# gio lug 4 23:46:20 2019 #+ Geeklist: Math Trade Italia Giugno 2019 #+ ... https://www.boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/257957 #+ Owner: BlackSheeper #+ Item count: 649 #+ Users with items: 85 #! ALLOW-DUMMIES #! REQUIRE-COLONS #! REQUIRE-USERNAMES #! HIDE-NONTRADES #! SHOW-ELAPSED-TIME #! ITERATIONS=500 #! SEED=7937 #! METRIC=Users-Trading # MISSING 8 WANTS (1.2%) FROM 3 USER(s) (3.5%): # Anje76 (4) # Giuppe (1) # opiganz (3) !BEGIN-OFFICIAL-NAMES 6999934 ==> 1. "Virus" (from Raist35) 6999936 ==> 2. "Star Saga" (from Raist35) 6999940 ==> 3. "Dead of Winter: The Long Night" (from Raist35) 6999958 ==> 4. "Magic: The Gathering" (from Raist35) 7000210 ==> 5. "Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game" (from Vittek) 7000212 ==> 6. "Game of Thrones: The Card Game" (from Vittek) 7000222 ==> 7. "Eaten by Zombies!" (from Vittek) 7000225 ==> 8. "Commands & Colors: Ancients" (from Vittek) 7000229 ==> 9. "The Big Book of Madness" (from Vittek) 7000230 ==> 10. "Homeland: The Game" (from Vittek) 7000231 ==> 11. "Quarriors!" (from Vittek) 7000281 ==> 12. "Magic: The Gathering" (from Teaf) 7000288 ==> 13. "Alt Name: 20 euro" (from Teaf) 7000362 ==> 14. "Trivial Pursuit Deluxe" (from 8lackjack) 7000363 ==> 15. "Alt Name: 10 euro paypal" (from 8lackjack) 7000364 ==> 16. "Alt Name: 15 euro paypal" (from 8lackjack) 7000365 ==> 17. "Alt Name: 20 euro paypal" (from 8lackjack) 7000366 ==> 18. "Alt Name: 25 euro paypal" (from 8lackjack) 7000367 ==> 19. "Alt Name: 30 euro paypal" (from 8lackjack) 7000368 ==> 20. "Alt Name: 35 euro paypal" (from 8lackjack) 7000369 ==> 21. "Alt Name: 40 euro paypal" (from 8lackjack) 7000758 ==> 22. "De Vulgari Eloquentia" (from traico7) 7000805 ==> 23. "The 7th Continent" (from PainChild) 7000927 ==> 24. "Tigris & Euphrates" (from Wolverutto) 7000930 ==> 25. "Hit Z Road" (from Wolverutto) 7000936 ==> 26. "Ticket to Ride: Europe" (from Wolverutto) 7000944 ==> 27. "For Sale" (from Wolverutto) 7000953 ==> 28. "Dream Factory" (from Wolverutto) 7000959 ==> 29. "Carcassonne: Amazonas" (from Wolverutto) 7000980 ==> 30. "Pantheon" (from dragodelbiondo) 7000981 ==> 31. "Clans" (from dragodelbiondo) 7000983 ==> 32. "Ticket to Ride: Europe" (from dragodelbiondo) 7001022 ==> 33. "Cash-a-Catch" (from Teaf) 7001033 ==> 34. "Hegemonic" (from Teaf) 7001060 ==> 35. "Colt Express" (from s2488) 7001071 ==> 36. "Manila" (from s2488) 7001596 ==> 37. "Loot Island" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001598 ==> 38. "Alt Name: 10 euro paypal" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001599 ==> 39. "Alt Name: 15 euro paypal" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001600 ==> 40. "Alt Name: 20 euro paypal" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001601 ==> 41. "Alt Name: 25 euro paypal" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001602 ==> 42. "Alt Name: 30 euro paypal" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001603 ==> 43. "Alt Name: 35 euro paypal" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001604 ==> 44. "Alt Name: 40 euro paypal" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001605 ==> 45. "Alt Name: 45 euro paypal" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001606 ==> 46. "Alt Name: 50 euro paypal" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001607 ==> 47. "Gloomhaven" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001608 ==> 48. "The Battle of Five Armies" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001610 ==> 49. "Chimera Station" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001611 ==> 50. "Cyclades" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001612 ==> 51. "Forbidden Stars" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001613 ==> 52. "The Manhattan Project 2: Minutes to Midnight" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001614 ==> 53. "New York 1901" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001616 ==> 54. "Photosynthesis" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001619 ==> 55. "Barbarians: The Invasion" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001621 ==> 56. "Between Two Cities" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001636 ==> 57. "Feelinks" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7001646 ==> 58. "Montana" (from Cekufrombeyond) 7002398 ==> 59. "Zooloretto: Castor" (from stefanogiugliano2) 7002400 ==> 60. "Orléans: Neue Ortskarten N°5" (from stefanogiugliano2) 7002401 ==> 61. "Merlin: Queenie 1 – Treasures of the Environs" (from stefanogiugliano2) 7002402 ==> 62. "Carcassonne: Watchtowers" (from stefanogiugliano2) 7002403 ==> 63. "Fields of Arle: New Travel Destination – Essen" (from stefanogiugliano2) 7002412 ==> 64. "Mutant Chronicles Collectible Miniatures Game" (from superanimatore) 7002413 ==> 65. "Unlock! Fifth Avenue" (from superanimatore) 7002414 ==> 66. "Bandits on Mars" (from superanimatore) 7002415 ==> 67. "World of Warcraft: The Adventure Game" (from superanimatore) 7002416 ==> 68. "Alt Name: Dischi Clout Fantasy" (from superanimatore) 7002417 ==> 69. "Trivial Pursuit Letterario" (from superanimatore) 7002418 ==> 70. "Trivial Pursuit: Passione Azzurra" (from superanimatore) 7002419 ==> 71. "Die Legenden von Andor: Chada & Thorn" (from dolph3n) 7002501 ==> 72. "Android: Netrunner – Creation and Control" (from Enoigi) 7002503 ==> 73. "BattleCON: War of Indines" (from Enoigi) 7002504 ==> 74. "Goa" (from darkritual88) 7002505 ==> 75. "Yeti" (from darkritual88) 7002506 ==> 76. "Carcassonne: South Seas" (from darkritual88) 7002507 ==> 77. "Port Royal" (from darkritual88) 7002508 ==> 78. "El Gaucho" (from darkritual88) 7002509 ==> 79. "Coal Baron" (from darkritual88) 7002510 ==> 80. "Loony Quest" (from darkritual88) 7002513 ==> 81. "U.S. Telegraph" (from darkritual88) 7002521 ==> 82. "Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn" (from Enoigi) 7002549 ==> 83. "Deckscape: The Fate of London" (from superanimatore) 7002602 ==> 84. "Twilight Struggle" (from Merlo Piccante) 7002606 ==> 85. "Sword of Rome" (from Merlo Piccante) 7002609 ==> 86. "Alt Name: 10 euro paypal" (from Merlo Piccante) 7002611 ==> 87. "Alt Name: 15 euro paypal" (from Merlo Piccante) 7002612 ==> 88. "Alt Name: 20 euro paypal" (from Merlo Piccante) 7002648 ==> 89. "Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game: Sudden Death" (from fukubei) 7002651 ==> 90. "Hexemonia" (from fukubei) 7002653 ==> 91. "Noria" (from fukubei) 7002654 ==> 92. "City of Remnants" (from fukubei) 7002657 ==> 93. "Rush & Bash" (from fukubei) 7002754 ==> 94. "My First Stone Age" (from fukubei) 7002771 ==> 95. "Bruges" (from fukubei) 7003004 ==> 96. "Clans of Caledonia" (from JBert08) 7003006 ==> 97. "Gaia Project" (from JBert08) 7003009 ==> 98. "Amun-Re" (from JBert08) 7003010 ==> 99. "Le Havre" (from JBert08) 7003012 ==> 100. "First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express!" (from JBert08) 7003014 ==> 101. "Bruges" (from JBert08) 7003015 ==> 102. "Ora et Labora" (from JBert08) 7003017 ==> 103. "Power Grid" (from JBert08) 7003020 ==> 104. "Outlive" (from JBert08) 7003021 ==> 105. "Nippon" (from JBert08) 7003023 ==> 106. "Yokohama" (from JBert08) 7003025 ==> 107. "Imperial Settlers" (from JBert08) 7003027 ==> 108. "Above and Below" (from JBert08) 7003028 ==> 109. "Pandemic: On the Brink" (from JBert08) 7003049 ==> 110. "Oh My Goods!" (from Dello77) 7003058 ==> 111. "Ghost for Sale" (from Dello77) 7003062 ==> 112. "Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar" (from Dello77) 7003065 ==> 113. "Dice Settlers" (from Dello77) 7003079 ==> 114. "Broken Peace (fan expansion for T.I.M.E Stories)" (from elflum) 7003082 ==> 115. "Thurn and Taxis: All Roads Lead to Rome" (from elflum) 7003083 ==> 116. "The King's Guild" (from elflum) 7003084 ==> 117. "Oceanos" (from Dello77) 7003092 ==> 118. "Heroes" (from Dello77) 7003111 ==> 119. "Santorini" (from Dello77) 7003115 ==> 120. "Multiuniversum" (from elflum) 7003121 ==> 121. "Haru Ichiban" (from Dello77) 7003130 ==> 122. "The Doge Ship" (from elflum) 7003142 ==> 123. "NMBR 9" (from elflum) 7003158 ==> 124. "Kodama: The Tree Spirits" (from elflum) 7003162 ==> 125. "Mansions of Madness: ‘Til Death Do Us Part" (from elflum) 7003181 ==> 126. "Tiny Epic Kingdoms" (from elflum) 7003200 ==> 127. "Im Wandel der Zeiten: Das Kartenspiel" (from elflum) 7003221 ==> 128. "Leo" (from elflum) 7003240 ==> 129. "Genoa" (from starsky) 7003264 ==> 130. "Spyfall" (from elflum) 7003268 ==> 131. "Terra Nova" (from elflum) 7003531 ==> 132. "Eminent Domain" (from Darklaw90) 7003583 ==> 133. "Peak Oil" (from Migio) 7003585 ==> 134. "Relic Runners" (from Darklaw90) 7003587 ==> 135. "Im Wandel der Zeiten: Das Kartenspiel" (from Migio) 7003588 ==> 136. "BANG! The Duel" (from Migio) 7003590 ==> 137. "Chez Geek" (from Migio) 7003591 ==> 138. "Like: The Social Game" (from Migio) 7003592 ==> 139. "Norsaga" (from Darklaw90) 7003593 ==> 140. "Pot de Vin" (from Migio) 7003594 ==> 141. "Haleakala" (from Migio) 7003596 ==> 142. "Sultaniya" (from Migio) 7003598 ==> 143. "Alt Name: 10 euro paypal" (from Migio) 7003599 ==> 144. "Alt Name: 15 euro paypal" (from Migio) 7003601 ==> 145. "Alt Name: 20 euro paypal" (from Migio) 7003602 ==> 146. "Alt Name: 25 euro paypal" (from Migio) 7003616 ==> 147. "Clippers" (from Darklaw90) 7003634 ==> 148. "Room 25: Season 2" (from Darklaw90) 7004326 ==> 149. "Lady Alice" (from traico7) 7004385 ==> 150. "Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game" (from Aristeos) 7004387 ==> 151. "Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game – Tears of Amaterasu" (from Aristeos) 7004390 ==> 152. "Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game – Disciples of the Void" (from Aristeos) 7004399 ==> 153. "Nefertiti" (from HungryGhost) 7004400 ==> 154. "The Ares Project" (from HungryGhost) 7004401 ==> 155. "Alt Name: Twilight imperium 3rd edition KIT italianizzazione" (from HungryGhost) 7004402 ==> 156. "Genoa" (from HungryGhost) 7004403 ==> 157. "Quarriors!" (from HungryGhost) 7004404 ==> 158. "Drakon (fourth edition)" (from HungryGhost) 7004405 ==> 159. "Fury of Dracula (Second Edition)" (from HungryGhost) 7004406 ==> 160. "KeyForge: Call of the Archons – Archon Deck" (from HungryGhost) 7004490 ==> 161. "Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King" (from Hammerheart82) 7004519 ==> 162. "Alt Name: 25 euro paypal" (from ZeroCool_ITA) 7004625 ==> 163. "Pandemic: Fall of Rome" (from Kikki) 7004633 ==> 164. "Copycat" (from Kikki) 7004648 ==> 165. "Canterbury" (from sietchlord) 7004652 ==> 166. "Stone Age: Anniversary" (from sietchlord) 7004671 ==> 167. "Planet Steam" (from sietchlord) 7004695 ==> 168. "Alt Name: 25 euro paypal" (from traico7) 7004696 ==> 169. "Alt Name: 30 euro paypal" (from traico7) 7004904 ==> 170. "Room 25" (from Aristeos) 7004941 ==> 171. "Power Struggle" (from solone) 7004944 ==> 172. "Giants" (from solone) 7004945 ==> 173. "Grand Cru" (from solone) 7004946 ==> 174. "Copycat" (from solone) 7004948 ==> 175. "La Città" (from solone) 7004950 ==> 176. "Pantheon" (from solone) 7004951 ==> 177. "Steam Park" (from solone) 7004952 ==> 178. "Ships" (from solone) 7004954 ==> 179. "Space Race: The Card Game" (from solone) 7004955 ==> 180. "Amun-Re" (from solone) 7004956 ==> 181. "Russian Railroads" (from solone) 7004957 ==> 182. "Cottage Garden" (from solone) 7004958 ==> 183. "Exodus: Proxima Centauri" (from solone) 7004960 ==> 184. "Forge War" (from solone) 7004962 ==> 185. "Prêt-à-Porter" (from solone) 7004966 ==> 186. "John Company" (from solone) 7004968 ==> 187. "Noria" (from _max_) 7004971 ==> 188. "Brass: Lancashire" (from solone) 7004973 ==> 189. "Loot Island" (from solone) 7004976 ==> 190. "Gentes: Deluxified Edition" (from solone) 7004977 ==> 191. "Coal Baron: The Great Card Game" (from _max_) 7004989 ==> 192. "Metropolys" (from solone) 7005249 ==> 193. "Alt Name: 15 euros paypal" (from Mailok) 7005250 ==> 194. "Alt Name: 10 euros paypal" (from Mailok) 7005251 ==> 195. "Alt Name: 35 euros paypal" (from Mailok) 7005252 ==> 196. "Alt Name: 30 euros paypal" (from Mailok) 7005253 ==> 197. "Alt Name: 25 euros paypal" (from Mailok) 7005255 ==> 198. "Alt Name: 20 euros paypal" (from Mailok) 7005257 ==> 199. "Dungeon Raiders" (from Mailok) 7005258 ==> 200. "Terrible Monster" (from Mailok) 7005259 ==> 201. "Black Souls" (from Mailok) 7005260 ==> 202. "SSO" (from Mailok) 7005459 ==> 203. "GodZ" (from Binoretor) 7005462 ==> 204. "Ohne Furcht und Adel" (from Binoretor) 7005463 ==> 205. "Caribbean" (from Binoretor) 7005465 ==> 206. "Alt Name: 35 euro" (from Binoretor) 7005467 ==> 207. "Alt Name: 25 euro" (from Binoretor) 7005468 ==> 208. "Alt Name: 15 euro" (from Binoretor) 7005948 ==> 209. "Desperados of Dice Town" (from Piddu) 7005949 ==> 210. "Intrigue City" (from Piddu) 7005950 ==> 211. "Steel Driver" (from Piddu) 7005951 ==> 212. "Village: Port" (from Piddu) 7005952 ==> 213. "Egizia" (from Piddu) 7005953 ==> 214. "Hermagor" (from Piddu) 7005954 ==> 215. "K2" (from Piddu) 7005955 ==> 216. "Antike" (from Piddu) 7006035 ==> 217. "Alt Name: 35 EURO" (from ArchGeko) 7006036 ==> 218. "Alt Name: 30 EURO" (from ArchGeko) 7006037 ==> 219. "Alt Name: 15 EURO" (from ArchGeko) 7006038 ==> 220. "Lancelot" (from ArchGeko) 7006039 ==> 221. "Gaia Project" (from ArchGeko) 7006041 ==> 222. "Carcassonne: Star Wars" (from ArchGeko) 7006051 ==> 223. "Super Fantasy: Ugly Snouts Assault" (from buzzus01) 7006052 ==> 224. "Legends of Andor" (from buzzus01) 7006053 ==> 225. "Zombicide" (from buzzus01) 7006054 ==> 226. "A Game of Thrones: The Card Game" (from buzzus01) 7006057 ==> 227. "Room 25: Season 2" (from albefla) 7006059 ==> 228. "Brass: Lancashire" (from albefla) 7006066 ==> 229. "Arkham Horror" (from buzzus01) 7006136 ==> 230. "Provincia Romana" (from sciacca77) 7006266 ==> 231. "Quadropolis" (from Capricornus) 7006267 ==> 232. "Council of 4" (from Capricornus) 7006268 ==> 233. "Imhotep" (from Capricornus) 7006269 ==> 234. "History of the World" (from Capricornus) 7006271 ==> 235. "The 7th Continent" (from Capricornus) 7006327 ==> 236. "Charterstone" (from sciacca77) 7006333 ==> 237. "Alt Name: 25,00 euro" (from Colaglc) 7006335 ==> 238. "An den Ufern des Nils" (from sciacca77) 7006341 ==> 239. "Warriors & Traders" (from sciacca77) 7006342 ==> 240. "Colt Express" (from superanimatore) 7006346 ==> 241. "Alt Name: 20,00 euro" (from Marmario) 7006347 ==> 242. "Pandemic: The Cure" (from Marmario) 7006348 ==> 243. "King of New York" (from Marmario) 7006349 ==> 244. "Jewels" (from Marmario) 7006350 ==> 245. "Airlines" (from Marmario) 7006352 ==> 246. "Mansions of Madness: The Silver Tablet" (from Marmario) 7006354 ==> 247. "Cottage Garden" (from Marmario) 7006355 ==> 248. "Time 'n' Space" (from Marmario) 7006356 ==> 249. "YoYo" (from Marmario) 7006357 ==> 250. "Ready to Rock!" (from Marmario) 7006358 ==> 251. "EverZone: Strategic Battles in the Universe" (from Marmario) 7006359 ==> 252. "Deus" (from Marmario) 7006360 ==> 253. "Mag·Blast (Third Edition)" (from Marmario) 7006361 ==> 254. "1655: Habemus Papam" (from Marmario) 7006362 ==> 255. "Desperados" (from Marmario) 7006363 ==> 256. "Strozzi" (from Marmario) 7006364 ==> 257. "Union Pacific" (from Marmario) 7006365 ==> 258. "Geeks: The Convention" (from Marmario) 7006366 ==> 259. "Chez Geek 3: Block Party" (from Marmario) 7006377 ==> 260. "Planet Steam" (from koby) 7006378 ==> 261. "Metal Adventures" (from sciacca77) 7006380 ==> 262. "Cosmic Encounter" (from koby) 7006382 ==> 263. "Pulsar 2849" (from koby) 7006383 ==> 264. "AuZtralia" (from koby) 7006390 ==> 265. "Quadropolis" (from koby) 7006399 ==> 266. "Alt Name: 30 euro" (from koby) 7006400 ==> 267. "Alchemists: The King's Golem" (from sciacca77) 7006417 ==> 268. "Warhammer: Invasion" (from sciacca77) 7006459 ==> 269. "Cyclades" (from sciacca77) 7006522 ==> 270. "Alt Name: paypal 40 euro" (from dorakeen) 7006523 ==> 271. "Alt Name: paypal 30 euro" (from dorakeen) 7006525 ==> 272. "Alt Name: paypal 25 euro" (from dorakeen) 7006526 ==> 273. "Alt Name: paypal 20 euro" (from dorakeen) 7006527 ==> 274. "Alt Name: paypal 15 euro" (from dorakeen) 7006528 ==> 275. "Verräter" (from dorakeen) 7006530 ==> 276. "Thor" (from dorakeen) 7006531 ==> 277. "Euphrates & Tigris: Contest of Kings" (from dorakeen) 7006533 ==> 278. "The Bird Told Me To Do It" (from dorakeen) 7006534 ==> 279. "Magic: The Gathering – Arena of the Planeswalkers" (from dorakeen) 7006541 ==> 280. "Saboteur" (from dorakeen) 7006543 ==> 281. "O mistério do Marquês de Pombal" (from dorakeen) 7006547 ==> 282. "Astro Drive" (from dorakeen) 7006548 ==> 283. "011" (from dorakeen) 7006614 ==> 284. "Gearworld: The Borderlands" (from sciacca77) 7006786 ==> 285. "Arkham Horror" (from Teaf) 7007215 ==> 286. "Kharnage" (from TheTaliesin) 7007234 ==> 287. "Saboteur (compilation editions)" (from TheTaliesin) 7008039 ==> 288. "MIL (1049)" (from odlos) 7008041 ==> 289. "Río de la Plata" (from odlos) 7008042 ==> 290. "Power Grid" (from odlos) 7008043 ==> 291. "Hermagor" (from odlos) 7008044 ==> 292. "A Castle for All Seasons" (from odlos) 7008049 ==> 293. "Lancelot" (from odlos) 7008177 ==> 294. "Wildlands: The Adventuring Party" (from Wolverutto) 7008180 ==> 295. "The Others: 7 Sins – Wrath Expansion" (from Wolverutto) 7008217 ==> 296. "Alcatraz: The Scapegoat" (from Marmario) 7008323 ==> 297. "Rune Age" (from Dello77) 7008517 ==> 298. "Blood Rage: Mystics of Midgard" (from HungryGhost) 7008535 ==> 299. "Power Grid: Benelux/Central Europe" (from HungryGhost) 7008588 ==> 300. "Strada Romana" (from Anje76) 7008592 ==> 301. "Shear Panic" (from Anje76) 7008595 ==> 302. "Alt Name: 20 euro" (from Anje76) 7008596 ==> 303. "Alt Name: 25 euro" (from Anje76) 7008879 ==> 304. "Alt Name: 20 euro" (from pakidjr11) 7008882 ==> 305. "Alt Name: 25 euro" (from pakidjr11) 7008883 ==> 306. "Alt Name: 30 euro" (from pakidjr11) 7008895 ==> 307. "Alt Name: 15 euro" (from pakidjr11) 7008950 ==> 308. "Purrrlock Holmes: Furriarty's Trail" (from s2488) 7009029 ==> 309. "Alt Name: NON DISPONIBILE" (from traico7) 7009031 ==> 310. "Planet" (from traico7) 7009032 ==> 311. "Tokyo Highway" (from traico7) 7009035 ==> 312. "Radetzky: Milano 1848" (from traico7) 7009037 ==> 313. "Mysterium" (from traico7) 7009039 ==> 314. "Alt Name: NON DISPONIBILE" (from traico7) 7009043 ==> 315. "Sherlock: Last Call" (from traico7) 7009474 ==> 316. "Forbidden Desert" (from _max_) 7009509 ==> 317. "Sword & Sorcery" (from traico7) 7009511 ==> 318. "Council of 4" (from traico7) 7009512 ==> 319. "13 Clues" (from traico7) 7009513 ==> 320. "Sipario!" (from traico7) 7009517 ==> 321. "COâ‚‚: Second Chance" (from Valentino83) 7009538 ==> 322. "Not Alone" (from Aristeos) 7009546 ==> 323. "Dungeon Heroes Manager" (from traico7) 7009547 ==> 324. "Codenames: Pictures" (from traico7) 7009549 ==> 325. "Take it Easy!" (from traico7) 7009550 ==> 326. "Tesseract" (from traico7) 7009552 ==> 327. "7 Wonders Duel" (from traico7) 7009554 ==> 328. "Kryptos" (from traico7) 7009559 ==> 329. "Imagine" (from traico7) 7009560 ==> 330. "Ticket to Ride: First Journey (Europe)" (from traico7) 7009563 ==> 331. "The Grizzled" (from traico7) 7009565 ==> 332. "Dungeon Roll" (from traico7) 7009566 ==> 333. "3 Secrets" (from traico7) 7009568-COPY1 ==> 334. "Cloud Mine" (from traico7) [copy 1 of 3] 7009568-COPY2 ==> 334. "Cloud Mine" (from traico7) [copy 2 of 3] 7009568-COPY3 ==> 334. "Cloud Mine" (from traico7) [copy 3 of 3] 7009579 ==> 335. "Near and Far" (from Ramsey54) 7009590 ==> 336. "Nefertiti" (from Marmario) 7009599 ==> 337. "Stone Age" (from Marmario) 7009741 ==> 338. "Die Portale von Molthar: Sonderkarten" (from BlackSheeper) 7009742 ==> 339. "Saboteur: Rock Gold" (from BlackSheeper) 7009743 ==> 340. "Bohnanza: Spiderbeans" (from BlackSheeper) 7009750 ==> 341. "Gauntlet of Fools" (from Ramsey54) 7009990 ==> 342. "Cosmic Encounter" (from Xeno1989) 7010025 ==> 343. "Confucius" (from carabeglia) 7010029 ==> 344. "Deckscape: The Mystery of Eldorado" (from carabeglia) 7010032 ==> 345. "Alt Name: 15 euro" (from carabeglia) 7010333 ==> 346. "Alt Name: 15 euro" (from miguelx74) 7010334 ==> 347. "Alt Name: 20 euro paypal" (from miguelx74) 7010335 ==> 348. "Alt Name: 10 euro paypal" (from miguelx74) 7010336 ==> 349. "Alt Name: 25 euro paypal" (from miguelx74) 7010337 ==> 350. "Alt Name: 30 euro paypal" (from miguelx74) 7010338 ==> 351. "Alt Name: 35 euro paypal" (from miguelx74) 7010339 ==> 352. "Alt Name: 40 euro paypal" (from miguelx74) 7010341 ==> 353. "Belfort" (from miguelx74) 7010343 ==> 354. "The Princes of Florence" (from miguelx74) 7010348 ==> 355. "Municipium" (from miguelx74) 7010394 ==> 356. "Alt Name: NON DISPONIBILE" (from miguelx74) 7010395 ==> 357. "Alt Name: NON DISPONIBILE" (from miguelx74) 7010410 ==> 358. "Alt Name: NON DISPONIBILE" (from miguelx74) 7010412 ==> 359. "Krieg und Frieden" (from miguelx74) 7010436 ==> 360. "Penguin" (from miguelx74) 7010585 ==> 361. "Alt Name: 30 euro" (from Teaf) 7010822 ==> 362. "Alt Name: 25,00 euro" (from Colaglc) 7010846 ==> 363. "Pack & Stack" (from hexyer) 7010848 ==> 364. "Subtext" (from hexyer) 7010850 ==> 365. "Galloping Pigs" (from hexyer) 7010851 ==> 366. "Terraforming Mars: Venus Next" (from hexyer) 7010853 ==> 367. "Terraforming Mars: Colonies" (from hexyer) 7010854 ==> 368. "Clans" (from Marmario) 7010855 ==> 369. "Blanc-Manger Coco" (from hexyer) 7010859 ==> 370. "LAMA" (from hexyer) 7010862 ==> 371. "ARGH" (from hexyer) 7010863 ==> 372. "Selfie Safari" (from hexyer) 7010865 ==> 373. "Wildlife Safari" (from hexyer) 7010868 ==> 374. "KeyForge: Age of Ascension – Archon Deck" (from hexyer) 7010869 ==> 375. "KeyForge: Age of Ascension – Archon Deck" (from hexyer) 7010870 ==> 376. "Whales Destroying The World" (from hexyer) 7010871 ==> 377. "Werewords" (from hexyer) 7010887 ==> 378. "Smiths of Winterforge" (from boiler7) 7010888 ==> 379. "Historia" (from boiler7) 7010889 ==> 380. "Ancient Terrible Things" (from boiler7) 7010890 ==> 381. "The Manhattan Project 2: Minutes to Midnight" (from boiler7) 7010892 ==> 382. "Grog Island" (from boiler7) 7010894 ==> 383. "Legend of the Five Rings RPG: Core Rulebook" (from Aristeos) 7010901 ==> 384. "The Starfarers of Catan" (from gaveston2008) 7010903 ==> 385. "Junta" (from gaveston2008) 7010907 ==> 386. "GodZ" (from insania) 7010908 ==> 387. "Small World: Tales and Legends" (from insania) 7010909 ==> 388. "BANG!" (from insania) 7010910 ==> 389. "Aztlán" (from insania) 7010911 ==> 390. "Arkham Horror" (from insania) 7010912 ==> 391. "StarCraft: The Board Game" (from insania) 7010913 ==> 392. "Rune Age" (from insania) 7010914 ==> 393. "Mage Knight Board Game" (from insania) 7010915 ==> 394. "Warstones" (from insania) 7010916 ==> 395. "Lords of Xidit" (from insania) 7010917 ==> 396. "Alt Name: 25 euro" (from insania) 7010919 ==> 397. "Council of 4" (from insania) 7010922 ==> 398. "Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game" (from insania) 7010934 ==> 399. "Alt Name: 15 euro" (from Piddu) 7010935 ==> 400. "Alt Name: 15 euro" (from Piddu) 7010936 ==> 401. "Alt Name: 15 euro" (from Piddu) 7010937 ==> 402. "Alt Name: 20 euro" (from Piddu) 7010959-COPY1 ==> 403. "Alt Name: 21,00 euro" (from barbanera) [copy 1 of 2] 7010959-COPY2 ==> 403. "Alt Name: 21,00 euro" (from barbanera) [copy 2 of 2] 7010961-COPY1 ==> 404. "Alt Name: 31,00 euro" (from barbanera) [copy 1 of 2] 7010961-COPY2 ==> 404. "Alt Name: 31,00 euro" (from barbanera) [copy 2 of 2] 7010962-COPY1 ==> 405. "Alt Name: 41,00 euro" (from barbanera) [copy 1 of 2] 7010962-COPY2 ==> 405. "Alt Name: 41,00 euro" (from barbanera) [copy 2 of 2] 7010963-COPY1 ==> 406. "Alt Name: 26,00 euro" (from barbanera) [copy 1 of 2] 7010963-COPY2 ==> 406. "Alt Name: 26,00 euro" (from barbanera) [copy 2 of 2] 7010968 ==> 407. "Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure" (from koby) 7011108 ==> 408. "Between Two Cities" (from ilBOTTA) 7011112 ==> 409. "Mâamut" (from ArchGeko) 7011113 ==> 410. "ZÈRTZ" (from ilBOTTA) 7011115 ==> 411. "League of Six" (from ArchGeko) 7011116 ==> 412. "Alt Name: 20 euro" (from Attila1000) 7011117 ==> 413. "Alt Name: 25 euro" (from Attila1000) 7011118 ==> 414. "Alt Name: 16 euro" (from Attila1000) 7011119 ==> 415. "Alt Name: 15 euro" (from Attila1000) 7011121 ==> 416. "Alt Name: 21 euro" (from Attila1000) 7011122 ==> 417. "Alt Name: 19 euro" (from Attila1000) 7011123 ==> 418. "Alt Name: 8 euro" (from Attila1000) 7011124 ==> 419. "Alt Name: 9 euro" (from Attila1000) 7011125 ==> 420. "Alt Name: 12 euro" (from Attila1000) 7011126 ==> 421. "Alt Name: 14 euro" (from Attila1000) 7011127 ==> 422. "Alt Name: 25 euro" (from Attila1000) 7011178 ==> 423. "Cyclades: Titans" (from Marmario) 7011852 ==> 424. "Rising Sun" (from perty1976) 7011919 ==> 425. "Daimyo" (from Mr J) 7012212 ==> 426. "Playroom" (from Ramsey54) 7012214 ==> 427. "Yspahan" (from Ramsey54) 7012239 ==> 428. "Tiny Epic Kingdoms" (from Mr J) 7012387 ==> 429. "Alt Name: Lotto di librogame della serie "Lupo Solitario"" (from marty12) 7012390 ==> 430. "Tales & Games: The Hare & the Tortoise" (from marty12) 7012392 ==> 431. "Kingdomino" (from marty12) 7012394 ==> 432. "Gingerbread House" (from jedgoshi73) 7012395 ==> 433. "Amun-Re" (from jedgoshi73) 7012396 ==> 434. "Singapore" (from jedgoshi73) 7012397 ==> 435. "A Castle for All Seasons" (from jedgoshi73) 7012398 ==> 436. "Samhain" (from jedgoshi73) 7012399 ==> 437. "Ming Dynasty" (from jedgoshi73) 7012400 ==> 438. "Mad City" (from jedgoshi73) 7012403 ==> 439. "Epic Card Game" (from marty12) 7012405 ==> 440. "Pandemic: The Cure" (from marty12) 7012408 ==> 441. "Dominion" (from marty12) 7012410 ==> 442. "Alhambra" (from marty12) 7012413 ==> 443. "Small World" (from Frankytail) 7012416 ==> 444. "Catan" (from marty12) 7012424 ==> 445. "Kingdom Builder: Big Box" (from marty12) 7012426 ==> 446. "Cryptid" (from traico7) 7012429 ==> 447. "Machi Koro" (from Frankytail) 7012448 ==> 448. "Mini WWII" (from ZeroCool_ITA) 7012449 ==> 449. "Race to the New Found Land" (from ZeroCool_ITA) 7012450 ==> 450. "Catan" (from ZeroCool_ITA) 7012452 ==> 451. "Sanctuary" (from ZeroCool_ITA) 7012453 ==> 452. "Treasure Hunter" (from ZeroCool_ITA) 7012455 ==> 