TradeMaximizer Version 1.3a Options: ALLOW-DUMMIES LINEAR-PRIORITIES REQUIRE-COLONS REQUIRE-USERNAMES SHOW-ELAPSED-TIME SHOW-MISSING **** Missing want list for official name 0261-ROYPAL **** Missing want list for official name 0262-WATER **** Missing want list for official name 0263-DBMPC **** Missing want list for official name 0305-CRONB **** Missing want list for official name 0307-LOCNES **** Missing want list for official name 0308-RNC **** Missing want list for official name 0309-VELOC **** Missing want list for official name 0310-SPLITS **** Missing want list for official name 0311-SAVTAI **** Missing want list for official name 0312-CLAUS **** Missing want list for official name 0313-GRAFF **** Missing want list for official name 0314-SPLITS **** Missing want list for official name 0325-HOA **** Missing want list for official name 0327-JUSTI **** Missing want list for official name 0329-TALUVA **** Missing want list for official name 0331-WILDL **** Missing want list for official name 0333-CARMAG **** Missing want list for official name 0335-BORGI **** Missing want list for official name 0337-SPAPIG **** Missing want list for official name 0339-VINCI **** Missing want list for official name 0340-MLOTS **** Missing want list for official name 0341-KHRON TRADE LOOPS (91 total trades): (7-BRAINBUG) 0440-PCOVE receives (TIRUVOR) 0034-SOC (TIRUVOR) 0034-SOC receives (UZI125) 0166-ENDEA (UZI125) 0166-ENDEA receives (DIXIJO) 0019-VINCI (DIXIJO) 0019-VINCI receives (BOUDIE) 0074-SAVTAI (BOUDIE) 0074-SAVTAI receives (JANMS) 0250-DONQUI (JANMS) 0250-DONQUI receives (ANDRE1975) 0223-FTS (ANDRE1975) 0223-FTS receives (STOLDTI) 0219-REDNOV (STOLDTI) 0219-REDNOV receives (NOTICEUS) 0410-RATTUS (NOTICEUS) 0410-RATTUS receives (HONEYCOMB) 0372-EOI (HONEYCOMB) 0372-EOI receives (SPIELEMAUS) 0358-ADWB (SPIELEMAUS) 0358-ADWB receives (EIBE ITU) 0347-GENES (EIBE ITU) 0347-GENES receives (GAUDEAMUS) 0400-TTAASOC (GAUDEAMUS) 0400-TTAASOC receives (MOTORKOPF) 0104-TALUVA (MOTORKOPF) 0104-TALUVA receives (CNAUJOK) 0014-MO (CNAUJOK) 0014-MO receives (7-BRAINBUG) 0440-PCOVE (ALMECHO) 0054-ARKAD receives (BISCHOF118) 0318-SJUAN (BISCHOF118) 0318-SJUAN receives (XARFAI) 0253-ZAVAN (XARFAI) 0253-ZAVAN receives (HHARENGEL) 0038-WOWYB (HHARENGEL) 0038-WOWYB receives (HWESSELS) 0197-DOMALC (HWESSELS) 0197-DOMALC receives (UZI125) 0164-SOC (UZI125) 0164-SOC receives (CELDORAD) 0028-GALTRU (CELDORAD) 0028-GALTRU receives (UZI125) 0165-JVEP (UZI125) 0165-JVEP receives (ZLORFIK) 0177-TIKAL (ZLORFIK) 0177-TIKAL receives (GIMLI043) 0068-ROYPAL (GIMLI043) 0068-ROYPAL receives (BOUDIE) 0080-CITTA (BOUDIE) 0080-CITTA receives (SILENTMEXX) 0432-SHAHUN (SILENTMEXX) 0432-SHAHUN receives (JENSB) 0133-BANAN (JENSB) 0133-BANAN receives (GELBER POEPPEL) 0193-FLA130 (GELBER POEPPEL) 0193-FLA130 receives (AYRTON12) 0293-SUTMIL (AYRTON12) 0293-SUTMIL receives (GIMLI043) 0065-HAVANA (GIMLI043) 0065-HAVANA receives (TWIDDLE) 0376-SEELA (TWIDDLE) 0376-SEELA receives (SPIELEMAUS) 0365-TALDUN (SPIELEMAUS) 0365-TALDUN receives (GIMLI043) 0062-ANTIK (GIMLI043) 0062-ANTIK receives (APELORD) 0157-ARKHA (APELORD) 0157-ARKHA receives (CUAZZEL) 0001-SPAALE (CUAZZEL) 0001-SPAALE receives (HIEKEN) 0089-DUNLOR (HIEKEN) 0089-DUNLOR receives (TWIDDLE) 0379-MAMMO (TWIDDLE) 0379-MAMMO receives (BOUDIE) 0075-SNAPS (BOUDIE) 0075-SNAPS receives (DIRKT) 0151-FAI (DIRKT) 0151-FAI receives (ANDRE1975) 0226-ANKIENWNZ (ANDRE1975) 0226-ANKIENWNZ receives (PLOEDMINKA) 0212-ARKAD (PLOEDMINKA) 0212-ARKAD receives (JOSCH) 0120-LOS (JOSCH) 0120-LOS receives (DIRKT) 0150-2DM (DIRKT) 0150-2DM receives (CYBERIAN) 0057-AHKHE (CYBERIAN) 0057-AHKHE receives (STOLDTI) 0216-FIFTH (STOLDTI) 0216-FIFTH receives (CYBERIAN) 0058-AGEOF (CYBERIAN) 0058-AGEOF receives (XARFAI) 0256-RDICE (XARFAI) 0256-RDICE receives (MACINBOND) 0367-ZOOLO (MACINBOND) 0367-ZOOLO receives (STOLDTI) 0217-PANDE (STOLDTI) 0217-PANDE receives (DIRKT) 0149-BRITA (DIRKT) 0149-BRITA receives (PLOEDMINKA) 0208-CARCIT (PLOEDMINKA) 0208-CARCIT receives (DIXIJO) 0018-MIDQUE (DIXIJO) 0018-MIDQUE receives (GIMLI043) 0064-HAMBU (GIMLI043) 0064-HAMBU receives (PLOEDMINKA) 0213-DIACLU (PLOEDMINKA) 0213-DIACLU receives (ANDRE1975) 0227-TAJMAH (ANDRE1975) 0227-TAJMAH receives (NOTICEUS) 0409-TSURO (NOTICEUS) 0409-TSURO receives (PADDYCASY) 0411-CUBA (PADDYCASY) 0411-CUBA receives (DIXIJO) 0021-AIRLI (DIXIJO) 0021-AIRLI receives (BOUDIE) 0073-BURJOI (BOUDIE) 0073-BURJOI receives (HIEKEN) 0088-TBT (HIEKEN) 0088-TBT receives (DERWIKINGER) 0297-CSTOP (DERWIKINGER) 0297-CSTOP receives (KILRAH) 0423-ADHDF (KILRAH) 0423-ADHDF receives (STOPHLE) 0117-ARCLEG (STOPHLE) 0117-ARCLEG receives (SOMNA) 0244-DSVCDS (SOMNA) 0244-DSVCDS receives (REDNAX) 0403-STS (REDNAX) 0403-STS receives (ALMECHO) 0054-ARKAD (ANDRE1975) 0224-1835- receives (JANMS) 0249-ALCAZ (JANMS) 0249-ALCAZ receives (BOUDIE) 0071-BIBLI (BOUDIE) 0071-BIBLI receives (HELGEREHWALD) 0279-SHAHUN (HELGEREHWALD) 0279-SHAHUN receives (BISCHOF118) 0317-FINCA (BISCHOF118) 0317-FINCA receives (CYBERIAN) 0056-DERPAT (CYBERIAN) 0056-DERPAT receives (AYRTON12) 0291-DSW (AYRTON12) 0291-DSW receives (HONEYCOMB) 0350-RANKI (HONEYCOMB) 0350-RANKI receives (SPIELEMAUS) 0357-TOHUW (SPIELEMAUS) 0357-TOHUW receives (JENSB) 0134-BITS (JENSB) 0134-BITS receives (SPIELEMAUS) 0361-PENTA (SPIELEMAUS) 0361-PENTA receives (JENSB) 0130-HECBAR (JENSB) 0130-HECBAR receives (HONEYCOMB) 0351-GEIST (HONEYCOMB) 0351-GEIST receives (WAULMURF) 0182-JTTCOTE (WAULMURF) 0182-JTTCOTE receives (PEERCHEN) 0008-VIAROM (PEERCHEN) 0008-VIAROM receives (CNAUJOK) 0009-BRASS (CNAUJOK) 0009-BRASS receives (SOMNA) 0235-FAUNA (SOMNA) 0235-FAUNA receives (LANNISTERCRIMSON) 0199-DISKW (LANNISTERCRIMSON) 0199-DISKW receives (HIEKEN) 0086-PGFM (HIEKEN) 0086-PGFM receives (BRAUERLE) 0090-CITTA (BRAUERLE) 0090-CITTA receives (ANDRE1975) 0224-1835- (AYRTON12) 0285-IMPER receives (HELGEREHWALD) 0277-UBO3D (HELGEREHWALD) 0277-UBO3D receives (AYRTON12) 0285-IMPER (GIMLI043) 0069-TOBAGO receives (HELGEREHWALD) 0283-BLAFRI (HELGEREHWALD) 0283-BLAFRI receives (HRUNE) 0083-MYSEXP (HRUNE) 0083-MYSEXP receives (GIMLI043) 0069-TOBAGO ITEM SUMMARY (91 total trades): (7-BRAINBUG) 0440-PCOVE receives (TIRUVOR) 0034-SOC and sends to (CNAUJOK) 0014-MO (7-BRAINBUG) 0441-SYLLA does not trade (7-BRAINBUG) 0442-CDK does not trade (7-BRAINBUG) 0443-DEPC does not trade (7-BRAINBUG) 0444-DBMPC does not trade (ALMECHO) 0052-MUNCH does not trade (ALMECHO) 0053-DOTG does not trade (ALMECHO) 0054-ARKAD receives (BISCHOF118) 0318-SJUAN and sends to (REDNAX) 0403-STS (ANDRE1975) 0222-ANDHDRIEDF does not trade (ANDRE1975) 0223-FTS receives (STOLDTI) 0219-REDNOV and sends to (JANMS) 0250-DONQUI (ANDRE1975) 0224-1835- receives (JANMS) 0249-ALCAZ and