# These WANTS loaded directly by the OLWLG # Sun Oct 3 22:20:01 2021 #+ Geeklist: Fall 2021 - Free Shipping Canadian Math Trade #+ ... https://www.boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/289351 #+ Owner: Jorage #+ Item count: 3007 #+ Users with items: 261 #! ALLOW-DUMMIES #! REQUIRE-COLONS #! REQUIRE-USERNAMES #! HIDE-NONTRADES #! SHOW-ELAPSED-TIME #! ITERATIONS=42 #! SEED=123456 #! METRIC=Users-Trading # MISSING 64 WANTS (2.1%) FROM 10 USER(s) (3.8%): # anitagre (12) # bfir3 (14) # EccSur01 (1) # Elvareus (1) # fonggpei (6) # MeepleXP (9) # shadarap (6) # Shot007 (7) # Urbanwatts (5) # zuzusdad (3) !BEGIN-OFFICIAL-NAMES 8488871 ==> 1. "Carson City" (from samsagace418) 8488918 ==> 2. "Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion" (from samsagace418) 8488920 ==> 3. "Nevsky: Teutons and Rus in Collision 1240-1242" (from philcampeau) 8488923 ==> 4. "Dwarf" (from TeveshCKP) 8488930 ==> 5. "Journey to the Center of the Earth" (from philcampeau) 8488947 ==> 6. "Under Falling Skies" (from baaneezu) 8488951 ==> 7. "Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game" (from philcampeau) 8488961 ==> 8. "GPS" (from TeveshCKP) 8488970 ==> 9. "Blood Bowl (2016 edition): The Inaugural Blood Bowl Almanac" (from philcampeau) 8489014 ==> 10. "Madeira" (from catmogwai) 8489028 ==> 11. "Era: Medieval Age" (from catmogwai) 8489034 ==> 12. "Neta-Tanka: Deluxe Edition" (from catmogwai) 8489046 ==> 13. "Rune Stones" (from catmogwai) 8489059 ==> 14. "Goa" (from samsagace418) 8489076 ==> 15. "La Città" (from samsagace418) 8489081 ==> 16. "Photosynthesis" (from jos803) 8489095 ==> 17. "Star Wars: The Card Game" (from OxBaker) 8489099 ==> 18. "Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Skull & Shackles – Base Set" (from OxBaker) 8489102 ==> 19. "Sailing Toward Osiris" (from catmogwai) 8489103 ==> 20. "Vikings Gone Wild" (from OxBaker) 8489104 ==> 21. "Panamax" (from samsagace418) 8489116 ==> 22. "Kabuto Sumo" (from jos803) 8489117 ==> 23. "Pulsar 2849" (from samsagace418) 8489128 ==> 24. "Thurn and Taxis" (from catmogwai) 8489141 ==> 25. "Santorini" (from jos803) 8489154 ==> 26. "Heroscape Expansion Set: Raknar's Vision " (from canadiankorean) 8489155 ==> 27. "Love Letter Premium" (from canadiankorean) 8489158 ==> 28. "Dungeon Master's Guide (D&D 3.5e)" (from canadiankorean) 8489159 ==> 29. "Soccero (Second Edition)" (from canadiankorean) 8489161 ==> 30. "Alt Name: Dune Imperium 3D printed deluxe tokens" (from canadiankorean) 8489163 ==> 31. "Alt Name: Grand Austria Hotel 3D printed deluxe tokens" (from canadiankorean) 8489164 ==> 32. "Ankh'or" (from canadiankorean) 8489166 ==> 33. "Keythedral" (from canadiankorean) 8489167 ==> 34. "Alt Name: Hadara card holders" (from canadiankorean) 8489176 ==> 35. "Alt Name: Corvus Belli's Infinity Kameel Remotes" (from TeveshCKP) 8489182 ==> 36. "Lincoln" (from philcampeau) 8489184 ==> 37. "Cooper Island" (from OxBaker) 8489186 ==> 38. "Dominations: Road to Civilization" (from OxBaker) 8489187 ==> 39. "Terra Mystica" (from Cero21) 8489193 ==> 40. "Great Western Trail" (from LoquaciousMonk) 8489195 ==> 41. "Modern Art" (from philcampeau) 8489196 ==> 42. "Hunt for the Ring" (from OxBaker) 8489198 ==> 43. "Terraforming Mars: Venus Next" (from Cero21) 8489205 ==> 44. "Era: Medieval Age" (from OxBaker) 8489207 ==> 45. "Exit: The Game – The Mysterious Museum" (from tdeery) 8489208 ==> 46. "Blume" (from heartfruit) 8489210 ==> 47. "Minecraft: Builders & Biomes" (from FraPas13) 8489211 ==> 48. "Lords of Waterdeep" (from LoquaciousMonk) 8489213 ==> 49. "Choose Your Own Adventure: House of Danger" (from heartfruit) 8489217 ==> 50. "Cities: Skylines – The Board Game" (from heartfruit) 8489222 ==> 51. "Of Dreams & Shadows" (from OxBaker) 8489224 ==> 52. "The Game: Face to Face" (from heartfruit) 8489231 ==> 53. "Throw Throw Burrito" (from heartfruit) 8489233 ==> 54. "Alt Name: Amazon Echo" (from OxBaker) 8489247 ==> 55. "Artifacts, Inc." (from LaOread) 8489248 ==> 56. "Camp Pinetop" (from LaOread) 8489249 ==> 57. "Queen Bee" (from LaOread) 8489252 ==> 58. "Archipelago" (from Rox813) 8489254 ==> 59. "Alt Name: $75 Board Game Bliss Gift Card" (from AlphaLoR) 8489259 ==> 60. "Mansions of Madness: Second Edition" (from Rox813) 8489275 ==> 61. "Food Chain Island" (from Rox813) 8489280 ==> 62. "Wingspan" (from duckduck) 8489281 ==> 63. "Oceans" (from duckduck) 8489287 ==> 64. "Goths Save The Queen" (from Rox813) 8489288 ==> 65. "Camel Up" (from krangor_) 8489290 ==> 66. "The Island of El Dorado" (from Rox813) 8489292 ==> 67. "Battlefold" (from Jorage) 8489293 ==> 68. "Imperial Settlers: Why Can't We Be Friends" (from Rox813) 8489295 ==> 69. "Stargrave: Science Fiction Wargames in the Ravaged Galaxy" (from Jorage) 8489296 ==> 70. "Tungaru" (from Jorage) 8489297 ==> 71. "Untold: Adventures Await" (from Jorage) 8489298 ==> 72. "Daimyo: Miniature Set" (from Jorage) 8489299 ==> 73. "Divinity: Original Sin II" (from Jorage) 8489306 ==> 74. "Tiny Epic Kingdoms" (from Rox813) 8489319 ==> 75. "Chronicles of Crime: 1400" (from duckduck) 8489321 ==> 76. "Back to the Future: Dice Through Time" (from heartfruit) 8489322 ==> 77. "Claim" (from marektupy) 8489323 ==> 78. "BioShock Infinite: The Siege of Columbia" (from marektupy) 8489329 ==> 79. "Camel Up Cards" (from marektupy) 8489389 ==> 80. "Star Wars: Rebellion" (from Humanpriest) 8489400 ==> 81. "Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game" (from heartfruit) 8489419 ==> 82. "Acquire" (from Humanpriest) 8489427 ==> 83. "Puerto Rico" (from heartfruit) 8489431 ==> 84. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from andrewvanlaar) 8489450 ==> 85. "Great Western Trail" (from duckduck) 8489453 ==> 86. "On the Underground: London/Berlin" (from duckduck) 8489454 ==> 87. "Clue: The Walking Dead" (from TMcgaughey84) 8489456 ==> 88. "Cartagena 2. The Pirate's Nest" (from TMcgaughey84) 8489460 ==> 89. "Alt Name: Oldies but Goodies Bundle" (from TMcgaughey84) 8489470 ==> 90. "Istanbul" (from Bondgoldfinger) 8489475 ==> 91. "Not Alone" (from RTigger) 8489478 ==> 92. "Set a Watch" (from RTigger) 8489481 ==> 93. "Alt Name: The White Box: A Game Design Workshop In A Box" (from RTigger) 8489482 ==> 94. "Rise of Tribes" (from Bondgoldfinger) 8489484 ==> 95. "The Princess Bride Adventure Book Game" (from RTigger) 8489487 ==> 96. "Diplomacy" (from RTigger) 8489490 ==> 97. "Golem Arcana" (from Stormquiver) 8489494 ==> 98. "Tammany Hall" (from Bondgoldfinger) 8489497 ==> 99. "Deep Space D-6" (from RTigger) 8489500 ==> 100. "Paranormal Detectives" (from RTigger) 8489502 ==> 101. "Planetarium" (from RTigger) 8489505 ==> 102. "Jaws" (from RTigger) 8489509 ==> 103. "I, Spy" (from RTigger) 8489512 ==> 104. "Era of Kingdoms" (from RTigger) 8489514 ==> 105. "Space Gate Odyssey" (from RTigger) 8489515 ==> 106. "Sheriff of Nottingham" (from Bondgoldfinger) 8489517 ==> 107. "Passing Through Petra" (from RTigger) 8489519 ==> 108. "Exodus Fleet" (from RTigger) 8489523 ==> 109. "Jena 20" (from RTigger) 8489526 ==> 110. "Android" (from RTigger) 8489527 ==> 111. "Dungeonology: The Expedition" (from RTigger) 8489531 ==> 112. "Court of the Dead: Mourners Call" (from RTigger) 8489533 ==> 113. "Forbidden Stars" (from RTigger) 8489539 ==> 114. "Blackout: Hong Kong" (from wallacezhen) 8489544 ==> 115. "The Colonists" (from wallacezhen) 8489545 ==> 116. "Dungeon Master's Guide (D&D 5e)" (from RTigger) 8489553 ==> 117. "Word Slam" (from Bondgoldfinger) 8489554 ==> 118. "Andor: The Family Fantasy Game" (from Mangler) 8489560 ==> 119. "Midgard" (from Mangler) 8489561 ==> 120. "Aeroplanes: Aviation Ascendant" (from wallacezhen) 8489562 ==> 121. "Tasty Humans" (from Mangler) 8489564 ==> 122. "Raids" (from LoquaciousMonk) 8489572 ==> 123. "Robin Hood and the Merry Men" (from wallacezhen) 8489573 ==> 124. "Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island" (from wallacezhen) 8489577 ==> 125. "Saint Petersburg" (from WestyMan) 8489578 ==> 126. "Sheriff of Nottingham" (from wallacezhen) 8489581 ==> 127. "Batman: The Animated Series – Rogues Gallery" (from wallacezhen) 8489582 ==> 128. "Hunt for the Ring" (from WestyMan) 8489585 ==> 129. "1822: The Railways of Great Britain" (from WestyMan) 8489591 ==> 130. "Tudor" (from Changer628) 8489592 ==> 131. "Champions of Midgard: Jarl Edition" (from Changer628) 8489593 ==> 132. "Hannibal & Hamilcar" (from Changer628) 8489594 ==> 133. "Alt Name: Pandemic: 10th Anniversary Edition" (from Changer628) 8489595 ==> 134. "City of Gears" (from Changer628) 8489596 ==> 135. "Shadows over the Empire" (from Changer628) 8489597 ==> 136. "Keyflower" (from Changer628) 8489598 ==> 137. "Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game" (from Changer628) 8489599 ==> 138. "Dungeon Lords: Happy Anniversary" (from Changer628) 8489600 ==> 139. "Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done" (from Changer628) 8489601 ==> 140. "Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia" (from Changer628) 8489602 ==> 141. "Super Dungeon Explore" (from Changer628) 8489603 ==> 142. "Alt Name: Sonic the Hedgehog: Battle Racers Super Pledge" (from Changer628) 8489605 ==> 143. "The Flow of History" (from Changer628) 8489606 ==> 144. "Quadropolis" (from Changer628) 8489608 ==> 145. "Call to Adventure" (from Changer628) 8489609 ==> 146. "Great Western Trail" (from Changer628) 8489611 ==> 147. "Atelier: The Painter's Studio" (from Changer628) 8489612 ==> 148. "Dilluvia Project" (from Changer628) 8489614 ==> 149. "Hostage Negotiator: Crime Wave" (from Changer628) 8489619 ==> 150. "Alt Name: Item Removed" (from WestyMan) 8489740 ==> 151. "Lords of Waterdeep" (from 08thMS) 8489780 ==> 152. "Beyond the Sun" (from WestyMan) 8489799 ==> 153. "Imperial Settlers" (from Ricesteam) 8489814 ==> 154. "Keyflower" (from Ricesteam) 8489849 ==> 155. "Thunderstone: Dragonspire" (from tdeery) 8489876 ==> 156. "Kilt Castle" (from bmfinc) 8489878 ==> 157. "Otys" (from bmfinc) 8489880 ==> 158. "Ragusa" (from bmfinc) 8489882 ==> 159. "The Grizzled" (from bmfinc) 8489883 ==> 160. "Guildhall: Job Faire" (from bmfinc) 8489884 ==> 161. "Concordia" (from Ricesteam) 8489886 ==> 162. "Hues and Cues" (from bmfinc) 8489897 ==> 163. "Coffee Roaster" (from bmfinc) 8489914 ==> 164. "Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries" (from 08thMS) 8489923 ==> 165. "Kerala: The Way of the Elephant" (from bmfinc) 8489934 ==> 166. "Crystal Palace" (from bmfinc) 8489971 ==> 167. "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past" (from fearles) 8489982 ==> 168. "Empire Express" (from Hellionus) 8489984 ==> 169. "Discover: Lands Unknown" (from Hellionus) 8489986 ==> 170. "7 Wonders" (from Dragoon6542) 8489988 ==> 171. "Adventure Island" (from Dragoon6542) 8489989 ==> 172. "Albion" (from Dragoon6542) 8489991 ==> 173. "Shadows: Amsterdam" (from Hellionus) 8489992 ==> 174. "Arcatype" (from Dragoon6542) 8489993 ==> 175. "Arkham Horror" (from Dragoon6542) 8489994 ==> 176. "Asante" (from Dragoon6542) 8489995 ==> 177. "Atlandice" (from Dragoon6542) 8489996 ==> 178. "BANG!: Halo" (from Dragoon6542) 8489997 ==> 179. "BattleCON: Fate of Indines" (from Dragoon6542) 8489998 ==> 180. "BattleLore: Second Edition" (from Dragoon6542) 8489999 ==> 181. "Beyond Baker Street" (from Dragoon6542) 8490000 ==> 182. "Black Gold" (from Dragoon6542) 8490001 ==> 183. "Blackout: Hong Kong" (from Dragoon6542) 8490002 ==> 184. "Boomtown" (from Dragoon6542) 8490003 ==> 185. "Carcassonne: The Dice Game" (from Dragoon6542) 8490005 ==> 186. "Carthago: Merchants & Guilds" (from Dragoon6542) 8490006 ==> 187. "Cavern Tavern" (from Dragoon6542) 8490007 ==> 188. "Chickwood Forest" (from Dragoon6542) 8490008 ==> 189. "Clash of the Gladiators" (from Dragoon6542) 8490011 ==> 190. "Comanauts" (from Dragoon6542) 8490017 ==> 191. "Court of the Dead: Dark Harvest" (from Dragoon6542) 8490018 ==> 192. "Crown of Emara" (from Dragoon6542) 8490020 ==> 193. "Dark World" (from Dragoon6542) 8490021 ==> 194. "Dead Man's Doubloons" (from Dragoon6542) 8490022 ==> 195. "Destiny Aurora: Renegades" (from Dragoon6542) 8490023 ==> 196. "Dinosaur Island" (from Dragoon6542) 8490024 ==> 197. "Dreamwell" (from Dragoon6542) 8490025 ==> 198. "Elder Sign" (from Dragoon6542) 8490027 ==> 199. "Dinosaur Island" (from maadaputtar) 8490028 ==> 200. "Endangered Orphans of Condyle Cove" (from Dragoon6542) 8490029 ==> 201. "Evolution" (from Dragoon6542) 8490030 ==> 202. "Fantahzee: Hordes & Heroes" (from Dragoon6542) 8490031 ==> 203. "Flick 'em Up!" (from Dragoon6542) 8490032 ==> 204. "Founders of Gloomhaven" (from Dragoon6542) 8490033 ==> 205. "Funkoverse Strategy Game: DC Comics 100" (from Dragoon6542) 8490034 ==> 206. "The Golden Ages" (from Dragoon6542) 8490035 ==> 207. "King of New York" (from Dragoon6542) 8490036 ==> 208. "The King's Will" (from Dragoon6542) 8490037 ==> 209. "Kingdom Builder" (from Dragoon6542) 8490039 ==> 210. "The Last of the Independents" (from Dragoon6542) 8490040 ==> 211. "Liguria" (from Dragoon6542) 8490041 ==> 212. "Living Planet" (from Dragoon6542) 8490042 ==> 213. "Loot Island" (from Dragoon6542) 8490043 ==> 214. "The Lost Expedition" (from Dragoon6542) 8490044 ==> 215. "Love Battle! High School" (from Dragoon6542) 8490046 ==> 216. "Love Letter" (from Dragoon6542) 8490048 ==> 217. "Mansions of Madness: Second Edition" (from Dragoon6542) 8490049 ==> 218. "The Mansky Caper" (from Dragoon6542) 8490050 ==> 219. "Marvel United" (from Dragoon6542) 8490051 ==> 220. "Mea Culpa" (from Dragoon6542) 8490052 ==> 221. "Mine All Mines" (from Dragoon6542) 8490053 ==> 222. "Most Wanted" (from Dragoon6542) 8490054 ==> 223. "Motion Pictures: Movies Out of Cardboard" (from Dragoon6542) 8490055 ==> 224. "Neta-Tanka" (from Dragoon6542) 8490056 ==> 225. "Noria" (from Dragoon6542) 8490057 ==> 226. "North Wind" (from Dragoon6542) 8490058 ==> 227. "OddVille" (from Dragoon6542) 8490059 ==> 228. "Otys" (from Dragoon6542) 8490060 ==> 229. "Overseers" (from Dragoon6542) 8490061 ==> 230. "Pandemic" (from Dragoon6542) 8490062 ==> 231. "Pandemic: Rapid Response" (from Dragoon6542) 8490063 ==> 232. "Paperback" (from Dragoon6542) 8490065 ==> 233. "Pax Pamir" (from Dragoon6542) 8490066 ==> 234. "Polis" (from Dragoon6542) 8490067 ==> 235. "Il Principe" (from Dragoon6542) 8490068 ==> 236. "[redacted]" (from Dragoon6542) 8490069 ==> 237. "Reworld" (from Dragoon6542) 8490070 ==> 238. "Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age" (from Dragoon6542) 8490071 ==> 239. "Gambit Royale" (from Dragoon6542) 8490073 ==> 240. "Senators" (from Dragoon6542) 8490074 ==> 241. "Rent a Hero" (from Dragoon6542) 8490075 ==> 242. "Shadow Hunters" (from Dragoon6542) 8490076 ==> 243. "Shipyard" (from Dragoon6542) 8490078 ==> 244. "Small World" (from Dragoon6542) 8490079 ==> 245. "Smugglers" (from Dragoon6542) 8490080 ==> 246. "Snow Tails" (from Dragoon6542) 8490081 ==> 247. "Sola Fide: The Reformation" (from Dragoon6542) 8490082 ==> 248. "Sonar" (from Dragoon6542) 8490083 ==> 249. "Sovereign Skies" (from Dragoon6542) 8490086 ==> 250. "Star Wars: Epic Duels" (from Dragoon6542) 8490087 ==> 251. "Sutter's Mill" (from Dragoon6542) 8490088 ==> 252. "The Swarm" (from Dragoon6542) 8490089 ==> 253. "A Tale of Pirates" (from Dragoon6542) 8490090 ==> 254. "Talisman: Legendary Tales" (from Dragoon6542) 8490091 ==> 255. "Tao Long: The Way of the Dragon" (from Dragoon6542) 8490092 ==> 256. "Thunderstone" (from Dragoon6542) 8490093 ==> 257. "Ticket to Ride: The Card Game" (from Dragoon6542) 8490094 ==> 258. "Tower of Babel" (from Dragoon6542) 8490095 ==> 259. "Traders of Osaka" (from Dragoon6542) 8490096 ==> 260. "Ultimate Warriorz" (from Dragoon6542) 8490097 ==> 261. "Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The Rise & Fall of Anvalor" (from Dragoon6542) 8490098 ==> 262. "KUNE v LAKIA: A Chronicle Of A Royal Lapine Divorce Foretold" (from maadaputtar) 8490099 ==> 263. "Warhammer: Invasion" (from Dragoon6542) 8490100 ==> 264. "When I Dream" (from Dragoon6542) 8490101 ==> 265. "Wits & Wagers" (from Dragoon6542) 8490102 ==> 266. "Xia: Legends of a Drift System" (from Dragoon6542) 8490103 ==> 267. "Ys" (from Dragoon6542) 8490104 ==> 268. "Yunnan" (from Dragoon6542) 8490105 ==> 269. "Star Wars: X-Wing (Second Edition) – Tantive IV Expansion Pack" (from Dragoon6542) 8490106 ==> 270. "Viticulture: Tuscany – Expand the World of Viticulture" (from Dragoon6542) 8490114 ==> 271. "Grand Austria Hotel" (from maadaputtar) 8490118 ==> 272. "Key to the City: London" (from maadaputtar) 8490120 ==> 273. "Railroad Revolution" (from maadaputtar) 8490123 ==> 274. "Escape Plan" (from maadaputtar) 8490127 ==> 275. "Escape Plan: Upgrade Pack" (from alesk1978) 8490131 ==> 276. "Apotheca" (from alesk1978) 8490133 ==> 277. "Ca$h 'n Guns (Second Edition)" (from slprince) 8490135 ==> 278. "Sidereal Confluence" (from slprince) 8490136 ==> 279. "Alt Name: 24 black UberStax game piece holders" (from slprince) 8490137 ==> 280. "Forbidden Island" (from 08thMS) 8490138 ==> 281. "La Granja" (from slprince) 8490141 ==> 282. "Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space" (from alesk1978) 8490148 ==> 283. "Godspeed" (from alesk1978) 8490150 ==> 284. "Yedo" (from slprince) 8490152 ==> 285. "Tsuro of the Seas" (from slprince) 8490154 ==> 286. "Sheriff of Nottingham" (from fearles) 8490155 ==> 287. "Myrmes" (from slprince) 8490158 ==> 288. "Factory Funner" (from slprince) 8490163 ==> 289. "Dice Throne: Season Two – Cursed Pirate v. Artificer" (from rotondan) 8490171 ==> 290. "Blood Rage: 5th Player Expansion" (from fearles) 8490176 ==> 291. "Who Goes There? 2nd Edition" (from slprince) 8490177 ==> 292. "Cry Havoc" (from MeepleXP) 8490184 ==> 293. "Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia" (from slprince) 8490190 ==> 294. "Core Worlds" (from MeepleXP) 8490192 ==> 295. "Kemet: Blood and Sand" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8490195 ==> 296. "Great Western Trail" (from MeepleXP) 8490199 ==> 297. "Modern Art" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8490204 ==> 298. "Kill Doctor Lucky" (from slprince) 8490214 ==> 299. "The Search for Planet X" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8490215 ==> 300. "Deception: Murder in Hong Kong" (from slprince) 8490217 ==> 301. "Rune Age" (from Hellionus) 8490225 ==> 302. "Word Slam" (from slprince) 8490237 ==> 303. "Secret Hitler" (from slprince) 8490240 ==> 304. "Black Angel" (from slprince) 8490243 ==> 305. "I, Spy" (from slprince) 8490245 ==> 306. "Loop Inc." (from slprince) 8490252 ==> 307. "Minerva" (from alesk1978) 8490254 ==> 308. "Menara" (from alesk1978) 8490256 ==> 309. "Massive Darkness" (from Logandee) 8490259 ==> 310. "Alt Name: These are Indeed all Games Bundle" (from Logandee) 8490263 ==> 311. "Rialto" (from Logandee) 8490272 ==> 312. "Dwar7s Fall" (from Logandee) 8490281 ==> 313. "HOPE" (from Logandee) 8490286 ==> 314. "Lazer Ryderz" (from Logandee) 8490294 ==> 315. "Alt Name: No Man’s Sky (PS4)" (from Logandee) 8490313 ==> 316. "Great Western Trail" (from krangor_) 8490332 ==> 317. "Wasteland Express Delivery Service" (from Chillosophy) 8490335 ==> 318. "Gloomhaven: Forgotten Circles" (from Chillosophy) 8490338 ==> 319. "T.I.M.E Stories: Expedition – Endurance" (from Chillosophy) 8490340 ==> 320. "Back to the Future: The Card Game" (from Chillosophy) 8490343 ==> 321. "Thunderstone Quest" (from Chillosophy) 8490354 ==> 322. "Pendulum" (from TorontoGamer) 8490394 ==> 323. "Betrayal at House on the Hill" (from Gewalf) 8490397 ==> 324. "The Mind" (from Gewalf) 8490398 ==> 325. "Flamme Rouge" (from ced356) 8490411 ==> 326. "Watergate" (from Gewalf) 8490415 ==> 327. "Clash of Cultures" (from jillelder63) 8490431 ==> 328. "Dune: Imperium" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8490434 ==> 329. "Tramways" (from WestyMan) 8490442 ==> 330. "Gaia Project" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8490444 ==> 331. "Merchants & Marauders" (from jillelder63) 8490445 ==> 332. "Alt Name: Item Removed" (from WestyMan) 8490447 ==> 333. "Quartermaster General: The Cold War" (from furrygoober) 8490448 ==> 334. "Vault of Dragons" (from furrygoober) 8490449 ==> 335. "Queendomino" (from furrygoober) 8490450 ==> 336. "Ultimate Warriorz" (from furrygoober) 8490451 ==> 337. "Mythotopia" (from furrygoober) 8490452 ==> 338. "Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure" (from furrygoober) 8490454 ==> 339. "New York 1901" (from jillelder63) 8490456 ==> 340. "Subatomic: An Atom Building Game" (from furrygoober) 8490457 ==> 341. "Stronghold: 2nd edition" (from furrygoober) 8490462 ==> 342. "Imperial Settlers" (from furrygoober) 8490465 ==> 343. "Snowdonia" (from WestyMan) 8490477 ==> 344. "Dice Settlers" (from jillelder63) 8490479 ==> 345. "7 Wonders" (from CharlesQc79) 8490481 ==> 346. "Pandemic: 10th Anniversary Edition ─ Painted Figures" (from CharlesQc79) 8490484-COPY1 ==> 347. "Pokémon Trading Card Game" (from CharlesQc79) [copy 1 of 3] 8490484-COPY2 ==> 347. "Pokémon Trading Card Game" (from CharlesQc79) [copy 2 of 3] 8490484-COPY3 ==> 347. "Pokémon Trading Card Game" (from CharlesQc79) [copy 3 of 3] 8490485 ==> 348. "Pipeline" (from CharlesQc79) 8490486-COPY1 ==> 349. "Dune: Imperium – Jessica of Arrakis Promo Card" (from CharlesQc79) [copy 1 of 4] 8490486-COPY2 ==> 349. "Dune: Imperium – Jessica of Arrakis Promo Card" (from CharlesQc79) [copy 2 of 4] 8490486-COPY3 ==> 349. "Dune: Imperium – Jessica of Arrakis Promo Card" (from CharlesQc79) [copy 3 of 4] 8490486-COPY4 ==> 349. "Dune: Imperium – Jessica of Arrakis Promo Card" (from CharlesQc79) [copy 4 of 4] 8490487 ==> 350. "Fresco" (from jillelder63) 8490488 ==> 351. "Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game" (from CharlesQc79) 8490489 ==> 352. "Smash Up: Titans Event Kit – Winner's Prizes" (from CharlesQc79) 8490490 ==> 353. "Alt Name: Funko Pop : Cara Dune (Special Edition) 356" (from CharlesQc79) 8490492 ==> 354. "Alt Name: The Lord of the Rings : The Card Game - The Realm of Middle Earth playmat + Attack on Dol Guldur scenario" (from CharlesQc79) 8490493 ==> 355. "Alt Name: Keyforge - Decks & Rare Promotional Accessories" (from CharlesQc79) 8490494 ==> 356. "The Estates" (from jillelder63) 8490496 ==> 357. "Alt Name: Marvel Champions Promos - Green Goblin & Wrecking Crew" (from CharlesQc79) 8490501 ==> 358. "Courtier" (from jillelder63) 8490504 ==> 359. "Airlines Europe" (from furrygoober) 8490509 ==> 360. "Paris Paris" (from jillelder63) 8490512 ==> 361. "Heart of Africa" (from jillelder63) 8490515 ==> 362. "The Golden City" (from jillelder63) 8490520 ==> 363. "Undermining" (from jillelder63) 8490523 ==> 364. "Cyclades" (from MeepleXP) 8490525 ==> 365. "Chang Cheng" (from jillelder63) 8490530 ==> 366. "First Train to Nuremberg" (from jillelder63) 8490533 ==> 367. "Lewis & Clark: The Expedition" (from furrygoober) 8490535 ==> 368. "Kemet" (from MeepleXP) 8490544 ==> 369. "The Colonists" (from MeepleXP) 8490553 ==> 370. "Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn" (from furrygoober) 8490624 ==> 371. "Dream Home" (from jillelder63) 8490662 ==> 372. "Brass: Birmingham" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8490717 ==> 373. "Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island" (from MeepleXP) 8490741 ==> 374. "Neon Gods" (from Kaiyoot) 8490744 ==> 375. "Principato" (from Kaiyoot) 8490748 ==> 376. "Crystal Palace" (from Kaiyoot) 8490751-COPY1 ==> 377. "The Downfall of Pompeii" (from canadiankorean) [copy 1 of 2] 8490751-COPY2 ==> 377. "The Downfall of Pompeii" (from canadiankorean) [copy 2 of 2] 8490753 ==> 378. "Troyes Dice" (from katanan) 8490755 ==> 379. "The Estates" (from Kaiyoot) 8490756 ==> 380. "Alea Iacta Est" (from katanan) 8490758 ==> 381. "Ceylon" (from canadiankorean) 8490759 ==> 382. "Set & Match" (from katanan) 8490762 ==> 383. "Smartphone Inc." (from katanan) 8490764 ==> 384. "Tribune: Primus Inter Pares" (from canadiankorean) 8490766 ==> 385. "Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set" (from canadiankorean) 8490769 ==> 386. "Among the Stars" (from enigma0t2) 8490774 ==> 387. "Catan" (from Kaiyoot) 8490780 ==> 388. "Dice City" (from enigma0t2) 8490781 ==> 389. "Rattle, Battle, Grab the Loot" (from KDTANK) 8490782 ==> 390. "Whistle Stop" (from enigma0t2) 8490783 ==> 391. "Formula D" (from KDTANK) 8490784 ==> 392. "Alt Name: Amazon Echo Dot" (from enigma0t2) 8490789 ==> 393. "Magic Maze" (from enigma0t2) 8490790 ==> 394. "Epic Resort" (from KDTANK) 8490791 ==> 395. "Russian Railroads" (from enigma0t2) 8490792 ==> 396. "Black Gold" (from enigma0t2) 8490793 ==> 397. "Burgle Bros.: The Burgle Van" (from enigma0t2) 8490794 ==> 398. "Clinic: Deluxe Edition" (from enigma0t2) 8490796 ==> 399. "Alma Mater" (from enigma0t2) 8490799 ==> 400. "Bruxelles 1893" (from enigma0t2) 8490802 ==> 401. "Glen More II: Chronicles" (from enigma0t2) 8490805 ==> 402. "Prêt-à-Porter" (from enigma0t2) 8490807 ==> 403. "Xia: Legends of a Drift System" (from McNinjaX) 8490814 ==> 404. "Suburbia: Collector's Edition" (from McNinjaX) 8490818 ==> 405. "The Networks" (from enigma0t2) 8490824 ==> 406. "Rise of Tribes" (from McNinjaX) 8490826 ==> 407. "Boss Monster: The Dungeon Building Card Game" (from KDTANK) 8490828 ==> 408. "Mage Knight Board Game" (from McNinjaX) 8490829 ==> 409. "Dune: Imperium" (from McNinjaX) 8490838 ==> 410. "Android: Netrunner" (from theseventensplit) 8490844 ==> 411. "Divine Right" (from downstream) 8490845 ==> 412. "Ad Astra" (from downstream) 8490849 ==> 413. "The Downfall of Pompeii" (from downstream) 8490852 ==> 414. "Age of Gods" (from downstream) 8490859 ==> 415. "Magic: The Gathering – Arena of the Planeswalkers" (from downstream) 8490861 ==> 416. "Theseus: The Dark Orbit" (from downstream) 8490862 ==> 417. "Zeppelin Attack!" (from playr2) 8490868 ==> 418. "Unlock!: Epic Adventures" (from Liquidessa) 8490869 ==> 419. "Alt Name: Item Removed" (from Liquidessa) 8490871 ==> 420. "50 Clues: The Pendulum of the Dead" (from Liquidessa) 8490872 ==> 421. "Vikings Gone Wild" (from Liquidessa) 8490874 ==> 422. "Bob Ross: Art of Chill Game" (from Liquidessa) 8490883 ==> 423. "Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles" (from Gravey) 8490884 ==> 424. "The Stars Are Right" (from playr2) 8490885 ==> 425. "June '44: The Struggle for Normandy, 1944" (from Gravey) 8490887 ==> 426. "Formula D" (from Gravey) 8490888 ==> 427. "A Game of Thrones: The Card Game – Queen of Dragons" (from playr2) 8490889 ==> 428. "Star Realms: Frontiers" (from Gravey) 8490892 ==> 429. "Galatune" (from playr2) 8490894 ==> 430. "Skip-Bo" (from Gravey) 8490896 ==> 431. "Prêt-à-Porter" (from Daremok) 8490898 ==> 432. "Warfighter: WWII Expansion No. 7 – United Kingdom No. 2!" (from Gravey) 8490899 ==> 433. "Blackout: Hong Kong" (from Daremok) 8490900 ==> 434. "Costa Rica" (from Daremok) 8490902 ==> 435. "Seastead" (from Daremok) 8490904 ==> 436. "Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Duel at Mt. Skullzfyre" (from Gravey) 8490926 ==> 437. "Wingspan" (from phiyo) 8490928 ==> 438. "Kilt Castle" (from phiyo) 8490929 ==> 439. "Via Nebula" (from phiyo) 8490930 ==> 440. "Tudor" (from phiyo) 8490932 ==> 441. "Bears vs Babies" (from phiyo) 8490934 ==> 442. "Toy Story: Obstacles & Adventures" (from phiyo) 8490936 ==> 443. "Broom Service" (from phiyo) 8490938 ==> 444. "Cerebria: The Card Game" (from phiyo) 8490940 ==> 445. "Skora" (from phiyo) 8490943 ==> 446. "Statecraft: The Political Card Game" (from phiyo) 8491196 ==> 447. "Bruxelles 1897" (from WestyMan) 8491252 ==> 448. "Flamme Rouge" (from WestyMan) 8491291 ==> 449. "Summer Camp" (from canadiankorean) 8491293 ==> 450. "60 Second City" (from canadiankorean) 8491315 ==> 451. "Techno Bowl: Arcade Football Unplugged" (from Carnage994) 8491328 ==> 452. "Rise of Tribes" (from Carnage994) 8491330 ==> 453. "On the Underground: London/Berlin" (from Carnage994) 8491351 ==> 454. "Gentes: Deluxified Edition" (from WestyMan) 8491373 ==> 455. "Football Highlights 2052" (from Carnage994) 8491385 ==> 456. "Cantaloop: Book 1 – Breaking into Prison" (from Carnage994) 8491391 ==> 457. "Claim It!" (from Carnage994) 8491398 ==> 458. "Die Hard: The Nakatomi Heist Board Game" (from Carnage994) 8491436 ==> 459. "Journal 29: Interactive Book Game" (from Carnage994) 8491480 ==> 460. "Alt Name: Small Game Bundle" (from Carnage994) 8491513 ==> 461. "Rome, Inc.: From Augustus to Diocletian" (from duckduck) 8491567 ==> 462. "Alt Name: Small Game Bundle" (from Carnage994) 8491591 ==> 463. "Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn" (from MikeHHH) 8491594 ==> 464. "Catacombs Conquest" (from MikeHHH) 8491595 ==> 465. "Marvel Dice Masters: Avengers Infinity Campaign Box" (from MikeHHH) 8491597 ==> 466. "Downforce" (from MikeHHH) 8491607 ==> 467. "Disney Villainous" (from MikeHHH) 8491609 ==> 468. "Alt Name: $30 CAD Gift Card" (from bmfinc) 8491614 ==> 469. "XCOM: The Board Game" (from MikeHHH) 8491618 ==> 470. "Alt Name: Small Game Bundle" (from Carnage994) 8491620 ==> 471. "Assassin's Creed: Arena" (from MikeHHH) 8491653 ==> 472. "Carcassonne: Expansion 3 – The Princess & The Dragon" (from Zeth4) 8491654 ==> 473. "Zombies!!!" (from Zeth4) 8491655 ==> 474. "Axis & Allies: 1942" (from Zeth4) 8491656 ==> 475. "Alt Name: DELETED" (from Zeth4) 8491659 ==> 476. "Alt Name: Pick 3" (from Zeth4) 8491676 ==> 477. "Suburbia" (from Centropolis) 8491699 ==> 478. "Wits & Wagers Party" (from canadiankorean) 8491727 ==> 479. "Zombicide: Black Plague" (from furrygoober) 8491743 ==> 480. "Rising Sun" (from McNinjaX) 8491745 ==> 481. "Apex Theropod Deck-Building Game" (from McNinjaX) 8491749 ==> 482. "Scotland Yard" (from McNinjaX) 8491750 ==> 483. "Axis & Allies: 1942" (from msnets) 8491753 ==> 484. "Sail Away" (from msnets) 8491754 ==> 485. "Sushi Go!" (from msnets) 8491758 ==> 486. "Escape Room in a Box: The Werewolf Experiment" (from msnets) 8491776 ==> 487. "At the Gates of Loyang" (from ced356) 8491781 ==> 488. "K2" (from bmfinc) 8491833 ==> 489. "StarCraft: The Board Game" (from Zeth4) 8491867 ==> 490. "Freshwater Fly" (from TorontoGamer) 8491870 ==> 491. "Radetzky: Milano 1848" (from TorontoGamer) 8491872 ==> 492. "Mariposas" (from TorontoGamer) 8491874 ==> 493. "Cry Havoc" (from TorontoGamer) 8491877 ==> 494. "Calico" (from TorontoGamer) 8491878 ==> 495. "Dreamscape" (from TorontoGamer) 8491883 ==> 496. "Cubitos" (from TorontoGamer) 8491889 ==> 497. "Small World of Warcraft" (from TorontoGamer) 8491892 ==> 498. "Teotihuacan: City of Gods" (from TorontoGamer) 8491902 ==> 499. "Doodle Dungeon" (from TorontoGamer) 8491908 ==> 500. "Blitzkrieg!: World War Two in 20 Minutes" (from TorontoGamer) 8491912 ==> 501. "Splendor" (from downstream) 8491971 ==> 502. "Dungeon Twister" (from downstream) 8491979 ==> 503. "Vegas Showdown" (from ced356) 8491993 ==> 504. "XenoShyft: Onslaught" (from McNinjaX) 8491994 ==> 505. "Ex Libris" (from McNinjaX) 8491996 ==> 506. "After The Empire" (from McNinjaX) 8491998 ==> 507. "Red Rising" (from McNinjaX) 8491999 ==> 508. "Alt Name: Magical Bundle" (from Logandee) 8492012 ==> 509. "Alt Name: Star Realms Storage" (from Logandee) 8492017 ==> 510. "Alt Name: Travel Bundle" (from Logandee) 8492024 ==> 511. "Word Slam" (from Carnage994) 8492031 ==> 512. "The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine" (from Carnage994) 8492084 ==> 513. "Marvel United" (from msunga) 8492085 ==> 514. "For What Remains: Out of the Basement" (from Jlc2) 8492086 ==> 515. "A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition)" (from msunga) 8492089 ==> 516. "Hail Hydra" (from msunga) 8492091 ==> 517. "Cry Havoc" (from msunga) 8492125 ==> 518. "Stone Age" (from ced356) 8492127 ==> 519. "Imhotep" (from EccSur01) 8492132 ==> 520. "Colt Express" (from ced356) 8492146 ==> 521. "8Bit Box" (from Cernbay) 8492153 ==> 522. "Airship City" (from Cernbay) 8492158 ==> 523. "Millennium Blades" (from Cernbay) 8492161 ==> 524. "Mansions of Madness: Second Edition" (from Cernbay) 8492162 ==> 525. "Caverna: The Cave Farmers" (from Cernbay) 8492164 ==> 526. "Alt Name: Small social game bundle" (from Cernbay) 8492165 ==> 527. "Alt Name: Small game bundle" (from Cernbay) 8492166 ==> 528. "Saltlands" (from Cernbay) 8492167 ==> 529. "Tang Garden" (from Cernbay) 8492169 ==> 530. "Dune: Imperium" (from Cernbay) 8492170 ==> 531. "Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Base Set" (from Cernbay) 8492172 ==> 532. "Hero Realms: The Ruin of Thandar Campaign Deck" (from Cernbay) 8492173 ==> 533. "Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Card Game" (from Cernbay) 8492178 ==> 534. "Mechanica" (from Cernbay) 8492184 ==> 535. "Rival Restaurants" (from Cernbay) 8492194 ==> 536. "Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile" (from Cernbay) 8492199 ==> 537. "Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Skull & Shackles – Base Set" (from Cernbay) 8492204 ==> 538. "Coloma: Deluxe Edition" (from Cernbay) 8492213 ==> 539. "Forgotten Waters" (from Cernbay) 8492224 ==> 540. "Lost Ruins of Arnak" (from Cernbay) 8492231 ==> 541. "Reavers of Midgard" (from Cernbay) 8492235 ==> 542. "Obscurio" (from Cernbay) 8492239 ==> 543. "Mariposas" (from Cernbay) 8492247 ==> 544. "Sabotage" (from Cernbay) 8492260 ==> 545. "Montana" (from Cernbay) 8492265 ==> 546. "Russian Railroads" (from Cernbay) 8492268 ==> 547. "Shipyard" (from Cernbay) 8492271 ==> 548. "Alt Name: Alice in Wonderland Chess set" (from heartfruit) 8492273 ==> 549. "Brass: Birmingham" (from Cernbay) 8492274 ==> 550. "Mariposas" (from tdeery) 8492275 ==> 551. "Brass: Lancashire" (from Cernbay) 8492276 ==> 552. "Smartphone Inc." (from Cernbay) 8492282 ==> 553. "This War of Mine: The Board Game" (from Cernbay) 8492301 ==> 554. "Alt Name: Monster Bundle" (from Logandee) 8492325 ==> 555. "Citadels" (from applesauce999) 8492326 ==> 556. "Cheating Moth" (from applesauce999) 8492327 ==> 557. "Posthuman" (from applesauce999) 8492328 ==> 558. "Cosmic Encounter" (from applesauce999) 8492329 ==> 559. "Millennium Blades" (from applesauce999) 8492462 ==> 560. "Axis & Allies: 1942" (from bigjo) 8492519 ==> 561. "Rockwell" (from jonb182) 8492523 ==> 562. "Armageddon" (from jonb182) 8492527 ==> 563. "Sabotage" (from jonb182) 8492531 ==> 564. "Wendake" (from jonb182) 8492535 ==> 565. "The Golden City" (from jonb182) 8492536 ==> 566. "Tadmor" (from jonb182) 8492537 ==> 567. "The Networks" (from jonb182) 8492539 ==> 568. "The King Is Dead" (from jonb182) 8492540 ==> 569. "Conquest of Paradise" (from mwdalrymple) 8492544 ==> 570. "Hail Hydra" (from jonb182) 8492546 ==> 571. "Milestones" (from jonb182) 8492548 ==> 572. "Mangrovia" (from jonb182) 8492550 ==> 573. "ShipShape" (from jonb182) 8492562 ==> 574. "Yellow & Yangtze" (from philcampeau) 8492606 ==> 575. "Unmatched: Battle of Legends, Volume One" (from rotondan) 8492612 ==> 576. "The Grimm Forest" (from barren_sky) 8492616 ==> 577. "Fleet: The Dice Game" (from barren_sky) 8492620 ==> 578. "Alt Name: The Matchbox Collection Limited Edition" (from barren_sky) 8492623 ==> 579. "Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases" (from barren_sky) 8492625 ==> 580. "Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire" (from rotondan) 8492633 ==> 581. "Sentinels of the Multiverse" (from barren_sky) 8492638 ==> 582. "Napoleon's Triumph" (from barren_sky) 8492652 ==> 583. "Alt Name: Smaller Game Lot" (from barren_sky) 8492661 ==> 584. "Cosmic Encounter Duel" (from Rox813) 8492726 ==> 585. "Sanctum" (from tropical) 8492729 ==> 586. "La Granja: No Siesta" (from tropical) 8492789 ==> 587. "Automania" (from samuelism) 8492794 ==> 588. "Aquatica" (from samuelism) 8492799 ==> 589. "Apex Theropod Deck-Building Game" (from samuelism) 8492804 ==> 590. "Airship City" (from samuelism) 8492815 ==> 591. "City of Spies: Estoril 1942" (from samuelism) 8492826 ==> 592. "Clans of Caledonia" (from samuelism) 8492832 ==> 593. "Council of 4" (from samuelism) 8492841 ==> 594. "Dynasties: Heirate & Herrsche" (from samuelism) 8492848 ==> 595. "Ex Libris" (from samuelism) 8492856 ==> 596. "Factory Fun" (from samuelism) 8492866 ==> 597. "Fresco: Big Box" (from samuelism) 8492873 ==> 598. "Gaia Project" (from samuelism) 8492885 ==> 599. "The Grand Trunk Journey" (from samuelism) 8492892 ==> 600. "Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn" (from ayoung72) 8492894 ==> 601. "The Grimm Forest" (from samuelism) 8492901 ==> 602. "Hallertau" (from samuelism) 8492910 ==> 603. "Heaven & Ale" (from samuelism) 8492916 ==> 604. "7 Wonders" (from ayoung72) 8492922 ==> 605. "Inis" (from samuelism) 8492927 ==> 606. "It's a Wonderful World" (from samuelism) 8492936 ==> 607. "Las Vegas Royale" (from samuelism) 8492940 ==> 608. "Oceans" (from ayoung72) 8492950 ==> 609. "Mercado de Lisboa" (from samuelism) 8492953 ==> 610. "Mexica" (from samuelism) 8492957 ==> 611. "Navegador" (from samuelism) 8492961 ==> 612. "Nevada City" (from samuelism) 8492964 ==> 613. "Bargain Quest" (from ayoung72) 8492966 ==> 614. "Pax Pamir" (from samuelism) 8492973 ==> 615. "Praga Caput Regni" (from samuelism) 8492977 ==> 616. "Prehistory" (from samuelism) 8492983 ==> 617. "Raccoon Tycoon" (from samuelism) 8492987 ==> 618. "Santa Maria" (from samuelism) 8492988 ==> 619. "Machi Koro" (from ayoung72) 8492991 ==> 620. "Polynesia" (from ayoung72) 8492996 ==> 621. "Stockpile" (from samuelism) 8492997 ==> 622. "Surrealist Dinner Party" (from ayoung72) 8493005 ==> 623. "Stone Age" (from samuelism) 8493007 ==> 624. "Three Kingdoms Redux" (from samuelism) 8493010 ==> 625. "Whistle Mountain" (from samuelism) 8493030 ==> 626. "Asgard's Chosen" (from Trevorusprime) 8493033 ==> 627. "Blackout: Hong Kong" (from Trevorusprime) 8493034 ==> 628. "Carolus Magnus" (from Trevorusprime) 8493035 ==> 629. "Escape: The Curse of the Temple" (from Trevorusprime) 8493036 ==> 630. "Lost Cities: The Board Game" (from Trevorusprime) 8493037 ==> 631. "Specter Ops" (from Trevorusprime) 8493038 ==> 632. "Top Gun Strategy Game" (from Trevorusprime) 8493039 ==> 633. "Carcassonne" (from ayoung72) 8493040 ==> 634. "Okko: Era of the Asagiri" (from Trevorusprime) 8493042 ==> 635. "Santorini" (from ayoung72) 8493046 ==> 636. "Red Outpost" (from ayoung72) 8493049 ==> 637. "Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North" (from ayoung72) 8493058 ==> 638. "Carnival" (from ayoung72) 8493061 ==> 639. "Warhammer: Invasion" (from Chillosophy) 8493068 ==> 640. "Dominion" (from ayoung72) 8493071 ==> 641. "Kamigami Battles: Battle of the Nine Realms" (from Chillosophy) 8493075 ==> 642. "Pandemic" (from ayoung72) 8493081 ==> 643. "Anima: Shadow of Omega" (from Chillosophy) 8493089 ==> 644. "Crossed Words" (from ayoung72) 8493090 ==> 645. "The Walled City: Londonderry & Borderlands" (from kooltilldend) 8493095 ==> 646. "Alt Name: Block Rose Wars Miniatures Bundle" (from Chillosophy) 8493096 ==> 647. "Descent: Legends of the Dark – Hybird Centurion Promo Figure" (from CharlesQc79) 8493111 ==> 648. "The Mind Extreme" (from ayoung72) 8493112 ==> 649. "Town Builder: Coevorden" (from kooltilldend) 8493113 ==> 650. "Summoner Wars: Master Set" (from kooltilldend) 8493117 ==> 651. "Spirit Island" (from Chillosophy) 8493118 ==> 652. "Manila" (from kooltilldend) 8493122 ==> 653. "Great Western Trail: Rails to the North" (from Chillosophy) 8493125 ==> 654. "Gods Love Dinosaurs" (from phiyo) 8493133 ==> 655. "Francis Drake" (from phiyo) 8493149 ==> 656. "Albion" (from fixpix) 8493151 ==> 657. "New Frontiers" (from fixpix) 8493155 ==> 658. "Eclipse" (from fixpix) 8493156 ==> 659. "Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition)" (from fixpix) 8493157 ==> 660. "Risk: Europe" (from fixpix) 8493158 ==> 661. "Reworld" (from fixpix) 8493159 ==> 662. "Last Bastion" (from fixpix) 8493161 ==> 663. "Chronicles of Crime: 1400" (from fixpix) 8493163 ==> 664. "IKI" (from Chillosophy) 8493167 ==> 665. "Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea" (from fixpix) 8493169 ==> 666. "Destinies" (from fixpix) 8493175 ==> 667. "Great Western Trail" (from fixpix) 8493182 ==> 668. "KeyForge: Age of Ascension – Archon Deck" (from wallacezhen) 8493185 ==> 669. "Arkham Horror: The Card Game – Curse of the Rougarou: Scenario Pack" (from wallacezhen) 8493187 ==> 670. "Twilight Imperium: Third Edition" (from wallacezhen) 8493190 ==> 671. "Genoa" (from wallacezhen) 8493193 ==> 672. "Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure" (from lucem13) 8493212 ==> 673. "Black Sonata" (from wallacezhen) 8493405 ==> 674. "Caverna: The Cave Farmers" (from the_boy_who_lived) 8493412 ==> 675. "Beasty Bar 3: Born to Be Wild" (from barren_sky) 8493415 ==> 676. "Beez" (from barren_sky) 8493456 ==> 677. "Shogun" (from the_boy_who_lived) 8493504 ==> 678. "Game of Thrones: The Card Game" (from neoice) 8493509 ==> 679. "Rhino Hero" (from neoice) 8493512 ==> 680. "Alt Name: Item Removed" (from neoice) 8493514 ==> 681. "Hedbanz Charades" (from neoice) 8493516 ==> 682. "Alt Name: Code master Programming logic game" (from neoice) 8493522 ==> 683. "Clue" (from neoice) 8493528 ==> 684. "Munchkin" (from neoice) 8493535 ==> 685. "Disney Eye Found It!" (from neoice) 8493548 ==> 686. "Penguin Trap" (from neoice) 8493625 ==> 687. "Alt Name: Family Business Bundle" (from Logandee) 8493655 ==> 688. "Anchorman: The Game – Improper Teleprompter" (from vatosloco) 8493656 ==> 689. "Dark Seas" (from vatosloco) 8493657 ==> 690. "Diceborn Heroes" (from vatosloco) 8493658 ==> 691. "Dungeon Lords" (from vatosloco) 8493660 ==> 692. "Gorus Maximus" (from vatosloco) 8493661 ==> 693. "Karesansui" (from vatosloco) 8493670 ==> 694. "Tau Ceti: Planetary Crisis" (from vatosloco) 8493684 ==> 695. "Merchants & Marauders" (from vesebr) 8493686 ==> 696. "Dungeon Lords" (from vesebr) 8493689 ==> 697. "Under Falling Skies" (from vesebr) 8493691 ==> 698. "Ladies & Gentlemen" (from vesebr) 8493694 ==> 699. "Arkham Horror" (from vesebr) 8493697 ==> 700. "Smash Up" (from vesebr) 8493701 ==> 701. "The Resistance" (from vesebr) 8493705 ==> 702. "Alt Name: $20 gift card or e-transfer" (from vesebr) 8493707 ==> 703. "Targi" (from vesebr) 8493711 ==> 704. "On Tour (Second Edition)" (from ayo23) 8493712 ==> 705. "Burgle Bros 2: The Casino Capers" (from ayo23) 8493713 ==> 706. "Mini Express" (from ayo23) 8493718 ==> 707. "Cóatl" (from ayo23) 8493720 ==> 708. "The Whatnot Cabinet" (from ayo23) 8493724 ==> 709. "Decrypto" (from ayo23) 8493725 ==> 710. "Roll Player" (from ayo23) 8493730 ==> 711. "Village Attacks" (from TeveshCKP) 8493732 ==> 712. "Hansa Teutonica" (from TeveshCKP) 8493734 ==> 713. "Mountains of Madness" (from TeveshCKP) 8493735 ==> 714. "Shadowrift" (from TeveshCKP) 8493738 ==> 715. "T.I.M.E Stories" (from vesebr) 8493739 ==> 716. "Alt Name: Man vs Meeple Season 3 Promos" (from ayo23) 8493986 ==> 717. "La Granja" (from MeepleXP) 8493992 ==> 718. "Sentinels of the Multiverse: Vengeance" (from MeepleXP) 8494006 ==> 719. "Path of Light and Shadow" (from Urbanwatts) 8494008 ==> 720. "Hansa Teutonica" (from Urbanwatts) 8494012 ==> 721. "Stephenson's Rocket" (from Urbanwatts) 8494018 ==> 722. "Sonora" (from Urbanwatts) 8494038-COPY1 ==> 723. "Arraial" (from kidkorea) [copy 1 of 6] 8494038-COPY2 ==> 723. "Arraial" (from kidkorea) [copy 2 of 6] 8494038-COPY3 ==> 723. "Arraial" (from kidkorea) [copy 3 of 6] 8494038-COPY4 ==> 723. "Arraial" (from kidkorea) [copy 4 of 6] 8494038-COPY5 ==> 723. "Arraial" (from kidkorea) [copy 5 of 6] 8494038-COPY6 ==> 723. "Arraial" (from kidkorea) [copy 6 of 6] 8494040 ==> 724. "Star Wars: Imperial Assault" (from kidkorea) 8494044 ==> 725. "Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan" (from kidkorea) 8494058 ==> 726. "Dominant Species" (from Urbanwatts) 8494068 ==> 727. "Bargain Quest" (from kidkorea) 8494074 ==> 728. "Tigris & Euphrates" (from kidkorea) 8494076 ==> 729. "Potion Explosion: The Fifth Ingredient" (from kidkorea) 8494077 ==> 730. "Baron Voodoo" (from kidkorea) 8494079 ==> 731. "Circadians: First Light" (from kidkorea) 8494084 ==> 732. "Too Many Bones" (from kidkorea) 8494086 ==> 733. "Steampunk Rally" (from kidkorea) 8494088 ==> 734. "Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun" (from kidkorea) 8494090 ==> 735. "King of 12" (from kidkorea) 8494091 ==> 736. "Disney Mad Tea Party" (from kidkorea) 8494104 ==> 737. "Alt Name: Fabled Lands Gamebooks" (from entica) 8494106 ==> 738. "Eldritch Horror" (from entica) 8494108 ==> 739. "AuZtralia" (from entica) 8494111 ==> 740. "Mare Nostrum: Empires" (from entica) 8494113 ==> 741. "Circadians: First Light" (from entica) 8494117 ==> 742. "Rome & Roll" (from entica) 8494126 ==> 743. "Concordia" (from the_boy_who_lived) 8494127 ==> 744. "Snowblind: Race for the Pole" (from entica) 8494128 ==> 745. "Guatemala Café" (from catmogwai) 8494129 ==> 746. "Dokmus" (from entica) 8494131 ==> 747. "Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu" (from entica) 8494133 ==> 748. "Alt Name: Small Games Bundle" (from FraPas13) 8494137 ==> 749. "K2" (from entica) 8494138 ==> 750. "Imperium: Legends" (from entica) 8494139 ==> 751. "Cry Havoc" (from the_boy_who_lived) 8494140 ==> 752. "Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game" (from the_boy_who_lived) 8494143 ==> 753. "Solenia" (from Kickflic) 8494144 ==> 754. "Formula D" (from Kickflic) 8494145 ==> 755. "When I Dream" (from Kickflic) 8494146 ==> 756. "Gangster's Dilemma" (from Kickflic) 8494147 ==> 757. "SteamRollers" (from Kickflic) 8494149 ==> 758. "Railroad Revolution" (from Kickflic) 8494150 ==> 759. "Airlines Europe" (from Kickflic) 8494152 ==> 760. "The Shared Dream" (from bhead31) 8494153 ==> 761. "Alt Name: Cyberpunk 2077 Puzzles" (from entica) 8494156 ==> 762. "Cloudspire" (from bhead31) 8494160 ==> 763. "Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon" (from bhead31) 8494165 ==> 764. "Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time" (from bhead31) 8494282 ==> 765. "Krosmaster: Arena" (from g3p3nk) 8494283 ==> 766. "Arcadia Quest" (from g3p3nk) 8494284 ==> 767. "Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn" (from g3p3nk) 8494285 ==> 768. "Codex: Card-Time Strategy – Core Set" (from g3p3nk) 8494286 ==> 769. "Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy" (from g3p3nk) 8494287 ==> 770. "Charterstone" (from g3p3nk) 8494289 ==> 771. "Power Grid Deluxe: Europe/North America" (from g3p3nk) 8494291 ==> 772. "Masque of the Red Death" (from g3p3nk) 8494293 ==> 773. "Trade on the Tigris" (from g3p3nk) 8494296 ==> 774. "Beasty Bar" (from g3p3nk) 8494298 ==> 775. "Not Alone" (from g3p3nk) 8494299 ==> 776. "Mage Wars Academy" (from g3p3nk) 8494301 ==> 777. "Epic Card Game" (from g3p3nk) 8494305 ==> 778. "The Others: Plastic Token Pack" (from g3p3nk) 8494306 ==> 779. "Tides of Time" (from g3p3nk) 8494308 ==> 780. "Friday" (from g3p3nk) 8494309 ==> 781. "Snatch" (from g3p3nk) 8494310 ==> 782. "Mad City" (from g3p3nk) 8494311 ==> 783. "Draco Magi" (from g3p3nk) 8494436 ==> 784. "Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game" (from JasperVanGoosepants) 8494479 ==> 785. "Marvel Champions: The Card Game" (from furrygoober) 8494494 ==> 786. "Imperial Settlers" (from 08thMS) 8494501 ==> 787. "DC Comics Dice Masters: Superman and Wonder Woman Starter Set" (from furrygoober) 8494523 ==> 788. "Root" (from mancora) 8494542 ==> 789. "Cry Havoc" (from mancora) 8494544 ==> 790. "Black Orchestra" (from mancora) 8494545 ==> 791. "Star Wars: Outer Rim" (from mancora) 8494549 ==> 792. "London (Second Edition)" (from mancora) 8494551 ==> 793. "On Mars" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8494586 ==> 794. "Chronicles of Crime" (from mvalenta) 8494594 ==> 795. "Fury of Dracula (Second Edition)" (from mvalenta) 8494617 ==> 796. "Top This! A Pizza Flicking Game" (from mvalenta) 8494626 ==> 797. "Choose Your Own Adventure: House of Danger" (from vangamer1578) 8494638 ==> 798. "Aeon's End: War Eternal" (from vangamer1578) 8494666 ==> 799. "Tichu" (from JazzFish) 8494668 ==> 800. "18CLE" (from JazzFish) 8494670 ==> 801. "Merchants of Dunhuang" (from JazzFish) 8494671 ==> 802. "Electropolis" (from JazzFish) 8494674 ==> 803. "Danger Park" (from JazzFish) 8494676 ==> 804. "Flourish" (from JazzFish) 8494677 ==> 805. "The Castles of Tuscany" (from Trevorusprime) 8494679 ==> 806. "Skull King" (from JazzFish) 8494681 ==> 807. "Rosetta: The Lost Language" (from JazzFish) 8494683 ==> 808. "Sacred Rites" (from JazzFish) 8494719 ==> 809. "Scotland Yard" (from Zeth4) 8494720 ==> 810. "Dungeon Twister" (from Zeth4) 8494724 ==> 811. "Coup: Rebellion G54" (from Zeth4) 8494726 ==> 812. "Outlive" (from Zeth4) 8494728 ==> 813. "The Colonists" (from Matthias Koster) 8494735 ==> 814. "Beasty Borders" (from JazzFish) 8494737 ==> 815. "ArchRavels" (from Matthias Koster) 8494740 ==> 816. "Imperium: Classics" (from Matthias Koster) 8494765 ==> 817. "Tokaido" (from Zeth4) 8494787 ==> 818. "Smash Up" (from Zeth4) 8494839 ==> 819. "The Cost" (from hobbes2888) 8494842 ==> 820. "Grand Austria Hotel" (from hobbes2888) 8494847 ==> 821. "Risk: Star Wars – Original Trilogy Edition" (from neoice) 8494850 ==> 822. "Edge of Darkness" (from nossirom2004) 8494853 ==> 823. "Dominant Species: Marine" (from hobbes2888) 8494858 ==> 824. "Blokus 3D" (from neoice) 8494863 ==> 825. "Amun-Re" (from hobbes2888) 8494915 ==> 826. "Dragonwood" (from Gravey) 8494942 ==> 827. "BattleCON: Fate of Indines" (from LoquaciousMonk) 8494955 ==> 828. "Caverna: The Cave Farmers" (from LoquaciousMonk) 8494961 ==> 829. "Montana" (from zuzusdad) 8494964 ==> 830. "The Last Bottle of Rum" (from zuzusdad) 8494968 ==> 831. "Rune Age" (from zuzusdad) 8495008 ==> 832. "A Study in Emerald (Second Edition)" (from Migmeister) 8495017 ==> 833. "Catan: Cities & Knights" (from slprince) 8495025 ==> 834. "Catan: Seafarers" (from slprince) 8495028 ==> 835. "Catan: Explorers & Pirates" (from slprince) 8495045 ==> 836. "Mercado de Lisboa" (from sunnyshynie) 8495063 ==> 837. "Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar" (from slprince) 8495111 ==> 838. "Planet Steam" (from Mousqueton) 8495179 ==> 839. "War on Terror" (from kuni2) 8495180 ==> 840. "Scythe" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8495181 ==> 841. "KeyForge: Call of the Archons" (from kuni2) 8495182 ==> 842. "Cthulhu Wars: Duel" (from kuni2) 8495183 ==> 843. "Sackboy A Big Adventure" (from kooltilldend) 8495184 ==> 844. "San Juan" (from Bondgoldfinger) 8495185 ==> 845. "Arkadia" (from mPony) 8495186 ==> 846. "Marvel's Avengers" (from kooltilldend) 8495187 ==> 847. "Bohnanza" (from mPony) 8495190 ==> 848. "Agricola (Revised Edition)" (from CharlesQc79) 8495194 ==> 849. "Goa" (from Bondgoldfinger) 8495196 ==> 850. "Puerto Rico" (from Bondgoldfinger) 8495199 ==> 851. "Auf der Walz" (from sunnyshynie) 8495201 ==> 852. "A Distant Plain" (from Rabbits) 8495203 ==> 853. "Falling Sky: The Gallic Revolt Against Caesar" (from Rabbits) 8495204 ==> 854. "Star Wars: The Card Game" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8495205 ==> 855. "Paper Tales" (from Hyann) 8495207 ==> 856. "Back to the Future: Dice Through Time" (from Hyann) 8495210 ==> 857. "Kashgar: Merchants of the Silk Road" (from Hyann) 8495211 ==> 858. "Burano" (from Hyann) 8495212 ==> 859. "Terramara" (from Sltn) 8495214 ==> 860. "Troyes Dice" (from Hyann) 8495215 ==> 861. "Maglev Metro" (from Hyann) 8495217 ==> 862. "Alien Frontiers" (from Hyann) 8495219 ==> 863. "Master of the Galaxy" (from Hyann) 8495221 ==> 864. "Colony" (from Hyann) 8495222 ==> 865. "Tuki" (from Hyann) 8495224 ==> 866. "Gùgōng" (from Sltn) 8495226 ==> 867. "Hyperborea" (from Hyann) 8495227 ==> 868. "The Prodigals Club" (from Hyann) 8495229 ==> 869. "Bonfire" (from Hyann) 8495230 ==> 870. "Adrenaline" (from Hyann) 8495231 ==> 871. "Alt Name: Assorted Small Box Card Games" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8495232 ==> 872. "One Small Step: Deluxe Edition" (from Hyann) 8495234 ==> 873. "X-Men: Mutant Insurrection" (from Hyann) 8495235 ==> 874. "Daimyo: Rebirth of the Empire" (from Sltn) 8495239 ==> 875. "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past" (from Hyann) 8495240 ==> 876. "Rome & Roll" (from Sltn) 8495243 ==> 877. "Star Wars: Imperial Assault" (from jos803) 8495247 ==> 878. "Dominant Species: Marine" (from Sltn) 8495249 ==> 879. "Crystal Palace" (from Hyann) 8495255 ==> 880. "Small Islands" (from Hyann) 8495260 ==> 881. "Flick 'em Up!" (from Hyann) 8495263 ==> 882. "Flick 'em Up!: Dead of Winter" (from Hyann) 8495265 ==> 883. "Praga Caput Regni" (from FraPas13) 8495266 ==> 884. "With A Smile & A Gun" (from Hyann) 8495271 ==> 885. "Luchador! Mexican Wrestling Dice" (from Hyann) 8495383 ==> 886. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from SaMatra) 8495394 ==> 887. "7 Wonders" (from Centropolis) 8495397 ==> 888. "Codenames" (from SaMatra) 8495404 ==> 889. "Lords of Xidit" (from Centropolis) 8495406 ==> 890. "Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure" (from SaMatra) 8495409 ==> 891. "Tapestry" (from Centropolis) 8495411 ==> 892. "HeroClix" (from Hyann) 8495672 ==> 893. "BANG!" (from neoice) 8495952 ==> 894. "Magic: The Gathering – Arena of the Planeswalkers" (from mvalenta) 8495969 ==> 895. "The Ruhr: A Story of Coal Trade" (from catmogwai) 8495972 ==> 896. "Santiago de Cuba" (from catmogwai) 8495976 ==> 897. "Arkham Horror" (from mvalenta) 8495977 ==> 898. "Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game" (from mvalenta) 8495979 ==> 899. "One Deck Dungeon" (from mvalenta) 8495982 ==> 900. "Charterstone" (from catmogwai) 8496001 ==> 901. "Root" (from geek828) 8496003 ==> 902. "Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure" (from dizzybit) 8496007 ==> 903. "MicroMacro: Crime City" (from geek828) 8496010 ==> 904. "Evolution" (from geek828) 8496014 ==> 905. "Unlock!: Mythic Adventures" (from dizzybit) 8496023 ==> 906. "Viral" (from dizzybit) 8496028 ==> 907. "Clash of Cultures" (from dizzybit) 8496036 ==> 908. "Ghost Stories" (from dizzybit) 8496070 ==> 909. "Camel Up" (from grewal1980) 8496071 ==> 910. "Memoir '44: Campaign Book Volume 1" (from grewal1980) 8496074 ==> 911. "Alien Frontiers" (from grewal1980) 8496077 ==> 912. "Ca$h 'n Gun$" (from grewal1980) 8496081 ==> 913. "Cacao" (from grewal1980) 8496091 ==> 914. "Carcassonne: Star Wars" (from grewal1980) 8496092 ==> 915. "Deadwood" (from grewal1980) 8496094 ==> 916. "Dungeon Petz" (from grewal1980) 8496101 ==> 917. "Ekö" (from grewal1980) 8496104 ==> 918. "Fury of Dracula (Second Edition)" (from grewal1980) 8496105 ==> 919. "Homeland: The Game" (from grewal1980) 8496113 ==> 920. "Imperial Settlers" (from grewal1980) 8496116 ==> 921. "Catan: Junior" (from grewal1980) 8496117 ==> 922. "Alt Name: Folded Space Inserts for TI4 & PoK" (from Elvareus) 8496118 ==> 923. "London Dread" (from grewal1980) 8496120 ==> 924. "High Treason: The Trial of Louis Riel" (from TorontoGamer) 8496122 ==> 925. "Pyramid Poker" (from grewal1980) 8496123 ==> 926. "Star Trek: Frontiers" (from grewal1980) 8496124 ==> 927. "Taluva" (from grewal1980) 8496125 ==> 928. "XCOM: The Board Game" (from grewal1980) 8496128 ==> 929. "WWE Superstar Showdown" (from grewal1980) 8496133 ==> 930. "Super-Skill Pinball: 4-Cade" (from JSangha) 8496134 ==> 931. "Agra" (from JSangha) 8496137 ==> 932. "Deep Space D-6" (from JSangha) 8496141 ==> 933. "6 nimmt! 25 Jahre" (from JSangha) 8496143 ==> 934. "Lagerstätten" (from JSangha) 8496144 ==> 935. "Gods Love Dinosaurs" (from JSangha) 8496147 ==> 936. "The Climbers" (from JSangha) 8496207 ==> 937. "Alt Name: Wingspan Food and Nectar tokens" (from catmogwai) 8496215 ==> 938. "Nations" (from WestyMan) 8496217 ==> 939. "Crisis" (from WestyMan) 8496218 ==> 940. "Coimbra" (from WestyMan) 8496223 ==> 941. "Santa Monica" (from WestyMan) 8496234 ==> 942. "Tang Garden" (from Matthias Koster) 8496296 ==> 943. "Miskatonic University: The Restricted Collection" (from christopher_the_fehn) 8496315 ==> 944. "Sovereign Skies" (from andykim88) 8496348 ==> 945. "10 Tage durch die Schweiz" (from Jon_Stern) 8496351 ==> 946. "221B Baker St.: Sherlock Holmes & the Time Machine" (from Jon_Stern) 8496356 ==> 947. "Amun-Re" (from Zeth4) 8496357 ==> 948. "221B Baker Street: The Master Detective Game" (from Jon_Stern) 8496358 ==> 949. "Escape the Dark Sector" (from Leonadter) 8496359 ==> 950. "Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot" (from Zeth4) 8496366 ==> 951. "ICECOOL" (from furrygoober) 8496369 ==> 952. "Arcane Academy: Advanced Arithmancy" (from furrygoober) 8496370 ==> 953. "DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Confrontations" (from Leonadter) 8496372 ==> 954. "DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Heroes Unite" (from Leonadter) 8496374 ==> 955. "DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Forever Evil" (from Leonadter) 8496376 ==> 956. "Vs System 2PCG: The Alien Battles" (from Leonadter) 8496379 ==> 957. "Core Worlds" (from Leonadter) 8496385 ==> 958. "Liberté" (from Leonadter) 8496396 ==> 959. "Onirim (Second Edition)" (from Leonadter) 8496397 ==> 960. "DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Crisis Expansion Pack 1" (from Leonadter) 8496400 ==> 961. "DC Comics Deck-Building Game" (from Leonadter) 8496403 ==> 962. "DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Rivals – Batman vs The Joker" (from Leonadter) 8496404 ==> 963. "Tudor" (from Leonadter) 8496407 ==> 964. "Vye: The Card Game of Capture and Control" (from Leonadter) 8496409 ==> 965. "Loot N Run" (from Leonadter) 8496410 ==> 966. "Shinobi Clans" (from Leonadter) 8496413 ==> 967. "NHL Ice Breaker: The Card Hockey Board Game" (from Leonadter) 8496414 ==> 968. "Bridgetown Races" (from Leonadter) 8496415 ==> 969. "Unreal Estate" (from Leonadter) 8496419 ==> 970. "Race to the North Pole" (from Leonadter) 8496421 ==> 971. "Core Worlds" (from furrygoober) 8496422 ==> 972. "Pioneers" (from furrygoober) 8496481 ==> 973. "Chronicles of Crime: 1900" (from StellaHobbitsie) 8496488 ==> 974. "Cards Against Humanity" (from StellaHobbitsie) 8496491 ==> 975. "Reykholt" (from StellaHobbitsie) 8496530 ==> 976. "Biblios" (from slprince) 8496533 ==> 977. "Ticket to Ride" (from slprince) 8496537 ==> 978. "London (Second Edition)" (from furrygoober) 8496564 ==> 979. "Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game" (from mvalenta) 8496569 ==> 980. "Ingenious" (from mvalenta) 8496644 ==> 981. "The Refuge: Terror from the Deep" (from StellaHobbitsie) 8496667 ==> 982. "The Dark Summer: Normandy 1944" (from Kwebec) 8496681 ==> 983. "Genoa" (from Kwebec) 8496683 ==> 984. "Era: Medieval Age" (from MrCatsup) 8496685 ==> 985. "Kemet" (from MrCatsup) 8496686 ==> 986. "Puerto Rico" (from MrCatsup) 8496688 ==> 987. "Ticket to Ride: Europe" (from MrCatsup) 8496689 ==> 988. "Galaxy Trucker" (from MrCatsup) 8496690 ==> 989. "Horrified" (from MrCatsup) 8496691 ==> 990. "Mystic Market" (from MrCatsup) 8496693 ==> 991. "Fog of Love" (from MrCatsup) 8496697 ==> 992. "Cottage Garden" (from MrCatsup) 8496805 ==> 993. "Arkham Horror: The Card Game – Curse of the Rougarou: Scenario Pack" (from JSangha) 8496907 ==> 994. "VivaJava: The Coffee Game" (from ksornberger) 8496910 ==> 995. "First to Fight" (from ksornberger) 8496911 ==> 996. "Sentinels of the Multiverse" (from ksornberger) 8496912 ==> 997. "Dungeon Lords" (from ksornberger) 8496913 ==> 998. "Monster Lands" (from ksornberger) 8496915 ==> 999. "Space Cadets: Away Missions" (from ksornberger) 8496917 ==> 1000. "Great War at Sea: U.S. Navy Plan Orange" (from ksornberger) 8496932 ==> 1001. "Kingdom Builder" (from mPony) 8496947 ==> 1002. "Concordia" (from g3p3nk) 8496956 ==> 1003. "Alt Name: $10 WoodForSheep Gift Card" (from g3p3nk) 8496996 ==> 1004. "Modern Art" (from Verglas) 8496997 ==> 1005. "Bunny Kingdom" (from Verglas) 8496998 ==> 1006. "Deus" (from Verglas) 8496999 ==> 1007. "Diamant" (from Verglas) 8497003 ==> 1008. "Dice Forge" (from Verglas) 8497008 ==> 1009. "Le Havre" (from Verglas) 8497009 ==> 1010. "Homesteaders" (from Verglas) 8497020 ==> 1011. "Jump Drive" (from Verglas) 8497022 ==> 1012. "K2" (from Verglas) 8497025 ==> 1013. "Lewis & Clark: The Expedition" (from Verglas) 8497028 ==> 1014. "Mégawatts" (from Verglas) 8497029 ==> 1015. "Pastiche" (from Verglas) 8497032 ==> 1016. "Pergamon: Second Edition" (from Verglas) 8497034 ==> 1017. "Principato" (from Verglas) 8497035 ==> 1018. "Les Fils de Samarande" (from Verglas) 8497037 ==> 1019. "Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar – Tribes & Prophecies" (from Verglas) 8497065 ==> 1020. "SHASN" (from Sltn) 8497067 ==> 1021. "Mysterium Park" (from Verglas) 8497070 ==> 1022. "Wingspan" (from Sltn) 8497071 ==> 1023. "Heaven & Ale" (from Verglas) 8497076 ==> 1024. "Dragonfire" (from Sltn) 8497078 ==> 1025. "Railways of Nippon" (from Sltn) 8497079 ==> 1026. "The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game – The Mûmakil" (from Toynan) 8497080 ==> 1027. "Celestia" (from Toynan) 8497081 ==> 1028. "Summit: The Board Game – Yeti expansion" (from Toynan) 8497082 ==> 1029. "Starcadia Quest" (from Toynan) 8497108 ==> 1030. "Ca$h 'n Guns (Second Edition)" (from Matt723) 8497109 ==> 1031. "Superfight" (from Matt723) 8497110 ==> 1032. "Knit Wit" (from Matt723) 8497128 ==> 1033. "Discworld: Ankh-Morpork" (from Sltn) 8497133 ==> 1034. "Descent: Legends of the Dark – Redesigned Acrylic Dials" (from CharlesQc79) 8497135 ==> 1035. "Merchants Cove" (from CharlesQc79) 8497141 ==> 1036. "Nations: The Dice Game" (from CharlesQc79) 8497144 ==> 1037. "Alt Name: Blood Rage - Gods of Asdard Deluxe + other stuff" (from CharlesQc79) 8497145 ==> 1038. "Get the MacGuffin" (from CharlesQc79) 8497146 ==> 1039. "Alt Name: King of Tokyo Promos & Accessories" (from CharlesQc79) 8497151 ==> 1040. "Air, Land & Sea" (from josb0513) 8497152 ==> 1041. "Azul: Summer Pavilion" (from josb0513) 8497153 ==> 1042. "Exit: The Game – The Sinister Mansion" (from josb0513) 8497154 ==> 1043. "Mariposas" (from josb0513) 8497155 ==> 1044. "My First Castle Panic" (from josb0513) 8497156 ==> 1045. "Nova Luna" (from josb0513) 8497157 ==> 1046. "Santa Monica" (from josb0513) 8497158 ==> 1047. "Unlock!: Epic Adventures" (from josb0513) 8497159 ==> 1048. "Unlock!: Exotic Adventures" (from josb0513) 8497160 ==> 1049. "Unlock!: Mythic Adventures" (from josb0513) 8497161 ==> 1050. "Unlock!: Timeless Adventures" (from josb0513) 8497164 ==> 1051. "Bärenpark" (from josb0513) 8497167 ==> 1052. "The Quest for El Dorado" (from josb0513) 8497178 ==> 1053. "Welcome to Dino World" (from josb0513) 8497233 ==> 1054. "Dice Throne: Season One" (from corypaetsch) 8497234 ==> 1055. "Betrayal at House on the Hill" (from corypaetsch) 8497235 ==> 1056. "King of New York" (from corypaetsch) 8497237 ==> 1057. "NHL Ice Breaker: The Card Hockey Board Game" (from corypaetsch) 8497238 ==> 1058. "Rockband Manager" (from corypaetsch) 8497240 ==> 1059. "Super PACS" (from corypaetsch) 8497241 ==> 1060. "Rocketville" (from corypaetsch) 8497246 ==> 1061. "Get Off My Land!" (from corypaetsch) 8497247 ==> 1062. "The Dragon & Flagon" (from corypaetsch) 8497252 ==> 1063. "Kanban: Driver's Edition" (from corypaetsch) 8497526 ==> 1064. "Alt Name: Questionable Tastes Bundle" (from Logandee) 8497602 ==> 1065. "Battle Sheep" (from Toynan) 8497603 ==> 1066. "Ascending Empires" (from Toynan) 8497633 ==> 1067. "The Castles of Tuscany" (from Toynan) 8497693 ==> 1068. "Mombasa" (from samsagace418) 8497797 ==> 1069. "Unlock!: Mythic Adventures" (from vesebr) 8497875 ==> 1070. "Arkham Horror: The Card Game" (from Devilix) 8497881 ==> 1071. "Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game" (from Devilix) 8497891 ==> 1072. "Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure" (from Devilix) 8497908 ==> 1073. "King of Tokyo" (from mvalenta) 8497913 ==> 1074. "Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile" (from Jorage) 8497914 ==> 1075. "New Frontiers" (from Jorage) 8497915 ==> 1076. "Unlock!: Mystery Adventures – The Tonipal's Treasure" (from Jorage) 8497931 ==> 1077. "Alt Name: Moon Base Klaisus Realm of Battle for Warhammer 40K" (from Jorage) 8497943 ==> 1078. "Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island" (from Devilix) 8497950 ==> 1079. "The Quest for El Dorado" (from Devilix) 8497952 ==> 1080. "Wildlands" (from Devilix) 8498195 ==> 1081. "Alt Name: $60 CAD Gift Card" (from Gravey) 8498306 ==> 1082. "Arkham Horror: The Card Game" (from vanl0003) 8498338 ==> 1083. "Sushi Go!" (from mancora) 8498344 ==> 1084. "Hail Hydra" (from mancora) 8498348 ==> 1085. "Airlines Europe" (from mancora) 8498443 ==> 1086. "Middle-earth" (from furrygoober) 8498474 ==> 1087. "Petrichor" (from AB76) 8498481 ==> 1088. "Heroes of Land, Air & Sea" (from AB76) 8498489 ==> 1089. "Mezo" (from AB76) 8498492 ==> 1090. "Coconuts" (from AB76) 8498496 ==> 1091. "XenoShyft: Dreadmire" (from AB76) 8498499 ==> 1092. "Friedrich" (from AB76) 8498501 ==> 1093. "Napoléon 1806" (from AB76) 8498505 ==> 1094. "Kingmaker" (from AB76) 8498508 ==> 1095. "Colosseum" (from AB76) 8498513 ==> 1096. "For What Remains: Blood on the Rails" (from AB76) 8498573 ==> 1097. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from AB76) 8498627 ==> 1098. "Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game" (from McNinjaX) 8498633 ==> 1099. "Dice Hospital" (from McNinjaX) 8498640 ==> 1100. "Red Alert: Space Fleet Warfare" (from McNinjaX) 8498646 ==> 1101. "Duel of Ages II" (from McNinjaX) 8498649 ==> 1102. "Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia" (from McNinjaX) 8498656 ==> 1103. "Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure" (from McNinjaX) 8498657 ==> 1104. "X-Men: Mutant Revolution" (from McNinjaX) 8498706 ==> 1105. "Harry Potter: Death Eaters Rising" (from vanl0003) 8498727 ==> 1106. "Friday" (from vanl0003) 8498732 ==> 1107. "Alt Name: $40 CAD Gift Card" (from andrewvanlaar) 8498733 ==> 1108. "Galaxy Trucker" (from andrewvanlaar) 8498734 ==> 1109. "Suburbia" (from andrewvanlaar) 8498736 ==> 1110. "Betrayal at House on the Hill" (from andrewvanlaar) 8498737 ==> 1111. "Eminent Domain" (from andrewvanlaar) 8498738 ==> 1112. "Ghost Fightin' Treasure Hunters" (from andrewvanlaar) 8498739 ==> 1113. "Brass: Lancashire" (from andrewvanlaar) 8498740 ==> 1114. "Friday" (from andrewvanlaar) 8498758 ==> 1115. "Santorini" (from vanl0003) 8498770 ==> 1116. "Takenoko" (from vanl0003) 8498806 ==> 1117. "Hallertau" (from vangamer1578) 8498808 ==> 1118. "Marvel Champions: The Card Game – Doctor Strange Hero Pack" (from vangamer1578) 8498838 ==> 1119. "Dominion" (from joncormier) 8498844 ==> 1120. "Above and Below" (from joncormier) 8498846 ==> 1121. "Lords of Waterdeep" (from joncormier) 8498854 ==> 1122. "Blokus" (from joncormier) 8498857 ==> 1123. "Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game" (from joncormier) 8498862 ==> 1124. "Jambo" (from joncormier) 8498866 ==> 1125. "Vampires of the Night" (from joncormier) 8498911 ==> 1126. "Snowdonia: Deluxe Master Set" (from grewal1980) 8499029 ==> 1127. "BattleLore: Second Edition" (from rotondan) 8499090 ==> 1128. "Pandemic" (from rotondan) 8499100 ==> 1129. "Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure" (from rotondan) 8499130 ==> 1130. "Alien Frontiers" (from rotondan) 8499133 ==> 1131. "Fantastic Factories" (from ced356) 8499140 ==> 1132. "Majesty: For the Realm" (from ced356) 8499161 ==> 1133. "Blackout: Hong Kong" (from Kaiyoot) 8499229 ==> 1134. "Imperial Struggle" (from davebliz) 8499236 ==> 1135. "Imperial Settlers" (from lucem13) 8499240 ==> 1136. "Dragon Parade" (from davebliz) 8499250 ==> 1137. "Animals on Board" (from davebliz) 8499257 ==> 1138. "Smash Up" (from LeighCedar) 8499258 ==> 1139. "Alt Name: $30 CAD Gift Card" (from alesk1978) 8499272 ==> 1140. "Ultimate Werewolf: Deluxe Edition" (from LeighCedar) 8499286 ==> 1141. "Sodbusters" (from LeighCedar) 8499301 ==> 1142. "Alt Name: $75 Board Game Bliss Gift Card" (from Kaiyoot) 8499333 ==> 1143. "Attack!" (from davebliz) 8499345 ==> 1144. "Pandemic: Hot Zone – North America" (from TnT!) 8499351 ==> 1145. "Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! – Russia 1941-42" (from TnT!) 8499355 ==> 1146. "Quarriors!" (from TnT!) 8499360 ==> 1147. "Beetlez" (from davebliz) 8499366 ==> 1148. "Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Base Set" (from nexttothemoon) 8499367 ==> 1149. "Summoner Wars: Alliances Master Set" (from nexttothemoon) 8499368 ==> 1150. "Blue Moon" (from davebliz) 8499370 ==> 1151. "Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game" (from nexttothemoon) 8499372 ==> 1152. "Campaign Manager 2008" (from davebliz) 8499386 ==> 1153. "Everdell" (from mightygodking) 8499393 ==> 1154. "Pan Am" (from mightygodking) 8499394 ==> 1155. "1883: Building Railroads in Northern Italy" (from mightygodking) 8499397 ==> 1156. "American Rails" (from mightygodking) 8499399 ==> 1157. "John Company" (from mightygodking) 8499401 ==> 1158. "Colonial: Europe's Empires Overseas" (from mightygodking) 8499404 ==> 1159. "First Train to Nuremberg" (from mightygodking) 8499609 ==> 1160. "Agricola" (from Jon_Stern) 8499611 ==> 1161. "Android: Netrunner" (from Jon_Stern) 8499612 ==> 1162. "AssassinCon" (from Jon_Stern) 8499657 ==> 1163. "Tikal II: The Lost Temple" (from Toynan) 8499658 ==> 1164. "Star Cartel" (from Toynan) 8499661 ==> 1165. "Call to Adventure" (from Toynan) 8499667 ==> 1166. "Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization" (from Toynan) 8499675 ==> 1167. "TAGS" (from lmulaire) 8499677 ==> 1168. "Corinth" (from lmulaire) 8499678 ==> 1169. "Space Explorers" (from lmulaire) 8499679 ==> 1170. "Bosk" (from lmulaire) 8499681 ==> 1171. "Telestrations: Upside Drawn" (from lmulaire) 8499682 ==> 1172. "Snowdonia: Deluxe Master Set" (from lmulaire) 8499686 ==> 1173. "Yokohama" (from lmulaire) 8499687 ==> 1174. "Last Will" (from lmulaire) 8499689 ==> 1175. "Hues and Cues" (from lmulaire) 8499691 ==> 1176. "Newton" (from lmulaire) 8499693 ==> 1177. "Bus" (from lmulaire) 8499695 ==> 1178. "Expedition to Newdale" (from lmulaire) 8499737 ==> 1179. "Funfair" (from Matthias Koster) 8499742 ==> 1180. "FUSE" (from Matthias Koster) 8499745 ==> 1181. "Santorini" (from Matthias Koster) 8499750 ==> 1182. "Overboss: A Boss Monster Adventure" (from Matthias Koster) 8499757 ==> 1183. "Dream Home" (from Matthias Koster) 8499765 ==> 1184. "Crossed Words" (from Matthias Koster) 8499770 ==> 1185. "Mining Colony" (from Matthias Koster) 8499778 ==> 1186. "Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time" (from Matthias Koster) 8499811 ==> 1187. "Blood Rage" (from bhead31) 8499812 ==> 1188. "Twilight Struggle" (from bhead31) 8499813 ==> 1189. "Dragon Castle" (from bhead31) 8499951 ==> 1190. "Alt Name: Item Removed" (from andykim88) 8499993 ==> 1191. "Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle" (from jrumble2) 8499994 ==> 1192. "Red Rising" (from jrumble2) 8499995 ==> 1193. "The Quest for El Dorado: The Golden Temples" (from jrumble2) 8499996 ==> 1194. "Thunderstone Quest" (from jrumble2) 8499998 ==> 1195. "Lords of Hellas" (from jrumble2) 8500000 ==> 1196. "Kemet: Blood and Sand" (from jrumble2) 8500001 ==> 1197. "Imperium: Classics" (from jrumble2) 8500003 ==> 1198. "Honey Buzz" (from jrumble2) 8500004 ==> 1199. "Aquatica" (from jrumble2) 8500005 ==> 1200. "Aeon's End: The New Age" (from jrumble2) 8500058 ==> 1201. "Charterstone" (from vanl0003) 8500064 ==> 1202. "Tiny Epic Galaxies: Beyond the Black" (from vanl0003) 8500073 ==> 1203. "Not Alone" (from chadh) 8500075 ==> 1204. "Tiny Epic Zombies" (from vanl0003) 8500081 ==> 1205. "Dune" (from slprince) 8500088 ==> 1206. "7 Wonders Duel" (from chadh) 8500103 ==> 1207. "Spyfall" (from chadh) 8500124 ==> 1208. "Battlefield: Europe" (from Jon_Stern) 8500163 ==> 1209. "Cosmic Encounter" (from Jon_Stern) 8500168 ==> 1210. "Sleeping Gods" (from jrumble2) 8500232 ==> 1211. "Descent: The Road to Legend" (from Jon_Stern) 8500255 ==> 1212. "Pandemic Legacy: Season 1" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8500260 ==> 1213. "Alt Name: $60 CAD Gift Card" (from catmogwai) 8500261 ==> 1214. "Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8500267 ==> 1215. "Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8500268 ==> 1216. "DRCongo" (from TheShobo) 8500271 ==> 1217. "Divinity Derby" (from TheShobo) 8500272 ==> 1218. "Evil High Priest" (from TheShobo) 8500274 ==> 1219. "Sorcerer City" (from TheShobo) 8500275 ==> 1220. "Spirit Island: Promo Pack 2" (from TheShobo) 8500279 ==> 1221. "Evacuate!" (from TheShobo) 8500350 ==> 1222. "Posthuman Saga" (from elmospud) 8500354 ==> 1223. "Panamax" (from elmospud) 8500368 ==> 1224. "Thunderbirds" (from Chillosophy) 8500383 ==> 1225. "AquaSphere" (from elmospud) 8500387 ==> 1226. "Alt Name: $35 CAD Gift Card" (from Chillosophy) 8500394 ==> 1227. "Russian Railroads" (from elmospud) 8500409 ==> 1228. "Riverboat" (from elmospud) 8500414 ==> 1229. "Kraftwagen" (from elmospud) 8500416 ==> 1230. "Bruxelles 1893" (from elmospud) 8500430 ==> 1231. "Call to Adventure" (from Chillosophy) 8500456 ==> 1232. "Alt Name: 30$ Gift Card" (from Mousqueton) 8500482 ==> 1233. "Under Falling Skies" (from jrumble2) 8500486 ==> 1234. "Ascension: Eternal" (from jrumble2) 8500487 ==> 1235. "Blackout: Hong Kong" (from jrumble2) 8500488 ==> 1236. "Café" (from jrumble2) 8500490 ==> 1237. "Friday" (from jrumble2) 8500494 ==> 1238. "Suburbia" (from jrumble2) 8500498 ==> 1239. "Race for the Galaxy" (from the_boy_who_lived) 8500501 ==> 1240. "CloudAge" (from bryantfarmer) 8500504 ==> 1241. "Terraforming Mars: Turmoil" (from bryantfarmer) 8500507 ==> 1242. "Covil: The Dark Overlords" (from bryantfarmer) 8500508 ==> 1243. "Gondola" (from davebliz) 8500510 ==> 1244. "Coup" (from bryantfarmer) 8500517 ==> 1245. "Eldritch Horror" (from bryantfarmer) 8500519 ==> 1246. "5 Minute Chase" (from willhoag) 8500520 ==> 1247. "Conquest of the Fallen Lands" (from davebliz) 8500521 ==> 1248. "7 Wonders" (from willhoag) 8500522 ==> 1249. "Azul" (from willhoag) 8500524 ==> 1250. "BANG! The Dice Game" (from willhoag) 8500527 ==> 1251. "Dungeon Twister" (from davebliz) 8500528 ==> 1252. "Bottom of the 9th" (from bryantfarmer) 8500530 ==> 1253. "Agra" (from Goldust66) 8500531 ==> 1254. "Blue Moon City" (from willhoag) 8500532 ==> 1255. "Agricola" (from Goldust66) 8500534 ==> 1256. "Arkham Horror: The Card Game" (from Goldust66) 8500535 ==> 1257. "Brutal Kingdom" (from willhoag) 8500537 ==> 1258. "Bruxelles 1897" (from willhoag) 8500538 ==> 1259. "Chronicles of Crime: 1400" (from willhoag) 8500539 ==> 1260. "Deadwood 1876" (from willhoag) 8500540 ==> 1261. "Aton" (from Goldust66) 8500541 ==> 1262. "Ethnos" (from willhoag) 8500542 ==> 1263. "GoodCritters" (from willhoag) 8500543 ==> 1264. "Gorilla Marketing" (from willhoag) 8500544 ==> 1265. "Carthago: Merchants & Guilds" (from Goldust66) 8500545 ==> 1266. "Heroes of Land, Air & Sea" (from willhoag) 8500546 ==> 1267. "The Island of El Dorado" (from willhoag) 8500547 ==> 1268. "Kingdomino" (from willhoag) 8500550 ==> 1269. "Love Letter" (from willhoag) 8500552 ==> 1270. "Cartographers" (from Goldust66) 8500553 ==> 1271. "Machi Koro" (from willhoag) 8500554 ==> 1272. "One Night Ultimate Werewolf" (from willhoag) 8500555 ==> 1273. "Pandemic: Fall of Rome" (from willhoag) 8500556 ==> 1274. "Condottiere" (from Goldust66) 8500557 ==> 1275. "Pandemic: Hot Zone – North America" (from willhoag) 8500558 ==> 1276. "PARKS" (from willhoag) 8500559 ==> 1277. "Photosynthesis" (from willhoag) 8500560 ==> 1278. "Race for the Galaxy" (from willhoag) 8500561 ==> 1279. "D-Day at Tarawa" (from Goldust66) 8500562 ==> 1280. "Rick and Morty: Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind Deck-Building Game" (from willhoag) 8500565 ==> 1281. "Risk" (from willhoag) 8500566 ==> 1282. "Scrawl" (from willhoag) 8500567 ==> 1283. "Secrets" (from willhoag) 8500568 ==> 1284. "Dawn of the Zeds (Third Edition)" (from Goldust66) 8500569 ==> 1285. "Slide Quest" (from willhoag) 8500570 ==> 1286. "Snow Time" (from willhoag) 8500571 ==> 1287. "TEAM3 GREEN" (from willhoag) 8500572 ==> 1288. "Exodus: Proxima Centauri" (from Goldust66) 8500573 ==> 1289. "TEAM3 PINK" (from willhoag) 8500575 ==> 1290. "Famiglia" (from Goldust66) 8500576 ==> 1291. "Ticket to Ride" (from willhoag) 8500577 ==> 1292. "Ticket to Ride: Europe" (from willhoag) 8500578 ==> 1293. "Ticket to Ride: London" (from willhoag) 8500579 ==> 1294. "Fog of Love" (from Goldust66) 8500580 ==> 1295. "Tiny Towns" (from willhoag) 8500581 ==> 1296. "Visitor in Blackwood Grove" (from willhoag) 8500582 ==> 1297. "We're Doomed!" (from willhoag) 8500583 ==> 1298. "Welcome Back to the Dungeon" (from willhoag) 8500584 ==> 1299. "Football Highlights 2052" (from Goldust66) 8500585 ==> 1300. "Werewords" (from willhoag) 8500586 ==> 1301. "Xia: Legends of a Drift System" (from willhoag) 8500589 ==> 1302. "Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 5 – United Kingdom & Pennsylvania" (from willhoag) 8500594 ==> 1303. "Munchkin" (from bryantfarmer) 8500595 ==> 1304. "Friday" (from Goldust66) 8500598 ==> 1305. "Get Lucky" (from Goldust66) 8500599 ==> 1306. "Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game" (from bryantfarmer) 8500600 ==> 1307. "Gravwell: Escape from the 9th Dimension" (from Goldust66) 8500601 ==> 1308. "Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game" (from Goldust66) 8500603 ==> 1309. "Shadows over Camelot" (from Goldust66) 8500604 ==> 1310. "Lewis & Clark: The Expedition" (from Goldust66) 8500606 ==> 1311. "Perudo" (from Goldust66) 8500607 ==> 1312. "Maximum Throwdown" (from Goldust66) 8500608 ==> 1313. "Medieval Realms" (from Goldust66) 8500609 ==> 1314. "Meuterer" (from Goldust66) 8500611 ==> 1315. "Nexus Ops" (from Goldust66) 8500612 ==> 1316. "Niagara" (from Goldust66) 8500613 ==> 1317. "Oceans" (from Goldust66) 8500615 ==> 1318. "Pairs" (from Goldust66) 8500616 ==> 1319. "Pandemic" (from Goldust66) 8500617 ==> 1320. "Paradox" (from Goldust66) 8500618 ==> 1321. "Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Base Set" (from Goldust66) 8500619 ==> 1322. "Shadowrun: Crossfire" (from Goldust66) 8500620 ==> 1323. "Small City" (from Goldust66) 8500621 ==> 1324. "Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game" (from Goldust66) 8500622 ==> 1325. "Super Punch Fighter" (from Goldust66) 8500623 ==> 1326. "The Taverns of Tiefenthal" (from Goldust66) 8500624 ==> 1327. "The Taverns of Tiefenthal" (from Goldust66) 8500625 ==> 1328. "Trajan" (from Goldust66) 8500626 ==> 1329. "Tumble Town" (from Goldust66) 8500627 ==> 1330. "Dale of Merchants" (from Goldust66) 8500628 ==> 1331. "Welcome to Centerville" (from Goldust66) 8500638 ==> 1332. "Forbidden Island" (from chadh) 8500646 ==> 1333. "Monarch" (from chadh) 8500660 ==> 1334. "Bohnanza" (from chadh) 8500677 ==> 1335. "Adventure Time Card Wars: Finn vs. Jake" (from chadh) 8500693 ==> 1336. "Kingdom Builder" (from TnT!) 8500695 ==> 1337. "Romance of the Nine Empires" (from chadh) 8500701 ==> 1338. "7 Wonders Duel" (from chadh) 8500706 ==> 1339. "Hex Hex XL" (from TnT!) 8500707 ==> 1340. "Pandemic" (from chadh) 8500710 ==> 1341. "Run, Fight, or Die!" (from TnT!) 8500712 ==> 1342. "Zombie 15'" (from TnT!) 8500718 ==> 1343. "Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Base Set" (from chadh) 8500755 ==> 1344. "Settlers of Catan: Gallery Edition" (from chadh) 8500761 ==> 1345. "De Vulgari Eloquentia" (from chadh) 8500762 ==> 1346. "Warhammer Age of Sigmar (Third Edition)" (from colnago) 8500765 ==> 1347. "Warhammer Age of Sigmar (Third Edition)" (from colnago) 8500766 ==> 1348. "A Study in Emerald (Second Edition)" (from chadh) 8500769 ==> 1349. "Photosynthesis" (from annkri) 8500770 ==> 1350. "Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia" (from annkri) 8500771 ==> 1351. "Pendulum" (from annkri) 8500772 ==> 1352. "The Pillars of the Earth" (from annkri) 8500774 ==> 1353. "Cry Havoc" (from colnago) 8500775 ==> 1354. "Android" (from chadh) 8500776 ==> 1355. "Confusion: Espionage and Deception in the Cold War" (from colnago) 8500777 ==> 1356. "Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game" (from colnago) 8500779 ==> 1357. "Dungeon Master's Guide (D&D 5e)" (from colnago) 8500781 ==> 1358. "Flash Duel: Second Edition" (from chadh) 8500791 ==> 1359. "Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (4th Edition)" (from colnago) 8500800 ==> 1360. "Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound" (from colnago) 8500801 ==> 1361. "Planet" (from beazer32) 8500807 ==> 1362. "Chronicles of Crime: 1400" (from beazer32) 8500814 ==> 1363. "Codenames: Pictures" (from beazer32) 8500820 ==> 1364. "Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small" (from beazer32) 8500827 ==> 1365. "Dragon Boats of the Four Seas" (from sunnyshynie) 8500829 ==> 1366. "Signorie" (from sunnyshynie) 8500839 ==> 1367. "Fog of Love" (from LaOread) 8500843 ==> 1368. "Pirate Dice: Voyage on the Rolling Seas" (from LaOread) 8500846 ==> 1369. "Deadly Doodles" (from LaOread) 8500848 ==> 1370. "Sierra West" (from LaOread) 8500849 ==> 1371. "Sun, Sea & Sand" (from LaOread) 8500851 ==> 1372. "Tapestry" (from LaOread) 8500855 ==> 1373. "The King's Will" (from LaOread) 8500857 ==> 1374. "Beasts of Balance" (from LaOread) 8500860 ==> 1375. "Ultra Tiny Epic Kingdoms" (from mightygodking) 8500861 ==> 1376. "CIV: Carta Impera Victoria" (from Rodcloutier) 8500867 ==> 1377. "Alt Name: $90 CAD gift card" (from Rodcloutier) 8500928 ==> 1378. "Oceans" (from fonggpei) 8500931 ==> 1379. "Santorini" (from fonggpei) 8500933 ==> 1380. "Forbidden Sky" (from fonggpei) 8500934 ==> 1381. "Founders of Gloomhaven" (from fonggpei) 8500937 ==> 1382. "T.I.M.E Stories" (from fonggpei) 8500938 ==> 1383. "Top Gun Strategy Game" (from fonggpei) 8500954 ==> 1384. "Knit Wit" (from barren_sky) 8500960 ==> 1385. "Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small" (from barren_sky) 8501039 ==> 1386. "Starfinder Core Rulebook" (from colnago) 8501040 ==> 1387. "Ultimate Werewolf Legacy" (from colnago) 8501278 ==> 1388. "Bremerhaven" (from Jackyhuynh) 8501281 ==> 1389. "Rattlebones" (from Jackyhuynh) 8501284 ==> 1390. "Alt Name: $90 CAD Gift Card or eTransfer" (from philcampeau) 8501286 ==> 1391. "Castle Panic" (from Jackyhuynh) 8501288 ==> 1392. "Elysium" (from Jackyhuynh) 8501290 ==> 1393. "Escape: The Curse of the Temple" (from Jackyhuynh) 8501291 ==> 1394. "Lotus" (from Jackyhuynh) 8501293 ==> 1395. "The Manhattan Project" (from Jackyhuynh) 8501294 ==> 1396. "Wok Star" (from Jackyhuynh) 8501315 ==> 1397. "Alt Name: Five game pack" (from Jackyhuynh) 8501380 ==> 1398. "Alt Name: 60$ Gift Card" (from jrumble2) 8501411 ==> 1399. "Star Wars: Imperial Assault" (from kidkorea) 8501467 ==> 1400. "Cosmic Encounter" (from dizzybit) 8501471 ==> 1401. "Betrayal at Baldur's Gate" (from dizzybit) 8501475 ==> 1402. "Rick and Morty: Anatomy Park – The Game" (from JKlacksWins) 8501480 ==> 1403. "Ticket to Ride: Alvin & Dexter" (from JKlacksWins) 8501481 ==> 1404. "Knit Wit" (from grewal1980) 8501496 ==> 1405. "Guild Master" (from Matthias Koster) 8501499 ==> 1406. "The Quest for El Dorado: The Golden Temples" (from JKlacksWins) 8501501 ==> 1407. "PARKS" (from Matthias Koster) 8501516 ==> 1408. "Duel in the Dark (Second Edition)" (from JKlacksWins) 8501517 ==> 1409. "Agricola" (from Rodcloutier) 8501519 ==> 1410. "Dark Souls: The Board Game" (from Fullpa) 8501521 ==> 1411. "Key to the City: London" (from Fullpa) 8501522 ==> 1412. "La Città" (from Fullpa) 8501525 ==> 1413. "Glass Road" (from Rodcloutier) 8501526 ==> 1414. "Tiny Epic Defenders" (from Fullpa) 8501528 ==> 1415. "Love Letter" (from Rodcloutier) 8501529 ==> 1416. "Risk: Metal Gear Solid" (from JKlacksWins) 8501534 ==> 1417. "Ora et Labora" (from Rodcloutier) 8501538 ==> 1418. "Portobello Market" (from Rodcloutier) 8501541 ==> 1419. "Java" (from Toynan) 8501544 ==> 1420. "Penny Arcade: The Game – Rumble in R'lyeh" (from JKlacksWins) 8501546 ==> 1421. "Smash Up: Munchkin" (from Rodcloutier) 8501550 ==> 1422. "BrilliAnts" (from Fullpa) 8501554 ==> 1423. "Duelosaur Island" (from Fullpa) 8501557 ==> 1424. "Stratos" (from JKlacksWins) 8501559 ==> 1425. "The Flow of History" (from Fullpa) 8501562 ==> 1426. "New Amsterdam" (from Fullpa) 8501566 ==> 1427. "Tiny Epic Quest" (from Fullpa) 8501567 ==> 1428. "Tiny Epic Zombies: Deluxe Edition" (from Fullpa) 8501569 ==> 1429. "TransAmerica" (from Fullpa) 8501570 ==> 1430. "Expedition to Newdale" (from Rodcloutier) 8501572 ==> 1431. "XCOM: The Board Game" (from Fullpa) 8501590 ==> 1432. "Ticket to Ride: The Card Game" (from JKlacksWins) 8501603 ==> 1433. "Karmaka" (from LaOread) 8501604 ==> 1434. "Rajas of the Ganges: The Dice Charmers" (from LaOread) 8501606 ==> 1435. "Splendor" (from LaOread) 8501608 ==> 1436. "Stew" (from LaOread) 8501611 ==> 1437. "Fresco" (from LaOread) 8501612 ==> 1438. "Hardback" (from LaOread) 8501613 ==> 1439. "Teotihuacan: City of Gods" (from LaOread) 8501620 ==> 1440. "Sid Meier's Civilization: The Card Game" (from Toynan) 8501630 ==> 1441. "Alt Name: 2 Player Games: Pick 2" (from JKlacksWins) 8501686 ==> 1442. "Alt Name: 3 Games of your choice" (from JKlacksWins) 8501766 ==> 1443. "Eclipse" (from tillermelnyk) 8501776 ==> 1444. "Paper Mario: The Origami King" (from JKlacksWins) 8501781 ==> 1445. "Suburbia" (from tillermelnyk) 8501783 ==> 1446. "The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (2019)" (from JKlacksWins) 8501786 ==> 1447. "Riverboat" (from tillermelnyk) 8501789 ==> 1448. "Imperial Settlers" (from tillermelnyk) 8501794 ==> 1449. "Guilds of London" (from tillermelnyk) 8501797 ==> 1450. "A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition)" (from tillermelnyk) 8501877 ==> 1451. "Alt Name: 60$ Gift Card" (from downstream) 8501887 ==> 1452. "The Networks" (from Cero21) 8501931 ==> 1453. "504" (from Luds) 8501955 ==> 1454. "Between Two Cities" (from Luds) 8501961 ==> 1455. "Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun" (from jrumble2) 8501993 ==> 1456. "Broom Service" (from Luds) 8501998 ==> 1457. "Castaways" (from Luds) 8502001 ==> 1458. "Chicken Cha Cha Cha" (from Luds) 8502007 ==> 1459. "City of Horror" (from Luds) 8502008 ==> 1460. "Coconuts" (from Luds) 8502024 ==> 1461. "Cryptid" (from Luds) 8502028 ==> 1462. "Dark Darker Darkest" (from Luds) 8502029 ==> 1463. "Decrypto" (from Luds) 8502036 ==> 1464. "Enchanted Forest" (from Luds) 8502039 ==> 1465. "The Faceless" (from Luds) 8502045 ==> 1466. "Factory Funner" (from Luds) 8502047 ==> 1467. "Far Away" (from Luds) 8502048 ==> 1468. "Big City: 20th Anniversary Jumbo Edition!" (from zaphiel) 8502050 ==> 1469. "Greed" (from Luds) 8502055 ==> 1470. "Fantastic Factories" (from zaphiel) 8502057 ==> 1471. "The Grizzled" (from Luds) 8502058 ==> 1472. "The Manhattan Project" (from Luds) 8502064 ==> 1473. "Favor of the Pharaoh" (from zaphiel) 8502065 ==> 1474. "Menara" (from Luds) 8502067 ==> 1475. "Mountaineers" (from Luds) 8502075 ==> 1476. "New Dawn" (from Luds) 8502081 ==> 1477. "Railroad Ink: Blazing Red Edition" (from zaphiel) 8502082 ==> 1478. "Galaxy Trucker: The Big Expansion" (from slprince) 8502083 ==> 1479. "Nightfall" (from Luds) 8502085 ==> 1480. "Galaxy Trucker: Another Big Expansion" (from slprince) 8502089 ==> 1481. "One Night Ultimate Werewolf" (from Luds) 8502092 ==> 1482. "Overbooked" (from Luds) 8502096 ==> 1483. "Pizza Box Football" (from Luds) 8502100 ==> 1484. "Port Royal" (from Luds) 8502107 ==> 1485. "The Pursuit of Happiness" (from Luds) 8502112 ==> 1486. "Raids" (from Luds) 8502116 ==> 1487. "Rattlebones" (from Luds) 8502120 ==> 1488. "Sea of Legends" (from Luds) 8502121 ==> 1489. "Imperial Settlers" (from Luds) 8502129 ==> 1490. "Space Race" (from Luds) 8502137 ==> 1491. "Tapestry" (from Luds) 8502141 ==> 1492. "Tiny Towns" (from Luds) 8502150 ==> 1493. "Tac Tac Jack" (from Luds) 8502151 ==> 1494. "Villagers" (from Luds) 8502152 ==> 1495. "Wasteland Express Delivery Service" (from Luds) 8502161 ==> 1496. "Wok Star" (from Luds) 8502164 ==> 1497. "Cry Havoc" (from GGJC) 8502166 ==> 1498. "Architects of the West Kingdom" (from GGJC) 8502170 ==> 1499. "Clash of Cultures" (from GGJC) 8502172 ==> 1500. "Lords of Waterdeep" (from GGJC) 8502198 ==> 1501. "Kero" (from dialwand) 8502200 ==> 1502. "The Great Dinosaur Rush" (from dialwand) 8502201 ==> 1503. "Rising 5: Runes of Asteros" (from dialwand) 8502202 ==> 1504. "The Shining: Escape from the Overlook Hotel" (from dialwand) 8502204 ==> 1505. "Superfight" (from dialwand) 8502207 ==> 1506. "Passtally" (from dialwand) 8502209 ==> 1507. "Around the World in 80 Days" (from dialwand) 8502211 ==> 1508. "Call to Adventure" (from dialwand) 8502212 ==> 1509. "Viral" (from dialwand) 8502215 ==> 1510. "Monolith Arena" (from dialwand) 8502216 ==> 1511. "Ghost Stories" (from dialwand) 8502217 ==> 1512. "Forbidden Sky" (from dialwand) 8502219 ==> 1513. "Raiders of the North Sea" (from dialwand) 8502222 ==> 1514. "Founders of Gloomhaven" (from Jon_Stern) 8502226 ==> 1515. "Chronicles of Crime" (from dialwand) 8502227 ==> 1516. "Colt Express" (from dialwand) 8502229 ==> 1517. "Critical Mass: Patriot vs Iron Curtain" (from dialwand) 8502231 ==> 1518. "Dream Factory" (from dialwand) 8502232 ==> 1519. "Holi: Festival of Colors" (from dialwand) 8502233 ==> 1520. "Inkognito" (from dialwand) 8502234 ==> 1521. "Alt Name: Item Removed" (from dialwand) 8502235 ==> 1522. "Kerala: The Way of the Elephant" (from dialwand) 8502237 ==> 1523. "Keltis" (from dialwand) 8502238 ==> 1524. "Alt Name: Item Removed" (from dialwand) 8502239 ==> 1525. "Alt Name: Item Removed" (from dialwand) 8502240 ==> 1526. "Alt Name: Item Removed" (from dialwand) 8502241 ==> 1527. "Pack & Stack" (from dialwand) 8502244 ==> 1528. "Q.E." (from dialwand) 8502245 ==> 1529. "Quantum" (from dialwand) 8502246 ==> 1530. "Room 25" (from dialwand) 8502248 ==> 1531. "Space Alert" (from dialwand) 8502249 ==> 1532. "A Tale of Pirates" (from dialwand) 8502250 ==> 1533. "Twilight Struggle" (from dialwand) 8502251 ==> 1534. "Whistle Mountain" (from dialwand) 8502252 ==> 1535. "Who Goes There?" (from dialwand) 8502255 ==> 1536. "Cleopatra and the Society of Architects: Deluxe Edition" (from jonb182) 8502332 ==> 1537. "Azul" (from ayoung72) 8502339 ==> 1538. "Medici" (from ayoung72) 8502389 ==> 1539. "Crown of Roses" (from cpcunningham) 8502391 ==> 1540. "Dungeons & Dragons: The Legend of Drizzt Board Game" (from cpcunningham) 8502395 ==> 1541. "Hell Hath No Fury" (from cpcunningham) 8502397 ==> 1542. "Iron Bottom Sound III" (from cpcunningham) 8502400 ==> 1543. "Omaha Beachhead: Battle for the Bocage" (from cpcunningham) 8502402 ==> 1544. "Origins of World War II" (from cpcunningham) 8502405 ==> 1545. "The Shining: Escape from the Overlook Hotel" (from cpcunningham) 8502408 ==> 1546. "This Accursed Civil War" (from cpcunningham) 8502412 ==> 1547. "Wild Blue Yonder" (from cpcunningham) 8502414 ==> 1548. "A World at War" (from cpcunningham) 8502417 ==> 1549. "Catan: Seafarers" (from cpcunningham) 8502420 ==> 1550. "Yamato: The Game of Fleet Battle in the Pacific Ocean" (from cpcunningham) 8502438 ==> 1551. "The Quest for El Dorado" (from Chillosophy) 8502468 ==> 1552. "Alma Mater" (from Dragoon6542) 8502471 ==> 1553. "Android" (from Dragoon6542) 8502478 ==> 1554. "Ankh: Gods of Egypt" (from Dragoon6542) 8502483 ==> 1555. "Dice City" (from Dragoon6542) 8502506 ==> 1556. "High Rise" (from Vive_le_Quebec_libre) 8502507 ==> 1557. "Imperial Struggle" (from mightygodking) 8502511 ==> 1558. "Viticulture Essential Edition" (from Vive_le_Quebec_libre) 8502512 ==> 1559. "Terraforming Mars: Big Box" (from LaOread) 8502519 ==> 1560. "Moonrakers" (from Vive_le_Quebec_libre) 8502521 ==> 1561. "Alien Uprising" (from Fabkok) 8502937 ==> 1562. "Dominion Big Box (English)" (from Dragoon6542) 8502949 ==> 1563. "Draconis Invasion" (from Dragoon6542) 8502954 ==> 1564. "A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Second Edition)" (from Dragoon6542) 8502982 ==> 1565. "Alt Name: Pick 2" (from Chillosophy) 8502990 ==> 1566. "Steampunk Rally Fusion" (from Sltn) 8502994 ==> 1567. "Kemet: Blood and Sand" (from Dragoon6542) 8503001 ==> 1568. "Louis XIV" (from Dragoon6542) 8503003 ==> 1569. "Takenoko" (from Sltn) 8503004 ==> 1570. "Automobiles" (from Chillosophy) 8503009 ==> 1571. "Massive Darkness" (from Dragoon6542) 8503012 ==> 1572. "Runewars Miniatures Game" (from Dragoon6542) 8503023 ==> 1573. "Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar" (from Sltn) 8503059 ==> 1574. "Alt Name: Another Pick 2" (from Chillosophy) 8503076 ==> 1575. "Alhambra: Big Box" (from Sltn) 8503080 ==> 1576. "Small World" (from Dragoon6542) 8503081 ==> 1577. "Pax Transhumanity" (from Sltn) 8503087 ==> 1578. "Starcadia Quest" (from Dragoon6542) 8503094 ==> 1579. "Tiny Epic Quest" (from Dragoon6542) 8503099 ==> 1580. "Treasures & Traps" (from Dragoon6542) 8503105 ==> 1581. "Boom, Bang, Gold" (from Dragoon6542) 8503106 ==> 1582. "Bruxelles 1897" (from Dragoon6542) 8503108 ==> 1583. "Camel Up (Second Edition)" (from Dragoon6542) 8503110 ==> 1584. "The Crow: Fire It Up!" (from Dragoon6542) 8503112 ==> 1585. "End of the Trail" (from Dragoon6542) 8503113 ==> 1586. "Football Highlights 2052" (from Dragoon6542) 8503114 ==> 1587. "Fort" (from Dragoon6542) 8503116 ==> 1588. "Magnastorm" (from Dragoon6542) 8503117 ==> 1589. "Maiko" (from Dragoon6542) 8503118 ==> 1590. "Medici: The Card Game" (from Dragoon6542) 8503119 ==> 1591. "Mottainai" (from Dragoon6542) 8503121 ==> 1592. "One Key" (from Dragoon6542) 8503123 ==> 1593. "Orbis" (from Dragoon6542) 8503124 ==> 1594. "Pirates Under Fire" (from Dragoon6542) 8503125 ==> 1595. "Planet" (from Dragoon6542) 8503127 ==> 1596. "The Spoils: Decade of Deckadence" (from Dragoon6542) 8503129 ==> 1597. "Wacky Races: The Board Game" (from Dragoon6542) 8503131 ==> 1598. "Unlock!: Heroic Adventures" (from Dragoon6542) 8503132 ==> 1599. "Alt Name: Small Game Pick 2" (from Chillosophy) 8503135 ==> 1600. "Remember Our Trip" (from Toynan) 8503149 ==> 1601. "Genoa" (from goober_357) 8503152 ==> 1602. "A Tale of Pirates" (from roddydavey) 8503153 ==> 1603. "The Chosin Few" (from roddydavey) 8503154 ==> 1604. "Samarkand: Routes to Riches" (from roddydavey) 8503155 ==> 1605. "Hit Z Road" (from roddydavey) 8503156 ==> 1606. "Ambush!" (from roddydavey) 8503157 ==> 1607. "Blackbeard" (from roddydavey) 8503158 ==> 1608. "Gloomhaven" (from Jon_Stern) 8503163 ==> 1609. "Porta Nigra" (from goober_357) 8503165 ==> 1610. "Unlock!: Escape Adventures" (from mightygodking) 8503190 ==> 1611. "Cosmic Factory" (from Rox813) 8503192 ==> 1612. "Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle" (from Rox813) 8503196 ==> 1613. "Rise of Tribes" (from Rox813) 8503222 ==> 1614. "Alt Name: Steam PC Games: Action" (from mightygodking) 8503298 ==> 1615. "Unlock!: Mystery Adventures" (from Rox813) 8503335 ==> 1616. "5-Minute Marvel" (from ced356) 8503349 ==> 1617. "Age of Towers" (from Rox813) 8503401 ==> 1618. "Debtzilla" (from Dragoon6542) 8503421 ==> 1619. "Shadows: Amsterdam" (from Dragoon6542) 8503426 ==> 1620. "Ab durch die Mauer" (from Drakenden) 8503433 ==> 1621. "Combat Commander: Europe" (from ginsoakedgirl) 8503439 ==> 1622. "Cubitos" (from ginsoakedgirl) 8503446 ==> 1623. "Rebel Nox" (from Dragoon6542) 8503448 ==> 1624. "Viscounts of the West Kingdom" (from ginsoakedgirl) 8503451 ==> 1625. "Mechanica" (from ginsoakedgirl) 8503454 ==> 1626. "Beasts of Balance" (from Drakenden) 8503458 ==> 1627. "Belfort" (from Drakenden) 8503461 ==> 1628. "Cosmic Run: Regeneration" (from Drakenden) 8503462 ==> 1629. "New York Zoo" (from ginsoakedgirl) 8503465 ==> 1630. "Flyin' Goblin" (from Drakenden) 8503466 ==> 1631. "BrilliAnts" (from Drakenden) 8503467 ==> 1632. "GPS" (from Drakenden) 8503470 ==> 1633. "Master of the Galaxy" (from Drakenden) 8503472 ==> 1634. "Minerva" (from Drakenden) 8503473 ==> 1635. "Sonora" (from Drakenden) 8503474 ==> 1636. "Virgin Seas" (from Drakenden) 8503475 ==> 1637. "Waggle Dance" (from Drakenden) 8503476 ==> 1638. "The Wizard Always Wins" (from Drakenden) 8503479 ==> 1639. "Xalapa" (from Drakenden) 8503481 ==> 1640. "Olympos" (from ginsoakedgirl) 8503488 ==> 1641. "Eight-Minute Empire: Legends" (from ginsoakedgirl) 8503499 ==> 1642. "Clue: Discover the Secrets" (from Dragoon6542) 8503512 ==> 1643. "Bearly Working" (from Dragoon6542) 8503527 ==> 1644. "Rhino Hero" (from Dragoon6542) 8503540 ==> 1645. "Pairs" (from Dragoon6542) 8503544 ==> 1646. "Escape from the Hidden Castle" (from Dragoon6542) 8503551 ==> 1647. "Gloom of Thrones" (from Dragoon6542) 8503562 ==> 1648. "CIV: Carta Impera Victoria" (from Dragoon6542) 8503576 ==> 1649. "Fast Forward: FORTUNE" (from Dragoon6542) 8503604 ==> 1650. "Alt Name: Persona 5 Strikers Video Game" (from Dragoon6542) 8503609 ==> 1651. "Alt Name: $60 CAD Gift Card" (from Dragoon6542) 8503630 ==> 1652. "Tales of Arise" (from kooltilldend) 8503635 ==> 1653. "Dominion" (from kooltilldend) 8503638 ==> 1654. "Alt Name: Steam PC Games: Adventure/Horror/Puzzle" (from mightygodking) 8503655 ==> 1655. "Dawn of the Zeds (Second edition)" (from grewal1980) 8503664 ==> 1656. "Gears of War: The Board Game" (from grewal1980) 8503672 ==> 1657. "Wingspan: Oceania Expansion" (from kennyg83) 8503675 ==> 1658. "Alt Name: Steam PC Games: Strategy" (from mightygodking) 8503678 ==> 1659. "New York Zoo" (from kennyg83) 8503692 ==> 1660. "Nemesis: Void Seeders" (from TnT!) 8503693 ==> 1661. "Calico" (from kennyg83) 8503700 ==> 1662. "The Adventurers: The Temple of Chac" (from TnT!) 8503741 ==> 1663. "Plague Inc.: The Board Game" (from theseventensplit) 8503786 ==> 1664. "Alt Name: $65 CAD Gift Card" (from Gewalf) 8503880 ==> 1665. "Tiny Epic Zombies" (from neoice) 8503881 ==> 1666. "Forbidden Sky" (from neoice) 8503884 ==> 1667. "Francis Drake" (from Cernbay) 8503888 ==> 1668. "Theseus: The Dark Orbit" (from Cernbay) 8503889 ==> 1669. "Downforce" (from Cernbay) 8503891 ==> 1670. "Terraforming Mars" (from Cernbay) 8503893 ==> 1671. "Trajan" (from Cernbay) 8503894 ==> 1672. "Spirit Island: Promo Pack 1" (from hobbes2888) 8503895 ==> 1673. "Rum & Bones" (from Cernbay) 8503896 ==> 1674. "Impulse" (from hobbes2888) 8503897 ==> 1675. "Menara" (from Cernbay) 8503899 ==> 1676. "El Grande Big Box" (from hobbes2888) 8503903 ==> 1677. "Anachrony" (from Cernbay) 8503907 ==> 1678. "Roll for the Galaxy" (from Cernbay) 8503910 ==> 1679. "One Deck Dungeon" (from Cernbay) 8504103 ==> 1680. "Mixtape Massacre" (from BigRedGamer) 8504105 ==> 1681. "Shadows Over Normandie: Achtung! Cthulhu" (from BigRedGamer) 8504109 ==> 1682. "The Zorro Dice Game" (from BigRedGamer) 8504114 ==> 1683. "Endangered Orphans of Condyle Cove" (from BigRedGamer) 8504118 ==> 1684. "Virulence: An Infectious Card Game" (from BigRedGamer) 8504119 ==> 1685. "WWE Superstar Showdown" (from BigRedGamer) 8504128 ==> 1686. "Sonic the Hedgehog: Battle Racers" (from BigRedGamer) 8504133 ==> 1687. "Cult Following" (from BigRedGamer) 8504136 ==> 1688. "Nomads" (from BigRedGamer) 8504141 ==> 1689. "Marvel Contest of Champions: Battlerealm" (from BigRedGamer) 8504143 ==> 1690. "Zombie Tsunami" (from BigRedGamer) 8504145 ==> 1691. "Gravwell: Escape from the 9th Dimension" (from BigRedGamer) 8504146 ==> 1692. "Spyfall" (from BigRedGamer) 8504221 ==> 1693. "Sleeping Gods" (from cmcgaughey) 8504230 ==> 1694. "Galaxy Trucker: The Big Expansion" (from mvalenta) 8504234 ==> 1695. "Santa Maria" (from cmcgaughey) 8504236 ==> 1696. "Maglev Metro" (from cmcgaughey) 8504344 ==> 1697. "Hellboy: The Board Game" (from kidkorea) 8504381 ==> 1698. "Andean Abyss" (from chrisonfire) 8504382 ==> 1699. "Biblios" (from chrisonfire) 8504386 ==> 1700. "Fantastic Factories" (from chrisonfire) 8504388 ==> 1701. "Fields of Green" (from chrisonfire) 8504389 ==> 1702. "Pandemic: Iberia" (from chrisonfire) 8504391 ==> 1703. "Thunder Alley" (from chrisonfire) 8504392 ==> 1704. "Trambahn" (from chrisonfire) 8504407 ==> 1705. "Wacky Races: The Board Game" (from kidkorea) 8504416 ==> 1706. "Disney Villainous" (from kidkorea) 8504423 ==> 1707. "Barrage" (from kidkorea) 8504428 ==> 1708. "The Magnificent" (from kidkorea) 8504430 ==> 1709. "Honey Buzz" (from kidkorea) 8504436 ==> 1710. "Arcadia Quest" (from kidkorea) 8504456 ==> 1711. "The Downfall of Pompeii" (from bmfinc) 8504470 ==> 1712. "Pandemic: Hot Zone – North America" (from bmfinc) 8504489 ==> 1713. "Ponzi Scheme" (from chadh) 8504502 ==> 1714. "1829" (from rogerburrows) 8504503 ==> 1715. "Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia" (from kiwik) 8504513 ==> 1716. "Dice Forge" (from internetfloozy) 8504515 ==> 1717. "Harry Potter: House Cup Competition" (from internetfloozy) 8504516 ==> 1718. "Holi: Festival of Colors" (from internetfloozy) 8504519 ==> 1719. "Kodama Forest" (from internetfloozy) 8504528 ==> 1720. "Civilization" (from rogerburrows) 8504538 ==> 1721. "Kingdomino: Tile Dispenser" (from andrewvanlaar) 8504545 ==> 1722. "Exoplanets" (from rogerburrows) 8504546 ==> 1723. "Zombicide Season 3: Rue Morgue" (from D_man3981) 8504552 ==> 1724. "Tiny Epic Zombies" (from D_man3981) 8504558 ==> 1725. "Kingdomino" (from rogerburrows) 8504563 ==> 1726. "Mr. Jack" (from rogerburrows) 8504565 ==> 1727. "The Downfall of Pompeii" (from D_man3981) 8504573 ==> 1728. "Railway Rivals" (from rogerburrows) 8504574 ==> 1729. "Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot" (from Jon_Stern) 8504579 ==> 1730. "Killer Bunnies and the Conquest of the Magic Carrot" (from Jon_Stern) 8504583 ==> 1731. "Splendor" (from rogerburrows) 8504585 ==> 1732. "Legendary Encounters: A Predator Deck Building Game" (from Jon_Stern) 8504590 ==> 1733. "Little Devils" (from Jon_Stern) 8504602 ==> 1734. "Lunar Rails" (from Jon_Stern) 8504641 ==> 1735. "Champions of Midgard" (from Jackyhuynh) 8504669 ==> 1736. "The Lost Expedition" (from Duckster) 8504670 ==> 1737. "Super Showdown" (from Leonadter) 8504671 ==> 1738. "Movies Trivia Game" (from Leonadter) 8504672 ==> 1739. "Solenia" (from Duckster) 8504680 ==> 1740. "Trade Deadline Hockey" (from Leonadter) 8504684 ==> 1741. "MindTrap 20th Anniversary Edition" (from Leonadter) 8504685 ==> 1742. "Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game" (from Duckster) 8504694 ==> 1743. "The Big Bang Theory: Fact or Fiction Game" (from Leonadter) 8504695 ==> 1744. "Exit: The Game + Puzzle – The Deserted Lighthouse" (from Duckster) 8504699 ==> 1745. "Family Guy Trivia Game" (from Leonadter) 8504702 ==> 1746. "Berserk: Knights and Villains" (from Dasyl) 8504704 ==> 1747. "Specter Ops" (from Duckster) 8504708 ==> 1748. "Cyclades" (from Dasyl) 8504710 ==> 1749. "Animorphs: The Invasion Game" (from Leonadter) 8504711 ==> 1750. "Funny or Die" (from Leonadter) 8504712 ==> 1751. "Sultaniya" (from Dasyl) 8504714 ==> 1752. "Dragons' Den Board Game" (from Leonadter) 8504716 ==> 1753. "Samarkand: Routes to Riches" (from Dasyl) 8504717 ==> 1754. "Reavers of Midgard" (from Duckster) 8504718 ==> 1755. "A House Divided: War Between the States 1861-65" (from GMGates) 8504719 ==> 1756. "Sorcerer" (from Dasyl) 8504721 ==> 1757. "Quartex" (from Leonadter) 8504722 ==> 1758. "No Retreat! The Russian Front" (from GMGates) 8504725 ==> 1759. "Kamisado" (from GMGates) 8504728 ==> 1760. "Smart Mouth" (from Leonadter) 8504733 ==> 1761. "Monopoly: Star Wars" (from Leonadter) 8504739 ==> 1762. "Alt Name: $60 CAD Gift Card" (from Dasyl) 8504740 ==> 1763. "Tidal Blades: Heroes of the Reef – Angler's Cove" (from GMGates) 8504743 ==> 1764. "Super-Skill Pinball: 4-Cade" (from Dasyl) 8504751 ==> 1765. "Darkest Night" (from Hellionus) 8504765 ==> 1766. "Keyflower" (from MHCott) 8504771 ==> 1767. "The Island of El Dorado" (from MHCott) 8504786 ==> 1768. "Crown of Emara" (from MHCott) 8504798 ==> 1769. "Alt Name: Ipad Air first gen, 16GB" (from Duckster) 8504804 ==> 1770. "Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure" (from MHCott) 8504810-COPY1 ==> 1771. "Alt Name: Lost Cities 3d printed insert" (from Duckster) [copy 1 of 3] 8504810-COPY2 ==> 1771. "Alt Name: Lost Cities 3d printed insert" (from Duckster) [copy 2 of 3] 8504810-COPY3 ==> 1771. "Alt Name: Lost Cities 3d printed insert" (from Duckster) [copy 3 of 3] 8504815 ==> 1772. "Volfyirion" (from MHCott) 8504822 ==> 1773. "Spirit Island" (from Hellionus) 8504823 ==> 1774. "Pueblo" (from Zeth4) 8504828 ==> 1775. "Takenoko" (from MHCott) 8504853 ==> 1776. "The 7th Continent" (from vatosloco) 8504855 ==> 1777. "Allegory" (from vatosloco) 8504856 ==> 1778. "Chronicle X" (from vatosloco) 8504858 ==> 1779. "Colony" (from vatosloco) 8504859 ==> 1780. "Comanauts" (from vatosloco) 8504860 ==> 1781. "Crown of Emara" (from vatosloco) 8504862 ==> 1782. "Dead Man's Doubloons" (from vatosloco) 8504865 ==> 1783. "Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game" (from vatosloco) 8504868 ==> 1784. "Drakon (Fourth Edition)" (from vatosloco) 8504869 ==> 1785. "Dungeon Lords" (from vatosloco) 8504871 ==> 1786. "Founders of Gloomhaven" (from vatosloco) 8504873 ==> 1787. "Gaïa" (from vatosloco) 8504874 ==> 1788. "Huns" (from vatosloco) 8504876 ==> 1789. "Hyperborea" (from vatosloco) 8504877 ==> 1790. "Iwari" (from vatosloco) 8504878 ==> 1791. "Kepler-3042" (from vatosloco) 8504879 ==> 1792. "Kiwetin" (from vatosloco) 8504880 ==> 1793. "Legendary Creatures" (from vatosloco) 8504882 ==> 1794. "The Liberation of Rietburg" (from vatosloco) 8504883 ==> 1795. "Martians: A Story of Civilization" (from vatosloco) 8504884 ==> 1796. "Mythos Tales" (from vatosloco) 8504885 ==> 1797. "Nemo's War (Second Edition)" (from vatosloco) 8504887 ==> 1798. "Pacific Rails Inc." (from vatosloco) 8504889 ==> 1799. "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures: Change is Constant" (from vatosloco) 8504890 ==> 1800. "Tigris & Euphrates" (from vatosloco) 8504891 ==> 1801. "Tigris & Euphrates" (from vatosloco) 8504904 ==> 1802. "The 7th Continent: Classic Edition" (from MitchtheDM) 8504907 ==> 1803. "Bargain Quest" (from MitchtheDM) 8504913 ==> 1804. "Juicy Fruits" (from MitchtheDM) 8504925 ==> 1805. "Under Falling Skies" (from MitchtheDM) 8504947 ==> 1806. "Medici" (from badalchemy) 8504954 ==> 1807. "Inis" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8504962 ==> 1808. "Everdell" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8504968 ==> 1809. "Spirit Island" (from badalchemy) 8504969 ==> 1810. "Black Sonata" (from Carnage994) 8504976 ==> 1811. "Risk 2210 A.D." (from chadh) 8504981 ==> 1812. "Ca$h 'n Guns (Second Edition)" (from chadh) 8504984 ==> 1813. "Android: Infiltration" (from chadh) 8504991 ==> 1814. "Sails of Glory" (from chadh) 8505002 ==> 1815. "Obsession" (from badalchemy) 8505005 ==> 1816. "Escape Tales: The Awakening" (from badalchemy) 8505008 ==> 1817. "Marvel United" (from chadh) 8505018 ==> 1818. "Adventure Time Card Wars: Finn vs. Jake" (from chadh) 8505040 ==> 1819. "Alt Name: Horrified upgrade figures" (from Duckster) 8505047 ==> 1820. "Egizia" (from Verglas) 8505095 ==> 1821. "Tiny Epic Mechs" (from diguno) 8505099 ==> 1822. "Curious Cargo" (from diguno) 8505106 ==> 1823. "Coffee Roaster" (from diguno) 8505108 ==> 1824. "Kanban: Driver's Edition" (from diguno) 8505110 ==> 1825. "Airship City" (from diguno) 8505111 ==> 1826. "Ragusa" (from diguno) 8505119 ==> 1827. "Hey, That's My Fish!" (from diguno) 8505127 ==> 1828. "City Hall" (from diguno) 8505164 ==> 1829. "Merlin" (from mancora) 8505216 ==> 1830. "Student Bodies" (from Mousqueton) 8505230 ==> 1831. "Grifters" (from Mousqueton) 8505532 ==> 1832. "Nine Navies War" (from ksornberger) 8505547 ==> 1833. "Star Trek Panic" (from ginsoakedgirl) 8505550 ==> 1834. "Tudor" (from ginsoakedgirl) 8505558 ==> 1835. "Destinies" (from lucem13) 8505571 ==> 1836. "Animals on Board" (from bmfinc) 8505573 ==> 1837. "Android: Netrunner" (from thechampz) 8505579 ==> 1838. "Sonar" (from thechampz) 8505611 ==> 1839. "Alt Name: Journeys in middle earth painted minis" (from Sltn) 8505643 ==> 1840. "World in Flames Millennium Annual" (from ksornberger) 8505648 ==> 1841. "War Without Mercy" (from ksornberger) 8505650 ==> 1842. "Endeavor" (from ksornberger) 8505651 ==> 1843. "Jurassic Park: Danger!" (from ced356) 8505664 ==> 1844. "Machi Koro" (from ced356) 8505674 ==> 1845. "Beyond Baker Street" (from ced356) 8505684 ==> 1846. "Welcome to the Dungeon" (from ced356) 8505729 ==> 1847. "XCOM: The Board Game" (from achuds) 8505732 ==> 1848. "Colt Express" (from achuds) 8505734 ==> 1849. "Lanterns: The Harvest Festival" (from achuds) 8505736 ==> 1850. "Forbidden Island" (from achuds) 8505741 ==> 1851. "Evolution" (from achuds) 8505744 ==> 1852. "Arena: For the Gods!" (from achuds) 8505747 ==> 1853. "Alea Iacta Est" (from TnT!) 8505750 ==> 1854. "Kingdomino" (from achuds) 8505752 ==> 1855. "Welcome to the Dungeon" (from achuds) 8505758 ==> 1856. "Funkoverse Strategy Game: DC Comics 100" (from Liquidessa) 8505759 ==> 1857. "Ishtar: Gardens of Babylon" (from Liquidessa) 8505760 ==> 1858. "Kepler-3042" (from Liquidessa) 8505761 ==> 1859. "Vault of Dragons" (from Liquidessa) 8505763 ==> 1860. "Caylus" (from Liquidessa) 8505765 ==> 1861. "Alt Name: $50CAD Gift Card or etransfer" (from achuds) 8505770 ==> 1862. "Escape: The Curse of the Temple – Queenie 14: Wishing Well" (from hobbes2888) 8505780 ==> 1863. "Guild Master" (from canadiankorean) 8505792 ==> 1864. "Viceroy" (from hobbes2888) 8505793 ==> 1865. "Undaunted: North Africa" (from Daremok) 8505794 ==> 1866. "Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done" (from Daremok) 8505797 ==> 1867. "Railroad Revolution" (from Daremok) 8505844 ==> 1868. "Alma Mater" (from Winsplod) 8505846 ==> 1869. "Amerigo" (from Winsplod) 8505847 ==> 1870. "Blackout: Hong Kong" (from Winsplod) 8505850 ==> 1871. "Container" (from Winsplod) 8505852 ==> 1872. "Cooper Island" (from Winsplod) 8505854 ==> 1873. "Deus" (from Winsplod) 8505855 ==> 1874. "Dominant Species" (from Winsplod) 8505856 ==> 1875. "Edo" (from Winsplod) 8505857 ==> 1876. "Forum Trajanum" (from Winsplod) 8505858 ==> 1877. "Heaven & Ale" (from Winsplod) 8505859 ==> 1878. "Indonesia" (from Winsplod) 8505861 ==> 1879. "Kingdom Builder" (from Winsplod) 8505863 ==> 1880. "Lords of Waterdeep" (from Winsplod) 8505866 ==> 1881. "Die Macher" (from Winsplod) 8505868 ==> 1882. "Murano" (from Winsplod) 8505870 ==> 1883. "Power Grid" (from Winsplod) 8505871 ==> 1884. "Railroad Revolution" (from Winsplod) 8505873 ==> 1885. "Roads & Boats" (from Winsplod) 8505875 ==> 1886. "Ulm" (from Winsplod) 8505879 ==> 1887. "Trajan" (from Winsplod) 8505930 ==> 1888. "Sobek" (from booned) 8505932 ==> 1889. "Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Baker Street Irregulars" (from booned) 8505937 ==> 1890. "Long Shot" (from booned) 8505941 ==> 1891. "Ra: The Dice Game" (from booned) 8505944 ==> 1892. "Le Fantôme de l'Opéra" (from booned) 8505946 ==> 1893. "Poseidon's Kingdom" (from booned) 8505948 ==> 1894. "Snow Tails" (from booned) 8505950 ==> 1895. "Formula Dé Circuits 15 & 16: Hockenheim & Zeltweg" (from booned) 8505953 ==> 1896. "Formula Dé Circuits 21 & 22: Budapest & Nürburgring" (from booned) 8506106 ==> 1897. "Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles" (from MattG666) 8506109 ==> 1898. "Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island" (from MattG666) 8506112 ==> 1899. "A Game of Thrones" (from MattG666) 8506220 ==> 1900. "Unicorn Fever" (from Chappyenright) 8506223 ==> 1901. "Lockup: A Roll Player Tale" (from Chappyenright) 8506225 ==> 1902. "Coloma" (from Chappyenright) 8506226 ==> 1903. "Egizia: Shifting Sands – Kickstarter Edition" (from Chappyenright) 8506238 ==> 1904. "Aftershock: San Francisco & Venice" (from Chappyenright) 8506304 ==> 1905. "D-Day Dice (Second Edition)" (from edjamer) 8506320 ==> 1906. "Catacombs Cubes" (from edjamer) 8506326 ==> 1907. "Blue Lagoon" (from edjamer) 8506346 ==> 1908. "Völuspá" (from edjamer) 8506440 ==> 1909. "Alt Name: $65 CAD Gift Card" (from Eeeville) 8506473 ==> 1910. "Beez" (from vatosloco) 8506474 ==> 1911. "Dungeon Royale" (from vatosloco) 8506477 ==> 1912. "Equinox" (from vatosloco) 8506480 ==> 1913. "The Estates" (from vatosloco) 8506482 ==> 1914. "Flick 'em Up!: Dead of Winter" (from vatosloco) 8506487 ==> 1915. "Gnomopolis" (from vatosloco) 8506490 ==> 1916. "Loup Garou" (from vatosloco) 8506493 ==> 1917. "Medici" (from vatosloco) 8506495 ==> 1918. "Necromunda: Underhive" (from vatosloco) 8506499 ==> 1919. "Neta-Tanka: Deluxe Edition" (from vatosloco) 8506502 ==> 1920. "Onward to Venus" (from vatosloco) 8506506 ==> 1921. "Rome & Roll" (from vatosloco) 8506508 ==> 1922. "SEAL Team Flix" (from vatosloco) 8506511 ==> 1923. "Seeders from Sereis: Exodus" (from vatosloco) 8506513 ==> 1924. "Shop 'N Time" (from vatosloco) 8506517 ==> 1925. "Sorcerer" (from vatosloco) 8506518 ==> 1926. "Suburbia: Collector's Edition" (from vatosloco) 8506520 ==> 1927. "Throw Throw Burrito Kickstarter Edition" (from vatosloco) 8506528 ==> 1928. "Tide of Iron: Next Wave" (from vatosloco) 8506531 ==> 1929. "Tyrants of the Underdark" (from vatosloco) 8506535 ==> 1930. "Valley of the Kings: Premium Edition" (from vatosloco) 8506537 ==> 1931. "Vampire: The Masquerade – Heritage" (from vatosloco) 8506538 ==> 1932. "Viceroy" (from vatosloco) 8506542 ==> 1933. "Wallenstein (Second Edition)" (from vatosloco) 8506544 ==> 1934. "Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team" (from vatosloco) 8506546 ==> 1935. "Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game" (from vatosloco) 8506661 ==> 1936. "Timeline: Inventions" (from chadh) 8506664 ==> 1937. "Myrmes" (from Jon_Stern) 8506671 ==> 1938. "Villagers" (from RTigger) 8506681 ==> 1939. "Neanderthal" (from Jon_Stern) 8506713 ==> 1940. "Flamme Rouge" (from badalchemy) 8506714 ==> 1941. "Alt Name: $60 CAD Gift Card" (from TMcgaughey84) 8506718 ==> 1942. "Through the Desert" (from badalchemy) 8506726 ==> 1943. "Alt Name: $50 Gift Certificate" (from mvalenta) 8506734 ==> 1944. "6 nimmt! Brettspiel" (from catmogwai) 8506740 ==> 1945. "Halloween" (from catmogwai) 8506743 ==> 1946. "Meduris: Der Ruf der Götter" (from catmogwai) 8506745 ==> 1947. "Ophir" (from catmogwai) 8506746 ==> 1948. "Alt Name: $35 GC/Cash" (from kidkorea) 8506755 ==> 1949. "Forbidden Island" (from zaphiel) 8506771 ==> 1950. "Cosmic Encounter" (from zaphiel) 8506784 ==> 1951. "One Night Revolution" (from zaphiel) 8506795 ==> 1952. "Trails of Tucana" (from zaphiel) 8506799 ==> 1953. "Pastiche" (from zaphiel) 8506802 ==> 1954. "Space Cadets: Dice Duel" (from TnT!) 8506815 ==> 1955. "Tinners' Trail" (from Chappyenright) 8506817 ==> 1956. "Stronghold" (from TnT!) 8506819 ==> 1957. "The Alpha" (from Chappyenright) 8506821 ==> 1958. "Mercado de Lisboa" (from Chappyenright) 8506822 ==> 1959. "Battue: Storm of the Horse Lords" (from TnT!) 8506823 ==> 1960. "Trade on the Tigris" (from Chappyenright) 8506831 ==> 1961. "Yedo: Deluxe Master Set" (from Chappyenright) 8506851 ==> 1962. "Space Explorers" (from Chappyenright) 8506855 ==> 1963. "Targi" (from Chappyenright) 8506859 ==> 1964. "Ticket to Ride: Märklin" (from Chappyenright) 8506863 ==> 1965. "Crown of Emara" (from Chappyenright) 8506872 ==> 1966. "Rolling Freight" (from Chappyenright) 8506880 ==> 1967. "Escape Room in a Box: Flashback" (from vesebr) 8506883 ==> 1968. "Race for the Galaxy" (from Chappyenright) 8506900 ==> 1969. "Exit: The Game – Dead Man on the Orient Express" (from vesebr) 8506912 ==> 1970. "Alt Name: Marvel Adventure Gamebooks" (from furrygoober) 8506915 ==> 1971. "Fog of Love" (from vesebr) 8506941 ==> 1972. "Balloon Cup" (from mserf42) 8506943 ==> 1973. "Town Center (Fourth Edition)" (from mserf42) 8506945 ==> 1974. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from mserf42) 8506946 ==> 1975. "Tiny Epic Tactics: Maps Expansion" (from mserf42) 8506947 ==> 1976. "Carcassonne: Expansion 2 – Traders & Builders" (from mserf42) 8506949 ==> 1977. "Vegas Showdown" (from mserf42) 8506950 ==> 1978. "The Red Dragon Inn" (from mserf42) 8506951 ==> 1979. "Imperial Settlers" (from mserf42) 8506953 ==> 1980. "Rise of Augustus" (from mserf42) 8506954 ==> 1981. "Epic Card Game" (from mserf42) 8506956 ==> 1982. "Between Two Cities" (from mserf42) 8506961 ==> 1983. "Dice Town" (from mserf42) 8506963 ==> 1984. "Level 7 [Omega Protocol]" (from mserf42) 8506968 ==> 1985. "Sheriff of Nottingham" (from mserf42) 8506970 ==> 1986. "Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game" (from mserf42) 8507006 ==> 1987. "Chai" (from Jlc2) 8507008 ==> 1988. "Islebound" (from rizzat) 8507031 ==> 1989. "Bumúntú" (from rizzat) 8507072 ==> 1990. "Terra Mystica" (from marclemagnifique) 8507074 ==> 1991. "Rise to Nobility" (from marclemagnifique) 8507075 ==> 1992. "Alt Name: Was Calico - item now sold, blank wantlist will be submitted for this item" (from Jlc2) 8507081 ==> 1993. "Alt Name: Was Proving Grounds - item now sold, blank wantlist will be submitted for this item" (from Jlc2) 8507107 ==> 1994. "Piñata" (from grewal1980) 8507151 ==> 1995. "The Oracle of Delphi" (from mancora) 8507155 ==> 1996. "Rialto" (from mancora) 8507164 ==> 1997. "Warhammer: Battle For Skull Pass" (from TnT!) 8507166 ==> 1998. "Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle" (from Changer628) 8507181 ==> 1999. "Gears of War: The Board Game" (from Changer628) 8507186 ==> 2000. "Arcadia Quest" (from Changer628) 8507187 ==> 2001. "Star Wars: X-Wing (Second Edition) – Tantive IV Expansion Pack" (from Changer628) 8507188 ==> 2002. "Snowdonia: Deluxe Master Set" (from Changer628) 8507193 ==> 2003. "Smartphone Inc." (from Changer628) 8507219 ==> 2004. "Heroes of Land, Air & Sea" (from lmilkl) 8507229 ==> 2005. "Zendo" (from rotondan) 8507270 ==> 2006. "KeyForge: Age of Ascension" (from rotondan) 8507273 ==> 2007. "KeyForge: Age of Ascension" (from rotondan) 8507339 ==> 2008. "Onirim (Second Edition)" (from Jon_Stern) 8507342 ==> 2009. "Legendary Encounters: A Firefly Deck Building Game" (from alesk1978) 8507353 ==> 2010. "Scythe" (from darkruffy) 8507355 ==> 2011. "Quodd Heroes" (from darkruffy) 8507357 ==> 2012. "Viceroy" (from darkruffy) 8507360 ==> 2013. "Reworld" (from darkruffy) 8507362 ==> 2014. "Hey, That's My Fish!" (from darkruffy) 8507363 ==> 2015. "Spirit Island" (from AB76) 8507364 ==> 2016. "Catacombs & Castles" (from darkruffy) 8507369 ==> 2017. "Alien Frontiers: Big Box" (from darkruffy) 8507371 ==> 2018. "Fog of Love" (from darkruffy) 8507373 ==> 2019. "Taj Mahal" (from darkruffy) 8507374 ==> 2020. "Heroes of Land, Air & Sea" (from darkruffy) 8507375 ==> 2021. "When I Dream" (from darkruffy) 8507376 ==> 2022. "Blackout: Hong Kong" (from darkruffy) 8507381 ==> 2023. "Gloomhaven: Forgotten Circles" (from darkruffy) 8507382 ==> 2024. "Healthy Heart Hospital" (from darkruffy) 8507388 ==> 2025. "Alt Name: $77 CAD Gift Card" (from nexttothemoon) 8507389 ==> 2026. "Gùgōng" (from darkruffy) 8507392 ==> 2027. "The Grizzled" (from TnT!) 8507403 ==> 2028. "Karesansui" (from DaFink) 8507404 ==> 2029. "Manoeuvre" (from DaFink) 8507406 ==> 2030. "Panamax" (from DaFink) 8507408 ==> 2031. "Blue Moon City" (from DaFink) 8507410 ==> 2032. "Power Grid" (from DaFink) 8507411 ==> 2033. "The Speicherstadt" (from DaFink) 8507412 ==> 2034. "Pandemic" (from Jon_Stern) 8507413 ==> 2035. "Planes" (from Jon_Stern) 8507415 ==> 2036. "The Grizzled" (from DaFink) 8507417 ==> 2037. "Summoner Wars: Master Set" (from rotondan) 8507419 ==> 2038. "Unlock!: Mythic Adventures" (from JSangha) 8507421 ==> 2039. "Mice and Mystics" (from rotondan) 8507424 ==> 2040. "Devil May Cry: The Bloody Palace" (from lmilkl) 8507426 ==> 2041. "Puerto Rico" (from lmilkl) 8507427 ==> 2042. "Dungeon Petz" (from lmilkl) 8507429 ==> 2043. "Seasons" (from lmilkl) 8507433 ==> 2044. "Smartphone Inc." (from ayo23) 8507434 ==> 2045. "Lions of Lydia" (from ayo23) 8507435 ==> 2046. "Dune: Imperium" (from ayo23) 8507436 ==> 2047. "Azul: Summer Pavilion" (from ayo23) 8507437 ==> 2048. "Aquatica" (from ayo23) 8507438 ==> 2049. "Chocolate Factory" (from ayo23) 8507439 ==> 2050. "Race for the Galaxy" (from Jon_Stern) 8507441 ==> 2051. "Rise of Cthulhu" (from Jon_Stern) 8507442 ==> 2052. "Risk 2210 A.D." (from Jon_Stern) 8507464 ==> 2053. "SeaFall" (from Jon_Stern) 8507467 ==> 2054. "Seasons" (from Jon_Stern) 8507468 ==> 2055. "Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan" (from Jon_Stern) 8507469 ==> 2056. "Sentinels of the Multiverse" (from Jon_Stern) 8507471 ==> 2057. "Shipyard" (from Jon_Stern) 8507472 ==> 2058. "Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization" (from Jon_Stern) 8507475 ==> 2059. "Tramways" (from Jon_Stern) 8507477 ==> 2060. "Viticulture" (from DaFink) 8507478 ==> 2061. "Trickerion: Legends of Illusion" (from Jon_Stern) 8507481 ==> 2062. "Snowdonia" (from DaFink) 8507489 ==> 2063. "1861: The Railways of the Russian Empire" (from ledvolta) 8507490 ==> 2064. "Android: Netrunner" (from ledvolta) 8507493 ==> 2065. "Brides & Bribes" (from ledvolta) 8507494 ==> 2066. "Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra" (from DaFink) 8507495 ==> 2067. "Cavum" (from ledvolta) 8507497 ==> 2068. "Die Macher" (from ledvolta) 8507498 ==> 2069. "Neuland" (from ledvolta) 8507499 ==> 2070. "Ora et Labora" (from ledvolta) 8507504 ==> 2071. "Alt Name: $55 Gift card to store of your choosing, must be purchasable and receivable online" (from ledvolta) 8507507 ==> 2072. "Pax Renaissance: 2nd Edition" (from ledvolta) 8507508 ==> 2073. "Pendragon: The Fall of Roman Britain" (from ledvolta) 8507510 ==> 2074. "Princes of the Renaissance" (from ledvolta) 8507511 ==> 2075. "Russian Railroads" (from ledvolta) 8507515 ==> 2076. "Seeland" (from ledvolta) 8507516 ==> 2077. "Tawantinsuyu: The Inca Empire" (from ledvolta) 8507517 ==> 2078. "Teotihuacan: City of Gods" (from ledvolta) 8507527 ==> 2079. "Citadels" (from DaFink) 8507529 ==> 2080. "Vinhos Deluxe Edition" (from ledvolta) 8507539 ==> 2081. "Brass: Birmingham" (from ledvolta) 8507549 ==> 2082. "Tannhäuser" (from barren_sky) 8507554 ==> 2083. "Alt Name: Lot of 26 novels for D&D Eberron campaign setting" (from Hyann) 8507557 ==> 2084. "Summoner Wars: Master Set" (from barren_sky) 8507566 ==> 2085. "Dominion" (from sushidog) 8507567 ==> 2086. "France 1944: The Allied Crusade in Europe" (from sushidog) 8507569 ==> 2087. "Iron Bottom Sound III" (from sushidog) 8507573 ==> 2088. "Wits & Wagers" (from samuelism) 8507574 ==> 2089. "Breaking the Chains: War in the South China Sea" (from sushidog) 8507577 ==> 2090. "Dixit: Odyssey" (from samuelism) 8507578 ==> 2091. "Operation Dauntless: The Battles for Fontenay and Rauray, France, June 1944" (from sushidog) 8507579 ==> 2092. "Starship Troopers" (from sushidog) 8507580 ==> 2093. "Wilderness War" (from sushidog) 8507582 ==> 2094. "Holdfast: EastFront 1941-45" (from sushidog) 8507583 ==> 2095. "Lewis & Clark: The Expedition" (from samuelism) 8507585 ==> 2096. "Bloody April, 1917: Air War Over Arras, France" (from sushidog) 8507586 ==> 2097. "Mercury/Market Garden" (from sushidog) 8507588 ==> 2098. "Pursuit of Glory" (from sushidog) 8507589 ==> 2099. "Lift Off" (from samuelism) 8507591 ==> 2100. "Monopoly: Star Wars Episode I" (from samuelism) 8507592 ==> 2101. "Vietnam 1965-1975" (from sushidog) 8507598 ==> 2102. "Mr. Jack in New York" (from samuelism) 8507600 ==> 2103. "Mystic Vale" (from samuelism) 8507607 ==> 2104. "Power Grid: Factory Manager" (from samuelism) 8507611 ==> 2105. "Safranito" (from samuelism) 8507616 ==> 2106. "Skyliners" (from samuelism) 8507618 ==> 2107. "Throw Throw Burrito" (from samuelism) 8507619 ==> 2108. "Urbania" (from samuelism) 8507640 ==> 2109. "The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire" (from canadiankorean) 8507647 ==> 2110. "Low Lands" (from canadiankorean) 8507651 ==> 2111. "Yedo: Deluxe Master Set" (from canadiankorean) 8507658 ==> 2112. "Marvel Dice Masters: Age of Ultron" (from canadiankorean) 8507669 ==> 2113. "Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition)" (from Xist) 8507674 ==> 2114. "Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) – Lost Legends Expansion Pack" (from Xist) 8507677 ==> 2115. "Munchkin Quest" (from Xist) 8507682 ==> 2116. "What Do You Meme?" (from Jon_Stern) 8507705 ==> 2117. "Artifacts, Inc." (from knighted) 8507709 ==> 2118. "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood of Venice" (from knighted) 8507710 ==> 2119. "Caverna: Cave vs Cave" (from knighted) 8507711 ==> 2120. "Choose Your Own Adventure: War with the Evil Power Master" (from knighted) 8507712 ==> 2121. "Claustrophobia 1643" (from knighted) 8507713 ==> 2122. "Cockroach Poker" (from knighted) 8507714 ==> 2123. "Cottage Garden" (from knighted) 8507715 ==> 2124. "Deckscape: Test Time" (from knighted) 8507716 ==> 2125. "Escape the Room: The Cursed Dollhouse" (from knighted) 8507718 ==> 2126. "Heroes of Terrinoth" (from knighted) 8507719 ==> 2127. "Jamaica" (from knighted) 8507720 ==> 2128. "MonsDRAWsity" (from knighted) 8507721 ==> 2129. "Mottainai" (from knighted) 8507722 ==> 2130. "Notre Dame" (from knighted) 8507725 ==> 2131. "Project L" (from knighted) 8507727 ==> 2132. "Sequoia" (from knighted) 8507730 ==> 2133. "The Shipwreck Arcana" (from knighted) 8507732 ==> 2134. "Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon" (from knighted) 8507735 ==> 2135. "Traders of Osaka" (from knighted) 8507737 ==> 2136. "Tragedy Looper" (from knighted) 8507738 ==> 2137. "Trambahn" (from knighted) 8507741 ==> 2138. "Yokohama Duel" (from knighted) 8507887 ==> 2139. "Alt Name: 7 Sega Genesis cartridges" (from downstream) 8507890 ==> 2140. "Boss Monster 2: The Next Level" (from neoice) 8507891 ==> 2141. "Monster Misfits" (from neoice) 8507893 ==> 2142. "Matcha" (from sunnyshynie) 8507894 ==> 2143. "Iron Clays" (from sunnyshynie) 8507895 ==> 2144. "Atelier: The Painter's Studio" (from sunnyshynie) 8507896 ==> 2145. "Alt Name: Magic the Gathering card: Sensei's Divining Top" (from downstream) 8507897 ==> 2146. "Kanban: Driver's Edition" (from sunnyshynie) 8507900 ==> 2147. "Men at Work" (from sunnyshynie) 8507901 ==> 2148. "Meadow" (from sunnyshynie) 8507905 ==> 2149. "Alt Name: Magic card: Thrasios, Triton Hero" (from downstream) 8507944 ==> 2150. "Escape Plan" (from whynot66) 8507945 ==> 2151. "Specter Ops" (from whynot66) 8507946 ==> 2152. "Fugitive" (from whynot66) 8507947 ==> 2153. "Alt Name: Iron Clays 200" (from whynot66) 8507948 ==> 2154. "Tikal" (from whynot66) 8507949 ==> 2155. "Charterstone" (from whynot66) 8507951 ==> 2156. "Hansa Teutonica" (from whynot66) 8507952 ==> 2157. "Klondike Rush" (from whynot66) 8507953 ==> 2158. "Container: 10th Anniversary Jumbo Edition!" (from whynot66) 8507954 ==> 2159. "Not Alone" (from whynot66) 8507956 ==> 2160. "Dungeon Drop" (from whynot66) 8508007 ==> 2161. "Rum & Pirates" (from downstream) 8508200 ==> 2162. "Crokinole" (from Logandee) 8508224 ==> 2163. "Curious Cargo" (from GordZee) 8508448 ==> 2164. "Cascadia" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8508451 ==> 2165. "Reykholt" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8508453 ==> 2166. "Zooloretto" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8508497 ==> 2167. "Cryptid" (from dizzybit) 8508582 ==> 2168. "South Pacific: Breaking the Bismarck Barrier 1942-1943" (from moly19) 8508583 ==> 2169. "Alien Frontiers" (from vatosloco) 8508586 ==> 2170. "Bruges" (from vatosloco) 8508588 ==> 2171. "Caper" (from vatosloco) 8508589 ==> 2172. "Castello Methoni" (from vatosloco) 8508591 ==> 2173. "Catacombs (Third Edition)" (from vatosloco) 8508593 ==> 2174. "Cuba" (from vatosloco) 8508595 ==> 2175. "Dark Souls: The Board Game" (from vatosloco) 8508597 ==> 2176. "Darkest Night" (from vatosloco) 8508598 ==> 2177. "A Feast for Odin" (from vatosloco) 8508600 ==> 2178. "Elusive Victory: The Air War over the Suez Canal, 1967-1973" (from moly19) 8508602 ==> 2179. "First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet" (from vatosloco) 8508604 ==> 2180. "Flick 'em Up!: Dead of Winter" (from vatosloco) 8508605 ==> 2181. "Formula D" (from vatosloco) 8508608 ==> 2182. "A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition)" (from vatosloco) 8508609 ==> 2183. "Giants" (from vatosloco) 8508611 ==> 2184. "The Great Race" (from vatosloco) 8508612 ==> 2185. "Guilds of London" (from vatosloco) 8508614 ==> 2186. "Haspelknecht" (from vatosloco) 8508615 ==> 2187. "Hogs Of War: The Card Game" (from vatosloco) 8508618 ==> 2188. "Master of the Galaxy" (from vatosloco) 8508619 ==> 2189. "Meeple Towers" (from vatosloco) 8508620 ==> 2190. "Merchants & Marauders" (from vatosloco) 8508621 ==> 2191. "Oceans" (from vatosloco) 8508622 ==> 2192. "Paradox" (from vatosloco) 8508623 ==> 2193. "Paris" (from vatosloco) 8508624 ==> 2194. "Pathogenesis (Second Edition)" (from vatosloco) 8508626 ==> 2195. "Pirates vs. Dinosaurs" (from vatosloco) 8508627 ==> 2196. "Professor Evil and The Citadel of Time" (from vatosloco) 8508628 ==> 2197. "Railways of the World" (from vatosloco) 8508629 ==> 2198. "Ravine" (from vatosloco) 8508630 ==> 2199. "Sabotage" (from vatosloco) 8508632 ==> 2200. "Sailing Toward Osiris" (from vatosloco) 8508633 ==> 2201. "Saltlands" (from vatosloco) 8508634 ==> 2202. "Sentinels of the Multiverse" (from vatosloco) 8508635 ==> 2203. "Strasbourg" (from vatosloco) 8508636 ==> 2204. "Summit: The Board Game" (from vatosloco) 8508637 ==> 2205. "Swinging Jivecat Voodoo Lounge" (from vatosloco) 8508638 ==> 2206. "Tikal" (from vatosloco) 8508640 ==> 2207. "Tiny Epic Zombies" (from vatosloco) 8508641 ==> 2208. "Villagers" (from vatosloco) 8508642 ==> 2209. "Wayfinders" (from vatosloco) 8508644 ==> 2210. "Wendake" (from vatosloco) 8508645 ==> 2211. "Wild Space" (from vatosloco) 8508664 ==> 2212. "Viticulture Essential Edition" (from vatosloco) 8508691 ==> 2213. "Forum Trajanum" (from adamhess89) 8508693 ==> 2214. "Catan" (from adamhess89) 8508694 ==> 2215. "Catacombs (Third Edition)" (from anitagre) 8508695 ==> 2216. "RoboRally" (from adamhess89) 8508698 ==> 2217. "Kokoro: Avenue of the Kodama" (from adamhess89) 8508699 ==> 2218. "A Feast for Odin" (from adamhess89) 8508700 ==> 2219. "Jamaica" (from adamhess89) 8508701 ==> 2220. "Castles of Mad King Ludwig" (from adamhess89) 8508702 ==> 2221. "A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition)" (from adamhess89) 8508703 ==> 2222. "Hamburgum" (from adamhess89) 8508705 ==> 2223. "Flamme Rouge" (from FraPas13) 8508709 ==> 2224. "Vast: The Crystal Caverns" (from adamhess89) 8508710 ==> 2225. "Fog of Love" (from anitagre) 8508712 ==> 2226. "Yamataï" (from adamhess89) 8508715 ==> 2227. "Bee Lives: We Will Only Know Summer" (from anitagre) 8508718 ==> 2228. "They Come Unseen" (from anitagre) 8508723 ==> 2229. "Mountaineers" (from anitagre) 8508726 ==> 2230. "Dominion (Second Edition)" (from anitagre) 8508728 ==> 2231. "Wayfinders" (from anitagre) 8508734 ==> 2232. "Galaxy Trucker" (from anitagre) 8508754 ==> 2233. "Codenames: Duet" (from anitagre) 8508764 ==> 2234. "Burgle Bros." (from anitagre) 8508767 ==> 2235. "Bob Ross: Art of Chill Game" (from anitagre) 8508770 ==> 2236. "The Metagame" (from anitagre) 8508811 ==> 2237. "Sierra West" (from derekjinx) 8508812 ==> 2238. "Warband: Against the Darkness" (from derekjinx) 8508814 ==> 2239. "Word Domination" (from derekjinx) 8508815 ==> 2240. "Zombicide: Black Plague – Hero Box 1" (from derekjinx) 8508817 ==> 2241. "Kitchen Rush" (from Shot007) 8508818 ==> 2242. "Unfair" (from Shot007) 8508819 ==> 2243. "Pandemic: Iberia" (from Shot007) 8508822 ==> 2244. "Memoir '44" (from Shot007) 8508824 ==> 2245. "DungeonQuest (Third Edition)" (from derekjinx) 8508825 ==> 2246. "Homeland: The Game" (from derekjinx) 8508826 ==> 2247. "Star Trek Panic" (from derekjinx) 8508829 ==> 2248. "Space Alert" (from derekjinx) 8508831 ==> 2249. "Flip Ships" (from derekjinx) 8508832 ==> 2250. "New Angeles" (from derekjinx) 8508835 ==> 2251. "Dungeon Lords" (from derekjinx) 8508838 ==> 2252. "Mombasa" (from derekjinx) 8508842 ==> 2253. "The Manhattan Project: Chain Reaction" (from derekjinx) 8508843 ==> 2254. "Covert" (from JordanZS) 8508845 ==> 2255. "Photosynthesis" (from JordanZS) 8508847 ==> 2256. "Everdell" (from duckduck) 8508848 ==> 2257. "A Tale of Pirates" (from JordanZS) 8508850 ==> 2258. "Eclipse" (from JordanZS) 8508858 ==> 2259. "Hero Realms" (from derekjinx) 8508860 ==> 2260. "Gateway: Uprising" (from derekjinx) 8508868 ==> 2261. "Fields of Fire" (from derekjinx) 8508881 ==> 2262. "Feudum" (from derekjinx) 8508888 ==> 2263. "Empires of the Void" (from derekjinx) 8508890 ==> 2264. "Emergence Event" (from derekjinx) 8508894 ==> 2265. "Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game" (from derekjinx) 8508900 ==> 2266. "Heroes & Kings" (from cpcunningham) 8508902 ==> 2267. "Phantom Fury" (from cpcunningham) 8508903 ==> 2268. "Red Dragon, Blue Dragon: The Huaihai, 1948-1949" (from cpcunningham) 8508914 ==> 2269. "Clash of Cultures" (from derekjinx) 8508916 ==> 2270. "City of Iron: Second Edition" (from derekjinx) 8508918 ==> 2271. "Boss Monster: The Dungeon Building Card Game" (from derekjinx) 8508922 ==> 2272. "The Ares Project" (from derekjinx) 8508925 ==> 2273. "Warhammer: Diskwars" (from TnT!) 8508927 ==> 2274. "Bob Ross: Art of Chill Game" (from startbar) 8508928 ==> 2275. "Warrior Knights" (from derekjinx) 8508929 ==> 2276. "Titanium Wars" (from derekjinx) 8508932 ==> 2277. "Skull" (from startbar) 8508934 ==> 2278. "Throneworld" (from derekjinx) 8508936 ==> 2279. "Theseus: The Dark Orbit" (from derekjinx) 8508939 ==> 2280. "Rising Sun: Dynasty Invasion" (from samuelism) 8508945 ==> 2281. "Talisman: Revised 4th Edition" (from derekjinx) 8508947 ==> 2282. "Steam Park" (from derekjinx) 8508949 ==> 2283. "Starship Samurai" (from derekjinx) 8508951 ==> 2284. "Skulk Hollow" (from derekjinx) 8508954 ==> 2285. "Rurik: Dawn of Kiev" (from derekjinx) 8508956 ==> 2286. "Rise of Empires" (from derekjinx) 8508961 ==> 2287. "Brass: Lancashire" (from derecksherrer) 8508964 ==> 2288. "Alt Name: $45 Gift Card" (from Evilturnip) 8508965 ==> 2289. "Cartographers" (from derecksherrer) 8508967 ==> 2290. "Five Tribes: Dhenim" (from derekjinx) 8508970 ==> 2291. "Escape: The Curse of the Temple" (from derecksherrer) 8508974 ==> 2292. "Mountain Goats" (from Evilturnip) 8508975 ==> 2293. "Tiny Epic Kingdoms: Deluxe Promo Pack" (from derekjinx) 8508976 ==> 2294. "Forge War" (from derecksherrer) 8508978 ==> 2295. "Gentes" (from derecksherrer) 8508982 ==> 2296. "Heroes of Terrinoth" (from derecksherrer) 8508984 ==> 2297. "Legends of Andor" (from Evilturnip) 8508985 ==> 2298. "Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game" (from derecksherrer) 8508986 ==> 2299. "Newton" (from derecksherrer) 8508987 ==> 2300. "Pandemic: The Cure" (from derecksherrer) 8508993 ==> 2301. "Spartacus: Hadrianus Promo Card" (from derekjinx) 8508994 ==> 2302. "Champions of Midgard: SeeZam Promo Card" (from derekjinx) 8508996 ==> 2303. "Le Havre: The Inland Port" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8509000 ==> 2304. "Champions of Midgard: Odin's Trial Promo Card" (from derekjinx) 8509001 ==> 2305. "Champions of Midgard: Virtue Promo Card" (from derekjinx) 8509004 ==> 2306. "Champions of Midgard: Despised Promo Card" (from derekjinx) 8509026 ==> 2307. "Patchwork" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8509027 ==> 2308. "Tiny Epic Defenders: Kickstarter Mini-Expansion" (from derekjinx) 8509037 ==> 2309. "Mage Wars: Altar of the Iron Guard Promo Card" (from derekjinx) 8509067 ==> 2310. "Sonar" (from aungmyo) 8509068 ==> 2311. "On Tour" (from aungmyo) 8509076 ==> 2312. "By Order of the Queen" (from iamrubocop) 8509081 ==> 2313. "Magic: The Gathering – Arena of the Planeswalkers" (from iamrubocop) 8509084 ==> 2314. "Railways of the World" (from iamrubocop) 8509089 ==> 2315. "Undermining" (from iamrubocop) 8509094 ==> 2316. "Wizard's Quest" (from iamrubocop) 8509101 ==> 2317. "Caverna: Cave vs Cave" (from Evilturnip) 8509108 ==> 2318. "Alt Name: Game Cube, Legend of Zelda The Windwaker" (from iamrubocop) 8509159 ==> 2319. "Ticket to Ride: Rails & Sails" (from fearles) 8509165 ==> 2320. "Goa" (from aungmyo) 8509166 ==> 2321. "PARKS" (from aungmyo) 8509168 ==> 2322. "Wizards" (from fearles) 8509171 ==> 2323. "Super-Skill Pinball: 4-Cade" (from aungmyo) 8509173 ==> 2324. "Roam" (from aungmyo) 8509174 ==> 2325. "Nevada City" (from aungmyo) 8509175 ==> 2326. "Arena: For the Gods!" (from Overexposed) 8509177 ==> 2327. "New York Zoo" (from aungmyo) 8509180 ==> 2328. "IKI" (from aungmyo) 8509181 ==> 2329. "Genotype: A Mendelian Genetics Game" (from aungmyo) 8509188 ==> 2330. "Bemused" (from Overexposed) 8509194 ==> 2331. "The Big Book of Madness" (from Overexposed) 8509195 ==> 2332. "Bob Ross: Happy Little Accidents" (from Overexposed) 8509196 ==> 2333. "Brutal Kingdom" (from Overexposed) 8509199 ==> 2334. "El Caballero" (from Overexposed) 8509203 ==> 2335. "Imperial" (from Bardatir) 8509205 ==> 2336. "Red7" (from Bardatir) 8509207 ==> 2337. "KeyForge: Age of Ascension" (from furrygoober) 8509216 ==> 2338. "Zombie Dice" (from Bardatir) 8509219 ==> 2339. "The Dragon & Flagon" (from Bardatir) 8509233 ==> 2340. "Living Planet: Deluxe Edition" (from Bardatir) 8509265 ==> 2341. "Kahuna" (from Grantos) 8509277 ==> 2342. "Catan: Junior" (from Overexposed) 8509292 ==> 2343. "Acquire" (from Grantos) 8509296 ==> 2344. "The Big Book of Madness" (from Grantos) 8509302 ==> 2345. "City Council" (from Overexposed) 8509307 ==> 2346. "Ghost Blitz" (from Grantos) 8509311 ==> 2347. "Dragon's Gold" (from Overexposed) 8509313 ==> 2348. "Entdecker: Exploring New Horizons" (from Overexposed) 8509314 ==> 2349. "Glory to Rome" (from TnT!) 8509318 ==> 2350. "Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Duel at Mt. Skullzfyre" (from Overexposed) 8509320 ==> 2351. "Evolution: The Beginning" (from Overexposed) 8509325 ==> 2352. "Friday" (from Overexposed) 8509328 ==> 2353. "Roll For It! Deluxe Edition" (from Bardatir) 8509336 ==> 2354. "Hamsterrolle" (from Overexposed) 8509342 ==> 2355. "Industria" (from Overexposed) 8509345 ==> 2356. "Istanbul: The Dice Game" (from Overexposed) 8509346 ==> 2357. "Kakerlakensuppe" (from Overexposed) 8509350 ==> 2358. "King's Road" (from Overexposed) 8509351 ==> 2359. "Liguria" (from Overexposed) 8509352 ==> 2360. "Loot N Run" (from Overexposed) 8509354 ==> 2361. "The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game" (from furrygoober) 8509356 ==> 2362. "Lost Legends" (from Overexposed) 8509359 ==> 2363. "Louis XIV" (from Overexposed) 8509365 ==> 2364. "Mascarade" (from Overexposed) 8509367 ==> 2365. "Medici: The Card Game" (from Overexposed) 8509369 ==> 2366. "Medieval Merchant" (from Overexposed) 8509372 ==> 2367. "Munchkin Panic" (from Overexposed) 8509373 ==> 2368. "My Happy Farm" (from Overexposed) 8509375 ==> 2369. "Nottingham" (from Overexposed) 8509378 ==> 2370. "OctoDice" (from Overexposed) 8509380 ==> 2371. "Once Upon a Time: The Storytelling Card Game" (from Overexposed) 8509385 ==> 2372. "Overseers" (from Overexposed) 8509386 ==> 2373. "Pirate Den" (from Overexposed) 8509392 ==> 2374. "Pizarro & Co." (from Overexposed) 8509393 ==> 2375. "Pizza Theory" (from Overexposed) 8509395 ==> 2376. "Power Struggle" (from Overexposed) 8509397 ==> 2377. "Pylos" (from Overexposed) 8509398 ==> 2378. "Queen's Necklace" (from Overexposed) 8509400 ==> 2379. "Rising 5: Runes of Asteros" (from Overexposed) 8509408 ==> 2380. "Scrutineyes" (from Overexposed) 8509412 ==> 2381. "Soccer Tactics World" (from Overexposed) 8509416 ==> 2382. "Spyrium" (from Overexposed) 8509419 ==> 2383. "The Swarm" (from Overexposed) 8509430-COPY1 ==> 2384. "Alt Name: Overlays for Terraforming Mars Player boards by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 1 of 3] 8509430-COPY2 ==> 2384. "Alt Name: Overlays for Terraforming Mars Player boards by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 2 of 3] 8509430-COPY3 ==> 2384. "Alt Name: Overlays for Terraforming Mars Player boards by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 3 of 3] 8509454-COPY1 ==> 2385. "Alt Name: Insert for Paladins of the West Kingdom by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 1 of 3] 8509454-COPY2 ==> 2385. "Alt Name: Insert for Paladins of the West Kingdom by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 2 of 3] 8509454-COPY3 ==> 2385. "Alt Name: Insert for Paladins of the West Kingdom by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 3 of 3] 8509473-COPY1 ==> 2386. "Alt Name: Insert for Architects of the West Kingdom by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 1 of 3] 8509473-COPY2 ==> 2386. "Alt Name: Insert for Architects of the West Kingdom by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 2 of 3] 8509473-COPY3 ==> 2386. "Alt Name: Insert for Architects of the West Kingdom by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 3 of 3] 8509485-COPY1 ==> 2387. "Alt Name: Insert for Dominion by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 1 of 3] 8509485-COPY2 ==> 2387. "Alt Name: Insert for Dominion by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 2 of 3] 8509485-COPY3 ==> 2387. "Alt Name: Insert for Dominion by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 3 of 3] 8509520 ==> 2388. "Alt Name: Insert for Rising Sun KS Edition by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) 8509525-COPY1 ==> 2389. "Alt Name: Insert for Wingspan by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 1 of 3] 8509525-COPY2 ==> 2389. "Alt Name: Insert for Wingspan by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 2 of 3] 8509525-COPY3 ==> 2389. "Alt Name: Insert for Wingspan by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 3 of 3] 8509528-COPY1 ==> 2390. "Alt Name: Insert for Underwater Cities by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 1 of 3] 8509528-COPY2 ==> 2390. "Alt Name: Insert for Underwater Cities by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 2 of 3] 8509528-COPY3 ==> 2390. "Alt Name: Insert for Underwater Cities by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 3 of 3] 8509533-COPY1 ==> 2391. "Alt Name: Insert for Terraforming Mars by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 1 of 3] 8509533-COPY2 ==> 2391. "Alt Name: Insert for Terraforming Mars by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 2 of 3] 8509533-COPY3 ==> 2391. "Alt Name: Insert for Terraforming Mars by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 3 of 3] 8509535-COPY1 ==> 2392. "Alt Name: Insert for Root by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 1 of 3] 8509535-COPY2 ==> 2392. "Alt Name: Insert for Root by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 2 of 3] 8509535-COPY3 ==> 2392. "Alt Name: Insert for Root by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 3 of 3] 8509540 ==> 2393. "Sylla" (from Overexposed) 8509542 ==> 2394. "Take Stock" (from Overexposed) 8509543 ==> 2395. "Terra Prime" (from Overexposed) 8509544 ==> 2396. "That's a Question!" (from Overexposed) 8509546 ==> 2397. "Thebes: The Tomb Raiders" (from Overexposed) 8509547 ==> 2398. "Tiny Epic Defenders" (from Overexposed) 8509548 ==> 2399. "Touché" (from Overexposed) 8509549 ==> 2400. "Trieste" (from Overexposed) 8509550 ==> 2401. "Ventura" (from Overexposed) 8509552 ==> 2402. "Vinci" (from Overexposed) 8509554-COPY1 ==> 2403. "Alt Name: Insert for Roll for the Galaxy by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 1 of 3] 8509554-COPY2 ==> 2403. "Alt Name: Insert for Roll for the Galaxy by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 2 of 3] 8509554-COPY3 ==> 2403. "Alt Name: Insert for Roll for the Galaxy by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 3 of 3] 8509556 ==> 2404. "VisualEyes" (from Overexposed) 8509558 ==> 2405. "ZombieTown" (from Overexposed) 8509560 ==> 2406. "Cyclades: Monuments" (from Overexposed) 8509561 ==> 2407. "Eight-Minute Empire: Lost Lands" (from Overexposed) 8509567 ==> 2408. "Imperial Settlers: Atlanteans" (from Overexposed) 8509568 ==> 2409. "Kingsburg: To Forge a Realm" (from Overexposed) 8509569 ==> 2410. "Lancaster: The New Laws" (from Overexposed) 8509571-COPY1 ==> 2411. "Alt Name: Insert for Maracaibo by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 1 of 3] 8509571-COPY2 ==> 2411. "Alt Name: Insert for Maracaibo by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 2 of 3] 8509571-COPY3 ==> 2411. "Alt Name: Insert for Maracaibo by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 3 of 3] 8509577-COPY1 ==> 2412. "Alt Name: Insert for Gaia Project and overlays for the player boards by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 1 of 3] 8509577-COPY2 ==> 2412. "Alt Name: Insert for Gaia Project and overlays for the player boards by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 2 of 3] 8509577-COPY3 ==> 2412. "Alt Name: Insert for Gaia Project and overlays for the player boards by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 3 of 3] 8509581 ==> 2413. "Guardian's Call" (from Overexposed) 8509585-COPY1 ==> 2414. "Alt Name: Insert for Clank! by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 1 of 3] 8509585-COPY2 ==> 2414. "Alt Name: Insert for Clank! by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 2 of 3] 8509585-COPY3 ==> 2414. "Alt Name: Insert for Clank! by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 3 of 3] 8509586 ==> 2415. "Tumult Royale" (from Overexposed) 8509607 ==> 2416. "North Wind" (from JonnyHeems) 8509609-COPY1 ==> 2417. "Alt Name: Insert for Caverna by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 1 of 3] 8509609-COPY2 ==> 2417. "Alt Name: Insert for Caverna by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 2 of 3] 8509609-COPY3 ==> 2417. "Alt Name: Insert for Caverna by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 3 of 3] 8509614-COPY1 ==> 2418. "Alt Name: Insert for Catan by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 1 of 3] 8509614-COPY2 ==> 2418. "Alt Name: Insert for Catan by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 2 of 3] 8509614-COPY3 ==> 2418. "Alt Name: Insert for Catan by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 3 of 3] 8509620-COPY1 ==> 2419. "Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 1 of 3] 8509620-COPY2 ==> 2419. "Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 2 of 3] 8509620-COPY3 ==> 2419. "Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 3 of 3] 8509625 ==> 2420. "Helios" (from Overexposed) 8509626-COPY1 ==> 2421. "Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 1 of 3] 8509626-COPY2 ==> 2421. "Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 2 of 3] 8509626-COPY3 ==> 2421. "Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 3 of 3] 8509633 ==> 2422. "Samarkand: Routes to Riches" (from Overexposed) 8509634-COPY1 ==> 2423. "Alt Name: Insert for Hallertau by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 1 of 3] 8509634-COPY2 ==> 2423. "Alt Name: Insert for Hallertau by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 2 of 3] 8509634-COPY3 ==> 2423. "Alt Name: Insert for Hallertau by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 3 of 3] 8509636 ==> 2424. "Urbanization" (from Overexposed) 8509639 ==> 2425. "Deus" (from Overexposed) 8509640 ==> 2426. "Honshū" (from Overexposed) 8509641 ==> 2427. "Burke's Gambit" (from slprince) 8509644 ==> 2428. "Mythotopia" (from Overexposed) 8509648 ==> 2429. "Suburbia" (from Overexposed) 8509652 ==> 2430. "Kingdomino" (from JonnyHeems) 8509653 ==> 2431. "Fire & Axe: A Viking Saga" (from Overexposed) 8509655 ==> 2432. "Santorini" (from Overexposed) 8509656-COPY1 ==> 2433. "Alt Name: Insert for Lost Ruins of Arnak by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 1 of 3] 8509656-COPY2 ==> 2433. "Alt Name: Insert for Lost Ruins of Arnak by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 2 of 3] 8509656-COPY3 ==> 2433. "Alt Name: Insert for Lost Ruins of Arnak by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 3 of 3] 8509657 ==> 2434. "The End of the Triumvirate" (from Overexposed) 8509659 ==> 2435. "Black Friday" (from Overexposed) 8509661-COPY1 ==> 2436. "Alt Name: Insert for Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 1 of 3] 8509661-COPY2 ==> 2436. "Alt Name: Insert for Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 2 of 3] 8509661-COPY3 ==> 2436. "Alt Name: Insert for Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 3 of 3] 8509665 ==> 2437. "Alt Name: $27 CAD Gift Card" (from JonnyHeems) 8509666 ==> 2438. "Dungeon Fighter" (from Overexposed) 8509669 ==> 2439. "Nuns on the Run" (from Overexposed) 8509671-COPY1 ==> 2440. "Alt Name: Insert for 7 Wonders Second Edition by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 1 of 3] 8509671-COPY2 ==> 2440. "Alt Name: Insert for 7 Wonders Second Edition by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 2 of 3] 8509671-COPY3 ==> 2440. "Alt Name: Insert for 7 Wonders Second Edition by Gaming Trunk" (from Panfivan) [copy 3 of 3] 8509677 ==> 2441. "Survive: Escape from Atlantis!" (from Overexposed) 8509680 ==> 2442. "The Lord of the Rings" (from Overexposed) 8509683 ==> 2443. "Broom Service: The Card Game" (from Overexposed) 8509687 ==> 2444. "Villages of Valeria" (from Overexposed) 8509689 ==> 2445. "The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire" (from Overexposed) 8509707 ==> 2446. "Alt Name: Playmat for Ankh: Gods of Egypt" (from Panfivan) 8509713 ==> 2447. "Android: Netrunner" (from Changer628) 8509714 ==> 2448. "Lords of Waterdeep" (from Changer628) 8509719 ==> 2449. "Pandemic Legacy: Season 2" (from Changer628) 8509720 ==> 2450. "Subbuteo" (from canadiankorean) 8509721 ==> 2451. "The Castles of Burgundy" (from Changer628) 8509722 ==> 2452. "Memoir '44" (from Overexposed) 8509723 ==> 2453. "Formula D" (from Changer628) 8509725 ==> 2454. "T.I.M.E Stories" (from Changer628) 8509726 ==> 2455. "Unearth" (from Changer628) 8509728 ==> 2456. "Android: Netrunner – Creation and Control" (from Changer628) 8509730 ==> 2457. "Islebound" (from Changer628) 8509731 ==> 2458. "Above and Below" (from Changer628) 8509732 ==> 2459. "Winner's Circle" (from Overexposed) 8509733 ==> 2460. "Gizmos" (from Changer628) 8509735 ==> 2461. "Vast: The Mysterious Manor" (from Changer628) 8509738 ==> 2462. "Alt Name: The 7th Continent Small Box Expansions" (from Changer628) 8509739 ==> 2463. "The 7th Continent" (from Changer628) 8509740 ==> 2464. "The 7th Continent: What Goes Up, Must Come Down" (from Changer628) 8509741 ==> 2465. "Everdell: Collector's Edition" (from Changer628) 8509744 ==> 2466. "Betrayal Legacy" (from Changer628) 8509746 ==> 2467. "Brass: Lancashire" (from Changer628) 8509759 ==> 2468. "Tapestry" (from wtncffts) 8509772 ==> 2469. "Prêt-à-Porter" (from wtncffts) 8509774 ==> 2470. "Maracaibo" (from wtncffts) 8509777 ==> 2471. "Alt Name: $ and a game bundle" (from joshuag) 8509778 ==> 2472. "Santa Maria" (from wtncffts) 8509805 ==> 2473. "Spike" (from joshuag) 8509821 ==> 2474. "Cat Lady" (from pikkoro) 8509823 ==> 2475. "Roll for the Galaxy" (from pikkoro) 8509824 ==> 2476. "Memoir '44" (from booned) 8509828 ==> 2477. "Shadow Hunters" (from booned) 8509829 ==> 2478. "King of Tokyo" (from pikkoro) 8509831 ==> 2479. "War Stories: Red Storm" (from booned) 8509834 ==> 2480. "Arboretum" (from pikkoro) 8509836 ==> 2481. "Meteor" (from standells) 8509837 ==> 2482. "The Road to Canterbury" (from DaFink) 8509838 ==> 2483. "Fury of Dracula (Third/Fourth Edition)" (from pikkoro) 8509839 ==> 2484. "MIL (1049)" (from standells) 8509841 ==> 2485. "Junta" (from DaFink) 8509842 ==> 2486. "Hey, That's My Fish!" (from DaFink) 8509843 ==> 2487. "Cutthroat Caverns" (from standells) 8509853 ==> 2488. "Traders of Osaka" (from standells) 8509859 ==> 2489. "Imperial Settlers" (from John_of_the_Fountain) 8509865 ==> 2490. "Maharani" (from standells) 8509870 ==> 2491. "Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game" (from bfir3) 8509872 ==> 2492. "Ave Roma" (from bfir3) 8509873 ==> 2493. "7 Wonders" (from standells) 8509874 ==> 2494. "Android: Netrunner" (from bfir3) 8509875 ==> 2495. "Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game – Pegasus Expansion" (from pikkoro) 8509876 ==> 2496. "Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game – Exodus Expansion" (from pikkoro) 8509877 ==> 2497. "Chicago Express" (from bfir3) 8509879 ==> 2498. "7 Wonders: Cities" (from standells) 8509880 ==> 2499. "Constantinopolis" (from bfir3) 8509881 ==> 2500. "Show Manager" (from bfir3) 8509882 ==> 2501. "Archon: Glory & Machination" (from bfir3) 8509883 ==> 2502. "Adrenaline" (from mrtof) 8509884 ==> 2503. "Kanban: Driver's Edition" (from bfir3) 8509885 ==> 2504. "The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game" (from Jman3256) 8509886 ==> 2505. "Ingenious" (from mrtof) 8509887 ==> 2506. "Yomi" (from Jman3256) 8509888 ==> 2507. "Québec" (from bfir3) 8509889 ==> 2508. "Hawaii" (from bfir3) 8509892 ==> 2509. "Hansa Teutonica" (from bfir3) 8509893 ==> 2510. "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" (from kuni2) 8509894 ==> 2511. "Serenissima (Second Edition)" (from bfir3) 8509896 ==> 2512. "De Vulgari Eloquentia" (from bfir3) 8509903 ==> 2513. "Patchistory" (from standells) 8509905 ==> 2514. "Traintopia" (from Jman3256) 8509907 ==> 2515. "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures: City Fall" (from bfir3) 8509908 ==> 2516. "Guilds of London" (from standells) 8509909 ==> 2517. "Steam Works" (from standells) 8509910 ==> 2518. "Ghost Stories" (from TnT!) 8509912 ==> 2519. "Final Fantasy VII Remake" (from Fullpa) 8509913 ==> 2520. "Spike" (from standells) 8509915 ==> 2521. "Miscellaneous miniatures, maps, terrain tiles and other accessories" (from Fullpa) 8509916 ==> 2522. "Grand Conquest" (from mrtof) 8509917 ==> 2523. "Laser Chess" (from mrtof) 8509922 ==> 2524. "Alt Name: $40 CAD Gift Card" (from McNinjaX) 8509924 ==> 2525. "Blood Rage: Fenrir" (from Fullpa) 8509929 ==> 2526. "Dogs of War: Kickstarter Exclusives" (from Fullpa) 8509932 ==> 2527. "Whistle Mountain" (from cmcgaughey) 8509933 ==> 2528. "Praga Caput Regni" (from cmcgaughey) 8509945 ==> 2529. "Polynesia" (from roddydavey) 8509949 ==> 2530. "Blue Skies" (from roddydavey) 8509951 ==> 2531. "Space Empires: 4X" (from roddydavey) 8509953 ==> 2532. "Whistle Stop" (from roddydavey) 8509954 ==> 2533. "Le Havre" (from roddydavey) 8509956 ==> 2534. "Paris Connection" (from roddydavey) 8509961 ==> 2535. "Unlock!: Secret Adventures – The Adventurers of Oz" (from msnets) 8509969 ==> 2536. "Sprawlopolis" (from Gravey) 8509999 ==> 2537. "BrilliAnts" (from CdnTiger) 8510028 ==> 2538. "Gloomhaven" (from weneedvices) 8510029 ==> 2539. "Viticulture Essential Edition" (from weneedvices) 8510030 ==> 2540. "Terraforming Mars" (from weneedvices) 8510034 ==> 2541. "Alma Mater" (from canadiankorean) 8510036 ==> 2542. "The Colonists" (from canadiankorean) 8510037 ==> 2543. "The King's Guild" (from canadiankorean) 8510041 ==> 2544. "Alt Name: Light game bundle 1" (from canadiankorean) 8510060 ==> 2545. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from canadiankorean) 8510105 ==> 2546. "Paperback" (from davebliz) 8510112 ==> 2547. "Arkham Horror: The Card Game – Undimensioned and Unseen: Mythos Pack" (from Xist) 8510143 ==> 2548. "Arkham Horror (Third Edition): Dead of Night" (from Xist) 8510150 ==> 2549. "Alt Name: $60 CAD gift card or eTransfer" (from Xist) 8510169 ==> 2550. "Shark" (from downstream) 8510184 ==> 2551. "CV" (from ecsf2008) 8510187 ==> 2552. "Crossfire" (from ecsf2008) 8510188 ==> 2553. "Guildhall: Job Faire" (from ecsf2008) 8510189 ==> 2554. "SpyNet" (from ecsf2008) 8510190 ==> 2555. "The Godfather: An Offer You Can't Refuse" (from ecsf2008) 8510191 ==> 2556. "The Walking Dead: No Sanctuary" (from ecsf2008) 8510193 ==> 2557. "[redacted]" (from ecsf2008) 8510196 ==> 2558. "The Game of Things" (from ecsf2008) 8510197 ==> 2559. "Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends" (from ecsf2008) 8510198 ==> 2560. "Straw" (from ecsf2008) 8510199 ==> 2561. "Maharani" (from ecsf2008) 8510200 ==> 2562. "Machi Koro: Bright Lights, Big City" (from ecsf2008) 8510201 ==> 2563. "Game of Thrones: The Trivia Game" (from ecsf2008) 8510202 ==> 2564. "Fans de Hockey" (from ecsf2008) 8510203 ==> 2565. "Dead of Winter: The Long Night" (from ecsf2008) 8510205 ==> 2566. "Sub Terra" (from ecsf2008) 8510208 ==> 2567. "Takenoko" (from ecsf2008) 8510209 ==> 2568. "7 Wonders" (from ecsf2008) 8510211 ==> 2569. "Amazonas" (from ecsf2008) 8510212 ==> 2570. "Arcadia Quest: Inferno" (from ecsf2008) 8510396 ==> 2571. "Acquire" (from GordZee) 8510398 ==> 2572. "The Estates" (from GordZee) 8510433 ==> 2573. "Oregon" (from familygaming) 8510445 ==> 2574. "Sentinels of the Multiverse" (from familygaming) 8510450 ==> 2575. "The Voyages of Marco Polo" (from familygaming) 8510491 ==> 2576. "Labyrinth" (from Rox813) 8510644 ==> 2577. "Zooloretto" (from mvalenta) 8510652 ==> 2578. "Ticket to Ride" (from canadiankorean) 8510654 ==> 2579. "Earth Reborn" (from The Barefoot Killer) 8510657 ==> 2580. "Pandemic: On the Brink" (from yourbuddyfromCanada) 8510658 ==> 2581. "Wrasslin'" (from The Barefoot Killer) 8510661 ==> 2582. "The Pillars of the Earth" (from mvalenta) 8510662 ==> 2583. "Risk: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Edition" (from yourbuddyfromCanada) 8510672 ==> 2584. "Alien Frontiers" (from mvalenta) 8510679 ==> 2585. "The Resistance" (from JonnyHeems) 8510702 ==> 2586. "Alt Name: 7th Continent Replacement Cards" (from dialwand) 8510738 ==> 2587. "Coal Baron" (from shadarap) 8510742 ==> 2588. "Memoir '44: New Flight Plan" (from Daremok) 8510747 ==> 2589. "Forbidden Sky" (from shadarap) 8510748 ==> 2590. "Forbidden Sky" (from shadarap) 8510761 ==> 2591. "Alt Name: Choose ANY or ALL small game bundle" (from Jlc2) 8510762 ==> 2592. "Seasons" (from LeighCedar) 8510775 ==> 2593. "Omen: A Reign of War" (from LeighCedar) 8510782 ==> 2594. "Sonar" (from derekjinx) 8510785 ==> 2595. "Unlock!: Exotic Adventures" (from shadarap) 8510786 ==> 2596. "Discover: Lands Unknown" (from derekjinx) 8510790 ==> 2597. "Cosmic Balance" (from Orsino71) 8510791 ==> 2598. "Red7" (from derekjinx) 8510794 ==> 2599. "Dead Man's Doubloons" (from Orsino71) 8510798 ==> 2600. "Galactic Warlords: Battle for Dominion" (from Orsino71) 8510800 ==> 2601. "Rattlebones" (from Orsino71) 8510801 ==> 2602. "Eminent Domain: Battlecruisers" (from Orsino71) 8510803 ==> 2603. "Exoplanets" (from Orsino71) 8510804 ==> 2604. "Nexus Ops" (from derekjinx) 8510805 ==> 2605. "Hordes: High Command" (from Orsino71) 8510806 ==> 2606. "Alone" (from Orsino71) 8510809 ==> 2607. "Dungeon Run" (from Orsino71) 8510810 ==> 2608. "Disney Villainous" (from mightygodking) 8510811 ==> 2609. "Godzilla: Tokyo Clash" (from Orsino71) 8510812 ==> 2610. "Marvel Heroes" (from Orsino71) 8510815 ==> 2611. "Nightfall" (from Orsino71) 8510816 ==> 2612. "Alt Name: $50 Gift Certificate" (from mightygodking) 8510820 ==> 2613. "The Resistance" (from Orsino71) 8510823 ==> 2614. "Wits & Wagers" (from Orsino71) 8510837 ==> 2615. "1861: The Railways of the Russian Empire" (from mightygodking) 8510843 ==> 2616. "Roller Coaster Tycoon" (from Orsino71) 8510846 ==> 2617. "Tower of London" (from Orsino71) 8510856 ==> 2618. "Bruxelles 1893" (from catmogwai) 8510861 ==> 2619. "MUNERA: Familia Gladiatoria" (from derekjinx) 8510863 ==> 2620. "A Game of Cat & Mouth" (from Orsino71) 8510884 ==> 2621. "Adventure Games: The Dungeon" (from shadarap) 8510893 ==> 2622. "The Wizard Always Wins" (from shadarap) 8510904 ==> 2623. "Unicorn Fever" (from Orsino71) 8510924 ==> 2624. "Wiz-War (Eighth Edition)" (from derekjinx) 8510930 ==> 2625. "Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra" (from nossirom2004) 8510936 ==> 2626. "Panamax" (from nossirom2004) 8510938 ==> 2627. "Futuropia" (from philcampeau) 8510941 ==> 2628. "Last Will" (from nossirom2004) 8510945 ==> 2629. "Undaunted: Normandy" (from philcampeau) 8511051 ==> 2630. "KeyForge: Age of Ascension" (from The Barefoot Killer) 8511073 ==> 2631. "Mr. Jack in New York" (from chadh) 8511076 ==> 2632. "Arkham Horror: The Card Game" (from chadh) 8511080 ==> 2633. "Thief's Market" (from Zeth4) 8511082 ==> 2634. "Forbidden Sky" (from chadh) 8511086 ==> 2635. "Dixit" (from chadh) 8511088 ==> 2636. "DropMix" (from The Barefoot Killer) 8511090 ==> 2637. "Deception: Murder in Hong Kong" (from chadh) 8511092 ==> 2638. "Blackout: Hong Kong" (from chadh) 8511109 ==> 2639. "The Princes of Florence" (from WRMW) 8511112 ==> 2640. "Forbidden Island" (from Zeth4) 8511114 ==> 2641. "Dear Leader" (from WRMW) 8511118 ==> 2642. "Roma" (from WRMW) 8511119 ==> 2643. "SeaFall" (from WRMW) 8511121 ==> 2644. "Castles of Mad King Ludwig" (from WRMW) 8511131 ==> 2645. "One Night Ultimate Werewolf" (from WRMW) 8511138 ==> 2646. "Alt Name: The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game" (from WRMW) 8511142 ==> 2647. "Genoa" (from WRMW) 8511161 ==> 2648. "Scotland Yard" (from WRMW) 8511170 ==> 2649. "Agents of SMERSH" (from WRMW) 8511175 ==> 2650. "Alt Name: Unlock/ EXIT Bundle" (from WRMW) 8511189 ==> 2651. "Betrayal Legacy" (from mistarille143) 8511190 ==> 2652. "Village" (from Haydn Lloyd) 8511206 ==> 2653. "Roll for the Galaxy" (from Haydn Lloyd) 8511207 ==> 2654. "On Tour" (from mistarille143) 8511208 ==> 2655. "Oh My Goods!" (from Haydn Lloyd) 8511211 ==> 2656. "Circadians: First Light" (from mistarille143) 8511212 ==> 2657. "Gorus Maximus" (from Haydn Lloyd) 8511213 ==> 2658. "Glass Road" (from Haydn Lloyd) 8511217 ==> 2659. "Magic: the Gathering – Jumpstart" (from Haydn Lloyd) 8511230 ==> 2660. "Rococo: Jewelry Box" (from mightygodking) 8511234 ==> 2661. "Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure" (from nossirom2004) 8511235 ==> 2662. "Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition" (from nossirom2004) 8511236 ==> 2663. "Alt Name: $50 CAD Gift Card" (from nossirom2004) 8511241 ==> 2664. "Crystal Palace" (from jonb182) 8511245 ==> 2665. "Orléans: Deluxe Edition" (from nossirom2004) 8511594 ==> 2666. "Alt Name: $45 CAD Gift Card" (from aungmyo) 8511634 ==> 2667. "Alt Name: $75 CAD Gift Card" (from prd1982) 8511671 ==> 2668. "Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia" (from Wiegrief) 8511675 ==> 2669. "Everdell: Spirecrest" (from McNinjaX) 8511683 ==> 2670. "Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers" (from messedup1) 8511695 ==> 2671. "Cottage Garden" (from messedup1) 8511702 ==> 2672. "Fury of Dracula (Third/Fourth Edition)" (from messedup1) 8511710 ==> 2673. "German Railways" (from messedup1) 8511712 ==> 2674. "Hardback" (from messedup1) 8511715 ==> 2675. "Junk Art" (from Kaizen Zanshin) 8511718 ==> 2676. "Nations: The Dice Game" (from messedup1) 8511720 ==> 2677. "The Godfather: Corleone's Empire" (from Wiegrief) 8511722 ==> 2678. "Pendragon: The Fall of Roman Britain" (from messedup1) 8511724 ==> 2679. "Endeavor: Age of Sail" (from Duckster) 8511726 ==> 2680. "Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time" (from Duckster) 8511728 ==> 2681. "Biosphere" (from Kaizen Zanshin) 8511734 ==> 2682. "The Castles of Tuscany" (from Kaizen Zanshin) 8511735 ==> 2683. "Puerto Rico" (from messedup1) 8511738 ==> 2684. "Tawantinsuyu: The Inca Empire" (from messedup1) 8511740 ==> 2685. "Mechanica" (from Kaizen Zanshin) 8511741 ==> 2686. "Egizia" (from Kaizen Zanshin) 8511744 ==> 2687. "Löwenherz" (from Kaizen Zanshin) 8511745 ==> 2688. "Dream Factory" (from kiwik) 8511746 ==> 2689. "Khronos" (from Kaizen Zanshin) 8511747 ==> 2690. "Patchwork" (from canadiankorean) 8511750 ==> 2691. "Wacky Wacky West" (from Kaizen Zanshin) 8511751 ==> 2692. "Fifth Avenue" (from kiwik) 8511762 ==> 2693. "Dragon Castle" (from Kaizen Zanshin) 8511764 ==> 2694. "Dominion" (from Randougall) 8511771 ==> 2695. "Charterstone" (from vatosloco) 8511772 ==> 2696. "Dawn of Peacemakers" (from vatosloco) 8511773 ==> 2697. "Fired Up" (from vatosloco) 8511776 ==> 2698. "Guild Ball: Kick Off!" (from vatosloco) 8511778 ==> 2699. "Human Punishment: Social Deduction 2.0" (from vatosloco) 8511779 ==> 2700. "Catan: Junior" (from Randougall) 8511780 ==> 2701. "Imperial Settlers" (from vatosloco) 8511783 ==> 2702. "Magic: The Gathering – Arena of the Planeswalkers" (from vatosloco) 8511787 ==> 2703. "Monster Lands" (from vatosloco) 8511790 ==> 2704. "Neuroshima Hex! 3.0" (from vatosloco) 8511798 ==> 2705. "Flash Point: Fire Rescue" (from Randougall) 8511803 ==> 2706. "Ys" (from vatosloco) 8511810 ==> 2707. "Zooloretto" (from Randougall) 8511823 ==> 2708. "Lost Valley" (from Randougall) 8511836 ==> 2709. "Eclipse" (from Kaizen Zanshin) 8511840 ==> 2710. "Unlock!: Epic Adventures" (from Bardatir) 8511848 ==> 2711. "Munchkin Adventure Time" (from canadiankorean) 8511855 ==> 2712. "Glen More II: Chronicles" (from Kaizen Zanshin) 8511858 ==> 2713. "タピる (Tapiru)" (from canadiankorean) 8511870 ==> 2714. "Gambler" (from vanl0003) 8511882 ==> 2715. "Alt Name: $30 CAD Gift Card" (from oxygen204) 8511884 ==> 2716. "Unlock!: Escape Adventures – Squeek & Sausage" (from Haydn Lloyd) 8511887 ==> 2717. "Thunderstone Quest" (from jrahhali) 8511889 ==> 2718. "Aftermath" (from jrahhali) 8511892 ==> 2719. "Carpe Diem" (from Haydn Lloyd) 8511898 ==> 2720. "Airlines Europe" (from jrahhali) 8511901 ==> 2721. "Word Slam" (from Haydn Lloyd) 8511905 ==> 2722. "Rogue Agent" (from messedup1) 8511909 ==> 2723. "Aquatica" (from Eeeville) 8511910 ==> 2724. "Kemet: Blood and Sand – Kickstarter Edition" (from Eeeville) 8511912 ==> 2725. "Furnace" (from Eeeville) 8511913 ==> 2726. "Chaos in the Old World: The Horned Rat Expansion" (from Eeeville) 8511914 ==> 2727. "Haggis" (from Eeeville) 8511915 ==> 2728. "Mind MGMT: The Psychic Espionage “Game.”" (from Eeeville) 8511916 ==> 2729. "Pandemic" (from Eeeville) 8511917 ==> 2730. "Wir sind das Volk!" (from Eeeville) 8511918 ==> 2731. "Bullet♥︎" (from Eeeville) 8511919 ==> 2732. "Alt Name: BGG GeekBits Ra Tiles ONLY" (from Eeeville) 8511920 ==> 2733. "Cross Clues" (from Eeeville) 8511921 ==> 2734. "Irish Gauge" (from Eeeville) 8511922 ==> 2735. "Alt Name: Keyforge BUNDLE" (from Eeeville) 8511923 ==> 2736. "Alt Name: 50!!! Keyforge - Age of Ascension Bulk Decks" (from Eeeville) 8511924 ==> 2737. "Alt Name: 15 Keyforge Call of the Archon Decks!" (from Eeeville) 8511925 ==> 2738. "Alt Name: 10 Keyforge Dark Tidings Decks!" (from Eeeville) 8511929 ==> 2739. "Helvetia" (from colnago) 8511949 ==> 2740. "Bios:Megafauna (Second Edition)" (from messedup1) 8511961 ==> 2741. "Unbroken" (from messedup1) 8511971 ==> 2742. "Dogs of War" (from jrahhali) 8511977 ==> 2743. "Between Two Cities" (from Dragoon6542) 8512032 ==> 2744. "Flip Ships" (from dizzybit) 8512045 ==> 2745. "Conspiracy: The Solomon Gambit" (from jonb182) 8512069 ==> 2746. "Kanban: Driver's Edition" (from thetba) 8512071 ==> 2747. "Legacy: Gears of Time" (from thetba) 8512073 ==> 2748. "Lift Off" (from thetba) 8512075 ==> 2749. "Via Appia" (from thetba) 8512081 ==> 2750. "Alt Name: $65 CAD gift card" (from dajohns) 8512086 ==> 2751. "Alt Name: $45 CAD gift card" (from steven_g) 8512089 ==> 2752. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from hoagie88) 8512098 ==> 2753. "Who Goes There? Deluxe Edition" (from Milts) 8512101 ==> 2754. "Call to Adventure" (from Milts) 8512108 ==> 2755. "Tokaido" (from Milts) 8512111 ==> 2756. "Love Letter Premium" (from Changer628) 8512118 ==> 2757. "Zombicide: Black Plague – Huntsman Pack" (from Changer628) 8512121 ==> 2758. "King of New York" (from fearles) 8512123 ==> 2759. "Yokohama" (from Changer628) 8512124 ==> 2760. "Photosynthesis" (from Milts) 8512137 ==> 2761. "Alt Name: $30 CAD gift card" (from ginsoakedgirl) 8512139 ==> 2762. "BattleLore" (from rotondan) 8512143 ==> 2763. "Alt Name: $50 CAD Gift Card" (from Shot007) 8512146 ==> 2764. "Pandemic" (from Milts) 8512151 ==> 2765. "Alt Name: $20 CAD Gift Card" (from Winsplod) 8512165 ==> 2766. "Star Wars: Unlock!" (from fearles) 8512186 ==> 2767. "Codenames" (from fearles) 8512206 ==> 2768. "Islebound" (from pepex82) 8512209 ==> 2769. "Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game – Marvel Studios, Phase 1" (from fearles) 8512215 ==> 2770. "Star Wars: Armada – Victory-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack" (from cloudstalkerian) 8512216 ==> 2771. "Star Wars: Armada – Victory-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack" (from cloudstalkerian) 8512219 ==> 2772. "The Ares Project" (from cloudstalkerian) 8512220 ==> 2773. "Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – Rebel Transport Expansion Pack" (from cloudstalkerian) 8512221 ==> 2774. "Star Wars: Armada – Victory-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack" (from cloudstalkerian) 8512222 ==> 2775. "Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – Hound's Tooth Expansion Pack" (from cloudstalkerian) 8512224 ==> 2776. "Charterstone" (from cloudstalkerian) 8512225 ==> 2777. "Mice and Mystics" (from cloudstalkerian) 8512226 ==> 2778. "Dungeon Petz" (from pepex82) 8512227 ==> 2779. "Risk: Transformers – Cybertron Battle Edition" (from cloudstalkerian) 8512228 ==> 2780. "Kaosball: Team – Samaria Barbarians" (from cloudstalkerian) 8512229 ==> 2781. "Kaosball: Team – Samaria Barbarians" (from cloudstalkerian) 8512230 ==> 2782. "Star Wars: Destiny – Legacies Booster Pack" (from cloudstalkerian) 8512231 ==> 2783. "Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – The Force Awakens Core Set" (from cloudstalkerian) 8512232 ==> 2784. "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past" (from cloudstalkerian) 8512233 ==> 2785. "Star Wars: Armada – Home One Expansion Pack" (from cloudstalkerian) 8512234 ==> 2786. "Star Wars: Armada – Rebel Fighter Squadrons Expansion Pack" (from cloudstalkerian) 8512235 ==> 2787. "Unlock!: Escape Adventures – The Island of Doctor Goorse" (from cloudstalkerian) 8512241 ==> 2788. "The Palaces of Carrara" (from Wiegrief) 8512242 ==> 2789. "The 7th Continent" (from Shot007) 8512258 ==> 2790. "The 7th Continent: What Goes Up, Must Come Down" (from Shot007) 8512276 ==> 2791. "Castle Panic" (from pepex82) 8512278 ==> 2792. "Alt Name: Marvel Champions Insert" (from diguno) 8512291 ==> 2793. "Alt Name: Paladins of the West Kingdom Insert" (from diguno) 8512293 ==> 2794. "Alt Name: Deckscape and Decktective Bundle" (from pepex82) 8512294 ==> 2795. "Smash Up" (from toine216) 8512296 ==> 2796. "Maharaja: The Game of Palace Building in India" (from heidebrechtluke) 8512297 ==> 2797. "Gaia Project" (from heidebrechtluke) 8512298 ==> 2798. "Black Angel" (from heidebrechtluke) 8512300 ==> 2799. "Dominations: Road to Civilization" (from heidebrechtluke) 8512301 ==> 2800. "Notre Dame" (from mihajlo) 8512302 ==> 2801. "Munchkin Quest" (from toine216) 8512303 ==> 2802. "La Stanza" (from heidebrechtluke) 8512304 ==> 2803. "Archon: Glory & Machination" (from heidebrechtluke) 8512306 ==> 2804. "Ultimatum" (from toine216) 8512312 ==> 2805. "Field Commander: Napoleon" (from tikitack) 8512319 ==> 2806. "Sid Meier's Civilization: The Boardgame" (from tikitack) 8512322 ==> 2807. "Alt Name: $40 CAD Gift Card" (from darkruffy) 8512328 ==> 2808. "Bios:Genesis" (from Simonc17) 8512329 ==> 2809. "Bios:Megafauna (Second Edition)" (from Simonc17) 8512330 ==> 2810. "Black Gold" (from Simonc17) 8512331 ==> 2811. "Card City XL" (from Simonc17) 8512332 ==> 2812. "Clash of Cultures" (from Simonc17) 8512334 ==> 2813. "Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game" (from Simonc17) 8512335 ==> 2814. "Wallenstein Big Box" (from tikitack) 8512337 ==> 2815. "For What Remains: Out of the Basement" (from Simonc17) 8512338 ==> 2816. "For What Remains: Streets of Ruin" (from Simonc17) 8512340 ==> 2817. "Grand Austria Hotel" (from Simonc17) 8512341 ==> 2818. "La Granja" (from Simonc17) 8512344 ==> 2819. "Infinite City" (from tikitack) 8512345 ==> 2820. "Feierabend" (from shooshoo) 8512346 ==> 2821. "Uchronia" (from tikitack) 8512347 ==> 2822. "NEOM" (from shooshoo) 8512348 ==> 2823. "Lagoon: Land of Druids" (from tikitack) 8512350 ==> 2824. "Rococo: Deluxe Edition" (from shooshoo) 8512357 ==> 2825. "The Court of Miracles" (from Sltn) 8512358 ==> 2826. "The Battle of Tours, 732 A.D." (from tikitack) 8512359 ==> 2827. "Hold the Line" (from Simonc17) 8512360 ==> 2828. "Kingdom Builder" (from Changer628) 8512361 ==> 2829. "Castle Lords" (from Simonc17) 8512362 ==> 2830. "Keyflower" (from Simonc17) 8512363 ==> 2831. "Lorenzo il Magnifico" (from Simonc17) 8512365 ==> 2832. "Rococo" (from Simonc17) 8512366 ==> 2833. "The Manhattan Project: Chain Reaction" (from Simonc17) 8512368 ==> 2834. "Power Grid: Factory Manager" (from Simonc17) 8512369 ==> 2835. "Minotaur Lords" (from Simonc17) 8512370 ==> 2836. "Mr. Cabbagehead's Garden" (from Simonc17) 8512371 ==> 2837. "Neanderthal" (from Simonc17) 8512372 ==> 2838. "Pax Pamir" (from Simonc17) 8512373 ==> 2839. "Peloponnes Card Game" (from Simonc17) 8512374 ==> 2840. "Perikles" (from Simonc17) 8512376 ==> 2841. "Race for the Chinese Zodiac" (from Simonc17) 8512378 ==> 2842. "Reykholt" (from Simonc17) 8512379 ==> 2843. "Alt Name: Nintendo Wii plus accessories" (from downstream) 8512382 ==> 2844. "Shipyard" (from Simonc17) 8512385 ==> 2845. "Star Wars: Empire vs. Rebellion" (from Simonc17) 8512386 ==> 2846. "SteamRollers" (from Simonc17) 8512388 ==> 2847. "Stone Age" (from Simonc17) 8512389 ==> 2848. "Town Center (Fourth Edition)" (from Simonc17) 8512391 ==> 2849. "Triplock" (from Simonc17) 8512392 ==> 2850. "Troyes" (from Simonc17) 8512393 ==> 2851. "Urban Sprawl" (from Simonc17) 8512394 ==> 2852. "The Voyages of Marco Polo" (from Simonc17) 8512395 ==> 2853. "Alt Name: Terraforming Mars Playsheet Overlays" (from mightygodking) 8512400 ==> 2854. "Love Letter" (from yourbuddyfromCanada) 8512408 ==> 2855. "Alt Name: Game Cube, Gladius" (from iamrubocop) 8512409 ==> 2856. "Alt Name: Playstation 2 with games and accessories" (from downstream) 8512411 ==> 2857. "Lost Legacy: The Starship" (from aileron7) 8512413 ==> 2858. "Citadels" (from iamrubocop) 8512415 ==> 2859. "Coup" (from iamrubocop) 8512419 ==> 2860. "Corinth" (from Liquidessa) 8512420 ==> 2861. "Dungeon Fighter: Fire at Will" (from iamrubocop) 8512421 ==> 2862. "Deception: Murder in Hong Kong" (from CarmanBulldog) 8512422 ==> 2863. "New York" (from yourbuddyfromCanada) 8512423 ==> 2864. "Flick 'em Up!: Dead of Winter" (from aileron7) 8512424 ==> 2865. "Quo Vadis?" (from Mogwai) 8512425 ==> 2866. "Libertalia" (from CarmanBulldog) 8512426 ==> 2867. "Thebes" (from CarmanBulldog) 8512427 ==> 2868. "Dungeon Roll" (from iamrubocop) 8512428 ==> 2869. "Zooloretto" (from CarmanBulldog) 8512430 ==> 2870. "Mush! Mush!: Snow Tails 2" (from CarmanBulldog) 8512432 ==> 2871. "Pharaoh's Gulo Gulo" (from CarmanBulldog) 8512434 ==> 2872. "Nations" (from iamrubocop) 8512435 ==> 2873. "Letters from Whitechapel" (from aileron7) 8512436 ==> 2874. "For Sale" (from Mogwai) 8512437 ==> 2875. "Machi Koro" (from CarmanBulldog) 8512438 ==> 2876. "One Night Ultimate Werewolf" (from CarmanBulldog) 8512439 ==> 2877. "Privateer" (from CarmanBulldog) 8512441 ==> 2878. "Lacrosse Blast Pro Indoor Lacrosse Game" (from CarmanBulldog) 8512442 ==> 2879. "Spyrium" (from aileron7) 8512443 ==> 2880. "Craftsmen" (from Mogwai) 8512444 ==> 2881. "Vikings" (from aileron7) 8512445 ==> 2882. