# These WANTS loaded directly by the OLWLG # Sat Feb 14 18:31:23 2015 # Geeklist: Epic Game Day Winter 2015 - Math Trade - Offer List # ... http://www.boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/186139 # Owner: dlancier # Item count: 177 # Users with items: 9 #! ALLOW-DUMMIES #! REQUIRE-COLONS #! REQUIRE-USERNAMES #! HIDE-NONTRADES #! SHOW-ELAPSED-TIME !BEGIN-OFFICIAL-NAMES # Summary generated: Sun Feb 8 01:33:37 2015 0001-FRAG ==> "Frag" (from dlancier) 0002-ELDSIG ==> "Elder Sign" (from dlancier) 0003-INTHE ==> "In the Shadow of the Emperor" (from dlancier) 0004-PUERT ==> "Puerto Rico" (from wigunowner) 0005-COSENC ==> "Cosmic Encounter" (from wigunowner) 0006-KINGD ==> "Kingdoms" (from wigunowner) 0007-ARIMAA ==> "Arimaa" (from wigunowner) 0008-LUNMON ==> "Lunch Money" (from wigunowner) 0009-NLOTSC ==> "Ninja: Legend of the Scorpion Clan" (from wigunowner) 0010-PLUPAI ==> "Pluckin' Pairs" (from wigunowner) 0011-RRE ==> "Risk (Revised Edition)" (from wigunowner) 0012-SUBDI ==> "Subdivision" (from wigunowner) 0013-UWCE ==> "Ultimate Werewolf: Compact Edition" (from wigunowner) 0014-177REB ==> "1775: Rebellion" (from SeanH) 0015-BANG ==> "Bang!" (from SeanH) 0016-NILE ==> "Nile" (from SeanH) 0017-THROU ==> "Through the Desert" (from SeanH) 0018-ACQUI ==> "Acquire" (from SeanH) 0019-TIMINV ==> "Timeline: Inventions" (from SeanH) 0020-DAVIN ==> "DaVinci's Challenge" (from SeanH) 0021-COH ==> "City of Horror" (from SeanH) 0022-EARREB ==> "Earth Reborn" (from SeanH) 0023-SHACRO ==> "Shadowrun: Crossfire" (from SeanH) 0024-CNGSE ==> "Ca$h 'n Guns (second edition)" (from SeanH) 0025-SSE ==> "Serenissima (second edition)" (from SeanH) 0026-SPAALE ==> "Space Alert" (from SeanH) 0027-CAH ==> "Cards Against Humanity" (from SeanH) 0028-SOTE ==> "Strike of the Eagle" (from Reverend Zombie) 0029-CAA ==> "Cults Across America" (from Reverend Zombie) 0030-MARTI ==> "Martinique" (from dlancier) 0031-BATMER ==> "Battle Merchants" (from matter23) 0032-CITAD ==> "Citadels" (from matter23) 0033-DOOREL ==> "Doomtown: Reloaded" (from matter23) 0034-LOTRTCG ==> "The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game" (from galderon) 0035-GOLARC ==> "Golem Arcana" (from galderon) 0036-STUBOD ==> "Student Bodies" (from galderon) 0037-BOMBAY ==> "Bombay" (from galderon) 0038-HERMA ==> "Hermagor" (from galderon) 0039-VILLA ==> "Villainy" (from galderon) 0040-ROTNE ==> "Romance of the Nine Empires" (from galderon) 0041-7WON ==> "7 Wonders" (from galderon) 0042-OLTRE ==> "Oltre Mare" (from matter23) 0043-CROSS ==> "Crossfire" (from matter23) 0044-CARWR ==> "Car Wars" (from sparr0) 0045-TISE ==> "Twilight Imperium (second edition)" (from sparr0) 0046-TTABEFT2OU-COPY1 ==> "This Town Ain't Big Enough for the 2-4 Of Us" (from sparr0) [copy 1 of 2] 0046-TTABEFT2OU-COPY2 ==> "This Town Ain't Big Enough for the 2-4 Of Us" (from sparr0) [copy 2 of 2] 0047-NUCWR ==> "Nuclear War" (from sparr0) 0048-SOTM ==> "Sentinels of the Multiverse" (from sparr0) 0049-AN3BG ==> "Alt Name: 3 Bookshelf Games" (from sparr0) 0050-AN9WG ==> "Alt Name: 9 word games" (from sparr0) 0051-AN7SG ==> "Alt Name: 7 small games" (from sparr0) 0052-AN4PG ==> "Alt Name: 4 Party Games" (from sparr0) 0053-AN3KG ==> "Alt Name: 3 Kids Games" (from sparr0) 0054-WARRI ==> "Warriors" (from