PlanetSmasher]
Cosmic Wimpout (310) [sbass]
Country Club Golf Game (329) [tool]
Crazy Circus (467) [llabnip]
D'r Af (71) [hotc]
Dancing Dice (92) [huber]
Der Herr der Ringe: Die Zwei Türme (422) [tool]
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (240) [rocketkiwi]
Dice Run (395) [Rappak]
Dino Wars (325) [sos1]
Diplomacy (236) [rocketkiwi]
Downfall of Pompeii, The (3) [JeffyJeff]
Dragonriders (528) [ScottH]
Dschunke (469) [llabnip]
Dust (521) [tool]
eBay Electronic Talking Auction Game (366) [pronoblem]
El Grande (1) [JeffyJeff]
Elixir (197) [sbass]
Elixir (427) [Drafey]
Enchanted Forest (148) [tool]
Euphrates & Tigris Card Game (339) [Terry Egan]
Evo (79) [fendwick]
Fast Food Franchise (266) [Terry Egan]
Feudal (116) [laurion]
First World War, The (501) [ScottH]
Fluxx (290) [JeffyJeff]
Forum Romanum (341) [Terry Egan]
Frog Juice (364) [tevacircus]
Funny Friends (386) [Rappak]
Galaxy Trucker (280) [rocketkiwi]
Game of Nations, The (167) [tool]
Gangsters (173) [80sGirl]
Go (229) [theredwagoneer]
Go (142) [80sGirl]
GOLO (532) [sos1]
Grade Up to Elite Cow (95) [huber]
Grave Robbers From Outer Space (405) [wolper]
Great Western Railway Game (73) [hotc]
Guillotine (368) [tevacircus]
Guillotine (402) [wolper]
Hameln (315) [Terry Egan]
Hare & Tortoise (120) [laurion]
Harry Potter Trading Card Game (362) [tevacircus]
Heave Ho! (326) [Terry Egan]
Hecatomb (201) [Orph]
Hellas (221) [theredwagoneer]
HeroScape Expansion Set: Orm's Return (252) [mkgray]
Hilarium (38) [Kaelistus]
Hoity Toity (14) [JeffyJeff]
Hollywood Blockbuster (465) [Rappak]
Hollywood Blockbuster (228) [theredwagoneer]
Honor of the Samurai (268) [mattwran]
Honor of the Samurai (446) [muttstain]
House Divided, A (498) [ScottH]
Hunt for Red October, The (198) [Orph]
I'm the Boss (20) [JeffyJeff]
Il Principe (388) [Rappak]
Im Reich der Jadegöttin (188) [sos1]
Inkognito (237) [rocketkiwi]
Jagd der Vampire (447) [muttstain]
Jambo Expansion (306) [huber]
Jericho (97) [huber]
Justinian (317) [Terry Egan]
Karambolage (48) [Kaelistus]
Kette von Saba, Die (93) [huber]
King of the Elves (350) [Karmic_devil]
King's Breakfast (549) [PlanetSmasher]
Kingdoms (316) [Terry Egan]
Kingdoms (349) [Karmic_devil]
Kingsburg (398) [sos1]
Knock Out (526) [cwmassey]
Kragmortha (393) [Rappak]
Kutuzov (292) [sos1]
Lapis (496) [tool]
Leonardo da Vinci (27) [JeffyJeff]
Leonardo da Vinci (383) [Rappak]
Lionheart (293) [sbass]
Lone Wolf and Cub Game (261) [mkgray]
Loot (390) [Rappak]
Lumberjack (282) [ScottH]
Magna Grecia (438) [Eric Brosius]
Maharaja (77) [fendwick]
Mammoth Hunters (471) [llabnip]
Material World (156) [tool]
Medina (490) [adiamant]
Minos (187) [sos1]
Modern Art (147) [tool]
Moderne Zeiten (468) [llabnip]
Mohawk (242) [ScottH]
Monad (183) [starspangledgirl]
Monkeys on the Moon (62) [tmredden]
Monkeys on the Moon (547) [PlanetSmasher]
Monopoly - Star Wars (Limited Collector's) (99) [huber]
Monsterjagd (461) [muttstain]
Mother Lode of Sticky Gulch, The (412) [Terry Egan]
Mummy Rummy (363) [tevacircus]
Munchkin (455) [muttstain]
Mykerinos (248) [PlanetSmasher]
Mystick Domination (50) [Kaelistus]
Mythos (199) [Orph]
New World (270) [mattwran]
New World: A Carcassonne Game (215) [cwmassey]
Nexus Ops (239) [rocketkiwi]
Nexus Ops (18) [JeffyJeff]
Nexus Ops (256) [mkgray]
Notre Dame (275) [Falcons]
Oasis (11) [JeffyJeff]
Pacardy (458) [muttstain]
Panda, Gorilla & Co.: Das Spiel (158) [tool]
Perikles (16) [JeffyJeff]
Phlounder (263) [mkgray]
Picknick Panik (462) [muttstain]
Pillars of the Earth, The (2) [JeffyJeff]
Piracy (332) [Terry Egan]