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from mihajlo) 8512446 ==> 2883. "Alt Name: $30 Gift Certificate to Board Game Bliss" (from rotondan) 8512447 ==> 2884. "Cards Against Humanity" (from Mogwai) 8512449 ==> 2885. "Corporate America" (from yourbuddyfromCanada) 8512450 ==> 2886. "Point Salad" (from yourbuddyfromCanada) 8512452 ==> 2887. "Carcassonne: Expansion 5 – Abbey & Mayor" (from Mogwai) 8512454 ==> 2888. "A Game of Thrones" (from fakewindow) 8512459 ==> 2889. "Marvel United" (from fakewindow) 8512460 ==> 2890. "Pizarro & Co." (from aileron7) 8512461 ==> 2891. "NEOM" (from mihajlo) 8512464 ==> 2892. "Unlock!: Timeless Adventures" (from fakewindow) 8512465 ==> 2893. "Dominion" (from Mogwai) 8512466 ==> 2894. "The Pursuit of Happiness" (from Toynan) 8512467 ==> 2895. "Roll Through the Ages: The Iron Age" (from Rabbits) 8512468 ==> 2896. "Mr. Jack" (from CarmanBulldog) 8512469 ==> 2897. "Unlock!: Escape Adventures" (from fakewindow) 8512470 ==> 2898. "Unlock!: Exotic Adventures – Night of the Boogeymen" (from Mogwai) 8512472 ==> 2899. "Kingdomino" (from yourbuddyfromCanada) 8512474 ==> 2900. "Marvel United" (from BigRedGamer) 8512475 ==> 2901. "Formula Dé" (from Rabbits) 8512476 ==> 2902. "Dominare" (from ecsf2008) 8512477 ==> 2903. "Coup: Deluxe Edition" (from ecsf2008) 8512479 ==> 2904. "Alt Name: $50 Gift Certificate to Board Game Bliss" (from Rabbits) 8512481 ==> 2905. "Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu" (from Changer628) 8512483 ==> 2906. "Alt Name: $40 gift card" (from Mogwai) 8512484 ==> 2907. "Bunny Kingdom" (from Changer628) 8512485 ==> 2908. "Donner Dinner Party" (from ecsf2008) 8512486 ==> 2909. "Endeavor" (from Rabbits) 8512487 ==> 2910. "Nocturion" (from Changer628) 8512488 ==> 2911. "Everdell" (from ecsf2008) 8512490 ==> 2912. "Love Letter Premium" (from Changer628) 8512491 ==> 2913. "Evolution: Climate" (from ecsf2008) 8512492 ==> 2914. "Hocus" (from ecsf2008) 8512493 ==> 2915. "The Legend of the Cherry Tree that Blossoms Every Ten Years" (from ecsf2008) 8512494 ==> 2916. "Masmorra: Dungeons of Arcadia" (from ecsf2008) 8512495 ==> 2917. "Masters of Renaissance: Lorenzo il Magnifico – The Card Game" (from ecsf2008) 8512496 ==> 2918. "Patronize" (from ecsf2008) 8512497 ==> 2919. "Confusion: Espionage and Deception in the Cold War" (from Rabbits) 8512498 ==> 2920. "Near and Far" (from Changer628) 8512499 ==> 2921. "Samarkand: Routes to Riches" (from jillelder63) 8512501 ==> 2922. "Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach" (from ecsf2008) 8512502 ==> 2923. "Port Royal" (from ecsf2008) 8512503 ==> 2924. "Sierra West" (from ecsf2008) 8512504 ==> 2925. "Ticket to Ride: Europe" (from ecsf2008) 8512505 ==> 2926. "Perikles" (from Rabbits) 8512506 ==> 2927. "Travel Blog" (from ecsf2008) 8512507 ==> 2928. "War of the Worlds: The New Wave" (from ecsf2008) 8512508 ==> 2929. "The World of SMOG: Rise of Moloch" (from ecsf2008) 8512509 ==> 2930. "Seeland" (from jillelder63) 8512510 ==> 2931. "Trogdor!! The Board Game" (from Changer628) 8512511 ==> 2932. "Compounded" (from Rabbits) 8512512 ==> 2933. "Alt Name: $40 gift card" (from Humanpriest) 8512513 ==> 2934. "Everdell: Pearlbrook" (from ecsf2008) 8512514 ==> 2935. "Africana" (from jillelder63) 8512515 ==> 2936. "Everdell: Spirecrest" (from ecsf2008) 8512516 ==> 2937. "Everdell: Bellfaire" (from ecsf2008) 8512517 ==> 2938. "Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization" (from Rabbits) 8512518 ==> 2939. "Alt Name: $75 CAD Gift Card" (from MrCatsup) 8512519 ==> 2940. "New York 1901" (from CarmanBulldog) 8512520 ==> 2941. "North Wind" (from jillelder63) 8512521 ==> 2942. "Fog of Love: Kickstarter Edition" (from Changer628) 8512522 ==> 2943. "Sewer Pirats" (from ecsf2008) 8512523 ==> 2944. "Anomia: Party Edition" (from Panfivan) 8512524 ==> 2945. "Deus" (from DicedOut) 8512525 ==> 2946. "Stronghold: 2nd edition" (from Rabbits) 8512527 ==> 2947. "Thunder Alley" (from CarmanBulldog) 8512528 ==> 2948. "Mice and Mystics" (from Rabbits) 8512529 ==> 2949. "Orléans: Invasion" (from Panfivan) 8512530 ==> 2950. "Alea Iacta Est" (from davebliz) 8512531 ==> 2951. "Fiji" (from jillelder63) 8512532 ==> 2952. "Galaxy Trucker" (from DicedOut) 8512533 ==> 2953. "Alt Name: $50 gift card" (from FraPas13) 8512535 ==> 2954. "Yokohama" (from Sltn) 8512536 ==> 2955. "Homesteaders" (from jillelder63) 8512537 ==> 2956. "Everdell: Collector's Edition" (from McNinjaX) 8512538 ==> 2957. "Takenoko" (from CarmanBulldog) 8512539 ==> 2958. "Wonder Woman: Challenge of the Amazons" (from McNinjaX) 8512540 ==> 2959. "Alt Name: $50 gift card" (from canadiankorean) 8512541 ==> 2960. "Lupin the 3rd" (from McNinjaX) 8512542 ==> 2961. "Thunder Alley" (from fakewindow) 8512543 ==> 2962. "AquaSphere" (from DicedOut) 8512544 ==> 2963. "Behind the Throne" (from jillelder63) 8512545 ==> 2964. "Alt Name: Vast the Crystal Caverns - Miniature expansion" (from McNinjaX) 8512547 ==> 2965. "Guilds of London" (from fakewindow) 8512548 ==> 2966. "Clash of Cultures" (from DicedOut) 8512549 ==> 2967. "Pass the Pandas" (from jillelder63) 8512550 ==> 2968. "Survive: Escape from Atlantis!" (from CarmanBulldog) 8512551 ==> 2969. "Flick 'em Up!: Dead of Winter" (from fakewindow) 8512552 ==> 2970. "Pandemic" (from shooshoo) 8512553 ==> 2971. "Tajemnicze Domostwo" (from Haydn Lloyd) 8512554 ==> 2972. "Sonora" (from canadiankorean) 8512555 ==> 2973. "The City of Kings" (from McNinjaX) 8512556 ==> 2974. "Letters from Whitechapel" (from CarmanBulldog) 8512557 ==> 2975. "The Lord of the Rings" (from fearles) 8512559 ==> 2976. "Choose Your Own Adventure: House of Danger" (from McNinjaX) 8512563 ==> 2977. "Star Wars: The Card Game" (from DicedOut) 8512564 ==> 2978. "Alt Name: Roxley Iron Clays - 100 count" (from McNinjaX) 8512565 ==> 2979. "Forbidden Sky" (from Changer628) 8512566 ==> 2980. "Coal Baron: The Great Card Game" (from shooshoo) 8512567 ==> 2981. "Arcadia Quest" (from DicedOut) 8512568 ==> 2982. "Fantastic Factories" (from Changer628) 8512569 ==> 2983. "Cytosis: A Cell Biology Board Game" (from McNinjaX) 8512571 ==> 2984. "Freedom: The Underground Railroad" (from fakewindow) 8512572 ==> 2985. "Alt Name: Battlestar Galactica Admiral Adama collectible figure" (from nexttothemoon) 8512573 ==> 2986. "Costume Party Detective" (from McNinjaX) 8512574 ==> 2987. "Praetor" (from bmfinc) 8512575 ==> 2988. "Firefly: The Game" (from DicedOut) 8512576 ==> 2989. "Android: Netrunner – The Universe of Tomorrow" (from McNinjaX) 8512577 ==> 2990. "Alt Name: Game of Thrones Legacy Collection Ned Stark collectible figure" (from nexttothemoon) 8512579 ==> 2991. "Just One" (from ced356) 8512580 ==> 2992. "Codenames: Marvel" (from McNinjaX) 8512581 ==> 2993. "Agility" (from CarmanBulldog) 8512582 ==> 2994. "Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem" (from McNinjaX) 8512583 ==> 2995. "Tokaido" (from diguno) 8512585 ==> 2996. "Rising Sun: Playmat Board" (from Changer628) 8512586 ==> 2997. "The Mysterious Forest" (from ced356) 8512587 ==> 2998. "Android: Netrunner – Old Hollywood" (from McNinjaX) 8512588 ==> 2999. "Alt Name: $40 Gift Card" (from Jon_Stern) 8512589 ==> 3000. "Brass: Birmingham" (from Changer628) 8512590 ==> 3001. "Vikings Gone Wild" (from Panfivan) 8512591 ==> 3002. "Air, Land & Sea" (from ced356) 8512592 ==> 3003. "Tide of Iron: Next Wave" (from McNinjaX) 8512593 ==> 3004. "Alt Name: $20 Gift Card to Retailer of Choice" (from DicedOut) 8512595 ==> 3005. "Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries" (from ced356) 8512596 ==> 3006. "Tobago" (from ced356) 8512597 ==> 3007. "Alt Name: Hellblazer Graphic Novels" (from McNinjaX) !END-OFFICIAL-NAMES #pragma user "08thMS" # Confirmation code: N1zQjY/UmwgEZfaQ0m2k8A # Sun Oct 3 03:39:18 2021 # Lords of Waterdeep (08thMS) 8489740 : 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8508598 8508699 8509954 8489884 8493005 8495406 8497891 8499100 8490048 8492161 8503903 8511235 8503080 8494040 8495243 8501411 8494551 8491743 8492194 8497913 8490343 8511887 8490192 8500000 8502994 8490814 8506518 8500368 8506831 8507651 8489319 8493161 8504889 8502512 8489545 8511910 8493117 8504968 8507363 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512488 8489211 8509714 8503907 8511206 8504853 8490535 8496685 8500168 8504221 8510209 8511121 8498734 8501781 8490027 8490462 8499236 8503635 8507529 8500851 8502137 8490123 8507944 8495224 8500081 8499998 8494156 8490465 8498481 8500545 8507219 8500928 8511245 8510205 8494068 8493163 8509180 8498911 8499682 8507188 8492204 8503087 8509741 8512537 8502937 8503891 8489187 8507072 8512242 8509774 8489780 8490398 8497164 8490199 8507467 8493193 8498656 8504804 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507478 8495409 8509759 8498649 8508985 8494479 8507477 8490762 8507193 8496123 8504907 8494853 8495247 8511170 8491998 8497082 # Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries (08thMS) 8489914 : 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8508598 8508699 8509954 8489884 8493005 8495406 8497891 8499100 8490048 8492161 8503903 8511235 8503080 8494040 8495243 8501411 8494551 8491743 8492194 8497913 8490343 8511887 8490192 8500000 8502994 8490814 8506518 8500368 8506831 8507651 8489319 8493161 8504889 8502512 8489545 8511910 8512488 8500168 8504221 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8509741 8512537 8494545 8495982 8507949 8491889 # Forbidden Island (08thMS) 8490137 : 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8491912 8501606 8504583 8508964 8511594 8512086 # Imperial Settlers (08thMS) 8494494 : 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8508598 8508699 8509954 8489884 8493005 8495406 8497891 8499100 8490048 8492161 8503903 8511235 8503080 8494040 8495243 8501411 8494551 8491743 8492194 8497913 8490343 8511887 8490192 8500000 8502994 8490814 8506518 8500368 8506831 8507651 8489319 8493161 8504889 8502512 8489545 8511910 8493117 8504968 8507363 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8490442 8492873 8512297 8489211 8509714 8503907 8511206 8504853 8490535 8496685 8510209 8511121 8498734 8501781 8490027 8490462 8499236 8503635 8507529 8500851 8502137 8490123 8507944 8495224 8500081 8499998 8494156 8490465 8498481 8500545 8507219 8500928 8511245 8510205 8494068 8493163 8509180 8498911 8499682 8507188 8492204 8503087 8502937 8506951 #pragma user "AB76" # Confirmation code: OaUtiQXkapWs5qASIkdjng # Fri Oct 1 21:20:37 2021 # (AB76) %AaB : 8498844 8509731 # (AB76) %AirEur : 8490504 8494150 8498348 8511898 # (AB76) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (AB76) %CorWor : 8490190 8496421 # (AB76) %DomSpe : 8494058 8505855 # (AB76) %EMA : 8489028 8489205 8496683 # (AB76) %GlaRoa : 8501525 8511213 # (AB76) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (AB76) %Isleb : 8507008 8509730 8512206 # (AB76) %MaM : 8507421 8512225 8512528 # (AB76) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 8509177 # (AB76) %Sabot : 8492247 8492527 8508630 # (AB76) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (AB76) %TDF : 8497247 8509219 # (AB76) %TMPEE : 8507640 8509689 # Petrichor (AB76) 8498474 : 8494523 8499811 %BraBir 8494084 8509314 %SleGod 8503080 8489533 8494156 8511913 8509233 %DomSpe %MaM 8489780 8508586 %GlaRoa 8505859 8500255 8496215 8511190 8510945 %TMPEE 8488918 8509951 8499998 8492562 %EMA 8500568 8508954 8511889 8490764 8497233 8508916 8489593 8496117 8500368 %Sabot 8509735 8510812 8491315 8500561 8488920 8507355 %TDF 8503655 8492977 8502512 %ImpCla 8494726 8497603 %CorWor 8494138 8511720 8508928 8507404 # Heroes of Land, Air & Sea (AB76) 8498481 : 8494523 8499811 %BraBir 8494084 8509314 %SleGod 8503080 8489533 8494156 8511913 8509233 %DomSpe %MaM 8489780 8508586 %GlaRoa 8505859 8500255 8496215 8511190 8510945 %TMPEE 8488918 8509951 8499998 8492562 %EMA 8500568 8508954 8511889 8490764 8497233 8508916 8489593 8496117 8500368 %Sabot 8509735 8510812 8491315 8500561 8488920 8507355 %TDF 8503655 8492977 8502512 %ImpCla 8494726 8497603 %CorWor 8494138 8511720 8508928 8507404 8490215 %AaB %AirEur 8489494 %Isleb 8503156 8504877 8509831 8507582 %NYZ 8499367 # Mezo (AB76) 8498489 : 8494523 8499811 %BraBir 8494084 8509314 %SleGod 8503080 8489533 8494156 8511913 8509233 # Coconuts (AB76) 8498492 : 8494523 8499811 %BraBir 8494084 8509314 %SleGod 8503080 8489533 8494156 8511913 8509233 %DomSpe %MaM 8489780 8508586 %GlaRoa 8505859 8500255 8496215 8511190 8510945 %TMPEE 8488918 8509951 8499998 8492562 %EMA 8500568 8508954 8511889 8490764 8497233 8508916 8489593 8496117 8500368 %Sabot 8509735 8510812 8491315 8500561 8488920 8507355 %TDF 8503655 8492977 8502512 %ImpCla 8494726 8497603 %CorWor 8494138 8511720 8508928 8507404 8490215 %AaB %AirEur 8489494 %Isleb 8503156 8504877 8509831 8507582 %NYZ 8499367 8500553 8499393 8508925 # XenoShyft: Dreadmire (AB76) 8498496 : 8494523 8499811 %BraBir 8494084 8509314 %SleGod 8503080 8489533 8494156 8511913 8509233 %DomSpe %MaM 8489780 8508586 %GlaRoa 8505859 8500255 8496215 8511190 8510945 %TMPEE 8488918 8509951 8499998 8492562 %EMA 8500568 8508954 8511889 8490764 8497233 8508916 8489593 8496117 8500368 %Sabot 8509735 8510812 8491315 8500561 8488920 8507355 %TDF 8503655 8492977 8502512 %ImpCla 8494726 8497603 %CorWor 8494138 8511720 8508928 8507404 8490215 %AaB %AirEur 8489494 %Isleb 8503156 8504877 8509831 8507582 %NYZ 8499367 # Friedrich (AB76) 8498499 : 8494523 8499811 %BraBir 8494084 8509314 %SleGod 8503080 8489533 8494156 8511913 8509233 %DomSpe %MaM 8489780 8508586 %GlaRoa 8505859 8500255 8496215 8511190 8510945 %TMPEE 8488918 8509951 8499998 8492562 %EMA 8500568 8508954 8511889 8490764 8497233 8508916 8489593 8496117 8500368 %Sabot 8509735 8510812 8491315 8500561 8488920 8507355 %TDF 8503655 8492977 8502512 # Napoléon 1806 (AB76) 8498501 : 8494523 8499811 %BraBir 8494084 8509314 %SleGod 8503080 8489533 8494156 8511913 8509233 %DomSpe %MaM 8489780 8508586 %GlaRoa 8505859 8500255 8496215 8511190 8510945 %TMPEE 8488918 8509951 8499998 8492562 %EMA 8500568 8508954 8511889 8490764 8497233 8508916 8489593 8496117 8500368 %Sabot 8509735 8510812 8491315 8500561 8488920 8507355 %TDF 8503655 8492977 8502512 %ImpCla 8494726 8497603 %CorWor 8494138 8511720 8508928 8507404 8490215 %AaB %AirEur 8489494 %Isleb 8503156 8504877 8509831 8507582 # Kingmaker (AB76) 8498505 : 8494523 8499811 %BraBir 8494084 8509314 %SleGod 8503080 8489533 8494156 8511913 8509233 %DomSpe %MaM 8489780 8508586 %GlaRoa 8505859 8500255 8496215 8511190 8510945 %TMPEE 8488918 8509951 8499998 8492562 %EMA 8500568 8508954 8511889 8490764 8497233 8508916 8489593 8496117 8500368 %Sabot 8509735 8510812 8491315 8500561 8488920 8507355 %TDF 8503655 8492977 8502512 %ImpCla 8494726 8497603 %CorWor 8494138 8511720 8508928 8507404 8490215 %AaB %AirEur 8489494 %Isleb 8503156 8504877 8509831 8507582 %NYZ 8499367 8500553 8499393 8508925 # Colosseum (AB76) 8498508 : 8494523 8499811 %BraBir 8494084 8509314 %SleGod 8503080 8489533 8494156 8511913 8509233 %DomSpe %MaM 8489780 8508586 %GlaRoa 8505859 8500255 8496215 8511190 8510945 %TMPEE 8488918 8509951 8499998 8492562 %EMA 8500568 8508954 8511889 8490764 8497233 8508916 8489593 8496117 8500368 %Sabot 8509735 8510812 8491315 8500561 8488920 8507355 %TDF 8503655 8492977 8502512 %ImpCla 8494726 8497603 %CorWor 8494138 8511720 8508928 8507404 8490215 %AaB %AirEur 8489494 %Isleb 8503156 8504877 8509831 8507582 %NYZ 8499367 8500553 8499393 8508925 # For What Remains: Blood on the Rails (AB76) 8498513 : 8494523 8499811 %BraBir 8494084 8509314 %SleGod 8503080 8489533 8494156 8511913 8509233 %DomSpe %MaM 8489780 8508586 %GlaRoa 8505859 8500255 8496215 8511190 8510945 %TMPEE 8488918 8509951 8499998 8492562 %EMA 8500568 8508954 8511889 8490764 8497233 8508916 8489593 8496117 8500368 %Sabot 8509735 8510812 8491315 8500561 8488920 8507355 %TDF 8503655 8492977 8502512 %ImpCla 8494726 8497603 %CorWor 8494138 8511720 8508928 8507404 8490215 %AaB %AirEur 8489494 %Isleb 8503156 8504877 8509831 8507582 # Outside the Scope of BGG (AB76) 8498573 : 8494523 8499811 %BraBir 8494084 8509314 %SleGod 8503080 8489533 8494156 8511913 8509233 %DomSpe %MaM 8489780 8508586 %GlaRoa 8505859 8500255 8496215 8511190 8510945 %TMPEE 8488918 8509951 8499998 8492562 %EMA 8500568 8508954 8511889 8490764 8497233 8508916 8489593 8496117 8500368 %Sabot 8509735 8510812 8491315 8500561 8488920 8507355 %TDF 8503655 8492977 8502512 %ImpCla 8494726 8497603 %CorWor 8494138 8511720 8508928 8507404 8490215 %AaB %AirEur 8489494 %Isleb 8503156 8504877 8509831 8507582 %NYZ 8499367 8500553 8499393 8508925 # Spirit Island (AB76) 8507363 : 8494523 8499811 %BraBir 8494084 8509314 %SleGod 8503080 8489533 8494156 8511913 8509233 #pragma user "achuds" # Confirmation code: KlYtMEFQ1I-WoOCr0/KBoQ # Sun Oct 3 19:00:46 2021 # (achuds) %ASGoS : 8507494 8510930 # (achuds) %ASP : 8497152 8507436 # (achuds) %BGTBG : 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 # (achuds) %BaHotH : 8490394 8497234 # (achuds) %BroSer : 8490936 8501993 # (achuds) %Calico : 8491877 8503693 # (achuds) %CamUp : 8489288 8496070 # (achuds) %Conco : 8489884 8494126 # (achuds) %Crypt : 8502024 8508497 # (achuds) %Cycla : 8490523 8504708 # (achuds) %Deus : 8505854 8509639 8512524 # (achuds) %DinIsl : 8490023 8490027 # (achuds) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (achuds) %ECE : 8509741 8512537 # (achuds) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 # (achuds) %FliShi : 8508831 8512032 # (achuds) %GWT : 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 # (achuds) %HanTeu : 8507951 8509892 # (achuds) %Inis : 8492922 8504954 # (achuds) %Isleb : 8507008 8509730 8512206 # (achuds) %KBaS : 8490192 8500000 8502994 # (achuds) %Kemet : 8490535 8496685 # (achuds) %LCTE : 8490533 8507583 # (achuds) %LasWil : 8499687 8510941 # (achuds) %MasDar : 8490256 8503009 # (achuds) %Mem44 : 8508822 8509722 8509824 # (achuds) %ModArt : 8489195 8490199 # (achuds) %Mount : 8502067 8508723 # (achuds) %NorWin : 8490057 8509607 8512520 # (achuds) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (achuds) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (achuds) %PowGri : 8505870 8507410 # (achuds) %RoT : 8489482 8490824 # (achuds) %Root : 8494523 8496001 # (achuds) %Santo : 8489141 8493042 8498758 8499745 8500931 8509655 # (achuds) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (achuds) %T7C : 8504853 8512242 # (achuds) %TCoG : 8501613 8507517 # (achuds) %TE : 8494074 8504890 8504891 # (achuds) %TGTFoA : 8494160 8507732 # (achuds) %TTB : 8489231 8507618 # (achuds) %Tapes : 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 # (achuds) %TerMar : 8503891 8510030 # (achuds) %TheGri : 8507392 8507415 # (achuds) %TroDic : 8490753 8495214 # (achuds) %UFS : 8488947 8493689 8500482 8504925 # (achuds) %VEE : 8502511 8508664 8510029 # (achuds) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 8497070 # (achuds) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 8500586 # XCOM: The Board Game (achuds) 8505729 : %Everd %Inis %XLoaDS %SleGod 8511190 %TGTFoA 8509875 %ECE 8511910 %TerMar %Root %Conco %Wings %TE %Mem44 %PARKS %BGTBG 8508695 8497128 8509876 8511913 %MasDar %KBaS 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8503012 missing-official missing-official # Colt Express (achuds) 8505732 : %Everd %Inis %XLoaDS %SleGod 8511190 %TGTFoA 8509875 %ECE 8511910 %TerMar %Root %Conco %Wings %TE %Mem44 %PARKS %BGTBG 8508695 8497128 8509876 8511913 %MasDar %KBaS 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8503012 missing-official missing-official 8507353 %VEE 8512297 8503023 %Kemet %Cycla 8494040 8512498 8497164 %HanTeu 8512435 8507529 8509731 8490214 %BaHotH 8507477 8508965 %OCoEaE 8500081 8512298 8507901 8503897 8507900 8491609 8498732 8502982 8508964 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8503895 8506508 8504344 %TroDic 8509313 8502512 missing-official # Lanterns: The Harvest Festival (achuds) 8505734 : %Everd %Inis %XLoaDS %SleGod 8511190 %TGTFoA 8509875 %ECE 8511910 %TerMar %Root %Conco %Wings %TE %Mem44 %PARKS %BGTBG 8508695 8497128 8509876 8511913 %MasDar %KBaS 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8503012 missing-official missing-official 8507353 %VEE 8512297 8503023 %Kemet %Cycla 8494040 8512498 8497164 %HanTeu 8512435 8507529 8509731 8490214 %BaHotH 8507477 8508965 %OCoEaE 8500081 8512298 8507901 8503897 8507900 8491609 8498732 8502982 8508964 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8503895 8506508 8504344 %TroDic 8509313 8502512 missing-official %GWT %DunImp %ModArt %DinIsl %TCoG %Santo %LCTE %Tapes %LasWil %ASP %Calico 8502391 8496123 %Isleb 8491328 %NorWin %Mount %PowGri %T7C %UFS %Deus %ASGoS %BroSer 8507945 8497080 8508928 8499258 8500387 %FliShi %RoT 8508848 8489502 8489592 8489554 8508619 missing-official 8489780 8493724 8504913 # Forbidden Island (achuds) 8505736 : %Everd %Inis %XLoaDS %SleGod 8511190 %TGTFoA 8509875 %ECE 8511910 %TerMar %Root %Conco %Wings %TE %Mem44 %PARKS %BGTBG 8508695 8497128 8509876 8511913 %MasDar %KBaS 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8503012 missing-official missing-official 8507353 %VEE 8512297 8503023 %Kemet %Cycla 8494040 8512498 8497164 %HanTeu 8512435 8507529 8509731 8490214 %BaHotH 8507477 8508965 %OCoEaE 8500081 8512298 8507901 8503897 8507900 8491609 8498732 8502982 8508964 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8503895 8506508 8504344 %TroDic 8509313 8502512 missing-official %GWT %DunImp %ModArt %DinIsl %TCoG %Santo %LCTE %Tapes %LasWil %ASP %Calico 8502391 8496123 %Isleb 8491328 %NorWin %Mount %PowGri %T7C %UFS %Deus %ASGoS %BroSer 8507945 8497080 8508928 8499258 8500387 %FliShi %RoT 8508848 8489502 8489592 8489554 8508619 missing-official 8507072 8489117 %Crypt %CamUp 8493724 8492562 8509744 8506746 8506506 8504913 8512258 8505761 8511747 8507722 8496147 8503910 8506950 8504672 8494133 8495231 8497931 8509665 8511882 8512137 8499657 8496644 8493705 # Evolution (achuds) 8505741 : %Everd %Inis %XLoaDS %SleGod 8511190 %TGTFoA 8509875 %ECE 8511910 %TerMar %Root %Conco %Wings %TE %Mem44 %PARKS %BGTBG 8508695 8497128 8509876 8511913 %MasDar %KBaS 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8503012 missing-official missing-official 8507353 %VEE 8512297 8503023 %Kemet %Cycla 8494040 8512498 8497164 %HanTeu 8512435 8507529 8509731 8490214 %BaHotH 8507477 8508965 %OCoEaE 8500081 8512298 8507901 8503897 8507900 8491609 8498732 8502982 8508964 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8503895 8506508 8504344 %TroDic 8509313 8502512 missing-official %GWT %DunImp %ModArt %DinIsl %TCoG %Santo %LCTE %Tapes %LasWil %ASP %Calico 8502391 8496123 %Isleb 8491328 %NorWin %Mount # Arena: For the Gods! (achuds) 8505744 : %Everd %Inis %XLoaDS %SleGod 8511190 %TGTFoA 8509875 %ECE 8511910 %TerMar %Root %Conco %Wings %TE %Mem44 %PARKS %BGTBG 8508695 8497128 8509876 8511913 %MasDar %KBaS 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8503012 missing-official missing-official 8507353 %VEE 8512297 8503023 %Kemet %Cycla 8494040 8512498 8497164 %HanTeu 8512435 8507529 8509731 8490214 %BaHotH 8507477 8508965 %OCoEaE 8500081 8512298 8507901 8503897 8507900 8491609 8498732 8502982 8508964 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8503895 8506508 8504344 %TroDic 8509313 8502512 missing-official %GWT %DunImp %ModArt %DinIsl %TCoG %Santo %LCTE %Tapes %LasWil %ASP %Calico 8502391 8496123 %Isleb 8491328 %NorWin %Mount %PowGri %T7C %UFS %Deus %ASGoS %BroSer 8507945 8497080 8508928 8499258 8500387 %FliShi %RoT 8508848 8489502 8489592 8489554 8508619 missing-official 8507072 8489780 8489117 %Crypt %CamUp 8492562 8509744 8506746 8506506 8512258 8505761 # Kingdomino (achuds) 8505750 : %Everd %Inis %XLoaDS %SleGod 8511190 %TGTFoA 8509875 %ECE 8511910 %TerMar %Root %Conco %Wings %TE %Mem44 %PARKS %BGTBG 8508695 8497128 8509876 8511913 %MasDar %KBaS 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8503012 missing-official missing-official 8507353 %VEE 8512297 8503023 %Kemet %Cycla 8494040 8512498 8497164 %HanTeu 8512435 8507529 8509731 8490214 %BaHotH 8507477 8508965 %OCoEaE 8500081 8512298 8507901 8503897 8507900 8491609 8498732 8502982 8508964 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8503895 8506508 8504344 %TroDic 8509313 8502512 missing-official %GWT %DunImp %ModArt %DinIsl %TCoG %Santo %LCTE %Tapes %LasWil %ASP %Calico 8502391 8496123 %Isleb 8491328 %NorWin %Mount %PowGri %T7C %UFS %Deus %ASGoS %BroSer 8507945 8497080 8508928 8499258 8500387 %FliShi %RoT 8508848 8489502 8489592 8489554 8508619 missing-official 8507072 8489780 8489117 %Crypt %CamUp 8493724 8492562 8509744 8506746 8506506 8504913 8512258 8505761 8511747 8507722 8496147 8503910 8506950 8504672 8494133 8495231 8497931 8509665 8511882 8512137 8499657 8496644 # Welcome to the Dungeon (achuds) 8505752 : %Everd %Inis %XLoaDS %SleGod 8511190 %TGTFoA 8509875 %ECE 8511910 %TerMar %Root %Conco %Wings %TE %Mem44 %PARKS %BGTBG 8508695 8497128 8509876 8511913 %MasDar %KBaS 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8503012 missing-official missing-official 8507353 %VEE 8512297 8503023 %Kemet %Cycla 8494040 8512498 8497164 %HanTeu 8512435 8507529 8509731 8490214 %BaHotH 8507477 8508965 %OCoEaE 8500081 8512298 8507901 8503897 8507900 8491609 8498732 8502982 8508964 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8503895 8506508 8504344 %TroDic 8509313 8502512 missing-official %GWT %DunImp %ModArt %DinIsl %TCoG %Santo %LCTE %Tapes %LasWil %ASP %Calico 8502391 8496123 %Isleb 8491328 %NorWin %Mount %PowGri %T7C %UFS %Deus %ASGoS %BroSer 8507945 8497080 8508928 8499258 8500387 %FliShi %RoT 8508848 8489502 8489592 8489554 8508619 missing-official 8507072 8489780 8489117 %Crypt %CamUp 8493724 8492562 8509744 8506746 8506506 8504913 8512258 8505761 8511747 8507722 8496147 8503910 8506950 8504672 8494133 8495231 8497931 8509665 8511882 8512137 8499657 8496644 8493705 8500820 8508932 8507577 8511695 %TheGri 8505941 8512151 8512593 8491750 %TTB 8506520 # Alt Name: $50CAD Gift Card or etransfer (achuds) 8505765 : %Everd %Inis %XLoaDS %SleGod 8511190 %TGTFoA 8509875 %ECE 8511910 #pragma user "adamhess89" # Confirmation code: gQulGFFfahkFKM/nsEbdyw # Sun Oct 3 20:13:11 2021 # (adamhess89) %EMA : # (adamhess89) %EtN : # (adamhess89) %Inis : 8492922 8504954 # (adamhess89) %K2 : # (adamhess89) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 8509933 # (adamhess89) %SpeOps : # Forum Trajanum (adamhess89) 8508691 : %Inis 8505873 8500867 8501284 8511910 8490398 %PCR 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Catan (adamhess89) 8508693 : %Inis 8505873 8500867 8501284 8511910 8490398 %PCR 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # RoboRally (adamhess89) 8508695 : %Inis 8505873 8500867 8501284 8511910 8490398 %PCR 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Kokoro: Avenue of the Kodama (adamhess89) 8508698 : %Inis 8505873 8500867 8501284 8511910 8490398 %PCR 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8503896 # A Feast for Odin (adamhess89) 8508699 : %Inis 8505873 8500867 8501284 8511910 # Jamaica (adamhess89) 8508700 : %Inis 8505873 8500867 8501284 8511910 8490398 %PCR 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 # Castles of Mad King Ludwig (adamhess89) 8508701 : %Inis 8505873 8500867 8501284 8511910 8490398 %PCR 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) (adamhess89) 8508702 : %Inis 8505873 8500867 8501284 8511910 8490398 %PCR 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Hamburgum (adamhess89) 8508703 : %Inis 8505873 8500867 8501284 8511910 8490398 %PCR 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Vast: The Crystal Caverns (adamhess89) 8508709 : %Inis 8505873 8500867 8501284 8511910 8490398 %PCR 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 # Yamataï (adamhess89) 8508712 : %Inis 8505873 8500867 8501284 8511910 8490398 %PCR 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 #pragma user "aileron7" # Confirmation code: DqG7fcDZPR9PY1bKa9p/xw # Sun Oct 3 19:39:31 2021 # (aileron7) %ALS : 8497151 8512591 # (aileron7) %Bru189 : 8500537 8503106 # (aileron7) %FlaRou : 8491252 8506713 # (aileron7) %Menara : 8490254 8502065 8503897 # (aileron7) %PorRoy : 8502100 8512502 # (aileron7) %TQfED : 8497167 8497950 8502438 # (aileron7) %WRTBG : 8503129 8504407 # Lost Legacy: The Starship (aileron7) 8512411 : 8512225 %FlaRou 8497164 8511715 8490080 8489254 8507504 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512479 8512518 8512430 %TQfED %Menara 8509922 8505953 8505950 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 %PorRoy 8511882 8512089 8512137 8512588 %Bru189 %ALS 8512593 %WRTBG 8489163 # Flick 'em Up!: Dead of Winter (aileron7) 8512423 : 8512225 %FlaRou 8497164 8511715 8490080 8489254 8507504 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512479 8512518 8512430 %TQfED %Menara 8509922 8505953 8505950 # Letters from Whitechapel (aileron7) 8512435 : 8512225 %FlaRou 8497164 8511715 8490080 8489254 8507504 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512479 8512518 8512430 %TQfED %Menara 8509922 8505953 8505950 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 # Spyrium (aileron7) 8512442 : 8512225 %FlaRou 8497164 8511715 8490080 8489254 8507504 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512479 8512518 8512430 %TQfED %Menara 8509922 8505953 8505950 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 %PorRoy 8511882 8512089 8512137 8512588 %Bru189 # Vikings (aileron7) 8512444 : 8512225 %FlaRou 8497164 8511715 8490080 8489254 8507504 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512479 8512518 8512430 # Pizarro & Co. (aileron7) 8512460 : 8512225 %FlaRou 8497164 8511715 8490080 8489254 8507504 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512479 8512518 8512430 %TQfED %Menara 8509922 8505953 8505950 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 %PorRoy 8511882 8512089 8512137 8512588 %Bru189 %ALS 8512593 %WRTBG 8489163 #pragma user "alesk1978" # Confirmation code: nhVeK1QQWUP4tda4CXppiw # Sun Oct 3 20:27:34 2021 # (alesk1978) %CADA : 8499100 8495406 8497891 # (alesk1978) %DSD : 8489497 8496137 # (alesk1978) %DisVil : # (alesk1978) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 # (alesk1978) %ECE : 8509741 8512537 # (alesk1978) %MdL : 8492950 8506821 # (alesk1978) %RoT : 8489482 8491328 # (alesk1978) %SWIA : 8494040 8495243 # Escape Plan: Upgrade Pack (alesk1978) 8490127 : 8509915 8507947 8502512 8507894 8489389 %CADA 8492224 %SWIA 8492616 8490343 8510810 8490814 8499301 %RoT %ECE 8490240 8491998 8489254 8498195 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8490662 %DunImp 8503910 8491609 8498732 8500387 8500456 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8511882 8512086 8512137 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 8496370 8493711 8509068 %DSD 8509665 8512564 %MdL 8493705 8512151 8512593 # Apotheca (alesk1978) 8490131 : 8509915 8507947 8502512 8507894 8489389 %CADA 8492224 %SWIA 8492616 8490343 8510810 8490814 8499301 %RoT %ECE 8490240 8491998 8489254 8498195 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8490662 %DunImp 8503910 8491609 8498732 8500387 8500456 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8511882 8512086 8512137 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 8496370 8493711 8509068 %DSD 8509665 8512564 %MdL 8493705 8512151 8512593 # Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space (alesk1978) 8490141 : 8509915 8507947 8502512 8507894 8489389 %CADA 8492224 %SWIA 8492616 8490343 8510810 8490814 8499301 %RoT %ECE 8490240 8491998 8489254 8498195 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8490662 %DunImp 8503910 8491609 8498732 8500387 8500456 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8511882 8512086 8512137 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 8496370 8493711 8509068 %DSD 8509665 8512564 %MdL 8493705 8512151 8512593 # Godspeed (alesk1978) 8490148 : 8509915 8507947 8502512 8507894 8489389 %CADA 8492224 %SWIA 8492616 8490343 8510810 8490814 8499301 %RoT %ECE 8490240 8489254 8498195 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 # Minerva (alesk1978) 8490252 : 8509915 8507947 8502512 8507894 8489389 %CADA 8492224 %SWIA 8492616 8490343 8510810 8490814 8499301 %RoT %ECE 8490240 8491998 8489254 8498195 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8490662 %DunImp 8503910 8491609 8498732 8500387 8500456 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8511882 8512086 8512137 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 8496370 8493711 8509068 %DSD 8509665 8512564 %MdL # Menara (alesk1978) 8490254 : 8509915 8507947 8502512 8507894 8489389 %CADA 8492224 %SWIA 8492616 8490343 8510810 8490814 8499301 %RoT %ECE 8490240 8491998 8489254 8498195 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8490662 %DunImp 8503910 8491609 8498732 8500387 8500456 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8511882 8512086 8512137 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 8496370 8493711 8509068 %DSD 8509665 8512564 %MdL # Alt Name: $30 CAD Gift Card (alesk1978) 8499258 : 8509915 8507947 8502512 8507894 8489389 %CADA 8492224 %SWIA 8492616 8490343 8510810 8490814 8499301 %RoT %ECE 8491998 # Legendary Encounters: A Firefly Deck Building Game (alesk1978) 8507342 : 8509915 8507947 8502512 8507894 8489389 %CADA 8492224 %SWIA 8492616 8490343 8510810 8490814 8499301 %RoT %ECE 8490240 8491998 8489254 8498195 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8490662 %DunImp 8503910 8491609 8498732 8500387 8500456 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8511882 8512086 8512137 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 8496370 8493711 #pragma user "alphalor" # Confirmation code: Io5/ySLNO-/ne/U9EMCsxw # Sun Oct 3 19:51:21 2021 # (alphalor) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # Alt Name: $75 Board Game Bliss Gift Card (alphalor) 8489254 : 8500168 8504221 8492873 %SleGod 8492275 8489780 8507732 8497135 8507006 8489046 #pragma user "andrewvanlaar" # Confirmation code: reCxRuhT280JdOUVlo6mOA # Sun Oct 3 15:16:00 2021 # Outside the Scope of BGG (andrewvanlaar) 8489431 : # Alt Name: $40 CAD Gift Card (andrewvanlaar) 8498732 : 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8489609 8490195 8494523 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512589 8489389 8494084 8492922 8489211 8495406 8497891 8499100 8492161 8512340 8490102 8490807 8500586 8503903 8500168 8504221 8511235 8490791 8493155 8501766 8508850 8511836 8509774 8489780 8494040 8495243 8501411 8505859 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8490027 8504423 8494551 8494106 8491743 8505873 8498656 8489533 8499686 8512123 8507529 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8504885 8511724 8492901 8498806 8509951 8490123 8492194 8497913 8500081 8492638 8494156 8496123 8511912 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8503899 8512350 8511245 8510205 8508954 8490343 8494728 8489600 8490256 8497135 8494850 8511722 8490192 8502994 8494111 8502982 8500368 8498911 8499682 8507188 8494165 8511726 8506831 8507651 8507355 8502414 8489585 8498640 8507709 8507369 8502512 8502048 8497065 8512592 8509741 8512537 8512335 8495235 8502937 8509233 missing-official missing-official 8490814 8506518 # Galaxy Trucker (andrewvanlaar) 8498733 : 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8489609 8490195 8494523 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512589 8489389 8494084 8492922 8489211 8495406 8497891 8499100 8492161 8512340 8490102 8490807 8500586 8503903 8500168 8504221 8511235 8490791 8493155 8501766 8508850 8511836 8509774 8489780 8494040 8495243 8501411 8505859 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8490027 8504423 8494551 8494106 8491743 8505873 8498656 8489533 8499686 8512123 8507529 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8504885 8511724 8492901 8498806 8509951 8490123 8492194 8497913 8500081 8492638 8494156 8496123 8511912 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8503899 8512350 8511245 8510205 8508954 8490343 8494728 8489600 8490256 8497135 8494850 8511722 8490192 8502994 8494111 8502982 8500368 8498911 8499682 8507188 8494165 8511726 8506831 8507651 8507355 8502414 8489585 8498640 8507709 8507369 8502512 8502048 8497065 8512592 8509741 8512537 8512335 8495235 8502937 8509233 missing-official missing-official 8496001 8489884 8496947 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8507539 8504954 8489597 8492224 8490535 8496685 8490114 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8512498 8508838 8512571 8491892 8507517 8499236 8496215 8492282 8507478 8512341 8498649 8492973 8495265 8509933 8495224 8489544 8495203 8508881 8502519 8490814 8506518 8489593 8490794 8489254 8500867 8501284 8501877 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8500561 8507507 8503087 8510806 8512508 missing-official 8503891 8510030 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8507072 8494126 8502511 8508664 8499811 8490662 8492273 8503023 8503158 8510028 8504890 8504891 8489573 8499812 8489740 8498846 8505863 8509714 8503907 8509823 8504853 8512392 8490452 8490828 8504765 8494058 8505855 8500560 8494842 8507421 8512225 8512528 8510209 8492826 8508822 8509722 8509824 8507499 8502219 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500088 8493684 8508620 8510450 8492275 8508764 8502166 8490398 8491252 8506713 8490023 8500534 8497693 8505002 8501613 8508200 8490462 8501789 8506951 8491776 8493193 8496003 8504804 8512434 8503635 8512535 8493187 8509731 8490533 8500604 8490138 8493986 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8507640 8509689 8492927 8490214 8494545 8494479 8494044 8500003 8504430 8507944 8494287 8495982 8507949 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8510856 8490485 8509885 8503439 8507389 8492616 8490076 8492268 8507471 8512382 8508591 8508694 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499998 8490240 8512298 8500004 8511909 8494088 8501961 8510930 8494740 8500001 8509772 8508986 8489281 8492940 8500613 8500928 8508621 8509719 8496681 8489184 8505852 8490190 8495201 8512555 8494289 8490544 8510036 8511917 8500501 8494113 8505794 8511889 8489539 8490001 8490899 8493033 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8494138 8509159 8503156 8489608 8500430 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8507508 8496137 8512312 8494853 8495247 8507516 8499399 8491996 8512329 8508868 8496134 8507438 8507580 8498573 8499301 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509777 8509922 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8492231 8504717 8500620 8509181 8502506 8508691 8499778 8504878 8505760 8488920 8504913 8506304 8496358 8506815 8497078 8502990 8502129 8506528 8503012 8506511 8506226 8508611 8499394 missing-official missing-official 8493005 8502250 8502172 8490048 8499609 8493725 8488918 8492276 8489014 8499693 8504925 8493133 8490465 8490805 8492987 8499691 8511211 8504669 8499161 8492983 8493159 8493712 8495231 8494839 8492866 8491351 8492184 8491513 8509954 8492125 8512388 8505870 8507410 8490717 8511206 8511234 8489814 8512362 8500498 8506883 8490523 8500522 8502332 8511121 8500701 8500625 8512394 8509746 8503080 8491676 8501781 8508586 8511213 8505763 8497164 8509892 8508628 8496997 8512484 8498844 8496218 8512552 8489577 8489601 8490184 8489400 8497152 8507436 8489117 8497252 8494544 8505866 8507497 8508965 8512301 8503884 8489897 8490896 8503108 8494726 8509969 8499133 8494549 8496537 8489028 8489205 8496683 8497141 8500568 8504381 8511887 8494086 8507725 8494079 8501570 8496217 8496133 8502507 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8492612 8492894 8489497 8493163 8511738 8491872 8492274 8497154 8499393 8491998 8499994 8510761 8506795 8503081 8508976 8512371 8512372 8492204 8494018 8493713 8494671 8504904 8510762 # Suburbia (andrewvanlaar) 8498734 : 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8489609 8490195 8494523 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512589 8489389 8494084 8492922 8489211 8495406 8497891 8499100 8492161 8512340 8490102 8490807 8500586 8503903 8500168 8504221 8511235 8490791 8493155 8501766 8508850 8511836 8509774 8489780 8494040 8495243 8501411 8505859 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8490027 8504423 8494551 8494106 8491743 8505873 8498656 8489533 8499686 8512123 8507529 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8504885 8511724 8492901 8498806 8509951 8490123 8492194 8497913 8500081 8492638 8494156 8496123 8511912 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8503899 8512350 8511245 8510205 8508954 8490343 8494728 8489600 8490256 8497135 8494850 8511722 8490192 8502994 8494111 8502982 8500368 8498911 8499682 8507188 8494165 8511726 8506831 8507651 8507355 8502414 8489585 8498640 8507709 8507369 8502512 8502048 8497065 8512592 8509741 8512537 8512335 8495235 8502937 8509233 missing-official missing-official 8496001 8489884 8496947 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8507539 8504954 8489597 8492224 8490535 8496685 8490114 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8512498 8508838 8512571 8491892 8507517 8499236 8496215 8492282 8507478 8512341 8498649 8492973 8495265 8509933 8495224 8489544 8495203 8508881 8502519 8489593 8490794 8489254 8500867 8501284 8501877 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8500561 8507507 8503087 8510806 8512508 missing-official # Betrayal at House on the Hill (andrewvanlaar) 8498736 : 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8489609 8490195 8494523 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512589 8489389 8494084 8492922 8489211 8495406 8497891 8499100 8492161 8512340 8490102 8490807 8500586 8503903 8500168 8504221 8511235 8490791 8493155 8501766 8508850 8511836 8509774 8489780 8494040 8495243 8501411 8505859 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8490027 8504423 8494551 8494106 8491743 8505873 8498656 8489533 8499686 8512123 8507529 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8504885 8511724 8492901 8498806 8509951 8490123 8492194 8497913 8500081 8492638 8494156 8496123 8511912 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8503899 8512350 8511245 8510205 8508954 8490343 8494728 8489600 8490256 8497135 8494850 8511722 8490192 8502994 8494111 8502982 8500368 8498911 8499682 8507188 8494165 8511726 8506831 8507651 8507355 8502414 8489585 8498640 8507709 8507369 8502512 8502048 8497065 8512592 8509741 8512537 8512335 8495235 8502937 8509233 missing-official missing-official 8496001 8489884 8496947 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8507539 8504954 8489597 8492224 8490535 8496685 8490114 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8512498 8508838 8512571 8491892 8507517 8499236 8496215 8492282 8507478 8512341 8498649 8492973 8495265 8509933 8495224 8489544 8495203 8508881 8502519 8490814 8506518 8489593 8490794 8489254 8500867 8501284 8501877 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8500561 8507507 8503087 8510806 8512508 missing-official 8503891 8510030 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8507072 8494126 8502511 8508664 8499811 8490662 8492273 8503023 8503158 8510028 8504890 8504891 8489573 8499812 8489740 8498846 8505863 8509714 8503907 8509823 8504853 8512392 8490452 8490828 8504765 8494058 8505855 8500560 8494842 8507421 8512225 8512528 8510209 8492826 8508822 8509722 8509824 8507499 8502219 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500088 8493684 8508620 8510450 8492275 8508764 8502166 8490398 8491252 8506713 8490023 8500534 8497693 8505002 8501613 8508200 8490462 8501789 8506951 8491776 8493193 8496003 8504804 8512434 8503635 8512535 8493187 8509731 8490533 8500604 8490138 8493986 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8507640 8509689 8492927 8490214 8494545 8494479 8494044 8500003 8504430 8507944 8494287 8495982 8507949 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8510856 8490485 8509885 8503439 8507389 8492616 8490076 8492268 8507471 8512382 8508591 8508694 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499998 8490240 8512298 8500004 8511909 8494088 8501961 8510930 8494740 8500001 8509772 8508986 8489281 8492940 8500613 8500928 8508621 8509719 8496681 8489184 8505852 8490190 8495201 8512555 8494289 8490544 8510036 8511917 8500501 8494113 8505794 8511889 8489539 8490001 8490899 8493033 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8494138 8509159 8503156 8489608 8500430 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8507508 8496137 8512312 8494853 8495247 8507516 8499399 8491996 8512329 8508868 8496134 8507438 8507580 8498573 8499301 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509777 8509922 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8492231 8504717 8500620 8509181 8502506 8508691 8499778 8504878 8505760 8488920 8504913 8506304 8496358 8506815 8497078 8502990 8502129 8506528 8503012 8506511 8506226 8508611 8499394 missing-official missing-official 8493005 8502250 8502172 8490048 8499609 8493725 8488918 8492276 8489014 8499693 8504925 8493133 8490465 8490805 8492987 8499691 8511211 8499695 8504669 8499161 8492983 8493159 8493712 8495231 8494839 8492866 8491351 8492184 8491513 8509954 8492125 8512388 8505870 8507410 8490717 8511206 8511234 8489814 8512362 8500498 8506883 8490523 8500522 8502332 8511121 8500701 8500625 8512394 8509746 8503080 8491676 8501781 8508586 8511213 8505763 8497164 8509892 8508628 8496997 8512484 8498844 8496218 8512552 8489577 8489601 8490184 8489400 8497152 8507436 8489117 8497252 8494544 8505866 8507497 8508965 8512301 8503884 8489897 8490896 8503108 8494726 8509969 8499133 8494549 8496537 8489028 8489205 8496683 8497141 8500568 8504381 8511887 8494086 8507725 8494079 8501570 8496217 8496133 8502507 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8492612 8492894 8489497 8493163 8511738 8491872 8492274 8497154 8499393 8491998 8499994 8510761 8506795 8503081 8508976 8512371 8512372 8492204 8494018 8493713 8494671 8504904 8504708 8508701 8495196 8496686 8511735 8500494 8489470 8501525 8502438 8500558 8501501 8498770 8503003 8510208 8489195 8510762 8512465 8489141 8493042 8498758 8499745 8500931 8509655 8494283 8510941 8504503 8502058 8491908 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 8507477 8503693 8491597 8492213 8489288 8496070 8496028 8489128 8490762 8492910 8490031 8495260 8488947 8493689 8500482 8505106 8492158 8506664 8504704 8508448 8498633 8506225 8490018 8504786 8504860 8506863 8490254 8502151 8505558 8509171 8492167 8496234 8495212 8507954 8503094 8495215 8500383 8494286 8500409 8500005 8494149 %8509533 8506681 8506506 8490065 8492966 8499397 8490758 8499750 8494737 8489248 8499770 8496667 8509999 8512242 8512532 8509721 8507439 8507472 8490479 8489427 8507426 8503893 8505879 8497950 8509166 8495194 8509165 8504828 8512538 8502248 8508829 8498306 8507429 8507467 8507951 8489799 8494494 8496113 8502121 8509859 8500772 8512550 8511190 8493068 8498838 8502245 8493456 8507948 8500960 8492957 8512517 8507468 8502141 8512567 8499687 8508605 8511109 8490135 8509203 8494586 8491727 8509733 8489606 8491994 8496690 8502170 8508914 8512548 8494863 8496356 8507193 8507433 8511771 8511790 8500555 8507437 8493151 8511741 8503433 8504558 8505650 8512486 8510936 8503114 8492329 8490155 8504234 8509778 8506963 8502055 8512568 8497156 8490332 8507008 8509730 8512206 8495229 8496379 8498499 8507901 8510654 8490494 8490755 8506480 8494677 8497633 8496223 8497157 8510445 8502065 8503897 8492964 8496396 8507339 8508623 8503076 8494638 8493169 8504743 8489198 8509180 8497009 8509889 8500829 8492239 8491330 8500530 8493007 8501786 8508916 8508224 8505871 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8503059 8506746 8507075 %8509430 8510060 8511882 8512137 8512446 8491196 8503106 8495972 8512300 8493212 8492531 8508644 8500064 8489478 8500504 8489582 8506508 8492247 8492527 8508630 8491328 8509173 8506799 8490889 8510212 8499737 8512345 8500761 8490826 8507588 8509888 8489034 8506499 8502047 8494676 8493061 8507589 8492961 8509174 8508902 8503655 8492977 8496315 8492885 8511728 8490041 8493112 8506487 8508622 8502412 8509831 8509916 8507578 8505780 8507582 8496359 8508600 8495266 # Eminent Domain (andrewvanlaar) 8498737 : 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8489609 8490195 8494523 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512589 8489389 8494084 8492922 8489211 8495406 8497891 8499100 8492161 8512340 8490102 8490807 8500586 8503903 8500168 8504221 8511235 8490791 8493155 8501766 8508850 8511836 8509774 8489780 8494040 8495243 8501411 8505859 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8490027 8504423 8494551 8494106 8491743 8505873 8498656 8489533 8499686 8512123 8507529 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8504885 8511724 8492901 8498806 8509951 8490123 8492194 8497913 8500081 8492638 8494156 8496123 8511912 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8503899 8512350 8511245 8510205 8508954 8490343 8494728 8489600 8490256 8497135 8494850 8511722 8490192 8502994 8494111 8502982 8500368 8498911 8499682 8507188 8494165 8511726 8506831 8507651 8507355 8502414 8489585 8498640 8507709 8507369 8502512 8502048 8497065 8512592 8509741 8512537 8512335 8495235 8502937 8509233 missing-official missing-official 8496001 8489884 8496947 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8507539 8504954 8489597 8492224 8490535 8496685 8490114 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8512498 8508838 8512571 8491892 8507517 8499236 8496215 8492282 8507478 8512341 8498649 8492973 8495265 8509933 8495224 8489544 8495203 8508881 8502519 8490814 8506518 8489593 8490794 8489254 8500867 8501284 8501877 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8500561 8507507 8503087 8510806 8512508 missing-official 8503891 8510030 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8507072 8494126 8502511 8508664 8499811 8490662 8492273 8503023 8503158 8510028 8504890 8504891 8489573 8499812 8489740 8498846 8505863 8509714 8503907 8509823 8504853 8512392 8490452 8490828 8504765 8494058 8505855 8500560 8494842 8507421 8512225 8512528 8510209 8492826 8508822 8509722 8509824 8507499 8502219 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500088 8493684 8508620 8510450 8492275 8508764 8502166 8490398 8491252 8506713 8490023 8500534 8497693 8505002 8501613 8508200 8490462 8501789 8506951 8491776 8493193 8496003 8504804 8512434 8503635 8512535 8493187 8509731 8490533 8500604 8490138 8493986 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8507640 8509689 8492927 8490214 8494545 8494479 8494044 8500003 8504430 8507944 8494287 8495982 8507949 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8510856 8490485 8509885 8503439 8507389 8492616 8490076 8492268 8507471 8512382 8508591 8508694 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499998 8490240 8512298 8500004 8511909 8494088 8501961 8510930 8494740 8500001 8509772 8508986 8489281 8492940 8500613 8500928 8508621 8509719 8496681 8489184 8505852 8490190 8495201 8512555 8494289 8490544 8510036 8511917 8500501 8494113 8505794 8511889 8489539 8490001 8490899 8493033 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8494138 8509159 8503156 8489608 8500430 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8507508 8496137 8512312 8494853 8495247 8507516 8499399 8491996 8512329 8508868 8496134 8507438 8507580 8498573 8499301 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509777 8509922 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8492231 8504717 8500620 8509181 8502506 8508691 8499778 8504878 8505760 8488920 8504913 8506304 8496358 8506815 8497078 8502990 8502129 8506528 8503012 8506511 8506226 8508611 8499394 missing-official missing-official 8499695 8504669 # Ghost Fightin' Treasure Hunters (andrewvanlaar) 8498738 : 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8489609 8490195 8494523 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512589 8489389 8494084 8492922 8489211 8495406 8497891 8499100 8492161 8512340 8490102 8490807 8500586 8503903 8500168 8504221 8511235 8490791 8493155 8501766 8508850 8511836 8509774 8489780 8494040 8495243 8501411 8505859 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8490027 8504423 8494551 8494106 8491743 8505873 8498656 8489533 8499686 8512123 8507529 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8504885 8511724 8492901 8498806 8509951 8490123 8492194 8497913 8500081 8492638 8494156 8496123 8511912 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8503899 8512350 8511245 8510205 8508954 8490343 8494728 8489600 8490256 8497135 8494850 8511722 8490192 8502994 8494111 8502982 8500368 8498911 8499682 8507188 8494165 8511726 8506831 8507651 8507355 8502414 8489585 8498640 8507709 8507369 8502512 8502048 8497065 8512592 8509741 8512537 8512335 8495235 8502937 8509233 missing-official missing-official 8496001 8489884 8496947 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8507539 8504954 8489597 8492224 8490535 8496685 8490114 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8512498 8508838 8512571 8491892 8507517 8499236 8496215 8492282 8507478 8512341 8498649 8492973 8495265 8509933 8495224 8489544 8495203 8508881 8502519 8490814 8506518 8489593 8490794 8489254 8500867 8501284 8501877 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8500561 8507507 8503087 8510806 8512508 missing-official 8503891 8510030 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8507072 8494126 8502511 8508664 8499811 8490662 8492273 8503023 8503158 8510028 8504890 8504891 8489573 8499812 8489740 8498846 8505863 8509714 8503907 8509823 8504853 8512392 8490452 8490828 8504765 8494058 8505855 8500560 8494842 8507421 8512225 8512528 8510209 8492826 8508822 8509722 8509824 8507499 8502219 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500088 8493684 8508620 8510450 8492275 8508764 8502166 8490398 8491252 8506713 8490023 8500534 8497693 8505002 8501613 8508200 8490462 8501789 8506951 8491776 8493193 8496003 8504804 8512434 8503635 8512535 8493187 8509731 8490533 8500604 8490138 8493986 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8507640 8509689 8492927 8490214 8494545 8494479 8494044 8500003 8504430 8507944 8494287 8495982 8507949 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8510856 8490485 8509885 8503439 8507389 8492616 8490076 8492268 8507471 8512382 8508591 8508694 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499998 8490240 8512298 8500004 8511909 8494088 8501961 8510930 8494740 8500001 8509772 8508986 8489281 8492940 8500613 8500928 8508621 8509719 8496681 8489184 8505852 8490190 8495201 8512555 8494289 8490544 8510036 8511917 8500501 8494113 8505794 8511889 8489539 8490001 8490899 8493033 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8494138 8509159 8503156 8489608 8500430 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8507508 8496137 8512312 8494853 8495247 8507516 8499399 8491996 8512329 8508868 8496134 8507438 8507580 8498573 8499301 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509777 8509922 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8492231 8504717 8500620 8509181 8502506 8508691 8499778 8504878 8505760 8488920 8504913 8506304 8496358 8506815 8497078 8502990 8502129 8506528 8503012 8506511 8506226 8508611 8499394 missing-official missing-official 8493005 8502250 8502172 8490048 8499609 8493725 8488918 8492276 8489014 8499693 8504925 8493133 8490465 8490805 8492987 8499691 8511211 8499695 8504669 8499161 8492983 8493159 8493712 8495231 8494839 8492866 8491351 8492184 8491513 8509954 8492125 8512388 8505870 8507410 8490717 8511206 8511234 8489814 8512362 8500498 8506883 8490523 8500522 8502332 8511121 8500701 8500625 8512394 8509746 8503080 8491676 8501781 8508586 8511213 8505763 8497164 8509892 8508628 8496997 8512484 8498844 8496218 8512552 8489577 8489601 8490184 8489400 8497152 8507436 8489117 8497252 8494544 8505866 8507497 8508965 8512301 8503884 8489897 8490896 8503108 8494726 8509969 8499133 8494549 8496537 8489028 8489205 8496683 8497141 8500568 8504381 8511887 8494086 8507725 8494079 8501570 8496217 8496133 8502507 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8492612 8492894 8489497 8493163 8511738 8491872 8492274 8497154 8499393 8491998 8499994 8510761 8506795 8503081 8508976 8512371 8512372 8492204 8494018 8493713 8494671 8504904 8504708 8508701 8495196 8496686 8511735 8500494 8489470 8501525 8502438 8500558 8501501 8498770 8503003 8510208 8489195 8512465 8489141 8493042 8498758 8499745 8500931 8509655 8494283 8510941 8504503 8502058 8491908 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 8507477 8503693 8491597 8492213 8489288 8496070 8496028 8489128 8490762 8492910 8490031 8495260 8488947 8493689 8500482 8505106 8492158 8506664 8504704 8508448 8498633 8506225 8490018 8504786 8504860 8506863 8490254 8502151 8505558 8509171 8492167 8496234 8495212 8507954 8503094 8495215 8500383 8494286 8500409 8500005 8494149 %8509533 8506681 8506506 8490065 8492966 8499397 8490758 8499750 8494737 8489248 8499770 8496667 8509999 # Brass: Lancashire (andrewvanlaar) 8498739 : 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8489609 8490195 8494523 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512589 8489389 8494084 8492922 8489211 8495406 8497891 8499100 8492161 8512340 8490102 8490807 8500586 8503903 8500168 8504221 8511235 8490791 8493155 8501766 8508850 8511836 8509774 8489780 8494040 8495243 8501411 8505859 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8490027 8504423 8494551 8494106 8491743 8505873 8498656 8489533 8499686 8512123 8507529 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8504885 8511724 8492901 8498806 8509951 8490123 8492194 8497913 8500081 8492638 8494156 8496123 8511912 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8503899 8512350 8511245 8510205 8508954 8490343 8494728 8489600 8490256 8497135 8494850 8511722 8490192 8502994 8494111 8502982 8500368 8498911 8499682 8507188 8494165 8511726 8506831 8507651 8507355 8502414 8489585 8498640 8507709 8507369 8502512 8502048 8497065 8512592 8509741 8512537 8512335 8495235 8502937 8509233 missing-official missing-official 8496001 8489884 8496947 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8507539 8504954 8489597 8492224 8490535 8496685 8490114 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8512498 8508838 8512571 8491892 8507517 8499236 8496215 8492282 8507478 8512341 8498649 8492973 8495265 8509933 8495224 8489544 8495203 8508881 8502519 8490814 8506518 8489593 8490794 8489254 8500867 8501284 8501877 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8500561 8507507 8503087 8510806 8512508 missing-official 8503891 8510030 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8507072 8494126 8502511 8508664 8499811 8490662 8492273 8503023 8503158 8510028 8504890 8504891 8489573 8499812 8489740 8498846 8505863 8509714 8503907 8509823 8504853 8512392 8490452 8490828 8504765 8494058 8505855 8500560 8494842 8507421 8512225 8512528 8510209 8492826 8508822 8509722 8509824 8507499 8502219 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500088 8493684 8508620 8510450 8492275 8508764 8502166 8490398 8491252 8506713 8490023 8500534 8497693 8505002 8501613 8508200 8490462 8501789 8506951 8491776 8493193 8496003 8504804 8512434 8503635 8512535 8493187 8509731 8490533 8500604 8490138 8493986 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8507640 8509689 8492927 8490214 8494545 8494479 8494044 8500003 8504430 8507944 8494287 8495982 8507949 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8510856 8490485 8509885 8503439 8507389 8492616 8490076 8492268 8507471 8512382 8508591 8508694 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499998 8490240 8512298 8500004 8511909 8494088 8501961 8510930 8494740 8500001 8509772 8508986 8489281 8492940 8500613 8500928 8508621 8509719 8496681 8489184 8505852 8490190 8495201 8512555 8494289 8490544 8510036 8511917 8500501 8494113 8505794 8511889 8489539 8490001 8490899 8493033 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8494138 8509159 8503156 8489608 8500430 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8507508 8496137 8512312 8494853 8495247 8507516 8499399 8491996 8512329 8508868 8496134 8507438 8507580 8498573 8499301 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509777 8509922 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8492231 8504717 8500620 8509181 8502506 8508691 8499778 8504878 8505760 8488920 8504913 8506304 8496358 8506815 8497078 8502990 8502129 8506528 8503012 8506511 8506226 8508611 8499394 missing-official missing-official 8493005 8502250 8502172 8490048 8499609 8493725 8488918 8492276 8489014 8499693 8504925 8493133 8490465 8490805 8492987 8499691 8511211 8499695 8499161 8492983 8493159 8493712 8495231 8494839 8492866 8491351 8492184 8491513 # Friday (andrewvanlaar) 8498740 : 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8489609 8490195 8494523 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512589 8489389 8494084 8492922 8489211 8495406 8497891 8499100 8492161 8512340 8490102 8490807 8500586 8503903 8500168 8504221 8511235 8490791 8493155 8501766 8508850 8511836 8509774 8489780 8494040 8495243 8501411 8505859 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8490027 8504423 8494551 8494106 8491743 8505873 8498656 8489533 8499686 8512123 8507529 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8504885 8511724 8492901 8498806 8509951 8490123 8492194 8497913 8500081 8492638 8494156 8496123 8511912 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8503899 8512350 8511245 8510205 8508954 8490343 8494728 8489600 8490256 8497135 8494850 8511722 8490192 8502994 8494111 8502982 8500368 8498911 8499682 8507188 8494165 8511726 8506831 8507651 8507355 8502414 8489585 8498640 8507709 8507369 8502512 8502048 8497065 8512592 8509741 8512537 8512335 8495235 8502937 8509233 missing-official missing-official 8496001 8489884 8496947 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8507539 8504954 8489597 8492224 8490535 8496685 8490114 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8512498 8508838 8512571 8491892 8507517 8499236 8496215 8492282 8507478 8512341 8498649 8492973 8495265 8509933 8495224 8489544 8495203 8508881 8502519 8490814 8506518 8489593 8490794 8489254 8500867 8501284 8501877 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8500561 8507507 8503087 8510806 8512508 missing-official 8503891 8510030 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8507072 8494126 8502511 8508664 8499811 8490662 8492273 8503023 8503158 8510028 8504890 8504891 8489573 8499812 8489740 8498846 8505863 8509714 8503907 8509823 8504853 8512392 8490452 8490828 8504765 8494058 8505855 8500560 8494842 8507421 8512225 8512528 8510209 8492826 8508822 8509722 8509824 8507499 8502219 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500088 8493684 8508620 8510450 8492275 8508764 8502166 8490398 8491252 8506713 8490023 8500534 8497693 8505002 8501613 8508200 8490462 8501789 8506951 8491776 8493193 8496003 8504804 8512434 8503635 8512535 8493187 8509731 8490533 8500604 8490138 8493986 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8507640 8509689 8492927 8490214 8494545 8494479 8494044 8500003 8504430 8507944 8494287 8495982 8507949 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8510856 8490485 8509885 8503439 8507389 8492616 8490076 8492268 8507471 8512382 8508591 8508694 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499998 8490240 8512298 8500004 8511909 8494088 8501961 8510930 8494740 8500001 8509772 8508986 8489281 8492940 8500613 8500928 8508621 8509719 8496681 8489184 8505852 8490190 8495201 8512555 8494289 8490544 8510036 8511917 8500501 8494113 8505794 8511889 8489539 8490001 8490899 8493033 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8494138 8509159 8503156 8489608 8500430 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8507508 8496137 8512312 8494853 8495247 8507516 8499399 8491996 8512329 8508868 8496134 8507438 8507580 8498573 8499301 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509777 8509922 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8492231 8504717 8500620 8509181 8502506 8508691 8499778 8504878 8505760 8488920 8504913 8506304 8496358 8506815 8497078 8502990 8502129 8506528 8503012 8506511 8506226 8508611 8499394 missing-official missing-official 8493005 8502250 8502172 8490048 8499609 8493725 8488918 8492276 8489014 8499693 8504925 8493133 8490465 8490805 8492987 8499691 8511211 8499695 8504669 8499161 8492983 8493159 8493712 8495231 8494839 8492866 8491351 8492184 8491513 8509954 8492125 8512388 8505870 8507410 8490717 8511206 8511234 8489814 8512362 8500498 8506883 8490523 8500522 8502332 8511121 8500701 8500625 8512394 8509746 8503080 8491676 8501781 8508586 8511213 8505763 8497164 8509892 8508628 8496997 8512484 8498844 8496218 8512552 8489577 8489601 8490184 8489400 8497152 8507436 8489117 8497252 8494544 8505866 8507497 8508965 8512301 8503884 8489897 8490896 8503108 8494726 8509969 8499133 8494549 8496537 8489028 8489205 8496683 8497141 8500568 8504381 8511887 8494086 8507725 8494079 8501570 8496217 8496133 8502507 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8492612 8492894 8489497 8493163 8511738 8491872 8492274 8497154 8499393 8491998 8499994 8510761 8506795 8503081 8508976 8512371 8512372 8492204 8494018 8493713 8494671 8504904 8504708 8508701 8495196 8496686 8511735 8500494 8489470 8501525 8502438 8500558 8501501 8498770 8503003 8510208 8489195 8510762 8512465 8489141 8493042 8498758 8499745 8500931 8509655 8494283 8510941 8504503 8502058 8491908 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 8507477 8503693 8491597 8492213 8489288 8496070 8496028 8489128 8490762 8492910 8490031 8495260 8488947 8493689 8500482 8505106 8492158 8506664 8504704 8508448 8498633 8506225 8490018 8504786 8504860 8506863 8490254 8502151 8505558 8509171 8492167 8496234 8495212 8507954 8503094 8495215 8500383 8494286 8500409 8500005 8494149 %8509533 8506681 8506506 8490065 8492966 8499397 8490758 8499750 8494737 8489248 8499770 8496667 8509999 8512242 8512532 8509721 8507439 8507472 8490479 8489427 8507426 8503893 8505879 8497950 8509166 8495194 8509165 8504828 8512538 8502248 8508829 8498306 8507429 8507467 8507951 8489799 8494494 8496113 8502121 8509859 8500772 8512550 8511190 8493068 8498838 8502245 8493456 8507948 8500960 8492957 8512517 8507468 8502141 8512567 8499687 8508605 8511109 8490135 8509203 8494586 8491727 8509733 8489606 8491994 8496690 8502170 8508914 8512548 8494863 8496356 8507193 8507433 8511771 8511790 8500555 8507437 8493151 8511741 8503433 8504558 8505650 8512486 8510936 8503114 8492329 8490155 8504234 8509778 8506963 8502055 8512568 8497156 8490332 8507008 8509730 8512206 8495229 8496379 8498499 8507901 8510654 8490494 8490755 8506480 8494677 8497633 8496223 8497157 8510445 8502065 8503897 8492964 8496396 8507339 8508623 8503076 8494638 8493169 8504743 8489198 8509180 8497009 8509889 8500829 8492239 8491330 8500530 8493007 8501786 8508916 8508224 8505871 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8503059 8506746 8507075 %8509430 8510060 8511882 8512137 8512446 8491196 8503106 8495972 8512300 8493212 8492531 8508644 8500064 8489478 8500504 8489582 8506508 8492247 8492527 8508630 8491328 8509173 8506799 8490889 8510212 8499737 8512345 8500761 8490826 8507588 8509888 8489034 8506499 8502047 8494676 8493061 8507589 8492961 8509174 8508902 8503655 8492977 8496315 8492885 8511728 8490041 8493112 8506487 8508622 8502412 8509831 8509916 8507578 8505780 8507582 8496359 8508600 8495266 8506771 8489986 8492916 8493707 8506855 8492623 8511076 8512596 8493738 8512504 8489914 8512595 8512421 8509829 8512435 8509677 8500820 8499667 8510945 8500580 8490838 8511671 8488871 8492996 8494144 8512241 8490237 8490415 8492031 8493724 8506859 8495184 8502227 8492953 8509639 8512491 8508709 8493049 8492794 8511892 8508894 8512334 8492789 8493118 8510203 8495187 8505846 8504386 8503149 8511142 8490150 8511718 8508593 8497603 8496421 8505793 8494140 8512527 8512542 8510738 8503910 8510398 8511734 8492633 8504907 8512525 8509101 8512276 8511208 8508641 8499661 8502211 8508858 8512294 8512536 8504388 8494143 8512296 8504236 8512543 8506947 8490434 8502081 8499351 8489453 8496385 8512413 8490120 8491618 8492165 8492652 8493705 8494133 8512151 8512564 8500537 8498474 8493509 8504722 8504969 8508614 8500414 8490844 8493730 8512459 8490158 8491745 8492799 8489482 8490824 8490883 8506106 8494006 8508726 8508982 8492625 8509945 8493125 8496144 8495255 8512551 8500488 8491315 8494117 8495240 8504991 8499679 8495214 8508645 8499401 8509896 8499404 8501604 8489849 8489614 8511744 8495969 8509961 8512581 8491291 8491373 8512338 8509894 8496120 8493157 8512303 8493720 8490083 8512231 8496422 8512566 8502207 8493046 8508974 8503461 8510188 8500617 8490163 8496141 8494127 8492085 8512337 8489224 8500608 8493111 8490885 8494964 8491293 8491870 8489523 8495232 8489295 8512521 8500860 missing-official # Kingdomino: Tile Dispenser (andrewvanlaar) 8504538 : 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8489609 8490195 8494523 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512589 8489389 8494084 8492922 8489211 8495406 8497891 8499100 8492161 8512340 8490102 8490807 8500586 8503903 8500168 8504221 8511235 8490791 8493155 8501766 8508850 8511836 8509774 8489780 8494040 8495243 8501411 8505859 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8490027 8504423 8494551 8494106 8491743 8505873 8498656 8489533 8499686 8512123 8507529 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8504885 8511724 8492901 8498806 8509951 8490123 8492194 8497913 8500081 8492638 8494156 8496123 8511912 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8503899 8512350 8511245 8510205 8508954 8490343 8494728 8489600 8490256 8497135 8494850 8511722 8490192 8502994 8494111 8502982 8500368 8498911 8499682 8507188 8494165 8511726 8506831 8507651 8507355 8502414 8489585 8498640 8507709 8507369 8502512 8502048 8497065 8512592 8509741 8512537 8512335 8495235 8502937 8509233 missing-official missing-official 8496001 8489884 8496947 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8507539 8504954 8489597 8492224 8490535 8496685 8490114 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8512498 8508838 8512571 8491892 8507517 8499236 8496215 8492282 8507478 8512341 8498649 8492973 8495265 8509933 8495224 8489544 8495203 8508881 8502519 8490814 8506518 8489593 8490794 8489254 8500867 8501284 8501877 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8500561 8507507 8503087 8510806 8512508 missing-official 8503891 8510030 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8507072 8494126 8502511 8508664 8499811 8490662 8492273 8503023 8503158 8510028 8504890 8504891 8489573 8499812 8489740 8498846 8505863 8509714 8503907 8509823 8504853 8512392 8490452 8490828 8504765 8494058 8505855 8500560 8494842 8507421 8512225 8512528 8510209 8492826 8508822 8509722 8509824 8507499 8502219 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500088 8493684 8508620 8510450 8492275 8508764 8502166 8490398 8491252 8506713 8490023 8500534 8497693 8505002 8501613 8508200 8490462 8501789 8506951 8491776 8493193 8496003 8504804 8512434 8503635 8512535 8493187 8509731 8490533 8500604 8490138 8493986 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8507640 8509689 8492927 8490214 8494545 8494479 8494044 8500003 8504430 8507944 8494287 8495982 8507949 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8510856 8490485 8509885 8503439 8507389 8492616 8490076 8492268 8507471 8512382 8508591 8508694 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499998 8490240 8512298 8500004 8511909 8494088 8501961 8510930 8494740 8500001 8509772 8508986 8489281 8492940 8500613 8500928 8508621 8509719 8496681 8489184 8505852 8490190 8495201 8512555 8494289 8490544 8510036 8511917 8500501 8494113 8505794 8511889 8489539 8490001 8490899 8493033 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8494138 8509159 8503156 8489608 8500430 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8507508 8496137 8512312 8494853 8495247 8507516 8499399 8491996 8512329 8508868 8496134 8507438 8507580 8498573 8499301 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509777 8509922 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8492231 8504717 8500620 8509181 8502506 8508691 8499778 8504878 8505760 8488920 8504913 8506304 8496358 8506815 8497078 8502990 8502129 8506528 8503012 8506511 8506226 8508611 8499394 missing-official missing-official 8493005 8502250 8502172 8490048 8499609 8493725 8488918 8492276 8489014 8499693 8504925 8493133 8490465 8490805 8492987 8499691 8511211 8499695 8504669 8499161 8492983 8493159 8493712 8495231 8494839 8492866 8491351 8492184 8491513 8509954 8492125 8512388 8505870 8507410 8490717 8511206 8511234 8489814 8512362 8500498 8506883 8490523 8500522 8502332 8511121 8500701 8500625 8512394 8509746 8503080 8491676 8501781 8508586 8511213 8505763 8497164 8509892 8508628 8496997 8512484 8498844 8496218 8512552 8489577 8489601 8490184 8489400 8497152 8507436 8489117 8497252 8494544 8505866 8507497 8508965 8512301 8503884 8489897 8490896 8503108 8494726 8509969 8499133 8494549 8496537 8489028 8489205 8496683 8497141 8500568 8504381 8511887 8494086 8507725 8494079 8501570 8496217 8496133 8502507 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8492612 8492894 8489497 8493163 8511738 8491872 8492274 8497154 8499393 8491998 8499994 8510761 8506795 8503081 8508976 8512371 8512372 8492204 8494018 8493713 8494671 8504904 8504708 8508701 8495196 8496686 8511735 8500494 8489470 8501525 8502438 8500558 8501501 8498770 8503003 8510208 8489195 8510762 8512465 8489141 8493042 8498758 8499745 8500931 8509655 8494283 8510941 8504503 8502058 8491908 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 8507477 8503693 8491597 8492213 8489288 8496070 8496028 8489128 8490762 8492910 8490031 8495260 8488947 8493689 8500482 8505106 8492158 8506664 8504704 8508448 8498633 8506225 8490018 8504786 8504860 8506863 8490254 8502151 8505558 8509171 8492167 8496234 8495212 8507954 8503094 8495215 8500383 8494286 8500409 8500005 8494149 %8509533 8506681 8506506 8490065 8492966 8499397 8490758 8499750 8494737 8489248 8499770 8496667 8509999 8512242 8512532 8509721 8507439 8507472 8490479 8489427 8507426 8503893 8505879 8497950 8509166 8495194 8509165 8504828 8512538 8502248 8508829 8498306 8507429 8507467 8507951 8489799 8494494 8496113 8502121 8509859 8500772 8512550 8511190 8493068 8498838 8502245 8493456 8507948 8500960 8492957 8512517 8507468 8502141 8512567 8499687 8508605 8511109 8490135 8509203 8494586 8491727 8509733 8489606 8491994 8496690 8502170 8508914 8512548 8494863 8496356 8507193 8507433 8511771 8511790 8500555 8507437 8493151 8511741 8503433 8504558 8505650 8512486 8510936 8503114 8492329 8490155 8504234 8509778 8506963 8502055 8512568 8497156 8490332 8507008 8509730 8512206 8495229 8496379 8498499 8507901 8510654 8490494 8490755 8506480 8494677 8497633 8496223 8497157 8510445 8502065 8503897 8492964 8496396 8507339 8508623 8503076 8494638 8493169 8504743 8489198 8509180 8497009 8509889 8500829 8492239 8491330 8500530 8493007 8501786 8508916 8508224 8505871 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8503059 8506746 8507075 %8509430 8510060 8511882 8512137 8512446 8491196 8503106 8495972 8512300 8493212 8492531 8508644 8500064 8489478 8500504 8489582 8506508 8492247 8492527 8508630 8491328 8509173 8506799 8490889 8510212 8499737 8512345 8500761 8490826 8507588 8509888 8489034 8506499 8502047 8494676 8493061 8507589 8492961 8509174 8508902 8503655 8492977 8496315 8492885 8511728 8490041 8493112 8506487 8508622 8502412 8509831 8509916 8507578 8505780 8507582 8496359 8508600 8495266 8506771 8489986 8492916 8493707 8506855 8492623 8511076 8512596 8493738 8512504 8489914 8512595 8512421 8509829 8512435 8509677 8500820 8499667 8510945 8500580 8490838 8511671 8488871 8492996 8494144 8512241 8490237 8490415 8492031 8493724 8506859 8495184 8502227 8492953 8509639 8512491 8508709 8493049 8492794 8511892 8508894 8512334 8492789 8493118 8510203 8495187 8505846 8504386 8503149 8511142 8490150 8511718 8508593 8497603 8496421 8505793 8494140 8512527 8512542 8510738 8503910 8510398 8511734 8492633 8504907 8512525 8509101 8512276 8511208 8508641 8499661 8502211 8508858 8512294 8512536 8504388 8494143 8512296 8504236 8512543 8506947 8490434 8502081 8499351 8489453 8496385 8512413 8490120 8491618 8492165 8492652 8493705 8494133 8512151 8512564 8500537 8498474 8493509 8504722 8504969 8508614 8500414 8490844 8493730 8512459 8490158 8491745 8492799 8489482 8490824 8490883 8506106 8494006 8508726 8508982 8492625 8509945 8493125 8496144 8495255 8512551 8500488 8491315 8494117 8495240 8504991 8499679 8495214 8508645 8499401 8509896 8499404 8501604 8489849 8489614 8511744 8495969 8509961 8512581 8491291 8491373 8512338 8509894 8496120 8493157 8512303 8493720 8490083 8512231 8496422 8512566 8502207 8493046 8508974 8503461 8510188 8500617 8490163 8496141 8494127 8492085 8512337 8489224 8500608 8493111 8490885 8494964 8491293 8491870 8489523 8495232 8489295 8512521 8500860 missing-official 8490078 8512436 8489059 8491912 8512425 8493156 8490215 8512556 8490061 8493075 8490063 8489081 8489515 8489578 8490154 8491781 8493039 8490783 8489419 8490394 8512444 8490504 8493658 8493686 8490774 8490487 8492848 8493035 8490818 8492537 8489993 8493694 8490037 8512360 8491883 8491833 8512468 8512524 8490029 8492127 %8490751 8490849 8489998 8512426 8493113 8490080 8490789 8512472 8490936 8489104 8512529 8493037 8489494 8512575 8490070 8492325 8512450 8490035 8492606 8489882 8490769 8489166 8512466 8490075 8490449 8491614 8494308 8512502 8492988 8512437 8495979 8490177 8491874 8492091 8490141 8490782 8490046 8512400 8494012 8494068 8489598 8490133 8512591 8490043 8512497 8490457 8491607 8512438 8512415 8488951 8490137 8492235 8492856 8490929 8490764 8493697 8489475 8489602 8490553 8491591 8492892 8489076 8490086 8490092 8489994 8490095 8490780 8490263 8490397 8490454 8512519 8492832 8512442 8512378 8489526 8512557 8512515 8491971 8490477 8512516 8492539 8489594 8490259 8490492 8490493 8491480 8491567 8491659 8491999 8492017 8492271 8492301 8492620 8493625 8493739 8496956 8512445 8512593 8491754 8498338 8490152 8489971 8512368 8492540 8490868 8489186 8489487 8493718 8512328 8512495 8492726 8512347 8512461 8493735 8489247 8512513 8512469 8491993 8490756 8512530 8490100 8489155 8512490 8490103 8490050 8492084 8512474 8512503 8512452 8493036 8489505 8489095 8512563 8493034 8492548 8490104 8512499 8489612 8489306 8490904 8492950 8489046 8512553 8490034 8512569 8489880 8492991 8489999 8493691 8491889 8512509 8491867 8493734 8489217 8490753 8512511 8492729 8489484 8492815 8512475 8489319 8512467 8512494 8512370 8489103 8490872 8512590 8512386 8492260 8512565 8490861 8512393 8512346 8489878 8490059 8512419 8493415 8489322 8490089 8490530 8490451 8512430 8508640 8490118 8490058 8489099 8492199 8491878 8492661 8512554 8490148 8490099 8489923 8512359 8489502 8489297 8512476 8512357 8489182 8489592 8512547 8512514 8492841 8512510 8489599 8490354 8489886 8493167 8489210 8512449 8491385 8489116 8492327 8490057 8512520 8489572 8490056 8490011 8509880 8490456 8490002 %8494038 8492546 8492089 8492544 8489296 8490934 8512470 8490032 8490091 8489531 8489554 8489222 8490000 8490792 8512330 8489323 8490094 8490062 8489514 8490902 8492166 8490759 8512389 8492519 8489564 8489517 8512373 8489605 8490006 8492550 8512432 8489164 8489595 8512374 8512505 8490082 8489991 8489997 8490096 8490450 8512539 8512443 8489275 8512507 8512304 8491655 8491750 8492462 8490252 8490501 8490131 8489527 8493040 8512366 8490073 8490036 8489329 8489545 8489159 8491398 8493090 8491594 8490069 8493158 8489456 8489321 8490024 8489611 8512411 8489102 8489509 8490243 8490884 8512522 8512460 8490790 8489290 8490515 8492535 8492153 8492804 8489512 8493657 8489560 8490447 8490021 8489561 8489591 8490930 8491902 8489519 8490005 8490090 8490042 8493660 8490053 8493661 8492523 8492997 8493412 8489988 8490871 8489982 8510798 8490067 8512422 8490448 8512477 8490055 8490272 8489292 8512331 8490040 8490033 8493711 8490060 8491436 8489876 8490928 8488923 8490097 8493071 8489490 8512501 8490940 8512485 8512544 8512487 8489989 8492536 8489249 8490488 8512358 8490007 8491595 8489208 8490049 8490066 8490741 8490862 8512549 8489581 8489299 8489298 # Note: The following 4 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want The Downfall of Pompeii (andrewvanlaar) %8490751 : 8490751-COPY1 8490751-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Arraial (andrewvanlaar) %8494038 : 8494038-COPY1 8494038-COPY2 8494038-COPY3 8494038-COPY4 8494038-COPY5 8494038-COPY6 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Overlays for Terraforming Mars Player boards by Gaming Trunk (andrewvanlaar) %8509430 : 8509430-COPY1 8509430-COPY2 8509430-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Terraforming Mars by Gaming Trunk (andrewvanlaar) %8509533 : 8509533-COPY1 8509533-COPY2 8509533-COPY3 #pragma user "andykim88" # Confirmation code: miqLXy2-NvjBfsBQR96WBQ # Fri Oct 1 07:48:28 2021 # (andykim88) %Cubit : 8491883 8503439 # (andykim88) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 8509933 # Sovereign Skies (andykim88) 8496315 : 8495224 8500867 8501284 %PCR 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %Cubit 8505765 8506726 8509922 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 %8509614 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Alt Name: Item Removed (andykim88) 8499951 : # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Catan by Gaming Trunk (andykim88) %8509614 : 8509614-COPY1 8509614-COPY2 8509614-COPY3 #pragma user "annkri" # Confirmation code: OAsTUVjcVCIKD9v0zb/dHw # Sat Oct 2 17:48:29 2021 # (annkri) %90CAD : 8500867 8501284 # (annkri) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (annkri) %BunKin : 8496997 8512484 # (annkri) %CoE : 8504786 8504860 # (annkri) %Crypt : 8502024 8508497 # (annkri) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 # (annkri) %GAH : 8490114 8494842 # (annkri) %HA : 8492910 8497071 # (annkri) %HPHB : 8499993 8503192 # (annkri) %KinBui : 8490037 8505861 # (annkri) %LCTE : 8490533 8497025 # (annkri) %LoW : 8489211 8509714 # (annkri) %TE : 8494074 8504890 8504891 # (annkri) %TToT : 8500623 8500624 # (annkri) %TerMar : 8503891 8510030 # (annkri) %TerMys : 8489187 8507072 # (annkri) %Tikal : # (annkri) %TinTow : 8500580 8502141 # (annkri) %TtR : 8496533 8500576 # Photosynthesis (annkri) 8500769 : %TerMar %AFfO 8508586 8507948 %90CAD 8511190 # Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia (annkri) 8500770 : %TerMar %AFfO 8508586 8507948 %90CAD # Pendulum (annkri) 8500771 : %TerMar %AFfO 8508586 8507948 %90CAD 8511190 %BunKin # The Pillars of the Earth (annkri) 8500772 : %TerMar %AFfO 8508586 8507948 %90CAD #pragma user "applesauce999" # Confirmation code: BgBixSr1fs4z0db6Jkx7Rg # Fri Oct 1 00:27:54 2021 # (applesauce999) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (applesauce999) %AHTCG : 8498306 8500534 8511076 # (applesauce999) %Acqui : 8489419 8509292 8510396 # (applesauce999) %Azul : 8500522 8502332 # (applesauce999) %BFoI : 8489997 8494942 # (applesauce999) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (applesauce999) %CurCar : 8505099 8508224 # (applesauce999) %DSD : 8489497 8496137 # (applesauce999) %Decry : 8493724 # (applesauce999) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (applesauce999) %ETCotT : 8493035 8501290 # (applesauce999) %FlaRou : 8490398 8491252 8506713 # (applesauce999) %GC : 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 # (applesauce999) %GaiPro : 8490442 8492873 8512297 # (applesauce999) %HanTeu : 8507951 8509892 # (applesauce999) %Inis : # (applesauce999) %SP4 : 8496133 8504743 8509171 # (applesauce999) %TE : # (applesauce999) %Targi : 8493707 8506855 # (applesauce999) %TinTow : 8500580 8502141 # (applesauce999) %UND : 8510945 8505793 # (applesauce999) %VEE : 8502511 8508664 8510029 # Citadels (applesauce999) 8492325 : %Azul %Targi 8493725 8508764 %FlaRou %AHTCG %Acqui 8494479 %ETCotT 8503672 8508817 8511921 %CurCar 8493712 %BFoI %UND %TinTow %Decry 8500556 8512450 8509969 8507730 8511208 %SP4 %DSD 8502081 8495181 # Cheating Moth (applesauce999) 8492326 : %Azul %Targi 8493725 8508764 %FlaRou %AHTCG %Acqui 8494479 %ETCotT 8503672 8508817 8511921 %CurCar 8493712 %BFoI %UND %TinTow %Decry 8500556 8512450 8509969 8507730 8511208 %SP4 %DSD 8502081 8495181 # Posthuman (applesauce999) 8492327 : %AFfO %VEE %GaiPro %BraBir 8489389 8503903 8489780 %DunImp %HanTeu 8489533 %GC # Cosmic Encounter (applesauce999) 8492328 : %AFfO %VEE %GaiPro %BraBir 8489389 %Azul 8503903 %Targi 8493725 8489780 %DunImp 8508764 %FlaRou %AHTCG %HanTeu 8489533 %Acqui 8494479 %ETCotT 8503672 8508817 8511921 %CurCar 8493712 %BFoI %UND # Millennium Blades (applesauce999) 8492329 : %AFfO %VEE %GaiPro %BraBir 8489389 8503903 8489780 %DunImp %HanTeu 8489533 %GC #pragma user "aungmyo" # Confirmation code: NnJwJ/g3iXaptfPdndIKUA # Sat Oct 2 19:25:10 2021 # Sonar (aungmyo) 8509067 : 8508598 8508699 8508200 8506859 8500004 8511909 8495229 8508954 8495215 8504236 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8507897 8503448 8498732 8497252 8509884 8512069 8508964 8509922 8512086 8489296 8507437 8512479 8512483 8497032 8508644 8492548 8503163 8493010 8502251 8509932 8512089 8512322 8512512 8494670 8507895 8512588 8506795 8507382 8511882 8512446 # On Tour (aungmyo) 8509068 : 8508598 8508699 8508200 8506859 8500004 8511909 8495229 8508954 8495215 8504236 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8507897 8503448 8498732 8497252 8509884 8512069 8508964 8509922 8512086 8489296 8507437 8512479 8512483 8497032 8508644 8492548 8503163 8493010 8502251 8509932 8512089 8512322 8512512 8494670 8507895 8512588 8507382 8512446 # Goa (aungmyo) 8509165 : 8508598 8508699 8508200 8506859 8500004 8511909 8495229 8508954 8495215 8504236 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8507897 8503448 8498732 8497252 8509884 8512069 8508964 8509922 8512086 8489296 8507437 8512479 8512483 8497032 8508644 8492548 8503163 8494670 8507895 8512588 8506795 # PARKS (aungmyo) 8509166 : 8508598 8508699 8508200 8506859 8500004 8511909 8495229 8508954 8495215 8504236 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8507897 8503448 8498732 8497252 8509884 8512069 8508964 8509922 8512086 8489296 8507437 8512479 8512483 8497032 8508644 8492548 8503163 8493010 8502251 8509932 8512089 8512322 8512512 8494670 8507895 8506795 8511882 # Super-Skill Pinball: 4-Cade (aungmyo) 8509171 : 8508598 8508699 8508200 8506859 8500004 8511909 8495229 8508954 8495215 8504236 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8507897 8503448 8498732 8497252 8509884 8512069 8508964 8509922 8512086 8489296 8507437 8512479 8512483 8497032 8508644 8492548 8503163 8493010 8502251 8509932 8512089 8512322 8512512 8494670 8507895 8512588 8506795 8507382 8511882 8512446 # Roam (aungmyo) 8509173 : 8508598 8508699 8508200 8506859 8500004 8511909 8495229 8508954 8495215 8504236 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8507897 8503448 8498732 8497252 8509884 8512069 8508964 8509922 8512086 8489296 8507437 8512479 8512483 8497032 8508644 8492548 8503163 8493010 8502251 8509932 8512089 8512322 8512512 8494670 8507895 8506795 8507382 8511882 # Nevada City (aungmyo) 8509174 : 8508598 8508699 8508200 8506859 8500004 8511909 8495229 8508954 8495215 8504236 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8507897 8498732 # New York Zoo (aungmyo) 8509177 : 8508598 8508699 8508200 8506859 8500004 8511909 8495229 8508954 8495215 8504236 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8507897 8503448 8498732 8497252 8509884 8512069 8508964 8509922 8512086 8489296 8507437 8512479 8512483 8497032 8508644 8492548 8503163 8493010 8502251 8509932 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 # IKI (aungmyo) 8509180 : 8508598 8508699 8508200 8506859 8500004 8511909 8495229 8508954 8495215 8504236 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8503448 8506440 # Genotype: A Mendelian Genetics Game (aungmyo) 8509181 : 8508598 8508699 8508200 8506859 8500004 8511909 8495229 8508954 8495215 8504236 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8507897 8503448 8498732 8497252 8509884 8512069 8508964 8509922 8512086 8489296 # Alt Name: $45 CAD Gift Card (aungmyo) 8511594 : 8508598 8508699 8508200 8506859 8500004 8511909 8495229 8508954 8495215 #pragma user "ayo23" # Confirmation code: L7fp8EKOIimZQ-xjvRy1yA # Sat Oct 2 14:56:08 2021 # On Tour (Second Edition) (ayo23) 8493711 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8490814 8490123 8507944 8497913 8492194 8502994 8490192 8500000 8495224 8507363 8490762 8512589 8492273 8507539 8490662 8505002 8492167 8499686 8496234 8492204 # Burgle Bros 2: The Casino Capers (ayo23) 8493712 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490814 8490123 8507944 8497913 8492194 8502994 8490192 8500000 8495224 8512589 8492273 8507539 8490662 # Mini Express (ayo23) 8493713 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490814 8490123 8507944 8497913 8492194 8502994 8490192 8500000 8495224 8512589 8492273 8507539 8490662 # Cóatl (ayo23) 8493718 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490814 8490123 8507944 8497913 8492194 8502994 8490192 8500000 8495224 8507363 8490762 8512589 8492273 8507539 8490662 8494044 8505002 8492167 8499686 8496234 8492204 8494842 8492276 8495229 8512488 8512537 8499386 8492224 8490829 8492169 8490431 8503439 # The Whatnot Cabinet (ayo23) 8493720 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490814 8490123 8507944 8497913 8492194 8502994 8490192 8500000 8495224 8507363 8490762 8512589 8492273 8507539 8490662 8494044 8505002 8492167 8499686 8496234 8492204 8494842 8492276 8495229 8512488 8512537 8499386 8492224 8490829 8492169 8490431 8503439 # Decrypto (ayo23) 8493724 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8490814 8490123 8507944 8497913 8492194 8502994 8490192 8500000 8495224 8507363 8490762 8512589 8492273 8507539 8490662 8494044 8505002 8492167 8499686 8496234 8492204 8494842 8492276 8495229 8512488 8512537 8499386 8492224 8490829 8492169 8490431 8503439 8492927 8501613 8507517 8503448 8507647 8492794 8492987 8504234 8491998 8499994 8500558 8501501 8490214 8507725 8502024 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 # Roll Player (ayo23) 8493725 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8490814 8490123 8507944 8497913 8492194 8502994 8490192 8500000 8495224 8507363 8512589 8492273 8507539 8490662 # Alt Name: Man vs Meeple Season 3 Promos (ayo23) 8493739 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8490814 8490123 8507944 8497913 8492194 8502994 8490192 8500000 8495224 8507363 8490762 8512589 8492273 8507539 8490662 8494044 8505002 8492167 8499686 8496234 8492204 8494842 8492276 8495229 8512488 8512537 8499386 8492224 8490829 8492169 8490431 8503439 8492927 8501613 8507517 8503448 8507647 8492794 8492987 8504234 8491998 8499994 8500558 8501501 8490214 8507725 8502024 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 # Smartphone Inc. (ayo23) 8507433 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490814 8490123 8507944 8497913 8492194 8502994 8490192 8500000 8495224 8512589 8492273 8507539 8490662 # Lions of Lydia (ayo23) 8507434 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490814 8490123 8507944 8497913 8492194 8502994 8490192 8500000 8495224 8507363 8490762 8512589 8492273 8507539 8490662 8494044 8505002 8492167 8499686 8496234 8492204 8494842 8492276 8495229 8512488 8512537 8499386 8492224 8490829 8492169 8490431 8503439 # Dune: Imperium (ayo23) 8507435 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8490814 8490123 8507944 8497913 8492194 8502994 8490192 8500000 8495224 8512589 8492273 8507539 8490662 # Azul: Summer Pavilion (ayo23) 8507436 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8490814 8490123 8507944 8497913 8492194 8502994 8490192 8500000 8495224 8507363 8490762 8512589 8492273 8507539 8490662 8494044 8505002 8492167 8499686 8496234 8492204 8494842 8492276 8495229 8512488 8512537 8499386 8492224 8490829 8492169 8490431 8503439 # Aquatica (ayo23) 8507437 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8490814 8490123 8507944 8497913 8492194 8502994 8490192 8500000 8495224 8507363 8490762 8512589 8492273 8507539 8490662 8505002 8492167 8499686 8496234 8492204 # Chocolate Factory (ayo23) 8507438 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8490814 8490123 8507944 8497913 8492194 8502994 8490192 8500000 8495224 8512589 8492273 8507539 8490662 #pragma user "ayoung72" # Confirmation code: 3PBvL9H-9i9w67g7OwoWyA # Sun Oct 3 20:04:09 2021 # (ayoung72) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (ayoung72) %Deus : 8496998 8505854 8509639 8512524 # (ayoung72) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (ayoung72) %Keyfl : 8489597 8489814 8504765 # Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn (ayoung72) 8492892 : 8505164 %Keyfl 8494044 %Deus 8511245 # 7 Wonders (ayoung72) 8492916 : 8492224 %Keyfl 8494044 # Oceans (ayoung72) 8492940 : %AFfO 8494084 # Bargain Quest (ayoung72) 8492964 : 8508586 8494044 %AFfO 8494084 # Machi Koro (ayoung72) 8492988 : 8508586 %Deus # Polynesia (ayoung72) 8492991 : 8508586 8492224 8505164 %Keyfl 8494044 # Surrealist Dinner Party (ayoung72) 8492997 : 8508586 # Carcassonne (ayoung72) 8493039 : 8492224 %Keyfl %Deus # Santorini (ayoung72) 8493042 : 8508586 8505164 # Red Outpost (ayoung72) 8493046 : 8508586 # Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North (ayoung72) 8493049 : %AFfO 8494084 8511245 # Carnival (ayoung72) 8493058 : 8492224 # Dominion (ayoung72) 8493068 : 8508586 8505164 8494044 # Pandemic (ayoung72) 8493075 : 8511245 # Crossed Words (ayoung72) 8493089 : 8508586 # The Mind Extreme (ayoung72) 8493111 : 8492224 8505164 %Deus # Azul (ayoung72) 8502332 : 8492224 8505164 %Keyfl 8511245 # Medici (ayoung72) 8502339 : %AFfO 8494084 #pragma user "baaneezu" # Confirmation code: wFgiSY77IUlaEnPldRFEKQ # Sun Oct 3 20:07:40 2021 # Under Falling Skies (baaneezu) 8488947 : 8492623 8489195 8490199 8496996 8508200 8492901 8498806 8503108 8490043 8504669 8504913 #pragma user "badalchemy" # Confirmation code: zO9Zcd/eRd1LkbWbt/5rTw # Fri Oct 1 15:18:46 2021 # (badalchemy) %BraLan : 8492275 8509746 # (badalchemy) %Cocon : 8498492 8502008 # (badalchemy) %KoT : 8497908 8509829 # (badalchemy) %PTFoRB : 8507508 8511722 # (badalchemy) %RftG : 8500498 8500560 8506883 # (badalchemy) %SEfA : # Medici (badalchemy) 8504947 : 8504891 8505859 %BraLan 8502244 %RftG 8492953 8503899 8511921 8509877 8495203 8509732 8509203 %PTFoRB 8489593 %Cocon 8492638 8495201 8507580 8488920 8496120 8504381 8499351 8498501 # Spirit Island (badalchemy) 8504968 : 8492638 # Obsession (badalchemy) 8505002 : 8492638 # Escape Tales: The Awakening (badalchemy) 8505005 : 8504891 8505859 %BraLan 8502244 %RftG 8492953 8503899 8511921 8509877 8495203 8509732 8509203 %PTFoRB 8489593 %Cocon 8492638 8495201 8507580 8488920 8496120 %KoT 8504381 8499351 8498501 # Flamme Rouge (badalchemy) 8506713 : 8504891 8509877 8495203 8509203 %PTFoRB 8489593 8492638 8495201 8507580 8504381 8498501 # Through the Desert (badalchemy) 8506718 : 8504891 8509877 8495203 8509203 %PTFoRB 8489593 8492638 8495201 8507580 8504381 8498501 #pragma user "Bardatir" # Confirmation code: zw1GVSbuf/7RqWgem/B9pw # Sat Oct 2 21:44:27 2021 # (Bardatir) %ASP : 8497152 8507436 # (Bardatir) %Azul : 8500522 8502332 # (Bardatir) %BraLan : 8492275 8509746 # (Bardatir) %CryPal : 8489934 8495249 8511241 # (Bardatir) %EMA : 8489205 8496683 # (Bardatir) %EtN : 8499695 8501570 # (Bardatir) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (Bardatir) %SnoTai : # (Bardatir) %TheCol : 8489544 8494728 # (Bardatir) %UFS : 8488947 8493689 8500482 8504925 # (Bardatir) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 # Imperial (Bardatir) 8509203 : %BraLan 8494551 %Halle 8503700 %TheCol %CryPal 8489453 %Azul %ASP 8499693 %UFS %WhiMou 8505047 8497156 %EMA %EtN 8500627 8502241 8489554 8506477 8506226 # Red7 (Bardatir) 8509205 : %BraLan 8494551 %Halle 8503700 %TheCol %CryPal 8489453 %Azul %ASP 8499693 %UFS %WhiMou 8505047 8497156 %EMA %EtN 8500627 8502241 8489554 8506477 8506226 # Zombie Dice (Bardatir) 8509216 : %BraLan 8494551 %Halle 8503700 %TheCol %CryPal 8489453 %Azul %ASP 8499693 %UFS %WhiMou 8505047 8497156 %EMA %EtN 8500627 8502241 8489554 8506477 8506226 # The Dragon & Flagon (Bardatir) 8509219 : %BraLan 8494551 %Halle 8503700 %TheCol %CryPal 8489453 %Azul %ASP 8499693 %UFS %WhiMou 8505047 8497156 %EMA %EtN 8500627 8502241 8489554 8506477 8506226 # Living Planet: Deluxe Edition (Bardatir) 8509233 : %BraLan 8494551 %Halle 8503700 %TheCol %CryPal 8489453 8489254 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8512081 # Roll For It! Deluxe Edition (Bardatir) 8509328 : %BraLan 8494551 %Halle 8503700 %TheCol %CryPal 8489453 %Azul %ASP 8499693 %UFS %WhiMou 8505047 8497156 %EMA %EtN 8500627 8502241 8489554 8506477 8506226 # Unlock!: Epic Adventures (Bardatir) 8511840 : %BraLan 8494551 %Halle 8503700 %TheCol %CryPal 8489453 %Azul %ASP 8499693 %UFS %WhiMou 8505047 8497156 %EMA %EtN 8500627 8502241 8489554 8506477 8506226 #pragma user "barren_sky" # Confirmation code: -zN5q2hhTwLwJze379hC/Q # Sun Oct 3 19:36:59 2021 # (barren_sky) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (barren_sky) %BlaSon : 8493212 8504969 # (barren_sky) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (barren_sky) %CofRoa : 8489897 8505106 # (barren_sky) %Friday : 8494308 8500490 8512165 # (barren_sky) %GoWTBG : 8503664 8507181 # (barren_sky) %HonBuz : 8500003 8504430 # (barren_sky) %Mem44 : 8508822 8509824 # (barren_sky) %MoMSE : 8490048 8492161 # (barren_sky) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (barren_sky) %TVoMP : 8510450 8512394 # (barren_sky) %Tapestr : 8500851 8502137 # (barren_sky) %VEE : 8502511 8510029 # (barren_sky) %turtles : 8504889 8509907 # The Grimm Forest (barren_sky) 8492612 : 8505873 %turtles 8494084 %Tapestr %AFfO %BraBir %SleGod %GoWTBG 8501284 8502512 8503903 8489780 8507468 8495229 8489254 8500867 8502990 %VEE 8489389 %HonBuz 8511915 8495235 8512098 %8509620 8512118 %Mem44 %MoMSE 8490199 8503439 8508448 8510702 %BlaSon %TVoMP 8489195 %CofRoa 8507415 8493718 8510811 # Fleet: The Dice Game (barren_sky) 8492616 : 8505873 %turtles 8494084 %Tapestr %AFfO %BraBir %SleGod %GoWTBG 8501284 8502512 # Alt Name: The Matchbox Collection Limited Edition (barren_sky) 8492620 : 8505873 %turtles 8494084 %Tapestr # Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases (barren_sky) 8492623 : 8505873 %turtles 8494084 %Tapestr %AFfO %BraBir %SleGod %GoWTBG 8501284 8502512 8503903 8489780 8507468 8495229 8489254 8500867 8502990 %HonBuz # Sentinels of the Multiverse (barren_sky) 8492633 : 8505873 %turtles 8494084 %Tapestr %AFfO %BraBir %SleGod %GoWTBG 8501284 8502512 8503903 8489780 8507468 8495229 8489254 8500867 8502990 %VEE 8489389 8511915 8495235 8512098 # Napoleon's Triumph (barren_sky) 8492638 : 8505873 %turtles # Alt Name: Smaller Game Lot (barren_sky) 8492652 : 8505873 %turtles 8494084 %Tapestr %AFfO %BraBir %SleGod %GoWTBG 8501284 8502512 8503903 8489780 8507468 8495229 8489254 8500867 8502990 %VEE 8489389 %HonBuz 8511915 8495235 8512098 %8509620 8512118 %Mem44 %MoMSE # Beasty Bar 3: Born to Be Wild (barren_sky) 8493412 : 8505873 %turtles 8494084 %Tapestr %AFfO %BraBir %SleGod %GoWTBG 8501284 8502512 8503903 8489780 8507468 8495229 8489254 8500867 8502990 %VEE 8489389 %HonBuz 8511915 8495235 8512098 %8509620 8512118 %Mem44 8490199 8503439 8508448 8510702 %BlaSon %TVoMP 8507415 # Beez (barren_sky) 8493415 : 8505873 %turtles 8494084 %Tapestr %AFfO %BraBir %SleGod %GoWTBG 8501284 8502512 8503903 8489780 8507468 8495229 8489254 8500867 8502990 %VEE 8489389 %HonBuz 8511915 8495235 8512098 %8509620 8512118 %Mem44 %MoMSE 8490199 8503439 8508448 8510702 %BlaSon 8489195 %CofRoa # Knit Wit (barren_sky) 8500954 : 8505873 %turtles 8494084 %Tapestr %AFfO %BraBir %SleGod %GoWTBG 8501284 8502512 8503903 8489780 8507468 8495229 8489254 8500867 8502990 %VEE 8489389 %HonBuz 8511915 8495235 8512098 %8509620 8512118 %Mem44 %MoMSE 8490199 8503439 8508448 8510702 %BlaSon %TVoMP 8489195 %CofRoa 8507415 8493718 8510811 8494479 8511889 8503894 8500275 8495271 %Friday 8506746 8493660 8490940 # Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small (barren_sky) 8500960 : 8505873 %turtles 8494084 %Tapestr %AFfO %BraBir %SleGod %GoWTBG 8501284 8502512 8503903 8489780 8507468 8495229 8489254 8500867 8502990 %VEE 8489389 %HonBuz 8511915 8495235 8512098 %8509620 8512118 %Mem44 %MoMSE 8490199 8503439 8508448 8510702 %BlaSon %TVoMP 8489195 %CofRoa 8507415 8493718 8510811 8494479 8511889 8503894 8500275 8495271 %Friday 8506746 8493660 8490940 # Tannhäuser (barren_sky) 8507549 : 8505873 %turtles 8494084 %Tapestr %AFfO %BraBir %SleGod %GoWTBG 8501284 8502512 8503903 8489780 8507468 8495229 8489254 8500867 8502990 %VEE 8489389 %HonBuz 8511915 8495235 8512098 %8509620 8512118 %Mem44 %MoMSE 8490199 8503439 8508448 8510702 %BlaSon %TVoMP 8489195 %CofRoa 8507415 8493718 8510811 8494479 8511889 8503894 8500275 8495271 # Summoner Wars: Master Set (barren_sky) 8507557 : 8505873 %turtles 8494084 %Tapestr %AFfO %BraBir %SleGod %GoWTBG 8501284 8502512 8503903 8489780 8507468 8495229 8489254 8500867 8502990 %VEE 8489389 %HonBuz 8511915 8495235 8512098 %8509620 8512118 %Mem44 %MoMSE 8490199 8503439 8508448 8510702 %BlaSon %TVoMP 8489195 %CofRoa 8507415 8493718 8510811 8494479 8511889 8503894 8500275 8495271 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven by Gaming Trunk (barren_sky) %8509620 : 8509620-COPY1 8509620-COPY2 8509620-COPY3 #pragma user "beazer32" # Confirmation code: cnbEbdRkVU19dVKMFUkasA # Fri Oct 1 09:47:33 2021 # Planet (beazer32) 8500801 : 8490214 8507901 8503439 8507437 # Chronicles of Crime: 1400 (beazer32) 8500807 : 8490214 8507901 8503462 8503678 8512568 8503897 8489207 8489886 8499689 # Codenames: Pictures (beazer32) 8500814 : 8490214 8507901 8503462 8503678 8512568 8503439 8507437 8507946 8503897 8512293 8511715 %8509473 8497153 # Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small (beazer32) 8500820 : 8490214 8507901 8503462 8503678 8512568 8507946 8512293 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Architects of the West Kingdom by Gaming Trunk (beazer32) %8509473 : 8509473-COPY1 8509473-COPY2 8509473-COPY3 #pragma user "bhead31" # Confirmation code: -dh/M4XRpiVa/PDL8QcZng # Sun Oct 3 12:46:39 2021 # (bhead31) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8509741 8512537 # (bhead31) %HonBuz : 8500003 8504430 # (bhead31) %MarUni : 8490050 8492084 8505008 8512459 8512474 # (bhead31) %SmaInc : 8490762 8492276 8507433 # The Shared Dream (bhead31) 8494152 : 8498489 8494850 %Everd 8504423 8507478 8492927 8494545 %SmaInc 8494726 %HonBuz 8506223 %MarUni 8504344 8502039 # Cloudspire (bhead31) 8494156 : # Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon (bhead31) 8494160 : # Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time (bhead31) 8494165 : 8498489 # Blood Rage (bhead31) 8499811 : 8498489 8494850 # Twilight Struggle (bhead31) 8499812 : 8498489 8494850 %Everd 8504423 8507478 8492927 8494545 %SmaInc 8494726 # Dragon Castle (bhead31) 8499813 : 8498489 8494850 %Everd 8504423 8507478 8492927 8494545 %SmaInc 8494726 %HonBuz 8506223 %MarUni 8504344 8502039 #pragma user "bigjo" # Confirmation code: lHccq9Lnqz4s1r4w3bKHyA # Fri Oct 1 21:13:51 2021 # Axis & Allies: 1942 (bigjo) 8492462 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8499811 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8503023 8494074 8504890 8504891 8494084 8489211 8489740 8498846 8502172 8489597 8489814 8504765 8512362 8492224 8503903 8510450 8512394 8493707 8506855 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8505859 8489059 8495194 8489195 8490199 8490023 8490027 8489141 8493042 8499745 8500931 8506718 8489117 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8512360 8492953 8495224 8507389 8499693 8489998 8499029 8500555 8492562 8503114 8492158 8492329 8500531 8507408 8503899 8489184 8505852 8489028 8489205 8496683 8508448 8490449 8505793 8507151 8490018 8504786 8506863 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8511921 8495212 8494853 8495247 8495215 8504236 8502478 8500537 8503106 8489186 8512300 8509181 8507741 8493125 8496144 8511915 8507507 8489034 8495182 8489512 #pragma user "BigRedGamer" # Confirmation code: zZyP3H//3ArYC2PTFUbyhg # Sun Oct 3 21:38:55 2021 # (BigRedGamer) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (BigRedGamer) %ASGoS : # (BigRedGamer) %ASP : 8497152 8507436 # (BigRedGamer) %AaB : 8498844 8509731 # (BigRedGamer) %Azul : 8500522 8502332 # (BigRedGamer) %BBS : 8489999 8505674 # (BigRedGamer) %BarQue : 8492964 8494068 8504907 # (BigRedGamer) %Beez : 8493415 8506473 # (BigRedGamer) %BetLeg : 8509744 8511189 # (BigRedGamer) %BoB : 8500857 8503454 # (BigRedGamer) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8512589 # (BigRedGamer) %BttFDTT : 8489321 8495207 # (BigRedGamer) %BunKin : 8496997 8512484 # (BigRedGamer) %CADA : 8495406 # (BigRedGamer) %CISADA : 8493193 8498656 8504804 # (BigRedGamer) %Calico : 8491877 8503693 8507075 # (BigRedGamer) %Carto : 8500552 8508965 # (BigRedGamer) %Corin : 8499677 8512419 # (BigRedGamer) %CotGar : 8496697 8511695 # (BigRedGamer) %Crypt : 8502024 8508497 # (BigRedGamer) %CurCar : 8505099 8508224 # (BigRedGamer) %Cycla : 8490523 # (BigRedGamer) %DAMCBG : 8504865 8508894 8512334 # (BigRedGamer) %DMD : 8504862 8510794 # (BigRedGamer) %DisVil : 8504416 8510810 # (BigRedGamer) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8507435 # (BigRedGamer) %FanFac : 8502055 8504386 8512568 # (BigRedGamer) %FlaRou : 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 # (BigRedGamer) %GLD : 8493125 8496144 # (BigRedGamer) %GWT : 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 # (BigRedGamer) %GhoSto : 8496036 8502216 # (BigRedGamer) %GoWTBG : 8503664 8507181 # (BigRedGamer) %HonBuz : 8500003 8504430 # (BigRedGamer) %KBaS : 8490192 8500000 8502994 8511910 # (BigRedGamer) %Kemet : 8490535 8496685 # (BigRedGamer) %LCTE : 8497025 8507583 # (BigRedGamer) %LasWil : 8499687 8510941 # (BigRedGamer) %MTCG : 8503118 8509367 # (BigRedGamer) %Marip : 8491872 8492239 8492274 8497154 # (BigRedGamer) %Mem44 : 8508822 8509722 8509824 # (BigRedGamer) %Menara : 8490254 8502065 8503897 # (BigRedGamer) %NDE : 8489034 8506499 # (BigRedGamer) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 8509177 # (BigRedGamer) %Night : 8502083 8510815 # (BigRedGamer) %Oceans : 8489281 8492940 8500613 8500928 8508621 # (BigRedGamer) %OtUL : 8489453 8491330 # (BigRedGamer) %Pendu : 8490354 8500771 # (BigRedGamer) %Photo : 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8512124 # (BigRedGamer) %RCAotCI : 8489573 8490717 8506109 # (BigRedGamer) %SP4 : 8496133 8504743 8509171 # (BigRedGamer) %Sabot : 8492247 8508630 # (BigRedGamer) %SanMon : 8496223 8497157 # (BigRedGamer) %SieWes : 8500848 8508811 8512503 # (BigRedGamer) %SmaInc : 8490762 8507193 8507433 # (BigRedGamer) %Sonora : 8494018 8503473 # (BigRedGamer) %SpeOps : 8493037 8507945 # (BigRedGamer) %SpiIsl : 8504968 8504822 # (BigRedGamer) %TMNTSotP : 8489971 8495239 8512232 # (BigRedGamer) %TPoH : 8502107 8512466 # (BigRedGamer) %TSEftOH : 8502202 8502405 # (BigRedGamer) %TanGar : 8492167 8496234 # (BigRedGamer) %TheNet : 8490818 8492537 8501887 # (BigRedGamer) %UEA : 8497158 8490868 # (BigRedGamer) %UFS : 8488947 8493689 8500482 8504925 # (BigRedGamer) %VEE : 8502511 8508664 8510029 # (BigRedGamer) %WEDS : 8490332 8502152 # (BigRedGamer) %WID : 8490100 8494145 8507375 # (BigRedGamer) %Wayfi : 8508642 8508728 # (BigRedGamer) %Wenda : 8492531 8508644 # (BigRedGamer) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 missing-official # (BigRedGamer) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 8497070 # Mixtape Massacre (BigRedGamer) 8504103 : 8508200 8499100 %GoWTBG %KBaS 8502120 # Shadows Over Normandie: Achtung! Cthulhu (BigRedGamer) 8504105 : 8508200 8499100 %GoWTBG %KBaS 8502120 %Cycla 8500255 %BetLeg 8503700 %BoB %DMD %AFfO %Wings %BraBir 8497891 8492224 %Kemet %DunImp 8494544 %HonBuz 8503439 8510205 %BarQue 8497135 8500368 8490148 8504889 8490163 8502990 # The Zorro Dice Game (BigRedGamer) 8504109 : 8508200 8499100 %GoWTBG %KBaS 8502120 %Cycla 8500255 %BetLeg 8503700 %BoB %DMD %AFfO %Wings %BraBir 8497891 8492224 %Kemet %DunImp 8494544 %HonBuz 8503439 8510205 %BarQue 8497135 8500368 8490148 8504889 8490163 8491993 8502990 8512571 %CISADA 8492213 %NYZ %Oceans %TMNTSotP %Wenda %SieWes 8492204 8500712 8498496 8492184 8507477 8504704 %OtUL 8498657 8494674 # Endangered Orphans of Condyle Cove (BigRedGamer) 8504114 : 8508200 8499100 %GoWTBG %KBaS 8502120 %Cycla 8500255 %BetLeg 8503700 %BoB %DMD %AFfO %Wings %BraBir 8497891 8492224 %Kemet %DunImp 8494544 %HonBuz 8503439 8510205 %BarQue 8497135 8500368 8490148 8504889 8490163 8491993 8502990 8512571 %CISADA 8492213 %NYZ %Oceans %TMNTSotP %Wenda %SieWes 8492204 8500712 8498496 8492184 8507477 8504704 %OtUL 8498657 8494674 %SpiIsl %RCAotCI %CADA 8499757 8511720 %NDE 8495234 %SpeOps 8508817 8511170 %GWT 8512498 8497164 %GhoSto %BunKin 8506531 %SmaInc %WhiMou 8510930 8511912 8498633 %DisVil %Marip 8511918 8511915 %Night %Mem44 %AaB %TheNet 8491867 %TPoH %VEE %FlaRou 8503889 8489606 8493049 %DAMCBG 8503114 8505852 %WEDS 8507901 8491607 8507549 8509181 8504585 %Sabot 8494676 %LCTE %Beez 8502200 8504388 8495231 8491291 8489296 %Azul 8492169 8507719 %Photo 8510945 8496007 8492927 %LasWil %ASP %Crypt 8494479 8492276 8511909 %CotGar 8507714 %FanFac 8499133 8508448 %SanMon %Menara 8507900 8492983 8492235 8507954 8508588 8499393 8507438 8508916 %CurCar 8498573 8503059 8505040 8510041 8510761 8506223 8506795 8493718 8498738 8502506 8509669 %WID 8489505 %GLD %BBS 8500710 8499679 8512345 8504913 %Corin 8489500 8489322 %Sonora 8512554 8489614 8499750 8502092 %Pendu 8497178 8510811 8512566 8506819 %Wayfi 8492550 8491398 8507952 8510187 %BttFDTT 8490286 8507716 %TSEftOH 8506740 8490272 8511773 8496644 8497246 8490741 8500622 8489581 8507031 %UFS %SP4 %TanGar 8492301 %Carto 8492031 8508947 8512073 %MTCG 8510211 8506520 # Virulence: An Infectious Card Game (BigRedGamer) 8504118 : 8508200 8499100 %GoWTBG %KBaS 8502120 %Cycla 8500255 %BetLeg 8503700 %BoB %DMD %AFfO %Wings %BraBir 8497891 8492224 %Kemet %DunImp 8494544 %HonBuz 8503439 8510205 %BarQue 8497135 8500368 8490148 8504889 8490163 8491993 8502990 8512571 %CISADA 8492213 %NYZ %Oceans %TMNTSotP %Wenda %SieWes 8492204 8500712 8498496 8492184 8507477 8504704 %OtUL 8498657 8494674 %SpiIsl %RCAotCI %CADA 8499757 8511720 %NDE 8495234 %SpeOps 8508817 8511170 %GWT 8512498 8497164 %GhoSto %BunKin 8506531 %SmaInc %WhiMou 8510930 8511912 8498633 %DisVil %Marip 8511918 8511915 %Night %Mem44 %AaB %TheNet 8491867 %TPoH %VEE %FlaRou 8503889 8489606 8493049 %DAMCBG 8503114 8505852 %WEDS 8507901 8491607 8507549 8509181 8504585 %Sabot 8494676 %LCTE %Beez 8502200 8504388 8495231 8491291 8489296 %Azul 8492169 8507719 %Photo 8510945 8496007 8492927 %LasWil %ASP %Crypt 8494479 8492276 8511909 %CotGar 8507714 %FanFac 8499133 8508448 %SanMon %Menara 8507900 8492983 8492235 8507954 8508588 8499393 8507438 8508916 %CurCar 8498573 8503059 8505040 8510041 8510761 8506223 8506795 8493718 8498738 8502506 8509669 %WID 8489505 %GLD %BBS 8500710 8499679 8512345 8504913 %Corin 8489500 8489322 %Sonora 8512554 8489614 8499750 8502092 %Pendu 8497178 8510811 8512566 8506819 %Wayfi 8492550 8491398 8507952 8510187 %BttFDTT 8490286 8507716 %TSEftOH 8506740 8490272 8511773 8496644 8497246 8490741 8500622 8489581 8507031 %UFS %SP4 %TanGar 8492301 %Carto 8492031 8508947 8512073 %MTCG 8510211 8506520 8502244 8507362 8493739 %UEA 8497159 8499689 8512450 # WWE Superstar Showdown (BigRedGamer) 8504119 : 8508200 8499100 %GoWTBG %KBaS 8502120 %Cycla 8500255 %BetLeg 8503700 %BoB %DMD %AFfO %Wings %BraBir 8497891 8492224 %Kemet %DunImp 8494544 %HonBuz 8503439 8510205 %BarQue 8497135 8500368 8490148 8504889 8490163 8491993 8502990 8512571 %CISADA 8492213 %NYZ %Oceans %TMNTSotP %Wenda %SieWes 8492204 8500712 8498496 8492184 8507477 8504704 %OtUL 8498657 8494674 %SpiIsl %RCAotCI %CADA 8499757 8511720 %NDE 8495234 %SpeOps 8508817 8511170 %GWT 8512498 8497164 %GhoSto %BunKin 8506531 %SmaInc %WhiMou 8510930 8511912 8498633 %DisVil %Marip 8511918 8511915 %Night %Mem44 %AaB %TheNet 8491867 %TPoH %LCTE # Sonic the Hedgehog: Battle Racers (BigRedGamer) 8504128 : 8508200 8499100 %GoWTBG %KBaS 8502120 %Cycla 8500255 %BetLeg 8503700 %BoB %DMD %AFfO %Wings %BraBir 8497891 8492224 %Kemet %DunImp 8494544 %HonBuz 8503439 8510205 %BarQue 8497135 8500368 8490148 8504889 8490163 8491993 8502990 8512571 %CISADA 8492213 %NYZ %Oceans %TMNTSotP %Wenda %SieWes 8492204 8500712 8498496 8492184 8507477 8504704 %OtUL 8498657 8494674 %SpiIsl %RCAotCI %CADA 8499757 8511720 %NDE 8495234 %SpeOps 8508817 8511170 %GWT 8512498 8497164 %GhoSto %BunKin 8506531 %SmaInc %WhiMou 8510930 8511912 8498633 %DisVil %Marip 8511918 8511915 %Night %Mem44 %AaB %TheNet 8491867 %TPoH %VEE %FlaRou 8503889 8489606 8493049 %DAMCBG 8503114 8505852 %WEDS 8507901 8491607 8507549 8509181 8504585 %Sabot 8494676 %LCTE %Beez 8502200 8491291 8489296 # Cult Following (BigRedGamer) 8504133 : 8508200 8499100 %GoWTBG %KBaS 8502120 %Cycla 8500255 %BetLeg 8503700 %BoB %DMD %AFfO %Wings %BraBir 8497891 8492224 %Kemet %DunImp 8494544 %HonBuz 8503439 8510205 %BarQue 8497135 8500368 8490148 8504889 8490163 8491993 8502990 8512571 %CISADA 8492213 %NYZ %Oceans %TMNTSotP %Wenda %SieWes 8492204 8500712 8498496 8492184 8507477 8504704 %OtUL 8498657 8494674 %SpiIsl %RCAotCI %CADA 8499757 8511720 %NDE 8495234 %SpeOps 8508817 8511170 %GWT 8512498 8497164 %GhoSto %BunKin 8506531 %SmaInc %WhiMou 8510930 8511912 8498633 %DisVil %Marip 8511918 8511915 %Night %Mem44 %AaB %TheNet 8491867 %TPoH %VEE %FlaRou 8503889 8489606 8493049 %DAMCBG 8503114 8505852 %WEDS 8507901 8491607 8507549 8509181 8504585 %Sabot 8494676 %LCTE %Beez 8502200 8504388 8495231 8491291 8489296 %Azul 8492169 8507719 %Photo 8510945 8496007 8492927 %LasWil %ASP %Crypt 8494479 8492276 8511909 %CotGar 8507714 %FanFac 8499133 8508448 %SanMon %Menara 8507900 8492983 8492235 8507954 8508588 8499393 8507438 8508916 %CurCar 8498573 8503059 8505040 8510041 8510761 8506223 8506795 8493718 8498738 8502506 8509669 %WID 8489505 %GLD %BBS 8500710 8499679 8512345 8504913 %Corin 8489500 8489322 %Sonora 8512554 8489614 8499750 8502092 %Pendu 8497178 8510811 8512566 8506819 %Wayfi 8492550 8491398 8507952 8510187 %BttFDTT 8490286 8507716 %TSEftOH 8506740 8490272 8511773 8496644 8497246 8490741 8500622 8489581 8507031 %UFS %SP4 %TanGar 8492301 %Carto 8492031 8508947 8512073 %MTCG 8510211 8506520 8502244 8507362 8493739 %UEA 8497159 8499689 8512450 8503121 8509195 # Nomads (BigRedGamer) 8504136 : 8508200 8499100 %GoWTBG %KBaS 8502120 %Cycla 8500255 %BetLeg 8503700 %BoB %DMD %AFfO %Wings %BraBir 8497891 8492224 %Kemet %DunImp 8494544 %HonBuz 8503439 8510205 %BarQue 8497135 8500368 8490148 8504889 8490163 8491993 8502990 8512571 %CISADA 8492213 %NYZ %Oceans %TMNTSotP %Wenda %SieWes 8492204 8500712 8498496 8492184 8507477 8504704 %OtUL 8498657 8494674 %SpiIsl %RCAotCI %CADA 8499757 8511720 %NDE 8495234 %SpeOps 8508817 8511170 %GWT 8512498 8497164 %GhoSto %BunKin 8506531 %SmaInc %WhiMou 8510930 8511912 8498633 %DisVil %Marip 8511918 8511915 %Night %Mem44 %AaB %TheNet 8491867 %TPoH %LCTE 8491291 # Marvel Contest of Champions: Battlerealm (BigRedGamer) 8504141 : 8508200 8499100 %GoWTBG %KBaS 8502120 %Cycla 8500255 %BetLeg 8503700 %BoB %DMD %AFfO %Wings %BraBir 8497891 8492224 %Kemet %DunImp 8494544 %HonBuz 8503439 8510205 %BarQue 8497135 8500368 8490148 8504889 8490163 8491993 8502990 8512571 %CISADA 8492213 %NYZ %Oceans %TMNTSotP %Wenda %SieWes 8492204 8500712 8498496 8492184 8507477 8504704 %OtUL 8498657 8494674 %SpiIsl %RCAotCI %CADA 8499757 8511720 %NDE 8495234 %SpeOps 8508817 8511170 %GWT 8512498 8497164 %GhoSto %BunKin 8506531 %SmaInc %WhiMou 8510930 8511912 8498633 %DisVil %Marip 8511918 %Mem44 %AaB %TheNet # Zombie Tsunami (BigRedGamer) 8504143 : 8508200 8499100 %GoWTBG %KBaS 8502120 %Cycla 8500255 %BetLeg 8503700 %BoB %DMD %AFfO %Wings %BraBir 8497891 8492224 %Kemet %DunImp 8494544 %HonBuz 8503439 8510205 %BarQue 8497135 8500368 8490148 8504889 8490163 8491993 8502990 8512571 %CISADA 8492213 %NYZ %Oceans %TMNTSotP %Wenda %SieWes 8492204 8500712 8498496 8492184 8507477 8504704 %OtUL 8498657 8494674 %SpiIsl %RCAotCI %CADA 8499757 8511720 %NDE 8495234 %SpeOps 8508817 8511170 %GWT 8512498 8497164 %GhoSto %BunKin 8506531 %SmaInc %WhiMou 8510930 8511912 8498633 %DisVil %Marip 8511918 8511915 %Night %Mem44 %AaB %TheNet 8491867 # Gravwell: Escape from the 9th Dimension (BigRedGamer) 8504145 : 8508200 8499100 %GoWTBG %KBaS 8502120 %Cycla 8500255 %BetLeg 8503700 %BoB %DMD %AFfO %Wings %BraBir 8497891 8492224 %Kemet %DunImp 8494544 %HonBuz 8503439 8510205 %BarQue 8497135 8500368 8490148 8504889 8490163 8491993 8502990 8512571 %CISADA 8492213 %NYZ %Oceans %TMNTSotP %Wenda %SieWes 8492204 8500712 8498496 8492184 8507477 8504704 %OtUL 8498657 8494674 %SpiIsl %RCAotCI %CADA 8499757 8511720 %NDE 8495234 %SpeOps 8508817 8511170 %GWT 8512498 8497164 %GhoSto %BunKin 8506531 %SmaInc %WhiMou 8510930 8511912 8498633 %DisVil %Marip 8511918 8511915 %Night %Mem44 %AaB %TheNet 8491867 %TPoH %VEE %FlaRou 8503889 8489606 8493049 %DAMCBG 8503114 8505852 %WEDS 8507901 8491607 8507549 8509181 8504585 %Sabot 8494676 %LCTE %Beez 8502200 8504388 8495231 8491291 8489296 %Azul 8492169 8507719 %Photo 8510945 8496007 8492927 %LasWil %ASP %Crypt 8494479 8492276 8511909 %CotGar 8507714 %FanFac 8499133 8508448 %SanMon %Menara 8507900 8492983 8492235 8507954 8508588 8499393 8507438 8508916 %CurCar 8498573 8503059 8505040 8510041 8510761 8506223 8506795 8493718 8498738 8502506 8509669 %WID 8489505 %GLD %BBS 8500710 8499679 8512345 8504913 %Corin 8489500 8489322 %Sonora 8512554 8489614 8499750 8502092 %Pendu 8497178 8510811 8512566 8506819 %Wayfi 8492550 8491398 8507952 8510187 %BttFDTT 8490286 8507716 %TSEftOH 8506740 8490272 8511773 8496644 8497246 8490741 8500622 8489581 8507031 8492301 # Spyfall (BigRedGamer) 8504146 : 8508200 8499100 %GoWTBG %KBaS 8502120 %Cycla 8500255 %BetLeg 8503700 %BoB %DMD %AFfO %Wings %BraBir 8497891 8492224 %Kemet %DunImp 8494544 %HonBuz 8503439 8510205 %BarQue 8497135 8500368 8490148 8504889 8490163 8491993 8502990 8512571 %CISADA 8492213 %NYZ %Oceans %TMNTSotP %Wenda %SieWes 8492204 8500712 8498496 8492184 8507477 8504704 %OtUL 8498657 8494674 %SpiIsl %RCAotCI %CADA 8499757 8511720 %NDE 8495234 %SpeOps 8508817 8511170 %GWT 8512498 8497164 %GhoSto %BunKin 8506531 %SmaInc %WhiMou 8510930 8511912 8498633 %DisVil %Marip 8511918 8511915 %Night %Mem44 %AaB %TheNet 8491867 %TPoH %VEE %FlaRou 8503889 8489606 8493049 %DAMCBG 8503114 8505852 %WEDS 8507901 8491607 8507549 8509181 8504585 %Sabot 8494676 %LCTE %Beez 8502200 8504388 8495231 8491291 8489296 %Azul 8492169 8507719 %Photo 8510945 8496007 8492927 %LasWil %ASP %Crypt 8494479 8492276 8511909 %CotGar 8507714 %FanFac 8499133 8508448 %SanMon %Menara 8507900 8492983 8492235 8507954 8508588 8499393 8507438 8508916 %CurCar 8498573 8503059 8505040 8510041 8510761 8506223 8506795 8493718 8498738 8502506 8509669 %WID 8489505 %GLD %BBS 8500710 8499679 8512345 8504913 %Corin 8489500 8489322 %Sonora 8512554 8489614 8499750 8502092 %Pendu 8497178 8510811 8512566 8506819 %Wayfi 8492550 8491398 8507952 8510187 %BttFDTT 8490286 8507716 %TSEftOH 8506740 8490272 8511773 8496644 8497246 8490741 8500622 8489581 8507031 %UFS %SP4 %TanGar 8492301 %Carto 8492031 8508947 8512073 %MTCG 8510211 8506520 8502244 8507362 8493739 %UEA 8497159 8499689 8512450 8503121 # Marvel United (BigRedGamer) 8512474 : 8508200 8499100 %GoWTBG %KBaS 8502120 %Cycla 8500255 %BetLeg 8503700 %BoB %DMD %AFfO %Wings %BraBir 8497891 8492224 %Kemet %DunImp 8494544 %HonBuz 8503439 8510205 %BarQue 8497135 8500368 8490148 8504889 8490163 8491993 8502990 8512571 %CISADA 8492213 %NYZ %Oceans %TMNTSotP %Wenda %SieWes 8492204 8500712 8498496 8492184 8507477 8504704 %OtUL 8498657 8494674 %SpiIsl %RCAotCI %CADA 8499757 8511720 %NDE 8495234 #pragma user "bmfinc" # Confirmation code: 1B7dM3FqqJt1IlK4EfDpmA # Sun Oct 3 21:43:55 2021 # (bmfinc) %ASP : 8497152 8507436 # (bmfinc) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 # (bmfinc) %FeU : 8490031 8495260 # (bmfinc) %GTTBE : 8502082 8504230 # (bmfinc) %HA : # (bmfinc) %HonBuz : # (bmfinc) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 8509177 # (bmfinc) %PARKS : # (bmfinc) %SanMon : 8496223 8497157 # (bmfinc) %SoN : 8489515 8489578 8490154 8506968 # (bmfinc) %Tapes : # (bmfinc) %TheEst : 8490494 8490755 8510398 # (bmfinc) %Yokoh : # Kilt Castle (bmfinc) 8489876 : 8494523 8504423 8504430 8495224 8511245 %ASP %NYZ 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %Everd %SoN 8500003 8511086 8493049 8490240 %TheEst %GTTBE 8499757 8494143 8512303 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8500542 8502244 8508448 # Otys (bmfinc) 8489878 : 8494523 8504423 8504430 8495224 8511245 %ASP %NYZ 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Ragusa (bmfinc) 8489880 : 8494523 8504423 8504430 8495224 8511245 %ASP %NYZ 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 # The Grizzled (bmfinc) 8489882 : 8494523 8504423 8504430 8495224 8511245 %ASP %NYZ 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %Everd %SoN 8500003 8511086 8493049 8490240 %TheEst %GTTBE 8499757 8494143 8512303 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8500542 8502244 8508448 %FeU %SanMon 8500829 8509665 8491196 8501776 8492832 8493415 # Guildhall: Job Faire (bmfinc) 8489883 : 8494523 8504423 8504430 8495224 8511245 %ASP %NYZ 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %Everd %SoN 8500003 8511086 8493049 8490240 %TheEst %GTTBE 8499757 8494143 8512303 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8500542 8502244 8508448 %FeU %SanMon 8500829 8509665 8491196 8501776 8492832 8493415 8496001 8506953 # Hues and Cues (bmfinc) 8489886 : 8494523 8504423 8504430 8495224 8511245 %ASP %NYZ 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %Everd %SoN 8500003 8511086 8493049 8490240 %TheEst %GTTBE 8499757 8494143 8512303 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8500542 # Coffee Roaster (bmfinc) 8489897 : 8494523 8504423 8504430 8495224 8511245 %ASP %NYZ 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Kerala: The Way of the Elephant (bmfinc) 8489923 : 8494523 8504423 8504430 8495224 8511245 %ASP %NYZ 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %Everd %SoN 8500003 8511086 8493049 8490240 %TheEst %GTTBE 8499757 8494143 8512303 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8500542 # Crystal Palace (bmfinc) 8489934 : 8494523 8504423 8504430 8495224 8511245 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 # Alt Name: $30 CAD Gift Card (bmfinc) 8491609 : 8494523 8504423 8504430 8495224 8511245 %ASP %NYZ # K2 (bmfinc) 8491781 : 8494523 8504423 8504430 8495224 8511245 %ASP %NYZ 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 # The Downfall of Pompeii (bmfinc) 8504456 : 8494523 8504423 8504430 8495224 8511245 %ASP %NYZ 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %Everd %SoN 8500003 8511086 8493049 8490240 %TheEst %GTTBE 8499757 8494143 8512303 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8500542 8502244 # Pandemic: Hot Zone – North America (bmfinc) 8504470 : 8494523 8504423 8504430 8495224 8511245 %ASP %NYZ 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %Everd %SoN 8500003 8511086 8493049 8490240 %TheEst %GTTBE 8499757 8494143 8512303 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8500542 8502244 8508448 %FeU %SanMon 8500829 8509665 8491196 8501776 8492832 8493415 8496001 # Animals on Board (bmfinc) 8505571 : 8494523 8504423 8504430 8495224 8511245 %ASP %NYZ 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %Everd %SoN 8500003 8511086 8493049 8490240 %TheEst %GTTBE 8499757 8494143 8512303 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8500542 8502244 8508448 %FeU %SanMon 8500829 8509665 8491196 8501776 # Praetor (bmfinc) 8512574 : 8494523 8504423 8504430 8495224 8511245 %ASP %NYZ 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %Everd %SoN 8500003 8511086 8493049 8490240 %TheEst %GTTBE 8499757 8494143 8512303 #pragma user "bondgoldfinger" # Confirmation code: JQ-5etRJzExT/3OgWdPpSg # Sat Oct 2 01:54:52 2021 # (bondgoldfinger) %Aquat : 8492794 8500004 8507437 8511909 # (bondgoldfinger) %Azul : 8500522 8502332 # (bondgoldfinger) %CoC : 8494586 8502226 # (bondgoldfinger) %Downf : 8491597 8503889 # (bondgoldfinger) %FanFac : 8499133 8502055 8504386 8512568 # (bondgoldfinger) %FlaRou : 8490398 8506713 # (bondgoldfinger) %GAH : 8490114 8494842 # (bondgoldfinger) %HFoC : 8502232 8504516 # (bondgoldfinger) %Marip : 8491872 8492239 8497154 # (bondgoldfinger) %Newton : 8499691 8508986 # (bondgoldfinger) %Oceans : 8500613 8500928 8508621 # (bondgoldfinger) %PARKS : 8500558 8509166 # (bondgoldfinger) %PorRoy : 8502100 8512502 # (bondgoldfinger) %TCoT : 8494677 8497633 # (bondgoldfinger) %Tapes : 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 # (bondgoldfinger) %Tramb : 8504392 8507738 # (bondgoldfinger) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 # (bondgoldfinger) %Yokoh : 8499686 8512123 8512535 # Istanbul (bondgoldfinger) 8489470 : %GAH 8491776 %Yokoh 8508448 8499695 8504388 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8489046 8492885 8508847 8509730 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8509741 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489117 8509933 %WhiMou %Oceans %FanFac 8497156 %TCoT 8494143 %Marip 8508964 8502047 8494676 %8494038 8489296 8497164 %Tapes %Downf 8511715 8500003 %Aquat %Newton 8503672 8500501 8508623 8512378 8509345 8498732 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8507741 8512303 # Rise of Tribes (bondgoldfinger) 8489482 : %GAH 8491776 %Yokoh 8508448 8499695 8504388 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8489046 8492885 8508847 8509730 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8509741 # Tammany Hall (bondgoldfinger) 8489494 : %GAH 8491776 %Yokoh 8508448 8499695 8504388 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8489046 8492885 8508847 8509730 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8509741 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489117 8509933 %WhiMou %Oceans %FanFac 8497156 %TCoT 8494143 %Marip 8508964 8502047 8494676 %8494038 8489296 # Sheriff of Nottingham (bondgoldfinger) 8489515 : %GAH 8491776 %Yokoh 8508448 8499695 8504388 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8489046 8492885 8508847 8509730 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8509741 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489117 8509933 %WhiMou %Oceans %FanFac 8497156 %TCoT 8494143 %Marip 8508964 8502047 8494676 %8494038 8489296 8497164 %Tapes %Downf 8511715 8500003 %Aquat %Newton 8503672 8500501 8508623 8512378 8509345 8498732 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8507741 8512303 %PARKS 8505734 8502211 8499737 %Tramb 8508645 8505930 %HFoC %Azul %FlaRou 8512363 8494137 8509879 # Word Slam (bondgoldfinger) 8489553 : %GAH 8491776 %Yokoh 8508448 8499695 8504388 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8489046 8492885 8508847 8509730 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8509741 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489117 8509933 %WhiMou %Oceans %FanFac 8497156 %TCoT 8494143 %Marip 8508964 8502047 8494676 %8494038 8489296 8497164 %Tapes %Downf 8511715 8500003 %Aquat %Newton 8503672 8500501 8508623 8512378 8509345 8498732 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8507741 8512303 %PARKS 8505734 8502211 8499737 %Tramb 8508645 8505930 %HFoC # San Juan (bondgoldfinger) 8495184 : %GAH 8491776 %Yokoh 8508448 8499695 8504388 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8489046 8492885 8508847 8509730 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8509741 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489117 8509933 %WhiMou %Oceans %FanFac 8497156 %TCoT 8494143 %Marip 8508964 8502047 8494676 %8494038 8489296 8497164 %Tapes %Downf 8511715 8500003 %Aquat %Newton 8503672 8500501 8508623 8512378 8509345 8498732 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8507741 8512303 %PARKS 8505734 8502211 8499737 %Tramb 8508645 8505930 %HFoC %Azul %FlaRou 8512363 8494137 8509879 %CoC %PorRoy 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8499657 8490753 8509367 8489164 8511920 8509905 8489249 # Goa (bondgoldfinger) 8495194 : %GAH 8491776 %Yokoh 8508448 8499695 8504388 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8489046 8492885 # Puerto Rico (bondgoldfinger) 8495196 : %GAH 8491776 %Yokoh 8508448 8499695 8504388 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8489046 8492885 8508847 8509730 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8509741 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Arraial (bondgoldfinger) %8494038 : 8494038-COPY1 8494038-COPY2 8494038-COPY3 8494038-COPY4 8494038-COPY5 8494038-COPY6 #pragma user "booned" # Confirmation code: SxpiGQ61vZ7YjsZW/OYNcg # Sun Oct 3 21:38:27 2021 # (booned) %Aquat : 8492794 8500004 8511909 # (booned) %CEaDitCW : 8500776 8512497 # (booned) %CoE : 8490018 8504786 8506863 # (booned) %Colony : 8495221 8504858 # (booned) %Coman : 8490011 8504859 # (booned) %Conco : 8489884 8494126 8496947 # (booned) %Deus : 8505854 8509639 8512524 # (booned) %DomSpe : 8494058 8505855 # (booned) %DraCas : 8499813 8511762 # (booned) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (booned) %EMA : 8489028 8489205 8496683 # (booned) %FTtN : 8490530 8499404 # (booned) %Homes : 8497009 8512536 # (booned) %LSE : 8494549 8496537 # (booned) %Ligur : 8490040 8509351 # (booned) %MdL : 8492950 8495045 8506821 # (booned) %MedMer : 8503741 8509369 # (booned) %NDE : 8489034 8506499 # (booned) %PanIbe : 8504389 8508819 # (booned) %PrtPo : 8490805 8509772 # (booned) %Ragusa : 8489880 8505111 # (booned) %RaiRev : 8490120 8494149 8505797 8505871 # (booned) %RedRis : 8491998 8499994 # (booned) %RoT : 8491328 8503196 # (booned) %SCE : 8490814 8506518 # (booned) %STO : 8489102 8508632 # (booned) %Sabot : 8492247 8508630 # (booned) %SieWes : 8500848 8508811 8512503 # (booned) %SmaInc : 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 # (booned) %SpeOps : 8493037 8504704 8507945 # (booned) %TQfEDTGT : 8499995 8501499 # (booned) %Taken : 8498770 8503003 8504828 8512538 # (booned) %TanGar : 8492167 8496234 # (booned) %TheEst : 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 # (booned) %TotT : 8494293 8506823 # (booned) %VEE : 8502511 8510029 # (booned) %WEDS : 8490332 8502152 # (booned) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 # (booned) %WhiSto : 8490782 8509953 # Sobek (booned) 8505930 : 8492638 8511190 8505859 8503700 8500867 8501284 8512303 %Homes 8494839 8491315 8512345 8511245 8507388 8505002 8497603 8506226 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8509746 %FTtN 8497128 8503899 8503786 8506440 8512081 8496123 8498633 %DomSpe 8492789 8507373 8503132 8506799 8510169 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8509894 8494545 8509951 8500368 8492866 8503889 8509945 8502233 8512571 8507504 %Ragusa 8494544 8510945 %CEaDitCW %MedMer 8492224 8490237 %LSE %WEDS %MdL 8507495 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8503163 8500274 8490148 8509159 %TanGar 8504877 8505759 8506815 8496422 8508589 8490008 8500494 8497164 8503439 8502209 8508964 8511594 8512086 %CoE 8494964 8500541 %TQfEDTGT 8493718 8507434 8502235 %TotT 8494671 8500628 8502990 8504890 8500556 8508623 8508611 8506734 8490481 # Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Baker Street Irregulars (booned) 8505932 : 8492638 8511190 8505859 8503700 8500867 8501284 8512303 %Homes 8494839 8491315 8512345 8511245 8507388 8505002 8497603 8506226 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8509746 %FTtN 8497128 8503899 8503786 8506440 8512081 8496123 8498633 %DomSpe 8492789 8507373 8503132 8506799 8510169 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8509894 8509945 8502233 8494544 8510945 %CEaDitCW %MedMer # Long Shot (booned) 8505937 : 8492638 8511190 8505859 8503700 8500867 8501284 8512303 %Homes 8494839 8491315 8512345 8511245 8507388 8505002 8497603 8506226 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8509746 %FTtN 8497128 8503899 8503786 8506440 8512081 8496123 8498633 %DomSpe 8492789 8507373 8503132 8506799 8510169 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8509894 8494545 8509951 8500368 8492866 8509945 8502233 8512571 8507504 %Ragusa 8494544 8510945 %CEaDitCW %MedMer 8492224 8490237 %LSE %WEDS %MdL 8507495 8509159 %TanGar 8504877 8505759 8506815 8496422 8508589 8490008 # Ra: The Dice Game (booned) 8505941 : 8492638 8511190 8505859 8503700 8500867 8501284 8512303 %Homes 8494839 8491315 8512345 8505002 8497603 8506226 %FTtN # Le Fantôme de l'Opéra (booned) 8505944 : 8492638 8511190 8505859 8503700 8500867 8501284 8512303 %Homes 8494839 8491315 8512345 8511245 8507388 8505002 8497603 8506226 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8509746 %FTtN 8497128 8503899 8503786 8506440 8512081 8496123 8498633 %DomSpe 8492789 8507373 8503132 8506799 8510169 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8509894 8509945 8502233 8494544 # Poseidon's Kingdom (booned) 8505946 : 8492638 8511190 8505859 8503700 8500867 8501284 8512303 %Homes 8494839 8491315 8512345 8511245 8507388 8505002 8497603 8506226 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8509746 %FTtN 8497128 8503899 8503786 8506440 8512081 8496123 8498633 %DomSpe 8492789 8507373 8503132 8506799 8510169 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8509894 8494545 8509951 8500368 8492866 8503889 8509945 8502233 8512571 8507504 %Ragusa 8494544 8510945 %CEaDitCW %MedMer 8492224 8490237 %LSE %WEDS %MdL 8507495 8509159 %TanGar 8504877 8505759 8506815 8496422 8508589 8490008 %CoE 8494964 # Snow Tails (booned) 8505948 : 8492638 8511190 8505859 8503700 8500867 8501284 8512303 %Homes 8494839 8491315 8512345 8507388 8505002 8497603 8506226 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 %FTtN 8497128 8503899 # Formula Dé Circuits 15 & 16: Hockenheim & Zeltweg (booned) 8505950 : 8492638 8511190 8505859 8503700 8500867 8501284 8512303 %Homes 8494839 8491315 8512345 8511245 8507388 8505002 8497603 8506226 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8509746 %FTtN 8497128 8503899 8503786 8506440 8512081 8496123 8498633 %DomSpe 8492789 8507373 8503132 8506799 8510169 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8509894 8494545 8509951 8500368 8492866 8503889 8509945 8502233 8512571 8507504 %Ragusa 8494544 8510945 %CEaDitCW %MedMer 8492224 8490237 %LSE %WEDS %MdL 8507495 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8503163 8500274 8490148 8509159 %TanGar 8504877 8505759 8506815 8496422 8508589 8490008 8500494 8497164 8503439 8502209 %CoE 8494964 8500541 %TQfEDTGT 8493718 8507434 8502235 %TotT 8494671 8500628 # Formula Dé Circuits 21 & 22: Budapest & Nürburgring (booned) 8505953 : 8492638 8511190 8505859 8503700 8500867 8501284 8512303 %Homes 8494839 8491315 8512345 8507388 8505002 8497603 8506226 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 %FTtN 8497128 8503899 8496123 8498633 8494544 # Memoir '44 (booned) 8509824 : 8492638 8511190 8505859 8503700 8500867 8501284 8512303 %Homes 8494839 8491315 8512345 8511245 8507388 8505002 8497603 8506226 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8509746 %FTtN 8497128 8503899 8496123 8498633 %DomSpe 8492789 8507373 8503132 8506799 8510169 8494544 # Shadow Hunters (booned) 8509828 : 8492638 8511190 8505859 8503700 8500867 8501284 8512303 %Homes 8494839 8491315 8512345 8511245 8507388 8505002 8497603 8506226 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8509746 %FTtN 8497128 8503899 8503786 8506440 8512081 8496123 8498633 %DomSpe 8492789 8507373 8503132 8506799 8510169 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8509894 8494545 8509951 8500368 8492866 8503889 8509945 8502233 8512571 8507504 %Ragusa 8494544 8510945 %CEaDitCW %MedMer 8492224 8490237 %LSE %WEDS %MdL 8507495 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8503163 8500274 8490148 8509159 %TanGar 8504877 8505759 8506815 8496422 8508589 8490008 8500494 8497164 8503439 8502209 8508964 8511594 8512086 %CoE 8494964 8500541 %TQfEDTGT 8493718 8507434 8502235 %TotT 8494671 8500628 8502990 8504890 8500556 8508623 8508611 8506734 8490481 # War Stories: Red Storm (booned) 8509831 : 8492638 8511190 8505859 8503700 8500867 8501284 8512303 %Homes 8494839 8491315 8512345 8511245 8507388 8505002 8497603 8506226 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8509746 %FTtN 8497128 8503899 8503786 8506440 8512081 8496123 8498633 %DomSpe 8492789 8507373 8503132 8506799 8510169 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8509894 8494545 8509951 8500368 8492866 8509945 8502233 8512571 8507504 %Ragusa 8494544 8510945 %CEaDitCW %MedMer 8492224 8490237 %LSE %WEDS %MdL 8507495 8509159 %TanGar 8504877 8505759 8506815 8496422 8508589 8490008 #pragma user "bryantfarmer" # Confirmation code: gKOTMUm5tEy5Y4Cb3VLaNQ # Sat Oct 2 21:39:57 2021 # (bryantfarmer) %CTCF : 8493405 8494955 # (bryantfarmer) %CofRoa : 8489897 8505106 # (bryantfarmer) %ColExp : 8492132 8502227 8505732 # (bryantfarmer) %DMiHK : 8490215 8511090 8512421 # (bryantfarmer) %RCAotCI : 8489573 8490717 # (bryantfarmer) %Root : 8494523 8496001 # (bryantfarmer) %SpiIsl : 8493117 8504968 8507363 # (bryantfarmer) %TheGri : 8489882 8507392 8507415 # CloudAge (bryantfarmer) 8500501 : %SpiIsl %RCAotCI 8502219 8500772 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8502512 %Root # Terraforming Mars: Turmoil (bryantfarmer) 8500504 : %SpiIsl %RCAotCI 8502219 8500772 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8502512 %Root %CTCF 8499609 8490783 8488918 %ColExp 8508932 8503108 8494289 8498732 8500387 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8490152 # Covil: The Dark Overlords (bryantfarmer) 8500507 : %SpiIsl %RCAotCI 8502219 8500772 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8502512 %Root %CTCF 8499609 8490783 8488918 %ColExp 8508932 8503108 8494289 8498732 8500387 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8490152 %DMiHK 8496690 %CofRoa 8490449 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Coup (bryantfarmer) 8500510 : %SpiIsl %RCAotCI 8502219 8500772 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8502512 %Root %CTCF 8499609 8490783 8488918 %ColExp 8508932 8503108 8494289 8498732 8500387 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8490152 %DMiHK 8496690 %CofRoa 8490449 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 %TheGri 8506326 8503894 8509665 8500275 8512436 8500524 8493705 %8509473 %8509533 8509777 8512151 8512593 8501480 # Eldritch Horror (bryantfarmer) 8500517 : %SpiIsl %RCAotCI 8502219 8500772 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8502512 %Root # Bottom of the 9th (bryantfarmer) 8500528 : %SpiIsl %RCAotCI 8502219 8500772 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8502512 %Root %CTCF 8499609 8490783 8488918 %ColExp 8508932 8503108 8494289 8498732 8500387 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8490152 %DMiHK 8496690 %CofRoa 8490449 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Munchkin (bryantfarmer) 8500594 : %SpiIsl %RCAotCI 8502219 8500772 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8502512 %Root %CTCF 8499609 8490783 8488918 %ColExp 8508932 8503108 8494289 8498732 8500387 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8490152 %DMiHK 8496690 %CofRoa 8490449 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 %TheGri 8506326 8503894 8509665 8500275 # Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (bryantfarmer) 8500599 : %SpiIsl %RCAotCI 8502219 8500772 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8502512 %Root # Note: The following 4 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Architects of the West Kingdom by Gaming Trunk (bryantfarmer) %8509473 : 8509473-COPY1 8509473-COPY2 8509473-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Terraforming Mars by Gaming Trunk (bryantfarmer) %8509533 : 8509533-COPY1 8509533-COPY2 8509533-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Root by Gaming Trunk (bryantfarmer) %8509535 : 8509535-COPY1 8509535-COPY2 8509535-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion by Gaming Trunk (bryantfarmer) %8509626 : 8509626-COPY1 8509626-COPY2 8509626-COPY3 #pragma user "canadiankorean" # Confirmation code: -bnTz9smGeg44Lo86TRJ8g # Sun Oct 3 22:02:26 2021 # (canadiankorean) %Aquat : 8492794 8500004 8511909 # (canadiankorean) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 # (canadiankorean) %CofRoa : 8489897 8505106 # (canadiankorean) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (canadiankorean) %HonBuz : 8504430 # (canadiankorean) %IKI : 8493163 8509180 # (canadiankorean) %MagMet : 8495215 8504236 # (canadiankorean) %Menara : 8490254 8502065 8503897 # (canadiankorean) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (canadiankorean) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 8509933 # (canadiankorean) %River : 8500409 8501786 # (canadiankorean) %RoT : 8489482 8490824 8491328 # (canadiankorean) %TOotS : 8494088 8501961 # (canadiankorean) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 # (canadiankorean) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 8500586 # Heroscape Expansion Set: Raknar's Vision (canadiankorean) 8489154 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 8507741 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8512241 8491889 8496217 8490148 8507901 8491998 8504913 8500488 8494113 8509181 8507589 8503135 8511912 8489296 8489117 8511720 %Menara 8508984 8502244 %RoT 8496691 8490477 8492936 %CofRoa 8493046 8499770 8490252 8489116 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 # Love Letter Premium (canadiankorean) 8489155 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 %HonBuz %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8501284 8500867 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 # Dungeon Master's Guide (D&D 3.5e) (canadiankorean) 8489158 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 8507741 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8512241 8491889 8496217 8490148 8507901 8491998 8504913 8500488 8494113 8509181 8507589 8503135 8511912 8489296 8489117 8511720 %Menara 8508984 8502244 %RoT 8496691 8490477 8492936 %CofRoa 8493046 8499770 8490252 8489116 8506320 8503461 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Soccero (Second Edition) (canadiankorean) 8489159 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 8507741 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8512241 8491889 8496217 8490148 8507901 8491998 8500488 8494113 8503135 8511912 8489296 8511720 8508984 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 # Alt Name: Dune Imperium 3D printed deluxe tokens (canadiankorean) 8489161 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 8507741 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8512241 8491889 8496217 8490148 8507901 8491998 8504913 8500488 8494113 8509181 8507589 8503135 8511912 8489296 8489117 8511720 %Menara %RoT 8496691 %CofRoa 8489116 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Alt Name: Grand Austria Hotel 3D printed deluxe tokens (canadiankorean) 8489163 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 8507741 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8512241 8491889 8496217 8490148 8507901 8491998 8504913 8500488 8494113 8509181 8507589 8503135 8511912 8489296 8511720 %Menara 8502244 %RoT 8496691 8490477 8492936 %CofRoa 8493046 8499770 8490252 8489116 8506320 8503461 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Ankh'or (canadiankorean) 8489164 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 8507741 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8512241 8491889 8496217 8490148 8507901 8491998 8504913 8500488 8494113 8509181 8507589 8503135 8511912 8489296 8489117 8511720 %Menara 8508984 8502244 %RoT 8496691 8490477 8492936 %CofRoa 8493046 8499770 8490252 8489116 8506320 8503461 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Keythedral (canadiankorean) 8489166 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 %TOotS 8507006 8490762 8500274 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8503135 8501284 8500867 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 8507504 # Alt Name: Hadara card holders (canadiankorean) 8489167 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 8507741 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8512241 8491889 8496217 8490148 8507901 8491998 8504913 8500488 8494113 8509181 8507589 8503135 8511912 8489296 8489117 8511720 %Menara 8508984 8502244 %RoT 8496691 8490477 8492936 %CofRoa 8493046 8499770 8490252 8489116 8506320 8503461 8493157 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # The Downfall of Pompeii (canadiankorean) 8490751-COPY1 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 8507741 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8512241 8491889 8496217 8490148 8507901 8491998 8504913 8500488 8494113 8509181 8507589 8503135 8511912 8489296 8489117 8511720 %Menara 8508984 8502244 %RoT 8496691 8490477 8492936 8493046 8489116 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8508964 8511594 # The Downfall of Pompeii (canadiankorean) 8490751-COPY2 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 8507741 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8512241 8491889 8496217 8490148 8507901 8491998 8504913 8500488 8494113 8509181 8507589 8503135 8511912 8489296 8489117 8511720 %Menara 8508984 8502244 %RoT 8496691 8490477 8492936 8493046 8489116 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8508964 8511594 # Ceylon (canadiankorean) 8490758 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 8507741 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8512241 8491889 8496217 8490148 8507901 8491998 8504913 8500488 8494113 8509181 8507589 8503135 8511912 8489296 8489117 8511720 %Menara 8489116 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 # Tribune: Primus Inter Pares (canadiankorean) 8490764 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 %HonBuz 8491351 8507006 8490762 8500274 8502519 8510904 8501284 8500867 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 # Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set (canadiankorean) 8490766 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 8507741 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8512241 8491889 8496217 8490148 8507901 8491998 8504913 8500488 8494113 8509181 8507589 8503135 8511912 8489296 8489117 8511720 %Menara 8508984 8502244 %RoT 8496691 8490477 8492936 %CofRoa 8493046 8499770 8490252 8489116 8506320 8503461 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Summer Camp (canadiankorean) 8491291 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8508954 %IKI %WhiMou 8503448 %HonBuz 8491351 %TOotS 8507006 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 # 60 Second City (canadiankorean) 8491293 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 8507741 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8491889 8496217 8490148 8491998 8504913 8500488 8509181 8503135 8511912 8489296 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8508964 8511594 8512086 # Wits & Wagers Party (canadiankorean) 8491699 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 8507741 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8512241 8491889 8496217 8490148 8507901 8491998 8504913 8500488 8494113 8509181 8507589 8503135 8511912 8489296 8511720 %Menara 8508984 8502244 8489116 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8508964 8511594 # Guild Master (canadiankorean) 8505780 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8500274 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8503135 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 # The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire (canadiankorean) 8507640 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8508954 %IKI %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8491351 8507006 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 # Low Lands (canadiankorean) 8507647 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %WhiMou 8490442 8507006 8501284 8500867 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 # Yedo: Deluxe Master Set (canadiankorean) 8507651 : 8512350 # Marvel Dice Masters: Age of Ultron (canadiankorean) 8507658 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 8507741 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8512241 8491889 8496217 8490148 8507901 8491998 8504913 8500488 8494113 8509181 8507589 8503135 8511912 8489296 8489117 8511720 %Menara 8508984 8502244 %RoT 8496691 8490477 8492936 %CofRoa 8493046 8499770 8490252 8489116 8506320 8503461 8493157 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Subbuteo (canadiankorean) 8509720 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8491889 8496217 8507901 8491998 8504913 8503135 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 # Alma Mater (canadiankorean) 8510034 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8503135 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 # The Colonists (canadiankorean) 8510036 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8491351 8507006 8490027 8490762 8500274 %Aquat %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8496217 8507901 8491998 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 # The King's Guild (canadiankorean) 8510037 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %WhiMou 8490442 8491351 8507006 8490762 %MagMet 8502519 8501284 8500867 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 8507504 # Alt Name: Light game bundle 1 (canadiankorean) 8510041 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 8507741 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8512241 8491889 8496217 8490148 8507901 8491998 8504913 8500488 8494113 8509181 8507589 8503135 8511912 8489296 8489117 8511720 %Menara 8489116 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Outside the Scope of BGG (canadiankorean) 8510060 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 8507741 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8512241 8491889 8496217 8490148 8507901 8491998 8504913 8500488 8494113 8509181 8507589 8503135 8511912 8489296 8511720 %Menara 8508984 8489116 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8508964 # Ticket to Ride (canadiankorean) 8510652 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8491889 8496217 8490148 8494113 8503135 8511912 8489296 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8508964 8511594 8512086 # Patchwork (canadiankorean) 8511747 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 8507741 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8512241 8491889 8496217 8490148 8507901 8491998 8504913 8500488 8494113 8509181 8507589 8503135 8511912 8489296 8511720 %Menara 8508984 %RoT 8496691 8490477 8492936 %CofRoa 8493046 8499770 8489116 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Munchkin Adventure Time (canadiankorean) 8511848 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 8507741 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8512241 8491889 8496217 8490148 8507901 8504913 8509181 8503135 8511912 8489296 8511720 %Menara 8508984 8489116 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 # タピる (Tapiru) (canadiankorean) 8511858 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 8507741 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8512241 8491889 8496217 8490148 8507901 8491998 8504913 8500488 8494113 8509181 8507589 8503135 8511912 8489296 8489117 8511720 %Menara 8508984 8502244 %RoT 8496691 8490477 8492936 %CofRoa 8493046 8489116 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Alt Name: $50 gift card (canadiankorean) 8512540 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8507219 # Sonora (canadiankorean) 8512554 : 8512350 %BraBir 8507529 8490123 8509876 8509875 %XLoaDS %OCoEaE %Halle 8495224 8490192 8507219 8502990 8502048 8508954 %IKI %PCR %WhiMou 8490442 8503448 8498489 %HonBuz 8491351 8495229 %TOotS 8507006 8490027 8510205 8490762 8500274 8489280 8507741 %Aquat %River %MagMet 8502519 8510904 8512241 8491889 8496217 8490148 8507901 8491998 8504913 8500488 8494113 8509181 8507589 8503135 8511912 8489296 8489117 8511720 %Menara 8508984 8502244 %RoT 8496691 8490477 8492936 8493046 8499770 8490252 8489116 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8498195 8500260 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8508964 #pragma user "CarmanBulldog" # Confirmation code: tnpcTYvUQjcjMrirPevo0A # Sun Oct 3 21:01:22 2021 # (CarmanBulldog) %ASP : 8497152 8507436 # (CarmanBulldog) %BetLeg : 8509744 8511189 # (CarmanBulldog) %Calico : 8503693 # (CarmanBulldog) %Carto : 8508965 # (CarmanBulldog) %Cubit : # (CarmanBulldog) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 # (CarmanBulldog) %FlaRou : 8491252 8506713 # (CarmanBulldog) %LLP : 8512111 # (CarmanBulldog) %MarUni : 8490050 8492084 8505008 8512459 8512474 # (CarmanBulldog) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (CarmanBulldog) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (CarmanBulldog) %StoAge : 8492125 8493005 8512388 # (CarmanBulldog) %TQfED : 8497167 8497950 8502438 # (CarmanBulldog) %TtRE : 8496688 8500577 8512504 # (CarmanBulldog) %Undaun : 8510945 8505793 # (CarmanBulldog) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 8497070 # Deception: Murder in Hong Kong (CarmanBulldog) 8512421 : 8509719 %SleGod %BetLeg 8500867 8501284 8507388 %Everd 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 %TtRE %FlaRou 8505932 %Wings 8503786 8506440 8512081 8492224 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %StoAge %PARKS %Undaun 8507504 %ASP 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %TQfED %Calico 8508448 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492616 8496007 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Libertalia (CarmanBulldog) 8512425 : 8509719 %SleGod %BetLeg 8500867 8501284 8507388 %Everd 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 %FlaRou 8505932 %Wings 8503786 8506440 8512081 8492224 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %PARKS 8507504 # Thebes (CarmanBulldog) 8512426 : 8509719 %SleGod %BetLeg 8500867 8501284 8507388 %Everd 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 %FlaRou 8505932 %Wings 8503786 8506440 8512081 8492224 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %StoAge %PARKS 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Zooloretto (CarmanBulldog) 8512428 : 8509719 %SleGod %BetLeg 8500867 8501284 8507388 %Everd 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 %FlaRou 8505932 %Wings 8503786 8506440 8512081 8492224 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %StoAge %PARKS %Undaun 8507504 %ASP 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %TQfED %Calico 8508448 8508964 8511594 8512086 # Mush! Mush!: Snow Tails 2 (CarmanBulldog) 8512430 : 8509719 %SleGod %BetLeg 8500867 8501284 8507388 # Pharaoh's Gulo Gulo (CarmanBulldog) 8512432 : 8509719 %SleGod %BetLeg 8500867 8501284 8507388 %Everd 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 %FlaRou 8505932 %Wings 8503786 8506440 8512081 8492224 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %StoAge %PARKS %Undaun 8507504 %ASP 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Machi Koro (CarmanBulldog) 8512437 : 8509719 %SleGod %BetLeg 8500867 8501284 8507388 %Everd 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 %TtRE %FlaRou 8505932 %Wings 8503786 8506440 8512081 8492224 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %StoAge %PARKS %Undaun 8507504 %ASP 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %TQfED %Calico 8508448 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492616 8496007 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # One Night Ultimate Werewolf (CarmanBulldog) 8512438 : 8509719 %SleGod %BetLeg 8500867 8501284 8507388 %Everd 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 %TtRE %FlaRou 8505932 %Wings 8503786 8506440 8512081 8492224 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %StoAge %PARKS %Undaun 8507504 %ASP 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %TQfED %Calico 8508448 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492616 8496007 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Privateer (CarmanBulldog) 8512439 : 8509719 %SleGod %BetLeg 8500867 8501284 8507388 %Everd 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 %TtRE %FlaRou 8505932 %Wings 8503786 8506440 8512081 8492224 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %StoAge %PARKS %Undaun 8507504 %ASP 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %TQfED %Calico 8508448 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492616 8496007 %MarUni 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %LLP 8500387 8506746 8493724 %Carto 8491908 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8490889 8509665 # Lacrosse Blast Pro Indoor Lacrosse Game (CarmanBulldog) 8512441 : 8509719 %SleGod %BetLeg 8500867 8501284 8507388 %Everd 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 %FlaRou 8505932 %Wings 8503786 8506440 8512081 8492224 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %StoAge %PARKS %Undaun 8507504 %ASP 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %TQfED 8508964 8511594 8512086 %MarUni 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 # Mr. Jack (CarmanBulldog) 8512468 : 8509719 %SleGod %BetLeg 8500867 8501284 8507388 %Everd 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 %FlaRou 8505932 %Wings 8503786 8506440 8512081 8492224 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %StoAge %PARKS %Undaun 8507504 %ASP 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %TQfED %Calico 8508448 8508964 8511594 8512086 # New York 1901 (CarmanBulldog) 8512519 : 8509719 %SleGod %BetLeg 8500867 8501284 8507388 %Everd 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8505932 %Wings 8503786 8506440 8512081 8492224 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %PARKS # Thunder Alley (CarmanBulldog) 8512527 : 8509719 %SleGod %BetLeg 8500867 8501284 8507388 %Everd 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 %Wings 8503786 8506440 8512081 8492224 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 # Takenoko (CarmanBulldog) 8512538 : 8509719 %SleGod %BetLeg 8500867 8501284 8507388 %Everd 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 %FlaRou 8505932 %Wings 8503786 8506440 8512081 8492224 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %StoAge %PARKS 8507504 # Survive: Escape from Atlantis! (CarmanBulldog) 8512550 : 8509719 %SleGod %BetLeg 8500867 8501284 8507388 %Everd 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 %FlaRou 8505932 %Wings 8503786 8506440 8512081 8492224 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %StoAge %PARKS %Undaun 8507504 %ASP 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %TQfED %Calico 8508448 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Letters from Whitechapel (CarmanBulldog) 8512556 : 8509719 %SleGod %BetLeg 8500867 8501284 8507388 %Everd 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 %FlaRou 8505932 %Wings 8503786 8506440 8512081 8492224 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %StoAge %PARKS %Undaun 8507504 %ASP 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %TQfED # Agility (CarmanBulldog) 8512581 : 8509719 %SleGod %BetLeg 8500867 8501284 8507388 %Everd 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 %FlaRou 8505932 %Wings 8503786 8506440 8512081 8492224 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %StoAge %PARKS %Undaun 8507504 #pragma user "carnage994" # Confirmation code: pInQQESHBWhk9zpGozoOcg # Sun Oct 3 21:02:42 2021 # (carnage994) %DSM : 8494853 8495247 # (carnage994) %KBaS : 8490192 8500000 8502994 # Techno Bowl: Arcade Football Unplugged (carnage994) 8491315 : %KBaS 8500867 8501284 # Rise of Tribes (carnage994) 8491328 : %KBaS 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %DSM 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # On the Underground: London/Berlin (carnage994) 8491330 : %KBaS 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %DSM 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Football Highlights 2052 (carnage994) 8491373 : %KBaS 8500867 8501284 # Cantaloop: Book 1 – Breaking into Prison (carnage994) 8491385 : %KBaS 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %DSM 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490214 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Claim It! (carnage994) 8491391 : %KBaS 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %DSM 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490214 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509665 8493705 8512151 8512593 # Die Hard: The Nakatomi Heist Board Game (carnage994) 8491398 : %KBaS 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %DSM 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490214 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509665 8493705 8512151 8512593 # Journal 29: Interactive Book Game (carnage994) 8491436 : %KBaS 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %DSM 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490214 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509665 8493705 8512151 8512593 # Alt Name: Small Game Bundle (carnage994) 8491480 : %KBaS 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %DSM 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490214 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Alt Name: Small Game Bundle (carnage994) 8491567 : %KBaS 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %DSM 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490214 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Alt Name: Small Game Bundle (carnage994) 8491618 : %KBaS 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %DSM 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490214 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Word Slam (carnage994) 8492024 : %KBaS 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %DSM 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490214 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 # The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine (carnage994) 8492031 : %KBaS 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %DSM 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490214 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509665 8493705 8512151 8512593 # Black Sonata (carnage994) 8504969 : %KBaS 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %DSM 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 #pragma user "catmogwai" # Confirmation code: hTvP/ElHB5qJWDSE9Vfceg # Sun Oct 3 21:51:34 2021 # (catmogwai) %7WD : 8500088 8500701 # (catmogwai) %7Won : 8489986 8492916 8495394 8500521 8509873 8510209 # (catmogwai) %AIE : 8490756 8505747 8512530 # (catmogwai) %Aquat : 8492794 8500004 8507437 8511909 # (catmogwai) %ArtInc : 8489247 8507705 # (catmogwai) %Bru189 : 8491196 8500537 8503106 # (catmogwai) %CooIsl : 8489184 8505852 # (catmogwai) %DinIsl : 8490023 8490027 # (catmogwai) %GWT : 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 # (catmogwai) %LSE : 8494549 8496537 # (catmogwai) %LoW : # (catmogwai) %LouXIV : 8503001 8509359 # (catmogwai) %NEOM : 8512347 8512461 # (catmogwai) %Paper : 8490063 8510105 # (catmogwai) %SanMon : 8496223 8497157 # (catmogwai) %TLE : 8490043 8504669 # (catmogwai) %TerMys : 8489187 8507072 # (catmogwai) %TheEst : 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 # (catmogwai) %TheNet : 8490818 8501887 # Madeira (catmogwai) 8489014 : 8504423 8494551 8512350 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489780 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 # Era: Medieval Age (catmogwai) 8489028 : 8504423 8494551 8512350 8511245 8500867 8501284 # Neta-Tanka: Deluxe Edition (catmogwai) 8489034 : 8504423 8494551 8512350 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489780 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8493713 8494863 8494012 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492841 8495232 # Rune Stones (catmogwai) 8489046 : 8504423 8494551 8512350 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489780 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8493713 8494863 8494012 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492841 8495232 8511929 # Sailing Toward Osiris (catmogwai) 8489102 : 8504423 8494551 8512350 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489780 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8493713 8494863 8494012 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492841 8495232 8511929 %LSE %TerMys 8492789 %CooIsl 8505941 8493007 8496143 %TheNet 8509732 8508712 8509889 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8509837 8512566 8504887 %GWT %DinIsl 8500541 8500387 8506746 8505875 8500414 8497078 8509625 # Thurn and Taxis (catmogwai) 8489128 : 8504423 8494551 8512350 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489780 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8493713 8494863 8494012 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492841 8495232 8511929 %LSE # Guatemala Café (catmogwai) 8494128 : 8504423 8494551 8512350 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489780 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8493713 8494863 8494012 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492841 8495232 8511929 %LSE %TerMys 8492789 %CooIsl 8505941 8493007 8496143 %TheNet 8509732 8508712 8509889 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8509837 8512566 8504887 %GWT %DinIsl 8500541 8500387 8506746 8505875 8500414 8497078 8509625 8511118 8509888 8499250 %Aquat 8491609 8499258 8500456 8505040 8511882 8512137 8512446 %NEOM 8508007 8507495 8494670 %7Won 8491776 8496007 %TheEst %LouXIV %AIE %7WD 8491908 %TLE 8508588 8509665 8501783 %Paper 8502244 8501288 %SanMon %ArtInc 8499770 8495184 8509777 8512151 8512593 %Bru189 # The Ruhr: A Story of Coal Trade (catmogwai) 8495969 : 8504423 8494551 8512350 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489780 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8493713 8494863 8494012 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492841 8495232 8511929 %LSE %TerMys 8492789 %CooIsl 8505941 8493007 8496143 # Santiago de Cuba (catmogwai) 8495972 : 8504423 8494551 8512350 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489780 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8493713 8494863 8494012 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492841 8495232 8511929 %LSE %TerMys 8492789 %CooIsl 8505941 8493007 8496143 %TheNet 8509732 8508712 8509889 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8509837 8512566 8504887 %GWT %DinIsl 8500541 8500387 8506746 8505875 8500414 8497078 8509625 8511118 8509888 8499250 # Charterstone (catmogwai) 8495982 : 8504423 8494551 8512350 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 # Alt Name: Wingspan Food and Nectar tokens (catmogwai) 8496207 : 8504423 8494551 8512350 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489780 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8493713 8494863 8494012 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492841 8495232 8511929 %LSE %TerMys 8492789 %CooIsl 8505941 8493007 8496143 %TheNet 8509732 8508712 8509889 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8509837 8512566 8504887 %GWT %DinIsl 8500541 8500387 8506746 8505875 8500414 8497078 8509625 8511118 8509888 8499250 %Aquat 8491609 8499258 8500456 8505040 8511882 8512137 8512446 %NEOM 8508007 8507495 8494670 %7Won 8491776 8496007 %TheEst %LouXIV %AIE %7WD 8491908 %TLE 8508588 8509665 8501783 %Paper 8502244 8501288 %SanMon %ArtInc 8499770 # Alt Name: $60 CAD Gift Card (catmogwai) 8500260 : 8504423 8494551 8512350 8511245 8493713 # 6 nimmt! Brettspiel (catmogwai) 8506734 : 8504423 8494551 8512350 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489780 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8493713 8494863 8494012 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492841 8495232 8511929 %LSE %TerMys 8492789 %CooIsl 8505941 8493007 8496143 %TheNet 8509732 8508712 8509889 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8509837 8512566 8504887 %GWT %DinIsl 8500541 8500387 8506746 8505875 8500414 8497078 8509625 8511118 8509888 8499250 %Aquat 8491609 8499258 8500456 8505040 8511882 8512137 8512446 %NEOM 8508007 8507495 8494670 %7Won 8491776 8496007 %TheEst %LouXIV %AIE %7WD 8491908 %TLE 8508588 8509665 8501783 %Paper 8502244 8501288 %SanMon %ArtInc 8499770 8495184 8509777 8512151 8512593 %Bru189 # Halloween (catmogwai) 8506740 : 8504423 8494551 8512350 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489780 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8493713 8494863 8494012 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492841 8495232 8511929 %LSE %TerMys 8492789 %CooIsl 8505941 8493007 8496143 %TheNet 8509732 8508712 8509889 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8509837 8512566 8504887 %GWT %DinIsl 8500541 8500387 8506746 8505875 8500414 8497078 8509625 8511118 8509888 8499250 %Aquat 8491609 8499258 8500456 8505040 8511882 8512137 8512446 %NEOM 8508007 8507495 8494670 # Meduris: Der Ruf der Götter (catmogwai) 8506743 : 8504423 8494551 8512350 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489780 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8493713 8494863 8494012 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492841 8495232 8511929 %LSE %TerMys 8492789 %CooIsl 8505941 8493007 8496143 %TheNet 8509732 8508712 8509889 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8509837 8512566 8504887 %GWT %DinIsl 8500541 8500387 8506746 8505875 8500414 8497078 8509625 8511118 8509888 8499250 %Aquat 8491609 8499258 8500456 8505040 8511882 8512137 8512446 %NEOM 8508007 8507495 8494670 %7Won 8491776 8496007 %TheEst %LouXIV %AIE %7WD 8491908 %TLE 8508588 8509665 8501783 # Ophir (catmogwai) 8506745 : 8504423 8494551 8512350 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489780 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8493713 8494863 8494012 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492841 8495232 8511929 %LSE %TerMys 8492789 %CooIsl 8505941 8493007 8496143 %TheNet 8509732 8508712 8509889 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8509837 8512566 8504887 %GWT %DinIsl 8500541 8500387 8506746 8505875 8500414 8497078 8509625 8511118 8509888 8499250 %Aquat 8491609 8499258 8500456 8505040 8511882 8512137 8512446 %NEOM 8508007 8507495 8494670 %7Won 8491776 8496007 %TheEst %LouXIV %AIE # Bruxelles 1893 (catmogwai) 8510856 : 8504423 8494551 8512350 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489780 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8493713 8494863 8494012 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492841 8495232 8511929 %LSE %TerMys 8492789 %CooIsl 8505941 8493007 8496143 %TheNet 8509732 8508712 8509889 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8509837 8512566 8504887 #pragma user "CdnTiger" # Confirmation code: Kl3gBdofV2OGcrIuIi72zQ # Sun Oct 3 21:54:35 2021 # BrilliAnts (CdnTiger) 8509999 : 8489193 8489609 8490195 8503903 8504968 8490662 8507539 8490791 8507709 8493117 8507363 8494523 8507894 8504221 8510150 8489600 8499100 8491373 8504822 8497070 8492273 8503907 8495406 8496215 8507477 8492789 8497141 8505794 8506518 8505797 8507947 8500368 8500584 8489280 8492224 8500255 8505002 8507640 8498649 8494044 8492616 8494740 8500001 8508448 8490926 8494479 8490398 8503891 8504954 8509314 8509714 8497891 8490027 8509910 8504423 8508200 8493193 8498656 8504804 8500851 8504436 8503889 8500003 8504430 8504389 8508819 8499691 8489281 8508621 8496683 8508954 8500501 8493712 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8492247 8492527 8508630 8494165 8491315 8492204 8507355 8506815 #pragma user "ced356" # Confirmation code: iBjGvTG/UOCbRjq7-butQg # Sun Oct 3 22:02:36 2021 # (ced356) %7WD : 8500088 8500701 # (ced356) %ArtInc : 8489247 8507705 # (ced356) %BTC : 8501955 8506956 8511977 8507607 # (ced356) %CCvC : 8507710 8509101 # (ced356) %Carto : 8500552 8508965 # (ced356) %CofRoa : 8489897 8505106 # (ced356) %DicFor : 8497003 8504513 # (ced356) %EMA : 8489028 8489205 8496683 # (ced356) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8509741 8512537 # (ced356) %KinBui : 8500693 # (ced356) %ModArt : 8489195 8504913 # (ced356) %NotAlo : 8508932 8507954 # (ced356) %OnTou : 8493711 # (ced356) %OnTour : # (ced356) %OtUL : 8489453 8491330 # (ced356) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (ced356) %PHZNA : 8499345 8500557 8504470 # (ced356) %RedRis : 8491998 8499994 # (ced356) %SCE : 8490814 8506518 # (ced356) %Sabot : 8492247 8492527 # (ced356) %SmaInc : 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 # (ced356) %TQfED : 8497167 8502438 8499995 8501499 # (ced356) %TQfEDTGT : # (ced356) %Targi : 8493707 8506855 # (ced356) %TheNet : 8490818 8492537 8501887 # (ced356) %Tokai : 8494765 8512108 8512583 # (ced356) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 8497070 # Flamme Rouge (ced356) 8490398 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8506508 %SmaInc # At the Gates of Loyang (ced356) 8491776 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8506508 8490199 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %SmaInc 8507504 %TheNet # Vegas Showdown (ced356) 8491979 : 8507369 %SCE 8489614 8500867 8501284 8510945 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8506508 8490199 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8512425 8494137 %SmaInc 8507504 %Wings 8500555 %TheNet 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8504388 %KinBui 8502166 %PARKS 8508964 8511594 8512086 8500589 8492616 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8491908 %OnTou %TQfED 8489505 8490214 %ModArt 8500387 8489554 %BTC 8506819 # Stone Age (ced356) 8492125 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8506508 8490199 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %SmaInc 8507504 %TheNet # Colt Express (ced356) 8492132 : %SCE 8500867 8501284 8510945 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8506508 8490199 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8512425 8494137 %SmaInc 8507504 %Wings %TheNet 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8504388 %KinBui 8508964 8511594 8512086 8503108 8491908 8489505 8490214 %ModArt # Fantastic Factories (ced356) 8499133 : %SCE 8500867 8501284 8510945 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8506508 8490199 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %SmaInc 8507504 %TheNet 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8491908 8489505 8490214 %ModArt # Majesty: For the Realm (ced356) 8499140 : 8507369 %SCE 8489614 8500867 8501284 8510945 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8506508 8490199 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8512425 %SmaInc 8507504 %TheNet 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8504388 %KinBui %PARKS 8508964 8511594 8512086 8491908 8489505 8490214 %ModArt # 5-Minute Marvel (ced356) 8503335 : %SCE 8489614 8500867 8501284 8510945 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8506508 8490199 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8512425 8494137 %SmaInc 8507504 %Wings 8500555 8502219 %TheNet 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8504388 %KinBui 8502166 %PARKS 8508964 8511594 8512086 %DicFor 8500589 8492616 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8503108 8491908 %TQfED 8489505 8490214 %ModArt 8489554 8506819 # Jurassic Park: Danger! (ced356) 8505651 : 8507369 %SCE 8489614 8500867 8501284 8510945 8508638 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8506508 8490199 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8512425 8494137 %SmaInc 8507504 %Wings 8500555 8502219 %TheNet 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8504388 %KinBui 8502166 8512550 %PARKS 8508964 8511594 8512086 %DicFor 8507725 8500589 8492616 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8503108 8491908 %OnTou %TQfED %7WD 8489505 8490214 %ModArt 8500387 8507946 8489554 %BTC 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 %NotAlo 8506819 %PHZNA # Machi Koro (ced356) 8505664 : 8507369 %SCE 8489614 8500867 8501284 8510945 8508638 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8506508 8490199 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8512425 8494137 %SmaInc 8507504 %Wings 8500555 8502219 %TheNet 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8504388 %KinBui 8502166 %PARKS 8508964 8511594 8512086 %DicFor 8507725 8492616 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8503108 8491908 %OnTou %TQfED %7WD 8489505 8490214 %ModArt 8500387 8507946 8489554 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 %NotAlo 8506819 # Beyond Baker Street (ced356) 8505674 : 8507369 %SCE 8489614 8500867 8501284 8510945 8508638 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8506508 8490199 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8512425 8494137 %SmaInc 8507504 %Wings 8500555 8502219 %TheNet 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8504388 %KinBui 8502166 %PARKS 8508964 8511594 8512086 %DicFor 8507725 8500589 8492616 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8503108 8491908 %OnTou %TQfED %7WD 8489505 8490214 %ModArt 8500387 8507946 8489554 %BTC 8506819 # Welcome to the Dungeon (ced356) 8505684 : 8507369 %SCE 8489614 8500867 8501284 8510945 8508638 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8506508 8490199 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8512425 8494137 %SmaInc 8503889 8507504 %Wings 8500555 8502219 8508451 %TheNet 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8504388 %KinBui 8502166 8512550 %PARKS 8508964 8511594 8512086 %DicFor 8502212 8507725 8500589 %CofRoa 8492616 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8503108 8511088 8491908 %OnTou %TQfED %7WD 8489505 8490214 %ModArt 8500387 8507946 8511208 8489554 %BTC 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8512581 8508754 8510761 %NotAlo 8506819 8491291 8507730 %ArtInc %Carto 8509821 %PHZNA # Just One (ced356) 8512579 : 8507369 %SCE 8489614 8500867 8501284 8510945 8508638 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8506508 8490199 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8512425 8494137 %SmaInc 8503889 8507504 %Wings 8500555 8502219 %TheNet 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8504388 %KinBui 8502166 %PARKS 8508964 8511594 8512086 %DicFor 8500589 8492616 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8503108 8511088 8491908 %OnTou 8489505 8490214 %ModArt 8500387 8489554 %BTC 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8512581 %NotAlo 8506819 # The Mysterious Forest (ced356) 8512586 : 8489614 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506508 8490199 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8512425 8494137 %SmaInc 8503889 8507504 %Wings 8502219 %TheNet 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8504388 %KinBui 8508964 8511594 8512086 %DicFor 8492616 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8503108 8511088 8491908 %OnTou %TQfED %7WD 8489505 8490214 %ModArt 8500387 8511208 8489554 %BTC 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8512581 8508754 8510761 %NotAlo 8506819 8509665 8491291 %ArtInc %Carto 8509821 %PHZNA 8512151 8512593 # Air, Land & Sea (ced356) 8512591 : 8489614 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8506508 8490199 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8512425 8494137 %SmaInc 8503889 8507504 %Wings %TheNet 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8504388 %PARKS 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492616 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8491908 %OnTou 8489505 8490214 %ModArt 8500387 8511208 8489554 %BTC 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8506819 8509665 8512151 8512593 # Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries (ced356) 8512595 : # Tobago (ced356) 8512596 : 8500867 8501284 #pragma user "Centropolis" # Confirmation code: I4Vnzim5B98akdDqzdxoig # Fri Oct 1 12:55:50 2021 # (Centropolis) %BMC : 8500531 8507408 # (Centropolis) %CTCF : 8492162 8494955 # (Centropolis) %CryPal : 8489934 8490748 8495249 # (Centropolis) %ExLib : 8491994 8492848 # (Centropolis) %OtUL : 8489453 8491330 # (Centropolis) %PARKS : 8501501 8509166 # (Centropolis) %Ragusa : 8489880 8505111 # (Centropolis) %TheCol : 8489544 8490544 8494728 # Suburbia (Centropolis) 8491676 : %CTCF 8490807 8489780 8490138 8490802 8494044 8492901 8490123 8490240 8493151 8505846 %CryPal 8507516 8501877 8504739 8505765 8506726 8510150 8507741 %PARKS %ExLib 8492794 8489897 %BMC 8501955 8508448 %TheCol 8494677 8490457 8508818 8491609 8500387 8508964 8501554 8491291 8490083 # 7 Wonders (Centropolis) 8495394 : %CTCF 8490807 8489780 8490138 8490802 8494044 8492901 8490123 8490240 8493151 8505846 %CryPal 8507516 8501877 8504739 8505765 8506726 8510150 8507741 %PARKS %ExLib 8492794 8489897 %BMC 8501955 8508448 %TheCol 8494677 8490457 8508818 8491609 8500387 8508964 8501554 8491291 8490083 8509730 %Ragusa # Lords of Xidit (Centropolis) 8495404 : %CTCF 8490807 8489780 8490138 8490802 8494044 8492901 8490123 8490240 8493151 8505846 %CryPal 8507516 8501877 8504739 8505765 8506726 8510150 8507741 %PARKS %ExLib 8492794 8489897 %BMC 8501955 8508448 %TheCol 8494677 8490457 8508818 8491609 8500387 8508964 8501554 8491291 8490083 8509730 %Ragusa 8490095 %OtUL 8502232 # Tapestry (Centropolis) 8495409 : %CTCF 8490807 8489780 8490138 8490802 8494044 8492901 8490123 8490240 8493151 8505846 %CryPal 8507516 8501877 8504739 8505765 8506726 8510150 8507741 #pragma user "Cernbay" # Confirmation code: P1YYrkRW3u2kKlFqqiCs-w # Sun Oct 3 22:05:15 2021 # 8Bit Box (Cernbay) 8492146 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 8501525 8489280 8490102 8490807 8511213 8509954 8489914 8493986 8512341 8490802 8492927 8492973 8494044 8492901 8495982 8492953 8492794 8500004 8492789 8505164 8489184 8505852 8510205 8511189 8503004 8489934 8496134 8500530 8503081 8490050 8492084 8502255 8512345 8510806 8489599 8511217 8504583 8496007 8503462 8508817 8511683 8491607 8489608 8511918 8505099 8489594 8492936 8503135 8503693 8492616 8512450 8500504 8491867 8490753 8492729 8501604 8507894 # Airship City (Cernbay) 8492153 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 8501525 8489280 8490102 8490807 8511213 8509954 8489914 8493986 8512341 8490802 8492927 8492973 8494044 8492901 8495982 8492953 8492794 8500004 8492789 8505164 8489184 8505852 8510205 8511189 8503004 8489934 8496134 8500530 8503081 8490050 8492084 8502255 8512345 8510806 8489599 8511217 8504583 # Millennium Blades (Cernbay) 8492158 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 # Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (Cernbay) 8492161 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 # Caverna: The Cave Farmers (Cernbay) 8492162 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 # Alt Name: Small social game bundle (Cernbay) 8492164 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 8501525 8489280 8490102 8490807 8511213 8509954 8489914 8493986 8512341 8490802 8492927 8492973 8494044 8492901 8495982 8492953 8492794 8500004 8492789 8505164 8489184 8505852 8510205 8511189 8503004 8489934 8496134 8500530 8503081 8490050 8492084 8502255 8512345 8510806 8489599 8511217 8504583 8496007 8503462 8508817 8511683 8491607 8489608 8511918 8505099 8489594 8492936 8503135 # Alt Name: Small game bundle (Cernbay) 8492165 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 8501525 8489280 8490102 8490807 8511213 8509954 8489914 8493986 8512341 8490802 8492927 8492973 8494044 8492901 8495982 8492953 8492794 8500004 8492789 8505164 8489184 8505852 8510205 8511189 8503004 8489934 8496134 8500530 8503081 8490050 8492084 8502255 8512345 8510806 8489599 8511217 8504583 8496007 8503462 8508817 8511683 8491607 8489608 8511918 8505099 8489594 8492936 8503135 8503693 8492616 8512450 8500504 8491867 8490753 8492729 8501604 8507894 # Saltlands (Cernbay) 8492166 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 8501525 8489280 8490102 8490807 8511213 8509954 8489914 8493986 8512341 8490802 8492927 8492973 8494044 8492901 8495982 8492953 8492794 8500004 8492789 8505164 8489184 8505852 8510205 8511189 8503004 8489934 8496134 8500530 8503081 8490050 8492084 8502255 8512345 8510806 8489599 8511217 8504583 # Tang Garden (Cernbay) 8492167 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 # Dune: Imperium (Cernbay) 8492169 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 # Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Base Set (Cernbay) 8492170 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 8501525 8489280 8490102 8490807 8511213 8509954 8489914 8493986 8512341 8490802 8492927 8492973 8494044 8492901 8495982 8492953 8492794 8500004 8492789 8505164 8489184 8505852 8510205 8511189 8503004 8489934 8496134 8500530 8503081 8490050 8492084 8502255 8512345 8510806 8489599 8511217 8504583 # Hero Realms: The Ruin of Thandar Campaign Deck (Cernbay) 8492172 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 8501525 8489280 8490102 8490807 8511213 8509954 8489914 8493986 8512341 8490802 8492927 8492973 8494044 8492901 8495982 8492953 8492794 8500004 8492789 8505164 8489184 8505852 8510205 8511189 8503004 8489934 8496134 8500530 8503081 8490050 8492084 8502255 8512345 8510806 8489599 8511217 8504583 8496007 8503462 8508817 8511683 8491607 8489608 8511918 8505099 8489594 8492936 8503135 8503693 8492616 8512450 8500504 8491867 8490753 8492729 8501604 8507894 8505119 8490932 # Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Card Game (Cernbay) 8492173 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 8501525 8489280 8490102 8490807 8511213 8509954 8489914 8493986 8512341 8490802 8492927 8492973 8494044 8492901 8495982 8492953 8492794 8500004 8492789 8505164 8489184 8505852 8510205 8511189 8503004 8489934 8496134 8500530 8503081 8490050 8492084 8502255 8512345 8510806 8489599 8511217 8504583 8496007 8503462 8508817 8511683 8491607 8489608 8511918 8505099 8489594 8492936 8503135 8503693 8492616 8512450 8500504 8491867 8490753 8492729 8501604 8507894 8505119 8490932 # Mechanica (Cernbay) 8492178 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 8501525 8489280 8490102 8490807 8511213 8509954 8489914 8493986 8512341 8490802 8492927 8492973 8494044 8492901 8495982 8492953 8492794 8500004 8492789 8505164 8489184 8505852 8510205 8511189 8503004 8489934 8496134 8500530 8503081 8490050 8492084 8502255 8512345 8510806 8489599 8511217 8504583 # Rival Restaurants (Cernbay) 8492184 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 # Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile (Cernbay) 8492194 : 8506831 # Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Skull & Shackles – Base Set (Cernbay) 8492199 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 # Coloma: Deluxe Edition (Cernbay) 8492204 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 # Forgotten Waters (Cernbay) 8492213 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 # Lost Ruins of Arnak (Cernbay) 8492224 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 # Reavers of Midgard (Cernbay) 8492231 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 # Obscurio (Cernbay) 8492235 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 8501525 8489280 8490102 8490807 8511213 8509954 8489914 8493986 8512341 8490802 8492927 8492973 8494044 8492901 8495982 8492953 8492794 8500004 8492789 8505164 8489184 8505852 8510205 8511189 8503004 8489934 8496134 8500530 8503081 8490050 8492084 8502255 8512345 8510806 8489599 8511217 # Mariposas (Cernbay) 8492239 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 8501525 8489280 8490102 8490807 8511213 8509954 8489914 8493986 8512341 8490802 8492927 8492973 8494044 8492901 8495982 8492953 8492794 8500004 8492789 8505164 8489184 8505852 8510205 8511189 8503004 8489934 8496134 8500530 8503081 8490050 8492084 8502255 8512345 8510806 8489599 8511217 # Sabotage (Cernbay) 8492247 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 8501525 8489280 8490102 8490807 8511213 8509954 8489914 8493986 8512341 8490802 8492927 8492973 8494044 8492901 8495982 8492953 8492794 8500004 8492789 8505164 8489184 8505852 8510205 8511189 8503004 8489934 8496134 8500530 8503081 8490050 8492084 8502255 8512345 8510806 8489599 8511217 # Montana (Cernbay) 8492260 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 8501525 8489280 8490102 8490807 8511213 # Russian Railroads (Cernbay) 8492265 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 8501525 # Shipyard (Cernbay) 8492268 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 # Brass: Birmingham (Cernbay) 8492273 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 # Brass: Lancashire (Cernbay) 8492275 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 # Smartphone Inc. (Cernbay) 8492276 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 # This War of Mine: The Board Game (Cernbay) 8492282 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 # Francis Drake (Cernbay) 8503884 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 # Theseus: The Dark Orbit (Cernbay) 8503888 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 8501525 8489280 8490102 8490807 8511213 8509954 8489914 8493986 8512341 8490802 8492927 8492973 8494044 8492901 8495982 8492953 8492794 8500004 8492789 8505164 8489184 8505852 8510205 8511189 8503004 8489934 8496134 8500530 8503081 8490050 8492084 8502255 8512345 8510806 8489599 8511217 8504583 8496007 8503462 8508817 8511683 8491607 8489608 8511918 8505099 8489594 8492936 8503135 8503693 8492616 8512450 8500504 8491867 8490753 8492729 8501604 8507894 # Downforce (Cernbay) 8503889 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 # Terraforming Mars (Cernbay) 8503891 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 # Trajan (Cernbay) 8503893 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 8501525 8489280 8490102 8490807 8511213 8509954 8489914 8493986 8512341 8490802 8492927 8492973 8494044 8492901 8495982 8492953 8492794 8500004 8492789 8505164 8489184 8505852 8510205 8511189 8503004 8489934 8496134 8500530 8503081 8490050 8492084 8502255 8512345 8510806 8489599 8511217 8504583 # Rum & Bones (Cernbay) 8503895 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 # Menara (Cernbay) 8503897 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 8501525 8489280 8490102 8490807 8511213 8509954 8489914 8493986 8512341 8490802 8492927 8492973 8494044 8492901 8495982 8492953 8492794 8500004 8492789 8505164 8489184 8505852 8510205 8511189 8503004 8489934 8496134 8500530 8503081 8490050 8492084 8502255 8512345 8510806 8489599 8511217 8504583 # Anachrony (Cernbay) 8503903 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 # Roll for the Galaxy (Cernbay) 8503907 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 # One Deck Dungeon (Cernbay) 8503910 : 8506831 8500168 8504221 8494156 8502478 8498489 8507651 8494160 8511245 8512555 8504853 8500534 8504423 8491743 8511909 8512350 8496683 8503087 8504889 8489028 8498806 8499686 8512535 8504416 8510810 8501525 8489280 8490102 8490807 8511213 8509954 8489914 8493986 8512341 8490802 8492927 8492973 8494044 8492901 8495982 8492953 8492794 8500004 8492789 8505164 8489184 8505852 8510205 8511189 8503004 8489934 8496134 8500530 8503081 8490050 8492084 8502255 8512345 8510806 8489599 8511217 8504583 8496007 8503462 8508817 8511683 8491607 8489608 8511918 8505099 8489594 8492936 8503135 8503693 8492616 8512450 8500504 8491867 8490753 8492729 8501604 8507894 8505119 8490932 #pragma user "Cero21" # Confirmation code: Sim0hp-gOYfo/e1W7nv4Ww # Sun Oct 3 02:11:33 2021 # (Cero21) %Cycla : # (Cero21) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (Cero21) %GAH : 8490114 8494842 8512340 # (Cero21) %HaC : 8489886 8499689 # (Cero21) %HoLAS : 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 # (Cero21) %NYZ : 8503678 8509177 # (Cero21) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (Cero21) %TOotS : 8494088 8501961 # Terra Mystica (Cero21) 8489187 : 8494523 %GAH 8490523 8499686 8511724 %OCoEaE 8495224 8491833 8499998 %HoLAS 8512350 8506518 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 # Terraforming Mars: Venus Next (Cero21) 8489198 : 8494523 %GAH 8490523 8499686 8511724 %OCoEaE 8495224 8491833 8499998 %HoLAS 8512350 8506518 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8505855 %DunImp 8508838 8489117 8503899 8505765 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8495063 8504708 8500580 8496007 8490411 %NYZ 8490240 %TOotS 8502244 8503114 8503108 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 %HaC # The Networks (Cero21) 8501887 : 8494523 %GAH 8490523 8499686 8511724 %OCoEaE 8495224 8491833 8499998 %HoLAS 8512350 8506518 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8505855 %DunImp 8508838 8489117 8503899 8505765 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8495063 #pragma user "chadh" # Confirmation code: cbpibvH-DpPjH6A+j/IbWA # Sun Oct 3 17:23:44 2021 # (chadh) %BetLeg : 8509744 8511189 # (chadh) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (chadh) %BraLan : 8492275 8509746 # (chadh) %CADA : 8490452 8497891 8499100 8511234 # (chadh) %CISADA : 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 # (chadh) %CTCF : 8493405 # (chadh) %CoC : 8494586 8502226 # (chadh) %CoC1 : 8489319 8493161 # (chadh) %Conco : 8489884 8494126 # (chadh) %CosEnc : 8501467 8506771 # (chadh) %DAMCBG : 8504865 8508894 8512334 # (chadh) %DSM : 8494853 8495247 # (chadh) %DomSpe : 8494058 8505855 # (chadh) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 # (chadh) %ECE : 8509741 8512537 # (chadh) %Eclip : 8501766 8508850 8511836 # (chadh) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 # (chadh) %Evolu : 8496010 8505741 # (chadh) %GWT : 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 # (chadh) %GaiPro : 8490442 8492873 8512297 # (chadh) %GhoSto : 8496036 8502216 # (chadh) %ImpSet : 8489799 8490462 8494494 8496113 8499236 8501789 8506951 # (chadh) %Inis : 8492922 8504954 # (chadh) %Keyfl : 8489597 8489814 8504765 8512362 # (chadh) %LoW : 8489211 8489740 8509714 # (chadh) %Marip : 8491872 8492239 8492274 8497154 # (chadh) %Oceans : 8489281 8492940 8500613 8500928 # (chadh) %PanIbe : 8504389 8508819 # (chadh) %PrtPo : 8490805 8509772 # (chadh) %RftG : 8503907 8509823 8511206 # (chadh) %RoT : 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 # (chadh) %SCE : 8490814 8506518 # (chadh) %SDMS : 8498911 8499682 # (chadh) %SEfA : 8509677 8512550 # (chadh) %SWIA : 8494040 8495243 # (chadh) %Snowd : 8490465 8507481 # (chadh) %SpiIsl : 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 # (chadh) %StoAge : 8492125 8493005 8512388 # (chadh) %TCoG : 8491892 8501613 8507517 # (chadh) %TCoT : 8494677 8497633 8511734 # (chadh) %TEQ : 8501566 8503094 # (chadh) %TGTFoA : 8494160 8507732 # (chadh) %TVoMP : 8510450 8512394 # (chadh) %TanGar : 8492167 8496234 # (chadh) %Tapes : 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 # (chadh) %TinTow : 8500580 8502141 # (chadh) %VEE : 8502511 8508664 8510029 # Not Alone (chadh) 8500073 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8492927 8507151 8503076 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8497128 8508817 %CoC1 %GaiPro 8504890 8508200 %ImpSet 8497152 8489128 %PanIbe 8508591 8509877 8498737 %CosEnc 8512504 8493049 8502152 8498633 8499393 8512566 8491398 %StoAge %RftG 8511121 %GhoSto %TCoG 8493456 %BetLeg 8512137 8508829 %CoC %Evolu 8511882 %TVoMP 8496218 %Snowd 8496697 %TCoT 8489505 8489470 8509723 8512446 8504552 %Keyfl %TinTow 8507710 8507342 8503672 %TEQ 8507382 8495404 8508947 %SEfA 8490152 8500578 8502245 8508932 8489182 # 7 Wonders Duel (chadh) 8500088 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8492927 8507151 8503076 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8508817 %CoC1 8508200 8497152 %PanIbe 8508591 8512504 8502152 # Spyfall (chadh) 8500103 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8492927 8507151 8503076 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8497128 8508817 %CoC1 %GaiPro 8504890 8508200 %ImpSet 8497152 8489128 %PanIbe 8508591 8509877 8498737 %CosEnc 8512504 8493049 8502152 8498633 8499393 8512566 8491398 %StoAge %RftG 8511121 %GhoSto %TCoG 8493456 %BetLeg 8512137 8508829 %CoC %Evolu 8511882 %TVoMP 8496218 %Snowd 8496697 %TCoT 8489505 8489470 8509723 8512446 8504552 %Keyfl %TinTow 8507710 8507342 8503672 %TEQ 8507382 8495404 8508947 %SEfA 8512593 8490152 8500578 8502245 8508932 8509101 8508826 8489182 8510060 8511131 8500814 # Forbidden Island (chadh) 8500638 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8492927 8507151 8503076 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8497128 8508817 %CoC1 %GaiPro 8504890 8508200 %ImpSet 8497152 8489128 %PanIbe 8508591 8509877 8498737 %CosEnc 8512504 8493049 8502152 8498633 8499393 8512566 8491398 %StoAge %RftG 8511121 %GhoSto %TCoG 8493456 %BetLeg 8512137 8508829 %CoC %Evolu 8511882 %TVoMP 8496218 %Snowd 8496697 %TCoT 8489505 8489470 8509723 8512446 8504552 %Keyfl %TinTow 8507710 8507342 8503672 %TEQ 8507382 8495404 8508947 %SEfA 8490152 8500578 8502245 8509101 8508826 8489182 # Monarch (chadh) 8500646 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8492927 8507151 8503076 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8497128 8508817 %CoC1 %GaiPro 8504890 8508200 %ImpSet 8497152 8489128 %PanIbe 8508591 8509877 8498737 %CosEnc 8512504 8493049 8502152 8498633 8499393 8512566 8491398 %StoAge %RftG 8511121 %GhoSto %TCoG 8493456 %BetLeg 8512137 8508829 %CoC %Evolu 8511882 %TVoMP 8496218 %Snowd 8496697 %TCoT 8489505 8489470 8509723 8512446 8504552 %Keyfl %TinTow 8507710 8507342 8503672 %TEQ 8507382 8495404 8508947 %SEfA 8512593 8490152 8500578 8502245 8508932 8509101 # Bohnanza (chadh) 8500660 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8492927 8507151 8503076 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8497128 8508817 %CoC1 %GaiPro 8504890 8508200 %ImpSet 8497152 8489128 %PanIbe 8508591 8509877 8498737 %CosEnc 8512504 8493049 8502152 8498633 8499393 8512566 8491398 %StoAge %RftG 8511121 %GhoSto %TCoG 8493456 %BetLeg 8512137 8508829 %CoC %Evolu 8511882 %TVoMP 8496218 %Snowd 8496697 %TCoT 8489505 8489470 8509723 8512446 8504552 %Keyfl %TinTow 8507710 8507342 8503672 %TEQ 8507382 8495404 8508947 %SEfA 8512593 8490152 8500578 8502245 8508932 8509101 8508826 8489182 8510060 8500814 # Adventure Time Card Wars: Finn vs. Jake (chadh) 8500677 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8492927 8507151 8503076 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8497128 8508817 %CoC1 %GaiPro 8504890 8508200 %ImpSet 8497152 8489128 %PanIbe 8508591 8509877 8498737 %CosEnc 8512504 8493049 8502152 8498633 8499393 8512566 8491398 %StoAge %RftG 8511121 %GhoSto %TCoG 8493456 %BetLeg 8512137 8508829 %CoC %Evolu 8511882 %TVoMP 8496218 %Snowd 8496697 %TCoT 8489505 8489470 8509723 8512446 8504552 %Keyfl %TinTow 8507710 8507342 8503672 %TEQ 8507382 8495404 8508947 8512593 # Romance of the Nine Empires (chadh) 8500695 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8492927 8507151 8503076 