453. "Alt Name: Playmat ufficiale KeyForge casa Marte" (from TaoTeo) 7012456 ==> 454. "Alt Name: Playmat ufficiale KeyForge casa Marte" (from TaoTeo) 7012457 ==> 455. "7 Wonders" (from TaoTeo) 7012460 ==> 456. "Railroad Ink: Deep Blue Edition" (from TaoTeo) 7012461 ==> 457. "Barony" (from TaoTeo) 7012462 ==> 458. "Onitama" (from TaoTeo) 7012463 ==> 459. "7 Wonders Duel" (from TaoTeo) 7012471 ==> 460. "The Magic Labyrinth" (from TaoTeo) 7012475 ==> 461. "Blood Rage" (from TaoTeo) 7012479 ==> 462. "Alt Name: Playmat ufficiale KeyForge casa Dis" (from TaoTeo) 7012482 ==> 463. "Alt Name: Gamemat ufficiale KeyForge per 2 giocatori" (from TaoTeo) 7012485 ==> 464. "Kanagawa" (from TaoTeo) 7012486 ==> 465. "Paperback" (from TaoTeo) 7012490 ==> 466. "The Game" (from TaoTeo) 7012492 ==> 467. "Dominant Species" (from TaoTeo) 7012493 ==> 468. "Dixit: Quest" (from TaoTeo) 7012494 ==> 469. "Dixit: Memories" (from TaoTeo) 7012497 ==> 470. "Dragon Castle" (from TaoTeo) 7012503 ==> 471. "Rajas of the Ganges" (from TaoTeo) 7012504 ==> 472. "Brass: Lancashire" (from TaoTeo) 7012533 ==> 473. "KeyForge: Age of Ascension – Archon Deck" (from TaoTeo) 7012536 ==> 474. "Elysium" (from LorenZo_M) 7012543 ==> 475. "Hannibal & Hamilcar" (from TaoTeo) 7012560 ==> 476. "Room 25" (from Frankytail) 7012574 ==> 477. "A Game of Thrones: The Card Game" (from rimagia) 7012575 ==> 478. "Mood X" (from rimagia) 7012577 ==> 479. "Tides of Time" (from rimagia) 7012578 ==> 480. "Krosmaster: Arena" (from LorenZo_M) 7012579 ==> 481. "Spirits of the Rice Paddy" (from rimagia) 7012580 ==> 482. "Last Will" (from rimagia) 7012581 ==> 483. "Alchemists" (from rimagia) 7012582 ==> 484. "Deus" (from rimagia) 7012583 ==> 485. "Fallen Angel" (from rimagia) 7012584 ==> 486. "Warage: Starter Set" (from rimagia) 7012585 ==> 487. "A Feast for Odin" (from rimagia) 7012586 ==> 488. "Alt Name: 26 Euro" (from rimagia) 7012587 ==> 489. "Alt Name: 26 Euro" (from rimagia) 7012588 ==> 490. "Alt Name: 31 Euro" (from rimagia) 7012589 ==> 491. "Eminent Domain" (from rimagia) 7012590 ==> 492. "Alt Name: 21 Euro" (from rimagia) 7012631 ==> 493. "Flick 'em Up!: Dead of Winter" (from ArchGeko) 7012635 ==> 494. "Si, Oscuro Padrino!" (from ArchGeko) 7012637 ==> 495. "Catan: 5-6 Player Extension" (from ArchGeko) 7012640 ==> 496. "Provincia Romana" (from ArchGeko) 7012642 ==> 497. "Neuroshima Hex! 3.0" (from ArchGeko) 7012649 ==> 498. "Craftsmen" (from ArchGeko) 7012769 ==> 499. "Alt Name: 25 euro paypal" (from omnigod) 7012770 ==> 500. "Alt Name: 22 euro paypal" (from omnigod) 7012771 ==> 501. "Alt Name: 13 euro paypal" (from omnigod) 7012772 ==> 502. "Alt Name: 18 euro paypal" (from omnigod) 7012773 ==> 503. "Alt Name: 31 euro paypal" (from omnigod) 7012774 ==> 504. "Alt Name: 45 euro paypal" (from omnigod) 7012775 ==> 505. "Alt Name: 28 euro paypal" (from omnigod) 7012777 ==> 506. "Ogre" (from omnigod) 7012778 ==> 507. "High Tide" (from omnigod) 7012958 ==> 508. "Elysium" (from opiganz) 7012960 ==> 509. "Glass Road" (from opiganz) 7012986 ==> 510. "Rising for the Throne" (from opiganz) 7012999 ==> 511. "Alt Name: 31 euro" (from Fede__) 7013044 ==> 512. "The Princes of Florence" (from gaveston2008) 7013058 ==> 513. "Stone Age" (from gaveston2008) 7013084 ==> 514. "Lupus in Tabula" (from Checco) 7013085 ==> 515. "Cave Troll" (from Checco) 7013088 ==> 516. "Dungeon Bazar" (from Checco) 7013089 ==> 517. "Room 25" (from Checco) 7013090 ==> 518. "BANG! The Dice Game" (from Checco) 7013095 ==> 519. "Hermagor" (from Checco) 7013107 ==> 520. "Glory to Rome" (from play4play) 7013109 ==> 521. "Colony" (from play4play) 7013110 ==> 522. "Gearworks" (from play4play) 7013120 ==> 523. "Spirits of the Forest" (from play4play) 7013132 ==> 524. "Helionox: Deluxe Edition" (from play4play) 7013198 ==> 525. "Desperados of Dice Town" (from seccaccia) 7013200 ==> 526. "Go For Broke" (from seccaccia) 7013207 ==> 527. "Master Labyrinth" (from seccaccia) 7013209 ==> 528. "Spyfall" (from seccaccia) 7013216 ==> 529. "Um Reifenbreite" (from seccaccia) 7013221 ==> 530. "Dragonland" (from seccaccia) 7013239 ==> 531. "Take it Easy!" (from seccaccia) 7013245 ==> 532. "Beat the Buzzard" (from seccaccia) 7013341 ==> 533. "Patchistory" (from sciacca77) 7013372 ==> 534. "La Grande Corsa" (from sciacca77) 7014170 ==> 535. "River Dragons" (from Valentino83) 7014175 ==> 536. "Farmerama" (from Valentino83) 7014196 ==> 537. "Krosmaster: Arena – Frigost" (from Valentino83) 7014215 ==> 538. "COâ‚‚" (from albefla) 7014218 ==> 539. "Revolver 2: Last Stand at Malpaso" (from albefla) 7014237 ==> 540. "The Quest for El Dorado" (from Capricornus) 7014256 ==> 541. "Alt Name: Lotto ioGioco da 0 a 7" (from TaoTeo) 7014262 ==> 542. "Helios" (from rimagia) 7014277 ==> 543. "Vast: The Crystal Caverns" (from Mr J) 7014281 ==> 544. "Abyss" (from rimagia) 7014287 ==> 545. "Bremerhaven" (from rimagia) 7014305 ==> 546. "Overseers" (from shjivak) 7014306 ==> 547. "Horse Fever" (from shjivak) 7014307 ==> 548. "Fortuna" (from shjivak) 7014308 ==> 549. "Ginkgopolis" (from shjivak) 7014310 ==> 550. "Last Will" (from shjivak) 7014311 ==> 551. "Leaving Earth" (from shjivak) 7014312 ==> 552. "Vindication" (from shjivak) 7014313 ==> 553. "Tomorrow" (from shjivak) 7014314 ==> 554. "Smiths of Winterforge" (from shjivak) 7014341 ==> 555. "Aquädukt" (from matmo) 7014343 ==> 556. "Samsara" (from matmo) 7014344 ==> 557. "Domaine" (from matmo) 7014347 ==> 558. "Getaway Driver" (from matmo) 7014356 ==> 559. "Kami" (from matmo) 7014361 ==> 560. "Valda" (from matmo) 7014365 ==> 561. "Spinderella" (from matmo) 7014378 ==> 562. "Captain Sonar" (from lux1000) 7014387 ==> 563. "The Staufer Dynasty" (from valeriodentico) 7014389 ==> 564. "In the Year of the Dragon" (from valeriodentico) 7014391 ==> 565. "La Granja: No Siesta" (from valeriodentico) 7014393 ==> 566. "Reef Encounter" (from valeriodentico) 7014394 ==> 567. "Lübeck" (from valeriodentico) 7014395 ==> 568. "Tybor the Builder" (from valeriodentico) 7014396 ==> 569. "Endeavor" (from valeriodentico) 7014397 ==> 570. "Darjeeling" (from valeriodentico) 7014398 ==> 571. "Aquädukt" (from valeriodentico) 7014399 ==> 572. "Elasund: The First City" (from valeriodentico) 7014402 ==> 573. "Horse Fever" (from valeriodentico) 7014404 ==> 574. "Löwenherz" (from valeriodentico) 7014407 ==> 575. "Java" (from valeriodentico) 7014408 ==> 576. "Mow" (from valeriodentico) 7014412 ==> 577. "Valdora" (from valeriodentico) 7014417 ==> 578. "Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space" (from valeriodentico) 7014422 ==> 579. "Ships" (from valeriodentico) 7014494 ==> 580. "Cuzco" (from ZeroCool_ITA) 7014507 ==> 581. "The Capitals" (from Capricornus) 7014508 ==> 582. "Elysium" (from rimagia) 7014533 ==> 583. "Alt Name: 15 euro" (from pakidjr11) 7014534 ==> 584. "Alt Name: 35 euro" (from pakidjr11) 7014579 ==> 585. "Die Siedler von Catan: Historische Szenarien" (from sciacca77) 7014661 ==> 586. "Vast: The Crystal Caverns" (from Ramsey54) 7014669 ==> 587. "011" (from GioCo78) 7014724 ==> 588. "Fight for Olympus" (from GioCo78) 7014735 ==> 589. "Kanagawa" (from GioCo78) 7014757 ==> 590. "Space Alert" (from GioCo78) 7014769 ==> 591. "Lorenzo il Magnifico" (from GioCo78) 7014776 ==> 592. "Food Chain Magnate" (from GioCo78) 7014786 ==> 593. "Zombie 15'" (from GioCo78) 7014797 ==> 594. "Imaginarium" (from Marmario) 7014798 ==> 595. "Solenia" (from Marmario) 7014805 ==> 596. "Alt Name: 25,00 euro" (from Colaglc) 7014807 ==> 597. "Olympos" (from Balivo) 7014808 ==> 598. "Magic Maze" (from Marmario) 7014816 ==> 599. "Council of 4" (from Balivo) 7014978 ==> 600. "A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Second Edition)" (from Frankytail) 7014988 ==> 601. "MIL (1049)" (from Castef) 7015046 ==> 602. "Skyliners" (from danidefox) 7015065 ==> 603. "Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases" (from danidefox) 7015066 ==> 604. "Blood Bowl (Third Edition)" (from omnigod) 7015070 ==> 605. "Back to the Future: An Adventure Through Time" (from danidefox) 7015072 ==> 606. "River Dragons" (from danidefox) 7015076 ==> 607. "Libertalia" (from danidefox) 7015081 ==> 608. "Khronos" (from danidefox) 7015086 ==> 609. "Kanban: Driver's Edition" (from danidefox) 7015093 ==> 610. "Raise Your Goblets" (from danidefox) 7015094 ==> 611. "Forum Trajanum" (from danidefox) 7015095 ==> 612. "Colt Express" (from danidefox) 7015098 ==> 613. "Aztlán" (from danidefox) 7015113 ==> 614. "Fuji" (from hexyer) 7015124 ==> 615. "Meeple Circus" (from danidefox) 7015127 ==> 616. "Race to the New Found Land" (from tomicdec) 7015129 ==> 617. "Lift Off" (from tomicdec) 7015134 ==> 618. "Watson & Holmes" (from danidefox) 7015139 ==> 619. "Blackout: Hong Kong" (from fukubei) 7015183 ==> 620. "Red7" (from tomicdec) 7015221 ==> 621. "Kraut & Rüben" (from seccaccia) 7015222 ==> 622. "Nile" (from seccaccia) 7015225 ==> 623. "Der Fliegende Holländer" (from seccaccia) 7015234 ==> 624. "Merchants of Amsterdam" (from seccaccia) 7015248 ==> 625. "Codenames: Deep Undercover" (from seccaccia) 7015270 ==> 626. "Hands Up" (from seccaccia) 7015281 ==> 627. "Hoity Toity" (from seccaccia) 7015285 ==> 628. "Café International" (from seccaccia) 7015289 ==> 629. "Villa Paletti" (from seccaccia) 7015316 ==> 630. "Zooloretto" (from seccaccia) 7015327 ==> 631. "Alt Name: 10 euro paypal" (from danidefox) 7015330 ==> 632. "Alt Name: 15 euro paypal" (from danidefox) 7015331 ==> 633. "Stone Age" (from sgu3) 7015332 ==> 634. "Alt Name: 20 euro paypal" (from danidefox) 7015337 ==> 635. "Alt Name: 40 euro paypal" (from danidefox) 7015340 ==> 636. "Alt Name: 35 euro paypal" (from danidefox) 7015345 ==> 637. "Alt Name: 30 euro paypal" (from danidefox) 7015348 ==> 638. "Alt Name: 60 euro paypal" (from danidefox) 7015350 ==> 639. "Alt Name: 50 euro paypal" (from danidefox) 7015351 ==> 640. "Alt Name: 45 euro paypal" (from danidefox) 7015354 ==> 641. "Cadwallon: City of Thieves" (from sgu3) 7015355 ==> 642. "Alt Name: 25 euro paypal" (from danidefox) 7015363 ==> 643. "Alt Name: 45 euro paypal" (from danidefox) 7015370 ==> 644. "Sheriff of Nottingham" (from sgu3) 7015377 ==> 645. "Meeple War" (from sgu3) 7015380 ==> 646. "Sector 6" (from sgu3) 7015383 ==> 647. "The Bridges of Shangri-La" (from sgu3) 7015388 ==> 648. "Chang Cheng" (from sgu3) 7015394 ==> 649. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from Giuppe) !END-OFFICIAL-NAMES #pragma user "8lackjack" # Confirmation code: 3rnIo0ffvpO-MjvyPDJp/g # Thu Jul 4 10:57:32 2019 # (8lackjack) %Nefer : 7004399 7009590 # (8lackjack) %test1 : # Trivial Pursuit Deluxe (8lackjack) 7000362 : 7010343 7003083 7012585 7004625 7014798 7000805 7014389 7003065 7008517 %Nefer # Alt Name: 10 euro paypal (8lackjack) 7000363 : 7010343 7003083 7012585 7004625 7014798 7000805 7014389 7003065 7008517 %Nefer 7012394 7011113 7010859 # Alt Name: 15 euro paypal (8lackjack) 7000364 : 7010343 7003083 7012585 7004625 7014798 7000805 7014389 7003065 7008517 %Nefer 7012394 # Alt Name: 20 euro paypal (8lackjack) 7000365 : 7010343 7003083 7012585 7004625 7014798 # Alt Name: 25 euro paypal (8lackjack) 7000366 : 7010343 7003083 7012585 # Alt Name: 30 euro paypal (8lackjack) 7000367 : 7010343 7003083 # Alt Name: 35 euro paypal (8lackjack) 7000368 : # Alt Name: 40 euro paypal (8lackjack) 7000369 : #pragma user "_max_" # Confirmation code: c0ffCz4tYbC288P2Xs/HGg # Thu Jul 4 09:26:32 2019 # (_max_) %AmunRe : 7003009 7004955 # (_max_) %BraLan : 7004971 7012504 # (_max_) %CotGar : 7004957 7006354 # (_max_) %Cycla : 7001611 7006459 # (_max_) %GaiPro : 7003006 7006039 # (_max_) %Ships : 7004952 7014422 # (_max_) %TMP2MtM : 7001613 7010890 # Noria (_max_) 7004968 : 7012475 7014776 %GaiPro 7012492 %Cycla %BraLan 7009579 7014311 7015086 7005954 7005952 7014389 7009509 7004625 7012497 7015139 7003012 7014312 7004966 7015094 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001602 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006522 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 %7010961 %7010962 7012588 7012773 7012774 7012999 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015345 7015351 7015363 7003083 7014494 %TMP2MtM %Ships 7004976 7003583 # Coal Baron: The Great Card Game (_max_) 7004977 : 7012475 7014776 %GaiPro 7012492 %Cycla %BraLan 7009579 7014311 7015086 7005954 7005952 7014389 7009509 7004625 7012497 7015139 7003012 7014312 7004966 7015094 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001602 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006522 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 %7010961 %7010962 7012588 7012773 7012774 7012999 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015345 7015351 7015363 7003083 7014494 %TMP2MtM %Ships 7004976 7003583 7002602 7014237 7004962 7004941 7015113 7014378 7010341 7002509 # Forbidden Desert (_max_) 7009474 : 7012475 7014776 %GaiPro 7012492 %Cycla %BraLan 7009579 7014311 7015086 7005954 7005952 7014389 7009509 7004625 7012497 7015139 7003012 7014312 7004966 7015094 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001602 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006522 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 %7010961 %7010962 7012588 7012773 7012774 7012999 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015345 7015351 7015363 7003083 7014494 %TMP2MtM %Ships 7004976 7003583 7002602 7014237 7004962 7004941 7015113 # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (_max_) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (_max_) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 #pragma user "albefla" # Confirmation code: 46dx2Arf4xlob7Q/ZRuYUg # Tue Jul 2 03:18:30 2019 # (albefla) %BraLan : 7004971 7012504 # (albefla) %GaiPro : 7003006 7006039 # (albefla) %RivDra : 7014170 7015072 # Room 25: Season 2 (albefla) 7006057 : 7012560 7003634 # Brass: Lancashire (albefla) 7006059 : 7012585 7012475 7014776 7001607 %GaiPro 7003015 %BraLan 7012408 7012503 7006382 7012426 7004625 7012497 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001602 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006399 7006522 7006523 7008883 7010338 7010339 7010585 %7010962 7012588 7012773 7012774 7012999 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015345 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7015394 7000758 7014494 7004976 7006036 # COâ‚‚ (albefla) 7014215 : 7009517 # Revolver 2: Last Stand at Malpaso (albefla) 7014218 : 7012585 7012475 7014776 7001607 %GaiPro 7003015 %BraLan 7012408 7012503 7006382 7012426 7004625 7012497 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001602 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006399 7006522 7006523 7008883 7010338 7010339 7010585 %7010962 7012588 7012773 7012774 7012999 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015345 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7015394 7000758 7014494 7004976 7009579 7000944 7003111 7014378 7012460 7015124 7004966 7009032 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 %RivDra 7012578 7009560 # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (albefla) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (albefla) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "archgeko" # Confirmation code: ivhLX/uLJ1TOkHwXqTrKOQ # Tue Jul 2 11:05:39 2019 # Alt Name: 35 EURO (archgeko) 7006035 : 7012475 7014776 # Alt Name: 30 EURO (archgeko) 7006036 : 7012475 7014776 # Alt Name: 15 EURO (archgeko) 7006037 : 7012475 7014776 7012492 7012426 7014277 7012589 7009032 7013058 7014311 7012560 7014661 7010912 7013089 7014735 7009599 7003010 7008042 7009579 7005954 7011852 7015331 7014389 7014798 7015289 7014757 7014378 7004944 7003264 # Lancelot (archgeko) 7006038 : 7012475 7014776 7012492 7012426 7014277 7012589 7009032 7013058 7014311 7012560 7014661 7010912 7013089 7014735 7009599 7003010 7008042 7009579 7005954 7011852 7009552 7013341 7003264 # Gaia Project (archgeko) 7006039 : 7012475 7014776 # Carcassonne: Star Wars (archgeko) 7006041 : 7012475 7014776 7012492 7012426 7014277 7012589 7009032 7013058 7014311 7012560 7014661 7010912 7013089 7014735 7009599 7003010 7008042 7009579 7005954 7011852 7015331 7009552 7014389 7014798 7013341 7015289 7012463 7014757 7014378 7004944 7003264 7009559 # Mâamut (archgeko) 7011112 : 7012475 7014776 7012492 7012426 7014277 7012589 7009032 7013058 7014311 7012560 7014661 7013089 7014735 7009599 7003010 7008042 7009579 7005954 7011852 7015331 7009552 7014389 7014798 7013341 7015289 7012463 7014757 7014378 7004944 7009559 # League of Six (archgeko) 7011115 : 7012475 7014776 7012492 7012426 7014277 7012589 7009032 7013058 7014311 7012560 7014661 7010912 7013089 7014735 # Flick 'em Up!: Dead of Winter (archgeko) 7012631 : 7012475 7014776 7012492 7012426 7014277 7012589 7009032 7012560 # Si, Oscuro Padrino! (archgeko) 7012635 : 7012475 7014776 7012492 7012426 7014277 7012589 7009032 7013058 7014311 7012560 7014661 7010912 7013089 7014735 7009599 7003010 7008042 7009579 7005954 7011852 7015331 7009552 7014389 7014798 7013341 7015289 7012463 7014757 7014378 7004944 7009559 # Catan: 5-6 Player Extension (archgeko) 7012637 : 7012475 7014776 7012492 7012426 7014277 7012589 7009032 7013058 7014311 7012560 7014661 7010912 7013089 7014735 7009599 7003010 7008042 7009579 7005954 7011852 7015331 7009552 7014389 7014798 7013341 7015289 7012463 7014757 7014378 # Provincia Romana (archgeko) 7012640 : 7012475 7014776 7012492 7012426 7014277 7012589 7009032 7013058 7014311 7012560 7014661 7010912 7013089 7014735 7009599 7003010 7008042 7009579 7005954 7011852 7015331 7009552 7014389 7014798 7013341 7015289 7012463 # Neuroshima Hex! 3.0 (archgeko) 7012642 : 7012475 7014776 7012492 7012426 7014277 7012589 7009032 7013058 7014311 7010912 7013089 # Craftsmen (archgeko) 7012649 : 7012475 7014776 7012492 7012426 7014277 7012589 7009032 7013058 7014311 7012560 7014661 7010912 #pragma user "Aristeos" # Confirmation code: GGvm-8iEJ057v7tnkK3pCw # Tue Jul 2 04:38:57 2019 # Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game (Aristeos) 7004385 : 7009509 7009599 7013058 7015331 7012585 7012475 7002602 7001611 7006459 7012504 7014378 7012581 7014769 7006382 7012410 7006268 6999940 7004625 7015139 7009517 7015094 7009032 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001602 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006522 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 %7010961 %7010962 7012588 7012773 7012774 7012999 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015345 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7010888 7014306 7014402 7002653 7004968 7000758 7004652 7001613 7010890 7006269 7004976 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7013090 7006038 7008049 # Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game – Tears of Amaterasu (Aristeos) 7004387 : 7009509 7009599 7013058 7015331 7012585 7012475 7002602 7001611 7006459 7012504 7014378 7012581 7014769 7006382 7012410 7006268 6999940 7004625 7015139 7009517 7015094 7009032 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001602 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006522 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 %7010961 %7010962 7012588 7012773 7012774 7012999 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015345 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7010888 7014306 7014402 7002653 7004968 7000758 7004652 7001613 7010890 7006269 7004976 # Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game – Disciples of the Void (Aristeos) 7004390 : 7009509 7009599 7013058 7015331 7012585 7012475 7002602 7001611 7006459 7012504 7014378 7012581 7014769 7006382 7012410 7006268 6999940 7004625 7015139 7009517 7015094 7009032 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001602 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006522 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 %7010961 %7010962 7012588 7012773 7012774 7012999 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015345 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7010888 7014306 7014402 7002653 7004968 7000758 7004652 7001613 7010890 7006269 7004976 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 # Room 25 (Aristeos) 7004904 : 7009509 7009599 7013058 7015331 7012585 7012475 7002602 7001611 7006459 7012504 7014378 7012581 7014769 7006382 7012410 7006268 6999940 7004625 7015139 7009517 7015094 7009032 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001602 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006522 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 %7010961 %7010962 7012588 7012773 7012774 7012999 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015345 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7010888 7014306 7014402 7002653 7004968 7000758 7004652 7001613 7010890 7006269 7004976 # Not Alone (Aristeos) 7009538 : 7009509 7009599 7013058 7015331 7012585 7012475 7002602 7001611 7006459 7012504 7014378 7012581 7014769 7006382 7012410 7006268 6999940 7004625 7015139 7009517 7015094 7009032 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001602 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006522 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 %7010961 %7010962 7012588 7012773 7012774 7012999 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015345 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7010888 7014306 7014402 7002653 7004968 7000758 7004652 7001613 7010890 7006269 7004976 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7013090 7006038 7008049 6999958 7000288 7000365 7000366 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012770 7015332 7009547 7013085 # Legend of the Five Rings RPG: Core Rulebook (Aristeos) 7010894 : 7009509 # Note: The following 4 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (Aristeos) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (Aristeos) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (Aristeos) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (Aristeos) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "Attila1000" # Confirmation code: JWEEhwudyfNiJbHqWp2coQ # Tue Jul 2 13:38:09 2019 # (Attila1000) %EmiDom : 7012589 7003531 # Alt Name: 20 euro (Attila1000) 7011116 : 7000936 7012589 %EmiDom # Alt Name: 25 euro (Attila1000) 7011117 : 7000936 # Alt Name: 16 euro (Attila1000) 7011118 : 7000936 7012589 %EmiDom # Alt Name: 15 euro (Attila1000) 7011119 : 7000936 7012589 %EmiDom 7000927 # Alt Name: 21 euro (Attila1000) 7011121 : 7000936 7012589 %EmiDom # Alt Name: 19 euro (Attila1000) 7011122 : 7000936 7012589 %EmiDom # Alt Name: 8 euro (Attila1000) 7011123 : 7000936 7012589 %EmiDom 7000927 7002507 # Alt Name: 9 euro (Attila1000) 7011124 : 7000936 7012589 %EmiDom 7000927 7002507 # Alt Name: 12 euro (Attila1000) 7011125 : 7000936 7012589 %EmiDom 7000927 # Alt Name: 14 euro (Attila1000) 7011126 : 7000936 7012589 %EmiDom 7000927 # Alt Name: 25 euro (Attila1000) 7011127 : 7000936 #pragma user "balivo" # Confirmation code: Q8BtTzDosgS1ePOlWfIqDw # Tue Jul 2 07:25:43 2019 # Olympos (balivo) 7014807 : 7010968 7001611 7006459 7012503 7014407 7012497 7015139 7014344 7006383 7000288 7000365 7000366 7000367 7000368 7001600 7001601 7001602 7001603 7002612 7003601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006035 7006036 7006346 7006399 7006523 7006525 7006526 7008595 7008596 7008879 7008882 7008883 7010334 7010336 7010337 7010585 7010822 7010917 7010937 %7010959 %7010961 %7010963 7011116 7011117 7011121 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012588 7012590 7012769 7012770 7012773 7012775 7012999 7014534 7014805 7015332 7015340 7015345 7014494 7001613 # Council of 4 (balivo) 7014816 : 7010968 7001611 7006459 7012503 7014407 7012497 7015139 7014344 7006383 7000288 7000365 7000366 7000367 7000368 7001600 7001601 7001602 7001603 7002612 7003601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006035 7006036 7006346 7006399 7006523 7006525 7006526 7008595 7008596 7008879 7008882 7008883 7010334 7010336 7010337 7010585 7010822 7010917 7010937 %7010959 %7010961 %7010963 7011116 7011117 7011121 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012588 7012590 7012769 7012770 7012773 7012775 7012999 7014534 7014805 7015332 7015340 7015345 7014494 7001613 7009552 # Note: The following 3 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (balivo) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (balivo) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (balivo) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "barbanera" # Confirmation code: NXe8azcEb/DueKUOiqXxHw # Tue Jul 2 14:28:58 2019 # Alt Name: 21,00 euro (barbanera) 7010959-COPY1 : 7004966 # Alt Name: 21,00 euro (barbanera) 7010959-COPY2 : 7004966 # Alt Name: 31,00 euro (barbanera) 7010961-COPY1 : 7003006 7011852 7001612 7009509 7001619 # Alt Name: 31,00 euro (barbanera) 7010961-COPY2 : 7003006 7011852 7001612 7009509 7001619 # Alt Name: 41,00 euro (barbanera) 7010962-COPY1 : 7000225 7012543 # Alt Name: 41,00 euro (barbanera) 7010962-COPY2 : 7000225 7012543 # Alt Name: 26,00 euro (barbanera) 7010963-COPY1 : 7012475 7003020 7004958 7006383 # Alt Name: 26,00 euro (barbanera) 7010963-COPY2 : 7012475 7003020 7004958 7006383 #pragma user "binoretor" # Confirmation code: jzRSu0KBbO4TSfRv6IXvDg # Wed Jul 3 04:55:25 2019 # GodZ (binoretor) 7005459 : 7003006 7006039 7006382 7012392 7003010 7000936 7012581 7002507 7013058 7002602 7003017 7008042 7006380 7009990 7000927 7003015 7012457 7009552 7012463 7002504 7003004 7000983 7014378 7014769 7012408 7006266 7006390 7001060 7002510 # Ohne Furcht und Adel (binoretor) 7005462 : 7003006 7006039 7006382 7012392 7003010 7000936 7012581 7002507 7013058 7002602 7003017 7008042 7006380 7009990 7000927 7003015 7012457 7009552 7012463 7002504 7003004 7000983 7014378 7014769 7012408 7006266 7006390 7001060 7002510 # Caribbean (binoretor) 7005463 : 7003006 7006039 7006382 7012392 7003010 7000936 7012581 7002507 7013058 7002602 7003017 7008042 7006380 7009990 7000927 7003015 7012457 7009552 7012463 7002504 7003004 7000983 7014378 7014769 7012408 7006266 7006390 7001060 7002510 # Alt Name: 35 euro (binoretor) 7005465 : 7003006 7006039 # Alt Name: 25 euro (binoretor) 7005467 : 7003006 7006039 