# These WANTS loaded directly by the OLWLG # Tue Jun 1 21:34:38 2021 #+ Geeklist: Math Trade Bsb - 2a Edição #+ ... https://www.boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/285537 #+ Owner: fernandovassoler #+ Item count: 504 #+ Users with items: 63 #! ALLOW-DUMMIES #! REQUIRE-COLONS #! REQUIRE-USERNAMES #! HIDE-NONTRADES #! SHOW-ELAPSED-TIME #! SEED=123456 #! METRIC=Users-Trading # MISSING 2 WANTS (0.3%) FROM 2 USER(s) (3.1%): # FabioBarreira (1) # lhilgert (1) !BEGIN-OFFICIAL-NAMES 8285368 ==> 1. "Arkham Horror" (from fernandovassoler) 8285860 ==> 2. "[redacted]" (from MasterAce) 8285864 ==> 3. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from MasterAce) 8285866 ==> 4. "The Climbers" (from MasterAce) 8285869 ==> 5. "The Bloody Inn" (from MasterAce) 8285870 ==> 6. "Alubari: A Nice Cup of Tea" (from MasterAce) 8285871 ==> 7. "Ark" (from MasterAce) 8285873 ==> 8. "Artificium" (from MasterAce) 8285875 ==> 9. "Automata NOIR" (from MasterAce) 8285877 ==> 10. "Barrage" (from MasterAce) 8285878 ==> 11. "Bootleggers" (from MasterAce) 8285879 ==> 12. "Dicium" (from MasterAce) 8285881 ==> 13. "Dragonsgate College" (from MasterAce) 8285883 ==> 14. "Dungeon Scroll" (from MasterAce) 8285884 ==> 15. "Fairy Tale" (from MasterAce) 8285885 ==> 16. "Fast Forward: FEAR" (from MasterAce) 8285886 ==> 17. "Lucidity: Six-Sided Nightmares" (from MasterAce) 8286147 ==> 18. "Fields of Green" (from MasterAce) 8286153 ==> 19. "Grog Island" (from MasterAce) 8286154 ==> 20. "Hellboy: The Board Game" (from MasterAce) 8286157 ==> 21. "In the Year of the Dragon" (from MasterAce) 8286161 ==> 22. "Istanbul" (from MasterAce) 8286163 ==> 23. "Korrigans" (from MasterAce) 8286169 ==> 24. "Lascaux" (from MasterAce) 8286171 ==> 25. "Libertalia" (from MasterAce) 8286177 ==> 26. "Mangrovia" (from MasterAce) 8286183 ==> 27. "Merchants of Amsterdam" (from MasterAce) 8286186 ==> 28. "Minerva" (from MasterAce) 8286189 ==> 29. "North Wind" (from MasterAce) 8286191 ==> 30. "Sailing Toward Osiris" (from MasterAce) 8286196 ==> 31. "Samhain" (from MasterAce) 8286199 ==> 32. "So Long, My World" (from MasterAce) 8286200 ==> 33. "The Staufer Dynasty" (from MasterAce) 8286201 ==> 34. "Sultaniya" (from MasterAce) 8286202 ==> 35. "Traders of Osaka" (from MasterAce) 8286203 ==> 36. "Valdora" (from MasterAce) 8286206 ==> 37. "Vegas Showdown" (from MasterAce) 8286210 ==> 38. "Penny Arcade: The Game – Gamers vs. Evil" (from MasterAce) 8286213 ==> 39. "Alien Artifacts" (from MasterAce) 8286214 ==> 40. "Florenza: The Card Game" (from marcosestevo) 8286215 ==> 41. "Drum Roll" (from MasterAce) 8286216 ==> 42. "Otys" (from MasterAce) 8286218 ==> 43. "Steel Driver" (from marcosestevo) 8286220 ==> 44. "The Shining" (from MasterAce) 8286224 ==> 45. "Bali" (from marcosestevo) 8286225 ==> 46. "Pandemic Legacy: Season 2" (from MasterAce) 8286226 ==> 47. "Legends of Andor" (from marcosestevo) 8286231 ==> 48. "The Magic Labyrinth" (from marcosestevo) 8286235 ==> 49. "Monster Factory" (from marcosestevo) 8286244 ==> 50. "Paris Connection" (from marcosestevo) 8286246 ==> 51. "Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem" (from marcosestevo) 8286252 ==> 52. "Archaeology: The New Expedition" (from marcosestevo) 8286273 ==> 53. "Victorian Masterminds" (from marcosindia25) 8286275 ==> 54. "God of War: The Card Game" (from marcosindia25) 8286276 ==> 55. "Blue Moon City" (from marcosindia25) 8286277 ==> 56. "Hunt for the Ring" (from marcosindia25) 8286280 ==> 57. "Alt Name: PackSAekI" (from marcosindia25) 8286283 ==> 58. "Alt Name: PAck4SGsTGCQPpdv" (from marcosindia25) 8286608 ==> 59. "Quadropolis" (from fernandovassoler) 8287017 ==> 60. "Clash of Cultures" (from Priotti) 8287027 ==> 61. "Tournay" (from Priotti) 8287638 ==> 62. "Alt Name: Flip City Sociedade Sapotagem Medievalia" (from cacothiago) 8287676 ==> 63. "Alt Name: Archaelogy Say Bye Villains Architectura Script Terror" (from cacothiago) 8287680 ==> 64. "King of Tokyo" (from cacothiago) 8287809 ==> 65. "Carcassonne: Star Wars" (from jgfcunha) 8287816 ==> 66. "San Juan (Second Edition)" (from jgfcunha) 8287822 ==> 67. "Santa Maria" (from jgfcunha) 8287823 ==> 68. "Welcome To..." (from jgfcunha) 8287826 ==> 69. "Tiny Epic Galaxies" (from jgfcunha) 8287828 ==> 70. "Otys" (from jgfcunha) 8287847 ==> 71. "Alt Name: Pacote de HQ-Jogos" (from jgfcunha) 8287872 ==> 72. "Draftosaurus" (from danilopatro) 8287874 ==> 73. "Elder Sign" (from danilopatro) 8287891 ==> 74. "Alt Name: Pack caixas pequena (3 jogos)" (from danilopatro) 8287897 ==> 75. "Dominion" (from danilopatro) 8287920 ==> 76. "Alt Name: Pack caixas médias (3 jogos)" (from danilopatro) 8288001 ==> 77. "Pax Porfiriana" (from fargow) 8288012 ==> 78. "Luxor" (from fargow) 8288016 ==> 79. "River Dragons" (from fargow) 8288017 ==> 80. "Railroad Ink: Deep Blue Edition" (from fargow) 8288018 ==> 81. "Oh My Goods!" (from fargow) 8288020 ==> 82. "Sola Fide: The Reformation" (from fargow) 8288022 ==> 83. "Tybor the Builder" (from fargow) 8288299 ==> 84. "Castle Panic" (from danilopatro) 8288357 ==> 85. "Carcassonne" (from Docrick) 8288360 ==> 86. "Escape Room: The Game" (from Docrick) 8288363 ==> 87. "Zombies!!!" (from Docrick) 8288381 ==> 88. "Above and Below" (from FAKxyz) 8288382 ==> 89. "Medici" (from danilopatro) 8288387 ==> 90. "Gold West" (from FAKxyz) 8289020 ==> 91. "Futboard" (from Dancaix) 8289449 ==> 92. "The Manhattan Project" (from Priotti) 8289504 ==> 93. "Arkham Horror: Final Hour" (from Sinvler) 8289506 ==> 94. "Galaxy Trucker" (from Sinvler) 8289508 ==> 95. "ICECOOL" (from Sinvler) 8289509 ==> 96. "Jórvík" (from Sinvler) 8289511 ==> 97. "Love Letter Premium" (from Sinvler) 8289512 ==> 98. "La Muse" (from Sinvler) 8289518 ==> 99. "Alt Name: PackOSN (3 jogos)" (from Sinvler) 8289520 ==> 100. "Tsuro" (from Sinvler) 8289539 ==> 101. "Puerto Rico (with two expansions)" (from Peveta) 8289551 ==> 102. "Drillit! A Fuga da Montanha de Cristal" (from Peveta) 8290133 ==> 103. "Flick 'em Up!" (from Peveta) 8290506 ==> 104. "Kingdomino" (from Johannespaz) 8290509 ==> 105. "King of New York" (from Johannespaz) 8290634 ==> 106. "Zombie Fluxx" (from PHDantas) 8290640 ==> 107. "Reavers of Midgard" (from PHDantas) 8291093 ==> 108. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from Luiz Mituiti) 8291099 ==> 109. "Three Cheers for Master" (from Luiz Mituiti) 8291447 ==> 110. "Ticket to Ride" (from cacothiago) 8292273 ==> 111. "Escape Tales: The Awakening" (from marxvdl) 8293497 ==> 112. "Ars Mysteriorum" (from MasterAce) 8293499 ==> 113. "Struggle for Catan" (from MasterAce) 8293504 ==> 114. "Im Wandel der Zeiten: Das Kartenspiel" (from MasterAce) 8293506 ==> 115. "Imperial Settlers" (from MasterAce) 8293507 ==> 116. "Kingsport Festival: The Card Game" (from MasterAce) 8293509 ==> 117. "Leaders of Euphoria: Choose a Better Oppressor" (from MasterAce) 8293514 ==> 118. "Mercante" (from MasterAce) 8293515 ==> 119. "Medici" (from MasterAce) 8293517 ==> 120. "Murano" (from MasterAce) 8293521 ==> 121. "Roll Player" (from MasterAce) 8293522 ==> 122. "The Grizzled: Armistice Edition" (from MasterAce) 8293524 ==> 123. "Trans Europa" (from MasterAce) 8293526 ==> 124. "Versailles" (from MasterAce) 8293550 ==> 125. "Pandemic: Hot Zone – North America" (from PHDantas) 8293557 ==> 126. "Concept" (from PHDantas) 8293959 ==> 127. "Holding On: The Troubled Life of Billy Kerr" (from Peveta) 8294141 ==> 128. "Kanagawa" (from fernandovassoler) 8294149 ==> 129. "Rory's Story Cubes: Voyages" (from fernandovassoler) 8294192 ==> 130. "Ex Libris" (from rbaldo) 8294195 ==> 131. "Wrong Chemistry" (from rbaldo) 8294197 ==> 132. "Three Cheers for Master" (from rbaldo) 8294202 ==> 133. "Dungeons & Dragons: The Legend of Drizzt Board Game – Vierna Do'Urden Promo" (from rbaldo) 8294203 ==> 134. "Small World" (from rbaldo) 8294207 ==> 135. "Tail Feathers" (from rbaldo) 8294209 ==> 136. "New York 1901" (from rbaldo) 8294210 ==> 137. "The Towers of Arkhanos" (from rbaldo) 8294211 ==> 138. "UNDO: Curse from the Past" (from rbaldo) 8294258 ==> 139. "Karuba" (from guilmp13) 8294261 ==> 140. "Tiny Epic Quest" (from guilmp13) 8294268 ==> 141. "Takenoko" (from guilmp13) 8294271 ==> 142. "The Castles of Burgundy" (from guilmp13) 8294274 ==> 143. "Skull" (from guilmp13) 8294308 ==> 144. "Alt Name: Pack Café Express/Peloponnes" (from Peveta) 8294362 ==> 145. "Eight-Minute Empire" (from Dancaix) 8294871 ==> 146. "Gnomopolis" (from LCarneiro) 8294874 ==> 147. "Dwar7s Fall" (from LCarneiro) 8294877 ==> 148. "Quissama" (from Peveta) 8296815 ==> 149. "History of the World" (from mandaco) 8296819 ==> 150. "Scarabya" (from mandaco) 8296821 ==> 151. "Campaign Manager 2008" (from mandaco) 8296826 ==> 152. "Academia" (from xHerbertx) 8296840 ==> 153. "221B Baker Street: The Master Detective Game" (from xHerbertx) 8296847 ==> 154. "Alt Name: Med_Ninja_Hanabi" (from mandaco) 8296850 ==> 155. "Pit Crew" (from xHerbertx) 8296856 ==> 156. "Draftosaurus" (from mandaco) 8297432 ==> 157. "Raids" (from MasterAce) 8297435 ==> 158. "Tigris & Euphrates" (from MasterAce) 8297463 ==> 159. "Super Motherload" (from MasterAce) 8297470 ==> 160. "The Perfumer" (from MasterAce) 8297502 ==> 161. "Alt Name: Samurai e Peloponnes Card" (from cirocvieira) 8297506 ==> 162. "Kingdom Builder" (from cirocvieira) 8297560 ==> 163. "Root" (from LucianoJapa) 8297630 ==> 164. "Cartagena" (from DiegoNi) 8297637 ==> 165. "Die die DIE" (from DiegoNi) 8297649 ==> 166. "Cave Troll" (from DiegoNi) 8297664 ==> 167. "Alt Name: Dungeon Tides Zumbis(3 jogos)" (from DiegoNi) 8297666 ==> 168. "Alt Name: Pack Bandido Sabotador Happens (3 jogos)" (from DiegoNi) 8297667 ==> 169. "Paper Dungeons: A Dungeon Scrawler Game" (from DiegoNi) 8297807 ==> 170. "Unlock!: Heroic Adventures" (from robsonsmab) 8297811 ==> 171. "Planes" (from robsonsmab) 8297838 ==> 172. "Alt Name: King of New York e Ultimate Warriorz" (from flegi4s) 8297841 ==> 173. "Exploding Kittens" (from flegi4s) 8297843 ==> 174. "Talisman: Revised 4th Edition" (from flegi4s) 8297869 ==> 175. "Cry Havoc" (from tgoalves) 8297871 ==> 176. "CV" (from tgoalves) 8297875 ==> 177. "Dungeon Lords" (from tgoalves) 8297876 ==> 178. "Dungeon Saga: Dwarf King's Quest" (from tgoalves) 8297877 ==> 179. "Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King" (from tgoalves) 8297879 ==> 180. "Kitchen Rush" (from tgoalves) 8297880 ==> 181. "Merchants & Marauders: Seas of Glory" (from tgoalves) 8297882 ==> 182. "Mission: Red Planet (Second Edition)" (from tgoalves) 8297885 ==> 183. "Mythotopia" (from tgoalves) 8297888 ==> 184. "Race for the Galaxy" (from tgoalves) 8297892 ==> 185. "Siege Storm" (from tgoalves) 8297900 ==> 186. "Star Wars: Rebellion" (from tgoalves) 8297902 ==> 187. "Terra Mystica" (from tgoalves) 8297912 ==> 188. "T.I.M.E Stories: Lumen Fidei" (from tgoalves) 8297927 ==> 189. "Tapestry" (from Gugaz) 8297930 ==> 190. "Civilization: A New Dawn" (from tiagobhz) 8297932 ==> 191. "Discover: Lands Unknown" (from tiagobhz) 8297933 ==> 192. "Firefly: The Game" (from tiagobhz) 8297934 ==> 193. "Brass: Birmingham" (from Gugaz) 8297942 ==> 194. "First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet" (from tiagobhz) 8297943 ==> 195. "Lewis & Clark: The Expedition" (from tiagobhz) 8297945 ==> 196. "Sorcerer" (from tiagobhz) 8297946 ==> 197. "Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization" (from tiagobhz) 8297947 ==> 198. "Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done" (from tiagobhz) 8297948 ==> 199. "Francis Drake" (from Gugaz) 8297949 ==> 200. "Dinosaur Island" (from tiagobhz) 8297950 ==> 201. "Among the Stars" (from tiagobhz) 8297952 ==> 202. "The Voyages of Marco Polo" (from Gugaz) 8297953 ==> 203. "Shards of Infinity" (from tiagobhz) 8297955 ==> 204. "CV" (from tiagobhz) 8297958 ==> 205. "K2" (from Gugaz) 8297984 ==> 206. "Pandemic: The Cure" (from marciusfabiani) 8297986 ==> 207. "Venezia" (from marciusfabiani) 8297991 ==> 208. "Seven Bridges" (from marciusfabiani) 8297992 ==> 209. "Jórvík" (from marciusfabiani) 8298035 ==> 210. "Campaign Manager 2008" (from PHDantas) 8298039 ==> 211. "Alt Name: Fungi e Vossa Excelencia (2 jogos)" (from PHDantas) 8298041 ==> 212. "Betrayal at Mystery Mansion" (from PHDantas) 8298047 ==> 213. "Diamant" (from PHDantas) 8298050 ==> 214. "A Feast for Odin" (from PHDantas) 8298053 ==> 215. "Draftosaurus" (from PHDantas) 8298192 ==> 216. "A Tale of Pirates" (from Peveta) 8298193 ==> 217. "Unusual Suspects" (from thiagobfiorenza) 8298196 ==> 218. "Downforce" (from thiagobfiorenza) 8298204 ==> 219. "Quarriors!" (from PATCH_UFC) 8298206 ==> 220. "Azul" (from PATCH_UFC) 8298213 ==> 221. "This War of Mine: The Board Game" (from PATCH_UFC) 8298224 ==> 222. "Paper Dungeons: A Dungeon Scrawler Game" (from MateusBSCampos) 8298226 ==> 223. "Attack of the Jelly Monster" (from amanda_sales) 8298231 ==> 224. "Caverna: Cave vs Cave" (from MateusBSCampos) 8298237 ==> 225. "Tides of Time" (from MateusBSCampos) 8298244 ==> 226. "Cantaloop: Book 1 – Breaking into Prison" (from cassiooo) 8298246 ==> 227. "Hellboy: The Board Game" (from Jetro) 8298248 ==> 228. "Alt Name: UndoClaimDobble" (from cassiooo) 8298250 ==> 229. "Tigris & Euphrates" (from cassiooo) 8298253 ==> 230. "Dogs" (from cassiooo) 8298256 ==> 231. "Terminator Genisys: Rise of the Resistance" (from cassiooo) 8298264 ==> 232. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from amanda_sales) 8298340 ==> 233. "Exploding Kittens" (from Kbaall) 8298341 ==> 234. "Silk" (from Peveta) 8298346 ==> 235. "Takenoko" (from cesso) 8298350 ==> 236. "Altiplano" (from cesso) 8298386 ==> 237. "KeyForge: Call of the Archons" (from DiegoNi) 8298387 ==> 238. "Planet Steam" (from DiegoNi) 8298388 ==> 239. "Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends" (from lpalmieri7) 8298389 ==> 240. "Kingsburg (Second Edition)" (from lpalmieri7) 8298390 ==> 241. "Transatlantic" (from lpalmieri7) 8298393 ==> 242. "Kraftwagen" (from lpalmieri7) 8298394 ==> 243. "Formula D" (from lpalmieri7) 8298396 ==> 244. "Jaws" (from lpalmieri7) 8298399 ==> 245. "Edo" (from lpalmieri7) 8298401 ==> 246. "Red Outpost" (from lpalmieri7) 8298402 ==> 247. "Suspense: the Card Game" (from Dancaix) 8298403 ==> 248. "A Feast for Odin" (from lpalmieri7) 8298404 ==> 249. "Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done" (from lpalmieri7) 8298408 ==> 250. "Puerto Rico" (from Eberhardt4) 8298409 ==> 251. "Vinhos" (from Eberhardt4) 8298410 ==> 252. "Zombicide: Black Plague" (from Eberhardt4) 8298411 ==> 253. "Twilight Imperium: Third Edition" (from Eberhardt4) 8298412 ==> 254. "Eclipse" (from Eberhardt4) 8298413 ==> 255. "Exodus: Proxima Centauri" (from Eberhardt4) 8298418 ==> 256. "Coimbra" (from chacareiro) 8298419 ==> 257. "Manila" (from owlmeister) 8298422 ==> 258. "Cryptid" (from chacareiro) 8298423 ==> 259. "Alt Name: ENCANADOS" (from fernandovassoler) 8298424 ==> 260. "Alt Name: Kariba+Dead Man's Draw" (from owlmeister) 8298426 ==> 261. "Dark City" (from chacareiro) 8298428 ==> 262. "Navia Dratp" (from owlmeister) 8298429 ==> 263. "Scarabya" (from chacareiro) 8298431 ==> 264. "Pandemic" (from chacareiro) 8298457 ==> 265. "King of Tokyo" (from chacareiro) 8298731 ==> 266. "Rhino Hero" (from robsonsmab) 8298785 ==> 267. "Viceroy" (from Gardner) 8298793 ==> 268. "Alt Name: DeadLands & Magdar" (from Gardner) 8298801 ==> 269. "Elder Sign" (from Gardner) 8298945 ==> 270. "Discoveries: The Journals of Lewis and Clark" (from thiagobfiorenza) 8298947 ==> 271. "Fallout" (from thiagobfiorenza) 8298949 ==> 272. "Magic Flow" (from thiagobfiorenza) 8298953 ==> 273. "Mount Everest" (from thiagobfiorenza) 8298959 ==> 274. "Civilization: A New Dawn" (from thiagobfiorenza) 8298964 ==> 275. "Zauberschwert & Drachenei" (from thiagobfiorenza) 8298967 ==> 276. "Drillit! A Fuga da Montanha de Cristal" (from thiagobfiorenza) 8298981 ==> 277. "Pax Renaissance" (from alyssonlago) 8298982 ==> 278. "Gizmos" (from thiagobfiorenza) 8298984 ==> 279. "Reef" (from thiagobfiorenza) 8298988 ==> 280. "Reykholt" (from thiagobfiorenza) 8298991 ==> 281. "Odyssey: Wrath of Poseidon" (from thiagobfiorenza) 8299027 ==> 282. "San Juan (Second Edition)" (from thiagobfiorenza) 8299028 ==> 283. "Unreal Estate" (from thiagobfiorenza) 8299031 ==> 284. "Small World" (from thiagobfiorenza) 8299034 ==> 285. "Machi Koro: Deluxe Edition" (from thiagobfiorenza) 8299035 ==> 286. "A Tale of Pirates" (from thiagobfiorenza) 8299042 ==> 287. "Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu" (from stevancorrea) 8299043 ==> 288. "Flash Point: Fire Rescue" (from stevancorrea) 8299046 ==> 289. "K2" (from stevancorrea) 8299047 ==> 290. "Mistfall" (from stevancorrea) 8299048 ==> 291. "A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition)" (from stevancorrea) 8299050 ==> 292. "Star Wars: X-Wing (Second Edition) – Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansion" (from stevancorrea) 8299051 ==> 293. "Alt Name: GURPS (3 livros)" (from stevancorrea) 8299077 ==> 294. "Rhino Hero" (from cassiooo) 8299095 ==> 295. "Jamaica" (from DiegoNi) 8299103 ==> 296. "Alt Name: Livros AD&D 2a edição" (from fernandovassoler) 8299110 ==> 297. "Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small" (from marcosestevo) 8299113 ==> 298. "Alt Name: Pacote Party Games" (from Jetro) 8299168 ==> 299. "Alt Name: RPG: Savage Worlds 2a Edição" (from Gardner) 8299171 ==> 300. "Mistfall" (from Gardner) 8299187 ==> 301. "Monopoly: Pokémon Kanto Edition" (from cassiooo) 8299190 ==> 302. "Siege Storm" (from guilmp13) 8299191 ==> 303. "Star Wars: Rebellion" (from guilmp13) 8299197 ==> 304. "Lisboa" (from guilmp13) 8299198 ==> 305. "Bärenpark" (from guilmp13) 8299199 ==> 306. "Flamme Rouge" (from guilmp13) 8299205 ==> 307. "Finished!" (from morvesdorves) 8299284 ==> 308. "Noctiluca" (from mandaco) 8299288 ==> 309. "Blueprints" (from mandaco) 8299295 ==> 310. "Dr. Eureka" (from mandaco) 8299354 ==> 311. "Ancient Terrible Things" (from Calixto666) 8299365 ==> 312. "Arcadia Quest" (from Calixto666) 8299368 ==> 313. "AuZtralia" (from Calixto666) 8299373 ==> 314. "Brass: Lancashire" (from Calixto666) 8299382 ==> 315. "Champions of Midgard: Jarl Edition" (from Calixto666) 8299388 ==> 316. "Alt Name: Pacote Tides+Voltage+Yomi" (from morvesdorves) 8299404 ==> 317. "Forbidden Sky" (from morvesdorves) 8299405 ==> 318. "Chaos in the Old World" (from Calixto666) 8299406 ==> 319. "Chimera Station" (from Calixto666) 8299408 ==> 320. "Cosmic Encounter" (from Calixto666) 8299409 ==> 321. "GKR: Heavy Hitters" (from Calixto666) 8299410 ==> 322. "Fighting Formations: Grossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division" (from morvesdorves) 8299412 ==> 323. "Gùgōng" (from Calixto666) 8299414 ==> 324. "Imperial 2030" (from Calixto666) 8299415 ==> 325. "Lords of Scotland" (from Calixto666) 8299419 ==> 326. "Legendary Encounters: A Firefly Deck Building Game" (from morvesdorves) 8299422 ==> 327. "Mage Wars Academy" (from Calixto666) 8299428 ==> 328. "Peloponnes Card Game" (from Calixto666) 8299453 ==> 329. "Roll Player" (from Calixto666) 8299457 ==> 330. "Tapestry" (from Calixto666) 8299468 ==> 331. "Terra Mystica" (from Calixto666) 8299472 ==> 332. "Terraforming Mars: Turmoil" (from Calixto666) 8299515 ==> 333. "Arkham Noir: Case No. 1 – The Witch Cult Murders" (from marcosestevo) 8299535 ==> 334. "Climb!" (from marcosestevo) 8299563 ==> 335. "The Hunters: German U-Boats at War, 1939-43" (from morvesdorves) 8299570 ==> 336. "Pandemic" (from morvesdorves) 8299600 ==> 337. "Black Angel" (from Airton) 8299617 ==> 338. "Western Legends" (from Airton) 8299634 ==> 339. "De Vulgari Eloquentia: Deluxe Edition" (from Airton) 8299647 ==> 340. "The Climbers" (from Airton) 8299657 ==> 341. "Caylus 1303" (from Airton) 8299659 ==> 342. "Alt Name: Pacote Vale, Último Camp., Keltis (Cartas)" (from morvesdorves) 8299662 ==> 343. "London (Second Edition)" (from PHDantas) 8299664 ==> 344. "Penny Press" (from Airton) 8299665 ==> 345. "Maracaibo" (from PHDantas) 8299668 ==> 346. "Trajan" (from PHDantas) 8299672 ==> 347. "Village" (from PHDantas) 8299673 ==> 348. "Caçadores da Galáxia" (from Airton) 8299675 ==> 349. "1955: The War of Espionage" (from morvesdorves) 8299677 ==> 350. "The Voyages of Marco Polo" (from PHDantas) 8299682 ==> 351. "The Battle at Kemble's Cascade" (from Airton) 8299685 ==> 352. "Os Incríveis Parques de Miss Liz" (from Airton) 8299686 ==> 353. "Moa" (from Airton) 8299687 ==> 354. "Lucidity: Six-Sided Nightmares" (from Airton) 8299688 ==> 355. "Innovation" (from Airton) 8299692 ==> 356. "Star Wars: Destiny" (from Peveta) 8299721 ==> 357. "Barrage" (from Leejfb) 8299722 ==> 358. "Belfort: Edición Limitada" (from Leejfb) 8299723 ==> 359. "Cleopatra and the Society of Architects: Deluxe Edition" (from Leejfb) 8299724 ==> 360. "Coimbra" (from Leejfb) 8299725 ==> 361. "Colt