sparr0) 0055-AN6GW3VITN ==> "Alt Name: 6 games with 3 vowels in their name" (from sparr0) 0056-SMAUP ==> "Smash Up" (from dlancier) 0057-MTRAP ==> "MindTrap" (from motoyugota) 0058-MAGES ==> "Magestorm" (from motoyugota) 0059-MUNCTH ==> "Munchkin Cthulhu" (from motoyugota) 0060-SORSLI-COPY1 ==> "Sorry! Sliders" (from motoyugota) [copy 1 of 3] 0060-SORSLI-COPY2 ==> "Sorry! Sliders" (from motoyugota) [copy 2 of 3] 0060-SORSLI-COPY3 ==> "Sorry! Sliders" (from motoyugota) [copy 3 of 3] 0061-WAGER ==> "Wits & Wagers" (from motoyugota) 0062-WWF ==> "Wits & Wagers Family" (from motoyugota) 0063-CONQU ==> "Conquian" (from motoyugota) 0064-KARNF ==> "Karnöffel" (from motoyugota) 0065-SANCT ==> "Sanctuary" (from motoyugota) 0066-MYST ==> "Myst" (from motoyugota) 0067-BATTL ==> "Battleball" (from motoyugota) 0068-STLOTR ==> "Stratego: The Lord of the Rings" (from motoyugota) 0069-AGINC ==> "Agincourt" (from motoyugota) 0070-MUNCH-COPY1 ==> "Munchkin" (from motoyugota) [copy 1 of 2] 0070-MUNCH-COPY2 ==> "Munchkin" (from motoyugota) [copy 2 of 2] 0071-DIXJOU ==> "Dixit: Journey" (from motoyugota) 0072-LIONH ==> "Lionheart" (from motoyugota) 0073-KITCHA ==> "Kitty Chaos" (from motoyugota) 0074-ROFL ==> "ROFL!" (from motoyugota) 0075-DRAGO ==> "Dragonriders" (from motoyugota) 0076-DIXIT ==> "Dixit" (from motoyugota) 0077-SCRAB ==> "Scrabble" (from motoyugota) 0078-BUFFY ==> "Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Game" (from motoyugota) 0079-RISK ==> "Risk" (from motoyugota) 0080-SAGA ==> "Saga" (from motoyugota) 0081-EMH ==> "Ebola Monkey Hunt" (from motoyugota) 0082-ALICON ==> "Alien Contact" (from motoyugota) 0083-MAGEK-COPY1 ==> "Mage Knight" (from motoyugota) [copy 1 of 2] 0083-MAGEK-COPY2 ==> "Mage Knight" (from motoyugota) [copy 2 of 2] 0084-ANST ==> "Alt Name: Shyftrz TCG" (from motoyugota) 0085-BABP ==> "Broadsides and Boarding Parties" (from motoyugota) 0086-POCBFTO ==> "Prince of Chaos: Battle for Tae Orn" (from motoyugota) 0087-BMOON ==> "Blue Moon" (from motoyugota) 0088-HEROQ-COPY1 ==> "HeroQuest" (from motoyugota) [copy 1 of 2] 0088-HEROQ-COPY2 ==> "HeroQuest" (from motoyugota) [copy 2 of 2] 0089-JLAOVSG-COPY1 ==> "Justice League: Axis of Villains Strategy Game" (from motoyugota) [copy 1 of 2] 0089-JLAOVSG-COPY2 ==> "Justice League: Axis of Villains Strategy Game" (from motoyugota) [copy 2 of 2] 0090-RISKG ==> "Risk: Godstorm" (from motoyugota) 0091-MOTM ==> "Monkeys on the Moon" (from motoyugota) 0092-MIMIC ==> "Mimic" (from motoyugota) 0093-WIZGAM ==> "Wizard's Gambit" (from motoyugota) 0094-WOOLY ==> "Wooly Bully" (from motoyugota) 0095-RPVZ ==> "Risk: Plants vs. Zombies" (from motoyugota) 0096-DOP ==> "Dragonriders of Pern" (from motoyugota) 0097-XANTH ==> "Xanth" (from motoyugota) 0098-FRAG ==> "Frag" (from motoyugota) 0099-GAMMA ==> "Gammarauders" (from motoyugota) 0100-WARKNI ==> "Warrior Knights" (from motoyugota) 0101-WIZQUE ==> "Wizard's Quest" (from motoyugota) 0102-COP ==> "Conquest of Pangea" (from motoyugota) 0103-LOTRDBG ==> "The Lord of the Rings Dice Building Game" (from motoyugota) 0104-UTBG ==> "Uncharted: The Board Game" (from motoyugota) 0105-TITAN ==> "Titan" (from motoyugota) 0106-TAJMAH ==> "Taj Mahal" (from motoyugota) 0107-PANTH ==> "Pantheon" (from motoyugota) 0108-MONAS ==> "Monastery" (from motoyugota) 0109-MAGES ==> "Magestorm" (from motoyugota) 0110-MONKE ==> "Monkeys!" (from motoyugota) 0111-CDG ==> "Catan Dice Game" (from motoyugota) 0112-LOTRS ==> "Lord of the Rings: The Search" (from motoyugota) 0113-FEF ==> "Fish Eat Fish" (from motoyugota) 0114-SHAZA ==> "Shazamm!" (from motoyugota) 0115-UNSWOR ==> "Unspeakable Words" (from motoyugota) 0116-MINOT ==> "Minotaur Lords" (from motoyugota) 0117-ATLAN ==> "Atlanteon" (from motoyugota) 0118-DMANS ==> "Dead Man's Treasure" (from motoyugota) 0119-MAGIN ==> "Maginor" (from motoyugota) 0120-MWAHA ==> "Mwahahaha!" (from motoyugota) 0121-BUFFY ==> "Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Game" (from motoyugota) 0122-WOWTAG ==> "World of Warcraft: The Adventure Game" (from motoyugota) 0123-VANPLA ==> "Vanished Planet" (from motoyugota) 0124-JDKCE ==> "Jenga: Donkey Kong Collector's Edition" (from motoyugota) 0125-GOBBL ==> "Gobblet" (from motoyugota) 0126-BLOKU ==> "Blokus" (from motoyugota) 0127-BLOTRI ==> "Blokus Trigon" (from motoyugota) 0128-SFR ==> "Struggle for Rome" (from motoyugota) 0129-TEK ==> "Tiny Epic Kingdoms" (from motoyugota) 0130-INGCHA ==> "Ingenious Challenges" (from motoyugota) 0131-AAE-COPY1 ==> "Ascension: Apprentice Edition" (from motoyugota) [copy 1 of 2] 0131-AAE-COPY2 ==> "Ascension: Apprentice Edition" (from motoyugota) [copy 2 of 2] 0132-RISK2 ==> "Risk 2210 A.D." (from motoyugota) 0133-SIX ==> "Six" (from motoyugota) 0134-KAMIS ==> "Kamisado" (from motoyugota) 0135-RICOC ==> "Ricochet Robots" (from motoyugota) 0136-WARRAL ==> "Warhamster Rally" (from motoyugota) 0137-DUNLOR ==> "Dungeon Lords" (from motoyugota) 0138-CANDA ==> "Candamir: The First Settlers" (from motoyugota) 0139-BTMBG ==> "Beowulf: The Movie Board Game" (from motoyugota) 0140-AOG ==> "Age of Gods" (from motoyugota) 0141-MEM44 ==> "Memoir '44" (from motoyugota) 0142-JTTCOTE ==> "Journey to the Center of the Earth" (from motoyugota) 0143-KINGS ==> "Kings & Things" (from motoyugota) 0144-MENAC ==> "Monsters Menace America" (from motoyugota) 0145-BODMG ==> "The Best of Dragon Magazine Games" (from motoyugota) 0146-RSCE ==> "RISK: StarCraft Collector's Edition" (from motoyugota) 0147-DDCONBG ==> "Dungeons & Dragons: Conquest of Nerath Board Game" (from motoyugota) 0148-DREAD ==> "Dreadfleet" (from motoyugota) 0149-FORISL ==> "Forbidden Island" (from motoyugota) 0150-ILLUM ==> "Illuminati" (from motoyugota) 0151-STM ==> "Spank the Monkey" (from motoyugota) 0152-FLUXX ==> "Fluxx" (from motoyugota) 0153-CHRON ==> "Chrononauts" (from motoyugota) 0154-FIVCRO ==> "Five Crowns" (from motoyugota) 0155-RUNEW ==> "Runewars" (from motoyugota) 0156-WOWTB ==> "World of Warcraft: The Boardgame" (from motoyugota) 0157-SWORD ==> "Ikusa" (from motoyugota) 0158-FORTA ==> "Fortress America" (from motoyugota) 0159-AXISA ==> "Axis & Allies" (from motoyugota) 0160-ANSCG ==> "Alt Name: Small card games" (from motoyugota) 0161-CHIRAI ==> "China Rails" (from motoyugota) 0162-LUNRAI ==> "Lunar Rails" (from motoyugota) 0163-TITLT ==> "Tikal II: The Lost Temple" (from rudypoot) 0164-KBATQFTMC ==> "Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot" (from rudypoot) 0165-KBATJTJ ==> "Killer Bunnies and the Journey to Jupiter" (from rudypoot) 0166-CAYLU ==> "Caylus" (from