#! ALLOW-DUMMIES #! LINEAR-PRIORITIES #! REQUIRE-COLONS #! REQUIRE-USERNAMES # LINEAR-PRIORITIES: Use the 1,2,3,4,... priority scheme. # TRIANGLE-PRIORITIES: Use the 1,3,6,10,... priority scheme. # SQUARE-PRIORITIES: Use the 1,4,9,16,... priority scheme. # SCALED-PRIORITIES: Normalize priorities to the range 1..2521. # SMALL-STEP=num: Adjust how priorities change between successive entries in a want list. # BIG-STEP=num: Adjust how priorities change for each semicolon in a want list. # ALLOW-DUMMIES: Allow users to include dummy items to protect against getting duplicates. # ITERATIONS=num: How many times to run the main algorithm, keeping the solution with the smallest sum-of -squares metric. # SEED=num: Seed for the random-number generator, so that the results are repeatable. # REQUIRE-COLONS: Make colons mandatory for every want list. # REQUIRE-USERNAMES: Make usernames mandatory for every want list. # HIDE-LOOPS: Do not output the trade loops. # HIDE-SUMMARY: Do not output the item summary. # HIDE-NONTRADES: Do not include items that did not trade in the item summary. # HIDE-ERRORS: Do not output error messages (except for fatal errors) . # HIDE-REPEATS: Do not output error messages when a want list includes the same item more than once. # HIDE-STATS: Do not output the result statistics (other than the number of trades) . # SORT-BY-ITEM: Sort the item summary by item, instead of by username. # CASE-SENSITIVE: Treat item names as case-sensitive instead of converting all lowercase letters to uppercase. # NONTRADE-COST=num: Adjust the cost of not trading an item from its default value of 1 billion to num. The net effect is to forbid trade loops whose average cost per item exceeds num. Note that this means that you can end up with less than the maximum number of trades. (Warning: this option is experimental and may be removed at some point.) !BEGIN-OFFICIAL-NAMES 0001-Outpo ==> "Outpost" (from RoamDog) 0002-2038R ==> "2038" (from RoamDog) 0003-Suzer ==> "Suzerain" (from RoamDog) 0004-Thron ==> "Throneworld" (from RoamDog) 0005-AoExp ==> "Age of Exploration" (from RoamDog) 0006-TimeA ==> "Time Agent" (from RoamDog) 0007-GG101 ==> "Miscellaneous Game Accessory" (from RoamDog) 0008-Up-Fr ==> "Up Front" (from RoamDog) 0009-AArul ==> "Max's Advanced Rules for Axis and Allies" (from RoamDog) 0010-PSBfF ==> "Port Stanley : Battle for the Falklands" (from RoamDog) 0011-Taraw ==> "Tarawa" (from RoamDog) 0012-FTVie ==> "First Team: Vietnam" (from RoamDog) 0013-GG077 ==> "Miscellaneous Game Accessory" (from RoamDog) 0014-Wring ==> "War of the Ring" (from RoamDog) 0015-Bgfan ==> "Battleground: Fantasy Warfare" (from RoamDog) 0016-RoSSR ==> "Return of the Stainless Steel Rat, the" (from RoamDog) 0017-N-Hou ==> "Nightmare House" (from RoamDog) 0018-VorVV ==> "VOR" (from RoamDog) 0019-Credo ==> "Credo" (from RoamDog) 0020-Hyle7 ==> "Hyle" (from RoamDog) 0021-Ra-Ra ==> "Ra" (from RoamDog) 0022-GG055 ==> "Miscellaneous Game Accessory" (from RoamDog) 0023-Hfish ==> "Hey! That's My Fish!" (from RoamDog) 0024-RSWCW ==> "Risk - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Edition" (from artfuldodge2) 0025-Cathe ==> "Cathedral" (from artfuldodge2) 0026-Guill ==> "Guillotine" (from artfuldodge2) 0027-Pizza ==> "Pizza Box Football" (from artfuldodge2) 0028-GG067 ==> "Miscellaneous Game Accessory" (from Solamar) 0029-Quint ==> "Quinto" (from artfuldodge2) 0030-Palab ==> "Palabra" (from artfuldodge2) 0031-GG150 ==> "Miscellaneous Game Accessory" (from artfuldodge2) 0032-Liars ==> "Liar's Dice" (from artfuldodge2) 0033-TP-LR ==> "Trivial Pursuit - DVD The LotR Trilogy Edition" (from artfuldodge2) 0034-Canal ==> "Canal Mania" (from Sprydle) 0035-Spoil ==> "Spoils, The" (from Mndwrm) 0036-4Sale ==> "For Sale" (from mbuckingham) 0037-nanza ==> "Bohnanza" (from mbuckingham) 0038-CarcC ==> "Carcassonne: The Castle" (from mbuckingham) 0039-Lifeb ==> "Lifeboats" (from mbuckingham) 0040-Yspah ==> "Yspahan" (from mbuckingham) 0041-Terkh ==> "Terakh: A Creative Strategy Game" (from The Gamebler) 0042-BFeud ==> "Blood Feud In New York" (from The Gamebler) 0043-O-DVD ==> "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from mbuckingham) 0044-Mamma ==> "Mamma Mia!" (from The Gamebler) 0045-Furyd ==> "Fury of Dracula" (from The Gamebler) 0046-Zombi ==> "Zombies!!!" (from arsenic) 0047-Vegas ==> "Vegas Showdown" (from TheEbonyTurtle) 0048-Cluzz ==> "Cluzzle" (from rudolfrassen) 0049-Cluzz ==> "Cluzzle" (from rudolfrassen) 0050-Oedge ==> "On the Edge" (from jeffwiles) 0051-XFile ==> "X-Files" (from jeffwiles) 0052-Nanof ==> "Nanofictionary" (from jeffwiles) 0053-LotRX ==> "Lord of the Rings" (from jeffwiles) 0054-Cronb ==> "Cronberg" (from jeffwiles) 0055-GG100 ==> "Miscellaneous Game Accessory" (from jeffwiles) 0056-Gloom ==> "Gloom" (from DrChek) 0057-Vegas ==> "Vegas Showdown" (from DrChek) 0058-magna ==> "Caylus Magna Carta" (from LoMa) 0059-Vegas ==> "Vegas Showdown" (from DrChek) 0060-TandE ==> "Tigris & Euphrates" (from LoMa) 0061-Acove ==> "Ark of the Covenant, The" (from LoMa) 0062-Antik ==> "Antike" (from LoMa) 0063-Tikal ==> "Tikal" (from LoMa) 0064-Myker ==> "Mykerinos" (from LoMa) 0065-ElCab ==> "El Caballero" (from Stas) 0066-Nexus ==> "Nexus Ops" (from Tatsu) 0067-HsCov ==> "HeroScape: Crest of the Valkyrie (Flagbearer series)" (from Tatsu) 0068-Sunkn ==> "Sunken City" (from Tatsu) 0069-Iboss ==> "I'm the Boss" (from Tatsu) 0070-Byzan ==> "Byzantium" (from Isamoor) 0071-Chizo ==> "ChiZo RISING" (from Tatsu) 0072-Ivanh ==> "Ivanhoe" (from Tatsu) 0073-sheep ==> "War & Sheep" (from LoMa) 0074-Iboss ==> "I'm the Boss" (from matthan) 0075-Pattn ==> "Patton's Best" (from loquitur) 0076-Terra ==> "Terra" (from matthan) 0077-Niaga ==> "Niagara" (from matthan) 0078-elasu ==> "Elasund: The First City of Catan" (from matthan) 0079-Unive ==> "Universalis" (from sos1) 0080-Unive ==> "Universalis" (from sos1) 0081-FDCU1 ==> "Formula Dé Circuits 23 - 26: USA Track Pack 1" (from pwt1997) 0082-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from pwt1997) 0083-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from pwt1997) 0084-RTLoR ==> "Risk - The Lord of the Rings" (from matthan) 0085-Furyd ==> "Fury of Dracula" (from loquitur) 0086-KoChr ==> "Knights of Charlemagne" (from pwt1997) 0087-RSWTE ==> "Risk - Star Wars: Original Trilogy Edition" (from pwt1997) 0088-RSWCW ==> "Risk - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Edition" (from pwt1997) 0089-Stars ==> "Starship Catan" (from pwt1997) 0090-Metro ==> "Metro" (from pwt1997) 0091-InscT ==> "Insecta - Trilobite" (from loquitur) 0092-wishs ==> "If Wishes were Fishes" (from pwt1997) 0093-Day50 ==> "Daytona 500" (from pwt1997) 0094-D-CGP ==> "Detroit-Cleveland Grand Prix" (from pwt1997) 0095-SJWay ==> "Stonewall Jackson's Way" (from Chops) 0096-IRom2 ==> "Imperium Romanum II" (from Chops) 0097-Forta ==> "Fortress America" (from Chops) 0098-TtREu ==> "Ticket to Ride: Europe" (from Noah Kolman) 0099-Torre ==> "Torres" (from Noah Kolman) 0100-CSSaS ==> "Cannes - Stars, Scripts and Screens" (from gamegrl2) 0101-BQotS ==> "B-17: Queen of the Skies" (from Noah Kolman) 0102-FalFu ==> "Falsche Fuffziger" (from gamegrl2) 0103-TimUp ==> "Time's Up!" (from Noah Kolman) 0104-Pico2 ==> "Pico 2" (from huber) 0105-Attac ==> "Attack!" (from Noah Kolman) 0106-SoCTE ==> "Settlers of Catan, The - Travel Edition" (from Noah Kolman) 0107-Risk2 ==> "Risk 2210 A.D." (from Noah Kolman) 0108-Vegas ==> "Vegas Showdown" (from FlyingArrow) 0109-Vegas ==> "Vegas Showdown" (from FlyingArrow) 0110-Vegas ==> "Vegas Showdown" (from FlyingArrow) 0111-Vegas ==> "Vegas Showdown" (from FlyingArrow) 0112-Peace ==> "PeaceBowl" (from gamegrl2) 0113-HeimC ==> "Heimlich & Co." (from gamegrl2) 0114-Budde ==> "Buddel-Wuddel" (from jpbartleby) 0115-Zertz ==> "ZÈRTZ" (from jpbartleby) 0116-Sleut ==> "Sleuth" (from jpbartleby) 0117-Minot ==> "Minotaur Lords" (from jpbartleby) 0118-Pickn ==> "Pick Picknic" (from jpbartleby) 0119-GG075 ==> "Miscellaneous Game Accessory" (from jpbartleby) 0120-Siena ==> "Siena" (from RoamDog) 0121-Boswo ==> "Bosworth" (from LoMa) 0122-Bmoon ==> "Blue Moon" (from starspangledgirl) 0123-Antik ==> "Antike" (from sirebelle) 0124-Attik ==> "Attika" (from sirebelle) 0125-Conqu ==> "Conquest of the Empire" (from sirebelle) 0126-Indus ==> "Industria" (from gamegrl2) 0127-FDrac ==> "Fury of Dracula, The" (from homiefud) 0128-MRAme ==> "Monsters Ravage America" (from homiefud) 0129-raven ==> "Odin's Ravens" (from starspangledgirl) 0130-Vegas ==> "Vegas Showdown" (from homiefud) 0131-Bword ==> "BuyWord" (from starspangledgirl) 0132-Omega ==> "Omega Virus, The" (from homiefud) 0133-DrePi ==> "Dread Pirate" (from ExcitingJeff) 0134-Imper ==> "Imperium" (from starspangledgirl) 0135-Elfen ==> "Elfenland" (from LoMa) 0136-TMGlf ==> "Thinking Man's Golf" (from homiefud) 0137-Sphnx ==> "Sphinx" (from homiefud) 0138-ElGra ==> "El Grande" (from LoMa) 0139-DDMin ==> "Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures" (from mcross) 0140-RTLoR ==> "Risk - The Lord of the Rings" (from homiefud) 0141-CarcP ==> "Carcassonne - The Princess & the Dragon" (from mcross) 0142-STTNG ==> "Star Trek: The Next Generation, A Klingon Challenge" (from homiefud) 0143-Sjuan ==> "San Juan" (from LoMa) 0144-Kings ==> "King's Breakfast" (from mcross) 0145-YJccg ==> "Young Jedi CCG" (from mcross) 0146-Dream ==> "Dreamblade" (from mcross) 0147-rally ==> "RoboRally" (from starspangledgirl) 0148-Trmbl ==> "Trails to Tremble By" (from starspangledgirl) 0149-Fuggr ==> "Fugger, die" (from mcross) 0150-BatLi ==> "Battle Line" (from TimothyP) 0151-magna ==> "Caylus Magna Carta" (from TimothyP) 0152-Throu ==> "Through the Desert" (from starspangledgirl) 0153-aGoTh ==> "Game of Thrones, A" (from starspangledgirl) 0154-Bluff ==> "You're Bluffing!" (from starspangledgirl) 0155-CoPan ==> "Conquest of Pangea" (from larryjrice) 0156-Onwar ==> "Onward, Christian Soldiers" (from larryjrice) 0157-Zero! ==> "Zero!" (from larryjrice) 0158-ElCab ==> "El Caballero" (from larryjrice) 0159-Brita ==> "Britannia" (from GameCloset) 0160-Razzi ==> "Razzia!" (from huber) 0161-China ==> "Chinagold" (from huber) 0162-Offli ==> "Offline" (from huber) 0163-SamGr ==> "Sam Grant" (from huber) 0164-AoMTB ==> "Age of Mythology: The Boardgame" (from FezAZ) 0165-Risk2 ==> "Risk 2210 A.D." (from Jezztek) 0166-Attac ==> "Attack!" (from Jezztek) 0167-RtrnH ==> "Return of the Heroes" (from Jezztek) 0168-DunTw ==> "Dungeon Twister" (from Jezztek) 0169-House ==> "House Divided, A" (from Jezztek) 0170-KoCat ==> "Kids Of Catan, The" (from FezAZ) 0171-NwEng ==> "New England" (from FezAZ) 0172-Dplom ==> "Diplomacy" (from Jezztek) 0173-Stars ==> "Starship Catan" (from FezAZ) 0174-magic ==> "Magic: The Gathering CCG" (from wjohnston) 0175-magic ==> "Magic: The Gathering CCG" (from wjohnston) 0176-Ra-Ra ==> "Ra" (from wjohnston) 0177-DuneX ==> "Dune" (from sirebelle) 0178-Marco ==> "Marco Polo Expedition" (from wjohnston) 0179-Omega ==> "Omega Virus, The" (from Jezztek) 0180-QuoVd ==> "Quo Vadis?" (from wjohnston) 0181-Byzan ==> "Byzantium" (from wjohnston) 0182-Formu ==> "Formula Dé" (from sirebelle) 0183-MrJac ==> "Mr. Jack" (from wjohnston) 0184-HoiTy ==> "Hoity Toity" (from sirebelle) 0185-EnENH ==> "Entdecker: Exploring New Horizons" (from wjohnston) 0186-WarKn ==> "Warrior Knights" (from sirebelle) 0187-ReefE ==> "Reef Encounter" (from sirebelle) 0188-Pgrid ==> "Power Grid" (from Lou-Dawg) 0189-Simpl ==> "Simply Catan" (from wjohnston) 0190-TtRME ==> "Ticket to Ride: Märklin Edition" (from Lou-Dawg) 0191-Sunkn ==> "Sunken City" (from Lou-Dawg) 0192-Vegas ==> "Vegas Showdown" (from Lou-Dawg) 0193-tToJH ==> "Testimony of Jacob Hollow, the" (from Lou-Dawg) 0194-GG075 ==> "Miscellaneous Game Accessory" (from wjohnston) 0195-HoiTy ==> "Hoity Toity" (from wjohnston) 0196-rking ==> "Portable Adventures: Lair of the Rat-King" (from Lou-Dawg) 0197-ToIrn ==> "Tide of Iron" (from Lou-Dawg) 0198-Acove ==> "Ark of the Covenant, The" (from Lou-Dawg) 0199-Aqudu ==> "Aquädukt" (from wjohnston) 0200-Holly ==> "Hollywood Blockbuster" (from Lou-Dawg) 0201-Leodv ==> "Leonardo da Vinci" (from wjohnston) 0202-GHorS ==> "Gregory Horror Show" (from dreadpirate) 0203-WoWCG ==> "World of Warcraft Trading Card Game" (from dreadpirate) 0204-GG093 ==> "Miscellaneous Game Accessory" (from huber) 0205-GTDiJ ==> "Gettysburg - Three Days in July" (from Chops) 0206-Navia ==> "Navia Dratp" (from dreadpirate) 0207-Mem44 ==> "Memoir '44" (from jcarvin) 0208-Flupi ==> "Flußpiraten" (from jcarvin) 0209-EtCet ==> "& cetera" (from jcarvin) 0210-Pizza ==> "Pizza Box Football" (from jcarvin) 0211-Quest ==> "Quest for the Dragonlords" (from jcarvin) 0212-ThuEg ==> "Thunder's Edge" (from jcarvin) 0213-FlgPU ==> "Flagship: Prometheus Unchained" (from jcarvin) 0214-Crims ==> "Crimson Skies" (from jcarvin) 0215-Naval ==> "Naval Battles" (from jcarvin) 0216-Sindb ==> "Sindbad" (from jcarvin) 0217-FishE ==> "Fish Eat Fish" (from jcarvin) 0218-Tellu ==> "Tracks to Telluride" (from jcarvin) 0219-Aqudu ==> "Aquädukt" (from jcarvin) 0220-Scara ==> "Scarab Lords" (from jcarvin) 0221-Tali4 ==> "Talisman 4th Edition" (from wjohnston) 0222-AveCa ==> "Ave Caesar" (from cabalzero) 0223-Blitz ==> "Blitzkrieg" (from cabalzero) 0224-BngHN ==> "Bang! High Noon" (from matt_stutts) 0225-Bword ==> "BuyWord" (from matt_stutts) 0226-TAMSK ==> "TAMSK" (from matt_stutts) 0227-YMBaI ==> "You Must Be an Idiot!" (from matt_stutts) 0228-Torre ==> "Torres" (from matt_stutts) 0229-Santi ==> "Santiago" (from matt_stutts) 0230-Sjuan ==> "San Juan" (from matt_stutts) 0231-Domne ==> "Domaine" (from matt_stutts) 0232-Cafei ==> "Café International" (from matt_stutts) 0233-BatLi ==> "Battle Line" (from matt_stutts) 0234-Strug ==> "Struggle of Empires" (from billsaints) 0235-Mem44 ==> "Memoir '44" (from jsharp) 0236-rally ==> "RoboRally" (from jsharp) 0237-DunTw ==> "Dungeon Twister" (from jsharp) 0238-DTexp ==> "Dungeon Twister 3-4 players expansion" (from jsharp) 0239-HsFoA ==> "HeroScape Expansion Set: Fortress of the Archkyrie" (from jsharp) 0240-PRico ==> "Puerto Rico" (from jsharp) 0241-SoNat ==> "Struggle of Nations, The" (from jsharp) 0242-STIII ==> "Star Trek III" (from jsharp) 0243-Start ==> "Start Player" (from jsharp) 0244-Bdash ==> "Beyond Balderdash" (from jsharp) 0245-Dream ==> "Dreamblade" (from jsharp) 0246-Dream ==> "Dreamblade" (from jsharp) 0247-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from Solamar) 0248-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from Solamar) 0249-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from Solamar) 0250-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from Solamar) 0251-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from Solamar) 0252-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from Solamar) 0253-DuneX ==> "Dune" (from Bagherra) 0254-MoVen ==> "Merchant of Venus" (from Bagherra) 0255-Wring ==> "War of the Ring" (from armin101) 0256-WW2ET ==> "World War II: European Theater of Operations" (from Chops) 0257-SWccg ==> "Star Wars CCG" (from Chops) 0258-rally ==> "RoboRally" (from LetsGetTrivial) 0259-Holly ==> "Hollywood Blockbuster" (from LetsGetTrivial) 0260-Dynas ==> "Dynasties" (from LetsGetTrivial) 0261-DunTw ==> "Dungeon Twister" (from ryang) 0262-UR-UR ==> "UR" (from ryang) 0263-bites ==> "Munchkin Bites!" (from ryang) 0264-Arena ==> "Arena Maximus" (from ryang) 0265-Gueri ==> "Guerilla" (from Emeraldhunter) 0266-Shell ==> "Shell Shock!" (from Emeraldhunter) 0267-Napol ==> "Napoleon at Bay: The Campaign in France" (from Emeraldhunter) 0268-Trans ==> "Transsib" (from Emeraldhunter) 0269-Austr ==> "Australia" (from Emeraldhunter) 0270-TikiM ==> "Tiki Mountain!" (from Ninjabob) 0271-FMRac ==> "Formula Motor Racing" (from Ninjabob) 0272-WoWRP ==> "Wings of War - Recon Patrol Booster Pack" (from Ninjabob) 0273-MLBSC ==> "MLB SportsClix" (from Ninjabob) 0274-GrPBb ==> "Great Play Baseball" (from Ninjabob) 0275-BL-EE ==> "BattleLore: Earth Elemental" (from Ninjabob) 0276-JCSho ==> "James Clavell's Shogun" (from Ninjabob) 0277-Cleop ==> "Cleopatra and the Society of Architects" (from Ninjabob) 0278-epicd ==> "Star Wars: Epic Duels" (from homiefud) 0279-TP-SW ==> "Trivial Pursuit - Star Wars, Classic Edition" (from homiefud) 0280-catan ==> "Settlers of Catan, The" (from Rabid Wookie) 0281-Bloku ==> "Blokus" (from Rabid Wookie) 0282-Compa ==> "Compatibility" (from Rabid Wookie) 0283-Napol ==> "Napoleon at Bay: The Campaign in France" (from RoamDog) 0284-TacII ==> "Tactics II" (from RoamDog) 0285-D-Day ==> "D-Day" (from RoamDog) 0286-WarAS ==> "War At Sea" (from RoamDog) 0287-Kmake ==> "Kingmaker" (from RoamDog) 0288-EDCoL ==> "Epic Dungeoneer : Call of the Lichlord" (from willk_1230) 0289-Rednk ==> "Redneck Life" (from willk_1230) 0290-Samur ==> "Samurai" (from willk_1230) 0291-Dracu ==> "Dracula's Revenge" (from anglotiger) 0292-baron ==> "Rail Baron" (from anglotiger) 0293-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from anglotiger) 0294-Tongi ==> "Tongiaki" (from anglotiger) 0295-Furyd ==> "Fury of Dracula" (from phosrik) 0296-Strek ==> "Star Trek: The Game" (from anglotiger) 0297-Quest ==> "Quest for the Dragonlords" (from phosrik) 0298-Bootl ==> "Bootleggers" (from anglotiger) 0299-Fires ==> "Firestorm" (from phosrik) 0300-Bouqu ==> "Bouquet" (from anglotiger) 0301-PeckO ==> "Pecking Order" (from anglotiger) 0302-HoiTy ==> "Hoity Toity" (from phosrik) 0303-O-DVD ==> "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from anglotiger) 0304-Simpl ==> "Simply Catan" (from tmib) 0305-Racer ==> "Racer Knights of Falconus" (from tmib) 0306-Nexus ==> "Nexus Ops" (from tmib) 0307-FDCSM ==> "Formula Dé Circuits 19 & 20 - Suzuka & Melbourne" (from phosrik) 0308-Nexus ==> "Nexus Ops" (from tmib) 0309-Terra ==> "Terra" (from tmib) 0310-Terkh ==> "Terakh: A Creative Strategy Game" (from tmib) 0311-Survi ==> "Survive!" (from asgelb) 0312-DraRi ==> "Dragonstar Rising" (from asgelb) 0313-Firep ==> "Firepower" (from asgelb) 0314-Bgfan ==> "Battleground: Fantasy Warfare" (from asgelb) 0315-DoA-1 ==> "Duel of Ages Set 1 - Worldspanner" (from asgelb) 0316-AttkE ==> "Attack! Expansion" (from asgelb) 0317-BatMa ==> "Battle Masters" (from asgelb) 0318-Cluzz ==> "Cluzzle" (from rudolfrassen) 0319-Cluzz ==> "Cluzzle" (from rudolfrassen) 0320-Overp ==> "Overpower" (from TheEbonyTurtle) 0321-HsAoM ==> "Heroscape: Arrival of the Master" (from Jayolas) 0322-Axisa ==> "Axis and Allies" (from TheCat) 0323-Hclix ==> "HeroClix" (from TheCheese) 0324-Midwy ==> "Midway" (from TheCat) 0325-baron ==> "Rail Baron" (from TheCat) 0326-Drags ==> "Dragon Strike" (from Blott) 0327-CarHG ==> "Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers" (from noname) 0328-LonBr ==> "London's Burning" (from noname) 0329-MystX ==> "Myst" (from Blott) 0330-Tongi ==> "Tongiaki" (from noname) 0331-Quizz ==> "Quizzard" (from Blott) 0332-Scatt ==> "Scattergories" (from Blott) 0333-ChPig ==> "Chauvinist Pigs" (from Blott) 0334-GotYr ==> "Game of the Year" (from Blott) 0335-Aqudu ==> "Aquädukt" (from Isamoor) 0336-Antiq ==> "Antiquity" (from WoofWarpWeft) 0337-U-Out ==> "Ultimate Outburst" (from matt_stutts) 0338-RtrnH ==> "Return of the Heroes" (from Loggy) 0339-HsSHA ==> "HeroScape: Sir Hawthorne's Arrival" (from Jayolas) 0340-BobLe ==> "Bobby Lee" (from JasonRMax) 0341-Caylu ==> "Caylus" (from hoop) 0342-Zero! ==> "Zero!" (from hoop) 0343-LotRK ==> "Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" (from hoop) 0344-MagFM ==> "Miscellaneous Game Magazine" (from hoop) 0345-Bcard ==> "Battlecards: World Conflict, Pacific Theatre" (from hoop) 0346-SWep1 ==> "Star Wars Episode I - Customizable Card Game" (from hoop) 0347-Fresh ==> "Fresh Fish" (from snoweel) 0348-LigDD ==> "Lightning: D-Day" (from hoop) 0349-AtBrd ==> "Across the Board" (from peacmyer) 0350-Armad ==> "Armada" (from peacmyer) 0351-Attik ==> "Attika" (from peacmyer) 0352-TBfNA ==> "Battle for North Africa, The" (from peacmyer) 0353-shang ==> "Bridges of Shangri-La, The" (from peacmyer) 0354-CoMag ==> "Castle of Magic" (from peacmyer) 0355-crazy ==> "Crazy Race" (from peacmyer) 0356-Kahun ==> "Kahuna" (from peacmyer) 0357-Missi ==> "Mission Command Land" (from peacmyer) 0358-NwEng ==> "New England" (from peacmyer) 0359-borgi ==> "Prince, The: The Struggle of House Borgia" (from peacmyer) 0360-TyrEx ==> "Tyranno Ex" (from peacmyer) 0361-WdAbe ==> "Welt der Abenteuer (A World of Adventure)" (from peacmyer) 0362-NandN ==> "Null & Nichtig" (from peacmyer) 0363-Venez ==> "Venezia" (from snoweel) 0364-DoA-3 ==> "Duel of Ages Set 3 - Vast Horizons" (from joewyka) 0365-Princ ==> "Princes of Florence, The" (from joewyka) 0366-Endof ==> "End of the Triumvirate, The" (from joewyka) 0367-Formu ==> "Formula Dé" (from joewyka) 0368-PloyX ==> "Ploy" (from prizziap) 0369-CivWr ==> "Civil War, the" (from prizziap) 0370-MECbt ==> "Middle East Combat" (from prizziap) 0371-H-War ==> "Hitler's War" (from prizziap) 0372-VitPa ==> "Victory in the Pacific" (from prizziap) 0373-WoWTB ==> "World of Warcraft: The Boardgame" (from LordJesse) 0374-WaWar ==> "World at War, The" (from prizziap) 0375-KtKng ==> "Key to the Kingdom" (from prizziap) 0376-BatMa ==> "Battle Masters" (from Isamoor) 0377-zavan ==> "Scepter of Zavandor, The" (from starspangledgirl) 0378-AVicL ==> "A Victory Lost" (from tomg) 0379-Vegas ==> "Vegas Showdown" (from Twinge) 0380-HeroQ ==> "HeroQuest" (from Twinge) 0381-Darkw ==> "Dark World" (from Twinge) 0382-TandE ==> "Tigris & Euphrates" (from Ender667) 0383-Dplom ==> "Diplomacy" (from Twinge) 0384-AmunR ==> "Amun-Re" (from huber) 0385-TandE ==> "Tigris & Euphrates" (from Twinge) 0386-Thron ==> "Throneworld" (from Waylander1) 0387-FChip ==> "Fish & Chips" (from Waylander1) 0388-Romml ==> "Rommel in the Desert" (from Waylander1) 0389-LRail ==> "Lancashire Railways" (from Waylander1) 0390-Acqui ==> "Acquire" (from Umpire) 0391-Chorn ==> "Cape Horn" (from Umpire) 0392-Tears ==> "Tears of the Dragon" (from Umpire) 0393-Puebl ==> "Pueblo" (from Umpire) 0394-H-RvC ==> "Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage" (from Umpire) 0395-Horro ==> "HorrorClix" (from jgoewert) 0396-LomZo ==> "Lomby Zombie" (from jgoewert) 0397-Iboss ==> "I'm the Boss" (from jgoewert) 0398-shang ==> "Bridges of Shangri-La, The" (from jgoewert) 0399-FDCHZ ==> "Formula Dé Circuits 15 & 16 - Hockenheim & Zeltweg" (from RPardoe) 0400-FDCBN ==> "Formula Dé Circuits 21 & 22 - Budapest & Nürburgring" (from RPardoe) 0401-Byzan ==> "Byzantium" (from RPardoe) 0402-Sjuan ==> "San Juan" (from RPardoe) 0403-AAMin ==> "Axis & Allies Miniatures" (from asgelb) 0404-Lucky ==> "Lucky Loop" (from JeffyJeff) 0405-David ==> "David & Goliath" (from JeffyJeff) 0406-Goods ==> "Get the Goods" (from JeffyJeff) 0407-Fistd ==> "Fist of Dragonstones" (from JeffyJeff) 0408-Stati ==> "Station Master" (from JeffyJeff) 0409-Villa ==> "Villa Paletti" (from JeffyJeff) 0410-DesBz ==> "Desert Bazaar" (from JeffyJeff) 0411-Tnova ==> "Terra Nova" (from JeffyJeff) 0412-Bloku ==> "Blokus" (from JeffyJeff) 0413-India ==> "India Rails" (from JeffyJeff) 0414-Vegas ==> "Vegas Showdown" (from JeffyJeff) 0415-Nexus ==> "Nexus Ops" (from JeffyJeff) 0416-Iboss ==> "I'm the Boss" (from JeffyJeff) 0417-Bwulf ==> "Beowulf: The Legend" (from JeffyJeff) 0418-Aqudu ==> "Aquädukt" (from JeffyJeff) 0419-HoiTy ==> "Hoity Toity" (from JeffyJeff) 0420-Oasis ==> "Oasis" (from JeffyJeff) 0421-shang ==> "Bridges of Shangri-La, The" (from JeffyJeff) 0422-Tongi ==> "Tongiaki" (from JeffyJeff) 0423-PRico ==> "Puerto Rico" (from JeffyJeff) 0424-Carca ==> "Carcassonne" (from JeffyJeff) 0425-CarHG ==> "Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers" (from JeffyJeff) 0426-Kingm ==> "King Me!" (from JeffyJeff) 0427-Goldb ==> "Goldbräu" (from JeffyJeff) 0428-Metro ==> "Metro" (from JeffyJeff) 0429-Rhein ==> "Rheinländer" (from JeffyJeff) 0430-China ==> "China" (from JeffyJeff) 0431-Tyros ==> "Tyros" (from JeffyJeff) 0432-mache ==> "Die Macher" (from JeffyJeff) 0433-IlPri ==> "Il Principe" (from JeffyJeff) 0434-Poker ==> "Poker" (from JeffyJeff) 0435-WildL ==> "WildLife" (from JeffyJeff) 0436-RtrnH ==> "Return of the Heroes" (from JeffyJeff) 0437-under ==> "Under the Shadow of the Dragon" (from JeffyJeff) 0438-M-M-M ==> "M" (from JeffyJeff) 0439-DVDpb ==> "Alt Name: DVD Movie: Princess Bride" (from JeffyJeff) 0440-O-DVD ==> "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from LoMa) 0441-O-DVD ==> "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from Umpire) 0442-Democ ==> "Democrazy" (from garry_rice) 0443-Survi ==> "Survive!" (from Mark Theurer) 0444-AoAWL ==> "Ace of Aces - Wingleader" (from Mark Theurer) 0445-Bgfan ==> "Battleground: Fantasy Warfare" (from Mark Theurer) 0446-Battl ==> "Battlestations" (from Mark Theurer) 0447-CarcD ==> "Carcassonne: The Discovery" (from Mark Theurer) 0448-O-DVD ==> "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from Rokkr) 0449-Vegas ==> "Vegas Showdown" (from Merkles Boner) 0450-PRico ==> "Puerto Rico" (from Merkles Boner) 0451-tight ==> "Relationship Tightrope" (from Merkles Boner) 0452-Seaf5 ==> "Seafarers of Catan, The - 5-6 Player Expansion" (from Merkles Boner) 0453-apple ==> "Apples to Apples" (from Merkles Boner) 0454-Alibi ==> "Alibi" (from Merkles Boner) 0455-nanex ==> "Bohnanza - Erweiterungs Set" (from Merkles Boner) 0456-Acqui ==> "Acquire" (from starspangledgirl) 0457-Hella ==> "Hellas" (from hoop) 0458-Scara ==> "Scarab Lords" (from hoop) 0459-LRccg ==> "Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game" (from hoop) 0460-Westw ==> "West Wall" (from hoop) 0461-catan ==> "Settlers of Catan, The" (from Merkles Boner) 0462-Zertz ==> "ZÈRTZ" (from coolio) 0463-Nacho ==> "Nacho Incident, The" (from coolio) 0464-EWftT ==> "Exalted: War for the Throne" (from Warbanner) 0465-Balan ==> "Balanko" (from Warbanner) 0466-SupMu ==> "Super Munchkin" (from toucana) 0467-Abile ==> "Abilene" (from teachersears) 0468-Kingm ==> "King Me!" (from dcorban) 0469-babel ==> "Tower of Babel" (from dcorban) 0470-NwEng ==> "New England" (from dcorban) 0471-BatMa ==> "Battle Masters" (from teachersears) 0472-Caylu ==> "Caylus" (from dcorban) 0473-Lifeb ==> "Lifeboats" (from dcorban) 0474-LCSte ==> "Lie, Cheat & Steal" (from teachersears) 0475-NoTha ==> "No Thanks!" (from dcorban) 0476-Silkr ==> "Silk Road" (from dcorban) 0477-Gheos ==> "Gheos" (from dcorban) 0478-Lastc ==> "Last Chance" (from teachersears) 0479-Bang! ==> "Bang!" (from Mr_Bickman) 0480-queen ==> "Mississippi Queen" (from teachersears) 0481-Squat ==> "Squatter" (from teachersears) 0482-CarcC ==> "Carcassonne: The Castle" (from Mr_Bickman) 0483-Trump ==> "Trump: the Game" (from teachersears) 0484-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from Mr_Bickman) 0485-Minot ==> "Minotaur Lords" (from Zyzzyvas) 0486-Wreck ==> "Wreckage" (from teachersears) 0487-SoCam ==> "Shadows over Camelot" (from Zyzzyvas) 0488-Lastn ==> "Last Night on Earth, The Zombie Game" (from Mr_Bickman) 0489-RtrnH ==> "Return of the Heroes" (from Zyzzyvas) 0490-magna ==> "Caylus Magna Carta" (from Mr_Bickman) 0491-LotRX ==> "Lord of the Rings" (from Zyzzyvas) 0492-LoRFF ==> "Lord of the Rings - Friends & Foes" (from Zyzzyvas) 0493-WoWFA ==> "Wings of War - Famous Aces" (from Ryhesling) 0494-FragX ==> "Frag" (from Ryhesling) 0495-Vampe ==> "Vampire: The Eternal Struggle" (from Ryhesling) 0496-CaK5P ==> "Cities and Knights of Catan, The - 5-6 Player Expansion" (from Ryhesling) 0497-CaK5P ==> "Cities and Knights of Catan, The - 5-6 Player Expansion" (from Ryhesling) 0498-GG160 ==> "Miscellaneous Game Accessory" (from Ryhesling) 0499-CarcT ==> "Carcassonne - The Tower" (from Ryhesling) 0500-bites ==> "Munchkin Bites!" (from Ryhesling) 0501-mache ==> "Die Macher" (from BeatPosse) 0502-LoRHd ==> "Legends of Robin Hood" (from Chops) 0503-WoWCG ==> "World of Warcraft Trading Card Game" (from BeatPosse) 0504-sword ==> "Sword of Rome, The: Conquest of Italy, 362-272 BC" (from BeatPosse) 0505-curse ==> "This Accursed Civil War" (from BeatPosse) 0506-HsRoV ==> "HeroScape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie" (from cobbz20) 0507-Paths ==> "Paths of Glory" (from BeatPosse) 0508-PRico ==> "Puerto Rico" (from Gecko23) 0509-Guilf ==> "Guilford" (from BeatPosse) 0510-AoSMS ==> "Age of Steam Expansion - Mexico, Spain/Portugal" (from sirebelle) 0511-AoSAI ==> "Age of Steam Expansion - Austria & India" (from sirebelle) 0512-AoSCS ==> "Age of Steam Expansion - China / South America" (from sirebelle) 0513-AoSNE ==> "Age of Steam Expansion - NE USA / South Africa" (from sirebelle) 0514-Bylow ==> "Buy Low Sell High" (from RoamDog) 0515-GeneP ==> "Gene Pool" (from Verkisto) 0516-HsRoV ==> "HeroScape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie" (from Kolumel) 0517-Attik ==> "Attika" (from Verkisto) 0518-HsRoV ==> "HeroScape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie" (from Kolumel) 0519-Chezd ==> "Chez Dork" (from itjoe) 0520-CoIrn ==> "Cross of Iron" (from Kolumel) 0521-Ediso ==> "Edison & Co." (from itjoe) 0522-CoDom ==> "Crescendo of Doom" (from Kolumel) 0523-Senet ==> "Senet" (from Kolumel) 0524-Konto ==> "Kontor" (from Verkisto) 0525-TCPol ==> "Tom Clancy's Politika" (from Kolumel) 0526-PitXX ==> "Pit" (from itjoe) 0527-Risk2 ==> "Risk 2210 A.D." (from itjoe) 0528-RBoCg ==> "Red Badge of Courage" (from Gecko23) 0529-Doubl ==> "Double or Nothing" (from mecsin) 0530-AdvSL ==> "Advanced Squad Leader (ASL)" (from Kolumel) 0531-PLSmh ==> "Phase Line Smash" (from Gecko23) 0532-GG095 ==> "Miscellaneous Game Accessory" (from Kolumel) 0533-Scara ==> "Scarab Lords" (from artfuldodge2) 0534-UtLBn ==> "Under the Lily Banners" (from Kwebec) 0535-Shark ==> "Shark" (from Kwebec) 0536-under ==> "On the Underground" (from Kwebec) 0537-lenin ==> "Roads to Leningrad" (from Kwebec) 0538-shang ==> "Bridges of Shangri-La, The" (from arsenic) 0539-labyr ==> "Master Labyrinth" (from arsenic) 0540-tight ==> "Relationship Tightrope" (from arsenic) 0541-Tongi ==> "Tongiaki" (from kdiddy13) 0542-Shear ==> "Shear Panic" (from kdiddy13) 0543-O-Pbk ==> "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from Peter Loop) 0544-Abalo ==> "Abalone" (from herman_the_german) 0545-O-Pbk ==> "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from Peter Loop) 0546-Arkad ==> "Arkadia" (from Peter Loop) 0547-AAEur ==> "Axis & Allies: Europe" (from Peter Loop) 0548-DraPa ==> "Dragon Pass" (from Peter Loop) 0549-OFSfM ==> "One False Step for Mankind" (from Peter Loop) 0550-CaMer ==> "Castle Merchants" (from Peter Loop) 0551-Bang! ==> "Bang!" (from evilone) 0552-Shake ==> "ShakeDown" (from evilone) 0553-Walle ==> "Wallenstein" (from FezAZ) 0554-TP-20 ==> "Trivial Pursuit - 20th Anniversary Edition" (from evilone) 0555-Frenz ==> "Frenzy" (from evilone) 0556-SfRom ==> "Struggle for Rome" (from tmib) 0557-Zertz ==> "ZÈRTZ" (from Rabid Wookie) 0558-Pillr ==> "Pillars of the Earth, The" (from gamegrl2) 0559-PnzrL ==> "Panzer Leader" (from evilone) 0560-WideW ==> "Wide World" (from Peter Loop) 0561-O-DVD ==> "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from evilone) 0562-Frede ==> "Fredericus" (from ithicks) 0563-Ninja ==> "Ninja Galaxy" (from ithicks) 0564-LostV ==> "Lost Valley" (from Rokkr) 0565-WoWst ==> "Way Out West" (from Rokkr) 0566-Jambo ==> "Jambo" (from Rokkr) 0567-LostC ==> "Lost Cities" (from Rokkr) 0568-VDInf ==> "Vampire: Dark Influences" (from Rokkr) 0569-Ann14 ==> "Anno 1452" (from edosan) 0570-Black ==> "Black Box" (from edosan) 0571-Coodj ==> "Coodju" (from edosan) 0572-Pbomb ==> "Pass the Bomb" (from edosan) 0573-25WoL ==> "25 Words or Less" (from edosan) 0574-GG100 ==> "Miscellaneous Game Accessory" (from edosan) 0575-Marvl ==> "Marvel Heroes" (from Hangman) 0576-O-G80 ==> "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from Rokkr) 0577-Throu ==> "Through the Desert" (from wkusau) 0578-Ambus ==> "Ambush!" (from wkusau) 0579-Whfan ==> "Warhammer Fantasy Battle" (from dreadpirate) 0580-aGoTh ==> "Game of Thrones, A" (from Stas) 0581-Malef ==> "Malefiz" (from teachersears) 0582-HiveX ==> "Hive" (from Peter Loop) 0583-Gnumi ==> "Gnumies, The" (from Peter Loop) 0584-Mauer ==> "Mauer, die" (from larryjrice) 0585-SucVa ==> "Sucking Vacuum" (from larryjrice) 0586-Wordr ==> "Wordrop" (from larryjrice) 0587-CosEn ==> "Cosmic Encounter" (from CorvusCrx) 0588-Circm ==> "Circus Maximus" (from rynelf) 0589-Cluzz ==> "Cluzzle" (from rynelf) 0590-4Sale ==> "For Sale" (from rynelf) 0591-MdArt ==> "Modern Art" (from rynelf) 0592-Palaz ==> "Palazzo" (from rynelf) 0593-TimUp ==> "Time's Up!" (from killjoy00) 0594-TrCCG ==> "Tribbles Customizable Card Game" (from killjoy00) 0595-rally ==> "RoboRally" (from killjoy00) 0596-realm ==> "Magic Realm" (from Wargamer777) 0597-1861R ==> "1861: The Railroads of the Russian Empire" (from smok) 0598-BCWSE ==> "Barbary Coast War, Second Edition" (from camustafa) 0599-TandE ==> "Tigris & Euphrates" (from camustafa) 0600-Bisma ==> "Bismarck" (from camustafa) 0601-Elfen ==> "Elfenland" (from camustafa) 0602-under ==> "On the Underground" (from lmnop) 0603-wcirc ==> "Winner's Circle" (from lmnop) 0604-CEEE1 ==> "Cosmic Encounter - Eon Expansion 1" (from davido) 0605-HdRng ==> "Herr der Ringe, Der: die Gefährten das Kartenspiel" (from davido) 0606-Holly ==> "Hollywood Blockbuster" (from davido) 0607-WicWW ==> "Wicked Witches Way" (from larryjrice) 0608-Vegas ==> "Vegas Showdown" (from davido) 0609-Tali4 ==> "Talisman 4th Edition" (from tacman88) 0610-Thebe ==> "Thebes" (from wjohnston) 0611-MoVen ==> "Merchant of Venus" (from tacman88) 0612-Vegas ==> "Vegas Showdown" (from wjohnston) 0613-Proph ==> "Prophecy" (from sos1) 0614-Brita ==> "Britannia" (from aksosa) 0615-Wking ==> "Wizard Kings" (from aksosa) 0616-Samur ==> "Samurai" (from aksosa) 0617-AoEII ==> "Age of Empires II" (from ChevyR) 0618-KArDK ==> "King Arthur - Das Kartenspiel" (from aksosa) 0619-T-Rex ==> "T-Rex" (from ChevyR) 0620-Kmake ==> "Kingmaker" (from ChevyR) 0621-Funny ==> "Funny Friends" (from aksosa) 0622-GG050 ==> "Miscellaneous Game Accessory" (from aksosa) 0623-Riskg ==> "Risk: Godstorm" (from aksosa) 0624-DraDe ==> "Dragon's Den" (from ChevyR) 0625-RomaX ==> "Roma" (from aksosa) 0626-Ahock ==> "APBA Pro Hockey" (from ChevyR) 0627-Keyth ==> "Keythedral" (from YellowLab) 0628-ryans ==> "Princess Ryan's Star Marines" (from aksosa) 0629-Awful ==> "Awful Green Things from Outer Space, The" (from aksosa) 0630-BQotS ==> "B-17: Queen of the Skies" (from aksosa) 0631-GG100 ==> "Miscellaneous Game Accessory" (from aksosa) 0632-Heros ==> "Heroes Incorporated" (from aksosa) 0633-Strat ==> "Stratego" (from aksosa) 0634-WoWCG ==> "World of Warcraft Trading Card Game" (from aksosa) 0635-Riskg ==> "Risk: Godstorm" (from snipy3) 0636-Sword ==> "Samurai Swords" (from aksosa) 0637-LotFR ==> "Legend of the Five Rings" (from aksosa) 0638-GG150 ==> "Miscellaneous Game Accessory" (from aksosa) 0639-Munch ==> "Munchkin" (from aksosa) 0640-BobLe ==> "Bobby Lee" (from trawlerman) 0641-Gargo ==> "Gargon" (from Chops) 0642-SoCCG ==> "Settlers of Catan Card Game, The" (from aksosa) 0643-BNMtA ==> "Blood of Noble Men: The Alamo" (from trawlerman) 0644-HcrdO ==> "HeroCard Orc Wars" (from aksosa) 0645-Tryce ==> "Tryce" (from teachersears) 0646-catan ==> "Settlers of Catan, The" (from hobbes_inc) 0647-HareT ==> "Hare and Tortoise" (from hobbes_inc) 0648-Throu ==> "Through the Desert" (from OtisBFilthy) 0649-Torre ==> "Torres" (from OtisBFilthy) 0650-Trias ==> "Trias" (from OtisBFilthy) 0651-Carca ==> "Carcassonne" (from hobbes_inc) 0652-borgi ==> "Prince, The: The Struggle of House Borgia" (from Umpire) 0653-SMCTB ==> "Sid Meier's Civilization: The Boardgame" (from hobbes_inc) 0654-BoxIt ==> "Box-It" (from degamer) 0655-Alexa ==> "Alexandros" (from CinMel) 0656-Oasis ==> "Oasis" (from CinMel) 0657-China ==> "China" (from CinMel) 0658-Hansa ==> "Hansa" (from CinMel) 0659-Domne ==> "Domaine" (from CinMel) 0660-BoxIt ==> "Box-It" (from degamer) 0661-ville ==> "Dungeonville" (from CinMel) 0662-bardg ==> "Shakespeare: The Bard Game" (from CinMel) 0663-Thing ==> "Thingamajig" (from CinMel) 0664-O-Mep ==> "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from degamer) 0665-E-TCG ==> "Euphrates & Tigris Card Game" (from CinMel) 0666-Ra-Ra ==> "Ra" (from CinMel) 0667-BoKTM ==> "Battle of Kulikovo, The (Mongol Invasion)" (from degamer) 0668-ArkHo ==> "Arkham Horror" (from degamer) 0669-Genoa ==> "Traders of Genoa, The" (from degamer) 0670-Attac ==> "Attack!" (from degamer) 0671-Jambo ==> "Jambo" (from arielle) 0672-nostr ==> "Mare Nostrum" (from degamer) 0673-Marvl ==> "Marvel Heroes" (from micks) 0674-Acqui ==> "Acquire" (from micks) 0675-EurUn ==> "Europa Universalis" (from micks) 0676-Antik ==> "Antike" (from Gibbo) 0677-MagGr ==> "Magna Grecia" (from Gibbo) 0678-BFeud ==> "Blood Feud In New York" (from Gibbo) 0679-Thief ==> "Thief of Baghdad, The" (from Gibbo) 0680-Rhein ==> "Rheinländer" (from Gibbo) 0681-Wooly ==> "Wooly Bully" (from Gibbo) 0682-MadGu ==> "Madame Guillotine" (from Gibbo) 0683-SagaX ==> "Saga" (from Gibbo) 0684-DogeX ==> "Doge" (from dander53) 0685-nostr ==> "Mare Nostrum" (from dander53) 0686-GWaS2 ==> "Great War at Sea 2: The North & Baltic Seas" (from dander53) 0687-Insec ==> "Insecta" (from Gurantsu) 0688-Acqui ==> "Acquire" (from dander53) 0689-DoASc ==> "Duel of Ages - Scrye Add-On Pack" (from Gurantsu) 0690-Ploug ==> "Ploughshares" (from dander53) 0691-Y-Prk ==> "Yellowstone Park" (from dander53) 0692-Aster ==> "Asteroid" (from Gurantsu) 0693-AGBoH ==> "Alesia: Great Battles of History" (from dander53) 0694-Als19 ==> "Alsace 1945" (from dander53) 0695-RoRch ==> "Raid on Richmond" (from dander53) 0696-Cross ==> "Crosswords" (from dander53) 0697-Scara ==> "Scarab Lords" (from dander53) 0698-Ugolf ==> "Ultimate Golf" (from Gurantsu) 0699-MdArt ==> "Modern Art" (from homiefud) 0700-Chezd ==> "Chez Dork" (from homiefud) 0701-KuFri ==> "Krieg und Frieden" (from larryjrice) 0702-QNeck ==> "Queen's Necklace" (from larryjrice) 0703-BL-EE ==> "BattleLore Earth Elemental promotional figure" (from RoamDog) 0704-D-Fox ==> "Triumph and Fall of the Desert Fox" (from dander53) 0705-HiveX ==> "Hive" (from larryjrice) 0706-CutCa ==> "Cutthroat Caverns" (from GameCloset) 0707-XXXen ==> "XXXenophile" (from artfuldodge2) 0708-LoopL ==> "Loopin' Louie" (from artfuldodge2) 0709-LRccg ==> "Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game" (from Merkles Boner) 0710-Quori ==> "Quoridor" (from Merkles Boner) 0711-Wuste ==> "Wüstentruck, Der" (from sos1) 0712-O-DVD ==> "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from degamer) 0713-CamLe ==> "Camelot Legends" (from gpren) 0714-Mon-L ==> "Monopoly - Looney Tunes" (from yendi) 0715-apple ==> "Apples to Apples" (from gpren) 0716-LRccg ==> "Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game" (from gpren) 0717-Hoc92 ==> "Hockey 92" (from gpren) 0718-Zombi ==> "Zombies!!!" (from gpren) 0719-Carcm ==> "Carcassonne - The Mini Expansion" (from gpren) 0720-Plund ==> "Plunder" (from gpren) 0721-SlapS ==> "Slap Shot" (from gpren) 0722-SlotS ==> "Slot Shot" (from gpren) 0723-Mon-H ==> "Monopoly - NHL" (from gpren) 0724-Landl ==> "Landlord" (from gpren) 0725-FWWar ==> "First World War, The" (from wryone) 0726-rally ==> "RoboRally" (from W0tever) 0727-CoMag ==> "Castle of Magic" (from alcazar84) 0728-HoiTy ==> "Hoity Toity" (from Stas) 0729-Chron ==> "Chrononauts" (from alcazar84) 0730-TI3rd ==> "Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition" (from W0tever) 0731-Mtrap ==> "MindTrap" (from alcazar84) 0732-deuce ==> "Golden Deuce" (from alcazar84) 0733-Expre ==> "Express" (from alcazar84) 0734-QotRT ==> "Quests of the Round Table" (from alcazar84) 0735-GoKno ==> "Game of Knowledge" (from alcazar84) 0736-Merln ==> "Merlin" (from alcazar84) 0737-ETEas ==> "1807: The Eagles Turn East" (from DrFlanagan) 0738-BinIT ==> "Bonaparte in Italy" (from DrFlanagan) 0739-Calex ==> "Caesar in Alexandria" (from DrFlanagan) 0740-magic ==> "Magic: The Gathering CCG" (from alcazar84) 0741-EoChi ==> "Emperor of China" (from DrFlanagan) 0742-MCFaW ==> "Mannerheim's Cross: Finland at War 1939-1945" (from DrFlanagan) 0743-Trire ==> "Trireme" (from DrFlanagan) 0744-magic ==> "Magic: The Gathering CCG" (from alcazar84) 0745-Tobrk ==> "Tobruk: Tank Battles in North Africa 1942" (from DrFlanagan) 0746-magic ==> "Magic: The Gathering CCG" (from alcazar84) 0747-DMans ==> "Dead Man's Treasure" (from alcazar84) 0748-LoRTr ==> "Lord of the Rings Tarot Deck and Card Game, the" (from alcazar84) 0749-Attac ==> "Attack!" (from krazygit) 0750-Fossi ==> "Fossil" (from krazygit) 0751-AXISA ==> "Axis & Allies" (from krazygit) 0752-Netru ==> "Netrunner" (from krazygit) 0753-Acqui ==> "Acquire" (from minmin) 0754-Hackr ==> "Hacker" (from alcazar84) 0755-ETSGC ==> "EVE: The Second Genesis CCG" (from homiefud) 0756-Vampe ==> "Vampire: The Eternal Struggle" (from alcazar84) 0757-magic ==> "Magic: The Gathering CCG" (from alcazar84) 0758-Razzi ==> "Razzia!" (from sos1) 0759-HG100 ==> "Miscellaneous Game Book" (from homiefud) 0760-AmLab ==> "Amazing Labyrinth" (from aksosa) 0761-CSBoB ==> "Combat Soldiers - In the Battle of the Bulge" (from aksosa) 0762-KingB ==> "King's Blood" (from dander53) 0763-GG050 ==> "Miscellaneous Game Accessory" (from aksosa) 0764-InscR ==> "Insecta - Rainforest" (from dander53) 0765-GWiEu ==> "Great War in Europe, The" (from dander53) 0766-GoAug ==> "Guns of August" (from dander53) 0767-CandC ==> "Commands & Colors: Ancients" (from joeklecko) 0768-Astar ==> "Atlantic Star" (from joeklecko) 0769-Maels ==> "Maelstrom: The Coming of Chaos" (from sos1) 0770-Paths ==> "Paths of Glory" (from joeklecko) 0771-HtHYW ==> "Havoc: the Hundred Years War" (from m_hamburg) 0772-DJitD ==> "Descent: Journeys in the Dark" (from joeklecko) 0773-CanGr ==> "Canal Grande" (from m_hamburg) 0774-PSoup ==> "Primordial Soup" (from m_hamburg) 0775-HoiTy ==> "Hoity Toity" (from joeklecko) 0776-Whfan ==> "Warhammer Fantasy Battle" (from dreadpirate) 0777-Napol ==> "Napoleon at Bay: The Campaign in France" (from PaleHorseRider) 0778-Krieg ==> "Kriegspiel" (from PaleHorseRider) 0779-WoWBD ==> "Wings of War - Burning Drachens" (from m_hamburg) 0780-LigMd ==> "Lightning: Midway" (from m_hamburg) 0781-Hacie ==> "Hacienda" (from Stas) 0782-Warma ==> "Warmachine" (from Stas) 0783-Whfan ==> "Warhammer Fantasy Battle" (from dreadpirate) 0784-O-DVD ==> "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from Stas) 0785-ChezG ==> "Chez Grunt" (from yendi) 0786-Gamma ==> "Gammarauders" (from homiefud) 0787-AoMTB ==> "Age of Mythology: The Boardgame" (from djbrickhaus) 0788-Battl ==> "Battlestations" (from djbrickhaus) 0789-Civil ==> "Civilization" (from djbrickhaus) 0790-1776W ==> "1776" (from moly19) 0791-Everg ==> "Evergreen" (from djbrickhaus) 0792-AoGlr ==> "Autumn of Glory" (from moly19) 0793-Ftriv ==> "Friends Trivia Game" (from djbrickhaus) 0794-Biraq ==> "Back to Iraq" (from moly19) 0795-Mutny ==> "Mutiny!" (from djbrickhaus) 0796-NwEng ==> "New England" (from djbrickhaus) 0797-Navia ==> "Navia Dratp" (from jmmurphy) 0798-Wking ==> "Wizard Kings" (from djbrickhaus) 0799-Guard ==> "Guardians" (from jmmurphy) 0800-4Sale ==> "For Sale" (from crappyjacks) 0801-Blank ==> "Placeholder to facilitate moderation of MT" (from RoamDog) 0802-Thebe ==> "Thebes" (from huber) 0803-GoTSS ==> "Game of Thrones, A: A Storm of Swords Expansion" (from BlueJackal) 0804-Blank ==> "This item is not a qualified entry" (from Abner1) 0805-RoRom ==> "Republic of Rome, The" (from Abner1) 0806-Civ-W ==> "Civilization Western Extension Map" (from Abner1) 0807-SJWay ==> "Stonewall Jackson's Way" (from Abner1) 0808-Blank ==> "This item is not a qualified entry" (from Abner1) 0809-HamrS ==> "Hammer of the Scots" (from kvn299) 0810-DuneX ==> "Dune" (from artfuldodge2) 0811-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from cornjob) 0812-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from cornjob) 0813-RandB ==> "Roads and Boats" (from Rokkr) 0814-ToIrn ==> "Tide of Iron" (from dander53) 0815-Throu ==> "Through the Desert" (from Staban Tuek) 0816-Acqui ==> "Acquire" (from Staban Tuek) 0817-MRPla ==> "Mission: Red Planet" (from Staban Tuek) 0818-ToIrn ==> "Tide of Iron" (from Jezztek) 0819-Aladd ==> "Aladdin's Dragons" (from Staban Tuek) 0820-18FLR ==> "18FL" (from tacman88) 0821-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from bane221) 0822-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from tomg) 0823-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from