Express" (from Leejfb) 8299726 ==> 362. "Cry Havoc" (from Leejfb) 8299727 ==> 363. "Hellboy: The Board Game" (from Leejfb) 8299728 ==> 364. "History of the World" (from Leejfb) 8299729 ==> 365. "The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth" (from Leejfb) 8299730 ==> 366. "Tigris & Euphrates" (from Leejfb) 8299731 ==> 367. "Tapestry" (from Leejfb) 8299733 ==> 368. "UBOOT: The Board Game" (from Leejfb) 8299737 ==> 369. "Mistfall" (from iurie) 8299743 ==> 370. "Victorian Masterminds" (from iurie) 8299752 ==> 371. "SeaFall" (from iurie) 8299758 ==> 372. "Seven Bridges" (from iurie) 8299762 ==> 373. "Dice Forge" (from iurie) 8299765 ==> 374. "Paladins of the West Kingdom" (from iurie) 8299786 ==> 375. "Overdrive" (from lpalmieri7) 8299788 ==> 376. "Root" (from Leejfb) 8299793 ==> 377. "Gnomopolis" (from MateusBSCampos) 8299794 ==> 378. "Tuki" (from chevinha) 8299796 ==> 379. "Boss Monster: The Dungeon Building Card Game" (from stevancorrea) 8299798 ==> 380. "Le Havre" (from marcosestevo) 8299799 ==> 381. "XCOM: The Board Game" (from fgondim) 8299800 ==> 382. "Race for the Galaxy" (from chevinha) 8299801 ==> 383. "This War of Mine: The Board Game" (from fgondim) 8299802 ==> 384. "Vast: The Crystal Caverns" (from fgondim) 8299803 ==> 385. "Scoville" (from fgondim) 8299805 ==> 386. "Lords of Xidit" (from fgondim) 8299806 ==> 387. "Hyperborea" (from fgondim) 8299807 ==> 388. "Exit: The Game – The Abandoned Cabin" (from chevinha) 8299808 ==> 389. "Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game" (from fgondim) 8299809 ==> 390. "Bullfrogs" (from fgondim) 8299811 ==> 391. "Risk (Revised Edition)" (from chevinha) 8299816 ==> 392. "Sabotage" (from fgondim) 8299817 ==> 393. "SeaFall" (from fgondim) 8299818 ==> 394. "Mexica" (from vouape) 8299819 ==> 395. "Vindication" (from fgondim) 8299820 ==> 396. "Cosmic Encounter Duel" (from marcosestevo) 8299821 ==> 397. "Kitchen Rush" (from fgondim) 8299825 ==> 398. "Wok Star" (from fgondim) 8299826 ==> 399. "Tigris & Euphrates" (from thiagoschneider) 8299829 ==> 400. "Innovation" (from vouape) 8299831 ==> 401. "Now Boarding" (from fgondim) 8299832 ==> 402. "Import / Export: Definitive Edition" (from fgondim) 8299833 ==> 403. "Overdrive" (from thiagoschneider) 8299835 ==> 404. "Alt Name: Ovni & Card Goblins & Sim, Mestre das Trevas" (from Gardner) 8299837 ==> 405. "Terra Mystica" (from fgondim) 8299838 ==> 406. "Shadows in the Forest" (from vouape) 8299841 ==> 407. "Photosynthesis" (from thiagoschneider) 8299842 ==> 408. "Rock'n Roll Manager" (from fgondim) 8299843 ==> 409. "The Bloody Inn" (from vouape) 8299845 ==> 410. "Viceroy" (from thiagoschneider) 8299846 ==> 411. "Fields of Green" (from MustaBG) 8299849 ==> 412. "Yokohama" (from fgondim) 8299850 ==> 413. "War: Império Romano" (from Gardner) 8299851 ==> 414. "Ave Caesar" (from MustaBG) 8299854 ==> 415. "CO₂: Second Chance" (from fgondim) 8299859 ==> 416. "Skyliners" (from MustaBG) 8299862 ==> 417. "Rock'n Roll Manager" (from lpalmieri7) 8299867 ==> 418. "Colt Express" (from L_ARM) 8299868 ==> 419. "World of Tanks: Rush" (from Gardner) 8299871 ==> 420. "Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem – Calaveras Club Expansion" (from MustaBG) 8299882 ==> 421. "Drillit! A Fuga da Montanha de Cristal" (from L_ARM) 8299883 ==> 422. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from robsonsmab) 8299884 ==> 423. "Bruxelles 1893" (from MasterAce) 8299885 ==> 424. "Underwater Cities" (from MasterAce) 8299886 ==> 425. "Dead Man's Doubloons" (from MasterAce) 8299887 ==> 426. "Endeavor: Age of Sail" (from MasterAce) 8299888 ==> 427. "Key to the City: London" (from MasterAce) 8299889 ==> 428. "Santorini" (from MustaBG) 8299890 ==> 429. "Ninjato" (from MasterAce) 8299891 ==> 430. "Alt Name: Combo de Party Games" (from chevinha) 8299892 ==> 431. "Pocket Dragon" (from MasterAce) 8299893 ==> 432. "Barony" (from MustaBG) 8299894 ==> 433. "Sheriff of Nottingham (2nd Edition)" (from MasterAce) 8299896 ==> 434. "Shadowrun: Crossfire" (from MasterAce) 8299897 ==> 435. "Concept" (from L_ARM) 8299899 ==> 436. "Butim" (from mafele) 8299902 ==> 437. "Caçadores da Galáxia" (from mafele) 8299903 ==> 438. "Warzoo" (from mafele) 8299904 ==> 439. "Vikings" (from MasterAce) 8299906 ==> 440. "KeyForge: Call of the Archons" (from mafele) 8299907 ==> 441. "Small World" (from Kbaall) 8299911 ==> 442. "Supernova: A New Exodus" (from mafele) 8299912 ==> 443. "Deception: Murder in Hong Kong" (from fgondim) 8299913 ==> 444. "Get Off My Land!" (from fgondim) 8299914 ==> 445. "Covert" (from fgondim) 8299915 ==> 446. "Summoner Wars: Master Set" (from mafele) 8299916 ==> 447. "Alt Name: Combo Jogos Portáteis" (from chevinha) 8299917 ==> 448. "Tiny Epic Quest" (from fgondim) 8299920 ==> 449. "1st & Goal" (from fgondim) 8299921 ==> 450. "The Red Dragon Inn" (from mafele) 8299922 ==> 451. "Altiplano" (from cassiooo) 8299923 ==> 452. "Mottainai" (from fgondim) 8299924 ==> 453. "Zombicide Season 3: Rue Morgue" (from fgondim) 8299925 ==> 454. "Shogun" (from DiegoNi) 8299929 ==> 455. "Last Friday" (from fgondim) 8299930 ==> 456. "Prosperity" (from fgondim) 8299931 ==> 457. "Quarriors!" (from mafele) 8299932 ==> 458. "The Convicted" (from fgondim) 8299934 ==> 459. "Pit Crew" (from mafele) 8299935 ==> 460. "Loony Quest" (from fgondim) 8299937 ==> 461. "Spyfall" (from lhilgert) 8299941 ==> 462. "Millions: The Last Soldier" (from mafele) 8299947 ==> 463. "The Manhattan Project: Chain Reaction" (from mafele) 8299952 ==> 464. "Labyrinx" (from mafele) 8299956 ==> 465. "Dwar7s Fall" (from mafele) 8299957 ==> 466. "Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu" (from mafele) 8299961 ==> 467. "4 Gods" (from mafele) 8299968 ==> 468. "Fields of Green" (from FabioBarreira) 8299970 ==> 469. "Legends of Empires" (from mafele) 8299973 ==> 470. "Gunrunners" (from mafele) 8299977 ==> 471. "Zona Mágica" (from mafele) 8299978 ==> 472. "Dice Forge" (from mafele) 8299980 ==> 473. "Fields of Green" (from mafele) 8299982 ==> 474. "A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition)" (from mafele) 8299983 ==> 475. "Aquarium" (from mafele) 8299985 ==> 476. "Quartz" (from mafele) 8299988 ==> 477. "Power Grid" (from cassiooo) 8300034 ==> 478. "The Voyages of Marco Polo" (from Guibitar) 8300038 ==> 479. "Escape Tales: The Awakening" (from Docrick) 8300039 ==> 480. "Escape Tales: Low Memory" (from Docrick) 8300040 ==> 481. "Jórvík" (from Gardner) 8300042 ==> 482. "Cry Havoc" (from Taz2) 8300043 ==> 483. "Rising Sun" (from chacareiro) 8300045 ==> 484. "Above and Below" (from Taz2) 8300046 ==> 485. "Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small" (from Taz2) 8300048 ==> 486. "Agent Hunter" (from Taz2) 8300052 ==> 487. "This War of Mine: The Board Game" (from Taz2) 8300053 ==> 488. "The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game" (from Taz2) 8300055 ==> 489. "Hero Realms" (from Taz2) 8300057 ==> 490. "Wizard's Academy" (from Taz2) 8300060 ==> 491. "Terraforming Mars" (from chacareiro) 8300062 ==> 492. "Alt Name: Geek's n orcs 5 jogos" (from Taz2) 8300067 ==> 493. "A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition)" (from Guibitar) 8300070 ==> 494. "7 Wonders" (from Guibitar) 8300073 ==> 495. "Kingdom Builder: Big Box" (from Guibitar) 8300074 ==> 496. "Lucidity: Six-Sided Nightmares" (from Guibitar) 8300076 ==> 497. "Alt Name: RPG Anima Francês" (from Taz2) 8300077 ==> 498. "Terminator Genisys: Rise of the Resistance" (from Guibitar) 8300078 ==> 499. "Arcadia Quest" (from chacareiro) 8300079 ==> 500. "Alt Name: Shadowrun 4edição 20anos" (from Taz2) 8300080 ==> 501. "Small World" (from Guibitar) 8300081 ==> 502. "Alt Name: Decks AD&D" (from Taz2) 8300085 ==> 503. "Tail Feathers" (from Guibitar) 8300088 ==> 504. "Anima: Shadow of Omega" (from Taz2) !END-OFFICIAL-NAMES #pragma user "Airton" # Confirmation code: d0Ebv9g/oMMQdx5MzttEQw # Fri May 28 16:50:28 2021 # (Airton) %AACBaS : 8299110 8300046 # (Airton) %Coimb : 8299724 8298418 # (Airton) %Medici : 8293515 8288382 # (Airton) %PDADSG : 8297667 8298224 # (Airton) %Repetid : # (Airton) %RolPla : 8293521 8299453 # (Airton) %TEQ : 8299917 8294261 # (Airton) %TWoMTBG : 8300052 8299801 # Black Angel (Airton) 8299600 : 8299731 8299819 8297875 8287017 8299662 8300043 8299672 # Western Legends (Airton) 8299617 : 8299731 8299819 8297875 8287017 8299662 8300043 8299672 8299801 # De Vulgari Eloquentia: Deluxe Edition (Airton) 8299634 : 8300052 8285877 8286226 8285870 8299731 8299819 8297875 8287017 8299662 8299453 8300043 8299672 8299801 8297949 8299365 8298422 8299887 8299884 8297948 8297463 8299803 %TWoMTBG %AACBaS # The Climbers (Airton) 8299647 : 8286161 8300052 8285877 8286226 8285870 8293521 8299731 8299819 8297875 8287017 8299662 8299453 8300043 8299672 8299801 8297949 8299365 8298422 8299887 8299884 8297948 8297463 8297902 8299803 8297947 8300073 8286191 8299724 8299110 8300046 %RolPla 8288012 8297506 8287822 %AACBaS # Caylus 1303 (Airton) 8299657 : 8286161 8300052 8285877 8286226 8285870 8293521 8299731 8299819 8297875 8287017 8299662 8299453 8300043 8299672 8299801 8297949 8299365 8298422 8299887 8299884 8297948 8297463 8297902 8299803 8297947 8300073 8299724 8299110 8300046 %RolPla %TWoMTBG 8288012 8298418 # Penny Press (Airton) 8299664 : 8286161 8300052 8285877 8286226 8285870 8299731 8299819 8297875 8287017 8299662 8299453 8300043 8299672 8299801 8297949 8299365 8298422 8299887 8299884 8297948 8297463 8297902 8297947 8300073 8286191 %TWoMTBG # Caçadores da Galáxia (Airton) 8299673 : 8286161 8300052 8285877 8286226 8285870 8293521 8299731 8299819 8297875 8287017 8299662 8299453 8286202 8300043 8299672 8299801 8297949 8299365 8298422 8299887 8299884 8297948 8297463 8297902 8299803 8300073 8286191 8299724 8299110 8300046 %RolPla %TWoMTBG 8288012 8298418 8297506 8287822 8293515 8299917 8297667 8298224 8298206 %AACBaS 8289449 8298341 8288382 8299288 # The Battle at Kemble's Cascade (Airton) 8299682 : 8286161 8300052 8285877 8286226 8285870 8299731 8299819 8297875 8287017 8299662 8299453 8300043 8299672 8299801 8297949 8299365 8298422 8299887 8299884 8297948 8297463 8297902 8297947 8286191 %TWoMTBG # Os Incríveis Parques de Miss Liz (Airton) 8299685 : 8286161 8300052 8285877 8286226 8285870 8293521 8299731 8299819 8297875 8287017 8299662 8299453 8286202 8300043 8299672 8299801 8297949 8299365 8298422 8299887 8299884 8297948 8297463 8297902 8299803 8297947 8300073 8286191 8299724 8299110 8300046 %RolPla 8288012 8298418 8297506 8287822 8293515 8299917 8297667 8298224 8298206 8289449 8298341 8297888 %Coimb %Medici %TEQ 8294261 8298984 # Moa (Airton) 8299686 : 8286161 8300052 8285877 8286226 8285870 8293521 8299731 8299819 8297875 8287017 8299662 8299453 8286202 8300043 8299672 8299801 8297949 8299365 8298422 8299887 8299884 8297948 8297463 8297902 8299803 8297947 8300073 8286191 8299724 8299110 8300046 %RolPla 8288012 8298418 8297506 8287822 8293515 8299917 8297667 8298224 8298206 %AACBaS 8289449 8298341 8288382 8297888 %Coimb %Medici %TEQ 8299288 %PDADSG # Lucidity: Six-Sided Nightmares (Airton) 8299687 : 8286161 8300052 8285877 8286226 8285870 8293521 8299731 8299819 8297875 8287017 8299662 8299453 8286202 8300043 8299672 8299801 8297949 8299365 8298422 8299887 8299884 8297948 8297463 8297902 8299803 8297947 8300073 8286191 8299724 8299110 8300046 %RolPla %TWoMTBG 8288012 8298418 8297506 8287822 8293515 8299917 8297667 8298224 8298206 %AACBaS 8289449 8298341 8288382 8297888 %Coimb %Medici %TEQ 8299288 8294261 8298984 %PDADSG 8288017 # Innovation (Airton) 8299688 : 8286161 8300052 8285877 8286226 8285870 8293521 8299731 8299819 8297875 8287017 8299662 8299453 8286202 8300043 8299672 8299801 8297949 8299365 8298422 8299887 8299884 8297948 8297463 8297902 8299803 8297947 8300073 8286191 8299724 8299110 8300046 %RolPla %TWoMTBG 8288012 8298418 8297506 8287822 8293515 8299917 8297667 8298224 8298206 8289449 8298341 8288382 8297888 %Coimb %Medici %TEQ 8299288 8294261 8298984 %PDADSG 8288017 8286157 #pragma user "alyssonlago" # Confirmation code: ekxD8KMoc3tNeJvlemJvvg # Tue Jun 1 12:16:20 2021 # Pax Renaissance (alyssonlago) 8298981 : 8299819 8288001 #pragma user "amanda_sales" # Confirmation code: WOr7ch70VxzprjHoMCcj2Q # Fri May 28 10:28:30 2021 # Attack of the Jelly Monster (amanda_sales) 8298226 : 8299197 8299889 8299617 8299472 8298206 8298982 8289520 8298984 8285866 8299647 8298988 8286283 8289512 # Outside the Scope of BGG (amanda_sales) 8298264 : 8299197 8299889 8299617 8299472 #pragma user "cacothiago" # Confirmation code: zByAuE1oTrhP-h+Dc1eVrA # Thu May 27 19:07:13 2021 # (cacothiago) %KitRus : 8297879 # (cacothiago) %VicMas : 8286273 8299743 # Alt Name: Flip City Sociedade Sapotagem Medievalia (cacothiago) 8287638 : 8299668 8297949 8297877 8299672 8298231 8293522 8297432 8299095 8286608 8298984 8294209 %VicMas 8299034 8294877 %KitRus 8298248 # Alt Name: Archaelogy Say Bye Villains Architectura Script Terror (cacothiago) 8287676 : 8299668 8297949 8297877 8299672 8298231 8293522 8297432 8299095 8286608 8298984 8294209 %VicMas 8299034 8294877 # King of Tokyo (cacothiago) 8287680 : 8299668 8297949 8297877 8299672 8298231 8293522 8297432 8299095 8286608 8298984 8294209 %VicMas 8299034 8294877 %KitRus # Ticket to Ride (cacothiago) 8291447 : 8299668 8297949 8297877 8299672 8298231 8293522 8297432 #pragma user "Calixto666" # Confirmation code: 6/WgQm2ba6oCWfWachF6cA # Tue Jun 1 15:14:33 2021 # Ancient Terrible Things (Calixto666) 8299354 : 8299819 8299729 8299723 8288001 8299887 8299849 8297934 8299665 8299634 8298410 8299600 # Arcadia Quest (Calixto666) 8299365 : 8299819 8299729 # AuZtralia (Calixto666) 8299368 : 8299819 8299729 8299723 8288001 8299887 8299849 8297934 8299665 8299634 8298410 8299600 8298413 8299924 # Brass: Lancashire (Calixto666) 8299373 : 8299819 # Champions of Midgard: Jarl Edition (Calixto666) 8299382 : 8299819 8299729 8299723 8288001 8299887 8299849 # Chaos in the Old World (Calixto666) 8299405 : 8299819 # Chimera Station (Calixto666) 8299406 : 8299819 8299729 8299723 8288001 # Cosmic Encounter (Calixto666) 8299408 : 8299819 8299729 8299723 8288001 8299887 8299849 8297934 8299665 # GKR: Heavy Hitters (Calixto666) 8299409 : # Gùgōng (Calixto666) 8299412 : 8299819 # Imperial 2030 (Calixto666) 8299414 : 8299819 8299729 8299723 8288001 8299887 8299849 8297934 8299665 8299634 # Lords of Scotland (Calixto666) 8299415 : 8299819 8299729 8299723 8288001 8299887 8299849 8297934 8299665 8299634 8298410 8299600 8298413 8299924 8299988 8299885 8297946 8299808 8299854 8299042 8299957 8299762 8299978 8299051 8299103 8300079 8298386 8289504 8297667 8298224 # Mage Wars Academy (Calixto666) 8299422 : 8299819 8299729 8299723 8288001 8299887 8299849 8297934 8299665 8299634 8298410 8299600 8298413 8299924 8297946 # Peloponnes Card Game (Calixto666) 8299428 : 8299819 8299729 8299723 8288001 8299887 8299849 8297934 8299665 8299634 8298410 8299600 8298413 8299924 8299988 8299885 8297946 8299808 8299854 8299042 8299957 8299762 8299978 8299051 8299103 8300079 8298386 8289504 8297667 8298224 # Roll Player (Calixto666) 8299453 : 8299819 8299729 8299723 # Tapestry (Calixto666) 8299457 : 8299819 8299729 8299723 8288001 8299887 # Terra Mystica (Calixto666) 8299468 : 8299819 8299729 8299723 # Terraforming Mars: Turmoil (Calixto666) 8299472 : 8299819 8299729 8299723 8288001 8299887 8299849 8297934 8299665 8299634 8298410 8299600 8298413 8299924 8299988 8299885 8299808 8299854 8299042 8299957 #pragma user "cassiooo" # Confirmation code: QhOnrmD4-nXrGhzhgAyNaQ # Mon May 31 13:22:49 2021 # (cassiooo) %AFfO : 8298050 8298403 # (cassiooo) %Draft : 8287872 8296856 8298053 # (cassiooo) %RolPla : 8293521 8299453 # (cassiooo) %Scara : 8296819 8298429 # (cassiooo) %TVoMP : 8297952 8299677 8300034 # (cassiooo) %Taken : 8294268 8298346 # (cassiooo) %TerMys : 8297902 8299468 # Cantaloop: Book 1 – Breaking into Prison (cassiooo) 8298244 : %TerMys 8299600 8297432 8299672 8298206 8298231 8297943 8299668 8299884 8298408 %Taken 8289539 8285870 8290640 %RolPla 8286161 8299110 8288357 8286608 8290506 8285873 # Alt Name: UndoClaimDobble (cassiooo) 8298248 : %TerMys 8299600 8297432 8299672 8298206 8298231 8297943 8299668 8299884 8298408 %Taken 8289539 8285870 8290640 %RolPla 8286161 8299110 8288357 8286608 8290506 8285873 8287823 8297506 %Draft 8287809 %Scara 8294210 # Tigris & Euphrates (cassiooo) 8298250 : %TerMys 8299600 8297432 8299672 8298206 8298231 8299668 8299884 %AFfO %TVoMP # Dogs (cassiooo) 8298253 : %TerMys 8299600 8297432 8299672 8298206 8298231 8297943 8299668 8299884 %AFfO 8298408 %Taken 8289539 8285870 8290640 %TVoMP # Terminator Genisys: Rise of the Resistance (cassiooo) 8298256 : %TerMys 8299600 8297432 8299672 8298206 8299668 8299884 %AFfO %TVoMP # Rhino Hero (cassiooo) 8299077 : %TerMys 8299600 8297432 8299672 8298206 8298231 8297943 8299668 8299884 8298408 %Taken 8289539 8285870 8290640 %RolPla 8286161 8299110 8288357 8286608 8290506 8285873 8287823 8297506 %Draft 8287809 %Scara 8294210 # Monopoly: Pokémon Kanto Edition (cassiooo) 8299187 : %TerMys 8299600 8297432 8299672 8298206 8298231 8297943 8299668 8299884 %AFfO 8298408 %Taken 8289539 8285870 8290640 %TVoMP %RolPla 8286161 8299110 8288357 8286608 8290506 8285873 # Altiplano (cassiooo) 8299922 : %TerMys 8299600 %AFfO # Power Grid (cassiooo) 8299988 : %TerMys 8299600 %AFfO #pragma user "cesso" # Confirmation code: Q0vsmaxasC29n5i/sBPP9g # Thu May 27 10:19:41 2021 # Takenoko (cesso) 8298346 : 8297877 8299729 8299672 8299925 8299414 8299887 8299884 8297933 8299382 # Altiplano (cesso) 8298350 : 8297877 8299729 8299672 8299925 8299414 8299887 8299884 8297933 8299382 #pragma user "chacareiro" # Confirmation code: iPLd/YIAMyX6bzstVSovcg # Sun May 30 16:58:23 2021 # (chacareiro) %Altip : 8299922 8298350 # (chacareiro) %CdG : 8299902 8299673 # (chacareiro) %FoG : 8299968 8299980 8299846 8286147 # (chacareiro) %Gnomo : 8299793 8294871 # (chacareiro) %PDADSG : 8298224 8297667 # (chacareiro) %PRoC : 8299042 8299957 # (chacareiro) %TBI : 8299843 8285869 # (chacareiro) %TVoMP : 8297952 8299677 8300034 # (chacareiro) %Tapes : 8297927 8299457 # Coimbra (chacareiro) 8298418 : 8288012 8299765 %Altip 8298346 # Cryptid (chacareiro) 8298422 : 8288012 %Altip 8294258 8287822 8299354 %Gnomo # Dark City (chacareiro) 8298426 : 8294274 8298039 8299428 8299961 8294149 8299028 # Scarabya (chacareiro) 8298429 : 8294274 8299800 8287823 %TBI %FoG 8296847 %PDADSG 8299985 # Pandemic (chacareiro) 8298431 : 8288012 8299765 8298231 8298206 8299885 8299725 %PRoC 8298959 %CdG # King of Tokyo (chacareiro) 8298457 : 8294274 8299800 8287823 %TBI %FoG 8296847 %PDADSG 8299985 # Rising Sun (chacareiro) 8300043 : 8298231 %TVoMP 8297949 8298213 # Terraforming Mars (chacareiro) 8300060 : 8299373 8299723 8297946 %Tapes # Arcadia Quest (chacareiro) 8300078 : 8299373 8299723 8299468 #pragma user "chevinha" # Confirmation code: W1SeGLmg5TT0HKKy2UejhA # Sun May 30 14:06:32 2021 # (chevinha) %PanCthu : 8299042 8299957 # (chevinha) %Pandem : 8298431 8299570 # (chevinha) %Tigris : 8298250 8299730 8299826 # Tuki (chevinha) 8299794 : 8298412 8299197 8298403 8299721 8298050 8285877 8300043 8299729 8298041 8297934 8299373 8299665 8298410 8286225 8299468 8286161 8300060 8297560 8299788 8286226 8299662 8294141 %PanCthu %Pandem 8297984 8298244 8292273 8300038 8300039 8286276 %Tigris # Race for the Galaxy (chevinha) 8299800 : 8298412 8299197 8298403 8299721 8298050 8285877 8300043 8299729 8298041 8297934 8299373 8299665 8298410 8286225 8299468 8286161 8300060 8297560 8299788 8286226 8299662 8294141 %PanCthu %Pandem 8297984 8298244 8292273 8300038 8300039 8286276 # Exit: The Game – The Abandoned Cabin (chevinha) 8299807 : 8298412 8299197 8298403 8299721 8298050 8285877 8300043 8299729 8298041 8297934 8299373 8299665 8298410 8286225 8299468 8286161 8300060 8297560 8299788 8286226 8299662 8294141 %PanCthu %Pandem 8297984 8298244 8292273 8300038 8300039 8286276 %Tigris # Risk (Revised Edition) (chevinha) 8299811 : 8298412 8299197 8298403 8299721 8298050 8285877 8300043 8299729 8298041 8297934 8299373 8299665 8298410 8286225 8299468 8286161 8300060 8297560 8299788 8286226 8299662 8294141 %PanCthu %Pandem 8297984 8298244 8292273 8300038 8300039 8286276 %Tigris # Alt Name: Combo de Party Games (chevinha) 8299891 : 8298412 8299197 8298403 8299721 8298050 8285877 8300043 8299729 8298041 8297934 8299373 8299665 8298410 8286225 8299468 8286161 8300060 8297560 8299788 8286226 8299662 8294141 %PanCthu %Pandem 8297984 8298244 8292273 8300038 8300039 8286276 %Tigris # Alt Name: Combo Jogos Portáteis (chevinha) 8299916 : 8298412 8299197 8298403 8299721 8298050 8285877 8300043 8299729 8298041 8297934 8299373 8299665 8298410 8286225 8299468 8286161 8300060 8297560 8299788 8286226 8299662 8294141 %PanCthu %Pandem 8297984 8298244 8292273 8300038 8300039 8286276 %Tigris #pragma user "cirocvieira" # Confirmation code: M7YyDqw8xfaychfISbdIfw # Thu May 27 13:52:22 2021 # (cirocvieira) %AFfO : 8298050 8298403 # (cirocvieira) %Barra : 8285877 8299721 # (cirocvieira) %RolPla : 8293521 8299453 # (cirocvieira) %TVoMP : 8297952 8299677 8300034 # (cirocvieira) %Tapes : 8297927 8299457 8299731 # (cirocvieira) %TerMys : 8297902 8299468 8299837 # Alt Name: Samurai e Peloponnes Card (cirocvieira) 8297502 : %RolPla 8297877 8299765 8286157 8287822 8287027 %AFfO 8298206 8299668 8297949 8298346 8291447 8299672 %Tapes 8297948 8299412 8299600 8290640 8299382 8299634 %TerMys 8298412 %TVoMP 8299405 %Barra 8300043 8287897 8299849 8299617 8299819 8297875 8299887 8287017 8299884 8299662 8299805 8299723 # Kingdom Builder (cirocvieira) 8297506 : %RolPla 8297877 8299765 8286157 8287822 8287027 %AFfO 8298206 8299668 8297949 8298346 8291447 8299672 %Tapes 8297948 8299412 8299600 8290640 8299382 8299634 %TerMys 8298412 %TVoMP 8299405 %Barra 8300043 8287897 8299849 8299617 8299819 8297875 8299887 8287017 8299884 8299662 8299805 8299723 #pragma user "dancaix" # Confirmation code: DS4tna/qQkESntLApsJ3xw # Mon May 31 07:46:16 2021 # (dancaix) %Draft : 8287872 8296856 8298053 # (dancaix) %RolPla : 8293521 8299453 # (dancaix) %TE : 8297435 8299730 8299826 # (dancaix) %TEQ : 8294261 8299917 # (dancaix) %Taken : # (dancaix) %VicMas : 8286273 8299743 # Futboard (dancaix) 8289020 : 8299600 8299191 8299729 8298346 8299889 8298394 8299957 %TEQ 8299404 8299043 8298196 8298984 %Draft 8294258 %VicMas %RolPla %TE 8298206 8286608 8290133 8287822 8289508 8288012 8291093 8299113 8287809 8296819 8298253 8299685 # Eight-Minute Empire (dancaix) 8294362 : 8299600 8299191 8299729 8298346 8299889 8298394 8299957 %TEQ 8299404 8299043 8298196 8298984 %Draft 8294258 %VicMas %RolPla %TE 8298206 8286608 8290133 8287822 8289508 8288012 8286283 8291093 8299113 8287809 8296819 8298253 8299685 # Suspense: the Card Game (dancaix) 8298402 : 8299600 8299191 8299729 8298346 8299889 8298394 8299957 %TEQ 8299404 8299043 8298196 8298984 %Draft 8294258 %VicMas %RolPla %TE 8298206 8286608 8290133 8287822 8289508 8288012 8286283 8291093 8299113 8287809 8296819 8298253 8299685 8299829 8298248 8298237 8298244 8298340 8298949 #pragma user "danilopatro" # Confirmation code: eRFzQ/eSJVnR1PLdPfNSeA # Tue Jun 1 08:27:03 2021 # (danilopatro) %Coimb : 8298418 8299724 # (danilopatro) %HTBG : 8286154 8298246 8299727 # (danilopatro) %TGRotR : 8298256 8300077 # Draftosaurus (danilopatro) 8287872 : 8297934 8299373 8299405 8297949 8285877 8299721 8297875 8299887 8299365 8287017 8298389 8299382 8300078 8286276 8286171 8285870 8298393 8299662 8297649 8299034 8299412 8286161 %HTBG 8293522 %TGRotR 8297888 8286226 8298409 %Coimb 8289520 8294192 8287822 8299113 8299354 8299198 8294207 # Elder Sign (danilopatro) 8287874 : 8297934 8299373 8299405 8297949 8285877 8299721 8297875 8299887 8299365 8287017 8298389 8299382 8300078 8286276 8286171 8285870 8298393 8299662 8297649 8299034 8299412 8286161 %HTBG 8293522 %TGRotR 8286226 8298409 8299113 # Alt Name: Pack caixas pequena (3 jogos) (danilopatro) 8287891 : 8297934 8299373 8299405 8297949 8285877 8299721 8297875 8299887 8299365 8287017 8298389 8299382 8300078 8286276 8286171 8285870 8298393 8299662 8297649 8299034 8299412 8286161 %HTBG 8293522 %TGRotR 8297888 8286226 8298409 %Coimb 8289520 8294192 8287822 8299113 8299354 8299198 8294207 # Dominion (danilopatro) 8287897 : 8297934 8299373 8299405 8297949 8285877 8299721 8297875 8299887 8299365 8287017 8298389 8299382 8300078 8286276 8285870 8299662 8299034 8299412 %HTBG 8299113 # Alt Name: Pack caixas médias (3 jogos) (danilopatro) 8287920 : 8297934 8299373 8299405 8297949 8285877 8299721 8297875 8299887 8299365 8287017 8298389 8299382 8300078 8286276 8286171 8285870 8298393 8299662 8297649 8299034 8299412 8286161 %HTBG 8293522 8286226 8299113 8299354 # Castle Panic (danilopatro) 8288299 : 8297934 8299373 8299405 8297949 8285877 8299721 8297875 8299887 8299365 8287017 8298389 8299382 8285870 # Medici (danilopatro) 8288382 : 8297934 8299373 8299405 8297949 8285877 8299721 8297875 8299887 8299365 8287017 8298389 8299382 8300078 8286276 8286171 8285870 8298393 8299662 8297649 8299034 8299412 8286161 %HTBG 8293522 %TGRotR 8286226 8298409 %Coimb 8289520 8294192 8287822 8299113 8299354 8299198 #pragma user "DiegoNi" # Confirmation code: Mp3QJYmrSEKJPL6Y0L8Zzg # Tue Jun 1 19:15:38 2021 # Cartagena (DiegoNi) 8297630 : 8297934 8299373 8297949 8285877 8299721 8300043 8299617 8299884 8299600 8286225 8299896 8299805 8286177 8294271 8299665 8299668 8299729 8297882 8298399 8298050 8298403 8297560 8299788 8299408 8299885 8299849 8298418 8299724 8286226 8298422 8299819 8299412 8297463 8285866 8299647 8299657 8285870 8299917 8299806 8286202 8298945 8286154 8298246 8299727 8286231 8286273 8299743 8299723 8299924 8286203 8299404 8298041 8300073 8299682 8297432 8286201 8296819 8286191 8299932 8286153 8294210 8299913 8299988 8297435 8298250 8299730 8299826 8286161 8299198 8299199 8286171 8293506 8297877 8299672 8287897 8299765 8299414 8300067 8298196 8299043 8298982 8294192 8298350 8299922 8285368 8297506 8289520 8299803 8286276 8287822 8290509 8298419 8299662 8299854 8299042 8299957 8288387 8298984 8297879 8294141 8299851 8293517 8286206 8299914 8298988 8297807 8287847 8299406 8299890 8290640 8287027 8297942 8299816 8286277 8299935 8288016 8292273 8294207 8298256 8300077 8286216 8287828 8299888 8285878 8297885 8286200 8298785 8299845 8297876 8286213 8293959 8288360 8298244 8298401 8299894 8299794 8299886 8293526 8299686 8297470 8285873 8299859 8286163 # Die die DIE (DiegoNi) 8297637 : 8297934 8299373 8297949 8285877 8299721 8300043 8299617 8299884 8299600 8286225 8299896 8299805 8286177 8294271 8299665 8299668 8299729 8297882 8298399 8298050 8298403 8297560 8299788 8299408 8299885 8299849 8298418 8299724 8286226 8298422 8299819 8299412 8297463 8285866 8299647 8299657 8285870 8299917 8299806 8286202 8298945 8286154 8298246 8299727 8286231 8286273 8299743 8299723 8299924 8286203 8299404 8298041 8300073 8299682 8297432 8286201 8296819 8286191 8299932 8286153 8294210 8299913 8299988 8297435 8298250 8299730 8299826 8286161 8299198 8299199 8286171 8293506 8297877 8299672 8287897 8299765 8299414 8300067 8298196 8299043 8298982 8294192 8298350 8299922 8285368 8297506 8289520 8299803 8286276 8287822 8290509 8298419 8299662 8299854 8299042 8299957 8288387 8298984 8297879 8294141 8299851 8293517 8286206 8299914 8298988 8297807 8287847 8299406 8299890 8290640 8287027 8297942 8299816 8286277 8299935 8288016 8292273 8294207 8298256 8300077 8286216 8287828 8299888 8285878 8297885 8286200 8298785 8299845 8297876 8286213 8293959 8288360 8298244 8298401 8299894 8299794 8299886 8293526 8299686 8297470 8285873 8299859 8286163 8288382 8293515 # Cave Troll (DiegoNi) 8297649 : 8297934 8299373 8297949 8285877 8299721 8300043 8299617 8299884 8299600 8286225 8299896 8299805 8286177 8294271 8299665 8299668 8299729 8297882 8298399 8298050 8298403 8297560 8299788 8299408 8299885 8299849 8298418 8299724 8286226 8298422 8299819 8299412 8297463 8285866 8299647 8299657 8285870 8299917 8299806 8286202 8298945 8286154 8298246 8299727 8286231 8286273 8299743 8299723 8299924 8286203 8299404 8298041 8300073 8299682 8297432 8286201 8296819 8286191 8299932 8286153 8294210 8299913 # Alt Name: Dungeon Tides Zumbis(3 jogos) (DiegoNi) 8297664 : 8297934 8299373 8297949 8285877 8299721 8300043 8299617 8299884 8299600 8286225 8299896 8299805 8286177 8294271 8299665 8299668 8299729 8297882 8298399 8298050 8298403 8297560 8299788 8299408 8299885 8299849 8298418 8299724 8286226 8298422 8299819 8299412 8297463 8285866 8299647 8299657 8285870 8299917 8299806 8286202 8298945 8286154 8298246 8299727 8286231 8286273 8299743 8299723 8299924 8286203 8299404 8298041 8300073 8299682 8297432 8286201 8296819 8286191 8299932 8286153 8294210 8299913 8299988 8297435 8298250 8299730 8299826 8286161 8299198 8299199 8286171 8293506 8297877 8299672 8287897 8299765 8299414 8300067 8298196 8299043 8298982 8294192 8298350 8299922 8285368 8297506 8289520 8299803 8286276 8287822 8290509 8298419 8299662 8299854 8299042 8299957 8288387 8298984 8297879 8294141 8299851 8293517 8286206 8299914 8298988 8297807 8287847 8299406 8299890 8290640 8287027 8297942 8299816 8286277 8299935 8288016 8292273 8294207 8298256 8300077 8286216 8287828 8299888 8285878 8297885 8286200 8298785 8299845 8297876 8286213 8293959 8288360 8298244 8298401 8299894 8299794 8299886 8293526 8299686 8297470 8285873 8299859 8286163 8288382 8293515 8298204 8299931 8299031 8299907 8300080 8286608 8287872 8299843 8286252 8293557 8299897 8288018 8294209 8299923 8286280 8287638 8296847 8298731 8299077 8299929 8300038 8299737 8286215 8300039 8299956 8298991 8299841 8299893 8299961 # Alt Name: Pack Bandido Sabotador Happens (3 jogos) (DiegoNi) 8297666 : 8297934 8299373 8297949 8285877 8299721 8300043 8299617 8299884 8299600 8286225 8299896 8299805 8286177 8294271 8299665 8299668 8299729 8297882 8298399 8298050 8298403 8297560 8299788 8299408 8299885 8299849 8298418 8299724 8286226 8298422 8299819 8299412 8297463 8285866 8299647 8299657 8285870 8299917 8299806 8286202 8298945 8286154 8298246 8299727 8286231 8286273 8299743 8299723 8299924 8286203 8299404 8298041 8300073 8299682 8297432 8286201 8296819 8286191 8299932 8286153 8294210 8299913 8299988 8297435 8298250 8299730 8299826 8286161 8299198 8299199 8286171 8293506 8297877 8299672 8287897 8299765 8299414 8300067 8298196 8299043 8298982 8294192 8298350 8299922 8285368 8297506 8289520 8299803 8286276 8287822 8290509 8298419 8299662 8299854 8299042 8299957 8288387 8298984 8297879 8294141 8299851 8293517 8286206 8299914 8298988 8297807 8287847 8299406 8299890 8290640 8287027 8297942 8299816 8286277 8299935 8288016 8292273 8294207 8298256 8300077 8286216 8287828 8299888 8285878 8297885 8286200 8298785 8299845 8297876 8286213 8293959 8288360 8298244 8298401 8299894 8299794 8299886 8293526 8299686 8297470 8285873 8299859 8286163 8288382 8293515 8298204 8299931 8299031 8299907 8300080 8286608 8287872 8299843 8286252 8293557 8299897 8288018 8294209 8299923 8286280 8287638 8296847 8298731 8299077 8299929 8300038 8299737 8286215 8300039 8299956 8298991 8299841 8299893 8299961 # Paper Dungeons: A Dungeon Scrawler Game (DiegoNi) 8297667 : 8297934 8299373 8297949 8285877 8299721 8300043 8299617 8299884 8299600 8286225 8299896 8299805 8286177 8294271 8299665 8299668 8299729 8297882 8298399 8298050 8298403 8297560 8299788 8299408 8299885 8299849 8298418 8299724 8286226 8298422 8299819 8299412 8297463 8285866 8299647 8299657 8285870 8299917 8299806 8286202 8298945 8286154 8298246 8299727 8286231 8286273 8299743 8299723 8299924 8286203 8299404 8298041 8300073 8299682 8297432 8286201 8296819 8286191 8299932 8286153 8294210 8299913 8299988 8297435 8298250 8299730 8299826 8286161 8299198 8299199 8286171 8293506 8297877 8299672 8287897 8299765 8299414 8300067 8298196 8299043 8298982 8294192 8298350 8299922 8285368 8297506 8289520 8299803 8286276 8287822 8290509 8298419 8299662 8299854 8299042 8299957 8288387 8298984 8297879 8294141 8299851 8293517 8286206 8299914 8298988 8297807 8287847 8299406 8299890 8290640 8287027 8297942 8299816 8286277 8299935 8288016 8292273 8294207 8298256 8300077 8286216 8287828 8299888 8285878 8297885 8286200 8298785 8299845 8297876 8286213 8293959 8288360 8298244 8298401 8299894 8299794 8299886 8293526 8299686 8297470 8285873 8299859 8286163 8288382 8293515 8298204 8299931 # KeyForge: Call of the Archons (DiegoNi) 8298386 : 8297934 8299373 8297949 8285877 8299721 8300043 8299617 8299884 8299600 8286225 8299896 8299805 8286177 8294271 8299665 8299668 8299729 8297882 8298399 8298050 8298403 8297560 8299788 8299408 8299885 8299849 8298418 8299724 8286226 8298422 8299819 8299412 8297463 8285866 8299647 8299657 8285870 8299917 8299806 8286202 8298945 8286154 8298246 8299727 8286231 8286273 8299743 8299723 8299924 8286203 8299404 8298041 8300073 8299682 8297432 8286201 8296819 8286191 8299932 8286153 8294210 8299913 8299988 8297435 8298250 8299730 8299826 8286161 8299198 8299199 8286171 8293506 8297877 8299672 8287897 8299765 8299414 8300067 8298196 8299043 8298982 8294192 8298350 8299922 8285368 8297506 8289520 8299803 8286276 8287822 8290509 8298419 8299662 8299854 8299042 8299957 8288387 8298984 8297879 8294141 8299851 8293517 8286206 8299914 8298988 8297807 8287847 8299406 8299890 8290640 8287027 8297942 8299816 8286277 8299935 8288016 8292273 8294207 8298256 8300077 8286216 8287828 8299888 8285878 8297885 8286200 8298785 8299845 8297876 8286213 8293959 8288360 8298244 8298401 8299894 8299794 8299886 8293526 8299686 8297470 8285873 8299859 8286163 8288382 8293515 8298204 8299931 8299031 8299907 8300080 8286608 8287872 8299843 8286252 8293557 8299897 8288018 8294209 8299923 8286280 8287638 8296847 8298731 8299077 8299929 8300038 8299737 8286215 8300039 8299956 8298991 # Planet Steam (DiegoNi) 8298387 : 8297934 8299373 8297949 8285877 8299721 8300043 8299617 8299884 8299600 8286225 8299896 8299805 8286177 # Jamaica (DiegoNi) 8299095 : 8297934 8299373 8297949 8285877 8299721 8300043 8299617 8299884 8299600 8286225 8299896 8299805 8286177 8294271 8299665 8299668 8299729 8297882 8298399 # Shogun (DiegoNi) 8299925 : 8297934 8299373 8297949 8285877 8299721 8300043 8299617 8299884 8299600 8286225 8299896 8299805 8286177 #pragma user "Docrick" # Confirmation code: TmCGZHmVAPLa12AReczk7Q # Fri May 28 12:11:12 2021 # (Docrick) %HotW : 8296815 8299728 # (Docrick) %SeaFa : 8299752 8299817 # (Docrick) %TerMys : 8297902 8299468 # Carcassonne (Docrick) 8288357 : 8300060 8298412 %SeaFa 8299935 %HotW 8298213 8299617 8298394 8297946 8299672 8299765 8299808 8298410 8298041 %TerMys 8299665 8286226 8300067 8299368 8299726 8298959 8299405 8297948 8299729 # Escape Room: The Game (Docrick) 8288360 : 8300060 8298412 8297876 8298213 8299617 8298394 8297946 8299672 8299765 8298410 8298041 %TerMys 8299665 8286226 8300067 8299368 8299726 8298959 8299405 8297948 8299729 # Zombies!!! (Docrick) 8288363 : 8298213 8299617 8298394 8297946 8299672 8299765 8299808 %TerMys 8299665 8286226 8300067 8299368 8299726 8298959 8299405 8297948 8299729 # Escape Tales: The Awakening (Docrick) 8300038 : 8298213 8299617 8298394 %TerMys 8299665 8286226 8300067 8299368 8299405 8297948 8299729 # Escape Tales: Low Memory (Docrick) 8300039 : 8298213 8299617 8298394 %TerMys 8299665 8286226 8300067 8299368 8299405 8297948 #pragma user "Eberhardt4" # Confirmation code: T6Y2Cx8HIdtPecAd5SGzWg # Tue Jun 1 20:28:58 2021 # Puerto Rico (Eberhardt4) 8298408 : 8299405 8287017 8297934 8299884 8297875 8299798 8297902 8299468 8299837 8299665 8297952 8299677 8300034 8299672 8297927 8299457 8299731 8298206 8293506 8287897 8286226 8286608 8297930 8298959 8290640 8297432 # Vinhos (Eberhardt4) 8298409 : 8299405 8287017 # Zombicide: Black Plague (Eberhardt4) 8298410 : # Twilight Imperium: Third Edition (Eberhardt4) 8298411 : 8299405 8287017 8297934 8299884 8297875 8299798 8297902 8299468 8299837 8299665 8297952 8299677 8300034 8299672 8297927 8299457 8299731 # Eclipse (Eberhardt4) 8298412 : 8299405 8287017 8297934 8299884 # Exodus: Proxima Centauri (Eberhardt4) 8298413 : 8299405 8287017 8297934 8299884 8297875 #pragma user "fakxyz" # Confirmation code: QqEoCtxgVD0tBUGNG6OKjg # Fri May 28 09:18:16 2021 # (fakxyz) %DicFor : # (fakxyz) %RolPla : 8293521 8299453 # (fakxyz) %TEQ : 8294261 8299917 # Above and Below (fakxyz) 8288381 : %TEQ %RolPla 8299563 8297877 8297882 8299662 8300073 8299617 8299890 8298399 8299410 8286226 8297875 8299887 8286157 8299412 8299806 8299634 # Gold West (fakxyz) 8288387 : %TEQ %RolPla 8299563 8297877 8297882 8299662 8300073 8299617 8299890 8298399 8299410 8286226 8297875 8299887 8286157 8299412 8299806 8299634 #pragma user "Fargow" # Confirmation code: XUp5Wu8RwuNKLKX9f/h5TA # Tue Jun 1 13:39:34 2021 # (Fargow) %CTWBD : 8297947 8298404 # (Fargow) %Coimb : 8298418 8299724 # (Fargow) %Jrvk : 8289509 8297992 8300040 # (Fargow) %KitRus : 8297879 8299821 # (Fargow) %Medici : 8288382 8293515 # (Fargow) %SWR : 8297900 8299191 # (Fargow) %Tapes : 8297927 8299457 8299731 # Pax Porfiriana (Fargow) 8288001 : 8299887 %SWR # Luxor (Fargow) 8288012 : 8297986 %Tapes 8287017 8286244 8299887 8299634 %SWR 8298206 8299819 8299600 # River Dragons (Fargow) 8288016 : 8297986 %Tapes 8287017 8286244 8299887 8299634 %SWR 8298206 8286277 8299819 8299600 8299925 %CTWBD 8287027 8299888 8299410 # Railroad Ink: Deep Blue Edition (Fargow) 8288017 : 8297986 %Tapes 8287017 8286244 8299904 8299887 8299634 8286200 %SWR 8298206 8286277 8299668 %Coimb %Medici 8299819 8299600 8299925 %CTWBD 8287027 8299888 8299410 8286280 8286283 8287920 %Jrvk 8294362 # Oh My Goods! (Fargow) 8288018 : 8297986 %Tapes 8287017 8286244 8299904 8299887 8299634 8286200 %SWR 8298206 8286277 8299668 %Coimb %Medici 8299819 8299600 8299925 %CTWBD 8287027 8299888 8299410 8286280 8286283 8287920 %Jrvk # Sola Fide: The Reformation (Fargow) 8288020 : 8297986 %Tapes 8287017 8286244 8299904 8299887 8299634 8286200 %SWR 8298206 8286277 8299668 %Coimb 8299819 8299600 8299925 %CTWBD 8287027 8299888 8299410 # Tybor the Builder (Fargow) 8288022 : 8297986 %Tapes 8287017 8286244 8299904 8299887 8299634 8286200 %SWR 8298206 8286277 8299668 %Coimb %Medici 8299819 8299600 8299925 %CTWBD 8287027 8299888 8299410 8286280 8286283 8287920 %Jrvk #pragma user "Fernandovassoler" # Confirmation code: u5JjRb-Ca5X6/YXeMdn18w # Tue Jun 1 20:50:21 2021 # (Fernandovassoler) %Altip : 8298350 8299922 # (Fernandovassoler) %CTWBD : 8297947 8298404 # (Fernandovassoler) %Draft : 8287872 8298053 # (Fernandovassoler) %FoG : 8299846 8299968 8299980 # (Fernandovassoler) %HTBG : 8286154 8298246 8299727 # (Fernandovassoler) %Innov : 8299688 # (Fernandovassoler) %Jrvk : 8289509 8297992 # (Fernandovassoler) %RftG : 8297888 8299800 # (Fernandovassoler) %RolPla : 8293521 8299453 # (Fernandovassoler) %Scara : 8296819 8298429 # (Fernandovassoler) %TVoMP : 8297952 8299677 # (Fernandovassoler) %VicMas : 8286273 8299743 # Arkham Horror (Fernandovassoler) 8285368 : 8297949 8285870 8299634 8297934 8299665 8299617 8299600 8299410 8299885 8299373 8298394 8299884 8299191 %TVoMP %CTWBD # Quadropolis (Fernandovassoler) 8286608 : 8297949 8285870 8299634 8297934 8299665 8299617 8299600 8299885 8299373 8298394 8299884 8299191 %TVoMP %CTWBD # Kanagawa (Fernandovassoler) 8294141 : 8297949 8285870 8299634 8297934 8299665 8299617 8299600 8299722 8299885 8299373 8298394 8299884 8298422 8298389 8299191 %TVoMP %CTWBD %RolPla 8299198 8299199 8293506 8299414 8299904 8300053 8300073 # Rory's Story Cubes: Voyages (Fernandovassoler) 8294149 : 8298422 8298389 8288012 8299191 %RftG %Innov %FoG 8299923 %HTBG %VicMas 8288016 %Jrvk %Scara 8298224 8294195 # Alt Name: ENCANADOS (Fernandovassoler) 8298423 : 8298422 8298389 8288012 8299191 %RftG %RolPla 8299198 8299199 8293506 8299414 8299904 %Innov 8300053 %FoG 8299923 %HTBG %VicMas 8288016 8300073 %Jrvk %Scara 8298224 8294195 8300070 8299672 8299724 8299889 8294192 %Altip 8297506 8289520 8287822 %Draft 8288387 8298984 8300055 8294209 8287676 8298945 8290640 8299472 8298396 8299807 8297932 8289504 8286220 # Alt Name: Livros AD&D 2a edição (Fernandovassoler) 8299103 : 8297949 8285870 8299634 8297934 8299665 8299617 8299600 8299410 8299885 8299373 8298394 8299884 8299191 #pragma user "fgondim" # Confirmation code: xpEJw-Xif0EHky7opqQNBA # Tue Jun 1 14:59:50 2021 # XCOM: The Board Game (fgondim) 8299799 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # This War of Mine: The Board Game (fgondim) 8299801 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # Vast: The Crystal Caverns (fgondim) 8299802 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # Scoville (fgondim) 8299803 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # Lords of Xidit (fgondim) 8299805 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # Hyperborea (fgondim) 8299806 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (fgondim) 8299808 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # Bullfrogs (fgondim) 8299809 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # Sabotage (fgondim) 8299816 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # SeaFall (fgondim) 8299817 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # Vindication (fgondim) 8299819 : # Kitchen Rush (fgondim) 8299821 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # Wok Star (fgondim) 8299825 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # Now Boarding (fgondim) 8299831 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # Import / Export: Definitive Edition (fgondim) 8299832 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 # Terra Mystica (fgondim) 8299837 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 # Rock'n Roll Manager (fgondim) 8299842 