# These WANTS loaded directly by the OLWLG # Mon May 1 21:27:32 2017 #+ Geeklist: Lexicon 2017 No Ship Math Trade - Lexington KY May 5-7 #+ ... http://www.boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/224223 #+ Owner: hestiansun #+ Item count: 42 #+ Users with items: 2 #! ALLOW-DUMMIES #! REQUIRE-COLONS #! REQUIRE-USERNAMES #! HIDE-NONTRADES #! SHOW-ELAPSED-TIME #! ITERATIONS=100 #! SEED=20170501 #! METRIC=Users-trading !BEGIN-OFFICIAL-NAMES # Summary generated: Mon Apr 24 04:56:59 2017, geeklist 224223, Lexicon 2017 No Ship Math Trade - Lexington KY May 5-7 0001-ARKHA ==> "Arkham Horror" (from ryang) 0002-1DIA ==> "10 Days in Africa" (from ryang) 0003-MASGAL ==> "Masters Gallery" (from ryang) 0004-MOVSE ==> "Merchant of Venus (second edition)" (from ryang) 0005-NANZA ==> "Bohnanza" (from ryang) 0006-ABLAZE ==> "Ablaze!" (from ryang) 0007-COPYC ==> "Copycat" (from ryang) 0008-BOOMT ==> "Boomtown" (from ryang) 0009-HAGGIS ==> "Haggis" (from ryang) 0010-GGG ==> "Going, Going, GONE!" (from ryang) 0011-PANSTA ==> "Panic Station" (from ryang) 0012-MRJAC ==> "Mr. Jack" (from ryang) 0013-MKBG ==> "Mage Knight Board Game" (from ryang) 0014-IVANH ==> "Ivanhoe" (from ryang) 0015-PROVI ==> "Province" (from ryang) 0016-AREPRO ==> "The Ares Project" (from ryang) 0017-FLASC ==> "The Bottle Imp" (from ryang) 0018-TSTMC ==> "T.I.M.E Stories: The Marcy Case" (from ryang) 0019-TOTS ==> "Tsuro of the Seas" (from ryang) 0020-TEMPUS ==> "Tempus" (from ryang) 0021-TOTAN ==> "Tales of the Arabian Nights" (from ryang) 0022-10DAY ==> "10 Days in the USA" (from TotalRath) 0023-FOD ==> "A Fistful of Dinero" (from TotalRath) 0024-FASTR ==> "Fastrack" (from TotalRath) 0025-JTTCOTE ==> "Journey to the Center of the Earth" (from TotalRath) 0026-KBATQFTMC ==> "Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot" (from TotalRath) 0027-LOSLEG ==> "Lost Legends" (from TotalRath) 0028-MAGES ==> "Magestorm" (from TotalRath) 0029-MOTA ==> "March of the Ants" (from TotalRath) 0030-NWENG ==> "New England" (from TotalRath) 0031-PATCH ==> "Patchistory" (from TotalRath) 0032-REVOL ==> "Revolver" (from TotalRath) 0033-ROC ==> "Rise of Cthulhu" (from TotalRath) 0034-SKY300 ==> "Skyline 3000" (from TotalRath) 0035-CATAN ==> "Catan" (from TotalRath) 0036-SWU ==> "Small World Underground" (from TotalRath) 0037-SMUGG ==> "Smugglers" (from TotalRath) 0038-SHDATCG ==> "Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game" (from TotalRath) 0039-STP ==> "Star Trek Panic" (from TotalRath) 0040-WWW ==> "Wicked Witches Way" (from TotalRath) 0041-WF1 ==> "World's Fair 1893" (from TotalRath) 0042-ZOMBI ==> "Zombiegeddon" (from TotalRath) !END-OFFICIAL-NAMES #pragma user "ryang" # Confirmation code: 9bdKMriIzbrJGsGdoIpAXg # Sun Apr 30 09:51:05 2017 (ryang) 0001-ARKHA : 0036-SWU 0031-PATCH 0024-FASTR (ryang) 0002-1DIA : 0036-SWU 0031-PATCH 0024-FASTR (ryang) 0003-MASGAL : 0036-SWU 0031-PATCH 0024-FASTR (ryang) 0004-MOVSE : (ryang) 0005-NANZA : 0036-SWU 0031-PATCH 0024-FASTR (ryang) 0006-ABLAZE : 0036-SWU 0031-PATCH 0024-FASTR (ryang) 0007-COPYC : (ryang) 0008-BOOMT : 0036-SWU 0031-PATCH 0024-FASTR (ryang) 0009-HAGGIS : (ryang) 0010-GGG : (ryang) 0011-PANSTA : 0036-SWU 0031-PATCH 0024-FASTR (ryang) 0012-MRJAC : (ryang) 0013-MKBG : (ryang) 0014-IVANH : 0036-SWU 0031-PATCH 0024-FASTR (ryang) 0015-PROVI : 0036-SWU 0031-PATCH 0024-FASTR (ryang) 0016-AREPRO : 0036-SWU 0031-PATCH 0024-FASTR (ryang) 0017-FLASC : (ryang) 0018-TSTMC : (ryang) 0019-TOTS : (ryang) 0020-TEMPUS : (ryang) 0021-TOTAN : #pragma user "TotalRath" # Confirmation code: -FURgHLAInD51JdStTmzdw # Wed Apr 26 20:10:31 2017 (TotalRath) 0022-10DAY : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG 0004-MOVSE 0010-GGG 0007-COPYC (TotalRath) 0023-FOD : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG 0004-MOVSE 0010-GGG 0007-COPYC 0002-1DIA (TotalRath) 0024-FASTR : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG 0004-MOVSE 0010-GGG 0007-COPYC 0002-1DIA (TotalRath) 0025-JTTCOTE : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG 0004-MOVSE 0010-GGG 0007-COPYC 0002-1DIA (TotalRath) 0026-KBATQFTMC : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG 0004-MOVSE 0010-GGG 0007-COPYC 0002-1DIA (TotalRath) 0027-LOSLEG : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG 0004-MOVSE 0010-GGG 0007-COPYC (TotalRath) 0028-MAGES : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG 0004-MOVSE (TotalRath) 0029-MOTA : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG (TotalRath) 0030-NWENG : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG 0004-MOVSE 0010-GGG 0007-COPYC (TotalRath) 0031-PATCH : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG (TotalRath) 0032-REVOL : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG 0004-MOVSE 0010-GGG 0007-COPYC 0002-1DIA (TotalRath) 0033-ROC : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG 0004-MOVSE 0010-GGG 0007-COPYC (TotalRath) 0034-SKY300 : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG 0004-MOVSE 0010-GGG 0007-COPYC 0002-1DIA (TotalRath) 0035-CATAN : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG 0004-MOVSE 0007-COPYC (TotalRath) 0036-SWU : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG (TotalRath) 0037-SMUGG : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG 0004-MOVSE 0010-GGG 0007-COPYC 0002-1DIA (TotalRath) 0038-SHDATCG : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG 0004-MOVSE 0010-GGG 0007-COPYC (TotalRath) 0039-STP : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG 0004-MOVSE 0010-GGG 0007-COPYC (TotalRath) 0040-WWW : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG 0004-MOVSE 0010-GGG 0007-COPYC 0002-1DIA (TotalRath) 0041-WF1 : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG 0004-MOVSE (TotalRath) 0042-ZOMBI : 0021-TOTAN 0013-MKBG 0004-MOVSE 0010-GGG 0007-COPYC 0002-1DIA # End of wants. If you don't see this line then this file may have # been truncated. IMPORTANT: this comment block is also required to be # in the wants file when you upload the WANTS into the OLWLG.