TradeMaximizer Version 1.3a Options: ALLOW-DUMMIES LINEAR-PRIORITIES REQUIRE-COLONS REQUIRE-USERNAMES SHOW-ELAPSED-TIME SHOW-MISSING **** Missing want list for official name 0223-BTC **** Missing want list for official name 0224-STR **** Missing want list for official name 0225-MAC **** Missing want list for official name 0226-PAN **** Missing want list for official name 0227-KIN **** Missing want list for official name 0228-VIN **** Missing want list for official name 0229-DIC **** Missing want list for official name 0230-SHC **** Missing want list for official name 0231-AAD **** Missing want list for official name 0232-BAT **** Missing want list for official name 0316-FLU **** Missing want list for official name 0317-ZIE TRADE LOOPS (41 total trades): (CAMELORN) 0234-MRJ receives (CLAWF1NG3R) 0109-CRO (CLAWF1NG3R) 0109-CRO receives (WAULMURF) 0154-POT (WAULMURF) 0154-POT receives (CAMELORN) 0234-MRJ (CERYON) 0366-SHE receives (JANMS) 0388-MOA (JANMS) 0388-MOA receives (SPIELEMAUS) 0217-YVI (SPIELEMAUS) 0217-YVI receives (DIXIJO) 0059-AQU (DIXIJO) 0059-AQU receives (TOPFLASH) 0305-MAG (TOPFLASH) 0305-MAG receives (MARTINMENKE) 0238-SIE (MARTINMENKE) 0238-SIE receives (SPIELEMAUS) 0165-DBM (SPIELEMAUS) 0165-DBM receives (LEIBGEBER) 0200-CHO (LEIBGEBER) 0200-CHO receives (WAULMURF) 0155-FUN (WAULMURF) 0155-FUN receives (JANMS) 0386-SNK (JANMS) 0386-SNK receives (CYBERIAN) 0021-BOA (CYBERIAN) 0021-BOA receives (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0192-COL (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0192-COL receives (DIXIJO) 0057-SHO (DIXIJO) 0057-SHO receives (TOERCK) 0026-MID (TOERCK) 0026-MID receives (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0206-GAL (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0206-GAL receives (TOERCK) 0041-KEY (TOERCK) 0041-KEY receives (HELGEREHWALD) 0009-UBO (HELGEREHWALD) 0009-UBO receives (SPIELEMAUS) 0135-TAY (SPIELEMAUS) 0135-TAY receives (RYON) 0393-ATG (RYON) 0393-ATG receives (CLAWF1NG3R) 0112-CNG (CLAWF1NG3R) 0112-CNG receives (TOPFLASH) 0252-LIA (TOPFLASH) 0252-LIA receives (TOERCK) 0030-BAB (TOERCK) 0030-BAB receives (CELDORAD) 0185-SAB (CELDORAD) 0185-SAB receives (DIXIJO) 0077-BOH (DIXIJO) 0077-BOH receives (WAULMURF) 0156-EXP (WAULMURF) 0156-EXP receives (WOGY) 0221-CHA (WOGY) 0221-CHA receives (MARTINMENKE) 0240-FOR (MARTINMENKE) 0240-FOR receives (WOGY) 0166-ILP (WOGY) 0166-ILP receives (WAULMURF) 0157-DOM (WAULMURF) 0157-DOM receives (TOERCK) 0035-ROY (TOERCK) 0035-ROY receives (TOPFLASH) 0264-ACQ (TOPFLASH) 0264-ACQ receives (TOERCK) 0045-KDL (TOERCK) 0045-KDL receives (DUBBELNISSE) 0354-BAN (DUBBELNISSE) 0354-BAN receives (CERYON) 0366-SHE (CLAWF1NG3R) 0113-ZOM receives (TOPFLASH) 0299-INK (TOPFLASH) 0299-INK receives (CLAWF1NG3R) 0118-ZOM (CLAWF1NG3R) 0118-ZOM receives (TOPFLASH) 0263-TAB (TOPFLASH) 0263-TAB receives (EURION) 0351-TBT (EURION) 0351-TBT receives (CLAWF1NG3R) 0113-ZOM ITEM SUMMARY (41 total trades): (ALMECHO) 0204-SHD does not trade (ALMECHO) 0207-ARK does not trade (ALMECHO) 0209-WOW does not trade (ALMECHO) 0247-TAN does not trade (ALMECHO) 0248-MUN does not trade (ALMECHO) 0249-CIT does not trade (AYRTON12) 0340-SER does not trade (AYRTON12) 0341-AMU does not trade (AYRTON12) 0342-TAJ does not trade (AYRTON12) 0343-NEF does not trade (AYRTON12) 0344-DSW does not trade (AYRTON12) 0345-OAS does not trade (AYRTON12) 0346-MPB does not trade (AYRTON12) 0347-BOR does not trade (AYRTON12) 0348-AQU does not trade (AYRTON12) 0349-ESC does not trade (AYRTON12) 0350-TOL does not trade (BRAUERLE) 0275-CIT does not trade (BRAUERLE) 0277-SUP does not trade (CAMELORN) 0233-PIC does not trade (CAMELORN) 0234-MRJ receives (CLAWF1NG3R) 0109-CRO and sends to (WAULMURF) 0154-POT (CAMELORN) 0235-ORE does not trade (CELDORAD) 0178-CRI does not trade (CELDORAD) 0179-SAM does not trade (CELDORAD) 0180-CAT does not trade (CELDORAD) 0181-GAL does not trade (CELDORAD) 0182-THU does not trade (CELDORAD) 0183-UMR does not trade (CELDORAD) 0184-MOW does not trade (CELDORAD) 0185-SAB receives (DIXIJO) 0077-BOH and sends to (TOERCK) 0030-BAB (CERYON) 0359-HEC does not trade (CERYON) 0360-DAW does not trade (CERYON) 0361-CAR does not trade (CERYON) 0362-GOL does not trade (CERYON) 0363-MIN does not trade (CERYON) 0364-YES does not trade (CERYON) 0365-EKE does not trade (CERYON) 0366-SHE receives (JANMS) 0388-MOA and sends to (DUBBELNISSE) 0354-BAN (CERYON) 0367-SWA