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # Yokohama (fgondim) 8299849 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 # CO₂: Second Chance (fgondim) 8299854 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 # Deception: Murder in Hong Kong (fgondim) 8299912 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # Get Off My Land! (fgondim) 8299913 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # Covert (fgondim) 8299914 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # Tiny Epic Quest (fgondim) 8299917 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # 1st & Goal (fgondim) 8299920 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # Mottainai (fgondim) 8299923 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # Zombicide Season 3: Rue Morgue (fgondim) 8299924 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # Last Friday (fgondim) 8299929 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # Prosperity (fgondim) 8299930 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # The Convicted (fgondim) 8299932 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 # Loony Quest (fgondim) 8299935 : 8297900 8299988 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8287017 8297880 8299723 8300077 8297649 8297560 8299788 8297946 8299373 8299199 8293521 8299453 8300045 8287823 8298422 8298196 8298959 8298041 8288360 #pragma user "flegi4s" # Confirmation code: vxg9zsDm6mT5EvQGK8BGmA # Thu May 27 15:16:39 2021 # Alt Name: King of New York e Ultimate Warriorz (flegi4s) 8297838 : 8298050 8298403 8297949 8297927 8299457 8299731 8286161 8298418 8299724 8287822 8294141 # Exploding Kittens (flegi4s) 8297841 : 8298050 8298403 8297949 8297927 8299457 8299731 8286161 8298418 8299724 8287822 8294141 8287826 8286608 8298984 # Talisman: Revised 4th Edition (flegi4s) 8297843 : 8298050 8298403 8297949 8297927 8299457 8299731 #pragma user "gardner" # Confirmation code: QKBnWw-ocelSLS4PJTMd5w # Mon May 31 12:50:01 2021 # (gardner) %ColExp : 8299725 8299867 # (gardner) %Draft : 8287872 8296856 # (gardner) %FoG : 8286147 8299846 8299968 8299980 # (gardner) %PDADSG : 8297667 8298224 # (gardner) %Quarr : 8298204 8299931 # (gardner) %Scara : 8296819 8298429 # (gardner) %SeaFa : 8299752 8299817 # (gardner) %SmaWor : 8299031 8299907 # (gardner) %TVoMP : 8297952 8299677 8300034 # (gardner) %TaiFea : 8294207 8300085 # (gardner) %Tapes : 8297927 8299457 8299731 # (gardner) %TheCli : 8285866 8299647 # Viceroy (gardner) 8298785 : 8299405 8298412 8299729 %TVoMP 8286191 8298389 8299726 8286277 8299884 # Alt Name: DeadLands & Magdar (gardner) 8298793 : 8299405 8298412 8299729 %TVoMP 8286191 8298389 8299726 8286277 8299884 8299922 8294271 8299988 8298346 8300045 %Tapes 8299805 8298196 8299198 8287874 8286153 8286226 8286177 8298428 8299665 %SmaWor 8299808 8299849 8298418 8299617 8294258 %ColExp %Draft 8298231 8288299 %SeaFa %TaiFea 8293526 8297630 8285881 8294195 8294210 8285873 8299199 8297877 8299896 8298388 %Quarr 8298947 8294209 8298988 8286203 8286200 8297432 8296815 8297958 8298419 8294141 8286189 8298341 8286214 8294192 %TheCli %FoG 8299284 %Scara 8299961 # Elder Sign (gardner) 8298801 : 8299405 8298412 8299729 %TVoMP 8286191 8298389 8299726 8286277 8299884 8299922 8294271 8299988 8298346 8300045 %Tapes 8299805 8298196 8299198 8287874 8286153 8286226 8286177 8298428 8299665 %SmaWor 8299808 8299849 8298418 8299617 8294258 %ColExp %Draft 8298231 8288299 %SeaFa %TaiFea 8293526 8297630 8285881 8294195 8294210 8285873 8299199 8297877 8299896 8298388 %Quarr 8298947 8294209 8298988 8286203 8286200 8297432 8296815 8297958 8298419 8294141 8286189 8298341 8286214 %TheCli %FoG 8299284 8299043 # Alt Name: RPG: Savage Worlds 2a Edição (gardner) 8299168 : 8299405 8298412 8299729 %TVoMP 8286191 8298389 8299726 8286277 8299884 8299922 8294271 8299988 8298346 8300045 %Tapes 8299805 8298196 8299198 8287874 8286153 8286226 8286177 8298428 8299665 %SmaWor 8299808 8299849 8298418 8299617 8294258 %ColExp %Draft 8298231 8288299 %SeaFa %TaiFea 8293526 8297630 8285881 8294195 8294210 8285873 8299199 8297877 8299896 8298388 %Quarr 8298947 8294209 8298988 8286203 8286200 8297432 8296815 8297958 8298419 8294141 8286189 8298341 8286214 8294192 %TheCli %FoG 8299284 %Scara 8299961 8299043 8285884 8294202 %PDADSG # Mistfall (gardner) 8299171 : 8299405 8298412 8299729 %TVoMP 8286191 8298389 8299726 8286277 8299884 8299922 8294271 8299988 8298346 8300045 %Tapes 8299805 8298196 8286153 8286177 8298428 # Alt Name: Ovni & Card Goblins & Sim, Mestre das Trevas (gardner) 8299835 : 8299405 8298412 8299729 %TVoMP 8286191 8298389 8299726 8286277 8299884 8299922 8294271 8299988 8298346 8300045 %Tapes 8299805 8298196 8299198 8287874 8286153 8286226 8286177 8298428 8299665 %SmaWor 8299808 8299849 8298418 8299617 8294258 %ColExp %Draft 8298231 8288299 %SeaFa %TaiFea 8293526 8297630 8285881 8294195 8294210 8285873 8299199 8297877 8299896 8298388 %Quarr 8298947 8294209 8298988 8286203 8286200 8297432 8296815 8297958 8298419 8294141 8286189 8298341 8286214 8294192 %TheCli %FoG 8299284 %Scara 8299961 8299043 # War: Império Romano (gardner) 8299850 : 8299405 8298412 8299729 %TVoMP 8286191 8298389 8299726 8286277 8299884 8299922 8294271 8299988 8298346 8300045 %Tapes 8299805 8298196 8299198 8287874 8286153 8286226 8286177 8298428 8299665 %SmaWor 8299808 8299849 8298418 8299617 8294258 %ColExp %Draft 8298231 8288299 %SeaFa %TaiFea 8293526 8297630 8285881 8294195 8294210 8285873 8299199 8297877 8299896 8298388 %Quarr 8298947 8286203 8286200 8297432 8296815 8297958 8298419 # World of Tanks: Rush (gardner) 8299868 : 8299405 8298412 8299729 %TVoMP 8286191 8298389 8299726 8286277 8299884 8299922 8294271 8299988 8298346 8300045 %Tapes 8299805 8298196 8299198 8287874 8286153 8286226 8286177 8298428 8299665 %SmaWor 8299808 8299849 8298418 8299617 8294258 %ColExp %Draft 8298231 8288299 %SeaFa %TaiFea 8293526 8297630 8285881 8294195 8294210 8285873 8299199 8297877 8299896 8298388 %Quarr 8298947 8294209 8298988 8286203 8286200 8297432 8296815 8294141 8286189 8298341 8286214 8294192 %Scara 8299961 # Jórvík (gardner) 8300040 : 8299405 8298412 8299729 %TVoMP 8286191 8298389 8299726 8286277 8299884 8299922 8294271 8299988 8298346 8300045 %Tapes 8299805 8298196 8299198 8286153 8286177 8298428 8299665 %SmaWor 8299808 8299849 8298418 8299617 8294258 %ColExp %Draft 8298231 8288299 %SeaFa %TaiFea 8293526 8297630 8285881 8294195 8294210 8285873 8294209 8298988 #pragma user "Gugaz" # Confirmation code: UbsoASX6/0uJuiLIu3hf7g # Sat May 29 09:47:11 2021 # (Gugaz) %Barra : # Tapestry (Gugaz) 8297927 : %Barra 8299662 8299634 # Brass: Birmingham (Gugaz) 8297934 : %Barra # Francis Drake (Gugaz) 8297948 : %Barra 8299662 # The Voyages of Marco Polo (Gugaz) 8297952 : %Barra 8299662 8299634 8299617 8299884 # K2 (Gugaz) 8297958 : %Barra 8299662 8299634 8299617 8299884 8299762 8299600 #pragma user "GUIBITAR" # Confirmation code: RPP0/L01hXgvVsHnYhCrAw # Tue Jun 1 14:40:56 2021 # The Voyages of Marco Polo (GUIBITAR) 8300034 : 8298412 8299617 8299884 8297948 8298409 8299382 8299672 8298394 8299600 8297880 8297943 8299412 8298981 8298393 # A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) (GUIBITAR) 8300067 : 8298412 8299617 8299884 8297948 8298409 8299382 # 7 Wonders (GUIBITAR) 8300070 : 8298412 8299617 8299884 8297948 8298409 8299382 8299672 8298394 8299600 8297880 8297943 8299412 8298981 8298393 8299915 8299662 8293522 8297432 # Kingdom Builder: Big Box (GUIBITAR) 8300073 : 8298412 8299617 8299884 8297948 8298409 8299382 8299672 8298394 8299600 8297880 # Lucidity: Six-Sided Nightmares (GUIBITAR) 8300074 : 8298412 8299617 8299884 8297948 8298409 8299382 8299672 8298394 8299600 8297880 8297943 8299412 8298981 8298393 8299915 8299662 8293522 8297432 8289506 8293521 8299198 8293506 8297877 8287897 8289449 8299818 8287822 8287823 8297912 8299809 8299758 # Terminator Genisys: Rise of the Resistance (GUIBITAR) 8300077 : 8298412 8299617 8299884 8297948 8298409 8299382 8299672 8298394 8299600 8297880 8297943 8299412 8298981 8298393 8299915 8299662 8293522 8297432 8289506 8293521 8299198 8293506 8297877 8287897 8289449 8299818 8287822 # Small World (GUIBITAR) 8300080 : 8298412 8299617 8299884 8297948 8298409 8299382 8299672 8298394 8299600 8297880 8297943 8299412 8298981 8298393 8299915 8299662 8293522 8297432 8289506 8293521 8299198 8293506 8297877 8287897 8289449 8299818 8287822 8287823 8297912 8299809 # Tail Feathers (GUIBITAR) 8300085 : 8298412 8299617 8299884 8297948 8298409 8299382 8299672 8298394 8299600 8297880 8297943 8299412 8298981 8298393 8299915 8299662 8293522 8297432 8289506 8293521 8299198 8293506 8297877 8287897 8289449 8299818 8287822 8287823 8297912 8299809 8299758 #pragma user "guilmp13" # Confirmation code: 0moLa1taZ8/Ciq7YMjhQZg # Sun May 30 16:06:28 2021 # Karuba (guilmp13) 8294258 : 8287017 8299832 8288001 8286244 8285877 8299721 8299988 8299887 8298409 8299662 8299409 8297885 8299664 8286202 # Tiny Epic Quest (guilmp13) 8294261 : 8287017 8299832 8288001 8286244 8285877 8299721 8299988 8299887 8298409 8299662 8299409 8297885 8299664 8286202 # Takenoko (guilmp13) 8294268 : 8287017 8299832 8288001 8286244 8285877 8299721 8299988 8299887 8298409 8299662 8299409 8297885 8299664 # The Castles of Burgundy (guilmp13) 8294271 : 8287017 8299832 8288001 8286244 8285877 8299721 8299988 8299887 8298409 8299662 8299409 8297885 8299664 # Skull (guilmp13) 8294274 : 8287017 8299832 8288001 8286244 8285877 8299721 8299988 8299887 8298409 8299662 8299409 8297885 8299664 8286202 # Siege Storm (guilmp13) 8299190 : 8287017 8299832 8288001 8286244 8285877 8299721 8299988 8299887 8298409 8299662 8299409 8297885 8299664 8286202 # Star Wars: Rebellion (guilmp13) 8299191 : 8287017 8299832 8285877 8299721 # Lisboa (guilmp13) 8299197 : 8287017 8299832 8285877 8299721 # Bärenpark (guilmp13) 8299198 : 8287017 8299832 8288001 8286244 8285877 8299721 8299988 8299887 8298409 8299662 8299409 8297885 8299664 # Flamme Rouge (guilmp13) 8299199 : 8287017 8299832 8288001 8286244 8285877 8299721 8299988 8299887 8298409 8299662 8299409 8297885 8299664 #pragma user "iurie" # Confirmation code: snVmuAUG7CW/qzt7x0ixQQ # Mon May 31 14:53:00 2021 # Mistfall (iurie) 8299737 : 8297934 8299408 8299373 8299405 8299726 8286246 8298206 8299672 8300055 8299688 8299727 # Victorian Masterminds (iurie) 8299743 : 8297934 8299408 8299373 8299405 8299726 8286246 8298206 8299672 8300055 # SeaFall (iurie) 8299752 : 8297934 8299408 8299373 8299405 8299726 8286246 8298206 8299672 8300055 # Seven Bridges (iurie) 8299758 : 8297934 8299408 8299373 8299405 8299726 8286246 8298206 8299672 8300055 8299688 8299727 # Dice Forge (iurie) 8299762 : 8297934 8299408 8299373 8299405 8299726 8286246 8298206 8299672 8300055 # Paladins of the West Kingdom (iurie) 8299765 : 8297934 8299408 8299373 8299405 8299726 8286246 #pragma user "Jetro" # Confirmation code: HfKaqUkT6NHlKTHN8vaGqw # Mon May 31 13:56:07 2021 # Hellboy: The Board Game (Jetro) 8298246 : 8297560 8297902 8299468 8299837 8297934 8297900 8299988 8289506 8299665 8297952 8299677 8300034 8299197 8297949 8285877 8299721 8291447 8299672 8299925 8299849 8299889 8299617 8297882 8298394 8299904 8297875 8299887 8287017 8286157 8299884 8299412 8299818 8299600 8299803 8299662 8299368 8299733 8299806 8297880 8299890 8298387 8290640 8298393 8298396 8299888 8286246 8299634 8286220 8298050 8298403 8299854 8298404 8299406 # Alt Name: Pacote Party Games (Jetro) 8299113 : 8297560 8297902 8299468 8299837 8297934 8297900 8299988 8289506 8299665 8297952 8299677 8300034 8299197 8297949 8285877 8299721 8291447 8299672 8299925 8299849 8299889 8299617 8297882 8298394 8299904 8297875 8299887 8287017 8286157 8299884 8299412 8299818 8299600 8299803 8299662 8299368 8299733 8299806 8297880 8299890 8298387 8290640 8298393 8298396 8299888 8286246 8299634 8286220 8298408 8293521 8299453 8299199 8297877 8299841 8298410 8299762 8298947 8285879 #pragma user "Jgfcunha" # Confirmation code: 4k3cjKnpB-Yfxh5Q6sec/Q # Sun May 30 08:02:54 2021 # (Jgfcunha) %RolPla : 8293521 8299453 # (Jgfcunha) %VicMas : 8286273 8299743 # Carcassonne: Star Wars (Jgfcunha) 8287809 : 8297902 8299468 8299837 8297934 8297952 8299677 8300034 8299668 8299197 8299199 8297949 8299729 8299849 8298213 8300052 8300045 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299819 8299600 8294261 8290640 8299382 # San Juan (Second Edition) (Jgfcunha) 8287816 : 8297902 8299468 8299837 8297934 8297952 8299677 8300034 8299668 8299197 8299199 8297949 8299729 8299849 8298213 8300052 8300045 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299819 8299600 8294261 8290640 8299382 8298982 8299896 8297807 8286275 %RolPla 8286276 8288387 %VicMas 8299284 8285869 8294141 8298244 8288381 8297991 8299758 8299947 # Santa Maria (Jgfcunha) 8287822 : 8297902 8299468 8299837 8297934 8297952 8299677 8300034 8299668 8299197 8299199 8297949 8299729 8299849 8298213 8300052 8300045 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299819 8299600 8294261 8290640 8299382 # Welcome To... (Jgfcunha) 8287823 : 8297902 8299468 8299837 8297934 8297952 8299677 8300034 8299668 8299197 8299199 8297949 8299729 8299849 8298213 8300052 8300045 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299819 8299600 8294261 8290640 8299382 8298982 8299896 8297807 8286275 %RolPla 8286276 8288387 %VicMas 8299284 8285869 8294141 8298244 # Tiny Epic Galaxies (Jgfcunha) 8287826 : 8297902 8299468 8299837 8297934 8297952 8299677 8300034 8299668 8299197 8299199 8297949 8299729 8299849 8298213 8300052 8300045 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299819 8299600 8294261 8290640 8299382 8298982 8299896 8297807 8286275 %RolPla 8286276 8288387 %VicMas 8299284 # Otys (Jgfcunha) 8287828 : 8297902 8299468 8299837 8297934 8297952 8299677 8300034 8299668 8299197 8299199 8297949 8299729 8299849 8298213 8300052 8300045 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299819 8299600 8294261 8290640 8299382 8298982 # Alt Name: Pacote de HQ-Jogos (Jgfcunha) 8287847 : 8297902 8299468 8299837 8297934 8297952 8299677 8300034 8299668 8299197 8299199 8297949 8299729 8299849 8298213 8300052 8300045 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299819 8299600 8294261 8290640 8299382 8298982 8299896 8297807 8286275 #pragma user "johannespaz" # Confirmation code: bbk7pwTcOsAOWFuMv/Ptxg # Tue Jun 1 18:12:18 2021 # (johannespaz) %AFfO : 8298050 8298403 # (johannespaz) %Barra : 8285877 8299721 # (johannespaz) %CTWBD : 8297947 8298404 # (johannespaz) %Coimb : 8298418 8299724 # (johannespaz) %ColExp : 8299725 8299867 # (johannespaz) %DicFor : 8299762 8299978 # (johannespaz) %HTBG : 8286154 8298246 8299727 # (johannespaz) %KitRus : 8297879 8299821 # (johannespaz) %PRoC : 8299042 8299957 # (johannespaz) %Pande : 8298431 8299570 # (johannespaz) %Root : 8297560 8299788 # (johannespaz) %TE : 8297435 8298250 8299730 8299826 # (johannespaz) %TVoMP : 8297952 8299677 8300034 # (johannespaz) %Taken : 8294268 8298346 # (johannespaz) %Tapes : 8297927 8299457 8299731 # (johannespaz) %TerMys : 8297902 8299468 8299837 # Kingdomino (johannespaz) 8290506 : 8288012 8289520 8298206 8294258 8294271 8299765 8299198 8291447 %TVoMP 8298408 8299672 8299373 8288357 8299818 8289539 8287809 8294141 8288016 %Taken 8298422 8299889 8300060 %AFfO %Root %TerMys 8297934 8299885 8297946 8300070 8299665 8299197 8299808 8299199 8297949 8297877 %Barra 8300043 8299095 %Coimb 8298213 8299617 %Tapes 8298196 8298410 %DicFor %ColExp 8297948 8287822 8298419 8286225 %KitRus 8299657 %CTWBD 8299733 8294209 8299113 8290640 %HTBG 8299723 8299924 8300073 8297432 %TE 8299031 8293506 %Pande 8299841 8285368 8297506 %PRoC 8288387 8298988 8299893 8299284 8299985 # King of New York (johannespaz) 8290509 : 8288012 8289520 8298206 8294258 8294271 8299765 8299198 8291447 %TVoMP 8298408 8299672 8299373 8288357 8299818 8289539 8287809 8294141 8288016 %Taken 8298422 8299889 8300060 %AFfO %Root %TerMys 8297934 8299885 8297946 8300070 8299665 8299197 8299808 8299199 8297949 8297877 %Barra 8300043 8299095 %Coimb 8298213 8299617 %Tapes 8298196 8298410 %DicFor %ColExp 8297948 8287822 8298419 8286225 %KitRus 8299657 %CTWBD 8299733 8294209 8299113 8290640 %HTBG 8299723 8299924 8300073 8297432 #pragma user "Kbaall" # Confirmation code: FLUkre9ywMiOg8P4AXY6hQ # Sat May 29 13:03:05 2021 # Exploding Kittens (Kbaall) 8298340 : 8299819 8298409 8291447 8297927 8299457 8299731 8298206 8297902 8299468 8299837 8297934 8299729 8300060 8298050 8298403 8298412 8299373 8299600 8286225 8299042 8299957 8289539 8300070 8293557 8299897 8293515 8298419 8299048 8299982 8300067 8298431 8299570 8298408 8294271 8299988 8299798 8297560 8299788 8297435 8298250 8299730 8299826 8299408 8299885 8297946 8299665 8297952 8299677 8300034 8299668 8286161 8299197 8299405 8299198 8299808 8297949 8294268 8298346 8285877 8299721 8300043 8299672 8298411 8287897 8299925 8299849 8298418 8299724 8299889 8298213 8299801 8300052 8299841 8297882 8299765 8299365 8300078 8298982 8298410 8299887 8287017 8298350 8299922 8286157 8299884 8285368 8297984 8300053 8298801 8298231 8298204 8288012 8297930 8287891 8299113 8286231 8300073 8299382 8296819 8293550 8289504 8299722 # Small World (Kbaall) 8299907 : 8299819 8298409 8291447 8297927 8299457 8299731 8298206 8297902 8299468 8299837 8297934 8299729 8300060 8298050 8298403 8298412 8299373 8299600 8286225 8299042 8299957 #pragma user "L_ARM" # Confirmation code: 69me/NZeRatc85KUW0iM1g # Sun May 30 20:52:44 2021 # Colt Express (L_ARM) 8299867 : 8298945 8286161 8299889 8297943 8299657 8298389 8288012 # Drillit! A Fuga da Montanha de Cristal (L_ARM) 8299882 : 8298945 8298253 8299027 8299796 8300040 8299947 # Concept (L_ARM) 8299897 : 8298945 8286161 8299889 8297943 8299657 8298389 8288012 8298253 8293506 8289449 8287822 8294141 8298204 #pragma user "LCarneiro" # Confirmation code: kwBn5i02uDf5YCC/vl8CuA # Tue Jun 1 19:39:11 2021 # Gnomopolis (LCarneiro) 8294871 : 8300060 8298050 8298403 8299798 8299788 8297902 8299468 8299837 8297934 8294271 8298206 8300070 8298408 8299665 8298412 8297952 8299677 8300034 8299668 8299373 8294203 8299031 8299907 8300080 8286161 8299197 8294268 8298346 8300043 8299672 8298411 8299849 8298418 8299724 8299889 8298213 8299801 8300052 8299617 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299365 8300078 8299048 8287826 8298410 8299887 8287017 8298350 8290506 8289539 8299368 8294141 8299726 8298389 8288012 8297880 8300073 8299985 # Dwar7s Fall (LCarneiro) 8294874 : 8300060 8298050 8298403 8299798 8299788 8297902 8299468 8299837 8297934 8294271 8298206 8300070 8298408 8299665 8298412 8297952 8299677 8300034 8299668 8299373 8294203 8299031 8299907 8300080 8286161 8299197 8294268 8298346 8300043 8299672 8298411 8299849 8298418 8299724 8299889 8298213 8299801 8300052 8299617 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299365 8300078 8299048 8287826 8298410 8299887 8287017 8298350 8290506 8289539 8299368 8294141 8299726 8298389 8288012 8297880 8300073 8299985 8297435 8298250 8299730 8299826 8297888 8299800 8298982 8299917 #pragma user "leejfb" # Confirmation code: -bMBrLMehUp1RHxNcw/rFA # Tue Jun 1 12:02:59 2021 # Barrage (leejfb) 8299721 : 8299819 8287017 8299405 # Belfort: Edición Limitada (leejfb) 8299722 : 8299819 8287017 8299405 # Cleopatra and the Society of Architects: Deluxe Edition (leejfb) 8299723 : 8299819 8287017 8299405 # Coimbra (leejfb) 8299724 : 8299819 8287017 8299405 8298412 8299849 8299887 8298981 8299600 # Colt Express (leejfb) 8299725 : 8299819 8287017 8299405 8298412 8299849 8299887 8298981 8299600 # Cry Havoc (leejfb) 8299726 : 8299819 8287017 8299405 8298412 8299849 8299887 8299600 # Hellboy: The Board Game (leejfb) 8299727 : 8299819 8287017 8299405 8298412 8299849 8299887 8299600 # History of the World (leejfb) 8299728 : 8299819 8287017 8299405 8298412 8299849 8299887 8298981 8299600 # The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth (leejfb) 8299729 : 8299819 8287017 8299405 # Tigris & Euphrates (leejfb) 8299730 : 8299819 8287017 8299405 8298412 8299849 8299887 8298981 8299600 # Tapestry (leejfb) 8299731 : 8299819 8287017 8299405 8298412 8299849 8299887 8299600 # UBOOT: The Board Game (leejfb) 8299733 : 8299819 8287017 8299405 8298412 8299849 8299887 8298981 8299600 # Root (leejfb) 8299788 : 8299819 8287017 8299405 8298412 8299849 8299887 8298981 8299600 #pragma user "lpalmieri7" # Confirmation code: ETBL1ci8ishTYzA5-8+1Vw # Thu May 27 16:15:26 2021 # Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends (lpalmieri7) 8298388 : 8287017 8299197 8285877 8299721 8299849 8298412 # Kingsburg (Second Edition) (lpalmieri7) 8298389 : 8287017 8297875 8299803 8299197 8285877 8299721 8299849 8298412 8298409 8299819 8299373 8297902 8299468 8297934 8297900 8299191 8299668 8299617 8288001 8299368 8298981 8298413 8290640 # Transatlantic (lpalmieri7) 8298390 : 8287017 8297875 8299197 8285877 8299721 