sends to (BRAUERLE) 0090-CITTA (ANDRE1975) 0225-ZOOLO does not trade (ANDRE1975) 0226-ANKIENWNZ receives (PLOEDMINKA) 0212-ARKAD and sends to (DIRKT) 0151-FAI (ANDRE1975) 0227-TAJMAH receives (NOTICEUS) 0409-TSURO and sends to (PLOEDMINKA) 0213-DIACLU (ANDRE1975) 0228-STR4 does not trade (ANDRE1975) 0229-DGK does not trade (APELORD) 0157-ARKHA receives (CUAZZEL) 0001-SPAALE and sends to (GIMLI043) 0062-ANTIK (APELORD) 0158-BBTE does not trade (APELORD) 0159-BFEUD does not trade (APELORD) 0160-7 does not trade (APELORD) 0161-WWIBTB does not trade (APELORD) 0162-EOE does not trade (APELORD) 0163-WCTBG does not trade (AYRTON12) 0285-IMPER receives (HELGEREHWALD) 0277-UBO3D and sends to (HELGEREHWALD) 0277-UBO3D (AYRTON12) 0286-BOLIDE does not trade (AYRTON12) 0287-SEREN does not trade (AYRTON12) 0288-PILLA does not trade (AYRTON12) 0289-AQUROM does not trade (AYRTON12) 0290-TCSCC does not trade (AYRTON12) 0291-DSW receives (HONEYCOMB) 0350-RANKI and sends to (CYBERIAN) 0056-DERPAT (AYRTON12) 0293-SUTMIL receives (GIMLI043) 0065-HAVANA and sends to (GELBER POEPPEL) 0193-FLA130 (AYRTON12) 0294-PANDE does not trade (AYRTON12) 0437-AN2SD does not trade (BISCHOF118) 0317-FINCA receives (CYBERIAN) 0056-DERPAT and sends to (HELGEREHWALD) 0279-SHAHUN (BISCHOF118) 0318-SJUAN receives (XARFAI) 0253-ZAVAN and sends to (ALMECHO) 0054-ARKAD (BISCHOF118) 0319-DIEHND does not trade (BISCHOF118) 0320-DUNGT does not trade (BISCHOF118) 0321-ELASU does not trade (BISCHOF118) 0322-COCKP does not trade (BOUDIE) 0071-BIBLI receives (HELGEREHWALD) 0279-SHAHUN and sends to (JANMS) 0249-ALCAZ (BOUDIE) 0072-CARDC does not trade (BOUDIE) 0073-BURJOI receives (HIEKEN) 0088-TBT and sends to (DIXIJO) 0021-AIRLI (BOUDIE) 0074-SAVTAI receives (JANMS) 0250-DONQUI and sends to (DIXIJO) 0019-VINCI (BOUDIE) 0075-SNAPS receives (DIRKT) 0151-FAI and sends to (TWIDDLE) 0379-MAMMO (BOUDIE) 0076-TINTE does not trade (BOUDIE) 0077-HDZ does not trade (BOUDIE) 0078-MAGHIL does not trade (BOUDIE) 0079-BOMBAY does not trade (BOUDIE) 0080-CITTA receives (SILENTMEXX) 0432-SHAHUN and sends to (GIMLI043) 0068-ROYPAL (BOUDIE) 0081-SCHWE does not trade (BRAUERLE) 0090-CITTA receives (ANDRE1975) 0224-1835- and sends to (HIEKEN) 0086-PGFM (CELDORAD) 0017-THURN does not trade (CELDORAD) 0020-CRISKI does not trade (CELDORAD) 0022-CATAN does not trade (CELDORAD) 0024-SAMBLA does not trade (CELDORAD) 0028-GALTRU receives (UZI125) 0165-JVEP and sends to (UZI125) 0164-SOC (CELDORAD) 0030-TROLL does not trade (CELTIC JOKER) 0109-KELTIS does not trade (CELTIC JOKER) 0110-DSVCDS does not trade (CELTIC JOKER) 0112-POR does not trade (CELTIC JOKER) 0114-TORU does not trade (CELTIC JOKER) 0115-DSDEDK does not trade (CELTIC JOKER) 0116-MDCG does not trade (CELTIC JOKER) 0369-BLUSTO does not trade (CNAUJOK) 0009-BRASS receives (SOMNA) 0235-FAUNA and sends to (PEERCHEN) 0008-VIAROM (CNAUJOK) 0010-DRAPAS does not trade (CNAUJOK) 0011-POMP does not trade (CNAUJOK) 0012-KDO does not trade (CNAUJOK) 0013-HIGFIV does not trade (CNAUJOK) 0014-MO receives (7-BRAINBUG) 0440-PCOVE and sends to (MOTORKOPF) 0104-TALUVA (CNAUJOK) 0015-DIEOST does not trade (CNAUJOK) 0016-YETC does not trade (CUAZZEL) 0001-SPAALE receives (HIEKEN) 0089-DUNLOR and sends to (APELORD) 0157-ARKHA (CUAZZEL) 0002-DASSPI does not trade (CUAZZEL) 0003-WATER does not trade (CUAZZEL) 0004-ZOMBI does not trade (CUAZZEL) 0005-DOS does not trade (CUAZZEL) 0006-DTCB does not trade (CUAZZEL) 0419-EUR194 does not trade (CUAZZEL) 0420-CFAS does not trade (CUAZZEL) 0421-MILLI does not trade (CUAZZEL) 0422-EMERA does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0055-CGG does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0056-DERPAT receives (AYRTON12) 0291-DSW and sends to (BISCHOF118) 0317-FINCA (CYBERIAN) 0057-AHKHE receives (STOLDTI) 0216-FIFTH and sends to (DIRKT) 0150-2DM (CYBERIAN) 0058-AGEOF receives (XARFAI) 0256-RDICE and sends to (STOLDTI) 0216-FIFTH (CYBERIAN) 0059-CARTO does not trade (CYBERIAN) 0060-DSVV does not trade (D0GB0T) 0382-ASSYR does not trade (D0GB0T) 0383-BLACK does not trade (D0GB0T) 0384-COSENC does not trade (D0GB0T) 0385-ILPRI does not trade (D0GB0T) 0386-LOS does not trade (D0GB0T) 0387-SEIDE does not trade (D0GB0T) 0388-STRON does not trade (D0GB0T) 0389-BWIND does not trade (D0GB0T) 0390-TEMPUS does not trade (D0GB0T) 0391-YINSH does not trade (DERWIKINGER) 0296-GUACAF does not trade (DERWIKINGER) 0297-CSTOP receives (KILRAH) 0423-ADHDF and sends to (HIEKEN) 0088-TBT (DERWIKINGER) 0298-IRDW does not trade (DERWIKINGER) 0299-PORMAR does not trade (DERWIKINGER) 0300-STCAR does not trade (DERWIKINGER) 0301-MINOS does not trade (DERWIKINGER) 0302-METRO does not trade (DERWIKINGER) 0303-U1830 does not trade (DERWIKINGER) 0304-DROIDS does not trade (DERWIKINGER) 0306-NEULA does not trade (DIRKT) 0147-COHATBR1 does not trade (DIRKT) 0148-MENAC does not trade (DIRKT) 0149-BRITA receives (PLOEDMINKA) 0208-CARCIT and sends to (STOLDTI) 0217-PANDE (DIRKT) 0150-2DM receives (CYBERIAN) 0057-AHKHE and sends to (JOSCH) 0120-LOS (DIRKT) 0151-FAI receives (ANDRE1975) 0226-ANKIENWNZ and sends to (BOUDIE) 0075-SNAPS (DIRKT) 0152-WARRAL does not trade (DIRKT) 0153-ATG does not trade (DIRKT) 0154-THIGUI does not trade (DIRKT) 0155-KAHUNA does not trade (DIRKT) 0156-LOTRAG does not trade (DIXIJO) 0018-MIDQUE receives (GIMLI043) 0064-HAMBU and sends to (PLOEDMINKA) 0208-CARCIT (DIXIJO) 0019-VINCI receives (BOUDIE) 0074-SAVTAI and sends to (UZI125) 0166-ENDEA (DIXIJO) 0021-AIRLI receives (BOUDIE) 0073-BURJOI and sends to (PADDYCASY) 0411-CUBA (DIXIJO) 0023-OTSOB does not trade (DIXIJO) 0025-TEMPUS does not trade (DIXIJO) 0026-PILLA does not trade (DIXIJO) 0027-ALHAM does not trade (DIXIJO) 0029-LOTR does not trade (DIXIJO) 0031-OTSOB does not trade (DIXIJO) 0292-WWE does not trade (DIXIJO) 0295-GOLCIT does not trade (DIXIJO) 0323-WWE does not trade (EIBE ITU) 0342-CARAST does not trade (EIBE ITU) 0343-ASLSK1 does not trade (EIBE ITU) 0344-TACSG does not trade (EIBE ITU) 0345-DSVCHS does not trade (EIBE ITU) 0346-KANAL does not trade (EIBE ITU) 0347-GENES receives (GAUDEAMUS) 0400-TTAASOC and sends to (SPIELEMAUS) 0358-ADWB (EIBE ITU) 0348-SUZER does not trade (EIBE ITU) 0349-SIGHT does not trade (ELEKTRO) 0373-SOCCG does not trade (ELEKTRO) 0374-CARCA does not trade (ELEKTRO) 0375-PRINC does not trade (ELEKTRO) 0377-STICH does not trade (ELEKTRO) 0378-KAHUNA does not trade (ELEKTRO) 0380-SHARK does not trade (ELEKTRO) 0381-PGRID does not trade (FIZZLE) 0198-IRDW does not trade (FIZZLE) 0200-PORMAR does not trade (FIZZLE) 0202-PRINC does not trade (GAUDEAMUS) 0394-WTP does not trade (GAUDEAMUS) 0395-TINTRA does not trade (GAUDEAMUS) 0396-SINAI does not trade (GAUDEAMUS) 0397-ZERO does not