tomg) 0824-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from tomg) 0825-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from tomg) 0826-CandC ==> "Commands & Colors: Ancients" (from tomg) 0827-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from tomg) 0828-WW2BB ==> "World War II: Barbarossa to Berlin" (from tomg) 0829-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from tomg) 0830-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from tomg) 0831-SOS3E ==> "Streets Of Stalingrad 3rd Edition" (from Sprydle) 0832-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from tomg) 0833-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from DCosby) 0834-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from DCosby) 0835-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from DCosby) 0836-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from DCosby) 0837-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from DCosby) 0838-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from DCosby) 0839-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from DCosby) 0840-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from DCosby) 0841-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from DCosby) 0842-FlyCo ==> "Flying Colors" (from Peter Pariseau) 0843-WarKn ==> "Warrior Knights" (from Peter Pariseau) 0844-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from Lightstorm) 0845-TtRME ==> "Ticket to Ride: Märklin Edition" (from Lightstorm) 0846-Imper ==> "Imperial" (from Lightstorm) 0847-Acqui ==> "Acquire" (from barryF) 0848-Bootl ==> "Bootleggers" (from drsheep) 0849-Tannh ==> "Tannhäuser" (from drsheep) 0850-TajMa ==> "Taj Mahal" (from littlechild_zu) 0851-Mem44 ==> "Memoir '44" (from littlechild_zu) 0852-Pilla ==> "Pillars of the Earth, The" (from littlechild_zu) 0853-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from littlechild_zu) 0854-TtREu ==> "Ticket to Ride: Europe" (from littlechild_zu) 0855-FlyCo ==> "Flying Colors" (from redleg1lt) 0856-NWSDM ==> "Napoleonic Wars - Super Deluxe Map" (from redleg1lt) 0857-M44TP ==> "Memoir '44 - Terrain Pack" (from Peter Pariseau) 0858-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from scbissler) 0859-Seren ==> "Serenissima" (from jostrand) 0860-Wring ==> "War of the Ring" (from richardolen2) 0861-HoiTy ==> "Hoity Toity" (from richardolen2) 0862-ElGra ==> "El Grande" (from schlappy) 0863-Samur ==> "Samurai" (from schlappy) 0864-Showm ==> "Showmanager" (from schlappy) 0865-HoiTy ==> "Hoity Toity" (from toucana) 0866-CarTB ==> "Carcassonne - Traders & Builders" (from alfmartinez) 0867-realm ==> "Magic Realm" (from alfmartinez) 0868-aGoTh ==> "Game of Thrones, A" (from alfmartinez) 0869-ShadE ==> "In the Shadow of the Emperor" (from derekwchau) 0870-Horno ==> "Tanz der Hornochsen" (from peacmyer) 0871-citta ==> "La Città" (from tuttleboy) 0872-Caylu ==> "Caylus" (from RKFade) 0873-Pgrid ==> "Power Grid" (from RKFade) 0874-RRlyR ==> "RoboRally - Radioactive" (from puffinslayer) 0875-BMEBI ==> "Blue Moon Expansion - The Buka Invasion" (from Zyzzyvas) 0876-Pilla ==> "Pillars of the Earth, The" (from dreadpirate) 0877-Blank ==> "This item is not a qualified entry" (from jostrand) 0878-Blank ==> "This item is not a qualified entry" (from jostrand) 0879-Blank ==> "This item is not a qualified entry" (from jostrand) 0880-HISta ==> "Here I Stand" (from utoption2) 0881-PoRen ==> "Princes of the Renaissance" (from utoption2) 0882-BTech ==> "Battletech" (from tuttleboy) 0883-magna ==> "Caylus Magna Carta" (from bharath) 0884-Bootl ==> "Bootleggers" (from ericfaris) 0885-HamrS ==> "Hammer of the Scots" (from Jezztek) 0886-AoSte ==> "Age of Steam" (from larryjrice) 0887-JvThe ==> "Jenseits von Theben" (from disclamer) 0888-WilWr ==> "Wilderness War" (from utoption2) 0889-FlyCo ==> "Flying Colors" (from mcbeth) 0890-LLBoH ==> "Lock 'N Load: Band of Heroes" (from mcbeth) 0891-80day ==> "Around the World in 80 Days" (from gesa) 0892-Notre ==> "Notre Dame" (from RoamDog) 0893-EWftT ==> "Exalted: War for the Throne" (from davidchujr) 0894-1835R ==> "1835" (from rampantdragon) 0895-PueRt ==> "Puerto Rico" (from Wargamer777) 0896-M44EF ==> "Memoir '44 - Eastern Front" (from Wargamer777) 0897-DoomT ==> "Deadlands: Doomtown" (from Wargamer777) 0898-TI3rd ==> "Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition" (from cuzzle) 0899-Mem44 ==> "Memoir '44" (from Wargamer777) 0900-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from Sabot) 0901-AVTac ==> "Attack Vector: Tactical" (from Sabot) 0902-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from Sabot) 0903-PueRt ==> "Puerto Rico" (from derekjinx) 0904-Antik ==> "Antike" (from derekjinx) 0905-StrCr ==> "StarCraft: The Board Game" (from GameCloset) 0906-BatLo ==> "BattleLore" (from RoamDog) 0907-magna ==> "Caylus Magna Carta" (from alcazar84) 0908-DooRW ==> "Deadlands - Doomtown Range Wars" (from LordJesse) 0909-AmunR ==> "Amun-Re" (from jpbartleby) 0910-Wtdrw ==> "Item withdrawn by submitter" (from acetate3) 0911-1856R ==> "1856" (from GameCloset) 0912-1870R ==> "1870" (from GameCloset) 0913-Mahar ==> "Maharaja: Palace Building in India" (from pronoblem) 0914-Caylu ==> "Caylus" (from pronoblem) 0915-Khron ==> "Khronos" (from eknauer) 0916-LoRFF ==> "Lord of the Rings - Friends & Foes" (from okiedokie) 0917-PGBCE ==> "Power Grid - Benelux/Central Europe" (from Solamar) 0918-TtREu ==> "Ticket to Ride: Europe" (from Solamar) 0919-Tikal ==> "Tikal" (from Solamar) 0920-MrJac ==> "Mr. Jack" (from Roamdog) 0921-Ingen ==> "Ingenious" (from Roamdog) 0922-Pilla ==> "Pillars of the Earth, The" (from Roamdog) 0923-PRico ==> "Puerto Rico" (from huber) 0924-SJuan ==> "San Juan" (from huber) 0925-DMach ==> "Die Macher" (from huber) 0926-Thurn ==> "Thurn and Taxis" (from fsnam) 0927-BLGMS ==> "BattleLore: Goblin Marauders Specialist Pack" (from silvers211games) 0928-Caylu ==> "Caylus" (from silvers211games) 0929-GoTSS ==> "Game of Thrones, A: A Storm of Swords Expansion" (from silvers211games) 0930-TandE ==> "Tigris & Euphrates" (from tuttleboy) 0931-BuyLo ==> "Buy Low Sell High" (from hersh007) 0932-BuyLo ==> "Buy Low Sell High" (from hersh007) 0933-ElGra ==> "El Grande" (from littlechild_zu) 0934-ElGra ==> "El Grande" (from homiefud) 0935-SqdLd ==> "Squad Leader" (from pronoblem) 0936-Caylu ==> "Caylus" (from RoamDog) 0937-ArkHo ==> "Arkham Horror" -- Last Minute Change (from Solamar) 0938-Torre ==> "Torres" -- Last Minute Change (from Solamar) 0939-Hansa ==> "Hansa" -- Last Minute Change (from Solamar) 0940-SpDlr ==> "Space Dealer" -- Last Minute Change (from Solamar) 0941-BatLo ==> "BattleLore" (from Warbanner) 0942-Cleop ==> "Cleopatra and the Society of Architects" (from Warbanner) 0943-Satrn ==> "Saturn" (from Warbanner) 0944-SWmin ==> "Star Wars Miniatures" (from crappyjacks) 0945-18Mex ==> "18Mex" (from jtamplin) 0946-18USR ==> "18US" (from jtamplin) 0947-18EUR ==> "18EU" (from jtamplin) 0948-18EUR ==> "18EU" (from jtamplin) 0949-1846R ==> "1846" (from jtamplin) 0950-18FLR ==> "18FL" (from jtamplin) 0951-BatLo ==> "Battlelore" (from RoamDog) 0952-18VAR ==> "18VA" (from jtamplin) 0953-1841R ==> "1841" (from jtamplin) 0954-1832R ==> "1832" (from jtamplin) 0955-1850R ==> "1850" (from jtamplin) 0956-1889R ==> "1889" (from jtamplin) 0957-PoRen ==> "Princes of the Renaissance" (from RoamDog) !END-OFFICIAL-NAMES (Abner1) 0805-RoRom : 0880-HISta (Abner1) 0806-Civ-W : 0197-ToIrn (Abner1) 0807-SJWay : 0898-TI3rd 0636-Sword 0730-TI3rd 0432-mache 0501-mache 0925-DMach 0888- WilWr 0504-sword 0070-Byzan 0401-Byzan (acetate3) 0910-Wtdrw : (aksosa) 0614-Brita : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0596-realm 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0905-StrCr 0788-Battl 0373-WoWTB 0153-aGoTh 0488-Lastn 0446-Battl 0772-DJitD 0817-MRPla (aksosa) 0615-Wking : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0596-realm 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0788-Battl 0885-HamrS 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0063-Tikal (aksosa) 0616-Samur : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0596-realm 0001-Outpo (aksosa) 0618-KArDK : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0596-realm 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0788-Battl 0373-WoWTB 0153-aGoTh 0488-Lastn 0885-HamrS 0446-Battl 0278-epicd 0001-Outpo 0772-DJitD 0197- ToIrn 0685-nostr 0849-Tannh 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0814-ToIrn 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0875-BMEBI 0937-ArkHo 0207-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0817-MRPla 0575-Marvl 0338-RtrnH 0060-TandE 0385-TandE 0599- TandE 0873-Pgrid 0886-AoSte 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0936-Caylu 0188-Pgrid 0668-ArkHo 0186-WarKn 0770-Paths 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0580-aGoTh 0868-aGoTh 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0443-Survi 0507-Paths 0053-LotRX 0828- WW2BB 0098-TtREu 0854-TtREu 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0884-Bootl 0890-LLBoH 0046-Zombi 0365-Princ 0863-Samur 0125-Conqu 0697-Scara 0551-Bang! 0706-CutCa 0215-Naval (aksosa) 0621-Funny : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0596-realm 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0788-Battl 0373-WoWTB 0153-aGoTh 0488-Lastn 0885-HamrS 0446-Battl 0772-DJitD 0197-ToIrn 0685-nostr 0849- Tannh 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0814-ToIrn 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0817-MRPla 0575-Marvl 0338-RtrnH 0443-Survi 0365-Princ (aksosa) 0622-GG050 : 0498-GG160 0007-GG101 0031-GG150 0013-GG077 0022-GG055 0028-GG067 0055- GG100 0119-GG075 0194-GG075 0204-GG093 0532-GG095 0574-GG100 (aksosa) 0623-Riskg : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0596-realm 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0788-Battl 0373-WoWTB 0153-aGoTh 0488-Lastn 0885-HamrS 0446-Battl 0278-epicd 0685-nostr 0849-Tannh 0875- BMEBI (aksosa) 0625-RomaX : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0596-realm 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0788-Battl 0373-WoWTB 0153-aGoTh 0488-Lastn 0885-HamrS 0446-Battl 0772-DJitD 0197-ToIrn 0685-nostr 0849- Tannh 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0814-ToIrn 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0937-ArkHo 0207-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0817-MRPla 0060-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0873-Pgrid 0886-AoSte 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0936- Caylu 0668-ArkHo 0186-WarKn 0443-Survi 0863-Samur (aksosa) 0628-ryans : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0596-realm 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0788-Battl 0373-WoWTB 0153-aGoTh 0488-Lastn 0885-HamrS 0446-Battl 0278-epicd 0001-Outpo 0772-DJitD 0197- ToIrn 0685-nostr 0849-Tannh 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0814-ToIrn 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0875-BMEBI 0937-ArkHo 0207-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0575-Marvl 0338-RtrnH 0060-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0873- Pgrid 0886-AoSte 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0936-Caylu 0668-ArkHo 0186-WarKn 0770-Paths 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0580-aGoTh 0868-aGoTh 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0507-Paths 0053-LotRX 0828-WW2BB 0890-LLBoH (aksosa) 0629-Awful : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0596-realm 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0788-Battl 0373-WoWTB 0153-aGoTh 0488-Lastn 0885-HamrS 0446-Battl 0278-epicd 0001-Outpo 0772-DJitD 0197- ToIrn 0685-nostr 0849-Tannh 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0814-ToIrn 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0875-BMEBI 0937-ArkHo 0207-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0817-MRPla 0575-Marvl 0338-RtrnH 0060-TandE 0385-TandE 0599- TandE 0873-Pgrid 0886-AoSte 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0936-Caylu 0188-Pgrid 0668-ArkHo 0186-WarKn 0770-Paths 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0580-aGoTh 0868-aGoTh 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0443-Survi 0507-Paths 0053-LotRX 0828- WW2BB 0063-Tikal 0098-TtREu 0854-TtREu 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0884-Bootl 0046-Zombi 0365-Princ 0919-Tikal 0222-AveCa (aksosa) 0630-BQotS : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0596-realm 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0788-Battl 0373-WoWTB 0488-Lastn 0278-epicd 0001-Outpo (aksosa) 0631-GG100 : 0498-GG160 0007-GG101 0031-GG150 (aksosa) 0632-Heros : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0596-realm 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0788-Battl 0373-WoWTB 0153-aGoTh 0488-Lastn 0885-HamrS 0446-Battl 0278-epicd 0001-Outpo 0772-DJitD 0197- ToIrn 0685-nostr 0849-Tannh 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0814-ToIrn 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0875-BMEBI 0937-ArkHo 0207-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0575-Marvl 0338-RtrnH 0886-AoSte 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0936- Caylu 0188-Pgrid 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0046-Zombi (aksosa) 0633-Strat : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0596-realm 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0788-Battl 0373-WoWTB 0153-aGoTh 0488-Lastn 0885-HamrS 0446-Battl 0278-epicd 0001-Outpo 0772-DJitD 0197- ToIrn 0685-nostr 0849-Tannh 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0814-ToIrn 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0875-BMEBI 0937-ArkHo 0207-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0817-MRPla 0575-Marvl 0338-RtrnH 0060-TandE 0385-TandE 0599- TandE 0873-Pgrid 0886-AoSte 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0936-Caylu 0188-Pgrid 0668-ArkHo 0186-WarKn 0770-Paths 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0580-aGoTh 0868-aGoTh 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0443-Survi 0507-Paths 0053-LotRX 0828- WW2BB 0063-Tikal 0098-TtREu 0854-TtREu 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0884-Bootl 0890-LLBoH 0046-Zombi 0365-Princ 0919-Tikal 0222-AveCa 0863-Samur 0125-Conqu 0697-Scara 0551-Bang! 0706-CutCa 0215-Naval (aksosa) 0634-WoWCG : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0596-realm 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0788-Battl 0373-WoWTB 0153-aGoTh 0488-Lastn 0885-HamrS 0446-Battl 0278-epicd 0001-Outpo 0772-DJitD 0197- ToIrn 0685-nostr 0849-Tannh 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0814-ToIrn 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0875-BMEBI 0937-ArkHo 0207-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0817-MRPla 0575-Marvl 0338-RtrnH 0060-TandE 0385-TandE 0599- TandE 0873-Pgrid 0886-AoSte 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0936-Caylu 0188-Pgrid 0668-ArkHo 0186-WarKn 0770-Paths 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0580-aGoTh 0868-aGoTh 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0507-Paths 0053-LotRX 0828-WW2BB 0063- Tikal 0098-TtREu 0854-TtREu 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0884-Bootl 0890-LLBoH 0046-Zombi 0919-Tikal 0222-AveCa 0125-Conqu 0697-Scara (aksosa) 0636-Sword : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0596-realm (aksosa) 0637-LotFR : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0596-realm 0493-WoWFA 0001-Outpo (aksosa) 0638-GG150 : 0498-GG160 (aksosa) 0639-Munch : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0596-realm 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0788-Battl 0373-WoWTB 0153-aGoTh 0488-Lastn 0885-HamrS 0446-Battl 0278-epicd 0001-Outpo 0772-DJitD 0197- ToIrn 0685-nostr 0849-Tannh 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0814-ToIrn 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0875-BMEBI 0937-ArkHo 0207-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0817-MRPla 0575-Marvl 0338-RtrnH 0060-TandE 0385-TandE 0599- TandE 0873-Pgrid 0886-AoSte 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0936-Caylu 0188-Pgrid 0668-ArkHo 0186-WarKn 0770-Paths 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0580-aGoTh 0868-aGoTh 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0507-Paths 0053-LotRX 0828-WW2BB 0063- Tikal 0098-TtREu 0854-TtREu 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0884-Bootl 0890-LLBoH 0919-Tikal 0222-AveCa (aksosa) 0642-SoCCG : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0596-realm 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0788-Battl 0373-WoWTB 0153-aGoTh 0488-Lastn 0885-HamrS 0446-Battl 0278-epicd 0772-DJitD 0197-ToIrn 0685- nostr 0849-Tannh 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0937-ArkHo 0207-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0817-MRPla 0575-Marvl 0338-RtrnH 0060-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0873-Pgrid 0188-Pgrid 0770- Paths 0443-Survi (aksosa) 0644-HcrdO : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0596-realm 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0788-Battl 0373-WoWTB 0153-aGoTh 0488-Lastn 0885-HamrS 0278-epicd 0001-Outpo 0875-BMEBI (aksosa) 0760-AmLab : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0596-realm 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0788-Battl 0373-WoWTB 0153-aGoTh 0488-Lastn 0885-HamrS 0446-Battl 0278-epicd 0001-Outpo 0772-DJitD 0197- ToIrn 0685-nostr 0849-Tannh 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0814-ToIrn 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0875-BMEBI 0937-ArkHo 0207-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0817-MRPla 0575-Marvl 0338-RtrnH 0060-TandE 0385-TandE 0599- TandE 0873-Pgrid 0886-AoSte 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0936-Caylu 0188-Pgrid 0668-ArkHo 0186-WarKn 0770-Paths 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0580-aGoTh 0868-aGoTh 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0443-Survi 0507-Paths 0053-LotRX 0828- WW2BB 0063-Tikal 0098-TtREu 0854-TtREu 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0884-Bootl 0890-LLBoH 0046-Zombi 0365-Princ 0919-Tikal 0222-AveCa 0863-Samur 0125-Conqu 0697-Scara 0551-Bang! 0706-CutCa (aksosa) 0761-CSBoB : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0596-realm 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0373-WoWTB 0153-aGoTh 0278-epicd 0001-Outpo 0875-BMEBI (aksosa) 0763-GG050 : 0498-GG160 0007-GG101 0031-GG150 0013-GG077 0022-GG055 0028-GG067 0055- GG100 0119-GG075 0194-GG075 0204-GG093 0532-GG095 0574-GG100 (alcazar84) %Alibi : 0750-Fossi 0454-Alibi (alcazar84) %AmunRe : 0384-AmunR 0909-AmunR (alcazar84) %Caylus : 0914-Caylu 0341-Caylu 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0928-Caylu 0936-Caylu (alcazar84) %CCastle : 0038-CarcC 0482-CarcC (alcazar84) %KingMe : 0426-Kingm 0468-Kingm (alcazar84) %TnE : 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0930-TandE (alcazar84) 0727-CoMag : %Caylus 0892-Notre 0365-Princ 0781-Hacie %AmunRe 0023-Hfish 0001-Outpo 0469-babel 0913-Mahar 0592-Palaz 0201-Leodv %CCastle 0064-Myker 0025-Cathe 0535-Shark %TnE 0185-EnENH (alcazar84) 0729-Chron : %Caylus 0892-Notre 0365-Princ 0781-Hacie %AmunRe 0023-Hfish 0001-Outpo 0469-babel 0913-Mahar 0592-Palaz 0201-Leodv %CCastle 0475-NoTha 0917-PGBCE %KingMe 0064-Myker 0025-Cathe 0535-Shark 0921-Ingen %Alibi %TnE 0185-EnENH 0121-Boswo 0498-GG160 0031-GG150 0638-GG150 0007-GG101 0055- GG100 0574-GG100 0631-GG100 0532-GG095 (alcazar84) 0731-Mtrap : %Caylus 0892-Notre 0365-Princ 0781-Hacie %AmunRe 0023-Hfish 0001-Outpo 0469-babel 0913-Mahar 0592-Palaz 0201-Leodv %CCastle 0475-NoTha 0917-PGBCE %KingMe 0064-Myker 0025-Cathe 0535-Shark 0921-Ingen %Alibi %TnE 0185-EnENH 0121-Boswo 0498-GG160 0031-GG150 0638-GG150 0007-GG101 0055- GG100 0574-GG100 0631-GG100 0532-GG095 (alcazar84) 0732-deuce : %Caylus 0892-Notre 0365-Princ 0781-Hacie %AmunRe 0023-Hfish 0001-Outpo 0469-babel 0913-Mahar 0592-Palaz 0201-Leodv %CCastle 0475-NoTha 0917-PGBCE %KingMe 0064-Myker 0025-Cathe 0535-Shark 0921-Ingen %Alibi %TnE 0185-EnENH 0121-Boswo 0498-GG160 0031-GG150 0638-GG150 0007-GG101 0055- GG100 0574-GG100 0631-GG100 0532-GG095 (alcazar84) 0733-Expre : %Caylus 0892-Notre 0365-Princ 0781-Hacie %AmunRe 0023-Hfish 0001-Outpo 0469-babel 0913-Mahar 0592-Palaz 0201-Leodv %CCastle 0475-NoTha 0917-PGBCE %KingMe 0064-Myker 0025-Cathe 0535-Shark 0921-Ingen %Alibi %TnE 0185-EnENH 0121-Boswo 0498-GG160 0031-GG150 0638-GG150 0007-GG101 0055- GG100 0574-GG100 0631-GG100 0532-GG095 (alcazar84) 0734-QotRT : %Caylus 0892-Notre 0365-Princ 0781-Hacie %AmunRe 0023-Hfish 0001-Outpo 0469-babel 0913-Mahar 0592-Palaz 0201-Leodv %CCastle 0475-NoTha 0917-PGBCE %KingMe 0064-Myker 0025-Cathe 0535-Shark 0921-Ingen %Alibi %TnE 0185-EnENH 0498-GG160 0031-GG150 0638-GG150 0007-GG101 0055-GG100 0574- GG100 0631-GG100 0532-GG095 (alcazar84) 0735-GoKno : %Caylus 0892-Notre 0365-Princ 0781-Hacie %AmunRe 0023-Hfish 0001-Outpo 0469-babel 0913-Mahar 0592-Palaz 0201-Leodv %CCastle 0475-NoTha 0917-PGBCE %KingMe 0064-Myker 0025-Cathe 0535-Shark 0921-Ingen %Alibi %TnE 0185-EnENH 0121-Boswo 0498-GG160 0031-GG150 0638-GG150 0007-GG101 0055- GG100 0574-GG100 0631-GG100 0532-GG095 (alcazar84) 0736-Merln : %Caylus 0892-Notre 0365-Princ 0781-Hacie %AmunRe 0023-Hfish 0001-Outpo 0469-babel 0913-Mahar 0592-Palaz 0201-Leodv %CCastle 0475-NoTha 0917-PGBCE %KingMe 0064-Myker 0025-Cathe 0535-Shark 0921-Ingen %Alibi %TnE 0185-EnENH 0121-Boswo 0498-GG160 0031-GG150 0638-GG150 0007-GG101 0055- GG100 0574-GG100 0631-GG100 0532-GG095 (alcazar84) 0740-magic : %Caylus 0892-Notre 0365-Princ 0781-Hacie %AmunRe 0001-Outpo 0469-babel 0913-Mahar 0592-Palaz 0201-Leodv (alcazar84) 0744-magic : %Caylus 0892-Notre 0365-Princ 0781-Hacie %AmunRe 0001-Outpo 0469-babel 0913-Mahar 0592-Palaz 0201-Leodv (alcazar84) 0746-magic : %Caylus 0892-Notre 0365-Princ 0781-Hacie %AmunRe 0001-Outpo 0469-babel 0913-Mahar 0592-Palaz 0201-Leodv (alcazar84) 0747-DMans : %Caylus 0892-Notre 0365-Princ 0781-Hacie %AmunRe 0023-Hfish 0001-Outpo 0469-babel 0913-Mahar 0592-Palaz 0201-Leodv %CCastle 0475-NoTha 0917-PGBCE %KingMe 0064-Myker 0025-Cathe 0535-Shark 0921-Ingen %Alibi %TnE 0185-EnENH 0498-GG160 0031-GG150 0638-GG150 0007-GG101 0055-GG100 0574- GG100 0631-GG100 0532-GG095 (alcazar84) 0748-LoRTr : %Caylus 0892-Notre 0365-Princ 0781-Hacie %AmunRe 0001-Outpo 0469-babel 0913-Mahar 0592-Palaz 0201-Leodv (alcazar84) 0754-Hackr : %Caylus 0892-Notre 0365-Princ 0781-Hacie %AmunRe 0023-Hfish 0001-Outpo 0469-babel 0913-Mahar 0592-Palaz 0201-Leodv %CCastle 0475-NoTha 0917-PGBCE 0064-Myker 0025-Cathe 0535- Shark %TnE 0185-EnENH (alcazar84) 0756-Vampe : %Caylus 0892-Notre 0365-Princ 0781-Hacie %AmunRe 0001-Outpo 0469-babel 0913-Mahar 0592-Palaz 0201-Leodv (alcazar84) 0757-magic : %Caylus 0892-Notre 0365-Princ 0781-Hacie %AmunRe 0001-Outpo 0469-babel 0913-Mahar 0592-Palaz 0201-Leodv (alcazar84) 0907-magna : %Caylus 0892-Notre 0365-Princ 0781-Hacie 0023-Hfish 0001-Outpo (Anglotiger) %AQUAD : 0418-Aqudu 0335-Aqudu (Anglotiger) %CAYLS : 0928-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0914-Caylu 0472-Caylu (Anglotiger) %MRJAK : 0920-MrJac 0183-MrJac (Anglotiger) %PGRID : 0873-Pgrid 0188-Pgrid (Anglotiger) %PRICO : 0423-PRico 0923-PRico 0450-PRico 0895-PueRt 0903-PueRt 0508-PRico 0240- PRico (Anglotiger) %PRREN : 0957-PoRen 0881-PoRen (Anglotiger) %TIGRS : 0385-TandE 0060-TandE 0599-TandE (Anglotiger) %TTRDE : 0854-TtREu 0098-TtREu 0918-TtREu (Anglotiger) %UNDRG : 0536-under 0602-under (Anglotiger) 0291-Dracu : 0817-MRPla %UNDRG %PGRID 0806-Civ-W 0034-Canal 0864-Showm 0611-MoVen 0768-Astar 0501-mache 0488-Lastn 0515-GeneP %MRJAK 0546-Arkad %PRREN 0669-Genoa 0781-Hacie %TIGRS 0377- zavan 0077-Niaga %CAYLS 0487-SoCam %PRICO 0925-DMach 0229-Santi (Anglotiger) 0292-baron : %PRREN 0611-MoVen (Anglotiger) 0293-Wtdrw : (Anglotiger) 0294-Tongi : 0817-MRPla %UNDRG %PGRID 0806-Civ-W 0034-Canal 0864-Showm %PRREN 0611 -MoVen 0768-Astar 0501-mache 0488-Lastn %TTRDE 0546-Arkad 0669-Genoa 0781-Hacie %TIGRS 0377-zavan 0077- Niaga %CAYLS 0487-SoCam 0515-GeneP %PRICO 0925-DMach (Anglotiger) 0296-Strek : 0817-MRPla %UNDRG %PGRID 0806-Civ-W 0034-Canal 0864-Showm %PRREN 0611 -MoVen 0768-Astar 0501-mache 0488-Lastn %TTRDE %MRJAK 0669-Genoa 0781-Hacie %TIGRS 0377-zavan 0077-Niaga %CAYLS 0487-SoCam %PRICO 0925-DMach 0515-GeneP (Anglotiger) 0298-Bootl : 0873-Pgrid 0864-Showm %PRREN 0611-MoVen 0501-mache 0488-Lastn 0813- RandB 0546-Arkad 0781-Hacie %TIGRS 0817-MRPla %UNDRG 0377-zavan %CAYLS 0487-SoCam 0925-DMach (Anglotiger) 0300-Bouqu : 0873-Pgrid 0864-Showm %PRREN 0611-MoVen 0813-RandB 0501-mache 0488- Lastn 0817-MRPla %UNDRG 0377-zavan 0487-SoCam 0925-DMach (Anglotiger) 0301-PeckO : 0817-MRPla %UNDRG %PGRID 0806-Civ-W 0034-Canal 0864-Showm %PRREN 0611 -MoVen 0768-Astar 0501-mache 0488-Lastn 0546-Arkad 0669-Genoa 0781-Hacie %TIGRS 0377-zavan 0077-Niaga % CAYLS 0487-SoCam 0925-DMach 0515-GeneP (Anglotiger) 0303-O-DVD : 0817-MRPla %UNDRG %PGRID 0034-Canal 0864-Showm %PRREN 0611-MoVen 0768- Astar 0488-Lastn 0515-GeneP 0501-mache %TTRDE %MRJAK 0546-Arkad 0669-Genoa 0781-Hacie %TIGRS 0377-zavan 0077-Niaga %CAYLS 0487-SoCam 0229-Santi %PRICO 0925-DMach 0347-Fresh %AQUAD (arielle) 0671-Jambo : 0409-Villa 0185-EnENH 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0236-rally (armin101) 0255-Wring : 0280-catan 0295-Furyd (arsenic) 0046-Zombi : 0933-ElGra 0928-Caylu 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0558-Pillr 0674 -Acqui 0847-Acqui 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0336-Antiq 0231-Domne 0659-Domne 0854-TtREu 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr 0367-Formu 0849-Tannh 0281-Bloku 0493-WoWFA 0122-Bmoon 0129-raven 0789-Civil 0185-EnENH 0025-Cathe 0943- Satrn 0875-BMEBI (arsenic) 0538-shang : 0933-ElGra 0928-Caylu 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0558-Pillr 0674 -Acqui 0847-Acqui 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0336-Antiq 0231-Domne 0659-Domne 0854-TtREu 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr 0367-Formu 0849-Tannh 0281-Bloku 0493-WoWFA 0122-Bmoon 0129-raven 0789-Civil 0185-EnENH 0025-Cathe 0943- Satrn 0875-BMEBI 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop (arsenic) 0539-labyr : 0933-ElGra 0928-Caylu 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0558-Pillr 0674 -Acqui 0847-Acqui 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0336-Antiq 0231-Domne 0659-Domne 0854-TtREu 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr 0367-Formu 0849-Tannh 0281-Bloku 0493-WoWFA 0122-Bmoon 0129-raven 0789-Civil 0185-EnENH 0025-Cathe 0943- Satrn 0875-BMEBI 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop (arsenic) 0540-tight : 0933-ElGra 0928-Caylu 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0558-Pillr 0674 -Acqui 0847-Acqui 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0336-Antiq 0231-Domne 0659-Domne 0854-TtREu 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr 0367-Formu 0849-Tannh 0281-Bloku 0493-WoWFA 0122-Bmoon 0129-raven 0789-Civil 0185-EnENH 0025-Cathe 0943- Satrn 0875-BMEBI 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop (artfuldodge2) 0024-RSWCW : 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0254-MoVen 0001-Outpo 0188- Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0772-DJitD 0187-ReefE 0813-RandB 0892-Notre 0295-Furyd 0229-Santi 0805-RoRom 0488-Lastn 0913-Mahar 0905-StrCr 0564-LostV 0788-Battl 0849-Tannh 0507-Paths 0770-Paths 0915-Khron 0226-TAMSK 0596- realm 0867-realm 0636-Sword 0789-Civil 0504-sword 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0548-DraPa 0927-BLGMS 0943-Satrn 0325-baron 0444-AoAWL 0664-O-Mep 0885-HamrS 0603-wcirc 0880-HISta (artfuldodge2) 0025-Cathe : (artfuldodge2) 0026-Guill : 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0254-MoVen 0001-Outpo 0188- Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0772-DJitD 0187-ReefE 0813-RandB 0892-Notre 0295-Furyd 0229-Santi 0805-RoRom 0488-Lastn 0913-Mahar 0905-StrCr 0564-LostV 0788-Battl 0849-Tannh 0507-Paths 0770-Paths 0915-Khron 0226-TAMSK 0596- realm 0867-realm 0636-Sword 0789-Civil 0504-sword 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0548-DraPa 0927-BLGMS 0943-Satrn 0325-baron 0444-AoAWL 0664-O-Mep 0880-HISta 0920-MrJac (artfuldodge2) 0027-Pizza : (artfuldodge2) 0029-Quint : 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0254-MoVen 0001-Outpo 0188- Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0772-DJitD 0187-ReefE 0813-RandB 0892-Notre 0295-Furyd 0229-Santi 0805-RoRom 0488-Lastn 0913-Mahar 0905-StrCr 0564-LostV 0788-Battl 0849-Tannh 0507-Paths 0770-Paths 0915-Khron 0226-TAMSK 0596- realm 0867-realm 0636-Sword 0789-Civil 0504-sword 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0548-DraPa 0927-BLGMS 0943-Satrn 0325-baron 0444-AoAWL 0664-O-Mep 0885-HamrS 0603-wcirc 0880-HISta 0920-MrJac (artfuldodge2) 0030-Palab : (artfuldodge2) 0031-GG150 : (artfuldodge2) 0032-Liars : 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0254-MoVen 0001-Outpo 0188- Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0772-DJitD 0187-ReefE 0813-RandB 0892-Notre 0295-Furyd 0229-Santi 0805-RoRom 0488-Lastn 0913-Mahar 0905-StrCr 0564-LostV 0788-Battl 0849-Tannh 0507-Paths 0770-Paths 0915-Khron 0226-TAMSK 0596- realm 0867-realm 0636-Sword 0789-Civil 0504-sword 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0548-DraPa 0927-BLGMS 0943-Satrn 0325-baron 0444-AoAWL 0664-O-Mep 0885-HamrS 0603-wcirc 0880-HISta 0920-MrJac 0113-HeimC (artfuldodge2) 0033-TP-LR : 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0254-MoVen 0001-Outpo 0188- Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0772-DJitD 0187-ReefE 0813-RandB 0892-Notre 0295-Furyd 0229-Santi 0805-RoRom 0488-Lastn 0913-Mahar 0905-StrCr 0564-LostV 0788-Battl 0849-Tannh 0507-Paths 0770-Paths 0915-Khron 0226-TAMSK 0596- realm 0867-realm 0636-Sword 0789-Civil 0504-sword 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0548-DraPa 0927-BLGMS 0943-Satrn 0325-baron 0444-AoAWL 0664-O-Mep 0885-HamrS 0603-wcirc 0880-HISta (artfuldodge2) 0533-Scara : (artfuldodge2) 0707-XXXen : 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0254-MoVen 0001-Outpo 0188- Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0772-DJitD 0187-ReefE 0813-RandB 0892-Notre 0295-Furyd 0229-Santi 0805-RoRom 0488-Lastn 0913-Mahar 0905-StrCr 0564-LostV 0788-Battl 0849-Tannh 0507-Paths 0770-Paths 0915-Khron 0226-TAMSK 0596- realm 0867-realm 0636-Sword 0789-Civil 0504-sword 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0548-DraPa 0927-BLGMS 0943-Satrn 0325-baron 0444-AoAWL 0664-O-Mep 0885-HamrS 0603-wcirc 0920-MrJac 0638-GG150 (artfuldodge2) 0708-LoopL : 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0254-MoVen 0001-Outpo 0188- Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0772-DJitD 0187-ReefE 0813-RandB 0892-Notre 0295-Furyd 0229-Santi 0805-RoRom 0488-Lastn 0913-Mahar 0905-StrCr 0564-LostV 0788-Battl 0849-Tannh 0507-Paths 0770-Paths 0915-Khron 0226-TAMSK 0596- realm 0867-realm 0636-Sword 0789-Civil 0504-sword 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0548-DraPa 0927-BLGMS 0943-Satrn 0325-baron 0444-AoAWL 0664-O-Mep 0885-HamrS 0603-wcirc 0880-HISta 0920-MrJac 0113-HeimC 0638-GG150 (artfuldodge2) 0810-DuneX : 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0254-MoVen 0001-Outpo (asgelb) 0311-Survi : 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0374-WaWar 0214-Crims 0025-Cathe 0147- rally 0874-RRlyR 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0826-CandC 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0399-FDCHZ 0400-FDCBN 0488-Lastn 0212-ThuEg 0541-Tongi 0085-Furyd 0614-Brita 0849-Tannh 0125-Conqu 0851-Mem44 0896-M44EF 0899-Mem44 0906- BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0295-Furyd 0222-AveCa 0127-FDrac 0890-LLBoH 0291-Dracu 0629-Awful 0797-Navia 0527-Risk2 0101-BQotS 0206-Navia 0585-SucVa 0123-Antik (asgelb) 0312-DraRi : 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0374-WaWar 0214-Crims 0025-Cathe 0147- rally 0874-RRlyR 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0826-CandC 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0399-FDCHZ 0400-FDCBN 0488-Lastn 0212-ThuEg 0541-Tongi 0085-Furyd 0614-Brita 0849-Tannh 0125-Conqu 0851-Mem44 0896-M44EF 0899-Mem44 0906- BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0295-Furyd 0222-AveCa 0127-FDrac 0890-LLBoH 0291-Dracu 0629-Awful 0797-Navia 0527-Risk2 0206-Navia 0585-SucVa 0123-Antik 0101-BQotS (asgelb) 0313-Firep : 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0374-WaWar 0025-Cathe 0147-rally 0874- RRlyR 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0127-FDrac 0826-CandC 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0399-FDCHZ 0400-FDCBN 0488-Lastn 0212-ThuEg 0541-Tongi 0085-Furyd 0214-Crims 0614-Brita 0849-Tannh 0125-Conqu 0851-Mem44 0896-M44EF 0899- Mem44 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0295-Furyd 0222-AveCa 0890-LLBoH 0291-Dracu 0629-Awful 0797-Navia 0527-Risk2 0101-BQotS 0206-Navia 0585-SucVa 0123-Antik (asgelb) 0314-Bgfan : 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0374-WaWar 0025-Cathe 0147-rally 0874- RRlyR 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0826-CandC 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0399-FDCHZ 0400-FDCBN 0488-Lastn 0212-ThuEg 0541-Tongi 0085-Furyd 0214-Crims 0614-Brita 0849-Tannh 0125-Conqu 0851-Mem44 0896-M44EF 0899-Mem44 0906- BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0295-Furyd 0222-AveCa 0127-FDrac 0890-LLBoH 0291-Dracu 0629-Awful 0797-Navia 0527-Risk2 0206-Navia 0585-SucVa 0123-Antik 0101-BQotS (asgelb) 0315-DoA-1 : 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0374-WaWar 0025-Cathe 0147-rally 0874- RRlyR 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0127-FDrac 0826-CandC 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0399-FDCHZ 0400-FDCBN 0488-Lastn 0212-ThuEg 0541-Tongi 0085-Furyd 0214-Crims 0614-Brita 0849-Tannh 0125-Conqu 0851-Mem44 0896-M44EF 0899- Mem44 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0295-Furyd 0222-AveCa 0890-LLBoH 0291-Dracu 0629-Awful 0797-Navia 0527-Risk2 0206-Navia 0585-SucVa 0101-BQotS 0123-Antik (asgelb) 0316-AttkE : 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0374-WaWar 0025-Cathe 0147-rally 0874- RRlyR 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0826-CandC 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0399-FDCHZ 0400-FDCBN 0488-Lastn 0212-ThuEg 0541-Tongi 0085-Furyd 0214-Crims 0614-Brita 0849-Tannh 0125-Conqu 0851-Mem44 0896-M44EF 0899-Mem44 0906- BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0295-Furyd 0222-AveCa 0127-FDrac 0890-LLBoH 0291-Dracu 0629-Awful 0797-Navia 0527-Risk2 0206-Navia 0101-BQotS 0123-Antik (asgelb) 0317-BatMa : 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0374-WaWar 0214-Crims 0025-Cathe 0147- rally 0874-RRlyR 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0127-FDrac 0826-CandC 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0399-FDCHZ 0400-FDCBN 0488-Lastn 0212-ThuEg 0541-Tongi 0085-Furyd 0614-Brita 0849-Tannh 0125-Conqu 0851-Mem44 0896-M44EF 0899- Mem44 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0295-Furyd 0222-AveCa 0890-LLBoH 0291-Dracu 0797-Navia 0527-Risk2 0206-Navia 0123-Antik (asgelb) 0403-AAMin : 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0374-WaWar 0025-Cathe 0147-rally 0874- RRlyR 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0826-CandC 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0399-FDCHZ 0400-FDCBN 0488-Lastn 0212-ThuEg 0541-Tongi 0085-Furyd 0214-Crims 0614-Brita 0849-Tannh 0125-Conqu 0851-Mem44 0896-M44EF 0899-Mem44 0906- BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0295-Furyd 0222-AveCa 0127-FDrac 0890-LLBoH 0291-Dracu 0629-Awful 0797-Navia 0527-Risk2 0206-Navia 0101-BQotS 0585-SucVa 0123-Antik (Bagherra) 0253-DuneX : (Bagherra) 0254-MoVen : (beatposse) 0501-mache : 0197-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0890-LLBoH (beatposse) 0503-WoWCG : 0197-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0890-LLBoH 0378-AVicL 0842-FlyCo 0855-FlyCo 0697- Scara 0761-CSBoB 0686-GWaS2 (beatposse) 0504-sword : (beatposse) 0505-curse : (beatposse) 0507-Paths : (beatposse) 0509-Guilf : 0197-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0890-LLBoH 0378-AVicL 0842-FlyCo 0855-FlyCo (bharath) 0883-magna : 0703-BL-EE 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0906-BatLo 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0850- TajMa 0898-TI3rd 0849-Tannh 0886-AoSte (billsaints) 0234-Strug : 0365-Princ 0913-Mahar 0685-nostr 0871-citta 0040-Yspah 0558-Pillr ; 0627-Keyth 0187-ReefE 0939-Hansa 0085-Furyd (Blott) %ArkHor : 0668-ArkHo 0937-ArkHo (Blott) %Battl : 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo (Blott) %China : 0430-China 0657-China (Blott) %Cluzz : 0048-Cluzz 0049-Cluzz 0318-Cluzz 0319-Cluzz 0589-Cluzz (Blott) %DieMac : 0432-mache 0501-mache 0925-DMach (Blott) %HoiToi : 0195-HoiTy 0865-HoiTy (Blott) %HolBlo : 0200-Holly 0606-Holly (Blott) %Lifeb : 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb (Blott) %PowGri : 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid (Blott) %PueRic : 0423-PRico 0450-PRico 0508-PRico 0923-PRico (Blott) %Ra : 0021-Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0666-Ra-Ra (Blott) %RoboR : 0236-rally 0726-rally (Blott) %Thebes : 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe (Blott) %WotR : 0014-Wring 0860-Wring (Blott) 0326-Drags : 0905-StrCr %Thebes %PowGri %Cluzz 0367-Formu %HolBlo 0706-CutCa %Ra % China %Lifeb %DieMac 0269-Austr 0338-RtrnH 0278-epicd %Battl 0892-Notre 0607-WicWW 0772-DJitD %PueRic % WotR %ArkHor 0919-Tikal 0083-Wtdrw %HoiToi 0649-Torre 0190-TtRME %RoboR 0814-ToIrn 0730-TI3rd 0210-Pizza 0092-wishs 0796-NwEng 0186-WarKn 0341-Caylu 0365-Princ 0920-MrJac 0085-Furyd 0023-Hfish 0488-Lastn 0848- Bootl 0710-Quori 0160-Razzi (Blott) 0329-MystX : 0905-StrCr %Thebes %PowGri %Cluzz 0367-Formu %HolBlo 0706-CutCa %Ra % China %Lifeb %DieMac 0269-Austr 0338-RtrnH 0278-epicd %Battl 0892-Notre 0607-WicWW 0772-DJitD %PueRic % WotR %ArkHor 0919-Tikal 0083-Wtdrw %HoiToi 0649-Torre 0190-TtRME %RoboR 0814-ToIrn 0730-TI3rd 0210-Pizza 0092-wishs 0796-NwEng 0186-WarKn 0341-Caylu 0365-Princ 0920-MrJac 0085-Furyd 0023-Hfish 0488-Lastn 0848- Bootl 0710-Quori 0160-Razzi (Blott) 0331-Quizz : 0905-StrCr %Thebes %PowGri %Cluzz 0367-Formu %HolBlo 0706-CutCa %Ra % China %Lifeb %DieMac 0269-Austr 0338-RtrnH 0278-epicd %Battl 0892-Notre 0607-WicWW 0772-DJitD %PueRic % WotR %ArkHor 0919-Tikal 0083-Wtdrw %HoiToi 0649-Torre 0190-TtRME %RoboR 0814-ToIrn 0730-TI3rd 0210-Pizza 0092-wishs 0796-NwEng 0186-WarKn 0341-Caylu 0365-Princ 0920-MrJac 0085-Furyd 0023-Hfish 0488-Lastn 0848- Bootl 0710-Quori 0160-Razzi (Blott) 0332-Scatt : 0905-StrCr %Thebes %PowGri %Cluzz 0367-Formu %HolBlo 0706-CutCa %Ra % China %Lifeb %DieMac 0269-Austr 0338-RtrnH 0278-epicd %Battl 0892-Notre 0607-WicWW 0772-DJitD %PueRic % WotR %ArkHor 0919-Tikal 0083-Wtdrw %HoiToi 0649-Torre 0190-TtRME %RoboR 0814-ToIrn 0730-TI3rd 0210-Pizza 0092-wishs 0796-NwEng 0186-WarKn 0341-Caylu 0365-Princ 0920-MrJac 0085-Furyd 0023-Hfish 0488-Lastn 0848- Bootl 0710-Quori 0160-Razzi (Blott) 0333-ChPig : 0905-StrCr %Thebes %PowGri %Cluzz 0367-Formu %HolBlo 0706-CutCa %Ra % China %Lifeb %DieMac 0269-Austr 0338-RtrnH 0278-epicd %Battl 0892-Notre 0607-WicWW 0772-DJitD %PueRic % WotR %ArkHor 0919-Tikal 0083-Wtdrw %HoiToi 0649-Torre 0190-TtRME %RoboR 0814-ToIrn 0730-TI3rd 0210-Pizza 0092-wishs 0796-NwEng 0186-WarKn 0341-Caylu 0365-Princ 0920-MrJac 0085-Furyd 0023-Hfish 0488-Lastn 0848- Bootl 0710-Quori 0160-Razzi (Blott) 0334-GotYr : 0905-StrCr %Thebes %PowGri %Cluzz 0367-Formu %HolBlo 0706-CutCa %Ra % China %Lifeb %DieMac 0269-Austr 0338-RtrnH 0278-epicd %Battl 0892-Notre 0607-WicWW 0772-DJitD %PueRic % WotR %ArkHor 0919-Tikal 0083-Wtdrw %HoiToi 0649-Torre 0190-TtRME %RoboR 0814-ToIrn 0730-TI3rd 0210-Pizza 0092-wishs 0796-NwEng 0186-WarKn 0341-Caylu 0365-Princ 0920-MrJac 0085-Furyd 0023-Hfish 0488-Lastn 0848- Bootl 0710-Quori 0160-Razzi (BlueJackal) 0803-GoTSS : 0255-Wring 0860-Wring 0014-Wring (camustafa) 0598-BCWSE : 0905-StrCr 0129-raven 0245-Dream 0004-Thron 0613-Proph 0803-GoTSS 0378 -AVicL 0567-LostC 0585-SucVa 0350-Armad 0089-Stars (camustafa) 0599-TandE : 0905-StrCr 0803-GoTSS; 0245-Dream (camustafa) 0600-Bisma : 0905-StrCr 0245-Dream 0378-AVicL 0129-raven 0004-Thron 0613-Proph 0350- Armad (camustafa) 0601-Elfen : 0905-StrCr 0245-Dream 0129-raven 0613-Proph 0803-GoTSS 0378-AVicL 0567- LostC 0585-SucVa (ChevyR) %DunTwi : 0168-DunTw 0237-DunTw 0261-DunTw (ChevyR) %HoiToi : 0184-HoiTy 0195-HoiTy 0302-HoiTy 0419-HoiTy 0728-HoiTy 0775-HoiTy 0865- HoiTy (ChevyR) %Metro : 0090-Metro 0428-Metro (ChevyR) %Ra : 0021-Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0666-Ra-Ra (ChevyR) %TaE : 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE (ChevyR) %TE : 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE (ChevyR) %TtD : 0152-Throu 0577-Throu 0648-Throu (ChevyR) %VegSho : 0108-Vegas (ChevyR) %Z200TZ : 0115-Zertz 0462-Zertz 0557-Zertz (ChevyR) %Zombi : 0046-Zombi 0718-Zombi (ChevyR) 0617-AoEII : 0553-Walle 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0933-ElGra 0040 -Yspah 0187-ReefE 0767-CandC 0138-ElGra 0863-Samur 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop %TaE %Ra 0487-SoCam 0702-QNeck 0781-Hacie %TtD %Zombi 0542-Shear %HoiToi %Z200TZ %DunTwi 0226-TAMSK 0023-Hfish 0921-Ingen 0567-LostC 0387-FChip %Metro %VegSho 0657-China 0710-Quori 0027-Pizza (ChevyR) 0619-T-Rex : 0553-Walle 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0188-Pgrid 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0873 -Pgrid 0933-ElGra 0040-Yspah 0187-ReefE 0767-CandC 0138-ElGra 0863-Samur %TaE %Ra 0487-SoCam 0702-QNeck 0781-Hacie %TtD %Zombi 0542-Shear %HoiToi %Z200TZ %DunTwi 0226-TAMSK 0023-Hfish 0921-Ingen 0567-LostC 0387-FChip %Metro %VegSho 0657-China 0710-Quori 0027-Pizza (ChevyR) 0620-Kmake : 0553-Walle 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0933-ElGra 0040 -Yspah 0187-ReefE 0767-CandC 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop (ChevyR) 0624-DraDe : 0553-Walle 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0933-ElGra 0040 -Yspah 0187-ReefE 0767-CandC 0138-ElGra 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop %TaE %Ra 0487-SoCam 0781-Hacie %TtD (ChevyR) 0626-Ahock : 0553-Walle 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0933-ElGra 0040 -Yspah 0187-ReefE 0767-CandC 0138-ElGra 0863-Samur 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop %TaE %Ra 0487-SoCam 0702-QNeck 0781-Hacie %TtD %Zombi 0542-Shear %HoiToi %Z200TZ %DunTwi 0023-Hfish 0921-Ingen 0567-LostC 0387-FChip % Metro %VegSho (Chops) 0095-SJWay : 0221-Tali4 0643-BNMtA 0403-AAMin 0609-Tali4 0388-Romml 0703-BL-EE 0890- LLBoH 0849-Tannh 0328-LonBr 0169-House 0493-WoWFA 0374-WaWar 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0147-rally 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0809-HamrS 0644-HcrdO 0413-India (Chops) 0096-IRom2 : 0221-Tali4 0643-BNMtA 0403-AAMin 0609-Tali4 0388-Romml 0703-BL-EE 0890- LLBoH 0849-Tannh 0328-LonBr 0169-House 0493-WoWFA 0374-WaWar 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0147-rally 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0809-HamrS 0644-HcrdO 0413-India (Chops) 0097-Forta : 0403-AAMin 0493-WoWFA 0328-LonBr 0169-House 0374-WaWar 0767-CandC 0826- CandC 0147-rally 0809-HamrS 0644-HcrdO 0413-India (Chops) 0205-GTDiJ : 0221-Tali4 0643-BNMtA 0403-AAMin 0609-Tali4 0388-Romml 0703-BL-EE 0890- LLBoH 0849-Tannh 0328-LonBr 0169-House 0493-WoWFA 0374-WaWar 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0147-rally 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0809-HamrS 0644-HcrdO 0413-India (Chops) 0256-WW2ET : 0221-Tali4 0643-BNMtA 0403-AAMin 0609-Tali4 0388-Romml 0703-BL-EE 0890- LLBoH 0849-Tannh 0328-LonBr 0169-House 0493-WoWFA 0374-WaWar 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0147-rally 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0809-HamrS 0644-HcrdO 0413-India (Chops) 0257-SWccg : 0403-AAMin 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0147-rally 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0849- Tannh 0493-WoWFA 0388-Romml 0890-LLBoH 0169-House 0328-LonBr 0703-BL-EE 0643-BNMtA 0374-WaWar 0809-HamrS 0644-HcrdO 