8299849 8298412 8298409 8299373 # Kraftwagen (lpalmieri7) 8298393 : 8287017 8297875 8299197 8285877 8299721 8299849 8298409 # Formula D (lpalmieri7) 8298394 : # Jaws (lpalmieri7) 8298396 : 8297463 8287017 8297875 8299803 8299197 8285877 8299721 8299849 8298412 8298409 8299819 8299373 8297902 8299468 8297934 8297900 8299191 8299668 8299617 8288001 8299368 8298981 8298413 8290640 8299788 8297949 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299634 8286225 8299662 8285870 8297880 8299888 8300073 # Edo (lpalmieri7) 8298399 : 8297463 8287017 8297875 8299803 8299197 8285877 8299721 8299849 8298412 8298409 8299819 8299373 8297902 8299468 8297934 8297900 8299191 8299668 8299617 8288001 8299368 8298981 8298413 8290640 8299788 8297949 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299634 8286225 8299662 8285870 8299988 # Red Outpost (lpalmieri7) 8298401 : 8287017 8297875 8299803 8299197 8285877 8299721 8299849 8298412 8298409 8299819 8299373 8297902 8299468 8297934 8297900 8299191 8299668 8299617 8288001 8299368 8298981 8298413 8290640 8299788 8297949 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299634 # A Feast for Odin (lpalmieri7) 8298403 : # Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done (lpalmieri7) 8298404 : 8287017 8299197 8285877 8299721 8299849 8298412 8298409 # Overdrive (lpalmieri7) 8299786 : 8297463 8287017 8297875 8299803 8299197 8285877 8299721 8299849 8298412 8298409 8299819 8299373 8297902 8299468 8297934 8297900 8299191 8299668 8299617 8288001 8299368 8298981 8298413 8290640 8299788 8297949 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299634 8286225 8299662 8285870 8299988 8297880 8299888 8300073 8289506 8298408 8299031 8286161 8298346 8298418 8299724 8297882 8286157 8299884 8287822 8299854 8289539 8288387 8299657 8298231 8288012 8293517 8299806 8297843 8299406 8287027 8286154 8298246 8299727 8299284 8299354 8299034 8299886 8299722 8294192 8289520 8299957 8286147 8299846 8299968 8299980 8287809 8286273 8299743 # Rock'n Roll Manager (lpalmieri7) 8299862 : 8297463 8287017 8297875 8299803 8299197 8285877 8299721 8299849 8298412 8298409 8299819 8299373 8297902 8299468 8297934 8297900 8299191 8299668 8299617 8288001 8299368 8298981 8298413 8290640 8299788 8297949 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299634 8286225 8299662 8285870 8299988 8297880 8299888 8300073 8289506 8298408 8299031 8286161 8298346 8298418 8299724 8297882 8286157 8299884 8287822 8299854 8289539 8288387 8299657 8298231 8288012 8293517 8299806 8297843 8299406 8287027 8286154 8298246 8299727 8299284 8299354 8299034 8299886 8299722 #pragma user "Lucianojapa" # Confirmation code: DeTR0IGTY4K7vO/79EddrA # Tue Jun 1 14:51:06 2021 # Root (Lucianojapa) 8297560 : 8286225 8288001 #pragma user "Luiz Mituiti" # Confirmation code: smYZBTTsCy/xudvq2FUtXQ # Tue Jun 1 16:19:21 2021 # Outside the Scope of BGG (Luiz Mituiti) 8291093 : 8299409 8299197 8285877 8300078 8299849 8299729 8299600 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299723 8299468 8299034 8297902 8293522 8299412 8300060 8297934 8299373 # Three Cheers for Master (Luiz Mituiti) 8291099 : 8299409 8299197 8285877 8300078 8299849 8299729 8299600 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299723 8299468 8299034 8297902 8300070 8286161 8299889 8300067 8299762 8299978 8293522 8289512 8299890 8299288 8299412 8297949 8286273 8299743 8300060 8288016 8297934 8299373 8299988 8289506 #pragma user "mafele" # Confirmation code: R4KDBRCoz1i6Jtsutm54UQ # Tue Jun 1 18:55:49 2021 # (mafele) %AFfO : 8298050 8298403 # (mafele) %CAND : 8297930 8298959 # (mafele) %TE : 8298250 8297435 # Butim (mafele) 8299899 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294209 8287680 8299368 8287822 8294141 8297649 8299728 8294192 8297506 8290133 8290509 8298399 8294258 8286177 8294207 8286183 8289551 8299414 8288382 8287828 8286189 8298250 8287826 8298196 8286244 8286186 8297630 8299802 8299685 8297888 8297877 8298945 8294210 8299113 8286191 # Caçadores da Galáxia (mafele) 8299902 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294271 8299368 8300077 8285869 8297560 8297934 8299849 8297952 8299854 8298050 8297869 8299729 8288012 8298403 8297930 8298959 8297946 8299617 8297927 8288387 # Warzoo (mafele) 8299903 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294209 8287680 8287822 8297649 8294192 8297506 8290133 8290509 8298399 8294258 8286177 8294207 8286183 8285873 8289551 8299414 8288382 8287828 8286189 8287826 8286244 8286186 8297630 8299802 8296819 8299685 8297877 8294877 8294210 8288017 8299113 8286191 8287920 # KeyForge: Call of the Archons (mafele) 8299906 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294209 8287680 8299368 8287822 8294141 8297649 8299728 8294192 8297506 8290133 8290509 8285869 8298399 8294258 8286177 8294207 8286183 8285873 8289551 8288382 8287828 8286189 8287826 8298196 8286186 8297630 8296819 8297888 8298945 8294877 # Supernova: A New Exodus (mafele) 8299911 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294209 8287680 8294271 8299368 8287822 8294141 8300077 8297649 8294192 8297506 8290133 8290509 8297560 8294258 8286177 8294207 8286183 8285873 8289551 8299414 8288382 8287828 8286189 8298250 8286244 8286186 8297630 8296819 8297888 8297877 8298945 8288012 8294210 # Summoner Wars: Master Set (mafele) 8299915 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8287680 8294271 8299368 8300077 8285869 8298399 8297560 8297934 8299988 8299849 8299412 8297952 8299802 8299854 8298050 8297869 %TE 8299729 8298418 8299765 8298403 8297930 8298959 8297946 8299617 8297927 8297435 8299665 # The Red Dragon Inn (mafele) 8299921 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8294209 8287680 8294271 8299368 8287822 8297649 8285869 8298399 8297560 8297934 8299988 8299849 8298250 8299412 8297952 8299854 8299685 8297869 8298418 8288012 8288381 # Quarriors! (mafele) 8299931 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294271 8299368 8300077 8285869 8297560 8297934 8299988 8299849 8299412 %TE 8298418 # Pit Crew (mafele) 8299934 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294209 8287680 8287822 8294141 8297649 8299728 8294192 8297506 8290133 8290509 8285869 8298399 8294258 8286177 8294207 8286183 8285873 8289551 8299414 8288382 8287828 8286189 8287826 8298196 8286244 8286186 8297630 8296819 8299685 8298945 8294877 8299113 # Millions: The Last Soldier (mafele) 8299941 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294209 8287680 8287822 8294141 8297649 8299728 8294192 8297506 8290133 8290509 8294258 8294207 8286183 8285873 8289551 8288382 8287828 8286189 8287826 8286244 8286186 8297630 8296819 8294877 8299765 8288017 8299113 8287920 # The Manhattan Project: Chain Reaction (mafele) 8299947 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294209 8287680 8297649 8299728 8294192 8297506 8290133 8290509 8285869 8299988 8294258 8286177 8294207 8286183 8285873 8289551 8288382 8287826 8286244 8296819 8294877 %TE 8299765 8294210 8288017 8286191 8299665 # Labyrinx (mafele) 8299952 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294209 8287680 8299368 8287822 8294141 8300077 8297649 8299728 8294192 8297506 8285869 8298399 8297934 8286177 8294207 8286183 8285873 8299414 8287828 8286189 8298250 8298196 8299412 8286244 8286186 8299685 8297888 # Dwar7s Fall (mafele) 8299956 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294271 8300077 8285869 8297934 8299988 8299849 8297952 8297869 %TE # Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu (mafele) 8299957 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294271 8300077 8285869 8297560 8297934 8299988 8299849 8297952 8298050 8297869 8299729 8298403 8297946 8299617 8297927 8299665 # 4 Gods (mafele) 8299961 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294209 8287680 8294271 8299368 8287822 8294141 8300077 8299728 8294192 8290133 8290509 8297560 8294258 8286177 8294207 8286183 8285873 8289551 8288382 8287828 8298250 8287826 8298196 8299412 8297630 8299802 8299685 8297888 8298945 8298418 8288381 # Legends of Empires (mafele) 8299970 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294209 8287680 8294271 8299368 8287822 8294141 8300077 8299728 8297506 8297560 8297934 8299988 8299849 8299412 8297952 8299854 8297877 8288012 8288381 8288387 # Gunrunners (mafele) 8299973 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294209 8287680 8287822 8294141 8297649 8299728 8294192 8297506 8290133 8294258 8286177 8294207 8286183 8289551 8288382 8287828 8286189 8287826 8286244 8286186 8297630 8296819 8294877 8294210 8288017 8286191 8287920 # Zona Mágica (mafele) 8299977 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294209 8287680 8294271 8299368 8287822 8294141 8297649 8294192 8297506 8290133 8290509 8298399 8294258 8286177 8285873 8289551 8299414 8286189 8298250 8298196 8299685 8297888 8298945 # Dice Forge (mafele) 8299978 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294209 8294271 8299368 8300077 8297649 8299728 8299988 8299849 8299414 8299854 %TE 8299729 8297435 # Fields of Green (mafele) 8299980 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294209 8287680 8294271 8287822 8294141 8300077 8299728 8290133 8290509 8298399 8299849 8285873 8298250 8298196 8299412 8299802 8299854 8297877 8299765 8297930 8298959 8288381 # A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) (mafele) 8299982 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294271 8299368 8300077 8298399 8297560 8297934 8299849 8299412 8297952 8299854 8298050 8297869 8299729 8298418 8299765 8288012 8298403 8297930 8298959 8299617 8297927 8297435 8288387 # Aquarium (mafele) 8299983 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294209 8287680 8294271 8299368 8287822 8294141 8290509 8285869 8297560 8299988 8299414 8298196 8299802 8298050 8297877 # Quartz (mafele) 8299985 : %AFfO 8299191 8299373 8297949 8285877 8300043 8298411 8299889 8298213 8300078 8298410 8299887 8299725 8299657 8298231 8285884 %CAND 8299733 8298988 8286154 8299723 8299924 8285878 8299930 8286169 8286153 8294149 8298984 8294209 8294271 8299368 8294141 8299728 8298399 8297934 8299988 8299414 8298250 8299802 8298050 8297946 #pragma user "mandaco" # Confirmation code: UattJbOAkFg3pbPbD28Jyg # Sat May 29 19:49:08 2021 # History of the World (mandaco) 8296815 : 8298206 8299373 8294268 8298346 8285877 8299721 8299849 8299457 8299731 8299904 8286608 8285870 8286177 8299723 8286200 8300060 8297952 8300034 8299884 8288387 8285866 8294258 # Scarabya (mandaco) 8296819 : 8298206 8299373 8294268 8298346 8285877 8299721 8299849 8299457 8299731 8299904 8286608 8285870 8286177 8299723 8286200 8300060 8297952 8300034 8299884 8288387 8285866 8297958 8299046 8298419 8299854 8298396 8288016 8293524 8294258 8298390 8299794 8299634 8300070 8299198 8298953 8299113 8297630 # Campaign Manager 2008 (mandaco) 8296821 : 8298206 8299373 8294268 8298346 8285877 8299721 8299849 8299457 8299731 8299904 8286608 8285870 8286177 8299723 8286200 8300060 8297952 8300034 8299884 8288387 8285866 8297958 8299046 8298419 8299854 8298396 8288016 8293524 8294258 8298390 8299794 8299634 8300070 8299198 8298953 8299113 8297630 8299725 8299867 8290506 8298731 8299077 # Alt Name: Med_Ninja_Hanabi (mandaco) 8296847 : 8298206 8299373 8294268 8298346 8285877 8299721 8299849 8299457 8299731 8299904 8286608 8285870 8286177 8299723 8286200 8300060 8297952 8300034 8299884 8288387 8285866 8297958 8299046 8298419 8299854 8298396 8288016 8293524 8294258 8298390 8299794 8299634 8300070 8299198 8298953 8299113 8297630 8299725 8299867 8290506 8298731 8299077 # Draftosaurus (mandaco) 8296856 : 8298206 8299373 8294268 8298346 8285877 8299721 8299849 8299457 8299731 8299904 8286608 8285870 8286177 8299723 8286200 8300060 8297952 8300034 8299884 8288387 8285866 8297958 8299046 8298419 8299854 8298396 8288016 8293524 8294258 8298390 8299794 8299634 8300070 8299198 8298953 # Noctiluca (mandaco) 8299284 : 8298206 8299373 8294268 8298346 8285877 8299721 8299849 8299457 8299731 8299904 8286608 8285870 8286177 8299723 8286200 8300060 8297952 8300034 8299884 8288387 8285866 8297958 8299046 8298419 8299854 8298396 8288016 8293524 8298390 8299794 8299634 # Blueprints (mandaco) 8299288 : 8298206 8299373 8294268 8298346 8285877 8299721 8299849 8299457 8299731 8299904 8286608 8285870 8286177 8299723 8286200 # Dr. Eureka (mandaco) 8299295 : 8298206 8299373 8294268 8298346 8285877 8299721 8299849 8299457 8299731 8299904 8286608 8285870 8286177 8299723 8286200 8300060 8297952 8300034 8299884 8288387 8285866 8297958 8299046 8298419 8299854 8298396 8288016 8293524 #pragma user "marciusfabiani" # Confirmation code: 1pqJX0SBxKcUIWp09DEqxA # Mon May 31 10:44:42 2021 # (marciusfabiani) %RftG : # (marciusfabiani) %RftG2 : 8297888 8299800 # Pandemic: The Cure (marciusfabiani) 8297984 : 8288001 8299419 8299404 8286220 %RftG2 # Venezia (marciusfabiani) 8297986 : 8288001 8299419 8299404 8286220 # Seven Bridges (marciusfabiani) 8297991 : 8288001 8299419 8299404 8286220 %RftG2 8298047 # Jórvík (marciusfabiani) 8297992 : 8288001 8299419 8299404 8286220 %RftG2 8298047 #pragma user "marcosestevo" # Confirmation code: VB7NJas-NsSpzXrSWAmHTQ # Tue Jun 1 00:00:45 2021 # (marcosestevo) %Medici : 8288382 8293515 # (marcosestevo) %PDADSG : 8297667 8298224 # (marcosestevo) %PRoC : # Florenza: The Card Game (marcosestevo) 8286214 : 8298196 8299888 %PDADSG 8299904 8299890 # Steel Driver (marcosestevo) 8286218 : 8298196 8299888 8299904 8299890 8288001 # Bali (marcosestevo) 8286224 : %PDADSG 8297630 8286169 %Medici # Legends of Andor (marcosestevo) 8286226 : 8299888 8299890 8297934 8299373 8288001 # The Magic Labyrinth (marcosestevo) 8286231 : 8298196 8299888 %PDADSG 8299904 8299890 8297630 # Monster Factory (marcosestevo) 8286235 : 8298196 8299888 %PDADSG 8299904 8297630 8286169 %Medici # Paris Connection (marcosestevo) 8286244 : 8297934 8299373 # Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem (marcosestevo) 8286246 : 8298196 8299888 8299904 8299890 8297934 8299373 # Archaeology: The New Expedition (marcosestevo) 8286252 : 8298196 %PDADSG 8299904 8297630 8286169 %Medici # Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small (marcosestevo) 8299110 : 8298196 8299888 8299890 # Arkham Noir: Case #1 – The Witch Cult Murders (marcosestevo) 8299515 : %PDADSG 8297630 8286169 %Medici # Climb! (marcosestevo) 8299535 : %PDADSG 8297630 8286169 # Le Havre (marcosestevo) 8299798 : # Cosmic Encounter Duel (marcosestevo) 8299820 : #pragma user "marcosindia25" # Confirmation code: 1yzsxsIxHHMZav6U-20Xjg # Thu May 27 10:57:03 2021 # Victorian Masterminds (marcosindia25) 8286273 : 8300060 8298050 8298403 8299798 8297902 8299468 8299837 8297934 8299191 8299988 8299408 8294271 8298206 8297946 8298408 8299665 8297952 8299677 8300034 8299668 8299373 8299453 8286161 8299197 8299198 8297949 8294268 8298346 8286171 8293506 8297877 8285877 8299721 8300043 8299095 8299729 8299912 8291447 8299672 8287897 8299849 8298418 8299724 8299801 8288381 8300045 8299617 8299765 8287823 8299414 8289449 8299982 8298410 8299819 8286608 8287017 8286157 8299884 8299978 8299412 8299818 8298409 8287822 8299662 8289539 8287816 8299027 8298981 8297880 8290640 8286154 8299924 8293522 8299382 8299894 8299634 # God of War: The Card Game (marcosindia25) 8286275 : 8300060 8298050 8298403 8299798 8297902 8299468 8299837 8297934 8299191 8299988 8299408 8294271 8298206 8297946 8298408 8299665 8297952 8299677 8300034 8299668 8299373 8299453 8286161 8299197 8299198 8297949 8294268 8298346 8286171 8293506 8297877 8285877 8299721 8300043 8299095 8299729 8299912 8291447 8299672 8287897 8299849 8298418 8299724 8299801 8288381 8300045 8299617 8299765 8287823 8299414 8289449 8299982 8298410 8299819 8286608 8287017 8286157 8299884 8299978 8299412 8299818 8298409 8287822 8299662 8289539 8287816 8299027 8298981 8297880 8290640 8286154 8299924 8293522 8299382 8299894 8299634 # Blue Moon City (marcosindia25) 8286276 : 8300060 8298050 8298403 8299798 8297902 8299468 8299837 8297934 8299191 8299988 8299408 8294271 8298206 8297946 8298408 8299665 8297952 8299677 8300034 8299668 8299373 8299453 8286161 8299197 8299198 8297949 8294268 8298346 8286171 8293506 8297877 8285877 8299721 8300043 8299095 8299729 8299912 8291447 8299672 8287897 8299849 8298418 8299724 8299801 8288381 8300045 8299617 8299765 8287823 8299414 8289449 8299982 8298410 8299819 8286608 8287017 8286157 8299884 8299978 8299412 8299818 8298409 8287822 8299662 8289539 8287816 8299027 8298981 8297880 8290640 8286154 8299924 8293522 8299382 8299894 8299634 # Hunt for the Ring (marcosindia25) 8286277 : 8300060 8298050 8298403 8299798 8297902 8299468 8299837 8297934 8299191 8299988 8299408 8294271 8298206 8297946 8298408 8299665 8297952 8299677 8300034 8299668 8299373 8299453 8286161 8299197 8299198 8297949 8294268 8298346 8286171 8293506 8297877 8285877 8299721 8300043 8299095 8299729 8299912 8291447 8299672 8287897 8299849 8298418 8299724 8299801 8288381 8300045 8299617 8299765 8287823 8299414 8289449 8299982 8298410 8299819 8286608 8287017 8286157 8299884 8299978 8299412 8299818 8298409 8287822 8299662 8289539 8287816 8299027 8298981 8297880 8290640 8286154 8299924 8293522 8299382 8299894 8299634 # Alt Name: PackSAekI (marcosindia25) 8286280 : 8300060 8298050 8298403 8299798 8297902 8299468 8299837 8297934 8299191 8299988 8299408 8294271 8298206 8297946 8298408 8299665 8297952 8299677 8300034 8299668 8299373 8299453 8286161 8299197 8299198 8297949 8294268 8298346 8286171 8293506 8297877 8285877 8299721 8300043 8299095 8299729 8299912 8291447 8299672 8287897 8299849 8298418 8299724 8299801 8288381 8300045 8299617 8299765 8287823 8299414 8289449 8299982 8298410 8299819 8286608 8287017 8286157 8299884 8299978 8299412 8299818 8298409 8287822 8299662 8289539 8287816 8299027 8298981 8297880 8290640 8286154 8299924 8293522 8299382 8299894 8299634 # Alt Name: PAck4SGsTGCQPpdv (marcosindia25) 8286283 : 8300060 8298050 8298403 8299798 8297902 8299468 8299837 8297934 8299191 8299988 8299408 8294271 8298206 8297946 8298408 8299665 8297952 8299677 8300034 8299668 8299373 8299453 8286161 8299197 8299198 8297949 8294268 8298346 8286171 8293506 8297877 8285877 8299721 8300043 8299095 8299729 8299912 8291447 8299672 8287897 8299849 8298418 8299724 8299801 8288381 8300045 8299617 8299765 8287823 8299414 8289449 8299982 8298410 8299819 8286608 8287017 8286157 8299884 8299978 8299412 8299818 8298409 8287822 8299662 8289539 8287816 8299027 8298981 8297880 8290640 8286154 8299924 8293522 8299382 8299894 8299634 #pragma user "marxvdl" # Confirmation code: pEqFCqOEfROxUzaYhMVNyA # Sun May 30 13:43:21 2021 # Escape Tales: The Awakening (marxvdl) 8292273 : 8298412 8285877 8286246 8299723 8299600 8299849 8297927 8299731 8299457 8299665 8299805 8300073 8298401 8288012 8299095 8299726 8297869 8300042 8299765 8290640 8299802 8300045 8298959 8288381 8297930 8298731 8298341 #pragma user "MasterAce" # Confirmation code: keeKHaCPD0ewB5iBbB3G/w # Tue Jun 1 20:23:49 2021 # [redacted] (MasterAce) 8285860 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 8298408 8294268 8298389 8294209 8299284 8297984 8297807 8300057 8299682 8299722 8299673 8297877 8299798 8298981 8294141 8298256 8300077 8298350 8287874 8300045 8298422 8299758 8299982 8286214 8286218 8287847 8300042 8297869 8299198 8289520 8294258 8285368 # Outside the Scope of BGG (MasterAce) 8285864 : # The Climbers (MasterAce) 8285866 : # The Bloody Inn (MasterAce) 8285869 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 8298408 8294268 8298389 8294209 8299284 8297984 8297807 8300057 8299682 8299722 8299673 8297877 8299798 8298981 8294141 8298256 8300077 8298350 8287874 8300045 8298422 8299758 8299982 8286214 8286218 8287847 8300042 8297869 8299198 8289520 8294258 8285368 8288363 8298244 8297992 8289509 8288387 8298424 8299171 8299737 8298204 8299931 8298988 8297955 8298401 8299570 8298431 8298947 8286226 8299907 8294203 8287676 8298224 8297667 8299113 8299794 8300039 8288018 8297991 8299035 8298192 8298196 8299902 8290509 8297930 8293557 8299897 8300040 8298945 8297871 8286276 8298253 8297630 8296847 8299692 8299985 8289020 8299685 8298984 8287920 8293550 8299048 8299983 8289504 8299686 8299842 8298341 8297649 8297912 8286280 8286283 8299043 8299796 8286252 8299915 8287823 8289508 8294192 8288381 8299752 8299817 8299818 8299288 8290133 8299047 8299404 # Alubari: A Nice Cup of Tea (MasterAce) 8285870 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299617 # Ark (MasterAce) 8285871 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 # Artificium (MasterAce) 8285873 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 # Automata NOIR (MasterAce) 8285875 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 # Barrage (MasterAce) 8285877 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 # Bootleggers (MasterAce) 