7006382 # Alt Name: 15 euro (binoretor) 7005468 : 7003006 7006039 7006382 7012392 #pragma user "BlackSheeper" # Confirmation code: qkXnZJlyZWUG4BhXAqWpPQ # Thu Jul 4 11:06:23 2019 # Die Portale von Molthar: Sonderkarten (BlackSheeper) 7009741 : 7012413 # Saboteur: Rock Gold (BlackSheeper) 7009742 : 7012413 # Bohnanza: Spiderbeans (BlackSheeper) 7009743 : 7012413 #pragma user "boiler7" # Confirmation code: piThI5/G5a4UoQEjdOiSfw # Mon Jul 1 16:15:45 2019 # (boiler7) %Cycla : 7001611 7006459 # (boiler7) %Quarr : 7000231 7004403 # Smiths of Winterforge (boiler7) 7010887 : # Historia (boiler7) 7010888 : %Cycla 7010343 7001619 7012585 # Ancient Terrible Things (boiler7) 7010889 : %Cycla 7010343 7001619 7003009 %Quarr 7001605 7001606 7003023 7006052 7005952 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012585 7012774 7012503 7012426 7012497 7012485 # The Manhattan Project 2: Minutes to Midnight (boiler7) 7010890 : %Cycla 7010343 7001619 7003009 %Quarr 7001605 7001606 7012585 7012774 # Grog Island (boiler7) 7010892 : %Cycla 7010343 7001619 7003009 %Quarr 7001605 7001606 7003023 7006052 7005952 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012585 7012774 7012503 7012426 7012497 7012485 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (boiler7) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 #pragma user "buzzus01" # Confirmation code: fmFjh0z3M1nkPgMZPcdfFQ # Tue Jul 2 06:12:09 2019 # (buzzus01) %CotGar : 7004957 7006354 # (buzzus01) %GaiPro : 7003006 7006039 # (buzzus01) %RunAge : 7008323 7010913 # Super Fantasy: Ugly Snouts Assault (buzzus01) 7006051 : 7014776 7001607 %GaiPro 7012492 7010968 7003025 7003004 7006382 7009509 7003065 7010888 7013132 7012413 7006383 %RunAge # Legends of Andor (buzzus01) 7006052 : 7014776 7001607 %GaiPro 7012492 7010968 7003025 7003004 7006382 7009509 7003065 7010888 7013132 7012413 7006383 %RunAge # Zombicide (buzzus01) 7006053 : 7014776 7001607 %GaiPro 7012492 7010968 7003025 7003004 7006382 7009509 7003065 7010888 7013132 # A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (buzzus01) 7006054 : 7014776 7001607 %GaiPro 7012492 7010968 7003025 7003004 7006382 7009509 7003065 7010888 7013132 7012413 7006383 %RunAge %CotGar # Arkham Horror (buzzus01) 7006066 : 7014776 7001607 %GaiPro 7012492 7010968 7003025 7003004 7006382 7009509 7003065 #pragma user "Capricornus" # Confirmation code: 9ve2T51qyymbKlTR9S-ekw # Wed Jul 3 23:22:59 2019 # Quadropolis (Capricornus) 7006266 : 7010343 7004976 7012475 7003006 7006039 7003004 7015139 7014312 7001606 7015348 7012543 7001613 7006459 7009579 7004952 6999940 7002509 7015094 7000369 7001605 7010339 7014422 7012449 7015127 # Council of 4 (Capricornus) 7006267 : 7010343 7004976 7012475 7003006 7006039 7003004 7015139 7014312 7001606 7015348 7012543 7001613 7006459 7009579 7004952 6999940 7002509 7015094 7000369 7001605 7010339 # Imhotep (Capricornus) 7006268 : # History of the World (Capricornus) 7006269 : 7010343 7004976 7012475 7003006 7006039 7003004 7015139 7014312 7001606 7015348 7012543 7001613 7006459 7009579 7004952 # The 7th Continent (Capricornus) 7006271 : 7010343 7004976 # The Quest for El Dorado (Capricornus) 7014237 : 7010343 7004976 7012475 7003006 7006039 7003004 7015139 7014312 7001606 7015348 7012543 7001613 # The Capitals (Capricornus) 7014507 : 7010343 7004976 7012475 7003006 7006039 7003004 7015139 7014312 7001606 7015348 7012543 7001613 7006459 7009579 7004952 6999940 7002509 7015094 7000369 7001605 7010339 #pragma user "carabeglia" # Confirmation code: ri2l-g7hygykfkDRov8Tiw # Tue Jul 2 09:56:51 2019 # (carabeglia) %Kanag : 7012485 7014735 # (carabeglia) %Quadr : 7006266 7006390 # Confucius (carabeglia) 7010025 : 7014776 7006039 7012492 7015094 7006268 7012543 7012486 7010968 7015134 7012504 7009032 7002771 7015124 7000927 7012460 7014769 %Quadr 7014308 7012581 7012503 7014281 7009517 7010343 7006327 7012582 7012497 %Kanag 7009474 7012462 7014494 7012461 7015113 7012429 7012494 7012493 # Deckscape: The Mystery of Eldorado (carabeglia) 7010029 : 7014776 7006039 7012492 7015094 7006268 7012543 7012486 7010968 7015134 7012504 7009032 7002771 7015124 7000927 7012460 7014769 %Quadr 7014308 7012581 7012503 7014281 7009517 7010343 7006327 7012582 7012497 %Kanag 7014494 7012461 # Alt Name: 15 euro (carabeglia) 7010032 : 7014776 7006039 7012492 7015094 7006268 7012543 7012486 7010968 7015134 7012504 7002771 7015124 7000927 7014769 %Quadr 7014308 7012581 7012503 7014281 7010343 7006327 7012582 7012497 #pragma user "castef" # Confirmation code: BU6yxSg4-yQopfD26L5zTw # Tue Jul 2 05:11:47 2019 # MIL (1049) (castef) 7014988 : 7015139 7015124 7002509 7014798 7000229 7003065 7000366 7001601 7002612 7003601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005255 7005467 7006333 7006346 7006525 7006526 7008595 7008596 7008879 7008882 7010334 7010336 7010917 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011117 7011121 7011122 7011127 7012590 7012769 7012770 7014805 7015332 7015355 7009031 7010888 7003083 7001610 7012394 7014395 7002754 7015113 7003596 7010862 7014343 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (castef) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 #pragma user "Cekufrombeyond" # Confirmation code: r6LiNdkd-HKeIkXLQsCo/g # Tue Jul 2 11:10:37 2019 # Loot Island (Cekufrombeyond) 7001596 : 7014776 7012492 7014311 7012585 7003021 7003065 7014237 7012497 # Alt Name: 10 euro paypal (Cekufrombeyond) 7001598 : 7014776 7012492 7014311 7012585 7003021 7003065 7014237 7012497 # Alt Name: 15 euro paypal (Cekufrombeyond) 7001599 : 7014776 7012492 7014311 7012585 7003021 7003065 7014237 7012497 # Alt Name: 20 euro paypal (Cekufrombeyond) 7001600 : 7014776 7012492 7014311 7012585 7003021 7003065 7014237 # Alt Name: 25 euro paypal (Cekufrombeyond) 7001601 : 7014776 7012492 7014311 7012585 7003021 7003065 7014237 # Alt Name: 30 euro paypal (Cekufrombeyond) 7001602 : 7014776 7012492 7014311 7012585 7003021 7003065 # Alt Name: 35 euro paypal (Cekufrombeyond) 7001603 : # Alt Name: 40 euro paypal (Cekufrombeyond) 7001604 : # Alt Name: 45 euro paypal (Cekufrombeyond) 7001605 : # Alt Name: 50 euro paypal (Cekufrombeyond) 7001606 : # Gloomhaven (Cekufrombeyond) 7001607 : # The Battle of Five Armies (Cekufrombeyond) 7001608 : 7014776 7012492 7014311 7012585 7003021 7003065 7014237 # Chimera Station (Cekufrombeyond) 7001610 : 7014776 7012492 7014311 7012585 7003021 7003065 # Cyclades (Cekufrombeyond) 7001611 : 7014776 7012492 7014311 7012585 7003021 7003065 # Forbidden Stars (Cekufrombeyond) 7001612 : # The Manhattan Project 2: Minutes to Midnight (Cekufrombeyond) 7001613 : 7014776 7012492 7014311 # New York 1901 (Cekufrombeyond) 7001614 : 7014776 7012492 7014311 7012585 7003021 7003065 7014237 7012497 # Photosynthesis (Cekufrombeyond) 7001616 : 7014776 7012492 7014311 7012585 7003021 7003065 # Barbarians: The Invasion (Cekufrombeyond) 7001619 : # Between Two Cities (Cekufrombeyond) 7001621 : 7014776 7012492 7014311 7012585 7003021 7003065 7014237 7012497 # Feelinks (Cekufrombeyond) 7001636 : 7014776 7012492 7014311 7012585 7003021 7003065 7014237 7012497 # Montana (Cekufrombeyond) 7001646 : 7014776 7012492 7014311 7012585 7003021 7003065 #pragma user "Checco" # Confirmation code: MNAZOqmdynYWTpudv2UUfg # Wed Jul 3 17:12:58 2019 # (Checco) %Kanag : 7012485 7014735 # Lupus in Tabula (Checco) 7013084 : 7012485 7014735 7012486 7003012 7006400 7004976 7009559 # Cave Troll (Checco) 7013085 : 7012485 7014735 7012486 7003012 7006400 7004976 7009559 # Dungeon Bazar (Checco) 7013088 : 7012485 7014735 7012486 7003012 7006400 7004976 7009559 # Room 25 (Checco) 7013089 : 7012485 7014735 7012486 7003012 7006400 7004976 7009559 # BANG! The Dice Game (Checco) 7013090 : 7012485 7014735 7012486 7003012 7006400 7004976 7009559 # Hermagor (Checco) 7013095 : 7012485 7014735 7012486 7003012 7006400 7004976 7009559 #pragma user "colaglc" # Confirmation code: f5PgnlEwvF0cCFZJG8JO1w # Tue Jul 2 14:29:22 2019 # (colaglc) %BraLan : 7004971 7012504 # Alt Name: 25,00 euro (colaglc) 7006333 : %BraLan 7014757 7010343 # Alt Name: 25,00 euro (colaglc) 7010822 : %BraLan 7014757 7010343 # Alt Name: 25,00 euro (colaglc) 7014805 : %BraLan 7014757 7010343 #pragma user "danidefox" # Confirmation code: mjWbALSb5Rr54s7B2FkozA # Thu Jul 4 08:20:29 2019 # (danidefox) %35EUR : 7012585 7004971 # (danidefox) %TtRE : 7000936 7000983 # Skyliners (danidefox) 7015046 : %35EUR 7006382 7014797 7015139 7003010 7009037 7014237 7003142 7006614 %TtRE 7009559 # Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases (danidefox) 7015065 : %35EUR 7006382 7014797 # Back to the Future: An Adventure Through Time (danidefox) 7015070 : %35EUR 7006382 7014797 7015139 7003010 7014237 # River Dragons (danidefox) 7015072 : %35EUR 7006382 7014797 # Libertalia (danidefox) 7015076 : %35EUR 7006382 7014797 7015139 7003010 7009037 7014237 7003142 7006614 # Khronos (danidefox) 7015081 : %35EUR 7006382 7014797 7015139 7003010 7009037 7014237 7003142 7006614 # Kanban: Driver's Edition (danidefox) 7015086 : %35EUR 7006382 7014797 7015139 # Raise Your Goblets (danidefox) 7015093 : %35EUR 7006382 7014797 7015139 7003010 7009037 7014237 7003142 7006614 %TtRE 7009559 # Forum Trajanum (danidefox) 7015094 : %35EUR # Colt Express (danidefox) 7015095 : %35EUR 7006382 7014797 # Aztlán (danidefox) 7015098 : %35EUR 7006382 7014797 7015139 7003010 7009037 7014237 7003142 7006614 %TtRE # Meeple Circus (danidefox) 7015124 : %35EUR 7006382 7014797 7015139 7003010 7009037 7014237 7003142 7006614 %TtRE # Watson & Holmes (danidefox) 7015134 : %35EUR 7006382 7014797 # Alt Name: 10 euro paypal (danidefox) 7015327 : %35EUR 7006382 7014797 7015139 7003010 7009037 # Alt Name: 15 euro paypal (danidefox) 7015330 : %35EUR 7006382 7014797 7015139 7003010 7009037 # Alt Name: 20 euro paypal (danidefox) 7015332 : %35EUR # Alt Name: 40 euro paypal (danidefox) 7015337 : %35EUR # Alt Name: 35 euro paypal (danidefox) 7015340 : %35EUR # Alt Name: 30 euro paypal (danidefox) 7015345 : %35EUR # Alt Name: 60 euro paypal (danidefox) 7015348 : # Alt Name: 50 euro paypal (danidefox) 7015350 : # Alt Name: 45 euro paypal (danidefox) 7015351 : # Alt Name: 25 euro paypal (danidefox) 7015355 : %35EUR # Alt Name: 45 euro paypal (danidefox) 7015363 : #pragma user "Darklaw90" # Confirmation code: MzgsOslTCGdUlCSs6zvClA # Tue Jul 2 17:13:27 2019 # Eminent Domain (Darklaw90) 7003531 : 7012426 7010912 7010901 7015348 7012581 7015370 7000231 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015350 7015351 7015363 7003083 7004976 # Relic Runners (Darklaw90) 7003585 : 7012426 7010912 7010901 7015348 7012581 7015370 7000231 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015350 7015351 7015363 7003083 7004976 7012492 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 # Norsaga (Darklaw90) 7003592 : 7012426 7010912 7010901 7015348 7012581 7015370 7000231 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015350 7015351 7015363 7003083 7004976 7012492 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 # Clippers (Darklaw90) 7003616 : 7012426 7010912 7010901 7015348 7012581 7015370 7000231 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015350 7015351 7015363 7003083 7004976 7012492 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7000288 7000365 7000366 7001600 7001601 7002612 7003601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005255 7005467 7006333 7006346 7006525 7008595 7008596 7008879 7008882 7010334 7010336 7010822 7010917 7010937 %7010963 7011116 7011117 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012770 7012775 7014805 7015332 7015355 # Room 25: Season 2 (Darklaw90) 7003634 : 7012426 7010912 7010901 7015348 # Note: The following 3 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (Darklaw90) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (Darklaw90) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (Darklaw90) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "darkritual88" # Confirmation code: OodVTboeRzgcdLilCvECbw # Tue Jul 2 04:54:59 2019 # (darkritual88) %GaiPro : 7003006 7006039 # Goa (darkritual88) 7002504 : 7004976 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7010968 7009579 7003020 7015094 7003010 7014308 7003111 7014237 7012581 7004625 7012497 7012485 7012475 # Yeti (darkritual88) 7002505 : 7004976 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7012588 7012773 %7010961 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7010968 7009579 7003020 7015094 7003010 7014308 7003111 7014237 7012581 7004625 7012497 7012485 7005954 7009547 7012475 %GaiPro 7012462 7009032 7014776 7010914 7012461 7010343 7009043 # Carcassonne: South Seas (darkritual88) 7002506 : 7004976 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7012588 7012773 %7010961 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7010968 7009579 7003020 7015094 7003010 7014308 7003111 7014237 7012581 7004625 7012497 7012485 7005954 7009547 7012475 %GaiPro 7012462 7009032 7014776 7010914 7012461 7009043 # Port Royal (darkritual88) 7002507 : 7004976 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7012588 7012773 %7010961 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7010968 7009579 7003020 7015094 7003010 7014308 7003111 7014237 7012581 7004625 7012497 7012485 7005954 7009547 7012475 %GaiPro 7012462 7009032 7014776 7010914 # El Gaucho (darkritual88) 7002508 : 7004976 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7012588 7012773 7010968 7009579 7003020 7015094 7003010 7014308 7003111 7014237 7012581 7004625 7012497 7012485 7005954 7009547 # Coal Baron (darkritual88) 7002509 : 7004976 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7010968 7009579 7003020 7015094 # Loony Quest (darkritual88) 7002510 : 7004976 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7012588 7012773 %7010961 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7010968 7009579 7003020 7015094 7003010 7014308 7003111 7014237 7012581 7004625 7012497 7012485 7005954 7009547 7012475 %GaiPro 7012462 7009032 7014776 7010914 7012461 7010343 7009043 # U.S. Telegraph (darkritual88) 7002513 : 7004976 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7012588 7012773 %7010961 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7010968 7009579 7003020 7015094 7003010 7014308 7003111 7014237 7012581 7004625 7012497 7012485 7005954 7009547 %GaiPro 7012462 7009032 7012461 7010343 # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (darkritual88) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (darkritual88) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 #pragma user "Dello77" # Confirmation code: EoQhYZgVNYI48H86kR81tQ # Thu Jul 4 13:43:14 2019 # Oh My Goods! (Dello77) 7003049 : 7002602 7012503 7003012 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015350 7015351 7015363 7006269 7014378 7015094 7013109 7015113 7014237 7006382 7004960 7003083 7000366 7000367 7001601 7001602 7003602 7004695 7004696 7005252 7005253 7005467 7006036 7006333 7006399 7006523 7006525 7008596 7008882 7008883 7010336 7010337 7010585 7010822 7010917 %7010961 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012588 7012769 7012773 7012775 7012999 7014805 7015345 7015355 7014507 7012485 6999940 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012590 7012770 7015332 7015380 7000364 7001599 7002611 7003599 7005249 7005468 7006037 7006527 7008895 7010032 7010333 7010934 7010935 7010936 7011118 7011119 7011122 7012772 7014533 7015330 7015388 7011126 7012771 # Ghost for Sale (Dello77) 7003058 : 7002602 7012503 7003012 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015350 7015351 7015363 7006269 7014378 7015094 7013109 7015113 7014237 7006382 7004960 7003083 7000366 7000367 7001601 7001602 7003602 7004695 7004696 7005252 7005253 7005467 7006036 7006333 7006399 7006523 7006525 7008596 7008882 7008883 7010336 7010337 7010585 7010822 7010917 %7010961 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012588 7012769 7012773 7012775 7012999 7014805 7015345 7015355 7014507 7012485 6999940 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012590 7012770 7015332 7015380 7000364 7001599 7002611 7003599 7005249 7005468 7006037 7006527 7008895 7010032 7010333 7010934 7010935 7010936 7011118 7011119 7011122 7012772 7014533 7015330 7015388 7011126 7012771 # Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar (Dello77) 7003062 : 7002602 7012503 7003012 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015350 7015351 7015363 7006269 # Dice Settlers (Dello77) 7003065 : 7002602 7012503 7003012 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015350 7015351 7015363 7006269 7014378 7015094 7013109 7015113 7014237 7006382 7004960 7003083 # Oceanos (Dello77) 7003084 : 7002602 7012503 7003012 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015350 7015351 7015363 7006269 7014378 7015094 7013109 7015113 7014237 7006382 7004960 7003083 7000366 7000367 7001601 7001602 7003602 7004695 7004696 7005252 7005253 7005467 7006036 7006333 7006399 7006523 7006525 7008596 7008882 7008883 7010336 7010337 7010585 7010822 7010917 %7010961 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012588 7012769 7012773 7012775 7012999 7014805 7015345 7015355 7014507 # Heroes (Dello77) 7003092 : 7002602 7012503 7003012 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015350 7015351 7015363 7006269 7014378 7015094 7013109 7015113 7014237 7006382 7004960 7003083 7000366 7000367 7001601 7001602 7003602 7004695 7004696 7005252 7005253 7005467 7006036 7006333 7006399 7006523 7006525 7008596 7008882 7008883 7010336 7010337 7010585 7010822 7010917 %7010961 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012588 7012769 7012773 7012775 7012999 7014805 7015345 7015355 7014507 7012485 6999940 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012590 7012770 7015332 7015380 # Santorini (Dello77) 7003111 : 7002602 7012503 7003012 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015350 7015351 7015363 7006269 7014378 7015094 7013109 7015113 # Haru Ichiban (Dello77) 7003121 : 7002602 7012503 7003012 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015350 7015351 7015363 7006269 7014378 7015094 7013109 7015113 7014237 7006382 7004960 7003083 7000366 7000367 7001601 7001602 7003602 7004695 7004696 7005252 7005253 7005467 7006036 7006333 7006399 7006523 7006525 7008596 7008882 7008883 7010336 7010337 7010585 7010822 7010917 %7010961 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012588 7012769 7012773 7012775 7012999 7014805 7015345 7015355 7014507 7012485 6999940 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012590 7012770 7015332 7015380 7000364 7001599 7002611 7003599 7005249 7005468 7006037 7006527 7008895 7010032 7010333 7010934 7010935 7010936 7011118 7011119 7011122 7012772 7014533 7015330 7015388 # Rune Age (Dello77) 7008323 : 7002602 7012503 7003012 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015350 7015351 7015363 7006269 7014378 7015094 7013109 7015113 7014237 7006382 7004960 7003083 7000366 7000367 7001601 7001602 7003602 7004695 7004696 7005252 7005253 7005467 7006036 7006333 7006399 7006523 7006525 7008596 7008882 7008883 7010336 7010337 7010585 7010822 7010917 %7010961 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012588 7012769 7012773 7012775 7012999 7014805 7015345 7015355 7014507 7012485 # Note: The following 4 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (Dello77) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (Dello77) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (Dello77) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (Dello77) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "dolph3n" # Confirmation code: neq/GrV0HfLqBOvkYqYlqQ # Thu Jul 4 15:48:53 2019 # Die Legenden von Andor: Chada & Thorn (dolph3n) 7002419 : 7014776 7003017 7003006 7006039 7010968 7009579 7009037 7015134 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (dolph3n) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 #pragma user "dorakeen" # Confirmation code: WDybZJgnoE/uxYew35r7ig # Thu Jul 4 04:24:05 2019 # Alt Name: paypal 40 euro (dorakeen) 7006522 : # Alt Name: paypal 30 euro (dorakeen) 7006523 : # Alt Name: paypal 25 euro (dorakeen) 7006525 : # Alt Name: paypal 20 euro (dorakeen) 7006526 : # Alt Name: paypal 15 euro (dorakeen) 7006527 : 7008535 # Verräter (dorakeen) 7006528 : 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7006035 7006036 7006399 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7008535 7006342 7003142 7000288 7000365 7000366 7001600 7001601 7002612 7003601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006333 7006346 7008595 7008596 7008879 7008882 7010334 7010336 7010822 7010917 7010937 %7010959 %7010963 7011116 7011117 7011121 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012590 7012769 7012770 7012775 7014805 7015332 7015355 7004954 7002657 # Thor (dorakeen) 7006530 : 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7006035 7006036 7006399 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7008535 7006342 7003142 7000288 7000365 7000366 7001600 7001601 7002612 7003601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006333 7006346 7008595 7008596 7008879 7008882 7010334 7010336 7010822 7010917 7010937 %7010959 %7010963 7011116 7011117 7011121 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012590 7012769 7012770 7012775 7014805 7015332 7015355 7004954 7002657 # Euphrates & Tigris: Contest of Kings (dorakeen) 7006531 : 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7006035 7006036 7006399 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7008535 7006342 7003142 7000288 7000365 7000366 7001600 7001601 7002612 7003601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006333 7006346 7008595 7008596 7008879 7008882 7010334 7010336 7010822 7010917 7010937 %7010959 %7010963 7011116 7011117 7011121 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012590 7012769 7012770 7012775 7014805 7015332 7015355 7004954 7002657 # The Bird Told Me To Do It (dorakeen) 7006533 : 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7006035 7006036 7006399 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7008535 7006342 7003142 7000288 7000365 7000366 7001600 7001601 7002612 7003601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006333 7006346 7008595 7008596 7008879 7008882 7010334 7010336 7010822 7010917 7010937 %7010959 %7010963 7011116 7011117 7011121 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012590 7012769 7012770 7012775 7014805 7015332 7015355 7004954 7002657 # Magic: The Gathering – Arena of the Planeswalkers (dorakeen) 7006534 : 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 # Saboteur (dorakeen) 7006541 : 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7006035 7006036 7006399 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7008535 7006342 7003142 7000288 7000365 7000366 7001600 7001601 7002612 7003601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006333 7006346 7008595 7008596 7008879 7008882 7010334 7010336 7010822 7010917 7010937 %7010959 %7010963 7011116 7011117 7011121 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012590 7012769 7012770 7012775 7014805 7015332 7015355 7004954 7002657 # O mistério do Marquês de Pombal (dorakeen) 7006543 : 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7006035 7006036 7006399 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7008535 7006342 7003142 7000288 7000365 7000366 7001600 7001601 7002612 7003601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006333 7006346 7008595 7008596 7008879 7008882 7010334 7010336 7010822 7010917 7010937 %7010959 %7010963 7011116 7011117 7011121 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012590 7012769 7012770 7012775 7014805 7015332 7015355 7004954 7002657 # Astro Drive (dorakeen) 7006547 : 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7006035 7006036 7006399 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7008535 7006342 7003142 7000288 7000365 7000366 7001600 7001601 7002612 7003601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006333 7006346 7008595 7008596 7008879 7008882 7010334 7010336 7010822 7010917 7010937 %7010959 %7010963 7011116 7011117 7011121 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012590 7012769 7012770 7012775 7014805 7015332 7015355 7004954 7002657 # 011 (dorakeen) 7006548 : 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7006035 7006036 7006399 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 # Note: The following 4 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (dorakeen) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (dorakeen) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (dorakeen) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (dorakeen) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "dragodelbiondo" # Confirmation code: JtDYBG0KT5XTQmaVWt2JNg # Mon Jul 1 16:13:19 2019 # Pantheon (dragodelbiondo) 7000980 : 7002602 7006268 7004625 7006348 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7012392 7009032 7000225 7014237 7002507 7007234 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7000944 7009538 7012494 7008950 # Clans (dragodelbiondo) 7000981 : 7002602 7006268 7004625 7006348 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7012392 7009032 7000225 7014237 7002507 7007234 # Ticket to Ride: Europe (dragodelbiondo) 7000983 : 7002602 7006268 7004625 7006348 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (dragodelbiondo) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (dragodelbiondo) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 #pragma user "elflum" # Confirmation code: lJnyj/RHLKwH8J631W8PBQ # Tue Jul 2 16:05:49 2019 # Broken Peace (fan expansion for T.I.M.E Stories) (elflum) 7003079 : 7014277 7001605 7001606 7012774 7003010 7012585 7012475 7010968 7012960 7012486 7006266 7006390 7015124 7015094 7009032 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7001610 7006400 7013110 7008950 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7012588 7012773 7012462 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 # Thurn and Taxis: All Roads Lead to Rome (elflum) 7003082 : 7014277 7001605 7001606 7012774 