0413-India (Chops) 0502-LoRHd : 0183-MrJac 0388-Romml 0809-HamrS 0147-rally 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0493- WoWFA 0890-LLBoH 0169-House 0403-AAMin 0328-LonBr 0703-BL-EE 0643-BNMtA 0374-WaWar 0644-HcrdO 0413-India (Chops) 0641-Gargo : 0183-MrJac 0388-Romml 0809-HamrS 0147-rally 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0493- WoWFA 0890-LLBoH 0169-House 0403-AAMin 0328-LonBr 0703-BL-EE 0643-BNMtA 0374-WaWar 0644-HcrdO 0413-India (CinMel) 0655-Alexa : 0730-TI3rd 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0905-StrCr 0186-WarKn 0181-Byzan 0401 -Byzan 0417-Bwulf 0188-Pgrid 0921-Ingen 0201-Leodv 0122-Bmoon 0915-Khron 0226-TAMSK 0875-BMEBI 0115-Zertz 0409-Villa 0411-Tnova 0092-wishs 0685-nostr 0697-Scara (CinMel) 0656-Oasis : 0730-TI3rd 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0905-StrCr 0186-WarKn 0181-Byzan 0401 -Byzan 0417-Bwulf 0188-Pgrid 0921-Ingen 0201-Leodv 0122-Bmoon 0915-Khron 0226-TAMSK 0875-BMEBI 0115-Zertz 0409-Villa 0411-Tnova 0092-wishs 0685-nostr 0697-Scara (CinMel) 0657-China : 0730-TI3rd 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0905-StrCr 0186-WarKn 0181-Byzan 0401 -Byzan 0417-Bwulf 0188-Pgrid 0201-Leodv 0122-Bmoon 0915-Khron 0226-TAMSK 0875-BMEBI 0685-nostr (CinMel) 0658-Hansa : 0730-TI3rd 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0905-StrCr 0186-WarKn 0181-Byzan 0401 -Byzan 0188-Pgrid 0417-Bwulf 0201-Leodv 0122-Bmoon 0915-Khron 0226-TAMSK 0875-BMEBI 0685-nostr (CinMel) 0659-Domne : 0730-TI3rd 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0905-StrCr 0186-WarKn 0181-Byzan 0401 -Byzan (CinMel) 0661-ville : 0730-TI3rd 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0905-StrCr 0186-WarKn 0181-Byzan 0401 -Byzan 0417-Bwulf 0188-Pgrid 0921-Ingen 0201-Leodv 0122-Bmoon 0915-Khron 0226-TAMSK 0875-BMEBI 0115-Zertz 0409-Villa 0411-Tnova 0092-wishs 0697-Scara 0924-SJuan 0685-nostr 0533-Scara (CinMel) 0662-bardg : 0730-TI3rd 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0905-StrCr 0186-WarKn 0181-Byzan 0401 -Byzan 0417-Bwulf 0188-Pgrid 0921-Ingen 0201-Leodv 0122-Bmoon 0915-Khron 0226-TAMSK 0875-BMEBI 0115-Zertz 0409-Villa 0411-Tnova 0092-wishs 0685-nostr 0697-Scara (CinMel) 0663-Thing : 0730-TI3rd 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0905-StrCr 0186-WarKn 0181-Byzan 0401 -Byzan 0417-Bwulf 0188-Pgrid 0921-Ingen 0201-Leodv 0122-Bmoon 0915-Khron 0226-TAMSK 0875-BMEBI 0115-Zertz 0409-Villa 0411-Tnova 0092-wishs 0697-Scara 0924-SJuan 0685-nostr 0533-Scara (CinMel) 0665-E-TCG : 0730-TI3rd 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0905-StrCr 0186-WarKn 0181-Byzan 0401 -Byzan 0417-Bwulf 0188-Pgrid 0921-Ingen 0201-Leodv 0122-Bmoon 0915-Khron 0226-TAMSK 0875-BMEBI 0924-SJuan 0115-Zertz 0409-Villa 0411-Tnova 0092-wishs 0685-nostr 0697-Scara (CinMel) 0666-Ra-Ra : 0730-TI3rd 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0905-StrCr 0186-WarKn 0181-Byzan 0401 -Byzan 0417-Bwulf 0188-Pgrid 0201-Leodv 0122-Bmoon 0915-Khron 0226-TAMSK 0875-BMEBI 0685-nostr (cobbz20) 0506-HsRoV : 0941-BatLo 0906-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818- ToIrn 0575-Marvl 0905-StrCr 0673-Marvl 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0875-BMEBI (coolio) 0462-Zertz : 0031-GG150 0063-Tikal 0065-ElCab 0077-Niaga 0081-FDCU1 0093-Day50 0158 -ElCab 0190-TtRME 0207-Mem44 0235-Mem44 0278-epicd 0307-FDCSM 0380-HeroQ 0390-Acqui 0394-H-RvC 0399-FDCHZ 0456-Acqui 0498-GG160 0501-mache 0587-CosEn 0595-rally 0603-wcirc 0638-GG150 0674-Acqui 0678-BFeud 0688 -Acqui 0708-LoopL 0809-HamrS 0847-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0919-Tikal (coolio) 0463-Nacho : 0031-GG150 0055-GG100 0063-Tikal 0065-ElCab 0077-Niaga 0081-FDCU1 0093 -Day50 0158-ElCab 0160-Razzi 0190-TtRME 0207-Mem44 0235-Mem44 0278-epicd 0307-FDCSM 0380-HeroQ 0390-Acqui 0394-H-RvC 0399-FDCHZ 0456-Acqui 0498-GG160 0501-mache 0587-CosEn 0595-rally 0603-wcirc 0638-GG150 0674 -Acqui 0678-BFeud 0688-Acqui 0708-LoopL 0723-Mon-H 0809-HamrS 0847-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0895-PueRt 0919-Tikal (corvuscrx) 0587-CosEn : 0906-BatLo ; 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop ; 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo ; 0384-AmunR 0909-AmunR 0231-Domne 0659-Domne 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen ; 0803-GoTSS 0929-GoTSS ; 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd ; 0677-MagGr (crappyjacks) 0800-4Sale : 0906-BatLo 0001-Outpo ;; 0854-TtREu 0933-ElGra ; 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0934-ElGra 0394-H-RvC 0123-Antik 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0190- TtRME 0446-Battl 0788-Battl 0636-Sword 0125-Conqu 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0609-Tali4 0046-Zombi 0002-2038R (crappyjacks) 0944-SWmin : 0933-ElGra 0906-BatLo 0854-TtREu 0001-Outpo (cuzzle) 0898-TI3rd : 0813-RandB 0336-Antiq (dander53) %BatLin : 0233-BatLi 0150-BatLi (dander53) %BatMas : 0317-BatMa 0376-BatMa 0471-BatMa (dander53) %Brita : 0159-Brita 0614-Brita (dander53) %CaCA : 0767-CandC 0826-CandC (dander53) %HotS : 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS (dander53) %MrJac : 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac (dander53) %PotE : 0558-Pillr 0852-Pilla (dander53) %PTTSoHB : 0359-borgi 0652-borgi (dander53) %Unive : 0079-Unive 0080-Unive (dander53) %WotR : 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0860-Wring (dander53) 0684-DogeX : 0553-Walle 0880-HISta 0556-SfRom 0156-Onwar 0493-WoWFA 0636-Sword %CaCA 0667-BoKTM %Brita %MrJac 0234-Strug 0789-Civil 0588-Circm 0828-WW2BB %BatMas 0505-curse 0853-Wtdrw 0846- Imper 0504-sword 0169-House 0528-RBoCg 0207-Mem44 %PotE 0366-Endof 0373-WoWTB 0277-Cleop 0888-WilWr 0096- IRom2 (dander53) 0685-nostr : 0553-Walle 0880-HISta 0156-Onwar 0636-Sword 0616-Samur 0789-Civil 0831- SOS3E 0846-Imper 0373-WoWTB %WotR 0253-DuneX 0813-RandB 0906-BatLo 0336-Antiq (dander53) 0686-GWaS2 : 0553-Walle 0880-HISta 0556-SfRom 0156-Onwar 0493-WoWFA 0636-Sword %CaCA 0667-BoKTM 0616-Samur 0828-WW2BB 0831-SOS3E 0505-curse 0853-Wtdrw %HotS 0504-sword 0169-House 0528-RBoCg %WotR 0253-DuneX 0378-AVicL 0096-IRom2 (dander53) 0688-Acqui : 0553-Walle 0880-HISta 0556-SfRom 0156-Onwar 0493-WoWFA 0636-Sword %CaCA 0667-BoKTM %Brita %MrJac 0234-Strug 0789-Civil 0588-Circm 0846-Imper 0207-Mem44 0366-Endof 0373-WoWTB 0486-Wreck 0115-Zertz 0019-Credo (dander53) 0690-Ploug : 0553-Walle 0880-HISta 0556-SfRom 0156-Onwar 0493-WoWFA 0636-Sword 0667- BoKTM %Brita %MrJac 0234-Strug 0789-Civil 0588-Circm 0846-Imper 0169-House %PTTSoHB %PotE 0187-ReefE 0366 -Endof 0373-WoWTB 0486-Wreck 0115-Zertz 0517-Attik 0277-Cleop 0129-raven 0356-Kahun 0112-Peace 0096-IRom2 0058-magna 0108-Vegas 0131-Bword (dander53) 0691-Y-Prk : 0553-Walle 0880-HISta 0556-SfRom 0156-Onwar 0493-WoWFA 0636-Sword %CaCA 0667-BoKTM %Brita %MrJac 0234-Strug 0789-Civil %BatMas 0846-Imper %PTTSoHB %PotE 0187-ReefE 0486-Wreck 0019-Credo 0813-RandB 0517-Attik 0277-Cleop 0058-magna (dander53) 0693-AGBoH : 0553-Walle 0880-HISta 0556-SfRom 0156-Onwar 0493-WoWFA 0636-Sword %CaCA 0616-Samur 0828-WW2BB 0831-SOS3E 0505-curse 0853-Wtdrw 0504-sword 0528-RBoCg 0207-Mem44 0366-Endof 0855- FlyCo (dander53) 0694-Als19 : 0553-Walle 0880-HISta 0556-SfRom 0156-Onwar 0493-WoWFA 0636-Sword %CaCA 0616-Samur %MrJac 0588-Circm 0828-WW2BB 0831-SOS3E %BatMas 0505-curse 0853-Wtdrw %HotS %PTTSoHB 0528-RBoCg 0888-WilWr 0378-AVicL 0855-FlyCo (dander53) 0695-RoRch : 0553-Walle 0880-HISta 0556-SfRom 0156-Onwar 0493-WoWFA %CaCA %Brita 0616-Samur 0588-Circm 0828-WW2BB %BatMas 0505-curse 0853-Wtdrw %HotS 0504-sword 0169-House 0528-RBoCg 0207-Mem44 0888-WilWr (dander53) 0696-Cross : 0553-Walle 0880-HISta 0556-SfRom 0156-Onwar 0493-WoWFA 0636-Sword 0667- BoKTM %Brita %MrJac 0234-Strug 0789-Civil 0588-Circm %BatMas %PTTSoHB %PotE 0187-ReefE 0366-Endof 0373- WoWTB 0486-Wreck 0115-Zertz 0019-Credo 0517-Attik 0129-raven 0356-Kahun 0112-Peace 0096-IRom2 0058-magna 0108-Vegas 0131-Bword (dander53) 0697-Scara : 0553-Walle 0880-HISta 0556-SfRom 0156-Onwar 0493-WoWFA 0636-Sword %CaCA 0789-Civil %BatMas %HotS 0846-Imper %PotE 0187-ReefE 0373-WoWTB %WotR 0253-DuneX 0813-RandB 0517-Attik 0277-Cleop (dander53) 0704-D-Fox : 0553-Walle 0880-HISta 0556-SfRom 0156-Onwar 0493-WoWFA 0636-Sword %CaCA 0667-BoKTM 0616-Samur 0588-Circm 0828-WW2BB 0831-SOS3E 0505-curse 0853-Wtdrw %HotS 0504-sword 0169-House 0207-Mem44 (dander53) 0762-KingB : 0553-Walle 0880-HISta 0556-SfRom 0156-Onwar 0493-WoWFA 0667-BoKTM %Brita %MrJac 0234-Strug %BatMas 0846-Imper %PTTSoHB %PotE 0187-ReefE 0486-Wreck 0115-Zertz 0019-Credo 0129-raven 0356-Kahun 0112-Peace 0108-Vegas %BatLin 0800-4Sale 0056-Gloom 0515-GeneP 0348-LigDD %Unive (dander53) 0764-InscR : 0553-Walle 0880-HISta 0556-SfRom %MrJac 0789-Civil %PTTSoHB 0187-ReefE 0486-Wreck 0115-Zertz 0019-Credo 0129-raven 0356-Kahun 0112-Peace 0131-Bword %BatLin 0800-4Sale 0056-Gloom 0515-GeneP 0348-LigDD %Unive (dander53) 0765-GWiEu : 0553-Walle 0880-HISta 0556-SfRom 0156-Onwar 0493-WoWFA %CaCA %Brita 0616-Samur 0234-Strug 0588-Circm 0828-WW2BB 0831-SOS3E %BatMas 0505-curse 0853-Wtdrw %HotS 0504-sword 0169-House %PTTSoHB 0528-RBoCg 0366-Endof 0888-WilWr 0378-AVicL (dander53) 0766-GoAug : 0553-Walle 0880-HISta 0556-SfRom 0156-Onwar 0493-WoWFA 0636-Sword %CaCA 0667-BoKTM %Brita 0616-Samur 0234-Strug 0828-WW2BB 0831-SOS3E 0505-curse 0853-Wtdrw %HotS 0504-sword 0169 -House 0528-RBoCg 0207-Mem44 0378-AVicL (dander53) 0814-ToIrn : 0553-Walle 0880-HISta 0636-Sword 0667-BoKTM 0616-Samur 0831-SOS3E %WotR 0253-DuneX 0813-RandB 0906-BatLo 0336-Antiq (davidchujr) 0893-EWftT : 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0860-Wring (davido) %Acqui : 0390-Acqui 0456-Acqui 0674-Acqui 0688-Acqui 0753-Acqui 0816-Acqui 0847-Acqui (davido) %CatSoA : 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop (davido) %Dune : 0177-DuneX 0253-DuneX (davido) %MarNos : 0672-nostr 0685-nostr (davido) %MrJac : 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac (davido) %TI3E : 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd (davido) %ToI : 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn (davido) 0604-CEEE1 : 0875-BMEBI 0941-BatLo 0906-BatLo 0008-Up-Fr 0611-MoVen 0813-RandB 0336- Antiq %TI3E %Dune %Acqui %ToI 0254-MoVen 0880-HISta 0789-Civil 0943-Satrn 0859-Seren (davido) 0605-HdRng : 0875-BMEBI 0813-RandB 0336-Antiq (davido) 0606-Holly : 0875-BMEBI 0941-BatLo 0906-BatLo 0008-Up-Fr 0611-MoVen 0813-RandB 0336 -Antiq %TI3E %Dune %Acqui %ToI 0254-MoVen 0880-HISta 0789-Civil 0943-Satrn 0495-Vampe 0384-AmunR %MrJac 0122-Bmoon 0752-Netru 0891-80day 0156-Onwar 0616-Samur 0290-Samur 0299-Fires 0859-Seren 0871-citta 0850 -TajMa 0040-Yspah 0063-Tikal 0187-ReefE 0892-Notre 0926-Thurn 0229-Santi 0477-Gheos 0596-realm 0867- realm 0542-Shear 0588-Circm %CatSoA 0347-Fresh 0365-Princ 0559-PnzrL 0129-raven 0913-Mahar (davido) 0608-Vegas : 0875-BMEBI 0941-BatLo 0906-BatLo 0008-Up-Fr 0611-MoVen 0813-RandB 0336 -Antiq %TI3E %Dune %Acqui %ToI 0254-MoVen 0880-HISta 0789-Civil 0943-Satrn 0495-Vampe 0384-AmunR %MrJac 0122-Bmoon 0299-Fires 0891-80day 0156-Onwar 0616-Samur 0290-Samur 0752-Netru 0859-Seren 0871-citta 0850- TajMa 0040-Yspah 0063-Tikal 0187-ReefE 0892-Notre 0926-Thurn 0229-Santi 0477-Gheos 0596-realm 0867-realm 0542-Shear 0588-Circm %CatSoA 0347-Fresh 0365-Princ 0559-PnzrL 0129-raven 0913-Mahar (dcorban) %CAYLUS : 0341-Caylu 0928-Caylu (dcorban) 0468-Kingm : 0394-H-RvC 0278-epicd %CAYLUS (dcorban) 0469-babel : 0394-H-RvC 0278-epicd %CAYLUS (dcorban) 0470-NwEng : 0394-H-RvC 0278-epicd %CAYLUS (dcorban) 0472-Caylu : 0394-H-RvC 0278-epicd (dcorban) 0473-Lifeb : 0394-H-RvC 0278-epicd %CAYLUS (dcorban) 0475-NoTha : 0394-H-RvC 0278-epicd %CAYLUS (dcorban) 0476-Silkr : 0394-H-RvC 0278-epicd %CAYLUS (dcorban) 0477-Gheos : 0394-H-RvC 0278-epicd %CAYLUS (degamer) %AmunRe : (degamer) %BatLin : (degamer) %BatMas : 0317-BatMa 0376-BatMa 0471-BatMa (degamer) %Battl : (degamer) %BFINY : (degamer) %BQotS : (degamer) %Brita : 0159-Brita 0614-Brita (degamer) %CaCA : 0826-CandC 0853-Wtdrw (degamer) %CatSoA : (degamer) %DieMac : 0501-mache 0432-mache 0925-DMach (degamer) %ElCab : (degamer) %ElGra : 0933-ElGra 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra (degamer) %GoTAASo : (degamer) %Hive : 0705-HiveX 0582-HiveX (degamer) %HotS : 0885-HamrS 0809-HamrS (degamer) %Lifeb : 0473-Lifeb 0039-Lifeb (degamer) %MoV : (degamer) %MrJac : (degamer) %PoG : 0770-Paths 0507-Paths (degamer) %PotR : (degamer) %PowGri : 0873-Pgrid 0188-Pgrid (degamer) %RoboR : 0147-rally 0258-rally 0595-rally (degamer) %SanJua : 0402-Sjuan 0143-Sjuan 0230-Sjuan (degamer) %TaE : (degamer) %TI3E : (degamer) %Tikal : (degamer) %ToI : 0818-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0197-ToIrn (degamer) %Torres : (degamer) %WarKni : (degamer) %WotR : 0860-Wring 0014-Wring 0255-Wring (degamer) 0654-BoxIt : 0001-Outpo 0805-RoRom 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0789-Civil 0336-Antiq 0813- RandB 0906-BatLo 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0504-sword 0772-DJitD 0818-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0905-StrCr 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0388-Romml 0875-BMEBI 0534-UtLBn 0596-realm 0197-ToIrn 0941-BatLo 0880-HISta 0156-Onwar 0604- CEEE1 0553-Walle 0860-Wring 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0122-Bmoon 0693-AGBoH 0933-ElGra 0846-Imper 0493-WoWFA 0873-Pgrid 0885-HamrS 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0147-rally 0258-rally 0803-GoTSS 0929-GoTSS 0378-AVicL 0394-H -RvC 0125-Conqu 0473-Lifeb 0039-Lifeb 0501-mache 0432-mache 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0188-Pgrid 0951-BatLo 0925-DMach 0809-HamrS 0770-Paths 0507-Paths 0890-LLBoH 0826-CandC 0678-BFeud 0042-BFeud 0901-AVTac 0920- MrJac 0183-MrJac 0843-WarKn 0186-WarKn 0153-aGoTh 0487-SoCam 0921-Ingen 0384-AmunR 0365-Princ 0229-Santi 0377-zavan 0909-AmunR 0556-SfRom 0402-Sjuan 0871-citta 0338-RtrnH 0587-CosEn 0621-Funny 0699-MdArt 0935- SqdLd 0615-Wking 0101-BQotS 0477-Gheos 0317-BatMa 0376-BatMa 0471-BatMa 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0930-TandE 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0913-Mahar 0558-Pillr 0705-HiveX 0430-China 0582-HiveX 0040- Yspah 0281-Bloku 0063-Tikal 0919-Tikal 0676-Antik 0099-Torre 0228-Torre 0649-Torre 0167-RtrnH 0436-RtrnH 0489-RtrnH 0630-BQotS 0800-4Sale 0347-Fresh 0437-under 0065-ElCab 0158-ElCab 0150-BatLi 0233-BatLi 0567- LostC 0008-Up-Fr 0287-Kmake 0595-rally 0464-EWftT 0585-SucVa 0230-Sjuan 0120-Siena 0270-TikiM 0031-GG150 0498-GG160 (degamer) 0660-BoxIt : 0001-Outpo 0805-RoRom 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0789-Civil 0336-Antiq 0813- RandB 0906-BatLo 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0504-sword 0772-DJitD 0818-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0905-StrCr 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0388-Romml 0875-BMEBI 0534-UtLBn 0596-realm 0197-ToIrn 0941-BatLo 0880-HISta 0156-Onwar 0604- CEEE1 0553-Walle 0860-Wring 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0122-Bmoon 0693-AGBoH 0933-ElGra 0846-Imper 0493-WoWFA 0873-Pgrid 0885-HamrS 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0147-rally 0258-rally 0803-GoTSS 0929-GoTSS 0378-AVicL 0394-H -RvC 0125-Conqu 0473-Lifeb 0039-Lifeb 0501-mache 0432-mache 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0188-Pgrid 0951-BatLo 0925-DMach 0809-HamrS 0770-Paths 0507-Paths 0890-LLBoH 0826-CandC 0678-BFeud 0042-BFeud 0901-AVTac 0183- MrJac 0843-WarKn 0186-WarKn 0153-aGoTh 0487-SoCam 0921-Ingen 0384-AmunR 0365-Princ 0229-Santi 0377-zavan 0909-AmunR 0556-SfRom 0402-Sjuan 0871-citta 0338-RtrnH 0587-CosEn 0621-Funny 0699-MdArt 0935-SqdLd 0615- Wking 0101-BQotS 0477-Gheos 0317-BatMa 0376-BatMa 0471-BatMa 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0930-TandE 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0913-Mahar 0558-Pillr 0705-HiveX 0430-China 0582-HiveX 0040-Yspah 0281- Bloku 0063-Tikal 0919-Tikal 0676-Antik 0099-Torre 0228-Torre 0649-Torre 0167-RtrnH 0436-RtrnH 0489-RtrnH 0630-BQotS 0800-4Sale 0347-Fresh 0437-under 0065-ElCab 0158-ElCab 0150-BatLi 0233-BatLi 0567-LostC 0008- Up-Fr 0287-Kmake 0595-rally 0464-EWftT 0585-SucVa 0230-Sjuan 0120-Siena 0270-TikiM 0031-GG150 0498-GG160 (degamer) 0664-O-Mep : 0001-Outpo 0805-RoRom 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0789-Civil 0336-Antiq 0813- RandB 0906-BatLo 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0504-sword 0772-DJitD 0818-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0905-StrCr 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0388-Romml 0875-BMEBI 0534-UtLBn 0596-realm 0197-ToIrn 0941-BatLo 0880-HISta 0156-Onwar 0604- CEEE1 0553-Walle 0860-Wring 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0122-Bmoon 0693-AGBoH 0933-ElGra 0846-Imper 0493-WoWFA 0873-Pgrid 0885-HamrS 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0147-rally 0258-rally 0803-GoTSS 0929-GoTSS 0378-AVicL 0394-H -RvC 0125-Conqu 0473-Lifeb 0039-Lifeb 0501-mache 0432-mache 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0188-Pgrid 0951-BatLo 0925-DMach 0809-HamrS 0770-Paths 0507-Paths 0890-LLBoH 0826-CandC 0678-BFeud 0901-AVTac 0920-MrJac 0843- WarKn 0153-aGoTh 0487-SoCam 0921-Ingen 0384-AmunR 0365-Princ 0229-Santi 0377-zavan 0909-AmunR 0402-Sjuan 0871-citta 0338-RtrnH 0587-CosEn 0699-MdArt 0935-SqdLd 0615-Wking 0317-BatMa 0376-BatMa 0471-BatMa 0060- TandE 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0930-TandE 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0913-Mahar 0919-Tikal 0287-Kmake 0595-rally 0585-SucVa (degamer) 0667-BoKTM : 0001-Outpo 0805-RoRom 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0789-Civil 0336-Antiq 0813- RandB 0906-BatLo 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0504-sword 0772-DJitD 0818-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0905-StrCr 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0388-Romml 0875-BMEBI 0534-UtLBn 0596-realm 0197-ToIrn 0941-BatLo 0880-HISta 0156-Onwar 0604- CEEE1 0553-Walle 0860-Wring 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0122-Bmoon 0693-AGBoH 0933-ElGra 0846-Imper 0493-WoWFA 0873-Pgrid 0885-HamrS 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0147-rally 0258-rally 0803-GoTSS 0929-GoTSS 0378-AVicL 0394-H -RvC 0125-Conqu 0473-Lifeb 0039-Lifeb 0501-mache 0432-mache 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0188-Pgrid 0951-BatLo 0925-DMach 0809-HamrS 0770-Paths 0507-Paths 0826-CandC 0678-BFeud 0901-AVTac 0920-MrJac 0843-WarKn 0487- SoCam 0921-Ingen 0384-AmunR 0365-Princ 0229-Santi 0377-zavan 0402-Sjuan 0871-citta 0338-RtrnH 0699-MdArt 0935-SqdLd 0615-Wking 0101-BQotS 0477-Gheos 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0930-TandE 0277- Cleop 0942-Cleop 0913-Mahar 0430-China 0063-Tikal 0008-Up-Fr 0287-Kmake 0464-EWftT 0585-SucVa (degamer) 0668-ArkHo : 0001-Outpo 0805-RoRom 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0789-Civil 0336-Antiq 0813- RandB 0906-BatLo 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0504-sword 0772-DJitD 0818-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0905-StrCr 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0388-Romml 0875-BMEBI 0534-UtLBn 0596-realm 0197-ToIrn 0941-BatLo 0880-HISta 0156-Onwar 0553- Walle 0860-Wring 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0122-Bmoon 0693-AGBoH 0933-ElGra 0846-Imper 0493-WoWFA 0885-HamrS 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0378-AVicL 0125-Conqu 0501-mache (degamer) 0669-Genoa : 0001-Outpo 0805-RoRom 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0789-Civil 0336-Antiq 0813- RandB 0906-BatLo 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0504-sword 0772-DJitD 0818-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0905-StrCr 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0388-Romml 0875-BMEBI 0534-UtLBn 0596-realm 0197-ToIrn 0941-BatLo 0880-HISta 0156-Onwar 0553- Walle 0860-Wring 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0122-Bmoon 0693-AGBoH 0933-ElGra 0846-Imper 0493-WoWFA 0873-Pgrid 0885-HamrS 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0147-rally 0803-GoTSS 0378-AVicL 0394-H-RvC 0125-Conqu 0473-Lifeb 0039- Lifeb 0501-mache 0432-mache 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0188-Pgrid 0951-BatLo 0925-DMach 0809-HamrS 0770-Paths 0507-Paths 0826-CandC 0678-BFeud 0920-MrJac 0843-WarKn 0487-SoCam 0921-Ingen 0384-AmunR 0365-Princ 0229- Santi 0377-zavan 0402-Sjuan 0871-citta 0338-RtrnH 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0930-TandE 0040-Yspah 0063-Tikal (degamer) 0670-Attac : 0001-Outpo 0805-RoRom 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0789-Civil 0336-Antiq 0813- RandB 0906-BatLo 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0504-sword 0772-DJitD 0818-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0905-StrCr 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0388-Romml 0875-BMEBI 0534-UtLBn 0596-realm 0197-ToIrn 0941-BatLo 0880-HISta 0156-Onwar 0553- Walle 0860-Wring 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0693-AGBoH 0933-ElGra 0846-Imper 0493-WoWFA 0885-HamrS 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0147-rally 0125-Conqu (degamer) 0672-nostr : 0001-Outpo 0805-RoRom 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0789-Civil 0336-Antiq 0813- RandB 0906-BatLo 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0504-sword 0772-DJitD 0818-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0905-StrCr 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0388-Romml 0875-BMEBI 0534-UtLBn 0596-realm 0197-ToIrn 0941-BatLo 0880-HISta 0156-Onwar 0553- Walle 0860-Wring 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0693-AGBoH 0846-Imper 0493-WoWFA 0885-HamrS 0125-Conqu (degamer) 0712-O-DVD : 0001-Outpo 0805-RoRom 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0789-Civil 0336-Antiq 0813- RandB 0906-BatLo 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0504-sword 0772-DJitD 0818-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0905-StrCr 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0388-Romml 0875-BMEBI 0534-UtLBn 0596-realm 0197-ToIrn 0941-BatLo 0880-HISta 0156-Onwar 0604- CEEE1 0553-Walle 0860-Wring 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0122-Bmoon 0693-AGBoH 0933-ElGra 0846-Imper 0493-WoWFA 0873-Pgrid 0885-HamrS 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0147-rally 0258-rally 0803-GoTSS 0125-Conqu 0473-Lifeb 0039- Lifeb 0501-mache 0432-mache 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0188-Pgrid 0951-BatLo 0925-DMach 0809-HamrS 0770-Paths 0507-Paths 0826-CandC 0678-BFeud 0183-MrJac 0843-WarKn 0871-citta (derekjinx) 0903-PueRt : 0905-StrCr 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn (derekjinx) 0904-Antik : 0610-Thebe 0898-TI3rd 0802-Thebe 0730-TI3rd (derekwchau) 0869-ShadE : 0280-catan 0685-nostr 0672-nostr 0367-Formu 0871-citta 0564-LostV 0365-Princ 0182-Formu 0865-HoiTy 0195-HoiTy 0861-HoiTy 0891-80day 0201-Leodv 0230-Sjuan 0501-mache 0188 -Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0138-ElGra 0854-TtREu 0098-TtREu 0508-PRico 0450-PRico 0423-PRico 0452-Seaf5 0064-Myker 0347-Fresh (disclamer) 0887-JvThe : 0906-BatLo 0336-Antiq 0493-WoWFA (djbrickhaus) 0787-AoMTB : 0307-FDCSM (djbrickhaus) 0788-Battl : (djbrickhaus) 0789-Civil : (djbrickhaus) 0791-Everg : 0307-FDCSM 0613-Proph 0621-Funny 0400-FDCBN 0081-FDCU1 0437-under 0399- FDCHZ 0193-tToJH 0727-CoMag 0323-Hclix 0339-HsSHA 0321-HsAoM 0438-M-M-M (djbrickhaus) 0793-Ftriv : 0307-FDCSM 0613-Proph 0621-Funny 0400-FDCBN 0081-FDCU1 0437-under 0399- FDCHZ 0193-tToJH 0727-CoMag 0323-Hclix 0339-HsSHA 0321-HsAoM 0438-M-M-M (djbrickhaus) 0795-Mutny : 0307-FDCSM 0613-Proph 0621-Funny 0400-FDCBN 0081-FDCU1 0437-under 0399- FDCHZ 0193-tToJH 0727-CoMag 0323-Hclix 0339-HsSHA 0321-HsAoM 0438-M-M-M (djbrickhaus) 0796-NwEng : 0307-FDCSM 0613-Proph 0621-Funny 0400-FDCBN 0081-FDCU1 0437-under 0399- FDCHZ 0193-tToJH 0727-CoMag 0323-Hclix (djbrickhaus) 0798-Wking : (DrChek) %Battl : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0275-BL-EE 0703-BL-EE (DrChek) %BEE : (DrChek) %Blokus : 0281-Bloku 0412-Bloku (DrChek) %CatSoA : 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop (DrChek) %Caylus : 0341-Caylu 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0914-Caylu 0936-Caylu (DrChek) %CMC : 0058-magna 0151-magna 0490-magna 0883-magna 0907-magna (DrChek) %MrJac : 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac (DrChek) %PoG : 0507-Paths 0770-Paths (DrChek) %TaE : 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0930-TandE (DrChek) %Tikal : 0063-Tikal 0919-Tikal (DrChek) %Torres : 0099-Torre 0228-Torre 0649-Torre 0938-Torre (DrChek) 0056-Gloom : %TaE %Caylus 0871-citta 0040-Yspah %Battl %Tikal 0187-ReefE %MrJac 0892-Notre 0921-Ingen 0023-Hfish %Torres 0201-Leodv %CatSoA %Blokus 0493-WoWFA %PoG %CMC 0477-Gheos 0077 -Niaga 0388-Romml 0625-RomaX 0859-Seren 0642-SoCCG 0378-AVicL 0771-HtHYW 0185-EnENH 0409-Villa 0260-Dynas 0169-House 0927-BLGMS 0082-Wtdrw 0400-FDCBN 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0272-WoWRP 0679-Thief 0399-FDCHZ 0120 -Siena 0247-Wtdrw 0917-PGBCE 0665-E-TCG (DrChek) 0057-Vegas : %TaE %Caylus 0871-citta 0040-Yspah %Battl %Tikal 0187-ReefE %MrJac 0892-Notre 0921-Ingen 0023-Hfish %Torres 0201-Leodv %CatSoA %Blokus 0493-WoWFA %PoG %CMC 0477-Gheos 0077 -Niaga 0388-Romml 0625-RomaX 0859-Seren 0642-SoCCG 0378-AVicL 0771-HtHYW 0185-EnENH 0409-Villa 0260-Dynas 0169-House 0927-BLGMS 0082-Wtdrw 0400-FDCBN 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0272-WoWRP 0679-Thief 0399-FDCHZ 0120 -Siena 0247-Wtdrw (DrChek) 0059-Vegas : %TaE %Caylus 0871-citta 0040-Yspah %Battl %Tikal 0187-ReefE %MrJac 0892-Notre 0921-Ingen 0023-Hfish %Torres 0201-Leodv %CatSoA %Blokus 0493-WoWFA %PoG %CMC 0477-Gheos 0077 -Niaga 0388-Romml 0625-RomaX 0859-Seren 0642-SoCCG 0378-AVicL 0771-HtHYW 0185-EnENH 0409-Villa 0260-Dynas 0169-House 0927-BLGMS 0082-Wtdrw 0400-FDCBN 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0272-WoWRP 0679-Thief 0399-FDCHZ 0120 -Siena 0247-Wtdrw (dreadpirate) %Battl : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo (dreadpirate) %LdV : 0159-Brita 0614-Brita (dreadpirate) %RoboR : 0147-rally 0258-rally (dreadpirate) %ToI : 0341-Caylu 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0936-Caylu (dreadpirate) 0202-GHorS : 0336-Antiq 0905-StrCr 0001-Outpo 0875-BMEBI 0871-citta 0558-Pillr 0813- RandB 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0488-Lastn 0174-magic 0757-magic 0873-Pgrid 0862-ElGra 0860-Wring 0811-Wtdrw 0914-Caylu 0928-Caylu 0394-H-RvC 0040-Yspah %Battl 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0892-Notre 0904-Antik 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0774-PSoup 0564-LostV 0366-Endof 0611-MoVen 0078-elasu 0034-Canal 0874-RRlyR 0347-Fresh 0269- Austr 0542-Shear 0796-NwEng 0175-magic 0740-magic 0744-magic 0746-magic 0706-CutCa 0209-EtCet 0820-18FLR 0937-ArkHo 0909-AmunR 0846-Imper %RoboR 0921-Ingen 0926-Thurn 0229-Santi %ToI 0881-PoRen 0913-Mahar 0351- Attik %LdV 0201-Leodv 0658-Hansa 0480-queen 0469-babel 0171-NwEng 0470-NwEng 0933-ElGra 0553-Walle 0177- DuneX 0810-DuneX 0919-Tikal 0023-Hfish 0957-PoRen 0938-Torre 0940-SpDlr 0939-Hansa 0039-Lifeb 0575-Marvl 0673-Marvl 0636-Sword 0789-Civil 0869-ShadE 0911-1856R 0538-shang 0912-1870R 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0948- 18EUR 0949-1846R 0006-TimeA 0644-HcrdO 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0945-18Mex 0950-18FLR 0954-1832R 0007-GG101 0031-GG150 0055-GG100 0498-GG160 0574-GG100 0631-GG100 0638-GG150 0908-DooRW 0946-18USR 0955-1850R 0396- LomZo (dreadpirate) 0203-WoWCG : 0336-Antiq 0905-StrCr 0001-Outpo 0875-BMEBI 0871-citta 0558-Pillr 0813- RandB 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0488-Lastn 0174-magic 0757-magic 0873-Pgrid 0862-ElGra 0860-Wring 0811-Wtdrw 0914-Caylu 0928-Caylu 0394-H-RvC 0040-Yspah %Battl 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0892-Notre 0904-Antik 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0774-PSoup 0564-LostV 0366-Endof 0611-MoVen 0078-elasu 0034-Canal 0874-RRlyR 0347-Fresh 0269- Austr 0542-Shear 0796-NwEng 0175-magic 0740-magic 0744-magic 0746-magic 0706-CutCa 0209-EtCet 0820-18FLR (dreadpirate) 0206-Navia : 0336-Antiq 0905-StrCr 0001-Outpo 0875-BMEBI (dreadpirate) 0579-Whfan : 0336-Antiq (dreadpirate) 0776-Whfan : 0336-Antiq 0905-StrCr 0001-Outpo 0875-BMEBI 0871-citta 0558-Pillr 0813- RandB 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0488-Lastn 0174-magic 0757-magic 0873-Pgrid 0862-ElGra 0860-Wring 0811-Wtdrw 0914-Caylu 0928-Caylu 0394-H-RvC 0040-Yspah %Battl 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0892-Notre 0904-Antik 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0774-PSoup 0564-LostV 0366-Endof 0611-MoVen 0078-elasu 0034-Canal 0874-RRlyR 0347-Fresh 0269- Austr 0542-Shear 0796-NwEng 0175-magic 0740-magic 0744-magic 0746-magic 0706-CutCa 0209-EtCet 0820-18FLR 0937-ArkHo 0909-AmunR 0846-Imper %RoboR 0921-Ingen 0926-Thurn 0229-Santi %ToI 0881-PoRen 0913-Mahar 0351- Attik %LdV 0201-Leodv 0658-Hansa 0480-queen 0469-babel 0171-NwEng 0470-NwEng (dreadpirate) 0783-Whfan : 0336-Antiq 0905-StrCr 0001-Outpo 0875-BMEBI 0871-citta 0558-Pillr 0813- RandB 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0488-Lastn 0174-magic 0757-magic (dreadpirate) 0876-Pilla : 0336-Antiq 0905-StrCr 0001-Outpo 0875-BMEBI 0871-citta 0558-Pillr 0813- RandB 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0488-Lastn (DrFlanagan) %Stonewall : 0095-SJWay 0807-SJWay (DrFlanagan) 0737-ETEas : %Stonewall 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0399-FDCHZ 0400-FDCBN (DrFlanagan) 0738-BinIT : %Stonewall 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0399-FDCHZ 0400-FDCBN (DrFlanagan) 0739-Calex : %Stonewall 0636-Sword 0882-BTech 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0399-FDCHZ 0400- FDCBN (DrFlanagan) 0741-EoChi : 0882-BTech 0727-CoMag 0009-AArul 0019-Credo 0177-DuneX 0762-KingB 0344- MagFM 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0399-FDCHZ 0400-FDCBN (DrFlanagan) 0742-MCFaW : (DrFlanagan) 0743-Trire : %Stonewall 0530-AdvSL 0636-Sword 0882-BTech 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0399- FDCHZ 0400-FDCBN (DrFlanagan) 0745-Tobrk : %Stonewall 0530-AdvSL 0636-Sword 0882-BTech 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0399- FDCHZ 0400-FDCBN (drsheep) 0848-Bootl : 0400-FDCBN 0399-FDCHZ 0081-FDCU1 0601-Elfen 0135-Elfen 0933-ElGra 0862- ElGra 0138-ElGra 0450-PRico 0423-PRico 0847-Acqui ; 0077-Niaga (drsheep) 0849-Tannh : 0307-FDCSM 0873-Pgrid 0390-Acqui 0874-RRlyR 0508-PRico ; 0933-ElGra (edosan) 0569-Ann14: 0040-Yspah 0163-SamGr 0338-RtrnH 0507-Paths 0546-Arkad 0553-Walle 0588- Circm 0770-Paths 0886-AoSte 0927-BLGMS 0941-BatLo (edosan) 0570-Black: 0040-Yspah 0163-SamGr 0338-RtrnH 0507-Paths 0546-Arkad 0553-Walle 0588- Circm 0770-Paths 0886-AoSte 0927-BLGMS 0941-BatLo (edosan) 0571-Coodj: 0040-Yspah 0163-SamGr 0338-RtrnH 0507-Paths 0546-Arkad 0553-Walle 0588- Circm 0770-Paths 0886-AoSte 0927-BLGMS 0941-BatLo (edosan) 0572-Pbomb: 0040-Yspah 0163-SamGr 0338-RtrnH 0507-Paths 0546-Arkad 0553-Walle 0588- Circm 0770-Paths 0886-AoSte 0927-BLGMS 0941-BatLo (edosan) 0573-25WoL: 0040-Yspah 0163-SamGr 0338-RtrnH 0507-Paths 0546-Arkad 0553-Walle 0588- Circm 0770-Paths 0886-AoSte 0927-BLGMS 0941-BatLo (edosan) 0574-GG100: 0015-Bgfan 0031-GG150 0040-Yspah 0163-SamGr 0338-RtrnH 0445-Bgfan 0498- GG160 0507-Paths 0546-Arkad 0553-Walle 0588-Circm 0638-GG150 0770-Paths 0886-AoSte 0927-BLGMS 0941-BatLo (eknauer) 0915-Khron : 0943-Satrn 0957-PoRen 0881-PoRen (emeraldhunter) 0265-Gueri : 0813-RandB (emeraldhunter) 0266-Shell : 0813-RandB (emeraldhunter) 0267-Napol : 0813-RandB 0685-nostr (emeraldhunter) 0268-Trans : 0813-RandB 0685-nostr 0925-DMach 0045-Furyd (emeraldhunter) 0269-Austr : 0813-RandB 0685-nostr 0925-DMach (Ender667) 0382-TandE : 0905-StrCr 0488-Lastn 0186-WarKn 0843-WarKn 0849-Tannh 0810-DuneX 0253- DuneX (ericfaris) 0884-Bootl : 0365-Princ 0553-Walle 0040-Yspah 0063-Tikal 0150-BatLi 0233-BatLi 0546 -Arkad 0938-Torre 0940-SpDlr 0277-Cleop 0602-under 0430-China 0657-China 0409-Villa 0048-Cluzz 0318-Cluzz (evilone) %ANTIKE : 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0123-Antik 0062-Antik (evilone) %ArkHor : 0937-ArkHo 0668-ArkHo (evilone) %Battl : 0446-Battl 0788-Battl (evilone) %CMC : 0058-magna 0151-magna 0490-magna 0883-magna 0907-magna (evilone) %FLYING : 0842-FlyCo 0855-FlyCo 0889-FlyCo (evilone) %ForD : 0367-Formu 0182-Formu (evilone) %FURY : 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd (evilone) %Lifeb : 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb (evilone) %MRJACK : 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac (evilone) %Razzia : 0160-Razzi 0758-Razzi (evilone) %Thebes : 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe (evilone) 0551-Bang! : 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0813-RandB 0001-Outpo 0772-DJitD 0905 -StrCr 0373-WoWTB 0553-Walle 0886-AoSte 0008-Up-Fr 0805-RoRom 0871-citta 0864-Showm 0940-SpDlr 0849-Tannh %Battl %ANTIKE 0880-HISta 0488-Lastn %ArkHor %Lifeb %FURY %Thebes 0768-Astar %ForD 0083-Wtdrw 0201-Leodv 0546-Arkad (evilone) 0552-Shake : 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0813-RandB 0001-Outpo 0772-DJitD 0905 -StrCr 0373-WoWTB 0553-Walle 0886-AoSte 0008-Up-Fr 0805-RoRom 0871-citta 0864-Showm 0940-SpDlr 0849-Tannh %Battl %ANTIKE 0880-HISta 0488-Lastn %ArkHor %Lifeb %FURY %Thebes 0768-Astar %ForD 0083-Wtdrw 0201-Leodv 0546-Arkad 0911-1856R 0912-1870R 0863-Samur %MRJACK 0781-Hacie %FLYING 0926-Thurn 0064-Myker 0226-TAMSK 0869-ShadE 0089-Stars 0173-Stars 0888-WilWr %CMC 0568-VDInf %Razzia 0689-DoASc 0270-TikiM 0243-Start 0756-Vampe 0031-GG150 0498-GG160 0574-GG100 0638-GG150 0007-GG101 0055-GG100 0631-GG100 (evilone) 0554-TP-20 : 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0813-RandB 0001-Outpo 0772-DJitD 0905 -StrCr 0373-WoWTB 0553-Walle 0886-AoSte 0008-Up-Fr 0805-RoRom 0871-citta 0864-Showm 0940-SpDlr 0849-Tannh %Battl %ANTIKE 0880-HISta 0488-Lastn %ArkHor %Lifeb %FURY %Thebes 0768-Astar %ForD 0083-Wtdrw 0201-Leodv 0546-Arkad 0911-1856R 0912-1870R 0863-Samur %MRJACK 0781-Hacie %FLYING 0926-Thurn 0064-Myker 0226-TAMSK 0869-ShadE 0089-Stars 0173-Stars 0888-WilWr %CMC 0568-VDInf %Razzia 0689-DoASc 0270-TikiM 0243-Start 0756-Vampe 0031-GG150 0498-GG160 0574-GG100 0638-GG150 0007-GG101 0055-GG100 0631-GG100 (evilone) 0555-Frenz : 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0813-RandB 0001-Outpo 0772-DJitD 0905 -StrCr 0373-WoWTB 0553-Walle 0886-AoSte 0008-Up-Fr 0805-RoRom 0871-citta 0864-Showm 0940-SpDlr 0849-Tannh %Battl %ANTIKE 0880-HISta 0488-Lastn %ArkHor %Lifeb %FURY %Thebes 0768-Astar %ForD 0083-Wtdrw 0201-Leodv 0546-Arkad 0911-1856R 0912-1870R 0863-Samur %MRJACK 0781-Hacie %FLYING 0926-Thurn 0064-Myker 0226-TAMSK 0869-ShadE %CMC 0270-TikiM 0031-GG150 0498-GG160 0574-GG100 0638-GG150 (evilone) 0559-PnzrL : 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0813-RandB 0001-Outpo (evilone) 0561-O-DVD : 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0813-RandB 0001-Outpo 0772-DJitD 0905 -StrCr 0373-WoWTB 0553-Walle 0886-AoSte 0008-Up-Fr 0805-RoRom 0871-citta 0864-Showm 0940-SpDlr 0849-Tannh %Battl %ANTIKE 0880-HISta 0488-Lastn %ArkHor %Lifeb %FURY %Thebes 0768-Astar %ForD 0083-Wtdrw 0201-Leodv 0546-Arkad 0911-1856R 0912-1870R 0863-Samur %MRJACK 0781-Hacie %FLYING 0926-Thurn 0064-Myker 0226-TAMSK 0869-ShadE 0089-Stars 0173-Stars 0888-WilWr %CMC 0568-VDInf %Razzia 0689-DoASc 0270-TikiM 0243-Start 0756-Vampe 0031-GG150 0498-GG160 0574-GG100 0638-GG150 0007-GG101 0055-GG100 0631-GG100 (ExcitingJeff) 0133-DrePi : (FezAZ) 0164-AoMTB: 0493-WoWFA 0197-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0813-RandB 0905-StrCr 0556-SfRom 0771- HtHYW ; 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0058-magna 0151-magna 0490-magna 0883-magna 0907-magna 0798-Wking 0885- HamrS 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0933-ElGra 0934-ElGra 0558-Pillr 0852-Pilla 0922-Pilla 0876-Pilla 0536-under 0602-under 0086-KoChr 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0892-Notre 0126-Indus 0520-CoIrn 0522-CoDom 0803-GoTSS (FezAZ) 0170-KoCat: 0493-WoWFA 0197-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0813-RandB 0905-StrCr 0556-SfRom ; 0771-HtHYW 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0798-Wking 0885-HamrS 0558-Pillr 0852-Pilla 0922-Pilla 0876-Pilla 0536- under 0602-under 0086-KoChr 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen ; 0892-Notre 0126-Indus 0520-CoIrn 0522-CoDom 0803- GoTSS (FezAZ) 0171-NwEng: 0493-WoWFA 0197-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0813-RandB 0905-StrCr 0556-SfRom 0771- HtHYW 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0058-magna 0151-magna 0490-magna 0883-magna 0907-magna 0798-Wking 0885-HamrS 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0933-ElGra 0934-ElGra 0558-Pillr 0852-Pilla 0922-Pilla 0876-Pilla 0536-under 0602- under ; 0086-KoChr 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0892-Notre 0126-Indus 0520-CoIrn 0522-CoDom 0803-GoTSS (FezAZ) 0173-Stars: 0493-WoWFA 0197-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0813-RandB 0905-StrCr 0556-SfRom 0771- HtHYW 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0058-magna 0151-magna 0490-magna 0883-magna 0907-magna 0798-Wking 0885-HamrS 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0933-ElGra 0934-ElGra 0558-Pillr 0852-Pilla 0922-Pilla 0876-Pilla 0536-under 0602- under 0086-KoChr 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0892-Notre 0126-Indus 0520-CoIrn 0522-CoDom 0803-GoTSS (FezAZ) 0553-Walle: 0493-WoWFA 0197-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0813-RandB 0905-StrCr 0556-SfRom ; 0852-Pilla 0922-Pilla 0876-Pilla 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen (FlyingArrow) %UNI : 0079-Unive 0080-Unive (FlyingArrow) 0108-Vegas : %UNI 0940-SpDlr 0862-ElGra 0933-ElGra 0860-Wring 0921-Ingen 0659-Domne 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0311-Survi 0443-Survi 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0843-WarKn 0446-Battl 0788-Battl 0493- WoWFA 0575-Marvl 0462-Zertz (FlyingArrow) 0109-Vegas : %UNI 0940-SpDlr 0862-ElGra 0933-ElGra 0860-Wring 0921-Ingen 0659-Domne 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0311-Survi 0443-Survi 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0843-WarKn 0446-Battl 0788-Battl 0493- WoWFA 0575-Marvl 0462-Zertz 0487-SoCam 0231-Domne 0226-TAMSK 0006-TimeA (FlyingArrow) 0110-Vegas : %UNI 0940-SpDlr 0862-ElGra 0933-ElGra 0860-Wring 0921-Ingen 0659-Domne 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0311-Survi 0443-Survi 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0843-WarKn 0446-Battl 0788-Battl 0493- WoWFA 0575-Marvl 0462-Zertz 0487-SoCam 0231-Domne 0226-TAMSK 0006-TimeA (FlyingArrow) 0111-Vegas : %UNI 0940-SpDlr 0862-ElGra 0933-ElGra 0860-Wring 0921-Ingen 0659-Domne 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0311-Survi 0443-Survi 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0843-WarKn 0446-Battl 0788-Battl 0493- WoWFA 0575-Marvl 0462-Zertz 0487-SoCam 0231-Domne 0226-TAMSK 0006-TimeA (fsnam) 0926-Thurn:0377-zavan 0432-mache 0925-DMach 0819-Aladd 0810-DuneX 0553-Walle 0909- AmunR; 0781-Hacie 0493-WoWFA 0482-CarcC 0669-Genoa 0676-Antik 0774-PSoup 0802-Thebe 0846-Imper 0863-Samur 0862-ElGra 0892-Notre 0904-Antik 0918-TtREu 0933-ElGra 0934-ElGra (GameCloset) %BttleLore: 0941-BatLo 0906-BatLo (GameCloset) %DuneDuneD: 0810-DuneX 0253-DuneX (GameCloset) %FODracula: 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd (GameCloset) %GameThrns: 0868-aGoTh 0580-aGoTh (GameCloset) %MrJackMRJ: 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac (GameCloset) %TideOfIrn: 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn (GameCloset) %WarOfRing: 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0255-Wring (GameCloset) %WrrKnight: 0843-WarKn 0186-WarKn (GameCloset) 0159-Brita: 0001-Outpo 0674-Acqui 0132-Omega 0179-Omega 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0336- Antiq 0831-SOS3E; %BttleLore 0153-aGoTh %TideOfIrn %GameThrns %WarOfRing %WrrKnight (GameCloset) 0706-CutCa: 0001-Outpo 0674-Acqui 0132-Omega 0179-Omega 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0336- Antiq 0831-SOS3E; %BttleLore 0153-aGoTh %TideOfIrn %GameThrns %WarOfRing %WrrKnight (GameCloset) 0905-StrCr: 0001-Outpo 0674-Acqui 0132-Omega 0179-Omega 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0336- Antiq 0831-SOS3E; (GameCloset) 0911-1856R: 0001-Outpo 0674-Acqui 0132-Omega 0179-Omega 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0336- Antiq 0831-SOS3E; %BttleLore 0153-aGoTh %TideOfIrn %GameThrns %WarOfRing %WrrKnight; 0025-Cathe %FODracula 0095-SJWay 0234-Strug %DuneDuneD %MrJackMRJ 0940-SpDlr 0849-Tannh (GameCloset) 0912-1870R: 0001-Outpo 0674-Acqui 0132-Omega 0179-Omega 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0336- Antiq 0831-SOS3E; %BttleLore 0153-aGoTh %TideOfIrn %GameThrns %WarOfRing %WrrKnight; 0025-Cathe %FODracula 0095-SJWay 0234-Strug %DuneDuneD %MrJackMRJ 0940-SpDlr 0849-Tannh (gamegrl2) %Byzan : 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan (gamegrl2) %Caylus : 0341-Caylu 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0936-Caylu (gamegrl2) %Elfen : 0135-Elfen 0601-Elfen (gamegrl2) %NewEng : 0171-NwEng 0358-NwEng 0470-NwEng 0796-NwEng (gamegrl2) %WarKni : 0186-WarKn 0843-WarKn (gamegrl2) 0100-CSSaS : 0679-Thief %NewEng %Elfen (gamegrl2) 0102-FalFu : 0280-catan 0553-Walle 0040-Yspah %Byzan %WarKni %Caylus (gamegrl2) 0112-Peace : 0040-Yspah 0679-Thief %NewEng %Elfen (gamegrl2) 0113-HeimC : 0280-catan 0553-Walle 0040-Yspah %Byzan %WarKni %Caylus (gamegrl2) 0126-Indus : 0679-Thief %NewEng %Elfen (gamegrl2) 0558-Pillr : 0280-catan 0040-Yspah 0679-Thief %Byzan %WarKni %Caylus (garry_rice) 0442-Democ : 0887-JvThe 0040-Yspah 0058-magna 0077-Niaga 0098-TtREu 0138-ElGra 0151-magna 0182-Formu 0188-Pgrid 0190-TtRME 0341-Caylu 0367-Formu 0443-Survi 0480-queen 0542-Shear 0921 -Ingen 0558-Pillr 0813-RandB 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0845-TtRME 0854-TtREu 0862-ElGra 0873-Pgrid 0034-Canal 0918-TtREu 0933-ElGra 0934-ElGra ; 0090-Metro 0428-Metro (Gecko23) %BLore : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo (Gecko23) %BStat : 0446-Battl 0788-Battl (Gecko23) %ForD : 0182-Formu 0367-Formu (Gecko23) %Grande : 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0933-ElGra (Gecko23) %HolBlo : 0200-Holly 0259-Holly 0606-Holly (Gecko23) %Mov : 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen (Gecko23) %Tide : 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0197-ToIrn (Gecko23) %Twi3 : 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd (Gecko23) 0508-PRico : 0495-Vampe 0388-Romml %BLore %Twi3 %Grande 0365-Princ 0937-ArkHo 0813- RandB 0336-Antiq %Tide 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr 0366-Endof %BStat %ForD 0849-Tannh %Mov 0915-Khron 0161- China 0257-SWccg (Gecko23) 0528-RBoCg : 0336-Antiq %Twi3 %BLore 0388-Romml %Grande 0495-Vampe 0365-Princ 0937- ArkHo 0813-RandB %Tide 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr 0366-Endof %BStat 0849-Tannh %Mov 0915-Khron 0161-China 0257-SWccg 0944-SWmin (Gecko23) 0531-PLSmh : %Grande 0365-Princ %Twi3 0937-ArkHo %BLore 0813-RandB 0336-Antiq %Tide 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr 0366-Endof %BStat %ForD 0849-Tannh %MOv 0915-Khron 0388-Romml 0495-Vampe 0161-China 0257-SWccg %HolBlo 0944-SWmin 0480-queen 0146-Dream 0245-Dream 0246-Dream 0215-Naval 0132-Omega 0908- DooRW (gesa) 0891-80day : 0886-AoSte 0813-RandB 0904-Antik (gibbo) %AmunRe : 0384-AmunR 0909-AmunR (gibbo) %BoS : 0398-shang 0421-shang 0538-shang (gibbo) %Byzan : 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan (gibbo) %CatSoA : 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop (gibbo) %CMC : 0058-magna 0151-magna 0490-magna 0883-magna 0907-magna (gibbo) %FoD : 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0127-FDrac (gibbo) %HoiToi : 0184-HoiTy 0195-HoiTy 0302-HoiTy 0419-HoiTy 0728-HoiTy 0775-HoiTy 0865- HoiTy (gibbo) %MrJac : 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac (gibbo) %PotE : 0558-Pillr 0852-Pilla (gibbo) %RoboR : 0147-rally 0236-rally 0258-rally 0595-rally 0726-rally (gibbo) %Thebes : 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe (gibbo) %Tongi : 0294-Tongi 