trade (GAUDEAMUS) 0398-WOW does not trade (GAUDEAMUS) 0399-WSIM does not trade (GAUDEAMUS) 0400-TTAASOC receives (MOTORKOPF) 0104-TALUVA and sends to (EIBE ITU) 0347-GENES (GAUDEAMUS) 0415-CSSAS does not trade (GELBER POEPPEL) 0190-CELTI does not trade (GELBER POEPPEL) 0191-RAZZI does not trade (GELBER POEPPEL) 0192-ILPRI does not trade (GELBER POEPPEL) 0193-FLA130 receives (AYRTON12) 0293-SUTMIL and sends to (JENSB) 0133-BANAN (GELBER POEPPEL) 0194-CATAN does not trade (GELBER POEPPEL) 0195-CLANS does not trade (GIMLI043) 0061-A1503 does not trade (GIMLI043) 0062-ANTIK receives (APELORD) 0157-ARKHA and sends to (SPIELEMAUS) 0365-TALDUN (GIMLI043) 0063-DIEDOL does not trade (GIMLI043) 0064-HAMBU receives (PLOEDMINKA) 0213-DIACLU and sends to (DIXIJO) 0018-MIDQUE (GIMLI043) 0065-HAVANA receives (TWIDDLE) 0376-SEELA and sends to (AYRTON12) 0293-SUTMIL (GIMLI043) 0066-KEYLAR does not trade (GIMLI043) 0067-OLTRE does not trade (GIMLI043) 0068-ROYPAL receives (BOUDIE) 0080-CITTA and sends to (ZLORFIK) 0177-TIKAL (GIMLI043) 0069-TOBAGO receives (HELGEREHWALD) 0283-BLAFRI and sends to (HRUNE) 0083-MYSEXP (GIMLI043) 0070-ZATRE does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0274-ULURU does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0275-SAB does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0276-SFC does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0277-UBO3D receives (AYRTON12) 0285-IMPER and sends to (AYRTON12) 0285-IMPER (HELGEREHWALD) 0278-MIDQUE does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0279-SHAHUN receives (BISCHOF118) 0317-FINCA and sends to (BOUDIE) 0071-BIBLI (HELGEREHWALD) 0280-UDEF5S does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0281-RFC does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0282-MIEKAR does not trade (HELGEREHWALD) 0283-BLAFRI receives (HRUNE) 0083-MYSEXP and sends to (GIMLI043) 0069-TOBAGO (HHARENGEL) 0036-MANOE does not trade (HHARENGEL) 0037-UKC does not trade (HHARENGEL) 0038-WOWYB receives (HWESSELS) 0197-DOMALC and sends to (XARFAI) 0253-ZAVAN (HHARENGEL) 0039-WOWBD does not trade (HHARENGEL) 0040-FREIB does not trade (HHARENGEL) 0041-MOP does not trade (HHARENGEL) 0042-TYCOON does not trade (HHARENGEL) 0043-SKYLI does not trade (HHARENGEL) 0044-MAGAL does not trade (HHARENGEL) 0045-DVS does not trade (HIEKEN) 0086-PGFM receives (BRAUERLE) 0090-CITTA and sends to (LANNISTERCRIMSON) 0199-DISKW (HIEKEN) 0087-CFAS does not trade (HIEKEN) 0088-TBT receives (DERWIKINGER) 0297-CSTOP and sends to (BOUDIE) 0073-BURJOI (HIEKEN) 0089-DUNLOR receives (TWIDDLE) 0379-MAMMO and sends to (CUAZZEL) 0001-SPAALE (HONEYCOMB) 0350-RANKI receives (SPIELEMAUS) 0357-TOHUW and sends to (AYRTON12) 0291-DSW (HONEYCOMB) 0351-GEIST receives (WAULMURF) 0182-JTTCOTE and sends to (JENSB) 0130-HECBAR (HONEYCOMB) 0352-RTURN does not trade (HONEYCOMB) 0353-CHOCO does not trade (HONEYCOMB) 0354-TANNH does not trade (HONEYCOMB) 0355-UNDER does not trade (HONEYCOMB) 0356-HIDU does not trade (HONEYCOMB) 0370-PONTE does not trade (HONEYCOMB) 0371-MOGUL does not trade (HONEYCOMB) 0372-EOI receives (SPIELEMAUS) 0358-ADWB and sends to (NOTICEUS) 0410-RATTUS (HRUNE) 0083-MYSEXP receives (GIMLI043) 0069-TOBAGO and sends to (HELGEREHWALD) 0283-BLAFRI (HRUNE) 0084-DOMALC does not trade (HRUNE) 0085-DMVP does not trade (HRUNE) 0146-SNAPS does not trade (HWESSELS) 