7003010 7012585 7012475 7010968 7012960 7012486 7006266 7006390 7015124 7015094 7009032 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7001610 7006400 7013110 7008950 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7012588 7012773 7012462 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7012590 7012770 # The King's Guild (elflum) 7003083 : 7014277 7001605 7001606 7012774 # Multiuniversum (elflum) 7003115 : 7014277 7001605 7001606 7012774 7003010 7012585 7012475 7010968 7012960 7012486 7006266 7006390 7015124 7015094 7009032 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7001610 7006400 7013110 7008950 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7012588 7012773 # The Doge Ship (elflum) 7003130 : 7014277 7001605 7001606 7012774 7003010 7012585 7012475 7010968 7012960 7012486 7006266 7006390 7015124 7015094 7009032 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7001610 7006400 7013110 7008950 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7012588 7012773 # NMBR 9 (elflum) 7003142 : 7014277 7001605 7001606 7012774 7003010 7012585 7012475 7010968 7012960 7012486 7006266 7006390 7015124 7015094 7009032 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7001610 7006400 7013110 7008950 # Kodama: The Tree Spirits (elflum) 7003158 : 7014277 7001605 7001606 7012774 7003010 7012585 7012475 7010968 7012960 7012486 7006266 7006390 7015124 7015094 7009032 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7001610 7006400 7013110 7008950 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7012588 7012773 7012462 # Mansions of Madness: ‘Til Death Do Us Part (elflum) 7003162 : 7014277 7001605 7001606 7012774 7003010 7012585 7012475 7010968 7012960 7012486 7006266 7006390 7015124 7015094 7009032 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7001610 7006400 7013110 7008950 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7012588 7012773 7012462 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7012590 7012770 7000364 7001599 7002611 7003599 7005249 7005468 7006037 7006527 7008895 7012772 # Tiny Epic Kingdoms (elflum) 7003181 : 7014277 7001605 7001606 7012774 7003010 7012585 7012475 7010968 7012960 7012486 7006266 7006390 7015124 7015094 7009032 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7001610 7006400 7013110 7008950 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7012588 7012773 7012462 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 # Im Wandel der Zeiten: Das Kartenspiel (elflum) 7003200 : 7014277 7001605 7001606 7012774 7003010 7012585 7012475 7010968 7012960 7012486 7006266 7006390 7015124 7015094 7009032 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7001610 7006400 7013110 7008950 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7012588 7012773 # Leo (elflum) 7003221 : 7014277 7001605 7001606 7012774 7003010 7012585 7012475 7010968 7012960 7012486 7006266 7006390 7015124 7015094 7009032 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7001610 7006400 7013110 7008950 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7012588 7012773 7012462 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 # Spyfall (elflum) 7003264 : 7014277 7001605 7001606 7012774 7003010 7012585 7012475 7010968 7012960 7012486 7006266 7006390 7015124 7015094 7009032 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7001610 7006400 7013110 7008950 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7012588 7012773 7012462 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 # Terra Nova (elflum) 7003268 : 7014277 7001605 7001606 7012774 7003010 7012585 7012475 7010968 7012960 7012486 7006266 7006390 7015124 7015094 7009032 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7001610 7006400 7013110 7008950 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7012588 7012773 7012462 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7012590 7012770 #pragma user "enoigi" # Confirmation code: 9e3Jld-il5cadPOgifIiwg # Thu Jul 4 03:18:23 2019 # Android: Netrunner – Creation and Control (enoigi) 7002501 : 7001607 7003006 7010914 7014757 7000936 7000225 7001060 7014661 7010922 7012497 7015348 7004652 7012424 7009599 7003062 7006039 7003111 7015370 7012503 7014389 7014735 7014306 7007215 7013058 7015331 7014776 7000927 7012413 7014308 7000983 7004490 7005954 7014769 7012580 7014310 7006342 7015095 7012410 7012405 7004955 7014508 7014407 7003531 7014312 7014344 7014417 7014798 7015094 7003065 7001606 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012461 7004960 7015377 7014494 7014387 7012453 7003082 7014305 7015388 # BattleCON: War of Indines (enoigi) 7002503 : 7001607 7003006 7010914 7014757 7000936 7000225 7001060 7014661 7010922 7012497 7015348 7004652 7012424 7009599 7003062 7006039 7003111 7015370 7012503 7014389 7014735 7014306 7007215 # Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn (enoigi) 7002521 : 7001607 7003006 7010914 7014757 7000936 7000225 7001060 7014661 7010922 7012497 7015348 7004652 7012424 #pragma user "Fede__" # Confirmation code: lleU8hnm1waMoI7aLDg/3w # Mon Jul 1 16:51:45 2019 # Alt Name: 31 euro (Fede__) 7012999 : 7009037 #pragma user "Frankytail" # Confirmation code: yEosNkBarNwNKBjBhEKgCg # Wed Jul 3 18:15:21 2019 # (Frankytail) %7WD : 7009552 7012463 # (Frankytail) %BTC : 7001621 7011108 # (Frankytail) %BraLan : 7006059 7012504 # (Frankytail) %Bruges : 7002771 7003014 # (Frankytail) %Co4 : 7006267 7014816 # (Frankytail) %ColExp : 7001060 7006342 # (Frankytail) %Deus : 7006359 7012582 # (Frankytail) %GaiPro : 7003006 7006039 # (Frankytail) %TtRE : 7000936 7000983 # Small World (Frankytail) 7012413 : 7003010 %Bruges 7003027 7014287 7004976 7004648 7014769 7012497 7006390 7001614 7010888 %Deus 7000758 7002507 %TtRE 7003015 7014735 7014661 7012461 7014311 # Machi Koro (Frankytail) 7012429 : %Bruges 7004625 7014170 7009035 %Co4 7012426 7004490 7004648 7003111 7012392 %ColExp 7001614 %7WD 7012580 %TtRE 7012503 7012581 7000229 7012589 7014661 7014399 7012649 7001616 7015377 7008535 # Room 25 (Frankytail) 7012560 : %Bruges 7003027 7004625 7014170 %Co4 7014287 7004490 7004648 %BTC 7012497 7006390 7001614 7012457 7010888 7000758 7002507 %TtRE 7012503 7012581 7012589 7014735 7014661 7014399 # A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Second Edition) (Frankytail) 7014978 : %GaiPro 7003023 %BraLan 7012475 7009579 7010922 7003004 7012585 7009517 7014215 7009509 7012986 7011852 #pragma user "Fukubei" # Confirmation code: UUuqUdIehxLdCuB8Z150uA # Thu Jul 4 06:15:00 2019 # (Fukubei) %BraLan : 7004971 7012504 # (Fukubei) %GaiPro : 7003006 7006039 # Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game: Sudden Death (Fukubei) 7002648 : %GaiPro %BraLan 7015350 7003017 7014776 7003015 7012426 7006383 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001602 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006522 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 %7010961 %7010962 7012588 7012773 7012774 7012999 7014534 7015337 7015345 7015351 7015363 7003004 7012775 # Hexemonia (Fukubei) 7002651 : %GaiPro %BraLan 7015350 7003017 7014776 7003015 7012426 7006383 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001602 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006522 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 %7010961 %7010962 7012588 7012773 7012774 7012999 7014534 7015337 7015345 7015351 7015363 7003004 7012775 # Noria (Fukubei) 7002653 : %GaiPro %BraLan 7015350 7003017 7014776 7003015 7012426 7006383 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001602 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006522 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 %7010961 %7010962 7012588 7012773 7012774 7012999 7014534 7015337 7015345 7015351 7015363 7003004 7012775 # City of Remnants (Fukubei) 7002654 : %GaiPro %BraLan 7015350 7003017 7014776 7003015 7012426 7006383 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001602 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006522 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 %7010961 %7010962 7012588 7012773 7012774 7012999 7014534 7015337 7015345 7015351 7015363 7003004 7012775 # Rush & Bash (Fukubei) 7002657 : %GaiPro %BraLan 7015350 7003017 7014776 7003015 7012426 7006383 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001602 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006522 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 %7010961 %7010962 7012588 7012773 7012774 7012999 7014534 7015337 7015345 7015351 7015363 7003004 7012775 # My First Stone Age (Fukubei) 7002754 : %GaiPro %BraLan 7015350 7003017 7014776 7003015 7012426 7006383 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001602 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006522 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 %7010961 %7010962 7012588 7012773 7012774 7012999 7014534 7015337 7015345 7015351 7015363 # Bruges (Fukubei) 7002771 : %GaiPro %BraLan 7015350 7003017 # Blackout: Hong Kong (Fukubei) 7015139 : %GaiPro %BraLan 7015350 # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (Fukubei) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (Fukubei) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 #pragma user "gaveston2008" # Confirmation code: nCSfhgSpl6WdQ/5EQ3-8Lw # Tue Jul 2 04:21:55 2019 # The Starfarers of Catan (gaveston2008) 7010901 : 7012492 7010968 7012504 7010343 7001606 7015348 7015350 7012543 7004976 7012585 7003006 7006039 # Junta (gaveston2008) 7010903 : 7012492 7010968 7012504 7010343 7001606 7015348 7015350 7012543 7004976 7012585 7003006 7006039 7003010 7000927 7003015 7003025 7003004 7014237 7012503 7014281 7006382 7012426 7012642 6999940 7012497 7015139 7003020 7006383 7000369 7001604 7001605 7006522 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015351 7015363 7012461 7014387 # The Princes of Florence (gaveston2008) 7013044 : 7012492 7010968 7012504 7010343 7001606 7015348 7015350 7012543 7004976 7012585 7003006 7006039 7003010 7000927 7003015 7003025 7003004 7014237 7012503 7014281 7006382 7012426 7012642 6999940 7012497 7015139 7003020 7006383 7000369 7001604 7001605 7006522 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015351 7015363 7012461 7014387 7009474 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7015340 # Stone Age (gaveston2008) 7013058 : 7012492 7010968 7012504 7010343 7001606 7015348 7015350 7012543 7004976 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (gaveston2008) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 #pragma user "GioCo78" # Confirmation code: Yf3sqMSckvgMR88QoGrVxQ # Tue Jul 2 16:06:16 2019 # 011 (GioCo78) 7014669 : 7012475 7009509 7003010 7001607 7012492 7010968 7004971 7012504 7009037 7001612 7012426 7014277 7006053 6999940 7015139 7009517 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012543 7014797 7004652 7012424 7004976 7001616 7012581 7012503 7009032 7014534 7015340 7002771 7003014 7002504 7003111 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7010338 7012448 7012585 7006271 7003006 7006039 7003004 7009474 7014389 7006383 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006523 # Fight for Olympus (GioCo78) 7014724 : 7012475 7009509 7003010 7001607 7012492 7010968 7004971 7012504 7009037 7001612 7012426 7014277 7006053 6999940 7015139 7009517 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012543 7014797 7004652 7012424 7004976 7001616 7012581 7012503 7009032 7014534 7015340 7002771 7003014 7002504 7003111 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7010338 7012448 7012585 7006271 7003006 7006039 7003004 7009474 7014389 7006383 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006523 7009599 7009552 7014310 7006354 7012497 7012493 7012494 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7009547 7014808 7000366 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7014805 7015355 # Kanagawa (GioCo78) 7014735 : 7012475 7009509 7003010 7001607 7012492 7010968 7004971 7012504 7009037 7001612 7012426 7014277 7006053 6999940 7015139 7009517 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012543 7014797 7004652 7012424 7004976 7001616 7012581 7012503 7009032 7014534 7015340 7002771 7003014 7002504 7003111 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7010338 7012448 7012585 7006271 7003006 7006039 7003004 7009474 7014389 7006383 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006523 7009599 7009552 7014310 7006354 7012497 7012493 7012494 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7009547 # Space Alert (GioCo78) 7014757 : 7012475 7009509 7003010 7001607 7012492 7010968 7004971 7012504 7009037 7001612 7012426 7014277 7006053 6999940 7015139 7009517 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012543 7014797 7004652 7012424 7004976 7001616 7012581 7012503 7009032 7014534 7015340 7002771 7003014 7002504 7003111 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7010338 7012448 # Lorenzo il Magnifico (GioCo78) 7014769 : 7012475 7009509 7003010 7001607 7012492 7010968 7004971 7012504 7009037 7001612 7012426 7014277 7006053 6999940 7015139 7009517 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012543 7014797 7004652 7012424 7004976 7001616 7012503 7009032 7014534 7015340 # Food Chain Magnate (GioCo78) 7014776 : 7012475 7009509 # Zombie 15' (GioCo78) 7014786 : 7012475 7009509 7003010 7001607 7012492 7010968 7004971 7012504 7009037 7001612 7012426 7014277 7006053 6999940 7015139 7009517 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012543 7014797 7004652 7012424 7004976 7012581 # Note: The following 3 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (GioCo78) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (GioCo78) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (GioCo78) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "hammerheart82" # Confirmation code: AdeunblcCRgdEojSWiGNgw # Tue Jul 2 02:11:59 2019 # Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King (hammerheart82) 7004490 : 7013044 7003012 7003020 7014312 7004966 7003065 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7014494 7001619 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (hammerheart82) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 #pragma user "hexyer" # Confirmation code: O6GX92/otgpBzlgofoxxCQ # Tue Jul 2 03:26:07 2019 # Pack & Stack (hexyer) 7010846 : 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 # Subtext (hexyer) 7010848 : 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7014534 7015337 7015340 # Galloping Pigs (hexyer) 7010850 : 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7014534 7015337 7015340 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012590 7012770 7015332 7000364 7001599 7002611 7003599 7005249 7005468 7006037 7006527 7008895 7010032 7010333 7010934 7010935 7010936 7011118 7011119 7011122 7012772 7014533 7015330 # Terraforming Mars: Venus Next (hexyer) 7010851 : 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7014534 7015337 7015340 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012590 7012770 7015332 # Terraforming Mars: Colonies (hexyer) 7010853 : 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7014534 7015337 7015340 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012590 7012770 7015332 # Blanc-Manger Coco (hexyer) 7010855 : 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7014534 7015337 7015340 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012590 7012770 7015332 # LAMA (hexyer) 7010859 : 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7014534 7015337 7015340 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 # ARGH (hexyer) 7010862 : 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7014534 7015337 7015340 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012590 7012770 7015332 # Selfie Safari (hexyer) 7010863 : 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7014534 7015337 7015340 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012590 7012770 7015332 # Wildlife Safari (hexyer) 7010865 : 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7014534 7015337 7015340 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012590 7012770 7015332 7000364 7001599 7002611 7003599 7005249 7005468 7006037 7006527 7008895 7010032 7010333 7010934 7010935 7010936 7011118 7011119 7011122 7012772 7014533 7015330 # KeyForge: Age of Ascension – Archon Deck (hexyer) 7010868 : 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7014534 7015337 7015340 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012590 7012770 7015332 # KeyForge: Age of Ascension – Archon Deck (hexyer) 7010869 : 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7014534 7015337 7015340 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012590 7012770 7015332 # Whales Destroying The World (hexyer) 7010870 : 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7014534 7015337 7015340 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 # Werewords (hexyer) 7010871 : 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7014534 7015337 7015340 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012590 7012770 7015332 # Fuji (hexyer) 7015113 : 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7014534 7015337 7015340 # Note: The following 4 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (hexyer) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (hexyer) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (hexyer) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (hexyer) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "HungryGhost" # Confirmation code: mVQF6zvi0Hoi2XOcfUb5Yg # Wed Jul 3 09:38:52 2019 # Nefertiti (HungryGhost) 7004399 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7012475 7014776 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7004652 7012492 7004971 7012504 7010343 7014277 7003017 7003634 7003006 7006039 7010912 7012560 7011852 7012426 # The Ares Project (HungryGhost) 7004400 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7012475 7014776 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7004652 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012590 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 7012631 7002503 7011122 7012772 7012492 7004971 7012504 7010343 7014277 7003017 7003634 7003006 7006039 7010912 7012560 7011852 7012426 7003004 7012642 7014393 7002507 7004904 7008042 7002504 7013044 # Alt Name: Twilight imperium 3rd edition KIT italianizzazione (HungryGhost) 7004401 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7012475 7014776 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7004652 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012590 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 7012631 7002503 7011122 7012772 7000364 7001599 7002611 7003599 7005249 7005468 7006037 7006527 7008895 7010032 7010333 7010934 7010935 7010936 7011118 7011119 7014533 7015330 7005257 7012492 7004971 7012504 7010343 7014277 7003017 7003634 7003006 7006039 7010912 7012560 7011852 7012426 7003004 7012642 7014393 7002507 7004904 7008042 7002504 7013044 # Genoa (HungryGhost) 7004402 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7012475 7014776 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7012492 7004971 7012504 7010343 7014277 7003017 7003634 # Quarriors! (HungryGhost) 7004403 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7012475 7014776 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7012492 7004971 7012504 7010343 7014277 # Drakon (fourth edition) (HungryGhost) 7004404 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7012475 7014776 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7012492 7004971 7012504 7010343 7014277 7003017 7003634 7003006 7006039 7010912 7012560 7011852 7012426 # Fury of Dracula (Second Edition) (HungryGhost) 7004405 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7012475 7014776 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7012492 7004971 7012504 7010343 7014277 7003017 7003634 7003006 7006039 7010912 7012560 # KeyForge: Call of the Archons – Archon Deck (HungryGhost) 7004406 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7012475 7014776 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7004652 7012492 7004971 7012504 7010343 7014277 7003017 7003634 7003006 7006039 7010912 7012560 7011852 7012426 7003004 7012642 7014393 7002507 7004904 # Blood Rage: Mystics of Midgard (HungryGhost) 7008517 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7012475 7014776 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7004652 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012590 7012492 7004971 7012504 7010343 7014277 7003017 7003634 7003006 7006039 7010912 7012560 7011852 7012426 7003004 7012642 7014393 7002507 7004904 # Power Grid: Benelux/Central Europe (HungryGhost) 7008535 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7012475 7014776 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7004652 7012492 7004971 7012504 7010343 7014277 7003017 7003634 7003006 7006039 7010912 7012560 7011852 7012426 # Note: The following 4 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (HungryGhost) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (HungryGhost) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (HungryGhost) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (HungryGhost) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "ilBOTTA" # Confirmation code: pQqW6edCLIx9SDEa7bXc3A # Tue Jul 2 10:59:31 2019 # (ilBOTTA) %Bruges : 7002771 7003014 # Between Two Cities (ilBOTTA) 7011108 : 7014776 7000805 7012492 %Bruges 7014277 7014661 7003020 7015094 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001602 7001603 7001604 7004696 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012775 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 # ZÈRTZ (ilBOTTA) 7011113 : 7014776 7000805 7012492 %Bruges 7014277 7014661 7003020 7015094 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001602 7001603 7001604 7004696 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012775 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (ilBOTTA) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 #pragma user "insania" # Confirmation code: EKz5UCM6vj0HXZF2bxQKCg # Thu Jul 4 14:19:04 2019 # GodZ (insania) 7010907 : 7014776 7003006 7006039 7012504 7003004 7012543 7001607 7015086 7006382 7014277 7014661 7003021 7015139 7001606 7015348 7009517 7000369 7001604 7001605 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015350 7015351 7015363 7014978 7014389 7015094 7001603 7006523 7008883 7010338 7014534 7015340 7014494 7014308 7011852 7003023 7012503 7014281 7006383 7000758 7001611 7006459 7014757 7014237 7001612 7014808 7004405 7015345 7015355 7012461 7004648 7004404 # Small World: Tales and Legends (insania) 7010908 : 7014776 7003006 7006039 7012504 7003004 7012543 7001607 7015086 7006382 7014277 7014661 7003021 7015139 7001606 7015348 7009517 7000369 7001604 7001605 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015350 7015351 7015363 7014978 7014389 7015094 7001603 7006523 7008883 7010338 7014534 7015340 7014494 7014308 7011852 7003023 7012503 7014281 7006383 7000758 7001611 7006459 7014757 7014237 7001612 7014808 7004405 7015345 7015355 7012461 7004648 7004404 # BANG! (insania) 7010909 : 7014776 7003006 7006039 7012504 7003004 7012543 7001607 7015086 7006382 7014277 7014661 7003021 7015139 7001606 7015348 7009517 7000369 7001604 7001605 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015350 7015351 7015363 7014978 7014389 7015094 7001603 7006523 7008883 7010338 7014534 7015340 7014494 7014308 7011852 7003023 7012503 7014281 7006383 7000758 # Aztlán (insania) 7010910 : 7014776 7003006 7006039 7012504 7003004 7012543 7001607 7015086 7006382 7014277 7014661 7003021 7015139 7001606 7015348 7009517 7000369 7001604 7001605 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015350 7015351 7015363 7014978 7014389 7015094 7001603 7006523 7008883 7010338 7014534 7015340 7014494 7014308 7011852 7003023 7012503 7014281 7006383 7000758 # Arkham Horror (insania) 7010911 : # StarCraft: The Board Game (insania) 7010912 : # Rune Age (insania) 7010913 : 7014776 7003006 7006039 7012504 7003004 7012543 7001607 7015086 7006382 7014277 7014661 7003021 7015139 7001606 7015348 7009517 7000369 7001604 7001605 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015350 7015351 7015363 7014978 7014389 7015094 7001603 7006523 7008883 7010338 7014534 7015340 7014494 7014308 7011852 7003023 7012503 7014281 # Mage Knight Board Game (insania) 7010914 : 7014776 7003006 7006039 7012504 7003004 7012543 7001607 7001606 7015348 # Warstones (insania) 7010915 : 7014776 7003006 7006039 7012504 7003004 7012543 7001607 7015086 7006382 7014277 7014661 7003021 7015139 7001606 7015348 7009517 7000369 7001604 7001605 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015350 7015351 7015363 7014978 7014389 7015094 7001603 7006523 7008883 7010338 7014534 7015340 7014494 # Lords of Xidit (insania) 7010916 : 7014776 7003006 7006039 7012504 7003004 7012543 7001607 7015086 7006382 7014277 7014661 7003021 7015139 7001606 7015348 7009517 7000369 7001604 7001605 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015350 7015351 7015363 7014978 7014389 7015094 7001603 7006523 7008883 7010338 7014534 7015340 7014494 7014308 7011852 7003023 7012503 7014281 7006383 7000758 # Alt Name: 25 euro (insania) 7010917 : 7014776 7003006 7006039 7012504 7003004 7012543 7015086 7006382 7014277 7014661 7003021 7015139 # Council of 4 (insania) 7010919 : 7014776 7003006 7006039 7012504 7003004 7012543 7001607 7015086 7006382 7014277 7014661 7003021 7015139 7001606 7015348 7009517 7000369 7001604 7001605 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015350 7015351 7015363 7014978 7014389 7015094 7001603 7006523 7008883 7010338 7014534 7015340 7014494 7014308 7011852 7003023 7012503 7014281 7006383 7000758 # Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game (insania) 7010922 : 7014776 7003006 7006039 7012504 7003004 7012543 7001607 7015086 7006382 7014277 7014661 7003021 7015139 7001606 7015348 7009517 7000369 7001604 7001605 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015350 7015351 7015363 7014978 