8285878 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 8298408 8294268 8298389 8294209 8299284 8297984 8297807 8300057 8299682 8299722 8299673 8297877 8299798 8298981 8294141 8298256 8300077 8298350 8287874 8300045 8298422 8299758 8299982 8286214 8286218 8287847 8300042 8297869 8299198 8289520 8294258 8285368 8288363 8298244 8297992 8289509 8288387 8298424 8299171 8299737 8298204 8299931 8298988 8297955 8298401 8299570 8298431 8298947 8286226 8299907 8294203 8287676 # Dicium (MasterAce) 8285879 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 # Dragonsgate College (MasterAce) 8285881 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 # Dungeon Scroll (MasterAce) 8285883 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 # Fairy Tale (MasterAce) 8285884 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 8298408 8294268 8298389 8294209 8299284 8297984 8297807 8300057 8299682 8299722 8299673 8297877 8299798 8298981 8294141 8298256 8300077 8298350 8287874 8300045 8298422 8299758 8299982 8286214 8286218 8287847 8300042 8297869 8299198 8289520 8294258 8285368 8288363 8298244 8297992 8289509 8288387 8298424 8299171 8299737 8298204 8299931 8298988 8297955 8298401 8299570 8298431 8298947 8286226 8299907 8294203 8287676 8298224 8297667 8299113 8299794 8300039 8288018 8297991 8299035 8298192 8298196 8299902 8290509 8297930 8293557 8299897 8300040 8298945 8297871 8286276 8298253 8297630 8296847 8299692 8299985 8289020 8299685 8298984 8287920 8293550 8299048 8299983 8289504 8299686 8299842 8298341 8297649 8297912 8286280 8286283 8299043 8299796 8286252 8299915 8287823 8289508 8294192 8288381 8299752 8299817 8299818 8299288 8290133 8299047 8299404 8299841 8299859 8298419 8297666 8287826 8298248 8296856 8298053 8287872 8300080 8298731 8286231 8299893 8296819 8298429 8299937 8299835 8299862 8299921 8297506 8298801 # Fast Forward: FEAR (MasterAce) 8285885 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 8298408 8294268 8298389 8294209 8299284 8297984 8297807 8300057 8299682 8299722 8299673 8297877 8299798 8298981 8294141 8298256 8300077 8298350 8287874 8300045 8298422 8299758 8299982 8286214 8286218 8287847 8300042 8297869 8299198 8289520 8294258 8285368 8288363 8298244 8297992 8289509 8288387 8298424 8299171 8299737 8298204 8299931 8298988 8297955 8298401 8299570 8298431 8298947 8286226 8299907 8294203 8287676 8298224 8297667 8299113 8299794 8300039 8288018 8297991 8299035 8298192 8298196 8299902 8290509 8297930 8293557 8299897 8300040 8298945 8297871 8286276 8298253 8297630 8296847 8299692 8299985 8289020 8299685 8298984 8287920 8293550 8299048 8299983 8289504 8299686 8299842 8298341 8297649 8297912 8286280 8286283 8299043 8299796 8286252 8299915 8287823 8289508 8294192 8288381 8299752 8299817 8299818 8299288 8290133 8299047 8299404 8299841 8299859 8298419 8297666 8287826 8298248 8296856 8298053 8287872 8300080 8298731 8286231 8299893 8296819 8298429 8299937 8299835 8299862 8299921 8297506 8298801 8298386 8287891 8299786 8299833 8299077 8296840 8298039 8298226 8289512 8293959 8299809 8299911 8297841 8298340 8299415 8299688 # Lucidity: Six-Sided Nightmares (MasterAce) 8285886 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 # Fields of Green (MasterAce) 8286147 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 8298408 8294268 8298389 8294209 8299284 8297984 8297807 8300057 8299682 8299722 8299673 8297877 8299798 8298981 8294141 8298256 8300077 8298350 8287874 8300045 8298422 8299758 8299982 8286214 8286218 8287847 8300042 8297869 8299198 8289520 8294258 8285368 8288363 8298244 8297992 8289509 8288387 8298424 8299171 8299737 8298204 8299931 8298988 8297955 8298401 8299570 8298431 8298947 8286226 8299907 8294203 8287676 8298224 8297667 8299113 8299794 8300039 8288018 8297991 8299035 8298192 8298196 8299902 8290509 8297930 8293557 8299897 8300040 8298945 # Grog Island (MasterAce) 8286153 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 # Hellboy: The Board Game (MasterAce) 8286154 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 # In the Year of the Dragon (MasterAce) 8286157 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299617 # Istanbul (MasterAce) 8286161 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 # Korrigans (MasterAce) 8286163 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 # Lascaux (MasterAce) 8286169 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 # Libertalia (MasterAce) 8286171 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 # Mangrovia (MasterAce) 8286177 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 # Merchants of Amsterdam (MasterAce) 8286183 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 8298408 8294268 8298389 8294209 8299284 8297984 8297807 8300057 8299682 8299722 8299673 8297877 8299798 8298981 8294141 8298256 8300077 8298350 8287874 8300045 8298422 8299758 8299982 8286214 8286218 8287847 8300042 8297869 8299198 8289520 8294258 8285368 8288363 8298244 8297992 8289509 8288387 8298424 8299171 8299737 8298204 8299931 8298988 8297955 8298401 8299570 8298431 8298947 8286226 8299907 8294203 8287676 8298224 8297667 8299113 8299794 8300039 8288018 8297991 8299035 8298192 8298196 8299902 8290509 8297930 8293557 8299897 8300040 8298945 8297871 8286276 8298253 8297630 8296847 8299692 8299985 8289020 8299685 8298984 8287920 8293550 8299048 8299983 8289504 8299686 8299842 8298341 8297649 8297912 8286280 8286283 8299043 8299796 8286252 8299915 8287823 8289508 8294192 8288381 8299752 8299817 8299818 8299288 8290133 8299047 8299404 8299841 8299859 8298419 8297666 8287826 8298248 8296856 8298053 8287872 8300080 8298731 8286231 # Minerva (MasterAce) 8286186 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 # North Wind (MasterAce) 8286189 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 # Sailing Toward Osiris (MasterAce) 8286191 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 # Samhain (MasterAce) 8286196 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 8298408 8294268 8298389 8294209 8299284 8297984 8297807 8300057 8299682 8299722 8299673 8297877 8299798 8298981 8294141 8298256 8300077 8298350 8287874 8300045 8298422 8299758 8299982 8286214 8286218 8287847 8300042 8297869 8299198 8289520 8294258 8285368 8288363 8298244 8297992 8289509 8288387 8298424 8299171 8299737 8298204 8299931 8298988 8297955 8298401 8299570 8298431 8298947 8286226 8299907 8294203 8287676 8298224 8297667 8299113 8299794 8300039 8288018 8297991 8299035 8298192 8298196 8299902 8290509 8297930 8293557 8299897 8300040 8298945 8297871 8286276 8298253 8297630 8296847 8299692 8299985 8289020 8299685 8298984 8287920 8293550 8299048 8299983 8289504 8299686 8299842 8298341 8297649 8297912 8286280 8286283 8299043 8299796 8286252 8299915 8287823 8289508 8294192 8288381 8299752 8299817 8299818 8299288 8290133 8299047 8299404 8299841 8299859 8298419 8297666 8287826 8298248 8296856 8298053 8287872 8300080 8298731 8286231 8299893 8296819 8298429 8299937 8299835 8299862 8299921 8297506 8298801 # So Long, My World (MasterAce) 8286199 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 # The Staufer Dynasty (MasterAce) 8286200 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 # Sultaniya (MasterAce) 8286201 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 # Traders of Osaka (MasterAce) 8286202 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 8298408 8294268 8298389 8294209 8299284 8297984 8297807 8300057 8299682 8299722 8299673 8297877 8299798 8298981 8294141 8298256 8300077 8298350 8287874 8300045 8298422 8299758 8299982 8286214 8286218 8287847 8300042 8297869 8299198 8289520 8294258 8285368 8288363 8298244 8297992 8289509 8288387 8298424 8299171 8299737 8298204 8299931 8298988 8297955 8298401 8299570 8298431 8298947 8286226 8299907 8294203 8287676 8298224 8297667 8299113 8299794 8300039 8288018 8297991 8299035 8298192 8298196 8299902 8290509 8297930 8293557 8299897 # Valdora (MasterAce) 8286203 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 # Vegas Showdown (MasterAce) 8286206 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 8298408 8294268 8298389 8294209 8299284 8297984 8297807 8300057 8299682 8299722 8299673 8297877 8299798 # Penny Arcade: The Game – Gamers vs. Evil (MasterAce) 8286210 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 8298408 8294268 8298389 8294209 8299284 8297984 8297807 8300057 8299682 8299722 8299673 8297877 8299798 # Alien Artifacts (MasterAce) 8286213 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 8298408 8294268 8298389 8294209 8299284 8297984 8297807 8300057 8299682 8299722 8299673 8297877 8299798 8298981 8294141 8298256 8300077 8298350 8287874 8300045 8298422 8299758 8299982 8286214 8286218 8287847 8300042 8297869 8299198 8289520 8294258 8285368 # Drum Roll (MasterAce) 8286215 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 # Otys (MasterAce) 8286216 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 8298408 8294268 8298389 8294209 8299284 8297984 8297807 8300057 8299682 8299722 8299673 8297877 8299798 8298981 8294141 8298256 8300077 8298350 8287874 8300045 8298422 8299758 8299982 8286214 8286218 8287847 8300042 8297869 8299198 8289520 8294258 8285368 8288363 8298244 8297992 8289509 8288387 8298424 8299171 8299737 8298204 8299931 8298988 8297955 8298401 8299570 8298431 8298947 8286226 8299907 8294203 8287676 8298224 8297667 8299113 8299794 8300039 8288018 8297991 8299035 8298192 8298196 8299902 8290509 8297930 8293557 8299897 # The Shining (MasterAce) 8286220 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 # Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 (MasterAce) 8286225 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 # Ars Mysteriorum (MasterAce) 8293497 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 # Struggle for Catan (MasterAce) 8293499 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 8298408 8294268 8298389 8294209 8299284 8297984 8297807 8300057 8299682 8299722 8299673 8297877 8299798 8298981 8294141 8298256 8300077 8298350 8287874 8300045 8298422 8299758 8299982 8286214 8286218 8287847 8300042 8297869 8299198 8289520 8294258 8285368 8288363 8298244 8297992 8289509 8288387 8298424 8299171 8299737 8298204 8299931 8298988 8297955 8298401 8299570 8298431 8298947 8286226 8299907 8294203 8287676 8298224 8297667 8299113 8299794 8300039 8288018 8297991 8299035 8298192 8298196 8299902 8290509 8297930 8293557 8299897 8300040 8298945 8297871 8286276 8298253 8297630 8296847 8299692 8299985 8289020 8299685 8298984 8287920 8293550 8299048 8299983 8289504 8299686 8299842 8298341 8297649 8297912 8286280 8286283 8299043 8299796 8286252 8299915 8287823 8289508 8294192 8288381 8299752 8299817 8299818 8299288 8290133 8299047 8299404 8299841 8299859 8298419 8297666 8287826 8298248 8296856 8298053 8287872 8300080 8298731 8286231 8299893 8296819 8298429 8299937 8299835 8299862 8299921 8297506 8298801 8298386 8287891 8299786 8299833 8299077 8296840 8298039 8298226 8289512 8293959 8299809 8299911 8297841 8298340 8299415 8299688 8294211 8299906 8297811 # Im Wandel der Zeiten: Das Kartenspiel (MasterAce) 8293504 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 8298408 8294268 8298389 8294209 8299284 8297984 8297807 8300057 8299682 8299722 8299673 8297877 8299798 8298981 8294141 8298256 8300077 8298350 8287874 8300045 8298422 8299758 8299982 8286214 8286218 8287847 8300042 8297869 8299198 8289520 8294258 8285368 8288363 8298244 8297992 8289509 8288387 8298424 8299171 8299737 8298204 8299931 8298988 8297955 8298401 8299570 8298431 8298947 8286226 8299907 8294203 8287676 8298224 8297667 8299113 8299794 8300039 8288018 8297991 8299035 8298192 8298196 8299902 8290509 8297930 8293557 8299897 8300040 8298945 8297871 8286276 8298253 8297630 8296847 8299692 8299985 8289020 8299685 8298984 8287920 8293550 8299048 8299983 8289504 8299686 8299842 8298341 8297649 8297912 8286280 8286283 8299043 8299796 8286252 8299915 8287823 8289508 8294192 8288381 8299752 8299817 8299818 8299288 8290133 8299047 8299404 8299841 8299859 8298419 8297666 8287826 8298248 8296856 8298053 8287872 8300080 8298731 8286231 8299893 8296819 8298429 8299937 8299835 8299862 8299921 8297506 8298801 8298386 8287891 8299786 8299833 8299077 # Imperial Settlers (MasterAce) 8293506 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 # Kingsport Festival: The Card Game (MasterAce) 8293507 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 8298408 8294268 8298389 8294209 8299284 8297984 8297807 8300057 8299682 8299722 8299673 8297877 8299798 8298981 8294141 8298256 8300077 8298350 8287874 8300045 8298422 8299758 8299982 8286214 8286218 8287847 8300042 8297869 8299198 8289520 8294258 8285368 8288363 8298244 8297992 8289509 8288387 8298424 8299171 8299737 8298204 8299931 8298988 8297955 8298401 8299570 8298431 8298947 8286226 8299907 8294203 8287676 8298224 8297667 8299113 8299794 8300039 8288018 8297991 8299035 8298192 8298196 8299902 8290509 8297930 8293557 8299897 8300040 8298945 8297871 8286276 8298253 8297630 8296847 8299692 8299985 8289020 8299685 8298984 8287920 8293550 8299048 8299983 8289504 8299686 8299842 8298341 8297649 8297912 8286280 8286283 8299043 8299796 8286252 8299915 8287823 8289508 8294192 8288381 8299752 8299817 # Leaders of Euphoria: Choose a Better Oppressor (MasterAce) 8293509 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 # Mercante (MasterAce) 8293514 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 8298408 8294268 8298389 8294209 8299284 8297984 8297807 8300057 8299682 8299722 8299673 8297877 8299798 8298981 8294141 8298256 8300077 8298350 8287874 8300045 8298422 8299758 8299982 8286214 8286218 8287847 8300042 8297869 8299198 8289520 8294258 8285368 8288363 8298244 8297992 8289509 8288387 8298424 8299171 8299737 8298204 8299931 8298988 8297955 8298401 8299570 8298431 8298947 8286226 8299907 8294203 8287676 8298224 8297667 8299113 8299794 8300039 8288018 8297991 8299035 8298192 8298196 8299902 8290509 8297930 8293557 8299897 8300040 8298945 8297871 8286276 # Medici (MasterAce) 8293515 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 # Murano (MasterAce) 8293517 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 # Roll Player (MasterAce) 8293521 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 # The Grizzled: Armistice Edition (MasterAce) 8293522 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 # Trans Europa (MasterAce) 8293524 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 # Versailles (MasterAce) 8293526 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 # Raids (MasterAce) 8297432 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 # Tigris & Euphrates (MasterAce) 8297435 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 # Super Motherload (MasterAce) 8297463 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 # The Perfumer (MasterAce) 8297470 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 # Bruxelles 1893 (MasterAce) 8299884 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 # Underwater Cities (MasterAce) 8299885 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 # Dead Man's Doubloons (MasterAce) 8299886 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 # Endeavor: Age of Sail (MasterAce) 8299887 : 8299819 8299409 # Key to the City: London (MasterAce) 8299888 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 # Ninjato (MasterAce) 8299890 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 # Pocket Dragon (MasterAce) 8299892 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 8297838 8299419 8300070 8299657 8299799 8300073 8291447 8299199 8299733 8299805 8298387 8299808 8288360 8298396 8299672 8286277 8299042 8299664 8299408 8299726 8289506 8297958 8298346 8299354 8299034 8298390 8299832 8297879 8299821 8287027 8299932 8288012 8294271 8287897 8286608 8298206 8286275 8298959 8299925 8299912 8299046 8299922 8299095 8297943 8298394 8299988 8299765 8289539 8299422 8300052 8299031 8286244 8299867 8299725 8298408 8294268 8298389 8294209 8299284 8297984 8297807 8300057 8299682 8299722 8299673 8297877 8299798 # Sheriff of Nottingham (2nd Edition) (MasterAce) 8299894 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 # Shadowrun: Crossfire (MasterAce) 8299896 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 # Vikings (MasterAce) 8299904 : 8299819 8299409 8299382 8297900 8287017 8299365 8297875 8299373 8299405 8298403 8298050 8299729 8299849 8299721 8299468 8299723 8300078 8290640 8299191 8298412 8298411 8300043 8299634 8299803 8299617 8299837 8297902 8299806 8300060 8298410 8299406 8299731 8297927 8299457 8297948 8299368 8299801 8297946 8297843 8286246 8298404 8297947 8298413 8297876 8298264 8297560 8299788 8299668 8300067 8299600 8299665 8299924 8297882 8299662 8288299 8299414 8299412 8299762 8299978 8300053 8298213 8297950 #pragma user "MateusBSCampos" # Confirmation code: p7Ox2SbRfCf3rPnk-MCmJg # Mon May 31 20:15:06 2021 # (MateusBSCampos) %AACBaS : 8300046 8299110 # (MateusBSCampos) %SevBri : 8299758 8297991 # Paper Dungeons: A Dungeon Scrawler Game (MateusBSCampos) 8298224 : 8286277 8288357 8289539 %SevBri %AACBaS 8299198 8298408 # Caverna: Cave vs Cave (MateusBSCampos) 8298231 : 8298213 8297934 8299373 8299889 8286277 8289539 %SevBri %AACBaS # Tides of Time (MateusBSCampos) 8298237 : 8286147 8299846 8299968 8299980 8294209 8294362 8298039 8298248 8299807 8299415 8298244 8298341 8299428 8299947 8299794 8294211 8294197 8294877 # Gnomopolis (MateusBSCampos) 8299793 : 8291447 8298206 8288357 8287809 8300070 8298346 #pragma user "morvesdorves" # Confirmation code: UCDgQBIlAM-rlFo5PA/ySg # Tue Jun 1 19:03:03 2021 # Finished! (morvesdorves) 8299205 : 8298410 8299600 8299368 8299849 8297984 8297560 8299808 8297882 8298394 8299647 8297912 8299034 8297506 8299662 8299042 8299957 8297877 8299110 8300046 8297958 8299046 8298982 8286608 8297950 8298389 8286147 8299968 8299980 8298988 8287847 8292273 8300038 8298256 8300077 8298244 8300039 8285879 8300045 8294192 8288017 8286252 8297991 8285886 8299687 8300074 # Alt Name: Pacote Tides+Voltage+Yomi (morvesdorves) 8299388 : 8298410 8299600 8299368 8299849 8297984 8297560 8299808 8297882 8298394 8299647 8297912 8299034 8297506 8299662 8299042 8299957 8297877 8299110 8300046 8297958 8299046 8298982 8286608 8297950 8298389 8286147 8299968 8299980 8298988 8287847 8292273 8300038 8298256 8300077 8298244 8300039 8285879 8300045 8294192 8288017 8286252 8297991 8285886 8299687 8300074 # Forbidden Sky (morvesdorves) 8299404 : 8298410 8299600 8299368 8299849 8297984 8297560 8299808 8297882 8298394 8299647 8297912 8299034 8297506 8299662 8299042 8299957 # Fighting Formations: Grossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division (morvesdorves) 8299410 : 8298410 8299600 8299368 8299849 8297984 # Legendary Encounters: A Firefly Deck Building Game (morvesdorves) 8299419 : 8298410 8299600 8299368 # The Hunters: German U-Boats at War, 1939-43 (morvesdorves) 8299563 : 8298410 8299600 8299368 8299849 8297984 8297560 8299808 8297882 8298394 8299647 8297912 8299034 # Pandemic (morvesdorves) 8299570 : 8298410 8299600 8299368 8299849 8297984 8297560 8299808 8297882 8298394 8299647 8297912 8299034 8297506 8299662 8299042 8299957 8297877 8299110 8300046 8297958 8299046 8298982 8286608 8297950 8298389 8286147 8299968 8299980 8298988 8287847 8292273 8300038 8298256 8300077 8298244 8300039 8285879 # Alt Name: Pacote Vale, Último Camp., Keltis (Cartas) (morvesdorves) 8299659 : 8298410 8299600 8299368 8299849 8297984 8297560 8299808 8297882 8298394 8299647 8297912 8299034 8297506 8299662 8299042 8299957 8297877 8299110 8300046 8297958 8299046 8298982 8286608 8297950 8298389 8286147 8299968 8299980 8298988 8287847 8292273 8300038 8298256 8300077 8298244 8300039 8285879 8300045 8294192 8288017 8286252 8297991 8285886 8299687 8300074 # 1955: The War of Espionage (morvesdorves) 8299675 : 8298410 8299600 8299368 8299849 8297984 8297560 8299808 8297882 8298394 8299647 8297912 8299034 8297506 8299662 8299042 8299957 8297877 8299110 8300046 8297958 8299046 8298982 8286608 8297950 8298389 8286147 8299968 8299980 8298988 8287847 8292273 8300038 8298256 8300077 8298244 8300039 8285879 8300045 8294192 8288017 8286252 8297991 8285886 8299687 8300074 #pragma user "MustaBG" # Confirmation code: 8NN92TIcQ6BuHyvOTgVfhA # Mon May 31 14:27:54 2021 # (MustaBG) %AFfO : 8298050 8298403 # (MustaBG) %Barra : 8285877 8299721 # (MustaBG) %CV : 8297871 8297955 # (MustaBG) %Coimb : 8298418 8299724 # (MustaBG) %CryHav : 8297869 8299726 8300042 # (MustaBG) %Draft : 8296856 8298053 # (MustaBG) %HTBG : 8286154 8298246 8299727 # (MustaBG) %Jrvk : 8289509 8297992 # (MustaBG) %K2 : 8297958 8299046 # (MustaBG) %KitRus : 8297879 8299821 # (MustaBG) %RolPla : 8293521 8299453 # (MustaBG) %Root : 8297560 8299788 # (MustaBG) %SWR : 8297900 8299191 # (MustaBG) %TBI : 8285869 8299843 # (MustaBG) %TVoMP : 8297952 8299677 8300034 # (MustaBG) %TWoMTBG : 8298213 8300052 # (MustaBG) %TerMys : 8297902 8299468 8299837 # Fields of Green (MustaBG) 8299846 : %SWR 8299405 %Barra 8300043 8299729 8299672 8299849 8299617 8299412 8297947 8299806 8294209 8290640 8299419 8288016 8299929 8300073 8286213 %TerMys 8298394 8298409 8286218 8299382 8299988 8299095 %Coimb 8297882 8299765 8298410 8297933 8299368 %CryHav 8298389 8298947 8299408 8286225 8300060 %AFfO 8299885 %HTBG 8299841 8286157 8285368 8288387 %KitRus 8298387 8299722 %TBI %Root 8299665 %TVoMP %RolPla 8299854 8297930 8294271 %TWoMTBG 8287017 8299600 8297950 8299042 8287027 8286277 8298041 8299034 8287874 8298411 8298206 8299197 8299199 8299912 8300046 %K2 8289449 8286608 8299762 8299818 %CV 8299404 8299886 8299198 8290509 8299388 8299835 8299354 8299414 8296815 8287897 8289520 8286276 %Draft 8300055 8299171 8297649 8297811 8286171 8293506 8286252 8294261 %Jrvk 8286161 8299730 8298408 8298346 8286226 8298422 8289539 8288012 8286189 8296821 8287676 8287891 8297838 8299113 # Ave Caesar (MustaBG) 8299851 : %SWR 8299405 %Barra 8300043 8299729 8299672 8299849 8299617 8299412 8297947 8299806 8294209 8290640 8299419 8288016 8299929 8300073 8286213 %TerMys 8298394 8298409 8286218 8299382 8299988 8299095 %Coimb 8297882 8299765 8298410 8297933 8299368 %CryHav 8298389 8298947 8299408 8286225 8300060 %AFfO 8299885 %HTBG 8299841 8286157 8285368 8288387 %KitRus 8298387 8299722 %TBI %Root 8299665 %TVoMP %RolPla 8299854 8297930 8294271 %TWoMTBG 8287017 8299600 8297950 8299042 8287027 8286277 8298041 8299034 8287874 8298411 8298206 8299197 8299199 8299912 8300046 %K2 8289449 8286608 8299762 8299818 %CV 8299404 8299886 8299198 8290509 8299388 8299835 8299354 8287823 8299414 8296815 8287897 8289520 8286276 %Draft 8300055 8299171 8297649 8286202 8287920 8299868 8297811 8286171 8293506 8286252 8294261 %Jrvk 8286231 8286177 8286161 8299730 8298408 8298346 8286226 8298422 8289539 8288012 8286189 8296821 8287676 8287891 8297838 8299113 # Skyliners (MustaBG) 8299859 : %SWR 8299405 %Barra 8300043 8299729 8299672 8299849 8299617 8299412 8297947 8299806 8294209 8290640 8299419 8288016 8299929 8300073 8286213 %TerMys 8298394 8298409 8286218 8299382 8299988 8299095 %Coimb 8297882 8299765 8298410 8297933 8299368 %CryHav 8298389 8298947 8299408 8286225 8300060 %AFfO 8299885 %HTBG 8299841 8286157 8285368 8288387 %KitRus 8298387 8299722 %TBI %Root 8299665 %TVoMP %RolPla 8299854 8297930 8294271 %TWoMTBG 8287017 8299600 8297950 8299042 8287027 8286277 8298041 8299034 8287874 8298411 8298206 8299197 8299199 8299912 8300046 %K2 8289449 8286608 8299762 8299818 %CV 8299404 8299886 8299198 8290509 8299388 8299835 8299354 8287823 8299414 8296815 8287897 8289520 8286276 %Draft 8300055 8299171 8297649 8286202 8287920 8299868 8297811 8286171 8293506 8286252 8294261 %Jrvk 8286231 8286177 8286161 8299730 8298408 8298346 8286226 8298422 8289539 8288012 8286189 8296821 8287676 8287891 8297838 8299113 # Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem – Calaveras Club Expansion (MustaBG) 8299871 : %SWR 8299405 %Barra 8300043 8299729 8299672 8299849 8299617 8299412 8297947 8299806 8294209 8290640 8299419 8288016 8299929 8300073 8286213 %TerMys 8298394 8298409 8286218 8299382 8299988 8299095 %Coimb 8297882 8299765 8298410 8297933 8299368 %CryHav 8298389 8298947 8299408 8286225 8300060 %AFfO 8299885 %HTBG 8299841 8286157 8285368 8288387 %KitRus 8298387 8299722 %TBI %Root 8299665 %TVoMP %RolPla 8299854 8297930 8294271 %TWoMTBG 8287017 8299600 8297950 8299042 8287027 8286277 8298041 8299034 8287874 8298411 8298206 8299197 8299199 8299912 8300046 %K2 8289449 8286608 8299762 8299818 %CV 8299404 8299886 8299198 8290509 8299388 8299835 8299354 8287823 8299414 8296815 8287897 8289520 8286276 %Draft 8300055 8299171 8297649 8286202 8287920 8299868 8297811 8286171 8293506 8286252 8294261 %Jrvk 8286231 8286177 8286161 8299730 8298408 8298346 8286226 8298422 8289539 8288012 8286189 8296821 8287676 8287891 8297838 8299113 # Santorini (MustaBG) 8299889 : %SWR 8299405 %Barra 8300043 8299729 8299672 8299849 8299617 8299412 8297947 8299806 8294209 8290640 8299419 8288016 8299929 8300073 8286213 %TerMys 8298394 8298409 8286218 8299382 8299988 8299095 %Coimb 8297882 8299765 8298410 8297933 8299368 %CryHav 8298389 8298947 8300060 %AFfO 8299885 %HTBG %Root 8299665 %TVoMP %RolPla 8299854 8297930 8298411 # Barony (MustaBG) 8299893 : %SWR 8299405 %Barra 8300043 8299729 8299672 8299849 8299617 8299412 8297947 8299806 8294209 8290640 8299419 8288016 8299929 8300073 8286213 %TerMys 8298394 8298409 8286218 8299382 8299988 8299095 %Coimb 8297882 8299765 8298410 8297933 8299368 %CryHav 8298389 8298947 8299408 8286225 8300060 %AFfO 8299885 %HTBG 8299841 8286157 8285368 8288387 %KitRus 8298387 8299722 %Root 8299665 %TVoMP %RolPla 8299854 8297930 8294271 %TWoMTBG 8287017 8299600 8297950 8299042 8287027 8286277 8298041 8299034 8298411 8298206 8299197 8299199 8299912 8300046 %K2 8289449 8286608 8299762 8299818 %CV 8299404 8299886 8299414 8296815 8297811 8286161 #pragma user "owlmeister" # Confirmation code: fqOyAGhNxlZGFS5-T6smow # Sun May 30 07:37:40 2021 # Manila (owlmeister) 8298419 : 8297934 8297900 8299191 8298206 8285877 8299721 8300043 8291447 8298411 8299617 8298410 8299887 8287017 8298409 8286225 8298981 8297843 8286154 8298246 8299727 8299924 8299410 8286246 # Alt Name: Kariba+Dead Man's Draw (owlmeister) 8298424 : 8297934 8297900 8299191 8298206 8285877 8299721 8300043 8291447 8298411 8299617 8298410 8299887 8287017 8298409 8286225 8298981 8297843 8286154 8298246 8299727 8299924 8299410 8286246 8297902 8299468 8299885 8299405 8298418 8299365 8298394 8299819 8299600 8287872 8299368 8299733 8286147 8286277 8287809 8293522 8286213 # Navia Dratp (owlmeister) 8298428 : 8297934 8297900 8299191 8298206 8285877 8299721 8300043 8291447 8298411 8299617 8298410 8299887 8287017 8298409 8286225 8298981 8297843 8286154 8298246 8299727 8299924 8299410 8286246 8297902 8299468 8299885 8299405 8298418 8299365 8298394 8299819 8299600 8287872 8299368 8299733 8286147 8286277 8287809 8293522 8286213 8287680 8286157 8285368 8287847 8298264 8298731 8299077 8286244 8286183 8285879 #pragma user "PATCH_UFC" # Confirmation code: 6xLWI/9lgUmBZ-EI6HqceA # Fri May 28 11:00:40 2021 # Quarriors! (PATCH_UFC) 8298204 : 8299885 8299665 8299405 8285877 8299721 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8297875 8287017 8299600 8288001 8298404 8298981 8298387 8298396 8286154 8298246 8299727 8299634 8299408 8300070 8293521 8299849 8297882 8299765 8299884 8299657 8297947 8299404 8299682 8298953 8299988 8289506 8294271 8299889 8297958 8299046 8299915 8299805 8294871 8299793 # Azul (PATCH_UFC) 8298206 : 8299885 8299665 8299405 8285877 8299721 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8297875 8287017 8299600 8288001 8298404 8298981 8298387 8298396 8286154 8298246 8299727 8299634 8299408 8300070 8293521 8299849 8297882 8299765 8299884 8299657 8297947 8299404 8299682 8298953 # This War of Mine: The Board Game (PATCH_UFC) 8298213 : 8299885 8299665 8299405 8285877 8299721 8299729 8297927 8299457 8299731 8297875 8287017 8299600 8288001 8298404 8298981 8298387 8298396 8286154 8298246 8299727 8299634 #pragma user "Peveta" # Confirmation code: K2Dix07BwyCSfob4iKrBJw # Mon May 31 19:24:57 2021 # (Peveta) %AFfO : 8298050 8298403 # (Peveta) %AaB : 8288381 8300045 # (Peveta) %Altip : 8298350 8299922 # (Peveta) %DicFor : 8299762 8299978 # (Peveta) %KCotA : 8298386 8299906 # (Peveta) %KitRus : 8297879 8299821 # (Peveta) %TBI : 8285869 8299843 # (Peveta) %TE : 8297879 8297435 8298250 8299730 8299826 # (Peveta) %Tapes : 8297927 8299457 8299731 # Puerto Rico (with two expansions) (Peveta) 8289539 : 8299798 8299854 8299382 8297934 8299819 8299672 %Altip 8299412 # Drillit! A Fuga da Montanha de Cristal (Peveta) 8289551 : %KitRus 8289508 8299798 8299854 8299382 8288018 8297934 8285860 8299819 8299672 %Altip 8299412 8299408 %AaB 8290640 8299723 8286199 8299198 8299199 8298411 8299925 %Tapes 8297882 8286608 8298253 8294192 %DicFor 8299818 8299803 8298984 8294141 8286186 %TE 8297952 8299197 8299912 8297958 8297875 8286157 8298409 8298388 8299659 8299831 8286215 8299793 8298401 8298429 %TBI 8288012 8294362 # Flick 'em Up! (Peveta) 8290133 : %KitRus 8289508 8299798 8299854 8299382 8297934 8299819 8299672 %Altip 8299412 8299408 %AaB 8290640 8299723 8286199 8299198 8299199 8298411 8299925 %Tapes 8297882 8286608 8298253 # Holding On: The Troubled Life of Billy Kerr (Peveta) 8293959 : 8299798 8299854 8299382 8297934 8299819 8299672 %Altip 8299412 8299408 %AaB 8290640 8299723 8286199 # Alt Name: Pack Café Express/Peloponnes (Peveta) 8294308 : %KitRus 8289508 8299798 8299854 8299382 8288018 8297934 8285860 8299819 8299672 %Altip 8299412 8299408 %AaB 8290640 8299723 8286199 8299198 8299199 8298411 8299925 %Tapes 8297882 8286608 8298253 8294192 %DicFor 8299818 8299803 8298984 8294141 8286186 %TE 8297952 8299197 8299912 8297958 8297875 8286157 8298409 8298388 8299659 8299831 8286215 8299793 8298401 8298429 # Quissama (Peveta) 8294877 : %KitRus 8289508 8299798 8299854 8299382 8288018 8297934 8285860 8299819 8299672 %Altip 8299412 8299408 %AaB 8290640 8299723 8286199 8299198 8299199 8298411 8299925 %Tapes 8297882 8286608 8298253 8294192 %DicFor 8299818 8299803 8298984 8294141 8286186 %TE 8297952 8299197 8299912 8297958 8297875 8286157 8298409 8298388 8299659 8299831 8286215 8299793 8298401 8298429 %TBI 8288012 8294362 8298047 # A Tale of Pirates (Peveta) 8298192 : %KitRus 8299798 8299854 8299382 8297934 8299819 # Silk (Peveta) 8298341 : %KitRus 8289508 8299798 8299854 8299382 8288018 8297934 8285860 8299819 8299672 %Altip 8299412 8299408 %AaB 8290640 8299723 8286199 8299198 8299199 8298411 8299925 %Tapes 8297882 8286608 8298253 8294192 %DicFor 8299818 8299803 8298984 8294141 8286186 # Star Wars: Destiny (Peveta) 8299692 : %KitRus 8289508 8299798 8299854 8299382 8288018 8297934 8285860 8299819 8299672 %Altip 8299412 8299408 %AaB 8290640 8299723 8286199 8299198 8299199 8298411 8299925 %Tapes 8297882 8286608 8298253 8294192 %DicFor 8299818 8299803 8298984 8294141 8286186 %TE 8297952 8299197 8299912 8297958 8297875 8286157 8298409 8298388 8299659 8299831 8286215 8299793 8298401 8298429 %TBI 8288012 8294362 8298047 8299921 8286283 8298248 %KCotA #pragma user "PHDantas" # Confirmation code: zIY8pF7Cs1IoiqlQ-UXFXQ # Thu May 27 20:33:57 2021 # Zombie Fluxx (PHDantas) 8290634 : 8298206 8299373 8287017 8299405 8299382 8298412 8299849 8286246 8288001 8297882 8299765 8286608 8294258 8291447 8289539 8297875 8297948 8289509 8297986 8286206 8299820 8299985 8297991 8299758 8299884 8286202 8286183 8298396 8299110 8286157 8287027 8286177 8294209 8297942 8298404 8288020 8288382 8287816 8285885 # Reavers of Midgard (PHDantas) 8290640 : 8299373 8287017 8299405 8299382 8298412 8299849 8286246 8288001 8297882 8297875 8297948 8299884 # Pandemic: Hot Zone – North America (PHDantas) 8293550 : 8298206 8299373 8287017 8299405 8299382 8298412 8299849 8286246 8288001 8297882 8299765 8286608 8294258 8291447 8289539 8297875 8297948 8289509 8297986 8286206 8299820 8299985 8297991 8299758 8299884 8286202 8286183 8298396 8299110 8286157 8287027 8286177 8294209 8297942 8298404 8288020 8288382 8287816 8285885 # Concept (PHDantas) 8293557 : 8298206 8299373 8287017 8299405 8299382 8298412 8299849 8286246 8288001 8297882 8299765 8286608 8294258 8291447 8289539 8297875 8297948 8289509 8297986 8286206 8299820 8299985 8297991 8299758 8299884 8286202 8286183 8298396 8299110 8286157 8287027 8286177 8294209 8297942 8298404 8288020 8288382 # Campaign Manager 2008 (PHDantas) 8298035 : 8298206 8299373 8287017 8299405 8299382 8298412 8299849 8286246 8288001 8297882 8299765 8286608 8291447 8289539 8297875 8297948 8297986 8286206 8299820 8299884 8286202 8286183 8298396 8299110 8286157 8286177 8297942 8298404 8288020 # Alt Name: Fungi e Vossa Excelencia (2 jogos) (PHDantas) 8298039 : 8298206 8299373 8287017 8299405 8299382 8298412 8299849 8286246 8288001 8297882 8299765 8286608 8294258 8291447 8289539 8297875 8297948 8297986 8286206 8299820 8299985 8297991 8299758 8299884 8286202 8286183 8298396 8299110 8286157 8287027 8286177 8297942 8298404 8288020 # Betrayal at Mystery Mansion (PHDantas) 8298041 : 8298206 8299373 8287017 8299405 8299382 8298412 8299849 8286246 8288001 8297882 8286608 8291447 8289539 8297875 8297948 8299884 8297942 # Diamant (PHDantas) 8298047 : 8298206 8299373 8287017 8299405 8299382 8298412 8299849 8286246 8288001 8297882 8299765 8286608 8294258 8291447 8289539 8297875 8297948 8289509 8297986 8286206 8299820 8299985 8297991 8299758 8299884 8286202 8286183 8298396 8299110 8286157 8287027 8286177 8294209 8297942 8298404 8288020 8288382 8287816 8285885 # A Feast for Odin (PHDantas) 8298050 : 8287017 8299405 8299382 8298412 8299849 8286246 # Draftosaurus (PHDantas) 8298053 : 8298206 8299373 8287017 8299405 8299382 8298412 8299849 8286246 8288001 8297882 8299765 8286608 8294258 8291447 8289539 8297875 8297948 8297986 8286206 8299820 8299985 8297991 8299758 8299884 8286202 8286183 8298396 8299110 8286157 8287027 8286177 8294209 8297942 8298404 8288020 8288382 # London (Second Edition) (PHDantas) 8299662 : 8299373 8287017 8299405 8299382 8298412 8299849 8286246 8288001 8297875 # Maracaibo (PHDantas) 8299665 : 8299373 8287017 8299405 8299382 8298412 8299849 8286246 8288001 8297875 # Trajan (PHDantas) 8299668 : 8299373 8287017 8299405 8299382 8298412 8299849 8286246 8288001 8297875 # Village (PHDantas) 8299672 : 8298206 8299373 8287017 8299405 8299382 8298412 8299849 8286246 8288001 8297882 8289539 8297875 8297948 8299884 # The Voyages of Marco Polo (PHDantas) 8299677 : 8299373 8287017 8299405 8299382 8298412 8299849 8286246 8288001 8297875 8297948 #pragma user "Priotti" # Confirmation code: ozPxuQHWLBLkisPVcmr5kg # Mon May 31 17:01:48 2021 # (Priotti) %TEQ : 8294261 8299917 # Clash of Cultures (Priotti) 8287017 : 8299819 8297875 8297934 8299887 8299806 8288001 # Tournay (Priotti) 8287027 : 8299819 8297875 8297934 8299887 8299806 8288001 8299563 8299410 8298981 8300073 8299662 # The Manhattan Project (Priotti) 8289449 : 8298248 8298244 %TEQ 8299563 8299410 8298981 8300073 8299662 #pragma user "rbaldo" # Confirmation code: jNqLx2DsvnQgrtNKfebzSw # Tue Jun 1 12:32:56 2021 # Ex Libris (rbaldo) 8294192 : 8298050 8298403 8297560 8299788 8289506 8297946 8299665 8299197 8297949 8293506 8285877 8299721 8299729 8299617 8299110 8300046 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299765 8298394 8298410 8297463 8288299 8293522 8299404 8299920 8299886 8299722 8285866 8299647 8299820 # Wrong Chemistry (rbaldo) 8294195 : 8298050 8298403 8297560 8299788 8289506 8297946 8299665 8299197 8297949 8293506 8285877 8299721 8299729 8299617 8299110 8300046 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299765 8298394 8298410 8297463 8288299 8293522 8299404 8299920 8299886 8299722 8285866 8299647 8299820 8289020 8287874 8298801 8299917 8287823 8294362 8294877 8287847 # Three Cheers for Master (rbaldo) 8294197 : 8298050 8298403 8297560 8299788 8289506 8297946 8299665 8299197 8297949 8293506 8285877 8299721 8299729 8299617 8299110 8300046 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299765 8298394 8298410 8297463 8288299 8293522 8299404 8299920 8299886 8299722 8285866 8299647 8299820 8289020 8287874 8298801 8299917 8287823 8294362 8294877 8287847 # Dungeons & Dragons: The Legend of Drizzt Board Game – Vierna Do'Urden Promo (rbaldo) 8294202 : 8298050 8298403 8297560 8299788 8289506 8297946 8299665 8299197 8297949 8293506 8285877 8299721 8299729 8299617 8299110 8300046 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299765 8298394 8298410 8297463 8288299 8293522 8299404 8299920 8299886 8299722 8285866 8299647 8299820 8289020 8287874 8298801 8299917 8287823 8294362 8294877 8287847 # Small World (rbaldo) 8294203 : 8298050 8298403 8297560 8299788 8289506 8297946 8299665 8299197 8297949 8293506 8285877 8299721 8299729 8299617 8299110 8300046 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299765 8298394 8298410 8297463 8288299 8293522 8299404 8299920 8299886 8299722 8285866 8299647 8299820 8289020 # Tail Feathers (rbaldo) 8294207 : 8298050 8298403 8297560 8299788 8289506 8297946 8299665 8299197 8297949 8293506 8285877 8299721 8299729 8299617 8299110 8300046 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299765 8298394 8298410 8297463 8288299 8293522 8299404 8299920 8299886 8299722 8285866 8299647 8299820 8289020 8287874 8298801 8299917 # New York 1901 (rbaldo) 8294209 : 8298050 8298403 8297560 8299788 8289506 8297946 8299665 8299197 8297949 8293506 8285877 8299721 8299729 8299617 8299110 8300046 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299765 8298394 8298410 8297463 8288299 8293522 8299404 8299920 8299886 8299722 # The Towers of Arkhanos (rbaldo) 8294210 : 8298050 8298403 8297560 8299788 8289506 8297946 8299665 8299197 8297949 8293506 8285877 8299721 8299729 8299617 8299110 8300046 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299765 8298394 8298410 8297463 8288299 8293522 8299404 8299920 8299886 8299722 8285866 8299647 8299820 8289020 8287874 8298801 8299917 8287823 8294362 8294877 # UNDO: Curse from the Past (rbaldo) 8294211 : 8298050 8298403 8297560 8299788 8289506 8297946 8299665 8299197 8297949 8293506 8285877 8299721 8299729 8299617 8299110 8300046 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299765 8298394 8298410 8297463 8288299 8293522 8299404 8299920 8299886 8299722 8285866 8299647 8299820 8289020 8287874 8298801 8299917 8287823 8294362 8294877 8287847 #pragma user "robsonsmab" # Confirmation code: Da8e0HfQ17mI6tiFXOKxsA # Tue Jun 1 18:46:26 2021 # (robsonsmab) %HTBG : 8286154 8298246 8299727 # Unlock!: Heroic Adventures (robsonsmab) 8297807 : 8286154 8298246 8299727 %HTBG 8299199 8298396 8299729 # Planes (robsonsmab) 8297811 : 8286154 8298246 8299727 %HTBG 8299199 8298396 8299729 8287822 8290506 8299042 8300073 8286277 # Rhino Hero (robsonsmab) 8298731 : 8286154 8298246 8299727 %HTBG 8299199 8298396 8299729 # Outside the Scope of BGG (robsonsmab) 8299883 : 8286154 8298246 8299727 %HTBG 8299199 8298396 8299729 8287822 8290506 8299042 8300073 8286277 8287847 #pragma user "Sinvler" # Confirmation code: iFfavbge8re4IGS04177Ow # Thu May 27 19:42:16 2021 # Arkham Horror: Final Hour (Sinvler) 8289504 : 8298050 8298403 8299885 8297952 8299677 8300034 8286161 8299197 8300043 8299849 8299617 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299765 8286226 8299887 8286225 8299368 8290640 8299723 8297560 8299788 8297934 8298350 8299922 8299042 8299957 8286273 8293550 8299031 8299907 8299889 8298422 8293557 8299897 8299743 8300073 8288357 8297506 8287822 8298988 8287809 8299284 8294210 # Galaxy Trucker (Sinvler) 8289506 : 8298050 8298403 8299885 8297952 8299677 8300034 8286161 8299197 8300043 8299849 8299617 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299765 8286226 8299887 8286225 8299368 8290640 8299723 # ICECOOL (Sinvler) 8289508 : 8298050 8298403 8299885 8297952 8299677 8300034 8286161 8299197 8300043 8299849 8299617 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299765 8286226 8299887 8286225 8299368 8290640 8299723 8297560 8299788 8297934 8298350 8299922 8299042 8299957 8286273 8293550 8299031 8299907 8299889 8298422 8293557 8299897 8299743 8300073 8288357 8297506 8287822 8298988 8287809 8299284 8294210 # Jórvík (Sinvler) 8289509 : 8298050 8298403 8299885 8297952 8299677 8300034 8286161 8299197 8300043 8299849 8299617 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299765 8286226 8299887 8286225 8299368 8290640 8299723 8297560 8299788 8297934 8298350 8299922 8299042 8299957 8286273 8293550 8299031 8299907 8299889 8298422 8293557 8299897 8299743 8300073 8288357 8297506 8287822 8298988 8287809 8299284 8294210 8297664 # Love Letter Premium (Sinvler) 8289511 : 8298050 8298403 8299885 8297952 8299677 8300034 8286161 8299197 8300043 8299849 8299617 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299765 8286226 8299887 8286225 8299368 8290640 8299723 8297560 8299788 8297934 8298350 8299922 8299042 8299957 8286273 8293550 8299031 8299907 8299889 8298422 8293557 8299897 8299743 8300073 # La Muse (Sinvler) 8289512 : 8298050 8298403 8299885 8297952 8299677 8300034 8286161 8299197 8300043 8299849 8299617 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299765 8286226 8299887 8286225 8299368 8290640 8299723 8297560 8299788 8297934 8298350 8299922 8299042 8299957 8286273 8293550 8299031 8299907 8299889 8298422 8293557 8299897 8299743 8300073 8288357 8297506 8287822 8298988 8287809 8299284 8294210 8297664 # Alt Name: PackOSN (3 jogos) (Sinvler) 8289518 : 8298050 8298403 8299885 8297952 8299677 8300034 8286161 8299197 8300043 8299849 8299617 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299765 8286226 8299887 8286225 