0196-ITYOTD does not trade (HWESSELS) 0197-DOMALC receives (UZI125) 0164-SOC and sends to (HHARENGEL) 0038-WOWYB (HWESSELS) 0259-SWTAL does not trade (HWESSELS) 0368-SIEDN does not trade (JANMS) 0245-MONAS does not trade (JANMS) 0246-DIEDOL does not trade (JANMS) 0247-LEODV does not trade (JANMS) 0248-KNWNZ does not trade (JANMS) 0249-ALCAZ receives (BOUDIE) 0071-BIBLI and sends to (ANDRE1975) 0224-1835- (JANMS) 0250-DONQUI receives (ANDRE1975) 0223-FTS and sends to (BOUDIE) 0074-SAVTAI (JANMS) 0251-RISEXP does not trade (JANMS) 0252-GTR does not trade (JANMS) 0254-LOSBAN does not trade (JANMS) 0255-ITHAP does not trade (JENSB) 0130-HECBAR receives (HONEYCOMB) 0351-GEIST and sends to (SPIELEMAUS) 0361-PENTA (JENSB) 0131-CHARLY does not trade (JENSB) 0132-BBC does not trade (JENSB) 0133-BANAN receives (GELBER POEPPEL) 0193-FLA130 and sends to (SILENTMEXX) 0432-SHAHUN (JENSB) 0134-BITS receives (SPIELEMAUS) 0361-PENTA and sends to (SPIELEMAUS) 0357-TOHUW (JENSB) 0135-NAUTI does not trade (JENSB) 0136-SHAZA does not trade (JENSB) 0137-QOS does not trade (JENSB) 0138-WWW does not trade (JOSCH) 0120-LOS receives (DIRKT) 0150-2DM and sends to (PLOEDMINKA) 0212-ARKAD (JOSCH) 0121-CONQU does not trade (JOSCH) 0122-TUL163 does not trade (JOSCH) 0123-PATRI does not trade (JOSCH) 0124-TIMES does not trade (JOSCH) 0125-BLOROY does not trade (JOSCH) 0126-CWCVK does not trade (JOSCH) 0127-TURTAX does not trade (JOSCH) 0128-PFUSCH does not trade (KILRAH) 0423-ADHDF receives (STOPHLE) 0117-ARCLEG and sends to (DERWIKINGER) 0297-CSTOP (KILRAH) 0424-TDSP does not trade (KILRAH) 0425-KNOTZ does not trade (KILRAH) 0426-WEPCR does not trade (KILRAH) 0427-MPR does not trade (LANNISTERCRIMSON) 0199-DISKW receives (HIEKEN) 0086-PGFM and sends to (SOMNA) 0235-FAUNA (LANNISTERCRIMSON) 0201-GRFOS does not trade (LANNISTERCRIMSON) 0203-ATTANT does not trade (LANNISTERCRIMSON) 0204-RDI does not trade (LANNISTERCRIMSON) 0205-STACT does not trade (LANNISTERCRIMSON) 0206-DRDHDG does not trade (LANNISTERCRIMSON) 0207-JITU does not trade (MACINBOND) 0324-7WMPP does not trade (MACINBOND) 0326-ACQUI does not trade (MACINBOND) 0328-BREAK does not trade (MACINBOND) 0330-DBS does not trade (MACINBOND) 0332-MOUCHA does not trade (MACINBOND) 0334-FREIB does not trade (MACINBOND) 0336-LOTR does not trade (MACINBOND) 0338-HERAZ does not trade (MACINBOND) 0367-ZOOLO receives (STOLDTI) 0217-PANDE and sends to (XARFAI) 0256-RDICE (MARCUSK) 0180-SOTSA does not trade (MARCUSK) 0181-DJITD does not trade (MARCUSK) 0183-TALIS does not trade (MARCUSK) 0184-STEAM does not trade (MARCUSK) 0185-NOREN does not trade (MARCUSK) 0187-FLIEG does not trade (MARCUSK) 0188-MARRA does not trade (MARCUSK) 0189-COTG does not trade (MARCUSK) 0416-ITYOTD does not trade (MARCUSK) 0417-HAULA does not trade (MOTORKOPF) 0099-HARET does not trade (MOTORKOPF) 0100-DPN does not trade (MOTORKOPF) 0101-BOTTOP does not trade (MOTORKOPF) 0102-MTTC does not trade (MOTORKOPF) 0103-BLOX does not trade (MOTORKOPF) 0104-TALUVA receives (CNAUJOK) 0014-MO and sends to (GAUDEAMUS) 0400-TTAASOC (MOTORKOPF) 0105-UWDZ does not trade (MOTORKOPF) 0106-AOF does not trade (MOTORKOPF) 0107-AUSBUX does not trade (MOTORKOPF) 0108-ANQP does not trade (NOTICEUS) 0409-TSURO receives (PADDYCASY) 0411-CUBA and sends to (ANDRE1975) 0227-TAJMAH (NOTICEUS) 0410-RATTUS receives (HONEYCOMB) 0372-EOI