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (insania) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 #pragma user "JBert08" # Confirmation code: -x35lUQzsLisGc14Ecdshg # Thu Jul 4 04:40:20 2019 # Clans of Caledonia (JBert08) 7003004 : # Gaia Project (JBert08) 7003006 : # Amun-Re (JBert08) 7003009 : 7015348 # Le Havre (JBert08) 7003010 : 7015348 # First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express! (JBert08) 7003012 : 7015348 # Bruges (JBert08) 7003014 : 7015348 # Ora et Labora (JBert08) 7003015 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 # Power Grid (JBert08) 7003017 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 # Outlive (JBert08) 7003020 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 # Nippon (JBert08) 7003021 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 # Yokohama (JBert08) 7003023 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 # Imperial Settlers (JBert08) 7003025 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 # Above and Below (JBert08) 7003027 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 # Pandemic: On the Brink (JBert08) 7003028 : 7015348 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (JBert08) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 #pragma user "jedgoshi73" # Confirmation code: d5f-r84tXfq635SzIweRcQ # Tue Jul 2 11:24:38 2019 # Gingerbread House (jedgoshi73) 7012394 : 7004966 7015094 7012486 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7011122 7012590 7012770 7012772 7015332 7002506 7014395 7015113 7004954 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7014805 7015355 # Amun-Re (jedgoshi73) 7012395 : 7004966 7015094 7012960 7000225 7000367 7001602 7005252 7006035 7006036 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012775 7012999 7015345 7014534 # Singapore (jedgoshi73) 7012396 : 7004966 7015094 7012486 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7011122 7012590 7012770 7012772 7015332 7002506 7014395 7015113 7004954 # A Castle for All Seasons (jedgoshi73) 7012397 : 7004966 7015094 7012960 7000225 7000367 7001602 7005252 7006035 7006036 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012775 7012999 7015345 7002606 # Samhain (jedgoshi73) 7012398 : 7004966 7015094 7012486 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7011122 7012590 7012770 7012772 7015332 7002506 7014395 7015113 7004954 7001599 7011126 7014533 # Ming Dynasty (jedgoshi73) 7012399 : 7004966 7015094 7012486 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7011122 7012590 7012770 7012772 7015332 7002506 7014395 7015113 7004954 7001599 7011126 7014533 # Mad City (jedgoshi73) 7012400 : 7004966 7015094 7012486 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7011122 7012590 7012770 7012772 7015332 7002506 7014395 7015113 7004954 7001599 7011126 7014533 # Note: The following 3 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (jedgoshi73) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (jedgoshi73) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (jedgoshi73) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "kikki" # Confirmation code: 6BRd0MIHkZz/1lw6P9UhuA # Tue Jul 2 08:37:01 2019 # Pandemic: Fall of Rome (kikki) 7004625 : 7012426 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006399 7006523 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7015345 # Copycat (kikki) 7004633 : 7012426 7005954 7009563 7008517 7010916 7000930 7004954 7000230 7008950 7009043 7009035 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (kikki) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 #pragma user "koby" # Confirmation code: vsBmuxNQNu0/exhhHnWUjQ # Thu Jul 4 15:31:19 2019 # Planet Steam (koby) 7006377 : 7014776 7006039 7003004 7012492 7012457 7000936 # Cosmic Encounter (koby) 7006380 : 7014776 7006039 7003004 7012492 7012457 7000936 # Pulsar 2849 (koby) 7006382 : 7014776 7006039 7003004 7012492 # AuZtralia (koby) 7006383 : 7014776 7006039 7003004 # Quadropolis (koby) 7006390 : 7014776 7006039 7003004 7012492 7012457 7000936 # Alt Name: 30 euro (koby) 7006399 : 7014776 7006039 7003004 # Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure (koby) 7010968 : 7014776 7006039 7003004 #pragma user "LorenZo_m" # Confirmation code: 7qXVFKe9tXk2p3SvjMfKuA # Thu Jul 4 16:53:00 2019 # Elysium (LorenZo_m) 7012536 : 7012585 7012475 7003015 7000225 7009599 7013058 7015331 7003062 7002602 7003006 7006039 7012492 7002771 7003014 7009552 7012413 7004971 7012504 7015065 7009579 7000936 7000983 7005954 7014237 7012503 7014389 7006382 7006066 7006786 7006053 7006348 7001610 7004652 # Krosmaster: Arena (LorenZo_m) 7012578 : 7012585 7012475 7003015 7000225 #pragma user "lux1000" # Confirmation code: P/S6KUDDaZITWOrgkk5d0g # Tue Jul 2 06:21:57 2019 # Captain Sonar (lux1000) 7014378 : 7003010 7010968 7003015 7004490 7001616 7006382 7004625 7012485 7009517 7009032 7014494 #pragma user "Mailok" # Confirmation code: ZXvoN6wUQ4n1BiJzBBucjw # Thu Jul 4 16:52:35 2019 # Alt Name: 15 euros paypal (Mailok) 7005249 : 7010968 6999940 7003634 # Alt Name: 10 euros paypal (Mailok) 7005250 : 7010968 6999940 7003634 7009538 # Alt Name: 35 euros paypal (Mailok) 7005251 : # Alt Name: 30 euros paypal (Mailok) 7005252 : # Alt Name: 25 euros paypal (Mailok) 7005253 : 7010968 6999940 # Alt Name: 20 euros paypal (Mailok) 7005255 : 7010968 6999940 # Dungeon Raiders (Mailok) 7005257 : 7010968 6999940 7003634 7009538 7000366 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001601 7001602 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7003602 7004695 7004696 7005465 7005467 7006035 7006036 7006333 7006399 7006522 7006523 7006525 7008596 7008882 7008883 7010336 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 7010822 7010917 %7010961 %7010962 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012588 7012769 7012773 7012774 7012775 7012999 7014534 7014805 7015337 7015340 7015345 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015355 7015363 7000212 7012392 7009563 7012560 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7006346 7006526 7008595 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012770 7015332 7006041 7000222 7003092 7002651 7006358 # Terrible Monster (Mailok) 7005258 : 7010968 6999940 7003634 7009538 7000366 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001601 7001602 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7003602 7004695 7004696 7005465 7005467 7006035 7006036 7006333 7006399 7006522 7006523 7006525 7008596 7008882 7008883 7010336 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 7010822 7010917 %7010961 %7010962 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012588 7012769 7012773 7012774 7012775 7012999 7014534 7014805 7015337 7015340 7015345 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015355 7015363 7000212 7012392 7009563 7012560 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7006346 7006526 7008595 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012770 7015332 7006041 7000222 7003092 7002651 7006358 # Black Souls (Mailok) 7005259 : 7010968 6999940 7003634 7000366 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001601 7001602 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7003602 7004695 7004696 7005465 7005467 7006035 7006036 7006333 7006399 7006522 7006523 7006525 7008596 7008882 7008883 7010336 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 7010822 7010917 %7010961 %7010962 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012588 7012769 7012773 7012774 7012775 7012999 7014534 7014805 7015337 7015340 7015345 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015355 7015363 7000212 # SSO (Mailok) 7005260 : 7010968 6999940 7003634 7009538 7000366 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001601 7001602 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7003602 7004695 7004696 7005465 7005467 7006035 7006036 7006333 7006399 7006522 7006523 7006525 7008596 7008882 7008883 7010336 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 7010822 7010917 %7010961 %7010962 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012588 7012769 7012773 7012774 7012775 7012999 7014534 7014805 7015337 7015340 7015345 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015355 7015363 7000212 7012392 7009563 7012560 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7006346 7006526 7008595 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012770 7015332 7006041 7000222 7003092 7002651 7006358 # Note: The following 4 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (Mailok) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (Mailok) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (Mailok) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (Mailok) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "Marmario" # Confirmation code: xDh8iHD-DgjFiSQ7j7IHBQ # Thu Jul 4 13:53:16 2019 # Alt Name: 20,00 euro (Marmario) 7006346 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000936 # Pandemic: The Cure (Marmario) 7006347 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 %7010962 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7001606 7015350 7015348 # King of New York (Marmario) 7006348 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000936 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 %7010962 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7001606 7015350 7015348 # Jewels (Marmario) 7006349 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000936 7013058 7012475 7001607 7006271 7002602 7003017 7003015 7012543 7015354 7014237 7011852 7014769 7012408 7014389 7014661 7012450 7004625 7012497 7000758 7015070 7014343 7003006 7006039 7006327 7003028 7006382 7006268 7009509 7006053 7004405 7015094 7001614 7009560 7008042 7010914 7012457 7012463 7002504 7012960 7009037 7000983 7001616 7014311 7015086 7012462 7003023 7014281 7012405 7006786 7012416 7001608 7014215 7003021 6999940 7011108 7003020 7012485 7014735 7009032 7012631 7008535 7010888 7012397 7014412 7004399 7010890 7014262 7001619 7010892 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 %7010962 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7001606 7015350 7015348 # Airlines (Marmario) 7006350 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 %7010962 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7001606 7015350 7015348 # Mansions of Madness: The Silver Tablet (Marmario) 7006352 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000936 # Cottage Garden (Marmario) 7006354 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000936 # Time 'n' Space (Marmario) 7006355 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000936 # YoYo (Marmario) 7006356 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000936 7013058 7012475 7001607 7006271 7002602 7003017 7003015 7012543 7015354 7014237 7011852 7014769 7012408 7014389 7014661 7012450 7004625 7012497 7000758 7015070 7014343 7003006 7006039 7006327 7003028 7006382 7006268 7009509 7006053 7004405 7015094 7001614 7009560 7008042 7010914 7012457 7012463 7002504 7012960 7009037 7000983 7001616 7014311 7015086 7012462 7003023 7014281 7012405 7006786 7012416 7001608 7014215 7003021 6999940 7011108 7003020 7012485 7014735 7009032 7012631 7008535 7010888 7012397 7014412 7004399 7010890 7014262 7001619 7010892 7015331 7004490 7014378 7009474 7015095 7012392 7012460 7015134 7012493 7010853 7010851 7012494 7012560 7009031 7012239 7013109 7013085 7015113 7003634 7012396 7010915 7012575 # Ready to Rock! (Marmario) 7006357 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000936 7013058 7012475 7001607 7006271 7002602 7003017 7003015 7012543 7015354 7014237 7011852 7014769 7012408 7014389 7014661 7012450 7004625 7012497 7000758 7015070 7014343 7003006 7006039 7006327 7003028 7006382 7006268 7009509 7006053 7004405 7015094 7001614 7009560 7008042 7010914 7012457 7012463 7002504 7012960 7009037 7000983 7001616 7014311 7015086 7012462 7003023 7014281 7012405 7006786 7012416 7001608 7014215 7003021 6999940 7011108 7003020 7012485 7014735 7009032 7012631 7008535 7010888 7012397 7014412 7004399 7010890 7014262 7001619 7010892 7015331 7004490 7014378 7009474 7015095 7012392 7012460 7015134 7012493 7010853 7010851 7012494 7012560 7009031 7012239 7013109 7013085 7015113 7003634 7012396 7010915 7012575 # EverZone: Strategic Battles in the Universe (Marmario) 7006358 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000936 # Deus (Marmario) 7006359 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000936 # Mag·Blast (Third Edition) (Marmario) 7006360 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000936 7013058 7012475 7001607 7006271 7002602 7003017 7003015 7012543 7015354 7014237 7011852 7014769 7012408 7014389 7014661 7012450 7004625 7012497 7000758 7015070 7014343 7003006 7006039 7006327 7003028 7006382 7006268 7009509 7006053 7004405 7015094 7001614 7009560 7008042 7010914 7012457 7012463 7002504 7012960 7009037 7000983 7001616 7014311 7015086 7012462 7003023 7014281 7012405 7006786 7012416 7001608 7014215 7003021 6999940 7011108 7003020 7012485 7014735 7009032 7012631 7008535 7010888 7012397 7014412 7004399 7010890 7014262 7001619 7010892 7015331 7004490 7014378 7009474 7015095 7012392 7012460 7015134 7012493 7010853 7010851 7012494 7012560 7009031 7012239 7013109 7013085 7015113 7003634 7012396 7010915 7012575 # 1655: Habemus Papam (Marmario) 7006361 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000936 7013058 7012475 7001607 7006271 7002602 7003017 7003015 7012543 7015354 7014237 7011852 7014769 7012408 7014389 7014661 7012450 7004625 7012497 7000758 7015070 7014343 7003006 7006039 7006327 7003028 7006382 7006268 7009509 7006053 7004405 7015094 7001614 7009560 7008042 7010914 7012457 7012463 7002504 7012960 7009037 7000983 7001616 7014311 7015086 7012462 7003023 7014281 7012405 7006786 7012416 7001608 7014215 7003021 6999940 7011108 7003020 7012485 7014735 7009032 7012631 7008535 7010888 7012397 7014412 7004399 7010890 7014262 7001619 7010892 7015331 7004490 7014378 7009474 7015095 7012392 7012460 7015134 7012493 7010853 7010851 7012494 7012560 7009031 7012239 7013109 7013085 7015113 7003634 7012396 7010915 7012575 # Desperados (Marmario) 7006362 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000936 # Strozzi (Marmario) 7006363 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000936 # Union Pacific (Marmario) 7006364 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 # Geeks: The Convention (Marmario) 7006365 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000936 7013058 7012475 7001607 7006271 7002602 7003017 7003015 7012543 7015354 7014237 7011852 7014769 7012408 7014389 7014661 7012450 7004625 7012497 7000758 7015070 7014343 7003006 7006039 7006327 7003028 7006382 7006268 7009509 7006053 7004405 7015094 7001614 7009560 7008042 7010914 7012457 7012463 7002504 7012960 7009037 7000983 7001616 7014311 7015086 7012462 7003023 7014281 7012405 7006786 7012416 7001608 7014215 7003021 6999940 7011108 7003020 7012485 7014735 7009032 7012631 7008535 7010888 7012397 7014412 7004399 7010890 7014262 7001619 7010892 7015331 7004490 7014378 7009474 7015095 7012392 7012460 7015134 7012493 7010853 7010851 7012494 7012560 7009031 7012239 7013109 7013085 7015113 7003634 7012396 7010915 7012575 # Chez Geek 3: Block Party (Marmario) 7006366 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000936 7013058 7012475 7001607 7006271 7002602 7003017 7003015 7012543 7015354 7014237 7011852 7014769 7012408 7014389 7014661 7012450 7004625 7012497 7000758 7015070 7014343 7003006 7006039 7006327 7003028 7006382 7006268 7009509 7006053 7004405 7015094 7001614 7009560 7008042 7010914 7012457 7012463 7002504 7012960 7009037 7000983 7001616 7014311 7015086 7012462 7003023 7014281 7012405 7006786 7012416 7001608 7014215 7003021 6999940 7011108 7003020 7012485 7014735 7009032 7012631 7008535 7010888 7012397 7014412 7004399 7010890 7014262 7001619 7010892 7015331 7004490 7014378 7009474 7015095 7012392 7012460 7015134 7012493 7010853 7010851 7012494 7012560 7009031 7012239 7013109 7013085 7015113 7003634 7012396 7010915 7012575 # Alcatraz: The Scapegoat (Marmario) 7008217 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000936 7013058 7012475 7001607 7006271 7002602 7003017 7003015 7012543 7015354 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 %7010962 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7001606 7015350 7015348 # Nefertiti (Marmario) 7009590 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000936 7013058 7012475 7001607 7006271 7002602 7003017 7003015 7012543 7015354 7014237 7011852 7014769 7012408 7014389 7014661 7012450 7004625 7012497 7000758 7015070 7014343 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 %7010962 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7001606 7015350 7015348 # Stone Age (Marmario) 7009599 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 %7010962 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7001606 7015350 7015348 # Clans (Marmario) 7010854 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000936 7013058 7012475 7001607 7006271 7002602 7003017 7003015 7012543 7015354 7014237 7011852 7014769 7012408 7014389 7014661 7012450 7004625 7012497 7000758 7015070 7014343 7003006 7006039 7006327 7003028 7006382 7006268 7009509 7006053 7004405 7015094 7001614 7009560 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 %7010962 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7001606 7015350 7015348 # Cyclades: Titans (Marmario) 7011178 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 %7010962 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7001606 7015350 7015348 # Imaginarium (Marmario) 7014797 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 # Solenia (Marmario) 7014798 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 # Magic Maze (Marmario) 7014808 : 7014776 7006459 7010343 7012492 7010968 7003004 7013044 7006066 7014277 7009517 7014494 7001611 7004971 7012504 7015124 7004652 7012426 7015139 7012387 7012585 7003009 7006383 7009579 7003583 7000936 # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (Marmario) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (Marmario) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 #pragma user "marty12" # Confirmation code: DpEX3NPzFzR6R-8K0GHcUw # Thu Jul 4 14:57:25 2019 # (marty12) %Bruges : 7002771 7003014 # Alt Name: Lotto di librogame della serie "Lupo Solitario" (marty12) 7012387 : 7001607 7009509 # Tales & Games: The Hare & the Tortoise (marty12) 7012390 : 7001607 7009509 7006053 7000927 7012457 7009579 7000936 7014237 7012503 7014281 7014277 7015139 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7014978 7001619 7014343 7014361 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012775 7012999 7015345 7015394 7012482 7008517 %Bruges 7012504 7003004 7006052 7006382 7006268 7004625 7012497 7006383 7015094 # Kingdomino (marty12) 7012392 : 7001607 7009509 7006053 7000927 7012457 7009579 7000936 7014237 7012503 7014281 7014277 7015139 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7014978 7001619 7014343 7014361 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012775 7012999 7015345 7015394 7012482 7008517 # Epic Card Game (marty12) 7012403 : 7001607 7009509 7006053 7000927 7012457 7009579 7000936 7014237 7012503 7014281 7014277 7015139 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7014978 7001619 7014343 7014361 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012775 7012999 7015345 7015394 7012482 7008517 %Bruges 7012504 7003004 7006052 7006382 7006268 7004625 7012497 7006383 7015094 # Pandemic: The Cure (marty12) 7012405 : 7001607 7009509 7006053 7000927 7012457 7009579 7000936 7014237 7012503 7014281 7014277 7015139 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7014978 7001619 7014343 7014361 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012775 7012999 7015345 7015394 7012482 7008517 # Dominion (marty12) 7012408 : 7001607 7009509 7006053 7000927 7012457 7009579 7000936 7014237 7012503 7014281 7014277 7015139 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7014978 7001619 7014343 7014361 # Alhambra (marty12) 7012410 : 7001607 7009509 7006053 7000927 7012457 7009579 7000936 7014237 7012503 7014281 7014277 7015139 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7014978 7001619 7014343 7014361 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012775 7012999 7015345 7015394 7012482 # Catan (marty12) 7012416 : 7001607 7009509 7006053 7000927 7012457 7009579 7000936 7014237 7012503 7014281 7014277 7015139 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7005251 7005465 7006035 7006522 7010338 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7014978 7001619 7014343 7014361 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012775 7012999 7015345 7015394 7012482 # Kingdom Builder: Big Box (marty12) 7012424 : 7001607 7009509 7006053 # Note: The following 3 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (marty12) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (marty12) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (marty12) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "matmo" # Confirmation code: OQRawI772NdJq7HYoN70Dw # Tue Jul 2 05:51:46 2019 # Aquädukt (matmo) 7014341 : 7012497 7012392 # Samsara (matmo) 7014343 : 7012497 # Domaine (matmo) 7014344 : # Getaway Driver (matmo) 7014347 : # Kami (matmo) 7014356 : 7012497 # Valda (matmo) 7014361 : # Spinderella (matmo) 7014365 : 7012497 #pragma user "Merlo Piccante" # Confirmation code: SeMFeDNPXGOBXmnLfQqZgg # Thu Jul 4 05:18:35 2019 # Twilight Struggle (Merlo Piccante) 7002602 : 7014776 7012543 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 # Sword of Rome (Merlo Piccante) 7002606 : # Alt Name: 10 euro paypal (Merlo Piccante) 7002609 : 7014776 7012543 7014311 7014389 7012426 7012448 # Alt Name: 15 euro paypal (Merlo Piccante) 7002611 : 7014776 7012543 7014311 7014389 7012426 # Alt Name: 20 euro paypal (Merlo Piccante) 7002612 : 7014776 7012543 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (Merlo Piccante) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 #pragma user "Migio" # Confirmation code: nzuug8cKHYmroGpZh-dLjg # Tue Jul 2 06:59:22 2019 # (Migio) %BraLan : 7004971 7012504 # (Migio) %Quadr : 7006266 7006390 # Peak Oil (Migio) 7003583 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 # Im Wandel der Zeiten: Das Kartenspiel (Migio) 7003587 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7012492 7000366 7001601 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012486 %Quadr 7014389 7006382 7012410 7006268 7012426 7014215 7012497 7009517 7009032 7003142 7015289 7004968 7003082 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 %BraLan # BANG! The Duel (Migio) 7003588 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7012492 7000366 7001601 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012486 %Quadr 7014389 7006382 7012410 7006268 7012426 7014215 7012497 7009517 7009032 7003142 7015289 7004968 7003082 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 %BraLan # Chez Geek (Migio) 7003590 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7012492 7000366 7001601 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012486 %Quadr 7014389 7006382 7012410 7006268 7012426 7014215 7012497 7009517 7009032 7003142 7015289 7004968 7003082 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 %BraLan # Like: The Social Game (Migio) 7003591 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7012492 7000366 7001601 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012486 %Quadr 7014389 7006382 7012410 7006268 7012426 7014215 7012497 7009517 7009032 7003142 7015289 7004968 7003082 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 7011122 7011118 7003121 7009043 7000364 7001599 7002611 7005249 7005468 7006037 7006527 7008895 7010032 7010333 7010934 7010935 7010936 7011119 7014533 7015330 %BraLan # Pot de Vin (Migio) 7003593 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7012492 7000366 7001601 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012486 %Quadr 7014389 7006382 7012410 7006268 7012426 7014215 7012497 7009517 7009032 7003142 7015289 7004968 7003082 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 7011122 7011118 7003121 7009043 7000364 7001599 7002611 7005249 7005468 7006037 7006527 7008895 7010032 7010333 7010934 7010935 7010936 7011119 7014533 7015330 %BraLan # Haleakala (Migio) 7003594 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7012492 7000366 7001601 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012486 %Quadr 7014389 7006382 7012410 7006268 7012426 7014215 7012497 7009517 7009032 7003142 7015289 7004968 7003082 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 %BraLan # Sultaniya (Migio) 7003596 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 # Alt Name: 10 euro paypal (Migio) 7003598 : 7012492 7012486 %Quadr 7014389 7006382 7012410 7006268 7012426 7014215 7012497 7009517 7009032 7003142 7015289 7004968 7003082 7003121 7009043 %BraLan # Alt Name: 15 euro paypal (Migio) 7003599 : 7012492 7012486 %Quadr 7014389 7006382 7012410 7006268 7012426 7014215 7012497 7009517 7009032 7003142 7015289 7004968 7003082 7003121 7009043 %BraLan # Alt Name: 20 euro paypal (Migio) 7003601 : 7012492 7012486 %Quadr 7014389 7006382 7012410 7006268 7012426 7014215 7012497 7009517 7009032 7003142 7015289 7004968 7003082 %BraLan # Alt Name: 25 euro paypal (Migio) 7003602 : 7012492 # Note: The following 4 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (Migio) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (Migio) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (Migio) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (Migio) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "miguelx74" # Confirmation code: 4t2chYQuWiUSoDJb7QhMvQ # Tue Jul 2 17:01:30 2019 # Alt Name: 15 euro (miguelx74) 7010333 : 7012461 7000758 7012429 # Alt Name: 20 euro paypal (miguelx74) 7010334 : 7012461 7000758 # Alt Name: 10 euro paypal (miguelx74) 7010335 : 7012461 7000758 7012429 # Alt Name: 25 euro paypal (miguelx74) 7010336 : # Alt Name: 30 euro paypal (miguelx74) 7010337 : # Alt Name: 35 euro paypal (miguelx74) 7010338 : # Alt Name: 40 euro paypal (miguelx74) 7010339 : # Belfort (miguelx74) 7010341 : 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7005251 7005465 7006035 %7010962 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 # The Princes of Florence (miguelx74) 7010343 : # Municipium (miguelx74) 7010348 : 7012461 7000758 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7005251 7005465 7006035 %7010962 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000367 7004696 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 %7010961 7012773 7012774 7012775 # Alt Name: NON DISPONIBILE (miguelx74) 7010394 : # Alt Name: NON DISPONIBILE (miguelx74) 7010395 : # Alt Name: NON DISPONIBILE (miguelx74) 7010410 : # Krieg und Frieden (miguelx74) 7010412 : 7012461 7000758 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7005251 7005465 7006035 %7010962 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000367 7004696 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 %7010961 7012773 7012774 7012775 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010917 %7010959 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012588 7012769 7014805 7015355 # Penguin (miguelx74) 7010436 : 7012461 7000758 7000368 7000369 7001603 7001604 7001605 7001606 7005251 7005465 7006035 %7010962 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012429 7000367 7004696 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 %7010961 7012773 7012774 7012775 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010917 %7010959 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012588 7012769 7014805 7015355 7000288 7000364 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010937 7011116 7011121 7011122 7012590 7012770 7012772 # Note: The following 4 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (miguelx74) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (miguelx74) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (miguelx74) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (miguelx74) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "Mr J" # Confirmation code: he34C89O-2RMPhn3yHtSaw # Thu Jul 4 16:25:09 2019 # (Mr J) %Money : 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7000366 7001601 7004519 7004695 7005253 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012590 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 # (Mr J) %Quadr : 7006266 7006390 # (Mr J) %StoAge : 7009599 7015331 # Daimyo (Mr J) 7011919 : %StoAge %Quadr 7015124 7015134 7009032 %Money # Tiny Epic Kingdoms (Mr J) 7012239 : # Vast: The Crystal Caverns (Mr J) 7014277 : # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (Mr J) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (Mr J) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "odlos" # Confirmation code: SFpCuHRm9x7FQ05FVG0Dag # Thu Jul 4 04:26:02 2019 # (odlos) %Deus : 7006359 7012582 # MIL (1049) (odlos) 7008039 : 7001607 7012424 7014312 7006271 7014237 7015094 7013058 7003027 7003023 7012581 7006382 7004625 7009517 %Deus 7003010 7003015 7014797 # Río de la Plata (odlos) 7008041 : 7001607 7012424 7014312 7006271 7014237 7015094 7013058 7003027 7003023 7012581 7006382 7004625 7009517 %Deus 7003010 7003015 7014797 # Power Grid (odlos) 7008042 : 7001607 7012424 7014312 7006271 # Hermagor (odlos) 7008043 : 7001607 7012424 7014312 7006271 # A Castle for All Seasons (odlos) 7008044 : 7001607 7012424 7014312 7006271 7014237 7015094 7013058 7003027 7003023 7012581 7006382 7009517 %Deus # Lancelot (odlos) 7008049 : 7001607 7012424 7014312 7006271 7014237 7015094 #pragma user "omnigod" # Confirmation code: grqjm9AJmzMQXxPA6FWhRA # Wed Jul 3 04:50:47 2019 # (omnigod) %BraLan : 7004971 7012504 # (omnigod) %GaiPro : 7003006 7006039 # Alt Name: 25 euro paypal (omnigod) 7012769 : 7001607 7009509 7012475 7014776 7012492 %GaiPro %BraLan 7006327 7001619 # Alt Name: 22 euro paypal (omnigod) 7012770 : 7001607 7009509 7012475 7014776 7012492 %GaiPro %BraLan 7006327 7001619 7002602 7010968 7003015 7003025 7014308 7001616 7003023 7012426 7014277 7010912 6999940 7012460 7012497 7003020 7004976 # Alt Name: 13 euro paypal (omnigod) 7012771 : 7001607 7009509 7012475 7014776 7012492 %GaiPro %BraLan 7006327 7001619 7002602 7010968 7003015 7003025 7014308 7001616 7003023 7012426 7014277 7010912 6999940 7012460 7012497 7003020 7004976 7014389 7006382 7002510 7014978 7000758 7006268 7001071 7012424 7013132 7010887 7014361 7001613 7010915 # Alt Name: 18 euro paypal (omnigod) 7012772 : 7001607 7009509 7012475 7014776 7012492 %GaiPro %BraLan 7006327 7001619 7002602 7010968 7003015 7003025 7014308 7001616 7003023 7012426 7014277 7010912 6999940 7012460 7012497 7003020 7004976 7014389 7006382 7002510 7014978 7000758 # Alt Name: 31 euro paypal (omnigod) 7012773 : 7001607 7009509 7012475 7014776 7012492 # Alt Name: 45 euro paypal (omnigod) 7012774 : 7001607 7009509 # Alt Name: 28 euro paypal (omnigod) 7012775 : 7001607 7009509 7012475 7014776 7012492 %GaiPro # Ogre (omnigod) 7012777 : 7001607 7009509 7012475 7014776 7012492 %GaiPro %BraLan 7006327 7001619 7002602 7010968 7003015 7003025 7014308 7001616 7003023 7012426 7014277 7010912 6999940 7012460 7012497 7003020 7004976 7014389 7006382 7002510 7014978 7000758 7006268 7001071 7001605 7001606 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012424 7013132 7010887 7014361 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001602 7001603 7001604 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006522 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 %7010961 %7010962 7012588 7012999 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015345 7015394 # High Tide (omnigod) 7012778 : 7001607 7009509 7012475 7014776 7012492 %GaiPro %BraLan 7006327 7001619 7002602 7010968 7003015 7003025 7014308 7001616 7003023 7012426 7014277 7010912 6999940 7012460 7012497 7003020 7004976 7014389 7006382 7002510 7014978 7000758 7006268 7001071 7001605 7001606 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012424 7013132 7010887 7014361 7000367 7000368 7000369 7001602 7001603 7001604 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006522 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 %7010961 %7010962 7012588 7012999 7014534 7015337 7015340 7015345 7015394 # Blood Bowl (Third Edition) (omnigod) 7015066 : 7001607 7009509 7001605 7001606 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (omnigod) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (omnigod) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 #pragma user "painchild" # Confirmation code: aPsv6MBwDLcdyn-2cZ15IQ # Mon Jul 1 17:16:28 2019 # The 7th Continent (painchild) 7000805 : 7001607 7010914 7009509 #pragma user "pakidjr11" # Confirmation code: Ym6EgQVY9n7mK8sJkT83cA # Wed Jul 3 08:19:14 2019 # (pakidjr11) %7WD : 7009552 7012463 # (pakidjr11) %GaiPro : 7003006 7006039 # Alt Name: 20 euro (pakidjr11) 7008879 : 7000225 7012543 7012475 7014776 %GaiPro 7012492 7004971 7012504 7014311 7009509 7010968 7010343 7000927 7014389 7009037 7014237 7012426 # Alt Name: 25 euro (pakidjr11) 7008882 : 7000225 7012543 7012475 7014776 %GaiPro 7012492 7004971 7012504 7014311 7009509 7010968 7010343 7000927 7014389 # Alt Name: 30 euro (pakidjr11) 7008883 : 7000225 7012543 7012475 7014776 %GaiPro 7012492 7004971 7012504 7014311 7009509 7010968 7010343 # Alt Name: 15 euro (pakidjr11) 7008895 : 7000225 7012543 7012475 7014776 %GaiPro 7012492 7004971 7012504 7014311 7009509 7010968 7010343 7000927 7014389 7009037 7014237 7012426 %7WD 7012462 7012485 7009517 7015134 7000758 7009043 7006059 7003111 7005954 7003062 7015086 # Alt Name: 15 euro (pakidjr11) 7014533 : 7000225 7012543 7012475 7014776 %GaiPro 7012492 7004971 7012504 7014311 7009509 7010968 7010343 7000927 7014389 7009037 7014237 7012426 %7WD 7012462 7012485 7009517 7015134 7000758 7009043 7006059 7003111 7005954 7003062 7015086 # Alt Name: 35 euro (pakidjr11) 7014534 : 7000225 7012543 7012475 7014776 %GaiPro 7012492 7004971 7012504 7014311 7009509 #pragma user "perty1976" # Confirmation code: sD0CdVC5nK/6Fg4iWKJuLA # Tue Jul 2 20:00:36 2019 # Rising Sun (perty1976) 7011852 : 7000927 7002771 7003014 7014311 7004962 7012497 7014797 7000758 #pragma user "piddu" # Confirmation code: izLX7bM3GFjiy9g8eOPnXQ # Tue Jul 2 06:29:57 2019 # Desperados of Dice Town (piddu) 7005948 : 7012460 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012426 7003142 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7009547 7009512 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7015394 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7011122 7012590 7012770 7015332 7000364 7001599 7002611 7003599 7005249 7005468 7006037 7006527 7008895 7010032 7010333 7011118 7011119 7012772 7014533 7015330 # Intrigue City (piddu) 7005949 : 7012460 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012426 7003142 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7009547 7009512 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7015394 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7011122 7012590 7012770 7015332 # Steel Driver (piddu) 7005950 : 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 # Village: Port (piddu) 7005951 : 7012460 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012426 7003142 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7015394 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 # Egizia (piddu) 7005952 : 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 # Hermagor (piddu) 7005953 : 7012460 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7015394 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 # K2 (piddu) 7005954 : 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 # Antike (piddu) 7005955 : 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7015394 # Alt Name: 15 euro (piddu) 7010934 : 7012460 7012426 7003142 7009547 7009512 # Alt Name: 15 euro (piddu) 7010935 : 7012460 7012426 7003142 7009547 7009512 # Alt Name: 15 euro (piddu) 7010936 : 7012460 7012426 7003142 7009547 7009512 # Alt Name: 20 euro (piddu) 7010937 : 7012460 7012426 7003142 7009547 7009512 # Note: The following 4 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (piddu) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (piddu) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (piddu) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (piddu) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "play4play" # Confirmation code: RLiTpWyEZznXnqCfyH0pFQ # Wed Jul 3 18:04:59 2019 # (play4play) %BraLan : 7004971 7012504 # (play4play) %EmiDom : 7003531 7012589 # Glory to Rome (play4play) 7013107 : 7014776 %BraLan 7015139 7015348 7001606 7015350 7000927 7009552 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %EmiDom # Colony (play4play) 7013109 : 7014776 %BraLan 7015139 7015348 7001606 7015350 # Gearworks (play4play) 7013110 : 7014776 %BraLan 7015139 7015348 7001606 7015350 7000927 7009552 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 # Spirits of the Forest (play4play) 7013120 : 7014776 %BraLan 7015139 7015348 7001606 7015350 7000927 7009552 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %EmiDom 7009032 # Helionox: Deluxe Edition (play4play) 7013132 : 7014776 %BraLan 7015139 7015348 #pragma user "Raist35" # Confirmation code: wfRDzqVfzfzcKYWqleVprg # Thu Jul 4 16:08:11 2019 # (Raist35) %7WD : 7009552 7012463 # (Raist35) %ACfAS : 7008044 7012397 # (Raist35) %BraLan : 7004971 7006059 7012504 # (Raist35) %Elysi : 7012536 7012958 # (Raist35) %GaiPro : 7003006 7006039 # (Raist35) %LasWil : 7014310 7012580 # (Raist35) %R25 : 7012560 7003634 # Virus (Raist35) 6999934 : 7006382 7003025 7003010 7010968 7009517 7012581 7001612 7009546 %LasWil 7014281 %R25 7002508 %GaiPro 7006459 7003015 7009509 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7010888 %BraLan 7001060 7003020 7002507 7004968 %7WD 7012960 7003585 7004652 7008039 7002419 7006614 # Star Saga (Raist35) 6999936 : 7006382 7003025 7003010 7010968 7009517 7012581 7001612 %R25 %GaiPro 7006459 7003015 7009509 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7010888 %BraLan 7001060 7003020 7002507 7004968 # Dead of Winter: The Long Night (Raist35) 6999940 : 7006382 7003025 7003010 7010968 7009517 7012581 7001612 %GaiPro 7006459 7003015 7009509 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7010888 # Magic: The Gathering (Raist35) 6999958 : 7006382 7003025 7003010 7010968 7009517 7012581 7001612 7009546 %LasWil 7014281 %R25 7002508 %GaiPro 7006459 7003015 7009509 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7010888 %BraLan 7001060 7003020 7002507 7004968 %7WD 7012960 7003585 7004652 7008039 7002419 7006614 %Elysi %ACfAS # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (Raist35) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 #pragma user "Ramsey54" # Confirmation code: 3GbQT2n3z4MR7xFAherxJw # Tue Jul 2 05:18:41 2019 # Near and Far (Ramsey54) 7009579 : 7001606 # Gauntlet of Fools (Ramsey54) 7009750 : 7009037 7014237 7012486 7013044 7006268 7015139 7012485 7012471 7014391 7003083 7012394 7002754 7009560 7009043 7000369 7001604 7001605 7010339 %7010962 # Playroom (Ramsey54) 7012212 : 7009037 7014237 7012486 7013044 7006268 7015139 7012485 7012471 7014391 7003083 7012394 7002754 7009560 7009043 7012503 7014412 # Yspahan (Ramsey54) 7012214 : 7009037 7014237 7012486 7013044 7006268 7015139 7012485 7012471 7014391 7003083 7012394 7002754 7009560 7009043 7012503 7014412 7014395 # Vast: The Crystal Caverns (Ramsey54) 7014661 : 7014277 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (Ramsey54) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 #pragma user "rimagia" # Confirmation code: axyXB2HT1GzbIGnI93EcJQ # Thu Jul 4 04:56:19 2019 # A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (rimagia) 7012574 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7012769 7014805 7015355 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 7009579 7014277 7002509 7003012 7015094 7006039 7001616 7014311 7015086 7006382 7006268 7006267 7014816 7006266 7006390 7014312 7014798 7009511 7010919 7003083 7012426 7001621 7001610 7014494 7014422 # Mood X (rimagia) 7012575 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7012769 7014805 7015355 7012770 7009579 7014277 7002509 7003012 7015094 7006039 7001616 7014311 7015086 7006382 7006268 7006267 7014816 7006266 7006390 7014312 7014798 7009511 7010919 7003083 7012426 7001621 7001610 7014494 7014422 # Tides of Time (rimagia) 7012577 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7012769 7014805 7015355 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 7009579 7014277 7002509 7003012 7015094 7006039 7001616 7014311 7015086 7006382 7006268 7006267 7014816 7006266 7006390 7014312 7014798 7009511 7010919 7003083 7012426 7001621 7001610 7014494 7014422 # Spirits of the Rice Paddy (rimagia) 7012579 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7009579 7014277 7002509 7003012 7015094 7006039 7001616 7014311 7015086 # Last Will (rimagia) 7012580 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7009579 7014277 7002509 7003012 7015094 7006039 7001616 7014311 7015086 7006382 7006268 7006267 7014816 # Alchemists (rimagia) 7012581 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7006039 # Deus (rimagia) 7012582 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 7009579 7014277 7002509 7003012 7015094 7006039 7001616 7014311 7015086 7006382 7006268 7006267 7014816 7006266 7006390 7014312 7014798 7009511 7010919 7003083 7012426 7001621 # Fallen Angel (rimagia) 7012583 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7009579 7014277 7002509 7015094 7006039 # Warage: Starter Set (rimagia) 7012584 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 7009579 7014277 7002509 7003012 7015094 7006039 7001616 7014311 7015086 7006382 7006268 7006267 7014816 7006266 7006390 7014312 7014798 7009511 7010919 7003083 # A Feast for Odin (rimagia) 7012585 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 # Alt Name: 26 Euro (rimagia) 7012586 : 7006039 # Alt Name: 26 Euro (rimagia) 7012587 : 7006039 # Alt Name: 31 Euro (rimagia) 7012588 : # Eminent Domain (rimagia) 7012589 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7009579 7014277 7015094 7006039 # Alt Name: 21 Euro (rimagia) 7012590 : 7015094 7006039 # Helios (rimagia) 7014262 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7009579 7014277 7002509 7003012 7015094 7006039 7001616 7014311 7015086 # Abyss (rimagia) 7014281 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7009579 7014277 7002509 7003012 7015094 7006039 7001616 7014311 7015086 7006382 7006268 # Bremerhaven (rimagia) 7014287 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7009579 7014277 7002509 7003012 7015094 7006039 7001616 7014311 7015086 # Elysium (rimagia) 7014508 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7009579 7014277 7002509 7003012 7015094 7006039 7001616 7014311 7015086 # Note: The following 4 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (rimagia) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (rimagia) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (rimagia) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (rimagia) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "s2488" # Confirmation code: DgcbaOPH0yHnqhtNfw8ZrA # Thu Jul 4 14:32:22 2019 # Colt Express (s2488) 7001060 : 7001605 7001606 6999940 7010968 7009517 7003004 7000230 7001607 7015065 7009043 7001616 7012503 7012426 7014277 7012214 7002507 7012560 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7004652 7012424 7001619 7003634 # Manila (s2488) 7001071 : 7001605 7001606 6999940 7015363 7010968 7009517 7003004 7000230 7001607 7015065 7009043 7001616 7012503 7012426 7014277 7012214 7002507 7012560 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7004652 7012424 7001619 7003634 # Purrrlock Holmes: Furriarty's Trail (s2488) 7008950 : 7001605 7001606 6999940 7015363 7010968 7009517 7003004 7000230 7001607 7015065 7009043 7001616 7012503 7012426 7014277 7012214 7002507 7012560 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7004652 7012424 7001619 7003634 7000369 7001604 7005465 7005467 7006399 7006522 7008596 7008882 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010339 7010585 7010822 7010917 %7010961 %7010962 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012588 7012769 7012770 7012773 7012775 7012999 7014534 7014805 7015332 7015337 7015340 7015345 7015355 7015394 # Note: The following 3 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (s2488) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (s2488) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (s2488) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "sciacca77" # Confirmation code: rtB1VywsrIw8XXlEgT2ypA # Thu Jul 4 16:00:34 2019 # (sciacca77) %GaiPro : 7003006 7006039 # (sciacca77) %Genoa : 7003240 7004402 # (sciacca77) %Herma : 7005953 7008043 7013095 # (sciacca77) %IWdZDK : 7003200 7003587 # (sciacca77) %LooIsl : 7001596 7004973 # (sciacca77) %Quadr : 7006266 7006390 # (sciacca77) %Roo25 : 7004904 7012560 7013089 # (sciacca77) %StoAge : 7009599 7015331 7004652 # (sciacca77) %TPoF : 7010343 7013044 # (sciacca77) %TtRE : 7000936 7000983 # Provincia Romana (sciacca77) 7006136 : 7014347 7014237 7015066 7014312 7012497 7013058 7003015 %TtRE 7012426 %StoAge 7009474 7012475 %GaiPro 7014507 7010968 7014396 7003021 7014378 7005954 7014308 7011852 7003084 7015388 7012583 7003585 7003592 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7000758 7004625 6999936 7012457 7012775 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7014805 7015355 7014343 7014361 7012450 7012460 7000229 %Quadr 7006268 7003065 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7011122 7012590 7012770 7012772 7015332 %TPoF # Charterstone (sciacca77) 7006327 : 7014347 7012497 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 # An den Ufern des Nils (sciacca77) 7006335 : 7014347 7014507 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 # Warriors & Traders (sciacca77) 7006341 : 7014347 7014237 7015066 7014312 7012497 7013058 7003015 %TtRE 7012426 %StoAge 7009474 7012475 %GaiPro 7014507 7010968 7014396 7003021 7014378 7005954 7014308 7011852 7015388 7012583 7001612 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7000758 7004625 6999936 7012457 7012775 7014343 7014361 7012460 %TPoF # Metal Adventures (sciacca77) 7006378 : 7014347 7014237 7015066 7014312 7012497 7013058 7003015 %TtRE 7012426 7012475 %GaiPro 7014507 7010968 7014396 7003021 7005954 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7000758 7004625 6999936 7012775 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7014805 7015355 # Alchemists: The King's Golem (sciacca77) 7006400 : 7014347 7014237 7015066 7014312 7012497 7013058 7003015 %TtRE 7012426 %StoAge 7009474 7012475 %GaiPro 7014507 7010968 7014396 7003021 7014378 7005954 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7000758 7004625 7012457 7012450 # Warhammer: Invasion (sciacca77) 7006417 : 7014347 7014237 7015066 7014312 7012497 7013058 7003015 %TtRE 7012426 %StoAge 7009474 7012475 %GaiPro 7014507 7010968 7014396 7003021 7014378 7005954 7014308 7011852 7003084 7015388 7012583 7001612 7003585 7003592 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7000758 7004625 6999936 7012457 7012775 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7014805 7015355 7014343 7014361 7000229 %TPoF # Cyclades (sciacca77) 7006459 : # Gearworld: The Borderlands (sciacca77) 7006614 : 7014347 7014237 7015066 7014312 7012497 7013058 %TtRE 7012426 7012475 %GaiPro 7014507 7010968 7014396 7003021 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7000758 6999936 # Patchistory (sciacca77) 7013341 : 7014347 7014237 7015066 7014312 7012497 7013058 7003015 %TtRE 7012426 7009474 7012475 %GaiPro 7014507 7010968 7014396 7003021 7014378 7003084 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7000758 7004625 6999936 7012457 # La Grande Corsa (sciacca77) 7013372 : 7014347 7014237 7015066 7014312 7012497 7013058 7003015 %TtRE 7012426 %StoAge 7009474 7012475 %GaiPro 7014507 7010968 7014396 7003021 7014378 7005954 7014308 7011852 7003084 7015388 7012583 7001612 7003585 7003592 7014412 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7000758 7004625 6999936 7012457 7012775 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7014805 7015355 7014343 7014361 7012450 7012460 7000229 %Quadr 7006268 7012581 7015370 7003065 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7011122 7012590 7012770 7012772 7015332 7003082 7014776 6999940 7006354 7012392 7006348 7003264 %Genoa 7014344 7002507 %Roo25 7000364 7002611 7005249 7005468 7006037 7006527 7008895 7010032 7010333 7010934 7010935 7010936 7011118 7011119 7011126 7014533 7015330 7012637 7013085 7014786 %Herma 7013120 %LooIsl 7007234 7004404 %IWdZDK 7004406 %TPoF 7010341 # Die Siedler von Catan: Historische Szenarien (sciacca77) 7014579 : 7014347 7014237 7015066 7014312 7012497 7013058 7003015 %TtRE 7012426 %StoAge 7009474 7012475 %GaiPro 7014507 7010968 7014396 7003021 7014378 7005954 7014308 7011852 7003084 7015388 7012583 7001612 7003585 7003592 7014412 7000369 7001604 7001605 7001606 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7012774 7015337 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7000758 7004625 6999936 7012457 7012775 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7014805 7015355 7014343 7014361 7012450 7012460 7000229 %Quadr 7006268 7012581 7015370 7003082 %TPoF # Note: The following 4 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (sciacca77) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (sciacca77) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (sciacca77) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (sciacca77) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "seccaccia" # Confirmation code: Rk8dGg72hKjyweVDY-w6Ug # Thu Jul 4 14:38:57 2019 # Desperados of Dice Town (seccaccia) 7013198 : 7012457 7009552 7000936 7014769 7009474 7012497 7009032 7005251 7005252 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006522 7006525 7006526 7005249 7005468 7003017 7014808 7003082 # Go For Broke (seccaccia) 7013200 : 7012457 7009552 7000936 7014769 7009474 7012497 7009032 7005251 7005252 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006522 7006525 7006526 7005249 7005468 7003017 7014808 7003082 7008592 # Master Labyrinth (seccaccia) 7013207 : 7012457 7009552 7000936 7014769 7009474 7012497 7009032 7005251 7005252 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006522 7006525 7006526 7005249 7005468 7003017 7014808 7003082 7008592 # Spyfall (seccaccia) 7013209 : 7012457 7009552 7000936 7014769 7009474 7012497 7009032 7005251 7005252 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006522 7006525 7006526 7005249 7005468 # Um Reifenbreite (seccaccia) 7013216 : 7012457 7009552 7000936 7014769 7009474 7012497 7009032 7005251 7005252 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006522 7006525 7006526 7005249 7005468 7003017 7003082 # Dragonland (seccaccia) 7013221 : 7012457 7009552 7000936 7014769 7009474 7012497 7009032 7005251 7005252 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006522 7006525 7006526 7005249 7005468 7003017 7014808 7003082 7008592 # Take it Easy! (seccaccia) 7013239 : 7012457 7009552 7000936 7014769 7009474 7012497 7009032 7005251 7005252 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006522 7006525 7006526 7005249 7005468 7003017 7014808 7003082 7008592 # Beat the Buzzard (seccaccia) 7013245 : 7012457 7009552 7000936 7014769 7009474 7012497 7009032 7005251 7005252 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006522 7006525 7006526 7005249 7005468 7003017 7014808 7003082 7008592 # Kraut & Rüben (seccaccia) 7015221 : 7012457 7009552 7000936 7014769 7009474 7012497 7009032 7005251 7005252 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006522 7006525 7006526 7005249 7005468 7003017 7014808 7003082 7008592 # Nile (seccaccia) 7015222 : 7012457 7009552 7000936 7014769 7009474 7012497 7009032 7005251 7005252 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006522 7006525 7006526 