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8497128 8508817 %CoC1 %GaiPro 8504890 8508200 %ImpSet 8497152 8489128 %PanIbe 8508591 8509877 8498737 %CosEnc 8512504 8493049 8502152 8498633 8499393 8512566 8491398 %StoAge %RftG 8511121 %GhoSto %TCoG 8493456 %BetLeg 8512137 8508829 %CoC %Evolu 8511882 %TVoMP 8496218 %Snowd 8496697 %TCoT 8489505 8489470 8509723 8512446 8504552 %Keyfl %TinTow 8507710 8507342 8503672 %TEQ 8507382 8495404 8508947 %SEfA 8512593 8490152 8500578 8502245 8508932 8509101 8508826 8489182 8510060 8511131 8500814 # 7 Wonders Duel (chadh) 8500701 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 # Pandemic (chadh) 8500707 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8492927 8507151 8503076 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8497128 8508817 %CoC1 %GaiPro 8504890 8508200 %ImpSet 8497152 8489128 %PanIbe 8508591 8509877 8498737 %CosEnc 8512504 8493049 8502152 8498633 8499393 8512566 8491398 %StoAge %RftG 8511121 %GhoSto 8493456 %BetLeg 8512137 %CoC 8511882 %TVoMP 8496218 %Snowd 8489470 8512446 %TinTow # Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Base Set (chadh) 8500718 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8492927 8507151 8503076 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8497128 8508817 %CoC1 %GaiPro 8504890 8508200 %ImpSet 8497152 8489128 %PanIbe 8508591 8509877 8498737 %CosEnc 8512504 8493049 8502152 8498633 8499393 8512566 8491398 %StoAge %RftG 8511121 %GhoSto %TCoG 8493456 %BetLeg %CoC %Evolu 8511882 %Snowd 8496697 %TCoT 8489505 8512446 # Settlers of Catan: Gallery Edition (chadh) 8500755 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8492927 8507151 8503076 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8497128 8508817 %CoC1 %GaiPro 8504890 8508200 %ImpSet 8497152 8489128 %PanIbe 8508591 8509877 8498737 %CosEnc 8512504 8493049 8502152 8498633 8499393 8512566 8491398 %StoAge %RftG 8511121 %GhoSto %TCoG 8493456 %BetLeg 8512137 8508829 %CoC %Evolu 8511882 %TVoMP 8496218 %Snowd 8496697 %TCoT 8489505 8489470 8509723 8512446 8504552 %Keyfl %TinTow 8507710 8507342 8503672 %TEQ 8507382 8495404 8512593 # De Vulgari Eloquentia (chadh) 8500761 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8492927 8507151 8503076 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8497128 8508817 %CoC1 %GaiPro 8504890 8508200 %ImpSet 8497152 8489128 %PanIbe 8508591 8509877 8498737 %CosEnc 8512504 8493049 8502152 8498633 8499393 8512566 8491398 %StoAge %RftG 8511121 %GhoSto %TCoG 8493456 %BetLeg 8512137 8508829 %CoC %Evolu 8511882 %TVoMP 8496218 %Snowd 8496697 %TCoT 8489505 8489470 8509723 8512446 8504552 %Keyfl %TinTow 8507710 8507342 8503672 %TEQ 8507382 8495404 8508947 %SEfA 8512593 8490152 8500578 8502245 8508932 8509101 8508826 8489182 8510060 8511131 8500814 # A Study in Emerald (Second Edition) (chadh) 8500766 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Android (chadh) 8500775 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8507151 8503076 8489128 8509877 8512137 # Flash Duel: Second Edition (chadh) 8500781 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8492927 8507151 8503076 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8497128 8508817 %CoC1 %GaiPro 8504890 8508200 %ImpSet 8497152 8489128 %PanIbe 8508591 8509877 8498737 %CosEnc 8512504 8493049 8502152 8498633 8499393 8512566 8491398 %StoAge %RftG 8511121 %GhoSto %TCoG 8493456 %BetLeg 8512137 8508829 %CoC %Evolu 8511882 %TVoMP 8496218 %Snowd 8496697 %TCoT 8489505 8489470 8509723 8512446 8504552 %Keyfl %TinTow 8507710 8507342 8503672 %TEQ 8507382 8495404 8508947 %SEfA 8512593 8490152 8500578 8502245 8508932 8509101 8508826 8489182 8510060 8511131 # Ponzi Scheme (chadh) 8504489 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8492927 8507151 8503076 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8497128 8508817 %CoC1 %GaiPro 8504890 8508200 %ImpSet 8497152 %PanIbe 8508591 8509877 8498737 %CosEnc 8512504 8493049 8502152 8498633 8499393 8512566 8491398 %StoAge %RftG 8511121 %GhoSto %TCoG 8493456 %BetLeg 8512137 8508829 %CoC 8511882 %TVoMP 8496218 8496697 %TCoT 8489470 8509723 # Risk 2210 A.D. (chadh) 8504976 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8492927 8507151 8503076 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8497128 8508817 %CoC1 %GaiPro 8504890 8508200 %ImpSet 8497152 8489128 %PanIbe 8508591 8509877 8498737 %CosEnc 8512504 8493049 8502152 8498633 8499393 8512566 8491398 %StoAge %RftG 8511121 %GhoSto %TCoG 8493456 %BetLeg 8512137 8508829 %CoC %Evolu 8511882 %TVoMP 8496218 %Snowd 8496697 %TCoT 8489505 8489470 8509723 8512446 8504552 %Keyfl %TinTow 8507710 8507342 8503672 %TEQ 8507382 8495404 8508947 %SEfA 8512593 8490152 8500578 8502245 8508932 8509101 8508826 8510060 8511131 8500814 # Ca$h 'n Guns (Second Edition) (chadh) 8504981 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8492927 8507151 8503076 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8497128 8508817 %CoC1 %GaiPro 8504890 8508200 %ImpSet 8497152 8489128 %PanIbe 8508591 8509877 8498737 %CosEnc 8493049 8502152 8498633 8499393 8512566 8491398 %StoAge %RftG 8511121 %GhoSto %TCoG 8493456 %BetLeg 8508829 %Evolu 8489505 8504552 # Android: Infiltration (chadh) 8504984 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8492927 8507151 8503076 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8497128 8508817 %CoC1 %GaiPro 8504890 8508200 %ImpSet 8497152 8489128 %PanIbe 8508591 8509877 8498737 %CosEnc 8512504 8493049 8502152 8498633 8499393 8512566 8491398 %StoAge %RftG 8511121 %GhoSto %TCoG 8493456 %BetLeg 8512137 8508829 %CoC %Evolu 8511882 %TVoMP 8496218 %Snowd 8496697 %TCoT 8489505 8509723 8504552 %Keyfl 8507710 8507342 8508932 # Sails of Glory (chadh) 8504991 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8507151 8503076 8489128 8509877 8512137 # Marvel United (chadh) 8505008 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8492927 8507151 8503076 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8497128 %CoC1 %GaiPro 8504890 8508200 %ImpSet 8497152 8489128 %PanIbe 8508591 8498737 8512504 8493049 8498633 8499393 8491398 8508829 # Adventure Time Card Wars: Finn vs. Jake (chadh) 8505018 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8492927 8507151 8503076 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8497128 8508817 %CoC1 %GaiPro 8504890 8508200 %ImpSet 8497152 8489128 %PanIbe 8508591 8509877 8498737 %CosEnc 8512504 8493049 8502152 8498633 8499393 8512566 8491398 %StoAge %RftG 8511121 %GhoSto %TCoG 8493456 %BetLeg 8512137 8508829 %CoC %Evolu 8511882 %TVoMP 8496218 %Snowd 8496697 %TCoT 8489505 8489470 8509723 8512446 8504552 %Keyfl %TinTow 8507710 8507342 8503672 %TEQ 8507382 8495404 8508947 %SEfA 8512593 8490152 8500578 # Timeline: Inventions (chadh) 8506661 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8507712 8501471 8508598 8499811 8503903 8512535 8492927 8507151 8503076 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8497128 8508817 %CoC1 %GaiPro 8504890 8508200 %ImpSet 8497152 8489128 %PanIbe 8508591 8509877 8498737 %CosEnc 8512504 8493049 8502152 8498633 8499393 8512566 8491398 %StoAge %RftG 8511121 %GhoSto %TCoG 8493456 %BetLeg 8512137 8508829 %CoC %Evolu 8511882 %TVoMP 8496218 %Snowd 8496697 %TCoT 8489505 8489470 8509723 8512446 8504552 %Keyfl %TinTow 8507710 8507342 8503672 %TEQ 8507382 8495404 8508947 %SEfA 8512593 8490152 8500578 8502245 8508932 8509101 8508826 8489182 8510060 8511131 8500814 # Mr. Jack in New York (chadh) 8511073 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8500517 8507477 %DAMCBG %PrtPo %DSM 8501471 8492927 %Marip %RoT %DomSpe 8497128 8508817 %GaiPro %ImpSet 8498737 %CosEnc 8512566 %TCoG %Evolu # Arkham Horror: The Card Game (chadh) 8511076 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar # Forbidden Sky (chadh) 8511082 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar # Dixit (chadh) 8511086 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar # Deception: Murder in Hong Kong (chadh) 8511090 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 %DAMCBG # Blackout: Hong Kong (chadh) 8511092 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 %SpiIsl 8489389 8494084 8512242 8511235 %SWIA 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512498 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8491727 8506859 8509876 8509875 8509159 %SCE 8489254 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 %SDMS 8504889 8509907 %ECE 8511910 %Everd %BraBir 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8500494 8504423 8494106 %Tapes %TanGar %Eclip %CISADA 8492282 %LoW 8500005 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508699 %CTCF %GWT %Conco %VEE %Inis %CADA 8490828 8492224 8494842 8502219 %BraLan %DunImp 8501501 8497164 8493156 8512552 8500601 8496690 8509951 8512491 8500081 8510930 8503108 %Oceans 8511245 8490332 8510810 8492983 8507651 8492184 8509774 %DAMCBG %PrtPo 8507712 8501471 8492927 %Marip %RoT 8497128 8508817 %CoC1 8504890 #pragma user "changer628" # Confirmation code: 2wXaRhkj9SeYoM1jeddFSg # Sun Oct 3 21:00:57 2021 # (changer628) %AlmMat : # (changer628) %BlaAng : 8490240 8512298 # (changer628) %CoC1 : 8489319 8493161 # (changer628) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 # (changer628) %FlaRou : 8491252 8506713 # (changer628) %TheEst : # Tudor (changer628) 8489591 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 # Champions of Midgard: Jarl Edition (changer628) 8489592 : # Hannibal & Hamilcar (changer628) 8489593 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 # Alt Name: Pandemic: 10th Anniversary Edition (changer628) 8489594 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 # City of Gears (changer628) 8489595 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 8506859 8498633 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507947 8507894 8489099 # Shadows over the Empire (changer628) 8489596 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 8506859 8498633 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507947 8507894 8489099 8507478 8507477 %BlaAng 8511189 8507006 8498496 8504822 8504890 8490762 8500274 8491351 8509907 8494545 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8509915 8510810 8504503 8507504 # Keyflower (changer628) 8489597 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 # Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game (changer628) 8489598 : # Dungeon Lords: Happy Anniversary (changer628) 8489599 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 # Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done (changer628) 8489600 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 # Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia (changer628) 8489601 : # Super Dungeon Explore (changer628) 8489602 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 # Alt Name: Sonic the Hedgehog: Battle Racers Super Pledge (changer628) 8489603 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 # The Flow of History (changer628) 8489605 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 8506859 8498633 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507947 8507894 8489099 8507478 8507477 %BlaAng 8511189 8507006 # Quadropolis (changer628) 8489606 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 8506859 8498633 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507947 8507894 8489099 # Call to Adventure (changer628) 8489608 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 # Great Western Trail (changer628) 8489609 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 # Atelier: The Painter's Studio (changer628) 8489611 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 8506859 8498633 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507947 8507894 8489099 8507478 8507477 %BlaAng 8511189 8507006 8498496 8504822 8504890 8490762 8500274 8491351 8509907 8494545 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8509915 8510810 8504503 8507504 8489419 8496117 8512590 %FlaRou 8502511 %DunImp 8492224 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 8489128 8509707 # Dilluvia Project (changer628) 8489612 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 8506859 8498633 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507947 8507894 8489099 8507478 8507477 %BlaAng 8511189 8507006 8498496 # Hostage Negotiator: Crime Wave (changer628) 8489614 : # Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle (changer628) 8507166 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 8506859 8498633 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507947 8507894 8489099 8507478 8507477 %BlaAng 8511189 8507006 8498496 8504822 8504890 # Gears of War: The Board Game (changer628) 8507181 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 # Arcadia Quest (changer628) 8507186 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 # Star Wars: X-Wing (Second Edition) – Tantive IV Expansion Pack (changer628) 8507187 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 # Snowdonia: Deluxe Master Set (changer628) 8507188 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 # Smartphone Inc. (changer628) 8507193 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 # Android: Netrunner (changer628) 8509713 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 8506859 8498633 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507947 8507894 8489099 8507478 8507477 %BlaAng 8511189 8507006 8498496 8504822 8504890 8490762 8500274 8491351 8509907 8494545 # Lords of Waterdeep (changer628) 8509714 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 # Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 (changer628) 8509719 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 # The Castles of Burgundy (changer628) 8509721 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 8506859 8498633 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507947 8507894 8489099 8507478 8507477 %BlaAng 8511189 8507006 8498496 8504822 8504890 8490762 8500274 8491351 8509907 8494545 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8509915 8510810 8504503 8507504 8489419 8496117 8512590 # Formula D (changer628) 8509723 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 # T.I.M.E Stories (changer628) 8509725 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 8506859 8498633 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507947 8507894 8489099 8507478 8507477 %BlaAng 8511189 8507006 8498496 8504822 8504890 8490762 8500274 8491351 8509907 # Unearth (changer628) 8509726 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 8506859 8498633 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507947 8507894 8489099 8507478 8507477 %BlaAng 8511189 8507006 8498496 8504822 8504890 8490762 8500274 8491351 8509907 8494545 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8509915 8510810 8504503 8507504 8489419 8496117 8512590 %FlaRou 8502511 %DunImp 8492224 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 8489128 8509707 # Android: Netrunner – Creation and Control (changer628) 8509728 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 # Islebound (changer628) 8509730 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 # Above and Below (changer628) 8509731 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 8506859 8498633 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507947 8507894 8489099 8507478 8507477 %BlaAng 8511189 8507006 # Gizmos (changer628) 8509733 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 8506859 8498633 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507947 8507894 8489099 8507478 8507477 %BlaAng 8511189 8507006 8498496 8504822 8504890 8490762 8500274 8491351 8509907 8494545 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8509915 8510810 8504503 8507504 # Vast: The Mysterious Manor (changer628) 8509735 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 8506859 8498633 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507947 8507894 8489099 # Alt Name: The 7th Continent Small Box Expansions (changer628) 8509738 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 # The 7th Continent (changer628) 8509739 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 # The 7th Continent: What Goes Up, Must Come Down (changer628) 8509740 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 # Everdell: Collector's Edition (changer628) 8509741 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 # Betrayal Legacy (changer628) 8509744 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 # Brass: Lancashire (changer628) 8509746 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 # Love Letter Premium (changer628) 8512111 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 # Zombicide: Black Plague – Huntsman Pack (changer628) 8512118 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 # Yokohama (changer628) 8512123 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 # Kingdom Builder (changer628) 8512360 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 8506859 8498633 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507947 8507894 8489099 8507478 8507477 %BlaAng 8511189 8507006 8498496 8504822 8504890 # Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu (changer628) 8512481 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 8506859 8498633 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507947 8507894 8489099 8507478 8507477 %BlaAng 8511189 8507006 8498496 # Bunny Kingdom (changer628) 8512484 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 8506859 8498633 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507947 8507894 8489099 8507478 8507477 %BlaAng 8511189 8507006 8498496 8504822 8504890 8490762 8500274 8491351 8509907 8494545 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 # Nocturion (changer628) 8512487 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 8506859 8498633 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507947 8507894 8489099 8507478 8507477 %BlaAng 8511189 8507006 8498496 8504822 8504890 8490762 8500274 8491351 8509907 8494545 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8509915 8510810 8504503 # Love Letter Premium (changer628) 8512490 : # Near and Far (changer628) 8512498 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 # Trogdor!! The Board Game (changer628) 8512510 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 # Fog of Love: Kickstarter Edition (changer628) 8512521 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 # Forbidden Sky (changer628) 8512565 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 8506859 8498633 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507947 8507894 8489099 8507478 8507477 %BlaAng 8511189 8507006 8498496 8504822 8504890 8490762 8500274 8491351 8509907 8494545 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8509915 8510810 8504503 8507504 # Fantastic Factories (changer628) 8512568 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 8492161 8492194 8497913 8511235 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8499686 8512535 8509876 8509875 8510205 8500621 8507741 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490123 8507944 8494106 8507529 8504889 8502048 8507424 8494551 8503664 8511913 8494040 8511915 8500867 8501284 8499100 8490199 8498911 8505873 8512494 8494436 8491833 8499682 8507651 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8495243 8491743 8511887 8494850 8502255 8494165 8495411 8512537 8509314 8501467 8512555 8490256 8497135 8506831 8490662 8492273 8507539 %CoC1 8491727 8511971 8490343 8506859 8498633 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507947 8507894 8489099 8507478 8507477 %BlaAng 8511189 8507006 8498496 8504822 8504890 8490762 8500274 8491351 8509907 8494545 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8509915 8510810 8504503 8507504 # Rising Sun: Playmat Board (changer628) 8512585 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 # Brass: Birmingham (changer628) 8512589 : 8507709 8494160 8511245 8494156 8507732 8507219 8495224 8512350 8494084 8489533 8507712 #pragma user "Chappyenright" # Confirmation code: rmAe9VndCleCvRw8gLKkcw # Fri Oct 1 12:37:40 2021 # (Chappyenright) %MagMet : 8495215 8504236 # (Chappyenright) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (Chappyenright) %RoT : 8489482 8490824 8491328 # (Chappyenright) %TMPEE : 8507640 8509689 # (Chappyenright) %TheEst : 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 # Unicorn Fever (Chappyenright) 8506220 : 8495224 8512350 8494850 8498489 8504423 %OCoEaE 8488920 8490442 8510205 8489254 8509314 8497914 8503896 8502048 8512488 8504381 8502512 8512537 # Lockup: A Roll Player Tale (Chappyenright) 8506223 : 8495224 8512350 8494850 8498489 8504423 %OCoEaE 8488920 8490442 8510205 8489254 8509314 8497914 8503896 8502048 8512488 8504381 8502512 8512537 8496215 8507434 8494044 %RoT # Coloma (Chappyenright) 8506225 : 8495224 8512350 8494850 8498489 8504423 %OCoEaE 8488920 8490442 8510205 8489254 # Egizia: Shifting Sands – Kickstarter Edition (Chappyenright) 8506226 : 8495224 8512350 8494850 8498489 8504423 %OCoEaE 8488920 8490442 8510205 8489254 8509314 8497914 8503896 8502048 # Aftershock: San Francisco & Venice (Chappyenright) 8506238 : 8495224 8512350 8494850 8498489 8504423 %OCoEaE 8488920 8490442 8510205 8489254 8509314 8497914 8503896 8502048 # Tinners' Trail (Chappyenright) 8506815 : 8495224 8512350 8494850 8498489 8504423 %OCoEaE 8488920 # The Alpha (Chappyenright) 8506819 : 8495224 8512350 8494850 8498489 8504423 %OCoEaE 8488920 8490442 8510205 8489254 8509314 8497914 8503896 8502048 8512488 8504381 8502512 8512537 8496215 8507434 8494044 %RoT 8507712 8507006 8506517 # Mercado de Lisboa (Chappyenright) 8506821 : 8495224 8512350 8494850 8498489 8504423 %OCoEaE 8488920 8490442 8510205 8489254 8509314 8497914 8503896 8502048 8512488 8504381 8502512 8512537 # Trade on the Tigris (Chappyenright) 8506823 : 8495224 8512350 8494850 8498489 8504423 %OCoEaE 8488920 8490442 8510205 8489254 8509314 8497914 8503896 8502048 8512488 8504381 8502512 8512537 8496215 8507434 8494044 %RoT 8507712 8507006 8506517 8511235 8505859 8508638 8494137 %TMPEE 8503114 8503004 8504428 %MagMet 8490148 8494285 # Yedo: Deluxe Master Set (Chappyenright) 8506831 : 8495224 8512350 8494850 8498489 # Space Explorers (Chappyenright) 8506851 : 8495224 8512350 8494850 8498489 8504423 %OCoEaE 8488920 8490442 8510205 8489254 8509314 8497914 8503896 8502048 8512488 8504381 8502512 8512537 8496215 8507434 8494044 %RoT 8507712 8507006 8506517 8511235 8505859 8508638 8494137 %TMPEE 8503114 8503004 8504428 %MagMet 8490148 8494285 8492562 8507373 8495201 8511720 8505797 8507947 8506537 8506477 8503099 8507894 8506531 8509328 8492550 # Targi (Chappyenright) 8506855 : 8495224 8512350 8494850 8498489 8504423 %OCoEaE 8488920 8490442 8510205 8489254 8509314 8497914 8503896 8502048 8512488 8504381 8502512 8512537 8496215 8507434 8494044 %RoT 8507712 8507006 8506517 8511235 8505859 8508638 8494137 %TMPEE 8503114 8503004 8504428 %MagMet 8490148 8494285 8492562 8507373 8495201 8511720 8505797 8507947 8506537 8506477 8503099 8507894 8506531 8509328 8492550 8491908 8507497 %TheEst 8506346 # Ticket to Ride: Märklin (Chappyenright) 8506859 : 8495224 8512350 8494850 8498489 # Crown of Emara (Chappyenright) 8506863 : 8495224 8512350 8494850 8498489 8504423 %OCoEaE 8488920 8490442 8510205 8489254 8509314 8497914 8503896 8502048 8512488 8504381 8502512 8512537 8496215 8507434 8494044 %RoT # Rolling Freight (Chappyenright) 8506872 : 8495224 8512350 8494850 8498489 8504423 %OCoEaE 8488920 8490442 8510205 8489254 8509314 8497914 8503896 8502048 8512488 8504381 8502512 8512537 8496215 8507434 8494044 %RoT 8507712 8507006 8506517 8511235 8505859 8508638 8494137 %TMPEE 8503114 8503004 8504428 %MagMet 8490148 8494285 8492562 8507373 8495201 8511720 8505797 8507947 8506537 8506477 8503099 8507894 # Race for the Galaxy (Chappyenright) 8506883 : 8495224 8512350 8494850 8498489 8504423 %OCoEaE 8488920 8490442 8510205 8489254 8509314 8497914 8503896 8502048 8512488 8504381 8502512 8512537 8496215 8507434 #pragma user "CharlesQc79" # Confirmation code: INe9yQFEDLyUGPrD5ga6kA # Sun Oct 3 21:57:31 2021 # (CharlesQc79) %AHTCG : 8497875 8498306 # (CharlesQc79) %BHK : 8489539 8490001 8490899 8493033 8499161 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 # (CharlesQc79) %CADA : 8495406 8497891 # (CharlesQc79) %CISADA : 8493193 8496003 8498656 # (CharlesQc79) %CLAY : 8507947 8512564 8507894 # (CharlesQc79) %Chart : 8494287 8495982 8507949 8511771 8512224 # (CharlesQc79) %DMiHK : 8490215 8511090 8512421 # (CharlesQc79) %DRtC : 8489186 8512300 # (CharlesQc79) %Desti : 8493169 8505558 # (CharlesQc79) %DisVil : 8504416 8510810 # (CharlesQc79) %DoWACG : 8498857 8500599 # (CharlesQc79) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (CharlesQc79) %ECE : 8512488 8509741 8512537 # (CharlesQc79) %EMA : 8489028 8489205 8496683 # (CharlesQc79) %EtN : 8499695 8501570 # (CharlesQc79) %GAH : 8490114 8494842 8512340 # (CharlesQc79) %GMIC : 8490802 8511855 # (CharlesQc79) %GWT : 8489193 8489609 8490195 # (CharlesQc79) %GlaRoa : 8501525 8511213 # (CharlesQc79) %HA : 8492910 8497071 8505858 # (CharlesQc79) %HoLAS : # (CharlesQc79) %KBaS : 8500000 8502994 8511910 # (CharlesQc79) %Keyfl : 8489597 8504765 8512362 # (CharlesQc79) %LSE : 8494549 8496537 # (CharlesQc79) %MarUni : 8490050 8492084 8512459 8512474 # (CharlesQc79) %MdL : 8492950 8495045 # (CharlesQc79) %MoMSE : 8489259 8492161 # (CharlesQc79) %NDE : 8489034 8506499 # (CharlesQc79) %NEOM : 8512347 8512461 # (CharlesQc79) %NYZ : 8503462 8509177 # (CharlesQc79) %NewFro : 8493151 8497914 # (CharlesQc79) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (CharlesQc79) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 # (CharlesQc79) %Paper : 8490063 8510105 # (CharlesQc79) %PrtPo : 8490805 8509772 # (CharlesQc79) %Reykh : 8496491 8508451 8512378 # (CharlesQc79) %Root : 8496001 # (CharlesQc79) %SDMS : 8498911 8499682 # (CharlesQc79) %Santo : 8489141 8493042 8499745 8509655 # (CharlesQc79) %SmaUp : 8494787 8512294 # (CharlesQc79) %TOotS : 8494088 8501961 # (CharlesQc79) %TTIE : 8507516 8511738 # (CharlesQc79) %TanGar : 8492167 8496234 # (CharlesQc79) %Tapes : 8495409 8500851 8509759 # (CharlesQc79) %TtRE : 8496688 8500577 # (CharlesQc79) %TtRNC : 8489914 8512595 # (CharlesQc79) %Yokoh : 8499686 8512535 # 7 Wonders (CharlesQc79) 8490479 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 # Pandemic: 10th Anniversary Edition ─ Painted Figures (CharlesQc79) 8490481 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 8494106 8512555 8506518 8512590 8511245 8489095 8499100 8500534 8506859 8503009 8507388 8511634 8512518 8494523 8489780 8490027 %GMIC 8509885 %EMA 8498633 8490343 8489600 8507712 8489254 8499301 8510212 8497164 8507478 8502137 8507219 8501877 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8512494 8496010 8499691 8498195 8500260 8501380 8508598 8508699 8511206 8492224 8509774 %GlaRoa 8494040 8495243 8510205 %KBaS 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504717 8498489 8499778 8493711 8512585 8507363 8489211 8500168 8499998 8491998 8502937 8509954 8509714 8510209 8495224 8511726 8501467 8511121 8507511 %DunImp 8512498 8512504 8500772 8492927 8504436 8506531 8507944 8508817 8511211 8509159 %Desti 8497233 8502982 8512563 8494282 8507355 8490163 %ECE 8507499 %Yokoh 8496218 8499693 8509744 8508641 8509068 8511207 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8497076 8512165 8507741 %NDE 8502048 8509924 # Pokémon Trading Card Game (CharlesQc79) 8490484-COPY1 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 8494106 8512555 8506518 8512590 8511245 8489095 8499100 8500534 8506859 8503009 8507388 8511634 8512518 8494523 8489780 8490027 %GMIC 8509885 %EMA 8498633 8490343 8489600 8507712 8489254 8499301 8510212 8497164 8507478 8502137 8507219 8501877 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8512494 8496010 8499691 8498195 8500260 8501380 8508598 8508699 8511206 8492224 8509774 %GlaRoa 8494040 8495243 8510205 %KBaS 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504717 8498489 8499778 8493711 8512585 8507363 8489211 8499998 8491998 8489594 8502937 8509714 8510209 # Pokémon Trading Card Game (CharlesQc79) 8490484-COPY2 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 8494106 8512555 8506518 8512590 8511245 8489095 8499100 8500534 8506859 8503009 8507388 8511634 8512518 8494523 8489780 8490027 %GMIC 8509885 %EMA 8498633 8490343 8489600 8507712 8489254 8499301 8510212 8497164 8507478 8502137 8507219 8501877 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8512494 8496010 8499691 8498195 8500260 8501380 8508598 8508699 8511206 8492224 8509774 %GlaRoa 8494040 8495243 8510205 %KBaS 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504717 8498489 8499778 8493711 8512585 8507363 8489211 8499998 8491998 8489594 8502937 8509714 8510209 # Pokémon Trading Card Game (CharlesQc79) 8490484-COPY3 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 8494106 8512555 8506518 8512590 8511245 8489095 8499100 8500534 8506859 8503009 8507388 8511634 8512518 8494523 8489780 8490027 %GMIC 8509885 %EMA 8498633 8490343 8489600 8507712 8489254 8499301 8510212 8497164 8507478 8502137 8507219 8501877 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8512494 8496010 8499691 8498195 8500260 8501380 8508598 8508699 8511206 8492224 8509774 %GlaRoa 8494040 8495243 8510205 %KBaS 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504717 8498489 8499778 8493711 8512585 8507363 8489211 8499998 8491998 8489594 8502937 8509714 8510209 # Pipeline (CharlesQc79) 8490485 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 # Dune: Imperium – Jessica of Arrakis Promo Card (CharlesQc79) 8490486-COPY1 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 8494106 8512555 8506518 8512590 8511245 8489095 8499100 8500534 8506859 8503009 8507388 8511634 8512518 8494523 8489780 8490027 %GMIC 8509885 %EMA 8498633 8490343 8489600 8507712 8489254 8499301 8510212 8497164 8507478 8502137 8507219 8501877 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8512494 8496010 8499691 8498195 8500260 8501380 8508598 8508699 8511206 8492224 8509774 %GlaRoa 8494040 8495243 8510205 %KBaS 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504717 8498489 8499778 8493711 8512585 8507363 8489211 8500168 8499998 8491998 8489594 8502937 8509954 8509714 8510209 8495224 8511726 8501467 8511121 8507511 %DunImp 8512498 8512504 8500772 8492927 8504436 8506531 8507944 8508817 8511211 8509159 %Desti 8497233 8502982 8512563 8494282 8507355 8490163 %ECE 8507499 %Yokoh 8496218 8499693 8509744 8508641 8509068 8511207 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8497076 8512165 8507741 %NDE 8502048 8509924 8497008 %CADA %MoMSE %GAH %PARKS 8490398 %TtRNC %CISADA %Tapes 8510945 %Chart 8500001 8505794 %DisVil 8494138 8511208 %Reykh 8499258 8500456 8509520 %8509577 %8509634 8509707 8512479 8512230 8495232 8511217 %GWT %Root 8499811 8502172 8509823 %Keyfl 8500560 8506883 8501534 %DoWACG 8504685 8490023 %AHTCG 8511076 %TtRE %DMiHK 8509829 %Santo %Paper 8507436 %PCR 8509933 8508965 8490411 8496690 %HA 8507577 8503448 %NYZ 8512298 %TOotS %NewFro %PrtPo 8508986 8510203 8507374 8509879 8509969 %LSE 8497952 8505793 8499996 8511887 8494289 8510679 8490177 8500501 8494113 %EtN 8504428 %BHK 8502151 8506671 %TanGar %SmaUp 8508951 8489602 8511720 %TTIE 8499994 8507438 8500005 8493712 8490794 8491609 8493705 8506746 %8509528 %8509626 8509665 8509777 8510761 8511882 8512137 8512151 8512293 8512379 8512409 8512446 8512593 %DRtC 8492231 8512495 %NEOM 8490171 %MarUni 8496091 8495204 %MdL %SDMS 8502255 8504878 8500274 8508645 8489103 8506538 8500578 8491351 8508627 8507074 8495182 8495235 8512098 8509912 8501776 %CLAY 8500498 8500267 8512123 8512552 8490838 8499611 8509874 8492031 8504430 8492606 8502164 8497037 8499257 8495231 %8509454 %8509525 %8509571 %8509585 %8509656 %8509661 8502506 8501480 8490826 8501590 8496207 # Dune: Imperium – Jessica of Arrakis Promo Card (CharlesQc79) 8490486-COPY2 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 8494106 8512555 8506518 8512590 8511245 8489095 8499100 8500534 8506859 8503009 8507388 8511634 8512518 8494523 8489780 8490027 %GMIC 8509885 %EMA 8498633 8490343 8489600 8507712 8489254 8499301 8510212 8497164 8507478 8502137 8507219 8501877 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8512494 8496010 8499691 8498195 8500260 8501380 8508598 8508699 8511206 8492224 8509774 %GlaRoa 8494040 8495243 8510205 %KBaS 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504717 8498489 8499778 8493711 8512585 8507363 8489211 8500168 8499998 8491998 8489594 8502937 8509954 8509714 8510209 8495224 8511726 8501467 8511121 8507511 %DunImp 8512498 8512504 8500772 8492927 8504436 8506531 8507944 8508817 8511211 8509159 %Desti 8497233 8502982 8512563 8494282 8507355 8490163 %ECE 8507499 %Yokoh 8496218 8499693 8509744 8508641 8509068 8511207 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8497076 8512165 8507741 %NDE 8502048 8509924 8497008 %CADA %MoMSE %GAH %PARKS 8490398 %TtRNC %CISADA %Tapes 8510945 %Chart 8500001 8505794 %DisVil 8494138 8511208 %Reykh 8499258 8500456 8509520 %8509577 %8509634 8509707 8512479 8512230 8495232 8511217 %GWT %Root 8499811 8502172 8509823 %Keyfl 8500560 8506883 8501534 %DoWACG 8504685 8490023 %AHTCG 8511076 %TtRE %DMiHK 8509829 %Santo %Paper 8507436 %PCR 8509933 8508965 8490411 8496690 %HA 8507577 8503448 %NYZ 8512298 %TOotS %NewFro %PrtPo 8508986 8510203 8507374 8509879 8509969 %LSE 8497952 8505793 8499996 8511887 8494289 8510679 8490177 8500501 8494113 %EtN 8504428 %BHK 8502151 8506671 %TanGar %SmaUp 8508951 8489602 8511720 %TTIE 8499994 8507438 8500005 8493712 8490794 8491609 8493705 8506746 %8509528 %8509626 8509665 8509777 8510761 8511882 8512137 8512151 8512293 8512379 8512409 8512446 8512593 %DRtC 8492231 8512495 %NEOM 8490171 %MarUni 8496091 8495204 %MdL %SDMS 8502255 8504878 8500274 8508645 8489103 8506538 8500578 8491351 8508627 8507074 8495182 8495235 8512098 8509912 8501776 %CLAY 8500498 8500267 8512123 8512552 8490838 8499611 8509874 8492031 8504430 8492606 8502164 8497037 8499257 8495231 %8509454 %8509525 %8509571 %8509585 %8509656 %8509661 8502506 8501480 8490826 8501590 8496207 # Dune: Imperium – Jessica of Arrakis Promo Card (CharlesQc79) 8490486-COPY3 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 8494106 8512555 8506518 8512590 8511245 8489095 8499100 8500534 8506859 8503009 8507388 8511634 8512518 8494523 8489780 8490027 %GMIC 8509885 %EMA 8498633 8490343 8489600 8507712 8489254 8499301 8510212 8497164 8507478 8502137 8507219 8501877 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8512494 8496010 8499691 8498195 8500260 8501380 8508598 8508699 8511206 8492224 8509774 %GlaRoa 8494040 8495243 8510205 %KBaS 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504717 8498489 8499778 8493711 8512585 8507363 8489211 8500168 8499998 8491998 8489594 8502937 8509954 8509714 8510209 8495224 8511726 8501467 8511121 8507511 %DunImp 8512498 8512504 8500772 8492927 8504436 8506531 8507944 8508817 8511211 8509159 %Desti 8497233 8502982 8512563 8494282 8507355 8490163 %ECE 8507499 %Yokoh 8496218 8499693 8509744 8508641 8509068 8511207 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8497076 8512165 8507741 %NDE 8502048 8509924 8497008 %CADA %MoMSE %GAH %PARKS 8490398 %TtRNC %CISADA %Tapes 8510945 %Chart 8500001 8505794 %DisVil 8494138 8511208 %Reykh 8499258 8500456 8509520 %8509577 %8509634 8509707 8512479 8512230 8495232 8511217 %GWT %Root 8499811 8502172 8509823 %Keyfl 8500560 8506883 8501534 %DoWACG 8504685 8490023 %AHTCG 8511076 %TtRE %DMiHK 8509829 %Santo %Paper 8507436 %PCR 8509933 8508965 8490411 8496690 %HA 8507577 8503448 %NYZ 8512298 %TOotS %NewFro %PrtPo 8508986 8510203 8507374 8509879 8509969 %LSE 8497952 8505793 8499996 8511887 8494289 8510679 8490177 8500501 8494113 %EtN 8504428 %BHK 8502151 8506671 %TanGar %SmaUp 8508951 8489602 8511720 %TTIE 8499994 8507438 8500005 8493712 8490794 8491609 8493705 8506746 %8509528 %8509626 8509665 8509777 8510761 8511882 8512137 8512151 8512293 8512379 8512409 8512446 8512593 %DRtC 8492231 8512495 %NEOM 8490171 %MarUni 8496091 8495204 %MdL %SDMS 8502255 8504878 8500274 8508645 8489103 8506538 8500578 8491351 8508627 8507074 8495182 8495235 8512098 8509912 8501776 %CLAY 8500498 8500267 8512123 8512552 8490838 8499611 8509874 8492031 8504430 8492606 8502164 8497037 8499257 8495231 %8509454 %8509525 %8509571 %8509585 %8509656 %8509661 8502506 8501480 8490826 8501590 8496207 # Dune: Imperium – Jessica of Arrakis Promo Card (CharlesQc79) 8490486-COPY4 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 8494106 8512555 8506518 8512590 8511245 8489095 8499100 8500534 8506859 8503009 8507388 8511634 8512518 8494523 8489780 8490027 %GMIC 8509885 %EMA 8498633 8490343 8489600 8507712 8489254 8499301 8510212 8497164 8507478 8502137 8507219 8501877 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8512494 8496010 8499691 8498195 8500260 8501380 8508598 8508699 8511206 8492224 8509774 %GlaRoa 8494040 8495243 8510205 %KBaS 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504717 8498489 8499778 8493711 8512585 8507363 8489211 8500168 8499998 8491998 8489594 8502937 8509954 8509714 8510209 8495224 8511726 8501467 8511121 8507511 %DunImp 8512498 8512504 8500772 8492927 8504436 8506531 8507944 8508817 8511211 8509159 %Desti 8497233 8502982 8512563 8494282 8507355 8490163 %ECE 8507499 %Yokoh 8496218 8499693 8509744 8508641 8509068 8511207 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8497076 8512165 8507741 %NDE 8502048 8509924 8497008 %CADA %MoMSE %GAH %PARKS 8490398 %TtRNC %CISADA %Tapes 8510945 %Chart 8500001 8505794 %DisVil 8494138 8511208 %Reykh 8499258 8500456 8509520 %8509577 %8509634 8509707 8512479 8512230 8495232 8511217 %GWT %Root 8499811 8502172 8509823 %Keyfl 8500560 8506883 8501534 %DoWACG 8504685 8490023 %AHTCG 8511076 %TtRE %DMiHK 8509829 %Santo %Paper 8507436 %PCR 8509933 8508965 8490411 8496690 %HA 8507577 8503448 %NYZ 8512298 %TOotS %NewFro %PrtPo 8508986 8510203 8507374 8509879 8509969 %LSE 8497952 8505793 8499996 8511887 8494289 8510679 8490177 8500501 8494113 %EtN 8504428 %BHK 8502151 8506671 %TanGar %SmaUp 8508951 8489602 8511720 %TTIE 8499994 8507438 8500005 8493712 8490794 8491609 8493705 8506746 %8509528 %8509626 8509665 8509777 8510761 8511882 8512137 8512151 8512293 8512379 8512409 8512446 8512593 %DRtC 8492231 8512495 %NEOM 8490171 %MarUni 8496091 8495204 %MdL %SDMS 8502255 8504878 8500274 8508645 8489103 8506538 8500578 8491351 8508627 8507074 8495182 8495235 8512098 8509912 8501776 %CLAY 8500498 8500267 8512123 8512552 8490838 8499611 8509874 8492031 8504430 8492606 8502164 8497037 8499257 8495231 %8509454 %8509525 %8509571 %8509585 %8509656 %8509661 8502506 8501480 8490826 8501590 8496207 # Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game (CharlesQc79) 8490488 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 8494106 8512555 8506518 8512590 8511245 8489095 8499100 8500534 8506859 8503009 8507388 8511634 8512518 8494523 8489780 8490027 %GMIC 8509885 %EMA 8498633 8490343 8489600 8507712 8489254 8499301 8510212 8497164 8507478 8502137 8507219 8501877 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8512494 8496010 8499691 8498195 8500260 8501380 8508598 8508699 8511206 8492224 8509774 %GlaRoa 8494040 8495243 8510205 %KBaS 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504717 8498489 8499778 8493711 8512585 8507363 8489211 8500168 8499998 8491998 8489594 8502937 8509954 8509714 8510209 8495224 8511726 8501467 8511121 8507511 %DunImp 8512498 8512504 8500772 8492927 8504436 8506531 8507944 8508817 8511211 8509159 %Desti 8497233 8502982 8512563 8494282 8507355 8490163 %ECE 8507499 %Yokoh 8496218 8499693 8509744 8508641 8509068 8511207 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8497076 8512165 8507741 %NDE 8502048 8509924 8497008 %CADA %MoMSE %GAH %PARKS 8490398 %TtRNC %CISADA %Tapes 8510945 %Chart 8500001 8505794 %DisVil 8494138 8511208 %Reykh 8499258 8500456 8509520 %8509577 %8509634 8509707 8512479 8512230 8495232 8511217 # Smash Up: Titans Event Kit – Winner's Prizes (CharlesQc79) 8490489 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 8494106 8512555 8506518 8512590 8511245 8489095 8499100 8509885 # Alt Name: Funko Pop : Cara Dune (Special Edition) 356 (CharlesQc79) 8490490 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 8494106 8512555 8506518 8512590 8511245 8489095 8499100 8500534 8506859 8503009 8507388 8511634 8512518 8494523 8489780 8490027 %GMIC 8509885 %EMA 8498633 8490343 8489600 8507712 8489254 8499301 8510212 8497164 8502137 8507219 8501877 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8512494 8496010 8499691 8498195 8500260 8501380 # Alt Name: The Lord of the Rings : The Card Game - The Realm of Middle Earth playmat + Attack on Dol Guldur scenario (CharlesQc79) 8490492 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 8494106 8512555 8506518 8512590 8511245 8489095 8499100 8500534 8506859 8503009 8507388 8511634 8512518 8494523 8489780 8490027 %GMIC %EMA 8498633 8490343 8489600 8507712 8489254 8499301 8510212 8497164 8507478 8502137 8507219 8501877 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8512494 8498195 8500260 8501380 8508598 8508699 8511206 8492224 8509774 %GlaRoa 8494040 8495243 8510205 %KBaS 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504717 8498489 8499778 8493711 8512585 8500168 8489594 # Alt Name: Keyforge - Decks & Rare Promotional Accessories (CharlesQc79) 8490493 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 8494106 8512555 8506518 8512590 8511245 8489095 8499100 8500534 8506859 8503009 8507388 8511634 8512518 8494523 8489780 8490027 %GMIC 8509885 %EMA 8498633 8490343 8489600 8507712 8489254 8499301 8510212 8497164 8507478 8502137 8507219 8501877 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8512494 8496010 8499691 8498195 8500260 8501380 8508598 8508699 8511206 8492224 8509774 %GlaRoa 8494040 8495243 8510205 %KBaS 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504717 8498489 8499778 8493711 8512585 8507363 8489211 8500168 8499998 8491998 8489594 8502937 8509954 8509714 8510209 8495224 8511726 8501467 8511121 8507511 %DunImp 8512498 8512504 8500772 8492927 8504436 8506531 8507944 8508817 8511211 8509159 %Desti 8497233 8502982 8512563 8494282 8507355 8490163 %ECE # Alt Name: Marvel Champions Promos - Green Goblin & Wrecking Crew (CharlesQc79) 8490496 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 8494106 8512555 8506518 8512590 8511245 8489095 8499100 8500534 8506859 8503009 8507388 8511634 8512518 8494523 8489780 8490027 %GMIC 8509885 %EMA 8498633 8490343 8489600 8507712 8489254 8499301 8510212 8497164 8507478 8502137 8507219 8501877 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8512494 8496010 8499691 8498195 8500260 8501380 8508598 8508699 8511206 8492224 8509774 %GlaRoa 8494040 8495243 8510205 %KBaS 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504717 8498489 8499778 8493711 8512585 8507363 8489211 8500168 8499998 8491998 8489594 8502937 8509954 8509714 8510209 8495224 8511726 8501467 8511121 8507511 %DunImp 8512498 8512504 8500772 8492927 8504436 8506531 8507944 8508817 8511211 8509159 %Desti 8497233 8502982 8512563 8494282 8507355 8490163 %ECE 8507499 %Yokoh 8496218 8499693 8509744 8508641 8509068 8511207 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8497076 8512165 8507741 %NDE 8502048 8509924 8497008 %CADA %MoMSE %GAH %PARKS 8490398 %TtRNC %CISADA %Tapes 8510945 %Chart 8500001 8505794 %DisVil 8494138 8511208 %Reykh 8499258 8500456 8509520 %8509577 %8509634 8509707 8512479 8512230 8495232 8511217 %GWT %Root 8499811 8502172 8509823 %Keyfl 8500560 8506883 8501534 %DoWACG 8504685 8490023 %AHTCG 8511076 %TtRE %DMiHK 8509829 %Santo %Paper 8507436 %PCR 8509933 8508965 8490411 8496690 %HA 8507577 8503448 %NYZ 8512298 %TOotS %NewFro %PrtPo 8508986 8510203 8507374 8509879 8509969 %LSE 8497952 8505793 8499996 8511887 8494289 8510679 8490177 8500501 8494113 %EtN 8504428 %BHK 8502151 8506671 %TanGar %SmaUp 8508951 8489602 8511720 %TTIE 8499994 8507438 8500005 8493712 8490794 8491609 8493705 8506746 %8509528 %8509626 8509665 8509777 8510761 8511882 8512137 8512151 8512293 8512379 8512409 8512446 8512593 %DRtC 8492231 8512495 %NEOM 8490171 %MarUni 8496091 8495204 %MdL %SDMS 8502255 8504878 8500274 8508645 8489103 8506538 8500578 8491351 8508627 8507074 8495182 8495235 8512098 8509912 8501776 %CLAY # Descent: Legends of the Dark – Hybird Centurion Promo Figure (CharlesQc79) 8493096 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 8494106 8512555 8506518 8512590 8511245 8489095 8499100 8500534 8506859 8503009 8507388 8511634 8512518 8494523 8489780 8490027 %GMIC 8509885 %EMA 8498633 8490343 8489600 8507712 8489254 8499301 8510212 8497164 8507478 8502137 8507219 8501877 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8512494 8496010 8499691 8498195 8500260 8501380 8508598 8508699 8511206 8492224 8509774 %GlaRoa 8494040 8495243 8510205 %KBaS 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504717 8498489 8499778 8493711 8512585 8507363 8489211 8500168 8499998 8491998 8489594 8502937 8509954 8495224 8511726 # Agricola (Revised Edition) (CharlesQc79) 8495190 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 # Descent: Legends of the Dark – Redesigned Acrylic Dials (CharlesQc79) 8497133 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 8494106 8512555 8506518 8512590 # Merchants Cove (CharlesQc79) 8497135 : # Nations: The Dice Game (CharlesQc79) 8497141 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 8494106 8512555 8506518 8512590 8511245 8489095 8499100 8500534 8506859 8503009 8507388 8511634 8512518 8494523 8489780 8490027 %GMIC 8509885 %EMA 8498633 8490343 8489600 8507712 8489254 8499301 8510212 8497164 8507478 8502137 8507219 8501877 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8512494 8496010 8499691 # Alt Name: Blood Rage - Gods of Asdard Deluxe + other stuff (CharlesQc79) 8497144 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 8494106 8512555 8506518 8512590 8511245 8489095 8499100 8500534 8506859 8503009 8507388 8511634 8512518 8509885 %EMA 8498633 8489600 8507712 8507478 # Get the MacGuffin (CharlesQc79) 8497145 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 8494106 8512555 8506518 8512590 8511245 8489095 8499100 8500534 8506859 8503009 8507388 8511634 8512518 8494523 8489780 8490027 %GMIC 8509885 %EMA 8498633 8490343 8489600 8507712 8489254 8499301 8510212 8497164 8507478 8502137 8507219 8501877 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8512494 8496010 8499691 8498195 8500260 8501380 8508598 8508699 8511206 8492224 8509774 %GlaRoa 8494040 8495243 8510205 %KBaS 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504717 8498489 8499778 8493711 8512585 8507363 8489211 8500168 8499998 8491998 8489594 8502937 8509954 8509714 8510209 8495224 8511726 8501467 8511121 8507511 %DunImp 8512498 8512504 8500772 8492927 8504436 8506531 8507944 8508817 8511211 8509159 %Desti 8497233 8502982 8512563 8494282 8507355 8490163 %ECE 8507499 %Yokoh 8496218 8499693 8509744 8508641 8509068 8511207 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8497076 8512165 8507741 %NDE 8502048 8509924 8497008 %CADA %MoMSE %GAH %PARKS 8490398 %TtRNC %CISADA %Tapes 8510945 %Chart 8500001 8505794 %DisVil 8494138 8511208 %Reykh 8499258 8500456 8509520 %8509577 %8509634 8509707 8512479 8512230 8495232 8511217 %GWT %Root 8499811 8502172 8509823 %Keyfl 8500560 8506883 8501534 %DoWACG 8504685 8490023 %AHTCG 8511076 %TtRE %DMiHK 8509829 %Santo %Paper 8507436 %PCR 8509933 8508965 8490411 8496690 %HA 8507577 8503448 %NYZ 8512298 %TOotS %NewFro %PrtPo 8508986 8510203 8507374 8509879 8509969 %LSE 8497952 8505793 8499996 8511887 8494289 8510679 8490177 8500501 8494113 %EtN 8504428 %BHK 8502151 8506671 %TanGar %SmaUp 8508951 8489602 8511720 %TTIE 8499994 8507438 8500005 8493712 8490794 8491609 8493705 8506746 %8509528 %8509626 8509665 8509777 8510761 8511882 8512137 8512151 8512293 8512379 8512409 8512446 8512593 %DRtC 8492231 8512495 %NEOM 8490171 %MarUni 8496091 8495204 %MdL %SDMS 8502255 8504878 8500274 8508645 8489103 8506538 8500578 8491351 8508627 8507074 8495182 8495235 8512098 8509912 8501776 %CLAY # Alt Name: King of Tokyo Promos & Accessories (CharlesQc79) 8497146 : 8494084 8494160 8494156 8494165 8512508 8489389 8504423 8507732 8512350 8494850 8500867 8501284 8494106 8512555 8506518 8512590 8511245 8489095 8500534 8506859 8503009 8507388 8511634 8512518 8494523 8489780 8490027 %GMIC 8490343 8489254 8499301 8510212 # Note: The following 10 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Paladins of the West Kingdom by Gaming Trunk (CharlesQc79) %8509454 : 8509454-COPY1 8509454-COPY2 8509454-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Wingspan by Gaming Trunk (CharlesQc79) %8509525 : 8509525-COPY1 8509525-COPY2 8509525-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Underwater Cities by Gaming Trunk (CharlesQc79) %8509528 : 8509528-COPY1 8509528-COPY2 8509528-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Maracaibo by Gaming Trunk (CharlesQc79) %8509571 : 8509571-COPY1 8509571-COPY2 8509571-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Gaia Project and overlays for the player boards by Gaming Trunk (CharlesQc79) %8509577 : 8509577-COPY1 8509577-COPY2 8509577-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Clank! by Gaming Trunk (CharlesQc79) %8509585 : 8509585-COPY1 8509585-COPY2 8509585-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion by Gaming Trunk (CharlesQc79) %8509626 : 8509626-COPY1 8509626-COPY2 8509626-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Hallertau by Gaming Trunk (CharlesQc79) %8509634 : 8509634-COPY1 8509634-COPY2 8509634-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Lost Ruins of Arnak by Gaming Trunk (CharlesQc79) %8509656 : 8509656-COPY1 8509656-COPY2 8509656-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition by Gaming Trunk (CharlesQc79) %8509661 : 8509661-COPY1 8509661-COPY2 8509661-COPY3 #pragma user "Chillosophy" # Confirmation code: 19UFt6q6lOFVXZSBpwciDA # Sat Oct 2 12:54:33 2021 # (Chillosophy) %Agra : 8496134 8500530 # (Chillosophy) %AlmMat : 8502468 8505844 8510034 # (Chillosophy) %Crypt : 8502024 8508497 # (Chillosophy) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (Chillosophy) %ExLib : 8491994 8492848 # (Chillosophy) %GaiPro : 8490442 8492873 8512297 # (Chillosophy) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (Chillosophy) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (Chillosophy) %KAoA : 8507270 8507273 8509207 8511051 # (Chillosophy) %MagMet : 8495215 8504236 8502240 # (Chillosophy) %Monta : 8492260 8494961 # (Chillosophy) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 8509177 # (Chillosophy) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 8509933 # (Chillosophy) %Ragusa : 8489880 8505111 # (Chillosophy) %TCoG : 8491892 8501613 8507517 # (Chillosophy) %Villa : 8502151 8508641 # Wasteland Express Delivery Service (Chillosophy) 8490332 : 8507529 8494160 8511724 8495224 8507953 8494156 8512350 8497135 8502478 8506518 8509314 8504423 8497913 8489780 8505002 8502994 8494165 8507369 8502512 8511910 %GaiPro 8505859 %Halle 8507424 8500867 8501284 %PCR 8494044 8504430 8490762 8494289 8504428 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 # Gloomhaven: Forgotten Circles (Chillosophy) 8490335 : 8507529 8494160 8511724 8495224 8507953 8494156 8512350 8497135 8502478 8506518 8509314 8504423 8497913 8489780 8505002 8502994 8494165 8507369 8502512 8511910 %GaiPro 8505859 %Halle 8507424 8500867 8501284 %PCR 8494044 8504430 8490762 8494289 8504428 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504954 8508693 8500004 8511909 %Agra %DunImp %TCoG 8507433 8495229 8500501 8490477 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511922 8512081 %Ragusa %Monta 8492927 8492276 %MagMet 8492726 8512425 8496007 %Crypt %ExLib %NYZ 8492794 8500547 %ImpCla 8509969 8497037 8511921 8492983 8494138 %Villa 8489198 %AlmMat 8511230 8491315 8512075 8512389 %KAoA 8507674 8500504 # T.I.M.E Stories: Expedition – Endurance (Chillosophy) 8490338 : 8507529 8494160 8511724 8495224 8507953 8494156 8512350 8497135 8502478 8506518 8509314 8504423 8497913 8489780 8505002 8502994 8494165 8507369 8502512 8511910 %GaiPro 8505859 %Halle 8507424 8500867 8501284 %PCR 8494044 8504430 8490762 8494289 8504428 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504954 8508693 8500004 8511909 %Agra %DunImp %TCoG 8507433 8495229 8500501 8490477 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511922 8512081 %Ragusa %Monta 8492927 8492276 %MagMet 8492726 8512425 8496007 %Crypt %ExLib %NYZ 8492794 8500547 %ImpCla 8509969 8497037 8511921 8492983 8494138 %Villa 8489198 %AlmMat 8511230 8491315 8512075 8512389 %KAoA 8507674 8500504 # Back to the Future: The Card Game (Chillosophy) 8490340 : 8507529 8494160 8511724 8495224 8507953 8494156 8512350 8497135 8502478 8506518 8509314 8504423 8497913 8489780 8505002 8502994 8494165 8507369 8502512 8511910 %GaiPro 8505859 %Halle 8507424 8500867 8501284 %PCR 8494044 8504430 8490762 8494289 8504428 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504954 8508693 8500004 8511909 %Agra %DunImp %TCoG 8507433 8495229 8500501 8490477 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511922 8512081 %Ragusa %Monta 8492927 8492276 %MagMet 8492726 8512425 8496007 %Crypt %ExLib %NYZ 8492794 8500547 %ImpCla 8509969 8497037 8511921 8492983 8494138 %Villa 8489198 %AlmMat 8511230 8491315 8512075 8512389 %KAoA 8507674 # Thunderstone Quest (Chillosophy) 8490343 : 8507529 8494160 8511724 8495224 8507953 8494156 8512350 8497135 8502478 8506518 # Warhammer: Invasion (Chillosophy) 8493061 : 8507529 8494160 8511724 8495224 8507953 8494156 8512350 8497135 8502478 8506518 # Kamigami Battles: Battle of the Nine Realms (Chillosophy) 8493071 : 8507529 8494160 8511724 8495224 8507953 8494156 8512350 8497135 8502478 8506518 8509314 8504423 8497913 8489780 8505002 8502994 8494165 8507369 8502512 8511910 %GaiPro 8505859 %Halle 8507424 8500867 8501284 # Anima: Shadow of Omega (Chillosophy) 8493081 : 8507529 8494160 8511724 8495224 8507953 8494156 8512350 8497135 8502478 8506518 8509314 8504423 8497913 8489780 8505002 8502994 8494165 8507369 8502512 8511910 %GaiPro 8505859 %Halle 8507424 8500867 8501284 %PCR 8494044 8504430 8490762 8494289 8504428 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504954 8508693 8500004 8511909 %Agra %DunImp %TCoG 8507433 8495229 8500501 8490477 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511922 8512081 %Ragusa %Monta 8492927 8492276 %MagMet 8492726 8512425 8496007 %Crypt %ExLib %NYZ 8492794 8500547 %ImpCla 8509969 8497037 8511921 8492983 8494138 %Villa 8489198 %AlmMat 8511230 8491315 8512075 8512389 %KAoA 8507674 # Alt Name: Block Rose Wars Miniatures Bundle (Chillosophy) 8493095 : 8507529 8494160 8511724 8495224 8507953 8494156 8512350 8497135 8502478 8506518 8509314 8504423 8497913 8489780 8505002 8502994 8494165 8507369 8502512 8511910 %GaiPro 8505859 %Halle 8507424 8500867 8501284 %PCR 8494044 8504430 8490762 8494289 8504428 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504954 8508693 8500004 8511909 %Agra %DunImp %TCoG 8507433 8495229 8500501 8490477 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511922 8512081 %Ragusa %Monta 8492927 %MagMet 8492726 # Spirit Island (Chillosophy) 8493117 : 8507529 8494160 8511724 8495224 8507953 8494156 8512350 8497135 8502478 8506518 8509314 8504423 8497913 8489780 8505002 8502994 8494165 8507369 8502512 8511910 %GaiPro 8505859 %Halle 8507424 8500867 8501284 # Great Western Trail: Rails to the North (Chillosophy) 8493122 : 8507529 8494160 8511724 8495224 8507953 8494156 8512350 8497135 8502478 8506518 8509314 8504423 8497913 8489780 8505002 8502994 8494165 8507369 8502512 8511910 %GaiPro 8505859 %Halle 8507424 8500867 8501284 %PCR 8494044 8504430 8490762 8494289 8504428 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504954 8508693 8500004 8511909 %Agra %DunImp %TCoG 8507433 8495229 8500501 8490477 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511922 8512081 %Ragusa %Monta 8492927 8492276 %MagMet 8492726 8512425 8496007 %Crypt %ExLib %NYZ 8492794 8500547 %ImpCla 8509969 8497037 8511921 8492983 8494138 %Villa 8489198 %AlmMat 8511230 8491315 8512075 8512389 %KAoA # IKI (Chillosophy) 8493163 : 8507529 8494160 8511724 8495224 8507953 8494156 8512350 8497135 8502478 8506518 8509314 8504423 8497913 # Thunderbirds (Chillosophy) 8500368 : 8507529 8494160 8511724 8495224 8507953 8494156 8512350 8497135 8502478 8506518 8509314 8504423 8497913 8489780 8505002 8502994 8494165 8507369 8502512 8511910 # Alt Name: $35 CAD Gift Card (Chillosophy) 8500387 : 8507529 8494160 8511724 8495224 8507953 8494156 8512350 8497135 8502478 8506518 8509314 8504423 8497913 8489780 8505002 8502994 8494165 8507369 8502512 8511910 %GaiPro 8505859 %Halle 8507424 %PCR 8494044 8504430 8490762 8494289 8504428 8504954 8508693 8500004 8511909 %Agra %DunImp %TCoG 8507433 8495229 8500501 8490477 %Ragusa %Monta 8492276 # Call to Adventure (Chillosophy) 8500430 : 8507529 8494160 8511724 8495224 8507953 8494156 8512350 8497135 8502478 8506518 8509314 8504423 8497913 8489780 8505002 8502994 8494165 8507369 8502512 8511910 %GaiPro 8505859 %Halle 8507424 8500867 8501284 %PCR 8494044 8504430 8490762 8494289 8504428 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 # The Quest for El Dorado (Chillosophy) 8502438 : 8507529 8494160 8511724 8495224 8507953 8494156 8512350 8497135 8502478 8506518 8509314 8504423 8497913 8489780 8505002 8502994 8494165 8507369 8502512 8511910 %GaiPro 8505859 %Halle 8507424 8500867 8501284 %PCR 8494044 8504430 8490762 8494289 8504428 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504954 8508693 8500004 8511909 %Agra 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511922 8512081 # Alt Name: Pick 2 (Chillosophy) 8502982 : 8507529 8494160 8511724 8495224 8507953 8494156 8512350 8497135 8502478 8506518 8509314 8504423 8497913 8489780 8505002 8502994 8494165 8507369 8502512 8511910 %GaiPro 8505859 %Halle 8507424 8500867 8501284 %PCR 8494044 8504430 8490762 8494289 8504428 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 # Automobiles (Chillosophy) 8503004 : 8507529 8494160 8511724 8495224 8507953 8494156 8512350 8497135 8502478 8506518 8509314 8504423 8497913 8489780 8505002 8502994 8494165 8507369 8502512 8511910 %GaiPro 8505859 %Halle 8507424 8500867 8501284 # Alt Name: Another Pick 2 (Chillosophy) 8503059 : 8507529 8494160 8511724 8495224 8507953 8494156 8512350 8497135 8502478 8506518 8509314 8504423 8497913 8489780 8505002 8502994 8494165 8507369 8502512 8511910 %GaiPro 8505859 %Halle 8507424 8500867 8501284 %PCR 8494044 8504430 8490762 8494289 8504428 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504954 8508693 8500004 8511909 %Agra %DunImp %TCoG 8507433 8495229 8500501 8490477 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511922 8512081 %Ragusa %Monta 8492927 8492276 %MagMet 8492726 8512425 8496007 %Crypt %ExLib %NYZ 8492794 8500547 %ImpCla 8509969 8497037 8511921 8492983 8494138 %Villa 8489198 %AlmMat 8511230 8491315 8512075 8512389 %KAoA # Alt Name: Small Game Pick 2 (Chillosophy) 8503132 : 8507529 8494160 8511724 8495224 8507953 8494156 8512350 8497135 8502478 8506518 8509314 8504423 8497913 8489780 8505002 8502994 8494165 8507369 8502512 8511910 %GaiPro 8505859 %Halle 8507424 8500867 8501284 %PCR 8494044 8504430 8490762 8494289 8504428 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504954 8508693 8500004 8511909 %Agra %DunImp %TCoG 8507433 8495229 8500501 8490477 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511922 8512081 %Ragusa %Monta 8492927 8492276 %MagMet 8492726 8512425 8496007 %Crypt %ExLib %NYZ 8492794 8500547 %ImpCla 8509969 8497037 8511921 8492983 8494138 %Villa 8489198 %AlmMat 8511230 8491315 8512075 8512389 %KAoA 8507674 8500504 #pragma user "chrisonfire" # Confirmation code: 4Q91eiaXNzel4Hfnt0amBQ # Sun Oct 3 21:50:17 2021 # (chrisonfire) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 # (chrisonfire) %Conco : 8489884 8494126 8496947 # (chrisonfire) %FlaRou : 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 # (chrisonfire) %GWT : 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 # (chrisonfire) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (chrisonfire) %Mytho : 8490451 8509644 # (chrisonfire) %TQfEDTGT : 8499995 8501499 # (chrisonfire) %Targi : 8493707 8506855 # Andean Abyss (chrisonfire) 8504381 : %BraBir %Halle 8503786 8506440 # Biblios (chrisonfire) 8504382 : %BraBir %Halle 8503786 8506440 8505765 8506726 8490828 8492826 %FlaRou 8493712 %GWT %Conco 8489182 8489470 %Targi 8489780 %TQfEDTGT 8489505 %Mytho 8500268 # Fantastic Factories (chrisonfire) 8504386 : %BraBir %Halle 8503786 8506440 8505765 8506726 8490828 8492826 %FlaRou 8493712 %GWT %Conco 8489182 8489470 # Fields of Green (chrisonfire) 8504388 : %BraBir %Halle 8503786 8506440 8505765 8506726 8490828 8492826 %FlaRou 8493712 %GWT %Conco 8489182 # Pandemic: Iberia (chrisonfire) 8504389 : %BraBir %Halle 8503786 8506440 8505765 8506726 8490828 8492826 8493712 # Thunder Alley (chrisonfire) 8504391 : %BraBir %Halle 8503786 8506440 8505765 8506726 %FlaRou # Trambahn (chrisonfire) 8504392 : %BraBir %Halle 8503786 8506440 8505765 8506726 8490828 8492826 %FlaRou 8493712 %GWT %Conco 8489182 8489470 %Targi 8489780 %TQfEDTGT 8489505 %Mytho 8500268 #pragma user "christopher_the_fehn" # Confirmation code: M2SR0BJc3VyIxSIuERS0xw # Fri Oct 1 19:02:56 2021 # Miskatonic University: The Restricted Collection (christopher_the_fehn) 8496296 : 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8502219 8512550 8503700 8496223 8497157 8512312 8506912 8506508 8504718 8503157 8504109 #pragma user "cloudstalkerian" # Confirmation code: eJsG5LI13HBQQMuqqomFqQ # Sun Oct 3 21:19:53 2021 # Star Wars: Armada – Victory-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack (cloudstalkerian) 8512215 : 8509314 8504423 8490123 8507944 8507953 8494156 8496071 8493712 8507355 8489319 8493161 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8491833 8511889 8489884 8503903 8504503 8490762 8500867 8501284 8509774 8507388 8492826 8490158 8502045 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8508764 8505855 8492623 8489601 8490184 8500770 8511671 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 8504885 8492276 8507433 8502244 8502107 8512466 8507342 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502166 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8494126 8494058 8496218 8510945 8489497 8496137 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8501293 8502058 8505793 8507504 8506880 8497164 8496947 8490135 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508888 8491998 8496007 8502024 8509733 8489198 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490868 8497158 8511840 8497159 8510785 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8501998 8500538 8500807 8490902 # Star Wars: Armada – Victory-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack (cloudstalkerian) 8512216 : 8509314 8504423 8490123 8507944 8507953 8494156 8496071 8493712 8507355 8489319 8493161 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8491833 8511889 8489884 8503903 8504503 8490762 8500867 8501284 8509774 8507388 8492826 8490158 8502045 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8508764 8505855 8492623 8489601 8490184 8500770 8511671 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 8504885 8492276 8507433 8502244 8502107 8512466 8507342 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502166 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8494126 8494058 8496218 8510945 8489497 8496137 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8501293 8502058 8505793 8507504 8506880 8497164 8496947 8490135 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508888 8491998 8496007 8502024 8509733 8489198 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490868 8497158 8511840 8497159 8510785 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8501998 8500538 8500807 8490902 # The Ares Project (cloudstalkerian) 8512219 : 8509314 8504423 8490123 8507944 8507953 8494156 8496071 8493712 8507355 8489319 8493161 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8491833 8511889 8489884 8503903 8504503 8490762 8500867 8501284 8509774 8507388 8492826 8490158 8502045 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8508764 8505855 8492623 8489601 8490184 8500770 8511671 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 8504885 8492276 8507433 8502244 8502107 8512466 8507342 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502166 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8494126 8494058 8496218 8510945 8489497 8496137 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8501293 8502058 8505793 8507504 8506880 8497164 8496947 8490135 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508888 8491998 8496007 8502024 8509733 8489198 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490868 8497158 8511840 8497159 8510785 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8501998 8500538 8500807 8490902 8502029 8488947 8493689 8504925 8500387 8506746 8503298 8489195 8500482 8502081 8491609 8496117 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8512165 8494006 8509665 8512576 # Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – Rebel Transport Expansion Pack (cloudstalkerian) 8512220 : 8509314 8504423 8490123 8507944 8507953 8494156 8496071 8493712 8507355 8489319 8493161 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8491833 8511889 8489884 8503903 8504503 8490762 8500867 8501284 8509774 8507388 8492826 8490158 8502045 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8508764 8505855 8492623 8489601 8490184 8500770 8511671 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 8504885 8492276 8507433 8502244 8502107 8512466 8507342 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502166 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8494126 8494058 8496218 8510945 8489497 8496137 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8501293 8502058 8505793 8507504 8506880 8497164 8496947 8490135 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508888 # Star Wars: Armada – Victory-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack (cloudstalkerian) 8512221 : 8509314 8504423 8490123 8507944 8507953 8494156 8496071 8493712 8507355 8489319 8493161 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8491833 8511889 8489884 8503903 8504503 8490762 8500867 8501284 8509774 8507388 8492826 8490158 8502045 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8508764 8505855 8492623 8489601 8490184 8500770 8511671 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 8504885 8492276 8507433 8502244 8502107 8512466 8507342 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502166 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8494126 8494058 8496218 8510945 8489497 8496137 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8501293 8502058 8505793 8507504 8506880 8497164 8496947 8490135 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508888 8491998 8496007 8502024 8509733 8489198 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490868 8497158 8511840 8497159 8510785 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8501998 8500538 8500807 8490902 # Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – Hound's Tooth Expansion Pack (cloudstalkerian) 8512222 : 8509314 8504423 8490123 8507944 8507953 8494156 8496071 8493712 8507355 8489319 8493161 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8491833 8511889 8489884 8503903 8504503 8490762 8500867 8501284 8509774 8507388 8492826 8490158 8502045 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8508764 8505855 8492623 8489601 8490184 8500770 8511671 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 8504885 8492276 8507433 8502244 8502107 8512466 8507342 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502166 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8494126 8494058 8496218 8510945 8489497 8496137 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8501293 8502058 8505793 8507504 8506880 8497164 8496947 8490135 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508888 8491998 8496007 8502024 8509733 8489198 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490868 8497158 8511840 8497159 8510785 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8501998 8500538 8500807 8490902 8502029 8488947 8493689 8504925 8500387 8506746 8503298 8489195 8500482 8502081 8491609 8496117 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8512165 8494006 # Charterstone (cloudstalkerian) 8512224 : # Mice and Mystics (cloudstalkerian) 8512225 : # Risk: Transformers – Cybertron Battle Edition (cloudstalkerian) 8512227 : 8509314 8504423 8490123 8507944 8507953 8494156 8496071 8493712 8507355 8489319 8493161 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8491833 8511889 8489884 8503903 8504503 8490762 8500867 8501284 8509774 8507388 8492826 8490158 8502045 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8508764 8505855 8492623 8489601 8490184 8500770 8511671 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 8504885 8492276 8507433 8502244 8502107 8512466 8507342 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502166 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8494126 8494058 8496218 8510945 8489497 8496137 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8501293 8502058 8505793 8507504 8506880 8497164 8496947 8490135 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508888 8491998 8496007 8502024 8509733 8489198 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490868 8497158 8511840 8497159 8510785 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8501998 8500538 8500807 8490902 8502029 8488947 8493689 8504925 8500387 8506746 8503298 8489195 8500482 8502081 8491609 8496117 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8512165 8494006 8509665 8512576 8506900 8489207 8497153 8493705 8512151 8512593 # Kaosball: Team – Samaria Barbarians (cloudstalkerian) 8512228 : 8509314 8504423 8490123 8507944 8507953 8494156 8496071 8493712 8507355 8489319 8493161 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8491833 8511889 8489884 8503903 8504503 8490762 8500867 8501284 8509774 8507388 8492826 8490158 8502045 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8508764 8505855 8492623 8489601 8490184 8500770 8511671 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 8504885 8492276 8507433 8502244 8502107 8512466 8507342 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502166 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8494126 8494058 8496218 8510945 8489497 8496137 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8501293 8502058 8505793 8507504 8506880 8497164 8496947 8490135 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508888 8491998 8496007 8502024 8509733 8489198 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490868 8497158 8511840 8497159 8510785 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8501998 8500538 8500807 8490902 8502029 8488947 8493689 8504925 8500387 8506746 8503298 8489195 8500482 8502081 8491609 8496117 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8512165 8494006 8509665 8512576 8506900 8489207 8497153 8493705 8512151 8512593 # Kaosball: Team – Samaria Barbarians (cloudstalkerian) 8512229 : 8509314 8504423 8490123 8507944 8507953 8494156 8496071 8493712 8507355 8489319 8493161 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8491833 8511889 8489884 8503903 8504503 8490762 8500867 8501284 8509774 8507388 8492826 8490158 8502045 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8508764 8505855 8492623 8489601 8490184 8500770 8511671 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 8504885 8492276 8507433 8502244 8502107 8512466 8507342 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502166 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8494126 8494058 8496218 8510945 8489497 8496137 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8501293 8502058 8505793 8507504 8506880 8497164 8496947 8490135 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508888 8491998 8496007 8502024 8509733 8489198 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490868 8497158 8511840 8497159 8510785 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8501998 8500538 8500807 8490902 8502029 8488947 8493689 8504925 8500387 8506746 8503298 8489195 8500482 8502081 8491609 8496117 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8512165 8494006 8509665 8512576 8506900 8489207 8497153 8493705 8512151 8512593 # Star Wars: Destiny – Legacies Booster Pack (cloudstalkerian) 8512230 : 8509314 8504423 8490123 8507944 8507953 8494156 8496071 8493712 8507355 8489319 8493161 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8491833 8511889 8489884 8503903 8504503 8490762 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 # Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – The Force Awakens Core Set (cloudstalkerian) 8512231 : 8509314 8504423 8490123 8507944 8507953 8494156 8496071 8493712 8507355 8489319 8493161 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8491833 8511889 8489884 8503903 8504503 8490762 8500867 8501284 8509774 8507388 8492826 8490158 8502045 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8508764 8505855 8492623 8489601 8490184 8500770 8511671 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 8504885 8492276 8507433 8502244 8502107 8512466 8507342 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502166 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8494126 8494058 8496218 8510945 8489497 8496137 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8501293 8502058 8505793 8507504 8506880 8497164 8496947 8490135 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508888 8491998 8496007 8502024 8509733 8489198 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490868 8497158 8511840 8497159 8510785 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8501998 8500538 8500807 8490902 8502029 8488947 8493689 8504925 8500387 8506746 8503298 8489195 8500482 8502081 8491609 8496117 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8512165 8494006 8509665 8512576 # Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past (cloudstalkerian) 8512232 : 8509314 8504423 8490123 8507944 8507953 8494156 8496071 8493712 8507355 8489319 8493161 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8491833 8511889 8489884 8503903 8504503 8490762 8500867 8501284 8509774 8507388 8492826 8490158 8502045 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8508764 8505855 8492623 8489601 8490184 8500770 8511671 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 8504885 8492276 8507433 8502244 8502107 8512466 8507342 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502166 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8494126 8494058 8496218 8510945 8489497 8496137 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8501293 8502058 8505793 8507504 8506880 8497164 8496947 8490135 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508888 # Star Wars: Armada – Home One Expansion Pack (cloudstalkerian) 8512233 : 8509314 8504423 8490123 8507944 8507953 8494156 8496071 8493712 8507355 8489319 8493161 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8491833 8511889 8489884 8503903 8504503 8490762 8500867 8501284 8509774 8507388 8492826 8490158 8502045 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8508764 8505855 8492623 8489601 8490184 8500770 8511671 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 8504885 8492276 8507433 8502244 8502107 8512466 8507342 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502166 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8494126 8494058 8496218 8510945 8489497 8496137 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8501293 8502058 8505793 8507504 8506880 8497164 8496947 8490135 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508888 # Star Wars: Armada – Rebel Fighter Squadrons Expansion Pack (cloudstalkerian) 8512234 : 8509314 8504423 8490123 8507944 8507953 8494156 8496071 8493712 8507355 8489319 8493161 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8491833 8511889 8489884 8503903 8504503 8490762 8500867 8501284 8509774 8507388 8492826 8490158 8502045 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8508764 8505855 8492623 8489601 8490184 8500770 8511671 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 8504885 8492276 8507433 8502244 8502107 8512466 8507342 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502166 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8494126 8494058 8496218 8510945 8489497 8496137 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8501293 8502058 8505793 8507504 8506880 8497164 8496947 8490135 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508888 8491998 8496007 8502024 8509733 8489198 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490868 8497158 8511840 8497159 8510785 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8501998 8500538 8500807 8490902 8502029 8488947 8493689 8504925 8500387 8506746 8503298 8489195 8500482 8502081 8491609 8496117 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8512165 8494006 8509665 8512576 # Unlock!: Escape Adventures – The Island of Doctor Goorse (cloudstalkerian) 8512235 : 8509314 8504423 8490123 8507944 8507953 8494156 8496071 8493712 8507355 8489319 8493161 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8491833 8511889 8489884 8503903 8504503 8490762 8500867 8501284 8509774 8507388 8492826 8490158 8502045 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8508764 8505855 8492623 8489601 8490184 8500770 8511671 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 8504885 8492276 8507433 8502244 8502107 8512466 8507342 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502166 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8494126 8494058 8496218 8510945 8489497 8496137 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8501293 8502058 8505793 8507504 8506880 8497164 8496947 8490135 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508888 8491998 8496007 8502024 8509733 8489198 8508964 8511594 8512086 8490868 8497158 8511840 8497159 8510785 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8501998 8500538 8500807 8490902 8502029 8488947 8493689 8504925 8500387 8506746 8503298 8489195 8500482 8502081 8491609 8496117 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8512165 8494006 8509665 8512576 8506900 8489207 8497153 8493705 8512151 8512593 #pragma user "cmcgaughey" # Confirmation code: A7NyS/GgJSaJlvZTNKwFgQ # Sun Oct 3 21:37:17 2021 # Sleeping Gods (cmcgaughey) 8504221 : 8490442 8505002 8502478 8500867 8501284 # Santa Maria (cmcgaughey) 8504234 : 8490442 8505002 8502478 8500867 8501284 8493117 8501467 8499686 8507478 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503786 8504739 8510150 8511634 8512081 8489046 8498911 8504913 # Maglev Metro (cmcgaughey) 8504236 : 8490442 8505002 8502478 8500867 8501284 8493117 8501467 8499686 8507478 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503786 8504739 8510150 8511634 8512081 8489046 8498911 8504913 8489280 8491998 8510761 8512143 8512479 # Whistle Mountain (cmcgaughey) 8509932 : 8490442 8505002 8502478 8500867 8501284 8493117 8501467 8499686 8507478 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503786 8504739 8510150 8511634 8512081 8489046 8498911 8504913 # Praga Caput Regni (cmcgaughey) 8509933 : 8490442 8505002 8502478 8500867 8501284 8493117 8501467 8499686 8507478 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503786 8504739 8510150 8511634 8512081 8489046 8498911 8504913 #pragma user "colnago" # Confirmation code: KgdB6b7d5dPf5YYy/jPAtQ # Sun Oct 3 13:18:51 2021 # Warhammer Age of Sigmar (Third Edition) (colnago) 8500762 : 8509876 8509875 8492625 8495411 8490256 8503009 8503012 # Warhammer Age of Sigmar (Third Edition) (colnago) 8500765 : 8509876 8509875 8492625 8495411 8490256 8503009 8503012 8510806 # Cry Havoc (colnago) 8500774 : 8509876 8509875 8492625 8495411 8490256 8503009 8503012 8510806 8510205 8510742 8490048 8492161 # Confusion: Espionage and Deception in the Cold War (colnago) 8500776 : 8509876 8509875 8492625 8495411 8490256 8503009 8503012 8510806 8510205 8510742 8490048 8492161 8505040 # Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game (colnago) 8500777 : 8509876 8509875 8492625 8495411 # Dungeon Master's Guide (D&D 5e) (colnago) 8500779 : 8509876 8509875 8492625 8495411 8490256 8503009 8503012 8510806 8510205 8510742 8490048 8492161 8505040 8496001 8496690 8502252 8496358 8490176 8512098 8489280 8497070 8491727 8489545 8495063 8495977 # Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (4th Edition) (colnago) 8500791 : 8509876 8509875 8492625 8495411 8490256 8503009 8503012 8510806 8510205 8510742 8490048 8492161 8505040 8496001 8496690 8502252 8496358 8490176 8512098 # Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound (colnago) 8500800 : 8509876 8509875 8492625 8495411 8490256 8503009 8503012 8510806 8510205 8510742 8490048 8492161 8505040 8496001 8496690 8502252 8496358 8490176 8512098 8489280 8497070 8491727 8489545 # Starfinder Core Rulebook (colnago) 8501039 : 8509876 8509875 8492625 8495411 8490256 8503009 8503012 8510806 8510205 8510742 8490048 8492161 8505040 8496001 8496690 8502252 8496358 8490176 8512098 8489280 8497070 8491727 8489545 8495063 8495977 8493075 8507417 8507557 8490259 8494131 8494104 8492936 8499367 8489158 # Ultimate Werewolf Legacy (colnago) 8501040 : 8509876 8509875 8492625 8495411 8490256 8503009 8503012 8510806 8510205 8510742 8490048 8492161 8505040 8496001 8496690 8502252 8496358 8490176 8512098 8489280 8497070 8491727 8489545 8495063 8495977 8493075 8507417 8507557 8490259 # Helvetia (colnago) 8511929 : 8509876 8509875 8492625 8495411 8490256 8503009 8503012 8510806 8510205 8510742 #pragma user "Corypaetsch" # Confirmation code: iDNgivWhOFyxcI6XRgCP-A # Sun Oct 3 12:33:55 2021 # Dice Throne: Season One (Corypaetsch) 8497233 : 8492224 8502137 8494545 8497135 8512508 8502129 8502120 8494964 8512510 8495235 8490762 8489971 8504889 8492194 8502478 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8507388 8507504 8510150 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8491385 8502990 8511235 8500777 8500867 8501284 # Betrayal at House on the Hill (Corypaetsch) 8497234 : 8492224 8502137 8494545 8497135 8512508 8502129 8502120 8494964 8512510 8495235 8497070 8504907 8490762 8489971 8504889 8492194 8502478 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8507388 8507504 8510150 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8491385 8502990 8511235 8500777 8491889 # King of New York (Corypaetsch) 8497235 : 8492224 8502137 8494545 8497135 8512508 8502129 8502120 8494964 8512510 8495235 8497070 8503462 8504907 8494544 8496690 8490818 8490762 8500547 8511977 8489971 8504889 8492194 8502478 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8507388 8507504 8510150 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8491385 8502990 8491889 # NHL Ice Breaker: The Card Hockey Board Game (Corypaetsch) 8497237 : 8492224 8502137 8494545 8497135 8512508 8502129 8502120 8494964 8512510 8495235 8497070 8503462 8504907 8494544 8496690 8490818 8500547 8511977 8497164 8498732 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 # Rockband Manager (Corypaetsch) 8497238 : 8492224 8502137 8494545 8497135 8512508 8502129 8502120 8494964 8512510 8495235 8497070 8503462 8504907 8494544 8496690 8490818 8500547 8511977 8497164 8498732 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 # Super PACS (Corypaetsch) 8497240 : 8492224 8502137 8494545 8497135 8512508 8502129 8502120 8494964 8512510 8495235 8497070 8503462 8504907 8494544 8496690 8490818 8500547 8511977 8497164 8498732 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 # Rocketville (Corypaetsch) 8497241 : 8492224 8502137 8494545 8497135 8512508 8502129 8502120 8494964 8512510 8495235 8497070 8503462 8504907 8494544 8496690 8490818 8500547 8511977 8497164 8498732 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 # Get Off My Land! (Corypaetsch) 8497246 : 8492224 8502137 8494545 8497135 8512508 8502129 8502120 8494964 8512510 8495235 8497070 8503462 8504907 8494544 8496690 8490818 8490762 8500547 8511977 8489971 8504889 8497164 8489254 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8507388 8507504 8509922 8510150 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8491385 8502990 8491889 # The Dragon & Flagon (Corypaetsch) 8497247 : 8492224 8502137 8494545 8497135 8512508 8502129 8502120 8494964 8512510 8495235 8503462 8490762 8489971 8504889 8492194 8502478 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8507388 8507504 8510150 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512518 8512533 8512540 8491385 8502990 8511235 8500777 8491889 # Kanban: Driver's Edition (Corypaetsch) 8497252 : 8492224 8502137 8494545 8497135 8512508 8502129 8502120 8494964 8490762 8489971 8504889 8492194 8502478 8511235 8500777 8500867 8501284 #pragma user "cpcunningham" # Confirmation code: 3b4Tbid7WNAMG/CTKvIvvg # Sun Oct 3 21:46:41 2021 # Crown of Roses (cpcunningham) 8502389 : 8506304 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 # Dungeons & Dragons: The Legend of Drizzt Board Game (cpcunningham) 8502391 : 8506304 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8500387 8506746 # Hell Hath No Fury (cpcunningham) 8502395 : 8509665 8493705 8512151 8512593 # Iron Bottom Sound III (cpcunningham) 8502397 : 8500867 8501284 # Omaha Beachhead: Battle for the Bocage (cpcunningham) 8502400 : 8506304 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Origins of World War II (cpcunningham) 8502402 : # The Shining: Escape from the Overlook Hotel (cpcunningham) 8502405 : 8509665 8493705 8512151 8512593 # This Accursed Civil War (cpcunningham) 8502408 : 8489254 8499301 8507388 8500867 8501284 # Wild Blue Yonder (cpcunningham) 8502412 : 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 # A World at War (cpcunningham) 8502414 : # Catan: Seafarers (cpcunningham) 8502417 : 8506304 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509665 # Yamato: The Game of Fleet Battle in the Pacific Ocean (cpcunningham) 8502420 : 8506304 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Heroes & Kings (cpcunningham) 8508900 : 8506304 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Phantom Fury (cpcunningham) 8508902 : # Red Dragon, Blue Dragon: The Huaihai, 1948-1949 (cpcunningham) 8508903 : 8506304 8500387 8506746 #pragma user "D_man3981" # Confirmation code: BQi8e4VoNBn1R4rzy00slA # Fri Oct 1 15:15:48 2021 # Zombicide Season 3: Rue Morgue (D_man3981) 8504546 : 8503158 8510028 8489259 8490048 8492161 # Tiny Epic Zombies (D_man3981) 8504552 : 8503158 8510028 8489259 8490048 8492161 8508664 8510029 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8504853 8509739 8512242 8490535 8500522 8502332 8507421 8512225 8512528 8508822 8509722 8509824 8498734 8511780 8496997 8512484 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8512124 8510945 8507477 8488918 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 8507949 8490037 8496932 8505861 8512360 8508591 8508694 8503462 8511790 8489897 8505106 8497952 8510924 8499996 8490256 8506518 8506508 8512338 8509741 8512537 8492085 8512337 8498513 8502511 8509721 8500168 8504221 8500494 8501781 8509648 8512436 8500558 8501501 8509166 8492623 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8504583 8512596 8496113 8499236 8501789 8502121 8498844 8509731 8507948 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8494137 8500541 8508984 8502226 8509733 8490487 8493049 8509177 8499029 8500611 8511892 8492789 8506961 8504704 8507945 8493118 8496697 8509969 8492606 8499133 8502055 8501955 8506956 8511977 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502152 8500568 8508448 8512139 8511887 8494086 8508817 8490254 8502065 8503897 8499742 8511921 8507339 8503009 8499661 8500430 8492167 8496234 8495230 8509883 8503894 8500409 8501786 %8509614 %8509620 8500275 8492866 8500712 8503692 8501783 # The Downfall of Pompeii (D_man3981) 8504565 : 8503158 8510028 8489259 8490048 8492161 8508664 8510029 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8504853 8509739 8512242 8490535 8500522 8502332 8507421 8512225 8512528 8508822 8509722 8509824 8498734 8511780 8496997 8512484 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8512124 8510945 8507477 8488918 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 8507949 8490037 8496932 8505861 8512360 8508591 8508694 8503462 8511790 8489897 8505106 8497952 8510924 8499996 8490256 8506518 8506508 8512338 8509741 8512537 8492085 8512337 8498513 # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Catan by Gaming Trunk (D_man3981) %8509614 : 8509614-COPY1 8509614-COPY2 8509614-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven by Gaming Trunk (D_man3981) %8509620 : 8509620-COPY1 8509620-COPY2 8509620-COPY3 #pragma user "dafink" # Confirmation code: 6CGqWv6L2IBzOCtvTZuopw # Sun Oct 3 11:18:52 2021 # (dafink) %BlaSon : 8493212 8504969 # (dafink) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (dafink) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (dafink) %HanTeu : 8493732 8507951 8509892 # (dafink) %KBaS : 8490192 8500000 8502994 # (dafink) %ShaHun : 8490075 8509828 # (dafink) %TCoT : 8494677 8497633 8511734 # (dafink) %TE : 8504890 8504891 # (dafink) %UFS : 8488947 8493689 8500482 8504925 # Karesansui (dafink) 8507403 : # Manoeuvre (dafink) 8507404 : %BraBir %TE 8508586 8504423 %HanTeu 8502245 8511724 %Halle %ShaHun %TCoT 8490764 %KBaS 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8504344 8511910 8490190 # Panamax (dafink) 8507406 : %BraBir %TE 8508586 8504423 %HanTeu 8502245 8511724 %Halle %ShaHun %TCoT 8490764 %KBaS 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8504344 8511910 8490190 # Blue Moon City (dafink) 8507408 : %BraBir %TE 8508586 8504423 %HanTeu 8502245 8511724 %Halle %ShaHun %TCoT 8490764 %KBaS 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8504344 8511910 8490190 8498732 8508964 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Power Grid (dafink) 8507410 : %BraBir %TE 8508586 8504423 %HanTeu 8502245 8511724 %Halle %ShaHun %TCoT 8490764 %KBaS 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8504344 8511910 8490190 8498732 8508964 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # The Speicherstadt (dafink) 8507411 : %BraBir %TE 8508586 8504423 %HanTeu 8502245 8511724 %Halle %ShaHun %TCoT 8490764 %KBaS 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8504344 8511910 8490190 8498732 8508964 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8494544 %UFS 8507713 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 %BlaSon 8493705 8512151 8512593 # The Grizzled (dafink) 8507415 : %BraBir %TE 8508586 8504423 %HanTeu 8502245 8511724 %Halle %ShaHun %TCoT 8490764 %KBaS 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8504344 8511910 8490190 8498732 8508964 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8494544 %UFS 8507713 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 %BlaSon # Viticulture (dafink) 8507477 : %BraBir %TE 8508586 8504423 %HanTeu 8502245 8511724 %Halle %ShaHun %TCoT 8490764 %KBaS 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8504344 8511910 # Snowdonia (dafink) 8507481 : %BraBir %TE 8508586 8504423 %HanTeu 8502245 8511724 %Halle %ShaHun %TCoT 8490764 %KBaS 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8504344 8511910 8490190 8498732 8508964 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8494544 %UFS 8507713 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 %BlaSon # Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra (dafink) 8507494 : # Citadels (dafink) 8507527 : %BraBir %TE 8508586 8504423 %HanTeu 8502245 8511724 %Halle %ShaHun %TCoT 8490764 %KBaS 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8504344 8511910 8490190 8498732 8508964 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8494544 %UFS 8507713 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 %BlaSon 8493705 8512151 8512593 # The Road to Canterbury (dafink) 8509837 : %BraBir %TE 8508586 8504423 %HanTeu 8502245 8511724 %Halle %ShaHun %TCoT 8490764 %KBaS 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8504344 8511910 8490190 # Junta (dafink) 8509841 : %BraBir %TE 8508586 8504423 %HanTeu 8502245 8511724 %Halle %ShaHun %TCoT 8490764 %KBaS 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8504344 8511910 8490190 8498732 8508964 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8494544 %UFS 8507713 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 %BlaSon 8493705 8512151 8512593 # Hey, That's My Fish! (dafink) 8509842 : %BraBir %TE 8508586 8504423 %HanTeu 8502245 8511724 %Halle %ShaHun %TCoT 8490764 %KBaS 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8504344 8511910 8490190 8498732 8508964 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8494544 %UFS 8507713 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 %BlaSon 8493705 8512151 8512593 #pragma user "dajohns" # Confirmation code: 371fxgQOKCDUDpbs/5VkzQ # Thu Sep 30 22:27:01 2021 # Alt Name: $65 CAD gift card (dajohns) 8512081 : 8492194 8497913 #pragma user "daremok" # Confirmation code: F9nz4uc-W8a6iSv85Sze1g # Sun Oct 3 20:28:57 2021 # Prêt-à-Porter (daremok) 8490896 : 8494138 8497135 8494084 8504221 8490214 8511634 8512518 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512363 # Blackout: Hong Kong (daremok) 8490899 : 8494138 8497135 8494084 8504221 8490214 8502255 8497141 8498633 8511634 8512518 8503439 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512483 8512512 8508976 8490020 8491609 # Costa Rica (daremok) 8490900 : 8494138 8497135 8497141 8498633 8503439 8490254 8508976 8490020 # Seastead (daremok) 8490902 : 8494138 8497135 8490214 8497141 8498633 8490254 # Undaunted: North Africa (daremok) 8505793 : 8494138 8494084 8504221 8490214 # Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done (daremok) 8505794 : 8494138 8497135 8494084 8504221 8490214 8502255 # Railroad Revolution (daremok) 8505797 : 8497135 8494084 8504221 8502255 8511634 8512518 # Memoir '44: New Flight Plan (daremok) 8510742 : 8494138 8497135 8494084 8504221 8490214 8502255 #pragma user "darkruffy" # Confirmation code: /Ss-n62Yc4dVfSSYawnjdA # Sun Oct 3 15:20:16 2021 # (darkruffy) %Aquat : 8492794 8500004 # (darkruffy) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8512589 # (darkruffy) %Bru189 : 8490799 8500416 # (darkruffy) %Bru1892 : 8491196 8500537 8503106 # (darkruffy) %CoC1 : 8489319 8493161 # (darkruffy) %CooIsl : 8489184 8505852 # (darkruffy) %CryPal : 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 # (darkruffy) %DSM : 8494853 8495247 # (darkruffy) %Desti : 8493169 8505558 # (darkruffy) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 # (darkruffy) %EveSpi : 8511675 8512515 # (darkruffy) %FanFac : 8499133 8502055 8504386 8512568 # (darkruffy) %FlaRou : 8491252 8508705 # (darkruffy) %GAH : 8490114 8494842 8512340 # (darkruffy) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (darkruffy) %HonBuz : 8500003 8504430 # (darkruffy) %KRRiT : 8494165 8499778 8511726 # (darkruffy) %MarUni : 8490050 8492084 8505008 8512459 8512474 # (darkruffy) %Menara : 8490254 8502065 8503897 # (darkruffy) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 8509177 # (darkruffy) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (darkruffy) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (darkruffy) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 8509933 # (darkruffy) %RedRis : 8491998 8499994 # (darkruffy) %SanMon : 8496223 8497157 # (darkruffy) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (darkruffy) %SmaInc : 8490762 8492276 # (darkruffy) %TCoT : 8494677 8497633 8511734 # (darkruffy) %TOotS : 8494088 8501961 # (darkruffy) %TanGar : 8492167 8496234 # (darkruffy) %TheEst : 8490494 8490755 8510398 # (darkruffy) %ThuAll : 8504391 8512527 8512542 # (darkruffy) %UEA : 8490868 8497158 # (darkruffy) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 # (darkruffy) %XLoaDS : 8490807 8500586 # Scythe (darkruffy) 8507353 : 8512350 8494160 8504423 8494551 %OCoEaE 8494850 8502478 8500867 8501284 8512555 8490123 8494084 8489254 8511634 8512518 %XLoaDS 8512508 8489533 8512081 8503786 %SleGod 8508954 8492204 %Halle 8510205 8502255 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8510150 # Quodd Heroes (darkruffy) 8507355 : 8512350 8494160 8504423 8494551 %OCoEaE 8494850 8502478 8500867 8501284 8512555 %XLoaDS 8512508 %SleGod # Viceroy (darkruffy) 8507357 : 8512350 8494160 8504423 8494551 %OCoEaE 8494850 8502478 8500867 8501284 8512555 8490123 8494084 8489254 8511634 8512518 %XLoaDS 8512508 8489533 8512081 8503786 %SleGod 8508954 8492204 %Halle 8510205 8502255 8505859 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8510150 8489780 8511889 8495212 %DSM %BraBir 8494044 8499693 8505765 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504344 8503087 8506225 8490485 8505164 8494111 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 %DunImp 8490802 8492213 %HonBuz %SmaInc 8503439 8503448 %TOotS %CooIsl 8495229 8511738 %Bru189 8493007 8498732 8512089 8512483 8512512 8512588 8510945 %WhiMou 8490764 8491889 %PCR %GAH 8492957 8494863 8489014 8492953 8500081 %Aquat 8497156 8498633 8500501 8504428 %TanGar %CryPal 8493163 8499399 8500387 8500368 8503741 %KRRiT %PARKS %FlaRou 8490199 8494544 8494108 %TCoT 8504489 %RedRis 8498646 %EveSpi 8512516 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8489186 8509181 8512513 %MarUni 8489046 8511971 8503081 8510702 8509665 8511912 8496007 8490214 8498844 8503693 %NYZ 8502244 %FanFac %ThuAll %SanMon %Menara 8508623 %Desti 8508951 8500504 8504878 8490148 8496913 8499393 8511925 8512151 8512593 %UEA %CoC1 8504947 8503114 8509953 %TheEst 8493705 8509777 8509881 8503163 8491291 # Reworld (darkruffy) 8507360 : 8512350 8494160 8504423 8494551 %OCoEaE 8494850 8502478 8500867 8501284 8512555 8490123 8494084 8489254 8511634 8512518 %XLoaDS 8512508 8489533 8512081 8503786 %SleGod 8508954 8492204 %Halle 8510205 8502255 8505859 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8510150 8489780 8511889 8495212 %DSM %BraBir 8494044 8499693 8505765 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504344 8503087 8506225 8490485 8505164 8494111 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 %DunImp 8490802 8492213 %HonBuz %SmaInc 8503439 8503448 %TOotS %CooIsl 8495229 8511738 %Bru189 8493007 8498732 8512089 8512483 8512512 8512588 8510945 %WhiMou 8490764 8491889 %PCR %GAH 8492957 8494863 8489014 8492953 8500081 %Aquat 8497156 8498633 8500501 8504428 %TanGar %CryPal 8493163 8499399 8500387 8500368 8503741 %KRRiT %PARKS %FlaRou 8490199 8494544 8494108 %TCoT 8504489 %RedRis 8498646 %EveSpi 8512516 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8489186 8509181 8512513 %MarUni 8489046 8511971 8503081 8510702 8509665 8511912 8496007 8490214 8498844 8503693 %NYZ 8502244 %FanFac %ThuAll %SanMon %Menara 8508623 %Desti 8508951 8500504 8504878 8490148 8496913 8499393 8511925 8512151 8512593 %UEA %CoC1 8504947 8503114 8509953 %TheEst 8493705 8509777 8509881 8503163 8491291 8496366 %Bru1892 8496907 8508645 8494679 # Hey, That's My Fish! (darkruffy) 8507362 : 8512350 8494160 8504423 8494551 %OCoEaE 8494850 8502478 8500867 8501284 8512555 8490123 8494084 8489254 8511634 8512518 %XLoaDS 8512508 8489533 8512081 8503786 %SleGod 8508954 8492204 %Halle 8510205 8502255 8505859 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8510150 8489780 8511889 8495212 %DSM %BraBir 8494044 8499693 8505765 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504344 8503087 8506225 8490485 8505164 8494111 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 %DunImp 8490802 8492213 %HonBuz %SmaInc 8503439 8503448 %TOotS %CooIsl 8495229 8511738 %Bru189 8493007 8498732 8512089 8512483 8512512 8512588 8510945 %WhiMou 8490764 8491889 %PCR %GAH 8492957 8494863 8489014 8492953 8500081 %Aquat 8497156 8498633 8500501 8504428 %TanGar %CryPal 8493163 8499399 8500387 8500368 8503741 %KRRiT %PARKS %FlaRou 8490199 8494544 8494108 %TCoT 8504489 %RedRis 8498646 %EveSpi 8512516 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8489186 8509181 8512513 %MarUni 8489046 8511971 8503081 8510702 8509665 8511912 8496007 8490214 8498844 8503693 %NYZ 8502244 %FanFac %ThuAll %SanMon %Menara 8508623 %Desti 8508951 8500504 8504878 8490148 8496913 8499393 8511925 8512151 8512593 %UEA %CoC1 8504947 8503114 8509953 %TheEst 8493705 8509777 8509881 8503163 8491291 # Catacombs & Castles (darkruffy) 8507364 : 8512350 8494160 8504423 8494551 %OCoEaE 8494850 8502478 8500867 8501284 8512555 8490123 8494084 8489254 8511634 8512518 %XLoaDS 8512508 8489533 8512081 8503786 %SleGod 8508954 8492204 %Halle 8510205 8502255 8505859 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8510150 8489780 8511889 8495212 %DSM %BraBir 8494044 8499693 8505765 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504344 8503087 8506225 8490485 8505164 8494111 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 %DunImp 8490802 8492213 %HonBuz %SmaInc 8503439 8503448 %TOotS %CooIsl 8495229 8511738 %Bru189 8493007 8498732 8512089 8512483 8512512 8512588 8510945 %WhiMou 8490764 8491889 %PCR %GAH 8492957 8494863 8489014 8492953 8500081 %Aquat 8497156 8498633 8500501 8504428 %TanGar %CryPal 8493163 8499399 8500387 8500368 8503741 %KRRiT %PARKS %FlaRou 8490199 8494544 8494108 %TCoT 8504489 %RedRis 8498646 %EveSpi 8512516 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8489186 8509181 8512513 %MarUni 8489046 8511971 8503081 # Alien Frontiers: Big Box (darkruffy) 8507369 : 8512350 8494160 8504423 8494551 %OCoEaE 8494850 8502478 8500867 8501284 # Fog of Love (darkruffy) 8507371 : 8512350 8494160 8504423 8494551 %OCoEaE 8494850 8502478 8500867 8501284 8512555 8490123 8494084 8489254 8511634 8512518 %XLoaDS 8512508 8489533 8512081 8503786 %SleGod 8508954 8492204 %Halle 8510205 8502255 8505859 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8510150 8489780 8511889 8495212 %DSM %BraBir 8494044 8499693 8505765 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504344 8503087 8506225 8490485 8505164 8494111 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 %DunImp 8490802 8492213 %HonBuz %SmaInc 8503439 8503448 %TOotS %CooIsl 8495229 8511738 %Bru189 8493007 8498732 8512089 8512483 8512512 8512588 8510945 %WhiMou 8490764 8491889 %PCR %GAH 8492957 8494863 8489014 8492953 8500081 %Aquat 8497156 8498633 8500501 8504428 %TanGar %CryPal 8493163 8499399 8500387 8500368 8503741 %KRRiT %PARKS %FlaRou 8490199 8494544 8494108 %TCoT 8504489 %RedRis 8498646 %EveSpi 8512516 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8489186 8509181 8512513 %MarUni 8489046 8511971 8503081 8511912 # Taj Mahal (darkruffy) 8507373 : 8512350 8494160 8504423 8494551 %OCoEaE 8494850 8502478 8500867 8501284 8512555 8490123 8494084 8489254 8511634 8512518 %XLoaDS 8512508 8489533 8512081 8503786 %SleGod 8508954 8492204 %Halle 8510205 8502255 8505859 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8510150 8489780 8511889 8495212 %DSM %BraBir 8494044 8499693 8505765 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504344 8503087 8506225 8490485 8505164 8494111 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 %DunImp 8490802 8492213 %HonBuz %SmaInc 8503439 8503448 %TOotS %CooIsl 8495229 8511738 %Bru189 8493007 8498732 8512089 8512483 8512512 8512588 8510945 %WhiMou 8490764 8491889 %PCR %GAH 8492957 8494863 8489014 8492953 8500081 %Aquat 8497156 8498633 8500501 8504428 %TanGar %CryPal 8493163 8499399 8500387 8500368 8503741 %KRRiT %PARKS %FlaRou 8490199 8494544 8494108 %TCoT 8504489 %RedRis 8498646 %EveSpi 8512516 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8489186 8509181 8512513 %MarUni 8489046 8511971 8503081 8509665 8511912 8496007 8490214 # Heroes of Land, Air & Sea (darkruffy) 8507374 : 8512350 8494160 8504423 8494551 %OCoEaE 8494850 8502478 8500867 8501284 8512555 8490123 8494084 8489254 8511634 8512518 %XLoaDS 8512508 8489533 8512081 %SleGod 8508954 8492204 # When I Dream (darkruffy) 8507375 : 8512350 8494160 8504423 8494551 %OCoEaE 8494850 8502478 8500867 8501284 8512555 8490123 8494084 8489254 8511634 8512518 %XLoaDS 8512508 8489533 8512081 8503786 %SleGod 8508954 8492204 %Halle 8510205 8502255 8505859 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8510150 8489780 8511889 8495212 %DSM %BraBir 8494044 8499693 8505765 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504344 8503087 8506225 8490485 8505164 8494111 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 %DunImp 8490802 8492213 %HonBuz %SmaInc 8503439 8503448 %TOotS %CooIsl 8495229 8511738 %Bru189 8493007 8498732 8512089 8512483 8512512 8512588 8510945 %WhiMou 8490764 8491889 %PCR %GAH 8492957 8494863 8489014 8492953 8500081 %Aquat 8497156 8498633 8500501 8504428 %TanGar %CryPal 8493163 8499399 8500387 8500368 8503741 %KRRiT %PARKS %FlaRou 8490199 8494544 8494108 %TCoT 8504489 %RedRis 8498646 %EveSpi 8512516 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8489186 8509181 8512513 %MarUni 8489046 8511971 8503081 # Blackout: Hong Kong (darkruffy) 8507376 : 8512350 8494160 8504423 8494551 %OCoEaE 8494850 8502478 8500867 8501284 8512555 8490123 8494084 8489254 8511634 8512518 %XLoaDS 8512508 8489533 8512081 8503786 %SleGod 8508954 8492204 %Halle 8510205 8502255 8505859 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8510150 8489780 8511889 8495212 %DSM %BraBir 8494044 8499693 8505765 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504344 8503087 8506225 8490485 8505164 8494111 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 %DunImp 8490802 8492213 %HonBuz %SmaInc 8503439 8503448 %TOotS %CooIsl 8495229 8511738 %Bru189 8493007 8498732 8512089 8512483 8512512 8512588 8510945 %WhiMou 8490764 8491889 %PCR %GAH 8492957 8494863 8489014 8492953 8500081 %Aquat 8497156 8498633 8500501 8504428 %TanGar %CryPal 8493163 8499399 8500387 8500368 8503741 %KRRiT %PARKS %FlaRou 8490199 8494544 8494108 %TCoT 8504489 %RedRis 8498646 %EveSpi 8512516 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8489186 8509181 8512513 %MarUni 8489046 # Gloomhaven: Forgotten Circles (darkruffy) 8507381 : 8512350 8494160 8504423 8494551 %OCoEaE 8494850 8502478 8500867 8501284 8512555 8490123 8494084 8489254 8511634 8512518 %XLoaDS 8512508 8489533 8512081 8503786 %SleGod 8508954 8492204 %Halle 8510205 8502255 8505859 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8510150 8489780 8511889 8495212 %DSM %BraBir 8494044 8499693 8505765 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504344 8503087 8506225 8490485 8505164 8494111 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 %DunImp 8490802 8492213 %HonBuz %SmaInc 8503439 8503448 %TOotS %CooIsl 8495229 8511738 %Bru189 8493007 8498732 8512089 8512483 8512512 8512588 8510945 %WhiMou 8490764 8491889 %PCR %GAH 8492957 8494863 8489014 8492953 8500081 %Aquat 8497156 8498633 8500501 8504428 %TanGar %CryPal 8493163 8499399 8500387 8500368 8503741 %KRRiT %PARKS %FlaRou 8490199 8494544 8494108 %TCoT 8504489 %RedRis 8498646 %EveSpi 8512516 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8489186 8509181 8512513 %MarUni 8489046 8511971 8503081 8510702 8509665 8511912 8496007 8490214 8498844 8503693 %NYZ 8502244 %FanFac %ThuAll %SanMon %Menara 8508623 %Desti 8508951 8500504 8504878 8490148 8496913 8499393 8511925 8512151 8512593 %UEA %CoC1 # Healthy Heart Hospital (darkruffy) 8507382 : 8512350 8494160 8504423 8494551 %OCoEaE 8494850 8502478 8500867 8501284 8512555 8490123 8494084 8489254 8511634 8512518 %XLoaDS 8512508 8489533 8512081 8503786 %SleGod 8508954 8492204 %Halle 8510205 8502255 8505859 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8510150 8489780 8511889 8495212 %DSM %BraBir 8494044 8499693 8505765 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504344 8503087 8506225 8490485 8505164 8494111 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 %DunImp 8490802 8492213 %HonBuz %SmaInc 8503439 8503448 %TOotS %CooIsl 8495229 8511738 %Bru189 8493007 8498732 8512089 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Gùgōng (darkruffy) 8507389 : 8512350 8494160 8504423 8494551 %OCoEaE 8494850 8502478 8500867 8501284 8512555 8490123 8494084 8489254 8511634 8512518 %XLoaDS 8512508 8489533 8512081 8503786 %SleGod 8508954 8492204 %Halle 8510205 8502255 8505859 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8510150 8489780 8511889 8495212 %DSM %BraBir 8494044 8499693 8505765 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8504344 8503087 8506225 8490485 8505164 8494111 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 %DunImp 8490802 8492213 %HonBuz %SmaInc 8503439 8503448 %TOotS %CooIsl 8495229 8511738 %Bru189 8493007 8498732 8512089 8512483 8512512 8512588 %PCR # Alt Name: $40 CAD Gift Card (darkruffy) 8512322 : 8512350 8494160 8504423 8494551 %OCoEaE 8494850 8502478 8512555 8490123 8494084 %XLoaDS 8512508 8489533 %SleGod 8508954 8492204 %Halle 8510205 8502255 8505859 8489780 8511889 8495212 %DSM %BraBir 8494044 8499693 8506225 8490485 8505164 8492224 %DunImp 8490802 8492213 %HonBuz %SmaInc 8503439 8503448 %TOotS %CooIsl 8495229 8511738 8510945 #pragma user "Dasyl" # Confirmation code: BUwys/bB3lJDmhS3Mk5L/w # Fri Oct 1 20:10:04 2021 # Berserk: Knights and Villains (Dasyl) 8504702 : 8511889 8500589 8500005 # Cyclades (Dasyl) 8504708 : 8511889 8489254 8511634 8512518 # Sultaniya (Dasyl) 8504712 : # Samarkand: Routes to Riches (Dasyl) 8504716 : 8511889 8500589 # Sorcerer (Dasyl) 8504719 : 8511889 8500005 # Alt Name: $60 CAD Gift Card (Dasyl) 8504739 : 8511889 # Super-Skill Pinball: 4-Cade (Dasyl) 8504743 : 8511889 8500589 8500005 8491609 #pragma user "davebliz" # Confirmation code: wa-5zwV0Fx1ZwhzfJ2+iEg # Sun Oct 3 20:47:17 2021 # Imperial Struggle (davebliz) 8499229 : 8492638 8506528 8512592 # Dragon Parade (davebliz) 8499240 : 8492638 8506528 8512592 8504954 8499693 8489104 8509159 8506106 8489182 8489573 8497943 8506109 8489914 8500267 8512595 8491908 8489288 8496070 8500589 8503108 8489028 8489205 8496683 8505941 8505937 8507611 8500552 8508965 8490001 8490899 8493033 8499161 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8502151 8506671 8508641 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8499351 8505040 8494117 8495240 8506506 8489484 8489984 8489539 8492031 8495184 8497151 8512591 8502081 8490397 8494133 8503155 8500578 8505930 8489213 8512559 8489572 8490759 8489248 8489159 8489224 8508629 8489249 8510184 8512359 8511798 8511917 8511919 # Animals on Board (davebliz) 8499250 : 8492638 8506528 8512592 8504954 8499693 8489104 8509159 8506106 8489182 8489573 8497943 8506109 8489914 8500267 8512595 8491908 8489288 8496070 8500589 8503108 8489028 8489205 8496683 8505941 8505937 8507611 8500552 8508965 8490001 8490899 8493033 8499161 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8502151 8506671 8508641 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8499351 8505040 8494117 8495240 8506506 8489484 8489984 8489539 8492031 8495184 8497151 8512591 8502081 8490397 8494133 8503155 8500578 8505930 8489213 8512559 8489572 8490759 8489248 8489159 8489224 8508629 8489249 8510184 8512359 8511798 8511917 8511919 # Attack! (davebliz) 8499333 : 8492638 8506528 8512592 8504954 8499693 8489104 8509159 8506106 8489182 8489573 8497943 8506109 8489914 8500267 8512595 8491908 8489288 8496070 8500589 8503108 8489028 8489205 8496683 8505941 8505937 8507611 8500552 8508965 8490001 8490899 8493033 8499161 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8502151 8506671 8508641 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8499351 8505040 8494117 8495240 8506506 8489484 8489984 8489539 8492031 8495184 8497151 8512591 8502081 8490397 8494133 8503155 8500578 8505930 8489213 8512559 8489572 8490759 8489248 8489159 8489224 8508629 8489249 8510184 8512359 8511798 8511917 8511919 # Beetlez (davebliz) 8499360 : 8492638 8506528 8512592 8504954 8499693 8489104 8509159 8506106 8489182 8489573 8497943 8506109 8489914 8500267 8512595 8491908 8489288 8496070 8500589 8503108 8489028 8489205 8496683 8505941 8505937 8507611 8500552 8508965 8490001 8490899 8493033 8499161 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8502151 8506671 8508641 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8499351 8505040 8494117 8495240 8506506 8489484 8489984 8489539 8492031 8495184 8497151 8512591 8502081 8490397 8494133 8503155 8500578 8505930 8489213 8512559 8489572 8490759 8489248 8489159 8489224 8508629 8489249 8510184 8512359 8511798 8511917 8511919 # Blue Moon (davebliz) 8499368 : 8492638 8506528 8512592 8504954 8499693 8489104 8509159 8506106 8489182 8489573 8497943 8506109 8489914 8500267 8512595 8491908 8489288 8496070 8500589 8503108 8489028 8489205 8496683 8505941 8505937 8507611 8500552 8508965 8490001 8490899 8493033 8499161 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8502151 8506671 8508641 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8499351 8505040 8494117 8495240 8506506 8489484 8489984 8489539 8510184 8512359 # Campaign Manager 2008 (davebliz) 8499372 : 8492638 8506528 8512592 8504954 8499693 8489104 8509159 8506106 8489182 8489573 8497943 8506109 8489914 8500267 8512595 8491908 8489288 8496070 8500589 8503108 8489028 8489205 8496683 8505941 8505937 8507611 8500552 8508965 8490001 8490899 8493033 8499161 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8502151 8506671 8508641 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8499351 8505040 8494117 8495240 8506506 8489484 8489984 8489539 8492031 8495184 8497151 8512591 8502081 8490397 8494133 8503155 8500578 8505930 8489213 8512559 8489572 8490759 8489248 8489159 8489224 8508629 8489249 8510184 8512359 8511798 8511917 8511919 # Gondola (davebliz) 8500508 : 8492638 8506528 8512592 8504954 8499693 8489104 8509159 8506106 8489182 8489573 8497943 8506109 8489914 8500267 8512595 8491908 8489288 8496070 8500589 8503108 8489028 8489205 8496683 8505941 8505937 8507611 8500552 8508965 8490001 8490899 8493033 8499161 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8502151 8506671 8508641 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8499351 8505040 8494117 8495240 8506506 8489484 8489984 8492031 8495184 8497151 8512591 8502081 8490397 8494133 8503155 8500578 8505930 8489213 8512559 8489572 8490759 8489248 8489159 8489224 8508629 8489249 8510184 8512359 8511798 8511917 8511919 # Conquest of the Fallen Lands (davebliz) 8500520 : 8492638 8506528 8512592 8504954 8499693 8489104 8509159 8506106 8489182 8489573 8497943 8506109 8489914 8500267 8512595 8491908 8489288 8496070 8500589 8503108 8489028 8489205 8496683 8505941 8505937 8507611 8500552 8508965 8490001 8490899 8493033 8499161 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8502151 8506671 8508641 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8499351 8505040 8494117 8495240 8506506 8489484 8489984 8489539 8510184 8512359 # Dungeon Twister (davebliz) 8500527 : 8492638 8506528 8512592 8504954 8499693 8489104 8509159 8506106 8489182 # Paperback (davebliz) 8510105 : 8492638 8506528 8512592 8504954 8499693 8489104 8509159 8506106 8489182 8489573 8497943 8506109 8489914 8500267 8512595 8491908 8489288 8496070 8500589 8503108 8489028 8489205 8496683 8505941 8505937 8507611 # Alea Iacta Est (davebliz) 8512530 : 8492638 8506528 8512592 8504954 8499693 8489104 8509159 8506106 8489182 8489573 8497943 8506109 8489914 8500267 8512595 8491908 8489288 8496070 8500589 8503108 8489028 8489205 8496683 8505941 8505937 8507611 8500552 8508965 8490001 8490899 8493033 8499161 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8502151 8506671 8508641 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8499351 8505040 8494117 8495240 8506506 8489484 8489984 8489539 8492031 8495184 8497151 8512591 8502081 8490397 8494133 8503155 8500578 8505930 8489213 8512559 8489572 8490759 8489248 8489159 8489224 8508629 8489249 8510184 8512359 8511798 8511917 8511919 #pragma user "derecksherrer" # Confirmation code: 4elS08AAT0ptaF1qtuTS3g # Thu Sep 30 23:11:35 2021 # (derecksherrer) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (derecksherrer) %CoC1 : 8489319 8493161 # (derecksherrer) %CooIsl : 8489184 8505852 # (derecksherrer) %EscPla : 8490123 8507944 # (derecksherrer) %GAH : 8490114 8494842 8512340 # (derecksherrer) %GaiPro : 8490442 8492873 8512297 # (derecksherrer) %GoWTBG : 8503664 8507181 # (derecksherrer) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (derecksherrer) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (derecksherrer) %MilBla : 8492158 8492329 # (derecksherrer) %Oceans : 8489281 8492940 8500613 8500928 8508621 # (derecksherrer) %SCE : 8490814 8506518 # (derecksherrer) %SDMS : 8498911 8499682 # (derecksherrer) %SWIA : 8494040 8495243 # (derecksherrer) %SmaInc : 8490762 8492276 8507433 # (derecksherrer) %TMP : 8501293 8502058 # (derecksherrer) %TTIE : 8507516 8511738 # (derecksherrer) %YDMS : 8506831 8507651 # (derecksherrer) %Yokoh : 8499686 8512535 # Brass: Lancashire (derecksherrer) 8508961 : %AFfO 8494523 8505002 8494551 8507529 8507478 %Halle %EscPla %GaiPro 8494156 %SWIA %Yokoh %SmaInc %ImpCla %MilBla %GoWTBG %CooIsl 8503156 %TTIE %CoC1 # Cartographers (derecksherrer) 8508965 : %AFfO 8494523 8505002 8494551 8507529 8507478 %Halle %EscPla %GaiPro 8494156 %SWIA %Yokoh %SmaInc %ImpCla %MilBla %GoWTBG %CooIsl 8503156 %TTIE %CoC1 8494084 %GAH 8504885 %SCE 8490794 %SDMS %YDMS # Escape: The Curse of the Temple (derecksherrer) 8508970 : %AFfO 8494523 8505002 8494551 8507529 8507478 %Halle %EscPla %GaiPro 8494156 %SWIA %Yokoh %SmaInc %ImpCla %MilBla %GoWTBG %CooIsl 8503156 %TTIE %CoC1 8494084 %GAH 8504885 %SCE 8490794 %SDMS %YDMS # Forge War (derecksherrer) 8508976 : %AFfO 8494523 8505002 8494551 8507529 8507478 %Halle %EscPla # Gentes (derecksherrer) 8508978 : %AFfO 8494523 8505002 8494551 8507529 8507478 %Halle %EscPla %GaiPro 8494156 %SWIA %Yokoh %SmaInc %ImpCla %MilBla %GoWTBG %CooIsl 8503156 %TTIE %CoC1 8494084 %GAH 8504885 %SCE 8490794 %SDMS %YDMS 8505859 8505873 %TMP %Oceans 8500568 # Heroes of Terrinoth (derecksherrer) 8508982 : %AFfO 8494523 8505002 8494551 8507529 8507478 %Halle %EscPla %GaiPro 8494156 %SWIA %Yokoh %SmaInc %ImpCla %MilBla %GoWTBG %CooIsl 8503156 %TTIE %CoC1 8494084 %GAH 8504885 %SCE 8490794 %SDMS %YDMS 8505859 8505873 # Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game (derecksherrer) 8508985 : %AFfO 8494523 8505002 8494551 8507529 8507478 %Halle %EscPla %GaiPro 8494156 # Newton (derecksherrer) 8508986 : %AFfO 8494523 8505002 8494551 8507529 8507478 %Halle %EscPla %GaiPro # Pandemic: The Cure (derecksherrer) 8508987 : %AFfO 8494523 8505002 8494551 8507529 8507478 %Halle %EscPla %GaiPro 8494156 %SWIA %Yokoh %SmaInc %ImpCla %MilBla %GoWTBG %CooIsl 8503156 %TTIE %CoC1 8494084 %GAH 8504885 %SCE 8490794 %SDMS %YDMS 8505859 8505873 %TMP %Oceans 8500568 #pragma user "derekjinx" # Confirmation code: f2HUJpinRT9PKL6akpqsNg # Fri Oct 1 14:53:43 2021 # (derekjinx) %GLD : 8496144 8493125 # (derekjinx) %GaiPro : 8490442 8492873 8512297 # (derekjinx) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (derekjinx) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 # (derekjinx) %XiaDum : # Sierra West (derekjinx) 8508811 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Warband: Against the Darkness (derekjinx) 8508812 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Word Domination (derekjinx) 8508814 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Zombicide: Black Plague – Hero Box 1 (derekjinx) 8508815 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # DungeonQuest (Third Edition) (derekjinx) 8508824 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 # Homeland: The Game (derekjinx) 8508825 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Star Trek Panic (derekjinx) 8508826 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Space Alert (derekjinx) 8508829 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Flip Ships (derekjinx) 8508831 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # New Angeles (derekjinx) 8508832 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Dungeon Lords (derekjinx) 8508835 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Mombasa (derekjinx) 8508838 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 # The Manhattan Project: Chain Reaction (derekjinx) 8508842 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Hero Realms (derekjinx) 8508858 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Gateway: Uprising (derekjinx) 8508860 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Fields of Fire (derekjinx) 8508868 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Feudum (derekjinx) 8508881 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 # Empires of the Void (derekjinx) 8508888 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Emergence Event (derekjinx) 8508890 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game (derekjinx) 8508894 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Clash of Cultures (derekjinx) 8508914 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 # City of Iron: Second Edition (derekjinx) 8508916 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Boss Monster: The Dungeon Building Card Game (derekjinx) 8508918 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # The Ares Project (derekjinx) 8508922 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Warrior Knights (derekjinx) 8508928 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 # Titanium Wars (derekjinx) 8508929 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Throneworld (derekjinx) 8508934 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Theseus: The Dark Orbit (derekjinx) 8508936 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Talisman: Revised 4th Edition (derekjinx) 8508945 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Steam Park (derekjinx) 8508947 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Starship Samurai (derekjinx) 8508949 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 # Skulk Hollow (derekjinx) 8508951 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Rurik: Dawn of Kiev (derekjinx) 8508954 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 # Rise of Empires (derekjinx) 8508956 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD # Five Tribes: Dhenim (derekjinx) 8508967 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Tiny Epic Kingdoms: Deluxe Promo Pack (derekjinx) 8508975 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Spartacus: Hadrianus Promo Card (derekjinx) 8508993 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Champions of Midgard: SeeZam Promo Card (derekjinx) 8508994 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Champions of Midgard: Odin's Trial Promo Card (derekjinx) 8509000 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Champions of Midgard: Virtue Promo Card (derekjinx) 8509001 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Champions of Midgard: Despised Promo Card (derekjinx) 8509004 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Tiny Epic Defenders: Kickstarter Mini-Expansion (derekjinx) 8509027 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Mage Wars: Altar of the Iron Guard Promo Card (derekjinx) 8509037 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Sonar (derekjinx) 8510782 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Discover: Lands Unknown (derekjinx) 8510786 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Red7 (derekjinx) 8510791 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Nexus Ops (derekjinx) 8510804 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 # MUNERA: Familia Gladiatoria (derekjinx) 8510861 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 # Wiz-War (Eighth Edition) (derekjinx) 8510924 : 8489389 8494084 8502478 8489780 8505793 8501499 8510742 8489116 %GaiPro %XLoaDS %ImpCla %GLD 8494138 #pragma user "devilix" # Confirmation code: 5H5AYnZQQadEeEHmLaSpWg # Fri Oct 1 10:16:42 2021 # Arkham Horror: The Card Game (devilix) 8497875 : 8494551 8499686 8494044 8490123 8501961 8489544 8497135 8494850 8490192 8500000 8494853 8495247 8506831 8507651 8503087 8506815 8495235 8511910 8490027 8489252 8509951 8504823 8490343 8503076 # Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game (devilix) 8497881 : 8494551 8499686 8494044 8490123 8501961 8489544 8497135 8494850 8490192 8500000 8494853 8495247 8506831 8507651 8503087 8506815 8495235 8511910 8490027 8489252 8509951 8504823 8490343 8503076 8494058 8505855 8490023 8505047 8495201 8503693 8489014 8492953 8496234 8493712 # Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure (devilix) 8497891 : 8494551 8499686 8494044 8490123 8501961 8489544 8497135 8494850 8490192 8500000 8494853 8495247 8506831 8507651 8503087 8506815 8495235 8511910 # Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (devilix) 8497943 : 8494551 8499686 8494044 8490123 8501961 8489544 8497135 8494850 8490192 8500000 8494853 8495247 8506831 8507651 8503087 8506815 8495235 8511910 # The Quest for El Dorado (devilix) 8497950 : 8494551 8499686 8494044 8490123 8501961 8489544 8497135 8494850 8490192 8500000 8494853 8495247 8506831 8507651 8503087 8506815 8495235 8511910 8490027 8489252 8509951 8504823 8490343 8503076 8494058 8505855 8490023 8505047 8495201 8503693 8489014 8492953 8496234 8493712 8504423 8504381 8504391 8508623 8507580 8492204 # Wildlands (devilix) 8497952 : 8494551 8499686 8494044 8490123 8501961 8489544 8497135 8494850 8490192 8500000 8494853 8495247 8506831 8507651 8503087 8506815 8495235 8511910 8490027 8489252 8509951 8504823 8490343 8503076 8494058 8505855 8490023 8505047 8495201 #pragma user "dialwand" # Confirmation code: 9Rmx3nTTrEvIRux/tpo3wg # Fri Oct 1 14:49:41 2021 # (dialwand) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (dialwand) %Beez : 8493415 8506473 # (dialwand) %BoB : 8500857 8503454 # (dialwand) %DRtC : 8489186 8512300 # (dialwand) %EMA : 8489028 8489205 8496683 # (dialwand) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (dialwand) %LifOff : 8507589 8512073 # (dialwand) %PorRoy : 8502100 8512502 # (dialwand) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (dialwand) %Steam : 8494147 8512386 # (dialwand) %TLE : 8490043 8504669 # (dialwand) %TQfED : 8497167 8497950 8502438 # (dialwand) %TQfEDTGT : 8499995 8501499 # (dialwand) %Tapes : 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 # (dialwand) %TroDic : 8490753 8495214 # (dialwand) %Xwing : 8494140 8512231 # Kero (dialwand) 8502198 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod %TQfED %TQfEDTGT 8500501 8508627 8512392 8489577 8492789 8511208 %LifOff 8496691 8509905 8508619 8506326 %Beez 8512220 %BoB 8495234 8506745 8491398 8512391 %Xwing # The Great Dinosaur Rush (dialwand) 8502200 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod %TQfED %TQfEDTGT 8500501 8508627 8512392 8489577 8492789 8511208 %LifOff 8496691 8509905 8508619 # Rising 5: Runes of Asteros (dialwand) 8502201 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod %TQfED %TQfEDTGT 8500501 8508627 8512392 8489577 8492789 8511208 %LifOff 8496691 8509905 8508619 8506326 %Beez 8512220 %BoB 8495234 8506745 8491398 8512391 %Xwing 8499693 8506941 %PorRoy 8506535 8496007 8505941 8505793 8489595 8512579 8503004 %TroDic 8504725 %Steam 8492146 %ImpCla %TLE 8509888 8506819 8504695 8504721 # The Shining: Escape from the Overlook Hotel (dialwand) 8502202 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod %TQfED %TQfEDTGT 8500501 8508627 8512392 8489577 8492789 8511208 %LifOff 8496691 8509905 8508619 8506326 %Beez 8512220 %BoB 8495234 8506745 8491398 8512391 %Xwing 8499693 8506941 %PorRoy 8506535 8496007 8505941 8505793 8489595 8512579 8503004 %TroDic 8504725 %Steam 8492146 %ImpCla %TLE 8509888 8506819 8504695 8504721 8501291 8492936 8505040 8489161 8491595 # Superfight (dialwand) 8502204 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod %TQfED %TQfEDTGT 8500501 8508627 8512392 8489577 8492789 8511208 %LifOff 8496691 8509905 8508619 8506326 %Beez 8512220 %BoB 8495234 8506745 8491398 8512391 %Xwing 8499693 8506941 %PorRoy 8506535 8496007 8505941 8505793 8489595 8512579 8503004 %TroDic 8504725 %Steam 8492146 %ImpCla %TLE 8509888 8506819 8504695 8504721 8501291 # Passtally (dialwand) 8502207 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod %TQfED %TQfEDTGT 8500501 # Around the World in 80 Days (dialwand) 8502209 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC # Call to Adventure (dialwand) 8502211 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod %TQfED %TQfEDTGT 8500501 8508627 8512392 8489577 8492789 8511208 %LifOff 8496691 8509905 8508619 8506326 %Beez 8512220 %BoB 8495234 8506745 8491398 8512391 %Xwing 8499693 8506941 %PorRoy 8506535 8496007 8505941 8505793 8489595 8512579 8503004 %TroDic 8504725 %Steam 8492146 %ImpCla %TLE 8509888 8506819 8504695 8504721 # Viral (dialwand) 8502212 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod %TQfED %TQfEDTGT 8500501 8508627 # Monolith Arena (dialwand) 8502215 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod %TQfED %TQfEDTGT 8500501 8508627 8512392 8489577 8492789 8511208 %LifOff 8496691 8509905 8508619 8506326 %Beez 8512220 %BoB 8495234 8506745 8491398 8512391 %Xwing 8499693 8506941 %PorRoy 8506535 8496007 8505941 8505793 8489595 8512579 8503004 %TroDic 8504725 %Steam 8492146 %ImpCla %TLE 8509888 8506819 8504695 8504721 8501291 8492936 # Ghost Stories (dialwand) 8502216 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO # Forbidden Sky (dialwand) 8502217 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod %TQfED %TQfEDTGT 8500501 8508627 8512392 8489577 8492789 8511208 %LifOff 8496691 8509905 8508619 8506326 %Beez 8512220 %BoB 8495234 8506745 8491398 8512391 %Xwing 8499693 8506941 %PorRoy 8506535 8496007 8505941 8505793 8489595 8512579 8503004 %TroDic 8504725 %Steam 8492146 # Raiders of the North Sea (dialwand) 8502219 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod %TQfED %TQfEDTGT 8500501 # Chronicles of Crime (dialwand) 8502226 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 # Colt Express (dialwand) 8502227 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 # Critical Mass: Patriot vs Iron Curtain (dialwand) 8502229 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod %TQfED %TQfEDTGT 8500501 8508627 8512392 8489577 8492789 8511208 %LifOff 8496691 8509905 8508619 8506326 %Beez 8512220 %BoB 8495234 8506745 8491398 8512391 %Xwing 8499693 8506941 %PorRoy 8506535 8496007 8505941 8505793 8489595 8512579 8503004 %TroDic 8504725 %Steam 8492146 %ImpCla %TLE 8509888 8506819 8504695 8504721 8501291 8492936 8505040 8489161 8491595 # Dream Factory (dialwand) 8502231 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod %TQfED %TQfEDTGT # Holi: Festival of Colors (dialwand) 8502232 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod # Inkognito (dialwand) 8502233 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod %TQfED %TQfEDTGT 8500501 8508627 8512392 8489577 8492789 8511208 %LifOff 8496691 8509905 8508619 8506326 %Beez 8512220 %BoB 8495234 8506745 8491398 8512391 %Xwing 8499693 8506941 %PorRoy 8506535 8496007 8505941 8505793 8489595 8512579 8503004 %TroDic 8504725 %Steam 8492146 %ImpCla %TLE 8509888 8506819 8504695 8504721 # Alt Name: Item Removed (dialwand) 8502234 : # Kerala: The Way of the Elephant (dialwand) 8502235 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 # Keltis (dialwand) 8502237 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod %TQfED %TQfEDTGT 8500501 8508627 8512392 8489577 8492789 8511208 %LifOff 8496691 8509905 8508619 8506326 %Beez 8512220 %BoB 8495234 8506745 8491398 8512391 %Xwing 8499693 8506941 %PorRoy 8506535 # Alt Name: Item Removed (dialwand) 8502238 : # Alt Name: Item Removed (dialwand) 8502239 : # Alt Name: Item Removed (dialwand) 8502240 : # Pack & Stack (dialwand) 8502241 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA # Q.E. (dialwand) 8502244 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod %TQfED %TQfEDTGT 8500501 8508627 8512392 8489577 8492789 8511208 %LifOff 8496691 8509905 8508619 8506326 %Beez 8512220 %BoB 8495234 8506745 8491398 8512391 %Xwing 8499693 8506941 %PorRoy 8506535 8496007 # Quantum (dialwand) 8502245 : %Tapes # Room 25 (dialwand) 8502246 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod %TQfED %TQfEDTGT 8500501 8508627 8512392 8489577 8492789 8511208 %LifOff 8496691 8509905 8508619 8506326 %Beez 8512220 %BoB 8495234 8506745 8491398 8512391 %Xwing 8499693 8506941 %PorRoy 8506535 8496007 8505941 8505793 8489595 8512579 8503004 %TroDic 8504725 %Steam 8492146 %ImpCla %TLE 8509888 8506819 8504695 8504721 8501291 8492936 8505040 8489161 8491595 # Space Alert (dialwand) 8502248 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod %TQfED %TQfEDTGT 8500501 8508627 8512392 8489577 8492789 8511208 %LifOff 8496691 8509905 8508619 8506326 %Beez 8512220 %BoB 8495234 8506745 8491398 8512391 %Xwing 8499693 8506941 %PorRoy 8506535 8496007 8505941 8505793 8489595 # A Tale of Pirates (dialwand) 8502249 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 # Twilight Struggle (dialwand) 8502250 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO # Whistle Mountain (dialwand) 8502251 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO # Who Goes There? (dialwand) 8502252 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod %TQfED %TQfEDTGT # Alt Name: 7th Continent Replacement Cards (dialwand) 8510702 : %Tapes 8489419 8502039 8489780 8508623 %AFfO %EMA 8490485 8507953 8511912 8503076 %DRtC %SleGod %TQfED %TQfEDTGT 8500501 8508627 8512392 8489577 8492789 8511208 %LifOff 8496691 8509905 8508619 8506326 %Beez 8512220 %BoB 8495234 8506745 8491398 8512391 %Xwing 8499693 8506941 %PorRoy 8506535 8496007 8505941 8505793 8489595 8512579 8503004 %TroDic 8504725 %Steam 8492146 %ImpCla %TLE 8509888 8506819 8504695 8504721 8501291 8492936 8505040 8489161 #pragma user "DicedOut" # Confirmation code: IcX0NhDTZHkwgF3L7NtN0g # Sun Oct 3 20:55:39 2021 # Deus (DicedOut) 8512524 : 8512350 8489389 8489884 8490814 # Galaxy Trucker (DicedOut) 8512532 : 8512350 8489389 8495180 8504968 8507363 8489884 8490814 8507353 8504822 8489780 8500558 8501501 8490027 8507951 8502982 8490214 8490442 8492224 8493155 8491743 8490240 8512298 8490485 8490254 8502065 8503897 8511921 8509733 8500003 8504430 8500274 8510030 8489187 8494126 8490926 8492873 8490114 8489606 8502244 8490805 8492612 8508829 8490023 8509892 8507719 8502251 8509969 8492235 8490354 8500771 8508448 8502248 8496137 8489500 # AquaSphere (DicedOut) 8512543 : 8512350 8489389 8495180 8504968 8507363 8489884 8490814 8507353 8504822 8489780 8500558 8501501 8490027 8507951 8502982 8490214 8490442 8492224 8493155 8491743 8490240 8512298 8490485 8490254 8502065 8503897 8511921 8510030 8489187 8494126 8490926 8492873 8490114 # Clash of Cultures (DicedOut) 8512548 : 8512350 8489389 8495180 8504968 8507363 8489884 8490814 8507353 8504822 8489780 8500558 8501501 8490027 8507951 8502982 8490214 8490442 8492224 8493155 8491743 8490240 8512298 8490485 8490254 8502065 8503897 8511921 8510030 8489187 8494126 8490926 8492873 8490114 8489606 8502244 8490805 8492612 # Star Wars: The Card Game (DicedOut) 8512563 : 8512350 8489389 8495180 8504968 8507363 8489884 8490814 8507353 8504822 8489780 8500558 8501501 8490027 8507951 8502982 8490442 8492224 8493155 8491743 8490240 8512298 # Arcadia Quest (DicedOut) 8512567 : 8512350 # Firefly: The Game (DicedOut) 8512575 : 8512350 8489389 8495180 8504968 8507363 8489884 8490814 8507353 8504822 8489780 8500558 8501501 8490027 8507951 8502982 8490214 8490442 8492224 8493155 8491743 8490240 8512298 8490485 8490254 8502065 8503897 8511921 8509733 8500003 8504430 8510030 8489187 8494126 8490926 8492873 8490114 8489606 8502244 8490805 8492612 8508829 8490023 8509892 8507719 8502251 8509969 8492235 # Alt Name: $20 Gift Card to Retailer of Choice (DicedOut) 8512593 : 8512350 8489389 8495180 8504968 8507363 8489884 8490814 8507353 8504822 8489780 8500558 8501501 8490027 8507951 8502982 8490214 8490442 8492224 8493155 8491743 8490240 8512298 8490485 8490254 8502065 8503897 8511921 8509733 8500003 8504430 8510030 8489187 8494126 8490926 8492873 8490114 8489606 8502244 8490805 8492612 8508829 8490023 8509892 8507719 8502251 8509969 8492235 8490354 8500771 8508448 #pragma user "diguno" # Confirmation code: bqa1RUHL08ViF6BS9U7xiw # Fri Oct 1 16:56:01 2021 # (diguno) %AirCit : 8492153 8492804 # (diguno) %BraBir : 8507539 8512589 # (diguno) %BraLan : 8492275 8509746 # (diguno) %CoC1 : 8489319 8493161 # (diguno) %Cubit : 8503439 # (diguno) %Domin : 8503635 8511764 8512465 8508726 8502937 # (diguno) %ECE : 8512488 8512516 8512513 8509741 8512537 # (diguno) %EscPla : 8490123 8507944 # (diguno) %EveSpi : 8511675 8512515 # (diguno) %FanFac : 8499133 8502055 8504386 8512568 # (diguno) %HonBuz : 8500003 8504430 # (diguno) %LaGra : 8490138 8493986 # (diguno) %ModArt : 8489195 8490199 # (diguno) %SanMon : 8496223 8497157 # (diguno) %Shipy : 8490076 8492268 8507471 8512382 # (diguno) %SieWes : 8500848 8508811 8512503 # (diguno) %TCoG : 8491892 8501613 8507517 # (diguno) %Team3 : 8500571 8500573 # (diguno) %TotT : 8494293 8506823 # (diguno) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 # (diguno) %YDMS : 8506831 8507651 # Tiny Epic Mechs (diguno) 8505095 : 8512081 8512518 %YDMS 8511915 8489585 8491351 %ECE 8505859 8507529 8512363 8507478 8510945 %EscPla 8489014 %Shipy 8512350 8511245 8498195 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501877 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8511634 %WhiMou 8512533 8512540 8501554 8490934 8512483 8512512 8512564 8502506 8496091 8501776 8489389 8509314 8491743 %Cubit 8492953 %FanFac 8512466 8498633 8505793 %SanMon 8504428 8492983 8496217 8508818 8508964 %8509656 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8498732 8499258 8507947 8509922 %SieWes 8499737 %TotT 8491385 8507711 %AirCit 8499394 8507894 %Team3 %BraBir 8496685 8489780 %ModArt %TCoG %Domin %LaGra 8494545 8495224 8503114 8509772 8508754 8511917 8494677 8504230 8507954 8493007 8501786 %EveSpi 8506746 8512089 8489453 # Curious Cargo (diguno) 8505099 : 8512081 8512518 %YDMS 8511915 8489585 8491351 %ECE 8505859 8507529 8512363 8507478 8510945 %EscPla 8489014 %Shipy 8512350 8511245 8498195 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501877 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8511634 %WhiMou 8512533 8512540 8501554 8490934 8512483 8512512 8512564 8502506 8496091 8501776 8489389 8509314 8491743 %Cubit 8492953 %FanFac 8512466 8498633 8505793 %SanMon 8504428 8492983 8496217 8508818 8508964 %8509656 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 # Coffee Roaster (diguno) 8505106 : 8512081 8512518 %YDMS 8511915 8489585 8491351 %ECE 8505859 8507529 8512363 8507478 8510945 %EscPla 8489014 %Shipy 8512350 8511245 8498195 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501877 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8511634 %WhiMou 8512533 8512540 8501554 8490934 8512483 8512512 8512564 8502506 8496091 8501776 8489389 8509314 8491743 %Cubit 8492953 %FanFac 8512466 8498633 8505793 %SanMon 8504428 8492983 8496217 8508818 8508964 %8509656 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 # Kanban: Driver's Edition (diguno) 8505108 : 8512081 8512518 %YDMS 8511915 8489585 8491351 %ECE 8505859 8507529 8512363 8507478 8510945 %EscPla 8489014 %Shipy 8512350 8511245 8498195 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501877 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8511634 %WhiMou 8512533 8512540 8501554 8490934 # Airship City (diguno) 8505110 : 8512081 8512518 %YDMS 8511915 8489585 8491351 %ECE 8505859 8507529 8512363 8507478 8510945 %EscPla 8489014 %Shipy 8512350 8511245 8498195 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501877 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8511634 %WhiMou 8512533 8512540 8501554 8490934 8512483 8512512 8512564 8502506 8496091 8501776 8489389 8509314 8491743 %Cubit 8492953 %FanFac 8512466 8498633 8505793 %SanMon 8504428 8492983 8496217 8508818 8508964 %8509656 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8498732 8499258 8507947 8509922 %SieWes 8499737 %TotT 8491385 8507711 %AirCit 8499394 8507894 %Team3 %BraBir 8496685 8489780 %ModArt %TCoG %Domin %LaGra 8494545 8495224 8503114 8509772 8508754 8511917 8494677 8504230 8507954 8493007 8501786 %EveSpi 8506746 8512089 %BraLan 8508978 8508976 %CoC1 8502954 8509728 8508636 8508767 8512477 8512331 8494091 8509774 8500261 8494044 8511715 8496690 %HonBuz 8508932 8510041 8489453 # Ragusa (diguno) 8505111 : 8512081 8512518 %YDMS 8511915 8489585 8491351 %ECE 8505859 8507529 8512363 8507478 8510945 %EscPla 8489014 %Shipy 8512350 8511245 8498195 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501877 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8511634 %WhiMou 8512533 8512540 8501554 8490934 8512483 8512512 8512564 8502506 8496091 8501776 8489389 8509314 8491743 %Cubit 8492953 %FanFac 8512466 8498633 8505793 %SanMon 8504428 8492983 8496217 8508818 8508964 %8509656 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8498732 8499258 8507947 8509922 # Hey, That's My Fish! (diguno) 8505119 : 8512081 8512518 %YDMS 8511915 8489585 8491351 %ECE 8505859 8507529 8512363 8507478 8510945 %EscPla 8489014 %Shipy 8512350 8511245 8498195 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501877 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8511634 %WhiMou 8512533 8512540 8501554 8490934 8512483 8512512 8512564 8502506 8496091 8501776 8489389 8509314 8491743 %Cubit 8492953 %FanFac 8512466 8498633 8505793 %SanMon 8504428 8492983 8496217 8508818 8508964 %8509656 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8498732 8499258 8507947 8509922 %SieWes 8499737 %TotT 8491385 8507711 %AirCit 8499394 8507894 %Team3 %BraBir 8496685 8489780 %ModArt %TCoG %Domin %LaGra 8494545 8495224 8503114 8509772 8508754 8511917 8494677 8504230 8507954 8493007 8501786 %EveSpi 8506746 8512089 %BraLan 8508978 8508976 %CoC1 8502954 8509728 8508636 8508767 8512477 8512331 8494091 8509774 8500261 8494044 8511715 8496690 %HonBuz 8508932 8510041 8489453 # City Hall (diguno) 8505127 : 8512081 8512518 %YDMS 8511915 8489585 8491351 %ECE 8505859 8507529 8512363 8507478 8510945 %EscPla 8489014 %Shipy 8512350 8511245 8498195 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501877 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8511634 %WhiMou 8512533 8512540 8501554 8490934 8512483 8512512 8512564 8502506 8496091 8501776 8489389 8509314 8491743 %Cubit 8492953 %FanFac 8512466 8498633 8505793 %SanMon 8504428 8492983 8496217 8508818 8508964 %8509656 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8498732 8499258 8507947 8509922 %SieWes 8499737 %TotT 8491385 8507711 %AirCit 8499394 8507894 %Team3 %BraBir 8496685 8489780 %ModArt %TCoG %Domin %LaGra 8494545 8495224 8503114 8509772 8508754 8511917 8494677 8504230 8507954 8493007 8501786 %EveSpi 8506746 8512089 %BraLan 8508978 8508976 %CoC1 8502954 8509728 8508636 8508767 8512477 8512331 8494091 8509774 8500261 8494044 8511715 8496690 %HonBuz 8508932 8489453 # Alt Name: Marvel Champions Insert (diguno) 8512278 : 8512081 8512518 %YDMS 8511915 8489585 8491351 %ECE 8505859 8507529 8512363 8507478 8510945 %EscPla 8489014 %Shipy 8512350 8511245 8498195 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501877 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8511634 %WhiMou 8512533 8512540 8501554 8490934 8512483 8512512 8512564 8502506 8496091 8501776 8489389 8509314 8491743 %Cubit 8492953 %FanFac 8512466 8498633 8505793 %SanMon 8504428 8492983 8496217 8508818 8508964 %8509656 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8498732 8499258 8507947 8509922 # Alt Name: Paladins of the West Kingdom Insert (diguno) 8512291 : 8512081 8512518 %YDMS 8511915 8489585 8491351 %ECE 8505859 8507529 8512363 8507478 8510945 %EscPla 8489014 %Shipy 8512350 8511245 8498195 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501877 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8511634 %WhiMou 8512533 8512540 8501554 8490934 8512483 8512512 8512564 8502506 8496091 8501776 8489389 8509314 8491743 %Cubit 8492953 %FanFac 8512466 8498633 8505793 %SanMon 8504428 8492983 8496217 8508818 8508964 %8509656 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8498732 8499258 8507947 8509922 # Tokaido (diguno) 8512583 : 8512081 8512518 %YDMS 8511915 8489585 8491351 %ECE 8505859 8507529 8512363 8507478 8510945 %EscPla 8489014 %Shipy 8512350 8511245 8498195 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501877 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8511634 %WhiMou 8512533 8512540 8501554 8490934 8512483 8512512 8512564 8502506 8496091 8501776 8489389 8509314 8491743 %Cubit 8492953 %FanFac 8512466 8498633 8505793 %SanMon 8504428 8492983 8496217 8508818 8508964 %8509656 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8498732 8499258 8507947 8509922 %SieWes 8499737 %TotT 8491385 8507711 %AirCit 8499394 8507894 %Team3 %BraBir 8496685 8489780 %ModArt %TCoG %Domin %LaGra 8494545 8495224 8503114 8509772 8508754 8511917 8494677 8504230 8507954 8493007 8501786 %EveSpi 8506746 8512089 %BraLan 8508978 8508976 %CoC1 8502954 8509728 8508636 8508767 8512477 8512331 8494091 8509774 8500261 8494044 8511715 8496690 %HonBuz 8508932 8489453 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Lost Ruins of Arnak by Gaming Trunk (diguno) %8509656 : 8509656-COPY1 8509656-COPY2 8509656-COPY3 #pragma user "dizzybit" # Confirmation code: FAAVT2e4v89Z/EXxHS/xAw # Sun Oct 3 11:13:45 2021 # (dizzybit) %EMA : 8489028 8489205 8496683 # (dizzybit) %GaiPro : 8490442 8492873 8512297 # (dizzybit) %Ggng : 8495224 8507389 # (dizzybit) %Inis : 8492922 8504954 # (dizzybit) %LfW : 8512435 8512556 # (dizzybit) %LoW : 8489211 8489740 8498846 8502172 8505863 8509714 # (dizzybit) %Marip : 8491872 8492239 8492274 8497154 # (dizzybit) %Mem44 : 8508822 8509824 # (dizzybit) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (dizzybit) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (dizzybit) %RoT : 8490824 8491328 # (dizzybit) %SmaInc : 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 # (dizzybit) %SoN : 8489515 8489578 8490154 8506968 # (dizzybit) %Tapes : 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 # (dizzybit) %VEE : 8502511 8508664 8510029 # (dizzybit) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 8500586 # Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure (dizzybit) 8496003 : %OCoEaE 8492224 8489533 %SmaInc %EMA 8502478 %Inis 8491743 8511702 8489419 # Unlock!: Mythic Adventures (dizzybit) 8496014 : %OCoEaE 8492224 8489533 %SmaInc %EMA 8502478 %Inis 8491743 8511702 8489419 %GaiPro %PARKS 8512596 8510945 8492606 8503700 8507438 8490214 8491908 8496081 %SoN 8497161 8512464 8503165 8512469 8497159 8510785 8509961 # Viral (dizzybit) 8496023 : %OCoEaE 8492224 8489533 %SmaInc %EMA 8502478 %Inis 8491743 8511702 8489419 %GaiPro %PARKS 8512596 8510945 8492606 8503700 8507438 8490214 8491908 8496081 # Clash of Cultures (dizzybit) 8496028 : %OCoEaE 8492224 8489533 %SmaInc %EMA 8502478 %Inis 8491743 8511702 8489419 %GaiPro 8512596 8510945 8492606 8503700 8507438 # Ghost Stories (dizzybit) 8496036 : %OCoEaE 8492224 %SmaInc %EMA 8502478 # Cosmic Encounter (dizzybit) 8501467 : 8491833 8507953 8503899 8511245 8506518 # Betrayal at Baldur's Gate (dizzybit) 8501471 : %OCoEaE 8489533 %LoW %Mem44 %Ggng %Marip %RoT # Cryptid (dizzybit) 8508497 : 8491833 8507953 8503899 8511245 8506518 %LfW 8502245 8492127 8503108 # Flip Ships (dizzybit) 8512032 : %PARKS %VEE 8502219 %Tapes 8509108 %8509473 8494676 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Architects of the West Kingdom by Gaming Trunk (dizzybit) %8509473 : 8509473-COPY1 8509473-COPY2 8509473-COPY3 #pragma user "downstream" # Confirmation code: c97Cnivom9p5bXWVasyPTQ # Sat Oct 2 02:12:29 2021 # (downstream) %Azul : 8500522 8502332 # (downstream) %BroSer : 8507951 8490936 8501993 # (downstream) %CADA : 8490452 8495406 8497891 8511234 # (downstream) %Domin : 8493068 8498838 8503635 8507566 8511764 # (downstream) %KinBui : 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8512360 # (downstream) %LoW : 8489211 8498846 8502172 8505863 8509714 # (downstream) %Santo : 8489141 8493042 8498758 8499745 8500931 8509655 # (downstream) %TtRNC : 8489914 8512595 # Divine Right (downstream) 8490844 : 8497952 8509735 8510212 8500867 8501284 8501931 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8495229 8504876 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %LoW %CADA %KinBui %BroSer 8511918 8498732 8505765 8507504 8508964 8509922 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8489046 8512541 8490741 # Ad Astra (downstream) 8490845 : 8497952 8509735 8510212 8500867 8501284 8501931 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8495229 8504876 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %LoW %CADA %KinBui %BroSer 8511918 8498732 8505765 8507504 8508964 8509922 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8489046 8512541 8490741 %Santo 8512186 8496366 %Azul %TtRNC %Domin 8500387 8506746 8500814 8498738 8493720 8491609 8493705 8499258 8500456 8509665 8511882 8512137 8493509 8500606 # The Downfall of Pompeii (downstream) 8490849 : 8497952 8509735 8510212 8500867 8501284 8501931 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8495229 8504876 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %LoW %CADA %KinBui %BroSer 8511918 8498732 8505765 8507504 8508964 8509922 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8489046 8512541 8490741 %Santo 8512186 8496366 %Azul %TtRNC %Domin 8500387 8506746 8500814 8498738 8493720 8491609 8493705 8499258 8500456 8509665 8511882 8512137 8493509 8500606 8510491 # Age of Gods (downstream) 8490852 : 8497952 8509735 8510212 8500867 8501284 8501931 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8495229 8504876 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %LoW %CADA %KinBui %BroSer 8511918 8498732 8505765 8507504 8508964 8509922 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8489046 8512541 8490741 %Santo 8512186 8496366 %Azul %TtRNC %Domin 8500387 8506746 8500814 8498738 8493720 8491609 8493705 8499258 8500456 8509665 8511882 8512137 8493509 8500606 8510491 8495205 8512151 8512593 # Magic: The Gathering – Arena of the Planeswalkers (downstream) 8490859 : 8497952 8509735 8510212 8500867 8501284 8501931 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8495229 8504876 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %LoW %CADA %KinBui %BroSer 8511918 8498732 8505765 8507504 8508964 8509922 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8489046 8512541 8490741 %Santo 8512186 8496366 %Azul %TtRNC %Domin 8500387 8506746 8500814 8498738 8493720 8491609 8493705 8499258 8500456 8509665 8511882 8512137 8493509 8500606 8510491 8495205 # Theseus: The Dark Orbit (downstream) 8490861 : 8497952 8509735 8510212 8500867 8501284 8501931 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8495229 8504876 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %LoW %CADA %KinBui %BroSer 8511918 8498732 8505765 8507504 8508964 8509922 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8489046 8512541 8490741 %Santo 8512186 8496366 %Azul %TtRNC %Domin 8500387 8506746 8500814 8498738 8493720 # Splendor (downstream) 8491912 : 8497952 8509735 8510212 8500867 8501284 8501931 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8495229 8504876 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %LoW %CADA %KinBui %BroSer 8511918 8498732 8505765 8507504 8508964 8509922 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8489046 8512541 8490741 %Santo 8512186 8496366 # Dungeon Twister (downstream) 8491971 : 8497952 8509735 8510212 8500867 8501284 8501931 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8495229 8504876 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %LoW %CADA %KinBui %BroSer 8511918 8498732 8505765 8507504 8508964 8509922 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8489046 8512541 8490741 %Santo 8512186 8496366 %Azul %TtRNC %Domin 8500387 8506746 8500814 8498738 8493720 8491609 8493705 8499258 8500456 8509665 8511882 8512137 8493509 8500606 8510491 8495205 8512151 8512593 # Alt Name: 60$ Gift Card (downstream) 8501877 : 8497952 8509735 8510212 8501931 # Alt Name: 7 Sega Genesis cartridges (downstream) 8507887 : 8497952 8509735 8510212 8500867 8501284 8501931 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8495229 8504876 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %LoW %CADA %KinBui %BroSer 8511918 8498732 8505765 8507504 8508964 8509922 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8489046 8512541 8490741 %Santo 8512186 8496366 %Azul %TtRNC %Domin 8500387 8506746 8500814 8498738 8493720 8491609 8493705 8499258 8500456 8509665 8511882 8512137 8493509 8500606 8510491 # Alt Name: Magic the Gathering card: Sensei's Divining Top (downstream) 8507896 : 8497952 8509735 8510212 8500867 8501284 8501931 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 # Alt Name: Magic card: Thrasios, Triton Hero (downstream) 8507905 : 8497952 8509735 8510212 8500867 8501284 8501931 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8495229 8504876 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %LoW %CADA %KinBui %BroSer 8511918 8498732 8505765 8507504 8508964 8509922 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8489046 8512541 8490741 %Santo 8512186 8496366 %Azul %TtRNC %Domin 8500387 8506746 8500814 8498738 8493720 8491609 8493705 8499258 8500456 8509665 8511882 8512137 8493509 8500606 # Rum & Pirates (downstream) 8508007 : 8497952 8509735 8510212 8500867 8501284 8501931 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8495229 8504876 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %LoW %CADA %KinBui %BroSer 8511918 8498732 8505765 8507504 8508964 8509922 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8489046 8512541 8490741 %Santo 8512186 8496366 %Azul %TtRNC %Domin 8500387 8506746 8500814 8498738 8493720 8491609 8493705 8499258 8500456 8509665 8511882 8512137 8493509 8500606 # Shark (downstream) 8510169 : 8497952 8509735 8510212 8500867 8501284 8501931 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8495229 8504876 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %LoW %CADA %KinBui %BroSer 8511918 8498732 8505765 8507504 8508964 8509922 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8489046 8512541 8490741 %Santo 8512186 8496366 %Azul %TtRNC %Domin 8500387 8506746 8500814 8498738 8493720 8491609 8493705 8499258 8500456 8509665 8511882 8512137 8493509 8500606 # Alt Name: Nintendo Wii plus accessories (downstream) 8512379 : 8497952 8509735 8510212 8500867 8501284 # Alt Name: Playstation 2 with games and accessories (downstream) 8512409 : 8497952 8509735 8510212 8500867 8501284 8501931 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8495229 8504876 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 #pragma user "Dragoon6542" # Confirmation code: MMi14wRFGMcLg5mKGZ/wDA # Sun Oct 3 21:57:28 2021 # 7 Wonders (Dragoon6542) 8489986 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official # Adventure Island (Dragoon6542) 8489988 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official # Albion (Dragoon6542) 8489989 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 8496001 8489884 8494126 8512388 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8495406 8506883 8490114 8494842 8512340 8504708 8493684 8500255 8512498 8502216 8507517 8493732 8507951 8493193 8511855 8495409 8500851 8489601 8504503 8507477 8506531 8508970 8504430 8507647 8494088 8490155 8494726 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8489598 8507900 8490457 8512525 8506970 8504528 8511720 8504876 8508868 8496134 8500530 8489603 8489619 8503786 8506440 8512081 8495239 8512232 8495972 8512300 8490158 8502045 8511772 8499778 8511726 8506535 8509837 8500561 8511710 8505946 8492961 8498496 8492327 8502389 8509916 8496143 8506226 8501529 8489581 missing-official missing-official 8489187 8507072 8489280 8489211 8503907 8511206 8492224 8512225 8498739 8501525 8511213 8508583 8493156 8507669 8508700 8512595 8492282 8512552 8492957 8509759 8506718 8490838 8488871 8490135 8502226 8507497 8492213 8490237 8492901 8490487 8493035 8501290 8500003 8492910 8497071 8505858 8507389 8493133 8503884 8492616 8493010 8502251 8509932 8493049 8490240 8512298 8493151 8497914 8500001 8492158 8500531 8505846 8509719 8506941 8496537 8505164 8490332 8502152 8494131 8490190 8498633 8508954 8509744 8511189 8503004 8511917 8490177 8492964 8504907 8504669 8510810 8511889 8492983 8496217 8488951 8508641 8490929 8503156 8497233 8508881 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8496137 8509889 8495215 8504236 8512329 8507475 8490263 8491330 8491998 8490477 8490445 8492620 8492652 8495231 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8502240 8504739 8506714 8510150 8497076 8492936 8492231 8504717 8495404 8502506 8491993 8492247 8492527 8508630 8507342 8489482 8490824 8494006 8509633 8512499 8506799 8492950 8506821 8504751 8489880 8505111 8503135 8508595 8488920 8512345 8490204 8492260 8501562 8506538 8490148 8489849 8502235 8495969 8493713 8494671 8512449 8508636 8489116 8502083 8511728 8507677 8512432 8504502 8500350 8495179 8508589 8509882 8490501 8490163 8493040 8489159 8508715 8489290 8509641 8490447 8510191 8489591 8500608 8500677 8512477 8508611 8501516 8500163 8491293 8489523 8511776 8489208 8507441 8502420 # Arcatype (Dragoon6542) 8489992 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 8496001 8489884 8494126 8512388 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8495406 8506883 8490114 8494842 8512340 8504708 8493684 8500255 8512498 8502216 8507517 8493732 8507951 8493193 8511855 8495409 8500851 8489601 8504503 8507477 8506531 8508970 8504430 8507647 8494088 8490155 8494726 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8489598 8507900 8490457 8512525 8506970 8504528 8511720 8504876 8508868 8496134 8500530 8489603 8489619 8503786 8506440 8512081 8495239 8512232 8495972 8512300 8490158 8502045 8511772 8499778 8511726 8506535 8509837 8500561 8511710 8505946 8492961 8498496 8492327 8502389 8509916 8496143 8506226 8501529 8489581 missing-official missing-official 8489187 8507072 8489280 8489211 8503907 8511206 8492224 8512225 8498739 8501525 8511213 8508583 8493156 8507669 8508700 8512595 8492282 8512552 8492957 8509759 8506718 8490838 8488871 8490135 8502226 8507497 8492213 8490237 8492901 8490487 8493035 8501290 8500003 8492910 8497071 8505858 8507389 8493133 8503884 8492616 8493010 8502251 8509932 8493049 8490240 8512298 8493151 8497914 8500001 8492158 8500531 8505846 8509719 8506941 8496537 8505164 8490332 8502152 8494131 8490190 8498633 8508954 8509744 8511189 8503004 8511917 8490177 8492964 8504907 8504669 8510810 8511889 8492983 8496217 8488951 8508641 8490929 8503156 8497233 8508881 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8496137 8509889 8495215 8504236 8512329 8507475 8490263 8491330 8491998 8490477 8490445 8492620 8492652 8495231 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8502240 8504739 8506714 8510150 8497076 8492936 8492231 8504717 8495404 8502506 8491993 8492247 8492527 8508630 8507342 8489482 8490824 8494006 8509633 8512499 8506799 8492950 8506821 8504751 8489880 8505111 8503135 8508595 8488920 8512345 8490204 8492260 8501562 8506538 8490148 8489849 8502235 8495969 8493713 8494671 8512449 8508636 8489116 8502083 8511728 8507677 8512432 8504502 8500350 8495179 8508589 8509882 8490501 8490163 8493040 8489159 8508715 8489290 8509641 8490447 8510191 8489591 8500608 8500677 8512477 8508611 8501516 8500163 8491293 8489523 8511776 8489208 8507441 8502420 # Arkham Horror (Dragoon6542) 8489993 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official # Asante (Dragoon6542) 8489994 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 # Atlandice (Dragoon6542) 8489995 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 # BANG!: Halo (Dragoon6542) 8489996 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # BattleCON: Fate of Indines (Dragoon6542) 8489997 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # BattleLore: Second Edition (Dragoon6542) 8489998 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 # Beyond Baker Street (Dragoon6542) 8489999 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # Black Gold (Dragoon6542) 8490000 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 # Blackout: Hong Kong (Dragoon6542) 8490001 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 # Boomtown (Dragoon6542) 8490002 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official # Carcassonne: The Dice Game (Dragoon6542) 8490003 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 # Carthago: Merchants & Guilds (Dragoon6542) 8490005 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official # Cavern Tavern (Dragoon6542) 8490006 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 8496001 8489884 8494126 8512388 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8495406 8506883 8490114 8494842 8512340 8504708 8493684 8500255 8512498 8502216 8507517 8493732 8507951 8493193 8511855 8495409 8500851 8489601 8504503 8507477 8506531 8508970 8504430 8507647 8494088 8490155 8494726 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8489598 8507900 8490457 8512525 8506970 8504528 8511720 8504876 8508868 8496134 8500530 8489603 8489619 8503786 8506440 8512081 8495239 8512232 8495972 8512300 8490158 8502045 8511772 8499778 8511726 8506535 8509837 8500561 8511710 8505946 8492961 8498496 8492327 8502389 8509916 8496143 8506226 8501529 8489581 missing-official missing-official 8489187 8507072 8489280 8489211 8503907 8511206 8492224 8512225 8498739 8501525 8511213 8508583 8493156 8507669 8508700 8512595 8492282 8512552 8492957 8509759 8506718 8490838 8488871 8490135 8502226 8507497 8492213 8490237 8492901 8490487 8493035 8501290 8500003 8492910 8497071 8505858 8507389 8493133 8503884 8492616 8493010 8502251 8509932 8493049 8490240 8512298 8493151 8497914 8500001 8492158 8500531 8505846 8509719 8506941 8496537 8505164 8490332 8502152 8494131 8490190 8498633 8508954 8509744 8511189 8503004 8511917 8490177 8492964 8504907 8504669 8510810 8511889 8492983 8496217 8488951 8508641 8490929 8503156 8497233 8508881 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8496137 8509889 8495215 8504236 8512329 8507475 8490263 8491330 8491998 8490477 8490445 8492620 8492652 8495231 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8502240 8504739 8506714 8510150 8497076 8492936 8492231 8504717 8495404 8502506 8491993 8492247 8492527 8508630 8507342 8489482 8490824 8494006 8509633 8512499 8506799 8492950 8506821 8504751 8489880 8505111 8503135 8508595 8488920 8512345 8490204 8492260 8501562 8506538 8490148 8489849 8502235 8495969 8493713 8494671 8512449 8508636 8489116 8502083 8511728 8507677 8512432 8504502 8500350 8495179 8508589 8509882 8490501 8490163 8493040 8489159 8508715 8489290 8509641 8490447 8510191 8489591 8500608 8500677 8512477 8508611 8501516 8500163 8491293 8489523 8511776 8489208 8507441 8502420 # Chickwood Forest (Dragoon6542) 8490007 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 # Clash of the Gladiators (Dragoon6542) 8490008 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # Comanauts (Dragoon6542) 8490011 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 # Court of the Dead: Dark Harvest (Dragoon6542) 8490017 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 # Crown of Emara (Dragoon6542) 8490018 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 # Dark World (Dragoon6542) 8490020 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 # Dead Man's Doubloons (Dragoon6542) 8490021 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official # Destiny Aurora: Renegades (Dragoon6542) 8490022 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 # Dinosaur Island (Dragoon6542) 8490023 : # Dreamwell (Dragoon6542) 8490024 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official # Elder Sign (Dragoon6542) 8490025 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # Endangered Orphans of Condyle Cove (Dragoon6542) 8490028 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # Evolution (Dragoon6542) 8490029 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # Fantahzee: Hordes & Heroes (Dragoon6542) 8490030 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official # Flick 'em Up! (Dragoon6542) 8490031 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 # Founders of Gloomhaven (Dragoon6542) 8490032 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 # Funkoverse Strategy Game: DC Comics 100 (Dragoon6542) 8490033 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # The Golden Ages (Dragoon6542) 8490034 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official # King of New York (Dragoon6542) 8490035 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official # The King's Will (Dragoon6542) 8490036 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 # Kingdom Builder (Dragoon6542) 8490037 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official # The Last of the Independents (Dragoon6542) 8490039 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official # Liguria (Dragoon6542) 8490040 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 # Living Planet (Dragoon6542) 8490041 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 # Loot Island (Dragoon6542) 8490042 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 # The Lost Expedition (Dragoon6542) 8490043 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # Love Battle! High School (Dragoon6542) 8490044 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official # Love Letter (Dragoon6542) 8490046 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official # Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (Dragoon6542) 8490048 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 # The Mansky Caper (Dragoon6542) 8490049 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # Marvel United (Dragoon6542) 8490050 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official # Mea Culpa (Dragoon6542) 8490051 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 # Mine All Mines (Dragoon6542) 8490052 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 # Most Wanted (Dragoon6542) 8490053 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # Motion Pictures: Movies Out of Cardboard (Dragoon6542) 8490054 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # Neta-Tanka (Dragoon6542) 8490055 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 # Noria (Dragoon6542) 8490056 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 # North Wind (Dragoon6542) 8490057 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # OddVille (Dragoon6542) 8490058 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official # Otys (Dragoon6542) 8490059 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official # Overseers (Dragoon6542) 8490060 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # Pandemic (Dragoon6542) 8490061 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official # Pandemic: Rapid Response (Dragoon6542) 8490062 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official # Paperback (Dragoon6542) 8490063 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official # Pax Pamir (Dragoon6542) 8490065 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 # Polis (Dragoon6542) 8490066 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # Il Principe (Dragoon6542) 8490067 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 # [redacted] (Dragoon6542) 8490068 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official # Reworld (Dragoon6542) 8490069 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 # Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age (Dragoon6542) 8490070 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # Gambit Royale (Dragoon6542) 8490071 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 # Senators (Dragoon6542) 8490073 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 # Rent a Hero (Dragoon6542) 8490074 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 # Shadow Hunters (Dragoon6542) 8490075 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 # Shipyard (Dragoon6542) 8490076 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 # Small World (Dragoon6542) 8490078 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 # Smugglers (Dragoon6542) 8490079 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official # Snow Tails (Dragoon6542) 8490080 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 # Sola Fide: The Reformation (Dragoon6542) 8490081 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official # Sonar (Dragoon6542) 8490082 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official # Sovereign Skies (Dragoon6542) 8490083 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official # Star Wars: Epic Duels (Dragoon6542) 8490086 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 # Sutter's Mill (Dragoon6542) 8490087 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 8496001 8489884 8494126 8512388 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8495406 8506883 8490114 8494842 8512340 8504708 8493684 8500255 8512498 8502216 8507517 8493732 8507951 8493193 8511855 8495409 8500851 8489601 8504503 8507477 8506531 8508970 8504430 8507647 8494088 8490155 8494726 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8489598 8507900 8490457 8512525 8506970 8504528 8511720 8504876 8508868 8496134 8500530 8489603 8489619 8503786 8506440 8512081 8495239 8512232 8495972 8512300 8490158 8502045 8511772 8499778 8511726 8506535 8509837 8500561 8511710 8505946 8492961 8498496 8492327 8502389 8509916 8496143 8506226 8501529 8489581 missing-official missing-official 8489187 8507072 8489280 8489211 8503907 8511206 8492224 8512225 8498739 8501525 8511213 8508583 8493156 8507669 8508700 8512595 8492282 8512552 8492957 8509759 8506718 8490838 8488871 8490135 8502226 8507497 8492213 8490237 8492901 8490487 8493035 8501290 8500003 8492910 8497071 8505858 8507389 8493133 8503884 8492616 8493010 8502251 8509932 8493049 8490240 8512298 8493151 8497914 8500001 8492158 8500531 8505846 8509719 8506941 8496537 8505164 8490332 8502152 8494131 8490190 8498633 8508954 8509744 8511189 8503004 8511917 8490177 8492964 8504907 8504669 8510810 8511889 8492983 8496217 8488951 8508641 8490929 8503156 8497233 8508881 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8496137 8509889 8495215 8504236 8512329 8507475 8490263 8491330 8491998 8490477 8490445 8492620 8492652 8495231 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8502240 8504739 8506714 8510150 8497076 8492936 8492231 8504717 8495404 8502506 8491993 8492247 8492527 8508630 8507342 8489482 8490824 8494006 8509633 8512499 8506799 8492950 8506821 8504751 8489880 8505111 8503135 8508595 8488920 8512345 8490204 8492260 8501562 8506538 8490148 8489849 8502235 8495969 8493713 8494671 8512449 8508636 8489116 8502083 8511728 8507677 8512432 8504502 8500350 8495179 8508589 8509882 8490501 8490163 8493040 8489159 8508715 8489290 8509641 8490447 8510191 8489591 8500608 8500677 8512477 8508611 8501516 8500163 8491293 8489523 8511776 8489208 8507441 8502420 # The Swarm (Dragoon6542) 8490088 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 8496001 8489884 8494126 8512388 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8495406 8506883 8490114 8494842 8512340 8504708 8493684 8500255 8512498 8502216 8507517 8493732 8507951 8493193 8511855 8495409 8500851 8489601 8504503 8507477 8506531 8508970 8504430 8507647 8494088 8490155 8494726 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8489598 8507900 8490457 8512525 8506970 8504528 8511720 8504876 8508868 8496134 8500530 8489603 8489619 8503786 8506440 8512081 8495239 8512232 8495972 8512300 8490158 8502045 8511772 8499778 8511726 8506535 8509837 8500561 8511710 8505946 8492961 8498496 8492327 8502389 8509916 8496143 8506226 8501529 8489581 missing-official missing-official 8489187 8507072 8489280 8489211 8503907 8511206 8492224 8512225 8498739 8501525 8511213 8508583 8493156 8507669 8508700 8512595 8492282 8512552 8492957 8509759 8506718 8490838 8488871 8490135 8502226 8507497 8492213 8490237 8492901 8490487 8493035 8501290 8500003 8492910 8497071 8505858 8507389 8493133 8503884 8492616 8493010 8502251 8509932 8493049 8490240 8512298 8493151 8497914 8500001 8492158 8500531 8505846 8509719 8506941 8496537 8505164 8490332 8502152 8494131 8490190 8498633 8508954 8509744 8511189 8503004 8511917 8490177 8492964 8504907 8504669 8510810 8511889 8492983 8496217 8488951 8508641 8490929 8503156 8497233 8508881 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8496137 8509889 8495215 8504236 8512329 8507475 8490263 8491330 8491998 8490477 8490445 8492620 8492652 8495231 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8502240 8504739 8506714 8510150 8497076 8492936 8492231 8504717 8495404 8502506 8491993 8492247 8492527 8508630 8507342 8489482 8490824 8494006 8509633 8512499 8506799 8492950 8506821 8504751 8489880 8505111 8503135 8508595 8488920 8512345 8490204 8492260 8501562 8506538 8490148 8489849 8502235 8495969 8493713 8494671 8512449 8508636 8489116 8502083 8511728 8507677 8512432 8504502 8500350 8495179 8508589 8509882 8490501 8490163 8493040 8489159 8508715 8489290 8509641 8490447 8510191 8489591 8500608 8500677 8512477 8508611 8501516 8500163 8491293 8489523 8511776 8489208 8507441 8502420 # A Tale of Pirates (Dragoon6542) 8490089 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 # Talisman: Legendary Tales (Dragoon6542) 8490090 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official # Tao Long: The Way of the Dragon (Dragoon6542) 8490091 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official # Thunderstone (Dragoon6542) 8490092 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 # Ticket to Ride: The Card Game (Dragoon6542) 8490093 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official # Tower of Babel (Dragoon6542) 8490094 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official # Traders of Osaka (Dragoon6542) 8490095 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # Ultimate Warriorz (Dragoon6542) 8490096 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official # Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The Rise & Fall of Anvalor (Dragoon6542) 8490097 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 # Warhammer: Invasion (Dragoon6542) 8490099 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 # When I Dream (Dragoon6542) 8490100 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 # Wits & Wagers (Dragoon6542) 8490101 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 # Xia: Legends of a Drift System (Dragoon6542) 8490102 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 # Ys (Dragoon6542) 8490103 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 # Yunnan (Dragoon6542) 8490104 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 # Star Wars: X-Wing (Second Edition) – Tantive IV Expansion Pack (Dragoon6542) 8490105 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 # Viticulture: Tuscany – Expand the World of Viticulture (Dragoon6542) 8490106 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 # Alma Mater (Dragoon6542) 8502468 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 # Android (Dragoon6542) 8502471 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 # Ankh: Gods of Egypt (Dragoon6542) 8502478 : missing-official 8509876 # Dice City (Dragoon6542) 8502483 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 # Dominion Big Box (English) (Dragoon6542) 8502937 : missing-official 8509876 # Draconis Invasion (Dragoon6542) 8502949 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 # A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Second Edition) (Dragoon6542) 8502954 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 # Kemet: Blood and Sand (Dragoon6542) 8502994 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 # Louis XIV (Dragoon6542) 8503001 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official # Massive Darkness (Dragoon6542) 8503009 : # Runewars Miniatures Game (Dragoon6542) 8503012 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 # Small World (Dragoon6542) 8503080 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 # Starcadia Quest (Dragoon6542) 8503087 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 # Tiny Epic Quest (Dragoon6542) 8503094 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 # Treasures & Traps (Dragoon6542) 8503099 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # Boom, Bang, Gold (Dragoon6542) 8503105 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 # Bruxelles 1897 (Dragoon6542) 8503106 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official # Camel Up (Second Edition) (Dragoon6542) 8503108 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 # The Crow: Fire It Up! (Dragoon6542) 8503110 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official # End of the Trail (Dragoon6542) 8503112 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official # Football Highlights 2052 (Dragoon6542) 8503113 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 # Fort (Dragoon6542) 8503114 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official # Magnastorm (Dragoon6542) 8503116 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 # Maiko (Dragoon6542) 8503117 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official # Medici: The Card Game (Dragoon6542) 8503118 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 # Mottainai (Dragoon6542) 8503119 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 # One Key (Dragoon6542) 8503121 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official # Orbis (Dragoon6542) 8503123 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official # Pirates Under Fire (Dragoon6542) 8503124 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 # Planet (Dragoon6542) 8503125 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official # The Spoils: Decade of Deckadence (Dragoon6542) 8503127 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 # Wacky Races: The Board Game (Dragoon6542) 8503129 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official # Unlock!: Heroic Adventures (Dragoon6542) 8503131 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # Debtzilla (Dragoon6542) 8503401 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official # Shadows: Amsterdam (Dragoon6542) 8503421 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official # Rebel Nox (Dragoon6542) 8503446 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official # Clue: Discover the Secrets (Dragoon6542) 8503499 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 # Bearly Working (Dragoon6542) 8503512 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # Rhino Hero (Dragoon6542) 8503527 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # Pairs (Dragoon6542) 8503540 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 # Escape from the Hidden Castle (Dragoon6542) 8503544 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 # Gloom of Thrones (Dragoon6542) 8503551 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 # CIV: Carta Impera Victoria (Dragoon6542) 8503562 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 # Fast Forward: FORTUNE (Dragoon6542) 8503576 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official # Alt Name: Persona 5 Strikers Video Game (Dragoon6542) 8503604 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 # Alt Name: $60 CAD Gift Card (Dragoon6542) 8503609 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 # Between Two Cities (Dragoon6542) 8511977 : missing-official 8509876 8509875 8494106 8504889 8500621 8492161 8505873 8494160 8492638 8494282 8507709 8507424 8506528 8497128 8512555 8512592 8506544 8507732 8505850 8492194 8497913 8495224 8509907 8494436 8500777 8509870 8507953 8507712 8509314 8490791 8505002 8504546 8498489 8503700 8494850 8502408 8499100 8500168 8504221 8505859 8499686 8512535 8494084 8500776 8507006 8496215 8512123 8502245 8511245 8490256 8490192 8500000 8507369 8490523 8503903 8511235 8494156 8489585 8495235 8496917 8511724 8499029 8506518 8508928 8490844 8493730 8510212 8512494 8498640 8493071 8504890 8499236 8489577 8502414 8490807 8500586 8504423 8489533 8507529 8509838 8511702 8507478 8504436 8491833 8512350 8490343 8511887 8508635 8512497 8494111 8498911 8499682 8506831 8497135 8502519 8490814 8497065 8493117 8511836 8503664 8489594 8510806 8506495 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8507511 8507219 8503899 8489602 8489599 8502412 8507582 8507363 8499811 8508620 8491743 8491727 8489128 8506859 8507181 8497603 8510924 8511971 8494068 8507404 8494165 8507651 8500274 8507355 8512590 8507585 8494668 8504968 8508598 8492922 8504853 8500534 8511190 8511715 8491994 8492848 8509951 8492953 8504823 8500005 8489254 8500368 8492204 8506815 8495180 8508699 8492162 8493405 8503158 8492265 8500394 8501766 8492275 8494551 8512571 8492996 8508694 8495201 8509159 8512312 8498646 8500867 8501284 8489155 8512490 8499367 8505944 8492625 8499397 8512303 8507592 8512098 8499394 missing-official 8494955 8490828 8489597 8496685 8493155 8501781 8489914 8490504 8498348 8494544 8490123 8508591 8499998 8507557 8500545 8507374 8507008 8500568 8489600 8503076 8495212 8510037 8507741 8507188 8508597 8504883 8507489 8502990 8502129 8506537 8509831 8512335 8495199 missing-official 8504822 8509954 8492125 8493005 8510028 8504891 8490717 8504954 8489814 8504765 8494058 8505855 8501467 8490535 8507499 8508850 8509746 8498734 8508586 8494040 8495243 8501411 8512425 8490199 8508838 8490462 8507719 8498508 8494283 8512567 8494044 8490762 8489014 8503433 8492789 8492987 8504234 8509778 8506963 8496123 8498481 8509730 8512206 8489166 8498499 8500829 8490434 8493007 8507382 8507580 8490845 8492540 8504722 8510809 8490883 8496091 8491315 8504991 8489319 8493161 8504718 8507588 8502252 8491351 8493167 8503655 8502039 8502120 8508600 8502397 8507569 8504856 8495232 8509233 8507388 8507353 8490442 8492873 8489740 8500560 8495194 8512596 8501613 8512434 8493187 8500601 8507468 8504389 8508819 8509732 8500416 8500081 8508712 8493113 8503458 8500928 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502107 8508448 8494289 8493169 8505558 8490764 8491996 8490794 8499301 8511634 8512518 8501931 8505937 8500620 8493735 8503895 8507611 8489046 8492866 8496915 8489103 8492977 8503157 8489531 8500857 8492178 8506511 8511773 missing-official 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490926 8512297 8512488 8509714 8497891 8506771 8489780 8509892 8491776 8496003 8498656 8504804 8490802 8502137 8492973 8495265 8509933 8496070 8494863 8496356 8495982 8507949 8490485 8499693 8492268 8507471 8512382 8501961 8500611 8510804 8490465 8492329 8504704 8489281 8508621 8496681 8510205 8505941 8499996 8507901 8507725 8489544 8498627 8495008 8494638 8489608 8500430 8507508 8511722 8489497 8494853 8495247 8511170 8508916 8493712 8507549 8489971 8509887 8489186 8512111 8491745 8492799 8491328 8506106 8509735 8504344 8508824 8501519 8507507 8489034 8506499 8491291 8509174 8506517 8508902 8497078 8492885 8504904 8502048 8509741 8512537 8507578 8503692 8507574 8505018 8500272 8494964 8492328 #pragma user "drakenden" # Confirmation code: Dl64GznfP90lR7qV/BmKQg # Fri Oct 1 09:15:11 2021 # (drakenden) %DunPet : 8496094 8512226 # (drakenden) %FanFac : 8504386 8512568 # (drakenden) %HaC : 8489886 8499689 # (drakenden) %NYZ : 8503678 8509177 # (drakenden) %PrtPo : 8490805 8490896 8509772 # (drakenden) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 # Ab durch die Mauer (drakenden) 8503426 : 8489254 8500867 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492885 missing-official 8505763 %DunPet %NYZ %PrtPo %FanFac 8489600 8511918 8498195 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8503135 8504913 8489502 # Beasts of Balance (drakenden) 8503454 : 8489254 8500867 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492885 missing-official # Belfort (drakenden) 8503458 : 8489254 8500867 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492885 missing-official 8505763 %DunPet %NYZ %PrtPo %FanFac 8489600 8511918 8498195 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8503135 8504913 8489502 %WhiMou 8507725 # Cosmic Run: Regeneration (drakenden) 8503461 : 8489254 8500867 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492885 missing-official 8505763 %DunPet %NYZ %PrtPo %FanFac 8489600 8511918 8498195 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8503135 8504913 8489502 %WhiMou 8507725 8512519 8491609 8499258 8512137 8512151 %HaC 8492550 8499658 8504879 # Flyin' Goblin (drakenden) 8503465 : 8489254 8500867 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492885 missing-official 8505763 %DunPet %NYZ %PrtPo %FanFac 8489600 8511918 8498195 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8503135 8504913 8489502 %WhiMou 8507725 8512519 8491609 8499258 8512137 8512151 %HaC 8492550 8499658 8504879 # BrilliAnts (drakenden) 8503466 : 8489254 8500867 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492885 missing-official 8505763 %DunPet %NYZ %PrtPo %FanFac 8489600 8511918 8498195 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8503135 8504913 8489502 %WhiMou 8507725 # GPS (drakenden) 8503467 : 8489254 8500867 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492885 missing-official 8505763 %DunPet %NYZ %PrtPo %FanFac 8489600 8511918 8498195 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8503135 8504913 8489502 %WhiMou 8507725 8512519 8491609 8499258 8512137 8512151 %HaC 8492550 8499658 8504879 # Master of the Galaxy (drakenden) 8503470 : 8489254 8500867 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492885 missing-official 8505763 %DunPet %NYZ %PrtPo %FanFac 8489600 8511918 8498195 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8503135 8504913 8489502 %WhiMou 8507725 # Minerva (drakenden) 8503472 : 8489254 8500867 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492885 missing-official 8505763 %DunPet %NYZ %PrtPo %FanFac 8489600 8511918 8498195 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8503135 8504913 8489502 %WhiMou 8507725 8512519 8491609 8499258 8512137 8512151 %HaC 8492550 8499658 8504879 # Sonora (drakenden) 8503473 : 8489254 8500867 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492885 missing-official 8505763 %DunPet %NYZ %PrtPo %FanFac 8489600 8511918 8498195 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8503135 8504913 8489502 %WhiMou 8507725 8512519 8491609 8499258 8512137 8512151 %HaC 8492550 8499658 8504879 # Virgin Seas (drakenden) 8503474 : 8489254 8500867 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492885 missing-official 8505763 %DunPet %NYZ %PrtPo %FanFac 8489600 8511918 8498195 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8503135 