and sends to (STOLDTI) 0219-REDNOV (NUPSI) 0091-PREMAT does not trade (NUPSI) 0092-MINOT does not trade (NUPSI) 0093-TOWER does not trade (NUPSI) 0094-KONZE does not trade (NUPSI) 0095-BLORAC does not trade (PADDYCASY) 0411-CUBA receives (DIXIJO) 0021-AIRLI and sends to (NOTICEUS) 0409-TSURO (PADDYCASY) 0412-YSPAH does not trade (PADDYCASY) 0413-ZOOLO does not trade (PADDYCASY) 0414-DBMPC does not trade (PEERCHEN) 0007-PERIK does not trade (PEERCHEN) 0008-VIAROM receives (CNAUJOK) 0009-BRASS and sends to (WAULMURF) 0182-JTTCOTE (PEERCHEN) 0418-BLAFRI does not trade (PETERGR) 0264-QUOVD does not trade (PETERGR) 0265-TUL163 does not trade (PETERGR) 0266-VEXAT does not trade (PETERGR) 0267-TEMPUS does not trade (PETERGR) 0268-DEUKA does not trade (PETERGR) 0269-ORIGO does not trade (PETERGR) 0270-DOLVIT does not trade (PETERGR) 0271-CRAZY does not trade (PETERGR) 0272-STIARO does not trade (PETERGR) 0273-SCORP does not trade (PLOEDMINKA) 0208-CARCIT receives (DIXIJO) 0018-MIDQUE and sends to (DIRKT) 0149-BRITA (PLOEDMINKA) 0209-CFAS does not trade (PLOEDMINKA) 0210-JAVA does not trade (PLOEDMINKA) 0211-VOLLD does not trade (PLOEDMINKA) 0212-ARKAD receives (JOSCH) 0120-LOS and sends to (ANDRE1975) 0226-ANKIENWNZ (PLOEDMINKA) 0213-DIACLU receives (ANDRE1975) 0227-TAJMAH and sends to (GIMLI043) 0064-HAMBU (PLOEDMINKA) 0214-BROSE does not trade (PLOEDMINKA) 0435-ALHAM does not trade (PLOEDMINKA) 0439-CARIB does not trade (RAVENHOE) 0221-LAWLE does not trade (REDNAX) 0392-SHDATCG does not trade (REDNAX) 0393-ACQUI does not trade (REDNAX) 0401-STARF does not trade (REDNAX) 0402-A1503 does not trade (REDNAX) 0403-STS receives (ALMECHO) 0054-ARKAD and sends to (SOMNA) 0244-DSVCDS (REDNAX) 0404-GDEST does not trade (REDNAX) 0405-SC does not trade (REDNAX) 0406-SMS does not trade (REDNAX) 0407-HBBU1UM does not trade (REDNAX) 0408-VTBOW does not trade (SANDRIAN) 0082-SVCDTZK does not trade (SCHMITTI) 0051-ASARA does not trade (SCHMITTI) 0129-KAKER does not trade (SILENTMEXX) 0430-AVECA does not trade (SILENTMEXX) 0431-AOCTSBG does not trade (SILENTMEXX) 0432-SHAHUN receives (JENSB) 0133-BANAN and sends to (BOUDIE) 0080-CITTA (SILENTMEXX) 0433-HOUSE does not trade (SILENTMEXX) 0434-PYRAM does not trade (SILENTMEXX) 0436-REVOL does not trade (SILENTMEXX) 0438-NAPWAR does not trade (SKANKING TEA) 0315-GOLDB does not trade (SKANKING TEA) 0316-CBMM does not trade (SOMNA) 0234-PROPNS does not trade (SOMNA) 0235-FAUNA receives (LANNISTERCRIMSON) 0199-DISKW and sends to (CNAUJOK) 0009-BRASS (SOMNA) 0236-TNOVA does not trade (SOMNA) 0240-SDB does not trade (SOMNA) 0241-BISON does not trade (SOMNA) 0242-TUTAN does not trade (SOMNA) 0244-DSVCDS receives (REDNAX) 0403-STS and sends to (STOPHLE) 0117-ARCLEG (SOMNA) 0260-KDL does not trade (SOMNA) 0428-ANASA does not trade (SOMNA) 0429-HAA does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0357-TOHUW receives (JENSB) 0134-BITS and sends to (HONEYCOMB) 0350-RANKI (SPIELEMAUS) 0358-ADWB receives (EIBE ITU) 0347-GENES and sends to (HONEYCOMB) 0372-EOI (SPIELEMAUS) 0359-LONSHO does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0360-NDM does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0361-PENTA receives (JENSB) 0130-HECBAR and sends to (JENSB) 0134-BITS (SPIELEMAUS) 0362-DELTA does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0363-LBECK