7005249 7005468 7003017 7014808 7003082 7008592 # Der Fliegende Holländer (seccaccia) 7015225 : # Merchants of Amsterdam (seccaccia) 7015234 : 7012457 7009552 7000936 7014769 7009474 7012497 7009032 7005251 7005252 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006522 7006525 7006526 # Codenames: Deep Undercover (seccaccia) 7015248 : 7012457 7009552 7000936 7014769 7009474 7012497 7009032 7005251 7005252 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006522 7006525 7006526 7005249 7005468 7014808 # Hands Up (seccaccia) 7015270 : 7012457 7009552 7000936 7014769 7009474 7012497 7009032 7005251 7005252 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006522 7006525 7006526 7005249 7005468 7003017 7014808 7003082 7008592 # Hoity Toity (seccaccia) 7015281 : 7012457 7009552 7000936 7014769 7009474 7012497 7009032 7005251 7005252 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006522 7006525 7006526 7005249 7005468 7003017 7014808 7003082 7008592 # Café International (seccaccia) 7015285 : 7012457 7009552 7000936 7014769 7009474 7012497 7009032 7005251 7005252 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006522 7006525 7006526 7005249 7005468 7003017 7014808 7003082 7008592 # Villa Paletti (seccaccia) 7015289 : 7012457 7009552 7000936 7014769 7009474 7012497 7009032 7005251 7005252 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006522 7006525 7006526 7005249 7005468 # Zooloretto (seccaccia) 7015316 : 7012457 7009552 7000936 7014769 7009474 7012497 7009032 7005251 7005252 7005253 7005255 7005465 7005467 7006522 7006525 7006526 7005249 7005468 7003017 7014808 #pragma user "sgu3" # Confirmation code: o2s7FueiCAZNq71doEl8vw # Tue Jul 2 19:01:28 2019 # Stone Age (sgu3) 7015331 : 7012492 7002771 7003014 7012413 7004956 7004971 7012504 7012503 7009509 7006348 7012497 7006267 7001614 7003065 7010887 7014314 # Cadwallon: City of Thieves (sgu3) 7015354 : 7012492 7002771 7003014 7012413 7004956 7004971 7012504 7012503 7009509 7006348 7012497 7006267 7001614 7003065 7010887 7014314 # Sheriff of Nottingham (sgu3) 7015370 : 7012492 7002771 7003014 7012413 7004956 7004971 7012504 7012503 7009509 7006348 7012497 7006267 7001614 7003065 7010887 7014314 7004490 7015124 7003084 # Meeple War (sgu3) 7015377 : 7012492 7002771 7003014 7012413 7004956 7004971 7012504 7012503 7009509 7006348 7012497 7006267 7001614 7003065 7010887 7014314 7004490 7015124 7003084 7005951 # Sector 6 (sgu3) 7015380 : 7012492 7002771 7003014 7012413 7004956 7004971 7012504 7012503 7009509 7006348 7012497 7006267 7001614 7003065 7010887 7014314 7004490 7015124 7003084 7005951 # The Bridges of Shangri-La (sgu3) 7015383 : 7012492 7002771 7003014 7012413 7004956 7004971 7012504 7012503 7009509 7006348 7012497 7006267 7001614 7003065 7010887 7014314 7004490 7015124 # Chang Cheng (sgu3) 7015388 : 7012492 7002771 7003014 7012413 7004956 7004971 7012504 7012503 7009509 7006348 7012497 7006267 7001614 7003065 7010887 7014314 7004490 7015124 #pragma user "shjivak" # Confirmation code: TvOzKC507ZHhMxrCUG1atg # Thu Jul 4 15:35:46 2019 # Overseers (shjivak) 7014305 : 7003004 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012543 7006267 7014494 7012503 7005952 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 # Horse Fever (shjivak) 7014306 : 7003004 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012543 7006267 7014494 7012503 7005952 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 # Fortuna (shjivak) 7014307 : 7003004 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012543 7006267 7014494 7012503 7005952 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 # Ginkgopolis (shjivak) 7014308 : 7003004 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012543 # Last Will (shjivak) 7014310 : 7003004 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012543 7006267 7014494 # Leaving Earth (shjivak) 7014311 : 7003004 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012543 # Vindication (shjivak) 7014312 : # Tomorrow (shjivak) 7014313 : 7003004 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012543 7006267 7014494 # Smiths of Winterforge (shjivak) 7014314 : 7003004 7001605 7001606 7012774 7015348 7015350 7015351 7015363 7012543 7006267 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (shjivak) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 #pragma user "sietchlord" # Confirmation code: EPXMzEo4o3444K5VaEMbgw # Wed Jul 3 10:14:54 2019 # (sietchlord) %Co4 : # (sietchlord) %GaiPro : 7003006 7006039 # Canterbury (sietchlord) 7004648 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7014534 7003010 7014776 7015086 7010922 # Stone Age: Anniversary (sietchlord) 7004652 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7014534 7003010 7014776 7015086 # Planet Steam (sietchlord) 7004671 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7014534 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7012770 7003010 7014776 7015086 7010922 7012585 %GaiPro 7003015 7014277 7012579 7000758 7002508 7014262 7001619 7004976 # Note: The following 4 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (sietchlord) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (sietchlord) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (sietchlord) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (sietchlord) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "solone" # Confirmation code: -opdfj+v3IsWrfIZO+vqdg # Thu Jul 4 00:54:21 2019 # Power Struggle (solone) 7004941 : 7015348 7014312 7003027 7001606 7015350 7012585 7003006 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7015129 7003004 7010343 7015139 7015094 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 7012475 7014776 7012492 7010968 7003023 7012503 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7003083 7012543 7003010 7003111 7011852 7012581 7001612 7006382 7012426 7003021 7012497 7003020 7004652 7003015 7015065 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7014237 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012590 7012770 7015332 7012392 7000364 7001599 7002611 7003599 7005249 7005468 7006037 7006527 7008895 7010032 7010333 7010934 7010935 7010936 7011118 7011119 7011122 7012772 7014533 7015330 # Giants (solone) 7004944 : 7015348 7014312 7003027 7001606 7015350 7012585 7003006 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7015129 7003004 7010343 7015139 7015094 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 7012475 7014776 7012492 7010968 7003023 7012503 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7003083 7012543 7003010 7003111 7011852 7012581 7001612 7006382 7012426 7003021 7012497 7003020 7004652 7003015 7015065 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7014237 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012590 7012770 7015332 7012392 7000364 7001599 7002611 7003599 7005249 7005468 7006037 7006527 7008895 7010032 7010333 7010934 7010935 7010936 7011118 7011119 7011122 7012772 7014533 7015330 # Grand Cru (solone) 7004945 : 7015348 7014312 7003027 7001606 7015350 7012585 7003006 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7015129 7003004 7010343 7015139 7015094 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 7012475 7014776 7012492 7010968 7003023 7012503 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7003083 7012543 7003010 7003111 7011852 7012581 7001612 7006382 7012426 7003021 7012497 7003020 7004652 7003015 7015065 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7014237 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012590 7012770 7015332 7012392 7000364 7001599 7002611 7003599 7005249 7005468 7006037 7006527 7008895 7010032 7010333 7010934 7010935 7010936 7011118 7011119 7011122 7012772 7014533 7015330 # Copycat (solone) 7004946 : 7015348 7014312 7003027 7001606 7015350 7012585 7003006 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7015129 7003004 7010343 7015139 7015094 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 7012475 7014776 7012492 7010968 7003023 7012503 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7003083 7012543 7003010 7003111 7011852 7012581 7001612 7006382 7012426 7003021 7012497 7003020 7004652 7003015 7015065 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7014237 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012590 7012770 7015332 # La Città (solone) 7004948 : 7015348 7014312 7003027 7001606 7015350 7012585 7003006 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7015129 7003004 7010343 7015139 7015094 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 7012475 7014776 7012492 7010968 7003023 7012503 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7003083 7012543 7003010 7003111 7011852 7012581 7001612 7006382 7012426 7003021 7012497 7003020 7004652 7003015 7015065 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7014237 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012590 7012770 7015332 # Pantheon (solone) 7004950 : 7015348 7014312 7003027 7001606 7015350 7012585 7003006 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7015129 7003004 7010343 7015139 7015094 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 7012475 7014776 7012492 7010968 7003023 7012503 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7003083 7012543 7003010 7003111 7011852 7012581 7001612 7006382 7012426 7003021 7012497 7003020 7004652 7003015 7015065 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 # Steam Park (solone) 7004951 : 7015348 7014312 7003027 7001606 7015350 7012585 7003006 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7015129 7003004 7010343 7015139 7015094 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 7012475 7014776 7012492 7010968 7003023 7012503 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7003083 7012543 7003010 7003111 7011852 7012581 7001612 7006382 7012426 7003021 7012497 7003020 7004652 7003015 7015065 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 # Ships (solone) 7004952 : 7015348 7014312 7003027 7001606 7015350 7012585 7003006 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7015129 7003004 7010343 7015139 7015094 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 7012475 7014776 7012492 7010968 7003023 7012503 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7003083 7012543 # Space Race: The Card Game (solone) 7004954 : 7015348 7014312 7003027 7001606 7015350 7012585 7003006 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7015129 7003004 7010343 7015139 7015094 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 7012475 7014776 7012492 7010968 7003023 7012503 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7003083 7012543 7003010 7003111 7011852 7012581 7001612 7006382 7012426 7003021 7012497 7003020 7004652 # Amun-Re (solone) 7004955 : 7015348 7014312 7003027 7001606 7015350 7012585 7003006 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7015129 7003004 7010343 7015139 7015094 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 7012475 7014776 7012492 7010968 7003023 7012503 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7003083 7012543 7003010 7003111 7011852 7012581 7001612 7006382 7012426 7003021 7012497 7003020 7004652 # Russian Railroads (solone) 7004956 : 7015348 7014312 7003027 7001606 7015350 7012585 7003006 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7015129 7003004 7010343 7015139 7015094 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 7012475 7014776 7012492 7010968 7003023 7012503 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7003083 7012543 7003010 7003111 7011852 7012581 7001612 7006382 7012426 7003021 7012497 7003020 7004652 # Cottage Garden (solone) 7004957 : 7015348 7014312 7003027 7001606 7015350 7012585 7003006 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7015129 7003004 7010343 7015139 7015094 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 # Exodus: Proxima Centauri (solone) 7004958 : 7015348 7014312 7003027 7001606 7015350 # Forge War (solone) 7004960 : 7015348 7014312 7003027 7001606 7015350 7012585 7003006 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7015129 # Prêt-à-Porter (solone) 7004962 : 7015348 7014312 # John Company (solone) 7004966 : # Brass: Lancashire (solone) 7004971 : 7015348 # Loot Island (solone) 7004973 : 7015348 7014312 7003027 7001606 7015350 7012585 7003006 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7015129 7003004 7010343 7015139 7015094 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 # Gentes: Deluxified Edition (solone) 7004976 : # Metropolys (solone) 7004989 : 7015348 7014312 7003027 7001606 7015350 7012585 7003006 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7015129 7003004 7010343 7015139 7015094 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 7012475 7014776 7012492 7010968 7003023 7012503 7000367 7000368 7001602 7001603 7004696 7005251 7005252 7005465 7006035 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010338 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014534 7015340 7015345 7015394 7003083 7012543 7003010 7003111 7011852 7012581 7001612 7006382 7012426 7003021 7012497 7003020 7004652 7003015 7015065 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7014237 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 %7010959 7011116 7011121 7012590 7012770 7015332 # Note: The following 4 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (solone) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (solone) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (solone) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (solone) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "STARSKY" # Confirmation code: j6T-MLQJExx0wDC6oHawnQ # Wed Jul 3 14:56:37 2019 # Genoa (STARSKY) 7003240 : 7003010 7012492 7012504 7015065 7003009 7014277 7004625 7003012 7004966 7012543 7004976 #pragma user "stefanogiugliano2" # Confirmation code: gM/MyOgMJ04nsXkcy/mlqg # Tue Jul 2 04:18:00 2019 # Zooloretto: Castor (stefanogiugliano2) 7002398 : 7003006 7006039 7006380 7009990 7001611 7006459 7009579 7014308 7012462 7003023 7006268 7003009 7004955 7012395 7006066 7006786 7010911 7014215 7014393 7004405 7012460 7012958 7014407 7001071 7001621 7011108 7012497 7012214 7003240 7004402 7009517 7002507 7006383 7004904 7013089 7003065 7000288 7000363 7000364 7000365 7001598 7001599 7001600 7002609 7002611 7002612 7003598 7003599 7003601 7005249 7005250 7005255 7005468 7006037 7006346 7006526 7006527 7008595 7008879 7008895 7010032 7010333 7010334 7010335 7010934 7010935 7010936 7010937 7011116 7011118 7011119 7011122 7011123 7011124 7011125 7011126 7012771 7012772 7014533 7015327 7015330 7015332 7004633 7004946 7013341 7012543 7014306 7014402 7012397 7000930 7004652 7004399 7008592 7003082 7006054 7002508 7004941 7015113 7009549 7010348 7003268 7001596 7004973 7005463 7015098 7008041 7013198 7012400 7006136 7012640 7011112 7006038 7006350 7005459 7010907 7002414 7009550 7002417 7012212 # Orléans: Neue Ortskarten N°5 (stefanogiugliano2) 7002400 : 7003006 7006039 7006380 7009990 7001611 7006459 7009579 7014308 7012462 7003023 7006268 7003009 7004955 7012395 7006066 7006786 7010911 7014215 7014393 7004405 7012460 7012958 7014407 7001071 7001621 7011108 7012497 7012214 7003240 7004402 7009517 7002507 7006383 7004904 7013089 7003065 7000288 7000363 7000364 7000365 7001598 7001599 7001600 7002609 7002611 7002612 7003598 7003599 7003601 7005249 7005250 7005255 7005468 7006037 7006346 7006526 7006527 7008595 7008879 7008895 7010032 7010333 7010334 7010335 7010934 7010935 7010936 7010937 7011116 7011118 7011119 7011122 7011123 7011124 7011125 7011126 7012771 7012772 7014533 7015327 7015330 7015332 7004633 7004946 7013341 7012543 7014306 7014402 7012397 7000930 7004652 7004399 7008592 7003082 7006054 7002508 7004941 7015113 7009549 7010348 7003268 7001596 7004973 7005463 7015098 7008041 7013198 7012400 7006136 7012640 7011112 7006038 7006350 7005459 7010907 7002414 7009550 7002417 7012212 # Merlin: Queenie 1 – Treasures of the Environs (stefanogiugliano2) 7002401 : 7003006 7006039 7006380 7009990 7001611 7006459 7009579 7014308 7012462 7003023 7006268 7003009 7004955 7012395 7006066 7006786 7010911 7014215 7014393 7004405 7012460 7012958 7014407 7001071 7001621 7011108 7012497 7012214 7003240 7004402 7009517 7002507 7006383 7004904 7013089 7003065 7000288 7000363 7000364 7000365 7001598 7001599 7001600 7002609 7002611 7002612 7003598 7003599 7003601 7005249 7005250 7005255 7005468 7006037 7006346 7006526 7006527 7008595 7008879 7008895 7010032 7010333 7010334 7010335 7010934 7010935 7010936 7010937 7011116 7011118 7011119 7011122 7011123 7011124 7011125 7011126 7012771 7012772 7014533 7015327 7015330 7015332 7004633 7004946 7013341 7012543 7014306 7014402 7012397 7000930 7004652 7004399 7008592 7003082 7006054 7002508 7004941 7015113 7009549 7010348 7003268 7001596 7004973 7005463 7015098 7008041 7013198 7012400 7006136 7012640 7011112 7006038 7006350 7005459 7010907 7002414 7009550 7002417 7012212 # Carcassonne: Watchtowers (stefanogiugliano2) 7002402 : 7003006 7006039 7006380 7009990 7001611 7006459 7009579 7014308 7012462 7003023 7006268 7003009 7004955 7012395 7006066 7006786 7010911 7014215 7014393 7004405 7012460 7012958 7014407 7001071 7001621 7011108 7012497 7012214 7003240 7004402 7009517 7002507 7006383 7004904 7013089 7003065 7000288 7000363 7000364 7000365 7001598 7001599 7001600 7002609 7002611 7002612 7003598 7003599 7003601 7005249 7005250 7005255 7005468 7006037 7006346 7006526 7006527 7008595 7008879 7008895 7010032 7010333 7010334 7010335 7010934 7010935 7010936 7010937 7011116 7011118 7011119 7011122 7011123 7011124 7011125 7011126 7012771 7012772 7014533 7015327 7015330 7015332 7004633 7004946 7013341 7012543 7014306 7014402 7012397 7000930 7004652 7004399 7008592 7003082 7006054 7002508 7004941 7015113 7009549 7010348 7003268 7001596 7004973 7005463 7015098 7008041 7013198 7012400 7006136 7012640 7011112 7006038 7006350 7005459 7010907 7002414 7009550 7002417 7012212 # Fields of Arle: New Travel Destination – Essen (stefanogiugliano2) 7002403 : 7003006 7006039 7006380 7009990 7001611 7006459 7009579 7014308 7012462 7003023 7006268 7003009 7004955 7012395 7006066 7006786 7010911 7014215 7014393 7004405 7012460 7012958 7014407 7001071 7001621 7011108 7012497 7012214 7003240 7004402 7009517 7002507 7006383 7004904 7013089 7003065 7000288 7000363 7000364 7000365 7001598 7001599 7001600 7002609 7002611 7002612 7003598 7003599 7003601 7005249 7005250 7005255 7005468 7006037 7006346 7006526 7006527 7008595 7008879 7008895 7010032 7010333 7010334 7010335 7010934 7010935 7010936 7010937 7011116 7011118 7011119 7011122 7011123 7011124 7011125 7011126 7012771 7012772 7014533 7015327 7015330 7015332 7004633 7004946 7013341 7012543 7014306 7014402 7012397 7000930 7004652 7004399 7008592 7003082 7006054 7002508 7004941 7015113 7009549 7010348 7003268 7001596 7004973 7005463 7015098 7008041 7013198 7012400 7006136 7012640 7011112 7006038 7006350 7005459 7010907 7002414 7009550 7002417 7012212 #pragma user "superanimatore" # Confirmation code: tM0Iw8WUUZo6VeUMqnBVsQ # Wed Jul 3 16:43:23 2019 # (superanimatore) %BTC : 7001621 7011108 # (superanimatore) %BraLan : 7004971 7012504 # (superanimatore) %Clans : 7000981 # (superanimatore) %GaiPro : 7003006 7006039 # (superanimatore) %PowGri : 7003017 7008042 # (superanimatore) %Quadr : 7006266 7006390 # (superanimatore) %Quarr : 7000231 7004403 # (superanimatore) %RunAge : # (superanimatore) %SAB : 7006541 7014724 7007234 # (superanimatore) %T7C : # Mutant Chronicles Collectible Miniatures Game (superanimatore) 7002412 : # Unlock! Fifth Avenue (superanimatore) 7002413 : 7012475 7014776 7001607 7010914 7010968 7012413 7015065 7003025 7009579 7003111 7001616 7003027 %Quadr 7012426 7014277 7009509 7010912 7001608 7006053 7004405 7004625 7012392 %BTC 7012497 7014735 7014312 7015134 %Quarr 7000229 %Clans 7012390 7012471 7002506 7002754 7014786 7000959 7012424 7014365 7006051 7002419 6999934 7004404 7010915 %SAB %PowGri %GaiPro %BraLan 7003221 7014175 7003079 7010029 7009043 # Bandits on Mars (superanimatore) 7002414 : 7012475 7014776 7001607 7010914 7010968 7012413 7015065 7003025 7009579 7003111 7001616 7003027 %Quadr 7012426 7014277 7009509 7010912 7001608 7006053 7004405 7004625 7012392 %BTC 7012497 7014735 7014312 7015134 %Quarr 7000229 %Clans 7012390 7012471 7002506 7002754 7014786 7000959 7012424 7014365 7006051 7002419 6999934 7004404 7010915 %SAB %PowGri %GaiPro %BraLan 7003221 7014175 7003079 # World of Warcraft: The Adventure Game (superanimatore) 7002415 : 7012475 7014776 7001607 7010914 7010968 7012413 7015065 7003025 7009579 7003111 7001616 7003027 %Quadr 7012426 7014277 7009509 7010912 7001608 7006053 7004405 7004625 7012392 %BTC 7012497 7014735 7014312 7015134 %Quarr 7000229 %Clans 7012390 7012471 7002506 7002754 7014786 7000959 7012424 7014365 7006051 7002419 6999934 7004404 7010915 %SAB # Alt Name: Dischi Clout Fantasy (superanimatore) 7002416 : 7012475 7014776 7001607 7010914 7010968 7012413 7015065 7003025 7009579 7003111 7001616 7003027 %Quadr 7012426 7014277 7009509 7010912 7001608 7006053 7004405 7004625 7012392 %BTC 7012497 7014735 7014312 7015134 %Quarr 7000229 %Clans 7012390 7012471 7002506 7002754 7014786 7000959 7012424 7014365 7006051 7002419 6999934 7004404 7010915 %SAB %PowGri %GaiPro %BraLan 7003221 7014175 7003079 7010029 7009043 # Trivial Pursuit Letterario (superanimatore) 7002417 : 7012475 7014776 7001607 7010914 7010968 7012413 7015065 7003025 7009579 7003111 7001616 7003027 %Quadr 7012426 7014277 7009509 7010912 7001608 7006053 7004405 7004625 7012392 %BTC 7012497 7014735 7014312 7015134 %Quarr 7000229 %Clans 7012390 7012471 7002506 7002754 7014786 7000959 7012424 7014365 7006051 7002419 6999934 7004404 7010915 %SAB %PowGri %GaiPro %BraLan 7003221 7014175 7003079 # Trivial Pursuit: Passione Azzurra (superanimatore) 7002418 : 7012475 7014776 7001607 7010914 7010968 7012413 7015065 7003025 7009579 7003111 7001616 7003027 %Quadr 7012426 7014277 7009509 7010912 7001608 7006053 7004405 7004625 7012392 %BTC 7012497 7014735 7014312 7015134 %Quarr 7000229 %Clans 7012390 7012471 7002506 7002754 7014786 7000959 7012424 7014365 7006051 7002419 6999934 7004404 7010915 %SAB %PowGri %GaiPro %BraLan 7003221 7014175 7003079 # Deckscape: The Fate of London (superanimatore) 7002549 : # Colt Express (superanimatore) 7006342 : #pragma user "TaoTeo" # Confirmation code: JObRIbg-pflVMrvaaG7Kpg # Thu Jul 4 15:44:19 2019 # Alt Name: Playmat ufficiale KeyForge casa Marte (TaoTeo) 7012455 : 7014776 7015348 7004971 7001606 7015350 7010968 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7012448 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7004652 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7003017 7015139 7004625 7014769 7012426 7009035 7012642 # Alt Name: Playmat ufficiale KeyForge casa Marte (TaoTeo) 7012456 : 7014776 7015348 7004971 7001606 7015350 7010968 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7012448 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7004652 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7003017 7015139 7004625 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7014769 7012426 7009035 7012642 # 7 Wonders (TaoTeo) 7012457 : 7014776 7015348 7004971 7001606 7015350 7010968 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7012448 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7003017 7015139 # Railroad Ink: Deep Blue Edition (TaoTeo) 7012460 : 7014776 7015348 7004971 7001606 7015350 7010968 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7012448 # Barony (TaoTeo) 7012461 : 7014776 7015348 7004971 7001606 7015350 7010968 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7012448 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7004652 7012775 # Onitama (TaoTeo) 7012462 : 7014776 7015348 7004971 7001606 7015350 7010968 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7012448 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7004652 7012775 7003017 7015139 # 7 Wonders Duel (TaoTeo) 7012463 : 7014776 7015348 7004971 7001606 7015350 7010968 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7012448 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7004652 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 # The Magic Labyrinth (TaoTeo) 7012471 : 7014776 7015348 7004971 7001606 7015350 7010968 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7012448 # Blood Rage (TaoTeo) 7012475 : # Alt Name: Playmat ufficiale KeyForge casa Dis (TaoTeo) 7012479 : 7014776 7015348 7004971 7001606 7015350 7010968 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7012448 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7004652 # Alt Name: Gamemat ufficiale KeyForge per 2 giocatori (TaoTeo) 7012482 : 7014776 7015348 7004971 7001606 7015350 7010968 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7012448 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 # Kanagawa (TaoTeo) 7012485 : 7014776 7015348 7004971 7001606 7015350 7010968 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7012448 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 # Paperback (TaoTeo) 7012486 : 7014776 7015348 7004971 7001606 7015350 7010968 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7012448 # The Game (TaoTeo) 7012490 : 7014776 7015348 7004971 7001606 7015350 7010968 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7012448 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7004652 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7003017 7015139 7004625 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7009032 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012590 7014769 7012426 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 7011122 7009035 7011126 7012642 # Dominant Species (TaoTeo) 7012492 : 7014776 7015348 7004971 7001606 7015350 # Dixit: Quest (TaoTeo) 7012493 : 7014776 7015348 7004971 7001606 7015350 7010968 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7012448 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7004652 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7003017 7015139 7004625 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7009032 