8504913 8489502 %WhiMou 8507725 8512519 8491609 8499258 8512137 8512151 %HaC 8492550 8499658 8504879 # Waggle Dance (drakenden) 8503475 : 8489254 8500867 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492885 missing-official 8505763 %DunPet %NYZ %PrtPo %FanFac 8489600 8511918 8498195 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8503135 8504913 8489502 %WhiMou 8507725 # The Wizard Always Wins (drakenden) 8503476 : 8489254 8500867 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492885 missing-official 8505763 %DunPet %NYZ %PrtPo %FanFac 8489600 8511918 8498195 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8503135 8504913 8489502 %WhiMou 8507725 8512519 8491609 8499258 8512137 8512151 %HaC 8492550 8499658 8504879 # Xalapa (drakenden) 8503479 : 8489254 8500867 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492885 missing-official 8505763 %DunPet %NYZ %PrtPo %FanFac 8489600 8511918 8498195 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8503135 8504913 8489502 %WhiMou 8507725 8512519 8491609 8499258 8512137 8512151 %HaC 8492550 8499658 8504879 #pragma user "duckduck" # Confirmation code: 9oz/k8e4ufvDnFuQGlyRAw # Sun Oct 3 21:29:09 2021 # (duckduck) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (duckduck) %GMIC : 8490802 8511855 # (duckduck) %GaiPro : 8490442 8492873 8512297 # (duckduck) %Inis : 8492922 8504954 # (duckduck) %KBaS : 8490192 8500000 8502994 # (duckduck) %MoMSE : 8490048 8492161 # (duckduck) %SCE : 8490814 8506518 # (duckduck) %SDMS : 8498911 8499682 8507188 # (duckduck) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (duckduck) %SpiIsl : 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 # (duckduck) %Yokoh : 8499686 8512123 8512535 # Wingspan (duckduck) 8489280 : 8512350 8502478 %KBaS 8500568 8494084 8511235 8500867 8501284 %GaiPro 8493159 8492224 %Yokoh 8507478 # Oceans (duckduck) 8489281 : 8512350 8502478 %KBaS 8500568 8494084 8500867 8501284 %GaiPro 8493159 # Chronicles of Crime: 1400 (duckduck) 8489319 : 8512350 8502478 %KBaS 8500568 8494084 8511235 8500867 8501284 %GaiPro 8493159 8492224 %Yokoh 8507478 %MoMSE %SleGod 8504423 8504885 8496217 8511245 8507953 8506537 8489254 8499301 %SCE %SDMS 8507709 # Great Western Trail (duckduck) 8489450 : 8512350 8502478 %KBaS 8500568 8494084 8511235 8500867 8501284 %GaiPro 8493159 8492224 %Yokoh 8507478 %MoMSE %SleGod 8504423 8504885 8496217 8511245 %GMIC 8507953 8506537 8489254 8499301 %SCE %SDMS 8507709 %SpiIsl 8499811 %Inis %DunImp 8488871 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 # On the Underground: London/Berlin (duckduck) 8489453 : 8512350 8502478 %KBaS 8500568 8494084 8500867 8501284 # Rome, Inc.: From Augustus to Diocletian (duckduck) 8491513 : 8512350 8502478 %KBaS 8500568 8494084 8511235 8500867 8501284 %GaiPro 8493159 8492224 %Yokoh 8507478 %MoMSE %SleGod 8504423 8504885 8496217 8511245 %GMIC 8507953 8506537 8489254 8499301 %SCE %SDMS 8507709 %SpiIsl 8499811 %Inis %DunImp 8510945 8490214 8488871 8489117 8507497 8492983 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 8489597 8489814 8504765 8512362 8500625 8503893 8505879 8509774 8507468 8491908 8492973 8495265 8509933 8509732 8492910 8497071 8505858 8488947 8493689 8492616 8493049 8489104 8500354 8507406 8510936 8505793 8494108 8495203 8499229 8502507 8493163 8509180 8507737 8491996 8501877 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8505932 8489159 8503692 # Everdell (duckduck) 8508847 : 8512350 8502478 %KBaS 8500568 8494084 8511235 8500867 8501284 %GaiPro 8493159 #pragma user "Duckster" # Confirmation code: cmTYywt6ucyVSypKhKCePQ # Sun Oct 3 16:06:28 2021 # (Duckster) %BarQue : 8492964 8494068 8504907 # (Duckster) %Cubit : 8491883 8503439 # (Duckster) %Desti : 8493169 8505558 # (Duckster) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (Duckster) %EveSpi : 8511675 8512515 # (Duckster) %GMIC : 8490802 8511855 # (Duckster) %GaiPro : 8490442 8492873 8512297 # (Duckster) %HaC : 8489886 8499689 # (Duckster) %IKI : # (Duckster) %KBaS : 8490192 8500000 8502994 8511910 # (Duckster) %MagMet : 8495215 8504236 # (Duckster) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (Duckster) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 8509933 # (Duckster) %SDMS : # (Duckster) %SWIA : 8494040 8495243 # (Duckster) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (Duckster) %SmaInc : 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 # (Duckster) %TGTFoA : 8494160 8507732 # (Duckster) %Tudor : 8496404 8505550 # (Duckster) %YDMS : 8506831 8507651 # The Lost Expedition (Duckster) 8504669 : %KBaS 8502478 8509954 %SWIA 8512350 8500867 8501284 8492204 %TGTFoA 8494479 %BarQue 8497135 %MagMet 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493730 %YDMS %SleGod %DunImp %GMIC %PCR 8489606 8500501 8489453 %EveSpi 8503786 8506440 8512081 8507006 8489046 %SmaInc 8493049 8498195 8500260 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489099 8506226 8490214 %Cubit 8492616 8492789 8495229 8507151 8504428 %Desti 8505868 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8506795 8490148 # Solenia (Duckster) 8504672 : %KBaS 8502478 8509954 %SWIA 8512350 8500867 8501284 8492204 %TGTFoA 8494479 %BarQue 8497135 %MagMet 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493730 %YDMS %SleGod %DunImp %GMIC %PCR 8489606 8500501 8489453 %EveSpi 8503786 8506440 8512081 8507006 8489046 %SmaInc 8493049 8498195 8500260 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 # Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (Duckster) 8504685 : %KBaS 8502478 8509954 %SWIA 8512350 8500867 8501284 8492204 %TGTFoA 8494479 %BarQue 8497135 %MagMet 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493730 %YDMS %SleGod %DunImp %GMIC %PCR 8489606 8500501 8489453 %EveSpi 8503786 8506440 8512081 8507006 8489046 %SmaInc 8493049 8498195 8500260 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489099 8506226 8490214 %Cubit 8492616 8492789 8495229 8507151 8504428 %Desti 8505868 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8506795 8490148 8499393 8506746 # Exit: The Game + Puzzle – The Deserted Lighthouse (Duckster) 8504695 : %KBaS 8502478 8509954 %SWIA 8512350 8500867 8501284 8492204 %TGTFoA 8494479 %BarQue 8497135 %MagMet 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493730 %YDMS %SleGod %DunImp %GMIC %PCR 8489606 8500501 8489453 %EveSpi 8503786 8506440 8512081 8507006 8489046 %SmaInc 8493049 8498195 8500260 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489099 8506226 8490214 %Cubit 8492616 8492789 8495229 8507151 8504428 %Desti 8505868 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8506795 8490148 8499393 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8500275 8489478 %HaC 8489210 # Specter Ops (Duckster) 8504704 : %KBaS 8502478 8509954 %SWIA 8512350 8500867 8501284 8492204 %TGTFoA 8494479 %BarQue 8497135 %MagMet 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493730 %YDMS %SleGod %DunImp %GMIC %PCR 8489606 8500501 8489453 %EveSpi 8503786 8506440 8512081 8507006 8489046 %SmaInc 8493049 8498195 8500260 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489099 8506226 # Reavers of Midgard (Duckster) 8504717 : %KBaS 8502478 8509954 %SWIA 8512350 8500867 8501284 8492204 %TGTFoA 8494479 %BarQue 8497135 %MagMet 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493730 %YDMS # Alt Name: Ipad Air first gen, 16GB (Duckster) 8504798 : %KBaS 8502478 8509954 %SWIA 8512350 8500867 8501284 8492204 # Alt Name: Lost Cities 3d printed insert (Duckster) 8504810-COPY1 : %KBaS 8502478 8509954 %SWIA 8512350 8500867 8501284 8492204 %TGTFoA 8494479 %BarQue 8497135 %MagMet 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493730 %YDMS %SleGod %DunImp %GMIC %PCR 8489606 8500501 8489453 %EveSpi 8503786 8506440 8512081 8507006 8489046 %SmaInc 8493049 8498195 8500260 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489099 8506226 8490214 %Cubit 8492616 8492789 8495229 8507151 8504428 %Desti 8505868 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8506795 8490148 8499393 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8500275 8489478 %HaC 8489210 # Alt Name: Lost Cities 3d printed insert (Duckster) 8504810-COPY2 : %KBaS 8502478 8509954 %SWIA 8512350 8500867 8501284 8492204 %TGTFoA 8494479 %BarQue 8497135 %MagMet 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493730 %YDMS %SleGod %DunImp %GMIC %PCR 8489606 8500501 8489453 %EveSpi 8503786 8506440 8512081 8507006 8489046 %SmaInc 8493049 8498195 8500260 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489099 8506226 8490214 %Cubit 8492616 8492789 8495229 8507151 8504428 %Desti 8505868 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8506795 8490148 8499393 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8500275 8489478 %HaC 8489210 # Alt Name: Lost Cities 3d printed insert (Duckster) 8504810-COPY3 : %KBaS 8502478 8509954 %SWIA 8512350 8500867 8501284 8492204 %TGTFoA 8494479 %BarQue 8497135 %MagMet 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493730 %YDMS %SleGod %DunImp %GMIC %PCR 8489606 8500501 8489453 %EveSpi 8503786 8506440 8512081 8507006 8489046 %SmaInc 8493049 8498195 8500260 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489099 8506226 8490214 %Cubit 8492616 8492789 8495229 8507151 8504428 %Desti 8505868 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8506795 8490148 8499393 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8500275 8489478 %HaC 8489210 # Alt Name: Horrified upgrade figures (Duckster) 8505040 : %KBaS 8502478 8509954 %SWIA 8512350 8500867 8501284 8492204 %TGTFoA 8494479 %BarQue 8497135 %MagMet 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493730 %YDMS %SleGod %DunImp %GMIC %PCR 8489606 8500501 8489453 %EveSpi 8503786 8506440 8512081 8507006 8489046 # Endeavor: Age of Sail (Duckster) 8511724 : %KBaS 8502478 # Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time (Duckster) 8511726 : %KBaS 8502478 8509954 %SWIA 8512350 8500867 8501284 8492204 %TGTFoA 8494479 %BarQue 8497135 %MagMet 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493730 %YDMS %SleGod %DunImp %GMIC %PCR 8489606 8500501 8489453 %EveSpi 8503786 8506440 8512081 8507006 8489046 %SmaInc 8493049 8498195 8500260 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489099 8506226 8490214 %Cubit 8492616 8492789 8495229 8507151 8504428 %Desti 8505868 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8506795 8490148 8499393 #pragma user "ecsf2008" # Confirmation code: RUw7j5AGLMlgVFrKDV9IHQ # Sun Oct 3 22:03:27 2021 # (ecsf2008) %RftG : 8500498 8506883 # (ecsf2008) %Villa : 8502151 8506671 8508641 # CV (ecsf2008) 8510184 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 # Crossfire (ecsf2008) 8510187 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8491699 8512586 8509929 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 8506713 8508705 8490076 8507471 8512382 8488871 # Guildhall: Job Faire (ecsf2008) 8510188 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8491699 8512586 8509929 8507566 8490338 8489293 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 8506713 8508705 8490076 8507471 8512382 8488871 8502036 # SpyNet (ecsf2008) 8510189 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8491699 8512586 8509929 8507566 8490338 8489293 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 8506713 8508705 8490076 8507471 8512382 8488871 8502036 # The Godfather: An Offer You Can't Refuse (ecsf2008) 8510190 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8491699 8512586 8509929 8507566 8490338 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 8506713 8508705 8490076 8507471 8512382 8488871 # The Walking Dead: No Sanctuary (ecsf2008) 8510191 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8491699 8512586 8509929 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 8506713 8508705 8490076 8507471 8512382 8488871 # [redacted] (ecsf2008) 8510193 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8491699 8512586 8509929 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 8506713 8508705 8490076 8507471 8512382 # The Game of Things (ecsf2008) 8510196 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8491699 8512586 8509929 8507566 8490338 8489293 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 8506713 8508705 8490076 8507471 8512382 8488871 8502036 # Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends (ecsf2008) 8510197 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 8500867 8501284 # Straw (ecsf2008) 8510198 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8491699 8512586 8509929 8507566 8490338 8489293 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 8506713 8508705 8490076 8507471 8512382 8488871 8502036 # Maharani (ecsf2008) 8510199 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8491699 8512586 8509929 8507566 8490338 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 8506713 8508705 8490076 8507471 8512382 8488871 # Machi Koro: Bright Lights, Big City (ecsf2008) 8510200 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 # Game of Thrones: The Trivia Game (ecsf2008) 8510201 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8491699 8512586 8509929 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 8506713 8508705 8490076 8507471 8512382 8488871 # Fans de Hockey (ecsf2008) 8510202 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8491699 8512586 8509929 8507566 8490338 8489293 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 8506713 8508705 8490076 8507471 8512382 8488871 8502036 # Dead of Winter: The Long Night (ecsf2008) 8510203 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 8500867 8501284 # Sub Terra (ecsf2008) 8510205 : # Takenoko (ecsf2008) 8510208 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8500867 8501284 # 7 Wonders (ecsf2008) 8510209 : # Amazonas (ecsf2008) 8510211 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8491699 8512586 8509929 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 8506713 8508705 8490076 8507471 8512382 # Arcadia Quest: Inferno (ecsf2008) 8510212 : # Dominare (ecsf2008) 8512476 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 # Coup: Deluxe Edition (ecsf2008) 8512477 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 # Donner Dinner Party (ecsf2008) 8512485 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8491699 8512586 8509929 8507566 8490338 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 8506713 8508705 8490076 8507471 8512382 8488871 # Everdell (ecsf2008) 8512488 : 8490398 8497164 8506226 8500867 8501284 # Evolution: Climate (ecsf2008) 8512491 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 8500867 8501284 # Hocus (ecsf2008) 8512492 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8491699 8512586 8509929 8507566 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 8506713 8508705 8490076 8507471 8512382 8488871 # The Legend of the Cherry Tree that Blossoms Every Ten Years (ecsf2008) 8512493 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8491699 8512586 8509929 8507566 8490338 8489293 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 8506713 8508705 8490076 8507471 8512382 8488871 # Masmorra: Dungeons of Arcadia (ecsf2008) 8512494 : # Masters of Renaissance: Lorenzo il Magnifico – The Card Game (ecsf2008) 8512495 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8500867 8501284 # Patronize (ecsf2008) 8512496 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8491699 8512586 8509929 8507566 8490338 8489293 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 8506713 8508705 8490076 8507471 8512382 8488871 # Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach (ecsf2008) 8512501 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 # Port Royal (ecsf2008) 8512502 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8491699 8512586 8509929 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 8506713 8508705 8490076 8507471 8512382 8488871 # Sierra West (ecsf2008) 8512503 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 # Ticket to Ride: Europe (ecsf2008) 8512504 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 # Travel Blog (ecsf2008) 8512506 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8491699 8512586 8509929 8507566 8490338 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 8506713 8508705 8490076 8507471 8512382 8488871 # War of the Worlds: The New Wave (ecsf2008) 8512507 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8491699 8512586 8509929 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 8506713 8508705 8490076 8507471 8512382 # The World of SMOG: Rise of Moloch (ecsf2008) 8512508 : # Everdell: Pearlbrook (ecsf2008) 8512513 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 8500867 8501284 # Everdell: Spirecrest (ecsf2008) 8512515 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 8500867 8501284 # Everdell: Bellfaire (ecsf2008) 8512516 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 # Sewer Pirats (ecsf2008) 8512522 : 8490398 8497164 8489254 8506226 %RftG 8489592 8503023 8511912 8500829 8507901 8507741 8512585 8512569 %Villa 8498573 8512579 8511971 8491609 8491699 8512586 8509929 8507566 8490338 8500867 8501284 8494044 8498195 8499301 8500260 8490829 8492169 8507435 8506713 8508705 8490076 8507471 8512382 8488871 #pragma user "edjamer" # Confirmation code: 9PxiyGKUWBpyIZa4eq3vqg # Sat Oct 2 22:45:47 2021 # (edjamer) %CoE : 8490018 8504786 8504860 8506863 # (edjamer) %CurCar : 8505099 8508224 # (edjamer) %Menara : 8490254 8502065 8503897 # (edjamer) %TheEst : 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 # D-Day Dice (Second Edition) (edjamer) 8506304 : 8492957 8507373 8493007 8494104 8512571 8507647 8511917 %CoE %Menara 8500275 # Catacombs Cubes (edjamer) 8506320 : 8492957 8507373 8493007 8494104 # Blue Lagoon (edjamer) 8506326 : 8492957 8507373 8493007 8494104 8512571 8507647 8511917 %CoE %Menara 8500275 %TheEst # Völuspá (edjamer) 8506346 : 8492957 8507373 8493007 8494104 8512571 8507647 8511917 %CoE %Menara 8500275 #pragma user "eeeville" # Confirmation code: vvvaercK187iUfLXD3NbxQ # Sun Oct 3 15:30:00 2021 # Alt Name: $65 CAD Gift Card (eeeville) 8506440 : 8512350 8494551 8495212 8489780 # Aquatica (eeeville) 8511909 : 8512350 8494551 8495212 8489780 8496681 8503896 8507741 # Kemet: Blood and Sand – Kickstarter Edition (eeeville) 8511910 : 8512350 # Furnace (eeeville) 8511912 : 8512350 8494551 8495212 8489780 8496681 8503896 8507741 # Chaos in the Old World: The Horned Rat Expansion (eeeville) 8511913 : # Haggis (eeeville) 8511914 : 8512350 8494551 8495212 8489780 8496681 8503896 8507741 # Mind MGMT: The Psychic Espionage “Game.” (eeeville) 8511915 : # Pandemic (eeeville) 8511916 : 8512350 8494551 8495212 # Wir sind das Volk! (eeeville) 8511917 : 8512350 8494551 8495212 8489780 8496681 8503896 8507741 # Bullet♥︎ (eeeville) 8511918 : 8512350 # Alt Name: BGG GeekBits Ra Tiles ONLY (eeeville) 8511919 : 8512350 8494551 8495212 8489780 8496681 8503896 8507741 # Cross Clues (eeeville) 8511920 : 8512350 8494551 8495212 8489780 8496681 8503896 8507741 # Irish Gauge (eeeville) 8511921 : 8512350 8494551 8495212 8489780 8496681 8503896 8507741 # Alt Name: Keyforge BUNDLE (eeeville) 8511922 : 8512350 8494551 8495212 8489780 8496681 8503896 8507741 # Alt Name: 50!!! Keyforge - Age of Ascension Bulk Decks (eeeville) 8511923 : 8512350 8494551 8495212 8489780 8496681 8503896 8507741 # Alt Name: 15 Keyforge Call of the Archon Decks! (eeeville) 8511924 : 8512350 8494551 8495212 8489780 8496681 8503896 8507741 # Alt Name: 10 Keyforge Dark Tidings Decks! (eeeville) 8511925 : 8512350 8494551 8495212 8489780 8496681 8503896 8507741 #pragma user "elmospud" # Confirmation code: BlaQBEnBch3kqirt4NYSBA # Sun Oct 3 20:17:22 2021 # Posthuman Saga (elmospud) 8500350 : 8504423 8490662 8490023 8507478 8490805 8495229 8504428 8494677 # Panamax (elmospud) 8500354 : 8504423 8490662 8490023 8507478 8490805 8495229 8504428 # AquaSphere (elmospud) 8500383 : 8504423 8490662 8490023 8507478 8490805 8495229 8504428 # Russian Railroads (elmospud) 8500394 : 8504423 # Riverboat (elmospud) 8500409 : 8504423 8490662 8490023 8507478 8490805 8495229 8504428 # Kraftwagen (elmospud) 8500414 : 8504423 8490662 8490023 8507478 8490805 8495229 8504428 # Bruxelles 1893 (elmospud) 8500416 : 8504423 8490662 8490023 8507478 8490805 8495229 8504428 #pragma user "enigma0t2" # Confirmation code: ybp7X-BxlisRI1KrKC85fg # Sun Oct 3 16:34:37 2021 # (enigma0t2) %IKI : 8493163 8509180 # (enigma0t2) %TTIE : 8507516 8511738 # Among the Stars (enigma0t2) 8490769 : 8494551 8504423 8490123 8507944 8500867 8501284 8512350 8490442 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8511724 8489780 8492973 8495265 8509933 8503786 8506440 8512081 %IKI 8499686 8512123 8512535 8499693 8492789 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TTIE 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489014 8490485 8493010 8509932 8504430 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 8494044 8492987 8509778 8510738 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492204 8500387 8506746 8494670 8504236 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 # Dice City (enigma0t2) 8490780 : 8494551 8504423 8490123 8507944 8500867 8501284 8512350 8490442 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8511724 8489780 8492973 8495265 8509933 8503786 8506440 8512081 %IKI 8499686 8512123 8512535 8499693 8492789 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TTIE 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489014 8490485 8493010 8509932 8504430 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 8494044 8492987 8509778 8510738 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492204 8500387 8506746 8494670 8504236 # Whistle Stop (enigma0t2) 8490782 : 8494551 8504423 8490123 8507944 8500867 8501284 8512350 8490442 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8511724 8489780 8492973 8495265 8509933 8503786 8506440 8512081 %IKI 8499686 8512123 8512535 8499693 8492789 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TTIE 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489014 8490485 8493010 8509932 8492224 8494044 # Alt Name: Amazon Echo Dot (enigma0t2) 8490784 : 8494551 8504423 8490123 8507944 8500867 8501284 8512350 8490442 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8511724 8489780 8492973 8495265 8509933 8503786 8506440 8512081 %IKI 8499686 8512123 8512535 8499693 8492789 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TTIE 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489014 8490485 8493010 8509932 8504430 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 8494044 8492987 8509778 8510738 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492204 8500387 8506746 8494670 8504236 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8509665 # Magic Maze (enigma0t2) 8490789 : 8494551 8504423 8490123 8507944 8500867 8501284 8512350 8490442 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8511724 8489780 8492973 8495265 8509933 8503786 8506440 8512081 %IKI 8499686 8512123 8512535 8499693 8492789 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TTIE 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489014 8490485 8493010 8509932 8504430 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 8494044 8492987 8509778 8510738 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492204 8500387 8506746 8494670 8504236 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8509665 # Russian Railroads (enigma0t2) 8490791 : 8494551 8504423 # Black Gold (enigma0t2) 8490792 : 8494551 8504423 8490123 8507944 8500867 8501284 8512350 8490442 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8511724 8489780 8492973 8495265 8509933 8503786 8506440 8512081 %IKI 8499686 8512123 8512535 8499693 8492789 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TTIE 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489014 8490485 8493010 8509932 8504430 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 8494044 8492987 8509778 8510738 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492204 8500387 8506746 8494670 8504236 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 # Burgle Bros.: The Burgle Van (enigma0t2) 8490793 : 8494551 8504423 8490123 8507944 8500867 8501284 8512350 8490442 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8511724 8489780 8492973 8495265 8509933 8503786 8506440 8512081 %IKI 8499686 8512123 8512535 8499693 8492789 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TTIE 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489014 8490485 8493010 8509932 8504430 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 8494044 8492987 8509778 8510738 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492204 8500387 8506746 8494670 8504236 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8509665 # Clinic: Deluxe Edition (enigma0t2) 8490794 : 8494551 8504423 8490123 8507944 8500867 8501284 8512350 8490442 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8511724 8489780 8492973 8495265 8509933 %IKI %TTIE # Alma Mater (enigma0t2) 8490796 : 8494551 8504423 8490123 8507944 8500867 8501284 8512350 8490442 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8511724 8489780 8492973 8495265 8509933 8503786 8506440 8512081 %IKI 8499686 8512123 8512535 8499693 8492789 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TTIE 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489014 8490485 8493010 8509932 8504430 8492224 8494044 8492987 8509778 # Bruxelles 1893 (enigma0t2) 8490799 : 8494551 8504423 8490123 8507944 8500867 8501284 8512350 8490442 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8511724 8489780 8492973 8495265 8509933 8503786 8506440 8512081 %IKI 8499686 8512123 8512535 8499693 8492789 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TTIE 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Glen More II: Chronicles (enigma0t2) 8490802 : 8494551 8504423 8490123 8507944 8500867 8501284 8512350 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 # Prêt-à-Porter (enigma0t2) 8490805 : 8494551 8504423 8490123 8507944 8500867 8501284 8512350 8490442 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8511724 8489780 8492973 8495265 8509933 8503786 8506440 8512081 %IKI 8499686 8512123 8512535 8499693 8492789 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TTIE 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489014 8490485 8493010 8509932 8504430 8492224 8494044 # The Networks (enigma0t2) 8490818 : 8494551 8504423 8490123 8507944 8500867 8501284 8512350 8490442 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8511724 8489780 8492973 8495265 8509933 8503786 8506440 8512081 %IKI 8499686 8512123 8512535 8499693 8492789 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TTIE 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489014 #pragma user "entica" # Confirmation code: MwgfPHzJ0NQD576Cl6wVZg # Sun Oct 3 17:43:12 2021 # Alt Name: Fabled Lands Gamebooks (entica) 8494104 : 8494160 8507732 8494850 8494084 8504853 8492161 8504221 8494551 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499100 8492224 8505002 8512555 8497076 # Eldritch Horror (entica) 8494106 : 8494160 8507732 8494850 # AuZtralia (entica) 8494108 : 8494160 8507732 8494850 8494084 8504853 8492161 8504221 8494551 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499100 8492224 8505002 8512555 8497076 8502994 8504968 8489573 8504423 8492282 8510945 8489117 8512571 8506531 # Mare Nostrum: Empires (entica) 8494111 : 8494160 8507732 8494850 8494084 8504853 8492161 8504221 8494551 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499100 8492224 8505002 8512555 8497076 8502994 # Circadians: First Light (entica) 8494113 : 8494160 8507732 8494850 8494084 8504853 8492161 8504221 8494551 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499100 8492224 8505002 8512555 8497076 8502994 8504968 8489573 8504423 8492282 8510945 8489117 # Rome & Roll (entica) 8494117 : 8494160 8507732 8494850 8494084 8504853 8492161 8504221 8494551 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499100 8492224 8505002 8512555 8497076 8502994 8504968 8489573 8504423 8492282 8510945 8489117 8512571 8506531 8497070 8494842 8501525 8498656 8496218 8500601 8508914 8512350 8500621 8489497 8500005 8495063 8496358 8491351 8502129 8502166 8501613 8508200 8511190 8494479 8504885 8509951 8509885 8493049 8494088 8494740 8502478 8507712 8489512 # Snowblind: Race for the Pole (entica) 8494127 : 8494160 8507732 8494850 8494084 8504853 8492161 8504221 8494551 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499100 8492224 8505002 8512555 8497076 8502994 8504968 8489573 8504423 8492282 8510945 8489117 8512571 8506531 8497070 8494842 8501525 8498656 8496218 8500601 8508914 8512350 8500621 8489497 8500005 8495063 8496358 8491351 8502129 8502166 8501613 8508200 8511190 8494479 8504885 8509951 8509885 8493049 8494088 8494740 8502478 8507712 8489512 8503891 8490828 8509910 8490214 8511724 8504430 8490240 8499029 8489184 8505941 8504876 8508916 8498474 8490889 8493161 8506226 8507468 8494544 8500829 8494853 8492620 8506795 8494006 8492841 8509233 # Dokmus (entica) 8494129 : 8494160 8507732 8494850 8494084 8504853 8492161 8504221 8494551 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499100 8492224 8505002 8512555 8497076 8502994 8504968 8489573 8504423 8492282 8510945 8489117 8512571 8506531 8497070 8494842 8501525 8498656 8496218 8500601 8508914 8512350 8500621 8489497 8500005 8495063 8496358 8491351 8502129 8502166 8501613 8508200 8511190 8494479 8504885 8509951 8509885 8493049 8494088 8494740 8502478 8507712 8489512 8503891 8490828 8509910 8490214 8511724 8504430 8490240 8499029 8489184 8505941 8504876 8508916 8498474 8490889 8493161 8506226 8507468 8494544 8500829 8494853 8492620 8506795 8494006 8492841 8509233 8502047 # Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu (entica) 8494131 : 8494160 8507732 8494850 8494084 8504853 8492161 8504221 8494551 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499100 8492224 8505002 8512555 8497076 8502994 8504968 8489573 8504423 8492282 8510945 8489117 8512571 8506531 8497070 8494842 8501525 8498656 8496218 8500601 8508914 8512350 8500621 8489497 8500005 8495063 8496358 8491351 8502129 8502166 8501613 8508200 8511190 8494479 8504885 8509951 8509885 8493049 8494088 8494740 8502478 8507712 8489512 8503891 8490828 8509910 8490214 8511724 8504430 8490240 8499029 8489184 8505941 8504876 8508916 8498474 8490889 8493161 8506226 # K2 (entica) 8494137 : 8494160 8507732 8494850 8494084 8504853 8492161 8504221 8494551 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499100 8492224 8505002 8512555 8497076 8502994 8504968 8489573 8504423 8492282 8510945 8489117 8512571 8506531 8497070 8494842 8501525 8498656 8496218 8500601 8508914 8512350 8500621 8489497 8500005 8495063 8496358 8491351 8502129 # Imperium: Legends (entica) 8494138 : 8494160 8507732 8494850 8494084 8504853 8492161 8504221 8494551 8495224 8494156 8506831 # Alt Name: Cyberpunk 2077 Puzzles (entica) 8494153 : 8494160 8507732 8494850 8494084 8504853 8492161 8504221 8494551 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499100 8492224 8505002 8512555 8497076 8502994 8504968 8489573 8504423 8492282 8510945 8489117 8512571 8506531 8497070 8494842 8501525 8498656 8496218 8500601 8508914 8512350 8500621 8489497 8500005 8495063 8496358 8491351 8502129 8502166 8501613 8508200 8511190 8494479 8504885 8509951 8509885 8493049 8494088 8494740 8502478 8507712 8489512 8503891 8490828 8509910 8490214 8511724 8504430 8490240 8499029 8489184 8505941 8504876 8508916 8498474 8490889 8493161 8506226 8507468 8494544 8500829 8494853 8492620 8506795 8494006 8492841 8509233 8502047 #pragma user "Evilturnip" # Confirmation code: 0eK3oJbqVUwoYE64JyEy0Q # Sun Oct 3 21:23:54 2021 # (Evilturnip) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (Evilturnip) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (Evilturnip) %CADA : 8490452 8495406 8497891 8511234 # (Evilturnip) %Carto : 8500552 8508965 # (Evilturnip) %Conco : 8489884 8494126 8496947 # (Evilturnip) %Cubit : 8491883 8503439 # (Evilturnip) %Cycla : 8490523 8504708 # (Evilturnip) %Decry : 8493724 8502029 # (Evilturnip) %ECE : 8509741 8512537 # (Evilturnip) %EtN : 8499695 8501570 # (Evilturnip) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 # (Evilturnip) %GAH : 8490114 8494842 8512340 # (Evilturnip) %GWT : 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 # (Evilturnip) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (Evilturnip) %Inis : 8492922 8504954 # (Evilturnip) %KRRiT : 8494165 8499778 # (Evilturnip) %Kingd : 8500547 8504558 8505750 # (Evilturnip) %NewFro : 8493151 8497914 # (Evilturnip) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (Evilturnip) %SpiIsl : 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 # (Evilturnip) %TDoP : %8490751 8490849 8504456 8504565 # (Evilturnip) %TQfED : 8497167 8497950 8502438 # (Evilturnip) %TerMar : 8503891 8510030 # (Evilturnip) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 8497070 # Alt Name: $45 Gift Card (Evilturnip) 8508964 : %SpiIsl %AFfO %Conco %BraBir 8503158 8499100 8494551 8494106 %OCoEaE %Cubit 8511245 8507900 8502512 %ECE # Mountain Goats (Evilturnip) 8508974 : %SpiIsl %AFfO %Conco %BraBir 8503158 8499100 8494551 8494106 %OCoEaE %Cubit 8511245 8507900 8502512 %ECE %TerMar %GWT %Wings %Everd %Inis %CADA 8492224 8501467 %GAH %Cycla 8489780 %TQfED 8497164 8488918 8507647 8494156 %KRRiT 8512432 # Legends of Andor (Evilturnip) 8508984 : %SpiIsl %AFfO %Conco %BraBir 8503158 8499100 8494551 8494106 %OCoEaE %Cubit 8511245 8507900 8502512 %ECE %TerMar %GWT %Wings %Everd %Inis %CADA 8492224 8501467 %GAH %Cycla 8489780 %TQfED 8497164 8488918 8507647 8494156 %KRRiT 8512432 8503023 8502332 8493725 8512436 8492623 8507719 8500960 8492213 %Carto %Decry %TDoP %NewFro %Kingd %ImpCla 8508453 8509969 %EtN 8496366 8494138 8490477 8510761 8489478 8503335 8497155 8489295 8501286 # Caverna: Cave vs Cave (Evilturnip) 8509101 : %SpiIsl %AFfO %Conco %BraBir 8503158 8499100 8494551 8494106 %OCoEaE %Cubit 8511245 8507900 8502512 %ECE %TerMar %GWT %Wings %Everd %Inis %CADA 8492224 8501467 %GAH %Cycla 8489780 %TQfED 8497164 8488918 8507647 8494156 %KRRiT 8512432 8503023 8502332 8493725 8512436 8492623 8507719 8500960 8492213 %Carto %Decry %TDoP %NewFro %Kingd %ImpCla 8508453 8509969 %EtN 8496366 8494138 8490477 8510761 8489478 8503335 8497155 8489295 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want The Downfall of Pompeii (Evilturnip) %8490751 : 8490751-COPY1 8490751-COPY2 #pragma user "fabkok" # Confirmation code: 9jb1RWlCXgdT3jZMCg5Cjg # Sun Oct 3 14:29:36 2021 # Alien Uprising (fabkok) 8502521 : 8503786 8512540 8491892 #pragma user "fakewindow" # Confirmation code: j/bbLbWvmH8GNamSFl4hHQ # Sun Oct 3 19:41:25 2021 # (fakewindow) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (fakewindow) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 # (fakewindow) %GAH : 8490114 8494842 8512340 # (fakewindow) %GMIC : 8490802 8511855 # (fakewindow) %GWT : 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 # (fakewindow) %Inis : 8492922 8504954 # (fakewindow) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (fakewindow) %RusRai : 8490791 8507511 # (fakewindow) %Yokoh : 8499686 8512123 # A Game of Thrones (fakewindow) 8512454 : 8508598 8508699 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 %Inis %GAH 8511235 8494040 8495243 8505002 %Yokoh 8507529 %GMIC 8511724 8492901 8490123 8512350 8489600 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8509741 8512537 8496001 %DunImp %GWT %Everd %RusRai %PARKS 8497164 8508964 8511594 8512086 8511121 # Marvel United (fakewindow) 8512459 : 8508598 8508699 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 %Inis %GAH 8511235 8494040 8495243 8505002 %Yokoh 8507529 %GMIC 8511724 8492901 8490123 8512350 8489600 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8509741 8512537 8496001 %DunImp %GWT %Everd %RusRai %PARKS 8497164 8508964 8511594 8512086 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Unlock!: Timeless Adventures (fakewindow) 8512464 : 8508598 8508699 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 %Inis %GAH 8511235 8494040 8495243 8505002 %Yokoh 8507529 %GMIC 8511724 8492901 8490123 8512350 8489600 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8509741 8512537 8496001 %DunImp %GWT %Everd %RusRai %PARKS 8497164 8508964 8511594 8512086 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Unlock!: Escape Adventures (fakewindow) 8512469 : 8508598 8508699 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 %Inis %GAH 8511235 8494040 8495243 8505002 %Yokoh 8507529 %GMIC 8511724 8492901 8490123 8512350 8489600 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8509741 8512537 8496001 %DunImp %GWT %Everd %RusRai %PARKS 8497164 8508964 8511594 8512086 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Thunder Alley (fakewindow) 8512542 : 8508598 8508699 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 %Inis %GAH 8511235 8494040 8495243 8505002 %Yokoh 8507529 %GMIC 8511724 8492901 8490123 8512350 8489600 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8509741 8512537 8496001 %DunImp # Guilds of London (fakewindow) 8512547 : 8508598 8508699 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 %Inis %GAH 8511235 8494040 8495243 8505002 %Yokoh 8507529 %GMIC 8511724 8492901 8490123 8512350 8489600 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8509741 8512537 8496001 %DunImp %GWT %Everd %RusRai %PARKS 8497164 8508964 8511594 8512086 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Flick 'em Up!: Dead of Winter (fakewindow) 8512551 : 8508598 8508699 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 %Inis %GAH 8511235 8494040 8495243 8505002 %Yokoh 8507529 %GMIC 8511724 8492901 8490123 8512350 8489600 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8509741 8512537 8496001 %DunImp %GWT %Everd %RusRai %PARKS 8497164 8508964 8511594 8512086 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Freedom: The Underground Railroad (fakewindow) 8512571 : 8508598 8508699 8494523 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 %Inis %GAH 8511235 8494040 8495243 8505002 %Yokoh 8507529 %GMIC 8511724 8492901 8490123 8512350 8489600 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8509741 8512537 #pragma user "familygaming" # Confirmation code: 6Pen-VihUx7nS09Rp2FYqw # Sun Oct 3 21:53:57 2021 # (familygaming) %DunImp : # (familygaming) %FH2 : # (familygaming) %ImpCla : # (familygaming) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # Oregon (familygaming) 8510433 : 8494523 8494084 %SleGod 8504423 8494044 8497135 8495212 8490477 # Sentinels of the Multiverse (familygaming) 8510445 : 8494523 8494084 %SleGod 8504423 8494044 8497135 # The Voyages of Marco Polo (familygaming) 8510450 : 8494523 8494084 %SleGod 8504423 8494044 8497135 #pragma user "fearles" # Confirmation code: vBdRDGJIIJA2m-ngWwb1vA # Sun Oct 3 22:04:32 2021 # Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past (fearles) 8489971 : 8494084 8490791 8492194 8497913 8494156 8490192 8511910 8494523 8489884 8490662 8492273 8490102 8490523 8500168 8511235 8492265 8500394 8507511 8489780 8494040 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8494106 8491743 8489533 8510945 8494044 8497128 8490762 8507193 8491833 8489998 8489600 8497135 8494850 8491996 8489593 8493712 8492204 8493161 8512508 8491351 8489592 8506226 8512484 8496683 # Sheriff of Nottingham (fearles) 8490154 : 8494084 8490791 8492194 8497913 8494156 8490192 8511910 8494523 8489884 8490662 8492273 8490102 8490523 8500168 8511235 8492265 8500394 8507511 8489780 8494040 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8494106 8491743 8489533 8510945 8494044 8497128 8490762 8507193 8491833 8489998 8489600 8497135 8494850 8491996 8489593 8493712 8492204 8493161 8512508 8491351 8489592 8506226 8494126 8496947 8489280 8492922 8489814 8490535 8490114 8494842 8512340 8490807 8510450 8512394 8490829 8508764 8508583 8490398 8490027 8494494 8490802 8489601 8494545 8494479 8492213 8499998 8494726 8500928 8508621 8490177 8505794 8492167 8496234 8489934 8506542 8490434 8490794 8489254 8492247 8490158 8502045 8491328 8494006 8492866 8497082 8497078 8502129 8492184 8494285 8509741 8512537 8496001 8512488 8489597 8492224 8490431 8492169 8507435 8510672 8491252 8506713 8500534 8500261 8507719 8493193 8492282 8490184 8490783 8494144 8508605 8509723 8489117 8491597 8492901 8489606 8492276 8507433 8490799 8493010 8502251 8509932 8492562 8500004 8511909 8490465 8494740 8500001 8489281 8492940 8500613 8496681 8489184 8490190 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8500774 8492983 8494138 8489608 8490748 8491330 8505797 8506726 8492527 8508630 8489482 8490824 8510742 8489249 8504890 8492826 8493725 8508586 8496074 8499130 8489059 8496997 8512484 8492927 8488871 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507897 8509884 8512069 8501611 8511741 8492987 8492606 8502055 8504386 8512568 8494549 8496683 8494086 8491874 8492091 8494139 8494542 8502164 8504669 8489453 8492936 8511915 8492966 8507369 8500522 8502332 8495217 8506718 8490214 8491908 8497252 8505108 8490135 8493035 8504513 8492794 8507437 8499133 8490150 8505793 8494113 8490254 8490457 8492856 8492612 8492894 8511918 8506223 8492726 8511118 8489034 8494074 8504891 8489470 8489195 8490199 8498306 8491776 8489914 8490215 8493187 8489081 8490887 8489419 8491877 8508965 8490487 8501290 8489128 8489014 8491883 8490029 8489494 8489028 8489205 8497080 8504786 8506671 8493169 8505558 8491979 8506746 8491993 8496805 8489484 8492815 8489500 8489322 8489502 8489297 8494299 8490083 8489116 8490759 8489512 8490055 # Blood Rage: 5th Player Expansion (fearles) 8490171 : 8494084 8490791 8492194 8497913 8494156 8490192 8511910 8494523 8489884 8490662 8492273 8490102 8490523 8500168 8511235 8492265 8500394 8507511 8489780 8494040 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8494106 8491743 8489533 8510945 8494044 8497128 8490762 8507193 8491833 8489998 8489600 8497135 8494850 8491996 8489593 8493712 8492204 8493161 8512508 8491351 8489592 8506226 8494126 8496947 8489280 8492922 8489814 8490535 8490114 8494842 8512340 8490807 8510450 8512394 8490829 8508764 8508583 8490398 8490027 8494494 8490802 8489601 8494545 8494479 8492213 8499998 8494726 8500928 8508621 8490177 8505794 8492167 8496234 8489934 8506542 8490434 8490794 8489254 8492247 8490158 8502045 8491328 8494006 8492866 8497082 8497078 8502129 8492184 8494285 8509741 8512537 8496001 8512488 8489597 8492224 8490431 8492169 8507435 8510672 8491252 8506713 8500534 8500261 8507719 8493193 8492282 8490184 8490783 8494144 8508605 8509723 8489117 8491597 8492901 8489606 8492276 8507433 8490799 8493010 8502251 8509932 8492562 8500004 8511909 8490465 8494740 8500001 8489281 8492940 8500613 8496681 8489184 8490190 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8500774 8492983 8494138 8489608 8490748 8491330 8505797 8506726 8492527 8508630 8489482 8490824 8510742 8489249 8504890 8492826 8493725 8508586 8496074 8499130 8489059 8496997 8512484 8492927 8488871 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507897 8509884 8512069 8501611 8511741 8492987 8492606 8502055 8504386 8512568 8494549 8496683 8494086 8491874 8492091 8494139 8494542 8502164 8489453 8492936 8511915 8492966 8507369 8495217 8490135 8492794 8507437 8499133 8490150 8505793 8494113 8490254 8490457 8492856 8506223 8489034 # Ticket to Ride: Rails & Sails (fearles) 8509159 : 8494084 8490791 8492194 8497913 8494156 8490192 8511910 # Wizards (fearles) 8509168 : 8494084 8490791 8492194 8497913 8494156 8490192 8511910 8494523 8489884 8490662 8492273 8490102 8490523 8500168 8511235 8492265 8500394 8507511 8489780 8494040 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8494106 8491743 8489533 8510945 8494044 8497128 8490762 8507193 8491833 8489998 8489600 8497135 8494850 8491996 8489593 8493712 8492204 8493161 8512508 8491351 8489592 8506226 8494126 8496947 8489280 8492922 8489814 8490535 8490114 8494842 8512340 8490807 8510450 8512394 8490829 8508764 8508583 8490398 8490027 8494494 8490802 8489601 8494545 8494479 8492213 8499998 8494726 8500928 8508621 8490177 8505794 8492167 8496234 8489934 8506542 8490434 8490794 8489254 8492247 8490158 8502045 8491328 8494006 8492866 8497082 8497078 8502129 8492184 8494285 8509741 8512537 8496001 8512488 8489597 8492224 8490431 8492169 8507435 8510672 8491252 8506713 8500534 8500261 8507719 8493193 8492282 8490184 8490783 8494144 8508605 8509723 8489117 8491597 8492901 8489606 8492276 8507433 8490799 8493010 8502251 8509932 8492562 8500004 8511909 8490465 8494740 8500001 8489281 8492940 8500613 8496681 8489184 8490190 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8500774 8492983 8494138 8489608 8490748 8491330 8505797 8506726 8492527 8508630 8489482 8490824 8510742 8489249 8504890 8492826 8493725 8508586 8496074 8499130 8489059 8496997 8512484 8492927 8488871 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507897 8509884 8512069 8501611 8511741 8492987 8492606 8502055 8504386 8512568 8494549 8496683 8494086 8491874 8492091 8494139 8494542 8502164 8504669 8489453 8492936 8511915 8492966 8507369 8500522 8502332 8495217 8506718 8490214 8491908 8497252 8505108 8490135 8493035 8504513 8492794 8507437 8499133 8490150 8505793 8494113 8490254 8490457 8492856 8492612 8492894 8511918 8506223 8492726 8511118 8489034 8494074 8504891 8489470 8489195 8490199 8498306 8491776 8489914 8490215 8493187 8489081 8490887 8489419 8491877 8508965 8490487 8501290 8489128 8489014 8491883 8490029 8489494 8489028 8489205 8497080 8504786 8506671 8493169 8505558 8491979 8506746 8491993 8496805 8489484 8492815 8489500 8489322 8489502 8489297 8494299 8490083 8489116 8490759 8489512 8490055 8497875 8511076 8489475 8500538 8491609 8493185 # King of New York (fearles) 8512121 : 8494084 8490791 8492194 8497913 8494156 8490192 8511910 8494523 8489884 8490662 8492273 8490102 8490523 8500168 8511235 8492265 8500394 8507511 8489780 8494040 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8494106 8491743 8489533 8510945 8494044 8497128 8490762 8507193 8491833 8489998 8489600 8497135 8494850 8491996 8489593 8493712 8492204 8493161 8512508 8491351 8489592 8506226 8494126 8496947 8489280 8492922 8489814 8490535 8490114 8494842 8512340 8490807 8510450 8512394 8490829 8508764 8508583 8490398 8490027 8494494 8490802 8489601 8494545 8494479 8492213 8499998 8494726 8500928 8508621 8490177 8505794 8492167 8496234 8489934 8506542 8490434 8490794 8489254 8492247 8490158 8502045 8491328 8494006 8492866 8497082 8497078 8502129 8492184 8494285 8509741 8512537 8496001 8512488 8489597 8492224 8490431 8492169 8507435 8491252 8506713 8500534 8500261 8507719 8493193 8492282 8490184 8490783 8494144 8508605 8509723 8489117 8491597 8492901 8489606 8492276 8507433 8490799 8493010 8502251 8509932 8492562 8500004 8511909 8490465 8494740 8500001 8489281 8492940 8500613 8496681 8489184 8490190 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8500774 8492983 8494138 8489608 8490748 8491330 8505797 8506726 8492527 8508630 8489482 8490824 8510742 8489249 8504669 # Star Wars: Unlock! (fearles) 8512165 : 8494084 8490791 8492194 8497913 8494156 8490192 8511910 8494523 8489884 8490662 8492273 8490102 8490523 8500168 8511235 8492265 8500394 8507511 8489780 8494040 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8494106 8491743 8489533 8510945 8494044 8497128 8490762 8507193 8491833 8489998 8489600 8497135 8494850 8491996 8489593 8493712 8492204 8493161 8512508 8491351 8489592 8506226 8494126 8496947 8489280 8492922 8489814 8490535 8490114 8494842 8512340 8490807 8510450 8512394 8490829 8508764 8508583 8490398 8490027 8494494 8490802 8489601 8494545 8494479 8492213 8499998 8494726 8500928 8508621 8490177 8505794 8492167 8496234 8489934 8506542 8490434 8490794 8489254 8492247 8490158 8502045 8491328 8494006 8492866 8497082 8497078 8502129 8492184 8494285 8509741 8512537 8510672 # Codenames (fearles) 8512186 : 8494084 8490791 8492194 8497913 8494156 8490192 8511910 8494523 8489884 8490662 8492273 8490102 8490523 8500168 8511235 8492265 8500394 8507511 8489780 8494040 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8494106 8491743 8489533 8510945 8494044 8497128 8490762 8507193 8491833 8489998 8489600 8497135 8494850 8491996 8489593 8493712 8492204 8493161 8512508 8491351 8489592 8506226 8494126 8496947 8489280 8492922 8489814 8490535 8490114 8494842 8512340 8490807 8510450 8512394 8490829 8508764 8508583 8490398 8490027 8494494 8490802 8489601 8494545 8494479 8492213 8499998 8494726 8500928 8508621 8490177 8505794 8492167 8496234 8489934 8506542 8490434 8490794 8489254 8492247 8490158 8502045 8491328 8494006 8492866 8497082 8497078 8502129 8492184 8494285 8509741 8512537 8496001 8512488 8489597 8492224 8490431 8492169 8507435 8510672 8491252 8506713 8500534 8500261 8507719 8493193 8492282 8490184 8490783 8494144 8508605 8509723 8489117 8491597 8492901 8489606 8492276 8507433 8490799 8493010 8502251 8509932 8492562 8500004 8511909 8490465 8494740 8500001 8489281 8492940 8500613 8496681 8489184 8490190 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8500774 8492983 8494138 8489608 8490748 8491330 8505797 8506726 8492527 8508630 8489482 8490824 8510742 8489249 8504890 8492826 8493725 8508586 8496074 8499130 8489059 8496997 8512484 8492927 8488871 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507897 8509884 8512069 8501611 8511741 8492987 8492606 8502055 8504386 8512568 8494549 8496683 8494086 8491874 8492091 8494139 8494542 8502164 8504669 8489453 8492936 8511915 8492966 8507369 8500522 8502332 8495217 8506718 8490214 8491908 8497252 8505108 8490135 8493035 8504513 8492794 8507437 8499133 8490150 8505793 8494113 8490254 8490457 8492856 8492612 8492894 8511918 8506223 8492726 8511118 8489034 8494074 8504891 8489470 8489195 8490199 8498306 8491776 8489914 8490215 8493187 8489081 8490887 8489419 8491877 8508965 8490487 8501290 8489128 8489014 8491883 8490029 8489494 8489028 8489205 8497080 8504786 8506671 8493169 8505558 8491979 8506746 8491993 8496805 8489484 8492815 8489500 8489322 8489502 8489297 8494299 8490083 8489116 8490759 8489512 8490055 8497875 8511076 8489475 8500538 # Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game – Marvel Studios, Phase 1 (fearles) 8512209 : 8494084 8490791 8492194 8497913 8494156 8490192 8511910 8494523 8489884 8490662 8492273 8490102 8490523 8500168 8511235 8492265 8500394 8507511 8489780 8494040 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8494106 8491743 8489533 8510945 8494044 8497128 8490762 8507193 8491833 8489998 8489600 8497135 8494850 8491996 8489593 8493712 8492204 8493161 8512508 8491351 8489592 8506226 8494126 8496947 8489280 8492922 8489814 8490535 8490114 8494842 8512340 8490807 8510450 8512394 8490829 8508764 8508583 8490398 8490027 8494494 8490802 8489601 8494545 8494479 8492213 8499998 8494726 8500928 8508621 8490177 8505794 8492167 8496234 8489934 8506542 8490434 8490794 8489254 8492247 8490158 8502045 8491328 8494006 8492866 8497082 8497078 8502129 8492184 8494285 8509741 8512537 8496001 8512488 8489597 8492224 8490431 8492169 8507435 8510672 8491252 8506713 8500534 8500261 8507719 8493193 8492282 8490184 8490783 8494144 8508605 8509723 8489117 8491597 8492901 8489606 8492276 8507433 8490799 8493010 8502251 8509932 8492562 8500004 8511909 8490465 8494740 8500001 8489281 8492940 8500613 8496681 8489184 8490190 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8500774 8492983 8494138 8489608 8490748 8491330 8505797 8506726 8492527 8508630 8489482 8490824 8510742 8489249 8504890 8492826 8493725 8508586 8496074 8499130 8489059 8496997 8512484 8492927 8488871 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507897 8509884 8512069 8501611 8511741 8492987 8492606 8502055 8504386 8512568 8494549 8496683 8494086 8491874 8492091 8494139 8494542 8502164 8504669 8489453 8492936 8511915 8492966 8507369 8500522 8502332 8506718 8490214 8491908 8497252 8505108 8493035 8504513 8492612 8492894 8511918 8492726 8511118 # The Lord of the Rings (fearles) 8512557 : 8494084 8490791 8492194 8497913 8494156 8490192 8511910 8494523 8489884 8490662 8492273 8490102 8490523 8500168 8511235 8492265 8500394 8507511 8489780 8494040 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8494551 8494106 8491743 8489533 8510945 8494044 8497128 8490762 8507193 8491833 8489998 8489600 8497135 8494850 8491996 8489593 8493712 8492204 8493161 8512508 8491351 8489592 8506226 8494126 8496947 8489280 8492922 8489814 8490535 8490114 8494842 8512340 8490807 8510450 8512394 8490829 8508764 8508583 8490398 8490027 8494494 8490802 8489601 8494545 8494479 8492213 8499998 8494726 8500928 8508621 8490177 8505794 8492167 8496234 8489934 8506542 8490434 8490794 8489254 8492247 8490158 8502045 8491328 8494006 8492866 8497082 8497078 8502129 8492184 8494285 8509741 8512537 8496001 8512488 8489597 8492224 8490431 8492169 8507435 8510672 8491252 8506713 8500534 8500261 8507719 8493193 8492282 8490184 8490783 8494144 8508605 8509723 8489117 8491597 8492901 8489606 8492276 8507433 8490799 8493010 8502251 8509932 8492562 8500004 8511909 8490465 8494740 8500001 8489281 8492940 8500613 8496681 8489184 8490190 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8500774 8492983 8494138 8489608 8490748 8491330 8505797 8506726 8492527 8508630 8489482 8490824 8510742 8489249 8504890 8492826 8493725 8508586 8496074 8499130 8489059 8496997 8492927 8488871 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507897 8509884 8512069 8501611 8511741 8492987 8492606 8502055 8504386 8512568 8494549 8494086 8491874 8492091 8494139 8494542 8502164 8504669 8489453 8492936 8511915 8492966 8507369 8500522 8502332 8495217 8506718 8490214 8491908 8497252 8505108 8490135 8493035 8504513 8492794 8507437 8499133 8490150 8505793 8494113 8490254 8490457 8492856 8492612 8492894 8511918 8506223 8492726 8511118 8489034 8494074 8504891 8489470 8489195 8490199 8498306 8491776 8489914 8490215 8493187 8489081 8490887 8489419 8491877 8508965 8490487 8501290 8489128 8489014 8491883 8490029 8489494 8489028 8489205 8497080 8504786 8506671 8493169 8505558 8491979 8506746 8491993 8496805 8489484 8492815 8489500 8489322 8489502 8489297 8494299 8490083 8489116 8490759 8489512 8490055 8497875 8511076 #pragma user "fixpix" # Confirmation code: rdUJ45utI9sz7-QIk0L23g # Fri Oct 1 19:54:56 2021 # (fixpix) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (fixpix) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 8509177 # (fixpix) %TQfED : 8497167 8497950 8502438 # Albion (fixpix) 8493149 : 8507712 8500867 8501284 8491996 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8512086 %TQfED %NYZ %ImpCla 8506226 # New Frontiers (fixpix) 8493151 : 8507712 8500867 8501284 8491996 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8507504 # Eclipse (fixpix) 8493155 : 8507712 # Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) (fixpix) 8493156 : 8507712 8500867 8501284 8491996 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Risk: Europe (fixpix) 8493157 : 8507712 8500867 8501284 8491996 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Reworld (fixpix) 8493158 : 8507712 8500867 8501284 8491996 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8512086 %TQfED %NYZ %ImpCla 8506226 # Last Bastion (fixpix) 8493159 : 8507712 8500867 8501284 8491996 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Chronicles of Crime: 1400 (fixpix) 8493161 : 8507712 8500867 8501284 # Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea (fixpix) 8493167 : 8507712 8500867 8501284 8491996 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 # Destinies (fixpix) 8493169 : 8507712 8500867 8501284 8491996 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8512086 # Great Western Trail (fixpix) 8493175 : 8507712 8500867 8501284 8491996 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 #pragma user "FraPas13" # Confirmation code: pR0/UJYzQecoGVyehQSp1A # Sun Oct 3 21:09:37 2021 # (FraPas13) %BroSer : 8490936 8501993 # (FraPas13) %Cubit : 8491883 8503439 # (FraPas13) %LLP : 8512111 8512490 # (FraPas13) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 8509177 # (FraPas13) %SanMar : 8492987 8504234 # (FraPas13) %TtR : 8500576 8510652 # Minecraft: Builders & Biomes (FraPas13) 8489210 : 8503903 8505002 8510205 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512540 8501613 %Cubit %NYZ %SanMar 8504428 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8507741 8504913 8510904 8497078 %TtR 8494676 8492789 8500589 8500387 8505040 8506746 8509181 8499737 8491291 # Alt Name: Small Games Bundle (FraPas13) 8494133 : 8503903 8505002 8510205 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512540 8501613 %Cubit %NYZ %SanMar 8504428 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8507741 8504913 8510904 8497078 %TtR 8494676 8492789 8500589 8500387 8505040 8506746 8509181 8499737 8491291 8509665 8500580 %BroSer 8504704 8512428 8511912 8492606 8505734 8496081 8493718 8512495 8500504 %LLP 8512569 8494293 8506346 8493720 8490081 8496422 8508728 8495207 8512477 8493711 # Praga Caput Regni (FraPas13) 8495265 : 8503903 8505002 8510205 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512540 # Flamme Rouge (FraPas13) 8508705 : 8503903 8505002 8510205 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512540 8501613 %Cubit %NYZ %SanMar 8504428 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8507741 8504913 8510904 8497078 %TtR 8494676 8491291 # Alt Name: $50 gift card (FraPas13) 8512533 : 8503903 #pragma user "fullpa" # Confirmation code: J3Scj6Xs4DG4vVyjcBdQ6A # Sun Oct 3 16:17:06 2021 # (fullpa) %BraLan : 8492275 8509746 # (fullpa) %BrassBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (fullpa) %DuneImp : 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (fullpa) %GrandAustria : 8490114 8494842 8512340 # (fullpa) %HeroesLAS : 8498481 8500545 8507374 # (fullpa) %MdL : 8492950 8506821 # (fullpa) %NDE : 8489034 8506499 # (fullpa) %OnTour : 8509068 8493711 # Dark Souls: The Board Game (fullpa) 8501519 : 8507219 8500867 8501284 missing-official 8507369 # Key to the City: London (fullpa) 8501521 : 8507219 8500867 8501284 missing-official 8490256 8507369 8489884 8490807 8504423 8491727 8490485 8489254 8499301 8503609 8506440 8506714 8511634 8512081 8512518 8502255 %NDE 8491351 8489545 # La Città (fullpa) 8501522 : 8488918 8507219 8500867 8501284 missing-official 8490256 8507369 8489884 8490807 8504423 8491727 8490485 8489254 8499301 8503609 8506440 8506714 8511634 8512081 8512518 8502255 %NDE 8491351 8489545 %DuneImp 8495224 8498633 8494853 8512515 8490490 8501877 8506726 8506815 %BrassBir %GrandAustria 8490791 %BraLan %HeroesLAS 8512516 8496091 8507355 %OnTour %MdL 8489585 # Tiny Epic Defenders (fullpa) 8501526 : 8488918 8507219 8500867 8501284 missing-official 8490256 8507369 8489884 8490807 8504423 8491727 8490485 8489254 8499301 8503609 8506440 8506714 8511634 8512081 8512518 8502255 %NDE 8491351 8489545 %DuneImp 8495224 8498633 8494853 8512515 8490490 8501877 8506726 8506815 %BrassBir %GrandAustria 8490791 %BraLan %HeroesLAS 8512516 8496091 8507355 %OnTour %MdL 8489585 # BrilliAnts (fullpa) 8501550 : 8488918 8507219 8500867 8501284 missing-official 8490256 8507369 8489884 8490807 8504423 8491727 8490485 8489254 8499301 8503609 8506440 8506714 8511634 8512081 8512518 8502255 %NDE 8491351 8489545 %DuneImp 8495224 8498633 8494853 8512515 8490490 8501877 8506726 8506815 %BrassBir %GrandAustria 8490791 %BraLan %HeroesLAS 8512516 8496091 8507355 %OnTour %MdL 8489585 # Duelosaur Island (fullpa) 8501554 : 8488918 8507219 8500867 8501284 missing-official 8490256 8507369 8489884 8490807 8504423 8491727 8490485 8489254 8499301 8503609 8506440 8506714 8511634 8512081 8512518 8502255 %NDE 8491351 8489545 %DuneImp 8495224 8498633 8494853 8512515 8490490 8501877 8506726 8506815 %BrassBir %GrandAustria 8490791 %BraLan %HeroesLAS 8512516 8496091 8507355 %OnTour %MdL 8489585 # The Flow of History (fullpa) 8501559 : 8488918 8507219 8500867 8501284 missing-official 8490256 8507369 8489884 8490807 8504423 8491727 8490485 8489254 8499301 8503609 8506440 8506714 8511634 8512081 8512518 8502255 %NDE 8491351 8489545 %DuneImp 8495224 8498633 8494853 8512515 8490490 8501877 8506726 8506815 %BrassBir %GrandAustria 8490791 %BraLan %HeroesLAS 8512516 8496091 8507355 %OnTour %MdL 8489585 # New Amsterdam (fullpa) 8501562 : 8488918 8507219 8500867 8501284 missing-official 8490256 8507369 8489884 8490807 8504423 8491727 8490485 8489254 8499301 8503609 8506440 8506714 8511634 8512081 8512518 8502255 %NDE 8491351 8489545 %DuneImp 8495224 8498633 8494853 8512515 8490490 8501877 8506726 8506815 %BrassBir %GrandAustria 8490791 %BraLan %HeroesLAS 8512516 8496091 8507355 %OnTour %MdL 8489585 # Tiny Epic Quest (fullpa) 8501566 : 8488918 8507219 8500867 8501284 missing-official 8490256 8507369 8489884 8490807 8504423 8491727 8490485 8489254 8499301 8503609 8506440 8506714 8511634 8512081 8512518 8502255 %NDE 8491351 8489545 %DuneImp 8495224 8498633 8494853 8512515 8490490 8501877 8506726 8506815 %BrassBir %GrandAustria 8490791 %BraLan %HeroesLAS 8512516 8496091 8507355 %OnTour %MdL 8489585 # Tiny Epic Zombies: Deluxe Edition (fullpa) 8501567 : 8488918 8507219 8500867 8501284 missing-official 8490256 8507369 8489884 8490807 8504423 8491727 8490485 8489254 8499301 8503609 8506440 8506714 8511634 8512081 8512518 8502255 %NDE 8491351 8489545 %DuneImp 8495224 8498633 8494853 8512515 8490490 8501877 8506726 8506815 %BrassBir %GrandAustria 8490791 %BraLan %HeroesLAS 8512516 8496091 8507355 %OnTour %MdL 8489585 # TransAmerica (fullpa) 8501569 : 8488918 8507219 8500867 8501284 missing-official 8490256 8507369 8489884 8490807 8504423 8491727 8490485 8489254 8499301 8503609 8506440 8506714 8511634 8512081 8512518 8502255 %NDE 8491351 8489545 %DuneImp 8495224 8498633 8494853 8512515 8490490 8501877 8506726 8506815 %BrassBir %GrandAustria 8490791 %BraLan %HeroesLAS 8512516 8496091 8507355 %OnTour %MdL 8489585 # XCOM: The Board Game (fullpa) 8501572 : 8488918 8507219 8500867 8501284 missing-official 8490256 8507369 8489884 8490807 8504423 8491727 8490485 8489254 8499301 8503609 8506440 8506714 8511634 8512081 8512518 8502255 %NDE 8491351 8489545 %DuneImp 8495224 8498633 8494853 8512515 8490490 8501877 8506726 8506815 %BrassBir %GrandAustria 8490791 %BraLan %HeroesLAS 8512516 8496091 8507355 # Final Fantasy VII Remake (fullpa) 8509912 : 8507219 8500867 8501284 missing-official 8490256 8507369 8489884 8490807 8504423 8491727 8490485 8489254 8499301 8503609 8506440 8506714 8511634 8512081 8512518 8502255 %NDE 8491351 8489545 %DuneImp 8495224 8498633 8494853 8512515 8490490 8501877 8506726 8506815 %BrassBir %GrandAustria 8490791 %BraLan %HeroesLAS 8512516 8496091 %OnTour # Miscellaneous miniatures, maps, terrain tiles and other accessories (fullpa) 8509915 : 8507219 8500867 8501284 missing-official 8490256 # Blood Rage: Fenrir (fullpa) 8509924 : 8507219 8500867 8501284 missing-official # Dogs of War: Kickstarter Exclusives (fullpa) 8509929 : 8507219 8500867 8501284 missing-official 8490256 8507369 8489884 8490807 8504423 8491727 8490485 8489254 8499301 8503609 8506440 8506714 8511634 8512081 8512518 8502255 %NDE 8491351 8489545 %DuneImp 8495224 8498633 8494853 8512515 8490490 8501877 8506726 8506815 #pragma user "furrygoober" # Confirmation code: sqn10MaR-oManEYYne6E8g # Sun Oct 3 21:54:36 2021 # (furrygoober) %7Won : 8490479 8510209 # (furrygoober) %Andro : 8489526 8500775 8502471 # (furrygoober) %CoC1 : 8489319 8493161 # (furrygoober) %DJitDSE : 8493156 8507669 # (furrygoober) %Desti : 8493169 8505558 # (furrygoober) %GWT : 8489193 8489609 8490195 # (furrygoober) %ImpStr : 8499229 8502507 # (furrygoober) %KBaS : 8490192 8500000 8502994 8511910 # (furrygoober) %MasDar : 8490256 8503009 # (furrygoober) %MoMSE : 8490048 8492161 # (furrygoober) %NewFro : 8493151 8497914 # (furrygoober) %PACGSSBS : 8489099 8492199 # (furrygoober) %PueRic : 8489427 8495196 8496686 # (furrygoober) %RCAotCI : 8489573 8490717 8497943 8506109 # (furrygoober) %RftG : 8500498 8500560 8506883 8496003 # (furrygoober) %RftG2 : 8503907 8509823 8511206 # (furrygoober) %SWIA : 8494040 8495243 # (furrygoober) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (furrygoober) %Splen : 8491912 8501606 8504583 # (furrygoober) %TGTFoA : 8494160 8507732 # (furrygoober) %TMPEE : 8507640 8509689 # (furrygoober) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 8500586 # Quartermaster General: The Cold War (furrygoober) 8490447 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 %MoMSE %KBaS 8499301 %RCAotCI %RftG2 8492927 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8491996 8501877 8502047 8489389 8504853 8489533 8512587 # Vault of Dragons (furrygoober) 8490448 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 8506531 %MoMSE %KBaS 8499301 %RCAotCI %RftG2 8492927 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8491996 8501877 8502047 8489389 8504853 8489533 8512587 8511913 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489884 8489211 8494436 8500777 8509870 %DJitDSE %TGTFoA 8504885 8492213 8509951 8509876 8499998 8509875 %GWT %NewFro 8500568 8497135 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 %CoC1 %PACGSSBS 8509728 8500695 8502083 8505573 8507490 8509713 8509874 8491908 # Queendomino (furrygoober) 8490449 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 8506531 %MoMSE %KBaS 8499301 %RCAotCI %RftG2 8492927 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8491996 8501877 8502047 8489389 8504853 8489533 8512587 8511913 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489884 8489211 8494436 8500777 8509870 %DJitDSE %TGTFoA 8504885 8492213 8509951 8509876 8499998 8509875 %GWT %NewFro 8500568 8497135 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 %CoC1 %PACGSSBS 8509728 8500695 8502083 8505573 8507490 8509713 8509874 8491908 # Ultimate Warriorz (furrygoober) 8490450 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 8506531 %MoMSE %KBaS 8499301 %RCAotCI %RftG2 8492927 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8491996 8501877 8502047 8489389 8504853 8489533 8512587 8511913 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489884 8489211 8494436 8500777 8509870 %DJitDSE %TGTFoA 8504885 8492213 8509951 8509876 8499998 8509875 %GWT %NewFro 8500568 8497135 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 %CoC1 %PACGSSBS 8509728 8502083 # Mythotopia (furrygoober) 8490451 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 8506531 %MoMSE %KBaS 8499301 %RCAotCI %RftG2 8492927 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8491996 8501877 8502047 8489389 8504853 8489533 8512587 8511913 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489884 8489211 8494436 8500777 8509870 %DJitDSE %TGTFoA 8504885 8492213 8509951 8509876 8499998 8509875 %GWT %NewFro 8500568 8497135 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 %CoC1 %PACGSSBS 8509728 8500695 8502083 8505573 8507490 8509713 8509874 8491908 # Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure (furrygoober) 8490452 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 %MoMSE %KBaS 8499301 %RCAotCI %RftG2 8492927 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8491996 8501877 8502047 # Subatomic: An Atom Building Game (furrygoober) 8490456 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 8506531 %MoMSE %KBaS 8499301 %RCAotCI %RftG2 8492927 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8491996 8501877 8502047 8489389 8504853 8489533 8512587 8511913 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489884 8489211 8494436 8500777 8509870 %DJitDSE %TGTFoA 8504885 8492213 8509951 8509876 8499998 8509875 %GWT %NewFro 8500568 8497135 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 %CoC1 %PACGSSBS 8509728 8500695 8509885 8502083 8505573 8507490 8509713 8509874 8491908 %RftG %7Won %Splen 8497693 8508985 8510924 %Desti %ImpStr %Andro 8498732 8501783 %TMPEE 8503903 %SleGod 8489780 8501411 8489914 8490838 8499611 8503899 # Stronghold: 2nd edition (furrygoober) 8490457 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 %MoMSE %KBaS 8499301 %RCAotCI %RftG2 8492927 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8491996 8501877 8502047 # Imperial Settlers (furrygoober) 8490462 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 %MoMSE %KBaS 8499301 # Airlines Europe (furrygoober) 8490504 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 8506531 %MoMSE %KBaS 8499301 %RCAotCI %RftG2 8492927 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8491996 8501877 8502047 8489389 8504853 8489533 8512587 8511913 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Lewis & Clark: The Expedition (furrygoober) 8490533 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 8506531 %MoMSE %KBaS 8499301 %RCAotCI %RftG2 8492927 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8491996 8501877 8502047 8489389 8504853 8489533 8512587 8511913 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn (furrygoober) 8490553 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 8506531 %MoMSE %KBaS 8499301 %RCAotCI %RftG2 8492927 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8491996 8501877 8502047 8489389 8504853 8489533 8512587 8511913 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489884 8489211 8494436 8500777 8509870 %DJitDSE %TGTFoA 8504885 8492213 8509951 8509876 8499998 8509875 %GWT %NewFro 8500568 8497135 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 %CoC1 %PACGSSBS 8509728 8502083 # Zombicide: Black Plague (furrygoober) 8491727 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %MoMSE %KBaS # Marvel Champions: The Card Game (furrygoober) 8494479 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 %MoMSE %KBaS 8499301 # DC Comics Dice Masters: Superman and Wonder Woman Starter Set (furrygoober) 8494501 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 8506531 %MoMSE %KBaS 8499301 %RCAotCI %RftG2 8492927 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8491996 8501877 8502047 8489389 8504853 8489533 8512587 8511913 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489884 8489211 8494436 8500777 8509870 %DJitDSE %TGTFoA 8504885 8492213 8509951 8509876 8499998 8509875 %GWT %NewFro 8500568 8497135 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 %CoC1 %PACGSSBS 8509728 8500695 8502083 8505573 8507490 8509713 8509874 8491908 # ICECOOL (furrygoober) 8496366 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 8506531 %MoMSE %KBaS 8499301 %RCAotCI %RftG2 8492927 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8491996 8501877 8502047 8489389 8504853 8489533 8512587 8511913 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489884 8489211 8494436 8500777 8509870 %DJitDSE %TGTFoA 8504885 8492213 8509951 8509876 8499998 8509875 %GWT %NewFro 8500568 8497135 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 %CoC1 %PACGSSBS 8509728 8502083 # Arcane Academy: Advanced Arithmancy (furrygoober) 8496369 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 8506531 %MoMSE %KBaS 8499301 %RCAotCI %RftG2 8492927 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8491996 8501877 8502047 8489389 8504853 8489533 8512587 8511913 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489884 8489211 8494436 8500777 8509870 %DJitDSE %TGTFoA 8504885 8492213 8509951 8509876 8499998 8509875 %GWT %NewFro 8500568 8497135 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 %CoC1 %PACGSSBS 8509728 8500695 8502083 8505573 8507490 8509713 8509874 8491908 %RftG %7Won %Splen 8497693 8508985 8510924 %Desti %ImpStr %Andro 8498732 8501783 %TMPEE 8503903 %SleGod 8489780 8501411 8489914 8490838 8499611 8503899 # Core Worlds (furrygoober) 8496421 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 8506531 %MoMSE %KBaS 8499301 %RCAotCI %RftG2 8492927 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8491996 8501877 8502047 8489389 8504853 8489533 8512587 8511913 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489884 8489211 8494436 8500777 8509870 %DJitDSE %TGTFoA 8504885 8492213 8509951 8509876 8499998 8509875 %GWT %NewFro 8500568 8497135 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 %CoC1 # Pioneers (furrygoober) 8496422 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 8506531 %MoMSE %KBaS 8499301 %RCAotCI %RftG2 8492927 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8491996 8501877 8502047 8489389 8504853 8489533 8512587 8511913 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489884 8489211 8494436 8500777 8509870 %DJitDSE %TGTFoA 8504885 8492213 8509951 8509876 8499998 8509875 %GWT %NewFro 8500568 8497135 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 %CoC1 %PACGSSBS 8509728 # London (Second Edition) (furrygoober) 8496537 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 %MoMSE %KBaS 8499301 %RCAotCI %RftG2 8492927 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8491996 8501877 8502047 # Middle-earth (furrygoober) 8498443 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 # Alt Name: Marvel Adventure Gamebooks (furrygoober) 8506912 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 %MoMSE %KBaS # KeyForge: Age of Ascension (furrygoober) 8509207 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 8506531 %MoMSE %KBaS 8499301 %RCAotCI %RftG2 8492927 8498195 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8491996 8501877 8502047 8489389 8504853 8489533 8512587 8511913 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489884 8489211 8494436 8500777 8509870 %DJitDSE %TGTFoA 8504885 8492213 8509951 8509876 8499998 8509875 %PACGSSBS 8509728 # The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game (furrygoober) 8509354 : %XLoaDS %MasDar 8502478 %SWIA 8500867 8501284 %MoMSE %KBaS #pragma user "g3p3nk" # Confirmation code: FxV4igZeh4ymSvCNCO1fjQ # Sun Oct 3 20:41:31 2021 # (g3p3nk) %ASP : 8497152 8507436 # (g3p3nk) %AirEur : 8490504 8498348 # (g3p3nk) %AlmMat : 8490796 8502468 8510034 8505844 # (g3p3nk) %Aquat : 8511909 8500004 # (g3p3nk) %Aquat2 : 8492794 8507437 # (g3p3nk) %BlaAng : 8490240 8512298 # (g3p3nk) %BraBir : 8492273 8512589 8507539 8490662 # (g3p3nk) %CoC1 : 8489319 8493161 # (g3p3nk) %CoE : 8490018 8504786 8506863 8504860 # (g3p3nk) %Coloma : 8492204 8506225 # (g3p3nk) %Desti : 8493169 8505558 # (g3p3nk) %DunImp : 8490829 8492169 8507435 8490431 # (g3p3nk) %EMA : 8489028 8489205 8496683 # (g3p3nk) %EtN : 8501570 8499695 # (g3p3nk) %FanFac : 8502055 8512568 8499133 8504386 # (g3p3nk) %GMIC : 8490802 8511855 # (g3p3nk) %HA : 8497071 8492910 8505858 # (g3p3nk) %HonBuz : 8504430 8500003 # (g3p3nk) %KBaS : 8490192 8500000 8502994 8511910 # (g3p3nk) %MagMet : 8495215 8504236 # (g3p3nk) %MasDar : 8503009 8490256 # (g3p3nk) %Menara : 8490254 8502065 8503897 # (g3p3nk) %MilBla : 8492329 8492158 # (g3p3nk) %NDE : 8489034 8506499 # (g3p3nk) %NTDG : 8497141 8511718 # (g3p3nk) %NYZ : 8509177 8503462 8503678 # (g3p3nk) %Newton : 8499691 8508986 # (g3p3nk) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 8509933 # (g3p3nk) %Planet : 8503125 8500801 # (g3p3nk) %PrtPo : 8509772 8490805 # (g3p3nk) %SP4 : 8496133 8509171 8504743 # (g3p3nk) %SanMon : 8497157 8496223 # (g3p3nk) %SleGod : 8504221 8500168 # (g3p3nk) %Solen : 8494143 8504672 # (g3p3nk) %TCoG : 8507517 8491892 8501613 # (g3p3nk) %TGTFoA : 8494160 8507732 # (g3p3nk) %TOotS : 8501961 8494088 # (g3p3nk) %TTIE : 8507516 8511738 # (g3p3nk) %TtRNC : 8489914 8512595 # (g3p3nk) %UFS : 8504925 8488947 8493689 8500482 # (g3p3nk) %UniFev : 8510904 8506220 # (g3p3nk) %VEE : 8502511 8510029 8508664 # (g3p3nk) %Wenda : 8508644 8492531 # (g3p3nk) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 # (g3p3nk) %Yokoh : 8512535 8499686 # Krosmaster: Arena (g3p3nk) 8494282 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8494436 %SleGod %BraBir 8500867 8501284 # Arcadia Quest (g3p3nk) 8494283 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8494436 %SleGod %BraBir 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 # Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn (g3p3nk) 8494284 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8508200 8510945 8494436 8498633 8491889 %SleGod %BraBir %CoC1 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 # Codex: Card-Time Strategy – Core Set (g3p3nk) 8494285 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8508200 8510945 8494436 8498633 8491889 %SleGod %BraBir %CoC1 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 # Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy (g3p3nk) 8494286 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8508200 8510945 8494436 8498633 8491889 %SleGod %BraBir %CoC1 %GMIC 8507647 %Aquat 8489780 %TOotS 8492204 %TCoG 8504430 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 # Charterstone (g3p3nk) 8494287 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8508200 8510945 8494436 8498633 8491889 %SleGod %BraBir %CoC1 %GMIC 8507647 %Aquat 8489780 8509910 %WhiMou %PCR %BlaAng %TOotS 8492204 %TtRNC 8503891 %TCoG %PrtPo 8504430 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Power Grid Deluxe: Europe/North America (g3p3nk) 8494289 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8508200 8510945 8494436 8498633 8491889 %SleGod %BraBir %CoC1 %GMIC 8507647 %Aquat 8489780 %TOotS 8492204 %TCoG 8504430 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 # Masque of the Red Death (g3p3nk) 8494291 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8508200 8510945 8494436 8498633 8491889 %SleGod %BraBir %MilBla %NTDG %CoC1 %GMIC 8507647 %Aquat 8489780 8509910 %WhiMou %PCR %MagMet 8512491 %BlaAng %HA %TOotS %Coloma %EMA %TtRNC 8503891 8501887 8506859 %TCoG 8492894 %AirEur 8493049 8507438 %PrtPo %VEE 8503448 %TTIE %DunImp %HonBuz 8492789 8492983 %Solen %Desti 8492224 8506226 8507901 %NYZ 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 # Trade on the Tigris (g3p3nk) 8494293 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8508200 8510945 8494436 8498633 8491889 %SleGod %BraBir %MilBla %NTDG %CoC1 8512226 8511715 8510930 8503899 %GMIC 8507647 8511720 %Aquat 8489780 8509910 %WhiMou %PCR %MagMet 8512491 %BlaAng %HA 8510037 %TOotS %Coloma %EMA %TtRNC 8503891 8501887 8506859 8511912 8498738 8502990 %Wenda 8494108 8506508 %TCoG 8492894 %AirEur 8498573 8493049 8507438 8500776 %PrtPo %VEE 8503448 %TTIE %DunImp %HonBuz 8492789 8492983 8508916 8499367 %UniFev 8508623 %EtN %Solen 8505944 %Desti %Newton 8492224 8506226 8505793 8509181 %Planet 8507901 8500522 8505106 %NYZ %Menara %Aquat2 %ASP 8500589 8503108 8504913 8508698 8503551 8511921 8504969 8507741 8500541 %SanMon %FanFac 8508448 8495210 8507725 %CoE %AlmMat %NDE 8509345 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Beasty Bar (g3p3nk) 8494296 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8508200 8510945 8494436 8498633 8491889 %SleGod %BraBir %MilBla %NTDG %CoC1 8512226 8511715 8510930 8503899 %GMIC 8507647 8511720 %Aquat 8489780 8509910 %WhiMou %PCR %MagMet 8512491 %BlaAng %HA 8510037 %TOotS %Coloma %EMA %TtRNC 8503891 8501887 8506859 8511912 8498738 8502990 %Wenda 8494108 8506508 %TCoG 8492894 %AirEur 8498573 8493049 8507438 8500776 %PrtPo %VEE 8503448 %TTIE %DunImp %HonBuz 8492789 8492983 8508916 8499367 %UniFev 8508623 %EtN %Solen 8505944 %Desti %Newton 8492224 8506226 8505793 8509181 %Planet 8507901 8500522 8505106 %NYZ %Menara %Aquat2 %ASP 8500589 8503108 8504913 8508698 8503551 8511921 8504969 8507741 8500541 %SanMon %FanFac 8508448 8495210 8507725 %CoE %AlmMat %NDE 8509345 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Not Alone (g3p3nk) 8494298 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8508200 8510945 8494436 8498633 8491889 %SleGod %BraBir %MilBla %NTDG %CoC1 8512226 8511715 8510930 8503899 %GMIC 8507647 8511720 %Aquat 8489780 8509910 %WhiMou %PCR %MagMet 8512491 %BlaAng %HA 8510037 %TOotS %Coloma %EMA %TtRNC 8503891 8501887 8506859 8511912 8498738 8502990 %Wenda 8494108 8506508 %TCoG 8492894 %AirEur 8498573 8493049 8507438 8500776 %PrtPo %VEE 8503448 %TTIE %DunImp %HonBuz 8492789 8492983 8508916 8499367 %UniFev 8508623 %EtN %Solen 8505944 %Desti %Newton 8492224 8506226 8505793 8509181 %Planet 8507901 8500522 8505106 %NYZ %Menara %Aquat2 %ASP 8500589 8503108 8504913 8508698 8503551 8511921 8504969 8507741 8500541 %SanMon %FanFac 8508448 8495210 8496137 8507725 %CoE %AlmMat %NDE 8509969 8507107 8509345 8508641 %UFS 8507900 %SP4 8500542 8495182 8512357 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509665 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 # Mage Wars Academy (g3p3nk) 8494299 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8508200 8510945 8494436 8498633 8491889 %SleGod %BraBir %MilBla %NTDG %CoC1 8512226 8511715 8510930 8503899 %GMIC 8507647 8511720 %Aquat 8489780 8509910 %WhiMou %PCR %MagMet 8512491 %BlaAng %HA 8510037 %TOotS %Coloma %EMA %TtRNC 8503891 8501887 8506859 8511912 8498738 8502990 %Wenda 8494108 8506508 %TCoG 8492894 %AirEur 8498573 8493049 8507438 8500776 %PrtPo %VEE 8503448 %TTIE %DunImp %HonBuz 8492789 8492983 8508916 8499367 %UniFev 8508623 %EtN %Solen 8505944 %Desti %Newton 8492224 8506226 8505793 8509181 %Planet 8507901 8500522 8505106 %NYZ %Menara %Aquat2 %ASP 8500589 8503108 8504913 8508698 8503551 8511921 8504969 8507741 8500541 %SanMon %FanFac 8508448 8495210 8496137 8507725 %CoE %AlmMat %NDE 8509969 8507107 8509345 8508641 %UFS 8507900 %SP4 8500542 8495182 8512357 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509665 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 # Epic Card Game (g3p3nk) 8494301 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8508200 8510945 8494436 8498633 8491889 %SleGod %BraBir %MilBla %NTDG %CoC1 8512226 8511715 8510930 8503899 %GMIC 8507647 8511720 %Aquat 8489780 8509910 %WhiMou %PCR %MagMet 8512491 %BlaAng %HA 8510037 %TOotS %Coloma %EMA %TtRNC 8503891 8501887 8506859 8511912 8498738 8502990 %Wenda 8494108 8506508 %TCoG 8492894 %AirEur 8498573 8493049 8507438 8500776 %PrtPo %VEE 8503448 %TTIE %DunImp %HonBuz 8492789 8492983 8508916 8499367 %UniFev 8508623 %EtN %Solen 8505944 %Desti %Newton 8492224 8506226 8505793 8509181 %Planet 8507901 8500522 8505106 %NYZ %Menara %Aquat2 %ASP 8500589 8503108 8504913 8508698 8503551 8511921 8504969 8507741 8500541 %SanMon %FanFac 8508448 8495210 8496137 8507725 %CoE %AlmMat %NDE 8509969 8507107 8509345 8508641 %UFS 8507900 %SP4 8500542 8495182 8512357 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509665 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 # The Others: Plastic Token Pack (g3p3nk) 8494305 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8508200 8510945 8494436 8498633 8491889 %SleGod %BraBir %MilBla %NTDG %CoC1 8512226 8511715 8510930 8503899 %GMIC 8507647 8511720 %Aquat 8489780 8509910 %WhiMou %PCR %MagMet 8512491 %BlaAng %HA 8510037 %TOotS %Coloma %EMA %TtRNC 8503891 8501887 8506859 8511912 8498738 8502990 %Wenda 8494108 8506508 %TCoG 8492894 %AirEur 8498573 8493049 8507438 8500776 %PrtPo %VEE 8503448 %TTIE %DunImp %HonBuz 8492789 8492983 8508916 8499367 %UniFev 8508623 %EtN %Solen 8505944 %Desti %Newton 8492224 8506226 8505793 8509181 %Planet 8507901 8500522 8505106 %NYZ %Menara %Aquat2 %ASP 8500589 8503108 8504913 8508698 8503551 8511921 8504969 8507741 8500541 %SanMon %FanFac 8508448 8495210 8496137 8507725 %CoE %AlmMat %NDE 8509969 8507107 8509345 8508641 %UFS 8507900 %SP4 8500542 8495182 8507730 8501604 8512357 8491908 8497080 8490055 8512450 8503894 8510198 8503105 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509665 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 # Tides of Time (g3p3nk) 8494306 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8508200 8510945 8494436 8498633 8491889 %SleGod %BraBir %MilBla %NTDG %CoC1 8512226 8511715 8510930 8503899 %GMIC 8507647 8511720 %Aquat 8489780 8509910 %WhiMou %PCR %MagMet 8512491 %BlaAng %HA 8510037 %TOotS %Coloma %EMA %TtRNC 8503891 8501887 8506859 8511912 8498738 8502990 %Wenda 8494108 8506508 %TCoG 8492894 %AirEur 8498573 8493049 8507438 8500776 %PrtPo %VEE 8503448 %TTIE %DunImp %HonBuz 8492789 8492983 8508916 8499367 %UniFev 8508623 %EtN %Solen 8505944 %Desti %Newton 8492224 8506226 8505793 8509181 %Planet 8507901 8500522 8505106 %NYZ %Menara %Aquat2 %ASP 8500589 8503108 8504913 8508698 8503551 8511921 8504969 8507741 8500541 %SanMon %FanFac 8508448 8495210 8496137 8507725 %CoE %AlmMat %NDE 8509969 8507107 8509345 8508641 %UFS 8507900 %SP4 8500542 8495182 8507730 8501604 8512357 8491908 8497080 8490055 8512450 8503894 8510198 8503105 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509665 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 # Friday (g3p3nk) 8494308 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8508200 8510945 8494436 8498633 8491889 %SleGod %BraBir %MilBla %NTDG %CoC1 8512226 8511715 8510930 8503899 %GMIC 8507647 8511720 %Aquat 8489780 8509910 %WhiMou %PCR %MagMet 8512491 %BlaAng %HA 8510037 %TOotS %Coloma %EMA %TtRNC 8503891 8501887 8506859 8511912 8498738 8502990 %Wenda 8494108 8506508 %TCoG 8492894 %AirEur 8498573 8493049 8507438 8500776 %PrtPo %VEE 8503448 %TTIE %DunImp %HonBuz 8492789 8492983 8508916 8499367 %UniFev 8508623 %EtN %Solen 8505944 %Desti %Newton 8492224 8506226 8505793 8509181 %Planet 8507901 8500522 8505106 %NYZ %Menara %Aquat2 %ASP 8500589 8503108 8504913 8508698 8503551 8511921 8504969 8507741 8500541 %SanMon %FanFac 8508448 8495210 8496137 8507725 %CoE %AlmMat %NDE 8509969 8507107 8509345 8508641 %UFS 8507900 %SP4 8500542 8495182 8507730 8501604 8512357 8491908 8497080 8490055 8512450 8503894 8510198 8503105 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509665 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 # Snatch (g3p3nk) 8494309 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8508200 8510945 8494436 8498633 8491889 %SleGod %BraBir %MilBla %NTDG %CoC1 8512226 8511715 8510930 8503899 %GMIC 8507647 8511720 %Aquat 8489780 8509910 %WhiMou %PCR %MagMet 8512491 %BlaAng %HA 8510037 %TOotS %Coloma %EMA %TtRNC 8503891 8501887 8506859 8511912 8498738 8502990 %Wenda 8494108 8506508 %TCoG 8492894 %AirEur 8498573 8493049 8507438 8500776 %PrtPo %VEE 8503448 %TTIE %DunImp %HonBuz 8492789 8492983 8508916 8499367 %UniFev 8508623 %EtN %Solen 8505944 %Desti %Newton 8492224 8506226 8505793 8509181 %Planet 8507901 8500522 8505106 %NYZ %Menara %Aquat2 %ASP 8500589 8503108 8504913 8508698 8503551 8511921 8504969 8507741 8500541 %SanMon %FanFac 8508448 8495210 8496137 8507725 %CoE %AlmMat %NDE 8509969 8507107 8509345 8508641 %UFS 8507900 %SP4 8500542 8495182 8507730 8501604 8512357 8491908 8497080 8490055 8512450 8503894 8510198 8503105 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509665 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 # Mad City (g3p3nk) 8494310 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8508200 8510945 8494436 8498633 8491889 %SleGod %BraBir %MilBla %NTDG %CoC1 8512226 8511715 8510930 8503899 %GMIC 8507647 8511720 %Aquat 8489780 8509910 %WhiMou %PCR %MagMet 8512491 %BlaAng %HA 8510037 %TOotS %Coloma %EMA %TtRNC 8503891 8501887 8506859 8511912 8498738 8502990 %Wenda 8494108 8506508 %TCoG 8492894 %AirEur 8498573 8493049 8507438 8500776 %PrtPo %VEE 8503448 %TTIE %DunImp %HonBuz 8492789 8492983 8508916 8499367 %UniFev 8508623 %EtN %Solen 8505944 %Desti %Newton 8492224 8506226 8505793 8509181 %Planet 8507901 8500522 8505106 %NYZ %Menara %Aquat2 %ASP 8500589 8503108 8504913 8508698 8503551 8511921 8504969 8507741 8500541 %SanMon %FanFac 8508448 8495210 8496137 8507725 %CoE %AlmMat %NDE 8509969 8507107 8509345 8508641 %UFS 8507900 %SP4 8500542 8495182 8507730 8501604 8512357 8491908 8497080 8490055 8512450 8503894 8510198 8503105 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509665 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 # Draco Magi (g3p3nk) 8494311 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8508200 8510945 8494436 8498633 8491889 %SleGod %BraBir %MilBla %NTDG %CoC1 8512226 8511715 8510930 8503899 %GMIC 8507647 8511720 %Aquat 8489780 8509910 %WhiMou %PCR %MagMet 8512491 %BlaAng %HA 8510037 %TOotS %Coloma %EMA %TtRNC 8503891 8501887 8506859 8511912 8498738 8502990 %Wenda 8494108 8506508 %TCoG 8492894 %AirEur 8498573 8493049 8507438 8500776 %PrtPo %VEE 8503448 %TTIE %DunImp %HonBuz 8492789 8492983 8508916 8499367 %UniFev 8508623 %EtN %Solen 8505944 %Desti %Newton 8492224 8506226 8505793 8509181 %Planet 8507901 8500522 8505106 %NYZ %Menara %Aquat2 %ASP 8500589 8503108 8504913 8508698 8503551 8511921 8504969 8507741 8500541 %SanMon %FanFac 8508448 8495210 8496137 8507725 %CoE %AlmMat %NDE 8509969 8507107 8509345 8508641 %UFS 8507900 %SP4 8500542 8495182 8507730 8501604 8512357 8491908 8497080 8490055 8512450 8503894 8510198 8503105 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509665 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 # Concordia (g3p3nk) 8496947 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8508200 8510945 8494436 8498633 8491889 %SleGod %BraBir %MilBla %NTDG %CoC1 %GMIC 8507647 %Aquat 8489780 8509910 %WhiMou %PCR %MagMet 8512491 %BlaAng %HA %TOotS %Coloma %EMA %TtRNC 8503891 8501887 8506859 %TCoG 8492894 %AirEur 8493049 8507438 %PrtPo %VEE 8503448 %TTIE %DunImp %HonBuz 8492789 8492983 %Solen %Desti 8492224 8506226 8507901 %NYZ 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 # Alt Name: $10 WoodForSheep Gift Card (g3p3nk) 8496956 : 8494084 8494551 8494106 %TGTFoA %MasDar %KBaS 8494040 8491743 8491727 8502478 8495224 8489533 8507529 8507712 8503087 8500857 8492901 8512350 8505002 %Yokoh 8490343 8508200 8510945 8494436 8498633 8491889 %SleGod %BraBir %MilBla %NTDG %CoC1 8512226 8511715 8510930 8503899 %GMIC 8507647 8511720 %Aquat 8489780 8509910 %WhiMou %PCR %MagMet 8512491 %BlaAng %HA 8510037 %TOotS %Coloma %EMA %TtRNC 8503891 8501887 8506859 8511912 8498738 8502990 %Wenda 8494108 8506508 %TCoG 8492894 %AirEur 8498573 8493049 8507438 8500776 %PrtPo %VEE 8503448 %TTIE %DunImp %HonBuz 8492789 8492983 8508916 8499367 %UniFev 8508623 %EtN %Solen 8505944 %Desti %Newton 8492224 8506226 8505793 8509181 %Planet 8507901 8500522 8505106 %NYZ %Menara %Aquat2 %ASP 8500589 8503108 8504913 8508698 8503551 8511921 8504969 8507741 8500541 %SanMon %FanFac 8508448 8495210 8496137 8507725 %CoE %AlmMat %NDE 8509969 8509345 #pragma user "geek828" # Confirmation code: GqBw3vJHWNSHAGl1SfQ76g # Fri Oct 1 09:04:05 2021 # (geek828) %BraBir : 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (geek828) %BraLan : 8492275 8498739 8509746 # (geek828) %CADA : 8495406 8499100 8496003 8498656 # (geek828) %CISADA : # (geek828) %CoC1 : 8489319 8493161 # (geek828) %Conco : 8489884 8494126 # (geek828) %GWT : 8489609 8490195 # (geek828) %Inis : # (geek828) %Kemet : 8502994 8511910 # (geek828) %ModArt : # (geek828) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (geek828) %Oceans : # (geek828) %RftG : 8500498 8500560 8506883 # (geek828) %TCoT : # (geek828) %TE : 8494074 8504890 # (geek828) %TQfED : 8497167 8502438 # (geek828) %TanGar : # (geek828) %Tapes : 8500851 8502137 # Root (geek828) 8496001 : 8490199 8502937 %Conco %TE 8494551 %GWT 8494084 %CADA %Kemet 8494523 %OCoEaE 8492213 # MicroMacro: Crime City (geek828) 8496007 : 8490199 8502937 %Conco %TE 8494551 %TQfED %GWT 8494084 %CADA %Kemet 8496356 %OCoEaE 8511245 8506493 8492213 %BraBir 8490523 %Tapes 8500081 8504877 # Evolution (geek828) 8496010 : 8490199 8502937 %Conco %TE 8494551 %TQfED %GWT 8494084 %CADA %Kemet 8496356 8488918 %OCoEaE 8511245 %RftG 8492213 %CoC1 %BraBir 8490523 %Tapes 8500081 8504877 8500541 #pragma user "Gewalf" # Confirmation code: ET1UEvbUflo-Rm4iAyBKMQ # Sat Oct 2 22:15:04 2021 # Betrayal at House on the Hill (Gewalf) 8490394 : 8503891 8495180 8508699 8494523 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8511235 8503080 8498734 8501781 8504423 8500851 8502137 8509759 8492194 8497913 8494156 8511245 8500867 8501284 8510030 8507353 8489193 8489450 8489609 8489187 8496001 8489884 8496947 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8492224 8492826 8502219 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8492275 8508961 8489780 8492282 8495409 8501797 8508608 8508702 8495190 8510205 8511189 8502507 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507388 8507504 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512379 8512518 8490065 8492966 8512372 8507507 8509741 8500558 8501501 8509166 8499393 # The Mind (Gewalf) 8490397 : 8503891 8495180 8508699 8494523 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8511235 8503080 8498734 8501781 8504423 8500851 8502137 8509759 8492194 8497913 8494156 8511245 8500867 8501284 8510030 8507353 8489193 8489450 8489609 8489187 8496001 8489884 8496947 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8492224 8492826 8502219 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8492275 8508961 8489780 8492282 8495409 8501797 8508608 8508702 8495190 8510205 8511189 8502507 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507388 8507504 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512379 8512518 8490065 8492966 8512372 8507507 8509741 8511234 8500088 8500701 8491676 8500494 8509648 8500558 8501501 8509166 8492901 8490896 8490814 8499393 8498732 8505765 8506726 8508964 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489573 8490717 8497943 8500522 8502332 8489427 8495196 8496686 8507426 8511735 8493707 8496997 8496007 8492927 8497152 8507436 8503693 8492031 8490485 8510930 8502244 8512529 8495229 8503672 8490449 8490046 8500550 8501528 8496693 8500579 8500839 8506915 8507371 8508710 8509068 8511207 8507598 8491567 8491609 8493705 8494133 8495231 8499258 8500387 8506746 %8509577 8509665 8509777 8509922 8511882 8512089 8512137 8512151 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8512593 8489487 8501471 8489155 8512111 8512490 8489306 8494117 8495240 8506506 8489164 8489224 # Watergate (Gewalf) 8490411 : 8503891 8495180 8508699 8494523 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8511235 8503080 8498734 8501781 8504423 8500851 8502137 8509759 8492194 8497913 8494156 8511245 8500867 8501284 8510030 8507353 8489193 8489450 8489609 8489187 8496001 8489884 8496947 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8492224 8492826 8502219 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8492275 8508961 8489780 8492282 8495409 8501797 8508608 8508702 8495190 8510205 8511189 8502507 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507388 8507504 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512379 8512518 8490065 8492966 8512372 8507507 8509741 8511234 8500088 8500701 8491676 8500494 8509648 8492901 8490896 8490814 8498732 8505765 8506726 8508964 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Alt Name: $65 CAD Gift Card (Gewalf) 8503786 : 8503891 8495180 8508699 8494523 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8511235 8503080 8498734 8501781 8504423 8500851 8502137 8509759 8492194 8497913 8494156 8511245 8500867 8501284 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Gaia Project and overlays for the player boards by Gaming Trunk (Gewalf) %8509577 : 8509577-COPY1 8509577-COPY2 8509577-COPY3 #pragma user "ggjc" # Confirmation code: 3ePt8JbmZJLAi1PSlpMByQ # Sat Oct 2 19:01:58 2021 # (ggjc) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (ggjc) %BraLan : 8492275 8509746 # (ggjc) %CoC1 : 8489319 8493161 # (ggjc) %Desti : 8493169 8505558 # (ggjc) %EBaBD : 8489601 8504503 # (ggjc) %KRRiT : 8494165 8499778 8511726 # Cry Havoc (ggjc) 8502164 : 8508598 8508699 8494955 8489187 8507072 8490442 8492873 8512297 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 %BraBir 8494084 8492161 8503903 %BraLan 8509774 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8494040 8495243 8501411 8490027 8504423 8494106 8490462 8499236 8501789 8506951 8489533 8511190 8503635 8507478 %EBaBD 8494160 8507732 8489117 8492973 8495265 8509933 8499998 8494156 8507219 8511245 8500568 8490343 8489544 8490256 8503009 %Desti 8489608 8494850 8491996 8502478 8489254 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8502982 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 %KRRiT %CoC1 8507709 8489599 8502512 8495411 8509741 8512537 8489292 8512098 8494131 8497144 8502201 8509400 # Architects of the West Kingdom (ggjc) 8502166 : 8508598 8508699 8494955 8489187 8507072 8490442 8492873 8512297 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 %BraBir 8494084 8492161 8503903 %BraLan 8509774 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8494040 8495243 8501411 8490027 8504423 8494106 8490462 8499236 8501789 8506951 8489533 8511190 8503635 8507478 %EBaBD 8494160 8507732 8489117 8492973 8495265 8509933 8499998 8494156 8507219 8511245 8500568 8490343 8489544 8490256 8503009 %Desti 8489608 8494850 8491996 8502478 8489254 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8502982 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 %KRRiT %CoC1 8507709 8489599 8502512 8495411 8509741 8512537 8489292 8512098 # Clash of Cultures (ggjc) 8502170 : 8508598 8508699 8494955 8489187 8507072 8490442 8492873 8512297 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 %BraBir 8494084 8492161 8503903 %BraLan 8509774 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8494040 8495243 8501411 8490027 8504423 8494106 8490462 8499236 8501789 8506951 8489533 8511190 8503635 8507478 %EBaBD 8494160 8507732 8489117 8492973 8495265 8509933 8499998 8494156 8507219 8511245 8500568 8490343 8489544 8490256 8503009 %Desti 8489608 8494850 8491996 8502478 8489254 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8502982 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 %KRRiT %CoC1 8507709 8489599 8502512 8495411 8509741 8512537 8489292 8512098 # Lords of Waterdeep (ggjc) 8502172 : 8508598 8508699 8494955 8489187 8507072 8490442 8492873 8512297 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 %BraBir 8494084 8492161 8503903 %BraLan 8509774 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8494040 8495243 8501411 8490027 8504423 8494106 8490462 8499236 8501789 8506951 8489533 8511190 8503635 8507478 %EBaBD 8494160 8507732 8489117 8492973 8495265 8509933 8499998 8494156 8507219 8511245 8500568 8490343 8489544 8490256 8503009 %Desti 8489608 8494850 8491996 8502478 8489254 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8502982 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 %KRRiT %CoC1 8507709 8489599 8502512 8495411 8509741 8512537 8489292 8512098 8494131 8497144 8502201 8509400 #pragma user "ginsoakedgirl" # Confirmation code: OwtDRFcJ9/c6XiISBzU0HA # Sun Oct 3 12:32:12 2021 # (ginsoakedgirl) %KDE : 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 # (ginsoakedgirl) %Momba : # (ginsoakedgirl) %PTFoRB : 8507508 8511722 # Combat Commander: Europe (ginsoakedgirl) 8503433 : 8494839 8500368 # Cubitos (ginsoakedgirl) 8503439 : 8494839 8500368 8489614 8500555 8511971 # Viscounts of the West Kingdom (ginsoakedgirl) 8503448 : 8494839 8500368 8489614 8500555 # Mechanica (ginsoakedgirl) 8503451 : 8494839 8500368 8489614 8500555 8511971 %KDE %PTFoRB 8512392 # New York Zoo (ginsoakedgirl) 8503462 : 8494839 8500368 8489614 8500555 8511971 %KDE 8504105 # Olympos (ginsoakedgirl) 8503481 : 8494839 8500368 8489614 8500555 8511971 %KDE %PTFoRB 8504105 8512392 8502231 # Eight-Minute Empire: Legends (ginsoakedgirl) 8503488 : 8494839 8500368 8489614 8500555 8511971 %KDE %PTFoRB 8504105 8512392 8502231 # Star Trek Panic (ginsoakedgirl) 8505547 : 8494839 8500368 8489614 8500555 8511971 %KDE %PTFoRB 8504105 8512392 8502231 # Tudor (ginsoakedgirl) 8505550 : 8494839 8500368 8489614 8500555 # Alt Name: $30 CAD gift card (ginsoakedgirl) 8512137 : 8494839 8500368 8489614 8500555 8511971 %KDE %PTFoRB 8504105 #pragma user "GMGates" # Confirmation code: vC9mdyImw4wWJnmyZQjgjQ # Sat Oct 2 23:30:35 2021 # A House Divided: War Between the States 1861-65 (GMGates) 8504718 : 8490442 8512488 8509314 8508200 8489533 8507529 8512350 8494068 8504907 8490192 8500000 8502994 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8507006 8509924 8511910 8508598 8508699 8492873 8512297 8499386 8504962 8508847 8490662 8492273 8503158 8512392 8499100 8490535 8496685 8503903 8500168 8504221 8490479 8510209 8502219 8503080 8508586 8509166 8497164 8490027 8509892 8491743 8489914 8490215 8500851 8502137 8489577 8497152 8494044 8491994 8492848 8488918 8500589 8511718 8492964 8511913 8494853 8495247 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8508964 8510060 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507355 8489319 8493161 8511088 8507894 # No Retreat! The Russian Front (GMGates) 8504722 : 8490442 8512488 8509314 8508200 8489533 8507529 8512350 8494068 8504907 8490192 8500000 8502994 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8507006 8509924 8511910 # Kamisado (GMGates) 8504725 : 8490442 8512488 8509314 8508200 8489533 8507529 8512350 8494068 8504907 8490192 8500000 8502994 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8507006 8509924 8511910 8508598 8508699 8492873 8512297 8499386 8504962 8508847 8490662 8492273 8503158 8512392 8499100 8490535 8496685 8503903 8500168 8504221 8490479 8510209 8502219 8503080 8508586 8509166 8497164 8490027 8509892 8491743 8489914 8490215 8500851 8502137 8489577 8497152 8494044 8491994 8492848 8488918 8500589 8511718 8492964 8511913 8494853 8495247 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8508964 8510060 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507355 8489319 8493161 8511088 8507894 8493117 8507363 8507539 8505855 8500521 8500558 8501501 8493732 8507951 8498656 8493042 8498758 8495409 8507436 8494479 8502226 8489606 8500547 8503672 8505765 8506726 8507504 8512409 8505944 8490753 8495214 8501783 8501776 8489193 8489884 8499811 8492916 8495394 8500088 8500701 8512394 8512498 8501606 8490462 8499236 8493193 8496003 8512365 8500580 8504513 8511912 8490449 8512378 8490490 8500538 8500807 8496481 8502937 # Tidal Blades: Heroes of the Reef – Angler's Cove (GMGates) 8504740 : 8490442 8512488 8509314 8508200 8489533 8507529 8512350 8494068 8504907 8490192 8500000 8502994 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8507006 8509924 8511910 8508598 8508699 8492873 8512297 8499386 8504962 8508847 8490662 8492273 8503158 8512392 8499100 8490535 8496685 8503903 8500168 8504221 8490479 8510209 8502219 8503080 8508586 8509166 8497164 8490027 8509892 8491743 8489914 8490215 8500851 8502137 8489577 8497152 8494044 8491994 8492848 8488918 8500589 8511718 8492964 8511913 8494853 8495247 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8508964 8510060 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507355 8489319 8493161 8511088 8507894 8493117 8507363 8507539 8505855 8500521 8500558 8501501 8493732 8507951 8498656 8493042 8498758 8495409 8507436 8494479 8502226 8489606 8500547 8503672 8505765 8506726 8507504 8512409 8505944 8490753 8495214 8501783 8501776 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Underwater Cities by Gaming Trunk (GMGates) %8509528 : 8509528-COPY1 8509528-COPY2 8509528-COPY3 #pragma user "Goldust66" # Confirmation code: ztOz91ZCo5FpnKTKtDK91g # Sun Oct 3 19:55:56 2021 # (Goldust66) %BroSer : 8490936 8501993 # (Goldust66) %CTWBD : 8489600 8505794 # (Goldust66) %CryPal : 8489934 8490748 # (Goldust66) %DSM : 8494853 8495247 # (Goldust66) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8507435 # (Goldust66) %ECE : 8509741 8512537 # (Goldust66) %EscPla : 8490123 8507944 # (Goldust66) %FanFac : 8499133 8504386 8512568 # (Goldust66) %FraDra : 8493133 8503884 # (Goldust66) %HPHB : 8499993 8503192 8507166 # (Goldust66) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (Goldust66) %LSE : 8494549 8496537 # (Goldust66) %LaGra : 8490138 8493986 8512341 # (Goldust66) %NTDG : 8497141 8511718 # (Goldust66) %PCR : 8492973 8509933 # (Goldust66) %S2e : 8490457 8512525 # (Goldust66) %SDMS : 8498911 8499682 # (Goldust66) %SmaInc : 8492276 8507433 # (Goldust66) %Smart : 8490762 8507193 # (Goldust66) %SpeOps : 8493037 8507945 # (Goldust66) %TMPEE : 8507640 8509689 # (Goldust66) %TQfED : 8497167 8502438 # (Goldust66) %TQfEDTGT : 8499995 8501499 # (Goldust66) %TVoMP : 8510450 8512394 # (Goldust66) %TtR : 8496533 8500576 8510652 # (Goldust66) %VEE : 8502511 8510029 # (Goldust66) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 # (Goldust66) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 8497070 # (Goldust66) %Yokoh : 8499686 8512123 8512535 # Agra (Goldust66) 8500530 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 # Agricola (Goldust66) 8500532 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE # Arkham Horror: The Card Game (Goldust66) 8500534 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE # Aton (Goldust66) 8500540 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 8503903 8490791 8489780 8504641 8507467 8508200 8489533 %Yokoh %LaGra %TMPEE %Halle %HPHB %FanFac %DSM 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8509665 8510030 %TQfED %SmaInc 8494638 %TQfEDTGT 8500005 8489210 # Carthago: Merchants & Guilds (Goldust66) 8500544 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 8503903 8490791 8489780 8504641 8507467 8508200 8489533 %Yokoh %LaGra %TMPEE %Halle %HPHB %FanFac %DSM 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8509665 8510030 %TQfED %SmaInc 8494638 %TQfEDTGT 8500005 8489210 8503907 8492224 8502219 %TVoMP 8502166 8490398 8510945 8491908 8511715 %FraDra %LSE 8489184 8490190 8510654 %S2e 8489593 8493705 8512151 8512593 8508978 8500522 8489914 8512550 8503889 8511898 8509733 8504430 8509885 8503448 %WhiMou %SpeOps 8499691 8509969 %NTDG 8498633 8494728 %CryPal 8489603 8500275 8489505 8510775 8503087 8490148 8490759 8512376 8504128 # Cartographers (Goldust66) 8500552 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 # Condottiere (Goldust66) 8500556 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 8503903 8490791 8489780 8504641 8507467 8508200 8489533 %Yokoh %LaGra %TMPEE %Halle %HPHB %FanFac %DSM 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8509665 8510030 %TQfED %SmaInc 8494638 %TQfEDTGT 8500005 8489210 8503907 8492224 8502219 %TVoMP 8502166 8490398 8510945 8491908 8511715 %FraDra %LSE 8489184 8490190 8510654 %S2e 8489593 8493705 8512151 8512593 8508978 8500522 8489914 8512550 8503889 8511898 8509733 8504430 8509885 8503448 %WhiMou %SpeOps 8499691 8509969 %NTDG 8498633 8494728 %CryPal 8489603 8500275 8489505 8510775 8503087 8490148 8490759 8512376 8504128 # D-Day at Tarawa (Goldust66) 8500561 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Dawn of the Zeds (Third Edition) (Goldust66) 8500568 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 # Exodus: Proxima Centauri (Goldust66) 8500572 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 # Famiglia (Goldust66) 8500575 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 8503903 8490791 8489780 8504641 8507467 8508200 8489533 %Yokoh %LaGra %TMPEE %Halle %HPHB %FanFac %DSM 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8509665 8510030 %TQfED %SmaInc 8494638 %TQfEDTGT 8500005 8489210 8503907 8492224 8502219 %TVoMP 8502166 8490398 8510945 8491908 8511715 %FraDra %LSE 8489184 8490190 8510654 %S2e 8489593 8493705 8512151 8512593 8508978 8500522 8489914 8512550 8503889 8511898 8509733 8504430 8509885 8503448 %WhiMou %SpeOps 8499691 8509969 %NTDG 8498633 8494728 %CryPal 8489603 8500275 8489505 8510775 8503087 8490148 8490759 8512376 8504128 8511747 8512484 8509834 8500541 8503693 8490411 %BroSer 8502244 8497080 8505793 8496147 8503894 8501604 8500528 # Fog of Love (Goldust66) 8500579 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Football Highlights 2052 (Goldust66) 8500584 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE # Friday (Goldust66) 8500595 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 8503903 8490791 8489780 8504641 8507467 8508200 8489533 %Yokoh %LaGra %TMPEE %Halle %HPHB %FanFac %DSM 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8509665 8510030 %TQfED %SmaInc 8494638 %TQfEDTGT 8500005 8489210 8503907 8492224 8502219 %TVoMP 8502166 8490398 8510945 8491908 8511715 %FraDra %LSE 8489184 8490190 8510654 %S2e 8489593 8493705 8512151 8512593 8508978 8500522 8489914 8512550 8503889 8511898 8509733 8504430 8509885 8503448 %WhiMou %SpeOps 8499691 8509969 %NTDG 8498633 8494728 %CryPal 8489603 8500275 8489505 8510775 8503087 8490148 8490759 8512376 8504128 8511747 8512484 8509834 8500541 8503693 8490411 %BroSer 8502244 8497080 8505793 8496147 8503894 8501604 8500528 # Get Lucky (Goldust66) 8500598 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 8503903 8490791 8489780 8504641 8507467 8508200 8489533 %Yokoh %LaGra %TMPEE %Halle %HPHB %FanFac %DSM 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8509665 8510030 %TQfED %SmaInc 8494638 %TQfEDTGT 8500005 8489210 8503907 8492224 8502219 %TVoMP 8502166 8490398 8510945 8491908 8511715 %FraDra %LSE 8489184 8490190 8510654 %S2e 8489593 8493705 8512151 8512593 8508978 8500522 8489914 8512550 8503889 8511898 8509733 8504430 8509885 8503448 %WhiMou %SpeOps 8499691 8509969 %NTDG 8498633 8494728 %CryPal 8489603 8500275 8489505 8510775 8503087 8490148 8490759 8512376 8504128 8511747 8512484 8509834 8500541 8503693 8490411 %BroSer 8502244 8497080 8505793 8496147 8503894 8501604 8500528 # Gravwell: Escape from the 9th Dimension (Goldust66) 8500600 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 8503903 8490791 8489780 8504641 8507467 8508200 8489533 %Yokoh %LaGra %TMPEE %Halle %HPHB %FanFac %DSM 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8509665 8510030 %TQfED %SmaInc 8494638 %TQfEDTGT 8500005 8489210 8503907 8492224 8502219 %TVoMP 8502166 8490398 8510945 8491908 8511715 %FraDra %LSE 8489184 8490190 8510654 %S2e 8489593 8493705 8512151 8512593 8508978 # Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game (Goldust66) 8500601 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 # Shadows over Camelot (Goldust66) 8500603 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 # Lewis & Clark: The Expedition (Goldust66) 8500604 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Perudo (Goldust66) 8500606 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 8503903 8490791 8489780 8504641 8507467 8508200 8489533 %Yokoh %LaGra %TMPEE %Halle %HPHB %FanFac %DSM 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8509665 8510030 %TQfED %SmaInc 8494638 %TQfEDTGT 8500005 8489210 8503907 8492224 8502219 %TVoMP 8502166 8490398 8510945 8491908 8511715 %FraDra %LSE 8489184 8490190 8510654 %S2e 8489593 8493705 8512151 8512593 8508978 # Maximum Throwdown (Goldust66) 8500607 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 8503903 8490791 8489780 8504641 8507467 8508200 8489533 %Yokoh %LaGra %TMPEE %Halle %HPHB %FanFac %DSM 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8509665 8510030 %TQfED %SmaInc 8494638 %TQfEDTGT 8500005 8489210 8503907 8492224 8502219 %TVoMP 8502166 8490398 8510945 8491908 8511715 %FraDra %LSE 8489184 8490190 8510654 %S2e 8489593 8493705 8512151 8512593 8508978 8500522 8489914 8512550 8503889 8511898 8509733 8504430 8509885 8503448 %WhiMou %SpeOps 8499691 8509969 %NTDG 8498633 8494728 %CryPal 8489603 8500275 8489505 8510775 8503087 8490148 8490759 8512376 8504128 8511747 8512484 8509834 8500541 8503693 8490411 %BroSer 8502244 8497080 8505793 8496147 8503894 8501604 8500528 # Medieval Realms (Goldust66) 8500608 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 # Meuterer (Goldust66) 8500609 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 8503903 8490791 8489780 8504641 8507467 8508200 8489533 %Yokoh %LaGra %TMPEE %Halle %HPHB %FanFac %DSM 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8509665 8510030 %TQfED %SmaInc 8494638 %TQfEDTGT 8500005 8489210 8503907 8492224 8502219 %TVoMP 8502166 8490398 8510945 8491908 8511715 %FraDra %LSE 8489184 8490190 8510654 %S2e 8489593 8493705 8512151 8512593 8508978 8500522 8489914 8512550 8503889 8511898 8509733 8504430 8509885 8503448 %WhiMou %SpeOps 8499691 8509969 %NTDG 8498633 8494728 %CryPal 8489603 8500275 8489505 8510775 8503087 8490148 8490759 8512376 8504128 8511747 8512484 8509834 8500541 8503693 8490411 %BroSer 8502244 8497080 8505793 8496147 8503894 8501604 8500528 # Nexus Ops (Goldust66) 8500611 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Niagara (Goldust66) 8500612 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 8503903 8490791 8489780 8504641 8507467 8508200 8489533 %Yokoh %LaGra %TMPEE %Halle %HPHB %FanFac %DSM 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8509665 8510030 %TQfED %SmaInc 8494638 %TQfEDTGT 8500005 8489210 # Oceans (Goldust66) 8500613 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Pairs (Goldust66) 8500615 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 8503903 8490791 8489780 8504641 8507467 8508200 8489533 %Yokoh %LaGra %TMPEE %Halle %HPHB %FanFac %DSM 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8509665 8510030 %TQfED %SmaInc 8494638 %TQfEDTGT 8500005 8489210 8503907 8492224 8502219 %TVoMP 8502166 8490398 8510945 8491908 8511715 %FraDra %LSE 8489184 8490190 8510654 %S2e 8489593 8493705 8512151 8512593 8508978 8500522 8489914 8512550 8503889 8511898 8509733 8504430 8509885 8503448 %WhiMou %SpeOps 8499691 8509969 %NTDG 8498633 8494728 %CryPal 8489603 8500275 8489505 8510775 8503087 8490148 8490759 8512376 8504128 8511747 8512484 8509834 8500541 8503693 8490411 %BroSer 8502244 8497080 8505793 8496147 8503894 8501604 8500528 # Pandemic (Goldust66) 8500616 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 8503903 8490791 8489780 8504641 8507467 8508200 8489533 %Yokoh %LaGra %TMPEE %Halle %HPHB %FanFac %DSM 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8509665 8510030 %TQfED %SmaInc 8494638 %TQfEDTGT 8500005 8489210 # Paradox (Goldust66) 8500617 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 # Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Base Set (Goldust66) 8500618 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 # Shadowrun: Crossfire (Goldust66) 8500619 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 8503903 8490791 8489780 8504641 8507467 8508200 8489533 %Yokoh %LaGra %TMPEE %Halle %HPHB %FanFac %DSM 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8509665 8510030 %TQfED %SmaInc 8494638 %TQfEDTGT 8500005 8489210 # Small City (Goldust66) 8500620 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 # Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game (Goldust66) 8500621 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart # Super Punch Fighter (Goldust66) 8500622 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # The Taverns of Tiefenthal (Goldust66) 8500623 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 # The Taverns of Tiefenthal (Goldust66) 8500624 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 # Trajan (Goldust66) 8500625 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 # Tumble Town (Goldust66) 8500626 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 # Dale of Merchants (Goldust66) 8500627 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 8503903 8490791 8489780 8504641 8507467 8508200 8489533 %Yokoh %LaGra %TMPEE %Halle %HPHB %FanFac %DSM 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8509665 8510030 %TQfED %SmaInc 8494638 %TQfEDTGT 8500005 8489210 8503907 8492224 8502219 %TVoMP 8502166 8490398 8510945 8491908 8511715 %FraDra %LSE 8489184 8490190 8510654 %S2e 8489593 8493705 8512151 8512593 8508978 8500522 8489914 8512550 8503889 8511898 8509733 8504430 8509885 8503448 %WhiMou %SpeOps 8499691 8509969 %NTDG 8498633 8494728 %CryPal 8489603 8500275 8489505 8510775 8503087 8490148 8490759 8512376 8504128 # Welcome to Centerville (Goldust66) 8500628 : 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8511634 8512518 8506531 8503786 8506440 8512081 %EscPla 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %Smart 8507504 %Wings 8505002 8509951 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %ECE %VEE 8489389 %DunImp 8508964 8511594 8512086 8504885 8503439 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %TtR %PCR 8499693 %CTWBD 8500387 %SDMS 8506831 8491351 8503903 8490791 8489780 8504641 8507467 8508200 8489533 %Yokoh %LaGra %TMPEE %Halle %HPHB %FanFac %DSM 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 #pragma user "goober_357" # Confirmation code: vEFLXnWQNQwVVrMrNmaFow # Sat Oct 2 13:33:23 2021 # (goober_357) %BGTBG : 8494436 8500777 8509870 # (goober_357) %FlaRou : 8490398 8491252 # (goober_357) %MoMSE : 8490048 8492161 # (goober_357) %ThuAll : 8512527 8512542 # Genoa (goober_357) 8503149 : %MoMSE %BGTBG %ThuAll 8489254 8498195 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8508699 %FlaRou 8490199 8512571 8510945 8494544 8490485 8492953 8505734 8495247 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8510816 8511236 8512086 8512143 8512533 8512540 8507741 8490753 8497078 # Porta Nigra (goober_357) 8503163 : %MoMSE %BGTBG %ThuAll 8489254 8498195 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 #pragma user "GordZee" # Confirmation code: Tj6ztf384wJKLhRPnngXGg # Sat Oct 2 07:26:52 2021 # (GordZee) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (GordZee) %BlaAng : 8490240 8512298 # (GordZee) %CTCF : 8492162 8493405 8494955 # (GordZee) %EscPla : 8490123 8507944 # (GordZee) %EtN : 8499695 8501570 # (GordZee) %GaiPro : 8490442 8492873 # (GordZee) %HanTeu : 8507951 8509892 # (GordZee) %HftR : 8489196 8489582 # (GordZee) %ImpStr : 8499229 8502507 # (GordZee) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 8509177 # (GordZee) %Polyn : 8492991 8509945 # (GordZee) %RaiRev : 8490120 8494149 8505797 8505871 # (GordZee) %SDMS : 8498911 8499682 8507188 # (GordZee) %Snowd : 8490465 8507481 # (GordZee) %Yokoh : 8499686 8512123 8512535 # Curious Cargo (GordZee) 8508224 : 8495969 8508614 8506508 %Polyn %EtN 8497135 8507499 8494551 8507529 8510945 8498806 %EscPla %NYZ %BlaAng 8507647 8505793 8511921 8490192 %RaiRev 8489254 8499301 8507947 %SDMS 8507507 8507894 # Acquire (GordZee) 8510396 : 8495969 8508614 8506508 %Polyn %EtN 8497135 8507499 8494551 8507529 8510945 8498806 %EscPla %NYZ %BlaAng 8507647 8505793 8511921 8490192 %RaiRev 8489254 8499301 8507947 %SDMS 8507507 8507894 %HanTeu 8492953 8509877 %HftR 8507741 8511710 %AFfO %CTCF 8512425 8490199 %Yokoh 8496007 8489014 %ImpStr 8499399 8495231 8509735 8509837 # The Estates (GordZee) 8510398 : 8495969 8508614 8506508 %Polyn %EtN 8497135 8507499 8494551 8507529 8510945 8498806 %EscPla %NYZ %BlaAng 8507647 8505793 8511921 8490192 %RaiRev 8489254 8499301 8507947 %SDMS 8507507 8507894 %HanTeu 8492953 8509877 %HftR 8507741 8511710 #pragma user "Grantos" # Confirmation code: CLLdYGq6BlvU9rpx1FGMWw # Sun Oct 3 09:33:13 2021 # Kahuna (Grantos) 8509265 : 8489280 8490926 8497070 8489573 8490717 8497943 8497167 8497950 8502438 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8500820 8500960 8492957 8490487 8501611 8490123 8502244 8499993 8503192 8507166 8491607 8504416 8510810 8503131 8493712 8491609 8510761 8490868 8498492 8496014 8502241 8497029 8492866 8509961 8490063 8510105 8499693 8503114 8497161 8512464 8497158 8511840 8502008 8512469 8497159 8510785 8497160 8497797 8507419 8490753 8502001 8490759 8490245 8496414 8506941 8489198 8500504 8497602 8495214 # Acquire (Grantos) 8509292 : 8489280 8490926 8497070 8489573 8490717 8497943 8497167 8497950 8502438 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8500820 8500960 8492957 8490487 8501611 8490123 8502244 8499993 8503192 8507166 8491607 8504416 8510810 8503131 8493712 8491609 8510761 8490868 8498492 8496014 8502241 8497029 8492866 8509961 8490063 8510105 8499693 8503114 8497161 8512464 8497158 8511840 8502008 8512469 8497159 8510785 8497160 8497797 8507419 8490753 8502001 8490759 8490245 8496414 # The Big Book of Madness (Grantos) 8509296 : 8489280 8490926 8497070 8489573 8490717 8497943 8497167 8497950 8502438 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8500820 8500960 8492957 8490487 8501611 8490123 8502244 8499993 8503192 8507166 8491607 8504416 8510810 8503131 8493712 8491609 8510761 8490868 8498492 8496014 8502241 8497029 8492866 8509961 # Ghost Blitz (Grantos) 8509307 : 8489280 8490926 8497070 8489573 8490717 8497943 8497167 8497950 8502438 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8500820 8500960 8492957 8490487 8501611 8490123 8502244 8499993 8503192 8507166 8491607 8504416 8510810 8503131 8493712 8491609 8510761 8490868 8498492 8496014 8502241 8497029 8492866 8509961 8490063 8510105 8499693 8503114 8497161 8512464 8497158 8511840 8502008 8512469 8497159 8510785 8497160 8497797 8507419 8490753 8502001 8490759 8490245 8496414 8506941 8489198 8500504 8497602 8495214 8508932 8497153 8512235 8489231 8493111 #pragma user "Gravey" # Confirmation code: iQdPgv0SLTH1ViWdMcUa2w # Sun Oct 3 02:46:41 2021 # Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles (Gravey) 8490883 : 8497603 8510924 8506970 8504868 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 # June '44: The Struggle for Normandy, 1944 (Gravey) 8490885 : 8497603 8510924 8506970 8504868 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8511882 8512137 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Formula D (Gravey) 8490887 : 8497603 8510924 8506970 8504868 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8511882 8512137 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 8493705 8509665 8512151 8512593 # Star Realms: Frontiers (Gravey) 8490889 : 8497603 8510924 8506970 8504868 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8511882 8512137 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 8493705 8509665 8512151 8512593 # Skip-Bo (Gravey) 8490894 : 8497603 8510924 8506970 8504868 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8511882 8512137 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 8493705 8509665 8512151 8512593 # Warfighter: WWII Expansion #7 – United Kingdom #2! (Gravey) 8490898 : 8497603 8510924 8506970 8504868 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8511882 8512137 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 8493705 8509665 8512151 8512593 # Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Duel at Mt. Skullzfyre (Gravey) 8490904 : 8497603 8510924 8506970 8504868 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8511882 8512137 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 8493705 8509665 8512151 8512593 # Dragonwood (Gravey) 8494915 : 8497603 8510924 8506970 8504868 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8511882 8512137 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 8493705 8509665 8512151 8512593 # Alt Name: $60 CAD Gift Card (Gravey) 8498195 : 8497603 8510924 # Sprawlopolis (Gravey) 8509969 : 8506970 8504868 #pragma user "grewal1980" # Confirmation code: VVpVvcwg8BeffxiQ13fHoQ # Sat Oct 2 12:06:30 2021 # (grewal1980) %BSE : 8489998 8499029 # (grewal1980) %Clank : 8495406 8497891 8499100 8493193 8498656 8504804 # (grewal1980) %Inis : 8492922 8504954 # (grewal1980) %Kemet : 8490535 8496685 # (grewal1980) %Root : 8494523 8496001 # (grewal1980) %Scythe : 8495180 8507353 # (grewal1980) %TerMar : 8503891 8510030 # (grewal1980) %TtRE : 8496688 8500577 8512504 # (grewal1980) %TwiStr : 8499812 8502250 # (grewal1980) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 8497070 # Camel Up (grewal1980) 8496070 : 8492638 8498640 %TerMar %Scythe %Root 8489389 %Inis %Kemet 8491743 8509951 8500568 %Clank 8510209 8508200 %TtRE 8507468 8510742 %Wings %TwiStr %BSE 8500589 # Memoir '44: Campaign Book Volume 1 (grewal1980) 8496071 : # Alien Frontiers (grewal1980) 8496074 : 8492638 8498640 %TerMar %Scythe %Root 8489389 %Inis %Kemet 8491743 8509951 8500568 %Clank 8510209 8508200 %TtRE 8507468 8510742 %Wings # Ca$h 'n Gun$ (grewal1980) 8496077 : 8492638 8498640 %TerMar %Scythe %Root 8489389 %Inis %Kemet 8491743 8509951 8500568 %Clank 8510209 8508200 %TtRE 8507468 8510742 %Wings %TwiStr %BSE 8500589 8509879 # Cacao (grewal1980) 8496081 : 8492638 8498640 %TerMar %Scythe %Root 8489389 %Inis %Kemet 8491743 8509951 8500568 %Clank 8510209 8508200 %TtRE 8507468 8510742 %Wings %TwiStr %BSE 8500589 # Carcassonne: Star Wars (grewal1980) 8496091 : 8492638 8498640 %TerMar %Scythe %Root 8489389 %Inis %Kemet 8491743 8509951 8500568 %Clank 8510209 8508200 %TtRE 8507468 8510742 %Wings %TwiStr %BSE 8500589 # Deadwood (grewal1980) 8496092 : 8492638 8498640 %TerMar %Scythe %Root 8489389 %Inis %Kemet 8491743 8509951 8500568 %Clank 8510209 8508200 %TtRE 8507468 8510742 %Wings %TwiStr %BSE 8500589 # Dungeon Petz (grewal1980) 8496094 : 8492638 8498640 %TerMar %Scythe %Root 8489389 %Inis %Kemet 8491743 8509951 8500568 %Clank 8510209 8508200 %TtRE 8507468 8510742 %Wings # Ekö (grewal1980) 8496101 : 8492638 8498640 %TerMar %Scythe %Root 8489389 %Inis %Kemet 8491743 8509951 8500568 %Clank 8510209 8508200 %TtRE 8507468 8510742 %Wings %TwiStr %BSE # Fury of Dracula (Second Edition) (grewal1980) 8496104 : 8492638 8498640 %TerMar %Scythe %Root 8489389 %Inis %Kemet 8491743 8509951 8500568 %Clank 8510209 8508200 %TtRE 8507468 8510742 %Wings %TwiStr %BSE 8500589 8509879 # Homeland: The Game (grewal1980) 8496105 : 8492638 8498640 %TerMar %Scythe %Root 8489389 %Inis %Kemet 8491743 8509951 8500568 %Clank 8510209 8508200 %TtRE 8507468 8510742 %Wings %TwiStr %BSE # Imperial Settlers (grewal1980) 8496113 : 8492638 8498640 %TerMar %Scythe %Root 8489389 %Inis %Kemet 8491743 8509951 8500568 %Clank 8510209 8508200 %TtRE 8507468 8510742 %Wings %TwiStr %BSE # Catan: Junior (grewal1980) 8496116 : 8492638 8498640 %TerMar %Scythe %Root 8489389 %Inis %Kemet 8491743 8509951 8500568 %Clank 8510209 8508200 %TtRE 8507468 8510742 %Wings %TwiStr %BSE 8500589 8509879 # London Dread (grewal1980) 8496118 : 8492638 8498640 %TerMar %Scythe %Root 8489389 %Inis %Kemet 8491743 8509951 8500568 %Clank 8510209 8508200 %TtRE 8507468 8510742 # Pyramid Poker (grewal1980) 8496122 : 8492638 8498640 %TerMar %Scythe %Root 8489389 %Inis %Kemet 8491743 8509951 8500568 %Clank 8510209 8508200 %TtRE 8507468 8510742 %Wings %TwiStr %BSE 8500589 # Star Trek: Frontiers (grewal1980) 8496123 : 8492638 8498640 %TerMar %Scythe %Root 8489389 %Inis %Kemet 8491743 8509951 8500568 %Clank # Taluva (grewal1980) 8496124 : 8492638 8498640 %TerMar %Scythe %Root 8489389 %Inis %Kemet 8491743 8509951 8500568 %Clank 8510209 8508200 %TtRE 8507468 8510742 %Wings %TwiStr %BSE 8500589 8509879 # XCOM: The Board Game (grewal1980) 8496125 : 8492638 8498640 %TerMar %Scythe %Root 8489389 %Inis %Kemet 8491743 8509951 8500568 %Clank 8510209 8508200 %TtRE 8507468 8510742 # WWE Superstar Showdown (grewal1980) 8496128 : 8492638 8498640 %TerMar %Scythe %Root 8489389 %Inis %Kemet 8491743 8509951 8500568 %Clank 8510209 8508200 %TtRE 8507468 8510742 %Wings %TwiStr %BSE 8500589 # Snowdonia: Deluxe Master Set (grewal1980) 8498911 : 8492638 8498640 # Knit Wit (grewal1980) 8501481 : 8492638 8498640 %TerMar %Scythe %Root 8489389 %Inis %Kemet 8491743 8509951 8500568 %Clank 8510209 8508200 %TtRE 8507468 8510742 %Wings %TwiStr %BSE 8500589 8509879 # Dawn of the Zeds (Second edition) (grewal1980) 8503655 : 8492638 8498640 %TerMar %Scythe %Root 8489389 %Inis %Kemet 8491743 8509951 8500568 %Clank 8510209 8508200 %TtRE 8507468 8510742 %Wings %TwiStr %BSE 8500589 8509879 # Gears of War: The Board Game (grewal1980) 8503664 : 8492638 # Piñata (grewal1980) 8507107 : 8506941 #pragma user "Haydn Lloyd" # Confirmation code: u8fitD3dVi6xMG1-WxQWYw # Sun Oct 3 13:28:58 2021 # (Haydn Lloyd) %ASP : 8497152 8507436 # (Haydn Lloyd) %AirEur : 8490504 8498348 # (Haydn Lloyd) %AquaS : 8500383 8512543 # (Haydn Lloyd) %CISADA : 8493193 8498656 # (Haydn Lloyd) %CTCF : 8493405 8494955 # (Haydn Lloyd) %CoE : 8490018 8504786 8506863 # (Haydn Lloyd) %CosEnc : 8501467 8506771 # (Haydn Lloyd) %EscPla : 8490123 8507944 # (Haydn Lloyd) %GMIC : 8490802 8511855 # (Haydn Lloyd) %HA : 8492910 8497071 8505858 # (Haydn Lloyd) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (Haydn Lloyd) %LaGra : 8490138 8493986 # (Haydn Lloyd) %Marip : 8491872 8492239 8492274 8497154 # (Haydn Lloyd) %Medici : 8502339 8504947 # (Haydn Lloyd) %MilBla : 8492158 8492329 # (Haydn Lloyd) %Myrmes : 8490155 8506664 # (Haydn Lloyd) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (Haydn Lloyd) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 # (Haydn Lloyd) %Solen : 8494143 8504672 # (Haydn Lloyd) %TCoG : 8491892 8501613 8507517 # (Haydn Lloyd) %TCoT : 8494677 8497633 8511734 # (Haydn Lloyd) %TOotS : 8494088 8501961 # (Haydn Lloyd) %TotT : 8494293 8506823 # (Haydn Lloyd) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 8500586 # (Haydn Lloyd) %YDMS : 8506831 8507651 # (Haydn Lloyd) %Yokoh : 8499686 8512535 # Village (Haydn Lloyd) 8511190 : 8499811 8492161 8494551 8508200 8491743 %GMIC %EscPla 8512350 8510205 # Roll for the Galaxy (Haydn Lloyd) 8511206 : 8499811 8492161 8494551 8508200 8491743 %GMIC %EscPla 8512350 8510205 %CTCF 8503903 8507472 8507499 8490791 8508586 8490199 %TCoG %Yokoh 8510945 %PCR 8508712 8512298 %ImpCla 8511971 8511917 8491351 8489599 8511121 8512425 %TotT # Oh My Goods! (Haydn Lloyd) 8511208 : 8499811 8492161 8494551 8508200 8491743 %GMIC %EscPla 8512350 8510205 %CTCF 8503903 8507472 8507499 8490791 8508586 8490199 %TCoG %Yokoh 8510945 %PCR 8508712 8512298 %ImpCla 8511971 8511917 8491351 8489599 8511121 8512425 %TotT 8502215 8492224 %XLoaDS 8508822 8502245 8496218 %LaGra 8507468 8494479 8511715 8489606 8494863 %HA 8495224 8500555 %TOotS %MilBla 8500589 %Myrmes 8512529 8505846 8494108 8501570 8508951 %Marip 8499393 8493007 8489254 8503896 8507741 8503135 %YDMS 8512345 8489614 # Gorus Maximus (Haydn Lloyd) 8511212 : 8499811 8492161 8494551 8508200 8491743 %GMIC %EscPla 8512350 8510205 %CTCF 8503903 8507472 8507499 8490791 8508586 8490199 %TCoG %Yokoh 8510945 %PCR 8508712 8512298 %ImpCla 8511971 8511917 8491351 8489599 8511121 8512425 %TotT 8502215 8492224 %XLoaDS 8508822 8502245 8496218 %LaGra 8507468 8494479 8511715 8489606 8494863 %HA 8495224 8500555 %TOotS %MilBla 8500589 %Myrmes 8512529 8505846 8494108 8501570 8508951 %Marip 8499393 8493007 8489254 8503896 8507741 8503135 %YDMS 8512345 8489614 8491912 8496996 8505873 8493049 8508448 8497952 8496217 %Solen 8511088 %CosEnc %PARKS %CISADA %AirEur 8490237 8509772 8499691 8497156 8505164 8495229 8505941 %CoE 8500501 8490457 8502231 8507516 %AquaS # Glass Road (Haydn Lloyd) 8511213 : 8499811 8492161 8494551 8508200 8491743 %GMIC %EscPla 8512350 8510205 %CTCF 8503903 8507472 8507499 8490791 8508586 8490199 %TCoG %Yokoh 8510945 %PCR 8508712 8512298 %ImpCla 8511971 8511917 8491351 8489599 8502215 # Magic: the Gathering – Jumpstart (Haydn Lloyd) 8511217 : 8499811 8492161 8494551 8508200 8491743 %GMIC %EscPla 8512350 8510205 # Unlock!: Escape Adventures – Squeek & Sausage (Haydn Lloyd) 8511884 : 8499811 8492161 8494551 8508200 8491743 %GMIC %EscPla 8512350 8510205 %CTCF 8503903 8507472 8507499 8490791 8508586 8490199 %TCoG %Yokoh 8510945 %PCR 8508712 8512298 %ImpCla 8511971 8511917 8491351 8489599 8511121 8512425 %TotT 8502215 8492224 %XLoaDS 8508822 8502245 8496218 %LaGra 8507468 8494479 8511715 8489606 8494863 %HA 8495224 8500555 %TOotS %MilBla 8500589 %Myrmes 8512529 8505846 8494108 8501570 8508951 %Marip 8499393 8493007 8489254 8503896 8507741 8503135 %YDMS 8512345 8489614 8491912 8496996 8505873 8493049 8508448 8497952 8496217 %Solen 8511088 %CosEnc %PARKS %CISADA %AirEur 8490237 8509772 8499691 8497156 8505164 8495229 8505941 %CoE 8500501 8490457 8502231 8507516 %AquaS %ASP %Medici %TCoT 8492167 8506326 8500527 8505797 8490034 8500488 8512523 # Carpe Diem (Haydn Lloyd) 8511892 : 8499811 8492161 8494551 8508200 8491743 %GMIC %EscPla 8512350 8510205 %CTCF 8503903 8507472 8507499 8490791 8508586 8490199 %TCoG %Yokoh 8510945 %PCR 8508712 8512298 %ImpCla 8511971 8511917 8491351 8489599 8511121 8512425 %TotT 8502215 8492224 %XLoaDS 8508822 8502245 8496218 %LaGra 8507468 8494479 8511715 8489606 8494863 %HA 8495224 8500555 %TOotS %MilBla 8500589 %Myrmes 8512529 8505846 8494108 8501570 8508951 %Marip 8499393 8493007 8489254 8503896 8507741 8503135 %YDMS 8512345 8489614 8491912 8496996 8505873 8493049 8508448 8497952 8496217 %Solen 8511088 %CosEnc %PARKS %CISADA %AirEur 8490237 8509772 8499691 8497156 8505164 8495229 8505941 %CoE 8500501 8490457 8502231 8507516 %AquaS %ASP %Medici %TCoT 8492167 8506326 8500527 8505797 8490034 8500488 8512523 8489128 8492127 8511790 8503114 8498737 8497020 8503894 8490794 8506795 8511051 8489897 # Word Slam (Haydn Lloyd) 8511901 : 8499811 8492161 8494551 8508200 8491743 %GMIC %EscPla 8512350 8510205 %CTCF 8503903 8507472 8507499 8490791 8508586 8490199 %TCoG %Yokoh 8510945 %PCR 8508712 8512298 %ImpCla 8511971 8511917 8491351 8489599 8511121 8512425 %TotT 8502215 8492224 %XLoaDS 8508822 8502245 8496218 %LaGra 8507468 8494479 8511715 8489606 8494863 %HA 8495224 8500555 %TOotS %MilBla 8500589 %Myrmes 8512529 8505846 8494108 8501570 8508951 %Marip 8499393 8493007 8489254 8503896 8507741 8503135 %YDMS 8512345 8489614 8491912 8496996 8505873 8493049 8508448 8497952 8496217 %Solen 8511088 %CosEnc %PARKS %CISADA %AirEur 8490237 8509772 8499691 8497156 8505164 8495229 8505941 %CoE 8500501 8490457 8502231 8507516 %AquaS %ASP %Medici %TCoT 8492167 8506326 8500527 8505797 8490034 8500488 8512523 8489128 8492127 8511790 8503114 8498737 8497020 8503894 8490794 8506795 8511051 8492957 8512450 8494679 8500275 8490889 # Tajemnicze Domostwo (Haydn Lloyd) 8512553 : 8499811 8492161 8494551 8508200 8491743 %GMIC %EscPla 8512350 8510205 %CTCF 8503903 8507472 8507499 8490791 8508586 8490199 %TCoG %Yokoh 8510945 %PCR 8508712 8512298 %ImpCla 8511971 8511917 8491351 8489599 8511121 8512425 %TotT 8502215 8492224 %XLoaDS 8508822 8502245 8496218 %LaGra 8507468 8494479 8511715 8489606 8494863 %HA 8495224 8500555 %TOotS %MilBla 8500589 %Myrmes 8512529 8505846 8494108 8501570 8508951 %Marip 8499393 8493007 8489254 8503896 8507741 8503135 %YDMS 8512345 8489614 8491912 8496996 8505873 8493049 8508448 8497952 8496217 %Solen 8511088 #pragma user "heartfruit" # Confirmation code: tfZ3yNor0AmvXgzCIQjBRA # Sun Oct 3 12:19:20 2021 # (heartfruit) %ASP : 8497152 8507436 8510930 # (heartfruit) %AaB : 8498844 8509731 # (heartfruit) %BTC : 8501955 8506956 8511977 # (heartfruit) %BetLeg : 8509744 8511189 # (heartfruit) %Bibli : 8496530 8504382 8504558 # (heartfruit) %CtA : 8489608 8499661 8500430 8502211 8512101 # (heartfruit) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (heartfruit) %ExLib : 8491994 8492848 # (heartfruit) %HTMF : 8505119 8507362 8509842 # (heartfruit) %Jamai : 8507719 8508700 # (heartfruit) %Marip : 8491872 8492239 8492274 8497154 # (heartfruit) %SanMon : 8496223 8497157 # (heartfruit) %SmaInc : 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 # (heartfruit) %TQfEDTGT : 8499995 8501499 # (heartfruit) %UFS : 8488947 8493689 8500482 # (heartfruit) %Zoolo : 8508453 8510644 8511810 8512428 # (heartfruit) %patch : 8509026 8511747 8500772 # Blume (heartfruit) 8489208 : %DunImp %Jamai %AaB %ExLib %Zoolo %BTC %BetLeg %CtA %Marip 8507438 8512595 %ASP %SanMon 8506223 8499679 8491291 8489116 %Bibli %SmaInc 8511086 8492165 # Choose Your Own Adventure: House of Danger (heartfruit) 8489213 : %DunImp %Jamai %AaB %ExLib %Zoolo %BTC %BetLeg %CtA %Marip 8507438 8512595 %ASP %SanMon 8506223 8499679 8491291 8489116 %Bibli %SmaInc 8511086 8492165 %UFS 8492616 %HTMF 8508951 %TQfEDTGT 8508698 %patch 8492652 8506661 # Cities: Skylines – The Board Game (heartfruit) 8489217 : %DunImp %Jamai %AaB %ExLib %Zoolo %BTC %BetLeg %CtA %Marip 8507438 8512595 %ASP %SanMon 8506223 8499679 8491291 8489116 # The Game: Face to Face (heartfruit) 8489224 : %DunImp %Jamai %AaB %ExLib %Zoolo %BTC %BetLeg %CtA %Marip 8507438 8512595 %ASP %SanMon 8506223 8499679 8491291 8489116 %Bibli %SmaInc 8511086 8492165 %UFS 8492616 %HTMF 8508951 %TQfEDTGT 8508698 %patch 8492652 8506661 # Throw Throw Burrito (heartfruit) 8489231 : %DunImp %Jamai %AaB %ExLib %Zoolo %BTC %BetLeg %CtA %Marip 8507438 8512595 %ASP %SanMon 8506223 8499679 8491291 8489116 %Bibli %SmaInc 8511086 8492165 %UFS 8492616 %HTMF 8508951 %TQfEDTGT 8508698 %patch 8492652 8506661 # Back to the Future: Dice Through Time (heartfruit) 8489321 : %DunImp %Jamai %AaB %ExLib %Zoolo %BTC %BetLeg %CtA %Marip 8507438 8512595 %ASP %SanMon 8506223 8499679 8491291 8489116 %Bibli %SmaInc 8511086 8492165 %UFS 8492616 %HTMF 8508951 %TQfEDTGT 8508698 # Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game (heartfruit) 8489400 : %DunImp %Jamai %AaB %ExLib %Zoolo %BTC %BetLeg %CtA %Marip 8507438 # Puerto Rico (heartfruit) 8489427 : %DunImp %Jamai %AaB %ExLib %Zoolo %BTC %BetLeg %CtA %Marip 8507438 8512595 %ASP %SanMon 8506223 8499679 8491291 8489116 %Bibli %SmaInc 8511086 8492165 %UFS 8492616 %HTMF 8508951 %TQfEDTGT 8508698 %patch # Alt Name: Alice in Wonderland Chess set (heartfruit) 8492271 : %DunImp %Jamai %AaB %ExLib %Zoolo %BTC %BetLeg %CtA %Marip 8507438 #pragma user "heidebrechtluke" # Confirmation code: Qtax8IeBXCxRTwbrfzWP/g # Sun Oct 3 13:18:51 2021 # (heidebrechtluke) %contain : 8505850 8507953 # (heidebrechtluke) %kemet : 8490192 8511910 # Maharaja: The Game of Palace Building in India (heidebrechtluke) 8512296 : 8489254 8509896 %kemet %contain 8495215 8508609 8490104 8489296 # Gaia Project (heidebrechtluke) 8512297 : 8489254 8509896 %kemet %contain # Black Angel (heidebrechtluke) 8512298 : 8489254 8509896 %kemet %contain # Dominations: Road to Civilization (heidebrechtluke) 8512300 : 8489254 8509896 %kemet %contain 8495215 8508609 8490104 8489296 # La Stanza (heidebrechtluke) 8512303 : 8489254 8509896 %kemet %contain # Archon: Glory & Machination (heidebrechtluke) 8512304 : 8489254 8509896 %kemet %contain 8495215 8508609 8490104 8489296 #pragma user "Hellionus" # Confirmation code: w1DpN8PXgQXu3//E5XPbfw # Fri Oct 1 07:06:02 2021 # (Hellionus) %BarQue : 8504907 8492964 # (Hellionus) %CoE : 8490018 8504786 8504860 8506863 # (Hellionus) %CtA : 8489608 8500430 8499661 # (Hellionus) %ExLib : 8491994 8492848 # (Hellionus) %ForIsl : 8490137 8500638 8506755 # (Hellionus) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (Hellionus) %TheGri : 8502057 8507415 # Empire Express (Hellionus) 8489982 : 8505002 8491727 %Halle 8495224 %ExLib 8492282 8496358 %BarQue %CtA 8503094 8492652 8503081 8489210 %CoE %ForIsl %TheGri 8504528 8501567 8489614 8509081 8510761 8509665 8499286 # Discover: Lands Unknown (Hellionus) 8489984 : 8505002 8491727 %Halle 8495224 %ExLib 8492282 8496358 %BarQue %CtA 8503094 8492652 8503081 8489210 %CoE %ForIsl %TheGri 8504528 8489614 8509081 8510761 8509665 8499286 # Shadows: Amsterdam (Hellionus) 8489991 : 8505002 8491727 %Halle 8495224 %ExLib 8492282 8496358 %BarQue %CtA 8503094 8492652 8503081 8489210 %CoE %ForIsl %TheGri 8504528 8489614 8509081 8510761 8509665 8499286 # Rune Age (Hellionus) 8490217 : # Darkest Night (Hellionus) 8504751 : 8505002 8491727 %Halle 8495224 %ExLib 8492282 8496358 %BarQue 8503094 8510761 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512540 8512588 # Spirit Island (Hellionus) 8504822 : 8505002 8491727 %Halle 8495224 %ExLib 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 #pragma user "hoagie88" # Confirmation code: -vQAnr8i/IxfBXw7cxngzw # Sun Oct 3 18:38:35 2021 # Outside the Scope of BGG (hoagie88) 8512089 : 8508598 8508699 8504962 8492273 8512589 8494084 8492161 8500586 8504221 8511235 8505859 8494551 8494106 8491833 8494156 8503664 8507181 8495203 8503009 8500561 8502414 8507588 #pragma user "hobbes2888" # Confirmation code: fUnZr69sjWVBcCRkt57jRg # Sun Oct 3 00:18:56 2021 # (hobbes2888) %CofRoa : 8489897 8505106 # (hobbes2888) %EMA : 8489028 8496683 # (hobbes2888) %FacFun : 8490158 8502045 # (hobbes2888) %FanFac : 8502055 8504386 # (hobbes2888) %HPHB : 8499993 8503192 # (hobbes2888) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (hobbes2888) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (hobbes2888) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 # (hobbes2888) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 # (hobbes2888) %Photo : 8489081 8500559 8500769 # (hobbes2888) %PrtPo : 8490805 8490896 # (hobbes2888) %RR : 8494117 8495240 8506506 # (hobbes2888) %SanMon : 8496223 8497157 # (hobbes2888) %TDoP : %8490751 8504456 8504565 # (hobbes2888) %TanGar : 8492167 8496234 # (hobbes2888) %TheNet : 8490818 8501887 # The Cost (hobbes2888) 8494839 : 8490199 8494160 # Grand Austria Hotel (hobbes2888) 8494842 : 8490199 8494160 8500867 8501284 # Dominant Species: Marine (hobbes2888) 8494853 : 8490199 8494160 8505859 8500867 8501284 8503087 8499693 8498489 8502255 8507388 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8489914 8494044 8489014 8501521 8489780 8502478 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8498640 8502048 # Amun-Re (hobbes2888) 8494863 : 8490199 8494160 8505859 8500867 8501284 8503087 8499693 8498489 8502255 8507388 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8489914 8494044 8489014 8501521 8489780 8502478 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8498640 8502048 8505850 # Spirit Island: Promo Pack 1 (hobbes2888) 8503894 : 8490199 8494160 8505859 8500867 8501284 8503087 8499693 8498489 8502255 8507388 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8489914 8494044 8489014 8501521 8489780 8502478 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8498640 8502048 8503884 8504889 8505850 8496094 %ImpCla 8499813 8504428 8494138 8495212 8489196 8500387 8506746 %PARKS 8507467 %Photo 8489577 8490214 8488871 8504885 %Halle %TheNet 8503439 8493010 %PrtPo %FanFac %EMA 8496117 %RR 8489116 8492927 8502024 8499258 %NYZ %CofRoa 8502244 8496697 8505164 8497603 8494289 8500501 %SanMon 8499695 8504416 8492983 8496217 8505558 %TanGar 8499229 8490454 8504877 8490477 8492936 8499657 %FacFun 8504725 8506320 %TDoP 8506493 %HPHB 8496569 8492856 8502201 8502150 # Impulse (hobbes2888) 8503896 : 8490199 8494160 8505859 8500867 8501284 8503087 8499693 8498489 8502255 8489914 8494044 8489014 8501521 # El Grande Big Box (hobbes2888) 8503899 : 8490199 8494160 8505859 8500867 8501284 8503087 8499693 8498489 8502255 # Escape: The Curse of the Temple – Queenie 14: Wishing Well (hobbes2888) 8505770 : 8490199 8494160 8505859 8500867 8501284 8503087 8499693 8498489 8502255 8507388 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8489914 8494044 8489014 8501521 8489780 8502478 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8498640 8502048 8503884 8504889 8505850 8496094 %ImpCla 8499813 8504428 8494138 8495212 8489196 8500387 8506746 %PARKS 8507467 %Photo 8489577 8490214 8488871 8504885 %Halle %TheNet 8503439 8493010 %PrtPo %FanFac %EMA 8496117 %RR 8489116 8492927 8502024 8499258 %NYZ %CofRoa 8502244 8496697 8505164 8497603 8494289 8500501 %SanMon 8499695 8504416 8492983 8496217 8505558 %TanGar 8499229 8490454 8504877 8490477 8492936 8499657 %FacFun 8504725 8506320 %TDoP 8506493 %HPHB 8496569 8492856 8502201 8502150 # Viceroy (hobbes2888) 8505792 : 8490199 8494160 8505859 8500867 8501284 8503087 8499693 8498489 8502255 8507388 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8489914 8494044 8489014 8501521 8489780 8502478 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8498640 8502048 8503884 8504889 8505850 8496094 %ImpCla 8499813 8504428 8494138 8495212 8489196 8500387 8506746 %PARKS 8507467 %Photo 8489577 8490214 8488871 8504885 %Halle %TheNet 8503439 8493010 %PrtPo %FanFac %EMA 8496117 %RR 8489116 %NYZ %CofRoa 8502244 8496697 8505164 8497603 8494289 8500501 %SanMon 8499695 8504416 8492983 8496217 8505558 %TanGar 8499229 8490454 8504877 8490477 8492936 8499657 %FacFun 8504725 8506320 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want The Downfall of Pompeii (hobbes2888) %8490751 : 8490751-COPY1 8490751-COPY2 #pragma user "Humanpriest" # Confirmation code: yWpgP0YA6om26hrhH332Sg # Fri Oct 1 23:58:12 2021 # Star Wars: Rebellion (Humanpriest) 8489389 : 8505859 8494156 8512350 8489585 8500168 8504423 # Acquire (Humanpriest) 8489419 : 8505859 8494156 8512350 8489585 # Alt Name: $40 gift card (Humanpriest) 8512512 : 8505859 8494156 8512350 8489585 8500168 8504423 8504968 8507363 8494084 8490102 8490807 8500586 8507478 8490123 8507944 8512508 8499394 #pragma user "Hyann" # Confirmation code: TJBo2t8R7AODwk2NyDbrGA # Sat Oct 2 08:59:30 2021 # (Hyann) %BlaSon : 8493212 8504969 # (Hyann) %CFL : 8494079 8494113 8511211 # (Hyann) %CtA : 8489608 8500430 # (Hyann) %Desti : 8493169 8505558 # (Hyann) %Downf : 8491597 8503889 # (Hyann) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (Hyann) %FanFac : 8499133 8502055 8512568 # (Hyann) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (Hyann) %ImpSet : 8489799 8490462 8499236 # (Hyann) %KRRiT : 8494165 8499778 # (Hyann) %Mecha : 8492178 8511740 # (Hyann) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 # (Hyann) %RR : 8494117 8495240 8506506 # (Hyann) %SanMar : 8492987 8504234 8509778 # (Hyann) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (Hyann) %SmaInc : 8490762 8507193 # Paper Tales (Hyann) 8495205 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8503439 %Desti %DunImp 8497164 8502391 %ImpCla 8494138 %SmaInc %SanMar %FanFac %CFL 8489186 8500274 8504641 8494544 8503448 8492789 8490818 8512555 8511720 8489211 %PCR 8490240 8494088 8504428 8490027 8510945 8505164 8490332 8499695 8511898 8497952 8508710 8491998 8492224 8509166 8492927 8503693 8508448 8494850 8499386 %ImpSet 8507901 8493712 %Mecha 8489259 8494044 %CtA 8490794 %BlaSon 8489880 %RR 8492204 8497082 8503465 8494156 8489897 8500501 8489478 8492950 8489780 8492794 8509173 # Back to the Future: Dice Through Time (Hyann) 8495207 : # Kashgar: Merchants of the Silk Road (Hyann) 8495210 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8503439 %Desti %DunImp 8497164 8502391 %ImpCla 8494138 %SmaInc %SanMar %FanFac %CFL 8489186 8500274 8504641 8494544 8503448 8492789 8490818 8512555 8511720 8489211 %PCR 8490240 8504428 8490027 8510945 8505164 8490332 8499695 8511898 8497952 8508710 8491998 8509166 8503693 8499691 8511912 8508448 8503664 8503891 # Burano (Hyann) 8495211 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8503439 %Desti %DunImp 8497164 8502391 %ImpCla 8494138 %SmaInc %SanMar %FanFac %CFL 8489186 8500274 8504641 8494544 8503448 8492789 8490818 8489211 %PCR 8490332 8492927 # Troyes Dice (Hyann) 8495214 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8503439 %Desti %DunImp 8497164 8502391 %ImpCla 8494138 %SmaInc %SanMar %FanFac %CFL 8489186 8500274 8494544 8503448 8492789 8508448 # Maglev Metro (Hyann) 8495215 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 # Alien Frontiers (Hyann) 8495217 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8503439 %Desti %DunImp 8497164 8502391 %ImpCla 8494138 %SmaInc %SanMar %FanFac %CFL 8489186 8500274 8504641 8494544 8503448 8492789 8490818 8512555 8511720 8489211 %PCR 8490240 8494088 8504428 8490027 8510945 8505164 # Master of the Galaxy (Hyann) 8495219 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8503439 %Desti %DunImp 8497164 8502391 %ImpCla 8494138 %SmaInc %SanMar %FanFac %CFL 8489186 8500274 8504641 8494544 8503448 8492789 8490818 8512555 8511720 8489211 8490240 8494088 8504428 8490027 8510945 8505164 8490332 8499695 8511898 8497952 8508710 8491998 8492224 8509166 8492927 8503693 8499691 8511912 8508448 %ImpSet 8507901 8493712 %Mecha 8489259 8503664 %CtA 8490794 %BlaSon 8489880 8492204 8497082 %8490484 8503465 8503349 8500501 8494068 8503076 8508881 8504672 8494286 8503081 8508978 8507006 8498496 8502990 8506320 8511213 8492194 8511889 8489046 8508814 8504885 8502081 8511170 8493713 8504128 # Colony (Hyann) 8495221 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8503439 %Desti %DunImp 8497164 8502391 %ImpCla 8494138 %SmaInc %SanMar %FanFac %CFL 8489186 8500274 8504641 8494544 8503448 8492789 8490818 8512555 8511720 8489211 %PCR 8490240 8494088 8504428 8490027 8510945 8505164 8490332 8499695 8511898 8497952 8508710 8491998 8492224 8509166 8492927 8503693 8499691 8511912 8508448 8494850 8499386 %ImpSet 8507901 8493712 %Mecha 8489259 8494044 8503664 %CtA 8490794 %BlaSon 8489880 %RR 8492204 8497082 %8490484 8503465 8503349 8500501 8494068 8503076 8508881 8504672 8494286 8503081 8489478 8508978 8507006 8492950 8498496 8489116 8502990 8506320 8489780 8511213 8492794 8511889 8493730 8489046 8490354 8508814 8497152 %Downf 8509177 8490055 # Tuki (Hyann) 8495222 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8503439 %Desti %DunImp 8497164 8502391 %ImpCla 8494138 %SmaInc %SanMar %FanFac %CFL 8489186 8500274 8504641 8494544 8503448 8492789 8490818 8512555 8511720 8489211 %PCR 8490240 8494088 8504428 8490027 8510945 8505164 8490332 8499695 8511898 8497952 8508710 8491998 8492224 8509166 8492927 8503693 8499691 8511912 8508448 8499386 %ImpSet 8507901 8493712 %Mecha 8489259 8494044 %CtA 8490794 %BlaSon 8489880 %RR 8492204 8497082 %8490484 8503465 8503349 8494068 8503076 8508881 8504672 8494286 8503081 8489478 8508978 8507006 8492950 8498496 8489116 8502990 8506320 8493730 8490354 # Hyperborea (Hyann) 8495226 : # The Prodigals Club (Hyann) 8495227 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8503439 %Desti %DunImp 8497164 8502391 %ImpCla 8494138 %SmaInc %SanMar %FanFac %CFL 8489186 8500274 8504641 8494544 8503448 8492789 8490818 8512555 8511720 8489211 %PCR 8490240 8494088 8504428 8490027 8510945 8505164 8490332 8499695 8511898 8497952 8508710 8491998 8492224 8509166 8492927 8503693 8499691 8511912 %ImpSet 8507901 %Mecha 8494044 8503664 %RR 8503349 8494156 8489116 # Bonfire (Hyann) 8495229 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8503439 %Desti %DunImp %ImpCla 8494138 # Adrenaline (Hyann) 8495230 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8503439 %Desti %DunImp 8497164 8502391 %ImpCla 8494138 %SmaInc %SanMar %FanFac %CFL 8489186 8500274 8504641 8494544 8503448 8492789 8490818 8512555 8511720 8489211 %PCR 8490240 8494088 8504428 8490027 8510945 8505164 8490332 8499695 8511898 8497952 8508710 8491998 8499691 8511912 8493712 %8490484 # One Small Step: Deluxe Edition (Hyann) 8495232 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8503439 %Desti 8494850 8494160 8511634 # X-Men: Mutant Insurrection (Hyann) 8495234 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8503439 %Desti %DunImp 8497164 8502391 %ImpCla 8494138 %SmaInc %SanMar %FanFac %CFL 8489186 8500274 8504641 8503448 8492789 8511720 %PCR # Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past (Hyann) 8495239 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8503439 8497164 8502391 8494850 # Crystal Palace (Hyann) 8495249 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8503439 # Small Islands (Hyann) 8495255 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8503439 %Desti %DunImp 8497164 8502391 %ImpCla 8494138 %SmaInc %SanMar %FanFac %CFL 8489186 8500274 8504641 8494544 8503448 8492789 8490818 8512555 8511720 8489211 %PCR 8490240 8494088 8504428 8490027 8510945 8505164 8490332 8499695 8511898 8497952 8508710 8491998 8492224 8509166 8492927 8503693 8499691 8511912 8508448 8494850 8499386 %ImpSet 8507901 8493712 %Mecha 8489259 8494044 8503664 %CtA 8490794 %BlaSon 8489880 %RR 8492204 8497082 %8490484 8503465 8503349 8489897 8500501 8494068 8503076 8508881 8504672 8494286 8503081 8489478 8508978 8507006 8492950 8498496 8489116 8502990 8506320 8489780 8511213 8492194 8492794 8511889 8493730 8489046 8490354 8508814 8503891 %SleGod 8497152 8504885 %Downf 8509177 8502081 8511170 8511634 8509173 8493713 8490055 8504128 8496007 8508985 8496147 8502151 8505868 8505797 8489612 8496144 8507355 8504719 8502092 8507031 8490902 8494737 8502067 8499770 # Flick 'em Up! (Hyann) 8495260 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8503439 %Desti %DunImp 8497164 8502391 %ImpCla 8494138 8494544 8512555 8494088 8494850 8499386 8494156 8489897 8492194 # Flick 'em Up!: Dead of Winter (Hyann) 8495263 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8503439 %Desti %DunImp 8497164 8502391 %ImpCla 8494138 %SmaInc %SanMar %FanFac %CFL 8489186 8500274 8504641 8494544 8503448 8490818 8512555 8511720 %PCR 8490240 8499386 8494156 8489897 # With A Smile & A Gun (Hyann) 8495266 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8503439 %Desti %DunImp 8497164 8502391 %ImpCla 8494138 %SmaInc %SanMar %FanFac %CFL 8489186 8500274 8504641 8494544 8503448 8492789 8490818 8512555 8511720 8489211 8490240 8494088 8504428 8499695 8492224 # Luchador! Mexican Wrestling Dice (Hyann) 8495271 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8503439 %Desti %DunImp 8497164 8502391 %ImpCla 8494138 %SmaInc %SanMar %FanFac %CFL 8489186 8500274 8504641 8492789 8490818 8512555 8494088 # HeroClix (Hyann) 8495411 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT # Alt Name: Lot of 26 novels for D&D Eberron campaign setting (Hyann) 8507554 : 8504423 8492901 %KRRiT 8494551 8494850 %SleGod 8494160 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Pokémon Trading Card Game (Hyann) %8490484 : 8490484-COPY1 8490484-COPY2 8490484-COPY3 #pragma user "iamrubocop" # Confirmation code: DTZZCyHmW2ATCxf5eJK10A # Sun Oct 3 21:47:53 2021 # (iamrubocop) %AliFro : 8495217 8496074 8508583 8510672 # (iamrubocop) %CoC : 8496028 8502170 8508914 # (iamrubocop) %DMGD5 : # (iamrubocop) %DisVil : # (iamrubocop) %DomSpe : 8494058 8505855 # (iamrubocop) %Downf : 8491597 8503889 # (iamrubocop) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (iamrubocop) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 8508847 # (iamrubocop) %ForD : 8490783 8494144 8508605 8509723 # (iamrubocop) %Isleb : 8507008 8509730 8512206 # (iamrubocop) %KAoA : # (iamrubocop) %LoW : 8489211 8498846 8502172 8505863 8509714 # (iamrubocop) %MM : 8493684 8508620 # (iamrubocop) %PACGSSBS : 8489099 8492199 # (iamrubocop) %Paper : 8490063 8510105 # (iamrubocop) %Root : 8494523 8496001 # (iamrubocop) %SWIA : # (iamrubocop) %StoAge : 8492125 8493005 # (iamrubocop) %T7C : # (iamrubocop) %Tapes : 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 # (iamrubocop) %TerMar : 8503891 8510030 # (iamrubocop) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 8497070 # By Order of the Queen (iamrubocop) 8509076 : 8489545 8499811 %DomSpe 8511235 8500541 8509951 8512575 %Isleb %DunImp # Magic: The Gathering – Arena of the Planeswalkers (iamrubocop) 8509081 : 8489545 8499811 %DomSpe 8511235 8500541 8509951 8512575 %Isleb %DunImp 8509885 8497080 8490828 8511245 8501471 %Tapes %TerMar %Root %Wings %Everd 8507472 %MM %AliFro %Downf 8497913 8508709 8504876 8508916 8511922 8489095 %PACGSSBS 8500779 # Railways of the World (iamrubocop) 8509084 : 8489545 8499811 %DomSpe 8511235 8500541 8509951 8512575 %Isleb %DunImp 8509885 8497080 8490828 8511245 8501471 %Tapes # Undermining (iamrubocop) 8509089 : 8489545 8499811 %DomSpe 8511235 8500541 8509951 8512575 %Isleb %DunImp 8509885 8497080 8490828 8511245 # Wizard's Quest (iamrubocop) 8509094 : 8489545 8499811 %DomSpe 8511235 8500541 8509951 8512575 %Isleb %DunImp 8509885 8497080 8490828 8511245 8501471 %Tapes %TerMar %Root %Wings %Everd 8507472 %MM %AliFro %Downf 8497913 8508709 8504876 8508916 8511922 8489095 %PACGSSBS 8500779 %StoAge %LoW 8509721 %Paper %ForD 8509168 8490717 8495411 8495977 8503158 8508695 8492213 8497128 8488918 %CoC 8510804 8490020 # Alt Name: Game Cube, Legend of Zelda The Windwaker (iamrubocop) 8509108 : 8489545 8499811 %DomSpe 8511235 8500541 8509951 8512575 %Isleb 8509885 8497080 # Alt Name: Game Cube, Gladius (iamrubocop) 8512408 : 8489545 8499811 %DomSpe 8511235 8500541 8509951 8512575 %Isleb %DunImp 8509885 8497080 8490828 8511245 8501471 # Citadels (iamrubocop) 8512413 : 8489545 8499811 %DomSpe 8511235 8500541 8509951 8512575 %Isleb %DunImp 8509885 8497080 8490828 8511245 8501471 %Tapes %TerMar %Root %Wings %Everd 8507472 %MM %AliFro %Downf 8497913 8508709 8504876 8508916 8511922 8489095 %PACGSSBS 8500779 %StoAge %LoW 8509721 %Paper %ForD 8509168 # Coup (iamrubocop) 8512415 : # Dungeon Fighter: Fire at Will (iamrubocop) 8512420 : 8489545 8499811 %DomSpe 8511235 8500541 8509951 8512575 %Isleb %DunImp 8509885 8497080 8490828 8511245 8501471 %Tapes %TerMar %Root %Wings %Everd 8507472 %MM %AliFro %Downf 8497913 8508709 8504876 8508916 8511922 8489095 %PACGSSBS 8500779 %StoAge %LoW 8509721 %Paper %ForD 8509168 8490717 8495411 8495977 8509314 8491252 8509677 8509568 8490766 # Dungeon Roll (iamrubocop) 8512427 : # Nations (iamrubocop) 8512434 : 8489545 #pragma user "internetfloozy" # Confirmation code: IbPk7jZ9/zHS4y9COS2/5w # Fri Oct 1 08:27:00 2021 # Dice Forge (internetfloozy) 8504513 : 8502512 8490485 # Harry Potter: House Cup Competition (internetfloozy) 8504515 : 8491996 8498633 # Holi: Festival of Colors (internetfloozy) 8504516 : 8490485 8493193 # Kodama Forest (internetfloozy) 8504519 : 8502512 8504954 #pragma user "JackyHuynh" # Confirmation code: 7vKSDpECztpo0sZX7TPZSA # Sun Oct 3 15:34:00 2021 # Bremerhaven (JackyHuynh) 8501278 : 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489814 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503903 8500168 8504221 8492826 8501534 8507499 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8510450 8512394 8509774 8508764 8502166 8512498 8490023 8491892 8501613 8507517 8493193 8498656 8504804 8492282 8502245 8507478 8490802 8511855 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8502141 8507640 8509689 8494283 8504436 8512567 8489117 8507477 8494044 8511898 8495982 8507949 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8503462 8503678 8509177 8492987 8504234 8509778 8496697 8511695 8512350 8500619 8489184 8507008 8509730 8512206 8498633 8507151 8512555 8503700 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8508817 8494677 8497633 8511734 8510034 8497009 8512536 8500383 8512543 8490814 8506518 8508451 8512378 8507438 8490477 8493712 8509738 8500414 8490158 8502045 8511230 8492548 8499682 8506831 8507651 8504878 8510212 8489103 8490872 8512590 8490118 8501521 8489034 8506499 8509741 8512537 8489290 8500546 8504771 8490055 8500580 8491994 8492848 8489166 8496223 8497157 8490254 8502065 8503897 8490929 8490263 8506223 8493657 8504765 8507714 8497167 8497950 8502438 8499813 8511762 8499757 8499995 8501499 # Rattlebones (JackyHuynh) 8501281 : 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489814 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503903 8500168 8504221 8492826 8501534 8507499 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8510450 8512394 8509774 8508764 8502166 8512498 8490023 8491892 8501613 8507517 8493193 8498656 8504804 8492282 8502245 8507478 8490802 8511855 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8502141 8507640 8509689 8494283 8504436 8512567 8489117 8507477 8494044 8511898 8495982 8507949 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8503462 8503678 8509177 8492987 8504234 8509778 8496697 8511695 8512350 8500619 8489184 8507008 8509730 8512206 8498633 8507151 8512555 8503700 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8508817 8494677 8497633 8511734 8510034 8497009 8512536 8500383 8512543 8490814 8506518 8508451 8512378 8507438 8490477 8493712 8509738 8500414 8490158 8502045 8511230 8492548 8499682 8506831 8507651 8504878 8510212 8489103 8490872 8512590 8490118 8501521 8489034 8506499 8509741 8512537 8489290 8500546 8504771 8490055 8500580 8491994 8492848 8489166 8496223 8497157 8490254 8502065 8503897 8490929 8490263 8506223 8493657 # Castle Panic (JackyHuynh) 8501286 : 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489814 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503903 8500168 8504221 8492826 8501534 8507499 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8510450 8512394 8509774 8508764 8502166 8512498 8490023 8491892 8501613 8507517 8493193 8498656 8504804 8492282 8502245 8507478 8490802 8511855 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8502141 8507640 8509689 8494283 8504436 8512567 8489117 8507477 8494044 8511898 8495982 8507949 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8503462 8503678 8509177 8492987 8504234 8509778 8496697 8511695 8512350 8500619 8489184 8507008 8509730 8512206 8498633 8507151 8512555 8503700 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8508817 8494677 8497633 8511734 8510034 8497009 8512536 8500383 8512543 8490814 8506518 8508451 8512378 8507438 8490477 8493712 8509738 8500414 8490158 8502045 8511230 8492548 8499682 8506831 8507651 8504878 8510212 8489103 8490872 8512590 8490118 8501521 8489034 8506499 8509741 8512537 8489290 8500546 8504771 8490055 8500580 8491994 8492848 8489166 8496223 8497157 8490254 8502065 8503897 8490929 8490263 8506223 8493657 8504765 8507714 8497167 8497950 8502438 8497164 8508932 8490789 8490449 8499813 8511762 8499757 8499995 8501499 8497020 8503132 8490753 8495214 8512494 8512331 8512484 8507436 8507494 8510930 8512581 # Elysium (JackyHuynh) 8501288 : 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489814 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503903 8500168 8504221 8492826 8501534 8507499 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8510450 8512394 8509774 8508764 8502166 8512498 8490023 8491892 8501613 8507517 8493193 8498656 8504804 8492282 8502245 8507478 8490802 8511855 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8502141 8507640 8509689 8494283 8504436 8512567 8489117 8507477 8494044 8511898 8495982 8507949 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8503462 8503678 8509177 8492987 8504234 8509778 8496697 8511695 8512350 8500619 8489184 8507008 8509730 8512206 8498633 8507151 8512555 8503700 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8508817 8494677 8497633 8511734 8510034 8497009 8512536 8500383 8512543 8490814 8506518 8508451 8512378 8507438 8490477 8493712 8509738 8500414 8490158 8502045 8511230 8492548 8499682 8506831 8507651 8504878 8510212 8489103 8490872 8512590 8490118 8501521 8489034 8506499 8509741 8512537 8489290 8500546 8504771 8490055 # Escape: The Curse of the Temple (JackyHuynh) 8501290 : 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489814 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503903 8500168 8504221 8492826 8501534 8507499 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8510450 8512394 8509774 8508764 8502166 8512498 8490023 8491892 8501613 8507517 8493193 8498656 8504804 8492282 8502245 8507478 8490802 8511855 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8502141 8507640 8509689 8494283 8504436 8512567 8489117 8507477 8494044 8511898 8495982 8507949 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8503462 8503678 8509177 8492987 8504234 8509778 8496697 8511695 8512350 8500619 8489184 8507008 8509730 8512206 8498633 8507151 8512555 8503700 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8508817 8494677 8497633 8511734 8510034 8497009 8512536 8500383 8512543 8490814 8506518 8508451 8512378 8507438 8490477 8493712 8509738 8500414 8490158 8502045 8511230 8492548 8499682 8506831 8507651 8504878 8510212 8489103 8490872 8512590 8490118 8501521 8489034 8506499 8509741 8512537 8489290 8500546 8504771 8490055 8500580 8491994 8492848 8489166 8496223 8497157 8490254 8502065 8503897 8490929 8490263 8506223 8493657 8504765 # Lotus (JackyHuynh) 8501291 : 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489814 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503903 8500168 8504221 8492826 8501534 8507499 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8510450 8512394 8509774 8508764 8502166 8512498 8490023 8491892 8501613 8507517 8493193 8498656 8504804 8492282 8502245 8507478 8490802 8511855 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8502141 8507640 8509689 8494283 8504436 8512567 8489117 8507477 8494044 8511898 8495982 8507949 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8503462 8503678 8509177 8492987 8504234 8509778 8496697 8511695 8512350 8500619 8489184 8507008 8509730 8512206 8498633 8507151 8512555 8503700 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8508817 8494677 8497633 8511734 8510034 8497009 8512536 8500383 8512543 8490814 8506518 8508451 8512378 8507438 8490477 8493712 8509738 8500414 8490158 8502045 8511230 8492548 8499682 8506831 8507651 8504878 8510212 8489103 8490872 8512590 8490118 8501521 8489034 8506499 8509741 8512537 8489290 8500546 8504771 8490055 8500580 8491994 8492848 8489166 8496223 8497157 8490254 8502065 8503897 8490929 8490263 8506223 8493657 8504765 8507714 8497164 8508932 8490789 8490449 8497020 8503132 8490753 8495214 8512494 8512331 8489198 # The Manhattan Project (JackyHuynh) 8501293 : 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489814 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503903 8500168 8504221 8492826 8501534 8507499 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8510450 8512394 8509774 8508764 8502166 8512498 8490023 8491892 8501613 8507517 8493193 8498656 8504804 8492282 8502245 8507478 8490802 8511855 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8502141 8507640 8509689 8494283 8504436 8512567 8489117 8507477 8494044 8511898 8495982 8507949 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8503462 8503678 8509177 8492987 8504234 8509778 8496697 8511695 8512350 8500619 8489184 8507008 8509730 8512206 8498633 8507151 8512555 8503700 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8508817 8494677 8497633 8511734 8510034 8497009 8512536 8500383 8512543 8490814 8506518 8508451 8512378 8507438 8490477 8493712 8509738 8500414 8490158 8502045 8511230 8492548 8499682 8506831 8507651 8504878 8510212 8489103 8490872 8512590 8490118 8501521 8489034 8506499 8509741 8512537 8489290 8500546 8504771 8490055 # Wok Star (JackyHuynh) 8501294 : 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489814 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503903 8500168 8504221 8492826 8501534 8507499 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8510450 8512394 8509774 8508764 8502166 8512498 8490023 8491892 8501613 8507517 8493193 8498656 8504804 8492282 8502245 8507478 8490802 8511855 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8502141 8507640 8509689 8494283 8504436 8512567 8489117 8507477 8494044 8511898 8495982 8507949 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8503462 8503678 8509177 8492987 8504234 8509778 8496697 8511695 8512350 8500619 8489184 8507008 8509730 8512206 8498633 8507151 8512555 8503700 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8508817 8494677 8497633 8511734 8510034 8497009 8512536 8500383 8512543 8490814 8506518 8508451 8512378 8507438 8490477 8493712 8509738 8500414 8490158 8502045 8511230 8492548 8499682 8506831 8507651 8504878 8510212 8489103 8490872 8512590 8490118 8501521 8489034 8506499 8509741 8512537 8489290 8500546 8504771 8490055 # Alt Name: Five game pack (JackyHuynh) 8501315 : 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489814 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503903 8500168 8504221 8492826 8501534 8507499 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8510450 8512394 8509774 8508764 8502166 8512498 8490023 8491892 8501613 8507517 8493193 8498656 8504804 8492282 8502245 8507478 8490802 8511855 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8502141 8507640 8509689 8494283 8504436 8512567 8489117 8507477 8494044 8511898 8495982 8507949 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8503462 8503678 8509177 8492987 8504234 8509778 8496697 8511695 8512350 8500619 8489184 8507008 8509730 8512206 8498633 8507151 8512555 8503700 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8508817 8494677 8497633 8511734 8510034 8497009 8512536 8500383 8512543 8490814 8506518 8508451 8512378 8507438 8490477 8493712 8509738 8500414 8490158 8502045 8511230 8492548 8499682 8506831 8507651 8504878 8510212 8489103 8490872 8512590 8490118 8501521 8489034 8506499 8509741 8512537 8489290 8500546 8504771 8490055 8500580 8491994 8492848 8489166 8496223 8497157 8490254 8502065 8503897 8490929 8490263 8506223 8493657 8504765 8507714 8497167 8497950 8502438 8497164 8508932 8490789 8490449 8499813 8511762 8499757 8499995 8501499 8497020 8503132 8490753 8495214 8512494 8512331 8512484 8507436 8507494 8510930 8489198 8512581 8490070 # Champions of Midgard (JackyHuynh) 8504641 : 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489814 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503903 8500168 8504221 8492826 8501534 8507499 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8510450 8512394 8509774 8508764 8502166 8512498 8490023 8491892 8501613 8507517 8493193 8498656 8504804 8492282 8502245 8507478 8490802 8511855 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8502141 8507640 8509689 8494283 8504436 8512567 8489117 8507477 8494044 8511898 8495982 8507949 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8503462 8503678 8509177 8492987 8504234 8509778 8496697 8511695 8512350 8500619 8489184 8507008 8509730 8512206 8498633 8507151 8512555 8503700 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8508817 8494677 8497633 8511734 8510034 8497009 8512536 8500383 8512543 8490814 8506518 8508451 8512378 8507438 8490477 8493712 8509738 8500414 8490158 8502045 8511230 8492548 8499682 8506831 8507651 8504878 8510212 8489103 8490872 8512590 8490118 8501521 8489034 8506499 8509741 8512537 8489290 8500546 8504771 8490055 8500580 8491994 8492848 8489166 8496223 8497157 8490254 8502065 8503897 8490929 8490263 8506223 8493657 8504765 8507714 8497167 8497950 8502438 8497164 8508932 8490789 8490449 8499813 8511762 8499757 8499995 8501499 8497020 8503132 8490753 8495214 8512494 8512331 8512484 8507436 8507494 8510930 8489198 8512581 8490070 8489799 8507481 8507600 8506225 8507710 8509101 8505875 8507188 8505760 8490058 8489614 8489517 8489512 8489208 #pragma user "JasperVanGoosepants" # Confirmation code: ykSM0A/kIY30Wjk4gn4HwA # Sun Oct 3 17:21:29 2021 # Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game (JasperVanGoosepants) 8494436 : 8490102 8490807 8497128 #pragma user "jazzfish" # Confirmation code: ntz3G2KSPzjgIDuu2AvPTw # Sun Oct 3 02:39:09 2021 # (jazzfish) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (jazzfish) %HA : 8492910 8497071 8505858 # (jazzfish) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (jazzfish) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 8509933 # (jazzfish) %RftG : 8500498 8500560 8506883 # (jazzfish) %TDoP : %8490751 8504456 8504565 # (jazzfish) %Tramw : 8490434 8507475 # Tichu (jazzfish) 8494666 : 8509314 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %Halle 8499693 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %PCR 8508964 8511594 8512086 %DunImp %Tramw 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492936 8500387 8506746 %HA 8511912 8500556 8497156 8511921 8511208 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509659 8509665 %RftG 8489577 8510804 # 18CLE (jazzfish) 8494668 : 8509314 # Merchants of Dunhuang (jazzfish) 8494670 : 8509314 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %Halle 8499693 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %PCR 8508964 8511594 8512086 %DunImp %Tramw 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492936 # Electropolis (jazzfish) 8494671 : 8509314 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %Halle 8499693 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %PCR 8508964 8511594 8512086 %DunImp %Tramw 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492936 # Danger Park (jazzfish) 8494674 : 8509314 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %Halle 8499693 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %PCR 8508964 8511594 8512086 %DunImp %Tramw 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492936 8500387 8506746 %HA 8511912 8500556 8497156 8511921 8511208 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509659 # Flourish (jazzfish) 8494676 : 8509314 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %Halle 8499693 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %PCR 8508964 8511594 8512086 # Skull King (jazzfish) 8494679 : 8509314 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %Halle 8499693 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %PCR 8508964 8511594 8512086 %DunImp %Tramw 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492936 8500387 8506746 %HA 8511912 8500556 8497156 8511921 8511208 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509659 8509665 %RftG 8489577 8510804 %TDoP 8490929 8508843 8493705 8512151 8512593 # Rosetta: The Lost Language (jazzfish) 8494681 : 8509314 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %Halle 8499693 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %PCR 8508964 8511594 8512086 %DunImp %Tramw 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492936 8500387 8506746 %HA 8511912 8500556 8497156 8511921 8511208 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509659 8509665 %RftG 8489577 8510804 %TDoP 8490929 8508843 8493705 8512151 8512593 # Sacred Rites (jazzfish) 8494683 : 8509314 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %Halle 8499693 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %PCR 8508964 8511594 8512086 %DunImp %Tramw 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492936 8500387 8506746 %HA 8511912 8500556 8497156 8511921 8511208 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509659 8509665 %RftG 8489577 8510804 %TDoP 8490929 8508843 8493705 8512151 8512593 # Beasty Borders (jazzfish) 8494735 : 8509314 8500867 8501284 8507388 8505859 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 %Halle 8499693 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %PCR 8508964 8511594 8512086 %DunImp %Tramw 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492936 8500387 8506746 %HA 8511912 8500556 8497156 8511921 8511208 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509659 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want The Downfall of Pompeii (jazzfish) %8490751 : 8490751-COPY1 8490751-COPY2 #pragma user "jillelder63" # Confirmation code: lQFfXGo8r-gnAY8G91pRzA # Sun Oct 3 21:58:18 2021 # Clash of Cultures (jillelder63) 8490415 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 # Merchants & Marauders (jillelder63) 8490444 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 # New York 1901 (jillelder63) 8490454 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 8503891 8509954 8490195 8507072 8502511 8510029 8499100 8501467 8490479 8500394 8498770 8503003 8505002 8505873 8500851 8502137 8505850 8492996 8508819 8509732 8490762 8507193 8507953 8499691 8489281 8500928 8508635 8490434 8496134 8500530 8501786 8490794 8489254 8499301 8503786 8507388 8507947 8502255 8492204 8492885 8503540 8497008 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8508664 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505870 8507410 8490452 8495406 8497891 8489597 8489814 8504765 8492224 8506771 8509721 8490114 8494842 8508701 8497167 8497950 8502438 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504828 8490023 8504423 8497693 8508838 8491776 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8507948 8492957 8495409 8491781 8494137 8500580 8502141 8490214 8500770 8504503 8496124 8488871 8501293 8502058 8492973 8495265 8509933 8497252 8507897 8509884 8491877 8503693 8492901 8498806 8493658 8493686 8504869 8508835 8490774 8508693 8491994 8492848 8500623 8501887 8494863 8496356 8500003 8504389 8490123 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8490485 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8491883 8503439 8492616 8492268 8507471 8493049 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8500004 8494088 8501961 8510930 8505047 8502339 8504947 8506493 8489104 8500354 8507406 8492789 8490805 8490896 8504234 8509778 8506961 8503108 8508986 8507373 8505846 8502055 8504386 8505852 8489166 8507901 8504391 8499813 8496147 8494289 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8494677 8497633 8511734 8494079 8490254 8502065 8503897 8494012 8504907 8508623 8491607 8492983 8496217 8495017 8505558 8492167 8496234 8489934 8490748 8495249 8495212 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8500829 8499995 8501499 8507516 8508818 8491872 8492239 8497154 8495210 8489994 8500383 8490095 8509853 8507475 8502081 8490780 8502483 8499393 8492832 8491998 8499994 8508703 8500409 8510037 8509345 8494149 8505797 8505871 8507411 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8501380 8501877 8502239 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 %8509609 8509922 8510150 8491196 8500537 8505937 8498474 8505759 8492936 8495185 8493718 8506953 8492531 8508644 8508614 8505857 8508691 8490050 8505008 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 8507006 8502241 8509567 8507741 8492950 8495045 8506821 8490034 8489880 8505111 8492991 8509945 8493125 8508007 8491867 8503163 8500488 8494117 8495240 8506506 8501291 8499737 8500274 8489319 8495211 8500761 8509896 8503475 8494147 8492260 8501562 8507434 8493415 8506473 8502249 8501604 8491878 8494676 8502235 8494293 8506823 8509961 8505930 8491351 8506815 8506220 8509549 8492961 8509174 8494296 8499750 8502092 8490354 8500771 8502512 8509328 8490456 8489296 8496422 8506477 8507031 8503129 8504407 8492184 8489517 8490006 8489595 8500626 8490252 8503472 8490131 8500271 8500855 8509741 8502067 8501496 8505780 8504887 8499770 8506320 8490871 8490087 8500272 8506226 8490051 8492536 8504136 8494735 8500860 # Dice Settlers (jillelder63) 8490477 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 8503891 8509954 8490195 8507072 8502511 8510029 8499100 8501467 8490479 8500394 8498770 8503003 8505002 8505873 8500851 8502137 8505850 8492996 8508819 8509732 8490762 8507193 8507953 8499691 8489281 8500928 8508635 8490434 8496134 8500530 8501786 8490794 8489254 8499301 8503786 8507388 8507947 8502255 8492204 8492885 8503540 # Fresco (jillelder63) 8490487 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 8503891 8509954 8490195 8507072 8502511 8510029 8499100 8501467 8490479 8500394 8498770 8503003 8505002 8505873 8500851 8502137 8505850 8492996 8508819 8509732 8490762 8507193 8507953 8499691 8489281 8500928 8508635 8490434 8496134 8500530 8501786 8490794 8489254 8499301 8503786 8507388 8507947 8502255 8492204 8492885 8503540 8497008 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8508664 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505870 8507410 8490452 8495406 8497891 8489597 8489814 8504765 8492224 8506771 8509721 8490114 8494842 8508701 8497167 8497950 8502438 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504828 8490023 8504423 8497693 8508838 8491776 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8507948 8492957 8495409 8491781 8494137 8500580 8502141 8490214 8500770 8504503 8496124 8488871 8501293 8502058 8492973 8495265 8509933 8497252 8507897 8509884 8491877 8503693 8492901 8498806 8493658 8493686 8504869 8508835 8490774 8508693 8491994 8492848 8500623 8501887 8494863 8496356 8500003 8504389 8490123 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8490485 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8491883 8503439 8492616 8492268 8507471 8493049 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8500004 8494088 8501961 8510930 8505047 8502339 8504947 8506493 8489104 8500354 8507406 8492789 8490805 8490896 8504234 8509778 8506961 8503108 8508986 8507373 8505846 8502055 8504386 8505852 8489166 8507901 8504391 8499813 8496147 8494289 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8494677 8497633 8511734 8494079 8490254 8502065 8503897 8494012 8504907 8508623 8491607 8492983 8496217 8495017 8505558 8492167 8496234 8489934 8490748 8495249 8495212 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8500829 8499995 8501499 8507516 8508818 8491872 8492239 8497154 8495210 8489994 8500383 8490095 8509853 8507475 8502081 8490780 8502483 8499393 8492832 8491998 8499994 8508703 8500409 8510037 8509345 8494149 8505797 8505871 8507411 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8501380 8501877 8502239 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 %8509609 8509922 8510150 8491196 8500537 8505937 8498474 8505759 8492936 8495185 8493718 8506953 8492531 8508644 8508614 8505857 8508691 8490050 8505008 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 8507006 8502241 8509567 8507741 8492950 8495045 8506821 8490034 8489880 8505111 8492991 8509945 8493125 8508007 8491867 8503163 8500488 8494117 8495240 8506506 8501291 8499737 8500274 8489319 8495211 8500761 8509896 8503475 8494147 8492260 8501562 8507434 8493415 8506473 8502249 8501604 8491878 8494676 8502235 8494293 8506823 8509961 8505930 8491351 8506815 8506220 8509549 8492961 8509174 8494296 8499750 8502092 8490354 8500771 8502512 8509328 8490456 8489296 8496422 8506477 8507031 8503129 8504407 8492184 8489517 8490006 8489595 8500626 8490252 8503472 8490131 8500271 8500855 8509741 8502067 8501496 8505780 8504887 8499770 8506320 8490871 8490087 8500272 8506226 8490051 8492536 8504136 8494735 8500860 # The Estates (jillelder63) 8490494 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 8503891 8509954 8490195 8507072 8502511 8510029 8499100 8501467 8490479 8500394 8498770 8503003 8505002 8505873 8500851 8502137 8505850 8492996 8508819 8509732 8490762 8507193 8507953 8499691 8489281 8500928 8508635 8490434 8496134 8500530 8501786 8490794 8489254 8499301 8503786 8507388 8507947 8502255 8492204 8492885 8503540 8497008 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8508664 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505870 8507410 8490452 8495406 8497891 8489597 8489814 8504765 8492224 8506771 8509721 8490114 8494842 8508701 8497167 8497950 8502438 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504828 8490023 8504423 8497693 8508838 8491776 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8507948 8492957 8495409 8491781 8494137 8500580 8502141 8490214 8500770 8504503 8496124 8488871 8501293 8502058 8492973 8495265 8509933 8497252 8507897 8509884 8491877 8503693 8492901 8498806 8493658 8493686 8504869 8508835 8490774 8508693 8491994 8492848 8500623 8501887 8494863 8496356 8500003 8504389 8490123 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8490485 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8491883 8503439 8492616 8492268 8507471 8493049 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8500004 8494088 8501961 8510930 8505047 8502339 8504947 8506493 8489104 8500354 8507406 8492789 8490805 8490896 8504234 8509778 8506961 8503108 8508986 8507373 8505846 8502055 8504386 8505852 8489166 8507901 8504391 8499813 8496147 8494289 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8494677 8497633 8511734 8494079 8490254 8502065 8503897 8494012 8504907 8508623 8491607 8492983 8496217 8495017 8505558 8492167 8496234 8489934 8490748 8495249 8495212 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8500829 8499995 8501499 8507516 8508818 8491872 8492239 8497154 8495210 8489994 8500383 8490095 8509853 8507475 8502081 8490780 8502483 8499393 8492832 8491998 8499994 8508703 8500409 8510037 8509345 8494149 8505797 8505871 8507411 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8501380 8501877 8502239 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 %8509609 8509922 8510150 8491196 8500537 8505937 8498474 8505759 8492936 8495185 8493718 8506953 8492531 8508644 8508614 8505857 8508691 8490050 8505008 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 8507006 8502241 8509567 8507741 8492950 8495045 8506821 8490034 8489880 8505111 8492991 8509945 8493125 8508007 8491867 8503163 8500488 8494117 8495240 8506506 8501291 8499737 8500274 8489319 8495211 8500761 8509896 8503475 8494147 8492260 8501562 8507434 8493415 8506473 8502249 8501604 8491878 8494676 8502235 8494293 8506823 8509961 8505930 8491351 8506815 8506220 8509549 8492961 8509174 8494296 8499750 8502092 8490354 8500771 8502512 8509328 8490456 8489296 8496422 8506477 8507031 8503129 8504407 8492184 8489517 8490006 8489595 8500626 8490252 8503472 8490131 8500271 8500855 8509741 8502067 8501496 8505780 8504887 8499770 8506320 8490871 8490087 8500272 8506226 8490051 8492536 8504136 8494735 8500860 8489986 8492916 8500521 8509873 8507499 8505763 8507719 8508700 8496999 8498838 8493042 8498758 8499745 8490063 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8490135 8492213 8509733 8489606 8489128 8490818 8504430 8493724 8490031 8503458 8492987 8508453 8509877 8508621 8505941 8508954 8507151 8507710 8509101 8509068 8507954 8506326 8501522 8490120 8495255 8506900 8492977 8494129 8500628 8489572 8509880 8496116 8509277 8509909 8490094 8490902 8502116 8504516 8504515 8509625 8494737 8506745 8490036 8509905 8489611 8489102 8508632 8507716 8508723 8494128 8506880 8506743 8509949 8508770 8490272 8493058 8493711 8489562 8490928 8507619 8492537 8493010 8502251 8509932 8498862 8493118 8490070 8490035 8501288 8497156 8501541 8490782 8501570 8504416 8493163 8509180 8504388 8491567 8491618 8491659 8494133 8499258 8500456 8501315 8503059 8506746 8508964 8509665 8506795 8490845 8501931 8494306 8489322 8490083 8509546 8493112 # Courtier (jillelder63) 8490501 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 8503891 8509954 8490195 8507072 8502511 8510029 8499100 8501467 8490479 8500394 8498770 8503003 8505002 8505873 8500851 8502137 8505850 8492996 8508819 8509732 8490762 8507193 8507953 8499691 8489281 8500928 8508635 8490434 8496134 8500530 8501786 8490794 8489254 8499301 8503786 8507388 8507947 8502255 8492204 8492885 8503540 8497008 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8508664 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505870 8507410 8490452 8495406 8497891 8489597 8489814 8504765 8492224 8506771 8509721 8490114 8494842 8508701 8497167 8497950 8502438 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504828 8490023 8504423 8497693 8508838 8491776 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8507948 8492957 8495409 8491781 8494137 8500580 8502141 8490214 8500770 8504503 8496124 8488871 8501293 8502058 8492973 8495265 8509933 8497252 8507897 8509884 8491877 8503693 8492901 8498806 8493658 8493686 8504869 8508835 8490774 8508693 8491994 8492848 8500623 8501887 8494863 8496356 8500003 8504389 8490123 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8490485 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8491883 8503439 8492616 8492268 8507471 8493049 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8500004 8494088 8501961 8510930 8505047 8502339 8504947 8506493 8489104 8500354 8507406 8492789 8490805 8490896 8504234 8509778 8506961 8503108 8508986 8507373 8505846 8502055 8504386 8505852 8489166 8507901 8504391 8499813 8496147 8494289 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8494677 8497633 8511734 8494079 8490254 8502065 8503897 8494012 8504907 8508623 8491607 8492983 8496217 8495017 8505558 8492167 8496234 8489934 8490748 8495249 8495212 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8500829 8499995 8501499 8507516 8508818 8491872 8492239 8497154 8495210 8489994 8500383 8490095 8509853 8507475 8502081 8490780 8502483 8499393 8492832 8491998 8499994 8508703 8500409 8510037 8509345 8494149 8505797 8505871 8507411 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8501380 8501877 8502239 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 %8509609 8509922 8510150 8491196 8500537 8505937 8498474 8505759 8492936 8495185 8493718 8506953 8492531 8508644 8508614 8505857 8508691 8490050 8505008 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 8507006 8502241 8509567 8507741 8492950 8495045 8506821 8490034 8489880 8505111 8492991 8509945 8493125 8508007 8491867 8503163 8500488 8494117 8495240 8506506 8501291 8499737 8500274 8489319 8495211 8500761 8509896 8503475 8494147 8492260 8501562 8507434 8493415 8506473 8502249 8501604 8491878 8494676 8502235 