# These WANTS loaded directly by the OLWLG # Thu Oct 16 17:15:09 2014 # Geeklist: Boucle d'échange organisée par La Guilde du Jeu pour le week-end à Orange # ... http://www.boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/179265 # Owner: jmdoan # Item count: 18 # Users with items: 3 #! ALLOW-DUMMIES #! REQUIRE-COLONS #! REQUIRE-USERNAMES #! HIDE-NONTRADES #! SHOW-ELAPSED-TIME # MISSING 14 WANTS (77.7%) FROM 2 USER(s) (66.6%): # AlpestTrog (10) # techunter (4) !BEGIN-OFFICIAL-NAMES # Summary generated: Thu Oct 9 04:56:13 2014 0001-AGRIC ==> "Agricola" (from jmdoan) 0002-PUERT ==> "Puerto Rico" (from jmdoan) 0003-TIMINV ==> "Timeline: Inventions" (from jmdoan) 0004-CLAUS ==> "Claustrophobia" (from techunter) 0005-EARREB ==> "Earth Reborn" (from techunter) 0006-KROARE ==> "Krosmaster: Arena" (from techunter) 0007-KAF ==> "Krosmaster: Arena – Frigost" (from techunter) 0008-RFDOAE ==> "Rex: Final Days of an Empire" (from jmdoan) 0009-VDG ==> "Vasco da Gama" (from AlpestTrog) 0010-ATGOL ==> "At the Gates of Loyang" (from AlpestTrog) 0011-CCLEO ==> "Caesar & Cleopatra" (from AlpestTrog) 0012-POTEBD ==> "The Pillars of the Earth: Builders Duel" (from AlpestTrog) 0013-CAPPIR ==> "Captain Pirate" (from AlpestTrog) 0014-SSE ==> "Serenissima (second edition)" (from AlpestTrog) 0015-STRIKE ==> "Strike" (from AlpestTrog) 0016-RESIS ==> "The Resistance" (from AlpestTrog) 0017-WDOA ==> "Wanted! Dead or Alive" (from AlpestTrog) 0018-LMDS ==> "Le Marché de Samarkand" (from AlpestTrog) !END-OFFICIAL-NAMES #pragma user "jmdoan" # Confirmation code: 1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg # Tue Oct 14 02:54:53 2014 (jmdoan) 0001-AGRIC : (jmdoan) 0002-PUERT : (jmdoan) 0003-TIMINV : (jmdoan) 0008-RFDOAE : # End of wants. If you don't see this line then this file may have # been truncated. IMPORTANT: this comment block is also required to be # in the wants file when you upload the WANTS into the OLWLG.