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012590 7014769 7012426 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 # Dixit: Memories (TaoTeo) 7012494 : 7014776 7015348 7004971 7001606 7015350 7010968 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7012448 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7004652 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7003017 7015139 7004625 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 # Dragon Castle (TaoTeo) 7012497 : 7014776 7015348 7004971 7001606 7015350 7010968 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7012448 # Rajas of the Ganges (TaoTeo) 7012503 : 7014776 7015348 7004971 7001606 7015350 7010968 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7012448 # Brass: Lancashire (TaoTeo) 7012504 : # KeyForge: Age of Ascension – Archon Deck (TaoTeo) 7012533 : 7014776 7015348 7004971 7001606 7015350 7010968 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7012448 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7004652 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7003017 7015139 7004625 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7009032 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012590 7014769 7012426 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 7011122 7012772 7011118 7009035 7000364 7001599 7002611 7003599 7005468 7006037 7006527 7008895 7010032 7010333 7010934 7010935 7010936 7011119 7014533 7015330 7015289 7011126 7012642 7012771 7011125 # Hannibal & Hamilcar (TaoTeo) 7012543 : # Alt Name: Lotto ioGioco da 0 a 7 (TaoTeo) 7014256 : 7014776 7015348 7004971 7001606 7015350 7010968 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7012448 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7004652 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7003017 7015139 7004625 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7009032 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012590 7014769 7012426 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 7011122 7012772 7011118 7009035 7000364 7001599 7002611 7003599 7005468 7006037 7006527 7008895 7010032 7010333 7010934 7010935 7010936 7011119 7014533 7015330 7015289 7011126 7012642 7012771 7011125 # Note: The following 4 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (TaoTeo) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (TaoTeo) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (TaoTeo) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (TaoTeo) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "Teaf" # Confirmation code: xIesyMrh/vhPpXZohyt93A # Thu Jul 4 09:12:17 2019 # (Teaf) %BraLan : 7004971 7012504 # (Teaf) %CotGar : 7004957 7006354 7012460 # (Teaf) %Cycla : 7001611 7006459 # (Teaf) %GaiPro : 7003006 7006039 # Magic: The Gathering (Teaf) 7000281 : 7001607 7009509 7011852 7012475 %GaiPro 7009579 7014277 %BraLan 7009517 7012492 7003004 7012585 7010968 6999940 7010914 7006383 7003020 %Cycla 7001610 7003027 7012503 7006382 7006268 7001616 7006400 7004490 %CotGar 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7014534 7015340 # Alt Name: 20 euro (Teaf) 7000288 : 7001607 7009509 7011852 7012475 %GaiPro 7009579 7014277 %BraLan 7009517 7012492 7010968 7010914 7003020 7003027 7012503 7001616 # Cash-a-Catch (Teaf) 7001022 : 7001607 7009509 7011852 7012475 %GaiPro 7009579 7014277 %BraLan 7009517 7012492 7003004 7012585 7010968 6999940 7010914 7006383 7003020 %Cycla 7001610 7003027 7012503 7006382 7006268 7001616 7004490 %CotGar 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7015345 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 # Hegemonic (Teaf) 7001033 : 7001607 7009509 7011852 7012475 %GaiPro 7009579 7014277 %BraLan 7009517 7012492 7003004 7010968 7010914 7003027 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7014534 7015340 # Arkham Horror (Teaf) 7006786 : 7001607 7009509 7012475 %GaiPro 7009579 7014277 %BraLan 7012492 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 # Alt Name: 30 euro (Teaf) 7010585 : 7001607 7009509 7012475 %GaiPro 7009579 7014277 7012492 # Note: The following 3 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (Teaf) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (Teaf) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (Teaf) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "TheTaliesin" # Confirmation code: JxHX70CBw1jORzN8nueKZA # Thu Jul 4 11:08:21 2019 # Kharnage (TheTaliesin) 7007215 : 7015348 7015350 7001606 7010901 7012492 7010968 7015134 7003012 # Saboteur (compilation editions) (TheTaliesin) 7007234 : 7014237 7001616 7015072 7000930 7009563 7012486 7000944 7006038 7008049 #pragma user "tomicdec" # Confirmation code: qOH/YviWQHECfxrB3UBnxw # Wed Jul 3 07:36:13 2019 # Race to the New Found Land (tomicdec) 7015127 : 7003062 7006271 7003006 7006039 7003004 7000936 7000983 7003083 7012585 7012475 7001607 7000805 7002771 7003014 7003027 7003023 7005952 7014396 7012460 7003065 7006522 7010339 7015337 7004976 7014361 7001611 7006459 7014769 7012426 7004625 7012497 7015139 7004966 7015134 7015094 7014494 # Lift Off (tomicdec) 7015129 : 7003062 7006271 7003006 7006039 7003004 7000936 7000983 7003083 7012585 7012475 7001607 7000805 7006522 7010339 7015337 7004976 7001605 7001606 # Red7 (tomicdec) 7015183 : 7003062 7006271 7003006 7006039 7003004 7000936 7000983 7003083 7002771 7003014 7003027 7003023 7005952 7014396 7012460 7003065 7014361 7009552 7000944 7014281 7006268 7012392 7001621 7011108 7013090 7002507 7000364 7000365 7010916 7001646 7014404 7012490 7010029 7015285 7003268 7012448 7010892 7009750 7008950 7003594 #pragma user "traico7" # Confirmation code: Ziq5UltSCmpEwYMY0AkrCw # Wed Jul 3 02:35:15 2019 # De Vulgari Eloquentia (traico7) 7000758 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7014776 7012492 7001619 # Lady Alice (traico7) 7004326 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 7000367 7001602 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7015086 7003028 7004625 7015139 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012590 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 7011122 7012772 # Alt Name: 25 euro paypal (traico7) 7004695 : 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 7015086 7003028 7004625 7015139 # Alt Name: 30 euro paypal (traico7) 7004696 : 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 # Alt Name: NON DISPONIBILE (traico7) 7009029 : # Planet (traico7) 7009031 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 # Tokyo Highway (traico7) 7009032 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 # Radetzky: Milano 1848 (traico7) 7009035 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 7015086 7003028 7004625 7015139 # Mysterium (traico7) 7009037 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 # Alt Name: NON DISPONIBILE (traico7) 7009039 : # Sherlock: Last Call (traico7) 7009043 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 7000367 7001602 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 7015086 7003028 7004625 7015139 # Sword & Sorcery (traico7) 7009509 : # Council of 4 (traico7) 7009511 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 7000367 7001602 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 7015086 7003028 7004625 7015139 # 13 Clues (traico7) 7009512 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 7000367 7001602 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 7015086 7003028 7004625 7015139 # Sipario! (traico7) 7009513 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 # Dungeon Heroes Manager (traico7) 7009546 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 # Codenames: Pictures (traico7) 7009547 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 7000367 7001602 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7015086 7003028 7004625 7015139 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 # Take it Easy! (traico7) 7009549 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 7000367 7001602 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7015086 7003028 7004625 7015139 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 # Tesseract (traico7) 7009550 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 7000367 7001602 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7015086 7003028 7004625 7015139 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7012770 # 7 Wonders Duel (traico7) 7009552 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 # Kryptos (traico7) 7009554 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 7000367 7001602 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7015086 7003028 7004625 7015139 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012590 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 # Imagine (traico7) 7009559 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 7000367 7001602 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7015086 7003028 7004625 7015139 # Ticket to Ride: First Journey (Europe) (traico7) 7009560 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 7015086 7003028 7004625 7015139 # The Grizzled (traico7) 7009563 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 7000367 7001602 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7015086 7003028 7004625 7015139 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 # Dungeon Roll (traico7) 7009565 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 7000367 7001602 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7015086 7003028 7004625 7015139 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 # 3 Secrets (traico7) 7009566 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 7000367 7001602 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7015086 7003028 7004625 7015139 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012590 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 7011122 7012772 # Cloud Mine (traico7) 7009568-COPY1 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 7000367 7001602 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7015086 7003028 7004625 7015139 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012590 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 # Cloud Mine (traico7) 7009568-COPY2 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 7000367 7001602 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7015086 7003028 7004625 7015139 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012590 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 # Cloud Mine (traico7) 7009568-COPY3 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 7000367 7001602 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7015086 7003028 7004625 7015139 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012590 7000288 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7008595 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 # Cryptid (traico7) 7012426 : 7015348 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7014776 7012492 7001619 7014311 7015086 7003028 7004625 7015139 # Note: The following 4 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (traico7) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (traico7) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (traico7) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (traico7) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "Valentino83" # Confirmation code: d/QjckVCX1KllOUDPVRF6g # Tue Jul 2 07:58:49 2019 # (Valentino83) %AmunRe : 7003009 7004955 # (Valentino83) %Bruges : 7002771 7003014 # COâ‚‚: Second Chance (Valentino83) 7009517 : 7015348 7015139 7003004 # River Dragons (Valentino83) 7014170 : 7006268 7001646 %Bruges 7000927 7015124 7006383 %AmunRe 7009032 7009474 7010343 7006382 7012503 7004956 7001616 7012581 7012585 # Farmerama (Valentino83) 7014175 : 7006268 7001646 %Bruges 7000927 7015124 7006383 %AmunRe 7009032 7009474 7010343 7006382 7012503 7004956 7001616 7012581 7014237 7012585 # Krosmaster: Arena – Frigost (Valentino83) 7014196 : 7006268 7001646 %Bruges 7000927 7015124 7006383 %AmunRe 7009032 7009474 7010343 7006382 7012503 7004956 7001616 7012581 7014237 7012585 #pragma user "valeriodentico" # Confirmation code: tTBNXdsGlES8m-6ljvhIOQ # Thu Jul 4 08:20:33 2019 # The Staufer Dynasty (valeriodentico) 7014387 : 7013058 7012492 7009579 7009037 7014311 7011852 7003028 7003009 7014277 7010912 7004625 7012543 7002602 7003004 7012426 7009043 # In the Year of the Dragon (valeriodentico) 7014389 : 7013058 7012492 7009579 7009037 7014311 7011852 7003028 7003009 7014277 7010912 7004625 7012543 # La Granja: No Siesta (valeriodentico) 7014391 : # Reef Encounter (valeriodentico) 7014393 : 7013058 7012492 7009579 7009037 7014311 7011852 7003028 7003009 7014277 7010912 7004625 7012543 7002602 7003004 7012426 7009043 7003010 7012475 7014237 7010343 7012460 7002509 7015094 7004652 7006417 7004945 7004976 # Lübeck (valeriodentico) 7014394 : 7013058 7012492 7009579 7009037 7014311 7011852 7003028 7003009 7014277 7010912 7004625 7012543 7002602 7003004 7012426 7009043 7003010 7012475 7014237 7010343 7012460 7002509 7015094 7004652 7006417 7004945 7004976 7001610 7004490 7001608 7003583 # Tybor the Builder (valeriodentico) 7014395 : 7013058 7012492 7009579 7009037 7014311 7011852 7003028 7003009 7014277 7010912 7004625 7012543 7002602 7003004 7012426 7009043 7003010 7012475 7014237 7010343 7012460 7002509 7015094 7004652 7006417 7004945 7004976 7001610 # Endeavor (valeriodentico) 7014396 : 7013058 7012492 7009579 7009037 7014311 7011852 7003028 7003009 7014277 7010912 7004625 7012543 7002602 7003004 7012426 7009043 7003010 7012475 7014237 7010343 7012460 7002509 7015094 7004652 7006417 7004945 7004976 # Darjeeling (valeriodentico) 7014397 : 7013058 7012492 7009579 7009037 7014311 7011852 7003028 7003009 7014277 7010912 7004625 7012543 7002602 7003004 7012426 7009043 7003010 7012475 7014237 7010343 7012460 7002509 7015094 7004652 7006417 7004945 7004976 7001610 # Aquädukt (valeriodentico) 7014398 : 7013058 7012492 7009579 7009037 7014311 7011852 7003028 7003009 7014277 7010912 7004625 7012543 7002602 7003004 7012426 7009043 7003010 7012475 7014237 7010343 7012460 7002509 7015094 7004652 7006417 7004945 7004976 7001610 7004490 7001608 # Elasund: The First City (valeriodentico) 7014399 : 7013058 7012492 7009579 7009037 7014311 7011852 7003028 7003009 7014277 7010912 7004625 7012543 7002602 7003004 7012426 7009043 7003010 7012475 7014237 7010343 7012460 7002509 7015094 7004652 7006417 7004945 7004976 7001610 7004490 7001608 7003583 7010341 7012449 7004966 # Horse Fever (valeriodentico) 7014402 : 7013058 7012492 7009579 7009037 7014311 7011852 7003028 7003009 7014277 7010912 7004625 7012543 7002602 7003004 7012426 7009043 7003010 7012475 7014237 7010343 7012460 7002509 7015094 7004652 7006417 7004945 7004976 7001610 # Löwenherz (valeriodentico) 7014404 : 7013058 7012492 7009579 7009037 7014311 7011852 7003028 7003009 7014277 7010912 7004625 7012543 7002602 7003004 7012426 7009043 7003010 7012475 7014237 7010343 7012460 7002509 7015094 7004652 7006417 7004945 7004976 7001610 # Java (valeriodentico) 7014407 : 7013058 7012492 7009579 7009037 7014311 7011852 7003028 7003009 7014277 7010912 7004625 7012543 7002602 7003004 7012426 7009043 7003010 7012475 7014237 7010343 7012460 7002509 7015094 7004652 7006417 7004945 7004976 7001610 # Mow (valeriodentico) 7014408 : 7013058 7012492 7009579 7009037 7014311 7011852 7003028 7003009 7014277 7010912 7004625 7012543 7002602 7003004 7012426 7009043 7003010 7012475 7014237 7010343 7012460 7002509 7015094 7004652 7006417 7004945 7004976 7001610 7004490 7001608 7003583 7010341 7012449 7004966 7000959 # Valdora (valeriodentico) 7014412 : 7013058 7012492 7009579 7009037 7014311 7011852 7003028 7003009 7014277 7010912 7004625 7012543 7002602 7003004 7012426 7009043 7003010 7012475 7014237 7010343 7012460 7002509 7015094 7004652 7006417 7004945 7004976 7001610 # Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space (valeriodentico) 7014417 : 7013058 7012492 7009579 7009037 7014311 7011852 7003028 7003009 7014277 7010912 7004625 7012543 7002602 7003004 7012426 7009043 7003010 7012475 7014237 7010343 7012460 7002509 7015094 7004652 7006417 7004945 7004976 7001610 7004490 7001608 7003583 7010341 7012449 # Ships (valeriodentico) 7014422 : 7013058 7012492 7009579 7009037 7014311 7011852 7003028 7003009 7014277 7010912 7004625 7012543 7002602 7003004 7012426 7009043 7003010 7012475 7014237 7010343 7012460 7002509 7015094 7004652 7006417 7004945 7004976 #pragma user "Vittek" # Confirmation code: q2LQMAMy4M8wxddQqLVkyg # Wed Jul 3 16:32:49 2019 # (Vittek) %GaiPro : 7003006 7006039 # (Vittek) %co2 : 7014215 7009517 # Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game (Vittek) 7000210 : 7001607 %GaiPro 7015348 7001606 7015350 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7003017 7006327 7009563 7015139 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 %co2 7014277 7000368 7001603 7005251 7006035 7010338 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006523 7010337 7015345 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7006525 7010336 7010917 7012769 7015355 7012770 # Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Vittek) 7000212 : 7001607 %GaiPro 7015348 7001606 7015350 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7003017 7006327 7009563 7015139 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 %co2 7014277 7000368 7001603 7005251 7006035 7010338 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006523 7010337 7015345 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7006525 7010336 7010917 7012769 7015355 7012770 %7010959 7012590 7000365 7001600 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7010334 7010937 7015332 # Eaten by Zombies! (Vittek) 7000222 : 7001607 %GaiPro 7015348 7001606 7015350 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7003017 7006327 7009563 7015139 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 %co2 7014277 7000368 7001603 7005251 7006035 7010338 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006523 7010337 7015345 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7006525 7010336 7010917 7012769 7015355 7012770 %7010959 7012590 7000365 7001600 7003601 7005255 7006346 7006526 7010334 7010937 7015332 # Commands & Colors: Ancients (Vittek) 7000225 : # The Big Book of Madness (Vittek) 7000229 : 7001607 %GaiPro 7015348 7001606 7015350 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7003017 7006327 7009563 7015139 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 %co2 7014277 7000368 7001603 7005251 7006035 7010338 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006523 7010337 7015345 # Homeland: The Game (Vittek) 7000230 : 7001607 %GaiPro 7015348 7001606 7015350 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7003017 7006327 7009563 7015139 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 %co2 7014277 7000368 7001603 7005251 7006035 7010338 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006523 7010337 7015345 # Quarriors! (Vittek) 7000231 : 7001607 %GaiPro 7015348 7001606 7015350 7014311 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 %7010962 7003017 7006327 7009563 7015139 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 %co2 # Note: The following 4 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (Vittek) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (Vittek) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (Vittek) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (Vittek) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "Wolverutto" # Confirmation code: 2CyPFXhq-Hd/poB30oppHQ # Thu Jul 4 08:52:52 2019 # (Wolverutto) %BraLan : # (Wolverutto) %Bruges : 7002771 7003014 # (Wolverutto) %Co4 : 7009511 7010919 7014816 # (Wolverutto) %Ships : 7004952 7014422 # Tigris & Euphrates (Wolverutto) 7000927 : 7012475 7014776 7001607 7012492 7015348 7003006 7006039 7010914 7010968 7006459 7004971 7012504 7000225 7001612 7009509 7010912 7001606 7015350 7012543 7014978 7012424 7001619 7002509 # Hit Z Road (Wolverutto) 7000930 : 7012475 7014776 7001607 7012492 7015348 7003006 7006039 7010914 7010968 7006459 7004971 7012504 7000225 7001612 7009509 7010912 7001606 7015350 7012543 7014978 7012424 7001619 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7012585 7009579 7006053 7015139 7004966 7010348 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 # Ticket to Ride: Europe (Wolverutto) 7000936 : 7012475 7014776 7001607 7012492 7015348 # For Sale (Wolverutto) 7000944 : 7012475 7014776 7001607 7012492 7015348 7003006 7006039 7010914 7010968 7006459 7004971 7012504 7000225 7001612 7009509 7010912 7001606 7015350 7012543 7014978 7012424 7001619 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7012585 7009579 7006053 7015139 7004966 7010348 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7003010 7006268 7006267 7002513 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7002509 7002602 7001611 7014769 7012450 7012410 7014494 7013221 7003015 7003025 7003027 7003009 7003021 7002419 7015086 7009517 7005955 %Ships 6999936 %Bruges 7015065 7014661 7012416 7006363 %Co4 7005950 7014215 7012214 # Dream Factory (Wolverutto) 7000953 : 7012475 7014776 7001607 7012492 7015348 7003006 7006039 7010914 7010968 7006459 7004971 7012504 7000225 7001612 7009509 7010912 7001606 7015350 7012543 7014978 7012424 7001619 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7012585 7009579 7006053 7015139 7004966 7010348 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7003010 7006268 7006267 7002513 7002509 7002602 7001611 7014769 7012450 7003015 7015086 7005955 %Ships 7015094 7005950 # Carcassonne: Amazonas (Wolverutto) 7000959 : 7012475 7014776 7001607 7012492 7015348 7003006 7006039 7010914 7010968 7006459 7004971 7012504 7000225 7001612 7009509 7010912 7001606 7015350 7012543 7014978 7012424 7001619 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7012585 7009579 7006053 7015139 7004966 7010348 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7003010 7006268 7006267 7002513 7009517 6999936 # Wildlands: The Adventuring Party (Wolverutto) 7008177 : 7012475 7014776 7001607 7012492 7015348 7003006 7006039 7010914 7010968 7006459 7004971 7012504 7000225 7001612 7009509 7010912 7001606 7015350 7012543 7014978 7012424 7001619 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7012585 7009579 7006053 7015139 7004966 7010348 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7003010 7006268 7006267 7002513 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7002509 7002602 7001611 7014769 7012450 7012410 7014494 7013221 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012590 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 7003015 7003025 7003027 7003009 7003021 7002419 7003004 7011122 7012772 7015086 7009517 7005955 %Ships 6999936 %Bruges 7015065 7014661 7012416 7015094 7006363 %Co4 7014311 7014237 7012460 7012461 # The Others: 7 Sins – Wrath Expansion (Wolverutto) 7008180 : 7012475 7014776 7001607 7012492 7015348 7003006 7006039 7010914 7010968 7006459 7004971 7012504 7000225 7001612 7009509 7010912 7001606 7015350 7012543 7014978 7012424 7001619 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 7012585 7009579 7006053 7015139 7004966 7010348 %7010962 7014277 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 7015345 7015394 7003010 7006268 7006267 7002513 7012775 %7010963 7012586 7012587 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004519 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 7011117 7011127 7012769 7014805 7015355 7002509 7002602 7001611 7014769 7012450 7012410 7014494 7013221 7012770 %7010959 7011121 7012590 7000365 7001600 7002612 7003601 7005255 7008595 7008879 7010334 7010937 7011116 7015332 # Note: The following 4 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 21,00 euro (Wolverutto) %7010959 : 7010959-COPY1 7010959-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (Wolverutto) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (Wolverutto) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (Wolverutto) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 #pragma user "Xeno1989" # Confirmation code: OlQVZYiJCVPBlvXP8RlOyQ # Tue Jul 2 10:26:52 2019 # Cosmic Encounter (Xeno1989) 7009990 : 7012585 7012475 7014776 7002602 7006459 7012504 7003111 7011852 7012408 7006066 7006786 7010912 7000367 #pragma user "ZeroCool_ITA" # Confirmation code: /vKdyf8YQtlczgJHJimxkA # Wed Jul 3 17:56:24 2019 # Alt Name: 25 euro paypal (ZeroCool_ITA) 7004519 : 7014407 # Mini WWII (ZeroCool_ITA) 7012448 : 7001606 7015350 7001605 7012774 7015351 7015363 # Race to the New Found Land (ZeroCool_ITA) 7012449 : 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7015394 7013044 7002654 7014393 7014407 7003083 7003111 # Catan (ZeroCool_ITA) 7012450 : 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7013044 7002654 7014393 # Sanctuary (ZeroCool_ITA) 7012452 : 7000367 7001602 7004696 7005252 7006036 7006399 7006523 7008883 7010337 7010585 %7010961 7012588 7012773 7012999 7015345 7015394 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7013044 7002654 7014393 7014407 7003083 7003111 # Treasure Hunter (ZeroCool_ITA) 7012453 : 7000366 7001601 7003602 7004695 7005253 7005467 7006333 7006525 7008596 7008882 7010336 7010822 7010917 %7010963 7011117 7011127 7012586 7012587 7012769 7012775 7014805 7015355 7013044 7002654 7014393 7014407 7003083 7003111 # Cuzco (ZeroCool_ITA) 7014494 : 7000369 7001604 7006522 7010339 %7010962 7015337 7000368 7001603 7005251 7005465 7006035 7010338 7014534 7015340 7013044 7002654 7003083 # Note: The following 3 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 31,00 euro (ZeroCool_ITA) %7010961 : 7010961-COPY1 7010961-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 41,00 euro (ZeroCool_ITA) %7010962 : 7010962-COPY1 7010962-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: 26,00 euro (ZeroCool_ITA) %7010963 : 7010963-COPY1 7010963-COPY2 # End of wants. If you don't see this line then this file may have # been truncated. IMPORTANT: this comment block is also required to be # in the wants file when you upload the WANTS into the OLWLG.