8494293 8506823 8509961 8505930 8491351 8506815 8506220 8509549 8492961 8509174 8494296 8499750 8502092 8490354 8500771 8502512 8509328 8490456 8489296 8496422 8506477 8507031 8503129 8504407 8492184 8489517 8490006 8489595 8500626 8490252 8503472 8490131 8500271 8500855 8509741 8502067 8501496 8505780 8504887 8499770 8506320 8490871 8490087 8500272 8506226 8490051 8492536 8504136 8494735 8500860 8489986 8492916 8500521 8509873 8507499 8505763 8507719 8508700 8496999 8498838 8493042 8498758 8499745 8490063 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8490135 8492213 8509733 8489606 8489128 8490818 8504430 8493724 8490031 8503458 8492987 8508453 8509877 8508621 8505941 8508954 8507151 8507710 8509101 8509068 8507954 8506326 8501522 8490120 8495255 8506900 8492977 8494129 8500628 8489572 8509880 8496116 8509277 8509909 8490094 8490902 8502116 8504516 8504515 8509625 8494737 8506745 8490036 8509905 8489611 8489102 8508632 8507716 8508723 8494128 8506880 8506743 8509949 8508770 8490272 8493058 8493711 8489562 8490928 8507619 8492537 8493010 8502251 8509932 8498862 8493118 8490070 8490035 8501288 8497156 8501541 8490782 8501570 8504416 8493163 8509180 8504388 8491567 8491618 8491659 8494133 8499258 8500456 8501315 8503059 8506746 8508964 8509665 8506795 8490845 8501931 8494306 8489322 8490083 8509546 8493112 # Paris Paris (jillelder63) 8490509 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 8503891 8509954 8490195 8507072 8502511 8510029 8499100 8501467 8490479 8500394 8498770 8503003 8505002 8505873 8500851 8502137 8505850 8492996 8508819 8509732 8490762 8507193 8507953 8499691 8489281 8500928 8508635 8490434 8496134 8500530 8501786 8490794 8489254 8499301 8503786 8507388 8507947 8502255 8492204 8492885 8503540 8497008 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8508664 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505870 8507410 8490452 8495406 8497891 8489597 8489814 8504765 8492224 8506771 8509721 8490114 8494842 8508701 8497167 8497950 8502438 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504828 8490023 8504423 8497693 8508838 8491776 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8507948 8492957 8495409 8491781 8494137 8500580 8502141 8490214 8500770 8504503 8496124 8488871 8501293 8502058 8492973 8495265 8509933 8497252 8507897 8509884 8491877 8503693 8492901 8498806 8493658 8493686 8504869 8508835 8490774 8508693 8491994 8492848 8500623 8501887 8494863 8496356 8500003 8504389 8490123 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8490485 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8491883 8503439 8492616 8492268 8507471 8493049 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8500004 8494088 8501961 8510930 8505047 8502339 8504947 8506493 8489104 8500354 8507406 8492789 8490805 8490896 8504234 8509778 8506961 8503108 8508986 8507373 8505846 8502055 8504386 8505852 8489166 8507901 8504391 8499813 8496147 8494289 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8494677 8497633 8511734 8494079 8490254 8502065 8503897 8494012 8504907 8508623 8491607 8492983 8496217 8495017 8505558 8492167 8496234 8489934 8490748 8495249 8495212 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8500829 8499995 8501499 8507516 8508818 8491872 8492239 8497154 8495210 8489994 8500383 8490095 8509853 8507475 8502081 8490780 8502483 8499393 8492832 8491998 8499994 8508703 8500409 8510037 8509345 8494149 8505797 8505871 8507411 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8501380 8501877 8502239 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 %8509609 8509922 8510150 8491196 8500537 8505937 8498474 8505759 8492936 8495185 8493718 8506953 8492531 8508644 8508614 8505857 8508691 8490050 8505008 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 8507006 8502241 8509567 8507741 8492950 8495045 8506821 8490034 8489880 8505111 8492991 8509945 8493125 8508007 8491867 8503163 8500488 8494117 8495240 8506506 8501291 8499737 8500274 8489319 8495211 8500761 8509896 8503475 8494147 8492260 8501562 8507434 8493415 8506473 8502249 8501604 8491878 8494676 8502235 8494293 8506823 8509961 8505930 8491351 8506815 8506220 8509549 8492961 8509174 8494296 8499750 8502092 8490354 8500771 8502512 8509328 8490456 8489296 8496422 8506477 8507031 8503129 8504407 8492184 8489517 8490006 8489595 8500626 8490252 8503472 8490131 8500271 8500855 8509741 8502067 8501496 8505780 8504887 8499770 8506320 8490871 8490087 8500272 8506226 8490051 8492536 8504136 8494735 8500860 8489986 8492916 8500521 8509873 8507499 8505763 8507719 8508700 8496999 8498838 8493042 8498758 8499745 8490063 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8490135 8492213 8509733 8489606 8489128 8490818 8504430 8493724 8490031 8503458 8492987 8508453 8509877 8508621 8505941 8508954 8507151 8507710 8509101 8509068 8507954 8506326 8501522 8490120 8495255 8506900 8492977 8494129 8500628 8489572 8509880 8496116 8509277 8509909 8490094 8490902 8502116 8504516 8504515 8509625 8494737 8506745 8490036 8509905 8489611 8489102 8508632 8507716 8508723 8494128 8506880 8506743 8509949 8508770 8490272 8493058 8493711 8489562 8490928 8507619 8492537 8493010 8502251 8509932 8498862 8493118 8490070 8490035 8501288 8497156 8501541 8490782 8501570 8504416 8493163 8509180 8504388 8491567 8491618 8491659 8494133 8499258 8500456 8501315 8503059 8506746 8508964 8509665 8506795 8490845 8501931 8494306 8489322 8490083 8509546 8493112 8497161 8490868 8497158 8503165 8497159 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 8503298 8504913 8507107 8493720 %8490751 8490849 8492729 8491291 8506487 8491699 8490900 # Heart of Africa (jillelder63) 8490512 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 8503891 8509954 8490195 8507072 8502511 8510029 8499100 8501467 8490479 8500394 8498770 8503003 8505002 8505873 8500851 8502137 8505850 8492996 8508819 8509732 8490762 8507193 8507953 8499691 8489281 8500928 8508635 8490434 8496134 8500530 8501786 8490794 8489254 8499301 8503786 8507388 8507947 8502255 8492204 8492885 8503540 8497008 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8508664 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505870 8507410 8490452 8495406 8497891 8489597 8489814 8504765 8492224 8506771 8509721 8490114 8494842 8508701 8497167 8497950 8502438 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504828 8490023 8504423 8497693 8508838 8491776 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8507948 8492957 8495409 8491781 8494137 8500580 8502141 8490214 8500770 8504503 8496124 8488871 8501293 8502058 8492973 8495265 8509933 8497252 8507897 8509884 8491877 8503693 8492901 8498806 8493658 8493686 8504869 8508835 8490774 8508693 8491994 8492848 8500623 8501887 8494863 8496356 8500003 8504389 8490123 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8490485 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8491883 8503439 8492616 8492268 8507471 8493049 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8500004 8494088 8501961 8510930 8505047 8502339 8504947 8506493 8489104 8500354 8507406 8492789 8490805 8490896 8504234 8509778 8506961 8503108 8508986 8507373 8505846 8502055 8504386 8505852 8489166 8507901 8504391 8499813 8496147 8494289 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8494677 8497633 8511734 8494079 8490254 8502065 8503897 8494012 8504907 8508623 8491607 8492983 8496217 8495017 8505558 8492167 8496234 8489934 8490748 8495249 8495212 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8500829 8499995 8501499 8507516 8508818 8491872 8492239 8497154 8495210 8489994 8500383 8490095 8509853 8507475 8502081 8490780 8502483 8499393 8492832 8491998 8499994 8508703 8500409 8510037 8509345 8494149 8505797 8505871 8507411 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8501380 8501877 8502239 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 %8509609 8509922 8510150 8491196 8500537 8505937 8498474 8505759 8492936 8495185 8493718 8506953 8492531 8508644 8508614 8505857 8508691 8490050 8505008 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 8507006 8502241 8509567 8507741 8492950 8495045 8506821 8490034 8489880 8505111 8492991 8509945 8493125 8508007 8491867 8503163 8500488 8494117 8495240 8506506 8501291 8499737 8500274 8489319 8495211 8500761 8509896 8503475 8494147 8492260 8501562 8507434 8493415 8506473 8502249 8501604 8491878 8494676 8502235 8494293 8506823 8509961 8505930 8491351 8506815 8506220 8509549 8492961 8509174 8494296 8499750 8502092 8490354 8500771 8502512 8509328 8490456 8489296 8496422 8506477 8507031 8503129 8504407 8492184 8489517 8490006 8489595 8500626 8490252 8503472 8490131 8500271 8500855 8509741 8502067 8501496 8505780 8504887 8499770 8506320 8490871 8490087 8500272 8506226 8490051 8492536 8504136 8494735 8500860 8489986 8492916 8500521 8509873 8507499 8505763 8507719 8508700 8496999 8498838 8493042 8498758 8499745 8490063 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8490135 8492213 8509733 8489606 8489128 8490818 8504430 8493724 8490031 8503458 8492987 8508453 8509877 8508621 8505941 8508954 8507151 8507710 8509101 8509068 8507954 8506326 8501522 8490120 8495255 8506900 8492977 8494129 8500628 8489572 8509880 8496116 8509277 8509909 8490094 8490902 8502116 8504516 8504515 8509625 8494737 8506745 8490036 8509905 8489611 8489102 8508632 8507716 8508723 8494128 8506880 8506743 8509949 8508770 8490272 8493058 8493711 8489562 8490928 8507619 8492537 8493010 8502251 8509932 8498862 8493118 8490070 8490035 8501288 8497156 8501541 8490782 8501570 8504416 8493163 8509180 8504388 8491567 8491618 8491659 8494133 8499258 8500456 8501315 8503059 8506746 8508964 8509665 8506795 8490845 8501931 8494306 8489322 8490083 8509546 8493112 8497161 8490868 8497158 8503165 8497159 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 8503298 8504913 8507107 8493720 # The Golden City (jillelder63) 8490515 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 8503891 8509954 8490195 8507072 8502511 8510029 8499100 8501467 8490479 8500394 8498770 8503003 8505002 8505873 8500851 8502137 8505850 8492996 8508819 8509732 8490762 8507193 8507953 8499691 8489281 8500928 8508635 8490434 8496134 8500530 8501786 8490794 8489254 8499301 8503786 8507388 8507947 8502255 8492204 8492885 8503540 8497008 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8508664 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505870 8507410 8490452 8495406 8497891 8489597 8489814 8504765 8492224 8506771 8509721 8490114 8494842 8508701 8497167 8497950 8502438 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504828 8490023 8504423 8497693 8508838 8491776 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8507948 8492957 8495409 8491781 8494137 8500580 8502141 8490214 8500770 8504503 8496124 8488871 8501293 8502058 8492973 8495265 8509933 8497252 8507897 8509884 8491877 8503693 8492901 8498806 8493658 8493686 8504869 8508835 8490774 8508693 8491994 8492848 8500623 8501887 8494863 8496356 8500003 8504389 8490123 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8490485 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8491883 8503439 8492616 8492268 8507471 8493049 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8500004 8494088 8501961 8510930 8505047 8502339 8504947 8506493 8489104 8500354 8507406 8492789 8490805 8490896 8504234 8509778 8506961 8503108 8508986 8507373 8505846 8502055 8504386 8505852 8489166 8507901 8504391 8499813 8496147 8494289 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8494677 8497633 8511734 8494079 8490254 8502065 8503897 8494012 8504907 8508623 8491607 8492983 8496217 8495017 8505558 8492167 8496234 8489934 8490748 8495249 8495212 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8500829 8499995 8501499 8507516 8508818 8491872 8492239 8497154 8495210 8489994 8500383 8490095 8509853 8507475 8502081 8490780 8502483 8499393 8492832 8491998 8499994 8508703 8500409 8510037 8509345 8494149 8505797 8505871 8507411 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8501380 8501877 8502239 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 %8509609 8509922 8510150 8491196 8500537 8505937 8498474 8505759 8492936 8495185 8493718 8506953 8492531 8508644 8508614 8505857 8508691 8490050 8505008 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 8507006 8502241 8509567 8507741 8492950 8495045 8506821 8490034 8489880 8505111 8492991 8509945 8493125 8508007 8491867 8503163 8500488 8494117 8495240 8506506 8501291 8499737 8500274 8489319 8495211 8500761 8509896 8503475 8494147 8492260 8501562 8507434 8493415 8506473 8502249 8501604 8491878 8494676 8502235 8494293 8506823 8509961 8505930 8491351 8506815 8506220 8509549 8492961 8509174 8494296 8499750 8502092 8490354 8500771 8502512 8509328 8490456 8489296 8496422 8506477 8507031 8503129 8504407 8492184 8489517 8490006 8489595 8500626 8490252 8503472 8490131 8500271 8500855 8509741 8502067 8501496 8505780 8504887 8499770 8506320 8490871 8490087 8500272 8506226 8490051 8492536 8504136 8494735 8500860 8489986 8492916 8500521 8509873 8507499 8505763 8507719 8508700 8496999 8498838 8493042 8498758 8499745 8490063 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8490135 8492213 8509733 8489606 8489128 8490818 8504430 8493724 8490031 8503458 8492987 8508453 8509877 8508621 8505941 8508954 8507151 8507710 8509101 8509068 8507954 8506326 8501522 8490120 8495255 8506900 8492977 8494129 8500628 8489572 8509880 8496116 8509277 8509909 8490094 8490902 8502116 8504516 8504515 8509625 8494737 8506745 8490036 8509905 8489611 8489102 8508632 8507716 8508723 8494128 8506880 8506743 8509949 8508770 8490272 8493058 8493711 8489562 8490928 8507619 8492537 8493010 8502251 8509932 8498862 8493118 8490070 8490035 8501288 8497156 8501541 8490782 8501570 8504416 8493163 8509180 8504388 8491567 8491618 8491659 8494133 8499258 8500456 8501315 8503059 8506746 8508964 8509665 8506795 8490845 8501931 8494306 8489322 8490083 8509546 8493112 8497161 8490868 8497158 8503165 8497159 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 8503298 8504913 8507107 8493720 # Undermining (jillelder63) 8490520 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 8503891 8509954 8490195 8507072 8502511 8510029 8499100 8501467 8490479 8500394 8498770 8503003 8505002 8505873 8500851 8502137 8505850 8492996 8508819 8509732 8490762 8507193 8507953 8499691 8489281 8500928 8508635 8490434 8496134 8500530 8501786 8490794 8489254 8499301 8503786 8507388 8507947 8502255 8492204 8492885 8503540 8497008 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8508664 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505870 8507410 8490452 8495406 8497891 8489597 8489814 8504765 8492224 8506771 8509721 8490114 8494842 8508701 8497167 8497950 8502438 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504828 8490023 8504423 8497693 8508838 8491776 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8507948 8492957 8495409 8491781 8494137 8500580 8502141 8490214 8500770 8504503 8496124 8488871 8501293 8502058 8492973 8495265 8509933 8497252 8507897 8509884 8491877 8503693 8492901 8498806 8493658 8493686 8504869 8508835 8490774 8508693 8491994 8492848 8500623 8501887 8494863 8496356 8500003 8504389 8490123 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8490485 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8491883 8503439 8492616 8492268 8507471 8493049 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8500004 8494088 8501961 8510930 8505047 8502339 8504947 8506493 8489104 8500354 8507406 8492789 8490805 8490896 8504234 8509778 8506961 8503108 8508986 8507373 8505846 8502055 8504386 8505852 8489166 8507901 8504391 8499813 8496147 8494289 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8494677 8497633 8511734 8494079 8490254 8502065 8503897 8494012 8504907 8508623 8491607 8492983 8496217 8495017 8505558 8492167 8496234 8489934 8490748 8495249 8495212 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8500829 8499995 8501499 8507516 8508818 8491872 8492239 8497154 8495210 8489994 8500383 8490095 8509853 8507475 8502081 8490780 8502483 8499393 8492832 8491998 8499994 8508703 8500409 8510037 8509345 8494149 8505797 8505871 8507411 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8501380 8501877 8502239 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 %8509609 8509922 8510150 8491196 8500537 8505937 8498474 8505759 8492936 8495185 8493718 8506953 8492531 8508644 8508614 8505857 8508691 8490050 8505008 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 8507006 8502241 8509567 8507741 8492950 8495045 8506821 8490034 8489880 8505111 8492991 8509945 8493125 8508007 8491867 8503163 8500488 8494117 8495240 8506506 8501291 8499737 8500274 8489319 8495211 8500761 8509896 8503475 8494147 8492260 8501562 8507434 8493415 8506473 8502249 8501604 8491878 8494676 8502235 8494293 8506823 8509961 8505930 8491351 8506815 8506220 8509549 8492961 8509174 8494296 8499750 8502092 8490354 8500771 8502512 8509328 8490456 8489296 8496422 8506477 8507031 8503129 8504407 8492184 8489517 8490006 8489595 8500626 8490252 8503472 8490131 8500271 8500855 8509741 8502067 8501496 8505780 8504887 8499770 8506320 8490871 8490087 8500272 8506226 8490051 8492536 8504136 8494735 8500860 8489986 8492916 8500521 8509873 8507499 8505763 8507719 8508700 8496999 8498838 8493042 8498758 8499745 8490063 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8490135 8492213 8509733 8489606 8489128 8490818 8504430 8493724 8490031 8503458 8492987 8508453 8509877 8508621 8505941 8508954 8507151 8507710 8509101 8509068 8507954 8506326 8501522 8490120 8495255 8506900 8492977 8494129 8500628 8489572 8509880 8496116 8509277 8509909 8490094 8490902 8502116 8504516 8504515 8509625 8494737 8506745 8490036 8509905 8489611 8489102 8508632 8507716 8508723 8494128 8506880 8506743 8509949 8508770 8490272 8493058 8493711 8489562 8490928 8507619 8492537 8493010 8502251 8509932 8498862 8493118 8490070 8490035 8501288 8497156 8501541 8490782 8501570 8504416 8493163 8509180 8504388 8491567 8491618 8491659 8494133 8499258 8500456 8501315 8503059 8506746 8508964 8509665 8506795 8490845 8501931 8494306 8489322 8490083 8509546 8493112 # Chang Cheng (jillelder63) 8490525 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 8503891 8509954 8490195 8507072 8502511 8510029 8499100 8501467 8490479 8500394 8498770 8503003 8505002 8505873 8500851 8502137 8505850 8492996 8508819 8509732 8490762 8507193 8507953 8499691 8489281 8500928 8508635 8490434 8496134 8500530 8501786 8490794 8489254 8499301 8503786 8507388 8507947 8502255 8492204 8492885 8503540 8497008 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8508664 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505870 8507410 8490452 8495406 8497891 8489597 8489814 8504765 8492224 8506771 8509721 8490114 8494842 8508701 8497167 8497950 8502438 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504828 8490023 8504423 8497693 8508838 8491776 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8507948 8492957 8495409 8491781 8494137 8500580 8502141 8490214 8500770 8504503 8496124 8488871 8501293 8502058 8492973 8495265 8509933 8497252 8507897 8509884 8491877 8503693 8492901 8498806 8493658 8493686 8504869 8508835 8490774 8508693 8491994 8492848 8500623 8501887 8494863 8496356 8500003 8504389 8490123 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8490485 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8491883 8503439 8492616 8492268 8507471 8493049 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8500004 8494088 8501961 8510930 8505047 8502339 8504947 8506493 8489104 8500354 8507406 8492789 8490805 8490896 8504234 8509778 8506961 8503108 8508986 8507373 8505846 8502055 8504386 8505852 8489166 8507901 8504391 8499813 8496147 8494289 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8494677 8497633 8511734 8494079 8490254 8502065 8503897 8494012 8504907 8508623 8491607 8492983 8496217 8495017 8505558 8492167 8496234 8489934 8490748 8495249 8495212 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8500829 8499995 8501499 8507516 8508818 8491872 8492239 8497154 8495210 8489994 8500383 8490095 8509853 8507475 8502081 8490780 8502483 8499393 8492832 8491998 8499994 8508703 8500409 8510037 8509345 8494149 8505797 8505871 8507411 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8501380 8501877 8502239 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 %8509609 8509922 8510150 8491196 8500537 8505937 8498474 8505759 8492936 8495185 8493718 8506953 8492531 8508644 8508614 8505857 8508691 8490050 8505008 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 8507006 8502241 8509567 8507741 8492950 8495045 8506821 8490034 8489880 8505111 8492991 8509945 8493125 8508007 8491867 8503163 8500488 8494117 8495240 8506506 8501291 8499737 8500274 8489319 8495211 8500761 8509896 8503475 8494147 8492260 8501562 8507434 8493415 8506473 8502249 8501604 8491878 8494676 8502235 8494293 8506823 8509961 8505930 8491351 8506815 8506220 8509549 8492961 8509174 8494296 8499750 8502092 8490354 8500771 8502512 8509328 8490456 8489296 8496422 8506477 8507031 8503129 8504407 8492184 8489517 8490006 8489595 8500626 8490252 8503472 8490131 8500271 8500855 8509741 8502067 8501496 8505780 8504887 8499770 8506320 8490871 8490087 8500272 8506226 8490051 8492536 8504136 8494735 8500860 8489986 8492916 8500521 8509873 8507499 8505763 8507719 8508700 8496999 8498838 8493042 8498758 8499745 8490063 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8490135 8492213 8509733 8489606 8489128 8490818 8504430 8493724 8490031 8503458 8492987 8508453 8509877 8508621 8505941 8508954 8507151 8507710 8509101 8509068 8507954 8506326 8501522 8490120 8495255 8506900 8492977 8494129 8500628 8489572 8509880 8496116 8509277 8509909 8490094 8490902 8502116 8504516 8504515 8509625 8494737 8506745 8490036 8509905 8489611 8489102 8508632 8507716 8508723 8494128 8506880 8506743 8509949 8508770 8490272 8493058 8493711 8489562 8490928 8507619 8492537 8493010 8502251 8509932 8498862 8493118 8490070 8490035 8501288 8497156 8501541 8490782 8501570 8504416 8493163 8509180 8504388 8491567 8491618 8491659 8494133 8499258 8500456 8501315 8503059 8506746 8508964 8509665 8506795 8490845 8501931 8494306 8489322 8490083 8509546 8493112 # First Train to Nuremberg (jillelder63) 8490530 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 8503891 8509954 8490195 8507072 8502511 8510029 8499100 8501467 8490479 8500394 8498770 8503003 8505002 8505873 8500851 8502137 8505850 8492996 8508819 8509732 8490762 8507193 8507953 8499691 8489281 8500928 8508635 8490434 8496134 8500530 8501786 8490794 8489254 8499301 8503786 8507388 8507947 8502255 8492204 8492885 8503540 8497008 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8508664 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505870 8507410 8490452 8495406 8497891 8489597 8489814 8504765 8492224 8506771 8509721 8490114 8494842 8508701 8497167 8497950 8502438 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504828 8490023 8504423 8497693 8508838 8491776 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8507948 8492957 8495409 8491781 8494137 8500580 8502141 8490214 8500770 8504503 8496124 8488871 8501293 8502058 8492973 8495265 8509933 8497252 8507897 8509884 8491877 8503693 8492901 8498806 8493658 8493686 8504869 8508835 8490774 8508693 8491994 8492848 8500623 8501887 8494863 8496356 8500003 8504389 8490123 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8490485 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8491883 8503439 8492616 8492268 8507471 8493049 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8500004 8494088 8501961 8510930 8505047 8502339 8504947 8506493 8489104 8500354 8507406 8492789 8490805 8490896 8504234 8509778 8506961 8503108 8508986 8507373 8505846 8502055 8504386 8505852 8489166 8507901 8504391 8499813 8496147 8494289 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8494677 8497633 8511734 8494079 8490254 8502065 8503897 8494012 8504907 8508623 8491607 8492983 8496217 8495017 8505558 8492167 8496234 8489934 8490748 8495249 8495212 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8500829 8499995 8501499 8507516 8508818 8491872 8492239 8497154 8495210 8489994 8500383 8490095 8509853 8507475 8502081 8490780 8502483 8499393 8492832 8491998 8499994 8508703 8500409 8510037 8509345 8494149 8505797 8505871 8507411 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8501380 8501877 8502239 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 %8509609 8509922 8510150 8491196 8500537 8505937 8498474 8505759 8492936 8495185 8493718 8506953 8492531 8508644 8508614 8505857 8508691 8490050 8505008 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 8507006 8502241 8509567 8507741 8492950 8495045 8506821 8490034 8489880 8505111 8492991 8509945 8493125 8508007 8491867 8503163 8500488 8494117 8495240 8506506 8501291 8499737 8500274 8489319 8495211 8500761 8509896 8503475 8494147 8492260 8501562 8507434 8493415 8506473 8502249 8501604 8491878 8494676 8502235 8494293 8506823 8509961 8505930 8491351 8506815 8506220 8509549 8492961 8509174 8494296 8499750 8502092 8490354 8500771 8502512 8509328 8490456 8489296 8496422 8506477 8507031 8503129 8504407 8492184 8489517 8490006 8489595 8500626 8490252 8503472 8490131 8500271 8500855 8509741 8502067 8501496 8505780 8504887 8499770 8506320 8490871 8490087 8500272 8506226 8490051 8492536 8504136 8494735 8500860 8489986 8492916 8500521 8509873 8507499 8505763 8507719 8508700 8496999 8498838 8493042 8498758 8499745 8490063 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8490135 8492213 8509733 8489606 8489128 8490818 8504430 8493724 8490031 8503458 8492987 8508453 8509877 8508621 8505941 8508954 8507151 8507710 8509101 8509068 8507954 8506326 8501522 8490120 8495255 8506900 8492977 8494129 8500628 8489572 8509880 8496116 8509277 8509909 8490094 8490902 8502116 8504516 8504515 8509625 8494737 8506745 8490036 8509905 8489611 8489102 8508632 8507716 8508723 8494128 8506880 8506743 8509949 8508770 8490272 8493058 8493711 8489562 8490928 8507619 # Dream Home (jillelder63) 8490624 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 8503891 8509954 8490195 8507072 8502511 8510029 8499100 8501467 8490479 8500394 8498770 8503003 8505002 8505873 8500851 8502137 8505850 8492996 8508819 8509732 8490762 8507193 8507953 8499691 8489281 8500928 8508635 8490434 8496134 8500530 8501786 8490794 8489254 8499301 8503786 8507388 8507947 8502255 8492204 8492885 8503540 8497008 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8508664 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505870 8507410 8490452 8495406 8497891 8489597 8489814 8504765 8492224 8506771 8509721 8490114 8494842 8508701 8497167 8497950 8502438 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504828 8490023 8504423 8497693 8508838 8491776 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8507948 8492957 8495409 8491781 8494137 8500580 8502141 8490214 8500770 8504503 8496124 8488871 8501293 8502058 8492973 8495265 8509933 8497252 8507897 8509884 8491877 8503693 8492901 8498806 8493658 8493686 8504869 8508835 8490774 8508693 8491994 8492848 8500623 8501887 8494863 8496356 8500003 8504389 8490123 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8490485 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8491883 8503439 8492616 8492268 8507471 8493049 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8500004 8494088 8501961 8510930 8505047 8502339 8504947 8506493 8489104 8500354 8507406 8492789 8490805 8490896 8504234 8509778 8506961 8503108 8508986 8507373 8505846 8502055 8504386 8505852 8489166 8507901 8504391 8499813 8496147 8494289 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8494677 8497633 8511734 8494079 8490254 8502065 8503897 8494012 8504907 8508623 8491607 8492983 8496217 8495017 8505558 8492167 8496234 8489934 8490748 8495249 8495212 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8500829 8499995 8501499 8507516 8508818 8491872 8492239 8497154 8495210 8489994 8500383 8490095 8509853 8507475 8502081 8490780 8502483 8499393 8492832 8491998 8499994 8508703 8500409 8510037 8509345 8494149 8505797 8505871 8507411 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8501380 8501877 8502239 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 %8509609 8509922 8510150 8491196 8500537 8505937 8498474 8505759 8492936 8495185 8493718 8506953 8492531 8508644 8508614 8505857 8508691 8490050 8505008 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 8507006 8502241 8509567 8507741 8492950 8495045 8506821 8490034 8489880 8505111 8492991 8509945 8493125 8508007 8491867 8503163 8500488 8494117 8495240 8506506 8501291 8499737 8500274 8489319 8495211 8500761 8509896 8503475 8494147 8492260 8501562 8507434 8493415 8506473 8502249 8501604 8491878 8494676 8502235 8494293 8506823 8509961 8505930 8491351 8506815 8506220 8509549 8492961 8509174 8494296 8499750 8502092 8490354 8500771 8502512 8509328 8490456 8489296 8496422 8506477 8507031 8503129 8504407 8492184 8489517 8490006 8489595 8500626 8490252 8503472 8490131 8500271 8500855 8509741 8502067 8501496 8505780 8504887 8499770 8506320 8490871 8490087 8500272 8506226 8490051 8492536 8504136 8494735 8500860 8489986 8492916 8500521 8509873 8507499 8505763 8507719 8508700 8496999 8498838 8493042 8498758 8499745 8490063 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8490135 8492213 8509733 8489606 8489128 8490818 8504430 8493724 8490031 8503458 8492987 8508453 8509877 8508621 8505941 8508954 8507151 8507710 8509101 8509068 8507954 8506326 8501522 8490120 8495255 8506900 8492977 8494129 8500628 8489572 8509880 8496116 8509277 8509909 8490094 8490902 8502116 8504516 8504515 8509625 8494737 8506745 8490036 8509905 8489611 8489102 8508632 8507716 8508723 8494128 8506880 8506743 8509949 8508770 8490272 8493058 8493711 8489562 8490928 8507619 8492537 8493010 8502251 8509932 8498862 8493118 8490070 8490035 8501288 8497156 8501541 8490782 8501570 8504416 8493163 8509180 8504388 8491567 8491618 8491659 8494133 8499258 8500456 8501315 8503059 8506746 8508964 8509665 8506795 8490845 8501931 8494306 8489322 8490083 8509546 8493112 # Samarkand: Routes to Riches (jillelder63) 8512499 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 8503891 8509954 8490195 8507072 8502511 8510029 8499100 8501467 8490479 8500394 8498770 8503003 8505002 8505873 8500851 8502137 8505850 8492996 8508819 8509732 8490762 8507193 8507953 8499691 8489281 8500928 8508635 8490434 8496134 8500530 8501786 8490794 8489254 8499301 8503786 8507388 8507947 8502255 8492204 8492885 8503540 8497008 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8508664 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505870 8507410 8490452 8495406 8497891 8489597 8489814 8504765 8492224 8506771 8509721 8490114 8494842 8508701 8497167 8497950 8502438 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504828 8490023 8504423 8497693 8508838 8491776 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8507948 8492957 8495409 8491781 8494137 8500580 8502141 8490214 8500770 8504503 8496124 8488871 8501293 8502058 8492973 8495265 8509933 8497252 8507897 8509884 8491877 8503693 8492901 8498806 8493658 8493686 8504869 8508835 8490774 8508693 8491994 8492848 8500623 8501887 8494863 8496356 8500003 8504389 8490123 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8490485 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8491883 8503439 8492616 8492268 8507471 8493049 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8500004 8494088 8501961 8510930 8505047 8502339 8504947 8506493 8489104 8500354 8507406 8492789 8490805 8490896 8504234 8509778 8506961 8503108 8508986 8507373 8505846 8502055 8504386 8505852 8489166 8507901 8504391 8499813 8496147 8494289 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8494677 8497633 8511734 8494079 8490254 8502065 8503897 8494012 8504907 8508623 8491607 8492983 8496217 8495017 8505558 8492167 8496234 8489934 8490748 8495249 8495212 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8500829 8499995 8501499 8507516 8508818 8491872 8492239 8497154 8495210 8489994 8500383 8490095 8509853 8507475 8502081 8490780 8502483 8499393 8492832 8491998 8499994 8508703 8500409 8510037 8509345 8494149 8505797 8505871 8507411 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8501380 8501877 8502239 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 %8509609 8509922 8510150 8491196 8500537 8505937 8498474 8505759 8492936 8495185 8493718 8506953 8492531 8508644 8508614 8505857 8508691 8490050 8505008 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 8507006 8502241 8509567 8507741 8492950 8495045 8506821 8490034 8489880 8505111 8492991 8509945 8493125 8508007 8491867 8503163 8500488 8494117 8495240 8506506 8501291 8499737 8500274 8489319 8495211 8500761 8509896 8503475 8494147 8492260 8501562 8507434 8493415 8506473 8502249 8501604 8491878 8494676 8502235 8494293 8506823 8509961 8505930 8491351 8506815 8506220 8509549 8492961 8509174 8494296 8499750 8502092 8490354 8500771 8502512 8509328 8490456 8489296 8496422 8506477 8507031 8503129 8504407 8492184 8489517 8490006 8489595 8500626 8490252 8503472 8490131 8500271 8500855 8509741 8502067 8501496 8505780 8504887 8499770 8506320 8490871 8490087 8500272 8506226 8490051 8492536 8504136 8494735 8500860 8489986 8492916 8500521 8509873 8507499 8505763 8507719 8508700 8496999 8498838 8493042 8498758 8499745 8490063 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8490135 8492213 8509733 8489606 8489128 8490818 8504430 8493724 8490031 8503458 8492987 8508453 8509877 8508621 8505941 8508954 8507151 8507710 8509101 8509068 8507954 8506326 8501522 8490120 8495255 8506900 8492977 8494129 8500628 8489572 8509880 8496116 8509277 8509909 8490094 8490902 8502116 8504516 8504515 8509625 8494737 8506745 8490036 8509905 8489611 8489102 8508632 8507716 8508723 8494128 8506880 8506743 8509949 8508770 8490272 8493058 8493711 8489562 8490928 8507619 # Seeland (jillelder63) 8512509 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 8503891 8509954 8490195 8507072 8502511 8510029 8499100 8501467 8490479 8500394 8498770 8503003 8505002 8505873 8500851 8502137 8505850 8492996 8508819 8509732 8490762 8507193 8507953 8499691 8489281 8500928 8508635 8490434 8496134 8500530 8501786 8490794 8489254 8499301 8503786 8507388 8507947 8502255 8492204 8492885 8503540 8497008 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8508664 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505870 8507410 8490452 8495406 8497891 8489597 8489814 8504765 8492224 8506771 8509721 8490114 8494842 8508701 8497167 8497950 8502438 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504828 8490023 8504423 8497693 8508838 8491776 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8507948 8492957 8495409 8491781 8494137 8500580 8502141 8490214 8500770 8504503 8496124 8488871 8501293 8502058 8492973 8495265 8509933 8497252 8507897 8509884 8491877 8503693 8492901 8498806 8493658 8493686 8504869 8508835 8490774 8508693 8491994 8492848 8500623 8501887 8494863 8496356 8500003 8504389 8490123 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8490485 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8491883 8503439 8492616 8492268 8507471 8493049 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8500004 8494088 8501961 8510930 8505047 8502339 8504947 8506493 8489104 8500354 8507406 8492789 8490805 8490896 8504234 8509778 8506961 8503108 8508986 8507373 8505846 8502055 8504386 8505852 8489166 8507901 8504391 8499813 8496147 8494289 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8494677 8497633 8511734 8494079 8490254 8502065 8503897 8494012 8504907 8508623 8491607 8492983 8496217 8495017 8505558 8492167 8496234 8489934 8490748 8495249 8495212 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8500829 8499995 8501499 8507516 8508818 8491872 8492239 8497154 8495210 8489994 8500383 8490095 8509853 8507475 8502081 8490780 8502483 8499393 8492832 8491998 8499994 8508703 8500409 8510037 8509345 8494149 8505797 8505871 8507411 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8501380 8501877 8502239 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 %8509609 8509922 8510150 8491196 8500537 8505937 8498474 8505759 8492936 8495185 8493718 8506953 8492531 8508644 8508614 8505857 8508691 8490050 8505008 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 8507006 8502241 8509567 8507741 8492950 8495045 8506821 8490034 8489880 8505111 8492991 8509945 8493125 8508007 8491867 8503163 8500488 8494117 8495240 8506506 8501291 8499737 8500274 8489319 8495211 8500761 8509896 8503475 8494147 8492260 8501562 8507434 8493415 8506473 8502249 8501604 8491878 8494676 8502235 8494293 8506823 8509961 8505930 8491351 8506815 8506220 8509549 8492961 8509174 8494296 8499750 8502092 8490354 8500771 8502512 8509328 8490456 8489296 8496422 8506477 8507031 8503129 8504407 8492184 8489517 8490006 8489595 8500626 8490252 8503472 8490131 8500271 8500855 8509741 8502067 8501496 8505780 8504887 8499770 8506320 8490871 8490087 8500272 8506226 8490051 8492536 8504136 8494735 8500860 8489986 8492916 8500521 8509873 8507499 8505763 8507719 8508700 8496999 8498838 8493042 8498758 8499745 8490063 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8490135 8492213 8509733 8489606 8489128 8490818 8504430 8493724 8490031 8503458 8492987 8508453 8509877 8508621 8505941 8508954 8507151 8507710 8509101 8509068 8507954 8506326 8501522 8490120 8495255 8506900 8492977 8494129 8500628 8489572 8509880 8496116 8509277 8509909 8490094 8490902 8502116 8504516 8504515 8509625 8494737 8506745 8490036 8509905 8489611 8489102 8508632 8507716 8508723 8494128 8506880 8506743 8509949 8508770 8490272 8493058 8493711 8489562 8490928 8507619 # Africana (jillelder63) 8512514 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 8503891 8509954 8490195 8507072 8502511 8510029 8499100 8501467 8490479 8500394 8498770 8503003 8505002 8505873 8500851 8502137 8505850 8492996 8508819 8509732 8490762 8507193 8507953 8499691 8489281 8500928 8508635 8490434 8496134 8500530 8501786 8490794 8489254 8499301 8503786 8507388 8507947 8502255 8492204 8492885 8503540 8497008 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8508664 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505870 8507410 8490452 8495406 8497891 8489597 8489814 8504765 8492224 8506771 8509721 8490114 8494842 8508701 8497167 8497950 8502438 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504828 8490023 8504423 8497693 8508838 8491776 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8507948 8492957 8495409 8491781 8494137 8500580 8502141 8490214 8500770 8504503 8496124 8488871 8501293 8502058 8492973 8495265 8509933 8497252 8507897 8509884 8491877 8503693 8492901 8498806 8493658 8493686 8504869 8508835 8490774 8508693 8491994 8492848 8500623 8501887 8494863 8496356 8500003 8504389 8490123 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8490485 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8491883 8503439 8492616 8492268 8507471 8493049 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8500004 8494088 8501961 8510930 8505047 8502339 8504947 8506493 8489104 8500354 8507406 8492789 8490805 8490896 8504234 8509778 8506961 8503108 8508986 8507373 8505846 8502055 8504386 8505852 8489166 8507901 8504391 8499813 8496147 8494289 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8494677 8497633 8511734 8494079 8490254 8502065 8503897 8494012 8504907 8508623 8491607 8492983 8496217 8495017 8505558 8492167 8496234 8489934 8490748 8495249 8495212 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8500829 8499995 8501499 8507516 8508818 8491872 8492239 8497154 8495210 8489994 8500383 8490095 8509853 8507475 8502081 8490780 8502483 8499393 8492832 8491998 8499994 8508703 8500409 8510037 8509345 8494149 8505797 8505871 8507411 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8501380 8501877 8502239 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 %8509609 8509922 8510150 8491196 8500537 8505937 8498474 8505759 8492936 8495185 8493718 8506953 8492531 8508644 8508614 8505857 8508691 8490050 8505008 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 8507006 8502241 8509567 8507741 8492950 8495045 8506821 8490034 8489880 8505111 8492991 8509945 8493125 8508007 8491867 8503163 8500488 8494117 8495240 8506506 8501291 8499737 8500274 8489319 8495211 8500761 8509896 8503475 8494147 8492260 8501562 8507434 8493415 8506473 8502249 8501604 8491878 8494676 8502235 8494293 8506823 8509961 8505930 8491351 8506815 8506220 8509549 8492961 8509174 8494296 8499750 8502092 8490354 8500771 8502512 8509328 8490456 8489296 8496422 8506477 8507031 8503129 8504407 8492184 8489517 8490006 8489595 8500626 8490252 8503472 8490131 8500271 8500855 8509741 8502067 8501496 8505780 8504887 8499770 8506320 8490871 8490087 8500272 8506226 8490051 8492536 8504136 8494735 8500860 8489986 8492916 8500521 8509873 8507499 8505763 8507719 8508700 8496999 8498838 8493042 8498758 8499745 8490063 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8490135 8492213 8509733 8489606 8489128 8490818 8504430 8493724 8490031 8503458 8492987 8508453 8509877 8508621 8505941 8508954 8507151 8507710 8509101 8509068 8507954 8506326 8501522 8490120 8495255 8506900 8492977 8494129 8500628 8489572 8509880 8496116 8509277 8509909 8490094 8490902 8502116 8504516 8504515 8509625 8494737 8506745 8490036 8509905 8489611 8489102 8508632 8507716 8508723 8494128 8506880 8506743 8509949 8508770 8490272 8493058 8493711 8489562 8490928 8507619 # North Wind (jillelder63) 8512520 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 8503891 8509954 8490195 8507072 8502511 8510029 8499100 8501467 8490479 8500394 8498770 8503003 8505002 8505873 8500851 8502137 8505850 8492996 8508819 8509732 8490762 8507193 8507953 8499691 8489281 8500928 8508635 8490434 8496134 8500530 8501786 8490794 8489254 8499301 8503786 8507388 8507947 8502255 8492204 8492885 8503540 8497008 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8508664 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505870 8507410 8490452 8495406 8497891 8489597 8489814 8504765 8492224 8506771 8509721 8490114 8494842 8508701 8497167 8497950 8502438 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504828 8490023 8504423 8497693 8508838 8491776 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8507948 8492957 8495409 8491781 8494137 8500580 8502141 8490214 8500770 8504503 8496124 8488871 8501293 8502058 8492973 8495265 8509933 8497252 8507897 8509884 8491877 8503693 8492901 8498806 8493658 8493686 8504869 8508835 8490774 8508693 8491994 8492848 8500623 8501887 8494863 8496356 8500003 8504389 8490123 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8490485 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8491883 8503439 8492616 8492268 8507471 8493049 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8500004 8494088 8501961 8510930 8505047 8502339 8504947 8506493 8489104 8500354 8507406 8492789 8490805 8490896 8504234 8509778 8506961 8503108 8508986 8507373 8505846 8502055 8504386 8505852 8489166 8507901 8504391 8499813 8496147 8494289 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8494677 8497633 8511734 8494079 8490254 8502065 8503897 8494012 8504907 8508623 8491607 8492983 8496217 8495017 8505558 8492167 8496234 8489934 8490748 8495249 8495212 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8500829 8499995 8501499 8507516 8508818 8491872 8492239 8497154 8495210 8489994 8500383 8490095 8509853 8507475 8502081 8490780 8502483 8499393 8492832 8491998 8499994 8508703 8500409 8510037 8509345 8494149 8505797 8505871 8507411 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8501380 8501877 8502239 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 %8509609 8509922 8510150 8491196 8500537 8505937 8498474 8505759 8492936 8495185 8493718 8506953 8492531 8508644 8508614 8505857 8508691 8490050 8505008 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 8507006 8502241 8509567 8507741 8492950 8495045 8506821 8490034 8489880 8505111 8492991 8509945 8493125 8508007 8491867 8503163 8500488 8494117 8495240 8506506 8501291 8499737 8500274 8489319 8495211 8500761 8509896 8503475 8494147 8492260 8501562 8507434 8493415 8506473 8502249 8501604 8491878 8494676 8502235 8494293 8506823 8509961 8505930 8491351 8506815 8506220 8509549 8492961 8509174 8494296 8499750 8502092 8490354 8500771 8502512 8509328 8490456 8489296 8496422 8506477 8507031 8503129 8504407 8492184 8489517 8490006 8489595 8500626 8490252 8503472 8490131 8500271 8500855 8509741 8502067 8501496 8505780 8504887 8499770 8506320 8490871 8490087 8500272 8506226 8490051 8492536 8504136 8494735 8500860 8489986 8492916 8500521 8509873 8507499 8505763 8507719 8508700 8496999 8498838 8493042 8498758 8499745 8490063 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8490135 8492213 8509733 8489606 8489128 8490818 8504430 8493724 8490031 8503458 8492987 8508453 8509877 8508621 8505941 8508954 8507151 8507710 8509101 8509068 8507954 8506326 8501522 8490120 8495255 8506900 8492977 8494129 8500628 8489572 8509880 8496116 8509277 8509909 8490094 8490902 8502116 8504516 8504515 8509625 8494737 8506745 8490036 8509905 8489611 8489102 8508632 8507716 8508723 8494128 8506880 8506743 8509949 8508770 8490272 8493058 8493711 8489562 8490928 8507619 8492537 8493010 8502251 8509932 8498862 8493118 8490070 8490035 8501288 8497156 8501541 8490782 8501570 8504416 8493163 8509180 8504388 8491567 8491618 8491659 8494133 8499258 8500456 8501315 8503059 8506746 8508964 8509665 8506795 8490845 8501931 8494306 8489322 8490083 8509546 8493112 # Fiji (jillelder63) 8512531 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 8503891 8509954 8490195 8507072 8502511 8510029 8499100 8501467 8490479 8500394 8498770 8503003 8505002 8505873 8500851 8502137 8505850 8492996 8508819 8509732 8490762 8507193 8507953 8499691 8489281 8500928 8508635 8490434 8496134 8500530 8501786 8490794 8489254 8499301 8503786 8507388 8507947 8502255 8492204 8492885 8503540 8497008 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8508664 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505870 8507410 8490452 8495406 8497891 8489597 8489814 8504765 8492224 8506771 8509721 8490114 8494842 8508701 8497167 8497950 8502438 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504828 8490023 8504423 8497693 8508838 8491776 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8507948 8492957 8495409 8491781 8494137 8500580 8502141 8490214 8500770 8504503 8496124 8488871 8501293 8502058 8492973 8495265 8509933 8497252 8507897 8509884 8491877 8503693 8492901 8498806 8493658 8493686 8504869 8508835 8490774 8508693 8491994 8492848 8500623 8501887 8494863 8496356 8500003 8504389 8490123 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8490485 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8491883 8503439 8492616 8492268 8507471 8493049 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8500004 8494088 8501961 8510930 8505047 8502339 8504947 8506493 8489104 8500354 8507406 8492789 8490805 8490896 8504234 8509778 8506961 8503108 8508986 8507373 8505846 8502055 8504386 8505852 8489166 8507901 8504391 8499813 8496147 8494289 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8494677 8497633 8511734 8494079 8490254 8502065 8503897 8494012 8504907 8508623 8491607 8492983 8496217 8495017 8505558 8492167 8496234 8489934 8490748 8495249 8495212 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8500829 8499995 8501499 8507516 8508818 8491872 8492239 8497154 8495210 8489994 8500383 8490095 8509853 8507475 8502081 8490780 8502483 8499393 8492832 8491998 8499994 8508703 8500409 8510037 8509345 8494149 8505797 8505871 8507411 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8501380 8501877 8502239 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 %8509609 8509922 8510150 8491196 8500537 8505937 8498474 8505759 8492936 8495185 8493718 8506953 8492531 8508644 8508614 8505857 8508691 8490050 8505008 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 8507006 8502241 8509567 8507741 8492950 8495045 8506821 8490034 8489880 8505111 8492991 8509945 8493125 8508007 8491867 8503163 8500488 8494117 8495240 8506506 8501291 8499737 8500274 8489319 8495211 8500761 8509896 8503475 8494147 8492260 8501562 8507434 8493415 8506473 8502249 8501604 8491878 8494676 8502235 8494293 8506823 8509961 8505930 8491351 8506815 8506220 8509549 8492961 8509174 8494296 8499750 8502092 8490354 8500771 8502512 8509328 8490456 8489296 8496422 8506477 8507031 8503129 8504407 8492184 8489517 8490006 8489595 8500626 8490252 8503472 8490131 8500271 8500855 8509741 8502067 8501496 8505780 8504887 8499770 8506320 8490871 8490087 8500272 8506226 8490051 8492536 8504136 8494735 8500860 8489986 8492916 8500521 8509873 8507499 8505763 8507719 8508700 8496999 8498838 8493042 8498758 8499745 8490063 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8490135 8492213 8509733 8489606 8489128 8490818 8504430 8493724 8490031 8503458 8492987 8508453 8509877 8508621 8505941 8508954 8507151 8507710 8509101 8509068 8507954 8506326 8501522 8490120 8495255 8506900 8492977 8494129 8500628 8489572 8509880 8496116 8509277 8509909 8490094 8490902 8502116 8504516 8504515 8509625 8494737 8506745 8490036 8509905 8489611 8489102 8508632 8507716 8508723 8494128 8506880 8506743 8509949 8508770 8490272 8493058 8493711 8489562 8490928 8507619 8492537 8493010 8502251 8509932 8498862 8493118 8490070 8490035 8501288 8497156 8501541 8490782 8501570 8504416 8493163 8509180 8504388 8491567 8491618 8491659 8494133 8499258 8500456 8501315 8503059 8506746 8508964 8509665 8506795 8490845 8501931 8494306 8489322 8490083 8509546 8493112 8497161 8490868 8497158 8503165 8497159 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 8503298 8504913 8507107 8493720 %8490751 8490849 8492729 8491291 8506487 8491699 8490900 8490929 8490101 8510823 8489247 8504392 8507738 8490056 8492546 8489164 8490225 8500615 8509378 8490069 8490042 8500954 8491391 8509393 8503476 8506513 # Homesteaders (jillelder63) 8512536 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 8503891 8509954 8490195 8507072 8502511 8510029 8499100 8501467 8490479 8500394 8498770 8503003 8505002 8505873 8500851 8502137 8505850 8492996 8508819 8509732 8490762 8507193 8507953 8499691 8489281 8500928 8508635 8490434 8496134 8500530 8501786 8490794 8489254 8499301 8503786 8507388 8507947 8502255 8492204 8492885 8503540 8497008 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8508664 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505870 8507410 8490452 8495406 8497891 8489597 8489814 8504765 8492224 8506771 8509721 8490114 8494842 8508701 8497167 8497950 8502438 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504828 8490023 8504423 8497693 8508838 8491776 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8507948 8492957 8495409 8491781 8494137 8500580 8502141 8490214 8500770 8504503 8496124 8488871 8501293 8502058 8492973 8495265 8509933 8497252 8507897 8509884 8491877 8503693 8492901 8498806 8493658 8493686 8504869 8508835 8490774 8508693 8491994 8492848 8500623 8501887 8494863 8496356 8500003 8504389 8490123 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8490485 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8491883 8503439 8492616 8492268 8507471 8493049 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8500004 8494088 8501961 8510930 8505047 8502339 8504947 8506493 8489104 8500354 8507406 8492789 8490805 8490896 8504234 8509778 8506961 8503108 8508986 8507373 8505846 8502055 8504386 8505852 8489166 8507901 8504391 8499813 8496147 8494289 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8494677 8497633 8511734 8494079 8490254 8502065 8503897 8494012 8504907 8508623 8491607 8492983 8496217 8495017 8505558 8492167 8496234 8489934 8490748 8495249 8495212 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8500829 8499995 8501499 8507516 8508818 8491872 8492239 8497154 8495210 8489994 8500383 8490095 8509853 8507475 8502081 8490780 8502483 8499393 8492832 8491998 8499994 8508703 8500409 8510037 8509345 8494149 8505797 8505871 8507411 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8501380 8501877 8502239 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 %8509609 8509922 8510150 8491196 8500537 8505937 8498474 8505759 8492936 8495185 8493718 8506953 8492531 8508644 8508614 8505857 8508691 8490050 8505008 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 8507006 8502241 8509567 8507741 8492950 8495045 8506821 8490034 8489880 8505111 8492991 8509945 8493125 8508007 8491867 8503163 8500488 8494117 8495240 8506506 8501291 8499737 8500274 8489319 8495211 8500761 8509896 8503475 8494147 8492260 8501562 8507434 8493415 8506473 8502249 8501604 8491878 8494676 8502235 8494293 8506823 8509961 8505930 8491351 8506815 8506220 8509549 8492961 8509174 8494296 8499750 8502092 8490354 8500771 8502512 8509328 8490456 8489296 8496422 8506477 8507031 8503129 8504407 8492184 8489517 8490006 8489595 8500626 8490252 8503472 8490131 8500271 8500855 8509741 8502067 8501496 8505780 8504887 8499770 8506320 8490871 8490087 8500272 8506226 8490051 8492536 8504136 8494735 8500860 # Behind the Throne (jillelder63) 8512544 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 8503891 8509954 8490195 8507072 8502511 8510029 8499100 8501467 8490479 8500394 8498770 8503003 8505002 8505873 8500851 8502137 8505850 8492996 8508819 8509732 8490762 8507193 8507953 8499691 8489281 8500928 8508635 8490434 8496134 8500530 8501786 8490794 8489254 8499301 8503786 8507388 8507947 8502255 8492204 8492885 8503540 8497008 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8508664 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505870 8507410 8490452 8495406 8497891 8489597 8489814 8504765 8492224 8506771 8509721 8490114 8494842 8508701 8497167 8497950 8502438 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504828 8490023 8504423 8497693 8508838 8491776 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8507948 8492957 8495409 8491781 8494137 8500580 8502141 8490214 8500770 8504503 8496124 8488871 8501293 8502058 8492973 8495265 8509933 8497252 8507897 8509884 8491877 8503693 8492901 8498806 8493658 8493686 8504869 8508835 8490774 8508693 8491994 8492848 8500623 8501887 8494863 8496356 8500003 8504389 8490123 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8490485 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8491883 8503439 8492616 8492268 8507471 8493049 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8500004 8494088 8501961 8510930 8505047 8502339 8504947 8506493 8489104 8500354 8507406 8492789 8490805 8490896 8504234 8509778 8506961 8503108 8508986 8507373 8505846 8502055 8504386 8505852 8489166 8507901 8504391 8499813 8496147 8494289 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8494677 8497633 8511734 8494079 8490254 8502065 8503897 8494012 8504907 8508623 8491607 8492983 8496217 8495017 8505558 8492167 8496234 8489934 8490748 8495249 8495212 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8500829 8499995 8501499 8507516 8508818 8491872 8492239 8497154 8495210 8489994 8500383 8490095 8509853 8507475 8502081 8490780 8502483 8499393 8492832 8491998 8499994 8508703 8500409 8510037 8509345 8494149 8505797 8505871 8507411 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8501380 8501877 8502239 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 %8509609 8509922 8510150 8491196 8500537 8505937 8498474 8505759 8492936 8495185 8493718 8506953 8492531 8508644 8508614 8505857 8508691 8490050 8505008 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 8507006 8502241 8509567 8507741 8492950 8495045 8506821 8490034 8489880 8505111 8492991 8509945 8493125 8508007 8491867 8503163 8500488 8494117 8495240 8506506 8501291 8499737 8500274 8489319 8495211 8500761 8509896 8503475 8494147 8492260 8501562 8507434 8493415 8506473 8502249 8501604 8491878 8494676 8502235 8494293 8506823 8509961 8505930 8491351 8506815 8506220 8509549 8492961 8509174 8494296 8499750 8502092 8490354 8500771 8502512 8509328 8490456 8489296 8496422 8506477 8507031 8503129 8504407 8492184 8489517 8490006 8489595 8500626 8490252 8503472 8490131 8500271 8500855 8509741 8502067 8501496 8505780 8504887 8499770 8506320 8490871 8490087 8500272 8506226 8490051 8492536 8504136 8494735 8500860 8489986 8492916 8500521 8509873 8507499 8505763 8507719 8508700 8496999 8498838 8493042 8498758 8499745 8490063 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8490135 8492213 8509733 8489606 8489128 8490818 8504430 8493724 8490031 8503458 8492987 8508453 8509877 8508621 8505941 8508954 8507151 8507710 8509101 8509068 8507954 8506326 8501522 8490120 8495255 8506900 8492977 8494129 8500628 8489572 8509880 8496116 8509277 8509909 8490094 8490902 8502116 8504516 8504515 8509625 8494737 8506745 8490036 8509905 8489611 8489102 8508632 8507716 8508723 8494128 8506880 8506743 8509949 8508770 8490272 8493058 8493711 8489562 8490928 8507619 8492537 8493010 8502251 8509932 8498862 8493118 8490070 8490035 8501288 8497156 8501541 8490782 8501570 8504416 8493163 8509180 8504388 8491567 8491618 8491659 8494133 8499258 8500456 8501315 8503059 8506746 8508964 8509665 8506795 8490845 8501931 8494306 8489322 8490083 8509546 8493112 8497161 8490868 8497158 8503165 8497159 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 8503298 8504913 8507107 8493720 %8490751 8490849 8492729 8491291 8506487 8491699 8490900 8490929 8490101 8510823 8489247 8504392 8507738 8490056 8492546 8489164 8490225 8500615 8509378 8490069 8490042 8500954 8491391 8509393 8503476 8506513 # Pass the Pandas (jillelder63) 8512549 : 8489193 8489609 8494523 8500168 8504221 8490791 8494436 8509870 8494551 8502478 8504798 8507894 8503903 8492265 8507511 8505859 8507529 8489014 8511245 8497135 8500867 8503891 8509954 8490195 8507072 8502511 8510029 8499100 8501467 8490479 8500394 8498770 8503003 8505002 8505873 8500851 8502137 8505850 8492996 8508819 8509732 8490762 8507193 8507953 8499691 8489281 8500928 8508635 8490434 8496134 8500530 8501786 8490794 8489254 8499301 8503786 8507388 8507947 8502255 8492204 8492885 8503540 8497008 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8508664 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505870 8507410 8490452 8495406 8497891 8489597 8489814 8504765 8492224 8506771 8509721 8490114 8494842 8508701 8497167 8497950 8502438 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504828 8490023 8504423 8497693 8508838 8491776 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8507948 8492957 8495409 8491781 8494137 8500580 8502141 8490214 8500770 8504503 8496124 8488871 8501293 8502058 8492973 8495265 8509933 8497252 8507897 8509884 8491877 8503693 8492901 8498806 8493658 8493686 8504869 8508835 8490774 8508693 8491994 8492848 8500623 8501887 8494863 8496356 8500003 8504389 8490123 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490799 8500416 8490485 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8491883 8503439 8492616 8492268 8507471 8493049 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8500004 8494088 8501961 8510930 8505047 8502339 8504947 8506493 8489104 8500354 8507406 8492789 8490805 8490896 8504234 8509778 8506961 8503108 8508986 8507373 8505846 8502055 8504386 8505852 8489166 8507901 8504391 8499813 8496147 8494289 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8494677 8497633 8511734 8494079 8490254 8502065 8503897 8494012 8504907 8508623 8491607 8492983 8496217 8495017 8505558 8492167 8496234 8489934 8490748 8495249 8495212 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8500829 8499995 8501499 8507516 8508818 8491872 8492239 8497154 8495210 8489994 8500383 8490095 8509853 8507475 8502081 8490780 8502483 8499393 8492832 8491998 8499994 8508703 8500409 8510037 8509345 8494149 8505797 8505871 8507411 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8501380 8501877 8502239 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 %8509609 8509922 8510150 8491196 8500537 8505937 8498474 8505759 8492936 8495185 8493718 8506953 8492531 8508644 8508614 8505857 8508691 8490050 8505008 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 8507006 8502241 8509567 8507741 8492950 8495045 8506821 8490034 8489880 8505111 8492991 8509945 8493125 8508007 8491867 8503163 8500488 8494117 8495240 8506506 8501291 8499737 8500274 8489319 8495211 8500761 8509896 8503475 8494147 8492260 8501562 8507434 8493415 8506473 8502249 8501604 8491878 8494676 8502235 8494293 8506823 8509961 8505930 8491351 8506815 8506220 8509549 8492961 8509174 8494296 8499750 8502092 8490354 8500771 8502512 8509328 8490456 8489296 8496422 8506477 8507031 8503129 8504407 8492184 8489517 8490006 8489595 8500626 8490252 8503472 8490131 8500271 8500855 8509741 8502067 8501496 8505780 8504887 8499770 8506320 8490871 8490087 8500272 8506226 8490051 8492536 8504136 8494735 8500860 8489986 8492916 8500521 8509873 8507499 8505763 8507719 8508700 8496999 8498838 8493042 8498758 8499745 8490063 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8490135 8492213 8509733 8489606 8489128 8490818 8504430 8493724 8490031 8503458 8492987 8508453 8509877 8508621 8505941 8508954 8507151 8507710 8509101 8509068 8507954 8506326 8501522 8490120 8495255 8506900 8492977 8494129 8500628 8489572 8509880 8496116 8509277 8509909 8490094 8490902 8502116 8504516 8504515 8509625 8494737 8506745 8490036 8509905 8489611 8489102 8508632 8507716 8508723 8494128 8506880 8506743 8509949 8508770 8490272 8493058 8493711 8489562 8490928 8507619 8492537 8493010 8502251 8509932 8498862 8493118 8490070 8490035 8501288 8497156 8501541 8490782 8501570 8504416 8493163 8509180 8504388 8491567 8491618 8491659 8494133 8499258 8500456 8501315 8503059 8506746 8508964 8509665 8506795 8490845 8501931 8494306 8489322 8490083 8509546 8493112 8497161 8490868 8497158 8503165 8497159 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 8503298 8504913 8507107 8493720 %8490751 8490849 8492729 8491291 8506487 8491699 8490900 8490929 8490101 8510823 8489247 8504392 8507738 8490056 8492546 8489164 8490225 8500615 8509378 8490069 8490042 8500954 8491391 8509393 8503476 8506513 # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want The Downfall of Pompeii (jillelder63) %8490751 : 8490751-COPY1 8490751-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Caverna by Gaming Trunk (jillelder63) %8509609 : 8509609-COPY1 8509609-COPY2 8509609-COPY3 #pragma user "JKlacksWins" # Confirmation code: z2frh492pGDkh6Mi43Hk/w # Sun Oct 3 18:50:29 2021 # (JKlacksWins) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (JKlacksWins) %BGTBG : 8494436 8500777 8509870 # (JKlacksWins) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (JKlacksWins) %BraLan : 8492275 8498739 8508961 8509746 # (JKlacksWins) %CTCF : 8492162 8493405 8494955 # (JKlacksWins) %Conco : 8489884 8494126 8496947 # (JKlacksWins) %DinIsl : 8490023 8490027 # (JKlacksWins) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (JKlacksWins) %Eclip : 8493155 8501766 8508850 8511836 # (JKlacksWins) %GAH : 8490114 8494842 8512340 # (JKlacksWins) %GMIC : 8490802 8511855 # (JKlacksWins) %GaiPro : 8490442 8492873 8512297 # (JKlacksWins) %GlaRoa : 8501525 8511213 # (JKlacksWins) %HoLAS : 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 # (JKlacksWins) %Keyfl : 8489597 8489814 8504765 # (JKlacksWins) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (JKlacksWins) %Photo : 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 # (JKlacksWins) %SCE : 8498734 8501781 8490814 8506518 # (JKlacksWins) %Subur : # (JKlacksWins) %T7C : 8504853 8509739 8512242 8504904 # (JKlacksWins) %ThuQue : 8490343 8499996 8511887 # (JKlacksWins) %VEE : 8502511 8508664 8510029 # (JKlacksWins) %Yokoh : 8499686 8512123 8512535 # Rick and Morty: Anatomy Park – The Game (JKlacksWins) 8501475 : %AFfO %CTCF 8494523 %Conco %VEE %GaiPro %BraBir 8494084 %T7C 8492224 %GAH 8503903 %Eclip %BraLan 8509774 %BGTBG 8494551 %Yokoh 8507478 %GMIC 8494545 8511724 8491833 %HoLAS 8503899 %ThuQue 8494850 8502478 %SCE 8500867 8501284 8511634 8510212 8503087 %Keyfl %DunImp %DinIsl 8498633 8494289 8503023 %GlaRoa %PARKS 8508838 8496218 %Photo 8492983 # Ticket to Ride: Alvin & Dexter (JKlacksWins) 8501480 : %AFfO %CTCF 8494523 %Conco %VEE %GaiPro %BraBir 8494084 %T7C 8492224 %GAH 8503903 %Eclip %BraLan 8509774 %BGTBG 8494551 %Yokoh 8507478 %GMIC 8494545 8511724 8491833 %HoLAS 8503899 %ThuQue 8494850 8502478 %SCE 8500867 8501284 8511634 8510212 8503087 %Keyfl %DunImp %DinIsl 8498633 8494289 # The Quest for El Dorado: The Golden Temples (JKlacksWins) 8501499 : %AFfO %CTCF 8494523 %Conco %VEE %GaiPro %BraBir 8494084 %T7C 8492224 %GAH 8503903 %Eclip %BraLan 8509774 %BGTBG 8494551 %Yokoh 8507478 %GMIC 8494545 8511724 8491833 %HoLAS 8503899 %ThuQue 8494850 8502478 %SCE 8500867 8501284 8511634 8510212 8503087 %Keyfl %DunImp %DinIsl 8498633 8494289 8503023 %GlaRoa %PARKS 8508838 8496218 %Photo 8492983 # Duel in the Dark (Second Edition) (JKlacksWins) 8501516 : %AFfO %CTCF 8494523 %Conco %VEE %GaiPro %BraBir 8494084 %T7C 8492224 %GAH 8503903 %Eclip %BraLan 8509774 %BGTBG 8494551 %Yokoh 8507478 %GMIC 8494545 8511724 8491833 %HoLAS 8503899 %ThuQue 8494850 8502478 %SCE 8500867 8501284 8511634 8510212 8503087 %Keyfl %DunImp %DinIsl 8498633 8494289 8503023 %GlaRoa %PARKS 8508838 8496218 %Photo 8492983 # Risk: Metal Gear Solid (JKlacksWins) 8501529 : %AFfO %CTCF 8494523 %Conco %VEE %GaiPro %BraBir 8494084 %T7C 8492224 %GAH 8503903 %Eclip %BraLan 8509774 %BGTBG 8494551 %Yokoh 8507478 %GMIC 8494545 8511724 8491833 %HoLAS 8503899 %ThuQue 8494850 8502478 %SCE 8500867 8501284 8511634 8510212 8503087 %Keyfl %DunImp %DinIsl 8498633 8494289 8503023 %GlaRoa %PARKS 8508838 8496218 %Photo 8492983 # Penny Arcade: The Game – Rumble in R'lyeh (JKlacksWins) 8501544 : %AFfO %CTCF 8494523 %Conco %VEE %GaiPro %BraBir 8494084 %T7C 8492224 %GAH 8503903 %Eclip %BraLan 8509774 %BGTBG 8494551 %Yokoh 8507478 %GMIC 8494545 8511724 8491833 %HoLAS 8503899 %ThuQue 8494850 8502478 %SCE 8500867 8501284 8511634 8510212 8503087 %Keyfl %DunImp %DinIsl 8498633 8494289 8503023 %GlaRoa %PARKS 8508838 8496218 %Photo 8492983 # Stratos (JKlacksWins) 8501557 : %AFfO %CTCF 8494523 %Conco %VEE %GaiPro %BraBir 8494084 %T7C 8492224 %GAH 8503903 %Eclip %BraLan 8509774 %BGTBG 8494551 %Yokoh 8507478 %GMIC 8494545 8511724 8491833 %HoLAS 8503899 %ThuQue 8494850 8502478 %SCE 8500867 8501284 8511634 8510212 8503087 # Ticket to Ride: The Card Game (JKlacksWins) 8501590 : %AFfO %CTCF 8494523 %Conco %VEE %GaiPro %BraBir 8494084 %T7C 8492224 %GAH 8503903 %Eclip %BraLan 8509774 %BGTBG 8494551 %Yokoh 8507478 %GMIC 8494545 8511724 8491833 %HoLAS 8503899 %ThuQue 8494850 8502478 %SCE 8500867 8501284 8511634 8510212 8503087 %Keyfl %DunImp %DinIsl 8498633 8494289 # Alt Name: 2 Player Games: Pick 2 (JKlacksWins) 8501630 : %AFfO %CTCF 8494523 %Conco %VEE %GaiPro %BraBir 8494084 %T7C 8492224 %GAH 8503903 %Eclip %BraLan 8509774 %BGTBG 8494551 %Yokoh 8507478 %GMIC 8494545 8511724 8491833 %HoLAS 8503899 %ThuQue 8494850 8502478 %SCE 8500867 8501284 8511634 8510212 8503087 %Keyfl %DunImp %DinIsl 8498633 8494289 # Alt Name: 3 Games of your choice (JKlacksWins) 8501686 : %AFfO %CTCF 8494523 %Conco %VEE %GaiPro %BraBir 8494084 %T7C 8492224 %GAH 8503903 %Eclip %BraLan 8509774 %BGTBG 8494551 %Yokoh 8507478 %GMIC 8494545 8511724 8491833 %HoLAS 8503899 %ThuQue 8494850 8502478 %SCE 8500867 8501284 8511634 8510212 8503087 %Keyfl %DunImp %DinIsl 8498633 8494289 # Paper Mario: The Origami King (JKlacksWins) 8501776 : %AFfO %CTCF 8494523 %Conco %VEE %GaiPro %BraBir 8494084 %T7C 8492224 %GAH 8503903 %Eclip %BraLan 8509774 %BGTBG 8494551 %Yokoh 8507478 %GMIC 8494545 8511724 8491833 %HoLAS 8503899 %ThuQue 8494850 8502478 %SCE 8500867 8501284 8511634 8510212 8503087 # The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (2019) (JKlacksWins) 8501783 : %AFfO %CTCF 8494523 %Conco %VEE %GaiPro %BraBir 8494084 %T7C 8492224 %GAH 8503903 %Eclip %BraLan 8509774 %BGTBG 8494551 %Yokoh 8507478 %GMIC 8494545 8511724 8491833 %HoLAS 8503899 %ThuQue 8494850 8502478 %SCE 8500867 8501284 8511634 8510212 8503087 #pragma user "jlc2" # Confirmation code: SiPSqAERFL0YappLm3n9tQ # Sun Oct 3 10:46:33 2021 # (jlc2) %DRtC : 8489186 8512300 # (jlc2) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (jlc2) %SmaInc : 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 # For What Remains: Out of the Basement (jlc2) 8492085 : 8508200 8500534 8506531 8504344 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8506508 %SmaInc 8500555 8507504 %DRtC 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 8494138 %ImpCla 8492927 8495234 8502245 # Chai (jlc2) 8507006 : 8508200 8504344 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 %SmaInc 8500555 8494138 %ImpCla # Alt Name: Was Calico - item now sold, blank wantlist will be submitted for this item (jlc2) 8507075 : # Alt Name: Was Proving Grounds - item now sold, blank wantlist will be submitted for this item (jlc2) 8507081 : # Alt Name: Choose ANY or ALL small game bundle (jlc2) 8510761 : 8508200 8500534 8506531 8504344 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8492213 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8506508 8490782 %SmaInc 8500555 8507504 8492224 %DRtC 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 8494138 %ImpCla 8511594 8512086 8489210 8492927 8495234 8502245 8498732 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8493125 8500569 8491609 8499258 8511882 8512137 #pragma user "Jman3256" # Confirmation code: /5lGyyXkHPZ0U8M1Nr1NHw # Sun Oct 3 21:05:59 2021 # The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (Jman3256) 8509885 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8509954 8489193 8489609 8494523 8489884 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489389 8494084 8489211 8509714 8503907 8511206 8504853 8512242 8499100 8489597 8489814 8504765 8490048 8492161 8503903 8507421 8512225 8512528 8511235 8490791 8493155 8501766 8511836 8492275 8509746 8509774 8489780 8490398 8490027 8504423 8494551 8491743 8500772 8493193 8498656 8512434 8500851 8494283 8504436 8511724 8492901 8498806 8490123 8507193 8492194 8497913 8495224 8494156 8503899 8512350 8511245 8489028 8489205 8496683 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8510810 8503009 8494850 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8506518 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507947 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8495063 8490824 8491328 8506831 8507651 8507369 8502512 8504904 8509741 8512537 8502937 8511910 # Yomi (Jman3256) 8509887 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8509954 8489193 8489609 8494523 8489884 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489389 8494084 8489211 8509714 8503907 8511206 8504853 8512242 8499100 8489597 8489814 8504765 8490048 8492161 8503903 8507421 8512225 8512528 8511235 8490791 8493155 8501766 8511836 8492275 8509746 8509774 8489780 8490398 8490027 8504423 8494551 8491743 8500772 8493193 8498656 8512434 8500851 8494283 8504436 8511724 8492901 8498806 8490123 8507193 8492194 8497913 8495224 8494156 8503899 8512350 8511245 8489028 8489205 8496683 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8510810 8503009 8494850 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8506518 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507947 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8495063 8490824 8491328 8506831 8507651 8507369 8502512 8504904 8509741 8512537 8502937 8511910 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8507072 8496001 8496947 8502511 8508664 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8492922 8504954 8490452 8495406 8497891 8511234 8490828 8492224 8489259 8499609 8500532 8500560 8506883 8490114 8494842 8512340 8492265 8507511 8498739 8508961 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8501525 8511213 8502166 8491252 8506713 8508705 8498770 8503003 8510208 8497164 8490023 8489252 8508838 8491892 8501613 8507517 8493156 8499236 8500577 8496003 8504804 8500576 8503635 8499686 8493187 8496218 8507478 8490802 8511855 8495409 8509759 8508985 8492973 8495265 8509933 8503889 8492213 8489606 8488918 8500623 8500003 8504430 8490762 8492276 8507433 8490799 8500416 8510856 8497003 8504513 8500693 8509639 8490076 8507471 8512382 8503448 8503678 8509177 8494088 8501961 8493151 8497914 8504558 8495190 8498481 8507219 8507374 8500613 8499133 8502055 8512568 8494549 8496537 8505164 8497141 8511718 8495229 8496421 8497633 8496223 8497157 8492964 8504907 8500572 8491607 8504416 8497233 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8503094 8507516 8511738 8504877 8512515 8498195 8498732 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510761 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512540 8502064 8503895 8489482 8503196 8501554 8506535 8506473 8494676 8501783 8501776 # Traintopia (Jman3256) 8509905 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8509954 8489193 8489609 8494523 8489884 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489389 8494084 8489211 8509714 8503907 8511206 8504853 8512242 8499100 8489597 8489814 8504765 8490048 8492161 8503903 8507421 8512225 8512528 8511235 8490791 8493155 8501766 8511836 8492275 8509746 8509774 8489780 8490398 8490027 8504423 8494551 8491743 8500772 8493193 8498656 8512434 8500851 8494283 8504436 8511724 8492901 8498806 8490123 8507193 8492194 8497913 8495224 8494156 8503899 8512350 8511245 8489028 8489205 8496683 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8510810 8503009 8494850 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8506518 8489254 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507947 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8495063 8490824 8491328 8506831 8507651 8507369 8502512 8504904 8509741 8512537 8502937 8511910 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489450 8490313 8493175 8489187 8507072 8496001 8496947 8502511 8508664 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8492922 8504954 8490452 8495406 8497891 8511234 8490828 8492224 8489259 8499609 8500532 8500560 8506883 8490114 8494842 8512340 8492265 8507511 8498739 8508961 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8501525 8511213 8502166 8491252 8506713 8508705 8498770 8503003 8510208 8497164 8490023 8489252 8508838 8491892 8501613 8507517 8493156 8499236 8500577 8496003 8504804 8500576 8503635 8499686 8493187 8496218 8507478 8490802 8511855 8495409 8509759 8508985 8492973 8495265 8509933 8503889 8492213 8489606 8488918 8500623 8500003 8504430 8490762 8492276 8507433 8490799 8500416 8510856 8497003 8504513 8500693 8509639 8490076 8507471 8512382 8503448 8503678 8509177 8494088 8501961 8493151 8497914 8504558 8495190 8498481 8507219 8507374 8500613 8499133 8502055 8512568 8494549 8496537 8505164 8497141 8511718 8495229 8496421 8497633 8496223 8497157 8492964 8504907 8500572 8491607 8504416 8497233 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8503094 8507516 8511738 8504877 8512515 8498195 8498732 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510761 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512540 8502064 8503895 8489482 8503196 8501554 8506535 8506473 8494676 8501783 8501776 8500558 8489081 8500559 8500769 8512124 8507477 8491597 8488947 8500482 8502100 8512502 #pragma user "John_of_the_Fountain" # Confirmation code: 0wMH0hzrU4a7byW9nWdV1A # Sun Oct 3 21:57:22 2021 # (John_of_the_Fountain) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (John_of_the_Fountain) %BunKin : 8496997 8512484 # (John_of_the_Fountain) %CFL : 8494079 8494113 8511211 # (John_of_the_Fountain) %DSM : 8494853 8495247 # (John_of_the_Fountain) %EMA : # (John_of_the_Fountain) %FlaRou : # (John_of_the_Fountain) %GAH : # (John_of_the_Fountain) %GMIC : 8490802 8511855 # (John_of_the_Fountain) %GWT : 8489193 8489609 8490195 # (John_of_the_Fountain) %GlaRoa : 8501525 8511213 # (John_of_the_Fountain) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (John_of_the_Fountain) %ImpCla : # (John_of_the_Fountain) %ImpStr : # (John_of_the_Fountain) %Keyfl : 8489597 8489814 8504765 8512362 # (John_of_the_Fountain) %Medici : # (John_of_the_Fountain) %MoMSE : 8490048 8492161 # (John_of_the_Fountain) %Momba : # (John_of_the_Fountain) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (John_of_the_Fountain) %Oceans : 8489281 8492940 8500928 8508621 # (John_of_the_Fountain) %PARKS : # (John_of_the_Fountain) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 8509933 # (John_of_the_Fountain) %SDMS : # (John_of_the_Fountain) %SanMon : # (John_of_the_Fountain) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (John_of_the_Fountain) %SpiIsl : 8493117 8504968 8507363 # (John_of_the_Fountain) %TCoG : 8491892 8501613 8507517 # Kemet: Blood and Sand (John_of_the_Fountain) 8490192 : 8507529 8502478 8512350 8504423 # Modern Art (John_of_the_Fountain) 8490199 : # The Search for Planet X (John_of_the_Fountain) 8490214 : 8507529 8502478 8512350 8504423 %Halle 8502048 %AFfO 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8509774 %GMIC 8509954 %GWT 8489389 8494084 8492224 %MoMSE %SleGod 8492826 8489780 %GlaRoa 8505859 %TCoG 8494106 8491743 8505873 %PCR 8494044 8506859 8490485 %OCoEaE 8495224 8499693 8492562 8510930 8494156 8503899 %Oceans 8511971 8494012 8508623 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8495063 8498489 8507507 8506815 8512392 %Keyfl 8507953 8508635 %CFL %DSM # Dune: Imperium (John_of_the_Fountain) 8490431 : 8507529 8502478 8512350 8504423 %Halle 8502048 %AFfO 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8509774 %GMIC # Gaia Project (John_of_the_Fountain) 8490442 : 8507529 8502478 8512350 # Brass: Birmingham (John_of_the_Fountain) 8490662 : # On Mars (John_of_the_Fountain) 8494551 : 8507529 8502478 # Scythe (John_of_the_Fountain) 8495180 : 8507529 8502478 8512350 8504423 %Halle 8502048 %AFfO 8500867 8501284 # Star Wars: The Card Game (John_of_the_Fountain) 8495204 : # Alt Name: Assorted Small Box Card Games (John_of_the_Fountain) 8495231 : 8507529 8502478 8512350 8504423 %Halle 8502048 %AFfO 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8509774 %GMIC 8509954 %GWT 8489389 8494084 8492224 %MoMSE %SleGod 8492826 8489780 %GlaRoa 8505859 %TCoG 8494106 8491743 8505873 %PCR 8494044 8506859 8490485 %OCoEaE 8495224 8499693 8492562 8510930 8494156 8503899 %Oceans 8511971 8494012 8508623 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8495063 8498489 8507507 8506815 8512392 %Keyfl 8507953 8508635 %CFL %DSM 8511921 8503609 8503786 8504739 8502255 8495235 8507894 8512569 8493125 %BunKin 8496690 8501499 8506477 # Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 (John_of_the_Fountain) 8500255 : # Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King (John_of_the_Fountain) 8500261 : 8507529 8502478 8512350 8504423 %Halle 8502048 %AFfO 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8509774 %GMIC 8509954 %GWT 8489389 8494084 8492224 %MoMSE %SleGod 8492826 8489780 %GlaRoa 8505859 %TCoG 8494106 8491743 8505873 %PCR 8494044 8506859 8490485 %OCoEaE 8495224 8499693 8492562 8510930 8494156 8503899 %Oceans 8511971 8494012 8508623 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8495063 8498489 8507507 8506815 8512392 %Keyfl 8507953 8508635 %CFL %DSM 8511921 8503609 8503786 8504739 8502255 8495235 8507894 8512569 8493125 %BunKin 8496690 8501499 8506477 # Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries (John_of_the_Fountain) 8500267 : 8507529 8502478 8512350 8504423 %Halle 8502048 %AFfO 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8509774 %GMIC 8509954 %GWT 8489389 8494084 8492224 %MoMSE %SleGod 8492826 8489780 %GlaRoa 8505859 %TCoG 8494106 8491743 8505873 %PCR 8494044 8506859 8490485 %OCoEaE 8495224 8499693 8492562 8510930 8494156 8503899 %Oceans 8511971 8494012 8508623 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8495063 8498489 8507507 8506815 8512392 %Keyfl 8507953 8508635 %CFL %DSM 8511921 8503609 8503786 8504739 8502255 8495235 8507894 # Inis (John_of_the_Fountain) 8504954 : 8507529 8502478 8512350 8504423 %Halle 8502048 %AFfO # Everdell (John_of_the_Fountain) 8504962 : 8507529 8502478 8512350 8504423 %Halle 8502048 %AFfO 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8509774 %GMIC # Cascadia (John_of_the_Fountain) 8508448 : 8507529 8502478 8512350 8504423 %Halle 8502048 # Reykholt (John_of_the_Fountain) 8508451 : 8507529 8502478 8512350 8504423 %Halle 8502048 %AFfO 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8509774 %GMIC 8509954 %GWT 8489389 8494084 8492224 %MoMSE %SleGod 8492826 8489780 %GlaRoa 8505859 %TCoG 8494106 8491743 8505873 %PCR 8494044 8506859 8490485 %OCoEaE 8495224 8499693 8492562 8510930 8494156 8503899 %Oceans 8511971 8494012 8508623 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8495063 8498489 8507507 8506815 # Zooloretto (John_of_the_Fountain) 8508453 : 8507529 8502478 8512350 8504423 %Halle 8502048 %AFfO 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8509774 %GMIC 8509954 %GWT 8489389 8494084 8492224 %MoMSE %SleGod 8492826 8489780 %GlaRoa 8505859 %TCoG 8494106 8491743 8505873 %PCR 8494044 8506859 8490485 %OCoEaE 8495224 8499693 8492562 8510930 8494156 8503899 %Oceans 8511971 8494012 8508623 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8495063 8498489 8507507 8506815 8512392 %Keyfl 8507953 8508635 %CFL %DSM 8511921 8503609 8503786 8504739 8502255 8495235 8507894 8512569 8493125 %BunKin # Le Havre: The Inland Port (John_of_the_Fountain) 8508996 : 8507529 8502478 8512350 8504423 %Halle 8502048 %AFfO 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8509774 %GMIC 8509954 %GWT 8489389 8494084 8492224 %MoMSE %SleGod 8492826 8489780 %GlaRoa 8505859 %TCoG 8494106 8491743 8505873 %PCR 8494044 8506859 8490485 %OCoEaE 8495224 8499693 8492562 8510930 8494156 8503899 %Oceans 8511971 8494012 8508623 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8495063 8498489 8507507 8506815 8512392 %Keyfl 8507953 8508635 %CFL %DSM 8511921 8503609 8503786 8504739 8502255 8495235 8507894 8512569 8493125 # Patchwork (John_of_the_Fountain) 8509026 : 8507529 8502478 8512350 8504423 %Halle 8502048 %AFfO 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8509774 %GMIC 8509954 %GWT 8489389 8494084 8492224 %MoMSE %SleGod 8492826 8489780 %GlaRoa 8505859 %TCoG 8494106 8491743 8505873 %PCR 8494044 8506859 8490485 %OCoEaE 8495224 8499693 8492562 8510930 8494156 8503899 %Oceans 8511971 8494012 8508623 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8495063 8498489 8507507 8506815 8512392 %Keyfl 8507953 8508635 %CFL %DSM 8511921 8503609 8503786 8504739 8502255 8495235 8507894 8512569 8493125 %BunKin 8496690 8501499 8506477 # Imperial Settlers (John_of_the_Fountain) 8509859 : 8507529 8502478 8512350 8504423 %Halle 8502048 %AFfO 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8509774 %GMIC 8509954 %GWT 8489389 8494084 8492224 %MoMSE %SleGod 8492826 8489780 %GlaRoa 8505859 %TCoG 8494106 8491743 8505873 %PCR 8494044 8506859 8490485 %OCoEaE 8495224 8499693 8492562 8510930 8494156 8503899 %Oceans 8511971 8494012 8508623 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8495063 8498489 8507507 8506815 8512392 %Keyfl 8507953 8508635 %CFL %DSM 8511921 8503609 8503786 8504739 8502255 8495235 8507894 8512569 8493125 %BunKin #pragma user "Jon_Stern" # Confirmation code: WTU9i5/pawhZhjh4mf3qxQ # Sun Oct 3 19:34:35 2021 # (Jon_Stern) %BHKnis : 8489539 8490001 8499161 8507376 8511092 # (Jon_Stern) %BSGnis : 8494436 8500777 8509870 # (Jon_Stern) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (Jon_Stern) %BraLan : 8492275 8509746 # (Jon_Stern) %ConcBas : 8494126 8496947 # (Jon_Stern) %DSD : 8489497 8496137 # (Jon_Stern) %DeceptB : 8511090 8512421 # (Jon_Stern) %EpicENG : 8490868 8497158 # (Jon_Stern) %EscPla : 8490123 8507944 # (Jon_Stern) %FR : 8490398 8491252 8506713 # (Jon_Stern) %GAHb : 8490114 8512340 # (Jon_Stern) %GWTbase : 8490313 8493175 # (Jon_Stern) %GWTexp : 8489193 8489609 8490195 # (Jon_Stern) %Keyfl : 8489597 8489814 8504765 8512362 # (Jon_Stern) %MagMet : 8495215 8504236 # (Jon_Stern) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (Jon_Stern) %OtUL : 8489453 8491330 # (Jon_Stern) %SmaInc : 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 # (Jon_Stern) %Snowd : 8498911 8499682 # (Jon_Stern) %TCoG : 8491892 8501613 8507517 # (Jon_Stern) %TGTFoA : 8494160 8507732 # (Jon_Stern) %TinTow : 8500580 8502141 # (Jon_Stern) %UFS : 8488947 8500482 8504925 # (Jon_Stern) %UMA : 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 # (Jon_Stern) %UTA : 8497161 8512464 # (Jon_Stern) %WEDS : 8490332 8502152 # 10 Tage durch die Schweiz (Jon_Stern) 8496348 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 %Keyfl 8493725 8507647 8489450 8492265 8500394 8496218 8512341 8503889 8500414 8508705 8496421 8488871 8512564 8490783 8496379 8511921 %DSD 8509956 %GAHb 8509665 8510837 8507951 8509892 8507669 8490215 %TinTow 8489117 8503004 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 8503108 8506795 8504887 8508965 %UTA 8511175 8497159 %EpicENG %BHKnis # 221B Baker St.: Sherlock Holmes & the Time Machine (Jon_Stern) 8496351 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 %Keyfl 8493725 8507647 8489450 8492265 8500394 8496218 8512341 8503889 8500414 8508705 8496421 8488871 8512564 8490783 8496379 8511921 %DSD 8509956 %GAHb 8509665 8510837 8507951 8509892 8507669 8490215 %TinTow 8489117 8503004 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 8503108 8506795 8504887 8508965 %UTA 8511175 8497159 %EpicENG %BHKnis 8492826 8490887 8494144 8509723 %UFS 8507954 8502081 8503131 %UMA %DeceptB 8493732 8494008 8489198 8511884 8512395 8504695 8509683 # 221B Baker Street: The Master Detective Game (Jon_Stern) 8496357 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 %Keyfl 8493725 8507647 8489450 8492265 8500394 8496218 8512341 8503889 8500414 8508705 8496421 8488871 8512564 8490783 8496379 8511921 %DSD 8509956 %GAHb 8509665 8510837 8507951 8509892 8507669 8490215 %TinTow 8489117 8503004 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 8503108 8506795 8504887 # Agricola (Jon_Stern) 8499609 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase # Android: Netrunner (Jon_Stern) 8499611 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas # AssassinCon (Jon_Stern) 8499612 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 %Keyfl 8493725 8507647 8489450 8492265 8500394 8496218 8512341 8503889 8500414 8508705 8496421 8488871 8512564 8490783 8496379 8511921 %DSD 8509956 %GAHb 8509665 8510837 8507951 8509892 8507669 8490215 %TinTow 8489117 8503004 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 8503108 8506795 8504887 8508965 %UTA 8511175 8497159 %EpicENG %BHKnis 8492826 8490887 8494144 8509723 %UFS 8507954 8502081 8503131 %UMA %DeceptB 8493732 8494008 8489198 8511884 8512395 8504695 8509683 8489288 8496070 8509876 8509875 8490899 8493033 8500487 8505847 %8509430 8512469 8510785 8509961 # Battlefield: Europe (Jon_Stern) 8500124 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 %Keyfl 8493725 8507647 8489450 8492265 8500394 8496218 8512341 8503889 8500414 8508705 8496421 8488871 8512564 8490783 8496379 8511921 %DSD 8509956 %GAHb # Cosmic Encounter (Jon_Stern) 8500163 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 %Keyfl 8493725 8507647 8489450 8492265 8500394 8496218 8512341 8503889 8500414 8508705 8496421 8488871 8512564 # Descent: The Road to Legend (Jon_Stern) 8500232 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR # Founders of Gloomhaven (Jon_Stern) 8502222 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 # Gloomhaven (Jon_Stern) 8503158 : # Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot (Jon_Stern) 8504574 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 %Keyfl 8493725 8507647 8489450 8492265 8500394 8496218 8512341 8503889 8500414 8508705 8496421 8488871 8512564 8490783 8496379 8511921 %DSD 8509956 %GAHb 8509665 8510837 8507951 8509892 8507669 8490215 %TinTow 8489117 8503004 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 8503108 8506795 8504887 8508965 # Killer Bunnies and the Conquest of the Magic Carrot (Jon_Stern) 8504579 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 %Keyfl 8493725 8507647 8489450 8492265 8500394 8496218 8512341 8503889 8500414 8508705 8496421 8488871 8512564 8490783 8496379 8511921 %DSD 8509956 %GAHb 8509665 8510837 8507951 8509892 8507669 8490215 %TinTow 8489117 8503004 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 8503108 8506795 8504887 8508965 %UTA 8511175 8497159 %EpicENG %BHKnis 8492826 8490887 8494144 8509723 %UFS 8507954 8502081 8503131 %UMA %DeceptB 8493732 8494008 8489198 8511884 # Legendary Encounters: A Predator Deck Building Game (Jon_Stern) 8504585 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 %Keyfl 8493725 8507647 8489450 8492265 8500394 8496218 8512341 8503889 8500414 8508705 8496421 8488871 8512564 8490783 8496379 8511921 %DSD 8509956 %GAHb 8509665 8510837 8507951 8509892 8507669 8490215 %TinTow 8489117 8503004 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 # Little Devils (Jon_Stern) 8504590 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 %Keyfl 8493725 8507647 8489450 8492265 8500394 8496218 8512341 8503889 8500414 8508705 8496421 8488871 8512564 8490783 8496379 8511921 %DSD 8509956 %GAHb 8509665 8510837 8507951 8509892 8507669 8490215 %TinTow 8489117 8503004 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 8503108 8506795 8504887 8508965 %UTA 8511175 8497159 %EpicENG %BHKnis 8492826 8490887 8494144 8509723 %UFS 8507954 8502081 8503131 %UMA %DeceptB 8493732 8494008 8489198 8511884 8512395 8504695 8509683 8489288 8496070 8509876 8509875 8490899 8493033 8500487 8505847 %8509430 8512469 8510785 8509961 8512470 8497915 # Lunar Rails (Jon_Stern) 8504602 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 %Keyfl 8493725 8507647 8489450 8492265 8500394 8496218 8512341 8503889 8500414 8508705 8496421 8488871 8512564 8490783 8496379 8511921 %DSD 8509956 %GAHb 8509665 8510837 # Myrmes (Jon_Stern) 8506664 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 %Keyfl 8493725 8507647 # Neanderthal (Jon_Stern) 8506681 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 %Keyfl 8493725 8507647 # Onirim (Second Edition) (Jon_Stern) 8507339 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 %Keyfl 8493725 8507647 8489450 8492265 8500394 8496218 8512341 8503889 8500414 8508705 8496421 8488871 8512564 8490783 8496379 8511921 %DSD 8509956 %GAHb 8509665 8510837 8507951 8509892 8507669 8490215 %TinTow 8489117 8503004 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 8503108 8506795 8504887 8508965 %UTA 8511175 8497159 %EpicENG %BHKnis 8492826 8490887 8494144 8509723 %UFS 8507954 8502081 8503131 %UMA %DeceptB 8493732 8494008 # Pandemic (Jon_Stern) 8507412 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 # Planes (Jon_Stern) 8507413 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 %Keyfl 8493725 8507647 8489450 8492265 8500394 8496218 8512341 8503889 8500414 8508705 8496421 8488871 8512564 8490783 8496379 8511921 %DSD 8509956 %GAHb 8509665 8510837 8507951 8509892 8507669 8490215 %TinTow 8489117 8503004 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 # Race for the Galaxy (Jon_Stern) 8507439 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 %Keyfl 8493725 8507647 8489450 8492265 8500394 8496218 8512341 8503889 8500414 # Rise of Cthulhu (Jon_Stern) 8507441 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 %Keyfl 8493725 8507647 8489450 8492265 8500394 8496218 8512341 8503889 8500414 8508705 8496421 8488871 8512564 8490783 8496379 8511921 %DSD 8509956 %GAHb 8509665 8510837 8507951 8509892 8507669 8490215 %TinTow 8489117 8503004 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 8503108 8506795 8504887 8508965 %UTA 8511175 8497159 %EpicENG %BHKnis 8492826 8490887 8494144 8509723 %UFS 8507954 8502081 8503131 %UMA %DeceptB # Risk 2210 A.D. (Jon_Stern) 8507442 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 %Keyfl 8493725 8507647 8489450 8492265 8500394 8496218 8512341 8503889 8500414 8508705 8496421 8488871 8512564 8490783 8496379 8511921 %DSD 8509956 %GAHb 8509665 8510837 8507951 8509892 8507669 8490215 %TinTow 8489117 8503004 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 8503108 8506795 8504887 # SeaFall (Jon_Stern) 8507464 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 # Seasons (Jon_Stern) 8507467 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd # Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan (Jon_Stern) 8507468 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 # Sentinels of the Multiverse (Jon_Stern) 8507469 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 %Keyfl 8493725 8507647 8489450 8492265 8500394 8496218 8512341 8503889 8500414 8508705 8496421 # Shipyard (Jon_Stern) 8507471 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 # Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization (Jon_Stern) 8507472 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 # Tramways (Jon_Stern) 8507475 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 # Trickerion: Legends of Illusion (Jon_Stern) 8507478 : # What Do You Meme? (Jon_Stern) 8507682 : 8489585 8501284 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp 8489884 8492873 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512540 %Snowd 8505873 8512297 %BraLan 8499370 %EscPla 8490794 8504502 8489211 8490828 8507511 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500255 8505850 8506859 8503448 8511245 8499229 8498732 8507947 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507894 %GWTbase 8509714 8490431 8503023 8492224 %TCoG 8493986 %SmaInc %WEDS 8508881 %MagMet 8500387 8506746 8507489 %ConcBas 8494842 8505002 8492282 8490138 8489014 8490190 %OtUL 8507188 8499397 8499394 %FR 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512446 %Keyfl 8493725 8507647 8489450 8492265 8500394 8496218 8512341 8503889 8500414 8508705 8496421 8488871 8512564 8490783 8496379 8511921 %DSD 8509956 %GAHb 8509665 8510837 8507951 8509892 8507669 8490215 %TinTow 8489117 8503004 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 8503108 8506795 8504887 8508965 %UTA 8511175 8497159 %EpicENG %BHKnis 8492826 8490887 8494144 8509723 %UFS 8507954 8502081 8503131 %UMA %DeceptB 8493732 8494008 8489198 8511884 # Alt Name: $40 Gift Card (Jon_Stern) 8512588 : 8489585 8490442 8494084 8503903 8505859 8504423 8494551 8507529 %OCoEaE 8507953 8502478 8494668 %BSGnis %BraBir 8490791 %TGTFoA 8497128 %GWTexp # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Overlays for Terraforming Mars Player boards by Gaming Trunk (Jon_Stern) %8509430 : 8509430-COPY1 8509430-COPY2 8509430-COPY3 #pragma user "jonb182" # Confirmation code: sMwlSImvIOWAb4IrOCi4ng # Sun Oct 3 08:48:36 2021 # (jonb182) %AGM : 8509882 8512304 # (jonb182) %Keyfl : 8489814 8504765 # (jonb182) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (jonb182) %Vicer : 8506538 8507357 # (jonb182) %WokSta : 8501294 8502161 # (jonb182) %XLoaDS : 8490807 8500586 # Rockwell (jonb182) 8492519 : %Keyfl %XLoaDS 8512425 %OCoEaE 8501288 8508954 8510037 8505937 8506815 8494012 8509659 %AGM 8497875 8500624 8507900 8506799 8512424 %Vicer 8505941 8506953 8498738 8511118 8510433 8511750 8500271 8502082 # Armageddon (jonb182) 8492523 : %Keyfl %XLoaDS 8512425 %OCoEaE 8501288 8508954 8510037 8505937 8506815 8494012 8509659 %AGM 8497875 8500624 8507900 8506799 8512424 %Vicer 8505941 8506953 8498738 8511118 8510433 8511750 8500271 8507229 %WokSta 8512303 8502082 # Sabotage (jonb182) 8492527 : %Keyfl %XLoaDS 8512425 %OCoEaE 8501288 8508954 8510037 8505937 8506815 # Wendake (jonb182) 8492531 : %Keyfl %XLoaDS 8512425 %OCoEaE 8501288 8508954 8510037 8505937 8506815 8494012 8509659 # The Golden City (jonb182) 8492535 : %Keyfl %XLoaDS 8512425 %OCoEaE 8501288 8508954 8510037 8505937 8506815 8494012 8509659 %AGM 8497875 8500624 8507900 8506799 8512424 %Vicer 8505941 8506953 8498738 8511118 8510433 8511750 8500271 8507229 %WokSta 8512303 8502082 # Tadmor (jonb182) 8492536 : %Keyfl %XLoaDS 8512425 %OCoEaE 8501288 8508954 8510037 8505937 8506815 8494012 8509659 %AGM 8497875 8500624 8507900 8506799 8512424 %Vicer 8505941 8506953 8498738 8511118 8510433 8511750 8500271 8507229 %WokSta 8512303 8502082 # The Networks (jonb182) 8492537 : %Keyfl %XLoaDS 8512425 %OCoEaE 8501288 8508954 8510037 8505937 8506815 # The King Is Dead (jonb182) 8492539 : %Keyfl %XLoaDS 8512425 %OCoEaE 8501288 8508954 8510037 8505937 8506815 8494012 8509659 %AGM 8497875 8500624 8507900 8506799 8512424 %Vicer 8505941 8506953 8498738 8511118 8510433 8511750 8500271 8507229 %WokSta 8512303 8502082 8509929 8506941 8489484 8507107 # Hail Hydra (jonb182) 8492544 : %Keyfl %XLoaDS 8512425 %OCoEaE 8501288 8508954 8510037 8505937 8506815 8494012 8509659 %AGM 8497875 8500624 8507900 8506799 8512424 %Vicer 8505941 8506953 8498738 8511118 8510433 8511750 8500271 8507229 %WokSta 8512303 8509929 8506941 8489484 8507107 8504230 8502085 8511230 8490104 8504718 8512075 # Milestones (jonb182) 8492546 : %Keyfl %XLoaDS 8512425 %OCoEaE 8501288 8508954 8510037 8505937 8506815 8494012 8509659 %AGM 8497875 8500624 8507900 8506799 8512424 %Vicer 8505941 8506953 8498738 8511118 8510433 8511750 8500271 8507229 %WokSta 8512303 8509929 # Mangrovia (jonb182) 8492548 : %Keyfl %XLoaDS 8512425 %OCoEaE 8501288 8508954 8510037 8505937 8506815 8494012 8509659 %AGM 8497875 8500624 8507900 8506799 8512424 %Vicer # ShipShape (jonb182) 8492550 : %Keyfl %XLoaDS 8512425 %OCoEaE 8501288 8508954 8510037 8505937 8506815 8494012 8509659 %AGM 8497875 8500624 8507900 8506799 8512424 %Vicer 8505941 8506953 8498738 8511118 8510433 8511750 8500271 8507229 %WokSta 8512303 8509929 8506941 8489484 8507107 8504230 8502085 8511230 8490104 8504718 8512075 # Cleopatra and the Society of Architects: Deluxe Edition (jonb182) 8502255 : # Crystal Palace (jonb182) 8511241 : %Keyfl %XLoaDS 8512425 %OCoEaE 8501288 8508954 8510037 8505937 8506815 8494012 8509659 %AGM # Conspiracy: The Solomon Gambit (jonb182) 8512045 : %Keyfl %XLoaDS 8512425 %OCoEaE 8501288 8508954 8510037 8505937 8506815 8494012 8509659 %AGM 8497875 8500624 8507900 8506799 8512424 %Vicer 8505941 8506953 8498738 8511118 8510433 8511750 8500271 8507229 %WokSta 8512303 8502082 #pragma user "joncormier" # Confirmation code: ikI1D9Wbmlu5T6jb6GZfwA # Sat Oct 2 13:42:10 2021 # (joncormier) %7WD : 8500088 8500701 # (joncormier) %AACBaS : 8500820 8500960 # (joncormier) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (joncormier) %Azul : 8500522 8502332 # (joncormier) %BunKin : 8496997 8512484 # (joncormier) %CADA : 8490452 8495406 8497891 8499100 8511234 # (joncormier) %CISADA : 8493193 8498656 8504804 # (joncormier) %CamUp : 8489288 8496070 # (joncormier) %CorWor : 8490190 8496379 8496421 # (joncormier) %CosEnc : 8501467 8506771 # (joncormier) %FlaRou : 8490398 8491252 8506713 # (joncormier) %Fresco : 8490487 8501611 # (joncormier) %GWT : 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 # (joncormier) %Inis : 8492922 8504954 # (joncormier) %Jamai : 8507719 8508700 # (joncormier) %K2 : 8494137 8497022 # (joncormier) %KBaS : 8490192 8500000 8511910 # (joncormier) %Kemet : 8490535 8496685 # (joncormier) %KinBui : 8490037 8496932 8512360 # (joncormier) %LAMDBG : 8489400 8508985 # (joncormier) %LSE : 8494549 8496537 # (joncormier) %Marip : 8491872 8492239 8497154 # (joncormier) %NotDam : 8512301 8507722 # (joncormier) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (joncormier) %PARKS : 8501501 8509166 # (joncormier) %Paper : 8490063 8510105 # (joncormier) %Photo : 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8512124 # (joncormier) %RftG : 8500498 8500560 8506883 8507439 # (joncormier) %RftG2 : 8503907 8509823 8511206 # (joncormier) %Root : 8494523 8496001 # (joncormier) %SWIA : 8494040 8495243 8501411 # (joncormier) %ScoYar : 8491749 8494719 # (joncormier) %SpiIsl : 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 # (joncormier) %T7C : 8504853 8509739 8512242 # (joncormier) %TDoP : %8490751 8490849 8504456 8504565 # (joncormier) %Targi : 8493707 8506855 # (joncormier) %TheGri : 8489882 8502057 8507392 # (joncormier) %UFS : 8488947 8493689 8500482 8504925 # (joncormier) %UTA : 8512301 8497161 8512464 # Dominion (joncormier) 8498838 : %AFfO %GWT 8503158 %SWIA 8508984 8488918 %OCoEaE 8509719 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8511634 8512518 8512533 8512540 %Root 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8510150 8511236 8512081 8512143 8512479 %Inis %RftG2 %Azul %PARKS %FlaRou 8508200 %TDoP 8503108 8497020 8510816 8495063 8489554 8489545 8509314 %T7C %RftG %7WD 8508764 %BunKin %NotDam %KinBui 8492127 8508858 %Marip 8490397 %UTA 8498732 8509922 8512220 8512222 %SpiIsl %Jamai %Photo 8506718 %Fresco %CamUp 8510810 %KBaS 8498738 %ScoYar %CADA %CosEnc %Kemet %Targi 8511747 8507669 %CISADA 8512435 %AACBaS %Paper 8491908 8492213 8489128 8504563 8492616 8500556 8492606 8490025 8511245 %TheGri %CorWor 8512591 8511712 8511175 8497158 8499368 8497159 8497160 8499609 8493738 8508628 %K2 8500541 %LAMDBG %UFS 8507647 %LSE 8504904 missing-official # Above and Below (joncormier) 8498844 : %AFfO %GWT 8503158 %SWIA 8508984 8488918 %OCoEaE 8509719 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8511634 8512518 8512533 8512540 %Root 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8510150 8511236 8512081 8512143 8512479 %Inis %RftG2 %Azul %PARKS %FlaRou 8508200 %TDoP 8503108 8497020 8510816 8495063 %T7C %NotDam 8498732 %Jamai 8507669 8492213 8490025 # Lords of Waterdeep (joncormier) 8498846 : %AFfO %GWT 8503158 %SWIA 8508984 8488918 %OCoEaE 8509719 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8511634 8512518 8512533 8512540 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8510150 8511236 8512081 8512143 8512479 8489554 8489545 %T7C # Blokus (joncormier) 8498854 : %AFfO %GWT 8503158 %SWIA 8508984 8488918 %OCoEaE 8509719 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8511634 8512518 8512533 8512540 %Root 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8510150 8511236 8512081 8512143 8512479 %Inis %RftG2 %Azul %PARKS %FlaRou 8508200 %TDoP 8503108 8497020 8510816 8495063 8489554 8489545 8509314 %RftG %7WD 8508764 %BunKin %NotDam %KinBui 8492127 8508858 %Marip 8490397 %UTA 8498732 8509922 8512220 8512222 %SpiIsl %Jamai %Photo 8506718 %Fresco %CamUp 8510810 %KBaS %ScoYar 8489128 8496081 8511175 8492866 # Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (joncormier) 8498857 : %AFfO %GWT 8503158 %SWIA 8508984 8488918 %OCoEaE 8509719 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8511634 8512518 8512533 8512540 %Root # Jambo (joncormier) 8498862 : %AFfO %GWT 8503158 %SWIA 8508984 8488918 %OCoEaE 8509719 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8511634 8512518 8512533 8512540 %Root 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8510150 8511236 8512081 8512143 8512479 %Inis %RftG2 %Azul %PARKS %FlaRou 8508200 %TDoP 8503108 8497020 8510816 8495063 8489554 8489545 8509314 %T7C %RftG %7WD 8508764 %BunKin %NotDam %KinBui 8492127 8508858 %Marip 8490397 %UTA 8509922 8512220 8512222 %SpiIsl 8506718 %Fresco %CamUp 8498738 %CADA %CosEnc %Kemet %Targi 8511747 %CISADA 8512435 %AACBaS %Paper 8491908 8504563 8492616 8500556 8492606 8511245 %TheGri %CorWor 8512591 8511712 8512588 8497158 8499368 8497159 8497160 8492866 # Vampires of the Night (joncormier) 8498866 : %AFfO %GWT 8503158 %SWIA 8508984 8488918 %OCoEaE 8509719 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8511634 8512518 8512533 8512540 %Root 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8510150 8511236 8512081 8512143 8512479 %Inis %RftG2 %Azul %PARKS %FlaRou 8508200 %TDoP 8503108 8497020 8510816 8495063 8489554 8489545 8509314 %RftG %7WD 8508764 %BunKin %KinBui 8492127 8508858 %Marip 8490397 %UTA 8498732 8509922 8512220 8512222 %Photo 8510810 %KBaS 8498738 %ScoYar 8496081 8512588 8512322 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want The Downfall of Pompeii (joncormier) %8490751 : 8490751-COPY1 8490751-COPY2 #pragma user "JonnyHeems" # Confirmation code: 8qAmicSrk5CbzEGjZxek5Q # Sat Oct 2 21:17:57 2021 # North Wind (JonnyHeems) 8509607 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8508598 8508699 8493005 8505870 8507410 8492224 8490479 8509873 8510209 8502219 8508701 8511121 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8497167 8502438 8497164 8511747 8500772 8503635 8489128 8497003 8504513 8499133 8502055 8504386 8512568 8499995 8501499 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499258 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8507607 8502937 8506755 8509026 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 # Kingdomino (JonnyHeems) 8509652 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8508598 8508699 8493005 8505870 8507410 8492224 8490479 8509873 8510209 8502219 8508701 8511121 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8497167 8502438 8497164 8511747 8500772 8503635 8489128 8497003 8504513 8499133 8502055 8504386 8512568 8499995 8501499 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499258 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8507607 8502937 8506755 # Alt Name: $27 CAD Gift Card (JonnyHeems) 8509665 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8508598 8508699 8493005 8505870 8507410 8492224 8490479 8509873 8510209 8502219 8508701 8511121 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8497167 8502438 8497164 8511747 8500772 8503635 8489128 8497003 8504513 8499133 8502055 8504386 8512568 8499995 8501499 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499258 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8507607 8502937 # The Resistance (JonnyHeems) 8510679 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8508598 8508699 8493005 8505870 8507410 8492224 8490479 8509873 8510209 8502219 8508701 8511121 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 8497167 8502438 8497164 8511747 8500772 8503635 8489128 8497003 8504513 8499133 8502055 8504386 8512568 8499995 8501499 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499258 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8507607 8502937 8506755 8509026 8493705 8509777 8512151 8512593 #pragma user "Jorage" # Confirmation code: G0xTQ6Ae-Ep/PGWSLyv4qQ # Sun Oct 3 12:06:54 2021 # Dummy non-protected group 30GC # 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Dummy non-protected group 40GC # 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Dummy non-protected group 50GC # 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Dummy non-protected group 60GC # 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 # Dummy non-protected group 70GC # 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 # Dummy non-protected group 90GC # 8500867 8501284 # (Jorage) %AliFro : # (Jorage) %AmunRe : 8494863 8496356 # (Jorage) %Aquat : 8492794 8500004 8507437 8511909 # (Jorage) %CEaDitCW : 8500776 8512497 # (Jorage) %DinIsl : 8490023 8490027 # (Jorage) %FlaRou : 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 # (Jorage) %GlaRoa : 8501525 8511213 # (Jorage) %Halle : # (Jorage) %KBaS : 8490192 8500000 8502994 8511910 # (Jorage) %Sabot : # (Jorage) %Shipy : # (Jorage) %Steam : 8494147 8512386 # (Jorage) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 # Battlefold (Jorage) 8489292 : 8505850 8507953 8503896 8502048 %KBaS 8493730 8503087 8506544 8500867 8501284 8494012 8506815 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 %GlaRoa %AmunRe %WhiMou 8508712 8502244 8492789 8491979 8504913 8495232 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8489470 %FlaRou %DinIsl 8488871 %Aquat 8503108 8507510 8495210 8506508 8493713 8492885 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8503889 8505793 %Steam 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8506326 8500414 8504695 8495187 %CEaDitCW 8492661 8490902 8490073 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Stargrave: Science Fiction Wargames in the Ravaged Galaxy (Jorage) 8489295 : 8505850 8507953 8503896 8502048 %KBaS 8493730 8503087 8506544 8500867 8501284 8494012 8506815 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 %GlaRoa %AmunRe %WhiMou 8508712 8502244 8492789 8491979 8504913 8495232 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8489470 %FlaRou %DinIsl 8488871 %Aquat 8503108 8507510 8495210 8506508 8493713 8492885 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8503889 8505793 %Steam 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Tungaru (Jorage) 8489296 : 8505850 8507953 8503896 8502048 %KBaS 8493730 8503087 8506544 8500867 8501284 8494012 8506815 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 # Untold: Adventures Await (Jorage) 8489297 : 8505850 8507953 8503896 8502048 %KBaS 8493730 8503087 8506544 8500867 8501284 8494012 8506815 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 %GlaRoa %AmunRe %WhiMou 8508712 8502244 8492789 8491979 8504913 8495232 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8489470 %FlaRou %DinIsl 8488871 %Aquat 8503108 8507510 8495210 8506508 8493713 8492885 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8503889 8505793 %Steam 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8506326 8500414 8504695 # Daimyo: Miniature Set (Jorage) 8489298 : 8505850 8507953 8503896 8502048 %KBaS 8493730 8503087 8506544 8500867 8501284 8494012 8506815 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 %GlaRoa %AmunRe %WhiMou 8508712 8502244 8492789 8491979 8504913 8495232 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8489470 %FlaRou %DinIsl 8488871 %Aquat 8503108 8507510 8495210 8506508 8493713 8492885 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Divinity: Original Sin II (Jorage) 8489299 : 8505850 8507953 8503896 8502048 %KBaS 8493730 8503087 8506544 8500867 8501284 8494012 8506815 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 %GlaRoa %AmunRe %WhiMou 8508712 8502244 8492789 8491979 8504913 8495232 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8489470 %FlaRou %DinIsl 8488871 %Aquat 8503108 8507510 8495210 8506508 8493713 8492885 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8503889 8505793 %Steam 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8506326 8500414 8504695 8495187 %CEaDitCW 8492661 8490902 8490073 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile (Jorage) 8497913 : 8505850 8507953 8503896 8502048 # New Frontiers (Jorage) 8497914 : 8505850 8507953 8503896 8502048 %KBaS 8493730 8503087 8506544 8500867 8501284 8494012 8506815 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 %GlaRoa %AmunRe %WhiMou 8508712 8502244 8492789 8491979 8504913 8495232 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 # Unlock!: Mystery Adventures – The Tonipal's Treasure (Jorage) 8497915 : 8505850 8507953 8503896 8502048 %KBaS 8493730 8503087 8506544 8500867 8501284 8494012 8506815 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 %GlaRoa %AmunRe %WhiMou 8508712 8502244 8492789 8491979 8504913 8495232 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8489470 %FlaRou %DinIsl 8488871 %Aquat 8503108 8507510 8495210 8506508 8493713 8492885 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8503889 8505793 %Steam 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8506326 8500414 8504695 8495187 %CEaDitCW 8492661 8490902 8490073 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Alt Name: Moon Base Klaisus Realm of Battle for Warhammer 40K (Jorage) 8497931 : 8505850 8507953 8503896 8502048 %KBaS 8493730 8503087 8506544 8500867 8501284 #pragma user "JordanZS" # Confirmation code: e9tGrW-eeRNKIy3OkiyXlw # Sat Oct 2 15:09:13 2021 # Covert (JordanZS) 8508843 : 8508598 8508699 8494955 8502511 8508664 8510029 8492224 8490791 8490023 8490027 8491892 8501613 8507517 8499686 8512123 8512535 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8492973 8495265 8509933 8490240 8512298 8490465 8489184 8505852 8507901 8497135 8499301 8500260 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8505765 8506440 8506714 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511634 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512540 8495063 8498911 8499682 8507188 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8492826 8501534 8507499 8498734 8501781 8500558 8501501 8509166 8496003 8498656 8504804 8492910 8497071 8505858 8489014 8492127 8493010 8502251 8509932 8494549 8495229 8506863 8490814 8506518 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492866 8504885 8509889 8494143 8504672 8491609 8500456 8512137 8512446 8489210 # Photosynthesis (JordanZS) 8508845 : 8508598 8508699 8494955 8502511 8508664 8510029 8492224 8490791 8490023 8490027 8491892 8501613 8507517 8499686 8512123 8512535 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8492973 8495265 8509933 8490240 8512298 8490465 8489184 8505852 8507901 8497135 8499301 8500260 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8505765 8506440 8506714 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511634 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512540 8495063 8498911 8499682 8507188 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8492826 8501534 8507499 8498734 8501781 8500558 8501501 8509166 8496003 8498656 8504804 8492910 8497071 8505858 8489014 8492127 8493010 8502251 8509932 8494549 8495229 8506863 8490814 8506518 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492866 # A Tale of Pirates (JordanZS) 8508848 : 8508598 8508699 8494955 8502511 8508664 8510029 8492224 8490791 8490023 8490027 8491892 8501613 8507517 8499686 8512123 8512535 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8492973 8495265 8509933 8490240 8512298 8490465 8489184 8505852 8507901 8497135 8499301 8500260 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8505765 8506440 8506714 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511634 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512540 8495063 8498911 8499682 8507188 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8492826 8501534 8507499 8498734 8501781 8500558 8501501 8509166 8496003 8498656 8504804 8492910 8497071 8505858 8489014 8492127 8493010 8502251 8509932 8494549 8495229 8506863 8490814 8506518 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492866 8504885 8509889 8494143 8504672 8491609 8500456 8512137 8512446 8489210 8488871 8507722 8512301 8489028 8489205 8496683 8502064 8508811 8512503 8489614 # Eclipse (JordanZS) 8508850 : 8508598 8508699 8494955 8502511 8508664 8510029 8492224 8490791 8490023 8490027 8491892 8501613 8507517 8499686 8512123 8512535 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8492973 8495265 8509933 8490240 8512298 8490465 8489184 8505852 8507901 8497135 8499301 8500260 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8505765 8506440 8506714 8507388 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511634 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512540 8495063 8498911 8499682 8507188 #pragma user "jos803" # Confirmation code: FMnaiJcJnu7jDWxftdCTGA # Sun Oct 3 21:26:19 2021 # (jos803) %Bibli : # (jos803) %Conco : 8489884 8494126 8496947 # (jos803) %CurCar : 8505099 8508224 # (jos803) %EMA : 8489028 8489205 8496683 # (jos803) %ImpSet : # (jos803) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (jos803) %Trajan : 8500625 8503893 8505879 # (jos803) %Yokoh : 8499686 8512123 8512535 # Photosynthesis (jos803) 8489081 : 8494111 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8492562 8489419 8499393 8492606 %EMA 8490152 %Conco %Trajan 8512596 8512550 %Yokoh %OCoEaE 8507953 8495190 8505846 8510205 8508951 %CurCar 8503786 8506440 8507947 8511634 8512081 8512518 8507741 8489210 8512507 8500571 8507894 8491597 # Kabuto Sumo (jos803) 8489116 : # Santorini (jos803) 8489141 : 8494111 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8498732 8505765 8492562 8489419 8505793 8499393 8492606 %EMA 8490152 %Conco %Trajan 8512596 8512550 %Yokoh %OCoEaE 8507953 8495190 8505846 8510205 8508951 %CurCar 8503786 8506440 8507947 8511634 8512081 8512518 8507741 8489210 8512507 8500571 8507894 8491908 # Star Wars: Imperial Assault (jos803) 8495243 : #pragma user "josb0513" # Confirmation code: HO8w9TegoqlfIeiDNwLIEA # Sun Oct 3 21:32:46 2021 # (josb0513) %Azul : 8500522 8502332 # (josb0513) %Cubit : 8503439 8491883 # (josb0513) %Everd : 8512488 8499386 8504962 8508847 # (josb0513) %GAH : 8494842 8512340 8490114 # (josb0513) %HonBuz : 8500003 8504430 # (josb0513) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 8509177 # (josb0513) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (josb0513) %TQfEDTGT : 8501499 8499995 # (josb0513) %TToT : 8500623 8500624 # (josb0513) %Taken : 8498770 8503003 8504828 8510208 8512538 # (josb0513) %Targi : 8493707 8506855 # (josb0513) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 # Air, Land & Sea (josb0513) 8497151 : 8510930 8489606 8492224 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8502166 8508964 8511594 8512086 8503448 8503108 8508448 8500387 8506746 8491908 8496007 8502244 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8503114 8508976 8509665 8500578 8506795 8494018 8510761 8493705 8512151 8512593 8508974 8502064 8496137 8509969 8496141 8495224 8489233 8490784 8512488 8494842 8512340 8493010 8502251 8509932 %Everd 8499386 8504962 8508847 8500558 8501501 8509166 8503439 8503462 8503678 8509177 %GAH %PARKS %WhiMou 8490114 8491883 %Cubit 8498770 8503003 8501499 %NYZ 8500522 8500003 8504430 8499995 %Azul 8502219 %Taken %TToT %HonBuz %TQfEDTGT 8502332 8504828 8510208 8512538 8500623 8493707 8506855 8500624 %Targi 8511683 # Azul: Summer Pavilion (josb0513) 8497152 : 8510930 8492224 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8502166 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508448 8495224 8512488 8494842 8512340 8493010 8502251 8509932 %Everd 8499386 8504962 8508847 8500558 8501501 8509166 8503439 8503462 8503678 8509177 %GAH %PARKS %WhiMou # Exit: The Game – The Sinister Mansion (josb0513) 8497153 : 8510930 8489606 8492224 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8502166 8508964 8511594 8512086 8503448 8503108 8508448 8500387 8506746 8491908 8496007 8502244 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8503114 8508976 8509665 8500578 8506795 8494018 8510761 8493705 8512151 8512593 8508974 8502064 8496137 8509969 8496141 8496956 8495224 8489233 8490784 8494670 8502207 8512488 8494842 8512340 8493010 8502251 8509932 %Everd 8499386 8504962 8508847 8500558 8501501 8509166 8503439 8503462 8503678 8509177 %GAH %PARKS %WhiMou 8490114 8491883 %Cubit 8498770 8503003 8501499 %NYZ 8500522 8500003 8504430 8499995 %Azul 8502219 %Taken %TToT %HonBuz %TQfEDTGT 8502332 8504828 8510208 8512538 8500623 8493707 8506855 8500624 %Targi 8511683 8489164 # Mariposas (josb0513) 8497154 : 8510930 8489606 8492224 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8502166 8508964 8511594 8512086 8503448 8503108 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508448 8500387 8506746 8491908 8496007 8502244 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8503114 8508976 8510761 8495224 8512488 8494842 8512340 8493010 8502251 8509932 %Everd 8499386 8504962 8508847 8500558 8501501 8509166 8503439 8503462 8503678 8509177 %GAH %PARKS %WhiMou 8490114 8491883 %Cubit 8498770 8503003 8501499 %NYZ 8500522 8500003 8504430 8499995 %Azul 8502219 %Taken %TToT %HonBuz %TQfEDTGT 8502332 8504828 8510208 8512538 8500623 # My First Castle Panic (josb0513) 8497155 : 8510930 8489606 8492224 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8502166 8508964 8511594 8512086 8503448 8503108 8508448 8500387 8506746 8491908 8496007 8502244 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8503114 8508976 8509665 8500578 8506795 8494018 8510761 8493705 8512151 8512593 8508974 8502064 8496137 8509969 8496141 8495224 8489233 8490784 8494670 8502207 8512488 8494842 8512340 8493010 8502251 8509932 %Everd 8499386 8504962 8508847 8500558 8501501 8509166 8503439 8503462 8503678 8509177 %GAH %PARKS %WhiMou 8490114 8491883 %Cubit 8498770 8503003 8501499 %NYZ 8500522 8500003 8504430 8499995 %Azul 8502219 %Taken %TToT %HonBuz %TQfEDTGT 8502332 8504828 8510208 8512538 8500623 8493707 8506855 8500624 %Targi 8511683 # Nova Luna (josb0513) 8497156 : 8510930 8492224 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8502166 8508964 8511594 8512086 8503448 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508448 8500387 8506746 8491908 8495224 8512488 8494842 8512340 8493010 8502251 8509932 %Everd 8499386 8504962 8508847 8500558 8501501 8509166 8503439 8503462 8503678 8509177 %GAH %PARKS %WhiMou 8490114 8491883 %Cubit %NYZ # Santa Monica (josb0513) 8497157 : 8510930 8489606 8492224 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8502166 8508964 8511594 8512086 8503448 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508448 8500387 8506746 8491908 8496007 8495224 8512488 8494842 8512340 8493010 8502251 8509932 %Everd 8499386 8504962 8508847 8500558 8501501 8509166 8503439 8503462 8503678 8509177 %GAH %PARKS %WhiMou 8490114 8491883 %Cubit 8498770 8503003 8501499 # Unlock!: Epic Adventures (josb0513) 8497158 : 8510930 8489606 8492224 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8502166 8508964 8511594 8512086 8503448 8503108 8508448 8500387 8506746 8491908 8496007 8502244 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8503114 8508976 8509665 8506795 8494018 8510761 8495224 8512488 8494842 8512340 8493010 8502251 8509932 %Everd 8499386 8504962 8508847 8500558 8501501 8509166 8503439 8503462 8503678 8509177 %GAH %PARKS %WhiMou 8490114 8491883 %Cubit 8498770 8503003 8501499 %NYZ 8500522 8500003 8504430 8499995 %Azul 8502219 %Taken %TToT %HonBuz %TQfEDTGT # Unlock!: Exotic Adventures (josb0513) 8497159 : 8510930 8489606 8492224 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8502166 8508964 8511594 8512086 8503448 8503108 8498732 8508448 8500387 8506746 8491908 8496007 8502244 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8503114 8508976 8509665 8506795 8494018 8510761 8495224 8512488 8494842 8512340 8493010 8502251 8509932 %Everd 8499386 8504962 8508847 8500558 8501501 8509166 8503439 8503462 8503678 8509177 %GAH %PARKS %WhiMou 8490114 8491883 %Cubit 8498770 8503003 8501499 %NYZ 8500522 8500003 8504430 8499995 %Azul 8502219 %Taken %TToT %HonBuz %TQfEDTGT # Unlock!: Mythic Adventures (josb0513) 8497160 : 8510930 8489606 8492224 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8502166 8508964 8511594 8512086 8503448 8503108 8508448 8500387 8506746 8491908 8496007 8502244 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8503114 8508976 8509665 8506795 8494018 8510761 8495224 8512488 8494842 8512340 8493010 8502251 8509932 %Everd 8499386 8504962 8508847 8500558 8501501 8509166 8503439 8503462 8503678 8509177 %GAH %PARKS %WhiMou 8490114 8491883 %Cubit 8498770 8503003 8501499 %NYZ 8500522 8500003 8504430 8499995 %Azul 8502219 %Taken %TToT %HonBuz %TQfEDTGT # Unlock!: Timeless Adventures (josb0513) 8497161 : 8510930 8489606 8492224 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8502166 8508964 8511594 8512086 8503448 8503108 8508448 8500387 8506746 8491908 8496007 8502244 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8503114 8508976 8509665 8506795 8494018 8510761 8495224 8512488 8494842 8512340 8493010 8502251 8509932 %Everd 8499386 8504962 8508847 8500558 8501501 8509166 8503439 8503462 8503678 8509177 %GAH %PARKS %WhiMou 8490114 8491883 %Cubit 8498770 8503003 8501499 %NYZ 8500522 8500003 8504430 8499995 %Azul 8502219 %Taken %TToT %HonBuz %TQfEDTGT # Bärenpark (josb0513) 8497164 : 8500867 8501284 8510930 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 # The Quest for El Dorado (josb0513) 8497167 : 8500867 8501284 8510930 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8492224 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8495224 8512488 8494842 8512340 8493010 8502251 8509932 %Everd # Welcome to Dino World (josb0513) 8497178 : 8510930 8489606 8492224 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8502166 8508964 8511594 8512086 8503448 8503108 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8508448 8500387 8506746 8491908 8496007 8502244 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8503114 8508976 8509665 8500578 8506795 8494018 8510761 8493705 8512151 8512593 8508974 8502064 8496137 8509969 8496141 8495224 8512488 8494842 8512340 8493010 8502251 8509932 %Everd 8499386 8504962 8508847 8500558 8501501 8509166 8503439 8503462 8503678 8509177 %GAH %PARKS %WhiMou 8490114 8491883 %Cubit 8498770 8503003 8501499 %NYZ 8500522 8500003 8504430 8499995 %Azul 8502219 %Taken %TToT %HonBuz %TQfEDTGT 8502332 8504828 8510208 8512538 8500623 8493707 8506855 8500624 %Targi 8511683 #pragma user "joshuag" # Confirmation code: 3USGU/if/BqhDctVRDM08A # Sat Oct 2 19:30:36 2021 # Alt Name: $ and a game bundle (joshuag) 8509777 : 8490926 8489280 8497070 8508699 8501467 8492996 8494545 8488918 8500004 8510930 8511245 8490814 8506518 8500867 8501284 # Spike (joshuag) 8509805 : 8509026 8507437 8503108 8501288 8509969 8494140 8509953 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 #pragma user "jrahhali" # Confirmation code: -FdCHFeIHbDsPo68SL88Pg # Sun Oct 3 19:30:09 2021 # (jrahhali) %CADA : # (jrahhali) %Sabot : 8492247 8492527 # (jrahhali) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (jrahhali) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 8497070 # Thunderstone Quest (jrahhali) 8511887 : 8502478 # Aftermath (jrahhali) 8511889 : 8502478 %SleGod # Airlines Europe (jrahhali) 8511898 : 8502478 %SleGod 8506508 %Wings 8497891 8500494 8510945 %Sabot # Dogs of War (jrahhali) 8511971 : 8502478 %SleGod 8506508 #pragma user "jrumble2" # Confirmation code: uUBrhjqKPKohlXbSlmAqbw # Sun Oct 3 20:43:27 2021 # (jrumble2) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (jrumble2) %AlmMat : 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 # (jrumble2) %CISADA : 8493193 8498656 # (jrumble2) %Cocon : 8498492 8502008 # (jrumble2) %CryPal : 8489934 8490748 8495249 # (jrumble2) %Desti : 8493169 8505558 # (jrumble2) %Downf : 8491597 8503889 # (jrumble2) %DunImp : 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (jrumble2) %HA : 8492910 8497071 8505858 # (jrumble2) %RoT : 8489482 8490824 # (jrumble2) %SanMar : 8492987 8504234 8509778 # (jrumble2) %TPoH : 8502107 8512466 # (jrumble2) %VEE : 8502511 8510029 # (jrumble2) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 # (jrumble2) %Yokoh : 8499686 8512535 # Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle (jrumble2) 8499993 : 8508954 8502478 %AFfO 8492901 8500867 8501284 8512379 8498489 8492204 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504423 8497135 8512513 8502512 8504221 8502137 8490123 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499811 8492275 8489184 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502255 8493405 8511190 %HA 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493712 %DunImp 8489046 %VEE 8497070 8489780 8507478 8494545 8494544 8500416 8490485 8490076 8503448 %WhiMou 8505164 8491996 8512515 8505765 8506726 8508964 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8493725 %CISADA %Downf 8489606 8495982 8508712 8492606 %TPoH 8508448 8508623 8510810 %Desti %CryPal 8507438 8490477 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %RoT 8492184 8506226 8492957 8489601 8503693 8502226 8505854 %SanMar 8494138 %AlmMat 8494676 %Yokoh 8493986 8492996 8510037 8498770 8491994 8493151 8489897 8509707 8512278 8502506 8499737 8500584 8506487 # Red Rising (jrumble2) 8499994 : 8508954 8502478 %AFfO 8492901 8500867 8501284 8512379 8498489 8492204 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504423 8497135 8512513 8502512 8504221 8502137 8490123 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499811 8492275 8489184 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502255 8493405 8511190 %HA 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493712 %DunImp 8489046 %VEE 8497070 8489780 8507478 8494545 8494544 8500416 8490485 8490076 8503448 %WhiMou 8505164 8491996 8512515 8505765 8506726 8508964 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # The Quest for El Dorado: The Golden Temples (jrumble2) 8499995 : 8508954 8502478 %AFfO 8492901 8500867 8501284 8512379 8498489 8492204 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504423 8497135 8512513 8502512 8504221 8502137 8490123 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499811 8492275 8489184 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502255 8493405 8511190 %HA 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493712 %DunImp 8489046 %VEE 8497070 8489780 8507478 8494545 8494544 8500416 8490485 8490076 8503448 %WhiMou 8505164 8491996 8512515 8505765 8506726 8508964 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8493725 %CISADA %Downf 8489606 8495982 8508712 8492606 %TPoH 8508448 8508623 8510810 %Desti %CryPal 8507438 8490477 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %RoT 8492184 8506226 8492957 8489601 8503693 8502226 8505854 %SanMar 8494138 %AlmMat 8494676 %Yokoh 8493986 8492996 8510037 # Thunderstone Quest (jrumble2) 8499996 : 8508954 8502478 %AFfO 8492901 8500867 8501284 8512379 8498489 8492204 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504423 8497135 8512513 8502512 8504221 8502137 8490123 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499811 8492275 8489184 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502255 8493405 8511190 %HA 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493712 %DunImp 8489046 # Lords of Hellas (jrumble2) 8499998 : 8508954 8502478 %AFfO 8492901 8500867 8501284 8512379 8498489 # Kemet: Blood and Sand (jrumble2) 8500000 : # Imperium: Classics (jrumble2) 8500001 : 8508954 8502478 %AFfO 8492901 8500867 8501284 8512379 8498489 8492204 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504423 8497135 8512513 8502512 8504221 8502137 8490123 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499811 8492275 8489184 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502255 8493405 8511190 %HA 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 # Honey Buzz (jrumble2) 8500003 : 8508954 8502478 8500867 8501284 # Aquatica (jrumble2) 8500004 : 8508954 8502478 %AFfO 8492901 8500867 8501284 8512379 8498489 8492204 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504423 8497135 8512513 8502512 8504221 8502137 8490123 8495224 8494156 8506831 # Aeon's End: The New Age (jrumble2) 8500005 : 8508954 8502478 %AFfO 8492901 8500867 8501284 8512379 8498489 8492204 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504423 8497135 8512513 8502512 8504221 8502137 8490123 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499811 8492275 8489184 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502255 8493405 %HA 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493712 # Sleeping Gods (jrumble2) 8500168 : # Under Falling Skies (jrumble2) 8500482 : 8508954 8502478 %AFfO 8492901 8500867 8501284 8512379 8498489 8492204 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504423 8497135 8512513 8502512 8504221 8502137 8490123 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499811 8492275 8489184 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502255 8493405 8511190 %HA 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493712 %DunImp 8489046 %VEE 8497070 8489780 8507478 8494545 8494544 8500416 8490485 8490076 8503448 %WhiMou 8505164 8491996 8512515 8505765 8506726 8508964 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8493725 %CISADA %Downf 8489606 8495982 8508712 8492606 %TPoH 8508448 8508623 8510810 %Desti %CryPal 8507438 8490477 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %RoT 8492184 8506226 # Ascension: Eternal (jrumble2) 8500486 : 8508954 8502478 %AFfO 8492901 8500867 8501284 8512379 8498489 8492204 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504423 8497135 8512513 8502512 8504221 8502137 8490123 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499811 8492275 8489184 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502255 8493405 8511190 %HA 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493712 %DunImp 8489046 %VEE 8497070 8489780 8507478 8494545 8494544 8500416 8490485 8490076 8503448 %WhiMou 8505164 8491996 8512515 8505765 8506726 8508964 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8493725 %CISADA %Downf 8489606 8495982 8508712 8492606 %TPoH 8508448 8508623 8510810 %Desti %CryPal 8507438 8490477 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %RoT 8492184 8506226 8492957 8489601 8503693 8502226 8505854 %SanMar 8494138 %AlmMat 8494676 %Yokoh 8493986 8492996 8510037 8498770 8491994 8493151 8489897 8509707 8512278 8502506 8499737 8500584 8506487 8512484 %8509577 # Blackout: Hong Kong (jrumble2) 8500487 : 8508954 8502478 %AFfO 8492901 8500867 8501284 8512379 8498489 8492204 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504423 8497135 8512513 8502512 8504221 8502137 8490123 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499811 8492275 8489184 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502255 8511190 # Café (jrumble2) 8500488 : 8508954 8502478 %AFfO 8492901 8500867 8501284 8512379 8498489 8492204 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504423 8497135 8512513 8502512 8504221 8502137 8490123 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499811 8492275 8489184 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502255 8493405 8511190 %HA 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493712 %DunImp 8489046 %VEE 8497070 8489780 8507478 8494545 8494544 8500416 8490485 8490076 8503448 %WhiMou 8505164 8491996 8512515 8505765 8506726 8508964 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8493725 %CISADA %Downf 8489606 8495982 8508712 8492606 %TPoH 8508448 8508623 8510810 %Desti %CryPal 8507438 8490477 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %RoT 8492184 8506226 8492957 8489601 8503693 8502226 8505854 %SanMar 8494138 %AlmMat 8494676 # Friday (jrumble2) 8500490 : 8508954 8502478 %AFfO 8492901 8500867 8501284 8512379 8498489 8492204 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504423 8497135 8512513 8502512 8504221 8502137 8490123 8495224 8494156 8506831 8499811 8492275 8489184 8503786 8506440 8512081 8502255 8493405 8511190 %HA 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493712 %DunImp 8489046 %VEE 8497070 8489780 8507478 8494545 8494544 8500416 8490485 8490076 8503448 %WhiMou 8505164 8491996 8512515 8505765 8506726 8508964 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8493725 %CISADA %Downf 8489606 8495982 8508712 8492606 %TPoH 8508448 8508623 8510810 %Desti %CryPal 8507438 8490477 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %RoT 8492184 8506226 8492957 8489601 8503693 8502226 8505854 %SanMar 8494138 %AlmMat 8494676 %Yokoh 8493986 8492996 8510037 8498770 8491994 8493151 8489897 8509707 8512278 8502506 8499737 8500584 8506487 # Suburbia (jrumble2) 8500494 : 8508954 8502478 %AFfO 8492901 8500867 8501284 8512379 8498489 8492204 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 # Alt Name: 60$ Gift Card (jrumble2) 8501380 : 8508954 8502478 %AFfO 8492901 8512379 8498489 8492204 8502512 # Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun (jrumble2) 8501961 : 8508954 8502478 %AFfO 8492901 8500867 8501284 8512379 8498489 8492204 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8504423 8497135 8512513 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Gaia Project and overlays for the player boards by Gaming Trunk (jrumble2) %8509577 : 8509577-COPY1 8509577-COPY2 8509577-COPY3 #pragma user "JSangha" # Confirmation code: elhthNP4823kqty/RJ-KPQ # Sun Oct 3 13:31:14 2021 # (JSangha) %GMIC : 8490802 8511855 # (JSangha) %MagMet : 8495215 8504236 # (JSangha) %Menara : 8490254 8502065 # (JSangha) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 8509933 # (JSangha) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (JSangha) %TheCol : 8489544 8494728 8510036 # (JSangha) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 8497070 # (JSangha) %YDMS : 8506831 8507651 # Super-Skill Pinball: 4-Cade (JSangha) 8496133 : 8494084 %SleGod 8504423 %TheCol 8494850 8502478 8490794 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8512518 %YDMS 8491351 8509746 %GMIC 8492562 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 %Wings %PCR 8498195 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509707 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8494676 # Agra (JSangha) 8496134 : 8494084 %SleGod 8504423 %TheCol 8494850 8502478 8490794 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8512518 %YDMS 8491351 8509746 %GMIC 8492562 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 # Deep Space D-6 (JSangha) 8496137 : 8494084 %SleGod 8504423 %TheCol 8494850 8502478 8490794 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8512518 %YDMS 8491351 8509746 %GMIC 8492562 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 %Wings %PCR 8498195 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509707 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8494676 8509314 8500541 8503693 8494666 8494289 %MagMet 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8502982 8506746 8507947 8509665 8509922 8511882 8512137 8512446 8507894 # 6 nimmt! 25 Jahre (JSangha) 8496141 : 8494084 %SleGod 8504423 %TheCol 8494850 8502478 8490794 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8512518 %YDMS 8491351 8509746 %GMIC 8492562 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 %Wings %PCR 8498195 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509707 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8494676 8509314 8500541 8503693 8494666 8494289 %MagMet 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8502982 8506746 8507947 8509665 8509922 8511882 8512137 8512446 8507894 # Lagerstätten (JSangha) 8496143 : 8494084 %SleGod 8504423 %TheCol 8494850 8502478 8490794 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8512518 %YDMS 8491351 # Gods Love Dinosaurs (JSangha) 8496144 : 8494084 %SleGod 8504423 %TheCol 8494850 8502478 8490794 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8512518 %YDMS 8491351 8509746 %GMIC 8492562 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 %Wings %PCR 8498195 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509707 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8494676 8509314 8500541 8503693 8494666 8494289 %MagMet 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8502982 8506746 8507947 8509665 8509922 8511882 8512137 8512446 8507894 # The Climbers (JSangha) 8496147 : 8494084 %SleGod 8504423 %TheCol 8494850 8502478 8490794 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8512518 %YDMS 8491351 8509746 %GMIC 8492562 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 %Wings %PCR 8498195 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509707 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8494676 # Arkham Horror: The Card Game – Curse of the Rougarou: Scenario Pack (JSangha) 8496805 : 8494084 %SleGod 8504423 %TheCol 8494850 8502478 8490794 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8512518 %YDMS 8491351 8509746 %GMIC 8492562 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 %Wings %PCR 8498195 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509707 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8494676 8509314 8500541 8503693 8494666 8494289 %MagMet 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8502982 8506746 8507947 8509665 8509922 8511882 8512137 8512446 8507894 8512436 8503672 %Menara 8493705 8512151 8512564 8512593 8512477 # Unlock!: Mythic Adventures (JSangha) 8507419 : 8494084 %SleGod 8504423 %TheCol 8494850 8502478 8490794 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8512518 %YDMS 8491351 8509746 %GMIC 8492562 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 %Wings %PCR 8498195 8505765 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509707 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8494676 8509314 8500541 8503693 8494666 8494289 %MagMet 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8502982 8506746 8507947 8509665 8509922 8511882 8512137 8512446 8507894 #pragma user "Kaiyoot" # Confirmation code: rJCuXHl8j04LypYBmgRchQ # Sat Oct 2 18:01:43 2021 # (Kaiyoot) %Agra : 8496134 8500530 # (Kaiyoot) %AlmMat : 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 # (Kaiyoot) %CFL : 8494079 8494113 # (Kaiyoot) %CTCF : 8493405 8494955 # (Kaiyoot) %DraCas : 8499813 8511762 # (Kaiyoot) %GAH : 8490114 8494842 # (Kaiyoot) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (Kaiyoot) %Homes : 8497009 8512536 # (Kaiyoot) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (Kaiyoot) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (Kaiyoot) %PCR : 8495265 8509933 # (Kaiyoot) %RR : 8494117 8495240 8506506 # (Kaiyoot) %SCE : 8490814 8506518 # (Kaiyoot) %TTIE : 8507516 8511738 # (Kaiyoot) %TinTow : 8500580 8502141 # (Kaiyoot) %VEE : 8502511 8510029 # (Kaiyoot) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 # (Kaiyoot) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 8500586 # (Kaiyoot) %YDMS : 8506831 8507651 # Neon Gods (Kaiyoot) 8490741 : %OCoEaE 8495224 8494156 %SCE 8494839 %YDMS %CTCF %XLoaDS 8490791 8505002 8494044 %Halle 8499693 %CFL %Agra 8490794 8489254 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507472 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8509954 %VEE %GAH 8489117 %PCR 8503439 8492562 8495229 %DraCas %TTIE 8491996 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8500274 8492977 # Principato (Kaiyoot) 8490744 : %OCoEaE 8495224 8494156 %SCE 8494839 %YDMS %CTCF %XLoaDS 8490791 8505002 8494044 %Halle 8499693 %CFL %Agra 8490794 8489254 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507472 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8509954 %VEE %GAH 8489117 %PCR 8503439 8492562 8495229 %DraCas %TTIE 8491996 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8500274 8492977 %Wings 8492224 8507583 8493049 8503004 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 %RR 8495969 %TinTow %ImpCla 8494138 %AlmMat %Homes 8495210 # Crystal Palace (Kaiyoot) 8490748 : %OCoEaE 8495224 8494156 %SCE 8494839 %YDMS %CTCF %XLoaDS 8490791 8505002 8494044 %Halle 8499693 %CFL %Agra 8490794 8489254 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507472 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 # The Estates (Kaiyoot) 8490755 : %OCoEaE 8495224 8494156 %SCE 8494839 %YDMS %CTCF %XLoaDS 8490791 8505002 8494044 %Halle 8499693 %CFL %Agra 8490794 8489254 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507472 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8509954 %VEE %GAH 8489117 %PCR 8503439 8492562 8495229 %DraCas %TTIE 8491996 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8500274 8492977 %Wings 8492224 8507583 8493049 8503004 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 %RR 8495969 %TinTow %ImpCla 8494138 %AlmMat %Homes 8495210 8499140 8491609 8499258 8509665 8511882 8512446 # Catan (Kaiyoot) 8490774 : %OCoEaE 8495224 8494156 %SCE 8494839 %YDMS %CTCF %XLoaDS 8490791 8505002 8494044 %Halle 8499693 %CFL %Agra 8490794 8489254 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 # Blackout: Hong Kong (Kaiyoot) 8499161 : %OCoEaE 8495224 8494156 %SCE 8494839 %YDMS %CTCF %XLoaDS 8490791 8505002 8494044 %Halle 8499693 %CFL %Agra 8490794 8489254 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507472 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8509954 %VEE %GAH 8489117 %PCR 8503439 8492562 8495229 %DraCas %TTIE 8491996 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8500274 8492977 %Wings 8492224 8507583 8493049 8503004 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 %RR 8495969 # Alt Name: $75 Board Game Bliss Gift Card (Kaiyoot) 8499301 : %OCoEaE 8495224 8494156 %SCE 8494839 %YDMS #pragma user "Kaizen Zanshin" # Confirmation code: 4UlxiE8VQtWh0TrHSZ4wCQ # Fri Oct 1 14:44:15 2021 # (Kaizen Zanshin) %ASP : 8497152 8507436 # (Kaizen Zanshin) %LifOff : 8507589 8512073 # Junk Art (Kaizen Zanshin) 8511715 : 8504423 8508200 8509159 8502048 8500867 8501284 8492224 8489780 8512226 8507478 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8491351 %LifOff # Biosphere (Kaizen Zanshin) 8511728 : 8504423 8508200 8509159 8502048 8500867 8501284 # The Castles of Tuscany (Kaizen Zanshin) 8511734 : 8504423 8508200 8509159 8502048 8500867 8501284 8492224 8489780 8512226 8507478 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8491351 %LifOff 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507504 8510150 8512081 8499657 8500855 %ASP 8494666 8511921 8505765 8506726 8508964 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Mechanica (Kaizen Zanshin) 8511740 : 8504423 8508200 8509159 8502048 8500867 8501284 8492224 8489780 8512226 8507478 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8491351 %LifOff 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507504 8510150 8512081 8499657 8500855 %ASP 8494666 8511921 8505765 8506726 8508964 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Egizia (Kaizen Zanshin) 8511741 : 8504423 8508200 8509159 8502048 8500867 8501284 8492224 8489780 8512226 8507478 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8491351 # Löwenherz (Kaizen Zanshin) 8511744 : 8504423 8508200 8509159 8502048 8500867 8501284 8492224 8489780 8512226 8507478 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8491351 %LifOff 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507504 8510150 8512081 8499657 8500855 %ASP 8494666 8511921 8505765 8506726 8508964 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8490449 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Khronos (Kaizen Zanshin) 8511746 : 8504423 8508200 8509159 8502048 8500867 8501284 8492224 8489780 8512226 8507478 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8491351 %LifOff 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507504 8510150 8512081 8499657 8500855 # Wacky Wacky West (Kaizen Zanshin) 8511750 : 8504423 8508200 8509159 8502048 8500867 8501284 8492224 8489780 8512226 8507478 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8491351 %LifOff 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507504 8510150 8512081 8499657 8500855 %ASP 8494666 8511921 8505765 8506726 8508964 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8490449 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Dragon Castle (Kaizen Zanshin) 8511762 : 8504423 8508200 8509159 8502048 8500867 8501284 8492224 8489780 8512226 8507478 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8491351 %LifOff 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507504 8510150 8512081 8499657 8500855 %ASP 8494666 8511921 # Eclipse (Kaizen Zanshin) 8511836 : 8504423 8508200 8509159 8502048 # Glen More II: Chronicles (Kaizen Zanshin) 8511855 : #pragma user "katanan" # Confirmation code: vhdEau12crw823NBXq/ycg # Sun Oct 3 12:09:37 2021 # (katanan) %KTWotE : 8489923 8502235 # (katanan) %TheCol : 8489544 8490544 8494728 # Troyes Dice (katanan) 8490753 : 8504823 8494012 8500867 8501284 8490802 8503448 8492794 8507155 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499258 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512137 8512143 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 %KTWotE 8496422 # Alea Iacta Est (katanan) 8490756 : 8504823 8494012 8500867 8501284 8490802 8503448 8492794 8507155 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499258 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512137 8512143 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 %KTWotE 8496422 8507373 %TheCol 8493705 8509665 8512151 8512593 # Set & Match (katanan) 8490759 : 8504823 8494012 8500867 8501284 8490802 8503448 8492794 8507155 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499258 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512137 8512143 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 %KTWotE 8496422 8507373 %TheCol 8493705 8509665 8512151 8512593 8489166 # Smartphone Inc. (katanan) 8490762 : 8504823 8494012 8500867 8501284 #pragma user "Kdtank" # Confirmation code: Ve6-on+70UmCVI9VZ6k/uQ # Sun Oct 3 21:35:12 2021 # (Kdtank) %AaB : 8498844 8509731 # (Kdtank) %AliFro : 8495217 8496074 8508583 8510672 8507369 # (Kdtank) %Aquat : 8492794 8500004 8507437 # (Kdtank) %Beez : 8493415 8506473 # (Kdtank) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8492275 8509746 # (Kdtank) %CamUp : 8489288 8496070 8503108 # (Kdtank) %DinIsl : 8490023 8490027 8501554 # (Kdtank) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500081 # (Kdtank) %Everd : 8504962 8508847 8512488 8509741 # (Kdtank) %GaiPro : 8492873 8512297 # (Kdtank) %HPHB : 8499993 8503192 8507166 # (Kdtank) %HonBuz : 8500003 8504430 # (Kdtank) %Jamai : 8507719 8508700 # (Kdtank) %MarUni : 8490050 8492084 8505008 8512459 8512474 # (Kdtank) %Marip : 8491872 8492239 8492274 8497154 # (Kdtank) %NotAlo : 8489475 8494298 8500073 # (Kdtank) %RoT : 8489482 8490824 8491328 8503196 # (Kdtank) %Root : 8494523 8496001 # (Kdtank) %Scythe : 8495180 8507353 # (Kdtank) %StoAge : 8492125 8493005 # (Kdtank) %TMNTSotP : 8489971 8495239 8512232 # (Kdtank) %TinTow : 8500580 8502141 # (Kdtank) %VGW : 8489103 8490872 8512590 # (Kdtank) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 8497070 # (Kdtank) %Yokoh : 8499686 8512123 8512535 # Rattle, Battle, Grab the Loot (Kdtank) 8490781 : 8507741 %StoAge 8508586 %DunImp 8512498 %DinIsl %Jamai %AaB %TinTow 8490214 %CamUp %HonBuz 8500555 %Aquat %HPHB 8501288 8507600 8498633 %NotAlo 8508996 8508818 %Marip 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 %MarUni %RoT 8499737 %VGW %Beez 8510811 # Formula D (Kdtank) 8490783 : %Wings %Yokoh 8497156 %Scythe 8509954 %Root %GaiPro %Everd %BraBir %AliFro 8511245 8508964 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %TMNTSotP # Epic Resort (Kdtank) 8490790 : 8507741 %StoAge 8508586 %DunImp 8512498 %DinIsl %Jamai %AaB %TinTow 8490214 %CamUp %HonBuz 8500555 %Aquat %HPHB 8501288 8507600 8498633 %NotAlo 8508996 8508818 %Marip 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 %MarUni %RoT 8499737 %VGW %Beez 8510811 8490789 8490062 # Boss Monster: The Dungeon Building Card Game (Kdtank) 8490826 : 8507741 %StoAge 8508586 %DunImp 8512498 %DinIsl %Jamai %AaB %TinTow 8490214 %CamUp %HonBuz 8500555 %Aquat %HPHB 8501288 8507600 8498633 %NotAlo 8508996 8508818 %Marip 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 %MarUni %RoT 8499737 %VGW %Beez 8510811 8490789 8490062 8512165 #pragma user "kennyg83" # Confirmation code: 2g9TSSR/uvW9lxNweOHWcw # Sun Oct 3 15:40:54 2021 # Wingspan: Oceania Expansion (kennyg83) 8503672 : 8506859 8503884 8507437 8503609 8503786 # New York Zoo (kennyg83) 8503678 : 8506859 8503884 8507437 8503609 8503786 # Calico (kennyg83) 8503693 : 8506859 8503884 8507437 8503609 8503786 #pragma user "kickflic" # Confirmation code: UPavpGOqLuWABFIOYaqnNg # Sun Oct 3 18:46:17 2021 # (kickflic) %BraLan : 8492275 8509746 # (kickflic) %Tokai : 8494765 8512108 8512583 # Solenia (kickflic) 8494143 : %BraLan # Formula D (kickflic) 8494144 : %BraLan 8503439 8493718 8508939 8488871 8509732 # When I Dream (kickflic) 8494145 : %BraLan 8503439 8493718 8508939 # Gangster's Dilemma (kickflic) 8494146 : %BraLan 8503439 8493718 8508939 8488871 8509732 8507031 8490759 # SteamRollers (kickflic) 8494147 : %BraLan 8503439 8493718 8508939 8488871 8509732 8507031 8490759 %Tokai 8494086 # Railroad Revolution (kickflic) 8494149 : %BraLan 8503439 8493718 8508939 8488871 8509732 8507031 8490759 # Airlines Europe (kickflic) 8494150 : %BraLan #pragma user "kidkorea" # Confirmation code: PZwgNctLKO5FYxVOXQeSnQ # Sun Oct 3 09:55:51 2021 # (kidkorea) %Cocon : 8498492 8502008 # (kidkorea) %CryPal : # (kidkorea) %Everd : # (kidkorea) %FeUDoW : 8495263 8506482 8508604 8512551 # (kidkorea) %GAH : # (kidkorea) %HoLAS : # (kidkorea) %MarUni : 8490050 8492084 8505008 8512459 8512474 # (kidkorea) %SmaInc : # (kidkorea) %SnoTai : # (kidkorea) %WhiMou : # (kidkorea) %Wings : # Arraial (kidkorea) 8494038-COPY1 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8492901 8498806 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 8511245 8511915 8507478 8491996 8489780 8495229 8503023 8490442 8492873 8489184 8505852 8490662 8507539 8512589 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499693 8511889 8510904 8492204 8512098 8509732 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503448 8507193 8490762 8492276 8507433 8493007 8509741 8512537 8497070 8499100 8493193 8498656 8510945 8495265 8489280 8506225 8502244 8495406 8510930 8490452 8497891 8499695 8501570 8494138 8510037 8502166 8503700 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8498633 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8495215 8504236 8489594 8508591 8502219 8506713 8494740 8500001 8512430 8508694 8502990 8500777 8509177 8508621 8503693 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8498844 8503678 8500409 8501786 8503889 8491597 8490080 8507901 8489116 8500368 8508448 8502092 8501993 8506821 8506220 8502212 8505099 8508224 8506223 8502129 8505759 8496091 8503108 8491291 8506226 8496533 8500576 8500577 8507436 %Cocon 8500558 8501501 8508951 8495234 8507364 %FeUDoW 8509520 %8509528 8512278 %8509656 # Arraial (kidkorea) 8494038-COPY2 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8492901 8498806 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 8511245 8511915 8507478 8491996 8489780 8495229 8503023 8490442 8492873 8489184 8505852 8490662 8507539 8512589 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499693 8511889 8510904 8492204 8512098 8509732 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503448 8507193 8490762 8492276 8507433 8493007 8509741 8512537 8497070 8499100 8493193 8498656 8510945 8495265 8489280 8506225 8502244 8495406 8510930 8490452 8497891 8499695 8501570 8494138 8510037 8502166 8503700 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8498633 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8495215 8504236 8489594 8508591 8502219 8506713 8494740 8500001 8512430 8508694 8502990 8500777 8509177 8508621 8503693 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8498844 8503678 8500409 8501786 8503889 8491597 8490080 8507901 8489116 8500368 8508448 8502092 8501993 8506821 8506220 8502212 8505099 8508224 8506223 8502129 8505759 8496091 8503108 8491291 8506226 8496533 8500576 8500577 8507436 %Cocon 8500558 8501501 8508951 8495234 8507364 %FeUDoW 8509520 %8509528 8512278 %8509656 # Arraial (kidkorea) 8494038-COPY3 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8492901 8498806 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 8511245 8511915 8507478 8491996 8489780 8495229 8503023 8490442 8492873 8489184 8505852 8490662 8507539 8512589 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499693 8511889 8510904 8492204 8512098 8509732 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503448 8507193 8490762 8492276 8507433 8493007 8509741 8512537 8497070 8499100 8493193 8498656 8510945 8495265 8489280 8506225 8502244 8495406 8510930 8490452 8497891 8499695 8501570 8494138 8510037 8502166 8503700 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8498633 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8495215 8504236 8489594 8508591 8502219 8506713 8494740 8500001 8512430 8508694 8502990 8500777 8509177 8508621 8503693 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8498844 8503678 8500409 8501786 8503889 8491597 8490080 8507901 8489116 8500368 8508448 8502092 8501993 8506821 8506220 8502212 8505099 8508224 8506223 8502129 8505759 8496091 8503108 8491291 8506226 8496533 8500576 8500577 8507436 %Cocon 8500558 8501501 8508951 8495234 8507364 %FeUDoW 8509520 %8509528 8512278 %8509656 # Arraial (kidkorea) 8494038-COPY4 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8492901 8498806 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 8511245 8511915 8507478 8491996 8489780 8495229 8503023 8490442 8492873 8489184 8505852 8490662 8507539 8512589 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499693 8511889 8510904 8492204 8512098 8509732 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503448 8507193 8490762 8492276 8507433 8493007 8509741 8512537 8497070 8499100 8493193 8498656 8510945 8495265 8489280 8506225 8502244 8495406 8510930 8490452 8497891 8499695 8501570 8494138 8510037 8502166 8503700 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8498633 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8495215 8504236 8489594 8508591 8502219 8506713 8494740 8500001 8512430 8508694 8502990 8500777 8509177 8508621 8503693 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8498844 8503678 8500409 8501786 8503889 8491597 8490080 8507901 8489116 8500368 8508448 8502092 8501993 8506821 8506220 8502212 8505099 8508224 8506223 8502129 8505759 8496091 8503108 8491291 8506226 8496533 8500576 8500577 8507436 %Cocon 8500558 8501501 8508951 8495234 8507364 %FeUDoW 8509520 %8509528 8512278 %8509656 # Arraial (kidkorea) 8494038-COPY5 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8492901 8498806 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 8511245 8511915 8507478 8491996 8489780 8495229 8503023 8490442 8492873 8489184 8505852 8490662 8507539 8512589 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499693 8511889 8510904 8492204 8512098 8509732 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503448 8507193 8490762 8492276 8507433 8493007 8509741 8512537 8497070 8499100 8493193 8498656 8510945 8495265 8489280 8506225 8502244 8495406 8510930 8490452 8497891 8499695 8501570 8494138 8510037 8502166 8503700 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8498633 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8495215 8504236 8489594 8508591 8502219 8506713 8494740 8500001 8512430 8508694 8502990 8500777 8509177 8508621 8503693 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8498844 8503678 8500409 8501786 8503889 8491597 8490080 8507901 8489116 8500368 8508448 8502092 8501993 8506821 8506220 8502212 8505099 8508224 8506223 8502129 8505759 8496091 8503108 8491291 8506226 8496533 8500576 8500577 8507436 %Cocon 8500558 8501501 8508951 8495234 8507364 %FeUDoW 8509520 %8509528 8512278 %8509656 # Arraial (kidkorea) 8494038-COPY6 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8492901 8498806 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 8511245 8511915 8507478 8491996 8489780 8495229 8503023 8490442 8492873 8489184 8505852 8490662 8507539 8512589 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499693 8511889 8510904 8492204 8512098 8509732 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503448 8507193 8490762 8492276 8507433 8493007 8509741 8512537 8497070 8499100 8493193 8498656 8510945 8495265 8489280 8506225 8502244 8495406 8510930 8490452 8497891 8499695 8501570 8494138 8510037 8502166 8503700 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8498633 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8495215 8504236 8489594 8508591 8502219 8506713 8494740 8500001 8512430 8508694 8502990 8500777 8509177 8508621 8503693 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8498844 8503678 8500409 8501786 8503889 8491597 8490080 8507901 8489116 8500368 8508448 8502092 8501993 8506821 8506220 8502212 8505099 8508224 8506223 8502129 8505759 8496091 8503108 8491291 8506226 8496533 8500576 8500577 8507436 %Cocon 8500558 8501501 8508951 8495234 8507364 %FeUDoW 8509520 %8509528 8512278 %8509656 # Star Wars: Imperial Assault (kidkorea) 8494040 : 8494160 8502478 # Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan (kidkorea) 8494044 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8492901 8498806 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 8511245 8511915 # Bargain Quest (kidkorea) 8494068 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8492901 8498806 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 8511245 8511915 8507478 8491996 8489780 8495229 8503023 8490442 8492873 8489184 8505852 8490662 8507539 8512589 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499693 8511889 8510904 8492204 8512098 8509732 8503448 8502244 8503700 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8500777 8503889 8509520 # Tigris & Euphrates (kidkorea) 8494074 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 8511245 8511915 # Potion Explosion: The Fifth Ingredient (kidkorea) 8494076 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8492901 8498806 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 8511245 8511915 8507478 8491996 8489780 8495229 8503023 8490442 8492873 8489184 8505852 8490662 8507539 8512589 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499693 8511889 8510904 8492204 8512098 8509732 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503448 8507193 8490762 8492276 8507433 8493007 8509741 8512537 8497070 8499100 8493193 8498656 8510945 8495265 8489280 8506225 8502244 8495406 8510930 8490452 8497891 8499695 8501570 8494138 8510037 8502166 8503700 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8498633 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8495215 8504236 8489594 8508591 8502219 8506713 8494740 8500001 8512430 8508694 8502990 8500777 8509177 8508621 8503693 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8498844 8503678 8500409 8501786 8503889 8491597 8490080 8507901 8489116 8500368 8508448 8502092 8501993 8506821 8502212 8506223 8502129 8496091 8503108 8491291 8506226 8496533 8500576 8500577 8507436 %Cocon 8507364 %FeUDoW 8509520 %8509528 8512278 # Baron Voodoo (kidkorea) 8494077 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8492901 8498806 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 8511245 8511915 8507478 8491996 8489780 8495229 8503023 8490442 8492873 8489184 8505852 8490662 8507539 8512589 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499693 8511889 8510904 8492204 8512098 8509732 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503448 8507193 8490762 8492276 8507433 8493007 8509741 8512537 8497070 8499100 8493193 8498656 8510945 8495265 8489280 8506225 8502244 8495406 8510930 8494138 8510037 8502166 8503700 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8498633 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8495215 8504236 8489594 8508591 8502990 8500777 8509177 8508621 8503889 8507901 8489116 8500368 8508448 8502092 8502129 8496091 8503108 8496533 8500576 8500577 8507436 8509520 # Circadians: First Light (kidkorea) 8494079 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8492901 8498806 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 8511245 8511915 8507478 8491996 8489780 8495229 8503023 8490442 8492873 8489184 8505852 8490662 8507539 8512589 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499693 8511889 8510904 8492204 8512098 8509732 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503448 8507193 8490762 8492276 8507433 8493007 8509741 8512537 8497070 8499100 8493193 8498656 8510945 8495265 8502244 8510930 8494138 8510037 8503700 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8489594 8500777 8503889 8500368 8496533 8500576 8509520 # Too Many Bones (kidkorea) 8494084 : 8494160 8502478 # Steampunk Rally (kidkorea) 8494086 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8492901 8498806 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 8511245 8511915 8507478 8491996 8489780 8495229 8503023 8490442 8492873 8489184 8505852 8490662 8507539 8512589 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499693 8511889 8510904 8492204 8512098 8509732 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503448 8507193 8490762 8492276 8507433 8493007 8509741 8512537 8497070 8499100 8493193 8498656 8510945 8495265 8489280 8506225 8502244 8495406 8510930 8490452 8497891 8494138 8510037 8502166 8503700 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8498633 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8495215 8504236 8489594 8508591 8512430 8502990 8500777 8509177 8508621 8503693 8503889 8491597 8507901 8489116 8500368 8508448 8502129 8496091 8496533 8500576 8500577 8509520 # Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun (kidkorea) 8494088 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 8511245 # King of 12 (kidkorea) 8494090 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8492901 8498806 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 8511245 8511915 8507478 8491996 8489780 8495229 8503023 8490442 8492873 8489184 8505852 8490662 8507539 8512589 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499693 8511889 8510904 8492204 8512098 8509732 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503448 8507193 8490762 8492276 8507433 8493007 8509741 8512537 8497070 8499100 8493193 8498656 8510945 8495265 8489280 8506225 8502244 8495406 8510930 8490452 8497891 8499695 8501570 8494138 8510037 8502166 8503700 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8498633 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8495215 8504236 8489594 8508591 8502219 8506713 8494740 8500001 8512430 8508694 8502990 8500777 8509177 8508621 8503693 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8498844 8503678 8500409 8501786 8503889 8491597 8490080 8507901 8489116 8500368 8508448 8502092 8501993 8506821 8506220 8502212 8505099 8508224 8506223 8502129 8505759 8506320 8496091 8503108 8491291 8506226 8496533 8500576 8500577 8507436 %Cocon 8502332 8500558 8501501 8508951 8495234 8500522 8499133 8502055 8504386 8512568 8497156 8507008 8509730 8507364 8500626 %FeUDoW 8496223 8497157 8509520 %8509528 8512278 %8509656 %MarUni # Disney Mad Tea Party (kidkorea) 8494091 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8492901 8498806 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 8511245 8511915 8507478 8491996 8489780 8495229 8503023 8490442 8492873 8489184 8505852 8490662 8507539 8512589 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499693 8511889 8510904 8492204 8512098 8509732 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503448 8507193 8490762 8492276 8507433 8493007 8509741 8512537 8497070 8499100 8493193 8498656 8510945 8495265 8489280 8506225 8502244 8495406 8510930 8490452 8497891 8499695 8501570 8494138 8510037 8502166 8503700 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8498633 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8495215 8504236 8489594 8508591 8502219 8506713 8494740 8500001 8512430 8508694 8502990 8500777 8509177 8508621 8503693 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8498844 8503678 8500409 8501786 8503889 8491597 8490080 8507901 8489116 8500368 8508448 8502092 8501993 8506821 8506220 8502212 8505099 8508224 8506223 8502129 8505759 8506320 8496091 8503108 8491291 8506226 8496533 8500576 8500577 8507436 %Cocon 8502332 8500558 8501501 8508951 8495234 8500522 8499133 8502055 8504386 8512568 8497156 8507008 8509730 8507364 8500626 %FeUDoW 8496223 8497157 8509520 %8509528 8512278 %8509656 %MarUni # Star Wars: Imperial Assault (kidkorea) 8501411 : # Hellboy: The Board Game (kidkorea) 8504344 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8492901 8498806 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 8511245 8511915 8507478 8491996 8499693 # Wacky Races: The Board Game (kidkorea) 8504407 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8503786 8506440 8512081 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8492901 8498806 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 8511245 8511915 8507478 8491996 8489780 8495229 8503023 8490442 8492873 8489184 8505852 8490662 8507539 8512589 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499693 8511889 8510904 8492204 8512098 8509732 8490114 8494842 8512340 8503448 8507193 8490762 8492276 8507433 8493007 8509741 8512537 8497070 8499100 8493193 8498656 8510945 8495265 8489280 8506225 8502244 8495406 8510930 8490452 8497891 8499695 8501570 8494138 8510037 8502166 8503700 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8498633 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8495215 8504236 8489594 8508591 8502219 8506713 8494740 8500001 8512430 8508694 8502990 8500777 8509177 8508621 8503693 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8498844 8503678 8500409 8501786 8503889 8491597 8490080 8507901 8489116 8500368 8508448 8502092 8501993 8506821 8506220 8502212 8505099 8508224 8506223 8502129 8505759 8496091 8503108 8491291 8506226 8496533 8500576 8500577 8507436 8502332 8509520 # Disney Villainous (kidkorea) 8504416 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8492901 8498806 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 8511245 8511915 # Barrage (kidkorea) 8504423 : 8494160 8502478 # The Magnificent (kidkorea) 8504428 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 # Honey Buzz (kidkorea) 8504430 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 # Arcadia Quest (kidkorea) 8504436 : 8494160 8502478 # Alt Name: $35 GC/Cash (kidkorea) 8506746 : 8494160 8502478 8511910 8502994 8490192 8500000 8507732 8492194 8497913 8500168 8504221 8508598 8508699 8492901 8498806 8507529 8512350 8495224 8506831 8507651 8498489 8507953 8511245 8511915 8507478 8491996 8489780 8490442 8492873 8499693 8511889 8510904 8509732 8503700 # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Underwater Cities by Gaming Trunk (kidkorea) %8509528 : 8509528-COPY1 8509528-COPY2 8509528-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Lost Ruins of Arnak by Gaming Trunk (kidkorea) %8509656 : 8509656-COPY1 8509656-COPY2 8509656-COPY3 #pragma user "kiwik" # Confirmation code: c7p3PwBCtsfhso7PeLUHUA # Sun Oct 3 08:41:19 2021 # Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia (kiwik) 8504503 : 8495180 8507353 8493005 8489280 8490926 8497070 8509714 8511206 8490452 8495406 8497891 8499100 8511234 8500560 8500522 8502332 8490479 8510209 8503080 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8498770 8503003 8510208 8512504 8507719 8489914 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8512484 8511916 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8490783 8490887 8494144 8508605 8509723 8494586 8502226 8506859 8503462 8503678 8509177 8500547 8504558 8512121 8498633 8492964 8494068 8504907 8496366 8491607 8504416 8510810 8503076 8509159 8490624 8506518 8489254 8489594 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8510060 8510150 8510816 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8490845 8495063 8497067 8512165 8491889 8507355 8489319 8493161 8489500 8502937 8498649 # Dream Factory (kiwik) 8511745 : 8495180 8507353 8493005 8489280 8490926 8497070 8509714 8511206 8490452 8495406 8497891 8499100 8511234 8500560 8500522 8502332 8490479 8510209 8503080 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8498770 8503003 8510208 8512504 8507719 8489914 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8512484 8511916 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8490783 8490887 8494144 8508605 8509723 8494586 8502226 8506859 8503462 8503678 8509177 8500547 8504558 8512121 8498633 8492964 8494068 8504907 8496366 8491607 8504416 8510810 8503076 8509159 8490624 8506518 8489254 8489594 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8510060 8510150 8510816 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8490845 8495063 8497067 8512165 8491889 8507355 8489319 8493161 8489500 8502937 8510029 8489211 8498846 8502172 8505863 8503907 8509823 8500498 8506883 8500088 8500701 8490078 8501781 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8497164 8496688 8500577 8500267 8512595 8510661 8496533 8500576 8510652 8509829 8490214 8497152 8507436 8489128 8497003 8504513 8500081 8510930 8490080 8504865 8505750 8500589 8506961 8512428 8503899 8512579 8499993 8503192 8507166 8508448 8494289 8507725 8490141 8512400 8500839 8492983 8512276 8511131 8511207 8499757 8494787 8512294 8503094 8508947 8491872 8492239 8492274 8497154 8510184 8502081 8490780 8502483 8503131 8512464 8494133 8495231 8498732 8500387 8502982 8506746 8509922 8510761 8511175 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500814 8490868 8497158 8511840 8505932 8497159 8510785 8512111 8512490 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 8490824 8491328 8512590 8512430 8509961 8510904 8494296 8502512 8491699 8493412 8493711 8500860 # Fifth Avenue (kiwik) 8511751 : 8495180 8507353 8493005 8489280 8490926 8497070 8509714 8511206 8490452 8495406 8497891 8499100 8511234 8500560 8500522 8502332 8490479 8510209 8503080 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 8498770 8503003 8510208 8512504 8507719 8489914 8500772 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8503635 8496997 8512484 8511916 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8490783 8490887 8494144 8508605 8509723 8494586 8502226 8506859 8503462 8503678 8509177 8500547 8504558 8512121 8498633 8492964 8494068 8504907 8496366 8491607 8504416 8510810 8503076 8509159 8490624 8506518 8489254 8489594 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8510060 8510150 8510816 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8490845 8495063 8497067 8512165 8491889 8507355 8489319 8493161 8489500 8502937 8510029 8489211 8498846 8502172 8505863 8503907 8509823 8500498 8506883 8500088 8500701 8490078 8501781 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8497164 8496688 8500577 8500267 8512595 8510661 8496533 8500576 8510652 8509829 8490214 8497152 8507436 8489128 8497003 8504513 8500081 8510930 8490080 8504865 8505750 8500589 8506961 8512428 8503899 8512579 8499993 8503192 8507166 8508448 8494289 8507725 8490141 8512400 8500839 8492983 8512276 8511131 8511207 8499757 8494787 8512294 8503094 8508947 8491872 8492239 8492274 8497154 8510184 8502081 8490780 8502483 8503131 8512464 8494133 8495231 8498732 8500387 8502982 8506746 8509922 8510761 8511175 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500814 8490868 8497158 8511840 8505932 8497159 8510785 8512111 8512490 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 8490824 8491328 8512590 8512430 8509961 8510904 8494296 8502512 8491699 8493412 8493711 8500860 8503891 8510030 8502511 8508664 8499812 8502250 8489740 8506771 8496689 8498733 8508734 8512532 8500521 8509873 8500603 8498734 8498857 8500599 8504685 8509026 8497908 8498838 8512465 8490061 8499090 8500616 8507412 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8512124 8494137 8500580 8502141 8499687 8510941 8489419 8508608 8508702 8507477 8491877 8503693 8509733 8490237 8488918 8492031 8490031 8502227 8505732 8490029 8505741 8497914 8497881 8508894 8512334 8509652 8512472 8503108 8493118 8495187 8508453 8510644 8511810 8512450 8507714 8509969 8497080 8490449 8505119 8507362 8505734 8508754 8508817 8490133 8496693 8500579 8506915 8507371 8508710 8501286 8490137 8506755 8506671 8508641 8509068 8499257 8500627 8501566 8508818 8490454 8512519 8512454 8491609 8492017 8493705 8499258 8500456 8501315 8509665 8509777 8511882 8512137 8512151 8512293 8512446 8512593 8490152 8505684 8508691 8490100 8494145 8507375 8489155 8509881 8512452 8489482 8503196 8508726 8505674 8493691 8495263 8506482 8508604 8512423 8512551 8499737 8509956 8506661 8489103 8504913 8500578 8494018 8505095 8512581 8506220 8506900 8501590 8512559 8489886 8499689 8491385 8497178 8511779 8512523 8500857 8503454 8499250 8508974 8490082 8505579 8509067 8492024 8509320 8491594 8512411 8503576 8500573 8503121 8508770 8500861 8503562 8504519 8500519 8511114 8512521 #pragma user "knighted" # Confirmation code: FJD-AIu792tikk3plndNcg # Sun Oct 3 01:07:47 2021 # (knighted) %Cocon : 8498492 8502008 # (knighted) %GLD : 8493125 8496144 # (knighted) %Ggng : 8495224 8507389 # (knighted) %HA : 8492910 8497071 8505858 # (knighted) %HPHB : 8499993 8503192 8507166 # (knighted) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (knighted) %LLP : 8489155 8512111 8512490 # (knighted) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 8509177 # (knighted) %RusRai : 8490791 8492265 8500394 # (knighted) %SP4 : 8496133 8504743 8509171 # (knighted) %SmaInc : 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 # (knighted) %Splen : 8491912 8501606 # (knighted) %Villa : 8502151 8506671 8508641 # Artifacts, Inc. (knighted) 8507705 : 8508200 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8494084 8503786 8506440 8512081 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507468 8507504 8507901 8492224 8506531 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8499687 8489600 8508964 8511594 8512086 %GLD %LLP 8503023 %RusRai 8500534 8504423 8501613 8502245 8495265 8494044 8489128 %SmaInc %HA %Ggng 8493049 %NYZ %ImpCla 8512529 8495229 8504344 %Splen 8496007 %HPHB 8509969 8502107 8502065 8498732 8507947 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8498738 8502001 8499750 8504430 8503114 8501288 8509886 8508623 8494138 %Villa %SP4 8500387 8506746 8496120 8507894 8507499 8503693 8506941 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8502506 8509665 8512564 %Cocon 8509568 8504877 8493705 8512151 8512593 8499393 8507382 8489207 8489994 8508588 8504684 8503894 8496956 8494544 # Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood of Venice (knighted) 8507709 : # Caverna: Cave vs Cave (knighted) 8507710 : 8508200 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8494084 8503786 8506440 8512081 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507468 8507504 8507901 8492224 8506531 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8499687 8489600 8508964 8511594 8512086 %GLD %LLP 8503023 %RusRai 8500534 8504423 8501613 8502245 8495265 8494044 8489128 %SmaInc %HA %Ggng 8493049 %NYZ %ImpCla 8512529 8495229 8504344 %Splen 8496007 %HPHB 8509969 8502107 8502065 8498732 8507947 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8498738 8502001 8499750 8504430 8503114 8501288 8509886 8508623 8494138 %Villa %SP4 8500387 8506746 8496120 8507894 8507499 8503693 8506941 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8502506 8509665 8512564 %Cocon 8509568 8504877 8493705 8512151 8512593 8499393 8507382 8489994 8508588 8496956 8494544 # Choose Your Own Adventure: War with the Evil Power Master (knighted) 8507711 : 8508200 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8494084 8503786 8506440 8512081 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507468 8507504 8507901 8492224 8506531 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8499687 8489600 8508964 8511594 8512086 %GLD %LLP 8503023 %RusRai 8500534 8504423 8501613 8502245 8495265 8494044 8489128 %SmaInc %HA %Ggng 8493049 %NYZ %ImpCla 8512529 8495229 8504344 %Splen 8496007 %HPHB 8509969 8502107 8502065 8498732 8507947 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8498738 8502001 8499750 8504430 8503114 8501288 8509886 8508623 8494138 %Villa %SP4 8500387 8506746 8496120 8507894 8507499 8503693 8506941 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8502506 8509665 8512564 %Cocon 8509568 8504877 8493705 8512151 8512593 8499393 8507382 8489207 8489994 8508588 8504684 8503894 8496956 8494544 # Claustrophobia 1643 (knighted) 8507712 : 8508200 # Cockroach Poker (knighted) 8507713 : 8508200 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8494084 8503786 8506440 8512081 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507468 8507504 8507901 8492224 8506531 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8499687 8489600 8508964 8511594 8512086 %GLD %LLP 8503023 %RusRai 8500534 8504423 8501613 8502245 8495265 8494044 8489128 %SmaInc %HA %Ggng 8493049 %NYZ %ImpCla 8512529 8495229 8504344 %Splen 8496007 %HPHB 8509969 8502107 8502065 8498732 8507947 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8498738 8502001 8499750 8504430 8503114 8501288 8509886 8508623 8494138 %Villa %SP4 8500387 8506746 8496120 8507894 8507499 8503693 8506941 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8502506 8509665 8512564 %Cocon 8509568 8504877 8493705 8512151 8512593 8499393 8507382 8489207 8489994 8508588 8504684 8503894 8496956 8494544 # Cottage Garden (knighted) 8507714 : 8508200 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8494084 8503786 8506440 8512081 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507468 8507504 8507901 8492224 8506531 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8499687 8489600 8508964 8511594 8512086 %GLD %LLP 8503023 %RusRai 8500534 8504423 8501613 8502245 8495265 8494044 8489128 %SmaInc %HA %Ggng 8493049 %NYZ %ImpCla 8512529 8495229 8504344 %Splen 8496007 %HPHB 8509969 8502107 8502065 8498732 8507947 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8498738 8502001 8499750 8504430 8503114 8501288 8509886 8508623 8494138 %Villa %SP4 8500387 8506746 8496120 8507894 8507499 8503693 8506941 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8502506 8509665 8512564 %Cocon 8509568 8504877 8493705 8512151 8512593 8496956 8494544 # Deckscape: Test Time (knighted) 8507715 : 8508200 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8494084 8503786 8506440 8512081 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507468 8507504 8507901 8492224 8506531 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8499687 8489600 8508964 8511594 8512086 %GLD %LLP 8503023 %RusRai 8500534 8504423 8501613 8502245 8495265 8494044 8489128 %SmaInc %HA %Ggng 8493049 %NYZ %ImpCla 8512529 8495229 8504344 %Splen 8496007 %HPHB 8509969 8502107 8502065 8498732 8507947 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8498738 8502001 8499750 8504430 8503114 8501288 8509886 8508623 8494138 %Villa %SP4 8500387 8506746 8496120 8507894 8507499 8503693 8506941 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8502506 8509665 8512564 %Cocon 8509568 8504877 8493705 8512151 8512593 8499393 8507382 8489207 8489994 8508588 8504684 8503894 8496956 8494544 # Escape the Room: The Cursed Dollhouse (knighted) 8507716 : 8508200 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8494084 8503786 8506440 8512081 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507468 8507504 8507901 8492224 8506531 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8499687 8489600 8508964 8511594 8512086 %GLD %LLP 8503023 %RusRai 8500534 8504423 8501613 8502245 8495265 8494044 8489128 %SmaInc %HA %Ggng 8493049 %NYZ %ImpCla 8512529 8495229 8504344 %Splen 8496007 %HPHB 8509969 8502107 8502065 8498732 8507947 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8498738 8502001 8499750 8504430 8503114 8501288 8509886 8508623 8494138 %Villa %SP4 8500387 8506746 8496120 8507894 8507499 8503693 8506941 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8502506 8509665 8512564 %Cocon 8509568 8504877 8493705 8512151 8512593 8499393 8507382 8489207 8489994 8508588 8504684 8494544 # Heroes of Terrinoth (knighted) 8507718 : 8508200 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8494084 8503786 8506440 8512081 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507468 8507504 8507901 8492224 8506531 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8499687 8489600 8508964 8511594 8512086 %GLD %LLP 8503023 %RusRai 8500534 8504423 8501613 8502245 8495265 8494044 8489128 %SmaInc %HA %Ggng 8493049 %NYZ %ImpCla 8512529 8495229 8504344 %Splen 8496007 %HPHB 8509969 8502107 8502065 8498732 8507947 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8498738 8502001 8499750 8504430 8503114 8501288 8509886 8508623 8494138 %Villa %SP4 8500387 8506746 8496120 8507894 8507499 8503693 8506941 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8502506 8509665 8512564 %Cocon 8509568 8504877 8493705 8512151 8512593 8499393 8507382 8489994 8508588 8496956 8494544 # Jamaica (knighted) 8507719 : 8508200 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8494084 8503786 8506440 8512081 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507468 8507504 8507901 8492224 8506531 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8499687 8489600 8508964 8511594 8512086 %LLP 8503023 %RusRai 8500534 8504423 8501613 8502245 8495265 8494044 8489128 %SmaInc %HA %Ggng 8493049 %NYZ %ImpCla 8512529 8495229 8504344 8504430 8503114 8501288 8494544 # MonsDRAWsity (knighted) 8507720 : 8508200 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8494084 8503786 8506440 8512081 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507468 8507504 8507901 8492224 8506531 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8499687 8489600 8508964 8511594 8512086 %GLD %LLP 8503023 %RusRai 8500534 8504423 8501613 8502245 8495265 8494044 8489128 %SmaInc %HA %Ggng 8493049 %NYZ %ImpCla 8512529 8495229 8504344 %Splen 8496007 %HPHB 8509969 8502107 8502065 8498732 8507947 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8498738 8502001 8499750 8504430 8503114 8501288 8509886 8508623 8494138 %Villa %SP4 8500387 8506746 8496120 8507894 8507499 8503693 8506941 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8502506 8509665 8512564 %Cocon 8509568 8499393 8494544 # Mottainai (knighted) 8507721 : 8508200 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8494084 8503786 8506440 8512081 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507468 8507504 8507901 8492224 8506531 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8499687 8489600 8508964 8511594 8512086 %GLD %LLP 8503023 %RusRai 8500534 8504423 8501613 8502245 8495265 8494044 8489128 %SmaInc %HA %Ggng 8493049 %NYZ %ImpCla 8512529 8495229 8504344 %Splen 8496007 %HPHB 8509969 8502107 8502065 8498732 8507947 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8498738 8502001 8499750 8504430 8503114 8501288 8509886 8508623 8494138 %Villa %SP4 8500387 8506746 8496120 8507894 8507499 8503693 8506941 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8502506 8509665 8512564 %Cocon 8509568 8504877 8493705 8512151 8512593 8499393 8507382 8489207 8489994 8508588 8496956 8494544 # Notre Dame (knighted) 8507722 : 8508200 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8494084 8503786 8506440 8512081 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507468 8507504 8507901 8492224 8506531 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8499687 8489600 8508964 8511594 8512086 %GLD %LLP 8503023 %RusRai 8500534 8504423 8501613 8502245 8495265 8494044 8489128 %SmaInc %HA %Ggng 8493049 %NYZ %ImpCla 8512529 8495229 8504344 %Splen 8496007 %HPHB 8509969 8502107 8502065 8498732 8507947 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8498738 8502001 8499750 8504430 8503114 8501288 8509886 8508623 8494138 %Villa %SP4 8500387 8506746 8496120 8507894 8507499 8503693 8506941 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8502506 8509665 8512564 %Cocon 8509568 8504877 8493705 8512151 8512593 8499393 8507382 8489207 8489994 8508588 8504684 8496956 8494544 # Project L (knighted) 8507725 : 8508200 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8494084 8503786 8506440 8512081 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8507901 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %LLP # Sequoia (knighted) 8507727 : 8508200 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8494084 8503786 8506440 8512081 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507468 8507504 8507901 8492224 8506531 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8499687 8489600 8508964 8511594 8512086 %GLD %LLP 8503023 %RusRai 8500534 8504423 8501613 8502245 8495265 8494044 8489128 %SmaInc %HA %Ggng 8493049 %NYZ %ImpCla 8512529 8495229 8504344 %Splen 8496007 %HPHB 8509969 8502107 8502065 8498732 8507947 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8498738 8502001 8499750 8504430 8503114 8501288 8509886 8508623 8494138 %Villa %SP4 8500387 8506746 8496120 8507894 8507499 8503693 8506941 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8502506 8509665 8512564 %Cocon 8509568 8504877 8493705 8512151 8512593 8499393 8507382 8489207 8489994 8508588 8504684 8503894 8496956 8494544 # The Shipwreck Arcana (knighted) 8507730 : 8508200 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8494084 8503786 8506440 8512081 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507468 8507504 8507901 8492224 8506531 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8499687 8489600 8508964 8511594 8512086 %GLD %LLP 8503023 %RusRai 8500534 8504423 8501613 8502245 8495265 8494044 8489128 %SmaInc %HA %Ggng 8493049 %NYZ %ImpCla 8512529 8495229 8504344 %Splen 8496007 %HPHB 8509969 8502107 8502065 8498732 8507947 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8498738 8502001 8499750 8504430 8503114 8501288 8509886 8508623 8494138 %Villa %SP4 8500387 8506746 8496120 8507894 8507499 8503693 8506941 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8502506 8509665 8512564 %Cocon 8509568 8504877 8493705 8512151 8512593 8496956 8494544 # Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon (knighted) 8507732 : # Traders of Osaka (knighted) 8507735 : 8508200 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8494084 8503786 8506440 8512081 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507468 8507504 8507901 8492224 8506531 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8499687 8489600 8508964 8511594 8512086 %GLD %LLP 8503023 %RusRai 8500534 8504423 8501613 8502245 8495265 8494044 8489128 %SmaInc %HA %Ggng 8493049 %NYZ %ImpCla 8512529 8495229 8504344 %Splen 8496007 %HPHB 8509969 8502107 8502065 8498732 8507947 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8498738 8502001 8499750 8504430 8503114 8501288 8509886 8508623 8494138 %Villa %SP4 8500387 8506746 8496120 8507894 8507499 8503693 8506941 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8502506 8509665 8512564 %Cocon 8509568 8504877 8493705 8512151 8512593 8499393 8507382 8489207 8489994 8508588 8496956 8494544 # Tragedy Looper (knighted) 8507737 : 8508200 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8494084 8503786 8506440 8512081 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507468 8507504 8507901 8492224 8506531 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8499687 8489600 8508964 8511594 8512086 %GLD %LLP 8503023 %RusRai 8500534 8504423 8501613 8502245 8495265 8494044 8489128 %SmaInc %HA %Ggng 8493049 %NYZ %ImpCla 8512529 8495229 8504344 %Splen 8496007 %HPHB 8509969 8502107 8502065 8498732 8507947 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8498738 8502001 8499750 8504430 8503114 8501288 8509886 8508623 8494138 %Villa %SP4 8500387 8506746 8496120 8507894 8507499 8503693 8506941 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8502506 8509665 8512564 %Cocon 8509568 8504877 8493705 8512151 8512593 8499393 8507382 8489207 8489994 8508588 8504684 8494544 # Trambahn (knighted) 8507738 : 8508200 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8494084 8503786 8506440 8512081 8511245 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507468 8507504 8507901 8492224 8506531 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8499687 8489600 8508964 8511594 8512086 %GLD %LLP 8503023 %RusRai 8500534 8504423 8501613 8502245 8495265 8494044 8489128 %SmaInc %HA %Ggng 8493049 %NYZ %ImpCla 8512529 8495229 8504344 %Splen 8496007 %HPHB 8509969 8502107 8502065 8498732 8507947 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8498738 8502001 8499750 8504430 8503114 8501288 8509886 8508623 8494138 %Villa %SP4 8500387 8506746 8496120 8507894 8507499 8503693 8506941 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8502506 8509665 8512564 %Cocon 8509568 8504877 8493705 8512151 8512593 8499393 8507382 8489207 8489994 8508588 8504684 8496956 8494544 # Yokohama Duel (knighted) 8507741 : 8508200 8500867 8501284 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8494084 8507901 8492224 8506531 #pragma user "kooltilldend" # Confirmation code: V/rrMexu0mYC28O7d5UMdg # Fri Oct 1 20:44:56 2021 # (kooltilldend) %7WD : 8500088 8500701 # (kooltilldend) %AaB : 8512498 8498844 8509731 # (kooltilldend) %BetLeg : 8509744 8511189 # (kooltilldend) %CoC : # (kooltilldend) %CoC1400 : 8494586 8502226 8489319 8493161 8500538 8500807 8496481 # (kooltilldend) %EUE : 8503131 8511175 8512165 8505005 8512411 # (kooltilldend) %EverD2 : # (kooltilldend) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8509741 8512537 # (kooltilldend) %KoNY : 8490035 8497235 8512121 # (kooltilldend) %MoMSE : 8490048 8492161 # (kooltilldend) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 8509177 # (kooltilldend) %Parks : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (kooltilldend) %TCrew : 8499236 8492031 8495231 # The Walled City: Londonderry & Borderlands (kooltilldend) 8493090 : %MoMSE 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 %Everd 8500255 8492996 8509719 %BetLeg 8492983 8498195 8498732 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 %AaB %NYZ 8499258 8500387 8506746 %Parks 8492127 %KoNY 8491609 8500456 8511882 8512137 %CoC1400 %EUE %7WD 8493705 8509665 8509777 8512151 8512593 %TCrew # Town Builder: Coevorden (kooltilldend) 8493112 : %MoMSE 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 %Everd 8500255 8492996 8509719 %BetLeg 8492983 8498195 8498732 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 %AaB %NYZ 8499258 8500387 8506746 %Parks 8492127 %KoNY 8491609 8500456 8511882 8512137 %CoC1400 %EUE %7WD 8493705 8509665 8509777 8512151 8512593 %TCrew # Summoner Wars: Master Set (kooltilldend) 8493113 : %MoMSE 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 %Everd 8500255 8492996 8509719 %BetLeg 8492983 8498195 8498732 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 %AaB %NYZ 8499258 8500387 8506746 # Manila (kooltilldend) 8493118 : %MoMSE 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 %Everd 8500255 8492996 8509719 %BetLeg 8492983 8498195 8498732 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 %AaB %NYZ 8499258 8500387 8506746 %Parks 8492127 %KoNY 8491609 8500456 8511882 8512137 %CoC1400 %EUE # Sackboy A Big Adventure (kooltilldend) 8495183 : # Marvel's Avengers (kooltilldend) 8495186 : %MoMSE 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 %Everd 8500255 8492996 8509719 %BetLeg 8492983 8498195 8498732 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 %AaB %NYZ 8499258 8500387 8506746 %Parks 8492127 %KoNY 8491609 8500456 8511882 8512137 %CoC1400 %EUE %7WD 8493705 8509665 8509777 8512151 8512593 %TCrew # Tales of Arise (kooltilldend) 8503630 : %MoMSE 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 # Dominion (kooltilldend) 8503635 : %MoMSE 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 %Everd 8500255 8492996 8509719 %BetLeg 8492983 8498195 8498732 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 #pragma user "krangor_" # Confirmation code: q2dGpXnsFRw4AvdYqPhNTg # Sat Oct 2 11:36:42 2021 # (krangor_) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (krangor_) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 # (krangor_) %GAH : 8490114 8512340 # (krangor_) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (krangor_) %IKI : 8493163 8509180 # Camel Up (krangor_) 8489288 : %AFfO %Everd %GAH 8503903 8505859 8505002 %Halle 8512350 %IKI 8490199 # Great Western Trail (krangor_) 8490313 : %AFfO %Everd %GAH 8503903 8505859 8505002 %Halle 8512350 %IKI #pragma user "ksornberger" # Confirmation code: h0znWrGDD5bCadPQc-gXbA # Sun Oct 3 19:06:16 2021 # (ksornberger) %1TRotRE : # (ksornberger) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (ksornberger) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (ksornberger) %BraLan : 8492275 8509746 # (ksornberger) %CoC1 : 8489319 8493161 # (ksornberger) %ECE : 8509741 8512537 # (ksornberger) %EtN : 8499695 8501570 # (ksornberger) %FH2 : 8491373 8500584 # (ksornberger) %FanFac : 8499133 8502055 8504386 8512568 # (ksornberger) %GlaRoa : 8501525 8511213 # (ksornberger) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (ksornberger) %PARKS : 8501501 8509166 # (ksornberger) %PTFoRB : 8507508 8511722 # (ksornberger) %PowGri : 8505870 8507410 # (ksornberger) %RusRai : 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 # (ksornberger) %Targi : 8493707 8506855 # (ksornberger) %TerMar : 8503891 8510030 # (ksornberger) %UFS : 8488947 8493689 # (ksornberger) %YDMS : 8506831 8507651 # (ksornberger) %Yokoh : 8499686 8512123 8512535 # VivaJava: The Coffee Game (ksornberger) 8496907 : %AFfO %BraBir 8494084 8505859 8505002 8505873 8510945 8507732 %Halle 8494156 8511245 8500867 8501284 8507947 %YDMS 8489585 8507489 8494668 8499394 8499693 %PTFoRB 8490794 8507478 8504381 8495203 %BraLan 8512350 %ECE 8504221 %RusRai %PARKS %Yokoh 8498649 %EtN 8493163 8507382 8498573 8507388 8511634 %CoC1 8510837 %TerMar 8502219 %GlaRoa 8502166 8496997 8503448 8505793 8494289 8490434 8506815 %PowGri 8505855 # First to Fight (ksornberger) 8496910 : %AFfO %BraBir 8494084 8505859 8505002 8505873 8510945 8507732 %Halle 8494156 8511245 8500867 8501284 8507947 %YDMS 8489585 8507489 8494668 8499394 8499693 %PTFoRB 8490794 8507478 8504381 8495203 # Sentinels of the Multiverse (ksornberger) 8496911 : %AFfO %BraBir 8494084 8505859 8505002 8505873 8510945 8507732 %Halle 8494156 8511245 8500867 8501284 8507947 %YDMS 8489585 8507489 8494668 8499394 8499693 %PTFoRB 8490794 8507478 8504381 8495203 %BraLan 8512350 %ECE 8504221 %RusRai %PARKS %Yokoh 8498649 %EtN 8493163 8507382 8498573 8507388 8511634 %CoC1 8510837 # Dungeon Lords (ksornberger) 8496912 : %AFfO %BraBir 8494084 8505859 8505002 8505873 8510945 8507732 %Halle 8494156 8511245 8500867 8501284 8507947 %YDMS 8489585 8507489 8494668 8499394 8499693 %PTFoRB 8490794 8507478 8504381 8495203 %BraLan 8512350 %ECE # Monster Lands (ksornberger) 8496913 : %AFfO %BraBir 8494084 8505859 8505002 8505873 8510945 8507732 %Halle 8494156 8511245 8500867 8501284 8507947 %YDMS 8489585 8507489 8494668 8499394 # Space Cadets: Away Missions (ksornberger) 8496915 : %AFfO %BraBir 8494084 8505859 8505002 8505873 8510945 8507732 %Halle 8494156 8511245 8500867 8501284 8507947 %YDMS 8489585 8507489 8494668 8499394 8499693 %PTFoRB 8490794 # Great War at Sea: U.S. Navy Plan Orange (ksornberger) 8496917 : %AFfO %BraBir 8494084 8505859 8505002 8505873 8510945 8507732 %Halle 8494156 8511245 8500867 8501284 8507947 %YDMS 8489585 8507489 8494668 8499394 8499693 %PTFoRB 8490794 8507478 8504381 8495203 %BraLan 8512350 %ECE 8504221 %RusRai %PARKS %Yokoh 8498649 %EtN 8493163 8507382 8498573 8507388 8511634 %CoC1 8510837 %TerMar 8502219 %GlaRoa 8502166 8496997 8503448 8505793 8494289 8490434 # Nine Navies War (ksornberger) 8505532 : %AFfO %BraBir 8494084 8505859 8505002 8505873 8510945 8507732 %Halle 8494156 8511245 8500867 8501284 8507947 %YDMS 8489585 8507489 8494668 8499394 8499693 %PTFoRB 8490794 8507478 8504381 8495203 %BraLan 8512350 %ECE 8504221 %RusRai %PARKS %Yokoh 8498649 %EtN 8493163 8507382 8498573 8507388 8511634 %CoC1 8510837 %TerMar 8502219 %GlaRoa 8502166 8496997 8503448 8505793 8494289 8490434 8506815 %PowGri 8505855 8490485 8500001 %FanFac 8508448 8511921 8508868 8493739 8512564 8499737 %FH2 8512566 %Targi 8503114 8512312 # World in Flames Millennium Annual (ksornberger) 8505643 : %AFfO %BraBir 8494084 8505859 8505002 8505873 8510945 8507732 %Halle 8494156 8511245 8500867 8501284 8507947 %YDMS 8489585 8507489 8494668 8499394 8499693 %PTFoRB 8490794 8507478 8504381 8495203 %BraLan 8512350 %ECE 8504221 %RusRai %PARKS %Yokoh 8498649 %EtN 8493163 8507382 8498573 8507388 8511634 %CoC1 8510837 %TerMar 8502219 %GlaRoa 8502166 8496997 8503448 8505793 8494289 8490434 8506815 %PowGri 8505855 8490485 8500001 %FanFac 8508448 8511921 8508868 8493739 8512564 8499737 %FH2 8512566 %Targi 8503114 8512312 %UFS 8503894 8505099 # War Without Mercy (ksornberger) 8505648 : %AFfO %BraBir 8494084 8505859 8505002 8505873 8510945 8507732 %Halle 8494156 8511245 8500867 8501284 8507947 %YDMS 8489585 8507489 8494668 8499394 8499693 %PTFoRB 8490794 8507478 8504381 8495203 %BraLan 8512350 %ECE 8504221 %RusRai %PARKS %Yokoh 8498649 %EtN 8493163 8507382 8498573 8507388 8511634 %CoC1 8510837 %TerMar 8502219 %GlaRoa 8502166 8496997 8503448 8505793 8494289 8490434 8506815 %PowGri 8505855 8490485 8500001 %FanFac 8508448 8511921 8508868 8493739 8512564 8499737 %FH2 8512566 # Endeavor (ksornberger) 8505650 : %AFfO %BraBir 8494084 8505859 8505002 8505873 8510945 8507732 %Halle 8494156 8511245 8500867 8501284 8507947 %YDMS 8489585 8507489 8494668 8499394 8499693 %PTFoRB 8490794 8507478 8504381 8495203 %BraLan 8512350 %ECE 8504221 %RusRai %PARKS %Yokoh 8498649 %EtN 8493163 8507382 8498573 8507388 8511634 %CoC1 8510837 %TerMar 8502219 %GlaRoa 8502166 8496997 8503448 8505793 8494289 8490434 8506815 #pragma user "kuni2" # Confirmation code: cerB7TvT7D9uAuqQe39Z1g # Thu Sep 30 22:38:49 2021 # War on Terror (kuni2) 8495179 : 8504890 8494040 8494436 8500777 8509870 8509876 8499998 8509875 8494111 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 %8509620 %8509626 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512508 # KeyForge: Call of the Archons (kuni2) 8495181 : 8504890 8494040 8494436 8500777 8509870 8509876 8499998 8509875 8494111 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 %8509620 %8509626 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512508 8498732 8500387 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 # Cthulhu Wars: Duel (kuni2) 8495182 : 8504890 8494040 8494436 8500777 8509870 8509876 8499998 8509875 8494111 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 %8509620 %8509626 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512508 8498732 8500387 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8491609 8499258 8500456 8509665 8511882 # The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (kuni2) 8509893 : 8504890 8494040 8494436 8500777 8509870 8509876 8499998 8509875 8494111 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 %8509620 %8509626 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512508 8498732 8500387 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8491609 8499258 8500456 8509665 8511882 8493705 8509777 8512089 8512151 8512593 8509560 # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven by Gaming Trunk (kuni2) %8509620 : 8509620-COPY1 8509620-COPY2 8509620-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion by Gaming Trunk (kuni2) %8509626 : 8509626-COPY1 8509626-COPY2 8509626-COPY3 #pragma user "kwebec" # Confirmation code: PIicAQxHaQRjFX231K1Qjw # Fri Oct 1 10:15:13 2021 # The Dark Summer: Normandy 1944 (kwebec) 8496667 : 8489259 8490048 8492161 8509774 8505859 8494551 8494106 8496215 8507529 8492957 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8510945 8507477 8505866 8507497 8506531 8492638 8490434 8507475 8500867 8502414 8489545 8511217 # Genoa (kwebec) 8496681 : 8489259 8490048 8492161 8509774 8505859 8494551 8494106 8496215 8507529 8492957 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 8510945 8507477 8505866 8507497 8506531 8492638 8490434 8507475 8500867 8502414 8489545 8511217 8509954 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489389 8509714 8489780 8502166 8504423 8491743 8512434 8493456 8507478 8489117 8509933 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 8507193 8503448 8503433 8494740 8492789 8505852 8502152 8505793 8510036 8489600 8505794 8494138 8507508 8511722 8509180 8504489 8507516 8511738 8506542 8498195 8501877 8506714 8512081 8509181 8494839 8505760 8488920 8507507 8507588 8489585 8507489 8491373 8499394 #pragma user "laoread" # Confirmation code: zmQTU1HXHLyfhsWURx2YSA # Fri Oct 1 22:17:10 2021 # (laoread) %ASP : 8507436 8497152 # (laoread) %Beez : 8493415 8506473 # (laoread) %CCvC : 8507710 8509101 # (laoread) %Chart : 8494287 8495982 8507949 # (laoread) %CoE : 8490018 8506863 # (laoread) %DAMCBG : 8497881 8504865 8508894 8512334 # (laoread) %EBaBD : 8498649 8489601 8490184 8500770 8504503 8511671 # (laoread) %ExLib : 8491994 8492848 # (laoread) %GAH : 8490114 8494842 8512340 # (laoread) %HFoC : 8502232 8504516 # (laoread) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (laoread) %Isleb : 8507008 8509730 8512206 # (laoread) %LasWil : 8499687 8510941 # (laoread) %LoW : 8489211 8509714 8489740 8498846 8505863 # (laoread) %NDE : 8489034 8506499 # (laoread) %OnTou : 8509068 8511207 # (laoread) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (laoread) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 8509933 # (laoread) %Photo : 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 # (laoread) %Planet : 8500801 8503125 # (laoread) %SDMS : 8498911 8499682 8507188 # (laoread) %Sabot : 8492247 8492527 # (laoread) %T7C : 8504853 8509739 8512242 # (laoread) %Taken : 8498770 8503003 8510208 8504828 8512538 # (laoread) %TanGar : 8492167 8496234 # (laoread) %TheNet : 8490818 8501887 8492537 # Artifacts, Inc. (laoread) 8489247 : # Camp Pinetop (laoread) 8489248 : 8505846 8505002 8507741 8503448 8494737 8496218 8503439 8507006 8507901 8508623 8489470 8509733 8507494 8499133 8502107 8507434 8504913 8497167 8500580 8494586 8500589 8497156 8508448 8498633 8508588 8509181 8506795 8500488 8491878 8507589 8499750 8491252 8496690 8503672 8507946 8493711 8499393 8512350 %T7C %Halle %SDMS %LoW %Chart 8512498 %LasWil %EBaBD %PCR %Taken 8491883 %TanGar %Sabot %Beez %NDE %GAH %Photo %ASP %TheNet %CoE 8505759 %Planet %HFoC %PARKS 8511798 %ExLib %DAMCBG %Isleb %CCvC %OnTou 8497233 8505868 8508843 8492550 # Queen Bee (laoread) 8489249 : 8505846 8505002 8507741 8489211 8509714 8498649 8512350 %T7C %Halle %SDMS %LoW %Chart # Fog of Love (laoread) 8500839 : # Pirate Dice: Voyage on the Rolling Seas (laoread) 8500843 : # Deadly Doodles (laoread) 8500846 : 8505846 8505002 8507741 8503448 8494737 8496218 8503439 8507006 8507901 8508623 8489470 8509733 8507494 8499133 8502107 8507434 8504913 8497167 8500580 8494586 8500589 8497156 8508448 8498633 8508588 8509181 8506795 8500488 8491878 8507589 8499750 8499679 8508645 8491252 8496690 8503672 8507946 8493711 8490046 8491291 8493720 8499393 8506477 8512350 %T7C %Halle %SDMS %LoW %Chart 8512498 %LasWil %EBaBD %PCR %Taken 8491883 %TanGar %Sabot %Beez %NDE %GAH %Photo %ASP %TheNet %CoE 8505759 %Planet %HFoC %PARKS 8511798 %ExLib %DAMCBG %Isleb %CCvC %OnTou 8497233 8505868 8508843 8492550 8490902 8489275 # Sierra West (laoread) 8500848 : 8505846 8505002 8507741 8503448 8494737 8496218 8503439 8507006 8507901 8508623 8489470 8509733 8507494 8499133 8502107 8507434 8504913 8497167 8500580 8494586 8500589 8497156 8508448 8498633 8508588 8509181 8512350 %T7C %Halle %SDMS %LoW %Chart 8512498 %LasWil %EBaBD %PCR %Taken 8491883 %TanGar %Sabot %Beez %NDE %GAH %Photo %ASP %TheNet %CoE 8505759 %Planet %HFoC # Sun, Sea & Sand (laoread) 8500849 : 8505846 8505002 8507741 8503448 8494737 8496218 8503439 8507006 8507901 8508623 8512350 %T7C %Halle %SDMS %LoW %Chart 8512498 %LasWil %EBaBD %PCR # Tapestry (laoread) 8500851 : # The King's Will (laoread) 8500855 : 8505846 8505002 8507741 8503448 8494737 8496218 8503439 8507006 8507901 8508623 8489470 8509733 8507494 8499133 8502107 8507434 8504913 8490818 8501887 8497167 8512350 %T7C %Halle %SDMS %LoW %Chart 8512498 %LasWil %EBaBD %PCR %Taken 8491883 %TanGar %Sabot %Beez %NDE # Beasts of Balance (laoread) 8500857 : # Karmaka (laoread) 8501603 : # Rajas of the Ganges: The Dice Charmers (laoread) 8501604 : # Splendor (laoread) 8501606 : # Stew (laoread) 8501608 : # Fresco (laoread) 8501611 : # Hardback (laoread) 8501612 : # Teotihuacan: City of Gods (laoread) 8501613 : 8512350 %T7C %Halle %SDMS # Terraforming Mars: Big Box (laoread) 8502512 : 8498911 8499682 8504853 8512350 #pragma user "ledvolta" # Confirmation code: Wh0SLgTk1p1lnPlOqs0lBg # Sun Oct 3 14:51:41 2021 # (ledvolta) %AquaS : 8500383 8512543 # (ledvolta) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (ledvolta) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 8500586 # 1861: The Railways of the Russian Empire (ledvolta) 8507489 : 8489585 %OCoEaE 8505873 8492638 # Android: Netrunner (ledvolta) 8507490 : 8490199 8498499 %AquaS 8489252 8492540 8495201 8488920 8490794 %XLoaDS 8490844 8503896 8494839 8489585 %OCoEaE 8505873 8492638 # Brides & Bribes (ledvolta) 8507493 : 8490199 8498499 %AquaS 8489252 8492540 8495201 8488920 8490794 %XLoaDS 8490844 8503896 8494839 8489585 %OCoEaE 8505873 8492638 # Cavum (ledvolta) 8507495 : 8498499 %AquaS 8489252 8492540 8495201 8488920 8490794 %XLoaDS 8490844 8503896 8494839 8489585 %OCoEaE 8505873 8492638 # Die Macher (ledvolta) 8507497 : 8498499 %AquaS 8489252 8492540 8495201 8488920 8490794 %XLoaDS 8490844 8503896 8494839 8489585 %OCoEaE 8505873 8492638 # Neuland (ledvolta) 8507498 : 8498499 %AquaS 8489252 8492540 8495201 8488920 8490794 %XLoaDS 8490844 8503896 8494839 8489585 %OCoEaE 8505873 8492638 # Ora et Labora (ledvolta) 8507499 : 8498499 %AquaS 8489252 8492540 8495201 8488920 8490794 %XLoaDS 8490844 8503896 8494839 8489585 %OCoEaE 8505873 8492638 # Alt Name: $55 Gift card to store of your choosing, must be purchasable and receivable online (ledvolta) 8507504 : %XLoaDS 8490844 8503896 8494839 8489585 %OCoEaE 8505873 8492638 # Pax Renaissance: 2nd Edition (ledvolta) 8507507 : 8489585 %OCoEaE 8505873 8492638 # Pendragon: The Fall of Roman Britain (ledvolta) 8507508 : %XLoaDS 8490844 8503896 8494839 8489585 %OCoEaE 8505873 8492638 # Princes of the Renaissance (ledvolta) 8507510 : 8498499 %AquaS 8489252 8492540 8495201 8488920 8490794 %XLoaDS 8490844 8503896 8494839 8489585 %OCoEaE 8505873 8492638 # Russian Railroads (ledvolta) 8507511 : 8489585 %OCoEaE 8505873 8492638 # Seeland (ledvolta) 8507515 : 8490199 8498499 %AquaS 8489252 8492540 8495201 8488920 8490794 %XLoaDS 8490844 8503896 8494839 8489585 %OCoEaE 8505873 8492638 # Tawantinsuyu: The Inca Empire (ledvolta) 8507516 : %XLoaDS 8490844 8503896 8494839 8489585 %OCoEaE 8505873 8492638 # Teotihuacan: City of Gods (ledvolta) 8507517 : 8498499 %AquaS 8489252 8492540 8495201 8488920 8490794 %XLoaDS 8490844 8503896 8494839 8489585 %OCoEaE 8505873 8492638 # Vinhos Deluxe Edition (ledvolta) 8507529 : 8505873 8492638 # Brass: Birmingham (ledvolta) 8507539 : 8494839 8489585 %OCoEaE 8505873 8492638 #pragma user "LeighCedar" # Confirmation code: saKIO95b3OBZVrGJmesFvQ # Sun Oct 3 06:07:15 2021 # Smash Up (LeighCedar) 8499257 : 8509892 8489184 8505852 8505002 8507951 8490829 8492169 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503023 8503891 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8492162 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8494523 8490926 8490442 8499386 8504962 8508847 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8490717 8504954 8489211 8509739 8489597 8489814 8492224 8490102 8490807 8500586 8500168 8504221 8500701 8500625 8505879 8492275 8509774 8493725 8489780 8508586 8490431 8507435 8489470 8497167 8502438 8494040 8500255 8490398 8512498 8490023 8490027 8504423 8508200 8491743 8499236 8489914 8489533 8499686 8512123 8512535 8493456 8498844 8509731 8492957 8490802 8495409 8502137 8508845 8510945 8496007 8500541 8494160 8489117 8491908 8492973 8512241 8494044 8503889 8492213 8492901 8489606 8490411 8506531 8496690 8490818 8492537 8501887 8500003 8504430 8490762 8492276 8507433 8490799 8500416 8489014 8490485 8492194 8497913 8492953 8499693 8493133 8492616 8492127 8500081 8493049 8509177 8500555 8492794 8494740 8500001 8490936 8503114 8492158 8492329 8503108 8511912 8503899 8512450 8492940 8512350 8509969 8492606 8489205 8496683 8507008 8512206 8505793 8511971 8510197 8489544 8490544 8490018 8504786 8504860 8506863 8500774 8494108 8490782 8490494 8494677 8497633 8496223 8497157 8511921 8492964 8494068 8504907 8507900 8495008 8489539 8490001 8490899 8493033 8499161 8507376 8511092 8492983 8494138 8511208 8490929 8489608 8494850 8490748 8490796 8502468 8490192 8500000 8509889 8500829 8494853 8501499 8506542 8491872 8492239 8492274 8495210 8489994 8502478 8491998 8504877 8496491 8508451 8508916 8490477 8492539 8490794 8489254 8491609 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8491196 8503106 8495063 8490050 8492084 8505008 8490824 8491328 8493034 8507741 8490335 8507381 8492950 8494839 8492625 8492991 8509945 8493125 8496144 8504392 8507738 8492204 8492729 8489585 8494293 8506815 8489592 8507369 8512510 8508925 8509909 8490000 8509741 8512537 8512335 8492085 8506226 # Ultimate Werewolf: Deluxe Edition (LeighCedar) 8499272 : 8509892 8489184 8505852 8505002 8507951 8490829 8492169 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503023 8503891 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8492162 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8494523 8490926 8490442 8499386 8504962 8508847 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8490717 8504954 8489211 8509739 8489597 8489814 8492224 8490102 8490807 8500586 8500168 8504221 8500701 8500625 8505879 8492275 8509774 8493725 8489780 8508586 8490431 8507435 8489470 8497167 8502438 8494040 8500255 8490398 8512498 8490023 8490027 8504423 8508200 8491743 8499236 8489914 8489533 8499686 8512123 8512535 8493456 8498844 8509731 8492957 8490802 8495409 8502137 8508845 8510945 8496007 8500541 8494160 8489117 8491908 8492973 8512241 8494044 8503889 8492213 8492901 8489606 8490411 8506531 8496690 8490818 8492537 8501887 8500003 8504430 8490762 8492276 8507433 8490799 8500416 8489014 8490485 8492194 8497913 8492953 8499693 8493133 8492616 8492127 8500081 8493049 8509177 8500555 8492794 8494740 8500001 8490936 8503114 8492158 8492329 8503108 8511912 8503899 8512450 8492940 8512350 8509969 8492606 8489205 8496683 8507008 8512206 8505793 8511971 8510197 8489544 8490544 8490018 8504786 8504860 8506863 8500774 8494108 8490782 8490494 8494677 8497633 8496223 8497157 8511921 8492964 8494068 8504907 8507900 8495008 8489539 8490001 8490899 8493033 8499161 8507376 8511092 8492983 8494138 8511208 8490929 8489608 8494850 8490748 8490796 8502468 8490192 8500000 8509889 8500829 8494853 8501499 8506542 8491872 8492239 8492274 8495210 8489994 8502478 8491998 8504877 8496491 8508451 8508916 8490477 8492539 8490794 8489254 8491609 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8491196 8503106 8495063 8490050 8492084 8505008 8490824 8491328 8493034 8507741 8490335 8507381 8492950 8494839 8492625 8492991 8509945 8493125 8496144 8504392 8507738 8492204 8492729 8489585 8494293 8506815 8489592 8507369 8512510 8508925 8509909 8490000 8509741 8512537 8512335 8492085 8506226 8495180 8493405 8496001 8497070 8499811 8492873 8492922 8504853 8494842 8500522 8507499 8511235 8500088 8503893 8508620 8509746 8511213 8497950 8494436 8495194 8497164 8500534 8509910 8493738 8493193 8496533 8500576 8511190 8507529 8496218 8500601 8500851 8500559 8492927 8499687 8496124 8494765 8507732 8497152 8507436 8494545 8495265 8511715 8497128 8492848 8492031 8507193 8495982 8497071 8512301 8500693 8507389 8493689 8503884 8507953 8493010 8502251 8509932 8503462 8508712 8512298 8493113 8500004 8494088 8501961 8494156 8509652 8505650 8502339 8506493 8501993 8500531 8500589 8499691 8496123 8495187 8512575 8500545 8505846 8497156 8511245 8494549 8509730 8495229 8498633 8494308 8508954 8505734 8502100 8512502 8495205 8511189 8494728 8509953 8506480 8510398 8511734 8494079 8494113 8511211 8501570 8497151 8500766 8500487 8500621 8503076 8502151 8506671 8496133 8509171 8500430 8505868 8500073 8501566 8502994 8506326 8497009 8512536 8495247 8497154 8512543 8509853 8494111 8507155 8494286 8492832 8499994 8512378 8507438 8500409 8500005 8509345 8494149 8493712 8493705 8499258 8499301 8500456 8509665 8512151 8512593 8500537 8495972 8497076 8493509 8493718 8493212 8504969 8492531 8508644 8495404 8500064 8506508 8493730 8512459 8507342 8500848 8501554 8494006 8492548 8504344 8498911 8492866 8498489 8499778 8499737 8507355 8495211 8493415 8501604 8500578 8494676 8496358 8506823 8492961 8509174 8500584 8493713 8493720 %8494038 8506537 8500350 8495182 8507360 8495235 8507270 8507273 8511051 8494674 8493711 8493038 8500938 # Sodbusters (LeighCedar) 8499286 : 8509892 8489184 8505852 8505002 8507951 8490829 8492169 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503023 8503891 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8492162 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8494523 8490926 8490442 8499386 8504962 8508847 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8490717 8504954 8489211 8509739 8489597 8489814 8492224 8490102 8490807 8500586 8500168 8504221 8500701 8500625 8505879 8492275 8509774 8493725 8489780 8508586 8490431 8507435 8489470 8497167 8502438 8494040 8500255 8490398 8512498 8490023 8490027 8504423 8508200 8491743 8499236 8489914 8489533 8499686 8512123 8512535 8493456 8498844 8509731 8492957 8490802 8495409 8502137 8508845 8510945 8496007 8500541 8494160 8489117 8491908 8492973 8512241 8494044 8503889 8492213 8492901 8489606 8490411 8506531 8496690 8490818 8492537 8501887 8500003 8504430 8490762 8492276 8507433 8490799 8500416 8489014 8490485 8492194 8497913 8492953 8499693 8493133 8492616 8492127 8500081 8493049 8509177 8500555 8492794 8494740 8500001 8490936 8503114 8492158 8492329 8503108 8511912 8503899 8512450 8492940 8512350 8509969 8492606 8489205 8496683 8507008 8512206 8505793 8511971 8510197 8489544 8490544 8490018 8504786 8504860 8506863 8500774 8494108 8490782 8490494 8494677 8497633 8496223 8497157 8511921 8492964 8494068 8504907 8507900 8495008 8489539 8490001 8490899 8493033 8499161 8507376 8511092 8492983 8494138 8511208 8490929 8489608 8494850 8490748 8490796 8502468 8490192 8500000 8509889 8500829 8494853 8501499 8506542 8491872 8492239 8492274 8495210 8489994 8502478 8491998 8504877 8496491 8508451 8508916 8490477 8492539 8490794 8489254 8491609 8495231 8498195 8498732 8500260 8500387 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8491196 8503106 8495063 8490050 8492084 8505008 8490824 8491328 8493034 8507741 8490335 8507381 8492950 8494839 8492625 8492991 8509945 8493125 8496144 8504392 8507738 8492204 8492729 8489585 8494293 8506815 8489592 8507369 8512510 8508925 8509909 8490000 8509741 8512537 8512335 8492085 8506226 8495180 8493405 8496001 8497070 8499811 8492873 8492922 8504853 8494842 8500522 8507499 8511235 8500088 8503893 8508620 8509746 8511213 8497950 8494436 8495194 8497164 8500534 8509910 8493738 8493193 8496533 8500576 8511190 8507529 8496218 8500601 8500851 8500559 8492927 8499687 8496124 8494765 8507732 8497152 8507436 8494545 8495265 8511715 8497128 8492848 8492031 8507193 8495982 8497071 8512301 8500693 8507389 8493689 8503884 8507953 8493010 8502251 8509932 8503462 8508712 8512298 8493113 8500004 8494088 8501961 8494156 8509652 8505650 8502339 8506493 8501993 8500531 8500589 8499691 8496123 8495187 8512575 8500545 8505846 8497156 8511245 8494549 8509730 8495229 8498633 8494308 8508954 8505734 8502100 8512502 8495205 8511189 8494728 8509953 8506480 8510398 8511734 8494079 8494113 8511211 8501570 8497151 8500766 8500487 8500621 8503076 8502151 8506671 8496133 8509171 8500430 8505868 8500073 8501566 8502994 8506326 8497009 8512536 8495247 8497154 8512543 8509853 8494111 8507155 8494286 8492832 8499994 8512378 8507438 8500409 8500005 8509345 8494149 8493712 8493705 8499258 8499301 8500456 8509665 8512151 8512593 8500537 8495972 8497076 8493509 8493718 8493212 8504969 8492531 8508644 8495404 8500064 8506508 8493730 8512459 8507342 8500848 8501554 8494006 8492548 8504344 8498911 8492866 8498489 8499778 8499737 8507355 8495211 8493415 8501604 8500578 8494676 8496358 8506823 8492961 8509174 8500584 8493713 8493720 %8494038 8506537 8500350 8495182 8507360 8495235 8507270 8507273 8511051 8494674 8493711 8493038 8500938 8494955 8493005 8512297 8512488 8494084 8509314 8505863 8509714 8512242 8495406 8497891 8504765 8512362 8494058 8496685 8502332 8495196 8500494 8512436 8501525 8495243 8512425 8497875 8498306 8511076 8496036 8508838 8494008 8510661 8496003 8496215 8496530 8504382 8496997 8493042 8498758 8499745 8509655 8493039 8510941 8500770 8492996 8494144 8494479 8509933 8497252 8509203 8494586 8494544 8511724 8509733 8509951 8494863 8496356 8508819 8507949 8495184 8495224 8505854 8493151 8497914 8505106 8509772 8493037 8508986 8508453 8494726 8498481 8496697 8493190 8496681 8496537 8507415 8496569 8508448 8497952 8496379 8496421 8500490 8509325 8494086 8508635 8509744 8496147 8494289 8510036 8496081 8494139 8494542 8502164 8500501 8494012 8499695 8496693 8500839 8506915 8508623 8496217 8494638 8508641 8493169 8505558 8499661 8502211 8512101 8496234 8497135 8508881 8511241 8495212 8505844 8510034 8494298 8496137 8493163 8511720 8507713 8509883 8507516 8511738 8499399 8507721 8495215 8493159 8499393 8493007 8508703 8496385 8511918 8508224 8496023 8511922 8497158 8498474 8500368 8495185 8498738 8493735 8507705 8494679 8505932 8500414 8505857 8496014 8497160 8509640 8495045 8499682 8507464 8511119 8493691 8494165 8500488 8493734 8494117 8495240 8492966 8496907 8494968 8509956 8493161 8508645 8512370 8494961 8506473 8499404 8509644 8495221 8509872 8494018 8493061 8495969 8496481 8494299 8494626 8500771 8493167 8494671 8497078 8492977 8509398 8509907 8496315 8494129 8492885 8509328 8512523 8496422 8506477 8494285 8496691 8508767 8497065 8512539 8494737 8495222 8507952 8493158 8507674 8495207 8499770 8496404 8492997 8509949 8505758 8496644 8493071 8494964 8493504 # Seasons (LeighCedar) 8510762 : 8509892 8505852 8505002 8507951 8490829 8492169 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503023 # Omen: A Reign of War (LeighCedar) 8510775 : 8509892 8505852 8505002 8507951 8490829 8492169 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8507388 8511634 8512518 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Arraial (LeighCedar) %8494038 : 8494038-COPY1 8494038-COPY2 8494038-COPY3 8494038-COPY4 8494038-COPY5 8494038-COPY6 #pragma user "Leonadter" # Confirmation code: RBorHuCcbaWop0mu3wiM4g # Sun Oct 3 15:20:09 2021 # Escape the Dark Sector (Leonadter) 8496358 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Confrontations (Leonadter) 8496370 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Heroes Unite (Leonadter) 8496372 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Forever Evil (Leonadter) 8496374 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Vs System 2PCG: The Alien Battles (Leonadter) 8496376 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Core Worlds (Leonadter) 8496379 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Liberté (Leonadter) 8496385 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Onirim (Second Edition) (Leonadter) 8496396 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Crisis Expansion Pack 1 (Leonadter) 8496397 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # DC Comics Deck-Building Game (Leonadter) 8496400 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Rivals – Batman vs The Joker (Leonadter) 8496403 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Tudor (Leonadter) 8496404 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Vye: The Card Game of Capture and Control (Leonadter) 8496407 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Loot N Run (Leonadter) 8496409 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Shinobi Clans (Leonadter) 8496410 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # NHL Ice Breaker: The Card Hockey Board Game (Leonadter) 8496413 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Bridgetown Races (Leonadter) 8496414 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Unreal Estate (Leonadter) 8496415 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Race to the North Pole (Leonadter) 8496419 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Super Showdown (Leonadter) 8504670 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Movies Trivia Game (Leonadter) 8504671 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Trade Deadline Hockey (Leonadter) 8504680 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # MindTrap 20th Anniversary Edition (Leonadter) 8504684 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # The Big Bang Theory: Fact or Fiction Game (Leonadter) 8504694 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Family Guy Trivia Game (Leonadter) 8504699 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Animorphs: The Invasion Game (Leonadter) 8504710 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Funny or Die (Leonadter) 8504711 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Dragons' Den Board Game (Leonadter) 8504714 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Quartex (Leonadter) 8504721 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Smart Mouth (Leonadter) 8504728 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 # Monopoly: Star Wars (Leonadter) 8504733 : 8489884 8494126 8492224 8490048 8492161 8509721 8489780 8494040 8505002 8490802 8511855 8490214 8494160 8494044 8492901 8498806 8503448 8503899 8512350 8492606 8511245 8508448 8493169 8490814 8506518 8489254 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500456 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8512593 8498911 8499682 8490889 8506831 #pragma user "Liquidessa" # Confirmation code: Zw44qSnrLIQPGYlW3u5E/g # Sun Oct 3 20:44:32 2021 # Unlock!: Epic Adventures (Liquidessa) 8490868 : 8503891 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8493405 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8512297 8499386 8504962 8512488 8489389 8494074 8494084 8489597 8489814 8504765 8512362 8490048 8492161 8500522 8502332 8507499 8489427 8489780 8490431 8490829 8492169 8497167 8502438 8500255 8491252 8490023 8490027 8504423 8505002 8494551 8494106 8489533 8496215 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507478 8498508 8500541 8490214 8494160 8507732 8492973 8495265 8509933 8511724 8489606 8491994 8492848 8496690 8489128 8490123 8507944 8492910 8497071 8490485 8495224 8507953 8493010 8503678 8492562 8494088 8505106 8502339 8490805 8512529 8512350 8505164 8489028 8489205 8495229 8498633 8494677 8497633 8511734 8492964 8492983 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8490796 8502468 8510034 8503094 8507516 8490814 8506518 8490794 8489254 8489619 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507075 8507388 8507504 8507947 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8509181 8505857 8508691 8507006 8489880 8493125 8489217 8492204 8493415 8502048 8492024 8509929 8512537 missing-official missing-official missing-official # Alt Name: Item Removed (Liquidessa) 8490869 : # 50 Clues: The Pendulum of the Dead (Liquidessa) 8490871 : 8503891 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8493405 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8512297 8499386 8504962 8512488 8489389 8494074 8494084 8489597 8489814 8504765 8512362 8490048 8492161 8500522 8502332 8507499 8489427 8489780 8490431 8490829 8492169 8497167 8502438 8500255 8491252 8490023 8490027 8504423 8505002 8494551 8494106 8489533 8496215 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507478 8498508 8500541 8490214 8494160 8507732 8492973 8495265 8509933 8511724 8489606 8491994 8492848 8496690 8489128 8490123 8507944 8492910 8497071 8490485 8495224 8507953 8493010 8503678 8492562 8494088 8505106 8502339 8490805 8512529 8512350 8505164 8489028 8489205 8495229 8498633 8494677 8497633 8511734 8492964 8492983 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8490796 8502468 8510034 8503094 8507516 8490814 8506518 8490794 8489254 8489619 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507075 8507388 8507504 8507947 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8509181 8505857 8508691 8507006 8489880 8493125 8489217 8492204 8493415 8502048 8492024 8509929 8512537 missing-official missing-official missing-official # Vikings Gone Wild (Liquidessa) 8490872 : 8503891 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8493405 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8512297 8499386 8504962 8512488 8489389 8494074 8494084 8489597 8489814 8504765 8512362 8490048 8492161 8500522 8502332 8507499 8489427 8489780 8490431 8490829 8492169 8497167 8502438 8500255 8491252 8490023 8490027 8504423 8505002 8494551 8494106 8489533 8496215 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507478 8498508 8500541 8490214 8494160 8507732 8492973 8495265 8509933 8511724 8489606 8491994 8492848 8496690 8489128 8490123 8507944 8492910 8497071 8490485 8495224 8507953 8493010 8503678 8492562 8494088 8505106 8502339 8490805 8512529 8512350 8505164 8489028 8489205 8495229 8498633 8494677 8497633 8511734 8492964 8492983 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8490796 8502468 8510034 8503094 8507516 8490814 8506518 8490794 8489254 8489619 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507075 8507388 8507504 8507947 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8509181 8505857 8508691 8507006 8489880 8493125 8489217 8492204 8493415 8502048 8492024 8509929 8512537 missing-official missing-official missing-official # Bob Ross: Art of Chill Game (Liquidessa) 8490874 : 8503891 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8493405 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8512297 8499386 8504962 8512488 8489389 8494074 8494084 8489597 8489814 8504765 8512362 8490048 8492161 8500522 8502332 8507499 8489427 8489780 8490431 8490829 8492169 8497167 8502438 8500255 8491252 8490023 8490027 8504423 8505002 8494551 8494106 8489533 8496215 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507478 8498508 8500541 8490214 8494160 8507732 8492973 8495265 8509933 8511724 8489606 8491994 8492848 8496690 8489128 8490123 8507944 8492910 8497071 8490485 8495224 8507953 8493010 8503678 8492562 8494088 8505106 8502339 8490805 8512529 8512350 8505164 8489028 8489205 8495229 8498633 8494677 8497633 8511734 8492964 8492983 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8490796 8502468 8510034 8503094 8507516 8490814 8506518 8490794 8489254 8489619 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507075 8507388 8507504 8507947 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8509181 8505857 8508691 8507006 8489880 8493125 8489217 8492204 8493415 8502048 8492024 8509929 8512537 missing-official missing-official missing-official # Funkoverse Strategy Game: DC Comics 100 (Liquidessa) 8505758 : 8503891 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8493405 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8512297 8499386 8504962 8512488 8489389 8494074 8494084 8489597 8489814 8504765 8512362 8490048 8492161 8500522 8502332 8507499 8489427 8489780 8490431 8490829 8492169 8497167 8502438 8500255 8491252 8490023 8490027 8504423 8505002 8494551 8494106 8489533 8496215 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507478 8498508 8500541 8490214 8494160 8507732 8492973 8495265 8509933 8511724 8489606 8491994 8492848 8496690 8489128 8490123 8507944 8492910 8497071 8490485 8495224 8507953 8493010 8503678 8492562 8494088 8505106 8502339 8490805 8512529 8512350 8505164 8489028 8489205 8495229 8498633 8494677 8497633 8511734 8492964 8492983 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8490796 8502468 8510034 8503094 8507516 8490814 8506518 8490794 8489254 8489619 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507075 8507388 8507504 8507947 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8509181 8505857 8508691 8507006 8489880 8493125 8489217 8492204 8493415 8502048 8492024 8509929 8512537 missing-official missing-official missing-official # Ishtar: Gardens of Babylon (Liquidessa) 8505759 : 8503891 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8493405 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8512297 8499386 8504962 8512488 8489389 8494074 8494084 8489597 8489814 8504765 8512362 8490048 8492161 8500522 8502332 8507499 8489427 8489780 8490431 8490829 8492169 8497167 8502438 8500255 8491252 8490023 8490027 8504423 8505002 8494551 8494106 8489533 8496215 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507478 8498508 8500541 8490214 8494160 8507732 8492973 8495265 8509933 8511724 8489606 8491994 8492848 8496690 8489128 8490123 8507944 8492910 8497071 8490485 8495224 8507953 8493010 8503678 8492562 8494088 8505106 8502339 8490805 8512529 8512350 8505164 8489028 8489205 8495229 8498633 8494677 8497633 8511734 8492964 8492983 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8490796 8502468 8510034 8503094 8507516 8490814 8506518 8490794 8489254 8489619 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507075 8507388 8507504 8507947 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8509181 8505857 8508691 8507006 8489880 8493125 8489217 8492204 8493415 8502048 8492024 8509929 8512537 missing-official missing-official missing-official # Kepler-3042 (Liquidessa) 8505760 : 8503891 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8493405 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8512297 8499386 8504962 8512488 8489389 8494074 8494084 8489597 8489814 8504765 8512362 8490048 8492161 8500522 8502332 8507499 8489427 8489780 8490431 8490829 8492169 8497167 8502438 8500255 8491252 8490023 8490027 8504423 8505002 8494551 8494106 8489533 8496215 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507478 8498508 8500541 8490214 8494160 8507732 8492973 8495265 8509933 8511724 8489606 8491994 8492848 8496690 8489128 8490123 8507944 8492910 8497071 8490485 8495224 8507953 8493010 8503678 8492562 8494088 8505106 8502339 8490805 8512529 8512350 8505164 8489028 8489205 8495229 8498633 8494677 8497633 8511734 8492964 8492983 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8490796 8502468 8510034 8503094 8507516 8490814 8506518 8490794 8489254 8489619 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507075 8507388 8507504 8507947 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8509181 8505857 8508691 8507006 8489880 8493125 8489217 8492204 8493415 8502048 8492024 8509929 8512537 missing-official missing-official missing-official # Vault of Dragons (Liquidessa) 8505761 : 8503891 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8493405 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8512297 8499386 8504962 8512488 8489389 8494074 8494084 8489597 8489814 8504765 8512362 8490048 8492161 8500522 8502332 8507499 8489427 8489780 8490431 8490829 8492169 8497167 8502438 8500255 8491252 8490023 8490027 8504423 8505002 8494551 8494106 8489533 8496215 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507478 8498508 8500541 8490214 8494160 8507732 8492973 8495265 8509933 8511724 8489606 8491994 8492848 8496690 8489128 8490123 8507944 8492910 8497071 8490485 8495224 8507953 8493010 8503678 8492562 8494088 8505106 8502339 8490805 8512529 8512350 8505164 8489028 8489205 8495229 8498633 8494677 8497633 8511734 8492964 8492983 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8490796 8502468 8510034 8503094 8507516 8490814 8506518 8490794 8489254 8489619 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507075 8507388 8507504 8507947 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8509181 8505857 8508691 8507006 8489880 8493125 8489217 8492204 8493415 8502048 8492024 8509929 8512537 missing-official missing-official missing-official # Caylus (Liquidessa) 8505763 : 8503891 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8493405 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8512297 8499386 8504962 8512488 8489389 8494074 8494084 8489597 8489814 8504765 8512362 8490048 8492161 8500522 8502332 8507499 8489427 8489780 8490431 8490829 8492169 8497167 8502438 8500255 8491252 8490023 8490027 8504423 8505002 8494551 8494106 8489533 8496215 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507478 8498508 8500541 8490214 8494160 8507732 8492973 8495265 8509933 8511724 8489606 8491994 8492848 8496690 8489128 8490123 8507944 8492910 8497071 8490485 8495224 8507953 8493010 8503678 8492562 8494088 8505106 8502339 8490805 8512529 8512350 8505164 8489028 8489205 8495229 8498633 8494677 8497633 8511734 8492964 8492983 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8490796 8502468 8510034 8503094 8507516 8490814 8506518 8490794 8489254 8489619 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507075 8507388 8507504 8507947 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8509181 8505857 8508691 8507006 8489880 8493125 8489217 8492204 8493415 8502048 8492024 8509929 8512537 missing-official missing-official missing-official # Corinth (Liquidessa) 8512419 : 8503891 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8493405 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8512297 8499386 8504962 8512488 8489389 8494074 8494084 8489597 8489814 8504765 8512362 8490048 8492161 8500522 8502332 8507499 8489427 8489780 8490431 8490829 8492169 8497167 8502438 8500255 8491252 8490023 8490027 8504423 8505002 8494551 8494106 8489533 8496215 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507478 8498508 8500541 8490214 8494160 8507732 8492973 8495265 8509933 8511724 8489606 8491994 8492848 8496690 8489128 8490123 8507944 8492910 8497071 8490485 8495224 8507953 8493010 8503678 8492562 8494088 8505106 8502339 8490805 8512529 8512350 8505164 8489028 8489205 8495229 8498633 8494677 8497633 8511734 8492964 8492983 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8490796 8502468 8510034 8503094 8507516 8490814 8506518 8490794 8489254 8489619 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507075 8507388 8507504 8507947 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8509181 8505857 8508691 8507006 8489880 8493125 8489217 8492204 8493415 8502048 8492024 8509929 8512537 missing-official missing-official missing-official #pragma user "lmilkl" # Confirmation code: Xa6SxeH4D1Mxf6SkN03NLg # Sun Oct 3 16:17:10 2021 # (lmilkl) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (lmilkl) %BraLan : 8492275 8509746 # (lmilkl) %MasDar : 8490256 8503009 # (lmilkl) %PaxPam : 8490065 8492966 8512372 # (lmilkl) %SCE : 8490814 8506518 # (lmilkl) %SDMS : 8498911 8499682 8507188 # (lmilkl) %SmaInc : 8490762 8507193 # (lmilkl) %TGF : 8492612 8492894 # (lmilkl) %TheNet : 8490818 8501887 # (lmilkl) %Villa : 8502151 8506671 8508641 # (lmilkl) %YDMS : 8506831 8507651 # Heroes of Land, Air & Sea (lmilkl) 8507219 : 8510212 8495243 8507478 8494160 8494156 8511245 8510205 8512555 %MasDar 8494850 %SCE %SDMS 8512508 # Devil May Cry: The Bloody Palace (lmilkl) 8507424 : 8510212 # Puerto Rico (lmilkl) 8507426 : 8510212 8495243 8507478 8494160 8494156 8511245 8510205 8512555 %MasDar 8494850 %SCE %SDMS 8512508 %BraBir 8490479 %BraLan 8494040 8494551 8505873 8492282 %TheNet %SmaInc %Villa 8497135 %TGF 8502478 8489482 8504344 8494165 %YDMS %PaxPam 8489484 8507355 8512494 8512590 8510904 8504889 8509907 8502512 8502937 8511773 8512585 # Dungeon Petz (lmilkl) 8507427 : 8510212 8495243 8507478 8494160 8494156 8511245 8510205 8512555 %MasDar 8494850 %SCE %SDMS 8512508 %BraBir 8490479 %BraLan 8494040 8494551 8505873 8492282 %TheNet %SmaInc %Villa 8497135 %TGF 8502478 8489482 8504344 8494165 %YDMS %PaxPam 8489484 8507355 8512494 8512590 8510904 8504889 8509907 8502512 8502937 8511773 8512585 # Seasons (lmilkl) 8507429 : 8510212 8495243 8507478 8494160 8494156 8511245 8510205 8512555 %MasDar 8494850 %SCE %SDMS 8512508 %BraBir 8490479 %BraLan 8494040 8494551 8505873 8492282 %TheNet %SmaInc %Villa 8497135 %TGF 8502478 8489482 8504344 8494165 %YDMS %PaxPam 8489484 8507355 8512494 8512590 8510904 8504889 8509907 8502512 8502937 8511773 8512585 #pragma user "lmulaire" # Confirmation code: 9Oc6tEGYg9PQEeRb3hr-Kw # Sun Oct 3 20:56:24 2021 # (lmulaire) %BlaAng : 8490240 8512298 # (lmulaire) %CooIsl : 8489184 8505852 # (lmulaire) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 # (lmulaire) %EMA : 8489028 8489205 8496683 # (lmulaire) %Keyfl : 8489597 8504765 # (lmulaire) %Mem44 : 8508822 8509824 # (lmulaire) %RaiRev : 8490120 8505797 # (lmulaire) %SanMar : 8492987 8509778 # (lmulaire) %Shipy : 8490076 8507471 8512382 # (lmulaire) %SpiIsl : 8493117 8507363 # (lmulaire) %TE : 8494074 missing-official # (lmulaire) %WhiMou : 8502251 8509932 # (lmulaire) %Zoolo : 8508453 8510644 8512428 # TAGS (lmulaire) 8499675 : 8504221 8505002 8507953 %WhiMou %BlaAng %CooIsl 8508954 8489254 %DunImp %SpiIsl %TE 8504890 8504891 8509314 %Keyfl 8512362 8505855 8507435 8508838 %Shipy %EMA %RaiRev 8507589 8506815 %SanMar %Zoolo 8490171 %Mem44 8489780 8494666 # Corinth (lmulaire) 8499677 : 8504221 8505002 8507953 %WhiMou %BlaAng %CooIsl 8508954 8489254 %DunImp %SpiIsl %TE 8504890 8504891 8509314 %Keyfl 8512362 8505855 8507435 8508838 %Shipy %EMA %RaiRev 8507589 8506815 %SanMar %Zoolo 8490171 %Mem44 8489780 8494666 # Space Explorers (lmulaire) 8499678 : 8504221 8505002 8507953 %WhiMou %BlaAng %CooIsl 8508954 8489254 %DunImp %SpiIsl %TE 8504890 8504891 8509314 %Keyfl 8512362 8505855 8507435 8508838 %Shipy %EMA %RaiRev 8507589 8506815 %SanMar %Zoolo 8490171 %Mem44 8489780 8494666 # Bosk (lmulaire) 8499679 : 8504221 8505002 8507953 %WhiMou %BlaAng %CooIsl 8508954 8489254 %DunImp %SpiIsl %TE 8504890 8504891 8509314 %Keyfl 8512362 8505855 8507435 8508838 %Shipy %EMA %RaiRev 8507589 8506815 %SanMar %Zoolo 8490171 %Mem44 8489780 8494666 # Telestrations: Upside Drawn (lmulaire) 8499681 : 8504221 8505002 8507953 %WhiMou %BlaAng %CooIsl 8508954 8489254 %DunImp %SpiIsl %TE 8504890 8504891 8509314 %Keyfl 8512362 8505855 8507435 8508838 %Shipy %EMA %RaiRev 8507589 8506815 %SanMar %Zoolo 8490171 %Mem44 8489780 8494666 # Snowdonia: Deluxe Master Set (lmulaire) 8499682 : 8504221 8505002 8507953 %WhiMou %BlaAng %CooIsl 8508954 8489254 %DunImp # Yokohama (lmulaire) 8499686 : # Last Will (lmulaire) 8499687 : 8504221 8505002 8507953 %WhiMou %BlaAng %CooIsl 8508954 8489254 %DunImp %SpiIsl %TE 8504890 8504891 8509314 %Keyfl 8512362 8505855 8507435 8508838 %Shipy %EMA %RaiRev 8507589 8506815 %SanMar %Zoolo 8490171 # Hues and Cues (lmulaire) 8499689 : 8504221 8505002 8507953 %WhiMou %BlaAng %CooIsl 8508954 8489254 %DunImp %SpiIsl %TE 8504890 8504891 8509314 %Keyfl 8512362 8505855 8507435 8508838 %Shipy %EMA %RaiRev 8507589 8506815 %SanMar %Zoolo 8490171 %Mem44 8489780 8494666 # Newton (lmulaire) 8499691 : 8504221 8505002 8507953 %WhiMou %BlaAng %CooIsl 8508954 8489254 %DunImp %SpiIsl %TE 8504890 8504891 8509314 %Keyfl 8512362 8505855 8507435 8508838 %Shipy %EMA %RaiRev 8507589 8506815 # Bus (lmulaire) 8499693 : 8504221 8505002 8507953 %WhiMou %BlaAng %CooIsl 8508954 8489254 # Expedition to Newdale (lmulaire) 8499695 : 8504221 8505002 8507953 %WhiMou %BlaAng %CooIsl 8508954 8489254 %DunImp %SpiIsl %TE 8504890 8504891 8509314 %Keyfl 8512362 8505855 8507435 8508838 %Shipy %EMA %RaiRev 8507589 8506815 #pragma user "Logandee" # Confirmation code: -/kRaYK0ihwZWvdTq9Eftw # Sat Oct 2 20:38:21 2021 # Massive Darkness (Logandee) 8490256 : # Alt Name: These are Indeed all Games Bundle (Logandee) 8490259 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8507363 8508598 8508699 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494084 8512392 8500168 8504221 8511121 8489780 8500558 8501501 8509166 8502166 8498770 8503003 8510208 8501613 8507951 8491743 8507529 8507478 8490802 8511855 8500851 8502137 8489601 8498649 8504503 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507477 8503889 8506531 8507193 8497913 8503448 8500004 8511909 8512428 8512350 8511245 8498737 8490343 8511887 8489600 8510810 8502483 8491998 8489254 8489603 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8495063 8512590 8510904 8502512 8494737 8509741 8512537 8506320 8504128 8509954 8494126 8506771 8512340 8512225 8509873 8510209 8501534 8507499 8508701 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8501525 8511213 8497167 8497950 8502438 8505763 8490398 8506713 8508705 8504828 8512538 8497164 8511747 8508838 8512596 8491892 8507517 8509892 8512123 8512535 8512363 8496997 8512484 8497025 8507583 8500960 8493986 8512341 8495409 8509759 8496007 8510941 8490184 8500770 8511671 8508985 8508695 8491877 8503693 8489606 8500003 8504430 8507433 8491883 8503439 8493689 8500482 8512468 8509639 8512524 8509932 8508712 8507437 8494088 8501961 8510930 8500547 8509652 8512472 8490936 8501993 8503458 8490805 8490896 8509772 8503108 8508986 8508453 8510644 8511810 8501288 8505164 8495229 8508448 8497603 8490449 8498633 8499996 8495205 8507151 8499813 8511762 8503004 8505794 8511683 8507598 8509889 8499995 8501499 8507516 8511738 8499994 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8498738 8490753 8495214 8501604 8509872 8494018 8512554 8507618 8506520 8496530 8504382 8508497 8508932 8492127 8505106 8512579 8497080 8494666 8509842 8509336 8508754 8509953 8493739 8494104 8497146 8505765 8506726 8507504 8509108 8510761 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8500814 8508831 8512032 8493509 8503527 8507705 8494145 8507375 8494117 8495240 8506506 8502150 8502001 8506220 # Rialto (Logandee) 8490263 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8507363 8508598 8508699 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494084 8512392 8500168 8504221 8511121 8489780 8500558 8501501 8509166 8502166 8498770 8503003 8510208 8501613 8507951 8491743 8507529 8507478 8490802 8511855 8500851 8502137 8489601 8498649 8504503 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507477 8503889 8506531 8507193 8497913 8503448 8500004 8511909 8512428 8512350 8511245 8498737 8490343 8511887 8489600 8510810 8502483 8491998 8489254 8489603 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8495063 8512590 8510904 8502512 8494737 8509741 8512537 8506320 8504128 8509954 8494126 8506771 8512340 8512225 8509873 8510209 8501534 8507499 8508701 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8501525 8511213 8497167 8497950 8502438 8505763 8490398 8506713 8508705 8504828 8512538 8497164 8511747 8508838 8512596 8491892 8507517 8509892 8512123 8512535 8512363 8496997 8512484 8497025 8507583 8500960 8493986 8512341 8495409 8509759 8496007 8510941 8490184 8500770 8511671 8508985 8508695 8491877 8503693 8489606 8500003 8504430 8507433 8491883 8503439 8493689 8500482 8512468 8509639 8512524 8509932 8508712 8507437 8494088 8501961 8510930 8500547 8509652 8512472 8490936 8501993 8503458 8490805 8490896 8509772 8503108 8508986 8508453 8510644 8511810 8501288 8505164 8495229 8508448 8497603 8490449 8498633 8499996 8495205 8507151 8499813 8511762 8503004 8505794 8511683 8507598 8509889 8499995 8501499 8507516 8511738 8499994 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8498738 8490753 8495214 8501604 8509872 8494018 8512554 8507618 8506520 # Dwar7s Fall (Logandee) 8490272 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8507363 8508598 8508699 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494084 8512392 8500168 8504221 8511121 8489780 8500558 8501501 8509166 8502166 8498770 8503003 8510208 8501613 8507951 8491743 8507529 8507478 8490802 8511855 8500851 8502137 8489601 8498649 8504503 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507477 8503889 8506531 8507193 8497913 8503448 8500004 8511909 8512428 8512350 8511245 8498737 8490343 8511887 8489600 8510810 8502483 8491998 8489254 8489603 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8495063 8512590 8510904 8502512 8494737 8509741 8512537 8506320 8504128 # HOPE (Logandee) 8490281 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8507363 8508598 8508699 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494084 8512392 8500168 8504221 8511121 8489780 8500558 8501501 8509166 8502166 8498770 8503003 8510208 8501613 8507951 8491743 8507529 8507478 8490802 8511855 8500851 8502137 8489601 8498649 8504503 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507477 8503889 8506531 8507193 8497913 8503448 8500004 8511909 8512428 8512350 8511245 8498737 8490343 8511887 8489600 8510810 8502483 8491998 8489254 8489603 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8495063 8512590 8510904 8502512 8494737 8509741 8512537 8506320 8504128 # Lazer Ryderz (Logandee) 8490286 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8507363 8508598 8508699 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494084 8512392 8500168 8504221 8511121 8489780 8500558 8501501 8509166 8502166 8498770 8503003 8510208 8501613 8507951 8491743 8507529 8507478 8490802 8511855 8500851 8502137 8489601 8498649 8504503 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507477 8503889 8506531 8507193 8497913 8503448 8500004 8511909 8512428 8512350 8511245 8498737 8490343 8511887 8489600 8510810 8502483 8491998 8489254 8489603 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8495063 8512590 8510904 8502512 8494737 8509741 8512537 8506320 8504128 # Alt Name: No Man’s Sky (PS4) (Logandee) 8490294 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8507363 8508598 8508699 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494084 8512392 8500168 8504221 8511121 8489780 8500558 8501501 8509166 8502166 8498770 8503003 8510208 8501613 8507951 8491743 8507529 8507478 8490802 8511855 8500851 8502137 8489601 8498649 8504503 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507477 8503889 8506531 8507193 8497913 8503448 8500004 8511909 8512428 8512350 8511245 8498737 8490343 8511887 8489600 8510810 8502483 8491998 8489254 8489603 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8495063 8512590 8510904 8502512 8494737 8509741 8512537 8506320 8504128 8509954 8494126 8506771 8512340 8512225 8509873 8510209 8501534 8507499 8508701 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8501525 8511213 8497167 8497950 8502438 8505763 8490398 8506713 8508705 8504828 8512538 8497164 8511747 8508838 8512596 8491892 8507517 8509892 8512123 8512535 8512363 8496997 8512484 8497025 8507583 8500960 8493986 8512341 8495409 8509759 8496007 8510941 8490184 8500770 8511671 8508985 8508695 8491877 8503693 8489606 8500003 8504430 8507433 8491883 8503439 8493689 8500482 8512468 8509639 8512524 8509932 8508712 8507437 8494088 8501961 8510930 8500547 8509652 8512472 8490936 8501993 8503458 8490805 8490896 8509772 8503108 8508986 8508453 8510644 8511810 8501288 8505164 8495229 8508448 8497603 8490449 8498633 8499996 8495205 8507151 8499813 8511762 8503004 8505794 8511683 8507598 8509889 8499995 8501499 8507516 8511738 8499994 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8498738 8490753 8495214 8501604 8509872 8494018 8512554 8507618 8506520 8496530 8504382 8508497 8508932 8492127 8505106 8512579 8497080 8494666 8509842 8509336 8508754 8509953 8493739 8494104 8497146 8505765 8506726 8507504 8509108 8510761 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8500814 8508831 8512032 8493509 8503527 8507705 8494145 8507375 8494117 8495240 8506506 8502150 8502001 8506220 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8509821 8510893 # Alt Name: Magical Bundle (Logandee) 8491999 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8507363 8508598 8508699 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494084 8512392 8500168 8504221 8511121 8489780 8500558 8501501 8509166 8502166 8498770 8503003 8510208 8501613 8507951 8491743 8507529 8507478 8490802 8511855 8500851 8502137 8489601 8498649 8504503 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507477 8503889 8506531 8507193 8497913 8503448 8500004 8511909 8512428 8512350 8511245 8498737 8490343 8511887 8489600 8510810 8502483 8491998 8489254 8489603 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8495063 8512590 8510904 8502512 8494737 8509741 8512537 8506320 8504128 8509954 8494126 8506771 8512340 8512225 8509873 8510209 8501534 8507499 8508701 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8501525 8511213 8497167 8497950 8502438 8505763 8490398 8506713 8508705 8504828 8512538 8497164 8511747 8508838 8512596 8491892 8507517 8509892 8512123 8512535 8512363 8496997 8512484 8497025 8507583 8500960 8493986 8512341 8495409 8509759 8496007 8510941 8490184 8500770 8511671 8508985 8508695 8491877 8503693 8489606 8500003 8504430 8507433 8491883 8503439 8493689 8500482 8512468 8509639 8512524 8509932 8508712 8507437 8494088 8501961 8510930 8500547 8509652 8512472 8490936 8501993 8503458 8490805 8490896 8509772 8503108 8508986 8508453 8510644 8511810 8501288 8505164 8495229 8508448 8497603 8490449 8498633 8499996 8495205 8507151 8499813 8511762 8503004 8505794 8511683 8507598 8509889 8499995 8501499 8507516 8511738 8499994 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8498738 8490753 8495214 8501604 8509872 8494018 8512554 8507618 8506520 # Alt Name: Star Realms Storage (Logandee) 8492012 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8507363 8508598 8508699 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494084 8512392 8500168 8504221 8511121 8489780 8500558 8501501 8509166 8502166 8498770 8503003 8510208 8501613 8507951 8491743 8507529 8507478 8490802 8511855 8500851 8502137 8489601 8498649 8504503 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507477 8503889 8506531 8507193 8497913 8503448 8500004 8511909 8512428 8512350 8511245 8498737 8490343 8511887 8489600 8510810 8502483 8491998 8489254 8489603 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8495063 8512590 8510904 8502512 8494737 8509741 8512537 8506320 8504128 8509954 8494126 8506771 8512340 8512225 8509873 8510209 8501534 8507499 8508701 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8501525 8511213 8497167 8497950 8502438 8505763 8490398 8506713 8508705 8504828 8512538 8497164 8511747 8508838 8512596 8491892 8507517 8509892 8512123 8512535 8512363 8496997 8512484 8497025 8507583 8500960 8493986 8512341 8495409 8509759 8496007 8510941 8490184 8500770 8511671 8508985 8508695 8491877 8503693 8489606 8500003 8504430 8507433 8491883 8503439 8493689 8500482 8512468 8509639 8512524 8509932 8508712 8507437 8494088 8501961 8510930 8500547 8509652 8512472 8490936 8501993 8503458 8490805 8490896 8509772 8503108 8508986 8508453 8510644 8511810 8501288 8505164 8495229 8508448 8497603 8490449 8498633 8499996 8495205 8507151 8499813 8511762 8503004 8505794 8511683 8507598 8509889 8499995 8501499 8507516 8511738 8499994 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8498738 8490753 8495214 8501604 8509872 8494018 8512554 8507618 8506520 8496530 8504382 8508497 8508932 8492127 8505106 8512579 8497080 8494666 8509842 8509336 8508754 8509953 8493739 8494104 8497146 8505765 8506726 8507504 8509108 8510761 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8500814 8508831 8512032 8493509 8503527 8507705 8494145 8507375 8494117 8495240 8506506 8502150 8502001 8506220 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8509821 8510893 # Alt Name: Travel Bundle (Logandee) 8492017 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8507363 8508598 8508699 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494084 8512392 8500168 8504221 8511121 8489780 8500558 8501501 8509166 8502166 8498770 8503003 8510208 8501613 8507951 8491743 8507529 8507478 8490802 8511855 8500851 8502137 8489601 8498649 8504503 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507477 8503889 8506531 8507193 8497913 8503448 8500004 8511909 8512428 8512350 8511245 8498737 8490343 8511887 8489600 8510810 8502483 8491998 8489254 8489603 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8495063 8512590 8510904 8502512 8494737 8509741 8512537 8506320 8504128 8509954 8494126 8506771 8512340 8512225 8509873 8510209 8501534 8507499 8508701 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8501525 8511213 8497167 8497950 8502438 8505763 8490398 8506713 8508705 8504828 8512538 8497164 8511747 8508838 8512596 8491892 8507517 8509892 8512123 8512535 8512363 8496997 8512484 8497025 8507583 8500960 8493986 8512341 8495409 8509759 8496007 8510941 8490184 8500770 8511671 8508985 8508695 8491877 8503693 8489606 8500003 8504430 8507433 8491883 8503439 8493689 8500482 8512468 8509639 8512524 8509932 8508712 8507437 8494088 8501961 8510930 8500547 8509652 8512472 8490936 8501993 8503458 8490805 8490896 8509772 8503108 8508986 8508453 8510644 8511810 8501288 8505164 8495229 8508448 8497603 8490449 8498633 8499996 8495205 8507151 8499813 8511762 8503004 8505794 8511683 8507598 8509889 8499995 8501499 8507516 8511738 8499994 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8498738 8490753 8495214 8501604 8509872 8494018 8512554 8507618 8506520 # Alt Name: Monster Bundle (Logandee) 8492301 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8507363 8508598 8508699 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494084 8512392 8500168 8504221 8511121 8489780 8500558 8501501 8509166 8502166 8498770 8503003 8510208 8501613 8507951 8491743 8507529 8507478 8490802 8511855 8500851 8502137 8489601 8498649 8504503 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507477 8503889 8506531 8507193 8497913 8503448 8500004 8511909 8512428 8512350 8511245 8498737 8490343 8511887 8489600 8510810 8502483 8491998 8489254 8489603 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8495063 8512590 8510904 8502512 8494737 8509741 8512537 8506320 8504128 8509954 8494126 8506771 8512340 8512225 8509873 8510209 8501534 8507499 8508701 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8501525 8511213 8497167 8497950 8502438 8505763 8490398 8506713 8508705 8504828 8512538 8497164 8511747 8508838 8512596 8491892 8507517 8509892 8512123 8512535 8512363 8496997 8512484 8497025 8507583 8500960 8493986 8512341 8495409 8509759 8496007 8510941 8490184 8500770 8511671 8508985 8508695 8491877 8503693 8489606 8500003 8504430 8507433 8491883 8503439 8493689 8500482 8512468 8509639 8512524 8509932 8508712 8507437 8494088 8501961 8510930 8500547 8509652 8512472 8490936 8501993 8503458 8490805 8490896 8509772 8503108 8508986 8508453 8510644 8511810 8501288 8505164 8495229 8508448 8497603 8490449 8498633 8499996 8495205 8507151 8499813 8511762 8503004 8505794 8511683 8507598 8509889 8499995 8501499 8507516 8511738 8499994 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8498738 8490753 8495214 8501604 8509872 8494018 8512554 8507618 8506520 # Alt Name: Family Business Bundle (Logandee) 8493625 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8507363 8508598 8508699 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494084 8512392 8500168 8504221 8511121 8489780 8500558 8501501 8509166 8502166 8498770 8503003 8510208 8501613 8507951 8491743 8507529 8507478 8490802 8511855 8500851 8502137 8489601 8498649 8504503 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507477 8503889 8506531 8507193 8497913 8503448 8500004 8511909 8512428 8512350 8511245 8498737 8490343 8511887 8489600 8510810 8502483 8491998 8489254 8489603 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8495063 8512590 8510904 8502512 8494737 8509741 8512537 8506320 8504128 8509954 8494126 8506771 8512340 8512225 8509873 8510209 8501534 8507499 8508701 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8501525 8511213 8497167 8497950 8502438 8505763 8490398 8506713 8508705 8504828 8512538 8497164 8511747 8508838 8512596 8491892 8507517 8509892 8512123 8512535 8512363 8496997 8512484 8497025 8507583 8500960 8493986 8512341 8495409 8509759 8496007 8510941 8490184 8500770 8511671 8508985 8508695 8491877 8503693 8489606 8500003 8504430 8507433 8491883 8503439 8493689 8500482 8512468 8509639 8512524 8509932 8508712 8507437 8494088 8501961 8510930 8500547 8509652 8512472 8490936 8501993 8503458 8490805 8490896 8509772 8503108 8508986 8508453 8510644 8511810 8501288 8505164 8495229 8508448 8497603 8490449 8498633 8499996 8495205 8507151 8499813 8511762 8503004 8505794 8511683 8507598 8509889 8499995 8501499 8507516 8511738 8499994 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8498738 8490753 8495214 8501604 8509872 8494018 8512554 8507618 8506520 # Alt Name: Questionable Tastes Bundle (Logandee) 8497526 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8507363 8508598 8508699 8494523 8496001 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494084 8512392 8500168 8504221 8511121 8489780 8500558 8501501 8509166 8502166 8498770 8503003 8510208 8501613 8507951 8491743 8507529 8507478 8490802 8511855 8500851 8502137 8489601 8498649 8504503 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507477 8503889 8506531 8507193 8497913 8503448 8500004 8511909 8512428 8512350 8511245 8498737 8490343 8511887 8489600 8510810 8502483 8491998 8489254 8489603 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8495063 8512590 8510904 8502512 8494737 8509741 8512537 8506320 8504128 8509954 8494126 8506771 8512340 8512225 8509873 8510209 8501534 8507499 8508701 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8501525 8511213 8497167 8497950 8502438 8505763 8490398 8506713 8508705 8504828 8512538 8497164 8511747 8508838 8512596 8491892 8507517 8509892 8512123 8512535 8512363 8496997 8512484 8497025 8507583 8500960 8493986 8512341 8495409 8509759 8496007 8510941 8490184 8500770 8511671 8508985 8508695 8491877 8503693 8489606 8500003 8504430 8507433 8491883 8503439 8493689 8500482 8512468 8509639 8512524 8509932 8508712 8507437 8494088 8501961 8510930 8500547 8509652 8512472 8490936 8501993 8503458 8490805 8490896 8509772 8503108 8508986 8508453 8510644 8511810 8501288 8505164 8495229 8508448 8497603 8490449 8498633 8499996 8495205 8507151 8499813 8511762 8503004 8505794 8511683 8507598 8509889 8499995 8501499 8507516 8511738 8499994 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8498738 8490753 8495214 8501604 8509872 8494018 8512554 8507618 8506520 8496530 8504382 8508497 8508932 8492127 8505106 8512579 8497080 8494666 8509842 8509336 8508754 8509953 8493739 8494104 8497146 8505765 8506726 8507504 8509108 8510761 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8500814 8508831 8512032 8493509 8503527 8507705 8494145 8507375 8494117 8495240 8506506 8502150 8502001 8506220 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8509821 8510893 # Crokinole (Logandee) 8508200 : #pragma user "LoquaciousMonk" # Confirmation code: 7-2Wow5iiYP1mj9RYtP3Zg # Sun Oct 3 18:25:48 2021 # Great Western Trail (LoquaciousMonk) 8489193 : 8511235 8512350 8502478 8495180 8508598 8508699 8494523 8503158 8510028 8494084 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490523 8511836 8509746 8505873 8511190 8507529 8494160 8507732 8492194 8497913 8491833 8511245 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8507712 8490814 8500867 8501284 8511910 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8509314 8501467 8492275 8494551 8494106 8491743 8489533 8499686 8512535 8507478 8511724 8495224 8506518 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8510212 8509924 # Lords of Waterdeep (LoquaciousMonk) 8489211 : 8511235 8512350 8502478 8495180 8508598 8508699 8494523 8503158 8510028 8494084 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490523 8511836 8509746 8505873 8511190 8507529 8494160 8507732 8492194 8497913 8491833 8511245 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8507712 8490814 8500867 8501284 8511910 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8509314 8501467 8492275 8494551 8494106 8491743 8489533 8499686 8512535 8507478 8511724 8495224 8506518 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8510212 8509924 8493117 8504968 8507363 8489280 8490926 8497070 8512488 8489389 8504853 8490048 8492161 8500168 8504221 8490479 8510209 8490791 8493155 8501766 8494040 8495243 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512226 8496215 8512123 8510945 8504436 8494479 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507477 8494044 8499998 8506963 8503664 8507181 8490177 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8510150 8512081 8511230 8498911 8499682 8489614 8509741 8512537 # Raids (LoquaciousMonk) 8489564 : 8511235 8512350 8502478 8495180 8508598 8508699 8494523 8503158 8510028 8494084 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490523 8511836 8509746 8505873 8511190 8507529 8494160 8507732 8492194 8497913 8491833 8511245 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8507712 8490814 8500867 8501284 8511910 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8509314 8501467 8492275 8494551 8494106 8491743 8489533 8499686 8512535 8507478 8511724 8495224 8506518 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8510212 8509924 8493117 8504968 8507363 8489280 8490926 8497070 8512488 8489389 8504853 8490048 8492161 8500168 8504221 8490479 8510209 8490791 8493155 8501766 8494040 8495243 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512226 8496215 8512123 8510945 8504436 8494479 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507477 8494044 8499998 8506963 8503664 8507181 8490177 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8510150 8512081 8511230 8498911 8499682 8489614 8509741 8512537 8503891 8510030 8507353 8489187 8496001 8494126 8499386 8504962 8504890 8504891 8499812 8502250 8492922 8504954 8503907 8509823 8511206 8490452 8495406 8497891 8499100 8511234 8492224 8496685 8494842 8512340 8504708 8503903 8509873 8507499 8502219 8492265 8507511 8500625 8503893 8505879 8508620 8508850 8493725 8489780 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500558 8501501 8509166 8500255 8502166 8498770 8503003 8510208 8512538 8497164 8491892 8499236 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8512434 8507640 8509689 8489577 8500541 8490214 8499687 8510941 8494765 8494545 8489117 8502024 8508497 8504885 8491727 8489606 8490485 8509885 8492953 8507389 8493133 8503884 8494088 8501961 8492158 8492329 8492987 8504234 8509778 8512529 8507219 8503899 8501288 8492606 8507415 8505793 8511971 8491874 8492091 8494139 8494542 8500774 8502164 8502151 8506671 8508641 8497233 8511918 8500005 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8505765 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507504 8507947 8508964 %8509528 %8509577 8509665 8509777 8509922 8511236 8511594 8511882 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512564 8512588 8492726 8500275 8506508 8492625 8496358 8490163 8495182 8506226 8507894 # BattleCON: Fate of Indines (LoquaciousMonk) 8494942 : 8511235 8512350 8502478 8495180 8508598 8508699 8494523 8503158 8510028 8494084 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490523 8511836 8509746 8505873 8511190 8507529 8494160 8507732 8492194 8497913 8491833 8511245 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8507712 8490814 8500867 8501284 8511910 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8509314 8501467 8492275 8494551 8494106 8491743 8489533 8499686 8512535 8507478 8511724 8495224 8506518 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8510212 8509924 8493117 8504968 8507363 8489280 8490926 8497070 8512488 8489389 8504853 8490048 8492161 8500168 8504221 8490479 8510209 8490791 8493155 8501766 8494040 8495243 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 8512226 8496215 8512123 8510945 8504436 8494479 8492973 8495265 8509933 8507477 8494044 8499998 8506963 8503664 8507181 8490177 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8510150 8512081 8511230 8498911 8499682 8489614 8509741 8512537 8503891 8510030 8507353 8489187 8496001 8494126 8499386 8504962 8504890 8504891 8499812 8502250 8492922 8504954 8503907 8509823 8511206 8490452 8495406 8497891 8499100 8511234 8492224 8496685 8494842 8512340 8504708 8503903 8509873 8507499 8502219 8492265 8507511 8500625 8503893 8505879 8508620 8508850 8493725 8489780 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500558 8501501 8509166 8500255 8502166 8498770 8503003 8510208 8512538 8497164 8491892 8499236 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 8512434 8507640 8509689 8489577 8500541 8490214 8499687 8510941 8494765 8494545 8489117 8502024 8508497 8504885 8491727 8489606 8490485 8509885 8492953 8507389 8493133 8503884 8494088 8501961 8492158 8492329 8492987 8504234 8509778 8512529 8507219 8503899 8501288 8492606 8507415 8505793 8511971 8491874 8492091 8494139 8494542 8500774 8502164 8502151 8506671 8508641 8497233 8511918 8500005 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8505765 8506714 8506726 8506746 8507504 8507947 8508964 %8509528 %8509577 8509665 8509777 8509922 8511236 8511594 8511882 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512564 8512588 8492726 8500275 8506508 8492625 8496358 8490163 8495182 8506226 8507894 8493705 8512151 8512593 # Caverna: The Cave Farmers (LoquaciousMonk) 8494955 : 8511235 8512350 8502478 8495180 8508598 8508699 8494523 8503158 8510028 8494084 8490102 8490807 8500586 8490523 8511836 8509746 8505873 8511190 8507529 8494160 8507732 8492194 8497913 8491833 8511245 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8507712 8490814 8500867 8501284 8511910 # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Underwater Cities by Gaming Trunk (LoquaciousMonk) %8509528 : 8509528-COPY1 8509528-COPY2 8509528-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Gaia Project and overlays for the player boards by Gaming Trunk (LoquaciousMonk) %8509577 : 8509577-COPY1 8509577-COPY2 8509577-COPY3 #pragma user "lucem13" # Confirmation code: mOPdQg-erw44m4yDjqY9Ow # Sun Oct 3 20:46:40 2021 # Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure (lucem13) 8493193 : 8509885 8511245 8504423 8509314 8500005 8509741 8512537 8511855 8490802 8505002 8489614 8492973 8509933 8495265 8499386 8508847 8512488 8504962 8503439 8511918 8499750 8507193 8490762 8495215 8504236 8493010 8502251 8509932 8492276 8507433 8501288 8492927 8489117 8502990 8499811 8511909 8500004 8510945 8500501 8494044 8496218 8497952 8508954 8495063 8503004 8511190 # Imperial Settlers (lucem13) 8499236 : 8509885 8511245 8504423 8509314 8500005 8505002 8489614 8492901 8498806 8503439 8511918 8499750 8490814 8506518 8500494 8501288 8492927 8489117 8502990 8499811 8511909 8500004 8510945 8510810 8491607 8500501 8494044 8496218 8497952 8508954 8504704 8501467 8502937 8503635 8495063 8503004 8507901 8511190 # Destinies (lucem13) 8505558 : 8509885 8511245 8504423 8509314 8500005 8505002 8489614 8503439 8511918 8499750 8501288 8492927 8489117 8502990 8499811 8502055 8512568 8499133 8504386 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8511909 8500004 8510945 8500501 8494044 8496218 8497952 8508954 8501467 8502937 8503635 %8509626 8510811 8491291 8507945 8495063 8503004 8507901 8511190 8493037 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion by Gaming Trunk (lucem13) %8509626 : 8509626-COPY1 8509626-COPY2 8509626-COPY3 #pragma user "Luds" # Confirmation code: WH16qI7xHoqLbzdOI/tWtw # Sun Oct 3 09:47:52 2021 # (Luds) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 # 504 (Luds) 8501931 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 # Between Two Cities (Luds) 8501955 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 8490240 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Broom Service (Luds) 8501993 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 # Castaways (Luds) 8501998 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 8490240 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Chicken Cha Cha Cha (Luds) 8502001 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 8490240 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # City of Horror (Luds) 8502007 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 # Coconuts (Luds) 8502008 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 8490240 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Cryptid (Luds) 8502024 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 8490240 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Dark Darker Darkest (Luds) 8502028 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 # Decrypto (Luds) 8502029 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 8490240 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Enchanted Forest (Luds) 8502036 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 8490240 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # The Faceless (Luds) 8502039 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 # Factory Funner (Luds) 8502045 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 # Far Away (Luds) 8502047 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 # Greed (Luds) 8502050 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 8490240 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # The Grizzled (Luds) 8502057 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 8490240 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # The Manhattan Project (Luds) 8502058 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 # Menara (Luds) 8502065 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 8490240 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Mountaineers (Luds) 8502067 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 # New Dawn (Luds) 8502075 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 # Nightfall (Luds) 8502083 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 # One Night Ultimate Werewolf (Luds) 8502089 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 8490240 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Overbooked (Luds) 8502092 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 # Pizza Box Football (Luds) 8502096 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 8490240 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Port Royal (Luds) 8502100 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 8490240 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # The Pursuit of Happiness (Luds) 8502107 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 # Raids (Luds) 8502112 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 8490240 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Rattlebones (Luds) 8502116 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 8490240 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Sea of Legends (Luds) 8502120 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8507355 # Imperial Settlers (Luds) 8502121 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 8490240 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Space Race (Luds) 8502129 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 # Tapestry (Luds) 8502137 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 # Tiny Towns (Luds) 8502141 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 8490240 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Tac Tac Jack (Luds) 8502150 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 8490240 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Villagers (Luds) 8502151 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 8490240 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Wasteland Express Delivery Service (Luds) 8502152 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 # Wok Star (Luds) 8502161 : 8511245 8500867 8501284 8489780 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507355 %PARKS 8489252 8497603 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507342 8492936 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512322 8512483 8512512 8505937 8500387 8506746 8490240 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 #pragma user "maadaputtar" # Confirmation code: 4lHlE/t9Nz7FxtIav1fC4Q # Sun Oct 3 14:15:07 2021 # Dinosaur Island (maadaputtar) 8490027 : 8512350 8490192 8500000 8502994 8511910 8489884 8491727 8511724 8499693 8511245 8497952 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 # KUNE v LAKIA: A Chronicle Of A Royal Lapine Divorce Foretold (maadaputtar) 8490098 : 8512350 8490192 8500000 8502994 8511910 8489884 8491727 8511724 8499693 8511245 8497952 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8494126 8492224 8490479 8497167 8502438 8500558 8490199 8490802 8507640 8509689 8494044 8492901 8489128 8492194 8493133 8492794 8490080 8489104 8500354 8507406 8510936 8492789 8503108 8494666 8507901 8492964 8500766 8508623 8490929 8492612 8492894 8491998 8507438 8494133 8498195 8498732 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8507947 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8489046 8506535 8504913 8512430 8491351 8506815 8497078 8490447 8507894 missing-official 8501501 8509166 8491912 8497152 8507436 8503693 8509177 8507437 8501499 8505797 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8496141 8512477 8497950 8489195 8491908 8492031 8500004 8512186 8499995 8499140 8490492 8493705 8496956 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512151 8512446 8512593 8499737 8489322 8500578 # Grand Austria Hotel (maadaputtar) 8490114 : 8512350 8490192 8500000 8502994 8511910 8489884 8491727 8511724 8499693 8511245 8497952 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8494126 8492224 8490479 8497167 8502438 8500558 8490199 8490802 8507640 8509689 8494044 8492901 8489128 8492194 8493133 8492794 8490080 8489104 8500354 8507406 8510936 8492789 8503108 8494666 8507901 8492964 8500766 8508623 8490929 8492612 8492894 8491998 8507438 8494133 8498195 8498732 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8507947 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8489046 8506535 8504913 8512430 8491351 8506815 8497078 8490447 8507894 missing-official 8501501 8509166 8491912 8497152 8507436 8503693 8509177 8507437 8501499 8505797 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8496141 8512477 # Key to the City: London (maadaputtar) 8490118 : 8512350 8490192 8500000 8502994 8511910 8489884 8491727 8511724 8499693 8511245 8497952 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8494126 8492224 8490479 8497167 8502438 8500558 8490199 8490802 8507640 8509689 8494044 8492901 8489128 8492194 8493133 8492794 8490080 8489104 8500354 8507406 8510936 8492789 8503108 8494666 8507901 8492964 8500766 8508623 8490929 8492612 8492894 8491998 8507438 8494133 8498195 8498732 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8507947 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8489046 8506535 8504913 8512430 8491351 8506815 8497078 8490447 8507894 missing-official 8505797 # Railroad Revolution (maadaputtar) 8490120 : 8512350 8490192 8500000 8502994 8511910 8489884 8491727 8511724 8499693 8511245 8497952 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8494126 8492224 8490479 8497167 8502438 8500558 8490199 8490802 8507640 8509689 8494044 8492901 8489128 8492194 8493133 8492794 8490080 8489104 8500354 8507406 8510936 8492789 8503108 8494666 8507901 8492964 8500766 8508623 8490929 8492612 8492894 8491998 8507438 8494133 8498195 8498732 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8507947 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8489046 8506535 8504913 8512430 8491351 8506815 8497078 8490447 8507894 missing-official 8501501 8509166 8491912 8497152 8507436 8503693 8509177 8507437 8501499 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8496141 8512477 8497950 8489195 8491908 8492031 8500004 8512186 8499995 8499140 8490492 8493705 8496956 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512151 8512446 8512593 8499737 8489322 8500578 # Escape Plan (maadaputtar) 8490123 : 8512350 8490192 8500000 8502994 8511910 #pragma user "mancora" # Confirmation code: 8LpcmeZZGkpCn9pvJVY09g # Sun Oct 3 21:42:04 2021 # (mancora) %6D : 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 # (mancora) %7D : 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 # (mancora) %9D : 8500867 8501284 # (mancora) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (mancora) %AaB : 8498844 8509731 # (mancora) %BHK : 8489539 8490001 8490899 8499161 8505847 8507376 8511092 # (mancora) %BarQue : 8492964 8494068 8504907 # (mancora) %BraBir : # (mancora) %BraLan : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8492275 8509746 # (mancora) %Chart : 8495982 8507949 # (mancora) %Crypt : 8502024 8508497 # (mancora) %DAMCBG : 8508894 8512334 # (mancora) %DinIsl : 8490023 8490027 # (mancora) %DisVil : 8491607 8504416 8510810 # (mancora) %Downf : 8491597 8503889 # (mancora) %DraCas : 8499813 8511762 # (mancora) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (mancora) %EveSpi : 8511675 8512515 # (mancora) %FoL : 8500839 8508710 8512521 # (mancora) %FraDra : 8493133 8503884 # (mancora) %GAH : 8494842 8512340 # (mancora) %GWT : 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8493175 # (mancora) %HA : 8492910 8497071 8505858 # (mancora) %HonBuz : 8500003 8504430 # (mancora) %KDE : 8509884 8512069 # (mancora) %MM : 8493684 8508620 # (mancora) %Mem44 : 8508822 8509824 # (mancora) %MilBla : # (mancora) %Motta : 8503119 8507721 # (mancora) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (mancora) %OnTou : 8509068 8511207 8493711 # (mancora) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 8509933 # (mancora) %RftG : 8503907 8509823 8511206 # (mancora) %RusRai : 8490791 8507511 # (mancora) %Scythe : 8495180 8507353 # (mancora) %SeaFa : 8507464 8511119 # (mancora) %SmaInc : 8490762 8492276 8507433 # (mancora) %SpiIsl : 8493117 8504968 8507363 # (mancora) %T7C : 8504853 8512242 # (mancora) %TCoT : 8494677 8497633 8511734 # (mancora) %TGTFoA : 8494160 8507732 # (mancora) %Tapes : 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 # (mancora) %TinTow : 8500580 8502141 # (mancora) %Villa : 8502151 8508641 # (mancora) %WEDS : 8490332 8502152 # (mancora) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 8497070 # (mancora) %XLoaDS : 8490807 8500586 # Root (mancora) 8494523 : # Cry Havoc (mancora) 8494542 : %SpiIsl 8512297 8494106 %9D 8491743 %TGTFoA %Scythe 8507472 %BraLan %Tapes %OCoEaE 8503433 %7D 8492329 %GAH 8511235 8499998 %WEDS # Black Orchestra (mancora) 8494544 : %SpiIsl 8512297 8494106 %9D # Star Wars: Outer Rim (mancora) 8494545 : %SpiIsl 8512297 8494106 %9D 8491743 %TGTFoA # London (Second Edition) (mancora) 8494549 : %SpiIsl 8512297 8494106 %9D 8491743 %TGTFoA %Scythe 8507472 %BraLan %Tapes %OCoEaE 8503433 %7D 8492329 %GAH # Sushi Go! (mancora) 8498338 : %SpiIsl 8512297 8494106 %9D 8491743 %TGTFoA %Scythe 8507472 %BraLan %Tapes %OCoEaE 8503433 %7D 8492329 %GAH 8511235 8499998 %WEDS %DunImp %DinIsl %PCR 8495224 %BarQue %EveSpi 8512513 %6D %AFfO %GWT 8507072 %Wings 8504890 %RftG %T7C %XLoaDS 8490523 %Mem44 %RusRai %MM 8509774 8493725 8489780 8512425 8508838 8505002 %AaB 8496218 8498508 8510945 %TinTow 8492927 8490214 8502058 8494479 %KDE %Downf 8511715 8490237 8496912 8506531 8501887 %HonBuz %SmaInc %Chart %HA %FraDra 8503448 8508709 8500555 %DAMCBG 8509772 8512529 8503108 8512350 8495229 %DraCas 8494289 8495203 %TCoT %FoL %DisVil %BHK %Villa 8508832 8490477 8512445 8508976 8494006 8503163 8492204 8491351 8502512 8492523 8512098 %Crypt 8512298 8505794 %OnTou 8489198 8506326 8508818 %Motta 8512516 %SeaFa 8493734 8512590 8495411 # Hail Hydra (mancora) 8498344 : %SpiIsl 8512297 8494106 %9D 8491743 %TGTFoA %Scythe 8507472 %BraLan %Tapes %OCoEaE 8503433 %7D 8492329 %GAH 8511235 8499998 %WEDS %DunImp %DinIsl %PCR 8495224 %BarQue %EveSpi 8512513 %6D %AFfO %GWT 8507072 %Wings 8504890 %RftG %T7C %XLoaDS 8490523 %Mem44 %RusRai %MM 8509774 8493725 8489780 8512425 8508838 8505002 %AaB 8496218 8498508 8510945 %TinTow 8492927 8490214 8502058 8494479 %KDE %Downf 8511715 8490237 8496912 8506531 8501887 %HonBuz %SmaInc %Chart %HA %FraDra 8503448 8508709 8500555 %DAMCBG 8509772 8512529 8503108 8512350 8495229 %DraCas 8494289 8495203 %TCoT %FoL %DisVil %BHK %Villa 8508832 8490477 8512445 8508976 8494006 8503163 8492204 8491351 8502512 8492523 8512098 # Airlines Europe (mancora) 8498348 : %SpiIsl 8512297 8494106 %9D 8491743 %TGTFoA %Scythe 8507472 %BraLan %Tapes %OCoEaE 8503433 %7D 8492329 %GAH 8511235 8499998 %WEDS %DunImp %DinIsl %PCR 8495224 # Merlin (mancora) 8505164 : %SpiIsl 8512297 8494106 %9D 8491743 %TGTFoA %Scythe 8507472 %BraLan %Tapes %OCoEaE 8503433 %7D # The Oracle of Delphi (mancora) 8507151 : %SpiIsl 8512297 8494106 %9D 8491743 %TGTFoA %Scythe 8507472 %BraLan %Tapes %OCoEaE 8503433 %7D 8492329 # Rialto (mancora) 8507155 : %SpiIsl 8512297 8494106 %9D 8491743 %TGTFoA %Scythe 8507472 %BraLan %Tapes %OCoEaE 8503433 %7D 8492329 %GAH 8511235 8499998 %WEDS %DunImp %DinIsl %PCR 8495224 %BarQue %EveSpi 8512513 %6D #pragma user "mangler" # Confirmation code: ZWQuaW2R-Jqm6pXQ42u5ug # Fri Oct 1 10:18:56 2021 # (mangler) %DunImp : 8492169 8507435 # (mangler) %EMA : 8489028 8489205 8496683 # (mangler) %Spike : 8509805 8509913 # Andor: The Family Fantasy Game (mangler) 8489554 : 8489780 8500558 8490027 8492616 8505047 8510738 8489544 8496081 8490018 8504428 8493169 8509181 8493730 8491351 8490354 8493720 8490000 8504887 # Midgard (mangler) 8489560 : 8489780 8500558 8490027 8492616 8505047 8510738 8489544 8496081 8490018 8504428 8493169 8509181 8493730 8491351 8490354 8493720 8490000 8504887 # Tasty Humans (mangler) 8489562 : 8489780 8500558 8490027 8492616 8505047 8510738 8489544 8496081 8490018 8504428 8493169 8509181 8493730 8491351 8490354 8493720 8490000 8504887 #pragma user "marclemagnifique" # Confirmation code: LJGhjCHdkJ8ICw5yeUWoDQ # Sun Oct 3 12:35:52 2021 # Terra Mystica (marclemagnifique) 8507072 : 8492273 8507539 8512589 8503903 8504641 8492901 8490794 8489254 8494839 # Rise to Nobility (marclemagnifique) 8507074 : 8492273 8507539 8512589 8503903 8504641 8492901 8490794 8489254 8494839 8490662 8490431 8490829 8492169 8498481 8505164 8507438 8492726 #pragma user "marektupy" # Confirmation code: 46AiMFpV9jq/YxdLY1D6bQ # Thu Sep 30 22:54:47 2021 # (marektupy) %Azul : 8500522 8502332 # (marektupy) %BunKin : 8496997 8512484 # (marektupy) %DisVil : 8491607 8504416 8510810 # (marektupy) %Jamai : 8507719 8508700 # Claim (marektupy) 8489322 : %Azul %Jamai %BunKin 8505732 8502244 %DisVil 8492031 # BioShock Infinite: The Siege of Columbia (marektupy) 8489323 : %Azul %Jamai %BunKin 8505732 8502244 %DisVil # Camel Up Cards (marektupy) 8489329 : %Azul %Jamai %BunKin 8505732 8502244 %DisVil 8492031 #pragma user "matt723" # Confirmation code: tKDFbJKqyG8r8sfccN2yyA # Fri Oct 1 12:25:36 2021 # Ca$h 'n Guns (Second Edition) (matt723) 8497108 : 8501534 8507499 8489601 8490184 8498649 8500770 8504503 8511671 8490774 8508693 8490818 8492537 8501887 8490037 8502244 8504976 8493713 8489886 # Superfight (matt723) 8497109 : 8501534 8507499 8489601 8490184 8498649 8500770 8504503 8511671 8490774 8508693 8490818 8492537 8501887 8490037 8502244 8504976 8493713 8489886 # Knit Wit (matt723) 8497110 : 8501534 8507499 8489601 8490184 8498649 8500770 8504503 8511671 8490774 8508693 8490818 8492537 8501887 8490037 8502244 8504976 8493713 8489886 #pragma user "MattG666" # Confirmation code: eg4mD/qTPfihtScZlehatw # Sat Oct 2 10:49:57 2021 # (MattG666) %BGTBG : 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 # (MattG666) %DomSpe : 8494058 8505855 # (MattG666) %MoMSE : 8490048 8492161 # (MattG666) %T7C : 8504853 8509739 8512242 # (MattG666) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 8500586 # Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles (MattG666) 8506106 : 8499811 %T7C %DomSpe %MoMSE %XLoaDS %BGTBG 8489533 8490135 8504381 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512540 8491993 8502954 8510742 8498496 8506544 # Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (MattG666) 8506109 : 8499811 %T7C %DomSpe %MoMSE %XLoaDS %BGTBG 8489533 8490135 8504381 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512540 8491993 8502954 8510742 8498496 8506544 8500621 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512446 8507579 # A Game of Thrones (MattG666) 8506112 : 8499811 %T7C %DomSpe %MoMSE %XLoaDS %BGTBG 8489533 8490135 8504381 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509777 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512540 8491993 8502954 8510742 8498496 8506544 8500621 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512446 8507579 8493705 8512151 8512593 #pragma user "Matthias Koster" # Confirmation code: KE0TWSQ8MpAutzFt8AK2NA # Fri Oct 1 16:30:14 2021 # The Colonists (Matthias Koster) 8494728 : 8508598 8508699 8504423 8505873 8507478 8490802 8511855 8494044 8492901 8498806 8490123 8507944 8495224 8512350 8511245 8489184 8505852 8490814 8506518 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8506831 8507651 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494545 8490794 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8489780 8504739 8506440 8497164 8499691 8507504 8509741 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507468 8507438 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512571 8509932 8507382 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # ArchRavels (Matthias Koster) 8494737 : 8508598 8508699 8504423 8505873 8507478 8490802 8511855 8494044 8492901 8498806 8490123 8507944 8495224 8512350 8511245 8489184 8505852 8490814 8506518 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8506831 8507651 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494545 8490794 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8489780 8504739 8506440 8497164 8499691 8507504 8509741 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507468 8507438 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512571 8509932 8507382 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507499 8490431 8490829 8505002 8493193 8504804 8492927 8493010 8502251 8494088 8501961 8498732 8500387 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492950 8495045 8506821 8498911 8507188 8505879 8505859 8494551 8489614 # Imperium: Classics (Matthias Koster) 8494740 : 8508598 8508699 8504423 8505873 8507478 8490802 8511855 8494044 8492901 8498806 8490123 8507944 8495224 8512350 8511245 8489184 8505852 8490814 8506518 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8506831 8507651 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494545 8490794 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8489780 8504739 8506440 8497164 8499691 8509741 # Tang Garden (Matthias Koster) 8496234 : 8508598 8508699 8504423 8505873 8507478 8490802 8511855 8494044 8492901 8498806 8490123 8507944 8495224 8512350 8511245 8489184 8505852 8490814 8506518 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8506831 8507651 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494545 8490794 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 # Funfair (Matthias Koster) 8499737 : 8508598 8508699 8504423 8505873 8507478 8490802 8511855 8494044 8492901 8498806 8490123 8507944 8495224 8512350 8511245 8489184 8505852 8490814 8506518 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8506831 8507651 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494545 8490794 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8489780 8504739 8506440 8497164 8499691 8507504 8509741 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507468 8507438 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512571 8509932 8507382 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507499 8490431 8490829 8505002 8493193 8504804 8492927 8493010 8502251 8494088 8501961 8498732 8500387 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492950 8495045 8506821 8498911 8507188 8491609 8511882 8512137 8512446 8492204 # FUSE (Matthias Koster) 8499742 : 8508598 8508699 8504423 8505873 8507478 8490802 8511855 8494044 8492901 8498806 8490123 8507944 8495224 8512350 8511245 8489184 8505852 8490814 8506518 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8506831 8507651 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494545 8490794 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8489780 8504739 8506440 8497164 8499691 8507504 8509741 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507468 8507438 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512571 8509932 8507382 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507499 8490431 8490829 8505002 8493193 8504804 8492927 8493010 8502251 8494088 8501961 8498732 8500387 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492950 8495045 8506821 8498911 8507188 8505879 8505859 8494551 8491609 8511882 8512137 8512446 8492204 8489614 8497152 8492910 8497071 8505858 8504234 8494549 8496537 8501786 8507947 8507894 8502141 8489117 8502226 8509951 8503192 8508817 8507516 8511738 8512069 8507389 8488947 8500482 8503433 8492940 8501570 8508623 8509665 8503106 8503081 8490753 8495214 8512151 8512593 8504428 # Santorini (Matthias Koster) 8499745 : 8508598 8508699 8504423 8505873 8507478 8490802 8511855 8494044 8492901 8498806 8490123 8507944 8495224 8512350 8511245 8489184 8505852 8490814 8506518 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8506831 8507651 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494545 8490794 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8489780 8504739 8506440 8497164 8499691 8507504 8509741 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507468 8507438 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512571 8509932 8507382 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507499 8490431 8490829 8505002 8493193 8504804 8492927 8493010 8502251 8494088 8501961 8498732 8500387 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492950 8495045 8506821 8498911 8507188 8505879 8505859 8494551 8491609 8511882 8512137 8512446 8492204 8489614 8497152 8492910 8497071 8505858 8504234 8494549 8496537 8501786 8507947 8507894 8502141 8489117 8502226 8509951 8503192 8508817 8507516 8511738 8512069 8507389 8488947 8500482 8503433 8492940 8501570 8508623 8509665 8503106 8503081 8490753 8495214 8504428 # Overboss: A Boss Monster Adventure (Matthias Koster) 8499750 : 8508598 8508699 8504423 8505873 8507478 8490802 8511855 8494044 8492901 8498806 8490123 8507944 8495224 8512350 8511245 8489184 8505852 8490814 8506518 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8506831 8507651 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494545 8490794 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8489780 8504739 8506440 8507504 # Dream Home (Matthias Koster) 8499757 : 8508598 8508699 8504423 8505873 8507478 8490802 8511855 8494044 8492901 8498806 8490123 8507944 8495224 8512350 8511245 8489184 8505852 8490814 8506518 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8506831 8507651 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494545 8490794 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8489780 8504739 8506440 8497164 8499691 8507504 8509741 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507468 8507438 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512571 8509932 8507382 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507499 8490431 8490829 8505002 8493193 8504804 8492927 8493010 8502251 8494088 8501961 8498732 8500387 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492950 8495045 8506821 8498911 8507188 8505879 8505859 8494551 8491609 8511882 8512137 8512446 8492204 8489614 8497152 8492910 8497071 8505858 8504234 8494549 8496537 8501786 8507947 8507894 8502141 8489117 8502226 8509951 8503192 8508817 8507516 8511738 8512069 8488947 8500482 8503433 8492940 8501570 8508623 8509665 8503106 8503081 8490753 8495214 8504428 # Crossed Words (Matthias Koster) 8499765 : 8508598 8508699 8504423 8505873 8507478 8490802 8511855 8494044 8492901 8498806 8490123 8507944 8495224 8512350 8511245 8489184 8505852 8490814 8506518 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8506831 8507651 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494545 8490794 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8489780 8504739 8506440 8497164 8499691 8507504 8509741 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507468 8507438 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512571 8509932 8507382 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507499 8490431 8490829 8505002 8493193 8504804 8492927 8493010 8502251 8494088 8501961 8498732 8500387 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492950 8495045 8506821 8498911 8507188 8505879 8505859 8494551 8491609 8511882 8512137 8512446 8492204 8489614 8497152 8492910 8497071 8505858 8504234 8494549 8496537 8501786 8507947 8507894 8502141 8489117 8502226 8509951 8503192 8508817 8507516 8511738 8512069 8507389 8488947 8500482 8503433 8492940 8501570 8508623 8509665 8503106 8503081 8490753 8495214 8512151 8512593 8512555 8504669 8508951 8500005 8493212 8501554 8504428 # Mining Colony (Matthias Koster) 8499770 : 8508598 8508699 8504423 8505873 8507478 8490802 8511855 8494044 8492901 8498806 8490123 8507944 8495224 8512350 8511245 8489184 8505852 8490814 8506518 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8506831 8507651 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494545 8490794 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8489780 8504739 8506440 8497164 8499691 8507504 8509741 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507468 8507438 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512571 8509932 8507382 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507499 8490431 8490829 8505002 8493193 8504804 8492927 8493010 8502251 8494088 8501961 8498732 8500387 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492950 8495045 8506821 8498911 8507188 8505879 8505859 8494551 8491609 8511882 8512137 8512446 8492204 8489614 8497152 8492910 8497071 8505858 8504234 8494549 8496537 8501786 8507947 8507894 8502141 8489117 8507389 8504428 # Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time (Matthias Koster) 8499778 : 8508598 8508699 8504423 8505873 8507478 8490802 8511855 8494044 8492901 8498806 8490123 8507944 8495224 8512350 8511245 8489184 8505852 8490814 8506518 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8506831 8507651 # Guild Master (Matthias Koster) 8501496 : 8508598 8508699 8504423 8505873 8507478 8490802 8511855 8494044 8492901 8498806 8490123 8507944 8495224 8512350 8511245 8489184 8505852 8490814 8506518 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8506831 8507651 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494545 8490794 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8489780 8504739 8506440 8497164 8499691 8507504 8509741 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507468 8507438 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512571 8509932 8507382 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507499 8490431 8490829 8505002 8493193 8504804 8492927 8493010 8502251 8494088 8501961 8498732 8500387 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8492950 8495045 8506821 8498911 8507188 8505879 8505859 8494551 8491609 8511882 8512137 8512446 8492204 8489614 8497152 8492910 8497071 8505858 8504234 8494549 8496537 8501786 8507947 8507894 8502226 8509951 8503192 8508817 8507516 8511738 # PARKS (Matthias Koster) 8501501 : 8508598 8508699 8504423 8505873 8507478 8490802 8511855 8494044 8492901 8498806 8490123 8507944 8495224 8512350 8511245 8489184 8505852 8490814 8506518 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8506831 8507651 8490442 8492873 8512297 8494545 8490794 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8489780 8497164 8499691 8509741 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507468 8507438 #pragma user "Mcninjax" # Confirmation code: BEjZQyHfDj7VybuAuJvrRw # Sun Oct 3 21:57:29 2021 # Xia: Legends of a Drift System (Mcninjax) 8490807 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 # Suburbia: Collector's Edition (Mcninjax) 8490814 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 # Rise of Tribes (Mcninjax) 8490824 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 # Mage Knight Board Game (Mcninjax) 8490828 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8500867 8501284 # Dune: Imperium (Mcninjax) 8490829 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8507388 8493730 8495235 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8490176 8490027 8512081 8512494 8496358 8507741 8511245 # Rising Sun (Mcninjax) 8491743 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8507651 8512589 8500867 8501284 # Apex Theropod Deck-Building Game (Mcninjax) 8491745 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8507388 8493730 8495235 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8490176 8512081 8512494 8496358 # Scotland Yard (Mcninjax) 8491749 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8507388 8493730 8495235 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8490176 8490027 8512081 8512494 8496358 8507741 8511245 8493117 8504968 8507363 8490477 8494545 8504430 8494740 8511236 8512533 8512540 8495180 8500001 8490762 8494165 8498481 8500545 8505765 8506726 8510816 8512479 8498489 8499778 8489319 8493161 8512498 8497952 8511712 8493169 8496234 8494104 8507896 8493212 8504969 8512165 8495240 8504885 8499996 8506517 8500558 8501501 8509166 8496218 8500003 8489897 8505106 8496683 8508448 8501612 8493159 8494117 8506506 8490252 8495234 8512391 8503894 8495231 8507905 8502215 8497146 8490259 # XenoShyft: Onslaught (Mcninjax) 8491993 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8507388 8493730 8495235 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8490176 8490027 8512081 8512494 8496358 8507741 8511245 8493117 8504968 8507363 8490477 8504430 8511236 8512533 8512540 8495180 8490762 8494165 8498481 8500545 8505765 8506726 8510816 8512479 # Ex Libris (Mcninjax) 8491994 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 # After The Empire (Mcninjax) 8491996 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8505002 # Red Rising (Mcninjax) 8491998 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 # Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game (Mcninjax) 8498627 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8507388 8493730 8495235 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8490176 8512081 8512494 8507741 # Dice Hospital (Mcninjax) 8498633 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8497135 # Red Alert: Space Fleet Warfare (Mcninjax) 8498640 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 # Duel of Ages II (Mcninjax) 8498646 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8507388 8493730 8495235 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8490027 8512081 # Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia (Mcninjax) 8498649 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8507388 8493730 8495235 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8490176 8490027 8512494 8496358 # Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure (Mcninjax) 8498656 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8490192 8500000 8502994 8497913 8490148 # X-Men: Mutant Revolution (Mcninjax) 8498657 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8507388 8493730 8495235 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8490176 8490027 8512081 8512494 8496358 8507741 8511245 8493117 8504968 8507363 8490477 8494545 8504430 8494740 8511236 8512533 8512540 8495180 8500001 8490762 8494165 8498481 8500545 8505765 8506726 8510816 8512479 8498489 8499778 8489319 8493161 8512498 8497952 8511712 8493169 8496234 8494104 8507896 8493212 8504969 8512165 8495240 8504885 8506517 # Alt Name: $40 CAD Gift Card (Mcninjax) 8509922 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8493730 8495235 8490176 8490027 8512494 8496358 8507741 8511245 8493117 8504968 8507363 8490477 8494545 8494740 8495180 8500001 # Everdell: Spirecrest (Mcninjax) 8511675 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8507388 8493730 8495235 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8490176 8490027 8512081 8512494 8496358 8507741 8511245 8493117 8504968 8507363 8490477 8494545 8504430 8494740 8511236 8512533 8512540 8495180 8490762 8494165 # Everdell: Collector's Edition (Mcninjax) 8512537 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8498911 # Wonder Woman: Challenge of the Amazons (Mcninjax) 8512539 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8507388 8493730 8495235 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8490176 8490027 8512081 8512494 8496358 8507741 8511245 8493117 8504968 8507363 8490477 8494545 8504430 8494740 8511236 8512533 8512540 8500001 # Lupin the 3rd (Mcninjax) 8512541 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8507388 8493730 8495235 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8490176 8490027 8512081 8512494 8496358 8507741 8511245 8493117 8504968 8507363 8490477 8494545 8504430 8494740 8511236 8512533 8512540 8495180 8500001 8490762 8494165 8498481 8500545 8505765 8506726 8510816 8512479 8498489 8499778 8489319 8493161 8512498 8497952 8511712 8493169 8496234 8494104 8507896 8493212 8504969 8512165 8495240 8504885 8499996 8506517 8500558 8501501 8509166 8496218 8500003 8489897 8505106 8496683 8508448 8501612 8493159 8494117 8506506 8490252 8495234 # Alt Name: Vast the Crystal Caverns - Miniature expansion (Mcninjax) 8512545 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8507388 8493730 8495235 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8490176 8490027 8512081 8512494 8496358 8507741 8511245 8493117 8504968 8507363 8490477 8494545 8504430 8494740 8511236 8512533 8512540 8495180 8500001 8490762 8494165 8498481 8500545 8505765 8506726 8510816 8512479 8498489 8499778 8489319 8493161 # The City of Kings (Mcninjax) 8512555 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 # Choose Your Own Adventure: House of Danger (Mcninjax) 8512559 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8507388 8493730 8495235 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8490176 8490027 8512081 8512494 8496358 8507741 8511245 8493117 8504968 8507363 8490477 8494545 8504430 8494740 8511236 8512533 8512540 8495180 8500001 8490762 8494165 8498481 8500545 8505765 8506726 8510816 8512479 8498489 8499778 8489319 8493161 8512498 8497952 8511712 8493169 8496234 8494104 8507896 8493212 8504969 8512165 8495240 8504885 8499996 8506517 8500558 8501501 8509166 8496218 8500003 8489897 8505106 8496683 8508448 8501612 8493159 8494117 8506506 8490252 # Alt Name: Roxley Iron Clays - 100 count (Mcninjax) 8512564 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8507388 8493730 8495235 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8490176 8490027 8512081 8512494 8496358 8507741 8511245 8493117 8504968 8507363 8490477 8494545 8504430 8494740 8511236 8512533 8512540 8495180 8500001 8490762 8494165 # Cytosis: A Cell Biology Board Game (Mcninjax) 8512569 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8507539 8511217 8507388 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 # Costume Party Detective (Mcninjax) 8512573 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8507388 8493730 8495235 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8490176 8490027 8512081 8512494 8496358 8507741 8511245 8493117 8504968 8507363 8490477 8494545 8504430 8494740 8511236 8512533 8512540 8495180 8500001 8490762 8494165 8498481 8500545 8505765 8506726 8510816 8512479 8498489 8499778 8489319 8493161 8512498 8497952 8511712 8493169 8496234 8494104 8507896 8493212 8504969 8512165 8495240 8504885 8499996 8506517 8500558 8501501 8509166 8496218 8500003 8489897 8505106 8496683 8508448 8501612 8493159 8494117 8506506 8490252 8495234 8512391 8503894 8495231 8507905 8502215 8497146 # Android: Netrunner – The Universe of Tomorrow (Mcninjax) 8512576 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8507388 8493730 8495235 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8490176 8490027 8512081 8512494 8496358 8507741 8511245 8493117 8504968 8507363 8490477 8494545 8504430 8494740 8511236 8512533 8512540 8495180 8500001 8490762 8494165 8498481 8500545 8505765 8506726 8510816 8512479 8498489 8499778 8489319 8493161 8512498 8497952 8511712 8493169 8496234 8494104 8507896 8493212 8504969 8512165 8495240 8499996 # Codenames: Marvel (Mcninjax) 8512580 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8507388 8493730 8495235 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8490176 8490027 8512081 8512494 8496358 8507741 8511245 8493117 8504968 8507363 8490477 8494545 8504430 8494740 8511236 8512533 8512540 8495180 8500001 8490762 8494165 8498481 8500545 8505765 8506726 8510816 8512479 8498489 8499778 8489319 8493161 8512498 8497952 8511712 8493169 8496234 8494104 8507896 8493212 8504969 8512165 8495240 8504885 8499996 8506517 8500558 8501501 8509166 8496218 8500003 8489897 8505106 8496683 8508448 8501612 8493159 8494117 8506506 8490252 8512391 8503894 8495231 8507905 # Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem (Mcninjax) 8512582 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8507388 8493730 8495235 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8490176 8490027 8512081 8512494 8496358 8507741 8511245 8493117 8504968 8507363 8490477 8494545 8504430 8494740 8511236 8512533 8512540 8500001 # Android: Netrunner – Old Hollywood (Mcninjax) 8512587 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8507388 8493730 8495235 8490176 8490027 # Tide of Iron: Next Wave (Mcninjax) 8512592 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8502512 8512589 # Alt Name: Hellblazer Graphic Novels (Mcninjax) 8512597 : 8494160 8507732 8495224 8494040 8494084 8494551 8512535 8497128 8494156 8507219 8512350 8494850 8510212 8499686 8492161 8507651 8502512 8512589 8490192 8500000 8502994 8500867 8501284 8492194 8492273 8497913 8498911 8505002 8497135 8490148 8490662 8494106 8499998 8508954 8511887 8499301 8489254 8511634 8512518 8499682 8496123 8507539 8511217 8507388 8493730 8495235 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8490176 8490027 8512081 8512494 8496358 8507741 8511245 8493117 8504968 8507363 8490477 8494545 8504430 8494740 8511236 8512533 8512540 8495180 8500001 8490762 8494165 8498481 8500545 8505765 8506726 8510816 8512479 8498489 8499778 8489319 8493161 8512498 8497952 8511712 8493169 8496234 8494104 8507896 8493212 8504969 8512165 8495240 8504885 8499996 8506517 8500558 8501501 8509166 8496218 8500003 8489897 8505106 8496683 8508448 8501612 8493159 8494117 8506506 8490252 8495234 8512391 8502215 #pragma user "messedup1" # Confirmation code: P3RlCNEgNPBDO31gFIqgBw # Sun Oct 3 14:04:48 2021 # (messedup1) %BraLan : # (messedup1) %CoC1 : # (messedup1) %GMIC : # (messedup1) %GWT : # (messedup1) %ModArt : # (messedup1) %RftG : # (messedup1) %SDMS : # Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers (messedup1) 8511683 : 8494084 8494551 8507529 8507478 8507732 8494156 8512350 8502478 8489585 8494523 8509314 8504853 8505859 8490123 8490343 8507489 8511910 8492275 8509746 8490199 8504423 8505002 8491743 8496215 8498508 8490802 8511855 8505850 8512241 8507497 8509951 8489014 8492616 8503433 8503899 8511245 8500000 8490814 8498911 8499682 8494839 8511915 8489319 8493161 8503087 8504913 8489614 8506815 8493167 8512335 8499394 8492162 8489193 8489609 8489884 8499811 8503903 8504221 8507499 8501781 8501525 8495243 8489195 8499686 8493456 8510945 8496007 8499693 8493133 8494549 8495203 8493712 8502506 8488920 8507507 8509954 8504962 8500560 8490114 8497164 8509829 8507468 8489577 8490485 8501961 8499691 8490018 %8509577 %8509620 8512564 8504969 8489612 8496144 8494668 8490442 8490828 8500558 8508764 8509933 8503889 8511912 8500556 8499695 8502082 8490764 8502085 8499994 8489597 8500498 8489117 8505106 8500001 8505846 8511917 8497633 8507900 8495017 8502202 8508691 8500628 8506943 8488871 8495187 8512502 8512331 # Cottage Garden (messedup1) 8511695 : 8494084 8494551 8507529 8507478 8507732 8494156 8512350 8502478 8489585 8494523 8509314 8504853 8505859 8490123 8490343 8507489 8511910 8492275 8509746 8490199 8504423 8505002 8491743 8496215 8498508 8490802 8511855 8505850 8512241 8507497 8509951 8489014 8492616 8503433 8503899 8511245 8500000 8490814 8498911 8499682 8494839 8511915 8489319 8493161 8503087 8504913 8489614 8506815 8493167 8512335 8499394 8492162 8489193 8489609 8489884 8499811 8503903 8504221 8507499 8501781 8501525 8495243 8489195 8499686 8493456 8510945 8496007 8499693 8493133 8494549 8495203 8493712 8502506 8488920 8507507 8509954 8504962 8500560 8490114 8497164 8509829 8507468 8489577 8490485 8501961 8499691 8490018 %8509577 %8509620 8512564 8504969 8489612 8496144 8494668 8490442 8490828 8500558 8508764 8509933 8503889 8511912 8500556 8499695 8502082 8490764 8502085 8499994 8489597 8500498 8489117 8505106 8500001 8505846 8511917 8497633 8507900 8495017 8502202 8508691 8500628 8506943 8488871 8495187 8512502 8512331 # Fury of Dracula (Third/Fourth Edition) (messedup1) 8511702 : 8494084 8494551 8507529 8507478 8507732 8494156 8512350 8502478 8489585 # German Railways (messedup1) 8511710 : 8494084 8494551 8507529 8507478 8507732 8494156 8512350 8502478 8489585 8494523 8509314 8504853 8505859 8490123 8490343 8507489 8511910 8492275 8509746 8490199 8504423 8505002 8491743 8496215 8498508 8490802 8511855 8505850 8512241 8507497 8509951 8489014 8492616 8503433 8503899 8511245 8500000 8490814 8498911 8499682 8494839 8511915 8489319 8493161 8503087 8504913 8489614 8506815 8493167 8512335 8499394 8492162 8489193 8489609 8489884 8499811 8503903 8504221 8507499 8501781 8501525 8495243 8489195 8499686 8493456 8510945 8496007 8499693 8493133 8494549 8495203 8493712 8502506 8488920 8507507 8509954 8504962 8500560 8490114 8497164 8509829 8507468 8489577 8490485 8501961 8499691 8490018 %8509577 %8509620 8512564 8504969 8489612 8496144 8494668 8490442 8490828 8500558 8508764 8509933 8503889 8511912 8500556 8499695 8502082 8490764 8502085 8499994 8489597 8500498 8489117 8505106 8500001 8505846 8511917 8497633 8507900 8495017 8502202 8508691 # Hardback (messedup1) 8511712 : 8494084 8494551 8507529 8507478 8507732 8494156 8512350 8502478 8489585 8494523 8509314 8504853 8505859 8490123 8490343 8507489 8511910 8492275 8509746 8490199 8504423 8505002 8491743 8496215 8498508 8490802 8511855 8505850 8512241 8507497 8509951 8489014 8492616 8503433 8503899 8511245 8500000 8490814 8498911 8499682 8494839 8511915 8489319 8493161 8503087 8504913 8489614 8506815 8493167 8512335 8499394 8492162 8489193 8489609 8489884 8499811 8503903 8504221 8507499 8501781 8501525 8495243 8489195 8499686 8493456 8510945 8496007 8499693 8493133 8494549 8495203 8493712 8502506 8488920 8507507 8509954 8504962 8500560 8490114 8497164 8509829 8507468 8489577 8490485 8501961 8490018 %8509577 %8509620 8512564 8504969 8489612 8496144 8494668 8490828 8503889 8511912 8500556 8499994 # Nations: The Dice Game (messedup1) 8511718 : 8494084 8494551 8507529 8507478 8507732 8494156 8512350 8502478 8489585 8494523 8509314 8504853 8505859 8490123 8490343 8507489 8511910 8492275 8509746 8490199 8504423 8505002 8491743 8496215 8498508 8490802 8511855 8505850 8512241 8507497 8509951 8489014 8492616 8503433 8503899 8511245 8500000 8490814 8498911 8499682 8494839 8511915 8489319 8493161 8503087 8504913 8489614 8506815 8493167 8512335 8499394 8492162 8489193 8489609 8489884 8499811 8503903 8504221 8507499 8501781 8501525 8495243 8489195 8499686 8493456 8510945 8496007 8499693 8493133 8494549 8495203 8493712 8502506 8488920 8507507 8499691 # Pendragon: The Fall of Roman Britain (messedup1) 8511722 : 8494084 8494551 8507529 8507478 8507732 8494156 8512350 8502478 8489585 # Puerto Rico (messedup1) 8511735 : 8494084 8494551 8507529 8507478 8507732 8494156 8512350 8502478 8489585 8494523 8509314 8504853 8505859 8490123 8490343 8507489 8511910 8492275 8509746 8490199 8504423 8505002 8491743 8496215 8498508 8490802 8511855 8505850 8512241 8507497 8509951 8489014 8492616 8503433 8503899 8511245 8500000 8490814 8498911 8499682 8494839 8511915 8489319 8493161 8503087 8504913 8489614 8506815 8493167 8512335 8499394 8492162 8489193 8489609 8489884 8499811 8503903 8504221 8507499 8501781 8501525 8495243 8489195 8499686 8493456 8510945 8496007 8499693 8493133 8494549 8495203 8493712 8502506 8488920 8507507 8509954 8504962 8500560 8490114 8497164 8509829 8507468 8489577 8490485 8501961 8499691 8490018 %8509577 %8509620 8512564 8504969 8489612 8496144 8494668 8490442 8500558 8508764 8509933 8499695 8502082 8490764 8502085 # Tawantinsuyu: The Inca Empire (messedup1) 8511738 : 8494084 8494551 8507529 8507478 8507732 8494156 8512350 8502478 8489585 8494523 8509314 8504853 8505859 8490123 8490343 8507489 8511910 8492275 8509746 8490199 8504423 8505002 8491743 8496215 8498508 8490802 8511855 8505850 8512241 8507497 8509951 8489014 8492616 8503433 8503899 8511245 8500000 8490814 8498911 8499682 8494839 8511915 8489319 8493161 8503087 8504913 8489614 8506815 8493167 8512335 8499394 # Rogue Agent (messedup1) 8511905 : 8494084 8494551 8507529 8507478 8507732 8494156 8512350 8502478 8489585 8494523 8509314 8504853 8505859 8490123 8490343 8507489 8511910 8492275 8509746 8490199 8504423 8505002 8491743 8496215 8498508 8490802 8511855 8505850 8512241 8507497 8509951 8489014 8492616 8503433 8503899 8511245 8500000 8490814 8498911 8499682 8494839 8511915 8489319 8493161 8503087 8504913 8489614 8506815 8493167 8512335 8499394 8492162 8489193 8489609 8489884 8499811 8503903 8504221 8507499 8501781 8501525 8495243 8489195 8499686 8493456 8510945 8496007 8499693 8493133 8494549 8495203 8493712 8502506 8488920 8507507 8509954 8504962 8500560 8490114 8497164 8509829 8507468 8489577 8490485 8501961 8499691 8490018 %8509577 %8509620 8512564 8504969 8489612 8496144 8494668 8490442 8490828 8500558 8508764 8509933 8503889 8511912 8500556 8499695 8502082 8490764 8502085 8499994 8489597 8500498 8489117 8505106 8500001 8505846 8511917 8497633 8507900 8495017 8502202 8508691 8500628 8506943 8488871 8495187 8512502 8512331 8490259 # Bios:Megafauna (Second Edition) (messedup1) 8511949 : 8494084 8494551 8507529 8507478 8507732 8494156 8512350 8502478 8489585 8494523 8509314 8504853 8505859 8490123 8490343 8507489 8511910 # Unbroken (messedup1) 8511961 : 8494084 8494551 8507529 8507478 8507732 8494156 8512350 8502478 8489585 8494523 8509314 8504853 8505859 8490123 8490343 8507489 8511910 8492275 8509746 8490199 8504423 8505002 8491743 8496215 8498508 8490802 8511855 8505850 8512241 8507497 8509951 8489014 8492616 8503433 8503899 8511245 8500000 8490814 8498911 8499682 8494839 8511915 8489319 8493161 8503087 8504913 8489614 8506815 8493167 8512335 8499394 8492162 8489193 8489609 8489884 8499811 8503903 8504221 8507499 8501781 8501525 8495243 8489195 8499686 8493456 8510945 8496007 8499693 8493133 8494549 8495203 8493712 8502506 8488920 8507507 8509954 8504962 8500560 8490114 8497164 8509829 8507468 8489577 8490485 8501961 8499691 8490018 %8509577 %8509620 8512564 8504969 8489612 8496144 8494668 8490442 8490828 8500558 8508764 8509933 8503889 8511912 8500556 8499695 8502082 8490764 8502085 8499994 8489597 8500498 8489117 8505106 8500001 8505846 8511917 8497633 8507900 8495017 8502202 8500628 8506943 # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Gaia Project and overlays for the player boards by Gaming Trunk (messedup1) %8509577 : 8509577-COPY1 8509577-COPY2 8509577-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven by Gaming Trunk (messedup1) %8509620 : 8509620-COPY1 8509620-COPY2 8509620-COPY3 #pragma user "MHCott" # Confirmation code: QC-TEajlR4NtNLE0i++XQA # Thu Sep 30 23:19:43 2021 # Keyflower (MHCott) 8504765 : 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8504423 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507529 8495224 8512350 8511245 8489600 8490814 8506518 8500867 8501284 8498911 8499682 8507188 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502512 # The Island of El Dorado (MHCott) 8504771 : 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8504423 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507529 8495224 8512350 8511245 8489600 8490814 8506518 8500867 8501284 8498911 8499682 8507188 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502512 8495180 8489884 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8501467 8490027 8494551 8489533 8492973 8495265 8509933 8511724 8500000 8502994 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8491351 8511910 missing-official 8507353 8504968 8507363 8489450 8490313 8493175 8502511 8508664 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8512488 8489211 8509714 8509823 8511206 8489597 8492224 8490535 8496685 8511121 8510450 8512394 8501781 8509774 8501525 8511213 8512498 8507951 8511190 8492927 8494044 8507944 8490762 8490485 8507389 8496998 8505854 8509639 8512524 8503448 8499998 8490805 8509772 8492987 8504234 8509778 8499691 8508954 8494079 8494113 8511211 8505794 8504428 8491607 8510810 8489608 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8495025 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492950 8495045 8506821 8492866 8506535 8492204 8509741 8512537 8506226 8489531 8499386 8504962 8508847 8503023 8490523 8500522 8502332 8503903 8508701 8509648 8493725 8496218 8499687 8510941 8497152 8507436 8507477 8491994 8492848 8506531 8497003 8512298 8510930 8508986 8507374 8499133 8502055 8504386 8512568 8500501 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 8489482 8490824 8491328 8507741 8492661 # Crown of Emara (MHCott) 8504786 : 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8504423 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507529 8495224 8512350 8511245 8489600 8490814 8506518 8500867 8501284 8498911 8499682 8507188 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502512 8495180 8489884 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8501467 8490027 8494551 8489533 8492973 8495265 8509933 8511724 8500000 8502994 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8491351 8511910 missing-official 8507353 8504968 8507363 8489450 8490313 8493175 8502511 8508664 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8512488 8489211 8509714 8509823 8511206 8489597 8492224 8490535 8496685 8511121 8510450 8512394 8501781 8509774 8501525 8511213 8512498 8507951 8511190 8492927 8494044 8507944 8490762 8490485 8507389 8496998 8505854 8509639 8512524 8503448 8499998 8490805 8509772 8492987 8504234 8509778 8499691 8508954 8494079 8494113 8511211 8505794 8504428 8491607 8510810 8489608 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8495025 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492950 8495045 8506821 8492866 8506535 8492204 8509741 8512537 8506226 # Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure (MHCott) 8504804 : 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8504423 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507529 8495224 8512350 8511245 8489600 8490814 8506518 8500867 8501284 8498911 8499682 8507188 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502512 8495180 8489884 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8501467 8490027 8494551 8489533 8492973 8495265 8509933 8511724 8500000 8502994 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8491351 8511910 missing-official # Volfyirion (MHCott) 8504815 : 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8504423 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507529 8495224 8512350 8511245 8489600 8490814 8506518 8500867 8501284 8498911 8499682 8507188 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502512 8495180 8489884 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8501467 8490027 8494551 8489533 8492973 8495265 8509933 8511724 8500000 8502994 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8491351 8511910 missing-official 8507353 8504968 8507363 8489450 8490313 8493175 8502511 8508664 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8512488 8489211 8509714 8509823 8511206 8489597 8492224 8490535 8496685 8511121 8510450 8512394 8501781 8509774 8501525 8511213 8512498 8507951 8511190 8492927 8494044 8507944 8490762 8490485 8507389 8496998 8505854 8509639 8512524 8503448 8499998 8490805 8509772 8492987 8504234 8509778 8499691 8508954 8494079 8494113 8511211 8505794 8504428 8491607 8510810 8489608 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8495025 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492950 8495045 8506821 8492866 8506535 8492204 8509741 8512537 8506226 8489531 8499386 8504962 8508847 8503023 8490523 8500522 8502332 8503903 8508701 8509648 8493725 8496218 8499687 8510941 8497152 8507436 8507477 8491994 8492848 8506531 8497003 8512298 8510930 8508986 8507374 8499133 8502055 8504386 8512568 8500501 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 8489482 8490824 8491328 8507741 8492661 # Takenoko (MHCott) 8504828 : 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8504423 8499686 8512123 8512535 8507529 8495224 8512350 8511245 8489600 8490814 8506518 8500867 8501284 8498911 8499682 8507188 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502512 8495180 8489884 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8501467 8490027 8494551 8489533 8492973 8495265 8509933 8511724 8500000 8502994 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8491351 8511910 missing-official 8507353 8504968 8507363 8489450 8490313 8493175 8502511 8508664 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8512488 8489211 8509714 8509823 8511206 8489597 8492224 8490535 8496685 8511121 8510450 8512394 8501781 8509774 8501525 8511213 8512498 8507951 8511190 8492927 8494044 8507944 8490762 8490485 8507389 8496998 8505854 8509639 8512524 8503448 8499998 8490805 8509772 8492987 8504234 8509778 8499691 8508954 8494079 8494113 8511211 8505794 8504428 8491607 8510810 8489608 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8495025 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492950 8495045 8506821 8492866 8506535 8492204 8509741 8512537 8506226 8489531 #pragma user "mightygodking" # Confirmation code: GM0FD7CLveYyeCQJbasNJg # Sun Oct 3 15:52:16 2021 # (mightygodking) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (mightygodking) %AirCit : 8492153 8492804 # (mightygodking) %AlmMat : 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 # (mightygodking) %Aquat : 8492794 8500004 8507437 8511909 # (mightygodking) %BHK : 8489539 8490001 8490899 8493033 8499161 8500487 8507376 8511092 # (mightygodking) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (mightygodking) %Bru189 : 8491196 8500537 8503106 # (mightygodking) %CFL : 8494113 8511211 # (mightygodking) %CISADA : 8493193 8498656 8504804 # (mightygodking) %Calico : 8503693 # (mightygodking) %CoC1 : 8489319 8493161 # (mightygodking) %Conco : 8489884 8494126 8496947 # (mightygodking) %CooIsl : 8489184 8505852 # (mightygodking) %CryPal : 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 # (mightygodking) %CtA : 8489608 8499661 8500430 # (mightygodking) %DAMCBG : 8504865 8508894 8512334 # (mightygodking) %DSM : 8494853 8495247 # (mightygodking) %Downf : 8491597 8503889 # (mightygodking) %EscPla : 8490123 8507944 # (mightygodking) %FanFac : 8499133 8502055 8504386 8512568 # (mightygodking) %GAH : 8490114 8494842 8512340 # (mightygodking) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (mightygodking) %Hardb : 8501612 8511712 # (mightygodking) %HftR : 8489196 8489582 # (mightygodking) %HonBuz : 8500003 8504430 # (mightygodking) %IKI : 8493163 8509180 # (mightygodking) %Inis : 8492922 8504954 # (mightygodking) %Isleb : 8507008 8509730 8512206 # (mightygodking) %Jamai : 8507719 8508700 # (mightygodking) %Kemet : # (mightygodking) %Keyfl : 8489597 8489814 8504765 8512362 8490118 8501521 # (mightygodking) %Livin : 8490041 8509233 # (mightygodking) %LouXIV : 8503001 8509359 # (mightygodking) %MarUni : 8490050 8492084 8505008 8512459 8512474 # (mightygodking) %MdL : 8492950 8495045 8506821 # (mightygodking) %NewFro : 8493151 8497914 # (mightygodking) %Newton : 8499691 8508986 # (mightygodking) %Oceans : 8489281 8492940 8500613 8500928 8508621 # (mightygodking) %OtUL : 8489453 8491330 # (mightygodking) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (mightygodking) %Panam : 8489104 8500354 8507406 8510936 # (mightygodking) %Paper : 8490063 8510105 # (mightygodking) %Parad : 8500617 8508622 # (mightygodking) %Photo : 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8512124 # (mightygodking) %Polyn : 8492991 8509945 # (mightygodking) %PorRoy : 8502100 8512502 # (mightygodking) %PrtPo : 8490805 8509772 # (mightygodking) %RaiRev : 8490120 8494149 8505797 8505871 # (mightygodking) %River : 8500409 8501786 # (mightygodking) %RusRai : 8490791 8507511 # (mightygodking) %SCE : 8490814 8506518 # (mightygodking) %SDMS : 8498911 8499682 8507188 # (mightygodking) %SanMon : 8496223 8497157 # (mightygodking) %Santo : 8489141 8493042 8498758 8499745 8500931 8509655 # (mightygodking) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (mightygodking) %SmaInc : 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 # (mightygodking) %SoN : 8489515 8489578 8490154 8506968 # (mightygodking) %TCoG : 8491892 8501613 8507517 # (mightygodking) %TDoP : %8490751 8504456 8504565 # (mightygodking) %TEZ : 8500075 8503880 8504552 8508640 8501567 # (mightygodking) %TMPEE : 8507640 8509689 # (mightygodking) %TPotE : 8500772 8510661 # (mightygodking) %TVoMP : 8510450 8512394 # (mightygodking) %Taken : 8498770 8503003 8504828 8510208 8512538 # (mightygodking) %Tapes : 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 # (mightygodking) %TheCol : 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 # (mightygodking) %TheNet : 8490818 8492537 8501887 # (mightygodking) %ToINW : 8506528 8512592 # (mightygodking) %UEA : 8490868 8497158 8511840 # (mightygodking) %UEA2 : 8497159 8510785 # (mightygodking) %UMA : 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 # (mightygodking) %UTA : 8497161 8512464 # (mightygodking) %VEE : 8502511 8508664 8510029 # (mightygodking) %WEDS : 8490332 8502152 # (mightygodking) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 # (mightygodking) %WhiSto : 8490782 8509953 # Everdell (mightygodking) 8499386 : 8511235 8509774 8504423 %EscPla 8499693 %CooIsl %DSM 8507947 8502506 8494839 8494668 8507894 %AFfO 8503903 8489780 8489533 %Halle 8490485 %CryPal %IKI 8500867 8501284 8493167 %Conco 8494545 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511910 8489254 8499301 %VEE 8503023 8489389 8503158 %TCoG %Tapes 8510945 8511715 %TheNet %NewFro %CFL 8508881 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8504798 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8505932 %MdL 8502512 8492885 %Livin # Pan Am (mightygodking) 8499393 : 8511235 8509774 8504423 %EscPla 8499693 %CooIsl %DSM 8507947 8502506 8494839 8494668 8507894 %AFfO 8503903 8489780 8489533 %Halle 8490485 %CryPal %IKI 8500867 8501284 8493167 %Conco 8494545 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511910 8489254 8499301 %VEE 8503023 8489389 8503158 %TCoG %Tapes 8510945 8511715 %TheNet %NewFro %CFL 8508881 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8504798 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8505932 %MdL 8502512 8492885 %Livin 8502219 8500081 8508623 %AlmMat %CoC1 8506537 8499811 8507472 %RusRai %PARKS 8502166 8497164 8508838 8491743 %CISADA 8496003 8509733 %SmaInc 8503448 %WhiMou %TDoP %Aquat %PrtPo %Newton 8494726 %Oceans %TheCol 8492983 8509653 8494111 8490434 8512564 8507404 %HftR %MarUni %Polyn 8506815 8502048 %OtUL 8505765 8506726 8507504 8511138 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8506531 %WhiSto # 1883: Building Railroads in Northern Italy (mightygodking) 8499394 : 8511235 8509774 8504423 %EscPla 8499693 %CooIsl %DSM 8507947 8502506 8494839 8494668 8507894 8500867 8501284 # American Rails (mightygodking) 8499397 : 8511235 8509774 8504423 %EscPla 8499693 %CooIsl %DSM 8507947 8502506 8494839 8494668 8507894 %AFfO 8503903 8489780 8489533 %Halle 8490485 %CryPal %IKI 8500867 8501284 8493167 %Conco 8494545 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511910 # John Company (mightygodking) 8499399 : 8511235 8509774 8504423 %EscPla 8499693 %CooIsl %DSM 8507947 8502506 8494839 8494668 8507894 %AFfO 8503903 8489780 8489533 %Halle 8490485 %CryPal %IKI 8500867 8501284 8493167 %Conco 8494545 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511910 8489254 8499301 %VEE 8503023 8489389 8503158 %TCoG %Tapes 8510945 8511715 %TheNet %NewFro %CFL 8508881 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8504798 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8505932 %MdL 8502512 8492885 %Livin 8502219 8500081 8508623 %AlmMat %CoC1 8506537 # Colonial: Europe's Empires Overseas (mightygodking) 8499401 : 8511235 8509774 8504423 %EscPla 8499693 %CooIsl %DSM 8507947 8502506 8494839 8494668 8507894 %AFfO 8503903 8489780 8489533 %Halle 8490485 %CryPal %IKI 8500867 8501284 8493167 %Conco 8494545 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511910 8489254 8499301 %VEE 8503023 8489389 8503158 %TCoG %Tapes 8510945 8511715 %TheNet %NewFro %CFL 8508881 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8504798 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8505932 %MdL 8502512 8492885 %Livin 8502219 8500081 8508623 %AlmMat %CoC1 8506537 8499811 8507472 %RusRai %PARKS 8502166 8497164 8508838 8491743 %CISADA 8496003 8509733 %SmaInc 8503448 %WhiMou %TDoP %Aquat %PrtPo %Newton 8494726 %Oceans %TheCol 8492983 8509653 8494111 8490434 8512564 8507404 %HftR %MarUni %Polyn 8506815 8502048 # First Train to Nuremberg (mightygodking) 8499404 : 8511235 8509774 8504423 %EscPla 8499693 %CooIsl %DSM 8507947 8502506 8494839 8494668 8507894 %AFfO 8503903 8489780 8489533 %Halle 8490485 %CryPal %IKI 8500867 8501284 8493167 %Conco 8494545 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511910 8489254 8499301 %VEE 8503023 8489389 8503158 %TCoG %Tapes 8510945 8511715 %TheNet %NewFro %CFL 8508881 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8504798 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8505932 %MdL 8502512 8492885 %Livin 8502219 8500081 8508623 %AlmMat %CoC1 8506537 8499811 8507472 %RusRai %PARKS 8502166 8497164 8508838 8491743 %CISADA 8496003 8509733 %SmaInc 8503448 %WhiMou %TDoP %Aquat %PrtPo %Newton 8494726 %Oceans %TheCol 8492983 8509653 8494111 8490434 8512564 8507404 %HftR %MarUni %Polyn 8506815 8502048 %OtUL 8505765 8506726 8507504 8511138 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8506531 %WhiSto %Inis %Keyfl %GAH %TVoMP %Taken %Santo %Paper 8507468 8511724 %HonBuz 8508709 8490240 %DAMCBG 8511912 %FanFac 8503149 %Isleb 8505793 8510738 8494108 8511921 %Hardb %BHK %CtA 8504489 8508818 8493007 %River 8503131 %UTA %8509577 %UEA 8500620 %UEA2 %UMA 8512165 8507507 8507709 %ToINW 8504887 %BraBir %SleGod 8493725 8505859 8512571 %Jamai 8505873 %TPotE %Photo %SoN %TMPEE 8492927 8512241 %Calico 8509203 8494044 %Downf 8507953 %Panam %WEDS 8489166 8496147 8507510 8511720 8507737 8491996 8512296 %SCE %RaiRev 8489481 8498732 8507896 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512588 8503081 8509735 %SDMS 8503475 8492977 8506477 8492184 8511088 8489248 %AirCit 8502209 8493711 8491877 %PorRoy 8497037 %SanMon 8494133 8495231 8498573 %Bru189 %LouXIV 8491291 %Parad # Ultra Tiny Epic Kingdoms (mightygodking) 8500860 : 8511235 8509774 8504423 %EscPla 8499693 %CooIsl %DSM 8507947 8502506 8494839 8494668 8507894 %AFfO 8503903 8489780 8489533 %Halle 8490485 %CryPal %IKI 8500867 8501284 8493167 %Conco 8494545 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511910 8489254 8499301 %VEE 8503023 8489389 8503158 %TCoG %Tapes 8510945 8511715 %TheNet %NewFro %CFL 8508881 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8504798 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8505932 %MdL 8502512 8492885 %Livin 8502219 8500081 8508623 %AlmMat %CoC1 8506537 8499811 8507472 %RusRai %PARKS 8502166 8497164 8508838 8491743 %CISADA 8496003 8509733 %SmaInc 8503448 %WhiMou %TDoP %Aquat %PrtPo %Newton 8494726 %Oceans %TheCol 8492983 8509653 8494111 8490434 8512564 8507404 %HftR %MarUni %Polyn 8506815 8502048 %OtUL 8505765 8506726 8507504 8511138 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8506531 %WhiSto %Inis %Keyfl %GAH %TVoMP %Taken %Santo %Paper 8507468 8511724 %HonBuz 8508709 8490240 %DAMCBG 8511912 %FanFac 8503149 %Isleb 8505793 8510738 8494108 8511921 %Hardb %BHK %CtA 8504489 8508818 8493007 %River 8503131 %UTA %8509577 %UEA 8500620 %UEA2 %UMA 8512165 8507507 8507709 %ToINW 8504887 %BraBir %SleGod 8493725 8505859 8512571 %Jamai 8505873 %TPotE %Photo %SoN %TMPEE 8492927 8512241 %Calico 8509203 8494044 %Downf 8507953 %Panam %WEDS 8489166 8496147 8507510 8511720 8507737 8491996 8512296 %SCE %RaiRev 8489481 8498732 8507896 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512588 8503081 8509735 %SDMS 8503475 8492977 8506477 8492184 8511088 8489248 %AirCit 8502209 8493711 8491877 %PorRoy 8497037 %SanMon 8494133 8495231 8498573 %Bru189 %LouXIV 8491291 %Parad 8512450 8497080 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8509665 8510761 8511882 8512137 %TEZ # Imperial Struggle (mightygodking) 8502507 : 8511235 8509774 8504423 %EscPla 8499693 %CooIsl %DSM 8507947 8502506 8494839 8494668 8507894 %AFfO 8503903 8489780 8489533 %Halle 8490485 %CryPal %IKI 8500867 8501284 8493167 %Conco 8494545 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511910 8489254 8499301 %VEE 8503023 8489389 8503158 %TCoG %Tapes 8510945 8511715 %TheNet %NewFro %CFL 8508881 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8504798 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8505932 %MdL 8502512 8492885 %Livin 8502219 8500081 8508623 %AlmMat %CoC1 8506537 8499811 8507472 %RusRai %PARKS 8502166 8497164 8508838 8491743 %CISADA 8496003 8509733 %SmaInc 8503448 %WhiMou %TDoP %Aquat %PrtPo %Newton 8494726 %Oceans %TheCol 8492983 8509653 8494111 8490434 8512564 8507404 %HftR %MarUni %Polyn 8506815 8502048 %OtUL 8505765 8506726 8507504 8511138 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8506531 # Unlock!: Escape Adventures (mightygodking) 8503165 : 8511235 8509774 8504423 %EscPla 8499693 %CooIsl %DSM 8507947 8502506 8494839 8494668 8507894 %AFfO 8503903 8489780 8489533 %Halle 8490485 %CryPal %IKI 8500867 8501284 8493167 %Conco 8494545 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511910 8489254 8499301 %VEE 8503023 8489389 8503158 %TCoG %Tapes 8510945 8511715 %TheNet %NewFro %CFL 8508881 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8504798 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8505932 %MdL 8502512 8492885 %Livin 8502219 8500081 8508623 %AlmMat %CoC1 8506537 8499811 8507472 %RusRai %PARKS 8502166 8497164 8508838 8491743 %CISADA 8496003 8509733 %SmaInc 8503448 %WhiMou %TDoP %Aquat %PrtPo %Newton 8494726 %Oceans %TheCol 8492983 8509653 8494111 8490434 8512564 8507404 %HftR %MarUni %Polyn 8506815 8502048 %OtUL 8505765 8506726 8507504 8511138 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8506531 %WhiSto %Inis %Keyfl %GAH %TVoMP %Taken %Santo %Paper 8507468 8511724 %HonBuz 8508709 8490240 %DAMCBG 8511912 %FanFac 8503149 %Isleb 8505793 8510738 8494108 8511921 %Hardb %BHK %CtA 8504489 8508818 8493007 %River 8503131 %UTA %8509577 %UEA 8500620 %UEA2 %UMA 8512165 8507507 8507709 %ToINW 8504887 %BraBir %SleGod 8493725 8505859 8512571 %Jamai 8505873 %TPotE %Photo %SoN %TMPEE 8492927 8512241 %Calico 8509203 8494044 %Downf 8507953 %Panam %WEDS 8489166 8496147 8507510 8511720 8507737 8491996 8512296 %SCE %RaiRev 8489481 8498732 8507896 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512588 8503081 8509735 %SDMS 8503475 8492977 8506477 8492184 8511088 8489248 %AirCit 8502209 8493711 8491877 %PorRoy 8497037 %SanMon 8494133 8495231 8498573 %Bru189 %LouXIV 8491291 %Parad 8512450 8497080 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8509665 8510761 8511882 8512137 %TEZ 8509777 8509365 # Alt Name: Steam PC Games: Action (mightygodking) 8503222 : 8511235 8509774 8504423 %EscPla 8499693 %CooIsl %DSM 8507947 8502506 8494839 8494668 8507894 %AFfO 8503903 8489780 8489533 %Halle 8490485 %CryPal %IKI 8500867 8501284 8493167 %Conco 8494545 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511910 8489254 8499301 %VEE 8503023 8489389 8503158 %TCoG %Tapes 8510945 8511715 %TheNet %NewFro %CFL 8508881 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8504798 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8505932 %MdL 8502512 8492885 %Livin 8502219 8500081 8508623 %AlmMat %CoC1 8506537 8499811 8507472 %RusRai %PARKS 8502166 8497164 8508838 8491743 %CISADA 8496003 8509733 %SmaInc 8503448 %WhiMou %TDoP %Aquat %PrtPo %Newton 8494726 %Oceans %TheCol 8492983 8509653 8494111 8490434 8512564 8507404 %HftR %MarUni %Polyn 8506815 8502048 %OtUL 8505765 8506726 8507504 8511138 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8506531 %WhiSto %Inis %Keyfl %GAH %TVoMP %Taken %Santo %Paper 8507468 8511724 %HonBuz 8508709 8490240 %DAMCBG 8511912 %FanFac 8503149 %Isleb 8505793 8510738 8494108 8511921 %Hardb %BHK %CtA 8504489 8508818 8493007 %River 8503131 %UTA %8509577 %UEA 8500620 %UEA2 %UMA 8512165 8507507 8507709 %ToINW 8504887 # Alt Name: Steam PC Games: Adventure/Horror/Puzzle (mightygodking) 8503638 : 8511235 8509774 8504423 %EscPla 8499693 %CooIsl %DSM 8507947 8502506 8494839 8494668 8507894 %AFfO 8503903 8489780 8489533 %Halle 8490485 %CryPal %IKI 8500867 8501284 8493167 %Conco 8494545 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511910 8489254 8499301 %VEE 8503023 8489389 8503158 %TCoG %Tapes 8510945 8511715 %TheNet %NewFro %CFL 8508881 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8504798 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8505932 %MdL 8502512 8492885 %Livin 8502219 8500081 8508623 %AlmMat %CoC1 8506537 8499811 8507472 %RusRai %PARKS 8502166 8497164 8508838 8491743 %CISADA 8496003 8509733 %SmaInc 8503448 %WhiMou %TDoP %Aquat %PrtPo %Newton 8494726 %Oceans %TheCol 8492983 8509653 8494111 8490434 8512564 8507404 %HftR %MarUni %Polyn 8506815 8502048 %OtUL 8505765 8506726 8507504 8511138 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8506531 %WhiSto %Inis %Keyfl %GAH %TVoMP %Taken %Santo %Paper 8507468 8511724 %HonBuz 8508709 8490240 %DAMCBG 8511912 %FanFac 8503149 %Isleb 8505793 8510738 8494108 8511921 %Hardb %BHK %CtA 8504489 8508818 8493007 %River 8503131 %UTA %8509577 %UEA 8500620 %UEA2 %UMA 8512165 8507507 8507709 %ToINW 8504887 # Alt Name: Steam PC Games: Strategy (mightygodking) 8503675 : 8511235 8509774 8504423 %EscPla 8499693 %CooIsl %DSM 8507947 8502506 8494839 8494668 8507894 %AFfO 8503903 8489780 8489533 %Halle 8490485 %CryPal %IKI 8500867 8501284 8493167 %Conco 8494545 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511910 8489254 8499301 %VEE 8503023 8489389 8503158 %TCoG %Tapes 8510945 8511715 %TheNet %NewFro %CFL 8508881 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8504798 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8505932 %MdL 8502512 8492885 %Livin 8502219 8500081 8508623 %AlmMat %CoC1 8506537 8499811 8507472 %RusRai %PARKS 8502166 8497164 8508838 8491743 %CISADA 8496003 8509733 %SmaInc 8503448 %WhiMou %TDoP %Aquat %PrtPo %Newton 8494726 %Oceans %TheCol 8492983 8509653 8494111 8490434 8512564 8507404 %HftR %MarUni %Polyn 8506815 8502048 %OtUL 8505765 8506726 8507504 8511138 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8506531 %WhiSto %Inis %Keyfl %GAH %TVoMP %Taken %Santo %Paper 8507468 8511724 %HonBuz 8508709 8490240 %DAMCBG 8511912 %FanFac 8503149 %Isleb 8505793 8510738 8494108 8511921 %Hardb %BHK %CtA 8504489 8508818 8493007 %River 8503131 %UTA %8509577 %UEA 8500620 %UEA2 %UMA 8512165 8507507 8507709 %ToINW 8504887 # Disney Villainous (mightygodking) 8510810 : 8511235 8509774 8504423 %EscPla 8499693 %CooIsl %DSM 8507947 8502506 8494839 8494668 8507894 %AFfO 8503903 8489780 8489533 %Halle 8490485 %CryPal %IKI 8500867 8501284 8493167 %Conco 8494545 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511910 8489254 8499301 # Alt Name: $50 Gift Certificate (mightygodking) 8510816 : 8511235 8509774 8504423 %EscPla 8499693 %CooIsl %DSM 8507947 8502506 8494839 8494668 8507894 %AFfO 8503903 8489780 8489533 %Halle 8490485 %CryPal %IKI 8493167 # 1861: The Railways of the Russian Empire (mightygodking) 8510837 : 8511235 8509774 8504423 %EscPla 8499693 %CooIsl %DSM 8507947 8502506 8494839 8494668 8507894 %AFfO 8503903 8489780 8489533 %Halle 8490485 %CryPal %IKI 8500867 8501284 8493167 %Conco 8494545 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511910 8489254 8499301 %VEE 8503023 8489389 8503158 %TCoG %Tapes 8510945 8511715 %TheNet %NewFro %CFL 8508881 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8504798 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8505932 %MdL 8502512 8492885 %Livin 8502219 8500081 8508623 %AlmMat %CoC1 8506537 8499811 8507472 %RusRai %PARKS 8502166 8497164 8508838 8491743 %CISADA 8496003 8509733 %SmaInc 8503448 %WhiMou %TDoP %Aquat %PrtPo %Newton 8494726 %Oceans %TheCol 8492983 8509653 8494111 8490434 8512564 8507404 %HftR %MarUni %Polyn 8506815 8502048 %OtUL 8505765 8506726 8507504 8511138 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8506531 %WhiSto %Inis %Keyfl %GAH %TVoMP %Taken %Santo %Paper 8507468 8511724 %HonBuz 8508709 8490240 %DAMCBG 8511912 %FanFac 8503149 %Isleb 8505793 8510738 8494108 8511921 %Hardb %BHK %CtA 8504489 8508818 8493007 %River 8503131 %UTA %8509577 %UEA 8500620 %UEA2 %UMA 8512165 8507507 8507709 %ToINW 8504887 %BraBir %SleGod 8493725 8505859 8512571 %Jamai 8505873 %TPotE %Photo %SoN %TMPEE 8492927 8512241 %Calico 8509203 8494044 %Downf 8507953 %Panam %WEDS 8489166 8496147 8507510 8511720 8507737 8491996 8512296 %SCE %RaiRev 8489481 8498732 8507896 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512588 8503081 8509735 %SDMS 8503475 8492977 8506477 8492184 8511088 8489248 %AirCit 8502209 8493711 # Rococo: Jewelry Box (mightygodking) 8511230 : 8511235 8509774 8504423 %EscPla 8499693 %CooIsl %DSM 8507947 8502506 8494839 8494668 8507894 %AFfO 8503903 8489780 8489533 %Halle 8490485 %CryPal %IKI 8500867 8501284 8493167 %Conco 8494545 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511910 8489254 8499301 %VEE 8503023 8489389 8503158 %TCoG %Tapes 8510945 8511715 %TheNet %NewFro %CFL 8508881 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8504798 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8505932 %MdL 8502512 8492885 %Livin 8502219 8500081 8508623 %AlmMat %CoC1 8506537 8499811 8507472 %RusRai %PARKS 8502166 8497164 8508838 8491743 %CISADA 8496003 8509733 %SmaInc 8503448 %WhiMou %TDoP %Aquat %PrtPo %Newton 8494726 %Oceans %TheCol 8492983 8509653 8494111 8490434 8512564 8507404 %HftR %MarUni %Polyn 8506815 8502048 %OtUL 8505765 8506726 8507504 8511138 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 # Alt Name: Terraforming Mars Playsheet Overlays (mightygodking) 8512395 : 8511235 8509774 8504423 %EscPla 8499693 %CooIsl %DSM 8507947 8502506 8494839 8494668 8507894 %AFfO 8503903 8489780 8489533 %Halle 8490485 %CryPal %IKI 8500867 8501284 8493167 %Conco 8494545 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511910 8489254 8499301 %VEE 8503023 8489389 8503158 %TCoG %Tapes 8510945 8511715 %TheNet %NewFro %CFL 8508881 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8504798 8506440 8506714 8510150 8512081 8505932 %MdL 8502512 8492885 %Livin 8502219 8500081 8508623 %AlmMat %CoC1 8506537 8499811 8507472 %RusRai %PARKS 8502166 8497164 8508838 8491743 %CISADA 8496003 8509733 %SmaInc 8503448 %WhiMou %TDoP %Aquat %PrtPo %Newton 8494726 %Oceans %TheCol 8492983 8509653 8494111 8490434 8512564 8507404 %HftR %MarUni %Polyn 8506815 8502048 %OtUL 8505765 8506726 8507504 8511138 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8506531 %WhiSto %Inis %Keyfl %GAH %TVoMP %Taken %Santo %Paper 8507468 8511724 %HonBuz 8508709 8490240 %DAMCBG 8511912 %FanFac 8503149 %Isleb 8505793 8510738 8494108 8511921 %Hardb %BHK %CtA 8504489 8508818 8493007 %River 8503131 %UTA %8509577 %UEA 8500620 %UEA2 %UMA 8512165 8507507 8507709 %ToINW 8504887 %BraBir %SleGod 8493725 8505859 8512571 %Jamai 8505873 %TPotE %Photo %SoN %TMPEE 8492927 8512241 %Calico 8509203 8494044 %Downf 8507953 %Panam %WEDS 8489166 8496147 8507510 8511720 8507737 8491996 8512296 %SCE %RaiRev 8489481 8498732 8507896 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512588 8503081 8509735 %SDMS 8503475 8492977 8506477 8492184 8511088 8489248 %AirCit 8502209 8493711 8491877 %PorRoy 8497037 %SanMon 8494133 8495231 8498573 %Bru189 %LouXIV 8491291 %Parad 8512450 8497080 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8509665 8510761 8511882 8512137 %TEZ 8509777 8509365 8493705 # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want The Downfall of Pompeii (mightygodking) %8490751 : 8490751-COPY1 8490751-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Gaia Project and overlays for the player boards by Gaming Trunk (mightygodking) %8509577 : 8509577-COPY1 8509577-COPY2 8509577-COPY3 #pragma user "Migmeister" # Confirmation code: JTeDP9V1tuGD24wzYnXEgw # Sat Oct 2 22:22:25 2021 # A Study in Emerald (Second Edition) (Migmeister) 8495008 : 8490662 8507539 8494084 8504954 8489211 8509714 8494058 8505855 8490102 8490807 8500586 8500168 8504221 8509746 8489780 8511213 8494040 8495243 8501411 8494551 8496215 8507529 8507478 8489601 8498649 8504503 8494160 8509933 8492194 8497913 8490076 8507471 8512382 8509932 8508712 8510936 8503664 8507219 8511245 8510205 8508954 8511889 8490814 8506518 8508916 8489254 8511634 8512518 8500368 8492204 8507355 8512508 8508949 8491351 8507709 8507369 8502990 #pragma user "mihajlo" # Confirmation code: bM2MPtwlcHUTCFKzK7AKNw # Sun Oct 3 15:57:36 2021 # (mihajlo) %BGTBG : 8494436 8499370 8509870 # (mihajlo) %BlaAng : 8490240 8512298 # (mihajlo) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (mihajlo) %CTCF : 8492162 8493405 8494955 # (mihajlo) %ECE : 8509741 8512537 # (mihajlo) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 # (mihajlo) %Gloom : 8503158 8510028 # (mihajlo) %Inis : 8492922 8504954 # (mihajlo) %NewFro : 8493151 8497914 # (mihajlo) %PrtPo : 8490805 8509772 # (mihajlo) %RusRai : 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 # (mihajlo) %SpiIsl : 8493117 8504968 8507363 # (mihajlo) %Subur : 8498734 8501781 # (mihajlo) %TCoG : 8491892 8501613 8507517 # (mihajlo) %TMNTSotP : 8489971 8495239 8512232 # (mihajlo) %VEE : 8502511 8508664 8510029 # (mihajlo) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 8497070 # (mihajlo) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 8500586 # Notre Dame (mihajlo) 8512301 : %Gloom 8512392 %XLoaDS 8511235 %BGTBG 8500005 %SpiIsl %CTCF %VEE %BraBir %Inis 8503903 8490027 8504423 8494551 %TCoG 8491743 8511190 8494160 8494479 8511724 %BlaAng %NewFro %PrtPo 8512350 8511245 8502994 8502478 8489095 8507369 8504889 %ECE 8511910 # Outside the Scope of BGG (mihajlo) 8512445 : %Gloom 8512392 %XLoaDS 8511235 %BGTBG 8500005 %SpiIsl %CTCF %VEE %BraBir %Inis 8503903 8490027 8504423 8494551 %TCoG 8491743 8511190 8494160 8494479 8511724 %BlaAng %NewFro %PrtPo 8512350 8511245 8502994 8502478 8489095 8507369 8504889 %ECE 8511910 %Wings %Everd %RusRai 8511836 %Subur 8509774 8489780 8508583 8494040 8500534 8499236 8496218 8509876 8509875 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501877 8503609 8503786 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511634 8512081 8512143 %TMNTSotP 8489034 8509233 # NEOM (mihajlo) 8512461 : %Gloom 8512392 %XLoaDS 8511235 %BGTBG 8500005 #pragma user "mikehhh" # Confirmation code: q93TGxDpD-xOJsPy9bib4A # Sat Oct 2 08:31:09 2021 # Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn (mikehhh) 8491591 : 8503439 8501411 8499811 8495243 8494040 8493159 8489389 8495234 8489159 8494084 8494156 8500274 8489211 8502172 8495406 8499100 8490828 8494058 8505855 8491743 8494160 8494479 8504513 8494140 8507725 8494850 8499778 8507709 8508700 8500552 8491883 8508694 8494086 8512276 8502990 8505863 8500088 8500701 8489288 8496070 8503108 8501286 8492936 8490171 8500710 8502028 8495411 8500779 8507894 8501783 8501776 # Catacombs Conquest (mikehhh) 8491594 : 8503439 8501411 8499811 8495243 8494040 8493159 8489389 8495234 8489159 8494084 8494156 8500274 8489211 8502172 8495406 8499100 8490828 8494058 8505855 8491743 8494160 8494479 8504513 8494140 8507725 8494850 8499778 8507709 8508700 8500552 8491883 8508694 8494086 8512276 8502990 8505863 8500088 8500701 8489288 8496070 8503108 8501286 8492936 8490171 8500710 8502028 8495411 8500779 8507894 8501783 8501776 8508965 8509879 8511913 8497144 8511726 8501480 8512231 8495271 # Marvel Dice Masters: Avengers Infinity Campaign Box (mikehhh) 8491595 : 8503439 8501411 8499811 8495243 8494040 8493159 8489389 8495234 8489159 8494084 8494156 8500274 8489211 8502172 8495406 8499100 8490828 8494058 8505855 8491743 8494160 8494479 8504513 8494140 8507725 8494850 8499778 8507709 8508700 8500552 8491883 8508694 8494086 8512276 8502990 8505863 8500088 8500701 8489288 8496070 8503108 8501286 8492936 8490171 8500710 8502028 8495411 8500779 8507894 8501783 8501776 8508965 8509879 8511913 8497144 8511726 8501480 8512231 8495271 # Downforce (mikehhh) 8491597 : 8503439 8501411 8499811 8495243 8494040 8493159 8489389 8494084 8494156 8500274 # Disney Villainous (mikehhh) 8491607 : 8503439 8501411 8499811 8495243 8494040 8493159 8489389 8495234 8489159 8494084 8494156 8500274 8489211 8502172 8495406 8499100 8490828 8494058 8505855 8491743 8494160 8494479 8504513 8494140 8507725 8494850 8499778 8507709 # XCOM: The Board Game (mikehhh) 8491614 : 8503439 8501411 8499811 8495243 8494040 8493159 8489389 8495234 8489159 8494084 8494156 8500274 8489211 8502172 8495406 8499100 8490828 8494058 8505855 8491743 8494160 8494479 8504513 8494140 8507725 8494850 8499778 8507709 8508700 8500552 8491883 8508694 8494086 8512276 8502990 # Assassin's Creed: Arena (mikehhh) 8491620 : 8503439 8501411 8499811 8495243 8494040 8493159 8489389 8495234 8489159 8494084 8494156 8500274 8489211 8502172 8495406 8499100 8490828 8494058 8505855 8491743 8494160 8494479 8504513 8494140 8507725 8494850 8499778 8507709 8508700 8500552 8491883 8508694 8494086 8512276 8502990 8505863 8500088 8500701 8489288 8496070 8503108 8501286 8492936 8490171 8500710 8502028 8495411 8500779 8507894 8501783 8501776 8508965 8509879 8511913 8497144 8511726 8501480 8512231 8495271 #pragma user "Milts" # Confirmation code: 6btEe4yibFkeiAorFdscOg # Sat Oct 2 10:53:44 2021 # (Milts) %ARRotP : 8490553 8491591 8492892 8494284 # (Milts) %ASP : 8497152 8507436 # (Milts) %AaB : 8498844 8509731 # (Milts) %Agric : 8499609 8500532 8501517 # (Milts) %Azul : 8500522 8502332 # (Milts) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (Milts) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 # (Milts) %GMIC : 8490802 8511855 # (Milts) %GWT : 8489193 8489450 # (Milts) %GaiPro : 8490442 8492873 8512297 # (Milts) %HoLAS : 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 # (Milts) %MoMSE : 8489259 8490048 # (Milts) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (Milts) %RftG : 8500498 8500560 8506883 8507439 # (Milts) %Santo : 8489141 8498758 8499745 8500931 8509655 # (Milts) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (Milts) %TerMys : 8489187 8507072 # (Milts) %UFS : 8488947 8493689 # (Milts) %VEE : 8502511 8508664 8510029 # (Milts) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 # Who Goes There? Deluxe Edition (Milts) 8512098 : %GWT 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8499811 %GaiPro 8490662 8494084 8492224 %MoMSE 8490535 %XLoaDS 8500586 8503903 8509774 8489780 %DunImp 8502166 8490214 8494479 8500482 8493010 8490240 8490814 8490065 # Call to Adventure (Milts) 8512101 : %GWT 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8499811 %GaiPro 8490662 8494084 8492224 %MoMSE 8490535 %XLoaDS 8500586 8503903 8509774 8489780 %DunImp 8502166 8490214 8494479 8500482 8493010 8490240 8490814 8490065 8493707 8489195 8490215 8492927 8489288 8490762 %UFS # Tokaido (Milts) 8512108 : %GWT 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8499811 %GaiPro 8490662 8494084 8492224 %MoMSE 8490535 %XLoaDS 8500586 8503903 8509774 8489780 %DunImp 8502166 8490214 8494479 8500482 8493010 8490240 8490814 8490065 8493707 8489195 8490215 8492927 8489288 8490762 %UFS # Photosynthesis (Milts) 8512124 : %GWT 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8499811 %GaiPro 8490662 8494084 8492224 %MoMSE 8490535 %XLoaDS 8500586 8503903 8509774 8489780 %DunImp 8502166 8490214 8494479 8500482 8493010 8490240 8490814 8490065 8493707 8489195 8490215 8492927 8489288 8490762 %UFS # Pandemic (Milts) 8512146 : %GWT 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8499811 %GaiPro 8490662 8494084 8492224 %MoMSE 8490535 %XLoaDS 8500586 8503903 8509774 8489780 %DunImp 8502166 8490214 8494479 8500482 8493010 8490240 8490814 8490065 8493707 8489195 8490215 8492927 8489288 8490762 %UFS #pragma user "mistarille143" # Confirmation code: AoXmOO7ZJDL660CqPV1eWA # Sat Oct 2 00:05:02 2021 # (mistarille143) %FlaRou : 8490398 8491252 8506713 # (mistarille143) %XLoaDS : # Betrayal Legacy (mistarille143) 8511189 : 8504423 8494044 8497128 8504823 8506226 # On Tour (mistarille143) 8511207 : 8504423 8494044 8497128 8504823 8506226 %FlaRou 8489046 8491889 8497164 # Circadians: First Light (mistarille143) 8511211 : 8504423 8494044 8497128 8504823 8506226 %FlaRou 8489046 8491889 #pragma user "MitchtheDM" # Confirmation code: FwNDDUVJ-yEwSdhJYTwZfg # Fri Oct 1 17:15:44 2021 # (MitchtheDM) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (MitchtheDM) %Cycla : 8490523 # (MitchtheDM) %EMA : 8489028 8489205 8496683 # (MitchtheDM) %GMIC : 8490802 8511855 # (MitchtheDM) %Inis : 8492922 8504954 # (MitchtheDM) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (MitchtheDM) %WAoSTE : 8500762 8500765 # The 7th Continent: Classic Edition (MitchtheDM) 8504904 : %Cycla 8502478 %EMA 8497135 8503087 8489533 # Bargain Quest (MitchtheDM) 8504907 : %Cycla 8502478 %EMA 8497135 8503087 8489533 %BraBir %Inis 8495235 8491889 %GMIC # Juicy Fruits (MitchtheDM) 8504913 : %Cycla 8502478 %EMA 8497135 8503087 8489533 %BraBir %Inis 8495235 # Under Falling Skies (MitchtheDM) 8504925 : %Cycla 8502478 %EMA 8497135 8503087 8489533 %BraBir %Inis 8495235 8491889 %SleGod %GMIC 8494545 8508712 8507951 8490171 #pragma user "Mogwai" # Confirmation code: Ldg6YHgFz6XoCZg-VdcN7Q # Sun Oct 3 21:25:58 2021 # (Mogwai) %BlaAng : 8490240 8512298 # (Mogwai) %RftG : 8500498 8500560 8506883 8507439 # (Mogwai) %Spyri : 8509416 8512442 # (Mogwai) %TDoP : %8490751 8490849 8504456 8504565 # (Mogwai) %VEE : 8502511 8508664 8510029 # (Mogwai) %XTBG : 8491614 8496125 8501572 8505729 # Quo Vadis? (Mogwai) 8512424 : 8494523 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8503158 8501467 8490114 8494842 8512340 8492275 8509746 8509774 8505859 8512425 8508838 8500937 8505850 8497128 8492194 8500081 8512529 8505846 8511971 8511913 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8507947 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8507369 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 # For Sale (Mogwai) 8512436 : 8494523 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8503158 8501467 8490114 8494842 8512340 8492275 8509746 8509774 8505859 8512425 8508838 8500937 8505850 8497128 8492194 8500081 8512529 8505846 8511971 8511913 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8507947 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8507369 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 %VEE 8499609 %RftG 8496074 8502024 8508497 %BlaAng 8506817 8509877 8496681 %XTBG 8490141 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8502982 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8493034 8499682 8511915 8506815 8509929 8500482 8504925 %TDoP 8507737 %Spyri 8493705 8509665 8509777 8512151 8512593 8509961 # Craftsmen (Mogwai) 8512443 : 8494523 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8503158 8501467 8490114 8494842 8512340 8492275 8509746 8509774 8505859 8512425 8508838 8500937 8505850 8497128 8492194 8500081 8512529 8505846 8511971 8511913 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8507947 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8507369 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 %VEE 8499609 %RftG 8496074 8502024 8508497 %BlaAng 8506817 8509877 8496681 %XTBG 8490141 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8502982 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8493034 8499682 8511915 8506815 8509929 8500482 8504925 %TDoP 8507737 %Spyri 8493705 8509665 8509777 8512151 8512593 8509961 # Cards Against Humanity (Mogwai) 8512447 : 8494523 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8503158 8501467 8490114 8494842 8512340 8492275 8509746 8509774 8505859 8512425 8508838 8500937 8505850 8497128 8492194 8500081 8512529 8505846 8511971 8511913 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8507947 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8507369 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 %VEE 8499609 %RftG 8496074 8502024 8508497 %BlaAng 8506817 8509877 8496681 %XTBG 8490141 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8502982 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8493034 8499682 8511915 8506815 8509929 8500482 8504925 %TDoP 8507737 %Spyri 8493705 8509665 8509777 8512151 8512593 8509961 8499742 # Carcassonne: Expansion 5 – Abbey & Mayor (Mogwai) 8512452 : 8494523 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8503158 8501467 8490114 8494842 8512340 8492275 8509746 8509774 8505859 8512425 8508838 8500937 8505850 8497128 8492194 8500081 8512529 8505846 8511971 8511913 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8507947 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8507369 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 %VEE 8499609 %RftG 8496074 8502024 8508497 %BlaAng 8506817 8509877 8496681 %XTBG 8490141 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8502982 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8493034 8499682 8511915 8506815 8509929 # Dominion (Mogwai) 8512465 : 8494523 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8503158 8501467 8490114 8494842 8512340 8492275 8509746 8509774 8505859 8512425 8508838 8500937 8505850 8497128 8492194 8500081 8512529 8505846 8511971 8511913 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8507947 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8507369 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 %VEE 8499609 %RftG 8496074 8502024 8508497 %BlaAng 8506817 8509877 8496681 %XTBG 8490141 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8502982 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8493034 8499682 8511915 8506815 8509929 # Unlock!: Exotic Adventures – Night of the Boogeymen (Mogwai) 8512470 : 8494523 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8503158 8501467 8490114 8494842 8512340 8492275 8509746 8509774 8505859 8512425 8508838 8500937 8505850 8497128 8492194 8500081 8512529 8505846 8511971 8511913 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8507947 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8507369 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 %VEE 8499609 %RftG 8496074 8502024 8508497 %BlaAng 8506817 8509877 8496681 %XTBG 8490141 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8502982 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8493034 8499682 8511915 8506815 8509929 8500482 8504925 %TDoP 8507737 %Spyri 8493705 8509665 8509777 8512151 8512593 8509961 8499742 # Alt Name: $40 gift card (Mogwai) 8512483 : 8494523 8490926 8497070 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8503158 8501467 8490114 8494842 8512340 8492275 8509746 8509774 8505859 8512425 8508838 8500937 8505850 8497128 8492194 8500081 8512529 8505846 8511971 8511913 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8507947 8508964 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512518 8512533 8512540 8507369 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want The Downfall of Pompeii (Mogwai) %8490751 : 8490751-COPY1 8490751-COPY2 #pragma user "moly19" # Confirmation code: scEB9LCuKMqeoQtGsdYq6g # Sat Oct 2 23:34:31 2021 # South Pacific: Breaking the Bismarck Barrier 1942-1943 (moly19) 8508582 : # Elusive Victory: The Air War over the Suez Canal, 1967-1973 (moly19) 8508600 : 8508902 #pragma user "mousqueton" # Confirmation code: F-nRPGkVmrbV8O6Ax1cQGw # Sat Oct 2 16:53:34 2021 # (mousqueton) %7WD : 8500088 8500701 # (mousqueton) %7Won : 8490479 # (mousqueton) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (mousqueton) %CADA : 8495406 8499100 missing-official # (mousqueton) %CISADA : 8493193 8496003 8498656 # (mousqueton) %Chart : 8494287 8495982 8507949 8511771 8512224 # (mousqueton) %Conco : 8489884 # (mousqueton) %Cycla : 8490523 8504708 # (mousqueton) %DicFor : 8497003 8504513 # (mousqueton) %Downf : 8491597 8503889 # (mousqueton) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 # (mousqueton) %ECE : 8509741 8512537 # (mousqueton) %Everd : 8499386 8508847 # (mousqueton) %Evolu : 8496010 # (mousqueton) %GAH : 8490114 8494842 # (mousqueton) %Inis : 8492922 8504954 # (mousqueton) %K2 : 8491781 8494137 # (mousqueton) %Kemet : 8490535 8496685 # (mousqueton) %Oceans : 8489281 8492940 8500613 8500928 # (mousqueton) %RoT : 8490824 8491328 # (mousqueton) %Seaso : 8507429 8507467 # (mousqueton) %SmaWor : 8490078 8503080 # (mousqueton) %SpiIsl : 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 # (mousqueton) %TVoMP : 8510450 8512394 # (mousqueton) %Tikal : 8507948 8508638 # (mousqueton) %WEDS : 8490332 8502152 # Planet Steam (mousqueton) 8495111 : %SpiIsl %AFfO %Conco 8494126 8496947 %Everd 8504962 8512488 %Inis 8492224 %Kemet 8509721 %GAH 8512340 %Cycla %DunImp 8507435 8489470 8504804 %Tikal 8492927 8494044 8488918 %WEDS %ECE %CADA 8490452 8497891 8511234 %7Won 8509873 8510209 8502219 %TVoMP %CISADA %K2 8489128 %Chart %DicFor %Evolu 8505741 8494156 8494726 %Oceans 8508621 8507382 8495231 %RoT 8489482 8503196 # Alt Name: 30$ Gift Card (mousqueton) 8500456 : %SpiIsl %AFfO %Conco 8494126 8496947 %Everd 8504962 8512488 %Inis 8492224 %Kemet 8509721 %GAH 8512340 %Cycla %DunImp 8507435 8489470 8504804 %Tikal 8492927 8494044 8488918 %WEDS %ECE # Student Bodies (mousqueton) 8505216 : %SpiIsl %AFfO %Conco 8494126 8496947 %Everd 8504962 8512488 %Inis 8492224 %Kemet 8509721 %GAH 8512340 %Cycla %DunImp 8507435 8489470 8504804 %Tikal 8492927 8494044 8488918 %WEDS %ECE %CADA 8490452 8497891 8511234 %7Won 8509873 8510209 8502219 %TVoMP %CISADA %K2 8489128 %Chart %DicFor %Evolu 8505741 8494156 8494726 %Oceans 8508621 8507382 8495231 %RoT 8489482 8503196 8489986 8492916 8495394 8500521 %7WD %SmaWor %Seaso 8510762 8511190 8497022 %Downf 8490029 8512491 # Grifters (mousqueton) 8505230 : %SpiIsl %AFfO %Conco 8494126 8496947 %Everd 8504962 8512488 %Inis 8492224 %Kemet 8509721 %GAH 8512340 %Cycla %DunImp 8507435 8489470 8504804 %Tikal 8492927 8494044 8488918 %WEDS %ECE %CADA 8490452 8497891 8511234 %7Won 8509873 8510209 8502219 %TVoMP %CISADA %K2 8489128 %Chart %DicFor %Evolu 8505741 8494156 8494726 %Oceans 8508621 8507382 8495231 %RoT 8489482 8503196 8489986 8492916 8495394 8500521 %7WD %SmaWor %Seaso 8510762 8511190 8497022 %Downf 8490029 8512491 8489606 8492031 #pragma user "mPony" # Confirmation code: jKCPUmyBXqJPYmuDXLlggA # Fri Oct 1 14:13:15 2021 # (mPony) %7WD : 8500088 8500701 # (mPony) %ASP : 8497152 8507436 # (mPony) %AaB : 8498844 8509731 # (mPony) %AliFro : 8495217 8496074 8499130 8508583 8510672 # (mPony) %Bibli : 8496530 8504382 # (mPony) %Calico : 8491877 # (mPony) %Desti : 8493169 8505558 # (mPony) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8509741 8512537 # (mPony) %GAH : 8490114 8494842 8512340 # (mPony) %GMIC : 8490802 8511855 # (mPony) %GWT : 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 # (mPony) %GlaRoa : 8501525 8511213 # (mPony) %HonBuz : 8500003 8504430 # (mPony) %Inis : 8492922 8504954 # (mPony) %Isleb : 8507008 8509730 8512206 # (mPony) %Keyfl : 8489597 8489814 8504765 8512362 # (mPony) %NTDG : 8497141 8511718 # (mPony) %ODDun : 8495979 8503910 # (mPony) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (mPony) %Patch : 8509026 8511747 # (mPony) %PorRoy : 8502100 8512502 # (mPony) %RftG : 8503907 8509823 8511206 # (mPony) %SCE : 8490814 8506518 # (mPony) %SmaWor : 8490078 8503080 # (mPony) %SpiIsl : 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 # (mPony) %TDoP : %8490751 8490849 8504456 8504565 # (mPony) %TQfElDo : 8497167 8497950 8502438 # (mPony) %Targi : 8493707 8506855 # (mPony) %Tikal : # (mPony) %TinTow : 8500580 8502141 # (mPony) %Tknoko : 8498770 8503003 8504828 8510208 8512538 # (mPony) %Tokai : 8494765 8512108 8512583 # (mPony) %TroDic : 8490753 8495214 # (mPony) %Villa : # (mPony) %WhiSto : 8490782 8509953 # (mPony) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 8497070 # Arkadia (mPony) 8495185 : %SpiIsl %GWT %Wings %Everd %Inis %RftG %Keyfl %GAH 8502219 %7WD %Targi %SmaWor %GlaRoa %TQfElDo %PARKS 8508764 %AliFro 8502166 8497164 8512596 %Bibli 8507948 %GMIC %Tokai %ASP %Calico 8503693 8501611 %HonBuz 8510930 8512350 %Isleb 8504823 8498633 8503076 8511208 %Desti %SCE 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499258 8500260 8500387 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 %TroDic # Bohnanza (mPony) 8495187 : %SpiIsl %GWT %Wings %Everd %Inis %RftG %Keyfl %GAH 8502219 %7WD %Targi %SmaWor %GlaRoa %TQfElDo %PARKS 8508764 %AliFro 8502166 8497164 8512596 %Bibli 8507948 %GMIC %Tokai %ASP %Calico 8503693 8501611 %HonBuz 8510930 8512350 %Isleb 8504823 8498633 8503076 8511208 %Desti %SCE 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499258 8500260 8500387 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 %TroDic %AaB %TinTow 8497156 8496081 %WhiSto 8501554 %Tknoko %Patch 8502245 8508638 8509834 %TDoP 8508712 %NTDG %PorRoy %ODDun 8499742 8508996 8493705 8509665 8502064 # Kingdom Builder (mPony) 8496932 : %SpiIsl %GWT %Wings %Everd %Inis %RftG %Keyfl %GAH 8502219 %7WD %Targi %SmaWor %GlaRoa %TQfElDo %PARKS 8508764 %AliFro 8502166 8497164 8512596 %Bibli 8507948 %GMIC %Tokai %ASP %Calico 8503693 8501611 %HonBuz 8510930 8512350 %Isleb 8504823 8498633 8503076 8511208 %Desti %SCE 8491609 8498195 8498732 8499258 8500260 8500387 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 %TroDic %AaB %TinTow 8497156 8496081 %WhiSto 8501554 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want The Downfall of Pompeii (mPony) %8490751 : 8490751-COPY1 8490751-COPY2 #pragma user "mrcatsup" # Confirmation code: pyElwbnIrcjz3GPxoftsRw # Sun Oct 3 04:13:42 2021 # (mrcatsup) %7WD : 8500088 8500701 # (mrcatsup) %ASP : 8497152 8507436 # (mrcatsup) %BraBir : 8492273 8512589 8507539 8490662 # (mrcatsup) %BraLan : 8492275 8509746 # (mrcatsup) %DunImp : 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (mrcatsup) %GAH : 8490114 8494842 # (mrcatsup) %KBaS : 8490192 8500000 8502994 # (mrcatsup) %PorRoy : 8502100 8512502 # (mrcatsup) %TCoT : 8494677 8497633 8511734 # (mrcatsup) %TOotS : 8494088 8501961 # (mrcatsup) %Tapes : 8502137 8495409 8500851 8509759 # (mrcatsup) %TinTow : 8500580 8502141 # Era: Medieval Age (mrcatsup) 8496683 : %BraBir %BraLan 8500867 8501284 8511910 %KBaS 8507478 8504423 8505002 # Kemet (mrcatsup) 8496685 : %BraBir %BraLan 8500867 8501284 8511910 %KBaS 8507478 8504423 # Puerto Rico (mrcatsup) 8496686 : 8512516 8500387 8501554 %TinTow %7WD 8499140 8490758 8509328 8500504 # Ticket to Ride: Europe (mrcatsup) 8496688 : %Tapes %GAH 8492936 %TCoT %TOotS %DunImp 8500003 8496218 8506726 8511675 # Galaxy Trucker (mrcatsup) 8496689 : %TCoT 8512569 8511675 8512516 8508448 8498732 8503003 # Horrified (mrcatsup) 8496690 : %Tapes %GAH 8492936 %TCoT %TOotS %DunImp 8500003 8496218 8506726 8511675 # Mystic Market (mrcatsup) 8496691 : 8512516 8500387 8501554 %TinTow %7WD 8499140 8490758 %ASP 8506346 %PorRoy # Fog of Love (mrcatsup) 8496693 : %Tapes %GAH 8492936 %TCoT 8512569 8511675 8508448 8498732 8503003 # Cottage Garden (mrcatsup) 8496697 : %Tapes %GAH 8492936 %TCoT %TOotS %DunImp 8500003 8496218 8506726 8511675 8498732 # Alt Name: $75 CAD Gift Card (mrcatsup) 8512518 : %BraBir %BraLan 8511910 8504423 8505002 #pragma user "mrtof" # Confirmation code: XiOh1MDiorrXsgDH2R5QZQ # Fri Oct 1 19:25:45 2021 # Adrenaline (mrtof) 8509883 : 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8507504 8510150 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512518 8503087 8498732 8505765 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510816 8511236 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 # Ingenious (mrtof) 8509886 : 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8507504 8510150 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512518 8503087 8498732 8505765 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510816 8511236 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 # Grand Conquest (mrtof) 8509916 : 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8507504 8510150 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512518 8503087 # Laser Chess (mrtof) 8509917 : 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8507504 8510150 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512518 8503087 8498732 8505765 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510816 8511236 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 #pragma user "mserf42" # Confirmation code: c4L3s6e4q6LvNeHrAzgdmw # Sun Oct 3 16:50:56 2021 # Balloon Cup (mserf42) 8506941 : 8489884 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8509719 8500867 8501284 8509741 8512537 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 # Town Center (Fourth Edition) (mserf42) 8506943 : 8489884 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8509719 8500867 8501284 8509741 8512537 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8503786 8506440 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8494126 8496947 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505765 8506726 8507504 8503693 8493707 8506855 8496007 # Outside the Scope of BGG (mserf42) 8506945 : # Tiny Epic Tactics: Maps Expansion (mserf42) 8506946 : 8489884 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8509719 8500867 8501284 8509741 8512537 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8503786 8506440 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8494126 8496947 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505765 8506726 8507504 8503693 8493707 8506855 8496007 # Carcassonne: Expansion 2 – Traders & Builders (mserf42) 8506947 : 8489884 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8509719 8500867 8501284 8509741 8512537 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8503786 8506440 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8494126 8496947 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505765 8506726 8507504 # Vegas Showdown (mserf42) 8506949 : 8489884 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8509719 8500867 8501284 8509741 8512537 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8503786 8506440 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8494126 8496947 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505765 8506726 8507504 8503693 # The Red Dragon Inn (mserf42) 8506950 : 8489884 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8509719 8500867 8501284 8509741 8512537 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8503786 8506440 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8494126 8496947 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505765 8506726 8507504 # Imperial Settlers (mserf42) 8506951 : 8489884 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8509719 8500867 8501284 8509741 8512537 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8503786 8506440 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 # Rise of Augustus (mserf42) 8506953 : 8489884 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8509719 8500867 8501284 8509741 8512537 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8503786 8506440 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8494126 8496947 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505765 8506726 8507504 8503693 8493707 8506855 8496007 