8299368 8290640 8299723 8297560 8299788 8297934 8298350 8299922 8299042 8299957 8286273 8293550 8299031 8299907 8299889 8298422 8293557 8299897 8300073 8288357 8297506 8287822 8298988 8287809 8299284 8294210 8297664 # Tsuro (Sinvler) 8289520 : 8298050 8298403 8299885 8297952 8299677 8300034 8286161 8299197 8300043 8299849 8299617 8297927 8299457 8299731 8299765 8286226 8299887 8286225 8299368 8290640 8299723 8297560 8299788 8297934 8298350 8299922 8299042 8299957 8286273 8293550 8299743 #pragma user "stevancorrea" # Confirmation code: H1T096VRJ52OJ5Lmv-4twA # Sun May 30 05:13:00 2021 # (stevancorrea) %ArcQue : 8299365 8300078 # (stevancorrea) %ColExp : 8299725 8299867 # (stevancorrea) %KoT : 8287680 8298457 # (stevancorrea) %RftG : 8297888 8299800 # (stevancorrea) %TEQ : 8294261 8299917 # (stevancorrea) %Taken : 8294268 8298346 # Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu (stevancorrea) 8299042 : 8294268 8298346 8287680 8298457 8299725 8299867 8294271 8297875 8287017 8297948 8290509 8297838 8299924 8286215 8297876 8299722 8299365 8300078 8294261 8299917 8289506 8300043 8299889 8288381 8299841 8289449 8287826 8296856 8299799 8298231 8298389 8300055 8299288 8286206 8296847 8298945 8287809 8299419 8297888 8299800 8299408 8299657 8300079 8299406 8286277 # Flash Point: Fire Rescue (stevancorrea) 8299043 : 8294268 8298346 8287680 8298457 8299725 8299867 8294271 8297875 8287017 8297948 8290509 8297838 8299924 8286215 8297876 8299722 8299365 8300078 8294261 8299917 8289506 8300043 8299889 8288381 8299841 8289449 8287826 8296856 8299799 8298231 8298389 8300055 8299288 8286206 8296847 8298945 8287809 8299419 8297888 8299800 8299408 8299657 8300079 8299406 8286277 # K2 (stevancorrea) 8299046 : 8294268 8298346 8287680 8298457 8299725 8299867 8294271 8297875 8287017 8297948 8290509 8297838 8299924 8286215 8297876 8299722 8299365 8300078 8294261 8299917 8289506 8300043 8299889 8288381 8299841 8289449 8287826 8296856 8299799 8298231 8298389 8300055 8299288 8286206 8296847 8298945 8287809 8299419 8297888 8299800 8299408 8299657 8300079 8299406 8286277 # Mistfall (stevancorrea) 8299047 : 8294268 8298346 8287680 8298457 8299725 8299867 8294271 8297875 8287017 8297948 8290509 8297838 8299924 8286215 8297876 8299722 8299365 8300078 8294261 8299917 8289506 8300043 8299889 8288381 8299841 8289449 8287826 8296856 8299799 8298231 8298389 8300055 8299288 8286206 8296847 8298945 8287809 8299419 8297888 8299800 8299408 8299657 8300079 8299406 8286277 # A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) (stevancorrea) 8299048 : 8294268 8298346 8287680 8298457 8299725 8299867 8294271 8297875 8287017 8297948 8290509 8297838 8299924 8286215 8297876 8299722 8299365 8300078 8294261 8299917 8289506 8300043 8299889 8288381 8299841 8289449 8287826 8296856 8299799 8298231 8298389 8300055 8299288 8286206 8296847 8298945 8287809 8299419 8297888 8299800 8299408 8299657 8300079 8299406 8286277 # Star Wars: X-Wing (Second Edition) – Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansion (stevancorrea) 8299050 : 8294268 8298346 8287680 8298457 8299725 8299867 8294271 8297875 8287017 8297948 8290509 8297838 8299924 8286215 8297876 8299722 8299365 8300078 8294261 8299917 8289506 8300043 8299889 8288381 8299841 8289449 8287826 8296856 8299799 8298231 8298389 8300055 8299288 8286206 8296847 8298945 8287809 8299419 8297888 8299800 8299408 8299657 8300079 8299406 8286277 # Alt Name: GURPS (3 livros) (stevancorrea) 8299051 : 8294268 8298346 8287680 8298457 8299725 8299867 8294271 8297875 8287017 8297948 8290509 8297838 8299924 8286215 8297876 8299722 8299365 8300078 8294261 8299917 8289506 8300043 8299889 8288381 8299841 8289449 8287826 8296856 8299799 8298231 8298389 8300055 8299288 8286206 8296847 8298945 8287809 8299419 8297888 8299800 8299408 8299657 8300079 8299406 8286277 # Boss Monster: The Dungeon Building Card Game (stevancorrea) 8299796 : 8294268 8298346 8287680 8298457 8299725 8299867 8294271 8297875 8287017 8297948 8290509 8297838 8299924 8286215 8297876 8299722 8299365 8300078 8294261 8299917 8289506 8300043 8299889 8288381 8299841 8289449 8287826 8296856 8299799 8298231 8298389 8300055 8299288 8286206 8296847 8298945 8287809 8299419 8297888 8299800 8299408 8299657 8300079 8299406 8286277 #pragma user "taz2" # Confirmation code: kR5BU/eA9FvHFrMYBSdyAw # Mon May 31 13:41:05 2021 # (taz2) %RolPla : 8293521 8299453 # (taz2) %TEQ : 8294261 8299917 # Cry Havoc (taz2) 8300042 : 8297900 %RolPla 8299729 8297927 8289520 8294203 8298982 8287823 # Above and Below (taz2) 8300045 : 8297900 %RolPla 8299729 8297927 8289520 8294203 8298982 8299889 8289449 8290506 8299821 8297807 8299404 8294141 # Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small (taz2) 8300046 : 8297900 %RolPla 8299729 8297927 8289520 8294203 8298982 8299889 8287823 8289449 8290506 8299821 8297807 8299404 8287826 8294141 8286280 8286283 8287920 8297841 8289508 %TEQ # Agent Hunter (taz2) 8300048 : 8297900 %RolPla 8299729 8297927 8289520 8294203 8298982 8299889 8287823 8289449 8290506 8299821 8297807 8299404 8287826 8294141 8286280 8286283 8287920 8297841 8289508 %TEQ # This War of Mine: The Board Game (taz2) 8300052 : 8297900 %RolPla 8299729 8297927 8289520 8287823 # The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (taz2) 8300053 : 8297900 %RolPla 8299729 8297927 8289520 8294203 8298982 8299889 8289449 8290506 8299821 8297807 8299404 8287826 8286280 8286283 8287920 8297841 # Hero Realms (taz2) 8300055 : 8297900 %RolPla 8299729 8297927 8289520 8294203 8298982 8299889 8287823 8289449 8290506 8299821 8297807 8299404 8287826 8294141 8286280 8286283 8287920 8297841 8289508 %TEQ # Wizard's Academy (taz2) 8300057 : 8297900 %RolPla 8299729 8297927 # Alt Name: Geek's n orcs 5 jogos (taz2) 8300062 : 8297900 %RolPla 8299729 8297927 8289520 8294203 8298982 8299889 8287823 8289449 8290506 8299821 8297807 8299404 8287826 8294141 8286280 8286283 8287920 8297841 8289508 %TEQ # Alt Name: RPG Anima Francês (taz2) 8300076 : 8297900 %RolPla 8299729 8297927 8289520 8294203 8298982 8299889 8287823 8289449 8290506 8299821 8297807 8299404 8287826 8294141 8286280 8286283 8287920 8297841 8289508 %TEQ # Alt Name: Shadowrun 4edição 20anos (taz2) 8300079 : 8297900 %RolPla 8299729 8297927 8289520 8294203 8298982 8299889 8287823 8289449 8290506 8299821 8297807 8299404 8287826 8294141 8286280 8286283 8287920 8297841 8289508 %TEQ # Alt Name: Decks AD&D (taz2) 8300081 : 8297900 %RolPla 8299729 8297927 8289520 8294203 8298982 8299889 8287823 8289449 8290506 8299821 8297807 8299404 8287826 8294141 8286280 8286283 8287920 8297841 8289508 %TEQ # Anima: Shadow of Omega (taz2) 8300088 : 8297900 %RolPla 8299729 8297927 8289520 8294203 8298982 8299889 8287823 8289449 8290506 8299821 8297807 8299404 8287826 8294141 8286280 8286283 8287920 8297841 8289508 %TEQ #pragma user "tgoalves" # Confirmation code: /scp50j2R56qYsbIbpOkQg # Tue Jun 1 13:27:30 2021 # Cry Havoc (tgoalves) 8297869 : 8298409 8299723 8299657 8299662 8298396 8286252 8294261 8298945 8297934 8299686 # CV (tgoalves) 8297871 : 8298409 8299723 8299657 8299662 8298396 8286252 8294261 8298945 8299110 # Dungeon Lords (tgoalves) 8297875 : 8298409 8299723 8297934 # Dungeon Saga: Dwarf King's Quest (tgoalves) 8297876 : 8298409 8299723 8299657 8299662 8298396 8294261 8297934 8299686 # Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King (tgoalves) 8297877 : 8298409 8299723 8299657 8299662 8298396 8286252 8294261 8298945 8297934 8299110 8299686 # Kitchen Rush (tgoalves) 8297879 : 8298409 8299723 8299657 8299662 8298396 8286252 8294261 8298945 8297934 8299110 8299686 # Merchants & Marauders: Seas of Glory (tgoalves) 8297880 : 8298409 8299723 8299657 8299662 8298396 8294261 8298945 8299110 # Mission: Red Planet (Second Edition) (tgoalves) 8297882 : 8298409 8299723 8299657 8299662 8298396 8286252 8294261 8298945 8297934 8299110 8299686 # Mythotopia (tgoalves) 8297885 : 8298409 8299723 8299657 8299662 8298396 8286252 8298945 8299110 8299686 # Race for the Galaxy (tgoalves) 8297888 : 8298409 8299723 8299657 8299662 8298396 8286252 8294261 8299686 # Siege Storm (tgoalves) 8297892 : 8298409 8299657 8299662 8298396 8286252 8294261 8298945 8299110 # Star Wars: Rebellion (tgoalves) 8297900 : 8298409 8299723 8297934 # Terra Mystica (tgoalves) 8297902 : 8298409 8299723 8299657 8297934 # T.I.M.E Stories: Lumen Fidei (tgoalves) 8297912 : 8298409 8299723 8299657 8299662 8298396 8286252 8298945 8299110 #pragma user "thiagobfiorenza" # Confirmation code: DjOLfezS0cZD7UDy3RLJVw # Tue Jun 1 14:38:36 2021 # (thiagobfiorenza) %Altip : 8298350 8299922 # (thiagobfiorenza) %CM2 : 8296821 8298035 # (thiagobfiorenza) %Coimb : 8298418 8299724 # (thiagobfiorenza) %KitRus : 8297879 8299821 # (thiagobfiorenza) %RhiHer : 8298731 8299077 # (thiagobfiorenza) %Tapes : 8297927 8299457 8299731 # (thiagobfiorenza) %TheCli : 8285866 8299647 # Unusual Suspects (thiagobfiorenza) 8298193 : 8298412 8299405 8298413 8299409 8299723 8299664 8300060 8297934 8289506 8298206 8299885 8299665 8299199 8297949 %Coimb %Tapes 8299884 8299978 8299412 8289520 %TheCli %KitRus 8298389 8293517 8297942 8298396 8298390 8286177 8293524 8286244 8285878 8299920 8297932 8286189 8299894 8299634 8293526 8286153 8297811 8297470 8286163 8287823 8298422 %Altip 8299867 8287872 8289508 8299825 8299288 8297807 %RhiHer 8289511 8299807 8292273 8299404 8288360 8299205 8300039 8293550 8285860 8299535 8297986 8299859 8289020 8299685 8299198 8288357 8289449 8297984 8290506 8286252 8294308 8298424 8299893 # Downforce (thiagobfiorenza) 8298196 : 8298412 8299405 8298413 8299409 8299723 8299664 8300060 8297934 8289506 8298206 8299885 8299665 8299199 8297949 %Coimb %Tapes 8299884 8299978 8299412 8289520 %TheCli %KitRus 8298389 8293517 8297942 8298396 8298390 8286177 8293524 8286244 8285878 8299920 8297932 8286189 8299894 8299634 8293526 8286153 8297811 8297470 8286163 # Discoveries: The Journals of Lewis and Clark (thiagobfiorenza) 8298945 : 8298412 8299405 8298413 8299409 8299723 8299664 8300060 8297934 8289506 8298206 8299885 8299665 8299199 8297949 %Coimb %Tapes 8299884 8299978 8299412 8289520 %TheCli %KitRus 8298389 8293517 8297942 8298396 8298390 8286177 8293524 8286244 8285878 8299920 8297932 8286189 8299894 8299634 8293526 8286153 8297811 8297470 8286163 8287823 8298422 %Altip 8299867 8287872 8289508 8299825 8299288 8297807 %RhiHer 8289511 8299807 8292273 8299404 8288360 8299205 8300039 8293550 8285860 8299535 8297986 8299859 8289020 8299685 8299198 8288357 8289449 8297984 8290506 8286252 8294308 8298424 8299893 # Fallout (thiagobfiorenza) 8298947 : 8298412 8299405 8298413 8299409 8299723 8299664 8300060 8297934 8289506 8298206 8299885 8299665 8299199 8297949 %Coimb %Tapes 8299884 8299978 8299412 8289520 %TheCli %KitRus 8298389 8293517 8297942 8298396 8298390 8286177 8293524 8286244 8285878 8299920 8297932 8286189 8299894 8299634 8293526 8286153 8297811 8297470 8286163 # Magic Flow (thiagobfiorenza) 8298949 : 8298412 8299405 8298413 8299409 8299723 8299664 8300060 8297934 8289506 8298206 8299885 8299665 8299199 8297949 %Coimb %Tapes 8299884 8299978 8299412 8289520 %TheCli %KitRus 8298389 8293517 8297942 8298396 8298390 8286177 8293524 8286244 8285878 8299920 8297932 8286189 8299894 8299634 8293526 8286153 8297811 8297470 8286163 8287823 8298422 %Altip 8299867 8287872 8289508 8299825 8299288 8297807 %RhiHer 8289511 8299807 8292273 8299404 8288360 8299205 8300039 8293550 8285860 8299535 8297986 8299859 8289020 8299685 8299198 8288357 8289449 8297984 8290506 8286252 8294308 8298424 8299893 8285885 8293499 8294195 8294211 8294362 8286280 8286283 8287638 8287676 8287891 8298423 %CM2 8299850 # Mount Everest (thiagobfiorenza) 8298953 : 8298412 8299405 8298413 8299409 8299723 8299664 # Civilization: A New Dawn (thiagobfiorenza) 8298959 : 8298412 8299405 8298413 8299409 8299723 8299664 8300060 8297934 8289506 8298206 8299885 8299665 8299199 8297949 %Coimb %Tapes 8299884 8299978 8299412 8289520 %TheCli %KitRus 8298389 8293517 8297942 8298396 8298390 8286177 8293524 8286244 8285878 8299920 8297932 8286189 8299894 8299634 8293526 8286153 8297811 8297470 8286163 # Zauberschwert & Drachenei (thiagobfiorenza) 8298964 : 8298412 8299405 8298413 8299409 8299723 8299664 8300060 8297934 8289506 8298206 8299885 8299665 8299199 8297949 %Coimb %Tapes 8299884 8299978 8299412 8289520 %TheCli %KitRus 8298389 8293517 8297942 8298396 8298390 8286177 8293524 8286244 8285878 8299920 8297932 8286189 8299894 8299634 8293526 8286153 8297811 8297470 8286163 8287823 8298422 %Altip 8299867 8287872 8289508 8299825 8299288 8297807 %RhiHer 8289511 8299807 8292273 8299404 8288360 8299205 8300039 8293550 8285860 8299535 8297986 8299859 8289020 8299685 8299198 8288357 8289449 8297984 8290506 8286252 8294308 8298424 8299893 8285885 8293499 8294195 8294211 8294362 8286280 8286283 8287638 8287676 8287891 8298423 %CM2 8299850 # Drillit! A Fuga da Montanha de Cristal (thiagobfiorenza) 8298967 : 8298412 8299405 8298413 8299409 8299723 8299664 8300060 8297934 8289506 8298206 8299885 8299665 8299199 8297949 %Coimb %Tapes 8299884 8299978 8299412 8289520 %TheCli %KitRus 8298389 8293517 8297942 8298396 8298390 8286177 8293524 8286244 8285878 8299920 8297932 8286189 8299894 8299634 8293526 8286153 8297811 8297470 8286163 8287823 8298422 %Altip 8299867 8287872 8289508 8299825 8299288 8297807 %RhiHer 8289511 8299807 8292273 8299404 8288360 8299205 8300039 8293550 8285860 8299535 8297986 8299859 8289020 8299685 # Gizmos (thiagobfiorenza) 8298982 : 8298412 8299405 8298413 8299409 8299723 8299664 8300060 8297934 8289506 8298206 8299885 8299665 8299199 8297949 %Coimb %Tapes 8299884 8299978 8299412 8289520 %TheCli %KitRus 8298389 8293517 8297942 8298396 8298390 8286177 8293524 8286244 8285878 8299920 8297932 8286189 8299894 8299634 8293526 8286153 8297811 8297470 8286163 8287823 8298422 %Altip 8299867 8287872 8289508 8299825 8299288 8297807 %RhiHer 8289511 8299807 8292273 8299404 8288360 8299205 8300039 8293550 8285860 8299535 8297986 8299859 8289020 8299685 # Reef (thiagobfiorenza) 8298984 : 8298412 8299405 8298413 8299409 8299723 8299664 8300060 8297934 8289506 8298206 8299885 8299665 8299199 8297949 %Coimb %Tapes 8299884 8299978 8299412 8289520 %TheCli %KitRus 8298389 8293517 8297942 8298396 8298390 8286177 8293524 8286244 8285878 8299920 8297932 8286189 8299894 8299634 8293526 8286153 8297811 8297470 8286163 # Reykholt (thiagobfiorenza) 8298988 : 8298412 8299405 8298413 8299409 8299723 8299664 8300060 8297934 8289506 8298206 8299885 8299665 8299199 8297949 %Coimb %Tapes 8299884 8299978 8299412 8289520 %TheCli %KitRus 8298389 8293517 8297942 8298396 8298390 8286177 8293524 8286244 8285878 8299920 8297932 8286189 8299894 8299634 8293526 8286153 8297811 8297470 8286163 # Odyssey: Wrath of Poseidon (thiagobfiorenza) 8298991 : 8298412 8299405 8298413 8299409 8299723 8299664 8300060 8297934 8289506 8298206 8299885 8299665 8299199 8297949 %Coimb %Tapes 8299884 8299978 8299412 8289520 %TheCli %KitRus 8298389 8293517 8297942 8298396 8298390 8286177 8293524 8286244 8285878 8299920 8297932 8286189 8299894 8299634 8293526 8286153 8297811 8297470 8286163 # San Juan (Second Edition) (thiagobfiorenza) 8299027 : 8298412 8299405 8298413 8299409 8299723 8299664 8300060 8297934 8289506 8298206 8299885 8299665 8299199 8297949 %Coimb %Tapes 8299884 8299978 8299412 8289520 %TheCli %KitRus 8298389 8293517 8297942 8298396 8298390 8286177 8293524 8286244 8285878 8299920 8297932 8286189 8299894 8299634 8293526 8286153 8297811 8297470 8286163 8287823 8298422 %Altip 8299867 8287872 8289508 8299825 8299288 8297807 %RhiHer 8289511 8299807 8292273 8299404 8288360 8299205 8300039 8293550 8285860 8299535 8297986 8299859 8289020 8299685 8299198 8288357 8289449 8297984 8290506 8286252 8294308 8298424 8299893 # Unreal Estate (thiagobfiorenza) 8299028 : 8298412 8299405 8298413 8299409 8299723 8299664 8300060 8297934 8289506 8298206 8299885 8299665 8299199 8297949 %Coimb %Tapes 8299884 8299978 8299412 8289520 %TheCli %KitRus 8298389 8293517 8297942 8298396 8298390 8286177 8293524 8286244 8285878 8299920 8297932 8286189 8299894 8299634 8293526 8286153 8297811 8297470 8286163 8287823 8298422 %Altip 8299867 8287872 8289508 8299825 8299288 8297807 %RhiHer 8289511 8299807 8292273 8299404 8288360 8299205 8300039 8293550 8285860 8299535 8297986 8299859 8289020 8299685 8299198 8288357 8289449 8297984 8290506 8286252 8294308 8298424 8299893 8285885 8293499 8294195 8294211 # Small World (thiagobfiorenza) 8299031 : 8298412 8299405 8298413 8299409 8299723 8299664 # Machi Koro: Deluxe Edition (thiagobfiorenza) 8299034 : 8298412 8299405 8298413 8299409 8299723 8299664 # A Tale of Pirates (thiagobfiorenza) 8299035 : 8298412 8299405 8298413 8299409 8299723 8299664 8300060 8297934 8289506 8298206 8299885 8299665 8299199 8297949 %Coimb %Tapes 8299884 8299978 8299412 8289520 %TheCli %KitRus 8298389 8293517 8297942 8298396 8298390 8286177 8293524 8286244 8285878 8299920 8297932 8286189 8299894 8299634 8293526 8286153 8297811 8297470 8286163 #pragma user "thiagoschneider" # Confirmation code: mZ6Ra7WV72bb9-YPANoSoA # Sat May 29 17:31:37 2021 # Tigris & Euphrates (thiagoschneider) 8299826 : 8298050 8298403 8299988 8298412 8291447 8298431 8299570 8298409 8289520 8286225 8289508 8300073 8299187 # Overdrive (thiagoschneider) 8299833 : 8298050 8298403 8299988 8298412 8291447 8298431 8299570 8298409 8289520 8286225 8289508 8300073 8299187 # Photosynthesis (thiagoschneider) 8299841 : 8298050 8298403 8299988 8298412 8291447 8298431 8299570 8298409 8289520 8286225 8289508 8300073 8299187 # Viceroy (thiagoschneider) 8299845 : 8298050 8298403 8299988 8298412 8291447 8298431 8299570 8298409 8289520 8286225 8289508 8300073 8299187 #pragma user "tiagobhz" # Confirmation code: Ijl8QJuPxJmtJktQZz/78Q # Thu May 27 14:39:33 2021 # Civilization: A New Dawn (tiagobhz) 8297930 : 8299600 8297649 8299887 8298041 8299034 8298394 8299884 8298389 8298793 # Discover: Lands Unknown (tiagobhz) 8297932 : 8299600 8299887 8298041 8299034 8298394 8299884 8298793 # Firefly: The Game (tiagobhz) 8297933 : 8299600 8299887 8299034 8298394 # First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet (tiagobhz) 8297942 : 8299600 8299887 8298394 # Lewis & Clark: The Expedition (tiagobhz) 8297943 : 8299600 8299887 8298394 # Sorcerer (tiagobhz) 8297945 : 8299600 8299887 8298041 8298394 8298389 # Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization (tiagobhz) 8297946 : 8299600 8299887 8298394 # Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done (tiagobhz) 8297947 : 8299887 # Dinosaur Island (tiagobhz) 8297949 : 8299887 # Among the Stars (tiagobhz) 8297950 : 8299600 8299887 8298041 8298394 # Shards of Infinity (tiagobhz) 8297953 : 8299600 8297649 8299887 8298041 8299034 8299884 8298389 8298793 # CV (tiagobhz) 8297955 : 8299600 8297649 8299887 8298041 8299034 8298394 8299884 8298389 8298793 #pragma user "vouape" # Confirmation code: hq/pdH0dgm/EqsclQec3Cg # Tue Jun 1 16:28:22 2021 # Mexica (vouape) 8299818 : 8300060 8297934 8299373 8286161 8293506 8297927 8299457 8299731 8288357 8288018 8298988 8286215 # Innovation (vouape) 8299829 : 8300060 8297934 8299373 8286161 8293506 8297927 8299457 8299731 8288357 8288018 8298988 8286215 # Shadows in the Forest (vouape) 8299838 : 8300060 8297934 8299373 8286161 8293506 8297927 8299457 8299731 8288357 8288018 8298988 8286215 # The Bloody Inn (vouape) 8299843 : 8300060 8297934 8299373 8286161 8293506 8297927 8299457 8299731 8288357 8288018 8298988 8286215 #pragma user "xHerbertx" # Confirmation code: /O5Bp4qZP5qM0pLyapxhQw # Tue Jun 1 08:56:46 2021 # Academia (xHerbertx) 8296826 : 8298346 8299095 8291447 8288357 8299468 8300034 8294268 8298982 8299937 8300060 8298206 8286161 8299808 8299729 8298431 8300067 8299837 8299677 8299912 8299570 8299841 8299982 8285368 8299931 8293506 8299889 8297902 8297952 8299048 8298410 8286225 8299957 8289539 8299368 8299042 8298204 8300073 8300070 8298408 8297984 8293550 8299985 8294874 8299956 8293557 8299897 8297880 8299113 8299891 # 221B Baker Street: The Master Detective Game (xHerbertx) 8296840 : 8298346 8299095 8291447 8288357 8299468 8300034 8294268 8298982 8299937 8300060 8298206 8286161 8299808 8299729 8298431 8300067 8299837 8299677 8299912 8299570 8299841 8299982 8285368 8299931 8293506 8299889 8297902 8297952 8299048 8298410 8286225 8299957 8289539 8299368 8299042 8298204 8300073 8300070 8298408 8297984 8293550 8299985 8294874 8299956 8293557 8299897 8297880 8299113 # Pit Crew (xHerbertx) 8296850 : 8298346 8299095 8291447 8288357 8299468 8300034 8294268 8298982 8299937 8300060 8298206 8286161 8299808 8299729 8298431 8300067 8299837 8299677 8299912 8299570 8299841 8299982 8285368 8299931 8297902 8297952 8299048 8298410 8286225 8299957 8289539 8299368 8299042 8298204 8300073 # End of wants. 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