Pit (323) [laurion]
PitchCar (90) [huber]
Poison (34) [JeffyJeff]
Poker (118) [laurion]
Pony Express (115) [laurion]
Port Royal (104) [huber]
Power Grid (103) [huber]
Power Grid Power Plant Deck 2 (28) [JeffyJeff]
Princes of Florence, The (513) [ScottH]
Princes of the Renaissance (279) [JeffyJeff]
Princess Ryan's Star Marines (375) [rkircher]
Professor Noggin's National Parks (63) [tmredden]
Puerto Rico (356) [tevacircus]
Putsch (419) [Terry Egan]
Quarto! (538) [crandall]
Queen's Necklace (300) [Legomancer]
Quirky! (143) [80sGirl]
Quizzard (456) [muttstain]
Quoridor (537) [crandall]
Ra (82) [fendwick]
Race for the White House (172) [80sGirl]
Rage (294) [sbass]
Red Dragon Inn, The (511) [wjohnston]
Risk - The Lord of the Rings - Trilogy Edition (413) [Terry Egan]
Risk 2210 A.D. (224) [theredwagoneer]
Risk 2210 A.D. (304) [Legomancer]
Rocketville (348) [Karmic_devil]
Roma (245) [PlanetSmasher]
Rommel in the Desert (76) [fendwick]
Rummikub (207) [Orph]
Runebound - Shadows of Margath (First Edition) (463) [muttstain]
Samurai Swords (523) [ScottH]
Samurai Swords (507) [wjohnston]
Samurai Swords (235) [theredwagoneer]
Scarab Lords (352) [Karmic_devil]
Scarab Lords (369) [sbass]
Scepter of Zavandor, The (492) [adiamant]
Seafarers of Catan, The - 5-6 Player Expansion (426) [Drafey]
Senator (196) [sbass]
Sequence (208) [Orph]
Serenissima (508) [wjohnston]
Settlers of Catan - The Fishermen of Catan (287) [JeffyJeff]
Settlers of Catan, The (540) [crandall]
Shogun (509) [wjohnston]
Shogun (81) [fendwick]
Showbiz (154) [tool]
Sid Meier's Civilization: The Boardgame (243) [PlanetSmasher]
Simply Catan (100) [huber]
Slapshot (182) [starspangledgirl]
Sleuth (32) [JeffyJeff]
Sleuth (391) [Rappak]
Space Chess (160) [tool]
Space Station Assault (257) [mkgray]
Spank the Monkey (37) [Kaelistus]
Spectrangle (536) [crandall]
Split Second (449) [muttstain]
Sports Illustrated Baseball (124) [sos1]
Star Force Terra #1: Contact! (518) [tool]
Star Wars: Episode 1 - Clash of the Lightsabers (333) [Terry Egan]
StarCraft: The Board Game (397) [wjohnston]
Starfarers of Catan (171) [80sGirl]
Summit (169) [tool]
Sunken City (353) [Karmic_devil]
Sunken City (105) [huber]
Swoggle (497) [tool]
Sword and Skull (377) [rkircher]
Take Stock (351) [Karmic_devil]
Target Arnhem: Across 6 Bridges (209) [Orph]
Tax & Spend (531) [sos1]
Terra Nova (8) [JeffyJeff]
The Princess Bride: Storming the Castle (448) [muttstain]
Theophrastus (435) [Terry Egan]
Ticket to Ride: Switzerland (10) [JeffyJeff]
Tide of Iron (396) [wjohnston]
Timbuktu (107) [huber]
Tom Clancy's Politika (378) [rkircher]
Tongiaki (12) [JeffyJeff]
Totaler Krieg! (373) [rkircher]
Trapture (145) [80sGirl]
Triology (260) [mkgray]
Twilight Imperium 2nd Edition (381) [rkircher]
Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition (486) [adiamant]
Twin Cities (520) [tool]
Union Pacific (311) [Terry Egan]
UNO (374) [rkircher]
Vegas Showdown (114) [laurion]
Vegas Showdown (389) [Rappak]
Vegas Showdown (247) [PlanetSmasher]
Vegas Showdown (19) [JeffyJeff]
Venedig (108) [huber]
Victory: The Blocks of War (123) [sos1]
Viktory II (222) [theredwagoneer]
Volldampf (312) [Terry Egan]
Wallenstein (109) [huber]
Wasabi! (361) [tevacircus]
Wealth of Nations (494) [huber]
Weapons & Warriors - Castle Siege Game (191) [tool]
Weatherslam (485) [Auricle]
Web of Power (80) [fendwick]
Weg Damit! (110) [huber]
Win Place & Show (204) [Orph]
Winds Of Plunder (365) [pronoblem]
Wings of War - Flying Legend Squadron Pack (54) [tmredden]
Wizard Kings (529) [cwmassey]
Zero! (40) [Kaelistus]
ZÈRTZ (192) [sbass]