8492162 8493405 8494955 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512488 8492224 8490114 8494842 8512340 8509774 8502166 8492927 8494160 8507732 8497152 8507436 8509876 8509875 8500589 8511245 8489198 8493122 8490814 8506518 8490492 8491609 8500260 8500387 8500456 8509922 8500504 8511230 8499682 8489592 8502512 8490105 8507187 8495232 8502219 # Epic Card Game (mserf42) 8506954 : 8489884 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8509719 8500867 8501284 8509741 8512537 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8503786 8506440 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8494126 8496947 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505765 8506726 8507504 8503693 8493707 8506855 8496007 8492162 8493405 8494955 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512488 8492224 8490114 8494842 8512340 8509774 8502166 8492927 8494160 8507732 8497152 8507436 8509876 8509875 8500589 8511245 8489198 8493122 8490814 8506518 8490492 8491609 8500260 8500387 8500456 8509922 8500504 8511230 8499682 8489592 8502512 8490105 8507187 8495232 8502219 # Between Two Cities (mserf42) 8506956 : 8489884 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8509719 8500867 8501284 8509741 8512537 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8503786 8506440 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8494126 8496947 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505765 8506726 8507504 8503693 8493707 8506855 8496007 8492162 8493405 8494955 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512488 8492224 8490114 8494842 8512340 8509774 8502166 8492927 8494160 8507732 8497152 8507436 8509876 8509875 8500589 8511245 8489198 8493122 8490814 8506518 8490492 8491609 8500260 8500387 8500456 8509922 8500504 8511230 8499682 8489592 8502512 8490105 8507187 8495232 # Dice Town (mserf42) 8506961 : 8489884 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8509719 8500867 8501284 8509741 8512537 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8503786 8506440 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8494126 8496947 8499386 8504962 8508847 8505765 8506726 8507504 8503693 8493707 8506855 8496007 8492162 8493405 8494955 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512488 8492224 8490114 8494842 8512340 8509774 8502166 8492927 8494160 8507732 8497152 8507436 8509876 8509875 8500589 8511245 8489198 8493122 8490814 8506518 8490492 8491609 8500260 8500387 8500456 8509922 8500504 8511230 8499682 8489592 8502512 8490105 8507187 8495232 # Level 7 [Omega Protocol] (mserf42) 8506963 : 8489884 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8509719 8500867 8501284 8509741 8512537 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8503786 8506440 # Sheriff of Nottingham (mserf42) 8506968 : 8489884 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8509719 8500867 8501284 8509741 8512537 # Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game (mserf42) 8506970 : 8489884 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8509719 8500867 8501284 8509741 8512537 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 #pragma user "msnets" # Confirmation code: nAvqWdvBy32-I11BLOxd5g # Sun Oct 3 11:40:09 2021 # Axis & Allies: 1942 (msnets) 8491750 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489187 8507072 8494523 8496001 8489884 8494126 8496947 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8503907 8509823 8511206 8490048 8492161 8499609 8500498 8500560 8506883 8507421 8512225 8512528 8500168 8504221 8489986 8490479 8492916 8495394 8500521 8509873 8510209 8510450 8512394 8492275 8498739 8508961 8509746 8498734 8501781 8509648 8493725 8501501 8509166 8508764 8492623 8503003 8504828 8510208 8512538 8490199 8507429 8510762 8507951 8512365 8496997 8512484 8507478 8502137 8509759 8500580 8490135 8494044 8492213 8511715 8490237 8497128 8490487 8501611 8489606 8491994 8492848 8488918 8496690 8508591 8508694 8510930 8512350 8511245 8489184 8505852 8497952 8503672 8499813 8511762 8507900 8503076 8511207 8489608 8500430 8492612 8492894 8490780 8502483 8493712 8490794 8489254 8498195 8500260 8500867 8501284 8503609 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8498474 8505932 8503155 8506220 8510904 8504719 8506517 8508627 8502512 8489545 8500779 8509741 8493711 8500522 8502332 8489427 8495196 8496686 8507426 8511735 8500088 8500701 8501525 8511213 8490023 8493732 8494008 8509892 8512363 8498844 8509731 8500820 8502141 8494765 8512108 8512583 8497152 8507436 8502024 8508497 8491877 8503693 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490031 8507389 8490936 8501993 8512579 8507714 8490025 8501955 8506956 8511977 8497080 8490449 8502065 8499661 8502211 8512101 8491872 8492239 8492274 8497154 8509194 8509296 8491618 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8500801 8503125 8500504 8491653 8508604 8497602 8489484 8491878 8493720 8496913 8511787 8497065 8491594 8507720 8490054 8490793 8494074 8504890 8504891 8507439 8490114 8494842 8512340 8512436 8489195 8496996 8493724 8509879 8496697 8511695 8489166 8505941 8506755 8489198 8500275 8489478 8494117 8495240 8506506 8489164 8490024 8490938 # Sail Away (msnets) 8491753 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489187 8507072 8494523 8496001 8489884 8494126 8496947 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8503907 8509823 8511206 8490048 8492161 8499609 8500498 8500560 8506883 8507421 8512225 8512528 8500168 8504221 8489986 8490479 8492916 8495394 8500521 8509873 8510209 8510450 8512394 8492275 8498739 8508961 8509746 8498734 8501781 8509648 8493725 8501501 8509166 8508764 8492623 8503003 8504828 8510208 8512538 8490199 8507429 8510762 8507951 8512365 8496997 8512484 8507478 8502137 8509759 8500580 8490135 8494044 8492213 8511715 8490237 8497128 8490487 8501611 8489606 8491994 8492848 8488918 8496690 8508591 8508694 8510930 8512350 8511245 8489184 8505852 8497952 8503672 8499813 8511762 8507900 8503076 8511207 8489608 8500430 8492612 8492894 8490780 8502483 8493712 8490794 8489254 8498195 8500260 8500867 8501284 8503609 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8498474 8505932 8503155 8506220 8510904 8504719 8506517 8508627 8502512 8489545 8500779 8509741 8493711 8500522 8502332 8489427 8495196 8496686 8507426 8511735 8500088 8500701 8501525 8511213 8490023 8493732 8494008 8509892 8512363 8498844 8509731 8500820 8502141 8494765 8512108 8512583 8497152 8507436 8502024 8508497 8491877 8503693 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490031 8507389 8490936 8501993 8512579 8507714 8490025 8501955 8506956 8511977 8497080 8490449 8502065 8499661 8502211 8512101 8491872 8492239 8492274 8497154 8509194 8509296 8491618 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8500801 8503125 8500504 8491653 8508604 8497602 8489484 8491878 8493720 8496913 8511787 8497065 8491594 8507720 8490054 8490793 8494074 8504890 8504891 8507439 8490114 8494842 8512340 8512436 8489195 8496996 8493724 8509879 8496697 8511695 8489166 8505941 8506755 8489198 8500275 8489478 8494117 8495240 8506506 8489164 8490024 8490938 8497164 8496530 8504382 8509834 8508932 8506947 8490093 8501590 8489886 8499689 8489329 8509683 # Sushi Go! (msnets) 8491754 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489187 8507072 8494523 8496001 8489884 8494126 8496947 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8503907 8509823 8511206 8490048 8492161 8499609 8500498 8500560 8506883 8507421 8512225 8512528 8500168 8504221 8489986 8490479 8492916 8495394 8500521 8509873 8510209 8510450 8512394 8492275 8498739 8508961 8509746 8498734 8501781 8509648 8493725 8501501 8509166 8508764 8492623 8503003 8504828 8510208 8512538 8490199 8507429 8510762 8507951 8512365 8496997 8512484 8507478 8502137 8509759 8500580 8490135 8494044 8492213 8511715 8490237 8497128 8490487 8501611 8489606 8491994 8492848 8488918 8496690 8508591 8508694 8510930 8512350 8511245 8489184 8505852 8497952 8503672 8499813 8511762 8507900 8503076 8511207 8489608 8500430 8492612 8492894 8490780 8502483 8493712 8490794 8489254 8498195 8500260 8500867 8501284 8503609 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8498474 8505932 8503155 8506220 8510904 8504719 8506517 8508627 8502512 8489545 8500779 8509741 8493711 8500522 8502332 8489427 8495196 8496686 8507426 8511735 8500088 8500701 8501525 8511213 8490023 8493732 8494008 8509892 8512363 8498844 8509731 8500820 8502141 8494765 8512108 8512583 8497152 8507436 8502024 8508497 8491877 8503693 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490031 8507389 8490936 8501993 8512579 8507714 8490025 8501955 8506956 8511977 8497080 8490449 8502065 8499661 8502211 8512101 8491872 8492239 8492274 8497154 8509194 8509296 8491618 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8500801 8503125 8500504 8491653 8508604 8497602 8489484 8491878 8493720 8496913 8511787 8497065 8491594 8507720 8490054 8490793 8494074 8504890 8504891 8507439 8490114 8494842 8512340 8512436 8489195 8496996 8493724 8509879 8496697 8511695 8489166 8505941 8506755 8489198 8500275 8489478 8494117 8495240 8506506 8489164 8490024 8490938 8497164 8496530 8504382 8509834 8508932 8506947 8490093 8501590 8489886 8499689 8489329 8509683 # Escape Room in a Box: The Werewolf Experiment (msnets) 8491758 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489187 8507072 8494523 8496001 8489884 8494126 8496947 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8503907 8509823 8511206 8490048 8492161 8499609 8500498 8500560 8506883 8507421 8512225 8512528 8500168 8504221 8489986 8490479 8492916 8495394 8500521 8509873 8510209 8510450 8512394 8492275 8498739 8508961 8509746 8498734 8501781 8509648 8493725 8501501 8509166 8508764 8492623 8503003 8504828 8510208 8512538 8490199 8507429 8510762 8507951 8512365 8496997 8512484 8507478 8502137 8509759 8500580 8490135 8494044 8492213 8511715 8490237 8497128 8490487 8501611 8489606 8491994 8492848 8488918 8496690 8508591 8508694 8510930 8512350 8511245 8489184 8505852 8497952 8503672 8499813 8511762 8507900 8503076 8511207 8489608 8500430 8492612 8492894 8490780 8502483 8493712 8490794 8489254 8498195 8500260 8500867 8501284 8503609 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8498474 8505932 8503155 8506220 8510904 8504719 8506517 8508627 8502512 8489545 8500779 8509741 8493711 8500522 8502332 8489427 8495196 8496686 8507426 8511735 8500088 8500701 8501525 8511213 8490023 8493732 8494008 8509892 8512363 8498844 8509731 8500820 8502141 8494765 8512108 8512583 8497152 8507436 8502024 8508497 8491877 8503693 8492910 8497071 8505858 8490031 8507389 8490936 8501993 8512579 8507714 8490025 8501955 8506956 8511977 8497080 8490449 8502065 8499661 8502211 8512101 8491872 8492239 8492274 8497154 8509194 8509296 8491618 8506726 8508964 8509922 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8500801 8503125 8500504 8491653 8508604 8497602 8489484 8491878 8493720 8496913 8511787 8497065 8491594 8507720 8490054 8490793 # Unlock!: Secret Adventures – The Adventurers of Oz (msnets) 8509961 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508598 8508699 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489187 8507072 8494523 8496001 8489884 8494126 8496947 8489280 8490926 8497070 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8503907 8509823 8511206 8490048 8492161 8499609 8500498 8500560 8506883 8507421 8512225 8512528 8500168 8504221 8489986 8490479 8492916 8495394 8500521 8509873 8510209 8510450 8512394 8492275 8498739 8508961 8509746 8498734 8501781 8509648 8493725 8501501 8509166 8508764 8492623 8503003 8504828 8510208 8512538 8490199 8507429 8510762 8507951 8512365 8496997 8512484 8507478 8502137 8509759 8500580 8490135 8494044 8492213 8511715 8490237 8497128 8490487 8501611 8489606 8491994 8492848 8488918 8496690 8508591 8508694 8510930 8512350 8511245 8489184 8505852 8497952 8503672 8499813 8511762 8507900 8503076 8511207 8489608 8500430 8492612 8492894 8490780 8502483 8493712 8490794 8489254 8498195 8500260 8500867 8501284 8503609 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512518 8498474 8505932 8503155 8506220 8510904 8504719 8506517 8508627 8502512 8489545 8500779 8509741 8493711 #pragma user "msunga" # Confirmation code: CDL-Neha8rgN4gYG0K/MJA # Sun Oct 3 16:30:53 2021 # Marvel United (msunga) 8492084 : 8495180 8507353 8496001 8499811 8490442 8492873 8512297 8492224 8489780 8511245 8502478 # A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) (msunga) 8492086 : 8495180 8507353 8496001 8499811 8490442 8492873 8512297 8492224 8489780 8511245 8502478 8493405 8504890 8490452 8495406 8497891 8499100 8512394 8493725 8508764 8493193 8496003 8498656 8502245 8490802 8511855 8504513 8493133 8503884 8493151 8497914 8497156 8492167 8496234 8490192 8500000 8502994 8504876 8493712 8493718 8491889 8493117 8507363 8489211 8489740 8498846 8502172 8500522 8502332 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8496533 8500580 8502141 8492927 8500541 8490214 8494044 8492901 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8489998 8499029 8512529 8503899 8501288 8508448 8494677 8497633 8511734 8511913 8491872 8492239 8492274 8497154 8509194 8491998 8499994 8495231 8489196 8489582 # Hail Hydra (msunga) 8492089 : 8495180 8507353 8496001 8499811 8490442 8492873 8512297 8492224 8489780 8511245 8502478 8493405 8504890 8490452 8495406 8497891 8499100 8512394 8493725 8508764 8493193 8496003 8498656 8502245 8490802 8511855 8504513 8493133 8503884 8493151 8497914 8497156 8492167 8496234 8490192 8500000 8502994 8504876 8493712 8493718 8491889 8493117 8507363 8489211 8489740 8498846 8502172 8500522 8502332 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8496533 8500580 8502141 8492927 8500541 8490214 8494044 8492901 8503462 8503678 8509177 8508712 8489998 8499029 8512529 8503899 8501288 8508448 8494677 8497633 8511734 8511913 8491872 8492239 8492274 8497154 8509194 8491998 8499994 8495231 8489196 8489582 8505863 8512550 8502024 8508497 8493724 8492127 8503108 8511912 8490133 8497108 8493125 8499750 8506477 # Cry Havoc (msunga) 8492091 : 8495180 8507353 8496001 8499811 8490442 8492873 8512297 8492224 8489780 8511245 8502478 8493405 8504890 8490452 8495406 8497891 8499100 8512394 8493725 8508764 8493193 8496003 8498656 8502245 8490802 8511855 8504513 8493133 8503884 8493151 8497914 8497156 8492167 8496234 8490192 8500000 8502994 8504876 8493712 8493718 8491889 #pragma user "mvalenta" # Confirmation code: CsWM7l9q0LeuI7w2ddnAkQ # Sun Oct 3 21:44:56 2021 # (mvalenta) %BSE : 8489998 8499029 # (mvalenta) %CTCF : 8492162 8494955 # (mvalenta) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (mvalenta) %Ever : 8499386 8512488 8509741 8512537 # (mvalenta) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (mvalenta) %MarUni : # (mvalenta) %Marip : 8491872 8492239 8492274 8497154 # (mvalenta) %Mem44 : 8509722 8509824 # (mvalenta) %MoMSE : 8490048 8492161 # (mvalenta) %OSE : 8496396 8507339 # (mvalenta) %SWIA : 8494040 8495243 # (mvalenta) %Santo : 8493042 8509655 # (mvalenta) %StoAge : 8492125 8493005 # (mvalenta) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 8500586 # Chronicles of Crime (mvalenta) 8494586 : 8508699 8489389 8494084 %MoMSE %XLoaDS 8507732 8491727 8494156 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8492282 8504885 8510030 8502391 %ImpCla 8505765 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8494638 %Marip 8500005 %DunImp %SWIA 8494479 8488918 8492927 8488947 8493049 %Ever # Fury of Dracula (Second Edition) (mvalenta) 8494594 : 8508699 8489389 8494084 %MoMSE %XLoaDS 8507732 8491727 8494156 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8492282 8504885 8510030 8502391 %ImpCla 8505765 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8494638 %Marip 8500005 %DunImp %SWIA 8494479 8488918 8492927 8488947 8493049 %Ever %CTCF %StoAge 8509714 %Mem44 8491833 %BSE 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8508964 8509738 8509922 8511594 8511882 8512086 8512137 8512322 8512512 8512588 8512165 8496091 8489295 # Top This! A Pizza Flicking Game (mvalenta) 8494617 : 8508699 8489389 8494084 %MoMSE %XLoaDS 8507732 8491727 8494156 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8492282 8504885 8510030 8502391 %ImpCla 8505765 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8494638 %Marip 8500005 %DunImp %SWIA 8494479 8488918 8492927 8488947 8493049 %Ever %CTCF %StoAge 8509714 %Mem44 8491833 %BSE 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8508964 8509738 8509922 8511594 8511882 8512086 8512137 8512322 8512512 8512588 8512165 8496091 8489295 8506855 %Santo %OSE 8512464 8490868 8512469 8496014 8512258 8509665 # Magic: The Gathering – Arena of the Planeswalkers (mvalenta) 8495952 : 8508699 8489389 8494084 %MoMSE %XLoaDS 8507732 8491727 8494156 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8492282 8504885 8510030 8502391 %ImpCla 8505765 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8494638 %Marip 8500005 %DunImp %SWIA 8494479 8488918 8492927 8488947 8493049 %Ever %CTCF %StoAge 8509714 %Mem44 8491833 %BSE 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8508964 8509738 8509922 8511594 8511882 8512086 8512137 8512322 8512512 8512588 8512165 8496091 8489295 8506855 %Santo %OSE 8512464 8490868 8512469 8496014 8512258 # Arkham Horror (mvalenta) 8495976 : 8508699 8489389 8494084 %MoMSE %XLoaDS 8507732 8491727 8494156 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8492282 8504885 8510030 8502391 8505765 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game (mvalenta) 8495977 : 8508699 8489389 8494084 %MoMSE %XLoaDS 8507732 8491727 8494156 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8492282 8504885 8510030 8502391 %ImpCla 8505765 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8494638 %Marip 8500005 %DunImp %SWIA 8494479 8488918 8492927 8488947 8493049 %Ever %CTCF %StoAge 8509714 %Mem44 8491833 %BSE 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8508964 8509738 8509922 8511594 8511882 8512086 8512137 8512322 8512512 8512588 8512165 8496091 8489295 8506855 %Santo %OSE 8512464 8490868 8512469 8496014 8512258 8509665 # One Deck Dungeon (mvalenta) 8495979 : 8508699 8489389 8494084 %MoMSE %XLoaDS 8507732 8491727 8494156 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8492282 8504885 8510030 8502391 %ImpCla 8505765 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8494638 %Marip 8500005 %DunImp %SWIA 8494479 8488918 8492927 8488947 8493049 %Ever %CTCF %StoAge 8509714 %Mem44 8491833 %BSE 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8508964 8509738 8509922 8511594 8511882 8512086 8512137 8512322 8512512 8512588 8512165 8496091 8489295 8506855 %Santo %OSE 8512464 8490868 8512469 8496014 8512258 8509665 # Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game (mvalenta) 8496564 : 8508699 8489389 8494084 %MoMSE %XLoaDS 8507732 8491727 8494156 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 # Ingenious (mvalenta) 8496569 : 8508699 8489389 8494084 %MoMSE %XLoaDS 8507732 8491727 8494156 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8492282 8504885 8510030 8502391 %ImpCla 8505765 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8494638 %Marip 8500005 %DunImp %SWIA 8494479 8488918 # King of Tokyo (mvalenta) 8497908 : 8508699 8489389 8494084 %MoMSE %XLoaDS 8507732 8491727 8494156 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8492282 8504885 8510030 8502391 %ImpCla 8505765 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8494638 %Marip 8500005 %DunImp %SWIA 8494479 8488918 8492927 8488947 8493049 %Ever # Galaxy Trucker: The Big Expansion (mvalenta) 8504230 : 8508699 8489389 8494084 %MoMSE %XLoaDS 8507732 8491727 8494156 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8492282 8504885 8510030 8502391 %ImpCla 8505765 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8494638 %Marip 8500005 # Alt Name: $50 Gift Certificate (mvalenta) 8506726 : 8508699 8489389 8494084 %MoMSE %XLoaDS 8507732 8491727 8494156 8492282 8504885 %ImpCla # Zooloretto (mvalenta) 8510644 : 8508699 8489389 8494084 %MoMSE %XLoaDS 8507732 8491727 8494156 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 # The Pillars of the Earth (mvalenta) 8510661 : 8508699 8489389 8494084 %MoMSE %XLoaDS 8507732 8491727 8494156 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 # Alien Frontiers (mvalenta) 8510672 : 8508699 8489389 8494084 %MoMSE %XLoaDS 8507732 8491727 8494156 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 #pragma user "mwdalrymple" # Confirmation code: KRzsAl5M6KqDjGDhpjgWPg # Sun Oct 3 20:04:31 2021 # Conquest of Paradise (mwdalrymple) 8492540 : 8503891 8508598 8508699 8497008 8509954 8489193 8502511 8508664 8510029 8490442 8492873 8512297 8489389 8509774 8489780 8490431 8492169 8507435 8504423 8494551 8491892 8501613 8507517 8511855 8492901 8498806 8508914 8489014 8490485 8512529 8503108 8489028 8489205 8496683 8490753 8495214 #pragma user "neoice" # Confirmation code: TA3p9wTe1oze4igmbVYV2g # Fri Oct 1 03:27:53 2021 # Game of Thrones: The Card Game (neoice) 8493504 : 8490133 8504672 8492184 8509641 8509336 8489329 # Rhino Hero (neoice) 8493509 : 8490133 8504672 8492184 8509641 8509336 8489329 # Alt Name: Item Removed (neoice) 8493512 : # Hedbanz Charades (neoice) 8493514 : 8490133 8504672 8492184 8509641 8509336 8489329 # Alt Name: Code master Programming logic game (neoice) 8493516 : 8490133 8504672 8492184 8509641 8509336 8489329 # Clue (neoice) 8493522 : 8490133 8504672 8492184 8509641 8509336 8489329 # Munchkin (neoice) 8493528 : 8490133 8504672 8492184 8509641 8509336 8489329 # Disney Eye Found It! (neoice) 8493535 : 8490133 8504672 8492184 8509641 8509336 8489329 # Penguin Trap (neoice) 8493548 : 8490133 8504672 8492184 8509641 8509336 8489329 8510761 # Risk: Star Wars – Original Trilogy Edition (neoice) 8494847 : 8490133 8504672 8492184 8509641 8509336 8489329 # Blokus 3D (neoice) 8494858 : 8490133 8504672 8492184 8509641 8509336 8489329 8510761 # BANG! (neoice) 8495672 : 8490133 8504672 8492184 8509641 8509336 8489329 # Tiny Epic Zombies (neoice) 8503880 : 8490133 8504672 8492184 8509641 # Forbidden Sky (neoice) 8503881 : 8490133 8504672 8492184 8509641 # Boss Monster 2: The Next Level (neoice) 8507890 : 8490133 8504672 8492184 8509641 8509336 8489329 # Monster Misfits (neoice) 8507891 : 8490133 8504672 8492184 8509641 8509336 8489329 8510761 #pragma user "nexttothemoon" # Confirmation code: 5o0GH8lKdITXlJt8MA0Fwg # Sun Oct 3 22:01:04 2021 # Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Base Set (nexttothemoon) 8499366 : 8512555 8494160 8507732 8511910 8509870 8490192 8500000 8502994 8495243 8508200 8502478 8500867 8501284 8504954 8502512 8512350 8511913 8503433 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500081 8503786 8506440 8512081 8505002 8508914 8497071 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8510212 8492199 8512537 8492623 8507504 8492922 8509314 8503903 8490791 8489780 8492282 8504436 8509874 8494545 8504885 8492213 8492910 8505858 8509876 8494088 8501961 8509875 8496071 8506518 8505765 8506726 %8509620 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8510742 8492606 8489099 # Summoner Wars: Alliances Master Set (nexttothemoon) 8499367 : 8494160 8507732 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 # Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game (nexttothemoon) 8499370 : 8494160 8507732 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 # Alt Name: $77 CAD Gift Card (nexttothemoon) 8507388 : 8512555 8494160 8507732 8511910 8490192 8500000 8502994 8495243 8502478 8504954 8502512 8512350 8511913 # Alt Name: Battlestar Galactica Admiral Adama collectible figure (nexttothemoon) 8512572 : 8512555 8494160 8507732 8511910 8509870 8490192 8500000 8502994 8495243 8508200 8502478 8500867 8501284 8504954 8502512 8512350 8511913 8503433 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500081 8503786 8506440 8512081 8505002 8508914 8497071 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8510212 8492199 8512537 8492623 8507504 8492922 8509314 8503903 8490791 8489780 8492282 8504436 8509874 8494545 8504885 8492213 8492910 8505858 8509876 8494088 8501961 8509875 8496071 8506518 8505765 8506726 %8509620 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8510742 # Alt Name: Game of Thrones Legacy Collection Ned Stark collectible figure (nexttothemoon) 8512577 : 8512555 8494160 8507732 8511910 8509870 8490192 8500000 8502994 8495243 8508200 8502478 8500867 8501284 8504954 8502512 8512350 8511913 8503433 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500081 8503786 8506440 8512081 8505002 8508914 8497071 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8510212 8492199 8512537 8492623 8507504 8492922 8509314 8503903 8490791 8489780 8492282 8504436 8509874 8494545 8504885 8492213 8492910 8505858 8509876 8494088 8501961 8509875 8496071 8506518 8505765 8506726 %8509620 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8510742 8492606 8489099 8511213 8502438 8489117 8495229 8494138 8508964 8511594 8512086 8507511 8497167 8500558 8507583 8490237 8494740 8500001 8512515 8498732 8509777 8509922 8511923 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8512513 8489319 8493161 8501501 8509166 8500387 8506746 8507674 8511121 8497950 8496215 8500604 8502024 8508497 8499995 8501499 8491609 8498573 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8500275 8512585 8509665 8496007 8490338 8503894 8493705 8511922 8511924 8511925 8512151 8512593 8496481 8512587 8512576 8512118 8506226 8509924 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven by Gaming Trunk (nexttothemoon) %8509620 : 8509620-COPY1 8509620-COPY2 8509620-COPY3 #pragma user "nossirom2004" # Confirmation code: XwO0h6m1fDVwO1RwBDCM3w # Sun Oct 3 19:20:43 2021 # (nossirom2004) %CISADA : 8493193 8498656 8504804 # (nossirom2004) %ECE : 8509741 8512537 # (nossirom2004) %EtN : 8499695 8501570 # (nossirom2004) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 # (nossirom2004) %GMIC : 8490802 8511855 # (nossirom2004) %Hemet : 8502994 8511910 # (nossirom2004) %Shipy : 8492268 8507471 8512382 # (nossirom2004) %TOotS : 8494088 8501961 # (nossirom2004) %TTIE : 8507516 8511738 # Edge of Darkness (nossirom2004) 8494850 : 8504423 8502478 %Hemet %CISADA %GMIC 8494044 %Shipy %TOotS 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 # Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra (nossirom2004) 8510930 : 8504423 8502478 %Hemet %CISADA %GMIC 8494044 %Shipy %TOotS 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8495212 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %ECE %Everd 8500168 8494106 8507436 8494156 8500501 %EtN 8500829 %TTIE 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8508964 8509922 8511594 8511882 8512086 8512137 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512588 8506226 # Panamax (nossirom2004) 8510936 : 8504423 8502478 %Hemet %CISADA %GMIC 8494044 %Shipy %TOotS 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8495212 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8512081 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %ECE # Last Will (nossirom2004) 8510941 : # Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure (nossirom2004) 8511234 : %CISADA # Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition (nossirom2004) 8511235 : 8504423 8502478 %Hemet # Alt Name: $50 CAD Gift Card (nossirom2004) 8511236 : 8504423 8502478 %Hemet %GMIC 8494044 %Shipy %TOotS # Orléans: Deluxe Edition (nossirom2004) 8511245 : # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Gaia Project and overlays for the player boards by Gaming Trunk (nossirom2004) %8509577 : 8509577-COPY1 8509577-COPY2 8509577-COPY3 #pragma user "Orsino71" # Confirmation code: iyoqbiK1iSuYKLBBhflA8g # Fri Oct 1 14:36:37 2021 # (Orsino71) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 8500586 # Cosmic Balance (Orsino71) 8510790 : %XLoaDS 8503672 8497931 8491595 8503131 # Dead Man's Doubloons (Orsino71) 8510794 : %XLoaDS 8503672 8497931 8491595 8503131 # Galactic Warlords: Battle for Dominion (Orsino71) 8510798 : %XLoaDS 8503672 8497931 8491595 8503131 # Rattlebones (Orsino71) 8510800 : %XLoaDS 8503672 8497931 8491595 8503131 # Eminent Domain: Battlecruisers (Orsino71) 8510801 : %XLoaDS 8503672 8497931 8491595 8503131 8512445 8497153 # Exoplanets (Orsino71) 8510803 : %XLoaDS 8503672 8497931 8491595 8503131 # Hordes: High Command (Orsino71) 8510805 : %XLoaDS 8503672 8497931 8491595 # Alone (Orsino71) 8510806 : %XLoaDS # Dungeon Run (Orsino71) 8510809 : %XLoaDS 8503672 8497931 8491595 8503131 # Godzilla: Tokyo Clash (Orsino71) 8510811 : %XLoaDS 8503672 8497931 # Marvel Heroes (Orsino71) 8510812 : %XLoaDS # Nightfall (Orsino71) 8510815 : %XLoaDS 8503672 8497931 8491595 8503131 8512445 # The Resistance (Orsino71) 8510820 : %XLoaDS 8503672 8497931 8491595 8503131 8512445 8497153 # Wits & Wagers (Orsino71) 8510823 : %XLoaDS 8503672 8497931 8491595 8503131 8512445 # Roller Coaster Tycoon (Orsino71) 8510843 : %XLoaDS 8503672 8497931 8491595 8503131 8512445 8497153 # Tower of London (Orsino71) 8510846 : %XLoaDS 8503672 8497931 8491595 8503131 8512445 8497153 # A Game of Cat & Mouth (Orsino71) 8510863 : %XLoaDS 8503672 8497931 8491595 8503131 # Unicorn Fever (Orsino71) 8510904 : %XLoaDS 8503672 8497931 #pragma user "Overexposed" # Confirmation code: i3n36Pd5i-3kzDLu84DF1Q # Sun Oct 3 20:09:12 2021 # (Overexposed) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (Overexposed) %ASP : 8497152 8507436 # (Overexposed) %ATPS : 8489611 8507895 # (Overexposed) %AaB : 8498844 8509731 # (Overexposed) %Acqui : # (Overexposed) %AliFro : 8495217 8496074 8499130 8508583 8510672 # (Overexposed) %AlmMat : 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 # (Overexposed) %AmunRe : 8494863 8496356 # (Overexposed) %ArcQue : 8494283 8504436 8512567 # (Overexposed) %BlaGol : 8490000 8490792 8512330 # (Overexposed) %BroSer : 8490936 8501993 # (Overexposed) %Bru189 : 8490799 8500416 8510856 # (Overexposed) %CADA : 8490452 8495406 8497891 8499100 8511234 # (Overexposed) %CTCF : 8492162 8493405 8494955 # (Overexposed) %CTE : 8508591 8508694 # (Overexposed) %CTWBD : 8489600 8505794 # (Overexposed) %Calico : 8491877 8503693 # (Overexposed) %CamUp : 8489288 8496070 8503108 # (Overexposed) %CoC : 8494586 8502226 # (Overexposed) %CoC1 : 8489319 8493161 8500538 8500807 # (Overexposed) %CoE : 8490018 8504786 8504860 8506863 # (Overexposed) %CoMKL : 8508701 8511121 # (Overexposed) %Conco : 8489884 8494126 8496947 # (Overexposed) %CotGar : 8496697 8507714 8511695 # (Overexposed) %Crypt : 8502024 8508497 # (Overexposed) %DJitDSE : 8493156 8507669 # (Overexposed) %DVE : 8500761 8509896 # (Overexposed) %DicCit : 8490780 8502483 # (Overexposed) %DinIsl : 8490023 8490027 # (Overexposed) %Downf : 8491597 8503889 # (Overexposed) %DraCas : 8499813 8511762 # (Overexposed) %DreFac : 8502231 8511745 # (Overexposed) %EBaBD : 8489601 8490184 8498649 8500770 8504503 8511671 # (Overexposed) %ECE : 8509741 8512537 # (Overexposed) %EMA : 8489028 8489205 8496683 # (Overexposed) %EtN : 8499695 8501570 # (Overexposed) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 # (Overexposed) %FeU : 8490031 8495260 # (Overexposed) %FlaRou : 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 # (Overexposed) %ForTra : 8505857 # (Overexposed) %FraDra : 8493133 8503884 # (Overexposed) %GWT : 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 # (Overexposed) %GalTru : 8496689 8498733 8508734 8512532 # (Overexposed) %Ggng : 8495224 8507389 # (Overexposed) %GhoSto : 8496036 8502216 8509910 # (Overexposed) %GlaRoa : 8501525 8511213 # (Overexposed) %GoL : 8501794 8508612 8509908 8512547 # (Overexposed) %Goa : 8489059 8495194 # (Overexposed) %HA : 8492910 8497071 8505858 # (Overexposed) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (Overexposed) %HanTeu : 8493732 8494008 8509892 # (Overexposed) %Homes : 8497009 8512536 # (Overexposed) %IKI : 8493163 8509180 # (Overexposed) %Isleb : 8507008 8509730 8512206 # (Overexposed) %KBaS : 8490192 8500000 8502994 # (Overexposed) %Kemet : 8490535 8496685 # (Overexposed) %Keyfl : 8489597 8489814 8504765 8512362 # (Overexposed) %LSE : 8494549 8496537 # (Overexposed) %LaGra : 8490138 8493986 8512341 # (Overexposed) %LoW : 8489211 8489740 8498846 8502172 8505863 8509714 # (Overexposed) %MaM : 8507421 8512225 8512528 # (Overexposed) %MdL : 8492950 8495045 8506821 # (Overexposed) %Momba : 8497693 8508838 # (Overexposed) %MonLan : 8496913 8511787 # (Overexposed) %Monta : 8492260 8494961 # (Overexposed) %NDE : 8489034 8506499 # (Overexposed) %NY1 : 8490454 8512519 # (Overexposed) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 8509177 # (Overexposed) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (Overexposed) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 8509933 # (Overexposed) %Polyn : 8492991 8509945 # (Overexposed) %PowGri : 8505870 8507410 # (Overexposed) %PrtPo : 8490805 8490896 8509772 # (Overexposed) %Ragusa : 8489880 8505111 # (Overexposed) %River : 8500409 8501786 # (Overexposed) %RoM : 8492231 8504717 # (Overexposed) %RusRai : 8490791 8492265 8500394 8507511 # (Overexposed) %SDMS : 8498911 8499682 8507188 # (Overexposed) %Sabot : 8492247 8492527 8508630 # (Overexposed) %SanMar : 8492987 8504234 8509778 # (Overexposed) %SanMon : 8496223 8497157 # (Overexposed) %Scythe : 8495180 8507353 # (Overexposed) %Seela : 8507515 8512509 # (Overexposed) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (Overexposed) %SmaInc : 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 # (Overexposed) %Snowd : 8490465 8507481 # (Overexposed) %TCoG : 8491892 8501613 8507517 # (Overexposed) %TCoT : 8494677 8497633 8511734 # (Overexposed) %TQfED : 8497167 8497950 8502438 # (Overexposed) %TQfEDTGT : 8499995 8501499 # (Overexposed) %TToT : 8500623 8500624 # (Overexposed) %TVoMP : 8510450 8512394 # (Overexposed) %Taken : 8498770 8503003 8510208 # (Overexposed) %TanGar : 8492167 8496234 # (Overexposed) %Tapes : 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 # (Overexposed) %TheNet : 8490818 8492537 8501887 # (Overexposed) %TinTow : 8500580 8502141 # (Overexposed) %TotT : 8494293 8506823 # (Overexposed) %Trajan : 8500625 8503893 8505879 # (Overexposed) %TroDic : 8490753 8495214 # (Overexposed) %TtRTCG : 8490093 8501590 # (Overexposed) %Tudor : 8489591 8490930 8496404 8505550 # (Overexposed) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 # (Overexposed) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 8497070 # (Overexposed) %XTBG : 8491614 8496125 8501572 8505729 # (Overexposed) %YDMS : 8506831 8507651 # (Overexposed) %Ys : 8490103 8511803 # Arena: For the Gods! (Overexposed) 8509175 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8489572 # Bemused (Overexposed) 8509188 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8494133 8510761 8507031 8499757 8493718 8493720 8499140 8505759 8492726 %DicCit 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 8496481 8497029 8492652 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp 8492031 8502244 %Ys %BlaGol 8490900 8494128 %ATPS %TinTow 8491480 # The Big Book of Madness (Overexposed) 8509194 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF # Bob Ross: Happy Little Accidents (Overexposed) 8509195 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8494133 8510761 8507031 8499757 8493718 8493720 8499140 8505759 8492726 %DicCit 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 8496481 8497029 8492652 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp 8492031 8502244 %Ys %BlaGol 8490900 8494128 %ATPS %TinTow 8511977 8505930 %TtRTCG %NY1 8490259 8512075 8491480 %Sabot 8494670 %SanMon 8490929 8503114 8491291 8492024 8490928 8495271 # Brutal Kingdom (Overexposed) 8509196 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8494133 8507031 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 8496481 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp # El Caballero (Overexposed) 8509199 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 8490784 # Catan: Junior (Overexposed) 8509277 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8510761 8507031 8499757 8493718 8493720 8499140 8490784 # City Council (Overexposed) 8509302 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8508691 # Dragon's Gold (Overexposed) 8509311 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8494282 %YDMS 8511088 # Entdecker: Exploring New Horizons (Overexposed) 8509313 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490477 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8494282 %YDMS # Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Duel at Mt. Skullzfyre (Overexposed) 8509318 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8498633 %TCoT 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 # Evolution: The Beginning (Overexposed) 8509320 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8494282 %YDMS # Friday (Overexposed) 8509325 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8494133 8510761 8507031 8499757 8493718 8493720 8499140 8505759 8492726 %DicCit 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 8496481 8497029 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp 8492031 8502244 %Ys %BlaGol 8490900 8494128 %ATPS %TinTow 8511977 8505930 %TtRTCG %NY1 8490259 8512075 8491480 %Sabot 8494670 # Hamsterrolle (Overexposed) 8509336 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 8489572 # Industria (Overexposed) 8509342 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8494282 # Istanbul: The Dice Game (Overexposed) 8509345 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 # Kakerlakensuppe (Overexposed) 8509346 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8494133 8510761 8507031 8499757 8493718 8493720 8499140 8505759 8492726 %DicCit 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 8496481 8497029 8492652 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp 8492031 8502244 %Ys %BlaGol 8490900 8494128 %ATPS %TinTow 8511977 8505930 %TtRTCG %NY1 8490259 8512075 8491480 %Sabot 8494670 %SanMon 8490929 8503114 8491291 8492024 8490928 8495271 # King's Road (Overexposed) 8509350 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489572 # Liguria (Overexposed) 8509351 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8494282 # Loot N Run (Overexposed) 8509352 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8494133 8510761 8507031 8499757 8493718 8493720 8499140 8505759 8492726 %DicCit 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 8496481 8497029 8492652 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp 8492031 8502244 %Ys %BlaGol 8490900 8494128 %ATPS %TinTow 8511977 8505930 %TtRTCG %NY1 8490259 8512075 8491480 %Sabot 8494670 %SanMon 8490929 8503114 8491291 8492024 8490928 8495271 # Lost Legends (Overexposed) 8509356 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 # Louis XIV (Overexposed) 8509359 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 # Mascarade (Overexposed) 8509365 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 # Medici: The Card Game (Overexposed) 8509367 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 # Medieval Merchant (Overexposed) 8509369 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF # Munchkin Panic (Overexposed) 8509372 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8494133 8510761 8507031 8499757 8493718 8493720 8499140 8505759 8492726 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 8496481 8497029 8492652 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp 8494128 %ATPS 8491480 # My Happy Farm (Overexposed) 8509373 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8499757 8493718 8493720 8490784 # Nottingham (Overexposed) 8509375 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8494133 8510761 8507031 8499757 8493718 8493720 8499140 8505759 8492726 %DicCit 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 8496481 8497029 8492652 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp 8492031 8502244 %Ys %BlaGol 8494128 8491480 # OctoDice (Overexposed) 8509378 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8494133 8510761 8507031 8499757 8493718 8493720 8499140 8505759 8492726 %DicCit 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 8496481 8497029 8492652 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp 8492031 8502244 %Ys %BlaGol 8490900 8494128 %ATPS %TinTow 8511977 8505930 %TtRTCG 8491480 # Once Upon a Time: The Storytelling Card Game (Overexposed) 8509380 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8494133 8510761 8507031 8499757 8493718 8493720 # Overseers (Overexposed) 8509385 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8494282 # Pirate Den (Overexposed) 8509386 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8494133 8510761 8507031 8499757 8493718 8493720 8499140 8505759 8492726 %DicCit 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 8496481 8497029 8492652 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp 8492031 8494128 %ATPS 8491480 # Pizarro & Co. (Overexposed) 8509392 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8489572 # Pizza Theory (Overexposed) 8509393 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8493118 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8494282 # Power Struggle (Overexposed) 8509395 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 # Pylos (Overexposed) 8509397 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 8489572 # Queen's Necklace (Overexposed) 8509398 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8489572 # Rising 5: Runes of Asteros (Overexposed) 8509400 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 # Scrutineyes (Overexposed) 8509408 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8494133 8510761 8507031 8499757 8493718 8493720 8499140 8505759 8492726 %DicCit 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 8496481 8497029 8492652 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp 8492031 8502244 %Ys %BlaGol 8490900 8494128 %ATPS %TinTow 8511977 8505930 %TtRTCG %NY1 8490259 8512075 8491480 %Sabot 8494670 %SanMon 8490929 8503114 8491291 8492024 8490928 8495271 # Soccer Tactics World (Overexposed) 8509412 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8494133 8510761 8507031 8499757 8493718 8493720 8499140 8505759 8492726 %DicCit 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 8496481 8497029 8492652 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp 8492031 8502244 %Ys %BlaGol 8490900 8494128 %ATPS %TinTow 8511977 8505930 %TtRTCG %NY1 8490259 8512075 8491480 %Sabot 8494670 %SanMon 8490929 8503114 8491291 8492024 8490928 # Spyrium (Overexposed) 8509416 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %HA %Bru189 8489572 # The Swarm (Overexposed) 8509419 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 # Sylla (Overexposed) 8509540 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 # Take Stock (Overexposed) 8509542 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8494133 8510761 8507031 8499757 8493718 8493720 8499140 8505759 8492726 %DicCit 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 8496481 8497029 8492652 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp 8492031 8502244 %Ys %BlaGol 8490900 8494128 %ATPS 8491480 # Terra Prime (Overexposed) 8509543 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8494282 %YDMS # That's a Question! (Overexposed) 8509544 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8509203 8494282 # Thebes: The Tomb Raiders (Overexposed) 8509546 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8490477 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 # Tiny Epic Defenders (Overexposed) 8509547 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8494133 8510761 8507031 8499757 8493718 8493720 8499140 8505759 8492726 %DicCit 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 8496481 8497029 8492652 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp 8492031 8502244 %Ys %BlaGol 8490900 8494128 %ATPS %TinTow 8511977 8505930 %TtRTCG %NY1 8490259 8512075 8491480 %Sabot 8494670 %SanMon 8490929 8503114 8491291 8492024 8490928 8495271 # Touché (Overexposed) 8509548 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8494133 8510761 8507031 8499757 8493718 8493720 8499140 8505759 8492726 %DicCit 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 8496481 8497029 8492652 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp 8492031 8502244 %Ys %BlaGol 8490900 8494128 %ATPS %TinTow 8511977 8505930 %TtRTCG %NY1 8490259 8512075 8491480 %Sabot 8494670 %SanMon 8490929 8503114 8491291 8492024 8490928 8495271 # Trieste (Overexposed) 8509549 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8494133 8510761 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 8496481 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp # Ventura (Overexposed) 8509550 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 8495212 8489572 # Vinci (Overexposed) 8509552 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8494133 8510761 8507031 8499757 8493718 8493720 8499140 8505759 8492726 %DicCit 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 8496481 8497029 8492652 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp 8492031 8502244 %Ys %BlaGol 8490900 8494128 %ATPS %TinTow 8511977 8505930 %TtRTCG %NY1 8490259 8512075 8491480 %Sabot 8494670 %SanMon 8490929 # VisualEyes (Overexposed) 8509556 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8494133 8510761 8507031 8499757 8493718 8493720 8499140 8505759 8492726 %DicCit 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 8496481 8497029 8492652 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp 8492031 8502244 %Ys %BlaGol 8490900 8494128 %ATPS %TinTow 8511977 8505930 %TtRTCG %NY1 8490259 8512075 8491480 %Sabot 8494670 %SanMon 8490929 8503114 8491291 8492024 8490928 8495271 # ZombieTown (Overexposed) 8509558 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8494133 8510761 8507031 8499757 8493718 8493720 8499140 8505759 8492726 %DicCit 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 8496481 8497029 8492652 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp 8492031 8502244 %Ys %BlaGol 8490900 8494128 %ATPS %TinTow 8511977 8505930 %TtRTCG %NY1 8490259 8512075 8491480 %Sabot 8494670 %SanMon 8490929 8503114 8491291 8492024 8490928 8495271 # Cyclades: Monuments (Overexposed) 8509560 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 8494133 8510761 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp # Eight-Minute Empire: Lost Lands (Overexposed) 8509561 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 # Imperial Settlers: Atlanteans (Overexposed) 8509567 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 # Kingsburg: To Forge a Realm (Overexposed) 8509568 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8508623 %ECE 8489572 # Lancaster: The New Laws (Overexposed) 8509569 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8492184 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8498633 %TCoT 8493713 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8492953 8493159 %DraCas 8512357 8494133 8510761 8507031 8499757 8493718 8493720 8499140 8505759 8492726 %DicCit 8490784 8508764 %Goa %Taken 8504583 8490199 8496007 %Calico %CoC %NYZ 8500556 %CotGar 8490150 %LSE 8507901 8496147 8504388 8492832 8491196 8492936 8509173 %Seela %TroDic 8505792 %GoL 8496101 8500271 8494127 8496481 8497029 8492652 %GalTru 8500814 %Tudor 8507619 8490051 %CamUp 8492031 8502244 %Ys %BlaGol 8490900 8494128 %ATPS %TinTow 8511977 8505930 %TtRTCG %NY1 8490259 8512075 8491480 %Sabot 8494670 %SanMon 8490929 8503114 8491291 8492024 8490928 8495271 # Guardian's Call (Overexposed) 8509581 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 8489572 # Tumult Royale (Overexposed) 8509586 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8489572 # Helios (Overexposed) 8509625 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 8489572 # Samarkand: Routes to Riches (Overexposed) 8509633 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 8507411 %CoE %TCoG 8489572 # Urbanization (Overexposed) 8509636 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489572 # Deus (Overexposed) 8509639 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO # Honshū (Overexposed) 8509640 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8497156 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8498633 %TCoT 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 %PARKS %AliFro %FlaRou %DJitDSE 8499236 %EBaBD %Crypt 8512444 %Downf 8490237 8492562 %EMA 8496081 %CTWBD 8505868 %Homes 8509889 8507438 8508984 8494726 8502982 8505875 %CoC1 %DVE 8504913 %TotT 8493112 %GhoSto 8502391 %XTBG 8506542 8510037 8500414 %Ragusa %Polyn 8490055 %DreFac 8495255 8512357 8507031 # Mythotopia (Overexposed) 8509644 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF # Suburbia (Overexposed) 8509648 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT # Fire & Axe: A Viking Saga (Overexposed) 8509653 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 # Santorini (Overexposed) 8509655 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 # The End of the Triumvirate (Overexposed) 8509657 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 8507411 8489572 # Black Friday (Overexposed) 8509659 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 8507411 8489572 # Dungeon Fighter (Overexposed) 8509666 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa # Nuns on the Run (Overexposed) 8509669 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 # Survive: Escape from Atlantis! (Overexposed) 8509677 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 # The Lord of the Rings (Overexposed) 8509680 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 # Broom Service: The Card Game (Overexposed) 8509683 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8506799 8510212 8500274 8490449 8493118 8490477 8489572 %Momba %MaM %NDE 8504513 8510930 %IKI %MdL %Monta 8506815 8490758 8507948 8509203 %TheNet 8492224 %TQfED 8510661 8492927 %ArcQue 8506531 %FeU 8503439 %FraDra %BroSer %PrtPo %SanMar 8506225 %EtN 8500829 %TQfEDTGT 8494111 8504877 8502064 %RoM 8492548 %SDMS 8507355 8492841 %Snowd 8492856 8506326 8495404 8509956 8502092 8497164 8493046 8494282 %YDMS 8508614 8511088 # Villages of Valeria (Overexposed) 8509687 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO %CTCF 8507951 8499811 8492826 %TToT 8512392 %GlaRoa 8503023 %Conco %RusRai %Trajan 8505763 8491743 8496218 8498508 %PCR %Halle 8502166 8508691 8512365 %GWT %LoW %Keyfl %Kemet %SleGod %CoMKL 8512498 8512596 %HanTeu 8512363 8493456 %AaB 8489577 8512241 %SmaInc %Ggng 8503448 8503899 8505846 8505164 %Isleb 8494289 8508451 %ForTra 8507006 8512494 %MonLan 8512335 8495229 8495231 %TVoMP 8508623 8495212 8500772 8492983 %TanGar %AlmMat 8507411 %CoE %TCoG %CTE %WhiMou %ECE 8508200 %HA %Bru189 %Scythe 8509954 %Wings %Everd %PowGri %CADA 8502219 %DinIsl 8492957 %Tapes 8500541 %ASP %AmunRe 8508712 8507647 8511912 8509877 8507151 %River 8495972 8497067 8503163 8492204 8495211 8512566 8489606 8489572 %Momba # The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire (Overexposed) 8509689 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 # Memoir '44 (Overexposed) 8509722 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 %AFfO 8507951 # Winner's Circle (Overexposed) 8509732 : 8493725 %LaGra 8494044 8512350 %KBaS 8511910 #pragma user "oxbaker" # Confirmation code: OHh5v1ZwHCE8P0jUKJoOmg # Sun Oct 3 21:10:29 2021 # (oxbaker) %Aquat : 8500004 8511909 # (oxbaker) %BarQue : 8492964 8494068 8504907 # (oxbaker) %BetLeg : 8509744 8511189 # (oxbaker) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (oxbaker) %DisVil : 8491607 8504416 8510810 # (oxbaker) %DunImp : # (oxbaker) %EscPla : 8490123 8507944 # (oxbaker) %EtN : 8499695 8501570 # (oxbaker) %GMIC : 8490802 8511855 # (oxbaker) %GWT : # (oxbaker) %GaiPro : 8490442 8492873 # (oxbaker) %KBaS : 8490192 8500000 8502994 8511910 # (oxbaker) %NTDG : 8497141 8511718 # (oxbaker) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (oxbaker) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 8509933 # (oxbaker) %RoT : 8489482 8490824 8491328 # (oxbaker) %SCE : 8490814 8506518 # (oxbaker) %SDMS : 8498911 8499682 8507188 # (oxbaker) %SWIA : 8494040 8495243 # (oxbaker) %SieWes : # (oxbaker) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (oxbaker) %TCoG : 8501613 8507517 # (oxbaker) %TGTFoA : 8494160 8507732 # (oxbaker) %TOotS : 8494088 8501961 # (oxbaker) %Tapes : 8500851 8502137 # (oxbaker) %TheCol : # (oxbaker) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 # (oxbaker) %Wings : # Star Wars: The Card Game (oxbaker) 8489095 : 8494523 8494551 %TGTFoA 8507219 8507709 8502937 8494084 %SWIA 8494156 8504704 8500568 8497135 8509907 8500867 8494165 8492204 # Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Skull & Shackles – Base Set (oxbaker) 8489099 : 8494523 8494551 %TGTFoA 8507219 8507709 8502937 # Vikings Gone Wild (oxbaker) 8489103 : 8494523 8494551 %TGTFoA 8507219 8507709 8502937 8494084 %SWIA 8494156 8504704 8500568 8497135 8509907 # Cooper Island (oxbaker) 8489184 : 8494523 8494551 %TGTFoA 8507219 8507709 8502937 8494084 %SWIA 8494156 8504704 8500568 8497135 8509907 8500867 8494165 8492204 %BraBir %SleGod 8505002 %Aquat 8510205 %KBaS 8491996 8499301 8511634 8489319 8489389 8489780 8494106 8507478 %GMIC 8499998 8490240 8499691 8496123 8512350 %EtN 8494850 8502478 %SCE 8503609 8512081 8492184 8491743 8495224 8495229 # Dominations: Road to Civilization (oxbaker) 8489186 : 8494523 8494551 %TGTFoA 8507219 8507709 8502937 8494084 %SWIA 8494156 8504704 8500568 8497135 8509907 8500867 8494165 8492204 %BraBir %SleGod 8505002 %Aquat 8510205 %KBaS 8491996 8499301 8511634 8489319 8489389 8489780 8494106 8507478 %GMIC 8499998 8490240 8499691 8496123 8512350 %EtN 8494850 8502478 %SCE 8503609 8512081 8492184 # Hunt for the Ring (oxbaker) 8489196 : 8494523 8494551 %TGTFoA 8507219 8507709 8502937 8494084 %SWIA 8494156 8504704 8500568 8497135 8509907 8500867 8494165 8492204 %BraBir %SleGod 8505002 %Aquat 8510205 %KBaS 8491996 8499301 8511634 8489319 8489389 8489780 8494106 8507478 %GMIC 8499998 8490240 8499691 8496123 8512350 %EtN 8494850 8502478 %SCE 8503609 8512081 8492184 8491743 8495224 8495229 8507529 %Tapes 8492927 8494545 %PCR 8494044 8494544 8492901 %EscPla 8492194 8503448 %TOotS 8511912 8507901 %BetLeg %DisVil 8496217 8510037 8490794 8510150 %SDMS 8492866 8500274 8494282 # Era: Medieval Age (oxbaker) 8489205 : 8494523 8494551 %TGTFoA 8507219 8507709 8502937 8494084 %SWIA 8494156 8504704 8500568 8497135 8509907 8500867 8494165 8492204 %BraBir %SleGod 8505002 %Aquat 8510205 %KBaS 8491996 8499301 8511634 8489319 # Of Dreams & Shadows (oxbaker) 8489222 : 8494523 8494551 %TGTFoA 8507219 8507709 8502937 8494084 %SWIA 8494156 8504704 8500568 8497135 8509907 8500867 8494165 8492204 %BraBir %SleGod 8505002 %Aquat 8510205 %KBaS 8491996 8499301 8511634 8489319 8489389 8489780 8494106 8507478 %GMIC 8499998 8490240 8499691 8496123 8512350 %EtN 8494850 8502478 %SCE 8503609 8512081 8492184 8491743 8495224 8495229 8507529 %Tapes 8492927 8494545 %PCR 8494044 8494544 8492901 %EscPla 8492194 8503448 %TOotS 8511912 8507901 %BetLeg %DisVil 8496217 8510037 8490794 8510150 %SDMS 8492866 8500274 8494282 8495180 %GaiPro %PARKS 8508764 8500534 %TCoG 8500541 8490214 %WhiMou 8500555 %NTDG %BarQue 8494111 8493712 8510816 8511236 8512086 8512533 8512540 8492936 8500368 8493730 %RoT 8501554 8507741 8493713 8508925 8495235 # Alt Name: Amazon Echo (oxbaker) 8489233 : 8494523 8494551 %TGTFoA 8507219 8507709 8502937 8494084 %SWIA 8494156 8504704 8500568 8497135 8509907 8500867 8494165 8492204 %BraBir %SleGod 8505002 %Aquat 8510205 %KBaS 8491996 8499301 8511634 8489319 8489389 8489780 8494106 8507478 %GMIC 8499998 8490240 8499691 8496123 8512350 %EtN 8494850 8502478 %SCE 8503609 8512081 8492184 8491743 8495224 8495229 8507529 %Tapes 8492927 8494545 %PCR 8494044 8494544 8492901 %EscPla 8492194 8503448 %TOotS 8511912 8507901 %BetLeg %DisVil 8496217 8510037 8490794 8510150 %SDMS 8492866 8500274 8494282 8495180 %GaiPro %PARKS 8508764 8500534 %TCoG 8500541 8490214 %WhiMou 8500555 %NTDG %BarQue 8494111 8493712 8510816 8511236 8512086 8512533 8512540 8492936 8500368 8493730 %RoT 8501554 8507741 8493713 8508925 8495235 8492616 8507947 8507894 #pragma user "oxygen204" # Confirmation code: 5MNFq2/4G1GuxVXD1th14w # Fri Oct 1 00:11:10 2021 # (oxygen204) %EtN : 8499695 8501570 # (oxygen204) %K2 : 8491781 8494137 # (oxygen204) %TheCol : 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 # Alt Name: $30 CAD Gift Card (oxygen204) 8511882 : 8492826 %K2 8507901 %TheCol %EtN 8507438 #pragma user "Panfivan" # Confirmation code: F3fm55DW5FRBt/aTmo/1pQ # Sat Oct 2 16:44:09 2021 # Alt Name: Overlays for Terraforming Mars Player boards by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509430-COPY1 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 8491609 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 8489155 # Alt Name: Overlays for Terraforming Mars Player boards by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509430-COPY2 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 8491609 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 8489155 # Alt Name: Overlays for Terraforming Mars Player boards by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509430-COPY3 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 8491609 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 8489155 # Alt Name: Insert for Paladins of the West Kingdom by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509454-COPY1 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 8491609 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 8489155 # Alt Name: Insert for Paladins of the West Kingdom by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509454-COPY2 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 8491609 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 8489155 # Alt Name: Insert for Paladins of the West Kingdom by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509454-COPY3 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 8491609 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 8489155 # Alt Name: Insert for Architects of the West Kingdom by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509473-COPY1 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 8491609 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 8489155 # Alt Name: Insert for Architects of the West Kingdom by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509473-COPY2 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 8491609 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 8489155 # Alt Name: Insert for Architects of the West Kingdom by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509473-COPY3 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 8491609 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 8489155 # Alt Name: Insert for Dominion by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509485-COPY1 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 8491609 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 8489155 # Alt Name: Insert for Dominion by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509485-COPY2 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 8491609 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 8489155 # Alt Name: Insert for Dominion by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509485-COPY3 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 8491609 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 8489155 # Alt Name: Insert for Rising Sun KS Edition by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509520 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 # Alt Name: Insert for Wingspan by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509525-COPY1 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 # Alt Name: Insert for Wingspan by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509525-COPY2 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 # Alt Name: Insert for Wingspan by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509525-COPY3 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 # Alt Name: Insert for Underwater Cities by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509528-COPY1 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 # Alt Name: Insert for Underwater Cities by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509528-COPY2 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 # Alt Name: Insert for Underwater Cities by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509528-COPY3 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 # Alt Name: Insert for Terraforming Mars by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509533-COPY1 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 # Alt Name: Insert for Terraforming Mars by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509533-COPY2 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 # Alt Name: Insert for Terraforming Mars by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509533-COPY3 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 # Alt Name: Insert for Root by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509535-COPY1 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 8491609 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 8489155 # Alt Name: Insert for Root by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509535-COPY2 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 8491609 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 8489155 # Alt Name: Insert for Root by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509535-COPY3 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 8491609 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 8489155 # Alt Name: Insert for Roll for the Galaxy by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509554-COPY1 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 # Alt Name: Insert for Roll for the Galaxy by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509554-COPY2 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 # Alt Name: Insert for Roll for the Galaxy by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509554-COPY3 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 # Alt Name: Insert for Maracaibo by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509571-COPY1 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 # Alt Name: Insert for Maracaibo by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509571-COPY2 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 # Alt Name: Insert for Maracaibo by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509571-COPY3 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 # Alt Name: Insert for Gaia Project and overlays for the player boards by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509577-COPY1 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 # Alt Name: Insert for Gaia Project and overlays for the player boards by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509577-COPY2 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 # Alt Name: Insert for Gaia Project and overlays for the player boards by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509577-COPY3 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 # Alt Name: Insert for Clank! by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509585-COPY1 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 # Alt Name: Insert for Clank! by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509585-COPY2 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 # Alt Name: Insert for Clank! by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509585-COPY3 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 # Alt Name: Insert for Caverna by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509609-COPY1 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 # Alt Name: Insert for Caverna by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509609-COPY2 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 # Alt Name: Insert for Caverna by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509609-COPY3 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 # Alt Name: Insert for Catan by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509614-COPY1 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 # Alt Name: Insert for Catan by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509614-COPY2 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 # Alt Name: Insert for Catan by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509614-COPY3 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 # Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509620-COPY1 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8509741 8512537 # Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509620-COPY2 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8509741 8512537 # Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509620-COPY3 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8509741 8512537 # Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509626-COPY1 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 # Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509626-COPY2 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 # Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509626-COPY3 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 # Alt Name: Insert for Hallertau by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509634-COPY1 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 # Alt Name: Insert for Hallertau by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509634-COPY2 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 # Alt Name: Insert for Hallertau by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509634-COPY3 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 # Alt Name: Insert for Lost Ruins of Arnak by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509656-COPY1 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 # Alt Name: Insert for Lost Ruins of Arnak by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509656-COPY2 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 # Alt Name: Insert for Lost Ruins of Arnak by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509656-COPY3 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 # Alt Name: Insert for Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509661-COPY1 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 # Alt Name: Insert for Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509661-COPY2 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 # Alt Name: Insert for Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509661-COPY3 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 # Alt Name: Insert for 7 Wonders Second Edition by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509671-COPY1 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 # Alt Name: Insert for 7 Wonders Second Edition by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509671-COPY2 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 # Alt Name: Insert for 7 Wonders Second Edition by Gaming Trunk (Panfivan) 8509671-COPY3 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 # Alt Name: Playmat for Ankh: Gods of Egypt (Panfivan) 8509707 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8500867 8501284 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 # Anomia: Party Edition (Panfivan) 8512523 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 8489914 8490477 8492224 8505759 8491609 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 8489155 8512450 # Orléans: Invasion (Panfivan) 8512529 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 8500867 8501284 8508598 8508699 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8489884 8512488 8500255 8500777 8492901 8495260 8492616 8503899 8499301 8503786 8506440 8512081 8509741 8512537 8492606 8494853 8503894 8498195 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8507894 8500577 8512504 8509838 8511189 8498732 8500260 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8506821 8511702 8512089 8512515 8512516 8512513 8498770 8503439 8494740 8500001 8500589 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8497037 8494138 8495247 8505765 8509922 8492950 8510143 # Vikings Gone Wild (Panfivan) 8512590 : 8494084 8504954 8500586 8490523 8494436 8509870 8504423 8505002 8494106 8507478 8494160 8507732 8507944 8506859 8492194 8497913 8509876 8495224 8491833 8507953 8494156 8509875 8512350 8509719 8511913 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502478 8490814 8506518 8498489 8506831 8507651 8502937 8511910 8512585 8490102 8490807 8492275 8511245 8497135 8494850 #pragma user "pepex82" # Confirmation code: O3ufqwg4/gq4amvSKRRuaA # Sat Oct 2 12:24:34 2021 # Islebound (pepex82) 8512206 : 8508598 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8489780 8512123 8512535 8490802 8511855 8494044 8511724 8506531 8490762 8507193 8512350 8510205 8504823 8511889 8497135 8495212 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8507504 8510150 8512081 8512518 8493730 8494165 8499778 8506831 8507651 8492204 8503087 8506226 8507517 8510945 8496007 8492973 8495265 8509933 8495982 8507949 8511771 8512224 8493010 8502251 8509932 8498481 8507374 8494549 8507901 8506225 8496217 8502519 8505765 8506726 8508964 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511922 8511925 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8509735 8490148 8510904 8502990 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8512484 8507436 8502024 8508497 8492276 8507433 8492910 8505858 8491883 8503439 8503678 8509177 8494740 8500001 8494138 8511207 8507438 8511675 8512515 8490493 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8512513 8511726 8506220 8512510 8509929 8503692 8511912 8512466 8493169 8505558 8495210 8511918 8500387 8506746 8503335 # Dungeon Petz (pepex82) 8512226 : 8508598 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8489780 8512123 8512535 8490802 8511855 8494044 8511724 8506531 8490762 8507193 8512350 8510205 8504823 8511889 8497135 8495212 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8507504 8510150 8512081 8512518 8493730 8494165 8499778 8506831 8507651 8492204 8503087 8506226 # Castle Panic (pepex82) 8512276 : 8508598 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8489780 8512123 8512535 8490802 8511855 8494044 8511724 8506531 8490762 8507193 8512350 8510205 8504823 8511889 8497135 8495212 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8507504 8510150 8512081 8512518 8493730 8494165 8499778 8506831 8507651 8492204 8503087 8506226 8507517 8510945 8496007 8492973 8495265 8509933 8495982 8507949 8511771 8512224 8493010 8502251 8509932 8498481 8507374 8494549 8507901 8506225 8496217 8502519 8505765 8506726 8508964 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511922 8511925 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8509735 8490148 8510904 8502990 # Alt Name: Deckscape and Decktective Bundle (pepex82) 8512293 : 8508598 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490662 8492273 8489780 8512123 8512535 8490802 8511855 8494044 8511724 8506531 8490762 8507193 8512350 8510205 8504823 8511889 8497135 8495212 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8507504 8510150 8512081 8512518 8493730 8494165 8499778 8506831 8507651 8492204 8503087 8506226 8507517 8510945 8496007 8492973 8495265 8509933 8495982 8507949 8511771 8512224 8493010 8502251 8509932 8498481 8507374 8494549 8507901 8506225 8496217 8502519 8505765 8506726 8508964 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511922 8511925 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8509735 8490148 8510904 8502990 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8512484 8507436 8502024 8508497 8492276 8507433 8492910 8505858 8491883 8503439 8503678 8509177 8494740 8500001 8494138 8511207 8507438 8511675 8512515 8490493 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8512513 8511726 8506220 8512510 8509929 8503692 #pragma user "Philcampeau" # Confirmation code: I4rX2YkVwmZmeomyNcgUlA # Sun Oct 3 21:45:57 2021 # (Philcampeau) %Eldorad : 8497950 8502438 8499995 8501499 # (Philcampeau) %FH2 : 8491373 8500584 # (Philcampeau) %GaiPro : 8490442 8512297 # (Philcampeau) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (Philcampeau) %TheCol : 8489544 8494728 # Nevsky: Teutons and Rus in Collision 1240-1242 (Philcampeau) 8488920 : 8500867 8489585 8494668 8499394 # Journey to the Center of the Earth (Philcampeau) 8488930 : 8500867 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8489585 8494668 8499394 %GaiPro %Halle 8489884 8509877 8490764 8512345 8503899 %TheCol %FH2 8494863 8503896 8500617 %Eldorad # Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game (Philcampeau) 8488951 : 8500867 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8489585 8494668 8499394 %GaiPro %Halle 8489884 8509877 8490764 8512345 8503899 %TheCol %FH2 # Blood Bowl (2016 edition): The Inaugural Blood Bowl Almanac (Philcampeau) 8488970 : 8500867 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8489585 8494668 8499394 %GaiPro %Halle 8489884 8509877 8490764 8512345 8503899 %TheCol %FH2 8494863 8503896 8500617 %Eldorad # Lincoln (Philcampeau) 8489182 : 8500867 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8489585 8494668 8499394 %GaiPro %Halle 8489884 8509877 8490764 8512345 8503899 %TheCol %FH2 8494863 8503896 8500617 %Eldorad # Modern Art (Philcampeau) 8489195 : 8500867 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8489585 8494668 8499394 %GaiPro %Halle 8489884 8509877 8490764 8512345 # Yellow & Yangtze (Philcampeau) 8492562 : 8500867 8489585 8494668 8499394 # Alt Name: $90 CAD Gift Card or eTransfer (Philcampeau) 8501284 : 8489585 8494668 # Futuropia (Philcampeau) 8510938 : 8500867 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8489585 8494668 8499394 %GaiPro %Halle # Undaunted: Normandy (Philcampeau) 8510945 : 8500867 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8489585 8494668 8499394 %GaiPro %Halle #pragma user "phiyo" # Confirmation code: szuHTgGtACCcOl-Azih9ag # Fri Oct 1 04:02:56 2021 # (phiyo) %7WD : 8500088 8500701 # (phiyo) %AlmMat : 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 # (phiyo) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (phiyo) %LifOff : 8507589 8512073 # (phiyo) %MarUni : 8490050 8492084 8505008 8512474 # (phiyo) %Oceans : 8489281 8492940 8500613 8500928 8508621 # Wingspan (phiyo) 8490926 : 8495180 8507353 8508598 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 %BraBir 8492224 8504221 8492275 8509746 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504423 8508200 8499686 8512535 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8495265 8509933 8492213 8500003 8504430 8490123 8507944 8507433 8492194 8497913 8495224 8499693 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499998 8494088 8501961 8494156 %Oceans 8511245 8489184 8505852 8496683 8495229 8507725 8500501 8492167 8497135 8500000 8502994 8502519 8511738 8502478 8507438 8489254 8492620 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8509181 8507006 8492950 8495045 8506821 8489046 8502255 8494165 8506831 8507651 8511915 8492204 8507355 8489319 8493161 8503087 8506815 8507709 8510904 8502990 8512537 8511910 8489116 # Kilt Castle (phiyo) 8490928 : 8495180 8507353 8508598 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 %BraBir 8492224 8504221 8492275 8509746 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504423 8508200 8499686 8512535 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8495265 8509933 8492213 8500003 8504430 8490123 8507944 8507433 8492194 8497913 8495224 8499693 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499998 8494088 8501961 8494156 %Oceans 8511245 8489184 8505852 8496683 8495229 8507725 8500501 8492167 8497135 8500000 8502994 8502519 8511738 8502478 8507438 8489254 8492620 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8509181 8507006 8492950 8495045 8506821 8489046 8502255 8494165 8506831 8507651 8511915 8492204 8507355 8489319 8493161 8503087 8506815 8507709 8510904 8502990 8512537 8511910 8496218 8507436 8503462 8503678 8509177 8507901 8489116 8512484 8492927 8492794 8498474 8493711 8503023 8503108 %AlmMat 8500387 8507741 8500522 8496007 8490214 8503693 8499133 8494086 8508451 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8493718 8499737 8500538 8500807 8494676 %LifOff 8491291 8493720 8494077 8491877 8506499 %7WD 8494586 8503114 8489028 8489205 8508448 8508224 8493705 8509665 8512151 8512593 8503106 %MarUni 8489034 8490902 8496481 8512450 8500488 # Via Nebula (phiyo) 8490929 : 8495180 8507353 8508598 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 %BraBir 8492224 8504221 8492275 8509746 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504423 8508200 8499686 8512535 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8495265 8509933 8492213 8500003 8504430 8490123 8507944 8507433 8492194 8497913 8495224 8499693 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499998 8494088 8501961 8494156 %Oceans 8511245 8489184 8505852 8496683 8495229 8507725 8500501 8492167 8497135 8500000 8502994 8502519 8511738 8502478 8507438 8489254 8492620 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8509181 8507006 8492950 8495045 8506821 8489046 8502255 8494165 8506831 8507651 8511915 8492204 8507355 8489319 8493161 8503087 8506815 8507709 8510904 8502990 8512537 8511910 8496218 8507436 8503462 8503678 8509177 8507901 8489116 8512484 8492927 8492794 8498474 8493711 # Tudor (phiyo) 8490930 : 8495180 8507353 8508598 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 %BraBir 8492224 8504221 8492275 8509746 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504423 8508200 8499686 8512535 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8495265 8509933 8492213 8500003 8504430 8490123 8507944 8507433 8492194 8497913 8495224 8499693 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499998 8494088 8501961 8494156 %Oceans 8511245 8489184 8505852 8496683 8495229 8507725 8500501 8492167 8497135 8500000 8502994 8502519 8511738 8502478 8507438 8489254 8492620 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8509181 8507006 8492950 8495045 8506821 8489046 8502255 8494165 8506831 8507651 8511915 8492204 8507355 8489319 8493161 8503087 8506815 8507709 8510904 8502990 8512537 8511910 8496218 8507436 8503462 8503678 8509177 8507901 8489116 8512484 8492927 8492794 8498474 8493711 8503023 8503108 %AlmMat 8500387 8507741 8500522 8496007 8490214 8503693 8499133 8494086 8508451 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8493718 8499737 8500538 8500807 8494676 %LifOff 8491291 8493720 8494077 8491877 8506499 %7WD 8494586 8503114 8489028 8489205 8508448 8508224 8493705 8509665 8512151 8512593 8503106 %MarUni 8489034 8490902 8496481 8512450 8500488 # Bears vs Babies (phiyo) 8490932 : 8495180 8507353 8508598 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 %BraBir 8492224 8504221 8492275 8509746 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504423 8508200 8499686 8512535 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8495265 8509933 8492213 8500003 8504430 8490123 8507944 8507433 8492194 8497913 8495224 8499693 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499998 8494088 8501961 8494156 %Oceans 8511245 8489184 8505852 8496683 8495229 8507725 8500501 8492167 8497135 8500000 8502994 8502519 8511738 8502478 8507438 8489254 8492620 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8509181 8507006 8492950 8495045 8506821 8489046 8502255 8494165 8506831 8507651 8511915 8492204 8507355 8489319 8493161 8503087 8506815 8507709 8510904 8502990 8512537 8511910 8496218 8507436 8503462 8503678 8509177 8507901 8489116 8512484 8492927 8492794 8498474 8493711 8503023 8503108 %AlmMat 8500387 8507741 8500522 8496007 8490214 8503693 8499133 8494086 8508451 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8493718 8499737 8500538 8500807 8494676 %LifOff 8491291 8493720 8494077 8491877 8506499 %7WD 8494586 8503114 8489028 8489205 8508448 8508224 8493705 8509665 8512151 8512593 8503106 %MarUni 8489034 8490902 8496481 # Toy Story: Obstacles & Adventures (phiyo) 8490934 : 8495180 8507353 8508598 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 %BraBir 8492224 8504221 8492275 8509746 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504423 8508200 8499686 8512535 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8495265 8509933 8492213 8500003 8504430 8490123 8507944 8507433 8492194 8497913 8495224 8499693 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499998 8494088 8501961 8494156 %Oceans 8511245 8489184 8505852 8496683 8495229 8507725 8500501 8492167 8497135 8500000 8502994 8502519 8511738 8502478 8507438 8489254 8492620 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8509181 8507006 8492950 8495045 8506821 8489046 8502255 8494165 8506831 8507651 8511915 8492204 8507355 8489319 8493161 8503087 8506815 8507709 8510904 8502990 8512537 8511910 8496218 8507436 8503462 8503678 8509177 8507901 8489116 8512484 8492927 8492794 8498474 8493711 8503023 8503108 %AlmMat 8500387 8507741 # Broom Service (phiyo) 8490936 : 8495180 8507353 8508598 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 %BraBir 8492224 8504221 8492275 8509746 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504423 8508200 8499686 8512535 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8495265 8509933 8492213 8500003 8504430 8490123 8507944 8507433 8492194 8497913 8495224 8499693 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499998 8494088 8501961 8494156 %Oceans 8511245 8489184 8505852 8496683 8495229 8507725 8500501 8492167 8497135 8500000 8502994 8502519 8511738 8502478 8507438 8489254 8492620 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8509181 8507006 8492950 8495045 8506821 8489046 8502255 8494165 8506831 8507651 8511915 8492204 8507355 8489319 8493161 8503087 8506815 8507709 8510904 8502990 8512537 8511910 8496218 8507436 8503462 8503678 8509177 8507901 8489116 8512484 8492927 8492794 8498474 8493711 8503023 8503108 %AlmMat 8500387 8507741 8500522 8496007 8490214 8503693 8499133 8494086 8508451 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8493718 8499737 8500538 8500807 8494676 %LifOff 8491291 8493720 8494077 8491877 8506499 # Cerebria: The Card Game (phiyo) 8490938 : 8495180 8507353 8508598 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 %BraBir 8492224 8504221 8492275 8509746 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504423 8508200 8499686 8512535 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8495265 8509933 8492213 8500003 8504430 8490123 8507944 8507433 8492194 8497913 8495224 8499693 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499998 8494088 8501961 8494156 %Oceans 8511245 8489184 8505852 8496683 8495229 8507725 8500501 8492167 8497135 8500000 8502994 8502519 8511738 8502478 8507438 8489254 8492620 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8509181 8507006 8492950 8495045 8506821 8489046 8502255 8494165 8506831 8507651 8511915 8492204 8507355 8489319 8493161 8503087 8506815 8507709 8510904 8502990 8512537 8511910 8496218 8507436 8503462 8503678 8509177 8507901 8489116 8512484 8492927 8492794 8498474 8493711 8503023 8503108 %AlmMat 8500387 8507741 8500522 8496007 8490214 8503693 8499133 8494086 8508451 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8493718 8499737 8500538 8500807 8494676 %LifOff 8491291 8493720 8494077 8491877 8506499 %7WD 8494586 8503114 8489028 8489205 8508448 8508224 8493705 8509665 8512151 8512593 8503106 %MarUni 8489034 8490902 # Skora (phiyo) 8490940 : 8495180 8507353 8508598 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 %BraBir 8492224 8504221 8492275 8509746 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504423 8508200 8499686 8512535 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8495265 8509933 8492213 8500003 8504430 8490123 8507944 8507433 8492194 8497913 8495224 8499693 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499998 8494088 8501961 8494156 %Oceans 8511245 8489184 8505852 8496683 8495229 8507725 8500501 8492167 8497135 8500000 8502994 8502519 8511738 8502478 8507438 8489254 8492620 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8509181 8507006 8492950 8495045 8506821 8489046 8502255 8494165 8506831 8507651 8511915 8492204 8507355 8489319 8493161 8503087 8506815 8507709 8510904 8502990 8512537 8511910 8496218 8507436 8503462 8503678 8509177 8507901 8489116 8512484 8492927 8492794 8498474 8493711 8503023 8503108 %AlmMat 8500387 8507741 8500522 8496007 8490214 8503693 8499133 8494086 8508451 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8493718 8499737 8500538 8500807 8494676 %LifOff 8491291 8493720 8494077 8491877 8506499 %7WD 8494586 8503114 8489028 8489205 8508448 8508224 8493705 8509665 8512151 8512593 8503106 %MarUni 8489034 8490902 8496481 # Statecraft: The Political Card Game (phiyo) 8490943 : 8495180 8507353 8508598 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 %BraBir 8492224 8504221 8492275 8509746 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504423 8508200 8499686 8512535 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8495265 8509933 8492213 8500003 8504430 8490123 8507944 8507433 8492194 8497913 8495224 8499693 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499998 8494088 8501961 8494156 %Oceans 8511245 8489184 8505852 8496683 8495229 8507725 8500501 8492167 8497135 8500000 8502994 8502519 8511738 8502478 8507438 8489254 8492620 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8509181 8507006 8492950 8495045 8506821 8489046 8502255 8494165 8506831 8507651 8511915 8492204 8507355 8489319 8493161 8503087 8506815 8507709 8510904 8502990 8512537 8511910 8496218 8507436 8503462 8503678 8509177 8507901 8489116 8512484 8492927 8492794 8498474 8493711 8503023 8503108 %AlmMat 8500387 8507741 8500522 8496007 8490214 8503693 8499133 8494086 8508451 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8493718 8499737 8500538 8500807 8494676 %LifOff 8491291 8493720 8494077 8491877 8506499 %7WD 8494586 8503114 8489028 8489205 8508448 8508224 8493705 8509665 8512151 8512593 8503106 %MarUni 8489034 8490902 8496481 # Gods Love Dinosaurs (phiyo) 8493125 : 8495180 8507353 8508598 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 %BraBir 8492224 8504221 8492275 8509746 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504423 8508200 8499686 8512535 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8495265 8509933 8492213 8500003 8504430 8490123 8507944 8507433 8492194 8497913 8495224 8499693 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499998 8494088 8501961 8494156 %Oceans 8511245 8489184 8505852 8496683 8495229 8507725 8500501 8492167 8497135 8500000 8502994 8502519 8511738 8502478 8507438 8489254 8492620 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8509181 8507006 8492950 8495045 8506821 8489046 8502255 8494165 8506831 8507651 8511915 8492204 8507355 8489319 8493161 8503087 8506815 8507709 8510904 8502990 8512537 8511910 8496218 8507436 8503462 8503678 8509177 8507901 8489116 8512484 8492927 8492794 8498474 8493711 8503023 8503108 %AlmMat 8500387 8507741 8500522 8496007 8490214 8503693 8499133 8494086 8508451 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8493718 8499737 8500538 8500807 8494676 %LifOff 8491291 8493720 8494077 # Francis Drake (phiyo) 8493133 : 8495180 8507353 8508598 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 %BraBir 8492224 8504221 8492275 8509746 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8500558 8501501 8509166 8504423 8508200 8499686 8512535 8490802 8511855 8494160 8507732 8495265 8509933 8492213 8500003 8504430 8490123 8507944 8507433 8492194 8497913 8495224 8499693 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 8499998 8494088 8501961 8494156 %Oceans 8511245 8489184 8505852 8496683 8495229 8507725 8500501 8492167 8497135 8500000 8502994 8502519 8511738 8502478 8507438 8489254 8492620 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8509181 8507006 8492950 8495045 8506821 8489046 8502255 8494165 8506831 8507651 8511915 8492204 8507355 8489319 8493161 8503087 8506815 8507709 8510904 8502990 8512537 8511910 8496218 8507436 8503462 8503678 8509177 8507901 #pragma user "pikkoro" # Confirmation code: sLk5Nbgc9lKMw0jNXBLReQ # Sun Oct 3 01:58:43 2021 # (pikkoro) %CofRoa : 8489897 8505106 # (pikkoro) %GhoSto : 8502216 8509910 # (pikkoro) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (pikkoro) %Motta : 8503119 8507721 # (pikkoro) %ODD : 8495979 8503910 # (pikkoro) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (pikkoro) %Splen : 8491912 8501606 # (pikkoro) %Yokoh : 8499686 8512123 8512535 # Cat Lady (pikkoro) 8509821 : %Yokoh 8503891 8500867 8501284 %SleGod 8507388 8489254 8511634 8491889 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8491776 8507504 %ImpCla 8505765 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 %GhoSto %CofRoa %Splen 8509665 %ODD %Motta 8493705 8512151 8512593 8503693 8493720 # Roll for the Galaxy (pikkoro) 8509823 : %Yokoh 8503891 8500867 8501284 %SleGod 8507388 8489254 8511634 8491889 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8491776 8507504 %ImpCla 8505765 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 # King of Tokyo (pikkoro) 8509829 : %Yokoh 8503891 8500867 8501284 %SleGod 8507388 8489254 8511634 8491889 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8491776 8507504 %ImpCla 8505765 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 # Arboretum (pikkoro) 8509834 : %Yokoh 8503891 8500867 8501284 %SleGod 8507388 8489254 8511634 8491889 8503786 8506440 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8491776 # Fury of Dracula (Third/Fourth Edition) (pikkoro) 8509838 : %Yokoh 8503891 8500867 8501284 %SleGod # Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game – Pegasus Expansion (pikkoro) 8509875 : # Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game – Exodus Expansion (pikkoro) 8509876 : #pragma user "playr2" # Confirmation code: ulz74u2sDJkt6K-lfbn/TQ # Sat Oct 2 21:18:30 2021 # Zeppelin Attack! (playr2) 8490862 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508699 8509954 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8492125 8493005 8489280 8490926 8497070 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8503023 8502250 8492922 8504954 8509314 8489211 8489740 8498846 8502172 8505863 8495406 8492224 8505855 8496685 8490102 8490807 8500586 8503903 8512225 8500168 8504221 8508822 8507499 8500088 8500701 8505879 8501766 8510450 8512394 8492275 8509746 8489780 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8512436 8501525 8511213 8497950 8502438 8500558 8494040 8495243 8502166 8494436 8500777 8509870 8512425 8490023 8490027 8496036 8502216 8509910 8508838 8512596 8501613 8507517 8507429 8507467 8510762 8509892 8494494 8496113 8499236 8506951 8491776 8496533 8500576 8510652 8499686 8512535 8496997 8498844 8496218 8507478 8490802 8511855 8495409 8500580 8502141 8492927 8500541 8494160 8507732 8497152 8507436 8494545 8502024 8491908 8508984 8507477 8504885 8494044 8491597 8503889 8492901 8497128 8492848 8496690 8492537 8500003 8492276 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8506859 8512301 8502227 8505732 8504513 8503439 8492953 8492127 8507953 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 %8490751 8490849 8504456 8504565 8503678 8509177 8508712 8499998 8500555 8492794 8498862 8503114 8492329 8500531 8500589 8503108 8499691 8508986 8510203 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8503899 8492940 8500928 8499133 8502055 8504386 8506941 8511245 8511977 8505164 8489028 8489205 8496683 8490332 8502152 8497141 8511718 8510205 8498633 8507901 8499813 8511762 8507730 8496147 8507725 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8490141 8500501 8496223 8497157 8489600 8505794 8499695 8497108 8507710 8509101 8489539 8490001 8499161 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8492983 8488951 8506970 8503076 8496133 8509171 8492167 8496234 8490796 8502468 8501566 8496137 8490192 8500000 8502994 8508996 8494853 8495247 8491872 8492274 8489994 8502478 8507712 8490263 8491998 8499994 8508451 8501786 8509345 8490120 8505871 8490477 8491618 8492620 8492652 8495231 8509108 8500537 8503106 8489971 8512232 8508831 8512032 8505759 8503125 8493718 8499368 8490100 8490050 8492084 8505008 8512459 8512474 8508978 8489482 8490824 8507741 8492950 8498911 8499682 8489999 8495240 8490753 8500274 8492729 8489319 8493161 8512494 8503087 8500542 8507434 8501604 8494676 8491351 8506815 8512357 8509908 8512547 8493720 8489116 %8494038 8489517 8509741 8512537 8507952 8500557 8490021 8504862 8510794 8501567 8506320 8490054 8493711 8489876 8504880 8504879 8509969 8509546 # The Stars Are Right (playr2) 8490884 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508699 8509954 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8492125 8493005 8489280 8490926 8497070 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8503023 8502250 8492922 8504954 8509314 8489211 8489740 8498846 8502172 8505863 8495406 8492224 8505855 8496685 8490102 8490807 8500586 8503903 8512225 8500168 8504221 8508822 8507499 8500088 8500701 8505879 8501766 8510450 8512394 8492275 8509746 8489780 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8512436 8501525 8511213 8497950 8502438 8500558 8494040 8495243 8502166 8494436 8500777 8509870 8512425 8490023 8490027 8496036 8502216 8509910 8508838 8512596 8501613 8507517 8507429 8507467 8510762 8509892 8494494 8496113 8499236 8506951 8491776 8496533 8500576 8510652 8499686 8512535 8496997 8498844 8496218 8507478 8490802 8511855 8495409 8500580 8502141 8492927 8500541 8494160 8507732 8497152 8507436 8494545 8502024 8491908 8508984 8507477 8504885 8494044 8491597 8503889 8492901 8497128 8492848 8496690 8492537 8500003 8492276 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8506859 8512301 8502227 8505732 8504513 8503439 8492953 8492127 8507953 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 %8490751 8490849 8504456 8504565 8503678 8509177 8508712 8499998 8500555 8492794 8498862 8503114 8492329 8500531 8500589 8503108 8499691 8508986 8510203 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8503899 8492940 8500928 8499133 8502055 8504386 8506941 8511245 8511977 8505164 8489028 8489205 8496683 8490332 8502152 8497141 8511718 8510205 8498633 8507901 8499813 8511762 8507730 8496147 8507725 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8490141 8500501 8496223 8497157 8489600 8505794 8499695 8497108 8507710 8509101 8489539 8490001 8499161 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8492983 8488951 8506970 8503076 8496133 8509171 8492167 8496234 8490796 8502468 8501566 8496137 8490192 8500000 8502994 8508996 8494853 8495247 8491872 8492274 8489994 8502478 8507712 8490263 8491998 8499994 8508451 8501786 8509345 8490120 8505871 8490477 8491618 8492620 8492652 8495231 8509108 8500537 8503106 8489971 8512232 8508831 8512032 8505759 8503125 8493718 8499368 8490100 8490050 8492084 8505008 8512459 8512474 8508978 8489482 8490824 8507741 8492950 8498911 8499682 8489999 8495240 8490753 8500274 8492729 8489319 8493161 8512494 8503087 8500542 8507434 8501604 8494676 8491351 8506815 8512357 8509908 8512547 8493720 8489116 %8494038 8489517 8509741 8512537 8507952 8500557 8490021 8504862 8510794 8501567 8506320 8490054 8493711 8489876 8504880 8504879 # A Game of Thrones: The Card Game – Queen of Dragons (playr2) 8490888 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508699 8509954 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8492125 8493005 8489280 8490926 8497070 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8503023 8502250 8492922 8504954 8509314 8489211 8489740 8498846 8502172 8505863 8495406 8492224 8505855 8496685 8490102 8490807 8500586 8503903 8512225 8500168 8504221 8508822 8507499 8500088 8500701 8505879 8501766 8510450 8512394 8492275 8509746 8489780 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8512436 8501525 8511213 8497950 8502438 8500558 8494040 8495243 8502166 8494436 8500777 8509870 8512425 8490023 8490027 8496036 8502216 8509910 8508838 8512596 8501613 8507517 8507429 8507467 8510762 8509892 8494494 8496113 8499236 8506951 8491776 8496533 8500576 8510652 8499686 8512535 8496997 8498844 8496218 8507478 8490802 8511855 8495409 8500580 8502141 8492927 8500541 8494160 8507732 8497152 8507436 8494545 8502024 8491908 8508984 8507477 8504885 8494044 8491597 8503889 8492901 8497128 8492848 8496690 8492537 8500003 8492276 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8506859 8512301 8502227 8505732 8504513 8503439 8492953 8492127 8507953 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 %8490751 8490849 8504456 8504565 8503678 8509177 8508712 8499998 8500555 8492794 8498862 8503114 8492329 8500531 8500589 8503108 8499691 8508986 8510203 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8503899 8492940 8500928 8499133 8502055 8504386 8506941 8511245 8511977 8505164 8489028 8489205 8496683 8490332 8502152 8497141 8511718 8510205 8498633 8507901 8499813 8511762 8507730 8496147 8507725 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8490141 8500501 8496223 8497157 8489600 8505794 8499695 8497108 8507710 8509101 8489539 8490001 8499161 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8492983 8488951 8506970 8503076 8496133 8509171 8492167 8496234 8490796 8502468 8501566 8496137 8490192 8500000 8502994 8508996 8494853 8495247 8491872 8492274 8489994 8502478 8507712 8490263 8491998 8499994 8508451 8501786 8509345 8490120 8505871 8490477 8491618 8492620 8492652 8495231 8509108 8500537 8503106 8489971 8512232 8508831 8512032 8505759 8503125 8493718 8499368 8490100 8490050 8492084 8505008 8512459 8512474 8508978 8489482 8490824 8507741 8492950 8498911 8499682 8489999 8495240 8490753 8500274 8492729 8489319 8493161 8512494 8503087 8500542 8507434 8501604 8494676 8491351 8506815 8512357 8509908 8512547 8493720 8489116 %8494038 8489517 8509741 8512537 8507952 8500557 8490021 8504862 8510794 8501567 8506320 8490054 8493711 8489876 8504880 8504879 8509969 8509546 # Galatune (playr2) 8490892 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 8508699 8509954 8493405 8494955 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 8492125 8493005 8489280 8490926 8497070 8492873 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8503023 8502250 8492922 8504954 8509314 8489211 8489740 8498846 8502172 8505863 8495406 8492224 8505855 8496685 8490102 8490807 8500586 8503903 8512225 8500168 8504221 8508822 8507499 8500088 8500701 8505879 8501766 8510450 8512394 8492275 8509746 8489780 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8512436 8501525 8511213 8497950 8502438 8500558 8494040 8495243 8502166 8494436 8500777 8509870 8512425 8490023 8490027 8496036 8502216 8509910 8508838 8512596 8501613 8507517 8507429 8507467 8510762 8509892 8494494 8496113 8499236 8506951 8491776 8496533 8500576 8510652 8499686 8512535 8496997 8498844 8496218 8507478 8490802 8511855 8495409 8500580 8502141 8492927 8500541 8494160 8507732 8497152 8507436 8494545 8502024 8491908 8508984 8507477 8504885 8494044 8491597 8503889 8492901 8497128 8492848 8496690 8492537 8500003 8492276 8507433 8492910 8497071 8505858 8506859 8512301 8502227 8505732 8504513 8503439 8492953 8492127 8507953 8503448 8493010 8502251 8509932 %8490751 8490849 8504456 8504565 8503678 8509177 8508712 8499998 8500555 8492794 8498862 8503114 8492329 8500531 8500589 8503108 8499691 8508986 8510203 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8503899 8492940 8500928 8499133 8502055 8504386 8506941 8511245 8511977 8505164 8489028 8489205 8496683 8490332 8502152 8497141 8511718 8510205 8498633 8507901 8499813 8511762 8507730 8496147 8507725 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8506225 8490141 8500501 8496223 8497157 8489600 8505794 8499695 8497108 8507710 8509101 8489539 8490001 8499161 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8492983 8488951 8506970 8503076 8496133 8509171 8492167 8496234 8490796 8502468 8501566 8496137 8490192 8500000 8502994 8508996 8494853 8495247 8491872 8492274 8489994 8502478 8507712 8490263 8491998 8499994 8508451 8501786 8509345 8490120 8505871 8490477 8491618 8492620 8492652 8495231 8509108 8500537 8503106 8489971 8512232 8508831 8512032 8505759 8503125 8493718 8499368 8490100 8490050 8492084 8505008 8512459 8512474 8508978 8489482 8490824 8507741 8492950 8498911 8499682 8489999 8495240 8490753 8500274 8492729 8489319 8493161 8512494 8503087 8500542 8507434 8501604 8494676 8491351 8506815 8512357 8509908 8512547 8493720 8489116 %8494038 8489517 8509741 8512537 8507952 8500557 8490021 8504862 8510794 8501567 8506320 8490054 8493711 8489876 8504880 8504879 8509969 8509546 # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want The Downfall of Pompeii (playr2) %8490751 : 8490751-COPY1 8490751-COPY2 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Arraial (playr2) %8494038 : 8494038-COPY1 8494038-COPY2 8494038-COPY3 8494038-COPY4 8494038-COPY5 8494038-COPY6 #pragma user "prd1982" # Confirmation code: ZzkPA-5cQkMYvqCtSmItnQ # Fri Oct 1 00:22:25 2021 # Alt Name: $75 CAD Gift Card (prd1982) 8511634 : 8509951 #pragma user "Rabbits" # Confirmation code: QEX4qfidhqVDyW8pevSSYg # Sat Oct 2 01:09:09 2021 # (Rabbits) %CoC : 8496028 8502170 # (Rabbits) %GWT : 8489193 8489609 8493122 # (Rabbits) %HA : 8492910 8505858 # (Rabbits) %IKI : 8493163 8509180 # (Rabbits) %Natio : 8496215 8512434 # (Rabbits) %SWAVSDEP : 8512215 8512216 8512221 # (Rabbits) %XTBG : 8491614 8496125 8501572 8505729 # (Rabbits) %YDMS : 8506831 8507651 # A Distant Plain (Rabbits) 8495201 : 8509774 8504739 8506714 8507504 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %CoC 8491833 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512540 %HA # Falling Sky: The Gallic Revolt Against Caesar (Rabbits) 8495203 : 8509774 8504739 8506714 8507504 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 # Roll Through the Ages: The Iron Age (Rabbits) 8512467 : 8509774 8504739 8506714 8507504 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %CoC 8491833 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512540 8510209 8512350 %IKI 8509314 %HA 8494006 %YDMS 8494040 8500261 %Natio 8494479 8499998 8490477 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8495186 %GWT 8500494 8508200 8502024 8492562 %XTBG 8494850 8500383 8492832 8512137 8512513 8509552 8489182 8502408 8502389 %SWAVSDEP # Formula Dé (Rabbits) 8512475 : 8509774 8504739 8506714 8507504 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %CoC 8491833 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512540 8510209 8512350 %IKI 8509314 %YDMS # Alt Name: $50 Gift Certificate to Board Game Bliss (Rabbits) 8512479 : 8509774 # Endeavor (Rabbits) 8512486 : 8509774 8504739 8506714 8507504 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %CoC 8491833 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512540 8510209 8512350 %IKI 8509314 %HA 8494006 %YDMS 8494040 8500261 %Natio 8494479 8499998 8490477 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8495186 %GWT 8500494 8508200 8502024 8492562 %XTBG 8494850 8500383 8492832 8512137 8512513 8509552 8489182 8502408 8502389 %SWAVSDEP 8508614 # Confusion: Espionage and Deception in the Cold War (Rabbits) 8512497 : 8509774 8504739 8506714 8507504 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %CoC 8491833 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512540 8510209 8512350 %IKI 8509314 %HA 8494006 %YDMS 8494040 8500261 %Natio 8494479 8499998 8490477 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8495186 # Perikles (Rabbits) 8512505 : 8509774 8504739 8506714 8507504 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %CoC 8491833 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512540 8510209 8512350 %IKI 8509314 %HA 8494006 %YDMS 8494040 8500261 %Natio 8494479 8499998 8490477 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8495186 %GWT 8500494 8508200 8502024 8492562 %XTBG 8494850 8500383 8492832 8512137 8512513 8509552 8489182 8502408 8502389 %SWAVSDEP 8508614 8512365 # Compounded (Rabbits) 8512511 : 8509774 8504739 8506714 8507504 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %CoC 8491833 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512540 8510209 8512350 %IKI 8509314 %HA 8494006 %YDMS 8494040 8500261 %Natio 8494479 8499998 8490477 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8495186 %GWT 8500494 8508200 8502024 8492562 %XTBG 8494850 8500383 8492832 8512137 8512513 8509552 8489182 8502408 8502389 %SWAVSDEP # Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization (Rabbits) 8512517 : 8509774 8504739 8506714 8507504 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %CoC 8491833 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512540 8510209 8512350 %IKI 8509314 %HA 8494006 %YDMS 8494040 8500261 %Natio 8494479 8499998 8490477 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8495186 %GWT 8500494 8508200 8502024 8492562 %XTBG 8494850 8500383 8492832 8512137 8512513 8509552 8489182 8502408 8502389 %SWAVSDEP 8508614 8512365 # Stronghold: 2nd edition (Rabbits) 8512525 : 8509774 8504739 8506714 8507504 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %CoC 8491833 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512540 8510209 8512350 %IKI 8509314 %HA 8494006 %YDMS 8494040 8500261 %Natio 8494479 8499998 8490477 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8495186 # Mice and Mystics (Rabbits) 8512528 : 8509774 8504739 8506714 8507504 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 %CoC 8491833 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512540 8510209 8512350 %IKI 8494006 #pragma user "randougall" # Confirmation code: dXKL1bHZ41qEVBMjtRO3gw # Sat Oct 2 19:00:51 2021 # Dominion (randougall) 8511764 : 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8496001 8503023 8492224 8508701 8511121 8493725 8500558 8501501 8509166 8497164 8512425 8491892 8501613 8507517 8496218 8490138 8493986 8512341 8492927 8488871 8489117 8502024 8508497 8492901 8498806 8500003 8504430 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 8505858 8488947 8500482 8504925 8508987 8505854 8509639 8512524 8503462 8503678 8509177 8492794 8500004 8507437 8511909 8505106 8499133 8502055 8504386 8512568 8508448 8507901 8494108 8490782 8509953 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8494079 8494113 8511211 8512294 8494143 8504672 8512543 8490477 8500600 8504145 8512347 8512461 8490824 8491328 8506477 8490163 # Catan: Junior (randougall) 8511779 : 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8496001 8503023 8492224 8508701 8511121 8493725 8500558 8501501 8509166 8497164 8512425 8491892 8501613 8507517 8496218 8490138 8493986 8512341 8492927 8488871 8489117 8502024 8508497 8492901 8498806 8500003 8504430 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 8505858 8488947 8500482 8504925 8508987 8505854 8509639 8512524 8503462 8503678 8509177 8492794 8500004 8507437 8511909 8505106 8499133 8502055 8504386 8512568 8508448 8507901 8494108 8490782 8509953 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8494079 8494113 8511211 8512294 8494143 8504672 8512543 8490477 8500600 8504145 8512347 8512461 8490824 8491328 8506477 8490163 8512502 8503155 # Flash Point: Fire Rescue (randougall) 8511798 : 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8496001 8503023 8492224 8508701 8511121 8493725 8500558 8501501 8509166 8497164 8512425 8491892 8501613 8507517 8496218 8490138 8493986 8512341 8492927 8488871 8489117 8502024 8508497 8492901 8498806 8500003 8504430 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 8505858 8488947 8500482 8504925 8508987 8505854 8509639 8512524 8503462 8503678 8509177 8492794 8500004 8507437 8511909 8505106 8499133 8502055 8504386 8512568 8508448 8507901 8494108 8490782 8509953 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8494079 8494113 8511211 8512294 8494143 8504672 8512543 8490477 8500600 8504145 8512347 8512461 8490824 8491328 8506477 8490163 # Zooloretto (randougall) 8511810 : 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8496001 8503023 8492224 8508701 8511121 8493725 8500558 8501501 8509166 8497164 8512425 8491892 8501613 8507517 8496218 8490138 8493986 8512341 8492927 8488871 8489117 8502024 8508497 8492901 8498806 8500003 8504430 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 8505858 8488947 8500482 8504925 8508987 8505854 8509639 8512524 8503462 8503678 8509177 8492794 8500004 8507437 8511909 8505106 8499133 8502055 8504386 8512568 8508448 8507901 8494108 8490782 8509953 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8494079 8494113 8511211 8512294 8494143 8504672 8512543 8490477 8500600 8504145 8512347 8512461 8490824 8491328 8506477 8490163 # Lost Valley (randougall) 8511823 : 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8496001 8503023 8492224 8508701 8511121 8493725 8500558 8501501 8509166 8497164 8512425 8491892 8501613 8507517 8496218 8490138 8493986 8512341 8492927 8488871 8489117 8502024 8508497 8492901 8498806 8500003 8504430 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 8505858 8488947 8500482 8504925 8508987 8505854 8509639 8512524 8503462 8503678 8509177 8492794 8500004 8507437 8511909 8505106 8499133 8502055 8504386 8512568 8508448 8507901 8494108 8490782 8509953 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 8494079 8494113 8511211 8512294 8494143 8504672 8512543 8490477 8500600 8504145 8512347 8512461 8490824 8491328 8506477 8490163 8512502 8503155 #pragma user "ricesteam" # Confirmation code: 3Afs0-p+fgzJMn2jNBZ8rg # Thu Sep 30 22:55:39 2021 # (ricesteam) %DunImp : # Imperial Settlers (ricesteam) 8489799 : 8512350 8500867 8501284 8503891 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512518 # Keyflower (ricesteam) 8489814 : 8512350 8500867 8501284 8503891 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512518 # Concordia (ricesteam) 8489884 : 8512350 8500867 8501284 #pragma user "rizzat" # Confirmation code: heMEaXwfdpF0-j2+DudGiw # Fri Oct 1 17:54:29 2021 # Islebound (rizzat) 8507008 : 8502166 8492927 8500003 8504430 8503439 8503462 8509177 8508712 8492940 8508448 8497952 8495205 8507901 8492983 8492612 8491998 8511675 8512515 8489046 8493125 8496144 8508645 8491291 8506477 8493046 # Bumúntú (rizzat) 8507031 : 8502166 8492927 8500003 8504430 8503439 8503462 8509177 8508712 8492940 8508448 8497952 8495205 8507901 8492983 8492612 8491998 8511675 8512515 8489046 8493125 8496144 8508645 8491291 8506477 8493046 8490114 8491994 8492848 8490449 8496223 8502065 8503897 8506326 8491330 8499994 8504877 8510037 8509173 8490758 8506220 8510904 8489991 8494737 #pragma user "rodcloutier" # Confirmation code: yuRLyfLev4cFcSwpvfCBgw # Sat Oct 2 18:48:54 2021 # (rodcloutier) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (rodcloutier) %Conco : 8494126 8496947 # (rodcloutier) %EscPla : 8490123 8507944 # (rodcloutier) %GAH : 8490114 8494842 8512340 # (rodcloutier) %Momba : 8497693 8508838 # (rodcloutier) %Newton : # (rodcloutier) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (rodcloutier) %PCR : # (rodcloutier) %TVoMP : 8510450 8512394 # (rodcloutier) %Trajan : 8500625 8503893 8505879 # (rodcloutier) %Yokoh : 8499686 8512123 8512535 # CIV: Carta Impera Victoria (rodcloutier) 8500861 : %EscPla 8512350 %GAH 8492826 8497128 %OCoEaE 8495224 8505164 8495229 8489592 %BraBir 8504641 8489884 %Momba 8503448 8494286 %TVoMP 8511190 %Conco 8512392 %Trajan 8502216 %Yokoh 8509834 8512495 # Alt Name: $90 CAD gift card (rodcloutier) 8500867 : %EscPla 8512350 # Agricola (rodcloutier) 8501517 : %EscPla 8512350 %GAH 8492826 8497128 %OCoEaE 8495224 8505164 8495229 8489592 %BraBir 8504641 8489884 %Momba 8503448 8494286 %TVoMP 8511190 # Glass Road (rodcloutier) 8501525 : %EscPla 8512350 %GAH 8492826 8497128 %OCoEaE 8495224 8505164 8495229 8489592 # Love Letter (rodcloutier) 8501528 : %EscPla 8512350 %GAH 8492826 8497128 %OCoEaE 8495224 8505164 8495229 8489592 %BraBir 8504641 8489884 %Momba 8503448 8494286 %TVoMP 8511190 %Conco 8512392 %Trajan 8502216 %Yokoh 8509834 8512495 # Ora et Labora (rodcloutier) 8501534 : %EscPla 8512350 %GAH 8492826 8497128 %OCoEaE 8495224 8505164 8495229 8489592 %BraBir 8504641 8489884 %Momba 8503448 8494286 # Portobello Market (rodcloutier) 8501538 : %EscPla 8512350 %GAH 8492826 8497128 %OCoEaE 8495224 8505164 8495229 8489592 %BraBir 8504641 8489884 %Momba 8503448 8494286 %TVoMP 8511190 %Conco 8512392 %Trajan 8502216 %Yokoh 8509834 8512495 # Smash Up: Munchkin (rodcloutier) 8501546 : %EscPla 8512350 %GAH 8492826 8497128 %OCoEaE 8495224 8505164 8495229 8489592 %BraBir 8504641 8489884 %Momba 8503448 8494286 %TVoMP 8511190 %Conco 8512392 %Trajan 8502216 %Yokoh 8509834 8512495 # Expedition to Newdale (rodcloutier) 8501570 : %EscPla 8512350 %GAH 8492826 8497128 %OCoEaE 8495224 8505164 8495229 8489592 %BraBir 8504641 #pragma user "roddydavey" # Confirmation code: fxTC7Zbog7bJsEi5V9tdlQ # Sun Oct 3 21:11:25 2021 # (roddydavey) %AirEur : 8490504 8498348 8511898 # (roddydavey) %CamUp : 8489288 8496070 # (roddydavey) %CofRoa : 8489897 8505106 # (roddydavey) %Downf : 8491597 8503889 # (roddydavey) %GWT : 8489193 8489609 8490195 # (roddydavey) %Jamai : 8507719 8508700 # (roddydavey) %K2 : 8491781 8494137 # (roddydavey) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (roddydavey) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (roddydavey) %RusRai : 8490791 8507511 # (roddydavey) %SnoTai : 8490080 8505948 # (roddydavey) %SpiIsl : 8493117 8504968 8507363 # (roddydavey) %Steam : 8494147 8512386 # (roddydavey) %ThuAll : 8504391 8512527 8512542 # (roddydavey) %TtRNC : 8489914 8512595 # (roddydavey) %UFS : 8488947 8493689 8500482 8504925 # (roddydavey) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 8500586 # A Tale of Pirates (roddydavey) 8503152 : %XLoaDS 8507529 8505850 8506859 %OCoEaE 8507953 8490794 8500867 8501284 8489254 8512518 8508695 8504885 %AirEur 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512430 %SpiIsl %GWT %PARKS %K2 %Downf %SnoTai 8498195 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507507 8504602 %CofRoa %ThuAll 8508964 8511594 8512086 8512143 %Jamai 8492539 8498732 8512475 8502129 8505793 8501569 8491609 8499258 8500387 8506746 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500528 8512432 8491291 %TtRNC 8512550 %CamUp %UFS 8508932 8507946 8494012 8511882 8512137 8512151 8512446 8512593 8503081 %Steam # The Chosin Few (roddydavey) 8503153 : %XLoaDS 8507529 8505850 8506859 %OCoEaE 8507953 8490794 8500867 8501284 8489254 8512518 8508695 8504885 %AirEur 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512430 %SpiIsl %GWT %PARKS %K2 %Downf %SnoTai 8498195 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507507 8504602 %CofRoa %ThuAll 8508964 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 %Jamai 8492539 8498732 8512475 8502129 8505793 8501569 8491609 8499258 8500387 8506746 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500528 8512432 8491291 %TtRNC 8512550 %CamUp %UFS 8508932 8507946 8494012 8511882 8512137 8512151 8512446 8512593 8503081 %Steam # Samarkand: Routes to Riches (roddydavey) 8503154 : %XLoaDS 8507529 8505850 8506859 %OCoEaE 8507953 8490794 8500867 8501284 8489254 8512518 8508695 8504885 %AirEur 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512430 %SpiIsl %GWT %PARKS %K2 %Downf %SnoTai 8498195 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507507 8504602 %CofRoa %ThuAll 8508964 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 %Jamai 8492539 8498732 8512475 8502129 8505793 8501569 8491609 8499258 8500387 8506746 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500528 8512432 # Hit Z Road (roddydavey) 8503155 : %XLoaDS 8507529 8505850 8506859 %OCoEaE 8507953 8490794 8500867 8501284 8489254 8512518 8508695 8504885 %AirEur 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512430 %SpiIsl %GWT %PARKS %K2 %Downf %SnoTai 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507507 8504602 %CofRoa %ThuAll 8508964 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8491291 # Ambush! (roddydavey) 8503156 : %XLoaDS 8507529 8505850 8506859 %OCoEaE 8507953 8490794 8500867 8501284 8489254 8512518 # Blackbeard (roddydavey) 8503157 : # Polynesia (roddydavey) 8509945 : %XLoaDS 8507529 8505850 8506859 %OCoEaE 8507953 8490794 8500867 8501284 8489254 8512518 8508695 8504885 %AirEur 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512430 %SpiIsl %GWT %PARKS %K2 %Downf %SnoTai 8498195 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507507 8504602 8511236 # Blue Skies (roddydavey) 8509949 : %XLoaDS 8507529 8505850 8506859 %OCoEaE 8507953 8490794 8500867 8501284 8489254 8512518 8508695 8504885 %AirEur 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512430 %SpiIsl %GWT %PARKS %K2 %Downf %SnoTai 8498195 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507507 8504602 %CofRoa %ThuAll 8508964 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 %Jamai 8492539 8498732 8512475 8502129 8505793 8501569 8491609 8499258 8500387 8506746 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500528 8512432 8491291 %TtRNC 8512550 %CamUp %UFS 8508932 8507946 8494012 8511882 8512137 8512151 8512446 8512593 8503081 %Steam # Space Empires: 4X (roddydavey) 8509951 : %XLoaDS 8507529 8505850 8506859 %OCoEaE 8507953 8490794 8500867 8501284 # Whistle Stop (roddydavey) 8509953 : %XLoaDS 8507529 8505850 8506859 %OCoEaE 8507953 8490794 8500867 8501284 8489254 8512518 8508695 8504885 %AirEur 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512430 %SpiIsl %GWT %PARKS %K2 %Downf %SnoTai 8498195 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507507 8504602 %CofRoa %ThuAll 8508964 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 %Jamai 8492539 8498732 8512475 8502129 # Le Havre (roddydavey) 8509954 : %XLoaDS 8507529 8505850 8506859 %OCoEaE 8507953 8490794 8500867 8501284 8489254 8512518 8508695 8504885 %AirEur 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512430 8498195 # Paris Connection (roddydavey) 8509956 : %XLoaDS 8507529 8505850 8506859 %OCoEaE 8507953 8490794 8500867 8501284 8489254 8512518 8508695 8504885 %AirEur 8500260 8501380 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512430 %SpiIsl %GWT %PARKS %K2 %Downf %SnoTai 8498195 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507507 8504602 %CofRoa %ThuAll 8508964 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 %Jamai 8492539 8498732 8512475 8502129 8505793 8501569 8491609 8499258 8500387 8506746 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500528 8512432 #pragma user "rogerburrows" # Confirmation code: 5oyX-vErrUOL61tZDHVA+Q # Fri Oct 1 11:27:24 2021 # (rogerburrows) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (rogerburrows) %CurCar : 8505099 8508224 # (rogerburrows) %Newton : 8499691 8508986 # 1829 (rogerburrows) 8504502 : %AFfO %Newton 8497156 %CurCar 8505932 8507741 # Civilization (rogerburrows) 8504528 : %AFfO %Newton 8497156 %CurCar 8505932 8507741 8495210 # Exoplanets (rogerburrows) 8504545 : %AFfO %Newton 8497156 %CurCar 8505932 8507741 # Kingdomino (rogerburrows) 8504558 : %AFfO %Newton 8497156 %CurCar 8505932 8507741 # Mr. Jack (rogerburrows) 8504563 : %AFfO %Newton 8497156 %CurCar 8505932 8507741 # Railway Rivals (rogerburrows) 8504573 : %AFfO %Newton 8497156 %CurCar 8505932 8507741 8495210 # Splendor (rogerburrows) 8504583 : %AFfO %Newton 8497156 %CurCar 8505932 8507741 #pragma user "rotondan" # Confirmation code: wn9E1RqlAx4uG1hSUgQxbg # Sat Oct 2 22:25:01 2021 # (rotondan) %AirEur : 8490504 8494150 8498348 8511898 # (rotondan) %Cubit : 8491883 8503439 # (rotondan) %FlaRou : 8490398 8491252 8506713 # (rotondan) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (rotondan) %Solen : 8494143 8504672 # (rotondan) %TtRE : 8496688 8500577 8512504 # (rotondan) %TtRNC : 8489914 8512595 # (rotondan) %WhiSto : 8490782 8509953 # Dice Throne: Season Two – Cursed Pirate v. Artificer (rotondan) 8490163 : 8494040 8497135 8503635 8504430 8508954 8507712 8494165 8497164 %Cubit %PARKS %FlaRou 8492927 8495205 8506535 8489592 8501288 8508448 8506226 8489470 %TtRE 8494137 %WhiSto %Solen %AirEur # Unmatched: Battle of Legends, Volume One (rotondan) 8492606 : 8494040 8497135 8503635 8504430 8508954 8507712 8494165 8497164 %Cubit # Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire (rotondan) 8492625 : 8494040 8497135 8503635 8504430 8508954 8507712 8494165 # BattleLore: Second Edition (rotondan) 8499029 : 8494040 8497135 8503635 8504430 8508954 8507712 # Pandemic (rotondan) 8499090 : 8494040 8497135 8503635 8504430 8508954 8507712 8494165 8497164 %Cubit %PARKS %FlaRou 8492927 8495205 8506535 8489592 8501288 8508448 8506226 8489470 %TtRE 8494137 %WhiSto %Solen %AirEur %TtRNC 8502024 8511741 8499393 8507404 8506718 8508497 8511683 8501569 8489322 # Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure (rotondan) 8499100 : 8494040 8497135 # Alien Frontiers (rotondan) 8499130 : 8494040 8497135 8503635 8504430 8508954 8507712 8494165 8497164 %Cubit %PARKS %FlaRou 8492927 8495205 8506535 8489592 8501288 8508448 8506226 8489470 %TtRE 8494137 %WhiSto %Solen %AirEur %TtRNC 8502024 8511741 8499393 8507404 # Zendo (rotondan) 8507229 : 8494040 8497135 8503635 8504430 8508954 8507712 8494165 8497164 %Cubit %PARKS %FlaRou 8492927 8495205 8506535 8489592 8501288 8508448 8506226 8489470 %TtRE 8494137 %WhiSto %Solen # KeyForge: Age of Ascension (rotondan) 8507270 : 8494040 8497135 8503635 8504430 8508954 8507712 8494165 8497164 %Cubit %PARKS %FlaRou 8492927 8495205 8506535 8489592 8501288 8508448 8506226 8489470 %TtRE 8494137 %WhiSto %Solen %AirEur # KeyForge: Age of Ascension (rotondan) 8507273 : 8494040 8497135 8503635 8504430 8508954 8507712 8494165 8497164 %Cubit %PARKS %FlaRou 8492927 8495205 8506535 8489592 8501288 8508448 8506226 8489470 %TtRE 8494137 %WhiSto %Solen %AirEur # Summoner Wars: Master Set (rotondan) 8507417 : 8494040 8497135 8503635 8504430 8508954 8507712 8494165 8497164 %Cubit %PARKS %FlaRou 8492927 8495205 8506535 8489592 8501288 8508448 8506226 8489470 %TtRE 8494137 %WhiSto %Solen %AirEur %TtRNC 8502024 8511741 8499393 8507404 8506718 8508497 8511683 # Mice and Mystics (rotondan) 8507421 : 8494040 8497135 8503635 8504430 8508954 8507712 8494165 8497164 %Cubit %PARKS %FlaRou 8492927 8495205 8506535 8489592 8508448 8506226 # BattleLore (rotondan) 8512139 : 8494040 8497135 8503635 8504430 8508954 8507712 8494165 8497164 %Cubit %PARKS %FlaRou 8492927 8495205 8506535 8489592 8501288 8508448 8506226 8489470 %TtRE 8494137 %WhiSto %Solen %AirEur %TtRNC 8502024 8511741 8499393 8507404 8506718 8508497 8511683 # Alt Name: $30 Gift Certificate to Board Game Bliss (rotondan) 8512446 : 8494040 8497135 8503635 8504430 8508954 8507712 8494165 8497164 %Cubit %PARKS %FlaRou 8492927 8495205 8506535 8489592 8501288 #pragma user "Rox813" # Confirmation code: imHoeFduRSzjNQYbDdGXhQ # Sun Oct 3 21:57:58 2021 # (Rox813) %ASP : 8497152 8507436 # (Rox813) %AToP : 8490089 8502249 8503152 8508848 # (Rox813) %AlmMat : 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 # (Rox813) %Aquat : 8492794 8500004 8507437 # (Rox813) %ArcQue : 8494283 8504436 8507186 # (Rox813) %Azul : 8500522 8502332 # (Rox813) %BarQue : 8492964 8494068 # (Rox813) %Beez : 8493415 8506473 # (Rox813) %BlaAng : 8490240 8512298 # (Rox813) %BoB : 8500857 8503454 # (Rox813) %BraBir : 8507539 8512589 8490662 8492273 # (Rox813) %BttFDTT : 8489321 8495207 # (Rox813) %BunKin : 8496997 8512484 # (Rox813) %CADA : 8497891 8511234 # (Rox813) %CISADA : 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 # (Rox813) %CTCF : 8492162 8493405 8494955 # (Rox813) %CTE : 8508591 8508694 # (Rox813) %CTWBD : 8489600 8505794 # (Rox813) %Calico : 8503693 8507075 # (Rox813) %CnGSE : 8490133 8497108 8504981 # (Rox813) %CoC : 8494586 # (Rox813) %CoC1 : 8489319 8493161 8500538 8500807 # (Rox813) %CoE : 8490018 8504786 8504860 8506863 # (Rox813) %CofRoa : 8489897 8505106 # (Rox813) %ColExp : 8492132 8502227 8505732 # (Rox813) %Coman : 8490011 8504859 # (Rox813) %Corin : 8499677 8512419 # (Rox813) %CryHav : 8491874 8492091 8494139 8494542 8500774 8502164 # (Rox813) %CryPal : 8489934 8490748 8495249 # (Rox813) %Crypt : 8502024 8508497 # (Rox813) %CtA : 8489608 8499661 8500430 8502211 # (Rox813) %DAMCBG : 8504865 8508894 8512334 # (Rox813) %DLU : 8489984 8510786 # (Rox813) %DSM : 8494853 8495247 # (Rox813) %Decry : 8493724 8502029 # (Rox813) %DicCit : 8490780 # (Rox813) %DicFor : 8504513 # (Rox813) %DisVil : 8491607 8510810 # (Rox813) %Downf : 8491597 8503889 # (Rox813) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (Rox813) %DunLor : 8493658 8493686 8496912 8504869 8508835 8489599 # (Rox813) %DunPet : 8496094 8507427 # (Rox813) %EBaBD : 8489601 8490184 8498649 8500770 8504503 8511671 # (Rox813) %EMA : 8489028 8489205 8496683 # (Rox813) %ETCotT : 8493035 8501290 8508970 # (Rox813) %EscPla : 8490123 8507944 # (Rox813) %EtN : 8499695 8501570 # (Rox813) %ExLib : 8491994 8492848 # (Rox813) %FeU : 8490031 8495260 # (Rox813) %FlaRou : 8490398 8491252 8506713 8508705 # (Rox813) %ForD : 8490783 8490887 8508605 8509723 # (Rox813) %ForIsl : 8490137 8500638 8505736 8506755 8511112 # (Rox813) %ForSky : 8500933 8502217 8503881 8510747 8510748 8511082 8512565 # (Rox813) %Friday : 8498727 8509325 # (Rox813) %GAH : 8490114 8494842 8512340 # (Rox813) %GMIC : 8490802 8511855 # (Rox813) %GTTBE : 8502082 8504230 # (Rox813) %GWT : 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 # (Rox813) %GaiPro : 8490442 8492873 8512297 # (Rox813) %GhoSto : 8502216 8509910 # (Rox813) %HA : 8492910 8497071 8505858 # (Rox813) %HaC : 8489886 8499689 # (Rox813) %HoLAS : 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 # (Rox813) %HonBuz : 8500003 8504430 # (Rox813) %ImpSet : 8489799 8494494 8496113 8502121 8509859 # (Rox813) %Inis : 8492922 8504954 # (Rox813) %Isleb : 8507008 8509730 8512206 # (Rox813) %K2 : 8491781 8494137 8497022 # (Rox813) %KBaS : 8490192 8500000 8502994 # (Rox813) %KDE : 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 # (Rox813) %KRRiT : 8494165 8499778 8511726 # (Rox813) %Keyfl : 8489597 8489814 8504765 # (Rox813) %KinBui : 8500693 8490037 8496932 8505861 8512360 # (Rox813) %Kingd : 8504558 8505750 8509652 # (Rox813) %KoNY : 8490035 8497235 8512121 # (Rox813) %KoT : 8497908 8509829 # (Rox813) %LasWil : 8510941 # (Rox813) %LfW : 8512435 8512556 # (Rox813) %LifOff : 8507589 8512073 # (Rox813) %LoW : 8489211 8509714 # (Rox813) %MM : 8490444 8493684 8508620 # (Rox813) %MacKor : 8500553 8505664 # (Rox813) %MarUni : 8490050 8492084 8505008 8512459 8512474 # (Rox813) %Marip : 8491872 8492239 8492274 8497154 # (Rox813) %MasDar : 8503009 # (Rox813) %Menara : 8490254 8502065 8503897 # (Rox813) %Momba : 8497693 8508838 # (Rox813) %Monta : 8492260 8494961 # (Rox813) %NDE : 8489034 8506499 # (Rox813) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 8509177 # (Rox813) %Newton : 8508986 8499691 # (Rox813) %Oceans : 8489281 8492940 8500613 8500928 8508621 # (Rox813) %OnTou : 8509068 8511207 # (Rox813) %OtUL : 8489453 8491330 # (Rox813) %Otys : 8489878 8490059 # (Rox813) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (Rox813) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 8509933 # (Rox813) %PHZNA : 8499345 8500557 8504470 # (Rox813) %PRoC : 8494131 8512481 # (Rox813) %Paper : 8490063 8510105 # (Rox813) %Patch : 8509026 8511747 # (Rox813) %Pendu : 8490354 8500771 # (Rox813) %Photo : 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8512124 # (Rox813) %Planet : 8500801 8503125 # (Rox813) %PrtPo : 8490805 8509772 # (Rox813) %RCAotCI : 8489573 8497943 # (Rox813) %RR : 8494117 8495240 8506506 # (Rox813) %Red7 : 8509205 8510791 # (Rox813) %Root : 8496001 # (Rox813) %SWIA : 8501411 # (Rox813) %Santo : 8489141 8493042 8498758 8499745 8500931 8509655 # (Rox813) %ShaAms : 8489991 8503421 # (Rox813) %SieWes : 8500848 8508811 8512503 # (Rox813) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (Rox813) %SmaInc : 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 # (Rox813) %SmaUp : 8493697 8494787 8512294 # (Rox813) %SoN : 8489515 8490154 8506968 # (Rox813) %Solen : 8494143 8504672 # (Rox813) %Sonar : 8490082 8505579 8509067 8510782 # (Rox813) %Sonora : 8494018 8503473 8512554 # (Rox813) %SpiIsl : 8504822 # (Rox813) %Splen : 8491912 8501606 8504583 # (Rox813) %Spyfa : 8500103 8504146 # (Rox813) %StaQue : 8497082 # (Rox813) %StoAge : 8492125 8493005 8512388 # (Rox813) %Subur : 8491676 8500494 8509648 # (Rox813) %TCoG : 8491892 8501613 8507517 # (Rox813) %TCoT : 8494677 8497633 8511734 # (Rox813) %TED : 8501526 8509547 # (Rox813) %TEQ : 8501566 # (Rox813) %TGF : 8492612 8492894 # (Rox813) %TGTFoA : 8507732 # (Rox813) %TOotS : 8494088 8501961 # (Rox813) %TPotE : 8510661 # (Rox813) %TQfED : # (Rox813) %TQfEDTGT : 8499995 8501499 # (Rox813) %TTIE : 8507516 8511738 # (Rox813) %Taken : 8504828 8510208 # (Rox813) %TanGar : 8492167 8496234 # (Rox813) %Tapes : 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 # (Rox813) %TerMys : 8489187 8507072 # (Rox813) %TheCol : 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 # (Rox813) %TheEst : 8490755 8510398 # (Rox813) %TheGri : 8489882 8502057 8507392 8507415 # (Rox813) %TheNet : 8490818 8501887 8492537 # (Rox813) %ThuQue : 8490343 8499996 # (Rox813) %Tikal : # (Rox813) %TinTow : 8500580 8502141 # (Rox813) %Trajan : 8503893 8505879 # (Rox813) %TtRNC : 8489914 8500267 # (Rox813) %Tudor : 8490930 8496404 8505550 # (Rox813) %UFS : 8488947 8493689 8500482 8504925 # (Rox813) %Viral : 8496023 8502212 # (Rox813) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 # (Rox813) %WhiSto : 8490782 8509953 # (Rox813) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 8497070 # (Rox813) %WorSla : 8489553 8492024 # Archipelago (Rox813) 8489252 : 8494156 %TGTFoA 8494160 8494084 8503087 8494551 8504423 %EscPla 8499100 8497135 8490256 8502478 8509741 8512537 8511245 8508598 8508699 %MasDar 8510212 8489389 8491743 %ArcQue 8512567 %KBaS 8502982 8511887 8511910 8493117 8504968 8507363 8494523 8495180 %CTCF 8499998 8490177 8511889 8498770 8503903 %SleGod 8510205 8495406 8507388 8500867 8501284 8489254 8511634 8512518 # Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (Rox813) 8489259 : 8494156 %TGTFoA 8494160 8494084 8503087 8494551 8504423 %EscPla 8497135 8490256 8502478 8509741 8512537 8511245 8508598 8508699 %MasDar 8500867 8501284 # Food Chain Island (Rox813) 8489275 : 8494156 %TGTFoA 8494160 8494084 8503087 8494551 8504423 %EscPla 8499100 8497135 8490256 8502478 8509741 8512537 8511245 8508598 8508699 %MasDar 8510212 8489389 8491743 %ArcQue 8512567 %KBaS 8502982 8511887 8511910 8493117 8504968 8507363 8494523 8495180 %GaiPro %CTCF 8499998 8490177 8511889 %Keyfl 8508976 8499687 8503895 8512498 %Tapes 8498770 8503003 8502519 8497003 8503903 %SleGod 8510205 8495406 8503891 8494044 8509774 8489780 %StaQue 8510930 %CTE %SpiIsl 8507353 %GMIC 8490485 8511909 %EMA 8497008 8509954 8492826 8508638 %DSM 8497164 8492213 8508712 %MM %PCR %BlaAng %ThuQue %BraBir 8492282 8494545 8490027 %WhiMou %CryHav 8511241 %OtUL 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8492275 %CADA %AlmMat 8490163 %TOotS 8510030 %Root 8492623 %KDE 8494108 8489572 %EBaBD 8504641 %SmaInc %TanGar %TCoG 8496218 %ETCotT 8508644 8507478 8508817 %KRRiT %Wings 8493725 %FlaRou %TheNet 8493037 %PRoC 8510029 %CISADA %KoT 8507074 %Taken 8511675 8512515 8492224 8502166 8502219 %DunImp 8492927 8500501 %CTWBD %CnGSE %OnTou %TGF %TTIE 8512513 %PrtPo 8508978 %RR %Otys 8506961 %WhiSto 8512362 %Splen %PARKS 8508764 8512538 %LasWil 8488918 8493169 8505558 %Viral 8505759 %Newton 8489470 8506223 8509733 %Beez %Isleb 8503108 %CofRoa %ASP %TheEst %Calico %TQfED 8502085 8512516 8493036 8499393 8500552 %Corin %PHZNA 8498195 8501877 8510150 8495229 8509159 8503094 8500005 %GWT 8510028 %RCAotCI %SWIA 8494040 8495243 8512226 8490023 %Momba 8499236 8506951 %TtRNC 8500772 %Photo 8496007 8489117 %DicFor 8503448 8493049 %Aquat %HoLAS %Oceans 8512350 8497156 8498633 %TheCol 8506225 8508623 8504416 8494638 %GTTBE %Marip 8512543 8502483 8490477 8493712 8490794 8500387 8506746 %8509620 8509922 %Planet 8507006 8501554 8502255 8491889 8505095 %Coman 8493711 %TerMys %StoAge 8503023 8496685 %Trajan %DunPet 8501789 8489533 8507529 8507948 %SoN %TinTow 8490214 8508984 8502226 %DunLor 8500624 %HonBuz %HA 8506859 %NYZ 8500555 8492562 8500547 8509969 8503672 8507901 %CoE 8497037 %EtN 8495227 8508818 8508832 8499994 8491609 8492271 8499258 8500456 8504717 8493718 8505932 8502237 %MarUni 8497067 8489505 8494076 8500274 8489500 8501604 8507364 8491351 %Pendu 8504904 8506477 8490062 8492184 8489884 %LoW 8490828 %Azul %BunKin %Santo 8500541 %ForD %CoC %FeU %UFS 8500081 8503114 8507600 %TCoT 8497157 %Menara %BarQue 8504907 %CtA %CryPal 8507598 8500504 8502241 8492548 8507741 8496481 8508627 %TED %BoB %Sonar 8506320 %Inis 8511206 8501517 8490523 8500394 8507511 8500088 %Subur 8501781 8505763 8500599 8489195 %GhoSto %ImpSet 8491776 8507719 8508700 8512595 %TPotE 8511702 %Paper %K2 8512108 8489400 8492996 %Crypt %Downf %ExLib %ColExp %KinBui 8492953 8490789 %DAMCBG %Kingd 8490936 8501993 8492329 %KoNY 8501288 8509719 %TheGri 8490449 8505734 8507900 %DisVil 8490929 8512101 8499757 8500627 8506326 %Solen 8499140 8512413 8489594 %8509525 8500620 8500064 %SieWes 8496915 8493734 8489217 8499737 8490758 %Monta %ForSky %NDE 8489614 8506517 %HaC 8492977 8497178 8502207 8489514 8496101 8490041 8493046 8489595 8511740 8509320 8490036 8509397 %BttFDTT 8508586 %Patch %LfW 8494479 %Decry 8511892 8512472 8489166 8507730 8508754 8496081 %ForIsl 8489198 8504388 8502081 %DicCit 8507438 8509345 8493705 8495231 8509665 8510761 8512151 8512593 8500814 8495063 8502506 8489478 8509735 8496091 8509173 8492991 8495255 %CoC1 8509560 %Sonora 8491291 8489210 8490006 8489164 8500271 8489224 8493657 %Tudor 8509076 8490938 8500701 8509834 8490487 8504234 8512450 8497080 8494086 %MacKor 8500524 %SmaUp %TEQ %TQfEDTGT 8509726 8489046 8512569 8496907 8494719 8489103 %LifOff %WorSla %ShaAms 8489527 8495222 8490055 8509924 8490003 8507619 8489208 # Goths Save The Queen (Rox813) 8489287 : 8494156 %TGTFoA 8494160 8494084 8503087 8494551 8504423 %EscPla 8499100 8497135 8490256 8502478 8509741 8512537 8511245 8508598 8508699 %MasDar 8510212 8489389 8491743 %ArcQue 8512567 %KBaS 8502982 8511887 8511910 8493117 8504968 8507363 8494523 8495180 %GaiPro %CTCF 8499998 8490177 8511889 %Keyfl 8508976 8499687 8503895 8512498 %Tapes 8498770 8503003 8502519 8497003 8503903 %SleGod 8510205 8495406 8503891 8494044 8509774 8489780 %StaQue 8510930 %CTE %SpiIsl 8507353 %GMIC 8490485 8511909 %EMA 8497008 8509954 8492826 8508638 %DSM 8497164 8492213 8508712 %MM %PCR %BlaAng %ThuQue %BraBir 8492282 8494545 8490027 %WhiMou %CryHav 8511241 %OtUL 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8492275 %CADA %AlmMat 8490163 %TOotS 8510030 %Root 8492623 %KDE 8494108 8489572 %EBaBD 8504641 %SmaInc %TanGar %TCoG 8496218 %ETCotT 8508644 8507478 8508817 %KRRiT %Wings 8493725 %FlaRou %TheNet 8493037 %PRoC 8510029 %CISADA %KoT 8507074 %Taken 8511675 8512515 8492224 8502166 8502219 %DunImp 8492927 8500501 %CTWBD %CnGSE %OnTou %TGF %TTIE 8512513 %PrtPo 8508978 %RR %Otys 8506961 %WhiSto 8512362 %Splen %PARKS 8508764 8512538 %LasWil 8488918 8493169 8505558 %Viral 8505759 %Newton 8489470 8506223 8509733 %Beez %Isleb 8503108 %CofRoa %ASP %TheEst %Calico %TQfED 8502085 8512516 8493036 8499393 8500552 %Corin %PHZNA 8498195 8501877 8510150 8495229 8509159 8503094 8500005 %GWT 8510028 %RCAotCI %SWIA 8494040 8495243 8512226 8490023 %Momba 8499236 8506951 %TtRNC 8500772 %Photo 8496007 8489117 %DicFor 8503448 8493049 %Aquat %HoLAS %Oceans 8512350 8497156 8498633 %TheCol 8506225 8508623 8504416 8494638 %GTTBE %Marip 8512543 8502483 8490477 8493712 8490794 8500387 8506746 %8509620 8509922 %Planet 8507006 8501554 8502255 8491889 8505095 %Coman 8493711 %TerMys %StoAge 8503023 8496685 %Trajan %DunPet 8501789 8489533 8507529 8507948 %SoN %TinTow 8490214 8508984 8502226 %DunLor 8500624 %HonBuz %HA 8506859 %NYZ 8500555 8492562 8500547 8509969 8503672 8507901 %CoE 8497037 %EtN 8495227 8508818 8508832 8499994 8491609 8492271 8499258 8500456 8504717 8493718 8505932 8502237 %MarUni 8497067 8489505 8494076 8500274 8489500 8501604 8507364 8491351 %Pendu 8504904 8506477 8490062 8492184 8489884 %LoW 8490828 %Azul %BunKin %Santo 8500541 %ForD %CoC %FeU %UFS 8500081 8503114 8507600 %TCoT 8497157 %Menara %BarQue 8504907 %CtA %CryPal 8507598 8500504 8502241 8492548 8507741 8496481 8508627 %TED %BoB %Sonar 8506320 %Inis 8511206 8501517 8490523 8500394 8507511 8500088 %Subur 8501781 8505763 8500599 8489195 %GhoSto %ImpSet 8491776 8507719 8508700 8512595 %TPotE 8511702 %Paper %K2 8512108 8489400 8492996 %Crypt %Downf %ExLib %ColExp %KinBui 8492953 8490789 %DAMCBG %Kingd 8490936 8501993 8492329 %KoNY 8501288 8509719 %TheGri 8490449 8505734 8507900 %DisVil 8490929 8512101 8499757 8500627 8506326 %Solen 8499140 8512413 8489594 %8509525 8500620 8500064 %SieWes 8496915 8493734 8489217 8499737 8490758 %Monta %ForSky %NDE 8489614 8506517 %HaC 8492977 8497178 8502207 8489514 8496101 8490041 8493046 8489595 8511740 8509320 8490036 8509397 %BttFDTT 8508586 %Patch %LfW 8494479 %Decry 8511892 8512472 8489166 8507730 8508754 8496081 %ForIsl 8489198 8504388 8502081 %DicCit 8507438 8509345 8493705 8495231 8509665 8510761 8512151 8512593 8500814 8495063 8502506 8489478 8509735 8496091 8509173 8492991 8495255 %CoC1 8509560 %Sonora 8491291 8489210 8490006 8489164 8500271 8489224 8493657 %Tudor 8509076 8490938 8500701 %TQfEDTGT 8507619 # The Island of El Dorado (Rox813) 8489290 : 8494156 %TGTFoA 8494160 8494084 8503087 8494551 8504423 %EscPla 8499100 8497135 8490256 8502478 8509741 8512537 8511245 8508598 8508699 %MasDar 8510212 8489389 8491743 %ArcQue 8512567 %KBaS 8502982 8511887 8511910 8493117 8504968 8507363 8494523 8495180 %GaiPro %CTCF 8499998 8490177 8511889 %Keyfl 8508976 8499687 8512498 %Tapes 8498770 8503003 8502519 8503903 %SleGod 8510205 8495406 8503891 8494044 8509774 8489780 %StaQue 8510930 %SpiIsl 8490485 8511909 8490027 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490163 8507388 8500260 8500867 8501284 8489254 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8511634 8512081 8512518 # Imperial Settlers: Why Can't We Be Friends (Rox813) 8489293 : 8494156 %TGTFoA 8494160 8494084 8503087 8494551 8504423 %EscPla 8499100 8497135 8490256 8502478 8509741 8512537 8511245 8508598 8508699 %MasDar 8510212 8489389 8491743 %ArcQue 8512567 %KBaS 8502982 8511887 8511910 8493117 8504968 8507363 8494523 8495180 %GaiPro %CTCF 8499998 8490177 8511889 %Keyfl 8508976 8499687 8503895 8512498 %Tapes 8498770 8503003 8502519 8497003 8503903 %SleGod 8510205 8495406 8503891 8494044 8509774 8489780 %StaQue 8510930 %CTE %SpiIsl 8507353 %GMIC 8490485 8511909 %EMA 8497008 8509954 8492826 8508638 %DSM 8497164 8492213 8508712 %MM %PCR %BlaAng %ThuQue %BraBir 8492282 8494545 8490027 %WhiMou %CryHav 8511241 %OtUL 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8492275 %CADA %AlmMat 8490163 %TOotS 8510030 %Root 8492623 %KDE 8494108 8489572 %EBaBD 8504641 %SmaInc %TanGar %TCoG 8496218 %ETCotT 8508644 8507478 8508817 %KRRiT %Wings 8493725 %FlaRou %TheNet 8493037 %PRoC 8510029 %CISADA %KoT 8507074 %Taken 8511675 8512515 8492224 8502166 8502219 %DunImp 8492927 8500501 %CTWBD %CnGSE %OnTou %TGF %TTIE 8512513 %PrtPo 8508978 %RR %Otys 8506961 %WhiSto 8512362 %Splen %PARKS 8508764 8512538 %LasWil 8488918 8493169 8505558 %Viral 8505759 %Newton 8489470 8506223 8509733 %Beez %Isleb 8503108 %CofRoa %ASP %TheEst %Calico %TQfED 8502085 8512516 8493036 8499393 8500552 %Corin %PHZNA 8498195 8501877 8510150 8495229 8509159 8503094 8500005 %GWT 8510028 %RCAotCI %SWIA 8494040 8495243 8512226 8490023 %Momba 8499236 8506951 %TtRNC 8500772 %Photo 8496007 8489117 %DicFor 8503448 8493049 %Aquat %HoLAS %Oceans 8512350 8497156 8498633 %TheCol 8506225 8508623 8504416 8494638 %GTTBE %Marip 8512543 8502483 8490477 8493712 8490794 8500387 8506746 %8509620 8509922 %Planet 8507006 8501554 8502255 8491889 8505095 %Coman 8493711 %TerMys %StoAge 8503023 8496685 %Trajan %DunPet 8501789 8489533 8507529 8507948 %SoN %TinTow 8490214 8508984 8502226 %DunLor 8500624 %HonBuz %HA 8506859 %NYZ 8500555 8492562 8500547 8509969 8503672 8507901 %CoE 8497037 %EtN 8495227 8508818 8508832 8499994 8491609 8492271 8499258 8500456 8504717 8493718 8505932 8502237 %MarUni 8497067 8489505 8494076 8500274 8489500 8501604 8507364 8491351 %Pendu 8504904 8506477 8490062 8492184 8489884 %LoW 8490828 %Azul %BunKin %Santo 8500541 %ForD %CoC %FeU %UFS 8500081 8503114 8507600 %TCoT 8497157 %Menara %BarQue 8504907 %CtA %CryPal 8507598 8500504 8502241 8492548 8507741 8496481 8508627 %TED %BoB %Sonar 8506320 %Inis 8511206 8501517 8490523 8500394 8507511 8500088 %Subur 8501781 8505763 8500599 8489195 %GhoSto %ImpSet 8491776 8507719 8508700 8512595 %TPotE 8511702 %Paper %K2 8512108 8489400 8492996 %Crypt %Downf %ExLib %ColExp %KinBui 8492953 8490789 %DAMCBG %Kingd 8490936 8501993 8492329 %KoNY 8501288 8509719 %TheGri 8490449 8505734 8507900 %DisVil 8490929 8512101 8499757 8500627 8506326 %Solen 8499140 8512413 8489594 %8509525 8500620 8500064 %SieWes 8496915 8493734 8489217 8499737 8490758 %Monta %ForSky %NDE 8489614 8506517 %HaC 8492977 8497178 8502207 8489514 8496101 8490041 8493046 8489595 8511740 8509320 8490036 8509397 %BttFDTT 8508586 %Patch %LfW 8494479 %Decry 8511892 8512472 8489166 8507730 8508754 8496081 %ForIsl 8489198 8504388 8502081 %DicCit 8507438 8509345 8493705 8495231 8509665 8510761 8512151 8512593 8500814 8495063 8502506 8489478 8509735 8496091 8509173 8492991 8495255 %CoC1 8509560 %Sonora 8491291 8489210 8490006 8489164 8500271 8489224 8493657 %Tudor 8509076 8490938 8500701 8509834 8490487 8504234 8512450 8497080 8494086 %MacKor 8500524 %SmaUp %TEQ %TQfEDTGT 8509726 8489046 8512569 8496907 8494719 8489103 %LifOff %WorSla %ShaAms 8489527 8495222 8490055 8509924 8490003 8507619 8489208 8512596 8511780 8508965 8511724 8492031 8492616 8494140 %Spyfa 8512437 8489539 8490001 8490899 8493033 8499161 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8496077 8490397 %Red7 8495672 8489999 8501291 %AToP 8500569 %DLU 8512539 8509350 8493111 8494964 8495266 8490481 # Tiny Epic Kingdoms (Rox813) 8489306 : 8494156 %TGTFoA 8494160 8494084 8503087 8494551 8504423 %EscPla 8499100 8497135 8490256 8502478 8509741 8512537 8511245 8508598 8508699 %MasDar 8510212 8489389 8491743 %ArcQue 8512567 %KBaS 8502982 8511887 8511910 8493117 8504968 8507363 8494523 8495180 %GaiPro %CTCF 8499998 8490177 8511889 %Keyfl 8508976 8499687 8503895 8512498 %Tapes 8498770 8503003 8502519 8497003 8503903 %SleGod 8510205 8495406 8503891 8494044 8509774 8489780 %StaQue 8510930 %CTE %SpiIsl 8507353 %GMIC 8490485 8511909 %EMA 8497008 8509954 8492826 8508638 %DSM 8497164 8492213 8508712 %MM %PCR %BlaAng %ThuQue %BraBir 8492282 8494545 8490027 %WhiMou %CryHav 8511241 %OtUL 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8492275 %CADA %AlmMat 8490163 %TOotS 8510030 %Root 8492623 %KDE 8489572 8504641 %SmaInc %TanGar %TCoG 8496218 %ETCotT 8508644 8507478 8508817 %KRRiT %Wings 8493725 %FlaRou %TheNet 8493037 %PRoC 8510029 %CISADA %KoT 8507074 %Taken 8511675 8512515 8492224 8502166 8502219 %DunImp 8492927 8500501 %CTWBD %CnGSE %OnTou %TGF %TTIE 8512513 %PrtPo %RR %Otys %Splen %PARKS 8508764 8512538 %LasWil 8488918 8493169 8505558 8489470 8509733 %Beez %Isleb %ASP %Calico 8502085 8498195 8501877 8510150 8495229 8509159 8503094 8500005 %GWT 8510028 %RCAotCI %SWIA 8494040 8495243 8512226 8490023 %Momba 8499236 8506951 %TtRNC 8500772 %Photo 8496007 8489117 %DicFor 8503448 8493049 %Aquat %HoLAS %Oceans 8512350 8497156 8498633 %TheCol 8506225 8508623 8504416 8494638 %GTTBE %Marip 8512543 8502483 8490477 8493712 8490794 8500387 8506746 %8509620 8509922 %Planet 8507006 8501554 8502255 8491889 8505095 %Coman 8493711 %TerMys %StoAge 8503023 8496685 %Trajan %DunPet 8501789 8489533 8507529 8507948 %SoN %TinTow 8490214 8508984 8502226 %DunLor 8500624 %HonBuz %HA 8506859 %NYZ 8500555 8492562 8500547 8509969 8503672 8507901 %CoE 8497037 %EtN 8495227 8508818 8508832 8499994 8491609 8492271 8499258 8500456 8504717 8493718 8505932 8502237 %MarUni 8497067 8489505 8494076 8500274 8489500 8501604 8507364 8491351 %Pendu 8504904 8506477 8490062 8492184 %Azul 8500541 %ForD %CoC %FeU %UFS 8500081 8503114 8507600 8497157 %Menara %BarQue %CtA %CryPal 8500504 8502241 8492548 8507741 8496481 %TED %BoB 8500064 8511740 8512137 8512446 # Cosmic Encounter Duel (Rox813) 8492661 : 8494156 %TGTFoA 8494160 8494084 8503087 8494551 8504423 %EscPla 8499100 8497135 8490256 8502478 8509741 8512537 8511245 8508598 8508699 %MasDar 8510212 8489389 8491743 %ArcQue 8512567 %KBaS 8502982 8511887 8511910 8493117 8504968 8507363 8494523 8495180 %GaiPro %CTCF 8499998 8490177 8511889 %Keyfl 8508976 8499687 8503895 8512498 %Tapes 8498770 8503003 8502519 8497003 8503903 %SleGod 8510205 8495406 8503891 8494044 8509774 8489780 %StaQue 8510930 %CTE %SpiIsl 8507353 %GMIC 8490485 8511909 %EMA 8497008 8509954 8492826 8508638 %DSM 8497164 8492213 8508712 %MM %PCR %BlaAng %ThuQue %BraBir 8492282 8494545 8490027 %WhiMou %CryHav 8511241 %OtUL 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8492275 %CADA %AlmMat 8490163 %TOotS 8510030 %Root 8494108 8504641 %SmaInc %TanGar %TCoG 8496218 %ETCotT 8508644 8507478 8508817 %KRRiT %Wings 8493725 %FlaRou %TheNet 8493037 %PRoC 8510029 %Taken 8511675 8512515 8492224 8502166 8502219 %DunImp 8492927 8500501 %CTWBD %CnGSE %OnTou %TGF %TTIE 8512513 8508978 %PARKS 8508764 8512538 %LasWil 8488918 8493169 8505558 %Viral 8489470 8509733 %Beez %ASP 8498195 8501877 8510150 8495229 8509159 8503094 8500005 %GWT 8510028 %RCAotCI %SWIA 8494040 8495243 8512226 8490023 %Momba 8499236 8506951 %TtRNC 8500772 %Photo 8496007 8489117 %DicFor 8503448 8493049 %Aquat %HoLAS %Oceans 8512350 8497156 8498633 %TheCol 8506225 8508623 8504416 8494638 %GTTBE %Marip 8512543 8502483 8490477 8493712 8490794 8500387 8506746 %8509620 8509922 %Planet 8507006 8501554 8502255 8491889 8505095 %Coman 8493711 8504717 8500260 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 # Cosmic Factory (Rox813) 8503190 : 8494156 %TGTFoA 8494160 8494084 8503087 8494551 8504423 %EscPla 8499100 8497135 8490256 8502478 8509741 8512537 8511245 8508598 8508699 %MasDar 8510212 8489389 8491743 %ArcQue 8512567 %KBaS 8502982 8511887 8511910 8493117 8504968 8507363 8494523 8495180 %GaiPro %CTCF 8499998 8490177 8511889 %Keyfl 8508976 8499687 8503895 8512498 %Tapes 8498770 8503003 8502519 8497003 8503903 %SleGod 8510205 8495406 8503891 8494044 8509774 8489780 %StaQue 8510930 %CTE %SpiIsl 8507353 %GMIC 8490485 8511909 %EMA 8497008 8509954 8492826 8508638 %DSM 8497164 8492213 8508712 %MM %PCR %BlaAng %ThuQue %BraBir 8492282 8494545 8490027 %WhiMou %CryHav 8511241 %OtUL 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8492275 %CADA %AlmMat 8490163 %TOotS 8510030 %Root 8492623 %KDE 8494108 8489572 %EBaBD 8504641 %SmaInc %TanGar %TCoG 8496218 %ETCotT 8508644 8507478 8508817 %KRRiT %Wings 8493725 %FlaRou %TheNet 8493037 %PRoC 8510029 %CISADA %KoT 8507074 %Taken 8511675 8512515 8492224 8502166 8502219 %DunImp 8492927 8500501 %CTWBD %CnGSE %OnTou %TGF %TTIE 8512513 %PrtPo 8508978 %RR %Otys 8506961 %WhiSto 8512362 %Splen %PARKS 8508764 8512538 %LasWil 8488918 8493169 8505558 %Viral 8505759 %Newton 8489470 8506223 8509733 %Beez %Isleb 8503108 %CofRoa %ASP %TheEst %Calico %TQfED 8502085 8512516 8493036 8499393 8500552 8498195 8501877 8510150 8495229 8509159 8503094 8500005 %GWT 8510028 %RCAotCI %SWIA 8494040 8495243 8512226 8490023 %Momba 8499236 8506951 %TtRNC 8500772 %Photo 8496007 8489117 %DicFor 8503448 8493049 %Aquat %HoLAS %Oceans 8512350 8497156 8498633 %TheCol 8506225 8508623 8504416 8494638 %GTTBE %Marip 8512543 8502483 8490477 8493712 8490794 8500387 8506746 %8509620 8509922 %Planet 8507006 8501554 8502255 8491889 8505095 %Coman 8493711 %TerMys %StoAge 8503023 8496685 %Trajan %DunPet 8501789 8489533 8507529 8507948 %SoN %TinTow 8490214 8508984 8502226 %DunLor 8500624 %HonBuz %HA 8506859 %NYZ 8500555 8492562 8500547 8509969 8503672 8507901 %CoE 8497037 %EtN 8495227 8508818 8508832 8499994 8491609 8492271 8499258 8500456 8504717 8493718 8505932 8502237 %MarUni 8497067 8489505 8494076 8500274 8489500 8501604 8507364 8491351 %Pendu 8504904 8506477 8490062 8492184 8489884 %LoW 8490828 %Azul %BunKin %Santo 8500541 %ForD %CoC %FeU %UFS 8500081 8503114 8507600 %TCoT 8497157 %Menara %BarQue 8504907 %CtA %CryPal 8507598 8500504 8502241 8492548 8507741 8496481 8508627 %TED %BoB %Sonar 8506320 %Inis 8511206 8501517 8490523 8500394 8507511 8500088 %Subur 8501781 8505763 8500599 8489195 %GhoSto %ImpSet 8491776 8507719 8508700 8512595 %TPotE 8511702 %Paper %K2 8512108 8489400 8492996 %Crypt %Downf %ExLib %ColExp %KinBui 8492953 8490789 %DAMCBG %Kingd 8490936 8501993 8492329 %KoNY 8501288 8509719 %TheGri 8490449 8505734 8507900 %DisVil 8490929 8512101 8499757 8500627 8506326 %Solen 8499140 8512413 8489594 %8509525 8500620 %SieWes 8496915 8493734 8489217 8499737 8490758 %Monta %ForSky %NDE 8489614 8506517 %HaC 8492977 8497178 8502207 8489514 8496101 8490041 8493046 8489595 8509320 8490036 8509397 %BttFDTT 8512137 8512446 # Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle (Rox813) 8503192 : 8494156 %TGTFoA 8494160 8494084 8503087 8494551 8504423 %EscPla 8499100 8497135 8490256 8502478 8509741 8512537 8511245 8508598 8508699 %MasDar 8510212 8489389 8491743 %ArcQue 8512567 %KBaS 8502982 8511887 8511910 8493117 8504968 8507363 8494523 8495180 %GaiPro %CTCF 8499998 8490177 8511889 8499687 8503895 8512498 8502519 8497003 8503903 %SleGod 8510205 8494044 8509774 8489780 %StaQue %SpiIsl 8490485 8511909 %EMA 8492213 8508712 %ThuQue %BraBir 8490027 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8490163 8504641 %SmaInc %TanGar 8498195 8501877 8510150 8507388 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8512081 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 # Rise of Tribes (Rox813) 8503196 : 8494156 %TGTFoA 8494160 8494084 8503087 8494551 8504423 %EscPla 8499100 8497135 8490256 8502478 8509741 8512537 8511245 8508598 8508699 %MasDar 8510212 8489389 8491743 %ArcQue 8512567 %KBaS 8502982 8511887 8511910 8493117 8504968 8507363 8494523 8495180 %GaiPro %CTCF 8499998 8490177 8511889 %Keyfl 8508976 8499687 8503895 8512498 %Tapes 8498770 8503003 8502519 8497003 8503903 %SleGod 8510205 8495406 8503891 8494044 8509774 8489780 %StaQue 8510930 %CTE %SpiIsl 8507353 %GMIC 8490485 8511909 %EMA 8497008 8509954 8492826 8508638 %DSM 8492213 8508712 %MM %PCR %ThuQue %BraBir 8492282 8490027 %WhiMou %CryHav 8511241 %OtUL 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8492275 8490163 %TOotS 8504641 %SmaInc %TanGar %TCoG 8507478 8508817 %KRRiT 8492224 8502166 8498195 8501877 8510150 8495229 8509159 8503094 8500005 8507388 8500260 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8512081 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8508964 8511594 8512086 # Unlock!: Mystery Adventures (Rox813) 8503298 : 8494156 %TGTFoA 8494160 8494084 8503087 8494551 8504423 %EscPla 8499100 8497135 8490256 8502478 8509741 8512537 8511245 8508598 8508699 %MasDar 8510212 8489389 8491743 %ArcQue 8512567 %KBaS 8502982 8511887 8511910 8493117 8504968 8507363 8494523 8495180 %GaiPro %CTCF 8499998 8490177 8511889 %Keyfl 8508976 8499687 8503895 8512498 %Tapes 8498770 8503003 8502519 8497003 8503903 %SleGod 8510205 8495406 8503891 8494044 8509774 8489780 %StaQue 8510930 %CTE %SpiIsl 8507353 %GMIC 8490485 8511909 %EMA 8497008 8509954 8492826 8508638 %DSM 8497164 8492213 8508712 %MM %PCR %BlaAng %ThuQue %BraBir 8492282 8494545 8490027 %WhiMou %CryHav 8511241 %OtUL 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8492275 %CADA %AlmMat 8490163 %TOotS 8510030 %Root 8492623 %KDE 8494108 8504641 %SmaInc %TanGar %TCoG 8496218 %ETCotT 8508644 8507478 8508817 %KRRiT %Wings 8493725 %FlaRou %TheNet 8493037 %PRoC 8510029 %CISADA %KoT %Taken 8511675 8512515 8492224 8502166 8502219 %DunImp 8492927 8500501 %CTWBD %CnGSE %OnTou %TGF %TTIE 8512513 %PrtPo 8508978 %RR %Otys 8506961 %WhiSto %Splen %PARKS 8508764 8512538 %LasWil 8488918 8493169 8505558 %Viral 8505759 8489470 8506223 8509733 %Beez %Isleb 8503108 %ASP %TheEst %Calico 8502085 8498195 8501877 8510150 8495229 8509159 8503094 8500005 %GWT 8510028 %RCAotCI %SWIA 8494040 8495243 8512226 8490023 %Momba 8499236 8506951 %TtRNC 8500772 %Photo 8496007 8489117 %DicFor 8503448 8493049 %Aquat %HoLAS %Oceans 8512350 8497156 8498633 %TheCol 8506225 8508623 8504416 8494638 %GTTBE %Marip 8512543 8502483 8490477 8493712 8490794 8500387 8506746 %8509620 8509922 %Planet 8507006 8501554 8502255 8491889 8505095 %Coman 8493711 %TerMys %StoAge 8503023 8496685 %Trajan %DunPet 8501789 8489533 8507529 8507948 %SoN %TinTow 8490214 8508984 8502226 %DunLor 8500624 %HonBuz %HA 8506859 %NYZ 8500555 8492562 8500547 8509969 8503672 8507901 %CoE 8497037 %EtN 8495227 8508818 8508832 8499994 8491609 8492271 8499258 8500456 8504717 8493718 8505932 8502237 %MarUni 8497067 8489505 8494076 8500274 8489500 8501604 8507364 8491351 %Pendu 8504904 8506477 8490062 8492184 8489884 %LoW 8490828 %BunKin %Santo %TCoT 8504907 8507598 8508627 %Sonar 8506320 8512137 8512446 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 # Age of Towers (Rox813) 8503349 : 8494156 %TGTFoA 8494160 8494084 8503087 8494551 8504423 %EscPla 8499100 8497135 8490256 8502478 8509741 8512537 8511245 8508598 8508699 %MasDar 8510212 8489389 8491743 %ArcQue 8512567 %KBaS 8502982 8511887 8511910 8493117 8504968 8507363 8494523 %CTCF 8499998 8490177 8511889 8503903 %SleGod 8510205 8507388 8500867 8501284 8489254 8511634 8512518 # Labyrinth (Rox813) 8510491 : 8494156 %TGTFoA 8494160 8494084 8503087 8494551 8504423 %EscPla 8499100 8497135 8490256 8502478 8509741 8512537 8511245 8508598 8508699 %MasDar 8510212 8489389 8491743 %ArcQue 8512567 %KBaS 8502982 8511887 8511910 8493117 8504968 8507363 8494523 8495180 %GaiPro %CTCF 8499998 8490177 8511889 %Keyfl 8508976 8499687 8503895 8512498 %Tapes 8498770 8503003 8502519 8497003 8503903 %SleGod 8510205 8495406 8503891 8494044 8509774 8489780 %StaQue 8510930 %CTE %SpiIsl 8507353 %GMIC 8490485 8511909 %EMA 8497008 8509954 8492826 8508638 %DSM 8497164 8492213 8508712 %MM %PCR %BlaAng %ThuQue %BraBir 8492282 8494545 8490027 %WhiMou %CryHav 8511241 %OtUL 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8492275 %CADA %AlmMat 8490163 %TOotS 8510030 %Root 8492623 %KDE 8494108 8489572 %EBaBD 8504641 %SmaInc %TanGar %TCoG 8496218 %ETCotT 8508644 8507478 8508817 %KRRiT %Wings 8493725 %FlaRou %TheNet 8493037 %PRoC 8510029 %CISADA %KoT 8507074 %Taken 8511675 8512515 8492224 8502166 8502219 %DunImp 8492927 8500501 %CTWBD %CnGSE %OnTou %TGF %TTIE 8512513 %PrtPo 8508978 %RR %Otys 8506961 %WhiSto 8512362 %Splen %PARKS 8508764 8512538 %LasWil 8488918 8493169 8505558 %Viral 8505759 %Newton 8489470 8506223 8509733 %Beez %Isleb 8503108 %CofRoa %ASP %TheEst %Calico %TQfED 8502085 8512516 8493036 8499393 8500552 %Corin %PHZNA 8498195 8501877 8510150 8495229 8509159 8503094 8500005 %GWT 8510028 %RCAotCI %SWIA 8494040 8495243 8512226 8490023 %Momba 8499236 8506951 %TtRNC 8500772 %Photo 8496007 8489117 %DicFor 8503448 8493049 %Aquat %HoLAS %Oceans 8512350 8497156 8498633 %TheCol 8506225 8508623 8504416 8494638 %GTTBE %Marip 8512543 8502483 8490477 8493712 8490794 8500387 8506746 %8509620 8509922 %Planet 8507006 8501554 8502255 8491889 8505095 %Coman 8493711 %TerMys %StoAge 8503023 8496685 %Trajan %DunPet 8501789 8489533 8507529 8507948 %SoN %TinTow 8490214 8508984 8502226 %DunLor 8500624 %HonBuz %HA 8506859 %NYZ 8500555 8492562 8500547 8509969 8503672 8507901 %CoE 8497037 %EtN 8495227 8508818 8508832 8499994 8491609 8492271 8499258 8500456 8493718 8505932 8502237 %MarUni 8497067 8489505 8494076 8500274 8489500 8501604 8507364 8491351 %Pendu 8504904 8506477 8490062 8492184 8489884 %LoW 8490828 %Azul %BunKin %Santo 8500541 %ForD %CoC %FeU %UFS 8500081 8503114 8507600 %TCoT 8497157 %Menara %BarQue 8504907 %CtA %CryPal 8507598 8500504 8502241 8492548 8507741 8496481 8508627 %TED %BoB %Sonar 8506320 %Inis 8511206 8501517 8490523 8500394 8507511 8500088 %Subur 8501781 8505763 8500599 8489195 %GhoSto %ImpSet 8491776 8507719 8508700 8512595 %TPotE 8511702 %Paper %K2 8512108 8489400 8492996 %Crypt %Downf %ExLib %ColExp %KinBui 8492953 8490789 %DAMCBG %Kingd 8490936 8501993 8492329 %KoNY 8501288 8509719 %TheGri 8490449 8505734 8507900 %DisVil 8490929 8512101 8499757 8500627 8506326 %Solen 8499140 8512413 8489594 %8509525 8500620 8500064 %SieWes 8496915 8493734 8489217 8499737 8490758 %Monta %ForSky %NDE 8489614 8506517 %HaC 8492977 8497178 8502207 8489514 8496101 8490041 8493046 8489595 8511740 8509320 8490036 8509397 %BttFDTT 8508586 %Patch %LfW 8494479 %Decry 8511892 8512472 8489166 8507730 8508754 8496081 %ForIsl 8489198 8504388 8502081 %DicCit 8507438 8509345 8493705 8495231 8509665 8510761 8512137 8512151 8512446 8512593 8500814 8495063 8502506 8489478 8509735 8496091 8509173 8492991 8495255 %CoC1 8509560 %Sonora 8491291 8489210 8490006 8489164 8500271 8489224 8493657 %Tudor 8509076 8490938 8509834 8490487 8504234 8512450 8497080 8494086 %MacKor 8500524 %SmaUp %TEQ 8509726 8489046 8512569 8496907 8494719 8489103 %LifOff %WorSla %ShaAms 8489527 8495222 8490055 8509924 8490003 8489208 8512596 8511780 8508965 8511724 8492031 8492616 8494140 %Spyfa 8512437 8489539 8490001 8490899 8493033 8499161 8500487 8505847 8507376 8511092 8496077 8490397 %Red7 8495672 8489999 8501291 %AToP 8500569 %DLU 8512539 8509350 8493111 8494964 8495266 8490481 %Friday # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Wingspan by Gaming Trunk (Rox813) %8509525 : 8509525-COPY1 8509525-COPY2 8509525-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven by Gaming Trunk (Rox813) %8509620 : 8509620-COPY1 8509620-COPY2 8509620-COPY3 #pragma user "RTigger" # Confirmation code: MeDUXq3QOXfBwRGAXI1ZDQ # Sat Oct 2 01:19:40 2021 # (RTigger) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (RTigger) %ATDG : 8491745 8492799 # (RTigger) %BlaSon : 8493212 8504969 # (RTigger) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (RTigger) %CFL : 8494079 8494113 8511211 # (RTigger) %CoC1 : 8489319 8493161 # (RTigger) %CooIsl : 8489184 8505852 # (RTigger) %Cubit : 8503439 # (RTigger) %DSM : 8494853 8495247 # (RTigger) %DinIsl : 8490023 8490027 # (RTigger) %DisVil : 8504416 8510810 # (RTigger) %DreHom : 8499757 # (RTigger) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (RTigger) %EBaBD : 8489601 8490184 8498649 8500770 8504503 8511671 # (RTigger) %EMA : 8489028 8489205 8496683 # (RTigger) %EtN : 8499695 8501570 # (RTigger) %ExLib : 8491994 8492848 # (RTigger) %FH2 : 8491373 8500584 # (RTigger) %FanFac : 8499133 8502055 8504386 8512568 # (RTigger) %GLD : 8493125 8496144 # (RTigger) %GWT : 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 # (RTigger) %GuiMas : 8501496 8505780 # (RTigger) %HoLAS : 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 # (RTigger) %HonBuz : 8500003 8504430 # (RTigger) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (RTigger) %LeHav : 8509954 # (RTigger) %MagMet : 8495215 8504236 # (RTigger) %MarUni : 8490050 8492084 8505008 8512459 8512474 # (RTigger) %MasDar : 8490256 8503009 # (RTigger) %NDE : 8489034 8506499 # (RTigger) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 8509177 # (RTigger) %NewFro : 8493151 8497914 # (RTigger) %OtUL : 8489453 8491330 # (RTigger) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (RTigger) %Parad : 8500617 8508622 # (RTigger) %Photo : 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8512124 # (RTigger) %RftG : 8503907 8509823 8511206 # (RTigger) %S2e : 8490457 8512525 # (RTigger) %SanMon : 8496223 8497157 # (RTigger) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (RTigger) %TMP : 8501293 8502058 # (RTigger) %TMPEE : 8507640 8509689 # (RTigger) %TanGar : 8492167 8496234 # (RTigger) %TheCol : 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 # (RTigger) %TheEst : 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 # (RTigger) %ThuAll : 8504391 8512527 8512542 # (RTigger) %Trajan : 8500625 8503893 8505879 # (RTigger) %UEA : 8490868 8497158 # (RTigger) %UEA2 : 8497159 8510785 # (RTigger) %UFS : 8488947 8493689 8500482 8504925 # (RTigger) %UMA : 8496014 8497160 8507419 # (RTigger) %UTA : 8497161 8512464 # (RTigger) %WEDS : 8490332 8502152 # (RTigger) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 # (RTigger) %WhiSto : 8490782 8509953 # (RTigger) %Yokoh : 8499686 8512123 8512535 # Not Alone (RTigger) 8489475 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 8491315 8507424 8494551 8511728 8500568 8510904 8507529 8502048 8511778 8509233 %HonBuz 8502519 %AFfO 8502129 8490794 8500620 8512098 8512241 8498633 8507478 8499693 8500608 %BraBir 8497952 8507901 8508611 %Yokoh 8496217 8508881 8500867 8501284 8510205 8494104 %ATDG %GuiMas %ExLib 8492184 8491351 8503655 8507725 8498496 8490485 8507647 8490148 8490214 8509181 %GWT 8511170 8503135 %ImpCla 8507388 8494006 8489116 %OtUL 8501783 %DinIsl %EBaBD %Cubit 8508448 %DSM 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500272 %DunImp 8494671 %PARKS 8502047 8494108 %TanGar 8493725 8509735 %WhiMou %EMA 8494138 8500274 8512510 %MagMet 8506440 8512081 8492936 8503786 8492616 %TMPEE %CooIsl 8500501 8502949 %LeHav %NewFro %FanFac 8498732 8508645 8492977 8492983 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TMP 8503081 8511773 %RftG %ThuAll 8489117 %UTA 8507504 %FH2 8503461 8501776 8492927 %NYZ 8508951 %UMA 8492726 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %BlaSon 8488871 %DisVil 8502200 %TheCol 8490934 8500626 %Parad %WhiSto %SanMon %S2e %GLD 8490135 %DreHom 8508964 8511594 8512086 8497797 %UEA %UEA2 8489606 %UFS %CoC1 %Photo 8496690 8501288 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Set a Watch (RTigger) 8489478 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 8491315 8507424 8494551 8511728 8500568 8510904 8507529 8502048 8511778 8509233 %HonBuz 8502519 %AFfO 8502129 8490794 8500620 8512098 8512241 8498633 8507478 8499693 8500608 %BraBir 8497952 8507901 8508611 %Yokoh 8496217 8508881 8500867 8501284 8510205 8494104 %ATDG %GuiMas %ExLib 8492184 8491351 8503655 8507725 8498496 8490485 8507647 8490148 8490214 8509181 %GWT 8511170 8503135 %ImpCla 8507388 8494006 8489116 %OtUL 8501783 %DinIsl %EBaBD %Cubit 8508448 %DSM 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500272 %DunImp 8494671 %PARKS 8502047 8494108 %TanGar 8493725 8509735 %WhiMou %EMA 8494138 8500274 8512510 %MagMet 8506440 8512081 8492936 8503786 8492616 %TMPEE %CooIsl 8500501 8502949 %LeHav %NewFro %FanFac 8498732 8508645 8492977 8492983 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TMP 8503081 8511773 %RftG %ThuAll 8489117 %UTA 8507504 %FH2 8503461 8501776 8492927 %NYZ 8508951 %UMA 8492726 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %BlaSon 8488871 %DisVil 8502200 %TheCol 8490934 8500626 %Parad %WhiSto %SanMon %S2e %GLD 8490135 %DreHom 8508964 8511594 8512086 8497797 %UEA %UEA2 8489606 %UFS %CoC1 %Photo 8496690 8501288 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Alt Name: The White Box: A Game Design Workshop In A Box (RTigger) 8489481 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 8491315 8507424 8494551 8511728 8500568 8510904 8507529 8502048 8511778 8509233 %HonBuz 8502519 %AFfO 8502129 8490794 8500620 8512098 8512241 8498633 8507478 8499693 8500608 %BraBir 8497952 8507901 8508611 %Yokoh 8496217 8508881 8500867 8501284 8510205 8494104 %ATDG %GuiMas %ExLib 8492184 8491351 8503655 8507725 8498496 8490485 8507647 8490148 8490214 8509181 %GWT 8511170 8503135 %ImpCla 8507388 8494006 8489116 %OtUL 8501783 %DinIsl %EBaBD %Cubit 8508448 %DSM 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500272 %DunImp 8494671 %PARKS 8502047 8494108 %TanGar 8493725 8509735 %WhiMou %EMA 8494138 8500274 8512510 %MagMet 8506440 8512081 8492936 8503786 8492616 %TMPEE %CooIsl 8500501 8502949 %LeHav %NewFro %FanFac 8498732 8508645 8492977 8492983 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TMP 8503081 8511773 %RftG %ThuAll 8489117 %UTA 8507504 %FH2 8503461 8501776 8492927 %NYZ 8508951 %UMA 8492726 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %BlaSon 8488871 %DisVil 8502200 %TheCol 8490934 8500626 %Parad %WhiSto %SanMon %S2e %GLD 8490135 %DreHom 8508964 8511594 8512086 8497797 %UEA %UEA2 8489606 %UFS %CoC1 %Photo 8496690 8501288 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # The Princess Bride Adventure Book Game (RTigger) 8489484 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 8491315 8507424 8494551 8511728 8500568 8510904 8507529 8502048 8511778 8509233 %HonBuz 8502519 %AFfO 8502129 8490794 8500620 8512098 8512241 8498633 8507478 8499693 8500608 %BraBir 8497952 8507901 8508611 %Yokoh 8496217 8508881 8500867 8501284 8510205 8494104 %ATDG %GuiMas %ExLib 8492184 8491351 8503655 8507725 8498496 8490485 8507647 8490148 8490214 8509181 %GWT 8511170 8503135 %ImpCla 8507388 8494006 8489116 %OtUL 8501783 %DinIsl %EBaBD %Cubit 8508448 %DSM 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500272 %DunImp 8494671 %PARKS 8502047 8494108 %TanGar 8493725 8509735 %WhiMou %EMA 8494138 8500274 8512510 %MagMet 8506440 8512081 8492936 8503786 8492616 %TMPEE %CooIsl 8500501 8502949 %LeHav %NewFro %FanFac 8498732 8508645 8492977 8492983 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TMP 8503081 8511773 %RftG %ThuAll 8489117 %UTA 8507504 %FH2 8503461 8501776 8492927 %NYZ 8508951 %UMA 8492726 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %BlaSon 8488871 %DisVil 8502200 %TheCol 8490934 8500626 %Parad %WhiSto %SanMon %S2e %GLD 8490135 %DreHom 8508964 8511594 8512086 8497797 %UEA %UEA2 8489606 %UFS %CoC1 %Photo 8496690 8501288 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Diplomacy (RTigger) 8489487 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 8491315 8507424 8494551 8511728 8500568 8510904 8507529 8502048 8511778 8509233 %HonBuz 8502519 %AFfO 8502129 8490794 8500620 8512098 8512241 8498633 8507478 8499693 8500608 %BraBir 8497952 8507901 8508611 %Yokoh 8496217 8508881 8500867 8501284 8510205 8494104 %ATDG %GuiMas %ExLib 8492184 8491351 8503655 8507725 8498496 8490485 8507647 8490148 8490214 8509181 %GWT 8511170 8503135 %ImpCla 8507388 8494006 8489116 %OtUL 8501783 %DinIsl %EBaBD %Cubit 8508448 %DSM 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500272 %DunImp 8494671 %PARKS 8502047 8494108 %TanGar 8493725 8509735 %WhiMou %EMA 8494138 8500274 8512510 %MagMet 8506440 8512081 8492936 8503786 8492616 %TMPEE %CooIsl 8500501 8502949 %LeHav %NewFro %FanFac 8498732 8508645 8492977 8492983 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TMP 8503081 8511773 %RftG %ThuAll 8489117 %UTA 8507504 %FH2 8503461 8501776 8492927 %NYZ 8508951 %UMA 8492726 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %BlaSon 8488871 %DisVil 8502200 %TheCol 8490934 8500626 %Parad %WhiSto %SanMon %S2e %GLD 8490135 %DreHom 8508964 8511594 8512086 8497797 %UEA %UEA2 8489606 %UFS %CoC1 %Photo 8496690 8501288 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Deep Space D-6 (RTigger) 8489497 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 8491315 8507424 8494551 8511728 8500568 8510904 8507529 8502048 8511778 8509233 %HonBuz 8502519 %AFfO 8502129 8490794 8500620 8512098 8512241 8498633 8507478 8499693 8500608 %BraBir 8497952 8507901 8508611 %Yokoh 8496217 8508881 8500867 8501284 8510205 8494104 %ATDG %GuiMas %ExLib 8492184 8491351 8503655 8507725 8498496 8490485 8507647 8490148 8490214 8509181 %GWT 8511170 8503135 %ImpCla 8507388 8494006 8489116 %OtUL 8501783 %DinIsl %EBaBD %Cubit 8508448 %DSM 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500272 %DunImp 8494671 %PARKS 8502047 8494108 %TanGar 8493725 8509735 %WhiMou %EMA 8494138 8500274 8512510 %MagMet 8506440 8512081 8492936 8503786 8492616 %TMPEE %CooIsl 8500501 8502949 %LeHav %NewFro %FanFac 8498732 8508645 8492977 8492983 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TMP 8503081 8511773 %RftG %ThuAll 8489117 %UTA 8507504 %FH2 8503461 8501776 8492927 %NYZ 8508951 %UMA 8492726 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %BlaSon 8488871 %DisVil 8502200 %TheCol 8490934 8500626 %Parad %WhiSto %SanMon %S2e %GLD 8490135 %DreHom 8508964 8511594 8512086 8497797 # Paranormal Detectives (RTigger) 8489500 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 8491315 8507424 8494551 8511728 8500568 8510904 8507529 8502048 8511778 8509233 %HonBuz 8502519 %AFfO 8502129 8490794 8500620 8512098 8512241 8498633 8507478 8499693 8500608 %BraBir 8497952 8507901 8508611 %Yokoh 8496217 8508881 8500867 8501284 8510205 8494104 %ATDG %GuiMas %ExLib 8492184 8491351 8503655 8507725 8498496 8490485 8507647 8490148 8490214 8509181 %GWT 8511170 8503135 %ImpCla 8507388 8494006 8489116 %OtUL 8501783 %DinIsl %EBaBD %Cubit 8508448 %DSM 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500272 %DunImp 8494671 %PARKS 8502047 8494108 %TanGar 8493725 8509735 %WhiMou %EMA 8494138 8500274 8512510 %MagMet 8506440 8512081 8492936 8503786 8492616 %TMPEE %CooIsl 8500501 8502949 %LeHav %NewFro %FanFac 8498732 8508645 8492977 8492983 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TMP 8503081 8511773 %RftG %ThuAll 8489117 %UTA 8507504 %FH2 8503461 8501776 8492927 %NYZ 8508951 %UMA 8492726 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %BlaSon 8488871 %DisVil 8502200 %TheCol 8490934 8500626 %Parad %WhiSto %SanMon %S2e %GLD 8490135 %DreHom 8508964 8511594 8512086 8497797 # Planetarium (RTigger) 8489502 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 8491315 8507424 8494551 8511728 8500568 8510904 8507529 8502048 8511778 8509233 %HonBuz 8502519 %AFfO 8502129 8490794 8500620 8512098 8512241 8498633 8507478 8499693 8500608 %BraBir 8497952 8507901 8508611 %Yokoh 8496217 8508881 8500867 8501284 8510205 8494104 %ATDG %GuiMas %ExLib 8492184 8491351 8503655 8507725 8498496 8490485 8507647 8490148 8490214 8509181 %GWT 8511170 8503135 %ImpCla 8507388 8494006 8489116 %OtUL 8501783 %DinIsl %EBaBD %Cubit 8508448 %DSM 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500272 %DunImp 8494671 %PARKS 8502047 8494108 %TanGar 8493725 8509735 %WhiMou %EMA 8494138 8500274 8512510 %MagMet 8506440 8512081 8492936 8503786 8492616 %TMPEE %CooIsl 8500501 8502949 %LeHav %NewFro %FanFac 8498732 8508645 8492977 8492983 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TMP 8503081 8511773 %RftG %ThuAll 8489117 %UTA 8507504 %FH2 8503461 8501776 8492927 %NYZ 8508951 %UMA 8492726 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %BlaSon 8488871 %DisVil 8502200 %TheCol 8490934 8500626 %Parad %WhiSto %SanMon %S2e %GLD 8490135 %DreHom 8508964 8511594 8512086 8497797 # Jaws (RTigger) 8489505 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 8491315 8507424 8494551 8511728 8500568 8510904 8507529 8502048 8511778 8509233 %HonBuz 8502519 %AFfO 8502129 8490794 8500620 8512098 8512241 8498633 8507478 8499693 8500608 %BraBir 8497952 8507901 8508611 %Yokoh 8496217 8508881 8500867 8501284 8510205 8494104 %ATDG %GuiMas %ExLib 8492184 8491351 8503655 8507725 8498496 8490485 8507647 8490148 8490214 8509181 %GWT 8511170 8503135 %ImpCla 8507388 8494006 8489116 %OtUL 8501783 %DinIsl %EBaBD %Cubit 8508448 %DSM 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500272 %DunImp 8494671 %PARKS 8502047 8494108 %TanGar 8493725 8509735 %WhiMou %EMA 8494138 8500274 8512510 %MagMet 8506440 8512081 8492936 8503786 8492616 %TMPEE %CooIsl 8500501 8502949 %LeHav %NewFro %FanFac 8498732 8508645 8492977 8492983 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TMP 8503081 8511773 %RftG %ThuAll 8489117 %UTA 8507504 %FH2 8503461 8501776 8492927 %NYZ 8508951 %UMA 8492726 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %BlaSon 8488871 %DisVil 8502200 %TheCol 8490934 8500626 %Parad %WhiSto %SanMon %S2e %GLD 8490135 %DreHom 8508964 8511594 8512086 8497797 # I, Spy (RTigger) 8489509 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 8491315 8507424 8494551 8511728 8500568 8510904 8507529 8502048 8511778 8509233 %HonBuz 8502519 %AFfO 8502129 8490794 8500620 8512098 8512241 8498633 8507478 8499693 8500608 %BraBir 8497952 8507901 8508611 %Yokoh 8496217 8508881 8500867 8501284 8510205 8494104 %ATDG %GuiMas %ExLib 8492184 8491351 8503655 8507725 8498496 8490485 8507647 8490148 8490214 8509181 %GWT 8511170 8503135 %ImpCla 8507388 8494006 8489116 %OtUL 8501783 %DinIsl %EBaBD %Cubit 8508448 %DSM 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500272 %DunImp 8494671 %PARKS 8502047 8494108 %TanGar 8493725 8509735 %WhiMou %EMA 8494138 8500274 8512510 %MagMet 8506440 8512081 8492936 8503786 8492616 %TMPEE %CooIsl 8500501 8502949 %LeHav %NewFro %FanFac 8498732 8508645 8492977 8492983 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TMP 8503081 8511773 %RftG %ThuAll 8489117 %UTA 8507504 %FH2 8503461 8501776 8492927 %NYZ 8508951 %UMA 8492726 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %BlaSon # Era of Kingdoms (RTigger) 8489512 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 8491315 8507424 8494551 8511728 8500568 8510904 8507529 8502048 8511778 8509233 %HonBuz 8502519 %AFfO 8502129 8490794 8500620 8512098 8512241 8498633 8507478 8499693 8500608 %BraBir 8497952 8507901 8508611 %Yokoh 8496217 8508881 8500867 8501284 8510205 8494104 %ATDG %GuiMas %ExLib 8492184 8491351 8503655 8507725 8498496 8490485 8507647 8490148 8490214 8509181 %GWT 8511170 8503135 %ImpCla 8507388 8494006 8489116 %OtUL 8501783 %DinIsl %EBaBD %Cubit 8508448 %DSM 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500272 %DunImp 8494671 %PARKS 8502047 8494108 %TanGar 8493725 8509735 %WhiMou %EMA 8494138 8500274 8512510 %MagMet 8506440 8512081 8492936 8503786 8492616 %TMPEE %CooIsl 8500501 8502949 %LeHav %NewFro %FanFac 8498732 8508645 8492977 8492983 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TMP 8503081 8511773 %RftG %ThuAll 8489117 %UTA 8507504 %FH2 8503461 8501776 8492927 %NYZ 8508951 %UMA 8492726 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %BlaSon # Space Gate Odyssey (RTigger) 8489514 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 8491315 8507424 8494551 8511728 8500568 8510904 8507529 8502048 8511778 8509233 %HonBuz 8502519 %AFfO 8502129 8490794 8500620 8512098 8512241 8498633 8507478 8499693 8500608 %BraBir 8497952 8507901 8508611 %Yokoh 8496217 8508881 8500867 8501284 8510205 8494104 %ATDG %GuiMas %ExLib 8492184 8491351 8503655 8507725 8498496 8490485 8507647 8490148 8490214 8509181 %GWT 8511170 8503135 %ImpCla 8507388 8494006 8489116 %OtUL 8501783 %DinIsl %EBaBD %Cubit 8508448 %DSM 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500272 %DunImp 8494671 %PARKS 8502047 8494108 %TanGar 8493725 8509735 %WhiMou %EMA 8494138 8500274 8512510 %MagMet 8506440 8512081 8492936 8503786 8492616 %TMPEE %CooIsl 8500501 8502949 %LeHav %NewFro %FanFac 8498732 8508645 8492977 8492983 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TMP 8503081 8511773 %RftG %ThuAll 8489117 %UTA 8507504 %FH2 8503461 8501776 8492927 %NYZ 8508951 %UMA 8492726 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %BlaSon # Passing Through Petra (RTigger) 8489517 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 8491315 8507424 8494551 8511728 8500568 8510904 8507529 8502048 8511778 8509233 %HonBuz 8502519 %AFfO 8502129 8490794 8500620 8512098 8512241 8498633 8507478 8499693 8500608 %BraBir 8497952 8507901 8508611 %Yokoh 8496217 8508881 8500867 8501284 8510205 8494104 %ATDG %GuiMas %ExLib 8492184 8491351 8503655 8507725 8498496 8490485 8507647 8490148 8490214 8509181 %GWT 8511170 8503135 %ImpCla 8507388 8494006 8489116 %OtUL 8501783 %DinIsl %EBaBD %Cubit 8508448 %DSM 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500272 %DunImp 8494671 %PARKS 8502047 8494108 %TanGar 8493725 8509735 %WhiMou %EMA 8494138 8500274 8512510 %MagMet 8506440 8512081 8492936 8503786 8492616 %TMPEE %CooIsl 8500501 8502949 %LeHav %NewFro %FanFac 8498732 8508645 8492977 8492983 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TMP 8503081 8511773 %RftG %ThuAll 8489117 %UTA 8507504 %FH2 8503461 8501776 8492927 %NYZ 8508951 %UMA 8492726 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %BlaSon # Exodus Fleet (RTigger) 8489519 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 8491315 8507424 8494551 8511728 8500568 8510904 8507529 8502048 8511778 8509233 %HonBuz 8502519 %AFfO 8502129 8490794 8500620 8512098 8512241 8498633 8507478 8499693 8500608 %BraBir 8497952 8507901 8508611 %Yokoh 8496217 8508881 8500867 8501284 8510205 8494104 %ATDG %GuiMas %ExLib 8492184 8491351 8503655 8507725 8498496 8490485 8507647 8490148 8490214 8509181 %GWT 8511170 8503135 %ImpCla 8507388 8494006 8489116 %OtUL 8501783 %DinIsl %EBaBD %Cubit 8508448 %DSM 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500272 %DunImp 8494671 %PARKS 8502047 8494108 %TanGar 8493725 8509735 %WhiMou %EMA 8494138 8500274 8512510 %MagMet 8506440 8512081 8492936 8503786 8492616 %TMPEE %CooIsl 8500501 8502949 %LeHav %NewFro %FanFac 8498732 8508645 8492977 8492983 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TMP 8503081 8511773 %RftG %ThuAll 8489117 %UTA 8507504 %FH2 8503461 8501776 8492927 %NYZ 8508951 %UMA 8492726 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %BlaSon # Jena 20 (RTigger) 8489523 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 8491315 8507424 8494551 8511728 8500568 8510904 8507529 8502048 8511778 8509233 %HonBuz 8502519 %AFfO 8502129 8490794 8500620 8512098 8512241 8498633 8507478 8499693 8500608 %BraBir 8497952 8507901 8508611 %Yokoh 8496217 8508881 8500867 8501284 8510205 8494104 %ATDG %GuiMas %ExLib 8492184 8491351 8503655 8507725 8498496 8490485 8507647 8490148 8490214 8509181 %GWT 8511170 8503135 %ImpCla 8507388 8494006 8489116 %OtUL 8501783 %DinIsl %EBaBD %Cubit 8508448 %DSM 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500272 %DunImp 8494671 %PARKS 8502047 8494108 %TanGar 8493725 8509735 %WhiMou %EMA 8494138 8500274 8512510 %MagMet 8506440 8512081 8492936 8503786 8492616 %TMPEE %CooIsl 8500501 8502949 %LeHav %NewFro %FanFac 8498732 8508645 8492977 8492983 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TMP 8503081 8511773 %RftG %ThuAll 8489117 %UTA 8507504 %FH2 8503461 8501776 8492927 %NYZ 8508951 %UMA 8492726 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %BlaSon # Android (RTigger) 8489526 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 8491315 8507424 8494551 8511728 8500568 8510904 8507529 8502048 8511778 8509233 %HonBuz 8502519 %AFfO 8502129 8490794 8500620 8512098 8512241 8498633 8507478 8499693 8500608 %BraBir 8497952 8507901 8508611 %Yokoh 8496217 8508881 8500867 8501284 8510205 8494104 %ATDG %GuiMas %ExLib 8492184 8491351 8503655 8507725 8498496 8490485 8507647 8490148 8490214 8509181 %GWT 8511170 8503135 %ImpCla 8507388 8494006 8489116 %OtUL 8501783 %DinIsl %EBaBD %Cubit 8508448 %DSM 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500272 %DunImp 8494671 %PARKS 8502047 8494108 %TanGar 8493725 8509735 %WhiMou %EMA 8494138 8500274 8512510 %MagMet 8506440 8512081 8492936 8503786 8492616 %TMPEE %CooIsl 8500501 8502949 %LeHav %NewFro %FanFac 8498732 8508645 8492977 8492983 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 %TMP 8503081 8511773 %RftG %ThuAll 8489117 %UTA 8507504 %FH2 8503461 8501776 8492927 %NYZ 8508951 %UMA 8492726 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %BlaSon # Dungeonology: The Expedition (RTigger) 8489527 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 8491315 8507424 8494551 8511728 8500568 8510904 8507529 8502048 8511778 8509233 %HonBuz 8502519 %AFfO 8502129 8490794 8500620 8512098 8512241 8498633 8507478 8499693 8500608 %BraBir 8497952 8507901 8508611 %Yokoh 8496217 8508881 8500867 8501284 8510205 8494104 %ATDG %GuiMas %ExLib 8492184 8491351 8503655 8507725 8498496 8490485 8507647 8490148 8490214 8509181 %GWT 8511170 8503135 %ImpCla 8507388 8494006 8489116 %OtUL 8501783 %DinIsl %EBaBD %Cubit 8508448 %DSM 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500272 %DunImp 8494671 %PARKS 8502047 8494108 %TanGar 8493725 8509735 %WhiMou %EMA 8494138 8500274 8512510 %MagMet 8506440 8512081 8492936 8503786 8492616 # Court of the Dead: Mourners Call (RTigger) 8489531 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 8491315 8507424 8494551 8511728 8500568 8510904 8507529 8502048 8511778 8509233 %HonBuz 8502519 %AFfO 8502129 8490794 8500620 8512098 8512241 8498633 8507478 8499693 8500608 %BraBir 8497952 8507901 8508611 %Yokoh 8496217 8508881 8500867 8501284 8510205 8494104 %ATDG %GuiMas %ExLib 8492184 8491351 8503655 8507725 8498496 8490485 8507647 8490148 8490214 8509181 %GWT 8511170 8503135 %ImpCla 8507388 8494006 8489116 %OtUL 8501783 %DinIsl %EBaBD %Cubit 8508448 %DSM 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500272 %DunImp 8494671 %PARKS 8502047 8494108 %TanGar 8493725 8509735 %WhiMou %EMA 8494138 8500274 8512510 %MagMet 8506440 8512081 8492936 8503786 # Forbidden Stars (RTigger) 8489533 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 8491315 8507424 8494551 8511728 8500568 8510904 8507529 8502048 8511778 8509233 %HonBuz 8502519 %AFfO 8502129 8490794 8500620 8512098 8512241 8498633 8507478 8499693 8500867 8501284 # Dungeon Master's Guide (D&D 5e) (RTigger) 8489545 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 # Villagers (RTigger) 8506671 : 8507709 8494156 8493730 8494084 8512508 %MasDar 8507712 8499998 %SleGod 8494850 8503899 8497135 8502120 8491315 8507424 8494551 8511728 8500568 8510904 8507529 8502048 8511778 8509233 %HonBuz 8502519 %AFfO 8502129 8490794 8500620 8512098 8512241 8498633 8507478 8499693 8500608 %BraBir 8497952 8507901 8508611 %Yokoh 8496217 8508881 8500867 8501284 8510205 8494104 %ATDG %GuiMas %ExLib 8492184 8491351 8503655 8507725 8498496 8490485 8507647 8490148 8490214 8509181 %GWT 8511170 8503135 %ImpCla 8507388 8494006 8489116 %OtUL 8501783 %DinIsl %EBaBD %Cubit 8508448 %DSM 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8500272 %DunImp 8494671 %PARKS 8502047 8494108 %TanGar 8493725 8509735 %WhiMou %EMA 8494138 8500274 8512510 %MagMet 8506440 8512081 8492936 8503786 #pragma user "Samatra" # Confirmation code: vfEtEttsPPrtWZ-UWw0Whg # Sat Oct 2 02:08:20 2021 # (Samatra) %Oceans : 8489281 8492940 8500613 8508621 # (Samatra) %TQfED : 8497167 8502438 # Outside the Scope of BGG (Samatra) 8495383 : 8489884 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8490102 8490807 8500586 8504423 8494106 8494160 8507732 8499998 8503899 8507712 8489254 8499301 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 # Codenames (Samatra) 8495397 : 8489884 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8490102 8490807 8500586 8504423 8494106 8494160 8507732 8499998 8503899 8507712 8489254 8499301 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8502519 8494126 8496947 8489259 8490048 8492161 %TQfED %Oceans 8504884 # Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure (Samatra) 8495406 : 8489884 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8490102 8490807 8500586 8504423 8494106 8494160 8507732 8499998 8503899 8507712 8489254 8499301 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8502519 #pragma user "samsagace418" # Confirmation code: U7irVyjeCyQGujJCevU6Jw # Fri Oct 1 08:38:55 2021 # (samsagace418) %AlmMat : 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 # (samsagace418) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (samsagace418) %BraLan : 8492275 8509746 # (samsagace418) %Bru189 : # (samsagace418) %CoE : 8490018 8504786 8504860 8506863 # (samsagace418) %CryPal : 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 # (samsagace418) %DinIsl : 8490023 8490027 # (samsagace418) %EscPla : 8490123 8507944 # (samsagace418) %FraDra : 8493133 8503884 # (samsagace418) %Fresco : 8490487 8501611 # (samsagace418) %GMIC : 8490802 8511855 # (samsagace418) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (samsagace418) %Homes : 8497009 8512536 # (samsagace418) %KDE : 8507897 8512069 # (samsagace418) %Medici : 8502339 8504947 8506493 # (samsagace418) %OtUL : 8489453 8491330 # (samsagace418) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 8509933 # (samsagace418) %PrtPo : 8490805 8509772 # (samsagace418) %SDMS : 8498911 8499682 8507188 # (samsagace418) %SanMar : 8492987 8504234 8509778 # (samsagace418) %Solen : 8494143 8504672 # (samsagace418) %TCoG : 8491892 8501613 8507517 # (samsagace418) %TMPEE : 8507640 8509689 # (samsagace418) %TQfED : 8497167 8497950 8502438 # (samsagace418) %TheNet : 8490818 8501887 # (samsagace418) %TtRNC : 8489914 8500267 8512595 # (samsagace418) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 8500586 # Carson City (samsagace418) 8488871 : %BraBir 8494084 %XLoaDS 8503903 8490791 %BraLan %TQfED %DinIsl 8504423 8505002 8494551 %TCoG 8491776 %TtRNC 8507529 %GMIC %TMPEE 8498649 %PCR %KDE 8494044 %Halle %Fresco 8490411 8489128 %TheNet %EscPla %FraDra 8508712 8507647 8512426 8505047 %Medici %PrtPo %SanMar 8512466 8508954 8494086 8510738 8506225 %CoE %CryPal %AlmMat %Homes %Solen %OtUL 8492832 8490477 8505875 8506953 8508614 %SDMS # Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion (samsagace418) 8488918 : %BraBir 8494084 %XLoaDS 8503903 8490791 %BraLan %TQfED %DinIsl 8504423 8505002 8494551 %TCoG 8491776 %TtRNC 8507529 %GMIC %TMPEE 8498649 %PCR %KDE 8494044 %Halle %Fresco 8490411 8489128 %TheNet %EscPla %FraDra 8508712 8507647 8512426 8505047 %Medici %PrtPo %SanMar 8512466 8508954 8494086 8510738 8506225 %CoE %CryPal %AlmMat %Homes %Solen %OtUL 8492832 8490477 8505875 8506953 8508614 %SDMS # Goa (samsagace418) 8489059 : %BraBir 8494084 %XLoaDS 8503903 8490791 %BraLan %TQfED %DinIsl 8504423 8505002 8494551 %TCoG 8491776 %TtRNC 8507529 %GMIC %TMPEE 8498649 %PCR %KDE 8494044 %Halle %Fresco 8490411 8489128 %TheNet %EscPla %FraDra 8508712 8507647 8512426 8505047 %Medici %PrtPo %SanMar 8512466 8508954 8494086 8510738 8506225 %CoE %CryPal %AlmMat %Homes %Solen %OtUL 8492832 8490477 8505875 8506953 8508614 %SDMS # La Città (samsagace418) 8489076 : %BraBir 8494084 %XLoaDS 8503903 8490791 %BraLan %TQfED %DinIsl 8504423 8505002 8494551 %TCoG 8491776 %TtRNC 8507529 %GMIC %TMPEE 8498649 %PCR %KDE 8494044 %Halle %Fresco 8490411 8489128 %TheNet %EscPla %FraDra 8508712 8507647 8512426 8505047 %Medici %PrtPo %SanMar 8512466 8508954 8494086 8510738 8506225 %CoE %CryPal %AlmMat %Homes %Solen %OtUL 8492832 8490477 8505875 8506953 8508614 %SDMS # Panamax (samsagace418) 8489104 : %BraBir 8494084 %XLoaDS 8503903 8490791 %BraLan %TQfED %DinIsl 8504423 8505002 8494551 %TCoG 8491776 %TtRNC 8507529 %GMIC %TMPEE 8498649 %PCR %KDE 8494044 %Halle %Fresco 8490411 8489128 %TheNet %EscPla %FraDra 8508712 8507647 8512426 8505047 %Medici %PrtPo %SanMar 8512466 8508954 8494086 8510738 8506225 %CoE %CryPal %AlmMat %Homes %Solen %OtUL 8492832 8490477 8505875 8506953 8508614 %SDMS # Pulsar 2849 (samsagace418) 8489117 : %BraBir 8494084 %XLoaDS 8503903 8490791 %BraLan %TQfED %DinIsl 8504423 8505002 8494551 %TCoG 8491776 %TtRNC 8507529 %GMIC %TMPEE 8498649 %PCR %KDE 8494044 %Halle %Fresco 8490411 8489128 %TheNet %EscPla %FraDra 8508712 8507647 8512426 8505047 %Medici %PrtPo %SanMar 8512466 8508954 8494086 8510738 8506225 %CoE %CryPal %AlmMat %Homes %Solen %OtUL 8492832 8490477 8505875 8506953 8508614 %SDMS # Mombasa (samsagace418) 8497693 : %BraBir 8494084 %XLoaDS 8503903 8490791 %BraLan %TQfED %DinIsl 8504423 8505002 8494551 %TCoG 8491776 %TtRNC 8507529 %GMIC %TMPEE 8498649 %PCR %KDE 8494044 %Halle %Fresco 8490411 8489128 %TheNet %EscPla %FraDra 8508712 8507647 8512426 8505047 %Medici %PrtPo %SanMar 8512466 8508954 8494086 8510738 8506225 %CoE %CryPal %AlmMat %Homes %Solen %OtUL 8492832 8490477 8505875 8506953 8508614 %SDMS #pragma user "samuelism" # Confirmation code: hzGCnwVCneUczexmZZRRoA # Sun Oct 3 21:16:29 2021 # (samuelism) %Agra : 8496134 8500530 # (samuelism) %BGTBG : 8494436 8500777 8509870 # (samuelism) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 # (samuelism) %CTCF : 8492162 8493405 8494955 # (samuelism) %Calico : 8503693 # (samuelism) %CooIsl : 8489184 8505852 # (samuelism) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 # (samuelism) %KBaS : 8490192 8500000 # (samuelism) %LoW : 8489211 8509714 # (samuelism) %SDMS : 8498911 8499682 # (samuelism) %SpiIsl : 8493117 8507363 # (samuelism) %TheCol : 8489544 8494728 8510036 # (samuelism) %Trajan : 8500625 8503893 8505879 # Automania (samuelism) 8492789 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 8490802 8507947 # Aquatica (samuelism) 8492794 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 8492224 8508964 8496091 # Apex Theropod Deck-Building Game (samuelism) 8492799 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 # Airship City (samuelism) 8492804 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 8492224 8508964 8496091 %DunImp 8511912 8506883 %Trajan 8503081 8495972 %Calico 8500488 8496007 # City of Spies: Estoril 1942 (samuelism) 8492815 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 8492224 8508964 # Clans of Caledonia (samuelism) 8492826 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 # Council of 4 (samuelism) 8492832 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 8492224 8508964 8496091 %DunImp 8511912 8506883 %Trajan 8503081 8495972 %Calico # Dynasties: Heirate & Herrsche (samuelism) 8492841 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 # Ex Libris (samuelism) 8492848 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 8492224 8508964 # Factory Fun (samuelism) 8492856 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 # Fresco: Big Box (samuelism) 8492866 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 # Gaia Project (samuelism) 8492873 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 # The Grand Trunk Journey (samuelism) 8492885 : # The Grimm Forest (samuelism) 8492894 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW # Hallertau (samuelism) 8492901 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 # Heaven & Ale (samuelism) 8492910 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 # Inis (samuelism) 8492922 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 # It's a Wonderful World (samuelism) 8492927 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 # Las Vegas Royale (samuelism) 8492936 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 8492224 8508964 # Mercado de Lisboa (samuelism) 8492950 : # Mexica (samuelism) 8492953 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 8492224 8508964 # Navegador (samuelism) 8492957 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8503786 8506440 8512081 8507006 # Nevada City (samuelism) 8492961 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 8492224 8508964 # Pax Pamir (samuelism) 8492966 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 8492224 8508964 8496091 %DunImp 8511912 8506883 %Trajan 8503081 8495972 # Praga Caput Regni (samuelism) 8492973 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8494839 # Prehistory (samuelism) 8492977 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra 8489059 # Raccoon Tycoon (samuelism) 8492983 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8499693 8489600 8507947 8494839 # Santa Maria (samuelism) 8492987 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8505765 8502990 # Stockpile (samuelism) 8492996 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 %SDMS # Stone Age (samuelism) 8493005 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 # Three Kingdoms Redux (samuelism) 8493007 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra 8490802 8489059 8499693 8507947 # Whistle Mountain (samuelism) 8493010 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS %BGTBG 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 # Wits & Wagers (samuelism) 8507573 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 8492224 8508964 8496091 %DunImp 8511912 8506883 %Trajan 8503081 8495972 %Calico 8500488 # Dixit: Odyssey (samuelism) 8507577 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 8492224 8508964 8496091 %DunImp 8511912 8506883 %Trajan 8503081 8495972 %Calico 8500488 # Lewis & Clark: The Expedition (samuelism) 8507583 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 8492224 8508964 8496091 %DunImp 8511912 # Lift Off (samuelism) 8507589 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 8492224 8508964 8496091 %DunImp 8511912 8506883 %Trajan 8503081 8495972 %Calico 8500488 8496007 # Monopoly: Star Wars Episode I (samuelism) 8507591 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 8492224 8508964 8496091 %DunImp 8511912 8506883 %Trajan 8503081 8495972 %Calico 8500488 8496007 # Mr. Jack in New York (samuelism) 8507598 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 8492224 # Mystic Vale (samuelism) 8507600 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 8492224 8508964 8496091 %DunImp 8511912 8506883 %Trajan 8503081 8495972 # Power Grid: Factory Manager (samuelism) 8507607 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8510209 # Safranito (samuelism) 8507611 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 8492224 8508964 8496091 %DunImp 8511912 8506883 %Trajan 8503081 8495972 %Calico 8500488 # Skyliners (samuelism) 8507616 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 8492224 8508964 8496091 %DunImp 8511912 8506883 %Trajan 8503081 8495972 %Calico 8500488 8496007 # Throw Throw Burrito (samuelism) 8507618 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 8492224 8508964 8496091 %DunImp 8511912 8506883 %Trajan 8503081 8495972 # Urbania (samuelism) 8507619 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 8499686 8500867 8501284 %SpiIsl 8505859 8507953 8507369 %BraBir 8490523 8490027 8505002 8508954 %KBaS 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511190 8506518 8503786 8506440 8512081 %SDMS 8507006 %Agra %BGTBG 8490802 8489059 8499693 8489600 8498195 8501380 8503609 8504739 8506714 8507947 8510150 8494839 %CTCF %LoW 8494044 8489014 8500829 8505797 8489780 8507894 8509876 8509875 8506726 8510209 8505765 8502990 8503448 8508712 %CooIsl %TheCol 8510816 8511236 8512143 8491889 8492224 8508964 8496091 %DunImp 8511912 8506883 %Trajan 8503081 8495972 %Calico 8500488 8496007 # Rising Sun: Dynasty Invasion (samuelism) 8508939 : 8494084 8511235 8494551 8494160 8490123 8495224 8494156 8511245 8502478 #pragma user "shooshoo" # Confirmation code: LeiQ3pIfDPDNrEinMuJeHQ # Sun Oct 3 21:42:05 2021 # Feierabend (shooshoo) 8512345 : 8494160 8504423 8499686 8512535 8507732 8494044 8492194 8497913 8494111 8489254 8507947 8511634 8512518 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 # NEOM (shooshoo) 8512347 : 8494160 8504423 8499686 8512535 8507732 8494044 8492194 8497913 8494111 8489254 8507947 8511634 8512518 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 8509181 # Rococo: Deluxe Edition (shooshoo) 8512350 : 8494160 # Pandemic (shooshoo) 8512552 : 8494160 8504423 8499686 8512535 8507732 8494044 8492194 8497913 8494111 8489254 8507947 8511634 8512518 # Coal Baron: The Great Card Game (shooshoo) 8512566 : 8494160 8504423 8499686 8512535 8507732 8494044 8492194 8497913 8494111 8489254 8507947 8511634 8512518 8489934 8490748 8495249 8511241 #pragma user "Simonc17" # Confirmation code: FFSIAClXqkn82i0-2u5oqw # Sun Oct 3 19:31:08 2021 # (Simonc17) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (Simonc17) %EscPla : 8490123 8507944 # (Simonc17) %Inis : 8492922 8504954 # (Simonc17) %Polyn : 8492991 8509945 # (Simonc17) %Tramw : 8490434 8507475 # Bios:Genesis (Simonc17) 8512328 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 # Bios:Megafauna (Second Edition) (Simonc17) 8512329 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 # Black Gold (Simonc17) 8512330 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 8500772 8500005 8510761 %Polyn 8491908 8509732 8506815 8507947 8507894 8505547 8509949 # Card City XL (Simonc17) 8512331 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 8500772 8500005 8510761 %Polyn 8491908 8509732 8506815 8507947 8507894 8505547 8509949 # Clash of Cultures (Simonc17) 8512332 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 # Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game (Simonc17) 8512334 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 8500772 8500005 8510761 %Polyn # For What Remains: Out of the Basement (Simonc17) 8512337 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 # For What Remains: Streets of Ruin (Simonc17) 8512338 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 # Grand Austria Hotel (Simonc17) 8512340 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 # La Granja (Simonc17) 8512341 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 # Hold the Line (Simonc17) 8512359 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 # Castle Lords (Simonc17) 8512361 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 8500772 8500005 8510761 %Polyn 8491908 8509732 8506815 8507947 8507894 8505547 8509949 8493034 # Keyflower (Simonc17) 8512362 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 # Lorenzo il Magnifico (Simonc17) 8512363 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 # Rococo (Simonc17) 8512365 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 # The Manhattan Project: Chain Reaction (Simonc17) 8512366 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 8500772 8500005 8510761 %Polyn 8491908 8509732 8506815 8507947 8507894 8505547 8509949 8493034 # Power Grid: Factory Manager (Simonc17) 8512368 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 8500772 8500005 8510761 %Polyn 8491908 8509732 8506815 8507947 8507894 8505547 8509949 8493034 # Minotaur Lords (Simonc17) 8512369 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 8500772 8500005 8510761 %Polyn 8491908 8509732 8506815 8507947 8507894 8505547 8509949 8493034 # Mr. Cabbagehead's Garden (Simonc17) 8512370 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 # Neanderthal (Simonc17) 8512371 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 # Pax Pamir (Simonc17) 8512372 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 # Peloponnes Card Game (Simonc17) 8512373 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 8500772 8500005 8510761 %Polyn 8491908 8509732 8506815 # Perikles (Simonc17) 8512374 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 8500772 8500005 8510761 %Polyn 8491908 8509732 8506815 # Race for the Chinese Zodiac (Simonc17) 8512376 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 8500772 8500005 8510761 %Polyn 8491908 8509732 8506815 8507947 8507894 8505547 8509949 8493034 # Reykholt (Simonc17) 8512378 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 8500772 8500005 8510761 %Polyn 8491908 8509732 8506815 8507947 8507894 # Shipyard (Simonc17) 8512382 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 # Star Wars: Empire vs. Rebellion (Simonc17) 8512385 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 8500772 8500005 8510761 %Polyn 8491908 8509732 8506815 8507947 8507894 8505547 8509949 8493034 # SteamRollers (Simonc17) 8512386 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 8500772 8500005 8510761 %Polyn 8491908 8509732 8506815 8507947 8507894 # Stone Age (Simonc17) 8512388 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 # Town Center (Fourth Edition) (Simonc17) 8512389 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 # Triplock (Simonc17) 8512391 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 8500772 8500005 8510761 %Polyn 8491908 8509732 8506815 # Troyes (Simonc17) 8512392 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 # Urban Sprawl (Simonc17) 8512393 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 8496003 8492957 8511912 8503899 8511917 8502048 %Tramw 8495231 8500772 8500005 8510761 %Polyn 8491908 8509732 8506815 8507947 8507894 # The Voyages of Marco Polo (Simonc17) 8512394 : 8494084 %Inis 8509314 8494551 8502245 8497128 8507953 8490075 8509828 8500867 8501284 8500601 8505850 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493713 #pragma user "slprince" # Confirmation code: CZCN2rxO0tq5JpHgmXOnZw # Sun Oct 3 14:30:43 2021 # (slprince) %HonBuz : 8500003 8504430 # (slprince) %PrtPo : 8490805 8509772 # (slprince) %RoT : 8489482 8490824 8491328 # (slprince) %SovSki : 8490083 8496315 # (slprince) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 8500586 # Ca$h 'n Guns (Second Edition) (slprince) 8490133 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506226 8489884 8505797 8490199 8489117 # Sidereal Confluence (slprince) 8490135 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT # Alt Name: 24 black UberStax game piece holders (slprince) 8490136 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506226 8489884 8505797 8490199 8489117 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 8507947 %SovSki 8509328 8507894 %PrtPo 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 # La Granja (slprince) 8490138 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506226 8489884 8505797 8490199 8489117 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 8507947 %SovSki 8509328 8507894 # Yedo (slprince) 8490150 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506226 8489884 8505797 8490199 8489117 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 # Tsuro of the Seas (slprince) 8490152 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506226 8489884 8505797 8490199 8489117 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 8507947 %SovSki 8509328 8507894 %PrtPo 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Myrmes (slprince) 8490155 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506226 8489884 8505797 8490199 8489117 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 # Factory Funner (slprince) 8490158 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 # Who Goes There? 