does not trade (CERYON) 0368-WWE does not trade (CERYON) 0369-ZAP does not trade (CERYON) 0370-ALT does not trade (CERYON) 0371-NIN does not trade (CERYON) 0372-SAL does not trade (CERYON) 0373-TAC does not trade (CERYON) 0374-SUN does not trade (CERYON) 0375-AGR does not trade (CLAWF1NG3R) 0109-CRO receives (WAULMURF) 0154-POT and sends to (CAMELORN) 0234-MRJ (CLAWF1NG3R) 0110-MAR does not trade (CLAWF1NG3R) 0111-CCL does not trade (CLAWF1NG3R) 0112-CNG receives (TOPFLASH) 0252-LIA and sends to (RYON) 0393-ATG (CLAWF1NG3R) 0113-ZOM receives (TOPFLASH) 0299-INK and sends to (EURION) 0351-TBT (CLAWF1NG3R) 0114-COS does not trade (CLAWF1NG3R) 0115-PIT does not trade (CLAWF1NG3R) 0116-NFS does not trade (CLAWF1NG3R) 0117-PAT does not trade (CLAWF1NG3R) 0118-ZOM receives (TOPFLASH) 0263-TAB and sends to (TOPFLASH) 0299-INK (CUAZZEL) 0325-BYZ does not trade (CUAZZEL) 0327-DTC does not trade (CUAZZEL) 0329-CFA does not trade (CUAZZEL) 0330-KAN does not trade (CUAZZEL) 0331-SKL does not trade (CUAZZEL) 0332-LEM does not trade (CUAZZEL) 0333-CAR does not trade (CUAZZEL) 0334-4AU does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0016-AHK does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0017-DAR does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0018-LOW does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0019-ATT does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0020-BLO does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0021-BOA receives (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0192-COL and sends to (JANMS) 0386-SNK (CYBERIAN) 0022-AUR does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0023-SUZ does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0024-IND does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0025-A15 does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0093-VDN does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0094-7AG does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0095-AND does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0096-AVA does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0097-CAR does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0098-KOS does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0099-EVE does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0100-FLU does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0101-VIN does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0102-CGG does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0103-GHE does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0104-WOW does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0338-DSD does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0339-HER does not trade (D0GB0T) 0120-BWI does not trade (D0GB0T) 0121-CCL does not trade (D0GB0T) 0122-COS does not trade (D0GB0T) 0123-DUN does not trade (D0GB0T) 0124-LOS does not trade (D0GB0T) 0125-PGF does not trade (D0GB0T) 0129-COH does not trade (D0GB0T) 0133-MPR does not trade (D0GB0T) 0140-POW does not trade (DANIEL666) 0318-BUR does not trade (DANIEL666) 0319-PCO does not trade (DANIEL666) 0320-AIR does not trade (DANIEL666) 0322-LOT does not trade (DANIEL666) 0328-ACO does not trade (DANIEL666) 0335-DPD does not trade (DIXIJO) 0046-YSP does not trade (DIXIJO) 0047-TIM does not trade (DIXIJO) 0048-ROB does not trade (DIXIJO) 0049-EFD does not trade (DIXIJO) 0050-BMC does not trade (DIXIJO) 0051-HAN does not trade (DIXIJO) 0052-EDI does not trade (DIXIJO) 0053-SPA does not trade (DIXIJO) 0054-JUS does not trade (DIXIJO) 0055-DIP does not trade (DIXIJO) 0056-PIT does not trade (DIXIJO) 0057-SHO receives (TOERCK) 0026-MID and sends to (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0192-COL (DIXIJO) 0058-ALH does not trade (DIXIJO) 0059-AQU receives (TOPFLASH) 0305-MAG and sends to (SPIELEMAUS) 0217-YVI (DIXIJO) 0060-CSS does not trade (DIXIJO) 0061-BUN does not trade (DIXIJO) 0062-MDF does not trade (DIXIJO) 0066-PHA does not trade (DIXIJO) 0071-RUB does not trade (DIXIJO) 0073-HOI does not trade (DIXIJO) 0076-HDR does not trade (DIXIJO) 0077-BOH receives (WAULMURF) 0156-EXP and sends to (CELDORAD) 0185-SAB (DIXIJO) 0078-MLO does not trade (DIXIJO) 0079-TEL does not trade (DIXIJO) 0080-G1A does not trade (DIXIJO) 0160-HAN does not trade (DUBBELNISSE) 0353-RIS does not trade (DUBBELNISSE) 0354-BAN receives (CERYON) 0366-SHE and sends to (TOERCK) 0045-KDL (DUBBELNISSE) 