0330-Tongi 0422-Tongi 0541-Tongi (gibbo) %TtD : 0152-Throu 0577-Throu 0648-Throu 0815-Throu (gibbo) %VegSho : 0047-Vegas 0057-Vegas 0059-Vegas 0109-Vegas 0110-Vegas 0111-Vegas 0130- Vegas 0192-Vegas 0379-Vegas 0414-Vegas 0449-Vegas 0608-Vegas 0612-Vegas 0108-Vegas (gibbo) 0676-Antik : %AmunRe 0813-RandB 0336-Antiq (gibbo) 0677-MagGr : %AmunRe 0813-RandB %Thebes %FoD 0336-Antiq 0871-citta 0040-Yspah 0846- Imper 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad 0940-SpDlr 0913-Mahar 0366-Endof 0078-elasu 0034-Canal 0161-China (gibbo) 0678-BFeud : %AmunRe 0813-RandB %Thebes %FoD 0336-Antiq 0871-citta 0040-Yspah 0846- Imper 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad 0940-SpDlr 0913-Mahar 0366-Endof 0078-elasu 0034-Canal 0161-China (gibbo) 0679-Thief : (gibbo) 0680-Rhein : %AmunRe 0813-RandB %Thebes %FoD 0336-Antiq 0871-citta 0040-Yspah 0846- Imper 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad 0940-SpDlr 0913-Mahar 0366-Endof 0078-elasu 0034-Canal 0161-China (gibbo) 0681-Wooly : %AmunRe 0813-RandB %Thebes %FoD 0336-Antiq 0871-citta 0040-Yspah 0846- Imper 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad 0940-SpDlr 0913-Mahar 0366-Endof 0078-elasu 0034-Canal 0161-China %TtD %MrJac %RoboR %CMC 0398-shang 0098-TtREu 0190-TtRME 0281-Bloku 0064-Myker 0477-Gheos 0198-Acove 0144-Kings (gibbo) 0682-MadGu : %AmunRe 0813-RandB %Thebes %FoD 0336-Antiq 0871-citta 0040-Yspah 0846- Imper 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad 0940-SpDlr 0913-Mahar 0366-Endof 0078-elasu 0034-Canal 0161-China %MrJac %TtD %RoboR %CMC 0098-TtREu %CatSoA 0190-TtRME 0281-Bloku 0064-Myker 0477-Gheos %HoiToi 0650-Trias 0647-HareT 0198-Acove %VegSho %BoS 0144-Kings %PotE 0781-Hacie 0658-Hansa 0129-raven 0859-Seren %Byzan 0113-HeimC % Tongi 0625-RomaX 0642-SoCCG 0409-Villa 0260-Dynas 0025-Cathe 0020-Hyle7 (gibbo) 0683-SagaX : %AmunRe 0813-RandB %Thebes %FoD 0336-Antiq 0871-citta 0040-Yspah 0846- Imper 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad 0940-SpDlr 0913-Mahar 0366-Endof 0078-elasu 0034-Canal 0161-China %TtD %MrJac %RoboR %CMC 0398-shang 0098-TtREu %CatSoA 0190-TtRME 0281-Bloku 0064-Myker 0477-Gheos %HoiToi 0198-Acove %VegSho %BoS 0144-Kings 0781-Hacie 0658-Hansa 0129-raven 0859-Seren 0113-HeimC (gpren) 0715-apple : 0183-MrJac ; 0920-MrJac ; 0488-Lastn ; 0038-CarcC ; 0482-CarcC ; 0607- WicWW ; 0905-StrCr ; 0849-Tannh ; 0464-EWftT ; 0819-Aladd ; 0423-Prico ; 0450-Prico ; 0508-Prico ; 0923- Prico ; 0240-Prico ; 0903-PueRt ; 0040-Yspah ; 0160-Razzi ; 0758-Razzi ; 0870-Horno ; 0036-4Sale ; 0590- 4Sale ; 0037-nanza ; 0190-TtRME ; 0845-TtRME ; 0098-TtREu ; 0918-TtREu ; 0103-TimUp ; 0060-TandE ; 0385 -TandE ; 0599-TandE ; 0621-Funny ; 0429-Rhein (gpren) 0716-LRccg : 0183-MrJac ; 0920-MrJac ; 0488-Lastn ; 0038-CarcC ; 0482-CarcC ; 0607- WicWW ; 0905-StrCr ; 0849-Tannh ; 0464-EWftT ; 0819-Aladd ; 0423-Prico ; 0450-Prico ; 0508-Prico ; 0923- Prico ; 0240-Prico ; 0903-PueRt ; 0040-Yspah (gpren) 0717-Hoc92 : 0183-MrJac ; 0920-MrJac ; 0488-Lastn ; 0038-CarcC ; 0482-CarcC ; 0607- WicWW ; 0905-StrCr ; 0849-Tannh ; 0464-EWftT ; 0819-Aladd ; 0423-Prico ; 0450-Prico ; 0508-Prico ; 0923- Prico ; 0240-Prico ; 0903-PueRt ; 0040-Yspah ; 0190-TtRME ; 0845-TtRME ; 0098-TtREu ; 0918-TtREu ; 0429- Rhein (gpren) 0718-Zombi : 0183-MrJac ; 0920-MrJac ; 0488-Lastn ; 0038-CarcC ; 0482-CarcC ; 0607- WicWW ; 0905-StrCr ; 0849-Tannh ; 0464-EWftT ; 0819-Aladd ; 0423-Prico ; 0450-Prico ; 0508-Prico ; 0923- Prico ; 0240-Prico ; 0903-PueRt ; 0040-Yspah ; 0160-Razzi ; 0758-Razzi ; 0870-Horno ; 0036-4Sale ; 0590- 4Sale ; 0037-nanza ; 0190-TtRME ; 0845-TtRME ; 0098-TtREu ; 0918-TtREu ; 0103-TimUp ; 0060-TandE ; 0385 -TandE ; 0599-TandE ; 0621-Funny ; 0429-Rhein ; 0195-HoiTy ; 0419-HoiTy ; 0865-HoiTy ; 0728-HoiTy ; 0861 -HoiTy ; 0644-HcrdO ; 0596-realm ; 0222-AveCa ; 0065-ElCab ; 0231-Domne ; 0659-Domne ; 0021-Ra-Ra ; 0176 -Ra-Ra ; 0666-Ra-Ra ; 0264-Arena ; 0270-TikiM ; 0078-elasu ; 0647-HareT (gpren) 0719-Carcm : 0183-MrJac ; 0920-MrJac ; 0488-Lastn ; 0038-CarcC ; 0482-CarcC ; 0607- WicWW ; 0905-StrCr ; 0849-Tannh ; 0464-EWftT ; 0819-Aladd ; 0423-Prico ; 0450-Prico ; 0508-Prico ; 0923- Prico ; 0240-Prico ; 0903-PueRt ; 0040-Yspah ; 0160-Razzi ; 0758-Razzi ; 0870-Horno ; 0036-4Sale ; 0590- 4Sale ; 0037-nanza ; 0190-TtRME ; 0845-TtRME ; 0098-TtREu ; 0918-TtREu ; 0103-TimUp ; 0060-TandE ; 0385 -TandE ; 0599-TandE ; 0621-Funny ; 0429-Rhein ; 0195-HoiTy ; 0419-HoiTy ; 0865-HoiTy ; 0728-HoiTy ; 0861 -HoiTy ; 0644-HcrdO ; 0596-realm ; 0222-AveCa ; 0065-ElCab ; 0231-Domne ; 0659-Domne ; 0021-Ra-Ra ; 0176 -Ra-Ra ; 0666-Ra-Ra ; 0264-Arena ; 0270-TikiM ; 0078-elasu ; 0647-HareT (gpren) 0720-Plund : 0183-MrJac ; 0920-MrJac ; 0488-Lastn ; 0038-CarcC ; 0482-CarcC ; 0607- WicWW ; 0905-StrCr ; 0849-Tannh ; 0464-EWftT ; 0819-Aladd ; 0423-Prico ; 0450-Prico ; 0508-Prico ; 0923- Prico ; 0240-Prico ; 0903-PueRt ; 0040-Yspah (gpren) 0721-SlapS : 0183-MrJac ; 0920-MrJac ; 0488-Lastn ; 0038-CarcC ; 0482-CarcC ; 0607- WicWW ; 0905-StrCr ; 0849-Tannh ; 0464-EWftT ; 0819-Aladd ; 0423-Prico ; 0450-Prico ; 0508-Prico ; 0923- Prico ; 0240-Prico ; 0903-PueRt ; 0040-Yspah ; 0160-Razzi ; 0758-Razzi ; 0870-Horno ; 0036-4Sale ; 0590- 4Sale ; 0037-nanza ; 0190-TtRME ; 0845-TtRME ; 0098-TtREu ; 0918-TtREu ; 0103-TimUp ; 0060-TandE ; 0385 -TandE ; 0599-TandE ; 0621-Funny ; 0429-Rhein ; 0195-HoiTy ; 0419-HoiTy ; 0865-HoiTy ; 0728-HoiTy ; 0861 -HoiTy ; 0644-HcrdO ; 0596-realm ; 0222-AveCa ; 0065-ElCab ; 0231-Domne ; 0659-Domne ; 0021-Ra-Ra ; 0176 -Ra-Ra ; 0666-Ra-Ra ; 0264-Arena ; 0270-TikiM ; 0078-elasu ; 0647-HareT (gpren) 0722-SlotS : 0183-MrJac ; 0920-MrJac ; 0488-Lastn ; 0038-CarcC ; 0482-CarcC ; 0607- WicWW ; 0905-StrCr ; 0849-Tannh ; 0464-EWftT ; 0819-Aladd ; 0423-Prico ; 0450-Prico ; 0508-Prico ; 0923- Prico ; 0240-Prico ; 0903-PueRt ; 0040-Yspah ; 0160-Razzi ; 0758-Razzi ; 0870-Horno ; 0036-4Sale ; 0590- 4Sale ; 0037-nanza ; 0190-TtRME ; 0845-TtRME ; 0098-TtREu ; 0918-TtREu ; 0103-TimUp ; 0060-TandE ; 0385 -TandE ; 0599-TandE ; 0621-Funny ; 0429-Rhein ; 0195-HoiTy ; 0419-HoiTy ; 0865-HoiTy ; 0728-HoiTy ; 0861 -HoiTy ; 0644-HcrdO ; 0596-realm ; 0222-AveCa ; 0065-ElCab ; 0231-Domne ; 0659-Domne ; 0021-Ra-Ra ; 0176 -Ra-Ra ; 0666-Ra-Ra ; 0264-Arena ; 0270-TikiM ; 0078-elasu ; 0647-HareT (gpren) 0723-Mon-H : 0183-MrJac ; 0920-MrJac ; 0488-Lastn ; 0038-CarcC ; 0482-CarcC ; 0607- WicWW ; 0905-StrCr ; 0849-Tannh ; 0464-EWftT ; 0819-Aladd ; 0423-Prico ; 0450-Prico ; 0508-Prico ; 0923- Prico ; 0240-Prico ; 0903-PueRt ; 0040-Yspah ; 0160-Razzi ; 0758-Razzi ; 0870-Horno ; 0036-4Sale ; 0590- 4Sale ; 0037-nanza ; 0190-TtRME ; 0845-TtRME ; 0098-TtREu ; 0918-TtREu ; 0103-TimUp ; 0060-TandE ; 0385 -TandE ; 0599-TandE ; 0621-Funny ; 0429-Rhein ; 0195-HoiTy ; 0419-HoiTy ; 0865-HoiTy ; 0728-HoiTy ; 0861 -HoiTy ; 0644-HcrdO ; 0596-realm ; 0222-AveCa ; 0065-ElCab ; 0231-Domne ; 0659-Domne ; 0021-Ra-Ra ; 0176 -Ra-Ra ; 0666-Ra-Ra ; 0264-Arena ; 0270-TikiM ; 0078-elasu ; 0647-HareT (gpren) 0724-Landl : 0183-MrJac ; 0920-MrJac ; 0488-Lastn ; 0038-CarcC ; 0482-CarcC ; 0607- WicWW ; 0905-StrCr ; 0849-Tannh ; 0464-EWftT ; 0819-Aladd ; 0423-Prico ; 0450-Prico ; 0508-Prico ; 0923- Prico ; 0240-Prico ; 0903-PueRt ; 0040-Yspah ; 0160-Razzi ; 0758-Razzi ; 0870-Horno ; 0036-4Sale ; 0590- 4Sale ; 0037-nanza ; 0190-TtRME ; 0845-TtRME ; 0098-TtREu ; 0918-TtREu ; 0103-TimUp ; 0060-TandE ; 0385 -TandE ; 0599-TandE ; 0621-Funny ; 0429-Rhein ; 0195-HoiTy ; 0419-HoiTy ; 0865-HoiTy ; 0728-HoiTy ; 0861 -HoiTy ; 0644-HcrdO ; 0596-realm ; 0222-AveCa ; 0065-ElCab ; 0231-Domne ; 0659-Domne ; 0021-Ra-Ra ; 0176 -Ra-Ra ; 0666-Ra-Ra ; 0264-Arena ; 0270-TikiM ; 0078-elasu ; 0647-HareT (Gurantsu) %Marvel : 0575-Marvl 0673-Marvl (Gurantsu) %Talisman : 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 (Gurantsu) %Twilight : 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd (Gurantsu) 0687-Insec : %Marvel ; 0488-Lastn ; 0906-BatLo %Talisman 0487-SoCam 0541-Tongi % Twilight 0087-RSWTE 0367-Formu 0767-CandC 0493-WoWFA (Gurantsu) 0689-DoASc : %Marvel ; 0488-Lastn ; 0906-BatLo %Talisman 0487-SoCam 0541-Tongi % Twilight 0087-RSWTE 0367-Formu 0767-CandC 0493-WoWFA 0615-Wking 0944-SWmin (Gurantsu) 0692-Aster : %Marvel ; 0488-Lastn ; 0906-BatLo %Talisman 0487-SoCam 0541-Tongi % Twilight 0087-RSWTE 0367-Formu 0767-CandC 0493-WoWFA (Gurantsu) 0698-Ugolf : %Marvel ; 0488-Lastn ; 0906-BatLo %Talisman 0487-SoCam 0541-Tongi % Twilight 0087-RSWTE 0367-Formu 0767-CandC 0493-WoWFA 0615-Wking 0944-SWmin (hangman) 0575-Marvl : 0849-Tannh 0609-Tali4 0221-Tali4 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn (HERMAN_THE_GERMAN) 0544-Abalo : 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0930-TandE 0138-ElGra 0862 -ElGra 0933-ElGra 0934-ElGra 0014-Wring 0021-Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0666-Ra-Ra 0152-Throu 0577-Throu 0648-Throu 0815-Throu 0384-AmunR 0177-DuneX 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0582-HiveX 0705-HiveX 0816-Acqui 0063-Tikal 0919 -Tikal 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0671-Jambo 0800-4Sale 0122-Bmoon 0129-raven 0475-NoTha 0127-FDrac 0184-HoiTy 0195-HoiTy 0419-HoiTy 0775-HoiTy 0026-Guill 0160-Razzi 0875-BMEBI 0711-Wuste (hersh007) %Carca : 0424-Carca 0651-Carca (hersh007) %Caylus : 0341-Caylu 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0914-Caylu 0928-Caylu 0936-Caylu (hersh007) %ForSal : 0036-4Sale 0590-4Sale 0800-4Sale (hersh007) %PowGri : 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid (hersh007) %PueRic : 0240-PRico 0450-PRico 0508-PRico 0895-PueRt 0903-PueRt 0923-PRico (hersh007) %Ra : 0021-Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0666-Ra-Ra (hersh007) %SoC : 0280-catan 0461-catan 0646-catan (hersh007) %TaE : 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0930-TandE (hersh007) %Thebes : 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe (hersh007) 0931-BuyLo : 0338-RtrnH 0567-LostC 0023-Hfish 0603-wcirc %PueRic %PowGri %Ra %TaE % Caylus %Thebes %SoC %ForSal %Carca 0077-Niaga ; 0437-under (hersh007) 0932-BuyLo : 0338-RtrnH 0567-LostC 0023-Hfish 0603-wcirc %PueRic %PowGri %Ra %TaE % Caylus %Thebes %SoC %ForSal %Carca 0077-Niaga ; 0437-under (hobbes_inc) 0646-catan : 0621-Funny 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0909-AmunR 0384-AmunR 0542-Shear 0201- Leodv ; 0023-Hfish 0103-TimUp 0593-TimUp (hobbes_inc) 0647-HareT : 0621-Funny 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0909-AmunR 0384-AmunR 0542-Shear 0201- Leodv ; 0023-Hfish 0103-TimUp 0593-TimUp (hobbes_inc) 0651-Carca : 0621-Funny 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0909-AmunR 0384-AmunR 0542-Shear 0201- Leodv ; 0023-Hfish 0103-TimUp 0593-TimUp (hobbes_inc) 0653-SMCTB : 0553-Walle 0159-Brita 0614-Brita ; 0909-AmunR 0384-AmunR (homiefud) %DupJk : 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac (homiefud) %DupLB : 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb (homiefud) %DupMC : 0058-magna 0151-magna 0490-magna 0883-magna (homiefud) %DupOU : 0536-under 0602-under (homiefud) %DupQD : 0211-Quest 0297-Quest (homiefud) %DupTh : 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe (homiefud) 0127-FDrac : 0805-RoRom 0864-Showm 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd (homiefud) 0128-MRAme : 0805-RoRom 0864-Showm 0046-Zombi (homiefud) 0130-Vegas : 0805-RoRom 0864-Showm 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad 0488-Lastn 0817-MRPla 0201 -Leodv 0008-Up-Fr 0367-Formu 0493-WoWFA 0222-AveCa 0393-Puebl 0445-Bgfan 0621-Funny 0480-queen 0556-SfRom 0911-1856R 0679-Thief 0288-EDCoL 0495-Vampe %DupQD %DupLB %DupOU %DupTh 0078-elasu %DupJk 0239-HsFoA 0857-M44TP 0752-Netru 0625-RomaX 0475-NoTha 0294-Tongi 0015-Bgfan %DupMC (homiefud) 0132-Omega : 0805-RoRom 0864-Showm 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad 0488-Lastn 0817-MRPla 0201 -Leodv 0008-Up-Fr 0367-Formu 0493-WoWFA 0222-AveCa 0393-Puebl 0445-Bgfan 0621-Funny 0480-queen 0556-SfRom 0911-1856R 0679-Thief 0288-EDCoL 0495-Vampe %DupQD %DupLB %DupOU %DupTh 0078-elasu (homiefud) 0136-TMGlf : 0805-RoRom 0864-Showm 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad 0488-Lastn 0817-MRPla 0201 -Leodv 0008-Up-Fr 0367-Formu 0493-WoWFA 0222-AveCa 0393-Puebl 0445-Bgfan 0621-Funny 0480-queen 0556-SfRom 0911-1856R 0679-Thief 0288-EDCoL 0495-Vampe %DupQD %DupLB %DupOU %DupTh 0078-elasu %DupJk 0239-HsFoA 0857-M44TP 0752-Netru 0625-RomaX 0475-NoTha 0294-Tongi 0015-Bgfan (homiefud) 0137-Sphnx : 0805-RoRom 0864-Showm 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad 0488-Lastn 0817-MRPla 0201 -Leodv 0008-Up-Fr 0367-Formu 0493-WoWFA 0222-AveCa 0393-Puebl 0445-Bgfan 0621-Funny 0480-queen 0556-SfRom 0911-1856R 0679-Thief 0288-EDCoL 0495-Vampe %DupQD %DupLB %DupOU %DupTh 0078-elasu %DupJk 0239-HsFoA 0857-M44TP 0752-Netru 0625-RomaX 0475-NoTha 0294-Tongi 0015-Bgfan (homiefud) 0140-RTLoR : 0805-RoRom 0864-Showm 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad 0488-Lastn 0817-MRPla 0201 -Leodv 0008-Up-Fr 0367-Formu 0493-WoWFA 0222-AveCa 0393-Puebl 0445-Bgfan 0621-Funny 0480-queen 0556-SfRom 0911-1856R 0679-Thief 0288-EDCoL 0495-Vampe %DupQD %DupLB %DupOU %DupTh 0078-elasu %DupJk 0239-HsFoA 0857-M44TP 0752-Netru 0625-RomaX 0475-NoTha 0294-Tongi (homiefud) 0142-STTNG : 0805-RoRom 0864-Showm 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad 0488-Lastn 0817-MRPla 0201 -Leodv 0008-Up-Fr 0367-Formu 0493-WoWFA 0222-AveCa 0393-Puebl 0445-Bgfan 0621-Funny 0480-queen 0556-SfRom 0911-1856R 0679-Thief 0288-EDCoL 0495-Vampe %DupQD %DupLB %DupOU %DupTh 0078-elasu %DupJk 0239-HsFoA 0857-M44TP 0752-Netru 0625-RomaX 0475-NoTha 0294-Tongi 0015-Bgfan (homiefud) 0278-epicd : 0805-RoRom 0864-Showm (homiefud) 0279-TP-SW : 0805-RoRom 0864-Showm 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad 0488-Lastn 0817-MRPla 0201 -Leodv 0008-Up-Fr 0367-Formu 0493-WoWFA 0222-AveCa 0393-Puebl 0445-Bgfan 0621-Funny 0480-queen 0556-SfRom 0911-1856R 0679-Thief 0288-EDCoL 0495-Vampe %DupQD %DupLB %DupOU %DupTh 0078-elasu %DupJk 0239-HsFoA 0857-M44TP 0752-Netru 0625-RomaX 0475-NoTha 0294-Tongi 0015-Bgfan (homiefud) 0699-MdArt : 0805-RoRom 0864-Showm 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad 0488-Lastn 0817-MRPla 0201 -Leodv 0008-Up-Fr 0367-Formu 0493-WoWFA 0222-AveCa 0393-Puebl 0445-Bgfan 0621-Funny 0480-queen 0556-SfRom 0911-1856R 0679-Thief 0288-EDCoL 0495-Vampe %DupQD %DupLB %DupOU %DupTh 0078-elasu %DupJk 0239-HsFoA (homiefud) 0700-Chezd : 0805-RoRom 0864-Showm 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad 0488-Lastn 0817-MRPla 0201 -Leodv 0008-Up-Fr 0367-Formu 0493-WoWFA 0222-AveCa 0393-Puebl 0445-Bgfan 0621-Funny 0480-queen 0556-SfRom 0911-1856R 0679-Thief 0288-EDCoL 0495-Vampe %DupQD %DupLB %DupOU %DupTh 0078-elasu %DupJk 0239-HsFoA 0857-M44TP 0752-Netru %DupMC (homiefud) 0755-ETSGC : 0805-RoRom 0864-Showm 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad 0488-Lastn 0817-MRPla 0201 -Leodv 0008-Up-Fr 0367-Formu 0493-WoWFA 0222-AveCa 0393-Puebl 0445-Bgfan 0621-Funny 0480-queen 0556-SfRom 0911-1856R 0679-Thief 0288-EDCoL 0495-Vampe %DupQD %DupLB %DupOU %DupTh 0078-elasu %DupJk 0239-HsFoA 0857-M44TP 0752-Netru 0625-RomaX 0475-NoTha 0294-Tongi 0015-Bgfan %DupMC 0542-Shear 0927-BLGMS 0044- Mamma 0321-HsAoM 0931-BuyLo 0051-XFile (homiefud) 0759-HG100 : 0805-RoRom 0864-Showm 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad 0488-Lastn 0817-MRPla 0201 -Leodv 0008-Up-Fr 0367-Formu 0493-WoWFA 0222-AveCa 0393-Puebl 0445-Bgfan 0621-Funny 0480-queen 0556-SfRom 0911-1856R 0679-Thief 0288-EDCoL 0495-Vampe %DupQD %DupLB %DupOU %DupTh %DupJk (homiefud) 0786-Gamma : 0805-RoRom 0864-Showm 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad 0488-Lastn 0817-MRPla 0201 -Leodv 0008-Up-Fr 0367-Formu 0493-WoWFA 0222-AveCa 0393-Puebl 0445-Bgfan 0621-Funny 0480-queen 0556-SfRom 0911-1856R 0679-Thief 0288-EDCoL 0495-Vampe %DupQD %DupLB %DupOU %DupTh 0078-elasu %DupJk (homiefud) 0934-ElGra : 0805-RoRom 0864-Showm 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0933-ElGra (hoop) %ELG : 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra (hoop) %TOI : 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn (hoop) 0341-Caylu : %TOI (hoop) 0342-Zero! : %TOI (hoop) 0343-LotRK : %TOI 0831-SOS3E 0856-NWSDM 0417-Bwulf 0610-Thebe 0201-Leodv 0403-AAMin 0944-SWmin 0253-DuneX (hoop) 0344-MagFM : %TOI (hoop) 0345-Bcard : %TOI 0831-SOS3E 0417-Bwulf 0610-Thebe 0201-Leodv 0403-AAMin 0944-SWmin 0253-DuneX (hoop) 0346-SWep1 : %TOI 0831-SOS3E 0856-NWSDM 0417-Bwulf 0610-Thebe 0201-Leodv 0403-AAMin 0944-SWmin 0253-DuneX 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP 0063-Tikal 0504-sword 0951-BatLo 0952-18VAR 0890-LLBoH %ELG (hoop) 0348-LigDD : %TOI 0831-SOS3E 0856-NWSDM 0417-Bwulf 0610-Thebe 0201-Leodv 0403-AAMin 0944-SWmin 0253-DuneX 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP 0063-Tikal 0504-sword 0951-BatLo 0952-18VAR (hoop) 0457-Hella : %TOI 0831-SOS3E 0856-NWSDM 0417-Bwulf 0610-Thebe 0201-Leodv 0403-AAMin 0944-SWmin 0253-DuneX 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP 0063-Tikal 0504-sword 0951-BatLo 0952-18VAR (hoop) 0458-Scara : %TOI 0831-SOS3E 0856-NWSDM 0417-Bwulf 0610-Thebe 0201-Leodv 0403-AAMin 0944-SWmin 0253-DuneX 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP 0063-Tikal 0504-sword 0951-BatLo 0952-18VAR (hoop) 0459-LRccg : %TOI 0831-SOS3E 0856-NWSDM 0417-Bwulf 0610-Thebe 0201-Leodv 0403-AAMin 0944-SWmin 0253-DuneX 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP 0063-Tikal 0504-sword 0951-BatLo 0952-18VAR (hoop) 0460-Westw : %TOI 0831-SOS3E 0856-NWSDM 0417-Bwulf 0610-Thebe 0201-Leodv 0403-AAMin 0944-SWmin 0253-DuneX 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP 0063-Tikal 0504-sword 0951-BatLo 0952-18VAR (huber) 0104-Pico2 : 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0952-18VAR 0956-1889R 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0947- 18EUR 0953-1841R 0955-1850R 0001-Outpo 0336-Antiq 0948-18EUR 0949-1846R 0813-RandB 0871-citta 0278-epicd 0759-HG100 0498-GG160 0377-zavan 0031-GG150 0638-GG150 0007-GG101 0892-Notre 0055-GG100 0574-GG100 0631- GG100 0917-PGBCE (huber) 0160-Razzi : 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0952-18VAR 0956-1889R 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0947- 18EUR 0953-1841R 0955-1850R 0001-Outpo 0336-Antiq 0948-18EUR 0949-1846R 0813-RandB 0759-HG100 (huber) 0161-China : 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0952-18VAR 0956-1889R 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0947- 18EUR 0953-1841R (huber) 0162-Offli : 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0952-18VAR 0956-1889R 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0947- 18EUR 0953-1841R 0955-1850R 0001-Outpo 0336-Antiq 0948-18EUR 0949-1846R 0813-RandB 0871-citta 0278-epicd 0759-HG100 0498-GG160 0377-zavan 0031-GG150 0638-GG150 0892-Notre (huber) 0163-SamGr : 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0952-18VAR 0956-1889R 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0947- 18EUR 0953-1841R (huber) 0204-GG093 : 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0952-18VAR 0956-1889R 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0947- 18EUR 0953-1841R 0955-1850R 0001-Outpo 0336-Antiq 0948-18EUR 0949-1846R 0813-RandB 0871-citta 0278-epicd 0759-HG100 0377-zavan 0892-Notre (huber) 0384-AmunR : 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0952-18VAR 0956-1889R 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0953- 1841R (huber) 0802-Thebe : 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0952-18VAR 0956-1889R 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0953- 1841R (huber) 0923-PRico : 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0952-18VAR 0956-1889R 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0947- 18EUR 0953-1841R 0955-1850R 0948-18EUR 0949-1846R 0813-RandB (huber) 0924-SJuan : 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0952-18VAR 0956-1889R 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0947- 18EUR 0953-1841R 0955-1850R 0001-Outpo 0336-Antiq 0948-18EUR 0949-1846R 0813-RandB 0759-HG100 (huber) 0925-DMach : 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0952-18VAR 0956-1889R 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0947- 18EUR 0953-1841R 0955-1850R 0001-Outpo 0336-Antiq 0948-18EUR 0949-1846R 0813-RandB 0871-citta 0278-epicd 0759-HG100 (Isamoor) 0070-Byzan : 0553-Walle 0864-Showm 0147-rally 0258-rally 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818- ToIrn 0892-Notre 0254-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0253-DuneX 0034-Canal 0125-Conqu 0234-Strug 0366-Endof 0875-BMEBI 0846-Imper 0122-Bmoon (Isamoor) 0335-Aqudu : 0553-Walle 0864-Showm 0147-rally 0258-rally 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818- ToIrn 0892-Notre 0254-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0253-DuneX 0034-Canal 0125-Conqu 0234-Strug 0366-Endof 0875-BMEBI 0846-Imper 0122-Bmoon 0480-queen 0093-Day50 0311-Survi 0443-Survi 0768-Astar 0603-wcirc 0506-HsRoV 0929- GoTSS 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0564-LostV 0378-AVicL 0890-LLBoH 0935-SqdLd 0231-Domne 0659-Domne 0621-Funny 0919-Tikal 0926-Thurn 0896-M44EF 0566-Jambo 0671-Jambo 0592-Palaz 0236-rally 0595-rally 0726-rally 0038- CarcC 0482-CarcC 0185-EnENH 0015-Bgfan 0445-Bgfan 0514-Bylow 0931-BuyLo 0932-BuyLo 0302-HoiTy 0184-HoiTy 0195-HoiTy 0419-HoiTy 0728-HoiTy 0775-HoiTy 0861-HoiTy 0865-HoiTy 0447-CarcD 0180-QuoVd 0244-Bdash 0186- WarKn 0658-Hansa 0077-Niaga 0615-Wking 0103-TimUp 0593-TimUp (Isamoor) 0376-BatMa : 0553-Walle 0864-Showm 0147-rally 0258-rally 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818- ToIrn 0892-Notre 0254-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0253-DuneX 0034-Canal 0125-Conqu 0234-Strug 0366-Endof 0875-BMEBI 0846-Imper 0122-Bmoon 0480-queen 0093-Day50 0311-Survi 0443-Survi 0603-wcirc 0506-HsRoV 0929-GoTSS 0672- nostr 0685-nostr 0564-LostV 0378-AVicL 0890-LLBoH 0935-SqdLd 0231-Domne 0659-Domne 0621-Funny 0919-Tikal 0926-Thurn (itjoe) 0519-Chezd : 0014-Wring 0026-Guill 0034-Canal 0036-4Sale 0039-Lifeb 0047-Vegas 0056 -Gloom 0057-Vegas 0058-magna 0059-Vegas 0060-TandE 0069-Iboss 0074-Iboss 0077-Niaga 0085-Furyd 0106-SoCTE 0108-Vegas 0109-Vegas 0110-Vegas 0111-Vegas 0130-Vegas 0135-Elfen 0143-Sjuan 0150-BatLi 0151-magna 0162- Offli 0189-Simpl 0192-Vegas 0230-Sjuan 0233-BatLi 0255-Wring 0295-Furyd 0304-Simpl 0311-Survi 0338-RtrnH 0341-Caylu 0347-Fresh 0367-Formu 0379-Vegas 0382-TandE 0384-AmunR 0390-Acqui 0394-H-RvC 0402-Sjuan 0414- Vegas 0430-China 0432-mache 0436-RtrnH 0442-Democ 0443-Survi 0449-Vegas 0456-Acqui 0472-Caylu 0473-Lifeb 0474-LCSte 0475-NoTha 0477-Gheos 0488-Lastn 0489-RtrnH 0490-magna 0491-LotRX 0495-Vampe 0501-mache 0555- Frenz 0590-4Sale 0599-TandE 0601-Elfen 0603-wcirc 0608-Vegas 0610-Thebe 0612-Vegas 0621-Funny 0632-Heros 0657-China 0674-Acqui 0688-Acqui 0702-QNeck 0707-XXXen 0753-Acqui 0756-Vampe 0789-Civil 0800-4Sale 0802 -Thebe 0809-HamrS 0816-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0848-Bootl 0860-Wring 0872-Caylu 0873-Pgrid 0880-HISta 0883-magna 0885-HamrS 0896-M44EF 0905-StrCr 0906-BatLo 0907-magna 0909-AmunR 0914-Caylu 0915-Khron 0924-SJuan 0925- DMach 0928-Caylu 0930-TandE 0936-Caylu (itjoe) 0521-Ediso : 0014-Wring 0053-LotRX 0060-TandE 0135-Elfen 0188-Pgrid 0255-Wring 0311 -Survi 0338-RtrnH 0341-Caylu 0347-Fresh 0367-Formu 0382-TandE 0384-AmunR 0390-Acqui 0394-H-RvC 0430-China 0432-mache 0436-RtrnH 0443-Survi 0456-Acqui 0472-Caylu 0474-LCSte 0477-Gheos 0488-Lastn 0489-RtrnH 0491- LotRX 0495-Vampe 0501-mache 0599-TandE 0601-Elfen 0610-Thebe 0621-Funny 0632-Heros 0674-Acqui 0688-Acqui 0753-Acqui 0789-Civil 0800-4Sale 0802-Thebe 0809-HamrS 0816-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0860-Wring 0872-Caylu 0873- Pgrid 0880-HISta 0885-HamrS 0896-M44EF 0905-StrCr 0906-BatLo 0909-AmunR 0914-Caylu 0925-DMach 0928-Caylu 0930-TandE 0936-Caylu (itjoe) 0526-PitXX : 0014-Wring 0053-LotRX 0060-TandE 0135-Elfen 0188-Pgrid 0255-Wring 0311 -Survi 0338-RtrnH 0341-Caylu 0347-Fresh 0367-Formu 0382-TandE 0384-AmunR 0390-Acqui 0394-H-RvC 0430-China 0432-mache 0436-RtrnH 0443-Survi 0456-Acqui 0472-Caylu 0474-LCSte 0477-Gheos 0488-Lastn 0489-RtrnH 0491- LotRX 0495-Vampe 0501-mache 0599-TandE 0601-Elfen 0610-Thebe 0621-Funny 0632-Heros 0674-Acqui 0688-Acqui 0753-Acqui 0789-Civil 0800-4Sale 0802-Thebe 0809-HamrS 0816-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0860-Wring 0872-Caylu 0873- Pgrid 0880-HISta 0885-HamrS 0896-M44EF 0905-StrCr 0906-BatLo 0909-AmunR 0914-Caylu 0925-DMach 0928-Caylu 0930-TandE 0936-Caylu (itjoe) 0527-Risk2 : 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0394-H-RvC 0674-Acqui 0789-Civil 0860-Wring 0880- HISta 0906-BatLo 0928-Caylu (JasonRMax) 0340-BobLe : 0336-Antiq 0888-WilWr 0820-18FLR 0874-RRlyR 0805-RoRom 0394-H-RvC 0906- BatLo 0887-JvThe (Jayolas) 0321-HsAoM : 0001-Outpo 0336-Antiq 0813-RandB 0906-BatLo 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0014- Wring 0860-Wring 0255-Wring ; 0885-HamrS 0809-HamrS ; 0880-HISta ; 0929-GoTSS 0153-aGoTh (Jayolas) 0339-HsSHA : 0001-Outpo 0336-Antiq 0813-RandB 0906-BatLo ; 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen (jeffwiles) %Caylus : 0341-Caylu 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0914-Caylu 0928-Caylu 0936-Caylu (jeffwiles) %LdV : 0201-Leodv (jeffwiles) %Lifeb : 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb (jeffwiles) %MrJac : 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac (jeffwiles) %Thebes : 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0887-JvThe (jeffwiles) 0050-Oedge : 0336-Antiq 0859-Seren %Caylus 0209-EtCet 0915-Khron %LdV 0774-PSoup % Thebes 0546-Arkad %MrJac 0542-Shear %Lifeb (jeffwiles) 0051-XFile : 0336-Antiq 0859-Seren %Caylus 0209-EtCet 0915-Khron %LdV 0774-PSoup % Thebes 0546-Arkad %MrJac 0542-Shear %Lifeb 0135-Elfen 0781-Hacie 0152-Throu 0744-magic 0498-GG160 0031- GG150 0638-GG150 0759-HG100 (jeffwiles) 0052-Nanof : 0336-Antiq 0859-Seren %Caylus 0209-EtCet 0915-Khron %LdV 0774-PSoup % Thebes 0546-Arkad %MrJac 0542-Shear %Lifeb 0135-Elfen 0781-Hacie 0152-Throu 0498-GG160 0031-GG150 0638- GG150 (jeffwiles) 0053-LotRX : 0336-Antiq 0859-Seren %Caylus 0209-EtCet 0915-Khron %LdV 0774-PSoup % Thebes 0546-Arkad (jeffwiles) 0054-Cronb : 0336-Antiq (jeffwiles) 0055-GG100 : 0336-Antiq 0859-Seren %Caylus 0209-EtCet 0915-Khron %LdV 0774-PSoup % Thebes 0546-Arkad %MrJac 0542-Shear %Lifeb 0498-GG160 0031-GG150 0638-GG150 (jeffyjeff) %Antike : 0904-Antik 0676-Antik (jeffyjeff) %CMC : 0058-magna 0151-magna 0490-magna 0883-magna 0907-magna (jeffyjeff) %ElCab : 0065-ElCab 0158-ElCab (jeffyjeff) %TtRE : 0854-TtREu 0098-TtREu 0918-TtREu (jeffyjeff) 0404-Lucky : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0940-SpDlr 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0676- Antik 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0113-HeimC 0862-ElGra 0941-BatLo %ElCab %TtRE 0951-BatLo 0062-Antik 0810-DuneX 0390-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0611-MoVen 0864-Showm 0469-babel 0226-TAMSK %CMC 0553-Walle (jeffyjeff) 0405-David : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0940-SpDlr 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881- PoRen 0957-PoRen 0862-ElGra %ElCab (jeffyjeff) 0406-Goods : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0940-SpDlr 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881- PoRen 0957-PoRen 0862-ElGra %ElCab (jeffyjeff) 0407-Fistd : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0940-SpDlr 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881- PoRen 0957-PoRen 0113-HeimC 0862-ElGra 0941-BatLo %ElCab %TtRE 0951-BatLo 0062-Antik 0810-DuneX 0390-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0611-MoVen 0864-Showm 0469-babel 0226-TAMSK %CMC (jeffyjeff) 0408-Stati : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0940-SpDlr 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881- PoRen 0957-PoRen 0113-HeimC 0862-ElGra 0941-BatLo %ElCab %TtRE 0951-BatLo 0062-Antik 0810-DuneX 0390-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0611-MoVen 0864-Showm 0469-babel 0226-TAMSK (jeffyjeff) 0409-Villa : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0209-EtCet 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen (jeffyjeff) 0410-DesBz : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper 0904-Antik %Antike 0940-SpDlr 0774-PSoup 0209- EtCet 0676-Antik 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0113-HeimC 0854-TtREu 0862-ElGra 0941-BatLo 0065-ElCab %ElCab %TtRE 0951-BatLo 0062-Antik 0810-DuneX 0390-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0611-MoVen 0864-Showm 0469-babel 0226-TAMSK %CMC 0553-Walle 0158-ElCab (jeffyjeff) 0411-Tnova : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0940-SpDlr 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881- PoRen 0957-PoRen (jeffyjeff) 0412-Bloku : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0209-EtCet 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen (jeffyjeff) 0413-India : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0940-SpDlr 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881- PoRen 0957-PoRen 0113-HeimC 0862-ElGra 0941-BatLo %ElCab %TtRE 0951-BatLo 0062-Antik 0810-DuneX 0390-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0611-MoVen 0864-Showm 0469-babel 0226-TAMSK (jeffyjeff) 0414-Vegas : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen (jeffyjeff) 0415-Nexus : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0940-SpDlr 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881- PoRen 0957-PoRen 0113-HeimC 0862-ElGra %ElCab %TtRE (jeffyjeff) 0416-Iboss : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0940-SpDlr 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881- PoRen 0957-PoRen 0862-ElGra 0062-Antik (jeffyjeff) 0417-Bwulf : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike (jeffyjeff) 0418-Aqudu : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0940-SpDlr 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881- PoRen 0957-PoRen 0862-ElGra %ElCab (jeffyjeff) 0419-HoiTy : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0940-SpDlr 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881- PoRen 0957-PoRen 0862-ElGra %ElCab (jeffyjeff) 0420-Oasis : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0940-SpDlr 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881- PoRen 0957-PoRen 0862-ElGra %ElCab %TtRE (jeffyjeff) 0421-shang : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0209-EtCet 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen (jeffyjeff) 0422-Tongi : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0940-SpDlr 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881- PoRen 0957-PoRen 0862-ElGra %ElCab (jeffyjeff) 0423-PRico : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen (jeffyjeff) 0424-Carca : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen (jeffyjeff) 0425-CarHG : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen (jeffyjeff) 0426-Kingm : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0940-SpDlr 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881- PoRen 0957-PoRen 0113-HeimC 0862-ElGra 0941-BatLo %ElCab %TtRE 0951-BatLo 0062-Antik 0810-DuneX 0390-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0611-MoVen 0864-Showm 0469-babel 0226-TAMSK (jeffyjeff) 0427-Goldb : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0209-EtCet 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen (jeffyjeff) 0428-Metro : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0862-ElGra (jeffyjeff) 0429-Rhein : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0940-SpDlr 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881- PoRen 0957-PoRen 0113-HeimC 0862-ElGra %ElCab (jeffyjeff) 0430-China : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0862-ElGra (jeffyjeff) 0431-Tyros : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0940-SpDlr 0774-PSoup 0209-EtCet 0881- PoRen 0957-PoRen 0113-HeimC 0862-ElGra 0941-BatLo %ElCab %TtRE 0951-BatLo 0469-babel (jeffyjeff) 0432-mache : 0336-Antiq (jeffyjeff) 0433-IlPri : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper (jeffyjeff) 0434-Poker : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper 0904-Antik %Antike 0940-SpDlr 0774-PSoup 0209- EtCet 0676-Antik 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0113-HeimC 0854-TtREu 0862-ElGra 0941-BatLo 0065-ElCab %ElCab %TtRE 0951-BatLo 0062-Antik 0810-DuneX 0390-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0611-MoVen 0864-Showm 0098-TtREu 0058-magna 0469- babel 0226-TAMSK %CMC 0553-Walle 0158-ElCab 0151-magna 0490-magna 0883-magna 0907-magna (jeffyjeff) 0435-WildL : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike 0209-EtCet (jeffyjeff) 0436-RtrnH : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper (jeffyjeff) 0437-under : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper (jeffyjeff) 0438-M-M-M : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper %Antike (jeffyjeff) 0439-DVDpb : 0336-Antiq 0846-Imper 0904-Antik %Antike 0940-SpDlr 0774-PSoup 0209- EtCet 0676-Antik 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0113-HeimC 0862-ElGra 0941-BatLo %ElCab %TtRE 0951-BatLo 0062-Antik 0810-DuneX 0390-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0611-MoVen 0864-Showm 0469-babel 0226-TAMSK %CMC 0553-Walle 0158-ElCab (jezztek) %antik : 0904-Antik ; 0062-Antik (jezztek) %britt : 0159-Brita 0614-Brita (jezztek) %grand : 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0933-ElGra (jezztek) %merch : 0611-MoVen ; 0254-MoVen (jezztek) %prico : 0508-PRico ; 0240-PRico 0423-PRico 0450-PRico 0895-PueRt 0903-PueRt 0923- PRico (jezztek) %talis : 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 (jezztek) 0165-Risk2 : 0153-aGoTh ; 0772-DJitD ; %merch %antik 0580-aGoTh 0504-sword 0278-epicd (jezztek) 0166-Attac : 0153-aGoTh ; 0772-DJitD ; %merch %antik 0580-aGoTh 0504-sword %grand % britt %talis %prico 0278-epicd (jezztek) 0167-RtrnH : 0153-aGoTh ; 0772-DJitD ; %merch %antik 0580-aGoTh 0504-sword %grand % britt %talis %prico 0278-epicd (jezztek) 0168-DunTw : 0153-aGoTh ; 0772-DJitD ; %merch %antik 0580-aGoTh 0504-sword %grand % britt %talis %prico 0278-epicd (jezztek) 0169-House : 0153-aGoTh ; 0772-DJitD ; %merch %antik 0580-aGoTh 0504-sword %grand % britt %talis %prico 0278-epicd (jezztek) 0172-Dplom : 0153-aGoTh ; 0772-DJitD ; %merch 0278-epicd (jezztek) 0179-Omega : 0153-aGoTh ; 0772-DJitD ; %merch %antik 0580-aGoTh 0504-sword %grand % britt %talis %prico 0278-epicd (jezztek) 0818-ToIrn : 0153-aGoTh ; 0772-DJitD (jezztek) 0885-HamrS : 0153-aGoTh ; 0772-DJitD ; %merch 0278-epicd ; 0580-aGoTh (jmmurphy) %ElGrande1 : 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra (jmmurphy) %PowerGrid : 0873-Pgrid ; 0188-Pgrid (jmmurphy) 0797-Navia : %ElGrande1 %PowerGrid 0772-DJitD 0174-magic 0288-EDCoL 0729-Chron 0774- PSoup ; 0050-Oedge 0639-Munch 0637-LotFR (jmmurphy) 0799-Guard : %ElGrande1 %PowerGrid 0772-DJitD 0174-magic 0288-EDCoL 0729-Chron 0774- PSoup ; 0050-Oedge 0639-Munch 0637-LotFR (joeklecko) 0767-CandC : 0488-Lastn (joeklecko) 0768-Astar : 0488-Lastn 0307-FDCSM (joeklecko) 0770-Paths : 0488-Lastn 0307-FDCSM (joeklecko) 0772-DJitD : (joeklecko) 0775-HoiTy : 0307-FDCSM 0081-FDCU1 0399-FDCHZ (joewyka) 0364-DoA-3 : 0177-DuneX 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0493- WoWFA 0001-Outpo 0947-18EUR 0886-AoSte 0390-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0768-Astar 0943-Satrn 0081-FDCU1 0953-1841R 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0946-18USR 0871-citta 0850- TajMa 0040-Yspah 0772-DJitD 0846-Imper 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0627-Keyth 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0864-Showm 0388-Romml 0880-HISta 0373-WoWTB 0596-realm 0806-Civ-W 0400-FDCBN 0307- FDCSM 0524-Konto 0949-1846R 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0945-18Mex 0950-18FLR 0863-Samur 0187-ReefE 0892-Notre 0669-Genoa 0913-Mahar 0201-Leodv 0507-Paths 0770-Paths 0819-Aladd 0536-under 0602-under 0706-CutCa 0901- AVTac (joewyka) 0365-Princ : 0177-DuneX 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0493- WoWFA 0001-Outpo 0947-18EUR 0886-AoSte 0390-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0768-Astar 0943-Satrn 0081-FDCU1 0953-1841R 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0946-18USR 0871-citta 0850- TajMa 0040-Yspah 0772-DJitD 0846-Imper 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0627-Keyth 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0864-Showm 0388-Romml 0880-HISta 0373-WoWTB 0596-realm 0806-Civ-W 0400-FDCBN 0307- FDCSM 0524-Konto 0949-1846R 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0945-18Mex 0950-18FLR (joewyka) 0366-Endof : 0177-DuneX 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0493- WoWFA 0001-Outpo 0947-18EUR 0886-AoSte 0390-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr 0008-Up-Fr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0768-Astar 0943-Satrn 0081-FDCU1 0953-1841R 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0946-18USR (joewyka) 0367-Formu : 0177-DuneX 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0493- WoWFA 0001-Outpo 0947-18EUR (jostrand) 0859-Seren : 0847-Acqui 0929-GoTSS (jostrand) 0877-Blank : (jostrand) 0878-Blank : (jostrand) 0879-Blank : (jpbartleby) 0114-Budde : 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0493-WoWFA 0226-TAMSK 0768-Astar (jpbartleby) 0115-Zertz : 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0493-WoWFA 0226-TAMSK 0768-Astar (jpbartleby) 0116-Sleut : 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0493-WoWFA 0226-TAMSK 0768-Astar (jpbartleby) 0117-Minot : 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0493-WoWFA 0226-TAMSK 0768-Astar (jpbartleby) 0118-Pickn : 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0493-WoWFA 0226-TAMSK 0768-Astar (jpbartleby) 0119-GG075 : 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0493-WoWFA 0226-TAMSK 0768-Astar 0873-Pgrid 0924 -SJuan 0488-Lastn 0781-Hacie 0356-Kahun 0347-Fresh 0260-Dynas 0752-Netru 0647-HareT 0679-Thief 0092-wishs 0189-Simpl 0304-Simpl 0007-GG101 0031-GG150 0532-GG095 0574-GG100 0638-GG150 (jpbartleby) 0909-AmunR : (jsharp) %Antike : 0062-Antik 0676-Antik 0904-Antik (jsharp) %ArkHor : 0668-ArkHo 0937-ArkHo (jsharp) %MagRea : 0596-realm 0867-realm (jsharp) %ToI : 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn (jsharp) %WotR : 0014-Wring 0860-Wring (jsharp) 0235-Mem44 : 0811-Wtdrw 0553-Walle (jsharp) 0236-rally : 0811-Wtdrw 0553-Walle 0886-AoSte 0772-DJitD %ToI (jsharp) 0237-DunTw : 0811-Wtdrw 0553-Walle 0886-AoSte 0772-DJitD %ToI %WotR %ArkHor 0402- Sjuan 0857-M44TP 0365-Princ %Antike 0603-wcirc %MagRea (jsharp) 0238-DTexp : 0811-Wtdrw 0553-Walle 0886-AoSte 0772-DJitD %ToI %WotR %ArkHor 0402- Sjuan 0857-M44TP 0365-Princ %Antike 0603-wcirc %MagRea (jsharp) 0239-HsFoA : 0811-Wtdrw 0553-Walle (jsharp) 0240-PRico : (jsharp) 0241-SoNat : 0811-Wtdrw 0553-Walle 0886-AoSte 0772-DJitD %ToI %WotR %ArkHor 0402- Sjuan 0857-M44TP 0365-Princ %Antike 0603-wcirc %MagRea 0892-Notre 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0190-TtRME 0845- TtRME 0338-RtrnH 0752-Netru 0364-DoA-3 (jsharp) 0242-STIII : 0811-Wtdrw 0553-Walle 0886-AoSte 0772-DJitD %ToI %WotR %ArkHor 0402- Sjuan 0857-M44TP 0365-Princ %Antike 0603-wcirc %MagRea (jsharp) 0243-Start : 0811-Wtdrw 0553-Walle 0886-AoSte 0772-DJitD %ToI %WotR %ArkHor 0402- Sjuan 0857-M44TP 0365-Princ %Antike 0603-wcirc %MagRea 0892-Notre (jsharp) 0244-Bdash : 0811-Wtdrw 0553-Walle 0886-AoSte 0772-DJitD %ToI %WotR %ArkHor 0402- Sjuan 0857-M44TP 0365-Princ %Antike 0603-wcirc %MagRea 0892-Notre 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0190-TtRME 0845- TtRME 0338-RtrnH 0752-Netru 0364-DoA-3 (jsharp) 0245-Dream : 0811-Wtdrw 0553-Walle 0886-AoSte 0772-DJitD %ToI %WotR %ArkHor 0402- Sjuan 0857-M44TP (jsharp) 0246-Dream : 0811-Wtdrw 0553-Walle 0886-AoSte 0772-DJitD %ToI %WotR %ArkHor 0402- Sjuan 0857-M44TP (jtamplin) %Antike--- : 0123-Antik 0676-Antik 0904-Antik ; 0062-Antik (jtamplin) %PrinceRen : 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen (jtamplin) 0945-18Mex : 0813-RandB %PrinceRen 0943-Satrn ; 0809-HamrS 0905-StrCr 0008-Up-Fr 0389-LRail ; 0846-Imper 0209-EtCet 0438-M-M-M (jtamplin) 0946-18USR : 0813-RandB %PrinceRen 0943-Satrn (jtamplin) 0947-18EUR : 0813-RandB %PrinceRen 0943-Satrn (jtamplin) 0948-18EUR : 0813-RandB %PrinceRen 0943-Satrn ; 0809-HamrS 0905-StrCr 0008-Up-Fr 0389-LRail ; 0846-Imper 0209-EtCet 0438-M-M-M (jtamplin) 0949-1846R : 0813-RandB %PrinceRen 0943-Satrn ; 0809-HamrS 0905-StrCr 0008-Up-Fr 0389-LRail ; 0846-Imper 0209-EtCet 0438-M-M-M (jtamplin) 0950-18FLR : 0813-RandB %PrinceRen 0943-Satrn ; 0809-HamrS 0905-StrCr 0008-Up-Fr 0389-LRail ; 0846-Imper 0209-EtCet 0438-M-M-M ; 0040-Yspah %Antike--- 0627-Keyth 0512-AoSCS (jtamplin) 0952-18VAR : 0813-RandB %PrinceRen 0943-Satrn ; 0809-HamrS 0905-StrCr 0008-Up-Fr 0389-LRail ; 0846-Imper 0209-EtCet 0438-M-M-M ; %Antike--- (jtamplin) 0953-1841R : 0813-RandB %PrinceRen 0943-Satrn (jtamplin) 0954-1832R : 0813-RandB %PrinceRen 0943-Satrn ; 0809-HamrS 0905-StrCr 0008-Up-Fr 0389-LRail ; 0846-Imper (jtamplin) 0955-1850R : 0813-RandB %PrinceRen 0943-Satrn ; 0809-HamrS 0905-StrCr 0008-Up-Fr 0389-LRail ; 0846-Imper (jtamplin) 0956-1889R : 0813-RandB %PrinceRen 0943-Satrn ; 0809-HamrS 0905-StrCr 0008-Up-Fr 0389-LRail (kdiddy13) %Acqui : 0390-Acqui 0674-Acqui 0688-Acqui 0753-Acqui 0816-Acqui 0847-Acqui (kdiddy13) %Dune : 0810-DuneX 0253-DuneX (kdiddy13) %FoD : 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd (kdiddy13) %HotS : 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS (kdiddy13) %R2A : 0107-Risk2 0165-Risk2 0527-Risk2 (kdiddy13) %RoboR : 0147-rally 0236-rally 0258-rally 0595-rally 0726-rally (kdiddy13) %Survi : 0311-Survi 0443-Survi (kdiddy13) %TI3E : 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd (kdiddy13) %Tikal : 0063-Tikal 0919-Tikal (kdiddy13) %ToI : 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn (kdiddy13) %Torres : 0099-Torre 0228-Torre 0649-Torre 0938-Torre (kdiddy13) %WizKin : 0615-Wking 0798-Wking (kdiddy13) %WotR : 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0860-Wring (kdiddy13) 0541-Tongi : %Dune 0906-BatLo %WizKin %HotS %RoboR %FoD 0604-CEEE1 %Survi %TI3E %ToI 0367-Formu %Torres 0338-RtrnH %WotR %Tikal %Acqui %R2A 0315-DoA-1 (kdiddy13) 0542-Shear : %Dune 0906-BatLo %WizKin %HotS %RoboR %FoD 0604-CEEE1 %Survi %TI3E %ToI 0367-Formu %WotR %Tikal (killjoy00) 0593-TimUp : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0197- ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0805-RoRom 0008-Up-Fr 0492-LoRFF 0706-CutCa 0067-HsCov (killjoy00) 0594-TrCCG : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0197- ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0805-RoRom 0008-Up-Fr 0492-LoRFF 0706-CutCa 0067-HsCov 0058-magna 0151-magna 0490-magna 0883-magna (killjoy00) 0595-rally : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr (Kolumel) 0516-HsRoV : 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0668- ArkHo 0937-ArkHo 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0909-AmunR 0846-Imper 0919-Tikal 0813-RandB 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0123-Antik 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0197- ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0098-TtREu 0854-TtREu 0918-TtREu 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0234-Strug 0940-SpDlr 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0446-Battl 0788-Battl 0182-Formu 0367-Formu 0849-Tannh 0507- Paths 0770-Paths 0473-Lifeb 0888-WilWr 0388-Romml 0880-HISta 0789-Civil 0887-JvThe 0536-under 0874-RRlyR 0859-Seren 0378-AVicL 0504-sword 0447-CarcD 0001-Outpo 0828-WW2BB 0831-SOS3E 0675-EurUn 0254-MoVen 0403- AAMin 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0930-TandE 0873-Pgrid 0384-AmunR 0153-aGoTh 0580-aGoTh 0147-rally 0669-Genoa 0627-Keyth 0774-PSoup 0817-MRPla 0277-Cleop 0373-WoWTB 0065-ElCab 0158-ElCab 0819-Aladd 0159- Brita 0614-Brita 0482-CarcC 0327-CarHG 0891-80day 0383-Dplom 0677-MagGr 0292-baron 0325-baron 0760-AmLab 0386-Thron 0628-ryans 0188-Pgrid 0187-ReefE 0229-Santi 0099-Torre 0228-Torre 0649-Torre 0938-Torre 0913- Mahar 0942-Cleop 0781-Hacie 0611-MoVen 0377-zavan 0596-realm 0167-RtrnH 0338-RtrnH 0038-CarcC 0315-DoA-1 0103-TimUp 0542-Shear 0588-Circm 0706-CutCa 0287-Kmake 0620-Kmake 0042-BFeud 0678-BFeud 0743-Trire 0021- Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0666-Ra-Ra 