rudypoot) 0167-GRABUS ==> "Grave Business" (from rudypoot) 0168-SOCCG ==> "Catan Card Game" (from rudypoot) 0169-ELDSIG ==> "Elder Sign" (from rudypoot) 0170-RRE ==> "Risk (Revised Edition)" (from motoyugota) 0171-CRECLA ==> "Creative Clash" (from rudypoot) 0172-DDD ==> "Dig Down Dwarf" (from rudypoot) 0173-LADALI ==> "Lady Alice" (from rudypoot) 0174-GTB ==> "Gearworld: The Borderlands" (from rudypoot) 0175-ISLSIE ==> "Island Siege" (from rudypoot) 0176-FTG ==> "Firefly: The Game" (from rudypoot) 0177-CARCA ==> "Carcassonne" (from rudypoot) !END-OFFICIAL-NAMES #pragma user "dlancier" # Confirmation code: BdLS9erb4rWiG-twKmrlYw # Sun Feb 8 11:33:17 2015 (dlancier) 0001-FRAG : 0041-7WON 0018-ACQUI 0045-TISE 0011-RRE 0141-MEM44 0146-RSCE (dlancier) 0002-ELDSIG : 0041-7WON 0018-ACQUI 0045-TISE 0011-RRE 0146-RSCE (dlancier) 0003-INTHE : 0041-7WON 0018-ACQUI 0045-TISE 0011-RRE 0141-MEM44 0149-FORISL 0015-BANG (dlancier) 0030-MARTI : 0041-7WON 0018-ACQUI 0045-TISE 0011-RRE 0141-MEM44 0149-FORISL 0015-BANG (dlancier) 0056-SMAUP : #pragma user "galderon" # Confirmation code: K0M3mFCMpSvKs80hNUeHTg # Sun Feb 8 11:33:31 2015 (galderon) 0034-LOTRTCG : 0023-SHACRO (galderon) 0035-GOLARC : (galderon) 0036-STUBOD : (galderon) 0037-BOMBAY : 0023-SHACRO 0005-COSENC %0088-HEROQ (galderon) 0038-HERMA : 0023-SHACRO 0005-COSENC %0088-HEROQ (galderon) 0039-VILLA : 0023-SHACRO 0005-COSENC %0088-HEROQ (galderon) 0040-ROTNE : 0023-SHACRO 0005-COSENC %0088-HEROQ (galderon) 0041-7WON : # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated (galderon) %0088-HEROQ : 0088-HEROQ-COPY1 0088-HEROQ-COPY2 #pragma user "matter23" # Confirmation code: -qxOfhMFAugqF/wWYEWZ1A # Sun Feb 8 21:34:18 2015 (matter23) 0031-BATMER : 0041-7WON 0005-COSENC 0166-CAYLU 0004-PUERT 0155-RUNEW 0157-SWORD (matter23) 0032-CITAD : 0041-7WON 0005-COSENC 0166-CAYLU 0004-PUERT 0155-RUNEW 0157-SWORD 0026-SPAALE 0137-DUNLOR 0022-EARREB 0002-ELDSIG 0023-SHACRO 0024-CNGSE 0087-BMOON 0147-DDCONBG 0129-TEK 0158-FORTA 0012-SUBDI 0035-GOLARC 0045-TISE 0076-DIXIT 0017-THROU 0014-177REB 0048-SOTM 0169-ELDSIG 0056-SMAUP 0163-TITLT 0156-WOWTB 0027-CAH 0071-DIXJOU 0044-CARWR (matter23) 0033-DOOREL : 0041-7WON 0005-COSENC 0166-CAYLU 0004-PUERT 0155-RUNEW 0157-SWORD 0026-SPAALE 0137-DUNLOR 0022-EARREB 0002-ELDSIG 0023-SHACRO 0024-CNGSE 0087-BMOON 0147-DDCONBG 0129-TEK 0158-FORTA 0012-SUBDI 0035-GOLARC 0045-TISE (matter23) 0042-OLTRE : 0041-7WON 0005-COSENC 0166-CAYLU 0004-PUERT 0155-RUNEW 0157-SWORD 0026-SPAALE 0137-DUNLOR 0022-EARREB 0002-ELDSIG 0023-SHACRO 0024-CNGSE 0087-BMOON 0147-DDCONBG 0129-TEK 0158-FORTA 0012-SUBDI 0035-GOLARC 0045-TISE 0076-DIXIT 0017-THROU 0014-177REB 0048-SOTM 0169-ELDSIG 0056-SMAUP 0163-TITLT 0156-WOWTB 0027-CAH 0071-DIXJOU 0044-CARWR (matter23) 0043-CROSS : #pragma user "motoyugota" # Confirmation code: j4MwJZi9NEu-34Fv/MdJpw # Wed Feb 11 01:37:50 2015 (motoyugota) %EldSig : 0002-ELDSIG 0169-ELDSIG (motoyugota) 0057-MTRAP : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE 0019-TIMINV (motoyugota) 0058-MAGES : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig (motoyugota) 0059-MUNCTH : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0060-SORSLI-COPY1 : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0060-SORSLI-COPY2 : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0060-SORSLI-COPY3 : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0061-WAGER : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT (motoyugota) 0062-WWF : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB (motoyugota) 0063-CONQU : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0064-KARNF : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0065-SANCT : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG (motoyugota) 0066-MYST : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE 0019-TIMINV (motoyugota) 0067-BATTL : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0068-STLOTR : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0069-AGINC : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB (motoyugota) 0070-MUNCH-COPY1 : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE (motoyugota) 0070-MUNCH-COPY2 : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE (motoyugota) 0071-DIXJOU : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB (motoyugota) 0072-LIONH : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig (motoyugota) 0073-KITCHA : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0074-ROFL : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG (motoyugota) 0075-DRAGO : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG (motoyugota) 0076-DIXIT : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER (motoyugota) 0077-SCRAB : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB (motoyugota) 0078-BUFFY : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB (motoyugota) 0079-RISK : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU (motoyugota) 0080-SAGA : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0081-EMH : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0082-ALICON : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0083-MAGEK-COPY1 : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT (motoyugota) 0083-MAGEK-COPY2 : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT (motoyugota) 0084-ANST : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE 0019-TIMINV (motoyugota) 0085-BABP : (motoyugota) 0086-POCBFTO : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0087-BMOON : 0035-GOLARC (motoyugota) 0088-HEROQ-COPY1 : (motoyugota) 0088-HEROQ-COPY2 : (motoyugota) 0089-JLAOVSG-COPY1 : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0089-JLAOVSG-COPY2 : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0090-RISKG : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG (motoyugota) 0091-MOTM : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0092-MIMIC : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0093-WIZGAM : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0094-WOOLY : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0095-RPVZ : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig (motoyugota) 0096-DOP : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU (motoyugota) 0097-XANTH : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig (motoyugota) 0098-FRAG : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig (motoyugota) 0099-GAMMA : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG (motoyugota) 0100-WARKNI : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG (motoyugota) 0101-WIZQUE : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG (motoyugota) 0102-COP : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig (motoyugota) 0103-LOTRDBG : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE (motoyugota) 0104-UTBG : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG (motoyugota) 0105-TITAN : 0035-GOLARC (motoyugota) 0106-TAJMAH : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG (motoyugota) 0107-PANTH : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG (motoyugota) 0108-MONAS : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig (motoyugota) 0109-MAGES : (motoyugota) 0110-MONKE : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0111-CDG : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0112-LOTRS : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig (motoyugota) 0113-FEF : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0114-SHAZA : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0115-UNSWOR : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG (motoyugota) 0116-MINOT : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG (motoyugota) 0117-ATLAN : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0118-DMANS : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0119-MAGIN : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0120-MWAHA : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0121-BUFFY : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB (motoyugota) 0122-WOWTAG : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO (motoyugota) 0123-VANPLA : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT (motoyugota) 0124-JDKCE : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig (motoyugota) 0125-GOBBL : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0126-BLOKU : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0127-BLOTRI : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU (motoyugota) 0128-SFR : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB (motoyugota) 0129-TEK : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB (motoyugota) 0130-INGCHA : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig (motoyugota) 0131-AAE-COPY1 : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0131-AAE-COPY2 : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0132-RISK2 : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig (motoyugota) 0133-SIX : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE (motoyugota) 0134-KAMIS : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG (motoyugota) 0135-RICOC : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT (motoyugota) 0136-WARRAL : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig (motoyugota) 0137-DUNLOR : 0035-GOLARC (motoyugota) 0138-CANDA : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG (motoyugota) 0139-BTMBG : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0140-AOG : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0141-MEM44 : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO (motoyugota) 0142-JTTCOTE : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE (motoyugota) 0143-KINGS : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT (motoyugota) 0144-MENAC : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB (motoyugota) 0145-BODMG : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG (motoyugota) 0146-RSCE : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig (motoyugota) 0147-DDCONBG : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO (motoyugota) 0148-DREAD : 0035-GOLARC (motoyugota) 0149-FORISL : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig (motoyugota) 0150-ILLUM : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG (motoyugota) 0151-STM : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE (motoyugota) 0152-FLUXX : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE 0019-TIMINV (motoyugota) 0153-CHRON : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE 0019-TIMINV (motoyugota) 0154-FIVCRO : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE 0019-TIMINV (motoyugota) 0155-RUNEW : (motoyugota) 0156-WOWTB : (motoyugota) 0157-SWORD : 0035-GOLARC (motoyugota) 0158-FORTA : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU (motoyugota) 0159-AXISA : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO (motoyugota) 0160-ANSCG : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE 0019-TIMINV (motoyugota) 0161-CHIRAI : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG (motoyugota) 0162-LUNRAI : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG (motoyugota) 0170-RRE : 0035-GOLARC 0023-SHACRO 0166-CAYLU 0031-BATMER 0022-EARREB 0176-FTG 0163-TITLT 0034-LOTRTCG %EldSig 0024-CNGSE 0040-ROTNE #pragma user "Reverend Zombie" # Confirmation code: 6skuABZRRH-07tEWrniflA # Sat Feb 14 09:55:20 2015 (Reverend Zombie) 0028-SOTE : 0014-177REB 0158-FORTA (Reverend Zombie) 0029-CAA : 0121-BUFFY #pragma user "rudypoot" # Confirmation code: q7vmJNmF2ZUTRcLb3EOyow # Sun Feb 8 15:01:41 2015 (rudypoot) 0163-TITLT : 0041-7WON 0141-MEM44 0137-DUNLOR 0014-177REB 0031-BATMER 0026-SPAALE 0129-TEK 0071-DIXJOU (rudypoot) 0164-KBATQFTMC : 0041-7WON 0141-MEM44 0137-DUNLOR 0014-177REB (rudypoot) 0165-KBATJTJ : 0041-7WON 0141-MEM44 0137-DUNLOR 0014-177REB 0031-BATMER 0129-TEK (rudypoot) 0166-CAYLU : 0041-7WON 0141-MEM44 0137-DUNLOR 0014-177REB (rudypoot) 0167-GRABUS : 0041-7WON 0141-MEM44 0137-DUNLOR 0014-177REB 0031-BATMER 0026-SPAALE 0129-TEK 0071-DIXJOU (rudypoot) 0168-SOCCG : 0041-7WON 0141-MEM44 0137-DUNLOR 0014-177REB 0031-BATMER 0026-SPAALE (rudypoot) 0169-ELDSIG : 0041-7WON 0141-MEM44 0137-DUNLOR 0014-177REB 0031-BATMER (rudypoot) 0171-CRECLA : 0041-7WON 0141-MEM44 0137-DUNLOR 0014-177REB 0031-BATMER 0026-SPAALE 0129-TEK 0071-DIXJOU (rudypoot) 0172-DDD : 0041-7WON 0141-MEM44 0137-DUNLOR 0014-177REB 0031-BATMER 0026-SPAALE 0129-TEK 0071-DIXJOU (rudypoot) 0173-LADALI : 0041-7WON 0141-MEM44 0137-DUNLOR 0014-177REB 0031-BATMER 0026-SPAALE 0129-TEK 0071-DIXJOU 0032-CITAD (rudypoot) 0174-GTB : 0041-7WON 0141-MEM44 0137-DUNLOR 0014-177REB 0031-BATMER 0026-SPAALE 0129-TEK 0071-DIXJOU 0032-CITAD (rudypoot) 0175-ISLSIE : 0041-7WON 0141-MEM44 0137-DUNLOR 0014-177REB 0031-BATMER 0026-SPAALE 0129-TEK 0071-DIXJOU 0032-CITAD (rudypoot) 0176-FTG : 0041-7WON 0141-MEM44 0137-DUNLOR 0014-177REB (rudypoot) 0177-CARCA : 0041-7WON 0141-MEM44 0137-DUNLOR 0014-177REB 0031-BATMER 0026-SPAALE 0129-TEK 0071-DIXJOU #pragma user "SeanH" # Confirmation code: Rvx-vYYi8zlQNv6+ef+7Qw # Sun Feb 8 22:53:19 2015 (SeanH) 0014-177REB : (SeanH) 0015-BANG : 0166-CAYLU 0071-DIXJOU 0129-TEK 0007-ARIMAA (SeanH) 