does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0364-TALHO does not trade (SPIELEMAUS) 0365-TALDUN receives (GIMLI043) 0062-ANTIK and sends to (TWIDDLE) 0376-SEELA (SPIELEMAUS) 0366-CATAN does not trade (STOLDTI) 0215-CITTA does not trade (STOLDTI) 0216-FIFTH receives (CYBERIAN) 0058-AGEOF and sends to (CYBERIAN) 0057-AHKHE (STOLDTI) 0217-PANDE receives (DIRKT) 0149-BRITA and sends to (MACINBOND) 0367-ZOOLO (STOLDTI) 0218-RSR does not trade (STOLDTI) 0219-REDNOV receives (NOTICEUS) 0410-RATTUS and sends to (ANDRE1975) 0223-FTS (STOLDTI) 0220-CCLEO does not trade (STOLDTI) 0284-UMREI does not trade (STOPHLE) 0111-DOOMB does not trade (STOPHLE) 0113-AT43 does not trade (STOPHLE) 0117-ARCLEG receives (SOMNA) 0244-DSVCDS and sends to (KILRAH) 0423-ADHDF (STOPHLE) 0118-DUST does not trade (STOPHLE) 0119-ASKBP1 does not trade (THSCHEBEN) 0139-KWWIIE does not trade (THSCHEBEN) 0140-STRON does not trade (THSCHEBEN) 0141-BARBA does not trade (THSCHEBEN) 0142-PRINC does not trade (THSCHEBEN) 0143-SPAMAI does not trade (THSCHEBEN) 0144-NOSTR does not trade (THSCHEBEN) 0145-TMGH does not trade (TIRUVOR) 0032-WALHA does not trade (TIRUVOR) 0033-FAAAVS does not trade (TIRUVOR) 0034-SOC receives (UZI125) 0166-ENDEA and sends to (7-BRAINBUG) 0440-PCOVE (TIRUVOR) 0035-THRON does not trade (TIRUVOR) 0243-CONQU does not trade (TWIDDLE) 0376-SEELA receives (SPIELEMAUS) 0365-TALDUN and sends to (GIMLI043) 0065-HAVANA (TWIDDLE) 0379-MAMMO receives (BOUDIE) 0075-SNAPS and sends to (HIEKEN) 0089-DUNLOR (UZI125) 0164-SOC receives (CELDORAD) 0028-GALTRU and sends to (HWESSELS) 0197-DOMALC (UZI125) 0165-JVEP receives (ZLORFIK) 0177-TIKAL and sends to (CELDORAD) 0028-GALTRU (UZI125) 0166-ENDEA receives (DIXIJO) 0019-VINCI and sends to (TIRUVOR) 0034-SOC (UZI125) 0167-WRING does not trade (UZI125) 0168-BOW does not trade (VINCENT_V) 0230-IODN does not trade (VINCENT_V) 0231-GHEOS does not trade (VINCENT_V) 0232-TPSWCTCE does not trade (VINCENT_V) 0233-JAMBO does not trade (VINCENT_V) 0237-TORRE does not trade (VINCENT_V) 0238-CUBA does not trade (VINCENT_V) 0239-OVERT does not trade (WAULMURF) 0046-GOLCIT does not trade (WAULMURF) 0047-CANAA does not trade (WAULMURF) 0048-DICKAR does not trade (WAULMURF) 0049-GODS does not trade (WAULMURF) 0050-GEIST does not trade (WAULMURF) 0170-ATTANT does not trade (WAULMURF) 0171-ATTANT does not trade (WAULMURF) 0172-ATTANT does not trade (WAULMURF) 0178-TIPPK does not trade (WAULMURF) 0179-RBOP does not trade (WAULMURF) 0182-JTTCOTE receives (PEERCHEN) 0008-VIAROM and sends to (HONEYCOMB) 0351-GEIST (WAULMURF) 0186-STARS does not trade (WESERKIESEL) 0096-DOMSPE does not trade (WESERKIESEL) 0097-TTAASOC does not trade (WESERKIESEL) 0098-ZAVAN does not trade (XARFAI) 0253-ZAVAN receives (HHARENGEL) 0038-WOWYB and sends to (BISCHOF118) 0318-SJUAN (XARFAI) 0256-RDICE receives (MACINBOND) 0367-ZOOLO and sends to (CYBERIAN) 0058-AGEOF (XARFAI) 0257-YSPAH does not trade (XARFAI) 0258-BAMBU does not trade (ZLORFIK) 0169-LOWEN does not trade (ZLORFIK) 0173-DOGE does not trade (ZLORFIK) 0174-ELGRA does not trade (ZLORFIK) 0175-VDG does not trade (ZLORFIK) 0176-ETCG does not trade (ZLORFIK) 0177-TIKAL receives (GIMLI043) 0068-ROYPAL and sends to (UZI125) 0165-JVEP Num trades = 91 of 422 items (21,6%) Total cost = 801 (avg 8,80) Num groups = 5 Group sizes = 51 20 15 3 2 Sum squares = 3239 Elapsed time = 48ms