0040-Yspah 0152-Throu 0577-Throu 0648-Throu 0815-Throu 0892-Notre 0236-rally 0595-rally 0726-rally 0200-Holly 0259-Holly 0671-Jambo 0864-Showm 0129-raven 0489-RtrnH 0593-TimUp 0869- ShadE 0339-HsSHA 0046-Zombi 0773-CanGr 0321-HsAoM 0128-MRAme 0002-2038R 0004-Thron 0820-18FLR 0324-Midwy 0371-H-War 0492-LoRFF (Kolumel) 0518-HsRoV : 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0668- ArkHo 0937-ArkHo 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0909-AmunR 0846-Imper 0919-Tikal 0813-RandB 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0123-Antik 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0197- ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0098-TtREu 0854-TtREu 0918-TtREu 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0234-Strug 0940-SpDlr 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0446-Battl 0788-Battl 0182-Formu 0367-Formu 0849-Tannh 0507- Paths 0770-Paths 0473-Lifeb 0888-WilWr 0388-Romml 0880-HISta 0789-Civil 0887-JvThe 0536-under 0874-RRlyR 0859-Seren 0378-AVicL 0504-sword 0447-CarcD 0001-Outpo 0828-WW2BB 0831-SOS3E 0675-EurUn 0254-MoVen 0403- AAMin 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0930-TandE 0873-Pgrid 0384-AmunR 0153-aGoTh 0580-aGoTh 0147-rally 0669-Genoa 0627-Keyth 0774-PSoup 0817-MRPla 0277-Cleop 0373-WoWTB 0065-ElCab 0158-ElCab 0819-Aladd 0159- Brita 0614-Brita 0482-CarcC 0327-CarHG 0891-80day 0383-Dplom 0677-MagGr 0292-baron 0325-baron 0760-AmLab 0386-Thron 0628-ryans 0188-Pgrid 0187-ReefE 0229-Santi 0099-Torre 0228-Torre 0649-Torre 0938-Torre 0913- Mahar 0942-Cleop 0781-Hacie 0611-MoVen 0377-zavan 0596-realm 0167-RtrnH 0338-RtrnH 0038-CarcC 0315-DoA-1 0103-TimUp 0542-Shear 0588-Circm 0706-CutCa 0287-Kmake 0620-Kmake 0042-BFeud 0678-BFeud 0743-Trire 0021- Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0666-Ra-Ra 0040-Yspah 0152-Throu 0577-Throu 0648-Throu 0815-Throu 0892-Notre 0236-rally 0595-rally 0726-rally 0200-Holly 0259-Holly 0671-Jambo 0864-Showm 0129-raven 0489-RtrnH 0593-TimUp 0869- ShadE 0339-HsSHA 0046-Zombi 0773-CanGr 0321-HsAoM 0128-MRAme 0002-2038R 0004-Thron 0820-18FLR 0324-Midwy 0371-H-War 0492-LoRFF (Kolumel) 0520-CoIrn : 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0668- ArkHo 0937-ArkHo 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0909-AmunR 0846-Imper 0919-Tikal 0813-RandB 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0123-Antik 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0197- ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0098-TtREu 0854-TtREu 0918-TtREu 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0234-Strug 0940-SpDlr 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0446-Battl 0788-Battl 0182-Formu 0367-Formu 0849-Tannh 0507- Paths 0770-Paths 0473-Lifeb 0888-WilWr 0388-Romml 0880-HISta 0789-Civil 0887-JvThe 0536-under 0874-RRlyR 0859-Seren 0378-AVicL 0504-sword 0447-CarcD 0001-Outpo 0828-WW2BB 0831-SOS3E 0675-EurUn (Kolumel) 0522-CoDom : 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0668- ArkHo 0937-ArkHo 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0909-AmunR 0846-Imper 0919-Tikal 0813-RandB 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0123-Antik 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0197- ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0098-TtREu 0854-TtREu 0918-TtREu 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0234-Strug 0940-SpDlr 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0446-Battl 0788-Battl 0182-Formu 0367-Formu 0849-Tannh 0507- Paths 0770-Paths 0473-Lifeb 0888-WilWr 0388-Romml 0880-HISta 0789-Civil 0887-JvThe 0536-under 0874-RRlyR 0859-Seren 0378-AVicL 0504-sword 0447-CarcD 0001-Outpo 0828-WW2BB 0831-SOS3E 0675-EurUn (Kolumel) 0523-Senet : 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0668- ArkHo 0937-ArkHo 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0909-AmunR 0846-Imper 0919-Tikal 0813-RandB 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0123-Antik 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0197- ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0098-TtREu 0854-TtREu 0918-TtREu 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0234-Strug 0940-SpDlr 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0446-Battl 0788-Battl 0182-Formu 0367-Formu 0849-Tannh 0507- Paths 0770-Paths 0473-Lifeb 0888-WilWr 0388-Romml 0880-HISta 0789-Civil 0887-JvThe 0536-under 0874-RRlyR 0859-Seren 0378-AVicL 0504-sword 0447-CarcD 0001-Outpo 0828-WW2BB 0831-SOS3E 0675-EurUn 0254-MoVen 0403- AAMin 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0930-TandE 0873-Pgrid 0384-AmunR 0153-aGoTh 0580-aGoTh 0147-rally 0669-Genoa 0627-Keyth 0774-PSoup 0817-MRPla 0277-Cleop 0373-WoWTB 0065-ElCab 0158-ElCab 0819-Aladd 0159- Brita 0614-Brita 0482-CarcC 0327-CarHG 0891-80day 0383-Dplom 0677-MagGr 0292-baron 0325-baron 0760-AmLab 0386-Thron 0628-ryans 0188-Pgrid 0187-ReefE 0229-Santi 0099-Torre 0228-Torre 0649-Torre 0938-Torre 0913- Mahar 0942-Cleop 0781-Hacie 0611-MoVen 0377-zavan 0596-realm 0167-RtrnH 0338-RtrnH 0038-CarcC 0315-DoA-1 0103-TimUp 0542-Shear 0588-Circm 0706-CutCa 0287-Kmake 0620-Kmake 0042-BFeud 0678-BFeud 0743-Trire 0021- Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0666-Ra-Ra 0040-Yspah 0152-Throu 0577-Throu 0648-Throu 0815-Throu 0892-Notre 0236-rally 0595-rally 0726-rally 0200-Holly 0259-Holly 0671-Jambo 0864-Showm 0129-raven 0489-RtrnH 0593-TimUp 0869- ShadE 0339-HsSHA 0046-Zombi 0773-CanGr 0321-HsAoM 0128-MRAme 0002-2038R 0004-Thron 0820-18FLR 0324-Midwy 0371-H-War (Kolumel) 0525-TCPol : 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0668- ArkHo 0937-ArkHo 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0909-AmunR 0846-Imper 0919-Tikal 0813-RandB 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0123-Antik 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0197- ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0098-TtREu 0854-TtREu 0918-TtREu 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0234-Strug 0940-SpDlr 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0446-Battl 0788-Battl 0182-Formu 0367-Formu 0849-Tannh 0507- Paths 0770-Paths 0473-Lifeb 0888-WilWr 0388-Romml 0880-HISta 0789-Civil 0887-JvThe 0536-under 0874-RRlyR 0859-Seren 0378-AVicL 0504-sword 0447-CarcD 0001-Outpo 0828-WW2BB 0831-SOS3E 0675-EurUn 0254-MoVen 0403- AAMin 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0930-TandE 0873-Pgrid 0384-AmunR 0153-aGoTh 0580-aGoTh 0147-rally 0669-Genoa 0627-Keyth 0774-PSoup 0817-MRPla 0277-Cleop 0373-WoWTB 0065-ElCab 0158-ElCab 0819-Aladd 0159- Brita 0614-Brita 0482-CarcC 0327-CarHG 0891-80day 0383-Dplom 0677-MagGr 0292-baron 0325-baron 0760-AmLab 0386-Thron 0628-ryans 0188-Pgrid 0187-ReefE 0229-Santi 0099-Torre 0228-Torre 0649-Torre 0938-Torre 0913- Mahar 0942-Cleop 0781-Hacie 0611-MoVen 0377-zavan 0596-realm 0167-RtrnH 0338-RtrnH 0038-CarcC 0315-DoA-1 0103-TimUp 0542-Shear 0588-Circm 0706-CutCa 0287-Kmake 0620-Kmake 0042-BFeud 0678-BFeud 0743-Trire (Kolumel) 0530-AdvSL : 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0668- ArkHo 0937-ArkHo 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0909-AmunR 0846-Imper 0919-Tikal 0813-RandB 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0123-Antik 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0197- ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0098-TtREu 0854-TtREu 0918-TtREu 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0234-Strug 0940-SpDlr 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0446-Battl 0788-Battl 0182-Formu 0367-Formu 0849-Tannh 0507- Paths 0770-Paths 0473-Lifeb 0888-WilWr 0388-Romml 0880-HISta 0789-Civil 0887-JvThe 0536-under 0874-RRlyR 0859-Seren 0378-AVicL 0504-sword 0447-CarcD 0001-Outpo 0828-WW2BB 0831-SOS3E 0675-EurUn 0254-MoVen 0403- AAMin (Kolumel) 0532-GG095 : 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0668- ArkHo 0937-ArkHo 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0909-AmunR 0846-Imper 0919-Tikal 0813-RandB 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0123-Antik 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0197- ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0098-TtREu 0854-TtREu 0918-TtREu 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0234-Strug 0940-SpDlr 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0446-Battl 0788-Battl 0182-Formu 0367-Formu 0849-Tannh 0507- Paths 0770-Paths 0473-Lifeb 0888-WilWr 0388-Romml 0880-HISta 0789-Civil 0887-JvThe 0536-under 0874-RRlyR 0859-Seren 0378-AVicL 0504-sword 0447-CarcD 0001-Outpo 0828-WW2BB 0831-SOS3E 0675-EurUn 0254-MoVen 0403- AAMin 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0930-TandE 0873-Pgrid 0384-AmunR 0153-aGoTh 0580-aGoTh 0147-rally 0669-Genoa 0627-Keyth 0774-PSoup 0817-MRPla 0277-Cleop 0373-WoWTB 0065-ElCab 0158-ElCab 0819-Aladd 0159- Brita 0614-Brita 0482-CarcC 0327-CarHG 0891-80day 0383-Dplom 0677-MagGr 0292-baron 0325-baron 0760-AmLab 0386-Thron 0628-ryans 0007-GG101 0031-GG150 0055-GG100 0498-GG160 0574-GG100 0631-GG100 0638-GG150 (krazygit) 0749-Attac : 0493-WoWFA 0254-MoVen 0038-CarcC 0041-Terkh 0667-BoKTM 0125-Conqu (krazygit) 0750-Fossi : 0125-Conqu 0402-Sjuan 0099-Torre 0939-Hansa 0129-raven 0445-Bgfan 0294- Tongi 0404-Lucky (krazygit) 0751-AXISA : 0493-WoWFA 0125-Conqu 0188-Pgrid 0921-Ingen 0277-Cleop 0480-queen (krazygit) 0752-Netru : 0026-Guill ; 0143-Sjuan 0199-Aqudu (kvn299) 0809-HamrS : 0905-StrCr 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0373-WoWTB 0488-Lastn 0674- Acqui 0772-DJitD 0820-18FLR 0874-RRlyR 0941-BatLo 0906-BatLo (kwebec) 0534-UtLBn : 0403-AAMin 0197-ToIrn 0186-WarKn 0222-AveCa 0254-MoVen 0278-epicd 0336 -Antiq 0366-Endof 0378-AVicL 0472-Caylu 0504-sword 0546-Arkad 0610-Thebe 0611-MoVen 0616-Samur 0742- MCFaW 0789-Civil 0802-Thebe 0805-RoRom 0813-RandB 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0846-Imper 0831-SOS3E 0872-Caylu 0886-AoSte 0888-WilWr 0890-LLBoH 0912-1870R 0914-Caylu (kwebec) 0535-Shark : 0403-AAMin 0197-ToIrn 0186-WarKn 0222-AveCa 0254-MoVen 0278-epicd 0336 -Antiq 0366-Endof 0378-AVicL 0472-Caylu 0504-sword 0546-Arkad 0610-Thebe 0611-MoVen 0616-Samur 0742-MCFaW 0789-Civil 0802-Thebe 0805-RoRom 0813-RandB 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0846-Imper 0831-SOS3E 0872-Caylu 0886- AoSte 0888-WilWr 0890-LLBoH 0912-1870R 0914-Caylu (kwebec) 0536-under : 0403-AAMin 0197-ToIrn 0186-WarKn 0222-AveCa 0254-MoVen 0278-epicd 0336 -Antiq 0366-Endof 0378-AVicL 0472-Caylu 0504-sword 0546-Arkad 0610-Thebe 0611-MoVen 0616-Samur 0742-MCFaW 0789-Civil 0802-Thebe 0805-RoRom 0813-RandB 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0846-Imper 0831-SOS3E 0872-Caylu 0886- AoSte 0888-WilWr 0890-LLBoH 0912-1870R 0914-Caylu (kwebec) 0537-lenin : 0403-AAMin 0040-Yspah 0197-ToIrn 0186-WarKn 0222-AveCa 0254-MoVen 0278 -epicd 0336-Antiq 0366-Endof 0378-AVicL 0472-Caylu 0504-sword 0546-Arkad 0610-Thebe 0611-MoVen 0616-Samur 0742-MCFaW 0789-Civil 0802-Thebe 0805-RoRom 0813-RandB 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0846-Imper 0831-SOS3E 0872- Caylu 0886-AoSte 0888-WilWr 0890-LLBoH 0912-1870R 0914-Caylu (larryjrice) 0155-CoPan : 0881-PoRen 0254-MoVen 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0611-MoVen 0888-WilWr 0183- MrJac 0610-Thebe 0915-Khron 0347-Fresh 0920-MrJac 0488-Lastn 0671-Jambo 0819-Aladd 0512-AoSCS 0438-M-M-M 0513-AoSNE 0444-AoAWL 0511-AoSAI 0102-FalFu 0510-AoSMS 0845-TtRME 0536-under 0100-CSSaS 0129-raven 0159- Brita 0178-Marco 0404-Lucky (larryjrice) 0156-Onwar : 0881-PoRen 0254-MoVen 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0611-MoVen 0888-WilWr 0957- PoRen (larryjrice) 0157-Zero! : 0881-PoRen 0254-MoVen 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0611-MoVen 0888-WilWr 0183- MrJac 0610-Thebe 0915-Khron 0347-Fresh 0920-MrJac 0488-Lastn 0671-Jambo 0819-Aladd 0512-AoSCS 0438-M-M-M 0513-AoSNE 0444-AoAWL 0511-AoSAI 0102-FalFu 0510-AoSMS 0845-TtRME 0536-under 0100-CSSaS (larryjrice) 0158-ElCab : 0881-PoRen 0254-MoVen 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0611-MoVen 0888-WilWr 0610- Thebe 0915-Khron 0957-PoRen (larryjrice) 0584-Mauer : 0881-PoRen 0254-MoVen 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0611-MoVen 0888-WilWr 0183- MrJac 0610-Thebe 0915-Khron 0347-Fresh 0920-MrJac 0488-Lastn 0671-Jambo 0819-Aladd 0512-AoSCS 0438-M-M-M 0513-AoSNE 0444-AoAWL 0511-AoSAI 0102-FalFu 0510-AoSMS 0845-TtRME 0536-under 0100-CSSaS 0129-raven 0159- Brita 0178-Marco (larryjrice) 0585-SucVa : 0881-PoRen 0254-MoVen 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0611-MoVen 0888-WilWr 0183- MrJac 0610-Thebe 0915-Khron 0347-Fresh 0920-MrJac 0488-Lastn 0671-Jambo 0819-Aladd 0512-AoSCS 0438-M-M-M 0513-AoSNE 0444-AoAWL 0511-AoSAI 0102-FalFu 0510-AoSMS 0845-TtRME 0536-under 0100-CSSaS 0129-raven 0159- Brita 0178-Marco 0404-Lucky (larryjrice) 0586-Wordr : 0881-PoRen 0254-MoVen 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0611-MoVen 0888-WilWr 0183- MrJac 0610-Thebe 0915-Khron 0347-Fresh 0920-MrJac 0488-Lastn 0671-Jambo 0819-Aladd 0512-AoSCS 0438-M-M-M 0513-AoSNE 0444-AoAWL 0511-AoSAI 0102-FalFu 0510-AoSMS 0845-TtRME 0536-under 0100-CSSaS 0129-raven 0159- Brita 0178-Marco 0404-Lucky (larryjrice) 0607-WicWW : 0881-PoRen 0254-MoVen 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0611-MoVen 0888-WilWr 0183- MrJac 0610-Thebe 0915-Khron 0347-Fresh 0920-MrJac 0488-Lastn 0671-Jambo 0819-Aladd 0512-AoSCS 0438-M-M-M 0513-AoSNE 0444-AoAWL 0511-AoSAI 0102-FalFu 0510-AoSMS (larryjrice) 0701-KuFri : 0881-PoRen 0254-MoVen 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0611-MoVen 0888-WilWr 0347- Fresh 0957-PoRen (larryjrice) 0702-QNeck : 0881-PoRen 0254-MoVen 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0611-MoVen 0888-WilWr 0183- MrJac 0610-Thebe 0915-Khron 0347-Fresh 0920-MrJac 0488-Lastn 0671-Jambo 0819-Aladd 0512-AoSCS 0438-M-M-M 0513-AoSNE 0444-AoAWL 0511-AoSAI 0102-FalFu 0510-AoSMS 0845-TtRME 0536-under 0100-CSSaS 0129-raven 0159- Brita 0178-Marco 0404-Lucky (larryjrice) 0705-HiveX : 0881-PoRen 0254-MoVen 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0611-MoVen 0888-WilWr 0183- MrJac 0610-Thebe 0915-Khron 0347-Fresh 0920-MrJac 0488-Lastn 0671-Jambo 0819-Aladd 0512-AoSCS 0438-M-M-M 0513-AoSNE 0444-AoAWL 0511-AoSAI 0102-FalFu 0510-AoSMS 0845-TtRME 0536-under 0100-CSSaS 0129-raven 0159- Brita (larryjrice) 0886-AoSte : 0881-PoRen 0254-MoVen 0957-PoRen (letsgettrivial) %ArkHor : 0668-ArkHo 0937-ArkHo (letsgettrivial) %Caylus : 0341-Caylu 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0914-Caylu 0928-Caylu 0936-Caylu (letsgettrivial) %China : 0430-China 0657-China (letsgettrivial) %PwrGrid : 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid (letsgettrivial) %Thebes : 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe (letsgettrivial) %TtrEuro : 0098-TtREu 0854-TtREu 0918-TtREu (letsgettrivial) %WarKni : 0186-WarKn 0843-WarKn (letsgettrivial) %WOTR : 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0860-Wring (letsgettrivial) 0258-rally : 0886-AoSte 0772-DJitD (letsgettrivial) 0259-Holly : 0886-AoSte %PwrGrid 0772-DJitD 0187-ReefE %Thebes %Caylus %TtrEuro % WOTR (letsgettrivial) 0260-Dynas : 0886-AoSte %PwrGrid 0772-DJitD 0187-ReefE %Thebes %Caylus %TtrEuro % WOTR 0885-HamrS %ArkHor %WarKni 0356-Kahun %China 0759-HG100 (littlechild_zu) 0850-TajMa : 0905-StrCr (littlechild_zu) 0851-Mem44 : 0905-StrCr (littlechild_zu) 0852-Pilla : 0905-StrCr (littlechild_zu) 0853-Wtdrw : (littlechild_zu) 0854-TtREu : 0905-StrCr (littlechild_zu) 0933-ElGra : 0905-StrCr (lmnop) 0602-under : 0668-ArkHo 0937-ArkHo 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818- ToIrn 0846-Imper 0772-DJitD 0231-Domne 0659-Domne 0905-StrCr 0774-PSoup 0957-PoRen 0913-Mahar 0008-Up-Fr 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0377-zavan 0159-Brita 0789-Civil 0803-GoTSS 0929-GoTSS 0378-AVicL 0188-Pgrid 0885- HamrS (lmnop) 0603-wcirc : 0668-ArkHo 0937-ArkHo 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0846-Imper 0197-ToIrn 0814- ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0772-DJitD 0231-Domne 0659-Domne 0774-PSoup 0957-PoRen 0913-Mahar 0905-StrCr 0008-Up-Fr 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0377-zavan 0159-Brita 0789-Civil 0803-GoTSS 0929-GoTSS 0378-AVicL 0230-Sjuan 0188- Pgrid 0885-HamrS (Loggy) 0338-RtrnH : 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0905-StrCr 0906-BatLo 0493-WoWFA 0943-Satrn 0941- BatLo 0367-Formu 0890-LLBoH 0214-Crims 0305-Racer 0602-under 0891-80day 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0190-TtRME (LoMa) %Caylus : 0341-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0936-Caylu (LoMa) %ElCab : 0065-ElCab 0158-ElCab (LoMa) %Oasis : 0420-Oasis 0656-Oasis (LoMa) %Puerto : 0240-PRico 0423-PRico 0450-PRico 0508-PRico 0923-PRico 0895-PueRt (LoMa) 0058-magna : 0040-Yspah 0685-nostr 0871-citta %ElCab 0915-Khron (LoMa) 0060-TandE : 0040-Yspah (LoMa) 0061-Acove : 0040-Yspah 0685-nostr 0871-citta %ElCab 0915-Khron 0720-Plund 0120-Siena %Caylus %Puerto 0546-Arkad 0672-nostr %Oasis 0023-Hfish (LoMa) 0062-Antik : 0040-Yspah (LoMa) 0063-Tikal : (LoMa) 0064-Myker : 0040-Yspah 0685-nostr 0871-citta %ElCab 0915-Khron (LoMa) 0073-sheep : 0040-Yspah 0685-nostr 0871-citta %ElCab 0915-Khron 0720-Plund 0120-Siena %Caylus %Puerto 0546-Arkad 0672-nostr %Oasis 0023-Hfish 0170-KoCat (LoMa) 0121-Boswo : 0040-Yspah 0685-nostr 0871-citta %ElCab 0915-Khron 0720-Plund 0120-Siena %Caylus %Puerto 0546-Arkad 0672-nostr %Oasis 0023-Hfish 0170-KoCat (LoMa) 0135-Elfen : (LoMa) 0138-ElGra : (LoMa) 0143-Sjuan : 0040-Yspah 0685-nostr 0871-citta %ElCab 0915-Khron (LoMa) 0440-O-DVD : 0040-Yspah 0685-nostr 0871-citta %ElCab 0915-Khron 0720-Plund 0120-Siena %Caylus %Puerto 0546-Arkad 0672-nostr %Oasis 0023-Hfish (loquitur) %PueRic : 0508-PRico 0903-PueRt (loquitur) 0075-Pattn : %PueRic 0813-RandB 0402-Sjuan 0493-WoWFA 0611-MoVen 0066-Nexus 0360- TyrEx 0711-Wuste 0591-MdArt 0646-catan 0016-RoSSR 0134-Imper 0502-LoRHd (loquitur) 0085-Furyd : %PueRic 0813-RandB 0402-Sjuan 0493-WoWFA 0611-MoVen 0066-Nexus 0360- TyrEx 0711-Wuste (loquitur) 0091-InscT : %PueRic 0813-RandB 0402-Sjuan 0493-WoWFA 0611-MoVen 0066-Nexus 0360- TyrEx 0711-Wuste 0591-MdArt 0646-catan 0016-RoSSR 0134-Imper 0502-LoRHd (LordJesse) 0373-WoWTB : 0873-Pgrid 0811-Wtdrw 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0937- ArkHo 0813-RandB 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0905-StrCr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0888-WilWr 0596-realm 0867-realm 0504-sword 0001-Outpo 0890-LLBoH 0548-DraPa 0101-BQotS 0875-BMEBI 0831-SOS3E 0675-EurUn 0703- BL-EE (LordJesse) 0908-DooRW : 0873-Pgrid 0811-Wtdrw 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0937- ArkHo 0813-RandB 0336-Antiq 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0905-StrCr 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0888-WilWr 0596-realm 0867-realm 0504-sword 0001-Outpo 0890-LLBoH 0548-DraPa 0101-BQotS 0875-BMEBI 0831-SOS3E 0675-EurUn 0703- BL-EE 0188-Pgrid 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0933-ElGra 0365-Princ 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0860-Wring 0021-Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0666-Ra-Ra 0553-Walle 0668-ArkHo 0858-Wtdrw 0851-Mem44 0850-TajMa 0487-SoCam 0040- Yspah 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0558-Pillr 0852-Pilla 0876-Pilla 0384-AmunR 0909-AmunR 0177-DuneX 0846-Imper 0187-ReefE 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0230-Sjuan 0402-Sjuan 0892-Notre 0153-aGoTh 0802- Thebe 0062-Antik 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0280-catan 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0234-Strug 0805-RoRom 0488-Lastn 0940-SpDlr 0913-Mahar 0124-Attik 0351-Attik 0517-Attik 0817- MRPla 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0008-Up-Fr 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0446-Battl 0788-Battl 0367-Formu 0849-Tannh 0493-WoWFA 0064-Myker 0770-Paths 0122-Bmoon 0058-magna 0151-magna 0135-Elfen 0601- Elfen 0615-Wking 0388-Romml 0575-Marvl 0819-Aladd 0338-RtrnH 0125-Conqu 0536-under 0602-under 0859-Seren 0642-SoCCG 0480-queen 0089-Stars 0173-Stars 0803-GoTSS 0929-GoTSS 0916-LoRFF 0378-AVicL 0469-babel 0070- Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0417-Bwulf 0025-Cathe 0169-House 0046-Zombi 0828-WW2BB 0943-Satrn 0706-CutCa 0126-Indus 0364-DoA-3 0901-AVTac 0827-Wtdrw 0297-Quest 0288-EDCoL 0476-Silkr 0120- Siena 0128-MRAme 0842-FlyCo 0855-FlyCo 0889-FlyCo 0844-Wtdrw 0761-CSBoB 0935-SqdLd 0640-BobLe 0006-TimeA 0644-HcrdO 0494-FragX 0035-Spoil 0112-Peace 0004-Thron 0386-Thron 0095-SJWay 0096-IRom2 0559-PnzrL 0786- Gamma 0505-curse 0031-GG150 0528-RBoCg 0693-AGBoH 0214-Crims 0531-PLSmh 0502-LoRHd 0012-FTVie 0792-AoGlr 0018-VorVV 0764-InscR 0694-Als19 0695-RoRch (Lou-dawg) %Battl : (Lou-dawg) %mdrn : 0591-MdArt 0699-MdArt (Lou-dawg) %MrJac : 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac (Lou-dawg) %RoboR : 0236-rally 0726-rally (Lou-dawg) 0188-Pgrid : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0815-Throu 0875-BMEBI (Lou-dawg) 0190-TtRME : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0815-Throu 0875-BMEBI (Lou-dawg) 0191-Sunkn : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0815-Throu 0875-BMEBI 0365-Princ 0919-Tikal 0230- Sjuan 0546-Arkad 0122-Bmoon 0850-TajMa %MrJac %RoboR 0770-Paths 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP 0944-SWmin (Lou-dawg) 0192-Vegas : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0815-Throu 0875-BMEBI 0365-Princ 0919-Tikal 0230- Sjuan 0546-Arkad 0122-Bmoon 0850-TajMa %MrJac %RoboR 0770-Paths 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP 0944-SWmin 0926- Thurn 0023-Hfish 0327-CarHG 0492-LoRFF %mdrn (Lou-dawg) 0193-tToJH : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0815-Throu 0875-BMEBI 0365-Princ 0919-Tikal 0230- Sjuan 0546-Arkad 0122-Bmoon 0850-TajMa %MrJac %RoboR 0770-Paths 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP 0944-SWmin 0926- Thurn 0023-Hfish 0327-CarHG 0492-LoRFF %mdrn 0143-Sjuan 0924-SJuan 0671-Jambo 0475-NoTha 0702-QNeck (Lou-dawg) 0196-rking : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0815-Throu 0875-BMEBI 0365-Princ 0919-Tikal 0230- Sjuan 0546-Arkad 0122-Bmoon 0850-TajMa %MrJac %RoboR 0770-Paths 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP 0944-SWmin 0926- Thurn 0023-Hfish 0327-CarHG 0492-LoRFF %mdrn 0143-Sjuan 0924-SJuan 0671-Jambo 0475-NoTha 0702-QNeck (Lou-dawg) 0197-ToIrn : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo (Lou-dawg) 0198-Acove : (Lou-dawg) 0200-Holly : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0815-Throu 0875-BMEBI 0365-Princ 0919-Tikal 0230- Sjuan 0546-Arkad 0122-Bmoon (m_hamburg) %CMC : 0058-magna 0151-magna 0883-magna (m_hamburg) %Thebes : 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe (m_hamburg) %Tongi : 0294-Tongi 0330-Tongi 0422-Tongi (m_hamburg) %TtRME : 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME (m_hamburg) %VegSho : 0047-Vegas 0057-Vegas 0108-Vegas 0109-Vegas 0110-Vegas 0111-Vegas 0130- Vegas 0192-Vegas 0449-Vegas 0608-Vegas 0612-Vegas (m_hamburg) 0771-HtHYW : 0871-citta 0909-AmunR 0063-Tikal %Thebes 0940-SpDlr %TtRME 0077-Niaga 0078-elasu 0891-80day 0892-Notre (m_hamburg) 0773-CanGr : 0871-citta 0909-AmunR 0063-Tikal %Thebes 0940-SpDlr %TtRME 0077-Niaga 0078-elasu 0891-80day 0892-Notre 0926-Thurn 0603-wcirc 0412-Bloku %CMC (m_hamburg) 0774-PSoup : 0871-citta 0909-AmunR 0063-Tikal %Thebes 0940-SpDlr %TtRME 0077-Niaga 0078-elasu 0891-80day (m_hamburg) 0779-WoWBD : 0871-citta 0909-AmunR 0063-Tikal %Thebes 0940-SpDlr %TtRME 0077-Niaga 0078-elasu 0891-80day 0892-Notre 0926-Thurn 0603-wcirc 0412-Bloku %CMC 0023-Hfish 0939-Hansa %Tongi (m_hamburg) 0780-LigMd : 0871-citta 0909-AmunR 0063-Tikal %Thebes 0940-SpDlr %TtRME 0077-Niaga 0078-elasu 0891-80day 0892-Notre 0926-Thurn 0603-wcirc 0412-Bloku %CMC 0023-Hfish 0939-Hansa %Tongi % VegSho (Mark Theurer) 0443-Survi : 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0373-WoWTB 0772-DJitD 0488-Lastn 0915-Khron 0906- BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo (Mark Theurer) 0444-AoAWL : 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0373-WoWTB 0772-DJitD 0488-Lastn 0915-Khron 0477- Gheos 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0530-AdvSL 0553-Walle 0123-Antik 0898-TI3rd (Mark Theurer) 0445-Bgfan : 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0373-WoWTB 0772-DJitD 0488-Lastn 0915-Khron 0477- Gheos 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0530-AdvSL 0553-Walle 0123-Antik 0898-TI3rd 0730-TI3rd 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 (Mark Theurer) 0446-Battl : 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0373-WoWTB 0772-DJitD 0488-Lastn 0915-Khron 0477- Gheos 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0530-AdvSL 0553-Walle 0123-Antik 0898-TI3rd 0730-TI3rd (Mark Theurer) 0447-CarcD : 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0373-WoWTB 0772-DJitD 0488-Lastn 0915-Khron 0477- Gheos 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0530-AdvSL 0553-Walle 0123-Antik 0898-TI3rd 0730-TI3rd 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 (matt_stutts) %ElGra : 0933-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0934-ElGra 0138-ElGra (matt_stutts) %Survi : 0443-Survi 0311-Survi (matt_stutts) 0224-BngHN : 0933-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0934-ElGra 0138-ElGra 0443-Survi 0311-Survi 0040- Yspah 0078-elasu 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP (matt_stutts) 0225-Bword : 0933-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0934-ElGra 0138-ElGra 0443-Survi 0311-Survi 0040- Yspah 0078-elasu 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP (matt_stutts) 0226-TAMSK : 0933-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0934-ElGra 0138-ElGra 0443-Survi 0311-Survi 0040- Yspah 0078-elasu 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP (matt_stutts) 0227-YMBaI : 0933-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0934-ElGra 0138-ElGra 0443-Survi 0311-Survi 0040- Yspah 0078-elasu 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP 0179-Omega (matt_stutts) 0228-Torre : 0933-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0934-ElGra 0138-ElGra 0443-Survi 0311-Survi 0040- Yspah 0078-elasu 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP (matt_stutts) 0229-Santi : 0933-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0934-ElGra 0138-ElGra 0443-Survi 0311-Survi 0040- Yspah 0078-elasu (matt_stutts) 0230-Sjuan : 0933-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0934-ElGra 0138-ElGra 0443-Survi 0311-Survi 0040- Yspah 0078-elasu 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP (matt_stutts) 0231-Domne : 0933-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0934-ElGra 0138-ElGra 0443-Survi 0311-Survi 0040- Yspah 0078-elasu (matt_stutts) 0232-Cafei : 0933-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0934-ElGra 0138-ElGra 0443-Survi 0311-Survi 0040- Yspah 0078-elasu 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP (matt_stutts) 0233-BatLi : 0933-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0934-ElGra 0138-ElGra 0443-Survi 0311-Survi 0040- Yspah 0078-elasu 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP (matt_stutts) 0337-U-Out : 0933-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0934-ElGra 0138-ElGra 0443-Survi 0311-Survi 0040- Yspah 0078-elasu 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP 0179-Omega 0541-Tongi (matthan) 0074-Iboss : 0338-RtrnH 0384-AmunR 0627-Keyth 0669-Genoa (matthan) 0076-Terra : 0036-4Sale 0590-4Sale 0178-Marco 0625-RomaX (matthan) 0078-Elasu : 0668-ArkHo (matthan) 0084-RTLoR : 0092-wishs 0178-Marco 0492-LoRFF 0524-Konto 0658-Hansa (mbuckingham) %BatLin : 0150-BatLi 0233-BatLi (mbuckingham) %China : 0430-China 0657-China (mbuckingham) %Domai : 0231-Domne 0659-Domne (mbuckingham) %ElGra : 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0933-ElGra (mbuckingham) %ModArt : 0591-MdArt 0699-MdArt (mbuckingham) %OtU : 0536-under 0602-under (mbuckingham) %StaCat : 0089-Stars 0173-Stars (mbuckingham) %Torres : 0099-Torre 0228-Torre 0649-Torre 0938-Torre (mbuckingham) %Z200TZ : 0115-Zertz 0462-Zertz (mbuckingham) 0036-4Sale : 0891-80day 0185-EnENH 0564-LostV 0480-queen 0280-catan 0222-AveCa 0850- TajMa 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad %OtU %ElGra 0913-Mahar %China 0078-elasu 0508-PRico %Domai 0815-Throu 0487- SoCam %StaCat %ModArt 0857-M44TP 0064-Myker %Torres 0603-wcirc %Z200TZ 0779-WoWBD 0044-Mamma 0077-Niaga 0651-Carca 0556-SfRom 0092-wishs 0498-GG160 0031-GG150 0638-GG150 %BatLin 0129-raven 0650-Trias 0116-Sleut (mbuckingham) 0037-nanza : 0891-80day 0185-EnENH 0564-LostV 0480-queen 0280-catan 0222-AveCa 0850- TajMa 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad %OtU %ElGra 0913-Mahar %China 0078-elasu 0508-PRico %Domai 0815-Throu 0487- SoCam %StaCat %ModArt 0857-M44TP 0064-Myker %Torres 0603-wcirc %Z200TZ 0779-WoWBD 0044-Mamma 0077-Niaga 0651-Carca 0556-SfRom 0092-wishs 0498-GG160 0031-GG150 0638-GG150 (mbuckingham) 0038-CarcC : 0891-80day 0185-EnENH 0564-LostV 0480-queen 0280-catan 0222-AveCa 0850- TajMa 0892-Notre 0546-Arkad %OtU %ElGra 0913-Mahar %China 0078-elasu 0508-PRico %Domai 0815-Throu 0487- SoCam (mbuckingham) 0039-Lifeb : 0886-AoSte 0390-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0813-RandB 0493-WoWFA 0891-80day 0185- EnENH 0564-LostV 0480-queen (mbuckingham) 0040-Yspah : (mbuckingham) 0043-O-DVD : 0886-AoSte 0390-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0813-RandB 0493-WoWFA 0874-RRlyR 0197- ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0905-StrCr (mcbeth) 0889-FlyCo : 0820-18FLR 0676-Antik 0101-BQotS ; 0630-BQotS 0123-Antik (mcbeth) 0890-LLBoH : 0820-18FLR 0770-Paths 0611-MoVen ; 0507-Paths 0254-MoVen (mcross) %Ra : 0021-Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0666-Ra-Ra (mcross) 0139-DDMin : (mcross) 0141-CarcP : 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid %Ra 0871-citta 0937-ArkHo 0850-TajMa 0040-Yspah 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0177-DuneX 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0892-Notre 0546- Arkad 0488-Lastn 0817-MRPla 0366-Endof 0058-magna 0377-zavan 0034-Canal 0278-epicd 0044-Mamma 0875-BMEBI 0288-EDCoL 0944-SWmin 0903-PueRt 0151-magna 0490-magna 0883-magna 0907-magna 0542-Shear (mcross) 0144-Kings : (mcross) 0145-YJccg : 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid %Ra 0871-citta 0937-ArkHo 0850-TajMa 0040-Yspah 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0177-DuneX 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0892-Notre 0546- Arkad 0488-Lastn 0817-MRPla 0366-Endof 0058-magna 0377-zavan 0034-Canal 0278-epicd 0044-Mamma 0875-BMEBI 0288-EDCoL 0944-SWmin 0903-PueRt 0151-magna 0490-magna 0883-magna 0907-magna 0542-Shear 0508-PRico 0260- Dynas 0927-BLGMS 0403-AAMin 0323-Hclix (mcross) 0146-Dream : 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid %Ra 0871-citta 0937-ArkHo 0850-TajMa 0040-Yspah 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0177-DuneX 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0892-Notre 0546- Arkad 0488-Lastn 0817-MRPla 0366-Endof 0058-magna 0377-zavan 0034-Canal 0278-epicd 0044-Mamma 0875-BMEBI 0288-EDCoL 0944-SWmin (mcross) 0149-Fuggr : 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid %Ra 0871-citta 0937-ArkHo 0850-TajMa 0040-Yspah 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0177-DuneX 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0892-Notre 0546- Arkad 0488-Lastn 0817-MRPla 0366-Endof 0058-magna 0377-zavan 0034-Canal 0278-epicd 0044-Mamma 0875-BMEBI 0288-EDCoL 0944-SWmin 0903-PueRt 0151-magna 0490-magna 0883-magna 0907-magna 0542-Shear (mecsin) 0529-Doubl : 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0930-TandE 0188-Pgrid 0873- Pgrid 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0933-ElGra 0934-ElGra 0240-PRico 0423-PRico 0450-PRico 0508-PRico 0021-Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0730-TI3rd 0341-Caylu 0472-Caylu 0871-citta 0850-TajMa 0040-Yspah 0772-DJitD 0558-Pillr 0852- Pilla 0876-Pilla 0922-Pilla 0152-Throu 0577-Throu 0815-Throu 0384-AmunR 0909-AmunR 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0846-Imper 0847-Acqui 0187-ReefE 0892-Notre 0153-aGoTh 0580-aGoTh 0868-aGoTh 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062- Antik 0123-Antik 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0147-rally 0236-rally 0258-rally 0595-rally 0726-rally 0669-Genoa 0567-LostC 0336-Antiq 0926-Thurn 0659-Domne 0229-Santi 0197-ToIrn 0023-Hfish 0957-PoRen 0234-Strug 0124- Attik 0351-Attik 0517-Attik 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0201-Leodv 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0186-WarKn 0843-WarKn 0366-Endof 0168-DunTw 0237-DunTw 0261-DunTw 0781-Hacie 0222-AveCa 0658-Hansa 0939- Hansa 0064-Myker 0424-Carca 0651-Carca 0915-Khron 0596-realm 0867-realm 0158-ElCab 0625-RomaX 0129-raven 0125-Conqu 0613-Proph 0159-Brita 0592-Palaz 0859-Seren 0327-CarHG 0425-CarHG 0457-Hella 0430-China 0657- China 0184-HoiTy 0195-HoiTy 0302-HoiTy 0419-HoiTy 0728-HoiTy 0775-HoiTy 0861-HoiTy 0865-HoiTy 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0260-Dynas 0677-MagGr 0072-Ivanh 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0884- Bootl 0556-SfRom 0001-Outpo 0180-QuoVd 0702-QNeck 0164-AoMTB 0420-Oasis 0433-IlPri 0665-E-TCG 0294-Tongi 0330-Tongi 0422-Tongi 0541-Tongi 0426-Kingm 0468-Kingm 0199-Aqudu 0219-Aqudu 0335-Aqudu 0418-Aqudu 0211- Quest 0297-Quest 0684-DogeX 0264-Arena 0288-EDCoL 0476-Silkr 0120-Siena 0616-Samur 0697-Scara 0068-Sunkn 0191-Sunkn 0178-Marco 0117-Minot 0485-Minot 0086-KoChr 0007-GG101 0013-GG077 0031-GG150 0055-GG100 0194- GG075 0204-GG093 0498-GG160 0532-GG095 0574-GG100 0631-GG100 0638-GG150 0519-Chezd 0700-Chezd 0359-borgi 0747-DMans 0576-O-G80 0003-Suzer (Merkles Boner) %Acqui : 0390-Acqui 0456-Acqui 0674-Acqui 0753-Acqui 0816-Acqui (Merkles Boner) %AotC : 0061-Acove 0198-Acove (Merkles Boner) %BatLin : 0150-BatLi 0233-BatLi (Merkles Boner) %Bootl : 0298-Bootl 0884-Bootl (Merkles Boner) %CaCA : 0767-CandC (Merkles Boner) %FoD : 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd (Merkles Boner) %HotS : 0885-HamrS 0809-HamrS (Merkles Boner) %ItB : 0074-Iboss 0397-Iboss 0416-Iboss (Merkles Boner) %LotRFaF : 0492-LoRFF 0916-LoRFF (Merkles Boner) %Mem44 : 0235-Mem44 0851-Mem44 (Merkles Boner) %NexOps : 0066-Nexus 0306-Nexus 0308-Nexus 0415-Nexus (Merkles Boner) %PoG : 0507-Paths 0770-Paths (Merkles Boner) %PowGri : 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid (Merkles Boner) %PueRic : 0240-PRico 0423-PRico 0812-Wtdrw (Merkles Boner) %Ra : 0021-Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0666-Ra-Ra (Merkles Boner) %StaCat : 0089-Stars 0173-Stars (Merkles Boner) %TaE : 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0930-TandE (Merkles Boner) %TI3E : 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd (Merkles Boner) %ToI : %HotS 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn (Merkles Boner) %WizKin : 0615-Wking 0798-Wking (Merkles Boner) %WotR : 0860-Wring 0014-Wring 0255-Wring (Merkles Boner) 0449-Vegas : 0906-BatLo %ToI 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0888-WilWr 0880-HISta 0553-Walle 0941-BatLo %FoD %WotR %TI3E 0951-BatLo %CaCA 0811-Wtdrw (Merkles Boner) 0450-PRico : 0906-BatLo %ToI 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0888-WilWr 0880-HISta 0553-Walle 0941-BatLo (Merkles Boner) 0451-tight : 0906-BatLo %ToI 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0888-WilWr 0880-HISta 0553-Walle 0941-BatLo %FoD %WotR %TI3E 0951-BatLo %CaCA 0811-Wtdrw %TaE 0672-nostr 0772-DJitD %PowGri 0402-Sjuan 0646-catan 0940-SpDlr %PoG 0388-Romml %StaCat 0278-epicd 0484-Wtdrw %Mem44 0487-SoCam 0234-Strug 0190- TtRME 0222-AveCa %WizKin %LotRFaF 0378-AVicL 0239-HsFoA 0348-LigDD (Merkles Boner) 0452-Seaf5 : 0906-BatLo %ToI 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0888-WilWr 0880-HISta 0553-Walle 0941-BatLo %FoD %WotR %TI3E 0951-BatLo %CaCA 0811-Wtdrw %TaE %PowGri 0402-Sjuan 0646-catan 0940-SpDlr %PoG 0388-Romml %StaCat 0278-epicd (Merkles Boner) 0453-apple : 0906-BatLo %ToI 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0888-WilWr 0880-HISta 0553-Walle 0941-BatLo %FoD %WotR %TI3E 0951-BatLo %CaCA 0811-Wtdrw (Merkles Boner) 0454-Alibi : 0906-BatLo %ToI 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0888-WilWr 0880-HISta 0553-Walle 0941-BatLo %FoD %WotR %TI3E 0951-BatLo %CaCA 0811-Wtdrw %TaE 0672-nostr 0772-DJitD %PowGri 0402-Sjuan 0646-catan 0940-SpDlr %PoG 0388-Romml %StaCat 0278-epicd 0484-Wtdrw %Mem44 0487-SoCam 0234-Strug 0190- TtRME 0222-AveCa %WizKin %LotRFaF 0378-AVicL 0239-HsFoA 0348-LigDD %Ra 0273-MLBSC %PueRic 0394-H-RvC 0640 -BobLe %BatLin 0921-Ingen 0023-Hfish 0098-TtREu 0366-Endof 0078-elasu 0551-Bang! %NexOps %Bootl 0180-QuoVd %AotC 0427-Goldb 0087-RSWTE 0780-LigMd 0405-David 0106-SoCTE 0163-SamGr 0509-Guilf (Merkles Boner) 0455-nanex : 0906-BatLo %ToI 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0888-WilWr 0880-HISta 0553-Walle 0941-BatLo %FoD %WotR %TI3E 0951-BatLo %CaCA 0811-Wtdrw %TaE 0672-nostr 0772-DJitD %PowGri 0402-Sjuan 0646-catan 0940-SpDlr %PoG 0388-Romml %StaCat 0278-epicd 0484-Wtdrw %Mem44 0487-SoCam 0234-Strug 0190- TtRME 0222-AveCa %WizKin %LotRFaF 0378-AVicL 0239-HsFoA 0348-LigDD %Ra 0273-MLBSC %PueRic 0394-H-RvC 0640 -BobLe (Merkles Boner) 0461-catan : 0906-BatLo %ToI 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0888-WilWr 0880-HISta 0553-Walle (Merkles Boner) 0709-LRccg : 0906-BatLo %ToI 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0888-WilWr 0880-HISta 0553-Walle 0941-BatLo %FoD %WotR %TI3E 0951-BatLo %CaCA 0811-Wtdrw %TaE 0672-nostr 0772-DJitD %PowGri 0402-Sjuan 0646-catan 0940-SpDlr %PoG 0388-Romml %StaCat 0278-epicd 0484-Wtdrw %Mem44 0487-SoCam 0234-Strug 0190- TtRME 0222-AveCa %WizKin %LotRFaF 0378-AVicL 0239-HsFoA 0348-LigDD %Ra 0273-MLBSC (Merkles Boner) 0710-Quori : 0906-BatLo %ToI 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0888-WilWr 0880-HISta 0553-Walle 0941-BatLo %FoD %WotR %TI3E 0951-BatLo %CaCA 0811-Wtdrw (micks) %hammerosc: 0885-HamrS 0809-HamrS (micks) 0673-Marvl : 0001-Outpo 0906-BatLo 0880-HISta %hammerosc 0125-Conqu 0940-SpDlr 0628- ryans 0770-Paths 0886-AoSte 0859-Seren (micks) 0674-Acqui : 0001-Outpo 0906-BatLo (micks) 0675-EurUN : 0001-Outpo 0906-BatLo 0880-HISta 0125-Conqu %hammerosc 0940-SpDlr 0628- ryans 0770-Paths 0886-AoSte 0859-Seren (minmin) 0753-Acqui : 0240-PRico 0423-PRico 0450-PRico 0508-PRico 0895-PueRt 0903-PueRt 0923- PRico 0871-citta 0850-TajMa 0906-BatLo 0558-Pillr 0815-Throu 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0230-Sjuan 0402-Sjuan 0924-SJuan 0892-Notre 0233-BatLi 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0280-catan 0461-catan 0646-catan 0926-Thurn 0351- Attik 0517-Attik 0603-wcirc 0201-Leodv 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0781-Hacie 0658-Hansa 0939-Hansa 0064-Myker 0058-magna 0151-magna 0883-magna 0907-magna 0077-Niaga 0078-elasu 0135-Elfen 0601-Elfen 0129-raven 0269- Austr 0025-Cathe 0160-Razzi 0353-shang 0398-shang 0421-shang 0538-shang 0219-Aqudu 0189-Simpl 0304-Simpl 0247-Wtdrw (mndwrm) 0035-Spoil : 0339-HsSHA 0542-Shear 0226-TAMSK 0021-Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0197-ToIrn 0039- Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0023-Hfish 0060-TandE 0063-Tikal 0138-ElGra 0037-nanza 0221-Tali4 0222-AveCa 0236-rally 0270-TikiM 0277-Cleop 0278-epicd 0207-Mem44 0085-Furyd 0092-wishs 0188-Pgrid 0120-Siena 0126-Indus 0127- FDrac 0183-MrJac 0115-Zertz 0041-Terkh 0069-Iboss 0074-Iboss 0558-Pillr 0501-mache 0508-Prico 0523-Senet 0538-shang 0541-Tongi 0488-Lastn 0341-Caylu 0353-shang 0398-shang 0367-Formu 0384-AmunR 0410-DesBz 0412- Bloku 0417-Bwulf 0476-Silkr 0420-Oasis 0421-shang 0422-Tongi 0423-PRico 0477-Gheos 0820-18FLR 0849-Tannh 0814-ToIrn 0658-Hansa 0666-Ra-Ra 0726-rally 0668-ArkHo 0397-Iboss 0416-Iboss 0409-Villa 0429-Rhein 0432- mache 0433-IlPri 0450-PRico 0451-tight 0464-EWftT 0295-Furyd 0298-Bootl 0418-Aqudu 0419-HoiTy 0396-LomZo 0307-FDCSM 0310-Terkh 0321-HsAoM 0199-Aqudu 0200-Holly 0184-HoiTy 0195-HoiTy 0201-Leodv 0800-4Sale 0294- Tongi 0330-Tongi 0762-KingB 0498-GG160 0031-GG150 0007-GG101 0055-GG100 0190-TtRME 0178-Marco 0015-Bgfan (moly19) 0790-1776W : 0742-MCFaW 0667-BoKTM (moly19) 0792-AoGlr : 0742-MCFaW 0667-BoKTM (moly19) 0794-Biraq : 0742-MCFaW 0667-BoKTM (Mr_Bickman) 0479-Bang! : 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0930-TandE 0871-citta 0847- Acqui 0669-Genoa 0774-PSoup 0685-nostr 0564-LostV 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0587-CosEn 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0078-elasu 0915-Khron 0768-Astar 0152-Throu 0577-Throu 0648-Throu 0815-Throu 0892-Notre 0591-MdArt 0699- MdArt 0517-Attik 0201-Leodv 0477-Gheos 0135-Elfen 0601-Elfen 0625-RomaX 0642-SoCCG 0260-Dynas 0298-Bootl 0056-Gloom 0225-Bword (Mr_Bickman) 0482-CarcC : 0768-Astar 0871-citta 0847-Acqui 0669-Genoa 0774-PSoup 0685-nostr 0564- LostV 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0587-CosEn 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0078-elasu 0915-Khron 0772-DJitD 0558-Pillr 0152-Throu 0577-Throu 0648-Throu 0815-Throu 0892-Notre 0591-MdArt 0699-MdArt 0546-Arkad 0957-PoRen 0517- Attik 0672-nostr 0201-Leodv 0477-Gheos 0135-Elfen 0601-Elfen 0625-RomaX 0642-SoCCG 0260-Dynas 0298-Bootl 0056-Gloom 0225-Bword 0138-ElGra 0365-Princ 0863-Samur 0886-AoSte 0040-Yspah 0852-Pilla 0922-Pilla 0187- ReefE 0123-Antik 0921-Ingen 0231-Domne 0200-Holly 0259-Holly 0606-Holly 0124-Attik 0351-Attik 0603-wcirc 0168-DunTw 0237-DunTw 0261-DunTw 0182-Formu 0367-Formu 0781-Hacie 0493-WoWFA 0222-AveCa 0821-Wtdrw 0077- Niaga 0034-Canal 0592-Palaz 0315-DoA-1 0480-queen 0457-Hella 0269-Austr 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0848-Bootl 0884-Bootl 0927-BLGMS 0453-apple 0715-apple 0607-WicWW 0126-Indus 0429-Rhein 0288-EDCoL 0540-tight 0131- Bword 0644-HcrdO 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0930-TandE 0063-Tikal 0919-Tikal (Mr_Bickman) 0484-Wtdrw : (Mr_Bickman) 0488-Lastn : 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0930-TandE 0871-citta 0587- CosEn 0078-elasu 0063-Tikal 0919-Tikal 0546-Arkad 0915-Khron 0772-DJitD 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0669-Genoa 0774-PSoup 0564-LostV 0558-Pillr 0957-PoRen 0685-nostr 0672-nostr (Mr_Bickman) 0490-magna : (ninjabob) 0270-TikiM : 0772-DJitD (ninjabob) 0271-FMRac : 0238-DTexp 0239-HsFoA 0305-Racer 0417-Bwulf 0591-MdArt 0603-wcirc 0706-CutCa 0772-DJitD 0863-Samur 0943-Satrn (ninjabob) 0272-WoWRP : 0238-DTexp 0239-HsFoA 0305-Racer 0417-Bwulf 0465-Balan 0591-MdArt 0603-wcirc 0706-CutCa 0772-DJitD 0863-Samur 0943-Satrn (ninjabob) 0273-MLBSC : 0603-wcirc 0706-CutCa 0772-DJitD 0863-Samur 0943-Satrn (ninjabob) 0274-GrPBb : 0238-DTexp 0239-HsFoA 0305-Racer 0417-Bwulf 0465-Balan 0591-MdArt 0603-wcirc 0706-CutCa 0772-DJitD 0863-Samur 0943-Satrn (ninjabob) 0275-BL-EE : 0772-DJitD 0863-Samur 0943-Satrn (ninjabob) 0276-JCSho : 0238-DTexp 0239-HsFoA 0305-Racer 0417-Bwulf 0465-Balan 0591-MdArt 0603-wcirc 0706-CutCa 0772-DJitD 0863-Samur 0943-Satrn (ninjabob) 0277-Cleop : 0772-DJitD (Noah Kolman) %AMUNRE : 0384-AmunR 0909-AmunR (Noah Kolman) %HAMMER : 0885-HamrS 0809-HamrS (Noah Kolman) %LOTRFaF : 0492-LoRFF 0916-LoRFF (Noah Kolman) %MRJACK : 0920-MrJac 0183-MrJac (Noah Kolman) 0098-TtREu : 0888-WilWr 0504-sword 0008-Up-Fr 0869-ShadE 0417-Bwulf 0388-Romml % LOTRFaF %MRJACK %AMUNRE (Noah Kolman) 0099-Torre : 0888-WilWr 0504-sword 0008-Up-Fr 0869-ShadE 0417-Bwulf 0388-Romml % LOTRFaF %MRJACK %AMUNRE (Noah Kolman) 0101-BQotS : 0888-WilWr 0504-sword 0008-Up-Fr 0869-ShadE 0417-Bwulf 0388-Romml % LOTRFaF %MRJACK %AMUNRE ; 0759-HG100 ; %HAMMER ; 0498-GG160 0638-GG150 0031-GG150 0007-GG101 0631-GG100 0055-GG100 (Noah Kolman) 0103-TimUp : 0888-WilWr 0504-sword 0008-Up-Fr 0869-ShadE 0417-Bwulf 0388-Romml % LOTRFaF %MRJACK %AMUNRE ; 0759-HG100 ; %HAMMER (Noah Kolman) 0105-Attac : 0888-WilWr 0504-sword 0008-Up-Fr 0869-ShadE 0417-Bwulf 0388-Romml % LOTRFaF %MRJACK %AMUNRE ; 0759-HG100 ; %HAMMER ; 0498-GG160 0638-GG150 0031-GG150 0007-GG101 0631-GG100 0055-GG100 (Noah Kolman) 0106-SoCTE : 0888-WilWr 0504-sword 0008-Up-Fr 0869-ShadE 0417-Bwulf 0388-Romml % LOTRFaF %MRJACK %AMUNRE ; 0759-HG100 ; %HAMMER (Noah Kolman) 0107-Risk2 : 0888-WilWr 0504-sword 0008-Up-Fr 0869-ShadE 0417-Bwulf 0388-Romml % LOTRFaF %MRJACK %AMUNRE ; 0759-HG100 ; %HAMMER (noname) 0327-CarHG : 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0399-FDCHZ 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0673-Marvl 0818 -ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0197-ToIrn 0772-DJitD 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0941-BatLo 0493-WoWFA 0951-BatLo 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0860-Wring 0255-Wring 0014-Wring 0373-WoWTB 0506-HsRoV 0239-HsFoA (noname) 0328-LonBr : 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0399-FDCHZ 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0673-Marvl 0818 -ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0197-ToIrn 0772-DJitD 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0941-BatLo 0493-WoWFA 0951-BatLo 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0860-Wring 0255-Wring 0014-Wring 0373-WoWTB 0506-HsRoV 0239-HsFoA 0281-Bloku 0258-rally 0147- rally (noname) 0330-Tongi : 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0399-FDCHZ 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0673-Marvl 0818 -ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0197-ToIrn 0772-DJitD 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0941-BatLo 0493-WoWFA 0951-BatLo 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0860-Wring 0255-Wring 0014-Wring 0373-WoWTB 0506-HsRoV 0239-HsFoA 0927-BLGMS 0281-Bloku 0041- Terkh 0258-rally 0147-rally 0190-TtRME 0115-Zertz 0415-Nexus 0066-Nexus 0308-Nexus (okiedokie) 0916-LoRFF : 0307-FDCSM 0081-FDCU1 0400-FDCBN 0399-FDCHZ 0390-Acqui 0674-Acqui 0847- Acqui 0788-Battl (OtisBFilthy) 0648-Throu : (OtisBFilthy) 0649-Torre : (OtisBFilthy) 0650-Trias : (PaleHorseRider) 0777-Napol : 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0599-TandE 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0138-ElGra 0365- Princ 0863-Samur 0341-Caylu 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0394-H-RvC 0850-TajMa 0906-BatLo 0558-Pillr 0852-Pilla 0876-Pilla 0922-Pilla 0577-Throu 0648-Throu 0815-Throu 0384-AmunR 0909-AmunR 0143-Sjuan 0230-Sjuan 0402- Sjuan 0924-SJuan 0147-rally 0258-rally 0669-Genoa 0280-catan 0023-Hfish 0432-mache 0501-mache 0925-DMach 0685-nostr 0201-Leodv 0058-magna 0151-magna 0490-magna 0883-magna 0907-magna 0477-Gheos 0135-Elfen 0601- Elfen 0129-raven 0393-Puebl 0819-Aladd 0551-Bang! 0621-Funny 0642-SoCCG 0173-Stars 0347-Fresh 0269-Austr 0447-CarcD 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0917-PGBCE 0090-Metro 0428-Metro 0339-HsSHA 0061-Acove 0198-Acove 0321- HsAoM 0495-Vampe 0189-Simpl 0304-Simpl 0882-BTech 0263-bites 0500-bites 0363-Venez (PaleHorseRider) 0778-Krieg : 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0599-TandE 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0138-ElGra 0365- Princ 0863-Samur 0341-Caylu 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0394-H-RvC 0850-TajMa 0906-BatLo 0558-Pillr 0852-Pilla 0876-Pilla 0922-Pilla 0577-Throu 0648-Throu 0815-Throu 0384-AmunR 0909-AmunR 0143-Sjuan 0230-Sjuan 0402- Sjuan 0924-SJuan 0147-rally 0258-rally 0669-Genoa 0280-catan 0023-Hfish 0432-mache 0501-mache 0925-DMach 0685-nostr 0201-Leodv 0058-magna 0151-magna 0490-magna 0883-magna 0907-magna 0477-Gheos 0135-Elfen 0601- Elfen 0129-raven 0393-Puebl 0819-Aladd 0551-Bang! 0621-Funny 0642-SoCCG 0173-Stars 0347-Fresh 0269-Austr 0447-CarcD 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0917-PGBCE 0090-Metro 0428-Metro 0339-HsSHA 0061-Acove 0198-Acove 0321- HsAoM 0495-Vampe 0189-Simpl 0304-Simpl 0882-BTech 0263-bites 0500-bites 0363-Venez (peacmyer) 0349-AtBrd : 0846-Imper 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0921-Ingen 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0611 -MoVen 0874-RRlyR 0378-AVicL 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0081-FDCU1 0189-Simpl 0304-Simpl 0163-SamGr 0095-SJWay 0807-SJWay 0649-Torre 0234-Strug 0201-Leodv 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0424-Carca 0673-Marvl 0708- LoopL 0425-CarHG 0260-Dynas 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0752-Netru 0630-BQotS 0046-Zombi 0718-Zombi 0607-WicWW 0245-Dream 0246-Dream 0701-KuFri 0756-Vampe 0106-SoCTE 0132-Omega 0179-Omega 0102-FalFu 0747-DMans 0440- O-DVD 0856-NWSDM 0114-Budde (peacmyer) 0350-Armad : 0846-Imper 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0921-Ingen 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0611 -MoVen 0874-RRlyR 0378-AVicL 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0081-FDCU1 0189-Simpl 0304-Simpl 0163-SamGr 0095-SJWay 0807-SJWay 0649-Torre 0234-Strug 0201-Leodv 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0424-Carca 0673-Marvl 0708- LoopL 0425-CarHG 0260-Dynas 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0752-Netru 0630-BQotS 0046-Zombi 0718-Zombi 0607-WicWW 0245-Dream 0246-Dream 0701-KuFri 0756-Vampe 0106-SoCTE 0132-Omega 0179-Omega 0102-FalFu 0747-DMans 0440- O-DVD 0856-NWSDM 0114-Budde (peacmyer) 0351-Attik : 0846-Imper 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0921-Ingen 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0611 -MoVen 0874-RRlyR 0378-AVicL 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0081-FDCU1 0189-Simpl 0304-Simpl 0163-SamGr 0095-SJWay 0807-SJWay 0649-Torre 0234-Strug 0201-Leodv 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0424-Carca 0673-Marvl 0708- LoopL 0425-CarHG 0260-Dynas 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0752-Netru 0630-BQotS 0046-Zombi 0718-Zombi 0607-WicWW 0245-Dream 0246-Dream 0701-KuFri 0756-Vampe 0106-SoCTE 0132-Omega 0179-Omega 0102-FalFu 0747-DMans 0440- O-DVD 0856-NWSDM 0114-Budde (peacmyer) 0352-TBfNA : 0846-Imper 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0921-Ingen 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0611 -MoVen 0874-RRlyR 0378-AVicL 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0081-FDCU1 0189-Simpl 0304-Simpl 0163-SamGr 0095-SJWay 0807-SJWay 0649-Torre 0234-Strug 0201-Leodv 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0424-Carca 0673-Marvl 0708- LoopL 0425-CarHG 0260-Dynas 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0752-Netru 0630-BQotS 0046-Zombi 0718-Zombi 0607-WicWW 0245-Dream 0246-Dream 0701-KuFri 0756-Vampe 0106-SoCTE 0132-Omega 0179-Omega 0102-FalFu 0747-DMans 0440- O-DVD 0856-NWSDM 0114-Budde (peacmyer) 0353-shang : 0846-Imper 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0921-Ingen 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0611 -MoVen 0874-RRlyR 0378-AVicL 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0081-FDCU1 0189-Simpl 0304-Simpl 0163-SamGr 0095-SJWay 0807-SJWay 0649-Torre 0234-Strug 0201-Leodv 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0424-Carca 0673-Marvl 0708- LoopL 0425-CarHG 0260-Dynas 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0752-Netru 0630-BQotS 0046-Zombi 0718-Zombi 0607-WicWW 0245-Dream 0246-Dream 0701-KuFri 0756-Vampe 0106-SoCTE 0132-Omega 0179-Omega 0102-FalFu 0747-DMans 0440- O-DVD 0856-NWSDM 0114-Budde (peacmyer) 0354-CoMag : 0846-Imper 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0921-Ingen 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0611 -MoVen 0874-RRlyR 0378-AVicL 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0081-FDCU1 0189-Simpl 0304-Simpl 0163-SamGr 0095-SJWay 0807-SJWay 0649-Torre 0234-Strug 0201-Leodv 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0424-Carca 0673-Marvl 0708- LoopL 0425-CarHG 0260-Dynas 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0752-Netru 0630-BQotS 0046-Zombi 0718-Zombi 0607-WicWW 0245-Dream 0246-Dream 0701-KuFri 0756-Vampe 0106-SoCTE 0132-Omega 0179-Omega 0102-FalFu 0747-DMans 0440- O-DVD 0856-NWSDM 0114-Budde (peacmyer) 0355-crazy : 0846-Imper 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0921-Ingen 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0611 -MoVen 0874-RRlyR 0378-AVicL 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0081-FDCU1 0189-Simpl 0304-Simpl 0163-SamGr 0095-SJWay 0807-SJWay 0649-Torre 0234-Strug 0201-Leodv 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0424-Carca 0673-Marvl 0708- LoopL 0425-CarHG 0260-Dynas 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0752-Netru 0630-BQotS 0046-Zombi 0718-Zombi 0607-WicWW 0245-Dream 0246-Dream 0701-KuFri 0756-Vampe 0106-SoCTE 0132-Omega 0179-Omega 0102-FalFu 0747-DMans 0440- O-DVD 0856-NWSDM 0114-Budde (peacmyer) 0356-Kahun : 0846-Imper 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0921-Ingen 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0611 -MoVen 0874-RRlyR 0378-AVicL 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0081-FDCU1 0189-Simpl 0304-Simpl 0163-SamGr 0095-SJWay 0807-SJWay 0649-Torre 0234-Strug 0201-Leodv 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0424-Carca 0673-Marvl 0708- LoopL 0425-CarHG 0260-Dynas 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0752-Netru 0630-BQotS 0046-Zombi 0718-Zombi 0607-WicWW 0245-Dream 0246-Dream 0701-KuFri 0756-Vampe 0106-SoCTE 0132-Omega 0179-Omega 0102-FalFu 0747-DMans 0440- O-DVD 0856-NWSDM 0114-Budde (peacmyer) 0357-Missi : 0846-Imper 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0921-Ingen 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0611 -MoVen 0874-RRlyR 0378-AVicL 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0081-FDCU1 0189-Simpl 0304-Simpl 0163-SamGr 0095-SJWay 0807-SJWay 0649-Torre 0234-Strug 0201-Leodv 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0424-Carca 0673-Marvl 0708- LoopL 0425-CarHG 0260-Dynas 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0752-Netru 0630-BQotS 0046-Zombi 0718-Zombi 0607-WicWW 0245-Dream 0246-Dream 0701-KuFri 0756-Vampe 0106-SoCTE 0132-Omega 0179-Omega 0102-FalFu 0747-DMans 0440- O-DVD 0856-NWSDM 0114-Budde (peacmyer) 0358-NwEng : 0846-Imper 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0921-Ingen 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0611 -MoVen 0874-RRlyR 0378-AVicL 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0081-FDCU1 0189-Simpl 0304-Simpl 0163-SamGr 0095-SJWay 0807-SJWay 0649-Torre 0234-Strug 0201-Leodv 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0424-Carca 0673-Marvl 0708- LoopL 0425-CarHG 0260-Dynas 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0752-Netru 0630-BQotS 0046-Zombi 0718-Zombi 0607-WicWW 0245-Dream 0246-Dream 0701-KuFri 0756-Vampe 0106-SoCTE 0132-Omega 0179-Omega 0102-FalFu 0747-DMans 0440- O-DVD 0856-NWSDM 0114-Budde (peacmyer) 0359-borgi : 0846-Imper 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0921-Ingen 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0611 -MoVen 0874-RRlyR 0378-AVicL 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0081-FDCU1 0189-Simpl 0304-Simpl 0163-SamGr 0095-SJWay 0807-SJWay 0649-Torre 0234-Strug 0201-Leodv 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0424-Carca 0673-Marvl 0708- LoopL 0425-CarHG 0260-Dynas 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0752-Netru 0630-BQotS 0046-Zombi 0718-Zombi 0607-WicWW 0245-Dream 0246-Dream 0701-KuFri 0756-Vampe 0106-SoCTE 0132-Omega 0179-Omega 0102-FalFu 0747-DMans 0440- O-DVD 0856-NWSDM 0114-Budde (peacmyer) 0360-TyrEx : 0846-Imper 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0921-Ingen 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0611 -MoVen 0874-RRlyR 0378-AVicL 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0081-FDCU1 0189-Simpl 0304-Simpl 0163-SamGr 0095-SJWay 0807-SJWay 0649-Torre 0234-Strug 0201-Leodv 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0424-Carca 0673-Marvl 0708- LoopL 0425-CarHG 0260-Dynas 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0752-Netru 0630-BQotS 0046-Zombi 0718-Zombi 0607-WicWW 0245-Dream 0246-Dream 0701-KuFri 0756-Vampe 0106-SoCTE 0132-Omega 0179-Omega 0102-FalFu 0747-DMans 0440- O-DVD 0856-NWSDM 0114-Budde (peacmyer) 0361-WdAbe : 0846-Imper 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0921-Ingen 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0611 -MoVen 0874-RRlyR 0378-AVicL 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0081-FDCU1 0189-Simpl 0304-Simpl 0163-SamGr 0095-SJWay 0807-SJWay (peacmyer) 0362-NandN : 0846-Imper 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0921-Ingen 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0611 -MoVen 0874-RRlyR 0378-AVicL 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0081-FDCU1 0189-Simpl 0304-Simpl 0163-SamGr 0095-SJWay 0807-SJWay 0649-Torre 0234-Strug 0201-Leodv 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0424-Carca 0673-Marvl 0708- LoopL 0425-CarHG 0260-Dynas 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0752-Netru 0630-BQotS 0046-Zombi 0718-Zombi 0607-WicWW 0245-Dream 0246-Dream 0701-KuFri 0756-Vampe 0106-SoCTE 0132-Omega 0179-Omega 0102-FalFu 0747-DMans 0440- O-DVD 0856-NWSDM 0114-Budde (peacmyer) 0870-Horno : 0846-Imper 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0921-Ingen 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0611 -MoVen 0874-RRlyR 0378-AVicL 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0081-FDCU1 0189-Simpl 0304-Simpl 0163-SamGr 0095-SJWay 0807-SJWay 0649-Torre 0234-Strug 0201-Leodv 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0424-Carca 0673-Marvl 0708- LoopL 0425-CarHG 0260-Dynas 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0752-Netru 0630-BQotS 0046-Zombi 0718-Zombi 0607-WicWW 0245-Dream 0246-Dream 0701-KuFri 0756-Vampe 0106-SoCTE 0132-Omega 0179-Omega 0102-FalFu 0747-DMans 0440- O-DVD 0856-NWSDM 0114-Budde (peter loop) %Antike : 0676-Antik 0904-Antik (peter loop) %AotC : 0061-Acove 0198-Acove (peter loop) %Brita : 0159-Brita 0614-Brita (peter loop) %BuyWo : 0131-Bword 0225-Bword (peter loop) %CMC : 0151-magna 0883-magna (peter loop) %FoD : 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd (peter loop) %GoTAASoSE : 0929-GoTSS 0803-GoTSS (peter loop) %HotS : 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS (peter loop) %OtU : 0536-under 0602-under (peter loop) %TACSG : 0041-Terkh 0310-Terkh (peter loop) %Thebes : 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe (peter loop) %TI3E : 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd (peter loop) %ToI : 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn (peter loop) %WarKni : 0186-WarKn 0843-WarKn (peter loop) %WotR : 0014-Wring 0860-Wring (peter loop) 0543-O-Pbk : 0906-BatLo 0813-RandB 0336-Antiq 0905-StrCr 0001-Outpo %ToI 0367-Formu 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0597-1861R 0820-18FLR 0946-18USR 0929-GoTSS 0948-18EUR 0949-1846R 0956-1889R 0945- 18Mex 0950-18FLR 0954-1832R 0955-1850R %TI3E 0253-DuneX 0846-Imper %Thebes %Antike %FoD 0201-Leodv %WarKni 0849-Tannh 0493-WoWFA 0039-Lifeb 0338-RtrnH %Brita %OtU %GoTAASoSE 0875-BMEBI 0952-18VAR 0643-BNMtA %WotR %HotS 0772-DJitD 0187-ReefE 0854-TtREu 0078-elasu 0034-Canal 0886-AoSte 0437-under 0239-HsFoA %CMC 0417- Bwulf 0238-DTexp 0400-FDCBN 0399-FDCHZ 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI 0664-O-Mep 0873-Pgrid 0672-nostr 0064-Myker 0770-Paths 0473-Lifeb 0915-Khron 0874-RRlyR 0857-M44TP %AotC 0307-FDCSM 0476-Silkr 0348-LigDD %BuyWo %TACSG 0178-Marco 0155-CoPan 0510-AoSMS 0467-Abile 0018-VorVV (peter loop) 0545-O-Pbk : 0906-BatLo 0813-RandB 0336-Antiq 0905-StrCr 0001-Outpo %ToI 0367-Formu 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0597-1861R 0820-18FLR 0946-18USR 0948-18EUR 0949-1846R 0956-1889R 0945-18Mex 0950- 18FLR 0954-1832R 0955-1850R 0952-18VAR 0664-O-Mep (peter loop) 0546-Arkad : 0906-BatLo 0813-RandB 0336-Antiq 0905-StrCr 0001-Outpo %ToI 0367-Formu 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0597-1861R 0820-18FLR 0946-18USR (peter loop) 0547-AAEur : 0906-BatLo 0813-RandB 0336-Antiq 0905-StrCr 0001-Outpo %ToI 0367-Formu 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0597-1861R 0820-18FLR 0946-18USR 0929-GoTSS 0948-18EUR 0949-1846R 0956-1889R 0945- 18Mex 0950-18FLR 0954-1832R 0955-1850R %TI3E 0253-DuneX 0846-Imper %Thebes %Antike %FoD 0201-Leodv %WarKni 0849-Tannh 0493-WoWFA 0039-Lifeb 0338-RtrnH %Brita %OtU %GoTAASoSE 0875-BMEBI 0952-18VAR 0643-BNMtA %WotR 0078-elasu 0034-Canal (peter loop) 0548-DraPa : 0906-BatLo 0813-RandB 0336-Antiq 0905-StrCr 0001-Outpo (peter loop) 0549-OFSfM : 0906-BatLo 0813-RandB 0336-Antiq 0905-StrCr 0001-Outpo %ToI 0367-Formu 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0597-1861R 0820-18FLR 0946-18USR 0929-GoTSS 0948-18EUR 0949-1846R 0956-1889R 0945- 18Mex 0950-18FLR 0954-1832R 0955-1850R %TI3E 0253-DuneX 0846-Imper %Thebes %Antike %FoD 0201-Leodv %WarKni 0849-Tannh 0493-WoWFA 0039-Lifeb 0338-RtrnH %Brita %OtU %GoTAASoSE 0875-BMEBI 0952-18VAR 0643-BNMtA %WotR %HotS 0772-DJitD 0187-ReefE 0854-TtREu 0078-elasu 0034-Canal 0886-AoSte 0437-under 0239-HsFoA %CMC 0417- Bwulf 0238-DTexp 0400-FDCBN 0399-FDCHZ 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI 0664-O-Mep 0873-Pgrid 0672-nostr 0064-Myker 0770-Paths 0473-Lifeb 0915-Khron 0874-RRlyR 0857-M44TP %AotC 0307-FDCSM 0476-Silkr 0348-LigDD %BuyWo %TACSG 0178-Marco 0155-CoPan 0510-AoSMS 0467-Abile 0018-VorVV 0306-Nexus 0308-Nexus 0149-Fuggr (peter loop) 0550-CaMer : 0906-BatLo 0813-RandB 0336-Antiq 0905-StrCr 0001-Outpo %ToI 0367-Formu 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0597-1861R 0820-18FLR 0946-18USR 0929-GoTSS 0948-18EUR 0949-1846R 0956-1889R 0945- 18Mex 0950-18FLR 0954-1832R 0955-1850R %TI3E 0253-DuneX 0846-Imper %Thebes %Antike %FoD 0201-Leodv %WarKni 0849-Tannh 0493-WoWFA 0039-Lifeb 0338-RtrnH %Brita %OtU %GoTAASoSE 0875-BMEBI 0952-18VAR 0643-BNMtA %WotR %HotS 0772-DJitD 0187-ReefE 0854-TtREu 0078-elasu 0034-Canal (peter loop) 0560-WideW : 0906-BatLo 0813-RandB 0336-Antiq 0905-StrCr 0001-Outpo %ToI 0367-Formu 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0597-1861R 0820-18FLR 0946-18USR 0929-GoTSS 0948-18EUR 0949-1846R 0956-1889R 0945- 18Mex 0950-18FLR 0954-1832R 0955-1850R %TI3E 0253-DuneX 0846-Imper %Thebes %Antike %FoD 0201-Leodv %WarKni 0849-Tannh 0493-WoWFA 0039-Lifeb 0338-RtrnH %Brita %OtU %GoTAASoSE 0875-BMEBI 0952-18VAR 0643-BNMtA %HotS 0772-DJitD 0187-ReefE 0854-TtREu 0078-elasu 0886-AoSte 0437-under 0239-HsFoA %CMC 0417-Bwulf 0238-DTexp 0400-FDCBN 0399-FDCHZ 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI (peter loop) 0582-HiveX : 0906-BatLo 0813-RandB 0336-Antiq 0905-StrCr 0001-Outpo %ToI 0367-Formu 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0597-1861R 0820-18FLR 0946-18USR 0929-GoTSS 0948-18EUR 0949-1846R 0956-1889R 0945- 18Mex 0950-18FLR 0954-1832R 0955-1850R %TI3E 0253-DuneX 0846-Imper %Thebes %Antike %FoD 0201-Leodv %WarKni 0849-Tannh 0493-WoWFA 0039-Lifeb 0338-RtrnH %Brita %OtU %GoTAASoSE 0875-BMEBI 0952-18VAR 0643-BNMtA %WotR %HotS 0772-DJitD 0187-ReefE 0854-TtREu 0078-elasu 0034-Canal 0886-AoSte 0437-under 0239-HsFoA (peter loop) 0583-Gnumi : 0906-BatLo 0813-RandB 0336-Antiq 0905-StrCr 0001-Outpo %ToI 0367-Formu 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0597-1861R 0820-18FLR 0946-18USR 0929-GoTSS 0948-18EUR 0949-1846R 0956-1889R 0945- 18Mex 0950-18FLR 0954-1832R 0955-1850R %TI3E 0253-DuneX 0846-Imper %Thebes %Antike %FoD 0201-Leodv %WarKni 0849-Tannh 0493-WoWFA 0039-Lifeb 0338-RtrnH %Brita %OtU %GoTAASoSE 0875-BMEBI 0643-BNMtA %WotR %HotS 0772 -DJitD 0187-ReefE 0854-TtREu 0034-Canal 0886-AoSte 0437-under 0239-HsFoA %CMC 0417-Bwulf 0238-DTexp 0400- FDCBN 0399-FDCHZ 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI 0664-O-Mep 0873-Pgrid 0672-nostr 0064-Myker 0770-Paths 0473-Lifeb 0915-Khron 0874-RRlyR 0857-M44TP %AotC 0307-FDCSM 0476-Silkr 0348-LigDD %BuyWo %TACSG 0178- Marco 0155-CoPan 0510-AoSMS 0467-Abile 0018-VorVV 0306-Nexus 0308-Nexus 0149-Fuggr (Peter Pariseau) 0842-FlyCo : 0742-MCFaW 0125-Conqu 0738-BinIt (Peter Pariseau) 0843-WarKn : 0742-MCFaW 0125-Conqu (Peter Pariseau) 0857-M44TP : 0742-MCFaW 0125-Conqu 0738-BinIt (pronoblem) 0913-Mahar : 0253-DuneX 0957-PoRen 0888-WilWr 0504-sword 0831-SOS3E 0953-1841R 0947- 18EUR (pronoblem) 0914-Caylu : 0253-DuneX 0957-PoRen 0888-WilWr 0504-sword 0831-SOS3E 0953-1841R 0947- 18EUR (pronoblem) 0935-SqdLd : 0253-DuneX 0957-PoRen 0888-WilWr 0504-sword 0831-SOS3E 0953-1841R 0947- 18EUR (puffinslayer) 0874-RRlyR : 0493-WoWFA (Rabid Wookie) 0280-catan : (Rabid Wookie) 0281-Bloku : 0810-DuneX 0177-DuneX 0253-DuneX 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0860-Wring 0596- realm 0553-Walle 0772-DJitD 0153-aGoTh 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0336-Antiq 0849-Tannh 0488-Lastn 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0064-Myker 0798-Wking 0575-Marvl 0673-Marvl 0373-WoWTB 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0385-TandE 0599- TandE 0933-ElGra 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0558-Pillr 0852-Pilla 0922-Pilla 0384-AmunR 0813-RandB 0892-Notre 0774-PSoup 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0564-LostV 0615-Wking 0867-realm 0185-EnENH 0930-TandE 0871- citta 0850-TajMa 0876-Pilla 0815-Throu 0580-aGoTh 0868-aGoTh 0905-StrCr 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0891-80day 0875-BMEBI (Rabid Wookie) 0282-Compa : 0064-Myker 0922-Pilla 0384-AmunR 0892-Notre 0685-nostr 0615-Wking 0377- zavan 0185-EnENH 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0934-ElGra 0365-Princ 0863-Samur 0021-Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0666-Ra-Ra 0040-Yspah 0152-Throu 0577-Throu 0648-Throu 0582-HiveX 0705-HiveX 0187-ReefE 0591-MdArt 0699-MdArt 0676- Antik 0904-Antik 0921-Ingen 0926-Thurn 0231-Domne 0659-Domne 0234-Strug 0940-SpDlr 0124-Attik 0351-Attik 0517-Attik 0566-Jambo 0671-Jambo 0201-Leodv 0311-Survi 0443-Survi 0190-TtRME 0186-WarKn 0168-DunTw 0237- DunTw 0261-DunTw 0446-Battl 0658-Hansa 0939-Hansa 0122-Bmoon 0077-Niaga 0078-elasu 0135-Elfen 0601-Elfen 0506-HsRoV 0516-HsRoV 0518-HsRoV 0819-Aladd 0125-Conqu 0613-Proph 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0551-Bang! 0315- DoA-1 0642-SoCCG 0089-Stars 0173-Stars 0278-epicd 0430-China 0657-China 0302-HoiTy 0419-HoiTy 0728-HoiTy 0775-HoiTy 0861-HoiTy 0865-HoiTy 0401-Byzan 0435-WildL 0650-Trias 0556-SfRom 0428-Metro 0164-AoMTB 0787- AoMTB 0433-IlPri 0706-CutCa 0679-Thief 0665-E-TCG 0429-Rhein 0680-Rhein 0515-GeneP 0353-shang 0398-shang 0421-shang 0538-shang 0335-Aqudu 0418-Aqudu 0264-Arena 0288-EDCoL 0616-Samur 0632-Heros 0485-Minot 0494- FragX 0086-KoChr 0386-Thron 0290-Samur 0638-GG150 0291-Dracu 0396-LomZo 0662-bardg (Rabid Wookie) 0557-Zertz : 0177-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0253-DuneX 0596-realm 0867-realm 0014-Wring 0255- Wring 0860-Wring 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0553-Walle 0772-DJitD 0153-aGoTh 0336-Antiq 0488-Lastn 0798-Wking 0575-Marvl 0673-Marvl 0373-WoWTB 0873-Pgrid 0933-ElGra 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0813-RandB 0849- Tannh (redleg1lt) %ArkHor : (redleg1lt) %Battl : (redleg1lt) %BobLee : (redleg1lt) %Brita : (redleg1lt) %Caylus : (redleg1lt) %CMC : (redleg1lt) %DieMac : (redleg1lt) %DunTwi : (redleg1lt) %ElGra : (redleg1lt) %GoT : (redleg1lt) %HotS : (redleg1lt) %Lifeb : (redleg1lt) %NexOps : (redleg1lt) %RoboR : (redleg1lt) %StaCat : (redleg1lt) %ToI : (redleg1lt) %VegSho : (redleg1lt) %WotR : (redleg1lt) 0855-FlyCo : 0138-ElGra 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0860-Wring 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0668 -ArkHo 0858-Wtdrw 0937-ArkHo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0153-aGoTh 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0432-mache 0501-mache 0237-DunTw 0261-DunTw 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0089-Stars 0173-Stars 0340-BobLe 0640-BobLe 0188- Pgrid 0862-ElGra 0730-TI3rd 0341-Caylu 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0394-H-RvC 0487-SoCam 0772-DJitD 0558-Pillr 0580-aGoTh 0868-aGoTh 0826-CandC 0147-rally 0595-rally 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0493-WoWFA 0122-Bmoon 0151- magna 0490-magna 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0066-Nexus 0306-Nexus 0308-Nexus 0890-LLBoH 0828-WW2BB 0047-Vegas 0109-Vegas 0111-Vegas 0192-Vegas 0379-Vegas 0449-Vegas 0095-SJWay 0643-BNMtA 0385-TandE 0365-Princ 0390- Acqui 0187-ReefE 0150-BatLi 0123-Antik 0200-Holly 0098-TtREu 0099-Torre 0234-Strug 0124-Attik 0817-MRPla 0190-TtRME 0366-Endof 0788-Battl 0254-MoVen 0888-WilWr 0373-WoWTB 0315-DoA-1 0430-China 0198-Acove 0271 -FMRac 0027-Pizza 0134-Imper 0509-Guilf 0505-curse 0808-Blank (redleg1lt) 0856-NWSDM : 0138-ElGra 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0860-Wring 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0668 -ArkHo 0858-Wtdrw 0937-ArkHo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0153-aGoTh 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0432-mache 0501-mache 0237-DunTw 0261-DunTw 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0089-Stars 0173-Stars 0340-BobLe 0640-BobLe 0188- Pgrid 0730-TI3rd 0394-H-RvC 0487-SoCam 0772-DJitD 0558-Pillr 0826-CandC 0905-StrCr 0849-Tannh 0493-WoWFA 0122-Bmoon 0890-LLBoH 0828-WW2BB 0095-SJWay 0643-BNMtA 0125-Conqu (richardolen2) 0860-Wring : (richardolen2) 0861-HoiTy : (rkfade) 0872-Caylu : 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0177-DuneX 0253-DuneX 0810- DuneX 0813-RandB 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0507-Paths 0770-Paths 0615-Wking 0880-HISta 0867-realm 0504-sword 0156-Onwar 0234-Strug (rkfade) 0873-Pgrid : 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0177-DuneX 0253-DuneX 0810- DuneX 0813-RandB 0905-StrCr 0493-WoWFA 0507-Paths 0770-Paths 0615-Wking 0880-HISta 0867-realm 0504-sword 0156-Onwar (roamdog) %Byzanti : 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan (roamdog) %CaylsMC : 0151-magna 0490-magna 0883-magna (roamdog) %TideIr : 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn (roamdog) 0001-Outpo : 0336-Antiq (roamdog) 0002-2038R : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0813-RandB 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0937-ArkHo 0886-AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805- RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0389-LRail (roamdog) 0003-Suzer : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0230-Sjuan 0432-mache 0627- Keyth 0125-Conqu 0664-O-Mep 0564-LostV 0857-M44TP 0894-1835R 0929-GoTSS 0676-Antik 0098-TtREu 0817-MRPla 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0390-Acqui 0863-Samur 0850-TajMa 0365-Princ 0364-DoA-3 0809-HamrS 0669-Genoa 0651- Carca 0602-under 0674-Acqui 0389-LRail 0559-PnzrL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0806-Civ-W 0058-magna 0061-Acove %CaylsMC 0575-Marvl (roamdog) 0004-Thron : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0230-Sjuan 0432-mache 0627- Keyth 0125-Conqu 0564-LostV 0857-M44TP 0894-1835R 0929-GoTSS 0676-Antik 0098-TtREu 0817-MRPla 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0390-Acqui 0863-Samur 0850-TajMa 0365-Princ 0389-LRail 0559-PnzrL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511- AoSAI 0510-AoSMS (roamdog) 0005-AoExp : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0230-Sjuan 0432-mache 0627- Keyth 0125-Conqu 0664-O-Mep 0564-LostV 0857-M44TP 0894-1835R 0929-GoTSS 0676-Antik 0098-TtREu 0817-MRPla 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0390-Acqui 0863-Samur 0850-TajMa 0365-Princ 0364-DoA-3 0809-HamrS 0669-Genoa 0651- Carca 0602-under 0025-Cathe 0674-Acqui 0517-Attik 0389-LRail 0559-PnzrL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0806-Civ-W 0234-Strug 0058-magna 0061-Acove 0233-BatLi 0816-Acqui %CaylsMC 0582-HiveX 0575- Marvl (roamdog) 0006-TimeA : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0230-Sjuan 0432-mache 0627- Keyth 0125-Conqu 0564-LostV 0857-M44TP 0894-1835R 0929-GoTSS 0676-Antik 0098-TtREu 0817-MRPla 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0390-Acqui 0389-LRail 0559-PnzrL (roamdog) 0007-GG101 : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0230-Sjuan 0432-mache 0627- Keyth 0125-Conqu 0664-O-Mep 0564-LostV 0857-M44TP 0894-1835R 0929-GoTSS 0676-Antik 0098-TtREu 0817-MRPla 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0390-Acqui 0863-Samur 0850-TajMa 0365-Princ 0364-DoA-3 0809-HamrS 0669-Genoa 0651- Carca 0602-under 0025-Cathe 0674-Acqui 0517-Attik 0389-LRail 0559-PnzrL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0806-Civ-W 0234-Strug 0058-magna 0061-Acove 0233-BatLi 0816-Acqui %CaylsMC 0582-HiveX 0498- GG160 0031-GG150 0638-GG150 0275-BL-EE 0150-BatLi 0644-HcrdO 0034-Canal 0160-Razzi 0043-O-DVD 0441-O-DVD 0712-O-DVD 0575-Marvl 0914-Caylu 0394-H-RvC 0040-Yspah 0402-Sjuan 0789-Civil 0557-Zertz 0156-Onwar 0911- 1856R 0912-1870R 0060-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0240-PRico 0423-PRico 0450-PRico 0903-PueRt 0923-PRico 0909-AmunR 0063-Tikal 0913-Mahar 0201-Leodv 0377-zavan (roamdog) 0008-Up-Fr : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0336-Antiq (roamdog) 0009-AArul : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0230-Sjuan 0432-mache 0627- Keyth 0125-Conqu 0664-O-Mep 0564-LostV 0857-M44TP 0894-1835R 0929-GoTSS 0676-Antik 0098-TtREu 0817-MRPla 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0390-Acqui 0863-Samur 0850-TajMa 0365-Princ 0364-DoA-3 0809-HamrS 0669-Genoa 0651- Carca 0602-under 0025-Cathe 0674-Acqui 0517-Attik 0389-LRail 0559-PnzrL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0806-Civ-W 0234-Strug 0058-magna 0061-Acove 0233-BatLi 0816-Acqui %CaylsMC 0582-HiveX 0498- GG160 0031-GG150 0638-GG150 0275-BL-EE 0150-BatLi 0644-HcrdO 0034-Canal 0160-Razzi 0043-O-DVD 0441-O-DVD 0712-O-DVD 0055-GG100 0574-GG100 0218-Tellu 0093-Day50 0248-Wtdrw 0292-baron 0908-DooRW 0784-O-DVD 0575- Marvl 0914-Caylu 0394-H-RvC 0040-Yspah 0402-Sjuan 0789-Civil 0557-Zertz 0156-Onwar 0911-1856R 0912-1870R 0060-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0240-PRico 0423-PRico 0450-PRico 0903-PueRt 0923-PRico 0909-AmunR 0063- Tikal 0913-Mahar 0201-Leodv 0377-zavan 0917-PGBCE 0108-Vegas (roamdog) 0010-PSBfF : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0230-Sjuan 0432-mache 0627- Keyth 0125-Conqu 0664-O-Mep 0564-LostV 0857-M44TP 0894-1835R 0929-GoTSS 0676-Antik 0098-TtREu 0817-MRPla 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0390-Acqui 0863-Samur 0850-TajMa 0365-Princ 0364-DoA-3 0809-HamrS 0669-Genoa 0651- Carca 0602-under 0025-Cathe 0674-Acqui 0517-Attik 0389-LRail 0559-PnzrL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0806-Civ-W 0234-Strug 0058-magna 0061-Acove 0233-BatLi 0816-Acqui %CaylsMC 0582-HiveX 0498- GG160 0031-GG150 0638-GG150 0150-BatLi 0644-HcrdO 0034-Canal 0160-Razzi 0043-O-DVD 0441-O-DVD 0712-O-DVD 0055-GG100 0574-GG100 0218-Tellu 0093-Day50 0248-Wtdrw 0575-Marvl 0914-Caylu 0394-H-RvC 0040-Yspah 0402- Sjuan 0789-Civil 0557-Zertz 0156-Onwar 0911-1856R 0912-1870R (roamdog) 0011-Taraw : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0230-Sjuan 0432-mache 0627- Keyth 0125-Conqu 0664-O-Mep 0564-LostV 0857-M44TP 0894-1835R 0929-GoTSS 0676-Antik 0098-TtREu 0817-MRPla 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0390-Acqui 0863-Samur 0850-TajMa 0365-Princ 0364-DoA-3 0809-HamrS 0669-Genoa 0651- Carca 0602-under 0025-Cathe 0674-Acqui 0517-Attik 0389-LRail 0559-PnzrL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0806-Civ-W 0234-Strug 0058-magna 0061-Acove 0233-BatLi 0816-Acqui %CaylsMC 0582-HiveX 0498- GG160 0031-GG150 0638-GG150 0150-BatLi 0644-HcrdO 0034-Canal 0160-Razzi 0043-O-DVD 0441-O-DVD 0712-O-DVD 0055-GG100 0574-GG100 0218-Tellu 0093-Day50 0248-Wtdrw 0575-Marvl 0914-Caylu 0394-H-RvC 0040-Yspah 0402- Sjuan 0789-Civil 0557-Zertz 0156-Onwar 0911-1856R 0912-1870R (roamdog) 0012-FTVie : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0230-Sjuan 0432-mache 0627- Keyth 0125-Conqu 0664-O-Mep 0564-LostV 0857-M44TP 0894-1835R 0929-GoTSS 0676-Antik 0098-TtREu 0817-MRPla 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0390-Acqui 0863-Samur 0850-TajMa 0365-Princ 0364-DoA-3 0809-HamrS 0669-Genoa 0651- Carca 0602-under 0025-Cathe 0674-Acqui 0517-Attik 0389-LRail 0559-PnzrL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0806-Civ-W 0234-Strug 0058-magna 0061-Acove 0233-BatLi 0816-Acqui %CaylsMC 0582-HiveX 0498- GG160 0031-GG150 0638-GG150 0150-BatLi 0644-HcrdO 0034-Canal 0160-Razzi 0043-O-DVD 0441-O-DVD 0712-O-DVD 0055-GG100 0574-GG100 0218-Tellu 0093-Day50 0248-Wtdrw 0575-Marvl 0914-Caylu 0394-H-RvC 0040-Yspah 0402- Sjuan 0789-Civil 0557-Zertz 0156-Onwar 0911-1856R 0912-1870R (roamdog) 0013-GG077 : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R ; 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949-1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254- MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX ; 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui ; 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937 -ArkHo 0886-AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0230-Sjuan 0432- mache 0627-Keyth 0125-Conqu 0664-O-Mep 0564-LostV 0857-M44TP 0894-1835R 0929-GoTSS 0676-Antik 0098-TtREu 0817-MRPla 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0390-Acqui 0863-Samur 0850-TajMa 0365-Princ 0364-DoA-3 0809-HamrS 0669- Genoa 0651-Carca 0602-under 0025-Cathe 0674-Acqui 0517-Attik 0389-LRail ; 0559-PnzrL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0806-Civ-W 0234-Strug 0058-magna 0061-Acove 0233-BatLi 0816-Acqui %CaylsMC 0582- HiveX 0498-GG160 0031-GG150 0638-GG150 0275-BL-EE 0150-BatLi 0644-HcrdO 0034-Canal 0160-Razzi 0043-O-DVD 0441-O-DVD 0712-O-DVD 0055-GG100 0574-GG100 0631-GG100 0532-GG095 0204-GG093 0218-Tellu 0575-Marvl 0914- Caylu 0394-H-RvC 0040-Yspah 0402-Sjuan 0789-Civil 0557-Zertz 0156-Onwar 0911-1856R 0912-1870R 0060-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0240-PRico 0423-PRico 0450-PRico 0903-PueRt 0923-PRico 0909-AmunR 0063-Tikal 0913- Mahar 0201-Leodv 0377-zavan 0917-PGBCE 0108-Vegas ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 0119-GG075 0194-GG075 (roamdog) 0014-Wring : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R ; 0952-18VAR 0949-1846R 0820-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0813-RandB 0881-PoRen (roamdog) 0015-Bgfan : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0230-Sjuan 0432-mache 0627- Keyth 0125-Conqu 0564-LostV 0857-M44TP 0894-1835R 0929-GoTSS 0676-Antik 0098-TtREu 0817-MRPla 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0390-Acqui 0850-TajMa 0389-LRail 0559-PnzrL 0575-Marvl (roamdog) 0016-RoSSR : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R ; 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949-1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254- MoVen 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0847-Acqui (roamdog) 0017-N-Hou : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0894-1835R 0929-GoTSS 0390- Acqui 0389-LRail 0559-PnzrL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI 0510-AoSMS (roamdog) 0018-VorVV : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0929-GoTSS 0390-Acqui 0389- LRail (roamdog) 0019-Credo : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0803-GoTSS 0937-ArkHo 0886-AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885- HamrS 0873-Pgrid (roamdog) 0020-Hyle7 : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0230-Sjuan 0432-mache 0627- Keyth 0125-Conqu 0664-O-Mep 0564-LostV 0857-M44TP 0894-1835R 0929-GoTSS 0676-Antik 0098-TtREu 0817-MRPla 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0390-Acqui 0863-Samur 0850-TajMa 0365-Princ 0364-DoA-3 0809-HamrS 0669-Genoa 0651- Carca 0602-under 0025-Cathe 0674-Acqui 0517-Attik 0389-LRail 0559-PnzrL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0806-Civ-W 0234-Strug 0058-magna 0061-Acove 0233-BatLi %CaylsMC 0575-Marvl (roamdog) 0021-Ra-Ra : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0389-LRail (roamdog) 0022-GG055 : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0230-Sjuan 0432-mache 0627- Keyth 0125-Conqu 0664-O-Mep 0564-LostV 0857-M44TP 0894-1835R 0929-GoTSS 0676-Antik 0098-TtREu 0817-MRPla 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0390-Acqui 0863-Samur 0850-TajMa 0365-Princ 0364-DoA-3 0809-HamrS 0669-Genoa 0651- Carca 0602-under 0025-Cathe 0674-Acqui 0517-Attik 0389-LRail 0559-PnzrL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0806-Civ-W 0234-Strug 0058-magna 0061-Acove 0233-BatLi 0816-Acqui %CaylsMC 0582-HiveX 0498- GG160 0031-GG150 0638-GG150 0275-BL-EE 0150-BatLi 0644-HcrdO 0034-Canal 0160-Razzi 0043-O-DVD 0441-O-DVD 0712-O-DVD 0055-GG100 0574-GG100 0631-GG100 0532-GG095 0204-GG093 0218-Tellu 0119-GG075 0194-GG075 0093- Day50 0248-Wtdrw 0292-baron 0908-DooRW 0071-Chizo 0050-Oedge 0799-Guard 0784-O-DVD 0299-Fires 0575-Marvl 0914-Caylu 0394-H-RvC 0040-Yspah 0402-Sjuan 0789-Civil 0557-Zertz 0156-Onwar 0911-1856R 0912-1870R 0060- TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0240-PRico 0423-PRico 0450-PRico 0903-PueRt 0923-PRico 0909-AmunR 0063-Tikal 0913-Mahar 0201-Leodv 0377-zavan 0917-PGBCE 0108-Vegas (roamdog) 0023-Hfish : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0230-Sjuan 0432-mache 0627- Keyth 0125-Conqu 0564-LostV 0857-M44TP 0894-1835R 0929-GoTSS 0676-Antik 0098-TtREu 0817-MRPla 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0390-Acqui 0863-Samur 0850-TajMa 0365-Princ 0364-DoA-3 0674-Acqui 0389-LRail 0559-PnzrL 0512- AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0575-Marvl (roamdog) 0120-Siena : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0937-ArkHo 0886-AoSte 0871-citta 0933- ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr (roamdog) 0283-Napol : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0230-Sjuan 0432-mache 0627- Keyth 0125-Conqu 0664-O-Mep 0564-LostV 0857-M44TP 0894-1835R 0929-GoTSS 0676-Antik 0098-TtREu 0817-MRPla 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0390-Acqui 0863-Samur 0850-TajMa 0365-Princ 0364-DoA-3 0809-HamrS 0669-Genoa 0651- Carca 0602-under 0025-Cathe 0674-Acqui 0517-Attik 0389-LRail 0559-PnzrL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0806-Civ-W 0234-Strug 0058-magna 0061-Acove 0233-BatLi 0816-Acqui %CaylsMC 0575-Marvl (roamdog) 0284-TacII : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0230-Sjuan 0432-mache 0627- Keyth 0125-Conqu 0664-O-Mep 0564-LostV 0857-M44TP 0894-1835R 0929-GoTSS 0676-Antik 0098-TtREu 0817-MRPla 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0390-Acqui 0863-Samur 0850-TajMa 0365-Princ 0364-DoA-3 0809-HamrS 0669-Genoa 0651- Carca 0602-under 0025-Cathe 0674-Acqui 0517-Attik 0389-LRail 0559-PnzrL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0806-Civ-W 0234-Strug 0058-magna 0061-Acove 0233-BatLi 0816-Acqui %CaylsMC 0582-HiveX 0575- Marvl (roamdog) 0285-D-Day : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0230-Sjuan 0432-mache 0627- Keyth 0125-Conqu 0664-O-Mep 0564-LostV 0857-M44TP 0894-1835R 0929-GoTSS 0676-Antik 0098-TtREu 0817-MRPla 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0390-Acqui 0863-Samur 0850-TajMa 0365-Princ 0364-DoA-3 0809-HamrS 0669-Genoa 0651- Carca 0602-under 0025-Cathe 0674-Acqui 0517-Attik 0389-LRail 0559-PnzrL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0806-Civ-W 0234-Strug 0058-magna 0061-Acove 0233-BatLi 0816-Acqui %CaylsMC 0582-HiveX 0575- Marvl (roamdog) 0286-WarAS : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0230-Sjuan 0432-mache 0627- Keyth 0125-Conqu 0664-O-Mep 0564-LostV 0857-M44TP 0894-1835R 0929-GoTSS 0676-Antik 0098-TtREu 0817-MRPla 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0390-Acqui 0863-Samur 0850-TajMa 0365-Princ 0364-DoA-3 0809-HamrS 0669-Genoa 0651- Carca 0602-under 0025-Cathe 0674-Acqui 0517-Attik 0389-LRail 0559-PnzrL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0806-Civ-W 0234-Strug 0058-magna 0061-Acove 0233-BatLi 0816-Acqui %CaylsMC 0582-HiveX 0575- Marvl (roamdog) 0287-Kmake : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886-AoSte 0871- citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper 0873-Pgrid (roamdog) 0514-Bylow : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0627-Keyth 0125-Conqu 0664-O -Mep 0564-LostV 0857-M44TP 0929-GoTSS 0676-Antik 0098-TtREu 0817-MRPla 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0390-Acqui 0863-Samur 0850-TajMa 0365-Princ 0389-LRail 0559-PnzrL 0575-Marvl (roamdog) 0703-BL-EE : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0209-EtCet 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0772-DJitD 0501-mache 0937-ArkHo 0886- AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper %Byzanti 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr 0904-Antik 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0849-Tannh 0770-Paths 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0062-Antik 0230-Sjuan 0432-mache 0627- Keyth 0125-Conqu 0664-O-Mep ; ; ; 0275-BL-EE (roamdog) 0801-Blank : (roamdog) 0892-Notre : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0847-Acqui 0803-GoTSS 0937-ArkHo 0886-AoSte 0871-citta 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper (roamdog) 0906-BatLo : (roamdog) 0920-MrJac : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0847-Acqui 0803-GoTSS 0937-ArkHo 0886-AoSte 0871-citta 0805-RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper (roamdog) 0921-Ingen : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0898-TI3rd 0153-aGoTh 0880-HISta 0730-TI3rd 0847-Acqui 0553-Walle 0803-GoTSS 0937-ArkHo 0886-AoSte 0871-citta 0933-ElGra 0805- RoRom 0885-HamrS 0846-Imper 0873-Pgrid 0888-WilWr (roamdog) 0922-Pilla : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0950-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0177-DuneX 0813-RandB 0941-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0928-Caylu 0881-PoRen %TideIr 0847-Acqui 0803-GoTSS 0886-AoSte 0871-citta (roamdog) 0936-Caylu : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0952-18VAR 0954-1832R 0949- 1846R 0955-1850R 0945-18Mex 0948-18EUR 0820-18FLR 0336-Antiq 0928-Caylu (roamdog) 0951-BatLo : 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0946-18USR 0956-1889R 0336-Antiq 0813-RandB 0941- BatLo (roamdog) 0957-PoRen : 0947-18EUR 0336-Antiq (Rokkr) 0448-O-DVD : 0336-Antiq 0871-citta 0937-ArkHo 0390-Acqui 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0905- StrCr 0367-Formu 0849-Tannh 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0864-Showm 0768-Astar 0558-Pillr 0070-Byzan 0668-ArkHo 0040-Yspah 0847-Acqui 0546-Arkad 0672-nostr 0781-Hacie (Rokkr) 0564-LostV : 0336-Antiq 0871-citta 0937-ArkHo 0390-Acqui 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0905- StrCr 0367-Formu 0849-Tannh 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0864-Showm 0768-Astar (Rokkr) 0565-WoWst : 0336-Antiq 0871-citta 0937-ArkHo 0390-Acqui 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0905- StrCr 0367-Formu 0849-Tannh 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0864-Showm 0768-Astar 0558-Pillr 0070-Byzan 0859-Seren (Rokkr) 0566-Jambo : 0336-Antiq 0871-citta 0937-ArkHo 0390-Acqui 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0905- StrCr 0367-Formu 0849-Tannh 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0864-Showm 0768-Astar 0558-Pillr 0070-Byzan 0668-ArkHo 0040-Yspah 0847-Acqui 0546-Arkad 0672-nostr 0781-Hacie 0859-Seren 0850-TajMa 0402-Sjuan 0229-Santi 0039- Lifeb 0065-ElCab 0034-Canal 0429-Rhein 0476-Silkr 0495-Vampe 0120-Siena 0658-Hansa 0077-Niaga 0756-Vampe 0453-apple 0431-Tyros (Rokkr) 0567-LostC : 0336-Antiq 0871-citta 0937-ArkHo 0390-Acqui 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0905- StrCr 0367-Formu 0849-Tannh 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0864-Showm 0768-Astar 0558-Pillr 0070-Byzan 0668-ArkHo 0040-Yspah 0847-Acqui 0546-Arkad 0672-nostr 0781-Hacie 0859-Seren 0850-TajMa 0402-Sjuan 0229-Santi 0039- Lifeb 0065-ElCab 0034-Canal 0429-Rhein 0476-Silkr 0495-Vampe 0120-Siena 0031-GG150 (Rokkr) 0568-VDInf : 0336-Antiq 0871-citta 0937-ArkHo 0390-Acqui 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0905- StrCr 0367-Formu 0849-Tannh 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0864-Showm 0768-Astar 0558-Pillr 0070-Byzan 0668-ArkHo 0040-Yspah 0847-Acqui 0546-Arkad 0672-nostr 0781-Hacie 0859-Seren 0850-TajMa 0402-Sjuan 0229-Santi 0039- Lifeb 0065-ElCab 0034-Canal 0429-Rhein 0476-Silkr 0495-Vampe 0120-Siena 0077-Niaga (Rokkr) 0576-O-G80 : 0336-Antiq 0871-citta 0937-ArkHo 0390-Acqui 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0905- StrCr 0367-Formu 0849-Tannh 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0864-Showm 0768-Astar 0558-Pillr 0070-Byzan 0668-ArkHo 0040-Yspah 0847-Acqui 0546-Arkad 0672-nostr 0781-Hacie 