0016-NILE : 0166-CAYLU 0071-DIXJOU 0129-TEK 0007-ARIMAA (SeanH) 0017-THROU : 0166-CAYLU 0071-DIXJOU 0129-TEK 0007-ARIMAA (SeanH) 0018-ACQUI : 0166-CAYLU 0071-DIXJOU 0129-TEK 0007-ARIMAA (SeanH) 0019-TIMINV : 0166-CAYLU 0071-DIXJOU 0129-TEK 0007-ARIMAA (SeanH) 0020-DAVIN : 0166-CAYLU 0071-DIXJOU 0129-TEK 0007-ARIMAA (SeanH) 0021-COH : 0166-CAYLU 0071-DIXJOU (SeanH) 0022-EARREB : 0166-CAYLU (SeanH) 0023-SHACRO : 0166-CAYLU (SeanH) 0024-CNGSE : (SeanH) 0025-SSE : (SeanH) 0026-SPAALE : (SeanH) 0027-CAH : 0166-CAYLU 0071-DIXJOU 0129-TEK 0007-ARIMAA #pragma user "sparr0" # Confirmation code: MUnM1PgOfBLy3ELNlHVEqQ # Thu Feb 12 11:13:10 2015 (sparr0) 0044-CARWR : (sparr0) 0045-TISE : (sparr0) 0046-TTABEFT2OU-COPY1 : 0087-BMOON 0166-CAYLU 0127-BLOTRI 0141-MEM44 %0088-HEROQ 0163-TITLT 0160-ANSCG 0162-LUNRAI 0161-CHIRAI 0058-MAGES 0109-MAGES 0169-ELDSIG 0105-TITAN 0066-MYST 0012-SUBDI 0011-RRE 0155-RUNEW 0017-THROU 0022-EARREB 0135-RICOC 0147-DDCONBG 0143-KINGS 0042-OLTRE 0037-BOMBAY 0164-KBATQFTMC %0131-AAE 0040-ROTNE 0172-DDD (sparr0) 0046-TTABEFT2OU-COPY2 : 0087-BMOON 0166-CAYLU 0127-BLOTRI 0141-MEM44 %0088-HEROQ 0163-TITLT 0160-ANSCG 0162-LUNRAI 0161-CHIRAI 0058-MAGES 0109-MAGES 0169-ELDSIG 0105-TITAN 0066-MYST 0012-SUBDI 0011-RRE 0155-RUNEW 0017-THROU 0022-EARREB 0135-RICOC 0147-DDCONBG 0143-KINGS 0042-OLTRE 0037-BOMBAY 0164-KBATQFTMC %0131-AAE 0040-ROTNE 0172-DDD (sparr0) 0047-NUCWR : 0087-BMOON 0166-CAYLU 0127-BLOTRI (sparr0) 0048-SOTM : 0087-BMOON 0166-CAYLU 0127-BLOTRI (sparr0) 0049-AN3BG : 0087-BMOON 0166-CAYLU 0127-BLOTRI 0141-MEM44 %0088-HEROQ 0163-TITLT 0160-ANSCG 0162-LUNRAI 0161-CHIRAI 0058-MAGES 0109-MAGES (sparr0) 0050-AN9WG : 0087-BMOON 0166-CAYLU (sparr0) 0051-AN7SG : 0087-BMOON (sparr0) 0052-AN4PG : 0087-BMOON 0166-CAYLU 0127-BLOTRI 0141-MEM44 %0088-HEROQ 0163-TITLT 0160-ANSCG 0162-LUNRAI 0161-CHIRAI 0058-MAGES 0109-MAGES 0169-ELDSIG 0105-TITAN 0066-MYST 0012-SUBDI 0011-RRE (sparr0) 0053-AN3KG : 0087-BMOON 0166-CAYLU 0127-BLOTRI 0141-MEM44 %0088-HEROQ 0163-TITLT 0160-ANSCG 0162-LUNRAI 0161-CHIRAI 0058-MAGES 0109-MAGES 0169-ELDSIG 0105-TITAN 0066-MYST 0012-SUBDI 0011-RRE 0155-RUNEW 0017-THROU 0022-EARREB 0135-RICOC 0147-DDCONBG 0143-KINGS 0042-OLTRE 0037-BOMBAY 0164-KBATQFTMC %0131-AAE 0040-ROTNE 0172-DDD (sparr0) 0054-WARRI : 0087-BMOON 0166-CAYLU 0127-BLOTRI 0141-MEM44 %0088-HEROQ 0163-TITLT 0160-ANSCG 0162-LUNRAI 0161-CHIRAI 0058-MAGES 0109-MAGES 0169-ELDSIG 0105-TITAN 0066-MYST (sparr0) 0055-AN6GW3VITN : 0087-BMOON # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated (sparr0) %0131-AAE : 0131-AAE-COPY1 0131-AAE-COPY2 (sparr0) %0088-HEROQ : 0088-HEROQ-COPY1 0088-HEROQ-COPY2 #pragma user "wigunowner" # Confirmation code: 4R/ulDj99VxfxWwbBPiQYQ # Tue Feb 10 21:44:06 2015 (wigunowner) 0004-PUERT : (wigunowner) 0005-COSENC : (wigunowner) 0006-KINGD : 0027-CAH 0062-WWF (wigunowner) 0007-ARIMAA : 0027-CAH 0062-WWF (wigunowner) 0008-LUNMON : 0027-CAH 0062-WWF (wigunowner) 0009-NLOTSC : (wigunowner) 0010-PLUPAI : (wigunowner) 0011-RRE : 0027-CAH 0062-WWF (wigunowner) 0012-SUBDI : (wigunowner) 0013-UWCE : 0027-CAH 0062-WWF # End of wants. If you don't see this line then this file may have # been truncated. IMPORTANT: this comment block is also required to be # in the wants file when you upload the WANTS into the OLWLG.