0355-THR does not trade (DUBBELNISSE) 0356-STE does not trade (DUBBELNISSE) 0357-PAX does not trade (DUBBELNISSE) 0358-FIT does not trade (EURION) 0351-TBT receives (CLAWF1NG3R) 0113-ZOM and sends to (TOPFLASH) 0263-TAB (EURION) 0352-RHE does not trade (EVIL KNIVEL) 0315-ELG does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0001-WWE does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0002-LEM does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0003-PEN does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0004-DIC does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0005-ANT does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0006-MID does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0007-RTU does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0008-KDO does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0009-UBO receives (SPIELEMAUS) 0135-TAY and sends to (TOERCK) 0041-KEY (HELGEREHWALD) 0010-DRA does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0011-KRA does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0012-LOS does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0013-ROM does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0014-DPV does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0015-BMC does not trade (HOLGIS) 0081-BAU does not trade (HOLGIS) 0082-CAN does not trade (HOLGIS) 0083-CIT does not trade (HOLGIS) 0084-COS does not trade (HOLGIS) 0085-CRO does not trade (HOLGIS) 0086-DIC does not trade (HOLGIS) 0146-MET does not trade (HOLGIS) 0147-ELE does not trade (HOLGIS) 0148-CRA does not trade (HOLGIS) 0149-COL does not trade (JANMS) 0376-ALC does not trade (JANMS) 0377-RIS does not trade (JANMS) 0378-ING does not trade (JANMS) 0379-GRO does not trade (JANMS) 0380-IND does not trade (JANMS) 0381-KNW does not trade (JANMS) 0382-DUE does not trade (JANMS) 0383-BUC does not trade (JANMS) 0384-LEO does not trade (JANMS) 0385-DIE does not trade (JANMS) 0386-SNK receives (CYBERIAN) 0021-BOA and sends to (WAULMURF) 0155-FUN (JANMS) 0387-TEM does not trade (JANMS) 0388-MOA receives (SPIELEMAUS) 0217-YVI and sends to (CERYON) 0366-SHE (JANMS) 0389-TIK does not trade (JANMS) 0390-UND does not trade (JANMS) 0391-UND does not trade (JANMS) 0392-ISS does not trade (JANMS) 0395-MON does not trade (JOSCH) 0321-CON does not trade (JOSCH) 0323-BBC does not trade (JOSCH) 0324-HAM does not trade (JOSCH) 0326-ILP does not trade (KILRAH) 0279-NIG does not trade (KILRAH) 0280-DAR does not trade (KILRAH) 0281-VIL does not trade (KILRAH) 0282-MC2 does not trade (KILRAH) 0283-MPR does not trade (KILRAH) 0284-PHX does not trade (KILRAH) 0285-PHA does not trade (KILRAH) 0286-ILL does not trade (KILRAH) 0287-BAT does not trade (KILRAH) 0288-MAR does not trade (KILRAH) 0289-BSF does not trade (LEIBGEBER) 0200-CHO receives (WAULMURF) 0155-FUN and sends to (SPIELEMAUS) 0165-DBM (LEIBGEBER) 0202-DGK does not trade (LEIBGEBER) 0203-RHE does not trade (MARIO PAWLOWSKI) 0105-COR does not trade (MARIO PAWLOWSKI) 0106-AUS does not trade (MARIO PAWLOWSKI) 0107-ROM does not trade (MARIO PAWLOWSKI) 0108-HTL does not trade (MARIO PAWLOWSKI) 0119-HYS does not trade (MARIO PAWLOWSKI) 0251-AIR does not trade (MARIO PAWLOWSKI) 0253-BAK does not trade (MARIO PAWLOWSKI) 0254-CAM does not trade (MARIO PAWLOWSKI) 0256-LUN does not trade (MARIO PAWLOWSKI) 0257-MID does not trade (MARTINMENKE) 0236-SPI does not trade (MARTINMENKE) 0237-SOC does not trade (MARTINMENKE) 0238-SIE receives (SPIELEMAUS) 0165-DBM and sends to (TOPFLASH) 0305-MAG (MARTINMENKE) 0239-TIK does not trade (MARTINMENKE) 0240-FOR receives (WOGY) 0166-ILP and sends to (WOGY) 0221-CHA (MOTORKOPF) 0063-LEM does not trade (MOTORKOPF) 0064-DEU does not trade (MOTORKOPF) 0065-CAR does not trade (MOTORKOPF) 0067-GCM does not trade (MOTORKOPF) 0068-HAR does not trade (MOTORKOPF) 0069-TRI does not trade (MOTORKOPF) 0070-DPN does not trade (MOTORKOPF) 0072-BOT does not trade (MOTORKOPF) 0074-MET does not trade (MOTORKOPF) 0075-KRY does not trade (MOTORKOPF) 0314-DGF does not trade (RYON) 0393-ATG receives (CLAWF1NG3R) 0112-CNG and sends to (SPIELEMAUS) 0135-TAY (RYON) 0394-ANT does not trade (SILENTMEXX) 0276-ACQ does not trade (SILENTMEXX) 0278-HOU does not trade (SKANKING TEA) 0208-FEU does not trade (SKANKING TEA) 0210-CBM does not trade (SKANKING TEA) 0211-MAH does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0126-AMU