0859-Seren 0850-TajMa 0402-Sjuan 0229-Santi 0039- Lifeb 0065-ElCab 0034-Canal 0429-Rhein 0476-Silkr 0495-Vampe 0658-Hansa 0756-Vampe 0031-GG150 0007-GG101 0055-GG100 0204-GG093 0498-GG160 0532-GG095 0631-GG100 0638-GG150 (Rokkr) 0813-RandB : 0336-Antiq (RPardoe) %Cleo : 0906-BatLo 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop (RPardoe) %Dune : 0177-DuneX 0253-DuneX (RPardoe) %KriegFr : 0914-Caylu 0701-KuFri (RPardoe) %PotR : 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen (RPardoe) 0399-FDCHZ : 0831-SOS3E %Dune %PotR 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0949-1846R 0945-18Mex 0081 -FDCU1 0307-FDCSM (RPardoe) 0400-FDCBN : 0831-SOS3E %Dune %PotR 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0949-1846R 0945-18Mex 0081 -FDCU1 0307-FDCSM (RPardoe) 0401-Byzan : 0831-SOS3E %Dune %PotR 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0949-1846R 0945-18Mex 0929 -GoTSS 0153-aGoTh %KriegFr %Cleo 0943-Satrn 0031-GG150 0498-GG160 0638-GG150 (RPardoe) 0402-Sjuan : 0831-SOS3E %Dune %PotR 0953-1841R 0947-18EUR 0949-1846R 0945-18Mex 0929 -GoTSS 0153-aGoTh %KriegFr %Cleo 0943-Satrn (rudolfrassen) %AmunRe : 0384-AmunR 0909-AmunR (rudolfrassen) %Antike : 0062-Antik 0123-Antik 0676-Antik 0904-Antik (rudolfrassen) %Attack : 0105-Attac 0749-Attac 0316-AttkE (rudolfrassen) %Attika : 0124-Attik 0351-Attik 0517-Attik (rudolfrassen) %CaCA : 0767-CandC 0826-CandC (rudolfrassen) %Hammer : 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS (rudolfrassen) %MagRea : 0596-realm 0867-realm (rudolfrassen) %MarHer : 0575-Marvl 0673-Marvl (rudolfrassen) %OtU : 0536-under 0602-under (rudolfrassen) %PoG : 0507-Paths 0770-Paths (rudolfrassen) %Puerto : 0240-PRico 0423-PRico 0450-PRico 0508-PRico 0895-PueRt 0903-PueRt 0923- PRico (rudolfrassen) %Rhein : 0429-Rhein 0680-Rhein (rudolfrassen) %Thrones : 0153-aGoTh 0580-aGoTh 0868-aGoTh (rudolfrassen) %ToI : 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn (rudolfrassen) %WarKni : 0186-WarKn 0843-WarKn (rudolfrassen) %Z200TZ : 0115-Zertz 0462-Zertz 0557-Zertz (rudolfrassen) 0048-Cluzz : 0323-Hclix 0001-Outpo 0278-epicd %MagRea 0493-WoWFA 0487-SoCam 0772- DJitD 0813-RandB 0546-Arkad 0488-Lastn 0367-Formu 0926-Thurn 0849-Tannh 0377-zavan 0556-SfRom 0875-BMEBI 0679-Thief 0565-WoWst 0288-EDCoL 0524-Konto %ToI 0913-Mahar 0957-PoRen 0672-nostr %PoG 0915-Khron %Z200TZ 0504-sword 0297-Quest 0120-Siena 0006-TimeA 0004-Thron 0112-Peace 0270-TikiM 0214-Crims 0643-BNMtA % Thrones %Hammer %AmunRe %Puerto 0727-CoMag %Attack %Rhein 0181-Byzan 0929-GoTSS 0621-Funny 0034-Canal %OtU %MarHer 0888-WilWr 0798-Wking %WarKni 0201-Leodv %Attika 0366-Endof 0185-EnENH 0805-RoRom 0871-citta 0850 -TajMa 0892-Notre %CaCA %Antike 0669-Genoa 0627-Keyth 0939-Hansa 0859-Seren 0417-Bwulf 0433-IlPri 0535- Shark 0921-Ingen 0226-TAMSK 0198-Acove (rudolfrassen) 0049-Cluzz : 0323-Hclix 0001-Outpo 0278-epicd %MagRea 0493-WoWFA 0487-SoCam 0772- DJitD 0813-RandB 0546-Arkad 0488-Lastn 0367-Formu 0926-Thurn 0849-Tannh 0377-zavan 0556-SfRom 0875-BMEBI 0679-Thief 0565-WoWst 0288-EDCoL 0524-Konto %ToI 0913-Mahar 0957-PoRen 0672-nostr %PoG 0915-Khron %Z200TZ 0504-sword 0297-Quest 0120-Siena 0006-TimeA 0004-Thron 0112-Peace 0270-TikiM 0214-Crims 0643-BNMtA % Thrones %Hammer %AmunRe %Puerto 0727-CoMag %Attack %Rhein 0181-Byzan 0929-GoTSS 0621-Funny 0034-Canal %OtU %MarHer 0888-WilWr 0798-Wking %WarKni 0201-Leodv %Attika 0366-Endof 0185-EnENH 0805-RoRom 0871-citta 0850 -TajMa 0892-Notre %CaCA %Antike 0669-Genoa 0627-Keyth 0939-Hansa 0859-Seren 0417-Bwulf 0433-IlPri 0535- Shark 0921-Ingen 0226-TAMSK 0198-Acove (rudolfrassen) 0318-Cluzz : 0323-Hclix 0001-Outpo 0278-epicd %MagRea 0493-WoWFA 0487-SoCam 0772- DJitD 0813-RandB 0546-Arkad 0488-Lastn 0367-Formu 0926-Thurn 0849-Tannh 0377-zavan 0556-SfRom 0875-BMEBI 0679-Thief 0565-WoWst 0288-EDCoL 0524-Konto %ToI 0913-Mahar 0957-PoRen 0672-nostr %PoG 0915-Khron %Z200TZ 0504-sword 0297-Quest 0120-Siena 0006-TimeA 0004-Thron 0112-Peace 0270-TikiM 0214-Crims 0643-BNMtA % Thrones %Hammer %AmunRe %Puerto 0727-CoMag %Attack %Rhein 0181-Byzan 0929-GoTSS 0621-Funny 0034-Canal %OtU %MarHer 0888-WilWr 0798-Wking %WarKni 0201-Leodv %Attika 0366-Endof 0185-EnENH 0805-RoRom 0871-citta 0850 -TajMa 0892-Notre %CaCA %Antike 0669-Genoa 0627-Keyth 0939-Hansa 0859-Seren 0417-Bwulf 0433-IlPri 0535- Shark 0921-Ingen 0226-TAMSK 0198-Acove (rudolfrassen) 0319-Cluzz : 0323-Hclix 0001-Outpo 0278-epicd %MagRea 0493-WoWFA 0487-SoCam 0772- DJitD 0813-RandB 0546-Arkad 0488-Lastn 0367-Formu 0926-Thurn 0849-Tannh 0377-zavan 0556-SfRom 0875-BMEBI 0679-Thief 0565-WoWst 0288-EDCoL 0524-Konto %ToI 0913-Mahar 0957-PoRen 0672-nostr %PoG 0915-Khron %Z200TZ 0504-sword 0297-Quest 0120-Siena 0006-TimeA 0004-Thron 0112-Peace 0270-TikiM 0214-Crims 0643-BNMtA % Thrones %Hammer %AmunRe %Puerto 0727-CoMag %Attack %Rhein 0181-Byzan 0929-GoTSS 0621-Funny 0034-Canal %OtU %MarHer 0888-WilWr 0798-Wking %WarKni 0201-Leodv %Attika 0366-Endof 0185-EnENH 0805-RoRom 0871-citta 0850 -TajMa 0892-Notre %CaCA %Antike 0669-Genoa 0627-Keyth 0939-Hansa 0859-Seren 0417-Bwulf 0433-IlPri 0535- Shark 0921-Ingen 0226-TAMSK 0198-Acove (ryang) %Acqui : (ryang) %Antike : (ryang) %Attika : (ryang) %Bootl : (ryang) %Byzan : (ryang) %Caylus : (ryang) %CMC : (ryang) %Elfen : (ryang) %ItB : (ryang) %Ra : (ryang) %RotH : (ryang) %RSWTCWE : (ryang) %SoC : (ryang) %StaCat : (ryang) %TaE : (ryang) 0261-DunTw : 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0668-ArkHo 0487-SoCam 0153-aGoTh 0580 -aGoTh 0868-aGoTh 0197-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0587-CosEn 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0169-House 0703-BL-EE; 0295- Furyd 0505-curse 0504-sword 0880-HISta 0506-HsRoV 0277-Cleop 0045-Furyd (ryang) 0262-UR-UR : 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0341-Caylu 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0668 -ArkHo 0487-SoCam 0153-aGoTh 0580-aGoTh 0868-aGoTh 0169-House 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0143-Sjuan 0230-Sjuan 0402-Sjuan 0147-rally 0236-rally 0258-rally 0595-rally 0726-rally 0446-Battl 0788-Battl; 0021-Ra-Ra 0176 -Ra-Ra 0390-Acqui 0456-Acqui 0674-Acqui 0753-Acqui 0816-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0062-Antik 0676-Antik 0280- catan 0461-catan 0646-catan 0045-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0197-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0351-Attik 0517-Attik 0277-Cleop 0587-CosEn 0058-magna 0151-magna 0883-magna 0135-Elfen 0601-Elfen 0880-HISta 0506-HsRoV 0167-RtrnH 0338- RtrnH 0436-RtrnH 0489-RtrnH 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0089-Stars 0173-Stars 0069-Iboss 0074-Iboss 0504-sword 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0884-Bootl 0024-RSWCW 0088-RSWCW 0505-curse 0703- BL-EE 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0365-Princ 0886-AoSte 0553-Walle 0207-Mem44 0235-Mem44 0851-Mem44 0394-H-RvC 0040-Yspah 0558-Pillr 0577-Throu 0648-Throu 0815-Throu 0253-DuneX 0846-Imper 0582-HiveX 0063-Tikal 0813- RandB 0183-MrJac 0591-MdArt 0699-MdArt 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0336-Antiq 0814-ToIrn 0098-TtREu 0854-TtREu 0234-Strug 0432-mache 0501-mache 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0182-Formu 0367-Formu 0281 -Bloku 0493-WoWFA 0507-Paths 0770-Paths 0122-Bmoon 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0077-Niaga 0575-Marvl 0673-Marvl 0373-WoWTB 0596-realm 0867-realm 0129-raven 0125-Conqu 0038-CarcC 0536-under 0602-under 0034-Canal 0859- Seren 0445-Bgfan 0278-epicd 0430-China 0657-China 0542-Shear 0527-Risk2 0409-Villa 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0171-NwEng 0358-NwEng 0470-NwEng 0160-Razzi 0056-Gloom 0875-BMEBI 0156-Onwar 0364-DoA-3 0087-RSWTE 0106- SoCTE 0257-SWccg 0320-Overp 0133-DrePi (ryang) 0263-bites : 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0341-Caylu 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0668 -ArkHo 0487-SoCam 0153-aGoTh 0580-aGoTh 0868-aGoTh 0169-House 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0143-Sjuan 0230-Sjuan 0402-Sjuan 0147-rally 0236-rally 0258-rally 0595-rally 0726-rally 0446-Battl 0788-Battl; 0021-Ra-Ra 0176 -Ra-Ra 0390-Acqui 0456-Acqui 0674-Acqui 0753-Acqui 0816-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0062-Antik 0676-Antik 0280- catan 0461-catan 0646-catan 0045-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0197-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0351-Attik 0517-Attik 0277-Cleop 0587-CosEn 0058-magna 0151-magna 0883-magna 0135-Elfen 0601-Elfen 0880-HISta 0506-HsRoV 0167-RtrnH 0338- RtrnH 0436-RtrnH 0489-RtrnH 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0089-Stars 0173-Stars 0069-Iboss 0074-Iboss 0504-sword 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0884-Bootl 0024-RSWCW 0088-RSWCW 0505-curse 0703- BL-EE 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0365-Princ 0886-AoSte 0553-Walle 0207-Mem44 0235-Mem44 0851-Mem44 0394-H-RvC 0040-Yspah 0558-Pillr 0577-Throu 0648-Throu 0815-Throu 0253-DuneX 0846-Imper 0582-HiveX 0063-Tikal 0813- RandB 0183-MrJac 0591-MdArt 0699-MdArt 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0336-Antiq 0814-ToIrn 0098-TtREu 0854-TtREu 0234-Strug 0432-mache 0501-mache 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0182-Formu 0367-Formu 0281 -Bloku 0493-WoWFA 0507-Paths 0770-Paths 0122-Bmoon 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0077-Niaga 0575-Marvl 0673-Marvl 0373-WoWTB 0596-realm 0867-realm 0129-raven 0125-Conqu 0038-CarcC 0536-under 0602-under 0034-Canal 0859- Seren 0445-Bgfan 0278-epicd 0430-China 0657-China 0542-Shear 0527-Risk2 0409-Villa 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0171-NwEng 0358-NwEng 0470-NwEng 0160-Razzi 0056-Gloom 0875-BMEBI 0156-Onwar 0364-DoA-3 0087-RSWTE 0106- SoCTE 0257-SWccg 0320-Overp 0133-DrePi (ryang) 0264-Arena : 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0341-Caylu 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0668 -ArkHo 0487-SoCam 0153-aGoTh 0580-aGoTh 0868-aGoTh 0169-House 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0143-Sjuan 0230-Sjuan 0402-Sjuan 0147-rally 0236-rally 0258-rally 0595-rally 0726-rally 0446-Battl 0788-Battl; 0021-Ra-Ra 0176 -Ra-Ra 0390-Acqui 0456-Acqui 0674-Acqui 0753-Acqui 0816-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0062-Antik 0676-Antik 0280- catan 0461-catan 0646-catan 0045-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0197-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0351-Attik 0517-Attik 0277-Cleop 0587-CosEn 0058-magna 0151-magna 0883-magna 0135-Elfen 0601-Elfen 0880-HISta 0506-HsRoV 0167-RtrnH 0338- RtrnH 0436-RtrnH 0489-RtrnH 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0089-Stars 0173-Stars 0069-Iboss 0074-Iboss 0504-sword 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0884-Bootl 0024-RSWCW 0088-RSWCW 0505-curse 0703- BL-EE 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0365-Princ 0886-AoSte 0553-Walle 0207-Mem44 0235-Mem44 0851-Mem44 0394-H-RvC 0040-Yspah 0558-Pillr 0577-Throu 0648-Throu 0815-Throu 0253-DuneX 0846-Imper 0582-HiveX 0063-Tikal 0813- RandB 0183-MrJac 0591-MdArt 0699-MdArt 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0336-Antiq 0814-ToIrn 0098-TtREu 0854-TtREu 0234-Strug 0432-mache 0501-mache 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0182-Formu 0367-Formu 0281 -Bloku 0493-WoWFA 0507-Paths 0770-Paths 0122-Bmoon 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0077-Niaga 0575-Marvl 0673-Marvl 0373-WoWTB 0596-realm 0867-realm 0129-raven 0125-Conqu 0038-CarcC 0536-under 0602-under 0034-Canal 0859- Seren 0445-Bgfan 0278-epicd 0430-China 0657-China 0542-Shear 0527-Risk2 0409-Villa 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0171-NwEng 0358-NwEng 0470-NwEng 0160-Razzi 0056-Gloom 0875-BMEBI 0156-Onwar 0364-DoA-3 0087-RSWTE 0106- SoCTE 0257-SWccg 0320-Overp 0133-DrePi (Ryhesling) 0493-WoWFA : 0906-BatLo 0875-BMEBI (Ryhesling) 0494-FragX : 0906-BatLo 0875-BMEBI 0905-StrCr 0944-SWmin 0323-Hclix (Ryhesling) 0495-Vampe : 0906-BatLo 0875-BMEBI 0944-SWmin 0323-Hclix (Ryhesling) 0496-CaK5P : 0906-BatLo 0321-HsAoM 0278-epicd 0875-BMEBI 0905-StrCr 0820-18FLR 0874- RRlyR 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0937-ArkHo 0944-SWmin 0323-Hclix (Ryhesling) 0497-CaK5P : 0906-BatLo 0321-HsAoM 0278-epicd 0875-BMEBI 0905-StrCr 0820-18FLR 0874- RRlyR 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0937-ArkHo 0944-SWmin 0323-Hclix (Ryhesling) 0498-GG160 : 0906-BatLo 0321-HsAoM 0278-epicd 0875-BMEBI 0905-StrCr 0871-citta 0820- 18FLR 0874-RRlyR 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0937-ArkHo 0944-SWmin 0323-Hclix (Ryhesling) 0499-CarcT : 0906-BatLo 0321-HsAoM 0278-epicd 0875-BMEBI 0905-StrCr 0871-citta 0820- 18FLR 0874-RRlyR 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0937-ArkHo 0726-rally 0944-SWmin 0323-Hclix 0064-Myker 0366-Endof 0476-Silkr 0644-HcrdO 0904-Antik (Ryhesling) 0500-bites : 0906-BatLo 0321-HsAoM 0278-epicd 0875-BMEBI 0905-StrCr 0871-citta 0820- 18FLR 0874-RRlyR 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0937-ArkHo 0726-rally 0944-SWmin 0323-Hclix 0064-Myker 0366-Endof 0476-Silkr 0644-HcrdO 0904-Antik (sabot) 0900-Wtdrw : (sabot) 0901-AVTac : 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0772-DJitD 0810-DuneX 0905-StrCr 0008-Up-Fr 0770- Paths 0636-Sword 0001-Outpo (sabot) 0902-Wtdrw : (schlappy) %Acqui : 0390-Acqui 0847-Acqui (schlappy) %ToI : 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn (schlappy) 0862-ElGra : 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0674-Acqui 0493-WoWFA 0813-RandB 0008-Up-Fr 0874- RRlyR (schlappy) 0863-Samur : 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0674-Acqui 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0493-WoWFA 0813- RandB %Acqui 0886-AoSte 0008-Up-Fr %ToI 0875-BMEBI 0874-RRlyR (schlappy) 0864-Showm : 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0674-Acqui 0493-WoWFA 0008-Up-Fr (silvers211games) 0927-BLGMS : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0390-Acqui 0847- Acqui 0905-StrCr 0278-epicd 0934-ElGra 0298-Bootl 0848-Bootl 0884-Bootl 0348-LigDD 0179-Omega (silvers211games) 0928-Caylu : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0390-Acqui 0847- Acqui 0905-StrCr 0278-epicd (silvers211games) 0929-GoTSS : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0390-Acqui 0847- Acqui 0905-StrCr 0278-epicd (sirebelle) 0123-Antik: 0813-RandB (sirebelle) 0124-Attik: 0813-RandB 0814-ToIrn 0820-18FLR 0278-epicd 0604-CEEE1 0557-Zertz 0281-Bloku 0307-FDCSM 0480-queen 0100-CSSaS 0158-ElCab 0846-Imper 0943-Satrn 0928-Caylu 0553 -Walle 0941-BatLo 0160-Razzi 0254-MoVen 0183-MrJac 0234-Strug 0385-TandE 0366-Endof 0845- TtRME 0768-Astar 0911-1856R 0188-Pgrid 0190-TtRME 0871-citta 0558-Pillr 0611-MoVen (sirebelle) 0125-Conqu: 0813-RandB 0814-ToIrn 0820-18FLR 0278-epicd 0604-CEEE1 0557- Zertz 0281-Bloku 0307-FDCSM 0480-queen 0100-CSSaS 0158-ElCab 0846-Imper 0943-Satrn 0928-Caylu 0941-BatLo 0160-Razzi 0254-MoVen 0183-MrJac 0234-Strug 0385-TandE 0366-Endof 0845-TtRME 0768-Astar 0188-Pgrid 0190-TtRME 0871-citta (sirebelle) 0177-DuneX: 0813-RandB 0814-ToIrn 0820-18FLR 0278-epicd 0604-CEEE1 (sirebelle) 0182-Formu : 0813-RandB 0814-ToIrn 0820-18FLR 0278-epicd 0604-CEEE1 0557-Zertz 0281-Bloku 0307-FDCSM 0480-queen 0100-CSSaS 0158-ElCab 0846-Imper 0384-AmunR 0943-Satrn 0928 -Caylu 0553-Walle 0941-BatLo 0160-Razzi 0254-MoVen 0183-MrJac 0234-Strug 0385-TandE 0366- Endof 0845-TtRME 0768-Astar 0190-TtRME 0871-citta 0611-MoVen (sirebelle) 0184-HoiTy: 0813-RandB 0814-ToIrn 0820-18FLR 0278-epicd 0604-CEEE1 0557-Zertz 0281-Bloku 0307-FDCSM 0480-queen 0100-CSSaS 0158-ElCab 0846-Imper 0384-AmunR 0943-Satrn 0928-Caylu 0553-Walle 0752-Netru 0941-BatLo 0160-Razzi 0254-MoVen 0183-MrJac 0234-Strug 0385-TandE 0366-Endof 0845-TtRME 0768-Astar 0023-Hfish 0911-1856R 0188-Pgrid 0190-TtRME 0871-citta 0558-Pillr 0611-MoVen (sirebelle) 0186-WarKn: 0813-RandB 0814-ToIrn 0820-18FLR 0278-epicd 0604-CEEE1 0557-Zertz 0100-CSSaS (sirebelle) 0187-ReefE: 0813-RandB 0814-ToIrn 0820-18FLR 0278-epicd 0604-CEEE1 0557-Zertz 0100-CSSaS 0846-Imper 0768-Astar (sirebelle) 0510-AoSMS: 0813-RandB 0814-ToIrn 0820-18FLR 0278-epicd 0604-CEEE1 0557-Zertz 0281-Bloku 0307-FDCSM 0480-queen 0100-CSSaS 0158-ElCab 0846-Imper 0384-AmunR 0943-Satrn 0928- Caylu 0553-Walle 0941-BatLo 0160-Razzi 0254-MoVen 0183-MrJac 0234-Strug 0385-TandE 0366- Endof 0845-TtRME 0768-Astar 0911-1856R 0188-Pgrid 0190-TtRME 0871-citta 0558-Pillr 0611-MoVen (sirebelle) 0511-AoSAI: 0813-RandB 0814-ToIrn 0820-18FLR 0278-epicd (sirebelle) 0512-AoSCS: 0813-RandB 0814-ToIrn 0820-18FLR 0278-epicd 0604-CEEE1 0557-Zertz 0281-Bloku 0307-FDCSM 0480-queen 0100-CSSaS 0158-ElCab 0846-Imper 0384-AmunR 0943-Satrn 0928- Caylu 0553-Walle 0941-BatLo 0160-Razzi 0254-MoVen 0183-MrJac 0234-Strug 0366-Endof 0845 -TtRME 0768-Astar 0911-1856R 0188-Pgrid 0190-TtRME 0871-citta 0558-Pillr 0611-MoVen (sirebelle) 0513-AoSNE: 0813-RandB 0814-ToIrn 0820-18FLR 0278-epicd 0604-CEEE1 0557-Zertz 0281-Bloku 0307-FDCSM 0480-queen 0100-CSSaS 0158-ElCab 0846-Imper 0384-AmunR 0943-Satrn 0928 -Caylu 0553-Walle 0941-BatLo 0160-Razzi 0254-MoVen 0234-Strug 0845-TtRME 0768-Astar 0911 -1856R 0188-Pgrid 0190-TtRME 0871-citta 0558-Pillr 0611-MoVen (smok) 0597-1861R : (snoweel) 0347-Fresh : 0394-H-RvC 0940-SpDlr 0864-Showm 0798-Wking 0915-Khron 0226-TAMSK 0034- Canal (snoweel) 0363-Venez : 0394-H-RvC 0940-SpDlr 0864-Showm 0798-Wking 0915-Khron 0226-TAMSK 0034 -Canal 0040-Yspah 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0546-Arkad 0774-PSoup 0234-Strug 0817-MRPla 0168-DunTw 0237-DunTw 0261-DunTw 0064-Myker 0536-under 0602-under 0297-Quest 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0106-SoCTE 0511- AoSAI 0510-AoSMS (Solamar) 0028-GG067 : 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0493-WoWFA 0772-DJitD 0336-Antiq 0957-PoRen 0915- Khron 0596-realm 0921-Ingen 0542-Shear 0092-wishs 0560-WideW 0115-Zertz 0185-EnENH 0031-GG150 0498-GG160 0638-GG150 0511-AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0065-ElCab 0278-epicd 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0209-EtCet 0007-GG101 0013- GG077 0055-GG100 0119-GG075 0194-GG075 0204-GG093 0532-GG095 0574-GG100 0631-GG100 (Solamar) 0247-Wtdrw : (Solamar) 0248-Wtdrw : (Solamar) 0249-Wtdrw : (Solamar) 0250-Wtdrw : (Solamar) 0251-Wtdrw : (Solamar) 0252-Wtdrw : (Solamar) 0917-PGBCE : 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0493-WoWFA 0772-DJitD 0336-Antiq 0957-PoRen 0915- Khron 0596-realm 0921-Ingen 0542-Shear 0092-wishs 0560-WideW (Solamar) 0918-TtREu : 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0493-WoWFA 0772-DJitD 0336-Antiq 0957-PoRen 0915- Khron 0596-realm (Solamar) 0919-Tikal : 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0493-WoWFA 0772-DJitD 0336-Antiq 0957-PoRen 0915- Khron (Solamar) 0937-ArkHo : 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0493-WoWFA 0772-DJitD 0336-Antiq (Solamar) 0938-Torre : 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0493-WoWFA 0772-DJitD 0336-Antiq 0957-PoRen 0915- Khron (Solamar) 0939-Hansa : 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0493-WoWFA 0772-DJitD 0336-Antiq 0957-PoRen 0915- Khron 0596-realm 0921-Ingen 0542-Shear 0092-wishs 0560-WideW 0115-Zertz 0185-EnENH 0031-GG150 0498-GG160 0638-GG150 0511-AoSAI 0510-AoSMS (Solamar) 0940-SpDlr : 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0493-WoWFA 0772-DJitD 0336-Antiq 0957-PoRen 0915- Khron (sos1) %Battl : 0446-Battl 0788-Battl (sos1) %CMC : 0058-magna 0151-magna 0490-magna 0883-magna 0907-magna (sos1) %CTC : 0038-CarcC 0482-CarcC (sos1) %FoD : 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd (sos1) %HolBlo : 0200-Holly 0259-Holly 0606-Holly (sos1) %SimCat : 0189-Simpl 0304-Simpl (sos1) %soc : 0646-catan 0642-SoCCG (sos1) %Thebes : 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe (sos1) %ToI : 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn (sos1) 0079-Unive : %FoD %ToI 0905-StrCr 0156-Onwar 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0546-Arkad 0078- elasu 0556-SfRom 0871-citta 0659-Domne %Battl %CMC 0477-Gheos 0393-Puebl 0149-Fuggr 0365-Princ %Thebes % HolBlo 0781-Hacie %CTC 0891-80day 0542-Shear 0417-Bwulf 0238-DTexp 0715-apple 0706-CutCa 0701-KuFri % SimCat 0550-CaMer 0031-GG150 0498-GG160 0638-GG150 0664-O-Mep 0667-BoKTM 0361-WdAbe 0465-Balan %soc (sos1) 0080-Unive : %FoD %ToI 0905-StrCr 0156-Onwar 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0546-Arkad 0078- elasu 0556-SfRom 0871-citta 0659-Domne %Battl %CMC 0477-Gheos 0393-Puebl 0149-Fuggr 0365-Princ %Thebes % HolBlo 0781-Hacie %CTC 0891-80day 0542-Shear 0417-Bwulf 0238-DTexp 0715-apple 0706-CutCa 0701-KuFri % SimCat 0550-CaMer 0031-GG150 0498-GG160 0638-GG150 0664-O-Mep 0667-BoKTM 0361-WdAbe 0465-Balan %soc (sos1) 0613-Proph : %FoD %ToI 0905-StrCr 0156-Onwar (sos1) 0711-Wuste : %FoD %ToI 0905-StrCr 0156-Onwar 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0546-Arkad 0078- elasu 0556-SfRom (sos1) 0758-Razzi : %FoD %ToI 0905-StrCr 0156-Onwar 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0546-Arkad 0078- elasu 0556-SfRom 0871-citta 0659-Domne %Battl %CMC 0477-Gheos 0393-Puebl 0149-Fuggr (sos1) 0769-Maels : %FoD %ToI 0905-StrCr 0156-Onwar 0941-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0546-Arkad 0078- elasu 0556-SfRom 0871-citta 0659-Domne %Battl %CMC 0477-Gheos 0393-Puebl 0149-Fuggr 0365-Princ %Thebes % HolBlo 0781-Hacie %CTC 0891-80day 0542-Shear 0417-Bwulf 0238-DTexp 0715-apple 0706-CutCa 0701-KuFri % SimCat 0550-CaMer 0031-GG150 0498-GG160 0638-GG150 0664-O-Mep 0667-BoKTM 0361-WdAbe 0465-Balan %soc 0567- LostC 0443-Survi 0129-raven 0475-NoTha 0457-Hella (Sprydle) 0034-Canal : 0881-PoRen 0880-HISta 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511-AoSAI 0894-1835R 0510- AoSMS 0040-Yspah; 0889-FlyCo (Sprydle) 0831-SOS3E : (Staban Tuek) %THEBE : 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe (Staban Tuek) 0815-Throu : 0093-Day50 0153-aGoTh 0040-Yspah %THEBE (Staban Tuek) 0816-Acqui : 0093-Day50 0153-aGoTh 0040-Yspah %THEBE (Staban Tuek) 0817-MRPla : 0093-Day50 0153-aGoTh (Staban Tuek) 0819-Aladd : 0093-Day50 0153-aGoTh (starspangledgirl) %ANTIK : 0062-ANTIK 0676-ANTIK (starspangledgirl) %ELCAB : 0065-ELCAB 0158-ELCAB (starspangledgirl) %ELGRA : 0138-ELGRA 0933-ELGRA (starspangledgirl) %NOSTR : 0685-NOSTR 0672-NOSTR (starspangledgirl) %THEBE : 0610-THEBE 0802-THEBE (starspangledgirl) 0122-BMOON : 0062-ANTIK 0676-ANTIK 0065-ELCAB 0158-ELCAB 0610-THEBE 0802-THEBE 0138 -ELGRA 0933-ELGRA 0685-NOSTR 0672-NOSTR 0226-TAMSK 0864-SHOWM (starspangledgirl) 0129-RAVEN : 0062-ANTIK 0676-ANTIK 0065-ELCAB 0158-ELCAB 0610-THEBE 0802-THEBE 0138- ELGRA 0933-ELGRA 0685-NOSTR 0672-NOSTR 0226-TAMSK 0864-SHOWM (starspangledgirl) 0131-BWORD : 0062-ANTIK 0676-ANTIK 0065-ELCAB 0158-ELCAB 0610-THEBE 0802-THEBE 0138- ELGRA 0933-ELGRA 0685-NOSTR 0672-NOSTR 0034-CANAL 0078-ELASU 0226-TAMSK 0864-SHOWM 0943-SATRN 0892-NOTRE 0361-WDABE 0524-KONTO (starspangledgirl) 0134-IMPER : 0062-ANTIK 0676-ANTIK 0065-ELCAB 0158-ELCAB 0610-THEBE 0802-THEBE 0138- ELGRA 0933-ELGRA 0685-NOSTR 0672-NOSTR 0034-CANAL 0078-ELASU 0226-TAMSK 0864-SHOWM 0361-WDABE 0684-DOGEX 0943-SATRN 0892-NOTRE 0781-HACIE 0524-KONTO (starspangledgirl) 0147-RALLY : (starspangledgirl) 0148-TRMBL : 0062-ANTIK 0676-ANTIK 0065-ELCAB 0158-ELCAB 0610-THEBE 0802-THEBE 0138- ELGRA 0933-ELGRA 0685-NOSTR 0672-NOSTR 0034-CANAL 0078-ELASU 0226-TAMSK 0864-SHOWM 0943-SATRN 0892-NOTRE 0361-WDABE 0684-DOGEX 0781-HACIE 0524-KONTO (starspangledgirl) 0152-THROU : 0864-SHOWM (starspangledgirl) 0153-AGOTH : (starspangledgirl) 0154-BLUFF : 0062-ANTIK 0676-ANTIK 0065-ELCAB 0158-ELCAB 0610-THEBE 0802-THEBE 0138- ELGRA 0933-ELGRA 0685-NOSTR 0672-NOSTR 0034-CANAL 0078-ELASU 0226-TAMSK 0864-SHOWM 0943-SATRN 0892-NOTRE 0784-O-DVD 0361-WDABE 0684-DOGEX 0781-HACIE 0524-KONTO (starspangledgirl) 0377-ZAVAN : 0062-ANTIK 0676-ANTIK 0065-ELCAB 0158-ELCAB 0610-THEBE 0802-THEBE 0138- ELGRA 0933-ELGRA 0685-NOSTR 0672-NOSTR 0034-CANAL 0078-ELASU 0226-TAMSK 0864-SHOWM 0524-KONTO (starspangledgirl) 0456-ACQUI : 0062-ANTIK 0676-ANTIK 0065-ELCAB 0158-ELCAB 0610-THEBE 0802-THEBE 0138- ELGRA 0933-ELGRA 0685-NOSTR 0672-NOSTR 0034-CANAL 0078-ELASU 0226-TAMSK 0864-SHOWM 0361-WDABE 0684-DOGEX 0781-HACIE 0524-KONTO (Stas) %BYZ : 0070-Byzan 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan (Stas) %HotS : 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS (Stas) %MrJac : 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac (Stas) %PotR : 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen (Stas) 0065-ElCab : 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0886-AoSte (Stas) 0580-aGoTh : 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0886-AoSte 0674-Acqui %PotR 0819-Aladd 0871-citta (Stas) 0728-HoiTy : 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0886-AoSte 0674-Acqui %PotR 0819-Aladd 0871-citta 0613-Proph %MrJac 0921-Ingen %HotS (Stas) 0781-Hacie : 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0886-AoSte 0674-Acqui %PotR 0819-Aladd 0871-citta 0564-LostV 0613-Proph %MrJac 0921-Ingen %HotS (Stas) 0782-Warma : 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0886-AoSte 0674-Acqui %PotR 0819-Aladd 0871-citta 0564-LostV 0613-Proph %MrJac 0602-under 0921-Ingen 0546-Arkad %BYZ 0278-epicd %HotS 0412-Bloku 0226-TAMSK 0229-Santi 0040-Yspah 0603-wcirc 0504-sword 0736-Merln 0506-HsRoV 0759-HG100 (Stas) 0784-O-DVD : 0336-Antiq 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0886-AoSte 0674-Acqui %PotR 0819-Aladd 0871-citta 0564-LostV 0613-Proph %MrJac 0602-under 0921-Ingen 0546-Arkad %BYZ 0278-epicd %HotS 0412-Bloku 0226-TAMSK 0229-Santi 0040-Yspah 0603-wcirc 0504-sword 0506-HsRoV 0759-HG100 (tacman88) 0609-Tali4 : 0001-Outpo 0813-RandB 0596-realm 0940-SpDlr (tacman88) 0611-MoVen: (tacman88) 0820-18FLR : 0001-Outpo 0813-RandB 0596-realm (teachersears) 0467-Abile : 0484-Wtdrw 0886-AoSte 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0668-ArkHo 0937-ArkHo 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0846-Imper 0813-RandB 0153- aGoTh 0580-aGoTh 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0336-Antiq 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0805-RoRom 0905-StrCr 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0186-WarKn 0843- WarKn 0446-Battl 0615-Wking 0798-Wking 0125-Conqu 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0859-Seren 0487-SoCam 0488-Lastn 0883-magna 0907-magna 0078-elasu 0388-Romml 0575-Marvl 0506-HsRoV 0636-Sword 0167-RtrnH 0338-RtrnH 0489- RtrnH 0613-Proph 0504-sword 0164-AoMTB 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0599-TandE 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0365-Princ 0863-Samur 0255-Wring 0860-Wring 0021-Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0666-Ra-Ra 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0914-Caylu 0928- Caylu 0936-Caylu 0871-citta 0207-Mem44 0235-Mem44 0851-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0850-TajMa 0941-BatLo 0558-Pillr 0852-Pilla 0876-Pilla 0922-Pilla 0815-Throu 0384-AmunR 0909-AmunR 0582-HiveX 0705-HiveX 0847-Acqui 0187- ReefE 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0143-Sjuan 0230-Sjuan 0402-Sjuan 0924-SJuan 0892-Notre 0150-BatLi 0233-BatLi 0062-Antik 0595-rally 0726-rally 0921-Ingen 0669-Genoa 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0627-Keyth 0926- Thurn 0231-Domne 0659-Domne 0546-Arkad 0023-Hfish 0098-TtREu 0918-TtREu 0774-PSoup 0234-Strug 0432-mache 0501-mache 0925-DMach 0913-Mahar 0817-MRPla 0564-LostV 0603-wcirc 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0190-TtRME 0845- TtRME 0366-Endof 0168-DunTw 0237-DunTw 0261-DunTw 0182-Formu 0367-Formu 0781-Hacie 0281-Bloku 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0658-Hansa 0939-Hansa 0770-Paths 0122-Bmoon 0587-CosEn 0058-magna 0151-magna 0490-magna 0473- Lifeb 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0477-Gheos 0864-Showm 0377-zavan 0915-Khron 0880-HISta 0673-Marvl 0373-WoWTB 0625-RomaX 0822-Wtdrw 0819-Aladd 0768-Astar 0551-Bang! 0887-JvThe 0536-under 0602-under 0896-M44EF 0592- Palaz 0015-Bgfan 0224-BngHN 0891-80day 0103-TimUp 0593-TimUp 0869-ShadE 0173-Stars 0269-Austr 0492-LoRFF 0916-LoRFF 0097-Forta 0857-M44TP 0430-China 0657-China 0469-babel 0195-HoiTy 0302-HoiTy 0419-HoiTy 0728- HoiTy 0775-HoiTy 0861-HoiTy 0865-HoiTy 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0435-WildL 0172-Dplom 0107-Risk2 0165-Risk2 0527-Risk2 0650-Trias 0409-Villa 0609-Tali4 0260-Dynas 0677-MagGr 0380-HeroQ 0358-NwEng 0470-NwEng 0796- NwEng 0556-SfRom 0180-QuoVd 0083-Wtdrw 0160-Razzi 0407-Fistd 0588-Circm 0927-BLGMS 0046-Zombi 0420-Oasis 0656-Oasis 0427-Goldb 0875-BMEBI 0620-Kmake 0607-WicWW 0911-1856R 0679-Thief 0042-BFeud 0678-BFeud 0665-E -TCG 0429-Rhein 0680-Rhein 0431-Tyros 0364-DoA-3 0623-Riskg 0635-Riskg 0701-KuFri 0199-Aqudu 0335-Aqudu 0418-Aqudu 0912-1870R 0264-Arena 0288-EDCoL 0087-RSWTE 0725-FWWar 0640-BobLe 0655-Alexa 0386-Thron 0360- TyrEx 0894-1835R 0663-Thing (teachersears) 0471-BatMa : 0484-Wtdrw 0886-AoSte 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553- Walle 0668-ArkHo 0937-ArkHo 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0846-Imper 0813-RandB 0153-aGoTh 0580-aGoTh 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0336-Antiq 0197- ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0805-RoRom 0905-StrCr 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0186-WarKn 0843-WarKn 0446-Battl 0615-Wking 0798-Wking 0125-Conqu 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0859-Seren 0487-SoCam 0488- Lastn 0883-magna 0907-magna 0078-elasu 0388-Romml 0575-Marvl 0506-HsRoV 0636-Sword 0167-RtrnH 0338-RtrnH 0489-RtrnH 0613-Proph 0504-sword 0164-AoMTB (teachersears) 0474-LCSte : 0484-Wtdrw 0886-AoSte 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0668-ArkHo 0937-ArkHo 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0846-Imper 0813-RandB 0153- aGoTh 0580-aGoTh 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0336-Antiq 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0805-RoRom 0905-StrCr 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0186-WarKn 0843- WarKn 0446-Battl 0615-Wking 0798-Wking 0125-Conqu 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0859-Seren 0487-SoCam 0488-Lastn 0883-magna 0907-magna 0078-elasu 0388-Romml 0575-Marvl 0506-HsRoV 0636-Sword 0167-RtrnH 0338-RtrnH 0489- RtrnH 0613-Proph 0504-sword 0164-AoMTB 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0599-TandE 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0365-Princ 0863-Samur 0255-Wring 0860-Wring 0021-Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0666-Ra-Ra 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0914-Caylu 0928- Caylu 0936-Caylu 0871-citta 0207-Mem44 0235-Mem44 0851-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0850-TajMa 0941-BatLo 0558-Pillr 0852-Pilla 0876-Pilla 0922-Pilla 0815-Throu 0384-AmunR 0909-AmunR 0582-HiveX 0705-HiveX 0847-Acqui 0187- ReefE 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0143-Sjuan 0230-Sjuan 0402-Sjuan 0924-SJuan 0892-Notre 0150-BatLi 0233-BatLi 0062-Antik 0595-rally 0726-rally 0921-Ingen 0669-Genoa 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0627-Keyth 0926- Thurn 0231-Domne 0659-Domne 0546-Arkad 0023-Hfish 0098-TtREu 0918-TtREu 0774-PSoup 0234-Strug 0432-mache 0501-mache 0925-DMach 0913-Mahar 0817-MRPla 0564-LostV 0603-wcirc 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0190-TtRME 0845- TtRME 0366-Endof 0168-DunTw 0237-DunTw 0261-DunTw 0182-Formu 0367-Formu 0781-Hacie 0281-Bloku 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0658-Hansa 0939-Hansa 0770-Paths 0122-Bmoon 0587-CosEn 0058-magna 0151-magna 0490-magna 0473- Lifeb 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0477-Gheos 0864-Showm 0377-zavan 0915-Khron 0880-HISta 0673-Marvl 0373-WoWTB 0625-RomaX 0822-Wtdrw 0819-Aladd 0768-Astar 0551-Bang! 0887-JvThe 0536-under 0602-under 0896-M44EF 0592- Palaz 0015-Bgfan 0224-BngHN 0891-80day 0103-TimUp 0593-TimUp 0869-ShadE 0173-Stars 0269-Austr 0492-LoRFF 0916-LoRFF 0097-Forta 0857-M44TP 0430-China 0657-China 0469-babel 0195-HoiTy 0302-HoiTy 0419-HoiTy 0728- HoiTy 0775-HoiTy 0861-HoiTy 0865-HoiTy 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0435-WildL 0172-Dplom 0107-Risk2 0165-Risk2 0527-Risk2 0650-Trias 0409-Villa 0609-Tali4 0260-Dynas 0677-MagGr 0380-HeroQ 0358-NwEng 0470-NwEng 0796- NwEng 0556-SfRom 0180-QuoVd 0083-Wtdrw 0160-Razzi 0407-Fistd 0588-Circm 0927-BLGMS 0046-Zombi 0420-Oasis 0656-Oasis 0427-Goldb 0875-BMEBI 0620-Kmake 0607-WicWW 0911-1856R 0679-Thief 0042-BFeud 0678-BFeud 0665-E -TCG 0429-Rhein 0680-Rhein 0431-Tyros 0364-DoA-3 0623-Riskg 0635-Riskg 0701-KuFri 0199-Aqudu 0335-Aqudu 0418-Aqudu 0912-1870R 0264-Arena 0288-EDCoL 0087-RSWTE 0725-FWWar 0640-BobLe 0655-Alexa 0386-Thron 0360- TyrEx 0894-1835R 0663-Thing 0771-HtHYW (teachersears) 0478-Lastc : 0484-Wtdrw 0886-AoSte 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0668-ArkHo 0937-ArkHo 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0846-Imper 0813-RandB 0153- aGoTh 0580-aGoTh 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0336-Antiq 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0805-RoRom 0905-StrCr 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0186-WarKn 0843- WarKn 0446-Battl 0615-Wking 0798-Wking 0125-Conqu 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0859-Seren 0487-SoCam 0488-Lastn 0883-magna 0907-magna 0078-elasu 0388-Romml 0575-Marvl 0506-HsRoV 0636-Sword 0167-RtrnH 0338-RtrnH 0489- RtrnH 0613-Proph 0504-sword 0164-AoMTB 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0599-TandE 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0365-Princ 0863-Samur 0255-Wring 0860-Wring 0021-Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0666-Ra-Ra 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0914-Caylu 0928- Caylu 0936-Caylu 0871-citta 0207-Mem44 0235-Mem44 0851-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0850-TajMa 0941-BatLo 0558-Pillr 0852-Pilla 0876-Pilla 0922-Pilla 0815-Throu 0384-AmunR 0909-AmunR 0582-HiveX 0705-HiveX 0847-Acqui 0187- ReefE 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0143-Sjuan 0230-Sjuan 0402-Sjuan 0924-SJuan 0892-Notre 0150-BatLi 0233-BatLi 0062-Antik 0595-rally 0726-rally 0921-Ingen 0669-Genoa 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0627-Keyth 0926- Thurn 0231-Domne 0659-Domne 0546-Arkad 0023-Hfish 0098-TtREu 0918-TtREu 0774-PSoup 0234-Strug 0432-mache 0501-mache 0925-DMach 0913-Mahar 0817-MRPla 0564-LostV 0603-wcirc 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0190-TtRME 0845- TtRME 0366-Endof 0168-DunTw 0237-DunTw 0261-DunTw 0182-Formu 0367-Formu 0781-Hacie 0281-Bloku 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0658-Hansa 0939-Hansa 0770-Paths 0122-Bmoon 0587-CosEn 0058-magna 0151-magna 0490-magna 0473- Lifeb 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0477-Gheos 0864-Showm 0377-zavan 0915-Khron 0880-HISta 0673-Marvl 0373-WoWTB 0625-RomaX 0822-Wtdrw 0819-Aladd 0768-Astar 0551-Bang! 0887-JvThe 0536-under 0602-under 0896-M44EF 0592- Palaz 0015-Bgfan 0224-BngHN 0891-80day 0103-TimUp 0593-TimUp 0869-ShadE 0173-Stars 0269-Austr 0492-LoRFF 0916-LoRFF 0097-Forta 0857-M44TP 0430-China 0657-China 0469-babel 0195-HoiTy 0302-HoiTy 0419-HoiTy 0728- HoiTy 0775-HoiTy 0861-HoiTy 0865-HoiTy 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0435-WildL 0172-Dplom 0107-Risk2 0165-Risk2 0527-Risk2 0650-Trias 0409-Villa 0609-Tali4 0260-Dynas 0677-MagGr 0380-HeroQ 0358-NwEng 0470-NwEng 0796- NwEng 0556-SfRom 0180-QuoVd 0083-Wtdrw 0160-Razzi 0407-Fistd 0588-Circm 0927-BLGMS 0046-Zombi 0420-Oasis 0656-Oasis 0427-Goldb 0875-BMEBI 0620-Kmake 0607-WicWW 0911-1856R 0679-Thief 0042-BFeud 0678-BFeud 0665-E -TCG 0429-Rhein 0680-Rhein 0431-Tyros 0364-DoA-3 0623-Riskg 0635-Riskg 0701-KuFri 0199-Aqudu 0335-Aqudu 0418-Aqudu 0912-1870R 0264-Arena 0288-EDCoL 0087-RSWTE 0725-FWWar 0640-BobLe 0655-Alexa 0386-Thron 0360- TyrEx 0894-1835R 0663-Thing 0771-HtHYW (teachersears) 0480-queen : 0484-Wtdrw 0886-AoSte 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553- Walle 0668-ArkHo 0937-ArkHo 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0846-Imper 0813-RandB 0153-aGoTh 0580-aGoTh 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0336-Antiq 0197- ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0805-RoRom 0905-StrCr 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0186-WarKn 0843-WarKn 0446-Battl 0615-Wking 0798-Wking 0125-Conqu 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0859-Seren 0230-Sjuan (teachersears) 0481-Squat : 0484-Wtdrw 0886-AoSte 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0668-ArkHo 0937-ArkHo 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0846-Imper 0813-RandB 0153- aGoTh 0580-aGoTh 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0336-Antiq 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0805-RoRom 0905-StrCr 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0186-WarKn 0843- WarKn 0446-Battl 0615-Wking 0798-Wking 0125-Conqu 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0859-Seren 0487-SoCam 0488-Lastn 0883-magna 0907-magna 0078-elasu 0388-Romml 0575-Marvl 0506-HsRoV 0636-Sword 0167-RtrnH 0338-RtrnH 0489- RtrnH 0613-Proph 0504-sword 0164-AoMTB 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0599-TandE 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0365-Princ 0863-Samur 0255-Wring 0860-Wring 0021-Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0666-Ra-Ra 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0914-Caylu 0928- Caylu 0936-Caylu 0871-citta 0207-Mem44 0235-Mem44 0851-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0850-TajMa 0941-BatLo 0558-Pillr 0852-Pilla 0876-Pilla 0922-Pilla 0815-Throu 0384-AmunR 0909-AmunR 0582-HiveX 0705-HiveX 0847-Acqui 0187- ReefE 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0143-Sjuan 0402-Sjuan 0924-SJuan 0892-Notre 0150-BatLi 0233-BatLi 0062-Antik 0595-rally 0726-rally 0921-Ingen 0669-Genoa 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0627-Keyth 0926-Thurn 0231- Domne 0659-Domne 0546-Arkad 0023-Hfish 0098-TtREu 0918-TtREu 0774-PSoup 0234-Strug 0432-mache 0501-mache 0925-DMach 0913-Mahar 0817-MRPla 0564-LostV 0603-wcirc 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0366- Endof 0168-DunTw 0237-DunTw 0261-DunTw 0182-Formu 0367-Formu 0781-Hacie 0281-Bloku 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0658-Hansa 0939-Hansa 0770-Paths 0122-Bmoon 0587-CosEn 0058-magna 0151-magna 0490-magna 0473-Lifeb 0254- MoVen 0611-MoVen 0477-Gheos 0864-Showm 0377-zavan 0915-Khron 0880-HISta 0673-Marvl 0373-WoWTB 0625-RomaX 0822-Wtdrw 0819-Aladd 0768-Astar 0551-Bang! 0887-JvThe 0536-under 0602-under 0896-M44EF 0592-Palaz 0015- Bgfan 0224-BngHN 0891-80day 0103-TimUp 0593-TimUp 0869-ShadE 0173-Stars 0269-Austr 0492-LoRFF 0916-LoRFF 0097-Forta 0857-M44TP 0430-China 0657-China 0469-babel 0195-HoiTy 0302-HoiTy 0419-HoiTy 0728-HoiTy 0775- HoiTy 0861-HoiTy 0865-HoiTy 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0435-WildL 0172-Dplom 0107-Risk2 0165-Risk2 0527-Risk2 0650-Trias 0409-Villa 0609-Tali4 0260-Dynas 0677-MagGr 0380-HeroQ 0358-NwEng 0470-NwEng 0796-NwEng 0556- SfRom 0180-QuoVd 0083-Wtdrw 0160-Razzi 0407-Fistd 0588-Circm 0927-BLGMS 0046-Zombi 0420-Oasis 0656-Oasis 0427-Goldb 0875-BMEBI 0620-Kmake 0607-WicWW 0911-1856R 0679-Thief 0042-BFeud 0678-BFeud 0665-E-TCG 0429- Rhein 0680-Rhein 0431-Tyros 0364-DoA-3 0623-Riskg 0635-Riskg 0701-KuFri 0199-Aqudu 0335-Aqudu 0418-Aqudu 0912-1870R 0264-Arena 0288-EDCoL 0087-RSWTE 0725-FWWar 0640-BobLe 0655-Alexa 0386-Thron 0360-TyrEx 0894- 1835R 0663-Thing 0771-HtHYW (teachersears) 0483-Trump : 0484-Wtdrw 0886-AoSte 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0668-ArkHo 0937-ArkHo 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0846-Imper 0813-RandB 0153- aGoTh 0580-aGoTh 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0336-Antiq 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0805-RoRom 0905-StrCr 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0186-WarKn 0843- WarKn 0446-Battl 0615-Wking 0798-Wking 0125-Conqu 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0859-Seren 0487-SoCam 0488-Lastn 0883-magna 0907-magna 0078-elasu 0388-Romml 0575-Marvl 0506-HsRoV 0636-Sword 0167-RtrnH 0338-RtrnH 0489- RtrnH 0613-Proph 0504-sword 0164-AoMTB 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0599-TandE 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0365-Princ 0863-Samur 0255-Wring 0860-Wring 0021-Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0666-Ra-Ra 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0914-Caylu 0928- Caylu 0936-Caylu 0871-citta 0207-Mem44 0235-Mem44 0851-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0850-TajMa 0941-BatLo 0558-Pillr 0852-Pilla 0876-Pilla 0922-Pilla 0815-Throu 0384-AmunR 0909-AmunR 0582-HiveX 0705-HiveX 0847-Acqui 0187- ReefE 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0143-Sjuan 0230-Sjuan 0402-Sjuan 0924-SJuan 0892-Notre 0150-BatLi 0233-BatLi 0062-Antik 0595-rally 0726-rally 0921-Ingen 0669-Genoa 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0627-Keyth 0926- Thurn 0231-Domne 0659-Domne 0546-Arkad 0023-Hfish 0098-TtREu 0918-TtREu 0774-PSoup 0234-Strug 0432-mache 0501-mache 0925-DMach 0913-Mahar 0817-MRPla 0564-LostV 0603-wcirc 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0190-TtRME 0845- TtRME 0366-Endof 0168-DunTw 0237-DunTw 0261-DunTw 0182-Formu 0367-Formu 0781-Hacie 0281-Bloku 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0658-Hansa 0939-Hansa 0770-Paths 0122-Bmoon 0587-CosEn 0058-magna 0151-magna 0490-magna 0473- Lifeb 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0477-Gheos 0864-Showm 0377-zavan 0915-Khron 0880-HISta 0673-Marvl 0373-WoWTB 0625-RomaX 0822-Wtdrw 0819-Aladd 0768-Astar 0551-Bang! 0887-JvThe 0536-under 0602-under 0896-M44EF 0592- Palaz 0015-Bgfan 0224-BngHN 0891-80day 0103-TimUp 0593-TimUp 0869-ShadE 0173-Stars 0269-Austr 0492-LoRFF 0916-LoRFF 0097-Forta 0857-M44TP 0430-China 0657-China 0469-babel 0195-HoiTy 0302-HoiTy 0419-HoiTy 0728- HoiTy 0775-HoiTy 0861-HoiTy 0865-HoiTy 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0435-WildL 0172-Dplom 0107-Risk2 0165-Risk2 0527-Risk2 0650-Trias 0409-Villa 0609-Tali4 0260-Dynas 0677-MagGr 0380-HeroQ 0358-NwEng 0470-NwEng 0796- NwEng 0556-SfRom 0180-QuoVd 0083-Wtdrw 0160-Razzi 0407-Fistd 0588-Circm 0927-BLGMS 0046-Zombi 0420-Oasis 0656-Oasis 0427-Goldb 0875-BMEBI 0620-Kmake 0607-WicWW 0911-1856R 0679-Thief 0042-BFeud 0678-BFeud 0665-E -TCG 0429-Rhein 0680-Rhein 0431-Tyros 0364-DoA-3 0623-Riskg 0635-Riskg 0701-KuFri 0199-Aqudu 0335-Aqudu 0418-Aqudu 0912-1870R 0264-Arena 0288-EDCoL 0087-RSWTE 0725-FWWar 0640-BobLe 0655-Alexa 0386-Thron 0360- TyrEx 0894-1835R 0663-Thing 0771-HtHYW (teachersears) 0486-Wreck : 0484-Wtdrw 0886-AoSte 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0668-ArkHo 0937-ArkHo 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0846-Imper 0813-RandB 0153- aGoTh 0580-aGoTh 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0336-Antiq 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0805-RoRom 0905-StrCr 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0186-WarKn 0843- WarKn 0446-Battl 0615-Wking 0798-Wking 0125-Conqu 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0859-Seren 0487-SoCam 0488-Lastn 0883-magna 0907-magna 0078-elasu 0388-Romml 0575-Marvl 0506-HsRoV 0636-Sword 0167-RtrnH 0338-RtrnH 0489- RtrnH 0613-Proph 0504-sword 0164-AoMTB 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0599-TandE 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0365-Princ 0863-Samur 0255-Wring 0860-Wring 0021-Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0666-Ra-Ra 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0914-Caylu 0928- Caylu 0936-Caylu 0871-citta 0207-Mem44 0235-Mem44 0851-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0850-TajMa 0941-BatLo 0558-Pillr 0852-Pilla 0876-Pilla 0922-Pilla 0815-Throu 0384-AmunR 0909-AmunR 0582-HiveX 0705-HiveX 0847-Acqui 0187- ReefE 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0143-Sjuan 0230-Sjuan 0402-Sjuan 0924-SJuan 0892-Notre 0150-BatLi 0233-BatLi 0062-Antik 0595-rally 0726-rally 0921-Ingen 0669-Genoa 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0627-Keyth 0926- Thurn 0231-Domne 0659-Domne 0546-Arkad 0023-Hfish 0098-TtREu 0918-TtREu 0774-PSoup 0234-Strug 0432-mache 0501-mache 0925-DMach 0913-Mahar 0817-MRPla 