2nd Edition (slprince) 8490176 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 # Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia (slprince) 8490184 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506226 # Kill Doctor Lucky (slprince) 8490204 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506226 8489884 8505797 8490199 8489117 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 8507947 %SovSki 8509328 8507894 %PrtPo 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Deception: Murder in Hong Kong (slprince) 8490215 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506226 8489884 8505797 8490199 8489117 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 # Word Slam (slprince) 8490225 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506226 8489884 8505797 8490199 8489117 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 8507947 %SovSki 8509328 8507894 %PrtPo 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Secret Hitler (slprince) 8490237 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506226 8489884 8505797 8490199 8489117 8508964 8511594 8512086 # Black Angel (slprince) 8490240 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 # I, Spy (slprince) 8490243 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506226 8489884 8505797 8490199 8489117 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 8507947 %SovSki 8509328 8507894 %PrtPo 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Loop Inc. (slprince) 8490245 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506226 8489884 8505797 8490199 8489117 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 8507947 %SovSki 8509328 8507894 %PrtPo 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Catan: Cities & Knights (slprince) 8495017 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506226 8489884 8505797 # Catan: Seafarers (slprince) 8495025 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506226 8489884 8505797 # Catan: Explorers & Pirates (slprince) 8495028 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506226 8489884 8505797 # Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar (slprince) 8495063 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506226 # Biblios (slprince) 8496530 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506226 8489884 8505797 8490199 8489117 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 8507947 %SovSki 8509328 8507894 %PrtPo 8497037 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Ticket to Ride (slprince) 8496533 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506226 8489884 8505797 8490199 # Dune (slprince) 8500081 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 # Galaxy Trucker: The Big Expansion (slprince) 8502082 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 # Galaxy Trucker: Another Big Expansion (slprince) 8502085 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 %HonBuz 8507389 8510738 8507438 %RoT 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506226 8489884 8505797 8490199 8489117 8508964 8511594 8512086 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512512 8512588 8507947 %SovSki 8509328 8507894 # Burke's Gambit (slprince) 8509641 : %XLoaDS 8494551 8508200 8495224 8512350 8500867 8501284 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8512518 8489780 8498195 8500260 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8511634 8512081 #pragma user "sltn" # Confirmation code: PYrHhZqREmZRfFDdqg7uUA # Sun Oct 3 21:25:12 2021 # (sltn) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (sltn) %EscPla : 8490123 8507944 # (sltn) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (sltn) %SpiIsl : 8504968 # (sltn) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 missing-official # (sltn) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 8500586 # (sltn) %YDMS : 8506831 8507651 # Terramara (sltn) 8495212 : 8494160 8494106 8507953 8494084 8505859 8494156 8511245 8511913 %BraBir 8504423 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8490192 8492204 8511910 %XLoaDS 8509876 %YDMS # Gùgōng (sltn) 8495224 : 8494160 # Daimyo: Rebirth of the Empire (sltn) 8495235 : 8494160 8494106 8507953 8494084 8505859 8494156 8511245 8511913 %BraBir 8504423 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8490192 8492204 8511910 # Rome & Roll (sltn) 8495240 : 8494160 8494106 8507953 8494084 8505859 8494156 8511245 8511913 %BraBir 8504423 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8490192 8492204 8511910 %XLoaDS 8509876 %YDMS 8507478 8507725 8493163 8512585 8507388 %SpiIsl 8489780 8489577 8512340 %WhiMou 8489184 8506714 # Dominant Species: Marine (sltn) 8495247 : 8494160 8494106 8507953 8494084 8505859 8494156 8511245 8511913 %BraBir 8504423 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8490192 8492204 8511910 %XLoaDS 8509876 %YDMS 8507478 8507725 8493163 8512585 8507388 # SHASN (sltn) 8497065 : 8494160 8494106 8507953 8494084 8505859 8494156 8511245 8511913 %BraBir 8504423 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8490192 8492204 8511910 # Wingspan (sltn) 8497070 : 8494160 8494106 8507953 8494084 8505859 8494156 8511245 8511913 %BraBir 8504423 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8490192 8492204 8511910 %XLoaDS 8509876 %YDMS 8507478 8507725 8493163 8512585 8507388 # Dragonfire (sltn) 8497076 : 8494160 8494106 8507953 8494084 8505859 8494156 8511245 8511913 %BraBir 8504423 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8490192 8492204 8511910 %XLoaDS 8509876 %YDMS 8507478 8507725 8493163 8512585 8507388 %SpiIsl 8489780 8489577 8512340 %WhiMou 8489184 8506714 # Railways of Nippon (sltn) 8497078 : 8494160 8494106 8507953 8494084 8505859 8494156 8511245 8511913 %BraBir 8504423 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8490192 8492204 8511910 %XLoaDS 8509876 %YDMS 8507478 8507725 8493163 8512585 8507388 %SpiIsl 8489780 8489577 # Discworld: Ankh-Morpork (sltn) 8497128 : 8494160 8494106 8507953 # Steampunk Rally Fusion (sltn) 8502990 : 8494160 8494106 8507953 8494084 8505859 8494156 8511245 8511913 %BraBir 8504423 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8490192 8492204 8511910 %XLoaDS 8509876 %YDMS # Takenoko (sltn) 8503003 : 8494160 8494106 8507953 8494084 8505859 8494156 8511245 8511913 %BraBir 8504423 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8490192 8492204 8511910 %XLoaDS 8509876 %YDMS 8507478 8507725 8493163 8512585 # Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar (sltn) 8503023 : 8494160 8494106 8507953 8494084 8505859 8494156 8511245 8511913 %BraBir 8504423 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8490192 8492204 8511910 %XLoaDS 8509876 %YDMS 8507478 8507725 8493163 8512585 8507388 %SpiIsl 8489780 8489577 8512340 %WhiMou 8489184 8506714 # Alhambra: Big Box (sltn) 8503076 : 8494160 8494106 8507953 8494084 8505859 8494156 8511245 8511913 %BraBir 8504423 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8490192 8492204 8511910 # Pax Transhumanity (sltn) 8503081 : 8494160 8494106 8507953 8494084 8505859 8494156 8511245 8511913 %BraBir 8504423 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8490192 8492204 8511910 %XLoaDS 8509876 %YDMS 8507478 8507725 8493163 8512585 8507388 %SpiIsl 8489780 8489577 8512340 %WhiMou 8489184 8506714 8490214 # Alt Name: Journeys in middle earth painted minis (sltn) 8505611 : 8494160 8494106 8507953 8494084 8505859 8494156 8511245 8511913 %BraBir 8504423 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8490192 8492204 8511910 %XLoaDS 8509876 %YDMS 8507478 8507725 8493163 8512585 # The Court of Miracles (sltn) 8512357 : 8494160 8494106 8507953 8494084 8505859 8494156 8511245 8511913 %BraBir 8504423 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8490192 8492204 8511910 %XLoaDS 8509876 %YDMS 8507478 8507725 8493163 8512585 8507388 %SpiIsl 8489780 8489577 8512340 %WhiMou 8489184 8506714 # Yokohama (sltn) 8512535 : 8494160 8494106 8507953 8494084 8505859 8494156 8511245 8511913 #pragma user "standells" # Confirmation code: DykA0krtG3Mlqm7V99nsrQ # Fri Oct 1 13:53:22 2021 # (standells) %CISADA : 8493193 8498656 8504804 # (standells) %Deus : 8505854 8509639 8512524 # (standells) %DinIsl : 8490023 8490027 # (standells) %Ever : 8512488 8509741 8512537 # (standells) %MagMet : 8495215 8504236 # (standells) %NDE : 8489034 8506499 # (standells) %River : 8500409 8501786 # Meteor (standells) 8509836 : %DinIsl %CISADA 8496218 8503693 %Deus 8492983 %MagMet %River %NDE %Ever # MIL (1049) (standells) 8509839 : %DinIsl %CISADA 8496218 8503693 %Deus 8492983 %MagMet %River %NDE %Ever # Cutthroat Caverns (standells) 8509843 : %DinIsl %CISADA 8496218 8503693 %Deus 8492983 %MagMet %River %NDE %Ever # Traders of Osaka (standells) 8509853 : %DinIsl %CISADA 8496218 8503693 %Deus 8492983 %MagMet %River %NDE %Ever # Maharani (standells) 8509865 : %DinIsl %CISADA 8496218 8503693 %Deus 8492983 %MagMet %River %NDE %Ever # 7 Wonders (standells) 8509873 : %DinIsl %CISADA 8496218 8503693 %Deus 8492983 %MagMet %River %NDE %Ever # 7 Wonders: Cities (standells) 8509879 : %DinIsl %CISADA 8496218 8503693 %Deus 8492983 %MagMet %River %NDE %Ever # Patchistory (standells) 8509903 : %DinIsl %CISADA 8496218 8503693 %Deus 8492983 %MagMet %River %NDE %Ever # Guilds of London (standells) 8509908 : %DinIsl %CISADA 8496218 8503693 %Deus 8492983 %MagMet %River %NDE %Ever # Steam Works (standells) 8509909 : %DinIsl %CISADA 8496218 8503693 %Deus 8492983 %MagMet %River %NDE %Ever # Spike (standells) 8509913 : %DinIsl %CISADA 8496218 8503693 %Deus 8492983 %MagMet %River %NDE %Ever #pragma user "startbar" # Confirmation code: jhufAW8ngHUVAuKOVJ9C5w # Fri Oct 1 14:08:38 2021 # Bob Ross: Art of Chill Game (startbar) 8508927 : 8494523 8489389 8490048 8492161 8511235 8494436 8500777 8509870 8490802 8511855 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 8500081 8493010 8502251 8509932 8492794 8500004 8507437 8511909 8492789 8511912 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8508621 8497952 8490343 8499996 8511887 8509744 8511189 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502519 8491996 8495215 8504236 8502478 8507712 8491998 8499994 8489254 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8492936 8500801 8503125 8498489 8502255 8497082 8503087 8503461 8493412 8511910 8500387 8506746 8489297 # Skull (startbar) 8508932 : 8494523 8489389 8490048 8492161 8511235 8494436 8500777 8509870 8490802 8511855 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 8500081 8493010 8502251 8509932 8492794 8500004 8507437 8511909 8492789 8511912 8498481 8500545 8507219 8507374 8508621 8497952 8490343 8499996 8511887 8509744 8511189 8490192 8500000 8502994 8502519 8491996 8495215 8504236 8502478 8507712 8491998 8499994 8489254 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8492936 8500801 8503125 8498489 8502255 8497082 8503087 8503461 8493412 8511910 #pragma user "StellaHobbitsie" # Confirmation code: C4Yvg94UgJzRi-kWIUVRFQ # Fri Oct 1 20:17:47 2021 # (StellaHobbitsie) %AlmMat : 8490796 8502468 # (StellaHobbitsie) %ArtInc : 8489247 8507705 # (StellaHobbitsie) %BetLeg : 8509744 8511189 # (StellaHobbitsie) %Calico : 8491877 8503693 # (StellaHobbitsie) %CoC : 8494586 8502226 # (StellaHobbitsie) %EtN : 8499695 8501570 # (StellaHobbitsie) %FanFac : 8499133 8502055 8512568 # (StellaHobbitsie) %ForIsl : 8500638 8506755 # (StellaHobbitsie) %Isleb : 8507008 8509730 8512206 # (StellaHobbitsie) %KRRiT : 8499778 8511726 # (StellaHobbitsie) %Motta : 8503119 8507721 # (StellaHobbitsie) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 # (StellaHobbitsie) %Oceans : 8500928 8508621 # (StellaHobbitsie) %OnTou : 8509068 8511207 # (StellaHobbitsie) %Paper : 8490063 8510105 # (StellaHobbitsie) %Patch : 8509026 8511747 # (StellaHobbitsie) %Photo : 8489081 8500769 # (StellaHobbitsie) %SanMon : 8496223 8497157 # (StellaHobbitsie) %Santo : 8489141 8498758 8499745 8500931 # (StellaHobbitsie) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (StellaHobbitsie) %UEA : 8490868 8497158 # (StellaHobbitsie) %UEA2 : 8503165 8512469 # (StellaHobbitsie) %UEA22 : 8497159 8510785 # (StellaHobbitsie) %UMA : 8490869 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 # (StellaHobbitsie) %UTA : 8497161 8512464 # Chronicles of Crime: 1900 (StellaHobbitsie) 8496481 : %SleGod 8500937 %BetLeg %EtN 8500766 8506915 %AlmMat 8506518 8493007 %KRRiT 8491291 8506537 8507952 8501501 8492623 8497164 %Patch %Santo %Photo 8499687 8508497 %Calico %CoC 8507949 %NYZ %Oceans %FanFac %Isleb 8498633 8507901 8506480 %SanMon 8510810 %ForIsl %OnTou 8508818 8492239 8503488 8507438 %UTA %UEA 8509181 %UEA2 %UEA22 %UMA 8509173 8499737 8493415 8499689 8489116 8494674 8512376 %Motta 8503131 %ArtInc 8503298 8500807 8495211 8506900 8497915 # Cards Against Humanity (StellaHobbitsie) 8496488 : %SleGod 8500937 %BetLeg %EtN 8500766 8506915 %AlmMat 8506518 8493007 %KRRiT 8491291 8506537 8507952 8501501 8492623 8497164 %Patch %Santo %Photo 8499687 8508497 %Calico %CoC 8507949 %NYZ %Oceans %FanFac %Isleb 8498633 8507901 8506480 %SanMon 8510810 %ForIsl %OnTou 8508818 8492239 8503488 8507438 %UTA %UEA 8509181 %UEA2 %UEA22 %UMA 8509173 8499737 8493415 8499689 8489116 8494674 8512376 %Motta 8503131 %ArtInc 8503298 8500807 8495211 8506900 8497915 %Paper 8501288 8498338 8509385 # Reykholt (StellaHobbitsie) 8496491 : %SleGod 8500937 %BetLeg %EtN 8500766 8506915 %AlmMat 8506518 8493007 %KRRiT 8491291 8506537 8507952 8501501 8492623 8497164 %Patch %Santo %Photo 8499687 8508497 %Calico %CoC 8507949 %NYZ %Oceans %FanFac %Isleb 8498633 8507901 8506480 %SanMon 8510810 %ForIsl %OnTou 8508818 8492239 8503488 8507438 %UTA %UEA 8509181 %UEA2 %UEA22 %UMA 8509173 8499737 8493415 8499689 8489116 8494674 8512376 # The Refuge: Terror from the Deep (StellaHobbitsie) 8496644 : %SleGod 8500937 %BetLeg %EtN 8500766 8506915 %AlmMat 8506518 8493007 %KRRiT 8491291 8506537 8507952 #pragma user "steven_g" # Confirmation code: qMr/Okh2vEOb4qlC8X3PeA # Sat Oct 2 16:38:55 2021 # Alt Name: $45 CAD gift card (steven_g) 8512086 : 8499811 #pragma user "stormquiver" # Confirmation code: XYItXKugC8nlUB0iSPM8gQ # Sun Oct 3 11:58:15 2021 # Golem Arcana (stormquiver) 8489490 : 8489319 #pragma user "sunnyshynie" # Confirmation code: wRHZh9Dy03GyOnOiVo3lSA # Sun Oct 3 04:06:14 2021 # (sunnyshynie) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (sunnyshynie) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (sunnyshynie) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (sunnyshynie) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 8509177 # (sunnyshynie) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (sunnyshynie) %TFoH : # (sunnyshynie) %TheEst : 8506480 8510398 # Mercado de Lisboa (sunnyshynie) 8495045 : %AFfO 8504423 8507953 8500867 8501284 8492204 8489780 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507539 8511190 8509933 %Halle %OCoEaE 8493163 8497009 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512081 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506815 %ImpCla 8505164 8506225 8494138 8490764 8504236 8507411 8503439 8508964 8511594 8512086 # Auf der Walz (sunnyshynie) 8495199 : %AFfO 8504423 8507953 8500867 8501284 8492204 8489780 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507539 8511190 8509933 %Halle %OCoEaE 8493163 8497009 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512081 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506815 %ImpCla 8505164 8506225 8494138 8490764 8504236 8507411 # Dragon Boats of the Four Seas (sunnyshynie) 8500827 : %AFfO 8504423 8507953 8500867 8501284 8492204 8489780 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507539 8511190 8509933 %Halle %OCoEaE 8493163 8497009 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512081 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506815 %ImpCla 8505164 8506225 8494138 8490764 8504236 8507411 8503439 8508964 8511594 8512086 8508586 8489128 8491833 %NYZ 8507725 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8509922 8511882 8512089 8512137 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 8491291 8492841 8494129 8494670 8489605 8490252 8504887 8491877 8502244 8511912 8496537 8508448 %TheEst 8511734 8512536 8489994 8508224 8509665 8493713 8494737 8493705 8512593 8501559 # Signorie (sunnyshynie) 8500829 : # Matcha (sunnyshynie) 8507893 : %AFfO 8504423 8507953 8500867 8501284 8492204 8489780 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507539 8511190 8509933 %Halle %OCoEaE 8493163 8497009 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512081 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506815 %ImpCla 8505164 8506225 8494138 8490764 8504236 8507411 8503439 8508964 8511594 8512086 8508586 8489128 8491833 %NYZ 8507725 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8509922 8511882 8512089 8512137 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 8491291 8492841 8494129 8494670 8489605 8490252 8504887 8491877 8502244 8511912 8496537 8508448 %TheEst 8511734 8512536 8489994 8508224 8509665 8493713 8494737 # Iron Clays (sunnyshynie) 8507894 : %AFfO 8504423 8507953 8500867 8501284 8492204 # Atelier: The Painter's Studio (sunnyshynie) 8507895 : %AFfO 8504423 8507953 8500867 8501284 8492204 8489780 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507539 8511190 8509933 %Halle %OCoEaE 8493163 8497009 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512081 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506815 %ImpCla 8505164 8506225 8494138 8490764 8504236 8507411 8503439 8508964 8511594 8512086 8508586 8489128 8491833 %NYZ 8507725 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8509922 8511882 8512089 8512137 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 8491291 8492841 8494129 8494670 8489605 8490252 8504887 8491877 8502244 8511912 8496537 8508448 %TheEst 8511734 8512536 8489994 8508224 8509665 8493713 8494737 # Kanban: Driver's Edition (sunnyshynie) 8507897 : %AFfO 8504423 8507953 8500867 8501284 8492204 8489780 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507539 8511190 8509933 %Halle %OCoEaE 8493163 8497009 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512081 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506815 # Men at Work (sunnyshynie) 8507900 : %AFfO 8504423 8507953 8500867 8501284 8492204 8489780 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 8507539 8511190 8509933 %Halle %OCoEaE 8493163 8497009 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512081 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506815 %ImpCla 8505164 8506225 8494138 8490764 8504236 8507411 8503439 8508964 8511594 8512086 8508586 8489128 8491833 %NYZ 8507725 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8509922 8511882 8512089 8512137 8512322 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 8491291 8492841 8494129 8494670 8489605 8490252 8504887 # Meadow (sunnyshynie) 8507901 : %AFfO 8504423 8507953 8500867 8501284 8492204 8489780 8489254 8507388 8511634 8512518 #pragma user "sushidog" # Confirmation code: 0mMks2p-vgv1810sUTlNbQ # Fri Oct 1 12:58:21 2021 # Dominion (sushidog) 8507566 : 8492638 8489593 8500867 8501284 8512359 8503672 8504381 8511917 8495203 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8506714 8507388 8511634 8507404 8496001 8506440 8507507 8510150 # France 1944: The Allied Crusade in Europe (sushidog) 8507567 : 8492638 8489593 8500867 8501284 8512359 8503672 8504381 8511917 8495203 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8506714 8507388 8511634 8507404 8496001 8506440 8507507 # Iron Bottom Sound III (sushidog) 8507569 : # Breaking the Chains: War in the South China Sea (sushidog) 8507574 : # Operation Dauntless: The Battles for Fontenay and Rauray, France, June 1944 (sushidog) 8507578 : 8492638 8489593 8500867 8501284 8512359 8503672 8504381 8511917 8495203 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8506714 8507388 8511634 8507404 # Starship Troopers (sushidog) 8507579 : 8492638 8489593 8500867 8501284 8512359 8503672 8504381 8511917 8495203 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8506714 8507388 8511634 8507404 8496001 8506440 8507507 # Wilderness War (sushidog) 8507580 : 8492638 # Holdfast: EastFront 1941-45 (sushidog) 8507582 : 8492638 8489593 8500867 8501284 8512359 # Bloody April, 1917: Air War Over Arras, France (sushidog) 8507585 : 8492638 # Mercury/Market Garden (sushidog) 8507586 : 8492638 8489593 8500867 8501284 8512359 8503672 8504381 8511917 8495203 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501380 8501877 8506714 8507388 8511634 8507404 8496001 8506440 8507507 # Pursuit of Glory (sushidog) 8507588 : 8492638 # Vietnam 1965-1975 (sushidog) 8507592 : #pragma user "tdeery" # Confirmation code: 2SQOBN9qsQZSQenRT/DsPw # Sun Oct 3 15:50:06 2021 # (tdeery) %AlmMat : 8490796 8502468 8505844 8510034 # (tdeery) %AquaS : 8500383 8512543 # (tdeery) %CFL : 8494079 8494113 8511211 # (tdeery) %CISADA : 8493193 8496003 8498656 8504804 # (tdeery) %Calico : 8491877 8503693 8507075 # (tdeery) %Chart : 8494287 8495982 8507949 8511771 8512224 # (tdeery) %Conco : 8489884 8494126 8496947 # (tdeery) %CotGar : 8496697 8507714 8511695 # (tdeery) %EBaBD : 8489601 8490184 8498649 8500770 8504503 8511671 # (tdeery) %ECE : # (tdeery) %EMA : 8489205 8496683 # (tdeery) %Everd : 8504962 8508847 8512488 8509741 8512537 # (tdeery) %FanFac : 8499133 8504386 8512568 # (tdeery) %ForTra : 8505857 8508691 # (tdeery) %GLD : 8493125 8496144 # (tdeery) %GWT : 8489193 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 # (tdeery) %Gentes : 8508978 8491351 # (tdeery) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (tdeery) %KDE : 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 # (tdeery) %KinBui : 8490037 8496932 8500693 8505861 8512360 # (tdeery) %Kingd : 8500547 8504558 8505750 8509652 8512472 # (tdeery) %Momba : 8497693 8508838 # (tdeery) %NDE : 8489034 8506499 8490055 # (tdeery) %NTDG : 8497141 8511718 # (tdeery) %NotDam : 8507722 8512301 # (tdeery) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 8509933 missing-official # (tdeery) %Paper : 8490063 8510105 # (tdeery) %Patch : 8509026 8511747 # (tdeery) %River : 8500409 8501786 # (tdeery) %SanMar : 8492987 8504234 8509778 # (tdeery) %SanMon : 8496223 8497157 # (tdeery) %Seela : 8507515 8512509 # (tdeery) %SmaInc : 8507193 8507433 # (tdeery) %Snowd : 8490465 8507481 8507188 # (tdeery) %SpiIsl : 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 # (tdeery) %StoAge : 8492125 8493005 8512388 # (tdeery) %Subur : 8491676 8498734 8500494 8501781 8509648 8506518 # (tdeery) %TCoG : 8491892 8501613 8507517 # (tdeery) %TOotS : 8494088 8501961 # (tdeery) %Tapes : 8495409 8500851 8502137 8509759 # (tdeery) %TheNet : 8490818 8492537 8501887 # (tdeery) %ThuQue : 8490343 8511887 # (tdeery) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 missing-official # (tdeery) %Yokoh : 8499686 8512123 8512535 # Exit: The Game – The Mysterious Museum (tdeery) 8489207 : %SpiIsl %GWT %Conco %StoAge 8510029 %Everd 8492224 8500168 8510450 %Subur 8508586 8489470 8497167 8512498 %TCoG 8491776 %CISADA 8512365 8511190 %Yokoh %Tapes 8496007 8489117 %PCR %KDE %Calico 8488918 %TheNet %SmaInc %Chart %NotDam %KinBui %WhiMou %TOotS %Snowd 8509772 %SanMar 8512350 8511245 %EMA 8495229 8508448 %SanMon %CFL %AlmMat 8500829 %AquaS 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8507006 8501554 8507741 %Seela 8492204 %Paper 8492927 8510941 %EBaBD 8488871 8512444 %Halle 8489606 8489128 8492616 8503448 %Kingd 8503114 %CotGar %FanFac %NTDG 8512466 8490449 8505734 %ThuQue 8511712 8494638 8495210 8491330 8507382 %River 8509345 8493712 8491609 8499258 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512089 8512137 8512446 %ForTra 8502045 %NDE 8491385 # Thunderstone: Dragonspire (tdeery) 8489849 : %SpiIsl %GWT %Conco %StoAge 8510029 %Everd 8492224 8500168 8510450 %Subur 8508586 8489470 8497167 8512498 %TCoG 8491776 %CISADA 8512365 8511190 %Yokoh %Tapes 8496007 8489117 %PCR %KDE %Calico 8488918 %TheNet %SmaInc %Chart %NotDam %KinBui %WhiMou %TOotS %Snowd 8509772 %SanMar 8512350 8511245 %EMA 8495229 8508448 %SanMon %CFL %AlmMat 8500829 %AquaS 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8507006 8501554 8507741 %Seela 8492204 %Paper 8492927 8510941 %EBaBD 8488871 8512444 %Halle 8489606 8489128 8492616 8503448 %Kingd 8503114 %CotGar %FanFac %NTDG 8512466 8490449 8505734 %ThuQue 8511712 8494638 8495210 8491330 8507382 %River 8509345 8493712 8491609 8499258 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512089 8512137 8512446 %ForTra 8502045 %NDE 8491385 # Mariposas (tdeery) 8492274 : %SpiIsl %GWT %Conco %StoAge 8510029 %Everd 8492224 8500168 8510450 %Subur 8508586 8489470 8497167 8512498 %TCoG 8491776 %CISADA 8512365 8511190 %Yokoh %Tapes 8496007 8489117 %PCR %KDE %Calico 8488918 %TheNet %SmaInc %Chart %NotDam %KinBui %WhiMou %TOotS %Snowd 8509772 %SanMar 8512350 8511245 %EMA 8495229 8508448 %SanMon %CFL %AlmMat 8500829 %AquaS 8498195 8498732 8499301 8500260 8500387 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8511634 8512081 8512086 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8512588 8507006 8501554 8507741 %Seela 8492204 #pragma user "TeveshCKP" # Confirmation code: 9J48Hh6xD5FXSJvMkrW9ow # Fri Oct 1 01:16:16 2021 # Dummy non-protected group 20GC # 8493705 8509665 8512151 8512593 # Dummy non-protected group 30GC # 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Dummy non-protected group 40GC # 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Dummy non-protected group 50GC # 8505765 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Dummy non-protected group 60Plus # 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 # (TeveshCKP) %GLD : 8493125 8496144 # (TeveshCKP) %GWT : 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8493175 # (TeveshCKP) %Kares : 8493661 8507403 # (TeveshCKP) %Marip : 8491872 8492239 8492274 8497154 # (TeveshCKP) %OtUL : 8489453 8491330 # (TeveshCKP) %RedRis : 8491998 8499994 # (TeveshCKP) %RhiHer : 8493509 8503527 # (TeveshCKP) %SHDATCG : 8488951 8506970 # (TeveshCKP) %SpeOps : 8504704 8507945 # (TeveshCKP) %TheNet : 8490818 8492537 8501887 # (TeveshCKP) %WhiSto : 8490782 8509953 # Dwarf (TeveshCKP) 8488923 : 8494523 8497913 8494156 8499778 8512590 8489592 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8499693 8496913 8511217 8505765 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506718 8492606 %Marip %OtUL %RedRis 8498732 8507896 8505230 8511715 %TheNet %SpeOps 8490141 %WhiSto 8489481 8507905 8491889 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %SHDATCG 8507382 %RhiHer %GLD 8497178 8490781 8507720 8510198 %Kares 8499240 8493705 8509665 8512151 8512593 # GPS (TeveshCKP) 8488961 : 8494523 8497913 8494156 8499778 8512590 8489592 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8499693 8496913 8511217 8505765 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506718 8492606 %Marip %OtUL %RedRis 8498732 8507896 8505230 8511715 %TheNet %SpeOps 8490141 %WhiSto 8489481 8507905 8491889 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %SHDATCG 8507382 %RhiHer %GLD 8497178 8490781 8507720 8510198 %Kares 8499240 8493705 8509665 8512151 8512593 # Alt Name: Corvus Belli's Infinity Kameel Remotes (TeveshCKP) 8489176 : 8494523 8497913 8494156 8499778 8512590 8489592 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8499693 8496913 8511217 8505765 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506718 8492606 %Marip %OtUL %RedRis 8498732 8507896 8505230 # Village Attacks (TeveshCKP) 8493730 : 8494523 8497913 8494156 8499778 8512590 8489592 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 # Hansa Teutonica (TeveshCKP) 8493732 : 8494523 8497913 8494156 8499778 8512590 8489592 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8499693 8496913 8511217 8505765 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Mountains of Madness (TeveshCKP) 8493734 : 8494523 8497913 8494156 8499778 8512590 8489592 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8499693 8496913 8511217 8505765 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506718 8492606 %Marip %OtUL %RedRis 8498732 8507896 8505230 8511715 %TheNet %SpeOps 8490141 %WhiSto 8489481 8507905 8491889 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Shadowrift (TeveshCKP) 8493735 : 8494523 8497913 8494156 8499778 8512590 8489592 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8499693 8496913 8511217 8505765 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8506718 8492606 %Marip %OtUL %RedRis 8498732 8507896 8505230 8511715 %TheNet %SpeOps 8490141 %WhiSto 8489481 8507905 8491889 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512137 8512446 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 #pragma user "The Barefoot Killer" # Confirmation code: adfUZEIqSZBU7UXXkTOkJQ # Fri Oct 1 14:04:22 2021 # Earth Reborn (The Barefoot Killer) 8510654 : 8490442 8492873 8512297 8511836 8494106 8505873 8503635 8490123 8507944 8509719 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511915 8512335 8502937 # Wrasslin' (The Barefoot Killer) 8510658 : 8490442 8492873 8512297 8511836 8494106 8505873 8503635 8490123 8507944 8509719 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511915 8512335 8502937 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8508598 8508699 8509954 8489187 8494523 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8503023 8505870 8507410 8499812 8489597 8504765 8512362 8499609 8507499 8511235 8490791 8508620 8493155 8501766 8489780 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8497167 8497950 8502438 8505763 8508829 8500534 8494551 8500577 8512504 8489533 8500576 8510652 8508628 8509677 8512550 8507529 8507478 8507468 8506718 8494160 8507732 8494545 8490135 8503889 8505866 8507497 8496690 8496356 8490031 8495260 8491833 8492638 8500555 8500531 8507408 8510924 8510197 8494289 8511917 8494012 8504416 8510810 8506326 8499995 8501499 8506542 8489254 8499301 8500260 8503786 8506440 8512081 8489196 8489582 8502007 8507507 8503012 8501783 8509233 8501776 8489814 8490041 # KeyForge: Age of Ascension (The Barefoot Killer) 8511051 : 8490442 8492873 8512297 8511836 8494106 8505873 8503635 8490123 8507944 8509719 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511915 8512335 8502937 8503891 8510030 8495180 8507353 8508598 8508699 8509954 8489187 8494523 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8489280 8490926 8497070 8503023 8505870 8507410 8499812 8489597 8504765 8512362 8499609 8507499 8511235 8490791 8508620 8493155 8501766 8489780 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8497167 8497950 8502438 8505763 8508829 8500534 8494551 8500577 8512504 8489533 8500576 8510652 8508628 8509677 8512550 8507529 8507478 8507468 8506718 8494160 8507732 8494545 8490135 8503889 8505866 8507497 8496690 8496356 8490031 8495260 8491833 8492638 8500555 8500531 8507408 8510924 8510197 8494289 8511917 8494012 8504416 8510810 8506326 8499995 8501499 8506542 8489254 8499301 8500260 8503786 8506440 8512081 8489196 8489582 8502007 8507507 8503012 8501783 8509233 8501776 # DropMix (The Barefoot Killer) 8511088 : 8490442 8492873 8512297 8511836 8494106 8505873 8503635 8490123 8507944 8509719 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8511915 8512335 8502937 #pragma user "the_boy_who_lived" # Confirmation code: 7yKq0rnR/g3BgGdW9zpi3g # Sun Oct 3 21:38:03 2021 # Caverna: The Cave Farmers (the_boy_who_lived) 8493405 : 8501467 8494160 8512537 8500867 8501284 8512488 8511245 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8500851 8502137 8509741 8489884 8512589 8503786 8506440 8512081 # Shogun (the_boy_who_lived) 8493456 : 8501467 8494160 8512537 8500867 8501284 8512488 8511245 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8500851 8502137 8509741 8489884 8512589 8503786 8506440 8512081 8508847 8490662 8492273 8490828 8495409 8509759 8511675 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8489193 8499386 8496947 8509719 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8500255 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 8496003 8510930 8497144 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500560 8508583 8489592 8502219 8500003 8500387 8506746 8500522 8502332 8497152 # Concordia (the_boy_who_lived) 8494126 : 8501467 8494160 8512537 8500867 8501284 8512488 8511245 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8500851 8502137 8509741 8489884 8512589 8503786 8506440 8512081 8508847 8490662 8492273 8490828 8495409 8509759 8511675 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8489193 8499386 # Cry Havoc (the_boy_who_lived) 8494139 : 8501467 8494160 8512537 8500867 8501284 8512488 8511245 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8500851 8502137 8509741 8489884 8512589 8503786 8506440 8512081 8508847 8490662 8492273 8490828 8495409 8509759 8511675 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8489193 8499386 8496947 8509719 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8500255 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 8496003 8510930 8497144 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (the_boy_who_lived) 8494140 : 8501467 8494160 8512537 8500867 8501284 8512488 8511245 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8500851 8502137 8509741 8489884 8512589 8503786 8506440 8512081 8508847 8490662 8492273 8490828 8495409 8509759 8511675 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8489193 8499386 8496947 8509719 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8500255 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 8496003 8510930 8497144 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500560 8508583 8489592 8502219 8500003 8500387 8506746 8500522 8502332 8497152 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509365 8511234 8491877 8503693 8511086 8509665 8509777 8489141 8493042 8499745 8500931 8493705 8512593 # Race for the Galaxy (the_boy_who_lived) 8500498 : 8501467 8494160 8512537 8500867 8501284 8512488 8511245 8502512 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8500851 8502137 8509741 8489884 8512589 8503786 8506440 8512081 8508847 8490662 8492273 8490828 8495409 8509759 8511675 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8489193 8499386 8496947 8509719 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8500255 8508964 8511594 8512086 8492224 8496003 8510930 8497144 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500560 8508583 8489592 8502219 #pragma user "thechampz" # Confirmation code: 4KSeez/ZH5o6nIy3FsI5Lw # Sun Oct 3 20:43:18 2021 # (thechampz) %20GC : 8493705 8512151 8512479 8512593 # (thechampz) %30GC : 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 # (thechampz) %40GC : 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # (thechampz) %50GC : 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 # (thechampz) %60GC : 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 # (thechampz) %AACBaS : 8500820 8500960 # (thechampz) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (thechampz) %BraLan : 8492275 8509746 # (thechampz) %DinIsl : 8490023 8490027 # (thechampz) %DunImp : 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (thechampz) %FlaRou : 8490398 8491252 # (thechampz) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (thechampz) %ModArt : 8489195 8496996 # (thechampz) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 # (thechampz) %SoN : 8489578 8490154 8506968 # (thechampz) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 8497070 # Android: Netrunner (thechampz) 8505573 : # Sonar (thechampz) 8505579 : %AFfO 8489450 %Wings 8503023 8489986 8505879 %BraLan %DunImp 8509166 %FlaRou 8491912 %ModArt %DinIsl 8509892 8512421 8511916 %AACBaS %SoN %Halle 8490762 8493724 8510657 8500081 %NYZ 8490896 8511921 8502982 8497067 8504913 %20GC %30GC %40GC %50GC %60GC #pragma user "theseventensplit" # Confirmation code: 523vCAZ80tBF5sYSb6JP7g # Sun Oct 3 17:53:19 2021 # (theseventensplit) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (theseventensplit) %ASP : 8497152 8507436 # (theseventensplit) %ArkHor : 8489993 8495976 # (theseventensplit) %BRAoCG : 8490874 8508767 8508927 # (theseventensplit) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 # (theseventensplit) %BttFDTT : 8489321 8495207 # (theseventensplit) %CTCF : 8492162 8494955 # (theseventensplit) %Calico : 8491877 8503693 # (theseventensplit) %CoC : 8496028 8502170 8508914 # (theseventensplit) %CofRoa : 8489897 8505106 # (theseventensplit) %Conco : 8489884 8494126 8496947 # (theseventensplit) %Cubit : 8491883 8503439 # (theseventensplit) %CurCar : # (theseventensplit) %DicFor : 8497003 8504513 # (theseventensplit) %DisVil : 8504416 8510810 # (theseventensplit) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (theseventensplit) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 8508847 # (theseventensplit) %GWT : 8489609 8490195 8489193 8489450 8490313 8493175 # (theseventensplit) %GalTru : 8496689 8498733 8508734 # (theseventensplit) %HA : 8497071 8505858 # (theseventensplit) %HPHB : 8503192 8507166 # (theseventensplit) %HonBuz : 8500003 8504430 # (theseventensplit) %KDE : 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8512069 # (theseventensplit) %LasWil : 8499687 8510941 # (theseventensplit) %MilBla : 8492158 8492329 # (theseventensplit) %NYZ : 8503678 8509177 # (theseventensplit) %NewFro : 8493151 8497914 # (theseventensplit) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (theseventensplit) %PARKS : 8501501 8509166 # (theseventensplit) %Photo : 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 # (theseventensplit) %PowGri : 8505870 8507410 # (theseventensplit) %RftG : 8506883 8500498 8500560 8507439 # (theseventensplit) %RftG2 : 8503907 8509823 8511206 # (theseventensplit) %SCE : 8490814 8506518 # (theseventensplit) %SmaInc : 8490762 8492276 8507193 8507433 # (theseventensplit) %SpaAle : 8502248 8508829 # (theseventensplit) %SpiIsl : 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 # (theseventensplit) %Splen : 8491912 8501606 8504583 # (theseventensplit) %StoAge : 8492125 8493005 # (theseventensplit) %T7C : 8504853 8509739 # (theseventensplit) %TCoT : 8494677 8497633 8511734 # (theseventensplit) %TGTFoA : 8494160 8507732 # (theseventensplit) %TerMar : 8503891 8510030 # (theseventensplit) %Tikal : 8507948 8508638 # (theseventensplit) %VGW : 8512590 8489103 8490872 # (theseventensplit) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 8497070 # (theseventensplit) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 8500586 # (theseventensplit) %XTBG : 8496125 8501572 8505729 # Android: Netrunner (theseventensplit) 8490838 : 8511235 8493187 8489389 %DunImp 8501284 %RftG %RftG2 8489254 8489196 %Wings %Everd 8511889 8497164 %HonBuz %ASP %OCoEaE %PARKS %XLoaDS 8494084 %NewFro %Calico 8490240 8500623 8494289 8489217 8500522 8494545 %MilBla %Cubit 8503114 %HPHB 8497135 %CoC %NYZ %Splen 8488918 %SCE %GWT 8494074 8490070 8490083 %BttFDTT 8490214 %VGW 8496912 8497156 8497078 %TerMar 8507353 %SpiIsl %CTCF %Conco %PowGri %T7C 8499100 8490828 8504765 8492224 8493725 8504685 8496094 %SpaAle 8504804 8498508 %Photo %LasWil %ArkHor %SmaInc 8507949 %DicFor 8509885 8499693 8503458 8511245 %XTBG %DisVil 8507388 8511634 8490845 8489484 8489599 8502512 8504904 8509741 8511910 %BraBir 8490802 %TGTFoA 8502994 # Plague Inc.: The Board Game (theseventensplit) 8503741 : 8511235 8493187 8489389 %DunImp 8501284 %RftG %RftG2 8489254 8489196 %Wings %Everd 8511889 8497164 %HonBuz %ASP %OCoEaE %PARKS %XLoaDS 8494084 %NewFro 8490240 8500623 8494289 8489217 8500522 %GalTru 8494545 %MilBla %Cubit 8503114 %HPHB 8497135 %CoC %NYZ %Splen 8488918 %SCE 8494074 8490070 8490083 %BttFDTT 8490214 %VGW %AFfO 8496912 8497156 8497078 8489288 %StoAge %TerMar 8507353 %SpiIsl %CTCF %Conco %PowGri %T7C 8499100 8490828 8504765 8492224 8493725 8504685 8496094 %SpaAle 8504804 8498508 %Photo %LasWil %ArkHor %SmaInc 8507949 %DicFor 8509885 8499693 8503458 8511245 %XTBG %DisVil 8507388 8511634 8490845 8489484 8489599 8502512 8504904 8509741 8511910 8509721 8511747 %Tikal %KDE %HA 8511790 %CofRoa 8511912 %TCoT 8508623 8502519 8502081 8503609 8505765 8506714 8506726 8510150 8511236 %BRAoCG 8504515 #pragma user "TheShobo" # Confirmation code: fGHCOCPLA946wUSknGZwGw # Sun Oct 3 14:14:26 2021 # (TheShobo) %EMA : 8489028 8489205 8496683 # (TheShobo) %YDMS : 8506831 8507651 # DRCongo (TheShobo) 8500268 : 8511910 8507529 8497135 8508598 8507712 8512585 8490199 8501284 %YDMS 8502994 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 # Divinity Derby (TheShobo) 8500271 : 8511910 8507529 8497135 8508598 8507712 8512585 8490199 8501284 %YDMS 8502994 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505854 %EMA 8505765 8506726 8508644 8510904 8490214 # Evil High Priest (TheShobo) 8500272 : 8511910 8507529 8497135 8508598 8507712 8512585 8490199 8501284 %YDMS 8502994 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 # Sorcerer City (TheShobo) 8500274 : 8511910 8507529 8497135 # Spirit Island: Promo Pack 2 (TheShobo) 8500275 : 8511910 8507529 8497135 8508598 8507712 8512585 8490199 8501284 %YDMS 8502994 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505854 %EMA 8505765 8506726 8508644 8510904 8490214 8498732 8503894 8498492 # Evacuate! (TheShobo) 8500279 : 8511910 8507529 8497135 8508598 8507712 8512585 8490199 8501284 %YDMS 8502994 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8500260 8501380 8503609 8506714 8510150 8507504 8505854 %EMA 8505765 8506726 8508644 8510904 #pragma user "thetba" # Confirmation code: biox5telMA4ygUwyPeCvzA # Fri Oct 1 03:16:26 2021 # Kanban: Driver's Edition (thetba) 8512069 : 8508598 8508699 8509954 8489187 8500168 8500851 8502137 8495224 8493010 8502251 8511912 8505846 8512350 8505164 8507151 8503076 8509159 8497135 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8489319 8509741 8512537 # Legacy: Gears of Time (thetba) 8512071 : 8508598 8508699 8509954 8489187 8500168 8500851 8502137 8495224 8493010 8502251 8511912 8505846 8512350 8505164 8507151 8503076 8509159 8497135 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8489319 8509741 8512537 8511109 8507722 8510738 8492239 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Lift Off (thetba) 8512073 : 8508598 8508699 8509954 8489187 8500168 8500851 8502137 8495224 8493010 8502251 8511912 8505846 8512350 8505164 8507151 8503076 8509159 8497135 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8489319 8509741 8512537 8511109 8507722 8510738 8492239 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8493415 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Via Appia (thetba) 8512075 : 8508598 8508699 8509954 8489187 8500168 8500851 8502137 8495224 8493010 8502251 8511912 8505846 8512350 8505164 8507151 8503076 8509159 8497135 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8489319 8509741 8512537 8511109 8507722 8510738 8492239 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8493415 #pragma user "tikitack" # Confirmation code: RLPX3KeKMeGvxOIGCg9ltQ # Sat Oct 2 01:04:54 2021 # (tikitack) %AA1 : 8491655 8491750 8492462 # (tikitack) %Azul : 8500522 8502332 # (tikitack) %BlaSon : 8493212 8504969 # (tikitack) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (tikitack) %BraLan : 8492275 8498739 8509746 # (tikitack) %CISADA : 8493193 8498656 # (tikitack) %DicCit : 8490780 # (tikitack) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (tikitack) %GaiPro : 8490442 8492873 8512297 # (tikitack) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (tikitack) %KBaS : 8490192 8500000 8502994 # (tikitack) %Kingd : 8500547 8509652 8512472 # (tikitack) %PTFoRB : 8507508 8511722 # (tikitack) %River : 8500409 8501786 # (tikitack) %S2e : 8490457 8512525 # (tikitack) %Santo : 8489141 8493042 8499745 8500931 # (tikitack) %Scythe : 8495180 8507353 # (tikitack) %T7CWGUMCD : 8504853 8509740 8512258 # (tikitack) %TCoG : 8491892 8501613 8507517 # (tikitack) %TE : 8504890 8504891 # (tikitack) %TanGar : 8492167 8496234 # (tikitack) %TtRNC : 8489914 8512595 # (tikitack) %UFS : 8488947 8493689 8500482 8504925 # (tikitack) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 8500586 # Field Commander: Napoleon (tikitack) 8512312 : %XLoaDS %KBaS 8501284 8510212 8511910 %Scythe %GaiPro %BraBir 8494551 %PTFoRB 8489254 8498195 8499301 8511634 8512518 8507588 %T7CWGUMCD # Sid Meier's Civilization: The Boardgame (tikitack) 8512319 : %XLoaDS %KBaS 8501284 8510212 8511910 %Scythe %GaiPro %BraBir 8494551 %PTFoRB 8489254 8498195 8499301 8511634 8512518 8507588 %T7CWGUMCD 8489884 %TE 8504954 8492224 %BraLan %DunImp %TCoG 8491743 %TtRNC %ImpCla 8511245 8495201 8494138 8500621 8502483 8489593 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8507404 8488920 8498640 8512359 8507582 8496667 8490452 %CISADA 8491908 8491727 8504430 8502391 8503433 8503672 8497037 %S2e %TanGar %DicCit %River 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512446 8500504 %AA1 8490447 # Wallenstein Big Box (tikitack) 8512335 : %XLoaDS %KBaS 8501284 8510212 8511910 # Infinite City (tikitack) 8512344 : %XLoaDS %KBaS 8501284 8510212 8511910 %Scythe %GaiPro %BraBir 8494551 %PTFoRB 8489254 8498195 8499301 8511634 8512518 8507588 %T7CWGUMCD 8489884 %TE 8504954 8492224 %BraLan %DunImp %TCoG 8491743 %TtRNC %ImpCla 8511245 8495201 8494138 8500621 8502483 8489593 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8507404 8488920 8498640 8512359 8507582 8496667 # Uchronia (tikitack) 8512346 : %XLoaDS %KBaS 8501284 8510212 8511910 %Scythe %GaiPro %BraBir 8494551 %PTFoRB 8489254 8498195 8499301 8511634 8512518 8507588 %T7CWGUMCD 8489884 %TE 8504954 8492224 %BraLan %DunImp %TCoG 8491743 %TtRNC %ImpCla 8511245 8495201 8494138 8500621 8502483 8489593 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8507404 8488920 8498640 8512359 8507582 8496667 8490452 %CISADA 8491908 8491727 8504430 8502391 8503433 8503672 8497037 %S2e %TanGar %DicCit %River 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512446 8500504 %AA1 8490447 %Azul 8489470 %Santo 8497152 %UFS %Kingd 8503894 8509665 8512137 8512151 8512593 %BlaSon 8500275 8509728 8490898 8490449 8489198 8490492 8493705 # Lagoon: Land of Druids (tikitack) 8512348 : %XLoaDS %KBaS 8501284 8510212 8511910 %Scythe %GaiPro %BraBir 8494551 %PTFoRB 8489254 8498195 8499301 8511634 8512518 8507588 %T7CWGUMCD 8489884 %TE 8504954 8492224 %BraLan %DunImp %TCoG 8491743 %TtRNC %ImpCla 8511245 8495201 8494138 8500621 8502483 8489593 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8507404 8488920 8498640 8512359 8507582 8496667 8490452 %CISADA 8491908 8491727 8504430 8502391 8503433 8503672 8497037 %S2e %TanGar %DicCit %River 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512446 8500504 %AA1 8490447 %Azul 8489470 %Santo 8497152 %UFS %Kingd 8503894 8509665 8512137 8512151 8512593 %BlaSon 8500275 8509728 8490898 8490449 8489198 8490492 8493705 # The Battle of Tours, 732 A.D. (tikitack) 8512358 : %XLoaDS %KBaS 8501284 8510212 8511910 %Scythe %GaiPro %BraBir 8494551 %PTFoRB 8489254 8498195 8499301 8511634 8512518 8507588 %T7CWGUMCD 8489884 %TE 8504954 8492224 %BraLan %DunImp %TCoG 8491743 %TtRNC %ImpCla 8511245 8495201 8494138 8500621 8502483 8489593 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506440 8506714 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510150 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512143 8512322 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512533 8512540 8512588 8507404 8488920 8498640 8512359 8507582 8496667 8490452 %CISADA 8491908 8491727 8504430 8502391 8503433 8503672 8497037 %S2e %TanGar %DicCit %River 8491609 8498732 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8511882 8512446 8500504 %AA1 8490447 %Azul 8489470 %Santo 8497152 %UFS %Kingd 8503894 8509665 8512137 8512151 8512593 %BlaSon 8500275 8509728 8490898 #pragma user "tillermelnyk" # Confirmation code: 2s8JY/ewNJTcKz2wOqnrIg # Fri Oct 1 11:48:25 2021 # (tillermelnyk) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (tillermelnyk) %AlmMat : 8490796 8502468 8505844 # (tillermelnyk) %BGTBG : 8500777 8509870 # (tillermelnyk) %BlaAng : 8490240 8512298 # (tillermelnyk) %BloRag : 8499811 # (tillermelnyk) %BraBir : 8492273 8507539 # (tillermelnyk) %BraLan : 8492275 8509746 # (tillermelnyk) %Chart : 8494287 8495982 # (tillermelnyk) %CoE : 8490018 8504786 8504860 # (tillermelnyk) %CooIsl : 8489184 8505852 # (tillermelnyk) %Cycla : 8490523 # (tillermelnyk) %DSM : 8494853 8495247 # (tillermelnyk) %DicCit : 8502483 # (tillermelnyk) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 # (tillermelnyk) %ECE : 8509741 8512537 # (tillermelnyk) %EtN : 8499695 8501570 # (tillermelnyk) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 # (tillermelnyk) %FH2 : 8491373 # (tillermelnyk) %FacFun : 8490158 8502045 # (tillermelnyk) %FanFac : 8502055 8512568 # (tillermelnyk) %FraDra : 8493133 8503884 # (tillermelnyk) %GMIC : 8490802 8511855 # (tillermelnyk) %GaiPro : 8490442 8512297 # (tillermelnyk) %Ggng : 8495224 8507389 # (tillermelnyk) %HA : 8497071 8505858 # (tillermelnyk) %HoLAS : 8498481 8500545 # (tillermelnyk) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (tillermelnyk) %Inis : 8492922 8504954 # (tillermelnyk) %KBaS : 8490192 8500000 8502994 # (tillermelnyk) %Keyfl : 8489597 8504765 # (tillermelnyk) %LoW : 8489211 # (tillermelnyk) %MarUni : 8505008 8512459 8512474 # (tillermelnyk) %Monta : 8492260 8494961 # (tillermelnyk) %NDE : 8489034 8506499 # (tillermelnyk) %NEOM : 8512347 8512461 # (tillermelnyk) %OtUL : 8489453 8491330 # (tillermelnyk) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 # (tillermelnyk) %Panam : 8489104 8500354 # (tillermelnyk) %Ragusa : 8489880 8505111 # (tillermelnyk) %SCE : 8490814 8506518 # (tillermelnyk) %SWIA : 8494040 8495243 8501411 # (tillermelnyk) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (tillermelnyk) %SmaInc : 8490762 # (tillermelnyk) %SpiIsl : 8504968 8507363 # (tillermelnyk) %TCoG : 8501613 # (tillermelnyk) %TOotS : 8494088 8501961 # (tillermelnyk) %TTIE : 8507516 8511738 # (tillermelnyk) %TanGar : 8492167 8496234 # (tillermelnyk) %TheCol : 8489544 8490544 8494728 # (tillermelnyk) %Trajan : 8505879 # (tillermelnyk) %TtRE : 8496688 8500577 # (tillermelnyk) %WEDS : 8490332 8502152 # (tillermelnyk) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 # (tillermelnyk) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 # Eclipse (tillermelnyk) 8501766 : 8502478 # Suburbia (tillermelnyk) 8501781 : 8502478 %AFfO 8494551 8507529 8507944 %KBaS %SCE 8511910 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8509954 8512488 8512589 8489389 %SWIA 8490027 8504423 8499686 8512123 8512535 8511916 8511724 %SmaInc 8511912 8512350 8489254 8499301 8507355 8502990 # Riverboat (tillermelnyk) 8501786 : 8502478 %AFfO 8494551 8507529 8507944 %KBaS %SCE 8511910 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8509954 8512488 8512589 8489389 %SWIA 8490027 8504423 8499686 8512123 8512535 8511916 8511724 %SmaInc 8511912 8512350 8489254 8499301 8507355 8502990 8503786 8506440 8512081 %BloRag 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8503158 %Keyfl 8490807 %BraLan %DunImp 8507435 8500255 %BGTBG %TCoG 8512504 8494545 %PCR %WhiMou 8509932 8500555 %TOotS 8497135 %DSM 8495231 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8512564 8492204 8490148 8506815 %GaiPro %BlaAng %ECE # Imperial Settlers (tillermelnyk) 8501789 : 8502478 %AFfO 8494551 8507529 8507944 %KBaS %SCE 8511910 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8509954 8512488 8512589 8489389 %SWIA 8490027 8504423 8499686 8512123 8512535 8511916 8511724 %SmaInc 8511912 8512350 8489254 8499301 8507355 8502990 8503786 8506440 8512081 %BloRag 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8503158 %Keyfl 8490807 %BraLan %DunImp 8507435 8500255 %BGTBG %TCoG 8512504 8494545 %PCR %WhiMou 8509932 8500555 %TOotS 8497135 %DSM 8495231 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8512564 8492204 8490148 8506815 8491351 %GaiPro %BlaAng %ECE # Guilds of London (tillermelnyk) 8501794 : 8502478 %AFfO 8494551 8507529 8507944 %KBaS %SCE 8511910 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8509954 8512488 8512589 8489389 %SWIA 8490027 8504423 8499686 8512123 8512535 8511916 8511724 %SmaInc 8511912 8512350 8489254 8499301 8507355 8502990 8503786 8506440 8512081 %BloRag 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8503158 %Keyfl 8490807 %BraLan %DunImp 8507435 8500255 %BGTBG %TCoG 8512504 8494545 %PCR %WhiMou 8509932 8500555 %TOotS 8497135 %DSM 8495231 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8512564 8492204 8490148 8506815 8491351 8508964 8511594 8512086 %SpiIsl %Wings %Everd %BraBir 8503023 8507410 %Inis %LoW 8509714 %Cycla %SleGod 8511121 %Trajan 8508620 8512226 8507517 8491776 %TtRE 8510652 8496218 %GMIC 8510945 8492927 8489117 8509933 8504885 8504430 8507433 %Chart %HA 8490485 8492953 %Ggng %FraDra 8510930 %ImpCla %Panam 8510936 %HoLAS 8512121 8505846 8505164 %CooIsl %WEDS 8498633 %TheCol 8506225 %CoE 8500501 8489600 %EtN 8494138 %TanGar %AlmMat 8510034 8502519 %TTIE %DicCit %OtUL 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %NEOM 8512569 %Ragusa 8509945 8511915 %Monta %NDE 8509174 8489296 8506226 %GaiPro %BlaAng %ECE # A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) (tillermelnyk) 8501797 : 8502478 %AFfO 8494551 8507529 8507944 %KBaS %SCE 8511910 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8509954 8512488 8512589 8489389 %SWIA 8490027 8504423 8499686 8512123 8512535 8511916 8511724 %SmaInc 8511912 8512350 8489254 8499301 8507355 8502990 8503786 8506440 8512081 %BloRag 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8503158 %Keyfl 8490807 %BraLan %DunImp 8507435 8500255 %BGTBG %TCoG 8512504 8494545 %PCR %WhiMou 8509932 8500555 %TOotS 8497135 %DSM 8495231 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8512564 8492204 8490148 8506815 8491351 8508964 8511594 8512086 %SpiIsl %Wings %Everd %BraBir 8503023 8507410 %Inis %LoW 8509714 %Cycla %SleGod 8511121 %Trajan 8508620 8512226 8507517 8491776 %TtRE 8510652 8496218 %GMIC 8510945 8492927 8489117 8509933 8504885 8504430 8507433 %Chart %HA 8490485 8492953 %Ggng %FraDra 8510930 %ImpCla %Panam 8510936 %HoLAS 8512121 8505846 8505164 %CooIsl %WEDS 8498633 %TheCol 8506225 %CoE 8500501 8489600 %EtN 8494138 %TanGar %AlmMat 8510034 8502519 %TTIE %DicCit %OtUL 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 %NEOM 8512569 %Ragusa 8509945 8511915 %Monta %NDE 8509174 8489296 8506226 8500387 8506746 8490214 8510657 %FanFac 8496683 8490782 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 %MarUni %FacFun 8496091 8501554 8507741 %FH2 %GaiPro %BlaAng %ECE #pragma user "Tmcgaughey84" # Confirmation code: VOCPOAbbL0vUZ165E6ZJJA # Fri Oct 1 10:32:56 2021 # Clue: The Walking Dead (Tmcgaughey84) 8489454 : 8503891 8504968 8507363 8489193 8489609 8494523 8499100 8501781 8494106 8499236 8511190 8510030 8495180 8507353 8504822 8508598 8508699 8497008 8509954 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489450 8507072 8496001 8489280 8503023 8489389 8504890 8504891 8504954 8503907 8504853 8497891 8489597 8504765 8505855 8496689 8498733 8508734 8499609 8500532 8501517 8490114 8494842 8504708 8507472 8507499 8508701 8489427 8495196 8496686 8507426 8508620 8508850 8492275 8498739 8508961 8509746 8506855 8490078 8498734 8509774 8501525 8497167 8497950 8502438 8495217 8496074 8499130 8510672 8500599 8489059 8495194 8497164 8502248 8508829 8512425 8496036 8502216 8489252 8508838 8505002 8494551 8507517 8507467 8500517 8507951 8509892 8507669 8489799 8496113 8501789 8502121 8506951 8509859 8500261 8493738 8500937 8510661 8496003 8504804 8489533 8496215 8497908 8509829 8508628 8509677 8492282 8493456 8489141 8498758 8499745 8500931 8507478 8498508 8489081 8500559 8508845 8510945 8494283 8504436 8507186 8499687 8489601 8490184 8498649 8504503 8489400 8492996 8494144 8508605 8497152 8507436 8489117 8509292 8510396 8511109 8501293 8502058 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8508608 8508702 8511798 8494586 8502226 8503889 8509733 8489606 8489288 8496070 8488918 8500623 8500624 8495976 8507722 8489014 8505732 8500693 8491833 8496998 8505854 8509639 8507471 8508709 %8490751 8490849 8504456 8499998 8502391 8510804 8493151 8497914 8504865 8504558 8505750 8489897 8505106 8503114 8490805 8490896 8490155 8499691 8494726 8490070 8503899 8489281 8500613 8508621 8507166 8507714 8501288 8509719 8501955 8506956 8490150 8494549 8496537 8505164 8502057 8507392 8507415 8490769 8490332 8502152 8507008 8495229 8494086 8495205 8507151 8510654 8500553 8505664 8489544 8510036 8490018 8504786 8504860 8506863 8490177 8491874 8492091 8494139 8494542 8500774 8502164 8490782 8509953 8507469 8508634 8498627 8489600 8505794 8500612 8507339 8490043 8490457 8502231 8511745 8504416 8501286 8500554 8502089 8488951 8506970 8496133 8489608 8499661 8502211 8502417 8490553 8491591 8492892 8494284 8495230 8509883 8509666 8500383 8490780 8502483 8503488 8504884 8500005 8491971 8494720 8500527 8489167 8489254 8489481 8491480 8491567 8491618 8491999 8492017 8492301 8492620 8492652 8494133 8495231 8495383 8497526 8498195 8498573 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501315 8501380 8501630 8501686 8501877 8502982 8503132 8503222 8503609 8503638 8503675 8503786 8504739 8504798 8505765 8506440 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509738 8509777 8509922 8510041 8510060 8510150 8510816 8511138 8511175 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8511923 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8506223 8506953 8511118 8489478 8504585 8490103 8489095 8495204 8492548 8507381 8491653 8495263 8506482 8508604 8506681 8504546 8510775 8489103 8490872 8489322 8507357 8490093 8497178 8510491 8491655 8491750 8492462 8489290 8504771 8507270 8507273 8502937 8509999 8508619 # Cartagena 2. The Pirate's Nest (Tmcgaughey84) 8489456 : 8503891 8504968 8507363 8489193 8489609 8494523 8499100 8501781 8494106 8499236 8511190 8510030 8495180 8507353 8504822 8508598 8508699 8497008 8509954 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489450 8507072 8496001 8489280 8503023 8489389 8504890 8504891 8504954 8503907 8504853 8497891 8489597 8504765 8505855 8496689 8498733 8508734 8499609 8500532 8501517 8490114 8494842 8504708 8507472 8507499 8508701 8489427 8495196 8496686 8507426 8508620 8508850 8492275 8498739 8508961 8509746 8506855 8490078 8498734 8509774 8501525 8497167 8497950 8502438 8495217 8496074 8499130 8510672 8500599 8489059 8495194 8497164 8502248 8508829 8512425 8496036 8502216 8489252 8508838 8505002 8494551 8507517 8507467 8500517 8507951 8509892 8507669 8489799 8496113 8501789 8502121 8506951 8509859 8500261 8493738 8500937 8510661 8496003 8504804 8489533 8496215 8497908 8509829 8508628 8509677 8492282 8493456 8489141 8498758 8499745 8500931 8507478 8498508 8489081 8500559 8508845 8510945 8494283 8504436 8507186 8499687 8489601 8490184 8498649 8504503 8489400 8492996 8494144 8508605 8497152 8507436 8489117 8509292 8510396 8511109 8501293 8502058 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8508608 8508702 8511798 8494586 8502226 8503889 8509733 8489606 8489288 8496070 8488918 8500623 8500624 8495976 8507722 8489014 8505732 8500693 8491833 8496998 8505854 8509639 8507471 8508709 %8490751 8490849 8504456 8499998 8502391 8510804 8493151 8497914 8504865 8504558 8505750 8489897 8505106 8503114 8490805 8490896 8490155 8499691 8494726 8490070 8503899 8489281 8500613 8508621 8507166 8507714 8501288 8509719 8501955 8506956 8490150 8494549 8496537 8505164 8502057 8507392 8507415 8490769 8490332 8502152 8507008 8495229 8494086 8495205 8507151 8510654 8500553 8505664 8489544 8510036 8490018 8504786 8504860 8506863 8490177 8491874 8492091 8494139 8494542 8500774 8502164 8490782 8509953 8507469 8508634 8498627 8489600 8505794 8500612 8507339 8490043 8490457 8502231 8511745 8504416 8501286 8500554 8502089 8488951 8506970 8496133 8489608 8499661 8502211 8502417 8490553 8491591 8492892 8494284 8495230 8509883 8509666 8500383 8490780 8502483 8503488 8504884 8500005 8491971 8494720 8500527 8489167 8489254 8489481 8491480 8491567 8491618 8491999 8492017 8492301 8492620 8492652 8494133 8495231 8495383 8497526 8498195 8498573 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501315 8501380 8501630 8501686 8501877 8502982 8503132 8503222 8503609 8503638 8503675 8503786 8504739 8504798 8505765 8506440 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509738 8509777 8509922 8510041 8510060 8510150 8510816 8511138 8511175 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8511923 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8506223 8506953 8511118 8489478 8504585 8490103 8489095 8495204 8492548 8507381 8491653 8495263 8506482 8508604 8506681 8504546 8510775 8489103 8490872 8489322 8507357 8490093 8497178 8510491 8491655 8491750 8492462 8489290 8504771 8507270 8507273 8502937 8509999 8508619 # Alt Name: Oldies but Goodies Bundle (Tmcgaughey84) 8489460 : 8503891 8504968 8507363 8489193 8489609 8494523 8499100 8501781 8494106 8499236 8511190 8510030 8495180 8507353 8504822 8508598 8508699 8497008 8509954 8492162 8493405 8494955 8489450 8507072 8496001 8489280 8503023 8489389 8504890 8504891 8504954 8503907 8504853 8497891 8489597 8504765 8505855 8496689 8498733 8508734 8499609 8500532 8501517 8490114 8494842 8504708 8507472 8507499 8508701 8489427 8495196 8496686 8507426 8508620 8508850 8492275 8498739 8508961 8509746 8506855 8490078 8498734 8509774 8501525 8497167 8497950 8502438 8495217 8496074 8499130 8510672 8500599 8489059 8495194 8497164 8502248 8508829 8512425 8496036 8502216 8489252 8508838 8505002 8494551 8507517 8507467 8500517 8507951 8509892 8507669 8489799 8496113 8501789 8502121 8506951 8509859 8500261 8493738 8500937 8510661 8496003 8504804 8489533 8496215 8497908 8509829 8508628 8509677 8492282 8493456 8489141 8498758 8499745 8500931 8507478 8498508 8489081 8500559 8508845 8510945 8494283 8504436 8507186 8499687 8489601 8490184 8498649 8504503 8489400 8492996 8494144 8508605 8497152 8507436 8489117 8509292 8510396 8511109 8501293 8502058 8497252 8505108 8507897 8509884 8508608 8508702 8511798 8494586 8502226 8503889 8509733 8489606 8489288 8496070 8488918 8500623 8500624 8495976 8507722 8489014 8505732 8500693 8491833 8496998 8505854 8509639 8507471 8508709 %8490751 8490849 8504456 8499998 8502391 8510804 8493151 8497914 8504865 8504558 8505750 8489897 8505106 8503114 8490805 8490896 8490155 8499691 8494726 8490070 8503899 8489281 8500613 8508621 8507166 8507714 8501288 8509719 8501955 8506956 8490150 8494549 8496537 8505164 8502057 8507392 8507415 8490769 8490332 8502152 8507008 8495229 8494086 8495205 8507151 8510654 8500553 8505664 8489544 8510036 8490018 8504786 8504860 8506863 8490177 8491874 8492091 8494139 8494542 8500774 8502164 8490782 8509953 8507469 8508634 8498627 8489600 8505794 8500612 8507339 8490043 8490457 8502231 8511745 8504416 8501286 8500554 8502089 8488951 8506970 8496133 8489608 8499661 8502211 8502417 8490553 8491591 8492892 8494284 8495230 8509883 8509666 8500383 8490780 8502483 8503488 8504884 8500005 8491971 8494720 8500527 8489167 8489254 8489481 8491480 8491567 8491618 8491999 8492017 8492301 8492620 8492652 8494133 8495231 8495383 8497526 8498195 8498573 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501315 8501380 8501630 8501686 8501877 8502982 8503132 8503222 8503609 8503638 8503675 8503786 8504739 8504798 8505765 8506440 8506726 8507388 8507504 8508964 8509665 8509738 8509777 8509922 8510041 8510060 8510150 8510816 8511138 8511175 8511236 8511594 8511634 8511882 8511923 8512081 8512086 8512089 8512137 8512143 8512151 8512322 8512446 8512479 8512483 8512512 8512518 8512533 8512540 8506223 8506953 8511118 8489478 8504585 8490103 8489095 8495204 8492548 8507381 8491653 8495263 8506482 8508604 8506681 8504546 8510775 8489103 8490872 8489322 8507357 8490093 8497178 8510491 8491655 8491750 8492462 8489290 8504771 8507270 8507273 8502937 8509999 8508619 # Alt Name: $60 CAD Gift Card (Tmcgaughey84) 8506714 : 8503891 8504968 8507363 8489193 8489609 8494523 8499100 8501781 8494106 8499236 8511190 # Note: The following 1 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want The Downfall of Pompeii (Tmcgaughey84) %8490751 : 8490751-COPY1 8490751-COPY2 #pragma user "TnT!" # Confirmation code: hTRMlssqlQIdkowjLQ10dw # Sun Oct 3 19:08:03 2021 # (TnT!) %DunPet : 8496094 8512226 # (TnT!) %Friday : 8498727 8498740 8500490 8509325 # (TnT!) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (TnT!) %STP : 8505547 8508826 # (TnT!) %Subur : 8498734 8501781 # (TnT!) %UFS : 8488947 8493689 8500482 # Pandemic: Hot Zone – North America (TnT!) 8499345 : 8492638 8500621 8500368 8506859 8510205 8507404 8498738 8510904 %UFS 8512432 8490163 8504109 %PARKS 8511918 %STP 8490062 %Friday 8502001 8490204 8496116 # Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! – Russia 1941-42 (TnT!) 8499351 : 8492638 8500621 8500368 8506859 8510205 8507404 8498738 8510904 8505765 8506726 8507504 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %UFS 8512432 8504109 8511918 8508964 %STP 8490062 8500560 8500555 8512483 8512588 8504717 8494137 # Quarriors! (TnT!) 8499355 : 8492638 8500621 8500368 8506859 8510205 8500867 8501284 8500260 8501877 8503786 8506440 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8507404 8498738 8510904 8505765 8506726 8507504 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Kingdom Builder (TnT!) 8500693 : 8492638 8500621 8500368 8506859 8510205 8500867 8501284 8500260 8501877 8503786 8506440 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8507404 8498738 8510904 8505765 8506726 8507504 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Hex Hex XL (TnT!) 8500706 : 8492638 8500621 8500368 8506859 8510205 8507404 8498738 8510904 %UFS 8512432 8490163 8504109 %PARKS 8508964 8512483 8512588 8490791 # Run, Fight, or Die! (TnT!) 8500710 : 8492638 8500621 8500368 8506859 8510205 8500867 8501284 8500260 8501877 8503786 8506440 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 # Zombie 15' (TnT!) 8500712 : 8492638 8500621 8500368 8506859 8510205 8500867 8501284 8500260 8501877 8503786 8506440 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8507404 8498738 8510904 8505765 8506726 8507504 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8490163 8508964 # Nemesis: Void Seeders (TnT!) 8503692 : 8492638 8500621 8500368 8506859 8510205 8500867 8501284 8500260 8501877 8503786 8506440 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 # The Adventurers: The Temple of Chac (TnT!) 8503700 : 8492638 8500621 8500368 # Alea Iacta Est (TnT!) 8505747 : # Space Cadets: Dice Duel (TnT!) 8506802 : 8492638 8500621 8500368 8506859 8510205 8500867 8501284 8500260 8501877 8503786 8506440 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8507404 8498738 8505765 8506726 8507504 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 # Stronghold (TnT!) 8506817 : 8492638 8500621 8500368 8500867 8501284 # Battue: Storm of the Horse Lords (TnT!) 8506822 : 8492638 8500621 8500368 8506859 8500867 8501284 8500260 8501877 8503786 8506440 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 # Warhammer: Battle For Skull Pass (TnT!) 8507164 : 8492638 8500621 8500368 8500867 8501284 # The Grizzled (TnT!) 8507392 : 8492638 8500621 8500368 8506859 8510205 8507404 8498738 8510904 %UFS 8512432 8490163 8504109 %PARKS 8511918 %STP 8490062 8500560 8500555 %Friday 8504717 8502001 8490204 8496116 # Warhammer: Diskwars (TnT!) 8508925 : 8492638 8500621 8500368 8506859 8510205 8500867 8501284 8500260 8501877 8503786 8506440 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 # Glory to Rome (TnT!) 8509314 : 8492638 # Ghost Stories (TnT!) 8509910 : 8492638 8500621 8500368 #pragma user "toine216" # Confirmation code: VX2/QxWGaOrq/qwfoDvB6g # Sun Oct 3 20:12:03 2021 # (toine216) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (toine216) %BTC : 8501955 8511977 # (toine216) %CADA : 8495406 8511234 # (toine216) %Cycla : 8490523 8504708 # (toine216) %Downf : 8491597 8503889 # (toine216) %FoDTE : 8509838 8511702 # (toine216) %GAH : 8490114 8494842 8512340 # (toine216) %GMIC : 8490802 8511855 # (toine216) %Hardb : 8501612 8511712 # (toine216) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (toine216) %ImpSet : 8489799 8490462 8494494 8501789 8502121 8511780 # (toine216) %Inis : 8492922 8504954 # (toine216) %LLP : 8489155 8512111 8512490 # (toine216) %LasWil : 8499687 8510941 # (toine216) %MilBla : 8492158 8492329 # (toine216) %MoMSE : 8490048 8492161 # (toine216) %NTDG : 8497141 8511718 # (toine216) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 8509177 # (toine216) %R5RoA : 8502201 8509400 # (toine216) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (toine216) %SmaInc : 8490762 8492276 8507433 # (toine216) %SpaAle : 8502248 8508829 # (toine216) %SpiIsl : 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 # (toine216) %TMPEE : 8507640 8509689 # (toine216) %TVoMP : 8510450 8512394 # (toine216) %TheEst : 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 # (toine216) %UFS : 8488947 8493689 8500482 8504925 # (toine216) %VEE : 8502511 8508664 8510029 # (toine216) %smashup : # Smash Up (toine216) 8512294 : %SpiIsl %AFfO 8509954 %VEE 8499811 8512488 %Inis 8512242 %CADA 8490828 %MoMSE 8501467 %GAH %Cycla 8503903 %SleGod 8502219 %TVoMP 8508764 8502166 %SpaAle 8508200 8507951 8491743 %ImpSet 8496215 %FoDTE 8512363 8502245 8498508 %GMIC 8505850 8510945 8506718 %TMPEE %LasWil 8488871 8492996 8489117 8491908 8504885 %Downf 8501290 %SmaInc 8504513 8492953 %UFS 8508932 %NYZ 8507647 %ImpCla %MilBla 8500556 %BTC %NTDG 8497952 8495205 %TheEst %Hardb 8490929 8506326 8508951 8501786 8511918 8497146 8499368 %LLP 8498489 %R5RoA 8500271 # Munchkin Quest (toine216) 8512302 : %SpiIsl %AFfO 8509954 %VEE 8499811 8512488 %Inis 8512242 %CADA 8490828 %MoMSE 8501467 %GAH %Cycla 8503903 %SleGod 8502219 %TVoMP 8508764 8502166 %SpaAle 8508200 8507951 8491743 %ImpSet 8496215 %FoDTE 8512363 8502245 8498508 %GMIC 8505850 8510945 8506718 %TMPEE %LasWil 8488871 8492996 8489117 8491908 8504885 %Downf 8501290 %SmaInc 8504513 8492953 %UFS 8508932 %NYZ 8507647 %ImpCla %MilBla 8500556 %BTC %NTDG 8497952 8495205 %TheEst %Hardb 8490929 8506326 8508951 8501786 8511918 8497146 8499368 %LLP 8498489 %R5RoA 8500271 8512436 # Ultimatum (toine216) 8512306 : %SpiIsl %AFfO 8509954 %VEE 8499811 8512488 %Inis 8512242 %CADA 8490828 %MoMSE 8501467 %GAH %Cycla 8503903 %SleGod 8502219 %TVoMP 8508764 8502166 %SpaAle 8508200 8507951 8491743 %ImpSet 8496215 %FoDTE 8512363 8502245 8498508 %GMIC 8505850 8510945 8506718 %TMPEE %LasWil 8488871 8492996 8489117 8491908 8504885 %Downf 8501290 %SmaInc 8504513 8492953 %UFS 8508932 %NYZ 8507647 %ImpCla %MilBla 8500556 %BTC %NTDG 8497952 8495205 %TheEst %Hardb 8490929 8506326 8508951 8501786 8511918 8497146 8499368 %LLP 8498489 %R5RoA 8500271 8512436 #pragma user "TorontoGamer" # Confirmation code: WvyVMa6kNIhyM6O/oTQopA # Fri Oct 1 10:10:05 2021 # (TorontoGamer) %AIE : 8490756 8505747 # (TorontoGamer) %AirEur : 8490504 8494150 # (TorontoGamer) %BMC : 8500531 8507408 # (TorontoGamer) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (TorontoGamer) %CoC : 8496028 8502170 8508914 8512548 # (TorontoGamer) %CoE : 8490018 8504786 8504860 8506863 # (TorontoGamer) %Conco : 8489884 8494126 # (TorontoGamer) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8509741 8512537 # (TorontoGamer) %FraDra : 8493133 8503884 # (TorontoGamer) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (TorontoGamer) %LoW : 8489211 8489740 8505863 # (TorontoGamer) %MaM : 8512225 8512528 # (TorontoGamer) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 # (TorontoGamer) %OtUL : 8489453 8491330 # (TorontoGamer) %PaxPam : 8490065 8492966 8512372 # (TorontoGamer) %Polyn : 8492991 8509945 # (TorontoGamer) %PrtPo : 8490805 8509772 # (TorontoGamer) %RedRis : 8491998 8499994 # (TorontoGamer) %SP4 : 8496133 8504743 8509171 # (TorontoGamer) %TotT : 8494293 8506823 # (TorontoGamer) %YY : 8492562 missing-official # Pendulum (TorontoGamer) 8490354 : %YY 8502478 8490199 8491743 8507497 # Freshwater Fly (TorontoGamer) 8491867 : %YY 8502478 # Radetzky: Milano 1848 (TorontoGamer) 8491870 : %YY 8502478 # Mariposas (TorontoGamer) 8491872 : %YY 8502478 # Cry Havoc (TorontoGamer) 8491874 : %YY 8502478 # Calico (TorontoGamer) 8491877 : %YY 8502478 8490199 8491743 8507497 %Everd # Dreamscape (TorontoGamer) 8491878 : %YY 8502478 8490199 8491743 8507497 %Everd %Polyn # Cubitos (TorontoGamer) 8491883 : %YY 8502478 8490199 8491743 8507497 %Everd # Small World of Warcraft (TorontoGamer) 8491889 : %YY 8502478 8490199 8491743 # Teotihuacan: City of Gods (TorontoGamer) 8491892 : %YY 8502478 # Doodle Dungeon (TorontoGamer) 8491902 : %YY 8502478 8490199 8491743 8507497 %Everd %Polyn 8508628 %CoC %ImpCla 8494012 8506815 # Blitzkrieg!: World War Two in 20 Minutes (TorontoGamer) 8491908 : %YY 8502478 8490199 8491743 # High Treason: The Trial of Louis Riel (TorontoGamer) 8496120 : %YY 8502478 8490199 8491743 8507497 %Everd #pragma user "toynan" # Confirmation code: RrlODsxBZXgwSmxPKRyE2Q # Sun Oct 3 15:05:38 2021 # (toynan) %CoE : 8490018 8504786 8506863 # (toynan) %FanFac : # (toynan) %GWT : 8489193 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 # (toynan) %KDE : 8497252 8507897 8512069 # The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game – The Mûmakil (toynan) 8497079 : 8494737 8494084 8489533 8490256 8509159 8500867 8501284 8494523 8491833 8491996 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492901 8503009 8510212 8503786 8512081 8504968 8507219 8508598 8508699 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493117 8507363 8493405 8490791 8504436 8506859 8512350 8503087 8497008 8504546 8507504 8512504 8499682 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8500777 8509870 8491743 8491727 8490442 8505002 8500772 8494044 8493010 8509932 8492789 8509174 8512494 8489597 8498656 8502251 8495229 8498911 8492866 8508705 8490398 8509922 8504822 8492224 8494842 8489914 8505164 8490114 8490774 8507438 8493713 8496533 8493163 8489211 8490485 8492987 8505879 8497167 8510652 8490465 8507186 8489606 8492991 8489280 8497070 8510930 8502438 8502065 8489249 8492265 8504828 8490929 8510738 8489296 8490926 8500394 8495190 8496997 8490449 8492548 8493005 8490055 8489470 8494018 8497141 %FanFac %KDE 8504386 %CoE 8512568 8499133 8506499 8511773 8489814 8490802 8502512 8500577 8500576 8508614 8507511 8504430 8497003 8507647 8504234 8490254 8508644 8511230 8512297 8508693 8503897 8507900 8508623 8497233 8512340 8500541 8500003 8503462 8509177 8509778 8511762 8492167 8497009 8509945 8492260 8490018 8492125 8504765 8500522 8502332 8504583 8491776 8500267 8512595 8512484 8500931 8510945 8497152 8507436 8492616 8503678 8490240 8500547 8504558 8509180 8495230 8509883 8495215 8504877 8508964 %8509609 8496091 8493415 8491252 8496688 8508700 8499745 8509655 8497071 8500531 8490155 8494549 8489198 8506746 8503163 8501480 8492873 8507426 8511735 8500088 8501606 8508638 8508845 8508712 8512428 8507374 8496537 8507725 8496223 8497157 8497151 8496133 8496234 8500627 8499995 8501499 8499393 8505099 8498195 8498732 8512137 8512322 8510433 8505008 8501590 8506226 8489193 8495394 8497950 8496094 8509026 8497908 8493042 8498758 8496007 8493039 8491908 8488918 8492910 8509652 8494289 8494677 8512459 8512474 8500848 8504725 8490093 8497178 8489164 8507658 # Celestia (toynan) 8497080 : 8494737 8494084 8489533 8490256 8509159 8500867 8501284 8494523 8491833 8491996 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492901 8503009 8510212 8503786 8512081 8504968 8507219 8508598 8508699 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493117 8507363 8493405 8490791 8504436 8506859 8512350 8503087 8497008 8504546 8507504 8512504 8499682 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8500777 8509870 8491743 8491727 8490442 8505002 8500772 8494044 8493010 8509932 8492789 8509174 8512494 8489597 8498656 8502251 8495229 8498911 8492866 8508705 8490398 8509922 8504822 8492224 8494842 8489914 8505164 8490114 8490774 8507438 8493713 8496533 8493163 8489211 8490485 8492987 8505879 8497167 8510652 8490465 8507186 8489606 8492991 8489280 8497070 8510930 8502438 8502065 8489249 8492265 8504828 8490929 8510738 8489296 8490926 8500394 8495190 8496997 8490449 8492548 8493005 8490055 8489470 8494018 8497141 %FanFac %KDE 8504386 %CoE 8512568 8499133 8506499 8511773 8489814 8490802 8502512 8500577 8500576 8508614 8507511 8504430 8497003 8507647 8504234 8490254 8508644 8511230 8512297 8508693 8503897 8507900 8508623 8497233 8512340 8500541 8500003 8503462 8509177 8509778 8511762 8492167 8497009 8509945 8492260 8490018 8492125 8504765 8500522 8502332 8504583 8491776 8500267 8512595 8512484 8500931 8510945 8497152 8507436 8492616 8503678 8490240 8500547 8504558 8509180 8495230 8509883 8495215 8504877 8508964 %8509609 8496091 8493415 8491252 8496688 8499745 8509655 8497071 8500531 8494549 8489198 8503163 8501480 8489187 8497151 8489103 8489014 8489154 # Summit: The Board Game – Yeti expansion (toynan) 8497081 : 8494737 8494084 8489533 8490256 8509159 8500867 8501284 8494523 8491833 8491996 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492901 8503009 8510212 8503786 8512081 8504968 8507219 8508598 8508699 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493117 8507363 8493405 8490791 8504436 8506859 8512350 8503087 8497008 8504546 8507504 8512504 8499682 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8500777 8509870 8491743 8491727 8490442 8505002 8500772 8494044 8493010 8509932 8492789 8509174 8512494 8489597 8498656 8502251 8495229 8498911 8492866 8508705 8490398 8509922 8504822 8492224 8494842 8489914 8505164 8490114 8490774 8507438 8493713 8496533 8493163 8489211 8490485 8492987 8505879 8497167 8510652 8490465 8507186 8489606 8492991 8489280 8497070 8510930 8502438 8502065 8489249 8492265 8504828 8490929 8510738 8489296 8490926 8500394 8495190 8496997 8490449 8492548 8493005 8490055 8489470 8494018 8497141 %FanFac %KDE 8504386 %CoE 8512568 8499133 8506499 8511773 8489814 8490802 8502512 8500577 8500576 8508614 8507511 8504430 8497003 8507647 8504234 8490254 8508644 8511230 8512297 8508693 8503897 8507900 8508623 8497233 8512340 8500541 8500003 8503462 8509177 8509778 8511762 8492167 8497009 8509945 8492260 8490018 8492125 8504765 8500522 8502332 8504583 8491776 8500267 8512595 8512484 8500931 8510945 8497152 8507436 8492616 8503678 8490240 8500547 8504558 8509180 8495230 8509883 8495215 8504877 8508964 %8509609 8496091 8493415 8491252 8491912 8496688 8508700 8499745 8509655 8497071 8500531 8490155 8494549 8489198 8506746 8503163 8501480 8489034 8489187 8492873 8507426 8511735 8500088 8501606 8508638 8508845 8508712 8512428 8507374 8496537 8507725 8496223 8497157 8497151 8496133 8496234 8500627 8499995 8501499 8499393 8505099 8498195 8498732 8512137 8512322 8510433 8505008 8489103 8501590 8506226 8489193 8495394 8497950 8496094 8509026 8497908 8493042 8498758 8496007 8493039 8491908 8488918 8492910 8489014 8509652 8494289 8494677 8512459 8512474 8500848 8490872 8504725 8490093 8489154 8497178 8489164 8507658 8490481 8489450 8489609 8490195 8490313 8489427 8493707 8489780 8489059 8511747 8494106 8489799 8490462 8489141 8490063 8489081 8489515 8489578 8489577 8488871 8488947 8494088 8490936 8490896 8489028 8492988 8505664 8490782 8509265 8489994 8494111 8490263 8491330 8491480 8492936 8490050 8492084 8489880 8490900 8493711 # Starcadia Quest (toynan) 8497082 : 8494084 8489533 8490256 8509159 8500867 8501284 8494523 8491833 8491996 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492901 8503009 8510212 8503786 8512081 8504968 8507219 8508598 8508699 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493117 8507363 8493405 8490791 8504436 8506859 8512350 8503087 8504546 8500777 8509870 8491743 8491727 8512494 8504822 # Battle Sheep (toynan) 8497602 : # Ascending Empires (toynan) 8497603 : # The Castles of Tuscany (toynan) 8497633 : 8494737 8494084 8489533 8490256 8509159 8500867 8501284 8494523 8491833 8491996 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492901 8503009 8510212 8503786 8512081 8504968 8507219 8508598 8508699 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493117 8507363 8493405 8490791 8504436 8506859 8512350 8503087 8497008 8504546 8507504 8512504 8499682 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8500777 8509870 8491743 8491727 8490442 8505002 8500772 8494044 8493010 8509932 8492789 8509174 8512494 8489597 8498656 8502251 8495229 8498911 8492866 8504822 8492224 8494842 8489914 8505164 8507438 8490485 8492987 8505879 8497167 8510652 8510930 8493005 %FanFac 8512568 8506499 8511773 # Tikal II: The Lost Temple (toynan) 8499657 : 8494084 8489533 8490256 8509159 8500867 8501284 8494523 8491833 8491996 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492901 8503009 8510212 8503786 8512081 8504968 8507219 8508598 8508699 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493117 8507363 8493405 8490791 8504436 8506859 8512350 8503087 8497008 8504546 8507504 8512504 8499682 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8500777 8509870 8491743 8491727 8490442 8505002 8500772 8494044 8493010 8509932 8492789 8509174 8512494 8489597 8498656 8502251 8495229 8498911 8492866 8508705 8504822 8492224 8494842 8489914 8505164 8490114 8490774 8507438 8493713 8496533 8493163 8490485 8492987 8505879 8497167 8510652 8490465 8507186 8489606 %FanFac %KDE 8512568 8506499 8511773 8489814 8490802 8502512 8500577 8500576 8508614 # Star Cartel (toynan) 8499658 : 8494737 8494084 8489533 8490256 8509159 8500867 8501284 8494523 8491833 8491996 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492901 8503009 8510212 8503786 8512081 8504968 8507219 8508598 8508699 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493117 8507363 8493405 8490791 8504436 8506859 8512350 8503087 8497008 8504546 8507504 8512504 8499682 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8500777 8509870 8491743 8491727 8490442 8505002 8500772 8494044 8493010 8509932 8492789 8509174 8512494 8489597 8498656 8502251 8495229 8498911 8492866 8508705 8490398 8509922 8504822 8492224 8494842 8489914 8505164 8490114 8490774 8507438 8493713 8496533 8493163 8489211 8490485 8492987 8505879 8497167 8510652 8490465 8507186 8489606 8492991 8489280 8497070 8510930 8502438 8502065 8489249 8492265 8504828 8490929 8510738 8489296 8490926 8500394 8495190 8496997 8490449 8492548 8493005 8490055 8489470 8494018 8497141 %FanFac %KDE 8504386 %CoE 8512568 8499133 8506499 8511773 8489814 8490802 8502512 8500577 8500576 8508614 8507511 8504430 8497003 8507647 8504234 8490254 8508644 8511230 8512297 8508693 8503897 8507900 8508623 8497233 8512340 8500541 8500003 8503462 8509177 8509778 8511762 8492167 8497009 8509945 8492260 8490018 8492125 8504765 8500522 8502332 8504583 8491776 8500267 8512595 8512484 8500931 8510945 8497152 8507436 8492616 8503678 8490240 8500547 8504558 8509180 8495230 8509883 8495215 8504877 8508964 %8509609 8496091 8493415 8491912 8496688 8508700 8499745 8497071 8490155 8506746 8503163 8501480 8507426 8511735 8500088 8501606 8508638 8508845 8508712 8512428 8507374 8496537 8507725 8496223 8497157 8496133 8496234 8500627 8499995 8501499 8499393 8505099 8498195 8498732 8512137 8512322 8510433 8505008 8501590 8506226 8490481 # Call to Adventure (toynan) 8499661 : 8494737 8494084 8489533 8490256 8509159 8500867 8501284 8494523 8491833 8491996 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492901 8503009 8510212 8503786 8512081 8504968 8507219 8508598 8508699 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493117 8507363 8493405 8490791 8504436 8506859 8512350 8503087 8497008 8504546 8507504 8512504 8499682 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8500777 8509870 8491743 8491727 8490442 8505002 8500772 8494044 8493010 8509932 8492789 8509174 8512494 8489597 8498656 8502251 8495229 8498911 8492866 8508705 8490398 8509922 8504822 8492224 8494842 8489914 8505164 8490114 8490774 8507438 8493713 8496533 8493163 8489211 8490485 8492987 8505879 8497167 8510652 8490465 8507186 8489606 8492991 8489280 8497070 8510930 8502438 8502065 8489249 8492265 8504828 8490929 8510738 8489296 8490926 8500394 8495190 8496997 8490449 8492548 8493005 8490055 8489470 8494018 %FanFac %KDE 8504386 %CoE 8512568 8499133 8506499 8511773 8489814 8490802 8502512 8500577 8500576 8508614 8507511 8504430 8497003 8507647 8504234 8490254 8508644 8511230 8512297 8508693 8503897 8507900 8508623 8512340 8500541 8500003 8503462 8509177 8509778 8511762 8492167 8497009 8509945 8492260 8490018 8492125 8504765 8500522 8502332 8504583 8491776 8500267 8512595 8512484 8500931 8507436 8492616 8503678 8490240 8500547 8504558 8495230 8509883 8495215 8504877 %8509609 8496091 8493415 8491252 8491912 8508700 8509655 8500531 8490155 8494549 8506746 8489034 8489103 # Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization (toynan) 8499667 : 8494084 8489533 8490256 8509159 8500867 8501284 8494523 8491833 8491996 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492901 8503009 8510212 8503786 8512081 8504968 8507219 8508598 8508699 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493117 8507363 8493405 8490791 8504436 8506859 8512350 8503087 8497008 8504546 8507504 8512504 8499682 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8500777 8509870 8491743 8491727 8490442 8505002 8500772 8494044 8493010 8509932 8492789 8509174 8512494 8489597 8498656 8502251 8495229 8498911 8492866 8504822 8492224 8494842 8489914 8505164 8490114 8490774 8493713 8496533 8493163 8490485 8492987 8490465 8489606 8492991 8489280 8489296 8493005 %FanFac 8512568 8506499 8511773 8489814 8490802 8502512 # Java (toynan) 8501541 : 8494737 8494084 8489533 8490256 8509159 8500867 8501284 8494523 8491833 8491996 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492901 8503009 8510212 8503786 8512081 8504968 8507219 8508598 8508699 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493117 8507363 8493405 8490791 8504436 8506859 8512350 8503087 8497008 8504546 8507504 8512504 8499682 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8500777 8509870 8491743 8491727 8490442 8505002 8500772 8494044 8493010 8509932 8492789 8509174 8512494 8489597 8498656 8502251 8495229 8498911 8492866 8508705 8490398 8504822 8492224 8494842 8489914 8505164 8490114 8490774 8507438 8493713 8490485 8492987 8505879 8497167 8510652 8490465 8507186 8489606 8492991 8489280 8497070 8502065 8489249 8489296 8493005 8490055 8497141 %FanFac %KDE 8504386 %CoE 8512568 8506499 8511773 8489814 8490802 8502512 8500577 8500576 8508614 8507511 8504430 8497003 8507647 8504234 8490254 8508644 8511230 8497233 8497009 8510945 # Sid Meier's Civilization: The Card Game (toynan) 8501620 : 8494737 8494084 8489533 8490256 8509159 8500867 8501284 8494523 8491833 8491996 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492901 8503009 8510212 8503786 8512081 8504968 8507219 8508598 8508699 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493117 8507363 8493405 8490791 8504436 8506859 8512350 8503087 8497008 8504546 8507504 8512504 8499682 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8500777 8509870 8491743 8491727 8490442 8505002 8500772 8494044 8493010 8509932 8492789 8509174 8512494 8489597 8498656 8502251 8495229 8498911 8492866 8508705 8490398 8504822 8492224 8494842 8489914 8505164 8490114 8490774 8507438 8493713 8496533 8493163 8490485 8492987 8505879 8497167 8510652 8490465 8507186 8492991 8489280 8497070 8510930 8502438 8493005 8490055 8497141 %FanFac %KDE 8504386 %CoE 8512568 8506499 8511773 8489814 8490802 8502512 8500577 8500576 8508614 8507511 8504430 8497003 8507647 8504234 8490254 8508644 8511230 8512297 8508693 8503897 8507900 8508623 8497233 8512340 8500541 8497152 8489198 8489034 8489187 8492873 # Remember Our Trip (toynan) 8503135 : 8494084 8489533 8490256 8509159 8500867 8501284 8494523 8491833 8491996 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492901 8503009 8510212 8503786 8512081 8504968 8507219 8508598 8508699 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493117 8507363 8493405 8490791 8504436 8506859 8512350 8503087 8497008 # The Pursuit of Happiness (toynan) 8512466 : 8494737 8494084 8489533 8490256 8509159 8500867 8501284 8494523 8491833 8491996 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492901 8503009 8510212 8503786 8512081 8504968 8507219 8508598 8508699 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8493117 8507363 8493405 8490791 8504436 8506859 8512350 8503087 8497008 8504546 8507504 8512504 8499682 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8500777 8509870 8491743 8491727 8490442 8505002 8500772 8494044 8493010 8509932 8492789 8509174 8512494 8489597 8498656 8502251 8495229 8498911 8492866 8508705 8490398 8509922 8504822 8492224 8494842 8489914 8505164 8490114 8490774 8507438 8493713 8496533 8493163 8489211 8490485 8492987 8505879 8497167 8510652 8490465 8507186 8489606 8492991 8497070 8510930 8502438 8502065 8489249 8492265 8504828 8490929 8489296 8490926 8500394 8495190 8493005 8490055 %FanFac %KDE 8504386 %CoE 8512568 8506499 8511773 8489814 8490802 8502512 8500577 8500576 8508614 8507511 8504430 8497003 8507647 8504234 8490254 8508644 8511230 8512297 8508693 8503897 8507900 8508623 8497233 8500003 8503462 8509177 8509778 8511762 8492167 8509945 8492260 8509180 8508964 8491912 8489034 8490872 # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Dune: Imperium – Jessica of Arrakis Promo Card (toynan) %8490486 : 8490486-COPY1 8490486-COPY2 8490486-COPY3 8490486-COPY4 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Caverna by Gaming Trunk (toynan) %8509609 : 8509609-COPY1 8509609-COPY2 8509609-COPY3 #pragma user "Trevorusprime" # Confirmation code: QZUXMUwa2uFSeSbkZb8KlQ # Sun Oct 3 00:02:52 2021 # (Trevorusprime) %GTTBE : 8502082 8504230 # (Trevorusprime) %ModArt : 8489195 8490199 8496996 # (Trevorusprime) %Pendu : 8490354 8500771 # (Trevorusprime) %pendulu : # Asgard's Chosen (Trevorusprime) 8493030 : %GTTBE 8512379 8503155 8498496 8494018 8490902 # Blackout: Hong Kong (Trevorusprime) 8493033 : %GTTBE 8512379 8503155 8498496 8497144 8494018 # Carolus Magnus (Trevorusprime) 8493034 : %GTTBE 8512379 8503155 8498496 8497144 8494018 8490902 # Escape: The Curse of the Temple (Trevorusprime) 8493035 : %GTTBE 8512379 8503155 8498496 # Lost Cities: The Board Game (Trevorusprime) 8493036 : %GTTBE 8512379 8503155 8498496 8497144 8494018 8490902 # Specter Ops (Trevorusprime) 8493037 : %GTTBE 8512379 8503155 8498496 8497144 # Top Gun Strategy Game (Trevorusprime) 8493038 : %GTTBE 8512379 8503155 8498496 8497144 8494018 8490902 # Okko: Era of the Asagiri (Trevorusprime) 8493040 : %GTTBE 8512379 8503155 8498496 8497144 # The Castles of Tuscany (Trevorusprime) 8494677 : %GTTBE #pragma user "tropical" # Confirmation code: R6agp-rH8mehchoPs2PHuw # Sun Oct 3 21:59:19 2021 # Sanctum (tropical) 8492726 : 8489884 8494842 8512340 8512394 8500867 8489254 8497070 8492927 8494126 8490442 8492873 8490479 8509873 8510209 8493155 8501766 8508850 8511836 8510450 8497167 8502438 8491994 8492848 8499691 8508986 8503899 8498633 8498195 8499301 8500260 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8502937 # La Granja: No Siesta (tropical) 8492729 : 8500541 8489198 8497070 8492927 8509314 8502166 8500580 8502141 8507436 8510930 8505650 8512486 8507600 8499140 8498732 8500387 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 #pragma user "vangamer1578" # Confirmation code: RvAWHjLDjt6HBP5FtmC2Og # Fri Oct 1 16:47:57 2021 # (vangamer1578) %ASP : 8497152 8507436 # (vangamer1578) %Bibli : 8496530 8504382 # (vangamer1578) %BoB : 8494296 8493412 # (vangamer1578) %Crypt : 8502024 8508497 # (vangamer1578) %DraCas : 8499813 8511762 # (vangamer1578) %FacFun : 8490158 8502045 # (vangamer1578) %GPS : 8488961 8503467 # (vangamer1578) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 8509177 # (vangamer1578) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (vangamer1578) %PanIbe : 8504389 8508819 # (vangamer1578) %Red7 : 8509205 8510791 # (vangamer1578) %RftG : 8500498 8500560 8506883 # (vangamer1578) %SP4 : 8496133 8504743 8509171 # (vangamer1578) %SanMar : 8492987 8504234 8509778 # (vangamer1578) %SpaExp : 8499678 8506851 # (vangamer1578) %TCoG : 8501613 8507517 # (vangamer1578) %TCoT : 8494677 8497633 8511734 # (vangamer1578) %TMPEE : 8507640 8509689 # (vangamer1578) %TOotS : 8494088 8501961 # (vangamer1578) %TQfED : 8497167 8502438 # (vangamer1578) %TQfEDTGT : 8499995 8501499 # (vangamer1578) %TTIE : 8507516 8511738 # (vangamer1578) %TheGri : 8489882 8507392 8507415 # (vangamer1578) %TroDic : 8490753 8495214 # (vangamer1578) %UMA : 8496014 8497160 8497797 8507419 # (vangamer1578) %UTA : 8497161 8512464 # Choose Your Own Adventure: House of Danger (vangamer1578) 8494626 : 8494084 8509314 8500005 8500867 8501284 8492224 %TQfED %TCoG %TMPEE %PanIbe 8509885 %TOotS %SanMar 8497233 8508951 %TQfEDTGT %TTIE 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8503135 8499750 8512258 8490163 %RftG %PARKS 8496007 8490214 %ASP %Crypt 8503439 %NYZ 8500589 8492606 %DraCas %TCoT 8499742 8503894 8499140 %UTA 8498195 8500260 8501380 8506714 8510150 8506795 8509181 8500275 8497159 %UMA %FacFun %BoB 8508974 # Aeon's End: War Eternal (vangamer1578) 8494638 : 8494084 8509314 8500005 8500867 8501284 8492224 %TQfED %TCoG %TMPEE %PanIbe 8509885 %TOotS %SanMar 8497233 8508951 %TQfEDTGT %TTIE 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8503135 8499750 8512258 8490163 # Hallertau (vangamer1578) 8498806 : 8494084 8509314 8500005 8500867 8501284 # Marvel Champions: The Card Game – Doctor Strange Hero Pack (vangamer1578) 8498808 : 8494084 8509314 8500005 8500867 8501284 8492224 %TQfED %TCoG %TMPEE %PanIbe 8509885 %TOotS %SanMar 8497233 8508951 %TQfEDTGT %TTIE 8489254 8499301 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512081 8512518 8503135 8499750 8512258 8490163 %RftG %PARKS 8496007 8490214 %ASP %Crypt 8503439 %NYZ 8500589 8492606 %DraCas %TCoT 8499742 8503894 8499140 %UTA 8498195 8500260 8501380 8506714 8510150 8506795 8509181 8500275 8497159 %UMA %FacFun %BoB 8508974 %Bibli 8508932 %TheGri %SP4 8489198 8501569 8507713 %Red7 8490136 8493705 8510761 8512151 8512593 8511914 8509307 %TroDic 8512386 %SpaExp 8489322 8501604 8493720 8494915 8509378 8507727 %GPS #pragma user "vanl0003" # Confirmation code: M20ZZXOcvtE7QpaGVWo20Q # Fri Oct 1 21:48:51 2021 # (vanl0003) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (vanl0003) %Agric : # (vanl0003) %CTCF : 8492162 8493405 8494955 8499609 8500532 8501517 8500552 8508965 8495190 # (vanl0003) %Carto : # (vanl0003) %Catan : 8490774 8508693 # (vanl0003) %CoC1 : 8489319 8493161 8500538 8500807 # (vanl0003) %Coden : 8495397 8512186 8508754 # (vanl0003) %DJitDSE : # (vanl0003) %Desti : # (vanl0003) %DisVil : 8491607 8504416 8510810 # (vanl0003) %DunImp : 8490442 8492873 8512297 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 8512575 8490083 8496315 # (vanl0003) %Everd : # (vanl0003) %ExLib : 8491994 8492848 # (vanl0003) %FanFac : 8499133 8502055 8504386 8512568 # (vanl0003) %GaiPro : # (vanl0003) %GlaRoa : # (vanl0003) %ImpCla : # (vanl0003) %LovLet : 8491676 8498734 8500494 8501781 8509648 8512450 8490046 8500550 8501528 8512400 8490814 8506518 8489155 8512111 8512490 # (vanl0003) %MM : 8490444 8493684 8508620 8512350 8511245 8497135 # (vanl0003) %MacKor : 8492988 8500553 8505664 8512437 # (vanl0003) %MarUni : 8490050 8492084 8505008 8512459 8512474 # (vanl0003) %NDE : # (vanl0003) %NIBTCHBG : 8496413 8497237 # (vanl0003) %PanIbe : 8504389 8508819 # (vanl0003) %RedRis : 8491998 8499994 # (vanl0003) %Root : 8494523 8496001 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8509741 8512537 # (vanl0003) %SCE : # (vanl0003) %SP4 : 8496133 8504743 8509171 # (vanl0003) %Scythe : 8495180 8507353 # (vanl0003) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (vanl0003) %SovSki : # (vanl0003) %Subur : # (vanl0003) %T7C : 8494084 8504853 8509739 8512242 8493156 8507669 8502391 8493169 8505558 # (vanl0003) %TCoG : 8491892 8501613 8507517 # (vanl0003) %TheCol : # (vanl0003) %UFS : 8488947 8493689 8500482 8504925 # (vanl0003) %Villa : 8501525 8511213 8503448 8494740 8500001 8489544 8490544 8494728 8510036 8502151 8506671 8508641 8492204 8489034 8506499 # (vanl0003) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 8497070 # Arkham Horror: The Card Game (vanl0003) 8498306 : %Wings %Catan 8493039 8492224 8494545 8492184 %MacKor %Root %SleGod %DunImp 8503156 %Scythe 8489614 %RedRis 8507382 # Harry Potter: Death Eaters Rising (vanl0003) 8498706 : %Wings %Catan 8493039 8492224 8494545 8492184 %AFfO %T7C %DisVil 8509889 %MM %PanIbe 8500005 %Scythe 8489614 %ExLib 8509951 8508868 %MarUni # Friday (vanl0003) 8498727 : %Wings %Catan 8493039 8492224 8494545 8492184 %MacKor %AFfO %Root %T7C %DisVil 8509889 %SleGod %MM %DunImp %PanIbe 8503156 8500005 %Coden %FanFac %Villa %Scythe 8508817 %CTCF %UFS %CoC1 8489614 %ExLib 8509951 8508868 %RedRis 8507382 %MarUni 8493725 8492616 %NIBTCHBG # Santorini (vanl0003) 8498758 : %Wings %Catan 8493039 8492224 8494545 8492184 %MacKor %Root 8509889 %SleGod %DunImp 8503156 8500005 %Scythe 8489614 %RedRis 8507382 # Takenoko (vanl0003) 8498770 : %Wings 8493039 8492224 8494545 8492184 # Charterstone (vanl0003) 8500058 : %Wings %Catan 8493039 8492224 8494545 8492184 %MacKor %AFfO %Root %T7C %DisVil 8509889 %SleGod %MM %DunImp %PanIbe 8503156 8500005 %Coden %FanFac %Villa 8510657 %Scythe 8508817 %CTCF %UFS %CoC1 8489614 %ExLib 8509951 8508868 %RedRis 8507382 %MarUni 8512312 8493725 8492616 8511722 %LovLet 8512445 8512231 8512222 %NIBTCHBG # Tiny Epic Galaxies: Beyond the Black (vanl0003) 8500064 : %Wings %Catan 8493039 8492224 8494545 8492184 %MacKor %AFfO %Root %T7C %DisVil 8509889 %SleGod %MM %DunImp %PanIbe 8503156 8500005 %Coden %FanFac %Villa 8510657 %Scythe 8508817 %CTCF %UFS %CoC1 %TCoG 8489614 %ExLib 8509951 8508868 %RedRis 8507382 %MarUni 8512312 8493725 8492616 8511722 %LovLet 8512445 8512231 8512222 %NIBTCHBG %SP4 # Tiny Epic Zombies (vanl0003) 8500075 : %Wings %Catan 8493039 8492224 8494545 8492184 %AFfO %T7C %DisVil 8509889 %MM %PanIbe %Coden %Scythe 8508817 %ExLib 8509951 8508868 %MarUni 8512312 8511722 8512445 8512231 8512222 # Gambler (vanl0003) 8511870 : %Wings %Catan 8493039 8492224 8494545 8492184 %AFfO %Root %T7C %DisVil 8509889 %SleGod %MM %DunImp %PanIbe 8503156 8500005 %Coden %FanFac %Villa 8510657 %Scythe 8508817 %CTCF %UFS %CoC1 %TCoG 8489614 %ExLib 8509951 8508868 %RedRis 8507382 %MarUni 8512312 8493725 8492616 8511722 %LovLet 8512445 8512231 8512222 %NIBTCHBG %SP4 #pragma user "vatosloco" # Confirmation code: o-kV5FUi8uhiF/x+hD0Fqg # Sun Oct 3 20:35:26 2021 # (vatosloco) %BGTBG : # (vatosloco) %BHK : 8489539 8490001 8499161 # (vatosloco) %BraBir : 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (vatosloco) %BraLan : 8492275 8509746 # (vatosloco) %DSM : 8494853 8495247 # (vatosloco) %DunImp : 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (vatosloco) %ECE : 8512537 # (vatosloco) %EscPla : 8490123 8507944 # (vatosloco) %HoLAS : 8500545 8507219 8507374 # (vatosloco) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (vatosloco) %KBaS : 8490192 8500000 8502994 # (vatosloco) %LoW : 8489211 8509714 # (vatosloco) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (vatosloco) %SDMS : 8498911 8499682 8507188 # (vatosloco) %SanMar : 8492987 8504234 8509778 # (vatosloco) %SanMon : 8496223 8497157 # (vatosloco) %SmaInc : 8492276 8507433 # (vatosloco) %Sonar : 8490082 8509067 # (vatosloco) %SpiIsl : 8493117 8504968 8507363 # (vatosloco) %TGTFoA : 8494160 # (vatosloco) %TOotS : 8494088 8501961 # (vatosloco) %XLoaDS : # (vatosloco) %Yokoh : 8499686 8512535 # Anchorman: The Game – Improper Teleprompter (vatosloco) 8493655 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Dark Seas (vatosloco) 8493656 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Diceborn Heroes (vatosloco) 8493657 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar # Dungeon Lords (vatosloco) 8493658 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Gorus Maximus (vatosloco) 8493660 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Karesansui (vatosloco) 8493661 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Tau Ceti: Planetary Crisis (vatosloco) 8493670 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 # The 7th Continent (vatosloco) 8504853 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 # Allegory (vatosloco) 8504855 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar # Chronicle X (vatosloco) 8504856 : # Colony (vatosloco) 8504858 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar # Comanauts (vatosloco) 8504859 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 8509954 # Crown of Emara (vatosloco) 8504860 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 # Dead Man's Doubloons (vatosloco) 8504862 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 8509954 # Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game (vatosloco) 8504865 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Drakon (Fourth Edition) (vatosloco) 8504868 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar # Dungeon Lords (vatosloco) 8504869 : # Founders of Gloomhaven (vatosloco) 8504871 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar # Gaïa (vatosloco) 8504873 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Huns (vatosloco) 8504874 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Hyperborea (vatosloco) 8504876 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 # Iwari (vatosloco) 8504877 : # Kepler-3042 (vatosloco) 8504878 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 # Kiwetin (vatosloco) 8504879 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Legendary Creatures (vatosloco) 8504880 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 # The Liberation of Rietburg (vatosloco) 8504882 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Martians: A Story of Civilization (vatosloco) 8504883 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 # Mythos Tales (vatosloco) 8504884 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Nemo's War (Second Edition) (vatosloco) 8504885 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 # Pacific Rails Inc. (vatosloco) 8504887 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 # Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures: Change is Constant (vatosloco) 8504889 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 # Tigris & Euphrates (vatosloco) 8504890 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 %SanMar 8511170 8507507 # Tigris & Euphrates (vatosloco) 8504891 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 %SanMar 8511170 8507507 # Beez (vatosloco) 8506473 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar # Dungeon Royale (vatosloco) 8506474 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Equinox (vatosloco) 8506477 : # The Estates (vatosloco) 8506480 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 # Flick 'em Up!: Dead of Winter (vatosloco) 8506482 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Gnomopolis (vatosloco) 8506487 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 # Loup Garou (vatosloco) 8506490 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Medici (vatosloco) 8506493 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 # Necromunda: Underhive (vatosloco) 8506495 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan 8494106 # Neta-Tanka: Deluxe Edition (vatosloco) 8506499 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8511170 # Onward to Venus (vatosloco) 8506502 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 # Rome & Roll (vatosloco) 8506506 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar # SEAL Team Flix (vatosloco) 8506508 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 # Seeders from Sereis: Exodus (vatosloco) 8506511 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 # Shop 'N Time (vatosloco) 8506513 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Sorcerer (vatosloco) 8506517 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 # Suburbia: Collector's Edition (vatosloco) 8506518 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 # Throw Throw Burrito Kickstarter Edition (vatosloco) 8506520 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Tide of Iron: Next Wave (vatosloco) 8506528 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 8511170 # Tyrants of the Underdark (vatosloco) 8506531 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8511170 # Valley of the Kings: Premium Edition (vatosloco) 8506535 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 # Vampire: The Masquerade – Heritage (vatosloco) 8506537 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 # Viceroy (vatosloco) 8506538 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar # Wallenstein (Second Edition) (vatosloco) 8506542 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 # Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (vatosloco) 8506544 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan 8494106 # Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game (vatosloco) 8506546 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 # Alien Frontiers (vatosloco) 8508583 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 # Bruges (vatosloco) 8508586 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 # Caper (vatosloco) 8508588 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 # Castello Methoni (vatosloco) 8508589 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 # Catacombs (Third Edition) (vatosloco) 8508591 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 8511170 # Cuba (vatosloco) 8508593 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 # Dark Souls: The Board Game (vatosloco) 8508595 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 # Darkest Night (vatosloco) 8508597 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # A Feast for Odin (vatosloco) 8508598 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan 8494106 # First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet (vatosloco) 8508602 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 # Flick 'em Up!: Dead of Winter (vatosloco) 8508604 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Formula D (vatosloco) 8508605 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 # A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) (vatosloco) 8508608 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 # Giants (vatosloco) 8508609 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 8509954 # The Great Race (vatosloco) 8508611 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8509954 # Guilds of London (vatosloco) 8508612 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 # Haspelknecht (vatosloco) 8508614 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 # Hogs Of War: The Card Game (vatosloco) 8508615 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Master of the Galaxy (vatosloco) 8508618 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 # Meeple Towers (vatosloco) 8508619 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 # Merchants & Marauders (vatosloco) 8508620 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 8494106 # Oceans (vatosloco) 8508621 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 # Paradox (vatosloco) 8508622 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 # Paris (vatosloco) 8508623 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 # Pathogenesis (Second Edition) (vatosloco) 8508624 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 # Pirates vs. Dinosaurs (vatosloco) 8508626 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 # Professor Evil and The Citadel of Time (vatosloco) 8508627 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar # Railways of the World (vatosloco) 8508628 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 8511170 # Ravine (vatosloco) 8508629 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 # Sabotage (vatosloco) 8508630 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan 8494106 # Sailing Toward Osiris (vatosloco) 8508632 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Saltlands (vatosloco) 8508633 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 # Sentinels of the Multiverse (vatosloco) 8508634 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar # Strasbourg (vatosloco) 8508635 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 # Summit: The Board Game (vatosloco) 8508636 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 # Swinging Jivecat Voodoo Lounge (vatosloco) 8508637 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar # Tikal (vatosloco) 8508638 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 # Tiny Epic Zombies (vatosloco) 8508640 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Villagers (vatosloco) 8508641 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Wayfinders (vatosloco) 8508642 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar # Wendake (vatosloco) 8508644 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 8511170 # Wild Space (vatosloco) 8508645 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Viticulture Essential Edition (vatosloco) 8508664 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 # Charterstone (vatosloco) 8511771 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 # Dawn of Peacemakers (vatosloco) 8511772 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 8511170 # Fired Up (vatosloco) 8511773 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 # Guild Ball: Kick Off! (vatosloco) 8511776 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 # Human Punishment: Social Deduction 2.0 (vatosloco) 8511778 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 # Imperial Settlers (vatosloco) 8511780 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar # Magic: The Gathering – Arena of the Planeswalkers (vatosloco) 8511783 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 # Monster Lands (vatosloco) 8511787 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Neuroshima Hex! 3.0 (vatosloco) 8511790 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 # Ys (vatosloco) 8511803 : 8507709 8494084 8511235 %TGTFoA 8502255 8510212 8512508 8502120 8507424 %BraBir 8489389 8504423 8507529 %EscPla %OCoEaE 8507953 %KBaS 8507712 %SDMS 8492625 8498489 8492204 8510806 8507369 8495235 8511910 %BraLan %ECE 8489014 8507478 8491351 8493713 8494106 %Yokoh 8489128 8492901 8491889 %SmaInc 8499029 %SanMar 8511245 8494108 8511170 8507507 8507353 %SpiIsl 8504954 %LoW 8501411 8492537 %HoLAS 8497037 %DSM 8491998 8493712 8507741 8503692 8501040 8504114 8489208 8492953 8490076 %ImpCla 8494138 8500368 8509954 %DunImp 8500555 8492794 %TOotS 8511971 8510654 8489544 %SanMon 8492950 8490447 8493010 8500558 8507436 8502058 8500774 8490254 8493718 8494676 8489116 %Sonar 8490793 %BHK 8511092 8512344 8494674 #pragma user "Verglas" # Confirmation code: ErYuyR7WqvAawNzRNOVnyA # Fri Oct 1 11:08:26 2021 # (Verglas) %LasWil : 8499687 8510941 # Modern Art (Verglas) 8496996 : 8511230 %LasWil 8489046 # Bunny Kingdom (Verglas) 8496997 : 8511230 %LasWil 8489046 # Deus (Verglas) 8496998 : 8511230 %LasWil 8489046 # Diamant (Verglas) 8496999 : 8511230 %LasWil 8489046 # Dice Forge (Verglas) 8497003 : # Le Havre (Verglas) 8497008 : # Homesteaders (Verglas) 8497009 : 8511230 %LasWil 8489046 # Jump Drive (Verglas) 8497020 : 8511230 %LasWil 8489046 8496691 # K2 (Verglas) 8497022 : 8511230 %LasWil 8489046 # Lewis & Clark: The Expedition (Verglas) 8497025 : 8511230 %LasWil 8489046 # Mégawatts (Verglas) 8497028 : 8511230 %LasWil 8489046 8496691 # Pastiche (Verglas) 8497029 : 8511230 %LasWil 8489046 8496691 # Pergamon: Second Edition (Verglas) 8497032 : 8511230 %LasWil 8489046 # Principato (Verglas) 8497034 : 8511230 %LasWil 8489046 8496691 # Les Fils de Samarande (Verglas) 8497035 : 8511230 %LasWil 8489046 8496691 # Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar – Tribes & Prophecies (Verglas) 8497037 : 8496691 # Mysterium Park (Verglas) 8497067 : 8496691 # Heaven & Ale (Verglas) 8497071 : # Egizia (Verglas) 8505047 : 8511230 %LasWil 8489046 #pragma user "vesebr" # Confirmation code: cc0lCSPtlB-S9Aq0FpjsTg # Fri Oct 1 21:12:32 2021 # (vesebr) %CoC1 : 8489319 8493161 # (vesebr) %DisVil : 8504416 8510810 # (vesebr) %ECE : 8509741 8512537 # (vesebr) %EveSpi : # Merchants & Marauders (vesebr) 8493684 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489389 8494084 8500168 8504221 8502219 8511235 8492169 8494040 8495243 8502166 8494551 8509733 %CoC1 %ECE 8490431 8490829 8507435 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8503786 8506440 8512081 # Dungeon Lords (vesebr) 8493686 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489389 8494084 8500168 8504221 8502219 8511235 8492169 8494040 8495243 8502166 8494551 8509733 %CoC1 %ECE 8490431 8490829 8507435 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492224 8490114 8494842 8512340 8490214 8503448 8492158 %DisVil 8512516 8503786 8506440 8512081 8512513 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 # Under Falling Skies (vesebr) 8493689 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489389 8494084 8500168 8504221 8502219 8511235 8492169 8494040 8495243 8502166 8494551 8509733 %CoC1 %ECE 8490431 8490829 8507435 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492224 8490114 8494842 8512340 8490214 8503448 8492158 %DisVil 8512516 8503786 8506440 8512081 8512513 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8491908 8494545 # Ladies & Gentlemen (vesebr) 8493691 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489389 8494084 8500168 8504221 8502219 8511235 8492169 8494040 8495243 8502166 8494551 8509733 %CoC1 %ECE 8490431 8490829 8507435 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492224 8490114 8494842 8512340 8490214 8503448 8492158 %DisVil 8512516 8503786 8506440 8512081 8512513 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8491908 # Arkham Horror (vesebr) 8493694 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489389 8494084 8500168 8504221 8502219 8511235 8492169 8494040 8495243 8502166 8494551 8509733 %CoC1 %ECE 8490431 8490829 8507435 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492224 8490114 8494842 8512340 8490214 8503448 8492158 %DisVil 8512516 8503786 8506440 8512081 8512513 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 # Smash Up (vesebr) 8493697 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489389 8494084 8500168 8504221 8502219 8511235 8492169 8494040 8495243 8502166 8494551 8509733 %CoC1 %ECE 8490431 8490829 8507435 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492224 8490114 8494842 8512340 8490214 8503448 8492158 %DisVil 8512516 8503786 8506440 8512081 8512513 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8491908 8494545 # The Resistance (vesebr) 8493701 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489389 8494084 8500168 8504221 8502219 8511235 8492169 8494040 8495243 8502166 8494551 8509733 %CoC1 %ECE 8490431 8490829 8507435 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492224 8490114 8494842 8512340 8490214 8503448 8492158 %DisVil 8512516 8503786 8506440 8512081 8512513 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8491908 8494545 # Alt Name: $20 gift card or e-transfer (vesebr) 8493705 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489389 8494084 8500168 8504221 8502219 8511235 8492169 8494040 8495243 8502166 8494551 8509733 %CoC1 %ECE 8490431 8490829 8507435 8492224 8490114 8494842 8512340 8490214 8503448 8492158 %DisVil 8512516 8512513 # Targi (vesebr) 8493707 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489389 8494084 8500168 8504221 8502219 8511235 8492169 8494040 8495243 8502166 8494551 8509733 %CoC1 %ECE 8490431 8490829 8507435 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492224 8490114 8494842 8512340 8490214 8503448 8492158 %DisVil 8512516 8503786 8506440 8512081 8512513 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8491908 8494545 # T.I.M.E Stories (vesebr) 8493738 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489389 8494084 8500168 8504221 8502219 8511235 8492169 8494040 8495243 8502166 8494551 8509733 %CoC1 %ECE 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 # Unlock!: Mythic Adventures (vesebr) 8497797 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489389 8494084 8500168 8504221 8502219 8511235 8492169 8494040 8495243 8502166 8494551 8509733 %CoC1 %ECE 8490431 8490829 8507435 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492224 8490114 8494842 8512340 8490214 8503448 8492158 %DisVil 8512516 8503786 8506440 8512081 8512513 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8491908 8494545 # Escape Room in a Box: Flashback (vesebr) 8506880 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489389 8494084 8500168 8504221 8502219 8511235 8492169 8494040 8495243 8502166 8494551 8509733 %CoC1 %ECE 8490431 8490829 8507435 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492224 8490114 8494842 8512340 8490214 8503448 8492158 %DisVil 8512516 8503786 8506440 8512081 8512513 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8491908 8494545 # Exit: The Game – Dead Man on the Orient Express (vesebr) 8506900 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489389 8494084 8500168 8504221 8502219 8511235 8492169 8494040 8495243 8502166 8494551 8509733 %CoC1 %ECE 8490431 8490829 8507435 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492224 8490114 8494842 8512340 8490214 8503448 8492158 %DisVil 8512516 8503786 8506440 8512081 8512513 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8491908 8494545 # Fog of Love (vesebr) 8506915 : 8503891 8510030 8495180 8493117 8504968 8507363 8492162 8489193 8489609 8490195 8494523 8489884 8502511 8508664 8510029 8490442 8492873 8512297 8512488 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 8489389 8494084 8500168 8504221 8502219 8511235 8492169 8494040 8495243 8502166 8494551 8509733 %CoC1 %ECE 8490431 8490829 8507435 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8507388 8511634 8512518 8492224 8490114 8494842 8512340 8490214 8503448 8492158 %DisVil 8512516 8503786 8506440 8512081 8512513 8498195 8500260 8501380 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507504 8510150 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 #pragma user "Vive_le_Quebec_libre" # Confirmation code: 1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg # Sun Oct 3 11:52:43 2021 # High Rise (Vive_le_Quebec_libre) 8502506 : # Viticulture Essential Edition (Vive_le_Quebec_libre) 8502511 : # Moonrakers (Vive_le_Quebec_libre) 8502519 : #pragma user "wallacezhen" # Confirmation code: 9J6XxfImF4h-VGpqeo3Byw # Sun Oct 3 21:40:17 2021 # Blackout: Hong Kong (wallacezhen) 8489539 : 8490256 8490192 8505859 8494551 8494106 8490123 8495224 8492638 8507953 8509159 8494850 8497144 8494282 8489585 8495235 8500867 8501284 8505002 8500000 8491996 8507712 8502414 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490199 8492901 8492204 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8492562 8507504 8494044 8500568 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8507585 8507582 8507894 8507647 8496910 8494842 8507507 8496667 8505797 8509951 8502507 8500409 8501786 8498732 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507588 8500387 8490883 8488920 8491908 8491883 8499258 8507404 8494740 8490343 8494138 8501562 # The Colonists (wallacezhen) 8489544 : 8490256 8490192 8505859 8494551 8494106 8490123 8495224 8492638 8507953 8509159 8494850 8497144 8494282 8489585 8495235 8500867 8501284 8505002 8500000 8491996 8507712 8502414 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490199 8492901 8492204 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8507504 8494044 8500568 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8507585 8507582 8507894 8494842 8507507 8496667 # Aeroplanes: Aviation Ascendant (wallacezhen) 8489561 : 8490256 8490192 8505859 8494551 8494106 8490123 8495224 8492638 8507953 8509159 8494850 8497144 8494282 8489585 8495235 8500867 8501284 8505002 8500000 8491996 8507712 8502414 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490199 8492901 8492204 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8492562 8507504 8494044 8500568 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8507585 8507582 8507894 8507647 8496910 8494842 8507507 8496667 8505797 8509951 8502507 8500409 8501786 8498732 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507588 8500387 8490883 8488920 8491908 8491883 8499258 8490898 8507404 8497037 8494740 8490343 8494138 8501562 # Robin Hood and the Merry Men (wallacezhen) 8489572 : 8490256 8490192 8505859 8494551 8494106 8490123 8495224 8492638 8507953 8509159 8494850 8497144 8494282 8489585 8495235 8500867 8501284 8505002 8500000 8491996 8507712 8502414 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490199 8492901 8492204 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8492562 8507504 8494044 8500568 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8507585 8507582 8507894 8507647 8496910 8494842 8507507 8496667 8505797 8509951 8502507 8500409 8501786 8498732 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507588 8500387 8490883 8488920 8491908 8491883 8507404 8494740 8490343 8494138 8501562 # Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (wallacezhen) 8489573 : 8490256 8490192 8505859 8494551 8494106 8490123 8495224 8492638 8507953 8509159 8494850 8497144 8494282 8489585 8495235 8500867 8501284 8505002 8500000 8491996 8507712 8502414 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490199 8492901 8492204 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8492562 8507504 8494044 8500568 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8507585 8507582 8507894 8507647 8496910 8494842 8507507 8496667 8505797 8509951 8502507 8500409 8501786 8498732 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507588 8490883 8488920 8494740 8490343 8494138 8501562 # Sheriff of Nottingham (wallacezhen) 8489578 : 8490256 8490192 8505859 8494551 8494106 8490123 8495224 8492638 8507953 8509159 8494850 8497144 8494282 8489585 8495235 8500867 8501284 8505002 8500000 8491996 8507712 8502414 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490199 8492901 8492204 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8492562 8507504 8494044 8500568 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8507585 8507582 8507894 8507647 8496910 8494842 8507507 8496667 8505797 8509951 8502507 8500409 8501786 8498732 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507588 8500387 8490883 8488920 8491908 8494740 8490343 8494138 8501562 # Batman: The Animated Series – Rogues Gallery (wallacezhen) 8489581 : 8490256 8490192 8505859 8494551 8494106 8490123 8495224 8492638 8507953 8509159 8494850 8497144 8494282 8489585 8495235 8500867 8501284 8505002 8500000 8491996 8507712 8502414 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490199 8492901 8492204 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8492562 8507504 8494044 8500568 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8507585 8507582 8507894 8507647 8496910 8494842 8507507 8496667 8505797 8509951 8502507 8500409 8501786 8498732 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507588 8500387 8490883 8488920 8491908 8491883 8499258 8490898 8507404 8497037 8494740 8490343 8494138 8501562 # KeyForge: Age of Ascension – Archon Deck (wallacezhen) 8493182 : 8490256 8490192 8505859 8494551 8494106 8490123 8495224 8492638 8507953 8509159 8494850 8497144 8494282 8489585 8495235 8500867 8501284 8505002 8500000 8491996 8507712 8502414 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490199 8492901 8492204 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8492562 8507504 8494044 8500568 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8507585 8507582 8507894 8507647 8496910 8494842 8507507 8496667 8505797 8509951 8502507 8500409 8501786 8498732 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507588 8500387 8490883 8488920 8491908 8491883 8499258 8490898 8507404 8494740 8490343 8494138 8501562 # Arkham Horror: The Card Game – Curse of the Rougarou: Scenario Pack (wallacezhen) 8493185 : 8490256 8490192 8505859 8494551 8494106 8490123 8495224 8492638 8507953 8509159 8494850 8497144 8494282 8489585 8495235 8500867 8501284 8505002 8500000 8491996 8507712 8502414 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490199 8492901 8492204 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8492562 8507504 8494044 8500568 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8507585 8507582 8507894 8507647 8496910 8494842 8507507 8496667 8505797 8509951 8502507 8500409 8501786 8498732 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507588 8500387 8490883 8488920 8491908 8491883 8499258 8490898 8507404 8497037 8494740 8490343 8494138 8501562 # Twilight Imperium: Third Edition (wallacezhen) 8493187 : 8490256 8490192 8505859 8494551 8494106 8490123 8495224 8492638 8507953 8509159 8494850 8497144 8494282 8489585 8495235 8500867 8501284 8505002 8500000 8491996 8507712 8502414 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490199 8492901 8492204 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8507504 8494044 8500568 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8507585 8507582 8507894 8496910 8494842 8507507 8496667 8505797 8490883 # Genoa (wallacezhen) 8493190 : 8490256 8490192 8505859 8494551 8494106 8490123 8495224 8492638 8507953 8509159 8494850 8497144 8494282 8489585 8495235 8500867 8501284 8505002 8500000 8491996 8507712 8502414 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490199 8492901 8492204 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8492562 8507504 8494044 8500568 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8507585 8507582 8507894 8507647 8496910 8494842 8507507 8496667 8505797 8509951 8502507 8500409 8501786 8498732 8512322 8512483 8512512 8507588 8500387 8490883 8488920 8491908 8491883 8499258 8490898 8507404 8497037 8494740 8490343 8494138 8501562 # Black Sonata (wallacezhen) 8493212 : 8490256 8490192 8505859 8494551 8494106 8490123 8495224 8492638 8507953 8509159 8494850 8497144 8494282 8489585 8495235 8500867 8501284 8505002 8500000 8491996 8507712 8502414 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8490199 8492901 8492204 8512081 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8510150 8492562 8507504 8494044 8500568 8505765 8506726 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8507585 8507582 8507894 8507647 8494842 8507507 8496667 8505797 8509951 8502507 8500409 8501786 8498732 8512322 8512483 8512512 8490883 8488920 8494740 8490343 8494138 8501562 #pragma user "weneedvices" # Confirmation code: fuwWKlDoULoIqjckpUiobw # Sun Oct 3 18:32:28 2021 # Gloomhaven (weneedvices) 8510028 : 8494084 8507529 # Viticulture Essential Edition (weneedvices) 8510029 : 8494084 8507529 8503903 8504423 8512350 8490794 # Terraforming Mars (weneedvices) 8510030 : 8494084 8507529 8503903 8504423 8512350 8490794 #pragma user "WestyMan" # Confirmation code: jGTchMPuEbBgBxDR1bE7CQ # Sun Oct 3 19:03:37 2021 # (WestyMan) %AFfO : 8508598 8508699 # (WestyMan) %BraBir : 8492273 8512589 # (WestyMan) %CooIsl : 8489184 8505852 # (WestyMan) %DSM : 8494853 8495247 # (WestyMan) %Egizia : # (WestyMan) %FraDra : # (WestyMan) %HA : # (WestyMan) %LifOff : 8507589 8512073 # (WestyMan) %Momba : 8497693 8508838 # (WestyMan) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 8509933 # (WestyMan) %SDMS : 8498911 8499682 # (WestyMan) %SanMar : 8492987 8504234 # (WestyMan) %Shipy : 8492268 8507471 # (WestyMan) %TMPEE : 8507640 8509689 # (WestyMan) %TOotS : 8494088 8501961 # (WestyMan) %TheNet : 8490818 8492537 8501887 # (WestyMan) %Trajan : # (WestyMan) %Yokoh : # Saint Petersburg (WestyMan) 8489577 : 8504423 8495224 8492638 8507953 8512350 %AFfO %BraBir 8499693 8490076 8506815 8497078 8494111 %SDMS 8492885 8511190 %PCR 8512535 %TMPEE 8494863 %Shipy %TOotS 8511245 8498499 8490764 8495212 %DSM # Hunt for the Ring (WestyMan) 8489582 : 8504423 8495224 8492638 8507953 8512350 %AFfO %BraBir 8499693 8490076 8506815 8497078 8494111 %SDMS 8492885 8511190 %PCR 8512535 %TMPEE 8494863 %Shipy %TOotS 8511245 8498499 8490764 8495212 %DSM 8507472 8505879 8500494 8509774 %Momba 8490485 8500081 8511741 %SanMar 8499691 8508623 8496385 8495969 8495232 8510661 8507412 8507468 8489128 %TheNet %CooIsl 8504381 8511921 8511929 8495199 8510945 8500829 8508614 # 1822: The Railways of Great Britain (WestyMan) 8489585 : 8504423 8495224 8492638 8507953 8512350 # Alt Name: Item Removed (WestyMan) 8489619 : # Beyond the Sun (WestyMan) 8489780 : 8504423 8495224 8492638 8507953 8512350 %AFfO %BraBir 8499693 8490076 8506815 8497078 8494111 %SDMS 8492885 8511190 %PCR # Tramways (WestyMan) 8490434 : 8504423 8495224 8492638 8507953 8512350 %AFfO %BraBir 8499693 8490076 8506815 8497078 8494111 %SDMS 8492885 8511190 %PCR 8512535 %TMPEE 8494863 %Shipy %TOotS 8511245 8498499 8490764 8495212 %DSM # Alt Name: Item Removed (WestyMan) 8490445 : # Snowdonia (WestyMan) 8490465 : 8504423 8495224 8492638 8507953 8512350 %AFfO %BraBir 8499693 8490076 8506815 8497078 # Bruxelles 1897 (WestyMan) 8491196 : 8504423 8495224 8492638 8507953 8512350 %AFfO %BraBir 8499693 8490076 8506815 8497078 8494111 %SDMS 8492885 8511190 %PCR 8512535 %TMPEE 8494863 %Shipy %TOotS 8511245 8498499 8490764 8495212 %DSM 8507472 8505879 8500494 8509774 %Momba 8490485 8500081 8511741 %SanMar 8499691 8508623 8496385 8495969 8495232 8510661 8507412 8507468 8489128 %TheNet %CooIsl 8504381 8511921 8511929 8495199 8510945 8500829 8508614 8508586 8500558 8503081 8490118 %LifOff # Flamme Rouge (WestyMan) 8491252 : 8504423 8495224 8492638 8507953 8512350 %AFfO %BraBir 8499693 8490076 8506815 8497078 8494111 %SDMS 8492885 8511190 %PCR 8512535 %TMPEE 8494863 %Shipy %TOotS 8511245 8498499 8490764 8495212 %DSM 8507472 8505879 8500494 8509774 %Momba 8490485 8500081 8511741 %SanMar 8499691 8508623 8496385 8495969 8495232 # Gentes: Deluxified Edition (WestyMan) 8491351 : 8504423 8495224 8492638 8507953 8512350 %AFfO %BraBir 8499693 8490076 8506815 8497078 8494111 %SDMS 8492885 # Nations (WestyMan) 8496215 : 8504423 8495224 8492638 8507953 8512350 # Crisis (WestyMan) 8496217 : 8504423 8495224 8492638 8507953 8512350 %AFfO %BraBir 8499693 8490076 8506815 8497078 8494111 %SDMS 8492885 # Coimbra (WestyMan) 8496218 : 8504423 8495224 8492638 8507953 8512350 %AFfO %BraBir 8499693 8490076 8506815 8497078 8494111 %SDMS 8492885 8511190 # Santa Monica (WestyMan) 8496223 : 8504423 8495224 8492638 8507953 8512350 %AFfO %BraBir 8499693 8490076 8506815 8497078 8494111 %SDMS 8492885 8511190 %PCR 8512535 %TMPEE 8494863 %Shipy %TOotS 8511245 8498499 8490764 8495212 %DSM 8507472 8505879 8500494 8509774 %Momba 8490485 8500081 8511741 %SanMar 8499691 8508623 8496385 8495969 8495232 8510661 8507412 8507468 8489128 %TheNet %CooIsl 8504381 8511921 8511929 8495199 #pragma user "whynot66" # Confirmation code: EJErG23okV-uoBZnJyW6MA # Sun Oct 3 19:59:46 2021 # (whynot66) %ASP : 8497152 8507436 # (whynot66) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (whynot66) %CurCar : 8505099 8508224 # (whynot66) %DisVil : 8491607 8510810 # (whynot66) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (whynot66) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 8509741 8512537 # (whynot66) %FanFac : 8502055 8504386 8512568 # (whynot66) %GLD : 8493125 8496144 # (whynot66) %GWT : 8489193 8489609 # (whynot66) %ImpCla : 8494740 8500001 # (whynot66) %LLP : 8489155 8512490 # (whynot66) %Marip : 8491872 8492239 8497154 # (whynot66) %NewFro : 8493151 8497914 # (whynot66) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (whynot66) %ODD : 8495979 8503910 # (whynot66) %Planet : 8500801 8503125 # (whynot66) %RR : 8494117 8495240 8506506 # (whynot66) %Ragusa : 8489880 8505111 # (whynot66) %RftG : 8503907 8511206 # (whynot66) %SCE : 8490814 8506518 # (whynot66) %Seaso : 8507429 8507467 8510762 # (whynot66) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (whynot66) %TOotS : 8494088 8501961 # (whynot66) %Tapes : 8500851 8502137 8509759 # (whynot66) %TinTow : 8500580 8502141 # (whynot66) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 # Escape Plan (whynot66) 8507944 : # Specter Ops (whynot66) 8507945 : 8504423 8512350 8502048 8492224 %SleGod %DunImp 8505002 8490485 %ImpCla 8494138 %SCE 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8489614 8489116 %Everd %BraBir 8489389 8504954 8502245 8494160 %ASP 8504885 8492901 %OCoEaE 8500004 8510930 8493712 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8511915 8501783 8503630 %Seaso %Tapes 8497128 8503439 %WhiMou 8511909 %TOotS %FanFac %DisVil %Marip 8498732 8503604 8508964 %8509577 %8509626 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512512 %Ragusa %GLD 8499679 8504913 8491291 8489545 8501776 8511855 8503448 8497037 %CurCar 8491609 8500387 8500456 8506746 8512483 %RR 8492661 # Fugitive (whynot66) 8507946 : 8504423 8512350 8502048 8492224 %SleGod %DunImp 8505002 8490485 %ImpCla 8494138 %SCE 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8489614 8489116 %Everd %BraBir 8489389 8504954 8502245 8494160 %ASP 8504885 8492901 %OCoEaE 8500004 8510930 8493712 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8511915 8501783 8503630 %Seaso %Tapes 8497128 8503439 %WhiMou 8511909 %TOotS %FanFac %DisVil %Marip 8498732 8503604 8508964 %8509577 %8509626 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512512 %Ragusa %GLD 8499679 8504913 8491291 8489545 8501776 8511855 8503448 8497037 %CurCar 8491609 8500387 8500456 8506746 8512483 %RR 8492661 %RftG %TinTow 8496007 8510941 8496690 %NewFro 8489897 8502244 8503114 8507725 %ODD 8503894 8512516 8499258 8511882 8512137 8512446 %Planet 8490793 8509912 8488951 %LLP # Alt Name: Iron Clays 200 (whynot66) 8507947 : 8504423 8512350 8502048 8492224 %SleGod %DunImp 8505002 8490485 %ImpCla 8494138 %SCE 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8489614 8489116 # Tikal (whynot66) 8507948 : 8504423 8512350 8502048 8492224 %SleGod %DunImp 8505002 8490485 %ImpCla 8494138 %SCE 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8489614 8489116 %Everd %BraBir 8489389 8504954 8502245 8494160 %ASP 8504885 8492901 %OCoEaE 8500004 8510930 8493712 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8511915 8501783 8503630 %Seaso %Tapes 8497128 8503439 %WhiMou 8511909 %TOotS %FanFac %DisVil %Marip 8498732 8503604 8508964 %8509577 %8509626 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512512 %Ragusa %GLD 8499679 8504913 8491291 8489545 8501776 8511855 8503448 8497037 %CurCar 8491609 8500387 8500456 8506746 8512483 %RR 8492661 %RftG %TinTow 8496007 8510941 8496690 %NewFro 8489897 8502244 8503114 8507725 %ODD 8503894 8512516 8499258 8511882 8512137 8512446 %Planet 8490793 8509912 # Charterstone (whynot66) 8507949 : 8504423 8512350 8502048 8492224 %SleGod %DunImp 8505002 8490485 %ImpCla 8494138 %SCE 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8489614 8489116 %Everd %BraBir 8489389 8504954 8502245 8494160 %ASP 8504885 8492901 %OCoEaE 8500004 8510930 8493712 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8511915 8501783 8503630 # Hansa Teutonica (whynot66) 8507951 : 8504423 8512350 8502048 8492224 %SleGod %DunImp 8505002 8490485 %ImpCla 8494138 %SCE 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8489614 8489116 %Everd %BraBir 8489389 8504954 8502245 8494160 %ASP 8504885 8492901 %OCoEaE 8500004 8510930 8493712 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8511915 8501783 8503630 %Seaso %Tapes 8497128 8503439 %WhiMou 8511909 %TOotS %FanFac %DisVil %Marip 8498732 8503604 8508964 %8509577 %8509626 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512512 %Ragusa %GLD 8499679 8504913 8491291 8489545 8501776 # Klondike Rush (whynot66) 8507952 : 8504423 8512350 8502048 8492224 %SleGod %DunImp 8505002 8490485 %ImpCla 8494138 %SCE 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8489614 8489116 %Everd %BraBir 8489389 8504954 8502245 8494160 %ASP 8504885 8492901 %OCoEaE 8500004 8510930 8493712 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8511915 8501783 8503630 %Seaso %Tapes 8497128 8503439 %WhiMou 8511909 %TOotS %FanFac %DisVil %Marip 8498732 8503604 8508964 %8509577 %8509626 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512512 %Ragusa %GLD 8499679 8504913 8491291 8489545 8501776 8511855 8503448 8497037 %CurCar 8491609 8500387 8500456 8506746 8512483 %RR 8492661 %RftG %TinTow 8496007 8510941 8496690 %NewFro 8489897 8502244 8503114 8507725 %ODD 8503894 8512516 8499258 8511882 8512137 8512446 %Planet 8490793 8509912 8488951 %LLP %GWT 8509969 8493705 8509665 8512151 8512593 8509951 8511675 8493212 8489224 8504103 # Container: 10th Anniversary Jumbo Edition! (whynot66) 8507953 : 8504423 8512350 8502048 # Not Alone (whynot66) 8507954 : 8504423 8512350 8502048 8492224 %SleGod %DunImp 8505002 8490485 %ImpCla 8494138 %SCE 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8489614 8489116 %Everd %BraBir 8489389 8504954 8502245 8494160 %ASP 8504885 8492901 %OCoEaE 8500004 8510930 8493712 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8511915 8501783 8503630 %Seaso %Tapes 8497128 8503439 %WhiMou 8511909 %TOotS %FanFac %DisVil %Marip 8498732 8503604 8508964 %8509577 %8509626 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512512 %Ragusa %GLD 8499679 8504913 8491291 8489545 8501776 8511855 8503448 8497037 %CurCar 8491609 8500387 8500456 8506746 8512483 %RR 8492661 %RftG %TinTow 8496007 8510941 8496690 %NewFro 8489897 8502244 8503114 8507725 %ODD 8503894 8512516 8499258 8511882 8512137 8512446 %Planet 8490793 8509912 8488951 %LLP %GWT 8509969 8493705 8509665 8512151 8512593 8509951 8511675 8493212 8489224 8504103 # Dungeon Drop (whynot66) 8507956 : 8504423 8512350 8502048 8492224 %SleGod %DunImp 8505002 8490485 %ImpCla 8494138 %SCE 8489254 8498195 8499301 8500260 8500867 8501284 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507388 8510150 8511634 8512081 8512518 8489614 8489116 %Everd %BraBir 8489389 8504954 8502245 8494160 %ASP 8504885 8492901 %OCoEaE 8500004 8510930 8493712 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8511915 8501783 8503630 %Seaso %Tapes 8497128 8503439 %WhiMou 8511909 %TOotS %FanFac %DisVil %Marip 8498732 8503604 8508964 %8509577 %8509626 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512089 8512322 8512512 %Ragusa %GLD 8499679 8504913 8491291 8489545 8501776 8511855 8503448 8497037 %CurCar 8491609 8500387 8500456 8506746 8512483 %RR 8492661 %RftG %TinTow 8496007 8510941 8496690 %NewFro 8489897 8502244 8503114 8507725 %ODD 8503894 8512516 8499258 8511882 8512137 8512446 %Planet 8490793 8509912 8488951 %LLP %GWT 8509969 8493705 8509665 8512151 8512593 # Note: The following 2 dummy items have been auto generated # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Gaia Project and overlays for the player boards by Gaming Trunk (whynot66) %8509577 : 8509577-COPY1 8509577-COPY2 8509577-COPY3 # Automatic duplicate protection for your want Alt Name: Insert for Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion by Gaming Trunk (whynot66) %8509626 : 8509626-COPY1 8509626-COPY2 8509626-COPY3 #pragma user "wiegrief" # Confirmation code: VGzhMpJnytKH-UYgmnSJMw # Sat Oct 2 20:20:53 2021 # (wiegrief) %ASP : 8497152 8507436 # (wiegrief) %DisVil : 8491607 8504416 8510810 # (wiegrief) %DunImp : 8490431 8490829 8492169 8507435 # (wiegrief) %EscPla : 8490123 8507944 # (wiegrief) %ExLib : 8491994 8492848 # (wiegrief) %GMIC : 8490802 8511855 # (wiegrief) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (wiegrief) %Newton : 8499691 8508986 # (wiegrief) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (wiegrief) %PCR : 8492973 8495265 8509933 # (wiegrief) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (wiegrief) %TGTFoA : 8494160 8507732 # (wiegrief) %TMPEE : 8507640 8509689 # (wiegrief) %TOotS : 8494088 8501961 # (wiegrief) %TanGar : 8492167 8496234 # (wiegrief) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 8500586 # Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia (wiegrief) 8511671 : 8489884 %XLoaDS 8503903 8509774 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8494044 %Halle %EscPla 8495224 8512350 8495229 8494084 8492224 %SleGod %DunImp %PARKS 8504423 8512571 8505873 %GMIC %TMPEE %ASP 8494545 %PCR 8504885 8503448 %TOotS 8510930 %Newton %DisVil %TanGar 8497233 8492213 %ExLib # The Godfather: Corleone's Empire (wiegrief) 8511720 : 8489884 %XLoaDS 8503903 8509774 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8494044 %Halle %EscPla 8495224 8512350 8495229 8494084 8492224 %SleGod %DunImp %PARKS 8504423 8512571 8505873 %GMIC %TMPEE %ASP 8494545 %PCR 8504885 8503448 %TOotS 8510930 %Newton %DisVil %TanGar 8497233 # The Palaces of Carrara (wiegrief) 8512241 : 8489884 %XLoaDS 8503903 8509774 8494551 8491743 %TGTFoA 8494044 %Halle %EscPla 8495224 8512350 8495229 #pragma user "willhoag" # Confirmation code: 8siis5sN5//txcQ8PnS1AQ # Sun Oct 3 21:33:56 2021 # (willhoag) %AFfO : # (willhoag) %AHTCG : 8498306 8511076 8504669 # (willhoag) %AndNet : 8490838 8499611 8505573 8507490 8509874 # (willhoag) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (willhoag) %CTCF : 8493405 8494955 # (willhoag) %CTE : 8508591 8508694 # (willhoag) %Conco : # (willhoag) %Cubit : 8491883 8503439 # (willhoag) %DMiHK : 8511090 8512421 # (willhoag) %Domin : 8493068 8498838 8507566 8511764 8508726 # (willhoag) %FoDTE : # (willhoag) %Kemet : 8490535 8496685 8490192 8500000 8502994 # (willhoag) %LfW : 8512435 8512556 # (willhoag) %Mem44 : 8508822 8509824 # (willhoag) %SpiIsl : 8504822 8504968 # (willhoag) %TEZ : 8500075 8503880 8504552 # 5 Minute Chase (willhoag) 8500519 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 %DMiHK 8503465 8504708 %AHTCG 8508598 8508620 8511245 8494126 8499100 8504221 8502219 8509951 8510030 8511234 8501411 8500534 8503635 8510945 8491996 %SpiIsl 8509722 8489195 8509892 8491743 %LfW 8498508 8500601 8491908 %Cubit 8492616 %CTE 8494289 8490141 8489211 8498846 8490828 8511855 8496007 %AndNet 8490123 8507944 8509885 8507229 8497080 8496147 8509365 8498738 8497067 8499367 8507381 8489500 %TEZ 8492661 8489116 8501567 8512586 %Domin 8490802 8496366 8489884 8489740 8511702 8509171 8508951 8491993 8508640 8498496 # 7 Wonders (willhoag) 8500521 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 # Azul (willhoag) 8500522 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 %DMiHK 8503465 8504708 8508598 8508620 8511245 8494126 8499100 8504221 8502219 8509951 8510030 8511234 8501411 8500534 8503635 8510945 8491996 %SpiIsl 8509722 8489195 8509892 8491743 %LfW 8498508 8500601 8491908 %Cubit 8492616 %CTE 8494289 8490141 # BANG! The Dice Game (willhoag) 8500524 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 %DMiHK 8503465 8504708 %AHTCG 8508598 8508620 8511245 8494126 8499100 8504221 8502219 8509951 8510030 8511234 8501411 8500534 8503635 8510945 8491996 %SpiIsl 8509722 8489195 8509892 8491743 %LfW 8498508 8500601 8491908 %Cubit 8492616 %CTE 8494289 8490141 8489211 8498846 8490828 8511855 8496007 %AndNet 8490123 8507944 8509885 8507229 8497080 8496147 8509365 8498738 8497067 8499367 8507381 8489500 %TEZ 8492661 8489116 8501567 8512586 %Domin 8490802 8496366 8489884 8489740 8511702 8509171 8508951 8491993 8508640 8498496 # Blue Moon City (willhoag) 8500531 : # Brutal Kingdom (willhoag) 8500535 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 %DMiHK 8503465 8504708 %AHTCG 8508598 8508620 8511245 8494126 8499100 8504221 8502219 8509951 8510030 8511234 8501411 8500534 8503635 8510945 8491996 %SpiIsl 8509722 8489195 8509892 8491743 %LfW 8498508 8500601 8491908 %Cubit 8492616 %CTE 8494289 8490141 8489211 8498846 8490828 8511855 8496007 %AndNet 8490123 8507944 8509885 8507229 8497080 8496147 8509365 8498738 8497067 8499367 8507381 8489500 %TEZ 8492661 8489116 8501567 8512586 %Domin 8490802 8496366 8489884 8489740 8511702 8509171 8508951 8491993 8508640 8498496 # Bruxelles 1897 (willhoag) 8500537 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 %DMiHK 8503465 # Chronicles of Crime: 1400 (willhoag) 8500538 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 # Deadwood 1876 (willhoag) 8500539 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 %DMiHK 8503465 %AHTCG # Ethnos (willhoag) 8500541 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8491727 8509954 %Mem44 8504708 # GoodCritters (willhoag) 8500542 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 %DMiHK 8503465 # Gorilla Marketing (willhoag) 8500543 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 # Heroes of Land, Air & Sea (willhoag) 8500545 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 # The Island of El Dorado (willhoag) 8500546 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 # Kingdomino (willhoag) 8500547 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 # Love Letter (willhoag) 8500550 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 %DMiHK 8503465 8504708 %AHTCG 8508598 8508620 8511245 8494126 8499100 8504221 8502219 8509951 8510030 8511234 8501411 8500534 8503635 8510945 8491996 %SpiIsl 8509722 8489195 8509892 8491743 %LfW 8498508 8500601 8491908 %Cubit 8492616 %CTE 8494289 8490141 8489211 8498846 8490828 8511855 8496007 %AndNet 8490123 8507944 8509885 8507229 8497080 8496147 8509365 8498738 8497067 8499367 8507381 8489500 %TEZ 8492661 8489116 8501567 8512586 %Domin 8490802 8496366 8489884 8489740 8511702 8509171 8508951 8491993 8508640 8498496 # Machi Koro (willhoag) 8500553 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 # One Night Ultimate Werewolf (willhoag) 8500554 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 %DMiHK 8503465 8504708 %AHTCG 8508598 8508620 8511245 8494126 8499100 8504221 8502219 8509951 8510030 8511234 8501411 8500534 8503635 8510945 8491996 %SpiIsl 8509722 8489195 8509892 8491743 %LfW 8498508 8500601 8491908 %Cubit 8492616 %CTE 8494289 8490141 8489211 8498846 8490828 8511855 8496007 %AndNet 8490123 8507944 8509885 8507229 8497080 8496147 8509365 8498738 8497067 8499367 8507381 8489500 %TEZ 8492661 8489116 8501567 8512586 %Domin 8490802 8496366 # Pandemic: Fall of Rome (willhoag) 8500555 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 8504708 8508598 8511245 # Pandemic: Hot Zone – North America (willhoag) 8500557 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 %DMiHK 8503465 %AHTCG # PARKS (willhoag) 8500558 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8491727 8494040 8495243 # Photosynthesis (willhoag) 8500559 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 8511121 # Race for the Galaxy (willhoag) 8500560 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 # Rick and Morty: Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind Deck-Building Game (willhoag) 8500562 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 8511121 # Risk (willhoag) 8500565 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 8511121 # Scrawl (willhoag) 8500566 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 8503465 # Secrets (willhoag) 8500567 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 %DMiHK 8503465 8504708 %AHTCG 8508598 8508620 8511245 8494126 8499100 8504221 8502219 8509951 8510030 8511234 8501411 8500534 8503635 8510945 8491996 %SpiIsl 8509722 8489195 8509892 8491743 %LfW 8498508 8500601 8491908 %Cubit 8492616 %CTE 8494289 8490141 8489211 8498846 8490828 8511855 8496007 %AndNet 8490123 8507944 8509885 8507229 8497080 8496147 8509365 8498738 8497067 8499367 8507381 8489500 %TEZ 8492661 8489116 8501567 8512586 # Slide Quest (willhoag) 8500569 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 # Snow Time (willhoag) 8500570 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 %DMiHK 8503465 %AHTCG # TEAM3 GREEN (willhoag) 8500571 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 %DMiHK 8503465 8504708 %AHTCG 8508598 8508620 8509951 # TEAM3 PINK (willhoag) 8500573 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 %DMiHK 8503465 8504708 %AHTCG 8508598 8508620 8509951 # Ticket to Ride (willhoag) 8500576 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 %Mem44 8504708 8511245 # Ticket to Ride: Europe (willhoag) 8500577 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 %DMiHK 8504708 8508620 8511245 8494126 8499100 8504221 8502219 8510030 8511234 8510945 # Ticket to Ride: London (willhoag) 8500578 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 %DMiHK 8503465 # Tiny Towns (willhoag) 8500580 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 8504708 8508598 8508620 8511245 8494126 8499100 8504221 8502219 8501411 8500534 8503635 8491996 # Visitor in Blackwood Grove (willhoag) 8500581 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 %DMiHK 8503465 %AHTCG # We're Doomed! (willhoag) 8500582 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 %DMiHK 8503465 # Welcome Back to the Dungeon (willhoag) 8500583 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 %DMiHK 8503465 8504708 %AHTCG 8508598 8508620 8511245 8494126 8499100 8504221 8502219 8509951 8510030 8511234 8501411 8500534 8503635 8510945 8491996 %SpiIsl 8509722 8489195 8509892 8491743 %LfW 8498508 8500601 8491908 %Cubit 8492616 %CTE 8494289 8490141 8489211 8498846 8490828 8511855 8496007 %AndNet 8490123 8507944 8509885 8507229 8497080 8496147 8509365 8498738 8497067 8499367 8507381 8489500 %TEZ 8492661 8489116 8501567 8512586 %Domin 8490802 8496366 # Werewords (willhoag) 8500585 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 %Mem44 8494040 8495243 8508764 %DMiHK 8503465 8504708 %AHTCG 8508598 8508620 8511245 8494126 8499100 8504221 8502219 8509951 8510030 8511234 8501411 8500534 8503635 8510945 8491996 %SpiIsl 8509722 8489195 8509892 8491743 %LfW 8498508 8500601 8491908 %Cubit 8492616 %CTE 8494289 8490141 8489211 8498846 8490828 8511855 8496007 %AndNet 8490123 8507944 8509885 8507229 8497080 8496147 8509365 8498738 8497067 8499367 8507381 8489500 %TEZ 8492661 8489116 8501567 8512586 %Domin 8490802 8496366 8489884 8489740 8511702 8509171 8508951 8491993 8508640 8498496 # Xia: Legends of a Drift System (willhoag) 8500586 : 8489533 8494160 # Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 5 – United Kingdom & Pennsylvania (willhoag) 8500589 : 8489533 8494160 8507732 8508699 8489389 %Kemet 8494551 8509838 8500081 8503899 8507712 8499811 8503891 8490523 %CTCF %BraBir 8490048 8492161 8511121 8491727 8509954 8492623 8510205 8505932 8508954 8490215 8500368 #pragma user "winsplod" # Confirmation code: pLWSQx76eyf5uj-V0L+EVg # Sat Oct 2 23:02:39 2021 # Alma Mater (winsplod) 8505844 : 8500867 8501284 8494551 8493163 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492273 8503786 8506440 8512081 # Amerigo (winsplod) 8505846 : 8500867 8501284 8494551 8493163 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 # Blackout: Hong Kong (winsplod) 8505847 : 8500867 8501284 8494551 8493163 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492273 8503786 8506440 8512081 8497078 # Container (winsplod) 8505850 : # Cooper Island (winsplod) 8505852 : 8500867 8501284 8494551 # Deus (winsplod) 8505854 : 8500867 8501284 8494551 8493163 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492273 8503786 8506440 8512081 # Dominant Species (winsplod) 8505855 : 8500867 8501284 # Edo (winsplod) 8505856 : 8500867 8501284 8494551 8493163 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492273 8503786 8506440 8512081 8497078 # Forum Trajanum (winsplod) 8505857 : 8500867 8501284 8494551 8493163 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 # Heaven & Ale (winsplod) 8505858 : 8500867 8501284 8494551 8493163 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492273 8503786 8506440 8512081 # Indonesia (winsplod) 8505859 : # Kingdom Builder (winsplod) 8505861 : 8500867 8501284 8494551 8493163 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492273 8503786 8506440 8512081 8497078 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 # Lords of Waterdeep (winsplod) 8505863 : 8500867 8501284 # Die Macher (winsplod) 8505866 : # Murano (winsplod) 8505868 : 8500867 8501284 8494551 8493163 8507388 # Power Grid (winsplod) 8505870 : 8500867 8501284 8494551 8493163 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492273 8503786 8506440 8512081 # Railroad Revolution (winsplod) 8505871 : 8500867 8501284 8494551 8493163 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492273 8503786 8506440 8512081 8497078 # Roads & Boats (winsplod) 8505873 : # Ulm (winsplod) 8505875 : 8500867 8501284 8494551 8493163 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8492273 8503786 8506440 8512081 8497078 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8505765 8506726 8507504 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8507894 # Trajan (winsplod) 8505879 : 8500867 8501284 # Alt Name: $20 CAD Gift Card (winsplod) 8512151 : 8494551 8493163 8492273 8497078 8507353 8494523 8490926 8504954 8509314 8503903 8507499 8507511 8492275 8492169 8507435 8490027 8504423 8512535 8507529 8507478 8504885 8490123 8507944 8507433 8499693 8507953 8490748 8492950 8489585 #pragma user "WRMW" # Confirmation code: 7jVwRe3vTPVPKFt/IWjjzA # Fri Oct 1 14:48:17 2021 # (WRMW) %Agra : 8496134 8500530 # (WRMW) %BunKin : 8496997 8512484 # (WRMW) %CooIsl : 8489184 8505852 # (WRMW) %Cubit : 8491883 8503439 # (WRMW) %FraDra : 8493133 8503884 # (WRMW) %Halle : 8492901 8498806 # (WRMW) %Keyfl : 8489597 8489814 8504765 # (WRMW) %LCTE : 8490533 8500604 8507583 # (WRMW) %LSE : 8494549 8496537 # (WRMW) %MagMet : 8495215 8504236 # (WRMW) %Medici : 8502339 8504947 8506493 # (WRMW) %NDE : 8489034 8506499 # (WRMW) %NYZ : 8503462 8503678 8509177 # (WRMW) %OtUL : 8489453 8491330 # (WRMW) %SP4 : 8496133 8504743 8509171 # (WRMW) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (WRMW) %TroDic : 8490753 8495214 # (WRMW) %Wenda : 8492531 8508644 # (WRMW) %WhiMou : 8493010 8502251 8509932 # (WRMW) %WhiSto : 8490782 8509953 # The Princes of Florence (WRMW) 8511109 : %SleGod 8505873 %Halle 8499691 %CooIsl 8505859 8492213 %WhiMou %Medici 8507901 %OtUL 8491351 8508986 8506815 8493005 %Keyfl %BunKin %Cubit %FraDra 8507953 8494108 8508978 %TroDic 8489577 %NYZ 8503899 8501288 %LSE %WhiSto 8492983 8492235 %SP4 8497154 %MagMet %Agra %Wenda %NDE 8490055 %LCTE 8498508 8489046 8488871 # Dear Leader (WRMW) 8511114 : %SleGod 8505873 %Halle 8499691 %CooIsl 8505859 8492213 %WhiMou %Medici 8507901 %OtUL 8491351 8508986 8506815 8493005 %Keyfl %BunKin %Cubit %FraDra 8507953 8494108 8508978 %TroDic 8489577 %NYZ 8503899 8501288 %LSE %WhiSto 8492983 8492235 %SP4 8497154 %MagMet %Agra %Wenda %NDE 8490055 %LCTE 8498508 8489046 # Roma (WRMW) 8511118 : %SleGod 8505873 %Halle 8499691 %CooIsl 8505859 8492213 %WhiMou %Medici 8507901 %OtUL 8491351 8508986 8506815 8493005 %Keyfl %BunKin %Cubit %FraDra 8507953 8494108 8508978 %TroDic 8489577 %NYZ 8503899 8501288 %LSE %WhiSto 8492983 8492235 %SP4 8497154 %MagMet %Agra %Wenda %NDE 8490055 %LCTE # SeaFall (WRMW) 8511119 : %SleGod 8505873 %Halle 8499691 %CooIsl 8505859 8492213 %WhiMou %Medici 8507901 %OtUL 8491351 8508986 8506815 8493005 %Keyfl %BunKin %Cubit %FraDra 8507953 8494108 8508978 %TroDic 8489577 %NYZ 8503899 8501288 %LSE %WhiSto 8492983 8492235 %SP4 8497154 %MagMet %Agra %Wenda %NDE 8490055 # Castles of Mad King Ludwig (WRMW) 8511121 : %SleGod 8505873 %Halle 8499691 %CooIsl # One Night Ultimate Werewolf (WRMW) 8511131 : %SleGod 8505873 %Halle 8499691 %CooIsl 8505859 8492213 %WhiMou %Medici 8507901 %OtUL 8491351 # Alt Name: The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game (WRMW) 8511138 : %SleGod 8505873 %Halle 8499691 %CooIsl 8505859 8492213 %WhiMou %Medici 8507901 %OtUL 8491351 8508986 8506815 8493005 %Keyfl %BunKin %Cubit %FraDra 8507953 8494108 8508978 %TroDic # Genoa (WRMW) 8511142 : %SleGod 8505873 %Halle 8499691 %CooIsl 8505859 8492213 %WhiMou %Medici 8507901 %OtUL 8491351 8508986 8506815 # Scotland Yard (WRMW) 8511161 : %SleGod 8505873 %Halle 8499691 %CooIsl 8505859 8492213 %WhiMou %Medici 8507901 %OtUL 8491351 8508986 8506815 8493005 %Keyfl %BunKin %Cubit %FraDra 8507953 8494108 8508978 %TroDic 8489577 %NYZ 8503899 8501288 %LSE %WhiSto 8492983 8492235 %SP4 8497154 %MagMet %Agra %Wenda # Agents of SMERSH (WRMW) 8511170 : %SleGod 8505873 %Halle 8499691 %CooIsl # Alt Name: Unlock/ EXIT Bundle (WRMW) 8511175 : %SleGod 8505873 %Halle 8499691 %CooIsl 8505859 8492213 %WhiMou %Medici 8507901 %OtUL 8491351 8508986 8506815 8493005 %Keyfl %BunKin %Cubit %FraDra 8507953 8494108 8508978 %TroDic 8489577 %NYZ 8503899 8501288 %LSE %WhiSto 8492983 8492235 %SP4 8497154 %MagMet %Agra %Wenda %NDE 8490055 %LCTE 8498508 8489046 #pragma user "wtncffts" # Confirmation code: I6CxoaWt88aLDy4Cd2CnHA # Sat Oct 2 21:34:14 2021 # Tapestry (wtncffts) 8509759 : 8501284 # Prêt-à-Porter (wtncffts) 8509772 : 8501284 8492194 8507388 8510150 # Maracaibo (wtncffts) 8509774 : 8501284 # Santa Maria (wtncffts) 8509778 : 8501284 8492194 8507388 8510150 8494138 #pragma user "Xist" # Confirmation code: LBC7GMuAZUCaGgrcpYjc8g # Sun Oct 3 22:04:21 2021 # (Xist) %AHTCG : 8498306 8500534 8511076 8504669 # (Xist) %ASiESE : 8495008 8500766 # (Xist) %BarQue : 8492964 8494068 8504907 # (Xist) %BetLeg : 8509744 8511189 # (Xist) %BraBir : 8490662 8492273 8507539 8512589 # (Xist) %CoE : 8490018 8504786 8504860 8506863 # (Xist) %CtA : 8489608 8499661 8512101 # (Xist) %DunTwi : 8491971 8494720 8500527 # (Xist) %GAH : 8490114 8494842 8512340 # (Xist) %GalTru : 8496689 8498733 8508734 8512532 # (Xist) %Inis : 8492922 8504954 # (Xist) %IrnCla2 : 8507947 8507894 # (Xist) %KemetS : 8490535 8496685 8490192 8500000 # (Xist) %Marip : 8491872 8492239 8492274 8497154 # (Xist) %MoMSE : 8490048 8492161 # (Xist) %OCoEaE : 8492194 8497913 # (Xist) %RftG : 8503907 8511206 # (Xist) %Santo : 8489141 8493042 8498758 8499745 8509655 # (Xist) %SpiIsl : 8493117 8504822 8504968 8507363 # (Xist) %TwiStr : 8499812 8502250 # (Xist) %XLoaDS : 8490102 8490807 8500586 # (Xist) %everdel : 8512488 8509741 8512537 # (Xist) %kemetKS : 8502994 8511910 # Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) (Xist) 8507669 : %SpiIsl 8494523 %OCoEaE 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8511634 8512518 8500272 %kemetKS # Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) – Lost Legends Expansion Pack (Xist) 8507674 : %SpiIsl 8494523 %OCoEaE 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8511634 8512518 8500272 %kemetKS %BetLeg 8503786 8506440 8507388 8512081 8489884 %BraBir %Inis %RftG 8492224 %MoMSE %GAH %XLoaDS %AHTCG 8489533 8506963 8492606 8497952 8511971 8494108 %ASiESE 8500621 8509159 8507712 8498195 8498732 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %IrnCla2 %KemetS 8508591 8504884 8512564 8505932 8511915 # Munchkin Quest (Xist) 8507677 : %SpiIsl 8494523 %OCoEaE 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8511634 8512518 8500272 %kemetKS %BetLeg 8503786 8506440 8507388 8512081 8489884 %BraBir %Inis %RftG 8492224 %MoMSE %GAH %XLoaDS %AHTCG 8489533 8506963 8492606 8497952 8511971 8494108 %ASiESE 8500621 8509159 8507712 8498195 8498732 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %IrnCla2 %KemetS 8508591 8504884 8512564 8505932 8511915 8499386 %TwiStr 8509823 8502219 8492282 8500541 8493151 8493118 8506746 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 8490171 %everdel %GalTru 8509721 8502332 %Santo 8488918 %CoE %BarQue %CtA 8507954 %Marip 8508832 %DunTwi 8494104 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8495182 # Arkham Horror: The Card Game – Undimensioned and Unseen: Mythos Pack (Xist) 8510112 : %SpiIsl 8494523 %OCoEaE 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8511634 8512518 8500272 %kemetKS %BetLeg 8503786 8506440 8507388 8512081 8489884 %BraBir %Inis %RftG 8492224 %MoMSE %GAH %XLoaDS %AHTCG 8489533 8506963 8492606 8497952 8511971 8494108 %ASiESE 8500621 8509159 8507712 8498195 8498732 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %IrnCla2 %KemetS 8508591 8504884 8512564 8505932 8511915 8499386 %TwiStr 8509823 8502219 8492282 8500541 8493151 8493118 8506746 8512446 8512483 8512512 8512588 8490171 %everdel # Arkham Horror (Third Edition): Dead of Night (Xist) 8510143 : %SpiIsl 8494523 %OCoEaE 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8511634 8512518 8500272 %kemetKS %BetLeg 8503786 8506440 8507388 8512081 8489884 %BraBir %Inis %RftG 8492224 %MoMSE %GAH %XLoaDS %AHTCG 8489533 8506963 8492606 8497952 8511971 8494108 %ASiESE 8500621 8509159 8507712 8498195 8498732 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8505765 8506714 8506726 8507504 8508964 8509922 8510816 8511236 8511594 8512086 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 %IrnCla2 %KemetS # Alt Name: $60 CAD gift card or eTransfer (Xist) 8510150 : %SpiIsl 8494523 %OCoEaE 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8511634 8512518 8500272 %kemetKS %BetLeg 8503786 8506440 8507388 8512081 #pragma user "yourbuddyfromCanada" # Confirmation code: K0dx-LAHrCkEdlIXORw/Jw # Sun Oct 3 21:45:51 2021 # Pandemic: On the Brink (yourbuddyfromCanada) 8510657 : 8494523 8503158 8510028 8504423 8500867 8501284 8504890 8504891 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8511245 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500603 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8496001 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492537 8508964 8511594 8512086 8493738 8500937 8509725 8506718 8490818 8501887 8507600 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8500088 8500701 8500541 8500547 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509665 8495231 # Risk: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Edition (yourbuddyfromCanada) 8510662 : 8494523 8503158 8510028 8504423 8500867 8501284 8504890 8504891 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8511245 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500603 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8496001 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492537 8508964 8511594 8512086 8493738 8500937 8509725 8506718 8490818 8501887 8507600 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8500088 8500701 8500541 8500547 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Love Letter (yourbuddyfromCanada) 8512400 : 8494523 8503158 8510028 8504423 8500867 8501284 8504890 8504891 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8511245 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500603 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8496001 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492537 8508964 8511594 8512086 8493738 8500937 8509725 8506718 8490818 8501887 8507600 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8500088 8500701 8500541 8500547 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509665 8495231 8493705 8494133 8512151 8512593 8509380 8504879 8492031 8508754 8506784 # New York (yourbuddyfromCanada) 8512422 : 8494523 8503158 8510028 8504423 8500867 8501284 8504890 8504891 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8511245 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500603 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8496001 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492537 8508964 8511594 8512086 8493738 8500937 8509725 8506718 8490818 8501887 8507600 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8500088 8500701 8500541 8500547 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509665 8495231 8493705 8494133 8512151 8512593 8509380 8504879 # Corporate America (yourbuddyfromCanada) 8512449 : 8494523 8503158 8510028 8504423 8500867 8501284 8504890 8504891 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8511245 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500603 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8496001 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492537 8508964 8511594 8512086 8493738 8500937 8509725 8506718 8490818 8501887 8507600 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8500088 8500701 8500541 8500547 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Point Salad (yourbuddyfromCanada) 8512450 : 8494523 8503158 8510028 8504423 8500867 8501284 8504890 8504891 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8511245 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500603 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8496001 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492537 8508964 8511594 8512086 8493738 8500937 8509725 8506718 8490818 8501887 8507600 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8500088 8500701 8500541 8500547 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509665 8495231 8493705 8494133 8512151 8512593 8509380 8504879 8492031 8508754 8506784 # Kingdomino (yourbuddyfromCanada) 8512472 : 8494523 8503158 8510028 8504423 8500867 8501284 8504890 8504891 8507388 8489254 8499301 8511634 8512518 8511245 8503786 8506440 8512081 8500603 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8504739 8506714 8510150 8507504 8496001 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512479 8512533 8512540 8492537 8508964 8511594 8512086 8493738 8500937 8509725 8506718 8490818 8501887 8507600 8498732 8509922 8512089 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8500387 8506746 8500088 8500701 8500541 8500547 8491609 8499258 8500456 8511882 8512137 8512446 8509665 8495231 8493705 8494133 8512151 8512593 8509380 8504879 #pragma user "zaphiel" # Confirmation code: 3o4j6JwdrWIHLb0zvm43OA # Fri Oct 1 10:04:20 2021 # (zaphiel) %Aquat : 8492794 8500004 8507437 8511909 # (zaphiel) %CoC1 : 8489319 8493161 8500538 8500807 # (zaphiel) %Everd : 8499386 8504962 8508847 8512488 # (zaphiel) %NEOM : 8512347 8512461 # (zaphiel) %PanIbe : 8504389 8508819 # (zaphiel) %SanMon : 8496223 8497157 # Big City: 20th Anniversary Jumbo Edition! (zaphiel) 8502048 : %Everd %PanIbe %Aquat %SanMon 8500430 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493718 %NEOM 8505932 %CoC1 8491293 # Fantastic Factories (zaphiel) 8502055 : %Everd %PanIbe %Aquat %SanMon 8500430 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493718 %NEOM 8505932 %CoC1 8491293 # Favor of the Pharaoh (zaphiel) 8502064 : %Everd %PanIbe %Aquat %SanMon 8500430 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493718 %NEOM 8505932 %CoC1 8491293 # Railroad Ink: Blazing Red Edition (zaphiel) 8502081 : %Everd %PanIbe %Aquat %SanMon 8500430 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493718 %NEOM 8505932 %CoC1 8491293 # Forbidden Island (zaphiel) 8506755 : %Everd %PanIbe %Aquat %SanMon 8500430 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493718 %NEOM 8505932 %CoC1 8491293 # Cosmic Encounter (zaphiel) 8506771 : %Everd %PanIbe %Aquat %SanMon 8500430 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493718 %NEOM 8505932 %CoC1 8491293 # One Night Revolution (zaphiel) 8506784 : %Everd %PanIbe %Aquat %SanMon 8500430 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493718 %NEOM 8505932 %CoC1 8491293 # Trails of Tucana (zaphiel) 8506795 : %Everd %PanIbe %Aquat %SanMon 8500430 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493718 %NEOM 8505932 %CoC1 8491293 # Pastiche (zaphiel) 8506799 : %Everd %PanIbe %Aquat %SanMon 8500430 8489254 8499301 8500867 8501284 8503786 8506440 8507388 8511634 8512518 8493718 %NEOM 8505932 %CoC1 8491293 #pragma user "zeth4" # Confirmation code: OELncZNVvAYUD3jpDFl0WA # Sun Oct 3 20:46:31 2021 # (zeth4) %AndNet : 8490838 8499611 8505573 8507490 8509713 8509874 # (zeth4) %Azul : 8500522 8502332 8497152 8507436 8510930 # (zeth4) %CoC : 8494586 8500538 8500807 # (zeth4) %CoC1 : 8502226 8489319 8493161 # (zeth4) %Conco : 8489884 8494126 8496947 # (zeth4) %Decry : 8493724 # (zeth4) %Dixit : 8511086 8507577 # (zeth4) %Draft : 8492927 8495205 # (zeth4) %ForSky : 8500933 8502217 8503881 8510747 8511082 8512565 # (zeth4) %FraDra : 8493133 8503884 # (zeth4) %GaiPro : 8490442 8492873 8512297 # (zeth4) %PARKS : 8500558 8501501 8509166 # (zeth4) %Photo : 8489081 8500559 8500769 8508845 8512124 # (zeth4) %RedRis : 8491998 8499994 # (zeth4) %SEfA : # (zeth4) %SleGod : 8500168 8504221 # (zeth4) %TVoMP : 8510450 8512394 # (zeth4) %TheEst : 8490494 8490755 8506480 8510398 # (zeth4) %TtRNC : 8489914 8512595 # (zeth4) %Wings : 8489280 8490926 8497070 # Carcassonne: Expansion 3 – The Princess & The Dragon (zeth4) 8491653 : 8490523 8504708 %SleGod 8497952 8509314 %TVoMP 8510203 %RedRis %Photo 8500081 %TheEst 8503896 %PARKS %AndNet 8497067 %Dixit %Wings 8492213 8506326 %CoC1 8492235 %Conco %GaiPro 8509774 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 %FraDra %Azul 8508764 %TtRNC 8490214 8491908 %CoC %Decry 8506941 8508832 8503488 8504877 8495231 8509909 %Draft 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507504 8510150 8512081 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8512479 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 # Zombies!!! (zeth4) 8491654 : 8490523 8504708 %SleGod 8497952 8509314 %TVoMP 8510203 %RedRis %Photo 8500081 %TheEst 8503896 %PARKS %AndNet 8497067 %Dixit %Wings 8492213 8506326 %CoC1 8492235 %Conco %GaiPro 8509774 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 %FraDra 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507504 8510150 8512081 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8512479 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Axis & Allies: 1942 (zeth4) 8491655 : 8490523 8504708 %SleGod 8497952 8509314 %TVoMP 8510203 %RedRis %Photo 8500081 %TheEst 8503896 %PARKS %AndNet 8497067 %Dixit %Wings 8492213 8506326 %CoC1 8492235 %Conco %GaiPro 8509774 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 %FraDra 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507504 8510150 8512081 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8512479 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Alt Name: DELETED (zeth4) 8491656 : # Alt Name: Pick 3 (zeth4) 8491659 : 8490523 8504708 %SleGod 8497952 8509314 %TVoMP 8510203 %RedRis %Photo 8500081 %TheEst 8503896 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507504 8510150 8512081 # StarCraft: The Board Game (zeth4) 8491833 : # Scotland Yard (zeth4) 8494719 : 8490523 8504708 %SleGod 8497952 8509314 %TVoMP 8510203 %RedRis %Photo 8500081 %TheEst 8503896 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507504 8510150 8512081 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 # Dungeon Twister (zeth4) 8494720 : 8490523 8504708 %SleGod 8497952 8509314 %TVoMP 8510203 %RedRis %Photo 8500081 %TheEst 8503896 %PARKS %AndNet 8497067 %Dixit %Wings 8492213 8506326 %CoC1 8492235 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507504 8510150 8512081 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8512479 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Coup: Rebellion G54 (zeth4) 8494724 : 8490523 8504708 %SleGod 8497952 8509314 %TVoMP 8510203 %RedRis %Photo 8500081 %TheEst 8503896 %PARKS %AndNet 8497067 %Dixit %Wings 8492213 8506326 %CoC1 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507504 8510150 8512081 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8512479 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 # Outlive (zeth4) 8494726 : 8490523 8500867 8501284 # Tokaido (zeth4) 8494765 : 8490523 8504708 %SleGod 8497952 8509314 %TVoMP 8510203 %RedRis %PARKS 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507504 8510150 8512081 # Smash Up (zeth4) 8494787 : 8490523 8504708 %SleGod 8497952 8509314 %TVoMP 8510203 %RedRis %Photo 8500081 %TheEst 8503896 %PARKS %AndNet 8497067 %Dixit 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507504 8510150 8512081 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8512479 # Amun-Re (zeth4) 8496356 : 8490523 8504708 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 # Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot (zeth4) 8496359 : 8490523 8500867 8501284 # Pueblo (zeth4) 8504823 : 8490523 8504708 %SleGod 8497952 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 # Thief's Market (zeth4) 8511080 : 8490523 8504708 %SleGod 8497952 8509314 %TVoMP 8510203 %RedRis %Photo 8500081 %TheEst 8503896 %PARKS %AndNet 8497067 %Dixit %Wings 8492213 8506326 %CoC1 8492235 %Conco %GaiPro 8509774 8494436 8499370 8500777 8509870 %FraDra %Azul 8508764 %TtRNC 8490214 8491908 %CoC %Decry 8506941 8508832 8503488 8504877 8495231 %ForSky 8509909 %Draft 8490135 8507737 8494133 8506851 8500567 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 8498195 8500260 8501380 8501877 8503609 8503786 8504739 8506440 8506714 8507504 8510150 8512081 8505765 8506726 8510816 8511236 8512143 8512533 8512540 8512479 8498732 8508964 8509922 8511594 8512086 8512322 8512483 8512512 8512588 8491609 8499258 8500387 8500456 8506746 8509665 8511882 8512137 8512446 8493705 8512151 8512593 # Forbidden Island (zeth4) 8511112 : 8490523 %ForSky 8500867 8501284 8489254 8499301 8507388 8511634 8512518 # End of wants. 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