does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0127-DPV does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0128-ELP does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0130-JUS does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0131-LIE does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0132-PCO does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0134-POL does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0135-TAY receives (RYON) 0393-ATG and sends to (HELGEREHWALD) 0009-UBO (SPIELEMAUS) 0136-VIN does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0137-AOD does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0138-TIT does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0139-WYA does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0141-GEN does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0142-SCH does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0143-CAR does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0144-BUR does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0145-BLA does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0161-SWA does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0162-ANN does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0163-STS does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0164-UBO does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0165-DBM receives (LEIBGEBER) 0200-CHO and sends to (MARTINMENKE) 0238-SIE (SPIELEMAUS) 0169-PRE does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0212-IWD does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0213-WOO does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0214-TIE does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0215-YVI does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0216-YFD does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0217-YVI receives (DIXIJO) 0059-AQU and sends to (JANMS) 0388-MOA (SPIELEMAUS) 0310-FLO does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0311-YPU does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0312-YVI does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0313-BMO does not trade (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0186-MYS does not trade (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0187-RUM does not trade (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0188-JER does not trade (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0189-BAT does not trade (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0190-MON does not trade (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0191-A15 does not trade (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0192-COL receives (DIXIJO) 0057-SHO and sends to (CYBERIAN) 0021-BOA (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0193-AFR does not trade (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0194-BOO does not trade (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0195-DTB does not trade (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0196-DOR does not trade (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0197-KUF does not trade (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0198-WCT does not trade (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0205-PRE does not trade (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0206-GAL receives (TOERCK) 0041-KEY and sends to (TOERCK) 0026-MID (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0294-PIZ does not trade (TIRUVOR) 0087-FAA does not trade (TIRUVOR) 0088-NUC does not trade (TIRUVOR) 0089-PUE does not trade (TIRUVOR) 0090-SOC does not trade (TIRUVOR) 0091-SOC does not trade (TIRUVOR) 0092-VIN does not trade (TOERCK) 0026-MID receives (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0206-GAL and sends to (DIXIJO) 0057-SHO (TOERCK) 0027-POL does not trade (TOERCK) 0028-ACT does not trade (TOERCK) 0029-HOI does not trade (TOERCK) 0030-BAB receives (CELDORAD) 0185-SAB and sends to (TOPFLASH) 0252-LIA (TOERCK) 0031-BMO does not trade (TOERCK) 0032-3CO does not trade (TOERCK) 0033-CAT does not trade (TOERCK) 0034-SAT does not trade (TOERCK) 0035-ROY receives (TOPFLASH) 0264-ACQ and sends to (WAULMURF) 0157-DOM (TOERCK) 0036-PTB does not trade (TOERCK) 0037-SIM does not trade (TOERCK) 0038-YSP does not trade (TOERCK) 0039-MRJ does not trade (TOERCK) 0040-LOW does not trade (TOERCK) 0041-KEY receives (HELGEREHWALD) 0009-UBO