0564-LostV 0603-wcirc 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0190-TtRME 0845- TtRME 0366-Endof 0168-DunTw 0237-DunTw 0261-DunTw 0182-Formu 0367-Formu 0781-Hacie 0281-Bloku 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0658-Hansa 0939-Hansa 0770-Paths 0122-Bmoon 0587-CosEn 0058-magna 0151-magna 0490-magna 0473- Lifeb 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0477-Gheos 0864-Showm 0377-zavan 0915-Khron 0880-HISta 0673-Marvl 0373-WoWTB 0625-RomaX 0822-Wtdrw 0819-Aladd 0768-Astar 0551-Bang! 0887-JvThe 0536-under 0602-under 0896-M44EF 0592- Palaz 0015-Bgfan 0224-BngHN 0891-80day 0103-TimUp 0593-TimUp 0869-ShadE 0173-Stars 0269-Austr 0492-LoRFF 0916-LoRFF 0097-Forta 0857-M44TP 0430-China 0657-China 0469-babel 0195-HoiTy 0302-HoiTy 0419-HoiTy 0728- HoiTy 0775-HoiTy 0861-HoiTy 0865-HoiTy 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0435-WildL 0172-Dplom 0107-Risk2 0165-Risk2 0527-Risk2 0650-Trias 0409-Villa 0609-Tali4 0260-Dynas 0677-MagGr 0380-HeroQ 0358-NwEng 0470-NwEng 0796- NwEng 0556-SfRom 0180-QuoVd 0083-Wtdrw 0160-Razzi 0407-Fistd 0588-Circm 0927-BLGMS 0046-Zombi 0420-Oasis 0656-Oasis 0427-Goldb 0875-BMEBI 0620-Kmake 0607-WicWW 0911-1856R 0679-Thief 0042-BFeud 0678-BFeud 0665-E -TCG 0429-Rhein 0680-Rhein 0431-Tyros 0364-DoA-3 0623-Riskg 0635-Riskg 0701-KuFri 0199-Aqudu 0335-Aqudu 0418-Aqudu 0912-1870R 0264-Arena 0288-EDCoL 0087-RSWTE 0725-FWWar 0640-BobLe 0655-Alexa 0386-Thron 0360- TyrEx 0894-1835R 0663-Thing 0771-HtHYW (teachersears) 0581-Malef : 0484-Wtdrw 0886-AoSte 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0668-ArkHo 0937-ArkHo 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0846-Imper 0813-RandB 0153- aGoTh 0580-aGoTh 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0336-Antiq 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0805-RoRom 0905-StrCr 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0186-WarKn 0843- WarKn 0446-Battl 0615-Wking 0798-Wking 0125-Conqu 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0859-Seren 0487-SoCam 0488-Lastn 0883-magna 0907-magna 0078-elasu 0388-Romml 0575-Marvl 0506-HsRoV 0636-Sword 0167-RtrnH 0338-RtrnH 0489- RtrnH 0613-Proph 0504-sword 0164-AoMTB 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0599-TandE 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0365-Princ 0863-Samur 0255-Wring 0860-Wring 0021-Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0666-Ra-Ra 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0914-Caylu 0928- Caylu 0936-Caylu 0871-citta 0207-Mem44 0235-Mem44 0851-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0850-TajMa 0941-BatLo 0558-Pillr 0852-Pilla 0876-Pilla 0922-Pilla 0815-Throu 0384-AmunR 0909-AmunR 0582-HiveX 0705-HiveX 0847-Acqui 0187- ReefE 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0143-Sjuan 0230-Sjuan 0402-Sjuan 0924-SJuan 0892-Notre 0150-BatLi 0233-BatLi 0062-Antik 0595-rally 0726-rally 0921-Ingen 0669-Genoa 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0627-Keyth 0926- Thurn 0231-Domne 0659-Domne 0546-Arkad 0023-Hfish 0098-TtREu 0918-TtREu 0774-PSoup 0234-Strug 0432-mache 0501-mache 0925-DMach 0913-Mahar 0817-MRPla 0564-LostV 0603-wcirc 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0190-TtRME 0845- TtRME 0366-Endof 0168-DunTw 0237-DunTw 0261-DunTw 0182-Formu 0367-Formu 0781-Hacie 0281-Bloku 0412-Bloku 0222-AveCa 0658-Hansa 0939-Hansa 0770-Paths 0122-Bmoon 0587-CosEn 0058-magna 0151-magna 0490-magna 0473- Lifeb 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen 0477-Gheos 0864-Showm 0377-zavan 0915-Khron 0880-HISta 0673-Marvl 0373-WoWTB 0625-RomaX 0822-Wtdrw 0819-Aladd 0768-Astar 0551-Bang! 0887-JvThe 0536-under 0602-under 0896-M44EF 0592- Palaz 0015-Bgfan 0224-BngHN 0891-80day 0103-TimUp 0593-TimUp 0869-ShadE 0173-Stars 0269-Austr 0492-LoRFF 0916-LoRFF 0097-Forta 0857-M44TP 0430-China 0657-China 0469-babel 0195-HoiTy 0302-HoiTy 0419-HoiTy 0728- HoiTy 0775-HoiTy 0861-HoiTy 0865-HoiTy 0181-Byzan 0401-Byzan 0435-WildL 0172-Dplom 0107-Risk2 0165-Risk2 0527-Risk2 0650-Trias 0409-Villa 0609-Tali4 0260-Dynas 0677-MagGr 0380-HeroQ 0358-NwEng 0470-NwEng 0796- NwEng 0556-SfRom 0180-QuoVd 0083-Wtdrw 0160-Razzi 0407-Fistd 0588-Circm 0927-BLGMS 0046-Zombi 0420-Oasis 0656-Oasis 0427-Goldb 0875-BMEBI 0620-Kmake 0607-WicWW 0911-1856R 0679-Thief 0042-BFeud 0678-BFeud 0665-E -TCG 0429-Rhein 0680-Rhein 0431-Tyros 0364-DoA-3 0623-Riskg 0635-Riskg 0701-KuFri 0199-Aqudu 0335-Aqudu 0418-Aqudu 0912-1870R 0264-Arena 0288-EDCoL 0087-RSWTE 0725-FWWar 0640-BobLe 0655-Alexa 0386-Thron 0360- TyrEx 0894-1835R 0663-Thing 0771-HtHYW (teachersears) 0645-Tryce : 0484-Wtdrw 0886-AoSte 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553- Walle 0668-ArkHo 0937-ArkHo 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0772-DJitD 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0846-Imper 0813-RandB 0153-aGoTh 0580-aGoTh 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0676-Antik 0904-Antik 0336-Antiq 0197- ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0805-RoRom 0905-StrCr 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0186-WarKn 0843-WarKn 0446-Battl 0615-Wking 0798-Wking 0125-Conqu 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0859-Seren 0487-SoCam 0488- Lastn 0883-magna 0907-magna 0078-elasu 0388-Romml 0575-Marvl 0506-HsRoV 0636-Sword 0167-RtrnH 0338-RtrnH 0489-RtrnH 0613-Proph 0504-sword 0164-AoMTB (Tatsu) 0066-Nexus : 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0558-Pillr 0810- DuneX 0813-RandB 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0147-rally 0774-PSoup 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr 0564-LostV 0186-WarKn 0843-WarKn 0493-WoWFA 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0864-Showm 0373-WoWTB 0636-Sword 0768- Astar 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0789-Civil 0536-under 0602-under 0034-Canal 0278-epicd 0557-Zertz 0172-Dplom 0409-Villa 0588-Circm 0044-Mamma 0433-IlPri 0307-FDCSM 0875-BMEBI 0288-EDCoL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511- AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0214-Crims 0677-MagGr 0400-FDCBN 0081-FDCU1 0399-FDCHZ 0623-Riskg 0635-Riskg 0239-HsFoA 0362-NandN 0462-Zertz 0927-BLGMS (Tatsu) 0067-HsCov : 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0558-Pillr 0810- DuneX 0813-RandB 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0147-rally 0774-PSoup 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr 0564-LostV 0186-WarKn 0843-WarKn 0493-WoWFA 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0864-Showm 0373-WoWTB 0636-Sword 0768- Astar 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0789-Civil 0536-under 0602-under 0034-Canal 0278-epicd 0557-Zertz 0172-Dplom 0409-Villa 0588-Circm 0044-Mamma 0433-IlPri 0307-FDCSM 0875-BMEBI 0288-EDCoL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511- AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0214-Crims 0677-MagGr 0400-FDCBN 0081-FDCU1 0399-FDCHZ 0623-Riskg 0635-Riskg 0239-HsFoA 0362-NandN 0462-Zertz (Tatsu) 0068-Sunkn : 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0558-Pillr 0810- DuneX 0813-RandB 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0147-rally 0774-PSoup 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr 0564-LostV 0186-WarKn 0843-WarKn 0493-WoWFA 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0864-Showm 0373-WoWTB 0636-Sword 0768- Astar 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0789-Civil 0536-under 0602-under 0034-Canal 0278-epicd 0557-Zertz 0172-Dplom 0409-Villa 0588-Circm 0044-Mamma 0433-IlPri 0307-FDCSM 0875-BMEBI 0288-EDCoL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511- AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0214-Crims 0677-MagGr 0400-FDCBN 0081-FDCU1 0399-FDCHZ 0623-Riskg 0635-Riskg 0239-HsFoA 0362-NandN 0462-Zertz 0927-BLGMS 0150-BatLi 0058-magna 0135-Elfen 0601-Elfen 0233-BatLi (Tatsu) 0069-Iboss : 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0558-Pillr 0810- DuneX 0813-RandB 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0147-rally 0774-PSoup 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr 0564-LostV 0186-WarKn 0843-WarKn 0493-WoWFA 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0864-Showm 0373-WoWTB 0636-Sword 0768- Astar 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0789-Civil 0536-under 0602-under 0034-Canal 0278-epicd 0557-Zertz 0172-Dplom 0409-Villa 0588-Circm 0044-Mamma 0433-IlPri 0307-FDCSM 0875-BMEBI 0288-EDCoL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511- AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0214-Crims 0677-MagGr 0400-FDCBN 0081-FDCU1 0399-FDCHZ 0623-Riskg 0635-Riskg 0239-HsFoA 0362-NandN 0462-Zertz 0927-BLGMS 0150-BatLi 0058-magna 0135-Elfen 0601-Elfen (Tatsu) 0071-Chizo : 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0558-Pillr 0810- DuneX 0813-RandB 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0147-rally 0774-PSoup 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr 0564-LostV 0186-WarKn 0843-WarKn 0493-WoWFA 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0864-Showm 0373-WoWTB 0636-Sword 0768- Astar 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0789-Civil 0536-under 0602-under 0034-Canal 0278-epicd 0557-Zertz 0172-Dplom 0409-Villa 0588-Circm 0044-Mamma 0433-IlPri 0307-FDCSM 0875-BMEBI 0288-EDCoL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511- AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0214-Crims (Tatsu) 0072-Ivanh : 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd 0553-Walle 0558-Pillr 0810- DuneX 0813-RandB 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0147-rally 0774-PSoup 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr 0564-LostV 0186-WarKn 0843-WarKn 0493-WoWFA 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0864-Showm 0373-WoWTB 0636-Sword 0768- Astar 0159-Brita 0614-Brita 0789-Civil 0536-under 0602-under 0034-Canal 0278-epicd 0557-Zertz 0172-Dplom 0409-Villa 0588-Circm 0044-Mamma 0433-IlPri 0307-FDCSM 0875-BMEBI 0288-EDCoL 0512-AoSCS 0513-AoSNE 0511- AoSAI 0510-AoSMS 0214-Crims 0677-MagGr 0400-FDCBN 0081-FDCU1 0399-FDCHZ 0623-Riskg 0635-Riskg 0239-HsFoA 0362-NandN 0927-BLGMS 0150-BatLi 0058-magna 0135-Elfen 0601-Elfen 0233-BatLi (The Gamebler) %AntikeRGG : 0676-Antik 0904-Antik (The Gamebler) %CaylusRGG : 0341-Caylu 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0914-Caylu 0928-Caylu 0936-Caylu (The Gamebler) 0041-Terkh : %AntikeRGG %CaylusRGG 0915-Khron 0187-ReefE 0891-80day (The Gamebler) 0042-BFeud : %AntikeRGG %CaylusRGG 0915-Khron 0187-ReefE 0891-80day (The Gamebler) 0044-Mamma : %AntikeRGG %CaylusRGG 0915-Khron 0187-ReefE 0891-80day (The Gamebler) 0045-Furyd : (TheCat) 0322-Axisa : 0813-RandB 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0177-DuneX 0002-2038R 0014-Wring 0255- Wring 0860-Wring 0389-LRail 0384-AmunR 0034-Canal 0064-Myker 0126-Indus 0187-ReefE 0365-Princ 0388-Romml 0701-KuFri 0774-PSoup 0820-18FLR 0846-Imper 0888-WilWr 0894-1835R 0906-BatLo 0911-1856R 0912-1870R 0941- BatLo 0945-18Mex 0946-18USR 0947-18EUR 0948-18EUR 0949-1846R 0950-18FLR 0951-BatLo 0952-18VAR 0953-1841R 0954-1832R 0955-1850R 0956-1889R (TheCat) 0324-Midwy : 0813-RandB 0389-LRail 0002-2038R 0006-TimeA 0014-Wring 0021-Ra-Ra 0034- Canal 0038-CarcC 0039-Lifeb 0054-Cronb 0064-Myker 0078-elasu 0090-Metro 0126-Indus 0167-RtrnH 0169-House 0173-Stars 0089-Stars 0177-DuneX 0187-ReefE 0229-Santi 0253-DuneX 0255-Wring 0311-Survi 0347-Fresh 0365- Princ 0384-AmunR 0388-Romml 0430-China 0473-Lifeb 0550-CaMer 0556-SfRom 0650-Trias 0701-KuFri 0774-PSoup 0806-Civ-W 0810-DuneX 0820-18FLR 0846-Imper 0860-Wring 0871-citta 0888-WilWr 0894-1835R 0906-BatLo 0911- 1856R 0912-1870R 0941-BatLo 0945-18Mex 0946-18USR 0947-18EUR 0948-18EUR 0949-1846R 0950-18FLR 0951-BatLo 0952-18VAR 0953-1841R 0954-1832R 0955-1850R 0956-1889R (TheCat) 0325-baron : 0813-RandB 0253-DuneX 0177-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0860- Wring 0820-18FLR 0846-Imper 0888-WilWr 0906-BatLo 0911-1856R 0912-1870R 0941-BatLo 0945-18Mex 0946-18USR 0947-18EUR 0948-18EUR 0949-1846R 0950-18FLR 0951-BatLo 0952-18VAR 0953-1841R 0954-1832R 0955-1850R 0956- 1889R (TheEbonyTurtle) %magna : 0058-magna 0151-magna 0490-magna 0883-magna 0907-magna (TheEbonyTurtle) 0047-Vegas : 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0040-Yspah %magna 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0551-Bang! 0577-Throu 0269-Austr 0648-Throu 0926-Thurn 0815-Throu 0402-Sjuan 0098-TtREu 0854-TtREu 0918- TtREu 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0545-O-Pbk 0224-BngHN 0466-SupMu 0702-QNeck (TheEbonyTurtle) 0320-Overp : 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0040-Yspah %magna 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0551-Bang! 0577-Throu 0269-Austr 0648-Throu 0926-Thurn 0815-Throu 0402-Sjuan 0098-TtREu 0854-TtREu 0918- TtREu 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0545-O-Pbk 0224-BngHN 0466-SupMu 0702-QNeck (timothyp) 0150-BatLi : (timothyp) 0151-magna : 0768-Astar (tmib) %AotCxxxxx : 0061-Acove 0198-Acove (tmib) %ArkHorxxx : 0668-ArkHo 0937-ArkHo (tmib) %WotRxxxxx : 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0860-Wring (tmib) 0304-Simpl : 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0860-Wring 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0905-StrCr (tmib) 0305-Racer : 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0860-Wring 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0668-ArkHo 0937- ArkHo 0905-StrCr 0488-Lastn 0061-Acove 0487-SoCam 0198-Acove 0016-RoSSR 0567-LostC 0023-Hfish 0026-Guill 0364-DoA-3 0540-tight 0277-Cleop (tmib) 0306-Nexus : 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0860-Wring 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0668-ArkHo 0937- ArkHo 0905-StrCr 0488-Lastn 0061-Acove 0487-SoCam 0198-Acove 0016-RoSSR 0567-LostC 0023-Hfish 0026-Guill 0364-DoA-3 (tmib) 0308-Nexus : 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0860-Wring 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0668-ArkHo 0937- ArkHo 0905-StrCr 0488-Lastn 0061-Acove 0487-SoCam 0198-Acove 0016-RoSSR 0567-LostC 0023-Hfish 0026-Guill 0364-DoA-3 0540-tight (tmib) 0309-Terra : 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0860-Wring 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0668-ArkHo 0937- ArkHo 0905-StrCr 0488-Lastn 0061-Acove 0487-SoCam 0198-Acove 0016-RoSSR 0567-LostC 0023-Hfish 0026-Guill 0364-DoA-3 0540-tight 0277-Cleop 0729-Chron 0689-DoASc (tmib) 0310-Terkh : 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0860-Wring 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0668-ArkHo 0937- ArkHo 0905-StrCr 0488-Lastn 0061-Acove 0487-SoCam 0016-RoSSR (tmib) 0556-SfRom : 0014-Wring 0255-Wring 0860-Wring 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 0668-ArkHo 0937- ArkHo 0905-StrCr 0488-Lastn (tomg) %BobLee : 0340-BobLe 0640-BobLe (tomg) 0378-AVicL : 0008-Up-Fr %BobLee 0163-SamGr ; 0888-WilWr 0944-SWmin 0505-curse ; 0548 -DraPa (tomg) 0822-Wtdrw : (tomg) 0823-Wtdrw : (tomg) 0824-Wtdrw : (tomg) 0825-Wtdrw : (tomg) 0826-CandC : 0008-Up-Fr %BobLee 0163-SamGr ; 0888-WilWr 0944-SWmin 0505-curse ; 0548 -DraPa (tomg) 0827-Wtdrw : (tomg) 0828-WW2BB : 0008-Up-Fr %BobLee 0163-SamGr ; 0888-WilWr 0944-SWmin 0505-curse ; 0548 -DraPa (tomg) 0829-Wtdrw : (tomg) 0830-Wtdrw : (tomg) 0832-Wtdrw : (toucana) 0466-SupMu : 0014-Wring 0187-ReefE 0197-ToIrn 0254-MoVen 0255-Wring 0546-Arkad 0542- Shear 0553-Walle 0558-Pillr 0818-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0611-MoVen 0849-Tannh 0852-Pilla 0860-Wring 0887-JvThe 0876-Pilla 0892-Notre 0906-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0915-Khron 0922-Pilla 0941-BatLo 0886-AoSte 0846-Imper 0813- RandB 0802-Thebe 0610-Thebe 0926-Thurn 0847-Acqui 0229-Santi 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac ; 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0432-mache 0469-babel 0501-mache 0767-CandC 0781-Hacie 0803-GoTSS 0817-MRPla 0826-CandC 0845-TtRME 0854- TtREu 0871-citta 0907-magna 0918-TtREu 0582-HiveX 0705-HiveX 0040-Yspah 0591-MdArt 0699-MdArt ; 0038-CarcC 0475-NoTha 0160-Razzi 0129-raven (toucana) 0865-HoiTy : 0014-Wring 0187-ReefE 0197-ToIrn 0254-MoVen 0255-Wring 0546-Arkad 0542- Shear 0553-Walle 0558-Pillr 0818-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0611-MoVen 0849-Tannh 0852-Pilla 0860-Wring 0887-JvThe 0876-Pilla 0892-Notre 0906-BatLo 0905-StrCr 0915-Khron 0922-Pilla 0941-BatLo 0886-AoSte 0846-Imper 0813- RandB 0802-Thebe 0610-Thebe 0926-Thurn 0847-Acqui 0229-Santi 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac ; 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0432-mache 0469-babel 0501-mache 0767-CandC 0781-Hacie 0803-GoTSS 0817-MRPla 0826-CandC 0845-TtRME 0854- TtREu 0871-citta 0907-magna 0918-TtREu 0582-HiveX 0705-HiveX 0040-Yspah 0591-MdArt 0699-MdArt (trawlerman) 0640-BobLe : 0361-WdAbe 0366-Endof 0427-Goldb 0467-Abile 0295-Furyd 0114-Budde 0867- realm 0880-HISta 0226-TAMSK 0034-Canal 0859-Seren (trawlerman) 0643-BNMtA : 0361-WdAbe 0366-Endof 0427-Goldb 0467-Abile 0295-Furyd 0114-Budde 0867- realm 0880-HISta 0226-TAMSK 0034-Canal 0859-Seren (tuttleboy) %Antike : 0676-Antik 0904-Antik (tuttleboy) %FoD : 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd (tuttleboy) %TI3E : 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd (tuttleboy) %ToI : 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn (tuttleboy) 0871-citta : 0813-RandB 0336-Antiq %Antike 0906-BatLo (tuttleboy) 0882-BTech : 0813-RandB 0336-Antiq %Antike 0886-AoSte %TI3E 0906-BatLo %ToI (tuttleboy) 0930-TandE : 0813-RandB 0336-Antiq %Antike 0886-AoSte %FoD %TI3E 0906-BatLo 0234- Strug 0488-Lastn 0788-Battl 0846-Imper %ToI (Twinge) 0379-Vegas : 0430-China 0657-China 0650-Trias 0475-NoTha 0453-apple 0715-apple 0815- Throu 0913-Mahar 0940-SpDlr 0160-Razzi 0341-Caylu 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0914-Caylu 0928-Caylu 0936-Caylu 0933-ElGra 0846-Imper 0153-aGoTh 0280-catan 0854-TtREu 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0604-CEEE1 0188-Pgrid 0873- Pgrid 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0871-citta 0040-Yspah 0558-Pillr 0384-AmunR 0580-aGoTh 0868-aGoTh 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0461-catan 0646-catan 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0098-TtREu 0918-TtREu 0672-nostr 0201- Leodv 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0587-CosEn 0377-zavan 0636-Sword 0338-RtrnH 0557-Zertz 0848-Bootl 0144-Kings 0476-Silkr 0187-ReefE 0402-Sjuan 0669-Genoa 0627-Keyth 0774-PSoup 0517-Attik 0817-MRPla 0366-Endof 0064- Myker 0058-magna 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0077-Niaga 0915-Khron 0125-Conqu 0491-LotRX 0127-FDrac 0269-Austr 0298-Bootl 0884-Bootl 0647-HareT 0407-Fistd 0164-AoMTB 0411-Tnova 0264-Arena 0120-Siena 0041-Terkh 0310- Terkh 0021-Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0666-Ra-Ra 0850-TajMa 0152-Throu 0577-Throu 0648-Throu 0909-AmunR 0230-Sjuan 0892-Notre 0921-Ingen 0567-LostC 0229-Santi 0200-Holly 0259-Holly 0606-Holly 0564-LostV 0800-4Sale 0281- Bloku 0658-Hansa 0939-Hansa 0477-Gheos 0129-raven 0869-ShadE 0069-Iboss 0074-Iboss 0397-Iboss 0416-Iboss 0469-babel 0171-NwEng 0358-NwEng 0470-NwEng 0796-NwEng 0116-Sleut 0118-Pickn 0702-QNeck 0787-AoMTB 0433- IlPri 0113-HeimC 0706-CutCa 0535-Shark 0679-Thief 0042-BFeud 0678-BFeud 0353-shang 0398-shang 0421-shang 0538-shang 0219-Aqudu 0293-Wtdrw 0112-Peace 0270-TikiM (Twinge) 0380-HeroQ : 0815-Throu 0913-Mahar 0160-Razzi 0940-SpDlr 0341-Caylu 0472-Caylu 0872- Caylu 0914-Caylu 0928-Caylu 0936-Caylu 0933-ElGra 0846-Imper 0153-aGoTh 0280-catan 0854-TtREu 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0604-CEEE1 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0871-citta 0040-Yspah 0906-BatLo 0558- Pillr 0384-AmunR 0580-aGoTh 0868-aGoTh 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0461-catan 0646-catan 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0098-TtREu 0918-TtREu 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0672-nostr 0201-Leodv 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0587- CosEn 0377-zavan 0636-Sword 0338-RtrnH 0557-Zertz 0848-Bootl 0144-Kings 0476-Silkr (Twinge) 0381-Darkw : 0815-Throu 0913-Mahar 0453-apple 0715-apple 0430-China 0657-China 0650- Trias 0940-SpDlr 0160-Razzi 0341-Caylu 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0914-Caylu 0928-Caylu 0936-Caylu 0933-ElGra 0846-Imper 0153-aGoTh 0280-catan 0854-TtREu 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0604-CEEE1 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid 0138- ElGra 0862-ElGra 0871-citta 0040-Yspah 0906-BatLo 0558-Pillr 0384-AmunR 0580-aGoTh 0868-aGoTh 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0461-catan 0646-catan 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0098-TtREu 0918-TtREu 0881-PoRen 0957- PoRen 0672-nostr 0201-Leodv 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME 0587-CosEn 0377-zavan 0636-Sword 0338-RtrnH 0557-Zertz 0848-Bootl 0144-Kings 0476-Silkr 0187-ReefE 0402-Sjuan 0669-Genoa 0627-Keyth 0774-PSoup 0517-Attik 0817- MRPla 0366-Endof 0064-Myker 0058-magna 0039-Lifeb 0473-Lifeb 0077-Niaga 0915-Khron 0125-Conqu 0491-LotRX 0127-FDrac 0269-Austr 0298-Bootl 0884-Bootl 0647-HareT 0407-Fistd 0164-AoMTB 0411-Tnova 0264-Arena 0120- Siena 0041-Terkh 0310-Terkh (Twinge) 0383-Dplom : 0815-Throu 0160-Razzi 0341-Caylu 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0914-Caylu 0928- Caylu 0936-Caylu 0933-ElGra 0846-Imper 0153-aGoTh 0280-catan 0854-TtREu 0277-Cleop 0942-Cleop 0604-CEEE1 0906-BatLo 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen (Twinge) 0385-TandE : 0341-Caylu 0472-Caylu 0872-Caylu 0914-Caylu 0928-Caylu 0936-Caylu (Umpire) 0390-Acqui : 0813-RandB 0905-StrCr (Umpire) 0391-Chorn : 0813-RandB 0905-StrCr 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0862-ElGra 0558- Pillr 0281-Bloku 0254-MoVen 0798-Wking 0541-Tongi 0171-NwEng 0025-Cathe 0058-magna 0209-EtCet 0940-SpDlr 0603-wcirc 0129-raven 0926-Thurn 0789-Civil 0001-Outpo 0886-AoSte 0187-ReefE 0186-WarKn 0849-Tannh 0158- ElCab 0891-80day 0435-WildL 0527-Risk2 0185-EnENH 0409-Villa 0407-Fistd 0126-Indus 0120-Siena 0170-KoCat 0132-Omega (Umpire) 0392-Tears : 0813-RandB 0905-StrCr 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0862-ElGra 0558- Pillr 0281-Bloku 0254-MoVen 0798-Wking 0541-Tongi 0171-NwEng 0025-Cathe 0058-magna 0209-EtCet 0940-SpDlr 0603-wcirc 0129-raven 0926-Thurn 0789-Civil 0001-Outpo 0886-AoSte 0187-ReefE 0186-WarKn 0849-Tannh 0158- ElCab 0891-80day 0435-WildL 0527-Risk2 0185-EnENH 0409-Villa 0407-Fistd 0126-Indus 0120-Siena 0170-KoCat 0132-Omega (Umpire) 0393-Puebl : 0813-RandB 0905-StrCr 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0862-ElGra 0558- Pillr 0281-Bloku 0254-MoVen 0798-Wking 0541-Tongi 0171-NwEng 0025-Cathe 0058-magna 0209-EtCet 0940-SpDlr 0603-wcirc 0129-raven 0926-Thurn 0789-Civil 0001-Outpo 0886-AoSte 0187-ReefE 0186-WarKn 0849-Tannh 0158- ElCab 0891-80day 0435-WildL 0527-Risk2 0185-EnENH 0409-Villa 0407-Fistd 0126-Indus 0120-Siena 0170-KoCat 0132-Omega (Umpire) 0394-H-RvC : 0813-RandB (Umpire) 0441-O-DVD : 0813-RandB 0905-StrCr 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0862-ElGra 0558- Pillr 0254-MoVen 0798-Wking 0541-Tongi 0058-magna 0209-EtCet 0940-SpDlr 0789-Civil 0001-Outpo (Umpire) 0652-borgi : 0813-RandB 0905-StrCr 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0862-ElGra 0558- Pillr 0281-Bloku 0254-MoVen 0798-Wking 0541-Tongi 0171-NwEng 0025-Cathe 0058-magna 0209-EtCet 0940-SpDlr 0603-wcirc 0129-raven 0926-Thurn 0789-Civil 0001-Outpo 0886-AoSte 0187-ReefE 0186-WarKn 0849-Tannh 0158- ElCab 0891-80day 0435-WildL 0527-Risk2 0185-EnENH 0409-Villa 0407-Fistd 0126-Indus 0120-Siena 0170-KoCat 0132-Omega (utoption2) %18EUR18xx : 0947-18EUR 0948-18EUR (utoption2) 0880-HISta : 0954-1832R 0955-1850R %18EUR18xx 0953-1841R 0886-AoSte 0336-Antiq ; 0254-MoVen (utoption2) 0881-PoRen : 0954-1832R 0955-1850R %18EUR18xx 0953-1841R (utoption2) 0888-WilWr : 0954-1832R 0955-1850R %18EUR18xx 0953-1841R (Verkisto) 0515-GeneP : 0362-NandN (Verkisto) 0517-Attik : 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0399-FDCHZ 0400-FDCBN 0063-Tikal (Verkisto) 0524-Konto : 0081-FDCU1 0307-FDCSM 0399-FDCHZ 0400-FDCBN 0063-Tikal 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe 0684-DogeX (W0tever) 0726-rally : 0906-BatLo ;0941-BatLo 0875-BMEBI 0905-StrCr 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0789 -Civil 0951-BatLo 0234-Strug 0417-Bwulf 0942-Cleop 0277-Cleop 0904-Antik 0864-Showm 0819-Aladd 0843-WarKn 0122-Bmoon 0288-EDCoL 0803-GoTSS 0815-Throu 0078-elasu (W0tever) 0730-TI3rd : 0906-BatLo ;0941-BatLo 0875-BMEBI 0905-StrCr 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0789 -Civil (warbanner) %ElCab1234 : 0065-ElCab 0158-ElCab (warbanner) %Zero00000 : 0342-Zero! 0157-Zero! (warbanner) 0464-EWftT : 0101-BQotS 0389-LRail 0886-AoSte ; 0102-FalFu ; 0356-Kahun (warbanner) 0465-Balan : %ElCab1234 0101-BQotS %Zero00000 0389-LRail 0781-Hacie 0413-India 0621- Funny 0356-Kahun (warbanner) 0941-BatLo : 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0905-StrCr (warbanner) 0942-Cleop : %ElCab1234 0389-LRail 0781-Hacie ; 0413-India 0102-FalFu 0101-BQotS 0342-Zero! ; 0356-Kahun (warbanner) 0943-Satrn : 0886-AoSte 0905-StrCr (Wargamer777) 0596-realm : 0890-LLBoH 0882-BTech (Wargamer777) 0895-PueRt : 0890-LLBoH 0882-BTech 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0888- WilWr 0509-Guilf 0742-MCFaW (Wargamer777) 0896-M44EF : 0890-LLBoH 0882-BTech 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0888- WilWr 0509-Guilf 0742-MCFaW 0575-Marvl 0729-Chron 0403-AAMin (Wargamer777) 0897-DoomT : 0890-LLBoH 0882-BTech 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0888- WilWr 0509-Guilf 0742-MCFaW 0575-Marvl 0729-Chron 0403-AAMin 0230-Sjuan 0402-Sjuan 0551-Bang! 0720-Plund (Wargamer777) 0899-Mem44 : 0890-LLBoH 0882-BTech 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0810-DuneX 0888- WilWr 0509-Guilf 0742-MCFaW (waylander1) %Acqui : 0390-Acqui 0847-Acqui (waylander1) %Attika : 0124-Attik 0517-Attik (waylander1) %Battl : 0941-BatLo (waylander1) %CaCA : 0826-CandC 0767-CandC (waylander1) %FoD : 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd (waylander1) %GoTAASoSE : 0803-GoTSS 0929-GoTSS (waylander1) %HotS : 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS (waylander1) %MagRea : 0596-realm 0867-realm (waylander1) %MarHer : 0575-Marvl 0673-Marvl (waylander1) %MoV : 0254-MoVen 0611-MoVen (waylander1) %PoG : 0507-Paths 0770-Paths (waylander1) %PotR : 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen (waylander1) %RaiBar : 0292-baron 0325-baron (waylander1) %T4E : 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 (waylander1) %TACSG : 0041-Terkh 0310-Terkh (waylander1) %TaE : 0060-TandE 0382-TandE 0385-TandE (waylander1) %TI3E : 0730-TI3rd 0898-TI3rd (waylander1) %ToI : 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn (waylander1) 0386-Thron : 0906-BatLo 0390-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0336-Antiq 0905-StrCr %MoV 0001-Outpo %HotS 0177-DuneX %Acqui 0813-RandB 0826-CandC 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0849-Tannh %PoG 0888-WilWr %GoTAASoSE 0890-LLBoH %TaE %TI3E 0553-Walle %Battl 0582-HiveX %CaCA %FoD %ToI %PotR 0501-mache 0788-Battl 0367-Formu 0493-WoWFA 0077-Niaga 0377-zavan 0880-HISta %MarHer 0373-WoWTB %MagRea 0891-80day 0278-epicd 0504-sword 0542-Shear %T4E 0588-Circm 0828-WW2BB 0701-KuFri 0288-EDCoL 0476-Silkr 0092-wishs %RaiBar %TACSG 0212-ThuEg 0664-O-Mep 0188-Pgrid 0138-ElGra 0365-Princ 0014-Wring 0937-ArkHo 0394-H-RvC 0772-DJitD 0384-AmunR 0063-Tikal 0187-ReefE 0183-MrJac 0230-Sjuan 0123- Antik 0147-rally 0231-Domne 0229-Santi 0234-Strug 0488-Lastn 0940-SpDlr %Attika 0564-LostV 0201-Leodv 0277-Cleop 0186-WarKn 0222-AveCa 0122-Bmoon 0058-magna 0473-Lifeb 0158-ElCab 0636-Sword 0768-Astar 0789 -Civil 0536-under 0034-Canal 0706-CutCa 0067-HsCov 0565-WoWst 0944-SWmin (waylander1) 0387-FChip : 0906-BatLo 0390-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0336-Antiq 0905-StrCr %MoV 0001-Outpo %HotS 0177-DuneX %Acqui 0813-RandB 0826-CandC 0197-ToIrn 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0881-PoRen 0957-PoRen 0008-Up-Fr 0849-Tannh %PoG 0888-WilWr %GoTAASoSE 0890-LLBoH %TaE %TI3E 0553-Walle %Battl 0582-HiveX %CaCA %FoD %ToI %PotR 0501-mache 0788-Battl 0367-Formu 0493-WoWFA 0077-Niaga 0377-zavan 0880-HISta %MarHer 0373-WoWTB %MagRea 0891-80day 0278-epicd 0504-sword 0542-Shear %T4E 0588-Circm 0828-WW2BB 0701-KuFri 0288-EDCoL 0476-Silkr 0092-wishs %RaiBar %TACSG 0212-ThuEg 0664-O-Mep (waylander1) 0388-Romml : 0906-BatLo 0390-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0336-Antiq 0905-StrCr %MoV 0001-Outpo %HotS 0177-DuneX %Acqui 0813-RandB 0008-Up-Fr 0849-Tannh %PoG 0888-WilWr %GoTAASoSE 0890-LLBoH (waylander1) 0389-LRail : 0906-BatLo 0336-Antiq 0905-StrCr %MoV 0001-Outpo (willk_1230) 0288-EDCoL : 0818-ToIrn 0772-DJitD 0673-Marvl 0336-Antiq 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0186- WarKn 0153-aGoTh 0508-PRico 0815-Throu 0909-AmunR 0253-DuneX 0816-Acqui 0813-RandB 0487-SoCam 0045-Furyd 0501-mache 0548-DraPa 0046-Zombi 0937-ArkHo (willk_1230) 0289-Rednk : 0508-PRico 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0937-ArkHo 0487-SoCam 0815-Throu 0909- AmunR 0253-DuneX 0816-Acqui 0813-RandB 0153-aGoTh 0045-Furyd 0336-Antiq 0818-ToIrn 0501-mache 0186-WarKn 0673-Marvl 0548-DraPa 0046-Zombi 0863-Samur 0394-H-RvC 0040-Yspah 0772-DJitD 0919-Tikal 0187-ReefE 0591- MdArt 0595-rally 0228-Torre 0077-Niaga 0377-zavan 0066-Nexus 0315-DoA-1 0642-SoCCG 0657-China 0609-Tali4 0025-Cathe 0130-Vegas 0538-shang 0016-RoSSR 0105-Attac (willk_1230) 0290-Samur : 0508-PRico 0014-Wring 0860-Wring 0937-ArkHo 0487-SoCam 0815-Throu 0909- AmunR 0253-DuneX 0816-Acqui 0813-RandB 0153-aGoTh 0045-Furyd 0336-Antiq 0818-ToIrn 0501-mache 0186-WarKn 0673-Marvl 0548-DraPa 0046-Zombi 0863-Samur 0394-H-RvC 0040-Yspah 0919-Tikal 0187-ReefE 0591-MdArt 0595- rally 0228-Torre 0077-Niaga 0377-zavan 0066-Nexus 0315-DoA-1 0642-SoCCG 0657-China 0609-Tali4 0025-Cathe 0130-Vegas 0538-shang 0016-RoSSR 0105-Attac 0921-Ingen 0488-Lastn 0671-Jambo 0564-LostV 0135-Elfen (wjohnston) 0174-magic : 0417-Bwulf 0860-Wring 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0456-Acqui 0336- Antiq 0881-PoRen 0905-StrCr 0636-Sword 0859-Seren 0001-Outpo 0060-TandE 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0153-aGoTh 0197-ToIrn 0008-Up-Fr 0493-WoWFA 0385-TandE 0255-Wring 0382-TandE 0930-TandE 0933- ElGra 0934-ElGra 0390-Acqui 0674-Acqui 0277-Cleop 0875-BMEBI 0043-O-DVD 0871-citta 0846-Imper 0753-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0122-Bmoon 0129-raven 0393-Puebl 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP 0469-babel 0677-MagGr 0171-NwEng 0358- NwEng 0470-NwEng 0796-NwEng 0164-AoMTB 0787-AoMTB 0640-BobLe 0413-India 0894-1835R (wjohnston) 0175-magic : 0417-Bwulf 0860-Wring 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0456-Acqui 0336- Antiq 0881-PoRen 0905-StrCr 0636-Sword 0859-Seren 0001-Outpo 0060-TandE 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0153-aGoTh 0197-ToIrn 0008-Up-Fr 0493-WoWFA 0385-TandE 0255-Wring 0382-TandE 0930-TandE 0933- ElGra 0934-ElGra 0390-Acqui 0674-Acqui 0277-Cleop 0875-BMEBI 0043-O-DVD 0871-citta 0846-Imper 0753-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0122-Bmoon 0129-raven 0393-Puebl 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP 0469-babel 0677-MagGr 0171-NwEng 0358- NwEng 0470-NwEng 0796-NwEng 0164-AoMTB 0787-AoMTB 0640-BobLe 0413-India 0894-1835R (wjohnston) 0176-Ra-Ra : 0417-Bwulf 0860-Wring 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0456-Acqui 0336- Antiq 0881-PoRen 0905-StrCr 0636-Sword 0859-Seren 0001-Outpo 0060-TandE 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0153-aGoTh 0197-ToIrn 0008-Up-Fr 0493-WoWFA 0385-TandE 0255-Wring 0382-TandE 0930-TandE 0933- ElGra 0934-ElGra 0390-Acqui 0674-Acqui 0277-Cleop 0875-BMEBI 0043-O-DVD 0871-citta 0846-Imper 0753-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0122-Bmoon 0129-raven 0393-Puebl 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP 0469-babel 0677-MagGr 0171-NwEng 0358- NwEng 0470-NwEng 0796-NwEng 0164-AoMTB 0787-AoMTB 0640-BobLe 0413-India 0894-1835R (wjohnston) 0178-Marco : 0417-Bwulf 0860-Wring 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0456-Acqui 0336- Antiq 0881-PoRen 0905-StrCr 0636-Sword 0859-Seren 0001-Outpo 0060-TandE 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0153-aGoTh 0197-ToIrn 0008-Up-Fr 0493-WoWFA 0385-TandE 0255-Wring 0382-TandE 0930-TandE 0933- ElGra 0934-ElGra 0390-Acqui 0674-Acqui 0277-Cleop 0875-BMEBI 0043-O-DVD 0871-citta 0846-Imper 0753-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0122-Bmoon 0129-raven 0393-Puebl 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP 0469-babel 0677-MagGr 0171-NwEng 0358- NwEng 0470-NwEng 0796-NwEng 0164-AoMTB 0787-AoMTB 0640-BobLe 0413-India 0894-1835R (wjohnston) 0180-QuoVd : 0417-Bwulf 0860-Wring 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0456-Acqui 0336- Antiq 0881-PoRen 0905-StrCr 0636-Sword 0859-Seren 0001-Outpo 0060-TandE 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0153-aGoTh 0197-ToIrn 0008-Up-Fr 0493-WoWFA 0385-TandE 0255-Wring 0382-TandE 0930-TandE 0933- ElGra 0934-ElGra 0390-Acqui 0674-Acqui 0277-Cleop 0875-BMEBI 0043-O-DVD 0871-citta 0846-Imper 0753-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0122-Bmoon 0129-raven 0393-Puebl 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP 0469-babel 0677-MagGr 0171-NwEng 0358- NwEng 0470-NwEng 0796-NwEng 0164-AoMTB 0787-AoMTB 0640-BobLe 0413-India 0894-1835R (wjohnston) 0181-Byzan : 0860-Wring 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0456-Acqui 0336-Antiq 0881- PoRen 0905-StrCr 0636-Sword 0859-Seren 0001-Outpo 0060-TandE 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0153-aGoTh 0197-ToIrn 0008-Up-Fr 0493-WoWFA 0385-TandE 0255-Wring 0382-TandE 0930-TandE 0933-ElGra 0934- ElGra 0390-Acqui 0674-Acqui 0277-Cleop 0875-BMEBI 0043-O-DVD (wjohnston) 0183-MrJac : 0860-Wring 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0456-Acqui 0336-Antiq 0881- PoRen 0905-StrCr 0636-Sword 0859-Seren 0001-Outpo 0060-TandE 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0153-aGoTh 0197-ToIrn 0008-Up-Fr 0493-WoWFA 0385-TandE 0255-Wring (wjohnston) 0185-EnENH : 0860-Wring 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0456-Acqui 0336-Antiq 0881- PoRen 0905-StrCr 0636-Sword 0859-Seren 0001-Outpo 0060-TandE 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0153-aGoTh 0197-ToIrn 0008-Up-Fr 0493-WoWFA (wjohnston) 0189-Simpl : 0860-Wring 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0456-Acqui 0336-Antiq 0881- PoRen 0905-StrCr 0636-Sword 0859-Seren 0001-Outpo 0060-TandE 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0153-aGoTh 0197-ToIrn 0008-Up-Fr 0493-WoWFA (wjohnston) 0194-GG075 : 0860-Wring 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0456-Acqui 0336-Antiq 0881- PoRen 0905-StrCr 0636-Sword 0859-Seren 0001-Outpo 0007-GG101 0031-GG150 0055-GG100 0204-GG093 0498-GG160 0532-GG095 0574-GG100 0631-GG100 0638-GG150 0576-O-G80 (wjohnston) 0195-HoiTy : 0417-Bwulf 0860-Wring 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0456-Acqui 0336- Antiq 0881-PoRen 0905-StrCr 0636-Sword 0859-Seren 0001-Outpo 0060-TandE 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0153-aGoTh 0197-ToIrn 0008-Up-Fr 0493-WoWFA 0385-TandE 0255-Wring 0382-TandE 0930-TandE 0933- ElGra 0934-ElGra 0390-Acqui 0674-Acqui 0277-Cleop 0875-BMEBI 0043-O-DVD 0871-citta 0846-Imper 0753-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0122-Bmoon 0129-raven 0393-Puebl 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP 0469-babel 0677-MagGr 0171-NwEng 0358- NwEng 0470-NwEng 0796-NwEng 0164-AoMTB 0787-AoMTB 0640-BobLe 0413-India 0894-1835R (wjohnston) 0199-Aqudu : 0417-Bwulf 0860-Wring 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0456-Acqui 0336- Antiq 0881-PoRen 0905-StrCr 0636-Sword 0859-Seren 0001-Outpo 0060-TandE 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0153-aGoTh 0197-ToIrn 0008-Up-Fr 0493-WoWFA 0385-TandE 0255-Wring 0382-TandE 0930-TandE 0933- ElGra 0934-ElGra 0390-Acqui 0674-Acqui 0277-Cleop 0875-BMEBI 0043-O-DVD 0871-citta 0846-Imper 0753-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0122-Bmoon 0129-raven 0393-Puebl 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP 0469-babel 0677-MagGr 0171-NwEng 0358- NwEng 0470-NwEng 0796-NwEng 0164-AoMTB 0787-AoMTB 0640-BobLe 0413-India 0894-1835R (wjohnston) 0201-Leodv : 0860-Wring 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0456-Acqui 0336-Antiq 0881- PoRen 0905-StrCr 0636-Sword 0859-Seren 0001-Outpo 0060-TandE 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0153-aGoTh 0197-ToIrn 0008-Up-Fr 0493-WoWFA 0385-TandE 0255-Wring (wjohnston) 0221-Tali4 : 0860-Wring 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0456-Acqui 0336-Antiq 0881- PoRen 0905-StrCr 0636-Sword 0859-Seren 0001-Outpo 0060-TandE 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0153-aGoTh 0197-ToIrn 0008-Up-Fr 0493-WoWFA (wjohnston) 0610-Thebe : 0860-Wring 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0456-Acqui 0336-Antiq 0881- PoRen 0905-StrCr 0636-Sword 0859-Seren 0001-Outpo 0060-TandE 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0153-aGoTh 0197-ToIrn 0008-Up-Fr 0493-WoWFA (wjohnston) 0612-Vegas : 0417-Bwulf 0860-Wring 0394-H-RvC 0906-BatLo 0253-DuneX 0456-Acqui 0336- Antiq 0881-PoRen 0905-StrCr 0636-Sword 0859-Seren 0001-Outpo 0060-TandE 0138-ElGra 0862-ElGra 0886-AoSte 0014-Wring 0153-aGoTh 0197-ToIrn 0008-Up-Fr 0493-WoWFA 0385-TandE 0255-Wring 0382-TandE 0930-TandE 0933- ElGra 0934-ElGra 0390-Acqui 0674-Acqui 0277-Cleop 0875-BMEBI 0043-O-DVD 0871-citta 0846-Imper 0753-Acqui 0847-Acqui 0122-Bmoon 0129-raven 0393-Puebl 0896-M44EF 0857-M44TP 0469-babel 0677-MagGr 0171-NwEng 0358- NwEng 0470-NwEng 0796-NwEng 0164-AoMTB 0787-AoMTB 0640-BobLe 0413-India 0894-1835R (wkusau) 0577-Throu : 0886-AoSte 0871-citta 0850-TajMa 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0922-Pilla 0674 -Acqui 0813-RandB 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0926-Thurn 0231-Domne 0659-Domne 0546-Arkad 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0940-SpDlr 0913-Mahar 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0564- LostV 0186-WarKn 0864-Showm 0915-Khron 0226-TAMSK 0819-Aladd 0167-RtrnH 0338-RtrnH 0436-RtrnH 0489-RtrnH 0034-Canal 0896-M44EF 0127-FDrac 0347-Fresh 0115-Zertz 0542-Shear 0171-NwEng 0358-NwEng 0470-NwEng 0796- NwEng 0113-HeimC 0679-Thief 0750-Fossi 0759-HG100 (wkusau) 0578-Ambus : 0886-AoSte 0871-citta 0850-TajMa 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0922-Pilla 0674 -Acqui 0813-RandB 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0767-CandC 0826-CandC 0045-Furyd 0085-Furyd 0295-Furyd 0926-Thurn 0231-Domne 0659-Domne 0546-Arkad 0814-ToIrn 0818-ToIrn 0940-SpDlr 0913-Mahar 0672-nostr 0685-nostr 0564- LostV 0186-WarKn 0864-Showm 0915-Khron 0226-TAMSK 0819-Aladd 0167-RtrnH 0338-RtrnH 0436-RtrnH 0489-RtrnH 0034-Canal 0896-M44EF 0127-FDrac 0347-Fresh 0115-Zertz 0542-Shear 0171-NwEng 0358-NwEng 0470-NwEng 0796- NwEng 0113-HeimC 0679-Thief 0750-Fossi 0759-HG100 (WoofWarpWeft) 0336-Antiq : 0001-Outpo (wryone) 0725-FWWar : 0675-EurUn 0611-MoVen 0254-MoVen 0596-realm 0886-AoSte 0548-DraPa ; 0807-SJWay 0940-SpDlr (yellowlab) 0627-Keyth : 0610-Thebe 0802-Thebe (yendi) %ArkHor : 0668-ArkHo 0937-ArkHo (yendi) %Battl : 0906-BatLo 0941-BatLo 0951-BatLo (yendi) %BFINY : 0042-BFeud 0678-BFeud (yendi) %Blokus : 0281-Bloku 0412-Bloku (yendi) %Carca : 0424-Carca 0651-Carca (yendi) %CheDor : 0519-Chezd 0700-Chezd (yendi) %ForD : 0182-Formu 0367-Formu (yendi) %Hive : 0582-HiveX 0705-HiveX (yendi) %MarHer : 0575-Marvl 0673-Marvl (yendi) %NewEng : 0358-NwEng 0796-NwEng (yendi) %PowGri : 0188-Pgrid 0873-Pgrid (yendi) %RoboR : 0147-rally 0236-rally 0258-rally 0595-rally 0726-rally (yendi) %SanJua : 0143-Sjuan 0230-Sjuan 0402-Sjuan 0924-SJuan (yendi) %T4E : 0221-Tali4 0609-Tali4 (yendi) %TaE : 0060-TandE 0385-TandE 0599-TandE 0930-TandE (yendi) %TtRE : 0098-TtREu 0918-TtREu (yendi) %TtRME : 0190-TtRME 0845-TtRME (yendi) %VegSho : 0057-Vegas 0108-Vegas (yendi) 0714-Mon-L : %TaE %PowGri 0933-ElGra 0863-Samur 0021-Ra-Ra 0730-TI3rd 0928-Caylu % ArkHor %Battl 0772-DJitD 0384-AmunR %Hive 0063-Tikal %SanJua 0153-aGoTh 0233-BatLi %RoboR 0085-Furyd 0567 -LostC %TtRE 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr %TtRME 0168-DunTw %ForD %Blokus 0122-Bmoon 0151-magna %Carca 0037-nanza %MarHer 0129-raven 0551-Bang! 0066-Nexus 0034-Canal 0224-BngHN 0929-GoTSS 0026-Guill %T4E 0917-PGBCE % NewEng 0025-Cathe 0101-BQotS 0046-Zombi 0056-Gloom 0164-AoMTB 0113-HeimC 0875-BMEBI 0911-1856R %BFINY 0199-Aqudu 0912-1870R 0288-EDCoL 0027-Pizza 0016-RoSSR 0697-Scara 0041-Terkh 0002-2038R 0006-TimeA 0004- Thron 0820-18FLR 0466-SupMu 0291-Dracu 0213-FlgPU 0712-O-DVD ; %CheDor %VegSho (yendi) 0785-ChezG : %TaE %PowGri 0933-ElGra 0863-Samur 0021-Ra-Ra 0730-TI3rd 0928-Caylu % ArkHor %Battl 0772-DJitD 0384-AmunR %Hive 0063-Tikal %SanJua 0153-aGoTh 0233-BatLi %RoboR 0085-Furyd 0567 -LostC %TtRE 0488-Lastn 0905-StrCr %TtRME 0168-DunTw %ForD %Blokus 0122-Bmoon 0151-magna %Carca 0037-nanza %MarHer 0129-raven 0551-Bang! 0066-Nexus 0034-Canal 0224-BngHN 0929-GoTSS 0026-Guill %T4E 0917-PGBCE % NewEng 0025-Cathe 0101-BQotS 0046-Zombi 0056-Gloom 0164-AoMTB 0113-HeimC 0875-BMEBI 0911-1856R %BFINY 0199-Aqudu 0912-1870R 0288-EDCoL 0027-Pizza 0016-RoSSR 0697-Scara 0041-Terkh 0002-2038R 0006-TimeA 0004- Thron 0820-18FLR 0466-SupMu 0291-Dracu 0213-FlgPU ; %CheDor %VegSho (Zyzzyvas) 0485-Minot : 0862-ElGra 0933-ElGra 0207-Mem44 0851-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0767-CandC 0826- CandC 0610-Thebe 0493-WoWFA 0575-Marvl 0125-Conqu 0929-GoTSS 0288-EDCoL 0925-DMach 0367-Formu 0377-zavan 0673-Marvl 0066-Nexus 0863-Samur 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0187-ReefE 0802-Thebe 0147-rally 0258-rally 0595- rally 0726-rally 0234-Strug 0186-WarKn 0843-WarKn 0306-Nexus 0308-Nexus 0706-CutCa 0021-Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0402-Sjuan 0924-SJuan 0591-MdArt 0200-Holly 0259-Holly 0606-Holly 0201-Leodv 0254- MoVen 0611-MoVen 0159-Brita 0475-NoTha 0551-Bang! 0536-under 0315-DoA-1 0069-Iboss 0074-Iboss 0397-Iboss 0927-BLGMS 0715-apple 0056-Gloom 0032-Liars 0047-Vegas 0057-Vegas 0059-Vegas 0192-Vegas 0379-Vegas 0608- Vegas 0612-Vegas 0027-Pizza 0210-Pizza 0048-Cluzz 0049-Cluzz 0318-Cluzz 0319-Cluzz 0589-Cluzz 0112-Peace 0079-Unive 0080-Unive 0023-Hfish 0479-Bang! 0499-CarcT (Zyzzyvas) 0487-SoCam : 0862-ElGra 0933-ElGra 0207-Mem44 0851-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0767-CandC 0826- CandC 0610-Thebe 0575-Marvl 0493-WoWFA 0125-Conqu 0929-GoTSS 0288-EDCoL (Zyzzyvas) 0489-RtrnH : 0862-ElGra 0933-ElGra 0207-Mem44 0851-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0767-CandC 0826- CandC 0610-Thebe 0493-WoWFA 0575-Marvl 0125-Conqu 0929-GoTSS 0288-EDCoL 0925-DMach 0367-Formu 0377-zavan 0673-Marvl 0066-Nexus 0863-Samur 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0187-ReefE 0802-Thebe 0147-rally 0258-rally 0595- rally 0726-rally 0234-Strug 0186-WarKn 0843-WarKn 0306-Nexus 0308-Nexus 0706-CutCa (Zyzzyvas) 0491-LotRX : 0862-ElGra 0933-ElGra 0207-Mem44 0851-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0767-CandC 0826- CandC 0610-Thebe 0493-WoWFA 0575-Marvl 0125-Conqu 0929-GoTSS 0288-EDCoL 0925-DMach 0367-Formu 0377-zavan 0673-Marvl 0066-Nexus (Zyzzyvas) 0492-LoRFF : 0862-ElGra 0933-ElGra 0207-Mem44 0851-Mem44 0899-Mem44 0767-CandC 0826- CandC 0610-Thebe 0493-WoWFA 0575-Marvl 0125-Conqu 0929-GoTSS 0288-EDCoL 0925-DMach 0367-Formu 0377-zavan 0673-Marvl 0066-Nexus 0863-Samur 0809-HamrS 0885-HamrS 0187-ReefE 0802-Thebe 0147-rally 0258-rally 0595- rally 0726-rally 0234-Strug 0186-WarKn 0843-WarKn 0306-Nexus 0308-Nexus 0706-CutCa 0021-Ra-Ra 0176-Ra-Ra 0183-MrJac 0920-MrJac 0402-Sjuan 0924-SJuan 0591-MdArt 0200-Holly 0259-Holly 0606-Holly 0201-Leodv 0254- MoVen 0611-MoVen 0159-Brita 0475-NoTha 0551-Bang! 0536-under 0315-DoA-1 0069-Iboss 0074-Iboss 0397-Iboss 0927-BLGMS 0715-apple 0056-Gloom 0032-Liars 0047-Vegas 0057-Vegas 0059-Vegas 0192-Vegas 0379-Vegas 0608- Vegas 0612-Vegas 0027-Pizza 0210-Pizza 0048-Cluzz 0049-Cluzz 0318-Cluzz 0319-Cluzz 0589-Cluzz 0112-Peace 0079-Unive 0080-Unive (Zyzzyvas) 0875-BMEBI :