and sends to (STERNENFAHRER-MUC) 0206-GAL (TOERCK) 0042-RTT does not trade (TOERCK) 0043-ING does not trade (TOERCK) 0044-DUN does not trade (TOERCK) 0045-KDL receives (DUBBELNISSE) 0354-BAN and sends to (TOPFLASH) 0264-ACQ (TOPFLASH) 0250-CCL does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0252-LIA receives (TOERCK) 0030-BAB and sends to (CLAWF1NG3R) 0112-CNG (TOPFLASH) 0255-NIA does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0258-LOT does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0259-SYA does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0260-CST does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0261-PLA does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0262-WWW does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0263-TAB receives (EURION) 0351-TBT and sends to (CLAWF1NG3R) 0118-ZOM (TOPFLASH) 0264-ACQ receives (TOERCK) 0045-KDL and sends to (TOERCK) 0035-ROY (TOPFLASH) 0265-NIP does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0266-GNA does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0267-CAR does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0268-CAR does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0269-ALH does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0270-LUC does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0271-WAL does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0272-NIP does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0273-ZER does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0274-THA does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0290-HOI does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0291-GON does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0292-SHA does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0293-SCR does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0295-IND does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0296-MET does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0297-GEN does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0298-MIN does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0299-INK receives (CLAWF1NG3R) 0118-ZOM and sends to (CLAWF1NG3R) 0113-ZOM (TOPFLASH) 0300-EYE does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0301-CDG does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0302-KIN does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0303-TIK does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0304-MDF does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0305-MAG receives (MARTINMENKE) 0238-SIE and sends to (DIXIJO) 0059-AQU (TOPFLASH) 0306-PIL does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0307-CAT does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0308-CAT does not trade (TOPFLASH) 0309-KAK does not trade (WAULMURF) 0150-PAL does not trade (WAULMURF) 0151-GOD does not trade (WAULMURF) 0152-DOS does not trade (WAULMURF) 0153-DRA does not trade (WAULMURF) 0154-POT receives (CAMELORN) 0234-MRJ and sends to (CLAWF1NG3R) 0109-CRO (WAULMURF) 0155-FUN receives (JANMS) 0386-SNK and sends to (LEIBGEBER) 0200-CHO (WAULMURF) 0156-EXP receives (WOGY) 0221-CHA and sends to (DIXIJO) 0077-BOH (WAULMURF) 0157-DOM receives (TOERCK) 0035-ROY and sends to (WOGY) 0166-ILP (WAULMURF) 0158-FRA does not trade (WAULMURF) 0159-HAB does not trade (WAULMURF) 0199-GAL does not trade (WAULMURF) 0201-DAR does not trade (WAULMURF) 0241-ADA does not trade (WAULMURF) 0242-THU does not trade (WAULMURF) 0243-KAK does not trade (WAULMURF) 0244-VEN does not trade (WAULMURF) 0245-AOS does not trade (WAULMURF) 0246-DJM does not trade (WOGY) 0166-ILP receives (WAULMURF) 0157-DOM and sends to (MARTINMENKE) 0240-FOR (WOGY) 0167-SUB does not trade (WOGY) 0168-JUS does not trade (WOGY) 0170-SHE does not trade (WOGY) 0171-HOI does not trade (WOGY) 0172-KRO does not trade (WOGY) 0173-JUS does not trade (WOGY) 0174-KOT does not trade (WOGY) 0175-ZIG does not trade (WOGY) 0176-ATL does not trade (WOGY) 0177-HAL does not trade (WOGY) 0218-ITE does not trade (WOGY) 0219-YOU does not trade (WOGY) 0220-PCO does not trade (WOGY) 0221-CHA receives (MARTINMENKE) 0240-FOR and sends to (WAULMURF) 0156-EXP (WOGY) 0222-CST does not trade (WOGY) 0336-CAR does not trade (WOGY) 0337-KLU does not trade Num trades = 41 of 383 items (10,7%) Total cost = 542 (avg 13,22) Num groups = 3 Group sizes = 33 5 3 Sum squares = 1123 Elapsed time = 79ms